" . -- -..- ' 7 1 ..- 1 , jLita. t xjjj jljj ju. i J !J l i: 1 17. T7!, lfXJU 11 X V TL i 1 VOL XXV. NASHVILLE, TENN,, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, I860. NO. 200

V! vm.tBii4.in. ; msixv. FIBE WORKS ! FIRE WORKS!! BAZAAR. THE GLOBS: Dissolution. LANIER, & CO., FLAGS AND TORCHES! NASHVILLE t lnsiiiIItlitiotmib PHILLIPS ! I The Official Paper of Congress. wm. ft HE copartnership heretoforo existing between Wimn & Sllor.KdJ.LK OEOOXRS. tidxXISSIOll IfCRCBAhlS, T PUBLISH now my annual Prospectus ot 7aSaBy Globe, fi Sloak Is Ibis day isolved by mutual consent, end L. D. 7 JL-an- "She Trl-Weete- iy n - d Oongrettiotutl Globt and Appendix, to Daily 88; gs; nziun is aione authorised to settle up the business of the firm. r- aroHKr remind Wccklr 82. Wo. V i.kt.fM iS3 oiALXltl t 45 Union Street, Bbrgfeldt & Guntrathy subscribers, and Inform (hose who may desire to subscribe, that X O. UK EL Kit, " the Ve luok, Congress will on flrstMunday of next JAS. SL0AV. v AKDD03U5!ttMCXIiUOKN t anortaent In NashTllle of ererjtWny In the meet the December, when Uatea AdTertising. J. tr'RKlGN CntRRY TnEzs Doors of . :e.I,e',rh'cnwiUt,e0W'IinlMleandreiail,Iow 2G Snxrr, abovx Viaof, I shall resume publishing the above named psperi. Tb y have Succesiors x'o.""s9, : m good men ItoNICHOL, GREEN & CO. '" atAXix-- article can be bonght anywhere. The Torches are XEG to inform tielr friends and patrons that they Lave been punished so long) that moit public knowthelr charac- TEN LINES OB LESg CON8TITOTE X SQUARE. D. WlIEELEU aonethlng.andttehat thing ever Ictrodnced LIght Increased cure nave ter, and thtrefere I deem it needless to give a minute account of SI froceasioi,.. for Torch L largely tneir axd stock, and now IN THE DAUT. Win continue the business at theoH stand, No. 40. South Mar ASHTIIfBEvTErrSESSEC. ,n814- -if ieay lor public inspect'cn on taeir the kind of matter tiey will contala an circe wcere oc win oe pleased to nu Ir.e&ls and cus t The will contain renort f tbs Debates In hnlh an . Lallv tilolt a One Insertion,. 1 00 Each addlUonaHnsertlon, tomers. and offer them a new and seasonable stock of Drr Qoods. t branches ot Congress as taken down by reporters, equal, 50 K7X are In jeedpt of a heavy, stoc of GROCERIES, LI. : XJSXT HOOK FOIC lSCO, at least .,1 Weeljr 3 00 Each additional square, 150 Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ready Made Clothing, and other articles m any corps nana ui u uy conn-tr- ut Compriainic a brief rtew Presidential - First Floor. oi snori writes in ui, oioer 50 00 usual y kept in a Dry A liberal ihare of natronaze. we of and elee of each, be able to report, " - - 2 Pro-dup- meal of4 everything dually our line, and to "M An sjurlty them will, verbatim, 1 Month, 6 00 respectfully solicited. Great bargains will be offered for cash. & keptln ....,,, ,nB nauosai riaiorat erer yet aaopiea Ladies' Dress Cloak. words hour, while 3 00 e Commission and Trimmings ten thomand an the areract number of word. 2- - speciruny inutetnea'tenuon ol tnetraae. hl,tory r trng?le reipwtlng Slavery In the Terrlto -4 9 00 uountry Jeans, unsey- bocu, iiags, earners. &o , taken In ex. J $ ' Plaited Eriids. fa:i colon,! Buttons and Rosettes! spoken by fluent speakers rarely exceeds seven thousand five 3 ' 450 f ' Gonresiaitotbe freedom ot the Public debugs of a day - , 12 00 6 00 THE HOWE SUGARS. ' y6ao'UetIonof Fiench 211k Ctscbet Fringes, from 50 to 00 yard. etc. huudrtd words an hour When the do not ex- "eo- - wua me mott uotabie apeechej $1 55 a 6 18 00 8 CO October 24, dim u Joohhds Sugar, , .8211 bblsA-i- i B Crushed Sugar; and Letten. Betutns of ceed fortv-flv- e columns, thev will Diar In the Daily ainhaf,r N,0. allPrealdenllalelediiniaicce 1830. 12 - , 25 00 JO 00 3.1 J 40 do Clarified Co do D rowaerea an MosieryTVnd Glove Dcparimcnt. the next morning, which will conta n, also, the news of the day, J00 FortaleinMaahTllleby YORK CO., PIANOS! 7IDS1U! 2ibxwbite.UarBna,do. 40 da Granulated do JOHN It Atotnplete together with such editorial articles as mat be suggested by pass- BMaTWABLB AT X'1 , Union atreet. assortment. PlBAStlB.. AM now receiving my Fall Stock of Pianofortes from the V0G5 bblx small, Loaf 40 2f0 do Coffee, white do 38 ing events. Obe largest GcnU' Goods Tlenartment. GttibA Square, one year.' $30 Each additional Square, 4 10. followls? Factories, which ill be the ever offered In lEC-tfllf- S bn D It, Loaf do do do yellow, do Fumialtini Iht CornrtuifaruH and JvDftdla will contain a : . lilFE, FlItE AND IIXhUIlAMCB 8carfil ,TieH. O.rr-.n- r. the city? Bteinway & Sons, A. H. Gale &Co.,Hayns Brothers, - "i JlAItlKE A select ttOCk- of TTniler t. inil thdhelt port of all the Debates In Congrces, revised by the speakers, the MOCASSIM AKD sruiJPsr. Uay . -- " OV.l.t: ... . ' Advertisers cxccodlrigthcupacc ilarleton Brothers. Bauble & Co.. Peters aod Webb. Litht . be obtained on the oiaul terms In the Messages States, the tj contracted In. V"ZV . of the President of the Doited Annual & Uradburry.asd scnmiat, ail or wnicn be .4a0tbUCItrlieanedIolei; lOhWsStLoaUSTrop;. of tha HonM! of the Executive Departments, the Laws for, iv III be'euttrged (or tbe excess. SebeJler. will sold IJIUilCit' ru'sitrancc Compar. to at a small advance on cost for cash or negotiable paper. All the ard passed durlcg the session, and copious Indexes all They i?s TBB new popular received, togtther Accordeonm SrtW'kcft-- . -- 3tlkri do do MEXPIIIS 1SX2TESSZB. Pipes and Cigar Ht51ders. book WIEKIT. and musiciuxt with " '' will be printed on a double royal sheet, in form, royal instruments, arc. ror A sixteen pages The whole O.tx Douax per Square for tha first, and for eacc violins, Flutes. Drums, Brass bargains, No. 5 College JIOME.InstUnlfon, 1U aueU Uing all kept In thetate Meerschaum Pipes and Cigar Holders, uaranteed or no will Frrrr Ctrm come to 3B- - Street. lilt Is 2,r00 pages. This is acknowledged .uuoeijueas lueriiocu : me," ai number jab. a. mcui.utus. BUtuaSre KIo Colte, SObifr old OoTernmcct A: Aeenta. make. It believed, at least sepUO--tf mtt. Jt, II. K. P. P. PliCK. to be cheapest work ever sold In any country, whether re- Adrertisementi published In both the Dally and Weekly, will ' ' Colocnade Iinlldlngi, Haahrille, Tenn. the a 1. I.IUlfOlt! AND 1VINE.S. print or printed from manuscript copy, taking for data the av- - be charged the full dally rates with one half the wecklv rates ' Corsets and Hoop Skirts. added. j ppi otara, IDjAUOinrtrWinf. a trase number of words It contains. SALE OF IU1PO ItTE D BLOOD STOCK. mv' Our 'onjilIrVTiflTTtri IraiuientJjtverUiernenitfxuit be timeoj BLOOD-FILLIE- - Reduced , Co.iConr, iffljo. do do no yov VAIVX stock is sot iJoneeonroletr: hat the ifffv The eomlnc session, will, withcut douot.oe unoiuailr Inter. paidor at tit rrUIE EIGHT recently Impcrt- At Greatly Prices. do 10 X da Lemon CgrJIal; , eitinir. became the debates will, in a ereat measure, be uoon the B. j iJiPPk . .do do ed from England by the Kentucky Importing Afrits B ppi Oocbelle Brand, SOaega do do TO ABVEICTISE hocklnicja front, at J J CO upitct. policy of the l'reildent elect, and the Globe will be, aslthas been company, win ie told ai ranouc sale in use c ty or Lex 30 Eweet .'t- many years source from which full do A. Seipiette do " do ' VOUU BCSINESS J for past, the only debates of SPECIAL NOTICE. The TJio awo Abixicas U conduct- ington. By., on Saturday, the 2ii of feotember. 1K0. 0i H P cask! Old Port Wine, M " Rote do WKIItwa WU1C3 TCCEITM innrnlrl MmIiI t t t l'nw4 Ini.Hnn Congress con he obtained ed etridlv VVOn tie Cam u2em- - All rulnm art illsmnlt They are suerior animals, and of the purest Word la Lngtand " 50 "Orange TAa Globe epuu-u- ia 4 L do Ccmarettiaiuil atuLJlTrDaiaia pail tree throneh utdat the expiration of the time v A.JCX, " Madeira a by tor vAiehthty haxebeen juu.i n. rrssiacnt. 6 do Pnerrr io Snbbli Ginger Brandy tttx v. tt a uw uotea cheap Ilecp SkirU left. the maili of the United States, aa will be s:en readlnr the fol. jxifct. tivbtcrioert tefli be notified when their tvbtcriptlon 15' do. Cherry . nrrn.3JL JLLT ' 111 iTJL JS lowingJplntResotution by Cohgretsthe Cth of August, Ubbli'diTtUalipdo do X" ill t 1tt JH tI passed - ocro, vy iusx: on LAeir paper ana un- 50! $50!! $50!!! y 2. uiiuu i; -'- 150 Kyo Whj.-- Beriin-Zephy- 1852: 4S ido"01sret,'- jblj Old r it thejnibseription it renewed the paper will be ditcontln- - 1 100- . . .is for the distribution DE. RECEIVED 1 A. 7J Ul t Nevom'i da rcBUsno at Worsted. Joint Resolution passed providing of tho jrom vniea mere J. J. ABERNATHY, JUST os. WMr ' or uereon. to x rciuoeno departure. S sUntly tand, fcr sab at the lowest market pries 5?lbli8mia'aoldKcBerTdo300 vTenn tVhtta. da jaws uongresiand tee uemies Vt unarenew your "ITS now a resideat of Nashville, and offers his services to the Just rtceiTtd'3JMO nt different lilHc. twri. four nrl laws wwir, ewrecrtption. rdo Plae'aMagneUa do 200 Morning Call do CALLATIN't TENNESSEE, - With a view to the cheaD circulation of the of Congress neetlv Union Axuicaii at ner annum JL cititens of the cuy at C surrounding country. '9 cigniioia, J. ' - ard i " 50 do Dean&nale do SObxaHJS Knm; and the debates contributing to tht true Interpretation thereof, Tri- Vtejdy Uxios juid AxxaicxH per annum ad- jjjBeswence,Ho. iu High street. Office on same let. CITYBANK BILLS TAKEN Twenty-si- x upon t5 in ISay, r" (10 Brandy, , BObMi New YorfcGIn. miles' North'Iast of NashTllle, the Louisville and to make free the commnnlcatlonbetween the representative vance. sept7-dS- rn B&P Corn, do "40 ciska nikberfi London Por-- and NuhTille Sallroad, In rich- Knitting Yarns, colors. and constituent bodies: ITr Bubscribers desirlngtheir papers changed must ' WVppiio all JTovte mention DO bxi Champagne, qu c pmu ; ttr. Jit it retolved bv th Senate and of Jtevrtttntativet the Post Offiet rn, as well aa the one to, which they desire CODEY'S IlOOtt. OCTOUEIt. est agricultural and mannfactnrinc ttatet of America in Cengrat a$iimlled,?hxt the IiADVil FOlt Bran, Oats, SCNURIHS. JVS1 BSCKTPZD ' ' ' T portion of the Elate. Ribbon Department. from and after the present session of Congress, the Congrettim-a- t ST , f (U) bzaEtar Can'li 14, 15. lG"oill5 tnFox'i Starch. Globe and Aviendix. which contains the lawi and the de JOHN YORK 3c CO. 1000 CandleiliSCQcaaxi is h. V ha Star carb Soda. IT CISCUIiATES EXTENSI X A'nice assortment of Bonnefand Trimming Bibbons; bates thereon, shall pass free through the malls so long as the eptl8 No. 33 Union Street Shorts, ItTcal, 0ilbxi Dcrl'aSsmmer do T50 bra do do lb Parjcnr Satin and Taffetas Ribbons: same shall be published by order of Congress: J'rorided, That ' . i CSa-.'d- o SoP,' ' -- --' 400 6tn ha Imp. tt Oanp'r lea, In a large scope of country, embracing the Jower counties o Black.Telvet Ribbons, in two analitlea. all from If In nothingherein shall be construed to authorise the circulation of THE IfASITILLE lUbbanBSAliiondi iu cnens macs 'zxlo the Daily Globe free or postage. Woman iu "SATliite. ? - a Kentucky, and Ihoaoof thcJpperCnaberUnd and the can auenucn. (Oiour euajuy. 1& do English Walonts; '140 baga Pepper, - Slver. vuucianeieau nrsi Potatoes,' Apples. black . io ogueruiaaaoyLin - Approved, August u, S1 Lola Pecasa; - 40 Bpice, tnouctaln counties West of XnoxviUe. IttsTisltogetJierr wvt urim. ls uoftaan- icj. do - AD VENTURES OF ADAMS, Bear Hunter of Cali (X) i - TEIC5IS. bxa Va and Ky Tobacco; '30 do Ginger, Belt Blbbotu-Si- lk, "and- Gold and flllt, aU Gold, and Leather I fornia. Illustrated. ye, 40 kcz PatentShot; J 30C9 tegt Kaili, The IJcsi 'Country Advertlsliijr Sheet For a copy of the Dilly Ultfbe, for four mocths-.- .3 0? Wlicat. It in Owing to the severe pres It -' - 100 bagi Bock Shot, 30hbt No.JL Uacterel, Tennesacc. jror i copy ol tne congressional uiooe ana appenaixaarug JTST BSCEJVSD BY t JS- H, 0 do Bar Lead, 203 kltjNo. 1,8 and 3 do the sesslon.....-.....H...... - 3 00 3jejiU8 , . JOHN TO It IX & CO...... w. Barley, Elour 00 pocndsBar Lead: 150 bxa Scotch llerrlng, IO7he Publishers would solicit your adrertislcg. Woollen Goods. For 3 copies ditto, itben ordered at the same tlme...... 5 OS sure of the times, we have I0O&jecA: IS. WiRivdlnM inOi.f.f1. nnttnn Rrwi. Tfe hive. Verr ertimslTa etoet ef TAJIaoa'lIIiicM TTfwfif. It o attention will be paid to any oraer unless iue money ac u tflC03 reanif, Wrapping Paper lObbls Mason'aBlacklng, AiviuBotnTeSfUaiiQiieit, cnawii, isiidibj, &03Ug, tto. company It. . For Sale. ,T 150baleiWrappln Twine, 300 doi Painted BocieU. TERHIS OF ADVERTISING. Children's Stckl. Ooils and Circular . EnMi &nd Uontetrs. Bank notes.current In the section of the country whtrs a sub- uncommonly likely Mulatto Boy, twenty years of age. rediicea the prictTbf tKeTe adcbtjoiis WdSiTTaahBoarda. lJOneatalTata. scriber strides, will be received at par. The whole or any part AN is perfectly soupd, an excellent cook and the best may postage IBOtdoJBroosu, 400 brToti7p!& halfptFlaski, lm. 2q. 3o. Cm-- ilyea or a tUDScrlDiisn do remutea in siampj, wnicn is A FIRST CLASS trained dining room and bed roon servant la the State. He Is CUccsc, lUOtuJTnmbleii, 50,000 GlDTercuuion' Oapt, preferable to any currency, except old ot silver. sold for no fault save that he cannot or will not agree with ser- unrivalled Machines from Butter, S0saae?7datches 100 COO Cfirs. rirloci brands, 1 Square (12 lists) 1$ 2 00' $3 50 $ 0 $ 8 OOjtlOOO Head Dresses.. JVllfl u. .nivjvo, vants with whom he Is associated, and whom tn supposes to be uxa DO Bv8-t- Washington, Oct. 18, 1860. desires to be to ' w jutite uiigara, iu en uuoa erxei cigars; 2 8q aarea:... i. 4 6 00 UU 10 0O 15 00 Ladies' and Childacn's Hair Nets, Bead?Nets. and 'other new f News Commprci.ii prejudiced against him. He therefore sold. Apply jOOkegs WhlteLievl, SOlbl Linseed Oil; 3 Equares. 0 00 8 00 .10 O0 15 00 2000 (yie ueaa-ureese- Political, and Wil.1,. Jj. UUXD, Ehrd.Fish. 40 Utreea Fresb'Elcc. CO 001 teptlO-l- w No. 50 Cherry street. - lObblsAicm, Column 10 IS 00 15 20 00 25 00 Louisiana Sugar! ... 1 1 , s ii 5,008 bsgt Fine Bait. X column li 00 15 00 20 00 25 00! 35 00 Fancy Hair Pius and Combs, HOGSHEADS new crop Louisiana Sugar, a choice art!. a Tirltt of other articles. Column... 15 00 17 00 25 00 30 COl 45 A assortment of f to arrive by steamer B. M. Bunyan on Monday next, itacou, Liquors, Ac Fith X 00 beautiful the newest patterns. .l de.,, . T(.vrT jFL LANIER, FUILLIPS CO., Ii Oolucus 20 00 25 00 30 OS 25 on CO 00 anu tor saie low lorrao.l .uiijftiiii,vviiittfiAnnnn .v,, TJ 3?J . SOUTHERN TRUNK MAHUFACTO may89-tf- t O .i s&o No. 39, ii'arist street. 1 Column-- .. 25 001 30 00 35 00 50 00 75 DO Perfumery Department. Nov tf Nos 0 and a Market street: L ' In Store and' for an. c bjr JOr0B TITS DOLLARS It you do not desire to spend 'PUBLISHED Genuine Lublni CO x larger we your Extracts, cents a bottle; Howe SPRING STOCK mm, will publish Card In Directory style, as Burnett's Cocaine foriho Hair; The Family Sewing BINGIIAITI. 1T1UEEEN & CO. OP given below, and In a choice position In our columns, for one Barry's Tricoaheros, Rimmels' Toilet TIngar, SEJNT BY EXPRESS iitOPTS, SHOES,' AMD GAITERS. year, for Fivx DoLLams, Asvaxcx. Lavender Water, Baa de Cologne, Tooth Powders, Machines are especiallv Sample: LId Salve. Lilly White. Meenf on. Pink Saucers, etc DAILY. TRMVEEKLY AND WEEKLY, cc27 if E -- Sonpe Windsor, Omnibus, Honey and different other kinds, A:--V. adapted to the Southern ' aaruanes. Hair Brushes Pearl inlaid. Whalebone back RUT"LAND, ALFRED BENJAMIN & CO., Ivory back, Rosewood and common. . . BY No. 30 Flesh Bruabes. Infant Brashes. Tooth and Oloihr'i Brashes. Union Street, DEALERS DT Trade, because they sew cocrssoa to a. . i. a. v. KCTUJin.) -- j. Com bs Dressier. Fine Tooth. TncklnsElda and Neck J. o. GRIFFITH, r. o. ddn'ninqton, . viomos. - ISTet-tint- B"S now receiving cn of the most complete asiortments of BOOKS AND STATIONERY-- Ac. JNO C. BURCH, LEON. TB0USDALB." r, ana cnoes ever uus wmca Tarleton, Musquito B,Joou orougni to marxet, nasDeen 119 CnaTBtM gTRtrr, New.Tout. seject"dJJtoitt 'csfrora the beet Manufacturer expressly Fancy Goods. TU0MAS 0. MARE, . .HMM.YO.a'V XWK.. - for theretaJl trade .comprising la partes follows: OMddress B0YERS & KIBBT, Swiss Muslin. Home- Bracelets, Tans,Necklice,Drooche, Ear Rings, dhawI-Pla- i . TOB LADLES. , FOB GENTLEMEN, B0T8, Publishers. Gallatin. Scmner Connfv. Tenn. BeltBuckles; Laalds black . and brown French 11IESE3 ANb CI1ILDEEN September 4, lfCO-dl- m Dresslni; Cases, UNDER - BL CrOSSmail, A. W. V'CtlX. G. W. FALL. super for ladies and centlemen: THE- STYLE OF Eassett spun, Osnaburgs, Jeans, Gentlemen's French Porte Monaies, made pother black cloth calf pump .Boots; of leather, wire, of pearl, silver. a. b. MoNTGOMHRr, Special Partner. 0. and brown ivory, newest SO. 5 1 3CABKETSTBEET, NASHVILLE, TZSy., laced Oaitera; " super French stitch- Coal, cic.. an ice ainas: calf Cabas and Ladies Companions. &i anulactnrcrs and Wbolcsale and Rctai Kerseys, or Leather with '4 'buttoned lasting Gaiters; i ed Boots; TTKTIL further notice, will he mid at tha V.mI rfth J. O. CO ,Glove kli Congress " ' super French calf pump U Mountain Coal Company (formerly tna) at the folUwisc Retailed at WMesale Prices, StALXXSIK ALL XIXDSOf extra no kid Bootees; congress uaiters; 1 UU . Small Ware. (Successors to E. G. Eastman & Co.,) Ladies and Gents' Traveling- Trunks, equal facility, using Flax . " " SUppers: glove kid and P. Li Con Lump Coal, per ten SO ' J5 Knives and Scissors, Comb Cleaners, Cot Made to Measure at $18 per doz. " " laced Rosettes; gress Gaiters; Bound do do . ,,,,, , ..,.... S 00 M & ton and Linen Tape and Bobbin, worsted and silk Braid for valises, carpet rags, c, &c, Cotton, or Silk. CILL FALL English kidslippers: pump and stitched Nut do . CO Thread. " ' calf do ... . 4 Skirts, cotton, worsted Braids, Serpen OK SIX FOR NINE DOLLARS, WESIJiK to can ine attention ot an tncae In want or anv I wniie kid and fiatin Oxford Ties: Blacksmiths' Coal dn sn and silk Crochet and 3 tine Braids, Pins, Needles, cotton and silk Sewing Thread. Without Collan on.vrlth Collars' cn i'3 per dor, extra. 0 tiling In our line, (wholesale or retail,) to examine our V.lvet Buckskin Congress Gai- Mr. Joint B.Laxo will In futureattend to the business of the PURLISIIERS: MADE 0V NEW-YOR- MILLS MUSLIN, stock before Durchaslmr elsewhere, as we are confident that we They make the shuttle ZnglUh lasting " ters; company in tbis place. SAMUEL AGNEW. can sell as low as any other house in the city. Our stock is all of Wholesale aod Retail Dealers in kid toilet Buskins, Boys, Misses and Children's General Superintendent R. M.O. Co. Embroideries and Utensils. With fine Linen Boeoms, and warranted a good u iU.V our own manufacture and Is made cf the best materials and b theabove with and without Shoes of all kinds and Orders can be left In Box No. 94, or at the Yard &j sold In the retail stores at (2,50 each. - 'Ji'ASUiTILLi TESjfKSSh E. first class workmen. All must admit the wisdom of buyirg work or lock stitch, undoubt- . heels. nuiliti.! uocKui.aiuiTuieana un&iunoogaiuui iioaa JJepot. Embroideries for SliDDers. Ottomans. Piano Stools. Foot Cush ALSO, THE VERY BEST SHIRTS THAT CAN BU made at none, in preference to Buying mat made at tne xact ex i every Lamp-Mat- s, Serracu' of kind. Jons It. Lajcc; Agent. ions, Crochet and Embroidery Needles, Patterns far ' - MADE AT $2 HICK. , pressly for Jobbing. GUNS, CUTjLERY, or which cheap cash. Call Nashville, Aug. 16, 1660. Embroideries. Canvass. Embroidery and Floss Silk, Purse edly the best made by All I will for at No. 30 . V. S. Those) who think I cannnt make a pood Lli fur He especially invite tne attention oi ue Loaies to ot r TJnloB street. lmart7 A. V. RUTLAND. Twist, Crotchet Rings. t SIS pur dozen are mistaken. Here's the colt of one PATENT TRUNK. FOR LADIES TOOLS, DOERISS & MTCil, Canes, Umbrellas and Parasols. dozen $13 fine slurte. . It has compartments for Bonnets. Dresses, Parasols. Brushes. Sewing Machines. The EDGE 80 yards of per yd. 3T and a water-prc- compartment lor sponges, una, sc A nice assortment, and other miscellaneous Items. ii oraer, ' 7 yards cf fine Linen, atSOi per yard, 3 im Ail Unas ot Trunks mad, to covered or repaired, s Howe Sewing Machines are DEMOVILLE'S Iron Founders and Manufacturers of Making and euttini, , i 00 ..Tbe. largest Circulation of any Political rtnotlce. Give us a call at at 51 Market street, two doors PLOWS. RAKES, CULTIVATORS, NEW AND TJNniVAI.IiED Laundry, il; buttons and cotton, 50c. 1 lit South of the Square. J.5SJi'A' A' d: CAXOsSJIAN SECOND FLOOR. Profit " maylg-dfctw- iy strong, simple, and dura- AND ., s COOKING AND HEATING STOVES A. B. MONTGOMERY. J. W. STEWART HAIE TOITICI Total ?1 iK most efficacious remedy now In use for restoring and Toys! Toys!! Toys!!! ble, and are fully guaran- Building 'Hardware. THE the hair, removing Dandruff and cleansing nOLLOW-WAR- E AKD CASTINGS, Self Measurement Shirts. ' jPXRUVE, all Wj have very lot of German. French and for 3STBW the scalp from all diseases. This preparation his been used in lust received a lanre dlrect!cr-- English Toys, comprising many Tke prices are Primed f est evfrj i,re, aod st. SIR KM AN ic ELLIS' OLD STAND, our city and vicinity for a year or more, and we could famish Or ALL XIKD9. novelties. to ru.y t:i teed in every particular. tbe times, In cun'ormity our to sen to nadtratnnd, that ccrnla'e the'ru sicnivt. numbers of ccrtiScatts testifying to Its great werth, but da not suit and with aim T!-.- In politics, the Unionand American advocates the MONTGOMERY & STEWART as cheap aa anybody, to our reputation of s:llirsr foriUrti. I warrant a r ras)i to l yov. lu 34, PUBLIC SQUARE, deem it necessary, aa It Is an article which speaks for Itaelf. No. 40 RIarkct Street, (Gckdok' Blocx.) aad deserve the Express Company en receipt More four hundred goods at prices. teoJi. Beniocratic-party- , GROWERS AND DEALEBS thair To all who are losing their hair from diseaae, and who are apr22 reasonable principles of the National aa ex- IN ------The Express from Xcw-Yo- ly gray; also to thoje who wish a full, luxuriant growth (Jliinsi cliarreara cn?zn fhlrt Nashville, Tennessee, nnd Uoliemtan iiassvarc. to New Orleai.a,s ( of hair, this is recommended. China Tea Sets, Cups and Saucers, Mugs, Tases, Toilet tl. pressed in the resolutions adopted by the CoaTcn-.tio-n Fruits, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, families in this vicinage Give it a trial and be presuadsd for yourself of its good qual Bottles, Puff Boies Ink Stands, Water tnd Liquor Sets, Fig- P. S. -P- ARTIES WISII1NO islIlUTS IN HASTE, ties. Tut cp In pint bottles for $1 a bottle, and sold Wholesale ures and Candlesticks. having time to send fur Rules of Mearjrcmci.t, shoulu that nominated Breckisridgk and Lane. It Roses, &c, &c, and Retail by DKMOYILLX & CO , send per mail, prepaid, one of the best filttDg shirts tney have endorsed their good have got, stating any alterations that tna y be required. devotes special attention to its 2Tews Department, LIN WOOD NURSERY, added to our already large Stock of Hardware and Corner Church and Cterry street. A COUNTRY RESIDENCE, HAYING a fine And by Dmg;ists generally in city and country. Bronze Figures. auorttaentof First Quality mav9'C0-d- from London, and as an accurate and reliable reporter of Com- - KASHVILLE, TEssEssEE, qualities during the past ir S. H. WELL IMPROVED AXD VERY VALUABLE, A nice selection; also, Bronxeand Marble Clocks, Inkstands, etc W. WARD, mercial and Monetary transactions it is without a Three Miles from the Public Square on the Hlllsboro' or Broad :E.e-ta- H Anderson Sc Romans, rjpWO ind a half miles from Nashville on the Murfreeabero Work Boies and Dressing Cases.' ' 387 Broadway, up stairs; year. C3rOOa.s, Road Furni-he- d Rosewood, Mahogany superior in Tennessee, Broad Street Turnptxe. Turnpike The dwelling la or Brick built In modern and unfurnished, ma of Between White 4 Walker Streeta, N or any other State. Xo)iraciag style aod very commodious, containing cine rooms of good size, and Leather. rn WE Proprietors, in offering this editicr of their Catalogue AT October 10, ly Sc liesides halls, chioacloset, store room and cellar, It is Democratic to the core, working for all the H to tne public, beg leave to assure Lcemtnat every endeavor Orr's McNaughts Spool scu siikaieu iu is nseu to rencer tneir esiiritsnmeni wo.'tny orconncence ana FINE TABLE AND POCKET KNIVES, A Morocco Bags. great interests of our xdidt country; deeply alire patronage of all persons. Tbelr i rult Trees are well grows, re A uderhoii'N ITIscliinc Rcuutiful Grove of Forest Trees. markably thriity, varieties as proved succeed Cotton, the best in the EDGE TOOLS, Foundry ami PBICES. and of such have to The xlickei ,wasb ro m and meat house re also of brick with ALL SIZES Al TEBT LOW I to the development of all the varied resources of best In Tennessee and tne Sou'bern states. all necessary out fculldine. and a lane cistern. JL.ook In addition to our larreri netyot Fruit Tresi, we call rsrtic BUILDING HARDWARE, Shop, The place contains thirty two acres which Here! Tennessee, and laboring the en- market for Machine use at of excellent land, of Baskets. for prosperity and ular attention to our stockcl Larze Eergreens and Onamental iweivcarein iseary iniioer. Trees, suitable for Immediate esect. uurs is too only establish' FARMERS, CARPENTERS, No Toll-gat- For Work Stands and Wool Bukets terprise of our city; The STIC bridge or Railroad te pass and the will noonH Flowers, Traveling Baskets, markets, produce and ment n tne state wi ere sum can tie raa 50 cents per dozen, also a NO. 53 ltlaOAD GET, moved fieiond. Nameing, Packing, Shipping and Transporting carefully COOPERS, SMITHS, end ,- - w.i -- r . at Al, adjoining the abovs, several Beautiful BuildtrgLots, Accordeons. Uu ul itugiH ui I tenne to. A JLE power portable Engines, rontalnine from six to thirty acres one of seveLteen acres. .f..,.,,,,,, ADoogncaarxea paexmg to pay cost good assortment of MACHINISTS' Tools, Implements, Ac. minacturing steam ALL DRESS GOODS Commercial matters are gotten up with great lor ri maienai. Flax ft suitable for printing offices, plantation ic, and where ueaviir umoereii. Trembling and Fluticas, a email lot, remarkably cheap. cfe. All plints delivered in Nirivllle free of charge. small engines are required. Price 1 000. These lands are "ell adapted to gardening being near the and Orders solicited. MONTGOMERY & STEWART, We respectfully solicit a can from ourn'nt,,fonnerpatrons city 12 G may be relied upon as approximating to nct25-dC- Silk Stationary Steam KdrIcm from ten to thlrtv horse power, at and if dee soil, clear of rock. Pea'cusion given at any Line. Hobby Horses. SELL cer B O D&P Proprietors. thread and at prices of "McCALL k CO.," and tho public generally. price, as lo eoictse can bo furnished at. Wca.e r"r terms apply lo tite unaersignei; on Uic premises, or at 33 ua flrstlus FBOM OO TO THE BKST MAKE. tainty.; prepared to fill orders for Engines and Mill ry of the Collet street A. H. FORD 92 3 18 OO, If youiwantiPoliticsKwsorompeixial N.shville. June 22. '60 dtf McGuirc's Tennessee Justice, Mag to suit the times. lastistlmprevid patterns at shrrt notice Castirg made from Carriages for Dolls, I infonnation. the Union and American is the stock patterns Muly Children and paper M'CALL&FALL our of for Flour Mills and circular, sash and i!5 ! AM) WILLOW. ELcsardLless of Cost istrate's Guide and Business streurth, durability and economy fiCatilication tiii;r JXZEA1UEB . COME 32ROS, tc. rw Milli,areuBrivalIUfer ireat Those not yet supplied would do well to examine them, as we for you. Agents, Eixxxax Xtm' old Etaxs, of power. TO BX H1TLD XT Man's Counsellor. srp2I-d- tf 31 Public Square, Nashville, Tenn. ALL, lVORK CTJAIJANTEED, Oil Paintings. . are determined to close them out for FOB WHAT WE CAN GETI IF YOU ARE A MAGISTRATE, to when de- 53 College Street, and experienced workmen furnished set up our work BROWN'S A FEW LEFT AT VERY LOW PRICES. IT TELLS YOU The crlginor your Ofllce, Its duties and Notice. sired. No. 3S Square, & co what Crime is, who is capable of com-- rX have for sale several fine Residence tn the city, some Consuntly on Land a assortment of casiingtusually kept Public ;r. c. jticnairy ittlng is fall it, and how It punished, what sovSS-dtw- tf of In fine territory. Also la FROM FOUR IN THE MORNING UNTIL NINE AT NIGHT 1 KASBTILLE, TZNr. then s Itree number of unim at a Foundry. An experienced pattern maker and draftnan July2I-t- NO, COLLEGE S1BEE7. evidence xo receive, wno iiaoie to arrest. proved lota In the city; soeo them finely suited f emideyo Working drawings, specifications, plans and esti- FLOOR. f 55 business one, come all, as I aa selling Groceries at len per THIRD IT TELLS YOU Themeinlnsof Law Terms In ireneral purpesea, and for Besidssces. We will sell great bar,ralnx. mates furnished on application. COME above coat, delivered free of charge for cash. Such as use, with an abridged Law Dictionary, Cliangc we nave als row sale several or the best and most ccsomanding OBie Uoom 53 way.Naahville, Tens. SAM. M. DIWD IS, niviD SZSVCEXS, j. it. of Location. L7 and Sales at Broad White Wneat Flour, in 25, 4 and 9S pound bags; rinaix. a&u gives lories lor narrants, Deposi Bulldlnsr Sites In West Nashville, on Bread. Bcmnnhran. juneSS-d- tf compelled to go South, on Also, Red Wheal, In 25, 43 aod 9i pound lugs; Wholesale Department. tions, Writs, Affidavits, Judgments, account of the health of Nairr anl other streets. BEIN1 will be located for the winter the slave Extra S3iiar Cured Haws; FABSAK, DISMUKES & CO., , The Union and American is furnished, to subscri stajs, ueeos, jiorrgsges, summons, eke. I at Also A number of very fine Iotts lo Boyd s, Hycea and TtttilUIIKGS STORE. Extra Dried Beef; The Trade Is ropectfilly invited to examine our stock and depot of Polndexter, Little Sz Co., No. 43 Bareoe street, New Watkics' Additions. prices before buying elsewhere. We import good many things bera the following very low TELLS U What Is Arson, Burglary, Bane Bobbery' Orleans, where will be pleased lo see my friends, will Choice lot of Cider Vicegar, pure; a at rates. Subscriptions' IT I and give Also Several very choice) lots in Edgefield, 25 or 30 Iota io It O II M E V CO., direct, and bur others cf the largest importing houses in New Dealersinall kinds, of Treason, rerjury, Larceny, Abduction, prompt attention to the sale of all property consigned me. My OSCAR Golden Syrup: ' Walker! Addition, aad a largo number of lota in Harding's Ad- York. A: always to be paid advance. . . Issaultand Baltiry, Conspiracy, Lewd Agents, I W Pate Jas A Scruggs, to my Have just opened at their stand, Sugar House Molasses; UORtSFELDT GUNTRATH, in and will attend depot in dition aod McOavock. nov3-J2- m Cherry ness, Xmbesxlemeat, Bribery, Bigamy, Nashville, and negroes that cannot be Nashville, by in- Brown Sugar, of a superior quality; 20 Street. BOOTS, 3 HOES, GAITERS sold in addition to which, wc hare a very largo cumber of i t itianappiog, nxiortion, uamlng, Usu structing them, will be forwarded me to New Orleans. Hooiner. mIn No. 7 Crashed and Powdered 8ugar; - Country lots, containing from five twenty acres, Union Street, ' ry, Crimes and Misdemeanors of slaves, by strict attent on to business on the part of myself agents ta within frets A complete stock of Fall and Winter Old Government Jaffa Coffee, extra quality; and J two to three miles of the city, on and near the' different pike TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac., AC, uu. micj .1 i. jjuiunjcui to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore ex- - Laguyra Coffee; Septl4-- tf J. c R. W.BROWN tencca me, 1 respeetnuiy tne lavorx or busi- DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, Baltimore Rio Coffee; NEW AND GOODS IT TELLS YOU Your civil powers and duties. Jurisdic- solicit all having " CHEAP , tion In civil cases, when one may ness In my line, either forNaabvIHe or New Orleans. Also, a fine lot of borne made Willow Baskets, of al 1 Weekly-- Six Moiths 10 Justice Fine Stock Farms Public Sale. PRISING a full assortment of plain and figured Teivet siies, for A. B. ....J1 - norll-t- r WILL. BOYD, at O0U cheap Robertson's Stand. .'. 00 aciioranotLer, ana 01 summary Juris- L. Ja. Kibbons, Galoens.Frlcges, Bugle Gimps, Grape Trimmings, sale at m!6 JOHN T. BROWN'S FOR THE One Year 2 Saturday, the 21th November the uxdrratxred. the agent Tri-Wccll- ly, aicuon. ffU "Belts,j Buttons, Braids, Bugle Buttons, ail of which NED N Six Months...- -. 2 50 J ofThomas W McCanos. wii-- i. .111 ..1, tic. Ac, art KL'NTLINE'S NEV ROUUS. O. 45 COLLEGE S 0Q power Re- Estray in Perry County. ntirely new, and the best that could be got In the Eastern mar- STREET, " One Year IT TELLS YOU Tour and duties in a case of pubEcaaletothehlghestbdderonthe.iwiprecnJses. ca s credit of - Tbree Mouths ...... 2 CO plevin, Attachment, Forcible- - Entry up by En. 00s ana two years tor notes Wlta approved tecunty. and a lien o kets. Ouratoekof NETW ORK MERCURY Full of FALL ANDWINTER. NASHVILLE, ally, .Surra. In the Third District, Perry STORIES, ' 3Ix Month- s- 4 00 ana Aietainer, wnen acting as coroner. TAKEN Tenn.. one Maro' Mnlo. about thlrovn Ue land until the puichase trar is paid. Tcphin Merino and Shetland Wool, Just Published, and for sale at Betall or Whole One Year...... 8 00 YOU The form of proceed ore In criminal and hands higb, a dark brown, about eighteen years old, nearly blind. Embroidered B Embroidery Spo E are now receiving one of tbe largest and most beautiful IT TELLS Seven Thomand Acros of Land, raids and Silks; Crochet, and t sale, at the cheap Book Store of Frcseric A. Baanv, 514 Ann & civil cases. Appraised on the litis day of April, I860, to fifteen dollars. Cotton ; aa well as any other material for Knitting, Netting. Em B. R. CUTTER LEAVES stock ot Known aj the Glascock Laa Ja, lylnr In Warren county, Ten rus- Street, New Yorks. Price twenty-fiv- e J. LA SKINS, Ranger each aide stage broidery and Crochet Is complete and larger in variety an cents each, er any five IEpCaslt IF YOU ARE A CONSTABLE, 1. "60 set, on of theold road from McMInnville to Nash- work. in advance in all cases. for Clutis yeur Office, November w3t for Perry county. quantity than ever. We also continue to manufacture for one dollar, or the whole eleven for two dollars. Hot. 30 and 50 Corner oS College and. Broadway ROOTS, SHOES, Ax;, IT TELLS YOU Tho origin of in duties, ville, within nine miles of UcHlnnvillo, sad seven miles of the and Annual Subscriptions; powers aod liabilities, and gives you McMinaville and Manchester Railroad. FrlnKca, Trxsaclk, Itntlonsiv, Cord, Ac. NASHVILLE, TENN., for Tall and Winter, that has ever been brought to Nashville, forms for tho transaction of all your Ccal Oil. These lands have been dlvkkd into la eiahteen Inia. nci.lntn to order as utual, and will try to suit all and every Vody. Waolesale and Retail Dealers in They were manufactured to our own order especially for utajl. business. QA B3L COAL OIL Just received, on consignment. and I 'roDOnen"drtoeightbnjidredacrti,iLreweTtImbered,and sep 12 t The White Wizard; or, the Great Prophet of the Dtscxintox or iro. We invite all our friends and the public generally t cal ue sold low. I watered by 'Charley's Creek," which runs through the lands. xvkbt IF YOU ARE IN RUSINESS, MtF win ARMSTRONG k CO. ana Seminole Indians. By Nxs Bcirruxz. Price 25 cents. on us, as we will sell them very low for CASH. novl4-d- la twenty nevir laiurg springs or excellent water. MOJlfvOW. XOKXOW. Caps, Um- YOU How ta draw up Partnership Papers. - JOES U, Roots, Sboos, Gaiters, Hats. sepo tl JTAKKAJl. DinXUHES UU. Tho, Daily publishes large quantity of IT TELLS Oaeof the lots has on it the .handsome residence recently r. II. a.Tcry Agreements of all kinds. Bills of Sale. erected by Col. George i; brellas, Wltips, Hosier), Arc, how Glasxck. and several of the other lota JOHN MORROW cV SON Sea Waif; or, The Terror of the Coast. THE EXPRESS TRAIN matter, and the lt is madojup .of two to makeyour Will , how to administer SEHLSSION NOT NECESSARY! are The lands are admirably A Tale of in receipt dally of a large And general assortment ,for FREIGHT on an estate, how to draw up Bonds, adapted te the growing Privateering in 1776. By Nan Price S5 cents. vv the Nashville and Chattanooga will commence of smalt grain and tb grapes, and tha raising or stock, and a m 'AH0IJEU.U1 XKD SITalL Q Bcntukx. AJ Fall and inter wear. Railroad Daily issues; and the Weekly is ono of the largest, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, Bills of ONrunning on the 22d day of July, in close connection with BI ST WAY TO BEING NORTHERN FANATICS fine opportunity Is afforded persons desirous or engaging In that j:xcnange,ucceipia ana Keieases., mtlE S A N D o o A m III. I1I.UUU uuuuAjsa Anas iiuuaa, the Express Trains on the great Southern lines via Charleston handsomest,- and cheapest sheets printed in the 3 to tneir senses, 11 to business ins healthy and delightful reaiua t eouatry Till m SADDLEltV scpSl-tw.td- Saul Sabbenlay; or. The Idiot Spy. A Tale of the A very large assortment, good and cheap. and Savannah, and continue during tho business season. IT TELLSjYOU Eow to keep out of Law by showing undoubted. al W. BBITTO.V, Agent. 177G. Union you now your H XV a r e- - Fa r n i s h i n i r El o u s c, 2 Men and Deeds of By Nid Bchtuki. Price 25 csnta. ROOTS, SHOES, GAITERS. Ac. Through time from New York, eight days. to do business legally, Encourage Home Eutcrprisc. AJnly-23-t- f W. COLE, Superintendent thus laving a vast amount of property StJt?XT.33JL03Q-'t3- . IV. good assortment Gents' Water-Proo- f and Grain Leather E. TT1 p No..4S, Market Street, A of aad vexatious litigation by its timely I Lave In store a very large anl excellent stock of Elfrida; or, The Red Iiorcr's Daughter. A New Boots, Lace Shoes, Congress Gaiters, &c. consultation. Women's Dutch and Calf Bootees. NA VIL.LE, TENNESS E Mystery of New York. By NxnBrirrLixz. Price 25 cents. Mississippi River Cotton Plantation - J SII Misses' Children' Copper Toed Boots. Agents Wanted in every- County. Also, V. and Calf foa Sale. RAIiVS, & CO., Boys' and Youths' Shoes and Boots, with Copper Tips. Cypress Bend Chicot county, IJCpSentto any address, post paid, on the receipt of S3. made here In myCigars,own Factory, and consequently know them to BBOWV Plantation, In Arkansas, axo DXauuta in The Grudge. A Romance of In short, every kind of Boots and Shoes that are deslrablo" for a. tV bo made of the xaxcracTCsxu THE of the very best Cotton Plantations on the Mississippi CLU HAG AN CO. S0.UAEX, J ByKxn F. NO. ID PUBLIC the Revolution. Bcktllki Price 25 cents. Fall'andWlnUr. Is ofC5.-000- . aug25 w2m College street, Saddles, Ilridlcs, Harness, Trunks river now offered for sale at the extremely low price To any and all Postmasters and friendn, sending 41 Nashville. 2 VI. HATS AND CAPS. It has on it all the improvements and machinery required REST MATERIAL. NASHVILLE, - - TENNESSEE Carpet Sacks, Saddle Rags, Jtc. Our Mess; or. The Pirate Iluntcrs of the Gulf. A Every style anl quality of Fur. Cassimere, Bezver, Otter, for eighty hands, and 1,000 acres of land In cult! ration, now us the Cash for five new subscribers to the Weekly, And not only gnarautes the quality, but will sell sbn on as Merino, Wool, eke. bearing a crop of unsurpassed cotton corn. are 1.500 Insolvent Notice. as tLey can , Tale of Naval Heroism and wild alventuio In Tropics. By and There good terms te ooagnt in tne JSast Try oe. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Nashville In of anything -- the Caps of every tlescriptlon. acres altogether In the tract, Is Pro or two to tho we wjll send ono copy of 55ERS0XPvisMng need In i Nxn Bontuxk. Price 25 cents. and not one but arable. to an order made on me by the Clerk of the J. . liAflliliEYi exam-Cttfl- cheap. tected Im- It tc their Interest to Negro Wool Huts, very as this place is by front and side levees, overflows are tho Weekly gratis for one year. PURSUANT of Weakley county, Tenn . hereby notlfr novl3-- tf BtP 4 Union Street j6-intenti- on possible, I i Surgical Dental Instrument,, Ue our stock before purchaalogelsewhere, aa it Is cur VII. and upon examination It will bo found the cheapes persons having claims against the estate Thomp- and Sundries on Hand. place on all of Pernetia to make quick sales and short profits. Luona Prescott; or, The Curse Fulfilled. A Tale of the river. son, deceased, to file them with said Clerk on or before the 25th offered to cash purchasers, Umbrellas, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Carpet Bags, School Refer to the premises ELASTIC TRUSSES. Extra Inducements will be the American Revolution. By NtnBcirruax. Price 25 cents. Blackleg and Brushes, Whips, Thongs, AVSLtxrutT,NashvilIe,Tenn.,oron Positively no subscription will be received for the day of January next, for adjudication and pro rata distribution. an7-- tf JOnN MORROW & SOW Satchels, Saddle Bags, to As WELLBORN. Hosiery. Gloves, All of which will be sold very choanal H. E. A. 0. sold estate oemg insolvent, and tnat ceing appointed by said VIII. be. Weekly Union American, unless same, Gents' Elegant Winter Shoes Medical Saddle Rajrs, Abdominal Sup. War-Eagl- or and Clerk la adjudicate tne claims vs. tne uctoter 3lit, Thayendanegea, thfi Scourge; or. The e wholesale or retail. lew. VALTTARLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE of TTf.l,eather Belting and Gum Packing at cost. COAL OIL LAMPS. VT. B. kobs, Administrator. AT porters, Snoulder Braces, and the Mohawks. A tale of Mystery, Ruth and Wrong. By Nan accompanied with the Cash. 'CO to make other investments, we propose to sell 6ct3-- K-- CLEAVES DOZEN Nov. 9, w4t of said EstaU. WISHING BrxTUKz, P. ice 25 cents. tf B. CUTTER it Coal Oil Lamps, of various styles, fitted with Real Estate in Davidson county, as follows: 6 celebrated Collin s Burner, for sale by SNYDER & EEIZZBLL'S. DRUGGIST'S SUNDRIES THAT RESIDENCE, IX. mar2-- tf BAINS. BROWN & CO octii tr StlBntRAN Stella Dclortue; or, The Camanche'a Dream. A wild THE WONDER OF THE AGE! situated on the Franklin TnrcpUe, within Aalf amllx of the city, ENTS fine all calf Puma Sole Gaiters; -- and fanciful story of Savage Chivalry By Nxn METROPOLITAN Seed Rye, ate. and oppcalte the residence of the late Joseph W. Ilorton, Bcntlim. Notice. CI " " " Stitched tn Wheat, Price 25 cents copartnership heretofore existing under the style of UNION AND AMERICAN RLAKE LY 'S RHEUMATIC " " " Square Edge " f-f- BA03 WhI!Wlat for Seal Contiiinlng Forty Acres. TnE GiLirasox & Co.. was this day dissolved by mu- LINIMENT 3t0 Bags Meditarraneaa Whenti about X. AND " " Double Solo " JVF17 - Thlsls,pcrhaps.theaostcommaodlngsitrIntheTicInlty of Nash- The Rift and the Spray. A Talc of Smugglers in tual consent. J K Guxxnsox retiring from the firm. High Soles.) 3u Timouiy tMea; ANODYNE CatLaceEnamelled Boots, (heavy $00 ville, and Is a most desirable country residence. The house will the English Channel. Beautifully Illustrste4. By Malcolm JO EDWABD3, EMRROCATION. " Eye; be sold with 12 cr 15 acres of land as the purchaser may choose. J. Eaxxx Price 25 cents. J. E. GILEEBSON, Also, His Liver Alterative and Tonic " PatentLeather " Received this day and for sale very low by Julyl4,lS60. loolt, anV Pill. oct-- tt o U THAT VALCARLE FARM, K. P. EDWARDS. lob anctr printing fa 11IS magnum Linimentom cures articular, synovial, and Scotch Bottom Congress Gaiters. HUGH MbOSJtA A CO XI. HOUSE, u muscuiar xuiemausm, aeuraigut. In known as the Sim's Tract, situated on Turnpike, (old ; The Mountain BATING anaotcernalnsaltnoit the Smith Pathaway or. Outlaws. A Tale of the JO. XDWARnS, XDWAEPS stantly, requiring in many cases only two or three annliroiion. sold cheap. HAVE YOU . CORNER CEDAR AND CHERRY STREETS, 1. B. HAKEII, X. T. The above are very Extra and will U INSUfKANCE Lebanon road) within hree miles of Naahville.containlcg 330 Northern Trapping Grounds. By Dr. U. Boils-box- Price acta powerfully on tha Trom good, J. It absorbents, and cures by eliminating octSB tf acrxs. The soil it it is well watered and timbered, and can 25 cents. 7XSXESSEB. EDWARDS, & CO., the morbid humors from the system. acts as Loss by Firo or bedivided Into naall tracts of twenty spwards,all ot XASBT1LLE HARRIS Establishment. It a discutirntas the Peril ol Inland acres and All of the above Books arc En- (sccccuoex TO xmvAKDS, OIIXXXSOX & CO.) well as an anodyne, resolving tumors In a Wilsox, A. M. Cartxs, naTigatioal widen are admirably adapted for gar- full of Beautiful Illustrative MOORE, Proprietor. short time In. Sur- T.B. NoRstxxT, S. A. country residences, market gravings, by J. gery It Is desUned to take a high place, supplanting in some JftmpAie. not, dens and dairy farms. Also, that D.rlxt arrangements for the receiving of all continue the Wholesale Grocery, Ferwardiag and cases JfemvAU offulaikl, 7nn If Booksellers, News Agents, and all others, will please send on HATE made extensive WILL business the oldstand, corner College and Is ono ot Lett suo uariuucsi ui uje "WHY ARE Y.OU NON the of the coming season, of Fish, Flesh and Fowl : at The Job Establishment in charge of the Printers & INSURED! UEAl TIFI'L FARM their order at once. seucacixs Church streets. Jul7l5-- tf Tiie Liver Normcnt, Wilson Carter, occupied ourI Oysters be from the most celebrated beds. Pickles and country, and with our facilities, we are prepared to ex Alterative and Tonic Pill on same road, now bj T. C. McCampbell. and formerly Copies of any or all of the above will be i postsge, will In the Is an excellent Pill In all diseases of tha T.lT.r. Hill. ,w. ent, free of celebrated of & COTTON FACTORS, owned by Thoa. Harding, eonUinlng about 250 acres. This per mall, to any one. ol receipt of price. Condiments from the establishments Cress HORACE HARRISON, cute any kind of Printing that may no called for, with ments, and In all cases In which a cathartic is Indicated, acting NASH & MA BR, well selected place Is si well known as to need no further description. will or send, cr address all orders tn Blackwell and Lea tc Perrtn,wlth a large and II. as a Cathartic Alterative Tonic, and deobstruent and Forwarding: Me INSURANCE AGENTS. It 'Call according to Commission . reliant, oc27 College also bed! tided to suit purchasers. T. C.McCampbell will show FREEDP.IC A. BRADY. stock of ATTORNEY AT LAW, tne aose. .1u o ill mjwm ,uni, 25 Street. he places to any one who will call. septSd3m 21 Ann Street,New York. Wines, Rrandics, Ac, Ac. Despatch, on .Reasona- These Invaluable Medicines tre sold by Memphis, Tennessee. above property wii; No. 42 Street, Neatness and and Bagging, andother supplies, For or All the be sold on reasonable terms, and Excellent COOES and attentive Waiters, the whole under the Oppoiite the CatholicCedarChurch,2fahvU!e, lennettee,) Baixs St Bx.ox, Nashville, Tennessee. rrp Orders for Bop, promptly sale Rent. on a credit o f one. two, three and four years. Epicure, Mr. GUABL2S ble Terms. tended to. snglS wtf rjnWO small tram b&usrs with frexx eight to ten acres of land A Good .- duperintendence of that well known In Dr. J McDasmott, Murfreesboro, do; Apply to A.V.S.Llndsley, Nashville, or to either of the un Farm for Sale- KOKLES. Tj7ILL practice In the several Courts held Nashvlll and Dxxxr ic Evaxs, ShelbyvIIIe, ao: i with each place in Brownsville, about three mile from the derslgade, TH03. C. McCAMPBELI., offer fer sale the placo cn which G K Coleman has lived On and 15th of September we will be prepared to VV in the Chancery and Circuit Courts at McMInnville Pore Hilsc, city, will be sold cheap or exchanged for City, Edgefield or West after the mhlO-d- We solicit a trial of our skill In this department. It Columbia, do; Six miles from Nashville. WEsince 1655, and known as the Rogers land, lying on wait upon our customers DAY AND NIGHT Railway travei-e- i tf Ward It McClxllaxd, Memphis, do: FRENCH PROTESTANT SCHOOL. Nashville property "Id before the 1st December, will J. A.McCAMPBELL. Yellow Creek. Dickson county. Tenn, partly on tho stage road, s will find this arrangement to their advantage. IIxrtv ft Hall, Milledgevllle, Georgia; Philadelphia, 4th Year. be rented to good tenant. L. fc R. W. BBOWN. i3 Nashville within one mile of WllliamsvlUe, and three miles of the B. S. WELXER, SR., .do; oct2C-d- m 41 Cherry street. THE JLETB0P0UTA21I QI Eiksr tt EciioL, Eome,, ! TADAME VA ILL ANT will re open her Boardlnr and Tfav Northwestern Railroad; a healthy, plea-a- and beau- '" Ac A.aLama WOEXXK IX Lioraxd. Blodxt IlALx.Montiromerr, lyJL Schoolforyonuj ladies at 162a Chestnut street, KLACKMAN A GILS.Eai'IE, tiful part of Tennessee. Said land contains about two hundred A. A. McCartxxt, Decatur, the 12th . acres eighty acres cleared, COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON Sf" beotember Superior Instructions In the English and Trn-- Lithographing: Sc Engrrayin-?- and ninety and about fifty seres . -A- LL-KINDS And by Dmggists and Merchants generally. ' AS branches, to both of which equally atte-lio- I DUI-ING- S, good land to clear; it Islna good state of cultivation, withcom-fc- r YELLOW CORN. prim IX WOODS, Proprietors. serious Is paid. Mr OF , (mciieu' oba aks BLAKELT -- VIEWS coaiwi.) dwtlllsg-houscs- , CORN, received aiiiant wita aiaaamc v&iiixnt, win superintena De- - table out hoo,cs.etc,etc. Also, two good CJfiffW BIGS PRIME YELLOW Just and aprtW.tw 'HJanl'61 t " TuUaloma.Teun. tnsriesth PORTRAITS, DIPLOMAS, never-fallin- consignment Broadway Mills Agricultural Implements, partmcnt. Mpt!l-dl- m orchards, and several springs of excellent water : for axle on at the RANKER'S DRAFTS, NEW AN5 COMPLETE .STOCK well timbered, and can certainly be made one cf the most desi- sepl27 li. l. vu;&i. FIELD, GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS, Warrants, LETTER-HEAD- S, rable steck-farm- s in this section of ccuntry We urnmise a ALSO Notice. NOTES, bargainin this land, and will sell lor cash, rr on time with inter Worlc Executions, V(tTt WEW ORLEANS OP Carpenter's Wanted. RULROUS ROOTS OF ALL VARIETIES, LL who want money will be present at an adjourned meet- LULLS. &C, &c. est Forxuruier iniormauon caii on jamcs aicaeuiy, woo wish to erect two or three frame houses in Brownsville a .ill JLandiiiffs on Miss, itivcr. ing of the City BuHding and Loan Association of Nashville MIPDLE10N, STR0BRIDOE Ac CO. 50 ni ectS0-d3- lives near said place, or the undersigned at Fowler's Landing, thre--! miles from the city, near the Gallatin So. SovthEnai Strut, EiuhvOe. Subpeenas, be tne omce ot tne v m Cindnnanl. Ohio. BYRN WEshout Pike, to held at Protection fnsuranes cseuis on sriOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, Tennessee river. ii BROTHER. estate. P. S.Roofiing and Guttering In Copper and Tin In thenost - V o'clock. BOOTS, Bags, Carpet Brgs, Ladien' Satchels, and every and pay for the same with notes and rett Thursdav n2t I'uhis and American copy, and charge Adaocate. J L. & R. W. BROWN, superior styles, In town and country. Peck, Smith & Oo.'s Tin- Honda, (1SG0) NEW ARRANGEMENT. (1801) artiela usuidly kept hi our line. f fc an eye to oct23-d2- w 44K Cherry street. ners' MachlnesandHandToolsforsale. SELTZ HaIRRIS, Our good, have been e ected with to the opinion of mh24 Deeds, see. We arc determined to tf. Valuable Farm for Sale. sxALras in vaxaxtt or our manv friends; call and exert Sale. PIANO TU.MNtS AND ItttPAIKENG. MEMPHIS AND N. ORLEANS U. S. MAIL S Executor of T.Davix. deceased. T nSer tar sale a snlen- - ktsxt to utmost to please all who may call upon u Land for W KlUBEE will henceforth make Nashville his perma II. ourselves the i. The undersigned will set his plan ta j1 NASHVILLE COMMERCIAL Notices, l did farm lvinr on Imek river, abnnt nine miles above Ceo! -- GENTS' WEARING APPAKEL nar24-tf Inn. r,l W PiMTit. Ttiw. Ivin.nn T. nent resi ence, and will tune Pianos, Orgnnt, ennnrv. netween acvana and by the year or single tLnisg, andean visltas N SII A N C E X.HSTE! trevllle. inlllekman Tenn.. enntalnlns' the north side of Cumberland River, !, Mclodeons I R COMPANY, ' PACKET 500 acres; frem SO ta IU) acres balaace well timbered. AND N often as required, since toe will spend at least one week In every " cleared, M c L E A & E it, three milesfrom UieCity ofSasuville. CAPITAL S 100,000! ALL PAID IN. Splendid ItoaU. of tUli nclV Line or 11. uiva-o-, OIilVl month Iu the city and vicinity. He will visit regularly the Tlic u. will Apply u aadr xvyAu.u GOMJII&JOy JtVJ) JTORWARDIKG MKJSCJJIXIX containg about sept27-F3- m Nashville. Tens. T.srce Hun- Oniciof o.35,corner of Cedar ttreet and Public Square, 'Rill.Heads, leave lucuipun ua uureioiore F-xxx--m He townsinMldl e,West.un1 Cast Tennessee, and North Alabama iw 1 .s;Ti G-oodLs- dred Acres. will sell it all Music against Loss or Damage by Fire on ON MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. 4tl Common .street, New Orleans. together or In small tracts or lots, to suit purchasers. Or and Mis.iuipp OrderslefttBenson It Co.'s Store, or take risks Build ing i WILL Wares and Merchandise generally. Also", Cards, Bulbous Roots. RcnaxHcxs. will xchange for well Improved propeity In e city. is of Real's Piano wms.cn Chorea street. Cammrnications ty A ' it t' It mail will be promntly attended to prll d.twatw.tf on Shipments against loss or damage y Seas and rivers to and MONDAY PACKETS. WTTTE have still an assortment of the choicest liui oous recently cad fitted up. In tha Union and An erica Nashville, the very best quality si.ll ; is well watered : tho-le- for planting HAYING Faix U CcaniisHaK, lea Lessee. of about half of from 'all points. Execetedwithueatuess and dispatch. In style of the REPUBLIC, ING0MAR, Itnnt . !mm,rted from Holland, suitable Cherry street, opposite the new Hotel Building, s Macav llaaiLTOK, It In cultivation, and the balance in fine timber and pasture. W flowering the Parlor In January store, for i. " " Risks on Negroes against the dangers of the Rivan art, at low rates, and on good Cart-- Baird. Capt. J. D. Clarke. In November or or for the sale of all descriptions and styles of D Citiiens' Bank, New Orleans. TLere are two good dwelling houses, a good barn andetables,&c I materials.. " J Daoac, Pmident or Kent or ease. WEDMKSDAT PACKETS. orrebruary. novi-t- rj aiat.xi-"i- ..v...i. II A BaTBBOBi, " N O Ca al and Banking Co.KO. Foi information apply to the undersigned r to John D. James rBTHAT large an ' commodious Warehouse, formerly occupied DIRECTORS. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING. Unlop sepCO-t- f J.SIM0NDS, IMPERIAL, ALratii Pxk, Bank, Ne Orleans. TH08. 0. JAMES. I byll.S Fax.cn Sox. 'rmtlDg forty one feet on Clark, Autx Fall. W. T. Btaxv, Capt. F. Hicks. Capt The proprietors respectfully Invite the tlon of their friends W 50 New York running back near feet, with large Uie J, tta K MOKToaxsmv, Esq, Exchange Place, too hundrtd basement. Axtboxv W. VjjtLiTX, Jobx H. Ewix, FRIDAY PACKETS. A Fine Article. and the public generally, to as examiiiation ef their stock.wMch HuTim Ic lltxciLi. l'Mldliita rnariJ dfim entire length fronting 'orty one eet on Church, aid a 'joining Johx KiaxxAX, Hrsu McCkca, -- English Dairy and Western Reserve Cheese, ItntNSlDi; Pl'ltE OLD M0;0.G.1HELA BELFAST. n. R. 4 m A BOXES consists of Clothing, Geata Furnishing needs. Cloths, Cash- : It the House of FrenO, Irwin . Reid. This is the lsrgest and Jamxs Woods. Josrra Enwans, W.HILL, B CX receive direct fro-- the Dairies, and for sale fay we cdferleg YE WHISKY. Storage House GENERAL. Rtjr.ES. Capt. A. Capt. i Just meres and Testings, of all descripUonr. which ars a ,tllilltA distilled by Mr. JAMES BURNSIDE, most convenient in thecl'y, and can be ente.l or R C. McNairt, Iebt Mossax, R.Irvin. T.n. Newell. novl rates LBOOii, rOSSClEXTlLULs leased upon the mott favorable terms. For particulars apply Memphis reasonable for easb. Pa., in the-o- rasbioned Lonest way, to W. H. Evaxs. These boats ccnorct at with the Railroads from that Also, we keep a Isrge stock or Cloths. Onsslmeresaad Vesunga TEXT BOOKS FOB STUDSNTS FOR SALE BY II S FRENCH, attheufficeaf Fiench. Irwin & Reid. . fr.m the choknt live, ai d in no caw offered for sale ui,tli adspt-e- ALEXANDER FALL, President, It will save us a great deal ofunnecessary troublelf our friends, point, on their respective days. Leave Memphis Immediately rn at our store. No. 19 Ceduritrret. The Cuulng Leartiaat oci30-t- f Jam tii Walxxx. Bee clary. mirdthefollowingrules: M O. M. & O. Bacon, Flour, hot-- YORK .V CO tooholescuieusehy e. It is at once the palatable, augl7. In writing to m, will bear in the arrival of the tt and R. R Trains. Tbronrh Is under the constant supervision f Mr. Jobs 0hxt,v1 knows JOHN m.t CA-'K- 0 Cssk Canvassed a, it is tmi.hv.Kallj e pure beverage In the reach or pub Always give the date. Post Office, county, and State In the body Tickets will be sold by all the Roads in connection with this Sides: Hamst all orders t te made up shall re- f the t f 150 Banels as as experienced Cutler, rnd lie 7o the invalid, a to those la l.eallh. it cemaseoda ittell for Notice. THE STAlt GALLERY ! of your letter. line, and ttielr Tickets recocnlxed as good. Passengers can ar- I Ii 10 Shoulders; Flour; ceive prompt attention. SZLTZ Jr. HARRIS B. Its unrivaled qualities a. a stimulant - you wish tbe Paper changed from one oflce U another, give range their arrival so as to avoid delay at Memnhis lonrer than 250 Bags Flour. eovl-h- n CIlAIiLES HALL of the aalest- surest, and sell for cash, If nUQH McCBEA " most beneficent descrl. lien Per cnM.vdu', December 21 Hi. Daguerreotypes. Ambrotypcs. both offices In full. basinets or pleasure may require. For freight or passaee apply In store and for sale lew by 6 CO. PIJlLKK IK sale iobanels.kegs, Ac ,in4 TWILL House, in Nashville, one negro boy put up In casim ol s,t doten bottles ,ach. C'urt named MKLAIWOTYPES, you writ on business and other matters, write on separate on board or to TU03. II. WILLIAMS A; CO- oct5-- tf SIsocs, Carpet lings, Ac. levied oo as the James 11 If - Rent, or bo Exchanged Roots. A'aliaes. CLEKY & TOfKDALE. Oliver, proterty cf Charltan to sheets of paper, or different leaves of one sheet. Gen'IF't Agts.Ho 3, Howard Bow. For Sale. will lor Pro,iri'tts, satisfy an eieculionlnay hands in lavor of Evans ft Co. SPllEUEOTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS. City Property. NoW S Smx Fcblic fQCaRx, 3M Wa Is No 44, Onion Street next to Wessel ,!Ir-!- y JNO. E. HYDE CO , i ut SL, Philadelphia, T med by W D. Esq fcr two hundred and eight dgl doer AThompson's. ill Irttm nn bnilneu sbetiild he tn XTr. ft tt Brownsville Building Lots for Sale. comfortable rtskknee with lt.) acre adjelnlnr lite WM C. CONNER ,., Rolrlsn, ' - septl3-dl- m A rents. New Orleans. NASHVILLE, TENN., lars and ninety five cents and costs. JESSE W. PAGE, T. F. SALTZITIAN, GRIFFITH CO., and not personally to either of the Pro- NUMBER of meat desirable lots la Brownsville from AYEXY The hcuMhaa Btvet rocoioa th.Srttfialr. i Pennsylvania Avenue, WaaUoc'on City. I. C. - rietora t 2; now to receipt of his stock the Nov 21, Constable of Davidson Coucty. (LATX OrXILATOK AT Ht'OHIS' SALLUV.) A to 3 miles from Nashville, on and near the Porter and Gal two In the attic, and three la tho basement, three brick servaais n S for Spring mid Stttil. C.4.R.N. WHITK. very houses, amok house, tee bean Ladies', Oesis", Muxes', oct7-d3- m TjrAYINO fitted ip rooms as above, exclusively A Fine Country Residence For Sale. latin Turnpikes Several Lo' timbered, soil lick, and a anl lam hens: has nasi g Trade, consisting of 51 Cedar Street, New York. g. for that MILLIARD TABLES! liter OhiMKo's Boots, Sboes, tilippess, J. branch irf business. Is prepared to receive the ladles and SALE, Splendid 'Rosewood neighborhood unsurpassed. Extra bargains given to hutkllnsr painted and papered, and la ill complete frier. Iteys' and Oaiters, Aic, of Nj'jrroe firSaleor Excjiaiige. Billiard Tables, with Marble ATING determined to carry my Negroes to the ir&pS we every varietr, wHarand beds. gentlemen of Nashville and make foe timilee ot their faces, in FOR Slate Beds, with the Best Cushions purchaser. Call ana examine the lots and will make It u any ti jutiA aiat.MAt-1- ' wlt)nt Administrators Notice. LIKELY Negro Woman with eight children, the eldest a the Highest in the World for Sou'i.IwilHeltahoutThreeorFour jSS W BROWN. Freneh Dress sole leather Traveling undersigned style of the Art. No expense has been spared either t250 and &j00. Everything complete. ' your Interest to buy. J L tt B Alko La TrttnkV m rgHE hvinglen qcallfied according to law as A likely boy fifteen jears old; .econd alikely girlovor thir- In Please send your Hundred Acres of Land. ieinst part of Cherry street Q- - furnishing his apartments procuring the sep25 dim 44K Sale, Trut.ks, Valises, J, Liulies'ltiherTrar.liijg Satchels administrator of O. PoiantXTia, deceased, hereby noli Said negroes sold cr latest and most orders by mail or otherwise, and I will fill them the same as If tne tract upon wmcn a now on For OvrB J teen. are for no fault, but the reason tl.at tbe improved apparatus rnd materials, and the confident- reside, situated a comfortable dwelUsg.No iOf! South Sttanmer t&i&e. Ees all ptraens having any claims them,-an- subscriber given In person. Buggy Sale. nnnAT stmt. against the deceased to file cwner has no home for will not alltoanyperscn who ly In lives all who may want pictures to give rood xurnpixe xuod, about tnirteen miles from tine Horse and for of which are offered as low as goods of similar quIIIty them, duly authenticated, with him by him a call, plolging Tables sold by me Nashville, one best neighborhoods Wil- - ,NE OR BOTH wlllbe row cheap for cash or notes, or ex IQAH in fee prescribed law trill remove them from the county. Good lots in Edgefield satisfactian In every case. JO'All arc Warranted. in of the in Also, No. North at'ibepujohased in the city Please cull at No. 18 Public Squire. or they will be barred. c. HAYWOOD. West W 11. GRIFFITH, county. Soli equal to any In the Tor particu- 9 chairafor a lot of rround. or paving Turnpike stock, to, . 15 Sununf JV'tjiJtctgt)( r Nsshville will be taken In part payment. Address Box LTJpEntrsnce luuan Stat. - 1 -. CHARLES B. MALL. , next door (West; to Wessel h. Thompson. Practical Billiard t t w nsmnrw , lis. cosxxT. jtaei. Aoniwen- - lJ. KXSJtMAN.Pr XU22- Nashville, Not. l.'O S Nashville P. O. nov23-d3-v Table Manufacturer, lars, apply to oa tha premises, or to A. V. S. LIndsley, in ADOlyto u o... " "..V. I, . ' - i ITmIjssw, P nv.5 T. SALTZMAN. oeti-d3- at, Kw,Tr'r J, a No. Fulton Street, New itp9-d- tf Rp25-dl-m 4l;i Cherry atreo - 140 Yotk City. NashvHi , P. A. PERKINS. r - " - i lT.r..A.. i : In i