* # > -I The Weather Avarace Dally Net Preaa Ran rerecMt ef O. 8. Weather » m For tile Wedi Ended » ^ December 1*. Ita t Fair, colder t«d|[ht, lew hi i teeha; eunnjr temorrow, Httle I 14,151 -peratare ekanKe, Wfb lu a^d Member of the Audit BnreM of Cireulmtlon Manehstter— A City of Village Charm PRICE SEVEN CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1965 (ClaMtfied Advertlsinf on Pa^e 14) VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 85 (SIXTEEN PAGES) « Events Three Kidnap In State Thresher Went to Sea Rob Plainville Art Committee Asks Permanent With Sub-Par Fittings PLAINVILLE (AP) __plater freed Gray In Newington^ 4B-callber automatic pistol, and then used his car In the and said, "this time we're going 15-Man Group Three bandits kidnap^ a robbery, state police said. to get it all.” New Britain man early to­ This was the first robbery of Mrs. Oreenhalgh said she be­ day, then set him free and a financial institution in Con­ lieved he was one of the two HARTFORD (AP)—The 1 Hushing Says necticut this year. men Involved in the Oct. 8 hold­ Connecticut Commission on used his car in a holdup at up. the Plainville branch of the Last Feb. 35, a b ^ i t forced the Arts, in its first report; three .women employes In the A second bandit stayed near to Gov. John N. Dempsey, Joints Failed New Britain Federal Sav­ same branch to lie down and the first, and the third man i ings and Loan Association, then escaped with $2,129 he had vaulted a counter and scooped today recommended among ! scooped up and dropped into a money from a cash drawer. other things, the creation i Sonic Tests Btate police said. Mrs. Oreenhalgh said ''consider­ The same branch was robbed paper bag. of a permanent 15-member Then, on Oct. •, two men able” money was taken. twice In 1964. The men then ‘fled toward commission. PORTSMOUTH. N. H. Urbum Avery, executive ot‘ robbed the same branch of The permanent commission's (AP)—The commander of tiCet dt the savings and loan $1,760. Bristol in the stolen car, which job would be to impelment pro­ association, said approximate­ A total of 33 holdups of banks had been left in front of the grams and recommendations tlie Portsmouth Naval ly $4,30Q was stolen. <6* savings and loan associations branch. made in a 22-page report. Shipyard aaid today the State police said George Gray occurred In 1964. Two other bank employes. The report was submitted to submarine Thresher went of New Britain w'as kidnaped Mrs. Marjorie Oreenhalgh, Miss Bertha Bollard of Bristol the governor by Charles Cum- to sea although 14 per cent earlier by three men, described manager of the branch, gave a and Mrs Betty Rousseau of | ^Vest Hartford, chair- as two Puerto Ricans and a Ne­ newsman this account of today's Plainville, were in. the office at commission created of its pipe fittings did not gro. robbery: | the time of the robbery. Miss by the 1963 General A.>!.sembly ’ meet the standards of an Although all details .were not When the bandits entered, one Bollard was also pre.sent during to survey the state's artistic experimental ultrasonic known, apparently the men stayed in tlfe doorway, pointing I the other two robberies. and cultural activi'ies. i testing method. The commission also recom­ I Capt. William Hushing, who mended appointment of two lull j wa.s not rommander of the -time salaried consultants to the shipyard at the tirpe the .subma­ state commissioner of educa­ rine was lost, told a news con­ One of Four Men Quit Smoking tion. One would be a con­ ference "There wa.s poor judg- ' sultant on the visual arts and ^ment in not continuing ultra.son- one on music. ic tests of pipe Joints." The The commission also said that Thresher broke up during a New Public Health Survey Says the consullant.s could work out deep dive April 10, 1963, with art and music education pro­ the lo.ss of 129 men. grams that would provide equal Hihshing, who served on tti« WASHINGTON (AP) __f attributed much of the de «a pronounced decline last opportunity for all students in board of inquiry which inves­ dine to the report of a year ago spring all communities. tigated the tragedy, called th» Surgeon General Luther L The surgeon general said the today that labeled cigarette news' conference to comment on Terry said today nearly one decline found by the Health Reapportionment a critical report i.ssued by a out of four adult men has smoking a hazard to health, as­ Service and other evidence di­ congressional committee. sociated it with several diseases rectly challenge "the charge HARTFORD (APi The state given up cigarette smoking House of Representatives con­ "Ultrasonic testing wa.s only a and said it far "outweighs all that 'nothing has really hap­ pilot testing program.” he said. •ince 1962. other' factora" as-a-cause of pened' and that the smoking venes again today for what Re­ "All the other regular te.sU And, he said, surveys by the lung disease. habits of the nation are right publican and Democratic lead­ Public Health Service show ers hope will be the last week of Lonifsliorenicii ai Oanesiuii toiiipleie filial loauiiig of ships yesferda.v to avoid were carried out also. Ultra.son- Still, the Health Service aaid, back where they were" before having them tied up for duration of strike which started at midnight. These ic tests were called off — you ■moklng among women has de­ cigarette amoking remains a laat year's report by his advis­ work on reapportionment. could call that poor Judgment.” clined to a smaller degree "national catastrophe." An in­ ory committee. The Senate is scheduled to re- men are pre ing to load bales of cotton (foreground) onto freiglilei. (AP Hushing later told The As.so- but "the first time on record in teragency spokesman aaid it The council, his forum today, Kionvene Tuesday. Photofax.) - ______ciated Press that the standards which the trend has been down­ accounts for at least 136,000 and is not an official government Democratic Chairman John for the ultrasonic test prograin ward." possibly as many as 800,000 agency. Its members include M. Bailey and GOP Chairman were "over and above" regular "If smoking habits had con­ American deaths each year. representatlvas of the Health A. Searle Pinney are pressing tinued at the level of three for passage of a reapportion­ Moon Plans standards set by the Navy’s Bu­ Terry conceded that hia "pre­ Sendee and of 16 federal, and reau of Ships. , years ago, there would be about private agencies interested In ment package by Friday. $.5 million more smokers than liminary" evidence on reduced IntraA erty talks were held D ock Handi Huddle HONOLULU (AP) — He said the higher standarda consumpUon does not tally with health and education, among for the ultrasonic teats were not then, actually are today." Terry them the American Cancer ^ over tne weekend in effort? to What will the first man In •aid m an addre.ss prepared for the trends indicated by tobacco resolve disputee .««ver a few the moon do when he first mandatory requirements. warehouse shipments gnd tax ciety. < "Fourteen per cent of the fit­ ’ delivery to the recently formed Terry said a random naiuon- trouble spots in-remapping Sen­ arrives on the earth's ro- returns. These point to a re*ur On Strike mahtic Balcllite? Astro­ tings didn’t meet the .standards - National Interagency Oiuncll on gence of cigarette smoking after wide sampling list fall of 8,800 ate districts^ ^nd creating House, described in the Bureau of Ships ■moking and Health. “ " - I American households found — distrU^fs. naut Charles Conrad Jr.,-, who may be one of the letter outIin(pg the ultrasonic on the basis of a prelmlnary NEW YORK (AP)—Leadei-s of the International world’.s -first moon men, test program.” Hushing said. analysis — that; ' Admits Breaks The fittings did meet the stand­ 1. The number et male clga Longshoremen’s Association gathered today to consider .says he has H figured BRIDGlEPORT (AP)—Five Ju out, ards of the normal test' pro­ rette araokere in the population veniles apprehended on Friday strategy in a Maine-to-Texas dockworkers strike. __ 'Make Immediate plans gram, he said. Lady Bird’s Gk)wn dropped from 86 per cent — as have admitted taking ]>art in The walkout by the 60,000-'f' to return," he said. The ultrasonic testing was reported in both 1966 and 1962 — 32 break-ins during the past member ILA , started at 12:0l ecutive council was expected to described as an electronic to 62 per cent, a decline of seven month, police said today. a.m. after members rejected a consider re.submitting the con-1 method capable of detecting percantlige^poinU. proposed-new contract. tract to members. Objections | flaws or weaknesses. 2. In the same apan, the per' (Bee Biflit) The imion’s international ex- to a clause calling for a grad- ■ He labeled a.s "entirely false” Top Secret Subject eentage of women smokers ual reduction In work gangs Key es Given a report that submarines were dropped from 81 per cent to apparently triggered the strike. being released early, from alxnit 28 per cent. -‘XT Some union officials,, however, Portsmouth to meet fleet dead­ r. By RHF.A 8TRWART The surgeon general said oth 10-18 Years lines for delivery. (Herald Special' Writer) er studies conducted by the were reported in favor of allow­ ing the walkout to continue, a "I don’t believe Portamouth agency In the pest year indicate Ohio Train Wreck Carmelo Andino Reyes, who NEW YORK—One wor­ that "many smokers have be week before a second vote on ried about Mrs. Lyndon the pact. pleaded guilty in November to ' (See Page Eight) Johnson during the appear­ (Ree Page Eleven) Associates of Thoma.s W. a charge of manslaughter in ance of the initial item in Kills Six Crewmen Gleason, union president, said the death of his 82-year-old he planned to have all ILA lo­ employer, was sentenced to­ R.R. Trustees the spring collection of cals here meet in an effort to day 10 to 18 years in prison. John Moore, the 36-year- LBJ Readies WOOSTER, Ohio (AP)—Six crewmen burned to sell, the contract to them. Reyes, appearing in Tolland Seek Permission old designer from Texas death today in a fiery collision of two heavy freight The West (Joast is not In­ (Jounty Superior Court in Rock­ wlio has ihade her gown for trains at a diamond track crossing. A seventh crewmen volved in the walkout. Dock ville, was given 10 to 15 years 1 o 1 nm Service r 4 Messages workers there are represented [ on the manslaughter charge the Inaugural .Balls. escaped. ^ by another organization, the and three ycai.s on a related This opener featured a point­ The state Highway Patrol re­ Ion; And these B&O crew­ charge of aggravated assault. NEW HAVe N (AP>—The trus­ ed cap that looked as if it had men ; engineer Carl R. Duck- International Longshoremen’s 4 ported four bodies were taken Union, inde­ Reyes, a 37-year-old Hart- tees of the bankrupt New Haven folded from a green linen nap­ On Program from diesel engine units of the worth, brakeman F. C. Crus- Warehousemen’s Railroad expect to ask U.S. kin, 'with a green plastic visor chel, fireman G. S. Williams, all two trains. Two bodies still were (See Page Bight) (See Page Eight) District Judge Robert P. Ander­ across the front. There was a WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ pinned in the wreckage. of New CJastle, Pa., and a 6th son this week for permission to : a beautifully simple green linen dent Johnson sends four more The crash shook houses near­ man, not Immediately Identi­ apply for curtailment of com­ tunic, nut beneath it were knee- niessagee to (fongress this week by in Sterling, where the Erie fied. muter service to New York C!!ity. length pants. "That'll keep the to spell out details of Ms legisla­ Lackawanna Railroad line Two men In the Erie caboose The trustees are apparently sun out of Ladybird's eyes," tive program. crossed tracks of the Baltimore escaped Injury. They were iden­ Kuhn Threatens to Talk confident that Anderson will ^>- commented an editor. Tue..iday there will be one on. It Ohio Railroad. tified as FVed Vestal and N. G. prove their petition. But then came- the serious education. Wednesday on lmmt‘ The four-diesel unit of the Tyson, both of Marion, k “We think we have a good pieces of Moore’s collection, one gration, Thursday on foreign aid BAO^, pulling 107 freight cars, An Erie-Lackawanna spokes­ If Jewels Remain Missing case,” said trustee Harry W. of those being shown to fashion and Friday on spa^e. They fol­ was moving slowly into the man said the Erie train, which Dorigan. editors at Delmonioo's Hotel as low last Thursday's message on track Intersection when the Erie was westbound, was traveling Prom U. 8. IMstriot Oourt here part of the Amerloan Designer four-diesel unit collided with it. “at normal speed, which would Kuhn, 26, is charged-, along health and the President's State be about 50 miles per hour in NfcW YORK (AP) — Florida the next stop is the Interstate Series. And as one admirable of the Union message (Jelivered (Chester Winkler, fire chief at skin diver Allan Kuhn was re­ with Jack (Murph the Surf) Commerce (Ilommisaion in Wash­ bit of design followed another, a week ago tonight. Sterling, which is 81 miles that area.” Murphy, 27 and Roger Clark, ington. . . the editor? grew more and more southVest of Cleveland, was j Electronic signals control ported tpday to be ready to 29, of Meriden, Conn., with theft - Johnson's requests are piling traffic at the Intersection, and pro-Moore, and applauded when up on a Congress that still awakened by the crash, less name everybody concerned with of the Jewels from the Museum (See Page Bght) than 200 feet from,his house. the spokesman said the signals the night of Oct. 29. — 4------he came out for an Informal hasn't had a chance to get or­ tht when Jewels stolen from the Museum conference about his famous ganized. Both House and Senate, I looked out land saw flames ' are„ Interlocking, K.. so .io. of Natural History unless a still The district attorney’s office gown. shooting 100 to 160 feet in the « hissing part of the'loot is re­ reportedly was ready to recom­ hope to complete action on com­ air,” he aaid. The clUef said nal the other has a stop signal. mend one - ye?r sentences for The gown has already been mittee assignments during the The highway patrol was In- turned. delivered and photographed In week. Until they do, no jscUon there were four or five explo­ Dist. Atty. Frank S. Hogan’s them—provided that the gems Washington. Mr. Moore said sions and “I figured I couldn’t ve.stigating to see what caused were returned and that the three News Tidbits on legislation can be taken. the crash. I office declined to comment. that a Secret Service man took The President gave a hint of get my men close for a while.” 1 The New York Times said pleaded guilty. from the AP Wires the big, heavy bOx. . . "we what he wants in the field of It was several hours before The spokesman said both Kuhn was understood to have These sentences still may be packed the gown In muslin and education and immigration in the fire w s controlled. main lines were blocked and it let it be known that unless the recommended, bat the prosecu­ Just tons of tissue paper” - . his State of the Union address. The only survivor of the en­ probably will be 24 hours before gems turn up he would Jelj(, tion was reported to feel that put it liito his station wagon gine crews was Clyde H. Mas­ the tracks could be cleared. police the names of every per- 'tlfc return of only nine stone.s Na\’y reports ao damage ta He is seeking $1.6 billion for Polaris sub Ethan Allan after and personally accompanied It an education program touching ters, 54, of Marion, Ohio, an Traffic was being re-routed via son who touched, saw, held or did not comply with the original aboard the plane to Washing­ Erie brakeman. He was thrown New York Central tracks. knew about the stolen stones. understanding. / * its collision with Norwegian all school years from pfeklnder- freigh^r in Mediterranean Sea ton. garten to graduate school. The cle?r. CArs were piled up three deep Nine stones, including the Star ,,The_ prosecution was under­ For a Texan, Moore showed I heard a crash; and the next by the collision, and some wires of India sapphire, were re­ stood to be hopeful that some of , . . Republican senatora draw main effort will be directed at up health rare plan for aged > restraint aftd discretion In par­ helping primary and ae,goridary thing I knew I was flying were brought down along the covered Friday in a Miami bus the missing gems still would rying quostiens from the curi­ through the air.” Masters said, right of way. C ^ station locker by detectives who a^ipear at the district attormey’s broader than administration schools In low-inCome areas. program . Mountain land- ous press. He said that Mrs. Little that is new Is expected He told patrolmen he had gone The colliaion Was at a junction were accompanied to Florida by office. ' ’ Johnson as a fashion type is to the trailing unit of the engine where tracks of the two rall- If they don’t, and if names slMe tinashdii'Highway, buriaa to be Included In Johnson's spe­ Kuhn. four motorists in British Co­ rather on the strict side, not cific request. What Is new is the because of a problem with the roads cross in a diamond pat- Six gems are still being are named, fences or others tailored but given to simple , I tern after being nearly parallel. sdught. Nine others have been holding the missing stones would lumbia . . . Japanese Premier big Democratic majority in the Sato begins talks in Washing­ lines Adthout'adornment, " ^ e House that offers the adminlS' Killed were Erie engineer'Do-[ Trains moving in opposite d(rec- reported cut up and disposed of. face possible prosecution. wants to look well,” he said, nsld Narnev, 42, and a brake-, lions on the tracks meet nearly ton today on his country's trads with Red China . . . Merger of "but'she la otherwise involved (See Pago Two) man Carl Porter, both of Mar- head on. than Just dressing.” Chicago, Rock Island and Pa­ —>V.".-*i''3^Vv.*:'l Moore may not have much in­ " ^ r ' ■ '' cific Railroad with I'nloa Par fluence on fauihlon because his cUic awaits approval- of Inter­ shapes are difficult for ^anyone Federal Jury I -I ' state Conunerce Conuiiissiou af­ to copy who isn't the' s ^ s t ter getting o.k. from Rook Is­ he is. He doean't .aketoh but de­ land stockholders . . . Field Looking Again Marshal Lord Montgomery calls signs by draping and folding ■* the cloth on a model, and his I.V Gen. MacArthur greatest Amer­ clothes look a« if they had Men' At Rights Case ican soldier of World War 11 folded and molded, but heaven ----- u— . . . Elntire Vietnamese Ma­ knows bow they got to cling JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — U.S- rine Corps moves toward em­ and arch as they do. Many of District CJourt Judge Harold (Dox battled Binh Gia today to keep his designs are without side cautioned a federal grand Jury area from' control of Viet Cong seams, a novelty in .itself, but today not to be swayed by "any . . . Remnants of latest In­ what's more, they don't have infiiienees inside or outside” as donesian Invader* believed try- darts at the hips. Yet they it takes another look Into the lug to get home out of Bia- reveal the shape beneath. slaying of three civil rights laysia. Being’ folded Is what gives workers. GOP congressional lenders his Jackets and the tops of his A lone Negro spectator sat in propose' brain trust — formally two-plecs dresses that look of tlie Courtroom as Cox told the named Republican Coordinat­ bulk at the top. Mostly they 3S-member, blrapiat Jury that it ing Cbmnhttee — to guld* arch outwanj at the back but was called back Into sessipn at party future course and mas­ This is probably NOT are fitted at the-front, and the the Juattce Department's re-' terminded h6ped-for new image the gown designed for front of the Jacket arches up­ queat. , . < . . . NktionalUt Chinn deUven Mrs'. Lyndon Jbhnson ward. Armed With what it eaye la a check for $4,990,5 W U.N., One silk print drees in two confeeaion, the Justice Depart­ thus esenping any poMlbln (that is a secret) but shades of green with ceral ment la aeakiiif Indictments in challenge to iU voting rights It is one in the Spring flowers has deep armholee, the'd.9alU.lMt JUnd near Phila­ . . . Settlement''of Itve-dny-nld collection of John another fold^ effeot, and a delphia, #MIbs.. of Michael hotel strike renched to-, Moore. It has multiple skirt that gets its fullness fiw Bchwertter, 34, and Andrew day according to Mayor Jerame mysterious fokls. Aaother prvt. Goodman, 30, \ioth of New York, Cavanaugh . . . Preeldent lehn- tiers ip imported,, silk In all the waim^MMIlM, hM' a and Jamaa CSianay, 31, Meridi­ aon te meet with Onnndlaai crepe, self ' strapped ■klrt tlM fla ie e b W * dnffpM an. Betawemar and Goodman Prime Mlnlatar Peni eew thin I o f Five jCrewmen wertmtd nt LBJ Bnath , • b o^ with its own V iapetot for coverage. ' ' -(Me 'tMel •)

-'U, PAGE t w o MANC3IESTEK EVENING HERALD. IIANCHBSTBI* CONN, MONDAY, JANUARY 11. Id6<( IIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, 00NN„ MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1985 PAGE THREE Hospital Notes S h e in w o ld oo Bridge South ilraler . _ Jrfycee to Hear visiting houra ara t te • p.m. PLAY LIKE A BANKER IE Both sides vulneraMo $300 Per Month G>whatid In an arena excepting matern­ YOU FEAR DEFEAT NOKTH ' Triumph over Polio DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY “ THE WAY ity where they are S te 4 p.m. 4) 7 3 Medicare Debate nnd 6:M to t p.m. end private By ALFRED SHEI^OID C 543 National Men’s Team Champion Was Millionaire Last Year rooms where they are 16 a.m. 0 Q10 8 The proa and cons o f the pro­ in HARTFORD, EAST HARTFORD, WEST HARTFORD, I HEARD IT” to S p.m. VIsttors are requested My bank manager plays Medicinal Highlight net to smoke In patients’ rooms. bridge as though the WEST posed federally financed "medi­ BEND, Ore. (AP) — Robert<&ploye8 go, sold his equipment MIDDLETOWN, BRISTOL, MANCHESTER and NEW BRiTAIN No mere than two visitors at aminer were standing behind * A 65 ^ * 9* care” program will be debated A. Eslinger, 37, married with and finally in June 1964, the t? K I10 6 V Q987 D O U B L E ' hy John Gruhoi ons lime per patient. him. The results are not in­ ATLANTA, Oa. (AP) — Pollot Last year thare were only 121 tonight at a meeting of the two children, is a 8800-a-month Bank of California took all his spiring; a bridge player must 0 972 0 J854I . has almost vanished from the persons stricken In the entire stock In the Bar T. ^tlents Today: 261 be willing to Uke a chance now « 1032 * K8 ! United States within a scant Manchester Jaycees. cowhand in central Oregon. Among other reasons for the TRIFLE-S BLUE SOUTH nation. Fewer than 10 died and ADMITTED SATURDAY: and then. . decade In one of medicine’s far less than 100 had paralytic Speaking In favor o f the Two years ago he was 'the collapse of his cattle empire, Arthur Ck>odwln, 2S Ridgewood South dealer. Both sides vul­ A K I 10942 millionaire operator of eight Eslinger said, was "m y own A2 most dramatic triumphs over after-effects. health care plan will be U.S. St.; Robert Bessette, 24 Henry nerable. , _ OAK r an ancient scourage o< man­ Ten years ago. Dr. Jonas F.' District Attorney John Neu­ Oregon cattle ranches and optimism. I thought central Or­ STAMPS St.; Mre. AHce Gatee, Thomp- When this hand came along kind. Salk provided the first break In man, formerly an aide to medi­ owned considerable land in Cali­ egon was the best place In the evenings at:7;3 7:30 (note the early hour of 8:1S and will be pre­ ♦ 764 ^ ^ sonvllle; Bindford Long, IM last November in the Team Sooth West N o t* t e “ It la appeuent that with a the fight against polio with his care booater Sen. Abraham fornia. world and that the cattle btisi- time) there will be preeenta- pared by the Goldovsky Grand Croft Dr.; Gaylord Abraham- Trials It separated the bankers continued effort to vaccinate the vaccine. This was buttressed six Today, Eslinger is in the ness was the best business in tions of the great Maaa In B 1 ▲ Paa 1 NT n m Ribicoff. Opera Ck)mpany. You must aon.328 Vernon Ave., Rockville; from the bridge players The 3 A Paia 4 A AH P m yet unreached young people and years later by Dr. Albert Sa­ Speaking against the plan midst of bankruptcy proceed­ •the world. I thought everyone WEDNESDAY minor by Johann Sebastian know Mr. Godovsky; hs ap­ Edward Nielsen, Overbrook bankers bid only two spades at the newborn babies, we cem bin's vaccine. ings with more than 200 credi­ else thought so too.” Bach at Trinity Church in will be Dr. Charles Jacobson, pears frequeivtly on the "Opera Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Margaret the second turn with the South f eliminate poliomyelitis as a Medicine thus found the key Porter St., a prominent urolo- tors and debts of J4.4 million. Eslinger says he isn’t out of Hartford. It will be directed by Quiz’’ during the intermissions North, 34 Avondale Rd.; Mrs. hand. North passed and thMe clubs. In this case he would be ^ b llc health problem In this to a disease that had killed and He lists his assets at $625 — all Robert Brawley and will fea­ glzt. the cattle picture forever. He of the Saturday afternoon Me­ Elisabeth Barstis, Broad Brook; players missed game. The able to get a club ruff. In tha country In the near future,” a maimed long before Its cause exempt. wants to get going again and ture the Hartford Festival Or­ bridge players jumped to three actual, Petterson easily made A medicare bill Is expected to The cowboy came to Oregon tropolitan Opera broadcasts. Mre. Joan Jaskels, 9 Donnel government agency reports. was known — perhaps as long be presented to Congress early "pay back as much as I can.’’ chestra and Chorus. Admission - 'This is, beyond question, Mo- Rd., Rockville; Mrs. Frances spades and reached game. his game. ago as 1400 B.C. Polio had been three years ago from California is free. , That is a statement from the in the current session, which be­ Eslinger figures he owes more lart's greatest opera. I don’t Stanlzzi, Windsor Locks; Mrs. Which bid is "correct"? It It's Important to ramamber a vague, mysterious malady where he owned 20 properties, than $1.35 million. Of his more These performances will be that the jump to three epades Communicable Disease Center gan this month; expect the production to be up Ruth Havens, 27 Bolton Rd., depends on what you want out of the U.S. Public Health Serv­ until 1840 when Dr. Jacob Including office buildings In than $4.4 million in debts, more in the nature of dress rehears­ is only Invitational. If NortH The Jaycee meeting is sched­ to those heard locally at the Vernon; Wendy Dykes, 18 Em­ of life. If you want to tell your ice. It comes only 10 years after Heine, a German bone speci­ Fresno and Oakland, sugar beet than $3 million are secured als for a New York perform­ Bushnell; neither are the prices erson St.; Frank Motola, Wap- grandchildren that you played has a light hand for hla no-' alist, described Its nature. uled for 8 tonight at Willie’s ranches and cattle ranches. ance at Lincoln Center. Having Salk vaccine opened the way to Steak House, 446 Center St. All claims. so high. It will uoguestionably ping; Ernest Wagner, 9 John­ bridge for fifty years and never trump respon.se he can paas conquer polio. In 1002, an Austrian immu­ He estimated his net worth made out well there earlier three spades. It pays to be op- young men of Jaycee age — 21 be good value fof the money son Ter.; John Van Wyck, 8 once made a bid that went The statistics behind that nologist, Karl Landsteiner than at $1,250,000. this season, the local organiza­ even though It Will not be such Lincoln St. down, Jfou bid two spades on llml.stic when you have a proved that the disease resulted through 35 years old — are in­ While in California, Eslinger tion is going to Invade the big •tatement are even more im­ a glamorous production ss ths ADMITTED TESTER- this kind of hand. If you want strong trump suit; save you( pressive. from a minute virus. Then three vited. had formed the Bar T Cattle Co. Open House Set city once again, with a pro­ pe.ssimism for the scrawny Cormecticut O p rt. Assn, usual­ DAY; Mrs. Elizabeth Tedlord. to tell your grandchildren how . It was In 1962 that crippling Harvard bacteriologists, John and began buying ranches in gram of an entirely different ly presents. Watson Rd., Vernon; William you made your first million, trump suits. F. Binders, Frederick C. Rob­ eastern and central Oregon. At YW Tuesday nature. Dally Qneatioa polio reached a terrible peak in If you wait for the local com­ Sauer Sr., l>S-ench Rd., Bolton; you jump to three spades. the United States. That year 67. bins and Thomas H. Weller, de­ By 1962, the company had The Bcch B minor Mass is pany to present It, you'll have Mrs. Mary Comeau, 883 Hart­ Carehil Play Partner opens with one epade, veloped a process for growing PTAs to Combine purchased eight ranches and 5,- quite an experience if properly 879 persons fell victim to the The Manchester YWCA will a long wait. I'm afraid. It it ford Rd.; Mrs. Diane Robert, Kelsey Petterson and Ivan and the next player paaaes. disease, 8,145 died and nearly the vinis in tissue cultures. 000 head of cattle for $1,780,000. done, and quite a bore if it geta very difficult and requires a have Open House tomorrow 622 W. Middle Tpke.; Lucius Erdos were among the expcrls You hold: Spadea, A.6-8; Hearts, 20,000 were left with the crip­ That made possible the devel For Curtis Talk Eslinger owned two-thirds of the a mediocre performance. It great deal of rehearsal; conse­ K-.M0-6;. Diamonds, 9 • 7 • i; stock in the Bar T. night from 7:30 to 9:30. Mem­ Sherman, 27 Cottage St., Rock­ who got to game with the North- pling effects of polio. opment of the vaccines and the bers of the Interest groups spon­ Isn’t presented very frequently; quently, It must be given more ville; Carl Moeller, Mansfield South cards. Appropriately Clubs, lO-S-2. phenomenal victory over polio Nathan Hale PTA members His problems started in 1963 than one performance in view sored by the ■'YWCA will present in fact the last time it was Center: William Sandberg, 19 enough, they will be members What do you day? in the United States. will be guests - of Bentley when land values in California heard hereabouts the Robert of the costs of preparation, and Answer; Bid two spades. The the total Y program. Jarvis Rd.; Mrs. Gloria, Ober of the team that will repre.sent But the danger is never over. School PTA tomorrow at Bent­ dropped and his holdings col­ Shaw Chorale did it out to locally they usually give only Coventry; Mrs. Victoria Smith, North America In the 1965 assurance of trump support may Dr. Pierce Gardner, Chief of lapsed. Eslinger says: "I didn’t Registration for the classes UConn in March of 1960, at one performance of a work for be all partner needs to bid ley School, 57 Hollister St. which will start the week of 24 Bigelow SL; Miss Blanche World Champion.shipe. the jw llo surveillance unit at the There will be a brief busine.ss leave behind good enough man­ which time u was a bore, at each production, with the ex­ game. If you bid one notrump* agement. It all" depended too Jan. 18 may be made at this OrlowslO, 26 Windsor Ave., Petterson took his two top CDC, warned that approximate meeting in a cla.ssroom adja­ least in tny estimation. Mr. ception of the children's per­ partner may conservatively bid much on me.’’ time. Classes include oil paint­ Rockville; Mrs. Jean Markham, diamonds and led the king of G L O e r ^ ly four million babies bom each cent to the auditorium just be­ Shaw 41d well enough with the formances. spades to drive out the are. only two of his suit, and yo^ He said he had only equities ing, watercolor painting, char­ 1 well recall my first "Don Tolland; Mrs. Charlotte Steul- year must be vaccinated fore the pn-ogram. chorus but soloists and orches­ let, 123 Eldridge St.; Mrs. Vir­ West returned s heart to the may miss a game. - promptly. He said poorly im in most of the properties, an coal sketching. Intermediate tra were not so hot Giovanni" which Impressed me I Travift Service Dr. William H. Curtis will estimated $750,000 of his own bridge and ballroom dancing for immeasureably. I was about 10 ginia Ciarcia, 74 Harlan Rd.; ace. Petterson then led a club munized persons must be found Another thing in disfavor of to dummy's ace. discorded a For Shelnwold's 36-page boolij and vabcinated. Speak on his tour of Russia and fiinds invested in properties val­ adults. Other classes will be ar­ and the company was not a Patrick Tremarco, 719 E. Mid­ - show slides. He will compare ranged upon request if there is TENDER - MILD CURED that presentation was the fact dle Tpke.; Elmore Turkington, heart on the queen of diamonds, let, "A Pocket Guide to-Bridge.'' 906 MAIN STREET “ People believing polio is no ued at $3 million. On one ranch that' H was done in Jorgenson great one but the impact was send 50 cents to Bridge Boold the educational starWards In the sufficient -interest. far greater than, for example, Coventry; Mrs. Ruby Luce, Tol­ and led another trump. 643-2165 longer a problem may become where he had $25,000 invested Auditorium. It is a religious land; Raymond Whitney, Wap- This carehil line of play 3318, Grand Central Station, New indifferent to measures to keep school systents of Russia and he said he was stuck for more Refreshments will be served Oaruso singing In Flotow’s York 17, N.Y. ◄ the United States. by members of the program and worit, and H gains in atmos­ "Martha.” which I had already ping; Mrs. Laurette Soucie, guaranteed the contract unless K Authorized agent In Man- up immunity, particularly in the than $200,(KK). Other foreclosures SMOKED HAMS phere when presented in a East Hartford; Auguste Brault, the plkyer with three trumps Copyright, 1965 ' ^ cheater for all Airlines,. newborn,” Gardner said. "Since If there are any members followed. Then cattle prices membership committees. Mrs. experienced along with some General Features Corp. < church, as wiU be the case this other operatic productions by 1 Walnut St.; John Keane, 164 had started with only two' small ^R allroada and Steamahlp polio is largely a disease of ■who ■wish tran.sportatlon to dropped 25 to 30 per cent. Kenneth Machln, Mrs. C. Easton SHANK BUTT week in Hartford, but vvill not the Met. Maptp St.; John Flandrau, 96 r Unea.Ldnes. young people, it would not take Bentley School they may call He lost his cattle, then he Perry and Mrs. Herbert Huf- be the case when the group Mosart's music seems simple Center St.; Albert Sabrowski, ' mittees will be briefed by CH long to accumulate a dangerous Mrs. John Fitzgerald, 45 Bat- started selling ranches to pay field are in charge of arrange­ PORTION PORTION moves to New York. and his devices seetn as trans­ Tolland; Fred Goehring, 165 Director John A. McCone. , population of suaceptlbles:" tlsU Rd. off creditors. He let regular em- ments. 3 9 There will not be any big parent as glass in this day of Autumn S t; Brett Jones, 22 LBJ Readies One more battle remains to be 3 5 names for soloists. Members of huge orchestras and all sorts Trumbull St.; Donna . Parker, ' fought In the leadership struggle the'chorus will sing the parts of stage rigging, not to men­ Lake Rd.. Andover; Randall going on among House Republi SHANK HALF * 45* B U T T H A L F as they come along, and in a tion frightening harmonies and Fish, Cider Mill Rd., Bolton; 4 M essages I cans. Rep. Gerald R. Ford of way this is just as well. It will complex vocal piuls designed Lee Welb, '/65 N. Main S t; Michigan, the new leader, i.s . tend to keep things in balance to expraes evei^ nuance of John Hearn. S3 Windemere St.; expocled to dump the asslatnnt None of them is- outstanding, characterization. Yet as simple Craig Dempsey, 19 Nike Cir­ On Program le^er. Leslie C. Arends of Illi­ Chicken Breasts *^ 55^ Chicken Legs TkiqlM ‘ 45* but none is bad either and you as Mozart Is. you’ll find the cle; Laurene Demers. 687 W. nois. by midweek for an az ye', should go to hear Bach's music music raises chills up and down Middle Tpke.; Stanley Blen- (Continued from Page One) undisclosed choice. 59* Ground Chuck ‘ 69* in any event, not to hear a your spine, particularly when kowtki, Wapplng; Mrs. Emma Sliced Baconpf;I'„‘ bunch of soloists. the statue accepts Don Giovan­ Peterson, 137 Keeney S t; Mi­ tration hope for programs thst Swift'l ni's invitation to dinner. All in au. I think thU will'be chael Dioa, 86 Carter St.; Deb­ have been blocked in Congress It cornea as no surprise, for orah Mloganoeki, Reed Rd., Catholic Ladies Beef Liver Premium ‘ 45* Franks ‘ 49* an excellent presentation, It is played as the opening of for years. though of course I cannot guar­ Rockville; Mre. Xlary McBkik- the overture to the entire Johnson's proposals on immi­ antee it. Mr. Brawley has had ron. Tolland. Wm See Film opera, and at that time falls to ADMITTED TODAY: Anna gration are also expected to a great deal of experience with produce the same effect, for echo those submitted by his Marie Ruseell, J ^ t h Windsor. Tlfe Sisters ■ ' the Good MAXWELL 1-lb. religious works and has the some reason or other; pertiaps BmTHS SATURDAY; A predecexsor, John F. Kennedy, qiart $ { happy faculty of approaching we haven't gotten Into the daughter to Mr. aiM Mrs. Rich­ which went no place in Ihe last Shepherd will show at movie at them from a religious rather proper mood as yet. ard Coegroya 444 W. Middle Congre.'.s. a meeting of The Ladles of St Sunsweet Prune Juice 3 kaHIu than a concert viewpoint, m ee I There are rtiany more %iar- HOUSE COFFEE pke.; a eon to Mr. and Mrs- The key feature undoubtedly Jsmes at 8:30 In ghe tohool 7 7 chorus sings well, and the or­.. I velous musical experiences in James Rahsou, 47 Spruce St. will be a plea for an end to the store for you In this opera "La cafeteria. The movie will ahow chestra is bound to play better BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A present fixing of*" immiifratioo SAVE 25e m . . $1 than the group Mr. . Shaw cl darem’.^ and "Battl, battl” daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ quotas for each country, with the work that is done for the — Sa¥# Bore Heinz Ketchup kaHiM I brought along with him to are so well known In concert ert Bums, Tolland. Western and Northern Euro- girls at Marion Hall, Hartford on Qrand Union’s Own Brands^ UConn. that they . need no comment, Refreshments will be served and , *T5eh vlenl” Is almost as BtRTHS TODAY; A aoa to psizn countries given preference GRAND UNION 5 It you have never heard this Mr. and Mrs. OamilUe Cormier, over all others. Members and friends are wel­ GRAND UNION well known. But such portions Mlakta, latf, In his State of the Union ad­ come. monumental work you should as the "Champagne Arta” and 82 W. Center S t Tarkiy, Han, dress, John.son called for an Im­ Committee members are Mrs JUICE Pinsappis J * CREAM CHEESE X25* plan to attend. EJven tf you do '"Lascia o oara"^ are normally IHIBCHAitGED SATURDAY: Morton Dinners Sillikary know a fairly W«U, It WlU b« Dorothy Fisher, Eaet Hartford; migration law "based on the', John (\mner, program; Mre encountered only in a full pro­ GRAND UNION GRAND UNION MIXED 4IZES something wotihy of hearing, duction of the wprk. KathlMn Lavoie, Wapptng; work a man can do and not CTiarlea PontlcelU and Mra John CuAhlng. decorations again. It Is so complex that The opera of Mozart's time Tbomae Orueesner,. 98 Vernon Where he was bom or how he Mci«f $1 you'll never learn it in a dqzen was not the same as that of S t; L^mn Puzines, 78 Blroti S t; spells his name. " Mra. Frank Phllopena, Mis. SWEET PEAS 6 1. 99* •Mane Fillere. Mrs, William APPLESAUCES '1 M 5 210.1 ply I hearings, and with presenta­ Verdi and Wagner, so you may Oirietine Pouliot 36 Apel PI.; He Is expected to ask for GRAND UNION-FROZEN-SUCB) Kleenex Tissues G R A N D 2 0 0 's -2 PLY tions occurring not oftener than think it lacking in drama. To Thomas Crockett Sr., Broad elimination of the quota system CTurtis and Mrs. John Schieben- pflug, refreshments. once in five years, this wouKI some extent this is true, but it Brook; Mias Elsie Lobdell, 44 over a.five-year period. The to­ take a lifetim*. . is least apparent in Don Gio­ Elberta Rd.; Robert Jack, 99 W. tal quota would be kept as kn STR’BERRIES 4 'r * r annual limit on immigration TISSUE f • 6 *1 Actually, Bach composed five' vanni, much more noticeable in Center 3 t ; Mrs. Barbara Cox, But except for preferences giv­ GRAND UNION * N A N CY LYNN 3 Diamonds U8H°T Tuna‘iM larges masses and a number of the aame composer’s "Marriage 756 Vernon S t; Everett Smith, of Figaro." 10 Church S t; M iu Catherine en to job skills and the reuniting I qt. 14 01. large 8 inek 49* smaller ones, but the one In B of families, persons would bo minor is the greatest of the lot In any event, here are two McCormick, 113 Lockwood St.; STATE JUICE Tomato M APPLE PIES musical events that you ^ould Roger Cottle, Wapping; Mrs. admitted on a first-come, first- and the one you should hear at not miss if it Is at aJI possible E3myra Tessler, 99 Broad St.; served basis. Now >,nds Tues. Fresh Spinach least a couple of times during to attend. In neither ease are Harold Hair, South Windham: There has been little advance your life. Here 1s an opportuni­ Jerry Lewis as you going to encounter great Harry Parker, Somers; Edward information about Johnson's "The Disorderly CALIFORNIA NAVEL FRESH TENDER ty that doeem’t occur too often, names and great glamour. In Parciak, South .Windsor; Man­ proposals for foreign aid and and I hope at least some of you Orderly" both cases you are going to uel Margarido, 27 Oliver Rd.; space legisiatinn. Shown Once At 8:16 will take advantage of it. hear honest and painstaking Mrs. Marion Guyette, Wa^iping; Although legtslatlva commit­ Probably you will want to go performances of great music by Linda Hackney, 43 Finley S t; tees have not yet beeVset up, . Also — ORANGES BROCCOLI on Wednesday evMiing. for on great oompoaers. In one case ii«« Brown, 26 Turnbull Rd.; the Senate Commerce (iommit- i Elvis Presley 'Thursday you have the oppor- admission is free and in the Andrew Ferreira, Thompson- tee will hold a hearing "^esday ,"Olrls: Girls! Olrlsl” , Top o'the Grade Quality wKh our Just-RHe Trim® turrity of hearing Mosart's other it is merely nominal. Hosv vllle; Eugene St. Pierre, 216 on Johnson's nomination of John ] At 6:00-9:20 la rge "Don Giovanni■’ at 'IJOonn’a Jor­ can you afford to pass up such School St.; Mrs. Mary Bchaiv T, Connor to be secretary of ' genson Auditorium. This is opportunities t pert and daughter, Coventry. commerce. j MANCHt STI R f*H WJ bunch DISCHARGED TESTER- Both House and Senate com- I AMPir fRM lAPKisc DAY: Emeet Law. Windham;, 10 49 Jamee Purtle, Cryetal Lake Rd FLORIDA SEEDLESS FARM FRESH cypres: gardens Bockvllle; Mre. Jesele Lyons. Lady Bird’s Gown 88 Goodwin S t; Robert David- It’s The Biggest Entertainment Ever! POLE BEANS aon, 78 Walnut St.; Joyce Doug GRAPEFRUIT CITRUS SALAD las, Blast Hartford; James Take The Family! Laugh Together! Th«> tHUCK $TUK-4S Humphreys, 36 Crosby Fid.; tonrini C2 Gregory Norman, Storre; San­ ULA N U M Y gr**i>n b»»on '•to 3 9 ' 6 9 ' LONDON BROIL STEAK ^ - Top Secret Subject dy Dickinson, 116 Columbus S t; 5 i 5 9 ‘ John Shields, 65 BatUsta Rd.; FAM.Y Mra. Patricia Kearna,. 302 Main pen (Continued from Page One) UVM BROS. SUPWnNE-WHOlE new oasualties are built-in S t; Francis P e te ^ n , 3 Shady bras and dnohes, interfac­ Lane; Mre. Loulae Stokea, 36 waistline (but withoht side St. James S t; Mrs. Anne Me 6:18-0:00 I' CONDENSED ALL ing and stiffening, everything MAT. WHITE ONIOHS seams), and is won^^th the which •will keep clothes from Nellie, 8 Lawton Rd.; Brad­ is SAT. 2:00 AIL PLAVORS biggest pouf of tulle hat in touching, drifting and clinging ford Long, 160 Croft Dr.; Mrs. existence, all In those coral and against the figure." Evie Bailey, 368 Oakland St. Mrs. Joan JaskeUt 9 Donnel BURNSIDE JELL-0 GELATIH 4 45* m\ ^ Week Sde! orange shades. Moore made his Some of the works of art Rd., Rockville; William Molde, loaded own hats, and except for some which Miss Lambert showed as DEL M ONTE flights of fancy—like a face Inspirations to fashion included Loomla Rd., Bolton; Mrs. Elsie FABRIC SOFTCNBR mask made entirely of lllies- Botticelli's "Primavera", Leon Perron, 119 Love Lane; Mra. of-the-valley—these were po- Bakst’s designs for the Ballet Dorothy Bracken, 87 Essex S t; HNAL TOUCH. TOMATO SAUCE i r 39* Thomae Greer Jr., 148 Loomis with the ■ mantle confections with more Russc, old prints of gypsies (in 0 CLEANS THOROUGHLY flowers than a florist's shop. the nows today through the mu­ S t; Leonard Schmid, 36 Carter E W J 9 . The hat of giant flowers is s sical “Bajour” ) and Oriental S t; Rodney ^ u art, Wapping; » natural accompaniment 'to the prints. Mrs. Norma Maloney, 296 Phoe-' • RIHSO BLUE tils ■ basic black drees that Is re­ nix St, Vernon; Francis Sulli­ EVERY TUESDAY * R extra "In ths evening women want A PINK LOTION turning to favor, and he showed van, 48 Haynes S t; Mrs. Doro­ 1 DISINFiCTAMT to look not glittery but highly thy Rogsrs, Watrous Rd., .Bol­ some fa.scinating short black decorative, .as if 'they had jUst A I P*’4 o s.^* c dresses in which the bottom ton; Robert Green, 162 Biasell a stepped out of a harem or an LUX LIQUID lA M B ^ part was attached to the top S t; Cheater Stark, SO Barbara IS FAMILY DAY! i money lYSOl SPMY (Rental miniature," she said. A by an intricate arrangement «t Rd., Vernon; Joseph Mader, 112 i LOW svosmo Spring, 1966, she said, has "a points. They always manage to Waddell Rd.; Ralph Keating, flt in front but hang loosely In girl-woman allure, at once in­ South Windsor; Mrs. Betty the delicious -.98* genue and sophisticated. Strict­ you need! ‘ 71* back. VIM TABLETS ly tailored clothes, narrow and Johnson and son, Marlborough; As keynotes of the 1966 Mrs. Shirley Belasky and son, OPEN FLAME BROILED FOR D IS H K tall looking through their styles, Eleanor Lambert, direc­ 28 Garden Dr.; Mrs. Janet Fos­ AU VARIBTIIS elongated straight lines, art al­ CHEF BURGER )SHOULDER tor of the American Designer ter and son. Broad Brook; Mrs. ways in the most feminine of SWAH LIQUID Series, in her overall presenta­ Margaret Hutchinson and son, ONLY RONZONI Spaglietti 'iT37* colors, the moet supple fab­ 98 Starkweather St. LAUNDRY DETERGENT tion named six adjectives, rics. Hisy Invariably emphasize Open B Check-Credit account at Hartford National and beginning with "8 ” —soft, se­ the tooeom, the hipe and a long DISCHARGED TODAY: TREAT THE ENTIRE Time Payment Loan Department rene, slim, iM rt, Mw«r, seduc­ Mra. Julia McCann, 688 Bolton well give you a pen jiut like it... along with a supply of Mender neck." Hertford National Bank A Trust Co. WISH LIQUID 1Z*79* tive. Rd., Vernon. FAMILY AND SAVE pencmal Check-Chedit checks. A major theme for Spring it 36 Peari Street "Fashion’s brief but intense the-sult in two colors, the jack? A U PURPOH civil war has ended," she said, et nwte o>figured over a dark FAIR EXCHANGE m Hartford, Conn. Tour new Check-Credit account replan ts reserve funds "and both sides won. The kooky skirt. Banker's strips is smart, MUNICH — Radio Free Eu­ rope says Krapkowice ctlluloM HAHDY AHOY ' ' ’ ; i * 6 9 * RIB CHOPS and the traditional camps have like stripes of all kinds. available to you at uiy time. In effect, you’ll have d pre­ ENLERS TEA RADS^ merged under the standard of U taken to a paper mill in Kale- Gentlemen) CONTROLLED SUDS Moore's most famous custom­ ty, Poland. But Kalety makes arranged loan, ready to provide cash when you need it most. well-bred softness wi^, thrs^ er came in from soma Idddlng Without obligation, please send.me a free folded and appli­ deal pkg. powerful carry-forward from oellulosa and tends it — to Krap- at tha show of 8h ^ ’n’ Shore kowlca, Poland. ^ ^ And you can take one year or two to pay us back in con­ of 64 #UO . FLUFFY ALL the young Individualist side — blouses. Young actors from the OpM FlaaM te H a t cation form for a Check-Credit account. . . and a pen to gaiety, daring, and a natural off-BroadWay hit “ The Knack” iMfcM ttw mouth- venient monthly instalm«itsl fill it out with! body line." Maged aUts which inpluded an ^bteing diffarence. COIONNA C(AT(0 She mentioned tbs "swseping Imaginary interview with Mrs. r by ona-or thraa! In short, with Check-Credit you "create" exba dollars for liptss $osp Mixst I igrenSg' Johnson who explained *the PARHESAN CHEESE 27< trend toward the body showing rThey'rt tha graatattl T S M OVi. ■ bmeath fewer thfclcnesseg of President had put his brand on yourself anywhere . . . any time .. . timply by writing a KIDNEY fabrlea. She also said that de- all White House furniture. MOAOCASTHASH MRS REAMS dude. Call or stop in at any Hartford National office for your d n e r s are ^ving the 'brush- r Z Z '.ZO BEEP MAHWAV' Check-Credit application. Or mail the coupon ff you Oeka. OAdmfMm, V* off to the “untfotn" and to Leper Center a G ift nOAKASTNASH AMmmI Voeota^ * NANns srh&n*_ hard-pacteged ohie. *“niaaa ■ Elvla Pnaley UO.VCCAST both trace ba«k to d e young Barbara Btaavryek p k 9 -« * e i« go-go leadmhip. The brevity AORA, India — As a toksa of CMIIIEANSwwwrae Vi COD tasv.W* NOXONPOUSi Lamb Combmation •SSfzr 39» IHsndahis hstwssn tbs JiqMuwss 'TH I ROUSTAIOUr* TIDY C,T COIONNA OSATH> AU VASlETltt ^ and bareneaa whlcb vraa atart- and ladwn psopls, the Japan la Colari .8:28 ling last seaaon now oooflnna' . EVANSTOPPMSS *£ liSprosy Wsilm} for Asia will x-P h w **- ' ■ ki«»iMiiaiiiiiiai>iwpr UTuna i 3; Ik PARHESAN *.£«« the basic truth that avSnulght soon start eonstnuflen bars of a HARTFORD NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST and ovaraorasUng ara. l^nM y nnahnsnt ssntsr aonstst- '^ROIINSON CMISOK atrophy. WonMn'a aiaaa oyar 11 lig of 'a main building, el|^ ON MARS" stew *N lA *s te •• te Mt tha duat through Ipok. of da* bungalows lor patisnu, and WMKM m fT f poH ro wohK PM reon t aaaiid„Jt la soar daar (hat tha hnuflng guaitan for tha atatt. MANCHESTER PARKADE • OPEN ftaTAJL to 10 PJL - ^ „ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 196B PAGB FOUR MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONM. MONDAY. JANUARY 11, 1965 Z South Windsor Coventry Bolton Keeney St. Sewer Snow Stalls T\-Radio Tonight Palsy Drive Four Variances Granted, ZBA Meets St. Maurice Players Set i KTUiom H. Curtla has been Gets Hearing Today DOUBLE f One' Denied by Zone Board On Request Rehearsal for Musical Show Although snow hampered Cer­ alactad vlea president of tha ebral Palsy Fund marchers yes­ Television WORLD G(IEEN Amorlcan Aaaoctatkm ofSohobl >V>ur raqueaU hatve beant A new couTM tn music ap- 8t. Maurlca Flayera will pre-#of the official board, tiuitess. Admlniatrators. Hi« one-year A complex and far-reaching plan to provide sanitary terday, a\xnit 76 per cent of the »:00 ( S-IS-U) K ovtei In (34) The Wench Chef 1 Of Pfeiffers term Will begin March 16. Cur­ prosreM (11) I've Oot a Secret grantod and on . requast tablad preoiation 'will be held Mon- and members of churidi ootn- aewers to the Keeney St. area will be aired at a public 800 ‘volunteer* managed to get aant their annual musical show tis has been superintendent of ( * ) N ew i (10-3360) U.N.C.L.E. by Uia aoning board at ap- dG3ni.^ mittees. hearing tonight. The hearing, before the town’s board - show or in helping in any way The Bolton junior varsity ( 8-30-10) Ben Casey ehUdren or chartered parties at are asked to attend. Curtis Is a greiduate of Tufts The plan calls for the con­ er nu. n projects that were most $1,000. (10) Movie (34) In-School Preview EVERY day and Wednesday. erty on Silver St. basketball team will play the (30) Memory Lane 1106 Strong Rd. Refreshments will be served University and the University struction of five continuous sec­ ceasu . ' to provide the serv­ Because of the storm, the ( S6-10-1S-30-23«MO) N ewa The high achool aqulvalancy The Nathan Hale Square WlUlmantic YMOA team to­ (34) New Way to 8kt Two requests were granted by Mrs. Anthony Maneggia and of Connecticut. Before coming tions of sewer trunk from Hart­ ice. marchers had been given the (18) ^becripU on TV Sporta, Weather courses for science and aoclal Club of Uriel Lodge of Masons morrow at 7:15 p.m. In the ford Rd. south parallel to V:1B (30) oHs Camera (3(^ ) Les Crane Show for algna: Mrs. Ernest Asplnwall. Bolton gym. Tickets will be on When the bill is issued, the option of braving the snow or (1030) Tonight (C) stddlea will be held Mondays, will mee^ at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday Keeney St, much of it along the waiting until milder conditions (33) Maas RIchllshta A e t u Service Stations, Inc., The Council of Catholic sale at the door. owner will have 30 days in 7:80 (13) To Tell the Truth (13) Movie WED. and mathematic* and English at'the Masonic Hall in Merrow. 170 Pearl St., Haitford, a var- southern branch of Polly Brook. which to pay. After that the town Guest Speaker prevailed later in the week. (33-90) Karen ( 8) Mlovle on Wednesday. The I^rter Library Aaaocia- Women will have Its monthly Homemakers,Set Meeting (22) Tonight I equivalency di­ ing will begin at 8. Mrs. Ray­ 10 a.m. in the Community Hall. meeting of the Guild of Our ert 'W. Sharp. Robertson, association presi­ mond Schlosser, a member of nneering survey by Oriswold assessment, the town will place Lady of St. Bartholomew Par­ leave their kits at the Hartford THURS.. ploma. ABC stenoscript short­ dent, in the library room in the They will bone chickens at their Engineering, a town firm. a lien against the property. National Bank and Trust Co. on AJ*. and KJC. Zagorski, 641 hand course will be held on St. Bartholomew parish, will be regpjlar meeting next week. ish tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. in Sullivan Ave. were granted a Church Ommunlty House' on the guest speaker. to shop Very few homes would be The lien amounts to legal no­ the school library. Rabbi Main St. FRI. & SAT. Mondays, the Gregg shorthand R t 44A. Homemakers are invited to a tice that a bill against the prop­ variance to allow a four by six course on Tuesdays. Refreshments will be served meeting on "Fibers, Fabrics served directly from the trunk, Wind's theme, "The Bible in Radio TILL Library Unit Meets by Mrs. John McCabe, Mrs. erty has fallen due. Judaism,” is in conjunction with foot permanent sign ait the Many of the courses have and How to Use Them” Jan. 19 however. Smaller sewer lines same addreea. The Booth-Dimock Memorial James Toner, Mrs. William Assessments aun being levied the guild's theme for the year, (This listing tnclndes only those news broadcasts of 10 or 16 9 P.M. limited enrollment and will be Library Aasoclation will have at Rockville High School at would have to be extended from Rehearsal Set William Schanck, Scantic Rd., Minor and Mrs. James Veltch. the trunk to reach most homes on the basis of the acreage each "The Bible,” BYienda and mem­ minute length. Some stations carry other short ne\vs<»st8.) filled on a firat-come first its annual meeting at 8 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Miss Estelle Keane, waa g;ranted a vaxlano* to al­ serve basis. The inquiry class will meet tn the area. property owner possesses. The bers of the parish axe welcome. WDBC-:^lS8t 7:06 Converaatlon Piece Tuesday lii the library. There University of Connecticut ex­ charge per acre depends in By LTM Wing low a junk yard. The board stip­ tomorrow at 7:30 and the Legion The proposed trunk line and Rabbi Leon Wind' served aa '6:00 Long John Wads 7:30 News of the World Speaker on Flower Arranging will be election of trustees and of Mary at 8:45 p.m. tension clothing specialist, will turn oa the distance of the prop­ assistant rabbi and ^ucation- 8:00 Dick Robinson 7:60 Sing Along ulated that the tree, on the conduct the meeting, which ia the future sewer lines that are 8:10 Pope Concert Our Savior Lutheran Church additional members, hearing of Parents are reminded that erty from Hartford Rd. al director in Beth Sholom The first rehearsal for The 1:06 News Sign Oft east aid* of the right of way Women will hear Robert MiU- open to the public. needed to ccmnect Individual 10:06 Nightbeat are to be left in their preeent reports and consideration of when they pick up their chil­ Detailed Information about the Synagogue, Kansas City, Mo., Little Theater of Manchester WHAT—« l t 11:00 News kowski of Flower Fashions, acts of Its officers and trustees Service News homes will probably be charged 6:00 Fred Swanson Show 11:16 Sports Final natural state. The board also dren from catechism classes at to the land owners who benefit charges has been mailed each before coming to Manchirater in Manchester apeak tonight at 8. and amendment to the bylaws. Seaman Apprentice Francla of the property owners affected, 1045. He is a graduate of the Children’s Wing musical, “Lit­ 6:30 News. Sports and Weather ll'M Art Johnson Show stated there is to be no storage the elementary school they are from the InstallaUon — those to 7:00 Edward P. Morgan WPOP—1416 Mllikowaki will demonstrate the The Mothers’ Club of Coven­ to park on the east side of the Hagan, son of Mr. and Mrs. along with a notice of tonlc^t’s Jewish Theolo^al Seminary of tle Pawnee Brother,” will be 7:16 Joe Edwards 6:00 Lou T en i Top on the east aide of the right of art of "Floral Flower Ammg- John Hagan of Hebron Rd., try will have a business meet- whom sewer service becomes 1:90 Sign OK 7:00 Ken Giiffln TUESDAY oiMl parking lot in front of the available. hearing. America and holds the degree Thursday at 7 p.m. in the base­ way. Ing.” recently g;raduated from the of doctor o f Hebrew literature. WINF—1136 13:00 Sal LaRoaa V s u The request of Frank A. Pe- ing at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the school, never In the back ment rooms, 39 School S t Hoateasea for the evening are Nathan Hale (Community Cen­ the sch(x>l. Ckiast Guard recruit training But Individual property own­ He U a past president of the 6:00 News. Weather, Sports X m a r WEDNESDAY traitia, 1006 Sullivan Ave., waa ers will not bb billed until the Fred Bllsh. director, and Bev­ 6:16 Radio Greater Hartford Mrs. Albert Petersen, chairman, ter. Hoetesses will be Mrs. Day- In case of Inclement weather program at Cape May, N.J. He Connecticut Rabbinical Assem­ 6:46 Lowell Thomas: Snorts tabled. Petrefitls had requested assisted by Mra. Robert Craw­ ton H. Whipple HI and Mrs. has been sent to the Great sewer line is actually hooked up Beta Sigma Phi bly sand o f the Manchester erly Burton, choreographer, 7:00 News a variance to allow a package on Tuesdays catechism classes at their homes. The directors have emphasized that all who 7:36 Invitation to Learning ford and Mra. Warren Schim- Harold IJoody. will be held if a regular school Lakes Naval Training Center Ministers Association. »«Bad Breath SPECIALS ■tore liquor permit at the some mel. ««• i# customarily authorise the bill­ Forms New Unit Standing committee of the tried out for the musical must 8:00 U fe Line The Rev. and Mra. James P. day 1s observed. If a storm for 12-weeks of schooling as 8:30 Jerrj- Gordon Lirntt s6lllM Ckarc66l Coap. t3bl6t address. Thio la a CX zone. Adult Reglatratlon T onl^t Keller of 1830 Webster Ave., machinist mate. ing for the project be deferred guild will meet at 8 in the attend this first rehearsal. 9:30 Spesik Uo Hartford forces school to close early SW66t6B3 M6nMt6MCk ii 8 Mliitos Appointed to Comniittee Registration for the second Bronx, New York, have a son, in this manner. school classrooms. Refresh­ Parts will be given out at this 12:15 Sign Off or your 434 kick it drutglit. Chsw Bslless The town council has ap­ there will be no <»techlsm Beta Sigma Fhi Bitematlonal rehearsal only and a rehearsal 725 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST term of the South Windsor adult Jonathan David, born Jam. 5. Manchester Evening Herald To a bom'eofwner In the ments will be served after the w nc—1636 tsblsts whtnsver your hrsath miy ofliml. pointed three new members to classes, and children should go Society jyill hwtal a new chap­ schedule will be set up. There 6:00 News. Sports. Weather Bill4nt niutnliis icldity, iwtettn mouth education courses will be held The baby is a grandson of Mr. Bolton correspondent, dem e- Keeney St. area, it will go program. and itomich. tend postil to Bill-tni, ' IN MANCHESTER the capital goals and improve­ home on their buses. Saturday will also be a full reading of the 6:46 3 Star Extra tonight and tomorrow night and Mrs. Walter S. Keller of well Young, telephone 648-8981. something Uke this: ter i£~ Manchester this month. Ormgiburi, N. Y., for llbtral IrM umpla ments committee, bringing the class cancellations will be an­ play. from 7:30 to 9:30 at the South Rt. 44A, and Mrs. Christopher If the directors approve the Bnrltatiam have been sent to membeizhlp to seven as stated nounced over 'WINF and 'WTIC. "Little Pawnee Brother,” Windsor High School cafeteria. Glenney also of Rt. 44A. proposed sewer project, after In a recently adopted ordinance. Episcopal Women to Hear Talk all proapective members. At the Three from Area original musical with book by Director Vincent P. Bresna- The young couple have two public heading tonlg$it and per­ New members are Edward Ste- ham said seven new courses other children, James Parker The Women of St. George's 15th Slaying, haps a second meeting later this pi^jsent time, there are three ac­ Ruth Rowley and music by tive chapters In Manchester; Flag Art Winners ben, Paul Blackwelder and bring the total offering to 30 Jr. and Christian Margaret, who Episcopal Chiirch will have as month or noct, they will prob­ Mary Blish, will be presented their guest speaker tomorrow Fhi Theta, Eta, and Xi Gamma. at three performances Satur­ Stanley Slgal. courses. All classes meet one have been spending the holidays Gangland Style, ably authorize the deferred as­ VEAL STEAKS Exchange Club laktaUatloii night a week for 10 weeks from with their grandparents in town. night the Rev. Sherrill Scales sessment plan for repajrment. The aorority waa fowided in Three area residents received day, April 10, in Bailey Audi­ Choicest Meats In Town your favorite bra 1091 for the purpose of uniting torium. Ronald Provost will be In­ 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the high The new baby was born on his Jr., general secretary of’ the de­ Plagues Boston Then the town will either issue awards in a contest conducted stalled as president of the young wonnen who enjoy cultur­ for the design of an official flag As has been the custom in school. mother's birthday and only two portment of mtsslone and temporary notes for the proj­ South Windsor Hbcchange Club Courses are non-credit and days after the 4()th wedding an­ church extension of the diocese. ect or put it on the voting ma­ al progiama and ptattanthropic for the city of Hartford. The the post with the Children's BONELESS BOSTON (AP)—An ex - con­ from Wing productions, the Little S TUESDAY ONLY! ,^^8 tonight at 6:30 at Howard open to persons 18 years of age niversary of his grandparents St. George's Church, as a mis­ chines for a bond issue ref­ projects. competition waa sponsored by Johnson's Restaurant, Rt. 30, vict has become the 18th victim ' the Greater Hartford Chamber Theater of Manchester pro­ and over- not enrolled in a day Keller. sion, falls under his supervision. erendum. The new executive board for FRESH FROZEN ' Vernon. Other officers to'he in­ ot gangland style killing In the cdtaptM* will be Mrs. John of Commerce. duces the show in conjunction achool progrsim. The registra­ He will speak on the role of When and if the financing is stalled are: John Small, vice Manchester Eveningdng Herald Greater Boston in nine months. B. Spring Jr., president; Mrs. Harry J. Connelly of 133 Flor­ with the Manchester Junior tion fee is $3 for residents smd $5 women In the church. approved, the town will put the president; Dale Clayton, secre­ for non-residents. Coventry correaponoentonde The body of John Murray, 88, Robert Geagin, vice president; ence St. won third place in the O ntury Club. The club utilizes NO WASTE The Rev. Mr. Scales is also of Cambridge, was found Sun­ project out to bid. It is a large tary. and Andrew Kreller, Briefs Pauline Uttle, telephone ohairmsn of the diocesan com­ goddess project and will probably take Mrs. John Young, secretary; amateur class for contestants the profits from the show to ISPARE- day face down in a vacant lot 16 years of age and older. benefit various children's chari­ treasurer. The Republican Town Com­ 6281. mittee on church architecture, a year to complete. and Mrs. Brian Taylor, treasur­ Dengue Sets Memberahlp in the Dorchester section of M i s . Josephine Hills of 63 ties. mittee will meet Thursday at 8 a member of the committee on Boston. Medical Examiner Tfa* tnvm. must also negotiate er. Mrs. Stanley Peanon of *■ Meeting for rights-of-way from the own­ Vecnon wU serve aa aponaor of Laurel St.’ and Arthur Harper p.m. at the South Windsor Bank diocesan strategyr and director George Curtis said Murray had The League of Women Voters and Trust Co., Community ers of property where the trunk the group. of Overbrook Rd., Vemcm, tied : r ib s Elks Op^n Tests of the dlocescu) \ office g»f re­ been shot in the back of the of South Wlndeor will hold a Room, John Fitch Blvd. search and development. will be built, since most of it Mis. Gnilfocd Stephens for third place in the profes­ (lim it B Iba. per egtstomer) GROUND CHUCK head. membership meeting tonight at •3.95 is not to be laid in town streets. chalrmaa o f a new executive sional artists class. St. Francis of Assisi Ladle* Mrs." Henry McDonough ie in Murray was paroled from Elastic Stockings 8 at the Wcx>d Memorial Li­ Guild will meet Wednesday at For Scholarships coordinating oonunittee which Leonard Olson, a gra^kic ar­ charge of refreshments. Walpole State Prison Aug. 24 Iipmediately after the board brary. 7:46 p.m. The meeting will be­ la reaponsible for chapter unity tist of New Britain, won first Trusses •— Belts Church school teachers will after serving five years on a authorizes the project, benefit- place for his entry. Hie a d ^ HIGHLAND PARK MARKET The topte for discusMon un­ gin with the Rosary. F>ed P. Lea, exalted ruler of breaking and entering convic­ ting property owners will have and area planned fun^ona. meet Wednesday with the Rev. REGULARLY $5 tion of the flag is subject to 817 mOHLAND STREET—PHONE 648-4278 der the direction of Kkthryn "Interior DecoraUng" by Manchester Lxxlge of Elks, to­ Ekhword Johnson at the home of tion. a caveat placed upon their A detailed working plan for the approval of the Fine Arts ARTHUR DRUG FRESH Anderson will be "W ater Re- John Cray will be the program property. Ibis amounts to a day annowced the opening of Mrs. Robert Gorton. TTiursday Policy said Murray apparent­ oommunity philanthropic pro­ Commission and City Council of •ources.” i of the evening. All members legal notice that the assessment jects is being formulated. The LEAN Ib the ElkaMost Valuable Student the junior choir will meet at ly had been shot ^ a bl(x>d- Hartford. Participating membexs of the and interested persons are' In 6:30 and the senior choir at 7:30 stained stolen car fbund aban­ • white nylon taffeta will eventually be levied against new chapter requests sugges-. vited. Competition. The purpose of the tbs property owners. committee are Louise Evans, pm. Confirmation class will doned a few blocks from where tkma and reocm^endationa for Water Problems, How and The Episcopal Churchwomen competition Is to assist excep- .ttonally talented but financially meet Saturday at 10 a.ra. the body was tossed. The pius- • cushioneii under wiring The caveat wBl remadh in ef­ projects so that needs within ■Why; Kathryn Anderson, will hold their first meetlftg'^n- senger side of the front seat was fect unrtH the individual prop- the community may be filled. needy students to further their The Merry Manieds will meet League Position and Supported the parish house of the newly Saturday tn the church parking covered with blood and there • sizes 32-40 .acty is ocmnected to a sew If anyone in the community has completed St. Peter’s (jhurch to- educations. It is sponsored by Lieglslatlon and Nancy Braen- lot at 7:46 pm . for a skating was a bullet hole In a aide win­ line. But there can bs no sew­ requests for jrfiilanthropic aid, 'nlght at 8. the Elks National Foundation, 'der, Ai'ea of State Activity. party at the hofne of Robert dow. • B, C, D, DD cups er oonnectioas for mcMt an please contact Mrs: John B. 'Die meeting will be on the the major philanthropic trust of WE PUT THE SURE IN Boneless Chuck Other subjects slated for dls- Little in Andover. Murray was a brother of Wil­ properblee until additional sew­ Spring Jr., 27 Walnut St. All in- care of the altar. All women of the Benevolent and Protective liam Murray, 36, of Boston, po­ euasion by the League members Order of Elks. The annual meeting of St. er lines are authorized and con- foimatlon will be catalogued are method of distribution of the parish are Invited. lice said, who is awaiting triad atnicted. The aaseasment for INSURANCE The South Windsor Woinan's The competition is open to George's Church will start with and presented at the first offi­ the league booklets, "Know a family poUuck supper Sunday in the slaying Of William J. theae, too, are likely to be de­ cial husbiesB meeting. CHub is now accepting applica­ high schI seniors and college A Your Town,” recently publish­ at 6:30 in the parish house, fol­ Treannie who waa a roommate tions for membership. Any resi­ students (>eIow the senior grade. of William. Also held in |}ie ROAST ed by the leegue for townspeo­ dent of South Windsor_ or Wap- Boys and girls compete in aep- lowed by svenlng prayer in the ple. church and then the business sable case is Robert Cook, 38, plng who’ is’ interested T n join- arate edivlslons for Identical also a roommate. U m H o tt TTie brochure will be avail­ ing■ may contact.... Mrs. Rodney_ . awards totaling $110,000 and meeting. Mrs. Fred Mohr is general Treannie’s body, hacKfed into able aoon at a minimal 'cost at Shuart, 106 Dogwood La. or. any ranging from $700 to $1,600. Be­ several pieces, was found Nov. k>c4d banks. supermarkets, club member. sides scholastic excellence and chairman of the supper, assist­ ed by Mrs. Fred Adams and 13 in three suitcases in a vacant Jti pteseots Select Choice •choola aM libraries. Applications must be filled out financial need, judging criteria lot in Boston’s South End. SAVAGE MARKET In the competition will be citi­ Mrs. Paul Maneggia. Those at­ T Informaition assembled in the and returned to Mrs. Shusul by John Murray also was a friend tending are asked to bring a no problem Ib bookies is of value to all resi­ Friday. zenship, personality, leadership, of Edward P. Huber, 43, of the 680 BURNSIDE AVE,—EAST HARTFORD perserverance, resourcefulness, (xjvered dish or dessert. It Is not ______(COR. SCHOOL ST.) ______dents end especially to new- The Woman's Club will hold a South End, whose ica-encrusted oomem in the area. The book­ ways and means committee patriotism and general worthi­ necessary to bring place set­ we (smnot solve tings. body was found in a'Hingham let also Ineludea a map of South meeting tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. ness, Lea said. brook last November. SPECIAL MON. THRU W eD. ONLY Windsor. New members are at the home of Mrs. Stephen Area students must file applic­ School Boiud Meets t o y ou r The board of education will Police said John Mui^ay was AT SA V A G E welcome to attend the meeting. Lockwood. 177 Laurel La. ations with the Manchester an associate of George Ash, 43, Skating Party Set IxKige of Elks by Feb. 1. Applic­ meet tonight in the high school I !■ ■i.iii — .Shi— High School Library Open library, starting with an exe­ of Boston, who was shot In the complete satisfadioo. Beginning tonight and each The Couples Club of the First ations and further information head and stabbed more than 80 EHLER COFFEE Congregational Church, Main ! o*' competition may be ob- cutive session at 7:30, follciwed For Your Freezer succeeding Monday, the “South times two weeks ago. Ash’s St., will meet at Colt Park Skat- Thomas F. Conran, by the regular meeting at 8. body waa left in a Car parked Windsor High School Library The agenda includes a meeting UAD.A. CHOICE ...With Our Comprehensive' will be open from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Ing Rlnlt at 8 p.m. tomorrow 94 Washington St., or at Man­ on Harrison Avenue. Admission will be 76 cents i>er chester or East Catholic High with a BIEIA policy committee, Ash had been released from All students residing in ^uth Schools. a film on developments in edu­ Auto Accident Protection Windsor in Grades 7 through 12 person an dreqted skates are Rhode Island State Prison last WHOLE SAVE available at the rink. Refresh­ After being judged at a local cation and discussion of ele­ May. He served nearly five may make use of the library fa­ level, applications will be for­ mentary school facilities. Don’t be uncertain about your coverage . . . be sure cilities for research and study. ments will be served at the years as an accessory in the 30c home of Mrs. John Morris, 55 warded to the secretary of the CNiiirch Confab Tonight slaying of Alfred (Porky) Free­ RIBS OF with full-coverage auto insurance, offering the broad­ However, they will not be per­ Connecticut Elks Association be­ The second session of the W ATKINS ^ E ST mitted to borrow or return Woodaide Dr. land, 88, of Boston. lb est protection poeaible for all your family. Men’s Volleyball Tonight fore March 1. State winners will United Methodist Church con­ txmks. This must be done'dur- be determined on this date and ference on the Christian Ex­ J e ie / ic e ina the school day. The men’s volleyball team of Our Savior Lutheran Oturch will then be eligible for national perience will be h ^ tonight, 24% on Trucks ORMANOI. WEST • DIRECTOU If the demand and use of the finals. National winners wrlll be starting with a su p ^ meeting facility warrants, the library will play at Orchard Hill School at 7:46 tonight. announced at the Elks Grand p.m. Mrs. Calvin Fish and NEW YORK — Trucks carry BEEF JOHN L JENNET AGENCY **"*•**•* 1 tHONf Ml 9-719* may be open one other evening Lodge Qinvention in Miaihl for church school leaders at 6 Iha Saial MBltaa li during the week. Wednesday, the junior confir­ nearly 34 per cent of the na­ WILL OUT INTO STEAKS AND ROASTS YOUR INDEPENDENT AGENCY UnUIAM J. UNNON, Ua AamdMa II 0ff-Sti66t ttrUag WHITE TUNA mation class will be held at the Beach in July. James Todd are in-charge. tion’s Intercity freight traffic, Classes will begin Jan. 18. At 8 p.m. there will be on 28 • 88 Ib. AVERAGE C. LEROY NORRIS—JON L, NORRIS > Ii) addition to a Tuesday church at S .30'p.m. and further gains are expopted 357 E. CENTER ST.—643-4117 142 EAST CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER A five week Bible study class all-church meeting, 'with M>e- when all 1063 atatistica are In, night .class water cqlors, a cial emphasis on the attendance industry sources report. STARKIST new art course in general com- will begin on Thursday at 7:80 Pythians Plan Reg. poaiUon, dealing in elements of p.m. Friday, youth choir prac­ CHUNK two and thfee dimensional de- tice will be held at 7 p.m, and Joint Ceremony C T P A 1C U.8J)jk. SALE HEAVY HEAi Cans ■Ign and perspective techniques palish choir practice at 8 p.m. STEER BEEF SAVE 56c of sketching is offered Tuesday nights. Intsrmediate bookkeep­ Manchester Evming Herald A triple installation o f offl- Day In , Day OiU . . , BUY A DROP OF FUEL OIL ing and conversational. French South W lndw Oorrespondent, cera for 1966 of Memorial Tem­ will be> on Teusdays. Brownie Joseph, telephoae 644- ple, Pythian Siatera, Memorial UNTIL YOU GET OUR... CALIFORNIA ICESERG A now' course in business law, 0148. Lodge, Knight of Pythias; and WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRICES Sirloin Unna Lodge, Knights at Py­ discussing contracts and wilU. DOUBLE DISCOUNT DEAL!! will be taught Mondays. Draft­ thias, be held tomorrow at W ing fundamentals ia taught RCAF Bi^ok Popular 8 p.m. Itl Odd Fellowa Hall. Monday aa will a junior high The Pythian Sisters wtil meet DON’T OTTAWA — About two mJl- at 7 at the hall. Officers are s modem mathematics course 0" PRESCRIPTIONS Steaks LEHUCE lion women in the United States reminded to wear white gowns. for parents. This course is de­ •LEAN, TENDER 1st.[• SAVE with Boland’s low price, prov­ 2nd* SAVE AGAIN with ’Triple-S signed to acquaint parent* with have brought the Royal Cana- There will b* a social time .. . retulUng in meaningful • NICELY TRIBfMED en reliability and Texaco Fuel Chief Heatin'ig Stamps. Good for hundreds of premium: items Larg. the new math being taught in di(ui Air Force exercise book to and refraMimeAta a i ^ tha in- savings to you every day! tb* middle grades. keep themaelvea in trtan. ■tollatian. OiL at no extra cost to you. No npa and downs In yonr Presoription ooata •— no "dltcoante” today, “Regular Haadt price#” tomorrow! No "reduced epeoiole”—no “ temporary T-Bone BONUS — 1000 TRIPLE-S STAMPS FREE redactions” on Preocriptlone to lure cuetomere! OR FOR DETAILS FILL OUT COUPON AND MAIL TODAY A t Ibe some time, there ia never any A F a c t ! eompromlae la aervlce or quality! lb TOMATOES s o u GET OUB LOWEST NOT ONE...BUT 100% OF FBIOEB EVEBT DAY OF THE NAME VINE RIPENED We Deliver Short YEAR , . . AND YOU SAVE MORE THROUGHOUT THE CUT FROM U.S.D.A. MANCHESTER'S FUEL OIL DEALERS Everywhere, FEet EXTRA LARaE YEAR . . , ON ALL YOUR HEAVY STEER BEEF HEATING. • STREET 244IO U R PBESURIPnON NEEDS. CUSTOMER ARE OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY FOR SPECIALISTS TRY US AND SEE BURNER WASHBO AND CLEAN60 SIN C E 1935 CITY SERVICE DEUVERY SERVICE AND BURNER SERVICE Round 10 01, SPINACH oello bog Try Us,,.And Seel OR TELEPHONE FLORIDA JUICY DIAL THE SAME NUMBER J L A ^ 1 C C 9 DAY 01^ NIGHT 0^4” 199^ lb TANGERINES COOPERATIVE OIL CO. A OlvMoa e< Bolaad ON ^lenapluiv ttno* IBM CRIS^ MelNTOSH m e BOLAND OR COMPANY 31S' IR0AD f r , ' TR. 543-1553 359 CENTER STREET at Wost C «ifw S». W eplww 443-5320 APPLES . ;Vi OWiee eNtoee taiJMIoa. MUUBnalle, 6«d Nat6$leh. m « W ■


Madden, 69 Hillside Ave.; Mr*. ibntdinrftrr BMUS vardiet of the U.S. Thx Oourt .last Rockville-Vernon Gloria’ Spkolis, 150 Prospect March, according the nation’s broM - St.; Donna Palozie, ElUng^; Aurora Whitehead, 83 Talcott eastora a victory in their tong battle to E iif t t ! t i9 S e n t l b Driver Hits Ave. obtain the right to write off as depra- The Baby Has Admitted Sunday: Everett I've tried them all... \ olation some portion o f the pdrchase Cleveland, 138 High St.; Gene price paid for a broadcasUng enterprise. Pole^ F a c e s Lorenc, 144 W. Main St.; A l s is a coBcesston it has been hard George Brown, Bolton Rd.; \ Adeline Rubin, Glenn Oaks, L. for the broadcasting Industry to get, be­ Been Named... I., N. Y.; Christopher Matyla, cause so great a portion of the value of Two Charges Talcottville Rd.; Lorraine La- a station may be in intangibles. But throp, 27 Village S t last March, the industry seemed to have A emaH portion . Of Windsor .Births Friday: A daughter to won its case, and it could have won it Ave., recwitly 'made orte way, Mr. and Mrs. Alwood Barrel], Wilkins, Robin Lee, daughter of Lee E. and Florine Ger­ resulted in the arrest o f art El­ 57 West S t; a son to Mr. and t h ^ if no appeal hid been taken. ber Wilkins, 33 Turnbull Rd. She was bom Dec. 31 at Msm- lington man who was charged Mrs Gerald Bezess, 16 Elm St.; The trouble is that, if this tax con- chester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are a son to Mr. and. Mrs. Richard vrith operating a motor vehicle E •••••••••••••••• 9^2 aesston ia granted the broadcasting in­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Gerber, 'V i^ s o rv ille Rd., Rockville. Bureau, 45 Daly Circle. Her paternal grandfather is Maurice Wilkins, East Hartford. while his license is under sus­ Births Saturday: A son to TO STAY dustry, and the Jolmsoa family then de- She has two brothers, John Robert, 5, and Donald Lee, 18 pension. Mr. ahd Mrs. John LeProhon, ddea to sell its broadcasting holdings, months. 46 Burke Rd.; a son to Mr. and According to Rockville police. __la anluBlvaly aodtla^ H may find them worth a quarter or a 0 * » » » Mrs. Arnold Johnston, RFD 2; wm ct ilemtioa of all aavt « { » Patrolman Herman Fritz spot­ half million more, simply because the Villanova, Rhonda Carole, daughter of Ronald Allan a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. and Roberta Carol Sirrine Villanova, Snlpsic Lake Rd., ted a oar driven by Elmer potential purchaser would have this Thomas O’ConiteU, 1 Windsor Rockville. She was bom Dec. 19 at Rockville City Hospital. Weirs, 34, travelling the wrong Ave.; a daughter t « Mr. and Sstf j?a?ss.a new depreciation write off privilege. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes, way on a short strip of Wind­ Mrs. Stanley Southerland, H R s m m K A i So the real importance of the J(>hn- Chepachet, R.I. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. snd Mrs. sor Ave. Tankeroosan Rd. son ownership at the present moment- Vito Villanova, Chepachet, R.I. She has a brother, Robert, 3; Officer Fritz was about to Discharged Friday: Mrs. Dor­ and two sisters, Donna, 4, and Darlene, 21 months. give the driver of the car a when I get gnatest oeer-AU eahus! seenu to be that it ia preventing the othea Gagne, Enfield; Mrs. Ann • • . . * warning for the offense, but the Gafrison, 14 Spruce St.; Louis rest o f the broadcasting industry from / Rard, Dale Patrirk, son of Robert and Beverly L. Owens car sped away. F ritz pursued Deptulla, Ellington; Elizabeth ,WK OIV« g a tin g what might be normal fair Bard. 1272 Silver Lane, EAst Hartford. He was bom Jan. 3 the car, and found It on Wln- Yarlott, Tolland. ___ - Ho* Torti C K treatment from government The in­ at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother deremere Ave. where It had Discharged Saturday: Leslie JfU Green Siem /n, foo!foe! ' jSS^BOBBAO o r CIBUULX- dustry would like to have the Johnsons is Mrs. Gertrude Owens, Oakland. Maine. His paternal jra n d - stopped abruptly after striking Peer, Ellington; Susan Hiller, parents are Mr. and Mr*. Sam Bard. 73 Matoer St. He haa a telephone pole. 177 E. Main St.; William Grout, |OR*BN get ou t not because of any special ad­ two brothers, Robert A., 8, and Carl O., 7. Weirs -was arrested and re­ 10 Cottage St.; Paul Lafontaine, vantage the Johnsons may enjoy, but • • • * * leased under (250 bond for ap­ Tolland; Mrs. Elizabeth Ralston, because the government is so .obviously McClelland, Jame* Thomas, son -of John Everett and pearance in Circuit Court 12, 43 Cantor Dr.; Bruno Sumisla- afraid of doing the industry any favors Eunice Kay Johnson McKllelland, 154 Irving St. He was bom Rockville, Jan. 26. ski, 107 Brooklyn St.; Miss Ida Jan. 3 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal Hyde, Ellington; George Steel. vdille the President is still Involved in it W eir* was also issued a r grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John A. Johnson, Eaglevllle. warning for driving the wrong Cubles D r.; Tammy (Jhicky, 696 EARLY WEEK SPECIALS! Gardner St., Manchester; Mrs. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mc­ way on a one-way street. Clelland, 81 Lake St. His maternal great-grandmother Is Sandra Ransom and son, 29 Lau­ Mrs. William Converse, Mansfield Depot. He has two broth­ George Amaral, 32, of 38 rel St.; Mrs. Patricia Waite and Monday, J m ia iy 11 Way Of Men With Seedlings ers. John Everett, 5, snd William Francis, 4; snd two sisters, EAst St., was arrested early daughter, 58 Mountain St.; Mrs. Sunday morning and charged Phyllis Roy and son, 144 Pros­ NUdta Khrushchev, it appears, does Deborah Kay, 7, and Laurie Kay, 2. • • • » • with intoxication. He was re­ pect St.; Mrs. Caroline Wagnor what most of lu do when we retire, or Applause Pron One Tsoknlas, Nioholas Frank, son of Leo James and Rita leased under (25 bond for ccnirt and son, Tolland; Mrs. Shirley are retired. He putters with green and Rusarik Tsokalas. 20 Gardner St. He was bom Dec. 27 at appearance Jan. 26. The arrest Curtis, Thompsonvllle. M ta BO «aay diomi— 1 of tho ominous growing things. Hartford Hlspltal. His (natemal grandparents are Mr. and was made on Market St. by Pa­ Discharged Sunday: Thomas trolman Jack Relchenbach. taportaao* oC PrMldont Bukanio’a an- ' He does it in a style a little more Mrs. Frank Husarik, 201 School St. His paternal grandpar- Hyson, Lakeview T err.; Dina Orlando P. Orfitelli, 17, of nouncmnant o t wHbdrawal from tlia *nU are Mr. and M n. James Tsokalas. Bridgeport. He has Kynoch,. 112 High St.; Edward luxurious than most of us. He has a two brothers, (toristopher, 6, and John, 5; and a sister, Bolton Rd., escaped injury McDonald, C3iarest Trailer CHUCK STEAK tM tnatad Nations to wmcontrata our atp rather hsnds(nne country estate at his Elaine, 8. when the car he was driving Park; Mrs. Rose Dwyer, Tol­ on worid raactlon to his mova. disposal, and a nice expanse of grounds, • • • • • slid on snow on Bolton Rd. and land; Mrs. Dorothy Daigle, 16 IVyr it so happens that, although ha and presumably help for maintaining HotcMns, Richard Oameron, son of Lawrence Dennis struck a telephone pole. Lynn Dr.; Martha Brown, E l­ According to police, the car lington; Mrs. Mary O’Seep and BONE-IN them, and a fairly generous Income with and Margaret Ann Beaucage Hutchins, 98 Starkweather St. wins only (me approval fo r his an* was damaged extensively and son, Tolland. which he <»n afford to indulgre his fan- He was bom Jan. 5 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His Bounoad policy, thzoughout all the world, maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roland A. Beau- had to be towed from the scene. Famous Quality First National Beef, LB Instanee o f approval eomea (dee for any special horticultural ad­ cage, 350 lordall St. IQs paternal grandparents Are Mr. and Police attributed Orfitelll’a Vernon news Is handled by from an tanportant and algnlflcant ventures. Mrs. Carlton W. Hutchina Columbia escape without injury to seat The Herald’s Rockville Bureau, • • • • • belts in the car. N o arrest was .38 Park St., telephone 876- All Cut from Heavy Western Steers fuartar. But what old Nikita is doing with his 3136 or 643-2711. SduuMMst, Jetinifer Ann, daughter^ of Raymond and made. Clonstable Carl Fred- I t ia quite natural that Communist time comes down to what many of us do, MauroenMcCnafferty Schappert, RFDAUce Dr, Coventry. erickson investigated. fViiM , a tremendous nation whlcJi has in a similar situation. One relives the She was bom Jan. 6 at Mancheeter Memorial Hospital. Her School Board Meets hitherto been barred from membership past; one grouses over the way thingni matemai g ii^ p a r e n U are Mr. and Mrs. John McClafferty, The 'Vemon Board of Edu­ SHOULDIR STIAK LB to the United Nationas, should bubble turned out; one laments, perhaps, one's New York CTty. N.Y. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. cation -will meet tonight at 7:30 LONDON BROIL NMura Study By JoMph Saternis at Building B on Park St. arvar with enttiuaiasm ^t the news that loss nf power and acti'vity on the real and Mrs. Raymond Schappert, New York City. N.Y. She has three elstera Cathy, 7. Mary Jean, 6, and Nancy, 4. Among the Items to be dis­ the laaderahip o f another great mass of stage of events; and then one goes out CONES AND TOFTS cussed will be the financing of FRESHLY GROUND LB Aaiaii population haa decided to Join GROUND CHUCK and delves in the g(x>d which is a trip to Buffalo, N.Y., for fStina on the outside looking in. members of the Rockville High Meat and Produce Pricet Iffective Monday, Tuetdoy and Wednesday Only pretty much the same the world over, s This would be about all the encour­ School band, new uniforms for and tries to make seeds sprout and Jimmy Breslin all 115 band members, a foot­ agement Communist China would need plants grow and yield the w ^ ohe wants ball schedule for 1966; consider­ to eontlnue happy and resolute in its fiwm to, which is an avocation which is Inside Report ation of the start o f a track JANUARY own refusal o f any oonyiromlae proposal Jimmy "You -worry about It,” George program at the high school; also about the same the world over. Conttened. ifrem Rage Six) for its membership in the world or­ The Way It Is said. an increase in salaries for night Nine times out o f ten, it seems to (U, by The South wae in dark Jer­ school teachers, and teEufiiers’ ganisation. fine end she atria like toe be- CLEARANCE seys on the television screen. people retire frcnn turbulence and the Rowland Erana Jr. and Robert D. Norsk Hevee rilm. TlMrt’B what mekee salaries for next years. n is is enough of a propaganda point great big gambles of life to the tran-. Nomalh was No. 12. Frederlck- Breslin toe inelde of hie arms tight a Polio CUnlc Set MUSHROOMS T angerines 12 25< is now spouting a more bellige­ son was No. 25. Gene drank to enable Communist China to turn its quility of the garden and its pleasant WASHINGTON — (Contrary to An oral polio clinic w in be recurrent rumors. President rent line on teutheast Asia, a beer and his eyes never left the attitude toward the United Nations from lot. A t night, Just when he’s held Jan. 19 from 1 to 8 p.tn. small risks and triumphs. NEW YORK, JAN. 11—The "That’s all right, I can get son is the best football player,^ Johnson has not the slightest in­ algn that the Russians see the screen. The North scored first, minute Gene opened his eyes ■ toe coffee myself.” in toe 'country. The South was ready to go to bed. Gene puts at the Rockville Public Health SNOW W H in eae of sullen waiting for admittance to This is so much a common denomi­ tention of . pulling toe 0.8. out U.S. fading in Viet Nam. but then Namath threw a paes, “ 4 9 * CELLO on Saturday morning, his “ Look at me, still in a house­ a six-point favorite, to* paper on his pajamas and starts Nursing Association. 62 Park Yellow Onions 3 23^ can of open contempt for the impor- nator in the beha'vlor o f human beings, of the war In Viet Nam. But In fact, UB. credibility—a a real'good ona and tied it at St. nerves closed in on him. It al­ coat. 1 haven’t even put a comb ssrid. that really Isn’t the point. vital aeeet in any poveer atnig- thinking about her, over in bed, 7-7. The South looked like the m tones o f memberahip. great that no way has even been found ways gets him in the stomach, to my hair.” ‘The South rixmld 'win that Tiivalent vaccine, including Staying tn Viet Nam Isn’t gle—is now so low tost no with tlUs truet of hers, and the better team-. I t ’ll Just take tone, "IVpes I, n and m . will be So President Sukarno has his ap­ and the inside of his arms, and “That's all right, you’re busy game easy todays” Gene said. (moe powerful or always weak, that it enough. To avoid being pushed ultimatum from WaahlngtoB, no kkb in the next room and he Gene thought. It was 7-7 mid­ ^ven. STARTS TODAY! plause, from one single direction, and he haa trouble thinking and with the kids.” ''Footbali?” ehe aaid. "You’re must be a source of considerable re­ out, we must do far more than matter bow valid, would b« wonders what he’s doing here way through the third quarter. Parents should oall the nurs­ Just being awake makes him “My mother’s coming at two not gotngr'.to 'watch it here, are he haa a big prospective ally and com­ great and small, famous and obscure, we are now doing — and do it taken at face value. Our ewn with tols family arid toe bills Then in the final quarter the ing office to register their pre­ tired. He started to dream. It's o’clock to help clean. you’ y w r e going to be clean­ panion in his voluntary exile. And the fast officials s a ^ admit this. and enrerytftlng in the place’ de­ South started. U had a fourth school children If they have not FAMOUS SAVE 11-QT 14-O Z' to harness this common instinct to fruit­ the only thing he can do when, “That’s good. You can use the ing here. Gene. 'Why don’t you sombinatkm of China's 650 million peo- But oven at the highest Isvels "A year or riiore a n ' n^e pending on hkn. I don’t belong down arid needed only Inches for already signed. FINAST ful and constructive achievements while he’s in trouble. help.” fp^out 'Watch tt somepteoe. It’ll 14c I CANS of official Washington there ia might have made an uHjniBtum here, be says to himself. I a first down and they put In Hospital Notes Tomato Juice a*"' Indonesia's 104 million people the human beings are still in the midst He reached for the telephone “Gene, what if she wants to be ecMier. And beride, you disagreement about bow the ■Uck that If North Viet Nam toould be home gri'vlng In (20 a FYederickson, toe ooe • the Admitted Friday: Martha has tta tremendous geopolitical signifi- on the night table and picked make a phone call? What am worked aU week and never got U.S. effort should be stepped up didn’t stop tnfUtrgUite its guer- Giants signed, and Frederick- b r a n d of important events. up the receiver. The phone had I going to say if she picks up week to my mother and going Brown, 68 George Dr.; Mrs. oanee. out. It’ll do you good to take a 01' whether it should be stopped rlUa agents a c r ^ m e bordere son went to hia left. He can go SAVE W hy do people have To wait for the no sound in it. He knew there toe phone?” out 'W ith toe guys at night. Julia Poliansky, Tolland; Den­ FINAST . 1-LB walk. Take a couple of dollars up at all. we would retaltate,” ’ ooe cri- like hell to his left, this Fred- nis McDonald, (bbarest Trailer T e t it should still perhaps be the loss >of role or power before they can wouldn’t be any. The phone' had 'Tell her toe thing’* brificen.” “ All right,” be said to his 11c CREAM STYLE CANS and go out. 'What’s the differ­ If the U.S. does not eoin vdiich would discover and (xmfesa how much they ence?” a new dimension to the war, our laugh at ua!” wife. “ I ’ll take four dollara and trip him he would have gone for after the g ifl from the tele­ my mother that?” Admitted Saturday: Ekigene weigh the more heavily in the atten love the simple things of their own good She n brightly. She ia The lose of credfolUty Is eas­ go out and. waUrii the game.” a touchdown. The announcer REDUCED phone company called and said He grabbed the newspaper diplomats may find themselves Parsons, 26 Maxwell Dr.; Cecil always lUce that. She knew the vlctime of a humiliating ily explained. For months, of- He put on a raincoat and said that. The South got the tkm and deliberatloB of any responaibla earth? Why isn’t such sacred, peaceful service would be shut off un­ from toe top of the reftlgm tor Adams, 88 Union St.; Thomas 20% SAVE CHICKEN NOODLE I 2-ENV. there 'was trouble, and she eras “ peace” conference. Impressive floiaife have aiternatelgr blown went out o f the house. He walk­ first down. It was on the 16 and leader of the Indonesian destinies. reverence for the soil present when we less a payment was made by and started reading i t Ha to 40% SOUP MIX I PKGS trying to make it easier on s'vidence. ia available her* that hot (as whan President John- ed to the right when he came Gene was going to gei out for 13c lipton There haa not been the slightest rip­ noon. But he picked it up now Wanted to make the pbeme and are denai(ier his decision and not The time for people to be gentle with neighborhood, one in the deli­ right now. Namath passed, and man was waiting for .Gene to There’s an old legend toat a sertion of front-line troops <— wasn’t great. It made hkn feel ROCKVILLE, CONN. W E D N E S DAY HARTFORD COUNTY go tbrou^ with it after all. catessen, toe other in toe drug But what action? Within toe the recej-ver, out on toe right, seedlings is not merely in retirement me down and play with the Roman emperor once stormed then whole units — is a distinct better to think adout how good Buksuno's announced a i ^ n haa suc- kid. Then the old man would store. They'd be looking for Administration .opinions eon- turned and dove for the ball Co., Ine. Open Dally till 5:30 but when they are in iheir own prime, into the Temple o f Jerusalem possibility. tola Namato Is. open the window and ask about him to ^ y . He was more than fUct and shift with the rapid­ and the ball dropped to the 1229 Main St__ 649-5838 Open Friday Night tlU 9 P.M. sseded in striking a severe and tragic and busy with all their incalculable pow- and demanded that 'to e high The effect of declining morale A t the bar, he bought a beer the rent. It was and it was a month behind to two loan ity of toe obariglng go eern- ground in front of him. Mow at the jHestige of the United Na- priest give him the Jewels. H ie on the shaky regime in Saigon and went Into the phone booth eight days late. He is all right, companiea. A t 9 o’clock Mcm- menta In Saigon. Then there was commotion tiona But the first reactiota o f every priest led him into toe Holy of is predictable. It will make Cten. Contingency plana ~ docu­ and oafied Geoige at his home. on the screen because the South the old man. He always says day, they would be after him at 'Taylor’s primary mission to sta­ George le an old guy who works nation except Communist China, the Hdliee and told him toe Jewteh ments that usually wind np in was sending in a team to try a go(xl morning and how are you work. The -inside of his arms bilize the government even aa toe receptionist s i the stock and things like that, but the felt tight now. He turned to the treasures were inside the ark. in an obscure pigeonhole—ha%<. field goal. Namath was trotting great outsider, has bewi to start trying more difficult than it Is, if that’e 4 brokerage and on the side he Child-Psycholofiry Diplomacy minute toe rent is late, toe old sports pages. You can forget The emperor quickly, opened the been drafted to cover steppei.- off toe field. Gene didn’t keep to figure out what in the world might possible. Tuna bets for a bookmaker. man only knows one thing. He things when you read a sports ark and there fowid the sacred iH> guerrilla raids in the north up ■with it. The television was MAXWELL HOUSE MAXWELL HOUSE become of the world and all the nations For many years''now the U.S. haa been scrolls of toe lew. Ihe emperor But beyond that, this vicious bombing of harbor and Indu:. Once in a while. Gene beta (2, going right past him. Just as is toe owner of a twO-famlly story. circle of events K bound to to it, big and small, if the United Na- taking what might be calied a child- then realized toat to toe high trial facilities, air Interdiction aometinMa even (5, But never life goes past him during the COFFEE house in Bay Ridge, and toe The Senior Bowl was going heighten the doubts in other INSTANT COFFEE ’ psychology approach to some of its dip­ priest toe real treasure of toe of north-eouth supply Nutea. ateadUy. week, and the game ended in a 2 LB CAN J 9 2 10-OZ JAR ttons should really begin to crumble. To rent is |12S, due toe first of to be on television at 2 p m , countries throughout the world I REGULAR OR DRIP 20c DEAL PACK 1.70 lomatic problems. The fruits of this ef­ every month. toe paper said. It was one of Jews WBS to be found in the law ■and other tactics. “ GecMge," he aaid, ‘1 want to 7-7 tie. that queatlcm no nation, not even Com- fort are growing in abundance, and that the United States does not Gene put on a blue sports; those games with all-star c(ri- of God. There Is agreement anoug). bet toe South. I want to bet ' “ You’re through with this, . they are proving not very digestible. regard its vast military power asuniat China or Sukarno Indonesia can shirt and gray pants and went lege teams from the North and I f someone demanded your on strategy: To malce oontouw about (200 on the South,” Gene aren’t you?” the bartender said. O F MANCHESTER As with a number of real ehlld psy- (in the word of one Admlnistra- hav^ an answer which has even a alight into toe kitchen. His wife w a » South playing.. The South had treasure this day, where would tlon of the war too costly fo. MUd. , He was stonding at the televi­ DETERGENT 5c DEAL PACK . LIQUID DETERGENT 1-QT4-0 Z7 0 ; (diologlsts, a fairiy extreme permissive­ Uon official) as "relevant” In CLOSED por^on o f hope in i t in her housecoat„-sltting by toe‘ his Joe Namato, the passer the you lead hhn ? North Vlot Nam’s H e Chi Min., "You wint to bet what?” sion set. ness haa been the rule with many na­ the Far East. MONDAYS Fab lOt DEAL PACK - GIANT PKG 76c LGE PKG 31c Dynamo 7c DEAL PACK BTL ' / Z C window and feea mustn't spank, month-old. rosive effect of these doubts al­ ‘T d get up but I have toe Oiurch,' ment on how. day.” walked out o f the place. He lest the little psyche be damaged. And erickson. The Giants signed ready has brought subtle chang­ LIQUID CLEANER 1-PT12-OZ X 1 baby,” she said. him. They elaimed Frederick- But if action is not talun— "I (tont know. You’re going thought something aibout one h o u seh o ld deodorizer Non-FVtTorltism Just as this atUtude toward real young­ Waipplng, Oonneottout es in Moscow. A s Soviet Union Florient 59c59c 10c DEAL PACK BTL 0 I C action far beyond the mere hi deep here. But you got to of the kids jTOttlng sick in the Ajax Ttas Republicans have repeatedly at- sters is being increasingly discredits pledge not to gqt out—the UA. middle of the night and the — since the results too ^ ten are little bave toe money first thing tacked the ,/aot that the President's may soon find Kebtf at a oon IMonday morning. You got to phone being out so he cxiuldn’t monsters Instead of well-behaved kids— call toe doctor, but he couldn’t CLEANSER PKG 7 Q Sunlljr owns, in Texas, publicly' licensed fereaoe table with no ebi|W. Th- lay (220 agahist (200 and I got SANDWICH BAGS so the evident defects of our diplomacy probable result: A ‘‘neutrallal concentrate on it. He never Ajax 1-LB 5-OZ CAN 23e 31c OF 50 z y c ; are causing considerable second-think­ to have the (220 right away Baggies toleviaion enterprise edilch la regulated Fisclietti ~ government In Salgaii tha.' noticed the rain coming down ing...... M io ^ y morning. You're giving FOOD WRAP BAGS PKG OF 25 39c by the federal government And our own ukdy would be the pnhide to as he walked home to his wife In the child-psychology view o f diplo­ iW P I SH polnta.” Communist rule over all 'Vie; and two kids. ■Btural cynicism about the political macy, the U.S. shouldn't react severely ‘IDon’t worry about R, ^ m m m Nam. , 194& P u b lis h e r * N e w sp a p e r world leads pa to the Judgment that to such manifestations o f bad mariners. Syndicate I f toat happens, tfas aCtaet bn ■Hch a situation has probably lent it- One, it ia arguS that the perpetrators the world Communist .move­ FLEISCHMANN'S CLOROX BLEACH •alf, to the pas^ to soma kind o f fa- are young nations and must be a llo w s to grow up as they >want Two, they ment would bs gslvsnlc. Anri worltism, and might do so again. wfast Rusk w an ed w o ^ quick­ CORN OIL might become still- more anti-Ameri­ 1-LB PKG QT BTL •A GAL JUG gueh a pc^t of view, for the o p p o »4 . can if we stoppS showering them with ly oome to pass— ‘W avan. MARGARINE 42c 23c 43c tog politician, or the cynical layman. fo S and books or whatever. Three, the greater orlals” fro w fo g put of Communists m ight get them. Four, there . ■uooeaaful aggreealari. GUITAR Is not neceasarlly the point view o f Utt Publkhwe Hewapeear is a greater gain' in maintaining our SyndUxtU •thar people who have money invested smiling presence than in telling them GERBER to tbs same kind o f enterprise. we will stop aid, for example, unless C R E S T ■ yior them, the presence of the Brest- their department Improves. Herald HOBBY CU SS BABY FOODS gsnt's fam ily in the Industry, even lin­ There may be a little something to the argument, arid we don’t believe the TW b GROUPS: ADMLTS Remodeling TOOTH PASTE e a r acme trusteeship agreement, has a U.S. should go to the opposite extrema Yester^yi STRAINED I CHOPPED toffasant kind of twist o f trying to run everything and every­ and YOUNG PEOPLE IT'S FUN! rrS EASY! W vt other broadcastera, the trouble one. In fact, however, it is not aggres- FAMILY SIZE 2 5 Years A§^ BVERYBCHIY i s d o i n g TT! dV* OZ TUBE 9rs^95c 1 6 Wtth having the President's family in siveneas for the most part but tbs Gov­ your kitchen? de DEAL PACK 83c ernment's v e iy meekness and eager as­ BABY CEREALS lARLIY, OATMEAL. RICE 2 G-OZ PKGS 37c toalr Industry is that the President's oonaldaHng L e a n to plaj the guitar ta onr SPECIAL lO'WEEK HOB­ ^ -'ll sistance that has won so much oppro­ P^l^uity of mahbig wunlc- BY GLAMTlf* a w dl planned Interesting metood teatsb- g overnment seems to be takinin un­ brium. Whatever the greater gain in JPJI atroet U ghtliy survdy to Let a Daystrom dinette add. the finish­ lag galtar aeoonqpanlnMiit for folk, weatera and popnlar 3 B-OZ CANS 25c usual pains not to do any favors to the taking repeated insults may be in the determine, in some InaUuMes, ing touc^ to your newly remodeled kitch- Bessie Tsss Fer Can 2 * can* 29c 3 Little Kittens Seafood Treitt mMla. todustry. future, the U.S. is not gaining respect ^ tecatlons for lights, In en^ No matter what your taste in design Kssrr Hsarty Bssf Sssp mnvkg 39c Nabisco PresHsa Saltinei 1UPKO 3 1 c B O W , despite all these years o f giving owem, points at which A s w ay some o f them see tt, the gov- U . , . informal, semi-classical, contem- Kssrr OUckes Nssds Soap > inv ko 39c 2 k g s o f 7S 45c tbs permissive approach a fair tiid » 6 y ba elkniiMitsd. instruefions Waxtex Ssadwich Bs|( sgsaaent is now leaning over badcarards from. Salgcm to Cairo and beyond. poraiy . . . there is a Daystrom for you. Ssew’i ( sis Oi6w4sr » ozcan25c Nylssis SpsB|S( KOOFl 25c to aasks sure it doesn't do snything Instead, it would appear that young 1 0 Years Afo ■ By Arnold Land she rg... The Daystrmns are not only stylish, but Prises Bhsw Macarssi « ?min tPAOHmi - .-squah u-oz pko 25c KssUsr Pisuris sr Calaxis Csskfsi 2 89c w M ch might be o f even Indirect bens- aatioBs. and some not so yoiung, are like extremely practical. For instwee, the roui^ people in certain of their atti- A 4 alt ClaM Starts Wed., dan. l S - 4 P J I. Traari Oty Pststgist 2 umko* 39c Cbock M 0' NkU hstast Caffs# 4.DIAIPACX z-ozia* 45c m to the, dollar value o f the Johnsim l^Ustic table tops are completely acid, lUdes; excessive parental fear of hurting TooBg F o o ^ ’i OlBM Starti W ed g'd **-1*—d tM FJM. DaidB Hawh

\r}. ■ y: ^..y L

^ A. ■ - • ' 'V, —* • 'W' ■

^i^AGB EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1966 PAGE NWl % \ ^ IIANCHRSTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,' CONN,, MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1965 The Salvation Army wUj offi­ Massey and Robert M. Massey, ciate. Burial will be In East all of Bolton; two daughters, Gam e Reset Obituary Cemetery, Manchester. Mrs. Stanley Chessey of Bolton Broad^Center Intersection Town Sand Spreader ' Frtemli may call at the fU' and Mrs. Lee Ooralsh of He­ neral honm tonight from T to 9. bron; A brother, Harry Mllbura HOUSTON (AP) — The of Wllllmantlc; two sisters, Mrs. Said Hazard to Pedestrians 1965 Anwrlcan Football Mn. Albert OaiEsfti Elisabeth Yeomans of West Lsagus All-Star gams will Casualty of Storm Death Qaims Mrs. Adallne L. OuellatU, 68, Pslm Beach, Fla. and Mrs. bs played SatunUy after­ A potentially dengerous five-* la napoDM to the meetings, noon in Jeppeeen Stadium of 56 Ooocord Rd., formarty of Ruby ESfleson of Baldwlnvllle, street intoraection le the subject CMet Roardon, tbs town’s traf­ East Hartford, died Saturday Mass.; ssven grandchildren end here, Houston Oiler offi­ Yesterday’s IBU hour snowstorm, which dropped Mazzoli, 55 of e ceinpelgn preemtly being fic authority, ordered At local cials announced today. The morning at a private hospital twelve great-grandchildren. weged by e group of Tmmbull survey o f the pedestrian con­ league called off the game about 4.6 inches of snow on Manchestw, provrt no prob­ after a long illness. Funeral eervlces win be held 8t. parents. The toiteraection ditions at the Intersection. He lem for the town highway department, but did result in X>Mth early today She was a member of Msgr. at Bolton Congregational Church coneists of Broed, Center, W. scheduled in New Orleans h u not yet disclosed Its re­ when Negro players com­ Bruno Mazzoll, 55, of 1S4 Hen­ Brennan Clrcls, Daughters of Wedneeday at 3 p.m. The Relr. Center, Arch, end Pine Ste. one mechanical casualty, a new, automatic sand-apread- sults. plained of discrimination ry S t He waa atrlcken at hla Isabella, East Hartford. J. Stanton Conover, pastor, wlU Although police records show ------—------' 'te r. home and died suddenly. officiate. Burial will be In Bol- Msanwhlle, Mrs. Jones said and walked out yesterday. Ths recently acquired 5l,900 Survivors include her hus­ no pedeatrlen accidents at the today that a petition Is being Mr. Maatoll, service manafer band, Albert Ouellette, former ton Center Cemetery. intersection lest year, the pa­ (Earlier story on sports Boughman sand-H>roadsr want Progress Report '65 at the Manchester Motor Sales Friends may call at the Wat­ circulated among the parents P<«^) Into a slide on ffigh t. Ext. at operator of Gazette Barbershop rents, who have been meeting concerned and will be present­ E vents 8 since 1935, was also one of of East Hartford for over 40 kins-West Funeral Home, 142 B. with Police Chief James Rear­ 3:80 this morning, struck a tree, Mandiester's best known duck- Center 8t., Xfanchester, tomor­ ed to Chief ReardOh thu week. yeara; a son, Robert Ouellette don and 8upeiintendent of The ^tltlon will ask for either and want out of eomsfilssion, pin bowlers and a supemumer' of Eakt Hartford; a daughter. row from 7 to 9 p.m. Schools William Curtis, contend with considerable damage to Its ary member of the Manchester the walk light, the delayed ac­ Longshpreinen Sister Albert Celine of the Or­ that cars antarlng Broad from tion light, or a traffic officer. In State propeller shaft and rear motor. PciUce Department since 1941. der of the Daughtere of the Frank Q. Colegrove the other four streets constitute Neither of the two operators For years he handled the vital Frank George Colegrove, 79, If, in the light of this petition Hold Meeting was injured and tha spreader Holy/Ghost, Futnam; and two a haasird to children croaMng. and his own survey. Chief (Continned from Page One) sisters, Mrs. Peter Russell and of 37M Bluefield Dr., died early Unofficially led Iw Mre. Rob­ has bean sont back to the ven­ this morning at Windham Com­ Reardon decides that either a On Strategy dor for repair. Mrs. Antoine Toussiaut, both of ert W. Jones of m Trumbull walk light or a delayed action These arrests, plus nine others H artfoi^- munity MesHorial Hospital, Wil- The same piece of equipment St., the parents have requested light is needed, he would make In the past two weeks, have The funeral will be held to­ llmantlc, after a short illness. that Reardon and CUrtlc consid­ (Continued from Page One) was almost hit by a car at West He was the husband of Mrs, such a recommendation to the cleared up 96 of 180 burglaries and Cooper Hill Sts. at about morrow at 9 a.m. from the Ben­ er several methods of Improv­ State Traffic Commission. reported during a Christmas jamin J. Callahan Funeral Susan Woods Colegrove. ing the sittiation. oendent, headed by Harry 8 last night. Mr. Colegrove was bora in The conunlaslon would pass season theft wave, police said. Yesterday's roowfall broke the Home, 1603 Main St., East Bus transportation, a traffic Bridges. , Lt. Peter Cybul, commander St., East Hartford, w i^ a sol- Bristol FSb. 18, 1885, a son of officer, a delayed action light, the recommendation on to Its The East knd Gulf Coast long' pattern of the previous five Traffic Division which would of the Youth Bureau, said one enrm high Mass of r s ^ i ^ at George and Julia Woods Cole­ or a walk light were the altern­ shoremen struck for 84 days in “ ^ into weeks, when enow fell only 10 at St. Bridget’s Church. Buri­ grove, and lived in Manchester atives proposed In the meetings then make Its own survey of DecemberD ecm iw r 196210*9 and.nH January 'i o ' juvenilea was token into every other weekend. Added to the Intersection and make a al will be in S t Mary's Ceme­ 40 years. He was a retired en­ between the two officials and 1963. The walkout cost the na- “ ii* to previoiu totals, Manchester hai! graver and had worked at the the parents. recommendation to the com­ had about 19 Inches of snov tery, East Hartford. mission. tlonal economy an unofficially store^ Manchester Ehigraving Co. He Curtis told them that they estimate,! huunn riniiar. The dcpartnient since Dec. 8. Friends may call at the fu­ dollars. QuesUontog of the boy led to neral home tonight from 7 to 9. was a member of St. Mary lived too near the school to be The, . commission .. would then I major issue then, as now, waa .. Police report five accidents Episcopal Church. considered for transportation. ronslder the request in the light automation and Its effect on e arrest of the other four, occurred during and after yes­ Mass cards may be sent in I he said. Cybul said more ar­ her memory. Survivors, besides his wife. He suggested that the grcup of both recommendations Md jobs. One term of the settlement terday's snowstorm in which I Believe: Include a daughter, Mrs. George seek action on the other alter­ decide whether to install a was that each side would contin­ rests are expected. the operator of a motor vehicle Timmons Sr. of WUlimantic; a natives first and then, If they light. The final decision lies ue to study the subject. The Juveniles got about 52,800- M n. Olive B. Sldiiner with the commission. in the burglaries, all at business loet control on the treacherous son, Woodrow A. Clifford of meet with no success, to aF The walkout, in effect, Is a road Burface and slid off the VERNON—^Mrs. Olive Beau- The cost of the light would establishments, police said. mng Beach, Clalif., Charles set the pattern for contracts to ring yesterday afternoon on coffee and Duncan Hines cake mixes. The at the Holmes Funeral Home. Mra. Anna King Frederick L. Shadlich the dual reports are made in other ports. There also were throughout a long career.” The Rev. Clifford O.- Simpson, Palmer, USN retired, comman­ Wind.sor St. near Burnham SL Mrs. Anna Stringer King, 77, Funeral services for Fred­ writing. der at Portsmouth Naval Ship­ contract disputes on local issues A native of Milwaukee, Wis.. pastor of Center Church, will of 360 Hilliard S t, died yester­ erick L. Shadlich of Broad Gregory now resides to Pali­ Involving Albert J. Bolly, 51. of of free enterprise — that privilege that has overall change in your total food bill will ” I do not know of any in­ yard when Thresher was re­ to several South Atlantic and Tolland, and <3ozmos Mendolu officiate. Burial will be in East day at a Manchester convales­ Brook were held Saturday at stance,” he said, "where qual­ Gulf Coast ports. sades. N. Y. He has been a lec­ Cemetery. leased, refused to comment on ski, 60, of B r o ^ Brook. The 8th cent home after a short illness. the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 ity has been sacrificed f o r the Congressional report, say­ Union President Thomas W. turer at Sarah Lawrence College Friends may call tonight She was bom in Canada on Main St., Manchester. The Rev. time.” since 1934. Dljitrict Fire dbpt. was called produced what we now call ”the affluent absolutely amaze you. from 7 to 9 and tomorrow from ing he had not read it in 11 s Gleason said he was "shocked” to the scene to wash away gaso­ March 10, 1887, daughter of the Wallace Winchell of Broad The Thresher broke up during entirety. by the contract rejection in the S to 5 and 7 to 9 at the Holmes late Victor and Delphine Pola- Brook Congregational Church line which had spilled on the Funeral Home, 400 Main St. port of New York In a union road. society.” Never have people had so much sant Stringer. She lived la Man­ otflciated. Burial waa in the membership vote last Friday. R.R. Tru8tee8 chester for 10 years. family plot In Windsorvllle Mendoluskl was taken-to Man Francis A. Moran, He had called the contract' the I have written hundreds of messages Survivors include a daughter, Cemetery. Reyes GiyeniRec Dispute best In the 72-year history of the Chester Memorial Hospital to eat for so few hours of their labor. SOUTH WINDSOB^Frahcls Mrs. Joseph Cacase with whom Bearers were Bussell Tallard, union. Seek Permi88ion where he waa treated for face Andrew Moran of Hartford, she made her home; a Moa, Ar­ Robert Gordon Sr., Robert Gor­ Asst. Secretary of Labor cuts, requiring 13 sUtches. to customers in the past 33 years; never died Saturday at Hartford Hos­ thur King of Jewett City; four don Jr., and Louis Shadlich Jr. lo Inm Service Police report an accident oc­ pital after a short lllnefes. 10-18 Years To Be Given James J. Reynolds said Sunday sisters, Mrs. Ehra Beauregard of that the New York stalemate curred yesterday afternoon on Ten years ago, we started to .issue Bom in South Windsor, he Bristol, Mrs. Rose Bray of Mrs. Ann W. Robb Lydall St, near Vernon St. Ac­ have I been more honest with you than lived in this area most of his (Continued from Page One) waa caused by failure of the (Conttoued from Page One) Providence, RJ., Mias Delia Funeral services for Mrs. To Mediator union membership to under­ cording to police, a vehicle op­ Bfe. He was employed at Ar­ erated by Eugene F. Bowe, 44. trading stamps to Mott customers, ^ is row, Hart and Hegeman Co., Stringer of Central Village, and Ann W. Robb of a05D Bluefield stand the contract terms. Rey­ Dorigan concedes- that IOC ■ ^ Mrs. Hattie Borelli; eight ford man, twice shot Meyer The dispute and grievance of of 109 Hollister St., was unable when I sincerely say to you now: Hai^ord, for 20 yeara as an Dr. will be held tomorrow at Tober last Jime while the el-, nolds said he thought the strike disapproval would prevent a cut­ grandchildren, 10 great-grand- three referees over the fero would fail. to negotiate a slippery Incline automatic machine operator. 1:30 p.m. at the Holmes Fu­ derly man was working at hla paid for working the rec de­ back in commuter service promotional device attracted a sufficient 4 I childreen and several nieces and Associates of Gleason said the and was struck by an automo­ He waa an Army Air Corps neral Home, 400 Mato St. The Rockville plant. .Tober was the partment’s Businessmen’s Bas­ which the trustees are proposing nephews. union president would seek as a preliminary step to elim­ bile driven by Christopher T veteran of World War n and a Rev. Dr. J. Manley Shaw of president of the Tober Base­ ketball League will be settled Gaudet, 17. of « Gerard 6t member, of the Irish American A solemn high Mass of re­ ball Manufacturing Co. on meetings of all the union's lo­ inating all paasenger service. number of new customers to our stores, quiem will be celebrated South Methodist Church will of­ soon by mediation, in accord­ moving down the hill and to­ Club. ficiate. Burial will be to East Brooklyn St. cals here today or Tuesday to But Dorigan Indicated the Wednesday at 9 a.m. at All ance with (3hapter 14 of the try to “ sell” the contract and ward the Bowe car, whlcta was Survivors Include a sister, Cemetery. Tober died of a heart attack town’s personnel .niles. trustees would welcome a full Hallows Church, 130 P*rospect get another vote on it. airing of the New Haven's finan­ partly blocking the road. It’s time to change! Miss Mary Moran of Hartford; Friends may call at the fu­ two days after the shooting, General Manager Richard that they were not only able to receive ^ St., Moosup. Reynolds went to Washington cial woes at public hearings to In the one accident occurring and two brothers, John J. Mor­ neral home tonight from 7 to 9. according to a report by Cor­ Martin said to d ^ that the an of Hartford and Frederick Friends may call at the TU- oner Herbert Hannabin'y. Sunday night to report to Secre­ Washington. He said the trustees on Saturday, William E. Bums. llnghaat Pimeral Home, Central three men Involved have sub­ tary of Labor W. Willard Wlrtz 44, of 34 McKinley St., was ar­ Moran of West Heutford. Reyes waa also charged' In mitted a request for mediation and the railroad at this stage gtamp gifts, but lower prices as well. The funeral will be held to­ Village, toiilght from 7 to 9 and Harold Mclsigan but he was due back in New have nothing to lose. rested and charged with failure Prayers were said this morn­ the minor wounding of a fel­ and that he has recommended morrow at 8:35 a.m. f^ m the tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 low employe wh«^ Tober was York today for a scheduled Sen. Abraham Rlblcoff, D- to drive a reasonable distance Ahem ' Funeral Home, 180 p.m. ing for Harold McLagan of 29 a list of men, from among meeting with the ILA’s 23-men apart. Now, ten years later, most competition shot. whom, one ^11 be chosen to Conn., says he and his col­ Farmington Ave., with a sol­ Hudson St. at the Holmes Fu­ executive council. Gleason neral Home. 400 Main St. The Reyes’ public defender, Atty. adt as mediator. leagues from the states served The accident occurred about emn high Mass of requiem it Mrs. Nellie A. Foley Robert J. Pigeon, today blamed called to the officials from the by the New Haven will Insist 10:30 p.m. on Adams St. near 9» in SL Peter’s Church, ,*x»,214 Mrs. Nellie A. Foley of 23, Rev. John J. Delaney, ^ . . pastor. ------of- Martin said that, as soon as affected jxirts for what he de­ has followed. You now have double stamps, ■’temporary abberatlon” for the the referees select the man, a that the IOC reject the trustees' W. Middle Tpke. when Bums, Main St,, Hartford. Burial will Llnnmbre Dr., widow of Charles ® Church, officiated scribed as a strategy meeting, application unless there are full northbound on Adams 8t., strucl: Changeto Burial waa ,ln St. Bridget's shooting durinj a plea for a mediation meeting wUl be be in M t St, Benedict Ceme­ E. Foley and Daniel R. Mullen, reduced sentence. No motii'e public hearings. a vehicle to front of him which stamp items, stamp coupons, extra stamps tery, Bloomfield. died t l^ morning at S t An­ Cemetery. Father Delaney read scheduled. the committal service. has ever been revealed for the The three men, Raymond Rlblcoff also said he would ask was turning into a driveway, Friends may call at the fu­ thony’s Nursing Home,- Rock­ police say. The second vehicle Bearers, all members of the shootfhv. 'Ktuico, Stanley Zlma and Rob­ PTA Will Hear the Housing and Home Finance neral home tonight from 7 to 9. ville, after a long illness. Judge John C. Fitzgerald said Agency to take quick action on was operated by Hubert P and more stamps. She was bom to Middletown, Eighth District Fire Depart­ ert Carlson, were turned down Reyes coi’!-! rec' e ---- "’liat- by Rec Supt. Horace Muiphey, an expected application from Bnishle, 89, of 401 Adorns, St. David J. WUson daughter of the late Patrick ment, were Harold Topliff Sr., Road Safety Talk The- Bums vehicle had to be Lt. AJfred Vennard, Justin Shi- ric help at the state prison. last Monday In a request for a the Connecticut Transportation David J. Wilson, 64, of and Monica Burke Kelly. She Reyes was originally indicted Authority for aid under the Mass towed away. Hartford, formerly of Manches­ Ilved in Mid^etown most of her toanskl. Walter E. Topliff, Wal- hike in the fees they were re­ Motts... for first degree murder and as­ Court appearance Is set for life. ter Dent and Arthur Warring­ ceiving for refereeing the Busi­ Karl A. Jicha of Hartford Transportation Act. Stamps now cost you money. ter, died Saturday at Hartford sault with Intent to commit Jan. 25. Hospital after a short Illness. Survivors include a son, Dan­ ton. nessmen’s League. They asked will speak tomorrow at 8 p.m. Rlblcoff is also pressing for iel Mullen of Manchester; a murder but pleaded guilty to to be paid 54 per game instead at a meeting of the Verplanck Inclusion of the New Haven in He w£is bom in Portadown, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Northern Ireland, and lived to daughter, Mrs. Catherine Tease the lesser charges. of the 52.50 allocated for the PTA at the school. He is safe­ a merger sought by the Penn­ Stamps are now a replacement for the Hartford and Manchester of Hartford: three grandchil­ Reyes had worked at the work. ty director of the Automobile sylvania and New York Central Snow ranging from three to area for 40 years. A barber, he dren, six great-grandchildren, Discussion Set plant for about five years and The three said that they Club of Hartford, an affiliate railroads and for passage of a eight Inches covered Connecticut operated a shop in Manchester and several nieces and neph­ was described as well-liked by would continue to referee games club with the American Auto­ bill he has introduced which ^ a y , but the state appeared to fanaginatiott, ingenuity, initiative, energy, for 16 until his retire­ ews. On Sewer Break Tober. in the Junior leagues at the mobile Association. Hla topic would provide 5100 million to have taken the latest storm to Save the ment to 1958. He was a mem- The funeral will be held 52.50 rate, but refused to con­ will bo "Your Child’s Safety. federal funds for hard-pressed stride. „ her of The Salvation Army Wednesday at 9:16 a.rt). from Officials of the 8th District tinue in the senior league. The Amerioan Automobile commuter operations. The snow fell most of Sunday, ability, intelligence and common sense. ’’Citadel of Hartford, the Master Coughlin Funeral Home, I and the privately owned Man- Columbia As a result, play in the Association Is a prime support­ "I will fight tooth and naU to but ended early today and gave Barbers Association of Connec­ 491 High St., Middletown, with : Chester Water Co. will meet at Businessmen’s L e i ^ e has been er of school safety patrols and preserve the New Haven com­ way to clear weather. a solemn high Mass of requiem muter service now threatened This is wrong. It must stop. And it must ticut and a m^ber of The I 7:80 tonight at the water com- Youths Collide suspended, pending settlement high school driver education Except to a few Isolated Salvation Army Band for many at 10 at St. John’s Church, I pany’s office at 346 N. Main St. of the dispute, or the. hiring and distributes millions of traf­ with abandonment,” Rlblcoff places, traffic moved smoothly years. High St., Middletown. Burial to discuss a possible settlement of replacements at the 52.50 fic lesson guides to schools each said In a statement Saturday. and schools were open. No sori- change! Survivors Include his wife, will be In St. John’s Cemetery. over the replacement of a Hol- In Stolen Car rate.' , year, Dorigan, meanwhile, declined ous accidents were reported. stop now. Mrs. Gladys Robinson Wil­ Friends may call at the fu- Uster St. sanitary sewer line. Kim Shirer, faculty advisor to speculate on the possible re­ nertil home tomorrow from 2 to *^^” '* * ' hR by the latest storm son; a brother, Richard WU- The controversy stems from a Two youths were turned over to the safety patrol at Ver­ sults of the current agitation was the Ridgefield area in south­ soji of Ocean Grove, N. J.; and 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. break hi the line last January. to New Haven police to face planck School, has arranged over the tnisteee’ abandonment western Connecticut, where a a sister, Mrs. Herbert Math­ NcTBonds Posted plan. District directors contend that car theft charges after the car for members of the patrol to < j' ■ • . Mr*. Margaret Kearney eight Inches feU, In Bethany and ers of Portadown, formerly ^of the break occurred after a wa­ they were driving skidded head- be special guests at the meet­ Asked if the latest announce­ Manchester. Mrs. Margaret Barry Kear­ By Constables Stafford, state police reported ter pipe burst and undermined on into another vehicle on Rt. ing. ment was Jukt another’ attempt the snow depth reached three Fimeral senrices will be held ney, 84, o f East Hartford, for­ the sewer line, causing It to col­ 6A yesterday afternoon. to get aid to keep the trains Inches. New Haven rspOTtod four tomorrow at 1 p.m. at the merly of Hartford, mother of lapse.- Raymond McMullen, 17,. and Three of the seven men elect­ running. Dorigan firmly replied: Newkirk and Whitney F’uneral Hartford^flvs to six, and John Kearney of Manchester, The insurance carrier for'the a minor were treated for cuts at ed last fall’’ to be conksbles "We Intend to go ahead with our B r t^ p o rt as much os six. Home, 776 Farmington Ave., died Saturday at St. Francis Windham Community Memorial have forfeited their poaitlons b y applications.” West Hartford. The Rev. Mol- water company has disclaimed About Town JS' ,^ **0 ie r Bureau at Hospital, Hartford. ' any liability, but WUliam Hospital and turned over to New falling to post a required 5 1,- B li le y Field, Windsor Locks, eolm J. Zandt of Trinity Other survivora include two Haven police. 000 performance bond. Episcopal Church, Hartford, Foulds, Manchester Water Co. srid only a weak push of cedder President sons, two daughters, nine Their car collided with one The three are Joseph Ger- JamM Blair of 178 Bpruoa Vemon ’ and Maj. Robert McNally of president, suggested the meet­ St., a stockbroker and security Mr waa expected la Oonnaettout grandchBdren and two great- ing of the two grot^M, in an ef­ driven by Luclen Hennequln, 68, vsis, 47 Seaman Circle; Joseph t o ^ . Temporatursa wlU rawe grandehliihon. of Rt. 8A. He and ms wUe Macaicne, HI Ferguson Rd.; analyst. 'wUl taaoh a course for change, to Mott’s Super Food Markets fort to reach an amiable set­ the layman eeeklng more fa Car Hits Fence, •Ixiut normal for the season' on The fiinend was betd this tlement. were admitted to the hospital af­ and Frank » Armentaho, 36 tho buroau said. Peraonal Notices morning from the Benjamin J. ter they complained of chest Trebbe Dr. All are Democrats. mlliarity with Investment tech- Another problem to be dis­ nlquee. The course la offered by Too snow, which d e v o k ^ Oallahah Funeral Home, 1602 cussed tonight will be that of pains. . . Four of the seven ooastablee Driver Is Hurt the Univeratty of Connecticut a storm off the vChmoKa Main St., East Hartford, with water charges. District direc­ McMullen waa charged with elected were Democrats. High coast Sunday, did not build in> In Memoriam a solemn high Mass of requiem tors have expressed concern operating without a license and vote‘-getter among them was Division of C^tinutng Educa­ tion Services and scheduled at A WosttxMigta, N .Y, woman as much as was oxpeotod, Ibe of aifford at St. Christopher’s Chuioh, over district water costs which, reckless driving. Clarence Foley, who is proper­ bureau said. HUes MoKkmey. who was killed in ly bonded. Norwlrii Free Academy received a 'warning ttom sUte action January 11, 19M. Blast Hartford. Burial was in in recent years, have Increased Trooper Raymond Andrews in­ police yesterday afternoon Rose Hill Memorial Park, from 57,000 to 520,000 per year. vestigated. Since the three duly elected Wedneedays from 7:60 to 9:60 This day do we remeber, pjn. Classes will begin Feb. wlien she loot control of ^er car moirs constables have not met the re­ 6 ‘ lovinc thought we .^ve. Rocky HIH. SUPER MARKETS quirements ' for assuming of­ and end April 14, on Rt 64 at Vemon and one no longer wiU.__ stTuclc a fence. in our baoris otlll lives. Mrs. Vlvaa M, Msssey fice,' replacements will be ap­ y Town Receives Four from Area pointed. Manobestor Chapter of Die- PoUoe said the woman, Gol* The McKinney Funily BOLTON — Mrs. Vlvan MU- Town Oounsri Atty. Irving abled American Vetenne wlU rya Rubin, passed a car but loet IHk. M O irt I MAIKRSmillO qUDMO RMI9I bum Massey, 82, of Hebron Rd. control wlMn khe moved tmek save MONDAY In Memoriam died last nl(ht at Itenchaster Notice of Fall Become Citizens Aronson ruled today that, under meet tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the FREE!! Into tbe riitit lane. . lovliic memory o t Daniel I J. Memorial Hospital after a long the state statutes and town char­ Amerioan Legion Home. gweban. who pasoad'away JaiHiair toe was ONtoiMUd .«o Rock- A Now Roll Of lUness. She was the widow of Mrs. Dorothy F . Kenny of Four arsa rsoldsots became ter, the appointments,must bs 6 Tha Tosm Flra. D ept onsnrsr- Be OesMtsd Boopltai iNtti change John H. Masssy. 146 Park St, secretary to Gen- United States citisens in oero* mads l y OM towp directors. 0«aa but sot fonMton. Mrs. Massey was horn March owoias at Hartford ErUay. Itasy win probauy be sat 5or ad two oalls fiaturday, nelfiisr oliraatoas and dentustona of her Kodak Film arM Manager Richard, has OSM proving osrious. The flrat back. U , 1882, a daughter of Jamae Naturalized wars Miss Re- the F sbn i^ dtreoten* meet- Wlfa and Cbildrea ssrvod the town with notice of a oaU osine at azn. and led Fitzgerald and iU rtha B... Doo­ faU which, she claims occurred Date M . KMler, 48 Lyness S t, 0 1:20 Trooper Roger Wolf taviaH- to an oveiheated cylinder in a gatod. In Memoriam little MUburn, end w u a Ufa- at 10 a.m. on Dec. 6, 1964, on Mn. Sephle Bruner, 860 Dem- la no reason foot the wariilng machine at 155 Oomp-

MAl^CTESTER EVENING HERALD. lMMCHB[|TBBa CJONHw MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1966 PAGEffiJEVEN DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE i f I I2 ib Q ren it ' Andover About Town Aniww W Prwtetis Lanzaiio Suit Settled, G utirt C ases American Legion will meet to­ Com ers Gasses Set morrow at 8 p.m. at the Post Home, 30 Liranard St. All mem­ ACBO aS 4BJlldM’« bM iu!N<»i)ainBB s m u h o n M Da«uii«w M bers are urged to attend. Rp- Town to Pay $7,750 1 ----- alad SI ----- back ^ jfM f Brttakt w on u n •]>- On Forestry freshments wUl fae served. 4 C a tU a ----- S48al»MiiiC TKansanw — ki «MHt today to anaw«r B7 Squama An Adult Forest 'and Conser­ Manchester Lodge of Magons A 6150,000 suit RgRinst the town, eight of its police­ U U a a e a liM SSSpaadad ^ grwt trafifle TkdaUon la M will meet tomorrow at 7:80 appeUatioa . SSIHiiad vation Class is being ctffered, men, and the operator of Jarrell’s Restaurant at 613 “ « Csrcw* oa. p.m. a t the Masonle - Temirie. OTHTOTwj M a war judga Slnion Oolien m ta p e n i- •XTling Hi early February and Slides of the George W ashtn^n Main St., has been settled out 6f court for $l6,2S0. fhe Wtodatw ^ f t Hnpoaition o f lontonoa after meeting every Tuesday evening Masonic National Memorial In town will p ^ $'7,750 of the sum and John E. Farrell, llery C Poaaa pleaded guUty to at $ by the Lebanon Regional Alexandria, Va., will be shovm ■ ♦operator of the restaui^t wlU aawHMtha POWM after a business meeting. ——— • pay $2,500. S4Unbaltncad f ehMTg» o f Imprcqper lane isrork prac ITbaaaaa M R alaa Vocational and Agricultural . .r, . settlement, for which the IBSpooI SFlaraBtlM kit aOPtuKlnS iplka s s n ^ ---- AtnaiiV' SBCoDactlM W Center. The class wllL continue Manchester WATES will meet town is covered by insurance, is fpl SlSarhbM ilM N SA«mliat S A n lm a l pennie Huntlncton, 36, of 11 Skating Coasting S41Ui%r 4 B fflia n l U n td o a a a jin p through March 30. tomorrow at the Italian Ameri­ itlll subject to approval by the 4 0 U lr ffeat 0t., wat placed In ttie otM- 28 E u w M la aceaaamr ^•USiK) t f t t y of Tarmouth, IfaM. po- The schedule indicates the can au b . Eldridge St., for the Manchester Probate Court. ■ Uppar Inab aSBurmeae tpcka 42W ^pepbr 30 H c ^ 43Dinnar cMiaa nature of the information to be elecUon of Officers. Weighing In The auit had been filed in SlO an ua o( SRapantar SSPOt barb mg$ nutnorlUen for extradition 4 S O f baaa offered about natural resources, will be from 7 to 8 p.m. Only May 1968 by Mrs. Celia F. a faiica TCeramoeial luoian !• that jurledietlon on a ebatge members are requested to at­ Lanzono, formerly of 50 Blssell S4PuliS8nt Plata lodU n 48 Slowly (aSNie f t laroeny by check. and much of it should be of In- j7 Ukrainian 4 7 U n rt tend. Featherweight awards for St., who claimed negligence on S B U iM wood sUrbal He had aurrendered hknaelf tereat to many Andover peo­ ''J 37Foqi>baaaqi^ aramlaaiioill lagiilatura 4 0 0 x ----- ple. The first class is scheduled December were awarded to Miss the part of the defendants. In balorad SOonCedaiata MSbaketpaaratB ■ICrow^ caB M jdaiHCheeter. pedioe laet week Kathleen Reed and Mrs. Charles CkiasUng and skUng conditions the Dec. 9, 1962 death of her so PravariaU e* ladlaa’ graap ehanctar B2 WlnslHca paat leam lna that the 18th Cir- for Feb. 2, and the subjMt ■will 31 Capabla S S E a rula it n c ip be forest and tree markets and Nlcol for a seven and six pound were reported good today after 38-year-old husband, Anthony. 40OWar ( r t . ) Ootirt iaeued a warrant loss, respectively. 41Knfold MPoldlnc bad 31PrincipU 55 Court j^vate recreational facilities. the weekend, snow but "No Skat­ Lansano lud been arrested 4 4 D U n a y 11 Tima unita (abj 33 nab aauca___ 58 Soma ^ hla aireat aa a tufitlve from The speaker will be Edgar Wy­ ing” signs remain up at the skat­ on the evening of Nov. 30, 1962, 7 > \ 1 5” 4 s 7 8 W iM tloe. man, extension forester at the Members of Orford Parish ing areas. following * f ir tt outside the *fkederlok Kenney, 43, of University of Connecticut The CSiapter, DAR, have been Invited Supervised Roasting will be al­ Main St. grill. He was charged TO aio^leld, wna fined 1100 f o r by Mrs. James W. Anderson, lowed in Centei;,^Springs, Park with Intoxication and was 14 following week Dr. Robert Mc­ iM ratinc’ * m otor vehicle while Dowell, Instructor at UConn, regent of Abigail Chester Webb from 8:30 to dark. placed in a cell In the police 12 12 mggr the Influence of liquor. YdU talk on “Fish and Wild Chapter of Wethersfield, to at­ Mt. Nebo ski slope will be op­ ■tation. 3“ IT Other dhpoeMotu by flnee Life in the Forest.” tend a lecture on conservation erating tonight from 8:30 to The following morning, when On Feb. 18, servioe forester tomorrow at 8 p.m. Dio.se In­ 10:30. The tow will operate and police looked In on him, he was ^Heiand Aga*UnelU, 43, of 83 OtOT^e Clouti6r will discuM terested In transportation may the area will be flood lighted. incoherent, and was removed contact Mrs. Wella Pitkin, 20 to Hartford Hospital, upon or­ St, |16, ^Medina and loreat and land Uxatldn. Th« Proctor Rd. lA pliB ilif knpoeition of aen- ders from Dr. Nicholas Mar- existence of large tracts of 25 26 2) zlalo, town health officer. MONDAY ^oa, failure to obey atop ai(n; agricultural and forest land In A panel discussion on 'Devel­ 21 Bt^diaB K. Barton, 16, of 13 Andover are closely related to 1 of 4 M e n He died eight daya later, and oping Healthy Personalities In Mrs. Lanzano, In her notice Of TUESDAY S m g t , |36, failure to pa« this subject. The widespread Our Children" will highlight a am when ovwtaklner; Oordqn Interest in conservation will be suit,- claimed that he died from 12 PTA meeting tonight at 8 p.m. "serious Injuries to his head, WEDNESDAY • • BY DK'K TURNER C. Beiaff, 44, W alHncford, 316, served by the talk of John E. at Buckley School. Members of Quit Smoking .a c e d b v ; J o h n J . O o o t^ lo , SB, Hibbard, executive secretary of skull and brain," and, "having sr the panel will be Mrs. Ethelind suffered an acute epidermal K 'g STB SummR flt., $35, failure the Connecticut Forest and Collins, Dr. Joseph Shaw and hemorrhage and bleeding from a> aiwnt half of hlghvimy; Don- Park Association who talks on the Rev. Russell Camp. Report Says Cltlsen Conservation Commis­ wounds, WM left unattended in 0 it J. Ocuture, 18, i t 354 Wood. hla cell." Imd M., $15, ptekin* up hltch- sion on Feb. 23. Temple Cliapter, OES, will (Contlniied from Page One) TOe first meeting In March She claimed, further, that 45 4^ r Hker on highway; Edward L. have iui initiatory meeting "they (the police officers) flgre, 33, Union City, $15. will be held on the second and Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Ma­ come uneasy about the relation­ Albion Weeks and Lewis Ilgen should have provided him with PORJK i1 iBpadiiig'; Thom aa Kyc, 35, ICaat sonic Temple. Officers are re­ ship of cigarettes to illness. Mil­ of the Soil Conservation Serv­ Immediate medical attention.'' K tford, $30, apeeding. minded to wear white gowns. lions of adult cigarette smokers In her suit she named Lt. ioe win discuss "Soli Survey Refreshments will be served. 51 52 6$ Alao, WllUam O. Moore, 55, Maps and Farm Conservation are ready to be fully convinced Raymond Griffin, S g t Henry iM t Hartford, $16, failure to that the time, has come to Garuder, Patrolmen Raymond ■rant right of way: Robert J. On the following Tues­ There wtll be a general meet­ Peck, Robert Parizeau, Lester 57“ day, March 8, John Olsen, di- ing of the Mardl Gras tonight change their smoking habits." launa, 33. TerryvlIIe, $20, ^ to r Df Pachaug SUte Forest There were these other devel­ Sliver, Clarence Heritage, BY AL VERMEER gnedlng; Harold F. Difalco, at 7:30 in the Guild Room of St. opments at today's session; Charles Morlneau, and Aux­ U HI J u i t Hartford, $15, apeeding; Nursery, will discuss "Refor­ Mary's Episcopal Church. All estation.” This win be followed 1. Sen. Maurine B. Neuberger, iliary Patrolman Raymond Goe- r r * ANV KID WHO fliieent Stone, 52, of IS Cot- parish members are welcome. s^in. CHOPf ■ ji In the week after by a related D-Ore., long an advocate of HATES CARROTS CANT llga St, $15, failure to grant David R. McConnell ot 94 Bls­ mbject "Forest Improvement" Manchester Rotary Club will s m o k 1 n g-control legislation, 6E ALL BAD.' OUT OUR WAT BY J. R. WILLIAMS K '1^ of highway and Roger D. given by H. A. McKusick who charged Congress — especially sell St.; who had been the other priike. 20, Eaat Hartford, $15. meet tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. at "tobacco state congressmen” — participant In the fight, was also lOf Iltoxication and' noUes on Is a state forest management the Manchester Country Club. IC I w a s t u v i w t o <»rr ve *OC«' THE officer. with "default of reponslbllity” arrested and was charged with lhargea of breach ,of . peace and Thomas Elliott will discuss breach of peace. The charge O U T W ITH O U T TM' NEIGHBORS WILL To finish off the series of "Family Relations" In connec­ for falling to act so far on pro­ DOO--1 DONT WAWT ■THIKJR W E R E ROWOIE9- hllura to drive reaaonable dta- talks on forests and conserva­ posed legislation "calling for was later changed to man­ LB TO WORRV ABOUT THAT lOU'RE TKVIWd l u c e a p a r t tion with his work in Circuit strong and meaningful regula­ slaughter, when County Coroner HIM IMTW nlAFFIC" TO GETOUTAKJP tion the March 28 meeting wtll Court The Somers Club will be LB I ^ Nollea were entered In the be devoted to "Watershed De- tion of the labeling and adver­ Louis W. Schaefer found him RJKS MY CLOTH** IVa GOTA ST1CAU6LK- •aaea of'-flllhu Hoffenberg. 38, guqpta. crimlpally responsible for Lan- OUT, WILLMOUT HOLD 0*0 yo u : ^ velopmont and Farm Pond Con­ tising practices and for massive ■oomfleld, failure to grant educational programs.” zano's death. struction" with a talk by Al- Manchester Philatelist Socle- mif of highway; Robert J. Loy- blon ^ e e k s and one by Lewis She criticized the public for He pleaded not guilty to the )FRIED FISH CAKES flai, 18. Coventry, failure to , ty will meet tomorrow at 7:30 "apathy" about the whole sltua- manslaughter charge and, on Hgen, both with the Soli Con­ I p.m. at Whiton Library Audi­ drive right; Lam bert C. Shores, servation Service. The final talk Uon. May 20, 1983, was botind over to If, Oovutiy, failure y ie ld torium. The new constitution '^2. The Public Health Service Hartford Superior Court. His of the series will be given by and bylaws will be presented d r e s s e d WHITW® ibW ■ ak^ left turn; Cvltke Dl- Mrs. Dorothy Grant of the endorsed a proposal that tobacco case was later nolled. Bouakl. 33, of SO Gardento St., by Edward Bushnell, committee same service and her subject companies voluntarily dispense McConnell was not named in breach of peace, and John J. chairman. A film. "26 x 36 Mes- with cigarette advertising — the suit. \ king CRAB UGS win be "Agricultural Conserva­ eenger," vrill be shown. ■wnahan, 48. Stafford Springa, tion Program." and concentrate more heavily Inaklng and entarlng without on producing tobacco for pipe To register for the cOursc, Holy FamUy Mothers Qrcle SLICED DACON BY JOE CAMPBELL eamar'a permiaaion. to be conducted by Michael T. smoking and cigar smoking. Several caaea were continued will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. I 8. The Interagency Council —.c Ml»00® 55* Kellty, plant science Instructor at the home of Mrs. Robert FREE J0PER-»'®*'Z > 5 9 IIBRKG 'la future dates or scheduled for at the Lebanon Center, Interest­ chairman. Emerson Foote, who Jnty or court triata. later In the Brannlck, 18 Hemlock St. Mrs. ‘ recently resigned from an ad- A&P FROZEN \ lbpkg T ^.09 ed persons should call ths een- Robert Hallisey will serve as DELIVERY All obOO - 1 U rx* ■ enth. tar. fVertislng firm, charged that the h*f oo-hostess. tobacco industry through Its Drive Planned I present advertising of clga- ARTHUR DRUG FRIHCH FRIES The 1965 March of Dimes The executive committee of *Tm ttying to think of Mmothing r»«l doproMhtg! I rettes, is encouraing people "to "M p I ^ E N Public Records In support of the National the American Legion Auxiliary kill themselves." Nothing roiso* m woman’* spirits 18c* a new hat, foundation has as its chair­ will not meet tonight. man, Mrs. Katherine Y. Hutch­ 4. The council recommended you knowP . Warrantee Deeds that If tobacco manufacturers POTATO J^ SEIS inson. Sh'e has Just announced Emanuel Church Women will Ihaodore Powell and Virginia that the Mothers March will don’t voluntarily suspend ciga­ meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. In Lu­ rette adverti.sing they sjiould be - T ^ p I rozeiT t Powell to Roy Pelmaa and take place between this Thurs­ ther Hall of Emanuel Lutheran Kuth Harris Pelmaa, property day and next Sunday. AU fam­ required by law to put a "clear­ BANANAS CSJurch. David Almond will ly-worded warning message" In J.W.WilLIAO^ at 279 Parker S t ilies In the town will be called speak on "Church and ths Com­ COTTAGE FRIES DELICIOUS and 1 • WHV MOTHERS 0«T QgAV Harold D. Clark and Mary on by menubers of the Moth­ poser." all cigarette advertisements In & Clark to WnUam A. Rich ers Club. . newspapers and magazine — y o u r 2 lb cello a NUTRITIOUS LB I A BEN CASEY ■Ml Joan M. Rich, property at Mrs. Biiue Chssee will be and at the end of all cigarette Die executive board of the commercials on television and W3. NO. 1-IV«" MINIMUM US-U6-117-118 Weet St. hostess to the Mothers Club Newcomer's Club of the Man­ •m. D. t p»L Ote when It meets for the club's radio. iHk BUT ITS mom/YOU WllUam R. Schaller and laol- chester YWCA wlU meet to­ 6. Dr. Malcolm ' H. Merrill, CAP'N JOHN -FROZEN qj, ,- MIGHT NOT BE AWARE A T. SchaUer to Ronald C. January meeting on Wednesday night at 8 at the home of Mrs. COOKING APPLES at her home on Hutchinson Rd. California's state health direc-i THAT'S (JUITE OR IT, BECAUSE TWRE^ Craig and Marguerite A. Craig, Elugene Rail, ‘-16'»N. Elm St. tor, reported that educational i Hoddock Dinner 3 pkgs » BY FRA ’NEAL ACHARBEYCXm ireparty at 81 Delmont St. at 8 p.m. This will be the an­ MlBWtN 6 bAg 59^ JUSTAfART-TIME nual meeting and new officers and other action "to combat cig­ CAP-N JOHN VROZEN „ q, . q Q MADE,ANNE...t*. LECTURER ON H K C 1AH;. I H WiUiam B. Lavoie and LotUe Our Lady of] Hope Mothers arette smoking” Is very much | WMAT Ae^ BUBVIN& MV \ | are to be elected. HARVEY LAHIER X. Uvoie to Henry Caaella, Leaves Post Circle will meet, tonight at 8:30 in evidence In 45 states and I Fish Sticks 3 pkgs 'iou 001 MS ? KHRUSHCHEV' BUtl&N/ ) i PREJUDICED iwperty at 72-74 Durant St at the home of Mrs. James Fin­ the District of Oolumbia. | Mrs. Robert W. Peterson has ley, 28 Bruce Rd. RANGE AGAINST '1A Green Manor Estates Inc., to loslgned her post-as secretary He raid "thousands of children VMVA&I abram Kllbanoff and Karen of the Board of Finance. Miss and adults are being exposed to \\i> BEanoff, property at 14 Dor- South School PTA will meet fresh, vital information about AAEDICAL •RLane. Dorothea Raymond has been FUEL OIL STUOBJTS! appointed fay the board to fill tonight at 8 In the kindergarten the health hazards of cigarette Joseph Steyenaon and Dora the vacancy. room at the school. William smoking." GASOLINE ( VOUIRE ■tavenaon to Robert J. Steven- Monk will apeak on "Indecent ) 6. Foote said "evidenoc- ton- •w and Patricia A. Stevenson, Literature: What We <3an Do firming the lethal effects of cig­ SU R E >tX) •TT. BUT ^ ANVDNE IN THE Mancbeator Evening HenUd Save vp to 71c WANT TO LET RWperty at 16 Henry S t Andover oorrespoodent, Law­ About This Problem.” Refresh­ arette smoking now amounts- to ADMINISTRATION... IF >OU CAN GET IT STAND AS Lie Pefidena rence Moe, tel. 743-6769- ments will be served. a tidal wave — coming from all BANTLY OIL STATED? THEM TO TALK! AND PARTICULAKiy OonnecUcut Bank and Tniat countries of the world, on both Storey Circle of South Meth­ c o n i '\ M 1\C. k-ASK_____ ANY OFa TT^'Ha>> vm E i»N MEDm uSJUDENIS! t ^ OH. Co. agatnat Horace L. Miller, sides of the Iron Curtain." He A&P at 44 Marshall Rd. odist Church will meet Wednes­ said the "totally unique health M.\i\ SlilCK'I. i MOKTY MEEKI.E ■ _ Building Permits Federal Jury day a t,10:30 a.m. at the church. hazard" from cigarettes is BY ROY CRANE BY DICK CAVAILF .^W esley R. Smith for 8. Ihere will be a short business worse than any single hazard to 11 Itch,-II li-l.-,!),', ■ay^nd and Gertrude K. Looking A gain meeting and entertainment life and healtl^ short of war. I'K ."-.'IJTI INSTANT STOUN.’ ’ IL0M5 THav AGA/N/THSaefe A to r ■pith, 2-fa^]y dwelling at 45- IMPOSSIBLE.' HE TUMBLED DOWN ' BECAUSE DF all :thinikwwibz© V ttH XfVOOUfTHC THE CUFF. WE FOUND HIS SHOE w iN raej TD 6C6AIDta(260MMae. n Cambridge St.. $16,000. At Rights Case (0URTRUCK5 ll KEY* IN ff, YEAH, I THOSE ROCKS AND iMmKxime&YSCH. AT THE VERY BOTTOM, To Jensen BuUding Co. for *ONE/ y V >****C''A.' BUT HA BUSHES. ANYWAY, ■a. Josephine Domwco, add DIDN’T HE OUGHTA BE (Continued from Page One) COFFEE 3 0 * FIND apartments to dwelling at DEAD AND WE'RE n-89 Eldridge St., $24,000. 'fiOrf >^Ry*'orPu^ i HIM VpUE OUR AtONEY. were white. Chaney was a Ns- Winter Special ■■ Jane .^^PomirL^, A. Sproul, tool shed Extra Special , s^'^Pyckel ^ ■24 ^lyeu Rd.. $100. i 8TO. 10 oz size To Raymond Schaller for The government rep ^ed ly Hken % O FF O N Rospic Thomas Martin, alterations to rests much of Its case on a writ­ Economy Jar •piling at 106 Trebbe Dr., $1,- no. ’ ’ I ten statement the FBI claims It U>nl.v) CASH and CARRY Eo//$ P ^ o 3 5 C _ To W. B. Gamer, alterations obtained from Doyle Barnette, GIVEN on 1.19 jMwelllnlg at 42 Norwood St.. Qillen, La. Barnette was one of RUG 31 persons arrested last month CLEANING RUG CLEANING! Irt/Kj To Manchester Memorial Hos-' In connection with the June 31 S»i8sse/c. IJtp. alterations to north wing slaying. He and the others sub­ if hospiui, $6,000i sequently were freed after the See Us For NEW RUGS and OiMIPBTING Bt DISCOUNT PRICES! To Ernest R.> Machidl Jr., alleged confession was ruled [ ------■ • - - ...... SUCEO 4 3 •pntlona to dwelling at 60 inodmlsaabl* at a preUmlnary MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD CAPTAIN EASY •Ron St., $500. hearing. / BY LESUE TURNERa A man who refused to Identify HiiVAL BObfHARDMENT himself told The Associated 1 CAtrr PIBAffVlNT A MAH 1*M0 APOU* Mi BELMONT RUG CLEANING CO. 1 M oem e? \ i' 7 ^77m I I I MRyiNTTBSMSART mrULL Press today that Barnette was fAIWTSI*i AMP MU. TO ONB 40 PW ^ OF ' LUKia YBt 1DM0RR0N « M N / lHK|wm*i*HTy Xi-rwpBCMPi **®W LONDON (AP)—Among U7^^WT|«rn(B.TPPAY, WlfSTWRK.' ■a Weapons still used by the Inside the federal building hera. • OPEN WEEK NIGHTS TIU 9:00 # MKMfi “ PBBLfntoNaa*! KOOMT2! TO fA»T The report could not be con­ THBCiMtBiANPCAN *• ***• anowball. 308 m ain ST,. MANCHESTER Pitom 643-M62 *^ce said’some 50 bluejack- firmed. UP BV THE TIME *» WMtlng Sunday for a bua Before sending.the grand Jury Xheek! Compare and Save th* submarine base In off to' hear the 'gwernment’s wratm started a snowball fight. new evidence, Oox told the Jury, ffobody wag Injured but a "Don’t let anybody Inkide or wauy store's neon sign was outside usurp your power to t reach a decision." SAVE UP £«n by a wUd shot. ’/4'8 4 pKGS FoUcs said thay grabbed a This was the second time ^be Nutley Morgorine 79" Td;soc ww the sailors buE 1st them grand Jury has considered “the A "^SAVINGS and LOAN CONVENIENCE a J w e r the rest of the group as- case. Last October at Biloxi, the SAVE UP Jury listened to evidence but did CANS hy^ PUlng Into a bua not return aiw indictments. A&P Apple Sauce 2 33" t o u c John Dqar, head of the Justice 1 CIT .14 0 2 o n e II .111 lliiitiunlil Departmsnt's Civil Rights Dtri-i OPEN TIU 5 P.«L SAVE UP Blon, headed the govefnmeht A&P Tomato Juke CAN Z 7 TO tec W .0*r€ a i attomexs as the Jury recon­ 5 0 1 % * -'1' • ’ vened. AbNDAY-tUlESpAV-FRiDAY SAVE UP MB. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY DAVY JONES near a$ The government rests much BY LBFF and McWILUAin of Its case on the Barnette state­ IHUSSDAY TO 49c WELL, WHAT DO your ment. 11 hoars of onintermpted servic*—9 AJL QT M C SAVE UP MR. MDUHAVETOSSAY f r o m THIS DISTANCE, , REX MAYIM DdBaN'T KNOW’ ABBHNRiHY, ABOin-THAT? I WON’T BE ABLE To SEE f U»—*0, I'M BTILL t ^ p k o n a straight throogh to 8 P JL ' JAR 0 # TO ape IP t h o s e CHVERS BIUNG eermff/ ' ‘ - ' t ‘ V,P t h a t P E N O A N T /2121 QT PROM ARY I'VE GOT TO BE A B M - SA V E 2 0 % DOOR JAR" Mioitop UJTELY CERTAIN... I'M Malwmlfy FmhioM ta k in g you ba c k To 12 OZ ganmnim Unifoifnii. JHmpflfff, n m z S A V I !V S <■' JAR wuuattr TofMh M ovitfi Sklrfs. goour LOAM SOLID A 7 0 Z wmYcu SU«t«li PM tf, liw . IP)OU PACK Q CANS vuapKiHe LAST MAN - w CAUi: ONMRTHi'

f t : fJkf^ I W E L V I IIANCHES'mt EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1965 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1966 PAGE THIRTEEN Refused Cab Service, french Quarter Admittance HUNTING Friars Riding High Micalizzi Sets W orld Mark in W inning U.S. Pin Classic AFL All-Star Contest Off a n d ' With Unbeaten Club . >1- FISHING Bowls 150 Average Manors Remain Tied PEBBLES FOR SQUIRRELS what t oxosctsd AlthoughAtrles were blasted Saturday as Keep a handful o f pebblea In BOSTON (AP) - ’t^n-^S2?*mco^m so m eS S ^ rebd Oomell SI. lUrvanl Because of Negro Treatment your pocket and get equlrrels kind of ineaked up else,” Mullaney says. "O rto - 68; Oolumbib 86, Dartmouth 77; Uke this: Sit with your back pollsters,” beams J

4* ey * PAGE SIXTEEN MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1966 Average Daily Net Preai Ran The Weetiwr For Hip ynoek Ended iKanrti^Btrr lEvraing Hi^raUi ForeeaM of a S. Wantfen Deoenber It, INt Women’s Christian Temper­ Daughters of liberty. No. II 1 4,151 Fair, colder toniafct, About Town ance Union will meet tomor­ 125, will meet tomorrow at 8 Unit May Object toHM; ooM tomorrow, row at 10:30 Am. in the re­ p.m. at Orange Hall. Refresh­ Member of the Audit IE eioiidiMM, ugii ee-ts. OPEN 6 DAYS ception room of South Method­ ments will be served by Mrs. To Apartments Bureno of Ciroolntion . Women’s Fellowship of The ist Church. They will sew lay­ William Wylie and Mist Louise •:S0 - 6:80 — TITUR8DAT TQ • PAL Maneheeter^A City o f Vittago Charm PresbyteNsn Church will meet ettes for Hong- Kong. Potluck Copping. Near Oak Grove tonlfht «t 8 pjn. «t the church. will be served at noon. Mrs. PLAYTEX- (OlaaMfled Advortliinc Pngo 1C) Kenneth Graham will install Clarence J a y c o x and Mrs. XI Gamma Chapter of Beta VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 86 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1965 PRICE SEVEN CENTS George Flto will be hostesses. The Town Conservation Com­ the new officers and will show Sigma Phi will meet tomorrow slideB of his recent European Miss Mildred Hooper, presi­ mission will meet Wednesday, dent, will preside ,at a business at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. at 8 p.m., at the 8th District trip. Refreshments will be serv­ Matson, 281. Spruce St. ed. All members are requested meeting at 2. Firehouse, to take an official to attend. position on a proposal to con­ Manchester Chapter of Sunset Rebekah Lodge will struct 116 apartments on the In State Immaculate Conception Moth­ SPEBSQSA will rehearse to­ have an open installation Mon­ 13 acres of the Calhoun Farm, Tot Through Teen Program ers Circle will meet Wednes- night at 8 at Bunce School, Ol- day, Jan. 18 at 8 p.m. In Orange adjacent to the Oak Grove ia iy at 8 p.m. at the home of cott St. All men interested in Hall, after a business meeting Nature Preserve. Events Mrs. John Allison, 40 West­ barbershop-style singing are at 7:30 p.m. District Deputy The commission, several minister Rd. Mrs. Bernard Fo- welcome. No musical knowledge President Mrs. Frank Cham­ months ago. agreed informal­ farty will be co-hostess. is necessary and there are no bers of Welcome Lodge, Bast ly, that construction should be voice trials. Hartford, and her team will in­ discouraged at that site, and Beer Company Invites Private Schools In stall the officers. Relatives and that steps should be taken for Members of the Manchester friends of the officers to be in­ town acquisition of the acre­ age, for possible addition to Plans Plant Grange will meet tonight at stalled are invited to the in­ WASHINGTON (AP)__ '^public funds for nen-public-^qualify for assistance. jPiibHc'»>cha.se of textbooks and library 7:30 at the Holmes Funeral stallation. the nature preserve. Nicholas Penchef of Man­ President TnV.Tiar.n aont schools. and private schools wo$ld he bdoks. This would be for all TMISSES Home, 400 Main St., to pay re- In Danbury' Johnson sent An administration source was urged to cooperate in sharerl- ‘ schools, public and private, and iq>ects to Mrs. Ann W. Robb, chester. and Arthur Godbout Congress a record $1.66- The Women's Auxiliary of of West Hartford will appear confident: "This is a good bill, lime programs and other joint whether or not they were in the a member. the Manchester Midget and 6IANT DANBURY (AP) — A billion tots-through-teens and one we believe we can get use of new facilities. | pocket’s of poverty. Ail hooka ntt*d To Your before the xoning board of ap­ Pony Football A.saoclation will through the Congress.’’ purcha.sed would be tho.se u.sed Bowers School PTA will peals, next Monday night, to , SAVE $1,00 factory for the manufac­ education program today, Higher education: $260 mil­ Doctor's Proscriprion meet and elect officers tonight JA N U A R Yi The comprehensive program lion to provide 140,000 scholar­ by the public school.s; the pur­ request a special exception to meet tomorrow at 8-p.m. at the ture of aluminum beer cans with an open invitation to chase of religiou.sly oriented school auditorium. Guest speak­ at 8 at the home of Mrs. Bryce construct the 31.5 million, 21 Playtex Living Stretch Bra would provide assistance to pre­ ships. partial payment of inter­ Carpenter. 371 Spring St. building complex on Oak Grove will be established in Dan­ private a n d parochial school youngsters in the slums, est on guaranteed private loans books would be barred. MEDCO SUneiGAL ers will be Miss Martha White, with adjustable stretch straps, ' schools tiO take part. special music teacher and Mrs. St. bury by the Jacob Ruppert elementary and secondary to college students perhaps 2 - Education renters: $100 mil­ Ohapman-Joy Circle. North They have an option to pur- mid sheer back and sides. Brewery Co., the Danbury The proposed program, with school pupils in the nation’s per cent of the usual 6 per cent, lion for supplementary educa­ Lynne Oslraw, special art heavy emphasis on the children SUPPLY CO. teacher, who will discuss their Methodi.st Church, will meet cha.se the property, situated In News-Times reported to­ pockets of poverty, and college as.si.stance to .small colleges, tion centers and -lervlcea. pro­ Residence AA Zone, and will of low-income famlltes, is the scholarships and other help for improved teacher training pro­ viding public and private school duties with students in the Wedne.sday at 2 p.m. at the only $3.95 reg. $4.95 day. 840 MAIN STREET Manchester school system. Re­ church. Mrs. Stanley H. Mather present plans drawn by Her­ heavle.st presidential artillery yvorthy and needy high school grams, and university-conimii- pupils alike with tutors, pro­ will show part of her doll col­ bert SwiUer, Hamden architect. Directors of the brewery com­ yet in what Johnson calls his graduates. nity extension programs, grams in remedial reading, MANCHESTER, CONN. freshments will be served. pany of New York City voted lection. Mrs. Axel Johnson and war against poverty. | Johnson said the one-year cost similar to the traditional agri- science and language labora- SALE Monday to buy the land needed The provisiona for non-public • jn excess of $1.5 billion "ia a I cultural extension programs. i lories, .summer schools, pro- Cub Scout Pack 112 will Mrs. Clement T. Lewis will be Save up to 25% on for the factory from the Sperry •schools to share in the benefits small price to pay for devel-1 Pre-school: 3150 million to S^ams and teachers for handt- meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. at hostesses. They will be assisted Products Division of Automation Washington School. Scouts by Mrs. William Shaw. seem certain to trigger a bitter i oping our nation’s most price-’ eradicate the handicaps with capped children, and acceler- COSMETICS Industries, Inc, of Danbury, the flght on Capitol Hill. I less resource.” I which .slum children .start first il''''>8ram.s for the gifted. must be accompanied by a par­ newspaper said. The factory will ent. Members of the Mother’a Club WE CARRY ALL Even before the details were I "Poverty has many roots,” I grade, when many educational j Educational laboratories! THE TOP LINES Best-Selling Playtex employ about 80 persons. LECLERC of Center Congregational The newspaper al.so said that laid before Congress, it w as, the President said, "biit the tap experts say they already are j 346 million to strengthen educa- Church will meet tomorrow at Danbury is under consideration leamed, the group known as \ root is ignorance” 1 two or three years behind. The tion re.sean h and extend it into FUNERAL HOME 6:30 p.m. at the church and ARTHUR DRUG as the site for a new Ruppert "Protestants and Other Amcri-' The presidential program I projects probably would be pat- -such fields as history, literature then 'proceed to Broadcast Bras and Girdles brewery if plans for one in cans United for Separation of would provide for fiscal 1966: Itemed after the experimental: a.nd economics, and to develop FUNERAL George N. House. Hartford, to see the nearby Carmel, N. Y., do not Church and State," made known; - Public schools: 31 billion for: programs now under way in new instructional materials In television show, "What in the materialize. its opposition. ] elementary and secondary Detroit. Baltimore and New all fields. SERVICE Converse World." The company has plahned to However, It also was learned schools serving children from York (3ity. This would be “part of - State agencies: 310 million One of the more than 30 persons wounded by a wild gunman early today is relocate Its brewery from Man­ that the Roman Catholic hierar- j families with less than 12,000 the \Pre.sident’s budget for the to .strengthen .state educational WALTEJR N. PAINTING AND Mantonomoh Tribe will meet hattan to Carmel. However, chy generally approves, and so annual Income. There are an Economic Opportunity .Act, not agencies, and help them identify carried from poker parlor to ambulance. The berserk man apparently drove by emerging educational problems, LECLERC DECORATING tonight at 7 in -nnker Hall. New York City has so far do some officials of the National estimated 5 million such chil- his educational*program. Director Now Open the poker houses firing a shotgun, police said. (AP Photofax.) refused to divert the water Education Association, which dren and 85-90 per cent of the Book purchases: 3100 million PHONE 643-2804 Friendship Circle of 'the Sal­ traditionally oppose the use of nation’s school districts will in grants to states for the pur- (See Page Ten) 23 Main Street, Manchester needed for a brewery to the Call Evenings — 6 to 9 vation Army will open winter (jarmel water district. Most Call 649-5869 activities with potluck tonight VINOENT lake.s in eastern Putnam County at 6:30 at the church. 31 Poker Parlor Patrons are part of the New York City SHOE REPAIR water system. Rezon ing Agreemen t 1101 M A IN STREET Dempsey Invited Wounded by Wild Gunman HARTFORD (AP)—Gov. and (Opp. The Old High School) Mrs. John N. Demp.sey have been invited by President Jolin- May Be Final Today Near Keith’s son and the First Lady to attend PETITE GARDENA. Calif. (AP) 350 of them - were so astound­ prayer .services on the momirtg — Repeated fire by a ber- ed when the shooting started Of the Pre.sldent’s inauguration HARTFORD (A R )— Gov. John N. Dempsey wa.i in­ that they didn't move. next Wednesday. formed that legislative leaders were expected to reach eefk gunman thi.s morning Dave Whitmore. 28. a special wounded at lea.st 31 per­ officer, ran out to the .sidewalk Dempsey .said today that he agreement on a legislative reapportionment pack- BEAUTY SALON and his wife have accepted the tod a y . ------GASH SAVINGS sons in one poker parlor, during the g^unfire and was invitation. The governor com­ wounded, police .said. The governor told his press tence on changes in the plan 84 CHURCH STREET and possibly several more mented that it was "gratifying could lead to total collapse of 1 r 'll) SAVE $1.00 Witne.sses said the gunman to see his (Johnson’s) day start conference that negotiations had at two other establish­ then drove on along the street, progressed to the point where the carefully balanced com­ Specializing in with prayer." promise. , Playtex “ Living” ments nearby, police re­ firing one shot into the Monter­ The services will be held at the leaders may be ready to Long Line Bra ey Club next-door and one at the come in and see him this after­ The leader predicted that if CHILDREN'S HAIR CUHING, Perfect,,, ported. the National CiSty Christian final acreenent i.s not reached WlUiin an tiour after llic Horseshoe CHub several blocks CJiurch in Washington. noon or early tomorrow, only $5.95 reg. $6.95 away. i Dempsey conferred early this today it will not be reached at ■hootinga. officern tiad booked ai'. Everytime! ^4 Length Long on suspicion of attempted mur­ Police said one person was morning with State and National M K wounded at the Monterey Club, Renetcal Grant Democratic Chairman John M. Such an unexpected develop­ «. \I I ON Line Bra der a 70-year-old man wlio they ment would send the reappor­ PERMANENT WAVE From sheets and pillow­ Playtex Fusion Magic ■aid came at them with two re­ and none at the Horse.shoe CTlub. PUTNAM (AP)—The state of Bailey and gave the progress cases to your most deli­ only $4.95 reg. $5.95 One witness at the Rainbow report afterwards. tionment problem back to a spe­ volvers blazing. , Omnecticut will receive a 328,- cial three-judge federal court. SPECIAL Bras (Cotton C3ub alerted police to the li- 500 grant from the Urban Re­ Repuhlican and Democratic cate launderables, you They .said they captured Ixiuis The court has said it will accept FUEL OIL and Lace) Koullapi.s by startling him with cen.se number of the gunman’s newal Administration, the office leaders were putting the final m o n t h OF ft 0.50 know that t|je work done a standby reapportionment plan r 2 for only $.3.99 a shot fired into the ground, car, and officers began spread­ of Rep. William L. St. Onge touches to the reapportionment JANUARY in our local, modem plant SAVE $1.00 ing through the neighborhood. announced today. package put together in weeks being drawn by a special master ‘8 Itien rushing him. if the Genferal Assembly Is is laundered and finished (not shown) reg. $2.50 ea. Two officers said they came The grant will pay 30 pen^cent of bipartisan give and take at Police aaid his car matched j upon- Koullapis' car parked on unable to reach agreement by right. SAVE $2.00 SAVE $2.00 Playtex Living the description of the one which of ih s cost of two tracts of un- the conference table. I the wrong aide of a Gardena One party leader Indicated Jan. SO. Playtex Cloth-Lined Sheer Bra drove by the Rainbow Club, at : street with the motor running. The leaders remained hope­ FOR APPOINTMENT Playtex Cloth-Lined the time a flurry of shotgun and ' ii ■ (See Page Ten) Monday that last minute Insis- N E W SYSTEM Girdles Zipper Panty Girdles with sheer elastic back (not shown) ’They .said they were ap­ ful Monday that agreement GALLON pistol fire began toppling pa­ proaching it when a man would be reached today. This Call 643-0322 or 649-9800 (Home) With Fingertip Panels With Fingertip Panels and s\d*8. Cotton and Lace trons from their seats at poker stepped out of the shadows, re­ would allow the drawing up of LAUNDRY LOUIS KOULLAPIS only $6.9.5 reg. $8.95 only $9.95 reg. $11.95 only $2.95 reg. $8.96 only $2.45 reg. $2.95 tables. volver in each hand, and began a bill by Wednesday and com­ Owned and Operated By AND DRY CLEANING COOPERATIVE Police said three of the per­ firing wildly. They grabbed 200 Ships Idled in Struck Ports * pletion of legislative action by ON HARRISON ST. (44) on, (()>’i‘\\Y sons were critically wounded. and provides a full view of the him. the end of the week. All bra sizes-32A-44C. "D" sizes $1.00 more ^|| S, M, L. Extro large sizes $1.00 mof# The plan that has evolved MRS. ZINNY WIEGEL Off East Center St. \ IX\isi(ii) nl Officers said the wounded play inside. Officers said Koullapis appar­ Opposite the Cemetery were taken to hospitals in the Witne.sses said the gunman ently suffered cither a broken or from weeks of top>-level biparti­ Gosed Mondays— Open Other Days 9 to 5 For Pickup and Deliver}’ noi.AM) oi*. r (), n^hborhood —a Los Angeles apparently pulled up to the curb dislocated collarbone in the Union Officials Hope san leadership conferences calls stfburb and the only suburb in outside the club, then loosed a ' -struggle. He was taken to a hos- for a house of 177 seats. The Call .649-7753 '-^INTK l'(.S.'i M AIN STREET Friday till 8 P.M. Branches at: 209 North Main which the playing of draw poker volley TJf shots through the win-. pital for treatment, then booked House now has 294 seats. St. and .101 Hartford Rd. m:o.\n siiiiJKT la legalized. I dow, switching weapons from into the hospital’s prison ward. The number of Senate seats TKI,. (M:<-i. IfO Police counted at least 16 bul­ ! time to time. Police said they found what For Quick Strike End would remain unchanged at 36, HOUSE & HALE MANCHESTER let holes in the floor-to-cciling I One special officer at Uie club amounted to a small arsenal In but the boundaries of the dis­ Premier Sato Arrives for Talks window which faces the street said the patrons — as many as his auto. tricts would be revised to make NEW YORK (AP)—Top officials of the longshore­ them more nearly equal in popu­ Japanese Premier Sato chats with Secretary of lation. State Dean RuSk after his arrival at Andrews Air men’s union, seeking a quick end to the Atlantic and Before agreement is final, a Gulf Coasts dock strike, have launched a campaign to Force Base, Washington. The premier is in this 2,500 Appear handful of problems remained country for two days of talks with U.S. officials. Connor Appointment get members in the Port of New York to vote again and to be solved. These Included HOUSE TWO VERY SPECIAL PURCHASES As Defendants approve a contract they rejected by a slim margin. disagreement over some House (AP Photofax.) ■The rejection triggered the'^ district lines and the lines for strike by 60.000 members of the jxirts of "agitators telling lies to the senatorial district in Stam­ GADGET •MISSES’-WOMEN’S Ann Garson - DAYTIME DRESSES Gets Committee OK LOS ANOELE3S (AP) — AFL-CIO International Long­ the men." He said he did not ford. When 2,500 defendants shoremen's Association In ports know who the agitators were. The House district lines still showed up in a single case. from Maine to Texas. Gleason spoke of "fear of au­ in dispute involved the towns of Party Source Says tJie judge sent them oU An estimated 200 ships are tomation" among the union Bridgeport, Milford, Fairfield, Jane Irwill - SWEATERS WASHINGTON (A P )—The Senate Commerce Com­ home. West Hartford, Norwich, South­ • REGULAR AND mittee unanimously approved today President John- tied up in ports. More are ex­ members. This was a reference HALE SALE The 2,500 were amcAig pected to arrive today. to a clause in the proposed con­ ington and Middletown. Mam Street—Mancheeter •on’s ‘nomination of John T. Connor, New Jersey drug IS.CKX) subpoenaed as policy Estimates of losses to the na­ tract for gradual reduction of Leaders at the local level tried HALF SIZES manufacturer, to be secretary of commerce. holders in the All (Coverage tional economy, including ef­ the .size of work gangs from 20 to reach-agreement on the dis­ Burch to Step Out SECOND FLOOR Chairman Warren G. Magnu-<8> Insurance Exchange, now fects on related industries, to 17 'men over the four-year puted lines at the capital Mon­ aon, D-Wash., arranged to have retary of Commerce Luther H. being liquidated to satisfy range from 320 million to 325 contract term. day. the committee’s action reported Hodges. creditors. million a day. Employers have sought for If the local leaders eontinus to JERRIHC ASSORTMENT OF remain apart today, the state WASHINGTON (AP)—Republican National Chair­ DAYTIME DRESSES immediately tn the Senate In Connor Is Johnson's first Cab­ Three thousand of those Union leaders and Asst. Sec­ years to get a gang size cut in man Dean Burch will announce today he is stepping hopes of confirmation of the inet nomine^. subpoenaed have satisfied retary of Labor James J. Rey­ ■view of automation of much of leadership of both parties will HANDY, NEEDED ITEMS nomination before the end of the The committee acted alter a the court by each paying a nolds say the contra'ct was re­ the loading and unicmding work. move in to resolve the differ­ down— after a transition period— to make way for Ohio Scoop them up at .just half you week. relatively brief hearing. 3200 assessment. jected here last Friday because The men were guartmteed an ences. GOP Chairman Ray C. Bliss, a party source said. The Presld«*tit hopes. It is un­ Connor, resijming as president Judge Kenneth M. CJhan- the rank-and-file misunderstood annual minimum wage and oth­ A Republican caucus approved The shift, with former Sen.<$>- would expect to pay! By a famous the House plan after it was out­ FOR HOME OR OFFICE derstood, that Connor* can take of Merck A Co. to accept the try sent the 2,500 home, the contract. er benefits in the pact they Barry Goldwater's. approval, party source said, "Burch is out maker . . . crisp daytime cottons, over Friday from retiring Sec- appointment, testified at the A campaign to sell the con­ spumed. lined to them Monday and will be ajinounced later today in and Bliss is in." saying he'd recall them In authorized the GOP leadership in stripes, prints and checks. All hearing and submitted a state­ small groups. tract to the men was decided on Longshoremen differ widely Phoenix, Ariz. But the GOP official who told ment on his financial interests at an ILA executive council ‘ on the reasons for the rejection, to complete negotiations with Burch, Goldwater, Bliss and of the plan added the Qhange PAINT AND ROLLER TRAY, SCRATCH RE­ fabulous drip-dry fabrics, choose Judge Orders Just before the ypte was Utken. meeting Monday, first day of I Gleason said that If the men Democrats on the plan. former Rep. William E. Miller, was not coming at bnee, Ui^ from shirtwaists, shifts and some He told the senators he re­ the strike. understood the contract, they Details of the House and the party's vice presidentiai MOVER, IMMERSION HEATER, RUG LINER, gards himself as neither a pro­ Union officials went fo ILA ! would know that the big issue Is Senate plans have not been nominee, gathered there for a (8eb Pago ’Fen) dressy styles. Wear these becom­ Segregation End tectionist nor a free trader. Quads Born; local.s here .to find out the rea- the job security provided. made available. Joint hews conference. DESK SET, SKIRT MARKER, GARMENT BAGS, ing shades from now until summer. And, he eaid, he has on open sons for rejection, to explain the The ILA educational cam­ The House adjourned until W ord'W ‘the shift — designed BIRCH TO RESIGN In Springfield mind on the question of trade advantages of the contract and paign is expected to take sever­ Wednesday after a routine ses­ to avert (L showdown vote by the IRtfN REST, PASTRY BLENDER, MULTI-GRAT­ Family Home sion Monday. The Senate meets PHOENIX, Arte. (AP)— with the Soviet Union and other to get a new vote among the 24,- al days. There were Indications national committee- on Burch’s Reipuhllcon National Cholr- nations in the Communist bloc. (XX) longshoremen. that 'union officials believed a in what is expected to be a leadership — came, after days of ER, TOTE BAG. FROZEN FOOD KNIFE, COAST- BOlSTON (AP) — A federal routine seseion today. ' man Dean Burch today an- ' His financial statement Is Trailer ILA President Thomas W, behind the scene negotiations. nounced- he will resign, ef­ Judge has ruled that segrega­ showed he owns 30,182 shores of Gleason said he hjtd heard re- (See Page Four) A- "It boils down to this," the ,ERS, COPPER MOLDS, GAS OR ELECTRIC ! tion exists In Springfield public fective April 1, and that Regularly Merck stock. ------w Ray C. Bliss, Ohio chair­ Omnor’s Merck stock, valued KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) — BURNER BIBS, CUP RACK, STRAINER SlET, " Junior high and elementary man, has consented to bo- 0.99 ■chools and called for a plan to at about 31.< million, includes Quadruplets were born in nine ronie national chairman. about 3600,000 worth that he minutes Monday night to a ; and It. h-"'- ' Navy Moves Burch said he will ^snbmlt AUTO. BUTLER, BOOK ENDS, RADIANT HEAT bought under company stock young couple whose family — • “S' S' Judge George C. Sweeney of . Ills realgpation at a meeU options lost month after the living in a houSe trailer —al­ ing of the Republican Na­ PLATE, BAG RACK, ICE CRUSHER, SPATULA XJ.S. District Court Issued the White Housq announced his se­ ready consisted of twins not ruling Monday night on ”■ suit Fcfr Safely tional Commlttpo In Oiloa> lection to be secretary of com­ quite a year old and a S-year-old go Jan. 22-23. SET, APPLE CORER AND SLICER, T ID f RACK, filed by a group of Negro school merce. son. ehildren in Springfield elemen­ HAIR DRYER HOOD, LAP TRAY, ALUMINUM The etatement Connor aubntit- The quadruplets, two boys Of Sub Men JANE IRWILL t a l and Junior high schools. ted reported that he had bor­ and two girls, and the mother, Ime Springfield school com­ BASTER, SILICONE MITTS . . . rowed 3140,000 from his brother- Joyce Groff, 23, were reported mittee, listed as defendant 'In in-law, John W. O’Boyle, to buy in good condition at Kenosha By DON GARSON « SWEATER'S ■ toa case, was ordered by Judge 18,032 shores of Merck stock Memorial Hospital. WASHINGTON (AP) — The News Tidbits Navy says it has acted on 20 •weeney to prepare a plan by under opUons granted to him in Mrs. Graff is the wife of Robin April 30 tp eliminate the aitua- 1906 and 1967. safety recommendations aimed from the AP Wires F. Graff, 24, a machine operator tot protecting the lives of its men YES! 88 DIFFERENT ITEMS Cardigans, pullovers, ski t3T>e tlon. The unsecured loon from O’­ employed by a Waukegan, III., Judge Sweeney sold he would Boyle is payable July 16 of this who cruise the'ocean depthk in roofing firm. She entered the ■ubmarines. sweaters, all the favdrite knits . . . moke the final d e c i a 1 o n on year, Connor told the commit­ hospital for an upset stomach ., Lorraine Hansberry. 34, aia* ALL PRICED AT 88c EACH all by Jane Irwill. And at such a whether the committee’s pro­ tee. four days before the birth of the The recommendations thor of “ A Raisin in the Sun" posal will do away with segre­ (Jonnor also listed o^ grsh ip quads which had been expected. stemmed from an inquiry into dies In New York of cancer. . .. pretty little price. Choose from or- gation. of 100 shares each in General The first baby, a boy, was the loss of the atomic subma­ Representatives of private and Springfield, In western Massa- Motors Corp., and General rine Thresher, which carried 129 governmental, agencies meet to HOUSEWARES — LOWER LEVEL lone, wools, mohairs in all the popu­ bom at 7 :S4 p.m., and the fourth Ohusetts, has a population of Foods Corp. He has served each arrived a t . 7 ;43 p.m. They men to their deaths In the map new piaas for cam pal ga lar colors. Sizes 32-40. •bout 175,000 and Is the atate’a company as a director. spring of 1963. against dgaret smoking. . . . weighed: 4 poimds, 2 % ounces; Mi. (jUrd largest city. A lio mode available for in­ S pounds, 8 ounces; 4 pounds, 6 In a statement released Mon­ Autopsy scheduled to determine ' “ In the light of the ratio of spection, along with Connor's ounces, and 3 pounds, 12^ ■ .f f day, Secretary of the Navy Paul If kxwmotive engtaeer snffored •Mte to non-white in the total finonciai statement, was a 16- ounces. The first two were boys, H. Nitse also declared; heart attack before fatal crash papulation In the oity of Spring- age memorandum from the the next two girls. All were "No expense of (sic) effort in Ohio yesterday. . . . 8eard| neid,’’ Sweeney sal
