cable, USB cable and DVD that contains a bundle of software podcasting options. The keyboard also comes with a bench, power opens up a whole new world of recording, performing and the homeorstage. The additionofUSBaudio/MIDIconnectivity elegant finish and foot pedals give a professional look and feel for 2 track sequencing. 88 full-size, weighted, hammer- keys, technology suchasRSMtone generation, digital effectsand feel of an authentic acoustic with the flexibility of modern BEHRINGER. This versatile instrument combines the sound and Thank you for choosing the from Thank you User Manual A50-A8230-08001 The CDP2400USBistheidealpianofor homeorstageuse. Compact BEHRINGER Edition and numerous podcasting programs. Piano andKeyboard Starter such aseMedia Lessons, energyXT2.5

Software andUSBInterface Software with Included Piano Learning Grand - Play Straight Away Enjoy the Sound of a Concert CDP2400USB CONCERT Legal Disclaimer Limited Warranty 9. Appendix 8. Specifications 7. Troubleshooting 6. Connection to external equipment 5. Advanced operation 4. Basicoperation 3. Control elements andconnections Start 2. Quick 1. Before you getstarted Instructions Safety Important Thank you Table ofContents ......

...... 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 5 3 8 7 6 0 0 7 5 3 3 2 1

ENGLISH CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT Caution ! your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet. obsolete the of replacement for electrician an consult outlet, your on and being walked from it is protected so that cord the power Place plugs, at particularly protected is cord power the that sure Be edges. sharp the apparatus. from it exits where and the point receptacles convenience protective a with outlet socket MAINS a to connected be shall apparatus The earthing connection. disconnect the as used is coupler appliance an or plug MAINS the Where operable. readily the disconnect shall remain device device, manufacturer. the by specified attachments/accessories use Only or bracket, tripod, stand, cart, the with only Use with sold or manufacturer, the by specified table a cartWhen use caution is used, the apparatus. to combination cart/apparatus the moving when injury tip-over. avoid from or when unused for long storms during lightning Unplug this apparatus periods of time. Refer all servicing qualified service to whenServicing personnel. required is cord supply power as such way, any in damaged been has apparatus the the into fallen have objects or spilled been has liquid damaged, is plug or not does moisture, or rain to exposed been has apparatus the apparatus, or has been dropped. normally, operate Read these instructions. these instructions. Keep all warnings. Heed all instructions. Follow near water. Donot use this apparatus Clean only with dry cloth. with the Install in accordance openings. ventilation Donot block any instructions. manufacturer’s stoves, registers, heat such as radiators, sources heat Donot install near any heat. produce (including ) that or other apparatus A plug. grounding-type or polarized the of purpose safety the defeat not Do A grounding- blades with one wider than the other. plug has two polarized the or blade wide The prong. grounding third a and blades two has plug type into plug does not fit If the provided safety. for your provided are prong third [10]. [11]. [12]. [13]. [14]. [15]. [16]. ! {1}. {2}. {3}. {4}. {5}. {6}. {7}. {8}. {9}.

Caution Caution Caution Caution ! !

powerful broadcasting stations and high-frequency stations powerful broadcasting and the transmitter between the distance Increase sources. all connections. and use shielded cables for the device qualified service personnel. of range the within diminish may quality sound The filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the the on placed be shall vases, as such liquids, with filled apparatus. service qualified service use by These instructions for are not do shock electric of risk the reduce To only. personnel perform servicing in the contained any other than that by performed be to have Repairs instructions. operation cover (or the rear section). (or the rear No user serviceable partscover inside. servicingRefer personnel. qualified to or electric the risk of fire shock,expose do not reduce To shall not apparatus The and moisture. rain to this appliance dripping or splashing liquids and no objects to be exposed To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove the top top the remove not do shock, electric of risk the reduce To

◊ ! ◊

◊ ! ◊ accompanying literature. Please read the manual. read Please literature. accompanying This symbol, wherever it appears, alerts you to important important to you alerts appears, it wherever symbol, This the in instructions maintenance and operating * This symbol, wherever it appears, alerts you to the presence presence the to you alerts appears, it wherever symbol, This - enclosure the inside voltage dangerous uninsulated of a risk of shock. constitute to sufficient be may that voltage * 2 Important Safety Instructions

ENGLISH ◊ the international safetyrequirements. certification enclosed mains cable and a standard IEC receptacle. It meets all of The mains connection of the CDP2400USB is made by using the ◊ such asradiators etc. to avoid overheating. please donotplace theCDP2400USBonhightemperature devices sureBe that there isenoughspace around theunitfor cooling and 1.2 ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ may have occurred transit. during anditscontentspackaging for any signs ofphysical damagethat Nevertheless, we recommend that you carefully examine the packaging was designed to protect the unit from rough handling. Your CDP2400USBwas carefully packedat thefactory, andthe 1.1 1. CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual at Alternatively, pleasesubmitan online our “Online Support” whichmay alsobefound under “Support” not belisted, pleasecheckifyour problem canbedealtwithby under “Support” at Should your country may contact the BEHRINGER distributor for your country listed Should your BEHRINGER dealer not be located in your vicinity, you conditions ofourwarrantycarefully. (alternatively www. yourright after purchase by visiting Please do remember to register your new BEHRINGER equipment 1.3 ◊ ◊ the device and useshieldedcablesfor allconnections. sources. Increase thedistance between thetransmitter and broadcastingpowerful stations andhigh-frequency The sound quality may diminish within the range of piano, thisinstrument doesnotneedto betuned. The CDP2400USB is an . Unlike an acoustic cord. the ground conductor from the unit or of the AC power Forconnection. your own safety, never remove ordisable Please make sure that allunitshave aproper ground rating! Pleaserefer to the “SPECIFICATIONS” for details. Blown fusesmustbereplaced by and fusesofthesame type Please ensure materials. proper disposal ofallpacking CDP2400USB oritspackaging. Make sure that no children are left unsupervised with the during storage ortransport. Always to prevent carton usetheoriginal packing damage replacement may notbehonored. company immediately. claimsfor damageor Otherwise, BEHRINGER. Instead, notify your dealer and the shipping If the unit is damaged, please do NOT return it to Before you getstarted Online registrationOnline Initial operation Shipment behringer. de) and kindly read the terms and read theterms and de) andkindly receptacle. All required safety regulations have been adhered to. A The CDP2400USB is connected to the mains using a standard IEC ◊ the unitto themains. switched on or off. The following section describes how to connect mains power isrequired to operate theinstrument andithasto be The CDP2400USB is a digital, i.e. electronic, piano. Therefore, 2.1 2. your repair claimsquickerand more efficiently. Registering your purchase andequipment with ushelpsprocess product. warranty claimat BEFOREreturning the ◊ 2) 1) be replaced andrating. withafuseofthesametype matching power cableisincludedwiththeunit.Blown fusesmust FUSE HOLDER / IEC RECEPTACLE Thank you foryour cooperation! “off” positionwhen theunit you tothemains.connect The POWER switch to the left of the keyboard must be in the wall outlet. from the mains by unplugging the power cable from the piano for aprolonged periodoftime, it pleasedisconnect disconnected from the mains. If you do not plan to use your Merely switching the unit off does not mean that it is fully The POWERLEDonthefront panelwillgoout. Pleasenote: After playing, switch offtheunitwithPOWERswitch. when theCDP2400USBisready for operation. the instrument on or off. The LED on the front panel lights up Press thePOWERswitch ofthekeyboard to to theleft switch to awall socket connector provided on the underside of the instrument and Connect the power cable supplied with the unit to the Quick Start Quick Power on/off 3

ENGLISH CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT button in the SEQUENCER section to start start to section SEQUENCER the in button playback. stop again to button in chronological order. in chronological order. in random Playback of all music pieces. The pieces are played are pieces The of all music pieces. Playback played are pieces The of all music pieces. Playback Number of the selected music piece.

Playing back the piano music demos piano music back the Playing Repeat steps 2 to 4 to play back other pieces. play 4 to 2 to Repeat steps quit DEMO mode. again to the DEMO button Press 9.3. in chapter can be found A list of all the music pieces Press the Press playback. the Press The (see chapter 5.5) must not be set set be not must 5.5) chapter (see sequencer music The to switch you when mode record-ready or playback to DEMO mode. the DEMO button. Press section VALUE/SONG in the buttons the -/NO and +/YES Use choice. selectto of your the music piece

5) ◊ ◊ The display reads: display The 1 . . . 15: All: SHF: 3) 4) ◊ 2.3.2 piano 15 the back play to how describes section following The of the GRAND the versatility you demos show These music demos. PIANO sounds. 1) 2)

Caution ! Playing back the sound demos Playing Demo playback Adjusting the volume Adjusting Press the DEMO button again to quit DEMO mode. again to the DEMO button Press receive not does CDP2400USB the playback, demo During or send MIDI data. an audio demo of the selected sound color. Press one of the 14 buttons in the TONE section to play back section play to TONE in the one of the 14 buttons Press Press the DEMO button. Press Please bear in mind that high sound pressures not only high sound pressures Please bear in mind that also can but hearing, of sense your affect temporarily suitable a select to careful Be damage. permanent cause particularly playing are all times, at when you volume with . right (up) or left (down). volumes. extreme producing of capable is CDP2400USB The Adjust the volume as desired by moving the control to the the to control the moving by desired as volume the Adjust Set the VOLUME control to mid-travel position, between MIN position, between mid-travel to control VOLUME Set the and MAX. ◊ ◊ 2) your instrument. your 1) These demos are specially designed to highlight the various highlight to specially designed demos are These can be done with what you and show sounds and their features 2.3.1 back the 14 sound demos. section play This to describes how The CDP2400USB offers you 14 sound and 15 piano music demos. demos. music piano 15 and sound 14 you offers CDP2400USB The instrument’s the of impression an you give pieces music These of sounds. and range versatility 2.3 ◊ 2) ! The volume of the built-in and headphones can be be can headphones and loudspeakers built-in the of volume The as follows: adjusted 1) 4 2.2

ENGLISH 3. ◊ ◊ be played over theentire keyboard. corresponding sound has been selected. The selected sound can The LED above the sound button lights up to show that the 1) section. a wide spectrum of sounds. You can select a sound in the TONE The CDP2400USBcomes with14different sound colours covering 2.4 ◊ ◊ ◊ CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Fig. 3.1:Control elements oftheCDP2400USB 3.1 connections TIP: You two soundsat thesametime. canalsoselect and 2,CLICKORGAN). the keys (not applicable to CEMBALO 1 and 2, CHURCH 1 The volume of the sound depends on how heavily you play sound ofyour choice. Press one of the 14 buttons in the TONE section to select the colour before you enter DEMOmode. brilliance effects (see chapter 4.2). Select and set the sound demos; you can also add the room, modulation and any soundyouSelect like to accompany thepianomusic demos (seechapter 5.4). You canadjusttheplayback tempo ofthepianomusic DEMO mode. to playback or record-ready mode when you switch to The music sequencer (see chapter 5.5) must not be set Control elements and Control panel andplaying sounds Selecting { 3} { 2} { 1} been grouped inseparate sections. give you a clear overview of the control panel, its elements have The control elements oftheCDP2400USBare below. described To { 9} { 8} { 7} { 6} { 5} { 4} 5 SPEAKERS OFF: (right). COLOR: loudspeakers, headphoneoutputsandLINEOUTjacks. VOLUME: REC: sequencer. set for playback andalready contains musicaldata. recording. The PLAY LEDlights upwhenthetrack hasbeen REC LED lights up when the track has been activated for TRACK 2: set for playback andalready contains musicaldata. recording. The PLAY LEDlights upwhenthetrack hasbeen REC LED lights up when the track has been activated for TRACK 1: CLICK: DEMO: loudspeakers. headphones thiswillautomatically switch offthebuilt-in loudspeakers are switched off. When you insert your and off. The MUTELEDlights uponlywhenthebuilt-in Is used to start/stop playback or recording of the music Activates record mode. 1 2 Is used to start/stop themetronome click. Isusedto start/stop Enables/disablesDEMOmode. Varies the sound character from soft (left) to bright Selects track 2 for playback or recording. The Selects track 1 for playback or recording. The Is used to adjust the volume of the built-in 6 Switches the built-in loudspeakers on 7 4 2 8 9 5

ENGLISH 25 22 21 24 CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT 20 Is used for setting keyboard/pitch keyboard/pitch setting for used Is 9 Connect the CDP2400USB to an external Connect the CDP2400USB to sound 1 Is used to select one of four modulation effects modulation select Is used to one of four Connect the foot pedals of the CDP2400USB to this this to CDP2400USB the of pedals foot the Connect Connect external sound sources such as CD players, players, CD as such sources sound external Connect Connect external sound sources such as a CD or or CD a as such sources sound external Connect Connect a dynamic or condenser to to microphone condenser or dynamic a Connect Is used to set the velocity to SOFT, MEDIUM or or MEDIUM SOFT, to velocity key the set to used Is 23 Connectors LINE IN: cables. RCA using machines drum or mixers LINE OUT: using RCA cables. device or recording system PEDALS: jack using the included 5-pin cable. MIC IN: jack automatically The XLR cable. this input using a standard sensitivity input the Adjust power. phantom of 15V supplies GAIN control. with the adjacent IN: AUX plug. using a 1⁄8" MP3 player SPECIAL: selected the for ) TREMOLO, FLANGER, (, no If active. currently is effect which shows LED An sound. effect is active. no modulation up, LED lights KEYS: no If active. currently is setting which shows LED An HARD. playing and selected been has velocity key no up, lights LED of irrespective level, volume fixed a triggers always key a the key. play you hard how TRANSPOSE: transposition. [ 21 ] [ 22 ] [ 23 ] Fig. 3.2: Connectors of the CDP2400USB 3.2: Connectors Fig. [ 19 ] GAIN the turn distort, to begins signal microphone the If NOTE: counter-clockwise. knob [ 20 ] [ 16 ] [ 17 ] [ 18 ] 3.2 on the back panel located connectors are of the CDP2400USB The of the keyboard. 3 1 2 1 8 1 4 1 7 1 Is used to raise/lower the parameter values the parameter raise/lower Is used to 1 Depending on which mode you have selected selected have you mode which on Depending 1 6 Selects one of four room effects (CHAMBER, (CHAMBER, effects room four of one Selects Depending on the function used, the display reads reads display the used, function the on Depending 1 Selects the TEMPO parameter and menu pages for for pages menu and parameter TEMPO the Selects These 14 buttons are used for sound selection. In selection. sound for used are buttons 14 These CONCERT, CHURCH, THEATER) for the selected sound. An An sound. selected the for THEATER) CHURCH, CONCERT, lights LED no If active. currently is effect which shows LED effect is active. no room up, REVERB: demos. color TONE: sound individual select to used are they mode DEMO pages. Display: values. numbers or parameter menu the tempo, +/YES: -/NO, button +/YES the Additionally, display. the in shown certain EDIT functions. executes EDIT mode. The EDIT MODE LED shows in EDIT mode, the the mode, EDIT in shows LED MODE EDIT The mode. EDIT mode. TEMPO TEMPO LED in Down/Up: to used be can buttons two these button, MODE the with menu mode EDIT the through scroll to or tempo the enter MODE: 5 0 1 1 [ 15 ] [ 14 ] [ 13 ] [ 12 ] [ 11 ] [ 10 ] 6

ENGLISH [ 27] [ 26] acoustic grand . The CDP2400USB has three pedals similar to those found on 3.3 [ 25] [ 24] CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual [ 28] 29 26 forte pedalispressed,forte even ifyou release thekey(s). Damper/Forte pedal: advantages: distinct Sostenuto pedal: particular passage. pedal: Soft/Piano your computer via MIDI. may use this to record performances or control software on from the internal sound generator as well as MIDI data. You USB connector. This connection will transmit both the audio USB: (MIDI cables). sequencers, etc. to the CDP2400USB's using 5-pin DIN cables MIDI • • • • • • Foot pedals MIDI devices without altering the data. MIDI THRU transmits data from the MIDI IN jack to other keys andpedalsto otherMIDIdevices. MIDI OUTsendscontrolling data from theCDP2400USB's internal sound generator. MIDI IN receives data that controls the CDP2400USB's decay normally to sustain, while those played after the pedal was pressed Notes played before the pedal was pressed will continue While holdingthenote(s), press thesostenuto pedal Play anote orchord onthekeys Connect the CDP2400USB to a computer using a type B : Connect external devices suchassynthesizers, external : Connect This pedalsustainsnotes that allow Use this to reduce the volume of a 27 Allnotes sustainwhenthedamper/ 28 The following chapters describe some further basic functions which The which following basic functions chapters some describe further 4. [ 30] [ 29] modulation effectas well asabrightnessequalizer. You by canchangethesoundcharacter usingaroom anda 4.2 ◊ ourexamplethesounds In “GRAND 1” and “STRINGS” are layered. sounds have beenselected. The LEDs above the buttons light up to show that the associated 1) can beplayed together over theentire keyboard. simultaneously ontheCDP2400USB. These soundsare layered and ofasinglesoundyouInstead canalsoplay two sounds 4.1 you canuseinaddition to thosealready explained. the volume cannot be controlled separately. and/or 1⁄8" plugs. The jacks may be used simultaneously, but Phones jacks: Power: This will also select onesinglesoundagain. This willalsoselect To quit layer mode, press any button in the TONE section. sounds to belayered. the In TONE simultaneouslypress thebuttons section, ofthe Basic operation Changing thesoundcharacter Using two sounds(layer mode) 30 Press thisbutton to theCDP2400USBonandoff. turn Connect headphones to these jacks using ¼" headphonesto Connect thesejacksusing¼" 7

ENGLISH = maximum effect)

20 CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT = no effect, 0 ( Echo effect. Produces time-shifted repetitions of repetitions time-shifted Produces effect. Echo time. over decay the sound that Chorus effect. ”widens” the sound. ”widens” Chorus effect. sound. “floating” volume the in changes repeated constantly Rapid, of the sound. Time-shifted layering of sounds. Produces a Produces sounds. of layering Time-shifted Effect intensity


NO and +/YES buttons. NO and +/YES If you want to restore the default settings, keep the SPECIAL SPECIAL the keep settings, default the restore to want you If simultaneously -/NO and +/YES then press pressed, button Keep pressing the SPECIAL button until the effect of your the effect of until the SPECIAL button Keep pressing has been selected. choice is effect modulation the up, lights LEDs four the of none If disabled. while adjusting the original pressed Keep the SPECIAL button section using the VALUE/SONG in the ratio effect signal vs. -/ If you want to restore the default settings, keep the REVERB settings, the default restore to If want you The display reads: display The 0 . . . 20: 3) DELAY: 1) the to next up lighting LED an by shown is effect selected The effect name. ◊ 2) 3) simultaneously. and +/YES -/NO then press pressed, button effects Modulation four featuring effect modulation a provides CDP2400USB The select you CDP2400USB the When a sound, types of effect. different sounds. the of some for effect appropriate an adds automatically The other effect. select any can always you however, If required, available: effects are modulation following CHORUS: FLANGER: TREMOLO: ) for a more brilliant brilliant more a for ) ) for a softer sound that is is that sound softer a for ) = maximum effect)

20 = no effect, 0 ( Simulates a typical stage ambience. Simulates Simulates a large concert a large hall. Simulates Simulates a small room. Simulates Simulates a small concertSimulates hall. Effect intensity


Room effects Color equalizer Color Move the control to the left to ( the control Move darker in tone. the right ( to the control Move sound. NO and +/YES buttons. NO and +/YES • • Keep pressing the REVERB button until the effect of your your of effect the until button REVERB the pressing Keep has been selected. choice Change the sound character with the COLOR control as control sound characterChange the the COLOR with follows: -/ If none of the four LEDs lights up, the room effect is effect room the up, lights LEDs four the of none If disabled. original the adjusting while pressed button REVERB the Keep section using the VALUE/SONG in the ratio effect signal vs. The display reads: display The 0 . . . 20: ◊ 2) The active effect is shown by an LED lighting up next to the effect effect the to next up lighting LED an by shown is effect active The name. 1) CONCERT: CHURCH: THEATER: available: are simulations CHAMBER: rooms of different sizes. When you select the CDP2400USBWhen a sound, sizes. of different rooms you however, effect. required, also selectsIf an appropriate room reverb following The select other effect. any can always 4.2.2 reverbfour effects simulating room CDP2400USB provides The Use the Color equalizer to change the sound character and make it it make and character sound the change to equalizer Color the Use brilliant. softer more or 1) 8 4.2.1

ENGLISH ◊ 2) 1) • foot pedals. This decay canbeinfluenced characteristic usingthethree time. a certain before it decays completely. In this case, the tone decays only after However, if the key is held down, the tone is sustained for a while from vibrating any longer. As aresult, thetone decays quickly. of thekey, adamperfelt fallsdown to onthestrings stop them producethe strings atone withadefinedpitch. When you letgo When you strike a key, a hammer hits several strings for each note; better understandhow thepedalswork. is useful to know how sound is produced on an acoustic piano to given inthemusic, where theyare by marked specialsymbols. It Normally, the pedals are used in accordance with the instructions asthepedalsonanacoustic grandthe samefunctions piano. The CDP2400USBisequippedwiththree foot pedalsperforming 4.3 CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual 4) 3) 2) 1) Release thepedalforRelease playing. normal Play notes. thenext These are played decay. withnormal Press the pedal to sustain the tones you just played. Play thenotes to besustained. (see chapter 5.6.2). You ofthedamperpedal canadjusttheeffect Let goofthepedalfor playing. normal the pedaldown. Press thepedalto dampenalltones played with afterwards hammer doesnothitallstrings. however, thepositionofhammerchanges, sothat the distance between hammerandstrings. Onagrand piano, On an acoustic piano this soft sound results from a smaller passages (pianissimo). intimate musical sound. soft Use thispedalfor particularly pedal(left): Soft/piano • • Using thepedals This is the pedal that is used most often. You can also The usedto damperpedalisoften achieve sound. aricher subsequent notes, without having to hold the keys down. you to sustain the notes already played (and held) plus all Damper/Forte pedal (right): The damper pedal allows keys, butare heldintheirposition. played whenyou donotdampenthestrings release the the sostenuto pedal, the damper felts of the notes already When you sustain single notes on an acoustic piano using staccato (detached)manner. the pedal, whileallsubsequent tones willbeplayed ina This allows you to play and sustain a certain note using subsequently will be dampened as described above. as soonyou press thepedal. Allnotes played long astheyhave notyet decayed –willbesustained sustain individual tones. The notes already played – as Sostenuto pedal(middle):

pedalproducesThe and soft asoft Use the sostenuto pedal to

1) headphones. ¼"and Both teacher, to listen as well so that piano lessons can also be held using headphone jack allows another person, for example a music are idealfor others. withoutdisturbing practicing The second on theundersideofplaying console (front Headphones left). The CDP2400USB is equipped with two headphone jacks located 4.4 3) 2) 1) ◊ ◊ 4) 3) 2) Use the VOLUME control to thevolume turn down (move the thepedalforRelease playing. normal subsequent notes. Press the pedal to sustain the notes you just played plus all Play thenotes to besustained. above the CDP2400USB are switched onagainandtheMUTELED the built-inloudspeakers ofthe headphones jack, When you your disconnect headphonefrom the LED above the off assoon apairofheadphones;theMUTE you connect The built-inloudspeakers of theCDP2400USBare switched loudspeakers oftheCDP2400USBonoroff. required,If the VOLUME control. While playing, adjustthevolume asdesired usingthe underside oftheplaying console. Connect your headphones to a free headphone jack on the slide control halfofitscontrol to theleft range). Using headphones quite naturally. releasing the keys. This allows the notes played to decay all thedamperfelts intheirraised positioneven after On theacoustic pianonotes are sustainedby keeping half-way. use it very subtly, for example, by holding it down only

button goesout. 1 button allows you to switch the built-in / button lights up. 8 " inputsare available.


ENGLISH is displayed. E3.1 CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT tones selected. tones selected. half-tones No transposition (default setting) (default No transposition Keyboard is transposed up by the number of half- up by is transposed Keyboard Keyboard is transposed down by the number of the by down is transposed Keyboard +

+ Quick access to layer mode functions layer to Quick access

Transposition Release the TRANSPOSE button when the desired value has has value desired the when button TRANSPOSE the Release been selected. Press and hold the TRANSPOSE button and use the -/NO andTRANSPOSE button and hold the Press the adjust to section VALUE/SONG the in buttons +/YES steps. in half-tone choice of your value transposition Press and hold down the two sound buttons selected for layer selected sound buttons for the two and hold down Press MODE the press and STRINGS) and 1 GRAND (e.g. mode MODE section.TEMPO/EDIT in the button

0: 1 ... 12: -1 ... -12: 2) 5.2 up the CDP2400USB can be transposed by sounds produced The example if you for is useful, This key). (key by half-tones by or down few has it because play to easier is that key a in piece a play to want sound to piece the C major), but intend all (e.g. at or no accidentals flat major). D (e.g. accidentals in a difficult key with lots of you (accidentals).flats In this key major has five Example: D flat transpose if you However, of black keys. a lot play to have would on the piece easily play can you one half-tone, the sounds up by major). It the transpose (C can be helpful to keys the white notes low play to example for halftones), (12 octave an by keyboard comfortably. more they can be played where in the middle register 1) reads: display The 5.1.1 the layer to direct access for procedure operating the following Use pages. mode menu 1) the EDIT page up and EDIT LED lights The ) has been selected. E1 Using EDIT mode Using Advanced operation Advanced Use the -/NO- and +/YES buttons in the VALUE/SONG section section VALUE/SONG the in buttons +/YES and -/NO- the Use choice. of your the value adjust to the appropriate function (e.g. function (e.g. the appropriate Scroll through the functions using the Down/Up buttons, until until buttons, Down/Up the using functions the through Scroll function and adjust its parameters. TEMPO/EDIT MODE in the the MODE button Keep pressing section up. the EDIT MODE LED lights until Whenever you are prompted to enter EDIT mode, please EDIT mode, enter to prompted are you Whenever select to below a instructions step-by-step the given follow 3) 2) 1) ◊ available in EDIT mode. The following sections to describe how following The in EDIT mode. available adjust these functions in EDIT mode. 5.1 are CDP2400USB the of functions operating advanced Many The following chapters provide information on advanced operating on advanced information provide chapters following The functions of the CDP2400USB. 10 5.

ENGLISH ◊ ◊ (here: STRINGS). (here: GRAND 1), the sound with the higher number as voice #2 sound with the lower number is addressed internally as voice #1 used inlayer mode. Internally, 1is#1,STRINGS#11. GRAND The In our example the two sounds GRAND 1 and STRINGS are being sounds selected. voice changesto for the #2,etc., making isimportant whichinturn sounds determines whichsoundisaddressed internally asvoice #1, All sounds are numbered internally from 1 through 14. This order of playing withtwo soundsat thesametime. layerIn modeyou caneffectadditionalsettings for advanced 5.3 ◊ ◊ CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual > < 10: Description: Value: Function: ◊ to adjustthevolumeUse thisfunction ratio sounds. oftheselected 5.3.1 10: 10:

1 8

following function. Please enter EDIT mode (see chapter 5.1) and select the (see chapter 4.1). up before you canadjustthefollowing functions A layer combination consisting oftwo soundsmustbeset settings applyto whichvoice intheexamples below. combination selected, in order to understand which Please note theorder ofvoices usedinthesound button. TRANSPOSE enable/disable the transposition function using the If a transposition interval has already been set, you can zero hasbeenset. transposition feature is active, i.e. when a value other than The LED above the TRANSPOSE button lights up when the Layer modesettings

Volume ratio

2 9 Voice #1louderthanvoice #2 Voice #2louderthanvoice #1 Same volume for voice #1andvoice #2 0 .20 E3.1 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6

14 7 In a combination of GRAND 1 and STRINGS, the STRINGS sound acombination 1andSTRINGS,theSTRINGSsound In ofGRAND Example: more homogeneous. combination, the tranpose function can help make the sounds by oneoctave. onwhich soundsare Depending usedina Use this function to transpose the selected sounds up or down 5.3.3 > < 0: Description: Value: Function: ◊ against eachother. This function allows you to detune the selected sounds slightly 5.3.2 0: 1 .20: Description: Value: Function: ◊ modulation effect sounds.for theselected This function allows you to edit the effect intensity of the 5.3.4 1: -1: 0: Description: Value: Function: ◊ octave. too low. thiscase, In ithelpsto transpose theSTRINGSupby one 0: 0:

following function. Please enter EDIT mode (see chapter 5.1) and select the following function. Please enter EDIT mode (see chapter 5.1) and select the following function. Please enter EDIT mode (see chapter 5.1) and select the

Transposition Detune Effect intensityEffect

Effect intensity (defaultsetting) Transposition down by oneoctave Voice #1higherthanvoice #2 Voice #2higherthanvoice #1 Same pitch for voice #1andvoice #2 No effect Transposition upby one octave No transposition -10 .10 E3.2 0 .20 E3.6 E3.5 -1 .1 E3.4 E3.3 (effectintensity voice #2) (effectintensity voice #1) (voice #2transposed by anoctave) (voice #1transposed by anoctave)


ENGLISH is displayed. E5 No stressed beats (default setting) beats No stressed Eighth-note meter (e. g. 3/8) g. (e. meter Eighth-note Quarter meter (e. g. 2/4) Quarter g. (e. meter CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT

E5 1 . . . 20 Metronome volume (1 = low, 20 = high) (1 = low, volume Metronome

+ Metronome volume Metronome

Music sequencer Press and hold the CLICK button, then hit the MODE button in then hit the MODE button the CLICK button, and hold Press TEMPO/EDIT MODE section. the Press and hold the CLICK button while adjusting the number while adjusting the button and hold the CLICK Press the in button +/YES and -/NO the using measure per beats of section. VALUE/SONG the select and 5.1) chapter (see mode EDIT enter Please function. following

+ allows you to record and play back a piece of music . For each of of each For . music of piece a back play and record to you allows This recording. for sounds two or one select can you tracks two the at sounds four to up back play can sequencer music the that means play also can you piece music a back playing While time. same the performances complex six with up to produce to on the keyboard sounds. different For practicing. for sequencer music the use can you more, is What the left parts and right-hand record of a piece could you example, Description: 1 . . . 20: volume the metronome to direct access for as follows Proceed menu page. 1) up and the EDIT page EDIT MODE LED lights The 5.4 which sequencer 2-track a built-in CDP2400USB provides The 4) reads: display The 04: 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, 74: 38, 68, 78, 98, 128: 5.3.6 volume. this functionUse the metronome adjust to ◊ Function: Value:

- E3.7


Use the two Down/Up buttons to adjust a tempo of your your of tempo a adjust to buttons Down/Up two the Use choice. section until the TEMPO LED lights up. TEMPO LED lights section the until Keep pressing the MODE button in the TEMPO/EDIT MODE in the the MODE button Keep pressing Please enter EDIT mode (see chapter 5.1) and select the the select and 5.1) chapter (see mode EDIT enter Please function. following Press the CLICK button to start to button the CLICK the metronome. or stop Press 3) 2) The metronome beats are shown by flashing dots on the display. by shown are beats metronome The up simultaneously. all dots light of a measure beginning the At To use the metronome, please proceed as follows : as follows proceed please use the metronome, To 1. The CDP2400USB features a built-in metronome which can be be can which metronome built-in a features CDP2400USB The music internal the with recordings make to or practising for used sequencer. Using the metronome Using Press the +/YES button to execute this function. execute to button the +/YES Press Function: Value: Description: Use this function to reset all settings in layer mode. layer all settings in this functionUse reset to ◊ 12 5.3.5

ENGLISH 3) 2) ◊ ◊ 1) music sequencer. how describes toThis record section musicpieces withthebuilt-in 5.4.1 individuallywithinitsmusicalcontext. each part yourself.(=hand) andplay themuted part Thus, you canpractice separately onthetwo tracks. switch playback, offonetrack During CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual 4) ◊ combination (seechapter 4.1)for recording. asoundinthe Select TONE section. You canalsouse asound red), theprevious recording willbelost. thistrackyou againfor select recording (RECLEDlights up you that notes have already been recorded on this track. If TIP: thePLAY If LEDfor oneofthetracks lights up, thiswarns track for recording. which track iscurrently used, you willhave theother to select willbeusedforlast track selected recording. on Depending selected for recording. If you did a recording take before, the the corresponding button lights up red. Now, track 1 is Keep pressing the TRACK-1 button until theRECLEDabove inchapterdescribed 5.4. If necessary, adjust the metronome tempo and meter as You canquitrecord modeby pressing theRECbutton again. how muchpedalinginformation isstored. notes. However, this number can decrease depending on ofthemusicsequencer canstore The memory upto 10,000 Now, theCDP2400USBissetto record mode. in theadjusted metronome tempo, thusindicating thebeat. TRACK-2 button lights up. The dots in the display start flashing Press theRECbutton. The RECLEDabove the TRACK-1 or Recording pieces ofmusic ◊ 6) 5) ◊ can beusefulwhenyou record two different pieces ofmusic. how to record atrack withoutplaying which backthe second track, recorded track withanewrecording. What ismore, you cansee This section describes how to edit a recording by replacing a 5.4.2 ◊ ◊ 8) ◊ 7) has beenusedup. All data recorded upto thispoint willbe message FUL,thisisto warn you that therecording memory flashingduring recording thedisplay If starts and reads the display. playing onthekeyboard. The current meter iscounted inthe recordingStart by pressing the button, ifyou want to makeametronome backedrecording. Switch on the acoustic CLICK signal by pressing the CLICK carry outthesteps describedbelow.carry You musthave recorded at leastonetrack before you can metronome click. TIP: Press theCLICKbutton againto stop the corresponding part. mute oneofthetwo tracks during playback to practice the part on track 1 (for example, by your piano teacher), you can practice has been recorded on track 2 and the left-hand ofamusicpiece youTIP: theright-hand want part If to time, however, select TRACK 2instead of TRACK 1instep #3. Repeat the whole procedure to record a second track. This Recording modewillthusbe canceled automatically. pressing the Once your recording isfinishedstop thesequencer by stored, buttherecording process willbeterminated. Editing pieces ofmusic button again. button or simply start button orsimplystart 13

ENGLISH button or simply start button CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT button again. button Recording mode will thus be canceled automatically. mode will thus be canceled Recording playing on the keyboard. The current meter is constantly meter current The on the keyboard. playing in the display. shown reads the and startsIf the display recording flashing during memory the recording that you warn message FUL, this is to will be this point up to recorded data All has been used up. will be terminated. process but recording however, stored, by the sequencer is finished stop recording your Once the pressing Tip: If you select a track for recording, which already already which recording, for track a select you If Tip: on notes recorded previously all information, note contains erased! will be this track a sound can also use You section. TONE Select a sound in the recording. 4.1) for chapter (see combination the pressing by signal metronome acoustic the on Switch make a metronome-backed to want if you CLICK button, recording. the pressing by Start recording ◊ ◊ 7) ◊ 4) 5) 6) for recording. for Press the TRACK button of the track you want to record until record to want you of the track button TRACK the Press the selected Now up red. lights the button the REC LED above last the before, take recording a did you If record-ready. is track which on Depending recording. for used be will selected track select to the other track will have you used, is currently track The memory of the music sequencer can store up to 10,000 to up memoryThe can store of the music sequencer on depending decrease can number this However, notes. is stored. much pedaling information how again. the REC button pressing mode by can quit record You Press the REC button. The REC LED above the TRACK 1 orTRACK the REC LED above The button. the REC Press start display the on dots The up. lights button 2 TRACK has been set, thustempo that flashing in the metronome record to set is CDP2400USB the Now, beat. the indicating mode. If you do not want to hear the previously recorded track while track recorded previously hear the to If do not want you of the button TRACK the press one, the second record you you BEFORE this Do out. goes LED PLAY green its until track previously the hear to want you If mode. record enter #2. with step track, continue recorded If you are not sure whether a track has been recorded or not, not, or recorded been has track a whether sure not are you If 2 button, TRACK 1 and TRACK the pressing check this by LEDs PLAY the of one If mode. record enter you BEFORE that you shows this up, light buttons TRACK the above on this track. has been recorded something ◊ 3) ◊ 2) 1) 14 ◊

ENGLISH 3) 2) ◊ 1) just recorded. how describes toThis play section backthemusicpiece you have 5.4.3 CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual ◊ ◊ 4) ◊ any time. During playback the two tracks can be switched on/off at current meter isconstantly shown inthedisplay. Press the pressing thetwo You canplay backarecording at itsoriginal tempo by buttons to adjusttheplayback tempo. until the TEMPO LED lights up, then use the two Down/Up Press theMODEbutton inthe TEMPO/EDIT MODE section CLICK button to switch onthe metronome. you If want topress haveplayback, the ametronome-backed contain noteactually information. You can only activate those tracks for playback which for playback. LED above the buttons lights up. This is to activate the tracks Press the TRACK 1and TRACK 2buttons until thegreen PLAY currently sound. selected You can accompany the music sequencer playback with the Playing backpieces ofmusic button to play back the recording. The


buttons at thesametime. ideal for practicing a specific difficult passage recorded by your passage ofarecorded musicpiece repeatedly. is This function The following how describes to play section backaspecific practicing 5.4.4 5) ◊ 2) ◊ 1) ◊ piano teacher. To stoppress theplayback, the (see chapter 5.5.5). back inthebackground at low volume for support of themuted track you isadjustable. necessary canplay If it tracks and practice its part live during playback. The volume ontrack 1,you canswitch part offeitherofthe the left-hand hasbeenrecordedTIP: theright-hand part If ontrack 2and Press the 5.5.5). The volume ofamuted track isadjustable(seechapter the corresponding TRACK button lights up. thetrack to beplayed sothatSelect thePLAY back, LEDabove sequencer, whileyou practice theotherpart. this case, you can play back one part only with the music parts should be recorded separately on tracks 1 and 2. In To make the best use of this function, the left and righthand Repeating musical passages for Repeating passagesfor musical button to play track. backtheselected button


ENGLISH button during the following button

CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT Editing the music sequencer settings music sequencer the Editing the beat. the press not to Be sure be made on the would Otherwise, steps. a new recording before. recorded all the data selected erasing track you settings whose track the select to button TRACK the Use tempo, edit global settings (e.g. to edit. If want wish to you can select you tracks. either one of the two etc.) measure, Sound 2.4) (see chapter 4.2.2) Room (see chapter effect intensity 4.2.3) Modulation (see chapter effect intensity 4.1 and 5.3) sounds (see chapters Layered 5.4) (see chapter Tempo 5.4) Meter (see chapter 4.2.2) effect (see chapter of room Type 4.2.3) effect (see chapter of modulation Type in the SEQUENCER section button the REC enter to Press 2 TRACK or 1 TRACK the above LED REC The mode. record start up and the dots in the display lights buttons flashing in indicating thus tempo, metronome selected the of rhythm the ◊ 2) 5.4.6 settings edit the playback to how explain paragraphs following The the music sequencer. made with of recordings the of each for separately edited be can settings following The tracks: two • • • • music whole the for made be can settings global following The piece: • • • • 1) button E6 0 . . . 20 Muted tracks are not audible are tracks Muted Starting of the loop is set. point Ending point of the loop is set. Ending point Volume of muted track of muted Volume

Setting the volume of muted tracks of muted Setting the volume

This function allows you to set the volume of muted tracks. tracks. muted of volume the set to you allows function This the select and 5.1) chapter (see mode EDIT enter Please function. following Press the MODE button again to quit repetition mode. quit repetition again to the MODE button Press is automatically repetition as a loop for passage marked The mode. quit music sequencer when you erased When you want to stop practicing, press the press practicing, stop to want you When the playback. stop again to Press the MODE button again when the playback reaches the the reaches playback the when again button MODE the Press passage. of a end the repetition to want you where point Press the MODE button in the TEMPO/EDIT MODE sectionTEMPO/EDIT MODE in the the MODE button Press you which from the point has reached when the playback start to a passage. want repeating

1 . . . 20: 0: Function: Value: Description: ◊ 5.4.5 1) ◊ ◊ The musical passage is now repeated continuously, so that you can can you that so continuously, repeated now is passage musical The perfectionpractice it to 5) The display reads: display The A-b: 4) The display reads: display The A-: 16 3)

ENGLISH 1) “accompanist”. isalsoavailableThe inDEMOmode. function helpfulwhenthemusicsequencer isused asan can bevery playback as soon as you play a key on the keyboard. This function You can set the music sequencer playback-ready, so that it will start 5.4.7 effective. Allprevious settingsare deleted. When you play backthemusicpiece, thenewsettingswillbe The changes made have now been stored in the music sequencer. 5) 4) 3) CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual 2) the Press andholdoneoftheactive TRACK buttons, thenpress SEQUENCER section. activate thetracks by pressing their TRACK buttons inthe the corresponding TRACK button lights up green). necessary, If Make sure that the playback tracks are active (PLAY LED above Press theRECbutton to quitrecord mode. necessary,If repeat step 2for thesecond track. above. Edit inthechapters the settingsasdescribed mentioned Sync start button in theSEQUENCERsection. + 1: Description: Value: Function: ◊ in DEMOmode. has beensetaccordingly, playback you canalsouseitto start/stop accompaniment at a later point during the piece. When the pedal you are playing amusicpiece liveasequencer andwant to start themusicsequencer.can beusedto start/stop This isusefulwhen This function allows you to reprogram the left , so that it 5.4.8 ◊ you play akeyonthekeyboard. is set to sync start mode. The sequencer starts playback as soon as the tempo ofthemetronome, thussignaling that theinstrument A dot in the lower right-hand corner of the display starts flashing in OFF: SOFT: MEDIUM: HARD: 1) The following how describes to changethekeyvelocity. section you have to akeyto strike achieve maximumvolume. reference to the key velocity applied, i.e. you can set here how hard This parameter determines the volume of the sounds with 5.5.1 options are available andhow you canedittheirsettings. the global functions of the instrument. Please read below which The CDP2400USBprovides several settingoptionsto control 5.5 2:

following function. Please enter EDIT mode (see chapter 5.1) and select the you mode,If want simplyrepeat to quitsyncstart step 2. Press theKEYS oneofthefollowing button to select settings:

System settings

Start the music sequencerStart with foot pedal Key velocity

The keys must be played with medium velocity to The keys mustbeplayed hard to very achieve The keys must be played only lightly to achieve Soft pedal function (defaultsetting) pedalfunction Soft Music sequencer If noneoftheLEDslights up,If eachkeystroke will 1, 2 E4.1 you play thekeys. produce a defined volume, irrespective of how hard maximum volume. achieve maximumvolume (defaultsetting). maximum volume.


ENGLISH CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT E1 427 . . . 453 Western European equal tuning (default setting) European Western Maximum upwards detuning Maximum detuning downwards 440 Hz 440,4 Hz 440,6 Hz 440,2 Hz 440,8 Hz

Tunings Fine tuning Fine

Equal tuning (default setting) Equal Please enter EDIT mode (see chapter 5.1) and select the the select and 5.1) chapter (see mode EDIT enter Please function. following

been the most common tuning since the 19th century, as it makes makes it as century, 19th the since tuning common most the been major/minor keys. all twelve play it possible to 44.0: 440.: 4.40.: 5.5.4 during developed tunings different provides CDP2400USB The is called often tuning used most today The centuries. the past few music the of element characteristic a been has and tuning equal for However, the 19th century the present. from up to composed use to interesting be can it Bach) S. J. by (e.g. pieces baroque some an older tuning system. In of the individual tunings the history the development of music, polyphony and scales of development the to back traced be can tuning. their and instruments of adaptation resulting the and tuning aids the limited Apart reasons, these historical from the practical an important for times played role in former available of tunings. implementation tunings: the following CDP2400USB provides The • size equal of intervals twelve into octave one divides tuning Equal the same to is detuned slightly each half-tone Thus, or spacing. has This interval. perfect only the being octave the with extent, 5.5.3 other to it adapt to slightly detuned be can CDP2400USB The the pitch affects setting made here The tunings. or instruments of all keys. section the fine tuning of adjust to describes how following The is referenced in the display tuning shown The the CDP2400USB. in Hertz (Hz). “A” the concertto pitch ◊ Function: Value: Description: 440: 453: 427: or one by separated (figures follows as shown are steps 1/5-Hz dots): two 440: 4.40: E4.2 1 . . . 5 on the keyboard (default setting: 64) on the keyboard Low soft pedal intensity Low High soft pedal intensity Normal soft (default setting) pedal intensity Fixed volume level produced when you play a key key a play you when produced level volume Fixed


Soft pedal intensity

The function will be effective only if the left pedal is used as used is pedal left the if only effective be will function The start/stop to (see the music sequencer a soft but NOT pedal, 5.5.8). chapter velocity setting. velocity the select and 5.1) chapter (see mode EDIT enter Please function. following The key velocity setting has no effect on the following setting has no effect on the velocity key The CLICK and 2, and 1 CHURCH 2, and 1 CEMBALO sounds: ORGAN. key SOFT a use to easier it find might pianists young TIP: buttons simultaneously to recall the standard setting. the standard recall simultaneously to buttons Keep the KEYS button pressed, then press the -/NO and +/YES +/YES and -/NO the press then pressed, button KEYS the Keep a key on the keyboard, irrespective of the key velocity applied. of the key velocity irrespective a key on the keyboard, Press and hold the KEYS button, then use the -/NO and +/YES +/YES and -/NO the use then button, KEYS the hold and Press play when you be produced to level volume set the to buttons

1: 5: ◊ Value: Description: 3: ◊ Function: 5.5.2 this function softUse of the the intensity adjust to pedal effect. ◊ ◊ 3) The display reads: display The 1 . . . 127: LEDs are out, key velocity is switched off. In this case you can adjust you can In this case off. is switched velocity out, key LEDs are follows: as volume level a fixed 2) 18 all If setting. current the show to up lights button the above LED An

ENGLISH the Werkmeister/Kirnberger tunings. intervals,haveslight detuningofsomefifth alsobeenincludedin advantages ofthePythagorean andmeantone tunings, i.e. the and meantone tunings – allows for playing in all twelve keys. The to realize awell-tempered tuningwhich–unlikethePythagorean The Werkmeister tuningsresult andKirnberger from first attempts • 16thand17thcenturiesearly (e.g. G.F. Handel). Today, the meantone tuning can still be used for works from the scales are unplayable. the twelve notes of a scale. However, this also means that some tuning is based on perfect thirds rather than perfect fifths to tune third the most important interval in music. Therefore, meantone beginnings ofchromaticism andpolyphony. Polyphony madethe andfrom theRenaissance period during the dissonant intervals Meantone tuning resulted from the change in the perception of • andany octave fifth intervals. unison, thirds,fourth, but only perfect homophonic or two-part polyphonic music of the time did not use This tuningwas usedfor music upto early Ages. thelate Middle The consequence, allthirds are impure. a fifths. As The Pythagorean tuningisbasedonperfect • classical cadence comprising tonic, dominant andsubdominant. This tuningcanonlybeusedforfollows musicthat strictly a depending onthebasicnote. keys are not playable, since their frequency relationships change since theyusethenotes ofthebasickey.perfect, However, allother scale (e.g. Cmajor). Triads played above onefifth orbelow are also tuningoftheseven notes ofone This tuningisbasedontheperfect • CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual 7: 6: 5: 4: 3: 2: 1: Description: Value: Function: ◊ CDP2400USB. The following section describes how to change the tuning of the organ works. period (e.g. J. S. Bach). Werkmeister is a popular tuning for tuningsareBoth interesting to usefor works from thebaroque

following function. Please enter EDIT mode (see chapter 5.1) and select the Werckmeister/Kirnberger tuning Meantone tuning Pythagorean tuning Pure major/minorintonation

Kirnberger tuning Kirnberger Werckmeister tuning Meantone tuning Pythagorean tuning Pure minor tuning Pure majortuning Equal tuning(defaultsetting) 1 .7 E2.1 be lostwhenyou switch thepianooff. When switched backon,the made to the settings – except for the music sequencer data – will powered down. When the save function is not active, all changes instrument’s settings, so that they won’t get lost when the unit is The CDP2400USB allows you to save the changes made to the 5.5.5 e c-: The display shows: lowers it. A dash above the note name raises a note, a dash below the note Altered notes are by marked dashesabove orbelow thenote name. Description: Value: Function: Here’s how to setthebasicnote: a basicnote. With the exception of equal tuning, all tunings must be marked by On: Off: Description: Value: Function: You cansave thefollowing settingsfor thisgroup offunctions: • On: Off: Description: Value: Function: You cansave thefollowing settingsfor thisgroup offunctions: • ◊ groups sounds, MIDI,tuninganddamperpedal. offunctions: The save function can be activated separately for the following defaultsettings. CDP2400USB recalls thefactory - :

MIDI Sounds following function. Please enter EDIT mode (see chapter 5.1) and select the • • • • • • • •

All MIDIsettings(seechapter 6.3.3) Dimmed volume (seechapter 5.5.5) Metronome meter andtempo (seechapter 5.4) Key velocity (seechapter 5.6.1) Type ofmodulation effectandintensity (seechapter 4.2.3) Type ofroom effectandintensity (seechapter 4.2.2) Layer modesettings(seechapters 4.1and5.3) (seechapterSounds 2.4) Saving parameter settings

Save function for MIDI settings is disabled Save for function soundsisdisabled c sharp (Cc sharp Save for function MIDIsettingsisenabled Save for function soundsisenabled e flat (E C .B E2.2 (default setting) On, Off E8.2 (default setting) On, Off E8.1 b ) # ) 19


" plugs. 8 / 1 CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT Caution ! + Connecting external sound sources external Connecting Connection to external external to Connection Let go of the TRACK buttons afterabout 5 seconds. buttons TRACK the go of Let you make off before switched are all devices that Be sure connection. any NEVER connect the LINE IN connectors of the CDP2400USB loop feedback a cause will This connectors. OUT LINE its to damage both which could levels high volume producing hearing! and your the instrument Press and hold down the TRACK 1 and TRACK 2 buttons, then then buttons, 2 TRACK and 1 TRACK the down hold and Press back on. the CDP2400USB switch accompaniment, you can use this input to connect a CD player or or player CD a connect to input this use can you accompaniment, external an connect could you way, same the In computer. drum your with generator sound its use and module sound or an play to An additional MIDI connection instrument. enables you of the CDP2400USB the keyboard from external sound generator the also has a MIC input for keyboard The 6.3.1). (see chapter IN AUX an and , condenser or dynamic of connection use that sound sources jack for 3) 6. equipment connecting a variety of connectors for CDP2400USB provides The external to the instrument devices. ! ◊ ◊ 6.1 LINE IN connector CDP2400USB is equipped with a stereo The piano. digital your connecting to externalfor sound sources loudspeakers the internal through reproduced are signals These practice with musical If wish to and connected you headphones. 2) + On, Off (default setting) E8.4 E8.3 On, Off (default setting) Save function for soft function settings is enabled pedal for Save Save function for tuning settings is enabled function tuning settings for Save Save function for soft pedal settings is disabled disabled is settings pedal soft for function Save Save function for tuning settings is disabled disabled is settings tuning for function Save

Restoring the factoryRestoring default settings Soft pedal function 5.5.8) (see chapter Soft 5.6.2) (see chapter pedal intensity Transposition (see chapter 5.2) chapter (see Transposition 5.6.3) tuning (see chapter Fine 5.6.4) chapter (see Tuning

• • • • • Use the POWER switch to switch the instrument off (if not the instrument switch to the POWER switch Use done). already Use the POWER switch to switch the instrument off (if not the instrument switch to the POWER switch Use done). already then C key on the keyboard, the top and hold down Play the CDP2400USB back on. switch Tip: All saved parameters as well as the music sequencer as the as well parameters saved All Tip: will be lost during either one of the following data procedures. Soft pedal Tuning

An alternative procedure is described below: procedure An alternative 1) 2) 1) Use the following procedure to recall the factory recall to default settings. procedure the following Use ◊ On: 5.5.6 Off: Function: Value: Description: You can save the following settings for this group of functions: this group settings for the following can save You On: • Description: Off: Function: Value: You can save the following settings for this group of functions: this group settings for following the save can You 20 •

ENGLISH CD players, MDplayers, etc. applications willrequire Most a This 6.1.2 1) Fig. 6.1:Connecting externalsignalsources use a¼"cablewithanappropriate adapter plug. with RCA plugs (see chapter 9.1.3). As an alternative, you can also CDP2400USB andaCDplayer. You needoneortwo cablesfitted The following diagram shows a wiring example comprising the are beingcontrolled by theCONCERT’s (seefig. MIDIfunction 6.3). such as CD players, DVD players, or external sound modules that The LINE IN jacks can be used to connect external sound sources 6.1.1 CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual You can also use the outputs to connect recording equipment (e.g. (e.g. amplifiers. to useexternal stages, hall)itcanbe necessary systems orhomestereo systems. For inlarger rooms performances connecting the digital piano to external keyboard amplifiers, P.A. The CDP2400USB is equipped with LINE OUT connectors for recording equipment 6.2 NOTE: The internal effectsdonotaffectthemicrophone input. down. your voice theGAINknob turn begins to distort, Adjust theinputsignal ofthemicrophone withtheGAINknob. If of most condenser mics. The jack always supplies 15V of phantom power to enable the use cable. You may use dynamic (handheld) or condenser microphones. amicrophoneConnect to theMICINjackusingastandard XLR 6.1.3 cable, butadaptors may alsobeused. 1 / the CDP2400USB. theoutputsofCDplayerConnect to theLINEINjacksof 8 Connection to amplifiers and " jack is ideal for the connection of MP3 players, portable " jackisidealfor ofMP3players, theconnection portable MIC INjack AUX INjack LINE INjacks CD Player Digital Piano LINE IN MIC IN Microphone AUX IN MP3 Player 1 / 8 " TRS recording medium. friends a recorded CD or MP3 or archive music pieces on any independently of the CDP2400USB. For example, you can give your advantage that you canplay backyour musiccompletely sequencer, recording audioequipment gives onexternal you the computer, cassette recorder, MDrecorder). Unlikethebuilt-in music additional MIDIsoundmodulesor software/hardware sequencers: The CDP2400USB is equipped with three MIDI jacks for connecting channel-specific data. of data on 16 independent channels. Playing data are always control data only . The MIDI protocol provides for the transmission The MIDI interface does not transmit electrical audio signals but controllers suchasthepedals. changes andvariouscontroller data generated, for example, by and length of notes, key velocity and channel volume, program other MIDI equipment. The most important playing data are pitch MIDI is an interface and protocol for transmitting of playing data to 6.3 ◊ ! 1) Fig. 6.2:Connecting amplifiersand recording equipment reverse order. and the loudspeakers. Switch off the equipment in being amplified. Suchsignals could damagetheamplifier on the external , so as to avoid switch-on thumps Be sure to switch the CDP2400USB on BEFORE you switch amplifier or recording device. Connect the LINE OUT jacks to the inputs of an external MIDI functions ! Caution Keyboard amplifier Digital Piano LINE OUT MD recorder 21


USB LINE IN CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT Digital Piano Digital MIDI OUT MIDI settings USB connection to a computer with with computer a to connection USB the external device through the digital piano loudspeakers. loudspeakers. piano digital the through device external the the select and 5.1) chapter (see mode EDIT enter Please functions. following Connect the piano's USB jack on the CONCERT to a free USB USB free a to CONCERT the on jack USB piano's the Connect computer. your on port the MIDIConnect to the MIDI IN jack of the CONCERT. the of jack OUT LINE the to module sound the of outputs audio the Connect ofsounds the back play to want you if CONCERT the of jacks IN Audio MIDI Sound module 6.3.3 determine to functions different eight provides CDP2400USB The MIDI information. processes the instrument how ◊ Fig. 6.4: USB connection with an external sound module. module. sound external an with connection USB 6.4: Fig. 1) 2) 3) 6.3.2 softwaresequencing with a combination the CDP2400USB in operate can You or the included “Logic” “Cubase”, as such program sequencing Sequencing software Compact BEHRINGER Edition.” “energyXT2.5 and process of powerful a wealth functions record you to gives create to tracks several record can you example, For data. MIDI the production of options are Additional music pieces. complex can you is more, What music pieces. of sheet music or playback computer your to music sequencer of the built-in the data transfer archiving. permanent for the comprising a set-up shows illustration following The connectionThe of an computer. CDP2400USB and a music external sound module is optional. LINE IN MIDI OUT Digital Piano Digital Sound module MIDI connection to other sound modules MIDI connection to the sounds of the external device through the digital piano piano digital the through device external the of sounds the loudspeakers. Connect the MIDI OUT jack of the CONCERT to the MIDI IN jack to Connect the MIDI OUT jack of the CONCERT of the external module. sound both of channels transmit/receive MIDI the set to sure Be 6.3.3). the same number (see chapter to instruments theConnect to the audio outputs of the sound module back play to want you if CDP2400USB, the of jacks IN LINE The MIDI THRU jacks passes on the MIDI data received via received THRU jacks passes on the MIDI data MIDI The a with combination In modification. without jack IN MIDI the or keyboard another integrate thus can you computer music CDP2400USB chain comprising the MIDI sound module into and music computer. Use the MIDI OUT to connect additional or a connect to the MIDI OUT synthesizers additional Use the CDP2400USB from MIDI data receiving music computer other MIDI from data send playing to the MIDI IN Use sound the to computer music a or keyboards controller of the CDP2400USB. generator Audio MIDI 3) 2) 1) Fig. 6.3: Controlling external MIDI sound modules 6.3: Controlling Fig. The following illustration shows a set-up comprising the comprising a set-up shows illustration following The CDP2400USB and an external sound module. addition to the sounds of the CDP2400USB can be heard through through heard be can CDP2400USB the of sounds the to addition loudspeakers. the internal or sound modules not equipped with a keyboard. When you also you When or sound modules not equipped with a keyboard. connect of the external the the audio signal sound module to in played sounds all 6.1, chapter in described as CDP2400USB, You can use the CDP2400USB to control external sound modules control to can use the CDP2400USB You the of pedals and keyboard the use to you allows This MIDI. via synthesizers other of generators sound the control to piano digital 6.3.1 • • 22 •

ENGLISH All: Description: Value: Function: in combination with amusiccomputer. thedefaultsettingALLforcommunication. proper Select operation and receive on the same MIDI channels to ensure successful MIDI CDP2400USB isto receive MIDIdata. MIDIdevices musttransmit Use this function to set the receive channel on which the • ◊ ◊ Off: 1 .16: Description: Value: Function: communication. receive on the same MIDI channels to ensure successful MIDI CDP2400USB is to send MIDI data. MIDI devices must send and to setthetransmitUse channelonwhichthe thisfunction • CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual external device.external to play the same sound twice, before and after it is sent to an sequencer mode. AclosedMIDIchainmay causetheCDP2400USB the MIDI IN jack. The latter setting is quite useful, for example, in whether itonlyresponds to MIDInote information received via generator plays directly thenotes you play onthekeyboard or allowsThis function you to determine whether thebuilt-in sound • ◊ 1 .16: 1-2:

Enable/disable soundgenerator (Local on/off) (see chapter 6.3.2). program as a sound generator for multi-track recordings use the CDP2400USB in combination with a sequencing The multi-timbral reception ofMIDIdata allows you to theMIDIreceiveSetting channel below). MIDI dumpfeature (see musicsequencer“Sending data” piece recorded withthebuilt-inmusicsequencer usingthe via theMIDIoutput. However, you cantransmit amusic Demo songandmusicsequencer data are nottransmitted channel. MIDI channel, while voice #2 transmits on the next higher layerIn modevoice #1transmits MIDIdata onthespecified theMIDItransmitSetting channel

The CDP2400USB transmits MIDI data on the Reception of MIDI data on the specified MIDI Reception ofMIDIdata onchannels1and2 Simultaneous multi-timbral reception of MIDI data The CDP2400USBtransmits noMIDIdata specified MIDIchannel. setting:1) (Default 1 ...16,Off E7.1 channel mode. setting) (Default on all16MIDIchannels. as"Omni" Alsoknown All, 1-2,1.16 E7.2 Function: (see chapter 9.2). CDP2400USB whenever asoundinthe you select TONE section program changecommands canbesent viatheMIDIoutputof MIDI commands sent from a sequencing program. Conversely, used, for example, to select sounds of the CDP2400USB using to MIDI program change commands. These commands are to determineUse how thisfunction theCDP2400USBresponds • Off: On: Description: Value: Function: signals come backfrom thesequencer. to thesequencer. The notes are played onlyonce whentheMIDI When theCDP2400USBissetto Local Off, theMIDIdata isonlysent ◊ Off: On: Description: Value: Function: control soundchanges(e.g. pedalstatus, volume, effectintensity). MIDI controller ofcontroller data. MIDIusesavariety informaiton to Use this function to determine how the CDP2400USB responds to • Off: On: Description: Value:

Accept/ignore program changes enabled (seechapter 9.4). in the MIDI implementation chart if controller data are The CDP2400USB only responds to the commands listed Accept/ignore MIDIcontroller information

Controller data are neithersent norreceived Program changecommands are neithersent nor Sound generatorSound doesnotrespond to thekeyboard Controller data are sent andreceived (default Program change commands are sent and received Sound generator responds to keyboard and MIDI E7.4 but to MIDInotes only notes (defaultsetting) On, Off E7.3 setting) On, Off E7.5 received (default setting) On, Off



End. in EDIT mode. CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT E7.8 E7.8 -

Audio routing Audio

USB connection You can send the data back to the CDP2400USB at a the CDP2400USB at back to can send the data You the connect to jack IN MIDI the use this, do To date. later As before. the data received that the device CDP2400USB to sequencer, MIDI the from transmission the start you as soon Make the data. receive the CDP2400USB will automatically is mode sequencer music or EDIT DEMO, neither that sure active! Sending music sequencer data Sending music sequencer hardware or computer a to CDP2400USB the Connect 6.3.2. as described in chapter sequencer mode. reception-ready to Set the MIDI sequencer Select the function the transmission. execute to button the +/YES Press 6.4.1 tones the includes CDP2400USB the of output audio USB The as as well sound generator, and internal the keys by generated IN and MIC IN jacks. the LINE IN, AUX connected to the signals do not and SPEAKERS OFF button control VOLUME the However, affect this signal. When the transmission is complete, the display shows shows the display is complete, the transmission When ◊ 6.4 interface USB audio/MIDI a built-in to CDP2400USB features The audio The compatibility. software computer of world a up open studio using performances your record to you allows portion BEHRINGER Compact energyXT2.5 included the as such software the through computer your back audio from as play as well Edition, sequencer a to data MIDI send also can You speakers. keyboard’s drum trigger tones, synth to computer on your software program USB connection The can also receive transport beats, functions, etc. software sequencer to your allowing the computer, from MIDI data and speakers. the CDP2400USB's sound generator utilize • output via the MIDI this function data Use send music sequencer to music pieces recorded archive to you allows This of the CONCERT. typeThis MIDI sequencer. or hardware music computer on your packages data (MIDI system-exclusive is only for of transmission data. MIDI playing dump), but not for Function: Value: Description: 1) 2) 3) 4) End. in EDIT mode. E7.7 E7.7 - (default setting) selected halftones selected E7.6 -12 ... 12 No transposition of the pitch at the MIDI output at of the pitch No transposition Pitch is transposed up by the number of halftones halftones of number the by up transposed is Pitch Pitch is transposed down by the number of of number the by down transposed is Pitch

You can send the data back to the CONCERT at a later date. date. a later at the CONCERT back to can send the data You CONCERT the connect to jack IN MIDI the use this, do To as soon As before. data the received that device the to the sequencer, MIDI the from transmission the start you sure Make the data. receive will automatically CONCERT mode is active! EDIT or music sequencer neither DEMO, that as described in chapter 6.3.2. as described in chapter mode. reception-ready Set to the MIDI sequencer Select the function the transmission. execute to button the +/YES Press Connect the CONCERT to a computer or hardware sequencer sequencer hardware or computer a to CONCERT the Connect This setting has no effect on the sound generator of the the of generator sound the on effect no has setting This CONCERT. panel settings (snapshot) Send control MIDI transposition

When the transmission is complete, the display shows shows the display is complete, the transmission When ◊ 3) 4) 1) 2) Function: Value: Description: (e.g. sounds and effects, channel volume) via the MIDI output. This volume) via the MIDI output. channel sounds and effects, (e.g. packages data type only includes systemexclusive of transmission (MIDI dump). • CONCERT the of settings current the transmit to function this Use ◊ 1 ...12: -1 ... -12: Description: 0: Function: Value: whose sound generator is controlled from the keyboard of the the keyboard from is controlled generator whose sound sounds of the than the internal pitch CDP2400USB in a different CDP2400USB. This function determines whether outgoing MIDI data are are data MIDI outgoing whether determines function This This sound generator. of the built-in independently transposed the sounds of an external play sound module to can be useful 24 •

ENGLISH 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Follow thesesteps theCDP2400USBto to your connect computer. operation.latency computers donotrequire any additionaldrivers to achieve low- USBconnection. latency The driver isincludedontheDVD. Mac NOTE: PCusersare encouraged to installtheASIOdriver for low- sequencing programs useasimilarprocedure. included energyXT2.5 Compact software, but most recording and different USB devices: Audio and MIDI. This example will use the the USB cable is connected, the computer will recognize two your software to ensure proper audio and MIDI interface. Once time, you will likely need to perform certain setup procedures in When you connect the CDP2400USB to your computer for the first 6.4.2 PHONES andspeakers. The VOLUME control and SPEAKERS OFF button only affect the directly to the LINE OUT jacks, PHONES jacks and internal speakers. by theCDP2400USB'ssoundgenerator oreffectsengine, andgoes The USBaudioinputreturning from thecomputer isnotaffected CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. software. Follow these steps to set up the audio connection in your music In the In ‘Audio outputs’ menu, select ‘USB AUDIO DEVICE.’ the In ‘Audio inputs’ menu, select ‘USB AUDIO DEVICE.’ the In ‘Record’ menu, select ‘16-bit.’ the In ‘Sample Rate’ menu, we recommend selecting ‘44100.’ the select ‘BEHRINGER USBAudio’ driver. Select ‘ASIO’ in the ‘Device’ pull down menu. In the next A windowmenu, will popupwithseveral options. Clickthe ‘Audio’ tab. Click the ‘File’ tab and select ‘Setup.’ BEHRINGEREdition.Open energyXT2.5Compact CDP2400USB. now set to send and receive audio and MIDI signals from the recording and MIDI music playback menus. Your computer is USBAUDIO Sound playback, Select intheSound DEVICE In the next window, click the Audio tab. Devices. When the new window opens, select Sounds and Audio Control menuandselect Panel. usingaPC,clickontheStart If connections. setup. theaudioandMIDI not,you If mustmanuallyselect so, If and MIDIconnection. you may continue to thesoftware Your computer shouldautomatically recognize theUSBaudio free USB port on your computer. Connect the included USB cable to the CDP2400USB and to a USB audioandMIDIsettings

be used in conjunction withUSBMIDI. be usedinconjunction overrides theMIDIINand THRU jacks. OnlytheMIDIOUTjackcan NOTE: When to USBMIDIisconnected theCDP2400USB, it 3. 2. 1. Follow thesesteps for to setuptheMIDIconnection theCONCERT. DEVICE.’ For bothMIDIinputsandoutputs, select ‘USB AUDIO Once window theSetup appears, clickthe ‘MIDI’ tab. Repeat steps 1and2above. 25


, as described in in described as , , as described in in described as , E7.1 E7.2 CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT com. behringer. chapter 6.3.3. Demo and music sequencer data are not transmitted via MIDI. not transmitted are 6.3.3. Demo data chapter and music sequencer Chart. piano supports in the MIDI Implementation The listed those commands only 6.3.3). (see chapter activated a MIDI filter and the piano do not have sending MIDI data the device that Be sure effect If so, whether a modulation is active. i.e. is lit, the SPECIAL button Check whether one of the LEDs above no effect i.e. is active. off, all LEDs are until the button press section to TONE in the one of the sound buttons Press the same time. selected sounds at two have you Perhaps select a single sound. it back on. then switch wait for about 30 seconds, off, the instrument Switch occurred. has error An internal BEHRINGER support again, please contact your message shows desk.If the error Further can be information www. found at: Set the transmit channel, on which the piano is to send MIDI data, in the EDIT menu send MIDI data, on which the piano is to Set channel, the transmit The playback tempo of the music sequencer follows the current tempo setting. Press the MODE button until until the MODE button Press setting. tempo the current follows of the music sequencer tempo playback The at back the recording play to UP buttons and the DOWN then simultaneously press up, TEMPO LED lights the its original tempo. 5.5.3 as described in chapter them if necessary, Check the settings in the EDIT menus E1 and E2.1 and adjust setting: 440 Hz, equal tuning. and 5.5.4. Standard your of response dynamic the activate necessary If lit. is button KEYS the above LEDs the of one whether Check 5.5.1). (see chapter the KEYS button pressing by choice 9.2). (see chapter velocity key to Some sounds do not respond please setyour personal settings To save uses the default settings. on, the piano always first switched When the memory function 5.5.5. as described in chapter in the EDIT menu MIDI data receive channel on which the piano is to Set the receive 6.3.3. chapter and select an appropriate effect 4.2.2). (see chapters intensity and select an appropriate the music sequencer Conversely, mode. music sequencer to switch DEMO mode must not be active when you to DEMO mode. you can switch must be off before on this track. data recorded the previously erase a track,this will automatically re-record you When can only be startedPlayback when the memory data. contains of the music sequencer recorded. has been no data Perhaps 5.4.3. in chapter as described Proceed for playback. been activated have no tracks Perhaps further all full, is memory the When notes). 10,000 (approx. capacity its in limited is sequencer music The starts thus the display before flashing, can store as the sequencer notes only as many Play will be lost. data the memorysignaling that is full. be sure recording, your erase/re-record to do not want memory If you The is full. sequencer of the music start you a 6.3.2 and 6.3.3) before (see chapters a music computer song via MIDI to the recorded save to new recording. Check the connection between mains plug and wall outlet (see chapter 2.1). outlet (see chapter Check the connection and wall mains plug between 2.2). (see chapter control VOLUME of the Check the position 4.4). (see chapter status Check the SPEAKER OFF button 6.3.3). on (see chapter is switched the sound generator Check that on the underside of the piano jack the PEDAL connected to the pedal cable is properly Check that 3.3). (see chapter the soft pedal functionCheck in EDIT menu E4.1 that 5.4.8). is enabled (see chapter control. VOLUME using the volume back the Cut to the button Press is active. transposition If so, is lit. TRANSPOSE switch the Check whether the LED above if off. switch lit the REVERB are Check that and SPECIAL LEDs no effecttoo low. has been selected is or its intensity Perhaps • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Remedy • • • • • • • • • ERR Troubleshooting The display shows shows display The The piano sounds strange The The piano does not respond to all MIDI commands to piano does not respond The The piano does not play back notes received via MIDI IN received back notes piano does not play The via MIDI OUT piano does not transmit MIDI data The When the instrument is switched off all settings are lost off all settings are is switched the instrument When other instruments properly does not work velocity Key too slow/fast too of tuning the match not does instrument the of tuning The The display shows FUL shows display The back plays sequencer music the on recorded piece music The The music sequencer has not stored the entire recording the entire has not stored music sequencer The Music sequencer playback cannot be started playback Music sequencer Music sequencer/DEMO mode cannotMusic sequencer/DEMO be selected has been lost with the music sequencer music recorded The Effect is not audible Audio signal is distortedAudio low/high too is Sound The foot pedals do not work properly pedals do not work foot The pedal has no effect left foot The No sound No Problem cannot on instrument be switched The 7. 26

ENGLISH LINE IN AUX IN MIC IN Pedals Sequencer Effects Sounds Polyphony generationSound Keyboard 8. CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual USB MIDI Phones LINE OUT Audio MIDI RateSample Converter Connector Connectors Max. outputlevel Connectors Max. outputlevel Impedance Connectors Impedance Connectors Connector Phantom Power Connector sostenuto-, damper) 3 (soft-, Memory Type Modulation effects Room effects 14 64 notes max. Modeling)dynamicstereoRSM (RealSound sampling, 16MBROM 88 weighted keys(A-1 withhammeraction to C7) Specifications Stereo In/Out 48 kHz 16-bit Type B IN, OUT, THRU +13 dBu/120mW@100Ωload ¼" 1/8"TRS jack, TRS jack +7 dBu approx. 100Ω,unbalanced unbalancedRCA, approx. 10kΩ jacks,RCA unbalanced 1/8" 15V XLR, balanced 1 Song, approx. 10,000notes 2-track (CHORUS,4 types FLANGER, TREMOLO, DELAY) (CHAMBER, CONCERT, CHURCH, THEATER) 4 types IN, OUT TRS jack

Dimensions/Weight Power supply Amplifier Weight (Hx Dimensions W xD) Mains voltages andfusevalues powerOutput approx. 151.7lbs approx. 68.8kg approx. 34.65"x55.31"20.67" approx. 880x1,405525mm Power consumption approx. 135 W 220 -230 V~, 50/60Hz T 1,25AH250 V 100 -120 V~, 50/60Hz T 2,50AH250 V 2 x40 W


ENGLISH tip Tip Sleeve sleeve Unused Pin 2 shield CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT Pin 1 (ground) sleeve MIDI cables RCA cables RCA¼" to cable Sleeve Tip Pin 3 Unused tip Fig. 9.4: MIDI plug pin assignment Fig. use an unbalanced ¼" cable with an appropriate RCA adapter. ¼" cable with an appropriate use an unbalanced RCA cable 9.3: ¼" to Fig. 9.1.4 These equipment. MIDI connecting for required are cables MIDI cables use to sure Be end. each at plug DIN 5-pin a have cables similar also are there since shown), as (wiring cables MIDI as marked MIDIfor hi-fi equipment. available wiring cables with a different lengths cable Avoid possible. as short as be should lengths cable during the errors lead to 10 m, as these could exceeding of signals. transmission 9.1.2 CD connect to applications hi-fi for used often are cables RCA systems. stereo home to devices other and recorders MD players, need this type will connect hi-fiof cable to CDP2400USB to the You to pairs in supplied are cables these Usually, equipment. recording (right) and red in most cases plugs are The cable. one stereo form device (left). the wiring recording white that between Make sure the up mix to not as so code, color this follows CDP2400USB and left/right signals. 9.2: Hi-fi RCA cable Fig. 9.1.3 device playback hi-fi a connecting for required are cables RCA to ¼" also can you alternative, an As CDP2400USB. the to player) CD (e.g. sleeve tip sleeve ground/shield tip signal tip sleeve clamp relief strain clamp relief strain tip signal sleeve ground/shield Unbalanced ¼" cable Unbalanced Cables Appendix Fig. 9.1: Unbalanced ¼" cable with ¼" TS plugs TS ¼" cable with ¼" 9.1: Unbalanced Fig. Unbalanced ¼" cables are equipped with a ¼" TS plugs at each end. plugs at TS with a ¼" equipped ¼" cables are Unbalanced connect withused to external devices amps and are keyboard They CDP2400USB. the to computers) drum synthesizers, (e.g. outputs ¼" of the plugs with each other. of the plugs with each 9.1.1 plugs (e.g. ¼" to RCA). Cable adapters are better than adapter plugs, plugs, adapter than better are adapters Cable RCA). to ¼" (e.g. plugs contact quality to insufficient affect the signal due may as the latter your digital piano. The cables are not supplied with the piano. piano. the with supplied not are cables The piano. digital your necessary be will cables adapter use, intended the on Depending cables or use adapter can You interface to connectors. the various 9.1 connectto overviewyou need an will find all cables of you Below 28 9.

ENGLISH cable. the CDP2400USBAUX INjack. astereoThis carries signal inasingle A 9.1.5 CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual plugs. To usebothjackssimultaneously, you may needanadapter. The PHONESinputsoftheCDP2400USBaccept both 9.1.6 1 / 8 " to 1 Headphones / 1 8 / " aCDorMP3player to connect to TRS cableisnecessary 8 " TRS cable sleeve ground/shield left signal tip left ring rightsignal tip sleeve strain relief clamp strain relief clamp sleeve tip sleeve ground/shield ring rightsignal signal tip left 1 / 4 " and 1 / 8 " 29

ENGLISH change change Program Program commands 11 19 19 16 48 49 52 24 0 0 5 4 6 6 MIDI commands MSB/LSB 0/122 0/123 0/122 0/122 0/122 0/122 0/122 0/122 0/122 0/112 0/122 0/122 0/122 0/123 CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT   Release Release samples  samples Dynamic Dynamic Key Key          velocity         Stereo Stereo samples samples

Description Description with a warm character with a warm orchestra orchestra ensemble string a of sound Soft attack with slow with pitch-dependent choir Mixed of voices combination guitar concert classical a of Sound baroque organ baroque organ church full-size of Sound with all registers with organ jazz typical a of Sound attack percussive string big a of sound Natural Full dual-octave Full sound Extremely dynamic vibraphone sound small a of sound pipe wooden Soft Typical bell-like bell-like Typical piano electric FM of the 80's classic a of sound retro Nostalgic baroque a of sound Typical harpsichord Classic sound of a concert grand character tonal soft a with piano grand concert a of sound Brilliant pop to suited particularly piano, music and rock Presets on the CDP2400USB Presets Sound Sound NYLON GUITAR NYLON CHOIR STRINGS STRINGS PAD CLICK ORGAN CHURCH 1 CHURCH 2 VIBES VIBES CEMBALO 1 CEMBALO 2 CEMBALO VINTAGE PIANO PIANO VINTAGE FM PIANO FM GRAND 2 GRAND 1 30 9.2

ENGLISH 9.4 9.3 CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Control Change Pitch Bend After Touch Velocity Note Number Mode Basic Channel Mode 3: Mode 1: Mode O = YES, X=NO Notes Aux Messages Real Time System System Common System Exclusive Program Change No. 14 13 12 11 10 15 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 MIDI implementation chart List ofdemomusicpieces included Maple LeafMaple Rag, Aflat major Children´s Golliwog´s Corner: Eflat Cakewalk, major Arabesque no. 1,Emajor Liebestraum no. 3,Aflat major Waltz, op. 64,no. minor 2,csharp Waltz, op. 64,no. 1"Minute Waltz/Petit chien", Dflat major Etude, op. 10,no. 12"Revolution", cminor Prelude, op.28, no. 15"Raindrop", Dflat major Fantasie Impromptu, op. minor 66,csharp Frühlingslied op. Song"), ("Spring 62,no. 6,Amajor Impromptu, op. 90,no.. 2,Eflat major Piano sonata, op. 49,no. 2,1stmovement, Gmajor Piano sonata, op. 13,no. 8"Pathétique", 2ndmvt., Aflat major Piano sonata no. 16,1stmovement, Cmajor, 545 KV Invention no. 1,Cmajor, 772 BWV Function OMNI OFF, POLY OMNI ON,POLY allctrl Reset All soundoff Reset Active Sense All notes OFF Local ON/OFF Commands Clock Tune Sel. Song Pos.Song Channels Keys Note OFF Note ON True Voice Altered Messages Default Changed Default Piece 0.32

94 91 67 66 64 11 7 O O X O O X O O X X X O O O O O O O O O O X X X X O X 9-120, v=1-127 X X 3 1 -16 1 Transmitted

O (121) O (120,126,127) OX O (123-125) O (122) O O X X X O O O O O O O O O O X X X X O 0-127 0-127, v=1-127 X X 1 1 -16 1 Recognized Scott Joplin Claude Debussy Claude Debussy Franz Liszt Frédéric Chopin Frédéric Chopin Frédéric Chopin Frédéric Chopin Frédéric Chopin Felix Bartholdy Mendelssohn Franz Schubert Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven Wolfgang AmadeusMozart Bach Johann Sebastian Composer Effect depth Reverb depth pedal Soft Sostenuto Damper Expression Volume Bank select Poly modeonly Remarks 31


1 0 - - 1 C - 1 3 0 ------On On On 10 All Off Off Off Off 440 (equal temper) Default setting - - - 1, 2 1 ... 7 C ... B 1 ... 5 0 ... 20 0 ... 20 0 ... 20 1 ... 20 0 ... 20 Values On, Off On, Off On, Off On, Off On, Off On, Off On, Off -1, 0, 1 -1, 0, 1 -12 ... 12 -10 ... 10 427 - 453 1 ... 16, OFF All, 1-2, 1 ... 16 CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT E1 E5 E6 E2.1 E2.2 E3.1 E7.1 E7.2 E7.3 E7.4 E7.5 E7.6 E7.7 E7.8 E8.1 E8.2 E8.3 E8.4 E3.2 E3.3 E3.4 E3.5 E3.6 E3.7 E4.1 E4.2 Function Description (send/receive) (send/receive) commands controller or ignore Accept (send/receive) during MIDI of notes Transposition transmission settings of all current MIDI transmission (dump) of music sequencer MIDI transmission (dump) data of sound settings saving Permanent of MIDI settings saving Permanent and of transposition saving Permanent tunings of soft saving pedal settings Permanent Reset of layer mode settings Reset of layer of soft pedal:1) soft 2) Function pedal, music sequencer Intensity of soft pedal on sound click of metronome Volume in music track of the muted Volume mode sequencer are MIDI channel on which MIDI data transmitted are MIDI channel on which MIDI data received sound Enables/disables the built-in data keyboard for generator change data program or ignore Accept General fine tuning in 1/5-HzGeneral fine steps Selection (scale) temperament of Selection of temperament of basic note #2 voice #1 vs. of voice ratio Volume #2 voice #1 vs. Detuning of voice #1 position of voice Octave #2 position of voice Octave channeled #1 volume of voice Portion the effect to channeled #2 volume of voice Portion the effect to

Abbreviated name Abbreviated Tuning Soft pedal Transposition panel settings Control data Music sequencer Sounds MIDI Sound generator Sound generator on/off)(Local change Program commands Controller Effect Volume Dimmed volume channel Transmit channel Receive Effect intensity voice #1 voice Effect intensity #2 voice Effect intensity Reset Function Basic note Volume Detune #1 voice transposition Octave #2 voice transposition Octave Fine tuning tuning Fine Tuning EDIT parameter Category Save Save Sequencer MIDI Soft pedal Metronome Layer mode Layer Tuning Tuning Tuning *Default settings depend on the selected sound combination 32 9.5

ENGLISH your purchase at under “Support” read the andkindly Please doremember to register your newBEHRINGERequipment rightafter § 2 WITHOUT SUCHPROOFOFPURCHASE. COVERING YOUR LIMITED WARRANTY. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS VOID PLEASE RETAIN YOUR SALESRECEIPT. ITIS YOUR PROOFOFPURCHASE [4]. [3]. [2]. [1]. § 1 Limited Warranty CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual [1]. § 3 and more efficiently. Thank you for your cooperation! purchase and equipment with us helps us process your repair claims quicker terms and conditions of our limited warranty carefully. Registering your Warranty Return authorization number Return authorization number registrationOnline Materials Authorization (“RMA”) number. with theoriginal salesreceipt, BEHRINGERwillthenissueaReturn After verifyingnumber oftheproduct. theproduct’s warrantyeligibility must beaccompanied by oftheproblem adescription andtheserial claim at BEFOREreturning Allinquiries theproduct. Alternatively, pleasesubmitanonlinewarranty by our “Online Support” whichmay alsobefound under “Support” at isnotlisted,country pleasecheckifyour problem canbe dealtwith for listed your under country “Support” at your If located in your vicinity, you may contact the BEHRINGER distributor equipment was purchased. Shouldyour BEHRINGERdealernotbe To theretailer pleasecontact obtain warrantyservice, from whomthe Warranty claimsotherthanthoseindicated above are expressly excluded. willbereturnedproduct to theuserfreight prepaid by BEHRINGER. Upon validation ofthewarrantyclaim,repaired orreplacement original product. fromapplicable minimumwarrantyperiod) thedate ofpurchase ofthe for theremaining initialwarrantyperiod, i.e., one(1)year (orotherwise thislimitedproduct, warrantyshallapplyto thereplacement product caseBEHRINGERdecidesto replace In theentire orparts. product either replace orrepair usingsuitableneworreconditioned theproduct that defectisnotexcluded under§4,BEHRINGERshall, at itsdiscretion, shows the product any and defectswithinthespecifiedperiod warranty ismandatedlonger minimumwarrantyperiod by applicablelocallaws. If date ofpurchase (seetheLimited Warranty terms in§4below), unlessa operatingnormal conditions for ofone(1)year aperiod from theoriginal toproduct befree ifusedunder ofdefectsinmaterial andworkmanship BEHRINGER* warrants components themechanicalandelectronic ofthis BEHRINGER office closest to you. under to Buy”,“Where oryou the cancontact A listofauthorized dealerscanbefound onBEHRINGER’s website ofpurchase.from aBEHRINGERauthorized dealerinthecountry This limited warrantyisvalid onlyifyou purchased theproduct

[2]. [1]. § 4 [3]. [2]. [6]. [5]. [4]. [3]. Warranty Exclusions not the country for was whichtheproduct originallynot thecountry developed and or safety standards onanational orlocallevel, whichis inany country to bemodifiedoradapted inorder to comply withapplicable technical ormechanicallymodifiedinanyelectronically way. needs If theproduct This limited warrantydoesnotcover ifithasbeen theproduct of purchase. for(90)daysin material ofninety andworkmanship aperiod from date the valves ormeters contained to intheproduct befree from defects limited to, fusesandbatteries. Where applicable, BEHRINGERwarrants This limited warrantydoesnotcover including, butnot consumable parts Shipments withoutfreightprepaidwillnotbeaccepted. indicated by BEHRINGER. together withthereturn authorizationnumbertocarton, theaddress Subsequently, mustbereturned theproduct initsoriginal shipping • • • • this limited warranty: Damage/defects causedby thefollowing conditions are notcovered by buttons, tubes, guitarstrings, illuminants andsimilarparts. wear andtear, inparticular, offaders, crossfaders, potentiometers, keys/ byof theproduct theuser. This alsoappliesto defectscausedby normal from thislimited warranty, inparticular, ifcausedby improper handling Free andmaintenance/repair inspections work are expressly excluded has beenalteredorremovedfromtheproduct. This limitedwarrantyisinvalidifthefactory-appliedserialnumber limitedsoftware warranty. isprovidedsoftware “AS IS” unlessexpressly provided for inany enclosed any products whether software or not contained in the product. Any such technical assistance for hardware usageanditdoesnotcover orsoftware This limited warrantycovers hardware. onlytheproduct doesnotcover It a modification/adaptation. BEHRINGER shallnotbeheldresponsible for any cost resulting from such outproperly ornot.Underthetermscarried ofthislimited warranty, cover any suchmodification/adaptation, regardless ofwhetherit was a defectinmaterials orworkmanship. This limited warrantydoesnot manufactured, thismodification/adaptation shallnotbe considered personnel (userincluded)willvoid thelimited warranty. Any repair outby unauthorized oropening oftheunitcarried etc) orany othercondition that isbeyond thecontrol of BEHRINGER. ofGod/Naturedamage/defects causedby (accident, acts fire, flood, where isused; theproduct with thetechnical orsafety regulations applicablein thecountry oroperationconnection oftheunitinany way that doesnotcomply manuals; givenwith theinstructions inBEHRINGERuserorservice improper handling, or failure neglect to operate the unit in compliance 33

ENGLISH CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual Manual User CDP2400USB CONCERT Amendment Centre 9/J, Macau, including all BEHRINGER group companies including all BEHRINGER group Macau, 9/J, Centre BEHRINGER Macao Commercial Offshore Limited of Rue de Pequim No. 202-A, Macau Finance 202-A, Macau Pequim No. of Rue de Limited Offshore BEHRINGER Macao Commercial § 9 the For service subject notice. change without are to conditions Warranty regarding and additional information and conditions terms warranty latest details online at please see complete warranty, limited BEHRINGER’s * The limited warranty regulations mentioned herein are applicable unless are herein mentioned warranty regulations limited The an infringement of applicable mandatorythey constitute local laws. to in regard obligations the seller’s warranty does not detractThis from hidden defect. of the product and any lack of conformity any This limited warranty does not exclude or limit the buyer’s statutory rights or limit the buyer’s warranty does not exclude limited This way. in any as a consumer has sent in a written repair order. repair in a written has sent Products which do not meet the terms of this limited warranty will be of this limited meet the terms which do not Products BEHRINGER or its authorized expense. the buyer’s at exclusively repaired If the buyer such circumstance. of any the buyer service will inform center after notification, within 6 weeks order repair submit a written fails to freight for invoice with a separate unit C.O.D. the BEHRINGER will return the buyer when separately will also be invoiced and packing. Such costs Any repair or opening of the unit carried out by unauthorized personnel carried or opening of the unit unauthorized out by repair Any warranty. the limited will void (user included) If in the defect that an inspection shows BEHRINGER product of the by the inspection are costs warranty, the limited by covered question is not the customer. by payable replace any product purchased through an online auction. through product purchased any replace Authorized BEHRINGER dealers do not sell new products BEHRINGER directly inAuthorized an online auction on a made through are online auctions. Purchases arereceipts Online auction or sales basis. confirmations beware” “buyer or repair not will BEHRINGER and verification warranty for accepted not Other warranty rights and national law and national rights Other warranty Limitation of liability Limitation Claim for damage Claim for Warranty transferability transferability Warranty [3]. [2]. § 8 [1]. This limited warranty is the complete and exclusive warranty between you and you warranty between and exclusive warranty is the complete limited This to related BEHRINGER. It communications or oral supersedes all other written this product. for no other warranties this product. BEHRINGER provides § 7 shall have no liability to the buyer under this warranty for any consequential or or consequential any for warranty this under buyer the to liability no have shall kind. the liability shall Inindirect of BEHRINGER loss or damage of any no event of the product. value the invoiced warranty exceed under this limited § 6 BEHRINGER of mandatorySubject the operation laws, only to applicable local of authorized retail dealer) and is not transferable to anyone who may anyone to dealer) and is not transferable retail of authorized shall etc.) dealer, this product. (retail No other person purchase subsequently on behalf of BEHRINGER. warranty promise any give to be entitled § 5 (customer buyer the original to warranty is extended limited exclusively This {10}. [9]. [8]. 34 [7].

ENGLISH Road Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands Trident Chambers, Cay,Wickhams P.O. Box 146, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ChipCompany ©2009Red Ltd. ChipCompany ofRed permission Ltd. recording of any kind, for any purpose, without the express written any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by orrepresentation. undertaking This manualiscopyrighted. Nopart to bindBEHRINGERbyno authority any express orimplied and dealers are not agents of BEHRINGER and have absolutely Products are sold through authorized dealers only. Distributors Colors slightly from andspecifications Our may product. vary upon any description, photograph or statement contained herein. may besuffered by any personwho relies eitherwhollyorinpart with BEHRINGER. BEHRINGER accepts no liability for any loss which trademarks by BEHRINGER nor affiliation of the trademark owners respective owners, andsuchuseneitherconstitutes aclaimofthe logo, JUST LISTEN, CONCERT and RSM) mentioned belong to their time of printing. All trademarks (except BEHRINGER, the BEHRINGER without notice. The information contained herein at iscorrect the Technical specifications andappearance areto change subject Legal Disclaimer CONCERT CDP2400USB User Manual 35