Public Disclosure Authorized


Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences

September 1996 Public Disclosure Authorized .

Implementing Agency: Chinese Research Academy of * Environmental Sciences

Legal Person: Chen Fu

Project Manager: Chen Fan

Technical Examination: Xia Qing

Final Report Compilation Chen Fan, Tian Rensheng

Researchers: Bao Quansheng, Li Min * Chen Xiaoxia, Huang Suiliang Deng Fushan, Chen Yanqing






Overview 1

* Chapter 1 Introduction 2 1.1 Significanceof the PovertyReduction Project 2 1.2 Basis of the ReportCompilation 3 1.3 AssessmentClassification and FocalPoints 3 1.4 Scope and Standardsof the EIA 4 1.5 Goalsof PollutionControl and EnvironmentalProtection 6 1.6 Rulesand Methodof the EIA 6 1.7 Descriptionof the EIA 7

* Chapter 2 Overview of the Loan Project 9 2.1 OverallPlanning of the Loan Project 9 2.2 Feasibilityof the ProjectImplementation 22

Chapter 3 Environmental Situation of the Project Area 23 * 3.1 Geography 23 3.2 Environment 23 3.3 Conditionsof EnvironmentalQuality 24

Chapter 4 Environmental Impact Prediction and Assessment 27 4.1 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Project of Exploiting Lands and Developing Agriculture 27 4.2 Environmental Impact Prediction and Assessment of the Rural Enterprises Development 48 E 4.3 Environmental Impact Assessment of Rural Infrastructure Construction 48 4.4 Environmental Impact Assessment of Labor mobility and Small Loans 50

Chapter 5 Assessment on the Environmental Impact of the Rural Enterprises 52 * 5.1 Analysis of the Main Environmental Impact of the Rural Enterprises 52 5.2 Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment on Rural Enterprises 54 5.3 Mitigation Measures for the Environmental Impact by Rural Enterprises 58 5.4 The Analysis of Typical Cases of Environment Impact Assessment on Rural Enterprises 58 5.5 The Analysis of Typical Cases of Environment Impact Assessment on Rural Enterprises 75 5.6 Develop the Total Quantity Control of Pollutants Discharge from Rural Enterprises 76

I EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECT CRAES 1996 Chapter 6 Cost and Benefit Analysis of Environmental Economy 78 6.1 Project Investment 78 6.2 The Benefit of the Project 78 623 Environmental Protection Investment of the Project 83

Chapter 7 Plan of Environmental Management and Environmental * Monitoring and Control 85 7.1 The Environmental Management Mechanism 85 7.2 The Plan of Environmental Management and Supervision 86 7.3 The Plan of Monitoring 86

* Chapter 8 Public Participation 90 8.1 Way and Content of the Public Participation 90 8.2 Working Procedure of Public Participation 90 8.3 Conclusions of Public Participation 90

Chapter 9 Conclusion and Suggestion 94

Photo of project area

* Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3








Chapter1 Emphasizeon significanceof the povertyreduction project, basis of the assessment reportcompilation, and rules,scope, category,and stressesof the assessment;Summarize the laws, legislation,and environmentalstandards that must be abided by in complementingthe project; * Describeassessment units and organization.

Chapter 2 Explain the orientationand designationof overall planning,investment scale and progress of its complementation;Describe the technical strategy and content of labor mobility, loans in small amount, rural infrastructure,land and farmer development,rural enterprises * development,institution building, and the project and poverty monitoring in detail; Analyze environmental impacts of the project and environmental protection measures in brief to demonstratefeasibility of the project.

Chapter 3 Describe terrain and geomorphology,climate, water resources, minerals,animals, plants,and socialand economicconditions of the projectarea to explaindifficulty and urgencyof the povertyreduction project.

Chapter4 Predict environmentalimpacts of the Qinba project. Assessingmainly on emphasis * of soil erosion, fertility of soil and utility of lands. Giving out the environmentalprotection countermeasuresfor agriculturepesticide, fertilizer and plasticfilm pollution.

Chapter5 Introducebriefly the technologicalprocedures of major productsin rural enterprises, which were divided into 12 categoriesto assess their impacts on environment;Choose 16 rural enterprisesas representativeswhich have large dischargeand some impact on environmentto describethem in details on suchaspects as the environmentalconditions, technological procedures of projects,pollutants discharge and predictionof its impact,and pollutioncontrol measures. e Chapter 6 Evaluate the project comprehensivelywith respect to investmentand benefit; Analyzebenefit and loss of environmentaleconomy taking the povertyreduction project of Luobo village,Longquan town, Yihancounty, province as example.

Chapter 7 Present environmentaladministration, monitoring system, organization, stuff * arrangementand planningrequirement.

Chapter8 Analyzestatistically the resultsof public participation.

Chapter9 Affirmfeasibility and benefitof the projectrelating to environmentalprotection.




Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Significance of the Poverty Reduction Project

The DabaMountain Area of Qin Mountain(Qinba Mountain Area) is one of the ruralareas where 0 having large amount of poverty people in China. Disadvantagesof this area include over 10 million of poverty population, many high and steep hills, more sloping lands and less arable lands, heavy erosion of surface and loss of soil with 700-1600mm annual precipitation,and low agriculturaloutput. XihaiguArea in NingxiaHui AutonomousRegion is a regionwhere mainly populatedwith Hui peopleand locates in the West of YellowPlateau. There are frequentnatural X disastersthere and nine years of droughtout of ten. In both areas, residentsearn less than 320 RMByuan per year with little infrastructureand poor education.The povertypeasants could not stop the vicious cycle of "low income-lightdevelopment-heavy damage to resources"in the productionpattern. There is no positive push or influenceon the areas no matterhow rapid the nationaleconomy develops. This is because:Firstly, the peasantshave no surplustraditional farm * products(grain and livestockproducts) for low output and worse relationshipbetween human beingand land. Whentheir price rise with developmentof the nationaleconomy, they have to pay moremoney to buy necessaryproducts instead of sellingthem. Secondly,when newfarm products demandedthe peasantshave no money to developthem and thus to increasetheir income.And 0 finally,the local second and third industriesdevelopment are so slow that the peasantshave few opportunitiesof employment,while such opportunitiesin other places cannotbe shared by them for lackinginformation and fearingrisk.

Facingto the absolutepoverty population with shortageof naturalresources, Chinese government * has formulatedthe EighthSeven-Year National Plan of PovertyReduction aiming at makingthe poverty populationget warm and well fed. During the seven years from 1994 to 2000, labors, funds, and materialsfrom both the governmentsand societywill be centralizedto implementin poverty areas projects of land integrativedevelopment and utilizationorientated by ecological principlesand the marketeconomy to improveagricultural production efficiency. Town industries will be developedand rural infrastructurewill be improved.At the same time, surpluslabor will be organizedfor labor mobility.By these measuresthe self-closedpattern of povertyareas should be brokenand they couldjoin in the developmentcycle of the nationaleconomy step by step.

* Accordingto our actualdemands and basedon successfulimplementation of the SouthwestChina PovertyReduction Project loaned by the WorldBank, the LeadingGroup of PovertyReduction underthe State Councilapplied for listingthe Qinba MountainArea PovertyReduction Project in the loaningplan fromthe WorldBank (National Development Document [1995] No.15) in March 1995.After consultationsof the State PlanningCommittee and the Ministryof Financialwith the * World Bank, the project was approved to list in the Three Years Loan Plan of Chinese Governmentfrom the WorldBank.



* 1.2.1 Infonnation on Feasibility Study Report on Feasibility Study of the China Qinba Mountains Poverty Reduction Project (March 1993). Individual Report on Feasibility Study in Three Provinces

1.2.2 Technical Guidelines The World Bank Operational Manual - Operational Directive 4.01: Environmental Assessment issued by the World Bank in July 1992. Environmental Assessment Sourcebook, the World Bank Technical Paper No. 139 (October 1993).

1.2.3 Assessment Documents Environmental Assessment Outlines of the China Qinba Mountains Poverty Reduction Project (Revision), Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences(June 1996). Report on Environmental Assessment in Three Provinces, the China Qinba Mountains Poverty Reduction Project.

* 1.2.4 Examination and Approval Documents NEPA Reply Letter of the Advice of Examination and Approval on Environmental Assessment of the China Qinba Mountains Poverty Reduction Project, National EPA, Environmental Monitoring Construction [1996] No.147. Evaluation Result of the Environmental Assessment Outline of the China Qinba Mountains Poverty Reduction Project, Center for Evaluation of Environmental Engineering Project at National EPA, State Environmental Evaluation Center Document [1996] No.079.

1.3 Assessment Classification and Focal Points

1.3.1 Classification for the Environmental Impact Assessment

* Class B was set to the overall environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the China Qinba Mountains Poverty Reduction Project based on the memorandum of investigation on Three- province projects by the project-discrimination group loaned by the World Bank. Among 807 projects, there are 10 projects in Sichuan province, 2 in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and 6 in Shaanxi province those with heavy pollution and some impact on environment and the detailed


* 1.3.2 Stress of the EIA

Natural environment: Surface water, environmental acoustics and air quality. Ecological environment: Soil erosion, forest cover and soil fertility. Social and economic environments: Income per capita, rural industrial structure, employment, social technical ability, land and labor productivity.

Among 6 categories of projects EIA emphasis, there are two categories that are the land and farmer development and rural enterprises development should pay special attention.

For land and farmer development, EIA emphasis is on agricultural ecological environment, fertilizer and chemical, plastic film, capacity of water resource.

For rural enterprises development, EIA emphasis is on cleaner production (CP) technologies and * end-treatment of town enterprises, and on the explore of local resource potentials and economic benefit of the projects. Typical examples are chosen from sub-projects. Please refer to Chapter 5 for detail information on stress EIA standards relating directly to CP technologies and end- treatment standards.

1.4 Scope and Standards of the EIA

1.4.1 Scope of the EIA

* The EIA scope includes social and economic situations, conditions of natural environment and ecosystem, and the environmental impact after the projects implementation in 2941 villages of 361 towns in 26 counties (cities) in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Ningxia provinces covered by the Qinba Mountains Poverty Reduction Project. See Figure !-1.

1.4.2 Standards of the EIA All kinds of economic activities in the Project must follow the laws, legislation, and rules of the People's Republic of China on environmental protection. For example, resources must be * reserved during developing; water and soil must be prevented from loss; living and ecological environments should be improved; Species must be protected; and lands should be used reasonably. Environmental Standards include existing standards relating to environmental quality and * pollutant discharge in the People's Republic of China.


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1.5 Goals of Pollution Control and Environmental Protection

* 1.5.1 Surface Water

Surface water in project area should meet the third level of the Environmental Quality Standard of Surface Water (GB 3838-88). But if the rivers have been planned as certain environmental E functions by the local governments, they should be protected with goals corresponding to those functions. Irrigation canal without drinking water function should meet the Water Quality Standardof FarmlandIrrigation (GB 5084-92).Surface water in drinkingwater sources should meet the Hygienic Standard of Drinking Water (GB 5749-85).

* 1.5.2 Air

Air quality in the project area should meet the second level of the Air Environmental Quality Standard (GB 3095-82). Large scale of farmlands should meet requirement of the Upper AllowableConcentration of Air Pollutants for Crops Protection (GB 9137-88). . 1.5.3 AcousticsEnvironment

The Noise Standard of Urban Environment (GB 3096-93) should be met in urban inhabitant area.

1.5.4 Agricultural Ecological Environment

The goals are to protect and improve agricultural ecosystem, enhance efficiency in utilizing farmlands and biological resources, realize sustainable development of the agriculture, and 3 optimize ecosystem in its own way.

1.6 Rules and Method of the EIA

1.6.1 Overall project EIA meets the requirement of the World Bank under relative laws and legislation of China on EIA. Emphasis was put on environmental impacts of chemicals, fertilizers, and plastic film uses and of ecological agriculture in small regions, which are concerned by the World Bank.

* 1.6.2 On the basis of the EIS of three provinces, the overall project EIA was divided into three levels.

The first level: EIA on social, economic and ecosystem environments in large regions.

* Overall EIA for the Project takes three provinces as a unit, which can fully reflect the social and economic significance and ecosystem improvement of the Poverty Reduction Project. The role of the project can also be demonstrated in the implementation of sustainable development and strategy of the Middle and West China development.

6 EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCrION PROJECT CRAES 1996 The second level: EIA on the ecological agriculture development in small regions.

This level includes mainly those projects having construction activities, of which the impact scale and degree were determined. Measures were found to reduce the impact.

The third level: EIA on instruction projects.

Some projects with pollution were chosen to carry out case study. Prevention and control technologies were recommended.

1.7 Description of the EIA

1.7.1 Introduction to the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES)

CRAES is one of the largest national institution in China. It has 9 departments, including the e Center for Environmental Planning and Assessment, the Institute of Water Environment, the Institute of Ecological Environment, the Center for Environmental Engineering, the Institute of Air Environment, the Institute of Solid Wastes , the Institute of Environmental Management, the Institute of Environmental Standards, and the Institute of Environmental Information. There is faculty with 500 environmental scientists and engineers, including 2 members of China 0 Engineering Academy, 30 professors and researchers, and 106 senior engineers and associate researchers.

CRAES processes the A level of EIA certification (No. 0901) issued by the National EPA and the A level of Environmental Project Designation Certification (No. 009406).

Since its foundation in 1980, the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences has fulfilled the national key tasks of air pollution control techniques, water pollution control, techniques of disposal and safe landfill of solid wastes, EIA techniques, and other aspects relating * to environmental capacity, environmental administration, environmental plann?hg, and environmental background level, etc. Meanwhile, it also undertook EIA tasks of many instruction projects (including those of chemical and metallurgical industries, electric power, medicine, construction, and textile industry). It is experienced in EIA with many successful bids such as the China Commercial Farmland Project loaned by the World Bank and Ningbo 1.52 million tons paper mill project funded by Singapore. It has also completed feasibility evaluation and EIA of many regional environmental planning projects loaned by the World Bank or the Asian Development Bank.

* 1.7.2 Organization

The EIA organization refers to Figure 1-2.



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The Povert Reduction Office(PRO) umderthe State Council]


Coordinateunits The PRO of Sichuan Province The PRO off ShannxihamxiPrvicelFThe Province The PROROofNinxi of Nm *aHuiHi AutonomousAtoomus Reegon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~vnLelROion C7

Entrust ~~~Entrust Enrs EIA units MRAEPZSchuan Institute of Institution of Northwest Prospecting Ningxia Environmental

EnvironmentalProtection Designation under the Ministr of Electrict Institute Protection -

,n EIA outline Of EIAkoutline of the EIA outline of the EIA outline of the SO the overall project Sichuan vroiects IShaanxiprojects, Ning*a proiects ETA ETA EA ELA, 0 Preparation ETAreport on the [EIA report on the EIA report ointhe Sichan r ojects {Shaanxiprojects Nim *aprojects Examination Examiniation Examination


Chapter 2 Overview of the Loan Project

2.1 Overall Planning of the Loan Project

2.1.1 Strategy of the Qinba Poverty Reduction Project

* Considering the causes and characteristics of poverty in the Qinba Mountains Area, the project do not adopt single project to reduce poverty. Instead, it focuses on strengthening investment and development. The land output and peasant income will be increased through land and farmer development, land infrastructure, water and soil reservation, crop and farning renewal, and * livestock breeding. Drinking water, transportation, and electric power will be enhanced by adding infrastructure. Labor quality will be improved through fundamental education and training. Structures of local industries and employment will be adjusted by developing town enterprises and country fairs. Labor mobility will be encouraged to improve their abilities of management and adaptation. By all above measures the living and production environments of poverty population and the peasant quality should be improved in the project areas. By administration and development in a comprehensive way, the optimum combination and output of within the project system can be realized with full considerations of the link and integrity among projects relating to economic benefit, infrastructure, and social service. All of these aim at helping the poverty * population get rid of poverty and step onto a developing path. See Figure 2- 1.

2.1.2 Content of the Project Locations of the project Locations of the project is 129 towns under 12 counties in Sichuan province with population of 1,128,494; 201 towns under 10 counties in Shaanxi province with population of 966,620; 31 towns under 4 counties in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region with population of 235,597. Investment of the Project X Investment of the project is 2.988 billion RMB yuan totally (including 0.18 billion US dollars). See Table 2-1 for detail.

Table 2-1 Investment budget unit: RMB yuan) SichuanProvince ShaanxiProvince Ningxia Region Total * Item Amount Portion Amount Portion Amount Portion Amount Portion Labor mobility 180313792 15.9% 131510000 14.5% 311823792 13.8% Infrastructure 186684534 16.5% 180589987 19.9% 55266704 24.4% 422541225 18.7% Land and farmer 532106324 47.0% 375059592 41.4% 144350586 63.7% 105156502 46.4% X development Rural enterprises 190528988 16.8% 178114477 19.7% 18157051 8.0% 386800516 17.1% Institutionand 30486835 2.7% 28366335 3.1% 8805198' 3.9% 67658386 3.0% monitoring Rural credits in 12580523 1.1% 12580523 1.4% 25161046 1.1% * small amount

9 0x


nent Lan andfarmrDevlopm1 Soial ffairs Basic developme Ladadfre evlpeto o of farmlandsdevelopment non-arable lands a z Funds Grain I Fruit I Oil Fowls IMedicinal materials ITea-garden OrhadsTraining on monitoring Techniques input MubryOher Mubrygren I Economic forest IOther Infrastructure and

Labor mobility funds input -

,o z0r Rural roads and power 0 30


Figure 2-1 The projects system of the Qinba Project .


* 1. Labor mobility is organized between counties and provinces in Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces with 83,227 labors out of Sichuan and 68,353 out of Shaanxi.

2. Small amount of credit funds are established in county of Sichuan and Ankang City * of Shaanxi to support the poor engaging in trade or growing/breeding sectors with high increment of value.

3. There are totally 177 projects on rural infrastructure. In the three provinces, 893 km of rural roads are newly-built or rebuilt; 372,101 of rural population which suffered water shortage are * now supplied drinking water; 764 km power line are built; Small hydropower station with total capacity of 2,175 KW and a transformer substation are also built; Other water conservancy facilities and methane-generating pits are under plans, which include following technical planing:

(I) Rural roads construction The rural roads should meet the engineering technical standards set by the Transportation Department of provinces or regions, i.e. 20km/h of velocity, 3.5m of width, the minimum radium of 15m at corner turn, the designed bridges loading capacity are: for mobile-10 degree and for caterpillar-50. All villages should be accessible with roads centered at towns.

(2) Drink water and irrigation In towns and villages where water is seriously short, small water pools, family water cellars, and facilities to get groundwater will be constructed to solve the drinking water shortage problem. They should meet the standards of drinking water in drought areas issued by the National Water Resource Ministry (20kg per person daily average; 30 kg per big livestock daily average; 5kg per sheep daily average). Dams, ditches, micro-irrigation, and pools on hills will be developed according to water use of 5,250m3/ha by paddies, 1,290m 3/ha by dry farmlands, 40-60kg/trunk by plants growing for 1-2 years, 60-100kg/trunk by plants growing for 3-6 years, and 100- * 120kg/trunk for fruiting period.

A. Wells Utility of groundwater. A well with daily water output >lm3 can meet the need of four families (15 persons) and 20 heads of livestock. Diameter of the well is 1.Omor 1.5m and * depth is 3.Om or 5.0m. Its walls are made of dry cubic stones with 0.4m thickness. Its plat, fence, and draining ditch are set with cubic stones plus lime white #100.

B. Cistern pools Use of surface water. One or more families together construct small reservoirs to supply drinking water for 4 people and 5 heads of livestock or for 5-20 people and 6-25 heads of livestock. The pool has capacity of 20m3 or 25-120m3 , round or square, with cubic stones plus lime white #80. Thickness of its walls is 0.6m with surface of lime mortar #100. Its bottom should be on stone base or constructed with concrete #150. It should, if possible, be * closed by prefabricated plates with maintaining and exhaling access. Water from the reservoir


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ElS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECT CRAES 1996 is filtered by charcoal, anthracite, or quartz gravel for 24 hours and flows into clean-water reservoir, whose capacity is designed at 25-50% of daily demand. Water pipe can use zinc- * plating steel pipe ((DI5mm) or plastic pipe.

C. Diversion Works An inlet channel is constructed with flow of 0.0lcm3 /s, using stones built by mud to c prevent leakage, or using steel pipe to draw spring water and surface water to the centralized area of residents to construct tank of water supply, and solve the problem of drinking water of residents by pipes. The effective capacity of the tank of water supply is determined by the number of residents and stocks, its side wall is adopted with number 80 stones built by mud, its bottom is poured by number 150 concrete, and plastered by number 100 sand mud to * prevent leakage. its top is closed by prefabricated hollow blank with 0.012m, and have exam and air vent.

D. Water Raise Project It is suitable to the hill land where residents live above the water, water source is sufficient and water station is easy to be built. According to the scale of water scarce of residents and stocks and capacity of water storage of the source of surface water and Tang Ku Weir, design special station of water raise, equipment, route and model of electric motor, at the mean time, design inlet channel through * precipitating, filtering, disinfecting, water cleaning tank, pipe for water supply.

(3) The rural energy resources and electricity supply After implement of the projects, the total capacity of 2,175 kW of small-scale hydroelectric stations and a transmission line of 764 km long will be built in Sichuan and Shaanxi Province. e Also 1,828 methane-generating pits to change the way of energy supply for residents by burning firewood in project area. Technical requirement:

* A. Rural power According to the condition of mountains area, design distribution line, the various technical require of conducting wire, insulator, gold vessel, arrangement of wire, wire pole, wire pull and basis, table of transformer, switch, thunder prevention, wire for residents, distance to ground and cross stride must be up to the national standard 4(Design Standard * of Upper-air Wire )) (SDJ206-87), and 4(Low Pressure Power Technical Standard )) (D1499-92) of P. R. China, and use advanced technique, new equipment and new materials actively and carefully. Design of transformer substation must base on the nature, scale and progress of project, focus on most recent plan, and consider the probability of extension properly. The transformer station of 35 kilo volts and 10 kilo volts according to the standard of (( Design Standard of Industrial and Domestic 35 kilo volts transformer station )) (GBJ 59-83) and ( Design standard of Industrial and Domestic 10 kilo volts or lower transformer station )) (GBJ 53-83) of P. R. China.



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EIS FOR THE CHINAQINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECT CRAES1996 B. Methane-generating pit Select model of methane-generatingpit: Selecting mainly farmer household in poor area to build methane-generating pit suitable for farmer use, model of pit uses national standard water pressure or cycle type methane-generating pit. Structure of methane-generating pit: In order to meet demand of being forced, the top of pit uses radii ratio of 1/5 sphere, the bottom of it uses radii ratio of 1/8 reverse sphere, * combine the two parts. Structure strength uses number 200 common concrete, construct uses the technique of steel model poured to formn.

Air tightness: When the atmospheric pressure is 800 mm H20 in the pit, the rate of air leakage is less than 3% within 24h. The yield of unit effective capacity of pit per day: Under the condition meeting the demand of ferment technique and normal use, the gas yield of per * cube capacity of pit is 0.15-0.3 per day. Normal amount of gas storage is 50% of one of gas output a day. Strength safety coefficient K>2.5, normal use life is 20 years.

4. The projects of land and farmer development account for 50% of total investment. It can be * predicted that their implementation can increase 64,469 ha. of growing area of rice, wheat, filmed corn, potato, and beans, 12,101 ha. of rape, peanut, taro, gastrodia, filmed water melon, and 33,652 ha. of eucommia, ginkgo, mulberry, gallnut, orange, tea, pear, peach, jujube, quick- growing woods, woods of conserving water and soil, and timber woods; 716,968 heads of pigs, cattle, and sheep; 344,548 of poultry; 4,086 heads of long-hair rabbits; improve quality of low- output farmland by 32,055 ha.; help 6,800 of peasants grow greenhouse vegetable and edible bacteria; plant 4,540 ha. of forage grass. Meanwhile, 73,454,769 RMB yuan will be set in technological training of the peasants, growing 30,365 ha. of seeds and young plants, breeding stud stock, and supplying grinder and thresher machine.

(1) Development levels

This project of supporting the poor in Qinba Mountains area pays sufficiently attention to the level of development and environmental protection measures in the program of the project.

The first layer: the layer of ecological protection, its goal is to protect ecology and control the soil erosion, its main task is to develop forest and grassland, include the top of the mountain

(slope>15 0 ), forest top watershed, steep slope, flush pit, broken land to build water protection forest, farmland, shelter forest, straw hedge and straw quilt for protecting slope and the low lank * of earth between fields.

The second layer: exploitation layer. It is in the band of gentle slope (slope 5-15 0 ), and is the main part of exploitation. According to various areas, arrange main product of economic exploitation , for example, economic trees such as various evergreen and acidulous fruit trees, tea mulberry, etc. Making high performance and deep exploitation, but its strength must be suitable for forming constant agriculture. So the proportion of investment, economic benefit, environmental influence are all key levels.




The third layer: supporting and regulating layer: it is in slope and valley in front of mountain

(slope<5-8 0 ). Its main task is to transform middle and low farmland and develop agriculture and stock raising. Meanwhile, extending the methane-generating pit, firewood economizer, and product non-staple food. But exploitation layer have some difficulties to control water and soil erosion during construction period, must prevent water and soil erosion through regulating exploitation strength, increasing green manure, multiple crop index and straw quilt of slope. The * following must be aimed at particular design of every project, make a macroscopic evaluate of the effective degree of controlling water and soil erosion during every construction period, the rationality of land use, the equilibrium of organic fertilizer, the equilibrium of water and answer briefly the participation of the public, the benefit of investment, the social analysis.

(2) Technical program of typical project

In order to set up ecological agriculture system, in technical program of every project the ecological defend and conservation, the technique of water and soil conservation and pollution * prevention are considered besides meeting essential index of planting technique, so decrease its negative effect on environment.

A. Grain Crop

* Including mainly maize, rice and yam. Introducing briefly with maize, detoxified potato as examples.

a. Maize planting

Selecting high dry land, river dry land and supplementary irrigating land, distributing according to various accumulate temperature, using high quality and high yield maize seeds, reclaim land carefully, apply base manure to the subsoil, using N, P, and farm manure with fertilizer adopt growing seedlings technique covering membrane, applying N fertilizer after planting and before * taking remnant membrane after harvest, the suitable height above sea level for various maize is: spring maize, above l,OOOm,spring maize raised in warm house, 600-1,000m, summer maize below 800m.

b. Detoxified potato .

Selecting altitude above l,OOOm,slope band (<15 0 ) or terrace, cultivated land with thick soil, after wheat, oil crops and bean harvest, planting at wide and narrow line with space every I 50m. No planting normal potato and eggplant crops, clear weeds around and remnant branches and * leaves, smooth the land, combine N, P, applying base manure to the subsoil and cast seeds, the constant use of breeding potato<3 years, preventing plant diseases and pests with pesticides such as copper, etc. Reapplying carbon ammonia, urea, diammonium phosphate, etc.


B. Economic crops

The type of economic crops has conspicuous the nature of region. There are rape, the rhizome of Chinese goldthread, Chuanmingshen, the root of balloon flower, gastrodia elata in Sichuan Province, big shelter vegetables, magic yam, gastrodia elata, sweet potato, edible mushroom, in Shaanxi Province, and Huma, Hongcong, ground membrane watermelon in Ningxia. The * following introduced rape in Sichuan, magic potato in Shaanxi and ground-film watermelon in Ningxia as a representative.

a. Rape

Selecting high yield, good disease resistance, seeds suitable for the local ecological condition. Selecting the sandy loam or loam, which possesses sun-face and gentle slope terrain, fertilized soil, sufficient source of water and conveniently irrigated and emitted as seed bed, smooth the land. According to the principle that applying ample fertilizer to the subsoil, applying fertilizer of x raising secdlings early, reapplying open fertilizer, take care of and apply fertilizer for buds, apply fertilizer rationally. During seedling period, focusing on the prevention of aphids, cabbage caterpillars and white disease, and during flower period, focusing on the prevention bacteria, white disease, downy mildew, during buds period, focusing on the prevention of aphids.

b. Magic Yam

Selecting plain or gentle slope which altitude lower than 1,000 meters and with loose soil, planting in spring and autumn, reclaim the fields carefully, reapply basic fertilizer, weeding after seedling in time, reapply organic fertilizer, urea, diammonium phosphate, etc. preventing disease and pests, collecting after 1-2 years, the single heavier than 0.5 kg for sale after being processed, lighter than 0.5 km continue to plant.

c. Ground-film Watermelon

Selecting the fallow with sand soil which previously planted by beans and wheat, plowing deeply and grinding carefully after the last reap. The seeds adopt fine seeds such as Beijing early follower, number 5 of hybrid Zheng, P2, etc. Planting in single line or double line on the surface of the field. Applying farm manure of good quality such as diammonium phosphate and urea, using rogor, octsulferphosphorous, multi-bacteria, Tobujin, etc. to prevent the hazards diseases and pests.

C. Forest Fruits

* Many of the sub-projects of forest fruits contained in the project, and the forest fruits include many kinds. Here we select only the project of planting mulberry to raise silkworms as a typical of representative economic forest fruit planting project with the significance of ecological equilibrium to introduce briefly.

* a. Raising silkworms to collecting cocoons by planting mulberry



The total technical route is shown in Fig 2-2.

| Fine mulberry varieties ||Excellent planting L|Tiaomulberry cut in turn and| |(Develop Tiao Mulberry variety ) technique rl harvest technique l

Diseases and pests complicated prevention

Adopt fine variety of Young silkworms specialized g silkworms table quality silkworms combined raising raising ra

* | l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~COCOons

Complicated protection of silkworm diseases

|Scientifically raising silkworms-improve strong silkworms|

rate and cocoons production in boxes .Normalized bundles - improve cocoons rate

|Key techniques of X ANormalized techniques to drycoon E * improving Keeping cocoons' the quality of silkwonrms quality intact

* t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Techniqueof cocoon-dry by hot air

Fig. 2-2 Figure of technical route of planting mulberry to raise silkworms




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EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECr CRAES 1996 * Planting mulberries Selecting small blocks at the side of lands, fields, roads, creeks and rivers whose altitude are lower than 1,000 meters to plant in rows, in lines, in bands. It is suitable to use the technique of Hechuan cut in idle, which is the method of rebuilding in winters, using mulberry by part, cutting leaves and keeping tops, protecting buds, combing collection and protection, apply N, P, K fertilizers high effect new prevention pesticides to prevent the * hazards of diseases and pests.

C Raising Silkworms By building the rooms of raising silkworms, storing the leaves of mulberries, bundles of straw, disinfecting to raise the young silkwormnsin specialized central group: In the rural * areas of mountains, it can carry on central raise in the villages and communities, it is suitable for one season to raise the young silkworms of 100 boxes, mainly serve for farmers who raise silkworms in his own villager nearby villages (communities). For the dispersed farmers in the mountain areas , it is suitable for the specialized combined raise, whose size is typically 30-60 boxes silkworms in one season. The methods for combined raise are covered by plastic membrane boxes, simple rooms in holes, and enclosed in cages and boxes.

Simply constructed canopies for strong silkworms (big silkworms): During the raise of strong silkworms, according to the condition of season, technique, equipment, labor forces, it should * popularize indoor simple table for raising, outdoor canopies simple table for raising, simple mobile table built by plastics nets or raising, outdoor canopies and holes for raising, etc.

It must be disinfected to prevent diseases during the period of before, in raising, and after raises, carrying disinfecting and prevention through the whole process raising silkworms.

* Going bundles and collecting cocoons It is necessary or popularize the fine bundles such as fold bundles and grid bundles. The suitable time for silkworms going to the bundles must be controlled, and the time must be after * mature. The light density, temperature and humidity must be according to the technical requirement. Collecting cocoons should be at the 6-7 days after forming of the bundles, the collection time of summer and early fall silkworms should be at the 5-6 days, late autumn silkworms should be after 7-8 days. The collected silkworms can not be piled too thick, especially the cocoons which in high humidity of bundles or containing high rate of water must be spread 0 very thin in table or in big round shallow basket, whose thickness is 2-3 cocoons.

b. Planting of representative economic forest fruits

* Planting teas The overall arrangement are the villages in the mountains area of Ba Mountain of the project, the suitable area are below the altitude of 1,000 meters, selecting the mild acid soil. Building terraced field first and then build a tea garden, taking the fine variety named Zhiyangchuye as the key variety, properly introducing the fine varieties in China, combining asexual reproduction and * sexual reproduction, managing the tea gardens centralized, give full play to the advantage of the



soil in the tea areas containing abundant Se and no environmental pollution, develop famous fine tea and healthy tea, to promote farmer's benefit of planting tea. The target yield of tea production is 1.125 ton. per ha. * Planting Chinese Chestnut The suitable field is mild acid soil with the altitude below 1,lOOm,digging big holes (I X I X Im) to reclaim soil and build garden. Combining the planting of fine varieties of grafting * seedlings with the fine varieties of planting and the grafting, to plant about 900 trees per ha. Carrying on central management to the garden for high production and stable production. The target yield is 1.5 ton per ha. * Planting Eucommia Ulmoides The suitable field is below the altitude of 1,300m, planting strong seedling in reclaimed big holes, about 3,000 trees per ha. Cutting in spring after living one year, retaining one strong seedling to cultivate the main trunk, reinforce the management of fertilizer, the diameter more than 5cm to peel the skin adopting the technique of peeling in round and regeneration, preventing from injuring and polluting the formation layer. Using clean membrane to bandage it while peeling, v removing the membrane after one year. Peeling every four to five years. The trees older than 40 will be cut down and replant, the method still adopt seedling to cultivate the main trunks. The target average yield is 0.825 ton per ha per year. I Planting lacquer trees The suitable field is below the altitude of 1,SOOm,selecting the fine varieties to plant, take * High eight chi as the key variety, in altitude of 800-1,500m, below the altitude of 800m take the Big red coat as the key variety. After seedling in spring, planting them in garden, about 90-120 thousand trees per ha. Planting the forest in properly, cutting a irrigating band along the contour line 1.5 meters wide, digging holes in the band every 3 meters and 3.5 meters away from the center; selecting strong seedling to plant in spring and autumn, 960 trees per ha. Cutting and 0 irrigating every early summer, reclaiming the soil every winter, applying fertilizer twice from March to June, cutting the oil when the trees are older than 7-8. The target yield of oil is 0.225 ton per year per ha, and the seeds in 2.25 ton per year per ha. * In the dark and humid mountains area of the Liupan Mountain around Jingyuan, afforesing * the needle-leaf woods for use whose main variety are Chinese pines, Huangshan Pines and Camphor pine, and afforesting soil erosion protection forests in the area of yellow-soil hills and valleys. For narrow ditches with a "V" shape, planting bushes such as Ningtiao, mountain peach, sand brambles, willows along the edge of the ditches, planting mountain apricots, locust trees, ailanthus altissima on the slope and planting poplar, willow and fruit trees ( hawthorn, Chinese prickly ash) in the bottom; for wide ditches with a "U" shape, planting trees in sharp slope ( Ningtiao, willow, Chinese prickly ash, mountain apricots, mountain peaches, etc.), building gardens in gentle slope ( hawthorn, apricots, apples), planting forest in terraced field and irrigating side of field.

D. Projects of Breeding

Introducing the breeding pigs, breeding bulls and breeding sheep which in the hybrid and improved area have high meat production and high wool production, raising size in short term, * improving the out-shed rate and commercial rate, and also provide fine organic manure for


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planting. In order to solve the herbage problem of breeding, each home must plant one half mu herbage per capita besides protection and use the natural grazing land. Selecting the fine herbage such as violet flower lucerne to plant.

E. Land Transform

* Land transform should base on the overall plan of land usage, according to the principle of complicated arrange of mountains, water, fields, forests and roads, carrying on overall arrangement, reinforce rationally to improve the use value of the farm land.

a. Paddy Field Transform

Transformningwater paddy field, low paddy field and land transformed field to achieve the aim of discharging three water ( soil water, ground water or rock layer water, surface water ), kill the four hazards (cold, rotten, toxin, bunch ) , can discharge and irrigate, can water and dry, turn one mature to two or three matures, the irrigation ditches typically 80-100cm, the inner three ditches 40-50 cm, the blocks of field is smooth square, showing water without mud. The channel system in plain dam area are typically arranged with irrigation channels, creeks and rivers, line channels and irrigation channels are paralleled, with a shape of Chinese letter, the main escape canal should be in the low area, the ditch and valley fields in hills area and escape and irrigating canal are * arranged according to the mountain,and ditch and valley, big round according around, small round adopted straight or straight in parts, the main escape canal should be arranged at the side which has a large area of accumulating water. The canals should along the mountains taking up little or no fine field and lands to reduce the engineering and material.

Concentrated transform are of several thousand mu, using the original plow road and walk road to stabilize and widen, depending on the principle of short distant and small area to plan the roads, the improved area which is relatively smooth and no big vertical gradient must be rearranged the field shape, the slot must be paralleled as possible, the most suitable size of the slots is typically 0.2 ha.

b. Drought Land Transform

Slope surface soil has the problems of sharp, surface, drought, thin and erosion, etc. So it must be * transformed. Turning the three losing soil of water losing, soil losing, fertilizer losing to three keeping soil of keeping water, soil and fertilizer, controlling the erosion of soil, thicken the soil layer, reform the method of cultivating, improving the multiple seed indicators and yield per unit area, turn two mature to three, four mature one year. The standard are: land smooth, the slope degree reduced to less than 5 degree, soil layer 60-70cm thick. Mature soil layer is 20cm, no particles and sands, the quality of soil are generally sandy loam to clay, the ridges is stable, the low banks is not very high, usually about I00cm, keeping two horse band, the width of the top of the band is 20-30cm, the outer slope of the low bank planting grass or bush to protect itself. Having complete water system in the surface of the slope and complete ancillary equipment, three * ditch(escape canal, back canal and along mountain canal) and three ponds (water store pond, sand


. EIS FOR TIIE CHINAQINBA MOUNTAINSPOVERTY REDUCTION PROJECT CRAES 1996 sink pond , manure pond),forest, road(plowing row) complete, fertilized soil keeping surface soil, apply organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer to improvethe structure, fertilize the soil. Generally, the production of crops can be increased more than 2,250 kg per ha by transforming the slope surface soil, the income can be increased over 4,500 yuan. If using in developing economic forests, and economic crops, the income can be doubled. The technical standards, technical methods of slope field transform are the same as non-field on the whole. The non-cultivate develop has a * higher benefit.

For the slope land has a slope degree between 7-15, can be transformed into terraced field. The soil cubic equilibrium must be calculated in engineering. The lower layer must be stabilized after clean the base and then build ridges, ridges and low banks are required to equal slope, the top of * low banks is horizontal and stable. Applying fertilizer to improve soil, using organic and inorganic fertilizer. Reclaim the soil, plowing more than 0.3m. Using the plow in time, and carry on preserving the moisture of the autumn soil. Outside the low banks and ridges, the economic bush, such as yellow flower, Ningtiao, mountain peach and mountain apricots can be planted to protect the field low banks and ridges.

5. Investment in 171 projects of rural enterprises are summarized in Table 2-2.

6. There are 37 projects on institution building and poverty monitoring facilities. These projects *: take "hardware construction" as the basis and "software construction" as the center. The "hardware" includes offices, transportation tools, and monitoring facilities for the three provinces project offices. The "software" is to form a effective administrative system by enforcing function and clarifying duty, to train project administrators and establish service and support system. By organically combination of the hardware and software, a nearly perfect operation system can be formed and thus all functions can be transferred and realized smoothly and rapidly.



20 *0 * *0* 0

Table 2-2 Projects on Rural EnterprisesDevelopment A B C D E I F G H I J K L Total Sichuan Province in city 2 _. 3 1II 1 _ 2 1 6 _ 2 1 I 2 6 Tongiiang county I I 2 I 5 1 3 1 2 1 8 z 1_ _ 3 _ 6 2 -Q o counity __ _ _ I1 _ 1 _ 1 ______6 2 1 1 6 0 Langzhong county I I I I _ 4 in city 3 1I_ 1 7 v 1 1I_ 1 5 o Guangancounty 1 1I 1 2 _ _ 6 Ningxia Hui Autonomus Region _ Xiji county 2 _ 3 Haiyuan county I I I Jingyuan county . . 4 Tongxin county . . o Shaanxi Province Ankang city 2 6 4 2 1 I 3 18 county 1 4 2 _ _ 2 9 Hanyin counly 3 2 1 1 7 Ningshann countv 7 2 _ _ 2 __- _ 2 13 Xixiang county 5 1 . 2 1 9 Zhenba county 1I_ I I 1 2 3 9 Ninggiang county 4 1 1 1 3 I 1 12 Lueyang county 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 9 Zhenan county 1 2 I 1 2 1 3 10 Zuoshui county 2 1 33__ Total 8 53 1 16 12 10 1 8 15 14 13 21 171 ri

Note: A-Mineral and processing;B-Side-line agricultural products processing; C-Feedprocessing; D-Tea processing; E- Fruit processing; F-Handicraftindustries; G-Silk mill; H-Constructionmaterials; I-Livestockproducts processing;- J-Forest products processing;K-Other products processing; L-Fair markets .


2.2 Feasibility of the Project Implementation

2.2.1 Basic conditions of the projects are ready in the areas and it is possible to implement the projects.

I. The State policy on rural economic development and on poverty reduction are stable for a * long time, which gives the project a strong support. 2. The project areas locate in the special poverty region of China and have become priorities in poverty reduction policy on province level, which means the Project can get supports from the local governments. 3. Rich experiences of the local people and leaders have been accumulated during long-term poverty reduction practices. In addition, The implementation of the Southwest China Poverty Reduction Project Loaned by the World Bank can serve as a useful example for the Qinba Mountains Poverty Reduction Project. 4. Much potential exists in the efficiency and degree of resources utilization. The products of the projects are necessary goods for life and production, so they have good economic and social benefits.

2.2.2 The implementation of the Project is reasonable. The reasons include two following aspects:

* I. The developing strategy is used in the poverty reduction. With the advanced system of project management introduced by the World Bank, the Project can be carried out in a standard and scientific routine way. Therefore, it can be a demonstration project with significance on exploring poverty reduction path, resolving problems in poverty reduction, and quickening its reformation. 2. The project construction plays a critical role in economic development because it is advantageous to making the peasants warm and well-fed, increasing overall strength and economic development in the project areas, and alleviating the funds shortage.

* To summarize, the overall planning frame and technical strategy of the project is reasonable and its contents are appropriate. So it is exactly a poverty reduction project.


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Chapter 3 EnvironmentalSituation of the Project Area

3.1 Geography

The Project area is located in southwest and northwest parts of China, with latitude of * 30 °18'N-37°13'N and longitude of 105°17'E-1090 36'E. It includes two geographical regions: the Qinba Mountains Area and the Loess Plateau Area.

The Sichuan projects cover the Qinba Mountains Area with latitude of 3001S'N-3 1031.3'N and longitude of 105°35.6'E-108°32'E. The area includes mountains and hills. 5 counties, Chaotian, Wangeang, Nanjiang, Tongjiang, and Xuanhan, are in mountain area while 7 counties, Cangxi, Yilong, Langzhong, Nanbu, Jianling, Quxian, and Guangan, are in hilly area.

Shannxi projects cover ten counties in south of the Qin Mountain and north of the Daba Mountain v with latitude of 32 007'N-330 55'N and longitude of 105°29'E-109°36'E. 8 counties, Xixiang, Zhcnba, Ziyang, Hanyin, Ankang, Ningshann, Zhenan, and Zuoshui, are in the upper reaches of Hanjiang River. Most of the Lueyang (71%) and Ningqiang (69%) are in the upper reaches of the Jianlingjiang River.

* Ningxia projects cover 4 counties, Xiji, Haiyuan, Tongxin, and Jingyuan, with latitude of 35°14'N- 37'13'N and longitude of 105°17'E-106°39'E. In this region, Lupan Mountain (2,93 1m) stretches from the south to the north joining with Yueliang Mountain (2,632m), Nanhua Mountain (2,954m) and Xihua Mountain (2,703m).

3.2 Environment

The project area includes large mountains, deep village, and steep slopes; small arable land with thin soil layer, old pieces, little fertility (little nitrogen and phosphorus), much potassium, and poor * ability to conserve water and soil. However, there are many uncultivated lands with potential of full utilization.

The climates are of diversity in the area with uneven distribution of participation, which is hardly utilized in agricultural activities. It is hard for people and livestock to find water during drought 0 seasons because of few water conservancy facilities available. The major calamity includes drought, waterlogging, hail, windstorm, and frost, which can bring great damage to agricultural production.

* In project area there are varieties of animals and plants and highly exploitable mineral resources. However, the agricultural ecosystem in the project area has been seriously damaged by forest combustion, wastelands cultivation, and overgrazing. Average income per capita in this area is less than 320 RMB yuan, which is lower than the margin line of 434 RMB yuan set by the State in 1994. It results from narrow production way, simple economic structure, low productivity, less * social service, and backward technology.

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Thereafter, it is necessary to apply the World Bank loans for exploring and utilizing resources, establishing and maintaining ecological agriculture in the mountain area, and developing commodity economy in the poverty zone.

3.3 Conditions of Environmental Quality

Most of the project area possesses good environmental quality with capacity of receiving pollutants from the projects. Only a few regions with high density population have local industrial pollution.

S Results of air quality monitoring in some of the project areas are shown in Table 3-1. Those of rivers monitoring are listed in Table 3-2.




24 Table 3-1 Monitoring results for SO2, NOx, and TSP in the roject area so, ~~~ ~ ~~NOx TSP Site Once Daily Five-day Once Daily average Five-day Once Daily average Five-day o measuremcnt average average measurement average measurement average Shaanxi Province Xixiang county 0.048 0.024 0.226 o Lueyang county 0.111 0.027 0.239 Ankang city 0.087 0.039 0.269 Zhenan county 0.028 0.023 0.203 Zhenba county 0.01-0.015 0.01 0.008 0.22-0.32 0.27 Zuoshuo county 0-0.42 0.01-0.15 0-0.044 0-0.02 0.02-2.0 0.06-0.96 Zhenan county 0.014 0.008 0.23 Ziyang county 0.009-0.037 0.019-0.033 0.026 0.012-0.028 0.014-0.025 0.20 0.113-0.349 0.231 ______Sichuan Province Cangxi county 0.01-0.10 0.05-0.20 Nanchongcity 0.06-0.18 0.13 . 0.08-023 0.15 The limit value of NAAQS The Secondlevel 0.50 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.30


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Table 3-2 Water qualityof some rivers in the project area 6 pH DO CODMn CODCr BOD NH3 -N non- N02 Phenol F CN Hg Cr+ Oil SS NH 4 + Shaanxi province Hanjiang 7.9 8.6 2.1 1.5 0.39 0.036 0.001 0.002 0 0 0.05 River Jialingjiang 8.19 8.9 1.9 1.3 0.27 0.027 0.001 0.003 0 0.001 0.025 River Renhe 7.74 15 0.02 0.13 0 River Jingyang 7.9 7.4 3.1 1.6 0.002 River Shechuan 7.8 2.7 2.0 1.8 River Wuyu River 8.1 1.3 2.5 1.4 1.5 Qianyou 7.4 2.6 7.8 2.3 2.0 River Sichuan province Jialingjiang 6.5- 8.4- 6.4- 0.6- 0 River 8.9 11 10.5 3.6 Donghe 6.5- 6.3- 5.6- 0.5- 0 River 8.8 10.5 12.5 2.4 Donghe 8.10 10.1 2.6 1.89 0.08 0.001 20 River Qushui 5.2 1.4 River Zhouhe 12.6 4.0 River The third level of the National Standards 6.5-8.5 >=5 6 15 3 0.02 0.15 0.005 1.0 0.005 0.0005 0.05 0.05 EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCI'ON PROJECT CRAES 1996

Chapter 4 Environmental Impact Prediction and Assessment

This chapter will analysis the impact of several kinds of sub-project in the China Qinba Mountains Poverty Reduction Project on the social economy, ecosystem and natural environment of the project region. This chapter will give the quantitative or qualitative prediction and assessment to * some ecosystem targets, such as the situation of soil erosion, the rate of plant cover, the impact on soil of the applying of fertilizer, insecticide and plastic films, the ability of fighting natural calamities of agricultural region. The prediction and assessment of the impact of the rural enterprises development projects of township enterprises on environment will be explained detail in the next chapter.

4.1 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Project of Exploiting Lands and Developing Agriculture

This kind of project has an important impact on social economy ecosystem and natural environment. It represents thal the character of the China Qinba Mountains Poverty Reduction Project is attaching a great importance to ecological agriculture. It is one of the major kinds of this Environmental Impact Assessment.

* 4.1.1 Analysis of Major Impact

4.1. 1.1 Impact on Natural Ecosystem

1. Planting trees to conserve water and prevent soil erosion, planting fruit trees on barren hills, planting forage grasses and building terraced fields on the slopes will improve the situation of soil erosion, increase the rate of plant cover, adjust the temperature and humidity of the air, purify the air and protect wild animals.

* 2. The impact on product forces of soil is produced comprehensively by a lot of technical methods, such as returning straws to the fields, planting green manure crops, spreading barnyard manure, applying fertilizer, increasing the rate of forest cover and cultivating barren lands. The direct effects are the increase of crop yields and the conservation and balance of soil fertility. Applying excessive fertilizer or only one kind of fertilizer will cause the imbalance of nutrition and the * reduction of crop yields.

3. Applying of insecticide has little impact on atmosphere, water, soil and living creatures. The main harm and hazard is the acute poisoning caused by neglecting operating rules and regulations when spraying insecticide or the acute poisoning caused by eating fruits and food polluted by insecticide or drinking polluted water. Insecticide has big effect to prevent plant diseases and insect pests and increase the crop yields.

4. The structure of the using of agricultural fields, such as the partition of constitution of * cultivated lands, orchards, forests and grasslands, is becoming more reasonable. The area under

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EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECT CRAES 1996 irrigation is increasing. All these are profitable to the virtuous cycle of the ecosystem in this region.

5. Applying of plastic films shortens the mature period of crops and increases the utilization ratio of water. The plastic films can preserve soil fertility, help decompose the organic substances in soil and increase the content of quick-acting nutrients. It can also improve the physicochemical * properties of soil and reduce the hardness and unit weight of soil. It can inhibit the growth of weeds in the fields. When applying plastic films for a long period of time, the remnant will impact the growth of crop roots, then reduce the crop yields. At the same time, plastic films can impact the sink of rainwater, then it will cause soil erosion.

6. The development of livestock farming supplies a lot of organic manure to farming. Straw will be forage grasses. It will reduce the waste of resources. If we cannot adjust the balance of grasslands and livestock and over graze, we will destroy the vegetation. On the other hand, because fuel, feed and manure are inadequate in this region. If we expand the scope of agriculture, e the contradiction will aggravate. Then it will cause to improperly plant, dig and graze, then will accelerate the destroy of vegetation and soil erosion. If the folds and excrement and urine of livestock can't be disposed properly, it will cause some hygiene problems and environmental


* 7. Burning reclaim wasteland causes the waste of resources and air pollution. Terracing the scopes and taking soil from other lands destroyed the vegetation of these lands. At the same time, the structure of artificial topsoil becomes very loose, the fertility gets lower and it can cause soil erosion easily. Impact on Social Environment

1. Per capita area of cultivated farmland, economic forest, livestock and income increase

* 2. With the increasing of the area of cultivated lands and forests, the multiple crop index increases. Some spare labors can obtain employment.

3. The spreading and training of advanced technology can increase the level of production technology of farmers in this region, enhance the quality of the people. Then it brings about the 0 reasonable use of natural resources, the increasing of the ability to resist drought and flood of agriculture. Then the economy and natural ecosystem of this region can be developed sustained.

4. With the developing of agriculture, the number of barren hills is decreasing. The landscapes will become more beautiful

5. The transform of low and medium yield lands can increase the productivity per unit area. Then the economic returns in this region can increase.

* 6. With the increasing of per capita income, the educational hygiene undertakings will be

28 EIS FORTHE CHINAQINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECT CRAES1996 improved. It can benefit the stability of society.

4.1.2 Environmental Impact Assessment of Soil Erosion Cause of Soil Erosion

* The soil erosion in Qinba Mountains Area has natural and anthropogenic causes. The proportion of the area of mountains to the total area of lands in this region is very high. Topography rises and falls sharply. There are cracks everywhere. The lands break up. Ridges crisscross. There are ditches and gullies everywhere. Raining in a large scale in a short time can cause the erosion of the earth surface and soil erosion. There are very few cultivated lands, so the 0 crop yield in this region is very low. Exploiting the hills, destroying the forests and cutting down too many trees can make some hills and dunes barren and destroy the balance of ecosystem and the soil erosion will be aggravated. The harm of soil erosion is to reduce the soil fertility. The fertile topsoil ( layer A) is washed away completely, subsoil ( layer B) or base-soil ( layer C) are corroded. The temperature of the surface earth is very high, so trees and grasses survive with difficulty. Soil erosion can enhance the riverbed but will make some negative influence the shipping. Rivers will be silted. The frequent flood will endanger the life and property of people. At the same time, the life of reservoir could be shortened. That will cost us a lot. Impact Prediction and Assessment of Soil Erosion in Operating Period

The development of ecological agriculture will greatly reduce the area of soil erosion in this region. For example, the area of soil erosion in county Liangzhong will decrease from 2,355.7 ha.(before developing) to 636.04 ha.(after developing). The area of soil erosion in Quxian will decrease from 16,116 ha.(before developing) to 2,950 ha.(after developing). See Table 4-1 for detail.

2 e Table 4-1 Soil erosion in some project areas of Sichuan province (Unit: tlkm a) Region Present conditions After project (county/city) Totalarea Heavy Medium Light Sum Normal (ha) (ha) (Ž4500) (2500-4500) (1000-2500) (S1000) Nanjiang 90730 520.67 1428.19 1948.86 88781.15 1848.76 Quxian 21455 14876.00 580.00 660.00 16116 5339.00 2950.00 Chaotian 51215 5121.00 17925.00 12804.00 35850 15365.00 10243.00 Wangcang 116044 893.00 1634.00 464.00 2991 113053.00 775.00 Cangxi 35643 4992.24 6757.13 14598.32 26347.69 9295.31 26214.11 * Nanbu 17990 929.21 2363.30 3292.51 14697.49 2578.15 Jialing 20532 2718.00 233.00 232.00 3183 17349.00 610.00 Guang'an 163484 1054.00 1061.00 854.00 2969 13415.00 281.84 Liangzhong 26775 8138.90 15418.20 23557.1 3217.90 636.04

Note: The prediction in this tableresults from calculationswith USA generalequation for soil erosion with somemodification



The Bureau of Soil and Water Conservation in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region supplies the criteria that planting one ha. trees can reduce 60 ton of eroded soil each year, reclaiming one ha. barren slopes can reduce about 50 ton of eroded soil each year. We can predict that forestry and reclaiming can reduce about 450xl04 ton eroded soil each year. Assessment of Soil Erosion in the Operating Period

The operating period is the essential period of inhibiting soil erosion. The program will adopt three kinds of reclaiming method.

* 1. Terraced fields of equal height Loosen the topsoil and form the cultivated layer. This kind of method is applied to barren slopes where the rate of vegetation cover is less than 5%. Because of soil erosion, the weathered topsoil will wash away with water, bed rocks are exposing. People make artificial layer for ventilating and * storing water, then build terraced fields of equal height, plant trees and grasses to protect the slopes.

2. Grass fence Field plant long-life fruit trees. In the operating period, people get rid of nonobjective plants and plant green manure crops. This method gives no chance for the topsoil to expose. It has best effect to prevent soil erosion in the operating period.

3. Reclamation along the slopes This method is applied to gentle scopes. It can develop artificial planting system without destroying pro-vegetation. Because there is no embankment and grass fences may be effect the slopes, we can not control the soil erosion. Planting a large area of forests in the hill top can not destroy topsoil and original vegetation. We * replant forest and form mixed forest, field plant objective trees and trees suitable to the local conditions in slopes that has a single kind of trees. Table 4-2 shows the testing result of the other World Bank loan project of 1992.

* Table 4-2 Results of water and soil reservation test during construction (in 1992) Test terrn Grass fence Terracedfield at equal height Reclamationalong slopes Runoffvolume(103m3 /ha) 4.47 5.18 9.29 Runoff coefficient 0.29 0.32 0.58 Soil erosion (t/km2 a) 486 700 1452

The first two methods have good effect.



The factors causing soil erosion involve terraced field by changing slopes, rural roads and water loss conservancy facilities, irrigation and overgrazing are involved .

The mitigation measures and alternative programs include:

l.Cultivation following the slow slope, not destroying the wild vegetables, the construction stage should be chosen out of the raining season. Grow some kinds of grass at first, and then plant more aged fruit trees. Clear the unexpected plants by yeas in the construction stage, plant the green manure at the mean time . Fore the slope lands, should be back the cultivation to the forest. . 2.The construction of water reservation facilities (irrigation canals and ditches, mountain embankment etc.) should be proceeded in the dry season. Planting shelter forest at the moment.

3.When the orchards get dense, the distance between tree should be widen, plant the green manure or leguminous plant. When the large scale forest has been set up, replanting as soon as possible. Cutting should be done in dry season and it should be a plot cutting (best to refer Chinese checkers style, and keep the distance between trees ).

3 4.Grazing strictly according to the capacity of the grazing land, and the grazing land should be rotated periodically.

5.Design quantity of firewood forest, develop rural biogas project, spread economical stove. In some better conditional region having some advantage. Other every source such as coal and electric can be used popularly.

6. Adopt the measures of irrigation saving water. In some well conditional areas, spring irrigation system can be designed, assuring the rate of seeping higher than that of spraying. . 7. On the seriously lost and eroded by water waster slope lands and mountain lands. Take the measures both of engineering and biology to prevent from ditch eroding, slope sliding and hill collapsing.

* 8. Do the best to avoid the cultivation following the slope, adopt the technology processes which soil and water loss is small, in the mountain land full of rocks, accelerating the constructions of reservation soil by building wall.

4.1.3 Environmental Impact Assessment after Changing the Condition of Land Utilization Variation Trend of Total Construction

1. Per capita area of basic cultivated lands in this region will increase after developing. In Sichuan 0 province, it will increase from 0.55 acre(before developing) to 0.9 acre(after developing). In


. EIS FOR TIIE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECT CRAES 1996 Shaanxi province, it will increase from 0.05ha(before developing) to 0.67 ha.(after developing). In Ningxia Hui Autonomy region, it will increase from 0.084 ha.(before developing) to 0.133 ha.(after developing).

2. Per capita area of economical forest will increase after developing. In Sichuan province, it will increase from 0.37 acre(before developing) to 1.05 acre(after developing). In Shaanxi province, it will increase from 0.067 ha.(before developing) to 0. 133 ha. (after developing). In Ningxia, it will increase from 0.08 ha.(before developing) to 0.09 ha.(after developing).

3. The area of barren hills and lands decreased sharply. Just taking Sichuan for instance, it will * change from 57,053 ha. (before developing) to 49,078 ha.(after developing). See Table 4-3.

Table4-3 Conditionof land use in Sichuanprovince (Unit: ha) The Present conditions = = = After prject * project Total Arable land Park Forest Barren Total Arable land Park Forest Barren region area total per land land hill area total per land land hill area capita and area capita and land _ land

Nanjiang 90730 6756 0.077 136 41665 10796 90730 5126 0.056 136 41665 10796 * ITongjiang 69874 6193 0.067 520 39329 10687 69874 5997 0.063 574 39329 10687

Quxian 21445 7330 0.063 172 2973 5184 21455 7573 0.063 572 3423.92 4134

Xuanhan 83512 7119 0.065 229 43345 7896 83512 6660 0.058 229 43345 6085

Chaotian 51215 5342 0.092 188 15345 2278 51215 5527 0.092 1185 15345 1978

Wangcang 116044 6755 0.076 79 62293 5961 116044 7014 0.076 79 62293 4844

Cangxi 35643 5016 0.054 494 17850 3225 35643 5225 0.054 540 17850 3189

Yilong 23348 5452 0.053 6.07 8567 455 23348 5519 0.052 871 8843.1

Nanbu 17990 5371 0.057 204 4933 2653 17990 5137 0.053 454 5532.8 1461

Jialing 20532 7728 0.077 75 2631 4073 20532 7322 0.071 708 2794 3694 * Guang'an 16384 4784 0.055 187 3102 739 16384 5127 0.057 320 3102 311

Liangzhong 26775 5323 0.052 19 13037 3106 26775 5026 0.047 878 13512 1899

Total 573502 73169 0.065 2309.1 255070157053 573502 71252 0.7414 6546 257034 49078

4. The area of high yield lands and irrigated lands will increase.

5. The area of planting and forest grasses will increase. For example, the area of planting will increase from 131,232.9 ha.(before developing) to 162,086.8 ha.(after developing), the area of * forest grasses will increase from 341,672.1 ha.(before developing) to 345,740.1 ha.(after developing) in Ningxia, and the area of planting will increase from 769,717.81 ha.(before developing) to 5,384,478.77 ha.(after developing), the area of forest grasses will increase from 683,479.74 ha.(before developing) to 709,202.75 ha. (after developing) in Shaanxi. See Table 4-4. 0



Table 4-4 Vegetative cover in Shaan i and Ningxia pr vinces (Unit: ha) The Total Plantationarea Waterbody area Forestand grass Fruitand grain Typeof vegetation project region area Present After Present After Present After Present After Present After project project project project project Zhenba 157118 5264 9093 2190 2190 S6469 86469 23206 25026 mixed mixed Ankang 183556 37303.36 37603.36 5855.1 555.51 139934.02139534.02 463.52 563.52 broad- broad- Ningqiang 123063 50750 54157.5 1703 1703 40600 40903 10150 13254.5 leaf leaf Hanyin 44844.66 7432.45 8215.91 499.39 499.39 1491.12 15741.13 6657.85 6710.15 and and Ningshaan 133269 3195 3563 1322 1322 122417 122417 337 1159 needle- needle- Zuoshui 8437 591927 5191977 1159.7 1159.7 5425.6 5425.6 5833 6747 leaf leaf Xixiang 139800 15372 16605 1713 1713 95097 95638 forests, forests, Ziyang 97785 21792 23966 1733 1733 60158 68585 30418 30847 fruit fruit Lueyang 91418 8392 8392 2022 2022 58581 59531 291 291 plant, plant, Zhen'an i48109 28290 30906 1446 1446 73308 74959 24235 25792 grass grass Xiji 124026 40650.94 47734.9 239 239 50468.91 5167491 34802.6 39958.6 land, land, Haiyuan 259681 30303 39503 113 113 105342 106388 20167 26133 agri- agri- Tongxin 258200 50308 58778 162036.2 163552.2 36511 40531 vegetation vegetation * Jingyuan 41821.2 9970.93 16070.93 290 290 23825 24125 7890 11690 Environmental Impact Analysis After Changing the Condition of Landing Utilization

1. Impact on local climate The structure change of land using will cause some influence on local climate, such as a simulate area bring barren hills under cultivation and planting wetland pine and masson pine, planting fruit trees surround the farmers houses will cause the temperature decreasing. It is * clear that the local climate was getting much better and the ability of defending windstorm will strengthen.

2. Soil erosion can be controlled. * The contour wasteland reclaiming method will be used in the project area. Planting straw hedge and water and soil conservation forest and forming grade vegetation structure of high forest, bush and grass. The surface runoff resisting ability will be increased in a large scale. As the result, the soil erosion will be avoided effectively.

3. The ability of adjusting and storing water will strengthen. The area of barren lands in this region will decrease a lot. The area of forests will increase sharply. The area of recently planted vegetation is 206,300 ha. If one ha forest can conserve 400 tons of water. then it can conserve 82,520,000 tons of water. This is of great use to the natural adjusting and storing of water resources in this region. In one hand, vegetation can alleviate the erosion of topsoil caused by storms. In the other hand, root system can fix soil, improve the structure and increase the content of water in soil, then increase the ability of conserving water. We also design some small ponds and small reservoirs to conserve water.


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4. Ecosystem gets more stable. After developing, farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery have developed. Now, there are few barren hills and lands remaining. Agriculture will develop fully. The ecosystems become more stable.

5.Locat economy will be more prosperous. * The crops in this region are mainly grains before developing. After developing, we plant economic fruit trees, develop livestock raising. Every year we can supply a lot of agriculture side line products to the society and play an important role in developing local economy.

* 4.1.4 Prediction ahd Environmental Impact Assessment of Soil Fertility Analysis of the Current Condition of Soil Fertility

* There are eight types of soil in Qinba Mountains Areas. Most of them are yellowish-brown soil and brown soil developed from sandstone, Mudstone and limestone, violet soil developed from violet stone. The quality of the soil is very poor. The soil is sticky and not suitable for cultivating. The Soil is of low fertility. The content of organic substance is very low. The soil in this region is generally lack of N and P. Though it contains enough K, the proportion is not reasonable. See Table 4-5. Prediction of Soil Fertility 0

Soil fertility is a comprehensive concept which shows that the property, statement of soil. In the other word, it is the ability which converts and adjusts the physiological materials by soil. And the level of the physiological materials which offered by soil in a certain time. Thus soil fertility is not * only the function of soil property, but also the function of time. The prediction of soil fertility in this report is the increasing and decreasing of the soil fertility amount which were based on the hypothesis which the basic properties of soil fertility were steady relatively depends on the input and output balance of energy and materials, and the adjustment of * soil water and heat conditions. I . Prediction of soil organic content The organic mass content of soil will influence the soil structure and other physical and chemical properties. It is soil conversion, adjustment ability of water, fertility, gases and heat * which are soil needed. In the supplying of soil fertility, it is reported that 30-40% of N,60- 70% of P and 90% of K are offered by organic content. Thus, the organic fertility applying is not only important to in the soil nutrient balance, but also important to soil transformation, especially in the situation of unbalance of N,P and K in China.




The sources of organic mass are the amount of organic roots of crop. It is about 20-25% of the plant'organic body. In order to keep the balance of organic mass of soil, it is necessary to use different ways which are urinate applying, green manure planting, livestock fertility and compost made of stalks applying. Those are the most important way to avoid the soil fertility failing.

Table 4-5 Soil conditions in the project re gion Soil Elevation Soil layer Soil quality Acidity Fertility Utility 1. Brown earth Eluvial brown earth <800m Very thick Heavy clay Neutral Lack phosphate Farmland * Initiate brown earth 800-1200m Thick Medium-highBasic or Lack phosphate Farmland

I______soil slightly basic 2. Yellow brown soil Yellow brown earth <900m Very Heavy clay Slightly Low and lack Farmland thick acidic phosphate,but rich potassium Yellow brown soil 1000- Thin Mediumor Neutral or Low and lack Forest and 1300m heavy soil slightly acidic phosphate and grazing land potassium * Initiate yellow -130 0m 1500m rhin Lime,sand or Basic or High Forest land earth soil slightly acidic 4. Dark brown soil The Qin Very Slightly Forest land or Mountains thin acidic meadow * 5. Pulpil earth Hills Very Sand soil Neutral or Low Forest land thin slightlybasic 6. Coarse bone eanh Mountains Sand & rock Low Scatter weed

Table 4-6 shows the results of amount of fertilizer applied to some typical crops in Nanjiang County, Sichuan province before and after operating the program. Table 4-7 shows the amount of fertilizers used in the project region of Shaanxi province.

* 2. The soil fertility prediction is much complicated to soil organic mass prediction. The research reports point out that one third of fertilizer of absorbed fertilizer. is coming from soil, the soil contributing rate is about 66.1-77.5%. The increasing values of fertility of soil after using N,P and K can be represented by the amount of fertilizer. See Table 4-6 and Table 4-7. .


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Table 4-6 Amount of fertilizer applied to some typical crops in Nanjiang County, Sichuan before and after operating the prog ram Name Current condition After developing

of growing type amount of fertilizer applied amount of fertilizer applied * period Crops kg/ha total amount kg/ha total amount Pure 100 1784 150 2699 N

wheat 190 P205 15 268 45 809

K2O 10.5 187 20.5 405 Pure 26 195 50 380 N

* potato 155 P20 5 18 135 30 228

K20 12 90 20 152 Pure 160 3501 220 4334 N

rice 160 P205 25 485 45 887

______K 2 0 12 233 32 630 Pure 140 1200 210 1827 N

maize 125 P20 5 20 172 40 348

_ K20 10 86 30 261 Pure 110 591 190 1036 N

rape 210 P205 26 140 35 191

* K20 11 59 24 131 Pure 100 40 280 l00

cotton 170 P205 10 4 45 23

K 2 0 10 4 30 15



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Table 4-7 Amount of fertilizers used in the project region of S aanxi province County Thep esentcondition In theco nstruction period In the o 3erationperiod name Ammonium Urea Compound AmmoniumUrea CompoundAmmonium Urea Compound bicarbonate fertilizer bicarbonate fertilizer bicarbonate fertilizer Ankang 48054 5337 6022 53000 7100 8500 54000 7800 8800 * Hanyin 13752 2725 1550 15000 3700 2100 16000 3900 2200 Ziyang 7200 3807 924 8200 5100 1200 9000 5400 1250 Ningshaan 1103 501 101 1400 640 140 1600 710 150 Zhenba 7544 2784 776 8700 3800 900 9000 4000 960 * Ninggiang 16845 3560 1522 18000 4100 1800 19000 4500 2000 Lucyang 5428 2546 660 5900 3300 880 5950 3600 930 Xixiang 33903 3714 1270 35000 4900 1700 37000 5200 1900 Zhen'an 4119 3189 2380 4300 4100 3100 4400 4300 3500 Zuoshui 2774 1726 987 2800 2100 1300 2900 2300 1450 Impact Analysis of Soil Structure

* In order to improve thc soil condition, we apply some organic manure, such as green manure. In this way, the soil structure will change and some bad characters, such as sticky, hard and barren, are improved. When we apply a lot of organic manure, the soil becomes more porous and can ventilate and soak water better. The granular structure is forming gradually.

The condition of the content of N is similar to that of organic substances. In this program, the supply of N fertilizer is abundant, so the soil will not be insufficient of N. This can be helpful to increase the accumulation of organic substances. The content of P in Qinba Mountains Areas is very low. If we neglect to apply more P, the cultivating of soil and soil structure will be affected. Impact Analysis of the Sustenance of Agriculture

1. Impact on soil acidity and exchange capacity * Applying green manure can have impact on hydrolysis acidity of soil, cation exchange capacity and saturation of salt. After applying green manure, pH and cation exchange capacity in soil will change a lot. Soil will change from acid to neutral. Cation exchange capacity and saturation of salt are increasing gradually.

* 2. Impact on soil unit weight and porosity Organic substances will accumulate in the soil after applying green manure, then the soil unit weight and porosity will change. Generally, soil unit weight will decrease and porosity will increase.


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3. Impact on content of N, P, K in soil In this program, we apply a large amount of N, P, K fertilizer. It will increase the content of N, P, K in soil and raise the soil fertility. Then the crop yield will increase accordingly.

Table 4-8 Increment of rice productfrom upland rice with nitro en-contained fertilizer a plication * - Area Number of Item Control 25kg N-fertilizerper mu 50kg N-fertilizerper mu measurementsites Yield (kg/mu) 155.9 249.3 272.7 Low yield 5 Increment (kg/mu) 93.4 116.8 areas Increasingrate (%) 59.9 74.9

*______kg-grain/kg-fertilizer 3.7 2.3 Yield (kg/mu) 242.2 294.7 307.9 Mediumyield 9 Increment(kg/mu) 52.6 65.7 areas Increasingrate (%) 21.7 27.1

* ______kg-grain/kg-fertilizer 2.1 1.7 Yield (kg/mu) 338.1 384.8 387.3 High yield 7 Increment (kg/mu) 46.7 49.2 areas Increasing rate (%) 13.8 14.8

______kg-grain/kg-fertilizer 1.7 0.98

Table 4-9 Grain yield as a function of application of phosphate fertilizer (Calciumimagnesium phosphate) Fertilizer Upland rice Late rice application Yield (kg/acre) Increment (%) Yield (kg/acre) Increment(%/o) * 30kg/mu 155.4 34.25 150.4 34.16 20kg/mu 153.7 32.78 148.4 32.38 1Okg/mu 143.0 23.49 137.2 22.39

No fertilizer 115.8 112.1

Table 4-10 Increment of grain yield with potassi m fertilizer application Type of Number Per acre lield (kg) Incrementvs. Control Increment

grain of test K-fertilizerappl. Control Kg/mu % per kg K20 Upland rice 28 314.46 268.19 46.27 17.26 7.04 Peanut 6 152.7 121.42 31.28 25.93 7.8 Sweat potato 2 716.83 613.5 103.93 21.28 21 Wheat 4 58.63 50.27 8.36 16.63 5.3

To sum up, after applying organic manure, such as green manure and N, P, K fertilizer in this program, pH of soil, organic substances, content of N, P, K, soil urnit weight, structure of soil, salt saturation degree, cation exchange capacity and porosity will change accordingly. Condition is getting to virtuous cycle. This will impel the increase of productivity and supply of nutrition. Then * we can realize the sustained development of agriculture.


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The impact of spreading fertilizer on the environment is mainly caused by spreading improperly ,especially spreading more N and P fertilizer than the requirement of the normal growth of plants. All these make N, P fertilizer in the soil lose into water-body and other * environment and cause many environmental problems.

]. Potential environmental problems of the project design

Qingba program mainly develop the fertilizer plan of plants, but it only develop the balance of * spreading fertilizer. Because different organic fertilizers have different content of N and P, the balance of fertilizer amount cannot represent the balance nutrient. For example, the pond mud and excrement and urine of pigs, though they have the same amount, the content of N, P fertilizers and the effect of fertilizers is different from each other greatly. So the organic fertilizer amount balance only cannot explain the need and supply between plants and fertilizers, they cannot reflect the true fertilizer amount. So it is not reasonable to instruct the fertilizer spreading according to this balance. It will lead to the scarcity of N and P fertilizer in the soil and consequently decrease the yield and quality of agriculture product, or there are more N and P fertilizers in the soil which can easily lose into environment and cause eutrophication in lakes and rivers. At the same time, N * fertilizer in the soil can transfer into a large amount NO3- in the good condition that can cause the pollution of vegetable and feeding plants and ground water . The great amount of N03- will do harm to human and livestock.

Therefore about the fertilizer amount, whether in a new rice field which comes from barren field or in a low-yield field once planting rice or in other fields once growing other plants, the period of construction and running should be suitable for the fertilizer of soil especially plan the spreading amount according to the change of nutrient. But we can't always keep the same amount. Ordinarily it is very reasonable that the amount of spreading fertilizers is very small in the early period and the spreading amount is very large in the final period. If we spread fertilizers many times aimlessly, it can cause the lost of fertilizers and pollute the environment.

2. Potential environment problems of construction period

* Ordinarily in the period item construction, we need to build the production base of economic trees such as fruit trees in the barren fields, but the nutrient of soil is extremely scare in some item areas especially non-forest areas in which water and soil lose greatly. The barren areas are mostly hills and mountain areas. Though new production base is constructed as horizontal terraced fields, the organic materials are very scare .In the early period there are no root-twisting and the structure of soil is very bad and the root can't glue soil easily and ability of anti-erode is very weak, so the lose of water and soil is very serious in the early period of reclaiming and culturing wasteland which has very few surface plants. Nutrient is difficult to accumulate, so a large amount of fertilizers should be spread to gather the fertilizers in the soils in the early periods. Even in some low- * production field which located in low an horizontal areas, a large amount fertilizers should be

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spread. We must plan the amount carefully and keep balance between spreading amount and requiring amount. Prevention of Fertilizer Pollution

Abusing fertilizer would result in soil harden, surface water and ground water pollution, the * prevention measure has follow: 1. Develop breeding , apply much more organic green manure, reduce the chemical fertilizer using. 2. Apply fertilizer relational, reduce the loss of chemical fertilizer. 3. Set up the water quality monitoring point on the enclosed water body, such as the entrance of a * lake. Control the total amount of N and P. 4. Monitor the quality of drinking source periodically.

4.1.5 Environmental Impact Assessment of Pesticide Applying

To keep on guard the plants and fruit trees high and steady production and preventing insect ,weeds and bad effect of other living things ,we must spread some farm chemical including insecticide, miticide, herbicide, pesticide, raticide, fungusicide, microbicide, etc. Table 4-1 1 shows the Amount of pesticide use in in Sichuan province. Different kind of pesticides * will be used for different crops and the using amount will be quite different.

Table4-1l Amountof pesticideuse in Ton *iangcounty in Sichuanprovince Type pest pesticide Use arnount (kg/ha) Rice Rice blast/Rice borer Tricyclazole/Dingrupesticide 3/1.45 Wheat Wheat aphid/Powderymildew Anti-aphid/Duojunling 0.85/2.25 Com Big smut/Leadworm Daowcnjing/Shachongshuang 2.1/3.2 Potato Smut/Pestilence Duojunling/Bordeauxmixture 2.4/1.6 Rape Aphid/Hyphacore Anti-aphid/Duojunling 0.75/3.50 * Tea Caterpiller/Gibberellic BT emulsion 1.5 Chinesechestnut Star-likedesease Effectiveenhanced rogor 8 - Walnut Ginkgosilk moth Effectiveenhanced rogor 1.8 Gallnut Leafspot Effectiveenhanced rogor 1.5 .

Table 4-12 shows the Amount of pesticide use in the project counties in Shaanxi province. The pesticide will be used more and more during the advance of the project construction.




Table 4-12 Amount of pesticide use in the project counties in Shaanxi Irovince (Unit: kg) County Present conditions During project After project name Organic phosphorus Polyester Organicphosphorus Polyester Organicphosphorus Polyester Ankang 78965 20146 110000 33000 130000 39000 Hanyin 53244 14367 71000 19000 75000 21000 * Ziyang 24600 6100 32000 9000 36000 10000 Ningshaan 8700 1980 11000 2600 14000 3800 Zhenba 19000 4600 25000 6400 29000 7500 Ningqiang 80860 21250 107000 31000 120000 41000 Lueyang 8200 1900 11000 2500 13000 3700 Xixiang 86000 18000 120000 27000 140000 28000 Zhen'an 10100 2200 13000 3000 15000 3600 Zuoshui 5500 1300 7300 1900 8300 2100

X Environmental Impact Analysis of Pesticide Applying

The pesticide spreading in the item areas has some toxic effect, when the spreading amount surpasses the ability that environment can clean itself in this areas, it will cause some pesticide pollution to many degrees, generally will cause surface pollution in a large areas.

I. Pollution of pesticide to the atmosphere

During the process of spreading pesticide, some tiny pesticide drops and granary will float in the e air. At the same time in the sunny weather, water-soluble pesticide may evaporate as water vapor. The vapor of pesticide farm spreads everywhere in the spreading places that make men and livestock in danger directly. In the windy condition, human health and livestock in the downwind area will be impaired.

* 2. Pollution of pesticide to the waterbody

There are two ways that pesticide farm gets into waterbody, one is to get into waterbody directly, another is to get into waterbody by precipitation. When pesticide gets into open waterbody(live * water)such as river, irrigation canal after diluting, spreading and bio-decompose, the concentration of pesticide will go down quickly. No serious problems will take place when the amount of farm chemical is not very large and the toxicity is very low. When insecticide gets into close waterbody(dead water)such as lake, hill pond, after evaporating, spreading and biocompose, the concentration will also go down. Because the diluting process is very low and some will get into * marine living things and underground mud, so it can make human and livestock in danger indirectly.

3. Pollution of pesticide to the soil When excessive pesticide is spread into soil, especially insecticide containing high toxicity and deserving a long time, it will pollute the soil to some degrees. But the concentration of biology


will poison the plants. In item areas there are mainly barren hills and we do not find out the trace of farm chemical in the control of soil.

4. The effect of pesticide to the mankind During the process of spreading pesticide, human can be poisoned easily by breath and skin touching. It is calculated that death events of pesticide farm acute poisoning take place several * hundred. When men drink the water which contains pesticide, they can also be poisoned easily but the death events are very few. After the pesticide is accumulated by marine living things and plants, it can pass through the food chain into the human body, it is accumulated again in the human body and causes human chronic poison(see Figure 4-1).

respiration(direct) acute poisoning

atmosphere -__ _ _

drinking water(direct) Pesticidewatraquatic living human

w ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~beings(indirect)

crops( indirect)


Figure4-1 Impactroute of insecticideto mankind Prevention of Pesticide Pollution

Spraying pesticide rise to the poisoning and death of person or animal, cause the poison accumulative in the body. The prevention measure has follow: 1. Pay attention to labor protection , rigidly according to the operator rules to make up a prescription and spray the medicine , to be cautious to use the pesticide with high toxicity such as carbofuran, tamaron, etc. * 2.The dosage should be just the right amount, select and cultivate the .spices with disease resistance and spread them. Be cautious to the security period of medicine application, especially for the fruit kinds, the medicine application should be forbidden in the harvest period ( especially for the high-persistent pesticides such as tamaron, chlordimeform etc.). 3. Monitor the quality of drinking and mountain embankment water and the rural by-product in * regular time. Ensure that the contain of the pesticide under the standard. Apply more organic


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EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECr CRAES 1996 fertilizer, less chemical one, that will reduce the occurrence of pest and disease, and reduce the amount of using pesticide. 4. Select the phyto-pesticide without toxic develop biological prevention and treatment. Select new type of pesticides which are low-toxic, low-persistent but high efficacious. 5. Utilization of pesticide must perform strictly" the national standard of pesticide utilizing safely " ( GB 134285-89 ). Applying pesticide should carry on just as well in the windless, rainless climate. After using, the appliance of pesticide can not be washed in the natural water, preventing from the water resource being polluted. The wastewater after washing can not be splashed around. Please choose the safety place and properly dealing with the appliance which has loaded pesticide can not be used to contain rural products and other food absolutely. Enhance the education and publicity about using pesticides secretly among the peasants, popularize some technology, so that * the pesticide would be used secretly, properly, economically and efficiently.

4.1.6 Analysis of Using Plastic Film to Environment

Since China first introduce the technology of plastic cover cultivation, it has been widely used on cotton, maize, rice, sweet potato, watermelon, potato plants and horticulture and becomes the most important technical methods of developing high-yield ,high-quality, high-effect agriculture. But there are also some problems needing to be solved.

* Beneficial Impacts

First, we can increase the temperature, after covering the plants, in the place of 0-20cm, there have the effect of increasing temperature which makes plants premature. Second we can keep the water, so we can increase the water utilized rate to above 80%, to the plastic film maize, keeping water * has the same effect as increasing 300mm precipitation in the period of growth. Another advantageous effect of plastic film is to keep the fertilizers and decompose the organic materials in the soil and to increase the contains of quick-effecting fertilizer. At the same time, it can also improve the physicochemical character of soil and decrease the hardened and impervious of soil and unit weight of soil and it can inhibit the weeds in the fields. In the project areas, the yield of maize in the open air is 200-300 kg per mu and it increases to 400-500 kg after covering the plastic film. Disadvantageous Impact

After covering the plastic film for a long time, the remain left may affect the growth of plants root system and will cause the low-yield. At the same time the plastic films affect rain water to seep into ground, it also easily form the stream and will cause the lose of soil and water .AIl these do not benefit the improvement of physicochemical character of soil. After being investigated by the bureau of Government, some kinds of livestock eat plastic film wrongly and death number is increasing except that the plant yield will decrease. If we do not'take some steps to solve this problem, not only the grain yield will decrease but it also cause the "white disaster " nationally. To reduce or control the pollution problem of plastic materials, it is necessary and imminent to use * double-decompose environment-protection plastic to take the place of nowadays plastics.

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First, the plastic films can be retrieved by using the old ones in lace of new ones, but we can't burn them in the retrieved place. Second we can use decomposing plastic films and they can decompose in a very short time. 0 The photo decompose experiments of Hubby province agriculture technology spreading institute show: if covering the plastic films from the end period of March to the early period of April and we see the result in the first ten days of July, first some leaks which appear the same size as green bean, irregularly small holes and its size is 2-3cm, very few decompose into pieces. The main * character: first leaks often appear when touching and having a very clear sound, the ordinary plastic films is not easily broken into pieces. Second relatively fast decomposing takes place in some edge of plastic film when they are in heavy sunlight and the plants grow badly. When plastic films appear pieces and stick to the surface soil, they can become granary forms if pinching them. * According to some research by Sichuan institution, when the amount of plastic films in the soil go up to 1/1000, the films less than 6cmx6cm have no effect on the plant yield and the contain weight of soil and elements. Table4-13 to 4-15 are analysis results of "small soil granule" of test field in Shihezi Cotton Institute,

*3 Table 4-13 Ana lysis Results of "sm ll soil granule" of test field in Shihezi Cotton Institute (Uni ppm) Element Small granule No film soil Element Small granule No film soil

A1203 S.713 7.587 Zn 75.99 69.5

Fe2O3 31515 3.103 Ga 16.05 14.37 MgO 3.713 4.362 Nb 21.02 20.32 CaO 15.48 16.67 Sn 3.842 3.606

Na2O 1.528 1.71 Ta 1.371 1.357 ,Fi 2932 2613 Y 22.25 20.43

Mn 798.4 741.7 Yb 3.071 2.843 * Ba 421.3 421.5 Be 1.432 <0

Sr 600.6 715.3 Pb 51.71 - 49.59 V 71.86 66.12 La 39.45 35.62 Ni 34.07 31.18 Li 27.99 26.45

* Cu 27.94 28.44 Hydrolytic N 252 166 Co 14.43 13.59 P 1516 1438

Cr 97.56 94.59 K20 1.978 1.672 Mo 0.7491 0.7431 Total N I

Note: "Small soil granule" appeared in the test field of the Cotton Institute. The small granule, after being dried and shifted at 1-2mm

diameter, was proved to have more N, P, K, and Be, Zn, Mn, Ti. and A1203 than control.


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Table 4-14 Analysis results of aggregation of soil and degradable film No. Location Film type Water soluble Non alcohol soluble Cyclo-hexane soluble

aggregation (%) aggregation (%) aggregation (%)

I Not degradable 23 18 72 2 Xinjiang 112 Group Xin 3 26 19 87 * 3 Xin 4 27 22 87 4 Xin 5 29 26 87 5 Small soil granule 32 9 26 6 Not degradable 26 18 50 7 Grass fibre 26 18 56 8 The Cotton Institute Jia CK 26 13 56 9 in Xinjiang Jia 4100 27 13 60 10 Jia 4099 22 12 64 11 Jia 4101 23 12 57 i 12 Dianguangshuangjie 22 18 55

13 Xin I 23 I I 55 14 Xin 2 27 17 77 15 Xin 3 30 12 56 * 16 Xin 4 25 18 55 Note: (I )Watersoluble aggregation is percentageof soilaggregation with the larger,the better, (2)Cyclohexanesoluble aggregation is the portionof soil that can be solved in organicsolver, whichis inverseproportional to contentof heterocyclic compounds (humic acid and humus) in soil; (3)Nonalcohol-soluble aggregation is high whennon-protein portion in soil is low, and vise versa.

Table 4-15 Total nitrogen and phosphorus in soil with deg adable film No. Location Film type Total N (%) Fast-effective N (ppm) Organic substance (%) Total P (/o)

I _ Small soil granule 0.306 252 8.61 0.417 * 2 Not degradable 0.245 153 2.41 0.034 3 Grass fibre 0.254 155 2.07 0.044 4 Jia CK 0.252 161 2.03 0.038 5 Jia 4100 0.211 143 2.07 0.033 6 The Cotton Jia 4099 0.206 148 2.07 0.036 * 7 Institute in Jia4101 0.218 144 2.41 0.035 8 Xinjiang Dianguangshuangjie 194 1.88 0.035 9 Xin I 195 1.96 0.033 10 Xin 2 0.243 165 1,88 0.035 * 11 Xin 3 0.235 167 1.88 0.034 12 Xin 4 176 1.88 0.036 13 Xin 5 167 1.88 0.035 14 Mei 221-2 152 2.13 0.035 15 Mei 2-2 0.254 135 2.07 0.035 16 No film 0.263 166 2.18 0.036



4.1.7 Impact Assessment for Grassland Ecosystem . Increasing Production Ability of Grassland

Water is imperative for growth of livestock and grass. Many water conservancy installations will C be built to solve drinking and irrigation problem in this project, The investment of which is 135,693,477 RMB yuan. The types and yields of grassland will improve after irrigation. The yield of irrigation grassland is four or five times more than that of non-irrigation grassland and ten times more than that of sandy grassland. The grass yield each mu increases to 250-300 kg from less 50kg. The yield of reed and fern can reach more than 500 kg/mu. Therefore, more sheep can be * raised at each hectare grassland.

In order to supply enough food for livestock even if in the winter, Forage grass should be planted at a large area. . Planting shelter-forest can be improve the ability of fixing sand and preventing wind of grassland and prevents desert eroding grassland. Moreover, reasonable using pesticide and chemical fertilizer be able to reduce plant diseases and insect pests, enhance soil ability and increase the production of grassland. Improvement of Livestock Construction

At Ningxia Hui Autonomous, this project supports breeding beech sheep which grows well only in this area. At west Sichuan province it supports breeding fur sheep, mutton sheep and cattle. The construction of livestock according to grassland ecological type can make natural ecology advantage to change economical advantage.

Economical benefit can increase about one time with equal quantity of livestock by increasing the value of forage and improvement soil type of target region. The growth rate of livestock will be increase as proportion of sheep, rabbit and cattle is reasonable and the proportion of basic cow is gained suitably in this project. The case that grassland is injured because of baby livestock eating low grass will be reduced as the structure of livestock is improved. Desertification and salinization of grassland is prevented effectively. . Breeding Livestock Capacity of Grassland

This project aim at extending the area of grassland and planting high-quality grass, meanwhile, herding is forbidden in the area where ecological system of grassland is weak. With the extending of planting area of corps, trees and fruit trees, the supplies of forage are increased. Nutritious value of forage is improved by the use of combined forage. All above can be reduced the breeding loan of grassland. For example, at Luopo village of Longquan town of Xuanhan county of Sichuan province when the breeding sheep project is finished, the actual load of * grassland is 13% of the theoretical livestock load capacity.

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4.1.8 Analysis on Impact of Natural Calamities on Agricultural Production Impact of Natural Calamities

l. Drought. Drought can occur in any time of a year but more in spring and summer, which is * more dangerous to crop. There is 823mm precipitation in the project area, which seems to show that it is enough for grain growing. In fact, the distribution of the precipitation is extremely uneven temporally. The spring, when grains need water critically, is often dry and even worse the drought continues to summer. This causes dramatic reduction of grain yield and even no product. It is also difficult for man and stocks to find water. Therefore, drought is a restricting factor for agricultural * development. Overcoming drought will give the successful start to the project.

2. Flood. Flood results mainly from precipitation with big intensity, large scale and long time. Affecting factors also include season, location, vegetation, and river etc. Serious flood disaster occurs every three years average in the project area with, however, no obvious pattern. Its temporal and spatial distribution variation is largely due to uneven distribution of precipitation. In summer, flood is formed and rash out farmlands.

3. Frost. Northern or northwestern cold waves come frequently to the project area in winter, * during which the lowest temperature is far below the point that such fruit as orange can survive. Early frost can make leaves fall and some branches die, which affect booming time.

4. Windstorm. Serious convection of the atmosphere causes thunderstorm, strong wind, hailstone, and spout phenomena, which come swift and violent and last a very short time.

5. High temperature. Heat, as one of major factor in crop growth, must accumulate to certain temperature and intensity before crop harvesting. But over high temperature is not adequate. When temperature is over 35°C, thermophile crops will be inhibited or even harmful. Three-day * hot dry wind with relative humidity less than 60% can be very dangerous to crops. Season rice can be damaged if daily average temperature is higher than 30°C during its blooming. Blighted grain increases when temperature is over 35°C and plump grain cannot form when over 38°C. Two-day high temperature (235°C) can reduce 5% of rice yield. In addition, high temperature can also cause damage to flower of orange and even make flowers and fruits fall. Anti-disaster measures

To many nature disasters, there are many methods to solve them(see Table 4-16).




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Table 4-16 Natural Disaster and Methods to Decrease Disaster Mainnatural Methodsof decreasingdisasters disasters Flood and build water system, harness river, build reservoir, control the amount of water in rainy waterloggeddisaster and dryseason, improve irrigating methods, affect climate * Droughtdisaster artificially artificialrainfall, etc. Wetdisaster drainagesystem should be strengthened,drain and irrigation Windstonndisaster improveclimate prediction system, predict accurately and quickly,take some methods to keepa lookoutand reduce to theminimum lose Low-temperature aroundSpring Equinox, Grain Full, Cold Dew, plants and fruittrees should be protected disaster from low-temperatureand arrangethe plant scientificallyand select someadaptable plants Freezingdisaster plant protectionforests around orchard, spread fertilizer on the leaf surface,mainstream to earthup soilto keepwarm. * Diseasedisaster (I )comprehensiveprevention and cure: put together the preventionand cure of agricultureforest, pesticide and livingbeings ,quarantine plants strictly,call on peopleto kill mouse Insectdisaster (2)setup andimprove the monitor network of epidemicsituation, inform the epidemic Mousedisaster situationin time Earthquake sctup andimprovc the monitor system Landslide Mud-rockflow planttrees and grasses,renovate cultivating system , reducesurface runoff, alleviate soil Soilerosion erosion,improve ecological environment 0 Desertification

4.2 Environmental Impact Prediction and Assessment of the Rural Enterprises development

0 This part will be assessed in detail in chapter 5.

4.3 Environmental Impact Assessment of Rural Infrastructure Construction . 4.3.1 Ruralroad

4.3. 1.1 Environmental Impact Analysis

* In this program, we will build rural road 714km and reconstruct roads 119km. Because the rural economy is not well-developed, the rate of traffic flow is very low. So the major unfavorable impact is concentrate on the period of construction. The impact on social economic environment of running period is positive effect. S



1. Advantages (I) Working, living and contacting will become more convenient in the areas near roads. For example, Students can go to school easily, patients can go to see the doctor without difficulty. (2)The transportation cost of industrial and agricultural products will decrease along with development. (3)That will urge the contact of this region with others. Then trade, transportation and maintaining * will develop.

2. Potential disadvantages (I)There will be soil erosion and surface water pollution in the areas near roads. These are cause by earth work. * (2)Abandoning earth during construction will raise dust and pollute the air. (3)Mechanic noises during construction will lower the quality of environmental acoustics. (4)Occupying some lands near project will change landforms in limited scopes and reduce forests and grasslands. Alleviating and Preventing Countermeasure

I. Avoid excavating and building roadbed in rainy season 2. The principles of choosing route is to avoid occupying lands and pulling down houses, to give * people convenience and not to destroy historic relics. 3. Try our best to plant glasses, flowers on both sides of the roads and restore greenery patches.

4.3.2 Drinking and Irrigating Project Environmental Impact Analysis

The living environment and living condition of local people improved after the implementation of this program. It has profitable impact on agricultural production and health of the people in this * region. There are more advantages than disadvantages.

1. Advantages (l)Solve the problems of drinking of about 400 thousand of people, enhance the quality of drinking water. All these are good for the health of people and livestock. * (2)Increase the areas of irrigating lands, alleviate the threaten of drought to agriculture, improve ecological environment of original dry-farming, increase the productivity of lands, urge the development of production. (3)Alleviate the burden of more than 93 thousand of families caused by taking water from long distance in dry season. (4)Urge the development of animal husbandry and agriculture, solve the drinking problems of more than 400 thousand of livestock. (5)Fulfill the complete sets of principal facilities. This can help to improve the living standard.


. EIS FOR THE CHINAQINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCIION PROJECT CRAES1996 2. Potential disadvantages (I)During the construction, excavation of earth and stone can destroy local surface vegetation. * Because it can not be restored promptly, it will cause soil erosion, surface water and ground water pollution. (2)Utilization of ground water will have impact on the utilization ratio of water resources. Mitigation and Preventing Measures

We should take countermeasures to remove the disadvantageous impact.

1. Avoid to construct in rainy season. That can avoid the disaster caused by washing of rainstorms. * 2. Promptly fill up the gaps produced during the construction, plant grasses and recover vegetation without delay, avoid soil erosion. 3. Dredge the river timely to assure that the river keeps well-pass. 4. Intensify monitoring of the environment, guarantee the quality of the source of drinking water

4.3.3 Project of Rural Energy Resources and Electricity Supply

Rural energy resources are the material bases of sustained development of rural economy. Nowadays, most developing countries are facing the shortage of energy resources. In China, the * main rural energy resource is the energy of living beings. So the shortage of rural energy resources can often cause the destroy of green vegetation. Rural energy resources have close contacts with natural resource environment. With the increasing need of living being energy, ecological environment is deteriorating every day. These will check the development of rural economy. The exploit and consumption of rural energy resources have great impact on environmental quality. * The improper exploitation and utilization of natural resources will cause a series of environmental problems in country side, such as soil erosion, soil degradation, destroy of vegetation, grassland degradation and water area silt up. All these are connected with improper exploitation of rural energy resources.

This program wants to use methane instead of traditional firewood and straws. There will be more than 1,800 newly built methane tanks.

Most of the environmental impacts of this program are positive effects. * (l()Reduce the pressures on local ecosystem, increases the rates of plant cover, impel natural ecology to the virtuous cycle, improve the soil fertility. (2)Reduce the consumption of household fuel and labor intensity of household chores, then reduce air pollution. (3)Guarantee the electricity supply of life and production, change the mode of life and production, raise the living standard and life quality. (4)Electricity supply will bring about the development of rural trade and service, then alleviate the poverty of this region.

* 4.4 Environmental Impact Assessment of Labor mobility and Small Loans


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4.4.1 Major Environmental Impact Analysis of This Program

The impact of this program is mainly on social economical environment. Advantageous Impact

I. Raise family income. It is predicted that 100 yuan of input can produce 500 yuan of output. * 2. Impel the development of local post offices. 3. The increase of family income can cause the development of local trade, education, service and building industry. 4. Impact on local social thoughts, introduce new way of life, get rid of traditional superstitions or blind faith, increase the status of women.

* - Potential Disadvantageous Impact

1. The quality of export labor services is comparatively low. They can only do the work of low income and obtain employment with low stability. They can easily lose their jobs and have to take another occupation. These will cause some problems of exporting money to cover the cost of retrieve.

2. The labor export services and the environment of physical labor with high labor intensity will cause healthy problems and industrial accidents. The economical condition of the labors will make them not able to afford the cost of healthy problems and serious industrial accidents.

3. The increase of per capita income and rate of employment will make the region more stable. * But it will have negative effects on exporting regions. For example, women have low adaptability, and they do not have the conscious to protect themselves. They can be exploited, bullied and they will lose their job easily in unfamiliar environment. Some of them can be forced or induced to become prostitutes. Some men labors can commit crimes under suffering setbacks.

4.4.2 Mitigation and Preventing Countermeasures

I. Organize the export labor services and train them with plan. Then each of them can master one or two skills in production.

2. Establish information networks of labor services. Make sure that each labor can do well after taking an occupation.

3. Enforce the law education, make the labors know how to be self-esteem and self-respect.






Chapter 5 Assessment on the Environmental Impact of the Rural Enterprises

5.1 Analysis of the Main Environmental Impact of the Rural Enterprises

Table 5-5 Analysis of the main environmental impact of the rural enterprises No. Content of No. Main raw Main Analysis of the environmental impact * items of material products items granite, granite plate, good effect: develop granite resources half barite, light calcium add the production of construction material, carbonate, improve resources value, increase the chances * Mining & 8 manganese barium of peasants to be employed and economic Processing ore sulfate., income. manganese bad effect: waste residue will occupy land, products destroy local vegetation, increase dust pollution, noise pollution and soil erosion. marble good effect: develop the mineral resources of * plate . construction material improve the production wall-floor and variety, improve resources value, 2 construction 8 marble, bricks . increasing the chance of obtain employment, material Shale shale bricks increase peasants' economic income bad effect: occupy some land, increase dust pollution and noise pollution and possible soil erosion caused by mining. good effect: improve the value of the farm Agricultural wheat, flour, products and commodity circulation, product and Potatoes, starch, improve employment, promote the 3 by-products 53 Sweet vermicelli development of the farming industry, increase processing potatoes yam peasants income. bad effect: occupy some land, produce a little nearby dust pollution and noise pollution.

good effect: promote the development of the * corn, biographical plantation of corn, wheat rape, Chinese 4 feeding stuff I wheat bran protein. briskly ash tung seeds, improve the utilization processing oil cake Feeding stuff of land and value of farm products'-income. increasing the chance of obtain employment, bad effect: occupy some land, increase waste water, waste gas and noise pollution. green tea, good effect: promote tea development, tea fresh tea fine baihao improve the utilization of land, creating obtain 5 processing 16 tea, baked employment, increase peasants' income. black and bad effect: occupy some land ,increase waste green tea, water and noise pollution. * . Maofeng tea good effect: promote the development of fruit fresh fruits fresh and can, trees , raise - fruit prices, creating obtain 6 processing 12 dry fruits beverage, employment, increase peasants' income. Chinese bad effect: occupy some land ,increase chestnut wastewater, waste gas and noise pollution.



Table 5-1 (cont.) pigs, cows, good effect: increase the commercial value of sheep, domestic livestock, promote the development of animal animal feeding stuff, create obtain employment, 7 products 15 increase peasant's income processing bad effect: occupy some laud, increase wastewater, waste gas, waste residue and * noise pollution tremella, . anilive- good effect: increase the production of forest Gallnut, formaldehyde, products, promote the development forestry, forest Wood, eucommia create obtain employment, increase peasants' 8 products 14 bamboo, ulmoides tea, income processing eucommia Bamboo, bad effect: occupy some land, increase waste ulmoides, glued board water, waste gas, waste residue and noise ginkgo pollution

good effect: develop local traditional manual bamboo. handicrafts, technology and it's products, increase * manual Silk and carpet, circulation value, create obtain employment 9 14 floss, tapestry. for handicraft mar women and children, industry la nose increase peasants' income bad effect: need to deal with some waste residue after processing properly _ good effect: promote the development of mulberry silkworm culture, improve economic level, create obtain employment and increase I10 heeling I pod sick peasants' income bad effect: occupy some land, produce wastewater, waste gas, waste residue and

* _____ noise pollution bacteria, good effect: increase the variety and amount uronide, of commodities, promote local economic other pharmacopedia, development, create more jobs, increase I products 13 degradable peasants' income. * processing plastic, bad effect: occupy some land, increase waste carburetter,. water, waste gas, waste residue and noise Inostol, pollution medicine food good effect: promote the of agricultural products and industrial products and market for commodity economy, good to the 12 agricultural 21 development of agricultural production and trade increase peasants' economy bad effect: occupy some land, increase waste and noise pollution, have some effect on local

* ______sanitation and epidemic prevention.



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5.1.1 Farm and Animal Products Processing

The main impact on environment caused by these enterprises is waste water and organic solid waste. The main pollutants in waste water are ss, BOD and COD. The exceed waste water emission will possibly decrease the content of solution oxygen in the water, which will affect the lives of aquatic animals and hydrophytes.

5.1.2 Mineral Mining and Processing

There are five aspects of impact on environment caused by mineral mining and processing. First, * direct destroy of the ecology of the mining area and the environmental disasters including landslip, landfall and mud-rock flow caused indirectly by the change of the original form of obsolete mining area. Secondly, waste water pollution of ore dressing will be a problem. The suspended matter in the waste water is generally higher than others. Some even develop toxic and harmful contaminant. For example the systematic development of Ziyang manganese ore, manganese and * chromium pollution the harm done to the aquatic environment by the sulfate and sulfide in the waste in the productive process of killed barium sulfate and the hidden threat of the solidity of caudal field dam to the downstream. Thirdly , improper pile of obsolete which will silt water course. Fourth, dust pollution in the process of mineral power fabrication. dust pollution produced by the boilers used by enterprises. Finally, explosion and pulverization noise.

5.1.3 Wild Resources Processing

Wild resources can be run out of because of over-utilization in order to make profit from them.

- 5.2 Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment on Rural Enterprises

Rural enterprises within the project region are mostly farm and forest products processing ones. Besides, there are some ore processing, construction material and small chemical industrial * enterprises. These processing enterprises are in a small scale and distributed in a relatively large area. In the preparatory stage of each sub-project, auditing the environmental impact made by classified items, identifying those items which have hidden impact on the environment and taking corresponding reformation measures in general will help to evaluate the feasibility of the project in the respective of environmental impact. The evaluation results can be seen in Table 5-2.




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Table 5-2 Mitigation Measures for the EnvironmentalImpact by Rural Enterprises Contents of items Type of pollution Preliminary statements waste water after flushing mainly small amount of TSS and BOD. Able to be used in agriculture fruit processing and without special handling * fresh-keeping shells, peels and residues etc.(solid able to be used at feeding stuff or full. waste) Easy to be disposed. There should be enough area for piling dress in the project program. tea processing waste gas produced in the fire- usually slight impact. choose the site * baking and burning in the process of a factory far away from residence of drying area and not in the up wind direction yam processing waste water after flushing, pollution mainly Tss in the waste water usually caused by the piling of yam peels not necessary to handle it particularly . * and rotten usually used as feeding stuff of pigs necessary in-time measures. Waster water produced in the job mainly BOD general suspended matter sequences and colicnogenic strain necessary biographical processing and * meat processing emission when reaching required standards impact of strange smell on the choosing the site a factory as far away surrounding people and district from sensitive area as possible e.g. residence area tourist area and other area for fun. Xianggu mushroom small amount of solid waste (e.g. unnecessary particular handling able to residual stems of Xianggu be used as feeding stuff mushroom * waste water emission mainly BOD general suspended solid etc. necessary simple processing and emission when reaching required other food processing standards. * (bean products yams choose the site a factory far away from wild plants drink and water source or waterbody with edible oil) complete dilution capability the emission of bean and oil residue choose the proper way of utilizing and others waste in the project programme e.g.

* ______used as feeding stuff




Table 5-2 (cont.) overusing wild plants pay attention to culturing wild resources resources Chinese medicine small amount of waste water able to be processed is a small part of the material processing and solid waste total overuse of local biographical small amount, unnecessary processing

* ______resources (and mainly cultured by hand) waste water emission after mainly suspended mater, necessary cleaning precipitation and emission after reaching standards soap material waste extraction solvent able to be recycled solid waste piling usually able to be used as fuel fiber board

or pulpwood

embroidery and weaving no bad effect of foot incunabulum baking fuel burning waste little effect, unnecessary handling * reeling waste water emission of mainly BOD, necessary handling incunabulum boiling raw paint and tung oil burning waste emission little effect, unnecessary handling processing dross piling able to be used as feeding stuff strange taste effect choose the site faraway from residence area starch processing dross piling able to be used as fuel or pulpwood waste water emission mainly BOD, necessary handling bamboo products hidden threat of inflammable necessary fire fighting equipment for a 3 processing waste piling factory bateria used culture medium piling can be buried intensively feeding stuff dust produced in the process use well-sealed grinding machine

of grinding and sieving * air pollutant emission mainly dust ,acid fog, ammonia, sulfide and nitrogen oxide solid waste emission mainly dust and gypsum fertilizer(phosphate waste water emission emission with waste water able to be made fertilizer) by phosphate fertilizer factories but the * hidden threat of overflowing in evaporating ponds caused by heavy rain are necessary to be considered put up specific measures for dust removal and solid waste emission in the feasibility Istudies of the project




Table 5-2 (cont.) chlorine preparation leakage in The danger of leakage exists because the * production silkworm medicine factory mainly separate and medicine for compound a system of chlorine preparation silkworm(mainly disinfecting separate chlorine water and soil pollution by no serious direct damage preparation loading chlorine preparation beside in the for silkworm tools environment * disinfecting) elements accumulation effects in the environment research on the feasibility of replacement by hydrogen peroxide cement products air-borne dust by cement loading use canned transporting truck of well-sealed processing and unloading performance barite mining and disturbance of soil, vegetation and prospecting and assessing local cultural * processing local drainage condition by mining historical resources, animals and plants, soil, water quality and important to geographical character before construction air borne dust pollution by completely closed production, no great effect (iron ore powder transportation grinding and on the outside environment by transportation scouring * manganese ore noises made by mining refrain from explosion at night powder transporting transmitting grinding talcum powder and scouring lime ore and stone waste water after washing built settling basin materials soil and surface water pollution by built caudal tailings dam of well performance the wind and water erosion of to make it sure that it can bear the impulse of caudal tailings, the destroy of wind and water erosion try to be away from habitat and scenery habitat and important nature inheritance dross necessary specific environment protection design for the relatively larger scope although there are no large-scale ore project in the region and pure and reliable measures for the main environmental impact exist _ dross produced with the productive method in the process is not poisonous which can be used for filling ditch and paving waste gases direct emission of hydrogen sulfide caudal gas waste water out of 45 meter high stack; emission of gas with dust produced by combustion furnace when the dust is removed with the Cyclone barium sulfate plus wet method and emitted compliance. Water washing and acid pickling waste water with sodium sulfide get together and are pumped into the reactor. After catalytic reaction, sulfur is reused and the water is utilized circulated. The water handling with the * method meet the national emission standards. damage in the process of it is necessary to put up more developed transporting storing and using engineering control administrative control. sulfur acid sodium sulfide and stuff protection professional health and safety hydrogen training traffic jam caused by excessive the purpose of the construction of the project is * development and bad management to change the situation of market built along of the market roads which means roads are markets and of Markets for traffic jam caused by the fact agriculture the impact on the environmental the problem of market management has been products and trade by garbage piling in the market considered completely in the project programme the organic garbage of the markets is buried


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5.3 Mitigation Measures for the Environmental Impact by Rural Enterprises . Sanitary production is a new worldwide trend of pollution control in recent years. It is different fmm' prevlmo, leratimal co-itro'l im tht stw-y pT'icnkm can, vamiizeThA mirnmumj pottfioun in design period in the process of production. Therefore all the rural enterprises included in the project must introduce sanitary production into the program. Besides, the following measures must be taken in the project construction.

5.3.1 Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Products Processing

* Environmental impact assessment on the project construction must be made by the processing enterprises of fruits, meat processing, weet-silk, vermicelli and starch whose waste water emission contains a large amount of suspended matter and BOD. Waste water handling equipment must be built, which will make it sure that it is capability can make waste water reach emission standards before it is emitted. For other processing projects like yam, soap material processing, waste water settling basin must be built. The waste water can only be emitted when it settles and reaches standards. For solid waste it can be used as feeding stuff for developing animal husbandry or designed synthetically together with animal husbandry project.

5.3.2 Mining and Minerals Processing

Environment impact assessment on it must be made or environmental impact table must be filled out for all those mineral mining and processing project which may cause great pollution. The assessment must include the synthetically argumentation of choosing a site for the project, * whether or not the production program satisfy clean production, the ecological damage of mining spot, whether or not wastes handling project is feasible, noise pollution problem, tailings site choosing and the construction scheme and specific feasible measures for environment pollution prevention. For general mineral mining and processing enterprises, we can brace the angle of gradient of obsolescent mining field, precipitate waste water, use those field for stone-crater terrace land or plant trees and grass in obsolete mining field.

5.3.3 Wild Living Things Resources Processing

Cleaning water produced in the resources processing project must be precipitated and emitted when compliance standards. Production scale must be strictly controlled to prevent the wild resources from damaging excessively. And at the same time, cultivation and protection plan for wild resources must be made.

5.4 The Analysis of Typical Cases of Environment Impact Assessment on Rural Enterprises

Although there are many items of rural enterprises, we can find that their technological processes are similar based on the preliminary analysis and assessment. So the way of being produced and


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EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCrION PROJECr CRAES 1996 productive coefficient should be almost the same. Thus, we choose the relatively representative 16 rural enterprises of each item to make detailed environment impact assessment on (details in the reports of environmental impact rural enterprises).

5.4.1 Case studies of Environment Impact Assessment in Shaanxi Province's Rural Enterprises

The detail information of Shaanxi case studies can be found in the EIA sub-report of Shaanxi province(Appendix I ). Two case studies of projects of mining and processing will be show here as the representatives.

* Case Study 1

Zhenan Refined Barite Sulfate Factory

* 1 Brief Introduction 1.1 Product Scale Main products of the plant are (1) 300t of ultra-fine barium sulfate; (2) 700t of normal barium sulfate; (3) 4,800t by-product of sodium sulfide

1.2 Location The supposed plant will be located at mouth of Wuyu valley, 8km of northeast direction to the county town. There is a school in the southwest direction. Which will be removed to another place. Total land occupation of the plant is 3ha. =

1.3 Investment And Profit The total investment is 26,710,000 yuan RMB. The annual profit will be 7,150,000 yuan RMB during the operation period. . 1.4 Shift And Workers The planed employees are 524 persons. Of which there are 360 technicians. The working shift will be three and every shift is 8 hours. . 1.5 Technological Flow Method of black ash mirabilite will be applied because there are plentiful of barite and mirabilite resources in the county.

* 1.5.1 Reaction Principle Main chemical equations are: BaSO4+2C=BaS+2C02 t

BaS+Na2SO4=BaSO4 X+Na2S



1.5.2 Technological Flow * The detail technological flow is showed in attached fig. 1-1

(1) Barite ore and coal are first pulverized to particles and mixed in a fixed proportion. Then the mixture is roasted in a roasting furnace to barium sulfide;

(2) Dissolving mirabilite with hot water and regulating pH value with sodium carbonate in order to remove iron, manganese, chromium and other impurities;

(3) Filtrating the leached liquid of barium sulfide and reacting with maribilite, filtrating the new produced compound and washing with water, beating, washing with acid, filtrating. Some of the filtered substances are dried in drying chamber to industrial barite sulfate and others are dried by spray drying process to ultra-refine barite sulfate.

* (4) Concentrating the liquid from the water washing process by evaporating to 60% and slicing to by-product sodium sulfidc.

1.6 Equipment * The main equipment are: pulverizer, roasting furnace, synthetic cauldron, reverse drying chamber, pump, spray drying chamber.

1.7 Materials Consumption of the raw materials and fuels are showed in table 1-1.

Table 1-1 consumption of the raw materials and fuels t/y materials amount remark * barite 16000 100% maribilite 8000 soda 30 phosphoric acid 10 98% * coal as a material 4000 coal as a fuel 10681 oil used for boiler heating 400 oil used for roasting 1300 oil used for drying 1000 coal used for drying 560 water 10000 electricity 32Okwh




1.8 Pollutant And Its Control Measures * 1.8.1 Discharged Pollutants Discharged pollutants are showed in table 1-2.

1.8.2 Control Measures * (1) Dust from spray drying chamber will be cleared up by cyclone plus pulsed jet cloth filter.

Table 2-2 discharged pollutants pollutants feature amount source waste slag 36.8t/d slag from penetrating Fe2O3, A1203, 3% BaS, 5.64t/d lixiviation 0.5-1% SiO2 slag from dissolving maribilite 3% Na2S04, 5.336 dissolving 30% H20 t/d maribilite * boiler slag 30g/ m3 of dust 20t/d boiler coal slag from roasting 30g/ m3 of dust 4.8t/d roasting furnace furnace smoke dust 12g/ m3 of dust 2000m 3/h pulverizing * air with dust 30g/ m3 of dust 300 m 3 /h drying boiler smoke dust 30g] m 3 of dust 30000 m 3 /h boiler smoke from reverse drying 6000 m 3 /h drying chamber smoke from spray dry 8000 m 3 /h drying chamber equipment noise 9OdB(A) pulverizer

(2) Dust from reverse drying chamber will be cleared up by cyclone dust collector. * (3) Dust from roasting furnace will be cleared up by cyclone plus wet dust collector. (4) Wastewater from the technological flow will be reused and domestic sewage will be treated by digestion tank. (5) The solid wastes will be used for road building.

1.9 Environmental Problems 1.9.1 Air Pollution There are four heating equipment in the plant. Which will emit great amount of smoke dust. Which will possibly contaminate the local environment because height of the chimney is only 40m and diffusion condition is not good.

1.9.2 Solid Waste The solid wastes are designed to be used for road building. Which is not concrete. It is * necessary to make a long-term disposal plan to treat it.



1.9.3 Wastewater * Designed utilization of the water is reasonable. But accidentally discharged wastewater has not been considered. 1.9.4 Utilization of Heat Energy There are four heating equipment in the plant. But heat energy from the emission has not been reused.

1.9.5 Flood Block Engineering There is no any flood block engineering.

* 2 Cleaning Production Design 2.1 Location And Layout 2.1.1 Location Location of the plant in middle reach of Wuyu valley is better than location in outlet of the valley because there are less residents living there. However, there a elevated plant base and a flood preservation embankment to keeping the plant from being destroyed by the biggest flood in a century are necessary

2.1.2 Layout * The production area and living area should be distributed in the direction of north-west direction because the valley runs the direction of east-west direction. In that way, the product quality and the living environment will be little affected.

_ 2.2 Disposal of the slag The stone in Zhenan county is more than earth and most building materials are bricks. But earth used for brick ma.king is not enough. The particle of slag from the plant is very small. Which can be used for brick making. Therefor, we recommend that four brick making machines are bought and all the slag is used for brick making. In the case 10,000 bricks can be produced by the plant daily and the annual profit is 300,000 yuan RMB. Certainly the slag is no more a pollution source.

2.3 Chimney * The chimney should be heighten to 55m. Which will expand the diffusion area and mitigate emission concentration.

2.4 Resources use 2.4.1 Dust Removal The are lots of dusts from raw material pulverizing and processed material grinding. Which should be removed by shower or water screen and the raw and processed materials can be recovered by wastewater settling. Simultaneously, the water after settling can be recycled. From this process the raw materials and processed materials which are worth about 300,000 yuan * RMB will be recovered.



2.4.2 Wastewater * Wastewater from boiler cycling will be used for the dust removal and bricks making. The domestic sewage will be treated by digestion tank and discharged.

2.4.3 Reuse of Heat Energy (1) Double-efficiency evaporator will replace boiling cauldrons in sodium recovery process. By which one third of energy will be saved.

(2) 36m reverse stove will be applied and high temperature smoke (500 oC)will be recovered by installing recovery boiler at chimney. By which 10% of the fuel consumption can be saved.

2.4.4 Change of Fuel Structure Designed heavy oil as a fuel in the roasting and drying process can mitigate emission of sulfur dioxides and dust. However. installation of a dry coal gas generating station will solve all fuel * problems of the plant and mitigate air pollution.

2.5 Design of The Technological Flow

(1) Taking the place of phosphoric acid with sulfuric acid in the acid washing process, by which the acid consumption will be reduced to lkg/l from the original 10kg/l. Simultaneously, emission amount of hydrogen sulfide will be reduced greatly.

(2) A extra wastewater pool should be built in order to store wastewater discharged accidentally.

Case Study 2 Expanded Ankang Barite Mining Project * 1 Brief Introduction to The Project 1.1 Barite Resources 1.1. 1 Reserves of Barite Total reserves of barite in Ankang city is 4450,000t.

* 1.1.2 Deposit Conditions The barite ore is distributed in 9 oreBODy. Of which the second oreBODy takes 77.72% of the total reserves and it will be mined by the supposed project. The oreBODy is 1370m long and 5.5m thick with grade of 76.13% barium sulfate.

1.1.3 Quality of The Ore Composition of the ore is simple and can be easily mined. Its chemical composition is showed in table 1-1.



composition IBaSO4 BaCO3 | CaO SiO2

content (%) 76.56 5.6 4.2 10.2

1.2 Present Stope The present stope is located in Yejiagou village, 28km far from Ankang city and 32km far from i Ankang railway station. Transportation of the ore mainly depends on the macadam road from Zhangtan to Qingtao. The location is showed in attached map. The present mine was primarily mined by the local farmers. In 1992, the Zhangtan district government took it over from the farmer. And the mining scale was simultaneously expanded to 20,000 ton per year.

1.3 Introduction to The Supposed Mine 1.3.1 Content of The Construction Based on original engineering condition, the supposed Project is to buy some mining equipment * to expand production scale and increase proficiency. The concrete content is described as following. (1) The mining capacity will be increased to 50,000 ton per year; (2) Average grade of barite will be increased to 76.56% barium sulfate and some of the artificial dressed will be over 85% barium sulfate; (3) Based on the mining capacity above, service-life of the mine will be 21.5 year; (4) 143 staff and workers will be on the payroll and year working days are 280 days; (5) Investment is showed in table 1-2.

3 Table 1-2 Investment of the project yuan RMB total investment 2464400 capital source capital construction 2005400 loaned by the WB 987560 others 28000 local government 1476840 * flow capital 431000

1.3.2 Mining Plan The mine will be mined in different stage. OreBODy numbered 2 and 5 will be openly mined in the first stage.

1.3.3 Mining method And Stripping

* (1) Mining method Supposed mining methods are: tunnel ------well conveyer------ditch conveyer. Mining flow of

opencast pit is: road building - stripping - blasting - dressing artificially - short distance

transporting - loading - weighting.


64 EIS FOR THE CHINAQINBA MOUNTAINSPOVERTY REDUCTION PROJECT CRAES1996 (2) Stripping Stripping faces will be parallel with distribution of the ore BODy. a one-side ditches are firstly * dug and then the stripping face goes from upper level to lower level. After blasting of the faces, the ore will be loaded by loaders and conveyed out. Stripping-to-ore rate of the mine will be 1:20 and the waste stone mixed to the ore is to be controlled under 6%.

1.3.4 Consumption of Materials Consumption of the major materials are showed in table 1-3.

Table 1-3 Consumption of the major materials 0 material Consu mption per ton yearly consumption total unite mining stripping mining stripping dynamite kg 0.12196 0.2099 6098 27285 33383 No.8 electric tube 0.00464 0.008077 232 1050 1282 * detonator fire detonator tube 0.06192 0.01385 3096 1800 4896 wire m 0.0022 0.00354 110 460 570 fuse m 0.06192 0.01385 3096 1800 4896

1.3.5 Fundamental Facilities (1) water supplying and drainage daily water consumption of the project is 44.2 ton. There is a reservoir 600m far from the mine. The water quality is good and can be used for the production and living. Precipitation and other wastewater in the mine will be conducted to Wanghegou river by pipe

(2) Electricity Electricity at the mine is available.

(3) Transportation There is a macadam road goes outsides. The road conditions at the present are poor. But the local government has planed to better it. . 1.3.6 Layout The mine covers 2.44ha of land. The supposed project will use the present production and living facilities as possible as it can. There is no any new building to be planed.

* 1.4 PoUutants And Treatment Equipment 1.4.1 Air Pollution H2S, CO and exposure smoke from the blasting and boring blasthole are major air pollutants. Concentration of the mixed air is 0.5mg/m 3 . Which can be self-purificated by the nature. There is no need to be treated.


1.4.2 Wastewater * Wastewater is mainly from the wet operating, cooling water and living purpose. Total amount of the wastewater is 28.7 ton per day. Which contains less suspended substances and no toxic substances. It will be discharged outsides. Consumption of the cooling water is 12 ton per day. Which will be recycled.

1.4.3 Solid Waste Solid waste consisting of waste ore and tripped covers will be 135,000 ton annually. Which will be piled at waste bank and covered with soil for planting when reach to designed height.

* 1.4.4 Noise Noise is mainly from air compressor, rock drill and electric fan. Which noise level is usually at 95-120dB(A), especially the air compressor. Noise from which is 85 dB(A). Therefor, the air compressor will be isolated to mitigate the noise. The workers who operate the drill will wear a

v protection ear phone.

2 Cleaning Production Audit 2.1 Mining Methods Mining is a key link to influence eco-environment. The influence depends mostly on mining 0 methods. There are four alternatives for choosing in the plant. It is showed in table 2- 1.

Table 2-1 comparison of the four alternatives No. 1 2 3 4 * method admit-inclined inclined groove- slope winding road opening up shaft-inclined narrow rail transporting groove transporting engineering shaft and drift building narrow building surface building road rail winding road technological short transporting; engineering and more equipment technological flow and less equipment, technological flow and complex flow is simple; investment workers and is complex technological investment on investment; simple ; long flow; huge capital 0 technological flow transporting; earthwork; more construction in affected by investment and the maximum of weather; more limited output the four investment * influence on destroy of the destroy of the great destroy of destroy of the environment surface and plant is surface and plant the surface and surface and less is greater plant plant is great



0 0

EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MIOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUtIMON PROJECT CRAES 1996 The table above suggests that the first alternative has many advantages over the others, especially the influence on environment. Therefor, the first alternative is recommended here.

Influences of which on the environment are mainly plant destroy and soil erosion. Landslide, collapse and mud-rock flow are possibly caused by storms accidentally.

* 2.2 Disposal of Solid Wastes The solid wastes of the plant are waste ore and stripped ores. The amount of which are showed in table 2-2.

From the table 2-2 we learn that opening conditions of the nine is at a higher level. For disposal of the waste ores, there is a valley named Chenjiagou in west side of the stope. Where the waste ores can be collectively piled. Which will be covered with soil and planted When the piled waste ores reach to a designed height. However, There are still some influence of the waste ores on environment because 50,000 ton of the waste ore is a huge amount and the * service-life is about 20 years.

Table 2-2 amount of the stripped ores unit total mineral ore tripping ratio of stripping to ore * annual m3 64810 12887 51923 2.7 output ton 185000 50000 135000 daily m3 231 46 185 2.7 output ton 661 179 482 output of m3 116 23 93 2.7 a shift ton 330 89 241 output in m3 1296031 244565 1028878 service-life ton 3628888 953804 2675084

Major influences of the mine are: (1) Destroying plants and changing the original landscapes; (2)Occupying land and changing the original landschaft; * (3) Intensifying soil erosion; (4) Increasing potential chance of collapses, landslide and mud-rock flow.

3 Design of Cleaning Production 3.1 Restoration of The Eco-environment Principles of the cleaning production design is that the mining scale should be rational; plant destroy and soil erosion should be minimum and both environment and economy develop in a favorable way. Based on the principles, design of cleaning production during the service-life is listed in table 3-1. .

67 EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCT'ION PROJECT CRAES 1996 Table 3-1 design of cleaning production yuan RMB/y No. engineering item function investment * 1 collective piling of waste collective piling can avoid unnecessary land 10000 ore occupation and plant destroy 2 trailing dam protecting river from jamming and mud-rock 10000 flow * 3 drainage ditch protecting the trailing dam from being flooded 15000 4 maintaining Wanghegou detaining flood 5000 reservoir 5 environmental education protecting environment 3000

3.2 Restoration of The Eco-environment after Service Principle of cleaning production design beyond the service-life is to restore eco-environment like the original as possible as it can. * The cleaning production design is showed in table 3-2.

3.3 Investment From the table 3-1 and 3-2 we learn that the investment is yearly 150,000 yuan RMB during the mining period.

Table 3-2 cleaning production design beyond the service life No. engineering item key point of the design investment(yuan RMB) 1 covering of tailing site using the stripped material 80,000 as deeper covering and soil as top covering 2 afforestration at stope the old stopes should be 25,000 reinforced and covered with * plants 3 preservation of trees making a plan to protect the 2000 plant

5.4.2 Case Studies of Environment Impact Assessment in Sichuan Province Rural Enterprises

The detail information of Sichuan case studies can be found in the EIA sub-report of Sichuan * province(Appendix 2). The main conclusions are summered in Table 5-3.


. * ~* * * * * * 0 0

Table 5- 3 (1) EnvironmentalImpact Assessment of TypicalRural Enterprisesin Sichuan

Mrin raw Main Mlin Tlchnologpil Poiteve Inpact on Negaive Mirtion Measurts Monitoring C Nlo PiWtSubproject Scale , ttal nducts Process Environment Inron Negtve Inprwt -Fl- Conchrion emarksr I Carge Fral-tes ToWlCoL: 3rnllion yanue, yngs. cleaningend teriimaion-- 190penoa getjob, 1,VWe vte discharge: I.Wale waterprocemssi EnpiDnodrnn& Thectviwuonferapl d ' mse" 1 Pra y un b"ta goooeberry.firutrae pulverzation-colloidalimon- (rnchlding135 feaale) YV 6tdy into Yonghs River sedinentaionbatiL fih4rouig jun TSP,SO5 cenbe reducedand eoided deepoesluO Ftcoy Occepiedlad soinee disinrection-fvoring--- incTesse incomeby 3.600 (or 26t per ton product); andoxidizig poot W pH, SS,COD, bytreatment meartvre No andpOdabr 0 2,500m homogmrLnizaioncnung--Norurg ynuaevery ftmny per yer, 2.W gm from cod bumniW 2 Using he duetremover. BODt color, zmadversbleevinmental machine m= OmraOuetput:100t developthde yanga 5,90 mrour (Smoke duo (tfciency morethtg%) (30m Noi impat a longa ecuing design. t Workernd Staff rerouccain remote 2,237.3mg/n) chixnneyi 2±&LV=iWoWgYIj9 daiepaiirble ormre consntuctic Memar:tv330 mountainsma. increne 31Wetatsidue: 3Fruit peelrsidue used- for monilo11 -4 tria evey synchronisma nd aid op ic X die iwpom of thepoo, fili pel dreidue:0671/dey nd feriien, coralasl yea fm ah beginnngof reinfocmgthe enviconnientat eynderorems >' promoethd localecooniio coal lbG 4.7 Vday conotrcion mterial theconstruction( carried out monnetw aupervisio and 0 development 4-Equipmentnoise:80-90d0(a) 4.Sonndinulting to tre#ment: by the lal mtromnEial rmncit Theproie2 J Z _5pop_m -cienner driomC morig don ) feaible. 2 Jibro TotalCot: Frsh Sweet VetnniceltTechnological Process 125poor laborcan geijobs; J to Wt 172.5m'/dey 1AWo2Y5tr: diponodby two 1 mi9ionJM2tkin]i Relathvlymmall impatd on ledceli 34 millionyuan potto: Flat-trip rletnng-e on-flrrion.-- increse theincome of (SS.COD.BODI.T-N). level biochemrisypeocasaing COD. DOD, SS environmentafter pohut O Factory.Iiing AnnuWOutput: 5.891t product vrmniceWiprecphbtion-fetnin&- poorfammly, tlize r dischargedinto dheJhnboo 2.WameGeK: dust cellctsuni: 2Eimenl&e,tlL beingalvited by man-made Ditnict veariteli 100t AjuCOl decototimion-ahaping-bsling- pet quantityof meol River. moalto 2-4timas very meau nd ap to control OccupiedLand: constesming pacdig potAo effedvely, reduc 2,W/t Oanftm COl bureinr yew.ratied outby thelocal tten. nOnadvereable 3,350m' aneest 8.1354 thecorption andwua; 2,M Nm'/dxy (TSPISO) envwirml moruloatig envoamnesalimpct The W Dueksnad Stff peoto the eliozstionof dischargedby 20m chinutuei, teton protet is fatbte along Memben:216 la1I lendend economicd 3 CozldSInwad con5tr1#on aen is ropidW 0 development eb,um l TO4 t ______4 Noise aid m ndm 3 TheReo6oring TotalCot 4.138 Ftreshsweet yefow The newtwllogy of.tiling non. 140frmtrlabot,et job ItWuta Om rm cnobrrie 1. ast Thenew boiltr Mono Relatively unpt Suggesion: Englneringof millionyurn poto wine mplefood. ret poto indleadof and hne "eeone; SOns8V341/. NOx 80ttsa. equiped with duet rernover pH. COD, SS, BOD,. environmTentafter poeus Increase the Yllong Yellow New ddedO.t rice to benw yellow wine Open a now way for the TSP 2 IV/ (effliency no tes tatm 90.) rtmperturn anddovw bing ulleviLoedby mitigoting height of t WinePbat 2,0er atwet powooutai2rtion tatWt W 50,000t/ e anaerobicand mount of tha wmu wsota meases ed ur to control chimuny fon Occupied lbd.8.471ma lacress the vaue of the (SS COD,BOD) aerobictretment until soafy monitored by factory' staff titan. no unsiveosble 2Wmto 30na: New sdded Wlokora woel potto 5-7 tbncs Bo)k 5h 90/a control tre endgulaly give report to t environmerntimpa t . The Decreee dt _ Oeptv wilbe icrtseed C of dictpe)s 3.WsntoResidue cod sluga countya Environmnal projet in faexible long a boiler's aid atMembers:150 7 1 but polution wil not be SrOft1,0 tA consnctaion m ieri4di4aler's ProtectionBureae SO,,TSP attertion iapaid to powertroo -1 increed OVertcokes a fodder. NOx monitoring 2-4 times environmetal monttorng 4V/h to 2'/ 0 4. Low noise nuarlino everyyear by locl andmanueodment. its enoughfor MonitornngStotiort pr5ocessinR " uetliimpwrton 4 Cargi Shale ItalCoac Shde570.000mhi Shale co. 265 labormetjobs I Dust caused bybreaking and IUrsingthoh Pc ag dujsMipakodtCarryingotWIrqudaity Rrldivoly Brick Plant 4 milion yarm CoaLA480tra brick I (inchlding32 female), ehottering remover (effecience: 99% ) monitoring endpolution envirvonmetaid bebu, Aniul output Procen: Shal]>Smssh-Shteted- incresan the incomeof the 2- iea gsmby 2 Woe geeOtbf beki brick e tource2-3 tima each yewr toiedbymitung 20 million ahblebnick vW poor fmily, develop the bskmg(SOnTSP) dust colledor (effecience: 90.). dmringthe conetrction rnd muoa.rntil reachcoUrol OcTupiedbnd2S500m rich hte resource; provide 3. Equipmint nWoise then discharged by 35m high opertion, wih nii iti criteri no unadversble utnhkon mnd1aff RA>Mixed.>PermestedSodil contrucitort matia tdo - Mintngdestroy boal Chimney, of wmnoke5d du SOt tti0titOnOdntpIti The mcnber: 265 Sliced to RawEmbry-tDry- Bate- localpeopl; intrerssetdr vegetbon cover 3.Adping quolified equiopanert projec is feasibloa long >Production incomeof local tfamer. mnIatimi noiae unti reacr steto is paidto promotethe localeconomic control crit.ers; vrnsa montoing devebpment 4.Take reotring meteure to Madrmges Wngetabortcover 5 Wa*vht M"t TUiotCoeL 6.666 PIg,, tom 13 Fro- Brhaerig.-Ca ti..& >FreeFing450 labor from poor I,.j.h 64rtinl t.Ueingteclmiqueofgroup I Monitoringthe Abient ir Relatively ..aI impc on environmemend beng Ptoca Msi mmneioSnyuat: projedc-ahipe, meet . Sarion Epidemec Preventing, hfrlies rat gdejobs end (DOD, ,COD.14-NI! 32,Ind coenbinl ft wae wale aid ersfe wrg 2-4 toes ( TbhTlchlcal Annualbutchin& WbscngCounry, Clessfed DidirtfOctinf e. mamastthe income: color bacillus) lrteetont; th ye during llevited by mitigaing Refrmastinsg .000pis Coal 6.7t/a mea Solve the Dling prolem of 2 Wt O ZUsinagdoubte aystonedust conilttonos d m s,until reach control m Nn 8Shdagof Ammst outp pigpin thepoor ma SO: 4.43k/h. removerto tmetrho wale gm opestier.(by local criteriano alrable th PigButching itonnmet 3,0004 Promotethe development Smok DDtJ 6.414mg/i' 3.Noia: irudtion meaerooe monitoringstalrron mvironmnit impact;TThe _ andCl_A d (blsclditgclmified of Evestocktaiais; Eouim N 4.Promotlcomprehenrive 2-Fatooy eotblish monitorin projecti feasiblea long a la Med) me t ,)t Promotethe loc ttsz itidt andFODIiml otilirtion techniques. lener depslneentto monitorthe nedion a paid to Occupiedlnd: 2.2ha economicdevelopmett Productdon, pi, color. COD.BOD,. SS enViromrotalmoortoting (nonow added land) of watewre aid mnigemnL New woekon und ______stsft 4S0 ______Table 5-3 (2) E sAlicti- Ae m Iof ir rRusEnlri Sichuan

Mdinsw Mxin Main Tro icazcsl Positavt iminpt on Negtive Mingtion Meas Monitonng No. Pit S.obpoid .Ie M rial prodi Proces in i Negtive imPact Pin Conclion Remark Toisng Tow Cos: Chinee gall: 3.4.5. Il20Dho% iqinud PTrVno ikn 132 ftner labon can gdt LVAV M5en Aproduct l.vmte waler testinel: Einsion Monitoin Thuehbmfl poDutantof Fmratry 5 milion yamm 2.356Llpoduc fohyl mghttey job. nd improV the (dirmahy relphads,hydemines.S(a).Retrieve 3.4.5- (I)Wa) Our. Smokedust, wase wer mast be - imcome etc. ) einathoybuzoic aid with SOa, Methasel. TSP.etc. roverd. ASea this. the O Canicals Annualoutput Dimethyeiulphst: oxy ChineseO l >SuamahirWllydrolysi 2 Factory TMBA100t 5.71f product |nzyld rVspouston Concesitramo-> Th. pect construction 4moMgcowsed by 6th bailnr addingacid irno eatrifded 2-4 tineseach yew inteegred inuence must t (ma Project of Nowadded workors Hydrazine.Meihyl ehyde Dsq4n0->PowdetTanic Acid cwtpromote planting (TSP,so) wede vwar, (2)V. e Water pIt DO, S tr5bd by two KWge oxdation tPr 3.4,5. e nd aff moeitr,: b_ sCmiestic (TM3BAl -oTSic Acid Solution.> Chinese l ine. Incre 3 orx ic mdtu burned (b) Retrive eulphic cid trom COD. BOD, lydraie biochemical C rimenhylosy 132 gods, XFDF(CN) Molecar Mty niewion->3,4,5-Trimethoxy thediverety of fonre col residue ecyi ard hydrainein on wage Dumathyluslphae plaOCCsing mDii reach ideylaldehyde) Hydrochloric ed4 fotcls bhnzoe strctre. Promote locai 4.tis walr. 2-4 ties each yonc rldav provincestandards. U1quld amwnia C,siO| 2 hydlWdxi7 vegetation and ocononic (c) Retiive hydrine wih adding Aft npmetn onof the Estertilatim enbstance ruscrit wiuh devtlopment kali inlo hydrahine wate eeboject. all te poludtonr hydxtie to poduce 3A.5- wster. etc. problenm,old sd new, cmZ tritnelioxy-benn,yl hydaia-. (d)FbnWltseatment of Wat be oao So. tha eubprojecd 3 Irtecullvalsmid onidegion watertwo sg biochmcs is envrnmntaWleeible. Utirg tli nmhyllbomsse a solvent rtnentmi aystm The emviromet monitneing mid K Fe(CN), n oxidexerby tremii 2.Boilermnoke duaLdusrmover mndmanagement most be ofc mpounedtdrlis ad with effcecy more dIt 95% wrerghid to pt Dl conuol oxidation,3.4.5-trimedhoxy-bearoyi mid dichage by 30m chuney. faclti *ntleffect hydrc3ne Itfonmed into TUBA 2A1xed wste orgnic residue: ()wih coaWa of fr i (bXAa the bumrndcoal resdue 0

aw mteria ofbrick production - 32.pulize cleaerproduction _]i ted~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lcmology.P O , 4, FaiaMorceovvin"t envii C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4.Rifoc

_ _ 4 metnerivircuanJ'~ 5 7~ Jmab,gDidtidt TotalCos Maize pOithed MiMi Maizedation,gm h addston 220 faru labor cgn get e'uncobYm loo Chmenpthe Prm ce ofwmi- Monitori Fe negetve rmpoct From 1 d t ai- oxidizer in 0 Carbutonit 2I2 lhon yun kiuu rice, srength pasatioa. catbonition end muion: jobnmaesse the income; Impactby wastemtacial of finished goods of cstinSg Wte vte, e ounenlei view the casting Fwtoty AnnualOutput: hio ffwe potto, castirg (I) Maim. seed of tng ri, polished Dcvelopanewwy ofceh life adhesiveni the orm of COD.BODu SS.colornoise mobprojedis fembiiable. SO, processing 1 egib Casting artc kiccarusk. edheam;e, gludtousre-diltoicr st"hing, coining fo local ftner, Sindi-inisheedgoodsof cating ceno-alizemode, inprove Vgtegas: Snimokedust, 3 Used an ysnO Adheaive: 5v3UeT sarrm ua yelow dehydrraion--castingadhesive increae the value of oadesivew,s procesd at products quality and decrease size in tnriePr yellowdextrin): d of tnree doxuio (2) ewedtpoto arch- scidation- agricunl end side-line fenimerhousehold. its not wade gas I,000*Liquid Mcel fona dahyole, lquid pasaion:yeilow detrin. resorces good for qnAiy omdu Swresgth-rmasiageenet, inadoty CompoundCover peorlite metal (3)pVE1sabonized ric ad iunae emu s irouce Cleaur 'rOducion ASmea015es pseed r%uXunrw.fhuorcet ionsa- poDthkor activites Occupiedisnd..53 ha cover errrinig burden.rritiou. Wreko MA gaff age pckai- lquid iea rover jiembuw 220 _ _ _ a Xna mTeOeCot2 husk of tic, husk (1) raw mateeials-bnrdenresolve a 350 poor fner iabors can I.W,v reidue 8-44lAproduct I Compreheraively ulIitin the Mouirng rth las impac on Far4lFwctory 62 29ammon yan of coton Fse llurhraL condenaion -neutraization. pt jobs md increse the or4.llD-7,000ltdgy (I S0,) waste residue: 1) se s TSP.SO0 ravinent end ber COD,aeogby Annr Outpe corn cob (CeKO1) factrsobon--product-packsge income; I2Celd*1t40td a) Deide residue usedsD-ie 2)VAta waer PK coDo, alleviatedby Opn a new wy foe crop 3%asts add water. b). Dried reiddue used a acive FOD,. 254 titheseach yw, nmsasuresnl rnacshcontrol Fudrflt 5D3i m histhatlot re-id"c. inCrese ooom of S lAproduct carbons (11is raied ORtby 4 no uuadversab Occupiedlo3000ml I lcIs t farmen. 4.Wase ga from boiler c)PIdwft comhprtve EnvlrontremensModorg eni lpe tl The WokoemsamdStaff cz re'ce promiotethe agnckrictsr SOs: 32 kgh fertilizel' Sualen) p*tis femibleas longas( paid to Member 350 crlcopmneri v Smoke dust 4Dkgi ZCoal alg ued a coustuceon Eaudon is o ei~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~at.erials riomntlmntrn 3.Producing sodium ceA d eot. fi (2) eoilrliorr.(odi,ing wasteAd d MAhnol wnter afte Mieuttaliredby la sodLiummtcacbouxte) 4.use dtut rmaovqr ______iReduce noise with slencer -______I__ 0

EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECT CRAES 1996 5.4.3 Case Studies of EnvironmentImpact Assessment in Ningxia Province Rural Enterprises

The detail information of Ningxia case studies can be found in the EIA sub-report of Ningxia province(Appendix 3 ). The main conclusions are summered in Table 5-4.

* Table 5-4(1) Investigationi and Evaluation of Influence of Rural Enterprises on Environment

Nnrn d. ie EenY.. OrfXi4i [IIKe S."r P,rFe.i'r r turt.i- d tirh.weiret xiii rr .iy wIe

Subproect' s significanoc To solvc ttc Waesand proonrsingprobiem of p"tto, th1cdoxinatnit crop loeal farmers grow and create ornditiortsfor the implementationof the subpro)ct as soonas perible.

Pt' p mrireof ttie finanorx 2. Expected objcrtives,a). Tbc construriionof the sutiprojoctwould bring a vcry notabic bcnofit to the poor subproject farmers in thic projoztarca. b). 32,500 tornaof potato rould be purchased eachyear and 15. 275 miltion yuan

would he disbursedfor potato purdiasing. c). Pcr capita net inermncwould generate an increase in 234ynianin * the project arca and the subprojter would provide job for 180 poor farmers in the projec area.

1. Lzcation of the subprojct: 2km away fron the Cat patrt of Xiji county and thrce is no seniliee protecting larget.

2. Watcr body of reccptivesewage and ihsfunction: Dry setndyriver, watcr budy of recptive scwatgein the city andi flord rarrying * C. Subproyoahckground

3. Die ncirrst distaiec to lic ricighbuttringrcsidenec. 1500 intecrs

4. Arc therc mny dvcitoprtcait acrtiviticsaround (lic area end whicdl typcs of tic aclivilicc arc thcsc Extcnsion of Xiji Sheep Ftir Fl.irrncicic Factory

e 1. Mlajor prodorltion prfxcidrcr. raw ottcrial --- waling -- grounding -- sparaling -- ceixreitratio --tblearzhiig- dclhydratbirg -- drying -sicvmilg - -firiishw prdict.s

2. Raw imtacriI errisu,,ipdtiiit pooaio:325,00 totts/year, coal:2031 tos /year, waicrr 270,000 crt. In. /year. 0 D. Srri.rojoct corintert: 3. Metlcrl and deciltergecaptcily:a). Thc s-idke fro., tte boiler will be purified watl drying before teting rcieisnd 5 aiid irc sitorkc aniount is 201/7 X 1t0o tn. /y,rtr b) wRste wrater frotim wasilng wvill IC riL-.ii after

dreposilioIgirettircuin itrir. drclturgc tnoiuat is 900,000 cl. in. c). Protein waste watter wdl be reail recycilkgiy

with air 1hostaiet1aNrt utIMctrtrglr -itrirntis i[tX.0i0 cli. ii. /year -

0 1. Poasibility of aot rig dte;iti1, tlrucl,tn toeitorit It, ,: gir-lciri frOi.t walste watIC r %ItrIf ICr[ -er trsi,I ir

flotkrn,to anid astseivotcr woillt rotidu- rocycliielyvalter dlrlxiili,ig irr.ititi tn.t

5. Pilitity it irNilirrol starritird tobe rieletl f- l.rli.riati ditdiargo w- astewair tie]d g6LOtni l diMeoergedafter tbing purifis,.

* Wh1irhtideteirirettts ion f-eir-.d trit rio1titcine,tt fir htie -rviromrr-t-iiMlprXrtirt i D ei rtitili rgc of Itle citvrontirmiitrrl alrrietlttil trno,art aoniity PMO.

i. i.t~CtiiiOOitriiii 2. Are ilictre mi)- ri.risrrrfi INrmviu,rtirlatlnlltrxirr iti ithe Irrofat o ot'rslc ti tt,rr tintel Nou-in'ntrI' t c tat,tr wSill

t-i,c -rh0 i fli .,.i frier -r'r.ristrg -illt toi-ttt wit riO, jn.-ttitr ri.d --roke fi..r.. Irit:rI remit Ir- r..u.n urq,.1 tiimg -rrt itt,l it ii ruens>i.



0 .

EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECT CRAES 1996 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Table 5 - 4(2) Investigation and Assessinent of Influence of Rural Enterprises on Environient

A. V.. r do .b,-k t.., ¢.1 it Ft.. P-4t. i.-,r . Xii ...... rIp b XiII er

I.SubprojoCt 3significanceTo develop pillar indurtry using k=tl flax strnw, to Iransform rusotutc superiority inlo cesodedity orc, to chtangethe poverty-stricken situatik,, improvc livirng standard and create a condition for farmers to be bcttcr-off.

2. ExpectedobjectivcTlte production capacity is 600 tons of flax fibre per year , nely incrementalproducion iI Purxec of thc financod value is 2750, 000 yuan and profit is 622, 900 yuan. Thn auibpoject will probnotethc development.of local subproect tconomy using local resOutem. It will betneit 13,500 poor fanners antd per capitanct income from salesof raw

material will be 62.47 yuan. After the implementation of the subproject, 125 workers will get job aid 750 farmers wiU get rid of povcrty and it will make the complement superiority of agriculture industry and trade

0 . play a full role, and further promote the development of agtriculture and raise tIc integratc benefit of the project.

1. Location of the subproject: in the factory, there is no important protcting target required by tih $tate.

2. Water body of receptive sewageand its functlin, Dongchni ditch which is seatonableron-off ditch

_ ~~~~~~~C.Subprojcct backgeuund 3. Tlc nearestdistanec to the neigJttmbringrcsidence, 1000 meters.

4. Arc thicre any dcvelopmentactivities around thicarca and siltct typrs arc dIsie 7 Tra"formation of dte farmland and culivation of plastic-niuldi ortn.

1. Majr production procodur-a ftax straw -airing -di,ping -noceisltng - finised tong fibre -- grading -'flax rctling - scutclting -dressing -' Ist tcorse flax -flax rcsidutc-'dcflaxing--*nourislting---2nd coarsc flax

2. Raw matterialrounumption t 3000 tons of flax straw

Content of the 0 ~~~~~~~D. 3. -mayof potlutant diseltrge and disharge a.mount: It is disceargedafter bing purified 12. 96 tons of SO2/year, subproy5Et 556 tons of NOx/yer, smoke and dust, 0. 808 tons/year, waste residue from boiler: 132.-2 tons/year,

wastc flax residue1 24i0tons/year

4. Poisibility of adOptingclean production technique, production capacity of waste watw ,14700 aL m. yearly and wistsiand treatment

5. Possibilty of raquirodstatndard to bo rcadsicdfor polUutiondischarcge, Aftcr bring trcated, wastc water and wastc gas catsbe discharcedaording to the rqtuired standard.

1. Which departmentsput forward the roquirermnt for the cnvironmental protoction? Depsrtments in charge of environmental protection in the project county and its PMO

* E. Subero. -Sy-r,eni, 2. Are there any mcaures for cnvironmcntal protection to bh taken in thc conLtruction pcrid of the sUbproject?

After bcing purified with land trcatnrnt system, waste watcr can be rcusedcomprchcnsivcly. Smokecand dust are be purified with drying.




Tablc 5-4 (3) Investigation and Assessment of Influence of Rural Enterprises on Environment

A. N.- of a,c,hpteolk IE.loe-, of XI) Shp FW.o Flo r-ig rxo-y 1i.0o OfI Sioet.-t to Xlii y Io.

1. Subpropct' s significanec:To sodveprocessing and salesproblem of shcep luides tlich are the dorniant prxtuct of local farmer househoidsin livestock raising, to provide condition for the implementation of the projct.

*B Purpeaweof the firianen subprojot 2. ExpoDctdobjoctivcs: Small akmountof invcatmcnt in the subproject will bc neodedand the subproject wiU produce dcsired result rapidly and havc a 3hort constructionperiteL Additional valuc of the productsis vcry higi

and socialbenefit is vcry notabte.Technological ltevel high and risk - resistanec cpribl:ity i soruognd economic benfcit b grood.

* 1. Location of the subproDet. 3 kr. away from eawtof Xiji county town therc is no sensitive protocting target

2. Water body of rotcpOivesewage and its function rdry sand lake, waterbody of remptive sewagein the city and flood carrying C Subprojct background 3. The nearcst distanec to the neighbouringresidene. 1500 miters

4. Arc there any devclopmentactivities around the area and which types are thiesc? Extension of Xiji Finc Stardi

Processing Factory

1. Majr production procedures.Treatment of fresh sheephides -*re-immersion -degrensing -rcmoving mat -tanning - pzrning & pruning - dyeing -taUiloring &. making e -flnisfhedproduct

2. Raw nateriat consumption: 12)0,000raw hides/ year, auxiliary materials; 152. 3 tOn/year , WateCr 50,000

D. CDntenl of th cut.m / year, electricity, 305,000kw/h, coal ,5003 tons/year

3ubproject 3. Way of pollutant disharge and didcargc amount: It is disghargrodafter b_ing purified wvithdrying, amount of t * srmokeis 51180XIO cu.m. /year, ctrocnewastc water witl bc disdwgrgodafter being trcatod with ncutralization and secondtime dopositand amount of waste water in the production is 18, OOOctLm. /year

4. Poksibilityof adopting cleanproductiDn tethnique, To ralse the rpepating atiation rate of water.

5. Puobieslityof roquired standard to bo retahctd for pollutant disdiargc: Aftcr being treated, chrome waste water and waste ga from bollcr can bc dischargedaocording to the roquired 3tandard.

1. YWlid department put forward the retquiremexntfor thc cnvironmental protection? Dctrtmnent in ctargc of environmental protction in the projot county and its PMO

E Sbp,eoe o..e, nli 2. Arc therc any mcasuresfor environmental protection to be taken in the construction period of the subproject? Smoke and dust from boiler should be purified and ctronnn wastcwatcr should be trcated with nmutrallzation.




Table 5- 4(4) Investigation and Assessmient of Influence of Rural Enterprises on Environment

A. N.e. 0N1 H.,--- c.q. Nl-.e1.. C I.d I S .( - S.1 n . i-.r, -PI, r-

1. Sutbproject' s significancec,To solvc tih cimploymiientprot4ctm of woxmenin the project arca and this suibprojet is suitable for the womnenwith LowWnCuGtion level and will provide opporunity and dhamnelfor womecnto gTasp procrssing tcchniquc.

*h Purporc of tic financed subpropect 2. Expeted obectivs, SmAll atnount of invcstment in the subprotyt vill be rnexid and the subprojoct will

produce desired resLIutrapidly and havc a stort construction perkid. Ackdtiionalvaluw of the productsis very high and swoial benefit Lavery nuthbIC, and risk-rcsistance capability is strong and eoonornrcberiefit iu got.

1. Lexation of Ihe subprojet, 3SkiL away frornsouthwest of Haiyuan oountytown there is no sensitiveprsotctirg target

2. Water brdY of rTpctlvc sewagCand its function. No sewageto be discharged.

C Subproject background

3. The nearestdistance to the neghbouring rcsidence, 1000 moters.

4. Are there any dcvcloprmentactivitics around the arca and which typcs are ticse ? Transformation of low and irddle-ykilding farmnland.

1. Mpisor prodttinim proldurcs, knitting wool -yan arrangement - wecaing -- Ierling -- care 3 washing -pattern cutting - trimnming-finishod procduct

2. Raw material onsurnmtion: knitting wool;108 tons/ year, ootton thread:34 tons/year D. Content of the subproject * S3 vay of pollutant dishrge and disdwagc amount, Dust in workshop is r-leasd in disorder

4. PousibWlltyof adopainrgclan production tochnique,

5. Pousibility of required stantlad to be reachedfor pollutant dischage, Fored draft ventilation is carTed out properly in workshop and working ctndition should he Improved.

1. Which departments put forward the requirementfor the environmental proteetion? Dpartmncatsin charge of environmental protectihr in the project county and its PMO

r sci,751m0r.,l 2. Ar there any ncasurus for environmental protection to be taken in the eonstruction peiod of the 3ubprojoet?

Forc,d draft ventilation and infprovemnnt of working oandition should be carried out in favor of womcn workers.



5.5 Prevention Measures of Pollution of Rural Enterprises

The main factors causing pollution by the rural enterprises are the discharge of waste gas, water and solid, and noise etc. The waste treatments of each enterprise should be comprehensively considered based on the amount and the way of emission and the surroundings of its site, and * select the best efficient plan. About this part there has been detailed recount in the chart of the environmental impact analysis of rural enterprises, here is a summary.

5.5.1 Countermeasures of Water Pollution Control

* 1. Adopt pollution free production, do best to save the water resource improve the utilization efficiency of the industrial recycling water, reduce the discharge of wastewater to the lowest degree.

2. Adopt advanced treatment technology, control the discharge amount of the wastewater strictly, perform the standards to abate the environmental pollution caused by industrial wastewater.

5.5.2 Countermeasures of Air Pollution Control

* 1. Do best to select the type of coal which contains less sulfur in order to abate the emission of sulfur dioxides.

2. Control strictly the gas pollutants emission, using all kinds of desulfurization and dust removing facilities, abate the sulfur dioxide and the dust emission amount of industrial boiler. J

5.5.3 Countermeasures of Solid Wastes Pollution Control

The solid wastes in the project mainly come from the coal cinder of the boiler. The cinder can be * used as crude building materials such as making brick, also can be used for surfacing a road, filling the puddle and so on, to reduce the cinders pilling in open air. Moreover, in the processing of making rural by-products, the waste should be comprehensively utilized.

5.5.4 Counterrneasures of Noise Control . Noises mainly come from all kinds of mechanical equipment, reduce the harmful effects of noises on human health by building separated workplaces, the sound-proof wall insulation. Using the sound absorption facilities, afforest the factory area etc.





5.6 Develop the Total Quantity Control of Pollutants Discharge from Rural Enterprises

To implement the total quantity control of pollutant is needed for assuring the achievement of "the ninth five years" objective in environmental protection. It is the inevitable tendency in ensuring and improving environmental quality. . The China Qinba Mountains Poverty Reduction Project has total 171 rural enterprises, they are distributed in 26 national focal point county assisting poverty. Because no environmental pollution had been regarded as key standard of project selection in the distinguishing stage of the project, it has been concerned about adopting the production process pollution-free or providing the treatment measures necessary the discharge amount of rural enterprises. In addition to that the rural enterprises are scattered, single project's environmental effect to water and air in the area where they site is light is all very small.

* According to the particular conditions of rural enterprises, the following measures would be sure to be adopted in the total amount control of pollutant discharge.

1. Require every rural enterprises implementing strictly the discharge standards of the nation or the region and the regulation about "three works in the same time" of capital construction, every * kind of pollutant must emit under the standard.

2. Require the new project construction on the old factories base treating the old pollution source, assure that the total amount of discharge do not increase after the new construction.

3. Be carefully select the factories site distributed rationally, control the discharge of the factory under the total quantity control plans of every county, not causing local pollution.

4. Develop the pollution-free production, adopt the advanced production process and treatment * technology worldwide, reduce the discharge to the lowest extent.

5. Adjust the total quantity of emission in the region, do not surpass the regional total quantity controlling objective.

In Shaanxi province, there are 181 enterprises called "five small" being forced to close according to the State Council's document number 31 (1996). The "three wastes" discharge amounts of those enterprises in the follow Table 5-5, that of the new enterprise in the Table 5-6. From the tables, we can see that the amount discharged by new enterprises is far below that of the closed enterprises . 0



. *


Table 5-5 The "three wastes" discharge amount of 181 closed "fifteen small" enterprises County Name the closed small the discharge the discharge the discharge enterprises amount of waste amount of waste amount of waste gas (104m3) water (104t) solid (t) Ankang (City) 27 4100 32 11000 * Hanying 8 250 7.1 40 Ziyan 31 6400 26 65 Ningshan 190 2.9 30 Zhenba 14 480 2.6 20 Ning qiang 11 160 8.9 35 lue Xian 36 77000 96 16000 Xixiang 19 2500 17 200 Zhenan 16 3100 14 160 Zhuoshui 12 2300 18 90 * Total 181 133380 224.5 27640

Table 5-6 New rural business year's discharge amount in the project region County Name Discharge amount Discharge amount Discharge amount of waste gas of waste water of waste solid (t) (104MI) ( I 04t) Ankang (City) 6692 2.30 500 Hanying 41 1.76 0 Ziyan 2700 0.97 0 0 |Ningshan 680 0.36 0 Zhenba 136 0.41 0 Ningqiang 570 0.65 0 luexian 287 0.69 310 * Xixiang 1100 0.25 260 Zhenan 1300 0.17 0 I Zhuoshui 390 2.13 0 Total 10896 9.69 970

In general, the regional emission amount has decreased. It is helpful for the improvement of regional environmental quality.


77 .


* Chapter 6 Cost and Benefit Analysis of Environmental Economy

6.1 Project Investment

6.1.1 Composition of the Investment . The total investment of the project is 29,888 million yuan, including essential cost 2,298,469,095 yuan, unpredictable cost and fluctuating price cost summed up to 689,530,904 yuan. 50% of investment comes from World Bank and the other from domestic corresponding unit. The domestic corresponding investment was classified by provincial, urban and county levels.

6.1.2 Annual Investment

The construction period of the project is 6 years, arranged like this: Ist year: 460,581,969 yuan * (15.41% of the total); 2nd year: 616,544,696 yuan(20.63% of the total); 3rd year: 594,699,934 yuan (19.90% of the total); 4th year: 570,404,304 yuan (19.09% of the total); 5th year: 450,373,172 yuan (15.07% of the total); and 6th year: 295,395,925 yuan (9.88% of the total).

6.2 The Benefit of the Project

All the fixed capital investment will be 2,755,077,442 yuan with the calculating period of which is 20 years, including 6 years construction period and 14 years of production period. The depreciation based on the manufacturing period is 243,5197,173 yuan. The remnant of the fixed capital at the twentieth year will be 319,880,269 yuan.

6.2.1 The InpLut-output Analysis of the Project

The sales of the products will increase with the extension of the manufacturing year limit during * the calculating period. Within 20 years the sales will amount to 50,177,554,621 yuan and the operating cost is 29,925,955,048 yuan. Annual average output value will be 3,119,761,000 yuan. The newly increased profit will be 1,061,955,000 yuan. The tax will be 203,990,000 yuan.

6.2.2 Assessment on Financial Affairs

According to the plausible research, the income ratio of the financial affairs of the project area is 24.90%. The income ratio the financial affairs of the productive project is 29.60%. Both are higher then the social average income ratio (which is 12%). Within the 20 years calculating period, * the accumulative net profit of the 8th year is positive. The net profit of 20 years is 3,999,141,906. And the accumulative net cement value the 10th year is positive. The total net accumulative value of the project is 2,270,261,933 yuan.

All data based on certain analysis is higher than the social basic discount rate which is 12%, * meaning the great capability of preventing from risk. It can be seen on Table 6-1.



Table 6-1 Financial Analysis Table Range of change Income ratio within financial Net value affairs (%) (yuan) Income decrease 10% 18.2 1,063,246,508 Cost increase 10% 20.5 1,486,185,495 * Basic situation 24.9 2,270,261,933

6.2.3 Assessment on National Economy

According to the shadow price and port prices of some commodities of (( The methods of economic assessment parameters of construction projects )) issued by State Commission of Planing and the prices of the main input and output of the projects are adjusted and their economic prices are calculated. The economic flow table is made. The income ratio of all the economic parts is 40.00%. The accumulative net cement value of the 7th year is positive during * the 20 years period of the project. The accumulative net value of 20 years is 490,865,178 yuan. The accumulative net income is positive and that of the 20 years is 2,519,160,094 yuan. The net income of and beyond the project is 37,493,884 yuan. 'Ihe retrieving period of the static investment of the project is 5.88 years. And that of the dynamic investment of the project is 6.489 years.

6.2.4 Analysis of the newly increased productivity of the project

1. 171 processing factories are built or rebuilt when the project is carried out. Among these, there * are 8 mining and processing factories, 8 building material processing ones, 53 processing ones for agriculture produces and their by-products, I forage processing one, 16 tea processing ones, 12 processing ones for fresh fruits, 15 for livestock products, 9 manual enterprises, 14 for woods products, I reeling mill, 13 for others. Besides, 21 markets for agricultural trade are built. The processing and manufacturing capability within the project region will be greatly increased. . 2. 6,375 ha. dry farm land are supported to be reformed and so are 8,309 ha. paddy fields, 23,741hectare stone-banked terrace fields. 9,476 ha. sloping fields are transformed into terrace fields.

3. During the period of carrying out the project for forest fruits and cultivating, 12,010 ha area for cultivating economic plants is increased. 1,882 ha. low productive tee plantation is reformed. mulberry field will be 4,915 ha. Other forest fruits fields will be 28,655 ha. .

* 4. In the construction of animal husbandry, 312,464 pigs and 62,147 cows, 342,357 sheep, 4,086 broods of hares, 344,548 domestic animal supported to be raised by the project . Livestock products of many kinds will be greatly increased.

5. 774 km village roads will be built and 119 km of old road will be reformed, which increases road-towns from 411 to 450. When the project is finished, these are roads across all towns with



road villages increasing from 1,805 to 2,228, which can improve the transportation condition of villages within the project region.

6. 12,061 drinking water projects for men and livestock will be built, including 6,290 man-made wells and 965 water-storing pods, 1,237 drinking water cellar. 20,483 water conservancy projects of small kinds are built, including 8 irrigation projects, I reservoir, 21,566 tiny irrigation cellars, * 2,000 tiny irrigation wells, 15 machine wells. All of those basically solve the drinking problems of 52,360 people and 396,000 livestock within the project region.

7. The productivity of small power plants is increased by 2,175 kilovolts. 669 km of 10 kilovolts transmission and transferring lines are built or reformed and so are 75 km of those of 35 kilovolts * One transforming substation and 1,828 marsh gas pools are built.

By carrying out the project, the resource advantage is made fully use of within the project region. And so is the labor force. The infrastructure and basic productive conditions will be much better. The productivity and economic benefit is greatly improved, which makes the production and living standards apparently rise.

When the project is put into production, both the nation and the people within the region can have more income. Tax can be increased and within 20 years it can totally amount to 2,993,791,790 - yuan. In the 6th year when the project is being carried out, according to the fixed prices of 1990. income per person in the region is increased from less than 320 yuan in 1995 to more than 500 yuan, with food per person increased from 266.6 kg in 1995 to 397 kg and the area of basic farm land per person from 0.2 ha. in 1995 to 0.3 ha.

0 6.2.5 Assessment of Social Benefit

Carrying out the project betters the productive conditions with cultivated land, forest land, grass land, mulberry field and tea plantation greatly increased, the commodity economy quickly * developed, the steps of the peasants from poverty to rich quickened, which produces good benefit of helping poor people and obvious social benefit.

1. At the end of the 6th year, the net income per person per year within the region will be increased to 509 if calculated on the fixed prices in 1990, which is increased by 210.6 yuan. Food * production per person is increased to 397 kg, almost 50% higher than before. Meat production per person will be increased from 33 kg in 1995 to 42.1 kg. in 2001. The production of other agricultural products will be increased to different extents. Carrying out the project will make the income increase greatly and people have enough food. which is good for the social security and unity.

2. It will make a base for the social economic continued development to carry out the employment project. Developing the productive project will guide the people into the construction actively and lessen the social pressure caused by the reduction of land because of population growth and low * agricultural comparative benefit. The exploitation of land and farmers, town-village enterprises,

80 EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECT CRAES 1996 markets for agricultural trade and the exportation of labor create jobs for surplus labor of the project region. For example in Shaanxi Province, 49,300 jobs can be increased in agriculture. The second and third estates will have 33,300 jobs for people. The development of the project and the exportation of labor in the region can basically solve the employment problem of 118,000 surplus labors within the region in the province. And it can also make people better informed and knowledged. The good settlement of the rural surplus labor is good for social security.

3. The infrastructure project supports the construction of farm land irrigation facilitates, drinking water project for men and livestock, power project and village roads etc. The irrigation facilitates mainly refers to reservoirs of small kinds, ponds, irrigation ditches and pumping stations etc. which do good to changing from dry farm land to paddy fields and to increasing the insurance rate * of irrigating the original cultivated land to improve the food production. The drinking problem of men and livestock can be solved by building diversion channels, setting up diversion pipelines, reservoirs and pumping stations, Erecting transmission lines, and building water power station etc. can serve the production and lives in the region, and improve the development of the 2nd and 3rd estates. Building roads across villages and joining them with built roads of county class is good for the project region to have a relationship with outside and to improve the transportation. When the project is finished, the road line will be increased from 8,670 km to 9,444 kin, and the administrative villages where roads are across will amount to 2,228, more than 70% of all in the region. 404 tycoons can use electricity, increased by 10.98%. * Water conservancy facilities can solve the irrigation problems of 7,680 ha. farm land and also mitigate the difficulty of drinking water for people. The growing completion of the infrastructure can basically satisfy the needs of people's life which a substantial base for further social development.

4. When the project is carried out, a village system of science and technology, circulation service is basically formed. It can be realized that each town has its own comprehensive service station, each village has agriculture technical station and each natural village has its own model. The rural supplying and selling system and other economic service bodies are formed into a very good c Network. This corresponding service system is most important for scientific cultivating and breeding, popularizing advanced and proper technology, technology education and improving peasants scientific and technological knowledge and the quality of people. And 21 markets for agricultural trade are built will also do good to improving the commodity ratio of agricultural products, speeding up the development of rural commodity economy, making the rural market * brisk and enrich the material life of people in the region, which means it is very important.

6.2.6 Ecological Benefit Assessment

This project is one of the project which goes both over-regional and sectional engineering. It is based on the model of suiting measures to local conditions, overall planning and diversified undertakings, When it is carried out, the development of cultivating breading will promote agricultural products processing business, make full use of the advantages of light and heat resources, promote better use of land and improve the probability of fighting natural calamities, all * of which will help to change the ecological economy into a fine circle.



The project is programmed and designed according to both of principle that in the develop rural social economy and poverty reduction in the region become rich and that pollution must be decreased and the environment must be protected to promote to promote the benign circle of agricultural productive system and ecology to have a good ecological benefit.

* 1. It is reviewed by the Environmental Protection Bureau that the economic technological design of the project is reasonable.

It can not only promote the economic development in the region, but also pays attention to promoting the continued coordinate development of the agricultural productive system and * ecological protection system. The project regions are mainly distributed in poor villages in faraway mountain area. They are scattered. The construction is disperse and the constructors only have a fluidity which will not pollute the environment. They pay attention to smooth land, land and water preservation. They will not destroy original florae. These measures will also help e protect and control soil erosion.

2. The measures of agriculture and the synthetic development project of cultivated field can improve local ecological environment. The increase of amount of chemical fertilizer and farm chemical used in the cultivated land has little negative effect on the environment because of the * powerful service system which guide farmers to carry out the provisions and operating program. Measures are taken to change the used agricultural membrane into the new to be sure that the old is retrieved, or to popularize the use of degradable agricultural membrane as wide as possible to decrease " white pollution". The reformation of coordinating the water, gas, manure and heat to create a benign can circle of soil ecological environment and to enrich synthetically the land, The - project of changing sloping field into terrace fields and of woods, fruits mulberry, tea and Medicare Herb's plantation can both promote the development of the commodity economy in the regions and also protect water and soil, reserve the source of water to improve the coverage rate of forest, adjust the climate, purify the environment, change the situation of soil erosion and promote the benigincirculation of environment.

3. a great amount of organic manure will be produced for agriculture in the regions with the development of breeding which will decrease environmental pollution if retrievcd to the cultivated field. And it can also better the soil and increase the amount of organic matter in it to improve good circulation of the 12 natural ecological system in the regions.

4. Pay full attention to the estates with no pollution or low pollution when town village enterprises choose what they will manufacture or process. Choose the kind of estate which is also small and scattered. For the projects which could possibly produce waste gas, water and dregs etc., the principle of clean program, construction and production to protect the environment must be strictly obeyed. Waste water, waste gas pollution and dross must be strictly controlled to compliance the national standards and to avoid the creation of new pollution source.

* 5. For the construction of infrastructure, it must be prevented from destroying the natural

82 .


protection area when dealing with the land and making pits. Protecting slants and drain ditches must be taken enough care of and be carried out to construct during the period with less rain. Construction should be made along with the level line as possible as you can and surface runoff should be prevented from washing out new earth. All kinds of measures taken make it sure that the natural environment will not be destroyed and that the coordination of construction and environment and a benign circulation will be promoted. 0 6.2.7 Comprehensive Benefit Assessment

The project produces apparent comprehensive benefit when carried. The project region covers vast area of Sichuan Province, Shaanxi Province and Ningxia Autonomous District. There are 26 x counties, 361 towns and 2,941 administrative villages. It makes the income per person and the elementary farm land per person of 2,330,000 poor people apparently increase, which is an obvious benefit of helping poor people. The newly increased amount of agricultural products including its specialties and processed products will have great effect on the further development of the social economy. The projects mainly with biographical measures can promote the water and soil conservancy and improve the ecological environment to make production and environment develop coordinately, and circulate properly. The synthetically construction will better the living conditions and productive conditions of 350,000 poor people in the project region and its surroundings which will make it a great model of helping poor people.

6.3 Environmental Protection Investment of the Project

6.3.1 Investment

Following related items of environmlental protection investmenit of 4( The Provisions of Environmental Protection Program of Construction Projects )) (87) National Environment No.002 of the People's Republic of China. Associated with the environmental protection measures and plan put up in this report. The environmental protection investment of the project in this respect * will tentatively be 4%-6% of the total. It is mainly used in the items followed. (1) (Ground film) Plastic reprocessing; (2) The afforesting of the area of infrastructure construction (including the infrastructure of cultivated land, roads and diversion channel etc.); (3) The environmental administering project of rural enterprise; * (4) Environment surveillance: (5) Environment protection training; (6) The environmental management.

6.3.2 Economic loss and benefit

The effect of the development of natural resources on the environment can be recognized as the cost of developing resources within permitted range. Therefore, the cost of reducing, avoiding and tackling the environmental effect, known as environmental protection investment, in a certain kind v of condition, can be recognized as development lost which will be counted into the project


. EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECT CRAES 1996 investment and be analyzed economically.

* The environmental protection investment of the project is 4%-6% of the total investment, lower than the standard of 10% of increasing and decreasing investment of financial sensitive analysis of the project. So the investment will not affect the economic benefit of the whole project.

* 6.3.3 Comprehensive Analysis of the Loss and Benefit of the Investment

Generally, environmental protection investment can produce relatively greater environmental, economic and social benefit. It can be explained by the example of Jinbao Vermicelli Mill of Jialing District of Nanchong City, Sichuan Province. Investment

Jinbao Vermicelli Mill produces 1,500 tons of vermicelli per year. The total investment is 3,400,000 yuan. About 162.7t/d waste wvateris emitted after the productive process of cleaning, separation, fining and decolorization. This emission is made after the waste water reaches required standards after aerobic and anaerobic biochemical processing. The waste gas of coal-fired boiler is emitted out of a 20-meter chimney after dust removal made by dust removers. Dross of pieces of yam after the process of pressing and baking is changed into feeding stuff to be sold. The * investment in the waste handling equipment is about 170,000 yuan, which will be 5% of the total amount. Benefit

In utilizitg the three kinds of industrial waste, waste water produced biochemically is emitted after reaching the standards, which means that the water resources can be utilized with no need to pay for the emission. A profit of 7,322 yuan can be made from this .Waste gas after the process of dust removal is emitted out of the 20 m shaft, which decrease the pollution of atmospheric environment. This can reduce the diseases of local people caused by pollution. Which means the medical cost of 2.000 yuan will be saved. 1,470 tons of yam dross is produced every year. The change from the dross to feeding stuff can decrease environmental pollution and have some economic value. Calculated at the price of 0.20/kg, the yearly benefit is 294,000 yuan. Totally we can make the economic beneftt of 303,322 yuan per year from the environmental protection investment. If the * cost of the maintenance of environmental protection facilities energy and transportation is excluded out, the net benefit of the environmental protection is 151,661 yuan. Then we can retrieve the cost of environmental protection environment within 1.12 years. Comprehensive Assessment 303,322 yuan can be earned from the environmental protection facilities if they work properly and the net income is 151,661. The effect on the environment and human bodies mode by wastewater, waster gas and dross is decreased. After the environmental protection investment is compensated, the left yearly income can be used either in expanded reproduction or in helping the poor people to * unify the benefit of society, environment and economy.



Chapter 7 Plan of Environmental Management and Environmental Monitoring and Control

The construction and application of the World Bank poverty reduction project in will give rise to the local environmental impact. According to "Environmental Protection Law of the People's * Republic of China " and National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA), State commission of Planning, Ministry of Finance document No.324 for environmental surveillance of People's Bank of China and other requirements concerned with the World Bank project, the corresponding environmental protection measures should be adopted to abate or eliminate the negative environmental influence, set up the national environmental management system and monitoring mechanism. Enhance the environmental management, assure that the environmental protection measures and policies and monitoring plan are carried out effectively and protect environment even better.

* 7.1 The Environmental Management Mechanism

7.1.1 Organizations of Management Mechanism

The plan is a large one which involve many kinds of subjects and across cities and provinces, 3 environmental protection surveillance and management need to coordinate the construction branches closely with the environmental protection branches. The relationship of every department is shown in Figure 7-1

State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development

Environmental consultants incial ,overty , * | and advisors group Alleviation and Bureau of province Dvelopment <

Environmental * Poverty Alleviation and Protection Development Office of Office of county * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~regional(city),county

Environmental Monitoring Station and other special monitoring organizations e

* Figure7-1 Structure of Environmental management Organization


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7.1.2 Major Function

The function of departments can be divided into three levels. The assisting poverty office of the state councils is the first level, mainly to direct the project's setting, affairs and lay down the policy and the guiding principle coordinately. The EPA and the poverty alleviation and development office of the province (and the consultants group, the academy of environmental * science of the province ) belong to the second level. They are mainly in charge of the planning and design of the project and standards' setting, in addition to the supervision and management in the process of EIA or the project's environmental protection. The assisting poverty office and EPA of the county and their junior brand belong to the third level. They are mainly in charge of laying down the executive plan and of carrying out all kinds of technological standards of the project or * of monitoring and supervising the execution of project's environmental protection measures.

The environmental protection department should be set under the province assisting poverty office after the project set out formally, it will be in charge of the environmental protection affairs of the c project specially. The general task of it is to organize, practice, supervise responsibly the design and execution of the project's environmental protection.

7.2 The Plan of Environmental Management and Supervision

* In the every executive stage of the project, the contents and plan of the work of environmental management and supervision departments of levels are shown on Table 7-1.

7.3 The Plan of Monitoring

7.3.1 Organization of Monitoring

According to the requirement of environment management and the objective of environment monitoring, the project's environmental monitoring mechanism include the monitoring station of * the county, local ( city ) and province and the monitoring department of the province APO. The setting of it is shown in Figure 7-2.

7.3.2 Personnel and Equipment . Utilize primary personnel and some pieces of equipment in the county, local, regional and provincial environment monitoring station, set up the environment monitoring lab under cvery level of APO, equipped with monitoring personnel.



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Table 7-1 Plan of Environmental Manage ent and Superv ision of the Project * work contents management executive management department measures department project setting assure that the province the Planning Commission, project plan involve assisting poverty Financial Department, that plan of office Assisting Poverty Office, environment EPA of the province protection planning, offer the general province Assisting Poverty office design plan of assisting poverty and EPA of the province environmental office early protection construction compile the offer the sections APO and APO and EPA of the period feasibility about environmental Institute of Province research report protection environmental of the project Science of the Province EIA organize special APO and EPA of the province * persons to Institute of investigate and environmental compile the outline Science of the and report of EIA Province carry out the assure that the Local ( city) APO and EPA of the construction environmental county province standard investment and government and strictly engineering should APO Construction be practiced period organize all raise the peasents' the county APO local (city ) EPA, APO of kinds of environmental; the province special protection * association consciousness in the region build a carry out the APO and the EPA of the Province consultant advising and Institute of group treatment of environmental environmental science of the * protection province technology and the investigation and examination of the environmental protectionplan * operating period routine Monitor Environmental EPA of the Province environmental environmental Monitor station monitoring quality of the county, Local ( city ) and province environmental supervise the effects local ( city), EPA and APO of the * law execution of every county's EPA Province and environment rules supervision and regulations executed


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* IAPOof th~~~~~~~~~e Province tlSeiis *= | Consultant roup l

The Provincial Environmental The Province Monitoring; - - Monitoring station (The Pro- Department of the Project The Province EPA vincial Agricultural Environ- mental Monitoring Station)

The County Environmental The Monitoring Departmeni The County Monitoring station(The County of The Province EPA Food IHygieneMonitoring station)

. Management(or )- - Feedback

Figure 7-2 Monitoring system

7.3.3 Monitor Items

(1) Agricultural environmental monitoring items 3 -Soil erosion ( soil erosion modulus ). -Soil fertility ( N, P, K, organic matter). -Soil pollution ( Cd, Cr, Pb, As, Hg, organic-phosphorus pesticide ). -Forest land and grassland ( forest land's area, cutting amounit,grassland's * area, rat, pest, disease, animal carrying capacity). -Forecasting and monitoring of mud-rock-flow. (2) Air pollution monitoring items -Sulfur dioxides ( S02 ). e -Nitrogen oxides ( NOx). -Total suspended particles Matter( TSP). -Fluoride. (3) Water pollution monitoring Items -Surface water: pH, sulfate, dissolved iron, total manganese, nitrite, dissolved oxygen, CODcr, BOD5, fluoride, total cyanide, total coliform group bacteria. -Drinking water of man and livestock: Color, opacity, odour and taste, volatile phenol, sulfate, fluoride, chlorinate, Tss, cyanide, As, Se, Hg, Cr (IV), Pb, nitrate, total numbers of bacteria, total coliform group bacteria etc.



(4) Monitoring items of rural enterprise discharge * cyanide, Pb, Hg, organo-phosphorus pesticide sustain, Cd, F, Nitrite, total coliform group bacteria, total number of bacteria.

7.3.4 The Requirement of Monitoring Technology

The project's environmental monitoring range covers all involved villages of 26 counties in the region. The monitoring cycle, methods and units are shown in Table 7-3.

Table7-3 The requirement of Monitoring Technolon, * Monitoring Items Monito Monitoring Analysis Method Monitoring Units ring Frequency Cycle soil once a the Province Agriculture pollution year Monitoring station, the Province Project's

* ______Monitoring Department soil fertility once a same above Agricultural ear Monitoring soil once a same above Items ollution year forest land once a same above mand year grassland Air once a three days air monitoring same above Environment year successively methods concerned once in "Environmental sampling monitoring * technology guideline" surface once a three days "Water and waste water year successively water monitoring once and analysis Water sampling methods" * Environment Drinking once a "Living drinking the county water of year water of standard Environmental man and testing methods" monitoring station the livestock county project's monitoring department The hygiene part in same as above "The National Food hygiene operating guideline of sanitary and anti- epidemicstation No certain special testing same as above period method concerned Discharge in "Environmental Monitoring monitoring technology _ guideline"


Chapter 8 Public Participation

Public participation is a necessary part of EIA on the projects loaned by the World Bank, which requires full considerations for demands and suggestions of the organizations, community, and local non-governmental organizations (NGO). During EIA, public participation and expertise * consultation should be helpful to understanding of the nature and scale of social, environmental and economic influences of the project. These works can make the project planning and designing more reasonable and perfect and thus bringing more environmental and economic benefits.

8.1 Ways and Contents of the Public Participation

Three ways of public participation are adopted in the EIA, i.e. expert consultation, symposium, and questionnaire. Participants of questionnaire are listed in Table 8-1. Table 8-1 Participantsof questionaire * Education Profession Age Education Number Percentage Type Number Percentage Age span Number Percentage Illiteracy 70 2.27 Cadras 782 25.36 <30 14.1 45.45 Promary school 771 25.00 Worker 325 10.55 31-45 1.51 34.09 Middle school 2101 68.18 Peasant 1485 48.18 46-60 560 18.18 College and over 140 4.55 Other 490 15.91 >60 70 2.27

8.2 Working Procedure of Public Participation

Public participation have been lasting throughout whole EIA process (see Figure 8- 1).

8.3 Conclusions of Public Participation

1. The investigation of public participation got extensive support from personalities of various circles and all participants showed great enthusiasm. 3,0282 articles of questionnaires out of 3,500 were returned, accounting for 88%. The number of participants in questionnaire, symposium, and consultation is near 5,000, of which, 58% are male and 42% female. Results of thc investigation can primarily embody opinions and suggestions of community and NGO. See Table 8-2 for detail. 2. In the investigation, 92% of participants support and understand the poverty reduction projects, and 90% of them thought the projects are advantageous to the local economy. Those who are opposite and indifferent worried about weather or not the loan allocation follows the designed projects and the loan is really used for poverty reduction. * 3. When asked for suggestions to the overall planning of the project, 93% of participants


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EIS FOR THE CHINA QINBA MOUNTAINS POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECT CRAES 1996 opponents wanted to increase the portion of rural enterprises for it is the fastest way getting profits. The experts suggested that the weak ecosystem in the Qinba Mountain Area can only * be improved by preventing water and soil loss, increasing area of plantation and forestry, and thus enhancing resources for the rural enterprises. And then the social economy, ecosystem, and natural environment can develop in a sustainable way.

* 4. Large difference was found in answers to the question of "how about existing environmental protection facilities?". Only 70% of answers are '"Good", which showed deep concern of the public to the present treatment of pollution in project units.

5. In places with most minority population in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, over 80% of minority people thought their benefits and religious believes are considered and respected in the projects, and the projects can also take advantages of the local handicraft industry and * livestock. There are 4% wanted more investment in the rural enterprises of Ningxia.

6. Most of the public expressed deep concern in negative impacts of the projects construction on environment and production. 0

7. Some of the public wanted the project implementation to bring improvement of environmental quality with high hopes. They also hoped the rebuilding or extension projects can pay their debts in environmental protection.

8. During visiting investigation in typical project zonie,most of villagers have realized that one of the reasons of poverty is water shortage and another one is over cultivation of lands. So * they wanted to transfer paddy fields into fish pools and slope lands into orchards. We did not support any ideas reducing farmlands, but we did approve crop rotation, fishing in paddies, and fruit growing in wastelands and courtyards. Most of the villagers paid great attention to how much money they can get after the approval of the loan project. They wanted more cash at first year in order to buy necessary farm implements.

9. Some experts put forward some good suggestions on conserving water and biology resources,

* improving utilization of resources, adopting latest technologies, planning overall locations of the projects, and building roads, etc. Constructive suggestions have been considered in the measures of environmental protection.



In one word, experts, community, and representatives of social organizations reached unanimity at * that the project can change the backward situation of the Qinba Mountains Area. They hoped that the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty alleviation should put the project into affect as soon as possible. Possible problems in the project can be resolved gradually in its implementation.

0 Table 8-2 Statistics on the public participation Item Option Percentage(%) Approval 92

* What opinion do you hold on the project? Opposite 2 I don't care 6 Positive 90 What effect will the project put on thc local economy? Negative I 0 None 9 Improve 75

How will the project change your living quality? Lower 0

No effect 25 Yes 91

Is there any benefit for you to increase employment No

opportunities? Unclear 8 e Good 70 How about existing environmental protection facilities? Bad 27

No facilities

Heavy 9 0 How about environmental pollution aroused by the Slight 85

project? Not at al] 6

Yes 93

* Is the project designation reasonable'? No 6

I don't care

Improve 96

How will the project improve position of woman? Lower

* No change 3

Yes 80

Has the project considered the benefits of minorities? No 4

* Unclear 16



|Determine objective and scale of the public participation| * I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bistribute the project booklets and HIA outline and explain characteristics of environmental impact * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I lopinions of communities around the project areas

|EIA outline|

Examination by administrating Advice of expert7s |department of environmental protection|l

0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|Revise EiA outie|

0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Prepare EIA reporli

|EnvronmntI impact of the projects and mitigation measures]

|Opinions of communities | F Examination by administrating departmeni |around the project areas | |of environmental protection 3

*~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~Rslso h public participaton

Figure 8-1 Public participation and working procedure







Chapter9 Conclusionand Suggestion

9.1 Natural and ecologicalenvironment is very poor in the project region. Per capita incomeis less 320 RMByuan. Aid is imperative.

* 9.2 Land and farmer development project will make positive contribution to the regional ecologicaland environmentalqualities. The control strategiesfor soil erosion and improvement targets of soil fertility, raising the load livestockcapacity of the grassland,and environmental protectioncountermeasures of preventionand control pesticideand ground filmare feasibleand practicable.

9.3 The suitabledevelopment of rural enterpriseswill be benefit to local resourcesdeveloping. The cleaningproduction techniques and compliancedischarge techniques will keep the minimum negativeenvironment effects.

9.4 The living conditionof 3.5 million poor peoplewho living in the projectareas and surround areas will be improvedthoroughly. The social, economic and environmentalbenefits are significant.

* 9.5 Experts,delegate of mass organizationand publicof the project areas believegenerally that this project will be helpfulto improvethe ecologicalenvironment of Qinba mountainsarea and will increasethe incomeand makepeople lifted out of povertyand backwardness.

To sum up, this projectis clear in objectives,benefits significant, feasible to the environmentand supportedby public.It is suggestedthat the implementwill be startedearlier.




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Poor Household




Water-shorted Sheep

0 Irrigation Canals aid Ponds

0 0


0. -

a ~~~~Barren Hills into Tefface