Church History, Medieval History & Classics Mid-May 2016

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1 Church History, Medieval History & Classics Mid-May 2016

Table of Contents

Church History 3 Classics 121 Medieval History 152



. __Assisi al Tempo di San Francisco. Atti del V Convegno Internzionale Assisi, 13-16 ottobre 1977 [Societa Internazionale di Studi Francescani]__. Assisi. 1978. Paperback. 432pp. Good condition. $14 [387705]

. __Baptist Pamphlets, 1867-73: Sacerdotalism in the Church of England by Baptist W. Noel; The Heroic Element in Missions by W. Landels; Baptist Principles and Religious Liberty by W. Walters; The Present Crisis Considered as Affecting the Baptist Denomination by F.W. Gotch; Christ the Center by F.W. Gotch; The Baptist College, Bristol by F. Bosworth; Ministerial Failures by W. Landels; Address, Introducing the Discussion of the Rev. Dr. Landels' Paper on Ministerial Failures by C. M. Birrell; The Inaugural Address of W. Brock; Church Membership: Its Law and Its Method by Clement Bailhache; The Inaugural Address of the Rev. W. Brock; The Policy of Nonconformists in View of Ecclesiastical Disestablishment by Charles Williams; Precision in Doctrine by D. Gracey; The Inaugural Address of Rev. W. Robinson; On Improvement in the Mode of Public Worship by Charles Stanford; A Few Lines of Baptist History and Their Lessons by W. Robinson; The Influence of Business on the Christian Life by J. Jackson Goadby; The Inaugural Address of C.M. Birrell; Apostolic Missions: The Gospel for Every Creature, A Sermon by Joseph Angus; 'Enthusiast!' by Charles Stanford; The World in the Church by Charles Stanford; Northampton Memories by C.M. Birrell; Education for the Ministry by Samuel G. Green; The Inaugural Address of Rev. Dr. Thomas; Strictures on Dr. Thomas's Remarks on the 'Millenarians' Contained in his Address at teh Annual Session of the Baptist Union, April 1872 by J. Smith; The Divine Order of Christian Work by Dr. Culross; Ministerial Changes by R.P. MacMaster; The Baptists and Christian Union by Thomas Thomas; Our Progress: Statistical and Spiritual by Joseph Angus; Inaugural Address Delivered at the Session of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland by Edward B. Underhill; Inaugural Address by Edward Bean Underhill; An Appeal for Our Foreign Missions by C.B. Lewis; Ritualism by W. Landels; The Increase of Spiritual Life in Our Churches by T. Goadby; The Promotion of Spiritual Life Among the Ministers of the Churches by G. Short; The Changes Required in Sunday School Education by R. Evans; The Living Christ: or Christ's Present Work, an Answer to Modern Doubt by John Clifford; The Circular Letter of the Midland Association of Baptist Churches by H.C. Leonard; Minutes of Meetings of the Midland Association; Speeches of the Rev. Dr. Hoby, Dr. Underhill, and Rev. C.H. Spurgeon at the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Bible Translation Society; A Brief History of the First Baptist Church, Scarbro by B. Evans; Giving Made Easy and Pleasant. The New Testament Rule of Christian Liberality by Weekly Offerings by John Ross; Storing for God, and Giving to God by J. Smith; The Church of England Degraded to the Level of the Sects by C.H. Spurgeon; A Concise View of Christian Baptism by John Craps; Testimonies of Eminent Paedobaptists; The Misery of the Masses and How to Meet It by W.M. Taylor; Our Senior Members by George Wilson McCree; The Moral Condition of London; Fleeing for Life: A Discouse by George Wilson McCree; Twenty Years in St. Giles's: A Sermon by George Wilson McCree; Why Am I a Total-Abstainer? by Joseph Kirsop; Alcohol: Its Use and Misuse by Edward T. Bennett; On the Duty of Medical Men in Relation to the Temperance Movement by A.H.H. McMurtry__. various. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. n.d.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. $127 [414257]

3 . __Beiträge zur Geschichte rheinischer Mennoniten: Festgabe zum 5. Deutschen Mennoniten- Tag vom 17. bis 19. Juni 1939 zu krefeld [Schriftenreihe des Mennonitischen Geschichtsvereins nr. 2]__. Mennonitischen Geschichtsverein Weierhof (Pfalz). 1939. Paperback. 185pp. Good; faded wrappers. $11 [313974]

. __Beyträge zu den Actis Historico-Ecclesiasticis, Oder zu den Neuesten Kirchengeschichten gesamlete Nachrichten von dem Leben, Schiksalen und Verände rungen merkwürdiger Männer, Theil I-VII__. Weimar: Siegmund Heinrich Hoffmann. 1746-1750. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1123pp. Bound in paper boards, worn, bent, chipped at spine. Heavy foxing. Shaken. $67 [409959]

. __Bibliographie de la Réforme 1450-1648, Ouvrages Parus de 1940 à 1955 (vol. 1-5 and 7)__. E.J. Brill. 1961. Paperback. pp. Good; bumped spine edges, slight foxing. Present are vols. 1- 5 and 7 only, of a set that is complete in 9. $24.5 [297992]

. __Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrafeon, Tomos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 only (6 vols.)__. Ekdosis Tes Apostolikee Diakonias Tes Ekklesias Tes Ellados. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 318, 391, 399, 396, 456, 354pp. Sunned and slightly bowed boards, slightly shaken. Text is entirely in Greek. Vol. 3 has slight penciling and stained cover. This is not a complete set; we have the first 6 vols. only. $39.7 [360179]

. __Centennial Record of Freewill Baptists, 1780-1880__. Dover, N.H.: The Printing Establishment. 1881. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 266pp. Ex-library, shaken, edgeworn cover. $24.5 [224292]

. __Chronicle of the Hutterite Brethren, Vol. I__. Plough Publishing. 1987. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 887pp. Ex-library. Slightly cocked spine. Else good. $21.5 [397657]

. __Commemorative Book Honoring the First Patriarchal Visit of His All Holiness Dimitrios I, 269th Successor of St. Andrew the Apostle, St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Allentown, Pennsylviania, July 18, 1990, on the Occasion of the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the Church__. St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church. 1990. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 112pp. Very good. $15 [277600]

. __Doctrines, Christian Advices, and Rules of Discipline of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends__. Lynn, Mass: Press of Thos. P Nichols. 1889. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 145pp. Good. Ex-library, rubbed cover. $15 [384817]

. __Erlauferung für Herrn Caspar Schwenckfeld, und die Zugerhanen seiner Lehre, wegen vielen Stücken, beydes aus der historie und Theologie; allen aufrichtigen Nachforschern und liebhabern der Wahrheit zum Dienste ans Licht zu stellen, beabsichtiget und verfasset worden, durch Etliche der ehemaligen gottseeligen Auswanderer aus Schlesien nach Pennsylvanien in Nord-America. Zweyte Auflage__. Sumnytuan: Gedruckt bey E. Benner. 1830. Full leather. 507pp. 12mo, in worn, full leather binding. Heavy foxing, slight dampstains, otherwise sound. $98.2 [360402]

4 . __Especially William, Bishop of Gibralter and Mary, His Wife. Third Edition, 1912, Reissue__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1913. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 125pp. Ex-library, worn and sunned cover, foxing. $16 [390932]

. __First Series Tracts of the Religious Tract Society, Vol. II__. London: Religious Tract Society. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Ex-library. Paper boards, very worn. Heavy foxing. Shaken. $11 [398338]

. __First Series Tracts of the Religious Tract Society, Vol. III__. London: Religious Tract Society. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Ex-library. Paper boards, very worn. Heavy foxing. Shaken. $11 [398341]

. __First Series Tracts of the Religious Tract Society, Vol. IV__. London: Religious Tract Society. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Ex-library. Paper boards, very worn. Heavy foxing. Shaken. $11 [398337]

. __First Series Tracts of the Religious Tract Society, Vol. V__. London: Religious Tract Society. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Ex-library. Paper boards, very worn. Heavy foxing. Shaken. $11 [398336]

. __First Series Tracts of the Religious Tract Society, Vol. VI__. London: Religious Tract Society. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Ex-library. Paper boards, very worn. Heavy foxing. Shaken. $11 [398339]

. __First Series Tracts of the Religious Tract Society, Vol. VII__. London: Religious Tract Society. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Ex-library. Paper boards, very worn. Heavy foxing. Shaken. $11 [398340]

. __Forever Beginning, 1766-1966. Methodist Bicentennial Historical Papers__. Association of Methodist Historical Societies. 1968. Paperback. 254pp. Good. Sunned wrappers, some underlining. $11 [312745]

. __Fox and Hoyt's Quadrennial Register of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Universal Church Gazetteer__. Hartford: Case, Tiffany & Co.- Wm. Jas. Hamersley. 1852. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 311pp. Worn and slightly stained cover, heavy foxing. $19.5 [333380]

. __Geist und Geschichte der Reformation: Festgabe Hanns Rückert zum 65. Geburtstag Dargebracht von Freunden, Kollegen, und Schülern [Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 38]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 486pp. Good; ex-library. $14 [393295]

. __Historia Ecclesiae Antiquae [Pontificium Athenaeum , Studer Basilius]__. Romae. 1967-68. Paperback. 624pp. Foxing, penciling, creased wrappers. $16 [331790]

5 . __History of Christianity in the Light of Modern Knowledge (5 vols.)__. Blackie & Son Ltd.. [1929]. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 780pp. Foxing, slightly spotted covers; otherwise very good. Contributors include Thomas George Tucker, Gilbert Murray, Frederick George Kenyon, and others. $24.5 [302337]

. __History of the First English Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh, 1837-1909__. J.B. Lippincott. 1909. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 231pp. Very good. $11 [311449]

. __Institutum Societatis Jesu, vol. 1. Bullarium et Compendium Privilegiorum__. Florentiae: SS. Conceptione. 1892. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 684pp. Ex-library, repaired binding, yellowed pages. Folio. $49.5 [153420]

. __Leigh Street Baptist Church, 1854-1954: A Brief History of Its First One Hundred Years in the Service of Christ, 1954__. Whittet & Shepperson, Printers. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 129pp. Ex-library, bumped corners, else very good. $11 [232654]

. __Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio, Opera et Studio Eusebii Renaudotii Parisini (2 vols.) Editio Secunda Correctior__. Francofurti ad Moenum: Joannem Leslie Bibliopolam. 1847. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 522, 646pp. Very worn, half-leather binding, with peeling spines. Ex-library, very shaken, foxing. $200 [356650]

. __Mélanges Jules Lebreton (2 vols.) [Recherches de Science Religieuse, Tome XXXIX & XL, Années 1951-1952]__. Paris: Aux Bureaux de la Revue. 1951-1952. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 480, 480pp. Ex-library, rebound in black buckram. $34.5 [295614]

. __Ministères et Célébration de l'Eucharistie, Sacramentum I [Studia Anslemiana 61]__. Editrice Anselmiana. n.d.. Paperback. 320pp. Very good. $24.75 [366419]

. __One Hundredth Anniversary of the Haystack Prayer Meeting Celebrated at the Ninety- Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Board in North Adams and by the Haystack Centennial Meetings at Williamstown, mass. October 9-12, 1906__. Boston: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 1907. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 364pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $16 [418384]

. __Ordines of Haymo of Faversham [Henry Bradshaw Society, vol. LXXXV]__. British Legino Press. 1953. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 281pp. Water-damaged cover, foxed end papers, otherwise good. $44.25 [342664]

. __Osage Mission Sesquicentennial, 1847-1997__. Jostens. 1997. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 328pp. Very good. $11 [311808]

. __Proceedings of the First Ten Years of the American Tract Society, Instituted at Boston, 1814. To which is added a brief view of the principal religious tract societies throughout the world__. American Tract Society. 1824. Full leather. 215pp. Foxing, ex-library, slightly worn full leather binding. $31.25 [376525]

6 . __Quatuor Sermones. Republished from the Edition Printed for the Roxburghe Club by Nichols & Sons, 1883__. S.R. Publishers & Johnson Reprint Corporation. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 64pp. Good; ex-library. $18.25 [393673]

. __Records of the General Synod of Ulster, from 1691 to 1820 (3 vols.)__. Belfast. 1890. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 544, 591, 542pp. Worn covers, bumped corners. Ex-library, worn cover, bumped corners, shaken, underlining. First volume bound upside down. $83.25 [394843]

. __Salem Lutheran Church, 1868-1968__. Salem Evanglical Lutheran Church. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 142pp. Very good. $11 [334692]

. __Sancti Caroli Borromaei Orationes XII. Ad Vsvm Episcoporvm in Concilivm Oecvm. Vaticanvm II Convenientivm Pavli VI Pont. Max. Ivssv Denvo Editae__. Romae. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 205pp. Slight foxing, sunned cover, slightly shaken. $19.5 [298179]

. __Semi-Centennial of Philip Schaff: Berlin 1942-New York 1892__. New York: Privately Printed. 1893. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 66pp. Very good. $11 [311139]

. __Sylloge Confessionum Sub Tempus Reformandae Ecclesiae Editarum, Videlicet, Professio Fidei Tridentina, Confessio Helvetica, Augustana MDXXXI, Augustana MDXL, Saxonica, & Belgica... Catechismus Heidelbergensis et Canones Synodi Dordrechtanae. Editio Altera et Auctior__. Oxford. 1827. leather_bound. 454pp. Worn, full leather cover, rebacked spine; ex-library, foxing. $14.5 [303379]

. __Texte der Kirchenväter (vols. 1-4)__. Kösel-Verlag. 1963. Hardcover with dust jacket. pp. VG/VG. Lacks vol. 5, 'Kirchenvaterlexikon und Register'. $22 [313935]

. __Zoloto-Jubilejnyj Kalendar' Greko Kaft. Sojedinenija, Najsilnijsa Braterska Greko Kaftoliceska Oorganizacija v Ameriki, Hod Izdanija XLVII, 1942__. Publisher not indicated. 1942. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 432pp. Worn and stained cover, ex-library, light foxing. $19.5 [335496]

Abbott, Edwin A.. __Silanus the Christian__. Adam & Charles Black. 1906. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 368pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Scuffed cover. Foxing. $11 [417552]

Abeysekera, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. __History of the Assemblies of God of Singapore__. Publisher not indicated. 1992. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 536pp. Good; slight foxing, bumped corners. $29.95 [340778]

Afrifah-Agvekum, Joseph Kwaku. __The History of the Liturgical Life of the Church in Ghana, 1880-1980__. Pontificium Athenaeum Anselmianum Pontificium Institutum Liturgicum. 1991. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 351pp. Underlining. $19.5 [336962]

7 Agnew, David C.A.. __Protestant Exiles from France in the Reign of Louis XIV, or the Huguenot Refugees and Their Descendants in Great Britain and Ireland (2 vols.)__. London: Reeves & Turner. 1871. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 243, 317pp. Ex-library, stained cover. Edgeworn boards, bumped corners. $177 [393555]

Aland, Kurt. __Geschichte der Christenheit (2 Bands)__. Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. 1982. Hardcover with dust jacket. 476, 540pp. VG/VG $19.5 [233734]

Aland, Kurt. __Geschichte der Christenheit (Band I & II)__. Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. 1980. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 476, 540pp. Very good. $19.5 [333146]

Aland, Kurt. __Kirchengeschichtliche Engwürfe: Alte Kirche Reformation und Luthertum Pietismus und Erweckungsbewegung__. Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 700pp. Musty, else good. $11 [242686]

Aldridge, John William. __Hermeneutic of Erasmus [Basel Studies of Theology, No. 2]__. John Knox Press. 1966. Paperback. 134pp. Ink underlining throughout. Foxing. $15.4 [405020]

Aldridge, John William. __The Hermeneutic of Erasmus [Basel Studies of Theology, no. 2]__. John Knox. 1966. Paperback. 134pp. Good; upper corners bumped. $15.4 [373425]

Allen, Peter. __The Cambridge Apostles: The Early Years__. Cambridge. 1978. Hardcover with dust jacket. 266pp. VG/VG $34.5 [302277]

Allen, W.O.B. and Edmund McClure. __Two Hundred Years: The History of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1698-1898__. Burt Franklin. 1970. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 551pp. Very good. $16 [312958]

Alzog, Johannes. __Handbuch der Patrologie oder der Ältern Christlichen Literärgeschichte [Theologische Bibliothek]__. Herder. 1876. Half leather. 572pp. Ex-library. Half leather, edge-worn. Foxing. $16 [420995]

Ambrose, St.. __Saint Ambrose, Letters [Fathers of the Church: A New Translation series]__. Fathers of the Church, Inc.. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 515pp. Good; ex-library. $19.55 [383477]

Ambrose, St.; trans. by Sr. Mary Melchior Beyenka. __Saint Ambrose: Letters [Fathers of the Church, a New Translation]__. Catholic University of America. 1967. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 515pp. Very good.v $18.25 [387211]

Ammann, Albert M.. __Abriss der Ostslawischen Kirchengeschichte__. Thomas Morus Press im Verlag Herder. 1950. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 748pp. Very good. Bumped corners and spine edges. $11 [312106]

8 Amos, Thomas L.; Eugene A. Green, Beverly Mayne Kienzle eds.. __De Ore Domini: Preacher and Word in the Middle Ages [Medieval Institute Publications, SMC XXVII]__. Western Michigan University. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 269pp. Good; ex-library. $18.25 [376148]

Anderson, Hugh George. __Lutheranism in the Southeastern States, 1860-1886. A Social History__. Mouton / The Hague. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 276pp. Extensive red ink underlining, pages slightly dampwarped, shaken. $13.5 [326031]

Anderson, James S.M.. __History of the Church of England in the Colonies and Foreign Dependencies of the British Empire (3 vols.)__. London: Francis & John Rivington. 1845-56. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 3 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cracked hinges. Foxing. Worn & faded covers. $127 [417668]

Anemüller, Ernst. __Urkundenbuch des Klosters Paulinzelle, Zweites Heft, 1314-1534 Namens des Vereins für thüringische Geschicte und Altertumskunde (Thüringische Geschichtsquellen, Neue Folg. Vierter Band)__. Jena: Gustav Fischer. 1905. Paperback. 578pp. Very good; upper edges uncut. $22 [228028]

Angenendt, Arnold. __Kaiserherrschaft und Königstaufe. Kaiser, Könige und Päpste als geistliche Patrone in der abendländishen Missionsgeschichte [Arbeiten zur Frühmittelalterforschung, 15. Band]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1984. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 378pp. Very good. $44.25 [374837]

Anselm. __Proslogion, with a Reply on Behalf of the Fool by Gaunilo, and The Author's Reply to Gaunilo__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1965. Hardcover with dust jacket. 191pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Slight penciling. Chipped dust jacket. Translated by M.J. Charlesworth. $12 [407392]

Anselm of Canterbury. __Anselm of Canterbury, Vol. I: Monologion, Proslogion, Debate with Gaunilo, and a Meditation on Human Redemption__. Edwin Mellen Press. 1975. Hardcover with dust jacket. 161pp. Chipped dust jacket. Gift inscription. Edited by Jasper Hopkins & Herbert Richardson. $12 [404283]

Anselm; Jasper Hopkins and Herbert Richardson eds.. __Anselm of Canterbury, Theological Treatises (3 vols.)__. Harvard Divinity School Library. 1967. Paperback. 146, 126, 100pp. Good; wrappers of first wrapper faded. $39.5 [287155]

Anson, Peter F.. __Building Up the Waste Places: The Revival of Monastic Life on Medieval Lines in the Post-Reformation Church of England__. The Faith Press. 1973. Hardcover with dust jacket. 275pp. VG/VG $24.75 [365869]

Anson, Peter F.. __Building Up the Waste Places: The Revival of Monastic Life on Medieval Lines in the Post-Reformation Church of England__. Faith Press. 1973. Hardcover with dust jacket. 275pp. G/G, slightly bumped corners. $24.75 [370382]

9 Aquinas, Thomas. __LCC: Aquinas on Nature and Grace: Selections from the Summa Theologica__. Westminster. 1954. Hardcover with dust jacket. 386pp. Slightly weak front hinge. Edge-worn dust jacket. Edited by A.M. Fairweather. $15 [394361]

Aquinas, Thomas. __Nature and Grace: Selections from the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas [Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XI]__. Westminster. 1954. Hardcover with dust jacket. 386pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Chipped & rubbed dust jacket. Former owner's name. Edited by A.M. Fairweather. $11 [410308]

Armstrong, Maurice W.. __Great Awakening in Nova Scotia, 1776-1809__. American Society of Church History. 1948. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 141pp. Pencil marks. Boards bowed. $22 [408717]

Arnold-Forster, Frances. __Studies in Church Dedications, or England's Patron Saints (3 vols.)__. London: Skeffington & Son. 1899 . Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 3 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spines. Boards bowed & bumped. Foxing. Slight ink marks. $78 [409167]

Arnold, Thomas and J.J. Cooper. __The History of the Church of Doddridge; and Reminiscences of Forty Years__. Northhampshire Printing & Publishing Co., Ltd.. 1895. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 219, 72pp. Ex-library, foxing. $21.5 [393583]

Asheim, Ivar and Victor R. Gold (Hrsg.). __Kirchenpräsident Oder Bischof? Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung und Definition des kirchenleitenden Amtes in der lutherischen Kirche__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1968. Paperback. 209pp. Foxing, corners slightly bent. $13.5 [311718]

Atger, Albert. __Histore et Role des Cantiques dans les Eglises Reformees de Langue Française__. Slatkine Reprints. 1970. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 111pp. Ex-library. Good condition. $18 [407839]

Athanasius. __Heiligen Athanasius Vier Reden Gegen die Arianer (2 Bands) [Bibliothek der Kirchenväter: Eine Auswahl Patristischer Werke in Deutscher Übersetzung]__. Jos. Kösel. 1913. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 517, 122pp. Shaken, second volume has dampwarped pages. $18.5 [311830]

Atlay, J.B.. __The Life of the Right Reverend Ernest Roland Wilberforce, First Bishop of Newcastle-on-Tyne and Afterward Bishop of Chichester__. Smith, Elder & Co.. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 360pp. Ex-library, faded and worn cover, slightly shaken, bumped corners. $18.25 [393581]

Atwater, George Parkin. __Annals of a Parish. A chronicle of the founding and of the growth and development of the Church of Our Saviour, Akron, Ohio, together with a personal narrative__. Privately Printed for the members and friends of t he Church of Our Saviour. 1928. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 67pp. Ex-library, edgeworn cover. $11 [388912]

10 Atwater, George Parkin. __Annals of a Parish. A chronicle of the founding and of the growth and development of the Church of Our Saviour, Akron, Ohio, together with a personal narrative__. Privately Printed for the members and friends of t he Church of Our Saviour. 1928. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 67pp. Ex-library, edgeworn cover. $11 [388913]

Aubert, Marcel and Simone Goubet. __Romanesque Cathedrals and Abbeys of France__. London House and Maxwell. 1966. Hardcover with dust jacket. 663pp. Stained page edges, good otherwise. $31.25 [370129]

Augustijn, Cornelis. __Erasmus, der Humanist als Theologie und Kirchenreformer [Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, vol. LIX]__. E.J. Brill. 1996. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 375pp. Good; slight markings. $63.75 [393970]

Augustine. __Augustine: Confessions and Enchiridion [Library of Christian Classics, Vol. VII]__. Westminster. 1955. Hardcover with dust jacket. 423pp. Ink underlining. Shaken, cocked spine. Chipped dust jacket. Translated by Albert C. Outler. $11 [409620]

Augustine. __Augustine: Later Works [Library of Christian Classics, Vol. VIII]__. Westminster. 1955. Hardcover with dust jacket. 359pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Chipped dust jacket. Former owner's name. Edited by John Burnaby. $11 [410316]

Augustine. __LCC: Augustine, Later Works__. Westminster. 1955. Hardcover with dust jacket. 359pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Extensive ink underlining. Chipped dust jacket. Edited by John Burnaby. $11 [394364]

Augustine. __LCC: Augustine: Confessions and Enchiridion__. Westminster. 1955. Hardcover with dust jacket. 423pp. Ink underlining. Chipped dust jacket. Edited by Albert C. Outler. $11 [394368]

Augustine. __LCC: Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany__. Newman / Longmans, Green & Co.. 1952. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 249pp. Ex-library, faded spine. Else good. $11 [395311]

Augustine. __Saint Augustine: Confessions [Fathers of the Church, a New Translation]__. Catholic University of America. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 481pp. Ex-library. Good. Translated by Vernon J. Bourke. $11 [398298]

Augustine. __Saint Augustine: The Catholic and Manichean Ways of Life [Fathers of the Church, a New Translation]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 135pp. Ex-library. Foxing, else good. Translated by Donald A. Gallagher and Idella J. Gallagher. $15 [397577]

Augustine. __Saint Augustine: The Trinity [Fathers of the Church, A New Translation]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1970. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 539pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Translated by Stephen McKenna. $18.25 [397641]

11 Augustine, St.. __City of God, Books VIII-XVI [Fathers of the Church Series]__. Fathers of the Church Inc. . 1952. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 567pp. Good; ex-library. $12.2 [384392]

Augustine, St.. __City of God, Books VIII-XVI [Fathers of the Church Series]__. Catholic University of America. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 567pp. Good; ex-library. $18.25 [384402]

Augustine, St.. __Confessions [Fathers of the Church: A New Translation series]__. Catholic University of America. 1953. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 481pp. Good; ex-library. $12.2 [384197]

Augustine, St.. __Letters, vol. V (204-270) [Fathers of the Church, a New Translation]__. Fathers of the Church, Inc.. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 317pp. Good; ex-library. $19.55 [384422]

Augustine, St.. __Treatises on Various Subjects [Fathers of the Church Series]__. Fathers of the Church. 1952. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 479pp. Good; ex-library. $18.25 [384211]

Augustine, St.. __Writings of Saint Augustine, vol. 4: Christian Instruction . . . [Fathers of the Church: A New Translation series]__. Catholic University of America. 1947. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 494pp. Good; ex-library. $13.8 [383471]

Bachman, Calvin George. __The Old Order Amish of Lancaster County [Pennsylviania German Society, vol. 60]__. Pennsylviania German Society. 1941. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 294pp. Ink underlining, ex-library. $15.4 [370848]

Bachmann, E. Theodore. __The Ecumenical Involvement of the LCA Predecessor Bodies: A Brief History 1900-1962. Revised 2nd edition__. Lutheran Church in America. 1983. Paperback. 79pp. Very good. $18.25 [380725]

Backus, I.; P. Fraenkel, and P. Lardet. __Martin Bucer Apocryphe eet Authentique: Études de Bibliographie et d'Exégèse [Cahiers de la Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie, 8]__. Geneve Lausanne Neuchatel. 1983. Paperback. 56pp. Ex-library, laminated wrappers, otherwise good. $16 [393775]

Backus, Irena. __Disputations of Baden, 1526 and Berne, 1528: Neutralizing the Early Church [Studies in Reformed Theology and History, Vol. I, No. 1, Winter 1993]__. Princeton Theological Seminary. 1993. Paperback. 130pp. Very good. $12 [411783]

Baddeley, Susan. __L'Orthographe Francaise au Temps de la Reforme (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, no. CCLXXVI)__. Librairie Droz S.A.. 1993. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 496pp. Very good, slight pencil marks. $27 [185981]

12 Bader, Günter. __Assertio: Drei Fortlaufende Lektüren zu Skepsis, Narrheit und Sünde bei Erasmus und Luther__. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). 1985. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 202pp. Ex-library. Good condition. $26 [407356]

Bailey, James. __History of the Seventh-Day Baptist General Conference: From Its Origin, September, 1802, To Its Fifty-Third Session, September, 1865__. Toledo, Ohio: S. Bailey & Co.. 1866. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 322pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. $77 [418770]

Baird, Samuel J. ed.. __Collection of the Acts, Deliverances, and Testimonies of the Supreme Judicatory of the Presbyterian Church, from Its Origin in America to the Present Time__. Presbyterian Board of Publication. 1856. leather_bound. 856pp. Worn, full leather cover, slightly shaken, foxing, ex-library. $51 [231748]

Baker, Derek ed.. __Medieval Women: Dedicated and Presented to Professor Rosalind M.T. Hill on the Occasion of Her Seventieth Birthday [Studies in Church History, Subsidia 1]__. Ecclesiastical History Society, Basil Blackwell. 1978. Hardcover with dust jacket. 399pp. VG/VG $24.75 [372432]

Bakhuizen van den Brink, J.N. & J. Lindeboom. __Handboek der Kerkgeschiedenis (2 vols.)__. D.A. Daamen. 1945. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 327, 434pp. Dampstains, some underlining, foxing. $11 [233470]

Balestri, I. & H. Hyvernat eds.. __Scriptores Coptici, Textus Series Tertia, Tomus I & II, Acta Martyrum, Coptice / Latine, I & II (2 vols.) [Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium]__. Paris: E Typographeo reipublicae, Carolus Poussielgue, Bibliopola. 1907. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 251, 151; 383, 309pp. Good. Underlining and marginalia, slight foxing, Rebound in red buckram. $65.7 [360957]

Bangs, Carl. __Arminius: A Study in the Dutch Reformation__. Abingdon. 1971. Hardcover with dust jacket. 382pp. Underlining, chipped dust jacket, slightly cocked spine. $12.7 [393386]

Bardenhewer, Otto. __Geschichte der Altkirchlichen Literatur (5 vols.)__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 5 vols.pp. Ex-library. Some bowed boards. Corner bumped. $102 [407659]

Bardenhewer, Otto. __Geschichte der Altkirchlichen Literatur, Dritter Band: Das Vierte Jahrhundert Mit Ausschluss der Schriftsteller Syrischer Zunge__. Freiburg: Herders. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 665pp. Shaken, cocked spine, cracked front hinge. Foxing. Edge- worn cover. $15 [419182]

13 Bardenhewer, Otto. __Geschichte der Altkirchlichen Literatur, Zweiter Band: Vom Ende des Zweiten Jahrhunderts Bis Zum Beginn des Vierten Jahrhunderts__. Freiburg: Herders. 1914. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 729pp. Shaken, cocked spine, cracked front hinge. Foxing. $15 [419181]

Barlow, Claude W. trans.. __Iberian Fathers, vol. 1: Martin of Braga, Paschasius of Dumium, Leander of Sevill [Fathers of the Church: A New Translation series]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 261pp. Good; ex-library. $12.2 [384412]

Barlow, Frank. __Letters of Arnulf of Liseaux [Camden Third Series, Vol. LXI]__. London: Offices of the Royal Historical Society. 1939. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 236pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Faded & worn cover. $16 [420989]

Barnes, I.A.. __Methodist Protestant Church in West Virginia__. Stockton Press. 1926. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 514pp. Light soiling /sooty fingerprints to some leaves. Foxing to page edges. Shaken. Cover spotted & edgeworn. Yellowing. $34.5 [252663]

Baron, Alexander. __Monumenta Ucrainae Historica, tom XIII vol.: De Processibus Canonicis Ecclesiae Catholicae Ucrainorum in Transcarpathia__. . 1973. Paperback. 281pp. Good. Faded wrappers, foxing, lower corners bent. In . $16 [310254]

Barrett, John. __That Better Country: The Religious Aspect of Life in Eastern Australia, 1835- 1805__. Melbourne. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 213pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Faded cover. $11 [417259]

Barrow, Henry; edited by Leland H. Carlson. __Writings of Henry Barrow (1590-1591) (Elizabethan Nonconformist Texts, vol. V) [Sir Halley Stewart Trust series]__. Allen & Unwin. 1966. Hardcover with dust jacket. 397pp. G/G, ex-library, faded dust jacket. $42 [220573]

Barrows, William. __Church and Her Children__. Boston: Congregational Publishing Society. 1875. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 348pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. $35 [420084]

Bass, Dorothy C.; Sandra Hughes Boyd. __Women in American Religious History: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Sources__. G.K. Hall & Co.. 1986. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 155pp. Very good, slightly cocked spine. $19.5 [226328]

Bass, Dorothy C.; Sandra Hughes Boyd. __Women in American Religious History: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Sources__. G.K. Hall & Co.. 1986. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 155pp. Very good; previous owner's name on ffep. $19.5 [304873]

Bauer, Walter. __Briefe des Ignatius von Antiochia und der Polykarpbrief [Die Apostlischen Väter, II]__. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). 1920. Paperback. 185-298pp. Foxing, yellowed. Slightly chipped wrappers. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $11 [413188]

14 Bäumer, Suitbert. __Histoire du Bréviare (2 vols.)__. Letouzey et Ané. 1905. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 440, 532pp. Ex-library, foxing. Rebound in blue library buckram. $44.5 [311627]

Baumgarten, Siegmund Jakob. __Untersuchung Theologischer Stretigkeiten (2 Bands)__. Hulle: Johann Justinus Gebauer. 1762. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 747, 792pp. Bady worn half-leather binding. Damp exposure, mildew affect second volume, foxing. $752 [296761]

Baur, Ferdinand Christian; Peter Hodgson ed.. __Ferdinand Christian Baur on the Writing of Church History__. Oxford. 1968. Hardcover with dust jacket. 380pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $29.5 [337739]

Bazire, Joyce and James E. Cross eds.. __Eleven Old English Rogationtide Homilies__. Centre for Medieval Studies. 1982. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 143pp. Good; ex-library. $18.25 [394653]

Beardsley, E. Edwards. __History of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut (2 vols.)__. New York: Hurd & Houghton. 1866. Library buckram. 470, 465pp. Ex-library, rebound in blue library buckram. Pages are very brittle, with some broken (but all present). $21.5 [390321]

Beardsley, E. Edwards. __Life and Correspondence of the Right Reverend Samuel Seabury__. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.. 1881. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 497pp. Ex-library, rubbed cover. Good otherwise. $44.25 [386560]

Beardsley, E. Edwards. __Life and Correspondence of the Right Reverend Samuel Seabury, first Bishop of Connecticut, and of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. 2nd edition__. Houghton, Mifflin. 1881. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 498pp. Worn cover, ex- library, shaken, foxing. $44.25 [366126]

Beck, Jonathan. __Concil de Basle (1434) Les Origines du Theatre Reformiste et Partisan en France [Studies in the History of Christian Thought, XVIII]__. Brill. 1979. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 166pp. Ex-library. Boards bowed. $27 [413627]

Becon, Thomas. __Early Works of Thomas Becon: Being the Treatises Published by Him in the Reign of King Henry VIII [Parker Society edition]__. Cambridge. 1843. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 500pp. Worn, half-leather binding. Badly shaken, first few pages detached but present, foxing. $16 [300878]

Bedae Venerabilis; edited by M.L.W. Laistner. __Expositio Actuum Apostolorum et Retractatio__. Kraus Reprints. 1970. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 176pp. Good; ex-library. Latin text. $15.95 [393089]

BeDuhn, Jason David. __The Manichaean Body in Discipline and Ritual__. Johns Hopkins. 2000. Hardcover with dust jacket. 354pp. Penciling, else sound. $19 [387391]


Belden, A. Russell. __History of the Cayuga Baptist Association, compiled from Authentic Records, at the Request of the Association__. Auburn: Derby & Miller. 1851. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 214pp. Ex-library, foxing, lacks ffep. Upper spine cloth torn. $24.75 [394858]

Bellarmini, Roberti. __Explanatio in Psalmos. Editio Novissima__. Lvgdvni: Hieronymi de la Garde, via Mercatoria. 1664. Half leather. 1086, 13pp. Modern, attractive, slightly worn half- leather binding, ex-library, heavy foxing, some staining, title page remounted, otherwise good. $327 [296077]

Bellesheim, Alphons. __Geschichte der Katholischen Kirche in Irland von der Einführung des Christenthums bis auf die Gegenwart (3 vols.)__. Mainz: Franz-Kirchheim. 1890. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 701, 772, 782pp. Ex-library, foxing, shaken. In faded black or dark brown library buckram. $63.75 [390847]

[Benedict XIV, Pope] Benedicti XIV. __Institutiones Ecclesiasticae (Tomus 1, 2 & 3)__. Lovanii: Ex Typographia Academica. 1762. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 464, 519, 517pp. Foxing, ex-library, slightly shaken, some stains. Quarter-leather, with marbled boards. $39.5 [335981]

Bentley, James. __Ritualism and Politics in Victorian Britain: The Attempt to Legislate for Belief__. Oxford. 1978. Hardcover with dust jacket. 162pp. Ink underlining. $16 [325359]

Benz, Ernst. __Ecclesia Spiritvalis: Kirchenidee und Geschichtstheologie der Franziskanischen Reformation__. W. Kohlhammer. 1934. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 481pp. Faded cover, spine cloth beginning to split along front edge. $19.5 [278792]

Benz, Ernst. __Ecclesia Spiritvalis: Kirchenidee und Geschichtstheologie der Franziskanischen Reformation__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 481pp. Very good. $24.5 [294809]

Berger, Klaus. __Griechische Daniel-Diegese: Eine Altkirchliche Apokalypse [Studia Post- Biblica, XXVII]__. Brill. 1976. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 163pp. Ex-library. Good condition. $46 [407305]

Bergvall, Ake. __Augustinian Perspectives in the Renaissance [Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 117]__. Uppsala. 2001. Paperback. 234pp. Very good. $14.5 [316320]

Bernard, St. [S. Patris Bernardi Claravaliensis]. __Opera Omnia, in V. Tomos & Appendix (6 vols. bound as one)__. Coloniae Agrippinae: Ioannem Kinchivm. 1641. Full leather. 143, 272, 139, 140, 384, 92, 15, [85]pp. Elephant folio, in worn and damaged full leather cover, with remnants of original metal clasps. Tender hinges, dampstains, heavy foxing, repairs to some pages, ex-library. $300 [299229]

16 Bernardini a Piconio. __Opera Omnia Bernardini a Piconio (Tomus 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5) 5 vols.__. Paris: Ludovicus Vives, Bibliopola Editor. 1877. Half leather. pp. Ex-library, foxing. Worn half leather, with marbled boards. Some tender hinges. Spines neatly repaired with strips of black binding tape. $227 [386978]

Berry, Joseph Breed. __History of the Diocese of Massachusetts, 1810-1872__. Diocese of Massachusetts. 1959. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 252pp. Good; ex-library. $13.8 [371378]

Berry, Joseph Breed. __History of the Diocese os Massachusetts 1810-1872__. Diocese of Massachusetts. 1959. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 252pp. Very good; cover slightly rubbed. $13.8 [378236]

Best, Ernest E.. __Christian Faith and Cultural Crisis, the Japanese Case__. E.J. Brill. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 199pp. Good; ex-library. $18 [390459]

Best, G.F.A.. __Temporal Pillars: Queen Anne's Bounty, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and the Church of England__. Cambridge. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 582pp. Ex-library, shaken. $13.5 [303203]

Bestmann, H.J.. __Sittlichen Stadien in Ihrer Geschichtlichen Entwicklung (2 vols.)__. C.H. Beck. 1880. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 461, 711pp. Foxing, slightly shaken. Rebound in paper boards. $19.5 [312496]

Beumer, Johannes. __Erasmus der Europaer__. Dietrich-Coelde-Verlag. 1969. Library binding. 128pp. Ex-library. Rebound into laminated hardcover. Good condition. $14 [342002]

Beyschlag, Karlmann. __Clemens Romanus und der Frühkatholizismus: Untersuchungen zu I Clemens 1-7 [BZHT 35]__. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). 1966. Paperback. 396pp. Ink underlining. Corners bent. $11 [408229]

Bilaniuk, Petro B.T.. __The Apostolic Origin of the Ukrainian Church__. Protection of the Blessed Virgim Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish. 1988. Paperback. 208pp. Very good. $19.5 [299937]

Bireley, Robert. __Religion and Politics in the Age of the Counterreformation: Emperor Ferdinand II, William Lamormaini, S.J., and the Formation of Imperial Policy__. North Carolina. 1981. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 311pp. Ex-library. Cover rubbed. $22 [401905]

Black, Antony. __Council and Commune: The Conciliar Movement and the Fifteenth-Century Heritage__. Burns & Oates. 1979. Hardcover with dust jacket. 253pp. Shaken, cocked spine. $13 [421159]

Blackman, E.C.. __Marcion and His Influence__. SPCK. 1948. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 181pp. Faded and worn cover, otherwise sound. $14.65 [384494]

17 Blasi, Anthony J.. __Early Christianity as a Social Movement [Toronto Studies in Religion, Vol. 5]__. Peter Lang. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 240pp. Slightly cocked spine. $22 [408156]

Blowers, Paul M. ed. & trans.. __The Bible in Greek Christian Antiquity__. Notre Dame. 1997. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 468pp. Very good. $19.5 [226130]

Blumenthal, Uta-Renate ed.. __Carolingian Essays__. CUA Prss. 1983. Hardcover with dust jacket. 249pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $13 [370122]

Blumhardt, Christian Gottlieb (Hrsg.). __Versuch einer allgemeinen Missionsgeschichte der Kirche Christi (4 books in 3 vols.)__. Basel: J.G. Neukirch. 1833. Full leather. 527, 388, 837, 520, 794pp. Ex-library, light foxing, front hinge of vol. 3 is tender, and leather has split away along the spine. Half leather, with marbled boards. $197 [387660]

Bodo, John R.. __The Protestant Clergy and Public Issues 1812-1848__. Princeton. 1954. Hardcover with dust jacket. 291pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $12 [337637]

Bodo, John R.. __The Protestant Clergy and Public Issues, 1812-1848__. Princeton. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 291pp. Good; ex-library. $13 [390153]

Boehmer, Heinrich; trans. by E.S.G. Potter. __Luther and the Reformation in the Light of Modern Research__. Zondervan. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 380pp. Sunned cover, slightly musty; else good. $11 [280091]

Böhlig, Alexander. __Mysterion und Wahrheit: Gesammelte Beiträge zur Spätantiken Religionsgeschichte [AGSU, VI]__. Brill. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 266pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $37 [411035]

Boisset, Jean. __Erasme et Luther: Libre ou Serf Arbitre? __. Presses Universitaires de France. 1962. Paperback. 176pp. Ex-library. Creased spine & wrappers. $16 [402306]

Boles, John B.. __The Great Revival, 1787-1805: The Origin of the Southern Evangelical Mind__. Kentucky. 1972. Hardcover with dust jacket. 236pp. Ink underlining, lower edge of front board is dented near spine. $11 [297027]

Bollinger, Russell V.; Eldon R. Burke, A.R. Eikenberry, Gletha Mae Eikenberry, Earl S. Garver, Paul W. Keller, V.F. Schwalm, Ira H. Frantz (ed.). __Manchester College: The First Seventy- Five Years__. Brethren Press. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 235pp. Very good. $13.5 [231374]

Bolton, Charles A.. __Church Reform in 18th Century Italy (The Synod of Pistoia, 1786) [International Archives of the History of Ideas]__. Martinus Nijhoff. 1969. Hardcover with dust jacket. 162pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Chipped dust jacket. Foxing. $27 [421090]

18 Bond, Francis. __Wood Carvings in English Churches: I.- Stalls and Tabernacle Work; II. Bishops' Thrones and Chancel Chairs__. Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press. 1910. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 138pp. Foxing, penciling, slightly shaken, rubbed cover. $14 [374058]

Bonet-Maury, G.. __L'Islamisme et Le Christianisme en Afrique__. Librairie Hachette. 1906. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 299pp. Worn, quarter leather binding. Heavy foxing, ex-library, underlining. $16 [331752]

Bonnet, Max ed.. __Acta Andreae Apostoli cum Laudatione Contexta (Greek text)__. . n.d.. . 378pp. Very good, facsimile reprint bound in a pamphlet folder. $11 [277074]

Borgen, Peder, Vernon K. Robbins, and David B. Gowler, eds.. __Recruitment, Conquest, and Conflict: Strategies in Judaism, Early Christianity, and the Graeco-Roman World [Emory Studies in Early Christianity]__. Scholars Press. 1998. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 356pp. Boards bowed. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $32 [411796]

Boston, Thomas. __Memoirs of the Life, Time, and Writings, of The Reverend and Learned Thomas Boston__. Edinburgh: A. Murray & J. Cochran. 1776. Full leather. 514, 51pp. Front board nearly detached. Full leather. Heavy foxing. Ex-library. Leather boards are worn and scuffed. Edges and corners are worn and curling. $37.75 [384094]

Bourassa, Franciscus; Mauritius Flick. __De Sanctissima Trinitate in Antiqua Traditione Ecclesiae Adnotationes; bound with De Gratia Christi __. Romae. 1964-65; 1962. Library buckram. 179, 11; 618pp. Underlining and notes. Two books bound together. $24.5 [295109]

Bousset, Wilhelm. __Kyrios Christos: Geschichte des Christusglaubens von den Anfängen des Christentums bid Irenaeus__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 394pp. Ink underlining, sunned cover. $13 [382133]

Bouyer, Louis. __Erasmus and the Humanist Experiment__. Geoffrey Chapman. 1959. Hardcover with dust jacket. 220pp. Ink underlining, else sound. $15 [393822]

Bowden, Henry W. ed.. __A Century of Church History: The Legacy of Philip Schaff__. Southern Illinois. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 375pp. Shaken, else sound. $12 [393391]

Bowden, John William. __The Life and Pontificate of Gregory the Seventh__. New-York: J.R. Dunham. 1845. Library buckram. 304pp. Ex-library, foxing. In faded burgundy library buckram. $14 [390429]

Bracke, Raphaël. __Ad Sancti Maximi Vitam. Studie van biografische documenten en de levensbescheijvingen betreffende Maximus Confessor (ca. 580-662)__. Leuven. 1980. Paperback. 438pp. Very good. $20.5 [313655]

19 Brackney, William Henry. __The Baptists [Denominations in America, no. 2]__. Greenwood. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 327pp. Very good. $14.5 [305136]

Bradshaw, Paul F.. __Anglican Ordinal: Its History and Development from the Reformation to the Present Day [Alcuin Club Collections, No. 53]__. London: SPCK. 1971. Hardcover with dust jacket. 234pp. Pencil underlining throughout. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Chipped dust jacket. $15 [420245]

Bradshaw, Paul F.. __Anglican Ordinal: Its History and Development from the Reformation to the Present Day [Alcuin Club Collections, No. 53]__. London: SPCK. 1971. Hardcover with dust jacket. 234pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $16 [420857]

Bradshaw, Paul F.. __Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Methods for the Study of Early Liturgy__. Oxford. 1992. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 217pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. $16 [407300]

Bradshaw, Paul F.. __Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Methods for the Study of Early Liturgy__. Oxford. 1992. Paperback. 217pp. Creased wrappers. $11 [407748]

Bradshaw, Paul F. and Lawrence A. Hoffman eds.. __Passover and Easter: The Symbolic Structuring of Sacred Seasons [Two Liturgical Traditions, vol. 6]__. Notre Dame. 1999. Hardcover with dust jacket. 224pp. Underlining, otherwise good. $13.5 [337997]

Bradshaw, Paul F. and Lawrence A. Hoffman, eds.. __Making of Jewish and Christian Worship__. Notre Dame. 1991. Hardcover with dust jacket. 211pp. Yellow highlighting throughout. Else G/G. $15.4 [371497]

Brady, Thomas A. Jr.. __Protestant Politics: Jacob Sturm (1489-1553) and the German Reformation__. Humanities Press. 1995. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 447pp. Near fine, lower corners slightly bumped. $26 [276014]

Brady, Thomas A. Jr.. __Protestant Politics: Jacob Sturm (1489-1553) and the German Reformation__. Humanities Press. 1995. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 447pp. Near fine, lower corners slightly bumped. $26 [276015]

Brandreth, Henry R.T.. __The Oecumenical Ideals of the Oxford Movement__. SPCK. 1947. Hardcover with dust jacket. 90pp. Foxing, penciling, slightly chipped dust jacket. $12.2 [373504]

Braw, Christian. __Bücher im Staube: Die Theologie Johann Arndts in ihrem Verhältnis zur Mystik__. E.J. Brill. 1986. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 236pp. Good; ex-library. $24.75 [393338]

20 Bridgeman, Charles Thorley. __History of the Parish Church in the City of New York, Part VI: The Rectorship of Dr. William Thomas Manning, 1908-1921__. Rector, Churchwardens & Vestrymen of Trinity Church in the City of New York. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 494pp. Ex-library, shaken. $13.5 [336652]

Brinkley, Richard N.. __Thy Strong Word: The Enduring Legacy of Martin Franzmann__. Concordia. 1993. Paperback. 141pp. Very good. $11 [308396]

Brock, Rita Nakashima and Revecca Ann Parker. __Saving Paradise: How Christianity Traded Love of this World for Crucifixion and Empire__. Beacon. 2008. Hardcover with dust jacket. 552pp. VG/VG $24.75 [386834]

Brodd, Sven-Erik. __Evangelisk Katolicitet. Ett studium av innehall och funktion under 1800- och 1900-talen [Bibliotheca Theologiae Practicae 39]__. CWK Gleerup. 1982. . 391pp. Good; lower corners slightly bent. $16 [304193]

Bronkema, Ralph. __Essence of Puritanism__. Oosterbaan & Le Cointre. n.d.. Paperback. 208pp. Foxing, underlining, faded wrappers. $24.5 [300400]

Bronkema, Ralph. __The Essence of Puritanism__. Oosterbaan & Le Cointre-Goes (Holland). 1929. Paperback. 208pp. Creased, reglued, and torn wrappers; spine corners bumped. $24.5 [297584]

Brooks, Asa. __Spiritualism Examined and Refuted. An Essay.__. Ithaca, N.Y.: Andrus, Gauntlett, & Co.. 1854. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 164pp. Shaken. Cloth stained, edge-worn, torn at spine. Foxing. Gift inscription: Betsey Brooks / Presented to her by Rev.A. Brooks. $44.25 [398410]

Brown, Louise Fargo. __The Political Activities of the Baptists and Fifth Monarchy Men in England During the Interregnum__. American Historical Association. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 258pp. Ex-library, slightly shaken, penciling. $14 [371548]

Brownlee, W.C., preface. __Doctrinal Decrees and Canons of the Council of Trent__. New York: American Protestant Society. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 119pp. Ex-library. Slight pencil marks. Foxing. Worn cover. $60 [420069]

Bruce, James. __Prophecy, Miracles, Angels, and Heavenly Light? The Eschatology, Pneumatology, and Missiology of Adomnán's Life of Columba__. Paternoster. 2004. Paperback. 285pp. Near fine. $11 [316348]

Buchwald, Georg. __Mathesius' Predigten über Luthers Leben. Mit Erläuterungen__. Paul Rocholls Verlag. 1904. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 249pp. Good. Sunned spine, slightly shaken. $11 [312933]

21 Bucke, Emory Stevens (general editor). __History of American Methodism (3 vols.)__. Abingdon. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 721, 750, 669pp. Good. Faded and concave spines, first volume has slight underlining. $16 [311258]

Buckland, W.E.. __Kent Records: Parish Registers and Records in the Diocese of Rochster: A Summary of Information Collected by the Ecclesiastical Records Committee of the Rochester Diocesan Conference__. Mitchell Hughes & Clarke. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 125pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Most pages unopened. $11 [417407]

Buckley, Theodore Alois. __The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent__. George Routledge. 1851. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 399pp. Ex-library, underlining, worn cover, spine cloth chipped. $14 [374082]

Budge, Frances Anne. __Annals of the Early Friends: A Series of Biographical Sketches__. Philadelphia: Henry Longstreth. 1900. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 456pp. Ex-library, slightly shaken, spine edges frayed. $11 [393500]

Buescher, Gabriel N.. __The Eucharistic Teaching of William Ockham [The Catholic University of America Studies in Sacred Theology, no. 44]__. Catholic University of America. 1950. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 175pp. Slightly faded cover, a couple pages loose but present. $15.4 [367010]

Bullinger, Heinrich. __Studiorum Ratio - Studienanleitung, 1: Text und Übersetzung [Heinrich Bullinger Werke, Sonderband]__. Theologischer Verlag Zürich. 1987. Hardcover with dust jacket. 157pp. Slight foxing. Former owner's name. Edited by Peter Stotz. $38 [408746]

Bullinger, Heinrich. __Studiorum Ratio - Studienanleitung, 2: Kommentar [Heinrich Bullinger Werke, Sonderband]__. Theologischer Verlag Zürich. 1987. Hardcover with dust jacket. 331pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Edge-worn & creased dust jacket. Former owner's name. Edited by Peter Stotz. $54 [408745]

Bullock, F.W.B.. __Evangelical Conversion in Great Britain 1696-1845__. Budd & Gillatt. 1959. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 287pp. Ex-library. Bumped corners, else good. $27 [412261]

Bungener, L.F.. __Histoire du Concile de Trente, Tome 2__. Paris: Joel Cherbuliez. 1847. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 401pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. $53 [420023]

Buranelli, Vincent. __King and the Quaker: A Study of William Penn and James II__. Pennsylvania. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 241pp. Ex-library. Slightly shaken. Boards bowed. $16 [404335]

22 Burchard, Christoph; Jacob Jervell, Johannes Thomas; Walther Eltester (Hrsg.). __Studien zu den Testamentum der Zwölf Patriarchen [Beiheft zur Zeitschrift für neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 36]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 158pp. Ex-library, front glued endpaper damaged by rouch removal of library matter. $11 [297990]

Burg, B.R.. __Richard Mather of Dorchester__. Kentucky. 1976. Hardcover with dust jacket. 207pp. VG/VG $13.5 [293774]

Burgess, Alexander ed.. __Memoir of the Life of the Right Reverend George Burgess, D.D., First Bishop of Maine__. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen, and Haffelinger. 1869. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 419pp. Ex-library, shaken, spine cloth torn away at upper edge. $15.4 [376948]

Burgess, Alexander ed.. __Memoir of the Life of the Right Reverend George Burgess, D.D., First Bishop of Maine__. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen, and Haffelinger. 1869. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 419pp. Ex-library, shaken, spine cloth frayed at edges. $15.4 [376949]

[Burgess, George]. __Pages from the Ecclesiastical History of New England during the Century Between 1740 and 1840__. Boston: James B. Dow. 1847. . 126pp. Ex-library, large dampstain affects cover and most pages; in original wrappers over heavy cardstock, spine covered in burgundy binding tape. $27 [221870]

Burkitt, F. Crawford. __Early Christianity Outside the Roman Empire__. Cambridge. 1899. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 89pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Former owner's name. $16 [408693]

Burn, A.E.. __Council of Nicaea: A Memorial for Its Sixteenth Centenary__. SPCK. 1925. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 146pp. Ink marginalia. Shaken. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $15 [413246]

Burns, J.H.. __Scottish Churchmen and the Council of Basle__. Burns, Glasgow. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 98pp. Ex-library, faded cover. $12 [393830]

Burns, Robert Ignatius. __The Jesuits and the Indian Wars of the Northwest__. Yale. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 512pp. Ex-library, cocked spine, otherwise good. $11 [295684]

Burr, Nelson R.. __The Anglican Church in New Jersey__. Church Historical Society. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 768pp. Stained cover, shaken, foxing. $14.5 [324992]

Bussell, F.W.. __Religious Thought and Heresy in the Middle Ages__. Robert Scott. 1918. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 873pp. Good; ex-library. $14 [347810]

Büsser, Fritz. __Wurzeln de Reformation in Zürich__. E.J. Brill. 1985. Hardcover with dust jacket. 284pp. VG/VG $50.75 [393261]

23 Büsser, Fritz. __Wurzeln der Reformation in Zürich, zum 500. Geburtstag des Reformators Huldrych Zwingli [Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, vol. XXXI]__. E.J. Brill. 1985. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 284pp. Good; ex-library. $50.75 [393341]

Butler, D.. __The Life and Letters of Robert Leighton, Restoration Bishop of Dunblane and Archbishop of Glasgow__. Hodder & Stoughton. 1903. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 607pp. Ex-library, faded spine, bumped corners. $18.25 [393362]

Butler, John F.. __Christianity in Asia and America, After A.D. 1500 [Iconography of Religions, Section XXIV: Christianity, Fasc. 13]__. Brill. 1979. Paperback. 45, xlviiipp. Ex- library, slightly faded wrappers, else good. $14 [347374]

Cadoux, Cecil John. __Early Church and the World: A History of the Christian Attitude to Pagan Society and the State Down to the Time of Constantinus__. T&T Clark. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 675pp. Pencil marks through first half. Shaken, cocked spine. Corners bumped. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $22 [411358]

Caesarius of Arles. __Sermons, vol. III (187-238) [Fathers of the Church Series]__. Fathers of the Church. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 312pp. Good; ex-library. $13 [384207]

Caesarius of Arles. __Sermons, vol. III (187-238) [Fathers of the Church Series]__. Catholic University of America. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 312pp. Good; ex-library, scuffed cover, slight foxing. $13.8 [384407]

Callahan, William J.. __Church, Politics, and Society in Spain, 1750-1874__. Harvard. 1984. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 325pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. $30 [407175]

Callahan, William J. and David Higgs eds.. __Church and Society in Catholic Europe of the Eighteenth Century__. Cambridge. 1979. Hardcover with dust jacket. 168pp. G/G, ex-library. $11 [295086]

Calvin, John. __Calvin: Theological Treatises [Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XXII]__. Westminster. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 355pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Trans. by J.K.S. Reid. $20 [410310]

Calvin, John. __Calvin: Theological Treatises [Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XXII]__. Westminster. 1954. Hardcover with dust jacket. 355pp. Ink underlining. Chipped dust jacket. Foxing. Edited by J.K.S. Reid. $22 [410317]

Calvin, John. __Commentaries [Library of Christian Classics]__. Westminster. [1958]. Paperback. 414pp. Creased wrappers, faded spine. Foxing. Trans. by Joseph Haroutunian & Louise Pettibone Smith. $11 [414035]

Calvin, John. __LCC: Calvin- Commentaries__. Westminster. 1958. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 414pp. Ex-library, else good. $11 [395322]

24 Cameron, Richard; Walter G. Muelder, S. Paul Schilling; Herbert E. Stotts & Paul Deats Jr.. __Methodism and Society (4 vols.)__. Abingdon. 1961. Hardcover with dust jacket. 349, 446, 318, 383pp. Highlighting and underlining, chipped dust jackets. $38 [391205]

Campbell, Thomas J.. __The Jesuits: 1534-1921. A History of the Society of Jesus From Its Foundation to the Present Time__. Encyclopedia Press. 1921. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 937pp. Ex-library, shaken. $11 [385243]

Campello, Enrico di. __Count Campello: An Autobiography. Giving His Reasons for Leaving the Papal Church__. Hodder & Stoughton. 1881. Library buckram. 147pp. Ex-library, foxing. Rebound in black library buckram. $13 [378182]

Campenhausen, Hans Freiherr von. __Kirchliches Amt und Geistliche Vollmacht in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten [Beiträge zur Historischen Theologie 14]__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 339pp. Good; ex-library. $16 [393971]

Canne, John. __Necessity of Separation from the Church of England Proved by the Nonconformists' Principles [Hanserd Knollys Society]__. J. Haddon. 1849. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 327pp. Cloth peeling off spine. Very shaken, cocked spine, back board nearly detached. Ex-library. Foxing. Edited by Charles Stovel. $26.05 [394941]

Carew, P.J. and M.J. Brenan. __Ecclesiastical History of Ireland (2 vols.)__. Dublin: John Coyne. 1835-1845. Half leather. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Half-leather in marbled boards. Foxing. Else good. $57.25 [395634]

Carpenter, Edward. __Protestant Bishop: Being the Life of Henry Compton, 1632-1713, Bishop of London__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1956. Hardcover with dust jacket. 398pp. Pencil marks. Shaken, cocked spine. Top edge water-spotted. Chipped dust jacket. $15 [408688]

Carpenter, Edward. __Thomas Sherlock, 1678-1761, Bishop of Bangor 1728; of Salisbury 1734; of London 1748__. SPCK. 1936. Hardcover with dust jacket. 335pp. G/VG, slightly cocked spine. $14 [342667]

Carpenter, Edward. __Thomas Sherlock, 1678-1761, Bishop of Bangor 1728; of Salisbury 1734; of London 1748__. SPCK. 1936. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 335pp. Ex-library, slightly bumped corners. $14 [393580]

Carpenter, Edward. __Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury__. SPCK. 1948. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 466pp. Ex-library, edgeworn cover, shaken. $14 [373564]

Carpenter, Edward. __Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury, His Life and Times__. SPCK. 1948. Hardcover with dust jacket. 466pp. Slightly stained cover and dust jacket, bumped corners, cocked spine, chipped dust jacket. $11 [303001]


Carpenter, Edward. __Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury. His Life and Times__. SPCK. 1948. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 466pp. Ex-library, shaken, underlining. $15 [388910]

Carroll, H.K.; W.P. Harrison, and J.H. Bayliss eds.. __Proceedings, Sermon, Essays, and Addresses of the Centennial Methodist Conference Held in Mt. Vernon Place Methodist Episcopal Church, Episcopal, MD., December 9-17, 1884.__. New York: Phillips & Hunt. 1885. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 534pp. Shaken $39.5 [250726]

Carter, C. Sydney. __Minsterial Commission__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1923. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 114pp. Stained cover, ex-library, foxing, underlining. $15 [386296]

Casey, Robert Pierce; edited by Kirsopp Lake, Silva Lake, and Carsten Höeg. __The 'De Incarnatione' of Athanasius, Part 2: The Short Recension [Studies and Documents, XVI]__. London: Christophers; Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania. 1946. Paperback. 86pp. Faded wrappers, penciling, bumped corners. $16 [235489]

Cassara, Ernest. __Hosea Ballou: The Challenge to Orthodoxy__. Universalist Historical Society. 1961. Hardcover with dust jacket. 226pp. Good; stained and chipped dust jacket. $13.5 [305661]

Casurella, Anthony. __Johannine Paraclete in the Church Fathers: A Study in the History of Exegesis [BZGBE, 25]__. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). 1983. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 258pp. Ex-library. Boards bowed. $30 [409249]

Cathcart, William. __The Papal System: From Its Origin to the Present Time. A Historical Sketch of Every Doctrine, Claim, and Practice of the Church of Rome__. Cathcart & Turner. 1872. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 478pp. Ex-library, worn cover, shaken. Spine cloth chipped and torn. $24.75 [364868]

Cavelti, Urs Josef. __Öffentlich-Rechtlichen Religionsgemeinschaften: Im Schweizerischen Staatskirchenrecht__. Universitätsverlag Freiburg Schweiz. 1954. Paperback. 152pp. Ex- library. Creased spine. Else good. $16 [394768]

Cerfaux, Lucien. __Recueil Lucien Cerfaux (3 vols.) Etudes d'Exegese et d'Histoire Religieuse de Monseigneur Cerfaux, Professeur a l'Universite de Louvain, Reunies a l'Occasion de Son Soixante-Dixieme Anniversaire__. Editions J. Duculot. 1954-1962. Paperback. 3 vols.pp. Creased spines. Pencil notes on covers. Some pages unopened. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $47 [411848]

Certeau, Michel de. __Mystic Fable, Vol. I: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries__. Chicago. 1986. Hardcover with dust jacket. 374pp. Bottom half stained, mildew inside dust jacket. Pencil underlining. Translated by Michael B. Smith. $26 [406084]

26 Cesare, R. de. __Last Days of Papal Rome: 1850-1870, Abridged__. Houghton Mifflin. 1909. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 488pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Frontispiece loose but present. Top edge bumped. Foxing. Edited by Helen Zimmern. Introduction by G.M. Trevelyan. $16 [405718]

Chadwick, Henry, ed.. __LCC: Alexandrian Christianity__. Westminster. 1954. Hardcover with dust jacket. 475pp. Ink underlining. Shaken. Chipped dust jacket. Intro by John Ernest Leonard Oulton. $12 [394356]

Chadwick, Nora K.. __Poetry and Letters in Early Christian Gaul__. Bowes & Bowes. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 342pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $16 [415172]

Chadwick, Owen. __History of the Popes, 1830-1914 [Oxford History of the Christian Church]__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1998. Hardcover with dust jacket. 614pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Edge-worn dust jacket. $67 [421092]

Chadwick, Owen. __Popes and European Revolution [Oxford History of the Christian Church]__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1981. Hardcover with dust jacket. 646pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Chipped dust jacket. $47 [421095]

Chadwick, Owen, ed.. __LCC: Western Asceticism__. Westminster. 1958. Hardcover with dust jacket. 368pp. Ink underlining. Edgeworn dust jacket. $15 [394362]

Chaloner, Thomas. __Praise of Folie__. Oxford. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 225pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Edited by Clarence H. Miller. $18 [401952]

Channing, William E.. __Works of William E. Channing (6 vols.)__. George G. Channing. 1849. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 387, 411, 398, 407, 440, 420pp. Ex-library, foxing, spine cloth peeling and splitting. $44.5 [273428]

Chateaubriand, F.A. de. __Les Martyrs, ou Le Triomphe de la Religion Chretienne (3 vols. in 1)__. Paris. 1809. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 271, 250, 248pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Not in original cover. $32 [417820]

Cheetham, S.. __The Mysteries, Pagan and Christian__. Macmillan. 1897. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 150pp. Very good, slight foxing. $13.5 [299376]

Chesnut, Glenn E.. __First Christian Histories: Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius [Theologie Historique, 46]__. Editions Beauchesne. 1977. Paperback. 257pp. Ink underlining. Creased wrappers. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $18 [411126]

Chibnall, A.C.. __Richard de Badew and the University of Cambridge, 1315-1340__. Cambridge. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 48pp. Good; ex-library. $16 [393400]

27 Chrysostom. __Heiligen Kirchenlehrers Johannes Chrysostomus Kommentar zum Evangelium des Hl. Matthäus (8 vols.)__. Jos. Kösel. 1915. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Very good. $52 [313491]

Chrysostom, John. __Saint John Chrysostom: Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, Homilies 48-88 [Fathers of the Church: A New Translation series]__. Fathers of the Church, Inc.. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 495pp. Good; ex-library. $18.25 [383473]

Chrysostom, John. __Saint John Chrysostom: Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, Homilies 48-88 [Fathers of the Church, A New Translation]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 495pp. Ex-library. Good condition. Translated by Sister Thomas Aquinas Goggin. $15 [397626]

Chrysostomi, Joannis; Joannes van Voorst, ed.. __Joannis Chrysostomi: Selecta. Graece et Latine. De Editione Novae Consilio Praefatus est, et Annotationem Subjecit__. Lugduni Batavorum. 1827. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 485, 224pp. Ex-library, pages slightly dampwarped. Rebound in worn, wormed buckram. Front board detached but present. $13.5 [311347]

Church, R.W.. __The Oxford Movement, Twelve Years, 1833-1845__. Macmillan. 1892. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 416pp. Ex-library, shaken, slight penciling, cocked spine. $11 [394813]

Clark, Peter. __English Provincial Society from the Reformation to the Revolution: Religion, Politics, and Society in Kent, 1500-1640__. Fairleigh Dickinson. 1977. Hardcover with dust jacket. 504pp. Slightly musty, sound otherwise. $28 [382791]

Clark, Ruth. __Strangers and Sojourners at Port Royal: Being an Account of the Connections Between the British Isles and the Jansenists of France and Holland__. Octagon Books. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 360pp. Shaken, cocked spine. $11 [421263]

Clarus, Ludwig, ed.. __Leben und Offenbarungen der Heiligen Brigitta (4 vols. in 2)__. G. Joseph Manz. 1856. Library binding. 380, 380pp. Ex-library. Rebound. Interior stained in both volumes - text is legible. Foxing. $41.2 [300931]

Clayton, Joseph. __Father Stanton of St. Albans, Holborn. A Memoir__. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co.. 1913154. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Good; rubbed cover, front blank's upper 1/3 sliced away. $12.2 [378274]

Clebsch, William A.. __England's Earliest Protestants 1520-1535__. Yale. 1964. Hardcover with dust jacket. 358pp. G/G, foxing on back end papers, back board, and inside dust jacket. $23.5 [296011]

28 Clemens Alexandrinus. __Clemens Alexandrinus, Erster Band: Protrepticus und Paedagogus__. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 365pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Edited by Otto Stählin & Ursula Treu. $67 [421099]

Clement of Rome; J.B. Lightfoot. __S. Clement of Rome: An Appendix Containing the Newly Recovered Portions, with Introductions, Notes, and Translations__. Macmillan. 1877. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 470pp. Ex-library, shaken, worn cover. $18.25 [386573]

Clement, St.; edited by R.L. Bensly. __Epistles of S. Clement to the Corinthians in Syriac. Edited from the Manuscript with notes__. Cambridge. 1899. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Slightly bowed boards, lower corners bumped, light penciling. $44.5 [233112]

Cliburn, Edwin L.. __In Unbroken Line: A History of the First Baptist Church of Thomaston, Georgia, from Its Beginnings at Bethesda to Its One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary, 1825- 1975__. Rose Printing Co.. 1979. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1087pp. Good. Front glued end paper scuffed. Inscribed and signed by the author. $11 [303325]

Climacus, St. John. __Ladder of Divine Ascent__. Harper & Bros.. n.d.. Hardcover with dust jacket. 270pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Chipped dust jacket. Former owner's name. Trans. by Archimandrite Lazarus Moore. Intro. by M. Heppell. $27 [421315]

Coffin, William H.. __Lives and Times of the Most Distinguished Christian Fathers, to the Close of the Third Century__. Parsons, Preston & Kurtz. 1846. leather_bound. 396pp. Stained and worn full leather cover. Hinges very tender. Heavy foxing, pencil scribbling on second blank and on title page. $16 [311123]

Cohen, Lucy. __Some Recollections of Claude Goldsmid Montefiore, 1858-1938__. Faber & Faber. 1940. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 277pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Slight ink marks. Foxing. Boards bumped. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $22 [410730]

Coleman, Lyman. __A Church Without a Bishop: The Apostolical and Primitive Church, Popular in its Government, and Simple in its Worship__. Boston: Gould, Kendall & Lincoln. 1844. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 432pp. Worn cover, spine cloth peeling, shaken, ex-library. $16 [386359]

Collier, Jeremy. __An Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain (9 vols.)__. London: William Straker. 1845. Full leather. pp. Beautiful, slightly worn full leather bindings, with raised bands. Foxing. Otherwise good. $177 [391424]

Collins, Joseph B.. __Christian Mysticism in the Elizabethan Age, with Its Background in Mystical Methodology__. Octagon Books. 1971. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 251pp. Very good. $12.2 [370209]

29 Collins, Willaim Edward. __Lectures on Archbishop Laud Together with a Bibliography of Laudian Literature and the Laudian Exhibition Catalogue etc. [Archbishop Laud Commemoration, 1895]__. Burt Franklin. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 344pp. Very good. $13.5 [303247]

Combes, André. __Un Inédit de Saint Anselme? Le Traité De unitate divinae essentiae et pluralitate creaturarum d'après Jean de Ripa [Études de Philosophie Médiévale, XXXIV]__. Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin. 1944. Hardcover. 333pp. Ex-library, rebound in red library buckram. Dime-sized stain on front cover. $19.5 [298963]

Connolly, R. Hugh. __Didascalia Apostolorum: The Syriac Version Translated and Accompanied by the Verona Latin Fragments__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 280pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Yellow highlighting. Foxing. Corners bumped. $37 [420301]

Constable, G. and B. Smith. __Libellus de Diversis Ordinibus et Professionibus qui sunt in Aecclesia [Oxford Medieval Texts series]__. Oxford. 1972. Hardcover with dust jacket. 125pp. VG/G. Latin text, with English translation. $18.25 [373480]

Contieri, Nicola. __Vita di S. Giosafat Arcivescovo e Martire Ruteno dell' ordine di S. Basilio il Grande__. Rome: Congregazione de Propaganda Fide. 1867. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 405, xlivpp. Worn cover, bumped and edgeworn boards, foxing, bent page corners. $19.5 [301824]

Cook, Walter L.. __Story of the Maine Baptists, 1904-1954__. United Baptist Convention of Maine. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 163pp. Very good. $22 [221884]

Cooper, James F. and Kenneth P. Minkema Eds.. __Colonial Church Records of the First Church of Reading (Wakefield) and the First Church of Rumney Marsh (Revere)__. Colonial Society of Massachusetts. 2006. Hardcover with dust jacket. 371pp. NF/NF $16 [233381]

Cornelius, C.A.. __Geschichte des Münsterischen Aufruhrs (2 vols. in 1)__. Leipzig: I.D. Weigel. 1855. Quarter leather. 297, 413pp. Ex-library, slight foxing. Worn quarter leather binding. $57.25 [387467]

Cornish, Francis Warre. __The English Church in the Nineteenth Century (2 vols.) [History of the English Church, vol. 8 (in 2 vols.)]__. Macmillan. 1910. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 373, 453pp. Foxing, stained covers. $18.25 [379276]

Corrigan, John. __The Hidden Balance: Religion and the Social Theories of Charles Chauncy and Jonathan Mayhew__. Cambridge. 1987. Hardcover with dust jacket. 161pp. Ink underlining. $16 [297084]

Coulton, G.G.. __Five Centuries of Religion (4 vols.)__. Cambridge. 1929. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 577, 703, 747, 833pp. Ex-library, worn and stained covers, shaken. $52.96 [390741]

30 Coverdale, Myles. __Remains of Myles Coverdale, Bishop of Exeter [Edited for the Parker Society]__. Cambridge. 1846. Library buckram. 618pp. Ex-library. Rebound in black library buckram. $24.75 [384766]

Coverdale, Myles. __Writings and Translations of Myles Coverdale, Bishop of Exeter . . . [Parker Society]__. Cambridge. 1844. Library buckram. 544pp. Ex-library, rebound in black buckram. Slightly yellowed, corners bumped. Else sound. Edited by George Pearson. $21.5 [383890]

Cragg, Gerald R. ed.. __The Cambridge Platonists__. Oxford. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 451pp. Underlining, rubbed cover. $20.5 [338536]

[Cranmer] Jonas, Justus trans.. __Short Instruction in Christian Religion, Being a Catechism Set Forth by Archbishop Cranmer in MDXLVIII: Together with the Same in Latin__. Oxford. 1829. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 214pp. Ex-library, cover worn, backstrip damaged, shaken, upper corner of ffep torn away; leaves in good condition. $39.5 [172033]

Crumb, Lawrence N.. __The Oxford Movement and Its Leaders: A Bibliography of Secondary and Lesser Primary Sources [ATLA Bibliography Series, no. 24]__. ATLA, Scarecrow Press. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 706pp. Shaken, slightly bumped corners. $14.5 [325379]

Cuningham, Charles E.. __Timothy Dwight 1752-1817. A Biography__. Macmillan. 1942. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 403pp. Foxing, faded spine, very shaken. $13.5 [326008]

Cunningham, W.. __S. Austin and His Place in the History of Christian Thought [Hulsean Lectures, 1885]__. C.J. Clay & Sons. 1886. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 283pp. Ex-library, penciling, shaken $16 [293828]

Cureton, William. __Vindiciae Ignatianae; or The Genuine Writings of St. Ignatius, as Exhibited in the Antient Syriac Version, Vindicated from the Charge of Heresy__. London: Rivingtons. 1846. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 87, xxivpp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. $37 [418518]

Cuthbert, Father. __The Romanticism of St. Francis and Other Studies in the Genius of the Franciscans__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1915. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 274pp. Good; ex- library. $12.2 [376821]

Cuyler, Theodore L.. __Lafayette Avenue Church. Its History and Commemorative Services. 1860-1885.__. New York: Robert Carter & Bros.. 1885. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 308pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $59 [420111]

Cyprian. __Saint Cyprian: Letters (1-81) [Fathers of the Church, a New Translation]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 358pp. Ex-library. Some ink underlining. Foxing. Translated by Sister Rose Bernard Donna. $11 [397599]

31 Cyprian, Ernst Salomon. __Historia der Augspurgischen confession, auf gnädigsten Befehl des Durchlauchtigsten Fürsten und Herrn, Herrn Friederichs des Andern, Hertzogens zu Sachsen- Gotha, aus denen Original-Acten beschrieben / Confessio, oder bekentnüs des Glaubens etlicher Fürsten un Stedte, uberantwortet Keyserlicher Maiestat, auf dem Reichstag gehalten zu Augspurg Anno M.D.XXX. / Saxoniae mens deo grata altero confessionis Augustanae iubilaeo oder der Chur-Sächsischen evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche wegen der anno 1530 übergebenen Augspurgischen Confession, zweytes Jubilaeum und Danck-Fest: den 25, 26, und 27 Junii dieses 1730 .ten Jahress... / etc.__. Gotha: Johann Andreas Reyher. 1730. Vellum. 307, 240, 112, 52, 62pp. Quarto, in discolored half-vellum with marbled boards. Foxing, slight ink and pencil marginalia, else good. $200 [343627]

Cyprian, St.. __Treatises [Fathers of the Church: A New Translation series]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1977. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 379pp. Very good. $19 [387152] d'Alencon, P. Ubald. __L'Ame Franciscaine, 2nd edition__. Librairie Saint-Francois. 1913. Quarter leather. 137pp. Ex-library, penciling. Red quarter leather binding. $16 [386533]

D'Aubigne, J.H. Merle. __Germany, England, and Scotland; or, Recollections of a Swiss Minsister__. New York: Robert Carter . 1848. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 371pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. $14 [398147]

Dahl, Nils Alstrup. __Volk Gottes: Eine Untersuchung zum Kirchenbewusstein des Urchristentums, Mit Einem Vorwort zum Neudruck__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 351pp. Foxing. Boards bowed. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $16 [410945]

Dales, John B. and R.M. Patterson eds.. __Report of Proceedings of the Second General Council of the Presbyterian Alliance, Convened at Philadelphia, September 1880.__. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Journal Company. 1880. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1154pp. Good; ex-library. $24.5 [277222]

Daniel, W. Harrison. __River Road Church, Baptist: A History, 1945-1995__. University of Richmond Print Shop. 1996. Paperback. 314pp. Very good. $12.2 [364579]

Darby, Madge. __The First Hundred Years at St. Peter's London Docks__. St. Peter's Church. n.d.. Paperback. 55pp. Front wrapper stained, sound otherwise. $12.2 [378193]

Darlington, R.F.; M.D. Knowles, W.A. Pantin, Owen Chadwick, Dean of Winchester, H.M. Waddams. __The English Church and the Continent__. Faith Press. 1959. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 126pp. Good; ex-library. $12.2 [376291]

32 Dassmann, Ernst & K. Suso Frank (Hrsg.). __Pietas: Festschrift für Bernhard Kötting [Jahrbuch für Antike und Chrsitentum Ergänzungsband 8, 1980]__. Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1980. Hardcover with dust jacket. 593, 29pp. VG/VG. Bookplate. $31.25 [366181]

Dassmann, Ernst, et al. __Chartulae: Festschrift für Wolfgang Speyer [Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ertänzungsband 28, 1998]__. Aschendorff Verlag. 1998. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 310pp. Ex-library. Boards bowed. $46 [407388]

Dassmann, Ernst, et al. __Tesserae: Festschrift für Josef Engemann [Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 18, 1991]__. Aschendorff Verlag. 1991. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 419pp. Ex-library. Boards bowed. Quarto. $34 [407416]

Dassmann, Ernst, et al. __Vivarium: Festschrift Theodor Klauser Zum 90. Geburtstag [Jahrbuch Für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 11, 1984]__. Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1984. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 384pp. Ex-library. Boards bowed. Quarto. $38 [407382]

Davage, William ed.. __In This Sign Conquer: A History of the Society of the Holy Cross 1855-2005__. Continuum. 2006. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 221pp. Lower corners slightly damaged, good otherwise. Contributions by Owen Higgs, David Houlding, Anthony Howe, Trevor Jones, Robert Mackley, Kenneth Macnab, Luke Miller, and Geoffrey Rowell. $12.2 [373601]

Davidson, Clifford and Ann Eljenholm Nichols eds.. __Iconoclasm vs. Art and Drama__. Medieval Institute Publications. 1988. Paperback. 210pp. Very good. $14 [370263]

Davidson, James West. __Logic of Millennial Thought: Eighteenth-Century New England__. Yale. 1977. Hardcover with dust jacket. 308pp. VG/G $13.5 [296505]

Davies, Horton. __Worship and Theology in England (3 vols.)__. Eerdmans. 1996. Paperback. 592, 390, 286pp. Very good. $39.5 [300114]

Davies, Horton. __Worship and Theology in England (5 vols.)__. Princeton. 1961-1975. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 5 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spines. Some boards bowed. Slight ink & pencil marks. $67 [409954]

Davies, Rowland. __Journal of the Very Rev. Rowland Davies, Dean of Ross, (and Afterwards Dean of Cork,) from March 8, 1688-9, to September 29, 1690, edited, with notes and an appendix, and some account of the Author and His Family, by Richard Caulfield [Camden Society edition, reprinted]__. AMS Press. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 188pp. Good; ex- library. $18 [393368]

33 Davies, Rupert & Gordon Rupp eds.. __A History of the Methodist Church in Great Britain (4 vols.)__. Epworth. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 332, 340, 404, 838pp. Good; ex-library. $65.7 [393171]

Davis, John. __Australian Anglicans and Their Constitution__. Acorn Press. 1993. Hardcover with dust jacket. 202pp. VG/VG $18.25 [378231]

De Bruijn, J.. __Thomas Chalmers en Zijn Kerkelijk Streven__. C.F. Callenbach N.V.. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 272pp. Good; foxing. $11 [303451] de Grenade, Louis. __Oeuvres Complètes de Louis de Grenade (22 vols.)__. Librairie de Louis Vivès. 1874. Quarter leather. pp. Slightly worn, quarter-leather bindings. Ex-library, slightly shaken, light foxing. $222 [335249]

De Groot, I.F.. __Conspectus Historiae Dogmatum (2 vols.)__. Universitatis Gregorianae. 1931. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 516, 469pp. Ex-library, foxing. $24.5 [334904] de Guibert, Iosephus. __Documenta Ecclesiastica Chrsitianae Perfectionis, Studium Spectantia [Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana]__. Rome: Apud Aedes Universitatis Gregorianae. 1931. Hardcover. 561pp. Foxing, ex-library, rebound in tan library buckram. $34.5 [300241]

De Jong, Peter Y.. __The Covenant Idea in New England Theology, 1620-1847__. Eerdmans. 1945. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 264pp. Sunned spine, slight foxing. $22 [334806]

De Jonge, M., contrib.. __Testamentum XII Patriarchum: Edited According to Cambridge University Library MS Ff I.24 fol. 203a-262b (Greek text)__. Brill. 1964. Paperback. 86pp. Very good. $13.5 [296730] de Maio, Romeo. __The Book of the Gospels at the Oecumenical Councils__. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. 1963. Paperback. pp. Ex-library, otherwise very good. $13.5 [297737]

De Puy, W.H. ed.. __The Methodist Centennial Year-Book for 1884__. Phillips & Hunt. 1884. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 418pp. Ex-library, cloth at spine edges slightly frayed, otherwise good. $13.5 [250727] de Vogüé, Melchior; préface et supplément par Joshua Prawer. __Les Églises de la Terre Sainte__. Les Presses de l'Universite de Toronto. 1973. Hardcover with dust jacket. 481pp. VG/G, scuffed, chipped and slightly torn dust jacket. $25.5 [334456]

Dehnhard, Hans. __Das Problem der Abhängigkeit des Basilius von Plotin [Patristische Texte und Studien, Band 3]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 100pp. Good; ex-library. $14 [393559]

34 Delattre, Roland André. __Beauty and Sensibility in the Thought of Jonathan Edwards: An Essay in Aesthetics and Theological Ethics__. Yale. 1968. Hardcover with dust jacket. 238pp. G/G, chipped dust jacket. $11 [336022]

DeMolen, Richard L., ed.. __Erasmus of Rotterdam: A Quincentennial Symposium__. Twayne Publishers. 1971. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 152pp. Pencil underlining throughout. $11 [409625]

Dempsey, Elam Franklin. __Life of Bishop Dickey, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Memorial Edition.__. Methodist Episcopal Church. 1937. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 304pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Small stain to page edge. Introduction by Bishop W.A. Candler. $15 [402203]

Denis, Ernest. __Huss et la Guerre des Hussites__. Paris: Librairie Ernest Leroux. 1978. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 506pp. Good; ex-library. $44.25 [393440]

Denny, Edwardo et T.A. Lacey. __De Hierarchia Anglicana: Dissertatio Apologetic__. London: C.J. Clay & Sons. 1895. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 265pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. Preface by R.D. Sarisburiensi. $32 [420858] der Grosse, Leo; Theodor Steeger. __Heiligen Papstes und Kirchenlehres. Sämtliche-Sermonen (2 Teils) [Bibliothek der Kirchenväter, I & II Band]__. Josef Kösel. 1927. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 187, 304pp. Good; foxing. $24.5 [311482]

Dick, J.A.. __The Malines Conversations Revisited [Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium LXXXV]__. Leuven. 1989. Paperback. 278pp. Very good $21.5 [373467]

Dillenberger, John. __Images and Relics: Theological Perceptions and Visual Images in Sixteenth-Century Europe__. Oxford. 1999. Hardcover with dust jacket. 248pp. Bottom half damp-stained. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Inscribed by author. $38 [409470]

Dixon, Richard Watson. __History of the Church of England (3 vols.), From the Abolition of the Roman Jurisdiction__. George Routledge & Sons. 1885-1895. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 3 vols.pp. Shaken. Water-spotted, worn & frayed covers. Foxing, yellowed. $46.2 [371483]

Dobneck, Johann [Cochlaeus] . __Commentaria de Actis et Scriptis Martini Lutheri Saxonis, Chonographice, Ex ordine ab Anno Domini M.D.XVII... Pars altera, quae est de Dogmatibus & Sermonibus Lutheri, non potuit ad has Nundinas excudi__. Gregg International Publishers. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 339pp. Very good. Facsimile of the 1549 edition published by Fracisci Behem Typographi. $34.5 [297728]

Dobschütz, Ernst von. __Christian Life in the Primitive Church [Theological Translation Library]__. Williams & Norgate. 1904. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 438pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Ink marks throughout. Foxing. Worn cover. Trans. by George Bremner. Edited by W.D. Morrison. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $11 [411523]

35 Dolan, Jay P. and Jaime R. Vidal eds.. __Puerto Rican and Cuban Catholics in the U.S., 1900- 1965__. Notre Dame. 1994. Hardcover with dust jacket. 259pp. VG/VG $18 [387665]

Döllinger, John H.I. von; trans. by Henry Nutcombe. __Lectures on the Reunion of the Churches__. Pott, Young & Co.. 1872. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 165pp. Ex-library, shaken, foxing, worn cover. $11 [389001]

Dommer, A. v.. __Lutherdrucke auf der Hamburger Stadtbibliothek 1516-1523__. B. De Graaf. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 277pp. Ex-library, slightly shaken, bumped corners. $18.25 [394911]

Douglass, Truman O.. __Pilgrims of Iowa__. Pilgrim Press. 1911. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 422pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Slight pencil marks. $12 [408794]

Doumergue, E.. __Essai sur L'Histoire du Culte Reforme Principalment au XVIe et au XIXe Siecle__. Paris: Librairie Fischbacher. 1890. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 347pp. Ex-library. Spine re-backed with red buckram. Inner margin very narrow due to rebind. Worn cover. Foxing. $25 [419870]

[Dracontius]. __Dracontii Carmina Minora Plurima Inedita ex Codice Neapolitano__. Lipsiae: Teubner. 1873. Quarter leather. 114pp. Ex-library. Quarter leather, edge-worn. Foxing. Edited by Fridericus de Duhn. $25 [419683]

Drapac, Vesna. __War and Religion: Catholics in the Churches of Occupied Paris__. Catholic University of America Press. 1998. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 302pp. Shaken, cocked spine. A few dog-eared pages. $12 [420910]

Drewery, Benjamin. __Origen and the Doctrine of Grace__. Epworth. 1960. Hardcover with dust jacket. 214pp. G/G, foxing. $11 [294288]

Drobner, Hubertus R. und Christoph Klock (Hrsg.). __Studien zu Gregor von Nyssa und der Christlichen Spätantike [Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, vol. XII]__. E.J. Brill. 1990. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 418pp. Good; ex-library. $50.75 [393348]

Drochon, R.P. Jean-Emmanuel. __Histoire Illustree des Pelerinages Francais de la Tres Sainte Vierge__. Paris: E. Plon, Nourritt & C.. 1890. Half leather. 1272pp. Half-bound, leather badly chipped at upper spine, upper board corners significantly worn down, lower board corners bumped and worn; shaken. $47 [186356]

Drummond, Andrew Landale. __Church Architecture of Protestantism: An Historical and Constructive Study__. T&T Clark. 1934. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 342pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. $11 [415237]

Duchnovic, Alexander. __History of the Eparchy of Prjasev__. Juh. 1971. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 102pp. Ex-library, otherwise good. $11 [312937]

36 Duchnovic, Alexander. __The History of the Epachy of Prjasev, ed. 2__. Pp. Basiliani. 1971. Paperback. 102pp. Creased wrappers, bent corners. $13.5 [311633]

Duckett, G.F.. __Visitations of English Cluniac Foundations in 47 Hen. III (1262), 3 & 4 Edw. I. (1275-6), & 7 Edw. I. (1279)...__. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.. 1890. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 52pp. Ex-library, foxing. $16 [390745]

Duffy, John ed.. __Parson Clapp of the Strangers' Church of New Orleans__. Louisiana State. 1957. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 191pp. Good; ex-library, sunned. $18.25 [386542]

Dyck, Cornelius J. ed.. __Legacy of Faith: The Heritage of Menno Simons: A Sixtieth Anniversary Tribute to Cornelius Krahn__. Faith & Life Press. 1962. Hardcover with dust jacket. 260pp. VG/G, slight foxing, chipped dust jacket. $24.5 [246950]

Eckhart, Maître. __Maître Eckhart: Métaphysique du Verbe et Théologie Négative__. Beauchesne. 1984. Paperback. 249pp. Very good. Par Emilie zum Brunn et Alain de Libera. Preface by M.-D. Chenu. $16 [395181]

Eddy, Richard. __Universalism in Gloucester, Mass. An Historical Discourse on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the First Sermon of Rev. John Murray in that Town. Delivered in the Independent Christian Church, November 3, 1874__. Gloucester, Mass.. 1892. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 245pp. Foxing, bumped corners. $22 [300720]

Edwards, David L.. __Christianity: The First Two Thousand Years__. Orbis. 1998. Hardcover with dust jacket. 664pp. G/G, ex-library. $11 [388985]

Edwards, Jonathan. __Apocalyptic Writings 'Notes on the Apocalypse' and An Humble Attempt [Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 5]__. Yale. 1957. Hardcover with dust jacket. 501pp. VG/G. Edited by Stephen J. Stein. $31.25 [360901]

Edwards, Jonathan. __Freedom of the Will__. Yale. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 494pp. Ex-library. Ink underlining. Shaken, cocked spine. Edited by Paul Ramsey. $15 [421203]

Edwards, Jonathan. __Works of Jonathan Edwards (2 vols.)__. Banner of Truth. 1974. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 691, 969pp. Good; slightly shaken. $24.5 [316103]

Edwards, Jonathan; edited by Stephen J. Stein. __Apocalyptic Writings [Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 5]__. Yale. 1957. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 501pp. Ex-library, shaken. $25.5 [324923]

Ehrle, Franciscus & Paulus Liebaert. __Specimina Codicum Latinorum Vaticanorum [Tabulae in Usum Scholarum 3]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1932. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. xl, 50pp. Good; ex-library. $13.8 [377128]

37 Elder, E. Rozanne ed.. __Goad and Nail: Studies in Medieval Cistercian History, X [Cistercian Studies Series, no. 84]__. Cistercian Publications. 1985. Paperback. 299pp. Good; slightly faded wrappers. $18.25 [360889]

Ellingsen, Mark. __Reclaiming Our Roots, An Inclusive Introduction to Church History, Vol. 2: Martin Luther to Martin Luther King, Jr.__. Wipf & Stock. Reprint. Paperback. 456pp. Front wrapper creased, top corner page-edge bumped. Else good. Remainder copy of a limited reprint edition. $23.45 [391651]

Elton, G.R. ed.. __New Cambridge Modern History, vol. II: The Reformation, 1520-1559__. Cambridge. 1958. Hardcover with dust jacket. 685pp. Good; torn dust jacket. $18.25 [380455]

Engelhardt, J.G.V.. __Dogmengeschichte (1. & 2. Theil in 1) 2 vols. in 1__. J.C. Engelhardt. 1839. Half leather. 379, 379pp. Ex-library, foxing. Half-leather, spine beginning to split. $21.5 [387028]

England, John; edited by Sebastian G. Messmer. __Works of the Right Reverend John England, First Bishop of Charleston (5 vols.)__. Arthur H. Clark. 1908. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 506, 562, 518, 510, 514pp. Ex-library, slightly edgeworn boards; else very good. $227 [295326]

Ephräm des Syrers. __Heiligen Ephräm des Syrers Ausgewählte Schriften (2 Bands) [Bibliothek der Kirchenväter: Eine Auswahl Patristischer Werke in Deutscher Übersetzung]__. Jos. Kösel. 1919. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 305, 190pp. Foxing, underlining, stained cover. $14.5 [311859]

Epp, Frank H.. __Mennonites in Canada, 1786-1920: The History of a Separate People__. Macmillan. 1984. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 480pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Illustrations by Douglas Ratchford. $12 [409665]

Erasmus. __Collected Works of Erasmus, vol. 3: Letters 298 to 445, 1514 to 1516__. Toronto. 1976. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 392pp. Good; ex-library. Translated by R.A.B. Mynors and D.F.S. Thomson; annotated by James K. McConica $31.25 [346362]

Erasmus, Desiderius. __Collected Works of Erasmus, Vol. 1: Correspondence of Erasmus, Letters 1 to 141, 1484 to 1500__. Toronto. 1974. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 368pp. Ex- library. Boards bowed. Else good. Translated by R.A.B. Mynors and D.F.S. Thomson. Annotated by Wallace K. Ferguson. $20.2 [346922]

Erasmus, Desiderius. __Collected Works of Erasmus, Vol. 2: Correspondence of Erasmus, Letters 142 to 297, 1501 to 1514__. Toronto. 1974. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 374pp. Ex- library. Boards slightly bowed. Else good. Translated by R.A.B. Mynors and D.F.S. Thomson. Annotated by Wallace K. Ferguson. $31.25 [346925]

38 Erasmus, Desiderius. __Collected Works of Erasmus, Vol. 5: Correspondence of Erasmus, Letters 594 to 841, 1517 to 1518__. Toronto. 1979. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 461pp. Ex- library. Boards slightly bowed. Else good. Translated by R.A.B. Mynors and D.F.S. Thomson. Annotated by Peter G. Bietenholz. $37.75 [346933]

Erasmus, Desiderius. __Collected Works of Erasmus, Vol. 50: New Testament Scholarship: Paraphrase on the Acts of the Apostles__. Toronto. 1995. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 389pp. Ex-library. Boards slightly bowed. General Editor & Translator Robert D. Sider. Edited by John J. Bateman. $44.25 [346976]

Erasmus, Desiderius. __Collected Works of Erasmus, Vol. 6: Correspondence of Erasmus, Letters 842 to 992, 1518 to 1519__. Toronto. 1982. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 448pp. Ex- library. Else good. Translated by R.A.B. Mynors and D.F.S. Thomson. Annotated by Peter G. Bietenholz. $37.75 [346936]

Erb, Peter C.. __Schwenckfeld in His Reformation Setting__. Judson Prayer. 1978. Paperback. 110pp. Very good. $15 [387564]

Erb, Peter C., ed.. __Schwenckfeld and Early Schwenkfeldianism: Papers Presented at the Colloquium on Schwenckfeld and the Schwenkfelders, Pennsburg, Pa., September 17-22, 1984__. Schwenkfelder Library. 1986. Paperback. 428pp. Very good. $23.6 [407393]

Estep, William R. Jr.. __Church Union and Southern Baptists__. Baptist Book Store. 1955. Paperback. 165pp. Faded cover, ex-library, wrapper corners bent. $22 [223907]

Eudes of Rouen; Jeremiah F. O'Sullivan ed.; translated by Sydney M. Brown. __The Register of Eudes of Rouen__. Columbia. 1964. Hardcover with dust jacket. 779pp. Good, in a torn and faded dust jacket, lower board corners bumped. $19.55 [373035]

Eugippius. __Eugippius: The Life of Saint Severin [Fathers of the Church, a New Translation]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 139pp. Ex-library, foxing. Translated by Ludwig Bieler and Ludmilla Krestan. $11 [397603]

Eugippius. __Life of Saint Severin [Fathers of the Church: A New Translation series]__. Catholic University of America. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 139pp. Good; ex-library. $11 [387196]

Eusebius. __Eusebius Pamphili: Ecclesiastical History (Books 6-10) [Fathers of the Church, a New Translation]__. Catholic University of America. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 333pp. Ex-library. Good. Translated by Roy J. Deferrari. $15 [398306]

Eusebius. __Eusibii Pamphili Caesariensis Episcopi Chronicon Bipartitum (2 vols.)__. Venetiis. 1818. Library buckram. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library, rebound in red buckram. Foxing throughout. $277 [417446]

39 [Eusebius] Eusebii Pamphili. __Praeparationis Evangelicae, Libri XV (Tomus I & Tomus II)__. Lipsiae: Sumptus Fecit et Venumdat Serigiana Libraria. 1842. Half leather. 417, 480pp. Greek text, with notes in Latin. Ex-library, foxing, very shaken. Edgeworn half leather binding. $33.2 [386494]

Evagrius Scholasticus. __The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius with the Scholia; Edited with Introduction, Critical Notes, and Indices by J. Bidez and L. Parmentier eds.__. Methuen. . Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 285pp. Good; ex-library. Greek text. $32.55 [393574]

Every, George. __Byzantine Patriarchate, 451-1204__. SPCK. 1947. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 212pp. Ex-library. Foxing. $15 [408432]

Farquhar, Geroge T.S.. __Three Bishops of Dunkeld: Alexander, Rose and Watson, 1743-1808, Part I: The Life of the Right Rev. John Alexander;, Part II: The Life of John Watson__. Milne, Tannahill, & Methuen. 1915. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 252, 132pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Corner bumped. $16 [402088]

Fascher, Erich. __PROPHETES: Eine Sprach- und Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung__. Alfred Topelmann. 1927. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 228pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Foxing. Cloth splitting along spine. $16 [415112]

Faull, Katharine M., trans.. __Moravian Women's Memoirs: Their Related Lives, 1750-1820__. Syracuse. 1997. Paperback. 166pp. Ink underlining. $11 [421102]

Fawcett, Timothy J.. __Liturgy of Comprehension 1689 [Alcuin Club Collections, no. 54]__. Alcuin Club. 1973. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 287pp. Good; ex-library. $12 [393497]

Fawcett, Timothy J.. __Liturgy of Comprehension, 1689: An Abortive Attempt to Revise The Book of Common Prayer [Alcuin Club Collections, No. 54]__. Alcuin Club, Mayhew- McCrimmon. 1973. Hardcover with dust jacket. 287pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Chipped dust jacket. $12 [420334]

Felt, Joseph B.. __Ecclesiastical History of New England (2 vols.), Comprising Not Only Religious, But Also Moral, and Other Relations__. Boston: Congregational Library Association. 1855-62. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spines. Vol. II last page edges damp-stained. Foxing. Worn covers. $67 [417923]

Fendt, Leonhard. __Gnostische Mysterien: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Christlichen Gottesdienstes__. Chr. Kaiser. 1922. Paperback. 89pp. Foxing, yellowed. Chipped wrappers. $16 [410967]

Ffoulkes, Edmund S.. __Christendom's Divisions. Being a Philosophical Sketch of the Divisions of the Christian Family in East and West (2 vols.)__. Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green. 1865. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 258, 601pp. Ex-library, worn covers. $33.2 [387641]

40 Figgis, John Neville. __Religion and English Society: Two Addresses__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1911. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 47pp. Ex-library. Worn cover. $11 [395361]

Finney, Paul Corby. __The Invisible God: The Earliest Christians on Art__. Oxford. 1994. Paperback. 319pp. Good; cocked spine. $18.25 [361534]

Firpo, Massimo. __Nel labirinto del mondo. Lorenzo Davidico tra santi, eretici, inquisitori (Biblioteca della Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, Studi. IV, 1)__. Leo S. Olschki. 1992. Paperback. 259pp. Ex-library, else very good. $22 [196208]

Fischer, Norbert & Marion Kobelt-Groch (Hrsg.). __Aussenseiter Zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit: Festschrift für Hans-Jürgen Goertz zum 60. Geburtstag [Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, vol. LXI]__. Brill. 1997. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 312pp. Good; ex- library. $41 [393162]

Fischer, Robert H., ed.. __Tribute to Arthur Vööbus: Studies in Early Christian Literature and Its Environment, Primarily in the Syrian East__. Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. 1977. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 441pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Corners bumped. $35 [409669]

Fisher, J.D.C.. __Christian Initiation: Baptism in the Medieval West, A Study in the Primitive Rite of Initiation [Alcuin Club Collections, No. XLVII]__. London: SPCK. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 203pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Yellow highlighting. Foxing. $16 [420331]

Fitzer, Joseph. __Moehler and Baur in Controversy, 1832-38: Romantic-Idealist Assessment of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation__. American Academy of Religion. 1974. Paperback. 116pp. Very good. $14 [364556]

Fix, Andrew C.. __Prophecy and Reason: The Dutch Collegiants in the Early Enlightenment__. Princeton. 1991. Hardcover with dust jacket. 277pp. VG/VG $44.25 [393776]

Flasche, Rainer und Erich Geldbach (Hrsg.). __Religionen Geschichte Oekumene in Memoriam Ernst Benz__. E.J. Brill. 1981. Paperback. 233pp. Very good. $13.5 [299905]

Fleischer, Manfred P. ed.. __The Harvest of Humanism in Central Europe: Essays in Honor of Lewis W. Spitz__. Concordia. 1991. Hardcover with dust jacket. 389pp. VG/G $18.25 [347778]

Fleming, Sandford. __American Baptists and Higher Education (vols. 1 thru 6)__. Berkeley Baptist Divinity School. [1961]. . pp. Ex-library, one of several typed copies of a work primarily issued in microfilm. Condition very good. $112 [222323]

Fleming, Sandford. __God's Gold: The Story of Baptist Beginnings in California__. Berkeley Baptist Divinity School. 1949. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 252pp. Very good. $52 [231257]

41 Fletcher, R.A.. __The Episcopate in the Kingdom of León in the Twelfth Century__. Oxford. 1978. Hardcover with dust jacket. 288pp. VG/G, slight marginalia, sunned dust jacket. $26 [293831]

Foisy, J. Albert. __The Sentinellist Agitation in New England, 1925-1928__. Providence Visitor Press. 1930. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 234pp. Foxing, slightly edgeworn cover. $11 [300419]

Ford, Jack. __In the Steps of John Wesley: The Church of the Nazarene in Britain__. Nazarene Publishing House. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 300pp. Good; slightly musty. $11 [279451]

Foster, Frank Hugh. __A Genetic History of the New England Theology__. Russell & Russell. 1907. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 568pp. Good; foxing. $19.5 [303758]

Foster, Frank Hugh. __A Genetic History of the New England Theology__. Chicago. 1907. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 568pp. Worn cover, ex-library, shaken, foxing, bumped corners. $18 [316361]

Fowler, William C.. __Sermon Delivered at the Dedication of the South Congregational Church in Durham, Conn., December 29, 1847__. Amherst: J.S. and C. Adams. 1848. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 67pp. Ex-library, else very good. $11 [233706]

Franchot, Jenny. __Roads to Rome: The Antebellum Protestant Encounter with Catholicism__. California. 1994. Paperback. 500pp. Good; penciling. $19.5 [337083]

Frankfurter, David. __Elijah in Upper Egypt: The Apocalypse of Elijah and Early Egyptian Christianity [Studies in Antiquity and Christianity]__. Fortress. 1992. Hardcover with dust jacket. 380pp. VG/G, faded dust jacket. $15 [386827]

Frankland, W.B.. __The Early Eucharist (A.D. 30-180)__. C.J. Clay & Sons. 1902. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 132pp. Ex-library, foxing, brittle edges. Half title and title pages detached but present. Edgeworn cover, spine rebacked, hinges repaired. $15 [390451]

Frere, Walter Howard. __His Correspondence on Liturgical Revision and Construction__. SPCK. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 317pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Boards bowed. Edited by Ronald C.D. Jasper. $13 [408085]

Frere, Walter Howard ed.. __Exposition de la Messe from La Legende Dorée of Jean de Vignay. With Illuminations Reproduced from Fitzwilliam Museum MS. 22 [Alcuin Club Collections II]__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1899. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 56pp. Elephant folio, ex- library. Worn and discolored cover, slightly shaken, foxing. Buckram bound spine is badly chipped at edges. Some pieces missing from edges of spine so that binding beneath shows. Some curling at corners of boards. $65.7 [343978]

42 Frick, Robert. __Geschichte des Reich-Gottes-Gedankens in der Alten Kirche bis zu Origenes und Augustin [BZNW 6]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1928. Paperback. 155pp. Creased wrappers. Most pages unopened. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $15 [411157]

Friesen, Abraham. __Thomas Muentzer, a Destroyer of the Godless: The Making of a Sixteenth-Century Revolutionary__. California. 1990. Hardcover with dust jacket. 331pp. VG/VG $44.25 [393812]

Füesslin, Johann Conrad. __Neue und unparthenische Kirchen und Ketzerhistorie der mittlern Zeit (1, 2 & 3 Theil) 3 vols.__. Frankfurt & Leizpig: Christian Gottlob Hilschern. 1770. Quarter leather. 480, 568, 494pp. Worn quarter-leather bindings. Ex-library, light foxing, slight penciling, tender hinges, spines of two of the volumes have split away. $50.75 [386531]

Fulke, William. __Stapleton's Fortress Overthrown. A Rejoinder to Martiall's Reply. A Discovery of the Dangerous Rock of the Popish Chruch Commended by Sanders. [Parker Society]__. Cambridge. 1848. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 412pp. Ex-library. Spine cloth mostly peeled away. Edgeworn boards. Foxing. Editor Richard Gibbings. $13 [369029]

Furcha, E.J. and H. Wayne Pipkin, eds.. __Prophet Pastor Protestant: The Work of Huldrych Zwingli After Five Hundred Years__. Pickwick. 1984. Paperback. 191pp. Extensive ink underlining. Creased spine & wraps. $15 [395248]

Furniss, Norman F.. __The Fundamentalist Controversy, 1918-1931__. Archon Books. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 199pp. Red ink underlining, personal library envelope and book plate in back. $19.5 [281318]

Furnivall, F.J., ed.. __Digby Plays, with an Incomplete 'Morality' of Wisdom, who is Christ (Part of One of the Macro Moralities). Re-issued from the Plates of the Text__. London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Pres. 1930. Library buckram. 239pp. Ex-library, rebound in red buckram. Foxing. $11 [402369]

Gäbler, Ulrich. __Huldrych Zwingli im 20. Jahrhundert. Forschungsbericht und annotierte Bibliographie 1897-1972__. Theologischer Verlag. 1975. Hardcover with dust jacket. 473pp. Underlining, chipped dust jacket $33.2 [393445]

Galling, Kurt. (Hrsg.) Campenhausen, Hans von.; Erich Dinkler, Gerhard Gloege & Knud E. Logstrup. __Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG). 3. Auflage (6 Bands)__. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). 1957. Hardcover with dust jacket. pp. Dust jackets chipped, torn, and stained; books in good condition otherwise. $32 [331362]

Galtier, Paul. __Saint Esprit en Nous d'Après les Pères Grecs [Analecta Gregoriana, Series Theologica vol. XXXV, Sectio A (n. 4)]__. Rome: Universitatis Gregorianae. 1946. Hardcover. 290pp. Foxing, ex-library, rebound in cloth binding. $19.5 [299483]

43 Gamber, Klaus. __Weitere Semonen ad Competentes Teil I [Textus Patristici et Liturgici, Fasc. 2]__. Friedrich Pustet. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 136pp. Very good. Previous owner's name on front end papers. $24.75 [342654]

Gamber, Klaus. __Weitere Sermonen ad Competentes Teil II [Textus Patristici et Liturgici, Fasc. 5]__. Friedrich Pustet. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 120pp. Very good. Previous owner's name on front end papers. $24.75 [342657]

Garraghan, Gilbert J.. __Jesuits of the Middle United States (3 vols.)__. America Press. 1938. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 660, 699, 666pp. Lower spines and corners (boards and pages) water stained, some traces of mildew. Ex-library. Sound otherwise. $16 [311704]

Garrett, Christina Hallowell. __The Marian Exiles: A Study in the Origins of Elizabethan Puritanism__. Cambridge. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 388pp. Ex-library, otherwise very good. $34.5 [298080]

Garrison, J.H. ed.. __Reformation of the Nineteenth Century: A Series of Historical Sketches__. Christian Publishing Co.. 1901. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 514pp. Foxing, shaken, previous owner's stamps. $24.5 [279958]

Garstein, Oskar. __Rome and the Counter-Reformation in Scandinavia, Vol. I: 1539-1583__. Universitetsforlaget. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 413pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. $30 [407184]

Garstein, Oskar. __Rome and the Counter-Reformation in Scandinavia: Jesuit Educational Strategy, 1553-1622__. Brill. 1992. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 462pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. $62 [407074]

Garstein, Oskar. __Rome and the Counter-Reformation in Scandinavia: The Age of Gustavus Adolphus and Queen Christina of Sweden, 1622-1656 [Studies in the History of Christian Thought, Vol. XLVII]__. Brill. 1992. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 833pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. $60.4 [407073]

Gebhardt, Georg. __Stellung des Erasmus von Rotterdam zur Römischen Kirche__. Oekumenischer Verlag. 1966. Paperback. 440pp. Ink & pencil underlining & notes. Creased spine. Wrapper torn along spine. $18 [407742]

Geffcken, Johannes. __Zwei griechische Apologeten__. B.G. Teubner. 1906. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 331pp. Spine rebacked, boards edgeworn, hinges repaired, lacks title page, underlining. $13.5 [234666]

Gélase Ier. __Lettre Contre les Lupercales et Dix-Huit Messes du Sacramentaire Léonien [Sources Chretiennes 65]__. Editions du Cerf. 1959. Paperback. 273pp. Good; slight foxing, creased spine. $12.2 [365990]

44 [Gerhoh of Reichersberg; Honorius Augustodunensis] Magni Gerhohoi; Honorii Augustodunensis; Opera et studio Beranrdi Pez Benedictini et Felicis Mariae Wirtenberger, Ord. Srev. B. Mariae Virg. Concionatoris. __Commentarius Aureus in Psamos et Cantica Ferialia, Quo praeter amplam luculentamque Divini hujus libri expositionem magna quoque pars historiae controversiarumque illorum temporum continetur Accesserunt, uvi ille decit, Supplementa necessaria ex nondum editio in eosdem Psalmos Commentario Virieodem Seculo longe Celeberrimi...__. Augustae Vindelicorum & Graecii, Sumptibus Fratrum Veith. 1728. Vellum. 2219, 14pp. Folio, in worn vellum. Ex-library, foxing, hinge repaired between half-title and title page, with a strip of binding tape, back hinge is beginning to weaken. Geroh of Reichtersberg (1093-1169), was one of the notable theologians of Germany during the 12th century (provost of Riechersbert and Canon Regular, a reformer in the spirit of Gregorian ideas, particularly concerned with the reform of clergy. This work was left unfinished by Gerhoh. Geroh's portion is Psalm 1-78, 118-150, and some additional canticum at the end. Psalm 78-117 are by Honorius Augustodunensis (d. 1151), a popular theologian and prolific writer. $802 [296052]

Gewehr, Wesley M.. __Great Awakening in Virginia, 1740-1790__. Peter Smith. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 292pp. Red pencil underlining throughout. Shaken, cocked spine. $11 [408730]

Gibbs, Marion. __Early Charters of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London [Camden Third Series, Vol. LVIII]__. London: Offices of the Royal Historical Society. 1939. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 338pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $11 [420990]

Gibson, Van Rensselaer. __Grand Man of God: James Edward Freeman. Being the Inspiring Life Story of a Great Bishop and Strong Soul__. Llewellyn Publications. 1944. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 132pp. Good; ex-library. $14 [377149]

Gibson, William. __Year of Grace: A History of the Revival in Ireland, A.D. 1859__. Boston: Gould & Lincoln. 1860. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 464pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Worn cover. Intro. by Baron Stow. $31.25 [395120]

Gimborn, D. Thomas. __Syntax of the Simple Cases in St. Hilary of Poitiers: A Dissertation__. Catholic University of America Press. 1939. Paperback. 190pp. Ex-library, chipped wrappers. $11 [295874]

Gingerich, Melvin. __Service for Peace: A History of Mennonite Civilian Public Service__. Mennonite Central Committee. 1949. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 508pp. Good, with rubbed cover. $32 [195127]

Glass, Daniel G., et al, ed.. __History of the Classis of Lancaster of the Eastern Synod of the Reformed Church in the United States, 1852-1940__. New Holland Clarion. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 431pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $11 [408217]

45 Glasscoe, Marion ed.. __The Medieval Mystic Tradition in England, Exeter Symposium III. Papers read at Dartington Hall, July 1984__. D.S. Brewer. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 191pp. Good; ex-library. $13 [377168]

Goertz, H.-J.. __Innere und Äussere Ordnung in der Theologie Thomas Müntzers [Studies in the History of Christian Thought, vol. II]__. E.J. Brill. 1967. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 157pp. Good; ex-library. $24.75 [393241]

Goertz, H.J.. __Innere und Äussere Ordnung in der Theologie Thomas Müntzers [Studies in the History of Christian Thought, vol. II]__. E.J. Brill. 1967. Hardcover with dust jacket. 157pp. VG/VG $19.5 [299451]

Goguel, Maurice. __Aux Sources de la Tradition Chretienne [Bibliotheque Theologique]__. Delachaux & Niestle. 1950. Paperback. 280pp. Ink underlining. Creased spine. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $13 [413152]

Gonzalez, Justo L.. __History of Christian Thought (3 vols.)__. Abingdon. 1970. Hardcover with dust jacket. 409, 352, 407pp. Chipped and faded dust jackets, ink underlining in one volume. $21.5 [379352]

Good, James I.. __History of the Reformed Church in the U.S. in the Nineteenth Century__. Reformed Church in America. 1911. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 662pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn & scuffed cover. $19 [407721]

Good, James I.. __History of the Reformed Church of Germany, 1620-1890__. Daniel Miller. 1894. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 646pp. Foxing, shaken, rubbed cover. $24.5 [300384]

Goodrich, Charles A.. __History of the Church, From the Birth of Christ to the Present Time . . .__. New York: William W. Reed. 1835. Full leather. 504pp. Ex-library. Full leather, crackled & edge-worn. Shaken. Foxing. $22 [418398]

Goodspeed, Edgar J., ed.. __Index Patristicus Sive Clavis Patrum Apostolicorum Operum, Ex Editione Minroe Gebhardt Harnack Zahn Lectionibus Editionum Minorum Funk et Lightfoot Admissis__. Alec R. Allenson. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 262pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Corner bumped. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $11 [413914]

Goodwin, John A.. __Pilgrim Republic: An Historical Review of the Colony of New Plymouth, with Sketches of the Rise of Other New England Settlements, the History of Congregationalism, and the Creeds of the Period__. Houghton Mifflin. 1920. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 662pp. Ex-library, shaken, sloppy pencil underlining and notes. $16 [313303]

Gorrie, P. Douglass. __The Churches and Sects of the United States__. New-York: Lewis Colby. 1850. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 240pp. Ex-library, foxing, spine cloth frayed. $12.7 [394862]

46 Gough, Austin. __Paris and Rome: The Gallican Church and the Ultramontane Campaign 1848- 1853__. Oxford. 1986. Hardcover with dust jacket. 276pp. G/VG $24.5 [294904]

Gough, Henry. __A General Index to the Publications of the Parker Society, edited for the Parker Society__. Cambridge. 1855. Library buckram. 811pp. Good. Ex-library, rebound in black library buckram. $18.25 [385278]

Gough, John. __History of the People Called Quakers (4 vols.) From their First Rise to the Present Time__. Dublin: Robert Jackson. 1789-90. Full leather. 4 vols.pp. Ex-library. Full leather, edge-worn, cracked along hinges, some boards scuffed. Slight damp-staining to page edges of two volumes. Foxing. $177 [417900]

Gouldbourne, Ruth; foreword by Peter Erb. __The Flesh and the Feminine: Gender and Theology in the Writings of Caspar Schwenckfeld__. Paternoster. 2006. Paperback. 250pp. Near fine. $11 [250200]

Gouldbourne, Ruth; foreword by Peter Erb. __The Flesh and the Feminine: Gender and Theology in the Writings of Caspar Schwenckfeld__. Paternoster. 2006. Paperback. 250pp. Near fine. $11 [250223]

Gouldbourne, Ruth; foreword by Peter Erb. __The Flesh and the Feminine: Gender and Theology in the Writings of Caspar Schwenckfeld__. Paternoster. 2006. Paperback. 250pp. Near fine. $11 [250224]

Grabar, Andre. __Christian Iconography: A Study of Its Origins, The A.W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts, 1961, The National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. [Bollingen Series XXXV, 10]__. Princeton. 1980. Paperback. 174, 341pp. Ink underlining. Faded & creased wrappers. From the personal library of Margaret R. Miles. $15.4 [409469]

Graebner, Alan. __Uncertain Saints: The Laity in the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod, 1900-1970__. Greenwood Press. 1975. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 284pp. Ex-library. Boards rubbed. Else good. $20.5 [325031]

Graf, Georg, ed.. __Oriens Christianus, Heft für die Kunde des Christlichen Orients, Band 37, 1953, Vierte Serie, Erster Band__. Otto Harrassowitz. 1953. Library buckram. 151pp. Ex- library, rebound in green buckram. Foxing. With P. Hieronymus Engberding & Joseph Molitor. $18 [403399]

Graham, Rose and T. Craib eds.. __The Chantry Certificates for Oxfordshire and The Edwardian Inventories of Church Goods for Oxfordshire [Alcuin Club Collections XXIII]__. A.R. Mowbray. 1920. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 147pp. Good; ex-library. Rebound in dark green library buckram. $24.75 [376900]

47 Granfield, Patrick and Josef A. Jungmann eds.. __Kyriakon: Festschrift Johannes Quasten (2 vols.)__. Verlag Aschendorff. 1970. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 972pp. Very good; ex-library. $252 [294844]

Grant, Robert M., ed.. __Gnosticism: A Source Book of Heretical Writings from the Early Christian Period__. Harper. 1961. Hardcover with dust jacket. 254pp. Pencil & ink marks. Chipped dust jacket. $12 [408505]

Greaves, Richard L.. __Triumph Over Silence: Women in Protestant History__. Greenwood Press. 1985. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 295pp. Extensive pencil underlining. $24.75 [361868]

Green, Victor G.. __The Franciscans in Medieval English Life (1224-1348)__. St. Anthony Guild Press. 1939. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 164pp. Foxing, slightly bumped corners and spine edges. $24.5 [300378]

Greene, John M. ed.. __Semi-Centennial Volume of the Eliot Church, Lowell, Mass.; containing a sermon from each pastor, papers and letters furnished for the Jubilee Celebration, Confessions of Faith, etc.__. Lowell, Mass: Vox Populi Press: Huse, Goodwin & Co.. 1881. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 351pp. Water-damaged cover, very shaken, stained page edges. $11 [252416]

Greenslade, S.L.. __Church and State from Constantine to Theodosius__. SCM. 1954. Hardcover with dust jacket. 93pp. G/G, foxing. $13 [365778]

Greenslade, S.L. ed.. __LCC: Early Latin Theology__. Westminster. 1956. Hardcover with dust jacket. 414pp. Ink underlining, torn dust jacket. $12 [394336]

Greenwood, John and Henry Barrow; Leland H. Carlson, ed.. __The Writings of John Greenwood and Henry Barrow, 1591-1593: Elizabethan Nonconformist Texts__. George Allen & Unwin. 1970. Hardcover with dust jacket. 516pp. G/G, penciling, chipped dust jacket. $31.25 [370992]

Gregory of Nazianzen & Ambrose. __Funeral Orations [Fathers of the Church Series]__. Catholic University of America. 1953. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 351pp. Ex-library, cocked spine. $18.25 [384238]

[Gregory of Nyssa] Gregorius Nyssenus. __Encomium in Sanctum Stephanum Protomartyrem__. Brill. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 309pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Boards bowed. Edited by Otto Lendle. $38 [407570]

Gregory the Great. __Dialogues [The Fathers of the Church: A New Translation]__. Fathers of the Church. 1959. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 287pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Trans. by Odo John Zimmerman. $20 [421316]

48 Gregory the Great. __Morals of the Book of Job, Vol. II: Parts III and IV [A Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church]__. Oxford: John Henry Parker. 1845. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 597pp. Ex-library. Front hinge broken, back hinge cracked. Heavy foxing. Spine covered in library tape. Worn boards. $16 [409163]

Gregory, Robert; W.H. Hutton. __Robert Gregory, 1819-1911. Being the Autobiography of Robert Gregory, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 272pp. Ex-library, faded and edgeworn cover. $16 [390456]

Grünberg, Paul. __Philipp Jakob Spener (3 Bands) [Philipp Jakob Spener Schriften, Band I]__. Georg Olms Verlag. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 531, 250, 447pp. Board edges, corners, and spines badly bumped; page corners and edges also affected. Sound otherwise. $49.5 [312852]

Gryson, Roger. __Ministry of Women in the Early Church__. Liturgical Press. 1980. Paperback. 156pp. Faded & creased spine. Former owner's name. $15 [421501]

Gwatkin, H.M. ed.. __The Church Past and Present: A Review of Its History__. James Nisbet. 1900. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 295pp. Worn cover, shaken, spine peeling, ex-library. $15 [395211]

Gwatkin, H.M. ed.. __The Church Past and Present: A Review of Its History by the Bishop of London, Bishop Barry, and Other Writers__. Thomas Whittaker. 1899. Library buckram. 295pp. Ex-library, rebound in black library buckram. $15 [390413]

Gwatkin, Henry Melvill. __Studies of Arianism, Chiefly Referring to the Character and Chronology of the Reaction Which Followed the Council of Nicea, Second Edition__. Cambridge: Deighton Bell & Co.. 1900. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 311pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $22 [413372]

Hagenbach, K.R.. __Kirche des achtzehenten und neunzehnten Jahrhunderts [Kirchensgeschichte von der ältesten Zeit bis zum 19. Jahrhundert, 7. Band]__. S. Hirzel. 1872. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 749pp. Worn half-leather cover, foxing, ex-library. $11 [244370]

Hagiographi Bollandiani et Pius Franchi de' Cavalieri. __Catalogus Codicum Hagiographicorum Graecorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae__. Apud Editores. 1899. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 323pp. Ex-library, foxing. Rebound in black library buckram. $44.5 [310783]

Haines, R.M.. __Administration of the Diocese of Worcester in the First Half of the Fourteenth Century__. SPCK. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 393pp. Very good; ex-library. $13.5 [296937]

49 Hallenbeck, Jan T.. __Pavia and Rome: The Lombard Monarchy and the Papacy in the Eighth Century [Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 72, part 4, 1982]__. American Philosophical Society. 1982. Paperback. 186pp. Good, corners slightly bent. Inscribed and signed by the author, on front wrapper. $18.25 [373539]

Halsey, Lewis. __History of the Seneca Baptist Association: With Sketches of Churches and Pastors Illustrated__. Ithaca, Journal Association . 1879. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 285pp. 19th cen. Buckram, spine rubbed, upper spine slightly chewed. Outer extremities moderately worn, inscribed by Author, ex-library, due-slip & pocket still attached, library stamp on title page, frontispiece w/ china paper, duplicate plate w/ china paper, light foxing on most leaves. $50 [217547]

Hamerton-Kelly, Robert and Robin Scroggs, eds.. __Jews, Greeks and Christians: Religious Cultures in Late Antiquity: Essays in Honor of William David Davies__. Brill. 1976. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 320pp. Small tear in cloth at spine. Corner bumped. Else good. $54 [404143]

Hanck, Albert. __Tertullian's Leben und Schriften__. A. Deichert. 1877. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 410pp. Worn cover, spine cloth peeling, foxing, slightly shaken, ex-library, underlining. $25.5 [331888]

Hansen, Eric C.. __Nineteenth-Century European Catholicism: An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Works in English__. Garland. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 558pp. Ex-library, otherwise very good. $16 [299521]

Hanser, Wilhelm Georg Hugo. __Luther-Denkmal. Bestehend aus Predigten, Dispositionen von solchen, Liedern und Beschreibungen der Festlichkeiten, welche bei Gelegenheit des 400- Jährigen Geburtstags-Jubiläums Dr. M. Luthers am. 10. November, 1883__. Isaac Friedenwald. 1884. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 476pp. Worn cover, shaken, foxing. $11 [313417]

Hanssens, Jean Michel. __Liturgie d'Hippolyte: Ses Documents, Son Titulaire, Ses Origines et Son Caractere [Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 155] (Deuxieme edition photolithographique)__. Pont. Institutum Orientalium Studiorum. 1965. Library buckram. 594pp. Ex-library, rebound in grey buckram. Yellowed. Concave spine. $24.5 [294320]

Harbaugh, H. and continued by D.Y. Heisler. __Fathers of the German Reformed Church in Europe and America (5 vols.)__. Lancaster: Sprenger & Westhaeffer. 1857-1881. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 5 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spines. Foxing throughout. Corners bumped, edge-worn. Ink marginalia in Vol. IV. Spine cloth peeling on Vols. II & IV. $65.7 [394952]

Harder, Leland ed.. __Sources of Swiss Anabaptism (2 vols.) The Grebel Letters & Related Documents__. Wipf & Stock. 2001. Paperback. 815pp. Like new. $44.25 [397081]

50 Harnack, Adolf. __Constitution and Law of the Church in the First Two Centuries [Crown Theological Library]__. New York: G.P. Putnam's. 1910. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 349pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing, yellowed. Cloth chipped at spine. Trans. by F.L. Pogson. Edited by H.D.A. Major. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $16 [410914]

Harnack, Adolf von. __Marcion: Das Evangelium vom Fremden Gott, Eine Monographie zur Geschichte der Grundlegung der Katholischen Kirche, Neue Studien Zu Marcion__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 455pp. Ink underlining. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. $46 [407530]

Harnack, Adolf; trans. by F.L. Pogson; edited by H.D.A. Major. __Constitution and Law of the Church in the First Two Centuries__. G.P. Putnam's. 1910. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 349pp. Foxing, chipped page edges (no text loss). $11 [300003]

Harnack, Adolph. __History of Dogma (7 vols. bound as 4)__. Dover. 1961. Paperback. pp. Underlining, creased spines. $37 [356980]

Harnack, Adolph. __History of Dogma (7 vols. bound as 4)__. Dover. 1961. Paperback. pp. Married set. Ink underlning in vols. I & II. Faded and creased spines & wraps. $37 [358712]

Harnack, Adolph. __History of Dogma (7 vols. bound as 4)__. Dover. 1961. Paperback. pp. Creased spines, lower edges slightly stained. $37 [391045]

Harnack, Adolph. __History of Dogma (7 vols.)__. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.. 1902. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 7 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spines. Pencil underlining in a few volumes. Foxing. Trans. by Neil Buchanan. $157 [421034]

Harnack, Adolph. __History of Dogma, vol. III__. Roberts Brothers. 1897. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 336pp. Ex-library, else good. $12.2 [364925]

Harnack, Adolph. __History of Dogma, vol. IV [Theological Translation Library series]__. Little, Brown & Co.. 1898. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 353pp. Ex-library, slight foxing. $14 [368705]

Harnack, Adolph. __History of Dogma, vol. V__. Roberts Brothers. 1899. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 331pp. Ex-library, else good. $12.2 [364926]

Harper, A.F., ed.. __Holiness Teaching Today [Great Holiness Classics, Vol. 6]__. Beacon Hill. 1987. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 412pp. Slightly shaken, cocked spine. Else good. $11 [399169]

Harpsfield, Nicholas; printed by Nicholas Pockock. __Treatise on the Pretended Divorce of Henry VIII and Catharine of Aragon. Printed for the Camden Society__. Nichols & Sons, for the Camden Society. 1878. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 344pp. Ex-library, cover rubbed and slightly edgeworn, else good. $44.5 [221837]

51 Harrison, J.F.C.. __The Second Coming: Popular Millenarianism 1780-1850__. Rutgers. 1979. Hardcover with dust jacket. 277pp. G/VG, ink underlining. $11 [305137]

Harrison, P.N.. __Polycarp's Two Epistles to the Philippians__. Cambridge. 1936. Hardcover with dust jacket. 356pp. Shaken. Chipped dust jacket. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $67 [410762]

Hartogh, G.M. den. __Het Christlijk Gereformeerd Seminarie te Amsterdam. Een poging tot openbaring der Hervormde of Gereformeerde Gizindheid (1850-1852)__. Naamlooze Vennootschap W.D. Meinema- Delft. n.d.. Paperback. 173pp. Good; foxing, first few pages creased. $13.5 [312114]

Hascher-Burger, Ulrike. __Gesungene Innigkeit: Studien zu Einer Musikhandschrift der Devotio Moderna (Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Ms. 16 H 34, OLIM B 113), Mit Einer Edition der Gesänge [SHCT CVI]__. Brill. 2002. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 541pp. Ex-library. Corners bumped. $34 [407303]

Hase, Charles. __History of the Christian Church__. New York: D. Appleton & Co.. 1855. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 720pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Small stains on cover, cloth torn at spine. Corners bumped. Foxing. Trans. by Charles E. Blumenthal & Conway P. Wing. $11 [418453]

Hauck, Albert. __Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands (5 vols. in 6)__. J.C. Hinrichs. 1904. Half leather. pp. Slightly worn half leather bindings. Light foxing, light penciling. Fourth volume has bumped upper corners. Very good otherwise. $32 [311815]

[Hawes, Stephen] attrib.. __Synchronology of the Principal Events in Sacred and Profane History from the Creation of Man, to the Present Time__. Boston: S. Hawes. 1870. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 320pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Foxing. Cloth frayed and chipped at spine. $16 [395552]

Hawks, Francis L.. __Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the United States of America, vol. 1__. Swords, Stanford & Co.. 1941. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 410pp. Foxing, slight penciling. Rebound in black buckram. From the personal library of Hugh W. Ogden. $11 [326634]

Hay, Denys. __Church in Italy in the Fifteenth Century [The Birbeck Lectures, 1971]__. Cambridge. 1977. Hardcover with dust jacket. 184pp. Faded dust jacket. FFEP creased. $16 [408322]

Hay, Denys. __The Church in Italy in the Fifteenth Century__. Cambridge. 1977. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 184pp. Very good; ex-library. $11 [296824]

Hayward, Fernand. __Inquisition__. Alba House. 1965. Hardcover with dust jacket. 176pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $13.5 [298012]

52 Hayward, Fernand. __The Inquisition__. Alba House. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 176pp. Good; ex-library. $15 [388883]

Hazlett, Ian ed.. __Early Christianity: Origins and Evolution to A.D. 600__. Abingdon. 1991. Paperback. 303pp. Faded spine, good otherwise. $12.5 [337091]

Hazlett, Ian, ed.. __Early Christianity: Origins and Evolution to A.D. 600: In Honour of W.H.C. Frend__. Abingdon. 1991. Paperback. 325pp. Ex-library. Slight ink marks. $13 [384043]

Heath, Peter. __The English Parish Clergy on the Eve of the Reformation__. Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 249pp. Ex-library, slightly shaken; otherwise good. $11 [298378]

Heber, Reginald. __Life of the Right Rev. Jer. Taylor, D.D., Lord Bishop of Down, Connor, and Dromore; with a Critical Examination of His Writings__. Hartford: F.J. Huntington. 1832. Half leather. 368pp. Ex-library. Half-leather, edge-worn, chipped at spine. Slight pencil marks. Heavy foxing. Cracked hinges. $11 [409873]

Heeney, Brian. __Women's Movement in the Church of England, 1850-1930__. Oxford. 1988. Hardcover with dust jacket. 144pp. Extensive pencil underlining. Chipped and faded dust jacket. Cocked spine. $31.25 [361858]

Hege, Christian and Christian Neff. __Mennonitisches Lexikon (Nearly complete, only lacks 54 & 55 Liferung- Wehrlosiskeit-Xaxim)__. Frankfurt & Main & Weirhof (Pfalz). 1913. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Very good; some portions bound in library buckram, others as fascicles within slip cases. $142 [231959]

Heikel, Ivar A.. __Eusebius Kyrkohistoria Översätning Fran Grekiskan med Inledning och Förklaringar__. Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokförlag. 1937. Hardcover. 540pp. Underlining, foxing. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $11 [304220]

Heiler, Friedrich. __Urkirche und Ostkirche [Katholische Kirche des Ostens und Westens, Band I]__. Ernst Reinhardt. 1937. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 607pp. Good; ex-library, faded cover. $11 [303202]

Heinisch, Paul. __Einfluss Philos auf die Älteste Christliche Exegese (Barnabas, Justin und Clemens von Alexandria)__. Münster: Aschendorffschen Buchhandlung. 1908. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 296pp. Foxing, ex-library; else good. $22 [220479]

Heissenbuttel, Ernest G. & Roy H. Johnson. __Pittsburgh Synod History: Its Auxiliaries & Institutions, 1845-1962__. Pittburgh Synod, United Lutheran Church. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 483pp. Very good. $24.5 [166899]

53 Hellholm, David. __Das Visionenbuch des Hermas als Apokalypse, I: Methodologische Vorüberlegungen und makrostrukturelle Texanalyse [Coniectanea Biblica, New Testament Series 13:1]__. GWK Gleerup. 1980. Library buckram. 211pp. Good; ex-library. Paperback edition rebound in transparent library hardcover binding. $19 [393558]

Hembry, Phyllis M.. __Bishops of Bath and Wells, 1540-1640: Social and Economic Problems__. Athlone Press. 1967. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 287pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. $11 [413524]

Hembry, Phyllis M.. __The Bishops of Bath and Wells 1540-1640: Social and Economic Problems__. Athlone Press. 1967. Hardcover with dust jacket. 287pp. VG/VG $13 [370193]

Henderson, Henry F.. __Erskine of Linlathen: Selections and Biography__. Oliphant Anderson & Ferrier. 1899. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 310pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Slight penciling. Cloth frayed at spine, boards rubbed. $18.25 [394515]

Henry, Stuart C. ed.. __A Miscellany of American Christianity: Essays in Honor of H. Shelton Smith__. Duke. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 390pp. Slight highlighting, otherwise good. $13.5 [250309]

Henson, Herbert Hensley. __Church and Parson in England__. Hodder & Stoughton. 1927. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 192pp. Very good. Bookplate and gift note. $14.5 [317754]

Herman, P. Aemilius. __Conspectus Historiae Iuris Ecclesiastici Byzantini__. Pontificium Institutum Orientalium Studiorum. 1963. Library buckram. 238pp. Heavy foxing, yellowed pages. Ex-library. Rebound in red buckram. Small stains on spine. Additis Notis a P. Clemente Pujol. $32.55 [364702]

Hermelink, Heinrich. __Christentum in der Menschheitsgeschichte von der Französischen Revolution bis zur Gegenwart (3 Bands)__. J.B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung Stuttgart. 1951. Hardcover with dust jacket. 528, 683, 629pp. G/G, slightly chipped dust jacket. $14.5 [310818]

Herminjard, A.-L.. __Correspondance des Réformateurs dans les Pays de Langue Francaise (9 vols.)__. Nieuwkoop / B. De Graaf. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Good; ex-library. $500 [395153]

Hess, Hamilton. __The Canons of the Council of Sardica, A.D. 343. A Landmark in the Early Development of Canon Law__. Oxford. 1958. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 170pp. Ex-library, scuffed cover. $14 [391088]

Heurtley, Charles A.. __Harmonia Symbolica: A Collection of Creeds Belonging to the Ancient Western Church, and to the Mediaeval English Church, Arranged in Chronological Order, and After the Manner of a Harmony__. Oxford. 1858. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 171pp. Worn library buckram cover, shaken. Spine lettering nearly rubbed away. $44.5 [313789]

54 Heylyn, Peter. __Ecclesia Retaurata (2 vols.), or, The History of the Reformation of the Church of England__. Cambridge. 1839. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Cloth chipped & splitting along spine (more so on Vol. I). Edge-worn & faded boards. Foxing. $39.05 [398138]

Hicks, Elias. __Defence of the Christian Doctrines of the Society of Friends__. Philadelphia. 1825. Half leather. 347pp. Ex-library. Top edge damp-stained. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn half-leather cover. $47 [417861]

Hill, O'Dell Travers. __English Monasticism: Its Rise and Influence__. London: Jackson, Walford, and Hodder. 1867. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 540pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Some collations coming loose. Foxing. Cloth torn at head of spine. $16 [418517]

Hillerbrand, Hans Joachim. __Politische Ethik des Oberdeutschen Täufertums, Eine Untersuchung zur Religions- und Geistesgeschichte des Reformationszeitalters__. E.J. Brill. 1962. Hardcover. 84pp. Ex-library, rebound in red buckram. $19.5 [242701]

Hilliard, David. __Godliness and Good Order: A History of the Anglican Church in South Australia__. Wakefield Press. 1986. Paperback. 169pp. Good; creased wrappers. $18.25 [378234]

Hills, Julian. __Tradition and Composition of the Epistula Apostolorum [Harvard Dissertations in Religion, no. 24]__. Fortress. 1990. Paperback. 172pp. Lower corners bumped, some underlining, else good. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $11 [306553]

Hinchliff, Peter. __God and History: Aspects of British Theology 1875-1914__. Oxford. 1992. Hardcover with dust jacket. 267pp. Ink underlining. $30.5 [325364]

Hine, Leland D.. __An Outline of Church History__. Publisher not indicated. 1969. Comb binding. 235pp. Comb binding. Chipped wrappers, ink underlining. $11 [334686]

Hinson, E. Glenn. __History of Baptists in Arkansas, 1818-1978__. Arkansas Baptist State Convention. 1979. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 487pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Inscribed by author. $16 [408064]

Hippolytus of Rom. __Treatise on the Apostolic Tradition of St. Hippolytus of Rome, Bishop and Martyr__. London: SPCK. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 90pp. Musty. Shaken, cocked spine. Yellow highlighting. Edited by Gregory Dix & Henry Chadwick. $717 [420368]

Hockey,S.F.. __Quarr Abbey and Its Lands, 1132-1631__. Leicester University Press. 1970. Hardcover with dust jacket. 320pp. VG/G, edge-worn dust jacket. $14.6 [372171]

Hodgson, Peter C.. __Ferdinand Christan Baur on the Writing of Church History [Library of Protestant Thought]__. Oxford. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 380pp. Ex-library, faded cover, some markings. $29.5 [296671]

55 Hodgson, Peter C.. __Ferdinand Christan Baur on the Writing of Church History [Library of Protestant Thought]__. Oxford. 1968. Hardcover with dust jacket. 380pp. G/G, faded and slightly chipped dust jacket. $37.75 [346039]

Hoffer, Peter Charles ed.. __Puritans and Yankees: Selected Articles on New England Colonial History 1974 to 1984__. Garland. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 365pp. Very good. $39.5 [299011]

Hoffmann, M.M.. __Centennial History of the Archdiocese of Dubuque__. Columbia College Press. 1938. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 733pp. Worn and slightly stained cover, else sound. $13.5 [331794]

Hofmann, G.. __Documenta Concilii Florentini de Unione Orientalium (3 vols.) [Textus et Documenta, Series Theologica 18, 19, & 22]__. Romae: Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana. 1935. Paperback. 34, 57, 57pp. Good. Foxing, previous owner's name on front wrappers. $32.55 [377318]

Holden, Colin. __From Tories at Prayer to Socialists at Mass: St. Peter's, Eastern Hill, Melbourne, 1846-1990__. Melbourne University. 1996. Hardcover with dust jacket. 332pp. VG/VG. Signed & inscribed by author. $14 [377351]

Holden, Colin. __Ritualist on a Tricycle: Frederick Goldsmith. Church, Nationalism, and Society in Western Australia 1880-1920__. University of Western Australia. 1997. Hardcover with dust jacket. 412pp. VG/VG, gift note on ffep. $18.25 [370180]

Holifield, E. Brooks. __The Gentlemen Theologians: American Theology in Southern Culture, 1795-1860__. Duke. 1978. Hardcover with dust jacket. 262pp. Ink underlining, slightly chipped dust jacket. $12.5 [325423]

Holl, Karl. __Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Kirchengeschichte (3 Bands)__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1952. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 593, 464, 602pp. Foxing, sunned boards. $34.5 [313071]

Holland, Henry Scott; edited by S. L. Ollard. __A Forty Years' Friendship: Letters from the Late Henry Scott Holland to Mrs. Drew__. D. Appleton & Co.. 1919. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 250pp. Ex-library, faded cover, bumped corners, shaken. $14 [390950]

Holmquist, Hjalmar. __Kyrkohistoria (3 vols.)__. P.A. Norstedt & Söners. 1928. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 375, 421, 246pp. Good; sunned spines, foxing. From the library of Krister Stendahl. $34.5 [302311]

56 Hopkins, Samuel. __Puritans (3 vols.); or, The Church, Court, and Parliament of England, During the Reigns of Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth__. Boston: Gould and Lincoln. 1860- 1871. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 3 vols.pp. Ex-library. Volume I rebound in navy blue buckram, cocked spine. Other two volumes shaken, worn covers. Vols. 2 and 3 are chipping along edges, and missing some small pieces of the binding. Edges and corners are rubbed and worn. Corners and spine edges are starting to fray. $39.05 [395532]

[Hortensius, Lambertus]. __Histoire des Anabaptists, Contenant Leur Doctine, les Diverses Opinions qui les divisent en plusieurs Sectes, Les Troubles qu'ils ont causez, & enfin tout ce qui s'est passe de plus considerable a leur egard, depuis l'an 1521 jusques a present__. A. Amsterdam: Chez Jaques Desbordes, devant le Comptoir de Cologne. 1700. Full leather. 280pp. 16mo. in full leather. Worn cover, tender hinges, ex-library, foxing. With 17 engraved plates. $250 [389861]

Hoskier, H.C., ed.. __Complete Commentary of Oecumenius on the Apocalypse, Now Printed for the First Time From Manuscripts at Messina, Rome, Salonika and Athos__. Michigan. 1928. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 263pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Stains to cover. $34 [401784]

Houghton, Walter R. ed.. __Neely's History of the Parliament of Religions and Religious Congresses at the World's Columbian Exposition (2 vols. in 1)__. F. Tennyson Neely. 1894. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1001pp. Worn cover, very shaken, heavy foxing, penciling. $19.5 [333368]

Houston, Jane. __Catalogue of Ecclesiastical Records of the Commonwealth 1643-1660 in the Lambeth Palace Library__. Gregg International. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 338pp. Good; ex-library. $18.25 [377169]

How, F.D.. __Archbishop Maclagan__. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co.. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 439pp. Ex-library, some penciling, edgeworn cover. Handwritten gift note tipped in. $14 [370170]

Howorth, Henry H.. __The Golden Days of the Early English Church, from the Arrival of Theodore to the Death of Bede (3 vols.)__. John Murray. 1917. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 384, 517, 443pp. Shaken, foxing, worn covers. $28 [376842]

Hoyt, James. __'The Mountain Society' A History of the First Presbyterian Church, Orange, N.J.__. New York: C.M. Saxton, Barker & Co.. 1860. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 281pp. Ex- library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. $18 [420105]

Huber, Wolfgang. __Passa und Ostern: Untersuchungen zur Osterfeier der alten Kirche [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, Beiheft 35]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 255pp. Good; ex- library. $31.25 [393255]

57 Hubik, Karl. __Apologien des Hl. Justinius des Philosophen und Märtyrers [Theologische Studien der Leo-Gesellschaft, 19]__. Mayer & Co.. 1912. Paperback. 382pp. Good. Foxing, uncut edges. $19.5 [299908]

Hubmaier, Balthasar. __Schriften [Quellen und Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte, Band XXIX: Quellen zur Geschichte der Täufer IX]__. Gerd Mohn. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 507pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Former owner's name. $97 [420533]

Hübner, Reinhard M.. __Die Einheit des Leibes Christi Bei Gregor von Nyssa: Untersuchungen zum Ursprung der 'Physischen' Erlösungslehre [Philosophia Patrum, vol. II]__. E.J. Brill. 1974. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 377pp. Good. Ex-library, foxing. $28 [393345]

Hübner, Reinhard M.. __Einheit des Leibes Christi bei Gregor von Nyssa: Untersuchungen zum Ursprung der 'Physischen' Erlösungslehre [Philosophia Patrum, vol. II]__. E.J. Brill. 1974. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 377pp. Very good. $39.5 [285705]

Hughes, L.. __The Christian Church in the Epistles of St. Jerome__. SPCK. 1923. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 116pp. Ex-library, rubbed cover, foxing. $18.25 [382640]

Hughes, Philip. __The Reformation in England. Revised edition, 3 vols. in one__. Burns & Oates. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 408, 366, 460pp. Shaken, worn cover. Three volumes bound as one. $21.5 [376765]

Hughes, Philip. __The Reformation in Europe (3 vols.)__. Hollis & Carter. 1950. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 404, 366, 457pp. Ex-library, bumped corners. First volume's cover design doesn't match the others. $21.5 [379356]

Hughes, Philip E. ed. & trans.. __Register of the Company of Pastors of Geneva in the Time of Calvin__. Eerdmans. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 380pp. Good; ex-library. $21.5 [371765]

Hughes, Thomas. __History of the Society of Jesus in North America, Colonial and Federal. Documents and Text (4 vols.)__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1910. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1222, 647, 734pp. Stained and faded covers, ex-library, spine of first volume is peeling. $64.5 [313123]

Hultgren, Arland J.. __Rise of Normative Christianity__. Fortress. 1994. Paperback. 210pp. Ink underlining. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $13 [411456]

Hunt, John. __Religious Thought in England (3 vols.) From the Reformation to the End of Last Century: A Contribution to the History of Theology__. London: Strahan & Co.. 1870-73. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 3 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cracked hinges. Cloth faded & worn. Vol. III spine re-backed. $58 [420271]

58 Hunt, John. __Religious Thought in England in the Nineteenth Century__. Gibbings & Co.. 1896. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 399pp. Slightly shaken, else good. $22 [186287]

Hunt, John. __Religious Thought in England in the Nineteenth Century__. Gibbings & Co.. 1896. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 396pp. Edgeworn cover, frayed spine edges, shaken, foxing. $11 [337795]

Hunt, Sanford. __Laws Relating to Religious Corporations__. New York: Nelson & Phillips. 1876. Full leather. 273pp. Ex-library. Front board detached but present. Full leather, scuffed & worn. Foxing. With E.L. Fancher. $50 [419744]

Hunt, William and W.R.H. Stephens, eds.. __A History of the English Church (8 vols. bound in 9)__. Macmillan. 1901. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Foxing, ink and pencil underlining in some volumes. Some covers slightly stained. $67 [379280]

Hurlbut, Stephen A.. __Liturgy of the Church of England Before and After the Reformation, together with the Service of Holy Communion of the Episcopal Church in the United States__. Eerdmans. 1941. Hardcover with dust jacket. 60pp. Stained cover and dust jacket, pages slightly dampwarped, musty. $15 [390682]

Hutchinson, Enoch ed.. __Baptist Memorial and Monthly Record,... vol. IX, New Series, vol. II__. New-York: Z.P. Hatch. 1850. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 402pp. Good; ex-library, rubbed cover, foxing. $27 [231497]

Hutchinson, Roger. __The Works of Roger Hutchinson, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Afterwards of Eton College, A.D. 1550 [Edited for the Parker Society]__. Cambridge. 1842. Library buckram. 350pp. Ex-library, light foxing. Rebound in black library buckram. $15 [384770]

Hutchison, William R., ed.. __Between the Times: The Travail of the Protestant Establishment in America, 1900-1960__. Cambridge. 1989. Hardcover with dust jacket. 322pp. VG/VG. $19 [408785]

Hutton, William Holden. __The English Church from the Accession of Charles I. to the Death of Anne (1625-1714) [History of the English Church VI]__. Macmillan. 1903. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 368pp. Foxing, bumped corners. $12.2 [379274]

[Hyde,] Edward Earl of Clarendon. __Religion and Policy (2 vols.) and the Countenance and Assistance Each Should Give to the Other. With a Survey of the Power and Jurisdiction of the Pope in the Dominions of Other Princes__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1811. Full leather. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Full leather, tanned, edge-worn. Boards bowed. Foxing. $97 [420179]

Hyma, Albert. __New Light on Martin Luther, with an Authentic Account of the Luther Film of 1953__. Eerdmans. 1958. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 287pp. Good. $11 [303285]

59 Ingle, H. Larry. __First Among Friends: George Fox and the Creation of Quakerism__. Oxford. 1994. Paperback. 407pp. Good; some ink marginalia. $14 [388112]

Isidori Hispalensis. __Scriptores Ecclesiastici Hispano-Latini Veteris et Medii Aevi, Fasc. V, VI-VIIII (in one volume)__. Typis Augustinianis Monasterii Escurialensis. 1940. Library buckram. 39, 287pp. Ex-library, rebound in black buckram. Yellowed, foxing. Edited by P.A.C. Vega & A.E. Anspach. $11 [397314]

Ittig, Thomas. __Bibliothecis et Catenis Patrum, Variisque veterum Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum collectionibus__. Gregg Press Inc.. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Ex-library, faded cover, spine cloth frayed at edges, yellowed pages. Originally published by Friderici Lankisii in 1707. $64.5 [300837]

Jaeger, Werner. __Gregor von Nyssa's Lehre vom Heiligen Geist__. Brill. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 153pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Foxing. Edited by H. Dorries. $24.4 [407566]

Jaeger, Werner; H. Dörres (Hrsg.). __Gregor von Nyssa's Lehre vom Heiligen Geist__. E.J. Brill. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 153pp. Very good; foxed end papers, previous owner's name on ffep. $15 [334733]

Jagger, Peter J.. __Christian Initiation 1552-1969: Rites of Baptism and Confirmation since the Reformation Period [Alcuin Club Collections, No. 52]__. London: SPCK. 1970. Hardcover with dust jacket. 323pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Chipped dust jacket. $15 [420246]

James, Croake. __Curiosities of Christian History, Prior to the Reformation__. Methuen & Co.. 1892. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 522pp. Ex-library. Front hinge nearly broken. Foxing. Faded & worn cover. $11 [417852]

Janse, Wim. __Albert Hardenberg als Theologe: Profil Eines Bucer-Schülers__. E.J. Brill. 1994. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 608pp. Good; ex-library. $50.75 [393160]

Janse, Wim ed.. __Dutch Review of Church History, vol. 84 [Dutch Review of Church History, vol. 84]__. Brill. 2004. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 661pp. Good; cocked spine, slight ink underlining. $44.25 [393777]

Jardine, William. __Shepherd of Hermas: The Gentle Apocalpse__. Jardine. 1992. Paperback. 157pp. Very good. $12.2 [364582]

Jayne, Sears. __John Colet and Marsilio Ficino__. Oxford. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 172pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Edge-worn boards. $22 [413516]

60 Jebb, Dom Philip, ed.. __Missale de Lesnes: MS L404 in the Library of the Victoria and Albert Museum [Henry Bradshaw Society, Vol. XCV]__. Stanbrook Abbey Press. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 214pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. $47 [409770]

Jedin, Hubert. __Geschichte des Konzils von Trent (2 vols.)__. Herder. 1949, 1957. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 643, 550pp. First volume is ex-library, with faded cover and yellowed pages; else good. Second volume is VG/VG. $64.5 [233384]

Jedin, Hubert. __Geschichte des Konzils von Trient, Band I: Der Kampf um das Konzil, Zweite Auflage__. Herder. 1951. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 644pp. Yellowed. Corners bumped. Else good. $28 [369445]

Jenkins, Claude. __Monastic Chronicler and the Early School of St. Albans: A Lecture__. SPCK. 1922. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 98pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Worn cover. Slight foxing. $11 [401384]

Jenkins, Claude. __Monastic Chronicler and the Early School of St. Albans: A Lecture__. SPCK. 1922. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 98pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Slight pencil marginalia. First leaves chipped along fore-edge. $11 [401717]

Jenks, Arthur Whipple. __The Use and Abuse of Church History__. Edwin S. Gorham. 1919. Library binding. 106pp. Ex-library. Library binding, paper boards. $11 [388188]

Jerome, St.. __Dogmatic and Polemical Works [Fathers of the Church: A New Translation series]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 410pp. Good; ex-library, slight foxing. $18.25 [384431]

Joannis Scoti Erigenae. __De Divisione Naturae Libri Quinque, Diu Desiderati__. Minerva GMBH. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 312, 88pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Boards bowed. Appendix by S. Maximi. $46 [401490]

Johnson, Roy L.. __Story of Rehoboth: History of Rehoboth Baptist Association: 1856-1938__. Executive Board of Rehoboth Baptist Association. 1938. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 167pp. Extensive ink underlining. Foxing. Ex-library. $13.5 [303564]

Jonas, Hans. __Mythologische Gnosis, Mit Einer Einleitung zur Geschichte und Methodologie der Forschung [Gnosis and Spätantiker Geist, Erster Teil]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 375pp. Ink underlining throughout. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed & faded. $18 [404540]

Jones, Keith G.. __The European Baptist Federation: A Case Study in European Baptist Interdependency 1950-2006 [Studies in Baptist History and Thought]__. Paternoster. 2009. Paperback. 319pp. Near fine. $11 [320577]

61 Jones, R. Tudur. __Congregationalism in England, 1662-1962__. Independent Press. 1962. Hardcover with dust jacket. 504pp. Shaken, underlining, chipped dust jacket. $25.5 [337736]

Jones, Timothy K.. __Manchester College: A Century of Faith, Learning and Service__. Manchester College. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 271pp. Near fine. $13.5 [231378]

Jordan, Hermann. __Geschichte der altechristlichen Literatur__. Verlag von Quelle & Meyer in Leipzig. 1911. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 521pp. Faded boards, foxing, penciling. $11 [331802]

Junipera, A. a Villa. __Res et gesta Jesu Cruciconnexionis: experimentum crucis de modi cognitionis validitate theologiae formae-historicae in forma experimentorum diversorum cum rerum reliquiis atque analysis, partim in luce huius experimentationis resultatorum, descriptionis quoad Jesu Nazareni Passionem gestorum, cum fini Christologiae et exegesi servire; necnon ut continuatione Lipsii (1595 A.D.), Gretseri S.J. (1598 ss. A.D.), Zöckleri (1875 A.D.), multorum aliorum praeclarorum laboris de rebus et gestis cruciconnexionis adhuc honos donetur__. Roterodami: Fernáo de Magelhaes. 1974. Paperback. 113pp. Good; bent corners. Inscribed and signed by A. a. Villa Junipera, to Bruce M. Metzger. $13.5 [298918]

Junod, Marie-Claude, Monique Droin-Bridel, and Olivier Labarthe. __Polémiques Religieuses: Études et Textes__. Editions Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Genéve. 1979. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 479pp. Good. Ex-lib, library-binding hardcover. $12.7 [394575]

[Justin, St.] S. Iustini; Editionem Tertiam curavit Dr. Constantinus Gutberlet. __Apologiae, In Usum Praelectionum__. Limburgi: Proprietas Fundationis St. Mariae (Bornhofensis) as Ophanos Alendos. 1890. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 120pp. Lacks spine, cover rubbed, heavy foxing. $13.5 [297526]

Kääriäinen, Kimmo, Kati Niemelä, and Kimmo Ketola. __Religion in Finland: Decline, Change and Transformation of Finnish Religiosity [Publication 54]__. Church Research Institute. 2005. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 185pp. Very good. $30 [408833]

Kahle, Wilhelm (Hrsg.); Claus von Aderkas, Arthur Hermann, Wilhelm Kahle, Burchard Lieberg. __Lutherische Kirche im Baltischen Raum. Ein Überblick__. Martin-Luther-Verlag Erlangen. 1985. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 127pp. Good; damage to lower edge of back board, last few pages bumped on lower edges. $11 [298337]

Kalb, Friedrich. __Grundriss de Liturgik. Eine Einführung in die Geschichte, Grundsätze und Ordnungen des lutherischen Gottesdienstes__. Claudius Verlag. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 345pp. Very good. Slight foxing, tape adhesive stains on end papers. $11 [310407]

Kammerer, Winifred ed.; with Elinor Mullett Husselman and Louise A. Shier. __Coptic Bibliography__. Kraus Reprint. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 205pp. Very good. $27 [295694]

62 Kane, G. Stanley. __Anselm's Doctrine of Freedom and the Will [Texts and Studies in Religion, Vol. 10]__. Edwin Mellen Press. 1981. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 233pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $47 [412980]

Karotemprel, Sebastian ed.. __Catholic Church in Northeast India, 1890-1990 (A Multidimensional Study)__. Vendrame Institute, Shillong. 1993. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 576pp. Good; stained cover. $11 [298447]

Kasinec, Edward and J. Robert Wright eds.. __Russo-Greek Papers, 1863-1874: A Reprint Edition__. Norman Ross Publishing Inc.. 2001. Paperback. 389pp. Very good. $13 [377462]

Kaufman, Peter Iver. __Prayer, Despair, and Drama: Elizabethan Introspection__. Illinois. 1996. Hardcover with dust jacket. 166pp. VG/VG $12 [390363]

[Kaye, John] attrib.. __Some Account of the Writings and Opinions of Clement of Alexandria, by John, Bishop of Lincoln__. London: J.G. & F. Rivington. 1835. Full leather. 476pp. Ex- library. Foxing. Worn cover. $16 [408263]

[Kaye, John] Bishop of Lincoln. __Some Account of the Writings and Opinions of Clements of Alexandria__. J.G.&F. Rivington. 1835. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 476pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Foxing. Worn cover, corners bumped. $16 [418458]

Keeble, N.H.. __Richard Baxter: Puritan Man of Letters__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1982. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 217pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Boards bowed. $37 [413482]

Kempff, D.. __Bibliography of Calviniana, 1959-1974. 2nd unaltered edition__. Institute for Reformational Studies. 1975. Paperback. 249pp. Good; ex-library. $13.5 [339465]

Kervingant, M.T.. __A Monastic Odyssey [Cistercian Studies Series,no. 171]__. Cistercian Publications. 1999. Paperback. 469pp. Very good. $16 [387218]

Kessler, S. Ann. __Benedictine Men and Women of Courage: Roots and History__. Pine Hill Press. 1996. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 541pp. Good; cocked spine. $32.55 [386934]

Kimbrough, S.T., Jr. and Kenneth G.C. Newport, eds.. __Manuscript Journal of the Reverend Charles Wesley, M.A. (2 vols.)__. Kingswood Books, Abingdon. 2008. Paperback. 2 vols.pp. Very good. $38 [406976]

Kind, Helmut. __Lutherdrucke des 16. Jahrhunderts und die Lutherhandschriften der Niedersächsischen Staats und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1967. Paperback. 349pp. Ex-library, good otherwise. $24.5 [248957]

King, Archdale A.. __Citeaux and Her Elder Daughters__. Burns & Oates. 1954. Hardcover with dust jacket. 411pp. G/G. Foxed and chipped dust jacket, slightly bumped corners. $12.2 [372102]

63 Kingsbury, Harmon. __Sabbath: A Brief History of Laws, Petitions, Remonstrances and Reports, with Facts and Arguments, Relating to the Christian Sabbath__. New York: Robert Carter & Bros.. 1840. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 391pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed, faded & worn. Foxing. $47 [417909]

Kitts, Eustace J.. __In the Days of the Councils: A Sketch of the Life and Times of Baldassare Cossa (Afterward Pope John the Twenty-Third)__. Archibald Constable. 1908. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 421pp. Ex-library, foxing, spine cloth chipped. Slight marginalia. $12 [394224]

Klauser, Theodor, et al. __Jenseitsvorstellungen in Antike und Christentum: Gedenkschrift für Alfred Stuiber [Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ertänzungsband 9, 1982]__. Aschendorff Verlag. 1982. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 250pp. Ex-library. Boards bowed, corners bumped. $15.4 [407384]

Klauser, Theodore. __Gesammelte Arbeiten zur Liturgiegeschichte Kirchengeschichte und Christlichen Archäologie [Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ertänzungsband 3, 1974]__. Aschendorff Verlag. 1974. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 421pp. Ex-library. Corners bumped. Edited by Ernst Dassmann. $38 [407389]

Klein, Richard, ed.. __Frühe Christentum im Römischen Staat [Wege der Forschung, CCLXVII]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1971. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 490pp. Foxing. Stains to cover. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $11 [411071]

Kloppenburg, Bonaventura. __Relatione inter Peccatum et Mortem__. Rome: Libreria 'Orbis Catholicus'. 1951. Hardcover. 216pp. Ex-library, foxing. Rebound in black buckram. $19.5 [298468]

Knepper, Joseph. __Jakob Wimpfeling (1450-1528): Sein Leben und seine Werke nach den Quellen dargestellt__. B. De Graaf. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 375pp. Good; ex- library. $24.75 [393254]

Knopf, Rudolf. __Apostlischen Väter, I: Die Lehre der Zwölf Apostel die Zwei Clemensbriefe [HZNT]__. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). 1920. Paperback. 184pp. Creased wrappers. Small stains on front. Foxing, yellowed. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $15 [413151]

Knox, Wilfred L.. __The Catholic Movement in the Church of England__. Edwin S. Gorham. 1923. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 282pp. Foxed end papers, slightly spotted cover, otherwise very good. $19.5 [310077]

Knox, Wilfred L.. __The Church Expectant__. Society of Ss. Peter & Paul. 1920. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 86pp. Faded cover, foxing. $13 [373449]

Koch, Karl. __Studium Pietatis: Martin Bucer als Ethiker [Beiträge zur Geschichte und Lehre der Reformierten Kirche, 14 Band]__. Neukirchener Verlag. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 267pp. Good; ex-library. $11 [393296]

64 Koch, Ludwig. __Jesuiten-Lexikon. Die Gesellschaft Jesu einst und jetzt (Paderborn 1934) (2 vols.)__. Löwen-Heverlee (Belgien) Verlag der Bibliothek S J. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1878pp. Ex-library, slight foxing. $177 [347708]

Köhler, Walther. __Zwingli und Luther. Ihr Streit über das Abendmahl nach seinen politischen und religiösen Beziehungen, II. Band, vom Beginn der Marburger Verhandlungen 1529 bis zum Abschluss der Wittenberger Konkordi von 1536 [Quellen und Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte Band VII]__. C. Bertelsmann. 1953. Buckram. 534pp. Foxing, ex- library, underlining, upper page corners bumped. Rebound in now discolored red buckram. $22 [334839]

Kohls, Ernst-Wilhelm. __Die Theologie des Erasmus (2 vols.) [Theologische Zeitschrift Sonderband I, 1 & 2]__. Friedrich Reinhard. 1966. Paperback. 230, 214pp. Good; creased wrappers, bumped corners. $21.5 [394887]

Kollautz, A.. __Denmäler Byantinischen Christentums aus der Awarenzeit der Donauländer [Zetemata Byzanatina, Heft 2]__. Adolf M. Hakkert. 1970. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 59, xxxivpp. Ex-library, slight foxing, otherwise good. $11 [308524]

König, Franz. __Christus und die Religionen der Erde: Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte (Bands 1, 2 & 3)__. Herder. 1951. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 674, 784, 776pp. Faded covers, ex-library. $41 [350345]

Koontz, Paul Rodes and Walter Edwin Roush. __The Bishops: Church of the United Brethren in Christ (2 vols. in a slip case)__. Otterbein Press. 1950. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 433, 364pp. Good. Ink underlining. $11 [313254]

Korol, Dieter. __Die Früchristlichen Wandmalereien aus den Grabbauten in Cimitile / Nola. Zur Entstehung un Ikonographie Alttestamentlicher Darstellungen [Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 13, 1987]__. Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1987. Hardcover with dust jacket. 195, 56, + diagramspp. G/G. Bookplate, lower spine bumped. $31.25 [366153]

Korolevskyj, Cyrille. __Metropolite Andre Szeptyckyj 1865-1944 [Opera Theologicae Societatis Scientificae Ucrainorum, vol. XVI-XVII] (Text in French)__. Rome. 1964. Paperback. 429pp. Good; slight foxing. $20.5 [303190]

Kosmala, Hans. __Hebräer- Essener- Christen: Studien zur Vorgeschichte der Frühchrstlichen Verkündigung [Studia Post-Biblica, vol. 1]__. Brill. 1959. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 479pp. Ex-library, slightly faded cover, good otherwise. $16 [246817]

Kötzsche-Breitenbruch, Lieselotte. __Neue Katakombe an der Via Latina in Rom. Untersuchungen zur Ikonographie der Alttestamentlichen Wanmalereien__. Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1976. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 132, 28pp. Good; ex-library. $12.7 [393722]

65 Krapohl, Robert H. and Charles H. Lippy. __The Evangelicals: A Historical, Thematic, and Biographical Guide__. Greenwood Press. 1999. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 336pp. Good; slightly bowed boards. $16 [301962]

Krause, Gerhard. __Studien zu Luthers Auslegung der Kleinen Propheten [BHT, 33]__. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 417pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed, corners bumped. $11 [415100]

Krause, Martin ed.. __Gnosis and Gnosticism [Nag Hammadi Studies, vol. VIII]__. E.J. Brill. 1977. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 233pp. Very good. $34.5 [248659]

Krautz, E.A. Wilh.. __Lebensbilder aus der Geschichte der christlichen Kirche, für lutherische Leser Nordamerikas ausgewählt und bearbeitet__. Concordia. 1915. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 800pp. Very shaken. $11 [335505]

Krebs, Manfred. __Quellen zur Geschichte der Täufer, IV. Band: Baden und Pfalz__. C. Bertelsmann. 1951. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 574pp. Stains to front board, first leaves, top edge. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Foxing. $57 [420460]

Krebs, Manfred. __Quellen zur Geschichte der Täufer, IV. Band: Baden und Pfalz [Quellen und Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte, Band XXII]__. Johnson Reprint Corporation. 1971. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 574pp. Ex-library, faded spine. $50.75 [393196]

Kretschmar, Georg. __Reformation in Breslau, I [Quellenhefte zur Ostdeutschen und Osteuropäischen Kirchengeschichte Heft 3/4]__. Verlag 'Unser Weg' Ulm/Donau. 1960. Paperback. 123pp. Very good. $14 [357339]

Krosnicki, Thomas A.. __Ancient Patterns in Modern Prayer [Catholic University of American Studies in Chrstian Antiquity, no. 19]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1973. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 309pp. Ex-library, bowed boards. $16 [393283]

Krueger, Christine L.. __Reader's Repentance: Women Preachers, Women Writers, and Nineteenth-Century Social Discourse__. Chicago. 1992. Hardcover with dust jacket. 350pp. Pencil underlining throughout. $21.5 [361862]

Kurtz, Professor. __Church History (3 vols)__. Funk & Wagnalls. 1889. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Worn covers, shaken, some underlining and notes. $22 [177253] la Gorce, Pierre de. __Histoire Religieuse de la Révolution Francaise (5 vols.)__. AMS Press. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 515, 538, 598, 379, 415pp. Ex-library, slight staining to fore- edges, else very good. $52 [311821]

66 La Monte, John L.. __Feudal Monarchy in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem 1100 to 1291 [Monographs of the Mediaeval Academy of America, no. 4]__. Mediaeval Academy of America. 1932. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 293pp. Very good; bumped board corners. $19.5 [295971]

Lacarrière, Jacques. __The God-Possessed__. George Allen & Unwin. 1963. Hardcover with dust jacket. 237pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $13 [386981]

Lacko, Michael. __The Popes and Great Moravia in the Light of Roman Documents__. Slovak Institute. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 133pp. Good; slight foxing. $19.5 [312429]

Lake, Kirsopp. __Stewardship of Faith: Our Heritage From Early Christianity__. London: Christophers. 1915. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 195pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Ink & pencil underlining. Worn cover. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $15 [411426]

Lamberton, Clark D.. __Themes from St. John's Gospel in Early Roman Catacomb Painting: A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of Princeton University for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy__. Princeton. n.d.. Library binding. 146pp. Ex-library, library bound badly worn paper boards. Light foxing. $16 [389919]

Lamont, William. __Puritanism and Historical Controversey__. UCL Press. 1996. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 232pp. Ex-library, good condition. $15 [407987]

LaPorte, Jean. __Eucharistia in Philo [Studies in the Bible and Early Christianity, vol. 3]__. Edwin Mellen. 1983. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 261pp. Very good $32.55 [360521]

LaPorte, Jean. __Eucharistia in Philo [Studies in the Bible and Early Christianity, Vol. III]__. Edwin Mellen Press. 1983. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 261pp. Ink underlining. $32 [420823]

Laqueur, Thomas Walter. __Religion and Respectability: Sunday Schools and Working Class Culture 1780-1850__. Yale. 1976. Hardcover with dust jacket. 293pp. Good; underlining. $24.5 [310130]

Latourette, Kenneth Scott. __Christianity in a Revolutionary Age (5 vols.)__. Harper. 1958. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Ex-library, faded boards, else good. $32 [231744]

Latourette, Kenneth Scott. __Christianity in a Revolutionary Age (5 vols.)__. Zondervan. 1969. Paperback. pp. Very good; previous owner's name inside each volume. $13.5 [330108]

Latourette, Kenneth Scott. __Christianity in a Revolutionary Age (5 vols.)__. Zondervan. 1969. Paperback. pp. Spines faded, otherwise good. Some shelf wear. $18.25 [357078]

67 Latourette, Kenneth Scott. __Christianity in a Revolutionary Age (5 vols.)__. Paternoster. 1970. Paperback. 5 vols.pp. Ex-library. Some creased spines. In worn slipcase. $20.2 [395346]

Latourette, Kenneth Scott. __History of the Expansion of Christianity (7 vols.)__. Harper. 1937. Hardcover. pp. G/G. Second volume lacks dust jacket, other volumes have dust jackets. $41 [378015]

Lawrence, John. __History of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ (2 vols.)__. Vonnieda & Sowers. 1860. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 416, 431pp. Badley worn covers, spine cloth peeling, shaken, heavy stains and foxing. $21 [311317]

Lazzarato, Damianus. __Chronologia Christi seu Discordantium Fontium Concordantia ad Juris Normam__. M. D'Auria Pontificius . 1952. Paperback. 631pp. Good; creased wrappers. From the library of Bruce M. Metzger. $34.5 [295105]

Lea, Henry C.. __Studies in Church History. The Rise of the Temporal Power.—Benefit of the Clergy.—Excommunication__. Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea. 1869. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 515pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. $27 [418519]

Leo the Great. __Letters [Fathers of the Church Series]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1957. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 312pp. Good; ex-library. $14 [384209]

Leo the Great. __Letters [Fathers of the Church: A New Translation series]__. Fathers of the Church, Inc.. 1957. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 312pp. Good; ex-library. $18.25 [384414]

Lewis, Anne Davison. __Echoes in the Hills__. Scranton. 2003. Paperback. 357pp. Very good. $14 [383112]

Liddon, H.P.. __Walter Kerr Hamilton: Bishop of Salisbury; with Life in Death: A Sermon, Preached in Salisbury Cathedral, on the 11th Sunday after Trinity, August 8, 1869, Being the Day After the Funeral of Walter Kerr Hamilton, 2nd edition__. Rivington's. 1969. Library buckram. 151, 32pp. Ex-library, one torn page. Rebound in blue library buckram. $18.25 [390951]

Liechty, Edward E.. __The Plain People: Left Wing of the Reformation__. Publisher's Printing House. 1973. Paperback. 146pp. Foxing, last page loose but present. $11 [250444]

Lietzmann, Hans. __Geschichte der Alten Kirche (4 vols.)__. Walter de Gruyter. 1961. Hardcover with dust jacket. 326, 339, 346, 204pp. Underlining. $24.5 [239317]

Lietzmann, Hans. __Mass and Lord's Supper (incomplete: we have fasc. 1-8 of 11) A Study in the History of the Liturgy__. E.J. Brill. n.d.. Paperback. pp. Very good. $22 [185760]


Lietzmann, Hans. __Messe und Herrenmahl: Eine Studie zur Geschichte der Liturgie [Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 8]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1955. Paperback. 263pp. Some ink underlining. Foxing. Corner bumped. Most pages unopened. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $15 [411936]

Lietzmann, Hans, hrsg.. __Sacramentarium Gregorianum Nach Dem Aachener Urexemplar [Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen, Heft 3]__. Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1968. Paperback. 186pp. Faded wrappers, creased spine.Else good. Former owner's name. $14 [398029]

Lightfoot, J.B., ed.. __Apostolic Fathers: Clement, Ignatius, and Polycarp (2 parts in 5 vols.)__. Hendrickson. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 5 vols.pp. Slightly edge-worn boards. Pt. 1 Vol. 2 shaken, cocked spine. $46 [408738]

Lindeboom, J.. __Stiefkinderen van het Christendom__. Martinus Nijhoff. 1929. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 392pp. Very good; slight foxing. $11 [234731]

Linklater, Robert, preface. __Lord's Day and the Holy Eucharist Treated in a Series of Essays by Various Authors__. London: Longmans, Green, & Co.. 1892. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 226pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Foxing. Worn cover. $16 [409610]

Lippy, Charles H. and Peter W. Williams eds.. __Encyclopedia of the American Religious Experience (3 vols.)__. Scribners. 1988. Hardcover with dust jacket. 1872pp. VG/VG. $49.5 [302315]

Little, A.G.. __Franciscan Papers, Lists, and Documents__. Manchester. 1943. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 262pp. Foxing, otherwise very good. $23.5 [299661]

Locher, Gottfried W.. __Die Zwinglische Reformation im Rahmen der europäischen Kirchengeschichte__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1979. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 714pp. Ex-library, faded cover, bumped corners. $18.25 [376149]

Lockhart, J.G.. __Charles Lindley, Viscount Halifax (2 vols.)__. Geoffrey Bles. 1935. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 285, 417pp. Ex-library, rubbed cover. $13 [376776]

Loewen, Royden. __Blumenort: A Mennonite Community in Transition. 2nd edition__. Blumenort Mennonite Historical Society. 1990. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 669pp. Good; cocked spine. $11 [250498]

Löfgren, David. __Die Theologie der Schöpfung bei Luther__. Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 335pp. Ex-lib in blue buckram, else sound. $11 [394166]

69 Lowe, Titus (president); Chas. G. Gomon (secretary). __Minutes of the Twelfth Session of the Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church Held in Omaha, Nebraska. September 17-22, 1924. Official Record__. Published by the Commission. 1924. Paperback. 208pp. Slight foxing, sunned wrappers. $11 [299361]

Lozovei, P.P.. __Metropolitarum Kioviensium Potestate (988-1596) [Analecta OSBM, Series II, Sectio I]__. Pp. Basiliania, Via S. Giosafat, 8 (Piazza S. Prisca). 1962. Paperback. 140pp. Very good; upper page edges uncut. $14.5 [310256]

Lucchesi, Enzo. __L'Usage de Philon dans l'Oeuvre Exégétique de Saint Amroise. Une 'Quellenforschung' Relative aux Commentaires d'Ambroise sur la Genèse [Arbeiten zr literatur und Geschichte des Hellenistischen Judentums, IX]__. E.J. Brill. 1977. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 140pp. Good; ex-library. $21.5 [393816]

Lüdemann, Gerd & Martin Schröder. __Die Religionsgeschichtliche Schule in Göttingen__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1987. Paperback. 148pp. Good. $14 [382440]

Lüdemann, Gerd & Martin Schröder. __Die Religionsgeschichtliche Schule in Göttingen: Eine Dokumentation__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1987. Paperback. 148pp. Very good. From the personal library of M. Eugene Boring. $14 [377992]

Lüdemann, Gerd und Martin Schröder. __Religionsgeschichtliche Schule in Göttingen: Eine Dokumentation__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1987. Paperback. 148pp. Creased wrappers. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $22 [411494]

Lumby, J. Rawson, ed.. __Ratis Raving, and Other Moral and Religious Pieces in Prose and Verse__. London: Trübner & Co.. 1870. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 139pp. Ex-library. Paperback rebound into green cloth. Boards bowed. One leaf torn at margin, no text lost. Else good. $16 [401953]

Lupton, Lewis. __Tyndale the Martyr, Part 2 [A History of the Geneva Bible, vol. XIX]__. The Olive Tree. n.d.. Hardcover with dust jacket. 160pp. VG/VG $16 [254703]

Luther, Martin. __Luther's Works, vol. 13: Selections from the Psalms II__. Concordia. 1956. Hardcover with dust jacket. 451pp. G/G. Faded dust jacket. $16 [388050]

Luther, Martin. __Luther's Works, vol. 13: Selections from the Psalms II__. Concordia. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 451pp. Ex-library. Good conditition $15 [387417]

Luther, Martin. __Luther's Works, vol. 23: Sermons on the Gospel of St. John Chapters 6-8__. Concordia. 1959. Hardcover with dust jacket. 448pp. Ex-library, faded dust jacket. $15 [387366]

70 Luther, Martin. __Luther's Works, vol. 23: Sermons on the Gospel of St. John Chapters 6-8__. Concordia. 1959. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 448pp. Ink underlining, ex-library. $15 [387367]

Luther, Martin. __Luther's Works, vol. 32: Career of the Reformer II__. Muhlenberg. 1958. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 303pp. Very good. $12.2 [377939]

Luther, Martin. __Luther's Works, vol. 32: Career of the Reformer II__. Muhlenberg. 1958. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 303pp. Ex-libary. Good condition. $15 [387428]

Luther, Martin. __Luther's Works, vol. 32: Career of the Reformer II__. Muhlenberg. 1958. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 303pp. Good; penciling. $15 [390394]

Luther, Martin. __Luther's Works, vol. 35, Word and Sacrament I__. Fortress. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 426pp. Ink underlining. $15 [387386]

Luther, Martin. __Luther's Works, Vol. 40, Church and Ministry II__. Fortress. 1958. Hardcover with dust jacket. 410pp. Underlining, bowed boards. $15 [387363]

Luther, Martin. __Luther's Works, Vol. 40, Church and Ministry II__. Muhlenberg. 1958. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 410pp. Good; ex-library. $15 [394815]

Luther, Martin. __Luther's Works, vol. 45: Christian in Society II__. Muhlenberg. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 424pp. Good; ex-library. $15 [387388]

Luther, Martin. __Luther's Works, vol. 54: Table Talk__. Fortress. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 426pp. Ink underlining. $15 [387387]

Luther, Martin. __Luthers Werke (8 vols.)__. C.A. Schwetschke und Sohn. 1905. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Worn covers with tattered spine edges, slight underlining, slightly shaken. $24 [335933]

Luther, Martin. __Martin Luther Ausgewählte Werke (10 Bands)__. Chr. Kaiser. 1938. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Sunned spines, foxing. Some volumes shaken, with cloth splitting along spine, and several bindings are broken (all pages present). $16 [296480]

Luther, Martin and Erasmus. __Luther and Erasmus: Free Will and Salvation [Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XVII]__. Westminster. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 348pp. Ex- library. Shaken, cocked spine. Trans. by E. Gordon Rupp, A.N. Marlow, Philip S. Watson & B. Drewery. $22 [409898]

Luther, Martin; Eleanor Roach und Reinhard Schwarz (Hrsg.). __Wolfenbütteler Psalter 1513- 1515 (2 vols.)__. Insel Verlag. 1983. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Very good, in a very good slip case. $51 [302302]

71 Luznytsky, Gregory. __Ukrainian Church Between East and West: Outline of History of Ukrainian Church (text is in Ukrainian)__. Philadelphia: 'Providence' Association of Ukrainian Catholics. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 723pp. Foxing, slightly shaken. Note that the text is entirely in Ukrainian. $28 [360117]

Lytle, Guy F. ed.. __Reform and Authority in the Medieval and Reformation Church__. CUA Press. 1981. Hardcover with dust jacket. 337pp. VG/G, dust jacket's spine sunned. $13 [370184]

M'Crie, Charles Greig. __Public Worship of Presbyterian Scotland Historically Treated__. William Blackwood & Sons. 1892. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 465pp. Ex-library, worn cover, shaken, foxing. $34.5 [301831]

MacColl, Malcolm. __The Royal Commission and the Ornaments Rubric__. Longmans, Greek & Co.. 1906. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 398pp. Foxing, ex-library, rubbed cover, bumped corners. Slightly shaken, lower edges of cover and end papers slighlty dampstained. $18.25 [366389]

Machin, G.I.T.. __Catholic Question in English Politics, 1820 to 1830__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 227pp. Ex-library. Good condition. $11 [413485]

MacLeod, A. Donald. __C. Stacey Woods and the Evangelical Rediscovery of the University__. IVP. 2007. Paperback. 283pp. Discounted new copy. $18 [264826]

MacLeod, A. Donald. __C. Stacey Woods and the Evangelical Rediscovery of the University__. IVP. 2007. Paperback. 283pp. Discounted new copy. $18 [264827]

Mahoney, Albertus. __Vergil in the Works of Pruentius [Catholic University of America Patristic Studies, vol. XXXIX]__. Catholic University of America. 1934. Paperback. 214pp. Foxing, ex-library, corners bumped, chipped wrapper edges. $13.5 [300307]

Male, Émile. __L'Art Religieux de la Fin du Moyen Age en France. Étude sur L'Iconographie du Moyen Age et sur ses Sources d'Inspiration__. Librairie Armand Colin. 1925. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 512pp. Ex-library, rebound in blue library buckram. $13.5 [313676]

Mandonnet, Pierre. __St. Dominic and His Work__. B. Herder. 1944. Hardcover with dust jacket. 487pp. Foxing, chipped dust jacket. $16 [296484]

Manning, [H.E.]. __Independence of the Holy See__. Henry S. King. 1877. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 154pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. $22 [417423]

Manning, Henry Edward. __Petri Privilegium: Three Pastoral Letters to the Clergy of the Diocese__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1871. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 236pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Bowed, faded & edge-worn boards. Foxing. $27 [417485]

72 Mansfield, Bruce. __Man On His Own: Interpretations of Erasmus, c. 1750-1920__. Toronto. 1992. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 512pp. Extensive ink underlining. Shaken. Dog-eared pages. $30 [407043]

Mansfield, Bruce. __Phoenix of His Age: Interpretations of Erasmus, c 1550-1750__. Toronto. 1979. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 348pp. Good; slight ink markings. $11 [393779]

Maple, J.C. intro. A.M. Ross, T.H. Jenkins, W.H. Burnham, G.W. Hatcher, R.L. Davidson, J.F. Kemper. __Missouri Baptist Centennial 1906__. E.W. Stephens. 1907. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 257pp. Ex-library, ffep torn, else good. $16 [231532]

Marcatto, Dario. __Il processo inquisitoriale di Lorenzo Davidico (1555-1560) Edizione critica (Biblioteca della Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, Studi. IV, 2)__. Leo S. Olschki. 1992. Paperback. 220pp. Ex-library, else very good. $22 [196207]

Marcello. __De Authoritate Summi Pontificis [Cristopho Ri Marcelli Patritii Vene ti Archiepiscopi Corcy Rae, de Authoritate sum mi Pontificis et His Quae ad Illam Pertinent. Adversus Impia Martini Lutherii do Gmata__. Gregg International Publishers Limited. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 146pp. Very good; in Latin. $31.25 [374142]

Marsden, George M.. __The Evangelical Mind and the New School Presbyterian Experience. A Case Study of Thought and Theology in Nineteenth-Century America__. Yale. 1970. Hardcover with dust jacket. 278pp. Ink underlining, stained dust jacket, bumped corners. $19.5 [298155]

Marsh, George P.. __Mediaeval and Modern Saints and Miracles. Not Ab Uno e Societate Jesu__. J. & J. Harper Editions. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 307pp. Very good. $14 [376769]

Martimort, Aimé Georges. __Les diaconesses: Essai historique [Bibliotheca 'Ephemerides Liturgicae' 'Subsidia' 24]__. Edizioni Liturgiche- Roma. 1982. Paperback. 277pp. Very good. $24.75 [366630]

Martin, Roger H.. __Evangelicals United: Ecumenical Stirrings in Pre-Victorian Britain, 1795- 1830__. Scarecrow Press. 1983. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 230pp. Ex-library. Very good condition. $12.7 [395338]

Martin, W. Carlos. __History of the English Puritans__. American Tract Society. [1867]. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 496pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $16 [420969]

Mason, A.J.. __Church of England and Episcopacy__. Cambridge. 1914. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 560pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn & bowed boards. $11 [421233]

73 Mason, Arthur James. __Memoir of George Howard Wilkinson (2 vols.) Bishop of St. Andrews Dunkeld and Dunblane, and Primus of the Scottish Church, Formerly Bishop of Truro__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1909. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Slightly shaken. Corners bumped. Cloth lightly damp-stained, frayed & peeling at spines. $11 [392299]

Mason, Arthur James. __Memoir of George Howard Wilkinson (2 vols.), Bishop of St. Andrews Dunkeld & Dunblane & Primus of the Scottish Church, Formerly Bishop of Truro__. Longmans, Green, & Co.. 1909. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 413, 449pp. Heavy foxing. Shaken. Bumped corners & edgeworn boards. Gift inscription & bookplate. $11 [300933]

Massilon. __Oeuvres de Massillon Évèque de Clermont (Tome 1 & 2)__. Paris: Chez Firmin Didot Frères. 1843. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 760, 712pp. Sunned quarter-leather bindings. Ex-library, foxing. $24.5 [313197]

Matheson, Peter. __Cardinal Contrarini at Regensburg__. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 193pp. Ex-library, otherwise good. $19.5 [299499]

Mathews, Shailer. __Select Mediaeval Documents and Other Material Illustrating the History of Church and Empire, 754 A.D. - 1254 A.D.__. Silver, Burdett & Co.. 1892. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 167pp. Ex-library. Pencil notes. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $11 [409256]

Mathisen, Robert R.. __Critical Issues in American Religious History: A Reader__. Baylor. 2001. Paperback. 659pp. Ink underlining, bent corners. $23.45 [380896]

Matthew, Donald. __The Norman Monasteries and Their English Possessions__. Oxford. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 200pp. Ex-library, slightly faded cover. $14 [370923]

Matthews, Alfred Warren. __Development of St. Augustine from Neoplatonism to Christianity, 386-391 A.D.__. University Press of America. 1980. Paperback. 314pp. Faded spine, ex- library. $13.5 [299157]

Maurenbrecher, Wilhelm. __Geschichte der katholischen Reformation, 1. Band__. C.H. Beck'ischen Buchhandlung. 1880. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 417pp. Foxing, worn half- leather cover. $18.25 [356653]

Maximiliano, Principe Saxoniae. __Praelectiones de Liturgiis Orientalbus. Hibitae in Universitate Friburgensi Helvetiae a Maximiliano, Principe Saxoniae (2 vols. in 1)__. Friburgi Brisgoviae: Sumptibus Herder. 1908. Library buckram. 241, 361pp. Ex-library; rebound in brown library buckram. $177 [308581]

Maxwell, David. __African Gifts of the Spirit: Pentecostalism and the Rise of a Zimbabwean Transnational Religious Movement__. James Currey; Weaver Press; Ohio University Press. 2006. Paperback. 250pp. Good; slight ink underlining. $12 [388115]

74 Mayeur, Jean-Marie. __L'Histoire Religieuse de la France, 19-20 Siecle, Problemes et Methodes__. Editions Beauchesne. 1975. Paperback. 290pp. Good; foxing. $13 [363094]

McCart, Thomas K.. __Matter and Manner of Praise: The Controversial Evolution of Hymnody in the Church of England, 1760-1820 [Drew Studies in Liturgy Series, No. 5]__. Scarecrow Press. 1998. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 151pp. Very good. $26 [407090]

McCormack, Arthur. __Cardinal Vaughan__. Burns Oates. 1966. Hardcover with dust jacket. 351pp. VG/G, slightly chipped dust jacket. $13 [363707]

McCumber, W.E., ed.. __Holiness Preachers and Preaching [Great Holiness Classics, Vol. 6]__. Beacon Hill. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 408pp. Red ink underlining in table of contents only. Else good. $11 [399170]

McGee, J. Sears. __The Godly Man in Stuart England: Anglicans, Puritans, and the Two Tables, 1620-1670__. Yale. 1976. Hardcover with dust jacket. 299pp. VG/VG, slightly cocked spine. $19.5 [297507]

McGee, J. Sears. __The Godly Man in Stuart England. Anglicans, Puritans, and the Two Tables, 1620-1670__. Yale. 1976. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 299pp. Ex-library, pencil underlining. $18.5 [298846]

McLaughlin, R. Emmet. __Caspar Schewenckfeld, Reluctant Radical: His Life to 1540__. Yale. 1986. Hardcover with dust jacket. 250pp. VG/VG $16 [393685]

McRay, Sybil and church clerks. __'To the Glory of God': Sesquicentennial History of the Chattahoochee Baptist Association and Its Affiliated Churches__. . n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 209pp. Very good. $11 [297214]

McVickar, John. __The Professional Years of John Henry Hobart, being a Sequel to His 'Early Years'__. Protestant Episcopal Press. 1836. Library buckram. 500pp. Ex-library, foxing. Rebound in blue library buckram. $15 [391115]

Mecenseffy, Grete. __Geschichte des Protestantismus in Österreich__. Hermann Böhlaus Nachf.. 1956. Hardcover with dust jacket. 232pp. Extensive but tidy ink underlining, foxed and chipped dust jacket, otherwise sound. $24.5 [310685]

Melanchthon, Philipp; Horst Georg Pöhlmann (Hrsg.). __Apologia Confessionis Augustanae__. Gerd Mohn. 1967. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 243pp. Ex-library, otherwise very good. $39.5 [298058]

Melanchthon; Robert Stupperich (Hrsg.). __Melanchthons Werke, VI. Band: Bekenntnisse und kleine Lehrschriften__. C. Bertelsmann. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 486pp. Foxing, good otherwise. In Latin. $14 [357357]

75 Mellink, A.F.. __Documenta Anabaptistica Neerlandica (2 vols.) [Kerkhistorische Bijdragen]__. E.J. Brill. 1975. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 199, 340pp. Ex-library; very good otherwise. $49.5 [294168]

Mendham, Josepho. __Acta Concilii Tridentini, Anno MDLXII et MDLXIII. Usque in Finem Concilii, Pio IV. Pont. Max. Et Alia Multa Circa Dictum Concilium Fragmenta a Gabriele Cardinale Paleotto Descripta. Nunc Primum in Lucem Vindicata e Codice MS. Olim Penes Fridericum Comitem de Guilford__. London: Jacobum Duncan. 1842. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 646pp. Ex-library, faded cover, spine cloth peeling. $31.25 [393170]

Menochio, Giaomo. __Iacobi Menochii iuriscons. (Vol. 2 / Pars Secunda) Papiensis regii ducalisque senatoris, ac redituum extraordinariorum regiae maistatis catholicae, praesidis Mediolanensis, diuini atque humani iuris scientia peritissimi, De praesumptionibus, coniecturis, signis, et indicijs, commentatia. Editio Omnium Postrema, ab eodem auctore multis in locis, et integris. Pars Seconda / Pars 2__. Venetiis: Haredem Hieronymi Scoti. 1603. Vellum. 827pp. Volume 2 only. Folio, in very worn vellum with worming in spine. Heavy foxing, some stains, a few pages affected by worming (no text lost). $300 [301777]

Mercurio, Roger. __The Passionists__. Liturgical Press / Michael Glazier. 1991. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 192pp. Very good. $11 [288718]

Merivale, Charles. __The Conversion of the Northern Nations [Boyle Lectures, 1865]__. D. Appleton. 1866. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 231pp. Ex-library, penciling, spine cloth frayed. $15 [394880]

Merx, Otto. __Thomas Münzer und Heinrich Pfeiffer 1523-1525. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichtee des Bauernkrieges in Thüringen, Thiel I__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1889. Paperback. 113pp. Good. Foxing, chipped wrappers. $11 [302882]

Metzger, Thérèse. __Manuscrits Hébreux Copiés et Décorés à Lisbonne dans les Dernières Décennies du XV Siècle [Cultura Medieval e Moderna VI]__. Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian Centro Cultural Portugués. 1977. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 229pp. Very good. $34.5 [316703]

Meuthen, Erich. __Kirche und Heilsgeschichte bei Gerhoh von Reichersberg [Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, Band VI]__. E.J. Brill. 1959. Library buckram. 181pp. Ex-library, rebound in purple buckram. Foxing. Boards bowed. $11 [404750]

Mezger, J.J.. __Geschichte der Deutschen Bibelübersetzungen in der Schweizerisch-reformirten Kirche von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart__. Basel: Bahnmaier's Verlag. 1876. Half leather. 428pp. Ex-library. Rebound in half leather, edge-worn. Foxing. $41 [420128]

Miall, Edward. __Title-Deeds of the Church of England to Her Parochial Endowments__. Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts. 1862. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 171pp. Ex-library. Very shaken, worn cover. Small stain to top edge. Foxing. $15 [394766]

76 Middleton, R.D.. __Dr. Routh__. Oxford. 1938. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 278pp. Ex- library, shaken, worn cover, foxing. Spine cloth peeling. $13 [380161]

Middleton, R.D.. __Newman at Oxford: His Religious Development__. Oxford. 1950. Hardcover with dust jacket. 284pp. Cocked spine, chipped and torn dust jacket. $14 [373572]

Middleton, R.D.. __Newman at Oxford: His Religious Development__. Oxford. 1950. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 284pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Small stains at top edge. Foxing. Bookplate. $13 [410217]

Migne, J.-P. ed. Adalberto Hamman; A.L. Bailly & J.-P. Bouhot. __Patrologiae Curstus Completus, Series Latina, Supplementum, vol. V. Indices__. Éditions Garnier Frères. 1974. Library binding. pp. Ex-library, rebound in light brown buckram. $24.75 [395081]

Migne, J.-P. ed., Adalberto Hamman. __Patrologiae Curstus Completus, Series Latina, Supplementum, vol. IV__. Éditions Garnier Frères. 1970. Library binding. pp. Ex-library, rebound in light brown buckram. $24.75 [395080]

Migne, J.-P.; Clementis I, [Clement of Rome]. __Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Tomus 2: S. Clementis I, Pontificis Romani, Opera Omnia, Vol. 2__. Centre for Patristic Publications, Athens. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1304pp. Ex-lib with usual paraphernalia, slightly shaken, corners bumped. Facsimile of the 1860 Paris edition, Greek-Latin Diglot. $21.5 [398122]

Migne, J.-P.; Epiphanii Constantiae in Cypro Episcopi [Ephiphanius of Cyprus]. __Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Tomus 42: S.P.N. Epiphanii Constantiae in Cypro Episcopi, Opera Quae Reperiri Potuerunt Omnia, Vol 2 __. Centre for Patristic Publications, Athens. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1166pp. Ex-lib with usual paraphernalia, front hinge beginning to crack, otherwise good. Facsimile of the 1858 Paris edition, Greek-Latin Diglot. Contains "Adversus Octoginta Haereses." $21.5 [394500]

Migne, J.-P.; Epiphanii Constantiae in Cypro Episcopi [Ephiphanius of Cyprus]. __Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Tomus 43: S.P.N. Epiphanii Constantiae in Cypro Episcopi, Opera Quae Reperiri Potuerunt Omnia, Vol 3__. Centre for Patristic Publications, Athens. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1166pp. Ex-lib with usual paraphernalia, front hinge a bit shaken, otherwise good. Facsimile of the 1858 Paris edition, Greek-Latin Diglot. $21.5 [394527]

Migne, J.-P.; Maximi Confessoris [Maximus the Confessor]. __Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Tomus 90: Maximi Confessoris: Opera Omnia, Vol. 1 [Maximus the Confessor]__. Centre for Patristic Publications, Athens. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1522pp. Ex-lib with usual paraphernalia, front hinge splitting. Facsimile of the 1860 Paris edition, Greek-Latin Diglot. $21.5 [394478]

77 Migne, J.-P.; Nili Abbatis. __Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Tomus 79: S.P.N. Nili Abbatis, Opera Quae Reperiri Potuerunt Omnia, Tomus Unicus__. Centre for Patristic Publications, Athens. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1582pp. Good. Ex-lib with usual paraphernalia. Facsimile of the 1860 Paris edition, Greek-Latin Diglot. $21.5 [394517]

Migne, J.-P.; Photii Constantinopolitani. __Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Tomus 102: Photii, Constantinopolitani Patriarchae, Opera Omnia, Vol 2__. Centre for Patristic Publications, Athens. 1991. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1035pp. Good. Ex-lib with usual paraphernalia. Facsimile of the 1864 Paris edition, Greek-Latin Diglot. $21.5 [394526]

Migne, J.-P.; Theophylacti Bulgariae [Theophylactus of Bulgaria]. __Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Tomus 124: Theophylacti Bulgariae Archiepiscopi, Opera Quae Reperiri Potuerunt Omnia, Vol 2__. Centre for Patristic Publications, Athens. 1990. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1387pp. Good. Ex-lib with usual paraphernalia. Facsimile of the 1864 Paris edition, Greek-Latin Diglot. $21.5 [394519]

Migne, J.-P.; Theophylacti Bulgariae [Theophylactus of Bulgaria]. __Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Tomus 125: Theophylacti Bulgariae Archiepiscopi, Opera Quae Reperiri Potuerunt Omnia, Vol 3__. Centre for Patristic Publications, Athens. 1990. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1316pp. Ex-lib with usual paraphernalia, rear hinge split and nearly detached, otherwise a clean working copy. Facsimile of the 1864 Paris edition, Greek-Latin Diglot. $21.5 [394521]

Migne, J.-P.; Theophylacti Bulgariae [Theophylactus of Bulgaria]. __Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Tomus 126: Theophylacti Bulgariae Archiepiscopi, Opera Quae Reperiri Potuerunt Omnia, Vol 4__. Centre for Patristic Publications, Athens. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1346pp. Good. Ex-lib with usual paraphernalia, front hinge shaken. Facsimile of the 1864 Paris edition, Greek-Latin Diglot. $21.5 [394524]

Migne, J.P.. __Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Tomus LXXVII: S.P.N. Cyrilli Homiliae et Epistole__. Brepols-Turnhout. . Paperback. 1535pp. Very good. $24.5 [314118]

Migne, J.P.. __Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Tomus LXXXVI, Pars Posterior (86 bis)__. . 1865. Paperback. pp. Good; foxing, upper edges uncut. $24.5 [314120]

Migne, J.P.. __Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Tomus XCIX S. Theodorus Studita__. Brepols- Turnhout. . Paperback. 1903pp. Very good. $24.5 [314117]

Miller, Daniel. __Early History of the Reformed Church in Pennsylvania__. Reading, PA: Daniel Miller. 1906. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 280pp. Very shaken, cracked hinges & binding. Pencil marginalia throughout. Foxing. Intro. by W.J. Hinke. $16 [421267]

Miller, Edward Waite. __Wessel Gansfort, Life and Writings: Principal Works, translated by Jared Waterbury Scudder (2 vols.)__. G.P. Putnam's. 1917. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 369, 333pp. Ex-library, slightly shaken. $31.25 [386174]

78 Miller, Spencer and Joseph F. Fletcher. __The Church and Industry__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1930. Library buckram. 273pp. Ex-library, penciling. Rebound in navy blue library buckram. $12.2 [378034]

Milman, H.H.. __History of Christianity, From the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire__. New York: Harper & Bros.. 1844. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 528pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover.Preface by James Murdock. $16 [418459]

Milman, Henry Hart. __History of Latin Christianity Including That of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicolas V (8 vols. in 4)__. Thomas Y. Crowell. 1881. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Ex-library, worn covers. $39.5 [312501]

Minges, P. Parthenius. __Gottesbegriff des Duns Scotus auf Seinen Angeblich Exzessiven Indeterminismus [Theologische Studien der Leo-Gesellschaft, 16]__. Mayer & Co.. 1907. Paperback. 173pp. Foxing and torn wrappers, upper pages uncut. $19.5 [299906]

Minnich, Nelson H., Robert B. Eno, SS and Robert F. Trisco. __Studies in Catholic History in Honor of John Tracy Ellis__. Michael Glazier. 1985. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 765pp. Shaken, else good. $44.25 [362081]

Minor, John D., et al. __Bible in the Public Schools: Arguments in the Case of John D. Minor, et al. Versus The Board of Education of the City of Cincinnati et al, Superior Court of Cincinnati, with the Opinions and Decision of the Court__. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke. 1870. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 420pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $22 [418394]

Möller, W.. __Andreas Osiander. Leben und ausgewählte Schriften [Leben und ausgewählte Schriften, V. Theil]__. R.L. Friderichs. 1870. Half leather. 568pp. Slightly worn half-leather binding, heavy foxing, some brittle page edges. $19.5 [333355]

Moncreiff, Henry Wellwood. __Free Church Principle: Its Character and History [The First Series of the Chalmers Lectures.]__. Edinburgh: Macniven & Wallace. 1883. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 344pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Foxing. Most pages unopened. $14 [394418]

Mooney, Canice. __Irish Franciscans and France__. Clonmore & Reynolds / Burnes & Oates. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 138pp. Ex-library. Stains to cloth. Cocked spine. Else sound. $16 [395134]

Moore, Jerome A.. __Texas Christian University: A Hundred Years of History__. Texas Christian University Press. 1973. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 306pp. Very good. $14 [357643]

Moore, Leon T. and J. Wesley Hole eds.. __Journal of the 1964 General Conference of the Methodist Church, vol. II, Held at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 26-May 8, 1964__. Methodist Publishing House. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2392pp. Very good $13.5 [255662]

79 Morey, Charles Rufus. __Early Christian Art: An Outline of the Evolution of Style and Iconography in Sculpture and Painting from Antiquity to the Eighth Century__. Princeton. 1942. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 210pp. Ex-library, sunned and rubbed cover, upper corners bumped. $15.95 [381330]

Morgan, Irvonwy. __The Nonconformity of Richard Baxter__. Epworth. 1946. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 266pp. Ex-library, rubbed cover, shaken. $14 [393264]

Moriarty, Michael. __Litrugical Revolution: Prayer Book Revision and Associated Parishes: A Generation of Change in the Episcopal Church__. Church Hymnal Corportation. 1996. Hardcover with dust jacket. 272pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $37 [420366]

Morice, A.G.. __History of the Catholic Church in Western Canada (2 vols.)__. Musson Book Co.. 1910. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 362, 414pp. Ex-library, shaken, edgeworn covers, foxing, underlining. $49.5 [295930]

Morris, John G.. __Fifty Years in the Lutheran Ministry__. Baltimore: Printed for the Author by James Young. 1878. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 630pp. Good; rubbed and worn cover. $19.5 [331741]

Morsink, Gerrit. __Joannes Anastasius Veluanus (Jan Gerritsz. Versteghe, levensloop en ontwikkeling). Academisch Proefschrift...__. Uitgeversmaatschappij J.H. Kok. 1986. Paperback. 267pp. Good; upper corners bent. $11 [297388]

Mosse, George L.. __The Holy Pretence: A Study in Christianity and Reason of State from William Perkins to John Winthrop__. Howard Fertig. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 159pp. Very good; slightly sunned cover. $22 [296502]

Mosse, George L.. __The Holy Pretence: A Study in Christianity and Reason of State from William Perkins to John Winthrop__. Howard Fertig. 1968. Hardcover. 159pp. Very good. $23.5 [296904]

Mowinckel, D. Sigmund. __Decalogue (text in French) [Strasbourg: Etudes d'Histoire et de Philosophie Reliieuses, 16]__. Librairie Felix Alcan. 1927. Paperback. 162pp. Extensive pencil underlining & notes. Yellowed. Wraps torn & nearly detached. $11 [298926]

Moyer, Clayton; with Charles F. Brobst. __Little Zion Lutheran Church, 1730-1970__. . n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 90pp. Very good. $11 [235892]

Mozley, Thomas. __Letters from Rome on the Occasion of the Oecumenical Council, 1869- 1870 (2 vols.)__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1891. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 440, 452pp. Ex- library, slightly shaken, worn board corners. $23.45 [383060]

80 Müller, Joseph Th.. __Geschichte der Böhmischen Brüder, I.Band: 1400-1528__. Verlag der Missionsbuchhandlung. 1922. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 644pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Boards bowed & edge-worn. $30 [404289]

Muncey, R.W.. __New Testament Text of Saint Ambrose__. Cambridge. 1959. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 119pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Corner bumped. $27 [418783]

Murray, Joan. __The Vision Splendid: Christ Church Cathedral, A Parish History__. Magazine Associates. 1991. Paperback. 170pp. Very good. $15.4 [373527]

Mursell, Gordon. __English Spirituality from 1700 to the Present Day__. WJKP. 2001. Hardcover with dust jacket. 580pp. VG/VG $11 [394593]

Nawyn, William E.. __American Protestantism's Response to Germany's Jews and Refugees, 1933-1941 [Studies in American History and Culture, no. 30]__. UMI Research Press. 1981. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 330pp. Good; some ink underlining. $25.5 [308119]

Neale, J.M.. __History of the So-Called Jansenist Church of Holland; with a Sketch of Its Earlier Annals, and Some Account of the Brothers of the Common Life__. AMS Press. 1970. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 411pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing to top edge. $32 [421062]

Neander, Augustus; Joseph Torrey trans.. __General History of the Christian Religion & Church, vol. 2 only__. Boston: Crocker & Brewster. 1852. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 768pp. Ex-library; worn and chipped cover, pencil underlining and notes; foxing; upper corner torn away from back free end paper. $22 [163952]

Neander, August. __Allgemeine Geschichte der christlichen Religion und Kirche (9 vols.)__. Hamburg: Friedrich Perthes. 1842. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Foxing, slightly shaken. Worn half-leather bindings, spines of a couple volumes beginning to peel. $72 [314180]

Neander, Augustus; J.L. Jacobi, ed.; J.E. Ryland, trans.. __Lectures on the History of Christian Dogmas, Vol. I__. London: Henry G. Bohn. 1858. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 356pp. Back board stained & mildewed. Front board chewed. Shaken. Yellowed. Foxing. $13.5 [252674]

Nemeshegyi, Peter. __Paternite de Dieu Chez Origene __. Desclee. 1960. Paperback. 242pp. Ink underlining throughout. Foxing, yellowed. Chipped wraps. $14 [362211]

Nevinson, Charles, ed.. __Later Writings of Bishop Hooper, Together With His Letters and Other Pieces [Parker Society]__. Cambridge. 1852. Library buckram. 640pp. Ex-library, rebound in black buckram. Slightly yellowed, else good. $23.45 [383889]

Newman, Albert Henry. __Manual of Church History (2 vols.) Revised and enlarged edition.__. American Baptist Publication Society. 1951. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 681, 794pp. Ex- library, underlining, shaken. $11 [394729]

81 Newman, Albert Henry. __Manual of Church History (2 vols.), Revised and Enlarged__. American Baptist Publication Society. 1949. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Heavy ink underlining. Vol. II very shaken, Vol. I cocked spine. Yellowed. $11 [397337]

Newton, John. __Works of the Rev. John Newton, Vol. I (only)__. New York: Williams & Whiting. 1810. Full leather. 666pp. Full leather, scuffed & worn. Cracked hinges. Heavy foxing. $22 [409863]

Niceta of Remesiana; Supicius Severus, Vincent of Lerins, Prosper of Aquitaine. __Niceta of Remesiana, Writings; Supicius Severus, Writings; Vincent of Lerins, Commonitories; Prosper of Aquitaine, Grace and Free Will [Fathers of the Church Series]__. Catholic University of America, Press. 1970. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 443pp. Very good. $24.75 [387198]

Nichols, James Hastings ed.. __The Mercersburg Theology [Library of Protestant Thought]__. Oxford. 1966. Hardcover with dust jacket. 384pp. Shaken, extensive red ink underlining. $16 [325387]

Nichols, John Gough ed.. __Narratives of the Days of the Reformation, Chiefly from the Manuscripts of John Foxe the Martyrologist; with Two Contemporary Biographies of Archbishop Cranmer, Printed for the Camden Society__. Johnson Reprint Corporation. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 366pp. Good; ex-library. $18.25 [371847]

Nicolas, Auguste. __Etude Historique & Critique sur le P. Lacordaire__. Thomas & Conferon. 1886. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 271pp. Stained and edgeworn cover, boards slightly bowed, foxing. $18.25 [343303]

Nielen, Josef Maria; trans. by Patrick Cummins. __Earliest Christian Liturgy__. B. Herder. 1941. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 416pp. Ex-library, sunned cover, foxing, slightly shaken. $13.5 [301758]

Nightingale, B.. __Lacashire Nonconformity; or, Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, of the Congregational and Old Presbyterian Churches in the County, vol. 2: The Churches of the Blackburn District__. Manchester: John Heywood, Deansgate & Ridgefield. 1891. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 296pp. Good; ex-library, foxing. $19.5 [281445]

Nippold, Friedrich. __Geschichte des Protestantismus seit dem deutschen Befreiungstriege (2 vols.)__. Weigandt & Schotte. 1890. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 623, 246pp. Ex-libary. Half- bound, leather peeling away from the spine of first volume (two portions of spine leather missing); board corners quite worn. Pages lightly yellowed, else good. $22 [189885]

Nippold, Friedrich. __Handbuch der neuesten Kirchengeschichte (4 Bands)__. C.A. Schwetschke & Sohn. 1901. Library buckram. 677, 850, 623, 246, 272pp. Ex-library, yellowed pages, lower corners of last few pages of first volume brittle; sunned boards. Rebound in green library buckram. $32 [240316]

82 Nirenstein, Samuel. __Problem of the Existence of God in Maimonides, Alanus and Averroes. A Study in the Religious Philosophy of the Twelfth Century__. Philadelphia. n.d.. Hardcover. pp. Foxing, first couple pages repaired with yellowed tape, rebound in black library buckram. $11 [299783]

Noll, Mark A.. __Princeton and the Republic, 1768-1822__. Princeton. 1989. Hardcover with dust jacket. 340pp. Underlining. $24.5 [294019]

Norman, Edward. __The English Catholic Church in the Nineteenth Century__. Clarendon Press. 1984. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 399pp. Very good; ex-library. $14 [393591]

Norman, James. __John Oliver, North Queensland__. North Queensland. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 240pp. Good; ex-library. $13 [376975]

Norton, John; trans. by Douglas Horton. __The Answer to the Whole Set of Questions of the Celebrated Mr. William Apollonius, Pastor of the Church of Middelburg Looking Toward the Resolution of Certain Controversies Concerning Church Government Now Being Agitated in England__. Harvard. 1958. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 196pp. Good. $11 [338566]

Norwood, Frederick A.. __Reformation Refugees as an Economic Force (Studies in Church History, vol. V)__. American Society of Church History. 1942. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 206pp. Very good. $19.5 [185947]

Norwood, Frederick A.. __The Reformation Refugees as an Economic Force [Studies in Church History, vol. V]__. American Society of Church History. 1942. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 206pp. Very good. $11 [233661]

Novatian. __The Trinity, The Spectacles, Jewish Foods, In Praise of Purity, Letters [Fathers of the Church: A New Translation series]__. Catholic University of America. 1973. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 231pp. Good; ex-library. $14 [384047]

O'Connor, Thomas. __Irish Theologian in Enlightenment France: Luke Joseph Hooke, 1714- 96__. Four Courts Press. 1995. Hardcover with dust jacket. 218pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Slight pencil marks. Chipped dust jacket. Corner bumped. $15 [421241]

Oakley, Francis. __The Western Church in the Later Middle Ages__. Cornell. 1979. Hardcover with dust jacket. 345pp. Pencil underlining, chipped dust jacket. $13 [378201]

Oberman, Heiko A.. __Luther: Man Between God and the Devil__. Yale. 1989. Hardcover with dust jacket. 380pp. Some ink underlining, cocked spine. $16 [286234]

Oberman, Heiko A.. __Luther: Man between God and the Devil__. Yale. 1989. Hardcover with dust jacket. 380pp. Ink underlining. $16 [297384]


Obitum, Jacobi. __Historia Utriusque Tesamenti (8 vols. in 4)__. Benedictum Franzesi. 1774. Half leather. pp. 12mo, worn, half-leather covers. Leather torn away 2 inches down from head of third volume's spine. Heavy foxing. $52 [314173]

Odericus Vitalis. __Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy (2 vols.)__. London: Henry G. Bohn. 1853-56. Half leather. 4 vols.pp. Ex-library. Half-leather, edge-worn. Vol. III leather peeling off spine. Foxing. $100 [417568]

Ommanney, G.D.W.. __Critical Dissertation on the Athanasian Creed: Its Original Language, Date, Authorship, Titles, Text, Reception, and Use__. Oxford. 1897. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 559pp. Shaken, foxing, worn cover. $24.5 [302026]

Oosterhuis, R.A.B.. __Johannes Amos Comenius en Naarden__. Uitgave Drukkerij 'De Kroon'. n.d.. Hardcover. 72pp. Ex-library, foxing, rebound in red library buckram. $11 [308195]

Orchard, G.H.. __Concise History of Foreign Baptists__. Graves, Marks, & Rutland. 1871. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 382pp. Ex-library, worn cover and spine with bumped corners, and shaken. $18.25 [395271]

Orchard, Stephen. __Nonconformity in Derbyshire: A Study in Dissent, 1600-1800__. Paternoster. 2009. Paperback. 198pp. Near fine. $11 [320572]

Osborn, E.F.. __The Philosophy of Clement of Alexandria__. Cambridge. 1957. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 206pp. Ex-library, stained cover. $18.25 [393265]

Osborn, Eric. __Ethical Patterns in Early Christian Thought__. Cambridge. 1976. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 252pp. Ex-library, stained cover, pencil underlining. $12.5 [295947]

Osborn, Eric. __Ethical Patterns in Early Christian Thought__. Cambridge. 1976. Hardcover with dust jacket. 252pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Ink underlining. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $11 [410963]

Oulton, John Ernest Leonard and Henry Chadwick. __Alexandrian Christianity [Library of Christian Classics, Vol. II]__. Westminster. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 475pp. Ex- library. Shaken, cocked spine. $12 [410311]

Overzee, P. Van. __Humanisme Als Levensbeschouwing in de Nederlanden. I Moderne Devotie, Bijbels Humanisme, Humanistisch Christendom__. C. Hafkamp. 1948. Hardcover with dust jacket. 173pp. G/G, foxing. $11 [233824]

Paget, Stephen ed.. __Henry Scott Holland, Memoir and Letters__. John Murray. 1921. Library buckram. 336pp. Ex-library, penciling. Rebound in dark blue buckram. $11 [391095]


Pallavicino, Sfortia. __Historia Concilii Tridentini [Vera Concilii Trindenti Historia] (3 parts in 1 volume)__. Antuerpiae. 1673. Vellum. 296, [22]; 297, [27]; 326, [22]pp. Ex-library, foxing, else very good, in a slightly worn vellum cover. All title pages present, Syllabus and index included at the end of each section. $350 [295169]

Pallavicino, Sforza. __Geschichte des Tridentinischen Conciliums vom Kardinal Sforza Pallavicino, aus dem Italienischen übersetzt von Theodor Friedrich Klitsche (8 vols. in 4)__. Augsburg: Karl Kollmann'schen Buchhandlung. . Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 284, 264; 254, 247; 258, 250; 318, 290pp. Ex-library, foxing, slight worming. Bound in worn paper boards. $95.6 [360121]

Palmer, B.M.. __The Life and Letters of James Henley Thornwell, Ex-President of the South Carolina College, Late Professor of Theology in the Theological Seminary at Columbia, South Carolina__. Banner of Truth. 1974. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 614pp. Ex-library, rubbed cover, cocked spine. $13 [393649]

Parker, Samuel. __Bishop Parker's History of His Own Time in Four Books (in one volume)__. London: Charles Rivington. 1727. Full leather. 424pp. Ex-library. Title page corner clipped. Full leather, edge-worn. Shaken. Foxing. Light pencil marginalia. $50.75 [398349]

Paul, Robert S.. __Lord Protector: Religion and Politics in the Life of Oliver Cromwell__. Lutterworth. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 438pp. Ex-library. Cocked spine. Very slight penciling. $18 [401433]

Peck, William George. __The Social Implications of the Oxford Movement [Hale Lectures 1933]__. Scribner's. 1933. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 346pp. Ex-library, rubbed cover. $12.2 [373498]

[Peckham, John]. __Fratris Johannis Pecham Quondam Archiepiscopi Cantuarinsis: Tractatus tres de Paupertate. Cum Bibliographia ediderung C.L. Kingsford, A.G. Little, F. Tocco [British Society of Franciscan Studies, vol. II]__. Aberdoniae: Typis Academicis. 1910. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 198pp. Ex-library, penciling, foxing. Edgeworn boards, bumped corners. In Latin. $24.75 [373666]

Peden, W. Creighton and Jerome A. Stone eds.. __Chicago School of Theology- Pioneers in Religious Inquiry (2 vols.)__. Edwin Mellen. 1996. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 351, 472pp. Ink underlining and marks in the second volume, good otherwise. $63.75 [393767]

Peel, Albert and Leland H. Carlson eds.. __Carwrightiana (Elizabethan Nonconformist Texts, vol. I) [Sir Halley Stewart Trust series]__. Allen & Unwin. 1951. Hardcover with dust jacket. 268pp. G/G, ex-library. $44.5 [220575]

Peers, E. Allison. __Ramon Lull: A Biography__. SPCK. 1929. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 454pp. Ex-library, foxing. $31.25 [393370]

85 Peers, E. Allison. __Ramon Lull: A Biography__. SPCK. 1929. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 454pp. Ex-library, edgeworn cover, stained end papers, shaken. $31.25 [377167]

Pekar, Atanasii V. __Narysy istoriï tserkvy Zakarpattia, Tom. II [Lineamenta historiae ecclesiae Transcarpatiae, vol. II] Analecta OSBM, Series II, sectio I, Tom. II: Historia Interna__. Rym : OO. Vasiliiani. 1997. Paperback. 492pp. Very good. Text is entirely in Russian. $18.25 [359985]

Pelikan, Jaroslav. __Luther's Works, Companion Volume: Luther the Expositor__. Concordia. 1959. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 286pp. Foxing, penciling. $12.2 [380163]

Pelikan, Jaroslav. __Luther's Works, Companion Volume: Luther the Expositor__. Concordia. 1959. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 286pp. Good; ex-library. $15 [387372]

Pelphrey, Brant. __Love Was His Meaning: The Theology and Mysticism of Julian of Norwich__. Reprint. 1982. Library buckram. 360 (2)pp. Ex-library. Photographic reprint of the 1982 Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg $44.25 [390646]

Perchenet, A.. __The Revival of the Religious Life and Christian Unity__. Mowbrays. 1969. Hardcover with dust jacket. 436pp. VG/G, slightly chipped dust jacket. Translated by E.M.A. Graham. $13 [372367]

Pernveden, Lage. __The Concept of the Church in the Shepherd of Hermas [Studia Theologica Lundensia, 27]__. CWK Gleerup. 1966. Hardcover. 340pp. Ex-library, rebound in blue library buckram. $24.5 [293686]

Perrone, P.G.. __Zur Geschichte des Hermesianismus, Erste Abtheilung__. Regensburg: G. Joseph Manz. 1839. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 78pp. Ex-library. Foxing. $80 [419592]

Pescheck, Christian Adolph. __Reformation and Anti-Reformation in Bohemia (2 vols.)__. London: Houlston & Stoneman. 1846. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Worn & faded cover. Top half of spine cloth peeling off Vol. I. Else sound. $50.75 [395493]

Petersen, Rodney L.. __Preaching in the Last Days: The Theme of 'Two Witnesses' in the 16th and 17th Centuries__. Oxford. 1993. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 318pp. Very good. $25.5 [316674]

Petrement, Simone. __Separate God: The Christian Origins of Gnosticism__. Harper. 1990. Hardcover with dust jacket. 542pp. VG/VG. Former owner's name. $16 [421257]

Petz, Franz Ser.. __Heiligen ökumenischen Concils von Trient Canonen und Decrete in neuer deutsche Uebersetzung__. Joseph Bucher. 1877. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 566pp. Worn cover, foxing, ex-library $13 [301199]

86 Peyran, Jean Rodolphe. __Historical Defence of the Waldenses or Vaudois, Inhabitants of the Valleys of Piedmont__. London: C. & J. Rivington. 1826. Half leather. 534pp. Ex-library. Hinges cracked, boards nearly detached. Foxing. Half-leather, chipped & worn on spine. $50.75 [395561]

Pfaff, Richard W.. __Medieval Latin Liturgy: A Select Bibliography__. Toronto. 1982. Paperback. 129pp. Very good. $18.25 [365863]

Phillips, C.S.. __Walter Howard Frere: Bishop of Truro__. Faber & Faber. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 216pp. Ex-library, foxing, faded & worn cover. $11 [394394]

Phillips, Paul T.. __The Sectarian Spirit: Sectarianism, Society and Politics in Victorian Cotton Towns__. Toronto. 1982. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 210pp. Foxing, penciling. $12.2 [363842]

[Philoxenos of Mabbug]. __Philoxéne de Mabboug: Homélies [Sources Chretiennes, No. 44]__. Editions du Cerf. 1956. Paperback. 564pp. Front wrapper detached but present. Creased spine. Yellowed. Intro by Eugene Lemoine. $16 [397346]

Pignot, J. Henri. __Gabriel de Roquette Évèque d'Autun sa vie, son temps et le Tartuffe de Molière (2 vols.)__. Paris: A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel. 1876. Half leather. 508, 624pp. Ex- library, worn half-leather bindings with marbled boards. $31.25 [395093]

Pike, Godfrey Holden. __Ancient Meeting-Houses: or, Memorial Pictures of Nonconformity in Old London__. London: Passmore & Alabaster. 1870. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 477pp. Ex- library. Shaken. Cloth chipped at spine. Foxing. $24.75 [398142]

Pillar, James J.. __The Catholic Church in Mississippi 1837-65__. Hauser Press. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 380pp. Ex-library, foxing. $13.5 [301441]

Pineas, Rainer. __Tudor and Early Stuart Anti-Catholic Drama [Bibliotheca Humanistica and Reformatorica, V]__. B. de Graaf. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 48pp. Ex-library. Foxing. $11 [404866]

Plummer, Alfred. __The Churches in Britain Before A.D. 1000, vol. 2 only__. London: Robert Scott. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 264pp. Worn cover, spine detached along front edge, shaken, foxing. $11 [387647]

Plummer, Alfred; edited by Robrecht Boudens. __Conversations with Dr. Döllinger 1870-1890 [Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium LXVII]__. Leuven. 1985. Paperback. 360pp. Good; ex-library. $31.25 [393088]

Plumptre, E.H.. __Life of Thomas Ken, D.D., Bishop of Bath and Wells, Volume II (only)__. London: Wm. Isbister Ltd.. 1890. Library buckram. 322pp. Ex-library, rebound in green buckram. Cocked spine. Foxing. $11 [398072]

87 Pole, Reginald. __Pole's Defense of the Unity of the Church__. Newman. 1965. Hardcover with dust jacket. 349pp. G/G, ex-library, sunned dust jacket. $18.5 [298262]

Pollet, J.V.. __Huldrych Zwingli et le Zwinglianisme [De Pétrarque A Descartes LII]__. Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 444pp. Ex-library, rubbed cover, related ephemera affixed to front end papers and half title. $12.7 [393955]

Pollet, J.V.. __Julius Pflug (1499-1564) et la Crise Religieuse dans l'Allemagne du XVI Siècle. Essai de synthèse biographique et théologique [Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, vol.XLV]__. E.J. Brill. 1990. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 446pp. Good; ex-library. $50.75 [393340]

Pollock, James R.. __François Genet: The Man and His Methodology [Analecta Gregoriana]__. Roma: Universita Gregoriana Editrice. 1984. Paperback. 298pp. Creased spine & wrappers. $16 [421261]

Popek, Alphonse Sylvester. __Rights and Obligations of Metropolitans: A Historical Synopsis and Commentary [Catholic University of America Canon Law Studies, no. 260]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1947. Paperback. 460pp. Lower spine bumped, wrappers torn at lower spine; else good. $13.5 [301797]

Porter, Brian ed.. __Melbourne Anglicans: The Diocese of Melbourne 1847-1997__. Mitre Books. 1997. Paperback. 216pp. Good; faded wrapeprs. $14 [380734]

Porter, H.B.. __Ordination Prayers of the Ancient Western Churches [Alcuin Club Collections No. XLIX]__. London: SPCK. 1967. Hardcover with dust jacket. 98pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Chipped dust jacket. $11 [420543]

Posey, Walter Brownlow. __The Baptist Church in the Lower Mississippi Valley, 1776-1845__. Kentucky. 1957. Hardcover with dust jacket. 166pp. Extensive red ink underlining. $24.5 [325384]

Post, R.R.. __Modern Devotion: Confrontation with Reformation and Humanism [Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought]__. Brill. 1968. Hardcover with dust jacket. 694pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Corners & base of spine bumped. Edge-worn dust jacket. Former owner's name-stamp. $70 [407289]

Potas, Marián. __Dar Lásky: Spomienky na Biskupa Pavla Gojdica__. Opravené a Doplenené Vydanie. 2001. Paperback. 379pp. Very good. $16 [310830]

Potter, G.R.. __Zwingli__. Cambridge. 1976. Hardcover with dust jacket. 432pp. Ink underlining, chipped dust jacket. $21.5 [393808]

88 Pourrat, P.. __Christian Spirituality from the Time of Our Lord till the Dawn of the Middle Ages (4 vols., unmatched set)__. Burnes Oates & Washbourne. 1922. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 312, 341, 405, 549pp. Ex-library, foxing, underlining. Complete but mismatched 4 vols. set. $67 [362832]

Pourrat, Pierre. __Christian Spirituality, Later Developments, part I: From the Renaissance to Jansenism__. Newman. 1953. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 405pp. Good; rubbed cover. $18.25 [377003]

Powicke, Maurice trans. [Walter Daniel]. __The Life of Ailred of Rievaulx by Walter Daniel__. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1978. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 88pp. Ex-library, foxing, penciling. $11 [388836]

Preclin, E. & E. Jarry. __Les luttes politiques et doctrinales aux XVII et XVIII siecles [Histoire de l'Eglise, 19]__. Bloud & Gay. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 838pp. Ex-library, in burgundy library buckram. $21.5 [363840]

Preclin, E. & E. Jarry. __Les Luttes Politiques et doctrinales aux XVII et XVIII siècles (2 vols.) [Histoire de l'Église, 19]__. Bloud & Gay. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 838pp. Good; ex- library. Rebound in sea-green buckram. $16 [335799]

Preclin, E. and E. Jarry. __Les luttes politiques et doctrinales aux XVII et XVIII siecles [Histoire de l'Eglise 19]__. Bloud & Gay. 1955. Paperback. 383pp. Chipped and slightly torn wrappers, page edges uncut. $13 [370316]

Pressense, E. de. __Early Years of Christianity. The Apostolic Era.__. Scribner & Co.. 1870. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 536pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Foxing. $11 [418003]

Prestige, Leonard. __Pusey__. Philip Allan. 1933. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 176pp. Foxing, faded cover. $13 [370190]

Priebsch, Robert. __Letter from Heaven on the Observance of the Lord's Day__. Wm. Dawson & Sons. n.d.. Library binding. 37pp. Ex-library, rebound in red buckram. Good condition. $16 [409261]

Principe, Walter H.. __Alexander of Hales' Theology of the Hypostatic Union [Theology of the Hypostatic Union in the Early Thirteenth Century, vol. II]__. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. 1967. Paperback. 254pp. Good condition. $21.5 [372423]

Prothero, Rowland E. and G.G. Bradley. __Life and Correspondence of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (2 vols.)__. Charles Scribner's. 1893. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 536, 600pp. Ex-library, worn covers, shaken, spine cloth slightly torn. $15.4 [379647]


Prudentius. __Poems of Prudentius [Fathers of the Church, a New Translation]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 280pp. Ex-library, foxing. Translated by Sister M. Clement Eagan. $12.7 [397602]

Prudentius. __Poems of Prudentius [Fathers of the Church, a New Translation]__. Catholic University of America. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 280pp. Ex-library. Good. Translated by Sister M. Clement Eagan. $16 [398300]

Prudentius. __Poems of Prudentius, Volume 2 [Fathers of the Church, a New Translation]__. Catholic University of America. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 230pp. Ex-library. Good. Translated by Sister M. Clement Eagan. $16 [398294]

Prudentius. __The Poems of Prudentius [Fathers of the Church Series]__. Catholic University of America. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 280pp. Ex-library, foxing. $18.25 [384385]

Prudentius. __The Poems of Prudentius, vol. 2 [Fathers of the Church Series]__. Catholic University of America. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 230pp. Ex-library, foxing. $18.25 [384386]

Prumm, Karl. __Religionsgeschichtliches Handbuch Für dem Raum der Altchristlichen Umwelt: Hellenistisch-Römische Geistesströmungen und Kulte mit Beachtung des Eigenlebens der Provinzen__. Päpstliches Bibelinstitut. 1954. Library buckram. 921pp. Ex-library, rebound in blue buckram. Shaken. Foxing. $16 [405421]

Ptolemee. __Lettre a Flora [Sources Chretiennes]__. Editions du Cerf. 1949. Paperback. 100pp. Ink underlining. Foxing, yellowed. Creased & chipped wrappers. Edited by G. Quispel. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $11 [413145]

Purcell, Edmund Sheridan. __Life of Cardinal Manning, Archbishop of Westminster (2 vols.)__. Macmillan. 1898. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 702, 832pp. Foxing, slight worming (text unaffected). $18.25 [362681]

Purcell, Edmund Sheridan. __Life of Cardinal Manning, Archbishop of Westminster (2 vols.)__. Macmillan. 1896. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 702, 832pp. Faded and worn covers with spines beginning to peel, shaken, ex-library, some penciling. $12.7 [388860]

Purcell, Maureen. __Papal Crusading Policy: The Chief Instrument of Papal Crusading Policy and Crusade to the Holy Land from the Final Loss of Jerusalem to the Fall of Acre, 1244-1291 [Studies in the History of Christian Thought, XI]__. Brill. 1975. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 236pp. Ex-library. Slight foxing. Boards bowed. $62 [401677]

Purves, George T.. __Testimony of Justin Martyr to Early Christianity: Lectures__. James Nisbet. [1888]. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 302pp. Very shaken. Foxing. Worn cover. $15 [329204]

90 Pusey, E.B.. __The Royal Supremacy not an Arbitrary Authority but Limited by the Laws of the Church, of Which Kings are Members, Part I: Ancient Precedents. 2nd edition__. Oxford: John Henry Parker. 1850. Library buckram. 259pp. Ex-library, rebound in purple library buckram. $14 [390568]

Quack, Jürgen. __Evangelische Bibelvorreden von der Reformation bis zur Aufklärung [Quellen und Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte, Band XLIII]__. Gütersloher Verlag. 1975. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 356pp. Very good. $37 [295413]

Qualben, Lars P.. __Lutheran Church in Colonial America__. Thomas Nelson & Sons. 1940. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 320pp. Underlining, sunned and cocked spine. $11 [313853]

Quasten, Johannes. __Monumenta eucharistica et liturgica vetustissima: Collegit notis et prolegomenis instruxit, Pars II [Florilegium tam veteris quam medii aevi auctores complectens, Fasc. VII, Pars II]__. Bonnae Sumptibus Petri Hanstein. 1935. Paperback. 111pp. Penciling, otherwise sound $14 [357340]

Quasten, Johannes. __Patrology (3 vols.)__. Spectrum / Newman. 1950. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 349, 450, 605pp. Good overall. First volume has slight underlining and lacks dust jacket. Second and third volumes have dust jackets; jacket of third volume is dampstained. $67 [309550]

Quasten, Johannes. __Patrology (3 vols.)__. Spectrum / Newman. 1950. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 349, 450, 605pp. Ex-library, underlining. $44.25 [388453]

Quasten, Johannes. __Patrology (3 vols.)__. Spectrum / Newman. 1950. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 349, 450, 605pp. Some ink underlining, otherwise good. $44.25 [388454]

Quasten, Johannes. __Patrology, vol. I: The Beginnings of Patristic Literature__. Spectrum Publishers. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 349pp. Foxing, very shaken. $12.2 [368804]

Raes, Alphnsus. __Introductio in Liturgiam Orientalem__. Rome: Pontificium Institutum Studiorum Orientalium. 1947. Hardcover. 288pp. Ex-library, underlining. Rebound in black library buckram. $18.5 [298235]

Ramsay, W.M.. __Church in the Roman Empire Before A.D. 170__. Baker. 1979. Paperback. 510pp. Cracked spine. $12 [406068]

Ramsay, W.M.. __Church in the Roman Empire Before A.D. 170, Ninth Edition__. Hodder & Stoughton. 1907. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 510pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Corners bumped. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $20 [412983]

Ramsay, W.M.. __Church in the Roman Empire, Before A.D. 170, Fifth Edition__. Hodder & Stoughton. 1897. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 509pp. Shaken. Foxing. Board worn. Most pages unopened. $11 [407153]

91 Ranke, Leopold; trans. by Sarah Austin. __Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes of Rome (2 vols.)__. Lea & Blanchard. 1841. Library buckram. 503, 507pp. Foxing, dampwarped pages; rebound in black library buckram. $13.5 [330033]

Raphael, Pierre; trans. by Peter A. Eid. __Role of the Maronites in the Return of the Oriental Churches in French__. . 1946. Paperback. 123pp. Good; slightly chipped and torn wrappers. $11 [298101]

Ratcliff, Edward C.. __Booke of Common Prayer of the Churche of England: Its Making and Revisions 1549-1661 [Alcuin Club Editions, XXXVII]__. SPCK. 1949. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 24, 80pp. Ex-library, foxing, rubbed cover. $14 [393810]

Raven, Charles E.. __Apollinarianism: An Essay on the Christology of the Early Church__. Cambridge. 1923. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 312pp. Extensive underlining. $12.5 [317227]

Raw, Barbara C.. __Anglo-Saxon Crucifixion Iconography and the Art of the Monastic Revival__. Cambridge. 1990. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 296pp. Bottom half damp-stained. Boards slightly bowed. $38 [407128]

Reed, Susan Martha. __Church and State in Massachusetts, 1691-1740__. Illinois. 1967. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 208pp. Slight underlining, else good. $27 [199319]

Rees, Thomas. __History of Protestant Nonconformity in Wales, from its Rise to the Present Time__. London: John Snow. 1861. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 512pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Foxing. $12.7 [395562]

Rehle, Sieghild; Klaus Gamber. __Sacramentarium Aronis: Die Fragmente des Salzburger Exemplars [Textus Patristici et Liturgici, Fasc. 8]__. Friedrich Pustet. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 139pp. Very good. Previous owner's name on front end papers. $24.75 [342660]

Reichel, Carl Rudolph. __Predigten über die Sonntags-und Festtags-Episteln enthaltend die evangelische Sittenlehre, zu einer erbaulichen Hausandacht in Druck gegeben__. Leipzig: Paul Gotthelf . 1787. Half leather. 952, [24]pp. Ex-library. Half-bound, with labels on spine. Leather chipped, boards edge-worn. Light to moderate foxing. $32 [183334]

Reitzenstein, R.. __Poimandres: Studien zur Griechisch-Ägyptischen und Frühchristlichen Literatur__. B.G. Teubner. 1922. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 382pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $16 [411347]

Rempel, John D.; Hans-Jurgen Goertz, foreword. __Lord's Supper in Anabaptism: A Study in the Christology of Balthasar Hubmaier, Pilgram Marpeck, & Dirk Philips [Studies in Anabaptist & Mennonite History, No. 33]__. Herald Press. 1993. Hardcover with dust jacket. 272pp. Single instance of ink underlining in Introduction. Dust jacket rubbed with small tear. $19.5 [294123]

92 Renaudot, Eusebe. __Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio, Frankfurt und London 1847 (2 vols)__. Gregg International. 1970. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 522, 645pp. Very good, slight foxing. $64.5 [300070]

Renaudot, Eusebe; intro. by J.M. Hussey. __Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio, Frankfurt and London 1847 (2 vols.)__. Gregg International Publishers. 1970. Library buckram. 522, 646pp. Ex-library, rebound in deep yellow buckram; otherwise very good. $64.5 [296389]

Rex, Walter. __Essays on Pierre Bayle and Religious Controversy [Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Idees, 8]__. Martinus Nijhoff. 1965. Hardcover with dust jacket. 271pp. Boards bowed, corners bumped. Slightly chipped dust jacket. $57 [420859]

Rhodes, Anthony. __The Vatican and the Age of the Dictators (1922-1945)__. Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 1974. Hardcover with dust jacket. 383pp. Ex-library, some underlining; else sound. $27 [196109]

Ridley, Nicholas. __The Works of Nicholas Ridley, edited for the Parker Society__. Cambridge. 1843. Library buckram. 543pp. Good. Ex-library, rebound in black library buckram. $18.25 [385274]

Rilliet, Jean. __Zwingli: Third Man of the Reformation__. Westminster. 1964. Hardcover with dust jacket. 320pp. Extensive ink underlining, cocked spine, torn dust jacket. $15 [393535]

Rivière, Jean. __Dogme de la Rédemption: Études Critiques and Documents [Bibliothèque de la Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, Fasc. 5]__. Bureaux de la Revue. 1931. Library buckram. 441pp. Ex-library, rebound in library buckram. Lower spine bumped. $11 [299127]

Robeck, Cecil M. Jr. ed.. __Charismatic Experiences in History__. Hendrickson. 1985. Paperback. 180pp. Good; underlining. $13 [363072]

Robinson, Hastings ed.. __Original Letters Relative to the English Reformation (2nd Portion),Written during the Reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, and Queen Mary: Chiefly from the Archives of Zurich, edited for the Parker Society__. Cambridge. 1847. Library buckram. 784pp. Ex-library, rebound in black library buckram. $21.5 [385284]

Robinson, Hastings ed.. __The Zurich Letters, (Second Series), Comprising the Correspondence of Several English Bishops and Others, with Some of the Helvetian Reformers, During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, edited for the Parker Society__. Cambridge. 1945. Library buckram. 207pp. Good. Ex-library, rebound in black library buckram. $18.25 [385279]

Robinson, Hastings ed.. __The Zurich Letters, Comprising the Correspondence of Several English Bishops and Others, with Some of the Helvetian Reformers, During the Early Part of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, edited for the Parker Society__. Cambridge. 1842. Library buckram. 198pp. Ex-library, rebound in black library buckram. $18.25 [385288]

93 Robinson, Thomas. __The Last Days of Bishop Heber__. New York: T. & J. Swords. 1831. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 273pp. Foxing, ex-library. $18.25 [376777]

Rodes, Robert E. Jr.. __Ecclesiastical Administration in Medieval England: The Anglo-Saxons to the Reformation__. Notre Dame. 1977. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 287pp. Good; ex- library. $12 [393638]

Rodes, Robert E. Jr.. __Lay Authority and Reformation in the English Church, Edward I to the Civil War__. Notre Dame. 1982. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 317pp. Very good. $15 [393640]

Rogier, L.J.; R. Aubert, M.D. Knowles; redaktion: A.G. Weiler. __Geschichte der Kirche (6 vols.)__. Benzinger Verlag. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Very good, laminated boards. $26 [185771]

Roldanus, J.. __Le Christ et l'Homme dans la Théologie d'Athanase d'Alexandrie: Étude de la Conjonction de sa Coception de l'Homme avec sa Christologie [Studies in the History of Christian Thought, vol. IV]__. E.J. Brill. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 421pp. Good; ex- library. $50.75 [393339]

Rordorf, Willy. __Sabbat und Sonntag in der Alten Kirche [Traditio Christiana, Band II]__. Theologischer Verlag Zürich. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 256pp. Boards bowed, corners bumped. Former owner's name. $38 [408493]

Rose, Elliot. __Cases of Conscience: Alternatives Open to Recusants and Puritans under Elizabeth I and James I__. Cambridge. 1975. Hardcover with dust jacket. 266pp. G/G, ex- library. $19.5 [293775]

Rosinis Caesenate. __Lyceum Lateranense (2 vols.)__. Gregg International Publishers. 1970 reprint of 1649 edition. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. VG. $33.4 [140961]

Rostvorovskij, Joann. __Obrazki iz Zizni Spasitel'a__. V Svjatom roku. 1934. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 351pp. Foxing, shaken, bent corners. $11 [312492]

Rousseau, Philip. __Ascetics, Authority, and the Church in the Age of Jerome and Cassian__. Oxford. 1978. Hardcover with dust jacket. 277pp. Ink & pencil underlining. Faded dust jacket. From the personal library of Margaret R. Miles. $18 [405698]

Routh, Martinus Josephus. __Reliquiae Sacrae (5 vols.)__. Oxford. 1846. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 485, 512, 519, 528, 370pp. Worn and faded covers, slightly shaken, some markings in the text. Spines of first and fourth volumes are peeling. Some brittleness to the pages. $68 [309674]


Routh, Martinus Josephus. __Reliquiae Sacrae (5 vols.)__. Oxford. 1846. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 485, 512, 519, 528, 370pp. Ex-library, heavy foxing. Worn, half-leather bindings. Hinges are tender, some repaired internally with strips of white paper. Some boards are detached but present. The books are contained within handmade brown paper jackets. $100.4 [360047]

Routh, Martinus Josephus. __Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Opuscula Praecipua Quaedam (2 vols.) Editio Tertia__. Oxford. 1858. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 432, 435pp. Rebound in now-faded and rubbed buckram; ex-library, slightly shaken. $50 [196014]

Routh, Martinus Josephus. __Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Opuscula Praecipua Quaedam, Editio Tertia (2 vols.)__. Oxford. 1858. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 432, 435pp. Faded cover, edgeworn covers, bumped corners, foxing. Uncut pages. $50 [297832]

Rouwhorst, G.A.M.. __Les Hymnes Pascales D'Ephrem De Nisibe (2 Vols) [Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, Vols. VII.1 & VII.2]__. E.J. Brill. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 224, 139pp. Ex-lib, else clean and crisp. Two Volumes. $83.25 [394156]

Rowell, Geoffrey. __Hell and the Victorians: A Study of the Nineteenth Century Theological Controversies Concerning Eternal Punishment and the Future Life__. Oxford. 1974. Hardcover with dust jacket. 242pp. G/VG, foxing, pencil underlining. $21.5 [362158]

Rudolph, Kurt, ed.. __Gnosis und Gnostizismus [Wege der Forschung, Band CCLXII]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1975. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 862pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Former owner's stamp. $12 [408260]

Rummel, Erika. __Erasmus and His Catholic Critics, I: 1515-1522__. De Graaf. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 261pp. Pencil marks throughout. Boards bowed. $62 [407288]

Rupert of Deutz. __Ruperti Tuitiensis: De Sancta Trinitate et Operibus Eius [Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis, XXI]__. Brepols. 1971. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 578pp. Ex-library, else good. Edited by Rhabanus Haacke. $44.25 [395488]

Rupert of Deutz. __Ruperti Tuitiensis: De Sancta Trinitate et Operibus Eius [Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis, XXII]__. Brepols. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 831pp. Ex-library, else good. Edited by Rhabanus Haacke. $63.75 [395489]

Rupert of Deutz. __Ruperti Tuitiensis: De Sancta Trinitate et Operibus Eius, Libros XXXIV- XLII, De Operibus Spiritus Sanctii [Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis, XXIV]__. Brepols. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1823-2222pp. Ex-library. Yellowed page edges. Slightly cocked spine. Else good. Edited by Hrabanus Haacke. $44.25 [395485]

95 Rupertus Tuitiensis (Rupert Von Deutz); H. Haacke, O.S.B. ED.. __Ruperti Tuitiensis De Sancta Trinitate et Operibus Eius. Libri XXVII-XLII [Corpus Christianorum: Continuatio Mediaevalis, 23]__. Turnhout, Brepolis. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 367pp. Ex-lib, else sound. $44.25 [394155]

Rupp, E. Gordon. __LCC: Luther and Erasmus: Free Will and Salvation__. Westminster. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 348pp. Extensive ink underlining. Weak front hinge. $14 [394479]

Rupp, Gordon. __Religion in England, 1688-1791 [Oxford History of the Christian Church]__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1986. Hardcover with dust jacket. 584pp. Shaken, cocked spine. $39 [421094]

Ryan, P. Herberto J., S.J.. __The De Praedestinatione of John Scottus Eriugena. An Introductory Study [Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, Facultas Theologica]__. Roma. 1967. Paperback. 87pp. Good; foxing. $14 [377317]

Sabine, James. __An Ecclesiastical History, from the Commencement of the Christian Era to the Present Time__. Boston: Printed for the Author, by Ezra Lincoln. 1820. Half leather. 648pp. Foxing, ex-library. Worn, half-leather binding. $37.75 [376385]

Salac, Antonio. __Studia Antiqua__. Scientiarum Bohemoslovenicae. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 190, xvipp. Ex-library, foxing, bumped corners. $11 [299811]

Salmon, Pierre; trans. by Sr. David Mary. __The Breviary Through the Centuries__. Liturgical Press. 1962. Hardcover with dust jacket. 163pp. VG/G, slightly chipped dust jacket. $13.5 [295769]

Salomon, H.P.; contributions by J. de Lange. __Portrait of a New Christian Fernao Álvares Melo (1569-1632) [Fontes Documentais Portuguesas, XVIII]__. Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian Centro Cultural Portugues. 1982. Paperback. 372pp. Good; foxing on wrappers, bumped corners and spine edges. Upper edges uncut. $25.5 [298393]

Salvian, St.. __Writings of Salvian, the Presbyter [Fathers of the Church: A New Translation series]__. CIMA Publishing Co.. 1947. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 396pp. Good; ex-library, slight foxing. $18.25 [384433]

Salvian, St.. __Writings of Salvian, the Presbyter [Fathers of the Church: A New Translation series]__. Catholic University of America. 1947. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 396pp. Good; ex-library, slight foxing. $21.5 [387128]

Salvianus von Massilia. __Des Presbyters Salvianus von Massilia Erhaltene Schriften von der Weltregierung Gottes vier Bücher an die Kirche Briefe [Bibliothek der Kirchenväter]__. Verlag der Jos. Kösel. 1935. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 416pp. Ex-library. Rebound in white buckram. $18.25 [353244]

96 Sandahl, Charles Fredrick. __The Nebraska Conference of the Augustana Synod. Survey of Its Work with Sketches of Its Congregations, Institutions, Organizations, and Pioneers__. Nebraska Conference. 1931. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 445pp. Shaken, penciling. $11 [335438]

Sandeen, Ernest R.. __Foots of Fundamentalism: British and American Millenarianism, 1800- 1930__. Baker. 1978. Paperback. 328pp. Creased spine. $15 [393946]

Sanderson, Warren. __Monastic Reform in Lorraine and the Architecture of the Outer Crypt, 950-1100 [Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, vol. 61, Part 6, 1971]__. American Philosophical Society. 1971. Pamphlet. 36pp. Very good, large stapled booklet. $13.8 [381302]

Sarkissian, Karekin. __The Council of Chalcedon and the Armenian Church__. SPCK. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 264pp. Good; ex-library. $14.6 [383687]

Saunders, Samuel. __Lectures on Nonconformity__. London: Hamilton, Adams & Co.. 1836. Full leather. 317pp. Ex-library, foxing, worn full leather cover. $63.75 [393917]

Scammell, G.V.. __Hugh de Puiset, Bishop of Durham__. Cambridge. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 355pp. Good; ex-library. $18.25 [376828]

Schaff, Philip. __History of the Christian Church (3 vols.)__. AP&A. n.d. reprint. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 3 vols.pp. Ink underlining in volume I only. Former owner's name marked out on FFEP of each volume. Else good. $32.55 [350293]

Schaff, Philip. __History of the Christian Church (8 vols.)__. Eerdmans. 1960. Hardcover with dust jacket. pp. Chipped, torn and faded dust jackets (vol. 7 lacks jacket); shaken. $42.95 [360172]

Schaff, Philip. __History of the Christian Church (8 vols.)__. Eerdmans. 1952. Hardcover with dust jacket. 8 vols.pp. Ink underlining or highlighting in most volumes. Badly chipped & faded dust jackets. Some cocked spines. $42.95 [392330]

Schaff, Philip. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. I: The Confessions and Letters of St. Augustin, with a Sketch of His Life and Work__. Christian Literature Company. 1886. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 619pp. Ink underlining. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $11 [409497]

Schaff, Philip. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. III: St. Augustin: On the Holy Trinity, Doctrinal Treatises, Moral Treatises__. Christian Literature Company. 1887. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 578pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Ink underlining. Foxing. Worn cover. $11 [409500]

97 Schaff, Philip. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. IV: St. Augustin: The Writings Against the Manichaeans, and Against the Donatists__. Christian Literature Company. 1887. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 675pp. Very shaken, cracked hinges. First leaves loose but present. Ink marks throughout. Foxing. Worn cover. $11 [409501]

Schaff, Philip. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. V: Saint Augustin: Anti- Pelagian Writings__. Christian Literature Company. 1887. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 568pp. Very shaken, cracked hinges. Slight ink marks. Foxing. Worn cover. $11 [409499]

Schaff, Philip. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. VI: Saint Augustin: Sermon on the Mount, Harmony of the Gospels, Homilies on the Gospels__. Christian Literature Company. 1888. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 574pp. Shaken, cracked hinges. Slight ink underlining. Foxing, yellowed. Worn cover. $11 [409496]

Schaff, Philip. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. VIII: Saint Augustin: Expositions on the Book of Psalms__. T&T Clark / Eerdmans. 1996. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 700pp. Very good. $11 [412751]

Schaff, Philip & Henry Wace ed.. __Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, vol. IX: St. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus__. Eerdmans. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 106pp. Good. $11 [391263]

Schaff, Philip & Henry Wace eds.. __Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd Series, vol. III: Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, Rufinus: Historical Writings, etc.__. Eerdmans. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 594pp. Good; some underlining. $11 [384940]

Schaff, Philip & Henry Wace eds.. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd Series, vol. VIII: St. Basil, Letters and Select Works__. Eerdmans. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 363pp. Musty, stained cover and bowed boards. $12 [394893]

Schaff, Philip & Henry Wace eds.. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd Series, vol. XI: Sulptius Severus; Vincent of Lerins; John Cassian__. Eerdmans. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 498pp. Good. $11 [391222]

Schaff, Philip & Henry Wace trans.. __Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, vol. XII: Leo the Great, Gregory the Great__. Eerdmans. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 251pp. Ink underlining, else sound $11 [384942]

Schaff, Philip and Henry Wace eds.. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd Series, vol. II: Socrates, Sozomenus: Church Histories__. Eerdmans. 1890. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 454pp. Extensive ink underlining. $11 [384932]

Schaff, Philip ed.. __Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st Series, vol. X: Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Gospel of Saint Matthew__. Scribner's. 1888. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 551pp. Ex-library, shaken. $11 [389951]

98 Schaff, Philip ed.. __Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st Series, vol. XII: Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians__. Eerdmans. 1979. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 438pp. Very good. $11 [384935]

Schaff, Philip ed.. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st Series, vol. 1: The Confessions and Letters of Augustin, with a Sketch of His Life and Work, 1st Series__. Eerdmans. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 619pp. Very good. $11 [384929]

Schaff, Philip ed.. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st series, vol. 11: Chrystosom- Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistle to the Romans, 1st series__. Eerdmans. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 574pp. Good. $11 [384945]

Schaff, Philip ed.. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st Series, vol. II: Augustin: City of God, Christian Doctrine__. Eerdmans. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 621pp. Good. $11 [384934]

Schaff, Philip ed.. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st Series, vol. IV: Augustin: The Writings Against the Manichaens, and Against the Donatists__. Eerdmans. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 675pp. Very good. $11 [384948]

Schaff, Philip trans.. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st Series, vol. VI: Saint Augustine: Sermon on the Mount, Harmony of the Gospels, Homilies on the Gospels__. Eerdmans. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 574pp. Good. $11 [384931]

Schaff, Philip trans.. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st Series, vol. VI: Saint Augustine: Sermon on the Mount, Harmony of the Gospels, Homilies on the Gospels__. Charles Scribner's. 1888. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 574pp. Good. Ex-library, foxing. $11 [384938]

Schaff, Philip, ed.. __Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. V: Saint Augustine: Anti-Pelagian Writings__. Eerdmans. . Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Top edge damp- stained. Shaken. Corners bumped. Foxing. $11 [395533]

Schaff, Philip; edited by Klaus Penzel. __Philip Schaff, Historian and Ambassador of the Universal Church: Selected Writings__. Mercer. 1990. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 391pp. Very good. $13 [366837]

Scheeben, M. Jos.. __Ökumenische Concil vom Jahre 1869 (Bands 1 & 2 only)__. Friedrich Pustet. 1870. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 436, xlviii; 548, xxxiipp. Ex-library, heavy foxing. Lacks Band 3. $20.5 [309695]

Scheel, Otto. __Martin Luther vom Katholizismus zur Reformation (Bands 1 & 2)__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1917. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 328, 458pp. Very shaken, bumped corners. $11 [335506]

99 Schille, Gottfried. __Urchristliche Kollegialmission__. Zwingli Verlag. 1967. Paperback. 216pp. Foxing. Wrapper chipped at spine. $11 [408858]

Schjørring, Jens Holger; Prasanna Kumari, and Norman A. Hjelm eds.. __From Federation to Communion: The History of the Lutheran World Federation__. Fortress. 1997. Hardcover with dust jacket. 552pp. VG/VG $11 [286789]

Schmid, Heinrich. __Der Kampf der Lutherischen Kirche um Luthers Lehre vom Abendmahl im Reformationszeitalter. Im Zusammenhang mit Gesammten Lehrentwicklung Dieser Zeit__. J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung. 1868. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 344pp. Worn cover, heavy foxing. $19.5 [331738]

Schmid, Heinrich. __Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte__. Nördlingen: C.H. Beck. 1851. Half leather. 467pp. Half leather, with marbled boards. Ex-library, foxing. $15 [390041]

Schmidt, C.. __Social Results of Early Christianity__. London: Wm. Isbister Ltd.. 1885. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 480pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Pencil marks. Foxing. Worn cover. $11 [417641]

Schmidt, Carl, ed.. __Koptisch-Gnostische Schriften, Erster Band: Die Pistis Sophia, Die Beiden Bücher Des Jeu, Unbekanntes, Altgnostisches Werk [Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der Ersten Jahrhunderte]__. Akademie Verlag. 1954. Paperback. 424pp. Damp-stained along spine. Front wrapper detached. Ink underlining throughout. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $37 [411353]

Schmidt, Joh. Ernst Christian. __Handbuch der Christlichen Kirchengeschichte (6 vols.)__. Georg Friedrich Heyer. 1801. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Ex-library, foxing. $89.75 [385690]

Schmucker, S.S.. __The American Lutheran Church, Historically, Doctrinally, and Practically Dilineated, in Several Discourses__. E.W. Miller. 1852. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 286pp. Foxing, faded and worn cover, ex-library. $12.2 [380571]

Schneider, Josephus. __Rescripta Authentica Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis, Praepositae Necnon Summaria Indulgentiarum, quae Collegit et cum Originalibus in Archivio Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum Asservatis Contulit__. Sumptibus, Chartis & Typis Friderici Pustet. 1885. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 723pp. Ex-library, rebound in marbeled paper boards. Very shaken, heavy foxing, some page edges brittle and torn. $11 [312849]

Schniewind, Paul W.. __Anglicans in Germany: A History of Anglican Chaplaincies in Germany until 1945__. Paul W. Schniewind. 1988. Paperback. 200pp. Very good. $15.4 [374109]

100 Schornbaum, Karl. __Bayern, II. Abteilung Reichsstäde: Regensburg, Kaufbeuren, Rothenburg, Nördlingen, Shweinfurt, Weissenburg [Quellen zur Geschichte der Täufer, V.Band]__. C. Bertelsmann. 1951. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 314pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Former owner's name. $67 [420525]

Schreiber, John L. ed.. __Journal of the 1976 General Conference of the United Methodist Church held at Portland, Oregon, April 27-May 7, 1976 (2 vols.)__. . 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2262pp. Very good. $14.5 [314174]

Schroeder, H.J.. __Canons and Decress of the Council of Trent: Original Text with English Translation__. B. Herder. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 608pp. Shaken. Ink underlining. Exlibrary. Foxing. $14.6 [371200]

Schubert, Paul. __Eschatologie des Posidonius__. Eduard Pfeiffer. 1927. Paperback. 100pp. Creased wrappers. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $16 [411285]

Schurhammer, Georgius et Iosephus Wicki; Felix Zubillaga eds.. __Monumenta Missionum Societatis Iesu (4 vols.)__. Rome: Monumenta Missionum Societatis Iesu. 1944. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 473, 654, 692, 868pp. Foxing, otherwise very good. $184 [295606]

Scott, Thomas; intro. by Samuel Miller. __Articles of the Synod of Dort__. Presbyterian Board of Publication. 1856. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 260pp. Faded and worn cover, spine cloth peeling and partially reglued; foxing. Upper corner of back free end paper. $14.5 [313807]

Scudamore, W.E.. __Notitia Eucharistica (2 vols. in 1), a Commentary, Explanatory, Doctrinal, and Historical, on the Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper or Holy Coummuion, According to the use of the Church of England__. Rivingtons. 1876. Buckram. 1055pp. Rebound in green buckram. Slight pencil marks. Former owner's slip of paper bound between two pages. Foxing. $31.25 [365928]

Scullard, H.H.. __Early Christian Ethics in the West: From Clement to Ambrose__. William & Norgate. 1907. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 294pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $16 [417681]

Seabury, Samuel. __The Continuity of the Church of England in the Sixteenth Century. Two Discourses: with an Appendix and Notes__. Pudney & Russell. 1853. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 174pp. Faded, stained, and worn cover. Foxing. Bumped corners. $19.55 [366127]

101 Seckendorf, Veit Ludwig von. __Viti Ludovici a Seckendorf equitis Franc. consiliarii intimi Saxonici & Brandenburgici Commentarius historicus et apologeticus de Lutheranismo, sive De reformatione religionis ductu D. Martini Lutheri in magna Germaniæ parte aliisque regionibus, & speciatim in Saxonia recepta & stabilita: : in quo ex Ludovici Maimburgii ... Historia Lutheranismi anno MDCLXXX Parisiis gallice edita libri tres ab anno 1517. ad annum 1546. latine versi exhibentur, corriguntur, & ex manuscriptis aliisque rarioribus libris plurimis supplentur; simul & aliorum quorundam scriptorum errores aut calumniæ examinantur, Auspiciis Serenssinmi & Potentissimi Electoris & Serenissimorum Ducum Saxoniae... Adjectis Indicibus Necessariss & locupletissimis, Editio Secunda Emendatior__. Lipsiae: Jo. Friderici Gleditschil. 1694. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. (46) 84, 319 (1), 219, (1), 700, (144)pp. Folio. Ex-library, rebound in blue library buckram. Very musty, spine cloth torn along entire back edge, foxing, slight ink marginalia. 3 vols. in one. One engraved frontispiece illustration is present in volume 1. $500 [356778]

Secondo, Louis J.. __Twentieth Century Popes and the Priesthood__. Officium Libri Catholici. 1957. Buckram. 267pp. Rebound in black buckram. Foxing. $21.5 [362283]

Seitz, Anton. __Heilsnotwendigkeit der Kirche nach der altchristlichen Literatur bis zur Zeit des hl. Augustinus__. Herdersche Verlag.. 1903. Half leather. 416pp. Worn, half-leather binding. Tender hinges, ex-library. $13.5 [332981]

Selderhuis, H.J.. __Huwelijk en Echtscheiding bij Martin Bucer__. Uitgeverij J.J. Groen en Zoon. 1994. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 437pp. Very good. $24.5 [298480]

Selinger, Suzanne. __Calvin Against Himself: An Inquiry into Intellectual History__. Archon. 1984. Hardcover with dust jacket. 238pp. VG/VG $24.75 [343698]

Semmens, Bernard L.. __Conferences After Wesley: An Attempt to Keep the Record Straight__. National Press. 1971. Hardcover with dust jacket. 106pp. Penciling throughout. Foxing to end papers. Edgeworn & tanned dust jacket. Former owner's name. $20.5 [298924]

Severson, Eric R.. __Incarnation and Atonement: Selected Primary Readings from Christian History__. . 2006. Paperback. 463pp. Remainder copy of a limited edition printing, in like new condition. $14 [356158]

Sewel, William. __History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress, of the Christian People Called Quakers (2 vols.)__. Philadelphia: Benjamin & Thomas Kite. 1823. Full leather. 604, 671pp. Worn and powdery leather covers, heavy foxing, some worming and dampstains, back free end paper of first volume is torn. $39.5 [297713]

Shakespeare, J.H. . __Baptist World Congress, London, July 11-19, 1905__. Baptist Union Publication Department. 1905. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 346pp. Ex-library, worn cover, torn cloth at spine, foxing, shaken. $16 [416528]


Shaw, Duncan. __The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, 1560-1600: Their Origins and Development__. Saint Andrew Press. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 261pp. A clean and crisp ex-lib copy with usual paraphernalia. $14 [394319]

Shaw, G.P.. __Patriarch and Patriot: William Grant Broughton 1788-1853. Colonial Statesman and Ecclesiastic__. Melbourne University Press. 1978. Hardcover with dust jacket. 347pp. VG/G $13.5 [324816]

Sheldon, Henry C.. __History of Christian Doctrine (2 vols.)__. Harper & Bros.. 1886. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 411, 444pp. Underlining, shaken, edgeworn covers. $27 [231443]

Sheldon, Henry C.. __Unbelief in the Nineteenth Century: A Critical History__. Eaton & Mains. 1907. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 399pp. Shaken, bumped corners and spine edges, slightly stained end papers. $11 [297596]

Shepherd, Edward John. __History of the Church of Rome, to the End of the Episcopate of Damascus, A.D. 384__. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. 1851. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 541pp. Shaken, worn cover, bumped corners. $39.5 [299670]

Sheridan, Joannes Antonius. __Expositio Plenior Hylemorphismi [Analecta Gregoriana, vol. XVII]__. Universitatis Gregorianae. 1938. Hardcover. 175pp. Foxing, ex-library; rebound in green buckram. $24.5 [299709]

Shuffelton, Frank. __Thomas Hooker, 1586-1647__. Princeton. 1977. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 325pp. Good; slightly shaken. $14.5 [311308]

Sieben, Hermann Josef. __Voces: Eine Bibliographie zu Wörtern und Begriffen aus der Patristik (1918-1978) [Bibliographia Patristica, Supplementum I]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1979. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 461pp. Good; ex-library. $31.25 [394900]

Siggins, Ian D. Kingston ed.. __Luther__. Barnes & Noble. 1972. Hardcover with dust jacket. 209pp. VG/G, slightly chipped dust jacket. $15 [388164]

Sigmund, Paul E.. __Nicholas of Cusa and Medieval Political Thought__. Harvard. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 335pp. Good; bumped corners. $11 [301063]

Simcox, Carroll E. ed.. __The Historical Road of Anglicanism__. Henry Regnery. 1968. Hardcover with dust jacket. 235pp. VG/G, slightly chipped dust jacket. $24.75 [374140]

Simon, Marcel. __St. Stephen and the Hellenists in the Primitive Church [Haskell Lectures, 1956]__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1958. Hardcover with dust jacket. 130pp. Ink underlining. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $15 [411584]

103 Skeats, Herbert S.. __History of the Free Churches of England, from A.D. 1688-A.D. 1851. Second Edition.__. London: Arthur Miall. 1869. Library buckram. 638pp. Ex-library, rebound in tan buckram. Foxing. Slight penciling. $15 [395765]

Skinner, John; edited by Howard Coombs and Arthur N. Bax. __Journal of a Somerset Rector, John Skinner, A.M., Antiquary 1772-1839, Parochial Affairs of the Parish of Camerton 1822- 1832__. John Murray. 1930. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 330pp. Good; ex-library. $19.55 [376838]

Sloane, William Milligan. __The French Revolution and Religious Reform__. Charles Scribner's. 1901. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 333pp. Ex-library, shaken. $12.2 [371699]

Sloterdijk, Peter and Thomas H. Macho, eds.. __Weltrevolution der Seele (2 vols.) Eine Lese- und Arbeitsbuch der Gnosis von der Spätantike bis zur Gegenwart__. Artemis & Winkler. 1991. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Slightly bumped corners. $47 [409568]

Smaby, Beverly Prior. __Transformation of Moravian Bethlehem: From Communal Mission to Family Economy__. Pennsylvania. 1988. Hardcover with dust jacket. 271pp. Some pencil underlining. Slightly chipped dust jacket. $15.4 [371210]

Smith, A.L.. __Church and State in the Middle Ages__. Frank Cass & Co.. 1964. Hardcover with dust jacket. 245pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $11 [386998]

Snyder, Graydon F.. __Ante Pacem: Archaeological Evidence of Church Life Before Constantine__. Mercer. 1985. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 173pp. Ink underlining, else sound. $18.25 [377127]

Soulier, A.. __Statistique des Églises Réformées de France__. H. Servier. 1828. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 284pp. Ex-library, foxing. $50.75 [386488]

Spencer, Jesse Ames. __Memorabilia of Sixty-Five Years (1820-1886)__. Thomas Whittaker. 1890. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 250pp. Ex-library, light foxing. $12.2 [378283]

Spinka, Matthew, ed. __LCC: Advocates of Reform: From Wyclif to Erasmus__. Westminster Press. 1953. Hardcover with dust jacket. 399pp. Extensive ink underlining, chipped and faded dust jacket. $12.2 [371131]

Spinka, Matthew, ed. __LCC: Advocates of Reform: From Wyclif to Erasmus__. Westminster Press. 1953. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 399pp. Good; some underlining. $12.2 [374163]

Spitz, Lewis W.. __Life in Two Worlds: A Biography of William Sihler__. Concordia. 1968. Hardcover with dust jacket. 199pp. Slight penciling, chipped dust jacket. $14 [372268]

104 Spitz, Lewis W.. __The Religious Renaissance of the German Humanists__. Harvard. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 369pp. Good; foxing. $14 [353676]

Spitz, Lewis W.. __The Renaissance and Reformation Movements (2 vols.) Revised edition__. Concordia. 1987. Paperback. 614pp. Underlining. $11 [268841]

Spykman, Gordon J.. __Attrition and the Contrition at the Council of Trent__. J.H. Kok. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 270pp. Ex-library, otherwise very good. $34.5 [298605]

Stabb, John. __Devon Church Antiquities: Being a Description of Many Objects of Interest in the Old Parish Churches of Devonshire, Vol. I__. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co.. 1909. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 152pp. Shaken, foxing. $12 [397747]

Stafford, Tim. __Shaking the System: What I Learned from the Great American Reform Movements__. IVP. 2007. Hardcover with dust jacket. 171pp. New copy. $12 [264842]

Stähelin, Marg.; Paul Wernle. __George Fox: Auszeichnungen und Briefe des ersten Quäkers__. J.C.B. Mohr. 1908. Paperback. 324pp. Ex-library, wrappers torn away but present. $13.5 [281495]

Stäudlin, Carl Friedrich. __Kirchliche Geographie und Statistik (2 vols.)__. J. G. Cottaischen. 1804. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 506, 749pp. Ex-library, foxing. $83.25 [386525]

Stebbing, Henry. __History of the Church of Christ (3 vols.), From the Diet of Augsburg 1530, to the Eighteenth Century. Originally Designed as a Continuation of Milner's History.__. London: T. Cadell and W. Blackwood & Sons. 1842. Full leather. 3 vols.pp. Ex-library. Full leather, worn & scuffed. Shaken. Vols. I & III have one collation coming loose. All back free end papers corners torn away. Foxing. $57.25 [398523]

Steer, Francis W. and Isabel M. Kirby, eds.. __Diocese of Chichester: A Catalogue of the Records of the Bishop, Archdeacons and Former Exempt Jurisdictions__. West Sussex County Council. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 268pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Corners bumped. Preface by Mark Fitch. $18.25 [397760]

Steinen, Wolfram von den. __Notker der Dichter und Seine Geistige Welt, vol. 1 / Darstellungsband__. A. Francke Ag Bern. 1948. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 640pp. Good. Slight foxing, bumped corners. $13.5 [298459]

Stephens, W.R.W.. __Saint Chrysostom: His Life and Times__. John Murray. 1872. Library buckram. 474pp. Ex-library, penciling. Rebound in red buckram. $28 [384829]

Stephens, W.R.W.. __Saint Chrysostom: His Life and Times__. John Murray. 1872. Library buckram. 474pp. Ex-library, penciling. Rebound in orange buckram. $28 [384830]

105 Stetson, Augusta E.. __Vital Issues in Christian Science: A Record of Unsettled Questions which arose in the Year 1909, between the Directors of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts and First Church of Christ, Scientist, New York City, Eight of its Nine Trustees and Sixteen of its Practitioners__. G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1917. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 405pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $11 [417429]

Stevens, Abel. __History of the Religious Movement of the Eighteenth Century, Called Methodism (4 vols.)__. New York: Carlton & Porter. 1958. Half leather. 480, 520, 524, 522pp. Half-bound, with raised bands and marbled boards, edge and endpapers. Front board of 4th volume is detached but present, some other hinges are tender; light foxing. $52 [252286]

Stierle, Beate. __Capito als Humanist [Quellen und Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte, Band XLII]__. Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. 1974. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 231pp. Ex-library, faded cover. $12.7 [390952]

Still, Michelle. __The Abbot and the Rule: Religious Life at St. Albans, 1290-1349 [Church, Faith, and Culture in the Medieval West series]__. Ashgate. 2002. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 329pp. Some red ink underlining, good otherwise. $37.75 [373596]

Stock, Ursula. __Die Bedeutung der Sakramente in Luthers Sermonen von 1519 [Studies in the History of Christian Thought, vol. XXVII]__. E.J. Brill. 1982. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 383pp. Good; ex-library. $37.75 [393159]

Stone, Barton Warren. __Biography of Eld. Barton Warren Stone, Written by Himself, with Additions and Notes [Cane Ridge Reader]__. Cincinnati: J.A. & U.P. James. [1847] Reprint. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 404pp. Ex-library. Slight pencil underlining. Shaken, cocked spine. Notes by Elder John Rogers. Series edited by Hoke S. Dickinson. $14 [409258]

Stone, Barton Warren. __Biography of Eld. Barton Warren Stone, Written by Himself, with Additions and Notes [Cane Ridge Reader]__. Cincinnati: J.A. & U.P. James. [1847] Reprint. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 404pp. Ex-library. Edge-worn cover. Notes by Elder John Rogers. Series edited by Hoke S. Dickinson. $14 [409259]

Stone, Edward Noble, ed.. __Three Old French Chronicles of the Crusades: The History of the Holy War, The History of Them That Took Constantinople, The Chronicle of Reims [University of Washington Publications in the Social Sciences, Vol. 10, pp. 1-378, October, 1939]__. University of Washington. 1939. Paperback. 377pp. Ex-library. Creased spine & wrappers. Foxing. $27 [418454]

Story, Cullen I.K.. __The Nature of Truth in 'The Gospel of Truth' and in the Writings of Justin Martyr. A Study of the Pattern of Othodoxy in the Middle of the Second Christian Century [Supplements to Novum Testamentum, vol. XXV]__. E.J. Brill. 1970. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 247pp. Faded cover, foxing, penciling. Signed by the author. $42 [334762]

106 Stoughton, John. __Ecclesiastical History of England, from the Opening of the Long Parliament to the Death of Oliver Cromwell (5 vols.)__. London: Jackson, Walford & Hodder. 1867. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Worn and faded covers, spines chipped and peeling. Very shaken. Ex-library. $65.7 [394866]

Stout, Harry S.. __The New England Soul: Preaching and Religious Culture in Colonial New England__. Oxford. 1986. Paperback. 398pp. Leaves yellowed, else sound. $14.6 [373094]

Stromberg, Roland N.. __Religious Liberalism in Eighteenth-Century England__. Oxford. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 192pp. Foxing, bumped corners. $18 [394945]

Stroth, F.A.. __Kirchen-Geschichte des Eusebius von Cäsarea__. L. Volkening. 1904. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 363pp. Slightly faded cover, bumped corners, foxing. $11 [332691]

Stubbs, William. __Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum. An Attempt to Exhibit the Course of Episcopal Succession in England, from the Records and Chronicles of the Church__. Oxford. 1858. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 184pp. Worn, faded boards; spine covered in black binding tape. Reglued binding, heavy foxing. $13.5 [311314]

Stucki, Heinzpeter. __Bürgermeister Hans Rudolf Lavater, 1492-1557: Ein Politiker der Reformationszeit [ZBR, Band 3]__. Theologischer Verlag Zürich. 1973. Paperback. 347pp. Creased wrappers. Small stain to top corner page edge. Former owner's name. $16 [409520]

Stuiber, Alfred. __Jenseitsvorstellungen in Antike und Christentum [Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 9, 1982]__. Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1982. Hardcover with dust jacket. 250, 20pp. VG/G. Bookplate. $15.4 [366155]

Stump, Adam & Henry Anstadt, eds.. __History of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of West Pennsylvania of the United Lutheran Church in America, 1825-1925__. J.R. Kerr & Bro.. 1925. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 695pp. Very good. Gift inscription. $13.5 [304104]

Sullivan, Jordan Joseph. __Fast and Abstinence in the First Order of Saint Francis: A Historical Synopsis and a Commentary [Catholic University of America, Canon Law Studies no. 374]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1957. Paperback. 133pp. Very good. $11 [385229]

Sunyol, Gregori M.. __Introducció a la Paleografia Musical Gregoriana__. Abadia de Montserrat. 1925. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 409pp. Ex-library, faded cover, bumped corners, foxing. Text is in Catalan. $39.5 [299717]

Surtz, Edward L.. __Praise of Wisdom: A Commentary on the Religious and Moral Problems and Backgrounds of St. Thomas More's Utopia [Jesuit Studies]__. Loyola University Press. 1957. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 402pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. $22 [413503]

107 Swanson, R.N. ed.. __Unity and Diversity in the Church [Studies in Church History, vol. 32]__. Blackwell. 1994. Hardcover with dust jacket. 554pp. VG/VG $18.25 [372433]

Swartzbaugh, Constance H.. __The Episcopal Church in Fulton County, Illinois, 1835-1959. With Some Early History of the Episcopal Church in Illinois and the English Settlement at Albion__. Canton Daily Ledger. 1959. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 187pp. Ex-library. $15 [390411]

Swartzbaugh, Constance H.. __The Episcopal Church in Fulton County, Illinois, 1835-1959. With Some Early History of the Episcopal Church in Illinois and the English Settlement at Albion__. Canton Daily Ledger. 1959. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 187pp. Ex-library. $15 [390426]

Swete, H.B., ed.. __Essays on the Early History of the Church and the Ministry, by Various Writers__. Macmillan. 1918. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 446pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. Former owner's names. $11 [420535]

Swete, Henry Barclay. __Patristic Study__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1909. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 198pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $15 [409578]

Swete, Henry Barclay. __Patristic Study [Handbooks for the Clergy series, edited by Arthur W. Robinson]__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1904. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 198pp. Underlining, foxing, previous owner's name and stamps. $15 [395056]

Sybel, [Heinrich von]. __History and Literature of the Crusades__. London: Chapman & Hall. 1861. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 356pp. Ex-library. Shaken, spine re-backed, cocked. Slight pencil marks. Foxing. Edited by Lady Duff Gordon. $39 [419811]

Symonds, Henry Edward. __The Church Universal and the See of Rome__. SPCK. 1939. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 296pp. Ex-library, otherwise sound. $14 [394061]

Szabo, Simeone. __Expositio S.S. Liturgiae S. Joannis Chrysostomi Historica, Dogmatica et Moralis__. Consortium Union. 1902. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 306pp. Foxing. Board edges worn, upper front corner bent. $24.5 [313257]

Szabó, Simeone. __Expositio, S.S. Liturgiae S. Joannis Chrysostomi Historica, Dogmatica et Moralis__. Consortium Unio. 1902. Hardcover. 306pp. Good. Foxing, rebound in black buckram. $25.5 [310078]

Tabbernee, William. __Prophets and Gravestones: An Imaginative History of Montanists and Other Early Christians__. Hendrickson. 2009. Paperback. 338pp. Corners slightly bumped. $13 [407639]

108 Tackett, Timothy. __Priest and Parish in Eighteenth-Century France: A Social and Political Study of the Cures in a Diocese of Dauphine, 1750-1791__. Princeton. 1977. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 350pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. $19 [409234]

Tackett, Timothy. __Priest and Parish in Eighteenth-Century France: A Social and Political Study of the Cures in a Diocese of Dauphine, 1750-1791__. Princeton. 1977. Hardcover with dust jacket. 350pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $16 [421130]

Tanner, Norman. __New Short History of the Catholic Church3__. Burns & Oates. 2011. Hardcover with dust jacket. 260pp. VG/VG $16 [386164]

Tappert, Theodore G. ed.. __Lutheran Confessional Theology in America, 1840-1880 [Library of Protestant Thought]__. Oxford. 1972. Hardcover with dust jacket. 364pp. Red ink underlining. $29.5 [325386]

Taylor, Edward; edited by Thomas M. and Virginia L. Davis. __Edward Taylor's Minor Poetry [Volume 3 of the Unpublished Writings of Edward Taylor]__. Twayne. 1981. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 329pp. Very good $16 [297121]

Taylor, Edward; Thomas M and Virgina L. Davis eds.. __Edward Taylor vs. Solomon Stoddard: The Nature of the Lord's Supper [Volume 2 of the Unpublished Writings of Edward Taylor]__. Twayne. 1981. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 254pp. Very good. $34.5 [295582]

Taylor, Isaac. __Ancient Christianity, and the Doctrines of the Oxford Tracts__. Philadelphia: Herman Hooker. 1840. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 554pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Faded & worn cover. $22 [417827]

Taylor, Isaac. __Loyola: And Jesuitism in Its Rudiments__. Robert Carter & Brothers. 1851. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 416pp. Ex-library, foxing, edgeworn cover, spine cloth chipped. $11.4 [364762]

[Taylor, Isaac]. __Natural History of Enthusiasm__. Boston: Crocker & Brewster. 1830. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 302pp. Ex-library, foxing, repaired hinges. Spine rebacked in brown buckram. $18.25 [364561]

Taylor, Jeremy. __A Discourse of the Liberty of Prophesying 1647__. Scolar Press. 1971. Paperback. 267pp. Good; faded wrappers, slightly creased spine. $13 [377635]

Taylor, Walter Ross. __Religious Thought and Scottish Church Life in the Nineteenth Century__. Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier. 1900. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 75pp. Worn and stained cover, lower spine edge taped; foxing, ffep corner-clipped. Previous owner's name inked out on front glued end paper. $13.5 [310216]

109 Telfer, William ed.. __LCC: Cyril of Jerusalem and Nemesius of Emesa__. SCM. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 466pp. Slight markings in the text, else very good. From the library of Ford Lewis Battles. $19.5 [242774]

Telfer, William ed.. __LCC: Cyril of Jerusalem and Nemesius of Emesa__. Westminster. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 466pp. Ex-library, bumped corners, stained cover. $24.75 [394045]

Tertullian. __The Treatise Against Hermogenes [Ancient Christian Writers series]__. Newman. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 193pp. Ex-library, foxing, back end papers stained. $16 [384749]

Tertullian; K.A. Heinr. Kellner. __Tertullians Private und Katechetishe Schriften (2 Bands) [Bibliothek der Kirchenväter: Eine Auswahl Patristischer Werke in Deutscher Übersetzung]__. Jos. Kösel. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 346, 559pp. Extensive ink underlining. $15 [311831]

Theissen, Gerd. __Religion of the Earliest Churches: Creating a Symbolic World__. Fortress. 1999. Paperback. 393pp. Foxing, yellowed. Trans. by John Bowden. $11 [410458]

Theodoret von Cyrus; Konstantin Gutberlet übersetzt. __Des Bischofs Theodoret von Cyrus Mönchsgeschichte (2 Bands) [Bibliothek der Kirchenväter: Eine Auswahl Patristischer Werke in Deutscher Übersetzung]__. Jos. Kösel. 1926. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 197, 331pp. Good; slight foxing, slight ink underlining. $19.5 [311832]

Thomas, Abraham Vazhayil. __Christians in Secular India__. Fairleigh Dickinson. 1974. Hardcover with dust jacket. 246pp. VG/G $11 [311399]

Thomas, Susan Rogers, ed.. __Christ Church Episcopal, South Pittsburg, Tennessee. A History: 1876-2001__. Greysmith Publishing. 2003. Hardcover with dust jacket. 568pp. Back board slightly bowed. Else G/VG. $13.5 [325464]

Thompson, Robert Ellis. __History of the Presbyterian Churches in the United States, 3rd edition [American Church History Series, VI]__. Scribners. 1902. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 424pp. Good; slight foxing. $11 [335372]

Thorpe, Mary and Charlotte. __London Church Staves, with some notes on their surroundings__. Elliot Stock. 1895. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 76pp. Foxing, shaken, rubbed cover. $13 [370704]

Thorpe, Mary and Charlotte. __London Church Staves, With Some Notes on Their Surroundings__. Elliot Stock. 1895. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 76pp. Foxing, rubbed cover, bumped corners. $13 [381117]

110 Thust, Karl Christian. __Kirchen-Lied der Gegenwart: Kritische Bestandsaufnahme, Würdigung und Situationsbestimmung__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1976. Library binding. 902pp. Ex- library, paperback rebound into library boards. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $22 [407410]

Tierney, Brian. __Foundations of Conciliar Theory: The Contribution of the Medieval Canonists from Gratian to the Great Schism__. Cambridge. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 280pp. Ex-library. Ink & pencil marginalia. Shaken, cocked spine. Worn cover. $16 [409232]

Till, Walter C.. __Evangelium Nach Philippos [Patristische Texte und Studien, Band 2]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 96pp. Foxing. Boards bowed. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $16 [413381]

Tormey, James. __How Firm a Foundation: The 400-Year History of Hampton Virginia's St. John's Episcopal Church, the Oldest Anglican Parish in the Americas__. Dietz Press. 2009. Paperback. 176pp. Very good. Inscribed and signed by the author. $18.25 [379301]

Townsend, George. __Ecclesiastical and Civil History, Philosophically Considered (2 vols.), With Reference to the Future Re-Union of Christians__. London: Francis & John Rivington. 1847. Half leather. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Half-leather, edge-worn & slightly scuffed. Foxing. $47 [417903]

Townsend, Harvey G. ed.. __Philosophy of Jonathan Edwards from His Private Notebooks__. University of Oregon. 1955. Paperback. 270pp. Extensive ink underlining, creased spine, wrappers slightly torn, lower corners bumped. From the library of Sidney E. Mead. $19.5 [310579]

Töws, Aron A.. __Mennonitische Märtyrer der jüngsten Vergangenheit und der Gegenwart__. Selbstverlag des Berfaffers. 1949. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 397pp. Ex-library, otherwise good. $24.5 [308197]

Tracy, James D.. __The Politics of Erasmus: A Pacifist Intellectual and His Political Milieu__. Toronto. 1978. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 216pp. Fairly extensive ink underlining. $31.25 [393766]

Trinkaus, Charles and Heiko A. Oberman, eds.. __Pursuit of Holiness in Late Medieval and Renaissance Religion [Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, vol. X]__. E.J. Brill. 1974. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 509pp. Ex-library, some pencil underlining. $64.5 [294957]

Trinterud, Leonard J.. __Bibliography of American Presbyterianism During the Colonial Period__. Presbyterian Historical Society. 1968. Hardcover with dust jacket. pp. VG/G $16 [294247]

Trinterud, Leonard J.. __Forming of an American Tradition: A Re-examination of Colonial Presbyterianism__. Westminster. 1949. Hardcover with dust jacket. 352pp. Chipped and faded dust jacket, underlining. $24.5 [296795]

111 Troffe, George; A.W. Brink ed.. __Life of the Reverend Mr. George Trosse, Written by Himself, and Published Posthumously According to His Order in 1714__. McGill-Queen's. 1973. Hardcover with dust jacket. 140pp. VG/G, slightly torn dust jacket. $11 [308102]

Trollope, T. Adolphus. __Papal Conclaves As They Were and As They Are__. London: Chapman & Hall. 1876. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 434pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Board bowed & worn. $27 [418448]

Trosse, George; A.W. Brink ed.. __Life of the Reverend Mr. George Trosse, Written by Himself, and Published Posthumously According to His Order in 1714__. McGill-Queen's. 1973. Hardcover with dust jacket. 140pp. VG/VG $12 [299872]

Turner, Cuthbert Hamilton. __Studies in Early Church History: Collected Papers__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 276pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed, rubbed, corners bumped. Foxing. Slight ink marks. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $15 [410845]

Turner, D.H. ed.. __The Claudius Pontificals (From Cotton MS. Claudius A. iii in the British Museum) [Henry Bradshaw Society, vol. XCVII]__. Moore &Tillyer, the Regnum Press, Chichester. 1971. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 133pp. Ex-library, otherwise very good. $13.5 [299093]

Turner, H.E.W.. __Patristic Doctrine of Redemption: A Study of the Development of Doctrine during the First Five Centuries__. London: A.R. Mowbray. 1952. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 123pp. Slight ink underlining. $15 [398313]

Twells, Dr.; Zachary Pearce, Thomas Newton, Mr. Bundy. __(vol. 1) Lives of Dr. Edward Pocock, the Celebrated Orientalist, by Dr. Twells; of Dr. Zachary Pearce, Bishop of Rochester, and of Dr. Thomas Newton, Bishop of Bristol, by Themselves; and of the Rev. Philip Skelton, by Mr. Bundy. Volume 1 only__. London: F.C. & J. Rivington. 1816. Hardcover. 438pp. Ex- library, foxing, rebound in brown buckram. $22 [184551]

Tyms, James D.. __The Rise of Religious Education Among Negro Baptists__. University Press of America. 1979. Library binding. 408pp. Good. Ex-library, paperback edition in transparent library hardcover. $18.25 [393592]

Tyrrell, George; M. D. Petre ed.. __Autobiography of George Tyrell (2 Vols.)__. Edward Arnold. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 280, 512pp. Ex-lib, a bit shaken, else a nice, clean copy. Illustrated. $31.25 [362645]

112 Updike, Wilkins. __History of the Episcopal Church, in Narragansett, Rhode-Island; Including a History of Other Episcopal Churches in the State; with an Appendix, Containing a Reprint of a Work Now Extremely Rare, entitled, 'America Dissected,' by the Rev. J. Macsparran, with Notes Containing Geneaological and Biographical Accounts of Distinguished Men, Families, etc.__. New-York: Henry M. Onderdonk. 1847. Library buckram. 533pp. Ex-library, foxing, rebound in red buckram. Torn upper edge of title page reinforced with clear tape. $20.2 [390405]

Vacandard, Elphegius; Autorisixte Uebersetzung von Matthias Hierp. __Leben des Heiligen Bernard von Clairvaux (Bands 1 & 2)__. Franz Kirchheim. 1897. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 595, 644pp. Ex-library, slight foxing. $44.5 [331902]

Vajta, Vilmos (Hrsg.). __Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche. Vergangheit und Gegenwart__. Evangelisches Verlagswerk. 1977. Hardcover with dust jacket. 443pp. VG/VG $11 [308400]

Valois, Noël. __Guillaume D'Auvergne Évèque de Paris (1228-1249) sa vie et ses Ouvrages__. Wm. C. Brown. 1880. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 399pp. Very good $13 [368745]

Van de Velde, Joannes-Franciscus. __Nova et Absoluta Collectio Synodorum (2 vols.) Tam Provincialium Quam Diocesanarum, Archiepiscopatus Mechliniensis__. P.-J. Hanicq. 1828-29. Half leather. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Half leather, edge-worn. Shaken. Foxing. $97 [418366]

Van den Berg, J. and G.F. Nuttall. __Philip Doddridge (1702-1751) and the Netherlands [Publications of the Sir Thomas Browne Institute Leiden, New Series, no. 8]__. E.J. Brill / Leiden. 1987. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 110pp. Good; pencil underlining. $37.75 [362868]

Van Rhijn, M.. __Studiën over Wessel Gansfort en Zijn Tijd__. Kemink en Zoon N.V., Over Dne Dom. 1933. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 192pp. Ex-library, shaken, slight markings in the text. $18.25 [393389]

Van Unnik, W.C.. __Nestorian Questions on the Eucharist, by Isho'Yabh IV: A Contribution to the History of the Eucharist in the Eastern Church__. Joh. Enschede en Zonen. 1937. Paperback. 305, 48pp. Creased, torn and browned wrappers, slight markings, yellowed pages. From the library of Bruce M. Metzger. $25.5 [298312]

Van-Espen, Zegeri Bernardi. __Jus Ecclesiasticum in Epitome Redactum ac Sujunctis Brevibus Sententiis atque Argumentis Studii Patristici Instructum (2 vols.)__. Augustae Vindel, In Officina Libraria Joseph-Wolffiana. 1782. Full leather. 744, (54); 718, (50)pp. Worn, half- leather bindings. Ex-library, slightly tender hinges, heavy foxing. $64.5 [303339]

Vaughan, Patrick H.. __Non-Stipendiary Ministry in the Church of England: A History in the Development of an Idea [Distinguished Dissertation Series, vol. 1]__. Edwin Mellen. 1990. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 370pp. Very good. $44.25 [372425]

Vedder, Henry C.. __Balthasar Hübmaier, the Leader of the Anabaptists__. AMS Press. 1971. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 333pp. Good; ex-library. $18.25 [390930]

113 Vega, P.A.C. ed.. __Apringii Pacensis Episcopi Tractatus in Apocalysin [Scriptores Ecclesiastici Hispano-Latini Veteris et Medii Aevi, Fasc. X-XI]__. Typis Augustinianis Monasterii Escurialensis. 1940. Hardcover. 138pp. Good. Ex-library, foxing. Rebound in black library buckram. $16 [303162]

Velimirovic, Milos, ed.. __Studies in Eastern Chant, Vol. VI__. St. Vladimir's Seminary. 1979. Library binding. 248pp. Ex-library. Paperback edition rebound into library hardcover. Edited by Egon Wellesz. $15 [407318]

Vercruysse, Joseph. __Fidelis Populus [Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainze Band 48]__. Franz Steiner Verlag. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 222pp. Good; ex-library. $14 [376923]

Vermeer, G.F.M.. __Observations sur le Vocabulaire du Pelerinage Chez Egerie et Chez Antonin de Plaisance [Latinitas Christianorum Primaeva, Fasc. Undevicesimus]__. Noviomagi in Aedibus Dekker & Van de Vegt. 1965. Paperback. 140pp. Very good. $13 [366525]

Villemain, M. Abel Francois. __Life of Gregory the Seventh (2 vols.)__. Richard Bentley & Son. 1874. Library buckram. 400, 357pp. Ex-library, foxing brittle page edges, shaken, underlining. In beige library buckram. $28 [395157]

Vincentius of Lirins. __Against Heresy__. Oxford: John Henry Parker. 1841. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 206pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn & faded cloth, corners bumped. $75 [420068]

Visser, Derk. __Zacharias Ursinus: The Reluctant Reformer, His Life and Times__. United Church Press. 1983. Paperback. 268pp. Pencil marks. Creased spine. $22 [409964]

Vogel, Calude L.. __Capuchins in French Louisiana (1722-1766): A Dissertation [Catholic University of America Studies in American Church History, vol. VII]__. Catholic University Press of America. 1928. Hardcover. 201pp. Ex-library, rebound in library buckram. $16 [300305]

Volkmann-Schluck, K.H.. __Nicolaus Cusanus: Die Philosophie im Übergang vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit__. Vittorio Klostermann. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 190pp. Ex-library. Boards bowed. $12 [409253]

Vööbus, Arthur. __Studies in the History of the Estonian People, vol. 1 only [Papers of the Estonian Theological Society in Exile, no. 18]__. ETSE [Estonian Theological Society in Exile], Stockholm. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 207pp. Very good. $13.5 [295404]

Vos Jaczn., Antonie. __Johannes Duns Scotis [Kerkhistorische Monografieën] (in Dutch)__. Uitgeverij J.J. Groen en Zoon. 1994. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 284pp. Very good. $44.5 [296320]

114 Wachsmann, Klaus. __Untersuchungen zum Vorgregorianschen Gesang [Veröffentlichungen der Gregorianischen Akademie zu Freiburg in der Schweiz, Heft 19]__. Friedrich Pustet. 1935. Paperback. 137pp. Ex-library, torn wrappers. $16 [303164]

Wailersbacher, R.. __750 Jahre Kloster Kreuzthal-Mariaburghausen (Vallis Sanctae Crucis) 1237/43-1582__. Tagblatt-Druckerei KG. 1987. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 279pp. Good. $11 [333049]

Wake, William. __The State of the Church and Clergy of England, in Their Councils, Convocations, Synods, Conventions, and Other Publick Assemblies; Historically Deduced from the Conversion of the Saxons, to the Present Times. With a Large Appendix of Original Writs, and Other Instruments__. Gregg Press Ltd.. 1967. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 247pp. Very good. Reprint of the R. Sare edition of MDCCIII. $44.25 [370389]

Wakefield, Gordon Stevens. __Puritan Devotion: Its Place in the Development of Christian Piety__. Epworth Press. 1957. Hardcover with dust jacket. 170pp. Ink underlining. Shaken. Chipped dust jacket. $19 [408705]

Walch, Christian Wilhelm Franz. __Entwurf einer vollständigen Historie der Kezereien, Spaltungen und Religionsstreitigkeiten, bis auf die Zeiten der Reformation (11 vols.)__. Leipzig: M.G. Weidmanns Erben und Reich. 1762. Half leather. pp. Half leather, ex-library, foxing. Boards have varying degrees of wear. Some title blocks worn away. Upper front corner of volume 8's board is bent. Some hinges tender. $750 [390128]

Walker, Cornelius. __Life and Correspondence of Rev. William Sparrow__. James Hammond. 1876. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 433pp. Ex-library, shaken, edgeworn cover. $15 [390955]

Wallace, Dewey D. Jr. ed.. __Spirituality of the Later English Puritans: An Anthology__. Mercer. 1987. Hardcover with dust jacket. 246pp. AN/AN $11 [250722]

Wallace, Ronald S.. __Calvin, Geneva and the Reformation: A Study of Calvin as Social Reformer, Churchman, Pastor and Theologian__. Baker. 1988. Hardcover with dust jacket. 310pp. Corner bumped. Else goo. $16 [407739]

Walser, Hermann. __Geschichte der Laurenzen oder Stadtkirche Winterthur, II. Teil. Zeit der Reformation und Gegenreformation__. Stadtbibliothek Winterthur. 1945. Paperback. 88pp. Good; foxing. $11 [287453]

Walser, Hermann. __Geschichte der Stadtkirche Winterthur, III. Teil. Zeit der Orthodoxie, des Pietismus und der Aufklärung (1650-1798)__. Stadtbibliothek Winterthur. 1951. Paperback. 256pp. Good; faded wrappers. $13.5 [287452]

115 Walton, Izaak. __The Life of Dr. Sanderson, Late Bishop of Lincoln. To which is added, Some Short Tracts or Cases of Conscience, written by the said Bishopj__. London: Richard Marriott. 1678. Buckram. 276pp. Ex-library, heavy foxing, stains. Rebound in navy blue buckram. $98.2 [390895]

Walton, Robert C.. __Zwingli's Theocracy__. University of Toronoto. 1967. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 258pp. Blue highlighting. Boards bowed. $16 [421012]

Ward, W.R.. __Early Victorian Methodism: The Correspondence of Jabez Bunting 1830- 1848__. Oxford. 1976. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 440pp. Ex-library, slightly shaken. $14 [376835]

Warren, F.E.. __Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1881. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 291pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. $27 [417493]

Warren, F.E., ed.. __Leofric Missal as Used in the Cathedral of Exeter During the Episcopate of Its First Bishop, A.D. 1050-1072__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 344pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. $54 [407386]

Watson, John. __Companions of the Sorrowful Way__. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co.. 1898. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 185pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $24 [420202]

Watt, J.A.. __Church and the Two Nations in Medieval Ireland__. Cambridge. 1970. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 251pp. Ex-library. Slightly shaken. Else good. $21.5 [382896]

Weber, Simon (Hrsg.). __Armenischen Kirchenväter Ausgewählte Schriften (2 Bands) [Bibliothek der Kirchenväter: Eine Auswahl Patristischer Werke in Deutscher Übersetzung]__. Josef Kösel. 1927. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 318, 298pp. Faded spine, slightly dampwarped pages. $13.5 [311840]

Wedewer, Hermann. __Johannes Dietenberger, 1475-1537 sein Leben und Wirken__. B. De Graaf. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 499, 4pp. Very good; pencil underlining. $34.5 [233606]

Wegman, Hermann A.J.. __Geschichte der Liturgie im Westen und Osten__. Verlag Friedrich Pustet. 1979. Paperback. 300pp. Good; slightly faded spine. $19.55 [366655]

Weidmann, Fredrick W.. __Polycarp and John: The Harris Fragments and Their Challenge to the Literary Tradition__. Notre Dame. 1999. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 189pp. Underlining. $19.5 [337524]

Weidmann, Helmut. __Patriarchen und Ihre Religion im Licht der Forschung Seit Julius Wellhausen__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1968. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 186pp. Ex- library. Shaken, cocked spine. Stains to back board. $11 [417186]

116 Weijenborg, Reinoud; mis en francais par Barthélemy Héroux. __Lettres d'Ignace d'Antioche, Étude de Critique Littéraire et de Théologie__. E.J. Brill. 1969. Paperback. 474pp. Penciling, bumped corners. $29.5 [297211]

Weill, Alexandre. __Histoire de la Guerre des Anabaptistes__. Paris: Dentu, Libraire-Éditeur. 1874. Half leather. 246pp. Good; ex-library,slight foxing. Half leather with marbled boards and end papers. $24.75 [393913]

Weimar, Wilhelm; K. Astsalck [contrib.]; August Lange [contrib.]. __Luther = Album. Ein Vorlauser__. Louis Lange Publishing, Co.. 1910. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 152pp. Yellowed. Worn boards. Else good. $11 [308312]

Welch, Claude. __Protestant Thought in the Nineteenth Century (2 vols.)__. Yale. 1972. Hardcover with dust jacket. 325, 315pp. Ink underlining. $11 [326301]

Welch, Claude. __Protestant Thought in the Nineteenth Century (2 vols.)__. Yale. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 325, 316pp. Ink underlining, slightly chipped dust jacket. $14 [348269]

Welkyj, Athanasius G.. __Acta S.C. de Propoganda Fide, Ecclesiam Catholicam Ucrainae et Bielarusjae Spectantia, vol. II. 1667-1710 [Series II, Analecta OSBM, Section III]__. Constantini Bohachevsky. 1954. Paperback. 334pp. Ex-library, creased spine. $19.5 [301815]

Wernle, Paul. __Beginnings of Christianity (2 vols.) [Theological Translations Library]__. Williams & Norgate. 1904-14. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Some pencil marks. Shaken, cocked spines. Boards bowed. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $42 [411405]

Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson. __Puritan Oligarchy: The Founding of Ameircan Civilization__. Scribner's. 1947. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 359pp. Yellowed. Faded & rubbed cover. Slightly shaken. Author's copy, bearing his signature. $12.2 [369739]

White, William. __Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America from Its Organization to the Present Day, 2nd edition__. Swords, Stanford & Co.. 1836. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 393, 2pp. Very worn and faded cover, spine cloth torn, heavy foxing. $16 [338246]

Whitley, W.T. ed.; intro. by J.H. Shakespeare. __Third Baptist World Congress, Stockholm, July 21-27, 1923. Record of Proceedings__. Kingsgate Press. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 292pp. Ex-library, else very good. $22 [222537]

117 Whitlock, Elias D.; Nathaniel B.C. Love, and Elwood O. Crist. __History of the Central Ohio Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Illustrated, 1856-1913__. Methodist Book Concern. 1913. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 397pp. Edgeworn cover, badly shaken. $11 [309899]

Whitmore, P.J.S.. __The Order of Minims in Seventeenth-Century France [International Archives of the History of Ideas 20]__. Martinus Nijhoff. 1967. Hardcover with dust jacket. 367pp. Slightly shaken, chipped dust jacket. $24.75 [381998]

Wicher, Edward Arthur. __Presbyterian Church in California, 1849-1927__. Frederick H. Hitchcock. 19257. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 3690pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Some page edges damp-stained. Foxing. Boards scuffed. $16 [407780]

Wiest, Jean-Paul. __Maryknoll in China: A History, 1918-1955__. M.E. Sharpe, Inc.. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 591pp. Good; ex-library. $21.5 [385642]

Wilberforce, Robert Isaac and Samuel Wilberforce. __Correspondence of William Wilberforce (2 vols.)__. Philadelphia: Henry Perkins. 1841. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Heavy foxing. Faded & worn covers. One leaf coming loose in Volume I. $177 [395071]

Wilken, Robert L.. __Judaism and the Early Christian Mind: A Study of Cyril of Alexandria's Exegesis and Theology__. Yale. 1971. Hardcover with dust jacket. 257pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $16 [411517]

Wilkerson, Kenneth ed.. __Methodism in the Memphis Conference: 1840-1990__. Memphis Conference Commission on Archives and History. 1990. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 207pp. Very good. $18 [391029]

Willaert, Leopold. __Apres le concile de Trente La Restauration catholique 1563-1648 [Histoire de l'Eglise, 18]__. Bloud & Gay. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 488pp. Ex-library, foxing; in black library buckram. $18.25 [363845]

[William of Ockham] Gulielmi de Ockham. __Gulielmi de Ockham, Epistola ad Fratres Minores. Edited with Notes and Introduction by C. Kenneth Brampton__. Basil Blackwell. 1929. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 55pp. Ex-library, stained cover. $18.25 [390685]

Williams, Folkestone. __Lives of the English Cardinals; including Historical Notices of the Papal Court, from Nicholas Breakspear (Pope Adrian IV) to Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal Legate (2 vols.)__. J.B. Lippincott & Co., et al. 1868. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 484, 543pp. Ex- library, otherwise good. $28 [386553]

Williams, Glanmor. __The Welsh Church from Conquest to Reformation__. Wales. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 602pp. Ex-library, pages slightly yellowed. $11 [296410]

118 Williams, Glanmor. __The Welsh Church from Conquest to Reformation__. Wales. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 602pp. Good; ex-library, rubbed cover. $14 [383327]

Williams, Thomas Jay. __Priscilla Lydia Sellon: The Restorer After Three Centuries of the Religious Life in the English Church__. SPCK. 1950. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 311pp. Good; ex-library, foxing, spine cloth frayed. $13 [374330]

Willis, Geoffrey Grimshaw. __Saint Augustine and the Donatist Controversy__. SPCK. 1950. Hardcover with dust jacket. 199pp. Penciling throughout. Chipped dust jacket. Cocked spine. $18 [400446]

Willson, Thomas B.. __History of the Church and State in Norway, from the Tenth to the Sixteenth Century__. Archibald Constable & Co.. 1903. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 382pp. Ex-library, shaken, bumped corners. $19.5 [296112]

Wilson, R. McL.. __Future of Coptic Studies [Coptic Studies, vol. I]__. E.J. Brill. 1978. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 253pp. Very good. $36 [297869]

Wiltgren, Ralph M.. __Founding of the Roman Catholic Church in Oceania 1825 to 1850__. Australian National University Press. 1979. Hardcover with dust jacket. 610pp. Ex-library, otherwise VG/VG. $19.5 [298457]

Wiltsch, Johann Elieser Theodor. __Handbuch der Kirchlichen Geographie und Statistik (1 & 2 Bands) 2 vols.__. Berlin: Hermann Schultze. 1846. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 531, 424pp. Ex-library, foxing. Half-leather with marbled boards. $21.5 [376733]

[Wodrow, Robert] L.W. Sharp ed.. __Early Letters of Robert Wodrow, 1698-1709. (Publications of the Scottish History Society, 3rd series, vol. XXIV)__. Edinburgh. 1937. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 332pp. Ex-library, bumped spine edges and lower front board edge, light foxing. Otherwise, good. $27 [184305]

Wolkovich-Valkavicius, William. __Lithuanian Religious Life in America: A Compendium of 150 Roman Catholic Parishes and Institutions (3 vols.)__. Lithuanian Religious Life in America. 1991. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 629, 552, 403pp. Very good. $24.75 [368712]

Wood, Susan. __English Monasteries and Their Patrons in the Thirteenth Century__. Oxford. 1955. Hardcover with dust jacket. 191pp. Foxing, yellowed. Slightly chipped dust jacket. Else good. $15.4 [365926]

Wood, Susan. __English Monasteries and Their Patrons in the Thirteenth Century__. Oxford. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 191pp. Ex-library, slightly faded cover. $11 [390672]

119 Woodford, James. __The Diary of a Country Parson: The Reverend James Woodforde, 1758- 1781 (5 vols.)__. Humphrey Milford. 1924. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Ex-library, worn covers, shaken, foxing. Spine of first volume is missing, and spine area is covered in peeling black binding tape. $52.96 [379385]

Wordsworth, Chr.. __Notes on Mediaeval Services in England, with an Index of Lincoln Ceremonies__. Thomas Baker. 1898. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 313pp. Faded and worn cover, slightly shaken, ex-library. $18.25 [376873]

Wordsworth, John. __The Ministry of Grace: Studies in Early Church History with Reference to Present Problems__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1901. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 488pp. Edgeworn and slightly stained cover, slightly shaken, slight foxing. $11 [389944]

Worrall, B.G.. __The Making of the Modern Church: Christianity in England Since 1800. 3rd edition__. SPCK. 2004. Paperback. 355pp. Good. $11 [325432]

Wroth, Lawrence C.. __Parson Weems: A Biographical and Critical Study__. Eichelberger Book Company. 1911. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 104pp. Good; ex-library. $13 [376978]

Wünsch, Dietrich. __Evangelienharmonien im Reformationszeitalter__. Walter de Gruyter. 1983. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 282pp. VG. Includes fold-out charts. $50.75 [362428]

Wuonola, Mark A.. __Guild of All Souls: A Century of Independent Work in America, 1889- 1989__. Guild of All Souls. 1991. Paperback. 112pp. Good. $16 [398994]

Wyld, Joseph William. __Brief Sketches from the Earliest to the Present Period of the Chief Religious Communities, Denominations, Sects, &c.; founded on a full or partial acknowledgement of the Holy Bible__. T. Varty. 1850. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 326pp. Spine cloth tattered and mostly peeled away, shaken, stained edges $11 [228820]

Yale, Cyrus. __The Godly Pastor: Life of the Rev. Jeremiah Hallock, of Canton, Conn., to Which is Added a Sketch of the Life of the Rev. Moses Hallock, of Plainfield, Mass. Laborers in the Great Revival of the Work of God at the Beginning of the Present Century__. American Tract Society. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 389pp. Worn cover, heavy foxing. $21.5 [355838]

Yardeni, Myriam. __Modernité et Non-Conformisme en France à Travers les Ages [Studies in the History of Christian Thought, vol. XXVIII]__. E.J. Brill. 1983. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 193pp. Good; ex-library. $50.75 [393347]

Yeaman, W. Pope. __History of the Missouri Baptist General Association__. Columbia, Mo: E.W. Stephens. 1899. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 404pp. Ex-library, shaken. $22 [225058]

120 Yeo, Richard. __The Structure and Content of Monastic Profession: A Juridical Study, with Particular Regard to the Practice of the English Benedictine Congregation since the French Revolution [Studia Anselmiana 83]__. Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo. 1984. Paperback. 360pp. Very good. $21.5 [386820]

Yonge, Charlotte M.. __John Keble's Parishes: A History of Hursley and Otterbourne__. Macmillan. 1898. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 231pp. Very worn cover, ex-library, one plate loose but present. $14 [376778]

Zell, Katharina Schütz. __Katharina Schütz Zell, Vol. Two: The Writings, A Critical Edition [Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, Vol. LXIX]__. Brill. 1999. Hardcover with dust jacket. 403pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Edge-worn dust jacket. Edited by Elsie Anne McKee. $62 [409288]

Zeno von Verona. __Des Heiligen Bischofs Zeno von Verona Traktate (Predigten und Ansprachen) [Bibliothek der Kirchenväter]__. Verlag der Jos. Kösel. 1934. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 348pp. Ex-library. Rebound in white buckram. $14 [353245]

Zieglschmid, A.J.F. . __Älteste Chronik der Hutterischen Brüder Ein Sprachdenkmal aus frühneuhochdeutscher Zeit__. Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, Cayuga Press. 1943. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1032, xxpp. Slight foxing, bumped boards corners. Part of a limited edition printing. $44.5 [300767]

Ziff, Larzer ed.. __John Cotton on the Churches of New England__. Belknap / Harvard. 1968. Hardcover with dust jacket. 401pp. Underlining, chipped dust jacket. $16 [293635]

Zophy, Jonathan W. ed.. __The Holy Roman Empire: A Dictionary Handbook__. Greenwood. 1980. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 551pp. Light foxing, bowed boards. $24.75 [393083]

Zürcher, Christoph. __Konrad Pellikans Wirken in ürich, 1526-1556 [Zürcher Beiträge zur Reformationsgeschichte, 4]__. Theologischer Verlag. 1975. Paperback. 304pp. Pencil underlining. Creased wrappers. $22 [407406]


. __Classical Studies, Series No. II, by Members of the Department of Classics__. University of Wisconsin. 1922. Paperback. 167pp. Ex-library. Chipped & foxed wrappers. $11 [396156]

Achilles Tatius. __Loeb: Achilles Tatius__. Harvard / Heinemann. 1947. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 461pp. Ex-library. Slightly shaken, else good. Translated by S. Gaselee. $15 [401509]

Acquaro, Enrico. __Scavi a Tofet di Tharros: le Urne Dello Scavo Pesce-I (Collezione di Studi Fenici, 29)__. Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche. 1989. Paperback. 138pp. Very good. $22 [199078]

121 Aeschyli. __Septem Quae Supersunt Tragoediae, Editio Altera [Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis]__. Oxford. 1966. Hardcover with dust jacket. pp. VG/G. Faded and chipped dust jacket. $15 [387554]

Aeschylus. __Agamemnon of Aeschylus__. Harcourt, Brace & Co.. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 71pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Slight pencil marginalia. Trans. by Louis MacNeice. $11 [418254]

Aeschylus. __Agamemnon of Aeschylus with Notes__. Boston: James Munroe. 1847. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 199pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Pencil notes throughout. Worn cover. Edited by C.C. Felton. $11 [418246]

Aeschylus. __Choephori of Aeschylus, with Critical Notes, Commentary, Translation and a Recension of the Scholia__. Cambridge. 1901. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 318pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Edited by T.G. Tucker. $27 [418194]

Aeschylus. __New Readings Contained in Hermann's Posthumous Edition of Aeschylus, Forming an Appendix to the Prose Translation of Aeschylus Published in Bohn's Classical Library__. London: Henry G. Bohn. 1853. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 156pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Small tear in ffep. Trans. by George Burges. $11 [420204]

Aeschylus. __Prometheus and Agamemnon of Aeschylus__. Cambridge: John Bartlett. 1849. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 156pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Cloth torn at spine. Foxing. $16 [419746]

Alexander von Trailles. __Original-Text und Übersetzung nebst Einer Einleitenden Abhandlung (2 vols.), Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Medicin__. Wien: Wilhelm Braumüller. 1878-79. Library buckram. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library, rebound in black buckram. Shaken, cocked spines. Foxing. $57 [418214]

Allen, James T. and Gabriel Italie. __Concordance to Euripides__. California. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 686pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Faded & worn cover. $37 [418305]

Ancona, Ronnie ed.. __Concise Guide to Teaching Latin Literature__. Oklahoma. 2007. Paperback. 112pp. Very good $15 [387017]

Apollonius Rhodius. __Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 454pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Top corner damp-stained & bumped. Foxing. Worn cover. $47 [418195]

Apollonius, Citiensis. __Apollonius von Kitium: Illustrierter Kommentar zu der Hippokrateischen Schrift PERI ARTHRON__. Leipzig: Teubner. 1896. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 35, xxxipp. Ex-library. Boards bowed. Foxing. Edited by Hermann Schöne. $97 [418086]

122 Aristophanis. __Comoediae, Tomus II[Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis]__. Oxford. 1967. Hardcover with dust jacket. pp. G/G. Slightly chipped dust jacket. Greek text. $15 [387549]

Ashmole, Bernard. __Classical Ideal in Greek Sculpture [Lectures in Memory of Louise Taft Semple]__. Cincinnati. 1964. Paperback. 47, lxixpp. Faded & slightly creased wrappers. Label on spine. $11 [402324]

Athenaeus. __Deipnosophists, or Banquet of the Learned of Athenaeus (3 vols.)__. London: Henry G. Bohn. 1854. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 3 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spines. Foxing. Worn & faded covers. Trans. by C.D. Yonge. $175 [419532]

Attridge, Harold W. and Robert A. Oden. __Syrian Goddess (De Dea Syria) Attributed to Lucan [SBL Texts and Translations 9, Graeco-Roman Religion 1]__. Scholars Press. 1976. Paperback. 61pp. Creased wrappers. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $16 [411103]

Bachofens, Johann Jakob; Karl Meuli, ed.. __Johan Jakob Bachofens Gesemmelt Werke (Bands. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, & 10)__. Benno Schwabe & Co. Verlag. 1943. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 8 vols.pp. All volumes are clean, yellowed, and have slightly bowed boards. Vols. 1, 6,7, 8, & 10 have dust jackets. All dust jackets are slightly chipped with water-spots on the spines. $327 [278837]

Baehrens, Aemilius. __Fragmenta Poetarum Romanorum__. Lipsiae: Teubner. 1886. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 427pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Corners bumped. $22 [420640]

Bailey, Cyril, et al, ed.. __Greek Poetry and Life: Essays Presented to Gilbert Murray on His Seventieth Birthday, January 2, 1936__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1936. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 392pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Fore-edge bumped. Foxing. $22 [418975]

Baker, G.P.. __Twelve Centuries of Rome (753 B.C. - A.D. 476)__. G. Bell & Sons. 1934. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 557pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Worn cover. Foxing. $11 [403419]

Barker, T. Childe. __Aryan Civilization: Its Religious Origin and Its Progress, with an Account of the Religion, Laws, and Institutions, of Greece and Rome. Based on the Work of De Coulanges__. London: Parker / Chipping Norton: G.B. Smith. 1871. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 286pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cracked spine. $16 [396152]

Bärthlein, Karl. __Der Analogiebegriff bei den griechischen Mathematikern und bei Platon__. Königshausen & Neumann. 1996. Paperback. 197pp. Ink underlining, slightly bumped corners. $21.5 [386879]

123 Becker; trans. by Frederick Metcalfe. __Charicles, or Illustrations of the Private Life of the Ancient Greeks, wth Notes and Excursuses__. Longmans, Green & Co.. 1889. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 512pp. Worn, shaken, foxing. $11 [386689]

Bell, H. Idris. __Cults and Creeds in Graeco-Roman Egypt [Forwood Lectures, 1952]__. Philosophical Library. 1953. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 117pp. Ink underlining. Shaken. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $13 [411763]

Bello, Andres; Aurelio Espinosa Polit, prologo. __Gramatica Latina y Escritos Complementarios__. Ministerio de Educacion. 1958. Paperback. 655pp. Creased spine, bumped corners. Edgeworn and slightly yellowed wraps. Most pages unopened. Stamp on title page. $20.5 [326423]

Benetti, Edoardo. __Omero e la Sardegna__. Sassari: Tipografia Giovanni Gallizzi. 1925. Paperback. 132pp. Corners bent, spine covered in yellow tape. Foxing. Most pages unopened. $11 [405650]

Benn, Alfred William. __Philosophy of Greece Considered in Relation to the Character and History of Its People__. London: Grant Richards. 1898. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 308pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $32 [420031]

Berard, Jean. __La Colonisation Grecque de L'Italie Meridionale et de la Sicile dans L'Antiquite: L'Histoire et la Legende__. Presses Universitaires de France. 1957. Paperback. 518pp. Creased spine & faded wrappers. $22 [402121]

Bérard, Jean. __La Colonisation Grecque. De L'Italie Méridionale et de la Sicile dans l'Antiquité__. Presses Universitaires de France. 1957. Paperback. 522pp. Ex-library, upper page edges uncut. $24.5 [325771]

Bérard, Victor. __Introduction a L'Odyssée (3 vols.)__. Paris: Societe D'Edition, Les Belles Lettres. 1933. Paperback. 3 vols.pp. Creased spine & wrappers. Vol. III corner bent. Most pages unopened. $38 [405625]

Berkowitz, Gary. __Semi-Public Narration in Apollonius' Argonautica [Hellenistica Groningana 8]__. Peeters. 2004. Paperback. 162pp. Ink underlining, else good. $21.5 [386601]

Bernhardy, G.. __Grundriss der Römischen Litteratur__. Braunschweig: C.A. Schwetschke & Sohn. 1872. Half leather. 1009pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Half-leather, slightly edge-worn. $16 [417970]

Bielefeld, Erwin. __Schmuck [Archaeologia Homerica, Band I, Kapitel C]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1968. Paperback. 70pp. Base of spine bumped. $11 [410237]

124 Blackie, John Stuart. __Horae Hellenicae: Essays and Discussions on Some Important Points of Greek Philology and Antiquity__. Macmillan. 1874. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 394pp. Foxing, underlining, shaken, cocked spine, front board water-stained along lower fore-edge. $13.5 [293746]

Boer, Willem den. __Etudes Classiques aux XIXe et XXe Siecles: Leur Place Dans L'Histoire des Idees, Huit Exposes Suivis de Discussions__. Vandoeuvres. 1980. Hardcover with dust jacket. 346pp. Shaken, cocked spine. $26 [402122]

Bona, Giacomo. __Il 'NOOS' e i 'NOOI' Nell'Odissea [Universita di Torino Pubblicazioni Della Facota di Lettere e Filosophia, Vol. XI, Fasc. 1, 1959]__. Torino. 1959. Paperback. 66pp. Creased spine & worn wrappers. Foxing. Ink notes on front wrapper. $11 [405628]

Bonitz, Herm.. __Über den Ursprung der Homerischen Gedichte: Vortrag Gehalten im Xtändehause zu Wien, Am 3. März 1860, Fünfte Auflage__. Carl Gerold's Sohn. 1881. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 118pp. Shaken. Pencil marks. Worn cover. $11 [405033]

Bonner, Robert J.. __Aspects of Athenian Democracy__. California. 1933. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 199pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Worn cover. $11 [417508]

Bornemann, Eduard. __Odyssee-Interpretationen: Zugleich ene Einführung in die Sprachlichen und Sachlichen Probleme des Epos__. Hirschgraben-Berlag. 1953. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 171pp. Foxing. Boards bowed. $11 [405027]

Boulter, C.G. ed.. __Greek Art, Archaic into Classical. A Symposium held at the University of Cincinnati, April 2-3, 1982 [Cincinnati Classical Studies, New Series, vol. V]__. E.J. Brill. 1985. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 119, 96pp. Very good. $39.05 [386864]

Boyle, Marjorie O'Rourke. __Petrarch's Genius: Pentimento and Prophecy__. California. 1991. Hardcover with dust jacket. 216pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Former owner's name. $15 [409514]

Brandt, Paulus. __Pandorum Epicorum Graecorum et Archestrati Reliquae [Corpusculum Poesis Epicae Graecae Ludibundae, Fasc. Prior]__. Teubner. 1888. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 228pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Foxing. $11 [417735]

Breuning, Paulus Stephanus. __De Hymnorum Homericorum Memoria__. Tpaiecti ad Rhenum apud A. Oosthoek et Socios. 1929. Paperback. 130pp. Foxing. Creased & worn wrappers. $18 [405330]

Bruce, J. Collingwood. __The Roman Wall: A Description of the Mural Barrier of the North of England. 3rd edition__. Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. 1867. Half leather. 466pp. Worn and faded half-leather binding, heavy foxing, slightly shaken. Many illustrations. $267 [300801]

125 Caesar. __C. Juli Caesaris, Commentariorum Pars Prior Qua Continentur, Libri VII de Bello Gallico cum A. Hirti Supplemento [Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis]__. Cambridge. 1937. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Good; foxing. Latin text. $12 [387561]

Calame, Claude. __Poetics of Eros in Ancient Greece__. Princeton. 1999. Hardcover with dust jacket. 213pp. Boards bowed. Translated by Janet Lloyd. $30 [407518]

Calame, Claude. __The Poetics of Eros in Ancient Greece__. Princeton. 1999. Hardcover with dust jacket. 213pp. VG/VG $31.25 [386716]

Callinicus. __De Vita S. Hypatii Liber__. Lipsiae: Teubner. 1895. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 188pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $11 [419996]

Cantarella, Eva. __Pompeji: Liebe und Erotik in einer römischen Stadt__. Wissenschftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1998. Hardcover with dust jacket. 160pp. VG/VG. $13.5 [330592]

Carpenter, Rhys. __Folk Tale, Fiction and Saga in the Homeric Epics__. California. 1946. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 198pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $11 [418976]

Cary, M.; J.D. Denniston, J. Wight Duff, A.D. Nock, W.D. Ross, H.H. Scullard; with H.J. Rose, H.P. Harvey, and A. Souter. __Oxford Classical Dictionary__. Oxford. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 971pp. Shaken, rubbed cover. $13 [362909]

Censorinus; Aelianus Spartianus. __De Die Natale ('The Natal Day'); Life of the Emperor Hadrian__. New York: Cambridge Encyclopedia. 1900. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 40, 25pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Edge-worn & bumped cover. Trans. by William Maude. $16 [418828]

Cerfaux, Lucien, preface. __Antidorum W. Peremans Sexagenario ab Alumnis Oblatum [Studia Hellenistica, 16]__. Louvain. 1968. Library binding. 327pp. Ex-library, paperback edition rebound into laminated boards. Good condition. $16 [408732]

Champault, Philippe. __Pheniciens et Grecs en Italie d'apres l'Odyssee: Etude Geographique Historique et Sociale par une Methode Nouvell__. Ernest Leroux. 1906. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 602pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. $18 [405564]

Cicero. __De Senectute, de Amicitia, Paradoxa, and Somnium Scipionis of Cicero, and the Life of Atticus__. New York: Harper & Bros.. 1848. Full leather. 349pp. Ex-library. Full leather, front board nearly detached. Worn, boards bowed. Foxing. With Cornelius Neops. Trans. by Charles Anthon. $34 [420043]

Cicero. __Loeb: Cicero, The Speeches: Pro Publio Quinctio, Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino, Pro Quinto Roscio Comoedo, de Lege Agraria I., III, III__. Harvard / Heinemann. 1945. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 503pp. Ex-library, shaken. Translation by John Henry Freese. $12.2 [383247]

126 Cicero. __M.T. Ciceronis ad Quintum Fratrem Dialogi Tres de Oratore, Tom. I__. Boston: Perkins et Marvin. 1838. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 226pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Spine covered in library tape, edges worn. Edited by C.K. Dillaway. $30 [419695]

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. __Brutus; On the Nature of the Gods; On Divination; On Duties__. Chicago. 1950. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 661pp. Foxing, shaken. Remnants of dust jacket included. $12 [316531]

[Cicero]. __M. Tulli Ciceronis De Oratore, Libri Tres__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1892. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 573pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Cloth torn, splitting & re- glued at spine. Foxing. Edited by Augustus S. Wilkins. $37 [418841]

Clarke, John R.. __Looking at Laughter: Humor, Power, and Transgression in Roman Visual Culture, 100 B.C. to A.D. 250__. California. 2007. Hardcover with dust jacket. 321pp. Underlining, lower page edges dampwarped. $16 [387758]

Cohen, Edward E.. __Athenian Economy and Society: A Banking Perspective__. Princeton. 1992. Paperback. 288pp. Ink underlining, slightly sunned cover. $16 [387015]

Cook, S.A., F.E. Adcock, and M.P. Charlesworth, eds.. __Cambridge Ancient Commentary, Vol. XI: The Imperial Palace, A.D. 70-192__. Cambridge. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 997pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $24.4 [408530]

Cook, S.A., F.E. Adcock, and M.P. Charlesworth, eds.. __Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. VII: The Hellenistic Monarchies and the Rise of Rome__. Cambridge. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 987pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Foxing. Gift inscription. $22 [408524]

Cook, S.A., F.E. Adcock, and M.P. Charlesworth, eds.. __Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. VIII: Rome and the Mediterranean, 218-133 B.C.__. Cambridge. 1954. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 840pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Foxing. $26 [408532]

Cook, S.A., F.E. Adcock, M.P. Charlesworth, and N.H. Baynes, eds.. __Cambridge Ancient Commentary, Vol. XII: The Imperial Crisis and Recovery, A.D. 193-324__. Cambridge. 1961. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 849pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $18 [408529]

Cumont, Franz. __After Life in Roman Paganism: Lectures Delivered at Yale University on the Silliman Foundation__. Yale. 1922. Hardcover with dust jacket. 224pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Badly chipped dust jacket. Former owner's name. $12 [409355]

Cumont, Franz. __Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism__. Open Court. 1911. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 298pp. Shaken. Yellowed. Intro. by Grant Showerman. From the personal library of Samuel Sandmel. $12.2 [383728]

127 Damascius le Diadoque. __Problemes et Solutions Touchant Les Premiers Principes (3 vols.) Avec le Tableau Sommaire des Doctrines de Chaldeens de Michel Psellus__. Paris: Ernest Leroux. 1898. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 3 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Faded cover. $97 [417939]

Damaskios. __Damascii Successoris Dubitationes et Solutiones de Primis Principiis, in Platonis Parmenidem (2 vols. in 1)__. Paris: Typographeo Publico. 1889. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 324, 390pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Edited by Car. Aem. Ruelle. $177 [418089]

Danker, Frederick W.. __Century of Greco-Roman Philology: Featuring the American Philological Association and the Society of Biblical Literature__. Scholars Press. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 298pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing to page edges. $18 [407149]

Danker, Frederick W.. __Century of Greco-Roman Philology: Featuring the American Philological Association and the Society of Biblical Literature__. Scholars Press. 1988. Paperback. 299pp. Top corner bumped. Former owner's name. $16 [407628]

Davis, William Stearns. __Influence of Wealth in Imperial Rome__. Macmillan. 1910. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 340pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Corners bumped. $11 [396113]

De la Coste-Messeliere, Pierre . __Delphi. Photographien von Georges de Miré; vorwort von Charles Picard; Übersetzung aus dem Französischen von Georges und Vida Daux [Ecole Francaise in Athen]__. Éditions du Chène-Paris. . Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 335pp. Shaken, worn cover. $24.5 [306961]

Defradas, Jean. __Les Thèmes de la Propagande Delphique [Études et Commentaires, XXI]__. Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck. 1954. Paperback. 296pp. Ex-library, foxing, a couple of torn pages. $24.5 [325775]

Delbrück, Richard. __Antike Porträts [Tabulae in Usum Scholarum, 6]__. A. Marcus und E. Weber. [1912] 1927. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. lxx, 62 platespp. Yellowed, foxing. Faded and edgeworn boards, end papers rubbed. Quarto. $83.25 [361015]

Demosthenes; Smead, M.J., ed.. __I. II. III. Philippics of Demosthenes__. Boston & Cambridge: James Munroe. 1851. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 240pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Pencil notes. Worn cover. Foxing. $16 [418367]

Demosthenis et Aeschinis. __Demostehenis et Aeschinis Quae Exstant Omnia (10 vols.)__. London: J.F. Dove. 1828. Half leather. 10 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spines. Half leather, edge-worn. Vol. III spine scuffed. Foxing. With Gulielmus Stephanus Dobson. $497 [419153]

Denniston, J.D.. __Greek Literary Criticism__. Kennikat Press. 1971. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 224pp. Very good. $11.4 [375044]

128 Dio von Prusa. __Leben und Werke des Dio von Prusa, Mit Einer Einleitung: Sophistik, Rhetorik, Philosophie in Ihrem Kampf um die Jugendbildung__. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. 1898. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 524pp. Ex-library. Slightly shaken. Foxing. With Hans von Arnim. $67 [418209]

Dio, Cassius. __Loeb: Dio's Roman History, Vol. II__. Heinemann / Macmillan. 1914. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 519pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Cover bumped at corners & edges. Translated by Earnest Cary. $13 [401523]

Dio, Cassius. __Loeb: Dio's Roman History, Vol. III__. Heinemann / G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1914. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 519pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Worn cover, pages creased. Translated by Earnest Cary. Based on Herbert Baldwin Foster. $13 [401506]

Diogenes of Oenoanda. __Diogenes of Oenoanda: The Fragments__. Oxford. 1971. Hardcover with dust jacket. 141pp. Ink underlining. Faded & edge-worn dust jacket. Trans. by C.W. Chilton. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $16 [410933]

Dionis Cassii Cocceiani. __Dionis Cassii Coceiani (9 vols.) Historiarum Romanarum Quae Supersunt__. Lipsiae: In Libraria Kuehniana. 1824-43. Quarter leather. 9 vols.pp. Ex-library. Quarter leather, cracked along hinges, edge-worn. Foxing. $897 [419149]

Donovan, John. __Logia in Ancient and Recent Literature__. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons. 1924. Paperback. 44pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Faded wrappers. $20 [419635]

Dornseiff, Franz. __Archaische Mythenerzählung: Folgerungen aus dem Homerischen Apollonhymnos__. Walter de Gruyter. 1933. Paperback. 103pp. Corners bumped. Foxing. Pages unopened. $18 [402250]

Downey, Glanville. __Ancient Antioch__. Princeton. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 295pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $19 [410788]

Dumezil, Georges. __Archaic Roman Religion (2 vols.) with an Appendix on the Religion of the Etruscans__. Chicago. 1970. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Boards bowed. Trans. by Philip Krapp. Foreword by Mircea Eliade. $37 [413487]

Dunand, Françoise et Pierre Leveque. __Syncretismes Dans Les Religions de L'Antiquite: Colloque de Besançon (22-23 Octobre 1973) [Etudes Preliminaires aux Religions Orientales dans L'Empire Romain, 46]__. Brill. 1975. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 234pp. Ex-library. Boards slightly bowed. $46 [407349]

Dunbar, Henry. __Complete Concordance to the Comedies and Fragments of Aristophanes__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1883. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 342pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Cover and upper page edges water-stained. $37 [418307]

129 Dyer, Thomas H.. __History of the City of Rome: Its Structures and Monuments. From Its Foundatoin to the End of the Middle Ages__. Longmans, Green, & Co.. 1865. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 415pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Foxing. Worn cover. $27 [417544]

Else, Gerald F.. __Origin and Early Form of Greek Tragedy [Martin Classical Literature, Vol. XX]__. Oberlin College / Harvard. 1965. Hardcover with dust jacket. 127pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Faded & slightly chipped dust jacket. $11 [409782]

Elter, Antonio, ed.. __Natalicia Regis Augustissimi Guilelmi II Imperatoris Germantorum Ab Universitate Fridericia Guilelmia Rhenana, D. XXVII M. Ianuarii A. MDCCCC in Aula Magna Hora XII Publice Concelebranda Indicunt Universitatis Rector et Senatus__. Bonnae: Ex Caroli Georgi Typographeo Academico. n.d.. Library buckram. 255, 62pp. Ex-library, rebound in blue buckram. Foxing. $16 [418093]

Enenkel, Karl A.; Jan L. De Jong, Jeanine de Landtsheer eds.. __Recreating Ancient History: Episodes from the Greek and Roman Past in the Arts and Literature of the Early Modern Period__. Brill. 2001. Paperback. 371pp. As new. $12 [255310]

Enenkel, Karl A.; Jan L. De Jong, Jeanine de Landtsheer eds.. __Recreating Ancient History: Episodes from the Greek and Roman Past in the Arts and Literature of the Early Modern Period__. Brill. 2001. Paperback. 371pp. As new. $12 [255311]

Enenkel, Karl A.; Jan L. De Jong, Jeanine de Landtsheer eds.. __Recreating Ancient History: Episodes from the Greek and Roman Past in the Arts and Literature of the Early Modern Period__. Brill. 2001. Paperback. 371pp. As new. $12 [255312]

Enenkel, Karl A.; Jan L. De Jong, Jeanine de Landtsheer eds.. __Recreating Ancient History: Episodes from the Greek and Roman Past in the Arts and Literature of the Early Modern Period__. Brill. 2001. Paperback. 371pp. As new. $12 [255313]

Engemann, Josef. __Untersuchungen ur Sepulkralsymbolik der Späteren Römischen Kaiserzeit [Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 2]__. Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1973. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 94, LIXpp. Ex-library. Boards slightly bowed, corners bumped. Else good. Quarto. $14 [395422]

Engemann, Josef. __Untersuchungen zur Sepulkralsymbolik der Späteren Römischen Kaiserzeit [Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 2, 1973]__. Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1973. Hardcover with dust jacket. 94, 59pp. VG/G, bookplate, foxed dustjacket. $14 [366422]

Espermann, Ingeborg. __Antenor, Theano, Antenoriden: Ihre Person und Bedeutung in der Ilias [Beiträge zur Klassischen Philologie, Heft 120]__. Anton Hain. 1980. Paperback. 170pp. Wrappers rubbed. Label on spine. $18 [405036]

130 Euclid. __Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements (3 vols.), Second Edition__. Dover. [1956] n.d.. Paperback. 3 vols.pp. Slight ink marks. Creased spines & wrappers. Trans. by Thomas L. Heath. $20 [414005]

Euripides. __Hippolytus__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 453pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn & scuffed cover. $11 [405970]

Euripides. __Medea [The Plays of Euripides]__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1964. Hardcover with dust jacket. 190pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Chipped dust jacket. Edited by Denys L. Page. $11 [410606]

Euripides. __Medea of Euripides, From the Text, and with a Translation of the Notes of Porson; Critical and Explanatory Remarks, Original and Selcted; Illustrations of Idioms from Matthiae, Dawes, Viger, etc. etc.; Examination Questions, and Copious Indexes.__. London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans. 1844. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 170pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine, cracked hinges. Pencil marks. Worn cloth, corners bumped. Foxing. Edited by J.R. Major. $11 [418351]

Euripides. __Opera Omnia (9 vols.)__. Glasguae: Andreae et Joannis M. Duncan. 1821. Half leather. 9 vols.pp. Ex-library. Half leather, edge-worn. Shaken. Heavy foxing. $177 [419140]

Farrington, Benjamin. __Faith of Epicurus__. Weidenfeld and Nicholson. 1967. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 160pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. $15 [401731]

Farrington, Benjamin. __Science and Politics in the Ancient World__. George Allen & Unwin. 1939. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 243pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Small stains to cover. Foxing. Corners bumped. $11 [409569]

Fehrle, Eugen. __Kultische Keuschheit im Altertum__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1910. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 250pp. Ex-library. Worn cover. $22 [413594]

Finley, John H. Jr.. __Three Essays on Thucydides [Loeb Classical Monographs series]__. Harvard. 1967. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 194pp. Ink underlining. $12.7 [386710]

Fitzgerald, John T. and L. Michael White. __Tabula of Ceres [SBL Texts and Translations, 24, Graeco-Roman Religion Series, 7]__. Scholars Press. 1983. Paperback. 225pp. Wrappers creased. $15 [407623]

Foss, Clive. __Ephesus After Eternity: A Late Antique, Byzantine and Turkish City__. Cambridge. 1979. Hardcover with dust jacket. 218pp. Ink underlining. Shaken, cocked spine. Chipped dust jacket. One leaf unevenly cut (when published). $27 [411161]

Foxe, Arthur N.. __The Common Sense from Heraclitus to Peirce: The Sources, Substance, and Possiblities of the Common Sense__. Tunbridge Press. 1962. Hardcover with dust jacket. 284pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Chipped dust jacket. $18 [407143]

131 Friedländer, Ludwig. __Roman Life and Manners Under the Early Empire (4 vols.)__. Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1965. Hardcover with dust jacket. 4 vols.pp. Ink underlining in vol. I only. Shaken, cocked spines. Chipped dust jackets. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $99 [410723]

Friedlieb, J.H., ed.. __Sibyllinischen Weissagungen Vollstaendig Gesammelt, Nach Neuer Handschriften-Vergleichung, Mit Kritischem Commentare und Metrischer Deutscher Uebersetzung [Oracula Sibyllina]__. Leipzig: T.O. Weigel. 1852. Half leather. cxxiiipp. Ex- library. Half leather, edge-worn. Foxing. $42 [419443]

Galen. __On Medical Experience, First Edition of the Arabic Version with English Translation and Notes__. Oxford. 1944. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 164pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Faded cover. Edited by R. Walzer. $47 [418306]

Geffcken, J.. __Zwei Griechische Apologeten [Sammlung Wissenschaflicher Kommentare] In Greek and German__. B.G. Teubner. 1907. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 333pp. Rebound in paper boards. Front board broken along lower spine and lower edge; foxing, shaken. $13.5 [313276]

Geffcken, Johannes. __Ausgang des Griechisch-Römischen Heidentums__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 365pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Boards bowed. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $11 [411660]

[Gellius, Aulus]. __Noctes Atticae (4 vols.)__. London: A.J. Valpy. 1824. Half leather. 4 vols.pp. Ex-library. Half-leather, edge-worn. Foxing. With Jacobi Gronovii. $477 [418233]

Godley, A.D.. __Socrates and Athenian Society in His Day__. London: Seeley & Co.. 1896. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 232pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Foxing. $11 [396227]

Golden, Mark and Peter Toohey, eds.. __Inventing Ancient Culture: Historicism, Periodization, and the Ancient World__. Routledge. 1997. Paperback. 238pp. Very good. $12 [407479]

Grimm, Richard Eugene. __Pindar's Second Pythian Ode__. University Microfilms Inc.. 1973. Paperback. pp. Underlining and notes, text on page 124's inner margin cropped during binding of the book (no text lost). $16 [285878]

Haas, Wolfgang (Hrsg.). __Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt, Teil II: Principat, 17 Band (3. Teilband): Religion (Heidentum: Römische Götterkulte, Orientalische Kulte in der Römischen Welt [Forts.])__. Walter de Gruyter. 1984. Hardcover with dust jacket. 1738pp. VG/VG. From the library of Bruce M. Metzger. $51 [299146]

Haase, Wolfgang and Hildegard Temprini, eds.. __Rise and Decline of the Roman World, Part II: Principate [Vol. 33.2]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1990. Paperback. 852-1647pp. Very good. Former owner's name. $16 [404217]

132 Hallett, Judith P.. __Fathers and Daughters in Roman Society: Women and the Elite Family__. Princeton. 1984. Paperback. 422pp. Cocked spine. Wrapper repaired with clear tape. Former owner's name. $22 [410026]

Hardy, E.G.. __Studies in Roman History: Second Series__. Allen & Unwin. 1909. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 307pp. Ex-library. Cocked spine. Yellowed. $15 [395667]

Hazewindus, Minke W.. __When Women Interfere: Studies in the Role of Women in Herodotus' Histories [Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology, 12]__. J.C. Gieben, Publisher. 2004. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 256pp. Extensive ink underlining, cocked spine. $50.75 [386804]

Heden, Erik. __Homerische Götterstudien: Akademische Abhandlung__. Üppsala: K.W. Appelbergs Boktryckeri. 1912. Paperback. 191pp. Faded & worn wrappers, corner bumped. $11 [405626]

Heiberg, I.L.. __Geschichte der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften im Altertum [Handbuch der Altertumwissenschaft, 5.1.2]__. C.H. Beck. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 121pp. Ex- library. Cocked spine. $18 [407327]

Heitsch, Ernst. __Aphroditehymnos, Aeneas und Homer: Sprachliche Untersuchungen zum Homerproblem [Hypomnemata, 15]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1965. Paperback. 148pp. Faded wrappers. Else good. $15 [402330]

Helbig, W.. __Homerische Epos aus den Denkmälern Erläutert. Archäologische Untersuchungen__. B.G. Teubner. 1884. Half leather. 353pp. Boards bowed. Heavy foxing. Top edge of first few leaves torn. Half leather, worn & faded. $15 [402253]

Henke, Oskar. __Hilfsbuch zu Homer: Odyssee und Ilias [B.G. Teubners Schülerausgaben Griechischer und Lateinischer Schriftsteller]__. B.G. Teubner. 1916. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 229pp. Heavy foxing. Worn cover. Bookplate. Edited by Georg Siefert. $16 [405038]

Henriksson, Karl-Erik. __Griechische Büchertitel in der Römischen Literatur__. Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. 1956. Paperback. 200pp. Very good. $11 [235682]

Hermes Trismegistus. __Hermes Trismegist (4 vols.) Texte et Traduction__. Paris: Societe Edition 'Les Belles Lettres'. 1954-60. Paperback. 4 vols.pp. Foxing, yellowed. Creased wrappers. Most pages unopened. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $77 [414102]

Hero of Alexandria. __Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria, from the Original Greek__. London: Taylor Walton & Maberly. 1851. Full leather. 117pp. Ex-library. Full leather, cracked along front hinge. Corner bumped. Foxing. Former owner's name & gift inscription embossed on front cover. Trans. by Bennet Woodcroft. $200 [418207]

133 [Hesiod]. __Quae Feruntur Carmina; Corpus Peotarum Epicorum Graecorum, Vol. VII: Manethoniana; ONOSANDROU STRATEGIKOS, Onosandri De Imperatoris Officio Liber (3 books in 1)__. Lipsiae: Teubner. 1860-74. Quarter leather. 80, 117, 63pp. Ex-library. Quarter leather, chipped away from spine. Hinges cracked. Foxing. Edited by Armini Koechly. $11 [419490]

Hesiodi. __Catalogi Sive Eoearum Fragmenta [Collana di Studi Greci, XXI]__. Libreria Scientifica Editrice. n.d.. Paperback. 203pp. Creased spine, wrappers & corners. Foxing. Edited by Augustus Traversa. $18 [402170]

Hock, Ronald F. and Edward N. O'Neil. __Chreia in Ancient Rhetoric, Vol. I: The Progymnasmata [SBL Texts and Translations 27, Graeco-Roman Religion 9]__. Scholars Press. 1986. Paperback. 358pp. Page edge stained. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $16 [411098]

Holm, Adolf. __History of Greece (4 vols.) From Its Commencement to the Close of the Independence of the Greek Nation__. Macmillan & Co.. 1898-1902. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 4 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spines. $58.55 [396218]

Holmes, Williams Gordon. __Age of Justinian and Theodora (2 vols.) A History of the Sixth Century A.D., Second Edition__. London: G. Bell & Sons. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spines. Foxing. $46 [401623]

Homer. __L'Odyssee: Poesie Homerique (3 vols.)__. Societe D'Edition, Les Belles Lettres. 1925. Paperback. 3 vols.pp. Creased spines, edge-worn wrappers. Foxing. Most pages unopened. Edited by Victor Berard. $22 [405748]

Homer; Dörpfeld, Wilhelm & Heinrich Rüter trans.. __Homers Odyssee nach Dörpfelds Tageplan des Ursprünglichen Epos von der Heimkehr des Odysseus. In Deutsche Prosa Übertragen von Heinrich Rüter (2 vols.)__. Buchenau & Reichert Verlag. 1925. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Boards bowed. Faded covers. $18 [405669]

[Homer]. __Hymni Homerici Accendtibus Epigrammatis et Batrachomyomachia Homero Volgo Attributis [Homeri Carmina, Vol. III]__. Teubner. 1874. Quarter leather. 102pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Quarter leather, edge-worn. $13 [419491]

Horace. __Odes and Epodes of Horace: A Metrical Translation into English__. Harper. 1870. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 521pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Foxing. Edited by Lord Lytton. $11 [418374]

Horace. __Q. Horati Flacci Sermones et Epistulae__. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. 1901. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 406pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Pencil marks. Foxing. Worn cover. Edited by John Carew Rolfe. $19 [420157]

134 Horace. __Q. Horati Flacci: Opera [Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis]__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. n.d.pp. Ink marks throughout. Shaken, cocked spine. Corners bumped. Edited by Eduard C. Wichham & H.W. Garrod. $11 [408994]

Howald, Ernst. __Richter Der Ilias__. Eugen Rentsch. 1946. Paperback. 181pp. Pencil marks throughout. Wrapper pulling away from spine. $11 [405742]

Howard, Albertus Andreas and Carolus Newell Jackson. __Index Verborum C-Suetoni Tranquilli, Stilique Eius Proprietatum Nonnullarum__. Harvard. 1922. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 273pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $27 [418269]

Hude, Carolus. __Corpus Medicorum Graecorum, II: Aretaeus__. Berolini in Aedibus Academiae Scientiarum. 1958. Library buckram. 277pp. Ex-library, rebound in black buckram. Shaken, cocked spine. $67 [417788]

Hyperides. __Orations Against Athenogenes and Philippides__. London: George Bell & Sons. 1893. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 81pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Edited by F.G. Kenyon. $16 [418279]

Iamblichus. __On the Pythagorean Way of Life [SBL Texts and Translations 29, Graeco-Roman Religion Series 11]__. Scholars Press. 1991. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 285pp. Ink underlining. Shaken, cocked spine. Trans. & notes by John Dillon & Jackson Hershbell. $32 [420892]

Isocrates. __Quae Exstant Omnia (2 vols.)__. London: J.F. Dove. 1828. Half leather. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Half-leather, edge-worn. Heavy foxing. Edited by William Stephen Dobson & Peter Paul Dobree. $87 [418206]

Jäger, Oskar. __Homer und Horaz: Im Gymnasial-Unterricht__. C.H. Beck. 1905. Library buckram. 211pp. Ex-library, rebound in blue buckram. Foxing. $11 [404992]

Jones, Horace Leonard. __Poetic Plural of Greek Tragedy in the Light of Homeric Usage__. Cornell. 1910. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 167pp. Worn cover, spine bumped. Foxing. $18 [405568]

Josephus; trans. by H. St. J. Thackeray. __Loeb: Josephus (10 vols.)__. Harvard / Heinemann. 1976. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Ink underlining, good otherwise. From the personal library of M. Eugene Boring. $157 [374065]

Just, Roger. __Women in Athenian Law and Life__. Routledge. 1989. Paperback. 317pp. Ink underlining, creased spine. $15 [386595]

135 Justesen, P. Th.. __Principes Psychologiques d'Homere__. Levin & Munksgaards Forlag. 1929. Paperback. 89pp. Small stains on front wrapper, creased. Foxing. Most pages unopened. Gift inscription. $18 [405752]

Juvenal. __Decimi Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satirae Expurgatae__. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little & Wilkins. 1832. Full leather. 252pp. Ex-library. Full leather, cracked along hinges, worn. Foxing. Edited by F.P. Leverett. $59 [419948]

Kahl-Furthmann, G.. __Wann Lebte Homer? Eine Verschollene Menschheit tritt ans Licht__. Verlag Anton Hain. 1967. Paperback. 339pp. Creased spine. $16 [405567]

Kaiser-Minn, Helga. __Die Erschaffung des Menschen auf den Spätantiken Monumenten des 3. und 4. Jahrhunderts [Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ergänzungsband 6, 1981]__. Aschendorffsche Verlag.. 1981. Hardcover with dust jacket. 138, 52pp. G/G, slight foxing. $26.05 [366423]

Kauer, Sigrid. __Geburt der Athena im Altgriechischen Epos__. Konrad Triltsch. 1959. Paperback. 63pp. Faded wrappers, ink smudge on front wrapper. Very slight pencil marginalia. $16 [402335]

Keith, Arthur Leslie. __Simile and Metaphor in Greek Poetry: From Homer to Aeschylus: A Dissertation__. Menasha, Wis.: The Collegiate Press. 1914. Library buckram. 138pp. Ex- library, rebound in teal buckram. Foxing. $16 [418777]

Kenaan, Vered Lev. __Pandora's Senses: The Feminine Character of the Ancient Text__. Wisconsin. 2008. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 253pp. Very good. $12.7 [386586]

Kerenyi, Karl. __Zeus und Hera: Urbild des Vaters, Des Gatten und der Frau [Studies in the History of Religions, XX]__. Brill. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 157pp. Ex-library. Boards bowed. $20 [413675]

Kindstrand, Jan Fredrik. __Homer in der Zweiten Sophistik: Studien zu der Homerlektüre und dem Homerbild bei Dion von Prusa, Maximos von Tyros und Ailios Aristeides [Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 7]__. Uppsala. 1973. Paperback. 251pp. Cocked spine, creased wrappers. Very slight penciling. $18 [402248]

King, Karen L., ed.. __Women and Goddess Traditions in Antiquity and Today [Studies in Antiquity and Christianity]__. Fortress. 1997. Paperback. 450pp. Corner slightly bent. Intro. by Karen Jo Torjesen. $15 [407516]

Kloft, Hans, ed.. __Ideologie und Herrschaft in der Antike [Wege der Forschung, 528]__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgessellschaft. 1979. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 515pp. Musty. Boards bowed. Small stains on cover. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $15 [411199]

136 Koch, Carl. __Religio: Studien zu Kult und Glauben der Römer__. Verlag Hans Carl. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 271pp. Ex-library. Cover rubbed. Edited by Otto Seel. $27 [413593]

Krafft, Fritz. __Vergleichende Untersuchungen zu Homer und Hesiod [Hypomnemata, Heft 6]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1963. Paperback. 200pp. Foxing. Faded wrappers. Most pages unopened. $18 [405334]

Kramer, Johannes Mattheus. __Ilias als Vredesgedicht: Proefschrift__. Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger. n.d.. Paperback. 164pp. Wrappers faded, back wrap scuffed. Else good. $18 [402336]

Lachmann, Karl. __Betrachtungen über Homers Ilias, Zweite Auflage__. Berlin: G. Reimer. 1865. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 109pp. Top edge damp-stained. Paper over boards chipped along spine, edge-worn. Foxing. $11 [405647]

Lanciani, Rodolfo. __Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries__. Houghton Mifflin. 1888. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 329pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Foxing. $18.25 [395751]

Leube, Eberhard. __Fortuna in Karthago: Die Aeneas-Dido-Mythe Vergils in den romanischen Literaturen vom 14. bis zum 16. Jahrhundert__. Carl Winter. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 331pp. Stained cover, slight foxing. $13 [382523]

Lewis, M.J.T.. __Temples in Roman Britain__. Cambridge. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 218pp. Ex-library, sunned cover, slightly shaken. $14 [373626]

Lhotsky, Alphons. __Aeneas Silvus und Österreich [Vorträge der Aeneas-Silvius-Stiftung an der Universität Basel V]__. Verlag Kelbing & Lichtenhahn. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 56pp. Good; ex-library. $11 [394340]

Libanius. __Libanii Opera, Vol. IX: Libanii Qui Feruntur Characteres Epistolici Prolegomena ad Epistulas__. Teubner. 1927. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 244pp. Ex-library. Foxing, yellowed. Boards bowed. Edited by R. Foerster. $11 [417743]

Livrea, Enrico e G. Aurelio Privitera. __Studi in onore de Anthos Ardizzoni (2 vols.)__. Edizoni dell'ateneo & bizzarri. 1978. Hardcover with dust jacket. 1131pp. VG/G. $19.5 [303254]

Lobeck, Chr. Augustus. __Pathologiae Sermonis Graeci Prolegomena__. Lipsiae: Weidmannos. 1843. Half leather. 574pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Half leather, edge-worn. $22 [418822]

Loraux, Nicole. __The Experiences of Tiresias: The Feminine and the Greek Man__. Princeton. 1995. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 348pp. Ink underlining, sunned spine. $14 [386589]

137 Lord, John. __Old Roman World: The Grandeur and Failure of Its Civilization. Third Edition.__. Scribner's. 1870. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 605pp. Ex-library. Cocked spine. Cloth torn at spine. $11 [395717]

Loroux, Nicole. __The Children of Athena: Athenian Ideas About Citizenship and the Division Between the Sexes__. Princeton. 1993. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 271pp. Ink underlining, shaken, slightly sunned spine. $12 [386588]

Lucian. __Loeb: Lucian, Vol. IV__. Harvard / Heinemann. 1961. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 422pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Former owner's name. Trans. by A.M. Harmon. $15 [409117]

[Lucius Annaeius Florus]. __Epitome Rerum Romanarum (2 vols.)__. London: A.J. Valpy. 1822. Half leather. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Half leather, edge-worn & chipped. Foxing. Edited by J. Fr. Fischeri. $77 [418373]

Lucretius. __De Rerum Natura, Libri Sex__. University of Wisconsin. 1965. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 886pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Ink & pencil marks. Worn cover. Edited by William Ellery Leonard & Stanley Barney Smith. $30 [408852]

Lulofs, H.J.. __De Antisthenis Studiis Rhetoricis__. C.A. Spin & Fil.. 1900. Paperback. 118pp. Edge-worn & creased wrappers, slightly chipped & torn along spine. Foxing. $11 [405653]

Lysiae. __Orationes [Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis]__. Oxford. 1966. Hardcover with dust jacket. pp. G/G. Chipped dust jacket. Greek text. $15 [387548]

MacMullen, Ramsay. __Paganism in the Roman Empire__. Yale. 1981. Hardcover with dust jacket. 241pp. VG/G, faded and chipped dust jacket. $21.5 [385847]

Mahaffy, J.P.. __Problems in Greek History__. London: Macmillan. 1892. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 240, 44pp. Ex-library. Shaken. $15 [396228]

Marcus Diaconus. __Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis__. Teubner. 1895. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 137pp. Ex-library. Foxing. FFEP detached but present. Worn cover. $11 [417740]

Marinatos, Spyridon. __Kleidung Haar- Und Barttracht [Archaeologia Homerica, Band I, Kapitel A, Kapitel B]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1967. Paperback. 66, 40pp. Creased spine. Red ink stain to top corner. $11 [410238]

Marot, Karoly. __Anfänge der Griechischen Literatur: Vorfragen__. Verlag der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1960. Hardcover with dust jacket. 527pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Chipped & rubbed dust jacket. $26 [405040]

138 [Martial] M. Valerii Martialis. __Epigrammaton Libri, Recognovit Walther Gilbert__. B.G. Teubneri. 1910. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 407pp. Foxing, slightly shaken, rubbed cover. Latin text. $11 [387513]

Mastandrea, Paolo. __Un Neoplatonico Latino Cornelio Labeone (Testimonianze e frammenti) [Études Préliminaires aux Religions Orientales dans l'Empire Romain, 77]__. E.J. Brill. 1979. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 259pp. Good; ex-library. $44.25 [393570]

Maxey, Mima. __Occupations of the Lower Classes in Roman Society__. Chicago. 1938. Paperback. 98pp. Ex-library. Good condition. $14 [395750]

Maximiani Etrusci Galli, Cornelli. __Elegiae Sex ex Recensione et Cum Notis Wernsdorfii__. London: Jacob Bohn. 1838. Half leather. 107pp. Ex-library. Half-leather, edge-worn. Shaken. Small stain to fore-edge. Foxing. $37 [417783]

McGuire, Martin R.P.. __Introduction to Classical Scholarship. A Syllabus and Bibliographical Guide. New and revised edition__. Catholic University of America Press. 1961. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 257pp. Ex-library, faded cover, underlining and marginalia. $16 [311185]

Mehler, J.. __Bloemlezing uit Na-Christelijke Griekse Schrijvers [Grieksche en Latijnsche Schrijvers met Aanteekeningen XLIII]__. E.J. Brill. 1943. Paperback. 179pp. Very good. Greek text with notes in Dutch. $13.5 [325249]

Menander. __Menandri Aspis et Samia, II: Sugbsidia Interpretationis (Cum Apparatu Critico) et Indices [Kleine Texte Für Vorlesungen und Übungen, 118A]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1970. Library buckram. 107pp. Ex-library, rebound in burgundy buckram. Foxing. Edited by Colinus Austin. $11 [403542]

Menandrea. __Ex Papyris et Membranis Vetustissimis__. Teubner. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 192pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Edited by Alfredus Koerte. $11 [418602]

Menandri. __Dyscolus [Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis]__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 84pp. Ex-library. Good condition. Edited by H. Lloyd-Jones. $11 [418966]

Mette, Hans Joachim und Andreas Thierfelder, eds.. __Lustru, Jahrgang 1956, Band 1, Internationale Forschungsberichte Aus dem Bereich des Klassiischen Altertums__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1956. Library buckram. 320pp. Ex-library, rebound in orange buckram. Good condition. $15 [410240]

Mette, Hans Joachim und Andreas Thierfelder, eds.. __Lustru, Jahrgang 1957, Band 2, Internationale Forschungsberichte Aus dem Bereich des Klassiischen Altertums__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1957. Library buckram. 308pp. Ex-library, rebound in orange buckram. Good condition. $15 [410241]

139 Meyerus, Henricus. __Anthologia Veterum Latinorum Epigrammatum et Poematum (2 vols.)__. Lipsiae: Apud Gerhardum Fleischerum. 1835. Quarter leather. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Worn & slightly bowed boards. Quarter leather. $67 [419150]

Michelakis, Pantelis. __Achilles in Greek Tragedy [Cambridge Classical Studies]__. Cambridge. 2002. Hardcover with dust jacket. 218pp. G/VG, slightly bumped corners. $26.05 [386749]

Michelet, J.. __History of the Roman Republic__. London: Henry G. Bohn. 1863. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 466pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Cloth torn at spine. Slight penciling. Foxing. Translated by William Hazlitt. $11 [398291]

Michelini, Ann N.. __Tradition and Dramatic Form in the Persians of Aeschylus [Cincinnati Classical Studies, New Series, vol. IV]__. E.J. Brill. 1982. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 162pp. Very good. $24.75 [386942]

Michelini, Ann N.. __Tradition and Dramatic Form in the Persians of Aeschylus [Cincinnati Classical Studies, New Series, vol. IV]__. E.J. Brill. 1982. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 162pp. Very good. $24.75 [386943]

Michelini, Ann N.. __Tradition and Dramatic Form in the Persians of Aeschylus [Cincinnati Classical Studies, New Series, vol. IV]__. E.J. Brill. 1982. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 162pp. Very good. $24.75 [386945]

Michelini, Ann Norris. __Euripides and the Tragic Tradition__. Wisconsin. 1987. Hardcover with dust jacket. 384pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $21.5 [386626]

Miller, D. Gary. __Improvisation, Typology, Culture, and 'The New Orthodoxy:' How 'Oral' is Homer?__. University Press of America. 1982. Paperback. 118pp. Light pencil marks. $16 [405037]

Mireaux, Emile. __Poemes Homeriques et L'Histoire Grecque, II: L'Iliade, L'Odyssee et les Rivalites Coloniales__. Editions Albin Michel. 1949. Paperback. 436pp. Creased spine & wrappers. $11 [405740]

Monro, Charles Henry. __Digest of Justinian, vol. 1 only__. Cambridge, C.J. Clay and Sons. 1904. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 399pp. Water-damaged boards, else sound. $39.5 [233191]

Naegelsbach, Carl Friedrich. __Die homerische Theologie in ihrem Zusammenhange dargestellt__. Johann Adam Stein. 1840. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 350pp. Very worn paper boards, heavy foxing, slight penciling. $34.5 [358548]

140 Naegelsbach, Carl Friedrich von. __Anmerkungen zur Ilias (A.B. 1-483. R.) Nebst Einigen Excursen. Ein Huulfsbuch für das Verständniss des Dichters Überhaupt.__. Nürnberg: Geiger'schen Buchhandlung. 1864. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 475pp. Rebound in cloth. Stains to some page edges. Heavy foxing. Board bowed, corners bumped. $16 [402247]

Nauck, Augusto, ed.. __Tragicae Dictionis Index Spectans ad Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta__. Petropoli. 1892. Quarter leather. 738pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Boards bowed. Quarter leather. $67 [417786]

Nestle, Dieter. __Eleutheria: Studien zum Wesen der Freiheit bei den Griechen und im Neuen Testament, Teil I: Die Griechen__. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). 1967. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 164pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Boards bowed. $15 [413603]

Nestle, Eberhard. __Philologica Sacra: Bemerkungen über die Urgestalt der Evangelien und Apostelgeschichte__. Berlin: Reuther & Reichard. 1896. Paperback. 59pp. Wrappers removed. Foxing. Most pages unopened. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $11 [413251]

Nicolai, Rudolf. __Greichsche Literaturgeschichte (3 vols.)__. Magdeburg: Heinrichshosensche. 1873-78. Half leather. 3 vols.pp. Ex-library. Half leather covers, edge- worn. Vol. III leather cracked along front hinge. Foxing. $47 [420987]

Niese, Benedictus. __Entwickelung der Homerischen Poesie__. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. 1882. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 259pp. Front hinge cracked. FFEP torn & nearly detached. Foxing. Cocked spine. Small label on spine. $16 [405509]

Nilsson, Martin P.. __Geschichte der Griechischen Religion (2 Bands)__. C.H. Beck. 1950. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 872, 52; 714, 16pp. Good; pencil underlining; in good slip cases. $64.5 [295677]

Nilsson, Martin P.. __Geschichte der Griechischen Religion (2 vols.)__. C.H. Beck. 1950- 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Slight pencil marks. Shaken, cocked spines. Boards bowed. Foxing. Cloth splitting along spine of Vol. II. $102 [407058]

Nisard, D.. __Etudes de Moeurs et de Critique sur les Poetes de la Decadance (2 vols.)__. Paris: Librairie de L. Hachette & Cie.. 1867. Half leather. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Rebound in half leather, edge-worn. Vol. I front board nearly detached. Pencil underlining. Foxing. $40 [420292]

Nitzsch, Gregor Wilhelm. __Erklärende Anmerkungen zu Homer's Odyssee (3 vols. in 2)__. Hannover: Hahn'schen Hofbuchhandlung. 1826-1840. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Shaken, cocked spines. Paper over boards edge-worn, chipped along spine. Foxing. $54 [405670]

141 Nitzsch, Gregor Wilhelm. __Sagenpoesie der Griechen: Kritisch Dargestellt. Drei Bucher__. Braunschweig: C.A. Schwetschke & Sohn. 1852. Library buckram. 662pp. Ex-library, rebound in blue buckram. Top half damp-stained. Heavy foxing. $18 [405338]

Noché, André. __Gergovie Vieux Problèmes et Solutions Nouvelles [Roma Aeterna, VI]__. E.J. Brill. 1974. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 112pp. Very good; slight foxing. $11 [299650]

Nock, Arthur Darby. __Essays on Religion and the Ancient World (2 vols.)__. Harvard. 1972. Hardcover with dust jacket. 2 vols.pp. Shaken, cocked spines. Chipped dust jackets. Edited by Zeph Stewart. $62 [407281]

Nonni Panopolitani. __Dionysiacorum Libri XLVIII [Corpus Poeticarum Epicorum Graecorum, Vol. XVI, Vol. I]__. Lipsiae: Teubner. 1857. Quarter leather. 354pp. Ex-library. Quarter leather, cracked along hinges. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Edited by Arminius Koechly. $40 [419408]

Nonni Panopolitani. __Dionysiacorum Libri XLVIII [Corpus Poeticarum Epicorum Graecorum, Vol. XVII, Vol. II]__. Lipsiae: Teubner. 1858. Quarter leather. 509pp. Ex-library. Quarter leather, cracked along hinges. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Edited by Arminius Koechly. $40 [419409]

O'Brien, Michael J.. __Socratic Paradoxes & the Greek Mind__. North Carolina. 1967. Hardcover with dust jacket. 249pp. Penciling throughout. Dust jacket yellowed & edgeworn. Slightly cocked spine. Corners bumped. Former owner's name on title page. $13.5 [294300]

O'Brien, Michael J.. __The Socratic Paradoxes and the Greek Mind__. Chapel Hill. 1967. Hardcover with dust jacket. 249pp. VG/G $19.55 [343224]

Oldfather, Guilielmo Abbott, Arthuro Stanley Pease,Howardo Vernon Canter, Confectus. __Index Verborum Quae in Senecae Fabulis Necnon in Octavia Praetexta Reperiuntur__. Universitatem Illinoiensem. 1918. Library buckram. 272pp. Ex-library, rebound in red buckram. Foxing. $22 [418321]

Olhausen, Eckart. __Prosopographie der Hellenistischen Königsgesandten, Teil I: Von Triparadeisos bis Pydna [Studia Hellenistica, 19]__. Lovanii. 1974. Library binding. 375pp. Ex-library, paperback edition rebound into laminated boards. Good condition. $18 [408731]

Orellius, Johann Caspar. __Inscriptionum Latinarum Selectarum Amplissima Collectio ad Illustrandam Romanae Antiquitatis (3 vols.)__. Typis Orellii. 1828-56. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 3 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spines. Foxing. Edge-worn covers. $147 [419148]

Osterwald, Karl Wilhelm. __Hermes-Odyseus. Mythologische Erklärung der Odyseussage [Homerische Forschungen, 1]__. Halle: C.E.M. Pfeffer. 1853. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 166pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Corner creased. $16 [402384]

142 Ovid. __P. Ovidi Nasonis: Amores, Medicamina Faciei Femineae, Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris [Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis]__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1986. Hardcover with dust jacket. 260pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Edited by E.J. Kenney. $14 [408996]

Parthey, Gustavus. __Hermetis Trismegisti Peomander. Ad Fidem Codicum Manu Scriptorum__. Berlin: Fr. Nicolai. 1854. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 134pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Worn cover, slightly chipped at spine. $26 [419676]

Patzer, Harald. __Dichterische Kunst und Poetisches Handwerk im Homerischen Epos__. Franz Steiner Verlag. 1970. Paperback. 49pp. Edge-worn wrappers, corner bent. $11 [405644]

Pausaniae. __Descriptio Graeciae, Vol. I__. Lipsiae: Teubner. 1875. Quarter leather. 486pp. Ex-library. Quarter leather, chipped at spine. Foxing. Shaken. Edited by Joannes Henricus Christianus Schubart. $16 [419413]

Pearson, Lionel; edited by Donald Lateiner and Susan A. Stephens eds.. __Selected Papers of Lionel Pearson__. Scholars Press. 1983. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 266pp. Very good. $16 [387067]

Peltenburg, Edgar, ed.. __Early Society in Cyprus__. Edinburgh University Press. 1989. Paperback. 404pp. Very good. $22 [410039]

Persi et Juvenalis. __A. Persi Flacci et D. Iuni Juvenalis [Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis]__. Cambridge. 1968. Hardcover with dust jacket. 198pp. VG/G $15 [387559]

Persius and Juvenal. __A. Persi Flacci et D. Ivni Iuvenalis: Saturae [Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis]__. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1966. Hardcover with dust jacket. 198pp. Slight ink & pencil marks. Shaken, cocked spine. Edited by W.V. Clausen. $12 [408999]

Persson, Axel W.. __Religion of Greece in Prehistoric Times__. California. 1942. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 189pp. Boards bowed. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $16 [411289]

Petronius; Seneca. __Loeb: Petronius; Seneca Apocolocyntosis__. Heinemann / G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1919. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 418pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Penciling in first half. Worn cover. Translated by Michael Heseltine & W.H.D. Rouse. $11 [401535]

Petronius; Seneca. __Loeb: Petronius; Seneca: Apocolocyntosis__. Heinemann / G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1925. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 418pp. Ink underlining. Very shaken. Cloth frayed at spine. Translated by Michael Heseltine & W.H.d. Rouse. $12 [409077]


Pfister, Friedrich. __Religion der Griechen und Römer mit einer Einführung in die vergleichende Religionswissenschaft, Darstellung und Literaturbericht (1918-1929/30)__. O.R. Reisland. 1930. Hardcover. 424pp. Foxing, water stains. Rebound in blue buckram. $29.5 [243711]

Planson, Ernest; Claude Brenot, Simone Deyts Herve Joubeaux, MIchel Lejeune, Therese Poulain et al. __La Nécropole Gallo-Romaine des Bolards, Nuits-Saint-Georges__. Éditions du Centre National. 1982 . Paperback. 190pp. Very good. $13 [383035]

[Plautus]. __Menaechmi__. Harvard. [1933] 1975. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 131pp. Corners bumped. Else good. Edited by Nicholas Moseley and Mason Hammond. $16 [392194]

Plescia, Joseph. __The Oath and Perjury in Ancient Greece__. Florida State. 1970. Hardcover with dust jacket. 116pp. VG/G, slight foxing. $31.25 [382246]

Plotinus. __Enneads, Fourth Edition__. Pantheon Books. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 638pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Former owner's name. Translated by Stephen MacKenna. Edited by B.S. Page. Foreword by E.R. Dodds. Intro. by Paul Henry. $26 [407514]

Plotinus; trans. by Stephen MacKenna; revised by B.S. Page. __The Enneads, 2nd edition__. Faber & Faber. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 635pp. Underlining, upper spine bumped. $19.5 [316490]

Plutarch. __Loeb: Moralia, Vol. VIII: 612 B - 697 C__. Harvard / Heinemann. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 528pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Pencil marks. Front board creased, cloth faded. Trans. by Paul A. Clement & Herbert B. Hoffleit. $12 [409065]

Plutarch. __Über Isis und Osiris (2 vols.)__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1967. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $49 [411402]

Plutarch; Langhorne trans.. __Plutarch's Lives (4 vols.) Grecian & Roman sections__. Frederick Warne & Co.. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 324, 344, 361, 370pp. Ex-library, shaken, some penciling, page repaired with clear tape. $22 [195724]

Pohlenz, Max. __Die Stoa: Geschichte einer Geistigen Bewegung (2 vols.)__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1964. Hardcover with dust jacket. 2 vols.pp. Slight ink marks in Vol. I. Foxing. Slightly shaken. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $67 [410793]

Pohlenz, Max. __Freedom in Greek Life and Thought: The History of an Ideal__. D. Reidel. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 202pp. Good; ex-library. $21.5 [347232]

144 Pomeroy, Sarah B., ed.. __Women's History and Ancient History__. North Carolina. 1991. Hardcover with dust jacket. 317pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Boards bowed. $15 [407237]

Porter, James I., ed.. __Constructions of the Classical Body__. Michigan. 2002. Paperback. 397pp. Ink & pencil underlining. $22 [406045]

Pouilloux, J., et al. __Archiloque [Entretiens sur L'Antiquite Classique, Tome X]__. Vandoeuvres-Geneve. 1963. Hardcover with dust jacket. 307pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Chipped & slightly stained dust jacket. $38 [405030]

Pratt, Norman T, Jr.. __Dramatic Suspense in Seneca and in His Greek Precursors: A Dissertation__. Princeton. 1939. Paperback. 120pp. Corners bumped, wrappers torn at upper spine. $16 [405034]

Probst, Ferdinand. __Ältesten Römischen Sacramentarien und Ordines__. Aschendorff. 1892. Quarter leather. 412pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Quarter-leather, worn. $40.4 [408365]

Proclus le Philosophe. __Commentaire sur le Parmenide (3 vols.) Suivi du Commentaire Anonyme sur les VII Dernieres Hypotheses__. Paris: Ernest Leroux. 1900-03. Library buckram. 3 vols.pp. Ex-library, rebound in red buckram. Shaken, cocked spines. Foxing. $127 [418357]

Procopius. __Loeb: Procopius, Vol. II__. Heinemann / G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1916. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 488pp. Ex-library. Cocked spine. Translated by H.B. Dewing. $15 [401571]

Procopius. __Loeb: Procopius, Vol. IV: History of the Wars, Books VI (continued) and VII__. Heinemann / G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1924. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 490pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Edited by H.B. Dewing. $12 [401585]

Propertius. __Loeb: Propertius__. Heinemann / Macmillan. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 363pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Corners bumped, cloth chipped at spine. Translated by H.E. Butler. $11 [401519]

Putnam, Michael C.J.. __The Poetry of the Aenid__. Harvard. 1966. Hardcover with dust jacket. 238pp. VG/G, chipped dust jacket. $16 [387155]

Ramersdorfer, Hans. __Singuläre Iterata der Ilias (A-K)__. Anton Hain. 1981. Paperback. 306pp. Faded wrappers, base of spine bumped. $16 [405627]

Rehm, Rush. __Marriage to Death: The Conflation of Wedding and Funeral Rituals in Greek Tragedy__. Princeton. 1994. Hardcover with dust jacket. 246pp. VG/G, slightly faded dust jacket. $15 [386952]

145 Reinach, Théodore. __Textes d'Auteurs Grecs et Romains Relatifs au Judaïsme__. Georg Olms. n.d.. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 375pp. Ex-library, faded cover, front board slightly bowed. $13.5 [337162]

Reitzenstein, Richard. __Hellenistische Wundererzählungen, 2., Unveränderte Auflage__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 171pp. Ink underlining. Shaken, cocked spine. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $16 [411648]

Reitzenstein, Richard. __Hellenistischen Mysterienreligionen: Nach Ihren Grundgedanken und Wirkungen__. B.G. Teubner. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 438pp. Ink underlining. Boards bowed. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $32 [413368]

Richards, I.A.. __Wrath of Achilles: The Iliad of Homer, Shortened and in a New Translation__. Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1951. Hardcover with dust jacket. 208pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Chipped dust jacket. $11 [402101]

Richter, Gisela M.A.. __Catalogue of Engraved Gems: Greek, Etruscan, and Roman (Metropolitan Museum of Art)__. 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider. 1956. . xlii, 141, lxxvpp. Disbound, lacks cover. Major association copy: From the library of A.D. Nock, then of Frank Moore Cross. $51 [268048]

Rosen, Ralph M.. __Old Comedy and the Iambographic Tradition [American Classical Studies 19]__. Scholars Press. 1988. Paperback. 103pp. Good; slightly faded wrappers. $19 [386955]

Rosenberg, Arthur. __Einleitung und Quellenkunde zur Römischen Geschichte__. Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. 1921. Library buckram. 304pp. Foxing, ex-library, rebound in brown library buckram. $24.5 [331886]

Roulez, Jos. Emm. Gisl.. __Commentatio de Vita et Scriptis Heracidae Pointici__. Lovanii: Typis Vanlinthout et Vandenzande. 1828. Half leather. 117pp. Ex-library. Half leather, edge- worn. Foxing. $22 [418383]

Roussel, Alfred. __Religion Dans Homere__. Paris: Librairie des Cinq Parties du Monde. 1914. Paperback. 370pp. Stain to front wrapper. Creased spine & wrappers. Foxing. $22 [405329]

Saintonge, Paul Frederic, Leslie Gale Burgevin, and Helen Griffith. __Horace: Three Phases Of His Influence__. Chicago. 1936. Hardcover with dust jacket. 120pp. Chipped dust jacket. Gift inscription. Foreword by Cornelia C. Coulter. $15 [402120]

Sassi, Maria Michela. __The Science of Man in Ancient Greece__. Chicago. 2001. Hardcover with dust jacket. 224pp. G/G, corners slightly bumped. $16 [386633]

146 Schachermeyr, Fritz. __Ältesten Kulturen Griechenlands__. W. Kohlhammer Verlag. 1955. Hardcover with dust jacket. 300pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Chipped dust jacket. $11 [405638]

Schenkeveld, Dirk Marie. __Studies in Demetrius On Style__. Argonaut Inc.. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 186pp. Good; slightly sunned, bumped board corners. $24.75 [387010]

Schmidt, Carl Eduard. __Parallel-Homer oder Index Aller Homerischen Iterati in Lexikalischer Anordnung__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1885. Paperback. 250pp. Creased & chipped wrappers, spine reinforced with blue tape. Foxing. $11 [405655]

Schmidt, J.H. Heinrich. __Introduction to the Rhythmic and Metric of the Classical Languages, To Which Are Added the Lyric Parts of the Medea of Euripides and the Antigone of Sophocles, with Rhythmical Schemes and Commentary__. Boston: Ginn & Heath. 1878. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 198pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Trans. by John Williams White. $16 [420985]

Schneider, Helmuth, ed. __Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Römischen Kaiserzeit [Wege der Forschung, 552]__. Wissenschaftliche Buhgesellschaft. 1981. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 460pp. Musty. Boards bowed. Stained cover. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $16 [411200]

Schrade, Hubert. __Götter und Menschen Homers__. W. Kohlhammer Verlag. 1952. Hardcover with dust jacket. 314pp. Very slight penciling. Foxing. Chipped dust jacket. $15 [402230]

Seneca. __Loeb: Seneca, Moral Essays, Vol. II__. Harvard / Heinemann. 1951. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 496pp. Ex-library. Boards & corners bumped. Fore-edge water-spotted. Translated by John W. Basore. $16 [401989]

Sherman, Charles P.. __Roman Civilization in the Modern World__. Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor. 1942. Hardcover with dust jacket. 204pp. Foxing. Dust jacket scuffed. $18 [407809]

Smyth, Herbert Weir. __Aeschylean Tragecy__. California. 1924. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 234pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed & edge-worn. Foxing. $16 [420980]

Snider, Denton J.. __Homer's Iliad with Preliminary Survey of the Four Literary Bibles, Third Edition__. William Harvey Miner Co.. 1922. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 504pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $18 [419707]

Socrates; Pythagorae. __Socratis et Socraticorum. Pythagorae et Pythagoreorum Quae Feruntur Epistolae, Graece [Collectio Epistlarum Graecarum, Graece et Latine, Tomus Primus__. Lipsiae: In Libraria Weidmannia. 1815. Half leather. 459pp. Ex-library. Half leather, edge- worn. Foxing. Shaken. $47 [418332]

147 Sophocles. __Antigone of Sophokles__. Macmillan. 1964. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 174pp. Ink underlining & notes. Shaken. Boards laminated with contact paper. Edited by M.A. Bayfield. $11 [409714]

Sophocles. __Antigone of Sophokles__. Macmillan. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 174pp. Pencil underlining & notes. Shaken. Foxing. Edited by M.A. Bayfield. $11 [409715]

Stagakis, George. __Studies in the Homeric Society [Historia, Heft 26]__. Franz Steiner Verlag. 1975. Paperback. 122pp. Pencil marginalia. Creased spine, wrapper chipped at base of spine. $18 [405341]

Statius; trans. by Betty Rose Nagle. __The Silvae of Statius, translated with Notes and Introduction__. Indiana. 2004. Paperback. 244pp. Very good. $12 [386740]

Stierlin, Henri. __Deux ex machina: Mystères et rituels Trois récits antiques__. inFolio. 2004. Paperback. 280pp. Very good. $16 [246795]

Stoll, H.W.. __Bilder aus dem Altgriechischen Leben__. Leipzig: B.G. Teubner. 1875. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 560pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Yellowed. Cloth torn at head of spine. $11 [396141]

Suetonius. __Loeb: Suetonius, Vol. I__. Harvard / Heinemann. 1935. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 497pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Slight ink marks. Foxing. Worn cover. Trans. by J.C. Rolfe. $12 [409075]

[Suetonius] C. Suetoni Tranquilli. __Quae Supersunt Omnia. Recensuit Carolus Ludovicus Roth__. B.G. Teubneri. 1904. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 357pp. Foxing, slightly shaken, rubbed cover. Lower page corners slightly stained. Latin text. $11 [387515]

Sühnel, Rudolf. __Homer und die Englische Humanität: Chapmans und Popes Übersetzungskunst im Rahmen der Humanistischen Tradition__. Max Niemeyer Verlag. 1958. Hardcover with dust jacket. 222pp. Shaken. Light pencil marginalia throughout. Boards bowed. $15.4 [402109]

Suter, Ann, ed.. __Lament: Studies in the Ancient Mediterranean and Beyond__. Oxford. 2008. Hardcover with dust jacket. 288pp. VG/VG. $46 [407127]

Tacitus, Cornelius. __Works of Cornelius Tacitus; with an Essay on His Life and Genius, Notes, Supplements, Etc. [Jones Classical Family Library]__. London: Jones & Co.. 1830. Half leather. 742pp. Ex-library. Half leather, edge-worn. Foxing. Two enclosed tears in FFEP. Edited by Arthur Murphy. $47 [418968]

Temporini, Hildegard (Hrsg.). __Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt Band II, Principat, I Band__. Walter de Gruyter. 1974. Hardcover with dust jacket. 1144pp. VG/VG $44.5 [329521]

148 Terence. __Publii Terentii Carthaginiensis Afri Comoediae Sex, Ex Recensione Frid. Lindenbrogii, et cum Notis Selectis Bentleii, Lindenbrogii, Westerhovii, Zeunique, Necnon Scholiis Aelii Donati, Calpurnii, et Eugraphii: Quibus Nunc Primum Scholia Anonymi (Fortasse Calliopii) et Picturas Veteres, Ab Ang. Maio e Codd. Ambros. Nuper Edita__. Londini: Impensis Jacobi Bohn. 1837. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 649, 111pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cracked hinges. One collation coming loose. Cloth chipped at spine. Foxing. Top of FFEP sliced away. $47 [418967]

[Terence] Terenti. __P. Terenti Afri, Comoediae [Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis]__. Cambridge. 1961. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Slightly faded cover, slight marks. Latin text. $12 [387560]

[Terence] P. Terenti Afri. __Andria et Heavton Timorvmenos [Harper's Classical Series for Schools and Colleges]__. Harper. 1888. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 265pp. Rubbed cover, shaken, foxing, slight penciling. Edited by Andrew F. West. $13 [369660]

Teuffel, W.S.. __Wolken des Aristophanes. Zweite Auflage.__. Leipzig: B.G. Teubner. 1887. Half leather. 221pp. Half-leather, edge-worn. Top 2" of leather over spine chipped away, rest split along front, repaired with black tape (now loose). Foxing. Edited by Otto Kaehler. $16 [405619]

Thomson, J.A.K.. __Studies in the Odyssey__. Oxford. 1914. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 248pp. Shaken. Boards stained. Foxing. $18 [402106]

Thucydides. __Thucydidis, Olori Fil. De Bello Peloponnesiaco, Libri VIII, cum Versione Latina, Scholiis Graecis et Virorum Doctorum Animadversionibus. Ex Editione Joannis Christophori Gottleberi A.M., Caroli Ludovici Baveri A.M. (Vols. 1, 2 & 3)__. London: J.F. Dove. 1819. Half leather. 463, 496, 550pp. Very worn, half leather with marbled boards. Tender hinges, spine leather splitting (2nd vol.'s spine detached but present), foxing, slight pencil marginalia. $65.7 [360423]

Thucydidis. __Historiae, Tomus Prior [Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis]__. Oxford. 1966. Hardcover with dust jacket. pp. Penciling, chipped dust jacket. Greek text. $15 [387547]

Trübner, Heinrich. __Caesurenfolgen des Letzten Bearbeiters im Homer Als Spuren Seiner Kompositionskunst__. Ludwig Röhrscheid. 1930. Paperback. 96pp. Foxing. Creased & slightly chipped wrappers. $11 [405636]

Trueber, Henricus. __De Hymno in Venerem Homerico [Dissertationes Philolgicae Halenses, Vol. XV, Pars 2]__. Max Niemeyer. 1903. Paperback. 109-183pp. Creased wrappers. Most pages unopened. $11 [405635]

149 Valerius Catullus, C.. __C. Valerius Catullus Ex Editione Frid. Guil. Doeringii, Cui Suas et Aliorum Adnotationes__. Paris: Lemaire. 1826. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 627pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Spine re-covered in brown library tape. Foxing. Edited by Josephus Naudet. $49 [420092]

Van Leeuwen, J.. __Commentationes Homericae__. A.W. Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij. 1911. Paperback. 235pp. Base of spine & bottom corner bumped & chipped. Else good. $16 [405331]

Van Leeuwen, J.. __Prolegomena ad Aristophanem__. A.W. Sijthoff. 1908. Paperback. 445pp. Creased spine & wrappers. Foxing. $18 [405337]

Van Leeuwen, J., Jr. and M.B. Mendes da Costa. __Het Taaleigen der Gedichten van Homerus__. Leiden: A.W. Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij. 1929. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 168pp. Stained boards & page edges. Pencil underlining. Boards bowed. Foxing. $18 [404867]

Van Nes Ditmars, Elizabeth. __Sophocles' Antigone: Lyric Shape and Meaning__. Giardini Editori. n.d.. Paperback. 195pp. Faded wrappers, corners bumped. Small stain to page edge. $15.4 [405336]

Virgil. __Loeb: Virgil, Vol. I: Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid I-VI__. Heinemann / G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1916. Library buckram. 570pp. Ex-library, rebound in red buckram. Shaken. Small stains to first few leaves. $11 [401542]

Virgil. __P. Virgilius Maro In Usum Scholarum ad Novissimam Heynii Editionem Exactus, Excisis Disquisitionibus, Excursibus, et Notarum Iis, Quae ad Juniorum Commoditatem Minus Pertinere Videbantur__. London: J. Johnson, T. Payne, R. Faulder, G. Wilkie & J. Robinson. 1809. Half leather. 700pp. Ex-library. Half leather, edge-worn, leather cracked along hinges. Smalls stains to first few leaves. Foxing. $22 [420635]

Virgilius Maro. __Varietate Lectionis et Perpetua Annotatione (4 vols.)__. London: J.F. Dove. 1821. Half leather. 4 vols.pp. Vol. II front hinge broken. Vol. I shaken. Half leather, edge- worn. Foxing. Ex-library. $100 [418364]

Von Christ, Wilhelm. __Wilhelm von Christs Geschichte der Griechischen Litteratur, Erster Teil: Klassische Periode der Griechischen Litteratur. 6.Auflage.__. Mümchen: C.H. Beck. 1912. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 771pp. Ex-library. Very shaken. Top edge damp-stained. Slight penciling. Worn cover. Edited by Wilhelm Schmid. $11 [397742]

Wachsmuth, Curtius. __Sillographorum Graecorum Reliquae [Corpusculum Poesis Epicae Graecae Ludibundae, Fasc. Alter]__. Teubner. 1885. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 214pp. Ex- library. FFEP torn away. Foxing. $11 [417736]

Wagenvoort, H.. __Studies in Roman Literature, Culture and Religion__. Brill. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 316pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. $22 [401961]

150 Walden, John W.H.. __Universities of Ancient Greece__. Scribner's. 1909. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 367pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. $16 [409055]

Walsh, George B.. __The Varieties of Enchantment: Early Greek Views of the Nature and Function of Poetry__. Chapel Hill. 1984. Paperback. 170pp. Very good. $16 [388142]

Warsberg, Alexander Freiherr von. __Odysseeische Landschaften (3 vols.)__. Wien: Carl Gerold's Sohn. 1878-79. Paperback. 3 vols.pp. Slight penciling in vol. I. Other volumes pages unopened. Heavy foxing. Worn wrappers, spines reinforced with clear tape. $18 [405643]

Weber, Ernestus, ed.. __Virorum Clarorum Saeculi XVI et XVII Epistolae Selectae, E Codicibus Manuscriptis Gottingensibus__. Lipsiae: Teubner. 1894. Library buckram. 195pp. Ex-library, rebound in red buckram. Foxing. First few leaves damp-stained. $45 [420132]

West, M.L., ed.. __Theognidis et Phocylidis Fragmenta: Et Adespota Quaedam Gnomica [Kleine Texte für Vorlesungen und Übungen, 192]__. Walter de Gruyter. 1978. Paperback. 49pp. Creased wrappers. Staple-bound booklet. $11 [405571]

Whallon, William. __Problem and Spectacle: Studies in the Oresteia__. Carl Winter. 1980. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 159pp. Shaken, cocked spine. $11 [405678]

Whitfield, B.G.. __A Classical Handbook for Sixth Forms__. Basil Blackwell. 1956. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 77pp. Good; slight penciling, bowed boards. $15.4 [375088]

Whittaker, Molly. __Jews and Christians: Graeco-Roman Views__. Cambridge. 1984. Hardcover with dust jacket. 286pp. Extensive ink underlining. Shaken, cocked spine. $16 [421374]

Wicker, Kathleen O'Brien. __Porphyry the Philosopher, To Marcella__. Scholars Press. 1987. Paperback. 185pp. Foxing to page-edge. Spine bumped & creased near center. Else good. $12.2 [381985]

Wiedemann, Thomas. __Adults and Children in the Roman Empire__. Yale. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 221pp. Foxing. Bookplate. $19 [407467]

Willoughby, Harold R.. __Pagan Regeneration: A Study of Mystery Initiations in the Graeco- Roman World__. Chicago. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 307pp. Ink underlining. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $27 [411760]

Wilmanns, Gustavus. __Exempla Inscriptionum Latinarum in Usum Praecipue Academicum (2 vols.)__. Berlin: Weidmannos. 1873. Half leather. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Half leather. Vol. II back board detached, leather over spine torn. Shaken. Foxing. $77 [418790]

151 Windelband, W.. __Geschichte Der Abendländischen Philosophie im Altertum, Vierte Auflage__. C.H. Beck. 1923. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 305pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Front board chipped at top corner. Stains to end papers. Foxing. Some pages unopened. $16 [401843]

Woolsey, Theodore D.. __Prometheus of Aeschylus, with Notes, for the Use of Colleges in the United States. New Edition, Revised.__. Boston: James Munroe & Co.. 1856. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 108pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Pencil marks. Foxing. Worn cover, bumped corners. $11 [405739]

Yunis, Harvey. __Taming Democracy: Models of Political Rhetoric in Classical Athens__. Cornell. 1996. Paperback. 316pp. Good; some underlining. $15 [386741]

Ziegler, Konrat und Walther Sontheimer, eds.. __Der Kleine Pauly: Lexikon der Antike (5 vols.)__. Alfred Druckenmüller. 1964-1975. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 5 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spines. Some boards bowed. Slight foxing. Vol. 4 small stain on top corner. $67 [409948]

Zimmermann, Norbert. __Werkstattgruppen Römischer Katakombenmalerei [Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum Ertänzungsband 35, 2002]__. Aschendorff Verlag. 2002. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 309pp. Ex-library. Boards slightly bowed. Quarto. $54 [407383]

Zuntz, G.. __Opuscula Selecta: Classica, Hellenistica, Christiana__. Manchester. 1972. Hardcover with dust jacket. 322pp. VG/VG $24.5 [296693]


. __Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale. Édité par la Société Internationale pour l'étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (S.I.E.P.M.) 8-9. 8 et 9 Années 1966-1967__. Secrétariat de la S.I.E.P.M.. 1967. Paperback. 304pp. Good; foxing. $12.2 [374914]

. __Studi Medievali, Serie Terza, Anno III, Fasc. 1, 1962__. Centro Italiano di Studi Sull'alto Medioevo. 1962. Paperback. 398pp. Good; slight foxing, back wrapper torn and repaired. $18.25 [366622]

. __Studi Medievali, Serie Terza, Anno IV, Fasc. II: 1963__. Centro Italiano di Studi Sull'alto Medioevo. 1963. Paperback. pp. Good; slight foxing, back wrapper torn and repaired. $18.25 [366621]

Adam de S.-Victor. __Oeuvres Poetiques d'Adam de S.-Victor (2 vols.)__. Paris: Julien, Lanier, Cosnard & Co.. 1858-59. Half leather. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Half leather. Foxing. Worn cover. Edited by L. Gautier. $22 [417422]

152 Ames-Lewis, Francis. __Intellectual Life of the Early Renaissance Artist__. Yale. 2000. Hardcover with dust jacket. 322pp. Extensive ink & pencil underlining. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Slightly chipped dust jacket. From the personal library of Margaret R. Miles. $16 [405883]

Anderson, George K.. __Legend of the Wandering Jew__. Brown University Press. 1991. Paperback. 489pp. Very good; corners slightly bent. $11 [305857]

Atiya, Aziz S.. __Crusade, Commerce and Culture__. Indiana. 1962. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 280pp. Ex-library. Red ink mark on title page. Else good. $11 [401604]

Atiya, Aziz Suryal. __Crusade in the Later Middle Ages__. Methuen & Co.. 1938. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 603pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed, corners bumped. $30 [401595]

Baldwin, Marshall W.. __First Hundred Years [A History of the Crusades, Vol. I]__. Pennsylvania. 1958. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 694pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Series editor Kenneth M. Setton. $30 [401597]

Barraclough, Geoffrey, ed.. __Mediaeval Germany, 911-1250 (2 vols.) Essays by German Historians__. Basil Blackwell. 1948. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spines. Faded & worn covers. $11 [403402]

Boyd, Beverly. __The Middle English Miracles of the Virgin__. Huntington Library. 1964. Hardcover with dust jacket. 148pp. VG/G, slightly faded dust jacket. $11.4 [373540]

Brand, Charles M.. __Byzantium Confronts the West 1180-1204__. Harvard. 1968. Hardcover with dust jacket. 394pp. G/G, cocked spine. $31.25 [383135]

Brinton, Selwyn. __The Gonzaga- Lords of Mantua__. Methuen. 1927. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 273pp. Ex-library, faded cover $21.5 [390431]

Brundage, James A.. __Medieval Canon Law and the Crusader__. Wisconsin. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 244pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Pencil underlining throughout. Worn & bumped cover. $30 [401593]

Bury, J.B.; H.M. Gwatkin, J.P. Whitney. __Cambridge Medieval History (8 vols.)__. Macmillan. 1936. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Ex-library, slightly shaken. $262 [355714]

Busk, Mrs. William. __Mediaeval Popes, Emperors, Kings, and Crusaders (4 vols.), or, Germany, Italy and Palestine, from A.D. 1125 to A.D. 1268__. London: Hookham & Sons. 1854-1856. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 4 vols.pp. Ex-library, may not be in original covers. All volumes shaken, foxed, edge-worn. Covers grubby & slightly stained. Vol. 4 front hinge broken. Some unopened pages. Slight pencil & ink marks. $83.25 [395235]

153 Cabaniss, Allen. __Son of Charlemagne: A Contemporary Life of Louis the Pious__. Syracuse. 1965. Hardcover with dust jacket. 182pp. G/G, slight markings, sunned dust jacket. $14 [370139]

Calmette, Joseph and Eugene Deprez. __Histoire du Moyen Age, Tome VII, Deuxieme Partie: Les Premieres Grandes Puissances [Histoire Generale]__. Presses Universitaires de France. 1939. Paperback. 641pp. Foxing. Creased wrappers. Most pages unopened. $11 [410245]

Campbell, Anna Montgomery. __The Black Death and Men of Learning__. Columbia. 1931. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 210pp. Good; ex-library. $14 [395219]

Canning, Joseph. __The Political Thought of Baldus de Ubaldis__. Cambridge. 1987. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 300pp. Ex-library, foxing. $31.25 [393647]

Cartwright, Julia. __The Perfect Courier: Baldassare Castiglione, His Life and Letters, 1478- 1529 (2 vols.)__. E.P. Dutton. 1927. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 450, 507pp. Ex-library, light foxing, frayed spines. $16 [390436]

Chadwick, D.. __Social Life in the Days of Piers Plowman__. Cambridge. 1922. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 125pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Worn cover. $11 [401963]

Clercq, Charles de. __Dix Siecles D'Histoire Byzantine, 476-1461__. Etudes D'Aujourd'hui. 1946. Paperback. 103pp. Ex-library. Cocked spine. Wraps rubbed. $11 [396105]

Cobban, Alan B.. __The King's Hall Within the University of Cambridge in the Later Middle Ages__. Cambridge. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 355pp. Ex-library, bumped corners. $21.5 [380499]

Cobban, Alan B.. __The King's Hall Within the University of Cambridge in the Later Middle Ages__. Cambridge. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 355pp. Good; ex-library. $21.5 [393564]

Connell, William J.. __Renaissance Essays II [Library of the History of Ideas]__. Rochester. 1993. Paperback. 365pp. Stain spattered on cover and top page edge. Wrappers edge-worn & slightly curled. Else sound. $11 [395037]

Cornish, F. Warre. __Chivalry [Social England Series]__. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.. 1908. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 369pp. Ex-library. Foxing. Cocked spine. Series edited by Kenelm D. Cotes. $11 [396196]

Dewindt, Edwin Brezette. __Land and People in Holywell-Cum-Needingworth: Structures of Tenure and Patterns of Social Organization in an East Midlands Village, 1252-1457__. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 299pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $22 [417234]

154 Evans, G.R.. __The Thought of Gregory the Great [Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 4th series]__. Cambridge. 1986. Hardcover with dust jacket. 164pp. Ink underlining, else sound. $14 [393749]

Flick, Alexander Clarence. __Decline of the Medieval Church (2 vols.)__. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.. 1930. Library buckram. 398, 543pp. Ex-library, some markings. Rebound in green buckram. $18.25 [390746]

Freed, John B.. __Friars & German Society in the Thirteenth Century__. Mediaeval Academy of America. 1977. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 280pp. Ink & pencil marks throughout. Weak front hinge. $34.5 [294296]

Geanakoplos, Deno John. __Emperor Michael Palaeologus and the West, 1258-1282: A Study in Byzantine-Latin Relations__. Harvard. 1959. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 434pp. Ex-library. Cocked spine. Smudge to fore-edge. $38 [401498]

Gould, Karen. __Psalter and Hours of Yolande of Soissons [Speculum Anniversary Monographs, 4]__. Mediaeval Academy of America. 1978. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 128, 68 platespp. Ex-library. Good condition. $16 [394764]

Grater, Fred A. (compiler); Wm. Bradford Smith (editor). __Richard C. Kessler Reformation Collection: An Annotated Bibliography (4 vols.)__. Scholars Press. 1999. Hardcover with dust jacket. pp. NF/NF. $52 [221308]

Hesseling, D.C., intro.. __L'Achilleide Byzantine__. Amsterdam: Johannes Müller. 1919. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 149pp. Ex-library. Boards bowed & faded. Foxing, yellowed. $27 [418213]

Howard, Donald R.. __Three Temptations: Medieval Man in Search of the World__. Princeton. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 316pp. Ex-library. Good condition. $11 [401901]

Howell, Martha C.. __Women, Production, and Patriarchy in Late Medieval Cities__. Chicago. 1986. Hardcover with dust jacket. 285pp. Ink underlining. Boards bowed. Foxing. $12 [406040]

Jordan, William C.; Bruce McNab, and Teofilo F. Ruiz eds.. __Order and Innovation in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honor of Joseph R. Strayer__. Princeton. 1976. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 582pp. Good; ex-library. $16 [393949]

Kibre, Pearl. __The Nations in the Mediaeval Universities__. Mediaeval Academy of America. 1948. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 240pp. Good; ex-library. $14 [393519]

Leff, Gordon; David Knowles, general editor. __Bradwardine and the Pelagians [Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life & Thought, new series, vol. 5]__. Cambridge. 1957. Hardcover with dust jacket. 282pp. Underlining. $29.5 [236062]

155 Little, A.G.. __Liber Exemplorum ad Usum Praedicantium, Saeculo XIII Compositus a Quodam Fratre Minore Anglico de Provincia Hiberniae__. Aberdoniae: Typis Academicis. 1966. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 177pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. $12 [407773]

MacDonald, A.J.. __Authority and Reason in the Early Middle Ages__. Oxford. 1933. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 136pp. Slight underlining, else very good. $12.5 [233943]

Maltby, William S. ed.. __Reformation Europe: A Guide to Research II, vol. 3: Reformation Guides to Research__. Center for Reformation Research. 1992. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 348pp. Ink underlining, else sound. $21.5 [394313]

Manitius, Max. __Geschichte der Lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters, Dritter Teil (Band), Unter Paul Lehmanns Mitwirkung__. C.H. Beck. 1931. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 1164pp. Ex-library. Shaken. Worn cover. $38 [401962]

Martins, Jose v. de Pina. __Jean Pic de la Mirandole: Un Portrait Inconnu de L'Humaniste une Edition Tres Rare de Ses Conclusiones__. Presses Universitairees de France. 1976. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 197pp. Ex-library, rebound in green buckram. Boards bowed. Faint stain to page edge. Quarto. $54 [407381]

Mayer, Hans Eberhard. __Crusades__. Oxford. 1972. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 339pp. Ex- library. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards worn. Translated by John Gillingham. $22 [407025]

McGrade, Arthur Stephen. __The Political Thought of William of Ockham: Personal and Institutional Principles [Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 3rd series]__. Cambridge. 1974. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 269pp. Ex-library, slightly shaken. $21.5 [393563]

Moore, Philip S. and James A. Corbett. __Petri Pictaviensis Allegoriae Super Tabernaculum Moysi [Publications in Medieval Studies III]__. Notre Dame, Indiana. 1938. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 214pp. Ex-library, otherwise good. $21.5 [372311]

Moorman, John R.H.. __Medieval Franciscan Houses__. Franciscan Institute. 1983. Paperback. 710pp. Corner bumped. Else good. $31.25 [362267]

Mullinger, J. Bass. __The Schools of Charles the Great and the Restoration of Education in the Ninth Century__. G.E. Stechert & Co.. 1904. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 193pp. Good; ex- library. $18.25 [393458]

Norden, Eduard. __Antike Kunstprosa (2 vols.) Vom VI. Jahrhundert V. Chr. Bis in Die Zeit der Renaissance__. Wissenschaftliche Buchgessellschaft. 1958. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Shaken, cocked spine. Boards bowed. Slight ink marks. From the personal library of Leander E. Keck. $37 [411287]


Oberman, Heiko O. and Thomas A. Brady, Jr., eds.. __Itinerarium Italicum: The Profile of the Italian Renaissance in the Mirror of Its European Transformations. Dedicated to Paul Oskar Kristeller on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday [Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, XIV]__. Brill. 1975. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 471pp. Ex-library. Slight ink & pencil marks. Bottom page edge bumped. Fore-edge grubby. $42 [401675]

Obermann, Heiko & Thomas A. Brady Jr.. __Itinerarium Italicum: The Profile of the Italian Renaissance in the Mirror of Its European Transformations, Dedicated to Paul Oskar Kristeller on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday [Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, vol. XIV]__. E.J. Brill. 1975. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 471pp. Shaken, underlining. $34.5 [393999]

Orme, Nicholas. __English Schools in the Middle Ages__. Methuen. 1973. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 369pp. Good; ex-library. $12.7 [393451]

Ott, H. and J.M. Fletcher. __The Mediaeval Statutes of the Faculty of Art of the University of Freiburg im Breisgau [Texts and Studies in the History of Mediaeval Education, no. X]__. Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame. 1964. Paperback. 139pp. Ex-library, bumped corners and spine. In Latin. $11 [338229]

Peter of Spain. __Tractatus Syncategorematum and Selected Anonymous Treatises [Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation no. 13]__. Marquette. 1964. Library buckram. 156pp. Ex- library, rebound in navy buckram. Shaken, cocked spine. Trans. by Joseph P. Mullally. With Roland Houde. $11 [417212]

Petit-Dutaillis, Ch. and P. Guinard. __Histoire du Moyen Age, Tome IV, Deuxieme Partie: L'Essor des Etats D'Occident (France, Angleterre, Peninsule Iberique) [Histoire Generale]__. Presses Universitaires de France. 1944. Paperback. 416pp. Foxing, yellowed. Faded & creased wrappers. Most pages unopened. $11 [410244]

Pomata, Gianna. __Contracting a Cure: Patients, Healers, and the Law in Early Modern Bologna__. Johns Hopkins. 1998. Hardcover with dust jacket. 294pp. Pencil underlining throughout. Shaken, cocked spine. Trans. by Rosemari Foy & Anna Taraboletti-Segre. $11 [406112]

Potter, K.R. ed.. __The Historia Novella by William of Malmesbury__. Thomas Nelson & Sons. 1955. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 84pp. Latin text, with English translation by K.R. Potter. Ex-library, otherwise good. $20.2 [380592]

Putnam, Ruth. __Mediaeval Princess: Being a True Record of teh Changing Fortunes Which Brought Divers Titles to Jacqueline, Countess of Holland, Together with An Account of Her Conflict with Philip, Duke of Burgundy, 1401-1436__. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1904. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 337pp. Ex-library. Slightly shaken. Cover smudged & grubby. $11 [396189]

157 Raftis, J. Ambrose. __Tenure and Mobility: Studies in the Social History of the Mediaeval English Village__. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. 1964. Library buckram. 309pp. Ex-library, rebound in navy buckram. Boards bowed. Foxing. $22 [417233]

Raftis, J. Ambrose. __Warboys: Two Hundred Years in the Life of an English Mediaeval Village__. Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies. 1974. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 267pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Cover stained by rubbing up against another book. Corner bumped. $16 [401908]

Rubin, Miri. __Charity and Community in Medieval Cambridge [Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 4th series]__. Cambridge. 1987. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 365pp. Ex-library, foxing. $28 [393565]

Runciman, Steven. __Sicilian Vespers: A History of the Mediterranean World in the Later Thirteenth Century__. Cambridge. 1958. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 356pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Worn cover. $11 [401592]

Sitwell, Sacheverell. __Gothick North: A Study of Mediaeval Life, Art, and Thought__. Houghton Mifflin. 1929. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 454pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. $11 [415108]

Stevenson, W.B.. __Crusaders in the East: A Brief History of the Wars of Islam with the Latins in Syria During the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries__. Cambridge. 1907. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 387pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Foxing. Worn cover. $22 [417541]

Strehlke, Ernestus ed.; preface by Hans E. Mayer. __Tabulae Ordinis Theutonici ex Tabularii Regii Berolinensis Codice Potissimum__. Berolini: Apud Weidmannos. 1975. Hardcover with dust jacket. 490pp. VG/VG. $19.5 [294198]

Suelzer, Sr. Mary Josephine. __The Clausulae in Cassiodorus: A Dissertation [Catholic University of America Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Latin Language and Literature, vol. XVII]__. Catholic University of America Press. 1944. Paperback. 47pp. Foxing, ex-library. Lower corners bent, page edges torn. $13.5 [299748]

Talbot, Alice-Mary. __Faith Healing in Late Byzantium: The Posthumuous Miracles of the Patriarch Athanasios I of Constantinople by Theoktistos the Stoudite__. Hellenic College Press. 1983. Paperback. 162pp. Corners bumped. Front wrapper chipped. $16 [401919]

Theophilus. __Various Arts [Medieval Texts]__. Thomas Nelson. 1961. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 178pp. Ex-library. Shaken, cocked spine. Trans. by C.R. Dodwell. $47 [413495]

Thirouin, Laurent. __L'Aveuglement Salutaire: Le Requisitoire Contre le Theatre dans la France Classique__. Paris: Honore Champion Editeur. 1997. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 292pp. Boards bowed. Else good. $16 [420753]

158 Trexler, Richard C.. __Spiritual Power: Republican Florence Under Interdict [Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, IX]__. Brill. 1974. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 208pp. Ex-library. Foxing. $26 [402027]

Werner, Karl. __Scholastik des Späteren Mittelalters (4 vols. in 5)__. Burt Franklin. 1971. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 5 vols.pp. Ex-library. Slightly shaken. $120.4 [407338]

Wright, Thomas. __Essays on Subjects Connected with the Literature, Popular Superstitions, and History of England in the Middle Ages (2 vols.)__. London: John Russell Smith. 1846. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 2 vols.pp. Vol. II front hinge broken. Vol. In shaken. Ex-library. Faded covers. Foxing. $18.25 [395577]