Monitoring of Seismic Hazard in Republic of INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY Central Seismic Station “Chisinau” Center of Experimental Seismology National Seismic Network Ilies Ion, head of Center, [email protected], Bejan Octavian ing. [email protected]

Seismicity of Moldova Republic. The territory Republic of Moldova is influenced by intermediate depth earthquakes from Vrancea seismic zone, located in and local weak earthquakes. The strongest of these earthquakes are distributed on the depth interval 70-200 km, with maximum magnitude 7.5-7.8. The maximum intensity VII-VIII (MSK-scale) is observed in Moldova. On average, strong earthquakes of magnitude M ≥ 6 occur ten times or more per century. Some of them (November 10, 1940, March 4, 1977, August 31, 1986) caused casualties and considerable damage. The Center of Experimental Seismology, within the Institute of Geology and Seismology, monitors seismic activity the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

Mission of the Moldavian Seismic Network : - Continuous monitoring of the territory of the country by means of modern digital seismic stations, participation in the global monitoring by transmitting information to international and regional centers; - Development and completion of numerical data base waveform, catalogs and seismic bulletins; - Identification of macroseismic effects to determine the intensity of earthquakes with magnitude M≥5: - Informing of the governing bodies and civil society about seismic events; The National Data Center - Quick informating time (up to 2 minutes) of Railway of Moldova in order to avoid accidents in rail transport; - Studying the behavior of typical buildings with seismic instruments; - Ensuring fundamental and applied research with seismic data, underlying the calculation of seismic risk and development Distribution of earthquake epicentres from (improvement) of the aseismic regulation documents for construction in Moldova; Vrancea region (984-2006) -Seismic education of the population.

The seismic network of Moldova (MSN) consists of 7 seismic stations, situated in Chisinau, Milestii Mici, Leova, , Giurgiulesti, Purcari and . The recorded data by MSN are sent to National Data Center where they are processed the automatically Seismological Communication Processor SeisComp 3.2 and analyzed by operators. This network consists from digital seismic stations equipped with different high quality digitizers (Kinemetrics K2,Quanterra Q330, Quanterra Q330S), broadband sensors (CMG-40T, STS-2, Mark L4) and short period seismometers (ES-T).

The accelerometric network in Chisinau consists of 5 seismic stations equipped with Strong Motion Accelerograph ETNA Kinemetrics (1), CMG5TD Guralp Systems (4) and is designed to monitor strong Vrancea earthquakes.

National Data Center and additional products: Real-time waveform data stored in the memory unit of the MD NDC through software SeisComp 3.2 . For ensuring data security, data are archived and stored in parallel on a block 2TB external memory. The SeisComp3.2 software is used for real-time data analysis and processing, also providing automatic event detection, Earthquakes produced in a.2014 in northern arrival picking, event location and magnitude calculation. It provides graphical display and automatic location within near real- part Republic of Moldova time after the local or regional seismic event occurred. Seismic Station “Giurgiuleşti” With the help of the soft SeismGram2K v5.1 processing of records of earthquakes is performed. The software HYPOS was developed by the IGS for localization of the earthquake and determermination of focal parameters - the basis for the regional catalog of earthquakes. Based on seismic station "Chisinau" records reports of earthquakes and bulletins every ten days are made. Daily reports are sent to the Geophysical Survey RAS, Obninsk, and the National Data Centre NIEP Romania. Bulletins are sent to the International Seismological Centre, Berkshire, UK, in Geophysical Survey RAS Obninsk, in the Carpathian Experimental Methodical Party Institute of Geophysics NASU, Lviv, Ukraine, in the seismic station "Simferopol”, Crimea. For moderate and strong earthquakes macroseismic survey is conducting and the maps of isoseists are compiling.

Seismic Station “Soroca” MD NDC Data Output: - local/regional discrimination; Seismic intensity distribution in the territory of - event location and magnitude determination; Moldova and Ukraine, - email notification; M=5.3 earthquake of 06.10.2013 - earthquakes bulletins; - regional catalog; - maps of isoseists.

Information on the seismic stations of the Republic of Moldova New digital equipment Seismic Station “Leova” № Name et of Internat Year of φ°, N λº, E H, m Depth, station ional opening m cod 1 Chişinău KIS 1949 46.9976 28.8175 185.0 2 Cahul KGL 1978 45.9053 28.2008 48.5 3 Leova LEOM 1982 46.4733 28.2467 20.0 4 Soroca SORM 1983 48.1350 28.3513 60.0 Numarul de cutremure lunare 5 Giurgiuleşti GIUM 1988 45.4850 28.2081 62.5 produse in aa.2000-2014 6 Mileştii Mici MILM 2009 46.9180 28.8150 124.0 60.0 7 Purcari PURM 2013 46.5293 29.8722 39 Old analog equipment Real Time Seismic Network and instrumentation

Seismic Station “Milestii Mici” Name et Statio Sensor Recording Data Recording international cod of n type type equipment transfer station Chişinău 3C SP ES-T Q330 + PCIV + Internet Digital - KIS 3C-BB CMG- SeisComp Continuos 40T 3C SP CMG-5T CMG-5TD - Event - Triggered (DM-24) Leova 3C SP ES-T K2 + PCIV + Internet Digital - LEOM SeisComp Continuos International and regional cooperation. 3C-BB CMG- EWS for Chisinau 40T The exchange of data, production and processing Seismic Station “Purcari” Soroca 3C SP ES-T Q330 + PCIV + Internet Digital - of seismic information IGS cooperates with the SORM 3C-BB CMG- SeisComp Continuos Following foreign organizations: 40T Giurgiuleşti 3C SP ES-T K2 + PCIV + Internet Digital - 1. National Institute for Earth Physics, Bucharest, Romania; GIUM 3C-BB Mark SeisComp Continuos L4C 2. URBAN-INCERC, Bucharest, Romania; Мilestii Mici 3C SP ES-T Q330 + PCIV + Internet Digital - 3. Institute of Geophisics NAS, Kiev, Ukraine; 4. Centre of Geophysical Monitoring NAS of MILM 3C BB STS2 SeisComp Continuos Belarus, Minsk; Purcari 3C SP ES-T Q330S + PCIV Internet Digital - 5. Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of PURM + Continuos 3C BB CMG- Science, Obninsk; 40T SeisComp 6. Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, Turkey; The Common Seismic Monitoring System Romania – Moldova. In cooperation with colleagues from NIEP Romania, we have 7. European-Mediterranean Centre, EMSC- installed in 2007 new digital stations which real time recording. NIEP in Bucharest us free allocated three new seismic stations CSEM; amount of $ 116,000 USD. Also, in collaboration with the same institute we have opened Moldavian National Data Center. 8. International Seismological Centre, ISC. Data from all real-time seismic stations KIS, MILM. LEOM,GIUM, SORM, PURM are send to the Romania Data Center (RO NDC), and data from 11 romanian real-time seismic stations BUC1, MLR, PLOR, VRI, PETR, TESR, ARCR, BUR01, IAS, TLCR, EFOR are send to the Moldova Data Center (MOLD NDC). The communication from the digital seismic stations to the MOLD NDC in Chisinau and RO NDC in Bucharest is perfomed through Internet. Moldavian Network is contributing to ORFEUS EIDA with data via NIEP