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Overnights : Tel Aviv: 5-7 North: 7-9 : 9-13 Tel Aviv-13-19

Tuesday August 7 Street art tour of Tel Aviv. Listen to what the walls say and learn about local culture through ​ the eyes of political artists. Caesaria, king Herod’s ancient capital of the Judean province on the beach. This was the ​ palace of Pontius Pilate which also contains the ancient Theatre used until today. Lunch on the way Bahai Gardens viewpoint in Haifa, overlooking the bay. ​ Overnight, Tiberias

Wednesday, August 8 Golan Heights- strategy, security and industry. ​ Mount Bental viewpoint of Syria- learn about the conflict and see the southern tip of the ​ events. Olive oil press. ​ Taste wine at Golan Heights Winery, one of the world’s top 10 wineries according to “Wine ​ ​ spectator” magazine. Overnight, Tiberias

Thursday, August 9 Judaism in the Galilee Magdala ancient Jewish town with its first century synagogue. ​ Tsfat world center of kabbalah. Tsfat is one of the four holy cities in judaism. walk through ​ the narrow ancient streets and see some of the world’s most original and beautiful art galleries. learn about kabbalah while visiting the old synagogues. Drive to Jerusalem through route 90 alongside the Jordanian border. Overnight Jerusalem

Friday, August 10 The eternal city (keep in mind this a shorter day and things close early, bring comfortable ​ walking shoes) of Jerusalem Mount Scopus viewpoint of the old city. , including the newly dug Herodian pedestrian underpass. Fascinating! Markets of the old city. King David’s tomb and the room of the last supper. Overnight Jerusalem

Saturday, August 11 Qumran- the archaeological sight where the Scrolls were found. Learn about the ​ cult who wrote the scrolls as you tour through the ruins. Masada- king Herod’s fortress and uniquely famous batlle place against the Romans. ​ Dead Sea float in a beach. ​ Camel ride through the desert. ​ Overnight Jerusalem

Sunday August 12 Western Jerusalem Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial museum. (2-3 hours). ​ Israel Museum with shrine of the book, containing the Dead Sea Scrolls. This is a world ​ leading museum with artifacts which have become famous throughout the world. Government buildings: Parliament () and Supreme Court. Overnight Jerusalem

Monday August 13 Geopolitical day 10:00 Anti terrorism training (MUST bring passports and closed shoes) ​ ​ ​ Geo-political tour including Jewish settlement, checkpoint, viewpoint of Bethlehem ​ Drive to Tel Aviv Overnight Tel Aviv

Tuesday, August 14 Wine and the Bible, archeology and the wine route Ella Valley winery ​ David and Goliath battle sight Tzora winery- 5 wines above 90 in wine spectator ​ Sha’arayim, a 3000 year old Jewish village ​ Overnight Tel Aviv

Wednesday August 15

Tel Aviv the first Hebrew city Tel Aviv- the first modern hebrew city and center of the resurrection of the . Jaffa ancient port and artist colony ​ The American Colony ​ Levinski Market Rothschild street and Independence Hall. ​ ​ Overnight Tel Aviv

Thursday August 16

09:00 Leave for the Palmach Museum (09:30 reservation). An experiential museum where the ​ ​ ​ ​ viewer follows the path of a group of palmach soldiers as they come together, train and fight for the land of israel. very moving for adults, living history for kids.

Rabin Square the place where Rabin was assassinated during a peace ralley ​ Weitzman institute of science visitors center. Learn about Israeli innovation ​

15:00 The Ayalon institute. The Ayalon institute was a secret, underground bullet production ​ ​ factory during israel's war for independence. it's a fascinating look into what shaped israeli society through the eyes of innovative youth. This is a great way to end your visit to Israel through the eyes of the pioneering youth who made a real difference. Overnight Tel Aviv

Bon Voyage