The Venetian | the Palazzo | Sands Expo

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The Venetian | the Palazzo | Sands Expo The Venetian | The Palazzo | Sands Expo UNMANNED ARIAL VEHICLES RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND HOLD HARMLESS A GREEMENT All UAVs (known as Unmanned Arial Vehicles, DRONES, or other pilotless remote controlled aircraft) used at The Venetian | The Palazzo | The Sands, either in the exhibitor-assigned booth space or elsewhere, must be approved in writing by either the Venetian’s Meeting Planner (for UAV use within meeting space or exhibit halls) or the NON-Meeting Space UAV Use Coordinator (for UAV use anywhere outside meeting space or exhibit halls), and is subject to the following: (a) use must include safe netting appropriate to accommodate the UAV; (b) UAV must weigh less than 55 lbs.; (c) UAV MAY NOT be flown in lobbies, restaurants, or other common or public areas, or anywhere outside of the approved enclosed building unless approved by the NON-Meeting Space UAV Use Coordinator; (d) UAVs carrying weapons and/or chemicals are prohibited; (e) while cameras on the UAV will be permitted, no recording by such camera will be allowed; and (f) UAV owners and operators must obtain, and provide a Certificate of Insurance as set forth herein. In addition to the forgoing, UAV use shall be subject to additional terms and conditions set forth below and applicable policies of The Venetian | The Palazzo Sands Expo & Convention Center as may later be in effect at the time of such use. 1. RELEASE OF LIABLITY. In consideration of Sand Expo & Convention Center Inc.’s (“SECC”) allowing the activities as set forth and described below (“Activities”) at the Sands Expo & Convention Center located at 201 Sands Ave, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89169 (the “Location”), the below referenced individual or entity (“Requester”) hereby enters into this Release of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement (“Agreement”), and to the fullest extent allowed by law, releases, waives, discharges, covenants not to sue, and hold harmless SECC, Las Vegas Sands Corp., Las Vegas Sands, LLC, Venetian Casio Resort, LLC, and each of their parents and subsidiaries, affiliated entities, successors and assigns, and any current or future director, officer, employee, partner, member or agent of any of them (collectively the “Released Parties”) from any and all liability, claims, demands, or causes of actions whatsoever, arising out of, or directly or indirectly related to any loss, damage, or injury (including death that may be sustained by the Requester (if an individual) or others) arising from, related to, or incurred in connection with the use of the UAV, as further described below, at the Location or any of the adjacent properties of the Released Parties. 2. INDEMNITY. By signing you understand and agree that, both on behalf of the above referenced Company and yourself, and that of each of your successors and permitted assigns, to the fullest extent allowed by law, to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties from any demand, claim, loss, damages, costs, expenses, action, liability, or suit arising out of, or in any way directly or indirectly connected with the Activities at the Location (“Claim”). In the event of any Claim, the Released Party(ies) will provide notice of such Claim to the Requester and the Requester shall, at its own expense, defend, protect, and indemnify the Released Parties against such claim. Should the Requester be unable or fail to so defend, protect, and indemnify the Released Parties, each of them shall have the right to defend or settle such Claim, and the Requester shall reimburse the Released Parties for all settlements, judgments, fees, costs, losses, damages, expenses, and payments, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred by any of them in connection with the discharge of such Claim 3. INSURANCE: Requester agrees to provide a Certificate of Insurance with Endorsement(s) as set forth below: A. Coverage. Without limiting and independent of Requester’s obligation to indemnify SECC and the Released Parties, upon execution of this Agreement and during the Term, Requester, at Requester’s sole cost and expense, shall carry and maintain minimum insurance coverage and limits as described below. The required insurance coverage shall be issued by an insurance company or companies with a current A.M. Best Company rating of at least A- VIII. Type of Coverage Requirements Commercial General Liability This policy shall cover liabilities arising out of premises, operations, products, completed Insurance operations, contractual liability including tort liability of another assumed in a contract for bodily injury including death, property damage, and personal & advertising injury with limits (Occurrence Form) of at least US $1,000,000 each occurrence and US $2,000,000 annual aggregate. Bodily injury shall include but not be limited to mental injury, mental anguish, humiliation, and shock Workers’ Compensation This policy shall cover work-related injuries for Requester employees with statutory limits as Insurance required by any Workers’ Compensation statute in the state(s) where work and/or services are performed in connection with this Agreement. 1 The Venetian | The Palazzo | Sands Expo Employers’ Liability Insurance This policy shall cover liability to Requester for Requester employees’ work-related bodily injury or disease, other than liability imposed on Requester by any Workers’ Compensation statute with limits of at least US $1,000,000 each accident, US$1,000,000 each employee by disease, and US $1,000,000 policy limit - disease. Automobile Liability This policy shall cover loss due to bodily injury or death of any person, or property damage Insurance arising out of the ownership, maintenance, operation or use of any motor vehicle whether owned, hired, or non-owned with limits of at least US $1,000,000 combined single limit for each accident. If applicable, appropriate endorsements must be evidenced if hazardous waste is to be transported – ISO MCS 90 and CA 9948 (Broadened Pollution Liability Endorsement) Umbrella/ Excess Liability The umbrella/excess liability insurance policies must follow the form of the primary Insurance commercial general liability, automobile liability and employers’ liability and/or liquor liability, if applicable, policies with limits of at least US $5,000,000 each occurrence and in annual aggregate. Policy shall include as an insured any person or organization that qualifies as an “Additional Insured” in the underlying insurance. Drone Liability Insurance This policy shall cover loss due to bodily injury or death of any person, personal & adverting injury or property damage arising out of the operation, maintenance, or use of drone(s) whether owned or non-owned with limits of at least US $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. Personal injury shall include but not be limited to libel, slander, violation of privacy, and copyright infringement. B. Additional Insured. The required commercial general liability, automobile liability, Drone (UAV) Liability and umbrella/excess liability insurance policies shall name VENETIAN CASINO RESORT, LLC (“VCR”), SANDS EXPO & CONVENTION CENTER, INC. (“SECCI”), LAS VEGAS SANDS CORP. (“LVSC”), LAS VEGAS SANDS, LLC (“LVSL”), AND EACH OF THEIR PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILITATES AND EACH OF THEIR OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEES AS RESPECTS THE CONDUCT OF THE NAMED INSURED(S) IN OR ABOUT THE PROPERTY OF VCR, SECCI, LVSC and LVSL as additional insureds. The additional insured status shall apply to the full limits of liability purchased by Requester even if those limits of liability are in excess of those required by this Agreement. C. Cross Liability/Severability of Interest. The policies required herein shall provide cross-liability/ severability of insureds clause indicating this insurance applies as if each named insured is the only named insured, and separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought. D. Certificates of Insurance. Upon execution of this Agreement, Requester shall furnish SECC with certificate(s) of insurance evidencing the required insurance coverage and referencing this Agreement. Each certificate will include a provision requiring Requester and/or Requester’s insurance carrier to provide thirty (30) days advance written notice before any termination or cancellation of the policies, regardless of whether such action was initiated by Requester, any other insured or the insurance carrier. E. Primary and Non-Contributory. All insurance coverage and limits Requester maintains for Requester’s operation regardless of what is required hereunder shall be primary to and non-contributory with respect to any insurance coverage maintained by and/or available to the “additional insureds.” This includes any applicable umbrella and/or excess liability insurance that Requester may carry, even if such limits are greater than amounts required as part of this Agreement. F. Waiver of Subrogation. Requester and Requester’s insurer(s) agree to waive any and all rights of subrogation that Requester and Requester’s insurer(s) may have against the “additional insureds.” Requester shall require each Subcontractor Requester retains in connection with this Agreement to adhere to the same insurance requirements as stated herein and agree in writing to waive any and all rights of subrogation that Requester’s subcontractor and its insurer(s) may have against the “additional insureds”. Requester, and Requester subcontractor’s, insurance policies shall provide for such waivers by endorsement, and shall be referenced on all certificates of insurance.
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