EUSIPCO 2013 1569735027

1 2 3 4 CLASSIFICATION OF PIZZICATO AND SUSTAINED ARTICULATIONS 5 6 G. E. Hall, H. Ezzaidi +M. Bahoura, C. Volat 7 8 Universite´ du Quebec´ a` Chicoutimi, +Universite´ du Quebec´ a` Rimouski, 9 10 Department of Applied Sciences, Department of Engineering, 11 555, boul. de l’Universite,´ 300, allee´ des Ursulines, 12 Chicoutimi, Qc, Canada, G7H 2B1. Rimouski, Qc, Canada, G5L 3A1. 13 [email protected], [email protected] Mohammed [email protected],[email protected] 14 15 16 ABSTRACT and loudness. In fact, each note from musical instrument may 17 have an even greater variety of frequencies according to the 18 Musical instrument recognition has recently received grow- type of instrument. The number and energy associated to 19 ing attention from the research community and music indus- the fundamental, the all harmonics and their relationship to 20 try. It plays a significant role in multimedia applications. each other, create the different musical timbre. Therefore, 21 Many approaches have been proposed to classify musical in- there is a direct relationship between timbre and musical in- 22 struments. Particularly, the articulation refers to the style in strument identification. The challenge is to determine which 23 which a song’s note is played. In this paper, we propose a attributes characterize best the multidimensional perceptual 24 new avenue for musical instrument classification into two cat- timbre. Psycho-acousticians sketches timbre as a geometric egories: Pizzicato and Sustain articulations. New features de- 25 construction built from similarity ratings. Multidimensional rived from chromagram contours are investigated by using the 26 scaling is generally used to find sound attributes that correlate classical invariant moments. A comparison with a reference 27 best with the perceptual dimensions (brightness, smoothness, system using a feature vector constructed from 38 feature pa- 28 compactness, etc.) [1, 2]. From the same idea, research in mu- rameters and using k-NN classifier is provided. The standard 29 sical instrument identification began with the construction of RWC database is used for all experiments. 30 a vector space describing the timbre or commonly named the 31 space timbre. The main idea is to reduce the dimension of the 32 1. INTRODUCTION feature vectors while preserving the natural topology of the 33 instrument timbre; a practical interpretation should emerge. 34 The frequency range of signals resulting from the vibration Recently, many works are based on the hierarchical natural 35 of material (air) is located between the infrasound and ultra- taxonomy to achieve the task of musical instrument recogni- 36 sound. Specifically, sounds audible to the human ear is be- tion. Natural taxonomy separates in the first step, the pizzi- 37 tween 20 Hz and 20000 Hz. The sound waves upon arriving cato instruments, whose attack is abrupt and the sustained in- 38 at the ear are analyzed by the auditory cortex to extract and struments, where the holding time is constant. Pizzicato in- 39 generate a characteristic auditory sensation such as speech, struments have particularity that the excitation source is given 40 noise, wind, whistling, musical notes, etc. Music is the sound by a pulse and the holding time depends on the intensity of 41 composition class that produces an auditory sensation simi- the pulse. Sustained instruments have the particularity that 42 lar to what a painter produces with his brush as sensation to the excitation source is applied consistently until you release 43 human eye. Music can be defined as a state of sound art to the note. At the second level, the instruments are grouped by 44 express joy, sadness, melancholy, humor, anger, affection, in family and mode of production. In the subclass of pizzicato 45 short our state of being. Unlike speech, music signal contains instruments, only one family is present (stringed instruments). 46 a wide variety of descriptors characterizing the wealth of in- For the subclass of sustained instruments, four groups of in- 47 formation contained in the audio signal. Some of this infor- struments are present: brass, flutes/piccolo, reed and stringed 48 mation is often: pitch, harmony, beat, , melody, onset, instruments. In this paper, we are interested to propose new 49 offset, attack, melody, chorus, meter, timbre, artist identity, parameters for the instruments classification into two cate- 50 genre, etc. The music composition and analysis are funda- gories: pizzicato and sustained. The proposed parameters 51 mentally built on 4 basic elements that are often interrelated: give a new description based only on chromagram contours 52 melody, harmony, rhythm and arrangement. The timbre (also allowing the identification of both tonal content and the tim- 53 called color) is another characteristic element of the musical bre instrument (identity). A comparison with a reference sys- 54 instrument that allows us to distinguish between two instru- tem using most common components in domain is presented. 55 ments playing the same melody with the same sound’s pitch, 56 57 60 61

1 1 The proposed sub-system allows recognition systems to pro- 2 Table 1. Database Description. ceed with a first hierarchical classification. 3 Instrument Notes Instrument Notes 4 Accordion 282 Acoustic Guitar 463 5 Alto Sax 198 Banjo 208 6 Baritone Sax 198 Bassoon (Fagotto) 240 7 Cello 377 Clarinet 240 Cornet 62 Electric Bass 676 8 Electric Guitar 468 English Horn 60 9 2. RELATED WORK Flute 148 French Horn 218 10 Harmonica 168 Mandolin 283 11 Oboe 132 Pan Flute 74 12 Piccolo 200 Pipe Organ 56 13 All features proposed in the last years attempt to describe Recorder 150 Soprano Sax 198 14 the multidimensional vector representing the perceptive hu- Tenor Sax 196 Trombone 194 Trumpet 141 Tuba 180 15 man sensation into the timbre space. Since several decades, Ukulele 144 Viola 360 16 various parameters derived from time attack, time release, Violin 384 17 spectral centroid, harmonic partials, onset, and cutoff fre- Total : 6698 18 quency exhibit relevant information to characterize quality 19 attributes of timbre instruments as orchestral instruments, 20 bowed string, brightness, harmonic and inharmonic structure, 3. METHODOLOGY 21 etc [1, 2, 3]. Recently, many features related to charac- 22 terization of the excitation sound source and the resonant 3.1. Database 23 instrument structure extracted from transformed correlogram 24 were suggested in [4]. All the 31 features extracted from Database ”RWC Music Database for Musical Instrument 25 each tone based on statistical measures are related to pitch, Sound ” [7] was chosen in this work. In this database, each 26 harmonic structure, attack, and vibrato proprieties. audio file contains the signal of a single instrument played 27 They are assumed to capture a partial information of tone with isolated notes. This database provides multiple records 28 color (timbre). In addition, assuming that the human audi- for each instrument: different manufacturers for the same in- 29 tory perception system is organized to recognize sounds in a strument and different musicians took part to generate records 30 hierarchical manner, a similar classification scheme was sug- and provide a range of several instrumental signatures. In 31 gested and compared in the same work [4]. Results show a principle, it contains three variations for each instrument: 32 score improvement about of 6% for individual instrument and three manufacturers, three musicians and three different dy- 33 8% for instrument family recognitions. Instead, Eronen [5] namics. For each instrument, the musician is playing each 34 exploited the psychoacoustic knowledge to determine feature note individually at an interval of a semitone over the entire 35 parameters describing the music timbre. Essentially, statisti- possible range of the instrument. In terms of string instru- 36 cal measures based pitch, onset, amplitude modulation, Mel ments, the full range for each chord is played. Dynamics also 37 Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), Linear Predictive varied with intensities strong, mezzo and piano. Table 1 gives 38 Coding (LPC) and their derivatives are investigated as param- specification over the type and number of musical instruments 39 eters. Results show that the MFCC and derivatives extracted used in current experiments. 40 from the onset and steady state segments give mainly the best 41 performance, comparatively to others aggregated features. 3.2. Reference system 42 Performance comparison between direct and hierarchical 43 classification techniques was examined in [4, 6] showing a The reference system proposed in [6, 10] uses a feature vector 44 particular interest with the last technique. Particularly, Hall built from 38 feature parameters: 13 MFCC, 14 LPC, spectral 45 et al. [6] used 6698 notes with the hierarchical classification centroid, spectral spread, spectral kurtosis, spectral skewness, 46 proposed in [5] and constructed a system where the feature zero crossing rate (ZCR), onset time, envelope slope, enve- 47 vector is dynamic and changes depending on each level and lope centroid, envelope spread, envelope kurtosis and enve- 48 each node of the hierarchical tree. The feature vector was lope skewness. The popular k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm 49 thus optimized and determined with the Sequential Forward (k-NN) is used to the classification and decision task. The 50 Selection (SFS) algorithm. Using the Real World Computing metric used for the k-NN classifier is the euclidian distance 51 (RWC) music database [7], the results showed a score gain in and the number of neighbors was set to 4, value determined by 52 musical instrument recognition performance [6]. Kitahara et empirical testing. Also, the components of the feature vector 53 al. [8, 9] used pitch-dependent algorithms as an F0-dependent are optimized by employing the Sequential Forward Selection 54 multivariate normal distribution, where each element of the (SFS) algorithm. Therefore, the feature vector is reduced to 55 mean vector is represented by a function of F0. keep only the best discriminating factors for the instrument 56 57 60 61

2 1 2 identification task. Grossly speaking, the SFS method selects the shapes of chromatimbre are not trivial and it would be dif- 3 the best attributes from the score obtained by an objective ficult to enumerate all the characteristics that can have each 4 function. Unlike the PCA, it allows thinning down the set of instrument. In fact, the chromatimbre can be exploited to 5 features available by keeping only the most significant ones. extract many information as the envelope, amplitude modu- 6 This has the advantage to bring out the features most likely lation, frequency modulation, attack time, sustain and release 7 to have an impact on the system and therefore by provide a of the note. As a first investigation, we assume the representa- 8 better understanding of the phenomenon. tion of chroma as a 2D image, where the points corresponding 9 to the contour are set to 1 and other points to 0. The problem 10 3.3. Proposed system is therefore how to characterize each instrument by describ- 11 ing the geometric contours of its chromatimbre. This can be 3.3.1. Chromagram estimation 12 achieved by applying the moment invariants discussed in the next sub-section. 13 Chromagram is defined as the whole spectral audio informa- 14 tion mapped into one octave. Each octave is divided into 12 15 bins representing each one semitone. The same strategy based 16 on instantaneous frequency (IF), presented in [11], is adopted 17 in this work to compute the features chroma. The audio sig- 18 nal, with sampling frequency of 11025 Hz, is split up into 19 frames (1024 points) interlaced over 512 points. Motivation 20 behind the IF is to track only real harmonics. Figure 1 il- 21 lustrates the chroma obtained for two instrument playing two 22 different notes. We note that the tonal information of each 23 note is captured, however, no information on the type of in- 24 strument is taken into account. 25 26 3.3.2. Chromatimbre estimation 27 28 Each two-dimensional chroma matrix is associated with time 29 axis and bin frequency axis (semitone note). We utilize the 30 contour function of MATLAB, which determines 10 contours 31 levels by using a linear interpolation. Each contour track- Fig. 1. Description by Chromagram: Only tonal information 32 ing represents the intensity variation with respect to a fixed is preserved 33 threshold for yielding a segmentation of chromagram repre- 34 sentation (image) producing several regions. Hence, contours 35 delimiting the frontiers give some description equivalent to 36 the acoustical scene auditory activity. To deal with variability 37 level, all contours are set to the same intensity. This is similar 38 to transforming a color image to black and white. This binary 39 encoding approximation is used just to accelerate and facili- 40 tate the continuation of this exploratory study [12]. Fig. 2 and 41 fig. 3 illustrate chromatimbre representation with only one 42 contour for flute, piano, violin and trumpet instruments play- 43 ing different tones. According to geometrical shape contours, 44 it is clear that chroma shows a great energy concentrated at 45 small interval centred at bin number 4 and 11 for different 46 note modes (C4, C6, G5, and G6). The contours represen- 47 tation in Fig. 2 and fig. 3 with the same instrument, exhibits 48 rather than the tonal content, a particular pattern shape as- 49 sumed to characterize the timbre information. Illustrations 50 beside pattern shapes seem to keep and conserve the same 51 geometrical propriety when an instrument played different 52 notes. Pizzicato is especially clearly visible and there is no Fig. 2. Description by the proposed chromatimbre: flute and 53 ambiguity to distinguish sustained instruments from pizzicato trumpet instruments playing C4, G4 and G6 notes. 54 instruments. The chromatimbre of the accordion is especially 55 easy to recognize because of its unique signature. However, 56 57 60 61

3 1 2 is the normalized moment with i + j ≥ 2, and: 3 X X p q 4 µpq = (x − x¯) (y − y¯) I(x, y) (9) 5 x y 6 is the central moment of order (p, q) and I(x, y) is the 7 pixel intensity level at (x, y) coordinates. 8 9 10 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 11 12 The best approach uses 10 normalized contours of a 24 bins 13 chromagram giving a recognition rate of 86.85% (see Ta- 14 ble 2). The reference system gives a score of 97.50% (see 15 Table 3). As the chromatimbre technique utilizes only 7 fea- 16 ture parameters for the feature vector, the reference system 17 Fig. 3. Description by the proposed chromatimbre: piano and deals with 38 feature parameters which is more than 5 times 18 violin instruments playing C4 and G6 notes. the number of parameters in the chromatimbre system. A 19 feature selection algorithm has also been applied in the ref- 20 erence system, forcing more complex calculations to reduce 3.3.3. Invariant moments 21 the feature vector dimensions. 22 Invariant moments are recognized as a classical technique for Separation of pizzicato instruments from sustained instru- 23 pattern recognition during the last years. They were intro- ments is trivial using only the shape of chromatimbre. Visual 24 duced by [13], who derived seven moments invariant to trans- discrimination of the two classes yields near perfect results as 25 lation, rotation and scale of 2D objects: the human eye can easily distinguish between the two charac- 26 teristic shapes of pizzicato and sustained chromatimbres. On the other hand, extracting feature parameters from the chro- 27 I1 = η20 + η02 (1) 28 matimbre is more difficult and needs more sophisticated tech- niques than the invariant moments. Image processing tech- 29 2 2 30 I2 = (η20 − η02) + (2η11) (2) niques could be used in conjunction with the chromatimbre 31 of the instruments in order to extract features from the audio 2 2 signals. 32 I3 = (η30 − 3η12) + (3η12 − η03) (3) 33 34 2 2 5. CONCLUSION 35 I4 = (η30 + η12) + (η12 + η03) (4) 36 A new proposal has been examined and evaluated using the 37 chromatimbre with invariant moments as feature parameters. 2 38 I5 =(η30 − 3η12)(η30 + η12)((η30 + η12) − The importance of chromatimbre is that it can encode instru- 39 2 3(η12 + η03) ) + (3η21 − η03)((η21 + η03) (5) ment timbre information in conjunction with its tonal con- 40 tent. Comparison with a reference system revealed that this (3(η + η )2 − (η + η )2) 41 30 12 12 03 approach gives results almost similar without having to op- 42 timize the parameter vector and consider the ideal classifica- 43 2 2 tion strategy. Chromatimbre has promising avenues in a hi- I6 =(η20 − η02)((η30 + η12) − (η20 + η03) + 44 (6) erarchical classification system where the articulation defines 45 4η11(η30 + η12)(η21 + η30)) a tree level. New parameterization techniques could also be 46 constructed from the chromatimbre representation that wields 47 2 better results with other hierarchical levels. 48 I7 =(3η21 − η03)(η30 + η12)((η30 + η12) − 49 3(η12 + η03) − (η30 − 3η12)(η21 + η03) (7) 50 2 2 (3(η30 + η12) − (η12 + η03) )) Table 2. Best confusion matrix obtained from chromagram 51 parameters. 52 where 86,85% pizzicato sustained 53 pizzicato 1861 381 54 µij ηij = i+j (8) (1+ 2 ) sustained 500 3956 55 µ00 56 57 60 61

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