
Hello! My name is Maeve. I?m in 5th grade and my teacher is Ms. Spenner. In my free time, I like to draw, write, read, dance, play soccer, and I enjoy acting camp at Metropolis in the summer. This is my second year at Journalism Club, and I joined again because I enjoyed everything we did last year. I am excited about getting more people to read our articles, because that way everyone will stay informed and get to know the journalists better. I will learn a lot from being a reporter. I?ll be in the know, and I?ll get to explore any topic that I wish to learn about. It?s a great way to learn about the world and help others learn as well. I hope that I can inspire others to take action and try to solve problems that they care about. I?ll get to know Fairview students and staff better through interviews, and that?s important because it builds a better community.

I can?t wait to begin writing articles. This year is already off to a great start! If I could do one thing to change the world, I would? Encourage people to take part in the solution. Many people complain about important issues, such as climate change and important creatures going extinct. The thing is, most of these people are too lazy to do something. I believe that a person shouldn?t complain about something if they aren?t helping to solve it. I think this is because people think that they don?t have the power to do something. Yet, the truth is that the most important people who are changing the world started out just like you and me. The only difference between us and these people is that they were brave enough to do something to help. It doesn?t have to be a big problem, either. It could be standing up to that one jerky kid. It could be reconnecting with your old friend. It could be helping your little brother pronounce the ?s? sound. Whatever it is, you have enough power to solve it if you really care about it.


OCTOEBER 2019 School Name My Bio


Hi! My nam e is Maja and I am in 4t h grade Mrs.Kow ski?s class. I do gym nast ics , piano and polish school. I looooove horses, and I have a dog nam ed Lessie. she is a germ an shepherd m ixed w it h collie. she is very, very, very, playful. I joined journalism club because I love t o w rit e st ories and be creat ive. I also love t o draw and paint . I have an older sist er nam ed vikt oria and an older brot her nam ed alex. m y sist er is usually nice t o m e but m y brot her is not . My sist er is in 8t h grade at Lincoln and m y brot her is a senior at Prospect . I t ravel t o Poland every ot her year t o visit m y fam ily, and t his year m y fam ily w ent t o Greece. I also have a best friend nam ed lena. We w ere t oget her in kindergart en and first grade but in second grade w e w ere separat ed and now she goes t o Lions Park. but w e see each ot her every w eekend. I also have anot her best friend nam ed Elle. She does go t o fairview and she is in m y class and m y reading class. I also love t o go t o t he beach and I love is t he t o sw im in t he ocean. I love t he anim als in t he sea t oo , m y favorit e sea anim als are. dolphins and t urt les.

(cont inued on next page) F air view News -FA IRV IEW EL EM ENTA RY SCHOOL -

OCTOBER 2019 School Name

M aja's bio continued...

One t hing I w ould change about t he w orld am ount of plast ic t hat is used everyday,because if people use t oo m uch plast ic t hat could go t o t he ocean And t hat is a problem because plast ic st raw s; get in t urt les noses,bot t le capes; fish w ill eat ,And just plast ic is unhealt hy.That is one t hing I w ould change about t he w orld. F air view News FA IRV IEW SCHOOL

OCTOBER 2019 School Name

Hello,I?m Piper and I?m Mrs.Noll?s 5th grade class. I like hedgehogs,ostriches,and pins! I also enjoy going places with my friends and taking pictures with my polaroid. I don?t enjoy homework or social studies though, but I do enjoy writing and math! I joined Journalism Club because I have only been in one club during my entire time at Fairview! So I thought I should join a club and I decided to join Journalism Club. That?s not the only reason I joined though, I also love to write! That?s another reason I picked Journalism Club. That?s all I have to share for now!

If you could change anything about the world,what would it be?

If I could change anything in the world it would be to end global warming. I know it?s cliche, but I still think that?s what I would change. Think about it... animals like polar bears? and penguins? homes are melting away, and the number of wildfires is super high. That is what I would change about the world. What you would you change? NOVEMBER 7, 2019 School Name FAIRVIEW NEWS

My name is Lucas, and I am a member of the 2019-2020 Journalism Club. I joined Journalism Club about a year ago, and I joined because I love to write and share things with the L school, like my books that I am currently making. Check those out!

Anyw ay, som e ot her t hings about m e is t hat I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE , And t hat I love w rit ing Com ics and Books t o share w it h t he class. And I love being around m y friends because t hey support m e and help m e w hen I st ruggle w it h m y com ics? And...If t here w as one t hing I'd change about t he w orld, it w ould be TACOS ALL DAY!!

Anyw ay, t hat w as m y biography, so I don?t really have m uch t o say ...except , GOODBYE! NOVEMBER 7, 2019 Fairview School

By: Vicky

Hi my name is Vicky, I am in 4th grade. The teacher I have is Mrs. Travis. She is a good teacher. For my free time, I play football. I am on a football team and we have games every Sunday. My football team is called the Panthers. I have a brother and he is three years old. His birthday is one week and five days away from my birthday. I also am on a basketball team. I tried out for travel, but I didn't make it so I am in house. For Halloween, I am going to be a dead football. Hope you like my bio. NOVEMBER 7, 2019 School Name


Hi! My name is Emma and I am in Journalism Club. I am in Miss Spenner?s 5th grade class and I decided to join the journalism club. My favorite things are playing roblox, XMAS, spaghetti, will tell you what I would do if I could change one thing about the world is to help all people and children and innocent creatures that suffer.

Hello my name is Bryan and I?m in Journalism Club. I?m in 3rd grade in Mrs. Michalski?s class and this is the first issue of The Fairview News The reason I joined Journalism Club is because I love writing and drawing. I?m going to try to make the most comic strips I can. If I chose something to change in the world it would be climate change. My favorite food is tacos! NOVEMBER 7, 2019 FAirview School

Hi, my name is Christa. I am in 5th grade in Ms. Spenners class. I am 10 years old and this is my first year in Journalism Club. I wanted to be in Journalism Club at least one year because I wanted to grow higher in my writing abilities. If you are in this club, you can socialize, write, and do both by having a great time. As a reporter, I want to share, and communicate with you all, staff and students at Fairview. There are a lot of joys in being in Journalism club. I would recommend all students to be interested in Journalism, even though it is my last year in District 57, I believe and think that all students can grow more into their literature. In my free time I like to dance, sing, hangout with my friends, TALK, draw, etc. My favorite colors are yellow, rose gold, and aqua.

f I could Change the world I would change Violence. Why violence you may ask, there are so many bad things in violence. In our everyday lives violence is going on. What kinds of violences well their is war, shootings, physical violence,and etc. A lot of people in the world have the fear of violence. I know personally I have the fear everyday that theirs going to be violence at my school, my home, my church, and etc. I just wish that their would be no more violence in this world and that everyone would be happy brothers and sisters. If I could change one thing in this world that would be violence. What would you change in this world? If you see me tell me!!!

Hi, m y nam e is Olivia. I have 2 dogs and 3 fish. I am a 5t h grader at Fairview school and m y t eacher is Ms. Spenner. In m y free t im e I like t o play soccer, dance, draw , play w it h m y dogs,w rit e st ories and play t he piano. My favorit e food is pizza w hat i love about pizza is all t he different elem ent s t he cheese t he bread and t he crust and alt oget her it is one and t hat is how I feel like I am w it h all m y free t im e act ivit ies because t hat m akes m e m y ow n person.

This is m y first t im e at Journalism Club and I am very excit ed for t he upcom ing yearThe reason I joined Journalism Club is because one of m y favorit e subject s t o do is w rit e and I felt like I w ould w ould like t his club because I am very good at w rit ing, I love t o w rit e in m y free t im e and w rit e t rue st ories or fict ional st ories.

That is a lit t le bit about m e like w hy I joined journalism and som e ot her fact s. . If t here w as one t hing I could change about t he w orld t hat w ould be w orld peace because I dont get w hy ot her count ries fight each ot her because w e are all hum ans and no one should get hurt w hen som eone is fight ing about som et hing.

All about Juliette Hi m y nam e is Juliet t e. I?m in 3rd grade and in Ms. Quinlan's class. I am so excit ed t o be in Journalism Club t his year! It ? m y first year so I'm a new bie but I don't care. I joined Journalism Club because I like w rit ing and draw ing.The t hing I?m m ost excit ed about is doing podcast s and int erview s. Ever since I w as a lit t le girl, I w ant ed t o be a new s report er. I am having a blast in 3rd grade so far! If I could do one t hing t o change t he w orld is peace on eart h. Thanks for reading m y bio! Bye!

Jaclyn I am in t hird grade Mrs.Michalski´ s class.If I could change t he w orld it w ould be t o build bigger dog shelt ers because in t he w int er t here are so m any dogs t hat have t o live out side and t here not m eant t o live out side. Hi m y nam e is Noah. My favorit e sport is basket ball and dodgeball. I am in fourt h grade and I also love t he Bears and t he Bulls. I love skiing and snow m obiling. I also like Big Nate, Dogman, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. My favorit e subject in school is reading.

Hi, m y nam e is Uzay and I am in 3rd grade, also, m y t eacher is Ms. Mescino. I don?t w at ch TV m ost of t he t im e and I play piano/ keyboard.

I joined Journalism Club because I w ant ed t o learn how im port ant w rit ing is. I t hought it w ould be very fun and enjoyable.I also joined t o learn how t o w ake up really early for m iddle school? St uff. I like t o do a lot of new t hings, and t ake risks.

I like w rit ing and draw ing and I?m really good at m at h. If I could do anyt hing t o change t he w orld I Would m ake t he w orld a peaceful place and change it as so t here w ere no w ars t he Eart h w as a peaceful planet t o live on. Hi, m y nam e is Evelyn

What I'm looking for is t o im prove or learn is t o t ype bet t er and fast er. I?m in t hird grade. My t eacher is Mrs.Lam bert she is AWESOME. I love t o t ype. It ?s one of m y favorit e t hings t o do.I go on m y m om ?s com put er at hom e and do t yping.What ?s your favorit e t hing t o do? Do you like t o w rit e? I also like t o color.

One t hing I w ould change in t he w orld is w at er pollut ion because it is hurt ing ot her sea anim als like t he sea t urt le.

They're one of m y favorit e anim als EVER!!!!! But for m e it can not com pet e w it h t he panda. To m e t hey are just SOOOOOO CUTE !!!!! Akshita Jacob

Hi I?m Sonya I'm in 3rd grade Mrs.Mescino's class I love learning and excit ed t o m ake w rit ing pieces and art icles ,I?m excit ed t o be in journalism club .I do lot s of aft er school act ivit ies such as horseback riding ballet , hip hop and religious ed and a lot m ore. One t hing i´ d change t he w orld w ould be t o bring peace t o t he w orld and t he people.

I love horses and lot s of sea life and t he beach i love m y room and t he basem ent .m y parent s ow n a condo in Florida w e like t o visit every year. I at t end Fairview

Elem ent ary.

Dumb Debates by Piper With your host, Yolanda

Whats poppin little earthlings! Today?s debate? Christmas vs. Halloween! Which is better? Well today we will figure out!

First category: Movies!

Think of some Halloween movies. How many did you think of. I?m guessing you didn?t think of many,maybe a couple of the classics like Nightmare Before Christmas and Coraline but besides that there isn?t many. Now think of Christmas movies. How many did you think of. I?m guessing a lot more than Halloween. And at least if a Christmas movie is bad, it?s so bad it?s good. For me that?s not the case with Halloween movies. So this point goes to Christmas.

Next category: Music!

How many did you think of? I?m assuming a pretty decent amount. Now think of all the Halloween songs. I?m guessing you thought of Monster Mash,This is Halloween and maybe a few more. As a matter of fact,my dear friend Helga enjoy listening to the Thriller. Bad song in my opinion but she?s psychotic. Think of christmas songs. There is so much more to listen to. My personal favorite Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer is a classic. So this point belongs to Christmas.

F air view News FA IRV IEW SCHOOL

NOVEMBER 7, 2019 School Name

Last one! Now we will be focusing on the fun of both holidays.

During the spooky season you get to dress up and have no one judges you for dressing up as a bright blue dog. So furries get ready! And during the spooky day,you get free candy,and for all you dentists you get paid a lot for all the grimey goress little children that come with cavities. Christmas is very fun! You get free things and get to decorate a tree! But keep in your mind that not as many people celebrate Christmas. So this point goes to halloween.

Let?s tally up the votes.

The clear winner is? ? ...CHRISTMAS! F air view News -FA IRV IEW SCHOOL

NOVEMBER 7, 2019 School Name

About t he w eek!

by Juliette

This week was awesome! A lot of the clubs started this week! I know one of them is Disney Club. Are you in a club or do you want to be in a club? Wow the assembly last week was so fun! Did you guys like the pro kids show? I loved it! My favorite part was when the bird came out! What was your favorite part?! Great job all the classes who got on the speaker this week! You guys have very good character and your respectful to the kids and teachers learning! I bet all the teachers and Mr. Ophus and Mrs. Durcan totally appreciate you having a voice level 0 in the hallways! I know I really appreciate you guys being so respectful. Thank you for making Fairview a better place! Thank you for reading my first article and tell your friends to read the articles! F air view News -FA IRV IEW SCHOOL NOVEMBER 7.,- 2.0-1.-9.-.-.-.-.-.The Quest for the GOLdeN TACO-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. School Name By Lucas In the beginning of the earth, dinosaurs ruled the world, and all of them ruled under the gigantic dinosaur queen...the tacosaurus. The tacosaurus ruled over the dinosaurs and used them as servants for her, and gave them treasures as thanks. You see, the tacosaurus had a special power, the power to create shiny, golden tacos.

The tacosaurus wanted the history of the earth to stay alive for generations and generations, so she buried a golden taco deep, deep into the center of the earth. And after she did that, meteors fell onto the earth and destroyed all of the golden tacos, and even killed every single dinosaur...including the tacosaurus.

The Golden taco buried beneath the earth?s core survived the attack and stayed there for billions of years, untouched ...and scientists have yet to find it? Even now. Tune in next time for the next part!! F air view News FA IRV IEW EL EM ENTA RY

NOVEMBER 7, 2019 School Name

by Emmalyn * Hallow een special!*

Tacom an and t acow om an and t he w rat h of t he headless hot saurcem an and his devious pum pkins!

The duo is back in an all new holiday special! It 's a t rick or t reat ing gone w rong in t his suspenseful com ic. Spooky. Spine-chilling. nail bit ing. Act ion packed. A m ust read. They go t rick or t reat ing and t hey separat e w hen t acom an w ant s t o go t o a house giving gum m y t acos and t acow om an w ant s t o go t o a house giving m ini sacks of rare, gold m ining gum . The 2 argue unt il t hey decide t o go t heir separat e w ays. Tacow om an ends up in a creepy, peculiar, odd pum pkin pat ch.t acom an ends up in a dark, cold forest in t he opposit e direct ion. Tacow om an get s t angled w hen som e pum pkins st ret ch out t heir vines and t angle her. Then, som e ot her pum pkins run t o t he forest in an old, broken w agon. Tacom an ends up hiding in an abandoned w olf den w hen he sees t he shadow of t he headless hot saurcem an. Then w hen t he headless hot saurcem an leaves he sees t hat w agon full of pum pkins charging t ow ard him w it h.... A pum pkin driving a cart ;w it h.... A horse w it h m ouse ears and t ail? When t acom an m anages t o escape from t he graveyard he finds t acow om an and a t ree friend held host age! The t ree apparent ly has been collect ing candy t o feed st ray foodim als. Tacom an frees t he t ree and Tacow om an. There is a problem w it h t he t ree. The t ree is gonna be shredded in 24 hours and he is st uck t o t he ground. They plan t o st eal t he cart from t he pum pkins but t hey can?t be t aken host age. F air view News FA IRV IEW SCHOOL

NOVEMBER 7, 2019 School Name COMICS F air view News FA IRV IEW SCHOOL

NOVEMBER 7, 2019 School Name COMICS BY BRYAN F air view News FA IRV IEW SCHOOL