CONDOR! An Optional Rule for Wolfpack! By George N. Kasnic Outposts Magazine, Issue #

Before the war, the Condor Condors helped maintain The following rule assumes was a commercial airliner. supply of German forces at the Condors had been During World War II, the Narvik. New bases became produced on a wider scale and four-engined FW200 Condor available in France and had been provided adequate was used successfully by the Norway after the conquests of parts and supplies for Germans in the years 1940 these countries. British servicing. and 1941; It accounted for convoys, vulnerable to air CONDOR PARTICIPATION: over 25% of the Allied attack, proved easy prey for The Germans receive four aircraft shipping lost to air attack and the Condors in the fall of counters in all scenarios. These over 16% of the U-boat total. 1940. counters (representing Condors) have a range of 20 hexes. They may be Reconnaissance was another The Condor had great based in any hex in Norway and/or range and set several speed- role the Condor was well France. They may not overfly Britain distance records. This aircraft suited for. After sighting the or Ireland. These aircraft may be used was ordered by Denmark, Allied they would to search for convoys in the same manner as Allied aircraft search for Finland, and Brazil. Japan radio back information U-Boats. expressed interest in a sea- disclosing the location of the patrol version of the Condor. ships. Positional errors were They may attack convoys (one great, however, and the attack factor per counter) using the War broke out before the lost confidence same CRT as the U-boats use. They deliveries were made, in the airplanes. The Condors execute their search and combat however, and the Condors could not deal with escort immediately following the Allied air phase. were put to use by the carriers and their planes. So, Luftwaffe. Although Condors combined with decreasing It will be necessary to follow the were available to the numbers of aircraft available, path of storms until they leave the board via the east edge. A shortage of Luftwaffe in late 1939, they poor serviceability, and were not employed in air storm counters may develop and I mounting opposition, the suggest the use of coins as substitute operations until April of 1940. Condors were relegated to counters. The Condors, like Allied Based in Denmark, the serve as transports. aircraft, are grounded by storms.