fft '•'■'7 ’ ^ • - V '■ ,i ■ •' ' 5 " '■ ■■■■ • NKT PRESS WJN THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Paraaaat fey o., |^. Waatfecia Oaraao, Toi tho mouth of April, 1028 Matt 'Ravaa

fConn. SUite'lBrary Local Showers tonlghjt or Wed< M • 5,128 M«aib«r of the Aadlt Harvaa of [2f*-, ■ nesday. Olrcalatlasa .'•- y *’ A ‘ V

^OL. XLII.. NO. 205. Classified Advertising on Page, 10. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1928. ^ - (TWELVE PAGES) PRIC^ THREE -1 ^ U I K T E R O N Says Foreign Powers CANYON BILL IS Influence Peace Plans M MENACED

S T I L L S TODAY Washington, May 29— Assailing gress of 50,000 to 250,000,000 let­ BY ROME HOBS the "Pacifist” lobby. Rep. Maas (R) ters,” said Maas. “ It is commonly charged that I of Minnesota, in a speech placed in there are organizations participat­ Bpolder Dam Measure j the Congressional Record today, de- ing in these campaigns that are run Sips of Trouble in Both I dared that “ there can be little for profit and not patriotism. It London Says Message From I doubt of foreign influences of a very is also commonly charged that these Keeps Senators on Floor organizations are dominated and Countries— 30 Persons SOMEWHERE ON TOP OF WORLD subversive nature behind this whole inspired, if not actually financed Captain of Supply Ship In­ AlIThrongh Night; Hope movement." and protected by foreign Interests Seriously Wounded in “ There is at least one organization for the purpose of rendering the dicates That Nobile and in Washington, within the shadow United States defenseless.” Still For Adjournment. of the White House, that boasted it Maas has demanded an investiga­ Belgrade Street Fighting. has 2,500 trusted agents tbmughout tion of the light made on the $274,- Crew Were Forced Down the country that can on a day’s 000,000 naval program bill and VOTE TO ADJOURN notice organize a campaign to Con- | other national defense measures. Rome, May 29.— Incensed by the On Amsterdam Island; No Washington, May 29.— Reversing recent anti-Italian demonstrations its action of yesterday, the Senate, recently staged in Jugo-Slavia, News Received by Nor­ after an all night session, voted to­ No Herald Tomorrow SILK MILLS CLOSED 1;500 university students today day to adjourn the Seventieth Con­ surged about the front of the Jugo­ gress at 5:30 o’clock this after­ No issue of the Manches­ slavian legation quarters and seri­ way or Italy So Far To­ noon. Immediate adoption by the ter Evening Herald will be ALLDAVmRROW ous consequences were prevented House of the adjournment resolu­ published tomorrow, Mem­ only by the timeiy arrival of polite. day. tion is anticipated as the House orial Day. Just as it seemed certain that the student mob would invade the lega­ had already voted to quit at five -4? Previous Order Reversed; o’clock today. tion, mounted police arrived on tho London, May 29.— Hope for the scene and dispersed the students by safety of General Umberto Nobile T]xe revised adjournment resolu­ Annual Exercises and Pa­ charging into them. and the seventeen members of the tion was brought in by administra­ Premier Mussolini has Instructed tion leaders after it appeared evi­ STORES NOT OPEN the Italian minister at Belgr&de to crew of the lost dirigible Italia was dent that Boulder Dam supporters rade in Afternoon. lodge a formal protest against the would not l^e able to break the fili­ revived at King’s Bay today when buster conducted against the bill by anti-Italian demonstrations with the the captain of the supply sLlp Cllta HERE THIS EVENING Cheney Brothers announced late Jugo-Slavian government, and de­ the two Arizona Senators. Ashurst mand reparations. di Milano wirelessed that he had and. Hayden. yesterday afternoon that all depart­ received infoimation leading him ments of the silk mills will be clos­ Washington, May 29.— With the RIOTS IN BELGR.4DE. to believe that the dirigible had Vienna, iSlay 29.— Severe street CHILD STOLEN FROM BED Senate In continuous session Close at 6 p. m. and All Day ed all day tomorrow ln» observance made a forced landing at Amst^r- throughout the night in a weary of Memorial Day. This was a re­ fighting between anti-Italian dem­ onstrators and police supported by „ . , dam Island, a Central News dis- but dramatic effort to smash the versal of a previous announcement Hub’s Debs and oUD-lJeDS I patch f.-om the dirigible’s base slat- Arizona filibuster against the fa­ Tomorrow According to that the mills would operate to­ troops occurred in Belgrade today and thirty peVsons were seriously IS MURDERED BY FIEND Cheer a Bit and Boo a Bit at ed. mous Boulder Dam bill, the 70th morrow morning, and somewhat Amsterdam Island Is a few milea^ Congress early today looked for­ wounded, dispatches from the Jugo­ Show. Schedule. altered local plans for the holiday. slavian capital stated. north of Magdalena B;iy where tho*^^ ward with longing eyes to adjourn­ However, most of the arrangements Citta di Milano is hemmed in by ment. for the celebration of the day had Four of the wounded may die. Boston, Mass., May 20 — The fighting started when huge Body of Seven Year Old Girl the ice-floes. .\dministration leaders, defeated been completed and events were all Boston’s "400” brilliant in There seems to be a general pre­ throngs crowded about the ministry BOARD DISCUSSES jewels and evening dress, The captain of the supply ship yesterday in an attempt to adjourn set for the afternoon. The decora­ and threatened to storm the build­ Congress this afternoon, were still vailing impression that the stores watched without show of emo­ wirelessed that he had been in com­ tion of most of the graves will be ing following the receipt «of Pre­ Is Found Across Street munication with a sealer which re­ Hopeful that an agreement might done tonight as previously planned. tion the first of a series of box­ will be open Tuesday night because mier Mussolini’s note protesting ported having received a message be reached between friends and foes Tomorrow morning the holiday TAXSITUATION ing bouts In a prize ring set of the Wednesday holiday. against the recent anti-Italian dem­ xvhlch apparently came from tho of the Boulder Dam bill that would has little to offer. At one o’clock in by Father— Big Man Hunt up last evening in the ball ^ The schedule adopted by the mer­ onstrations and demanding imme­ room of an uptown hotel. last dirigible. bring the session to a close before the afternoon the speakers and com­ diate indemnity. chants at their annual meeting dis­ The last round of the first Message Very Faint nightfall. mittee in charge of Memorial Day The entire police force of Bel­ Is On. Selectmen to Take Action The Senate meanwhile listened to preparations will dine at Cheney bout was drawing to a close The message received by the tinctly provides that if a holiday grade attempted to disperse the sealer was very faint and great dif­ an endless flood of oratory that Hall. At two o’clock the annual when the door in the rear of comes on Wednesday, stores will mob. Troops were also balled to the ballroom opened and a fig­ ficulty was encountered In decipher­ oegan yesterday afternoon and last­ not open Tuesday night as this exercises will open in Cheney hall. aid them. The demonstrators With Collector Howe; Spe­ Toledo, Ohio, May 29.— One of ure in a cap appeared. One ing it, but the message of the Citta ed throughout the night. It was would mean three open evenings In The principal address will be given barricaded themselves In the streets the second all-night session held by by the Rev. George S. Brookes of the greatest man hunts organized in look and he yelled “ Atta Boy!” dl Milano’s captain strongly Indi­ one week. and the fighting lasted from mid­ cial Meeting Held. The stranger sank into a chair cates that he believes the Italia the Senate within a week in an ef­ The schedule provides for closing Rockville. night until early morning. Many years began here today when the fort to break down‘ the Arizona Parade as a battery of lognettes were made a safe landing at' Amsterdam ' all day. Memorial Day, Wednesday, arrests were made. lifeless body of • seven year old trained upon him. Island, , filibuster. May 30th, and closing Tuesday The parade will form at 2:45 p. Johnson’s \ iews. m. following the exercises in the Dorothy SielaAowskl was found by The Board of Selectmen contln- The second sign of anima­ He advised that a, strong wind evening at the regular hour, 6 p. m. tion from the society audience Senator Hiram W. Johnson (R) hall and it is expected that the start her father Alex on the front porch ued Its effort to collect back taxes' and a murky fog prevented the im­ of California., leader of the Boulder for the Center will be made at came near the ,end when a mediate dispatch.. of a searching of the home of the child’s grand-1 last night when it voted in special chorus of “ boos,” starting on Dam fight, however, announced he three o'clock. War service organi­ party but he stated that ha plannetl parents. The girl had been stolen ' meeting to instruct i Collector the outer fringe, was taken up. would oppose all adjournment NEW FOREST ADDED zations, both C.N.G. companies from to land L'-li; of his crew as soon as moves and fight to keep the Senate from her bed, brutally assjiultcdJ^^^ George Hr-Howe-to notify all prop- ^Altogether, however, Bos­ possible. Manchester, and school children ton’s 'debs, su'b-debs, matrons continuously lB-ee88k>»-tHrtH a^qtc will be in the line. The parade will ttie d rfyer^ f a small d.ark auto, erty owners against whose holding:s These .men. will then proceed wfts takeh oti^the Cotora&o ’ river proceed up Hartford Road.^up Main choked to death, and her body cast and escort's took .the bouts with northward over the Ice on dog-sleds TO STAVE P R O P m liens are. filed that payment must calm interest. They smiled, measure. He predicted its enact­ street to East Center, along East ■ s u upon the porch of her grandfathers in an attempt to reach Amsterdam ment whenever a vote is reached house. . ■ , be made by July 1 or court, action applauding' how and then as Island as soon as possibles Center to Spruce and will counter I will be taken. Town Counsel Wll- fists crushed against ribs and and his predictions were borne to the Soldiers monument at the The little victim was stolon Led By Sealer out by the one-sided majorities 1,0 ,. 1,0,1 oo oKo I , ' Ham H. Hyde conferred with the jaws, smoked a few cigarettes, Center Park where exercises will ’oe G. 0. P. Committeeman From her bed as she slept In her ^td selectmen last night and presented They will be accompanied by ap, recorded in favor of the bill when­ Over 1,000 Acres Bought in held. v/lth three sisters, Stella, 15: cheered just a little and experienced seal hunter who is* ever test votes were taken. his review of the tax situation. “ booed” once. For sports tomorrow the Heights Leona, 5, and Caroline, 2. In an ad­ familiar with the topography of the The filibuster meanwhile brought Georgia Also Received In studying the tax recerds Judge Polar regions. He will guide them Voinntown; Contain Some will meet the Wilson Firemen at joining room slept the gi^rs father Hyde found that there are 65 liens with two , brothers, Ray, 11; and over the shortest possible route to . (Continued on page 2) their own grounds here at two invalid amounting to $1,944.66. He o’clock and the Manchester Com­ $2,200 For Campaign. Stanley, 6. The mother Is a patient recommended that these liens be WATKINS’ FAMILY the place where the Italia is believ­ Historic Places. munity club will meet Kensington in a state institution. immediately released and the titles ed by the supply ship’s captain to at Hickey’s Grove at four o’clock. Had a Key cleared. ThisHlhe Board voted. have landed. The fiend according to police let Judge Hyde found 295 valid liens Fears for the safety of General BACK IN HAR1P0RD Umberto Nobile, commander of the- PLANS TO PREVENT flartford. Conn., May 29.— Newj Washington, May 29— Benjamin himself into the Slefagowskl home against properties totalling $21,- 855.70. He believed that 50 per lost dirigible, and his crew oI London county finally is to have a MODERN MAYFLOWER J. Davis of Atlanta, negro Republi­ by means of a pass sey at the kitchen door. cent of the present property own- seventeen, were somewhat allayed sizeable state forest. Elliott B. can national committeeman from As the little girl was seized In efs will immediately pay the by the message. ANOTHER OIL THEFT Bronson, of Winsted, was able to TO VISIT AMERICA Georgia, received $2,200 from Rush her bed she attempted to escape, amounts due when notified. Many Wife; Brothers, Mother-in- Food For a Month announce today, after months of L. Holland, Hoover's lieutenant in the noise awakening her sister of them have never received a bill j The Italia carried sufilcient food Leona. and are unaware that a lien on their involved title searching, that In; 1,200 British Congregational-' states for "legitimate” ex­ has completed the purchase of 1,- As the Intruder carried his .vic­ property exists. law of Alleged Embezzler I S n S Senator Nye Offers Bill to 131 acres of land in "Voluntown for ists to Start June 2 For P ly -' wenses, he told the Senate presiden- tim from the room five-year-old Pew Mortgaged tbree sleighs, a dozen pairs o? sklia the state commission on forests and mouth Rock. j lial campaign committee today. Leona hurried to her father’s bed Judge Hyde’s list which was pre­ and other equipment for braving sented to the Selectmen last night and Friend, Return, wild life of xvhlch he is field ------' How the money was disbursed Da- screaming: Oh, they’re taking the .Arctic weather con Jitions. Protect Reserves in Fn- agent, and that in addition he hns Dorothy.” included a list of those propertlew It is thought pbsslbia that Nobile London, May 29.— History will i yls cohld not'remember, he said. A against which liens are filed, the taken options on 2,000 acres addi­ repeat itself on June 2nd when the first $1,200 was.paid him In Janu- The father, stepped to hit, daugh­ and some of his crew may have tional in the same town. “ Twentieth Century Mayflower,” amount of the tax due and the Hartford, Conn., May 29.— A started southward over the Ice in lure Years. ary and $200 of this was for ex­ ters’ room and finding Dorothy names of the present owners. In In addition to the 'VoluntO'wn otherwise the liner Celtic,' will sail penses of two trips to Washington. absent hurried, to the lower floor portion of the Roger W. Watkins an attempt to get back to King’s state forest Mr. Bronson announces only one case in 20 did he find Bay. • ’ from England carrying 1,200 Brit­ A second $l,0p0 he got from Hol­ where he-.saw a small auto Speeding mortgages on the properties against family returned to Hartford at also the acquisition of a small for­ ish Congregationalists to the land "before March 3,” but he away. noon today. They were in custody The radio message from the Citta Washington, May 29.— Legisla­ est tract in East Lyme where he ■which liens are filed. In several dl Milano’s captain did not reveal United States. could not remember how long be- Calls Police instances he found that estates ex­ tion to prevent a repetition of the purchased 430 acres, an addition to Her passengers Intend to visit the of Edward J. Hickey, county de­ the time < the sealer received the , ...... ifore. Both payments were in cash, After notifying the police the isted of considerable value and that tective, and iheir interests were be­ naval oil scandals was recommend­ the Housatonic state forest by the homes of tne original Pilgrim he said father started to notify neighbors liens have been filed and appar­ message . thought to be from the Italia. purchase of fifty acres'on Sharon fathers. A dramatic memorial | Davis said he understood the and relativej. In a few minutes his ently forgotten. These taxes are as ing watched over by William E. ed in a report to Congress by Sena­ mountain, and the purchase of 140 serx'ice will be held at Plymouth, money was "on behalf of Hoover’s rounds took h m to the home'of the good as gold, he believes, andi;cao Egan, Hartford lawyer. The entire tor Nye (R) of North Dakota, acres In East Hampton to add to Rock where iho first Pilgrims land- candidacy.” child’s gl-andparents, Mr. and Mrs. be easily collected.. ehainnan of the Teapot Dome com­ ! the Meshomasic state forest. ed in America three centuries ago group went at once to the county HE.4RD NO REPORTS mittee. Kept No Books Felix Dobvzenizkl, wl.o reside If the taxes are not paid follow­ court house where State’s Attorney Still another addition to the The British Congregationalists, ing the warning which was ordered Oslo, Norway, May 29.— Nothing Another report by Senator Walsh state’s forests comes in the form across the street from the girl’s iHugh M. Alcorn asked Judge Ar­ was known here up to noon today hqaded by the Rev. A. M. Sleep, “ Did you; collect any money home. .' - last night, then foreclosure proceed­ (D) of Montana, summarized the of a gift of seventy acres in Bark- throughout the state on Hoover's thur F. Ells to set bonds for the concerning the unconfirmed report have chartered the liner for their ings will be followed. It will cost the prisoners. committee’s work In running down hamstead, given by the Connecti­ journey. The passengers will be of behalf?” asked Senator , Steiwer A s'he went into the yard, the that the Italia may have landed at^’ property owner at least $40 in ad­ The prisoners are Mrs. R. W. the Continental Trading Company's cut Forestry Association to be In­ all ages and will carry many ex­ (R). of Oregon, chairman. father I told'the police, a huge Amsterdam Island, north of Spltz- $3,080,000 Liberty Bond deal. covered auto truck drove away. In dition to the tax bill if this meth­ Watkins and her brothers, May­ cluded in the people’s forest. pressions of good will to the pebple “ Oh yes,” he replied. od is adopted. ’The $40 fee will just bergen. The report w-as sent out of Nye particularly emphasized the Five Big Ponds the dini'light of the breaking day nard and Guy Tressler. With them King’s Bay. of the United States. “ How omch' did you collect?” about cover court and other legal was their mother, an aged woman need for Congressional supervision New London big forest tract was "I didn’t keep any account of re­ the father found a huddled form in costs. ..This is chargeable against of all leases or transfers of naval bought from the Briggs Manufac­ a corner of the porch. It was the who is seriously ill as a result of ceipts or expenditure's,” Davis sam. the property owner. her harrowing experiences in a .NO NEWS IN 1T.1LY oil reserves. He suggested also turing Company, a textile concern MEXICAN REBS Davis was questioned concerning lifeless form of his daugater. The selectmen voted to employ yearly accounting of all campaign liquidated two years ago after op­ Coroner F. G. Krest who examin­ flight from Connecticut to the mid­ Rome, May 29.— The Italian air a “ protest against the use of a dle west and then to the south. ministry had received no news re­ expenditures and receipts in federal erating some 74 years after bein;; ed the body declared that the lit­ (Continued on page 2) . office contests, and a “ tightening slush fund used for “ Hoover” pub­ Bonds of 950,000 garding the unconfirmed report established In 1852 by Ezra and Ira 150*MEN IN BATTLE lished in the,Atlanta Independent, tle victim had been criminally as­ up” of the corrupt practices act to Briggs. Mill buildings and tene­ saulted,- and-that death was due to Mr. Alcorn asked that lionds of that the Italia may have landed at provide better tax collections and .a Republican weekly of which Davis $50,000 be required of each of the Amsterdam Island up to 1 o’clock ments on the property were not is editor. strangulation. POLICE CHARGE YOUTH prevent delay of delinquent taxes. included in the state purchase. On 800 of Them Wage Two-Day As police began the hunt for the men. He was willing that a smaller this afternoon. Air ministry officials “ How did it happen that you sum be required of Mrs. Watkins. Tax Evasions. the land are five fine ponds anil Fight to Seize City— Are murderer, detective headquarters were Inclined to doubt the truth of “ Tax evasions which have been several streams which are to come made that protest?” asked Steiwer, He desired to place her in a posi­ the report. Defeated. “ You had that money from Hol­ communicated with Youngstown, WITH $200,000 THEFT tion to care for her mother and uncovered by the committee show under the jurisdiction of th6 state where a two weeks search for ten that the government must tighten land,, didn’t you?” her young children. board of fisheries and game. Mexico City, May 29.— Liberator year old Beatrice Rosenbaum end­ HELP PROM U. S. up in these matters,” he said. The Voinntown forest contain.? ’’Ildidn’t have a dime from him Say He Forged Checks to That Mr. Egan was confident he could Roosevelt Field, N. Y., May 29.— • rebels, who waged a two-day battle at that time,” Davis Replied. ed Sunday with the finding of her secure bail for Mrs. Watkins at ‘Changes In the criminal court pro­ such interesting spots as the Devil’s body in a wooded ravine. Amount-Employed as a The Roma, largest single-motored cedure are necessary to avoid de­ at Manzanillo, Colma, in an effort “ Clark Greer" least. Bedroom, the Devil’s Kettle and to seize the city, lost 150 men. This The Youngstown girl had been Bank Clerk. alrplae in the world, may take off lays such as hindered the activities the Devil’s Armchair. The first Is Previous to this line of question­ With the party returned also from here today or tomorrow to - Includes prisoners who were execut­ ing, Steiwer asked about a “ Clark enticed from her home, according Victor R. LeVaJley, of Hartford, 5f the Senate committee here.” a cave, the second a deep hole and to police, and taken away in an Search for Gen. Nobile and the Walsh criticized the treasury for the third a rock formation. On the ed bythe Federals. Greer” who he said, came to Geor­ New York, May 29.— A flushed who has been helping in the inves­ automobile which was also describ­ youth of 19 twisted and squirmed missing Italia. its long silence in the matter of col­ land are the famous Misery Swamp, There were numerous casualties gia claiming to be one of Mr. Hoo­ tigation and the search after Wat­ among the residents of the city. ed as “ a small dark sedan.” nervously today as detectives in po­ kins who still is missing. , Captain Caesate Sabelli, Italian lection of taxes due the government and Great Cedar Swamp both ver’s caippaign /managers. flier. Captain Peter Bonelli and !rom Continental deal and point- draining into Misery brook *and Rebels occupied part of Manzanillo “ Did you ever hear of Greer lice headquarters sought to learn from him what had become of $51,- LINDY ON THE JOB Roger Williams had planned to 5d out that expenses of the commit­ Patchaug river. Across the prop­ on Friday anpl Saturday. General spending money on Hoover’s be­ start a New York to Rome flight tee, which has turned up informa­ Rafael Sanchez, director of military half?” 000— and perhaps $200,000— whiqh erty runs Great Path, once an In­ ho is alleged to lu^ve obtained by In the plan4{ before June 10. tion resulting in the recovery of dian trail, and on the trail , is the operations in the State of Colima, 4 ;“ No sir, Greer told me, though, Curtiss PieW,' N. Y., May 29.-^ forgery from the state bank where Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh took We will not start before, tonight,” iiore than $2,000,000 have been Swearing Stone, of ancient repute. rushed reinforcements to Manzanil­ that.he expected to spend some said Williams, ‘^and we may not ;ut $14,165. lo. Meanwhile tjie federal gunboat money as Mr. Hoover’s manager.” he was employed as a clerk. off at daylight this morning in his Voluntown took its name from RESULTS! The prisoner Is John Donahue. start before Wednesday. But un-. He concluded with a denuncla- the fact that one hundred volun­ Progreso in the harbor kept the Later Davis’ testimony showed, Ryan monoplane for Columbus, He was arrested eax'ly today with Ohio, on the first leg of a survey­ less the Nobile party is found by ■•ion of those connected with the ac- teers who went to fight the Narra- rebel positions un^fr fire. he refused to work •with Greer. Wednesday at the latest ■we will avlties of the Continental Co., There were about 800 rebels in Frank H, Ancierson adver- Michael Neer,, 31, also a clerk. ing trip tor the transcontinental gansett Indians in Colonial days “ Did Greer continue as Hoover’s Neer is charged w ith. aiding and Airways. The . survey will terminate go.” :haracterizing it as a “ contemptible were given a tract of six square the attacking force. manager; or 'was it taken out of’ his tised in ‘ the clasaified col­ >rivate steal.” abetting a series of check forger­ in Los Angeles.’ Williams said they probably miles to settle, and the trace be­ hands?" asked- Steiwer., umns, fo r a boy to work out- ies. would fly directly to Spokane, “ It seems to me to have been the came known as Volnnfeers Town, SETTLED OUT OF CXIURT • “ It never seemed to get In/hls' Wash., from there they plan to go 11-gotten gains of a contemptible which was corrupted to Volun­ Bridgeport, Conn.,. May 29— A of-dioors during the summer. The specific charge against Don­ LINDY IN DAYTON. hands,’’ was ttfe-reply. ahue is that he forged the name, of Dayton, Ohio, May 29w_Ool. to Point Barrow, where a base of )rlvate'steal, the speculations of town. The volunteers assembled on $3,000 suit brought by George.S. Davis had little knowledge of the This .was last Saturday and operations for an exteirded search rusted officers of great industrial Morris Boyer to a check for $2l,(l00 Charles Lindbergh landed at the Great Path and were sworn into Jennings, of Fairfield against the “ bIu^ fund’’ he said.’ ahd when his he was literally flooded with which was cashed at the State bank, of the Polar regions will be eetab« louses, pilfering from their own the colony’s service at what became Postal Telegraph Cable Company Fairfield alrliort (the old Wilbur protest was published it was based applications. one of the largest institutions on Wright field) herd at 11:35 a. m. lished. iompsnies. robbing their own stock- known as the Swearing Stone. for alleged destruction of one hun­ on repprts thgt "the Hoover ^people lolders,” he said. (‘The share of Needless to say he got the the east side. Additional charges E. S. T. and hopped oft three Captain Sabelli In^leated that: dred shade trees on the Jennings were uhdut * to IhYade"" the ‘ state” involving $ 3 i,0 0 0 In forged checks once the search lor his M lo v eoun<4 he boodle coming to one of the right boy.' minutes later. He did not get out TREASURY BALANCE. property along Long Lots Road, with mohfey. are pending against the young clerk of his plgne, but spent his time' trymen wma undertaken, teehooters. serving In • part ar the Fairfield, iVas settled out of court He said ttts idea was to protest irlci^ of perfidy* of a member of the ^Try ‘ classified for any and detectives dedfere the total will talking with officials of the airport. not he abandoned until Washington, May 29.— Treasury today. The damage was charged to' .the Qf a "slush fund” to rdund reach $200,000 bptpre their Investi- party had been rescued, fresident’B .cabinet.’' ’ balance May 26: 182,292,586.42. ..1 t need. Gall 664. Dayton'is 70 miles west of Col­ men stringing wires along the road. l8 jtempleted. umbus.' . fale detwmlned be^cml d p a^ * v 1 77 * . P-.. • . ‘M:>4* - ‘ K ' .'./i -If.-*' ' i. I. . • MANCHESTER (CONN.)'EVENING HERALD, TUESDAY,'MAY 29,1928/ ■ -J-.X ■'■ ’ I ■ — I — II ...... ■ iMilVil I r n I . ill.. I , i - ' I SHORTHAND GREETING EDWIN JOHNSON HEADS ROD AND GUN aUB - RADIOED TO ENGLAND AUTO TAX REPEAL M o l m g e t s l if e Cable Flashes New York, May 29.— For the BEETHOVEN GLEE CLUB MEANS CHEAPER CARS ' FOR MURDERING SONS . . iHEEIBjlN fItibAY first time a greeting In short­ Furnished by Putnam & Co. hand has been radioed across In the ocean. Annual Meeting Held in Swed­ President Coolidge Today Judge Says World War Veter- rs Bank Stocks The greeting, from Alexander FUNERALS Important Moot I Bid Asked S. Massell, president of the ish - Lutheran Church Last ' Signs the Tfix Reduction dfl W as Not in His Right Foreign News to Hdd TWg Shoots at ..Bankers Trust Co .. .320 — Commercial Education Associa­ Night. BiU. Vincent PascalU Mittd. bow Tomoitow. ^ ^ xxCapltol Nat B&T . .295 — tion, was sent last night to a Vincent Paacalli, one of the three do rights ...... 70 — banquet being held by the Na­ The Beethoven Glee club’s an­ Washington, May 29.— President men who were killed in the acci­ Valparaiso, Ind., May 29.— The quarterly meeting ,pf the City Bank & T r t ----- 990 — tional Gregg Association at the nual meeting was held In the ves­ Coolidge,today signed the |222,- dent here Saturday w aa-burled George Allen Chisholm, Canadian Manchester,^ Eng., May 29.— C. Manchester Rod and Gun Club will E. Montague, "the famous British Conn R iv e r ...... 400 — Exchange hotel, in Liverpool, try of the Swedish Lutheran churclli 495,000 tax redaction bill. this morning in St. James’s Ceme­ veteran uf the World War, was to be held on Friday evening in the Frst Bd & M rt...... — i 60 when reports were read and officers Corporatlona galhed. the chief tery. Paacalli had ,no relatives as be taken to Michigan City today to essayist. Is dead. ~ England. ______Recreation building, one of the - First Nat (Htfd) ...290 810 It was photographed and the were elected for the coming season. benefit tinder the bill, with the cor­ far as could be learned and the begin a llfd sentence for the murder rooms In that building having^been Hlfd-Conn Trust Co .790 810 Officers were elected as follows: poration rate cut to 1 per cent. contractor, for whom he was going of his two little sons. Athens, May 29.— Former Pre­ negative placed in the photo­ mier Eleutherios Venizelos, who assigned to them Yor this purpose. Htfd-Nat Bank Tr ..595 610 radio transmitter at the offices President— Edwin Johnson. A reduction ol ibout $60,000,000 to work became interested in his In over-ruling the state's demand The meeting is of more than ordin­ Land Mtg & Title . . . — 60 Vice-President— Evan Nyqtilst. was effected through repeal of the case. Others also tried to locate for the electric chair. Judge Grant failed to get a post in the Now of the Radio Corporation of automobile 'tax. relatives, but it was not possible. Greek Cabinet, may leave the coun­ ary^ importance as U^e membership Morris Plan Bank ..160 •— America. It was 3 1-4 by 5 Shcretary— Carl Gustafson. Cumpacker, who sentenced Chis­ committee will report On the ’appli­ He was-buried with the rites of his holm following his plea of guilty, try until the next general election Park St Bank ...... 775 — inches and a short time l^ter Financial Secretary •— Fillmore cation of five new members., There Phoenix St B&T ... .465 — Gustafson. church and this morniUg at 9 said: in the autumn. Mr, Zaimis heads Riverside Trust ....6 0 0 — the facsimile was delivered to o’clock a cortege consisting of twen­ "This man could not have been the new government. will also be Other matters of im­ the banquet in England. Treasurer— Sherwood Anderson. roiLun) portance that will come before the. Bonus Librairians— Carl Matson and ty cars accompanied the body tb normal. No man in his right mind Htfd & Conn West 6. 95 — -!$> the-church where Rev. William P. could have killed his own sons.” Shanghai, May 29.— The Nation­ meeting, one being a change in by­ Arthur Hoaglund. alists are moving troops reinforce­ laws which will be of Importance East Conn PoW 5 ...1 0 1 % 103 Inspirat . . . 24% 24% 24% Auditors— Clarence Anderson and Reldy, the pastor celebrated a Chisholm’s confession, where he Conn L P 7s ...... 119 121 Int Harv . , .268 267% 267% The 4-H Club of Grant’s Hill mass of requiem. admitted liaving induced his boys ment northward, Indicating that the to all. Ivan Scott. "Peking drive” will soon be renew­ Conn L P 5%s ------108% 110% Int Nick . . 92% 91 91% District and the seventh and nlneth Following the mass Father Reid? to jump Into the Indiana harbor Shoot Tomorrow Business Manager— Evald Mat- left the church and went to St. ed. Tomorrow being 's holiday there |- Conn L P 4%s ------102% 104 Int Paper , . 75% 75% 75% son. districts will hold an achievement ship canal after tying Iron weights Brid Hyd 5s ...... 104% 105% Kenncott . . 93% 92% 93 night on Thursday night, May 31st James’s cemetery, where prayers to their bodies, was read In court. has been a desire on the part of Insurance Stocks Assistant Manager— Ernest Ben­ were said. His grave, which sits Belgrade. May 29.— Jugo-Slavla nearly all of the membe^: for a Mack Truck . 90% 90 90% son. at 8 p. m., daylight saving time at The defense argued Chisholm's Aetna Insurance ....8 5 8 900 Marl Oil . , . 39 38% 39 Hicks Memorial school. Admission well upon the knoll of the new sec­ has sent a note to Rome protesting shoot. This noon it was arranged Chairman Membership Gommit- tion of the cemetery, was covered mind was disordered as a result of against continued antl-Jugo-Slav Aetna Casualty ....1 2 4 0 1260 Mo Pac com . .62% 60% JB2% \ 10 cents. shell shock during the war, to have two shoots so asto Aetna L i f e ...... 960 980 N Y Central .179% 178% 179% tee— Hlldlng Bolin. with flowers. demonstrations In this city and at Interfere with the activities of dif­ Director— Helge Pearson. The proceeds are to be used to Zara. Between 50 and 60 arrests Autom obile...... 435 450 New Haven . 61 60% 60% send a boy to Junior short course ferent groups. One will be held In Conn G eneral...... *1900 1950 No Am Co . 73 72% 73 Carl Gustafson was the only Daniel Doyle were made here, many of the pris­ at Storrs College. There will be oners being students. the morning at 9:30 and the second Hart Fire ...... 895 910 Nor Pac . . 98% 98% 98% member who was re-elected. music, short plays and a poultry ■ The funeral of Daniel Doyle who COLUMBU will be held after the parade, which Htfd Steam Boll ...830 850 Penn R R . 65% 65 65 After the business session the culling demonstration. This is a died Sunday night will he held to­ the members feel will shew . the Lincoln Nat Life ...130 — Post Cer . .132% 132 132 social committee headed by Sher­ worthy object and a large attend­ morrow morning at 8:30 at his late second shoot to start at 3:30. The home at Oakland street and Tol­ Miss Brooks, who has been National...... 1240 1270 Pull new . . 87% 86% 87% wood Anderson presented a regular ance is desired. n E. J. HOLL IMPROVING members will use their own range land Turnpike. Services in St. spending the winter at Overlook Phoenix , ...... 860 875 Radio Cor . 202% 197 200 Swedish “ Smorgasbord” supper fol­ Memorial services were held at at the'Rainbow, Bolton. Travellers...... 1940 1960 Sears Roe .104% 103% 104 lowed by strawberry short cake and Bridget’s church will follow at 9 left for New York Saturday morn­ the Federated church Sunday o’clock. Mr. Doyle will be burled in ing. MAIN ST. PROPERTY Public Utility Stocks Sou Pac . .124 123% 123% by the appearance of the platters morning. Rev. William C. Darby Conn El Svc pfd . . .104 107 Sou Rail . .158% St. Bridget’s cemetery. Westcott Rice of the Center 158 158 after the supper the treat was en­ the piastor had an able patriotic ser­ xConn L P 8% ...... 119 122 S 0 of N J . 45 44% 44% school, who won the* town contest joyed by all. mon and patriotic music was rend , Edward J. Holl who last week xConn L P 7% ___ il7 120 Studebaker . 76% 75% 76% Ez-Presldent Herbert Johnson Robert Prescott Llnnell for speaking, went to Wllllmantic BOARD DISCUSSES xConn L P 6% pfd . .112 115 United Fruit .139 137% 137% ered by the choir. Representatives The funeral of Robert Prescott Friday afternoon to compete with became the owner of the late Dr. then Introduced Ernest Kjellson of several organizations of patriot­ F. B. Adams property on Main xConn L P 5% % pfd 103 105 U S Rubber . 41% 41% 41% who acted as toastmaster for the Llnnell, two-year-old son of Mr. other towns in this section. First xxConn Pow Co ....1 4 8 153 U S Steel . . .144 142% 142% ism from Rockville were present and Mrs. Philip W. Llnnell of 241 place went to the Andover repre­ street, immediately set a force of TAX SITUATION evening. Several novelty numbers and a service was held on the Green men at work improvinc the exten­ do fractions ...... 1.30 1.40 Westing . .. 102% 100% 100% followed including songs by a male West Center street, was held at sentative. Celia Zenowitz of the Green W&G 6s ____ 102 104 Wlllys Over . 26% 25% 25% for the unknown soldier. Light Watkins Brothers, 11 Oak street, Chestnut Hill school represented sive grounds as well as the interior quartet consisting of Arthur Hoag­ refreshments were served the visit­ of the residence. Not only was the (Continued from P a g e^ ) xxHart El Lt ...... 144 148 lund, Sherwood Anderson, Albert this afternoon. Rev. Watson Wood­ Columbia in the spelling contest. XX do vtc ...... 144 148 ing ordes. ruff, pastor of the Center Congre­ A social of the Tri-County Union mansion one of the show places at and Helge Pearson. Miss Helen Hart Gas com ...... 125 135 Miss Helen Sparrow of North gational church, officiated. There of Christian Endeavorers was held the north end, but the spacious James Duffy as special collector of do p f d ...... 95 100 Bergren and Miss Eleanor Willard Woodstock and three college were many floral pieces. Burial with the local society Friday even­ lawns and tennis court were among personal taxes. Mr. Duffy will re­ xxS N E T C o ...... 184 188 FILIBUSTER ON sang duets accompanied by Miss friends of Miss Helen Sparrow of was In the East cemetery. ing. A short program was present­ the finest in town and bordered ceive the usual legal fee for such do rights ...... 21 22 Evil Johnson. Albert Pearson gave Brown University of Providence ed consisting pf songs and read­ for a considerable distance on collections and a complete list of Manufacturing Stocks a operatic impersonation of “ The were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. ings, and games were played. Ice Woodland street. ' personal tax debtors will be turn­ Am Hard ...... 73 76 CANYON BILL IS Bandalero” which was well receiv­ Fred Nutland and attended services NEW BUS SERVICE cream and cookies were served by Through time the corner lot v/as ed over to him within a few days. American Hos ...... 22 — ed. at the Federated church. the local aociety. sold to Edwin A. Lydall and his In gleaning his information about the tax situation Judge Hyde.found Amerl Silver ...... 26 — The speaker and honored guest Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sparrow of Rev. and Mrs. Duane Wain leave brother Walter Lydall. The broth­ Ar Elec p fd ...... 105% 107 of the evening. Principal Clarence TO START SUNDAY many interesting conditions. He North Woodstock were callers in Wednesday for a week in Boston ers built and occupied the two-flat found that one ^property had 24 Automatic Ref rig ... 12 20 STILL ON TODAY Quimby gave . a very inspiring ad­ town Thursday. attending a missionary conference. house which at present stands there. Acme W ir e ...... — 18 dress on the significance of keeping liens filed against it for a Miss Anna Cogswell of Rockville Mrs. Florence Badge is to care for Later it became the property of the total of $48. Another prop­ Billings Spen com . . — 7 tContinued from Page l.J up ‘the work of the Glee Club. Mr. was a guest of Miss Bertha Place Duane Jr., during their absence. late Dr. Harry R. Sharpe who re­ do p f d ...... — 12 Quimby said in part, “ It is appar­ Hartford, Manchester, Rock­ erty hai had liens filed for Thursday. i The pulpit will be occupied next modeled it, the work being done by 14 years for a total of $700. Sever­ Blgelow-Htfd com . . 90 94 ent to the Beethoven Glee Mr. and Mrs. L. Ernest Hall were ville, Stafford Line to Be In­ Sunday, June 3, by Rev. Maurice Architect Raymond Ellis of Hart­ do pfd .•...... 105 110 the legislative wheels of Congress al instances of apparently well to to a halt. It began at 2:45 yester­ Club has made a great progress in guests of relatives in Manchester augurated This Week-End. Kidwell of Ohio, and it is hoped a ford. do families falling to pay their Bristol Brass...... 20 22 the three years of its existence. It large congregation will turn out to The lot adjoining on the south Case Lock & Brain . .375 — day afternoon when Senator Carl and Hartford one day last week. taxes were found and liens have Hayden (D) of Arizona, took the is only through the cooperation and Miss Minnie Hicks and Miss The New England Transportation meet him. was sold to E. E. Segar by Clarence been filed for a long period of Collins C o ...... l.-'O — sacrifices made by the members and Company’s new bus service'between Mr. and Mrs. William Little and Colt Fire ...... 32 33 floor. He was relieved for dinner Elizabeth Hicks of New York City E. Ely, a former occupant of the years. These back taxes together by Senator Heflin (D) of Alabama, their director that this has been and Tolland are at their summer Hartford and Stafford by way of three children of Framingham, Adams place and Mr. Segar built with the inteVest chargeable and le­ Eagle L o c k ...... — 76 Manchester ^nd Rockville will be Mass., spent Sunday with Mrs. Fafnlr Bearing ...... 130 — resuming the floor a little later and made possible. It la difficult for a home here. his present home there. There Is gal fees will make quite a sizeable holding it again for hours. Senator person to submerge part of his in­ Miss Helen Chapin of Oradell, inaugurated on Sunday, June 3, ac­ Henry Hutchins and Mrs. Emily still a considerable acreage on the bill to pay. f Fuller Brsh Class A , 22 — cording to an announcement made Little. 'Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stan­ do Class A A ...... 38 — Blease (D) of South Carolina, fol­ dividuality into an organization in New Jersey, Is spending some time west and south with a number of Few Replies lowed him. order that it might succeed. It at the home of her aunt Mrs. today. The route will be from the ley and‘ daughter Jean were also fine shade trees and shrubbery. Mr. Howe has sent out 110 no- Hart & Cooley ...... 240 — Hartford railroad station to Pack­ Internat Silver ...... 155 160 Speaks .^lll Night. means that the person must make Charles C. Talcott and Mr. Talcott. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hutchins. Adjacent property owners as well as hces to delinquents and but 15 have Senator Henry F. Ashurst, Ari­ sacrifices of time and pleasure for ard’s Pharmacy, to the Talcottvlllo Columbia friends will be inter­ made any kind of reply to his de­ do p f d ...... '. . . .127 130 Mrs. Harry Bartlett and daugh­ post oQlce, to the Rockville Green, the townspeople generally feel Jewell Belt p f d ...... 110 — zona’s greatest orator and leader the benefit of the organisation. A ters Margaret motored to New York ested to hear of the birth of a gratified that the place is now In mand. Only a few have paid any of the filibuster, went into action man might be a silver tongued to Rau’s Pavilion, Crystal Lake and daughter, Barbara Elizabeth, born and a few more have made promises Land Frar & Clrk . . . 73 76 City Friday to spend the week-end. then Into Stafford. the hands of Mr. Holl. Mann & Bow A . . . . 19 21 at 10:15 last night. He held the orator, but he would never be able Miss Katherine Bartlett who has Sunday to'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Web­ to pay within a certain definite Stafford bound busses will arrive ster of Webster, Mass. Mrs. Web­ time. One more letter of notifica­ do Class B ...... 11 13 floor continuouly throughout the to so control^the moods and feel­ been teaching In an art school the In Manchester at 7:55 a. m., 10:25 N B Mach p f d ...... 101 — night. After speaking four hours, ings of his audience as < oes the past year will return with them. ster was formerly Miss Hattie tion will be sent, then a j)ersoDaI a. m., 12:40 p. m., 2:40 p. m., 4:40 Brown of Columbia. The baby do c o m ...... 26 28 he tried to get a recess until this singer who, one moment, stirs the Charles C. Talcott left Friday ABOUT TOWN call will be made following ^ legal p. m. and 8:40 p. m. (Eastern weighed 9 1-2 pounds. service. ^ New Hav Clck com . . 33 36 morning, but the Senate voted 38 to blood of the audience with an in­ evening for Canada where he will standard time.) do p f d ...... 25 — 6 against adjournment. The vote spiring song and the next is able to Miss Laura Edwards of New Lon­ Following the discussion of the spend several days at Megantic Hartford bound busses will arrive don spent the week-end with Miss George E. Rix, secretary of the tax question the Board transacted Niles, Bement, Pond . 65 70 showed the lack of quorum, so the soothe and in every way control Club. Manchester Chamber of Commerce do pfd ...... 100 — in Manchester at 6:60 a. m., 9:05 Elizabeth Bertsch. The girls botli several routine matters. A proposed Senate’s sergeant-at-arms was sent their emotions. Organisations such Mrs. Howard Ayers Is a guest of a. m., 11:25 a. m., 12:50 p. m., will spend Memorial Day in Brook­ North & Judd ...... 33 • 36 out with orders to “ arrest” all attend the Willimantic Normal layout of building lots in Prospect / as the Beethoven Glee Club and the relatives in Rhode Island. 3:35 p. m., and 6:55 p. m. (East­ school. lyn, Conn. Hill Terrace, the former Tony Pas­ J. R. Mont p f ...... — 75 missing Senators. A score of those Men’s Choral Club have done much Morris and Gardner Reed of do com ...... — 50 ern standard time.) Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Latham tor estate, now owned by Thomas l' ^ who had voted against adjourning to bring to Manchester the highest Sprlngfleldr Mass., were week-end During the reconstrUctloh of the' Miss Ethel Robb of Center street, D. FaQlkner, was presented by En­ ^Pratt & Whit p f ...... 90 95 yesterday, were aulong the ab­ of Providence, R. I., spent Sunday form of culture, that of good guests of their aunt Miss Margaret state highway to Stafford all busses with Miss Mildred Latham. Mr. and teacher at the Lincoln school. Is gineer George Johnson for Approv­ Peck, Stow & Wll . . . 18 20 sentees, home In bed. music.” Morris. Russell Mfg Co ....1 3 0 140 will terminate at Crystal Lake. Mfs. Olaytdn Lyinan were also spending a week at Mrs. Behnfleld’s al. The Board did not accept the For four hours, the Senate’s of­ Helge Pearson, director of the A' demdnstration of th e , Hot cottage at Watch Hill, R. I. layout because of the fact that the Seth T^om Cl com . . 30 — ficers searched the city, arousing guests of Miss Latham. do pfd ...... 26 ■— club was then called on to speak. Point Stove will' be given at the Mrs. Florence Badge and .three one proposed highway in the plot Senators. Ashurst, Johnson and a His words were In part: “ The club Federated church vestry Thursday JUNIOR CHOIR PROGRAM daughters spent Sunday on the A man, who had been causing was a dead end street. Smyth Mfg Co ...... 395 — few others sat quietly in the cham­ Stand Screw ...... 115 120 has held 49 rehearsals and 18 pub­ afternoon by the Rockvllle-Wllll- farm on Chestnut Hill. trouble on Autumn street was re­ A letter was received from Di­ Stan Wrks com . . . . 60 6 3 ber, waiting for the arrival of suf­ lic appearances during the past sea­ mantlo Lighting Co. It is hoped a Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Holmes, Mr. ported to the police at 1 o’clock this rector Alexander Warren of the Taylor & Fenn ...... 130 — ficient Senators to resume action. son. It has been through the splen­ large number of ladies will be PLEASES LARGE CROWD and Mrs. Everett Holmes and son afternoon and Officer Wirtalla was State Trade school asking for im­ T orrington...... 107 110 At 6:35 this morning after Senator did cooperation of the members and present. Bobby, and Francis Hunt, all of detailed to go out and look things provements in the building. The Under El Fish ...... 71% 72% Gillett (R) of Mass., Robinson (D) the untiring efforts of the Officers Miss Mata Hansen spent the New London, visited Columbia over. The man was too drunk to matter was referred to the Select­ Union Mfg Co ...... — 20 of Ark., McKellar (D) of Tenn., of the club that any progress has week-end In Bristol the guest of Junior choir “members with the friends Sunday. be able to give his name, address or men, who are members of the Joint U S Envelop pf ....1 2 2 127 and Borah (R) of Idaho, arrived, been possible. I hope that this spirit Mr. and Mrs. Nielson. assistance of one or two more ex­ Mrs. Julia Little of Hartford has occupation and was brought in, School Board. Fred Lewis’s appli­ do com ...... 275 285 the filibuster was resumed. may be even more apparent in our Young people of the Grange and perienced entertainers, pleased a opened her Columbia home for the locked up, charged with intoxica­ cation for approval of the location Whit Coll Pipe ...... 19 21 Bornh Asleep. next season’s work.” friends from outside the Grange good sized audience at the North summer. tion and will be given a heariag in of a new pump at his gas station on x-Ex-dlvId. xx-Ex-rlghts. It was said later that Borah had gave a surprise party at the home Twenty Columbia people motor­ Lewis street was received and O. During the evening Miss Eva Methodist church last evening. Miss the police court in the morning. K.’d. been sleeping in a committee room Johnson who has served as accom­ of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crandall Bernice Lydall acted as accom­ ed to Westchester Sunday evening • V where he was overlooked by Senate last Thursday evening in honor of to attend the Tri-County Union of To Move Old Hose House panist for the club since its begin­ panist for her sistei), Miss Irene Sixty Odd Fellows will leave the W. W. Rohertaob and Wells A. attaches, who helped to seek the ning was presented with a gold Miss Meta Hansen. Young people Lydall who sang several solos, and C. E. The moving picture based on Center tonight for Hartford where missing Senators. The others came were present from South Willing- Bruce Barton’s hook, “ The man no­ Strickland were named a committee N .Y , Stocks wrist watch as a token of appre­ played for the numbers in the the degree team of King David to remove the old hose house near into the chamber, heavyeyed with ciation for her work during the past ton, Rockville and Tolland. The “ Rainbow Fete” by. the choir of body knows” was shown. lodge will work the third degree on sleep. Apel’s Crossing in the north end year. Miss HSlen Berggren and Miss evening was spent in games and a young girls. The sun made a* very welcome a class of candidates at the Odd At 8 o’clock the Senate had been from town property. The Selectmen Eleanor Willard were also present­ musical program. Refreshments Miss Florence Tyler as Columbia appearance Monday after several Fellows Temple on Main street. High Low 1 p. m. in session for ■^21 hours while consider the house a nuisance be­ ed with gifts by the club. The eve­ were, lerved. tries to choose a flower ^rom among days of gloom. Everyone Is hoping Hartford. cause of its proximity to the Oak­ Alied Cheui . .161 160 160% Ashurst had been on his feet for MlM Eleanor Luce who Is train­ for at least a few days of sunshine. Alis Chal . . .122% ning was brought to a close with the roses, violets and ofher flowers land street railroad crossing. It ia 122% 122% nearly 10.x He wore a green eye- ing at the Hartford hospital has Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Clark of Shel- Norman Lyttle of 11 Trotter not now usefl. Am Bosch . . . 36% 35% 36 the singing of Auld Lang Syne. represented by the girls, but finds shade and walked around the Sen­ been accepted and Is now entitled bourne Falls, Mass., visited friends street, Mrs. Hattie Schwarz ot 95 The board voted to hold Its reg­ Am Can . . . . 88 V4 88 88% it exceedingly difficult to single out ate chamber, while he “ explained” to wearing a nurses cap. in Columbia Sunday. Charter Oak street and Mrs. Hattie ular June’ meeting on Monday'eve­ Am Loco . . .105% 105% 105% and “ explained” Arizona’s opposi­ one from the others as the most Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lyman Oris Ayers and son William of beautiful in color and fragrance. McGulness of 181 Glenwood street ning, June 11. The proposed layout Am Smelt . .191% 190% 190% tion to the bill. MAN IS ELECTROCUTED West Boylston, Miss Ruth of Plalrivllle were week-end guests were reported admitted to the Me­ Am St Fdy . . 60% She gives up trying to decide. They of the new lines on Keeney street 60% 60% Administration leaders hoped to Ayers of Hanford were Sunday at the home of James Utley. morial hospital today.' wilLbe taken up at that meeting. Am Sugar . . 72% 71% 72% arrange a compromise in the Boul­ are all a part of the plan of nature, Rev. Duane Wain preached a guests of their parents Mr. and just as the beauty of the rainbow Am T & T . .201% 200% 201 der Dam battle, by which the bill ON TOP OF LOCOMOTIVE Mrs. Ayers of Merrow road. Memorial Day sermon Sunday Am Woolen lies in the infinite variety of its . . 22 21% 21% would be made the Senate’s “ un- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson, morning with a response by Philip Anaconda . . . 70% 70 70% finl.shed business” for next Decem­ shades of color. At this point a rain­ Isham, representing the World war Atchison . . . 190% 190% 190% Mrs. Alice Charter and little niece bow composed of vari-hued strips of ber’s session while ending the pres­ Head Touches Wire Carrying of Hartford were guests of relatives veterans. Mr. Wain also spoke in Bald Loco . . .245 245 245 ent session late this afternoon. crepe paper arranged at the rear of commemoration of the church Bal & Ohio here Sunday last. . .113% 113% 113% Such an agreement would termin­ 11,000 Volts-—Body is Hurl­ the platform Is unveiled. ' members who have died during his Beth St . . . . 60% 60% Mrs. Laura Hodges of Springfield 60% ate the heart-breaking, wearing ed to the Ground. During the evening home-made pastorate, Mrs. Edith Isham sang Can Pac . . .213% 212 213% and Mrs. Charles Gammon of candy was sold, the proceeds of the filibuster and virtually insure en­ Palmer, Mass., are guests of Mr. a solo. C M & St Pa 111 34% 34% 34% Stamford, Conn., May 29.— ^Flung affair being for the piano-fund. Memorial Day exercises will be do pfd . . 45% 45% 45% actment of the Boulder Dam bill and Mrs. John H. Steele. next winter. from the top of an electric locomo­ held Wednesday at 1 o’clock day­ Chi & N W . 87% 87% 87% tive in the local yards of the New Mr. and Mrs, Charles Newton of CLAD ONLY IN STEP-INS ' light saving time under the aus­ Chi Roc Isl .116% 116 116% York, New Haven & Hartford rail­ Stafford Springs were callers In GIRL FORGETS HER NAME pices of the Hebron Post of tr. PERSISTENCY town Saturday. Cons Gas . . . 154 152% 153% road today when 11,000 volts en­ American Legion, to which post the Corn Prod . 77% 76 77% Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCray'of Today & Tomorrov?: Householder (in flooded area): tered the top of his head and came Mineola, N. Y., May 29 — Police Columbia veterans belong. The Del fe Hud .204 203% 203% Springfield, Mass., were in town school children will march and dec­ Dodge Bros Well, what is it? out through his stomach, Matthew today, were endeavoring to learn . 19% 18 19% Sunday and visited the North h'ow Marian Mitchell, pretty bobbed orate the graves of soldiers. A Great Double Feature Erie*...... 55% 55% 55% Collector (in row-boat): Oh, I’ve Ryan, a repairman emplpyed by the cemtery. Gen Elec . .155% 154% 15.'. called about your Are insurance railroad, was still alive when he haired amnesia victim, happened to Mrs. FYank T. Newcomb, Miss be lying in the doorway of a store FIRE IN ISLAND PARK RINTY’S GREATEST Gen Motors .188% 185% 188 premium, now somewhat overdue, was taken into Stamford hospital Phyliss Newcomb of Hartford and Gill Raz . . .104 103% 103% — Humorist. immediately after the accident, and In Freeport early In'the morning,, Mr. and rMs. Donald Grant and son clad only in pink step-ins, silk hose' Portsmouth, R. I., May 29.— Is­ WESTERN THRILLER finally died from the effects of a Of Wapplng, Conn., were recent and a coat. land Park, an amusement resort, fractured akuil. guests In town. Miss Mitchell remembered her was swept by fire early today for FAST, FURIOUS, FUNNY Ryan was engaged in a repair Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. name and address after hours of the second time this' year. Flames job when the accident occurred. and Mrs. Herbert Chase Mrs. Nellie questioniiiig when a detective per­ destroyed the rebuilt roller coaster, Long familiar with the hazards Fitch, Mrs. Gertrude Gaffney and bath houses, six cottages and dance his work, Ryan Is supposed to have daughter Shirley of Hartford, Mr. suaded her to take shorthand dicta­ 1 tion and to typewrite names. She hall. miscalculated the distance to the and Mrs. George Newman and Firemen from this town. Fall RIN- TIN -TIN in T a x e s o ff! deadly wires above him. A sudden daughter Althea of Rockville, Mrs. could not remember leaving her River, Newport, the Newport Naval' flash told the tale to fellow work­ Harry Morganson and son Frank home In New York City and going Training Statibn, MiddletoWn and ers, and instantly Ryan’s body was of Tolland were guests of Mr. and to Freeport, however. the estates of W. H. Vanderbilt and ‘^RINH OF THE DESERT” hurtled to the ground. Mrs. Frank A. Newman Sunday “ I’m glad I remembered my the^ late Moses Taylor battled the ■ t'-r- Ryan was 55 years old and lived last. name” , she said “ but I do wish I flames, which did $25,000 damage. YOU’LL ROOT FOR KINTY AS NEVER BEFORE. Prices Low er! at 201 St. Ann’s avenue, the Bronx. could remember how I cot where p; Several of the young people at Nerw York. they found me and . where my Skungamug motored to State Line WE DON’T EITHER Saturday evening and hung a May clothes went and what happened.” . ADDED FEATURE JOBS FOR THE LADIES basket to John Skalnlck. North; Yes— certainly I under­ BEBE DANIELS in You can now buy any^Etsldne, Raymond Smith has accepted a O. A. R. VETERAN) DIBS. stand women. r ^ Women excel at all Jobs except positlonon the State Highway to Willimantlc, Conn., May 29,f^ West: What do they mean when “ THE 50-50 GIRL” Dictator, Commander or Prwident their own, says a Philadelphia lec­ position on the new state highway to turer. In these days it would take a Membership in the G. A. R., was they hold out their hand In the car She comes up smiling loaded with' Walter Bughee and Miss Mary Bug- today reduced to five When ’ death laughs for the world. She tried to wear Philadelphia lawyer to defne what bee of Springfield, Mass., were ahead?— Lite. at a price lower^ by the dimina- "their own” Is. , . . The woman took John Lennon, 72, who at the the trousers while digging for gold. The Sunday guests of friends in Skung­ age of sixteen enlisted in the First plan didn’t pan ont but she found a foi*- sheriff of Kiowa county, Kas„ has amug. non of the war excise tax. bought a machine gun and Is prac­ Connecticut Heavy Artillery and THE BIO WORRY tuue in fun. A flfty-fltty scheme Just tising with It daily. . . . Another The engagement of Harvey Bar­ saw some severe fighting.' would not work for this one hundred per bit culled from the news tells of nett Olougk to Miss Grace Lewis Mr. Lennon was a native of Ire­ “ My wife has run away with a cent, comedy prospector. - Prices p 9 5 to J12485 facttfy the Wisconsin University co-eds Mangam of Flushing, L. I., was ant land. He leaves two daughters man In my oar.” •• forming a riffle club. . . . Yet nouneed in Flushing on Monday. and five sons. Funeral services “ Not your new car?”— Tit-Bits. again, the Business and Profession­ Miss Maugam and Mr, Clough are will be held Thursday. al Woman’s Chib of Arkansas City both instructors in the Flushlngf . Mr. Lennon was the fourth G. A. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY High school. They expect to be is taking up target practice. I . . R. veteran here to die in the past ANOTHER DOUBLE FEATui^ HtfiL The Kansas UnlversitY Girls* Rifle married this summer. year. . ' ^ BUYYOUR TIRES AT Squad has attained better marks­ Harvey B. Clough with his I « LOIS MORAN VICTXHt McLAGLEN manship than the men. . . . Atoth- daughter Doris, Miss Grace L. Man- Prince Garold, ordered ltd leave In la STUDEBJIKER ers are railing their daughieri gam and Mias EliiabethBunlp spent England, went to BeAglum. Tod Cam ^i^s Filing Stadon “LOVE HUNGRY” “HANGMAN’S HOUSE” The Great Independent depleted units In the coast ar­ the week-end at Mr. Clough’s sum­ bad he couldn’t come over to tillery corps , . . That, and to mer camp on the Stafford road, America— the fiction writers would wed. . I Tollandt seen him through. Phone ISS:, MAJNUUJiSTBR (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. TUESDAY, MAT 29,1928.

DdrCli end and men from the South­ of the Moose lodge li eei John Skibiski of Strong avenue to ern New England Company were MOOSE TAKE OPTION .letters, reauestlsig -all Louis Deptula, son of Mr. and Mrs. taCEANDHUPHOHE fhe presebt as-ttie .iiW stoats NAME TEACHERS ■repairing it today. Joseph Deptula of Village street, No Herald Tomorrow : subject in which all took place Monday morning at St. WIRES CAUSE TROUBLE ON NEW LOCAL HOME should be vitally interested.? Joseph's Polish Catholic church. No issue of the Manches­ DEATH ACCIDENTAL this same meeting there will 1 , , The Latin ttigh Mass was used with FORNEXTYEAR Initiation of candidates In fnllTopaa^ Rev. Slgismund Woroneckl per­ ter Evening Herald will be to be followed by refrwbmeaf*.'’ Bridgeport, Ckmn., May 29 — Committee Seeks to Purchase forming the ceremony. The church published tomorrow, Mehi- ^ross Circuit Makes SigR^ James Williams, of Stamford, who The committee .for the proppsw^yf was beautifully decorated with orial Day. * : Lights Flash— ^Trouble Rein- died early this month after being Brainard Estate Propierty on Moose Home Is copprised of tni^f SANDY BEACH TO palms and carnations. The bride, Snpermtendent Howes An­ edied Today. struck in April by a car driven by Brainard Place. following: Chairman, James Stworj,-;.-:^® who was given in marriage by her Belden Scott, of Stamford, met son; Joseph Barto, Walter Smith; father, wore a gown of white satin death accidentally. - according to a William Burke, WilUam, Bninelle,. BE FINE RESORT with an imported ivory lace veil em­ The police lights have been flash- Manchester Lodge of Moose, No. nounces List of Those finding banded down here today by 1477, after three years of agitation David Dickson and B. W. Dlidrinsoju broidered with rhinestones. She FRANCIS BURR TO GET iii| on and off for several minutes ______. ' * 5 Coroner John J. Phelan. got their pla:;s for a home substan­ carried a bouquet of Madam But­ ait- a time, the last two days, not terfly roses. Mrs. Henry Walker, Contracted m DisL 1 to .8. tially under way last night. ' The The American Legion was ot*S who was matron of honor, wore a EAGLE SCOUT BADGE allowing any particular call, but KILLED BY TRAIN committee for the proposed Moose ganized In Paris in 1919. Crystal Lake’s New Park gown of nlle green georgette and .Just enough to call different police. Home met at the Silk City Oakland Service Station at 8 o’clock and carried an arm bouquet of roses. A. F. Howes, superintendent of This was the case yesterday and' it Greenwicn, Conn., May 29— Tim­ The bridesmaids were the Misses Local Boy to Receive Highest was the case at 12:30 this after­ then went to look at the Brainard Promises to Be One of schools in Districts One to Bight othy Hansen, 30, of Davis avenue, Louise Polozie and Gertrude Frey, Honors of Organization on noon. Chief of Police Samuel G. Greenwich, was killed by a rail­ Estate on Brainard Place. Upon CHANGE YOUR OIL t who were attired in peach and yel­ today announced the list of teach­ finding the site suitable for the re­ Thursday Night. ers who have been contracted for Gordon was on duty at the time road train near the New Haven rail­ Finest in New England. low taffeta both carried sweet peas. that the trouble started this noon road station here during the nigbt. quirements of a Moose Home they Use Marland Super Motor (Ml' Mr. Deptula was attended by John the next school year. No physical and by tracing the trouble of yes­ sent a check to Robert J. Smith to The Court of Honor, Manchester culture nor dental hygienist have Hanson’s body was found on the Janicke and Emanuel Skibiski. Boy Scouts, will meet Thursday terday and today he found that tracks by railroad workers appar­ be posted as an option on the prop­ Following the reception which been appointed as yet. erty. . Being able to visualize the future evening. May 31, at 7:30 o’clock Three of the teachers are new there was a cross between the tele­ ently a long time after he was kill­ CampbeD’s Fillmg Station ; was held at the home of the bride’s in the School street Rec. phone company’s wires and those ed. It is believed that Hansen wan­ The subject will be brought be­ development and the resulting pop­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Deptula left to Manchester. Miss Lois Parker ularity of Sandy Beach has pro­ At this court Francis Burr, a of the police signals. The trouble dered onto the tracks while in a fore the lodge at its next regular for a motor trip to New York, New graduated from the Connecticut daze. ' meeting on June 4. The secretary Phone 1551 vided an amusement park that for scout of Troop 6, South Methodist College for Women in the class of was located in a man-hole at the Jersey and Canada. Upon their re­ Episcopal church will receive the natural advantages is to be rated turn they will reside at 70 Village 1897 and has been teaching the among the finest in New England. Eagle Scout Badge, the highest past year as a substitute In, the street and will be at home to their award available to the Boy Scouts In none of these previous periods of many friends after June 15. Warren Harding Hi0h school, development was there a prophet of America. Frederick C. Hill, Bridgeport. Miss Bilson Makes Presentation Scout Executive of Hartford will be who foresaw the growth of popu­ Thq Standard Bearers Society Miss Ruth M. Ellis who will take larity and George Bokis, the own­ presented the Rockville Methodist present and oflSciate at the cere­ Miss Jennie Cook’s place at Man­ er and developer of Sandy Beach Episcopal church with a Christian monies. chester Green, was graduated from park predicted the things that flag at the Sunday morning service A number of applications for the Willimantic Normal School have come to pass and was called in loving memory of Miss Clara merit badges from other scouts vill three years ago and has had three by many a visionary but many of Cushman, the founder of this socie­ be passed on by this court. All years’ teaching experience. Miss t^Lmcolns time, the things visualized by Mr. Bokis ty. The president of the society. scouts and their parents or interest­ Cook is to be married. have become a reality and today Miss Ellen Bilson, made the pre­ ed friends are Invited to attend. Miss Catherine M. Bossen grad­ they are at the dawn of a new era sentation in the following Impres­ uated from a Bridgeport training in Crystal Lake despite the aban­ sive manner; “ It is with the deep­ school for kindergarten and pri­ donment of the trolley line. est reverence, we as a Stand Bear­ mary teachers two years ago and It has been impossible to escape ABOUT TOWN ers Society, present to this church has I been teaching primary grades o n d N O W - the warning headlines of the press this Christian Flag in loving mem­ since graduation. She will have that such a thing was about to hap­ ory of Miss Clara Cushman, the Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Case of charge of the kindergarten to be pen. People would almost seem to founder of this society, who passed Highland Park left this afternoon opened in the new Highland Park have reached a point where they no on to her Heavenly home, March 7, for Montclair, N. J., to spend Mem­ school and will assist in the pri­ Store Closed Tomorrow longer have a thought of the possi­ 1928. Mhy the cross upon this flag orial day with Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ mary grades. bility of losing the trolley because speak a special message to us of ert Dennison. The latter is a sister All Day they constitute a new group and the Christ who gave himself for of Mr. Case. TEACHERS FOR 1928-1929 what has come about to replace the us.” Districts 1-8 MEMORIAL DAY trolley is to be rapidly appreciated Vernon Grange Gives Barn Dance The town engineering force is at Oakland: Margaret E. Sugrue, by the people who now look upon The Vernon Grange will give a v.'ork building a new concrete grades 1-5. Let Us Hold Our Soldier Dead Crystal Lake and Sandy Beach as public barn dance at the home of bridge over the small overflow Manchester Green: Mabel A. an Institution. The nearly complet­ In Everlasting Remembrance. Edwin Baker of Vernon Center on from the Howard and Porier reser­ Lanphear, principal, grade 8; ed state highway with greatly im­ Saturday evening, June 2nd. The voirs on Porter street, jucit a short 1928 Irene M. Tibbetts, grade 7; Agnes I860 proved town highways have made tickets are selling quite rapidly for distance east of^ the Porier street L. Cutler, grade 6; Ruth M. Ellis, it possible to enjoy greater trans­ this affair. The proceeds will be .school. The bridge, while not Hav­ portation facilities to and from this grade 5; Nona Pearson, grade 4; used toward the new building fund. ing a long span, will be forty feet Cora H. Blankenburg, grade 3; popular summer resort than ever Carl Buckmlster and his orchestra In width. It will be built of suffi­ before. Marjorie Leldholdt, grade 2; Edith will be on hand to give the dancers cient strength to carry Heavy loads D. Pease, grade 1; Elizabeth E. Busses connecting with every pos­ some real dance music and there on J iitoinobile truer 3. Tins is in Barnes, kindergarten. Comparisons That Help Us To Understand sible point within a radius of twen­ will be plenty of old time dances, keeping with the plan started a Highland Park: Frances Spil- ty-five miles of Crystal Lake will with an old time prompter. A good number of years ago to rebuild old lane, principal, grades 5-6; Niua C. IS today, soon be available and the route time is assured all who attend. wooden structures in different sec­ Fogil, grades 3-4; Millicent M. You’ve heard people say that furniture used to be made better than it that has already been laid out and Notes tions according to the general use made by approved makes it further possi­ Wallett, grades 1-2; Katherine M. That isn’t true. Let us go back to Lincoln’s time. Most furniture was Harry Brusa > Barre, Vermont, to which the bridge is put. Bossen, kindergarten. ble for patrons of Sandy Beach to who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. hand; it took a long time to make it and naturally it was quite expensive, Those who ride up to the very entrance to the South school; Emily J. Gove, William Dowding of Thompson Fred Patton sang last night with grades 5-6; Bessie E. Howe, princi­ was kept park. Those more fortunate and street, has returned home. the A & P gypsies whose program could afforci it never used it unless they had “ company.” The furniture pal, grades 3-4; Eva Lathrop, who prefer to ride in their own pri­ Charles Schmalz, Jr., son of Mr. was broadcast through WEAF and “ locked up” in rooms seldom used, and it was usually covered up to keep the dust vate cars will find upon arriving at and Mrs. Charles Schmalz of Or­ WTIC. He was announced as the grades' 1-2. Sandy Beach improved parking fa­ chard street, is ill with scarlet fev­ A & P Gypsy baritone, however, Keeney street: Anna G. Reide- away. No wonder it lasted such a long time. Those who couldn’t afford furniture, cilities for the immediate accommo­ er. and only few of his admirers knew man, principal, grades 5-6; Leona people like Lincoln’s father, made their own—rough hewn crude furniture from the for­ dation of 700 cars. This accommo­ Mrs. Emil Yost has returned he was to sing. His program was A. Palmer, grades 3-4; Lucie G. dation to patrons of the park will home from an extended visit with broadcast at 8:30 p. m. Lewis Bengston, grades 1-2. ests. Today people live in every room in their homes. They’re constantly using be free on Wednesday and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yost of Newark. James, famous tenor, who has sung Buckland; Marion F. Pierce, their furniture and it has to be made good to stand up under the demands of modern evenings, when the ballroom will N. J. here, w'as also on the air last night principal, grades 7-8; Irene Buck- have the refular modern dances, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bosely of singing with the General Motors land, grades 5-6; Anna J. Sullivan, living. Speedy, up to date machinery turns out thousands of beautiful pieces made commencing as soon as the large Portland, Me., formerly of this city, Family party at 9:30 p. m. grades 3-4; Eleanor Stoughton, far better than that our grandmothers’ bought. Such production lowers cost and you new pavilion Is completed. have been visiting friends here. grades 1-2. Concession privileges at Sandy Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott and Mrs. S. W. Meyers of 33 Florence Eighth District: No. . School actually pay less tooday for good furniture than your forefathers did for an inferior Beach are now available for Shiuse- Mr. and Mrs. Kerwin Elliott and street was removed to the Memori­ street, Thomas Bentley, principal grade. This store is in a position to buy the best and to get the lowest market price. ment features, games of any form daughter spent Sunday in Spring- al hospital just before noon today all Eighth District schools, Eliza­ of park privilege acceptable to Mr. field, Mass. in Holloran’s ambualnce. Mrs. beth M. Daly, assistant principal, This is reflected in the price we place on our goods. . ' Bokis and may be arranged for by Mr, and Mrs. Julius Kibbe of Meyers suffered a shock about a grades 7-8; Mary Anne McFarland, application. Evidence of the increas­ Warehouse Point spent Sunday month ago and this morning became grades 7-8, Dorothy Toohy, grades ing popularity of Sandy Beach is with the former’s mother of Union suddenly ill and her removal to the 7-8: Agnes T. Dwyer, grades 7-8: being manifested daily in the con­ street. hospital was necessary. Lois Parker, grades 7-8; Edith L. test which Is now about to close Mrs. John Hook hai returned to Pearson, grade 6; Frances G. Tib­ on Thursday evening the 31st at her home on Union street after The Howitzer Company, C. N. G., betts, grade 6; Esther J. Anderson, 5 o’clock when four competent spending several weeks with her will meet at the State Armory at grade 5; Catherine G. McGuire, The Guarantee Which Give You judges will select the best name sister, Mrs. Maria Nichols of Arl­ 1.15 tomorrow afternoon to form grade 5; Ruth J. Benedict, grade 4: that will have been submitted for ington, N. J. Mrs. Nichols has re­ for the Memorial Day parade. Dorothy A. Gill, grade 4; Carolyn the new Sandy Beach ballroom turned with Mrs. Hook and will E. Waterbury, grade 3; Beatrice H. Please always bear in mind —we absolutely guarantee all our furniture. We only from among the thousands sent in spend the summer here. Charles 0. W. Nelson, black­ Flagg, grade 3; Gertrude J. Lund,' buy the kind we can guarantee. from numerous towns and cities in The new home recently complet­ smith, has opened a shop at 277 grade 2; Florence M. Fitzgerald, this vicinity. ed by Mr. LaPine on King street East Middle Turnpike, where he grade 2; Beryle L. Davis, grade 1;* We lose some sales because w« do not cai’ry what is known to the trade as “ Sale Mr. Bokis plans to provide the has been purchased by John Holt- will do oxyzen-acetylene welding, Mary C. Roach, grade 1; Furniture,” but we lose no friends and friends for a store are more lasting than a very best attractions for Sandy sizer. forging and general blacksmith job­ M. Myrtle Fryer, kindergarten; ^ Beach throughout the season and Mrs. Catherine Danke of Ward bing. Mr. Nelson is a well known Frances Conrow, kindergarten; few dollars’ profit that might be made from sale of thrown together for a purpose fur­ patrons of the park throughout the street announces the coming mar­ local blacksmith having conducted a Miriam Welles, open air; Edna M. niture. * next twenty weeks during which riage of her daughter, Frelda Dankn shop at the north end for many Stack, opportunity; Hannah K. time dances twice a week will be a to George Weber, son of Mr. and years. He has recently disposed of Jensen, domestic science. It takes all kinds of people and all kinds of furniture stores to make a world. We feature, can be assured also of oth­ Mrs. George Weber of Windermere his farm and is now returning to Hollister street; M. Alice Dowl­ prefer to be the kind of a store that caters to people who are careful about the kind of er attractions that will be offered avenue. The wedding will take Manchester to re-enter the black- ing, grade 7; Fannie L. Smith, as­ furniture they buy. If you’re that kind of folks, we’d like to make your acquaint­ during the summer. It is now plan­ place at the First Evangelical Lu­ smithing business. sistant principal, grade 6; Annetta ned to extend the season for danc­ theran church, Saturday afternoon, L. Klee, grade 5; Mary A. Connor, ance. ing until late fall instead of the June 23rd, at 3 o’clock. Young folks of the Epworth League grade 4; Mary M. Young, grade time honored Labor Day termina­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Milne of are to have charge of the mid-week 3; Gertrude Carrier, grade 2; tion. It is reasonably certain that Norwalk were in town Monday eve­ prayer service at the South Metho­ Helen A. Maloney, grade 1; Ella And we furthermore guarantee the next twenty weeks at Sandy ning and attended the anniversary dist church this week, which on ac- R. Healey, grade 1; Alice Hawx- Beach will be replete with a diver­ of Ellen G. Berry Auxiliary. cout of Memorial day will be held hurst, kindergarten: Joseph G. sified program of events including Thursday evening. Those who will Dean, Man. Training. “If There’s a Better Price Any^’^here We’ll Meet It.” vaudeville, dancing, concerts, bat­ speak Avill Include Miss Marlon Special Teachers tle of music, carnivals, prize LYDALL FAMILY PLANS Brookings, Thomas Cordner, Mar­ Willo M. Surprenant, music. dances and sport events. Complete garet House. Francis Burr, Mar­ Adelaide M. Sporer, drawing. new restaurant facilities have add­ jory Crockett, Elsie Lewis. There Isabelle T. Moore, nurse. ed to the convenience of Mr. Bokis A EUROPEAN TOUR will also be special music and a ever increasing patronage. Watch ] Edith E. Lathrop, asst, nurse. for the announcement of the new large attendance of the church peo­ “Where You Can Afford to Buy ple is hoped for. ballroom name in Friday’s issue of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Lydall of Mrs. Thomas Tomlinson of Sum­ the Herald and the probable data Main street, their daughter, Miss Miss Edith Proctor of 56 Winter mit street. Is recovering from an at­ Good Furniture” of the big opening. Eleanor Lydall and her friend, Miss tack of grip. Muriel Hessler of New York City street and Miss Martha Swain of William Scliwarz 176 Center street, will leave for William Schwarz, 71, died Mon­ will tour Europe this summer. They will sail on June 18 from New York New York Friday and on Saturday day afternoon at his home on 75 will sail on the S. S. California for Spring street after an illness,of one on the S. S. Cleveland of the Ham- burg-American line, landing at a three months’ visit in Ireland and BUY YOUR TIRES AT week of pneumonia and pleurisy. Scotland. While in Ireland they He was born in Chicago, Sept. 12. Queenstown. It is their plan to spend a number of days in Ireland, will visit friends and relatives in Opposite High School, 1856^ the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Portadown. Both are prominent in Campbell’s Fillmg Station JacoD Schwarz. He came'"to Rock­ in the scenic Killarney region, then ville when very young and spent working northward to Dublin and the local Salvation Army corps and his life here. For 36 years he con­ Belfast. From the latter city they have been employed at the Old Phone 1551 South Manchester, Conn. ducted a coal business on Spring will take tfie steamer to Glas­ mill, Cheney Brothers. street with his brother, John. He gow, traveling through Scot­ was a member of the Verjfou land to England where they Grange, the Rockville Methodist will visit the birthplace of Mr. Ly- Church and the Men's Corner. Be­ dall’s parents in Whltwick, Leices­ sides his wife, Nellie Osborne tershire, and other places of inter­ Schwarz, he leaves four daughters, est In Great Britain. Mrs. Harold TVeber, Mrs. Edward From England they will take the Kreysig and Mrs. Francis Hewitt, established air route to Paris. After Holiday Specials all of Rockville and Mrs. Edward touring France, Italy and Switzer­ Custer of South Manchester; two land, Mr. and Mrs. Lydall will sail IDEAL LOANS for this country on August 11. Miss ate Active sons, George and Leslie Schwarz, both of Rockville, a sister, Mrs. Lydall and Miss Hessler will remain Edward Booth of East Hartford j on the continent for anqther month, on Tires -ON EASY 'fERMS- We thought everybody knew and a brother, John Schwarz of visiting Germany, Belgium and Hol­ Do you realize you can borrow ready cash up to 5300 from us Rockville and three grandchildren. land before they return. The young on your household furniture or on our note plan if you prefer.. that shingles are supposed to The funeral will be held at 2:30 women were classmates at Smith Twenty-four hours (24) after making the application the money o’clock Thursday afternoon from College and Miss Hessler is at pres­ 3 y i - 2 ...... $3.65 will be in your hands. The loan is made on a strictly confi­ go on top of the house, but the Methodist church. Rev. M. E. ent a teacher there. dential basis. Your neighbors or your employer cannot possi­ Osborne and Rev. F. "W. Gray offi­ bly know about it. this fellow’is putting one on ciating. Burial will be Grove Hill You can take twenty months to repay if you need it! Only Cemetery. 29x4.40...... $5.25 lawful interest is charged; no fees or other payments. You the bottom. Dad sent Ellen G. Berry Anniversary Arthur A. Knofla pay only the Interest fixed by law for the actual time you use Ellen G. Berry Auxiliary observ­ the. money. The following table shows how small the monthly the kid to our yard ed its sixteenth anniversary Monday instalments are: evening in G. A. R. Hall. The hall 875 Main St. 32x4...... 8 60 for 20 months— repay 88 monthly. with ah order for shin.- was decorated with red, white and 8 80 for 20 months— repay 8 4 monthly. blue and spring flowers. The ban­ Insurance and Real Estate. 81 Advertise in the herald- jt pays


A.- Jacksonville members were requisi­ all important birthday anniversary WBHfljfllTIf tioned months In advance. If mem­ and, accordingly, believe there Is no bers Or their wives were to be un­ reason why we shouldn’t remember Eoritfng Enali able to drive them, the committee the weather. But we don’t, ilecords PDBLI8HBD BY arranged for competent chauffeurs. prove It, disagreeable as records THB HERALD PRUmKG CO. And the Jacksonville members of often are when they disturb Touadtd li^ Stwood 8. BU, the organixatlon footed the bills— confidence in ourselves. ' Oct. 1. 1811 to help advertise the state! But we still have a qoarrel with Ev«ry Evaotac Except Sundays and Holidays. Is it any wonder that Florida the weatherman and his predic­ Entered at the Poat Office at Man- has boosters? Is there not a lesson tions. Once upon a time when very During t^ie past 20 years the fire insurance companies of Con­ necticut have made notable progress. otaester as Second Class UaU Matter. for New England In this attitude of inexperienced we had faith. And SUBSCRIPTION RATE»: By Mall six dollars a year, sixty cents a anything for the state flrst; then now we have lost it. We read, how­ Assets of the 22 companies authorized to do business by the montn tor shorter perloda grab anything left for the city or ever, solely for amusement, the state amounted to $67,843',296 in 1908. Twenty years later, the 28 companies then doing husipelss had assets totaling $331,- By carrier, etshteen cents a week. town? daily forecasts and twice a day at Slnsle copies three cents. 726,913, or 388% more than the assets of 1908. There were Florida, with more than 80 per SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ that. They are always different. 15 mutual fire companies and seveh stock companies in 1908; SENTATIVE, Hamllton-De Lisser, cent of its white population trans­ One doesn’t find it necessary to today there are the Same number of mutual companies, but the Inc., S8S Madison Avenue, New York stock companies haVe increased to 13. and 612 North Michigan Avenue, planted natives of other sections depend upon uncertain memory of Chioaso. of the country, has cast aside any last spring or seven years before The cash .capital of the 13 stock companies at the beginning The Manchester Bvenlnc Herald Is ideas of conservatism that may of this year amounted to $40,000,000, as compared with a capi­ on sale In New York City at Scbults's in predicting the day’s weather. tal of $11,000,000 for the seven doing business in 1908. Risks News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd. have been the birthrights of many. Usually, If gifted with only a rea­ in force amounted to $34,868,919,680 at the close of last year, Street and 42nd. Street entrance of Money spent for exploitation of Grand Central Station and at all sonably fair memory, we are able as compared with the $5,557,847,559 in force in 1908. Memorial Day Hoatlin? News Standa state, climate, roads, cities, oppor­ to remember at 1 in the afternoon Income, expenditures, premium receipts, losses incurred, net • • « tunities, flows freely and is backed risks written and liabilities (exclusive of capital and special Client of International News Ser­ what the weatherman caused to be vice. by individual and collective ef­ printed in the paper we ‘read at 8 funds) have increased proportionately. The income for 1903 amounted to $40,158,808 and for 1927, $172,526,462, the "International News Service has the forts to make such expenditure in the morning. If we are in doubt h e End-Of"The-Month Clearance end§ exclusive rights to use for republica- amount for 1927 being 329% greater than the amount for 1908. tlon in any form all news dispatches something that some time will re­ there is the paper for proof. The year 1925 brought the largest iacome during the period— credited to or not otherwise credited dound to local beneflt. $202,842,777. Expenditures for 1908 abxounted to $36,724,- Thursday, May 31st. Every discontinued in this paper. It Is also exclusively And then we jead the afternoon entitled to use for republlcatlon all It’s the sort of free advertising prediction. There are days when 005 and for 1927, $164,852,885. T the local or undated news published that attracts attention, arouses in­ that is the only time we get to The premium receipts for 1927, amounting to $155,436,280 pattern suite or odd piece—^every shop- herein." Full Service Client of N E A were 313% greater than the $37,615,793 collected in 1908. The Service. terest and produces big returns. It smile, especially when we remem­ losses incurred during 1927 totaled $81,484,674. This was bespeaks a unity of purpose we ber the government claim that the 300% greater than the $20,370,780 losses Incurred in 1908, but marked article from every department has TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1928 seem to lack in New England. We weather predictions are right— ^is was several million dollars less than those for 1926, 1925 or 1 ■ have the goods. We know how to it 93 per cent of the time? 1924. Liabilities amounted to $190,812,592 last year and to been included, so you can refurnish any room display them individually. But we But, seldom as we believe the $37,696,125 for 1908. Net risks amounting to $356,971,054 TOMORROW were written last year and for $116,617,773 during 1908. lack the unity of purpose and the Tha sun rises tomorrow on the weatherman to be right, we have now, at substantial savings. Come Thursday. grim determination of all for one day so long set apart that we may learned from bitter experience that and one for all that today marks publicly honor the men who an­ he is more often right than are we the heterogenous population of when we try to depend upon our of chorine. . . . Let’s see. i . . swered the call of Abraham Lin­ So did Dolores Costello, Lbuise Florida. memory of weather that coln to help preserve the union. It IS more Brooks, Mae Murray, Marion Da­ WATKINS BROTHERS. I n c , is the day of memories! The day than five hours old. vies and Greta Nissen. . . . David Warfield, white-haired and wraith­ CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES of inspiration; of mnffled drum ARE WE SPEEDING UP? SAVING A LIFE like, starting for Europe. . . . and sombre tread. The depleted Twenty-odd years ago Orville The lapse of a moment in the ex­ And quite annoyed because a news­ ranks of the veterans of the Civil and Wilbur Wright succeeded in paper confused him with a ticket ercise of ordinary care too often war were augmented thirty years getting a heavier-than-air machine scalper of the same name. means death. Records prove it and ago by the veterans of the Spanish- into the air^ under its own power. New York, May 29.—Whenever Taxicab drivers who regulate Amerlcan conflict and now for nine records are disagreeable things. and wherever Broadway charac­ their own tips and then ask you It was flown several seconds. Such ters are charted, the name of Kate “ Is that all right?” . . .Of course years by the Infant veterans of the They prove that the motorist is not of the skeptical world as had paid the only one who has fatal lapses Reddy must occupy a place close to you can start a fight! . . .The In­ world’s greatest military struggle. the top of the list. creasing number of urchins who the slightest attention to the two from eternal vigilance. All, .Jiving and dead, lent their sons of a minister who bad isolated Of course you’ve never heard of open your cab door for you on State and nation co-operate with Kale. She is no impressario of the Broadway and expect at least a feeble Individual strength to oper­ themselves among southern sand ate the mighty machinery of war mothers in the protection of their “ gay white way,” such as George nickel. . . . Jean Hersholt, the dunes to experiment, hesit^efi, White or Earl Carroll or Flo Zieg- film character man, who I have al­ for the causes they believed to be children in public places— on the then laughed. Never would it be highways, in theater, and church, feld or Gene Buck. Kate Is a ways thought could be quite as right. useful. wardrobe mistress. And for 18 g o ^ as Jannings if they gave him We, the living, salute our heroes, and all publiq gathering places. To years she watched- the chorines the right pictures. . . . Do you ...Baking Powder Plus But the Wrights went to Eu­ living and dead. To them we owe the parents, and especially to the come and go; she has put away remember him in “ Greed” ? . . . rope. They found plenty of believ­ mothers, is left the care of children their hastily discarded spangled Or, more recently, as the Jewish much that we are today. We ask ers in the future of air transporta­ in their own homes. Again those gowns and watched them don their father in “ Abie’s Irish Rose.” . . . Rumford represents the only type of baking powder not race, or color, or creed. Those tion. They won recognition and disagreeable records prove that an dollat-down street clothes; she has He runs away with the picture, if who serve their country have no seen them marry • millionaires and you ask me. . . .Lynn Famol, the which adds real food value to cakes, hot breads and honors there that were denied them appalling percentage of deaths are need of ancestors. There is neither at home. Today, twenty-odd years beheld their start toward the gut­ rising young publicist who, I am pastry. In addition to raising batter and dough rank nor station in the great re­ the result of carelessness or plain ter; they have wept on her shoul­ told, is heir to a southern fortune after that pioneering flight, Orville negligence in homes. der and snapped their fingers public of the grave. The mightiest but Is determined to show the just right it also makes baked food actually more Wright may receive a Distinguish­ triumphantly under her nose. "folks as home” he can make his of the captains and the lowliest of Mothers rejoiced over the de­ ed Flying Cross from Congress. parture of the oil lamp and the oil And Kate has gone on, sitting own roll. . . . Tex Richard, who Dourishing. Rumford is a perfect leavener—plus! the ranks rest secure In our mem­ on the sidelines mending the end­ gets bis whatever happens to the A year ago a youth, unheralded stove. They hailed the coming of ories as men who fought the good and unsung, flew alone eastward less assortment of rips and tears other fellow. . . . The popularity light. gas and electricity for cooking and in the costumes. of horseback riding In the park across the Atlantic. A daring If you were to ask Kate what this season. . . .The tlred-looklng They loved this life. They lived illumination as safety factors. They deed by a daring youth. He are. But man has yet to make a constitutes the greatest tragedy in song pluggers, milling around Tin braVely and faithfully. We cannot the life of any chorine she would Pan Alley. . . . And the Andless flew from the fatherland of the piece of mechanicism that does not dhange the yesterday but we can airplane to the continent which not, in all likllhood, mention banging of pianos that one hears in lend our influence to the future. require some care. drink or parties or wild living— that belt now that the windows are RUMFORD was first to pay tribute to the suc­ such days AS tomorrow; by our Mothers saw to It that lamps but the passing of youth. Only the open. cessful exponent of man flight. The GILBERT SWAN. proper, reverent observance of were trimmed, oil stoves properly woman who sits on the .sidelines The Wholesome world applauded. Kings and presi­ knows how anxiously a lady of the them and what they stand for, do cleaned. It was a safety factor. dents vied with each other in pre­ They considered it a necessity. The ensemble watches her mirror as we not only honor the brave defend­ senting medals to the youth. He the years slip by. To be sure ers of A e right but fnculcate in the pity of it is that they do not so drink, high living and all that will BAKING POWDER was loaded down with presents, IS d a te fr\ . consider the care of a gas stove. contribute to the wrinkles and the D974 yAuth of today that spirit of serv­ some of exceptional value, even jis ice and duty that Is a guaranty Neglect of one means corroded out­ line and the circles under the •American gifts from potentates and sover­ eyes. But Time is slowly cruel. that the future will be as lustrous lets and incomplete combustion. eigns. The anniversary of that And incomplete combustion under Kate has mothered more than HISTORlY in deeds of valor and in service to flight has just passed and that one youngster who came out of the mankind as were the yesterdays certain conditions means death. It small towns to the big city with­ ClAY 29 youth, It is estimated, has thou­ 1736— Birthday of Patrick Henry. has meant It in Manchester. It will, out the slightest idea of what of '61-’65, ’98 and 1917-18. 1844— Morse telegraphed from Bal­ sands of valuable remembrance^ of we are sorry to say, mean it again. Broadway was all about. But, like that occasion, and of later visits to all such personages, she reserves timore to New York news of And the pity of it is that a few the Democratic mmiration for other countries and climes by air, her philosophy and advice for those RADIO SILVERWARE FQR, •4N EXAMPLE FOR US moments care at intervals would president. Of all things despised by the and he is reputed to have made who want it bad enough to seek have»saved a life. it. She isn’t likely to be intrusive. 1S48— Wisconsin admitted to the newspaper interests free advertis­ half a million. The show business is the show Union. DOCTOR ing for the beneflt of Individual or In one year has this obscure air business— just as any business 1875— Grant declined a third term. corporate profit; getting for noth­ mall pilot been thus justly honor­ HOPE IN DEATH might be after 18 years and end­ Yoar set Is a very delicate and THE BRIDE ing something that will greatly ed and among his almost countless “ When I’m dead and gone yoq’ll less round of costumes to be at­ sensitive iiieohaiilsni which needs never get another man like me.” tended to and mended! cleaning and ar contacts. bined with two such sensible ones as you do in Wallace route to the oflicial waste basket. that made this epochal journey of boardwalk. Politicians and tired AA revival . , tod yj-oujjj probably get- But there is a lesson for New Eng­ Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh pos­ reinforced silver. The beauty is apparent in the first business men visiting Atlantic City a big laugh. . . . Ina Claire, one Sleep Is pain’s easiest salve, and Cleaning and Minor Adjust­ land to be found in some Florida sible. must remember and eat their ice of Broadway’s favorites. . . . She’s doth fulfill all offices of death, ex­ ments, less than .5 tubes $1.00, swift glance, the economy becomes evident at the men­ propaganda that did not come More than twenty years has been crram cones in their hotel rooms. another who came out of the ranks cept to kill.— Donne. 5 and 6 tubes, $1.50, 7 and S through the regular channels of required to recognize the right of tubes $2.00. tion of the price and the satisfaction is proved through Uncle Sam’s mail. the inventor of the first successful long years of service, during which the original beauty A convention was held early this airplane to such a decoration; The Color Guard does not fade. month In Miami. Miami is distant much less than a year saw the Chasv W. Hollister Bome 400 miles from Jacksonville. youthful follower in his steps thus 52 Hollister SL Tel. 325-W Yet Jacksonville members of the decorated. Prices as low as $1.00 and up organization holding the conven­ It may be that these days of tion In Miami entertained In Jack- haste and speed are to see us more •onville for from four to six hours prompt in the future in showing each, some 40,000 members of the appreciation of the .deeds of those Dewey-Richman Co. order who were on their way to worthy of world distinction; es­ WHEN IN Jewelers, Stationers, Silversmiths Miami. This entertainment Includ­ pecially those whom the country of HARTFORD ed 40,000 meals, opportunity for their birth should be the first to “Gifts That Last.” 40,000 shower pr tub baths, drives recognize and mark for identifica- DINE of many miles through Jackson­ tion as her own. AT A REAL ville and Its environs for 40,000 GOOD PLAGE visitors. The man of the 40,000 IT’S NO USE who even suggested that he so It’s no use, this stacking present TO EAT much as purchase a cigar risked impressions against the cold rec­ SPECIALS OF insulting his hosts. ords of the past. Unanimously the . SE A FOOD Wives and others of the families world, the New England world at SURPRISINGLY of the order in Jacksonville “ lived any rate, looks out upon the weath­ GOOD in their cars” for days on end. Sub­ er, declares that never In history ject to telephone calls from early has there been such a spell of morning until at late at night for weather— and clatters down cellar HONISS'S more than a week they drove visit­ to stoke up the boiler once more. 22 State St., Under Grant's ors from West and New Eng­ We believe it. Everybody believes Hartford land to the limit of their desires it’s the worst— the rainiest, the or time at their disposal. Any coldest, the most generally dis­ suggestion was instantly met. Sug­ agreeable weather ever visited up­ Rp-m oildeil gestions as to preferences were in­ on humanity— until we stack up vited. Jacksonville members of the against one of these critters who Louis S. Jaffe organization were on hand at all insists upon facts; not impres­ Jeweler VISITTHE hours to entertain those who had sions. 891 Main St., South Manchester stopped off in Jacksonville while Calmly he refers to a written rec­ VERY SPECIAL on their way to a ,jealous sister ord of the same period of last year, USED CAR SALE TODAY city. of seven years back, maybe of sev­ LADIES’ All thl8, carried out with scarce­ enteen, and he proves to his own WRIST WATCHES -AT- ly a hitch, was not arranged In a satisfaction, at least, that It is just mlpttte, a day or a week. Months ordinary stuff; just like we have $6.95 and up of careful preparation went into ar­ had before and probably will have 10 AH ranging the details. Official letters again. It's disconcerting. These T 1 MASONIC JOT Diamonds, Watches and hfd been broadcast to every branch diarists, these individuals who Rear of Masonic Building Jew dry, of the organization requesting that minutely inspect every sample of . 4' . the routf be arranged to include weather handed down to us and Headquarters for Wedding i^d JackBonvUle In the cities to bo then record the results, shake our passed throngh. Railroads were ask­ faith in memory. We rejoice with Graduation Gif ts. ed to co-opergtf Iff Arranging sohed- a sreat rejoicing when we remem­ Uliy buy on time and pay all ffles pt ipqclal trains. Cars of MANCHESUR AUTO ber the wedding anniversary or that | unr.llfe.- Cash worics wonders at ^wqpiaMOCKwaeicaie%j%ieicK«iattctc4a^ ■' i s -|,V ■ * ’VT^jh''

■>r ■ ■•') ' "^ -;■■■.^ V - ^-''■' ■ < • ' ^ "" ■-. ' '■' ■ V* - v'‘':''‘ •' •f'" II W ^ C S E S T E R (GUNN.) KVENIJNU HBKALD, TUJ!iSl)AX, jyiAX lazs^ Army Teams in Balloon Race LAUGH THAT OFF IIY BACK WAS SO Landlady; You have been here “ UTTLE BORAH” IS CONHOANT tfar^ months and have never paid any rent Student: But you said it would LAME I SreNT HODBS . be like home here. Landlady: Well, I hopedt Is. OF MANY EX-SERVICE MEN ; Student: At home I ^ever paid any rent.—-Der Wahr Jakob, Ber­ OF MISERY,’’ SIffi lin. Sometimes a grubby dollar bill "for EDITOH’S NOTE: This is the a boy who needs It” is tucked in Mrs. Kate Daniels of 49 Irving Street, Worcester, Mass.,, Believed Very seventh of a series on prospective the letter; sometimes a big box of “First Ladies,’’ by Allene Sumner, nuts or vegetables or fruits come Much in Herbs and Therefor Took EBBJUS. Is Now a Stroi|l^ writer for The Herald and NEA from south or west. But for the Believer Than Ever.” Service. Today’s article deals with most part she goes her way alone, Mrs. William B. Borah, wife of the working where so many have for­ senator from Idaho, who is men­ gotten. Mrs. Daniels says: "I had-rheu­ tioned as a Republican presiden­ News of her self-ipposed mother­ matism in different parts of my tial aspirant. hood has so traveled that other body for- a long, long time. . Hjr boys and girls ring her apartment limbs would feel so stiff I could By ALLENE SUMNER bell as casually as Alice Long- hardly get around and 'it would worth, who is a frequent morning make me feel so tired I could Washington, D. C., May 29.— caller. scarcely be on my feet dh faccount Revelations have been made in the A wild-eyed, wet-faced boy was of the Y>ain. My back would feel not so far distant past of toothpicks sitting on her Chinese brocaded so lame that I was In hours of mis­ on the White House table. Little sofa one day when I was with her, ery. 1 got so my housework was mention has ever been made of a begging her to get his brother out drudgery and the pains In the small cookie jar in the White House of prison. They come in at all of my back kept me from bending pantry. hours of the day or night to be or stooping over.” But if SenatorWilliam E. fed and mothered. They call her “ Many times 1 did my housework Borah of Idaho should be our their "next of kin” when getting bit by bit because I could not do it next president, the first and fore­ jobs, and she never denies it. all at once. I can scarcely, now most job of the new First Lady One guesses that certain conven­ realize the misery I went' through would be to see that a White tional demands of a First Lady OUR MEATS on account of these backaches.” House cookie crock was well tilled ■would not satisfy “ Little Borah,” “ 1 heard a great deal of ERB.IUS3 with sugary, cinnamouy, scrunchy, i who despises form and ritual and mean a Home Run for little and decided to give it a trial. I raisin-topped cookies into which rigamarole and only asks to “ get boys and big boys. This is a have taken three bottles of it and the president could dip the presi­ big things done.” family market place where the results have been far mpre dential paw at frequent intervals. “ I am just a gypsy,” she says. choice selected foods are sold than 1 expected. I am a Well •‘For,” as golden-headed little “ I hate planning things ahead. I woman without an ache or pain Mrs. Borah confided, ‘‘the senator just want to get my hat on and at saving prices. You’ll find it and can do a heavy day’s work In just can’t function without his run when I feel like it.” a saving institution of service. the house and can’t feel it. I cer­ cookie jar.” ! She won’t pay official Washing­ tainly indorse ERBJUS. Nor would the cookie jar end ton calls. the First Lady's duties. There's “ I can’t answer my letters,” she Sirloin Steak ...... 49c “ ERBJUS” is for sale in -^lanchester by Packard’s Drug.§tm‘^,.L O. the little matter of onion soup, says. She has no social secretary, too. The senator, confides Mrs. not even a typewriter. Every Fresh Hamburg...... 25c O. F. Bnllding, South Manchester. " ' Borah, is stih searching for the morning she sits down with her Three teams were chosen to represent the L. S. army air corps in perfect onion soup. He insists that pile of letters from people she has the Memorial Day national elimination balloon race at Bettis Field, Roasting Pork .. 30c he never gets it at home. never seen and writes with pen Pittsburgh, under the auspices of the National Aeronautic Association. Looks Foe Recipes and ink reassurance and help. Here are the members: Team No. 1— Captain William E. Kepner (upper Smoked Shoulders...... 19c Wherever popular Mrs. Borah Her father was Governor Wil­ left), pilot, and Lieutenant William O. Eareckson (upper right) aide. goes she is constantly on the look­ liam McConnell of Idaho, later a Team No. 2— Captain Edmund W. Hill (lower left), pilot, and Lieuten­ out for onion soup. She thought plaques make the fragrant orient U. S. senator. She met Sena,tor ant Henry G. Fisher (first from left), aide. Team No. 3—Lieutenant Picnic Suggestions. she had found it when in Atlantic live in this little bit of the Occi­ Borah when he was campaignin,g Paul Evart (second from left), aide. Teisted • • City a few weeks ago, and inter­ dent. for her father. viewed the hotel chef himself for “ I liked him because he seemed Cain’s Mayonnaise...... - 25c the recipe. She special-delivere.d And myriads of canaries and goldfishes fly about the sunny so big and powerful,” she says. PINCHED IN HIS BATH the recipe back to her cook in Jar Sandwich Spread Ftee. rooms, for ‘‘Little Borah” says it’s Live Modestly % Calcutta.— The Indian National­ rrom. ^ a in .e to Washington, and thought she had The Borahs are said to be about ist, Gurudit Singh, may well blame bad enough to take birds from Stuffed Olives, Pickles, Pea­ t earned her wifely laurels. theia- forest home without cooping the only senatorial family in cleanliness for his present plight. ‘‘But when I got home the sena­ Washington who live within theij; them up in cages. Once in a C^!APPERS ARE PuToM He was-arrested here while taking nut Butter, Jellies, Jams, tor said it wasn’t quite right, while a fluff of yellow feather set- salary. They accept few invita­ a bath, following a trip to Peru. Minced Ham, Pressed Ham, either,” she moaned. “ I don't ^ POCKETBo C kS S o f o r P o w e r , it'j i lies down to drink from a green tions because they feel they have He was charged with sedition and Boiled Ham, Jelly Corned Beef, know what he wants— whether porcelain turtle bowl. neither the time nor means to en­ w m e M v /ill have inciting to class hatred, in connec­ more cheese or pepper or what— tertain. But no couple are so SCMETMlAjCo T o DC AT tion with a series of speeches deliv­ Loaf, Liverwurst, Frank- but it'll be a red star day when he They Call Her -Mother sought by the most important peo­ forts. Cheese, Country Club And into this haven of jade and TME MOVlEo ered in this city prior to his visit Speed, and. E^ndnranee admits his onion soup is made ple, for “ Little and Big Borah” are j to Peru. Beverages. right.” brass and brocade and singing pronounced delightful because of | birds comes a strange procession They call the Borahs down sn their unpretension and genuine- j Bananas, 3 lbs...... 25c Washington "Big. Borah” and of humanity— derelicts, boys and girls who call ‘‘Little Borah” ness. I •‘Little Borah,” for the possible Meeting Mrs. Borah is like a sun Fresh Potato Chips, lb. . . 59c First Lady wears 14 clothes, child "Aunt -Mary” and, claim her as bath, a plunge into something FILMS size shoes and comes just about their nearest relative. warm and mellow and comforting. For ‘‘Little Borah,” childless Developed and to the big senator's breast pocket. One hears the birds singing the They say that “ Littlfe Borah herself, has offered herself as minute the door bell is rung. The Printed winds him around her little tinge,. mother to the world s motherless. maid no sooner opens the door but she makes no boasts of her She never turns a pleader away. than “ Little Borah” sings out the prowess. However, it is noted -The shell-shocked soldier boys of name of her expected caller and FRAMING that the senator still rides th,j St. Elizabeth’s are her special pets. rushes to .the door herself, taking street cars, though he once per­ Week after week, her basket tilled coat and hat and umbrella and ga­ of All Kinds mitted auto salesmen to take htm with fruit and magazines and gay loshes and insisting on the softest to lunch. ‘‘Little BoralT’ said he pictures, she takes the street car chair for the visitor, a cushion at needed his horseback riding and out to the mental hospital to help the back, a cup of tea, and “ just a Elite Studio walk from the street car more "the boys” who live for this week­ good rest before you talk.” JUDIS >fARKET than an auto. ly visit. The eternal mother. That is 9 8 8 M ain, U|>stair.s 39 MAIN ST. The Borah apartment blooms It is no longer popular or the fashion to visit war victims so “ Mamie McConnell Borah,” but a like an exotic flower on the lop youthful eternal mother of golden P H O N E 2 3 3 9 floor of an old-fashioned red brick long after the war, but ‘‘Little hair, blue eyes, pink cheeks, a de­ apartment house. A green and Borah's” fashions are her own butante’s grace, and the chic of a THE ANSW'ER scarlet macaw perches on a fan- , the fashion of eternal service. Every morning the postman Parisian modeL Here is one solution to the LET­ backed Chinese chair in which r They call “ Big Borah” “ Lucky dainty | brings her a stack of mail from TER GOLF puzzle on the comic ‘‘Little Borah” sits like a Borah,” too. There’s a reason. pag< . bit of Chinese porcelain. the four corners of the country from mothers and fathers and sis­ LAZY, LADY, LADE, LODE, Long-legged cranes and herons TOMORROW Mrs. Edward LORE, WORE, WORK. of porcelain drink from table lily ters and sweethearts of other sol­ dier boys ‘‘gone west” or missing. Everett Gann. pools. Bits of jade and brass L x )NG ago, Hupmobite engineers car driver finds himself booked un­ INSURANCE der a suspicious person charge. Per­ TOWN ADVERTISEMENT found that the rigorous tests provided by AUTO SHEIKS IN haps in default of $1,000 bail he Nature under varied climatic conditions spends the night in jail. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING At least, he appears in morals FOR A CERTIFICATE OF far exceed those imposed by factory prov­ PITTSBURGH TO court the following day and if a APPROVAL FOR A iThe Best Guardian o f ing grounds; That is why every new Hup- summary conviction result.s, things GASOLINE FILLING STATION . IN THE mobile model is tested in the field—on LOSE LICENSES happen, just what authorities have TOWN OF MANCHESTER. CONN. Life and Property not suid. They have ninled, how­ Upon the application of real mountains and under all atmospheric Pittsburgh! — The “ sidewalk ever. that efiorls will be made to G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC., sheiks” are demanding their rights. have offenders’ driver’s licenses re­ for a certificate of approval of the conditions from coast to coast. Maine and Scenting injustice in the plan of ac­ voked. location of a gasoLne filling station Minnesota give the subzero temperatures tion against them recently announc- ^ But the “ pick-up experts,” while to be located on the premises of ed by Pittsburgh authorities and i admitting that the theory is beau- G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC. that prove efficiency of starting and lubri­ tiful point out that the practice is They’ll Tag You expected to be adopted in other ON HILLIARD STREET cating systems. Uniontown Hill and Pike’s large cities, the nomads of the likely to be fraught with dungers. It was voted and ordered: Insure Your Valuables asphalt, who mounted in the family Girls Get Even That the foregoing application oe I f They Can Peak make strenuous demands on power automobile rather than on the fami­ It will provide excellent oppor­ heard and determined at the Select­ ly camel, cruise the city streets in tunities for angry “ girl friends” to men’s OflBce In th- Municipal Build­ Disability, old age, death — A BOX IN A GOOD-SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT and axle gearing. Cooling is checked at ‘‘get even” , they assert, since all ing in said Town on the 11th day of the three basemen that pre­ search of the “ fair Shebas” are IS THE 120 degrees in Arizona; carburetion in raising their wails to Allah. that will ’}€ necessary will be June, 1928 at seven o’clock p. m., vent many a player’s scoring merely to turn in the license num­ (Eastern Standard time) and that Colorado’s high altitudes and at sea-lev^l in No burly police will be used in in life’s ball game. BEST AND CHEAPEST INSURANCE. their drive, the authorities declare, ber of the victim’s car and let the notice be given to all persons inter­ Florida. Thus, no matter where you live or not even policewomen to set traps police do the rest. Regardless of ested in said application, of its The Life Income Plan pro­ for the unwary. It is through the whether he is convicted, embarrass­ pendency and of the time and place tects you financially against drive, Hupmobile engineers have preceded girls upon which the ‘asphalt Arab’ ment and inconvenience are sure to of hearing thereon, by publishing a all these. 11 pays $ 100 month- The Manchesteif Trust Co. copy of this notice at least three you. One more reason why Hupmobile preys, that police would work his result and the w6unded feelings ly ■whenever you’re disabled downfall and it is on this point will be soothed. times in The Evening Herald, and performance and stamina continue to win And the girls'? Here opinion dif­ by sending a copy of this notice by up to age 65, $100 monthly that complaint has arisen. life income beginning at age The new system is simplicity it­ fers. Some adjust their spectacles, registered mail to said applicant, all thousands of new owners from the ranks brush an imaginary speck of dust at least seven days before the date 65__. and $10,000 to your family self. A car drives up beside a group of said heari_g, to appear at said of those who formerly paid far more for of girls and remarks appropriate from their severe but substantial if you die prematurely. suits and remark that “ it will serve time and place, if they see cause, to the occasion are passed. The and be heari Relative thereto. Descriptive booklet on request. equal luxury and dependability. ’,,oys in the car insist; the girls on the curb lizards right.” O'.hers merely glance at the interviewer in For and by order of the Board of the curb desist. Finally the automo­ Selectmen of the Town of Manches­ Connecticut General Fire and Liability bile drives off, but as it goe;. one a knowing way and remark that B I after all there are “ some nice boys ter, Connecticut. InsuranceCG~or.ny 24 body and etjuipment combinations, standard and custoaii of the girls carefully nctes the THOMAS J. ROGERS, Life license number o’^. a pad carried in that do things like that and it on each line. Six of the Century, $1345 to $1625. Century Secretary. Eight, $1825to $2405. AU prices f.o .b . Detroit, plus revenu* her purse ‘ r the puriiose. would be a shame to arrest them Mailed May 28th, 1928. Fayette B. Clarke Girls Report just because some girl didn’t like Insurance ta x . . . The Century 125 Eight has all the admneed engU G. H. WADDELL, 10 Depot Square Stepping into a nearby drugstore them.” Clerk Board of Selectmen. neering features, the refinement and luxury of the she calls police headquarters. Auto­ n ew Century Eight. mobile license records are scanned and in a few minutes one of the 2151 citys’ 14 outlying police stations is CARS GREASED RICHARD G. RICH given orders for the arrest of the HUPMOBILE offender, who has now become a Oiled and Tightened Tinker Buildings South Manchester. name rather than a license number. ASPARAGUS A motorcycle policeman drives up Campbell’s Filling Station beside the Sheik’s caravan with the well-known “ Pull over, buddy.” r Y Phone 1551 o:- -:o As the last act in the drama, the o IT X Louis L. Grant Buckland, Conn. Phone 1549 Is Your Pickett Motor Sales

22-24 Maple Street. Phone 2017 Who Licks Uie Cream? ^ FORD A Good Location is a Busine^ Asset AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE AT COST CAR IN NEED OF REPAIR— IF SO CALL US The Laiiibcriiien's Mutual retumpi 25% of, the premium paid A Few Desirable Officii are in to every iKilicyholder last year and have alWays done so. 15% off on all parts used on your car while Did You Get Any Money Back On Your Policy? If yon want to reduce the cos^ of ydnr auto insurance see me OXYGEN-ACl^Y^ in our service station. before you renew your: present jiolicy or insure your car. Willys-Knight Available in State Theater BuOdii^ I will be Klad to explain bow yon. can'insure jrourPcal- in the WELDING AND Ff^IN Q World’s Greatest Mutual at 25% saving. Overland-Whippet Blacksmith Jobbi]^.' MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES At Moderate Reii^ls SERVICE 1069 Main Street. Phone 740 Inquire Jack Sanson, Manaig:er \ STUART J. WASLEY Charles 0 . W . Neliwiii REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Service Station In rear of Pickett Motor Sales, r.l.-.plc S:: ::;;. of the State Theater 827 Main St., Tel. M28-2, Open Thursday and Saturday Evening OAKLYN FILLING STATION 277 East Middle Tnrppike y> Telephone 1284-2 Tel. 833-2 - ’

X yAGE SIX MANCECESTEK (CONN;) EVTOTNTG HEfe^Alt), itJBSfiAV, MAT 29i 1928.‘ Kensington Will Here THE PERFECT GET-AWAY, A LA JOE HAUSER American Lea^e Yankees Have Pennant Results Russ Fisher To Pitch

At Philadelphia!— ^ All Sewed Up Already YANKS 11, A'l'HLETICS 4 For Community New Y ork AB.R.H. PO. A. E. Combs, c f ...... 6 3 3 0 0 0 Duroclier, ss ...... 5 1 3 2 1 0 Ruth, if ...... ___ 2 (i 2 2 u 0 SEVEN LOCAL MEN | Game at Hickey's at 4 New York Team Has Only to P H A N N -^ Gehrig, lb ...... 5 0 1 11 0 0 M^usel. rf ...... ___ 4 1 0 2 0 i Even among horses, it helps* Paschal, rf ..... ___ 1 0 0 2 0 - 0 Play .535 Per Cent Ball your popularity to have Bazzeri, 2b ...... ___ 4 2 2 4 8 0 Dugan. 3b ...... 5 2 2 0 0 0 IHHORWlCBRACEi lots o f sugar Grabowski, c .. ___ 4 1 1 4 0 0 Johnson, p . . . . . ___ 3 1 1 0 0 0 ___ I With Visitors; Hogms Hereafter to Win Leape Campbell, p . . . . ___ 0 0 0 0 1 0 39 11 15 27 10 1 Philadelphia Johnny McCliiskey, Pride of Meet Wilson Team in Pennant. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Bishop, 2b ...... 3 1 2 4 2 0 Cobb, rf ...... 5 0 1 2 0 1 Double-Header; Aces in New York, May 29— For lack of Speaker, cf ...... 5 1 1 0 1 0 Mapdiester, Enters in 10- more convincing information to the Simmons. If ...... 3 1 1 2 0 0 Cochrane, c ...... 4 0 0 8 2 0 contrary, we will concede that the Hauser, l b ...... 4 0 1 7 0 1 M3e Rnn Tomorrow Aft­ “ Jail.” gentlemen who first admonished the Dykes, 3b ...... 5 0 0 2 1 0 world to take nothing for granted Boley, ss ...... 4 0 1 2 4 0 Grove, p ...... 1 1 0 0 0 0 in baseball had more than a mere F oxx, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 ernoon. Manchester baseball fans will find idea. Experience, in fact, has Orwoll, p ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 a good baseball game awaiting them proved conclusively that he wasn’t Pow ers, p ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 tomorrow afternoon If they journey talking through his adenoids. How­ 36 4 8 27 l l ’ 2 Seven Manchester runners rep­ over to Hickey’s Grove. 'The Com­ ever, not to change the subject too New Y ork ...... 002 050 022— 11 resenting the .Recreation Centers munity Club team will meet Kens­ abruptly, have you made your Philadelphia ...... 004 000 OOO-7- 4 will compete in the ten-mile race at ington at that time in the second Two base hit, Cobb; home runs, reservations at the Yankee Stadium Simmons. Lazzeri, Dugan; sacrifices, Norwich tomotrow afternoon. IThey half of a double-header engage­ for the opening game o ' the World Campbell 2; double plays, Boley to are Johnny McCluskey, winner of ment. The teams play In Kensing­ Scries? Do so at once; it looks Bishop to Hauser; left on bases, New the flVe-mlle cross-country race here ton at 10,;45 in the morning and like an absolute turn-away for late York 8. Philadelphia 12; base on balls, last'fall, Frank Haraburda. Eric here at 4 'o’clock in the afternoon. off Johnson 5. off Campbell 2, off ■ Joe Hauser, first-sacker of the Philadelphia Athletics, is batting them out right, handily arrivals. Grove 1, off Orwoll 2, off Powers 2; Crawshaw, Prank Noonan, Joe Sul­ Charlie Weber will work in the Those five out of six games in struck out, by Johnson 4, by Camp­ this season, and following up his hits with equal skill. Here’s a remarkable action shot of Hau­ livan, Pete Canale and John Mc- morning game with Russ, FTshe.r bell 1, by Grove 4, by Orwoll 2; hits, taking the hill in the afternoon con­ which the Yankees knocked the T h e ser taking hasty leave of the home plate after slapping one far into his home-to’wn field.______Cavahaiigb. off Campbell 1 in 2 2-3, off Grove 10 The local party will be super­ test. This will afford Manchester Athletics for a series of re-organ­ in 6, off Orjvoll 4 in 2, off Powers 1 izations, ending in Philadelphia 'io o 5u)iw IK in 1; w inning pitcher, Johnson; losin g vised by Director Lewis Lloyd and fans their first real chance to see yesterday, have just about closed to i •'A POOL’ pitcher. Grove; umpires. Van Graflan, •will make the trip in automobiles what a good ball club Jerry Fay Connolly and McGowan; lime. 2:26. has banded together. The Commu­ the book on the American League ©NBA driven by- Mr. Lloyd and Sam race, itace? Pardon my lisp. I V.—Foxx batted for Grove In 6th. y Houston leaving the Rec at 9:30 nity sluggers have won all three of Green, Bon Ami, Heights, Firemen tomorrow morning. Frank C. Busch their state league games and top didn't even mean chase. The Ameri­ .\t B oston !— can League today is sponsoring an NATIONALS 2, RED SOX 0 will accompany the party as train­ the standing. WASHINGTON er. Coach “ Pete” Hansen nfay be Kensington’s lineup will be as endurance contpst, meaning that follows: Scrimmager, lb ; Venture the public will need a lot of stamina AB. R. H. PO. A. E. unable to make the trip because of Rice, rf ...... ___ 4 0 0 2 0 0 business' complications. 2b, De Vito ss, Fitzpatrick ss, M<;- to stay with the situation much WINDHAM DEFEATS Bluege, 3b ...... ___ 4 0 0 0 0 0 Win Twilight League Cormick cf, Sydner rf. Mills if, longer. To all intents, the New Barnes, cf ...... ____4 0 1 3 0 0 Director. Lloyd looks for McClus- Goslin. if ...... ___ 4 1 1 6 0 0 j key, Haraburda and Crawshaw to Hunand c, Berg p. The latter is said York Yankees have won the pen­ 0 0 to be one of the best twirlers in nant in the first six weeks of the Spaulding, if .. ___ 0 0 0 2 ' finish within the first twenty-five OUR 4TH PITCHER Judge, lb ...... ___ 3 1 2 12 0 0 which is the prize limit. He says the league and it will be interesting season and, if you think this is be­ Tait, c ...... ___ 4 0 0 1 2 0 to see what Manchester can do ing a trifle premature, I can only Reese, ss ...... ___ 4 0 0 1 3 1 Borst, Godek, Mantelli, Varrick Pitch Good Games- Nich­ Twilight League Noonan and Sullivan may also sur­ Hayes, 2b ...... ___ 3 0 0 0 7 0 prise the fans. McCluskey, however, against his delivery. A1 Huband and commend your attention to the fol­ Zachary, p ...... ___ 2 0 1 0 3 0 is apparently Manchester’s best bet Scrimmager are well known by lo­ lowing: ols Gets First Homer, Heights Win 1-0 Game; L eape because of faithful training. This cal fans. Past Performance High School Plays Ragged ■ 32 2 5 27 15 1 LEAGUE STANDING Saturday, the Community plays Boston ' W. is the first tlnie local runners have The Yankees, having played AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ever entered the annual Norwich at New Britain and Sunday Tor- through the first six weeks at an ___ 4 0 2 2 0 0 Manchester Green ...... 2 rington comes to Hickey’s Grove. Ball Behind Seelert to Flagstead, cf . leaders Meet Thursday. Bon Ami ...... 2 road race. .816 pace, need only show an aver­ Todt. lb ...... ___ 4 0 0 15 0 0 Although the Connecticut Asso­ There will be two more games in age of about .535 for the remain- Myer, 3b ...... ___ 4 0 0 1 4 0 Highland Park ...... 2 town tomorrow. The Heights and K. Williams, if ___ 4 0 0 0 0 0 Firemen ...... 1 ciation of the A. A. U. at the pres­ inuis 5; bases on balls, C. Dougan, rf . 1 0 1 0 Personally, I don’t see how you WILLIMANTIC (6) off Beck 4; Connally 1; struck out, by P. Gleason, ss .3 0 0 0 Smith 2; passed balls Schoneski, can do less with a club that hits Blankenship 1. Beck U; hits, off H. Scheibenp- AB R H PO A E 24 3 4 18 4 1 Kelly. Time 1:20. Umpires Wal­ home runs with the bases filled Warren, ss . . . 5 ' 1 2 0 1 1 Blankenship 7 in 7, off CoiHiolly 0* in flug, lb.. . .2 let, Custer. some eight or ten times in thirty- 1; hit by pitcher, by Blankenship. Highland Park 00 12 000— 3 Grimason, rf . .2 Tinker, If .... 5 0 3 3 0 0 (Brannon), by Beck (Hunnefield); Firemen ...... 12 10 000— 4 eight games. Call it good pinch Meikle, 2 b ___ 4.2 0 4 0 1 losing pitcher, Blankenship; umpires, Borst, p ...... 2 hitting, by all means, but if you Dineen. Nallln and Barry; time, 1:40. Two base hits: Cervini, Gorman, Dillon rf, p . . . 3 0 0 0 2 0 X—Falk batted for BlankehShip in McGowan; three base hits: La REAL HEN FRUIT don’t call it good luck, too, you are Woodward, c . . 4 1 2 6 2 0 8th. Total ...... 21 1 5 21 0 neglecting part of your story. France; home runs) Nichols; hits Wilkinson, p. rf 4 0 0 2 3 1 off: McGowan 3. La France 1, Kiss- NORTH ENDS (0) I Middletown, N. Y.— A giant egg Those home runs— not the defense, Saba, 3b, ...... 4 1 1 1 1 1 which is far from what it might be man 7; left on bases: Highland AB R H PO E I layed by a hen owned by William Heller, lb ____4 0 1 10 1 0 Park 4, Fireaen 4; first base on Holland, 3b .. .4 0 1 0 1 ■ Dickerson of Thompson Ridge is — are sending a topheavy club so Merrill, cf ____4 1 1 2 1 0 far out in front that no one will be balls: La France 3, McGowan 2; Eagleson, cf . . 2 0 1 0 0 being exhibited by the Dairymen’s hit by pitcher: B. Dougan; struck O’Bright, If . . . 3 0 1 1 0 League here. It is three and a half able to catch it with a long distance Total ...... 37 6 10 27 11 4 National League telephone call. out: by Kissman 6, by McGowan 4, W. Wright, 2b . 3 0 0 0 _ 1 inches long and two and one-half MANCHESTER (4) Results La France 2. Umpires Smith, Beer. Varrick, p .... 2 0 1 4 2 inches across. AB R H PO A - E Mantelli Tames ’Em. Kebart, c ...... 3 0 0 0 0 E. Dowd, cf . . .3 1 1 1 0 1 Erickson’s Falcon Knights, bet­ De Hahn, lb .. .3 0 17 3 Foley, 2 b ...... 3 0 0 ^ 1 1 At Chicago:— ter known at Manchester Green, H. Wright, rf . . 1 0 0 6 0 W. Dowd, 3b ..4 0 0 3 6 1 REDS 2, CUBS 1 beaf Talcottville by the same score Golas, rf ...... 1 0 0 0 0 I Boggini, c .... 3 0 0 2 0 0 Cincinnati thev beat the Heights a week ago— LEADING AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Dahlquist, ss . . 3 0 0 0 0 ' Lupien, M .... 4 1 1 6 0 0 Critz, 2 b ...... 4 0 2 1 11 to 2. Elmo Mantelli pitched a Kerr, lb ...... 4 1 2 8 0 0 Purdy, if ...... 4 0 1 5 splendid ball allowing but five hits. Farr, s s ...... 4 0 0 1 0 3 K elly, lb ...... 4 0 1 11 T ita l...... 25 0 5 18 7 1 Walker, rf ...... 3 0 0 4 Talcottville scored twice in the Innings ...... 123 456 7 BATTELS Moriarty, rf..2 1 0 1 0_0 Allen, cf .. 1 ...... 4 0 second inning but Mantelli held t 0 1 North Ends ...... 000 000 0— 0 Seelert, p ...... 2 0 0 0 2 0 Dressen, 3b ...... 4 0 2 0 them^ scoreless the rest of the game. Heights A. G, ...000 100 0— 1. . xEells ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 "cinich, o ...... 4 1 2 3 Ford, ss He fanned nine. Hayden and Eddie Two base hits Scheibenpflug, W. National League XX T. Lupien . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 ...... 4 1 0 1 Donohue, p ...... 3 0 2 1 Boyce whaled triples. A large Wright: sacrifice hits Gravino; Grantham, Pirates ...... 394 ___ / ------j crowd watched the contest which stolen bases Wiganowski '3, H. Hornsby, Boston ...... 387 Total ----- '.,.31 4 4 24 9 6 34 2 10 27 was played at the Green, The sum- C hicago Wright: left on bases Heights 5; Ott, New Y o r k ...... 379 X Batted for Moriarty in 9th. mary: Douthit, St. L o u is ...... 377 XX Batted for Seelert in 9th. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. North ends 6; first base on balls ON’T buy so^alled Beck, ss ...... 4 0 0 0 4 0 MANCHES'TER GREEN (11) Borst 2, Varrick 1; hit by pitcher P. Waner, P irates...... 362 Innings ...... 123 456 789 Mag;uire, 2b ...... 4 0 1 9 4 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. lihe^eaberryFlavor “ cheap tires.” It*g Leader a year ago today Farrell, Manchester ...... 000 012 001— 4 W ebb, rf ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 J. Scheibenpflug, by Varrick; struck D Stevenson, 3b . 4 1 2 1 0 tooexpennve. For a small New York, .402. Willlmantic ...... 140 010 OOx— 6 Wilson, eff ...... 4 0 1 2'0 0 out by Borst 10, Varrick 7; umpires Heathcote, If ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 R. Boyce, 2b .. 2 2 2 3 1 R. Russell, Buckland. In the Pink Package Ustento American League Two base hits Kerr; three base Grimm, lb ...... 3 0 0 9 0 0 Dlmlow, ss . .. 2 1 1 0 1 down payment we will Kress, St. L o u is ...... 385 hits Merrill, Woodward: home runs Hartnett, c ...... 3 1 1 2 2 0 Easy Victory die Butler, 3b ...... 2 0 2 3 3 0 Mantelli, p . . . 3 1 1 1 2 The Bon Ami hatters hit Dan put on your car a genuine Barnes, Washington ...... 385 E. Dowd; hits off Wilkinson 3, Burkhardt, If . 4 0 1 2 1 It’s Teabeny — the M ic h k l iw Bush, *p ...... 2 0 0 0 2 0 Smith hard while Jack Godek was Michelln. It will run 4000 Lazzeri, New York ...... 372 Dillon 1, Seelert 10; sacrifice hits Nehf, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chewii^ Gum with the Sullivan, lb . . 4 1 0 4 0 h.olding the Depot Square outfit to Ruth, New York ...... 369 Dillon; stolen bases Saba 2, Meikle, Cuyler, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 B. Boyce, cf, ss 3 1 1 1 0 to 50(X) miles more than Fonseca, Cleveland ...... 365 two singles. Godek made three hits flavor never flub to Moriarty, Bog,gini; double plays so 1 6 27 IS 1 Hayden,c .... 3 2 2 9 2 the average tire, 10,OCX) Leader a year ago today Miller, Wilkinson, Heller, Saba, Merrill to and so did Ed. Coleman. Brennan ^ease. It’s tasiy; it’s dif­ Cincinnati ...... 000 010 lOO— 2 Hoher, r f ---- 3 * 2 1 0 0 got two. Schoneski and Moske St. Louis .413. Meikle, Kerr (unassisted); left on C hicago ...... 000 000 010— 1 Peterson, cf .. 1 0 0 0 0 ferent miles more, than many The Big Five bases Willlmantic 9, Manchester 7; Three base hit, Hartnett; sacrifices, made the only bingles for the losers. Hornsby ...... 3S7 Butler, Webb; double plays, L- But­ The Bon Ami scored four runs In No matter whet kmds you’ve cheap tires. Long before first base on balls of Seelert 1, ler to Maguire to Grimm, Maguire to 29 11 11 21 7 5 Ruth ...... 360 Wilkinson 6, Dillon 2; first base on Grimm, Dressen to Critz to Kelly; left TALCOTTVILLE (2). the second inning and the going tried— yauH never knqw bow it is worn out it will have Gehrig ...... 345 on bases, Chicago 4, Cincinnati; base AB. R. H. PO. A. E. was easy thereafter. The summary: good Chewing Guia caa'be until errors Willlmantic 5, Manchester 3; on balls, off Bush 1; struck out, by proved itself the most Cobb ...... 309 struck out by Seelert 2, Wilkinson 1 2 3 0 Speaker ...... 283 Bush 1, Nehf 1. Donohue 2; hits, off Gondz, c ..... BON AHn (13) you’ve tasted -CUti^a Teabctty economical tire you could 6, Dillon 1. Bush 10 in 8; losing pitcher. Bush; W. Smithi 2b . 1 0 1 2 Gam, 'in the Teaberty pink Umpire Bill Nichols. umpires. McCormick, Magee dnd 0 0 1 0 AB R H PO have. Why not ride on the GR.43IMAR SCHOOL Klem; time, 1:33. McNally, cf. If padage thalfs ra'deaka’ coun* L. Smith, ss .. () 0 2 1 Rand, 2 b ...... 5 1 0 0 BASEBALL LEAGUE z—Cuyler batted for Bush in Sth. tets i^ .n ow — best when it costs lessi Beebe, p .... 0 2 1 1 Keeney, ss .... 5 1 Standing 1 Don't die Mancliester Green .... 1.000 DAD KNOWS A NEW APPROACH Blackenburg, If 0 1 2 Kelley, c ...... 5 1 3 0 0 Eighth Grade / ...... 2 1 .666 Styles, rf, cf .. 0 0 1 F. Brennan, cf 4 3 -Buckland ...... 2 1 .666 Toung man (describing his pas­ “ Well, who’s been waiting the Douglas, 2b .. 0 0 1 1 Coleman, lb .. 4 3 Seventh Grade ...... 1 2 .333 sion for a certain actress): Father, longest?” asked the dentist cheer­ Myers, lb .... 0 0 6 0 Godek, p . . . -CLARKS- Gross, r f ...... 0 0 0 0 Barinard, If . Fred D. Lewis Hollister ...... 1 2 .333 she is an angel and I love her. I fully as he opened the door of his 11 Maple Street, South Manchester Sixth Grade ...... " 0 3 .000 adore her, and I won’t allow you to surgery. Rivenberg, rf . 0 0 0 0 Vitullo, 3b .. Scores of Games For Week breathe a syllable against her; “ I think I have,” salid the tailor, Thompson, rf Manchester Green 11, Seventh C. Father: Certainly not. Why, I presenting his bill. “ 1 deliverer! 27 2 5 18 6 5 Sacharek, rf Bnckland 9, Sixth 4. adored her myself -when I was your ■that suit you're wearing three Erickson’s F. K. 04x— 11 Eighth 18, Hollister 2, age.— ^Tit-Bitg. 4 years ago.”— Answers. Talcottville . ... 000— 2 ‘ Total . . .38 X3 13 3 r ^ 4 • I

. i"-. . V . . . - . i t . r. ( V MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, TUESDAY, MAY 29,1928. TWO SO0IHPAWS MEET Major League DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Standings IN mODROME BOOT Tuesday, May 29. 399.8—W TAM , CLE VELAND —750. | Leading DX Stations. 6:00 5:i>0—Concerts; baseball scores. ‘ Kroai the mista and heather ol bon­ 8:30 7::i0—W E A F progs. <2'.j ars|) (D ST) (S T) When Frankie O’Brien, Hart­ \ ny Scotland, where the burr Is thick­ 11:00 lOiOil— Rr-cita!; duiice music. 475.9—WSB, A T L A N T A —630. YESTERDAY’S RESELTS ford’s “Bone Cruder,” and A1 est and Uie skirl of bag-pipes is heard 535.4— WTIC, HA.RT.-0;40—560. 8:30 -7:30—W E AF programs (2 hrs.) Mello, Lo'well’s hard hitting and m ancestral halls, the Seiherling Sing­ 8:00 7:0!'— I':.sl!:.o Club miisW;. 10:30 9:30— Peachtree arcade.-, leading fistio hope, cross mitts for ers have brought forth songs of high­ 8:30 7:3'': —V.’ Ea F Serteriing singera. 11:30 10:30—Fort McPherson talenL Eastern League land braes and lassies to be presented 9:00 8:00— programs; artists 12:4.5 11:45—Tech quartet. Waterbury 7, Hartford 3. the New England middleweight 526—KYW. CHICAGO—570. for listeners of W EAF and the Red 10:00 0:00—VVEAl- Esk:mc.« orchestra New Haven 7, Pittsfield 1. championship in a 12-round bout at network at S:.^0 Tuesday night. Hall in::tn a:;{o—ThMit-n o'Bai! recital. 7:27 6:27—Baseball scores; organlsL the opening outdoor show of the 8:00 7:00—WJ'Z programs (3 hrs.) Bridgeport 2, Springfield 1. on hour later these same stations will 11:00 10:00—Club W oilhy o.-chesira. season at the Velodrome in Hart­ offer the Evere.idy Hour, which, for 422.3—WOR. N E W AR K —710. 389.4—WBBM, CHICAGO—/70. Providence 3, Albany 0. 9:00 8>00—J’earl fishers; orchestra. ford next Monday nightman unusual thLs week, will he devoted to a dramat­ 8:00 7:00—Main .street sketches. American League ization of events in the life of Robert 8:40 7:40—N. Y. University lecture. 10:15 9:15—Jimmy and Larry. spectacle will prevail with the two li. Lee. Musical accompaniment will 10:00' 9:00—Columbia feature hour. Hl::!ii 9:3(1-Three drnce orchestras. New York 11, Philadelphia 4. boxers, both southpaws, battling be supplied by Nathaniel Shilkret’s or­ 11:0(1 10:00—Specht'.s orchestra. 365.5—VyRBH-WJJD, CHICA,GO—820. Washington 2, Boston 0 (First) chestra and songs of Southern origin 333.1—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—900. 8:.’iu 7:30—V/EAF Selberling singers. for honor as well as future finan­ will he sung by the Hall Johnson male 7::i0 6:::o—King Comlort'.s program. 9:00 8:00—Theater presentations. Washington-Boston (2nd game cial reward. quartet. Abraham Taitowitsch. blind 8:00 7:00—W.IZ Stromherg-Carl.snn. 9:30 8:30—Mooseheart children’.s prog rain). Seldom in the realm of ring con­ violinist, and Everett I'utnam. blind 8:30 7:30—Memorial Day .program. 10:00 9:00—Theater presentations. St. Louis 2, Chicago 1. tenor, will present a program under 9:00 8:00—I.a Touraine concert band. 12:00 11:00—Artists entertainmeiiL test has two left-handers opposed the auspices of the American Founda­ 10:00 9:00—Berry concert. 416.4— WGN-WLIB, CHICAGO—72a National League each other. Instances are numerous tion for the mind, which will be 10;.'>fl !l:.30—Dusk In Dixie. 9:00 8:00—WEAF Eveready hour. Cincinnati 2, Chicago 1. where a right and a left-handed broadcast by WJZ and the Blue net­ 491.5— W EAF. NEW YORK—610. 10:00 9:00—Musical program. Other games not scheduled. work at 7 o'clock. At the same time 6:00 5:00—Waldort-Astoria music. 11:15 10:15—Quintet; boss race. boxer clash, but bouts featuring a fans of the Red network may listen 6:2.S 5:2.5—Baseball scores. 11:45 10:45—Sam ’ n’ Henry; ship. pair of southpaws are few and far to the Soconyland sketch, "In the 6:30 5:30—Voters service talks by 12:15 11:15—Friends; dance music. between. So it is this that makes Frank R. Kent and Chas. 344.6— WLS. CHICAGO—870. Green Mountain.^ of Vermont" by a the coming, Mello-O’Brien duel an male quartet. t’ratriotic programs G. Ross. 8:00 7:00—Scrap book; Jack-Gene. THE STANDINGS have been arranged by the Arrighi 7:30 6:30—Soconyland sketch. Green 8:20 7:20—Contralto; 'The AngeUis. out-of-the-ordlnary affair. With Singers through W NYC and the Hat- Mountains. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ. CHICAGO—67a both swinging pile-drii/lng lefts at 9:00 8:00—Concert: Auld Sandy. Eastern League mony male quartet through W l’G. 8:00 7:00—Musical miniatures. each other one of the most gruel­ both at 10. 8:30 7:30—Selberling male voices. 10:00 9:00—Bagdad Bedouins; planlsL W. L. PC. 11:00 10:00—Amos ’ n’ Andy. ling battles ever witnessed In -t------9:00 8:00— Eveready hour featuring New Haven ...... 22 8 .733 a dramatization of life of 11:12 10:12—DX Radio club. Western New England is expected Wave lengths in meters on left ol Providence ...... 17 12 .586 station title, kilocycles on the right. Robert E. Lee. 11:22 10:23—Studio dance orchestra. to take place. Times are Eastern Daylight Saving 10:00 9:00—Eskimos dance orchestra 499.7— W FAA, DALLAS—600. Hartford ...... 16 '12 .571 lt:00 10:00—Studio program. Mello has been known to switch and Eastern Standard. Black type 10:30 9:30—I ’alais Li'Or orchestra. Bridgeport ...... 16 13 .552 Indicates best features. 11:30 10:30-Janssen’s Hoflirau orch. 12:00 11:00—Bridge lesson; music. to a Tight hand stance, but the 374.8— w o e . DAVENPORT—80a .469 454.3—WJZ. NEW YORK—660. Pittsfield...... 15 17 Irishman Is a thorough southpaw, 1:00 12:00—Orch; weather; talks. 9:00 8:00—Women’s Club concerL Springfield ...... 12 17 ,414 Leading East Stations. 10:00 9:00—W E A F Eskimos. never changing his style and con­ 5:30 4:3ii—Stocks, markets; soprano. Waterbury ...... 12 18 .400 (DST) (ST) 6:00 5:00-Baseball: girls’ orchestra, 10:30 9:30—Arraand girls. tinually keeping it in motion. Their 272.6—WPG. ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 7:30 6:30— Blind Foundation concert. 1:00 12:00—Dramatic players; orch. Albany ...... 9 22 .290 peculiar, styles have forced their 7:30 6:30—Fundamental law talk. 325.9— KOA. D ENVER—920. 7:0b 6:05—Pinner music: feature. American League managers to secure southpaw spar­ 8:00 7:00—Musical maids. S:.’t0 7:30—Orch; Dicken's characters. 9:30 8:30—Brown dinner concerL 8:,W 7:30—Orchestra; dual trio. 9:30 8:30—Ripples; continenfala. 10:00 9:00—W E A F Eskimos orchestra W. L. PC. ring partners to get them into the 10:00 9:00—Harmony male quartet 11:00 10:00—Slumber music. 10:30 9:30—Farm question box. New Y o r k ...... 31 7 ,816 best possible shape and > reports 535.4— WHO. DES MOINES—660. 10:30 9:30—Three dance orchestras'. 348.6— WIP, PHILADELPHIA—86a Philadelphia...... 22 14 .611 emanating from both camps state 285.6~WBAL, BALTIMORE—1050. 7:00 6:00—Children’s hour, music. 8:30 7:30—Trio; soloists; Victorians. 8:00 7:00—WJZ Stromberg-Cnrlsnn. 10:00 9:00—Emo’s movie broadcasL 9:00 8:00—W E A F Eveready hour. Cleveland ...... 23 17 .575 that they are well within the maxi­ 8:S0 7:30—Soprano, violinist. 10:30 9:30—Two dance orchestras. 10:30 9:30—Instrumentalvtrio, songs. St. Louis ...... 18 22 .575 mum poundage of 160 pounds and 12:00 11:00—Orchestra. Victorians. 9:00 8KK)— Meyerber singing society. 315.6— KDKA, PITTSBURGH—95a Boston ...... 15 19 .441 training daily. 10:00 !t;00—Marylanders orchestra. 6:15 5:15—Little Symphony d'ch. 499.7— W BAP, FORT W ORTH—600. 508.2— W EEI, BOSTON—590. 6:55 5:55—Baseball scores; quarteL 11:30 10:30—Musical program. Chicago...... 15 24 .385 O’Brien has Louis (K id) Kap­ 8:00 7:00—Pilgrims entertainment. 8:00 7:00-WJZ programs (2 hrs.) 2:00 1:00—Theater features. Detroit ...... 15 26 .366 lan, Joe Smith, Pinky Kaufman, a 8:30 7:30—W EAK programs (2 hrs.) 10:00 9:80—Maytag Ramblers prog, 370.2— WDAF. KANSAS CITY—8ia converted right-hander. Baby Doll 10:30 9:30—Sacred song recital. 10:00 9:00—W E AF Eskimos orchestra Washington ...... 13 23 .361 10:35 9:35—nine's dance orchestra. and McGuiness, the latter two 461.2— W NAC, BOSTON—€50. 461.6— WCAE, PITTSBURGH—€50. 10:30 9:30—Artists; orch; artists. National League $:S0 5:30—Orchestra; sinfonlans. 7:30 6:30—Uncle Gimbee; music. 1:45 12:45—NIghthawk frolic. - W. L. PC. swinging from the port side, pre­ 7:30 6:30—Pianist: organ recital. 8:00 7:00-W E A F progs. (2% hrs.) 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—64a 12:00 11:00—N; B. C. programs. Cincinnati ...... 28 16 .638 paring him while the Lowell tiger 8:30 7:30—Op’ry house tonighL 10:30 9:30—Sianley theater revue. has two of the southpaw variety 9:30 8:30— Musical program. 405.2— WFI. PHILADELPHIA—74a 1:00 12:00—Moore’s concert orch. Chicago ...... 25 17 .595 10:00 9:00—Two dance orchestras. 6:45 5:45—Baseball scores. 2:06 1:00—Dance orchestras. New Y o r k ...... 21 15 .583 training with him in Jim Toland’s 302.8—WGR, BUFFALO—990. 7:00 6:00—WEAF programs (4 hrs.) 384.4—KQO. O AKLAND —7Sa gym In Boston. Both will arrive In 7:00 6:00—WEAF voters service. 12:30 11:30—Don Amazio, violinisL Brooklyn ...... ,.22 17 .564 280.2— WHAM. ROCHESTER—1070. 1:00 12:00—Pilgrims concert. St. L o u is ...... 22 18 .550 Hartford at least 48 hours before 7:30 6:30—W E A F Soconyans prog. 7:15 6:15—Baseball scores;' stocks. 8:30 7:30—W E A F concerts (3 hrs.) 254.1—W RVA. RICHMOND—1180. Pittsburgh ...... 17 21 .447 Monday. Pour other bouts are on 545.1—W M AK. BUFFALO—550. 8:00 7:00—WJZ Stromberg-Carison. 10:00 9:00—The Four Deuces. the card for a total of 38 rounds 8:00 7:00—Musical program; violinist 8:30 '7;30—Odenbach’s orchestra. 10:30 9:30—SL Paul’s organ recital. Boston ...... ;..1 2 23 .343 9:30 8:30—Old time dance music. 9:30 8:30—WJZ rhythmic ripples. 11:30 10:30—Dance orchestra. Philadelphia...... 7 27 .205 with the first getting underway at 10:00 9:00—Tenor; radio movie club 10:00 9:00—Studio concert: organisL 422.3— KPO. SAN FRANCISCO—7ia 8:15 o’clock. Reservations can be 10:30 9:30—Silcer Slipper orchestra. 12:00 11:00—Shea's Symphony orch. 12:00 11:00—N. B. C. programs. made by calling the Velodromo at GAMES TODAY 11:05 10:05—Arcadia band boys. 379.5—WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 1:00 12:00—Great composers hour. Hartford, Laurel 1707, or the Val­ 13:00 11:00—Shea’s Symphony orch. 12:55 11:55-Time; weather; markets. 2:00 1:00—Dance orchestra. ley Arena In Holyoke, 5900, any­ 428.3—W LW , C IN C IN N ATI—700. 2:00^1:00—Theater organ recital. 348.6—KJR. SE ATTLE —86a Eastern League 8:40 7:40—Instrumental selections. 6:00'*5:00—Stocks; baseball scores. 12:00 11:00—Twins; studio trio. time. 9:00 8:00—Orchestra; ensemble. 6:30 5:30—Ten Eyck dinner music. 2:00 1:00—Vic Meyer’.s orchestra. Hartford at Waterbury. 10:30 9:30—Baseball scores: artists. 7:00 6:00—W E A F progs. (4% hrs.) 344.6—WCBD. ZION—870. Springfield at New Haven. 10:30 9:30—Accordionist, baritone. 11:30 10:30—Buffalo dance music. 9:00 8:00—Junior School closing e.t> Providence at Albany. 12:00 11:00—Two dance orchestras. 12:00 11:00—Shea's Symphony orch. ercises. Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. Bridgeport at Pittsfield. American League OlSh 245.8— W KRC, C IN C IN N ATI—1220. 9:00 8:00—French popular songs. 288.3—W ENR, CHICAGO—1040. 11:00 10:00—Movies; children's prog. 9:20 8:20—Songs, viollnlsL planlsL 7:00 8400—Organ; artists; stocks. Chicago at St. Louis. 12:00 11:00—Dance program. 394.5— W HN, NEW YORK—760. 9:00 8:00—Samovar orch., artlsta Cleveland at Detroit. 361.2— W SAI, C IN C IN N ATI—830. 7:00 6:00—Music, artists (5 hrs.) 305.9— W H T, CHICAGO—980, Washington at Detroit. 370.2—W LW L, NEW YORK—810, 9:30 8:30—Orchestra, male trio. 9:30 8:30—Studio program. Washington at New York (2), 10:00 9:00—W E A F progs. (2 hrs.) 7:05 6:05—Tenor, organ recital. 10:00 9:00—Ramblera viollnlsL '7;:i0 6:30—Bible talks; opera bits. 10:30 9:30— Your hour league. * National League A WESTERN GIANT 265.3— W H K. CLE VELAND —1130. 525—WNYC. NEW YORK—570. 319—KOIL. COUNCIL BLUFFS—940. Because of its ponderous size 8:30 7:30—Vocational bureau; trio. Boston at Philadelphia. 8:30 ,7:30—Contralto: accordionist. 9:30 8:30—Yeomenry program. the western yellow pine was given 9:50 8:60—Australian travel tall^. 9:00 8:00—Violin, piano, baritone. 11:00 10:00—Spokane C. ot C. prog. New York at Brooklyn. Rotary Club Head Hits 10:00 9:00—Bohemian Club concerL 9:30 8:30—Address, song recital. 1:00 12:00—Maids; organist: frolic. the botanical name "pinus pon- 11:00 10:00—Tw o dance orchestras. Cincinnati at Chicago. 10:00 9:00— Patriotic vocal program. 499.7— KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—€0a St. Louis at Pittsi)urgh. d^rosa’’ by David Douglas, young 440.9— WeX .W JR , DETROIT—680. 365.6— W eSH. PORTLAND—820. 11:30 10:30—Violinist, planlsL Scotch botanist and explorer who 8:00 7:00—WJZ Stromberg-Carlson. 7:00 6:00—W E AF programs (2 hrs.) 12:00 11:00—Dance concerL At Lewis and Mencken found it growing near the Spokane 8:30 7:30—Bu.siness talk; trio. 9:00 8:00—Studio concerL 340.7—WJAX, JACKSONVILLE—880. At Waterbury:— Building Sites Being Develop­ 9:00 8:00—WJZ programs (1 hr.) 10:00 9:00—W EAF Eskimos orch. 10:00 9:00—.Studio program. BRASSCOS 7, SENATORS 3 river in 1826. It was first discover­ 10:00 9:00—Manuel girls; orchestra, 293.9—WSYR, SYRACUSE—1020. 10:.30 9:30—Dance orchestra. W aterbury ed twenty-two years before by the ed With Aid of Filling Front 11:00 10:00—Red Apple Club program. 7:30 6:30—Syracuse dinner music. 416.4—KHJ, LOS ANGELES—720. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. New Orleans.— Arthur Sapp, 0 u in the world are those of the yel­ members in 44 nations. of the trucks that are noticed draw­ 7:45 6:45—Musical program. 468.5—WRC, W ASHINGTON—640. leveled at Rotary by Sinclair Lewis 336.9— WSM. N ASH V ILLE —890. Sullivan, If ... ___ 3 0 0 1 0 0 low pine of the mountainous west. Royalty .in Membership. ing sand through the streets are 8:4.5 7:45—Songs; talk; orchestra. 7:00 6:00—WEAF voters service. 10:00 9:00—WE.AF Eskimos orchestra McCleary, ss . . ___ 4 0 0 2 3 0 and H. L, Mencken are really high 10:00 9:00—Orchestra: club program. 7::f0 6:30—7,>otus dance music. “The spread of Rotary outside of not going to one place. In level­ 9::{il—Orclieslra: lennr Head, p ...... ___ 4 1 1 0 1 0 The tree grows in every state west compliments. 348.6—WGBS. NEW YORK—860. 8:00 7:00—W E A F progs. (2% hrs.) 11:15 10:1.5—Violin, 'cello, piano. the United States has been simply ing off the ground west of the Ma­ — — --- — of the Great Plains and also in “When those two poke fun at 8:00 7:00—String quartet, pianist. 10:.30 9:30-New Madrillon orchestra. 11:30 10:30—Studio concerL marvelous. Royalty has taken to sonic Temple the' surplus gravel 33 7 13 27 12 1 British Columbia and northern Rotary, we Rotarians can feel Hartford Rotary just as the average busi­ was dumped on the property owned Mexico. It thrives in a variety of proud that we are in good com­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ness and professional man in Am­ by E. J. Holl near the Gammons- ■Watson, cf .... O 1 2 2 0 0 soils on slopes, on the tops of pany,’’ said Mr. Sapp, when inter­ 2 2 erica has taken to it. The Prince Holman mill. 8:30 7:30—Balladeers. serenaders. Slayback. 2b ...... 4 0 3 3 ridges and in canyon bottoms. viewed for NEA Service as he paus­ Wednesday, May 30. Leading DX Stations. Roser, rf ...... 0 2 of Wales an honorary member of The sand that is coming from 9:00 8:00—WJZ Philco hour. 5 1 0 0 In the old lake basins of the ed for a few days here on the way Before a microphone in the National 10:00 9:00—Hits and Bits. Martineck. lb .. ___ 4 0 0 8 0 0 the Rotary club. King Albert of the new building that is now being (DST)(ST) Sierra slopes the tree reaches the to his home in Huntington, Ind., Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pa., where 11:00 10:00—Goidkette’s orchestra. 475.9— WSB, A T L A N T A —630. Schlnkel, If .. .. ___ 4 0 0 3 1 0 Belgium is a Rotarian. Leopold, erected on Main street near Park Abraham Lincoln dedicated a "portion 535.4— WTIC, HARTFORD—560. Schmehl. ss .... ___ 3 0 1 0 2 0 height of 200 feet and more with from a trip to Panama. 8:30 7:30—Concert orchestra. 2 crown prince of Belgium, is a mem­ is being dumped along the north of that field as a final resting place 7:30 6:30—"Ask Me Another." 9:00 8:00—W E AF progs. (2V4 hrs.) Krahe, 3b ...... ___ 4 0 0 0 0 a trunk diameter up to eight feet. “From the last 1 heard of these Bryant, c ...... ___ 4 ber of the Rotary club of Brussels. for those who here gave their lives 8:00 7:00—W E A F programs (3 hrs.) 12:45 11:45—Biltmoie entertainers. 0 1 5 u 0 fellows, they were poking quite a side of Haynes street near Main that that nation might live,” Presi­ 422.3—WOR, N E W A R K —710. 526—KYW. CHICAGO—570. Levy, p ...... ___ 4 2 2 0 1 0 The wood ot yellow pine Is often Umberto, crown prince of Italy, is — ,— lot of fun at Almighty God.” street. This is filling in the land dent Coolidge will deliver an address 7:10 6:10—Ensemble; orchestra. 7:30 6::i0-Organist; political talk. so heavy that the logs have to dry a member of the Rotary club of within hearing of listeners of WJZ 35 3 10 x23 8 2 that was once used as a baseball 8:00 7:00—Reid's neapolitans. 8:00 7:00—WJZ songs; foresters. a while before they can be floated Then he went on to give an in­ Torino. Four members of Musso­ and the Blue network. In addition 8:.30 7:30—Columbia Negro vocal duo U:(JU 8:00—WJZ Philco hour. W aterbury ...... 004 300 00.x— 7 terview that might be called an park. The men that backed the to the President, Governor John S. 9:00 H artford ...... to the m.lls. lini’s cabinet are Rotarians. Count 8:00—Operetta ’’Billce Taylor." 10:00 9:00—Symphonic ensemble. 002 000 001— 3 answer to the criticisms of Messrs. project at that time finished the Fisher of Pennsylvania, will be beard 10:00 9:00—Columbia orchestra, songs 11:00 10:00—Prof. Umteump; artists. Two base hits, Schmehl. McCarthy. Western yellow pine varies great­ Valpi, the Italian minister of fi­ Mencken and Lewis. season $1,700 in the hole each. In the role of presiding officer. This 11:05 10:05—Hale Byer’s orchestra. 11:30 10:30—Gaelic Twins, concerL Slayback, L evy; home run. Head; ly in quality. A large proportion is nance, is a member of the Rotary memorial service will go on the air 11:30 10:30—The Witching hour. 389.4— WBBM. CHICAGO—770. sacrlflflces, Jarrett, Slayback, Saun­ Since that itme land has been sold soft, light, easily worked and sea­ Just what does Rotary stand club of Venice. William Cosgrave, at 3 o’clock Wednesday afternoon. Be­ 333.1— WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—900. 9:00 8:00—Coon Sanders nighthawka. ders, Brunier, Watson; double plays, for?’’ he asked. “It stands ^or a to the state for the armory now ginning approximately at 4:10 the In­ 7:00 6:00—Baseball scores; orch. soned, stays in place well, anc'. is president of the Irish Free Stale, 9:'JU 8:20—Tenor; concert ensemble, McCleary to Farber to Bailey, Schin- lot of things— and all of them de­ , ^ „ erected, and ether sales of the prop- dianapolis Speedway will become the 7:30 6:30—Radio Nature league, 10:00 *J:00—Orchestras: artists. kel to Bryant, Farber to Bailey: left quite simila" to white pine. Often ^ a member of the Rotary club of lerty have been made. Now with center of interest for Red network 8:00 7:00—WJZ songs; foresters. 11:00 10:00—Quartet, siring ensemble. on bases, H artford 10, W aterbury 0; cent. No man, no community, no fans. Graham McName will describe 9:00 8:00—WJZ Philco hour. 1:0(1 12:00—Katinka novelty club. base on balls, off Levy 3, Head 3; it is heavy, coarsegrained and quite nation, ever got very far by just Dublin. Over in Japan Baron MU- the land that will be made by the the last hour of the 500-mile motor 10:05..9:0.5—Players: baseball scores. 365.6—WEBH-WJJD, CHICAGO—820. struck out, by Levy 3, Head 3; hit by resinous. standing back and ridiculing what sui, the great shipping and Indus- gjiing in of the low section the race of 33 automobiles driven by Inter­ 10:35 9:35—Orch; Boston concert. 7:00 6:00—Victorian orchestra; talk. pitcher, by Levy (Farber): passed Western yellow pine has uses trial magnate, was a member of Lam e of the property will be con- nationally known racing kings. At 6 491.5— W EAF, NEW YORK—610. 8:00 7:00—W E A F American hour. ball, Bryant; umpires. Summers and the rest are trying to do. Give o’clock WGR will radiate a Memorial ranging from highly finished pro­ the Rotary clnb of Yokohama. A j gjderablysiderably Increased and no doubt 3:00 2:00—Gettysburg Memorial pro­ 9:00 8:00—WJZ Philco hour. Sullivan; time, 2:05. any fool tools and dynamite and score of other Japanese noblemen Day program under the auspices of gram with President Cool- 9:30 8:30—Theater presentalions. X—Brunier out, hit by batted ball. ducts to the coarsest construction. he can wreck and tear down. It will be developed rapidly. the G, A. R., the Spanish W ar Veter­ Idge and Gov. Fisher. 12:00 11:00—Studio program, artists. The soft high-grade lumber is are Rotarians. ans and the American Legion. This 6:00 5:00—Dinner music; baseball. 416.4— WGN-WLIB, CHICAGO—720. takes something more than a fool ''One of the strongest planks In widely used for planing mill pro­ THE FISH BITES program will feature a concert by the 7:00 6:00—Synagogue services. 8:00 7:00—Almanack; chamber music to build. Rotary is trying to build. the platform of Rotary today ia in­ band of the Royal Grenadiers Regi­ 7:30 6;30i—String trio; soprano. 9:00 8:00—W E AF orchestra, quarteL ducts. Large quantities go into “When a man who bores me “Fellows like Mencken and Lew­ ternational acquaintanceship. We ment of Canada. Other highlights in 8:00 7:00—American hour. 10:30 9:30—.Mexican baritone. sash, doors and blinds which are is have discovered that there is al­ asks where I live, I always say, celebration of Decoration Dav may be 9:00 8:00—Troubadours orchestra. 11:15 10:15—Quintet: boss race. STATE LEAGUE are working out a message of in­ tuned In from WIP at 8; WNYC at 9:30 8:30—Orch., Silvertown quarteL 11:35 10:35—Sam ’ n‘ Henry; ship, sold abroad as well as throughout ways an audience^ when a small ternational peace and good will, 'In the suburbs.’ ” 8:15: WOR, W JZ and the Purple and 10:30 9:30—Opera, "L a Travlata.’’ 12:15 11:15—Musical duel; orchestra. the United States. ’The more resin­ boy throws a rock through a plate based on internaiional racial study “Ahah! That shuts him up, Blue networks at 9. and WEAF and 11:30 10:30—Kemp’s 'dance orchestra. 344.6—WLS. CHICAGO—870. glass window. An audience is what doesn’t it? But, I say, where do the Red network at 10. Counting a (forfeit victory over ous and coarse-grained grades are and recognizing the different 454.3—WJZ. NEW YORK—€60. 10:00 9:00—.Musical program. they want more than th'ey want 4:10 3:10— Indianapolis auto races. 11:00 10:00-''Foigotten operas." organ New Britain, Manchester Communi­ frequently used for joints, sills, points of -view of the different* you live?” Wave lengths In meters on left ol 6:00 ^.00—Baseball scores; orch. - 12:00 11:00—Je.-in, Jack; flirts; trio. ty heads the state league standing sheathing and studding. anything else in this world. They’d races. We a'fe fliscovering common “In the suburbs.”— Tit-Bits. station title, kilocycles on the right 6:45 5:45—"Read Us a Poem." 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. in the following approved fashion: Western yellow pine is an excel­ starve, probably, without one.’’ ground on which all may meeL Times are Eastern Daylight Saving 7:25 6:25—Political talks, soprano. 7:00 6:00—Orchestra; talk. Aims of Rotary and Eastern Standard. Black type W L lent wood for boxes. On the Pacific You don’t need the same language 8:00 7:00—Songs, saxophone quarteL 9:00 8:00—WOR Columbia hours. Then, dropping his levity, Mr. Indicates best features. 8:30 7:30—Foresters male quartet. 11:00 10:00—Concert orchestra, Manchester ...... 4 0 coast it competes successfully with or the same youthful training to 9:00 8:00—Philco hour with musical 12:00 11:00—Orchestra, Bobby Brown. Sapp recounted the history and play, "Royal Vagabond.” Kensington ...... 2 1 sugar pine (pinus lambertiana) and recognize what the broad limita­ NaMore Gas Leading East Stations. 374.8— w o e , DAVENPORT—800. alms of Rotary. tions of what Is good and *what is 10:00 9:00—Player Club hour. 7:45 6i45—WJZ political talk. Meriden ...... 1 1 western white pine (pinus montl- “Roughly speaking, the main fDST) (.S’T ) 10:30 9:30—Little Club orchestra. 8:00 7:00—W E A F progs. (3% hrs.) Bristol ...... 1 3 cola) aS a fruit box material. bad for a community. 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 11:00 10:00—Slumber music. 11:30 10:36—Memorial Day program. objects of Rotary— its aims and 7;(i5 ^6:05—Concert; talk; soprano, New Britain ...... 0 2 Names given to western yellow “It looks to US Rotarians as if In Stomach 405.2— WLIT, PHILADELPHIA—74a 12:00 11:00—Heuer’s orchestra. objects, we call them-=^re three,” Rotary had come to stay.” 8:16 7:15—Victor, society artists. 8:00 7:00—W E A F American hour, 325.9—KOA, DENVER—920. Torrington ...... 0 1 pine vary with the locality, there he said. “The membership of a Ro­ 8:30 7:30—Orchestra: aviation talk. 9:00 8:00—Theater orch., quarteL 10:45 9:46—Studio orchestra. 9:0.S being 29 In all. tary club In every community In­ 8:05—Orch., seprano, tenor. 10:30 9:30—W E A F grand opera, 11:00 10:00—Theater orchestra. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL 10:::o 9:30—Three dance orchestras. 11:30 10:30-Arcadia dance orchestra. 11:15 10:15—Memorial Day program. cludes one representative from each and Bowels 285 5—W BAL, BALTIMORE—1050. 348.6— WIP, PHILADELPHIA—860. 1:00 12:00—Gonzales orchestra. LAST NIGHT’S FIGHTS classification of business and pro­ If yoa wlah to ba paimanently r«- 8:;:o 7:30—Baritone, pianist. 8:00 7:00—Patriotic program by 400—PW X, H A V A N A —750. Troy, Pa.— After losing hls ump­ 9:00 8:00—WJZ Philco hour. fession. Ueved of gaa ia atomach and bowda. Wanderers male quartet. 9:00 8:00—Military orchestra. •' teenth maid, via matrimony. Had taka Baalmann'a Gas Tablets, which 10:00 9:00—Contralto, tenor, 315.6— KDKA. PITTSBURGH—950. At Cleveland— Mickey Walker, “Vocational service Is the first 10:00 9:00—Cuban troubadours. SCHOOL SAVINGS Carpenter of this city resorted to ars prepared especially for stomach gas 10:30 9:30—The music bo.\. 6:15 6:15—Band; baseball scores. 11:00 10:00—Studio music hour. world’s middleweight champion, of the aims and objects of Rotary, and all the bad effects resulting from 461.3—WNAC, BOSTON—650. advertising as a means to secure 7:00 6:00—Pittsburgh U. address. 370.2— WDAF, KANSAS C ITY—810. outpointed Tony Marullo, New Or­ Creating and maintaining a higher gaa pressure. 8:00 7:00—Mason-Hamliiie concert. 8:00 7:00—WJZ Sparkers. foresters. 8:00 7:00—W E A F programs (1 hr.) another. The ad ran: “GIRL That empty, gnawing feeling at the 8:30 7:30—Columbia progs. hrs,)' leans, 10; Maurice Holtzer, French Six schools attained one hundred standard of ethics In business and 9:00 8:00—WJZ Philco hour. 10:30 9:30—The Eats boys. WANTED: The most successful pit of the Aomach will diaappaar; t ^ t 11:15 10:15—Two dance orchestras. 10:00 9:00—Ramblers happiness hour. 11:30 10:30—Pla-Mor orchestra. featherweight, kayoed Harry Crisp, per cent in the School Savings Sya^ the precessions. Complete ellmlna« anxiona. narvons feeling with baart pal- 308.5—WGR, BUFFALO—990. 10:30 9:30—Power’s concert; baseball. 1:45 12:45—NIghthawk dance frolic. tion of unfair practices that may matrimonial agency In Northerif ltation afill vanish, and yon will again 6:00 5:00—Memorial Day program. 461.6— WCAE, PITTSBURGH—650. Cleveland, 6. Ee able to taka a deep breath without 416.4— KHJ. LOS ANGELES—720. At New Orleans— Tony Canzon- ing May 22, according to the sum- have become disguised under the Pennsylvania wants a good girl 8:uo 7:00—W E A F progs. (3> vania flyweight championship by School ance posits Pet. rians know that the world Isn’t men.* Delays are dangerous, re­ tion. Get the genuine, in the yellow padc- 9:00 8:00—Cos."Hcks orchestra. 8:00 7:00—Baritone, piano; orchestra going to be made over by any for­ grets are vain.” 9:3,11 8:30—"Ask Me Another.” 12:30 11:30—N ile Club music. outpointing Willie Davies, Char­ Hollister ...... 251 251 100 age, at any good drag gtore, Ptien |l. 9:00 8:00—WJZ Philco hour. 1:00 12:00—Orchestra, male quarteL 10;i'0 9:00—Male quartet; baseball. 10:00 9:00—"W ings of Song.” leroi, Pa., 10; Matty White, Phila­ Man. Green . ...245 245 100 mula overnight. And we know no 254.1—W RVA, RICHMOND—1180. Always on hand nt 11:00 10:00—Novelty Harmony Four. 10:30 9:30—WGY mixed quartet. delphia, outpointed Benny Tressl- Keeney street ,. 80 80 100 one organization can do It. We Male workers In Canadian fac­ 12:00 11:00—Orchestra; organist. 11:00 10:00—WJZ Slumber music. 7:30 ,6:30^Trio; orchestra; talk. urge every Rotarian to join every 9:15 ''8:15-^06-3^ play; pianist. do. New York, 10; Tony Murray, South ...... 69 69 100 tories, offices and farms outnumber 399.8—WTAM, CLEVELAND —750, 379.5—WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. worth-while organization in his 8:30 7:30—Crystal gazer; orchestra- 6:25 5:25—Baseball scores; concerL 10:15 9:15—Memorial Day program, Philadelphia, won decision over Open Air ...... 21 21 100 females by more than five to one. £. J. Murphy’s 12:00 11:00—Richmond dance music, community and work ■with It. W e 9:00 8:00—W E AF troubadours orch. 7:30 6:30—Remington band recitaL Mickey Waters, Jersey City, 6. Oakland ...... 18 18 100 lfl::;o 9:30—Two dance orchestras. 7:00—W E A F American hour. want our members to be members 8:00 422.3— KPO, SAN FRANCISCO—710. At New York— A1 Sinar, New No. School St. ..555 549 98 12:.30 ti:.30—^leninry Garden hour. 9:00 8:00—W E A F troubadour^. 11:00 10:00—N. B. C. entertainments. also of the local association* of York featherweight, outpointed ...90 88 97 440.0—W eX-W JR. DETROIT—680. 9:30 8:30—WFIAF male quarteL 12:00 11:00—Morris plan hour. Porter street commerce; of the various charita­ 8:00 7:00—WJZ songs, sa.xophones. 10:.30 9:30—Madrigal mixed quaflet. 1:00 12:00—Dance orchestras. Georgie Mack, Jersey City, 6; Har­ ...119 105 88 Buckland . . . ble and civic- organizations in his Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. ry Wallach, Brooklyn, won from 394 82 Nathan Hale ...476 home town. W e want him to work Jack McFarland, Newark, N. J., on 80 508.2—WEEI. BOSTON—590.SOS' 10:45 9:45—Memorial prog: pianist, 288.3—W ENR, CHICAGO—1040. - Washington . ...345 277 with them and frr them. 7:30 0:30—Oh Boy program. 11:15 10:15—Banjo ensemble, songs. 7:00 6:00—Organ; artists; stocks. ^ foul, 2; Bing Conley, Lewiston, 73 Bunce ...... 87 64 “Third of the aims and objects 8:00 7:00—W E AF progs. (2V4 drs.) 526—WNYC. NEW YORK—570. 9:00 8:00—Samovar orch; artists. Me., outpointed Joe Oliver, Brook- 69 1U;3.'> 9:.'15—Concert: organist. 9:15 8:15—Naumberg Symphonic 305.9— WH T, CHICAGO—9Sa j Barnard ...... 437 303 Is club service. W e plan and strive 245.8—WKRC, C IN C IN N ATI—1220. Memorial Day program, 9:30 8:30—Baritone, pianist. . ’ ______Lincoln ...... 438 281 64 constantly to make all the Rotary 9:00 8:00—Book review; trio. 365.6—W eSH, PO RTLAND—820. KhOO 9:00—Ramblers entertaInmenL clubs more efficient In jtheir serv­ • 10:00 9:00—Studio musical program. 8:00 7:00—State of Maine talk. 10:30 9:30—Your hour league. Totals 3231 2745 84 1:00 12:00—I'npiilnr program. 293.9—W SYR. SYRACUSE—1020. 319—KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—940. m ice to members of the club Itself. 265.3—W HK, CLEVELAND —1130. 7:30 6:30—Dinner music; baseball, 11:00 10:00—Mid-week church service. “Most Men Decent” 10;i.s 9:1.5—Italian music: tenor. 8:30 7:30—Health talk; quartet. 12:30 11 :.30—Baritone; Abo and Ikey. “Rotarians meet kt least once a 11:15 10:15—Soprano; Jolly Five. 9:00 8:00—Studio concerts, dance. 1:15 12:15—Orchestra, tenor; organ. 12:15 11:15—Luna Park broadcast. 11:00 10:00—Bridge game; orchestra. 499.7—KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—600. week for luncheon together. W e try 352.7—WWJ. DETROIT—850. 12:30 11:30—Loe-w’s theater program. 11:30 10:30—Foley’s orchestra. to Implant a feeling of friendli­ 8:00 7:00—W EAF progs. (2% hrs.) 357—CKCL, TORONTO—840, 405.2—WCCO. MINN., ST. PA U L—74a ness. We believe that the time 10:311 9:30—Dance orchestra. 7:30 6:30—Piano t'wins. l''-,30 9:30—Cecellan singers, pianist, 1I::10 Bh.'JO—studio organ, recital. 8:00 7:00—Canadian hour; planlsL ll:30 10:30—Radio home program. when every man looked at the rest 309.1—WABC. NEW YORK—970. 11:00 10:00—Goidkette’s orchestra. 12:35 11:35—Dance music; organ. I of tile world as his enemy belongs 9:00 8:00—siiidln programs. 468.5—WRC, W ASHINGTON—640. 336.9— WSM. N ASH V ILLE —890. to ancient history and should re­ 348.6—WGBS. NEW YORK—860. 7:00 6:00—K ltt musical hour. 10:30 9:30—Concert; theater program. main ancient history. We have 9J10 8:00—Norfleet In.strumental trio. 7:4.5 6:4.5—W.1Z political talk. 11:30 10:30—Minstrel men’s frolic. \ 10:00 3:00—Slave songs; viollnlsL 8:00 7:00—'WEAF progs. (3V4 hrs.) ^ :1 S 11:15—Soprano; studio concerL discovered that fundamentally most men want to do the decent thing and want to live lu peace and amity and mutual constructive effort with their neighbors. “The way Rotary International has spread is the best evidence to Herald Advertising Pays-^Use It m r of the eterh&l fniths thAt

K ’ ■1 « v^. ..V. '■5 ■■■.■'

ip A G B ls_

LATEST FASHION # FRATHKE ARTIT^ HINTS BY FOREMOST H a b o u t INTERRSJHliC^ , **' -V :.^ w OBIEN ■ A O T H O R n tE S THE —- M \. One-M inute This And That In rl Loves iff. Int^rUiewH RUTH DEMY GROVES Feminine Lore THIR HAS HAPPHIVED WOMEN ARE ENFOltCEB^ _ V JLKGINXA B JLEf w S^X'jtuRf spoil p F lM E lillW tke anSdes deatk of ker fatker. i, « JF-'VO- Dearest Marye: If America Is to haYeWells. But I do the laws, in the opinion o f Mri. objccta to thia for he miatrsata see why her father blaihed the boy. DEAN’S motiTea. Dpon phoolns name of Manchester’s newest and suggested Cook rapidly until Henry W. Peabody’s,'general chair-' NIEL'S atsdlo late one nlsht. VIR­ most home-like eating place at 655 tapioca is tender, about 15 If he had damaged Mr. Wells’ prop-1 man of the Woman’s NaUowi'Com­ GINIA la asrprlaed when hla North Main street, which will be minutes. er ty he’d have been expected to pay j mittee for Law Enforcement. . model, CHIRI, aaawera. Thla for it, wouldn’t he? | Mrs. Peabody pOinl!^. eauaea a qnarrel which la later open every day in the year from 12 Serve in soup plates with crou­ m ended. noon to 1 a. m. Memorial day they tons. Because he thinks more of his since biblical days, prO^jeas^VB ’NO- H o p ln c to r e t N IE L away, daughter than his property is no men of the past have ' recognixed D E A N arransea to haTe him o f­ will serve special chicken dinner/:, reason why he should be willing to fered a poaltlon in San Franclaco. $1.25 add $1.50. They specialize their duty as law-enforcers. ' On the tick and piping hot— overlook any injury that might re­ “ Deborah is the first rpcorded^IAW N IE L beara V IR G IN IA to m a rry on delicious club and other sand­ him and g o weat, bat ahe refsaea That’s the way to eat it! sult to her. He’s the one who will enforcement leader,” she said. “ De­ wiches, , salads and Basse’s ice to let him aacrlflce hla art. Soup that goes right to the spot! have to pay the bills, and if Shirley borah doubtless would have pr6- CLARISSA becomea Jealona of cream, and are prepared to cater to VIRGINIA, and the latter reaolrea Where’s the feat to beat it? really remonstrateu with the young ferred to sit under her palm tree to leave, bnt DEAN oppoaea her small private parties or to upwards man for his reckless driving then | and express her opinion oh various departure and aaka her to marry of 75 by appointment. The spacious Who wants to bother making Mr. Wells certainly had a right to questions. It was necessary, how­ him. When ahe refsaea, he house, known to most Manchester sue him. ' threatena to reveal the fact that soup these warmish spring days ever, to persuade a timid ruler to her father cheated him ont of folks as the Keeney place, affords when you can buy that delicious If the boy’d been anything but go out and save his" country. She SlOOfOOfl in a bootlegtcinsT deal. ample room for small dances. Tele­ Philadelphia Pepper Pot about irresponsible it wouldn’t have been finally had to go with him and see Recklessly, VIRGINIA - pledges phone 2659. necessary to start suit. In the first herself to marry him it ahe falls which we have bee nwriting in this that he did it. , . to earn the money to repay him column right now in several of the place, there wouldn’t have been an “Woman’s home training steels in one year’s time. She then goes The housewife who gives serious local stores? This is really more accident— at least he wouldn’t have her to the arduous tasks enUdlod to a cheap hotel after pavrning been to blame for it. And in the one of her rings. The sordidness of consideration to her family’s nutri­ than a soup and came to the West in enforcing any law~. iSfer trained the place makes her realiae her tional needs tries to adapt the foods Indies from Spain, brough by the second place, having caused it, he hands keep the children under changed fortnnes, bnt real panic to the changing seasons. Heavy, early Dutch settlers to Pennsyl­ ought to have offered to defray all home law. Any man left alone comes when she hears a brawl expenses. through the thin partition and substantial dishes so satisfying in vania. It contains several different with six lively children for a week then she knows that she has in­ colder weather are not desirable kinds of meats and any number of I don’t suppose you have any idea might readily modify or repeal the deed made a mistake in her choice. for summer, when the m,eals must of the worries that beset a parent Ten Commandments, seize his per­ She checks ont immediately and seasonings; if you clipped the over the wildness of the modern be more carefully planned, not only sonal liberty in both hands andv consnlts her attorney who recom­ recipe from these columns a short youth. And aside from considera­ mends a small, quiet hostelry to to appeal to the palate but to look state with deep ’ conviction that, which she goes. time ago you can refresh your tions of mental anguish there’s the attractive to the eye. Any meal is memory as to its contents. I was ‘woman’s place is in the hiome.’ NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY economic angle to be weighed as “ Man the law-giver; woman the made more interesting and nutri­ pleased and surprised to find a well. That ought to appeal to you, CHAPTER XIX tious by the judicious use of fruit. quantity on the shleves at the Self- law-enforcer! That has-been thw, with your efficiency. Isn’t a child accepted home-rule in. American ■^IRGINIA’S things had arrived, In any diet composed of much meat Serve, because, I had had a “ finger an investment? How would you * she vas told, and she asked to it is particularly essential to in­ in the pie.” Manager McCann told life. Why not put it into .effect like to see years of toil and sacri­ in a democracy where 'men are have them sent up immediately. It clude fruit and vegetables. me that one Philadelphia lady here, fice for a daughter wasted by the making a dismal failure? gave her welcome activity to un­ or visiting here, ordered^ a dozen wknton foolhardiness of a young pack and make a list of the pic­ “The best law enforcement offi­ To crown a faultless attire cans at a purchase. Tty It and see person. cial in Washington today ■ is a wo­ tures and the few objets d’art she Memorial day you must be certain if you do not think it is all we have I surely wouldn’t consider you of had In her suitcases. The trunks man, ^ Mabel Willlbrand, Assistant that your coiffure is correct. A mar­ been saying about it. less importance, Marye, than my Attorney General . that should have been at the Heaps’ "Do make us some tea, T^iel,” Chiri coaxed. “I’m so low I could crawl under a pancake.' cel at the Lily Beauty shop in the pansy bed, and yet I had to have a were not there, she learned. She “ From now until election ..day, House & Hale building, one of Another W. W. Wentworth regular set-to with the new. people called her former home on Park patriotic women are needed to hdld of a decidedly boyish cut. Nathan­ crushing against his, her firm there anything wrong, Virginia?” their large natural-looking waves, bridge series- will begin tomorrow who’ve moved in next door because candidates to their plain dut# of en­ Avenue and directed the superin­ iel threw down his brush and young body tense. “ Clarissa and I had a misunder­ will give you entire satisfaction. on the home page. It ought to be their dog dug up my plants and forcing the law.” tendent to send them to her new knocked over a chair on his way Nathaniel shoved her away and standing,” she confided reluctant­ Ring 1671 for an appointment. of interest to every bridge player they didn’t seem to think it amount­ address. They contained nothing to greet her when Virginia entered scolded angrily. “What an idiot ly, hoping he wouldn’t press her whether novice or shark at the ed to anything. I’ve worked hard NOVELTY SUIT but clothing, very little of which on those pansy beds, and I’m not In response to his call to come in. you are!” Triumph blazed back at for all the details. Spring Vegetable Soup game. It will be under the caption she cared to wear now, so she was "Will-o-th.e-wisp,” he chided; him from Chiri’s gypsy eyes. She “t knew that would happen! That Four good-sized new carrots, 1 going to have them destroyed. I An amusing suit has a red and “ Bridge Made Easy” and Mr. Went­ guess Mr. Wells felt the same way not impatient to receive them. "I’ve been trying all day to get you shook her hands off her shoulders girl’s got a yen on herself,” Na­ Bermuda onion, 4 outside blades grey plaid silk gingham coat’, with worth will work up from the basic about Shirley. I wish he’d been able It was a different Virginia who but I couldn’t get a peep from any­ and rubbed the places where his thaniel declared vehemently. “How of celery, 1 small parsnip, 1 new jabot revers and, a pleated skirt of presented herself at Mr. Gardiner’s principles to the technicalities of to make an example of the, young one at the Deans. Aren’t they let­ fingers had left red marks. “If you did it come about?” turnip, 3 tablespoons butter, 1 cup crimson. A red ballibufitl hat tdie office a second time that day. A the game. This series will be a fit­ man. Maybe If, people always had to ting you use the phones? I sus­ want to bruise me, do it with “Well, she seemed to think I strained tomatoes, 4 cups y.ater, 1 it: ' bit of the thrill of a good fight had ting sequel to the “ Bridge Me An­ pay for the damage they do there’d pected something like that.” kisses,” she said, with absolute se­ might change my mind about mar­ teaspoon salt, 1-4 teaspoon pepper, got through her despondency and other” which proved so popular. be less damage and fewer accidents. Virginia forced herself to laugh riousness. rying you,” Virginia told him in 2 tablespoons left-over green peas, incited her to a desire for action. “Good lord!” Nathaniel groaned. the same accents she’d have used Getting off' too easily only leads at him. She wasn’t going to let 2 tablespoons quick cooking people into further recklessness. “ Call up in the morning and I’ll Miss Mond know that anything “Do I have to murder you?” to say that babies are found In hol­ Will the South end reader who tapioca. sent for four patterns, enclosing With all my love, let you kpow about these things, ’ was wrong. "I’ve been busy with “Not today. I’ve got all I expect low logs. he said, referring to the list she Scrape and peel vegetables and numbers, sizes, money— everything MOM. Mr. Gardiner,’’ she explained after for the nonce.” “Judging you by herself,” Na^ put through coarse knife of food had made. murmuring a polite phrase to “Then you’re going?” hopefully. thaniel remarked sourly. “I don’t but the very necessary name and “I really think I have a right to chopper. Melt butter in kettle, add address— kindly furnish us with NEW HANKIES Chiri. “It was so late when I left “Oh, I must. So sorry to have like to have you listening to that prepared vegetables and cook five them,’’ Virginia said wistfully. kind of persuasion,” he went on the needed information, by tele­ his office just now I thought you to leave you!” She danced out of minutes. Then add sifted tomatoes, “They were mother’s.’’ the tiny place and dived into the earnestly, phone or otherwise. We still con- Large square's in filmy voiles, must be about finished with your water, salt, and pepper and simmer, “Then of course they’re yours, bedroom with a gay, mocking “There won’t be any more of it "linue torece ive coins, loosely plac­ handkerchief linens . and georgette work for the day, so I came in to closely covered, for one hour. Add but we'll just make sure that they thrill on her smiling lips. I left the house last night.” ed in the envelopes. The latter are now make sports handkerchiefs. have tea with you.’’ water as necessary to keep five cups are not on the unpaid bills, so’s to Virginia sat wide-eyed in her “So that’s why they were so un­ not always sealed to the corners Light centers with vivid borders are It was a hint none too subtle for of*liquid. Add tapiocS, and about best. avoid the possibility of trouble." chair, wondering what method Na­ communicative today! I couldn’t and the coins work out. Chiri, but hints were not guiding half a cup of any left-over vegeta- ’ This time Virginia left the build­ stars in her life. - She settled back thaniel had used that worked so get them even to take a message MARY TAYLOR. ing with a lighter heart. It meant on the couch that Nathaniel had effectively in expediting Chiri’s de­ for you and if I hadn’t heard from something to be allowed to hope Keen trying to reproduce as a parture. Oh, well, artists were you by tonight I was going to raid “OBEY” GOES TWICE 'MMIM IS HEume that she was not to be stripped of stretch of sea beach and lahguidly queer people—perhaps only they the place. Where did you go when The Woman’s Day “The Lovely Duckling,” by the very last possession that linked curled her ivory-tinted legs into an could understand each other! you left?” Rupert Hughes, is a story of her with the life that seemed now Nathaniel came in with the tea Virginia gave him the name of family problems in this modern intimate pose. “Yes, do make us The wild clamor for help on the MY VARICOSE VEINS to have been a fairy tale. some tea, Niel,’’ she coaxed; “ I’m before Chiri emerged from the bed­ her hotel, omitting all reference world. The “Lovely Ducklings” •ndhurdievadmeoftheintenaepamtiuit has But she could not know beyond room. Virginia felt her unseen to the Ritz. She did not wish him problem of the high cost of babies are* the children of distraught often given me a aleeplesa night,** says Mrs. so low I could crawl under a pan continues to be heard in, the land. Clara Kenne^, 406 West 48th St., New Voii^ doubt until morning; and in the .presence in Nathaniel’s room like to know how nearly destitute she clucking parents who realize that N. Y. If yoii suffer, start using BABALU cake.’’ One can’t pick up a current maga­ meantime she must communicate Nathaniel threw gray daggers at a damper on the conversation and was. “It’s a satisfactory hotel,” family discipline has gone glim­ tunigbL 50e and 814)0 a t dmg^rta. with Nathaniel. He might have made no attempt to impart her she hastened to add as Nathaniel’s zine of any nature without finding mering and that the word “obey,” her but he said pleasantly, “You this wail. It’s made by the middle- called the Deans and learned that make it, Chiri, while I fix a chair news to him. She began to think, face darkened. “Mr. Gardiner rec­ now left out of the marriage cere­ she was gone. Virginia was smit­ after 10 minutes' had passed, that ommended it.” class father or mother, complain­ mony, is also omitted from the for Miss Brewster.” ing that on a salary of $35 or $40 ten with remorse that she had Virginia looked displeased, but Chiri would linger over her dress­ Nathaniel reached for the cup of minds of children. a week it is utterly impossible to left the day so nearly go by with­ Nathaniel gave her arm ' a little ing unnecessarily, but presently tea that trembled in fier nervous “Youth today,” . says Mr. out calling him. she was surprised to see her- come fingers and placed it on the tray. finance both the initial cost and the Hughes, “Is a gigantic secret soci­ squeeze of promise as he led her upkeep of offspring. Virginia had glimpsed the to a chair from which he trans­ out. She was wearing a red crepe “I suppose it was very unpleasant,” ety forbidding its elders to enter T.ALE OP WOE! Let us launder them small hotel parlor where every ferred an assortment of colorful dress that cleverly revealed the he said quietly. its life, to say nothing of control­ The latest complalner confesses \. word spoken could be overheard. costumes to the floor with one contours of a remarkably well- “With Clarissa, you mean? Yes, ling it. It has its own codes, its that his salary is $35 a week, that They might take a ride on a bus sweep of his hand. “ I’ll get rid formed bod}'. it was, and I’d rather not talk about own ideals, many of them high, they are paying $3000 for a house top up Riverside Drive, but Arhat of her,” he whispered, and van­ “I’d like to stay to tea,” she said it. But after all I couldn’t stay but many of them perilous, and a place for Nathaniel in a temper ished after Chiri. impishly to Virginia, “but Niel’s there and do nothing. It’s much and lot, paying for the furniture, its members destroy or save them­ for y o u It wifl help driving a second-hand car, “an —as he was sure to be. "Look here, you’ve got to get just given me something I’ve got to better for me to find some work." selves under the cover of a well- Well, why not go his studio? It out," he told her firmly. “You put on ice.” “You’re going to find it a life- automobile being a necessity, not meant conspiracy to keep the was the best place in the world, were in a hurry to leave a while “You didn’t give her anything sized job being married to me," a luxury nowadays,” doing his elders outside. Virginia thought, to tell him what ago; don’t be a dog in the manger, to drink?” Virginia charged Na­ Nathaniel returned earnestly. own painting and repairing, be­ “Blood-curdling Incidents take had happened with Clarissa. That Chiri.” thaniel after Chiri -had slammed His hands came to hers, spoke longing to the least expensive fra­ place and tragedies are averted or would be enough to explain why Chiri laughed. “ What wins the door in her wake. for him, pleaded. His voice, too, ternal order in town, carrying noted as in a separate world. The she was breaking with the Deans. wars? The orders or the scraps? “I didn’t give her anything. She picturing a happiness that was like $3000 life Insurance, eating the parents imagine much and fear Nathaniel would be sure to urge I’m fighting, do you see? If you took it,” Nathaniel evaded. cool, sweet water on parched lips. simplest foods, having picnics and more, hut they are really foreign­ an early marriage, but she could want me to go, make it worth my “Well, I don’t think you should Virginia prayed not to love him so an occasional auto ride for the ers and hardly more than bewil­ find some reason for putting it off. while.” have allowed her! I’m sure she’s much she would forget all else. His sole diversion, that the last and dered spectators of dramas they After a ride down to Washing­ “If you don’t consider It worth irresponsible enough as It is.” words tumbled on, drawing her first baby is two and a half years cannot follow.” ton Square on a bus Virginia your while to be decent I don’t “Please, let’s forget her, sweet­ from trouble, promising heaven. old, and that they have been able THERE l« nothing that has ever to save by a fourth, or about $50 walked to Nathaniel’s studio and know what to offer you.” heart,” Nathaniel begged. “Tell Her eyelids closed all the way; she taken the place of Bayer Asjririn as day right has a lot found him at work. Chiri was pos­ “This!” Chiri was in his arms, me, I have a feeling that things sighed a little and bent to his arms. of the required $200 minimum an antidote for pain. Safe, or iriiysi« hospital fee, for their baby. ing for him in a red bathing suit hands pulling his head down, lips aren’t quite all right with you. Is (To Be Continaed) W e w m Be dans wouldn’t use it, and endorse its m s SOLUTION iiiiiiifliiiiEiiuiiifluiiiiiuniiiiiiuiiniiniviuliinniluiiiliHiniiiimuiBiiiiimiiiiuiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiyiiiiiiiiiiiiim use by others. Sure, or several mil­ “This great nation, the richest Closed All Day lion users would have turned to some­ to on earth, might well observe the thing else. But get real Bayer Aspirin policy of another nation which, I that women working outside of the Tomorrow (at any drugstore)' with Bayer the am told, offers governmental aid home are in time bound to change box, and the word genum t printed in to parents at the birth of a child. Home Page Editorial the character of men. One-man in Memorial Day r e d : “Su(m; ^ ” the know, recently wrote an article The expense of euch government to the effect that men are retro­ aid could only be met in America i Daily Health Service WHY MEN LOSE grading to The primitive more rap­ by increased taxation; but in that idly than we realize. It is easy to, case the first cost of future citi­ HINTS ON h o w 'TO KEEP W ELL SELF RESPECT see the reason; Take away self-re­ zens would be borne by all, even by World Famed Authority spect and will anyone, man or wo­ the childless and the unmarried man, care greatly what happens af­ sharing the burden and helping By Olive Roberts Barton ter that? to give parents a better chance to » Not that men need to lose their welcome and properly to care for EGG ADDS A VALUABLE has been brought into a condition self-respect because their wives go their children.” MODERN PROTEIN 'TO DIET which enables the gastric juice to out and work, but they do and will. HEAP BIG CHIEFS act upon It to better advantage. A Chicago woman got a divorce It is their nature. Times aren’t so rosy for Heap Dyers and Cleaners By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN Preservation because her husband was unpleas- Big Chief Indians in the reserva­ So important are eggs In the diet jealous of\her Income 11 School Street AiplrtD !■ Editor Jonnial of the American tions. The squaws are refusing the tnde mark of Medical Association and of Hygeia, that all sorts of methods have been made more money than he did,” to do all the work while the men Tel. 1419 Bayer Manufacture the Health Magazine devised for preserving them, in­ she said. “ When I refused to quit Fashion Plaque folks loaf. Indian men always Of Monoacetlcacldeater of SaUeyUcaeld work and let him support me, he The egg Is an important article cluding packing In solid substances have hunted and fished and war- deserted me.” in the diet, since It provides a pro­ and in water glass or by cold stor­ red while Indian women tilled the age. Evaporating away the mois­ , We believed that kind of senti­ tein that Is easily digested. It is de­ fields, pounded the maize into XSaSXX900(9S3S9(X9(9(SSXX9C3(X9»C)(X»S(9(S(S(X3»S9(9(9»XSS9^^ ficient in carbohydrate and sugar ture wkl reduce the egg to a pow­ ment among men was dead, al­ flour, made garden, and did all but this, of course, is not an Impor­ der. though the time was when they the home work. That was fair tant deficiency. An egg removed from cold stor­ banked their fists on the table and enough when buffalo and fish said they’d be darned if they’d The white of the egg consists age should be eaten promptly as were brought home to be cooked. stand it. chiefly of water, proteins and min­ bacteria which have beeh held Inert But now that food is bought at eral salts. The yolk of the egg is immediately begin to multiply in Weighing the pros and cons of the corner grocery, some of the Clean Milk the warmer atmosphere. fat highly emulsified, in which this wife-working business, we be­ men only • congratulate themselves '•V'i.vit '' J All sorts of substitutes for eggs there Is much vitamin A and D pro­ lieve that iciost men today would that their own job is off their are available. These consist most­ portionately, also some protein and rather be delving for the bread' for hands, spend all their time loaf­ The latest report from the ly of cornstarch, casein and color­ their families, and the oriental rugs such minerals as phosphorus, cal­ ing, and make no move to assume cium and Iron. ing matter. They do not possess and sport cars, too, than have their the same nutritive 'value as eggs wives go out and hustle. any of their wives’ , same old Connecticut Department Contains TO Calories duties. ^ The average egg weighs about in protein content and particularly Few men exist who don’t love to not In their content of vitamins. MEN ALL ALIKE of Health gives us the two ounces; about 15 per cent of play Santa Claus, for men are, as Even the. government has step­ its content is protein, about 10 per a class, more generous than women. ped in on some of the reserva­ cent fat, auout one per cent min­ They are less selfish in their motive tions and tried to make ^the men HIGHEST POSSIBLE eral and the remainder water. In DISINFECTANT WA'IER. for digging up the almighty dollar, these limes a t much attention to whether for bread or for luxuries. make garden arid relieve the calories and reduction in weight It When women work it usually is squaws a little. But the Indians SCORE for clean milk. Use a little disinfectant In all aren’t so different from hundreds is Important to realize that a sin- the water you clean with. 'Win­ for a more selfish reason. Re­ ble egg will provide 70 calories, so gardless of the money they earn, and thousands of our white hus­ dows, ceilings, floors, furniture, bands who see no reason why, that It is not a good reducing food. and especially the bath room their motives, if closely analyzed, A ^aw egg Is not so easily digest­ shoud have it. would boil down mostly to self-in­ even if economic stress makes it ible as one that la slightly cooked, terest. True, many women are necessary for their wives or contrary to popular opinion. On the working for families, but I am A 'SMALL TOQUE of crocheted daughters or sisters to work for other hand, even a raw egg Is fairly CLEAN QUILTS speaking of the class of women who wage QUtsldri the home, they J. H. HEW ITT black straw with a cluster “of yellow easily digestible. ten years ago would have had to shouldn’t also keep on doing all The hard boiled egg la digested Quilts should be wc3!;cd in warm stay at home because their husbands flowers over one earc.is-accompan­ the housework just as “womeif 49 Holl Street. . . .Phone 205(1 easier than one w* of medium hard- u~ >08® Water and dried at once in the . icmrefused ocu tolu ictlet themlucm ie


No HeraU Tomorrow Last of Civil War Mothers Tells of Soa, IS, V COOLIDGE TO SPEAK AT GETTYSBURG No issQf of the Manches­ President Faces Spot Tpmotrow Where Lincoln^ Stood When Making laueertal Indi­ ter Evening Herald will be Who Marched Away in *64, Never to Return published tomorrow, Mem­ catory Address in 1 8 ^ , drilled up and down that street.” orial Day. She shouldered her cane to illus­ trate. •! c ■ By JOE EO\"E “ They gave him a cape and they trafilc. This bridge has been under paraded and paraded and then one construction for nearly a year ftud NEA Service Writer day they went away and I never automobilists and others using the saw him alive again,” she con­ road have been obliged to use a de­ tinued. “ I didn’t mind it so much tour during that time. West McHenry, 111., May 29— On at' first becauhe my brother was' Miss Thelma Cummings is suf­ in the same company and he the front porch of a small stone fering from a severe attack of Ivy promised to look out for him. And poisoning. house here sits Mrs. Samantha the captain and his wife were The regular Christian Endeavor Rorer Button, 88, a kindly little friends and used to write to me.” services at Hebron Center and woman who dreams of her “ soldier A few months later her son was Gilead were omitted Sunday eve­ taken down with typhoid fever boy’’ who marched away to yrar in ning on account of the tri-county and removed to a hospital. She union meeting in Westchester on February, 1864, and never came thinks it was Camp Relief at that evening. A steriopticon lecture back. Washington. showed pictures of the life of Except for an aged negro woman “ I wanted to go to him but I Christ. Edward A. Smith and Rob­ couldn’t manage with the other in Alabama, whose son fled from ert Porter took truck loads of fin' children. And he died . . . my deavorers from Hebron and Gilead slavery to enlist in the federal soldier boy . . . he died calling to witness the performance. A col forces, she is the last of the Civil for his mother,” she says with lation was served after the close of War mothers. eyes brimming with tears. the program. Decorates His Grave Born in Pennsylvania in 1830 Alberta Hllding, the small daugh­ He was brought back and buried ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hildlng, she came west with her parents near his home. Every year Mrs. is seriously ill with malaria. and settled in McHenry. At a Button sees that his grave is deco­ Miss Harriet Hough, a student very early a^e she married. Three rated. at Hartford High school, spent the Mrs. Button attributes her long boys were born to her before she weak end at the home of her life to hard work and exercise, mother, Mrs. Gertrude Hough. was twenty — Clinton, Leonard three meals a day and not eating Mr. and Mrs, L. F. Ward and and Frank. Clinton, the oldest, between meals. She has practi­ daughters, and Miss Eunice Porter, was the soldier. He enlisted in cally no use for doctors. “ I haven’t taken five cents a:l of Hartford, were Sunday guests Company H, 18th Illinois Cavalry, at the home of Me, and Mrs. H. C in February, 1864, when he was worth of doctor medicine in the Porter. 16.. , last fifty years and I’ve had Tells of Son enough grief to kill forty women Mrs. Button, now wrinkled and . . . but here I am,” she says. worn, sits alone with her remi- Mrs. Button, then Mrs. Rorer, WAPPING , niscences. was placed on the pension rolls in “ I have had to work hard all December, 1864, at $8 a month. my life but we did have the jol- The pension terminated in 1870 Memorial Day service will be liest times,” she says. ‘‘When when she married James Button, held at Wapping tomorrow. The Clinton was old enough to dance but he died in 1899. In December, program will be as follows: meet­ I taught him how and was his first 1926, she filed for pension renew­ ing of South Windsor Veteran As­ al as a dependent mother and got sociation at 10:15 a. m* (daylight partner. I’ll have you know I Facing the spot where was no wall-flower in those days.” it. saving time). Parade and decora­ Then the Civil War came and , The only other Civil War tion of graves in Wapping ceme­ Lincoln delivered his famous teries at 10:30 a. m. and the Boy with it a call for recruits. Local mother on the pension rolls is Gettysburg address and companies were formed in Mc­ Samantha Farrer, of-^Athens, Ala., Scout Band of Hartford (twenty- Henry and they drilled not far mother of Henry Farrer, a former five pieces) will furnish nmusic. standing only a short dis­ from the Rorer home. slave, who enlisted in Campany Exercises at the Wapping School tance away. President Cool- “ There was paradin’ up and F, noth Colored Infantry. He hall at 11:15 a. m. The address will be delivered by Rev. William idge makes a Memorial Day down the streets with torches Mrs. Samantha Rorer Button, 98, who will see to it that her son’s was captured and died in a Con­ and drums,” she says. “Clinton federate prison. She is now past W. Malcolm, pastor of the Siuth address at Gettysburg National Cemetery to­ spot on which the martyred president stood. grave is decorated today . . . At 16, he left her and marched away Windsor Congregational church. was only 16 but he was big and to war In 1864 and never came back alive. 100 but does not know her exact morrow. The inset shows President Coolidge and the strong and they took him in. They age. Pupils of the Wapping Grammar schools will assist. Sons of Veter­ The Soldiers’ National Monument (left) artist’s sketch is taken from an old picture of ans have been detailed to decorate now stands on the spot where stood the rude Lincoln delivering his address. Manchester for the self-sacrifice On er she had lost her voice. Still she graves in South Windsor street and wooden platform from which Lincoln deliver­ President Coolidge is tho second preSidO&t the part of its individual soldiers could not bear to be idle while she Rye street cemeteries. ed his immortal oration when the cemetery since Lincoln to si»eak^ Gettysbarg on Me­ Here Are Prize Winning and the prompt and effective action had the use of her hacids. Her Miss Anna Mitchell of this town, has a new Whippet four-door sedan. was dedicated on Nov. 19, 1863. A short dis­ morial Day, the first having be«i President of the community as our own Civil good handwriting and her great Roosevelt, in 1904. N ear^ every president War Veterans will remember with desire to work, helped her to find Leslie Collins has been suffering' tance behind the rostrum chosen for Cool- American Legion Essays great pride. a place in the Patent Office in Wash­ with an infection on his eye. idge’s speech is the Lincoln speech memorial since the Civil War has^ visited Gettj^burg at At the time of the Civil War, ington. During the years of humdum The regular meeting of the Fed­ (below), often mistaken as designating the one time or another during his administration. Manchester had a voting popula­ life there as a government clerk, erated Workers will be held on Fri­ tion of 658, and out of this num­ Miss Barton was thrilled by the day afternoon, at the home of Mrs. The four winning American Le- states May tenth is observed. Louis- Frank Foster of Foster street and gion scholarship essays are pub-’flana has the third of June. In four ber, Manchester sent 268 to the stories she read of the noble work Webster, Mass. Bebe Daniels half a chance and the Mrs. Marion F. Pierce will be the lished herewith. Dilworth Cornell other states it is April twenty-sixth. war. Of these men 241 were vol­ of Florence Nightingale, the famous T. Grant, who has been seriously motion picture comedienne ‘will TWO DOOMED G R IS Post, No. 102,. American Legion In 1899 the veterans of the Span- unteers and the other twenty-seven, nurse in the Crimean War between assistant hostess. 111, is slightly improved. wrench a chuckle out of the worst awakds each \yoar four medals, two ish-American War began decorat­ drafted men. It was a fine record Great Britain and Russia. Mrs. Alexander Burger had an of the pessimists. In “ The Fifty gold and two eilVer, io the gram­ ing the graves of their dead bud­ for Manchester to have this many When Fort Sumter was fired on aluminum demonstration which was Fifty Girl,” her new starring effort, TO HELP S G E N T l^ mar school pupils whose efforts on dies. volunteers. Forty-eight lost their and President Lincoln began calling held at the home of her daughter, RINTY, THE WONDER she certainly lives uj) to her reputa­ a Memorial Day subject are ad­ Now the graves of the World War lives and seventeen were captured for soldiers to defend the Union, Mrs. Wellman Burnham on last Fri­ tion for the entire piece is nothing judged best. The winning essayists veterans are being decorated. and confined in Confederate prisons. Clara Barton was soon fouAd at the day afternoon. but good wholesome laughs from Volunteer to Submit to S x p ^ - Miss Marion Hills entertained a DOG AT THE STATE in the Eighth grades will receive This day is now set aside for the Seven of Manchester’s men ranked front, in places of great danger. beginning to end. ments in Hopes of Finding gold medals and those in the Sev­ decoration of ^ all the soldiers’ as commissioned officers. Among Fitting up an old barn for a hospi­ party of her school friends at her The story is typically Bebe Dan­ enth grades will receive silver med­ graves who fought for the honor of these, the most noted was Frank W. tal, she -went about on the battle­ home here, over the \ eek-end. iels, who is never better than In a Cure. als. They will be properly engraved their countjy,^ _ _ ,. ^ . Cheney who was lieutenant-colonel field looking for wounded men and The Blue TOangle Club will story wherein the beautiful Ameri­ Shares Honors With Beebe New York, May 29—^^Two of the 'lo'^Re t ^ftifiJri't(»- tf ■ shblild: B6 ' till duty oY every oLlhe Sixteenth Volunteer Infantry doing all she could to relieve and meet with Mrs. Trueman H. Wood­ Daniels in Holiday Bill To­ can girl just cannot keep herself morrow afternoon at Cheney Hall. American man, woman and child, which was organized in the fall of help them. Corresponding with ward at the parsonage for a busi­ out of a jam. In “ Tho Fifty-Fifty five New J ^ e y glrls.who are said The essays are as follows: to do something on Memorial Day 1862. newspapers in the North, she did ness meeting this evening. day and Tomorrow. Girl” deals with such a girl, one to be doomed to die of radidtn to show how much he or she appre­ The Civil War on the Union side wonders in obtaining medicines, who is firm in the belief that she poisoning, contracted while they THE ORIGIN OF MEMORIAL DAY ciates what our soldiers suffered differed greatly from the World hospital supplies and comforts for Rin Tin Tin, famous dog star of can make a man look silly under were in the employ of the United the films, and Bebe Daniels, equally By George Marlow and endured in order to protect our War in the methods of raising her sick men in the army. Those any set of circumstances. How she States Radium Corporation : t freedom. as famous as a comedienne, will Grade Eight, Ninth Dist. troops. Reliance was placed al­ who knew most about her great ser­ TAtCOnVILLE changes her mind quickly is furn­ Orange, N. J., today volunteered to share honors in the elaborate holi­ submit to scientific experiments In “ Oh, what lovely roses’.” most entirely upon volunteering. vice to the country thought it even ished in the unwinding of one of “ How fragrant your lilacs are!” .MEMOR.YL DAY. day program which comes to the the hope that a cure may be found The Manchester town recorf^s greater than that of Florence Night­ Memorial Day exercises were held the season’s peppiest comedy- As they went toward the little during the war years are concerned engale who was considered the State Theatre. today and tomorrow for the dreaded malady. churchyard the group of women ex­ By Barbara Hyde. at Talcottville church and Mt. Hope Decoration Day). Each is seen as dramas. The are Miss Kathertne Schaub, principally with votes of money to greatest nurse the world had yet For Thursday and Friday the claimed over the flowers they car­ Grade Seven, Ninth District. cemetery on Sunday afternoon. the star in two separate feature of Newark, and Mrs. Edna Huss- ried. They were not thinking of the stimulate volunteering and to pro­ known. Then it was that the grater Rev Allen Gates of "Vernon Center State presents Lois Moran in “ Love vide for soldiers’ families. ful soldiers called Clara Barton, productions. man, of Hillside. Bodies of radium flowers they carried, but of the Over a century ago, our country gave a splendid address at the Hungry” and Victor McLsglen in On April 15, 1861, President “ The Angel of the Battlefield.” She The coming of Riu Tin Tin Is an poisoned persons have been examin­ Array of the South which ,was fight­ was engaged in a terrible civil war. church, after which the weather event in any town— an event to “ Hangman’s House.” ed and experimented on frequently ing far away. The Southern men were fighting Lincoln issued a call for 75,000 vol­ later spent many years tracing out cleared so that the members of the unteers for three months’ service. the fate oLxnlssing men and to her those who await their teens, and to after death. But never hCVe 1 Oa this April morning of 1S68, against their brothers of the North Sunday School headed by the Tal­ those who have passed them. scientists been given reign in cases The r-esponse throughout the North great joy she learned that thousands INEXPERIENCED two years after the war had start­ in a struggle to decide whether our cottville Fife and Drum Corps In “ Rinty of the Desert,” his of living victims. ed, these women of Columbus, Mls- country should remain together in was immediate ami enthusiastic. of those who had been reported as marched to the oemetery, where Young men in every community latest starring vehicle, he plays the “ I will submit willingly to ex­ sis?ii»pi, went to decorate the graves union, or whether the South should deserters had bravely given t.»eir the Soldiers’ monument was decor­ “ Howja-come out in the exam?” hastened to offer themselves in lives for their country. part of a dog who, deserted in the periments when Dr. Hamphrles Pi their soldier dead. be a separate Southern Confeder­ ated. Rev. Mr. Gates then led in “ Well, I passed my ukulele test, Requiring rest to regain the sandy wastes of his home, hops a (Dr. Robert B. Humphries, of ■ One of them ha-vlng finished dec­ acy. We, today, know the result of numbers larger than the assigned a brief prayer and “ taps” were but flunked in necking.”— Judge. orating the graves of her sons turn­ The Connecticut quota was health she had lost by overwork truck and rides to town, where'he Orthopaedic hospital, Orange) says .this fierce struggle. We are all I j , sounded. is taken in by an old man and his the word,” said Mrs. Hussman this ed her steps toward a corner of the one regiment, and this regiment she went to Europe. While there Miss Mildred MacCallum of churchyard and started to decorate united in one great Union. Today beautiful granddaughter. Then be­ THAT’S WHY IT’S TOUGH morning. “ I am under his care the men of the South," descendants contained several Manchester men. she studied and became interested Springfield was a week-end visitor two graves. Within two weeks, three regiments in the work of a Swiss who was gins the exciting action which and I' do what he advises.” of those who fought for the Lost at her home here. makes “ Rinty of the Desert” the "Marriage is a fifty-fifty propo­ “ Did you forget,” cried one of were ready. trying to organise a new society for Mr. and Mrs. Louis Talcott and the other women, “ whose graves Cause, arc just as willing to defend fastest and most furious of all Rin sition.” their country as the men of the A contribution from Manchester nursing and caring for sick and family of Bridgton, Maine, have A sacred lizard from Bangkok Is those are? They’re two Union sol­ towards arming the troops for the wounded soldiers of all nations. Tin Tin’s pictures. “ Yeah; fifty for this and fifty diers. They’re Yankees who—■” North. It was a terrible war but been the guests of Mr. Talcott’s And for the second feature. Give for that.”— Judge. being sent to New York. As though out of It has grown one of our Civil War was the Spencer repeat­ Because its emblem was a red cross father, M. H. Talcott. Gardner M. the hotel Gobbles weren't crowded “ I did not forget„” said the ing rifle. on a while background it was nam­ mother of the two heroes, “ but most beautiful days— Memorial Day Talcott, Jr., of Yale University was enough low! or Decoration Day as it was first The inventor, Christopher W. ed the Red Gross Society. After also a week-end guest at the Talcott somewhere in the North perhaps a Spencer was a native of Manches­ she had returned to the United mother or a wife mourns for them called. Memorial Day, however, home. ter. At the time of his invention States she started organizing the Mrs. John Kuhney, formerly of I,-# Just as we mourn for our dead.” really describes it better as it shows American Red Cross Society, which ' Eightb Dist, the age of fifteen she became a Hannah Fuller, in East Haddam. iting in the southern states. Ant their proud mrms, iu-battle 11 Sohnil aSn Oppoeile She Ree took, up the- Idea inad,e May. teacher. At the end of eighteen The cement bridge over Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Charles Plnaeyand gashed, That gtMsyoari^otious tomb. Much credit is due our town of years o f faithful service as a teach- Brook, entering Amston, is open to daughter. Dora, spent Sundur |n A « free fromAng«|(ih,g^^ FACE TEK MANCHESTl^ (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, TUESDAY, MAY 29,1928. Nothing Succeeds Like Success And Nothing Pulls

WWWWWWWWV»WW^#»^WWW^#WW the second to 'the first Monday in ^ Repairing 2 s ' GARDEN CLUB PERFECTS June and will, therefore, be held Want Ad Information Lost and Found MISSIONARIES GUESTS Monday‘ Of next week at the home. of the president. Miss Mary, Chap­ LOST—BROWN LEATHER pocket- WANTED—ALL KINDS of furniture PLANS FOR ITS SHOW m an. Manchester book containing sum of money, repairing, and finishing, etc. A re­ AT SALVATION ARMY check book and drivers license. Call liable man with many years experi­ Evening Herald 1983 or 89 Cambridge street. Reward. ence will do the work, Benson s PARTY FOR BRIDB-BLECT. Furniture Co. ______' Classified Advertisements FOUND—BROWN AND WHITE male Phone Your Want Ads Brigadier Peiuiick and Wife Members Working Enthusias­ Count six averas* wordi to a Una puppy. Owner may have same by LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and Coming to Visit Command­ tically Behind Their Chair­ Miss Mabel Wethertell of. Oaktand Inltlala numbers and abbreviatlona. Identifying and paying for this adv. repaired, chimneys cleaned, key fil­ T o The Onest of Honor at Home of Mlsa each count as a word and oompond Phone 2436-4. ing. safes opened, saw filing and / ant and Mrs. Spohn. man— ^The Plan. words as two words. Minimum cost grinding. Work called for, Harold Henrleeta Kanehl Hast is price ot three llnea Cl6in80ii« 108 North Sim stroot* TeL • * * Annoancements 2 Captain and, Mrs. John Spohn of lilne rates per day for transient 462. the Salvation Army will have as Miss Henrietta Kaaehl' of (Tenter Much\interest and enthusiasm street entertained at bridge last ads, STEAMSHIP TICKETS—all parts of SEWING MACHINE, repairing of their guests this week-end, Mrs. BflectiTe aiarcli 17» 1927 all makes, oils, needles and supplies. Evening Herald was shown at the meeting last evening In honor ot*- Miss Mabel Cash Charge the world. Ask for sailing lists and Spohn's sister and brother-in-law, rat^a Phone 750-2. Robert J, Smith. R. W. Garrard. 27 Edward str et. Brigadier and Mrs. Pennlck. Brig­ night of the general committee and Wetherell of Oakland, whose en­ 6 Consecutive Days ..I 7 ots 9 ots Phone 715. ____ 3 Consecutlvi. Days .. 9 cts 11 cts 1009 Main street. adier and Mrs. Pennlck have for a chairmen of sub-committees for the gagement to Sherwood Bowers was 1 Day ...... I 11 ots 18 ots LAWN MOWER«sh''’-»’enlng. repair­ number of years been engaged in coming flower show of the Man­ recently announced. The young All orders for Irregular Insertions Automobiles for Sale ' 4 ing. Phonographs, clocks, electric missionary work In China and In­ chester Garden club. The conference women were all members of the will be charged at the one-time rath. cleaners, locks repaired. Key mak- 1923 class In the Manchester High Special rates for long term every Ing.^ Bralthwalt^ 62^ dia and while visiting here will was held at the Manchester Com­ FOR SALE—1924 DODGE sedan, 1923 Call 664 munity clubhouse, with General school. When the awards at bridge day advrtlslng glvn upon reQuest. probably speak on the work being Hudson coach, both cars in good Chairman Lafayette Robertson pre­ were given out. Miss Wetherell re­ Ads ordered for threo or six days condition. Erickson’s Garage. Fal­ accomplished by the Salvation and stopped be’ore the third or fifth Tailoring— Dyeing— Cleaning 24 siding. There was almost a 100 per ceived a special prize '^f a box In day will be charged only for the ac­ con Knight Agency. Tel. 1497-2. And Ask for “Bee” Army in the Orient. They have just tual number of times the ad appear^ completed nine’ years service in cent attendance and following the which she found directions as to ed, charging at the rate earned, but FOR SALE—BRAND new 1927 Chevo- Tell Her What You Want China, and before that spent eight meeting at the White House, nearly proceed to find the “ Shower” of let, 4 door sedan, run only 4,009 HARRY ANDBRTON. 38 Church all proceeded to Center church par­ no allowances or refunds can be made miles, will dispose of this car for street. Phone 1221-2. So. Manchester, years in India. gifts concealed throughout the on six time ads stopped after the $550 this week, cost $845. Inquire Conn., representing Hunter, Inc.Boys Brigadier Pennlck-held the fol­ ish hall where the show is to be house. fifth day. She will take your ad. help you word it for best results, No “till-forbids” ; display lines not 106 Benton street. Tel. 2412. Better Clothes, 3 piece suits with ex- lowing offices during that time: held Thursday and Friday, June Miss Kanehl used a color scheme tra pants, sizes 6 to 18. Price for all and see that it Is properly inserted. Bill will be mailed 14 and 15. Tentative plans were sold. FOR SALE—1927 Ford touring car. Principal of Indian Training Col­ of orchid and yellow,In the dining The Herald will not le responsible Price $225. Call 25 Charter Oak same day allowing you until seventh day after Insertion lege and Field Secretary of China. made for the layout and general room; streamers in these colors for more than one Incorrect Insertion i to take advantage of the CASH RATE. decorative scheme. ot any advertisement ordered for street. Ueip Wanted— Femaie S3 Mrs. William Pennlck. was head of formed a bower at the table. The The club is fortunate In secur­ flowers used were llla » . Another more than one time. 1926 Ford Coupe. the Salvation Army boarding school The Inadvertent omlssloi. or Incor­ G. M. C. Truck. in India and was editor of the War ing Mr. Robertson as a leader in surprise was arranged if or the girls rect publication of advertising will be its plans for the coming event. His — what appeared to. b e.a beautiful** rectified only by cancellation of the Chevrolet Truck. WANTED—YOUNG girl for waitress. Cry In China. Hence it can be easily charge made for the service rendered. MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES Apply State Tavern, 20 Blssell St. seen that the addresses they will wide experience in horticultural ex­ ly decorated cake, was found 4® con­ • • • Dependable Used Cars hibits in other places, and his op­ 1069 Main St. Tel- 740 HELP PAY FOR THAT LITTLE give will be both interesting and tain trinkets for all when the MO* All advertisements must conform HOME—Wanted four or five am­ Apartments, Flats, Tenements 63 instructive. timistic views as to what the local tions were separated. In style, copy and typography with Electrical Appliances— Radio 49 garden club members will be able regulations enforced by the publish­ 1927 Oldsmoblle Sedan. bitious , ladies in Manchester and ers. and they reserve the right to 1926 Chrysler 58 Sedan. surrounding territory to take orders FOR RENT—SEVERAL first class to do Inspires 'them with confi­ edit, levlse or reject any copy con­ 1924 Overland Champion. for a beautiful line of misses and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING appli­ rents with all Improvements. Apply dence. The’ work in preparation for 1923 Dodge Sedan. children’s frocks. Part or full time, ances. motors, generators, sold and Edward J. Holl. 86S Main street. TeL sidered objectionable. * big commissions, paid daily, a fine the exhibit will be distributed over CLOSING HOURS—Classified -ds 1922 Bulck Touring. repaired; work called for. Pequot 660. GRAND ARMY MEN practically the entire membership, PUBUC RECORDS to bo published same day must bo re­ 1922 Chandler 7-Pass. Touring. opportunity for real workers. Write Electric Co.. 407 Center street- Phone ceived by 12 o’clock noon, Saturdays 1924 Chevrolet Touring. Salesmanager, 431 Capitol Avenue, FOR RENT—^TWO AND three room and at the meeting last night the ) 5 5 5 'u- ^ - ltu- . ^L-u--n^r. suites In Johnson Block, with mod­ club members present seemed will­ 10:30 a. m. 1924 Maxwell Coach. Hartford. Warrantee Deeds 1923 Ford Coupe. ern Improvements. Apply to John­ fflGH SCHOOL GUESTS ing to cooperate to the best of their WANTED—WOMAN for grocery and Garden-Farm-Dairy Products 50 son. Phone 524 or janitor 2040. From Marcella Chizius to JosepH 1922 Reo Truck. ability. The (ii^tails of schedules and Telephone Your Want Ads 1923 Ford louring Car. meat department. Must be healthy, Walentawiz land on McCabe plaeel strong, energetic and agreeable. rules were carefully gone over and CRAWFORD AU'i'O SUPPLY CO. FOR SALE—FINEST cooking pota­ Four Civil War Veterans Hon­ bounded on the north by land Ads are accepted over the telephone Center and Trotter Streets Grocery or meat experience advis­ FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tenement. after discussion some slight changes at the CHARGE RATE given above toes. $2.00 per bushel, delivered. In­ Tel. 1174 or 2021-2 able, but not necessary. Apply at J. quire Dr. T. H. Weldon. Inquire at 139 North Main street., ored by Students in Special were made. It was decided to formerly owned by Frank B. Adams as a convenience to advertisers, but W. Hale Company. and east by property of Jennie Bunr< the CASH RATES will bo accepted as FOR RENT—WELL located five room Exercises This Afternoon. change the time on tue opening day 1927 Studebaker Standard Sedan. with a right of way over McCabd FULL PAYMENT If paid at the busi­ 1924 Studebaker Special 6 Sedan. WANTED—GIRL for general house­ Household Goods 51 flat, on Roosevelt street, lower floor, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. and to ness office on or before the seventh 1924 Studebaker Big 6 Sedan. work, in Hartford, small family, new house, all modern improve­ Four Manchester Civil War vet­ open again the second day of the place. day following the first insertion of 1923 Studebaker Big 6 Touring. good home. Call after 6 p. m.. at 474 ments. curbed street, handy to car Marriage Intentions each ad., otherwise the CHARGE 1921 Studebaker Big 6 'louring. Woodland street. Apartment A-1, or FOR SALE — GLENWOOD kitchen line. For particulars call daytimes, erans were guests oj honor at the show at 10 a. m. RATE will be collected. No responsi­ A few cars of all makes. Good buys telephone 3-9495. range' in good condition. Call 387 telephone 201, evenings 1547. annual Memorial Day exercises in The regular monthly meeting of Jacob Suchanski and Susaiul bility for errors In telephoned ads for little money. Hartford Road or phone 2437-4 after the Manchester High School as the club has been advanced from Demko, both of Manchester. will be assumed and their accuracy THE CON KEY AUTO CO. WANTED—WOMAN cook for girl’s 5 P. M. NORTH END. 5 ROOM FLAT to rent, cannot be guaranteed. 20-22 East Center St. Tel. 840 boarding house. Must be single or all ImproveTnents, rent $20.00, 159 sembly hall this afternoon. They • • • ' widowed, without dependence. Apply 3 PIECE MAHOGANY and leather Oakland street. were Commander Lucius Pinney of Index of Classifications CHEVROLET SALES & SERVICE Cheney Bros. Employment Bureau. living room set $22.50. Console Vic- Drake Poqt, No. 4, G.A.R., and Those wishing to purchase open trola $30. Three burner Super-Fex TO RENT FROM JUNE 1ST.—^Mod­ Comrades George M. Barber, Jared Evening Herald Want Ads are now cars will do well to inspect our stock. WANTED— SINGLE GIRLS 16 years oil stove and double oven $18. A few ern three room apartment, all con­ grouped according to classifications Prices right—cars right. or over to learn mill bperatlons. Ap­ double couches left $5 each. Come in veniences, can be seen now. Rubi' Pearl and John M. Allen. STOP PAYING RENT below and for handy reference will U. A STEPHENS ply Employment Bureau, Cheney and see our line of gas ranges. now’s, 841 Main street. Last year, six Grand Army men appear In the numerical order Indi­ Center at Knox Tel. 939—2 Brothes. WATKINS FURNITURE EXCHANGE FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM second cated: floor flat. In Greenacres. Phone Home attended the exercises at the school. We Offer for Y our Consideration Births ...... A WE WELCOME “CLOSE” BUYERS Bank & Trust- Company. The other two, however, were un­ Engagements ,...... B Auto Accessories— ’Tires Help Wanted— Male 36 3-plece Jacquard velour suit cover­ Five room single all modern and recently built with garaget Marriages ...... C able to attend today. Chauncey B. ed all over, webb bottom construc­ Houses for E^nt 65 Ellsworth was out of town. Oscar 5 minutes’ walk from Main street. $5,800 ,terms. Deaths ...... B WANTED—A GOOD DELIVERY man. tion, cotton filled $99. 1 other Cards of Thanks ...... E $15 BUYS COMPLETE set of four Steady position. Manchester Public notably beautiful and complete break­ W . Prentiss is ill at his home and Brand new single on Phelps Road, 6 rooms, steam heat, oak In Memorlam ...... F Indian Shock Absorbers, Free trial. fast set $23.00. We buy only the class FOR RENT—^TWO FAMILY modern will be unable to participate in the Lost and Found ...... 1 Tlie Indian is the finest shock ab­ Market. house, five rooms eacl^ half of loors and other up-to-date equipment. Small cash payment. of home furnishings that we can ab­ exceUenT' coTdltlomliVIemo Day exercises tomorrow. Announcements ...... 2 sorber yet made. Ask us about It. WANTED—MAN to tkke care of gar­ solutely stand back of. We sell quali­ house. All In excellent ----- Personals ...... 8 Center Auto Supply Co., 155 Center. Summit street. Apply Home Bank The four veterans were given Porter street, convenient to new School, six room slnglb, all den, and grounds, year around. ty with our well-known guarantee of modern, 2 car garage, $500 to $700 cash, a good chance for good Aatomobiles TeL 673.- Write Box G, in care pf Herald. satisfaction or your money back— and Trust Company. seats of honor on the assembly hall Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 and our prices are most reasonable. lome. Automobiles for Exchange . . . . . 5 platform. Terrance Shannon, presl- Garages— Service— Storage lo j W ANTED-16 YEAR OLD boys to If it s not conventient for you to shop Suburban for Rent 66 Auto Acoessoilbs—Tires ...... 6 learn mill operations. Apply Em­ during the day, call Manchester 47L-5 'dent of the Senior Class, officially New single on Falrview street, 6 rooms, all modern, steam Auto Repairing—Painting ...... 7 ployment Bureau, Cheney Brothers. for evening appointment. We will be aeat, fruit trees. Price only $7,000. Small cash payment! Auto Schools ...... 7-A FOR RENT—SINGLE car .garage, 13 pleased to serve you.* Our closed-ln Au'tos—Ship by Truck ...... 8 Pearl street, , rear Hotel Sheridan. A well built 6 room colonial, oak floors, steam heat, 2 car Situations Wanted— Female 38 business car is at your service day or pasture land. Inquire at Gilman Frances Strickland took Gen. Lee Autos—For Hlrv ...... 9 Phone 286. evenings absolutely no charge to garage, a pretyt home foY $6,600, $500 to $700 cash. Garages—Service—Storage ...... 10 you. Pines. Telephone 1505. for her topic; Carl Cubberly, Jr., Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... 11 FOR RENT—GARAGE SPACE, vicini­ HOLMES BROS. FURNITURE CO. the Battle of Gettysburg; Jacob i Wanted Autos—Motorcyles ...... 12 ty Spruce -and Birch streets. Phone. WANTED—^HOUSEWORK, go home 649 Main street, rear Farr Bldg. Farms and Land for Sale 71 Basiness and Professional Services 707. nights. Call 1307-3. Day Phone 1268 Rubinow, Memorial Day, Elena Business Services Offered ...... 13 FOR SALE—FARM Of 40 acres locat-I ^urr, Gene^l Robert J. Smith 1009 Main St Household Services Offered...... 13-A FOR SALE—BABY CARRIAGES— Building—Contracting ...... 14 Poultry and Supplies 43 ed In North Coventry, one mile off | coached by Miss Margaret Gist and Real Estate, Insurance. Steamship Tickets Business Services Offered 13 good as new. Few gas stoves, all state Road, about 15 acres clear, bal­ Florists—Nurseries ...... 15 guaranteed. Ice boxes exchanged. If Miss Helen Estes, members of the Funeral Directors ...... 16 BABY CHICKS—Blood tested, Ohio ance pasture and woodland, 6 room you want furniture for your cottage house, barn and chicken coops. For faculty. Heating—Plumbing—Roofing .. WANTED—ASHES to move. Help State University accredited. Order In see us. Furniture bought and sold. School Superintendent Fred A. Insurance ...... 18 load, and save money. Charles advance. Manchester Grain and Coal price and terms, see Michael Haber- Spruce Street Second Hand Store. Verplanck gave a short talk and Millinery—Dressmaking ...... 19 Palmer, 44 Renry street. Tel. 895-3. Company. Phono 1760. Tel. 2627-4. ern. Tel. 385-4. THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: Moving—Trucking—Storage . . . . 20 the Girls Glee Club sang “ The 'Sol­ CHAIR CANING NEATLY done. Price Painting—Papering ...... 21 SPECIAL MAY. PRICES Miller’s FOR A QUICK SALE we will sell 25 Houses for Sale 72 diers’' Chorus”. Selections ' were (301) The Story of Ships. iics.sional Services...... 22 right, satisfaction guaranteed Carl Baby Chlx. Reds and Leghorns, from regular $11.50 9x12 felt base rugs Repairing ...... 23 Anderson. 53 Norman street. Phone our own 1600 disease free, and trap- for $8.98. 25 9’xlO’ 6’. These are all played by the orchestra. Sketches by Ressey; Synopsis by Braacher 1892-2.______WASHINGTON ST.—new six room Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... 24 nested breeders, blood tested by perfect goods. Benson’s Furniture single, sun porch, lot sixty foot Toilet Goods and Services...... 25 State, and 100 per cent free from Company. Home of Good Bedding. Wanted—Business Service...... 26 WANTED—TEAM work, scrapping white diarrhea. Heavy layers ot front. Price right, terms. Arthur A. Bdiicntlonal cellars, plowing, carting ashes, etc. large eggs. Weekly hatches. Local Knofla. Tel. 782-2—875 Main street. -o.s and Classes ...... 27 56 Blssell street. L T. Wood, Tel. delivery. Phone Fred Miller, Man­ FOR SALE—HOUSEHOBD furniture MEMORIAL CARNIYAL Private Instruction ...... 28 496. chester 1063-3, Coventry. Conn. at 11 Hemlock street. Resort Property for Sale 74 Dancing ...... 28-A (Brooders and Supplies). Musical—Dramatic ...... 29 COLUMBIA LAKE (west shore) cot­ AT RAINBOW TOMORROW Wanted—Instruction ...... 30 Florists— Nurseries 15 OLIVBU BHO’l’HERS day old chicks Wanted— To Buy 58 tage for sale—Furnished and with Flnunclnl from two year old hens. Hbllvwood boat and canoe, large living room Bonds—Stocks—M''’'tgagej ...... 31 Strain-Blood tested and free from HERE’S MONEY FOR YOU with fireplace, large sleeping A big dance carnival has been Business Opportunities ...'...... 32 FOR SALE—TOMATO PLANTS, 15c white diarrhea. Oliver Bros.. Clarks I will pay the highest price for your rooms, beautiful trees. Price reason­ Money to Loan ...... 33 per dozen. Samuel Burgess. 116 Cen­ Corner, (jonn. old furniture or junk. Call 849. Honest able. Phone 4-0548 Hartford, Conn. planned for the Ralnbciw Dance Money Wanted ...... 34 ter street. Phone 298-2. weight. Prompt attention. Palace in Bolton tomorrow night Help and Situations BABY CH1CK14—Best local stock: FOR SALE—EIGHT ROOM furnished (Memorial Day night). Manager Help Wanted—Female ...... 35 FOR SALE—TEN WEEKS stock, popular breeds; guaranteed live de­ WILL PAY HIGHEST prices for all cottage; also shore front lot, Coven­ Help Wanted—Male ...... 36 double flowered balsam, mixed zin­ livery; we do custom hatching: tree kinds of poultry. We will also buy try Lake. Telephone 1298. Frank Pinney has secured Lionel Help Wanted—Male or Female.. 37 nias, hardy phlox, tomato plants, catalogue. Clark’s Hatchery. . East rags, papers and all kinds of junk. J. Kennedy’s Broadcasting Orches­ Agents Wanted ...... 37-A asters, 25c doz. Cabbage plants, 10c Hartford, Conn. Call 982-4. Real felstale for Exchange 76 tra for a special appearance this Situations Wanted—Female . . . . 38 doz., 70c hundred. Hardy chrysan­ Situations Wanted—Male ...... 39 themums, 60c dozen. Strawberry week. In addition he will give Lis plants 75o hundred. Also evergreens, Articles for Sale 45 Rooms Without Board 59 FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE property Employment Agencies...... 40 in town. In good locality. What have patrons plenty of confetti, noise- Live Stock—Pels—Poultry—Vehicles shrubs, hedging at reasonable prices. makers, carnival hats and stream­ Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 Native asparagus 20c bunch. John FOR SALE—PERFECT CURED horse you to offer? Wm. Kanehl. Telephone Live Stock—Vehicles...... 42 McConville, 7 Windemere street. and cow hay, at market price. In­ FURNISHED ROOMS by day or week. 1776. ers with which to make merry on quire Dr. T. H. Weldon. Apply by phone or call telephone Beyond restless water there is always a mystery-— Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 Homestead Park. Tel. 1364-13. 1160-4, corner Bissell and Foster this first of the summer holidays. Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stcck 44 In securing Kennedy’s orchestra new lands, new peoplesv new’ adventures. To trac« For Sale—Miscellaneous ' FOR SALE—TOMATO, pepper, cab­ We have now ready 250,000 flower streets. Articles for Sale ...... 45 bage, egg and cauliflower plamts; and vegetable plants. 15,000 gerani­ CONTRACTOR ON LONG the Rainbow management is merely back to where man first began to cross rivers and also asters, zinnias, scablosa and ums 15c to 30c each. Begonias 25c TO RENT—ROOM with all modern submitting to the demands of its Boats and Accessories...... 46 improvements, call 58 Chestnut lakes is to go beyond recorded history. But one day Building Materials ...... 47 calendulas. Straw flowers, verbenas, each, vinca vines, coleus, ice plants, hundreds of dance patrons. This Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 ageratum, marigolds, geraniums, ageratum, 15c each. Fuchsia, dra­ street. Apartment 3, Phone 216-2. in the unchronicled past, someone noticed that a ^ree Electrical Appliances—Radio •• 49 vincas, Martha Washington, fuch­ caena, English ivy, German ivy. and STRETCH OF SIDEWALK band is immensely popular this sea­ Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A sias, petunias, coleus. 621 Old , Hart­ petunias. We fill boxes, dirt and Country Board—Resorts 60 son and assures a good dancing would float, and in a spirit of daring adventure em- . Garden—Farm—Dairy Products 50 ford Road Greenhouse. Tel. 37-3. labor free. Zinnias, asters, marigold, crowd. barked upon this leafy floater. Household Goods ...... 51 pansies, calendulas, straw flowers and On Thursday evening of this week Machinery and Tools ...... 52 FOR SALE—BEDDING PLANTS of salvia, all 25c per dozen. Galllardia. ROOM AND BOARD at Pleasant The particular piece of sidewalk 8 j NEA. Through Spoo'al Permission o* th. Pubiishers of Th« Booh of Knowledge, Copyright. 1 9 r i . 2 ^ Musical Instruments ...... 53 all kinds, asters, zinnias, petunias, hardy pinks, forget-me-nots, Core- ■View, R. I., by day. week or season. on which Contractor Henry Ahern the Rainbow will offer modern and ageratum, lobelia, cosmos, coleans, opls. Baby's Breath, phlox, and Can- All home cooking. For particulars old-fashion dancing again. This Office and Store Equipment...... 54 phone 1355-2, Mrs. John Houston, 67 is now at work, is the longest Sporting Goods—Guns ...... 55 snapdragon, calendulas and salvias tebury bells, 10c each. $1.C0 per doz. will be the first conbination dance Specials at the Stores ...... 56 are just a few of the many kinds of Hardy chrysanthemums, hydrangea School street. stretch that he will ha,ve to do un­ Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 57 flower plants that we have. Every­ and Norway maple, 25c each. Ever- der this year’s contract. program offered at the Bolton ren­ thing for filling window boxes and blooming rose bushes and blue dezvous in many weeks and should Wanted—to Buy ...... 58 Apartments, Flats, Tenements 63 His men are laying walks on Mc­ It >onis—Rnnrd—Hotels—Resorts urns. Geraniums, vincas, dracalras, spruce. Grape vines 15c each. Tomato be heartily welcomed by the old ferns, etc. All kinds of madp-up and cauliflower plants 15c per dozen, Kee street, east side, that will start Restaurants FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, all timers. Bill Waddell’s Orchestra Rgpms Without Board ...... 59 baskets, pans and boxes for the $1.00 per hundred. Peppers, lettuce at the north end of the old baseball cemetery. Everything in cutflowers. and cabbage 10c per dozen, 75c per modern improveqients, steam heat, will play and Professor Taylor will Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A best location, rent $35. Ready June ground and extend to Hartford Country Board—Resorts 60 mixed bouquets and potted plants hundred. 379 Burnside Ave. Green­ prompt. On Saturday night Ken­ for Memorial Day; also shrubs, ever­ house, East Hartford. 1st. See Stuart J. Wasley, 827 Main road and from there east to Fair- Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 street. Telephone 1428-12. nedy’s band will return again to Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 greens and hardy plants, rose bush­ field street. This is to cover the Real Eatate For Rent es and gladioli bulbs. Burke, The FOR SALE—LOAM. Inquire Frank i the Rainbow to play for the ever Florist, Wayside Gardens, Rockville, Damato, 24 Homstead street, Man TO RENT—FOUR ROOM FLAT In section that E. J. Holl purchased Apartments, Flats. Tenemi-uts. 63 two flat house, on Anderson street. last fall from Cheney Brothers, increasing Saturday night dancing Business Locations for Rent ... 64 Conn. Telephone 714-2. Chester. Phone 1507. 65 James J. Rohan. Telephone 1668. Walks throughout the whole tract crowd. Houses for Ren^ FOR SALE—PERTILIZBii for lawns. Suburban tor Rent ...... 66 Moving— Tracking— storage 20 are now being laid by Joseph Hub- Karl Marks, 136 Summer street. Tel. S P K ^ T CATIONS Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 1877. FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, In- lard under contract with Mr. Holl. m s Wanted to Rent ...... 68 LOCAL AND LONG distance moving quire 136 South Main street. Real Batnte For Sul* by experienced me L. T. Wood, 65 Peggy: The man I marry must Apartment Buildings for Sale .. 69 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all Blssell street. Tel. 496. 47 be’brave as a lion, but not for­ Business '’ roperty for Sale . . . . . 70 Building Materials Improvements, garage, 26 Walker EVERYONE ELSE IS Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 PERRETT & GLENNEY moving sea­ street off E. Center, good location. ward; handsome'as a Greek god, Houses for Sale ...... 72 son is here. Several trucks at your Inquire 30 Walker street. jhut not conceited; wise as Solo­ There must have been Lots for Sale ...... 73 FOR SALE—CHESTNUT planks. W. Brown: Ed Baffle gets the worst Resort Property for S a le ...... 74 service, up to date equipment, ex­ mon, hut meek as a lamb; a man It is not hard' to form perienced men. Phone 7-2. Flrpo, 116 Wells street. Phone 1307-2. APARTMENTS—^Two, three and four breaks of any guy I ever saw. who Is kind to every woman, but many accidents and Suburban for S a le...... 75 room apartments, heat, Janlton ser­ • drownings before man a mental picture of a Real Estate for Exchange ...... 76 MANCHESTER & N. Y, MOTOR Dis­ FOR SALE—CONCRETE building vice. gas range, refrigerator, in-a- Beige: He sure does. I doubt if [who loves only one. Wanted—Real Estate ...... 77 patch—Part loads to and from New blocks and chimney blocks. Inquire door bed furnished. Call Manchester he could even get away with mur­ Peter: By jove! How lucky we learned that a log man braver than his fel­ Anctlon— Legal Notices Construction Company, 3100 or tele­ York, regular servlca Call 7-8 or Frank Damato, 24 Homestead street, der.— Life. I met.— Tit-Bits, lows c a u ^ t by adverse Auction Sales ...... 78 1282. Manchester. Telephone 1507. phone 782-2. stripped of its branches Legal Notices ...... 79 could be moved through tideis and winds and car­ By Frank Beck water with a pole or flat ried far out to sea to his GAS BUGGIES—Good and Bad News stick. death. TH g Y ARE I’V E e a r t h b b u m i k \ IN A BEAUTIPUL! SUCH AREN'T THEY BEAUTIES, w e l l ... WHY T (« 1 FOR ME STOCK CERTIFICATES FOR M IN U T E ,' A DELICATE SHADE I DESIGNED THEM MYSELF LONG FACE ? YOU RE 3 OUR FAKE AUTOMOBILE M A ’A M . OF PINK.. THAT WILL NOTICE HOW 1 WORKED ALWAYS MOANING ______WITH BRAKE COMRANY, AT CO IN S UP, CATCH THE LADIES’ THE OOUAR SIGN INTO ABOUT MY LACK OF THE DEAREST LAST. NOW WE CAN MR.COLOGRIP? EYES . IT MAKES A THAT SCROLL AROUND INITIATIVE >ANP NOW UTTLB GIRL IN START AN6UNfi HANDSOME HEIRLOOM THE MARGINS? AS THAT I’VE DONE T H E W O R L D . FOR SUCKERS. TO HAND DOWN TO THE A WORK OF ART SOMETHING * YOU NEXT GENERATION. AT A L O N E , i t ’s w o r t h a c t a s TH O U G H COLPGRIP...'' L E A S T w e ’r e g i v i n g W H A T w e ’l l SO AK T F C S E W E R E t HAVE A //. THEM BIGGER AND THE SAPS FOR De a t h w a r r a n t s ! CONFESSION BETTER CERTIFICATES. IT _____ TO M AK E.

man was the first gallant s a iio rm $ ^;.t«|^n - K ner of Jason, Ulysses, Leif Ericson, Colum li|i;r^d a - host of others whose names will live for^VOT ori scroll of sea fame. But the next step for after learning that a log would ffoat. was to h o l^ ^ it out. He discovered that he coulfi cirry h ii family and (TeyBa Continued)

I ■ MANCHBSTBB (UONN.) e v e n in g h e r a l d , TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1928.

SKIPPY By Percy L. OrwsibS

H6 ASUeO HGR WHV Sh6 tJ/\S So OulCTj AN ( HEU HAN« THt OOiM 6 ^ UNcCC C0UI6 d O Y 'TO OOtON L SH£ JAVy SH6 flINT 5^0 HAPPV ABOUT BGlNtf THC ^ r - The tjRt ee PitCMiMtf House YHe 6ve fHAOe <.A5Y NiCMr JTOOViNC FIRST CADV op T hC CANO. SHG SAVS IT HURTS iAtuN. THEN HE'J COINS ToMAK6 THC tOMITC • THE 6uT AUNT GU.SJ(e To THINK THAT ALL THG UoNlGN IN THG ODER AND PoTA BOtULlNfi IN IT AN . didn't .5flVANVTHlN6. c o u n t r y u)u.t ee coPviKi^ hgr c c n t il souP' OVCR. T o AUNT C0 5 /(C'3 . RGc.iPes.flDT uNJcce couie cneFRco h 6R OOUiLiNC LA O ieS

WHAT ABOUT THIS? "The roads are rather mussy for V'

motoring.” • ■ "Yeh, and the women said they Ta were gonna sweep the country!”

The motorist had had an accident with his light car on the road. He limped painfully to a tele­ phone box and called up the nearest garage. "Hello,” he said, I’ve turned tur­ tle. Can you do anything for me?” “ I’m afraid not,” came the sweet ACS. U. S. AAT. OFF. HI* SEBVICC INC. feminine reply. “ You’ve got the Cifr«Y*» t. CWQH wrong number. What you want is What this country needs is more the Zoo." country. OUR BOARDING HOUSE The man who used to step on The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains By Fontaine Fox your feet now steps on the gas and By Gene Ahem runs over you. Joseph: "Let’s drive in the park.” Wnif/s/ TH^ KAn^l/sfKA '0<>F,RoWfP A P I^ ce TdPL MV I 5'P0S6 Voa WAOIfSp] Josephine: “ Oh, no; let’s park iu ^ JSe PAtP U k6 the drive.” ■fH^ HAI-FWiT’S HANiP .-T® oii -TMS COKiv/E^VHoidHGAP, CAaI -tELEfiRAM'-^SO "How long did it take you to V /^ T WA&ti f^oWlsl -fo VlUUA(i<, WAS Voii rAKlCV-THAY? VBSIfeRDAV I A VlORP» A LAZY? WORK THIS learn to drive a motor-car?” OFFERBPAA/ UTfeRARV^TALEKiT-fo “ Oh, three or four.” PUCKS' Fiis/P CAK o f f THF -ff^ACK SToftV IS EOOP PAVI-a. |5 If you’re inclined to be LAZY "Weeks?” S U f 3AIP KHiHT ^Y.. -GpiTbPi o r A paper y-To vaurtfe Sl(AkeSP6ARE this time of year you may find it "No, motor-cars.” hard to WORK today’s letter golf •Ti4e coMv/EwrrioKl Hi

'n o i n r ^ hal O kh ran — pictures ^ knick nia.u.t.MT.ovr.


FcECkiUES AMD BEffY TAE UTTLS 6 IDL VMAOM A S fouajo jM A CANF/ ARESLONJLy AA^D SAFE\y M&ADIMfi FOR A C N E A t w a t t a b /n e SUSHTED FROM A AILLTOP • • MSAMVWUILS, UMCLEMPPy •It IS STILL ASLD !S?i c a p t n s B y t a b M ) READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE SALESMAN SAM Sam Understands By Small “ Come on, let’s see what we can at dawn, and shouted, “ Me, oh, find,” said Clowny.' “ Gee, that my, get up you lazy Tlnymltes! woodsman’s kind. I guess he feared Let’s have our now. The PAROOM M 6 .,€'eULA, BUT that we might starve while on our waiter I will be today, and serve ftReTooTH* Sfrwe one. v)ho houseboat trip. We all forgot that things in a real nice way. I’ve VJAS CUERXIM’ IMTH'GUL'L- we must eat, and what he sent will often watched a waiter work, and LCtA STORE ft COOP(A be a treat. It makes me feel so so I know Just how.” '^SftRS ftfiO ? happy I could run, and hop, and The rest all sat upon the floor skip.” and ate Just heaps, and yelled for “ Well, while you’re skipping, more. “ You’ve had enough,” cried we’ll hail in,” said Scouty with a Coppy. “ Think how poorly you will cunning grin. “ You’d best be very feel if you go on and stuff this careful, or the food will be all way. Now, over-eating doesn’t pay, gone.” Then Clowny laughed and ’Tis best we save a part so we can loudly cried. “ If any tricks like have another meal.” that are tried. I’ll promise there’ll So, all the food they didn’t eat be trouble. Let’s not eat until the was shortly packed away real neat. dawn.” Just then a lot of birds flew near. They all agreed this was all “ Oh, look! They’re hungry, too,’ right, and soon there came the said Scouty. 'Come, let’s feed them dark of night. The Tinles tossed all. They’ll think the crumbs we’ve an anchor out, and made their left are swell.” And so the birds houseboat fast. Right soon you were fed, and then away they couldn’t hear a peep, ’cause every­ swiftly flew. one fell fait asleep. It didn’t seem to take so long for night to drift on past. (The Tinymltcs rc.-'.ch l!ic; River Wee fiojuur. Xlil4P W *«U4 & , of Fu£ Ia — A G E t w e l v e Anuliratn: Eornbia f rralU

Miss Elizabeth Koehler of Man­ - — chester, N. H., at present connected EMERGENCY DOCTORS DANCE CARNIVU with the Long Island college hospi­ JITNEY PLAYERS tal, as a member of the nursing Doctors Sloan and Weldon Tom orrow Night staff, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. will be the physicians who will P. J. Ryan of Ridge street. respond to emergency calls to­ COMEjeESOON (Memorial Day) morrow afternoon and even­ There will be May devotions In ing. . St. James’s church this evening at A“ »e RAINBOW 7:30. Traveling Company to Give Miss E. -Mae Lathrop, principal In Bolton George May, who has been ap­ of the Wapping school, was given Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock pointed as assistant superintendent a silver coffee urn Monday night the Ladies’ Sewing society of the of the new Hartford County build­ Production at Educational at the annual meeting of the South Kennedy’s Orchestra Swedish Lutheran church will hold ing, does not expect to occupy quar­ Windsor Teachers’ Association held a sale of Swedish baking at the ters there before next fall and will Square. at the Hartford City Club. Miss store of the J. W. Hale Company. remain with the Southern New Eng­ Lathrop’s engagement to John Modern-Old Fashion Dancing All members of the society have land Company until that time. Holden of this town was announc­ THURSDAY NIGHT been Invited to contribute to the The Jitney Players, a traveling ed. sale and should endeavor to have Bill Waddell’s Orchestra At the meeting held yesterday dramatic organization, managed by the food at the store as soon after afternoon of the Pastoral Union, a SWEDISH BAKING SALE Prof. Taylor, Prompter 1 o’clock as possible. Bushnell Cheney, will come to non-denominatiohal association of Manchester Wednesday night, June ministers, held annually In connec­ Saturday Night Modern Twenty-five dogs have been 13, It was learned today. They will tion with the graduation of the make their presentation at Educa­ •HALE’ S STORE Dancing licensed since May 1. This is due to Hartford Theological Seminary tional Square on the plot enclosed new dog owners, and '^ogs reaching Rev. Watson Woodruff was elected SATURDAY, JUNE 3— 3 P. M. Kennedy’s Orchestra by the-Recreatlon Center, Barnard Auspices of the proper age. a member of the executive commit­ and Franklin schools. Arrange­ tee. Ladles* Sewing Society of SwedlsI^ ments were completed by advance Lutheran Church George Cowles of Spring street agents for the company with Di­ has taken a position with the Ben­ Miss. Sylvia Alden Murphy, who rector Lewis Lloyd today. ABOUT TOWN son Furniture company, as a finish­ has been connected with the Center The stock company has been re­ er and repair man. He will be at Congregational church for the past hearsing at Madison for about a their recently opened branch in the six months, graduates today from All members of Company G have month. There are sixteen persons Fuller building on North Main the Hartford School of Religion. in the cast which will make its been ordered to assemble at the street. State Armory at 1:30 tomorrow af­ first 1928 public appearance In Ernest Lllley, athletic director at ternoon to participate in the Me­ Children of the primary depart­ the Center Congregational church, MEMORIAL morial Day parade. They will wear ment will rehearse tomorrow after­ graduates from the Hartford Theo­ O. D. uniforms with Garrison caps noon at 3:30 at Center church for logical Seminary today. CHANGE YOUR OIL The usual fine will be Inflicted for the exercises In connection with Use Marland Super Motor Oil ■ ^ D A Y ^ failure to report. graduation. Miss Gertrude Carrier A large number of Hartford will be In charge. friends of Miss Catherine Coughlin George Graham, nine-year-old attended a bridge at her home at Campbell’s Filling Station PARKHILL son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gra­ Miss Helen L. Havlland has re­ 14 Griswold street last night. The ham of 92 Russell street was taken turned to her duties as religious ten tables made the competition all Phone 1551 to the Memorial hospital for treat­ education director at the South the keener for the players and after ment yesterday when he fell on a Methodist church after several refreshments and a bit of impromp­ ROWER SHOP May 30th, 1928 stone and cut his knee. He was dis­ weeks In the Lawrence Memorial tu entertainment the party adjourn­ charged following treatment. hospital. New London, where she ed. N mid-week, we close our doors underwent a major operation. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey of Martha, small daughter of Mr. and suspend all operations—in Jersey City are' visiting Mr.'and The usual Wednesday night card and Mrs. George B. Johnson of East Center St. Mrs. E. Benson of Main street. party at the West Side Recreation Boston Is spending a few weeks order to pay proper respect to Mrs. Bailey is a niece of Mr. Ben­ Center will not be held tomorrow I son. with her grandparents, Mr. and in observance of Decoration day. Mrs. John E. Johnson of Clinton Entrance to heroes who perished long ago. We street. hang our flags at half mast and re­ niiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH CHURCH CHIMER TO GIVE EAST CEMETERY flect. . .Tomorrow is Memorial Day, p r o g r a m t o m o r r o w MOVIES set apart for the honor of heroes Simple as Snap-Shots who gave their lives for a noble Following the custom of former hb things that interest you now cause in the years from 1861 to E ^^taifhrd/'^ FILMS Charles Lakiagi mental stone work of every de­ ^ 0 . A. JOHNSON DEVELOPED AND scription. Auto tops repaired, recovered^ PRINTED L. T . W O O D Civ3 Engineer and Siurveyor and rebuilt Automobile trim-, 24 HOUR SERVICE Gadella & AmbrosinI 55 Bissell Street. ^ Tel. 496 ming in all its branches. B