Public Document Pack and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal agus Bhoid

Corporate and Legal Services Director: Nigel Stewart

Lorn House, Albany Street, Oban, Argyll, PA34 4AW Tel: 01631 5679307 Fax: 01631 570379

28 October 2003


A meeting of the OBAN LORN & THE ISLES AREA COMMITTEE will be held in the PORT VILLAGE HALL, PORT APPIN, ARGYLL on WEDNESDAY, 8 MAY 2002 at 10:30 AM, which you are requested to attend.

Nigel Stewart Director of Corporate and Legal Services





(a) Minute of meeting of the Area Committee held on 3 April 2002 (Pages 1 - 10)

(b) Minute of meeting of the Soroba Area Development Group held on 21 February 2002 (Pages 11 - 14)

(c) Report by Director of Corporate & Legal Services in regard to Bonawe Quarry Liaison Group (Pages 15 - 16)


(a) Applications for Building Warrants and Relaxation of the Building Standards Regulations (Pages 17 - 22)

(b) List of Delegated Decisions issued by the Director of Devleopment and Environment Services since the last meeting. (Pages 23 - 28)

(c) Applications for Planning Permission for consideration by the Committee (Pages 29 - 140)

(d) Report by Director of Development & Environment Services in regard to Development Control Performance Monitoring Council Wide and Decentralised Area Team Performance, April 2001 to March 2002 (Pages 141 - 148)

(e) Report by Director of Development & Environment Services in regard to Building Control Performance Monitoring Council wide and Decentralised Area Teams (Pages 149 - 154)

(f) Report by Area Facilities Manager in regard to Corran Halls Activities (Pages 155 - 158)

(g) Report by Area Facilities Manager in regard to Applications from Voluntary Organisations for Financial Assistance under the Leisure Development Grants Scheme (Pages 159 - 174)

(h) Argyll & Bute Core Path Network Project


(a) Applications for financial assistance under the Education Development Grants Scheme (Pages 175 - 180)


(a) Report by Area Transportation Manager in regard to Works Programme 2002/2003 (Pages 181 - 182)


Exclusion of the Press and Public The Committee will be asked to pass a resolution in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government () Act 1973 to exclude the public for items of business with an “E” on the grounds that it is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraphs of Part I of Schedule 7a to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.

The appropriate paragraphs are:-

Paragraph 9 Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services.

Paragraph 13 Information which, if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the authority proposes-

(a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment.


(a) Proposals for utilisation of funding allocated to Area Committees (Pages 183 - 194)


(a) Report by Head of Legal Services in regard to proposed ground lease - 13 Mill Lane, Lochavullin, Oban (Pages 195 - 198)

(b) Report by Head of Legal Services in regard to proposed assignation of lease at 4 Millpark, Oban (Pages 199 - 202)


(a) Report by Director of Corporate & Legal Services in regard to Ganavan Management Agreement (Pages 203 - 204)


(a) Report by Director of Corporate & Legal Services in regard to The North Pier Development, Oban (Pages 205 - 206)


(a) Report by Director of Development & Environment Services in regard to unauthorised development at flat 1/2, 111 George Street, Oban (Pages 207 - 208)


(a) Report by Head of Development and Building Control in regard to Enforcement Activity, Oban Lorn & The Isles (Pages 209 - 214)

(b) 99/00107/ENFOTH (Pages 215 - 216)

(c) 02/00042/ENF (Pages 217 - 218)


(a) Report by Director of Corporate & Legal Services in regard to formal deeds and documents executed between 22 February 2002 and 16 April 2002 (Pages 219 - 222)


Councillor David Webster (Chairman) Councillor Robin Banks Councillor Campbell Cameron Councillor Ian Gillies Councillor Allan Macaskill Councillor Alistair MacDougall (Vice-Chairman) Councillor Duncan MacIntyre Councillor Donald McIntosh

Contact: Kenneth Macdonald, telephone 7902 or e-mail: [email protected]

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Present: Councillor David Webster (Chairman)

Councillor Robin Banks Councillor Alistair MacDougall Councillor Campbell Cameron Councillor Donald McIntosh Councillor Ian Gillies Councillor Duncan MacIntyre Councillor Allan Macaskill

Attending: Kenneth Macdonald, Area Corporate Services Manager Donald Kelly, Chief Solicitor Jane Gillies, Local Services Assistant Roy Alexander, Estates Surveyor George Harper, Director of Development & Environment Services John McIver, Senior Planning Officer Neil MacKay, Planning Manager Gordon King, Senior Building Control Officer Iain Welsh, Area Amenity Services Manager Paul Reynolds, Environmental Health Officer Gwilym Gibbons, Area Facility Manager David Craig, Area Community Education Officer Alex Taylor, Area Service Manager, Social Work Neil Brown, Area Transportation Manager

Apologies: Inspector Angus McIntosh, Strathclyde Police


Prior to the commencement of business the Chairman expressed the Committee's sadness at the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.


Councillor Gillies advised the meeting that a Council bid for Scottish Executive funding under the Digital Communities Initiative had been successful with the result that resident households throughout the North Argyll islands will be offered an internet ready computer.

The Chairman ruled, and the Committee agreed, in terms of Section 50B(4)(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 in terms of Standing Order 3.2.2, that items 15 and 16, which were not specified in the Agenda, should be considered at this meeting as a matter of urgency because of the need for a decision to be taken prior to the next meeting.


Councillor MacIntyre declared an interest in item 4 (planning application reference 01/02062/DET).


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The Committee approved the following Minutes:

(a) Meeting of the Area Committee held on 6 March 2002; (b) Meeting of the Soroba Area Development Group held on 24 January 2002; and (c) Meeting of the Oban Airport Member / Officer Working Group held on 6 February 2002.


The Committee noted Building Warrants and Relaxation of the Building Standards Regulations in respect of which approvals had been issued since the last meeting.

(Ref: List of approvals, submitted)


The Committee noted applications for planning permission in respect of which delegated decisions had been made since the last meeting was submitted and noted.

(Ref: List of delegated decisions, submitted)

The Committee also considered and dealt with the following applications for planning permission:-

Ref. No. Narrative

1. 01/01696/OUT Mr & Mrs D.Fellowes - Outline application - Site for the erection of a dwelling house - Land south of Keepers Cottage (Plot 1), Cladich, by Dalmally. The Planning Manager advised the meeting of a further letter of representation, dated 2 April 2002 from Mr S Salway, Cladich, which had been received after the report had been issued. He further advised that a letter of representation dated 14 November 2001, from Mr D Bradshaw, Liverpool had been omitted from the report. He thereupon addressed the issues raised in both of the foregoing letters. Having considered all the issues raised it was agreed that the application be approved, subject to (a) conditions 1-6, 8 & 9 specified in the report dated 22 February 2002 by the Head of Development & Building Control; (b) the inclusion in condition 7 of a requirement that the access shall be surfaced in dense bitumen macadam for the first five metres from the public road; and (c) that reasons nos. 6 and 7 be transposed.

Arising from this concern was expressed in regard to the length of time between the application being lodged and the report being presented to the Committee for determination.

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2. 01/01736/OUT Mr I.Cleaver - Outline application - Erection of dwelling house - Land adjacent to Oakfield, Dalmally. Approved, as a justified departure from the Local Plan, subject to the standard conditions.

3. 01/01904/OUT Mr & Mrs W.Anderson - Outline application - Site for the erection of a dwelling house - Site to the south of Dalismore, Appin, by Oban. Refused for the reasons set out in the report dated 12 March 2002 by the Head of Development & Building Control.

Arising from this it was agreed to advise the Head of Statutory Plans of the Committee's expectation that the issue of housing provision in rural areas would be considered as part of the emerging local plan process.

4. 01/01926/DET Julie & Paul Campbell-Roberts - Detailed application - Erection of a dwelling house - Land south of Cuil-Righ, North Connel, by Oban. It was agreed that consideration of this application be continued pending demonstration by the applicants that the land involved in the application is a registered croft.

Prior to consideration of the next application Councillor MacIntyre, having earlier declared an interest therein, left the meeting and took no part in the discussion.

5. 01/02062/DET Atlantis Leisure - Detailed application - Proposed skateboard park - Atlantis Leisure Centre, Dalriach Road, Oban. After consideration of Supplementary Report No.1 dated 31 March 2002 by the Head of Development and Building Control it was agreed that the application be approved, subject to the following conditions and the reasons as specified in the report dated 11 March 2002 by the Head of Development & Building Control:

1. Standard. 2. Prior to the skate park being brought into use full details in the form of plans, sections and profiles of all the proposed ramps to be erected shall be submitted to and approved by the Council as Planning Authority.

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3. Prior to the skate park being brought into use a 4 metre high solid timber screen fence shall be erected running from the SW corner of the leisure centre building to the boundary of the site with the Bowling Club, parallel to Dalriach Road, and between the 'multipurpose' area and the skate park detailed on the plans hereby approved. In addition a fence shall be constructed along the boundary with the Bowling Club in such a way that it projects 2.4 metres above the height of the retaining wall located along the boundary the site with the Bowling Club. Full details of the position and method of construction of the said fence shall be submitted to and agreed by the Council as Planning Authority prior to works commencing on site. 4. The proposed skate park shall not be used outwith the hours of 1000-2000hrs on any day without the prior written permission of the Council as Planning Authority. 5. All floodlighting shall be extinguished outwith the hours of 1000-2000hrs on any day without the prior written permission of the Council as Planning Authority. 6. The floodlighting shall be positioned and directed so that glare or reflection shall not cause nuisance at residential properties in the vicinity of the site. Full details shall be submitted and approved by the Council as Planning Authority, of glare reduction measures prior to the commencement of works on site. 7. Secure access / egress to and from the skate park hereby approved shall be taken through the existing leisure centre building and not through any other route (except for emergency escape purposes) to the satisfaction of the Council as Planning Authority. 8. A landscaping scheme shall be submitted to the Council as Planning Authority for approval prior to the commencement of works; this scheme shall include fast growing dense trees and shrubs planted around the entire site boundary. The approved landscaping scheme shall be fully implemented to the satisfaction of the Council as Planning Authority no later than the first planting and seeding season following the commencement of the development and thereafter shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority for a period of ten years. Any losses of plant species to be included in the landscaping scheme through disease, weather exposure, neglect or damage shall be replaced with equivalent species within one growing season. 9. The use of the area detailed on the plans hereby approved as 'Multi Purpose Area' shall be limited to those uses falling within Class 11(e) - Outdoor Sports and Recreation - of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997.

4 Page 5

6. 02/00194/DET G & S Wright - Detailed application - Conversion of derelict barn to form dwelling house - Breachacha Haybarns, Isle of Coll. Approved, subject to the conditions specified in the report dated 13 March 2002 by the Head of Development & Building Control.

7. 02/00195/MFF Cadderlie Mussels - Marine Fish Farm Consultation - Proposed shellfish farm - Site at Bonawe, Loch Etive, by Oban. It was agreed that objections be raised to this proposal for the reasons set out in the report dated 13 March 2002 by the Head of Development & Building Control, subject to the amendment of the second sentence of reason no. 1 to read " The proposal to develop a new site does not represent the modification or expansion of an existing site."

It was also noted that the position in regard to the alleged loss of prawn fishing grounds would require to be a matter of dialogue between the applicant and the relevant objector, and it was agreed that this be stated as a further reason for objection.

Arising from this it was agreed to request the Director of Development and Environment Services to undertake the production of an ad hoc development policy for Loch Etive in advance of the emerging Local Plan.

8. 02/00276/DET Strathclyde Fire Brigade - Detailed application - Erection of a fire garage (volunteer station) - Land west of No.2 Sunset, Tyneribbie, Appin. It was agreed that consideration of this application be continued to allow the outstanding servicing issues to be assessed.


The Committee considered, and noted, report dated 13 March 2002 in regard to commendations agreed in terms of the Planning Design Award 2002/2002. It was further noted that whilst there were a number of interesting designs and features, the overall designs were felt by the Members to fall short of the standard which had been set over previous years.

(Ref: Report dated 13 March 2002 by the Head of Development and Building Control, submitted)


The Committee considered a request, from Mr W Thomson, for revocation of the Section 75 Agreement attached to planning consent reference 01/91/0467 granted on 24 September 1991 in respect of the erection of a dwelling house on a site adjacent to Pennygate Lodge, Craignure, .

5 Page 6


Agreed that the request be refused.

(Ref: Report dated 20 March 2002 by the Head of Development & Building Control, submitted)


The Committee considered, and noted report by the Area Facility Manager in regard to forthcoming events at the Corran Halls, Oban.

(Ref: Report by the Area Facilities Manager, submitted)


The Committee considered applications from voluntary organisations for financial assistance under the Education Development Grants Scheme as follows: Project Applicant Narrative Cost Decision

Young Musicians of Music tuition £ 7,314 Grant of £ 1,500 Mull

Highlands & Islands Provision of Scottish Country £ 900 Grant of £ 450 Dance Festival Dancing packs to Primary Schools in Oban & Lorn

Feis Latharna Feis workshops £ 7,790 Grant of £ 1,500 ______Total £ 3,450

(Ref: Report by the Area Community Education Officer, submitted)


The Committee considered a report by the Area Transportation Manager in regard to the proposed roads maintenance works programme for 2002/2003.


Agreed to approve the surface dressing programme to the value of £347,000 as set out in the report, and that consideration of the remainder of the programme be continued to the next meeting.

(Ref: Report by the Area Transportation Manager, submitted)

6 Page 7


Mr A Baker requested, and received clarification in regard to the surface dressing programme insofar as it relates to Balvicar Pier.

Mr D Trigg, Ardchattan Community Council requested that consideration be given to providing additional passing places on the South Shian road.

The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the following items of business on the grounds that consideration of these items was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 9 and 13 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.


The Committee considered the Draft Strategy for the Oban, Lorn & the Isles area, including an outline of the implementation and monitoring process. Decision:

It was agreed (a) to approve the Area Strategy, as amended; and (b) that each Service be invited to submit, to the next meeting, bids for the available funding in accordance with the criteria agreed by the Council on 21 March 2002, with a view to formulating an expenditure programme for the current financial year.

(Ref: Report dated 11 March 2002 by the Area Corporate Services Manager, submitted)


The Committee considered the proposals for the level of service provision at Ganavan following discussions with the proprietor of the Pavilion and caravan park.


It was (a) noted that no management agreement would be in place for the current season; (b) agreed that (i) the Head of Legal Services would pursue the establishment of the bye- laws at Ganavan as previously agreed; and (ii) the Area Transportation Manager would arrange for Pay & Display parking to be introduced at Ganavan car park as soon as possible.

(Ref: Report by the Area Amenity Services Manager, submitted.)


The Committee considered report dated 11 March 2002 by the Director of Corporate & Legal Services in regard to the disposal of ground to the rear of 34 Glenview, Dalmally.

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It was agreed that consideration of this matter be continued to the next meeting pending clarification in regard to ownership interests, and the provision of a more detailed plan.

(Ref: Report dated 11 March 2002 by the Director of Corporate & Legal Services, submitted.)


The Committee considered report dated 11 March 2002 by the Director of Corporate & Legal Services in regard to the disposal of ground adjacent to 26 Mossfield Avenue, Oban.


It was agreed that this land was surplus to the Council’s requirements and the question of sale be delegated to the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Local Member, in consultation with the Director of Corporate and Legal Services.

(Ref: Report dated 11 March 2002 by the Director of Corporate & Legal Services, submitted.)


The Committee were advised of the current position in regard to the disposal of 4 surplus properties on Mull and Tiree.


It was agreed that the properties be offered to West Housing Association for £150,000, subject to the properties initially being made available for rent.

(Ref: Report by Director of Corporate & Legal Services, submitted)


The Committee considered offers received for lease of the mobile snack bar site on the North Pier, Oban.


Agreed that the site be offered to Mr & Mrs Smith on a month to month basis for the period 5 April to 30 October 2002, subject to there being no conflict with existing retail outlets within a radius of 100 metres of the site.

It was further agreed (a) to instruct the Director of Corporate and Legal Services to advertise for lease the site at the Corran Halls; and (b) to recommend to the Public Service & Licensing Committee that where there is a potential conflict with an existing retail outlet within a radius of 100 metres from the relevant site, but there is no objection raised to the street trading activity, that the application may be approved.

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(Ref: Report dated 27 March 2002 by the Director of Corporate & Legal Services, submitted).


The Committee considered, and noted, report dated 13 March 2002 by the Development Control Manager updating Members on the issue of the possible listing of cairns at Druimavuic, Loch Creran and advising that intimation has been received from Historic Scotland indicating their intention to include the cairns on the Statutory List of Buildings of Architectural or Historic interest.

(Ref: Report dated 11 March 2002 by the Development Control Manager, submitted)


The Committee considered, and approved two reports dated 14 March 2002 by the Director of Development and Environment Services in regard to the proposed making and serving of Orders in terms of Section 10 of the Building (Scotland) Act 1959/70 in respect of unauthorised building operations.

(Ref: Reports dated 14 March 2002 by the Director of Development & Environment Services, submitted.)


The Committee considered issues of enforcement action as follows:

Reference Decision

01/00051/ENF Agreed that enforcement action be taken under Section 127 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 in accordance with the terms of the report dated 20 March 2002 by the Head of Development & Building Control, the period for compliance for the steps outlined in D(i),(ii) and (iii) to be 2 months from the date the Enforcement Notice takes effect, and in respect of D(iv) that the period for compliance be 3 months from the date the Enforcement Notice takes effect.

05/90/0089/ENF Agreed that a further report be presented to the next meeting.

05/90/0090/ENF Agreed that a further report be presented to the next meeting.

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Minute of meeting of the Soroba Area Development Group held in Drummore School on Thursday 21 February 2002.

Present: Councillor Donald McIntosh (Chair) Jane Gillies, Local Services Assistant David Craig, Area Community Education Officer Steven Harper, Argyll Council of Voluntary Services Cath Cakebread Mary Campbell, Drugs & Alcohol Outreach Worker, Housing & Social Work Karen Philpott, Senior Social Worker Tina Ellis, Housing & Social Work Mandy Morrison, Community Development Worker Janice Kay, Soroba Young Families Group (SIP Rep) Ian Welsh, Area Amenity Services Manager Patricia Keenan, Housing & Social Work


Neil Brown, Transportation & Property Moira MacDonald, Housing & Social Work Heather Cunningham, Argyll & Clyde Health Board Angus McIntosh, Strathclyde Police Andrew Burnie, Community Council


Minutes of meeting held on 11 December 2001 were agreed.


a) It was agreed that amendments were to be incorporated into approved minutes.

b) Item 6: Award of £10,000 to Soroba Young Families Group – Soroba Young Families Group do not have to repay £10,000 if Surestart funding is not forthcoming for 2001/2002 financial year.

c) Councillor McIntosh proposed that Mr Pearson should be put forward for a GRAB award in recognition of the extensive works he has carried out single handed, clearing the whole of the railway bank along Soroba of rubbish and planting shrubs in the area.

d) Iain Welsh informed the meeting that B & Q were offering packs from which the play area could benefit. Mandy and Ian Welsh to liaise.

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a) Janice Kay gave a report on the SIP Strategic Management Board Meeting held on 2 February 2002 (notes attached).


a) Councillor McIntosh and Janice Kay attended a 2 day national training event. It was reported that this was a very informative event and an excellent training session. A further 2 day seminar is to be held on 16th and 17th April 2002 in Hunters Quay, Dunoon. It was suggested that Councillor Allan MacAskill should be invited to attend.

b) Millennium Elderly Action Network are seeking a donation from Soroba ADG towards their shortfall of £6,000 for their project to support the elderly in the area. Patricia Keenan suggested that if each SIP area contributed £1,500 this would make up the shortfall.


a) Karen Philpott was introduced to the members of the Area Development Group present. Karen is the new Senior Social Worker in Oban, working with young people in the community, assisting in getting young people back to school and to stop them offending.

b) It was reported that discussions with Donald MacVicar, Housing & Social Work, confirmed that a bid has gone to transitional benefit team and it is hopeful that proposals will be acceptable. The next step is to engage qualified staff, which should be resolved within the next month or so.


a) Education to download.


a) Patricia Keenan and Cath Cakebread expressed their concerns at the lack of funding for this project. Cath has tried to revise budget and explained that the remit for the post was huge and it was therefore impossible to trim any costs. It was clear that substance misuse post was part time, and it was to be decided locally how to spend money.

Suggestions were made for acquiring funding for equipment for presentations (see “Funding for Training Resources” – Tina Ellis and Costings from Mary Campbell)

Discussion on lack of funding for Mary’s post for wages, paper, pens, etc., showed that there had been widespread debate on this.

Area Development Group agreed that the post should be looked at.

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a) Repairs to 9f Colonsay – to be continued at a later meeting. Suggestion that community services could do some repairs to cut down on costs.


a) Next meeting to be held on Thursday 21 March 2002 at 7 pm in Drummore School

It was agreed that a presentation should be made to the next meeting on “Before and After School Care”

It was also agreed that Siobhan Wilkes should be invited to the next meeting.

Corporate & Legal Services 28 October 2003

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0100863ALT Taychreggan Hotel Ltd 05/06/01 08/06/01 25/03/02 WARAPP

Alterations and extensions to hotel

Taychreggan Hotel Kilchrenan Taynuilt Argyll PA35 1HQ

0101264STG Progressive Properties 20/08/01 24/08/01 08/04/02 WARAPP

Erection of new steel framed shed unit : Stage 2 : Superstructure above ground level 10B Sinclair Drive Oban Argyll PA34 4DR

0101323ERC Caledonian Macbrayne 31/08/01 07/09/01 25/03/02 WARAPP

Erection of ferry terminal administration

Pier Building Pier Road Scarinish Isle Of Tiree

0101864COU Neil A Smith 07/12/01 09/01/02 09/04/02 WARAPP

Conversion of portal frame farm steading to form swimming pool for holiday and public use Gallanach Isle Of Coll PA78 6TE

0101907AO Connel Inns Limited 17/12/01 17/12/01 04/04/02 WARAPP W Amended proposal - Erection of bar store, formation of covered walkway and change of use from self catering unit to letting Widemouth Frog Restaurant Dunbeg Oban Argyll PA37 1PX

0200039ERD Norman MacDonald - Builders 09/01/02 15/01/02 02/04/02 WARAPP

Erection of two dwelling houses.

Land West Of Ardbeg Dervaig Tobermory Isle Of Mull

0200106EXT Mr And Mrs J Lambie 22/01/02 23/01/02 25/03/02 WARAPP

Erection of garage

Ashlea Taynuilt Argyll PA35 1HW

0200116ERD J McKean 23/01/02 01/02/02 04/04/02 WARAPP

Erection of house

Ruin South Of Pier View Scarinish Isle Of Tiree

0200216AO M & K Macleod 07/02/02 12/02/02 27/03/02 WARAPP W Amendment - Erection of 28 private dwelling houses including roads services Creag Bhan Village Glengallan Road Oban Argyll PA34 4BF

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn LETTER=Letter of Comfort EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant SUPERS=Superseeded by new Building Warrant

15 April 2002 Page 1 of 6 Page 18 Argyll and Bute Council Development and Environment Services



0200223COU Mr And Mrs G Lowrey 08/02/02 12/02/02 25/03/02 WARAPP

Change of use from store to flat

Dalavich Post Office Dalavich Taynuilt Argyll PA35 1HN

0200256ALT Mr Barry James Mactaggart 14/02/02 18/02/02 04/04/02 WARAPP

Attic conversion

7 Longsdale Terrace Oban Argyll PA34 5JS

0200274ALT Mr And Mrs D May 18/02/02 19/02/02 27/03/02 WARAPP

Formation of new door opening in external wall

5 Cnoc-A-Challtuin Clachan Seil Oban Argyll PA34 4TR

0200282AO Mr And Mrs Charlton 19/02/02 20/02/02 25/03/02 WARAPP W Amendment - Erection of dwelling house

Land East Of Barguillean Farm Taynuilt Argyll

0200284EXT Mr And Mrs C MacPherson 19/02/02 22/02/02 04/04/02 WARAPP

Extension to existing house

Plot 1 Land West Of Burnside Benderloch Oban Argyll

0200295ALT Director Of Housing And Social Work 20/02/02 22/02/02 18/03/02 WARAPP

Alteration to dwelling house (ex warden's house)

21 Ford Spence Court Benderloch Oban Argyll PA37 1PY

0200297ALT Mrs Judith Boyd 21/02/02 22/02/02 18/03/02 WARAPP

Relocation of bathroom. Alteration of kitchen

Mill House Cornaigmore Scarinish Isle Of Tiree PA77 6XA

0200298ERD Cameron McLean 21/02/02 25/02/02 18/03/02 WARAPP

Erection of dwelling house and garage

Land Adjacent To Ormsaig Tobermory Isle Of Mull

0200313AO Alexander Black (Builders - Oban) Limited 25/02/02 26/02/02 18/03/02 WARAPP W Amended proposal - Erection of 12 Flats

Land South East Of Drummore School Soroba Oban Argyll

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn LETTER=Letter of Comfort EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant SUPERS=Superseeded by new Building Warrant

15 April 2002 Page 2 of 6 Page 19 Argyll and Bute Council Development and Environment Services



0200328MTP Mr And Mrs Rogers 26/02/02 01/03/02 02/04/02 WARAPP

Extension and alteration to dwelling

Removal of flat dormers and insertion of velux alteration to bay windows: replacement The Cobblers Cullipool Oban Argyll PA34 4TX

0200335ALT Mrs P E Thistlethwaite 27/02/02 01/03/02 18/03/02 WARAPP

Erection of internal staircase

Garden Cottage Bunessan Isle Of Mull

0200358ERD Mrs Wood Mrs Willsher 01/03/02 06/03/02 27/03/02 WARAPP

Erection of dwelling

Land North Of Druimard Dervaig Tobermory Isle Of Mull

0200409ALT J Schoenleber 07/03/02 08/03/02 27/03/02 WARAPP

Alterations and improvements

Bremenvoir Victoria Street Tobermory Isle Of Mull

0200419ALT Sam Properties 08/03/02 08/03/02 26/03/02 WARAPP

Alterations to existing shop premises

100 George Street Oban Argyll PA34 5NR

0200448AO M And J Reade 15/03/02 18/03/02 27/03/02 WARAPP W Lounge extension and boiler house

Calgary Farmhouse Hotel Calgary Tobermory Isle Of Mull PA75 6QQ 0200459AO Marion McLean 18/03/02 19/03/02 25/03/02 WARAPP W Amendment - Erection of dwelling house

Land North West Of Viewmount Tobermory Isle Of Mull

0200460ALT Cameron McLean 18/03/02 19/03/02 09/04/02 WARAPP

Alteration to house

Drimnin View Dervaig Road Tobermory Isle Of Mull PA75 6PY

0200466ALT Donald McIntosh 19/03/02 25/03/02 09/04/02 WARAPP

Alteration to dwelling house

11F Colonsay Terrace Soroba Oban Argyll PA34 4YN

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn LETTER=Letter of Comfort EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant SUPERS=Superseeded by new Building Warrant

15 April 2002 Page 3 of 6 Page 20 Argyll and Bute Council Development and Environment Services



0200476ALT Mr A Morris 20/03/02 20/03/02 09/04/02 WARAPP

Install oil fired central heating

Lerags Farm Lerags Oban Argyll PA34 4SE

0200477ALT Mr A McGregor 20/03/02 27/03/02 09/04/02 WARAPP

Install oil fiired central heating

Ardconnel Farm Connel Connel Oban Argyll PA37 1RN

0200479ALT M MacLeod 20/03/02 27/03/02 09/04/02 WARAPP

Install oil fired central heating

Glensalloch House Barcaldine Oban Argyll PA37 1SF

0200500AO M & K Macleod 25/03/02 26/03/02 27/03/02 WARAPP W Amended Proposal - Plot 23 (Erection of 28 private dwelling houses including roads services) Creag Bhan Village Glengallan Road Oban Argyll PA34 4BF

0200506LOC Mr J Macfarlane 25/03/02 04/04/02 WARAPP

Formation of a new internal door opening between the kitchen and hall and blocking off the original kitchen door to the lounge 14 Corran Brae Oban Argyll PA34 5AL

0200516AO Argyll And Bute Council 26/03/02 27/03/02 28/03/02 WARAPP W Amended proposal - Erection of passenger canopy/walkway

The Pier Head Craignure Isle Of Mull PA65 6AY

0200517ERC Argyll Properties 26/03/02 27/03/02 28/03/02 WARAPP

Erection of boundary wall

McGochans Aros Park Tobermory Isle Of Mull PA75 6NR

0200521ALT Mr R Connelly 27/03/02 02/04/02 04/04/02 WARAPP

Alterations to guest house

Hamilton House Dunollie Road Oban Argyll PA34 5PJ

0200524AO Eriska Enterprises 27/03/02 02/04/02 04/04/02 WARAPP W Amended proposal - Alteration to existing cottage (Lilac Cottage)

Eriska House Benderloch Oban Argyll PA37 1SD

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn LETTER=Letter of Comfort EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant SUPERS=Superseeded by new Building Warrant

15 April 2002 Page 4 of 6 Page 21 Argyll and Bute Council Development and Environment Services



0200525AO Oban Pipe Band 28/03/02 28/03/02 02/04/02 WARAPP W Amended proposal - Erection of new practice hall

Practice Hall Cawdor Place Shore Street Oban Argyll

0200526AO Mr Donald Munro 28/03/02 05/04/02 09/04/02 WARAPP W Amended proposal - Erection of dwelling house

The Sheiling Dervaig Tobermory Isle Of Mull PA75 6QR

0200556AO P McCracken And J Scott 02/04/02 03/04/02 04/04/02 WARAPP W Extension to dwelling

Keepers Cottage Taynuilt Argyll PA35 1HY

0200561AO MacQueen Bros 02/04/02 03/04/02 04/04/02 WARAPP W Extension (including offices/wc/storage) to existing warehouse premises Mcqueen Bros Glengallan Road Oban Argyll PA34 4HG

0200567ALT Mrs R King 04/04/02 08/04/02 09/04/02 WARAPP

Alteration from window into door using exising lintel

Tigh Crion Ardtun Bunessan Isle Of Mull PA67 6DN

0200578ALT Kenneth I Elder 05/04/02 08/04/02 09/04/02 WARAPP

Concrete panel treatment, fitting insulation panels to outside walls, roughcasting over insulation panels, coating with 6 Dalrigh Dunollie Road Oban Argyll PA34 5PG

0200579ALT Thomas Lennox 05/04/02 08/04/02 09/04/02 WARAPP

Concrete panel treatment, fitting insulation panels to outside walls, roughcasting over insulation panels, coating with 7 Dalrigh Dunollie Road Oban Argyll PA34 5PG

0200580ALT Ian Tindall 05/04/02 08/04/02 09/04/02 WARAPP

Concrete panel treatment, fitting insulation panels to outside walls, roughcasting over insulation panels, coating with 8 Dalrigh Dunollie Road Oban Argyll PA34 5PG

0200581ALT John Hoey 05/04/02 08/04/02 09/04/02 WARAPP

Concrete panel treatment, fitting insulation panels to outside walls, roughcasting over insulation panels, coating with 5 Dalrigh Dunollie Road Oban Argyll PA34 5PG

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn LETTER=Letter of Comfort EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant SUPERS=Superseeded by new Building Warrant

15 April 2002 Page 5 of 6 Page 22 Argyll and Bute Council Development and Environment Services



0200585AO M & K Macleod 08/04/02 09/04/02 10/04/02 WARAPP W Amended Proposal - Erection of 28 private dwelling houses including roads services Creag Bhan Village Glengallan Road Oban Argyll PA34 4BF

0200589AO Mr Robert R Dickson 08/04/02 09/04/02 10/04/02 WARAPP W Amended Proposal - Extension and conservatory to dwelling house Caol-ithe Guest House Fionnphort Isle Of Mull PA66 6BL

0200601ALT Director Of Housing And Social Work 10/04/02 10/04/02 10/04/02 WARAPP

Insulated Render System to Nos. 2 and 3 Dalrigh, Oban

2 Dalrigh Dunollie Road Oban Argyll PA34 5PG

WARAPP=Building Warrant Approved WARREF=Building Warrant Refused WARWIT=Building Warrant Withdrawn LETTER=Letter of Comfort EXEMPT=Exempt Building Warrant SUPERS=Superseeded by new Building Warrant

15 April 2002 Page 6 of 6 Page 23 Argyll and Bute Council Agenda Item 4b Development and Environment Services TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE

App. No Applicant name, address and proposal Valid date Decision date Decision

0200640NMA M And K Macleod 08/04/02 11/04/02 NOO Creag Bhan Village Glengallan Road Oban Argyll PA34 4BF

Non Material Amendment for Change of Window to Patio Door in Plot 17 (Previous Application: 99/00656/REM - 0200571DET Neil Craven Gregory 28/03/02 05/04/02 PER Village Hall Port Appin Appin Argyll

Replacement of Roof

0200568NMA A P T 28/03/02 08/04/02 NOO Land West Of Creag Ceann Dubhain Scobull Tiroran Isle Of Mull PA69 6EU Non Material Amendment -- Erection of 15m tower to accommodate 2 x Cross Polar Antenna etc. 0200540NMA M And K Macleod 25/03/02 28/03/02 PER Creag Bhan Village Glengallan Road Oban Argyll PA34 4BF

Erection of 14 houses (plots 15-28) as Phase 2 of private housing development 0200537DET Brian Lovell Noakes 22/03/02 05/04/02 PER Loch View Caravan Dervaig Tobermory Isle Of Mull PA75 6QL Erection of Garden Store/Workshop

0200530TELNOT Brian Henderson 27/02/02 08/04/02 NOO Vodafone Radio Station Inverawe Taynuilt Argyll

Installation of Additional 0.2 Metre Diameter Dish

0200528WGS Forestry Commission 21/03/02 10/04/02 NOO Invernahyle - Coire Dubh Woodland Glencreran Appin Argyll Woodland Grant Scheme

0200497NMA Dr Hamish MacLeod 19/03/02 27/03/02 NOO The Moorings Cuan Ferry Oban Argyll PA34 4RB

Non Material Amendment for Minor Alterations to Application 99/01821/DET (Extension to Dwelling House) 0200492NMA Mr Tom Hay 19/03/02 27/03/02 PER Park Farm Lismore Oban Argyll PA34 5UN

Non Material Amendment for changes to Fenestration to Previous Application 98/00768/COU (Change of Use of


24 April 2002 Page 1 of 6 Page 24 Argyll and Bute Council Development and Environment Services TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE

App. No Applicant name, address and proposal Valid date Decision date Decision

0200491WGS Forestry Commission 12/03/02 27/03/02 NOO Blackmount Glen Fuar, Woodland Bridge Of Orchy Argyll

Woodland Grant Scheme

0200490WGS Forestry Commission 12/03/02 27/03/02 NOO Blackmount Crannach 2, Woodland` Bridge Of Orchy Argyll

Woodland Grant Scheme

0200473DET J Schoenleber 14/03/02 15/04/02 PER Bremanvoir Ardtun Bunessan Isle Of Mull PA67 6DH

Erection of domestic garage/workshop/store/sauna

0200453FDP Forest Enterprise 12/03/02 08/04/02 NOO Aros Park Aros Park Tobermory Isle Of Mull

Forest Design Plan - Felling and Restocking

0200431LIB Sam Properties 08/03/02 15/04/02 PER 100 George Street Oban Argyll PA34 5NR

Alterations to Shop Premises

0200429DET Sam Properties 08/03/02 04/04/02 PER 100 George Street Oban Argyll PA34 5NR

Alterations to Shop Premises

0200417WGS Lochnell Estate (Jersey) Ltd 27/02/02 10/04/02 NOO Deer Fence Maint/ Rhododendron Control Benderloch Oban Argyll Woodland Grant Scheme - Lochnell

0200413NMA M And K Macleod 05/03/02 27/03/02 NOO Creag Bhan Village Glengallan Road Oban Argyll PA34 4BF

Non Material Amendment to 99/00656/REM (Erection of 14 Dwelling Houses) for Alterationst to Plots 15, 22 and 24 0200412LIB Fiona & Sue Jarvie 08/03/02 15/04/02 PER Ichrachan Cottage Taynuilt Argyll PA35 1HP

Demolition of Existing Extension, Erection of Replacement Extension and Alterations to Dwelling House - Amended


24 April 2002 Page 2 of 6 Page 25 Argyll and Bute Council Development and Environment Services TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE

App. No Applicant name, address and proposal Valid date Decision date Decision

0200409DET West Of Scotland Water 07/03/02 10/04/02 PER Land At Glenstrae Estate Lochawe Dalmally Argyll

Extension to Water Treatment Plant Building

0200405GDCON Forestry Commission 07/03/02 10/04/02 NOO Eredine Woodland Dalmally Argyll

Formation of Forest Access

0200404REM Mr Anthony Read 06/03/02 08/04/02 PER Land South East Of The Clansman Pennyghael Isle Of Mull

Erection of Dwelling House

0200395DET Neil Brown 05/03/02 08/04/02 PER Wychwood Ganavan Road Oban Argyll PA34 5TU

Erection of Conservatory

0200388DET Alistair McPhail 04/03/02 25/03/02 PER 2 Shore Street Balemartine Scarinish Isle Of Tiree PA77 6UA Extension to Dwelling House - Amended Proposal to 01/02058/DET 0200385DET Mr And Mrs J Moore 27/02/02 20/03/02 PER Ashfield Barcaldine Oban Argyll PA37 1SG

Erection of Conservatory

0200354PNAGRI Max Adrian Bonniewell 25/02/02 19/03/02 NOO Dalvuie Benderloch Oban Argyll PA37 1RX

Erection of Agricultural Building and formation of Hardstanding 0200342PNAGRI J Mackinnon - Clan Trees Garden Nursery 26/02/02 19/03/02 NOO New House North West Of Barnacarry Farm Kilmore Oban Argyll Erection of 2 Polytunnels

0200340DET Mr And Mrs Perrett 26/02/02 29/03/02 PER 4 Glen Park Connel Oban Argyll

Extension to Garage


24 April 2002 Page 3 of 6 Page 26 Argyll and Bute Council Development and Environment Services TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE

App. No Applicant name, address and proposal Valid date Decision date Decision

0200326DET John Sedgewick & Kim Rowswell 25/02/02 29/03/02 PER Dunmarrock Balvicar Oban Argyll PA34 4TE

Alteration and Extension to Dwelling House and Erection of Garage 0200319DET Slawek Swietlicki 25/02/02 22/03/02 PER Land North Of Berisay And Ardana North Connel Oban Argyll Erection of Dwelling House

0200284DET Orr Mac 500 Ltd 28/02/02 09/04/02 PER Bridge Of Orchy Hotel Bridge Of Orchy Argyll PA36 4AB

Extension to Hotel to form Restaurant and Lounge

0200278DET Orange PCS 18/02/02 27/03/02 PER Fanans Estate, Bridge Of Awe Taynuilt Argyll

Installation of Telecommunications Equipment and Erection of 13.875m Mast with Antennae 0200268DET Mr And Mrs C MacPherson 19/02/02 19/03/02 PER Plot 1 Land West Of Burnside Benderloch Oban Argyll

Extension to Dwelling House (Ferlum)

0200245DET Mr And Mrs R Saxby 11/02/02 19/03/02 PER Rockcrest Crannaig-A-Mhinister Oban Argyll

Extension to Dwelling House

0200244GDCON Scottish Natural Heritage 11/02/02 19/03/02 PER Glassdrum Nature Reserve Appin Argyll

Formation of Access, Car Park, Picnic Area and Nature Trail Footpath 0200238DET Norman Macdonald - Builders 13/02/02 15/03/02 PER Builders Yard Baliscate Tobermory Isle Of Mull

Erection of Builders Store

0200232REM Cameron Mclean 13/02/02 15/03/02 PER Land Adjacent To Ormsaig Tobermory Isle Of Mull

Erection of Dwelling House and Garage


24 April 2002 Page 4 of 6 Page 27 Argyll and Bute Council Development and Environment Services TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE

App. No Applicant name, address and proposal Valid date Decision date Decision

0200216DET Mr John Gosling 18/02/02 15/03/02 PER Siskin Barcaldine Barcaldine Oban Argyll PA37 1SG

Extension to Dwelling House and Erection of Garage

0200215DET Mr And Mrs J Lambie 11/02/02 22/03/02 PER Ashlea Taynuilt Argyll PA35 1HW

Formation of New Vehicular Access

0200214DET Mr And Mrs Alan Campbell 08/02/02 02/04/02 PER Heather Bank Laurel Road Oban Argyll PA34 5EB

Extension to Dwelling House and Erection of Garage

0200212DET S And L McCullagh 19/02/02 22/03/02 PER The Blue House Dervaig Tobermory Isle Of Mull

Installation of Dormer Windows and Extension to form Conservatory 0200201DET Vodafone UK Ltd 11/02/02 19/03/02 PER Land North West Of Ardachy Farm North Connel Oban Argyll Redevelopment of existing 12 metre mast to 15 metres to accommodate 2 x Antenna, 2 x Dishes and Erection of 0200189NMA The Scottish Association For Marine Service 04/02/02 02/04/02 PER Dunstaffnage Marine Research Laboratory Dunbeg Oban Argyll PA37 1QA Non Material Amendment to 00/01942/DET - Formation of New Laboratory Administration and Offices and Related 0200164DET Mr And Mrs Charrington 14/02/02 19/03/02 PER House Of Treshnish Farm Calgary Tobermory Isle Of Mull PA75 6QX Siting of Static Caravan

0200156DET Keith Oversby 08/03/02 15/04/02 PER Land Adjacent To Public Car Park, Ellenabeich, Seil Island Ellenabeich Easdale Oban Argyll Erection of Garden Shed

0200155DET Mrs M Hardy 30/01/02 15/03/02 PER Glenlora Benderloch Oban Argyll PA37 1QP

Alterations and Re-roofing of Dwelling House


24 April 2002 Page 5 of 6 Page 28 Argyll and Bute Council Development and Environment Services TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING DELEGATED DECISIONS SINCE LAST COMMITTEE

App. No Applicant name, address and proposal Valid date Decision date Decision

0200146LIB United Distillers Engineering 29/01/02 02/04/02 PER Oban Distillery Stafford Street Oban Argyll PA34 5NH

Erection of Signboard

0200125OUT Ms Joyce Vivian Glen 11/04/02 WDN Site 1 Land South Of Mountpleasant Kerrera Oban Argyll

Site for the Erection of Dwelling House

0200124OUT Ms Joyce Vivian Glen 11/04/02 WDN Site 3 Land South Of Ardentrive Kerrera Oban Argyll

Site for the Erection of Dwelling House

0200123OUT Ms Joyce Vivian Glen 11/04/02 WDN Ardentrive Houses 3 _ 4 Kerrera Oban Argyll

`Site for the Erection of 2 Dwelling Houses

0200067LIB Mr J Grieve 15/01/02 25/03/02 PER Glenrigh Private Hotel Corran Esplanade Oban Argyll PA34 5AQ Internal Ground Floor Alterations

0200012LIB Alastair Gillespie 11/01/02 19/03/02 PER 4 Ellenabeich Easdale Oban Argyll PA34 4RQ

Change of Roof Covering and Alterations to Dwelling House 0101950DET Mr And Mrs F Beaton 30/11/01 22/03/02 PER Land East Of Branve Cottages Taynuilt Argyll

Erection of dwelling house and installation of septic tank.

0101639OUT Mr And Mrs A Keppie 22/10/01 27/03/02 PER Land East Of Fasgadh Taynuilt Argyll

Site for the Erection of Dwelling House


24 April 2002 Page 6 of 6 Page 29 Agenda Item 4c

AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.2(b) ______



Reference No. Narrative

1. 02/00020/OUT Romac Properties – Site for the Erection of 2 Dwelling Houses, land east of Mossfield Cottage, Oban

2. 02/00097/MFF Mr D Wilson – Relocation of fish farm, Loch Spelve, Isle of Mull

3. 02/00118/COU Mr Alan Walker – Change of Use of Play Area to Garden Ground for 4/5 Tramway Cottages, Ellenabeich, Isle of Seil

4. 02/00160/DET Robert Harper – Culverting of Burn, Lataska, Polvinister Road, Oban

5. 02/00246/DET Mr & Mrs M McSweeney – Erection of Dwelling House, land adjacent to Balvicar Boatyard, Balvicar, Isle of Seil

6. 02/00276/DET Strathclyde Fire Brigade – Erection of Fire Garage (Volunteer Station), land west of No.2 Sunset, Tynribbie, Appin

7. 02/00378/DET Baptist Union of Scotland – Temporary siting of a mobile home for short term residential use, Bunessan Baptist Church, Bunessan, Isle of Mull

8. 02/00414/OUT Mr & Mrs B Thomson – Site for the Erection of Dwelling House and Garage, land South West of Gallanachmore Cottage, Oban

9. 02/00418/DET Miss C Toogood – Erection of Dwelling House, land adjacent to Beechwood, Barcaldine

10. 02/00422/DET Mr & Mrs B Donn – Erection of Dwelling House, garden ground of Sheridan, Polvinister Road, Oban

11. 01/01926/DET Julie & Paul Campbell-Roberts – Erection of Dwelling House and Installation of Septic Tank, land south of Cuil- Righ, North Connel, by Oban

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Reference Number: 02/00020/OUT Applicants Name: Romac Properties Application Type: Outline Planning Application Application Description: Erection of two dwellinghouses Location: Land East of Mossfield Cottage, Oban


Development Requiring Express Planning Permission.

• Erection of 2 houses (outline) • Formation of vehicular access


It is recommended that planning permission be refused


This application is for the erection of 2 houses in outline. The site consists of a triangle of ground bounded by Glencruitten Road, a burn along the edge of the golf course and a house. The site lies within an area covered by policy HO 21 of the Lorn Local Plan which encourages infill, rounding-off or redevelopment related to the existing built form. The development of this site is considered to round-off the existing cluster of residences in this locality and so is consistent with policy HO 21.

Privacy and Amenity

The application is outline only and so details of the proposed layout of the development and the position of windows etc. has not been submitted. It is considered that, with an appropriate layout and building design, the site is capable of accommodating two dwellinghouses without detrimental impact upon the privacy and amenity of the adjacent existing dwellinghouses.


Representations received state that the site floods. SEPA, the consultative agency for such issues, have indicated at a meeting that they wish a Flood Risk Assessment to be carried out in relation to this proposal. The applicant was requested under Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure)(Scotland) Order 1992 to submit a Flood Risk Assessment on 1.3.02. Despite a reminder letters being issued, such a Flood Risk Assessment has not been submitted. This Flood Risk Assessment report is necessary in order that this application can be fully assessed with regard to those measures necessary to obviate any potential risk of flooding on these sites. It is therefore considered that this application as submitted is unacceptable on the basis of a lack of information.

Sevices / Infrastructure

Vehicular access – The Area Roads Engineer recommends that this application be refused on the basis that Glencruitten Road has no footway provision and is narrow in places and so cannot accept additional traffic safely. However, no data has been provided as to the threshold of vehicles using Glencruitten Road and no policy restrictions on developments taking access via Glencruitten Road are


Page 32

currently in place. On this basis the Area Roads Engineers concerns are noted but are not considered sufficient reason for refusal of this application.

The Area Roads Engineer also advises that visibility splays of 2.0m x 90.0m are required but the applicant can only achieve 2.0m x 62.0m can be achieved due to the presence of an adjacent house. Such substandard visibility is detrimental to road safety.

Sewerage disposal – This application states that it is intended to connect into the public main sewer. West of Scotland Water have stated that there is a public sewage pumping main in the road at this location which is not suitable for connection, the site would need to be pumped privately to the nearest gravity sewer or drained to a septic tank with the consent of SEPA. The applicant has been informed and requested to advise of their intentions in this regard. No response has been received. Should it prove impossible to connect into the mains sewerage system, a fresh application will be required if the installation of a septic tank is proposed.

Water supply - West of Scotland Water have raised no objections regarding connection onto the mains water supply.

Summary of Representations

The letters of representation received raise issues of road safety, privacy and amenity, sewerage disposal, and flooding. These issues are addressed above. Other issues raised are not material to the assessment of this application.


The proposal is considered to be consistent with policy HO 21 as the site is considered to represent in fill / rounding off of the built form. The required additional information requested under Article 13 relating to the potential risk of Flooding has not been provided and the proposed access to the site is considered substandard and detrimental to road safety. On this basis this proposal is considered to be unacceptable in its present form.

Angus J Gilmour Head of Development and Building Control

Author: Adrian Jackson-Stark 01631 567955


Page 33


1. The necessary Flood Risk Assessment report requested under Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure)(Scotland) Order 1992 has not been submitted. As such it is considered that, without evidence to the contrary, the application site could be liable to flooding contrary to the provision of NPPG 7 (paragraph 44) which advises that “Where the risk of flooding is considered to be significant, either on site or downstream, and where it is determined that a policy of risk avoidance is appropriate, … planning permission should not be granted for new development which would be likely to be at risk, (or) development which would be likely to increase the problem of surface water run off….” Therefore this application provides insufficient information to enable the Council, as the Planning Authority, to fully determine the planning merits of this development proposal.

2. In the interests of road safety in that visibility splays of 2.0m x 62.0m are only available from the proposed site access which falls well short of the recommended visibility splays of 2.0m x 90.0m.


Page 34



In terms of Section 25 of the Act the following Development Plan Policies are applicable:

Lorn Local Plan

HO 21 Within the settlements listed below the Council will encourage infill, rounding-off or redevelopment related to the existing built form:

Oban, Achnacroish (Lismore), Balliemore (Kerrera), Bonawe, Bridge of Orchy, Clachan (Lismore), Connel, Cullipool, Dalavich, Dunbeg, Eredine, Lochawe, Kilmelford, Kilninver, North Cuan, Port Ramsay (Lismore), South Cuan and Toberonochy.

Regard will be had to the principles set out in the Government’s Planning Advice Note 36. Proposals which do not relate to the existing built form will be assessed for servicing and environmental implications. Those considered to have an adverse impact will normally be resisted. In addition, in Oban where development might affect archaeological remains an assessment of the impact may be required.

Informal Council Policy

Roads and TA 4 Private Enables a new access serving a new housing development not exceeding 5 houses in Ways the mainland settlements and rural areas to be served by a private way. On the islands, outwith towns and villages this threshold is increased to 7.

TA 8 Indicates the construction standards expected of private ways, taking into account the requirement for use by emergency and service vehicles for a safe connection to the road network.

Government Advice/Guidance

PAN 36 Siting and Design of New Housing in the Countryside

The principle objectives are to encourage a more sympathetic approach to siting and a more widespread adoption of house design which pays greater regard to variations in landscape and building design within Scotland.

The principle on which the policy on housing in the countryside is based are:-

• Development should be encouraged on suitable sites in existing settlements. • Urban sprawl, the coalescence of settlements and ribbon development should be avoided. • Isolated development should discourages in the open countryside except where provision is made in development plans or there are special needs.


Page 35


(a) Site History


(ii) Consultations

Response Date Comment Area Roads Engineer 25.2.02 Refuse West of Scotland Water Authority 26.2.02 No objections

(iii) Publicity and Representations

Advert Type : Article 9 – Vacant Land Closing Date: 7.3.02

Representations : Yes

Name Address Letter date R & F Silverman Gleneagle, Glencruitten Road, 10.2.02 Oban W F Stewart Mossfield Cottage, Glencruitten 9.2.02 & 6.3.02 Road, Oban D M MacKinnon Solicitors (on Bank of Scotland Buildings, Oban 4.3.02 behalf of Mr Binnie) Glencruitten Golf Club Glencruitten Road, Oban 19.2.02

Summary of points raised:

• The site is a bog and is prone to flooding. Response : Flood Risk Assessment has been identified.. • The access to the site has inadequate visibility splays and so is detrimental to road safety. Response : agreed substandard. • Objection to increased traffic using Glencruitten Road which is not suitable for the existing levels of traffic as it is substandard and has no pavements. Response :There is no planning policy restricting new developments taking access from Glencruitten Road and no data provided by the Area Roads Engineer as to the safe threshold of vehicles using Glencruitten Road. • Any house erected on the sites would adversely effect the privacy of the existing houses in the vicinity of the site. Response : the application site is considered to be of adequate size to accommodate 2 houses without effecting the privacy and amenity of adjacent existing houses. • There is no access to mains sewerage. Response :West of Scotland Water have advised that any connection to the mains sewer is possible but would require to be pumped.. • The existing houses / golf club in the vicinity of the site utilise septic tanks for foul drainage discharging to the burn adjacent to the site, which produce odour problems when the burn is low. Any increase in such discharges would be intolerable. Response : this application proposes a connection to the public main sewer and does not include the installation of a septic tank with discharge to the adjacent burn. • Any septic tank would float due to the water content of the ground unless held down. Response : this application does not include the installation of a septic tank. • This proposal will lead to a gradual loss of recreational ground in this part of Oban. Response : This site is considered to be vacant ground and not recreational ground. • An area of ground outwith the application site should not be developed. Response : this is not Material to the assessment of this application.


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Reference Number: 02/00118/COU Applicants Name: Alan G Walker Application Type: Change of Use Application Application Description: Change of use of play area to residential garden ground Location: Tramway Cottages, Ellenabeich, Isle of Seil


Development Requiring Express Planning Permission.

• Change of use of existing play area to garden ground.


It is recommended that planning permission be granted as a justified minor departure to policy PU 7A of the Lorn Local Plan subject to the standard condition.

Members should note that the existing Section 50 agreement requires to be revoked. The applicant will be advised not to implement this consent until the Section 50 agreement has been revoked and advised of the requirement to submit a written request to this effect.


Planning Permission (ref. no. 01-93-0772) was granted for the erection of 8 houses on the edge of Ellenabeich. This permission included a play area on the approved plans and was subject to a section 50 agreement which ensures the provision and maintenance of a play area within the development. Condition 7 attached to this permission required the submission of full details of the play equipment to be provided and details of the surfacing of the play area.

This level of play space provision accords with policy PU 7a of the Lorn Local Plan. This policy states that the Council will require the provision of play areas and public open spaces within new housing estate developments. However, no guidance is given on what constitutes a housing estate development in terms of number of houses within the Lorn Local Plan. The replacement local plans for Bute and address this lack of clarity and specify that play space be provided for developments in excess of 25 houses.

Statutory Plans have advised that the new Argyll and Bute Local Plan is expected to develop the existing policy on play space, and will seek to introduce a consistent approach to the threshold upon which the provision of play space will be required (ie above a specific number of houses). It is unlikely that the new local plan will require play space provision for housing developments of 8 houses.

The existing play area contains no purpose built play equipment. The only features within the site are a row of upturned logs, which gradually increase in height, and a rope tyre swing suspended from the branch of a tree. The area is grassed and contains no play area specific safety surfaces. The Play Area appears un-maintained and neglected.

This proposal to change the use of the existing play area required by condition of planning permission no. 01-93-772 and revoke the existing Section 50 agreement represents a departure from policy PU 7a of the Lorn Local Plan. However, the current condition of the play area, the support of this proposal by the residents of this development, the fact that there is alternative play space available adjacent to


Page 48

the village hall, along with the emerging new local plan policy, are considered to represent justification for departure from policy PU 7a.

(D) REASONED JUSTIFICATION The proposals can be treated as a minor justified departure from Policy PU 7A of the Lorn Local Plan for the following reasons:

• The existing adopted local plan is in need of review and update; • The play area is underused and its loss is supported by residents of the development. • Alternative play space is available elsewhere in the village. • The proposal is unlikely to conflict with or be prejudicial to policy within the emerging District Wide Local Plan.


Given that the proposal is a minor justified departure and no letters of representation have been received, I do not consider that a formal PAN 41 hearing is required.


The proposed change of use is considered to be a justified departure to policy PU 7a of the Lorn Local Plan.

There are no other material considerations which would prevent the granting of consent.

Angus J Gilmour Head of Development and Building Control

Author: Adrian Jackson-Stark 01631 567955


Page 49


1. Standard

Reason : Standard.

2. Prior to this change of use being implemented, full details in plan form shall be submitted detailing the entire curtilage boundary and the proposed treatment of this boundary to the satisfaction of the Council as Planning Authority.

3. Reason : To clearly identify the extended curtilage for Permitted Development purposes.


Page 50

Note to Applicant

The existing Section 50 agreement relating to the provision and maintenance of the play area requires to be revoked. You are advised that you should not implement this consent until this Section 50 agreement has been formally revoked. For this to take place you are required to submit a separate written request to this effect to the Council as Planning Authority.


Page 51



In terms of Section 25 of the Act the following Development Plan Policies are applicable:

Lorn Local Plan

PU 7a The Council will require the provision of play areas and public open space in new housing estate developments both in the public and private sector. The following scale of provision will be sought. a. Casual play space – 12 sq metres per house. b. Equipped play grounds (inc. provision of under 5 years) 6 sq metres per house.


(a) Site History

01-93-772 Erection of 8 houses at 34-35 Ellenabeich

(ii) Consultations

Response Date Comment Statutory Plans 20.3.02 Raised no objections

(iii) Publicity and Representations

Advert Type : Potential Departure to Approved Development Plan – Policy PU 7a of Lorn Local Plan 1st Alteration Closing Date: 14.3.02

Representations : Yes

Application is accompanied by signed statement on behalf of the owners / occupiers of all the dwellinghouses located within this development.

Summary of points raised:

• The express their support for the applicant’s proposal to change the use of the play area to garden ground and the revokation of the associated Section 50 agreement.


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DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT SERVICES Local Member - Councillor MacIntyre PLANNING APPLICATION REPORT Date of Validity - 27th February 2002 OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES Committee Date - 8th May 2002

12th April 2002

Reference Number: 02/00160/DET Applicants Name: Mr R Harper Application Type: Detailed Planning Application Application Description: Culverting of Burn Location: Lataska, Polvinister Road, Oban


Development Requiring Express Planning Permission.

• Culverting of burn for a distance of approximately 50 metres.


The application is recommended for refusal.


1. Natural Heritage

The Council placed a condition on the original detailed application for this site to ensure protection of the burn during construction works. This was to protect the interests of otters in the area. In light of the history of this site in terms of the burn and the interests of the otters, the applicant was advised to contact Scottish Natural Heritage. Following discussions, the applicant commissioned a report on the impact the proposal would have on otters at Polvinister. The report concluded, in short, that there were no signs of otter use in the area, although the presence of the burn and nearby pond suggests otters may use both on a casual basis. Scottish Natural Heritage has advised as part of the consultation on this application that they are satisfied that the otter population will not be adversely affected by this development.

The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) has recommended refusal of the application on the grounds of environmental loss as a result of the proposed culverting of the watercourse.

SEPA has advised that culverting results in the loss of natural in-stream and riparian habitats together with the fragmentation or loss of wildlife corridors in urban environmental with loss or degradation of habitats important to a number of vertebrate and invertebrate species. In addition, the Water Framework Directive will require that member states achieve ‘good status’ for watercourses by various specified deadlines. The definition of ‘good status’ will be underpinned by good ecological status and will require the consideration of any aspect of river habitat, channel structure and flow regimes that impact upon the biology of waters. This wide definition of good status will require the UK to protect and restore river channels where damaged, e.g. culverting, which impinges upon river flora and fauna. They have further advised that it is understood that the applicant intends to culvert the watercourse simply as a means of extending the grassed area of his garden. This is considered insufficient reason for doing so when balanced against the environmental loss which will accrue as a result.

National Planning Policy Guideline 14 on Natural Heritage, with respect to culverting states as follows:


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“They (Developers) should generally be encouraged to seek alternatives to extensive culverting or canalisation, as these greatly reduce the ecological and amenity value of watercourses and culverting can also increase the risk of flooding. Opportunities should be taken to restore culverted or canalised watercourses in redevelopment and land rehabilitation schemes.”

In accordance with the guidance provided by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, it is considered the proposal will have an adverse impact on a natural resource which cannot readily be regenerated (ie burn and associated banks). Accordingly the proposal is contrary to Policies STRAT 2 and STRAT 2a of the Strathclyde Structure Plan and the guidance provided in National Planning Policy Guideline 14 : Natural Heritage.


• The proposal to culvert the watercourse will constitute an unacceptable environmental loss and as such is contrary to the guidance provided in NPPG 14 which seeks to discourage culverting of watercourse.

• The proposal is considered to have an adverse effect on a natural resource which is not readily regenerated and has not been adequately justified in terms of locational/operation need and so is contrary to STRAT 2A of the Strathclyde Structure Plan. Accordingly, this proposal is also therefore contrary to STRAT 2 of the Strathclyde Structure Plan which presumes against development which will have an adverse impact on natural and heritage resources which cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced.

Angus J Gilmour Head of Development and Building Control

Author: Adrian Jackson-Stark 01631 567955


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1. The Regional Development Strategy presumes against development which has an adverse impact on natural and heritage resources which cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced. The proposal to culvert the existing watercourse at Polvinister for a distance of 50 metres will result in an adverse effect on a natural resource which is not readily regenerated, due to the great reduction of the ecological and amenity value of the watercourse this type of development has on habitats and wildlife corridors in the urban environment. The proposal has not been sufficiently justified in terms of the criteria set out in Policy STRAT 2a of the approved Strathclyde Structure Plan, with specific reference to environmental impact and locational /operational need. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy STRAT 2 of the approved Strathclyde Structure Plan.

2. The proposed development to culvert the existing watercourse at Polvinister is contrary to National Planning Policy Guideline 14 : Natural Heritage which seeks to discourage the culverting of watercourses as these greatly reduce the ecological and amenity value of watercourses.


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In terms of Section 25 of the Act the following Development Plan Policies are applicable:

Approved Strathclyde Structure Plan

STRAT 2 The Regional Development Strategy requires a sustainable approach to the conservation and use of natural and heritage resources that cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced, and there shall therefore be a presumption against development which has an adverse impact on them.

STRAT 2A Proposal for development in, or affecting, natural or heritage resources that cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced shall require to be justified against the following criteria: (a) Economic Benefit (b) Infrastructure Implications (c) Specific Locational/operational need (d) Environmental Impact

Government Advice/Guidance

NPPG 14 Natural Heritage

This provides guidance on how the Government’s policies for the conservation and enhancement of Scotland’s natural heritage should be reflected in land use planning. In this context, Scotland’s natural heritage includes its plants and animals, its landform and geology, and its natural beauty and amenity. Natural heritage embraces the combination and interrelationship of landform, habitat, wildlife and landscape and their capacity to provide enjoyment and inspiration.

The Government’s objectives for Scotland’s natural heritage are to conserve, safeguard and, where possible, enhance:-

• The overall populations and natural ranges of native species and the quality and range of wildlife habitats and ecosystems. • Geological and physiographical features. • The natural beauty and amenity of the countryside and the natural heritage interest of urban areas. • Opportunities for enjoying and learning about the natural heritage.


(a) Site History

95/00067/DET - the erection of 2 dwellinghouses – dismissed on appeal. However, within the conclusion given in the decision notice by the Reporter it states that the site is certainly suitable for residential development but that the fact that one of the proposed dwellinghouses was positioned gable on to the road and the distance between the buildings and the road would be less than 4 metres, made the proposed development unacceptable.

96/01394/DET - the erection of 2 dwellinghouses –submitted containing a revised layout which complied with the conclusions of the above appeal decision. This application was granted. This permission included a condition, on the recommendation of Scottish Natural Heritage, requiring the


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burn within the development site to be protect during construction, to protect the interests of otters in the area.

99/00025/ENF - Enforcement case occurred on the site by way of the siting of a portable building on the site and the erection of a timber structure over the burn and storage of timber on top of the structure. An Enforcement Notice was served on the owner of the above site, requiring the removal of all timber stored on the site, the removal of the timber structure erected over the burn and the removal of the portable building from the site. The Enforcement Notice was complied with and the case was closed.

00/01428/DET – Erection of dwellinghouse (retrospective). The dwellinghouse had been erected and was materially different from that previously approved in a number of ways. Granted 9.11.00.

(ii) Consultations

Response Date Comment Scottish Environmental Protection Agency 26.3.02 Formally object to this proposal. Scottish Natural Heritage 7.3.02 Does not object to this proposal.

(iii) Publicity and Representations

Advert Type : Article 9 – Vacant Land Closing Date: 28.3.02

Representations : None


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Reference Number: 02/00246/DET Applicants Name: Mr and Mrs M McSweeney Application Type: Detailed Planning Application Application Description: Erection of Dwellinghouse Location: Land Adjacent to Balvicar Boatyard, Balvicar, Isle of Seil


Development Requiring Express Planning Permission.

• Erection of house • Installation of septic tank

Other specified operations

• Connection to existing private water supply • Formation of vehicular access from existing private way.


This proposal is recommended for refusal.


There are 5 principal determining issues in relation to this proposal. These are conformity to policies HO 22 and RRA 2, conformity to policies RUR 1, RUR 2, SAS 1, STRAT 2 and STRAT 2A, Vehicular Access, Amenity and Design.

Policies HO 22 and RRA 2

The site lies within an area designated by the Lorn Local Plan as a Sensitive Settlement. Within such areas policy HO 22 states that there will be a presumption against housing development except when it is located within the areas designated in the inset maps within the Lorn Local Plan, unless an overriding locational / operational need is demonstrated. No such Locational /Operational Need claim has been made. The application has been made by the owners of the adjacent boatyard who currently reside in a house directly to the south of the boatyard. Accordingly this proposal is considered to be contrary to policy HO 22 and RRA 2 of the Strathclyde Structure Plan.

Policies RUR 1, RUR 2, SAS 1, STRAT 2 and STRAT 2A

The application site also lies within an area designated as the / Melfort Regional Scenic Area and so the environmental impact of the proposal requires to be assessed. In this respect, the site is located on a slight peninsular of ground extending into Balvicar Bay. It is positioned between an existing house to the west and the boatyard to the east. The siting of a house in this location is considered infill of the existing built form, which does not have a detrimental environmental impact. As such this proposal is not to be contrary to policies RUR 1 and RUR 2 of the Lorn Local Plan and policies SAS 1, STRAT 2 and STRAT 2A of the Strathclyde Structure Plan


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Vehicular Access

The site is accessed from a private track which currently serves 14 (with an additional house granted but not yet erected) houses, the boatyard and the pier. Policy TA5 allows an existing private way to be used or extended to serve up to 2 new dwelling houses provided that the total number of dwellings served by the private way does not exceed 10. Therefore this proposal is contrary to this policy. Amenity It is considered that the proximity of the proposed house to the existing boatyard, coupled with the lack of any natural shielding which would provide a barrier to noise emanating from the boatyard, is likely to result in complaints relating to noise nuisance from the occupiers of any house erected on the application site. It is therefore likely that the proposed house would have substandard amenity on the basis of noise nuisance. In addition, complaints from the occupiers of the proposed house could result in constraints being placed on the operation of the boatyard by Public Protection, which could effect the viability of the business. On this basis this proposal is considered to be unacceptable. Design

The design of the proposed house is considered to be suburban in terms of the fenestration and the proposed red roof tiles. Such a design of house is considered to be detrimental to the visual amenity of the townscape character of the village of Balvicar and the Knapdale / Melfort Regional Scenic Area.

Other issues

The structural stability of the site has been brought into question. Given the fundamental concerns relating to environmental impact and vehicular access this issue has not been raised with the applicant.

Public Protection have requested further details of the private water supply. Given the fundamental concerns relating to environmental impact and vehicular access this issue has not been raised with the applicant.

The representation received raises issues relating to compliance with planning policy, amenity / noise and disturbance, structural stability of the site and environmental impact. These issues have been addressed above.


The proposed site is considered to be contrary to policies HO 22 of the Lorn Local Plan and RRA 2 of the Strathclyde Structure Plan as the site does not lie within an area designated in the inset maps within the Lorn Local Plan, and no overriding locational / operational need has been demonstrated.

The design of the proposed house is considered to be suburban and detrimental to the visual amenity of the townscape character of the village of Balvicar and the Knapdale / Melfort Regional Scenic Area.

The proposed access to the site utilises an existing private way which currently serves 14 houses and so is contrary to policy TA5 of the Council’s Informal Policies.

The proposed house is located adjacent to an existing boatyard and as such is likely to be subject to significant noise pollution, which would have an unacceptable impact upon the amenity of the house or detrimental effect upon the operation of the existing boatyard business.

Angus J Gilmour Head of Development and Building Control

Author: Adrian Jackson-Stark Jackson-Stark 01631 567955 REASONS FOR REFUSAL RELATIVE TO APPLICATION 02/00246/DET


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1. The application site is located within the Balvicar Inset Map wherein Policy POL HO 22 of the Adopted Lorn Local Plan 2nd Alteration states that there will be a presumption against housing development except when it is located within the designated areas detailed on the inset map unless an overriding . locational/operational need is demonstrated. The site is located outwith the designated areas on the inset maps and no overriding locational / operational need that makes it essential to have a house in this location has been demonstrated by the applicant. Therefore, this proposal is contrary to policy HO 22.

2. The application site is located within an area where the Adopted Lorn Local Plan 2nd Alteration has established, by virtue of policy HO 22, that the general presumption in favour of single and small residential development in the countryside should not apply. As such the proposal is contrary to Approved Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 policy RRA 2 which states that the general presumption in favour of single and small scale residential development in the countryside should not apply in areas where Local Plans have established that such a presumption should not apply.

3. Due to its suburban design in terms of fenestration detail and red roof finish, the proposed house is considered to have an adverse visual impact to the detriment of the townscape character of the village of Balvicar and this part of the Knapdale / Melfort Regional Scenic Area.

4. The proposed access to the site utilises an existing private way which currently serves 14 houses and so is contrary to policy TA5 of the Council’s Informal Interim Development Control Policy Relating to Roads and Private Ways in Argyll and Bute which permits no further residential development taking veicular access from a private way which serves 10 or more existing houses.

5. The proposed house is located adjacent to an existing boatyard and as such is likely to be subject to significant noise pollution, which would have an unacceptable impact upon the amenity of the house or detrimental effect upon the operation of the existing boatyard business.


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In terms of Section 25 of the Act the following Development Plan Policies are applicable:

Strathclyde Structure Plan

STRAT 2 The Regional Development Strategy requires a sustainable approach to the conservation and use of natural and heritage resources that cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced, and there shall therefore be a presumption against development which has an adverse impact on them.

STRAT 2A Proposal for development in, or affecting, natural or heritage resources that cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced shall require to be justified against the following criteria: (a) Economic Benefit (b) Infrastructure Implications (c) Specific Locational/operational need (d) Environmental Impact

SAS 1 In accordance with Policy STRAT 2, there shall be a general presumption against proposals for prominent or sporadic development which would have an adverse impact on the landscape quality or character of National Scenic Areas or the following areas or coasts of regional scenic significance.

Regional Scenic Areas Central, South and West Mull, Jura, South and East , Knapdale/Melfort, Mull of , North Argyll, and Kilpatrick Hills, Bute and South Cowal.

Regional Scenic Coasts North West Argyll, North and West Islay, South West Islay, West Kintyre, East Kintyre, East Loch Fyne, West Loch Fyne and the Inner Clyde Estuary (including Loch Long and Goil, Holy Loch and Gareloch).

RRA 2 Within the Remote Rural Area the following settlement strategy is appropriate

(a) presumption that development proposals serving a wide community of interests shall be located in the main settlements listed in Schedule 3. (b) A presumption that local development requirements shall be located in the settlements listed in Schedule 3. (c) An acceptance that development with a specific locational need shall be permitted in the countryside (for example, the primary industries of forestry, agriculture and fisheries). (d) A recognition that there shall be a presumption in favour of single or small scale residential development in the countryside except :

1. Where there would be unreasonable infrastructure costs not carried by the developer, or 2. Where there would be an adverse impact on natural or heritage resources requiring conservation, or 3. in areas where Local Plans have established that such a presumption should not apply.

Lorn Local Plan


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RUR 1 The Council will seek to maintain and where possible enhance the landscape quality of National and Regional Scenic Areas and coasts and areas of local landscape significance and within these areas will resist prominent or sporadic development which would have an adverse environmental impact:

(a) National Scenic Area : (I)Lynn of Lorn; (ii) Ben Nevis and Glencoe (b) Regional Scenic Areas : (I) Knapdale/Melfort; (ii) North Argyll (c) Regional Scenic Coasts : North West Argyll (d) Areas of local landscape significance : (I) Loch Etive/Benderloch Coast; (ii) Loch Awe; (iii) Loch Nell; (iv) Glen Lonan; (v) Loch Avich; (vi) Glen Gallain/Loch Scammadale.

RUR 2 Proposals for development in or affecting National Scenic Areas, Regional Scenic Areas and Coasts or areas of local landscape significance will require to be justified against the following criteria

(a) economic benefit (b) infrastructure implications (c) specific locational/operational need (d) environmental impact

HO 22 The following are considered to be Sensitive Settlements where large scale or unsympathetic development could have a detrimental effect on the existing landscape setting and servicing.

Appin/Tynribbie/Portnacroish, Balvicar, Barcaldine, Benderloch/Baravullin/Keil Crofts/Kintaline Mill, Clachan Seil, Dalmally/Stronmilchan, Easdale/Ellenabeich, Kilchrenan, Kilmore/Cleigh, North Connel/Black Crofts, Port Appin and Taynuilt.

The Council has accordingly restricted new housing development to areas identified on the inset maps. It will not grant approval for a house on greenfield sites outwith these areas other than in exceptional circumstances. Applicants will be required to demonstrate an overriding locational or operational need that makes it essential for them to have a house outwith rather than within the areas identified.

Where such need has been demonstrated, special attention will be given to ensure that the actual location of the house creates the minimum adverse environmental impact. Regard will also be had to the principles set out in the Government’s Planning Advice Note 36 when assessing all proposals within sensitive settlements.

Informal Council Policy

Roads and TA 5 Private This allows an existing private way to be used or extended to serve up to 2 new Ways dwelling houses provided that the total number of dwellings served by the private way does not exceed 10.

TA 8 Indicates the construction standards expected of private ways, taking into account the requirement for use by emergency and service vehicles for a safe connection to the road network.


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Government Advice/Guidance

PAN 36 Siting and Design of New Housing in the Countryside

The principle objectives are to encourage a more sympathetic approach to siting and a more widespread adoption of house design which pays greater regard to variations in landscape and building design within Scotland.

The principle on which the policy on housing in the countryside is based are:-

• Development should be encouraged on suitable sites in existing settlements. • Urban sprawl, the coalescence of settlements and ribbon development should be avoided. • Isolated development should discourages in the open countryside except where provision is made in development plans or there are special needs.


(i.) Site History


00/01752/OUT Erection of dwelling house – renewal of 01/91/0792 Granted: 22/06/01 Balvicar Boatyard (Mr M. McSweeney) 99/00858/DET Phased erection of boat workshop and store and office Granted: 08/10/99 Balvicar Boatyard (Mr M. McSweeney) 97/01220/DET Erection of rubb shed and construction of banking Granted: 27/11/97 Balvicar Boatyard (Mr M. McSweeney) 97/01221/DET Erection of shed Granted: 05/11/97 Land West of Am Bruach (Mr J. MacFarlane) 97/01804/COU Renewal of temporary consent (office, canteen, toilet building) Granted: 04/02/98 Balvicar Boatyard (Mr M. McSweeney) 97/00437/VARCON Amendment of conditions numbered 3,4,5,6,7 & 8 of consent 701/82 Granted: 22/07/97 Balvicar Boatyard (Mr M. McSweeney) 01/95/0775 Relocation of temporary office/toilet/restroom Granted: 23/10/95 Balvicar Boatyard (Mr M. McSweeney) 01/95/0766 Construction of breakwater Granted: 23/10/95 Balvicar Boatyard (Mr M. McSweeney) 95/00140/DET Erection of double garage Granted: 21/03/95 Am Bruach (Mr Geoghegan) 94/00322/DET Erection of temporary workshop Granted: 16/06/94 Balvicar Boatyard (Mr M. McSweeney) 93/00348/DET Erection of garage/store Granted: 09/06/93 Barchailein (Mr J. Robertson) 92/00295/REM Erection of 10 dwelling houses, associated drainage and road Granted: 26/08/92


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Balvicar (Mr D. MacKenzie) 91/00792/OUT Site for erection of dwelling house Granted: 27/11/91 Balvicar Boatyard (Mr M. McSweeney) 90/01030/DET Erection of dwelling house Granted: 08/01/91 Balvicar Boatyard (Mr M. McSweeney) 90/00184/DET Erection of dwelling house Granted: 27/06/90 Balvicar (Mr McSweeney) 88/00641/OUT Site for erection of dwelling house Granted: 09/05/89 Balvicar (Mr J. Robertson) 700/82 Erection of an office/toilet block Granted: 09/02/83 Balvicar Boatyard (Fairhurst & Raymond Ltd) 826/78 Change of use of tip to the use of laying up site to be co-ordinated Granted: 16/08/79 with the adjacent Balvicar Pier and slipway for a maximum of 25 commercial and private craft of up to 39ft Balvicar Bay (Nicholas Paul Fairhurst for Seil Marine Fabrications)

(ii) Consultations

Response Date Comment Area Roads Engineer 4.3.02 & 10.4.02 Refuse Scottish Environmental Protection Agency 4.3.02 No objections Public Protection Unit 18.3.02 Refuse

(iii) Publicity and Representations

Advert Type : Potential Departure to Policies RUR 1, RUR 2 and HO 22 of the Lorn Local Plan and policies SAS 1, STRAT 2, STRAT 2A and RRA 2 of the Strathclyde Structure Plan Advert Closing Date: 21.3.02

Representations : Yes

Name Address Letter date Mr J Robertson Barchailein, Balvicar 20.3.02

Summary of points raised:

• The proposed house would be detrimental to the visual amenity of the village. Response : agreed – the fenestration and roof finish of the proposed house is considered to be detrimental to the visual amenity of the townscape character of the village of Balvicar. • The proposed house lies within a buffer between the boatyard and the village and as such is contrary to the Lorn Local Plan. Response : agreed – the site lies outwith the designatated areas defined by policy HO 22.. • Due to proximity of the two, there will be conflict between the boatyard and the proposed house. Response : agreed – the proposed house is likely to suffer from noise nuisance to the detriment of its amenity. Complaints relating to such noise nuisance couls lead to operational problems for the boatyard which could effect the viability of the business.. • The stability of the site is questionable as it is made up of loose slate waste, which has been undermined by the weather. Response : Given the fundamental concerns relating to environmental impact and vehicular access this issue has not been raised with the applicant.


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DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT SERVICES Local Member - Councillor C Cameron PLANNING APPLICATION REPORT Date of Validity - 18th February 2002 OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES Committee Date - 8th May 2002

16th April 2002

Reference Number: 02/00276/DET Applicants Name: Strathclyde Fire Brigade Application Type: Detailed Application Application Description: Erection of a fire garage (volunteer station) Location: Land west of No.2 Sunset, Tynribbie, Appin



Development Requiring Express Planning Permission.

• Erection of volunteer fire garage. • Formation of new access from public road. • Formation of new hardstanding for 5 parking spaces.

Other ancillary operations

• Connection to public sewer. • Connection to public water main.


The proposal is recommended for approval subject to a Section 75 Agreement to secure control over the required visibility splays of 2.5 metres x 90 metres in each direction.


1. Member will note my previous report dated 14th March 2002 in respect of this application. This report assessed the current proposal in terms of all material considerations, with the exception of the servicing issues. Provided no servicing issues were raised by the Council’s Transportation and Property Department or the Scottish Executive Trunk Roads Authority, neither of whom had responded at the time of the April Committee, it was considered that the proposal was considered to be consistent development plan policy.

2. Consultation responses have now been received from both Roads Authorities, neither of whom have raised any objections.

(D ) CONCLUSION • The proposal is consistent with Policy STRAT 2, STRAT 2a and SAS 1 of the approved Strathclyde Structure Plan. • Proposal is consistent with Policy RUR 1 and COM 4 of the Adopted Lorn Local Plan. • The south western visibility splay lies outwith the applicants control. A Section 75 Agreement is required to secure control over this splay.

Angus J Gilmour Head of Development and Building Control

Author: Susan Poole 01631 567956



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1. Standard detailed.

2. The proposed access shall have visibility splays of 90 metres in each direction formed from the centre line of the proposed access from a point measured 2.5 metres back from the existing carriageway edge. Prior to work starting on site, these visibility splays shall be cleared of all obstruction over one metre in height above the level of the adjoining carriageway and thereafter shall be maintained clear of all obstructions over one metre in height to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason : In the interests of road safety.

3. Prior to the operation of the fire station hereby approved, the access shall be formed in accordance with the details on the approved site plan drawing number AL(00)001 and the bellmouth area shall be surfaced in dense bitumen macadam for a distance of 10 metres back from the existing carriageway edge to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason : In the interests of road safety.

4. Prior to the operation of the fire station hereby approved, full details of any external lighting to be used within the site or along its access shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. Such details shall include full details of the location, type, angle of direction and wattage of each light, which shall be positioned and angled to prevent any glare or light spillage outwith the site boundary. Thereafter, prior to the operation of the fire station, the external lighting shall be installed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason : In order to prevent the potential of light pollution infringing on surrounding land uses/properties..


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In terms of Section 25 of the Act the following Development Plan Policies are applicable:

Strathclyde Structure Plan

STRAT 2 The Regional Development Strategy requires a sustainable approach to the conservation and use of natural and heritage resources that cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced, and there shall therefore be a presumption against development which has an adverse impact on them.

STRAT 2A Proposal for development in, or affecting, natural or heritage resources that cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced shall require to be justified against the following criteria: (a) Economic Benefit (b) Infrastructure Implications (c) Specific Locational/operational need (d) Environmental Impact

SAS 1 In accordance with Policy STRAT 2, there shall be a general presumption against proposals for prominent or sporadic development which would have an adverse impact on the landscape quality or character of National Scenic Areas or the following areas or coasts of regional scenic significance.

Regional Scenic Areas Central, South and West Mull, Jura, South and East Islay, Knapdale/Melfort, Mull of Kintyre, North Argyll, Loch Lomond and Kilpatrick Hills, Bute and South Cowal.

Regional Scenic Coasts North West Argyll, North and West Islay, South West Islay, West Kintyre, East Kintyre, East Loch Fyne, West Loch Fyne and the Inner Clyde Estuary (including Loch Long and Goil, Holy Loch and Gareloch).

RRA 2 Within the Remote Rural Area the following settlement strategy is appropriate

(a) presumption that development proposals serving a wide community of interests shall be located in the main settlements listed in Schedule 3. (b) A presumption that local development requirements shall be located in the settlements listed in Schedule 3.

Lorn Local Plan

RUR 1 The Council will seek to maintain and where possible enhance the landscape quality of National and Regional Scenic Areas and coasts and areas of local landscape significance and within these areas will resist prominent or sporadic development which would have an adverse environmental impact:

(a) National Scenic Area : (I)Lynn of Lorn; (ii) Ben Nevis and Glencoe (b) Regional Scenic Areas : (I) Knapdale/Melfort; (ii) North Argyll (c) Regional Scenic Coasts : North West Argyll (d) Areas of local landscape significance : (I) Loch Etive/Benderloch Coast; (ii) Loch Awe; (iii) Loch Nell; (iv) Glen Lonan; (v) Loch Avich; (vi) Glen Gallain/Loch Scammadale.

RUR 2 Proposals for development in or affecting National Scenic Areas, Regional Scenic Areas and Coasts or areas of local landscape significance will require to be justified against the following criteria


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(a) economic benefit (b) infrastructure implications (c) specific locational/operational need (d) environmental impact

HO 20 This area of 0.5 hectare or over is identified for private residential development. Regard will be had to the principles set out in the Government’s Planning Advice Note 36 when assessing development proposals.

COM 4 The Council will continue to examine carefully proposals for ‘bad neighbour’ commercial uses in residential or mixed commercial/residential, and will not permit such uses where is it considered that they would have an unacceptable detrimental effect on the amenities of residential property.


(e) Site History


(ii) Consultations

Response Date Comment Area Roads Engineer 10.04.02 No objections West of Scotland Water Authority 08.03.02 No objections Public Protection Unit 14.03.02 No objections Scottish Executive Trunk Roads Authority 05.04.02 No objections Appin Community Council No response

(iii) Publicity and Representations

Advert Type : Article 9 Vacant Land and Section 34 Bad Neighbour procedures Closing Date: 4.4.02 (overall)

Representations : yes

Name Address Letter date MacArthur Stewart on behalf of Mr 28.2.02 and Mrs Gunn, Appin Mr D Gunn Appin, Argyll 25.2.02

Summary of points raised:

• Concerns over impact on residential amenity. • Concerns over road safety due to increase in vehicular movements. • Local Plan does no identify this area for a fire garage. The proposal is therefore contrary to the Local plan and should be refused.


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West of Scotland Water Authority (now Scottish Water) have advised as follows:

The agent for this application should liase with the adjacent landowner who is providing public sewers for this application. Surface water should be discharged separately and all outfalls are subject to the approval of the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency.

Connection to the proposed public sewer extension is subject to the approval of West of Scotland Water Authority. Any gravity connection should be a minimum of 150mm diameter and fitted with an inspection chamber just within the curtilage of the curtilage of the premises and no building will be permitted over the public sewer.

You are advised to contact them direct to discuss this matter


Scottish Water Customer and Network Services Developer Services West Region Tullich Soroba Oban, PA34 4SB

Tel : 01631 572135

The Council’s Area Roads Manager has advised as follows:

A Road Opening Permit will be required.

You are advised to contact them direct to discuss this matter:


Area Roads Engineer Transportation and Property Services Argyll and Bute Council Kilbowie House Gallanach Road Oban

Tel: 01631 562125


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Reference Number: 02/00414/OUT Applicants Name: Mr & Mrs B Thompson Application Type: Outline Planning Permission Application Description: Erection of Dwellinghouse Location: Land South West of Gallanachmore Cottage, Oban


Development Requiring Express Planning Permission.

• Erection of Dwellinghouse (Outline). • Installation of septic tank drainage system • Formation of vehicular access


This application is recommended for refusal.


The site lies within the Oban Catchment Area where there will be a presumption against housing development except when it is infill, rounding off and redevelopment related to the existing built form. The application site also lies within an area designated as the North West Argyll Regional Scenic Coast.

The determining issues are Environmental Impact and Infrastructure and Servicing :-

Environmental Impact –

Within the Oban Catchment Area, new housing development requires to constitute infill / rounding off of the existing built form or the reuse of redundant or derelict buildings. The proposed site is located in an area where there is only one single house at present. The landform consists of a terrace of undeveloped ground in an elevated position above the sea. Given that there is only one building in the immediate vicinity of the site this proposal is not considered to constitute infill / rounding off of the existing built form.

The settlement pattern along this section of Gallanach Road comprises predominantly of isolated houses generally located on the shore side of the public road, with occational nodes of development such as that around the Gallanach Boatyard and Puffin Dive Centre, along with the caravan site complex which is developed around a former farm steading at Gallanachmore. An important characteristic of the established pattern of development is the significant expanse of undeveloped agricultural land which separate the existing houses from one another. There is an existing isolated house immediately adjacent to the application site on the shore side of the public road. A second house erected in this location would compound this visual intrusion to the detriment of the landscape character of the North West Argyll Regional Scenic Coast.

The site occupies an elevated position above the sea, to the west or shore side of the public road. The existing house, erected prior to 1975, to the north of the application site, due to its elevated and exposed position on the coastline, has a detrimental impact upon the North West Argyll Regional Scenic Coast.


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Infrastructure and Servicing Implications

Public Protection have requested further details of the proposed private water supply. Given the fundamental adverse environmental impact of this proposal it was not considered appropriate to pursue such matters with the applicant.

Summary of Representations

Representations received raise issues of the scale / design or position of the house on the site, conditions on the title of the land and the position of the proposed house on the shore side of the road. The site is not considered to be infill and rounding off or consistent with the settlement pattern and is located in an elevated and exposed position on the coast and so has an adverse environmental impact.


Given the unacceptable environmental impact this proposal is considered to be contrary to policies HO 25, RUR 1 and RUR 2 of the Lorn Local Plan and policies SAS 1, STRAT 2, STRAT 2A and RRA 2 of the Strathclyde Structure Plan and also contrary to Planning Advice Note 36 as it does not relate well to the existing built form and due to its elevated and exposed position on the coastline.

Angus J Gilmour Head of Development and Building Control

Author: Adrian Jackson-Stark 01631 567955


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1. The application site is located within the Oban Settlement Catchment Area wherein Policy POL HO 25 of the Adopted Lorn Local Plan 2nd Alteration states that there will be a presumption against housing development except when it is infill, rounding off and redevelopment related to the existing built form. All proposals for development require to be assessed against a) environmental impact, b) locational/operational need, c) economic benefit, d) infrastructure and servicing implications, e) sterilisation of natural resources, f) archaeological implications and g) alternative policies and proposals contained within the local plan. Policy POL HO 25 also requires proposals to have regard to the principles set out within the Government’s Planning Advise Note 36. The proposed dwellinghouse, due to its siting adjacent to a single dwellinghouse is not considered to be infill, rounding off or redevelopment related to the existing built form. In addition, the proposed house, by virtue of its elevated and exposed position on the coastline is considered to have a detrimental environmental impact upon the landscape. In view of the foregoing, the proposed dwellinghouse is considered to be contrary to the guidance contained within Planning Advice Note 36. The applicant has not demonstrated any overriding locational / operational need that makes it essential to have a house in this location. Therefore, this proposal cannot be justified in terms of the criteria set out in policy HO 25 and is therefore contrary to policy.

2. The application site is located within an area where the Adopted Lorn Local Plan 2nd Alteration has established, by virtue of policy HO 25, that the general presumption in favour of single and small residential development in the countryside should not apply. As such the proposal is contrary to Approved Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 policy RRA 2 which states that the general presumption in favour of single and small scale residential development in the countryside should not apply in areas where Local Plans have established that such a presumption should not apply, and where there would be an adverse impact on natural or heritage resources requiring conservation such as landscape.

3. Due to its elevated and exposed position on the coast and its poor relationship to the existing settlement pattern, the application site is considered to have an adverse environmental impact to the detriment of the landscape character of the coastline along the Sound of Kerrera. If granted this will result in an incongruous feature in the landcape due to the proposed house’s position in the landscape and would also compound the visual intrusion of the existing house to the north of the site which is detrimental to the landscape character of the area. As such the proposal would detract from the visual amenity and landscape quality of this area, which is encompassed by the North West Argyll Regional Scenic Coast. As such the proposal is contrary to Planning Advice Note 36, Policies SAS 1, STRAT 2 and RRA 1 and RRA2(d)(2) of the approved Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 and policies HO23 and RUR 1 of the Adopted Lorn Local Plan which seek to maintain and enhance the landscape quality of the North West Argyll Regional Scenic Coast and to resist prominent and sporadic development which would have an adverse impact.

4. The proposal has not been sufficiently justified in terms of the criteria set out in Policy STRAT 2A of the Strathclyde Structure Plan and Policy RUR 2 of the adopted Lorn Local Plan with particular regard to environmental impact and locational/operational need. Without such justification an approval would set an undesirable precedent for prominent, uncoordinated development along the coastline which would have an adverse impact on the landscape quality of the North West Argyll Regional Scenic Coast.


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In terms of Section 25 of the Act the following Development Plan Policies are applicable:

Strathclyde Structure Plan

STRAT 2 The Regional Development Strategy requires a sustainable approach to the conservation and use of natural and heritage resources that cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced, and there shall therefore be a presumption against development which has an adverse impact on them.

STRAT 2A Proposal for development in, or affecting, natural or heritage resources that cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced shall require to be justified against the following criteria: (a) Economic Benefit (b) Infrastructure Implications (c) Specific Locational/operational need (d) Environmental Impact

SAS 1 In accordance with Policy STRAT 2, there shall be a general presumption against proposals for prominent or sporadic development which would have an adverse impact on the landscape quality or character of National Scenic Areas or the following areas or coasts of regional scenic significance.

Regional Scenic Areas Central, South and West Mull, Jura, South and East Islay, Knapdale/Melfort, Mull of Kintyre, North Argyll, Loch Lomond and Kilpatrick Hills, Bute and South Cowal.

Regional Scenic Coasts North West Argyll, North and West Islay, South West Islay, West Kintyre, East Kintyre, East Loch Fyne, West Loch Fyne and the Inner Clyde Estuary (including Loch Long and Goil, Holy Loch and Gareloch).

RRA 2 Within the Remote Rural Area the following settlement strategy is appropriate

(a) presumption that development proposals serving a wide community of interests shall be located in the main settlements listed in Schedule 3. (b) A presumption that local development requirements shall be located in the settlements listed in Schedule 3. (c) An acceptance that development with a specific locational need shall be permitted in the countryside (for example, the primary industries of forestry, agriculture and fisheries). (d) A recognition that there shall be a presumption in favour of single or small scale residential development in the countryside except :

1. Where there would be unreasonable infrastructure costs not carried by the developer, or 2. Where there would be an adverse impact on natural or heritage resources requiring conservation, or 3. in areas where Local Plans have established that such a presumption should not apply.

Lorn Local Plan


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RUR 1 The Council will seek to maintain and where possible enhance the landscape quality of National and Regional Scenic Areas and coasts and areas of local landscape significance and within these areas will resist prominent or sporadic development which would have an adverse environmental impact:

(a) National Scenic Area : (I)Lynn of Lorn; (ii) Ben Nevis and Glencoe (b) Regional Scenic Areas : (I) Knapdale/Melfort; (ii) North Argyll (c) Regional Scenic Coasts : North West Argyll (d) Areas of local landscape significance : (I) Loch Etive/Benderloch Coast; (ii) Loch Awe; (iii) Loch Nell; (iv) Glen Lonan; (v) Loch Avich; (vi) Glen Gallain/Loch Scammadale.

RUR 2 Proposals for development in or affecting National Scenic Areas, Regional Scenic Areas and Coasts or areas of local landscape significance will require to be justified against the following criteria

(a) economic benefit (b) infrastructure implications (c) specific locational/operational need (d) environmental impact

HO 25 All proposals within the Oban Catchment Area will be assessed using the following criteria:

(a) Environmental Impact (b) Locational/operational need (c) Economic benefit (d) Infrastructure and servicing implications (e) Sterilisation of natural resources (f) Archaeological implications (g) Alternative policies and proposals contained in the local plan

Within the Catchment Area there will be a presumption against housing development except when it is infill, rounding off and redevelopment related to the existing built form. Proposals which encourage ribbon development will normally be resisted. Regard will be had to the principles set out in the Government’s Planning Advice Note 36.


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Government Advice/Guidance

PAN 36 Siting and Design of New Housing in the Countryside

The principle objectives are to encourage a more sympathetic approach to siting and a more widespread adoption of house design which pays greater regard to variations in landscape and building design within Scotland.

The principle on which the policy on housing in the countryside is based are:-

• Development should be encouraged on suitable sites in existing settlements. • Urban sprawl, the coalescence of settlements and ribbon development should be avoided. • Isolated development should discourages in the open countryside except where provision is made in development plans or there are special needs.


(e) Site History

None relevant

(ii) Consultations

Response Date Comment Area Roads Engineer 5.4.02 No objections subject to conditions. Scottish Environmental Protection Agency No response to date Public Protection Unit 19.3.02 No objections subject to conditions

(iii) Publicity and Representations

Advert Type : Potential Departure from Approved Development Plan Policies HO 25, RUR 1 and RUR 2 of the Lorn Local Plan and Policies SAS 1, STRAT 2, STRAT 2A and RRA1 of the Strathclyde Structure Plan

Closing Date: 11.4.02

Representations : Yes

Name Address Letter date Warren Bruce & Co. WS Scotiabank House, 6 South 20.3.02 (Trustees of owners of adjacent Charlotte Street, Edinburgh ground)

Summary of points raised:

• Development on the shore side of the road is inappropriate. Response :- the site is located in an elevated and exposed position of the coast and so is considered to have an adverse environmental impact. • The development would infringe on the privacy of the adjacent house. Response :- the application site is considered to be of adequate size to accommodate a house without effecting the privacy and amenity of adjacent existing house. • The size of the proposed house is not in keeping with the adjacent cottage or other properties in the vicinity. Response :- The floor plan detailed on the submitted plans is indicative and as such is not assessed as part of this application.


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• No details of the number of floors in the proposed house have been provided. Response :- The number of floors can be controlled through condition should planning permission be granted. • There is a prohibition in the title against development on the shore side of the road without the consent of the superiors and such consent has not been granted. Response :- This is a legal issue between the applicant and objector and is not a material planning consideration.


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DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT SERVICES Local Member - Councillor C Cameron PLANNING APPLICATION REPORT Date of Validity - 5th March 2002 OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES Committee Date - 8th May 2002

5th April 2002

Reference Number: 02/00418/DET Applicants Name: Miss C Toogood Application Type: Detailed application Application Description: Erection of a dwellinghouse Location: Land adjacent to Beechwood, Barcaldine


• Erection of a single storey dwellinghouse. • Installation of a septic tank and soakaway. • Formation of an access. • Connection to the public water main.


The application is recommended for approval.


(i) Barcaldine is considered to be a ‘sensitive settlement’ where large scale or unsympathetic development could have a detrimental effect on the existing landscape setting and servicing. The Local Plan has accordingly restricted new housing development to specific areas identified by the Council. The proposed dwellinghouse lies within one of these areas identified as being suitable for new housing development and the principle of development is therefore consistent with Policy HO 22 of the Lorn Local Plan. (ii) The site lies within a Regional Scenic Area. It is considered that the proposal will not have an adverse impact on the landscape quality of this area and as such can be justified in terms of STRAT 2A of the Structure Plan and Policy RUR 2 of the Local Plan. The proposal is therefore consistent with Policy STRAT 2 and SAS 1 of the Strathclyde Structure Plan and Policy RUR 1 of the adopted Lorn Local Plan. (iii) Concerns have been raised over the scale and massing of the proposed dwellinghouse. The proposed house is fairly large, the main section having a gable width of 8.5 metres and a frontage of 14.3 metres. It is not however, considered to be excessive. The footprint of the proposed dwellinghouse covers approximately 17% of the plot area which is inkeeping with the general ratio of houses in villages in this Council area. (iv) Concern has been raised over the presence of an existing private sewerage system through the site. Whilst this is primarily a civil matter between the applicant and Mr MacLeod , a letter dated 9th April 2002 has been received from the applicant’s solicitor which confirms the applicant is prepared to re-route the existing drain without expense to Mr MacLeod, should the information be correct about the presence of the sewer. It is considered likely that there is adequate land within the site to accommodate such a change. (v) There are no privacy, amenity, servicing or design concerns which cannot be overcome through the imposition of conditions.


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• The proposed development does not conflict with Development Plan Policy which presumes in favour of the development. • There are no other material considerations which would prevent the granting of consent.

Angus J Gilmour Head of Development and Building Control

Author: Susan Poole 01631 567955


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1. Standard detailed.

2. The proposed access shall have visibility splays of 60 metres in each direction formed from the centreline of the proposed access, 2.5 metres back from the edge of the carriageway. Prior to works starting on site these visibility splays shall be cleared of all obstructions over one metre in height above the level of the adjoining carriageway and thereafter maintained clear of all obstructions over one metre in height to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason : In the interests of road safety.

3. Prior to work starting on site the access hereby permitted shall be formed in accordance with the Council’s Highways Drawing No. NA/32/05/2a with the bellmouth surfaced in dense bitumen macadam for a distance of 5 metres back from the existing carriageway edge, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason : In the interests of road safety.

4. Prior to work starting on site, full details of a scheme of boundary treatment and landscaping works shall be submitted to and shall be submitted to and approved by the Council as Planning Authority. Such details shall include

• Location and design, including materials, of any walls and fences. • Soft and hard landscaping works including the location, type and size of each individual tree and/or shrub.

The approved fences/walls shall be erected within one month of the date of occupation of the approved dwellinghouse and all planting, seeding and turfing including within the approved landscaping scheme shall be carried out in the first planting season following occupation of the approved dwellinghouse.

Reason : To ensure the proposed development is provided with a satisfactory standard of landscaping for the functional and visual requirements of the site and to assist the integration of the development into the surrounding area.


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In terms of Section 25 of the Act the following Development Plan Policies are applicable:

Strathclyde Structure Plan

STRAT 2 The Regional Development Strategy requires a sustainable approach to the conservation and use of natural and heritage resources that cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced, and there shall therefore be a presumption against development which has an adverse impact on them.

STRAT 2A Proposal for development in, or affecting, natural or heritage resources that cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced shall require to be justified against the following criteria: (a) Economic Benefit (b) Infrastructure Implications (c) Specific Locational/operational need (d) Environmental Impact

SAS 1 In accordance with Policy STRAT 2, there shall be a general presumption against proposals for prominent or sporadic development which would have an adverse impact on the landscape quality or character of National Scenic Areas or the following areas or coasts of regional scenic significance.

Regional Scenic Areas Central, South and West Mull, Jura, South and East Islay, Knapdale/Melfort, Mull of Kintyre, North Argyll, Loch Lomond and Kilpatrick Hills, Bute and South Cowal.

Regional Scenic Coasts North West Argyll, North and West Islay, South West Islay, West Kintyre, East Kintyre, East Loch Fyne, West Loch Fyne and the Inner Clyde Estuary (including Loch Long and Goil, Holy Loch and Gareloch).

RRA 2 Within the Remote Rural Area the following settlement strategy is appropriate

(a) presumption that development proposals serving a wide community of interests shall be located in the main settlements listed in Schedule 3. (b) A presumption that local development requirements shall be located in the settlements listed in Schedule 3. (c) An acceptance that development with a specific locational need shall be permitted in the countryside (for example, the primary industries of forestry, agriculture and fisheries). (d) A recognition that there shall be a presumption in favour of single or small scale residential development in the countryside except :

1. Where there would be unreasonable infrastructure costs not carried by the developer, or 2. Where there would be an adverse impact on natural or heritage resources requiring conservation, or 3. in areas where Local Plans have established that such a presumption should not apply.


Page 103

Lorn Local Plan

RUR 1 The Council will seek to maintain and where possible enhance the landscape quality of National and Regional Scenic Areas and coasts and areas of local landscape significance and within these areas will resist prominent or sporadic development which would have an adverse environmental impact:

(a) National Scenic Area : (I)Lynn of Lorn; (ii) Ben Nevis and Glencoe (b) Regional Scenic Areas : (I) Knapdale/Melfort; (ii) North Argyll (c) Regional Scenic Coasts : North West Argyll (d) Areas of local landscape significance : (I) Loch Etive/Benderloch Coast; (ii) Loch Awe; (iii) Loch Nell; (iv) Glen Lonan; (v) Loch Avich; (vi) Glen Gallain/Loch Scammadale.

RUR 2 Proposals for development in or affecting National Scenic Areas, Regional Scenic Areas and Coasts or areas of local landscape significance will require to be justified against the following criteria

(a) economic benefit (b) infrastructure implications (c) specific locational/operational need (d) environmental impact

HO 22 The following are considered to be Sensitive Settlements where large scale or unsympathetic development could have a detrimental effect on the existing landscape setting and servicing.

Appin/Tynribbie/Portnacroish, Balvicar, Barcaldine, Benderloch/Baravullin/Keil Crofts/Kintaline Mill, Clachan Seil, Dalmally/Stronmilchan, Easdale/Ellenabeich, Kilchrenan, Kilmore/Cleigh, North Connel/Black Crofts, Port Appin and Taynuilt.

The Council has accordingly restricted new housing development to areas identified on the inset maps. It will not grant approval for a house on greenfield sites outwith these areas other than in exceptional circumstances. Applicants will be required to demonstrate an overriding locational or operational need that makes it essential for them to have a house outwith rather than within the areas identified.

Where such need has been demonstrated, special attention will be given to ensure that the actual location of the house creates the minimum adverse environmental impact. Regard will also be had to the principles set out in the Government’s Planning Advice Note 36 when assessing all proposals within sensitive settlements.

Government Advice/Guidance

PAN 36 Siting and Design of New Housing in the Countryside

The principle objectives are to encourage a more sympathetic approach to siting and a more widespread adoption of house design which pays greater regard to variations in landscape and building design within Scotland.

The principle on which the policy on housing in the countryside is based are:- • Development should be encouraged on suitable sites in existing settlements. • Urban sprawl, the coalescence of settlements and ribbon development should be avoided. • Isolated development should discourages in the open countryside except where provision is made in development plans or there are special needs.



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(ii) Consultations

Response Date Comment Area Roads Engineer 05.4.02 No objection subject to conditions Scottish Environmental Protection Agency 27.3.02 No objections West of Scotland Water Authority 13.3.02 No objections Ardchattan Community Council 22.3.02 No objections

(iii) Publicity and Representations

Advert Type : Article 9 Vacant Land Closing Date: 4.4.02

Representations : Yes

Name Address Letter date Mr M MacLeod Barcaldine, by Oban 14.3.02 J and F Moore Barcaldine, by Oban 17.3.02 Mr G McMenemy Barcaldine, by Oban Received 11.4.02

Summary of points raised:

• Potential for flooding of the site. (Comment: Flooding in this area relates to surface water drainage, not tidal or watercourse flooding. Building Control will regulate drainage of the immediate house site where there is a risk to construction works, however where the water drains to is a legal issue, not a planning issue.) • Concerns over difficulties with existing sewer facilities. (Comment : The operation of adjacent sewerage systems is not material to this application as it does not impact on the proposed site.) • Size and mass of the proposed house represents substantial over-development. (Comment : See main report) • The house is being built with bed and breakfast in mind. (Comment: This is not a material consideration, the Use Classes Order provides for a house with four or more bedrooms to let out a maximum of two for the purposes of bed and breakfast without requiring planning permission). • Insufficient parking proposed/concerns of traffic safety. (Comment: Area Roads Engineer has no objection to the proposal) • Septic tank sited too close to the proposed dwellinghouse. (Comment: The 15 metre rule is no longer applicable due to a change in the building regulations.) • Concerns over the impact existing road drainage will have on the site. (Comment: Surface water drainage is a legal issue and the operation of the proposed soakaway is an issue addressed by Building Control.) • Concerns raised over the impact of the development on an existing private sewerage system which passes through the centre of the site. (Comment: This is primarily a private matter between the application and the objector. The applicant has however advised (Thornton dated 9.4.02) that she is willing to re-route the system if it is to be affected by the proposed development). • Various questions have been asked with regard to the development plan policy in the area, both present and future. These are assessed in my report. With respect to future proposals for Barcaldine, these are being assessed through the preparation of the new Local Plan, intended for consultation in draft form in the Autumn.


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West of Scotland Water Authority have advised as follows:

The septic tank should be within 30 metres of a safe vehicular access and not more than 4.5 metres below the level of the access road to facilitate emptying. Surface water should be taken separately to the nearest watercourse or to a soakaway with the approval of the Building Control Officer and SEPA (West). The water connection will be subject to the approval of West of Scotland Water.

You are advised to contact them direct to discuss this matter


West of Scotland Water Authority Customer and Network Services Developer Services West Region Tullich Soroba Oban, PA34 4SB

Tel : 01631 572135

The Council’s Area Roads Manager has advised as follows:

A Road Opening Permit will be required for the access.

You are advised to contact them direct to discuss this matter:


Area Roads Engineer Transportation and Property Services Argyll and Bute Council Kilbowie House Gallanach Road Oban

Tel: 01631 562125


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DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT SERVICES Local Member - Councillor R Banks PLANNING APPLICATION REPORT Date of Validity - 8th March 2002 OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES Committee Date - 8th May 2002

10th April 2002

Reference Number: 02/00422/DET Applicants Name: Mr and Mrs B Donn Application Type: Detailed Application Application Description: Erection of a dwellinghouse Location: Garden ground of Sheridan, Polvinister Road, Oban


Development requiring planning permission

• Erection of a one and a half storey dwellinghouse. • Formation of a new vehicular access.

Other ancillary operations

• Connection to existing public sewer. • Connection to public water main.


The proposal is recommended for approval.


(i) Principle of a house on this site: Outline planning permission (reference 01/00401/OUT) was granted on 1.5.01 for the erection of a dwellinghouse on this site. This permission does not lapse until 1.5.04. The principle of a house on this site has therefore been established.

(ii) The current application for detailed permission, with the exception of the formation of patio doors on the east elevation, broadly comply with the conditions on the outline permission. Concerns have been raised over the loss of privacy to the neighbouring property as a result of the formation of the patio doors. The location of the patio doors do not satisfy the good practice guidance for conterminous windows. It is therefore considered that the imposition of a condition requiring the erection of a 1.8 metre high close boarded fence along the boundary is appropriate to safeguard the privacy level of the adjoining property.

(iii) The design of the proposed dwellinghouse is in accordance with the Council’s Design Guide on New Houses in Towns and Villages. Whilst this immediate area of Polvinister is predominantly single storey dwellinghouses, the introduction of a one and a half storey house is not considered to be unacceptable in terms of the townscape of the wider area. It is proposed to finish the roof with a brown concrete roof tile. This is not considered to be appropriate in this location, therefore a condition is proposed requiring natural slate or a grey coloured slate substitute roof tile.

(iv) A condition is proposed seeking details of the protection measures for the public sewer pipe which crosses the site. These are purely protective measures as there are no actual building works proposed over the sewer.

(v) Issues have been raised relative to the house position, its design, finishes, privacy, servicing and amenity. It is not considered that any of theses issues would prevent the granting of consent.


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• The proposal is consistent with Policy HO 21 of the adopted Lorn Local Plan, the principle of development having been established by virtue of outline planning consent reference 01/00401/OUT.

• The proposal raises no privacy, amenity, servicing or design concerns which cannot be overcome through the imposition of conditions.

Angus J Gilmour Head of Development and Building Control

Author: Adrian Jackson-Stark 01631 567955


Page 115


1. Standard detailed.

2. Prior to the commencement of works on site, full details of the measures to protect the existing sewer pipe which crosses the site shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority. These approved measures shall be fully implemented on site, prior to the commencement of any engineering operations on site.

Reason : In the interests of amenity and public health.

3. Prior to the occupation of the dwellinghouse hereby approved, a 1.8 metre high timber close boarded fence shall be erected along the eastern boundary of the site. The fence shall start at a point measured 11 metres to the north of the southern most point of the eastern boundary of the site. The fence shall extend from this point in a northward direction, along the eastern boundary of the site for a minimum distance of 14 metres. Thereafter, the fence shall be retained in perpetuity in this position to the satisfaction of the Council as Planning Authority.

Reason : In the interests of privacy and amenity in order to avoid a direct window to window conflict.

4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 and Class 1 of Schedule 1 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development)(Scotland) Order 1992, no window or other openings shall be installed in the upper level of the east facing gable elevation of the dwellinghouse without the prior written consent of the Council as Planning Authority

Reason : In order to prevent the inclusion of window and other openings in the east facing elevations, which would significantly undermine the privacy and amenity of adjoining residential property.

5. Notwithstanding the approved plans, the roof of the dwellinghouse hereby approved shall be finished in a natural slate or a grey coloured slate substitute roof tile. Full details of the proposed roof covering shall be submitted to and approved by the Council as Planning Authority prior to the commencement of works on the construction of the dwellinghouse.

Reason : In the interests of visual amenity and to reflect/retain the vernacular building traditions of the area.


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In terms of Section 25 of the Act the following Development Plan Policies are applicable:

Strathclyde Structure Plan

RRA 2 Within the Remote Rural Area the following settlement strategy is appropriate

(a) presumption that development proposals serving a wide community of interests shall be located in the main settlements listed in Schedule 3.

Lorn Local Plan

HO 21 Within the settlements listed below the Council will encourage infill, rounding-off or redevelopment related to the existing built form:

Oban, Achnacroish (Lismore), Balliemore (Kerrera), Bonawe, Bridge of Orchy, Clachan (Lismore), Connel, Cullipool, Dalavich, Dunbeg, Eredine, Lochawe, Kilmelford, Kilninver, North Cuan, Port Ramsay (Lismore), South Cuan and Toberonochy.

Regard will be had to the principles set out in the Government’s Planning Advice Note 36. Proposals which do not relate to the existing built form will be assessed for servicing and environmental implications. Those considered to have an adverse impact will normally be resisted. In addition, in Oban where development might affect archaeological remains an assessment of the impact may be required.

Government Advice/Guidance

PAN 36 Siting and Design of New Housing in the Countryside

The principle objectives are to encourage a more sympathetic approach to siting and a more widespread adoption of house design which pays greater regard to variations in landscape and building design within Scotland.

The principle on which the policy on housing in the countryside is based are:-

• Development should be encouraged on suitable sites in existing settlements. • Urban sprawl, the coalescence of settlements and ribbon development should be avoided. • Isolated development should discourages in the open countryside except where provision is made in development plans or there are special needs.


(a) Site History

97/01833/OUT : Outline planning permission was granted on 13.3.98 for the erection of a dwellinghouse on this site.

01/00401/OUT : Outline planning permission was renewed for this site on 1.5.01. Therefore there is a live outline permission on this site which does not expire until 1.5.04.

(ii) Consultations


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Response Date Comment Area Roads Engineer 5.4.02 No objections. West of Scotland Water Authority 25.3.02 No objections.

(iii) Publicity and Representations

Advert Type : Article 9 Vacant Land Closing Date: 5.4.02

Representations : Yes

Name Address Letter date Mr J Watson Polvinister Road, Oban 10.3.02 and 30.3.02 F and J Lockhart Polvinister Road, Oban 09.3.02

Summary of points raised:

• Position of the house has changed since the approval of the outline permission.

Comment: Outline planning permission establishes the principle of erecting a house on the site and also sets out ground rule through the use of conditions such as position, scale and design of the dwellinghouse. The house position shown on the outline planning application was for indicative purposes only. A condition was attached to the outline permission which altered the house position from that shown as indicative.

• One and a half storey dwellinghouse is not inkeeping with the surrounding area.

Comment: The outline permission did not restrict the vertical height of the proposed dwellinghouse. Whilst the area generally comprises single storey properties, it is considered that a mix with one and a half storey is not uncommon and will not adversely affect the townscape in this area.

• Close proximity of proposed house to ‘The Oaks’, reduced to 12.1 metres.

Comment : There are no privacy or amenity concerns which cannot be overcome through the imposition of conditions, i.e requiring screen fencing to be erected. This is not an unreasonable separation distance.

• Brown roof tiles not inkeeping with surrounding properties.

Comment : A condition is proposed restricting the proposed roof covering to that of natural slate or a good quality slate substitute, in accordance with the general standard of finishes in the area.

• Proposed patio window will have an adverse impact on privacy of adjoining property.

Comment: A condition is proposed seeking the erection of a screen fence.

• Impact of smoke from chimney on adjoining property.

Comment : The distances from existing and the proposed house is not an unusual for development within a town. It is not considered that the proposal will have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of the adjoining properties.

• Impact on electricity supply to adjacent property.

Comment : The existing electricity which runs through the site will require to be relocated. This is not a planning matter.

• Inadequate sewer


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Comment : West of Scotland Water Authority have raised no objections.

• Concerns over access to water supply.

Comment : Connection to the public water main is subject to the approval of West of Scotland Water. Access over land outwith the applicants control is a civil matter between the interested landowners.

• Proposal will devalue adjoining property.

Comment : The monetary value of individual properties is not a material planning consideration.


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Scottish Water (formerly West of Scotland Water Authority) have advised as follows:

Surface water should be discharged separately to a watercourse/soakaway and that all outfalls are subject to the approval of the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA).

Connection to the public sewer is subject to the approval of West of Scotland Water. Please note that any gravity connection should be a minimum of 150mm diameter and fitted with an inspection chamber just within the curtilage of the premises and no building will be permitted over the public sewer. There should be one connection to the public sewer not two as shown on the site plan.

Connection to the water main is also subject to the approval of West of Scotland Water

You are advised to contact them direct to discuss this matter


Scottish Water Customer and Network Services Developer Services West Region Tullich Soroba Oban, PA34 4SB

Tel : 01631 572135


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1.1 This paper outlines my Departments Development Control performance with respect to processing planning applications as set against the performance target set by the Area Committees in May 2001.

1.2 In addition to reviewing and setting the Council wide performance standard for April 2002 to March 2003, this report also identifies the performance and sets targets for each of the four decentralised areas.

1.3 The report also reviews the Council wide performance set against the Scottish Executive’s targets for Councils as contained in National Planning Policy Guideline 1: The Planning System (NPPG1), which was revised in November 2000.

1.4 Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, which are detailed in the report, my department has failed to reach the pre-set performance target of 71% for April 2001 to March 2002. During this period my department achieved 66%, which was the same level of performance as last year.

1.5 As an annex to this report the Council wide performance is included in the league table for Scotland. However, this period only covers the year April 2000 to March 2001 which is the most up to date statistics published by the Scottish Executive.

1.6 In terms of all applications, the above annex shows that Argyll and Bute Council’s performance is above the Scottish average and is in the upper half of the table.


2.1 It is recommended that Members:

(a) Note and endorse the contents of the report; (b) Agree to a Council wide target of deciding 70% of all planning applications within two months for the period April 2002 to March 2003. This represents a 4% increase in performance in real terms; (c) Set a target of deciding 90% of all Householder applications within two months. (d) Agree that the targets set out below be adopted for each of the decentralised areas for the period April 2002 to March 2003;

• Bute and Cowal 75% • Helensburgh and Lomond 75% • Oban, Lorn and the Isles 65% • Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay 65%


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3.1 As Members are aware the Scottish Executive Statistical returns are set against the targets contained in NPPG1, which was revised in November 2000. This NPPG deals with numerous aspects of Development Control and sets out the Scottish Executive’s expectations with respect to planning application performance.

3.2 As part of the revision to the NPPG, the Scottish Executive has not only reinforced that every Council should process 80% of all applications within two months but has introduced additional indicators, namely,

• 85% of all applications should be determined in three months; • 90% of householder applications should be determined within two months; • 95% of householder applications should be determined within three months; • 80% of major* applications determined within four months.

* Major is defined as applications for 10 or more dwellinghouses and business/industry applications which exceed 1000 square metres floorspace or if the site area is one hectare or more.

3.3 Having due regard to the Scottish Executive’s expectations and the NPPG, with particular regard to travel distances and logistics involved in providing a Development Control service in Argyll and Bute, Members, last year, agreed a target of 71% for 2001/2002.

3.4 Last years target of 71% represented a 3% increase over the previous years target, and a 5% increase in actual performance.

3.5 Table 1 – NPPG Indicator 1. Targets and Achievements since re-organisation.


YEAR TARGET ACHIEVED 1996/97 57% 46% 1997/98 57% 63% 1998/99 67% 67% 1999/2000 69% 65.3% 2000/2001 68% 66% 2001/2002 71% 66%


4.1 Whilst Development Control performance has stayed the same as last year, it has fallen short of the target of 71% and the peak of 67% achieved in 1998/99.

4.2 As noted from the above table, Council wide performance has stayed around the 65 – 67% for the last four years. This has been as a result of a number of staff changes in the decentralised Offices at both Planning Officer and Senior level over these previous years.

4.3 This in turn highlights the vulnerability of the local area offices to changes in staff and the effect that this can have on both the local and Council wide performance. The need for staff stability is a clear pre-requisite for improvements in performance.

4.4 Notably an additional 168 applications were processed this annual accounting period, as opposed to last years. When this is taken with staff changes, and that performance was at the same level as the previous year, Council wide performance has been reasonable.

4.5 In terms of the additional NPPG indicators, the Councils comparative performance is laid out in the tables below.

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4.6 Table 2 – NPPG1:Indicator 2 85% of all applications should be determined within three months.


YEAR TOTAL ALL DEALT WITH < SCOTISH ACTUAL % +/- % APPLICATIONS 3 MONTHS EXECUTIVE TARGET (in relation to 85% target) 2000/01 1252 1029 85% 84% -1% 2001/02 1420 1150 85% 81% -4%

Due to the travel distances, logistics and the Councils Committee cycle a comparison with the less than 3 months figure for Argyll and Bute is more reasonable. Whilst the Council has slipped back from 84% to 81% of all applications being dealt with wihtin three months, this is off-set by an additional 121 (10.5%) applications being dealt within the 3 month period. Again, the significant difference between the 2 month percentage figure (66%) and the three months percentage (81%), is very much reflective of the problems associated with travel distances, particularly to islands and the pre-agenda dates being so far in advance of Committee.

4.7 In terms of pre-agenda dates, for example, in the case of Oban, Lorn and the Isles, the pre- agenda date for the May Committee is the 26th April, this being 12 days before the actual committee. When this is coupled with the need to produce papers by the 17th April, i.e. a further 9 days before pre-agenda, this effectively loses 21 days of a 60 day processing time for the most complex applications. This effectively reduces the processing time for the more complex applications to 5 weeks if a Committee item is to be dealt with within two months. Given the complexity of Committee items it is therefore unlikely that any significant number of applications can be dealt with by Committee in two months, particularly if any discussion with the applicant or their agent is required. A similar situation arises with each of the decentralised areas and the pre-agenda dates.

4.8 Table 3 – NPPG1: Indicator 3 90% of householder applications should be determined within two months.


YEAR TOTAL DEALT WITH < 2 SCOTTISH ACTUAL % +/-% HOUSEHOLDER MONTHS EXECUTIVE (in relation to 90% APPLICATIONS TARGET target) 2000/01 414 358 90% 86% -4% 2001/02 452 407 90% 90% -

The one area of significant improvement in terms of the Council’s performance is in relation to householder applications. Whilst there has not only been an increase of 38 householder applications dealt with during the accounting period, there has also been an overall 4% improvement in performance.

4.9 This 4% improvement on performance brings the Council up to the Scottish Executive’s target of dealing with 90% of all householder applications within two months.

4.10 In order to maintain the momentum with regards to processing Householder applications, it is recommended that the Scottish Executive target of 90% be adopted and maintained.

4.11 Table 4 – NPPG1: Indicator 4 – 95% of all householder applications should be determined within three months

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YEAR TOTAL DEALT WITH <3 SCOTTISH ACTUAL % +/-% HOUSEHOLDER MONTHS EXECUTIVE TARGET (in relation to 95% APPLICATIONS target) 2000/01 414 391 95% 94% -1 2001/02 452 431 95% 95% -

As with the two months figure for all householder applications, the Council has attained the Scottish Executive’s target of 95% which is considered as a major milestone.

4.12 By meeting the Scottish Executive’s targets for householder applications, this will allow for greater time to be spent on the more complex applications. Whilst the more complex application types are lagging behind both Council and Scottish Executive targets, the quality of decision is being maintained, together with the main Council objective of attempting to find solutions to issue that prevents a development proceeding (where possible), with a refusal being a “last resort”.

4.13 It has been possible to process householder applications within the Scottish Executive’s targets, by making full use of delegated powers, but most importantly by targeting resources to this important element of Development Control.

4.14 Table 5 – NPPG1: Indicator 5 80% of all major applications dealt with within three months.


YEAR TOTAL MAJOR DEALT WITH <3 SCOTTISH ACTUAL % +/- % APPLICATIONS MONTHS EXECUTIVE (in relation to 80% TARGET target) 2000/01 34 20 80% 58% -22% 2001/02 33 15 80% 45% -35%

The major applications are by definition the most complex involving such applications as Waste Water Treatment Works, minerals, supermarkets, housing sites and wind farms and take a significantly greater amount of Officer time. These types of applications are often, but not exclusively dealt with by the Development Control Manager or Senior Officers given the amount of time and negotiation required in there processing. Whilst the percentage is some 35% less than the Scottish Executive target, this is a reflection of the Council seeking a quality outcome and finding solutions to problems which may arise with these major and economically important applications. Of considered more importance is that of the 33 major applications submitted only two were refused which is very much reflective of the Council seeking to negotiate a solution and to achieve a quality development.

4.15 Whilst the performance is significantly below the Scottish Executive’s target it is very much considered that a “quality” development is being achieved in such cases rather than a speedy decision. By achieving a quality development on the ground it is anticipated that it will attract further investment to the area and to maintain the environmental quality of Argyll and Bute which is so important to the continued attraction of visitors and investors alike.


5.1 The vacant Senior Development Control Officer’s post has now been filled in Oban and it is hoped that the staffing issues in the four decentralised areas, has settled down.

5.2 The disruption caused by the change to the Senior Planning Officer position in Oban, Lorn & the Isles, has had an effect on service delivery particularly in the processing of all applications in less than two months. Likewise the change in Senior Officer and Enforcement Officer in Helensburgh

f:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\6\0\0\ai00003006\dcperformancemonitoring2001020.doc Page 145 and Lomond, together with maternity leave cover has also had a significant effect on performance. The trends in the two month figures show how reliant the Council is in terms of staff stability and staff experience.

5.3 Other major areas that are having an effect on decision making is the coming into being of the National Park, the amount and time notifications take to Historic Scotland and the pre-agenda dates/timetables. These issues are discussed more fully in Section 6.

5.4 Notwithstanding the above it is considered that to set a target significantly above 70% would require a comprehensive re-appraisal of procedures, including pre-agenda dates, Committee cycles and staffing levels. It is only possible to achieve a certain level of performance with a set staff level, particularly if quality of service and customer care is to remain a priority. If the objectives of trying to find a solution to a planning issue and to achieve a quality development remains a priority, this requires that staff resources are aimed at discussing and overcoming problems with applicants, both at the pre-inquiry and application stages. Unfortunately, this cannot be achieved without committing the Staff resources to these problems, which in turn has an overall effect on performance particularly the 2 month performance figures.

5.5 With regard to the other Scottish Executive indicators, an overall increase in performance should bring dealing with all applications within three months, in line with the Scottish Executive target of 85% (i.e. +4% over current levels).

5.6 Similarly, the 90% and 95% householder targets should be maintained and it is intended to continue concentrating resources into dealing with householder applications within two months.

5.7 With regard to the 80% target for dealing with major applications, I consider that to try and unreasonably achieve this would have a direct effect on quality. It is considered that the quality of decision and development is fundamental to these large economic developments. It is accepted that the current levels of performance (i.e. 45% within three months) is significantly below Scottish Executive Target levels, quality of decision, customer care and solving any issues that could prevent the development proceeding, is considered more important in these cases. In practice this is a performance standard which should be reviewed by the Scottish Executive as it does not address quality of outcome and is set within an unrealistic timescale, given the issues associated with such complex applications which often require public hearings etc. I believe a 4 month processing standard would be much more appropriate.

5.8 In this regard, the Scottish Executive’s Statistical return is now including information on a month processing period. The Council is currently however, awaiting on upgrade from the Software Manufacturer to address this outcome.



AREA TEAM Actual % target For 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2001/02 % % % % % BUTE & COWAL 82 76 68 71 71 75 M/ARGYLL,KINTYRE&ISLAY 66 62 55 51 61 63 HELENSBURGH & LOMOND 61 70 71 81 62 75 OBAN, LORN & THE ISLES 44 53 57 64 64 70


f:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\6\0\0\ai00003006\dcperformancemonitoring2001020.doc Page 146 6.1 As can be seen from the above, there remains significant differences between the performance of each area office This is reflective of a number of issues including the number of applications dealt with per officer, the complexity of the applications and the level, detail and extent of representations received.

6.2 Notably, during the last year, Oban has again overtaken Mid Argyll in terms of receiving the greatest number of applications, although when the last two years are added together the numbers are generally the same.

6.3 It should be noted that the area team figures quoted in Table 6 are not directly comparable with the Scottish Executive figures which have been used for the other tables. A direct comparison is not possible as the area figures include all application types, including non-material amendments and consultative applications, whereas the Scottish Executive figures do not.


The Bute and Cowal area team has consistently achieved a high performance within the Council wide area. Such consistency is identified in the fact that 71% of all applications were processed for the year, coincidentally an identical figure for the previous year. The area team remains committed to achieving the target figure of 75% requiring a 4% increase in performance. A issue that has resulted in a number of delays in determining applications relates to the Listed Buildings and applications within Rothesay Conservation Area (the second largest in Scotland) and the necessity to refer matters to Historic Scotland. This has resulted in the vast majority of Listed Building applications being determined outwith the eight week period and further initiatives are required on this matter. It is considered a matter of urgency that the internal procedures for dealing with Historic Scotland and any subsequent notifications are looked at in some detail with a view to streamlining the procedure. It is anticipated that this will have an overall effect on performance, although to what extend will not be known until revised procedures are put in place.


Performance in application processing for Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay has seen a marked improvement over the last twelve months, with the number of applications determined in 8 weeks having increased from 51% in 2000 – 2001 to 61% in 2001 – 2002. Whilst this falls marginally short of the target of 63% set for last year, such an improvement represents a significant effort on the part of staff, given that there has not been a reduction in the number of applications submitted. It is hoped that this improvement can be sustained over the forthcoming year, and with this in mind, it is proposed to set an enhanced performance target for the year 2002 – 2003.

However given the present level of resources and the geography of the area, it is doubtful whether there would be much scope to make significant improvements over and above last year’s target. The proportion of applications requiring to be considered by Committee, or to be referred to Historic Scotland, or requiring amendments by the applicant which are not attend to promptly, occasion delays beyond Officer’s control, and these consequently act as a constraint upon performance. The significant level of pre-application enquires, and the current lack of a full-time area based Enforcement Officer, also impinges upon the proportion of Planning Officers’ time devoted purely to application processing. With these considerations in mind, it is proposed that the performance target for 2002 – 2003 be set at 65%.


There have been various major development proposals within the Helensburgh and Lomond Area in the past year. Moreover, there has been a major public inquiry into the proposed supermarket, swimming pool and infilling on the sea front.

In terms of the Service Provision in Helensburgh and Lomond a key issue has been staff changes. A new Senior Officer took up post in May and the area’s Enforcement Officer left to join the private sector. These changes with their resultant impact were compounded by another experienced officer being on maternity leave and the person who stepped in to provide cover requiring time to settle in and adapt to the operational procedures of the Council. As the financial year ended further changes took place in respect of one of the full time positions becoming a job share post.

It is hoped that after all this upheaval there will be a settled period. However, the new National Park is due to come into being in July. They will be the Planning Authority for their particular area. However, as an interim measure it is likely that Argyll and Bute undertake the development control function on an agency basis for a period of 6 to 12 months. At this stage it is not possible to f:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\6\0\0\ai00003006\dcperformancemonitoring2001020.doc Page 147 determine what impact this will have on the processing of applications. However it is considered that a performance target of 75% of all applications being dealt with within 2 months can be achieved.


Unfortunately, Oban, Lorn & the Isles performance has fallen by 2% over the last year. In this respect the fall in performance has been highlighted to be in the 1st and last quarters of the monitoring period. Certainly, over the last three months, there has been no full time Senior Planning Officer or Headquarters cover in the area office, which has had a significant bearing on performance levels.

This has been due to the Senior Planning Officer moving employment and the Planning Manger being involved in a 4 week public inquiry, its preparation time together with other work commitments. This has had an effect on performance.

It is anticipated that with the employment of the new Senior Planning Officer, overall performance will increase.

The shared Enforcement Officer with Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay is also having an effect on performance. When the Enforcement Officer is working in the Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay area, inevitably other Officers are being drawn into enforcement matters, which is having an overall effect on performance.

Notwithstanding the above, it is considered that the area team can reasonably reach a target of processing 65% of all applications within two months.


7.1 Having due regard to the above issues associated with each area team and having due regard to past performance levels and the Council’s position at a national level, targets for the forthcoming year be set as follows:

• BUTE AND COWAL: 75% represents a consolidation in last years target, together with a 4% increase in performance. • MID ARGYLL, KINTYRE AND ISLAY: 65% represents a 4% increase in performance over last year • HELENSBURGH AND LOMOND: 75% represents a 13% increase in performance • OBAN, LORN AND THE ISLES: 65% represents a 3% improvement in performance


8.1 Whilst my department achieved the same level of overall performance as last year, there are areas where improvement in performance can be achieved.

8.2 The improvement in performance is likely to result from consolidation in staffing, particularly with the Oban, Lorn and the Isles and Helensburgh and Lomond areas, where there has been a number of changes in staff, over the last year.

8.3 Evidence is showing that it does take about a year for changes at the Senior Officer level for performance to steady off and improve, e.g. the 10% improvement in performance level in Mid Argyll.

8.4 In terms of other areas which could aid improvement in performance, the issue of consultations and notifications to Historic Scotland has been raised. In this respect of the 71 Listed Building Applications dealt with over the last year, 44 or 62% were outwith the 2 month period. Whilst it is not possible to highlight the specific cause of delays there is a need to investigate improvements to the consultation/notification procedures with Historic Scotland

8.5 As Members are aware, the Loch Lomond and the National Park is due to come into being and they will be the Planning Authority for the Park area. At present, negotiations are being undertaken with the Scottish Executive and the Interim Park Authority about the change over in roles and also for Argyll and Bute Council to continue to carry out the Development Control function for a 6 – 12 month period on an agency basis, after the Park comes into effect. Whilst f:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\6\0\0\ai00003006\dcperformancemonitoring2001020.doc Page 148 every effort is being put in place to avoid possible disruption, some is likely to occur in the early months which may possibly affect performance.

8.6 In terms of Committee reports the pre-agenda dates and pre-agenda requirements do have an affect on Committee item performance. As indicated above, in order to deal with a Committee item within 2 months, the pre-agenda procedures effectively reduce the processing period for an application to five weeks.

Without a fundamental re-appraisal of the pre-agenda system and dates it is unlikely that any marked improvement can be made to the processing of Committee items.

8.7 In terms of positive points, performance with respect to householder applications has improved significantly with the Council meeting the Scottish Executive targets for both the 2 & 3 month processing.

8.8 If the Householder application processing can be maintained, together with a period of staff stability, it is anticipated that the overall target of 70% can be achieved.


Policy Anticipated improved levels and consolidation of performance is consistent with the Councils “Best Value” objectives.

Financial: None

Personnel: None

Equal Opportunity: None

George Harper Director of Development & Environment Services

16th April 2002 For further information contact: Mr Neil McKay on Extension 4172

f:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\6\0\0\ai00003006\dcperformancemonitoring2001020.doc Page 149 Agenda Item 4e ARGYLL AND BUTE COUNCIL ALL AREA COMMITTEES





1.1 This paper outlines my department’s Building Control performance with respect to processing building warrant and completion certificate applications in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts Commission.

1.2 The paper also compares and contrasts the performance of the Council’s four area offices for the years 2000/2001 and 2001/2002.


2.1 Members note the content of the report and in particular the continuous improvement in building control performance over the past 3 years.

2.2 The business unit service delivery plan for the years 1999/2002 set targets for dealing with Building Warrants of 10 days to respond to a request for a building warrant and 6 days on average to issue a building warrant after receipt of all necessary information, an accumulated average of 16 days. Similarly targets of 5 days and 2 days were set for completion certificates. Both of these targets have been exceeded. The figures for 2001/2002 being 12 days and 4 days respectively.


3.1 Members are aware that performance indicators were first introduced for Building Control in financial year 1997/98.

3.2 Building Control performance is measured by calculating the average times for dealing with requests for building warrants and completion certificates, as follows:-

A) The average time taken to respond to a request for

(1) A building warrant (2) A completion certificate

B) The average time taken to issue:-

(1) A building warrant or otherwise determine an application. (2) A completion certificate or otherwise determine an application.

C) The number of building warrants and completion certificates issued in the reporting year.

3.3 Attached as Appendix 1, members will find the definitions appropriate to the Accounts Commission performance indicator requirements.

3.4 In the Accounts Commission performance audit of indicators for regulatory services for the year 1999/2000 the above indicators have been combined in Table 3a to show the numbers of building warrants issued and the average time to respond to a request for, and to issue, a building warrant, and similarly at table 3b for completion certificates.

TABLE 3(a) FOR ARGYLL AND BUTE f:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\8\1\0\ai00003018\reportonbuildingcontrolperformancemonitoringacw12.04.020.doc Page 150 No of Building Warrants issued Average number of days taken to respond to and issue a building warrant

2001/2002 2000/2001 1999/2000 2001/2002 2000/2001 1999/2000 1998/1999 1997/1998 1723 1511 1490 12 15 15 17 22


No of Completion Certificates issued Average number of days taken to respond to and issue a Completion Certificate 2001/2002 2000/2001 1999/2000 2001/2002 2000/2001 1999/2000 1998/1999 1997/1998 922 939 918 4 4 5 7 9

3.5 Members will note from the above table that since the introduction of performance indicators in 1997/98 the average times taken to process both building warrants and completion certificates have been consistently reduced.

3.6 The all-Scotland averages for the year 1999/2000 were, average number of days to respond to a request for and to issue a building warrant 20 days, and to respond to a request for and issue a completion certificate 7 days. For the year 2000/2001 Appendices 2 and 3 give an indication of the relative response position of Scottish Councils to applications for Building Warrants and Completion Certificates.

3.7 Improvements to the format and systems of reporting for the Building Control system have enabled quicker and more accurate reporting for the Authority as a whole but has also enabled a comparison between the four administrative areas.

3.8 The following table shows percentage improvements for each area and for each of the four indicators although it must be remembered that each area is diverse in nature and topography has varying levels of applications (e.g. value, difficulty and standard of application) and agents/applicants and a finite technical resource which is materially affected by holidays and sickness.

Area Average time to respond to Average time to issue Average time to respond to Average time to issue request for building warrant building warrant or request for Completion Completion Certificate or determine application Certificate determine application 01/02 00/01 % age 01/02 00/01 % age 01/02 00/01 % age 01/02 00/01 % age difference difference difference difference

Bute & Cowal 8.23 11.72 29.8 4.33 5.47 20.8 2.12 3.19 33.5 1.80 1.62 -11.1

Helensburgh 8.66 12.49 30.6 4.58 6.77 33.5 2.18 2.05 -6.3 1.78 2.43 26.7 & Lomond

Mid Argyll, 7.39 7.71 4.2 3.57 3.95 9.6 1.61 1.72 6.4 1.52 1.30 -16.9 Kintyre & Islay Oban, Lorn & 6.48 7.45 13.00 3.80 4.95 23.2 2.65 3.71 28.6 1.60 1.05 -52.4 The Isles


4.1 This is the final year that performance indicators will be in this format.

4.2 In future years the performance indicators will be:-

(a) The percentage of requests for building warrants responded top within 15 days. (b) The average time taken to respond to a request for a completion certificate. (c) The percentage of building warrants issued (or applications otherwise determined) within 6 days. (d) The percentage of completion certificates issued (or otherwise determined) within 3 days.

f:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\8\1\0\ai00003018\reportonbuildingcontrolperformancemonitoringacw12.04.020.doc 4.3 The maintenance and possible slightPage improvem 151ent on the published figures should remain as Building Control’s target for the future.


Policy In accordance with “Best Value” objectives

Financial: “Further improvement is” dependant on resources

Personnel: additional building control resources will be required if members desire further reduction in processing times and to better regulate the outcomes from the four area offices.

Equal Opportunity: None

George Harper Director of Development & Environment Services

15.04.02 ACW/BC

For further information contact: Angus J Gilmour, Head of Development and Building Control

f:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\8\1\0\ai00003018\reportonbuildingcontrolperformancemonitoringacw12.04.020.doc PageAPPENDIX 152 1

Building Control

Building Warrant and Completion Certificate Applications

(1) The average times for dealing with requests for building warrants and completion certificates:

a) the average time taken to respond to a request for: i) a building warrant ii) a completion certificate b) the average time taken to issue: i) a building warrant or otherwise determine an application ii) a completion certificate or otherwise determine an application c) the number of building warrants and the number of completion certificates issued in the reporting year.


The time to respond to a request for a warrant is the period from receipt of an application by the council to the date of response to the applicant, which may include:

• issuing or refusing the warrant or • informing the applicant of statutory requirements not met in the initial application (i.e. informing the applicant of all reasons why a building warrant cannot be issued).

Where the determination of an application for warrant or certificate of completion does not fall wholly within a reporting period, the information relating to that warrant application should be included in the reporting year in which the application is granted or otherwise determined.

The time for issuing a warrant is the period from receipt by the council of all necessary information, together with an application which meets the requirements of the Building (Scotland) Act 1959, to the date of issue of the warrant.

The time to respond to a request for a completion certificate is the period from receipt of a formal application (form BA8) together with a duly completed Compliance Certificate for Electrical Installation (form BA9), if appropriate, to the date of either:

• a request for access being sent to the applicant or • an inspection being carried out to determine whether or not a completion certificate can be issued.

The time for issuing a completion certificate is the period from the date when the council is satisfied that the building work has been completed in accordance with the approved warrant as far as can be reasonably ascertained (in practice, the date of the final inspection) to the date the completion certificate is issued.

Where a building warrant application is accompanied by an application for a relaxation, the time to issue the warrant remains as stated in the definition. It is recognised that the period from receipt by the council of all necessary information will be the date following the 10 working day draft direction period, which is allowed for representation.

All periods should be measured in working days (excludes public holidays).

'Building warrants' is the total number of warrants issued or applications otherwise determined (i.e. includes withdrawn or refused applications) in the reporting year. 'Certificates' is the total number of temporary and final certificates of completion issued or otherwise determined in the reporting year.

Source: Building control records.


The extent to which councils prepare guidance to applicants on any deficiencies with any application for a building warrant following its submission may influence the time taken to respond to an application.

In accordance with Building (Procedures) (Scotland) Regulations 1981, councils are required to either issue the completion certificate or notify the applicant of the reasons for not doing so, within 10 days of receipt of an application for a certificate.

f:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\8\1\0\ai00003018\reportonbuildingcontrolperformancemonitoringacw12.04.020.doc Page 153 Appendix 2

f:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\8\1\0\ai00003018\reportonbuildingcontrolperformancemonitoringacw12.04.020.doc Appendix 3 Page 154

f:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\8\1\0\ai00003018\reportonbuildingcontrolperformancemonitoringacw12.04.020.doc Page 155 Agenda Item 4f




Corran Halls activity report - May/ June 2002 ______


1.1 The purpose of this report is to inform members of forthcoming events and bookings confirmed to take place in the Corran Halls as of the 18th April 2002.


2.1 It is recommended that members note the attached appendixes.

3.0 DETAIL Please see attached appendixes:

3.1 Appendix 1 Outlines confirmed open events due to take in the Corran Halls from May to June 2002

Appendix 2 Outlines the forthcoming closed events e.g. conferences and meetings and lists forthcoming events.


4.1 The attached report outlines information requested by members to be provided on a monthly basis.


5.1 The attached programme demonstrates the continuation of a sustainable managed programme of activity.

6.0 IMPLICATIONS Policy: None Financial: None Personnel: None Equal Opportunities: None

For further information contact: Gwilym Gibbons, Development Manager – Corran Halls 01631 567333 Wednesday, 20 March 2002

Corran Halls Activity Report Last updated: 28/10/2003 Page 156


CORRAN HALLS What’s On at a glance – May/ June 2002

2 May LEGENDS OF SWING A tribute to the music and songs of Nat, Ella and Bing featuring Johnny Wiltshire and The Jazz All-Stars 8.00pm £8.50/£7; Main Hall

3,4,5 May HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS DANCE FESTIVAL ’02 The annual dance festival and competition. Scottish Area Finals – Friday, 7pm Concert of champions – Saturday, £3 /£2 Festival Dance – Saturday, £3.50 Choreography competitions – Sunday 11am, £3 All events taking place in the Main Hall Details and times to be confirmed for the above

10 May BERT JANSCH Bert began performing his unique synthesis of folk, blues and jazz on the folk club scene of the early sixties his ground-breaking virtuoso acoustic guitar playing, deeply affecting song writing and dark, passionate voice have delighted audiences since the mid-sixties. Famously admired by the likes of Jimmy Page, Neil Young, and Nick Drake, more recently young luminaries such as Noel Gallagher, Jarvis Cocker, Bernard butler and Johnny have paid homage to this unassuming but hugely revered master. 7.30pm £6.00/£4.00 Main Hall

11 May SINGING KETTLE The return of this popular childrens show. 1.00pm and 4.00pm (selling subject 1:00pm show sell-out) Ticket prices TBC

12 MAY FASHION SHOW Ladies fashion show by Allana’s of Dunoon monies raised in aid of Oban Hospice. 7.30pm £6 Main Hall

14 MAY BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE Please donate a pint of blood! Go on you can do it!

16 MAY TONY McManus As one of Scotland’s most successful current solo acts, Tony McManus has carved out a category virtually all to himself with his dazzlingly virtuosi renderings of traditional and less traditional tunes on acoustic guitar. 7.30pm £6/£4 Studio Theatre

19 May MOSCOW CHAMBER ORCHESTRA A rare visit form an internationally renowned orchestra 7:30pm £8.00/£6.00; Main Hall

Corran Halls Activity Report Last updated: 28/10/2003 Page 157

APPENDIX 1 continued

24 May UNDER 18’S DISCO ZOOM Productions presents in partnership with the Corran Halls the return of the much awaited under 18’s discos. The event that is strictly for younger clubbers is an alcohol free zone 9:00pm – midnight £5.00

1 JUNE WEE WITCHES A brand new show for wee ones about the most repulsive, disgusting, garrulous and outrageous ladies you have ever met. Prepare to be horrified!! A musical treat for under sixes. 11am £3.00. Studio Theatre

4 June PRESTON REED Preston Reed is a guitarist of many parts - so many parts that when he brings them all into play, first-time listeners often find it impossible to believe that they're hearing just the one musician, in real time. 7:30pm £6.00/£4.00; Studio Theatre

7 & 8 JUNE LOCAL MOD Oban Provincial Mod 9:00am – 4:00pm Childrens Events 7:00pm – 9:00pm Children’s Prize Winners Concert 9:00am – 4:00pm adult competitions Tickets available on the door.

9 JUNE MUSIC FOR YOUR PLEASURE Presented by Geoffrey Herald –Smith 7pm £4/£2 Main Hall

13,14, &15 JUNE WIZARD OF OZ Argyll Youth Theatre present the stage version of this famous 1930’s film musical, which starred Judy Garland. 7.30pm £5/£3. Main Hall

21 June Under 18’s Disco ZOOM Productions presents in partnership with the Corran Halls the under 18’s discos. The event that is strictly for younger clubbers is an alcohol free zone 9:00pm – midnight £5.00

28 June Mendelssohn on Mull Concert Full details to be announced. 7:30pm £TBC; Main Hall

29 June NON JOVI IN CONCERT Full details to be announced. 7:30pm £8.00/£6.00; Main Hall

Corran Halls Activity Report Last updated: 28/10/2003 Page 158

APPENDIX 2 Conferences / Meetings - May & June 2002 6/7/8th May Development Partners training course/meeting 9th May Palestinian Solidarity Campaign 15th May Argyll & Clyde Health Board Maternity Seminar 16th may Job Evaluation Line Managers Training 25th May Eileen Rae Arts Training Session 10th June Scottish Natural Heritage 26th June Highlands and Islands Enterprise 3 Aug HIE meeting 10 Aug HIE meeting 14 Aug HIE meeting 17 Aug HIE meeting 23/24 Aug Wedding 4/6 Sept LIDGH – Surgical conference 18 Oct Wedding 28 Oct Highlands and Islands Convention 27/28/29 Nov Development Partners meeting 22 Dec Rotary Club Conference

Forthcoming Events

3 July Royal Marines 16 July Goughman and McNeil in Concert 8/12 July Ballet West 13 July Gay Outdoor Club 20 July Ballet West 21 July Music for your Pleasure 25 July Lorne Resource Centre 26 July The Happy Gang 27 July Under 18’s Disco 2 August West Highland Yacht Club 10/14 Aug Peter Morrison 13 Aug Blood Transfusion 14 Aug Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham in Concert 21 & 22 August Oban Music Festival and piping competitions 25 Aug Music for your Pleasure 31 Aug Under 18’s Disco 7 Sept Charity Ceildh 10 Sept Scottish Ballet 15 September Jehovah Witness convention 16 – 22 Sept Spotlight Plays 21 Sept Music for your pleasure 23/24 Sept Tag Theatre 25 –28 September BBC Antiques Road Show 30 Sept – 16 Oct John Paterson Exhibition – in aid of the Dochas Fund 25 Oct Scottish Opera 26 Oct The Animals Concert 29,30,31,1,2 Nov Ballet West 8 Nov Under Milkwood 12 Nov Blood Transfusion 15 & 16 November Oban Lions Club convention 24 Nov The Happy Gang 30 Nov Argyll Animal Aid 1-7 Dec Christmas Panto 15 Dec Music for your Pleasure

Corran Halls Activity Report Last updated: 28/10/2003 Page 159 Agenda Item 4g




1.1 Approval is sought for Leisure Development Grant applications by local groups.


2.1 That the following organisations be considered for the award of grant assistance from the 2002/2003 allocation:

Project Amount Recommended cost (£) requested (£) award (£)

Isle of Seil Sports Club £4,014.55 £2,000.00 £1,500.00 Eilean Eisdeal Trust £3,410.00 £840.00 £840.00 Taynuilt Sports Club £36,000.00 £9,000.00 £5,000.00 Isle of Seil Golf Club £4,300.00 £2,300.00 £1,500.00 Oban & Lorne Strathspey & Reel £1,100.00 £550.00 £150.00 Society Luing Golden Jubilee £495.00 £115.25 £115.25 Luing History Group £451.52 £225.76 £225.76


3.1 Argyll & Bute Council has agreed that Grant Applications for organisations operating solely within the Lorn & the Isles Area Committee boundaries should be considered by this committee.

3.2 An allocation of £22,300.00 has been made for the current financial year. This is the same as that allocated during 2001/2002.

3.3 To date £0.00 has been awarded by Members for this financial year.

3.4 The total of unclaimed awards fed back into the budget to date amounts to £0.

3.5 The current balance of funds available for the remainder of this financial year therefore stands at £22,300.00


Page 160

Policy None

Financial None

Personnel None

Equal Opportunity None

For further information contact: GwilymGibbons Development Manager

Telephone 01631 567333




Applicant: Isle of Seil Sports Club Scheme: Leisure Development

Project: Support for the 21st Isle of Seil Cost: £4,014.55 Highland Games Amount Requested: £2,000.00 Grant Recommended: £1,500.00 Other Funding in Place: £2,014.55

General Criteria (Key: Y – yes; N – No; N/A – not applicable)

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives demonstrated Y Constitution/non-profit making status Y checked Applicant’s expertise & resources adequate Y Fundraising/contribution to the project Y for project Work has not started N Signed Audited Accounts checked Y Non political activity Y Bank accounts & reserves checked Y Volunteer training demonstrated N Open membership demonstrated Y Registered under 1995 Children Act N/A Sponsorship agreements checked N/A Project Consistent with Council priorities Y

Application within 50% of total costs Y Ownership/leasehold checked N/A Statutory permissions obtained N Provision for on-going running & N/A maintenance checked Three written estimates submitted N Publicity plans for A&B inclusion checked N

Additional Information

Grant represents a contribution towards essential running costs such as licenses and toilet facilities together with promotional costs. There were no Games in 2001 due to the foot and mouth outbreak. The Club exists to raise funds to further support the development of sport across the local community. Specific Criteria The Games meet the specific criteria for Leisure Development grants by having a commitment to • Community development, rural need and a demand for the project locally • Enhancement to quality of life for participants • Sustainability of its impact among local residents and impact on the local and wider community

Gwilym Gibbons Signed: Assessment Officer Page 162


Applicant: Eilean Eisdeal Trust Scheme: Leisure Development Project: To develop the existing Cost: £3,410.00 programme of arts events to Amount Requested: £840.00 coincide with the opening and Grant Recommended: £840.00 first year of the newly Other Funding in Place: £2,520.00 refurbished community hall

General Criteria (Key: Y – yes; N – No; N/A – not applicable)

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives demonstrated Y Constitution/non-profit making status checked Y Applicant’s expertise & resources adequate Y Fundraising/contribution to the project Y for project Work has not started Y Signed Audited Accounts checked Y Non political activity Y Bank accounts & reserves checked Y Volunteer training demonstrated N/A Open membership demonstrated Y Registered under 1995 Children Act N/A Sponsorship agreements checked Y Project Consistent with Council priorities Y

Project Funding Application within 50% of total costs Y Ownership/leasehold checked N/ A Statutory permissions obtained N/A Provision for on-going running & maintenance N/ checked A Three written estimates submitted N/A Publicity plans for A&B inclusion checked Y

Additional Information The Eilean Eisdeal Trust is seeking support with fees and materials for a programme of arts events targeted across the community. The grant request forms one part of a tripartite bid with the SAC and AIE. SAC funding decision due at meeting 13/05/02. Confirmation of funding from ABC will help leaver funding from SAC. The Eilean Eisdeal Trust successfully received a National Lottery Community Fund Grant of £667,000 for the refurbishment of the islands community hall. The Arts programme hopes to maximize the use the use of this new improved facility and build on the history of ABC grant supported activity over the last 3 years. Specific Criteria The Festival meets the specific criteria for Leisure Development grants by having a commitment to; • Attracting inward investment • Community development, Rural need and a demand for the project locally • Enhancement to quality of life for participants Sustainability of its impact among local residents and impact on the local and wider community.

Signed: Gwilym Gibbons Assessment Officer Page 164


Applicant: Taynuilt Sports Club Scheme: Leisure Development

Project: Conversion of tennis court to all Cost: £36,000.00 weather floodlit and fenced astro Amount Requested: £9,000.00 turf facility to support a range of Grant Recommended: £5,000.00 sports events for teenage Other Funding in Place: £27,000.00 residents

General Criteria (Key: Y – yes; N – No; N/A – not applicable)

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives demonstrated Y Constitution/non-profit making status Y checked Applicant’s expertise & resources adequate Y Fundraising/contribution to the project Y for project Work has not started Y Signed Audited Accounts checked Y Non political activity Y Bank accounts & reserves checked Y Volunteer training demonstrated N Open membership demonstrated Y Registered under 1995 Children Act N Sponsorship agreements checked Project Consistent with Council priorities Y

Project Funding Application within 50% of total costs Y Ownership/leasehold checked N Statutory permissions obtained N Provision for on-going running & N maintenance checked Three written estimates submitted N Publicity plans for A&B inclusion checked N

Additional Information Of the £27000 obtained from other sources £4400 is being contributed by the group itself with £22600 cuurently under application to 3 groups: Sport Scotland (£18000), AIE (£3600) and Argyll and Bute Trust (£1000). This project builds on past developments undertaken by the club including floodlighting of car park area and drainage to the sports field. Specific Criteria The project meets the specific criteria for Leisure Development grants by having a commitment to; • Community development, Rural need and a demand for the project locally • Enhancement to quality of life for participants • Sustainability of its impact among local residents and impact on the local and wider community.

Gwilym Gibbons Signed: Assessment Officer Page 166


Applicant: Isle of Seil Golf Club Scheme: Leisure Development

Project: Purchase of additional tractor Cost: £4,300.00 and mower for maintenance of Amount Requested: £2,300.00 course Grant Recommended: £1,500.00 Other Funding in Place: £2,000.00

General Criteria (Key: Y – yes; N – No; N/A – not applicable)

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives demonstrated N Constitution/non-profit making status Y checked Applicant’s expertise & resources adequate Y Fundraising/contribution to the project Y for project Work has not started N Signed Audited Accounts checked Y Non political activity Y Bank accounts & reserves checked Y Volunteer training demonstrated N/A Open membership demonstrated Y Registered under 1995 Children Act N/A Sponsorship agreements checked N/A Project Consistent with Council priorities Y

Application within 50% of total costs N Ownership/leasehold checked N/A Statutory permissions obtained N/A Provision for on-going running & N maintenance checked Three written estimates submitted N Publicity plans for A&B inclusion checked N/A

Additional Information

Received grant of £900 in 2000 to purchase one grasscutter for course. Already own one tractor but require second model for periods when first is in repair and to cover specific areas such softer parts of green. Have recently received one donated mower but aim to buy this second mower which is in better condition. Specific Criteria The equipment purchase meets the specific criteria for Leisure Development grants by having a commitment to; • Community development, Rural need and a demand for the project locally • Enhancement to quality of life for participants • Sustainability of its impact among local residents and impact on the local and wider community

Gwilym Gibbons Signed: Assessment Officer Page 168


Applicant: Oban and Lorne Strathspey and Scheme: Leisure Development Reel Society Project: Support for 2002 Fiddlers Rally in Cost: £1,100.00 The Corran Halls Amount Requested: £550.00 Grant Recommended: £150.00 Other Funding in Place: £550.00

General Criteria (Key: Y – yes; N – No; N/A – not applicable)

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives demonstrated N Constitution/non-profit making status Y checked Applicant’s expertise & resources adequate Y Fundraising/contribution to the project Y for project Work has not started N Signed Audited Accounts checked N Non political activity Y Bank accounts & reserves checked Y Volunteer training demonstrated N Open membership demonstrated Y Registered under 1995 Children Act N/A Sponsorship agreements checked N/A Project Consistent with Council priorities Y

Application within 50% of total costs Y Ownership/leasehold checked N/A Statutory permissions obtained N/A Provision for on-going running & N/A maintenance checked Three written estimates submitted N Publicity plans for A&B inclusion checked N

Additional Information

Funds are required for venue hire and repairs to tiered performance decks. Specific Criteria The Rally meets the specific criteria for Leisure Development grants by having a commitment to; • Community development, Rural need and a demand for the project locally • Enhancement to quality of life for participants • Sustainability of its impact among local residents and impact on the local and wider community

Gwilym Gibbons Signed: Assessment Officer Page 170


Applicant: Luing Golden Jubilee Scheme: Leisure Development Celebrations Project: One off event to celebrate Cost: £495.00 Queen’s Golden Jubilee Amount Requested: £115.25 comprising cricket match, stalls Grant Recommended: £115.25 and ceilidh Subject to confirmation of a constituted body to administrate grant support Other Funding in Place: £380.00

General Criteria (Key: Y – yes; N – No; N/A – not applicable)

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives demonstrated Y Constitution/non-profit making status N checked Applicant’s expertise & resources adequate Y Fundraising/contribution to the project Y for project Work has not started N Signed Audited Accounts checked N/A Non political activity Y Bank accounts & reserves checked N/A Volunteer training demonstrated Open membership demonstrated Y Registered under 1995 Children Act N/A Sponsorship agreements checked N Project Consistent with Council priorities Y

Project Funding Application within 50% of total costs Y Ownership/leasehold checked N/A Statutory permissions obtained Y Provision for on-going running & N/A maintenance checked Three written estimates submitted N/A Publicity plans for A&B inclusion checked N

Additional Information The application has been submitted by an unconstituted group and the two organisers currently have no bank account within which to hold funds. They have however been given the responsibility of organizing celebrations by Luing Community Council. Any grant award will need to be administered by the Community Council. Specific Criteria The event meets the specific criteria for Leisure Development grants by having a commitment to; • Community development, Rural need and a demand for the project locally • Enhancement to quality of life for participants

Gwilym Gibbons Signed: Assessment Officer Page 172


Applicant: Luing History Group Scheme: Leisure Development Project: Resources to support a two day Cost: £451.52 historical exhibition on the island Amount Requested: £225.76 in August 2002. Exhibition will Grant Recommended: £225.76 offer an insight into past island Other Funding in Place: £225.76 life

General Criteria (Key: Y – yes; N – No; N/A – not applicable)

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives demonstrated Y Constitution/non-profit making status Y checked Applicant’s expertise & resources adequate Y Fundraising/contribution to the project Y for project Work has not started N Signed Audited Accounts checked Y Non political activity Y Bank accounts & reserves checked Y Volunteer training demonstrated N Open membership demonstrated Y Registered under 1995 Children Act N/A Sponsorship agreements checked N/A Project Consistent with Council priorities Y

Project Funding Application within 50% of total costs Y Ownership/leasehold checked N/A Statutory permissions obtained N/A Provision for on-going running & N/A maintenance checked Three written estimates submitted N Publicity plans for A&B inclusion checked Y

Additional Information Funds are required to purchase display boards and associated exhibition costs. In 2001 the group purchased a laminator to assist in the long term preservation of exhibition items and this event builds on that investment. Specific Criteria The event meets the specific criteria for Leisure Development grants by having a commitment to; • Attracting inward investment • Community development, Rural need and a demand for the project locally • Enhancement to quality of life for participants • Sustainability of its impact among local residents and impact on the local and wider community.

Gwilym Gibbons Signed: Assessment Officer Page 174

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Applicant: 2nd & 5th Oban Brownies Scheme: Education development Project: To help finance a trip to Paris Cost: £10,265 where the group will meet Requested: £1000 Brownies from Paris and visit Recommended £1000 a number of historic sites. Other Funding: Common Good Fund & individual contributions (£125 per person) & group fund-raisers.

General Criteria - (Key: Y – Yes; N – No; N/A – Not Applicable) SMART Objectives demonstrated Y Constitution/non-profit making status Y checked Applicant’s expertise & resources Y Fundraising/contribution to the project Y adequate for project Work has not started on project Y Audited Accounts checked Y

Non-political activity Y Bank accounts & reserves checked Y

Volunteer training demonstrated Y Open membership demonstrated Y

Registered under Children Act N/A Sponsorship agreements checked N/A 1989 Project is consistent with Council Y priorities

Project Funding Application within 50% Y Ownership/leasehold checked N/A Of total costs Statutory permissions obtained. N/A Provision for on-going running & N/A maintenance checked Three written estimates submitted N/A Publicity plans for A&B inclusion N checked

Additional Information To date the group has raised £2391.40 towards the cost of the Paris trip. This has been through holding car boot sales and discos and selling hampers (£666.40) ; collecting deposits (£1125) and £600 in grants / donations ( £500 common good fund and £100 from Royal bank). The remaining individual contributions will total £4500. This leaves £3373 to be raised before November 2002. If this application is successful it will reduce this to £2373 and the group plan to hold more discos and a balloon race to meet this target.

Specific Criteria This project involves assisting young people to work in partnership with adults to fund raise for this trip. The trip itself will be educational in that it will broaden the participants’ knowledge of other cultures and lifestyles and will give them a first taste of life in the Euro zone. Through meeting up with Parisienne brownies, the Oban group will be able to gain an insight into life in another country, which will hopefully stimulate an interest in travel and exploration throughout their adult lives.

Signed: ______

assessment form 14.02.02 Page 178

assessment form 14.02.02 Page 179 Page 180

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1. Summary

This report gives details of the proposed Road Maintenance Work Programme for 2002/03 including proposals for using the Oban Lorn and Isles share of additional funding provided for roads maintenance by the Scottish Executive, and preliminary proposals for spending the anticipated surplus in the car parking operation.

2. Recommendations

2.1 That the Committee agree the proposed programme in Appendix A.

2.2 That the Committee approves the proposals in Appendix B for utilising the additional £180,000 received from the Scottish Executive.

2.3 That the Committee notes the routine and winter allocations in Appendix B.

2.4 That the Committee approves in principle the proposals in 3.3.1 for utilising the possible surplus in the car parking operation.

3. Background

3.1 On April, 3 2002 I presented to the Committee my proposed Road Maintenance Works Programme. As no decision had been taken on how most of the additional Scottish Executive funding was to be apportioned the programme included only proposals for only £90,000 of this funding to be used for surface dressing. It has now been confirmed that this Area’s allocation is £180,000 and full proposals for utilising this are shown in Appendix B.

3.2 Much of the routine and winter maintenance is reactive, i.e. we react to potholes, floods or snow. The figures given in Appendix C allow for an average year with some additional funds for patching, ditching and scrub clearance.

3.3.1 On 6 February 2002 the Committee agreed that initial proposals for utilising the Area parking surplus should be considered in early summer. Proposals are given in Appendix C. It should be noted that these are rough budget estimates only as a significant amount of design work will have to be carried out before accurate estimates can be produced. If Members approve the proposals in principle, design work will be carried out and more detailed estimates calculated. As we do not yet know what the surplus will be the projects are listed in order of priority.

The proposed projects are:- Airds Crescent, Oban – traffic management and streetscape £20,000 Crossapol, Tiree – upgrade traffic calming £20,000 Benderloch Car Park – resurface £30,000

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3.3.2 Traffic calming measures installed some years ago in Crossapol, Isle of Tiree are effective but unsightly. Now that they have operated for a number of years I propose to upgrade them so that they enhance rather than reduce amenity.

3.3.3 Traffic management works in Airds Crescent will complement other proposals to repair the retaining wall and to improve road safety and amenity. They will include the introduction of on street charging which will help to repay this investment.

3.3.4 The car park and bus turning circle in Benderloch were constructed with unbound surfaces not to be adopted by the Roads Authority. Maintenance responsibility was accepted by the Planning Department of the former District Council. The problems anticipated from unbound surfaces have occurred with numerous complaints resulting. I propose to upgrade the area to a standard suitable for adoption and thereafter to manage and maintain the car park along with my Department’s other car parks.

3.4 At the April meeting the Member for Tiree and Coll expressed concern at the absence of proposals for his Ward. As explained at that meeting mobilisation costs on Coll and Tiree are high. Therefore major maintenance works can only be cost effectively carried out on Tiree by carrying out a large programme every few years. Members should note that I plan to bring forward surface dressing proposals for next year.

For further information or clarification of any matter contained within this report please contact Neil Brown on 01631 562125 Page 183 NOT FOR PUBLICATION by virtue of paragraph(s) 13 Agenda Item 8a of Schedule 7A of the Local Government(Scotland) Act 1973

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