Curriculum Vitae

Chin-Tai Kim

December 2013

Professional Address Home Address

Department of Philosophy 16215 Fernway Road 203b Clark Hall Shaker Heights, OH 44120 Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH 44120

Tel.: (216) 991-0547 (h); (216) 368-2811 (o) Fax: (216) 368-0814 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Personal Data

Place of Birth: Korea Nationality: U.S.A. (naturalized in 1972) Marital Status: Married; two children

Educational Background

Graduated from Kyunggi High School, Seoul, Korea, 1954. A.B., Brown University, 1958. Majored in Philosophy. A.M. in Philosophy, Harvard University, 1960. Ph.D. in Philosophy, Harvard University, 1965.

Positions Held

Instructor in Philosophy, Stanford University, 1962-63. Instructor in Philosophy, Western Reserve University, 1963-65. Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Western Reserve University (Case Western Reserve University since 1967), 1965-71. Associate Professor of Philosophy, Case Western Reserve University, 1971-81. Professor of Philosophy, Case Western Reserve University, 1981- Graduate Advisor, Department of Philosophy, Case Western Reserve University 1973-76. Chairman, Department of Philosophy, Case Western Reserve University, 1976-1998. Visiting Professor of Philosophy, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 1972-73.

Honors, Prizes and Fellowships

A.B., summa cum laude, with Highest Honors in Philosophy, Brown University, 1958.


Elected to Chapter Alpha of Rhode Island, Phi Beta Kappa in junior year, Brown

University, 1957. James Manning Scholar for academic excellence for the last three years at Brown University. Shared First Prize in Greek (as a result of a Homer translation and essay contest), Brown University, 1957. Appointed Danforth Graduate Fellow, 1958. Harvard Foundation Prize Fellowship, Harvard University, 1958-59. Charles Phelps Scholarship, Harvard University, 1959-60. Post-Doctoral Fellowship for Cross-Disciplinary Study, awarded by the Society for Religion in Higher Education, New Haven, Connecticut, 1972-73. Was one of 12 recipients selected from among 120 applicants. (The name of the Society changed to "The Society for Values in Higher Education."). Vice President, Chapter Alpha (CWRU Chapter) of Phi Beta Kappa, 1983-84; President, 1984- 86. Nominated for the Wittke Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Case Western Reserve University for 1966-67, 1987-88, 1994-95, 1995-96, 1996-97, 2001-02, 2002-03, and 2004-05. Won the Award in 1996-97.

Memberships in Professional Organizations

American Philosophical Association. International Society for . Korean Philosophical Association.

Memberships in Campus, Civic Organizations

Former Member, Cleveland Council on World Affairs, and its Committee on Foreign Relations Current Faculty Advisor to Korean Student Association, Case Western Reserve University Former Trustee/Advisor, Korean American Association of Greater Cleveland; Chair, Trustee Committee on Constitution and By-Laws. Former Member of Session, Co-Chair, current member of Diversity Council, former Co-Director for Adult Ed program “Faith Matters”, former member of Pastor Nominating Committee, Fairmount Presbyterian Church, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Member, Leadership Development Ministry; member, Justice Ministry, Committee on Representation, Presbytery of the Western Reserve, Presbyterian Church (USA).

Areas of Specialization

17th- and 18th-century philosophy. Theory of knowledge. . Phenomenology, existentialism and hermeneutics. Philosophy of religion.


Areas of Competence

Greek philosophy. 19th century philosophy. East Asian philosophy. Comparative philosophy, East-West. Foundations of (conditions of agency and responsibility, the place of reason in moral life and moral cognition, metaphysical and philosophical anthropological presuppositions of ethics).

Courses Taught

Introduction to philosophy. Greek philosophy (Pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, Skepticism, Stoicism and Epicureanism). Modern (17th- and 18th-century) philosophy: British Empiricism, Continental Rationalism, and Kant’s Critical Philosophy. 19th-century philosophy: Schopenhauer, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Marx and Nietzsche. Theory of knowledge. Metaphysics. Philosophy of mind. Ethics. Phenomenology, existentialism and hermeneutics: Brentano, Husserl, Schutz, Heidegger, Gadamer, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, and Ricoeur. Philosophy of history. Philosophy of religion. Introduction to logic. Climate of modern ideas: Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Kafka, Thomas Mann, Eliot, Sartre and Foucault. Team-taught with the late Walter Strauss, DMLL Philosophy and literature: Parmenides, Heraclitus, Lao Tzu, Plato, Aristotle, Lucretius, Dante, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Rilke, T.S. Eliot, deMan and Derrida. Team-taught with the late Walter Strauss, DMLL. Methods and modes of thought in humanistic studies. Team-taught with George Rosenberg Sociology; Scott Dowling, M.D., Psychiatry; the late Walter Strauss, DMLL; Atwood Gaines, Anthropology; William Deal, Religion. Roots of Twentieth-Century Philosophy: Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Marx and Nietzsche: a course for Senior Scholars, CWRU, Spring, 1989. A complete lecture text, 130 pp. distributed. Comparative Philosophy, East and West: Te Ching, Confucian Analects, Chuang Tzu Dhammapada, selections from the Zen literature, and selected Western philosophical works.


Can speak, read and write English and Korean. Can read French, German, classical and koine Greek, classical Chinese, and modern Japanese.


Thesis Supervision and Service on Thesis Committees

Ph.D. Thesis Supervision

Shubert Spero, "The Significance and Justification of Religious Belief," 1971. Colin McLarty, "Things and Things in Themselves: The Logic of Reference in Leibniz, J.H. Lambert, and Kant," 1979 (Co-Supervisor with Raymond R. Nelson). Hwang-Tae Lyoo, American Studies, "The Life and Thought of Margaret Fuller: An Interpretation," 1995.

Service on Ph.D. Thesis Committees

Elizabeth Rapaport, "Moral Weakness," Philosophy, 1971. Robert Lover, "Alternative Logic," Philosophy, 1972. Barbara Klein, "Conceptions of Sensory Experience and Mind-Body Identity," Philosophy, 1974. Nancy Nersessian," The Structure of Scientific Evolutions," Philosophy, 1977. Richard Herder, "Intentional Representation, Cognition, and Belief: The Machine within the Ghost," Philosophy, 1881. Marion Allen, "The Meaning of Visual Impairment to Visually Impaired Adults," Nursing, December 1984. Douglas Bartholomew (Music Education), "A Philosophical Examination of Musical Experience," Spring 1985. Laura Dzurec, "The of Power Experienced by Individuals Manifesting Patterning Labeled Schizophrenia: An Investigation of the Principles of Helicy," Nursing, July 1986 Cosi Chantal Chao, "The Meaning of Good Dying for Chinese Terminally Ill Patents in Taiwan," Nursing, Spring 1992. Jongsook Kim, "The Ideological Determination of Welfare Policy in South Korea," Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, July 1993. Louis Zagar, "The Effect of Emotion on Score Interpretation and the Development of Musical Meaning: The Phenomenon of Unconscious Affect," Music 1997. Chin-Chun Sue, "The Exploration of Network Response and Measurement of Psychological Distress of Taiwanese Battered Women: A Pilot Study," Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, 1998. Joanne Riebschleger, ‘’Mental Health Professionals’ Social Reconstruction of Families of People with Serious Mental Illness,’‘ Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Fall 2000.

IGS (Integrated Graduate Studies) Master's Thesis Supervision

Tomoko Sugahara, "A Comparative Study of the Concept of Being in Lao Tzu and Martin Heidegger," 1995. Justin William Havemann, "Intentional Consciousness and Intentional Objects in Brentano and Husserl," 1996.


Undergraduate Honors Thesis Supervision

Leslie Kean, "A Philosophical Tug of War: An Examination of the Tension between Rawls' Formulation of the Principles of Justice and the Practical Problems which He Demands They Answer," 1987 (co-advised with David Brink). James C. Kuhn, "A Comparative Analysis of Kant's and Spinoza's Ethics," 1987. My-lan Le, "The Concept and the Institution of Punishment in Western and Vietnamese Societies," 1988. John R. Shook, "The History of Justice," 1988. George Dwyer, "The Distribution of Health Care in a Just Society," co-advised with Mary B. Mahowald, Pediatrics, 1990. Tomoko Sugahara, "A Comparative Study of the Concept of Being in Lao Tzu and Martin Heidegger," 1994. (An expanded version was submitted and accepted for the M.A. degree). Mark Lyubkin, "An Examination of Heidegger's Ontology,” 1994. Marla Lender, "The Problem of Meaning in Derrida and Foucault," 1996.

Curriculum Development Activity

With Robert Rynasiewicz, Philosophy, and members of the Program in History of Science and Technology, successfully proposed a new joint interdisciplinary major in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (HPST), 1984.

With Scott Dowling, Jr., M.D., Psychiatry, George Rosenberg, Sociology, Walter Strauss, DMLL, and Allan Young, Anthropology, successfully proposed an interdisciplinary minor, Forms and Roots of Modern Consciousness, 1986. Introduced and team-taught a required course, Methods and Modes of Thought in Humanistic Studies.

On behalf of the Philosophy Department, successfully proposed a new philosophy major based on the Lambda Core, 1986.

On behalf of the Philosophy Department, introduced new courses, Comparative Philosophy, and Philosophy of Religion; assisted the introduction of Philosophy of Feminism, and Philosophy of the Frankfurt by Barbara S. Krasner, 1990-1992.

Other College and University Service

Case Assembly. Academic Affairs (Curriculum) Committee for the Faculty of Humanities and Arts NEH Workshop on Survey Courses in the Humanities. Humanities Self-Study Committee on Undergraduate Education. Executive Committee of Western Reserve College. Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Evaluation of Teaching in Western Reserve College, 1985-87. Chair, Task Force on Teaching Evaluation in Western Reserve College, 1986-87. Member, Search Committee for Director for Center for Biomedical Ethics, Medical School, 1985-86.


Referee for candidates for faculty appointment at the Center for Biomedical Ethics,

1986-87. Member, Presidential Advisory Committee on Tenure and Promotions for the Law School, 1986-87. Member, Presidential Advisory Committee on Tenure and Promotions for the School of Applied Social Sciences, 1987-88. Member, Curriculum Committee for the Colleges, 1987-88. Member, Faculty Senate Committee on the Libraries, 1987-89. Member, Faculty Senate, 1990-92. Member, Tenure and Promotion Evaluation Committee for Christa Carvajal, candidate for promotion to professor, Theatre, 1992-93. Member, Steering Committee for a French Studies Major in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, 1992-93. Chair, Search Committee for the Elmer G. Beamer-Hubert H. Schneider Chair in Ethics, 1996-97. Member, W. P. Jones Presidential Faculty Development Grant Selection Committee, Fall 1999, Spring & Fall 2000. Current Faculty Advisor to Korean Student Association, Case Western Reserve University Member, College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Appointments, Summer 2009-2011.

Professional Activity

Presented a paper, "Kant's 'Supreme Principle of Morality,'" American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meetings, Washington, D.C., December 1968. Abstract in Journal of Philosophy, Vol. LXV, No. 21 (Nov. 7, 1968).

Presented a paper, "The Attribution of Experience to a Subject," American Philosophical Association Western Division Meetings, Cleveland, Ohio, May, 1969. Abstract in the Program of the Meetings. Read the same paper at the Philosophy Department Colloquium, CWRU, 1968.

Invited participant in the Fifth East-West Philosophers' Conference on the theme "The Alienation of Modern Man," directed by Professor Abraham Kaplan, East-West Center, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 22-July 26, 1969.

Presented a paper, "Husserl's Egocentric Predicament," American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meetings, Philadelphia, PA, December, 1970. Abstract in Journal of Philosophy, Vol. LXVII, No. 20 (October 22, 1970).

Chaired a philosophy session of the Ohio Conference in Medieval Studies, The John Carroll University, University Heights, Ohio, October 1974.

Presented a paper, "Chisholm, Kant and Spinoza on Agency: A Comparative Study," Philosophy Department Colloquium, CWRU, 1975.

Presented a paper, "Sufficient Reason and Necessary Being," Philosophy Colloquium, CWRU, 1977.


Refereed a book manuscript for Cornell University Press, 1977.

Refereed philosophy papers submitted for presentation at the Third Annual Conference of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature on the theme "Fictions of Life and the Life of Fiction," held in May, 1978, at CWRU.

Presented a paper, "On Philosophical Interpretations," at the Symposium on Interpretation, directed by Scott A. Dowling, Jr., M.D., Cleveland Psychoanalytic Institute, April 1981.

Presented a paper, "Three Philosophical Interpretations: Kant, Husserl and Heidegger,” at a Colloquium of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, CWRU, October 1981.

Presented a paper, "Transcendence and Immanence," Colloquium of the Modern Languages and Literatures, CWRU, 1983.

Referee for Philosophy Research Archives, 1983.

Reviewer for Choice, 1984-88.

Delivered a lecture on "Space, Time and Mind," at a Mini-College event, CWRU, 1984.

Presented a paper, "Kant's Half-Hearted Defense of Transcendent Monotheism," Philosophy colloquium, CWRU, September 1985.

Invited to chair a session of the Sixth International Kant Congress, Pennsylvania State University, September 1985.

Presented a paper, "Descartes, Hume and Kant on Self-Consciousness: A Futile Search for a Self," Philosophy Colloquium, CWRU, September 1985.

Presented the same paper, as invited speaker, at a colloquium of the philosophy department, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, December 1985.

Presented a paper, "A Critique of Genealogies," Philosophy Colloquium, CWRU, February 1987.

Delivered an invited speech commemorating the First of March Korean Independence Movement of 1919, in both English and Korean, at a meeting of the Korean Residents Association of Cleveland, Cleveland State University, 1987.

Delivered an invited lecture on "The Philosophical Dimensions of the Problem of Aging," Cuyahoga Community College Conference on the theme, "Beyond Cleveland to the Worldly Village," Metro Campus, 1987. Published in the conference proceedings.

Presented a paper, "The Limits of Non-Violence," Symposium on Nonviolence, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, October 1988.

Refereed a manuscript for St. Martin's Press, 1988.


Presented a paper, "False Consciousness and Skepticism," Philosophy Colloquium, CWRU, Fall,


Presented a paper, "The Practical Point of View: the Non-Objectivity of Human Nature," Philosophy Colloquium, CWRU, 1990.

Member, Steering Committee for a symposium on the theme "Faces of Diversity in American Society," April, 1991, co-sponsored by CWRU and the Northeastern Ohio Chapter of B'nai B'rith. Recruited speakers for and moderated a panel on religious diversity and conflicts.

Reviewed three manuscripts for Macmillan and a manuscript for St. Martin's Press, 1991-92.

Presented a paper, "Science as Ideology," at Beijing International Conference on Philosophy of Science, sponsored by Chinese Society for Dialectics of Nature, a branch of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, June 1991. Also chaired a session of the Conference.

Invited to deliver a series of lectures on philosophy from Descartes to Heidegger by the Northeastern Ohio Association of Korean Protestant Ministers, 1992-93.

Delivered an invited keynote address for the Columbus Quincentennial Lecture Series, Siena College, Loudonville, New York, November 2, 1992.

Moderator for a panel on Korean politics since the March 1 Independence Movement of 1919 and on problems for Korean-Americans, sponsored by the Korean American Association of Cleveland (of which am a member of the Board of Trustees), February, 1993, Cleveland State University.

Participated in a conference of the Cleveland Task Force on Biomedical Ethics, sponsored by the editorial staff for The Encyclopedia of Biomedical Ethics, Center for Biomedical Ethics, CWRU, February 1993. Refereed a manuscript submitted for inclusion in the Encyclopedia for Macmillan Publishing Co.

Presented a paper, "Toward a Redefinition of Korean Identity from a Fusion of Ideology and Nationalism," in both English and Korean, at the conference on the theme, "Transformation of the Korean Peninsula toward the 21st Century: Peace, Unity and Progress," co-sponsored by the Michigan State University International Studies Program and International Association of Korean Studies, at Michigan State University, Lansing, Mich., July 7-11, 1992. Also chaired a section on philosophy and religion at the same conference.

Presented an invited paper, "A Philosophical Critique of Feminism," at the Conference on Gender, Politics and Culture, sponsored by the International Society for Korean Studies, July 1994, New York City.

Presented an invited paper, "Human Nature and Human Virtue: Some Reflections on ," Seton Hall University, 1995.


Gave a gallery talk on ancient Korean ceramics at the Cleveland Museum of Art, fall 1996.

Presented an invited paper, "Prospects for Korean and East Asian Studies," at an international conference sponsored by Osaka University of Law and Diplomacy, Japan, held in Beijing, 1996. Scholars from China, Japan, U.S.A., South Korea, and North Korea participated.

Presented a paper, "The Nature and Possibility of Philosophical Anthropology," Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, August 1998, Boston.

Invited presentation, "Dynamics of Change in Asia: Evolving Human rights in Cultural Contexts," as a speaker for a symposium co-sponsored by the School of Diplomacy and International Relations, Asia Center, and Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies, Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey, November 1998.

Presented a paper entitled ‘’Nature or Tradition: The Controversy Between and in Moral ,’‘ at the International Conference on Chinese Philosophy hosted by the International Society for Chinese Philosophy, August 1999, Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Presented a paper entitled ‘’North-South Divergence on Freedom, Human Rights and Well-Being and the Possibility of Its Supersession,’‘ at the Millennium Conference on Korean Studies, sponsored by University of Being and International Society for Korean Studies, February 2000, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Presented a paper entitled ‘’Beyond Being and Becoming: In Search of the Origins of Philosophical Thinking,’‘ at the Fourth International Symposium on Field-Being and the Non-Substantialistic Turn,’‘ sponsored by the International Society for Field-Being, August 2000, at Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut. The paper (32 pp.) and an abstract (8 pp.) are in the website for the International Society for Field-Being:

Refereed a manuscript for University Presses of America, 2000.

Delivered a keynote speech on the Confucian Legacy on the celebration of the anniversary of the birth of Confucius honoring teachers at Chinese Cultural Garden sponsored by the Chinese Cultural Garden Association and Asian Pacific Alliance with the support of The Plain Dealer, September 29, 2001.

As invited speaker for a symposium on Confucianism and Christianity held as part of the program commemorating the 50th anniversary of the foundation of Asia Center, Seton Hall University, south Orange, New Jersey, presented a paper “Jen and Love: A Comparison of Confucian and Christian Ethics.” Leone Caldicott, Oxford, and Leo Chang, Harvard were fellow symposiasts.

Presented a talk on “Post-Modernism” at a CWRU Philosophy Society Forum, Spring 2002.

A paper on “Human Existence, Human Essence, and Human Actuality” was accepted for presentation at Humanities Conference 2003, at University of the Agean, Rhodes, Greece.


Virtually registered in the conference. Refereed two papers presented at the Conference as part of the responsibility of a participant.

Gave a talk on “Existentialism” at a CWRU Philosophy Society Forum, Fall 2003.

Presented a paper, “The Teleology of the Humanities,” at the Third International Humanities Conference, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, August 1-6, 2005.

Presented a paper, “Three Dogmas of Kant (on the Transcendental Point of View, the A Priori, and Intuition and Concepts),” at the Tenth International Kant Congress, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paolo, Brazil, September 4-10, 2005. The paper is under review for publication in Kant-Studien or in a 5-volume collection of papers presented at the Congress.

Presented a paper entitled “God and God’s Form” at International Conference on Philosophy, sponsored by Athens Institute for Research, Athens, Greece, June 2006.

Presented a lecture on the topic, “Is there a world in itself or do we construct one to experience it?” as part of the Meet the Faculty program during the freshmen orientation week, in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, and 2009.

Presented a paper entitled “Practical Concepts and Their Empirical Criteria: A Critical Reflection on Kant’s Foundations of Ethics,” at Fifth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities,” American University, Paris, France, July 17-20, 2007.

Presented the aforementioned paper at Luncheon Lecture, Department of Philosophy, CWRU, Fall 2007.

Moderated a discussion on the theology of Karl Barth, Fall 2007, and a discussion on three German theologians who provided theological rationale for Nazi ideology and policies, Emanuel Hirsch, Paul Althaus, and Gerhard Kittel, Spring 2008, at adult education session Faith Matters, Fairmount Presbyterian Church, Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

Presented a paper “The Relativity of Knowledge and Relativism,” Sixth International Conference On New Directions in the Humanities,” Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, July 15-18, 2008.

Refereed for The International Journal of the Humanities.

One of thirteen persons selected by Committee on Theology, Presbyterian Church (USA) to participate in Pastor-Theologian Consultation on “Is heresy possible?”, Glen Eyrie, Colorado Springs, November 18-20, 2008. Presented a paper “Reflections on Orthodoxy-Heresy Controversies: Irenaeus vs. the Gnostics, and Sadoleto vs. Calvin.” The paper is archived at PC(USA) along with twelve other presented papers.

Invited to a talk on “The role of emotion in philosophy,” at a colloquium of Philosophy Society, CWRU, November 25, 2008.


Presented a paper “The end of Philosophy: Limits of its Self-Reflection,” at the 7th International

Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, June 2-5, 2009, Beijing, China.

Presented a paper “Problems of Evil in Theistic and Non-Theistic Frameworks,” at the 8th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, June 28-July 2, 2010, University of California at Los Angeles.

Presented a shorter version of the same paper at a philosophy department colloquium, CWRU, Fall 2010.

Presented a paper “Forgiveness as an Ethical Category: Limits of Ethical Theory,” at the 9th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Universidad Granada, Campus La Cartuja, Granada, Spain, June 8-11, 2011.

Presented a paper “The Idea of Being Human as the Foundation of Normative Ethics: A Plea for Globalization of Ethical Discourse,” at the 10th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Centre-Mont-Royale in Montreal, Canada, June 14-16, 2012.

Presented a paper “Limits of Holistic Justification: the Authenticity of Moral Agency,” at the 11thInternational Conference in the Humanities, June 19-21, 2013, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (University), Budapest, Hungary.

While visiting at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, during the tenure of a Post-Doctoral Fellowship for Cross-Disciplinary Study, awarded by the Society for Religion in Higher Education, 1972-73, conducted studies of Confucian and Taoist classics in the Chinese original. The following are descriptions of other professional activities during this period:

Delivered an invited lecture (in Korean) on the topic, "The Responsibility of the Modern Intellectual," Soong Jeon University, Seoul, Korea, September 1972.

Presented an invited paper (in Korean), "A Philosophical Concept of Liberal Arts Education," at the Seminar on the Character and Direction of Liberal Arts Education in Korea, held under the auspices of the College of Arts and Science, Seoul National University, February 1973. The paper was published in the Proceedings of the Seminar.

Presented an invited paper (in Korean), "A Philosophical Scrutiny of the Concept of Social Progress," at the Seminar on Social Development, held under the auspices of the Population and Development Problems Research Center (an affiliate of the Department of Sociology), Seoul National University, February 1973. The English version of the paper, along with the English versions of the other presented papers, was published in the proceedings of the Seminar, Development and Change, August 1973, 57-75.

Presented an invited paper (in Korean), "The Universality and Historical Specificity of Philosophy," at the Spring Conference of the Korean Philosophical Association, March 1973. This paper was published in the Proceedings of the Conference and excerpted in major dailies. Refereed articles submitted for publication in The International Journal of Humanities Education.


Refereed articles submitted for publication in The International Journal of Humanities

Education. Listed as Associate Editor for the current volume of the Journal.

Refereed articles submitted for publication in The International Journal of Humanities Education. Listed as Associate Editor for the current volume of the Journal.

Delivered the following invited special lectures (in Korean) at Yonsei University, March-April 1973: (a) "Theology from the Point of View of Analytic Philosophy," School of Theology; (b) "The Problem of Consciousness in Contemporary Philosophy," College of Humanities and Arts; (c) "The Problem of Epistemic Priority in Contemporary Philosophy," College of Humanities and Arts; (d) "The Problem of Value in Contemporary Philosophy," College of Humanities and Arts. The entire content of (b) was printed in a monthly publication of the University.

Delivered an invited lecture (in Korean) on the topic, "Reason and Life," Korea University, Seoul, April 1973. The entire content of the lecture was printed in the newspaper of the University.

Delivered an invited lecture (in Korean) on the topic, "The Free Will Problem," Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, April 1973.

Delivered an invited lecture (in Korean) on the topic, "Wittgenstein's Private Language Argument," Department of Philosophy, Seoul National University, April 1993.

Was a member of a panel of consultants for the Korean Institute for the Development of Education, an advisory body for the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea, April 1973.

Delivered an invited lecture (in Korean) on the topic, "Reason and Experience," Seoul Women's College, April 1973.


A refereed article, "Kant's 'Supreme Principle of Morality,'" Kant-Studien, 59 Jahrgang, Heft 3 (1968). Discussed in R.L. Holmes, "Kim on Kant's Supreme Principle of Morality," ibid.

A refereed article, "Cartesian Dualism and the Unity of a Mind," Mind, Vol. LXXX, New Series, No. 319 (July 1971), 337-353.

A refereed article, "Some Critical Reflections on Kant's Theory of Freedom," The Philosophical Forum (December 1971), 411-429.

A refereed article, "Husserl and the Egocentric Predicament," Idealistic Studies, Vol. II, No. 2 (1972), 116-132.

An invited article, "A Philosophical Scrutiny of the Concept of Social Progress," Development and Change, published by the Population Problems Research Center, Seoul National University (August 1973), 47-75.


An invited article, "Theology and Philosophy of Science," in Korean, Christian Thought (Seoul,

March 1973), 115-122.

An invited article, "The Present State of Philosophy of Mind," in Korean, Chul-Hak (Philosophy), Vol. 7 (Seoul, 1973), 640-662.

An invited article, "Explanation and Understanding in Human Sciences," in Korean, Shin Dong-A (New East Asia) (Seoul, June 1973), 84-95.

A refereed article, "Brentano and the Unity of Mental Phenomena," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. XXXIX, No. 2 (December 1978), 119-205.

A refereed article, "Norms and Freedom," The Philosophical Forum (December 1980).

A refereed article, "Transcendence and Immanence," The Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Vol. LV, No. 3 (1987), 537-549.

A refereed article, "A Critique of Kant's Defense of Theism," Philosophy Research Archives, Vol. XIV (1989).

A selected conference paper, "The Limits of Nonviolence," a chapter in V.K. Kool (ed.), Perspec tives on Nonviolence (Springer-Verlag, 1990), 150-160.

A refereed article, "A Critique of Genealogies" (a comparison and assessment of genealogical arguments in Hegel and Nietzsche), , Vol. 21, No. 4 (October 1990).

A refereed article, "Science as Ideology," revised version of the paper presented at Beijing International Conference on Philosophy of Science, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol.169: Realism and Anti-Realism in the Philosophy of Science, edited by Robert S. Cohen, Risto Hilpinen and Qiu Renzong, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrech/Boston/ London, 1995.

An invited article. "The Generality and Ethnicity of Philosophy," International Society for Korean Studies (ISKSA) Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 2, Summer 1995.

"Human Nature and Human Virtue: Some Reflections on Confucius," ISKSA Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer, 1996.

A refereed conference paper, ‘’Beyond Being and Becoming: In Search of the Origins of Philosophical Thinking,’‘ 40 pp., 2000.

Abstract of an article entitled “Human Essence, Human Existence, and Human Reality,” Proceedings for the Humanities Conference, University of the Aegian, Rhodes, Greece, held in August 2004.

An invited chapter, “A Philosophical View of Religious Diversity,” in a Festschrift entitled “In Search of the Ultimate Reality,” a bilingual collection of essays in honor of the late Dr. Ha Tai Kim, former professor of philosophical theology, dean of the school of theology, and dean of


graduate studies at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, and former president of Mogwon University,

Daejeon, Korea. The article is in English and an abstract in Korean. Published by The Christian Literature Society of Korea, Seoul, Korea, June 2005.

A refereed article, “The Teleology of the Hunanities,” The International Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 3, 2005/2006.

A refereed article, “Three Dogmas of Kant,” in Proceedings of the Tenth Intentional Kant Congress, Sao Paulo University, Brazil, published by Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2008.

A refereed article, “God and God’s Form: On the Metaphysical Foundation of Theology,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Philosophy, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, edited by P. Hanna, A. McEnvoy, and P. Voustina, Spring 2007.

A refereed article, “The Relativity of Knowledge and Relativism,” International Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 6, Fall 2008.

A refereed article, “The End of Philosophy: the Limits of Its Self-Reflection,” International Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 7, Fall 2009.

“Reflections on Orthodoxy-Heresy Controversies,” Register of the Company of Pastors, Vol. 10, No. 2, Fall 2009, pp. 27-46, published by Committee on Theology, Worship and Education, General Assembly Mission Council, Presbyterian Church (USA). Selected for publication from among the thirteen papers presented at the Pastor-Theologian Consultation, sponsored by said Co mmittee, November 2008, Colorado Springs.

A refereed article, “Problems of Evil in Theistic and Non-Theistic Frameworks: Ways of Sense- Making,” International Journal of the Humanities, Fall 2010.

A refereed article, “Forgiveness as an Ethical Category: Limits to Ethical Theory,” The International Journal of the Humanities, Winter 2011.

A refereed article, “The Idea of Being Human as the Foundation of Normative Ethics: A Plea for the Globalization of Ethical Discourse, The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies, Spring 2013.

A refereed article, “Justificatory Structures: Confucianism and Taoism,” Journal of East-West Thought, Fall 2013, Vol. 3. No. 3.

Acted as referee for articles submitted for publication in The International Journal of Humanities Education.

Reviews in Choice:

Barry Stroud, The Significance of Philosophical Skepticism (Oxford, 1984).


Patrick Suppes, Probabilistic Metaphysics (Oxford, 1984).

Kai Nielsen, Equality and Liberty: A Defense of Radical Egalitarianism (Totawa, N.J.: Rowman and Allanheld, 1985).

Richard T. DeGeorge, The Nature and Limits of Authority (Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Press, 1985).

Walter Watson, The Architectonics of Meaning: Foundations of the New Pluralism (Albany, NY.: SUNY Press, 1985).

J.C. Rees, John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty," constructed from published and unpublished sources by G.L. Williams (Oxford, 1986).

M. Glouberman, Descartes: the Probable and the Certain (Koenigshausen & Neumann, distributed by Humanities Press, 1986).

Vincent A. McCarthy, Quest for a Philosophical Jesus:Christianity and Philosophy in Rousseau,Kant, Hegel and Schelling (Mercer University Press, 1986).

Jonathan L. Kvanvig, The Possibility of an All-Knowing God (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986).

Manfred Kuehn, Scottish Common Sense in Germany, 1768-1800: A Contribution to the History of Critical Philosophy (McGill University Press, 1987).

Newspaper/Periodical Articles

"The Korean Student Puzzle," The Plain Dealer, 7/9/87.

Invited columnist for Korea Times Los Angeles Weekly (English edition), 9/89-11/89: "Korean Identity as a Goal”; "A Plea for Bilinguality"; "Diversity of Religious Commitments"; "Inter-generational Conflict and Rapprochement"; "The Problem of Mixed Marriages"; & "Politics of the Curriculum: Implications for Ethnic Minorities".

Invited columnist for Korea Times Los Angeles (Korean-language daily; circulation in U.S.: 40,000), 1992-94.

"Forbearance of Perfection: Mimesis of Life in Ancient Korean Ceramics," ISKSA Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 2, Winter, 1996.

“The Ethics of the Discourse on Ways of Thinking,” a Korean-language Op-Ed column in Korea Times Los Angeles,” June 4, 2005.

“Viewing the South Korean scene,” an invited Korean-language column in The Newsletter of the Korean American Association of Greater Cleveland, Ohio, Spring 2008.


“Who Are We?” an invited Korean-language column in The Newsletter of the Korean American

Association of Greater Cleveland, Spring 2009.

“A philosopher should lead the dismal scientists,” a letter to the Editor of Financial Times, co- authored with Yeomin Yoon, Ph.D., Professor of Finance and International Business, Paul Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University, South Orange, N.J., August 16, 2009, p.8.

“Corrupted by wealth, Chinese lose interest in liberal western ways,” a letter to the Editor of Financial Times, co-authored with Yeomin Yoon, Ph.D., October 20, 2010, p. 12.

“China and Japan favour a Korean status quo,” a letter to the Editor of Financial Times, co- authored with Yeomin Yoon, November 28, 2010, p. 12.

“Averting another national tragedy,” a letter to the Editor of Korea Joongang Daily (English- language Internet edition), October 5, 2012. [Korea Joongan Daily is one of the three major newspapers in the Republic of Korea.]

“East Asia Awaits its Visionary Leaders,” a letter to the Editor of Financial Times, co- authored with Yeomin Yoon, Ph.D., October 16, 2012, p. 6.

“China’s religion is a belief in its absolute being,” a letter to the Editor of Financial Times, co-authored with Yeomin Yoon, Ph.D., April 18, 2012, p.10.

“Beyond refuting the Japanese right,” Korea Joongang Daily, May 2, 2013.

“Countering the rightists, with the Japanese people,” Korea Joongang Daily, May 27, 2013.