The free magazine for The University of

2 November 2009 UniLifeIssue 2 Volume 7

Profile of Professor Sir John Sulston Features Letter from the President

spending priorities in the UK, it will be judgements about student outcomes that determine whether universities are afforded some protection from the News expected funding cuts. Foundation Day Ironically, at a time when major cuts are on the 2009 agenda, the unpalatable truth is that either student numbers or educational quality, or both, are already page 3 unsustainable without increased overall investment in at least some UK universities. Where such new investment will come from is a fundamental question. With the public purse providing less, who will provide more? Might universities be expected to use existing resources to provide good quality higher learning far more efficiently? If so, how might this be achieved, Research and with what implications for the research agenda New Research Centre to which universities are also committed? opens Should students pay more and, if so, on what basis page 7 might they be expected to do so? Should the whole structure of post-compulsory education be revamped to produce a far more differentiated spectrum of UK universities, leaving the bulk of undergraduate education provision to teaching institutions unencumbered by the high costs of cutting edge research and high quality research training? We may look back on 2009-10 as the Year of the It is not my intention to address these questions Profile Student in UK higher education. here, but addressed they must be. Professor Sir John Obviously, in every university worthy of the name, I will conclude closer to home. For quite apart from Sulston every year is dominated by the needs, aspirations the common problems of UK higher education, and expectations of successive generations of Manchester has special reasons to seek to make page 10 students, some entering higher education for the 2009-10 a student-focussed year. first time, others returning with the exciting prospect of graduation before them, all linked in a common Our Undergraduate Education Review, initiated as hope that at the end of a many-faceted “student long ago as mid-2007, is still at a crucial stage of experience”, their time at university will have been implementation. We are wrestling with the worthwhile in terms both of personal rewards and challenges of enhancing the overall Manchester professional opportunities. student experience and making higher learning Contents more purposeful and personalised in what remains In Manchester, undergraduate students are by far the UK’s largest undergraduate institution. Our the largest constituency in our university community, major “Learning Commons” is under construction, and our primary stakeholders. Manchester is a and although it will not be completed until 2011, 3 News research university of international importance, its very development will, I hope, serve as a profoundly committed to the discovery and 7 Research powerful metaphor for the University’s absolute application of new knowledge and the synthesis of determination to make Manchester a profoundly new and existing knowledge to create innovative 10 Profile: Professor student-centred University. Sir John Sulston solutions to human problems. For many of our best and brightest people, it was our research mission Most of all, I hope, 2009-10 will be a year of 12 What’s On that attracted them to Manchester in the first place. engagement with students. Let us beware of talking impersonally about student needs, concerns But let us remember that in the eyes of the wider and priorities, and instead create formal and 16 Discover the Museum society – and of the Government Ministers, policy informal ways to talk with students and their advisors and civil servants whose views determine representatives about these things. This is the funding of universities – it is our educational particularly important at School level. There, if our mission what is paramount. commitment to transform undergraduate learning Research need not be done in universities. In some in Manchester is teaching us anything, it is that advanced societies the bulk of it is undertaken what matters is personal engagement of students elsewhere, in specialised research institutes, with the actual scholars who are teaching them, of Government laboratories or private sector learners with actual teachers with whom they are R & D facilities. interacting. Facilitating such student engagement is most of all, perhaps, a challenge for Heads of Higher learning, on the other hand, remains largely School and elected student representatives, the preserve of universities. Accordingly, politicians, working together. policy-makers and, crucially, the voting public, judge universities primarily in relation to their success in providing higher educational opportunities to an ever-increasing proportion of young adults and the effectiveness with which they produce highly skilled, confident, employable graduates. It is salutary to remember this essential truth at a time of public funding stringency. Even in the Front cover: Professor Sir John Sulston toughest financial climate, no-one is going to deny the importance of research. Yet the blunt truth is Photo by Ed Swinden Professor Alan Gilbert that when hard decisions have to be made about President and Vice-Chancellor News

Seated from left: Professor Julia Goodfellow, Dr Ralph Kohn, Chancellor Tom Bloxham, Lord Sainsbury, Professor Sir John Sulston Foundation Day 2009

Four outstanding individuals were he served as Finance Director and Deputy honoured by The University of Chairman before becoming Chairman in Manchester on Foundation Day 1992. In 1998 he stepped down from his (14 October) which, each year, marks post to become Minister for Science and the foundation of The University of Innovation, a position he held until 2006. In Manchester. 2003 he received, on behalf of the Sainsbury family, the Andrew Carnegie Medal for The world-leading quartet was presented Philanthropy. with Honorary Degrees by Chancellor Tom Bloxham at the University's Whitworth Hall. Professor Sir John Sulston (Doctor of Science) graduated from Cambridge. His work is Professor Julia Goodfellow (Doctor of chiefly on the biology of a nematode and on Science) was the Chief Executive of the the sequencing of the human genome. John Biotechnology and Biological Sciences shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Research Council (BBSRC) from 2002 until Medicine in 2002, and is now a visiting 2007. The BBSRC is the non-departmental professor in the Institute for Science, Ethics governing body responsible for an annual and Innovation at Manchester (See Profile research portfolio worth more than £350 Page 10) of which he is also Chair. million per annum, funding projects at over 100 universities. She was the first female Professor Sulston also gave the Foundation chief of any research council. Professor Day lecture, introduced by Professor Dame Goodfellow is currently the Vice-Chancellor Nancy Rothwell. of the University of Kent. In a piece titled "What is the university for?" Dr. Ralph Kohn (Doctor of Music) is a he discussed his views on the unique role practising baritone of professional standard. played by academia in the development of Having begun his musical studies in our global society. Institutions such as Amsterdam with the violin, he subsequently Manchester, he argued, are uniquely became interested in vocal music and studied positioned to affect the interplay between and trained in Rome, New York and London. the application of innovation, social He has given numerous recitals and responsibility and the collective good. Our performances with orchestras in the UK and willingness to take on range of roles, abroad, and has recorded the major cycles in including those which act as a counter force the Lieder repertoire. He has so far recorded to a culture of personal enrichment, offers a 16 CDs. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy real chance for lasting change. of Music. Ralph Kohn is a pharmacologist In this context he discussed the importance and entrepreneur. of curiosity driven research and the pitfalls of Lord Sainsbury studied History and investigating only things which we believe to

Psychology at Cambridge University before have a profitable application (see also Profile Strong Craig by Photos gaining an MBA at Columbia Business page 10). School. He joined J Sainsbury in 1963 where Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell and Professor Sir John Sulston 3 News

Record numbers on MLP

More than 1,650 students applied for the 2009/10 Manchester Leadership Programme, and the 900 available places have been quickly snapped up. The MLP combines a credit- rated Leadership In Action unit with voluntary work and aims to give students an insight into the key MLP students with Lou McGrath founder of the Mines Advisory Group challenges of the 21st century, and the skills, ethics and Manchester Leadership The early work of pioneering computer scientist Professor opportunity to develop a environmental concerns Award, that students Steve Furber from The was range of transferable skills. covered in the MLP are achieve if they complete brought to life on national television last month. There were significant rises rightly on the top of the both the academic and chemical engineers agenda. community service parts of Micro Men is a new BBC comic drama about the British in applications seen in the CEAS believes that the MLP the MLP, will now be home computer boom of the early 1980s. It sees legendary Faculty of Life Sciences and will make it's graduates available at three levels; inventor Clive Sinclair battling it out with ex-employee Chris in a range of schools better prepared for their gold for 60 hours Curry, founder of , for dominance in the including Computer careers and life outside volunteering, silver for 40 fledgling market. Science, Languages, Linguistics and Cultures, University.’ hour and bronze for 20 Professor Furber, who is now ICL Professor of Computer hours. It is hoped that ARC and Education, This year 231 students have Engineering in the School of Computer Science at The breaking the volunteering resulted from presentations opted to take the online University of Manchester, worked in the R&D department at commitment into smaller by the MLP Team to staff version of the MLP’s Acorn Computers Ltd from 1980 to 1990. chunks will encourage and students, and new Leadership in Action unit. students to engage with He was a principal designer of the BBC Microcomputer and school-based publicity The unit was redesigned community activity. the ARM 32-bit RISC – both of which distributed by academics. over the summer, leading earned Acorn Computers a Queen's Award for Technology. The School of Chemical to enhanced navigation The University’s ambition is In Micro Men, a young Professor Furber is played by Sam Engineering and Analytical facilities, full DDA for an annual increase in Phillips, who appears with short hair, a beard and glasses – Science (CEAS) have accessibility and a range of student numbers, so that which according to the man himself is "not quite how I introduced the MLP as a other improvements. by 2015 over 3,000 students, around half the appeared then”. core unit for their second Changes have also taken undergraduate population, year students. Senior place with the volunteering He added: “I was asked to give my version of the story and will take the MLP each Lecturer Dr Arthur Garforth component of the MLP. The also asked to comment on a draft script for accuracy.” explains: ‘The leadership year.

Celebration and relocation

On 7 October, the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre hosted a party to celebrate 10 years since its inception and its recent relocation. Founded by Professor Louis Kushnick, OBE, in 1999, the Centre is named in memory of murdered school boy, Ahmed Iqbal Ullah. The party was held in the Centre’s new premises at Sackville Street and was attended by more than 150 guests representing local schools, community groups, the city’s cultural assets as well as University of Manchester staff. The Centre was also honoured to welcome the Lord Mayor of Manchester and member of staff, Councillor Alison Firth, who introduced the proceedings. Speakers also included, Christopher Searle, (the Centre’s Director), Lou Kushnick (pictured right) and the former Lord Mayor, Councillor Roy Walters. Guests enjoyed a performance from an African drumming and dancing troupe which provided a lively atmosphere. They were also treated to free body art from a local henna artist and a 4 culturally diverse menu of refreshments. Boost for accelerator science Royal Society

The Cockcroft Institute, a Professor Swapan Chattopadhyay, partnership between the Director of the Cockcroft Institute and Professorship Universities of Liverpool, Lancaster Sir John Cockcroft Chair of Physics at A leading physicist has been and Manchester, has been awarded the Universities of Lancaster, Liverpool awarded a Royal Society 2010 £16.4 million to further research at and Manchester, said: “This investment Anniversary Research the forefront of accelerator science will ensure the Cockcroft Institute Professorship in celebration of and technology. maintains its position at the forefront of the Society's 350th anniversary – accelerator science and help us to The funding, awarded by the Science one of only five to be awarded. develop our research in the areas of and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), particle physics, nuclear and photon Professor Andre Geim is known will enable the Cockcroft Institute to sciences in collaboration with colleagues primarily for the discovery of build upon its academic expertise and across the UK and abroad." graphene - a single layer of carbon strong research base in accelerator atoms densely packed into a research and development over the next Working closely with the Cockcroft honeycomb lattice and the first eight years and strengthen its position at Institute and other partners as part of representative of one atom thick the forefront of research into the next the CONFORM project, the University of materials which, until 2004, had generation of frontline accelerators. Manchester is spearheading a multi- remained unknown. million pound drive to develop a Accelerator science underpins a wide prototype `non-scaling fixed field Graphene has many potential uses range of scientific disciplines and plays a alternating gradient' (NS-FFAG) particle ranging from ultrafast transistors to key role in the advancement of research accelerator, which could lead to more bendable gadgets and from to further understanding of the Universe effective cancer treatment, greener composite materials to novel batteries, and has been tipped as a and in the global challenge areas of electricity and less nuclear waste. likely successor to silicon in electronics. energy, security, health and environment. Professor Geim is also known for his educational experiments on magnetic levitation - the “flying frog” experiment – and the development of a biomimetic adhesive known as “gecko tape”. High profile launch for Institute

Last month the some of the difficult questions Sustainable Consumption of how we move to a low- Institute (SCI) at the carbon society. University marked its The Institute's new report sets official launch with the out why consumers are part release of a report on the of the solution to climate important role of change and why sustainable consumers and business in consumption should be given tacking climate change. greater attention in the More than 280 guests of the debate in the run up to the President and Vice-Chancellor United Nations' Climate Professor Alan Gilbert and Sir Change Summit in Terry Leahy, CEO of Tesco Copenhagen in December. (pictured), attended the high The report will also shape profile conference at the subsequent international Royal Society in London. negotiations. The SCI has been established Professor Dame Nancy at The University of Rothwell chaired the event Manchester with financial and the Rt Hon David support from Tesco, and Cameron MP gave the exemplifies the deep conference key note address. The SCI launch commitment of both Sir Terry Leahy presented organisations to researching highlights of the report from was the opportunity to effective civic engagement by academics and lead authors and developing solutions to a business perspective. There debate the issues that have consumers can be fostered of the report from the SCI, been raised with a panel of and its application to the and other leaders from Chief Executives of several challenge of tackling climate business and non- major global businesses, change. Professor Mohan governmental organisations. namely Paul Polman of Munasinghe, SCI Director To download the report, Unilever; Muhtar Kent of General and world renowned ‘Consumers, Business and Coca-Cola; Bart Becht of expert on energy, sustainable Climate Change’ please visit Reckitt Benckiser, Fisk development and climate the web link below or contact Johnson of SC Johnson and change highlighted the Lynda McIntosh, Bob McDonald of Proctor and importance of ensuring Communications and Gamble. widespread engagement in Marketing Officer on 0161 the Copenhagen agenda. Academic experts Professor 275 0187 or via email at Robert Putnam, the Harvard- The afternoon included a Lynda.mcintosh@manchester. based political scientist and series of workshops where . international expert on social key themes in the report were capital, explored how discussed with senior 5 News

Half to landfill Harold Hankins Tribute

The University of Manchester has become Family, friends and colleagues multi-faceted portrait of Harold: one of the first universities in the UK to of Harold Hankins, Principal as team player, collaborator with commit to playing its part in halving the and Vice-Chancellor of UMIST other institutions, and promoter amount of construction, demolition and from 1984 to 1995 who died of the wider interests of excavation waste being sent to landfill in May, filled the Great Hall Manchester. In establishing by 2012. of the Sackville Street UMIST so high in the research The University recently signed up to the Building on 7 October to league tables, he made a critical commitment in conjunction with WRAP* – celebrate his life in words, contribution to enabling UMIST the Waste and Resources Action Programme. music and images. to come together on an equal footing with the Victoria By signing up to this voluntary agreement, the Five speakers who worked University of Manchester in University has committed itself to developing closely with Harold Hankins - 2004 as a single great world- measures and targets to reduce the amount Professor Rod Coombs, Professor class University. of construction waste being sent to landfill as John Garside, Professor Sir a result of its activities, and is also setting Martin Harris, Tony Russell and As well as providing glimpses of targets to increase the use of recycled Paddy Stephenson - paid their his working life, the visual materials in construction products, in order to tributes to, and shared tribute pictured Harold over the reduce its carbon footprint. professional and personal years with his wife, sons, reminiscences of, the man who daughters-in-law, grandchildren Dr Mike Watson, Head of Construction at began his career as an and pets. In remembrance of Harold, his WRAP commented “Organisations which sign engineering apprentice and who family has set up “A Gift of up to the ‘Halving Waste to Landfill’ In his closing remarks, Paddy was known always as “Harold”, Hope” Heart Fund with the agreement are demonstrating that they take Stephenson, described him as “a never “Professor Hankins” or British Heart Foundation. If you the issue of waste seriously and will be key to true UMIST and Manchester man.” “Principal”. would like to contribute, please helping reduce the 25 million tonnes of The texts of the speakers’ contact Dr Nick Hankins at With great affection and construction waste which is dumped in tributes and the visual tribute are [email protected] respect, the speakers built up a landfill every year. They will benefit not only online at the web address below. from cost savings and greater resource efficiency, but also play their part in combating climate change”. The University will engage with contractors and consultants in order to promote best practice in waste minimization and practice, through all stages of its construction projects and will measure performance on an ongoing basis. Specific objectives have already been set for two major construction projects, the Learning Commons and School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science (CEAS) projects which mean that these buildings should be designed in a way that minimizes waste, sets targets for the recycling/recovery of any demolition or waste materials produced during the construction itself, that at least 15% of construction materials are derived from recycled material, and will ensure proper recycling facilities are “designed into” the actual building and associated public realm areas from the outset. Mace Group, the property and construction consultancy is assisting the University via Forgotten treasures shed new light WRAP, to identify and implement changes to the procurement, design, logistics, reporting and management of waste throughout on Little Grey Rabbit author construction projects. Forgotten writings of best rare photograph, taken in 1906, where the documents are kept. More information on the commitment can be of Manchester physicist Professor selling children’s author and Ashburne Hall was founded in found at the web address below. (later Sir) Arthur Schuster Manchester graduate Alison 1899 by as a hall of residence together with Physics Uttley kept privately at a for women students and Uttley department staff, other University of Manchester Hall lived there between 1903 and halving_waste_to_landfill/index.html University dignitaries and of Residence and a newly 1906.The picture was found in Schuster's current and former discovered 1906 photograph pieces at the bottom of a drawer students (see above). *WRAP is the Government funded have been published online. by retired Professor of Physics organization responsible for helping The hand-written material Known to millions across the Robin Marshall from the Faculty businesses to reduce waste and recycle more, includes a passionate suffragette world as the author of Tales Of of Engineering and Physical making better use of resources and helping poem called “argument” Little Grey Rabbit and Sam Pig – Sciences, who digitally to address published in the University’s Uttley was the second woman reassembled the photo. ever to graduate in physics at women’s student magazine of Uttley’s diaries, which are kept at The University of Manchester in 1904 - itself a unique document. the University’s John Rylands 1906. She bequeathed a third of They are published on the Alison Library, were published earlier her literary income to support Uttley Society website with a this year. students at Ashburne Hall,

6 Research

HPV vaccine makes girls more cautious about sex

Nearly 80 per cent of girls say that having the HPV vaccine makes them think twice about the risks of having sex, according to a study by University of Manchester researchers. The survey – the first to focus on girls’ views of the vaccine rather than their parents’ – showed that, despite speculation that the vaccine could make girls more likely to start having sex Sparks fly as research centre opens younger, it highlighted the risks of sex for the overwhelming majority. The National Grid Power Director UK Transmission at investment in these two new Systems Research Centre has National Grid (above right), along labs by National Grid has The study, published in the British Journal been officially opened in the with Acting Dean of the Faculty of broadened the research scope of Cancer, also revealed that the support School of Electrical and Engineering and Physical Sciences, from high voltage to power of parents is crucial to the success of the Electronic Engineering (EEE). Professor Colin Bailey. systems. vaccination programme – of the girls whose parents refused the vaccine, 42 The Centre comprises the new In 2002, National Grid, the owner “Our vision is to further per cent actually wanted it. And 10 per Dielectrics Materials Laboratory and operator of the transmission strengthen the combined cent of those who were vaccinated didn’t and the Protection and Control network in Great Britain, research capabilities of The want it. Laboratory, both sponsored by established a strategic alliance School and National Grid to National Grid, and will boost with the University. ensure Great Britain leads the Study author Dr Loretta Brabin, who is research into the reduction of world in transmission network based in the School of Cancer and The University already boasts the electrical energy consumption and related research. Imaging Sciences, said: “This is the first world-class High Voltage Research help the development of insight into how a girl decides whether the Centre, funded by National Grid, “This will also enhance the renewables, energy storage vaccine is important to her and who which is the largest University- capabilities of The University in systems and clean technology. influences her decision. based facility of its type in the UK. research and in the education of The opening ceremony was the next generation of electric “Talking to their parents was massively Professor Andy Gibson (above attended by Christopher Murray, power engineers and scientists.” influential on the girls, and mums and left), Head of EEE, said: “Further dads will play an important role in maintaining the success of the programme so far. “The thing that put girls off the most was fear of needles and how much it would Scientists reveal new hurt. “Some girls had also heard rumours about pattern in our daily clock side-effects, which had filtered down from the media and their parents and had been Our brain’s daily clock encodes One type that contained a key clock exaggerated along the way. gene, per1, was able to survive at time in a complex pattern that “Interestingly, media suggestions that the unusually high levels of excitability was previously unknown, and vaccine could make girls more likely to that would kill most neurons in the not by simply increasing its start having sex at a younger age hadn’t brain. Indeed, the cells also showed activity as the day progresses, affected them. In fact, the vaccine a huge difference in their electricity scientists have revealed. actually made them more aware of the level, or excitability, between day The findings of a study published risks of sex.” and night. The other type of cells in Science last month turn a long- had very different electrical The researchers questioned over 500 12 held theory on circadian rhythms properties and could not survive the and 23 year olds who had been offered on its head and mean that we levels of excitability displayed by the the vaccine in a study in Manchester may now be able to develop new per1 neurons. before the vaccine was available nationally. drugs and approaches to tune the were surprising results because daily clock to treat sleep disorders On further examination the team the dogma of the past 25 years Although 79 per cent of girls said the and to aid recovery from long- found that the per1 cells has been that the daily clock vaccine reminded them of the risks of sex, distance flights. appeared to be silent during the signals or encodes time by 14 per cent said they might take more day because they had become so increasing firing rate during the sexual risks because of it. Dr Hugh Piggins and Dr Mino excited that they could not day and then dropping to a very Belle from The University of Nearly four in five girls said they discussed communicate in the typical way slow rate, signalling intermittently, Manchester, tested mathematical the decision to have the vaccine with their that most brain cells do. They had during the night. It doesn’t do predictions made by researchers parents. Ninety-three per cent of girls said a lower, more easily traced that at all, which is even more at the University of Michigan. having the vaccine shows that you are excitability level in the morning satisfying – I was part of the same Using electrophysiology to look serious about your health and 54 per cent and at dusk and were only truly group that believed this. at neurons in the brain’s daily felt the jab was very important to them. silent at night. This flies in the clock, they found that there were “We now plan to see if there are face of accepted theory. two basic types of neurons with clock-like cells in other parts of very different electrical Dr Piggins, at Manchester’s Faculty the brain. It’s possible we will see properties. of Life Sciences, explained: “These this pattern of activity elsewhere.” 7 Research

Early warning system could keep lights on

Researchers are developing ‘early warning systems’ that could prevent power blackouts in the UK. Professor Vladimir Terzija and colleagues in the Electrical Energy and Power Systems (EEPS) Group are working on an intelligent monitoring system that can detect potentially serious problems with the electricity network at an early stage. Illustration by Peter Dunn With energy networks expanding and becoming ever more complex and unpredictable, an overload of the UK’s power system could result ‘Blue Stonehenge’ discovered in blackouts – which could cost the UK millions of pounds in lost productivity. Archaeologists have released an artist’s constructed at the end of the Stone Age - or the By integrating monitoring technology into the impression of what a second stone circle Neolithic period. found a mile from Stonehenge might have network together with fast communication links, The discovery may confirm if the Stonehenge looked like. an instant snapshot of the way electrical energy Riverside Project’s theory that the River Avon is flowing through the network can be seen. The drawing shows the sensational discovery of linked a ‘domain of the living’ – marked by Professor Terzija and his team, based in the “Blue Stonehenge” by a team led by timber circles and houses upstream at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering archaeologists from Manchester, Sheffield and Neolithic village of Durrington Walls (discovered (EEE), have successfully integrated this Bristol Universities on the West bank of the River by the Project in 2005) – with a ‘domain of the technology monitoring the state of the Avon in September. dead’ marked by Stonehenge and this new stone circle. transmission network in the Manchester area Professor Julian Thomas, from The University of into a Europe-wide Area Monitoring System. Manchester and a co-director of the Stonehenge The team hope to radiocarbon date antler picks Professor Terzija said: “The stability of power Riverside Project, said the monument was a found on the site – to provide more precise dates networks is becoming an increasingly important circle of bluestones, dragged from the Welsh – to reveal if the circle was built when another issue, particularly with the UK Government’s aim Preseli mountains, 150 miles away around 5,000 56 Welsh bluestones were erected at Stonehenge of producing 30 per cent of our electricity from years ago. itself - in the decades after 3000 BC. renewable sources of generation by 2020.” However, the stones, he said, had since been Professor Thomas, said: “The implications of this “This is going to mean a wider variety of energy since removed, leaving behind nine holes – part discovery are immense. of a circle of 25 standing stones. sources feeding into the UK network – and real “It is compelling evidence that this stretch of the time wide area monitoring of electricity flows The new stone circle is 10m (33 ft) in diameter River Avon was central to the religious lives of and the state of the power system will be and was surrounded by a henge – a ditch with the people who built Stonehenge. essential in providing early warning of potential an external bank. network stresses and potential catastrophic “Old theories about Stonehenge that do not blackouts.” The standing stones marked the end of the explain the evident significance of the river will Avenue that leads from the River Avon to have to be re-thought.” Stonehenge, a 1¾-mile long processional route Virtual solution to driving phobias

Nervous drivers are being Researchers at The University psychological therapies to in Manchester’s School of with and challenge their helped to overcome their of Manchester have recruited help tackle their fears. Psychological Sciences. own fear in a safe and road phobias by donning volunteers with a variety of controlled environment. We The Virtual Reality Exposure “A fear of driving, whether it Cyclops-style goggles that driving phobias to test hope this will result in less Treatment (VRET) will allow has developed following a transport them to a three- whether virtual reality can be resistance to treatment, participants to drive on road traffic accident or for dimensional virtual world. used alongside conventional increased awareness of the virtual roads and confront other reasons, can escalate need for such treatments their fears, whether they into a situation where and may even reduce the might be driving over individuals are too scared to amount of time people bridges, overtaking slow- drive at all. spend in therapy due to its moving traffic or taking to “The advantage of using efficiency. the motorway or dual- VRET is that it can be carried carriageway. “Future studies could use the out in a safe environment virtual treatment to tackle “Phobias may develop from a rather than on real roads.” other phobias which could real-life event but the levels Ms Williams added: “Many mean a major breakthrough of anxiety and avoidance of our volunteers have in this type of therapy; the that results becomes wholly found it difficult to get possibilities could be disproportionate to the treatment for their phobia endless.” incident that led to the through the NHS and, as a phobia and can become a The research, which is being result, have been untreated major disruption to the way led by Professor Nick Tarrier, Photo by Daniel Dunkley for many years. The virtual people lead their lives,” said has been funded by the scenario will allow Caroline Williams, who will European Union. volunteers to come to terms 8 be carrying out the research Physicist gets buzz from better bee behaviour model

A theoretical physicist has paved refine it, add in more factors and the way for better research into build a more realistic picture of the how honey bees choose where behaviour of bees. to live. Dr Galla is interested in ‘complexity Dr Tobias Galla has used methods science’, a relatively new field of from statistical physics to research that has developed in the mathematically ‘solve’ a computer last 15 years. model developed by other The scope for the application of researchers, which shows how a theoretical physics to modern society swarm of honey bees collectively is not always immediately obvious. decide on a new home and accurately pick the best. But physicists seek to describe and understand the behaviour of very In February 2009 a research paper by small, individual ‘agents’ – such as other researchers reported on a molecules and atoms – in relation to computer-based model showing that a collective outcome. bees’ remarkable reliability in picking disasters, spreading of rumours and what controls blood pressure. the best nest site stems from a Complexity science builds on this opinions, as well as models of Dr Galla is part of a group of sophisticated interplay of individual knowledge and understanding, and decision making and learning. physicists in Manchester who meet and collective decision making. has been successfully applied to models of economics, to study Simulations incorporating statistical regularly with social scientists to Now thanks to Dr Galla’s financial markets, traffic management physics also have the potential to discuss potential collaborations – and mathematical description of the and social phenomena like crowd help build better models in biology, it was from these meetings that his model, biologists will be able to to understand how diseases spread or latest paper arose.

Science fiction should be science fact, says top author

Novelists and scientists have been brought together to create a collection of short stories which incorporates the latest science. Novelist Geoff Ryman, who is a senior creative writing lecturer at The University of Manchester, paired off literary colleagues with scientists at Manchester, Liverpool and Strathclyde Universities to produce `When It Changed’. Ryman founded Mundane Science Fiction in 2002 in a move to encourage science fiction stories to focus on action which takes place on or near to Earth, involving plausible uses of technology and science. But this latest venture goes beyond that. Ryman, who is based at Manchester's The Centre for New Writing said. “We wanted to go out and locate what is fresh and new in the sciences and give writers a chance to work with researchers to come up with different, contemporary themes. The 14 authors include Patricia Duncker, Ken MacLeod, Liz Williams as well as Ryman himself. Scientific collaborators from The University of Manchester include Professor John Harris from and Dr Tim O’Brien from the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics. Professor Steve Furber of the School of Computer Science contributed to the book, in a collaboration with writer Liz Williams on a story called Enigma. It is based on an imagined conversation on artificial intelligence between former University of Manchester mathematician Alan Turing and philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. Professor Furber, who is based at The School of Computer Science, said: “Turing thought that computers might lead rapidly to the creation of artificial intelligence, but it’s proving to be much more difficult than that. However, we are now within sight of computers powerful enough to model substantial parts of the human brain. “In my own work, I am developing chips for a computer which will be able to carry out brain modelling and similar tasks. This work, or perhaps similar work elsewhere, may one day give us the insights needed to fulfill Turing’s vision of intelligent machines.” 9 Profile

Sulston’s Sequence Working with a worm one millimetre long for 25 years would not for most of us seem to promise much, let alone hold the key to understanding the make-up of mankind. But that worm had 1,000 cells and John Sulston saw the possibilities in deciphering them. His persistence certainly paid off.

He worked on the biology of the worm, or pairs of nucleotides, the key to how animals work. Mapping the genome - ordering pieces of DNA nematode to give it its full title, Caenorhabditis He was in at the beginning of genomics, Founder and storing them in an accessible way – opened elegans, studying its cell lineage and its genetics. Director of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Centre, up a system which had previously been obscure. His work in the field later resulted in his being where one third of the sequencing task was “In the early 80s scientists were laboriously awarded, along with his Cambridge colleagues completed, from 1992 to 2000. exploring the system, but by the late 80s you Brenner and Bob Horvitz, the Nobel Prize could find what you needed in three weeks rather This had grown out of a collaboration between his for Physiology or Medicine. than three years,” he says. research group at Cambridge and that of Bob That was in 2002, by which time ironically he had Waterston in St Louis, Missouri, building a map of He has a passion for collaboration, for opening up moved on, turning his attention to the much the nematode genome and leading to the seminal knowledge and making research findings freely bigger task of sequencing the human publication of the nematode DNA sequence in accessible to all. And, in turn, that gives other genome, not 1,000 cells but 3000 million 1998. people the opportunity to contribute for the 10 CV

Name greater good. He believes in sharing information, He was prepared to stand his ground and Professor John Sulston translating science for the public, keeping persevere, with the result that at the end of his commercial exploitation under control when it first year he published a paper describing the new Position threatens to commandeer knowledge for profit. compound he had discovered. Chair of the Institute for Science,Ethics His book, The Common Thread, written with “I tend to be messy and disorganised, but things and Innovation at The University of Georgina Ferry and published in 2002, is a very turn up,” he says. “Sometimes you discover a line Manchester (iSEI) accessible account of the science, politics and and you just have to follow it and stick with it.” ethics of the human genome project. His “line” was the worm. “The cell lineage was Education crucial,” he says. “I was lucky.” Well, as we know, All in all then, there could not be anyone more his work is rather more than that. 1963 B.A. , UK fitting than Professor Sir John Sulston FRS to chair the University’s Institute for Science, Ethics and After a postdoc spell in California, working with 1966 Ph.D. University of Cambridge, UK Innovation (iSEI), which aims to contribute to others on the origin of life itself, he returned 40 “Building a better future for humanity”. years ago to Cambridge, to the Medical Research Career History Established in 2007, the iSEI is examining the role Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, one of and moral responsibilities of science, technology the greatest centres of DNA research, where those 1966-69 Postdoctoral fellow at the and innovation in society, and weighing the ethical other Nobel Laureates, Watson and Crick, were at Salk Institute for Biological Studies, issues that new discoveries increasingly generate. work. San Diego, CA

A particularly important concern is understanding As his research developed, his “great collaborator” 1986 Elected to the Royal Society the ethical basis of the transition process for new was Bob Waterston in St Louis. scientific and technological developments, from After working together for some years, they got 1996 Darwin Medal of the Royal Society discovery, through proof of principle, to the clinic “sucked into” the human genome project in or the marketplace – and the role of regulation. 1992-00 Director of the Sanger Centre, 1990, and helped push the venture through to Cambridge, UK Fortuitously, he and Professor John Harris, a completion. trailblazer in the field of medical ethics and And it was during that period, in 1998-2000, that 1998 Collaboration between the Director of the Institute, came to know each other he had the seminal experience of fighting for the Sanger Centre and Bob Waterston’s as members of the Human Genetics Commission. freedom of information against commercial group in St Louis, Missouri, resulted There they shared a common concern for public commandeering which so drives him today and in the publication of the nematode understanding and, reporting back to ministers, informs his role as iSEI Chairman. There was a DNA sequence. for improving policy. famous patent challenge. “I welcome the opportunity to be involved with 2001 Knight Bachelor in New Year's The US company Celera, linked with the Perkin- the new Institute, which reflects my own Honours list Elmer instrumentation company, whose equipment concerns,” he says. “The most important thing for John and his team were using, tried to tie up the 2002 Awarded the Nobel Prize for me now is to try to be part of this drive to make human genome information for commercial Physiology or Medicine with sure that scientific discoveries are translated into exploitation. It was a hard battle, but he and his Sydney Brenner and Bob Horvitz for action properly, as part of a civilised society.” collaborators were committed to open access – work in understanding the For a man who has reached the scientific heights, and they won. development of the Nematode John Sulston is remarkably modest – informal, (worm) Caenorhabditis elegans. “Their approach was a gross abuse of affable, with a ready sense of humour and casual knowledge,” he says. “It goes on all the time. self-deprecation. 2002 Publishes ‘The Common Thread: People aren’t satisfied with the golden eggs laid a story of science, politics, ethics He always knew he was going to be a scientist – by the goose – they want to own the goose. I and the human genome’ written the question was eventually: which science? “Even think that geese should be free, looked after and with Georgina Ferry as a small boy, I was interested in taking things celebrated.” apart, from biology to electricity,“ he says.”I 2007 Chair of the Institute for Science, As he refers to in this year’s Foundation Lecture enjoyed investigation.” Ethics and Innovation at (see page 3), he has a clear vision of the role of The University of Manchester Born in 1942, he was brought up in the University in society, translating science for the (iSEI) Rickmansworth. His father was a C of E priest – “I people, introducing more ethics into the delivery, moved away from belief during my adolescence” – moderating the vital links with industry, accepting and his mother a teacher. At school, he was a more democratic responsibility for transferring drawn to biology – “I don’t know why”. But when discovery into products. he went up to Cambridge (Pembroke College, of He has drawn a diagram showing how curiosity which he is now an Honorary Fellow), he read and social needs lead through discovery to Chemistry. He got a 2:1 “with a bit of a struggle”. knowledge, understanding and application and But then he had spent a lot of his time in the the wider culture. But, importantly, the application theatre, as a technician. can be harmful as well as good. And that is where A 2:1 was “good enough in those days” to do the ethics come in. Funding, whether it be public postgrad work. “I was uncertain whether to do or charitable or private, needs to recognise all that or not – I was never much of a book person.” endeavour. But he did stay on, working in the Chemistry lab “We must be able to fund people who have no with Colin Reese. “I loved it,” he says. “We were certain positive outcome to their research,” he a tight-knit group, doing bench science and says. “The trouble is that we live in a bean- devising ways to join nucleotides into chains.” counting age. We have gone too far in the free John was, as he puts it, “very lucky”. He noticed market way.” an extra spot, thanks to working with inferior Who would have put money on the worm all equipment. “Everyone doubted me, because using those years ago? better equipment the spot disappeared,” he says. 11 What’s On

Music and Drama Chaplaincies Gig Guide St Peter’s House Chaplaincy MANCHESTER ACADEMY 1, 2 and 3 at Manchester 11am Holy Communion 12.15pm Bible Study Wed 4 Nov Shinedown - £12 Adv Saturday 7 November, 7.30pm, £9/£6/£3 Gotthard – SOLD OUT The University of Manchester Brass and String 12.45pm Lunch (1st Sun) 6.30pm Evening Worship (term-time only) W Brown - £7.50 adv Orchestras FOYER 10am – 5pm Thurs 5 Nov Just Jack - £12.50 Adv Sunday 8 November, 7.30 pm, £10/£6 An area where students and staff can relax and meet Fri 6 Nov Dodgy - £15 Adv Stockport Youth Orchestra Charity Concert in aid friends. A tea/coffee machine is available. Sham 69 - £11 Adv of St. Ann’s Hospice RC Chaplaincy Avila House Mew - £12.30 Adv Thursday 12 November, 1.10pm, FREE Mass Times (term-time only) Sat 7 Nov Yo La Tengo - £14 Adv Richard Whalley – Piano Sun, 7pm (in the Holy Name Church) next door to 30H!3 - £10 adv Chaplaincy Hanky Park (Shinny) - £5 Adv Friday 13 November, 1.10pm, FREE Mon, Wed, Fri, 6pm in the Chaplaincy Chapel Opera Scenes Tues, Thurs, 12.15pm in the Chaplaincy Chapel Sun 8 Nov The Brand New Heavies - £16.50 Adv Tues 10 Nov The Rumblestrips - £9 Adv Saturday 14 November, 7.30pm, £9/£6/£3 The Jewish Student Centre and Synagogue The University of Manchester Symphony Hillel House, Greenheys Lane Wed 11 Nov New Beautiful South + Sandi Thom - Orchestra 0161 226 1139 £20 Adv Tuesday 17 November, 7.30pm, £12/£8/£3 Email [email protected] Thur 12 Nov Mr Hudson + Speech Delle - £10 Adv Quatuor Danel Weinberg Cycle: Quartets Jonathan Coulton with Paul 1, 2 and 3 Muslim Chaplaincy and Simon - £16 Adv South Campus Mosque, McDougall Centre Fri 13 Nov Seth Lakeman - £16 Adv Wednesday 18 November 1.10pm, FREE Jammaat (Group Prayer) Daily Gun - £14 Adv Quatuor Danel Weinberg Cycle: Quartet No 4 Juma Prayer Friday 1.15pm Caliban & Emmure - £12 Adv Thursday 19 November, 1.10pm, FREE Honorary Imam: Imam Habeeb, [email protected] Sat 14 Nov - £22.50 Adv Quatuor Danel Weinberg Cycle: Quartets 5 and 6 North Campus Mosque, Basement of Joule Library, Ezio - £12.50 Adv Thursday 19 November, 2.30pm, FREE Sackville Street Building Colin Hay - £12.50 Adv Quatuor Danel Seminar Jammaat (Group Prayer) Daily Teagan & Sarah - £14 Adv Juma Prayer Friday 12.30pm Thursday 19 November, 7.30pm, £12/£8/£3 Sun 15 Nov Dopestars - £12 Adv Quatuor Danel Weinberg Cycle: Quartets The role of the Volunteer Muslim Chaplain is to provide Mon 16 Nov The Flaming Lips - £20 Adv 7, 8 and 9 pastoral support, guidance and a listening ear to Breed 77 - £9 Adv Muslim staff and students Tue 17 Nov 65 Days of Static - £10 Adv Friday 20 November, 1.10pm, FREE Chaplains’ email: [email protected], Shred Yr Face Tour 3 - £12 Adv Quatuor Danel Weinberg Cycle: Quartets [email protected], [email protected], Wed 18 Nov Elliot Minor - £12 Adv 10 and 11 [email protected] Thur 19 Nov Boo Hewerdine - £12.50 Adv Friday 20 November, 7.30pm, £12/£8/£3 Mariachi El Bronx - £10 Adv Quatuor Danel Weinberg Cycle: Quartets 12, 13 and 14 Fri 20 Nov Slayer - £25 Adv Shanty Town - £6 Adv Saturday 21 November, 11am, £12/£8/£3 Alabama 3 - £18 Adv Quatuor Danel Weinberg Cycle: Quartets International Society Bell X1 - £12 Adv 15, 16 and 17 WINTER TRIPS Sat 21 Nov Gary Numan - £20 Adv Tuesday 24 November, 7pm, FREE Sat 7 – Overnight Visit to Bath Ian McNabb - £15 Adv We Know We Got Soul - Sawn-Off Opera Sun 8 Nov and Stonehenge Gong - £18.50 Adv Tuesday 24 November, 7.30pm, £6/£5/£4 Sat 7 Nov Lake District visiting Sun 22 Nov Jackie Leven - £12 Adv Vaganza and RNCM New Ensemble Joint Concert Windermere and Ambleside Mon 23 Nov The Butterfly Effect – Adv £7.50 No.1 The Sounds - £11 Adv Sun 8 Nov Blackpool and Illuminations Wednesday 25 November, 1.15pm, FREE Tues 24 Nov Skunk Anansie - £19.50 Adv University of Manchester Brass Ensemble and Sat 14 Nov Oxford with Guided Tour We Are The Ocean - £8.50 Adv Vaganza Brass Lisa Hannigan - £15 Adv Sat 14 Nov Whitby Wed 25 Nov Mick Taylor - £17.50 Adv Thursday 26 November, 3pm, FREE The Answer - £13 Adv Vaganza Sun 15 Nov Chester with Guided Walking Tour Thurs 26 Nov Hugh Cornwell – £12.50 Adv Thursday 26th November, 4.15pm, FREE Sat 21 Nov Liverpool with Guided Coach Tour Oceansize - £11 Adv Peter Maxwell Davies in conversation Fri 27 Nov Dio - £20 Adv Sun 22 Nov Peak District visiting Thursday 26 November, 7.30pm, £6 The Alarm + The Beat - £18.50 Adv Chatsworth House and Bakewell Vaganza and RNCM New Ensemble Joint Concert The Paris Riots - £6 Adv No.2 Sat 28 Nov Stratford-upon-Avon Hugh Cornwell - £15 Adv Friday 27 November, 1.15pm, FREE Sat 28 Nov The Complete Stone Roses - £15 Adv MANTIS Sun 29 Nov York's St Nicholas Fayre Market Napalm Death - £10 Adv Whole Lotta Led - £12 Adv Saturday 28 November, 7.30pm, £9/£6/£3 Opening hours New Model Army - £17.50 Adv The University of Manchester Wind Orchestra Mon-Fri 9.30am – 7pm (during term time) Mon-Fri 9.30am – 5pm (during vacation) Mon 30 Nov Gossip - £16 Adv Tuesday 1 December, 7.30pm, £9/£6/£3 Small World Café opening hours The Living End - £12.50 Adv Ad Solem – University of Manchester Chamber Mon-Fri 11am – 3pm Tues 1 Dec Fat Freddy’s Drop - £17.50 Adv Choir 327 Oxford Road (next to Krobar) Wed 2 Dec Taste of Chaos: Killswitch Engage Thursday 3 December, 1.10pm, FREE 0161 275 4959 & In Flames – £20 Adv Psappha email [email protected] Fri 4 Dec and Shed Seven - £16.50 Adv Friday 4 December, 1.10pm, FREE Sat 5 Dec The University of Manchester Baroque Orchestra Sun 6 Dec Hollywood Undead + Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 December, 7.30pm, Escape the Fate - £12.50 Adv £12/£8/£5 Tickets from: The University of Manchester Chorus and Students' Union, Oxford Road Symphony Orchestra, Whitworth Hall Piccadilly Box Office @ easy Internet Café (c/c) The Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama 0871 2200260 Bridgeford Street, Manchester M13 9PL Royal Court (Liverpool) 0151 709 4321 (c/c) 0161 275 8951/8950 Students’ Union email [email protected] Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL 0161 275 2930 12 The Manchester John Rylands Library The Whitworth Museum (Deansgate) Art Gallery SPECIAL EXHIBITIONS EXHIBITIONS DISPLAYS/COLLECTIONS The Evolutionist A Natural Selection: The Life and Literature of The American Scene: Prints from Hopper to A Darwin Extravaganza of events and exhibitions Charles Darwin Pollock: A British Museum Tour including Charles Darwin: Evolution of a Scientist. Charles Darwin is arguably one of the greatest Printmakers in the United States between 1900 and 1960 produced some of the most exciting, original and FAMILY ACTIVITIES scientists of all time, and this year marks a double Darwin anniversary - the bicentennial of his birth in defining images of modern American life. This Big Saturday 1809 and 150 years since the publication of his most exhibition pictures a time of remarkable social and Sat 21 Nov 11am-4pm famous work, On the Origin of Species, in 1859. A political change. Featuring 106 by 60 artists, including Evolution Revolution Natural Selection is an exploration of Darwin’s life and works by John Sloan, Edward Hopper, Josef Albers, Darwin themed family fun day with object handling, published works. Louise Bourgeois, Franz Kline, Willem de Kooning and storytelling, talks and tours. Mapping Manchester: Stories of the City Jackson Pollock. Sat 5 Dec 11am-4pm Maps can tell us many different stories about the places The Manchester Indian: Thomas Wardle and India Polar Day where we live and work. This exhibition shows how This exhibition celebrates the centenary of the death of A day bursting with polar activities for all the family! mapping is particularly ingrained into urban life; it Sir Thomas Wardle (1831-1909). Still perhaps best demonstrates how maps work and how they have TALKS AND TOURS known for his collaboration with William Morris, the evolved over time - reflecting changes in technology, exhibition focuses on Wardle’s efforts to reinvigorate Weds 11 Nov 3-5pm society and economic conditions. the silk industry in India as well as the impact that India Community Archaeology in the Museum Collection Close-Up with Library Tour every third had on his work. With Dr Lindy Crewe, The University of Manchester Thursday in the month, 12.15pm Deep Rooted, How Trees Shape Our Lives Fri 13 Nov 6-7.30pm With one of our curators, enjoy a closer look at Day School talk: What do trees mean to you? Drawing from the material from the Library’s world famous collections Whitworth’s internationally important collection of The day the time barrier was broken and find out more about this magnificent building. Review what we know about our earliest beginnings watercolours and drawings, this exhibition explores EVENTS with Professor Clive Gamble. how trees and woodland shaped our lives. Sat 7 November and Tues 8 December, 12-1pm Sat 14 Nov The Complete Roberta Breitmore: Unusual Views: Library Tours for Photographers Day school: From Darwin to DNA: exploring Lynn Hershman Leeson Take the opportunity to photograph the Library evolution in prehistoric archaeology In San Francisco in the mid-Seventies, Lynn Hershman building from spectacular viewpoints not normally open Please contact Phyllis on 0161 275 2643 or e-mail Leeson created Roberta Breitmore and performed this to the public! Guided by Library Staff you will be given [email protected] for details, £40 persona as a work of art over a four year period, unique access to the galleries hidden gems. Tickets documenting it through artifacts, photography, film Tues 24 Nov 1-2pm £2.50, contact Visitors Services on (0161) 306 0555 or and sound. This extraordinary body of work, which On the Origin of Species. A celebration [email protected] Lecture celebrating the 150 anniversary of the publication raises questions about the complexities of identity and Sun 22 November, 12-2pm of On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. the nature of the work of art, has been purchased by Sketching Sundays the Whitworth in its final edition and is shown here for Tues 1 Dec 6-8pm Would you like to spend time drawing in the Library? the first time in its entirety. Ideas Café: Darwin's work: use and abuse Discover Take inspiration from the decorative details and how Darwin's scientific discoveries were used and architectural splendour of the building or choose an EVENTS abused to support political agendas. object on display. FREE Wednesday 4 November, 6pm Weds 9 Dec 3-5pm Public opening hours Black GIs in Britain in the Second World War Showcase Seminar: Mon 12-5pm, Tues-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 12pm-5pm Documentary Film and commentary by Alan Rice The psychodynamics of museums Reader opening hours Tuesday 17 November, 6pm With Myna Trustram, Renaissance North West. Mon-Wed 10am-5pm, Thurs 10am-7pm, Fri-Sat 10am-5pm American Women and the Cold War Find out more about events in the Museum at FREE ADMISSION by Helen Laville The John Rylands Library Wednesday 2 December, 6pm Opening hours 150 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 3EH Six Myths of ‘On the Road’ Open: Tues-Sat 10am - 5pm 0161 306 0555 by Dick Ellis Sun-Mon (and Bank Holidays) 11am - 4pm email [email protected] FREE Admission Tuesday 8 December, 6pm Reflections on The American Scene The Manchester Museum by Douglas Tallack Oxford Road, Manchester 0161 275 2634 Every Sunday 1.30pm - 3.30pm, Family Friendly, Free Jodrell Bank Colourful Sundays Drop into the gallery any Sunday afternoon for free and Throughout the year you can view the telescope from fun creative activities at Colourful Sundays. Suitable for many angles on the Observation Pathway, take a all ages no need to book. Journey to Mars or tour the Solar System in the 3D theatre. You can also discover the history of Jodrell Every Tuesday 11am -12.30pm, Free Centre for New Writing Tuesday Talks Monday 9 November Bank in the small indoor exhibition area or take a walk in the tranquil setting of the 35 acre Arboretum. Each week an artist, thinker or critic talks about their The John Thaw Studio Theatre, 6pm, £5/3 work, influences and inspirations. Vona Groarke and George Szirtes Sunday 29 November, 11am Vona Groarke’s new book Spindrift is a PBS Behind the Scenes with an Astronomer FILMS Recommendation for Autumn 09 as is George Szirtes’ Join a Jodrell Bank Astronomer on a tour of the Friday 6 November, 6.15pm, £6 on the door (Students The Burning of the Books. Observatory, taking in the other telescopes Jodrell has Free) Monday 7 December and the Control Room followed by lunch. Early booking The Grapes of the Wrath The Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall, 6.30pm, £5/3 is essential. Tickets £25.00. SOLD OUT Director: John Ford, Starring: Henry Fonda, Jane Martin Amis Public Events: Literature and Ageing Tuesday 1 to Wednesday 23 December Darwell, John Carradine (1940) In these hugely popular public events, Martin Amis and Christmas at Jodrell Collection Exhibitions Archive Now Online guests discuss how literature faces up to major of the Visit Jodrell Bank, take a journey to Mars and then The Whitworth’s online ‘Collections Catalogue’ now day. enjoy a two or three course Christmas lunch. allows you to browse and search selected exhibitions Website: held at the Gallery over the past 10 years. Follow the events/2009/christmas.html link from homepage: Online journal: Please call 01477 571339 to book tickets or to get The Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama further information. The Whitworth Art Gallery Bridgeford Street, Manchester M13 9PL Oxford Road, Manchester Jodrell Bank Observatory Visitor Centre 0161 275 8951/8950 0161 275 7450 Macclesfield, Cheshire email [email protected] email [email protected] 01477 571339 13 Small family run nursery Mature qualified, experienced and knowledgeable staff Caring and friendly atmosphere - Secure, nurturing environment Open from 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday - 3 months to pre-school Happy children - Outdoor play area

88 Carmoor Road (off Hathersage Road/Upper Brook Street), Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester M13 0FB For information, please telephone Sharon on 0161 248 5340 or visit our web site 14 15 Discover the Museum 150 years of evolution

On 24 November 1859, the revolution to camouflage itself publisher John Murray delivered, amongst the sooty trees and buildings. to a largely unsuspecting world, Throughout November, The 1250 copies of Charles Darwin’s On Manchester Museum will be the Origin of Species by Means of celebrating this important milestone in Natural Selection. Modestly bound evolutionary thought with a whole in green cloth and lacking eye- host of special events. Some of these catching illustrations, it was a include Big Saturday: Evolution book to be taken seriously. This Revolution (21 Nov); the Museum’s year marks the 150th anniversary day school, with talks and lectures of its publication. exploring DNA and the early Controversial at the time, On the beginnings of human evolution (13 & Origin of Species outlined Charles 14 Nov), and a commemorative lecture Darwin’s ideas about evolution and offering a modern perspective on natural selection. Described as ‘the Darwin’s achievement (24 Nov). single best idea anyone has ever had’, A first edition of ‘On the Origin of it forms the basis of science and Species by Natural Selection’ can also biology today. Making no attempt to be viewed in the Museum’s special explain the origin of life or the nature exhibition Charles Darwin: evolution of of human existence, it punctured the a scientist. Published by John Murray, veil of concealment fostered by London in 1859, it is on loan from centuries of theological introspection. John Rylands Library, University of As James Hutton had done for rocks, Manchester. so Darwin did for organisms: the living and the dead. Further information about these events and the Museum’s Darwin Evidence supporting Darwin’s theories Extravaganza can be found on the is all around us. Manchester’s own Museum’s website. Part of The evolution story includes the peppered Evolutionist: A Darwin Extravaganza at moth, which rapidly evolved into a The Manchester Museum 1 August dark form during the industrial 2009 – 30 August 2010.

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