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THE'll'¦ PATR¦ iOTIC f^SJofe " ¦ I ¦ ;.; !¦ B33WLEY ¦ ;; : j COlMPAmn^v^ : ¦ ¦ : ¦ ' ¦ r9- ¦) ' ! ; ¦ •!!- . .. = « !M l f ¦ JDAPITAL L ...| £1*00,000 : ¦ - : .; -r - ¦ AIID-i': , . : : • | i | ; iftiffM LIFE^ ; . FIRE, WORKMEN'S O02 i i i i ;! : ' : ¦;: ¦ ::;i:;i; t%.> ir.i . !i; ;|j PpSATION, :r : - Fidelity Guarantee and ! : Burgl&T ' :^ 3i;;Qd!4iaad ;Priie : yS ¦ ¦ ' v ¦ ¦ IS^ ¦ • • • ¦ ¦ ¦ Medal. -:¦ ¦ .:¦¦ 'i- : i :• • • -' Awarded. !v . • !• . -vvt - . .r. . ti ¦ DEAPEE'S: ;• :)¦ v . . ¦( Moderate Ratks, Absolute;;' Secanty ¦ /; ' Prompt PaynbcDt^i Largo Bonnsea. l i i i l i ¦ '¦ ¦ : ::: i; ;v; ¦ i j ; i :!For Terras apply tb~ } •. - ¦ ,:^ . :j«i«wfna.Vi HMD!OFIICE-T$ COLLEGE ;.GRSEI Jlydo ghlpplng | company Ltd ¦ ' ' • ¦} ¦ ; .1 ;: ; i i , ii(UBIiIN,;;: ;.• ;j : . ; , ;,p ;.^\'fe6i jSB!ijW» »0jF'ii!Bi£BBB,i900.: . I:¦: ^iiMMiiiiiiii - ' i- ill^ . i i|a«s»iarfi(«a 4 Oom«i»R»c«i tyAigaaros D W; to H » O H. ; i' ' . .;, . - '. Agencies.' , PI/' ,: ! J .in J ij : ' j - . r ^i'rtUU'Ta BOTTTHJUnTTpIf, MSWHAVEH, . ' ,'. . ' II DOyiuiml&'iindOUXH ' o# BKQtAHDt'.. ' '¦ - " ' ' •{ ¦ OOBK, DUBIiIg. JBUJjlST 1»B Q5ASOOW»V - , ' : ; \ : ' ;¦! Agents in Waterford--;!- [ , . - M¦ ¦f ' TiLli Tw ' l-wjj nMeit; ' and ; • potrerfnl 3. ;J. AlUBPHY,; W. & .IJ. Railway. ;Te ¦ ¦ ¦:,. : : "¦ ' ' l' ' . ; . ; : -] j i ininoa. ;. _ . ] \; - - i i^- WKBianWEDSTtTOHE,J T A8XNKT, : i^! ; 0. P^: REDMOND, WATEBFOBD iWs. f ;ijrt»tt ~ ' ' aTmiiriK»rai; yiTiP.^trr^riffi ; IKmpK mtaada*: to!? tailw U ™nsdex U ; ' ¦ ;£ ¦ ¦ •TflB OBOWS HO*HI. . LQANgj . .;BERNARD H^O^itLLY; ' . ; M [ , : i A D fflA^ftl ]ESoi:V; ' ¦ ; fe-; -ij^ANa-1 M 8 f/PA1ai4^^tSfe^iiMsli. ' ¦ ' ¦ SonStMM.)7» l3i Jrbortrto tow ttntU, u&to .oaU at I , j >>.N ApproToaP6Hlbn(d8erotIty,^ithotlt^ pnbllcity, to H^ ¦ ¦ \ J ¦ ' • ; UONCK 8itB£ |STt : WEXFOBD. ; .' I ' \\, :\\ ¦:: ' ;: . - . • ' Jlanager. to pat « tt» eartoBMy !' ' -i PBOFESSIONAL MEN, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, ind jOthort,. la a«V ; . !: - i «ojf3t or rort» ia un ¦<>**» *> o* . tJ : ' : ¦ ! :-' oonraaJlto E«OO1T« ai3|Di»oiaiTr>C«r'.o» tor iny otbei ' I Part ol Ireland , ; ; ;/-j : - ' ; - , "" . ' - THE WATEPFOBD :i ¦ ' !; : I ^f. :: ; .! " DGTPOQI vhfttSOOTVr* I ¦ ' ' ¦ '¦ ' ' ' '' . f.£V . :^ [! rpHlS Oia Hotel U taneot tot good, pma Whiako LOAN COMPANY , : ibrclibToui'ft* Ticketa iMqad to tip 1 Hlfhlaod. o! Soot- and all othn DriaUb ; a Quida Book. : . : ' . , ^- | *'j The 0 Scow i SpdcafipJ Uod—¦¦ fiMCOTiianjr' ¦ : ¦ JPEdraimnaa. ¦ ¦ ¦ . Others . MB8. KHLLT, ¦ ' -;; : ¦ - " ¦ ¦ . ! J]: . : manrutu , *» «i*»aorw.¦ • Terms whaii4a£e - - - " "J i' ¦ thaa;any; : ; : .; in. - :: . - --:»K-i*- -- 1- - l eTttjHOHDATjn. Wedneatlv LIHEEIOK—i THE GLENTWOETH . ; ¦:. ;•! ' ¦¦ :»nd Rg«. : , ~V>j ¦ • • " ' ' eonrieetjoa with other , ) | | < - j Wednt»aij, Uth Ooi 1» aoou Wedniialij, J' lif NOT «pjn. : . .. ' . - .I . .. Tho ibova Bankihai nd Brtnoh oMoe, aod bat no ¦ ' ¦ ; Trading ¦ 'FnWo P^eca EeaotDmendatiattl s~ ; \ , -f - {. ~: W«Jn«»»v.Mtb Dot' 4 J>.to. Wcdnt»4»j, Sib HOT II BOea ;¦ ; ' ' InitlioBon».,' wbiqh . aio doing Bnalhau ^nder various Titles, though \ j ¦ I • ¦ : ' Tf zcni\i\in an UfUnaeijit tbe onlrcnro WedneWVt *>•'Oot liaoon < ' . , . . ¦ : th8;oneManag8benfc';A- i ^^ ,. ' '. : ;¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ : :! : .. ¦ : ¦ muaaw to Wt*M*)*a. i , " . ; ; : .; , . ;tma«x !^vr' ::, , . I. : •' • i ¦] ftf^^*¦ !sa5sSfe tor tint tcrrfbla n>alad>. that ala» thoanindiof Ctfrta -J FT Til© Leading Motel A h i:-; unaually . ..Hi Jpaet toa 'trotadTUaaU 'to toaipaUSo T| ; - a»«ai ^«1 pja TnROUGli :: , - . - PPWTHE * bcB«(act*T, ascl ms wl»S.jilE] l C»l E»U, t» ¦ sS'BRbADOA^T . ! • ; MANAGER . r.| erenr- mcc«" -TM.. Irttkvr : - ! • ¦..- «,. » s-«a BE ^ OAUTIOUS ¦ OF"¦ MONEYLE¦ ^Olfe&BS ' ¦ ¦ Xjjr j T.TlUwttTflK. ¦ ¦ , B«Miftdi,.'y«nr;8tb,lE»I. '. • '. r- . - V ErtuIHUBSTJATOMrioU I ' . '¦ ! ' ¦ ::¦ ' ¦ ; ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ' ' ' :¦ •• : : CaJ.B«fl.toQr eosook:..A S1 pja ' i - - ;. ; ;:: . ^Tim -:ieQst. .:tj, , .. . •; i . I I ; i ' ' - 8 ; W« cos.gtiin)*t« tb*r »Unt*aoj Utfa'WosfeM Mtdldda if i ; ¦ ; . i :\.^ iv . , i ¦ ¦¦ . I ; : ; .. . , John Street, Waterfbrd: on the araanut of nslnkwblob dlaoonry jwreog iw. KatBfnna iwi)towcnimr ' ' I* ' lrolayal 14 1U ¦ ¦ Ay. exbaptifthSeptember:- jun, ¦ ; ' ; , rra ; —JHi!O5'e«iiy Ind«j>«rti«^lt»jl«h;lM&. '- . - .: f ! KrerT^atTEaD * For Terms and Press Opbions Apply, : ! ' : ! cBiifiiaiBATEb BOB . It 1a ' ah ;tut»llfU» Beeiedy, ; THUBoDATTaitb SsjiWbet 1. . ~ S p^a. : ^- asd bit nr»«t I ten¦ known to - OrderaforooUeettoaor. bU-Iri«i y,U ; Baj»it i frqm:Lrtt*i» i— ;¦¦ . , •. • ¦•:• •¦ (¦:¦ ' ¦ ¦¦¦' daUrctr o( Oboai l«ab .t« ' ¦ ' ' CtitI» ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ :: ¦ ' ' ' ' . i . .. Bpocifia" l an rtttarataiay tanner optaSott tip* it » most ; - ¦¦ ¦'¦ ' • " ' 'i • ; ' -- : - " th, gaOOTiBaDocltwMi!«6dtaprompt l iWtioTV - • . . ' • - ' - » :- •;. - I- . : •: . ' ; • i - : - \3) : . - -: = Ioralnrtte Xemtay foriOno ol tM freatettraiioiirftrCattla . ; . : ,¦ : . : f . Breedsn h»»a to oonuad with,' fli — •' " to Calves, T» i '. (¦ WU11KU . 10 Mtt«, . ¦ ' ¦ ' equal 7 Sooni - _ _ 1 p,a ' ; : llagnlileentCoflfco andCommercial Koem s diacaaaw UchMthntoibitbafflM-T*t«im rj tiSX.Vat «T«7AiTUBDAT (tU Cclbutf :. -:! ,- - j ; . ; ¦:. MA GEB .v. ry.:- -;T;:. . . :- . . "|. : ;, .laiiQ-G-iisrs I i Dtiiu to yr*m«»n, Darcr— ' . M . to cay ID Ireland, iBouta and ataS meet all tralna Tin A ftT[/« U>» *astUo ;t«a I baM b>il no lotua br tl a dlMiM, dda ¦ ¦ to tba fid Uut I tdtajaltteryour Speeffloi rb«a tba flat WoOueilij, Srd Oot 6 jus. Wodneaflay. 7tb HOT 7 p.m. and BtEinicrB* , ' ¦ ! ¦ ' • ermptonna-ppetr.I natar Uil torannmco&it, and wonia i ~Tl IOtb .. 'Sjao. : . ,.:; . Uti 4 « PJa. ' ¦ ; , , TBT ¦j : » lJUl ij, 8 BJO, ,.;, Slit „. 6 p.m. ¦ : A LU. SAMPLB AND ; NOTE edrbs¦ BU Duq¦ r fansezt psm to b» MUioo t it. ¦ . . ' : rj"fo«>— - . _ EES LTS. - • - i .; • ¦ ¦! ' ¦ ¦ ¦ £«). J.J.. :! . . „ : Mtb ,, 7 *Ja. :| • „• ; 28th „ Jp.o. {>% . i : ; Nl [ JtxnOa** , . i ' . ' (TE™™^ ' ii. : :, ' i WaJlstowDQutiAGaatleticiraroavalM. tl ' ' 81*t ,, 6 p.m. ; V ¦ !li ;kATB KECEIVED A LAIWE Taj-W 4 ^^ p1 , ! ¦ I nnirtBir aner aeTen Uatiia btdcoeajonr "Spodflo' J, 1L™. J»«uw.! to «»« ¦Dtroot)¦ ; . la t3»mdst InfalUbla Bariady I «w» trtea, u id I ha»e hi I £T«Z7 SSOBSOAX " 'f : :i. : ' ^ -. «-. X P.O. i ' 1 JMlljljl;j3( JliJEi Jli i, 8A1IPLES) i - LOT OF CHILDBE5S 1 ¦ ¦ : . - COAX - ; ' ' ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ' '¦ ¦ ¦ • •' ¦:¦ ' - : ; ¦ ¦ • ¦ lroot— !' ¦ ' ¦: ¦ 'I- ¦ : ' • - ¦:¦ : ' .. - • •:¦ ¦] 8 ' tibia cf may im tiw puft &Tt j«K9i. ' "' t' - iBACOj i N-A l lSto " : irn. " Uioth ,', 3 p.m. I' :! . :- .- -\ ' \\ WHICH I DTTEND CLEA ^|| A?v i V , • : l' ?^ ! Spec iality, M 5d lo 'bt bEd troia¦ lnTentot¦ 'tsd asi« Propimot (or Za Sd taa ^ .. ¦ ¦ Dp IMPERIL HOTEL. a* *UW ?fi r ft jfi^ Watetf ord - Bfc poat ftwu - ;N ¦:[. . - . . '. .-. : . i.. - ;. - •...... :,.'.... I;., , SttU - ,, «5*>. f, • tUrd » 8 p^». al ^er ¦ M ¦ G^ W; ABZ3-UW ^ORH^i tffcctuinr jrerrota!horoa ; lroo : ,. ; j II - N 3-th1 .. ¦ »:P*>- DXTBL11T. ' . , | ; :; ¦!= . FTOVfejt oa jmmy esJica.,Price , !•. ;'. prataga, td axtau i I wixsxro&p TQ Lonoa. - : . LOWES SACKOTXIi&STBEET. soTB iriDBEas,- an mnnonm¦ i «pmt w»aiaa in -eaan, iat|« caKpracnKd. £T«Z7 fii30BDA? (TU Southampton) iad lUU _ ¦* PJ3 ¦: i • • ••;¦ - „ lj« :,; ric@si: |' -j ¦; • T oal/ M town.-:; : : ;i | .|- . . ; ...}• .: , . ; ' : EreryiMOMUAT ( U |Giui»w)C.riv Desperate ^¦ClieapiJJi' jPoeVOawMaTBlesniphOQo ; . : t - ¦ G^aoaa . ¦ X| ' ¦ fwnw. . . (CBpadtotto 11 = ' WlSSavCQD li : . ; 1 : 'i • A] H JONESi PbknuicrttfcalChrmh : ¦_ wi^ilp.ia.liA i Th«moitje«itr*lUiloo City. • . ¦ :! : Co ' ' ¦ ErerToATUBDAYErtrrBATnBDAT (dmot>'( dirwt)' >i ' l , !: : i ' . i^Pocaiflc Cmt. . - ; • - BUIUR to W«n»oii>—Vu Dvsus. ' ¦- ¦ . l and : •¦:| ; ' - "¦ ¦ ¦; .• ,• o Agcnt-r^GEO WHItB& SONSrWB fcrfoti ' : i - ' sntixvsaotx; • . ill": ---- ¦-rp - : r^- h: 'm) ^^ . - 'l ' /T(01IPLETELTremodelled and re-fnmiBhed , ! i : WimroBD ;xo PITBOOTK, diraet. ' \?\ \j Tjoila'a Coffo«-Bo<»,Dlnlng-Eoo pi ^bfe ^ (fifroce*. Pro^S ' Sid Oet Umm W«4Be»d«j, 7tb HOT 4 pjn, ¦ llagnlfioant ! ; V7edae^b7, ¦ ' EEoMnS^Eooni, Biffiard-roon. Ohargami odsTato.: ¦ ¦ "i¦ :¦ ; " i Tirrr. wui «• . * »*. . i .•«:; . . H * „ u »oon I i 20 lTOZl J0B C0BSET3 AT 1/9 .; BEGMB PBIci, 3/^. ! |' ! - ' " !¦ ¦ ^rchani ¦^¦to i ¦ • ^^ llAWIiEB, Pwprietor. . . ; -' T , :. 8 and 44 , i i-i; ¦ !!' # i)K '•' ¦ „ , JJtb „ lS nopa „ Slat „ i f,* CHABIiE8 . . , PATKICB^ST&EET ! : i ¦! • i i . ;¦ .!' • :!i . - : - . • • i-;-- ¦ ¦ . . ^ . . ¦ ^ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ; ' ¦ ' ' • ¦• ¦ ¦ rhi! tOOT;¦! >; . - ; • - ¦ ¦' ¦ »!S-PBOjVIfJIONB Ar 44 !' ;•;:•! ' ; ; Vi (- ¦ - ., ; : ¦ ' ¦ - ;¦ ¦ ! . ; , 5>ATE1CK ; STBEETl . ' . . v: :/ ¦ „ sue ,, . ia»oia . i - . . v. .- . ¦;; ¦; and Bcatanrant ;) - . ^ ; ; : lfi.ttu>at* io[ Wisnnxo (direct). ;. ,j -r. [ ;; . SEE , otJE ^wiypiowg.,^ :r; I - ; ; . :| \ :.\ 2l»o V7iokl<>w; Hot*l ¦ MTTt\tf*i T DiJfiTJPCQfAKI 3itaxdv, Sid HOT l p.s>. ' jWI(!IKIiOW.STEBET, • . /Sitanty ttb .Oct./• J fin ¦ • - 6, : 7, and 8, i „ • ¦JSth ¦ lpJa. -ij • „ .; -Mtb ,. I v.m; - ^ ¦ , 2y.m. (Qraltoa-stwet),DTIBL1N. V I GpedAlh;'frtitfep fcu-, 8tadaot»;»*a;.p»HaiU.(»tle '. „ sum .,. 4p.n. „ ,i Vth „ 1 » Cth » lBJa. !" ' Situ „ 6p,m. $ie» ell Infoiiaktionwo iredby- "thos« abbotXTn to^* tooc - .. ¦ ' : ; i-rl I^1 . < : ! ' . A F^om POBtoon.. ' . . ' EIEf ;qKAI|;^EE ftf iry'^^ /¦.¦ ' I 9: ]- Centrally Sltnated. Comfortablaand snsaoe thodt^dT ^li'H^/n g- 4i TTI i I ' 'WiTtBw»»TO flanmjirroa. ¦ MOST CQiO MEBA1, HEALTH EXHIBITION, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ V ' ' i Dinnert ready all day. LONDON^ PrdimJnflrfa !).' :iCaa bi lad on '«tm!ka{tlon to ti EreiTaAtOBDAT (dii«ot>, . 'I . -. . -JIB ;\ : ¦ W & li ; BABJ^STBANp;; STREET, ; WATEEF0BI). Moderato. : ¦ - ; M | Dellclotia,Nutrt Uveraad EssiDTC4B;OiTHOLipXriimaarrtMKDijoii,8« ' bonsixnoa to iwixfeaoxo (TU Fljo).oatb) i BICHJLED CBBEBH, Poprietor.. Digestible. 1 Ettrj wu£80A1 AiWtnooa.^'naSawbkTaa Cugo oslj ^ :;" ' i - i: ¦ Cg<;lMii8TinnnvI>ffKLtJt ; i ij -i Wirx»wi^TO ' |HnrsArai.¦ - : . ~ ~ iThe J?riK»A-ifrffarf Viwrria; My»_ i | ETUJ a LTOEDAr,Tl».8toa aBl Nawb*Tcs)¦ . *p.o Establihcd 1814. . •: , , Edited by iSTANOisH: O'GBADV j ] previous ¦ 51 Hutland Sauare, DUBLIN. i j t pomi t» WinnUb • : ¦ . j . ! | : mosV Central, llotoate, and : Modsra. "We on a oecaakm .: • • • ¦ ¦ • ' Wednesday ; \ THE 1 ^^^ 1 : j ¦;,!; :i|A— : .\ EvtryTTCS UATAIoexBotm frta EooUaaptoa), Cujooslj. i Tho largest Bi-WeoilyiNewspapor in IreJand. Pabllahed orefy . \ Blectiis light In bedrooma,aleo telepbono INFA NTa^f U^^V^; . notleed aoia« of • |Hr. BengCT ; only Irish Olas Tboto SMaosta hart i ax^aUast , «r*parailoiia, - Tf i£aA ¦: ' ¦¦ ' : ' ¦ ¦ ' ! ¦ fae»aoj :i / |i ;. j ¦ ! ¦' M Cork. ». ,9a.04. l»a. . ««, 7».. M ¦: j Learni^r*, BpyOepjtets .'ie. : . • i . : Plrmooib.- Od. SO*- 10a. . ISa. Od 'PLiicis ever secured by an Irish Clae , .: *°*^ reou O. HITOBKU. & Co.<8 PftssdXiiiiso^^i-f M ^^cBOiemvtIfo&tnti& 'ii&io I Street Coal Yard HIGHEST Boathaoptontua. US. >» loa, 14* H iExxoAox Willi^¦ ttt ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ l ¦ ' '' i i. TiaSooU>i . ., / . - ,¦• ¦: I' th*Nobility, Clergy, Gohtry, i i i-i. _ . - WUOtMALM A8DJUBUM >r^V^. ' r- -i ; j »t I Wiomed and rt lrl ClerkBhlRs. . j.. :•: > -1 ¦ ' Loaaon» ¦ tlifl beat: Advortfslngo tedtama In Ireland It ia vail anppotto^by is " thi . 'j aaptoak San JSi .ed - ' ' \bL — : and weaithyAsr lcnltnrnlDagaea In tha Cooaty, tho Qoe«o'sConnty, Klldaro;Cartcrt r, Coal Yard now Plfh. ' r i ' ;L4ar-{K<¦ wi«MW!B,.. 'ppi'B»ct«<><\?«tie ttmc» MerchanU, i This old-CBtab^ahed fally Own*. PraHsji-— Jr ^tiri: jftirlw ^ '- = ' . . : saciea^ta^it 'urrjotpeg -iw»h Ciiau-frn— *' • Waterford, Wcxford, 'snd Klng|s County, «nd Lelnster jiooerally,M >«U oa the Countiesdf I ' ' ' ¦ ! Male . let 1 ' to T . . : ¦ . : . • rt3w8S|||: LA T (tnmuiir, 1300) Xearee aiK : ' ; riyromDoMln-. l 10a.«d,' - ' - Ca, - ; TlpperarrXlaierict. . Cork, Clare, sod dlstartctjj io . ths other ftorlaees. i AdTerttoeTS will find It s cked v ith i j ) . ;;;^v*^p^ > ^ flie ¦: ' ' ¦ !¦' '' dB EaUTa»a to tjjdr advaoteso tp bring iiirf* «tinmm|tT before the pqbltc in its cblnmna." ' ; • • Aflis OP ALL KINDS. i . iinirOTS, ID '.ofu!«jHon.^ #h Ui« ; ' : ;" Setoxs Ilkkais" a,TtilaU*fc* Tw6 Monlia—Motnv ^.t.,.). !. . BEST CO WAT»»«>ai> fiHB¦ ¦ »tUation '|el iU Gentry «w i^tali' -\ - '' - . last) Women Clerkships, f irst irUh. Pl^ce, le '. ^ tMiWOO* k WiSllur,>W,i*a»to«b CwrW ¦- ' ' :: -V ' '" ' "¦ '¦ ' ' ! ay-N0M^Th»ahr xWfBUDjfaiCompany, (UalUd) ' * . • eaiUd to tbU BrtabUaaMas ? - Trial ralnlmnn age, $c. . . r . •; CtoodJ tbi M (i IEM Uaaa of BMaoeza \ Special Tennifor continnona AdTertiseinents. Post Offlco Ordere Cheques, £&, to ba ' lB»tawt>, ana- Okuv Soxrnwwt OT> 'Wismir " :¦ a or TBI CKOI O*»» tfoaTjjrT.;!:!'. ',.;; /. Guleja on a piper post free (ram the ESecretery.' '- i giteat'ill Baa Blafca. yonna, JtaKa o£ Prominm, aad all ¦ ' ¦ t£ vT "j ' - ; ¦ ¦ ; •: ¦ f- ¦ .] ¦ - i ; r ! •!¦ -:- ;T - . i . i ; ; modo payoblB taSl?ANDISH O'GEADY. i . - : I! : HOUSE, :-f i Vor Bataa -ol Fzdf btj *o_ apply to Eom J. Wum : ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ At lowest Prices. • : 8hort*at Bout* j - . i 11 ; COUNTY <)F .WA-TEEFpE D. j b Co^'IlyinouUi loom, & H^won, Loadoa and Bootb- and Seducedd at U>a U fc 8. Wj Hallway lUodriaf Hoaeso ' tfs<> t>Dpi4f Oouj Bftphwtw Baildiacai • 183 m. !¦ • ¦ > g M Iu : , TO& HOLDING O jL^dcxtfid clraat*'Xjondoa, E*O«i CJyfla Bblppln^fT ftn n^1V STREET COALi YARD, will receWe prompt ^^JFlw!^ ' ' " ^v- , wiy Ofioaa, HawbaraailEliatioth St saat fpJax), Sorer i ¦ ' ¦ ' . I ^UAR*TEfi(Xiy MEEJDDsGS. ^ ftl« Cailton iflaoa Qlaotoir *. Cacvua Honft Bamiast. ' ttontion. j ji \\ ' - AMERICAN ; ' ^ &AEfE¥'S LEAVE I IOND0N (Paddloffem) a» fl.10 p.o. LINE. : i PROPOSALS' COJIMITTBE MEETINGS— Oraeawik i Doek BaadTUmaxlolti Town Qaay. Soatbusp. , ' (Bundayr nwipUd), UNITED STATES 24thiA;Bgniit;!1900 ;' 8Ofli KoTt mber, 1800 toa«. KL Ed»n Qasy. Onbll&i Tatiick'i Qaay,Cot*. aad Amura AT WATH- MAIL STEAMSBS Fridam: IILTDK BHttWHO OOMPANT (UUn<£D), ¦ »oan (*eaU>M asd eifewuteaoa* PelinurTlJ1901;loai M&T, 1901. ¦ pmroittin~ j), | j 22nd - ' ; :| I- . r CaMomHotua Qaay. Watotford . ' ato«t 8^a.m. tb» following daj. . ' yOE APPIJOATIONS- ' ¦ Xj J&T DAY LODGIN& Sped*! foxsu o( BO14 rof I«dlac nqoirad by tb« Uly«« ligli-Class SHSPSlAli- WMTAB Hsyble & Stem© Works, LEAVE WATEBFOEO »t 9^» u.ii «iil, Waek Day EOBTflAMPTOS-HKWi YOttK ^fc-iyidi ^rdftyiilltii Axxguft , JfiOO ; 17th Noyfanber, 1900 EblppiniCcmjory Ar8 iiighly;reconimeiided by the Medical Profession, no may ¦ ; boroajh, F»ttooy. and; Uinjore, Aawrnro . . sATOBDAT^itHoeB. ' !T"; r • .: ! QUARTERLY MEETINGS. : ¦ • ;. • II. . •: ; : ¦ - . . . . >0 1 !^" ! i- iM a . - i ¦ te..L<>"? *Jf E»">»r..*»4. eiro«a»Uao *ap«S Hi*kartClaM pl ITocdajs, iOtb Beptoaber, 1900 ;ITfljJDotember, 1900 i seen from the latest analytical reports, copie3- of yhicb • i BUWBfj at 1x33 p,aj tko followlM dav ; aoociaiwdatMtegeadWatlil j> • ¦ ~ i . ¦¦': 11th Miu:ch,'i901 ; 27th Mftj, 1901. ' , ; . PaaMDfati ID«TIU« YT*torUrdoa riatvrday* pui- *. : ¦ " ¦-. '¦¦ - : can be haa l on application. . ,8t*engi n m rata ' ^¦¦/;; ; ::, .i ij G. PAUL, : ' ' ¦ " : ' ; ¦ " ' ¦ e««djfto m K«w UilloM D/ to* 10.30 a-aTtraimOT¦ ^t8t *** .'. .: . ¦ ¦ ¦ - Waterford¦ • Steamship ; Company,¦ : : : - ' ¦:¦ :¦ : ¦ ' p. ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 . : ; ;j l '. ; ¦ • ¦ ¦ , ; .. .::.:j;: , M. ; . :¦ O'KEEFEE&SPNS gBadaja.r . . ;- -i- f- . : I .(¦ , , z - .i- -i ! Cotmty Secretary 's OJHoei . : i . • ! VXTEBBSB, OBB£B.\nV ^AIUSO-OCTOBEB¦ , ibOl! to Ul&tr : ¦ ¦ • • : : Hamifao»firy :—JohriBtoTTn, Waterfbrd. aUpt«d t Uma for th. BttaBtTto aUrtod i i iW«toford,:I«tli Jnne, 1809. . ; • '¦' '\\ '' - ¦ i ' b* ' ¦ ¦ r ETEAMEBai I TOIDDS & Monuments rt7jiorcAW.T. •: :- .:,! :. i i • •. «¦ • .¦;,,- • - . EEaEHAL© OWttEEAGH, LABA, Hoadctonea, DtlNBEODT¦ j ^ , ¦ vi'^ ¦ ja r>u Vh« Whart of tb» Pws#y|nat« ^ ^ jfcs • -XS \ 8 n 5n 1* BM_ lroaSTMli* ; l^ag rf^: J«ff9^asd?9?UTsBtK »jfto^ riflA f VIk PCnAftEAef A ¦« J »^ ^^4 f \Z~- ^^^ ^k « »_* A \ ' -1 at ; ' *' - . '"'CisSTyljV^V tecoitaQinaji ^ok ^pbls? * ¦ [ ¦ " «a«rt <» ocmdltlona.m ratl0S«d la iproprletora:;*re . alao i«par»d to ftBte Iftto ¦ ¦ CO¦ ATBACTO:' «2^mBa^faaB» ^b* The BJJJLD- ¦ - ¦ 3Rand ¦ - r . :l *g«ttapgfifl'B£ TJ : Pianof ortes. Organs Mawmonium& : i ij i . . ; ma *»« to b« hafl at their \ OTCTJI 'dcacrlptSda ol Stoa* aad M»»bl» ¦ j ¦ ¦ ¦ ' B* < ^, ¦ " ' ' Oontxacts far ' •. " :.! j- , OQ4a*« II' - '' ' ' Apply W Bioh.tdioo, 8p»wo A Co».»3alb«feptoi ,t- Al»»larBa»d«cBo»oJ lat«Uoid : :. . u^«j Mil.\ &8Eg Wfc& ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " 1 i'«7i TSi fllASOB, WAtBBFOBD.;: BaiOt eailyMorBia« 8»Uloj;; C»olnaof tba at«»iB«ra win W«k«i * or LiTcipocl, or to . - . !¦ • j, - •1^ • ^ '.V'v-' P»jacJ«CT;anlTinffby th*Bl(bt Hall ' ' B0I10ING jWOItK AKD OOFtBACTB b* opaa to rooeiTa: : ; ' : WXTi*»oiu> -H,,T,T i 8.i», U. : ;K : , j PrbinptJy aa4 Carelnlly Bxecnitd. . :;. .: tOa 1 . Cdtio Oxossc3 for C8mottls3, 60. •3V ::¦ iL:J ,^ktej ^: 'OUdttoie^irwt I ! ^« :JH8BJ.0SiB iiHO BRISTOL : , i ; p;—¦ ' ' 'I ' ' ' : .. - W^Oa i Holob«o,87. Q«ly;I -, .; I , -K^ ' ' ' :: txo»*itM*o»otoa»HTCi.i«fi» nut oito wininis. . vr*- - _ v • « w«f: > : ^ .. »>>. Wadaeaday „ 1O._ . « SO pjn ¦ ' ' ' 1 ct?»Mn,-p Ki««el» 75, Maia-aiwet|-\-. - ' - :/¦ • :' ;v " Workshops and premise? at Iat»«r, ,i »-I ¦ : i ' , ;¦ JEMablisljied i^0-|Ov©r -H^a^ntury, ' " . . ' "j ; WojMitiw ioa*J»»?ifl»W»a fco« Mr A ' ¦ ' FrMail ' r. »- 8 »£>• Busnuy, „ J3-8 tio.a |i :: L ; ; ¦ ' - ; ' 'O^ i' JJWOA.TA»r-J Calljaai., Tfi. 8craar»V " , ? ' ¦ ' '' :' ':¦ . • ¦:• ' It,«¦< TbarwJay, „ 18U» Oa.*>. ^ In ^. ext»Ml«tiPrBri»«'«hay.«Bi «*fw*» »y fl. Ih?»D, TUamiyT»T«ta»»# U«atrfekiMr A W • r -' . };- . i : ',. ' , j Watersid e., ,^; Ttttadaj, „ &. Of Sbortatt Hotti«, PiMi, LiialpU Vrtirf. Vfatwtord Cmog«n»-.rV/oB«f -;• :- PrtdaiC:: ,. l»...J»aoo» tetardar. „ »- »W»..Bi. ¦ • Worka eatnu&d to themat! t*U» . Th* «*»BO«B T» *¥¦ n¦ te- r ¦ „ 2S-. I pJ». Wtasctaw. « iU H'pn j| Pfanofotted by Col!ard!& Collcrd, ^road«mod, Allison, Sopfcinson . ChappolV | Moat HodtraU-Term*; ' bWiriaa; oOw <-rr1*tt fNlhaii; OMiOCT-JohnMufphf. drifler. ». - ¦ -^• •rs • • - . ;i " SHE ABBEY IOAH AVB VJSCOTJIF Iu«Ufr, 1 : heat 8tyl«, »nd- on ih» Uk« r*SM tta TMi t MoSET ^- ; Prldiy, j „ i*~. 2 jLm. S*tari»y. ^ 57... 7 opta i - Brewer, tod'other leading makers, at BARE BARU AIN5 for Caah, or on Tinip Mi. O^BTHS A SONS hat* «w, TablKaM T&mgh iiK!(|fo» (SoS ?**^ >! BAHK «0, MIDDLE; ABBBT flTEEBl XaaSiVi,- 7. W~«?Jn.tTadB laday/;, 8L..l»»p.^ ' ; ' ' '" fr^fi at - |rf»»i«; i -} Payment 8j waa.\ .¦ \\' " ::T . ' ; ; . '| ' ' ; ;; ¦' tbsUnporUntist ^atosQsaarrfaa 8trasyaMflla , ¦; ,DHBLm--Th>: -»b< ^» ...Bjnk :n>i*jr ¦ Oj ; . ;. . : \ BdliraT Oaeipwv- ttat : P«f IwUod, wJthot «11, frnp ¦ and an casply aplaodld ?too«a and Robbb a» * fU*** At , Ad^iWliu t Waxtow-W Ttmpioa. MalMirWu^'iT- i V^ . <¦ 'C ndTTrcf la »»T P* ^ I^o^S BaathrVmaMfSaadiBaalil, BctotoU . , . ' : . American Organs and Sarmoniamfl at prices nover before offered to the public] i • ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ WaWrforf. \. .fl j: : ' . , , :." , . .; - , ; . > . ,r. ! ;• ¦¦ ; ^l.OdO, to Cl«rrjn /or4T;to . ftrfaVrtibJ. HateriorA BuwaSbln • o.'a i * .: EgB PBW )on )»rmao»cil«a.a ktca,or. from Cock oa p«j- | | Violin, Bailjo , Gniur.ind Zither nringa at all priws. . I , '' | f«f Staa»«n«fciC»|fflH|Si IB4BS a 8§M ejdzi* ¦ • } I !¦ • ' ' ( ' ' ' j . i lawadlat WaWord or Wexford : to' i i All the j latest Music, Bongs, Donees, ¦ Piqce3, at reduced prices ; thousands do ' j We purchase,; at ihe lowest! point X* a&p Is; Sairtcaff , 1*8. (oopoait* Nftifel . iMtaK i Xickft* ¦ •• ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦; ¦ ' • ¦ - arajTUlatJolorrat ara - !! ; , : ; .. - ; , \- '\ Banrt, ?b«a ta. act MUM ! |o: VrSUf {a th» Ji4iM:iE8 1 HlJRjjEljr. BdatolbjiW«urf*rdgt»**.81Jp, Oo.' I ! select from.¦ ¦ \ j . i J ti finest giWths pm *to *y; a* &i Co.:fr»ai8r|at6i:toOork ox lo Daolln ¦ • ' " • ¦ of the market, jie FaMh to^iTaaa ataf «MoU »uTSf» t»w »tr trk Kt *. l ¦: . ¦ ~ ' ~ ¦ ;.¦ , :¦ J i ¦ ' M I . ;i ;.i THE.*.*«.4_#< CHEAPE~\f - If" " ¦ tST]I HOUSE•-*-^^* v •-"*-• 1N|IRELAND.**^ , AMM1AU111/I - . ¦ ¦ f . ' '' -/ ; ' ' : :; ¦ "' : ¦!.. ¦!¦ : : \ •; |I ' ¦itbOn pafS^fAtt 1 ' * I ! ¦ , .}• - - ;i if'.;t»Jt«a»fcm cf; aj ' ¦ 1j \ ' ' ¦ Indian and Ceylon floUdlaft o» |h» B aaoraaiif ¦¦ T -fi j -;;- .;/ •¦: , '.iau araaTalli eUfartwoiaeaUia.* ' i ' ' : ¦ ~ ' '1 ¦" " " : ' ;¦ : ¦ : from the best I |; ^p^liM^^- ,;; , ' JMaDrUo :¦ <¦};¦ ; ' - ¦ ] . i, -"!i •. .¦ ..¦¦ :¦'•,:. ij - -. - ; - i .:;j •; , ].;f- -/X. 1-; . »!i . < :¦ :¦ -1' '-vfflTfik' OBD IRA HVMBPOOI. Address—[dress— , *. f: Ii . v. . j ;i Utb4 AfaaM*;;. . ;\ CABEICIE;OK«Un ¦ enables ^s always Aa^nlrark BDdar akaf liji tea vlll bf doJM Md* O, i U^;-^»3^r. . ' " 'fla« w*»«»oa«v I ' rao« urauvxx. Crardens; this . . B VOKJSii SPS/ GiB6 JWUBti Waal aapari Was, I cm jo»r«»it«oa»p la!» EOB&BB ?0 i' -j to offer exceptional value, bpth/P* , - ¦; ' ¦ • ¦ ' v ' ' ¦ w ' | mW&tiD & C|0, Witeiftj^ ¦atialacilom. . . .; -A ; , . ; ; v | ;. . i t ; . ' . v i '||. l :- -i!| I , MJKWwaJ. ^ - v ; ¦;•; * %T; ^3,|^y, - : ' ' ¦¦ oifSBito .. !<»-.*¦.&¦ ««?S3'. .. .«.» •> ¦ liquor and ippearanceL : .! ; j . ,; \ ' fzUai rr^- H -11 M »- fka> * Wed'-diV „ 10^11 « ' ' » Sua : Mtaaar, Itu. 9 O p.fa ' ' ' ¦ " ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ : : ¦ ' JOHN BiiOWNE, -WedM KUr. •> !'- » - ¦ : - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: '¦ ¦¦! ¦ ¦• |' : . - : . 'pi ; \ -:-i:~ })¦ > . \ \- K '\< \ \ - : ! , !. . ' " K1K0-8 TEBBAOB, : i I ¦ Moore : Ogilvie & : wj jdiy,,.¦ » .i»a Koaaar. ,. 21-10 tin . ' > . . . .. I:: i lriaTKa, : . ¦ ' . ; " • i • ' W«da-dajr „ »4_.U . 0aja . j -, • pJSjrVT » «•- » *« | EBtiibiiflheaai li*.;; Ioeoryoriatipa 1874. , I • Ju CORK, rviiaA b KiiQiTisx'tHs;; ¦ ¦Wedatfay,., «-. 8¦ pjo Kondar ., »^< 1 p.m Warrcnrs Place, - ; • J , , • '. < . i. aradcraday,, »U» B 0 p,m ; .,, [ ;o>; BXi :pE8CB^ri<)i^ .;; .GRA'SirEn |Olt TUEi MO81 PiVOU B | - 1 i toi«|3 Zba Booday Taaaaia load at 8ortU WJiarA IWatatord ^ J : A BS: |TBtiif« io VSAHW PB IBOH& T , AwaMifcahiatnUtp iI Boaak ; ! V . . ¦¦ miiP ' : ' \fJBWrHmiiw*'t J»« »iort Moawi» «»i SO'ISTO >S TO PA j WaUrfad • . ! Eata^i-i 181fl. . «ww«^ BDUD-QEilDMOifASlS yuu»^.Watawort. ni Urarpool ^ad anfl JLH I .«}!«.< ' "(iwri IN Wagiow^M, Oo)rn«tCaf a OFF}*fPBTGA0B6 THhEEOS; • r 8 fao»StiB,|«a«lfcl4 id^. amitl^oarfaaotfaawniaf ¦ *. vwg« !¦ ! ; ' with (akduapj IOJ , do, 7lniW-CaUdr»aXn»OirU J«r«] Pta ¦ ' : ¦ . ¦V7ATBBJPOBD 8&VIVTaW0S ¦8A" V¦ X, ' j nve •BjijriDiyi^rMdy dbiie^^ ««« «!» j j tuvotai, opboma ! ' .; '{j \ . \ \ \ ¦ 1 i " ' " " ^ ' jfl . / ¦ 1U. UUa 'lt««va (aTaUabw l (or. Tiro !?iL i OS «1«^Ac* *0rJtJ**m'*m ' T. ¦ " ¦ ' ' linrpool) tSa.1 Cabia ;. I ! jBoboit Ttoinp^on, L ¦ \ ¦ s ;* ¦ - •! /-- lo ittaftV cc (roa »>M«>t or . ' 11 ^ ^ ;!. . !;|ijByB50,0 . i , .| j J ' H*.«aA0«: «J(r«*kT T K •» .)»¦»• I. ; ¦ ¦ ¦ "Uh Mrmmisj i*. * *. ' ' OTIMI 80th NoT- 41W.4M »A U.-1 . • trfg»JB»prt»«tPii rd»Bd «oJ**iffc({<¦:• I • ; ; •rffer1 P ^an^S F lgi PHBI «f it ro »» ¦ 1 WpwIog tW of Jnwe. « Wexfordl ' ! ' t . ' ' OfjKKM¦ JI/WlCjtl" ¦ ^! i '' ' ' ¦ i DepUiffrVrtlt t ( roia U» aeocsta- ry, tf-jac^ " ¦ ;i- »¦ • > . ;. . -;. / : ^ ' ^^^aaiaaa M«ooii*Jladb>a>lo«a»^^»/ ^s^oddns. BVEik MOHpAT AfiD FB1DAT : - ; .:-• i . i- i ; . , ' .:- • ' • • ' - ;|; : ' OPBS ¦ ¦ : I¦•frt&l i totiaeJXM:W- -w i^- 7: • • from It to IWfrHrt • tfCUxt . . ; -: ^ai^oij fiw : ¦ : miii • ¦ ¦ - I I ' ' •v ¦¦ 3 p»f Cwtjer Aonmo . . . - ¦ - !&( (?•« . || M. ,L~ 1 ; ( . : , pnamfmj • - .;;. ¦ . . ' ¦ Cbeati!»» j , ;* ' ';' ' 8 . .„ ' . .; ;; : . ¦] ¦ ¦; .'SUM tot«|tedtl»»ra*M»e»'»».»a*>r4*ad ;ciOJi e»*«r^. ! . ¦ T h lorbdiiwBu i»»/ O I ,mt pe r IH , p ¦|» i H:'-| ?i. ¦• ¦ iWJBflt1ti "-""rt¦ ;¦ *"f ' f JT •. :. ' , . (_ , ' . . to ¦fy ty tx *!*:- ) . »J-; ;> . ' :•} » i . '; 'lMJ.dMOa)»'}l<^ ^SUiltOl ^ F»*oal#Boakad tt toort MU»« attfrtDolpal ^^HM «>• Fit j oip« ^ ;;( .; v .l v l.-^f'Ki } \h • .•.•.'¦;. 'J. ' .^^ * ¦ ! *:•;¦•' i W! mmmmm j ' i V' if-' i!s iJ«i*r •••»?" ff . A' ^*?^ ¦ ¦ A-4^V"v j- - ' •..?> H» " »Jf --V " .: ..:. •¦ .: . - ., ['. , ¦> : ' 1 .1 ¦A-\ .k-. ' ,, ¦; :¦>. ' ' mmm^W^^ '' 7> #?J *- /- : 7( 'Sir: ! . t-i

¦ ¦ ¦ .-- ¦ ¦ ' - ; ¦ ¦ • . .. -I:- :.5 . .it . . -; '• . '• - . i - t - . I _ij_LL. ¦ ¦!-•. . •'":; • •' iM<''W'-vtifls :- - -W.X-! :\Al: :n • 'JBE ¦ ¦ ¦ Tfl%-TMEpP flRjg pay jU Jjj^ ¦ ¦ ' ! ¦Klipossenty M » » i : l Me¦ tti¦ ng; ^- ' . ^' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ •-— " ¦ ; ! • !; >-;•:• . . i / 1 " 1 ! ir J : b^lKS^pi^jlitegpct!::^I^V- .- .; 3 ialon pMS :ft^?eW|61®p5-#MJ»;»|«! ¦ • " ¦ ' : ' ji(Fxc^uur Kep: tf - under the mtspices bf- the lodhl branch of|the MM t0faaal to) riake;u nitary arta.ngexi;ents at thb I B^cti^le ja which 1 is a flourisHihg hdn8e ' in the .JKicopation " of: the Catholic j "United Iri sh Leagud Jn ' ! Egah^-Do you think 6l| hoiasea are: a'uffi- gives pron ise of afldoting much got>d Y^png Men's Society., -the work was carried IMr. ¦ ¦- ' state and ?-j r ] - • " ¦¦- . •:• !•! ¦[¦ :\- ¦%'¦¦ in the-diltrict :in :he ' nea'ij I future.. Ain.olig8t mmMnmmout by i the. IDrfc rtn l i)istrjict C,ouncii; *after :ia •eient?—Ye«r:! )y. / . : "HEA 4 about being taken when Mr, i A division Was those : prekent we re~-MeBiii P. J.! Poker", ¦ : : ' ¦ notice had beon served ion Ml. Hudson^ II ap- : j;; h r Bottjle :Sliipp' 3d 'Jby i . - . \ - ; ; Mr. - Hunt. :aplp eared>for ^.Urban Orr suggoated that ttje |case» of the six- M.P., Jades Pow r, Adraihijine, -VicerPitisi- \ ?\ \\ . .fev ei^. ^j ^i-H-": the DiBtrl^t ' and tbi court could de- SoppUei -PBIZB \*f o& '&fau W!!B5!!^^ dent of. tie Brand ; Laurence- Oasoy, : ty-pn . Council; Mr.* WiUia&B tor" Mr. HudsonL ji plicapts behheard;: ¦ ¦¦ %iVaComfort, Dnr»WU»y, «nct Natural AtfiJWIhl^lw*»ai^ln p&i^t*^Hi»o^T^ 1 : Mr. J. F.: cide, y ¦• !" " : " ¦' ' ! :' .' '". '. : ' %^ ' ¦ Seoretary I J. 'PitzteernldJ : I Hon. Treasurer; WUliatoh .raised-¦ a. point¦ oil the ¦ ¦ All Operation*perfsotl yjpAlnlsu by Wi Metbodt.: KxbMtioai of .Stomps anjuuuemtutj - j.y > f; . '.: ' „• > ¦ : -notice.' ;.., ' ' -. I - .' ' •¦ '¦¦ ' . ¦ "j ' TAt. McCarthy objeqtdd to that course, aa John Green, AbbiyBide , i frungarvan ; I. ft. i - fcaies [Where convictions - I 1 ': Power, P. I Wall, P. ?itzgerai 1J M." Coffey; &fls. ¦ i Massrs. McCarthy, Town Clerk, end CTCori- ] there might'bVsome- : rfior^i lSfii^$Qq ¦ ' :nor. eanitarv Hliecir ' yn.v« nvirien'ce of thei had been obtained,: and: the others might be i S ^^ ^ White, J. Phelan, \Y. Connors, J. Pottld. iT. . ; :« , [" iReglstfered¦ '\\ .iv\- {x , ¦ ¦ ^ ^ iwi& . : xbears;the{r 1 ¦ .,^ {/ prejudiced. i Extmcsti^ O ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : ;; ' ' ¦ : ' ' ' seijyice of the pjoticd, und thdi .exister.ce of ;a . ! i ' , , J j Walsh, M I Walsh, P. FitzgdraJd, D. Cunriipg- ¦ ' ¦ : : ¦ ; - V :' - . -:• : • :¦! ¦ <^W« a^aasdA^sattW- . \ -- .!. v . iM . - r . 'r \ y nuisance caused: by |the v.ant|of sanitary ac- : llr. Orr—The evidence can be heard, and 6j ^^;B«iw ^ ;v ham, M. Power, Jajncs Foliyj' T, Reardori, 'J. ¦ : ' the PejMy t^H; *l#j *gf a&.Ttte&* : ! : pommodation. i i - ; . ¦ : ' | . [ ¦.' tHeii the magistrates can decide about j.. . :r- > tyttoA Di3ity Avmiam $.lP:i&, to &A&.: ;,t ,, : . -\ ./.,, :' , -: : ; Fitzgerald, John..Vialsh, Ihnmas Braiil ..12VI1 . ¦ ' 'grdnted. : ' .vfW* r . Walsh, Jolitt Keatirfg, E.T. ;) [Michael Keating. Mr. Williams'.point was;that the 8anitaty: applications !to be . : 1 1 It was decided to adopt the course suggested beta rtqvMtei bf TM In Wat«*wd^o4, ; Authority should have served withi the notice; ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ' ¦ : TlirEi K jl^EADLAWiihsTiog • » nnmbwr jrf hls.patUsi* ¦ William iWalshe, ilauricii Coffey; lapses : 1 • „ . • - :i i !; ¦: ¦ . ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' 9 ¦ ¦ '"¦ ¦' ' ¦ ¦ ' , the ownef'dr pecutter; T&isjw.asi not doue. by Mr Orr. JXL : •• i - •: i Diittion wiU ta ,fata M W -I^i ! • '" ' .! • .; , j ". - • . : White, Patrick Ck nnors; Michael Walshe ¦ ' ¦; , - ' ¦ '¦ Mr. IPatrick-Duggaii; Square,, applied for a Thomas Cifley, Mi urice iStock, Walter . Dio- ¦;. Mr. Hudsofajwas onl|y the agent. . ;¦¦ ;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 1" 1Wf &l\ \ l^BEL: -: ;. .;Thd "| Judge 'AJKJLJ"OXJ^IliJC«l^/.!,- . THE MALL " j . . • : 1 ' The liouse was one of, the oldest in the town. . sided. , il M ; . ; ".I ; ' ! should be first I'takdn before .tho magistrates : i| WhWhereere lieHa wilwilll ptantacticectice ttieii^ latestlatest American and Modern Dentistry;Dentistcr, nieet. :i V , i ; ! ' - ¦ ¦:¦ ¦: ' ¦ ¦ Patrick Tully was th'e next applicant, for The Chairman on addres3 the -pm. \ ¦ ,' ) ' ¦ ¦ • and thejr would then have the right tq show nxf ry \ whom Dr. . .Wrllinms • appeared. During tne 1 ' ' ¦ ing was loudly" cheered. .He said—ladies, end ^^M that there1 was:broj}er accommodation, -j . . . Th; xnors obrions adrsaUgu ol tblf tytton are :— . ! - • ¦• • ; ' ' Bummer months he had ..eighteen boarders In ' or; • ¦ - GentlemenL—I am lixtremety thankful to tyou . His Honor—Don't vou admit that there waa ¦: ; ¦ : 1. Net the illgbtoit tDUrforenos canted to T^ict ta*te, . . .;. .! ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ! ; ' ... : • . ¦ ' conferred on mejiin ¦ ¦ his house. . : ; " ' ;¦ : for the honour you have ' ¦ ' " aAvant of neepmmo lation . :. . . ; . . 2. Pajtoet clssnllDsii. , . .,. .; . . ! ¦ ¦ ; "; ¦[ \ \ r? .! j . ; i- : Mrs. Johanna Veate' applied for a seven- ¦ ¦ ' :( asking me'ko presid over! this large gathering l " ' ;;¦ ¦ : ; : iMr.: WilliamB—NoL we say the nuisance was App«»rdni» io nfttaral tbtt dettotlon is lmpos«ibl«, ; i :¦ ¦ ' ' ' V 8. ¦ • ; ¦ t . • ;.: , ., . ! 61a friends called on ' ¦ held in fnHheranci of. the[ bause of Ireland- I. . caused by- the disgusting way in whith the day licence. Several ¦ 4. Whea lr»a, quit*tomOT »ble. ; ..--. • • ! . - . . : . .. • . j , Unity., amongst Irishmen, and , the United ^ premises were ;UBedj ¦: ' ,- ' " ¦ - ¦[' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦' Sunday and they could not get a drink. , ; ' ' ' ; , : ihe'same grounds. - < 6. Speeob, tifiging, *a& artloaUtlon de«id*dlr iajrawl. ' : : i Irish League. (Ap] ilausep I il am very 'sorry t i Mr; Hunt-^-We kept eerving. notice ' lot the -Mr. Egarijbpp'-sed all on] e They are tooirtussial,fir mMtlcaUen, ana o«n b« fizsd «l(hn pmnanintly. otto btumtma ¦ - : charge against Mr. Tully. . ¦ ' &s I have jno doubt you are| ithat our . I !¦:¦ : ¦ last two'years;; but nothing was done, and we Thera was only one ¦ ¦ at tba wUI.of tha.wMMK. : - .. • - . " ' . . *,- " '' ' \- 't- ' . : : : . • : Ki"^'-;ri- - f - ¦ • • ' Mr. Tully—Six years ago: ;• ' . ;; ; . . i. r! .. ,. RESPECTED PARIsk PItlEST | M ' . : . . ;. . . . - t. || II 111 IIII III II . .^itajr»» "l« had to doitourselvies. , . ' i. ' . : ¦ ¦ • y . t ' '. the All the application*, jwere panted. , ' ' is well is u able 'with us to-day| I ! His Honor—J¦ s your only diflerence jon hcenpo • I personalty coiisfruct ^ch case I supplv ;| faildiie,^th«fef¦ '¦ '' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ' but although not nere in j ergon,' he ie yath ! ;: • ' ' 1 ' ' ' •wanted toJ get - it - extended tq a spirit and, nigh impossible ; ^- ; , ¦>• .;¦ -- . • . . . ; : .;- . : _ . .- , - . ' '[ ', ' • jr jahd Oapsiale.: Jntaca. . |y - . i 'Mr. WUliams-r-The proceedings are wrong. . ¦ ' ¦ : ua in spirit. (Apblause.)j We visited the; ; ; " wine. ' l . - , , ' ,|: . : • . j; ! • BBAR LAW ae»lret It to be*pocl*ltjn ote* that %i» rj tttta ttvUtmno •xtraetlofti The lnotice was entirely misleading.^ ' ' : I Mr. H. J> Parish. Priest a while. .Bgo!, and his state, of! ¦His Honor—I¦ doa't see how you were mis- -The application was ! granted. ' '. ol Testbor Btumtw tn the purpos* *t Inserting AHIBeUl Teeth.; tbertfoM th«t f $ absWoWy W health ddes not permit him, to attend, bi^tj he • ¦' ' : l ' ' Mr. Tjssher proposed, and Mr. McCarthy cauied to the patient.«fact directly interesting to I*dt*s aha Btrroas nlriwU. i ,, ' with us and f»ny»; ' led. : " '. -. ' ' I ' ! Palo said he was1 heart and soul sii¦ t Wil- seconded that a given to each of the i He can attest to b*Ti*«given «mtuf««(loa ta«rsry «staO, «« rwwJ* both eost ud ot q«*lltr thing, he. jean possibly do for the !National! : isT^iJ&sii ' i%^' : '" s-¦ ' " ! His Honor I said he Onwas against Mr. • : ,- . i , i ¦; ! j . !¦ liairis on tho inotic^. the whole the notice magistrates three days before the sessions , of work, to hla nunieKwU fatlmu, •« th»MpontpanrlngUrtJoaoatalsd *&rvtvt^\y _ ^,J_ L' cause and the United Irish League he is pre-: jaerVed was substantially what the [Act re- I the licences " cases toT?omft on for ¦ hearing. l>ared tojjdo it. KApplaui J .V There is one; Kingdom, ¦ ¦ ^ 1 ;¦: ; ' Largest Qale Ira United quired. , ':¦ : .I . - ' ¦ ¦' . ' ] ¦ - ; i This was agreed to unanimously. gratitrtofcu^c^y. . : matter which I (wish io bring before jthej CHANGE OP BALLYMACAKBEBY PETTY with egard tola highly, «s ,w«ll •s.-aiey.iiave doner-difiar.itoear.) 1'ne | ; Mr. Beary, B.S.,|gave evidence of the struc- r o i ^ i ^ i ^ ^ * ^^ ' meeting and that as, Thift United Irish. League ;have done- more w thai premises. ' • : '. , : SESSIONS FIXTUBE. j. ' Dear Sir,—I am pleased to s*y Out my teeth are perfecttot eatistf and sfMkfag. .1 bar*** RO* esteemed [ lady, who died.-KMiss Walsh, of exi»ts ftroongst Snglish jpeople. some of them, thlttk that tbio tural defect in . r isd ssy they wouldhardly knew tk«T produce'the union that aappUy Govenrmeht Act i& a eolutton ' A' decree -was granted for the.amount. £15 Oii the motion of'Mr. Qrr,; the date of these gulte ktrong ilnco I got t&tm. Mr friend* greatly sdato them, JBarnakill, I wish from ; this meeting to j proJ than ', any. omount ot wretehed Local ' ¦ ¦: en so perfeet ia erery. way. I am «ez? thaaklnl to yon for jouf gmt Irish NoUoiiftU«ta 'some extent ofrthe Irish Question. We, 7s. 9d. i i I i i ! . : 1 sessions: wore altered1 from the fourth We* were arttflcW, the* claim otfr- eympatuy-^heir, i hear;)-l-whicn I BPeeches-{hear, hear.) Let ua look on ^the o ¦ kindness. V' . . ,, ITiwn T^falthfally, ALI0B HAWING. believe : usuaHy) donei at: meetings of this nightmare, louldhe unworthy of theisaenflces ou* lore- ; ¦¦ I neBday to the-second Monday of each month. iBj laBt ten yeirai i look on them aa a . ' ., TOBIN V, LYNCHi > ¦ ¦ ¦ To Mr. H. J. B»*Uw. ijaember; ¦ J. fathers made were| tra to jaccept' a wretehed ' : - ,,: ¦ kind. Gentleme:i, your j l M:*i that I care nbt to revivtH In conclusion, , for £3 7B. 9d. for shop goods.—Decreejgranted. O'Brien V, O'Brien.—Margaret OTBrieh : ap- ; Dear Mr. Brsdlsw—Ifeel Tery graUfal to yon for yoar Uadneu and amalutation to theglrl (Cheers.)! |We are living in : . \ . 1 j forget and forgive—(cheers.) 'ueBtion-Hhear; M*-; ; Ardmore justices, TLABAOAN. Bhip-^propared to •ower Baid—If Iri^h Nationalists ;are true: to ! Mr. Williams appeared for plaintiff |: pealed from a.decisiOn of the yon. Sbo U quit* dsllRhttd with bertM¦ th¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ V«y tlnetHljjroors, 80IES M. P. . V^KY lldMEOToJuS TJMES. WitbTregardto the motions which have been where' she was fined £3 or a month's im- r . ' . BliiW O^CIUKUT^BaWojUi, A»ra8rt.lB99. | j the themselves, I belite : that- not j a ..very;long ; ' BBEACH OF WABKANTY. j :l | you are Very nice and tnayhave ntr« eaastdme- We arej on the eye of a C-eheral .—4 proposed by Mr: Casey, the first mentions before this country will prisonment' for assault on Mary O'Brien. . Dear Blr^—The U«th supplied greatlytdmlredi ^ tbe inalienable right : of Irishmen: to period!¦will elapsa : A man named Baldwin sued Patrick Power for applicant; Mr. Hunt for and all tbkk een^fcr «wA ¦: " General Election ;hat maj<, -perhaps, bring a ng&T enjoy peace and prosperity, and will see what Mr. Williams ¦ ' eay troablo 1w p.Io,«nd¦ are, I»d6ed, rery eomfortsWe, ; _- -__ -; make- laws for the government of , their for £3 loss on a heifer engaged in calf, and respondent. ; \. ¦", . .. . . , . . Yoon rjrXsitWmUr.ANNA HANN1OAN. boon to a good many,, and, ^perhaps, gribf to your ¦ forefathers- ytarned, : suffered,, and died ' ' ¦¦¦^¦ ¦ ¦ he; country—(hear, hear.) There is no question purchased at X9, but whicfi had no Calf. He Witnesses were examined who proved that Ur H« J. Br»dUw, 78 HareottrtHtreeM)ab)te. :¦ ¦ ' oiners—Qiear, .r.) Wei I want in the I first you this the more you for—a prosperous; lelf-igovprned Ireland—jit men whom.tbjey think they , may spirit of our own jpeopleat home the XJhapel gate-i(hear was thirteen months an ; da week j minding and Fitzgerald, -to a month's imprisonment v '. . : . WeDiBorongh, Attgtu*^ R th. ' had «a excellent party in the House of Com- Election was coming on, end as their member, him. This was-about £20. - I... .. each assault. ., .! ... ' . • i . ., ' I , -- ' -. . be able . to. defeat atihe forthcomingelection , -they money was ¦ : H. X-Bndhw...... : but it is) for as, tie Nationalists'of Ireland, to mons, without an-organised people. Mr. P. J. Power, had told them, : Dr. Wllliamsr-Did you ever ask! him for Mr. Williams stated that Drohan was a Dear Sir—I MTer had a better or more comfortable case. I sh»ll do «11 m-my power to wwawmwrt ) would be incompetent ahd powerless— ' ¦ • ' i- came up under the influence of drink and ' are- the temerity of going forward and contesting Commons. " There is no Tory The new eetof teeth JOUJ lupplled tne with, I hate the gteateet comfort withUMt t tMT seats. jjGheere.) They will try ,and Iforoo value «, jot a seat in theiHouBe of East Waterford—(A voice— : And wasn't the insane man as well able told him to take his sheep off an evicted farm perfect fitting, and have ibown taem to esrenl ot my frterdir they are J rat lite myow»teet hr I a fight iilmoney :an do it! but we, It is an whom I have been bred, bom and reared, and tbem'by springing; this General Election quite ! -8ergeant ,pt. • John, < VjllierBtown.i deposed Drohan was examined And proved the facts To arold:disappointment ptoaae seo the nanje Mr. h. J« BKADLAW won, the door. : : that, it is to- nie, and it always has ¦ ' THE, RESOLUTIONS,- I may eay¦ suddenly, but by toe time it came round they that the man Vsale , was:deranged: He Rot as stated by Mr. WJllianis. . ¦ | : . t\ been, » ' matter "of consolation to think that would ready for action. (Applause.^; Thfey into trouble:with a -young lady in the. locality A'witness named' Foln/ deposed that he r anS *>e ' ' ' ' -Mr. ¦ ' • ¦ ¦ Mr. li Casey proposed^ ! • ¦ ' .; Maurice ¦ ¦ " ¦ 'that my : "believe ¦ ¦ ¦ doj not - ¦ ' " ¦ my .fellow-countrymen father wanted ¦ ' had duty, to!diB- :)': a and his mind wes upset. The ¦ saw both of the men tusshng. . Fitzgerald had . - as Irish Nationaliste, - ¦- - . , . - - . all . - - , , -> Stack seconded the following resolutions v . , , - connection with the landed interests prevented behaH of their _ •which.^cre- ;l/ charge, at the present time on to send tho boy ti tho asylum, and thiB would a hold of Drohau with hiB teeth and hands.¦ unanimously I adopted:— ! •me knowing my duty U? rty-country,, and dointt country. They had «lrea4y perfprmed-ih an be-done,' but his father was afraid ho' would He separated them. \ j ; '• ' ;¦ . . - !• %x\i -. r, ' "That this- mefeting! le-ijiffirma: th& Tigiit'of my dufy to my country—(wxeers.) yf itiiregard by coming there- that have to pay for him. He saw Duggan in . ' ' ¦¦ "' " '¦ ¦' ¦ admirable manner, a. duty: . - Sergeant Creedon deposed that Drohan Irialimdn! to manage and, control the' affair^ 1 ¦: ¦:. ¦ • ' . -;• • • !• -. . ¦:^< .. . . ¦!. : ¦¦* :¦ - ; • y ta-fihls . ¦ - . . lifty.i and hejaeljaved toat - :«b that msoent , charge of:the boyjieveral times.' ^- | came to ; town shortly'1 nfterWafds ana" had of tKeiridountry,f -\\ ; . \ : ; ' i -.BLECTIONj FUND. . meetjmgs, such as the one they wjere now hold- His Honor—why difl he leave yeale's?— marks on him. He was a quiet, inoffensive : "Thati in view of compulsory sale of land, . 1 1 ! we-are a p?or body of men. If I left polities ing, were being held all' over tho country— The boy is getting better,; .! ' : i man when he was sober; Fitzgerald)had the a disciplined ana UJnited .-IriBh Party, wi13i (hear, hear.) EngliBhmen tried to tell them ! His Honor—Is Dugsan 'a respectable-man? name'of being an aggressive:man, bat as far an organised ; people behind j them, is¦ ^abso- I might be richer than I am; but laminto the' . : ¦- : ¦- ¦[; ¦•• ¦;[ ' fight and I ¦will stick :to it (Applause.) If that^they, Irishmen, were unfit: toi govern —He is;r he takes small contracts. ! : - as he could- know both iwere to blame. lutely neceBsary.we T-il to j | 1 jbheiraelves, 'but he (Mr. Green) considered 1 What do ! you think would be fair to pay His Honor—Do you think the magistrates ;" Tha^ appe thej Irish people ' you-want rich carpet baggers you will get ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' to snp- (rovem themselves himP .; ¦ - ¦ - i - . scribe liberally a id generously! to tie General plenty) to: lead you, and they will use tne that thev were well able to . acted rightly in what thoy did? : I ' as .|a stepping stone to and that very fact alone explained'the reason Witness-^Well,; I think his claim is reason- Witness—I would not )like to offer an opi- Election Fund." ' ! i ' ' i ;i House;of ; Commons. • ; : ¦ '¦ ' ¦' get into,g4nte6l ; society— in another. He often teld when Drohan struck huh. They then fought " endeavoured of Dublin Castle, who him as it he him to go and look for work, but;he would as well as they could. ¦ Foley separated them. and said—Fellc w-countfymeri—I. - rise'] with or )ad xepUte .w^.have ; keep : pleasuri to say a few words to my constituent* thejeause of the country;to the front, and the was; a Fenian; who had come down from the not do so. : . • • | Mr. 'Williams—How ; many drinks had you in ' this!part of Waterford, and as I visited ppolr of the country ea well-^(h'ear, hear.)' They mountains in thd Fenian times—(cheers : and Mrs. Vealo deposed that there: was i no at the PikeP—I don't know. How long wero laughter.) He thought the Dublin Castle man arrangement made with Dupgnn except that you thereP—About four! hours. your little chape 1 to-day; my mind, went ba£k tell| us we receive .donations from servant ; Was he dis- m to the days of my youth, when many time girla in America and elsewhere, and who was going to ask him a scries of questions, but he got his meals and slept in the house. ) missed from the police' force for assaulting ^ 4 " in twenty minutes or so Afterwards he saw five His Honor thought he was entitled to some the/sergeant?—Yes. ¦ | I tramped the st< eps of. Cv tteen with " Pierrie " briAg these: accuBationBf iThey are .brought : : < I PhelanUtho;Lo rd have mercy pn hint, aid against us' by landlords, : who receive rack or six more representatives coming along the compensation, and gave a decree for £10. i His Honor said that they wero all unani- my mina:"weiiTr baclrJo .the day* of-my Syorfln TeTrtff-tnvfrom their' farms,' but "their servant road—(laughter)—f and it occurred to him; that mous that that tho conviction against Drohan rwhen I "was in this neighbourhood, dnd when girls and servant boys are sent out of this he should start tyis speech on the subject' of , THE BITP OP A DOG. i | Ihould be reversed,, but that he should ba FREE LLU I used to; hear the ojd| Irish! language—the country through unjust laws—(hear, hear.) We that cursed and wretched house—Dublin Mrs. Gibbons sued Mr. Gough for ££0 dam- bound to the peace. ' They.had also taken a | STFlflTED;jgffmibdUqj^^B ' CasUe. (Applause.) Five or six of its. repre-> Sfe^pERUTlFULLY Janguage of oui forefathers apoken by!every would scorn to receive it in the shape of rack : ages for injury , caused V the defendant's lenient view in Fitzgerald's case, and only AT|i6>i boy arid girl ti at I: met—(hear, bear.) I I rent—(bear, hear.) We receive voluntary offers sentatives, in uniform, were now present; at dog. The' parties reside near Clorimel. ' fined him £1. Of course,he would be also ^g ^^ O H A PPL > C TO " «H9 ^ ' wished I to God i. was spohen still. Youj ought of lour own flesh and blood as contributions, their meeting, but he thought no fault could Mr. Ryan, LL.B., appeared for plaintiff. : bound over in a like manner. be found with them, aa they were simply doing ¦ to cultivate th s old Janguage. Do not be as ! those who give themV believe that .with :al 1 The plaintiff ' deposed : that she; sent ! her Lyons y. Lyons.—Edward Lyons sued Roger ashamed of you: country,-of your customs, br our faults there is honesty in us—(hear, hear. their duty. ; iHe knew a lot of policeman as child to school! on the 28th of July last, when Lyons for £5 6s., value of a passage ticket to of your language. Be- as much' the interest of the Co. Waterfpn good as what they (the Nationalists) were, be-1 America which he gave to defendant for , proud of your coiintry, It \i she saw the, defendant's dog biting! the child , his flCQfV tfl^BM your hjibits, an i your language—(hearj hear, that honest men should -be sent from ^Donegal cause they- hated grabbers as much as !they and tearing its clothes. The chilq was four daughter. ' The defence Was that the plaintiff X^r , \Sf y ^ ^^^ff ^^^V ' flHHiHBHv tt^HV ABHB BUSHk ^VjV *"tMi^HMv and a .voices" Vnd so we are. Sir.") I will to Parliament as your own county, and it is did, -but a(l the same they had to -come there years. Before it was bitten it was in good gave the passage ticket: to the daughter and recouni j to you on incj(Jpnt which happened your interest to have flinds on hands which that day to represent Dublin Castle—that ac- health, but now its health was indifferent; not to the father, on her promise to send the - to me in Manchester a| few i years ago, and will provide the expenses in the various con- cursed house that kept Irishmen in slavery, The defendant's daughter saw the dog - at- money back from America. • , - HENRIETTA-8TBEET, TfATBRFOKI^. ¦which I; recour ted to .the people I bad the stituencies^-(hearif , hear.)of Would it not be; an who ,persecuted the men of '98 and . '48, and all tacking the child, but did nothing to prevent Mr. Williamsfor plaintiff; Dr. Williams for honour) of addressing in awful thin^f a lot ithese carpet-baggers Irishmen who Were possessed of courago : • ¦ " •;¦ • : defendant. j , Cycie and Motor Eepairs a Bbedalite. .Modelligo within the ' it. : : ! ' - past three weeks. That , little ' incident ga,ve slipped in in the West of Ireland. It would enough to come ' into tho open on behalf of Mr Williams (f|or defendant) 'croBB-examljned Plaintiff was examined by Dr. Williams— to me A j eeson fbat we Irishmen ahould lealrn not only be against the.'interests of Ihe West their country. (ApplanBO.) The policemen plaintiff, to show that stones were 'thrown at Didn't Miss Lyons promise that she would and adopt. I uas going) .through Manchester of Jreland,: but it would be against your!in- present were deputed to come and report, nnd the dog. I l send you the money?—She promised to send on the) 18th M irch, some' ygars ago. Thore terests also.1 As to this j United Irish League as; a consequence they would be very busy; that ! ' the money to her father. ovening—(Iaughter>—especially" The young lad who Was bitten | gave evi- was a bitter ea it wind blowing—a very;£itier that your establishing amongst you, you could the local ser- dence of the attack of the. dog. ' ' ¦ i , Mr. Cuillnane . deposed that Lyons bought GOOD THINGS SEiSdN east, wind— and I stopped looking into not have better proof that it is disliked: by geant, who would have to writs- - about the tho ticket from' him, the ¦ : Sergeant Harrington, B.I.C., deposed that and -it was afterworda ebop windows (of one of the ereat \ahops I of Dublin Castle, and that it i» meeting to Dublin Castle—(laughter.), With he received: a report charged to the name of Lyons's daughter, at iianchbiter, wag, reference to tho Election Fund he emphatic- that the dog was danger- and by my side a man, strobe • ' !, A USEFUL INSTITUTION; ous. The plaintiff was a caretaker jot evicted her request.¦ Roger Lyons was not there at and Btern ; looking. a:man for all the world ally impressed on those- present, the necessity all. . •. '!' ' :. . I; , who farms. He saw the child after being bitten i as s|ud in ModelligoU the picture of Bob than the fact that the ^authorities bate of , c6ming forward and contributing as Veil as by the^ dog andj ite He The case was adjourrird for the production Fitxsim0O8, the great pii Ireland, hate this League—(hear, hear) One they, could to that fundj 'and what the" police- clothes torn. ! sum- ¦ ¦ : gilist; and this man of Roger Lyons's wife at a witness, E. ¦ ' ' ; moned the { defendant for allowing the dog and even- MAHONTMAHONY & , . , i . > (J^S. « np/l n I I i . | — ¦ ¦ - ' of',itr-objects is to find enployment for the men . whom he sa* before him were principally ; : . , - ' ;. . . r .V out without a m izzle or las. | tually dismissed. - •; ' LITTLE labourers, and tb induce Irishmen when, buy- concerned in, ; was how far they were (prepared McGrathv. Lonsdale.—Mr. Denis iMcGrath r SPEIG OFi^HAMKOCK ! , ing their gbodsi to give preference to home Mr. Williams-pDid you near the children pinnedj into'hi i " annoyed the dog^-Nb. : . -| • ' •. :• • sued Messrs. Lorisdale.nnd Co., butter mer- working; pap^and I said !to manufactured goods, and to endeavour to keep Election Fund, which Was raised for' theTpur- ( chants, for £6. balance of contract : for sink- iim—VjOh, my friend, jpu viear the Green.". money circulating ia Ireland, that lunfortun- poses of enabling their representatives ' to iDr. OTlynn, 31onmel deposed that he ex- ftiijraiRii ' ite looked at m j with 1 amined the child twenty-four hours after the ing a well at their creamery, Old Parish. ] jpitfl^l^^ a sterrxQountenahce tip ately leaves; Ireland every year in large quan- fight the battle 6f Ireland effectively in the bite. The A man named Murray deposed that he sunk : and down—

i;alK>gethe». sxtm *tnf c(i%t*mfiWm&

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,Offl * '¦ < ¦¦ STO i ffoyeltie s; ¦ I¦ torials . ! • .;- ' ; ;• ! : :- - in •D ! ! °¦ ft¦ .¦ ::¦ss - ¦! J[' . • o 'HJ :, j [j: ; perfect Fitting,and 'Mojerate Prices Prevail; MoyeltWs in SMrts a|Ld|ITn(ierakirt3, Winter \-% ¦ I IOT wo rn *¦* ¦• ¦¦ w«#^ - ¦v and ; * ;* p ? ^""i .' . . j»w*f.t. <» Corsets. ; ; ! ktttJi Uhder¦ ¦ olothin¦ ¦; ¦ ¦ ^ ¦» ¦ ' ¦ ' ; . ; !; • 'I : • ¦ - . - i! - - •: . ¦-: . Moderate' Prices Prevail. mil

¦ " ¦; : ¦ " - f & -SOKB ¦ :ir ii- " ' • * ¦ ¦

1 ¦ ¦ ¦ • • ¦! |i 1 h no SISTERS OF GHAEITY gritefully PRIVATE iKESIDENCE- THE ¦ ¦ FOB tURE OF ood dl IMMENSE ! VARIETY i OE NEW MBBIALS acknowledge " the following donations, : '¦¦ ' " • ¦ ¦¦: ¦; received at the Annual jiCollectio'n, Suhdsy, EX' ¦ ¦ ' ' . . ¦¦ •: SB GladBtone- ' ' ' ' Nolan, Patrick-street ; MI Kelly, ' ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ; ; ' •-— ~ :• Barranstrand- ¦ : - !¦ . ; ¦. -¦ . , street- Messrs. Purcell & C6., '¦¦• :¦ street; W. Walsh and Sons, Sylvester Phelan, Duration of Treatment— ', James iCnox, J Tucker, |W. JBishop. T. Kelly, - P< Quay Joseph Stephenson; D. ! Keof?h, -|J. ; THEEE! WEEKS ONLY; 4.L ce I ALL DEPARTMENTS. - ' • ' ¦! i ¦ ' i ¦ KeUy Adelphi Hotel; Gallwey and . Sons, - . , - > : : i Hj i: Sal James 'Hearne-f-£l each.! I: " i " j ¦' Satisfactory Medical and Clerical nro Pas Mrs. Stafford, Mrs. Murray, Messrs. iv. ' ,. JReferences. ¦ > \ Howard, E. Fielding, K' Costelloe, Ji Brett, ; X. Po-wer, Quay ; JainesiHanley, ¦ J. A Eyan, ; ' Term and all informationfurnMedltythe- PECIA O'Bullivan-j-lOs. each.' W ! ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Dr. '¦ ' < ¦¦ ' ' ' ' ' : of this banquet has rarely, if ever, been wit- Mrs.iMcKenna, Thoraas-Btreet-, MrajMorris, - ' , j Secretary, \ . - . High-9treet;i Miss Barclay Miss Coona'ri .Miss nessed, i The enthusiasm, it' may be added, O'Brien, Messrs. . John Kiely, P, M. | Doyle, BSBASSE E0?AL, was not limited to the favoured tones, aa the ' HAGEY INSTITUTE, John Wakh. P. Flynnjj James O'Maara, |J» 1 Ut«t i WATEiFOED. population ] of displayed it, too, in a Walsh, J. Deyereux, N 'Phelan; P. Power, 1 IEISH ASSOCIATED PEESS OFFICES IVWt ¦; \ ' truly remaikaWe manner with dempnitration High-street—5sj each. I I'.j l(i after demonstration. Miss Farrell, Quay—6^1 : j : \ DAWSON-STREET. DUBLIN, One hardly knows at Mrs/ Fitzgerald, Club' and a Friend-t3s. ' which the more to marvel, at the wnnderfnl ¦ (ln& M/O'i . . FOR TWO! NIQIITSl ; each. ! If. : I |:i | organisation which brought this hiott at Mayor* Mrs. Hogan, Mrs Doyle, Quay ; Mrs Hoare, Moto Oct. 1st and 2nd KILMACTHOMAS Actorr, tiennc MONDAT and TUESDAY, to Paris from the , most- remote corner* of Miss Power, Miss Doofkn, ! A Friend; Miss ¦ ; EACES, ' : France and kept them Groves, Miss iCarmichdfl, Messrs. W; Ken- ! (Under «I.B.A.:Eules) i j delighted for hours ueally, J. Gleison, Michael Ryan. Rl Noljan, TUESDAY, October 9th, ITDE8DAY NIGHT lander ths Patroasgs together, or at.the «kill with which : all the J. Whittle. MJ McCarthy/Quay; J. Molorjey, ! : 1900. . end Presenco of . culinary arrangements were conducted. The ' I p.m.—THE CUftRAGHMOUE PLATE of | J. Veale, J; Mloore . J. McGrath, Joseph S^ge, ; JOHN E. REDMOND, Esq., M.P. ! BUQ had not yet risen when whole legions oi W. Higgins, M. FlynnJIM. Gleeson, J. Sagi , IS Sova. ; Second Horse 2 eova oat of 8take. A Higli- Weight for Age Hnrdle Baco.¦ Tvro Milts. En- waiters;were putting the finishing touches to senr., M. Keede, J. SlatteryJ M. Flynh, ' ¦ ' . • street; Thorns Whittle, ; WY Kehoer-23. |Cd. trance Fes, 7«. 6d. . : the countless tables, and carving operations : " ¦ 1.45 p.m.—THE GLEN DB each. " - i |l i . " • I - ,' VALLE PLATE were, proceeding apace. There was» veritable of 20 Soys. ; (SecoDd Horep 2 SOTP Miss Power .Mossrs, J. i Egan, 8. Hickey, A , nnd Third Miss army of attendants, but 'not an} atom, ' : ¦!' »av. out of Vlats, A; Hondlcsp Hurdlo Face. 11 T IDA M()LES¥ORTfl'S of con- Priend—2s. each . ; j . . j Miles. Entrance ; ' ' . fusion withal. Everything was - , 10a. . , fn JU place in ST. JOHN'S. I i . . 2.80.—A. BA0£ FOR LOOiX COMPANY, ! ¦ HOESES.¦ ¦ En I good ,tirne, and the men ware standingat the > Very Rev. f. Fitzgerald, Adm.—£i. j trance, 28. 6d. ., ; ' ' : , i Under the directioa of Mr. MARK BLOW, poste assigned to> them waiting for the signal Mrs. Maher William-ptreet; Messra.'iHearne ¦ ¦ % ¦ , 18.18— "THE: KrLUACTHOMAS; !¦ " i . GBAKD IN| THE . j to begin. A correspondent «ay«:f-"Kothins and Cahill , John Ryan,]]W. J. Smith, P. Kiely, PKIZB of 20 SOTS. ; Second Horse S eovs, and hid ii • G. Nolan, Alderman Power—£1 eacli. ! Third 1 eov out of could exceed the promptitude and; attentions Stake. A Handicap Plot¦ B«o. ADVENTURE? OF LADY ; ¦Messrs. ' J. Illackey, I j J. FitzgeraldJ. , Qwen 7iFnrlorRa. , Entrance, 10s. ' oi the waiters. I have never w)ta^»sed better' Crontn, J.' H.JCurtis, R^ Morrisey, Dawaon 1, ; , i URSULA ; . :i ;; : a.O —THE SLAUN LATH PLATE of 5 8ove ; i , «r more intelligent service/evenat jfar.iimallne' J. Fanning—IOs. each. | : ' ¦ Second Horse , ^HTHOMT OPB sothor of the " PrUonw of ! l eov. ontof Plato. A Handicap IBT A H banquets. .Each dish was excalleot the* Mrs. Ahearne, John-street ; Mrs. Cheasty, Fist Race for Beaten Horses. 5 Furlongs , - Ze«da,". . | . : .^and '; G. and 140 ' Manor; 'Mn . Ryan, i Griange ; Messrs Yards. Entrance, 2s 6d. , : : : A« played for over.288 Nffthta »t ths Duke of wine» were good as well. "Plate* wereipeedtry- . Briscoe, W. Power, J. Kenny, M. Biirrowa , J. ; York's Xhestre, London. ; removed and replaced,' the only thing that WB Barry, P. Cashin, M. MtManus, T. Fjitzgibbon " ¦ ¦ Entries CIOBB nt 8 on 7UE8DAY, £nd were ; expected to do by way of being' —5s. each. I I i ! . ! : .'helping j October, with the Hon. Sec ; Mr. R UAnrEt, from The DrcifM, Soeneiy and properties art «11 to keep our knivea and forka, as it |would hare; Mrs. Keanfi , Manortj ; Mrs. Quigiey, Mrs. ¦whom full particulars can t>a had on rfeprodactions pt ttaosa used durlDg ths McDonnell, llrs. Karr, Mrs. O Donohoe ; ODDlicatlon. exact been absolutely impossible to renew themwith; icon at ths Duke of York's Theatre, London. ¦ Messrs. M. Phelan, Mlanor ; P. Devereux, J. every course." . • ! . j. ' . " i- ' vj Phelan, -W. Barrow, PJ Hurley, M.i O'ReHly," Pit ' ' ' ' " Prlcss—Dress Circle, 3»; Stall", 2t; .Ui ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ T. Flemraing, H. J. Twigg, T. H. Mario*-, F. '!¦ ¦ ¦ ¦;. LOB Lad Gallery, 6d. , : ¦ ; — : Briscoe, M.I Fitzg' eralfli J: McMahonJ M. j \U\ ' STRADBALLY RACES, n ing pply i Doors open at 7.S0 ; eommeaee at 8. ; iruriicardi, T. Fitzgerdld—2s. each. 1 ON ; at Mrs. C»inpion's, Qn»y- THE death of Dr.' Hunter Maguirt, which;!0*j*$4f Messrs. D. Power. JJ Lynch, M: Clear, M. TUEBDAY 2nd OCTOBEE, WOO. ro reet | Booking : ¦ : ' Karly Admission to all Puts, «d extn curred at Bichmond,- in Virgina,;a few' ' Kih\-an,,M. Fitzgerald, M. Clancy, . i i Under LB.A. Rules; ' C3~ d*j» ^|' Keeffe, T. : »t 7 o'clock ' .' . , M. Butts—2s J each.' ' : ! . I . ago removes another ot the few aurvivoit wh^^i COMSTTTTEE AED SrewAEDs.! ¦ '-, . took the Confederate' ' I " ST. ! PA' 'RICK'S. I! ! part£p side in, ih%X)m&f it | ; Messrs. Thomas Foran) D.C. ; Matthew!Cummins War, whicH raged from 1661 to i&Mimffllit Very Rev.'T. Dowley Adm| ; Bev. W. Burke, John Cunningham, James Walsh, Michad Coffey : ' 1 the Northern and Southern Staiis-O*|S«|P C.C.-p£l -each. i i I - James Cummina, Edmoad Goagh, Jomes- 'WbeUn, U/0 ' ' Mdssrs. Wilshe- and Fielding—£2..' Thomas Walnh, T. J^EUejr, Patrick" t'8 Hot American Union. 8ince the dea)A( ¦ ¦ ¦ Kinvon¦ , Philip ECTURE : ;^p |^^ ' " ¦ ¦ . • CouTrrr <3ourt Judge Adams is a jewel ola M rs. Nolin, Geor,;e s-street; .Mrs.j W. Gough. . . ; ; tti- Dorsay Cnllen, of Bichmond, who jwa's ,- ¦ ¦ ; ' of Xnwi^at;^ Powe'r, .Barronstrand-^ :feet; Miss : Ahearne, Oryicuis . ' ¦ • : RIDAY Ei Judge. While othej: legal luminaries are direc^r General LongBtreetVDivi«i) n',."I>yi'' ;. Patrick-street); ilessri.; L. Egan ! iW. jFitz- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 ¦ . , Starter—Thomas Walsh. ; ' pazzling theif heads! over big law books arjd Jfagutre, who »cted-lntbe samej capacily¦* (<, > ;'. Patrick, Philip Mtirphy, David Grant, N. Clerk of Course—Michael !Coffey. ' ! : :' i I i ambiguous Acts oif Parliament, " Dick ", Bolder—£1 ebch. 1 i . : ; ! Judge, Hundicapper, GeneralStonewall Jackson' WvMion, ws# fl>»M' i and Clerk ot Scales—f. T. ¦Adama simply goes! and does what -he con- * Mrs. Hanly, ilichael-street; Mrs.iR. Hyan, Flnnagan, Sec. LK.1A., 8,| Upper • r. T most eminent snrgepn in Vjrglni«, an^hid AM ' Sadiville-¦etreot, >Irs'J Sullivan, BarroHstrand-3treet r Messrs; Ihiblin. ¦, : : ,. i • ¦ . : i*jder» the. right thijig to do. And it i» in»i in aidrtt» - | I very l^rge practice Bichmdnd| .ent H. Gramgert P. Wh-ttle, Thos. J?oley, H. Hon. get—T. J. Rfloy. : ' i irariably right. If not strict law it is stric^ Mernin, M. O'Brien—lt)3. each. i ; i 1 '¦ ¦ ' ' s. vironsi When Stonewall Jackson Was woonde* StakeiHulder—James Phelan. " ; !justice. ; His lateat decision, that on the Mrs. Hawel Mr3. F,urlong, George's-street; 5: i« in at thejBattle of ChancellorsviTle, upon May ij ¦S : iFranchise ,Question^ a good case point. 1 Mrsi Walsh, tephed-street; Messrs. U. J. Entries close on ERIDAY, 29th SEPTEMBER 1863. pr. Meguire amputatedhiateii ainv turn Breen, John Alyward, : , ! L. Hogg, J. H. W. alsh, with the Hon. Sec, Stradbally, County Wotaford. iln Ximeriok. iaa in Waterford^JWdLelseaiiere, xemoVed.the bullet whiah hat paid their rates. Thai : M«. Hprter-', Michhol-street—2s.i Cd. 1 12.30 carried to the rear, one oJ &• :'bf*rer»«t\iffi . p.m.—THE FARMERS' PLATE of 7 Son, i was due to the change* brought about by the; Messrs. IP. Walsh, Jasi Redmond, ji. Henne- of Trhich the Bccond horeo will receive stretcher on which he laV;w«Vkijled, ajii-ai : ' : ¦ 1 BOY. out of i Local Government Act. Nobody. :waa really berrj—2a.' eat h. 11 I M l stakes ; |a flit raca for horses that nei-ir wonarace, stretcher feU, predprWinV fM^ ' :¦ -; i T JINITY ITHOUT ;|- , the bona fid j , and the Act never contemplated dis-j ^ ^li : W . |; , property of farmers rrsident in the Poor to blame ground, and causing hinr'suoi iilehW *9 ^t Rev. M.jWalsh, C.C.;! Rev. G. Law Union of Kflmacthomao, and in their possession franrhiRintf anvbodtr because of the sudden on&' ¦ Measherj-lOs.¦ inoQ that a piteous gTOan—the an« ta wW^ each. . ' I I ' |h j ! ' ; for three months previous to the date of races.' Weight for . age—Three years bld^Ort 71bs ; fonr he iver gave utteran(»-^issueff4roin;hiii«i Mrs. Kirw: n , Mrs. [Power, Barrack-street ; , lCst 121bs ; He Misd Herjnel erry ; Messrs. Michael Britton, five, six and aged, list 31bs. i On» and a quarter miles. fell upon the stamp of a tr^r/wfcii&itnftPB Entrance. 2s fli ¦ .' . •; tlte right P. Konny;, K ng's Meadow : W. Powe r, Thos. j . .nd would ignore me surrounding circom him <^n side, uA brda0v o^O^m Bouike, P,. L irkia—5sU each. ! i. : 1.30 p.m.—THE STRADBALLY PLATE of £5 :es. Not «o Mr. Richard Adams, Q.C attack of pneumonia of which jeiAt ' (Open Handicap) ; second ydajri'laM^ Mis. Wall. Mrs. Combi. Mrs. W/ilsh • Al^srsl hono receives £ 1 out of loes not : see wby men entitled' to vote; he died. Bat for the diieaiVflf. b»$cattm J. aiid M. Gajule, N. cyulfielci , R. Gleeson, W. stakes. Distance about Two Miles over hurdles. DglO . " : ? Id be cut' off ) owing to< a miserabl ' Hally, W: ~B ildwih, IX i McRedmorid, Joseph Entranceiee, 2» 6d. -: !" ! under which be «ank, -1fwa» ih**piaf ai:, am Ryan,. - .Trios. • Phelan;,! i'W. i Whittle, Jweph : 2.30 pirn.—THE CXTRRAGHMORF. VT.A'rv. cf licality not provided against, unwittingly Dr. Maguire thai Stonewallj Ja tlaon^^ewOT Walker, Micl ael V.'alsh; Richard Grant, iJohn £15 ; seipond to receive: ^2 ; out of stakes. 'An Open le Act of Parliament. As the claimant have recovered from hU wounds.S TJ^;^5»«iCT Murphy, R. ieame—23i 6d. '., Handicap. Distance ! about 12J Miles, over hurdles. ' each | ¦ ' " ¦ lot at fault Mr: . Adams says : they mua giv^byDr- Maguire thft Messrs. ^Mi.shael- Phelan, C. . A. Ward. James Entrance fee, 7B 6A. ¦-. : ' ^ l^iifhtfA^M^ 8.30 p.k—THE W00DH0USE their votes. And • reason aad comoxli 8tor|ejirall Jack»on> life', wtij-ra ¦mpU( ^^ Deaj F. Hog; .n, Dari^lPower—2s. each. ! ; PLATE of £10 ; : ¦¦ " ' ; second horse ,to .receive £1 out of ) were ail on his side. ' We would lii« U writito' ;wh«A Foley- ,^; ;! - . ; DOMINICANS . " ; - ; . ' stakes. An Open ;thaV. sl^bie ti4« ' ¦ ¦ Weight for Age Hurdle Race Three years old, tie man who would question hiB ruling ii danntkesa Confederate^ Mrs. Oileirc—£1. | ; , ' ¦ ' M0Wi>§ & *ma ' 9st 71ba I fouryears, lOst 121hs ; five, six and fl"ed High Coiirte/ ,|•;.- ;. . ;. ' - : :; South Messrs.! LJ Slatterji W. Murphy, i john list 31bsi Penaltics-r-Winner . br Mr. Beretiord HopiJM.P., wuc^l Greene of any .race;since 1st , James Manrjix, J. Mahony. j 4ir- January, iieOO '.ptaalised tlb» ; of two or veUe4, at Bichniena on ^)ct<*e*' »>|M@H| mount—10s. each. j : . I i . more, Hlbs. ¦ NVinner of the 8tradbally Plate penalised an additional E . ADAMS, on Tuesday, decided th< was read out to the««»>n*I«.m M&Uji(im$ Mrs. Dowliy, Ferrsbank; Messrs.- Andrew Klbs, and winner of ihe ' hieo difScultv. Iwhich had arisen in Farriell, Purragmnore Plate excluded. th< 6ron^'^ea^t»; *any:'^^iiIS^M Jan: es Whitty, M. Kearney, iPaul Distance about Two Miles. Entrance Cau'lneld .]E. Walsh ,; MJ Hanly—5s.i eacli. ! fee, fisJ 4.30 p.m.—THE CONSOLATION PLATE of £3, Miss . Power, Glen j I Mrs. Colfirl; Messrs. for beaten hotses at the- 1 can Jo'se^pji Wals i, ; meeting. Catch weights. James! Mulrowny, Ja3. Barry, Entries to close at the scales. : Distance Thomas O'Tc ole. T. Bower, ¦ li Miles on th> Denis; Doolan, J. Flat. Entrancefee. 2s 6d * . 10 fall rate whjcft ja IKMT Huthhihspn, J. Normoyje, .j ¦ C. Hogan—2i.¦ 6d. eacH. . ' :l | ! . -[ r :. ! moieties, could hot abs • : MI i FAIK : 1901. A good deal of creditli due to t Messrs. : S. C> 'Brien, JS^.: Fitz<^>rald, James amii be lirfd in \h& TOTVN-i BfAL officials for j the e*U*factory \ ipannet H.-illy, M. Ba ley, Denni3 Dunlee, M. Keogh, CARBIQK ON which thi»! rates' crux has been dealt [yrii 31. I|am1—2a. 6d. eaeh'.| : : . M ' ' j : - - SUIR ; i Miss Power , Miss Barron, Mrs. Delalianty, >n Tuesday In various pther cities, including, we belies I ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ aiid Wednesd* Waterford, J)t>blin, ! iind BelfMt, nabw J. ¦ Hbgari—2s.¦ ' each. { ! . j ' ' ti<« ¦ - OCTOBER ¦ ' > il ¦ . ; . . i ! : ! i 2nd arid 3rd, ' . all persons who had not paid ; th> tiro mofeli aid of the Funds to liquidate ' fbej oi rai« M ot id*jp *i WM mmm'/« •] :¦ -m- :; : ' ' Gojm m %.&umim;.t< :^;: v. .i ;- ;^tEh"'\Vri ¦\f . .IUB4WS PAIjE I A . ' | ¦ CEL?BH#E)D . li .Tml glid ed, -fif ;> I ". " -. " :-" -j " ¦• ' : \i :> WCK-M-SUm ! ^AZiAi •;i : ':. t; • ;:]iMMiA» ^IJO^ES.! j ;j; . bin : :.:Doa'tiloi tei'to senc! ] trar' iorSori ifor ¦e

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¦ U'^t^ri^igj3^-;t^ ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ rpe«' • :!: . !! ! . jl' 8to»WkHWial.a pf&X' j ^;^^^^^^ .Jii ^^iii. ^ \ ^o ; D i. ^M!%c1,awlwi lrk'tidtt .^f »' tb^eatlpidg i 'Tl»;-Hoiiuiei .,*roi>yiiy.'i|lJV i- Ioiw»tt ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' teaval nwy; ^duca, IwSJto.Mjpai&'ilii? ifie HJM ' 0, I! . : ¦ .!, : ,.i_ ;8tB» i."fircja» X. . 2. 8' jfc?;! r' i4Vertised!Ih *^to«^ita«4»iof: : . ¦ * ^:'ty ^ ; ¦ v '- ' ¦'*¦ ;" ;A ' " e^||;^|o»W ^),^a^^i^^e^ ' i * ;«/• .;i . Fqii O' V* f ; • : !!U L • • '( " ' '- ' tyn pflteJ ^sc«^jort ^;^Mi ^^ i|an'«^|t ^is ;^^ neweit! ¦fi*jpi'| of; :, ¦! ine nw;,jiudj I n .JRed&onoVrwM s rla :DuiichftM4 rby- M»v Patec Power.. M ;: fc- ': ' ^ ' ' <'&!• ' ¦ «i -" Ho*.m»fttt!»-!QiiWl»i . ¦; . ;Vv aqial JfrajipiDS l'i|i^S^«W!. titf&j , 'f fW^My^ u lirinan,of Jr^'fty, tuider%hat;were;Teir ¦ ¦ ¦ •«¦« • ' " ¦ ? • •: - Vjv ¦ ^ ' cna Bon.i'wero ^o^wsjouoo".: i.; , :;i, . r, - . as B-D|AMN(> ' : .:;: • /-. ..f, • Pot TJ.iflntoneV: ;? -?/ ' -; "jroK . apgei ¦ ¦i ; : : ¦ m$mf w : ;^T il|jdfc6f; may| ^worJOTrf n|!- i^' ,'- in j cf i^fi^i'.^nikj|iJBM^ iV waa top^/;tHa|rth f) . - v f .! ' - k- ^ ;;;¦ *- V''^^7n^r *^ 77T ¦' ' - '¦' :- ', rf-: L : r- ¦' : * m Hgs weighing iVer 'to. 3qf. Mlh. a « i6fIfttlei it no ¦ ; . tfmmmmtj-ytold ip(|n,^c«na'apMwM,-•> tol£> "exiBtiopf coalition> of' iiiiosUial: Jwland,' ' )r 1 ' l ; ralda to! u» for bacorv anS Jt tai m fi'jOI, ' 1 : ' i irignt '^ra;had^ a^VnjtbVire'lanjIj NE^t¦¦^te]£B9H4i:T ii\^P- i% W - •.v^fiyS^/yocw ^dTflndJnU un&to.t ;.«&« tu to Aira neeaifc- .BXistloBi. tottt ot W * jj{- Jdi.i»cUriijn|aJj ;.}> 'ineipkl.j ."of;;i. :!TecIif)ical: for the The peop ,¦ y^ry ato^oR^ek ayv.oj , subject w a very considerabler tdoc IQD In pri I J, ' d hopes Mat ll g^ future! ; -Ati*e vaiciesJlHl f'Wij^-Mnuuinfl^ui^jxKmtriet.Bajopin t¦ ¦; ( M -¦ ¦ ¦! " ' )-- A- -! < : : }¦ 'isv $ Btos iAgncnJftirali Society; cloa« iJBpi : ' ¦ ¦¦;¦' ' ' ¦ « f cm:tfa^ atppS ¦;. - ! , . Jf-iL. < .; y^S , ,; ;, ; ^cation: .thjiV' thi :pretic»i"; Ptaijy|;artc|-the; ' the New 'l;b^\:/ ^;i ' }. '-)l (» m*i ii *t0 :• |- -i.• . . j;. - . «d i« m\.; ' rV«ribIjMtf;^ja«Ia«*»r tf if lyf eo^*tgm^^ p;¦ their credit b< it ^a|d, loyally ec.ceptca ti|i ' gi purid ¦ ^l . ; The BEST available,lood tor pl« laipotaji oes; lpp^ent ifj jdeaii pntaide; tbe.^ofkBap 8.000 peoplepasseij frtbj thtf^exhibition Tfit " - ' ¦ '(¦ ; i '; 'i : - ' ' " " addresses. were git*Sto -«fl«Uw sdjufsv.: . 1? . N ,»uccei ». tbi iTplatouB;':. . • ; r |-V" -//v - -: i- !j " ' .V. I' ; -.- *" *arley meal Is perhapstheverybest ; Indian neal ^ njiprWise 'jai\d |iajne together, forgetful erf The Show itself was n ptowSunfeed '^ ¦ ' i M>'8tepb€D» ^oiTu«aji»i order to 'ooneolidate jthelt enUtest rtr-gj LOT OM ot .* young'bout ftr Jt&lO Th*buyi lisment has giyeii Iielind: an opportunity in , pteviius jshow ' the::cnnnty deRthii ol'ioBautcW banltruiptcy will MV«r benefit J f - by boiling, j In l oll i«a«i mUk ihould>li » be ' e*de»s: of Tiny mostm lnwr< t ) hm. ci«que'oa B»lsfolBan! , wbi»*reply, n* ' ; ' ¦¦:¦¦ rah initiative, ' litical Unity:;.trut;it wai not so with some oj exbib^Ww ^ra jrtigg from dUwkLocal^VernmeDt BUI OB from-»Home * FtJ iisuS^rt• t^p'W given, this is moat ;; ;), ' , and i localiies the chanfce of The machinery . '' v > V S ) *• Important ' . ived, wa» th^th«' s iiM*« SMMMliP > A' ' :\ . I '' . ' iileadilio mfmfiira bi' tha nartv. who &tti iequine'departnient several; haignlj EuloBULuiIoiah« t«prtj)»r»dtolobk aiWi; her own ' The veryjWOHST foods P«rh«i» »r« t«nlp« to arid in the ecojjnt ther»' Tbebo»« appearsto b»TebeeB,Tr»iIe^ototoirAmi , mangolds, ' !an6V jbrewiery] or dts;nretr umlng »ed 'KniEinals' Were $mi[ji-f !: The arrangement! inteteatljaiKlla dia to «ufiport4«i|elf,;not In traffiddeg. piiBjpfey. ' ' .' i ; , eiiowing.a; •jrret^neq-exanrpie tnose;wi : tiulttwfc Mr. witt * ea>Wj,' tbe. so-called borir fallowing.; Tb« ms every : pig fed op these tbat is klllad In bur were'SdmirW>i4; afld-'the; j^dtShg th* n uittfactuier: of-.Bngliu*. and \ Cohtmential unknown to the a factthat lebd naturallv' look tor thUmj.for light and 1 did theffe tlm town*, hot m, (he reft of the J>uy«rs, pteznlees.w'n be ascertainedtb be "snfatt ied'.' lea^in Waltei BishopnO^Waterford; p:oducat ¦e iB»piilon' to thi entire ' Nothing < . ' ! An|onite( hooie." transactioo. when cloven Into pldeijln' oar bant fog tense brk : underlntjg jindnstri^s, Need we point td;North Louth, to Cork pit as;»isual in a . «atisfacforyi0ianner. ; jTHew i* m icb. truih in what U.rtsted hm, kljtd QM happened'tej'u^ i disnet within;livin ,was,ilr; G. P. MalcomwMi, We tnew . hnadredi ¦ ¦BAWN 1 pf twopfice. . ' La Ii)W ' Mr.. Alfred Webb; as niemixr for; divi ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ ' ¦ Ini ituttoris and! dis^et flirai shing at the. nominal price the CUREUS. I :¦{¦ )- . • •• ¦;:): , .:¦:¦ ¦ iosthictiou W« are In rubste itial agreementwith the tubjoined ¦ anjoys ¦ ' ¦ ' ' of Hajevys that still, previout to bis original ' • ¦ opera, ¦ ¦ ¦! ' ¦ ¦: ¦ ¦ ' " is the only , selection few thought ¦ ¦ ¦ . . • ,. I ¦:. . . ; • . ¦ ¦ . i . WmarlU.i of: tha '.' \ intiitjbe . "Dall .;, by.b pen tb.jiuBpectlin by officats ap- Europe; and aa tbA boofc .lief ore y Independent and j Nation be . put j iii nomination,, That ' the ame througaut ra^eoaog. ths.mannir . he> hat- auot Commence, to, fatten y6ur plg i Jnjntedfaxely ^pbtited Debortrnent. <' i Tbe-.luatUconv vendetta has been, declared, and each slde is laj whioh-Mr. .Williani O'Brien repreM3ktin£tb« wishes of 'thfcelaoton i« ¦ ¦: 1» odadnoting bimself In itbe voviro»¦ dl»apj«»TC of .tha fl ' and fellow-couhtrymefl "!Kgh ftitte?%nfet ." He wia^ttjnj-j" p£' the Ljoo^m,' whith Mr. ', O'Brien is; DolaSai^o»B1^5S ^ f meal ; this ta most Important ; yox cannot fsJ ten of j^bom 8tx aie 'enumerated, snonld be catered ^ arid - LcT thee, my »ftug hter;'"eacy¦ !ol fhioh p^Bmng, . in ' ^^ ^«^' ? plga profitably without milk. : ;: •¦ • :• at home and abroad. - Things have come tci endeaToarinct to utnias that nrgftnisattoa f it. the ad- iS^^^ iifl ! ' fprj. ' i To accomplish: thl? one Technical i8 a;gem in- :its el ^^ /:- - ! |, jr. :; vanoematotlus ele . Senarated milk If not sterilised should be i ted | ,j such a pass now tbajvatrongmeasures must ba Mi( ctoral1 ilealgns. No morn uirpatribtlo The > selection,of. - Mr., John CulhnaM, Baashs, 8chpol " will b^: reqpired i»i ooiinty- ' action' ha» e*er been recorded to tb« disoredit of instead.' of Hz. perfectly fresh, there Is no dlflcultjy about to s v each; resorted to it the; country is not to slip back EOYALTY;AND8POBTJ i any Frank MaadviUe, for the Mpresenution ' ' ¦:¦¦ ' i ; ! modern politician than that of Mr. 'William O'Brirb in of,South Titperarv came thafa.mer baa a separator of bls c wn ;Veep the bor^ukb/' ' Thta : Tecbni*^1 jSehopl i may bo into the slough of Respond out of which:she ' I from , .'as a greatsurprise to those : ' We have : received : | the following ; deliberately .lighting ( anew the torch of discord and who hid not a peep behind thoioeaes.. Mr. CoUinana veiselsBcrayuIonsty clean. | " : i otilued for the pliirpo'se ofiiiis'ractidruin the H«A IbMn llftfld Onr npnnlft nroati now or (I-el Ik -a r> ¦ Ct«ntBl.uinnn Hmintv OlareC—"in Separated milk from the] Cresm iry Bhoak ba filngtag. IreUnd ond» again In to tb« freiay ofciril has been s prominent figure in irisU politics all Us life. ECiehqesa aderiymg Agticalture. . To ptimnlate itriJe. The «tt«mp. sterllfaied: THEBB. It esnnot 'be 190 atxonglj In- during -I ' ' ¦ '' ¦ " " ' Kl kenny in tha interests of the League. ' '' ' almo3tcertain to Inherit the bad y im- be lost—the good ,Vork wholly undone. There Ins, regimeni DUNQAEVAN.: , ; ' AN ANCIENHTADLT ' i . -¦ i . . ' mother and" when ! marketed' classify aa practieable sugg^tioi^ offered ; aa to (cfountry, played iPW^ijtor | : IHHHIUU ' ¦ is we know a very strong feeling on the part oi match agaiinst Carlos County.' at their - The: Southorn town " Vnflnlshed." Xhe MST I inlmalB, male: and ' distance o by the sonndmg sea hat of Utt I • ¦ sea the manner of co ordinating educational in. the;great majority of Irish Nationalists that ground, Tiny Park, a short corns npi to' more than usual DAT MA L. : femalej sboula pa selected foe breeding pnrp< , - ' If I recollect < prominencethis summer, eatbfae ory JstiMions. Theoreticil knowledge i«j|without some approach sWuld bo made; by the Carlow. The Carlow team, thanks to.tHe posseulon ol tha railiray ' . It U just 49 years since tho. Government first tho reanlte bay better and are more . fe* of I Messrs. C61gan, linobarinKcome ' ¦' ¦ ' queition. ua esseiitiial ocqonipapliient of bolns: compoaed into the , possession af.the GreatSouthern a&4 Western arranged fora Hay Mail from London to Waterford. ' every way. ! .. . i . . . : | j [ ¦ . cont-entious.partie&- ,that would lead to a com- ' : HI ll Grotran ana Boss. j.. Bailwayj Cdmpany who wisely fixed upon Dungarvan H MIIt . 1 practical edncation,. i It! will arouse; the tnon ground of action, - and thus ovoid thfe ^ ' ' , as tha point ul attraction . fcr peopls resident at.the dormant area of ambif.oa .yr tbe tradeamau's reirrettable and disgraceful scenes, too many THB|ST. JOHN;S PBIZE DKAW1NU. i I opposite LIBERAL BUT MODERATE. : : extf emities. if. ths Una The public who wished min^y und raise him from n compajrativel connectiott witlt to spent] ani Ini 18S1 tha Hon. Charles 'Ponaonby : ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' j y of which are being; unhappily, enacted io We are requested enjoyable holiday at the seaside on tummer defeated John {_ . ' j ¦•:. ' LIMITED. gold watch,m Francis Moguire, the Cork patriot : unthinking state to that of a rational being. parts of Ireland. The people are not to blamei. the drawing for the iasdspmej Snndays: were afforded every facility for idoinz' so. ¦ , for the representation \Vaterfbrd, October let, lOOtt |; i| ' Benpvation Fund, thai of Dungarvan by 78-' It will foster higher ideals of life improve tbe aid of the St. John © Uheap excuTsion teains.werenm at convenient hours, votes. The hbn. gentleman on , , They are inflamed by partisanshipwhere they the Ucket:: -purchased 'at thfe with th^ result returning thanks for his election wroto—Ouropponents standard of work tha liolder o! tha| the various trains wqe heavily , tnalia labour congenial, ani nuirht in hfi nnimnted bv feelincs of natriotic second nearest to that upon which the watott freighted, and tho good have bera fairly beaten, and tbe result has been the ' ; people of Duugarvanwere the jj«je. ', the ; way for better posU.iohs. : Should stops will be declared tho winner ; assuming, recipienta of largo quantities ef coin'of the realm which triumph - to your borough of liberal hut moderate fortun* opinions. : AUCTIONS, f #c these hopefal anticipations be realised Ireland of course, that no purchaser has been previously had beenJ disburBcd elsewhere or 1 perhaps . . EnniskOlen sold It r' T ye ri jLorf ' ' ate enough to hit upon: the exact second COOT left to rust at home. No fewer than to lht n! • ' * *V> ' : 1 1 ' ' ; r will have made a| decided advance on the rond 8,800 people were : j i . : SALE9 BY !:¦; •:: tained in the twelve 'hours. The competition landed by train at ihe Old Borough on Sunday bat to prosperity, the tide of pm'gratton will be em 10 ioiiow ¦ uniiciuie raLut^ indepen , KILKENNY. R.D.C. No. 2.. m^mm will be under the- supervision of an and ot tha^ number|full stemmed , y l;500 were from Wateiford THOMAS : WAI^H &[8OS , and our people's social condition dent ;Wateriord CommiJtee^ ; : ;; : ! alone. , Tramore otcourne suSered proportionately and The- monthly^ meeting of tha numbers of this 'materially improye|l.: | Wafcjrford has now a all the more Ditalble is that it has broueh will continue to> do jso unless a more tarifl Is Council (Waterford Union) iras held in tbe Board : ' ¦ : 'been ' I : ;- - ! ¦ ¦ ¦ , •!¦ ; 'I/! chance of assisting in ^hat advance, and those THE LIGHT THAT FAILED. - j . j established on the liUle line that connects tbe city with Eoom of tho Workhouse on Wednesday after the i ii! . . : . in busmen of .the Poor DURA.ND'8 PADD0CK8." WA.TEBFO !wh;a have studied the question, A citizen of standing has requested;usito Law Board had concluded. Under of Technical , which, presume the original, arrangement the meetings:of tha District SSJwSSSSSS'Sai' instruction await Wth deep interest the. action publish the following letter . ably, he has forwardedlto the manager, of tuo : Council were held on the lost Saturday in each month which will ba taken —At the OTJE KEPQJRTa., ! - : but recently at the instance of Mr. Michael Moher by the local committee. -Waterford Gas Company:—"Dear Sir. 1 , a AUCTION ¦At! iDongarran thero is tt three branch gasaber, Tke Nkws wasj the ;only papsr rcprtsanted at the major ity decidedto change the day to the last Wednesday IHE 8TODCTOEE ¦ : ' ¦ on Mojicay thB Mos^Eeveremd time of writing, OP ' :i ! : •; ; ;¦ : ; ::!, - of tho month. THE UffiET OF M Drl:Sheeban. on the occasion of the obehtne of (supplied in December, last wiyearth , anby your Kilrossenty Demonstration on Sunday, and our paper Tn»proposalwasmodeandcarried at the V DAIRY CQW8, HEIPEM; 1 WELL ! BP ED Ouner 3 ; Tnroai&j aa^ iv , nsrej anu uius uruig Companv^ieach branch fitted pean: was the; only Watefford time .with thb best inUntians, of course) but at the time ¦ a iiercy; House and Iddnstrial School at Dnn- journal to send a special BULL -1 6 : WELSH j PONIltS, HO B£E8, qpotumelv upon jas- a cause as ever c descent light, supposed to be lighting in the representative to Dungorvan for the great athletio it was agreed.too we ;ventured to point oot thot tbe garran, bit Lordsbipj nude ; some practical is being written.1 Blued contest between change woald necessarily be fraugn> with a- ¦: DONKEY, SOCIABLE CAB itb HABN1 8S, j nation ;was eneagfed in—its. own freedom from room in which this not Tipperory and Cork. good ¦ TBAPS, &a,, &o. , :•. - i , ' : remarks on this important subject. ' fie I said I started it'a gone out. The meter is turned on : ! ' deal of incorenlence.: The reason for objection was ;; V;|. an-alien and en; junjust rule?;.] We wish to I •«:« ««n¦ *««e«e4* I full, so is each cock in/.tho casaher. but to- en- I . . obvious. W« thought it sufficientthat , farmers. who thojt| tiiey were IJ 1| : avrdfe that some {time ago avoid personalitiia]ia8 far as possible in thfe ' BE S^LD BT AUCTION, in WONDAY. ' ' ' EUROPEAN FAME.;' • , came from a. distance without fes or: reward, and at TO an was paiised : for the proiqpHon of matter: but WA tannot refrain:from 8a.yintt considerable inconvenience let OCTOIIER. 1900 l(FAIR 'DA"J.j, itj 12 ! Ap 'opoi ol the|rc-csUbliahment of glass blowing and some.expense, had quite louses D UB enough to do to discharge their duties b,klt in ™ * r °* o'Jloaky ot " DURAND'S PADDOCKS," Bores ord writing taoie. ii ine?a?iB uu««'i in the city I we take 'tho following from th« ' NEWB as Poor Law theTundotibn m^ / of Guardians oa the board ^ ^ Strebt 1 , WATSHFOBD, by aireotioiis of! JE. H. Irelarir'. : The 'Gtoveroment has set aside ; a your Company, by each alleged consumer January; 17,; 185l[:—"We ' understand that , without being called upon to " the immediatel POWER, iEBq/ [who it giving 0^ Dairy;Fwmtngi the sum of money for ' your gas, because of. the fadtthat ope of yoi Waterford Glass Conipany is now manufacturing y enter upon the multitude of questionswhich ' thf workiog. of the Act. ¦ a new ^fe ' ¦ ¦ ¦ • : individu invariably arise in connection with' District Council followlnB atooi. viz : I;: . ;¦ - . • ' The sum Company's meter .Alleges that the and costly piece of workmanship for the great exhibition s^SasH^-' was not «s large as could be wisbed, that particular meter ; meeting. Tbe hardship would, as we have pointed out, 12 Prims Well-bred Dairy Oovia pn 3rd calf. ', : 1 on who3e premises Mi in London, i It is tojbe presumed that it will take first : ' ' ; but; sufficient, if: properly expejded lto confer .nO'Aripll ll tHdOUllllBlr BclllUUB BItli;e iUl. tfUJll innftfA^ Vi«« fiAnanni irnq: +,HAn- I. ftSK'VO: be parOnilitfIv felt in wintertime when 5n the darkness . 3 In-calf He«era. (j : \. ;; i : . Bedmond was called to the ChflirmariBhip o prize; for Vj^atnfbrd glass bxs European fame." : )¦ ' : gr«|tbenefits. economically ! ' and, perhaps, tbe inclemency, of a winter evening those lli Year Old Short Horn Bull- ;• :i - j If thisl sum frus the Party. The ;League has laid down thi : i «(*f*te(tH««U : 'The ! Cattle are good Milkara oua in oalfito a apeht,' his Lordship waB care the Government ¦ who stayed in to attend a District Council . meeting ; ' : : principle that eaib. Executive in a consti 1851. , .; . , ; . ; would be obliged to drive many thorough-bred Bull.! I;. ' - ! i ! woald increase the the country Uiency should B, its own member, but ii mflea to their homes. ¦ ;• ;O 10 itfu future!>nd elej?£ This view has, we are glad to say, been now adopted by i • I i '' . FOB THEB AcqooaK. V : sioite of that 'we have 'Mr. O'Brien, in Nort! IY >» There were stirring times in Ireland at tie Elections ¦ ¦ : would share larger benefits iunder.;tbe new meters Bxe ^as mey »re m ^jm. Ho believe i the total sum iset apart are) at rest.—Yours, elo., LTJX.:' This letter id revat to the old plan of meeting the h& Saturd«jv>in 6 Fast Trotting Welsh Ponies¦ from 3 ¦years February 21st, 1851 " There -\vill "" • ¦ v '" ' ' ' j:— soon be on election : ;• : • • ¦ ¦- ¦ orated Newtovm, 26th. September, 1900; 6.45 'each-month.. ! i hioli, i . !iV ; ; for jhe orJeratiorii of the Act would' be bo- in Yougbsl too. Aunten, the tioitor, is going Djn. ' ' I -' : '¦ ' ' ' to resign, 1 Gray Gelding, 6 rear*, trained »q: all work' tTOfin: £160,000; land £2Ou;O00 year. - • •' ! and Lucas, of ths "I'ahlrt," is up—so ii issa&L Bravo : • a^ . Of ' ' 1|Polo Trap by Hntton * Son, DubllD. j] ; sum >¦ ' ¦ : Lucas, j V?p should like to sec and hear THE ' thi^ £55,000 was ! Bet apart for technical NEW ROSS COPY. * ¦ : , M in you and John FEOM THE PEN OF A PATRIOT GREATEST AND ' 2-Four Passenger Side Cars, with Lamps! and The earn lof _ Francis Bri^uire tho . House of Commons. 1/ tho j NOBLEST - (ooinplate). ' ' ; ¦; ed^atioo. ; £25,000 i would be Owinff in the nressure of election news arid ¦ Cuahlons . i . j . i psople of" Dungorvan and Youghal now show a bright We have received a pamphlet written by tbAt SosiablejCat and Harnes;. r V ! proi ided for instructipa in six cities, and Donkey, ¦ ¦ . represeniauve »jonven.uon. nir. u joneu,. u> example to j the: rest pf.Ireland, other constituences will sound And veteran Nationalist William J. Corbet, . ' ' ! •; ¦ 1 ; , • Israia-^Caab. j . ; . Ij. £30jOOO a year wonldi be applied for a like the way, appealed (to Mr. John Kedmond iof oust tho minions of the Minister, and thus shall the Old M.E.LA,, who so steadfastly represented for some • j ' :iTHOMAS WALSH U SON", Anctloneeri , parjw'se ; m the countjry at i large. It was his! intervention, [but he failed to elicit any-- Whin Cabinet be shattered to atoms. yean a division of the County Wicklow in ths House of ¦ thiDK more than a i coloiirless declaration of • SC»t«tC0«S3M» Mi ' : j IT The MalU Watirfsra.i! . ' estimated that the total amount granted for Commons, It is entitled " How j England Loves non-intervention on the part of our City Mem- ¦ ' ' " U'chliu'.al and agricultural education iw;ould be A TURN jOUT. . ' ; Ireland 1 and in a few- introductory, lines the¦ author " ber, who"is not to bo drawn into this inter- ! says :—" The following pages requires no preface, ! \ \ : COUNTY WATBBFOI.D. , T: [ . abo|}ti£175,000. ;iT»ialt would leave £i20,000 necine and sordid system of ' warfare. '¦ In Mr. tiramsftaw, ol tne uenerai jiiecvnu ' , About ihe middle of the century the inmates of tho further th»n to say tbe extraordinaryadmiration and a year for trainibg for agricultural'pp'sc)) North 'Wexford , Mr. Thomas Healy is to be Supply Company showed U3 thi& evening s Union were einployW affectionrecently expressed for overythiog Irish, including &ud tb».|veiry. from ro - < very latest type Ex- at various useful woi ks. The arTat»U Telt"^!^; * «M^'. ,; . ! . i: Campbire. Waterf prd/; ; and opposed -by Sir jThomas Esmonuc; Korth very fine dyilamo. of the . able-bodied males wiere compelled to swoep ths Shamrock, the Green Flag and the lovely form »l tte ' ' j :£30,000 a; year for instrnction iini the i» to be fought against the the periments nave just proved that the machine the streets, P^e borons ' : . ' j - ,' ¦; '1' I^Uth redoubt- and in this wny the cost ol labor to tho rdjjning bod Hibeinliv hsrself, suggest* that this 1> an appropriate I , i r\ . :% con try, apart from tie grant to the ' cities. able Tim. And what does it all amount to? 13 a splendid one, and fully equal to all that y AUCTION OF JHOuiil'ot.D 1 unNdTHBE, was comparatively limited. A turn out of th"> pauper moment to reprint some chapters pf Irish history, (3] ^*^ aruires,' i' , *£ *% Cbippondale Table with; Marble Slab ;. Gir in Tbc lineal authorities ^ould havo n voice in Simply this; mat men who held aloof froiii is demanded of it. This dynamo will supply sweepers' took place ii» ths showing tha sincerity of England's lj>ve for Ireland I'' ' Gjne the Abbot ^ ^ ^ ' 1 tVio Mnht frvr our hn;r fuctfirtr durincr tho WinteC /ear 1851, but they consented stern and cqld, I ^^^ - ! V :¦ <^.A~ doles:; ' Handtdme -itirble-'JIantle Pidcbs; exp tijliDg this money, wd if they acted In the the 1 United Irish League are beiner fortified in to return to work of penny The brochure which is printed by Mesfrs.S eoly, Bryers ; l dn paj^ment a a flay, with : -^d ttebrotteikoodoffris/i- ' • ' . ] 'i^sJ ':, g ¦ ¦ ¦ :8 their opinion that it will be used if possible ¦ in.j : Cbipi*ndale . Cabinet. feet 9 inJ he-2-feet ' ¦ privilege to smoke their pipes and Walker, Middle Abbey street, Dublin is a ; ¦ ' ¦ ' i jisray as they wew discharging their duty - «# ?•»» I i , • ; ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' : : , i . - Not-a ¦ : " ¦ ' i ! ' -Draw as lever for the use; of certain f actiomats,. and j ; , noma r j \ : - \\. Appolritments ; of Dining: and' ng on. he. several Cfonnty Councils throughput 4; ¦ : ! trenchant criticism of England's latter-day policy ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; \ Uoomsl Hall ; Eight Bedwoms.totehin,ft; not a» 14 broad National power for good in thb BURNING ! OF -HAY. ! . towards Inland and the-Iriib, and contains some con- i ' Bwnaiw to fcaii ' : i-- ' : : ihe l ' ; VISIT6BS ; 1 J /J'^ti ' , IIarnes3, Jlojtrers. [jQar- len jctfnntry, he had co fear: for tbc resalt. country. This unrest has also' had a very ' ¦ . vincing proofs of the Inancerity i of the so-called , yfoa tbonwnlderiDg ' ¦ V; Sid^Car, Ci6yderi or This forohoon at about 11 o clock, a hay rick, i : i days rf old. . - X ¦. : ' I T OUSM should rise abovti petty local serious effect upon thej general election fund. d ¦ " . ' ¦ Seats,' Farm .faplemente, Poultry) !H . Hay, ^rbT Boii&i BieycleJ Tackling, ¦;ete.;ett ; :| I practical : fire. Word was immediately conveyde to tne —Bev. W. Burke, qC, Mr. John P. Donford ^ basiaeaai-likej and patriotic spirit. doing so because they believe that the money Sefgt, , Sydney, A SUCCESSFUL'. EXHIBITOR. " , t Town Hall; and High Constable Grant, Misa Couuihan, Limerick, Mi. W. H. Polltti, l>ub!in, TJnreserved Auction; on XHUK8- \Vitj i these sentimeotslevery well-wiBher of the so subscribed may be devoted in part to defray Collins, and the Borough Constables proceeded rW\Of J>d Sold by ¦ Mr. John F. Knoi, Ooporation Law Adtiser, Mr. On (Tuesday at the-show of ¦jthe. New Ro*» DAY andiFBUMY , 0CXOBEfllHh"|8c I2th. indu itriaj . popnktion I of Ireland will most the expenses pf parliamentary contests in at once to the scene, and laid on a line of hose. Andrew ' Farrtll Agriciiltural Society, Mr; -Walter Long, »en., JL ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ which:one, Natifcnalist , T.O., Bfr. M. B. Walsh, Gracedien 19 (possible doubt; took' the fancy of Experts and tbe edmiration . factional contests, :and . we feel certain that might with ndyantlago tecuf e incandescent burners • r^r To|preventi QTercrotrding,a npninol cha ge WATEE^ORp' London playgoers know what is good, and will instead of the : of oil; who could -appreciate perfection in ¦ ! ¦ ^UAETEB; the Chairman of file Party -will not lend hini- 1 ones now in use. The incandescint burner ''mEde ottse door. ; = ' . | ; - . -^ :• ' i ' ¦ !: not be persuaded to, patronise -what 'isl bad. is certainly a wonderful equini stock. Mr. Long s colt is sired' by : • ¦sisSSION^- ; aelf to any such rhal-administration of the improvement on tholold order Lord CJeorge by Lord Gough; the daan Chaon- IHOHAS WAI>3H & 80S". 'Auetioncera, JOB, , money; of Irish Nationalista. . j The fact that the curtain: was lifted four or of things. No donbtthe Gas Company woulotbehappy ¦ ¦ ¦ flvo times after several acts, that Mr. Anthony pion iWindscratr—Arabian ty- 1 Larkin'a j O14 - ! ¦ j¦ ¦ ' to give an estimate for ths ¦incandescent lighting of the I ; i ! ' ; 1 : ! (The Mall, |Waterfi «rd.; . ;• : ' !- h .. . • i ¦ ¦:! . i ¦ ¦ ¦ . Hope, was,' cheered to the, full lung-power of city. ¦;' . I " . • , . M" Slug. I We congratulate :Mr. ' Long upon ' th« ¦; : : ¦ ,. . . |. ;. r- i | : /THUBJ8DAY. . all present* is proof that'last night's audienpp : . . « BuccefB ot his horse, and we ai« sure that the ; : Boots and Shoe*. Pco onr New Stock fj>r t>s*4>i>**sa*es purchaser is congratulating hltpself upon get- Wloter' wc»'. : Kobsrtson, Lodllo, Fergmod, was fairly delighted, and we think we saw on 1 Iinportalat Sale of \fiEB. . £¦ the faces of those wny teacher at thePrca' yea^ JEsst Wlcklow the ^ to " J ; ; M - ' cnt^tioh House of CommoDs and who O>rpor*jtloa a largeaonualsavit«jntbe li ;. .; . . : : . . ; 2L Tb» WaH is no criminal1 case to be tried on the city side. September ffijth , 1900. . \ [ ) Cbnvtnt, ' Woltfiford, rcprc*oit« tha local iaeoeue*, . wa> one of ths Ute Mr. publio giiftit; ' ¦ ; ¦ ' ' ' ParatU' ; o«otm^»r^rttheiai»»tii^provlo^le»aJOTOoipp»titfe» . . ! : :• : I WaierfoK His Honor; was Engaged during portion of having passed B. Her: nu|u Hm Very 1 ¦ ¦ s most faithful and trusted:friends. ; " high. Jp : ¦ i¦ ' such as j has aeeared fcr tha idUiw of Cork oroj the { day in the dispoeal'-of Undefended civil fttithmetlo, ah» canimoft S8 jxr cent ; snd method of j • «—«»»¦*«!»«» . I ' ' tMr ¦' ; ' ' ' M supplies' o»aboaoo» toirdle»tlu, a bills ; none of which possessed any , feature of . Good Wearing Qbaiftles and Siaod Vnlae aro tne teaching, 80 per ceni ita Esglishj ' 83 per eetf t :¦In -¦ 'i: ; ¦ ¦ • »h«pr^ol>wied ' ' ;i ¦ ¦ ¦ special IfeatDie* ; TBAMOBE- ' . ' i -I- ; . ! ; ¦ 0ood Second-hani t !.Baddles' fo« publ ic interest. • . .. i i , - . of l|obert«on. Lcdlle, FcrRoi>onyr &Iiis runagan, tbe Prtseotation Orde bu»fir«t,Ltd ,W8terfoTd. |[.; . I;. - — , M ! ' ' ¦ ¦ ' '¦ was raj far out and walking on the big strand was A* ciciniUqrtb «,Corpor»ti<)» ... t**td»ft*$w, ' ] j In very toolloh;Mr to ever think ,;¦; j exceedingly pl^osant, Thcfr wasj " MkskW'i Brien at wiuld of pq&fcuiOg TH]E Gq^C CONTEST QtTAKTEll SESSIONS JUBOESl ; i ; j the bathing boxes looking' the picture of health and as tha O»> . Works.' JJeoeht develop aeotsJn ,ek«fak' ; lighting'i moke it absolotely oerUin,tk in thsjooam-qC nii4(^w;|prirry;$E^sioN8 ' hearty and activeas lie was forty yearsago. * Oa .: i'. ifr- M.'P. J)evetauc, Oilj 8a]y -BhaiS hiipjnxoi a Um yeais at least, there wil^ not bey cto thr following; notification' jUrbicb will b« ol inlonat to or taKn in ' the Kingdom Without . on ekotcii I! STRIKING .ACTION OF THE j many I of our merchant chuouh—" All Juroii THE DEATH EATE. j . lighting installation.Toe Qu Wdrki fa,tep;yesM«oai PfedgBCUTIOK. - ; tq ^ ;j POST QFjfl^E ; i. " ; ji .; BISHOP. ; : .;i Bummoded to titend tbe Cjomi of Quarter S^tlom be to the BeaUtrar-General'sreturnfor h»vo drpreclaUa. in all probability;at £*A-&iijtp x ** J ; : of According last ¦ ¦ : '¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : ¦ ' ' ¦¦ hold at tho Court Boose, on th^29ta day September in vslu»» . • • - , ' • . : . V , death rato b Waterfoid was equal U17-9 per ' v ' ' week the! ' ¦ - ' - . : '' ' . •<»««.»»,. ! J. I' - :' , ; 1900, foi- th« pwposi of Criminal BmioosB , ;..; GlRGliLATjlO A ; UHEQUALLED¦ ¦ " : " ' ' ' -. ; pASE. i : - |WILL SUPPOpyi HEALY AND BLAKE. ! . , ar« hereby pel annum of the popolstionJ In otherIiWi cities . ' ¦ : ¦ ¦ i' y^tNlJDL ' : . . 1 000 ;; . ; i 1 . , ! , . i _. | j ; | | ' U\ ' . - ' : ¦ ¦ i "\ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ notified that tbeir attendadce will net ba reqbired' ;i' "j !• . ii 'j ^T^ i i f * and tamd the rate was ;.--€lonme!, 2if2 ; Cork, 18-3, ¦ " , Special Telegram:from our Correspondent. ! th? gold Couit, and they WUl be rtren cndlklctiurrf ttg A!LL l'LEASEP. . ' • ' ! 1 ' : A* the above Sessions yesierday ^Thursday) ns g Galw»y, l^-» ! Kilkpmy, 33-0;limerlct.aa-6j 8U¦ go; ¦ ' j :i i : i Dublin, Friday Eveping. I at the ajud ettio asu they had attended In puiMpaiioo ¦ ¦; ¦; ¦;'¦ ¦ • ¦ - : |2?, |WQ{ the Court investigated a; prosecution , of the ' ^ 153 ; Wirtfordj S2& ; , . . < . , „ . . . ! This week w« pitted 'an order for M/.j jt-O. ^PTEMBEE . J The!Cork correspondent of the "Eveniiij of the uid Sunmosi." FThl^meaDS, we air hi itjo ¦ ¦ ; M >«, . -| F4iP|fYl - Qu^n aaainst Colclongh, ' which I excited a ppy • .!, |« M« MW . , Dtmdiom, Co. TSpperory. *ckj»wWgmg p- < ; ; - ' Herald " : wires tbnU he has learned that trie add,' that theta Is no aimlnAl btoiheu to bs traniMtied ;1 8tewart, U grekt deai of; locai;infcerest. 'i |. i j ¦ " tbe printing Mr, Btewort^ itd-Titknam^^htiiS i Eight Bey. Dr. O'Cftllaghan. Bishop of Cork, this SeSMons. . . \'\ . , '1 . , ';. . ; -, -|'! . | THE CITY KEVISION; ; : , j . Tiiis was a'caie; inl which' the defendant, * . |J this mornSw; all well pteaMdwit ^jtwC ( ' J announces his intention of signing tho nomina- : ;: . j • ' i ' ¦ wer* Jaw stab-PoBtoastef of:Kilmitc«w wft8 charged ;j : «««fl*ftf«i«t .. ,; , . t-^ij ij i ; MrJ Hyjdntli iPlanlwtt, B.L.; has bm engapd wita embezzling t nlonie» tbe iproperty of the tion papers¦ of Meaars. Maurice Healy and '• ; ' G.. Blake. . .: . |: ij . . .. . | ' :: .j BORN AT BBLLBVOE; .:'L - i ' . " ' .¦: ^li • - iil tor the M *•* " thiTeVisWi ct tb«,CHy \£*V : ; PosViMaster; General j andjwiUiitlw larceny " awlTwa 'thint ?» lifeiaiayfng that pnhUo j&'jrj.iLxV|»M(«nK |.;; : . of - -fill from a, letter to him itor traiumisston ; " { IMt, w* -!. ! iihv:|l-M:^'' y.rar- i ¦ i; - - j :- : - - ;; ¦ . i EWuu- MsirlMJMptibhiM ' I Y;' - ... d ¦ ¦ 1 .;i - L«br8Ud.4eBre^Or»to» ,tUii|i 'interest1W &« boato*** •» ssM ' 1 ;¦ .i- ' ¦ ' '; ¦ iSU «•* through the pDst I: •: , . .. ;: -i; ii ,: [•¦ ¦ i : : r - - .,.;- • • ¦ - !¦ . • ¦I oaroity Men : n i\. : ^4ftf\\ : :. . ¦[ ^evob - I ffiJ T, ^ nnd DWotnatUt, «ra» bom «».b4)|«Te«, riair ih* mm E, BailUe Gagii i Solicitor to! the ¦r> Boot».ena Sbf a BM , onr New Stock fijr rpeiaeo\bot lcho|t*ilfr«dPow«,E»d, Ti . ,] < ¦ ioCmt ,. i Po&« Office Df telaad, prosecuted Ion Uhaif J N , i -' Xi^t . - T^dao^tk^iSnJa :tta Ktp«nJ J^Skrgfl IL ^y^q^r W«J. | ;Bober)*oo, Ledlle Petgoiio ;'¦:•¦ • - •¦ ¦;; bi the Post Iliatfli_p*neral..^n

¦ ; ( - -¦ ¦ ¦;-;' ' • ¦¦ ' {' " ¦ ' ¦ • ' - -Viv " ! • l li pp i i :- - J-v. ;-. .: • • . i - .- ;4 • ••^3f I' ¦ ¦ tt « i^ lfflp f l i i i |H i^ i^^ ¦ ¦ ¦ • " ¦¦ >!¦¦ ¦ • • ¦ !¦ • - ' . ¦ii' - ::•; . . : .. • • • . ;.. . lv -' i ^ i :1;.; Hi ¦ ¦¦ ¦ i ;? \m\\\mw?* 7.; \ - si"i-.Jr' -j. y .;-- .y,-' 7^^-^VV furlorlm';i tUt&li:- ¦*h^j|to»*mtt jtani:- *&$$ * : * .i railsTc fthis'lwsjl'' «6WP|irV vm hV : ino^lte twm:>tw.*i pmmm f tt<>%i*y> ]Tii 'i««*^» P:-;r. -^'.- JS-m stich [st'bm ¦ l-'iotii:yeatf rago^ and il for- ] >*& brokeh . ' l : tttK&te^ eniulb (to ;«c«rje^ a ; . limb.; iii ffl i * ; ; ^^} qbt the J - youp¥ ^clab>i:*as bidW abotftof tl ie bead ¦ m A m.w^ m^m- mmmmsm fc« ' ¦ ' mm m ' m ¦ ' brain.; : - ' ' ' ¦ atict^alBt>< cbh^slom J . i !i- - V.r . i 4lCF - i : i . ¦ ;¦ • .; ;. ; ; ' ; . - .¦fBxi - 1» ";; s|Ita^< : mm THS'BBASLEYS.; . •; ;/" i . , ,) VtfoiiniT&'itf¦ fitttit riTT idri:- . .cai - ahii«facing^-i.-$' - -!Kl1fe!ri^w4^ofl^^RJW^^i^B' hrtaaa!^ OT ; : ' ; 'ttoatiest:tJuehirig flrjiiladJ «M^ I .vKi i i ' A : A R wliclskvB'-he-wfl8ir&srekted coronas .veM.fct,deatkW trie '*Gl<«e tnjmo>Mjfirt ^afc ^^j ^E ithft ^S S^K'J - ' ': : WF BOTTLE iNOHE mmm a ent \ ¦ i rr« non untimely Jot p^foisioqali Becol$i/,i&dTMIWlbM~'JThSMie ;^ i / : :^. ' ': !|!1^ • !^«5f«iJP « ^hS»tmou« B^lBr S^- theSn to M» pro, 'Ji»t. nw JuniHbi{i !ari as ' riiuch' wm® if tL Bngland.^WIth riding /ofle?: h6i ^t,-biid;fab0aoWjim!diiBg;:-.aiiA j.tfaii .^; ^rWiiv»kB | "Wf TT?, i tail hi n^ch ^fiert three were got Swa^n,%pltel talked abdurB;Am«ricaFlockey'sj aod ,Wis- i -. ;ftfV.-^J »'fi'- '/fXi B£2 w*?tetSpSS: ?e88ion BB00)«MB8|t)Kp f SS&M W-f - m ¦ ^i0 E&» .5J£ ?E W John HM* JAmeB ¦' * ; ' . with Escurial^t plaimed out a lelUng rice ¦ :¦ ¦ Vt YOU ; \ WM" . Hi rar fi 2^ ' was lBlleTat« Meeting - not held under toeir nSe r, thos ah excellent nfcs wai eraected, but *e ¦*$ " -: Bp?. .. - . ' . . . :» ; !. , ;, ;, . ; 1 , andjWiIijapi; . ^.^-Wnan. Uf tinamedTed *« ^"«f; ' cqmp>Uhg at the tnonied ,gret to- aayj ttaV Mija ,T»1tab»t ' immediately at Brightdrl, jAerei he had ifinisl .ed behind ; some ago. . .,. ;. . . _ , ?baaWr rig them from Bebkhampton; I Maga jVillian,. Leonid,' and Go ¦ ¦ ¦ : PuflcheBtowH yej^ , _ e£; * eii onrthe^Continent; The results 'after - -the- 8tartTaad!;wh -^i--aacWaaka; r» "Ti-DDo'A^ o 'vUmoui think flapflanHeflaritW-flfi ert iineeineet.pfieetreetrt.. - .^-*^ .C . -U., »/ and i :. J - the-iI ' lof¦of- . 'aai-iyery i .very Saturday he aid exactly the same at Hurst oqiNNE8S'S J^^BL ;. : !/1 l;; :^t : ]^¦k^ !^¦ .; m : 2 ' govern::a 'striking , the riaderridder j .thithJ ,latterlatter, a^ to;the country F.\ The ™»J ^jo^* ^the ^^^watet,^fa govern a Wealthy Park}'in{the! Riverside Handicap, and the ¦Bmmgm .ingsjkra.-art.advantage Berioua foul ocduned thosevtv^Wa- WHISKEY : ¦ y & poverty-Btriokenisport.JT tere are toetwea> 1 form ana the i ! j^HBi queatioa iB noteasy to answer. When etnctl ^^ M ££^^ leading profewionalN^ men.f left teriord boats, by whiih ;thB1cWck bo'at was difference | betjw een the present in v^^ out achprdingjl « rule flapperimeefangB; the iQlen- form , that hec . aad^beeni raised from the Carried . ^JXfor meetinl^elS ^dbr ruleB, enabled to gaid grefttllead: When space, ¦ ¦ provide goodTport for large crowds ol cpiintry : SgP"? rg^BettFandV&ed Chinnjand ai more had clearid [from ; the colliBidn. i she of ice hi Bevch wedks does! not admit ! • ' . : ¦ STOUT. WHY NOT • - XDOCTOBSWUTUES: ho «»«tr« .¦ ' of any>definite calcul&tibn. { KS8 ^BJ^BS |olkiF rarjry yisil . **. "f }* these two^Tprao^allj^: the race path to moved- well ttoougk lthe . watk and J^avU FAMOUS ' EvadenUv the Nation : 1- Hunt -Committed^. are ^g^gg^g surprising that race pro- made a 'good turn of the ^flag-boat, seemed to ' ' ¦ ¦ U$2£m tho^nmonB outside recog; it ia n^ l " ^EBIBH|(X)LT. ¦ > . . ¦ _ ] , \ ' . ¦ of ^to n^ it . ^^^f ^^^SR^S-He gainin. F on the ru.r,.h1,me; but thl lead THE \\ .! ¦" ¦ : CELLAES SS§^^ITIOK nieed rules a e not c Even the ! .was too much to be recovered and the.;firing , Berrill will' now finish his preparation at DRINK - -; : . '" .i' W ^^Muuxiug ine iaai N.C.TJ. was oblige* to abandon its . ^ kHB^i. advancement of the run., i: ^ proiessionai7>roieBgional cnampipnswpchamriibnshiDJ-:' ¦ : of the ; signal gun announced the victory of the Curragh, ; He is to,take part in the Duke ' yeaii ithis Committee have worked might and ¦ ¦ ' ..; •,. the Cruiskeefl. - ' whbse. experienced;! crew oi York Stakes and, under the circumstances, ; mimmiavin^Tzuv main1 , against^ the Irtyn Racing Asaoeittion. - \T : ' : showed their lisual Jcapacity and pluck in his backers for later handicaps are indulging ' : ;soiie yeari sinco the ruling .body A TIP. , - .! ; i o^< ,h ' ! ]¦ meet " I I ¦' - , ' ; THB BE31 ; " ' ' It is! now first . their m¦ anly ef¦ ftrts to¦¦ be the victors;' ¦ ¦ ! hr plenty; of. risk. , Baldur looks a very MJ8BU& : , utterly tabooeld the onbe popular £4 19a mecU. ; viow. of y^ ncar ttppr of tbe ; _ _ : ' I \ „. . -'- ! ! .. ' ! [' genuine article for. the Cesarewitcn, ancV it is 1 ¦ : ^ " Tenth Race.t^-vOhallengec^o^ouprf? for canofes . # sS ^saBB YEAR*' OLD ) ¦inga.i. - -I . } ¦ • - IN * : , > cftE'B county bounds theTioliowing piece M advice ' ; much in his | favour that be finished in the i- - " " - ¦ ' ' ' -; 'iLi5 ' i ..; given 8 aot exceedingr iT>. Met in; extreme lenrth; ! n ; - . -P*t.E r ' : " ]_ J ^t^Tt n i in «ThpnghtsK Upop Sport ¦should' ¦ not bo first flight -las year, after¦ ¦ losing¦ a lot of " ¦ paddled and oifned. by ainateUrB TesidinK in :¦¦ • !¦' ' ' -i '¦ ' . i (Always l« Sp»iUling Condttttob.) WATfeRFOBD BOAT; CLUB. ! . lost eight of :- T * : i j v , start. . , j • . i Wc^ Vtb. • :; .. :: : i. ¦ • ! . ' -; ' .^totf W Mk^E tor the f »•• . . . i . ¦ . Th> w^kjo f^aU^pUd; M^ ' -fi« THE JOOKEyj CLUB ^ STAKES. ; ' ¦ on May 28; 1680. when ! a^ procession H of boats, general coavenience ofit, theis membersaBd the hunt- fancient^^ silver cup value £2ff presented bv ¦ .' with the Mayor. I Aid.; Ing of ^he country ; therefore expected that ! . i Scintill'ant i and Jolly Tar, :of ! thoae . that VVHOLESAIE ^BOTTLEBS, TEA, WDIE, AND BRANDY IMPQitTEBS. '/ i "headed by the "Seagull ' the Kivht .Worshipful H. Fi'Slattery, Mayor, are expected 1; A.' Ryari dnd the Hon. Sec, Mr. James; the meeti will be the rendezvousand , to be won'three times before becomihit .fho fairly, high in ^he handicap/ to O'Donoghue ob bpardJJproceededup tha rivet.. for his:own individual; convenience, will gb to xhe property, of the winner. ' : Second- prize, -a take theicchances'against ¦ Mr..|Charle!s iVmbrosel' i l'.I'.B. was^ ithe \ first coverts, which' are likely to be.drawn first, , Buoh silver t&hkard. ' '" ' ¦ ¦ !. : . ;' ; ••: ¦ in the Jockey Club stakes, and' amongst other A BALIiPSBIGEEN, WATEK^OiRI). captain and 1 r. John '.p. Cherry the first vice- a practice attracts foot-cebple, creates noise, and Cesarewitch ';apceptors engaged ^uring- the " The Psyche—W. - G. D. Gbfl, Waterford v ' ' ' " : ¦ ' currenj-wedk mention may be made oi Jiffy ' ' ' ¦ ; - '¦ ' ' ' ' ' \ ' j ;! : .' ' ' . ! results in foxes being disturbed, wbereby good ¦ ' ''¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ : - : * " -v- i ¦ • ' ¦ ¦ captain . . • - 1 black;; owner-r^l. ' The ' Rokeby—C. Denny/ ;- .; i , . I -i . ' ¦ : ¦;;If in, the II., Chbsdn, M^tcham, Poitiers, Sardonic II., i! i : •^e*> ¦ .! . ' runs are often lost. it be persistedj Tramore; bluS; owner-^-!). ' The Weazel—; ¦ ' $v(ry\elnx» . and Hedera, ail of :wh6m can meet in the Vans deliver Free at Customers' own Boors- Price List on Application. A BRiLiiAirr- SUCCESS. ' ..; j ; ; ; Master will drote, when he! finds it has Martin Power,! the Cove; .White . and blue tho risk taken ;place, ' . ! • . .; ' : '; ll : ' October Handicap; rwithotit¦ running¦ ihe cross; owner—3. ' Maid of ; the Mist—Harry of a pehalty. ' . ' . ' ¦ ! ' picked athletes ¦ ¦ \ betwee^ of , ! ' le time:for gossiping«n the road ¦ ¦ meeting ¦ TlJe "Therelis amp : • ••• v : . I. i 1 Glibborn ; red; owner.'- r ' . ¦ . . ' Sunday at Dungaxvan; . j Tippcrorv and Cork on to and from hunting, at tbe meet, and going from ' : was!a brilliant euccciss, and I must warmly covert to covert, but directly the hounds approach "The four got away almost together from AMERICAN JJOCKEYSJ j , , 'd the Bridge; all anxiously watching the sig- Neary another concifatujate my frien Mr. J. OTielly-Lynch a cov/rt. and until tho hound:) . are oTerJnothing Besides! D.i kahei* arid J. 1 CENTRiE HOTEl, on having coiceived the happy idea which re- ld " occupy a sportsman's attention |bat tbe nal, but soon the strdng and practised Binewd American! jockey has crossed the Trans-at- ¦ shou of Mr. Goff ; began toi toll against his compe- 'to : fortune in England. HoUl) . . sulted in sucli a brilliant display. J^r. Lircch cpott in which he is engaged, and that! generally iantic seek fame and ¦' ' is a treat athleti c enthusiast When 'stationed requires all hia ' doiag ao& niver ^tgv.{rei hit titors. All went well> together to the Market- Clem. Jenkins, : a native* of Califarnia, who . i ., 84 QUAY, . ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ when the Maid began to show signa at Ilismorelabout fiv$ yeara ago his athletic talking. ¦ ' . ! j; . House, rides at 7st 71b, is the latest invader. About powers were just thB'n undergoing idevebp- 1 \ of; distress, and soon was • in last-place, twenty-four years old, he had five yearB' ex- "While tbe covert is being drawn the field Messrs. Gofi? and ' Denny drawing -away to-; , and was jtho pilot of meriti He is now in the front rank of atljetes- should stay together, in Whatever position;pointed 1 perience' in the saddle WATERFOED. nnd jthe fact:Jtbat he ihbumed from, Drpgheda: gether from their competitors; but Mr. Goff, King's Courier;in several of his .victories on ¦to ' oat by the Master, and should avoid moving about opposite , showed well ahead; , represent bis nativi Cork affords strong evi- as wellas talking. | i • | i the Clock Tower the other side;. It :is probable tfiat Jenkins THE ABOVE HOTEL HAS BEEN dencja of his whole-helirted enthusiasm. . ¦ ! which, position he how commenced to in- will be attached to the stable df- C. Hunt, ¦ \ ; '• When a fox goes away; do not make the least . I ! «>»?•» i- ' ¦' time crease by every stroke of his paddle, until who trains for Mr. J. Storey Curtis. BE^OPENED ' noise till he hu gone so far as you can I in the , Mr; Denny:' being a&e&n THIljlOO YARDS. iM ! • • 1 count twenty' (as Mr. jJorrocks tells, us). Then he won by four lengths UNDER ENHBELY NEW MANAGEMENT ' somewhat ajgrfjater distance, in second place, COURSING. : ' ¦ ; . : ¦ B£MSrH6f i*AA ! gallop t» xehtrt he 7wx troi/rv, and give' a load, ,. which Mr. Power, al- ; . : | ' : AFTER Tno century dash was a grand race, Mr. D. clear ' Gone away.' This instruction is particular- over the • Weazel The i Waterford and .' Tipperary ! Coursing Power got the. lot awoiyito a fairly good itart, though a mani oi very : slight: build, worked KMJAYLbRS the >hly sufferera beipg Murray and |CKelly- ly for young foxnanters;(though man; an o'd one in admirable jmannar. It is worthy of re- Club i was; the name of a prosperous institu- EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS Lyn :h. Howjell jumped into his stride with transgreises on such occasions), for they [imagine mark that this is the second cup Mr. Goff tion fifty ' yeaTs ago. Now coursing haa al- IS tH E . that wheneveij they see a fox "they should shout ; won in most 'died out in this part of the! country. So BESTc Iijjh nin<* rapidity and looked a dead certain now holds, bo^b a week, he having far not a word; has! been heard about a meet- SELECT BAR ATTACHED, winner ten ; yards frbm home. Murray 'then just as tbe young Irishman; of fifty years ago going been shot at tho . rifle match in ¦ ¦ . SOLD M Y ALL RES PECTABLZ TOBACCO ££Ai£/es to the fair, following his father's advice, should, •:; ' ' ¦ ing at Kilmanock this year. jQ.< -l' MANU FAfiTU ••¦- : 'BV- l \UU- '-A- - ! cam >l like a flash and shot the Mullinahone Trampre on Friday Ia3k " " . : , . ' '¦ ' &c. r TJ&ifr '$- -*t RE D «. ;tvherever be saw a bead, hit it. I A fox is essen- ¦ : ! o • • o LIQUORS, CIGAR S, mar by quite|a yard. ijThe time was not taken, I ecssco . . , " " ' ¦ 1 but as tneirace was : 1 tially a nervous, stealthy, crafty animal, and likes CUTAWAY. j: . : : , ; : o» TEE ^ run down hill; and the HEAVY . BETTINGJ . " ' . '.. " ! '! paci ; was a cVacker all through, I should sajr to get away unknown .and nnseen, and if .be thinks Just now thB;business upon the Cesarewitch » .TAYL0R{"SJi the distance " was covered in 10 1-5 be has done sol be will gain courage and go away ; Mr. Croker is betting heavily on the VERY BEST BEA1TDS 0HLY- W&M rS^^1^?eiv sees.! ' ¦ is limited, and the latest feature has been O'K !lly-Lynch and J.U. Buckley¦ aMost dead- but if he knows he is seen, be losea heart, nnd in ele ction of Mr. ; Bryan for the American the advance i of Cutaway ;on thei strength of heate'd for thrdplace^ all pjobability tarns' back to covert, end the ran ¦Presidency. | . ¦ j .' ; • A TRIAL ijOLIOITED ¦| ! 1 i ' ; , . i ' ¦ his second to; The Grafter at (Manchester. j ! etwa* ' | " 5B spoiled." ; j" He has already made wagers aggregating That he would; have won !on Saturday except THE CENTURY CElAMPION. : i £16,000 against £^15,000 that Mr. Bryan will for being badly baulked by the falling Japoni- - ' . ' ' ¦: ; !; be elected.¦ ¦ ¦ I : i : ' ' ca ia the confident opinion of his: jockey . The GREAT LORD CHAELES BEBESFOEDi . . . «383t8 ; TRX THE : I would lik!e to see a match "between Murray . and|Cutts At one time Ixird Charles Beresford was a ¦' two courses are, nfcvertholes3, very different, D A WSON who won the 100 yards champion- Well-known patron of the turf, and in the year WEXFOBD ! 8POBO;8. : : j ! j and I ;am inclined to doubt his possession of ( ; ship I at Ballfebridge this year. : ' Muriray Com- , T peted in that'eveht 1892 he was part owner of that great horse St The " Wexfdrd People" contains the next the stamina) without which Cesarewitch : ^ , but was distinctly uniucky ¦ honours are Bought for in vain. ! INTENDS IN(J and I am ve^y much mistaken if he is not Simon, ' which; in conjunction with thejDnko of three paragraphs:!— ; '.; ' . : , : :; OPE& in the Portland he bought as; a! two-year-old for 1,600 .: • e o a best) ^printer Ireland to-day. Besides being "The ' Irish! Cyclist' says—Writing¦ in The MOTOR RACE. \ | a verv fast, (unher he. is a capital iill round guineas. Lord Charles, was unlucky to give up ' Waterford News'Mr. ¦ C. P. ¦' Redmond has POPULAR STOUT. maq.J On Sunday he his share in the horse ran' on some nine occasions SportB Lovers of the ' motor car will learn- with jumped over 22ieet three the following irfefence to the K.I.C. 1 K. PAWN ¦ FIRST-CLASS : and 'was never beaten. . . ; interest that Mr. ^y. Vanderbilt, and Mr. A OFFICEi times, but jon each occasion, he took! off l over at Wexford—' An eye-witnesB at the-Woxford ¦ Alexander Wiriton will meet in p. motor race ¦ ¦ m a ioi\[behind the board, and the consequence «**••• Sports tella me that the judging there was SOLD IN IMPERIAL PINT BOTTLES i ; was |that ha did not even score a point foSr '¦ him.; in Chicago thiB week for £1000. j Each claimn his OP DUNL0P8. j ; j an eye-opener {to The five mile3 cham- AT 2o EACH, County. To I beat to have tbe fastest¦ machine in the Btutcs. a-inian like McCarthy, of pionship, he 'says, was won by Pease bv : ,' ' - I 1 QueenBtown, in putting the shot -was' j The future of tbe parent Dunlop Company , yet . ••••' 17, 1ST. MARY^-ST., OTNGAEVAN, ' a. . a perior- : lully half .a \|hoel . the verdict went to J mancb thatj ^uch comparatively small man jmay. to some e^tent,;be , foreshadowed by [the pro- Reynolds. In jthe confined event, a Dublin LOOKING jVHEAD. - .< ; ; j C7" TV ALL ACE'S ns ifTirray ihns . everyi:reason to be proud of. ceedings in connection!with the freocli Dunlop policeman ; got home first twice, yet; the , A bocker 'SidS accepted a wager of £10,000 Truly; with I him it is ! ; Company. The latter concern announced an ad to £1,500-tKat Princess; will' not-win The Popular Houoo, a cas¦ e of good¦ tooda in judges gave it la dead heat, each time.' With : OJS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24^1900 smalljparcek . ' ; . f : interim dividend of £2 13s 4A per cent!to June, regard, to tho 'judging in the confined event the One Thojshnd Guineas and daks, and an- and then announced a le-coDstrucbion.scheme other of £10,000 to £3,000 about- hor for the 86 QUAY, WATERFORD. ¦ to which Mr. Kedmond refers, we are at one 1 TKEj -FURLONG. ' [ ] • ! : which: will reduce the j capital from '.£8&3fiOO to with him, but i in the championship wo think Oaks. The youngster has taken part in eight £100,000. This is an etibrmoos clip, and it hardly' races this year, of which , she won six, viz., I jc|innot' 'compliment Mr. there is no doubt that the men were placed Bourka oni the teems to be justified by the history of the concern. properly. Mr. I J. J. Fitzsimons, a member the Sefton Plate at Liverpool, a Two-Year-Old manner in which he got the men away in!this The French Dunlop Company never failed to pay Plato at the iCraven Meeting, Acorn event: Horoill was actually on the of the Kace Committee, at tlie tape, and . ithe move when a dividend , since it was started in 1885. '1'he he was quite datisfled that Reynolds won bv Stakesi at. Epsom, tho : Summer Breeders' FOB , the pistol wunti wheteas O'lCelly-LyHchi was present dividend is the'smallest yet announced but Plate : at Manchester, the Molecomb ; nctualiy left.btandingion his mark. ! , , a small margin. Was Mr. Redmond's cyer It via3 a that, is accounted for byj tbe very bad 'stato of the witness as well placed ? - . : Stake, 3 at Godwood. and tho i Michaelmas nne perform mce, therefore, for him' io\ run this ^ StakG3 at Safadown Pnrk . PLAIN l AKDj FANCY OLDliST AND MOST R^WA$LE into ; third p ace. Ho'well curdled cycle trade all over the ^orld year, On Wed- " Us a peculiar fact that criticisms on tho ' up tci • no- uesday the shareholders will dlBca&vthe recon- judging at Wdxford Park come from papers INKS IN IRELANilX ' ¦ ' thing is'the mojmenthe Murray collared him. i and j GOOD RECORDS. 'A- ' thcr^ no! doubt 13: a very much struction Buhemo at the! Hotel Cecil, London, and which had . no' representatives present, and j ' : ¦ overesti-¦ there are likely to bo wigs on the green. !•; , : Tom Loatesi in the direction! of winning mated¦ , man. i - i' it is a matter for wonder any paper would J KSTAHDS ' • BEEAD Blue Black . . I ¦; wammmmmmmm. . *. . : -I I . i i ••k«« : j ! .. nave so little Tegurd for sport as to impugn: sequences, holds a. -better record than brother . 1 ¦ Snm l as; at Yarmouth on July 23, 1889, Writing. ^ THU 'DISTANCE RACES. . |: i THE PARENT COMPANY. ; the judges' decision in such a wholesale . he GO! to ' i .! STAijioNEBT | fashion on hearsay evidence. ¦ ¦ ] .: -ode [five ; winners , and at Windsor, on May ^^^^^^^^^ H - ELOTTlNG Theihali-lniij and m!le races were splendidly ' It is uow'said that the parent Company will also The " Wateriui'd Niiws" comes alor^g und 2, ISCG, he woii all the flvo races ,in which he BLUE BTAOK- C5P] ;' ' : ; PAPEBS. fought outjfrpm startito finish. In the "iflrst- announce a big re-construijtion Vcheme, and tliat sayB the judges were wrong thrice, but the rride. Of other jockeys now Jiving, Seth BLUE BT.A''K ^^^^^^^^^H . namtd event But'.er looked like winning lin a the directors are only waiting to sceiwbft effect " Irish Cyclist! anys'; "Oh, no; they-were Chnndley rodo five winners in five essays at COMBINED. ^^^^^^^^^ H - . ¦ cantcrj 200 ytrds -fromlhome, but then : the Krench Dunlop scheme will have on tho tho Pontefract Summer Meeting] whilst Tod Cough- ¦ ! wrong only tvjicu, because Mr. Filzsirhons, ' j CABI^BTa - lan Tesolutel/. challenged, and for a moment pablic. ' ' ! " i : ' ; a member of tlie I.C.A. race committee \vns Sloan; had five ;v.-innine rides in spven' mounts CRILLrANT RED. ^^^^^^^^^ H. ' ' at sepmed as if the Cork man would i geti up ; ' at. Newmarket First October Meeting, Sept ; ¦ at the tape on one oi the; three occasions, and ¦ ' ¦ Half , way lip Jhe straight Morriesey came hvith' PARIS EXHIBITION, j ; : said the judges were right." There ia at least 30, 1898. ' - . i . PUItE OFFICE QDAfj a 8«rnnBirig . Tush, and he actually only - ' : • • e o | ; 51 Mgli-Street ¦ . ' failed . Mr, Thomas J. Copp^rth'waite. Captain. Mallow one other member of the race committee who ' to . trih by;a'j6ut. a .yard:- Had he looked for was at the tape! in each of tho other twej races, FRED ¦: ARCHER. • i / !' OFPICE PASTE. | his race air tie bit sqoner he wduld, Cycling Club, gave me a. call this week an his re- have I tliink turn frum the Paris Exhibition, where hq spent n and who Bays ithe judges were right, so that The late Fred Archer's . record, of! couroe, hust.wAn. J. &. Quirke, winner oi the following up jtho reasoning of the i" Irish easily caps ' any of the above noted, perfor- . WEITINQ DESKS', i m mns; is aiijni! etayer/and he certainly semi-ed very pleasant time in 'company with iTesars B ; : W; ' Cychst" they word right all through, .Mr. mances, as at Lewes, ori August 6,1882, he WATEBFOKD, LIMERTCK. AND WESTERN the svjent ea; ily in fairly good time. . : '. i Fielding and J. Tnbmpson, i two well-known rode six -winners on one RAILWAY. : ' members of tho Woterford Bicycle B" Redmond's eye! witness must have been aBleep day at the following I I " ; MM** ; i • j Club. ["TJ.' meetings:—Chester j many friends; in Waterford will be glad| to Ieam and dreamt he jsaw Pease win by halfno « wheel. , 1863; Manchester, May, LIMERICK V. TIPPERARY. '< . I • j In such a casc^ the decision would douht 16, 1883 ; Windsor, May 21, 1884; Manchester, that he is looliing right well after his delightful : CLONHEL RACES AND 1 am told the : ¦ ' be an eye opentr. Had he said. Pease won by June 3rd, 1884, and also, at the B^sbury Club Limerick boys are anitious to holiday. i ! , (Stockbridge) mooting iri the have, d . tuEsle pith tha victors of Sunday, ; : •oiea : i an inch, he iniglit have raised' a suspicion same year. As ; STEEPLECHASE S !and ' v bearing ' out the suggestion of ' tho report alsd goes tliat they are confident THE DULL SEASON, ¦ , ¦ \ ; as to the accujracy of placings, but nolhini? .adaptability (Over PoTierstown Conrsa doso to Railway bid fof of1 , of certain courses for this form of record, it luakirfg a ;bi^ victor/. Tho : Leahy's les than fully " half a wheel" will satisfy him 8tatlon;) - mctter in : ; I The break-up of the dtsiightful autumn^ Nveatber and stamps th« whole statement as unworthy must be noted that it was nt Stoekbridge that THURSDAY, 4TH OCTOBER, 1000. •I' 'ir.. ° hands, and 110 doubt we i i 1 and tbe darkness of the evenings just now. remind of credence. poor George Fordhnm! just failed to jtop the will [hear ¦ sonething rpore of the affair ¦ On above data Passengers will be cotueyed from during¦ . •*•»»» the next few i ; ; ns that tho doll season; is at band, and) that the ; ; ; list, but having been successful in seven Waterford; Tbarlss and InteTme- ¦ days. • i Ennis, Llatrick, ¦ ¦ ¦ !¦ ¦ races,, which: M ; •-"••» . ' ! racing enthusiast, bo ho j cyclist or athlete, posses* OUR CRITIC!SM8. ' ¦; included a deadheatat lAlhena, : j dlato Stations to Clonmel by tho Traim nnd at tbo ' ¦ ::; his soul In patience for epme months td came. My but in the decider he suffered defeat, !leaving ' ' A -BULL.¦ ! ¦ ¦ ' 'arcs given below :— . . I J I ; football friends should make it a The " peeu iar' criticisms/' which hnVo| his total Scoria;,-it six, practi c j point to keep me ally a dead hea ; PAEE3 TO CLOKUEL IBS BICZ. ! M4 ;John; CuHinane; of Bansha, whb was at well posted in their dolnga during the next few caused such hbart burnings in the ". People"] vath Archer's best aggregate . ' I ! Dungar/an; oh 8unday, ¦ ' '" ¦ ¦ , sent an attendant for montlia . • i i ' . | • circle were, based on tho opinions of: experts ¦ i Spec'al a.m. lrtClSna C13rd Cl some progranmes to one of the officials. The ¦ who were present nt Wexford sports.; IV is ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ¦ Wotcrfcrd ... dep 9 40 5/4 3/C 2/8 ;manj cameib ick with : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ very easy for the "People i ! WRITE i [a; dejected air and said AS MANAGER. ¦! !: ; ; • -. j " tb assume'the role : Grangs! ... „ 9 62 4/7 8/3 2/4 0 7t)t £ive em a ias a»' they, are! of the Lord High Everything and [ proceed I : idfJ anjtblttg i to i j ' Fiddosm ... „ 10 0) i, ¦ »/ 1 Y> \ : 4/ 3 aor Ml sold " J. Tod Sloan, the] jockey, -pill play an im- to deliver :lectures in' such ponderous form.! Oarrickion-Sulr . „ ; 10 " '~ '" ; 10/ ; portant part next yetr in the management Mr, R. J. Meiredy and the writer of those, .MABIE/ TODD & BARI> KUabcclan ... , ,, !l0 31 2/1 1/- : lbd BETTING; ' - : ¦ ; . : . ' 1 P ' ' • ¦ .j . . • , : .! of Mr. F.. L. Gardiner's horses, as it is ru- lines have eveiJy regajrd for the cause of sport, • W,' OHEAPSinE, tONDOX. Clonmel . ... • ,, 10-60 ; . . . • moured that he is likel E.CJ ¦ Diir'lag y eventually 'to; train and that is why the judging absurdities: .if tor a Cat&logcs of their (acaooa , ' ; a-m, ' . itin. ; . : •; v \hl day betting was carried on in as .well as ride them, i , ; ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' the recent Weaford Sports were referred to at Thurle* dep 0 0 & U 35 6]- 8/3 ¦ ¦ 3/6 the rnost ¦ qpe n manner : - ' ! ••••«» . ' ¦ ¦ .. , " w- , ., ' the lusty layer of the : . all. . : • :¦ ' - ' i i • - ' mm odds:evidept - '¦ ' Honaaad Jockey Q U H it 60) A { «, . „, .y doing In brisk trade. As moat FOLLOWING SUIT. : : ' fllSBa a *'~ 8/" S'* -^^ni of" Uffanabrldge arr. 9 Hi „ 12 10/ the favourites got home " .! ' ¦ : : , I don't think he , , i A STRAIGHT QUESTION. ; iTarranaUeen dec, had-, a. very; heavy satchel to carry away, j : Considering the remarkable success of those : 0 37 „ 13 U 3/11 2/8 1/8 : : : ¦ ' Fetbard n S 51 „ 18 85 2/U 1/7 1/3 Deevy I • : EngUsh " : ard & «s»*«9 i ' jocke/a who have adopted ;thp Ameri- Does the " People solemnly 'declare nnd fflEdw ' ¦ " ; Cloomcl nrr. 10 10 ., 12 5J BHHawS srAT THOUGHTFOLNESSi : : ] can Beat and style , of: riding, it is; surprising affirm that Constable: Torsney dead-hiated on ¦ IONEB5:4~-BO^K8B£lfiB^H^|BB||H||B j that others do not follow their ekaripic. If two occasions for the 1 valuable prize presented RBTURN1NO— ! ^^K re EOtJITAm To Thailcs and IntermedUtoBt ations by a Special ; : " representatives were very ctrate- they didj their names; wb'iid ctrtninly aj^ by Messrs; Pierce and Co? Will the " Peo- :PEHS : " ' ' fulf,,? *tbif .looped A SMART FIXLY. ; , ', ' ] . . Sead a eampla steel nib; and yon will rooeivo ' THE HIBEBN1AN HOTEL. ..¥M ^- Keoghan announces in our adver- jacket on Exedos, in ' the :Michaetaas' Plate \ SpecialTrain to Tbttrle*. ; . A V~AAmsmi a spcWaDy selected '8WAN' by rojan). Xbca Ticket*l« »ned at cb«apFares are only arall- tising colum is that pantographs of the inter- on Saturday. Maheir, . though born 1 in AmBri- Mr! J. B. i Joel '¦ lost week purchased ! ¦ ¦ th* ; "j county teamS-Cork yj : yon trill | j ' able tor return on day of races except UIOM Itaned TEA2I0BE. Tipperary-^an now !ca¦ , is of Iriah parents. ¦ ¦ ' (• from Mr. Musker that smart fill Princess ¦ ¦ :¦ : ' y be had from ¦ ¦ : %i stations between Ennis and Limerick wbicb will : him. i i . : ;• j . **f*9* Melton, bv Molton but of' Scboolbbok. the i NEVEE WRITE .; LATB |FEYU) ; be aTatlabl* for return next pornlng. . : ¦ ' I. R. A. - - ; 1 Bum paid beinx £15,000. The youngster has Pith aoytbiog else. Honey will bo roiandodla B4^m¦ s^ipN8ii 1 SEA$0N'8i RESULTS! i " ¦ ¦ .[] ; ; taken part in eight races thifl year, of which Children tinder IS and oter 3 yean halt fare. No ¦ ' | , fall If yon are latliiaed. ¦ la Fint Ckss Style. Hot and CoU I ; 1 I ' I not Nib| of the Pea exteasioa ol tuna granted nor allowance Fitted np j I | At the meeting of she has won Six. A' backer has accepted maa* tor N tne £ . ihe IriBh Racing Asso- a is 116. cold, sod /trill last A llfo-tlmoj lost tlokjU under any etrctuastanees. Baths. CyoUiU StieoUUjr Cakred For. ^i 'mmmp m xi. °H [ W<>n has' come1 for the result ol ciation held a couple ! of days since wager of £10,000 against £1.600 about her win- the , permits ¦ years trc ding to be known. The'Fr.inch were granted : r-, 1 . Horses attending these raoes and booked at full ¦ to hold meetings ning the One Thousand Guineas and Oaks, ; 1 n un J : on the follow- rate (which mart be prepaid) orer Comiomotis 8n*n ROOMS ATTACHID TO U :JJ , PP Com] iany hayp not done badlyJ the ing dates4-"Kilrush.: 24th and 25th Sept.; and another £10,000 to £3,000 about ' her for this Company's B* . Raglin Company—ondj of my old favourites— Aramore, Youghal, the Oaks. The wagers were on Wednesday jt'OAH , OAIX,;BTJT S Oa^KOT. ! ! system on the outward jotaney, will be eooTereJ Liqvoss or THB Fonsr QUAUTT Our, psa^M^ :havo,ajsp 28th September i Asbtown, dooe fairly well, a profit ofl£10,628 80th September;. Stradbalfy, Co. Waterford. laid by a commission agent well known in THKEEppEEB WE1TE8,Alh) 4 CALLS tree of charge, back to tht station whensethey One mln&te's Walkfront Railway. •havirig! been iiade on a capital of £170,001). A aid October, 1 and Kilmacthomas, 9th October. 8tock Exchange circles. : I . ' ' wen seat, on productionol a certiBcatelined by ¦ ¦ dmdeiid ofS ¦ . :' TAKENOT&- . tbe Jodge (ot on the Jodie' behalf) of tteBace percent, has been declared, and The conduct ! «*«••» ii of T. Fogarty, jockey, at Ash- i * POSTING AND LIVERY STABLES. , ior tHose who got their,«haresin or about the ^own, on ; the 9th September; was brought I UeetlBtj, aod prorlded the ownerssign m (tamped PARTNEB8J i j . : ¦ present price, ! ¦ ' ¦ agrtenenfc tndennifytntt ihe oospany Mafati 6s. 9d., thb ia not too bad. ¦ i . : / nav* ¦ ; : ; under the notice of tbefcbmmlttee. The mat- A TRIA1. iSOLICITBD. . ! I I M»H» " ' ' ' ter was held; over, pendipg a report from the A partnership in Harmony II. and Rain- OGGhBRQTHl^B, to be handed to the koaHnf clerk at timeo( booking ' ¦ ; ; i; SCOtlA itD'S QEEAT tbe horse or bones for . letarn Joeney. If these • OBITUJAEYl " t ; ' j As; htown stewards.: i . storm has been centered into between Mr. J. J. TBADEE3, T , , . : ' •••4M r r Parkinson arid |Mr. T^ Widger, ¦ '¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ , - eondlUoba are not compiledwith, so apfUcati ihfor The Hlbertian jHotol, TrauoNw ' ¦ ' ¦ PAJSIET KOXP TOLL, . . refond can afterwardsbe eatertained. , I JtStet ;to| find the appended extractin the TREPIDATION. ' '\ \. . . :| ; [ «£*•¦• ' : : ' ; "InBh \ ' j : V. VAUOIIAN, Trafflo JUB»«tr, LORENZO HoCAlRTHY, Proprd«r BpK\tlUls," asd erorr daj of Wa Wm *.) i' •: .; r TTS* a4J»1' years tiken a Very d*ep in- decwion wiU ' WATEBFOBD, terest m CWMCn cf amiuo ' Mip.w? l/i melli. iU.ume xl u:. , no doubt, aeriously affect the lot Q O L-Ths Wonderful and . 'Ew-Ponnlu »^.Tjj] . t ' cr»'" 01 n ima. Bacingr;Associati ; •'TOLL BBTJSp ; ! RAILWAY. latai 1 less fw ia one oi -tho most renti ar a on;;as owners ttannot OF HUNTING. i PABOEU* ffot»fj£uiaiStJ; tfndao 1 at^i club', in nir. He «aa •flprd to send hotses'10ng distances¦ Becausewvouo I ! »» oM Vgn 11 o|. railway charges; : t. ! "-: ¦ { : ¦ . ° •tUl^«tatthl»kMrf»:ion»BMi»l tJwi Brt«». of Trtitou October1000. \ Now. that we ire on the eve of the hunting ft Alteration¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ , ' ¦ ¦ .- » ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ooBtata«o»(ood slcU btwl, bo* rood H I . I> ' , - : i Ol KTCietieV ' anrrda' '7 i! T ' i , • ' J ' ' . •gaaon, u»e If^owingj wmarkj , by H :— fa) i&e Train fntie* wfU 2'^'iSSN^*^Fw' iMi'L ;t*d "Jpo^ctJoii that eoneliitoope^attoa ' - X- < ->.: a ^ »/uitiu Xthe& dutyiH S^o alluty aia*t<»r»iiS**'of foxhounds to ! \\ - . Jpfl theyt should ado pt the^nifonn oPa foxhunw. L?>L« C> *-WW tirr* i» WB ITB r^wv rurthennore l 14-erKsk, «a«H 0 MMtHt^SUt Vm. ; ' ' ! ' '¦ ' ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ " .; regimenunihouW fai^ ' J_i v i .-;!'!!- i- : **jtff \ :: .{'. i • enforob the saro* Qpoa their officen Fi WhV The ll-«0a. «a T» i f «« a 8Jj» ae t4»i*««a» ^ :- -^ ;¦ - ;;-ljjv| B™-jd i iAtosf} tl VBRH^AD;: fATH8.| A \Z- -\- . v|;-|;-^ .V U tn*.uiUOfnricf i^Ur ttsd« ^^^teriy end tH ;U«eA^e^JrD» »7akniirfU; ¦ '' ¦ ' ' * " • ¦? ;' A l*i»' .. i I clared3£ that it js-irppoiA ble to make A <¥«f* -of the difUctiliT txperiSnt ed bv the .same effect°!r npon f oxhuntlnir. • U> n* fiiitaMle7l«(w«ea 1iminiit»r ik H n7i 1 t:f ; HSt J ^orjfi diS, 00 5,1* JtSk it«Ul?brii rfiut^r^- *K «*»Pe, oJG «verhea4-*C11OB ™a ^-^osct^ ion'UMii Pi««. , »,;l^nw^bM^ ween 'Ihe jtowSI of '"' 'i ^r ; attosst; '^atuot -ki ¦: ' : $Jj fe; ij^jw ,^.,W?}-" We» a«$rei.t0|3 r 8 ¦ ¦¦ awi inr..«wli^( Jitwhieh!cto on] W PJ ' !>here:!h(W be>n WMtrueted laii <£e* " 5r5&? 9^ head path tot the rSctiWve use oft c*»UstT de J!' ff - one« wot M pay ml$ $aijrelght 4earry. J^M^W o!t «» con- ; ing pi eewn ¦ j 8jrtictJ(ra; including ^hej purchase oft rtjth^of- in» hnflter^ <»nr» i, \| bb«l«lMM; Mlec\ed7;MlecW^; LeiLet . ¦ . . «, fpitW mfprt land; ette stj It :i» 'oeceuai jih» ««try.P»y ilthty , ; - • • ; ,flaver «l ptpp qrlf.made cislmne' *H' "W . KM't^n' but "leithelet the M ¦ for riding £&°^rmite ' -^M - °^ ?"' 6nltr|ypbnltr|y end " ' ' ;!i5 aSOli?ia^mfcsiW^'^^" ' ¦ '" ! " ; damaged«mage .. .done.done : toto cropifandcroppFand fefencesnces ;ip,iB, we all °^mm ^W^ " • ,;fcoow.fcoow. requisiteon :i _bu£but ft la^ldom met^d o^t r^LD k !: : - .- . ! - ' ' : tako 'tbe "foUowih-; I rom 'a report :¦ni^OuMcleptl>ffir. aw VtbfiM irpmptltude : i ^ l pNEi. ; •|:; ;.. -^:;f v ji ;i. , J5 ^ Wa-- WthflW .MmpUtude ndvftdvis.ith " : ; ¦ W°rf B«W«* pnblishfiiia¦ tr«^&;i" 6n PAi8ttr ma* jBoxjd ^xju9aicW ¦ ' ' Atgust)(th # ;¦ } ¦;:¦ '¦ ' I; :6lw'i :, i i: "!J41^ i Innef . ikven. to' lie. Sporting itiuq l871t — : . . ,/ . V; : . U*. shouldsoould ^s^t^toto U»ei;reclpientsU»ei;reclp' .; ^ler^loii; 1 f' -¦¦ bf. ients, instead - • ¦ " ! ' -foaUrfof¦ d- f ti.n"V M ' ¦ ':¦¦ '^ ' ^ : - i • ' ¦ i . I - . - i! '. . ; ' ',:.. . . ' .i ' it- . i:;:py_^Sg|i I ' j W U» Imieifal (theti Tnu&n _ . 'Ninth i Ba&-rFor |four-oared gigs <>fof requlrin|r;th#;|Q. »tae .for H, at further i- :. - .; \JhhbyiSf JK >Bfef jtoft-oo Mav lHh>;I»li the; redj |glf , jpnlledrlie ¦; toll* a^s^ bt Matfenrs ; conrseri P : cost, toconvconv»«.inn.l< nce,[•,|•< ndi;Ibs« ! pf Onti. Qt Wjt th|sth|s many hunUthm»Ut are jnn fglefcUuUglefctfuUVV ii !i ; b*Adi*n>s iJlrer ct p»TT8lne¦ £U(. ! ' ' ,j , l ' iii !i I:I J ' "¦¦ ¦ ¦ :¦!• • /; 'i - i- - : ;: " :- "!! ¦ . : • ;i JCnMbitilfluir BdwinrClpb Carribk- J . '-.TiT •*»•*• - ' : KltSIAC/jjI ^jcra^ ,:! \y :t\:- \\\' :: > lH-*fflSPwv -pMrtptork. '" 5* ji i iw^itft^ id^wBSriS^ir^; } ; ^ ^ Mr Dsinifll,:Ho D. S*C KiSunaethotoasBacei si BiSEai ¦^t s' BSwpflol«ru ,r^ irtio **» in . • fi j' u ; - . ¦)¦%¦ , . ~. i '! '£ •;• •' . s I j K •; w^Mimsm&m ¦ " iceaclii'BiDitiMr/tthb secnrfldfk'ttiw iinieritpjriOTje; ptf- " be wastnu wr, • • ::liqoj^: .]Ti^Rij#t|r - 'pe;efc.i' J^ thmignt leaai paid papert a i seleition -pit : rebroanctiow£ of T ;i yictoriJ \Tim^3 minniM9;Mqiii:y¦.£•} ? i; offl0*i iwd>rth8; hatdttt ^WiedJMtWSanibhV cfcffi[oiifi/ -iacTddins - .Tipp ^ry^4fl^ ib>;:;.;.:j.i :;. : : . -;; f lij ! :-LEG.:;.t . ^:; ;¦;, toarlton, M'5:-.Maudii,^eIton,Prlot, General ¦;. :¦!; " Ni; : f ¦ ;4RTIH^4I. ; . :;•1 v , : ! y : ; | DTn^ABVA : ,: I'M ?;ji j : ¦¦ L:4.JKiely^Jipperary^U75Bi|il....v; ¦ 2;. . -. . -! p,.+KniS«t{»io- .»W.'1 rt,i;iA«A_.i Baden-Powell,i^MoxtimBr!,- iMenpes, Frank | • ' E. ] ' '¦ ¦ ' ; ' ; dhirray, Cork Q05f I' SJil)'^.....;- . 3 ;to: Iladd.'i -lranki.Otdig^Dad^Hirf^w;Hat* " ¦ ' ¦' ¦ ¦ : ' ''' ' • T. grant[ hiin an arjiflaaj leg;; He 1 f &>: ;!. ' vi ¦? ' ' "'i ii ;'' ;:: ! !:" "'l :-i ' ' ' . i i- , f- v (From dikr Reporter.) : .; ji, ': ;' -Also: 4pmpeted-*-T. McCi rthy^Cbrk; 1 JP, .left the; hferell,; $. -Prat^rJ andjloaeis.^ A's 'axr-' arUsila ^i : ^ . : j bouse jsome time ago-:;biit found ' he could not; ' Drolian, do., arid 1 J. > BJ; Hwes, flMpeirary. : oh" : " : . ¦ si luveriit of the . campalgnithia iWprk vwould be TheBe^.& jtridsi Ccm|ortab1eHotelin the City ;¦ get without it.- ¦•{:>.<• sv ' :-V : .'':¦ '¦'¦ J ;-''; ¦¦ :- •. . ' ¦¦:¦ •¦ •¦ ' . , A visitor to Dungarvanon Sunday rwbo liad ;;:. Pointi^ipperary,. 3^i;j5ork;;m;.;;; / : ,- Chairman—Was ! l*yal«8*M. .^:|- . -.V:i|-;^!t- -;>, .]i ' - • -i i.t- :- ^ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ he. - ijiot offered' a ', bucket: ' ¦ ' - : :¦••'¦ " ;¦ ' ¦: ' "¦ - ¦ -¦ ¦:;!• : ' ¦ vi "? ?:- ¦ ¦ ¦;' ¦ ' '¦- ¦ " " :. - , -{ '. < "j .!' -I: . < ,: ' iv '] I' Mofier^tejiG harges.:! . tijV been! in- tile towi! Jot : 20 i li ¦; :. ¦¦ : : :T. ' Garde^06rk; . -....;L ' .::;;.. .(, .; 1 " \ ii make; inquiries ¦ E < ated to vioTy." . Traiia aiter : • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ , ¦and-11 think $0 q¦ ¦uotation '¦ 1 I . tiain dastiipg into; ' : 'P. Roche, Cprk J...;..t;;.;';..:;,J... 2 " ' we gbt wiaaifH. • -; " i ;:- U'-' '' - ¦ " THS ' SWEET " ¦ft#i j |- ^uiR;' H 'I fe(B^:^ciol[toMTi6r ' ¦ ,; . ; /. 1- . - . ,. '; il e] station; :cj;owds sijreammgvinto- towj» iiroAi' '¦:. :> r i J. M. Connolly, {Jorkj^;^;..^-!.^ 3- - • Cnairmari^—How is he ; ! ]ttfnjan8ge for the pre- Also r »h—J. W.' Dew^n, W. F, Butleh ,and sent ¦¦ 1 nuonjuntil two; o'clock^ bright ;aiid happy Isfhe in the house ? ' ' " ' : ¦ - ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' :; ' ¦ ¦' '' tec^s J. Howa rd; Tipperary,.;Ga; de led i : . ' :i ' j -; 1: ' ' * / i ' i , , M ¦ ¦ all through¦ Clerk—ITe is legless'at'present. : By Rev,; ¦ ' L . ; HAVE: ' ; ' :oi all sides; and tbat;despite the. heavy ih&tl^1 and woi jeasily. TimeKM sees. . : -• ¦; ; The ; ; : j Jarn^s B , Dollard' (81iay-ni-mbn. [; ; # I ; _ BEEN .kEC^iyEn:.;FjaL6M i ^; v'^IV U[' ,- 'j ¦ \$?M consideration-jb| the matter- « ^I^; ¦ ¦ ' ' : > l ' | was. adr ' ' ' ¦ ' ' • ¦ '¦'¦ ¦ " ' ' ' ¦- - • ;ol fog whioli threatened to develop . ' " ^^ ™*"™ —* *""" ^ " ~" " "" "" """" "»"«fM« ^ i ^ ^ L« L - ; .:¦ i • - X' !- ¦;¦ ¦! .:.. ihto ajdoTO-; PointS)4Tipperary, 38J ; Cork, 24J. . A' ioumjed-.-fo' .& week .unisr ' "The waters¦ of¦ I the siilr Bweiling into.: whirt- : : : ii f there would be a [¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦pc ux jat any, moment;; The visitor menjiiaep ¦ . pprils." , ;;. .[; - ..; : ' ., . ;¦ .;! : ' THE 120 YARDS/HURDLE RA( &;•, . , ;: ^.ne Board ihen ' • ¦ ^ ;; i::MI|S:;}Hj^ SOUTH AFRICANS WAR. gated! with wonder at the struggling cro*da fbr . ' adjourned. . . ' : ! (Gaelic of Donogit Mac Conmata.) ' ¥v Important . ! T.!P].. Kiely,.Tipp>r*rf/I ^; ' X-/'- I ' Te«tImonlAl HofpR1HUitiU ^flhlUpip - »JvUlBJrUItw«." » •¦. -"' ¦a litnWand then coming up to riie asked ft^hjit i " :j J.-OXellyLTnch,.Cor e ..;.;...... 2 i : : J OTATKJpJR' AM) Ni)WSAGENT W,.Oan»B flt»et; »jU : . he 3: brought all this 1 about; I ; remember jthe P. :Harding,'iTipperar ¦ ...... J,.. 3 t' The geritle Shure that making way. ¦¦ i o t ^ I ' By sweet Clonmell, 2- CONDUIT STREETJ QUAY • : . : - JUM «q». im adorns rich Waterfofd. ' FO : . ' , WATER HD Heirra.Cole oan & Co- Ltd. Also rah^-J. McCarthy, Cork; - ; ¦ ¦ ' E. Murphy, ' ¦ <¦ ¦ tine (when , the (Railway - wou^d . : ;; ¦; : ¦ ¦;. ¦ ' ; ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' Company jnot . 1 • " : . : ' • : : ¦ ' ' " ' Spencer' 's "Faerie¦ jQueen/' Book IV Cantb \, - Norwieb.Nonrieb. . . . . " • : ¦ ¦ : " ' ¦ XI. ' ¦ ' ' THE ! ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ • : ¦ ' i ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • ' .; .. . !' • ¦ ' '" ' T^ATETR^ORD • do; 3. J ¦:¦ • • ;. IHolloway, Tipperary. ¦ ¦ - •: !' ]¦¦¦¦ An exciting : . -:- . ; : <• . BOTTLE .:- : .,. .. . ru a ' & train on a Sunday." My reply wadj" I , The Execntiw Committee of Y . t •• ¦ ; : ; -• ! SER^AOT'Si » tonla for the patients on board, ^id wu ni«d with «ncc«M by u ' ¦ mlnacemenL"<,T then referred to the I iTAnk. seconds.! [¦ ' : | ' , - i- ¦ REGISTRY tbe Sergeoaj. -- . ; .. ; - -i - 1.. : - .V ' ¦¦ • : ' • By castle-crowned AW^Finian running I pute !¦ ' ' - ' Points-t-Tipperary, 43J; C6rkj 28}i ' Past Carrick and Kilsheelan ever sparkling ¦ij / HQFFICE. : . ;. formation from the old days when the ,(jaunty ¦ ¦ , ¦ ' pPENiyG OF THE WOEKS ever wheeling; ¦ ¦ ' ' ' RaQwajy was run in a very restricted manner, SLINGING THE 166Lti (unlimited run and ! : i i ! !; \ •- ., —the restriction, no ' doubt, being cabbed to follow. ! ! . - ..! ' j I : :¦ r : . .. :• . r ! . T-M - ¦' Flows the water of ihe sweet river Suir. i P»pors not In Stock procured on , siortcsC notice. 1 ¦ ¦ some extent; b« the tfiuit of adequate! : '.:. . ' ' - : ' i 1 • . 'i jFerlodlekls ' : 1 Capital T: FJ Kiely, Tipperary 638ft 9inV ... 1 , j ' A, BUS^ ' j SCENE. The Galtee8 and Slieve-Ardagh send their I . ligaelne^ !oto. WINGARINIS to [develop traffic on tie line. ; Certainly, thfe ¦ ebld by all Lictniied Chemists f J. R.lHayes, Tfpperary 1 34ft 6ih) ... 2 ' torrents to flood; , '' ; ; '¦ , Qrocen, and Wine Uercaist,i la Bottlef Is. 9d. asd 4«. ed.e«a. 1 Great' Southern ; and Western Railway during its Colwaaa'i WIKOABHIS, and see that the word Aik foi : • T. Phelan, Tipberary (31 ft 8in)J...... 3 Bright annor comeB -from Btoried; 81iav - . . :¦ man- a shopkeeper who had pot'earned'six- ' J; J. jHolloway, Tippera ry ....uj-.. 2 . llilc^ng-felt wahtin; the . V NORWICH AND i LONDON; - :.^ H' - ! .» J. MtiCartfjy, 'Cork .;..-. _.v., ^..u..:. 3 - South-jEa^M.f ; By broken Norman,tqw /r -andihamlet white, pence on aiiy Sunday until the present railway . ;IrelMd !j Waainangurate'di» . aa . , - ;" ." CatiuffiotJ oa Sampk boilU fr tt rutfpl cf thr^if pff tyrta typi ' 27 |; .. ¦;¦ ' . 'rinRB * badest .bosom ^Ouarpvatoedl ** to ccviz.pcsf af t developmentsiwere inaugurated.! ' '¦ ' ] ! ¦ j -. ; PointfriTipperary, 66J ; Ccrk, . ": unostentatio'ns but Tha whisp of the Suir, ¦ ; , . ]| ' in npna the' less ; effective •! . would allure, : :' ¦ : • i The main attraction1 which brpught togbther : ' manne^, the presence ' ^ : OUR -MILE RACE. ' ' M ' <)' the promoters and . When its glad waters dance in the light. such immense crowds -was an int©r<^unty 1 a few friends, who were H CURED attiietic struggle rjeiween in& cnampions ot JJ C. lHayes, Tipperary. ; ..Li.... 1 specially invited to PHOTOGRAPHS yiii^flTW IIHSTANTIYIY - witness the launch The . wind croon and sob thro' ruined abpey ii'fl ^ri'F Cbrk and Tipperary. Some six V?eeks ag<> Mr. JJ Glfteson , do. ' .. 1....; . I..U.... 2 oil the undertaking, and ' ¦ : ' ' ¦; • ; ; TOIGHEST-OLASS " 1 J. Gi JQuirke do. -....;.. ...iJ.... S : , ¦;. to wish, it every k walls, • . ; : : PORT! OTH-AGH J. O'Kelly Lynch, of :Dunmanway, wrote to . BU(|ce?s. We refer to the E Also' V7eird music echoes from the; fairy-mound, the papers a; letter which we published; at tbs ran—D. Corcoran, Cbrk, Vhb fell. A Waterford Bottle Making Factory at Bilberry, And the sad thrilling rhymes of long-fpr- time, challenging any county in Ireland, to a (lose : finiiBh. Tim^—21 mini ites jl Iseoonds. : , ¦ , ¦' adjacent to the brick works, which were also ' : i. gotten . times . : . i . • : great athletic contest. Mr. P. r O'Connor, of of In murmurs of tbe Suir resound. : <: Q^APHia-WOEk EXECUTED Waterford; on behalf of the TJtbs IntactaJHar- GRAND "TOTAL i pOINT&H-Tipperary, 63J; the outcome^ individual enterprise, - BUNTER'a * and ' glossy hazel In! .cool, Bheltercd'¦¦ glens where¦¦ riers, accepted the challenge, but the jteam : : - . - ! ; ¦¦ which have proved very successful • :¦!•¦; ¦-¦ • : ; KW , ; i j j ¦ ; so far. It i nod, ;; that he had named did not consist altogether was ielt | for a long tiinej,that the enormous The wild linnet pipeB a happy lay ; or J^rido IiUt end Icupeet Sboo Ecoao of •'Waterford born men or residents, and on " joyoua 's acceptance!: was nMEBicK 6.A. spoiaTs. ; quantities of bottles imported into the City The thruBh and blackbird, singing, NERVINE this ground ! Mr. O'Connor A- Oives rermancnt relief : melpdcs are flinging : by Painless Constriction of the Nerve in Decayed Teeth nmc .ta - : not ratified. ' .Then Mr Tom Kiely, of'Bally- and County of .Waterford and surrounding Thro' the brair-scemed groves ' a}l day. . D. C k O K E R * neale, wrote; stating that Gallant Tipperary . These s 30'rts.came off oh Su nday ih the districts' could be as ¦ , Ma> well, if not tetter pro- ni THE MALL ; •would /put a team into the field to meet the ijet Field in fine though blui try weather. la duced here in Waterfordj where the;best of Tis there that I dwell, for my heart is ever ! . Cork . champions - Mr. Lynch acium^oed.M'D cmsequence of the inter^couaty athletic con- material was: at hand. ' and i there ' ; : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : Mr. Dan Fraher Dun- the opportunities i i ' iPower, Ballywalter, ,; test at Dc ngatvan and. another athletic sports for obtaining a suitable' site for tha ni>«iii>»-" Where Tippfrary and . Kilkenny's plains ' Bourke, Tipperiry, consulted. ; ' " ¦ Caticiictioa Gnorcntccai "B Sf garvan: and Mr. at Tralee being held on th) sama day, the works almoat unrestricted.| 1 ,. ¦ - ' . I - . i : ^-««4fc-toM hold line ..athletic Q or tors Curiously enough, stretch out. - : a^ £gS^3J^g&£ huushe, • and; lit was 1 resolved j to .. ^tendonc».!of spectators competi was however1 , although the desirability of starting n»re tne nvai uaeis are aasmng, ana 1 struggle on the conveniently situ&ted an£ Veil- nbt up: to Liinerick'B usual standard. How- a bottle making factory clashing at was admitted by many I hurlers , | •|7"kATING'S POWDER- appointed grounds of the Shandon Rovers ever, the eports we're-very enjoyable and .the of ,the leading citizens jforj several years past, Make din above the throng's great shout U the 'most Simple «nd Dungarvan. It was to witness I this ebnlggle athletic and cycling contests keen it was only; within PERMANENT ' and1 excit- the part six months or so TrriSATING'S POWDEE. ¦ STOPPING FORlt ia DECAYED TEETH that, fully half the excursionists travelled, and ing. J. J. : Condon, in the cycling, and P. that the:idea took definite shape I kiiow a Bunny meadow gently sloping to the .' , , , , ¦ : , ?° the; misty afternoon, fully;2,000 paid , and there- ¦ - Jill I . : *? prC e "d ^e ^vity of the despite Waterford, upon a] company - i tide; I - .. ' r : . . : ^"I 'I} ?" Tooth'in OfConnorj 1 in ithe athlet c depart- was formed for the purpose . . , . . . TrrjEATma'a POWDER. ; ; a toft « ate,- and in a short time ^it become. « perfeca the sixpence admission fee charged to: the dents,, were of course the magnets of attrac- of starting a factory, ench- as that Where thick clover welcomes thb wild bee, ¦ Enamel forming. y hard "and white grounds.: All the arrangementsfwere eimply Been in . which -was li\V ] Kills Fleis, Bags, Elotba, Beetles . as n were, a part of the originalinbstLceS heToWh! tion, ftndj as .usual, both showed jap splen- excellent working order. The By a tower grim land hoary—there I'dream 'of : ; Kllb Fletu Bagi perfect. " A fair field and no favour " was the didly . i ¦ first directors ' V ' ; : : ¦ , , Moths, Beetles All Chemists Js. 6d. Post Free by O'Connor contested . {our events, out of this company, who; deserve : Erin s glory, ; ' : I I Bib FlejU, Bog», Moth*, Boctlea Proprietor, motto of Mr. Dap. Fraher, and hj» merry ipen, of which : ne secured three firsts and one to be qomplimented ¦While the restless waters: ran;to the sea. ¦ ¦ JOHN IKAVE ST. ' ' upon' the business-like '¦ ¦ : : , JOHN S MADDEIOMADDERMMARKET ' ¦ '¦ Ellis Fltdt, , JJothj, I , NORWICHNORWICH. ¦ ¦ ¦ • • Bag* Bcstlu . ¦' : and the contests were carriedouti under condi- - . ' . ; ¦:¦ ; third. and speedy . . : Frank Furlong, iWs tarford I who is manner in whjch they carried out i BELLOW8, M;i Tins ¦ tions which leave no room Jor dcubt that the the MEW ¦ : , 3* Cd, U always among tho .pnte; -wit nersj it the re- many details necessary to the establish- Ah! Dear - to me Killarney, where the smile I . <\ . . 9d ' : ! . ' better team won. Cork. suffered much by the c4nt sports" ment of the of God is seen, | .: -i . • r ' ' he has attended, secto td second industry, arer-Mr. Michael'Sul- J T^TEW BELLOWS; |- Tins, : 33, Cd, It. absence of the Messrs;?Leahy, who are always U the ,100 yards and third in the, 440. He livan, Mr. James Knox, f T.C; And fair to mo: thy -woodlands Glenmalure; Gye B CWorsdell 'sJ described as Charlevillp men, but who, as a Mr. Edward THE BEST got left on hi* marks in his favourite: event, Egan, Alderman George Nolan, and Mr. A But when this life is ended, and¦ {cold¦ ¦ earth •JVTEW BELLOWS , matter of fact, 1 live a couple of hundred! yards the 220 yejrds, which, he »o Farrell,:T.C, ^ - i ; -with earth is blended, - i . 9d i THns 84 M, U. iron brilliantly in These Kentlemen deserve to have ' _1_NJ i ¦ 1 Kllli Flei». Bngfl, Wolhg, Beetles, ^^ outside ihe -Cork boundary,- and were therefore giod company on the prev iona 'Sunday at their-names recorded as the pioneers L«t me rest by the sweet River Suir. &p \ declared ineligible for the contest. , Froin' the w4 of 'what (Uarmlesi to :evor7tblD(j bat Ia Vegetable C iarieyiUB.i Mr. J. Kennedy, Waterford, a "believe will become, if not A, erp nt at. i ECOU). Sold in /returns given:below . itiwiH .be- seen that the n iw aspirant to athletic fame, secured third least a {successful source : Tin*, 8d, 6d, anai» FAMILY MEDICINE. Corkonians; were heavily handicapped in; the of employment lor : also In thi new filled Bellows, ti in the 220 yards. He ran [right tell for a local hands ' as time rolls on. ' Of course even jumping and iweight-throwiiag, and, indeed; n >vice, and I have no doaot that! he will the most casual' ¦Jirir.1.8 FLEAS, BBBl'LBH, MOTHS, a look at the teams when they were being pho-i ¦ ' observer'will at Once see that «( on *los«om -into a winner, j Details:— it ' Would be impossible1 foj»- the promoters to ; THEY CURE tographed by-Mr. E. Keoghan, T.C.; ma^eiione obtain •BT-ILLS PLEAS, BEETLES, MOTHS. ; ¦ ¦ ' ' ' local glass artificers at the- outset, IHDiaESTIOH, LIVER COUPLAIHT, HEADACHE feel .certain that at least: in the events for feats 100 YARDb ibPEN^FDfAL^ EAT. j . ¦ ; ; especially as -working in , BflBUItATlSH, of strength; the representatives of Tippe'rary! A. Kellyjlimerick (8|lyaiid8), 1st; Frank glass has been, un- TTttLS FLEAS, BEETLE8, MOTHS. DYSPEPSIA, BIUOUSNESS: happjly l long obsolete in |Waterford, at one COHSTIPATIOW NERVODSNESS, &c were bound tr J ' ; staff expert workmen, BEVISION OP THE LISTS OP VOTEBS Ain) J , ST. JOHN S MADDEJUCARKET, NORWICH. ; T: McHngh, Ennijf . (lBO^ystds), 'let; if iJ. and.these,w ^believe, thBy have secured in the ¦ ' JUKOfiS' LISIS,1 IV ( THE YEAB 1800. ¦ ' ¦ ' . ¦: • ' ¦ ' 2ndL ' : persons 1 (- . . . ¦:': at ¦ ;. of .. ¦: :;•:¦ Cindon (60yards), . . : i .; Ee is the beat sprinter^rj) Ireland ttie pieseot , K^JmaUock ; . - . mBn-whoriaverearUed and worked . ! ¦ : ¦ atitheiribusiness 1 ¦ii moment; I< am; convinced. Xh6, dfitailBiJiven, HALE-MILEFLAT.: ' " . " < ¦¦; ' i ,' in somej'-bf the best; bottle ; .WUNTY AOT) CITY jOF ;WATEEF0EJ). : . '' ' / makyjfi j ; £a«U)ries. .in ih« -three.' Kingdoms: ^limited; I O the are so exhaustive that }t is not necessary;! for -:JW. -Ryaril Oatfield '(30 yaids),1 'BH.';'.jfe Nolan?'- Their j^^ufiifefea IS ' KUdimo (60 ' : : manager, is a', practical Irishman—Mr. '^TOTfGE HEREBY GilVEI^ tliat Hevfafttf me to farther . dwell on; them here. 'I Inpst, |yards), 2nd. | ] . | f] . • ; Graham1—and the ' ' however before; concluding, heartily congratu- ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ; etafl Junffer; him appear to XN : Barrister for tbe Copnty and City of Water- > "n t ¦¦ • ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ • [• :¦ i: " -;.- be .fully [capable to i ! for I our Customers ! ; Ao late Mr. 'O'Kelly iLynch pn having inaugurated I^NO JDMW- • - • : - perform, their vow; to .the ford will hold Cenrts for tbe parpore of RovlslDg ny&Y/vn Wr\ U P. O'Connor, Waterford (scratch), satisfaction of the the most interesting series of contests' vitr 23ft Sin, Com^anjr, and what/is of ' ¦ ; ' ' tbe Sareral Lists of Parllarn«ntaryuad Local Govern- i ¦' ¦ US; CJ Leahy CharleviUe (lit in.). 21ft 6in. more importance, to the* complete satisfaction ;¦ ; THE .. . " :. . ment Voters for the said ne6sed in Irebind for many a day: i • I ,| 01 tBe customers—present ' : i \- County and City ; and also AmM 2rd; Jl of New Stock Charievilk (lit 61n) 20ft 4in |: and prospective. at The following were ! the officialsi-rJaages— L^ahy. ,^ . for the purpose of Bevhlnz tbo " General Lists of 3r 1. There was a cross breeze blowing in :the And: here let us say thatltha factory it already ¦laror*," and "Lists of Special Cork—M. Deenng and jW. J. Nolan. Tipper- full up df orders from Jurors." for tha said ary—M. : Davin : and J. I Cullinanej ; Referee— run to the jump, and O'Connor, notwithstandr lbcaljtraders, so that the B%gek Bhillings^prtli County end City, at tbo times and PJttcea hereinafter ; ing, got oveiT23 feet in : out of I his six at- works had not to be started: D. Braher. Cali Stewards—M. Fyynn and P. : ¦ ¦fo?r upon any experi- mentioned :— I . ' I tempts; - . I ; ¦;; ;. • ¦;- ; mental ground as far as the output is con- ' Stuafl [Telegraph. Stewards—MJ Fennel bnd 'I [ cerned lor ' ANY WEEK, EVERY. WEEK , ALL THE I KVISIOH ;o» JUllOES] L1SI8 FOB OUT. P. Walsh. Oork—D. Power.: • some months. I , This iB most en- j - \ At j Coarthoaso, Woterford, Tharsday, 20th 8op i^etarters-p STip- ONE MILE pPLAT. : ! i: 1 •! .' couraging, and argues well for the , YEAR ROUND I!; - peraxy—J. : uourKe; - . uaptains—uorit—J . W. Ryan, [Oatfield (65 yds), Jijt; J; McNa- ; future of 5 tombor, 1800. 12 noon, for City of Walcrfoid. ' : ¦ ¦ the works, the expansion! of which we can O'Kelly [Lynch;.Tipperary—T. P.i:Kiely . -I: . mkrar . Tulla:(65 yds). 2nd. , j i plainly, . JBEVISIOS or USIB OF |TOIEBS ton CITT. 'the conditions foresee is only a matter of time. The At Court Hooae Friday, 21»t Sopteabcr The fallowing wer^ under 1 :.. • !;: ' , , 1000 and ¦ 22t) works aa they ¦ ' »B BWI» * « B »M B JM BJ «M MSJ ««S J M«SM« » ^ MB ^ iS ^ « S » . . ' YARDS: , now appear, are, comparatively ' of Modern N. ^-which the contests were decided^ .. > . 1 ' i 1 Competition ; following days at 11.80 a.m for Borough of Water- j |P. O'Connor, Waterfordi (6 yds), 1st; J. W. speakin-f upon a somewhat: limited scale, but iord ' ¦ ; ; . (1}—Colours—Tipperary—Green Sash. Cork D nnen1, then the . I I ; E. C. beg to inform her friends and the public that she has just received a —Light Blue Sash. ¦ ] ' ¦ " . ' . ;'i! : '] Herbertstown (18 yds), 2nd : M. J. situation is eminently suitable for 'll^ fli in * ir ' Evcming Sitting Taeaday,25th SoplsmbDr 1000 at ¦ K innedy, Waterford (20yds>. 9rd. . i ; . very large additions,, as any visitor O^f ' , - ' (2)7-THe programme to consist of 13 eyepta; < ¦ 1 must at 6.30 f<}r Borough of WaUtfprf. i ; . splendid Assortment of : : ; . . of: in to- P' ' ' ¦ ¦ :¦ ¦ once notice. The quality] of the glass pro- (Nuaie^ competitors eacb;«yent be JTTING^LBS. ' ! . ¦{ ;: . i : duced , Evening Sitting; Wedoesday, 20th September, 1900 limited to 3 from each,' county. :. [;¦¦, , - - (• ' , ! ?. Ryan,;Pallasgreen (scratch), 33ft 8in, 1st; |was| declared • By the manager at 6 30 p.m for Borough of \Vatcrford. ' . ! contest to oe won on points, td be M Heelanj Caherelly S5ft lin, 2nd. 1 to be ; absolutely perfect,' a circumstance , Evening Sitting K3>—The 2J) which ia in. a large measure ThDrsday. 27tb September. 1000 •alVowed as foUowsi^lpointSi for iirsU^jfor THREES MILES BJCYCLE- - i ; due to the very at 6-30 p-m for Borough of Watorforf. '': : suitable quality of the linie—a necessary in- ; , ' SHOES ! liET13I0X OF SHOES] 2nd:.-an4' 1 for ,3rd. TTte highest total;sqore i.tJ. JUBOns UBTS FOB CODHTT. BOOTS and ' ' ¦ Berlin, Athy (200ids); 1st; J. J. Con- gredient] SO to Steak—liseil In ttlA mnnnfnf. Our Furef^ TEA " '¦ : ' to decide the contest, j I - • .< :• . -¦: - i ;'" '! ', • • ; den, Kilm^lock (60 ! yds),1 2nd ; ¦ J-: McHugh, J 1—At Conrthonse, Water/ord, Friday, 28th Sap« ! Which she intends selling at extraordinary Iiovr Prices. I' i -/ • coinpetitof to get four trie* lor (the. ¦;. ture of bottle ;glasg. The construction of the N0THIN <4}|-Each E^mis (320)yda). 3rd. j . -•• - j , ;. fumacea and other tember, 1900 at 11.30 a.m fox tho Baronies of Gan]- lond j-ump: i hop, «tep jandxjump; hammier; ¦ : : ¦:¦:' ' ¦ ' detailsl were from the de- ' Indian .r/ tier and illddlethird. • SiGH'JUMP. : i :¦!¦ - signs of! an expert in glass production, : \\j != ^ j ahot and 561bB. : IJsnai conditions;: for qigh ; ' ; l ond the BEA TS ALL. /7 LIPE IT' ! : 2— At Courthouse, Cirriokbeg, Tbnrsday, 4tb ¦ ¦:. ' : |P. OlConrior -and C, Leahy . tied for first building work, which ia, las far us possible #jj THOUSANDS OF PAIES TO SELECT fEOl JnmP' L T..! i . : •; .! . . '/'. I, . : -1 .: . pl-ace al J5ft 3Hin. O'Cpnhor won'ihe toss. composed of material teni the neighbouring October, 1000. at 1 p.m for the Uuronlcs of Upper- - (5){-ln;alI|races the.;Ufplains to tops lor.nrst ' ¦ third and Qlenahtlrr. I ; ; BOT?iS' AND GIRLS' BOOTS A SPECIALITY. ; ; ; FLAT. ¦ ; "! ¦' brick factory', was cameii ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : position; the other competitors to be arraniged THREE M3^ES J ! ;- . out under the super- i ' : - . ! ! , , : ! i , 3—Conrthooso- Lfcmorc.F lriday, Sth Ootobcr, 1900 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦J. vision of Alderman George ! Compare Prices before going Elsewhere. Eepaiw Neatly and Promptly, Done.]'. alternately.j ; ' ; ' . : ¦' '¦!• McNamara. TulIa (85 yds), Jst j C.; Nolan, Nolan, a proprietor, at 12.0 coon for the Barony, of Cothmore and Cosh- ' ' tfmeriqk (160), 2nd. ; - , - ! and one tofjour leading bity builders. ¦: ¦ ' (GH^Coinpetifors for iach 'county,- mnst|' De ¦ Al- bride.[ ! . . . : " : ' ¦ together about 25 bands, including unskilled 't Waste your Money born there qr resident therein for¦ six months ITARDSJ! . • . 1 . I -i - i l attendantsI it is Don : . 4—Conrthoose, Dangarvas, Uoaday, 6th Octo- priolto of contest. ! ¦ : | r Mj ' , are employed, ^ut anticipated Inferior Low Priced Teas, (now, co much BUY WISELY AND WELL AT 4»te ! . . Dineen, Herbertstown (25 -s. ,W8» , VASES, &o;: &B^ i - :: in-ftont • merrily ion MIRROHS - ;. | , HoweU • , . Murray getting off last.! |; and:.bottle: ' . . , ' " ¦ aWer bcrttle of the v . . -: ¦I- ;:•: ! •: ; :> ::: H H : - •; ' ; Lbsmorft, ' Satorday, Cth October, 1900,"at until , ten yards from I home when Murray got . . finest glass [was produced md finished 'with thing uBeful for THE HO.[Hfi HOLD';J J . about making cotisldertWe Improtanenta iq oar Wtrehouit, won by a good yard,. i nth : The usual weekly! meeting! ol the above what 11.0 for the Pplling Districtsof Oop- As we are to the front and : appeared astonishing rapidity < to the at of , Buckley > fully a yard j away. No : time i Was Ji iion was; held on Saturday, Mr. M.iDrohan unitiated 'beholders. . A feit hod any poqnin, Lifmorennd '1 allow. : we; will offer our ENTIRlS STOCK of i : of the gentlemen FulI'Lbt of Presents con b^ out 4 M cot—At CoarthoasoJ T)aocarran (Evening I taken: Score—Cork 5 points ; Tjppiraryj 2. iresided, and the others present .were—Miss present were invited to bio-* a.bottle after the ¦ ¦ • : ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ : 3 rubb; Messrs. J. p. Fox, t. Sexton, J:. J; molten klasi |w;as recelyea1 : • : ; - Branches. . ' " Sitting), Monday i 8th October, 1900 at from the -furnace. , PUTTliNiS'' 161bi ; : SHOT from 7fL I SQI^ARE! It eo, J. Meaxa, James Fahy,ID. Rockett, M. Amongst the ; ! successful amateur operators ttou pm. vo. j iTicBaay,; via ucwuer ! ' b , 11-0 a m for- the Polling District* of ' ; J ? irry, [R. Purcell, John Bheehan, T McGrath. were Messrs: Nolan, John F. Knox, B.| Egan, ;Tea Checks given with 2 ozs., \ \ .t $K 1000 DRAl|ERY (^OODS : ! T. Phelani Tipperary, :40ft: JBini 1; : Ardmora, OUuhmore,' JJungirran and ' ' ' " ; ' ' : ¦ and Andrew] Farrell, who for these Checks Customers get ; ¦ ¦ :i : ¦ " ' lip. 391t. Win. 2 • .; ! OTOdK-TAKING. ;; |:i ; {demonstrated their or l|lb., and « , ¦ 'I- . : : ¦ . ¦ \ i -Ml' J. O'Connor, - I j j lung power! amount of success that , at GLASGOW : yuiierrtown. j ' ; ; i. ! AT D. Murray, Cork, 37ft. 9»in|...i.. -3; ; BOOTS AND SHOES ; Tno Court will sit punctually at the Bour* men- ! Tipperary; ! Fhe Easier reported that a competent person quite captivated the professionals who stood 1 Alfeo competed—TJ F. Kiely,! i is required to take'stock of the Clothing and by. Afifr the works had Been inspected HOtJSE, WA1ERF0BD,; and for tioned, and the Clerk* and IUta Collectors of the T. McCarthy, Cork; JP. Droffiin , (Cork. ' Kiely 5 , an I ' 0visions!id the Workhouse before the end of adiourninent was made to outside, whera fh« ALI, KIND at SCOTCH Bevcral Poor Law Unions are hereby required to be fouled twice: aixd did I not compete further. i; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ "¦ - ' - DEAPBRY O# above sit tortb, and to '¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ te week. .i . : j -! . ; !- . directors treated the visit-o'ri and the employes In attendance at tha times &* Pointi-j-Tipperary 8;' Cork 6. f \\\ Mr. FOJ Mr. Chairman would iit bo in with - much , HOU8E; KILKENNY. prodoco ntl-Boolu relatlog Ito tho B^tesottheir ro- ¦ ;— , hospitality. ! AUermon Ryan- pro- ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ ' ¦¦ • BIDUl lOTHM¦ ¦ ¦' ' ¦¦' ¦ SWEEHNa ! ¦•¦ ' power to appoint some guardian to take posed prosperity •pedtjve dlitrictor. ! ' • - ,[ . . '. r , ;- ., : . i :; • ij Ji_ - . i .:£¦ ONti ililiE RACE. ' i . I ;: ¦! ' V >ur to the facfory, and hoped that " : Li ; ¦ ¦ ¦ 3 ock. I don't quite see why £9we or should go Mr. Graham, ' uie manager] would make it a I B2T Every person who joas served a Aotloe of a - ; : ;, - ; ; COMMENCIKQ : • : t '. V-; i; :j : I'. . -, . ; 1 ! .. ¦ -the and pay ' County, . . ( i !-M| j : |. . - |- . 3 ltsid^ guardians, £10. i Mr. great succew, .and the-' reply was a hearty claim: to Voto in any Polling DUtrlct in said ; K 3.\ G. Quirke, Tipperary ¦ 1: i :athiaa Walah. who> ia nn auctioneer, would afllrmative. j Mr. Sullivan;expressed the hope OtE MOMTi SATING or Wnrd in ssidBorough , should attendto in penon at ! . 3: Mprrissey, Tipperary ' .-.[..:..., :. 2> aiiawee ve^y; ' -Would that many the Eevislon Ooort therefor. In ortt^r snpport snob ¦ well, if he oblige: ¦ us. It !mbre local |factories would ariee ; ; Dl I Corcoran, ....A I.....:. St-| j buld Save us a lot olmoney, • " :- . .- : ' jn Waterford! to- give employment ;clatm, otherwise it will be rejected, : Gleesonj - Tipper iry ; . to skilled j LEADING IJNES of Afam»t Also! cbmpjeted—J. Chairman—WelL !I don't think the Local and unskilled labour, and] to keep local money : l ' ' ! D&H)dthl» 20th day , 1900. Aug ' pace i ; ust 25th. Corcorap • made ( - Saturday, D." O'Callaghani Cork. overnme it Board Would approve entirely of in the city, {o Vbich Alderman Ryan promptly MA*rCHES : ij., .; Idj pcr idton Boxe^ iW J DENMEHY. afii ot the Peace, followed: by;:Gleeson, MorriBsey. - ana O Cal-r the guard aha taking -stock.- ¦ ¦) • ; v i ¦ ¦¦and appropriately added-* 1 - ; Conotyknd City of Waterford. . ' . 1 " With men like you pr]ce) Jb i I laghain. : At half . distance Gleeson was in \ Mis* GVubb-They-wrotalaying that; . . ' io help :', tbei^t - • forward,'] The- hands 'drank SOiP (reduced Id, p?t ' 'by [CorcoranJ Morritseyi : (reduced pticrt 'j PER U>:, "i front i followed ¦ Mr.-: Fox—But an auctioneer being a pro- success! to. the Company ,a wl the works, and SOAP BEST) ,.. 2$d Qairkej I and ! O'CalJaghan, ;Wl}en thej I bell rewional -faan, I don't thiox they could ob- afterwards bniinesg wag ¦ ] OR 6a AND 7d PEK BAK DEERlHa HARVESTING : ¦;• ¦¦ ¦ : ¦ r n timed as usual; We . rang, Quirke went tojtne front and won Easily ject to th iU ' •! • • • •. j- - ¦'!- ' - \ ". \-- ¦ hope that tills opening1 day will prove ' ¦:.; ¦ ' fqr Becopd to. be SALMON ... i U»: 0d.!per Tio ; :!¦ MjACH^EItY. by, ten yisids; a; j3ne ;struggle . iplac^ j Chalrmi n—He has no< license¦ , at, present, the beguminr of a blfr (ndustry in Waterford ¦ represent - - - ¦•;' . ¦ ¦¦[¦ - ¦ ¦: ¦ • :. . per Tin I ended in : fpvbar ,of: the' • Tipper »fy Mr.-Fioxj i K -}. j - > . - | , . . and if we know anything pi the | - ; (BestiQuaWy, 7|d.) AT TWE ' 42 4-5'eecS. men behind e^: P!EMABB¦ ;ABLE S^COESS \ tative bv_ a; foot; Timi, 4 mins ¦ Mr. i FOJ -tHi-wai an' •!and|onee |r. i He it ia the undertaking, -we ^n [confident : that it-o ! "" m ¦ ¦ BABD1NES ;. ... i 4d.|,^nd I Points-^ipp^ra'ry, 14;jCork;7. - ;, . : .. -| - ;i sompe'terit person^ i - ¦ j- ' : reasonably enough. ¦! » ,, ii ,. ¦ JA^I " ' T HE PA D PKIZE ; ;¦ ' EET - 1 .:; ' ¦ 13 ¦¦, BRO&D W4^EJtEpRi>i .4. ' ftil* ¦ j - ; - Ryap, Tipi 5ft: 8iui; .. " v : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦> Ji IM.I would refer -*ii- ' :: mtk Qtahb faid if the^leek to ' ' JAM, (Raap. and Apple) 61 peit !21b POT. J ^ E.' A. 'Ryan and J. Murphy tied at ! - T VtJBLIckciONS. . :- - ' 1 '{;. he c<|rwi»Wndenc«i theyiwoold'flnd that th4» ¦ : • ¦ : ' ' ' Bft ¦» ;< 6ft:6}in for second pitace. ; , . ¦ -¦ ..;: \-] - ¦ ¦ I. : : l. !. : . .sV^-w j ; !M i I x&i suggdated - before, and tha Local Govern- ¦ ^.u:... 'MM.. . . i: I- ¦ GOLD AND SILVER MEDALE Hollowajri Tippe aiyj ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ '¦ ' ; ' ; Also competed—J.: 3:\ toent Boird • • • . = ¦$ < - - , . ; . T: " THE' driSL." , : ¦ ' ' : : j Cheapest anywhere. f, 1 185L \ ' ¦ - j : GAINED BY ESTABLISHED Jlixxrpbfi ;Cork,;Bftj 4jli 1. ; J\. V ..::. .! :: -- ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' ¦ r : 5ft. . &Jin. ; j 3, PThe Cle rk then I read the lktter 'jreferred'to . . ' '¦I ) [ - ;! . ' T- nglish Hair Swi "at 6ft^ 8t»n: :lut ft [ SWEETS^( Mixed MiD^ Mo*k,V ALL v TO T^ Tk'-T iXT ' /^l : i M Murphy;' cleared; the bar > in1 which the Local GovernmentBoard stated j A double number ofr "( The Gael " covering Mi immediately. The judges difiered ' : Bdls, &c., 3d. per 11 JEERING. , ! fell: almost' that wher ) a guardiantook Stock,]the respon- the month* of August- ajn^llSeptemberhas . ! Black *c) | We have receded tbo following Talegraia •.— , . KBECK BANK a3 tq whether, the jjoinp Bhould ^be aljowed ty just " ' Fraher; sibili « ottld rest on the [individnal gatur- 'been p ablipHed. " ' " ' Snops Tea ] . ALt;. <• PAHI3, Aog. 18—ODJclally announced to-day and on appealing \ to! Mr. D. the ' WaV'tobfc (ttoclc' ¦¦' : ¦ 'i '' '' - ; - : ,. ; 1 . BI60UITS (Mixed , , decided: againstjjHur- diah [. . : The '3d. per il bvi ; Freooh lAuthoritlos tieerlnif receive* tbt rn referee; that gentlema^ Mr.: Mc Srath thought they would get stock nuinber . opens with an interesting i Butter, &c-, ! ) TWO GOLD and OSH decided to give s point and,a 1 ; article on tbA * OB*NO PB1ZE and POUJjCKl ?WWH|- 00jWfMyO».l> pbvi It was ; : taken: for £9; or so. There was¦ no use in. Poplin JhauBtry ia Ireland, oy MEDALS. ThU U Highert R««» -ibieach' of th& ttead-heater»; Pojhts-i- ¦ : - j ' Mary Gorgefl. , Eev. Father PRUIT, toavea, 2id., 3d. , J6d: eiicb. i HiXiVEE aa tS« nfabngggi motmOrW l ' . .- -~ p wATtum o> mo.>|» JI hal£ , going to' :i his trouble. ;. '; J: - "! • ;¦:;. . . ' ; Dollard contri- ¦ ¦ D EamiUng UACblneiy ' ¦ ' > '1 -A . obtiloed by any Kxblblto¦ I ; Tipperaty ICork'fij. butes a neir poem oa thei'f " ' • ' : ¦ ¦ • ¦ • what not di»wnb eUnr WJi- . ' The M. ister said: if a : guardian came 1 in Biver Suir, which ; ,;; MARVBqLOlTS VALUE ¦ !¦ • ¦ :• •' i jfiKKk ¦ is undoubtedly- one of I CJsk " ,_ a% ' ; ; ' ¦ to take s x>ck he would;do It in an hour ' or ; the best he. has yet t SOLE AGENTS ?Oa 1EELAKD— j. DEPOSIT :220:|YARD8:" i: ;j |. . - : j. - . . r jj- vVJi- ;!; written. If* rhythm and ojesonance will linger Accomrrt II r two; but W a man came in to take¦ stock be ' ; ;. '. ;; '!; ' would wfibt to earn bis money. ' ;¦ '- ' • , in,your memory long jafter you have read it IffD. 9 i ; . • b.| -Mdrr^y, Cprk ..J...i;;.iLJ.ii. .l , ¦ ¦ A.! & J.! MAIN AND CO , Q»I WJ4*<^ %l io .Mr.JSe: ton-I think it i» »iier W advertiw ne give « pew, lujesj—i ,| j' . . i! ' DUBUUI^ . 2J% >*<^« \*Q^wv-M * ; > ' : l 11. LEDISTEa STBEEt/ \ ' :¦ ! -:Kj1 d yh3ii c<)rk7 iC;''ii; .3L ^ and get a man to do it for « Couple 61 pounda. '"The winds croon andisab ' : , f • rtTOOTS AHD. SttABBS : j !, fT SS.^ Mum K^-L > • !.; ; ¦ S thro • ruined abbey »jd|ar pMtnw^i';- ¦ . ' P;; Ml Kiryanagn, mppe t&tf, , •« :> . , a I. Mat ter- -You must appoint «6ma one with- ; waUs, :i •: , . ; \\\ - .- j - - I BtoAiWgUyadL«*«d: ' Mr.^Sl ei proposed' they advertise . for tine i if - ¦¦• ¦ ' ' 1 rivo yards] ; Hpwell Hunped. away - . in: |front > ( -: • , '{ I,, • : .!. • •¦:¦ ' ' : . . cQl : an4 carried:j oft; ihdjn plWg. toilbt bead fetf itock- ^"' TK and^Mf. Beaton secohoed. : ; j ; In the murmuring* of tjh? gulr!resound. " ¦• i ]M#Ejt iil i the; H WgtyHtiea 'M l-MON TAC?K)Ea,: WHOLESALE FISH 11 i {tf o^*a^$m.m$ ' ' ' * Th^ *Oi x^j rt 0** thci jOc $io mril* * 00 1oxni(l' io ¦ [ti&ii*'' iip>'' m Jonii'^r'AOMWk -ff t^*^f) to}' ^* ff lf l&t " GAiiB 4 ronymi SAI^SMER, *ip!^f iPSiSS m urn JBSPEOTTQLLYI. O^J. ; IT^!<«r*»4, LTwiMmL«d tb LFMI -$mt* UnMr:S»miFKm tuAH^tiHywui*8P*mvi. m V :' r -j3r %> hi?wm ¦ ': ' ¦ ' ¦ - wmmmmm t *'iP . If .. • I H- ?*-.; . -¦•t.. :, M : Y . ... i i. :¦ '-'. . . ' . SBpHl||llj ll mmmm^WMww illHiilMI >«fa ^w:lk^i)ftp ^i«'i«kof w&&i ^.M t i ii i ip§if ii BTM nab * bonui L jy-Mt. - ifliftnaeW: l*n," Ot j m^te?^faMSi^fe«latJ:thaip4^a4rrSps8io^^& ] ita 1 l * :; a^ ^^lR*^te ' Bto 6i ' ; i^nM;M !W ;J Jid interMungi Mrsa JLyonB had yen>]it ^^ IPPmwtoU ^SLATBi^Oie.Mi&. .i 'i ;. ,• .)-{. .'¦' r f?Hff!£ inis - ,wej»k; tiftk ih ! nnit cnttfiifftilth nAw >7lnjin>A a >n i i;* :Thef if » ong mBSmmjwj omS: s L o5i^^i8d^^' ' '" ""'^' a Judge'.JS top raid tyid a dlfflctilt. teelt.W caie, '.end I h^vB hoi'doubt the W>6uJ*;«i!^inbB o WouldI jht'thepeop je'ti. lii 't)»'fooqmra | t lMs>hotwared and jpatrifc i\' i- l!;Z'!i'^.;. u3'; ' fiuiia ntajdritj* of 'Skipneti-ffle we) .. . M ihf om BiiWj^« Mn . • the worl j. fir the number lofj dayjt '{lx$d,} but the lmagistr»t«(j had bfen on. the' bejica' I in battleXv^d bring t te;iragfi^v. tod the «low V> tio anoentoriU 'Oon''wntion !opene f at; <2 Alio jao-rW)ite«Frost,Heather gilding) m^ w ! 'the-! ' * ^- i ¦ ¦ tt would beBe^rabifi id^tagWt^-im^ towards iWeiines lajy;-evening .It ;was 'je$ia*eni time her .application wopld have been gta ited fton£ ind' mal e them (lo(D*lafter.the |wel- oclock tthdet ] >tSBjpreBW«ncyf df Mp Jamea Miae MacltflJri'tod' GaTialoo. ]• :' . "• !!. .W$Smacov/land tlw OhatV i B«Uirig-i<.to3 againrtfikipnes* , 100 to SO to Wafii"o rdf-andiTrt ^»';I^* over til^-^fxt- iesBionfl.ii^pwiBver : " justice of her sorry! he; tj st > some ofuioke who fought o(jttat , ' ' Without wlih;ing*6 was oisftosddli ol in' gqod'tiini*.! •!- : , !. ¦ •! probability o*v)5 voted' }n'faToiur ot How- in days gone by t lera thavaAyrHbearjhear , . a^aiffe a^ndanfeeoi dWfigkte*,' Th< clergy- D 11 to Wnlte Froi tl 1 oth«r». '¦ ujpon the wiaf that ^Ule lin^U mMiMid ' ' ¦:• " • : ¦ ' ' '1 ;- i ' it.i! ¦ eep/ ^ I and . I v i -; i! . •: • ! .::• . \:\ '% ;->.- . •( ; -v.. : ¦< f ever, I understand she will;tryiag ain,! when andavoice/'Itii i •ham<(o'[H« wasBorry!Uje men p»sentJ,wins£B«v,re tl^ cotr»i)D^ . Dobtyi/ Depptr..Clerk 61 I hope she wllLiav'6 better juck. - . ]> • '. - . - i ftnd Bey. John length¦¦ dividing second lid third. ..; ; :. the peace irom his posti ttuVy nme; ;Mi!. wide over . every, district"\hy.\ West Waterford, ^ahill ,. Boebetcbh-j i^ijjadSWttJng ;tne ' Con- • ¦:: ; (Winwir trained w Lambton.) ,' ¦ -from th« experitnefe, Iof tH^'paet fout|or fiv* ' V 1 '¦ ¦ , ¦ ¦ !! -i * If : " : ¦' ¦)" '-' - " " - ¦ -'¦ - ' ''' '¦!'' ¦ O'Ee ^:I^giBtr woIVv Mr; - and that; the NatfonallsU were not working vention hims< . : : -/'I . 1. , i . .. » .; ^ ito iilf ^dirtb> . : DQS- The! Bevisiait B/urrister will hold >«, court the.ChaJ^nanexpress ed high- mjmthi.tiat':tbe ilf imi if it could . byn, wasv ' here on October side by!«ide with the object;of restoring Iieland ly honoured ' ' '¦ po**^^ ¦ ; ¦ no.i doubt, ¦ [officially- engaged else- neortFtiday^ 5th, for the nur- at oWiirdbu!over such on impor- 8CURB,Y STAKES.—FWei Furbngs. > : be' accomplithed; Wwud,b» of the most b«nefl» ¦ " ¦¦ where. :]¦ • - .;. , f- !- , - . i ; - . '¦ ' ' ¦pose- of-rerisinjf ' a Nation, buth» wke sureiithat such a meeting tant gatherinr , ' to ¦ ¦ \\\ ¦ . ¦ :\i the voters. lists for the Bar- in =whicfi th%re were; i ien he : Tantaru* (Clemson) ;..„. ....' . 1 the . I- ¦!• '• ¦'• : ' ¦•¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 ! -cjal-character;not ; ^one traveUing ] K . * .i' i' ony ; of Coshmore and Coshbride; and alcd) ; fox aa.Mhst.' w«u4d-ei*e heart to those men who Said, thoroughly|r*pre*entatavB of evt rvthing , Maha^le XChildsyT ...;...... ,.. : 2, : At Wednesday 5'sessionJ.the .' ' the rolling districts of. pappoquin, were :uuii UUUUUK ,oaca, HI come ioiwtuu uuu that was;good ini'Sonthi Kilkenny. Having Haufte Ba» (J. Dalton) ! : Dttblic. but also to the DCODIA of Tramnra and I cases were not ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ Jismofe 8 and!xallow;i; ; ' ' . ,v ' ¦ K : ' '¦ many, ;but| a tew heavy cteear. ¦ \ . ii ; ; . join in one mighty shout of 1>uz2a» f or ^the pointed out the objectof ith^Weetlng I e asked Also ran—EUeen phoctaw, Waterford. ; We have; M« that owing to the occupied < the ¦ ' ¦ i ¦ ¦•¦¦ V^oi^. Presen- . . . A ' • It ' - .' ' day., .| A claim to r £1,630 compensation for dis- United Irish Leaebe, and away; with tyranny if anyone had,* krentleman*to vroDbseJ for tbe tation,^BeHved, Psalm, and Saepgerin.: - ,; : enterprise of;tne Gr at Southern Company;' • Next week' and everything!that opposed- their country— Parfiamentaiy. of :the 4, ¦:? e turbance, impr Vements, etc.; was made, .by s meeting' of the guardian^ j>ro- . representation¦ ^ in i division/ Betting-r*' to agabj^t . Tantalus. to 2 the old DnngarvaO line ; Mr. Michael O Brien, an! evicted tenant; for tniseB to be interesting,- jas, i in addition to a (loud and prolonged applause.) : . j | ; father ^rennan! (then ^o&e and ptopoeing Baingerinj 6 to I Choctow, 100 j to 15 £ile«n , which bad iapfed ; i into a state whom Mrv'!Anth >ny CBrrQlli'Permb.yvwaa actr good many matters of interest 'to be'. coDBi- Mr; AlexanderHeakin. D.C, then rose, ^nd Mr.i James; 0*Mara,alluded to that gentleman's Violet, 1CK) to 9 Haut en IBas, 100 to 7 others. bordering upon almost absolute |||S jli || gsa;pips ing. : The landlord, C W-j Darb J Griffith; waa dered, the co-optiop. of . a member to -fill Ithe said, as one who .took atr humble part on a father andi grandfather :\n highly complimcn-, :. Won i by- half a length', a head dividing dtsnetude; hat been galvtaiied. into one elf the y - ¦ " ¦! represented by Mr. J. Fl-Williams; ~and ha vacancy caused, by, the d*eatliio{ Mr. Michael forfflfr ioccasi6n—an odcaslon historic 'he tary terms! , !HeWd they* were entrusted with afleond and third If : 1 ! ! :i : most popular line* in the South of Ireland, lodged'.;* setoff for SZ&ttf otrent Bue Afte-r Casey Dromroa, will als<>-be decided.!:-We.J. . might say In the annals-of WeBt Waterford in the highest: honours : the people -of Limerick : (Winner trained by Blackwell.): ' ,j ' ; 'i '- ¦ ¦::• ' ¦; aa witneM ('* trains which landed some witnesses lad been'examined, the; case Fives, .Touring has beep put forwarij, |as >a the return of the> present member for the d, ivi- could bestowion ibetn, • ; . - . > . : ; ' -was adjourned to next jaessionaj to. have on candidate by the Cappoquin' Branch :bf(,the sion (Mr. J. J. ;Shce>rhe had great pleasure j Mr. ThomasiWalsh, of Callan, who seconded ALL-A6ED PLATE.-Piyo furlongs. j in the hitherto neglectediek*id -> town of Dun- in bringing hi» j name • ganrani accourif! made >y the. . Sfigistrar.-bf .!tha.j ad-1 iTTnited Irish League, of [which:'he is p fnfem- agiUh under the notice theiproposition ajso in: flattering terms men- Swirl |(L. Beiff) ;;...&; ,....T 1 j between SjJtojaod 4,toO pa«engeri>, ;|l and his candidature has- been ejld of that Convention, /Applause!) i Having re- tioned the; names ' Barbaty vances made by the landlord for buildirigB.¦ ¦ I ber> >rted of members ofiUr. CMara s Maid colt (JiiT;-81oan)...... : H -! money ipending people of the Boorti Eistira ¦ ¦ - ' • : ¦!¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ respectable *{£" (Dotm) 1 «T ' \\ ' i • - • I- . - f, i- . : !¦ by fthe West Waterford Exebutlve of the, Lea- ferred to the dissension ,thaV existed in ]the family.' : ' . .JT . M , , ;: . i ; :- i- , • • ¦! ; . Snaretbrook H. Martin) ' ¦ i . . im fat: '. •. ' ! owing to the- influx of visitors to the town of is consistent, and trne .-to ithej>rlneiplej» of him that time .hadL«hown tbe wisdom of ithe selecte*. 1 : •; : :. -i,;).. . . ' ..,;¦- . ..' : . i - ' -: i ' . -; knighf» pame. . j ,. , with iU unifjne »cetiicand bathing attraciion*j .. «. . 851 who held only1 : six- the' League, most vote! for Mr. - Fivesij; selection they inade' in Mr. J. u. Shee. ; Mr. O*Mara! ' " ' late. , Several publicans sj ^Ap- ,then.came before , the Conven- Bettingi-9 to 4 Swirl, 9, to Si Pedometer, 6 to and itB proximity to Waterford, has'beeq pro- ^' .''-i fl l^V - ::. »~i*t* day licenses were placedj at a 'disadvantage, plause.)' Their'present member! might not be tion land hayinp:j ^ghed ;the pledge he; 1 Barbery! Maid colt and'Petersfleld ¦ ': , made, a II., 10 their neighbours who held seven day Hcen;- A' gentlemaii isroed Mr, iformani from' able to aatisfy «vejrybodv!*s to the amount of ' short .speechin ;wnicb!he !promised to do his 1 Bight and Left, 100 la 8 others. . : out-for-the-day f^^^fei' ¦'••• ' - r-J iH sea.could been their dwira for sale to bona Camphire, ia opposing Mr. Fives as ai labour time'he Could rive to: the diBchanre of Ihis utmost to;give satisfaction 'if elected. I '¦ Won by a head;1 halt- a- length • diyidtog classes, most of whom have be«a attracted to ¦ ' j ' ¦pro- ' ¦ ' kaiiaa^S ' " - "° S fide travellers, while our; Bixrday mends candidate-, and: as both! gentlemen are Parliamentary^ duties, but whenever an occas- Mr. B; J.j Byan; the Hon. Sec. of the Exe- second and third. . . ' , . ,: the Western parts ef the County by the sunple ^¦ "¦ *'' ** - ¦ ¦ l ! ' ¦ BrlrHillww V _ # . . ' . .' r-ii . l8hould;Tethain iloBed up even to those; who mised a large share of support, the contest; for siptt arose in w;hich.the interest of their con- cutive, made an able speech in!which 'he»tate .d " > > (Winner,trained by Wishard.) ' ; and business like process^ ¦;. ' ¦ ' ' : ¦ ¦ ' of cheap i and con- occupied roms n the house. ! : ;• . - the i P.L.G. nonourB should .jit least , proi ei in» etituency was ihvdlved,. their present meniber he was «! Parn ¦ : i . v - •, .- ! --j . - . ; -: '' : • • . . -: . . ellite and only wanted unify. . ; ;¦ ¦" " ' ' ¦ • ! venient traine Sunday after Sunday.' j : ¦ : : f> f • -i « - '|'!' . • ,.. i.. terfcsting. 'if not) excitingl :; ;. •;- v . -. Mr. Shee; was'at the post bl auty. (Applause.) If William O'Brien was retnmed to; J?arlia- BOUS STAKES.—Five Fiirlongs.- We &^&^ : ¦ ¦ ¦ -5$ ' 'I ' ¦ '' • ' ' J " ' : ' were two new j magistrates ,on the . . ¦» , • I •• ' ' • ¦ ! : Whenever'the farmers of district required certainly d not grudge There . # if jthe ment Godjholp J