Haunted House Encounter Tables

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Haunted House Encounter Tables Haunted House Encounter Tables VGtM = Volo's Guide to Monsters Haunted Garden (Levels 1-4) Mansions, ruined temples, abandoned fortresses... d4+d6 2 1d3 mimics disguised as garden benches Haunted House (Levels 1-4) 3 1 water weird using a pond or fountain as their home d8+d12 4 1 scarecrow or 1 slithering tracker (VGtM) 2 1 vampire spawn 5 1 druid and 1 awakened shrub. The gardener and their assistant 3 1 ghost 6 1d4+1 twig blights and 1d3 vine blights 4 1d2 ogres chopping up bodies 7 1 wererat (or other shapechanger) acting as the old gardener 5 1d3 imps or roll on Gremlins and Goblins 8 2d4 giant weasels or 1 swarm of rot grubs (VGtM) 6 1d4 ghouls or 1 banderhobb (VGtM) 9 1d3 gargoyles 7 1d3 gargoyles or roll on Haunted Garden 10 2d4 animated garden implements (flying sword stats) 8 1 berserker with a wild look in their eyes 9 1d3 mimics disguised as furniture or roll on Haunted Garden 10 2d6 giant rats or roll on Vermin Encounters 11 1 doppelganger dressed as a butler 12 2d4 bandits led by 1 bandit captain taking refuge here 13 1 rug of smothering or 2d4 boggles (VGtM) 14 1 poltergeist or roll on Restless Spirits 15 1d4 giant spiders or roll on Spider Encounters 2d4 goblins (or roll on Gremlins and Goblins) using a warren of 16 secret passages 17 1d3 animated armors 18 2d4 flying swords or 1d3 ghasts 19 1 helmed horror 20 1 flesh golem Haunted House (Levels 5-10) d4+d6 Gremlins and Goblins (Levels 1-4) 2 1 chain devil 3 1d3 invisible stalkers Pests and sneaks infesting the walls, roof, basement and hidden crannies of the building 4 1 mage with 1d3 flesh golems 5 1d3 invisible stalkers haunting a particular room or area d4+d6 6 1 oni disguised as a servant 2 1d4 dretches led by 1 imp or 1d4 kobold inventors (VGtM) 7 1d2 cloakers or 1 necromancer (VGtM) just having a look around 3 1d4 sprites and 1d4 pixies or 1d4 goblins and 1 nilbog (VGtM) 8 1 assassin 4 2d4 homonculi with 1 faerie dragon (red, yellow or orange) 9 2d6 cultists led by 1d4+1 cult fanatic looking for secret tunnels 5 1d4 quasits or 1d4+1 darklings (VGtM) 10 1 spirit naga making use of secret tunnels 6 2d4 goblins or 2d4 xvarts (VGtM) 7 1d4+1 mephits (mix of different types) or 2d4 boggles (VGtM) 8 2d4+4 kobolds or twig blights 9 1d4 winged kobolds led by 1d2 imps 10 1d6 magmins or 1d3 meenlocks (VGtM) Spider Encounters (Levels 1-4) d4+d6 2 1d2 phase spiders 3 1 ettercap and 1d2 giant spiders 4 1 imp (in spider form) and 1d4 giant wolf spiders 5 1d3 swarms of insects (spiders) and 1d2 giant spiders 6 1d4 giant spiders or 1d4+1 chitines (VGtM) Sample7 2d4 giant wolf spiders file 8 1d3 ettercaps or 1 choldrith (VGtM) with 1 swarm of insects (spiders) 9 1 phase spider and 1d3 giant wolf spiders 10 1 ettercap with 1 imp (in spider form) 2 Sites of the Dead Graveyards, battlefields, tombs, catacombs, memorial Restless Spirits (Levels 1-4) gardens... d4+d6 2 1 wraith 3 1 shadow demon 4 1d3 poltergeists 5 1d4+1 shadows 6 1d4 specters 7 1 ghost 8 1d2 animated armors and 1d4 flying swords 9 1d3 will-o'-wisps 10 1 banshee Restless Dead (Levels 1-4) d4+d6 2 1 vampire spawn or 1 spawn of kyuss (VGtM) 3 1d3 skeletons mounted on skeleton warhorses 4 1d3 ogre zombies Sites of the Dead (Levels 1-4) 5 1d3 ghouls with 2d4 crawling claws 6 1d4 skeletons and 1d4 zombies d8+d12 7 1d2 wights or mummies 2 1 wraith who acts as if owns area and give intruders a chance to leave 8 1 ghast with 1d4 zombies 3 1 priest (animate dead instead of dispel magic) with 1d4+1 skeletons 9 1 flameskull or 2d4 gnoll witherlings (VGtM) 4 1d4 giant vultures or roll on Scavengers and Vermin 10 1 revenant 5 1 werewolf appearing as a priest or caretaker 6 2d4 skeletons or roll on Restless Dead 7 1d4+1 swarms of ravens or roll on Scavengers and Vermin 8 1 ghost or roll on Restless Spirits 9 1 priest with 1d4 acolytes and 1d4 commoner performing a funeral 10 1d4 specters or roll on Restless Spirits 11 1d4+1 thugs robbing graves for bodies or burial goods) 12 2d4 commoners with 1d4 mastiffs mourning lost relatives 13 1d4 ghouls have just dug up a recently buried coffin or body 1 cult fanatic and 1d4+1 cultists (or roll on Cultists lvl 1-4 performing 14 a dark ritual 15 2d4 zombies, only been dead for a week or two 16 1 veteran and 1d3 guards claiming to be vampire hunters) 17 1d3 wights or roll on Restless Dead 18 1d2 mimics disguised as tombstones 19 1 bone naga 20 1 revenant Sites of the Dead (Levels 5-10) d4+d6 2 1 treant protecting area but driven insane from speaking with spirits 3 1 mage and 2d4 thugs gathering parts for a flesh golem Scavengers and Vermin (Levels 1-4) 4 2d6 ghouls and 1d4+1 ghasts or 1d2 bodaks (VGtM) d4+d6 5 1 mage (animate dead instead of fireball) and 2d6 zombies 2 1d4 swarms of Bats and 1d4 giant Bats 6 2d4 wights protecting tomb where their commander is laid to rest 3 1d3 ankhegs or carrion crawlers 7 1 stone golem guarding an ornate altar or 1d4 spawn of kyuss (VGtM) 4 1d3 swarms of insects 1d3 githzerai zerths maintaining a strange silent vigil or 1 blackguard 8 (VGtM) and roll on Restless Spirits 5 1d4 giant vultures 9 Sample1d4 wraiths or 1 brooding necromancer (VGtM) 6 1d4 swarms of rats and 1 d6+1 giafilent rats 1 death slaad with 1d6 commoners infected with slaad tadpoles about 7 2d6 giant weasels 10 to hatch (see Red Slaad description) 8 1d4 swarms of ravens with 1 imp (in raven form) 9 1 ghoul and 1d4 giant centipedes 10 1 wererat and 1d4 giant rats or 1 swarm of cranium rats (VGtM) 3 Evil Cults The cults can be combined with other tables such as undead allies, base in a mansion or feywild allies Cultists (Levels 1-4) d8+d12 2 1d2 half-ogres with 1d4 cultists and 1d2 acolytes 3 1d4 acolytes with 1 priest and 2d4 zombies 4 1d2 cult fanatics with 1d6 tribal Warriors 5 1d4 cultist with... 1d2 grells or roll on Tentacles and Snakes 6 1 cult fanatic with 1d4 skeletons in hooded robes 7 1d4 bandits with 1d4 kuo-toa and 1 giant frog 8 1d4 cultists and 1d4 kenku or roll on Tentacles and Snakes 1d3 spies and 2d4 commoners or roll on Tricksters and 9 Shapechangers 10 2d4 bandits with 1 priest and 1d4 commoners 11 2d4 cultists with 1 cult fanatic or 1 warlock of the archfey (VGtM) 12 2d4 acolytes with 1 spy or roll on Tricksters and Shapechangers 1d2 cult fanatics with 2d6 commoners or 2d4 apprentice wizards 13 (VGtM) led by 1 illusionist (VGtM) 14 1d6 acolytes with... 1d3 intellect devourers or Roll on Weird Things 15 1d2 thugs and 2d4 cultists or roll on Fiendish Allies Tentacles and Snakes (Levels 1-4) 16 2d4 guards and 1d4 acolytes or Roll on Weird Things d4+d6 1d2 yuan-ti purebloods with 1d4+1 commoners, each carrying a giant 17 2 1d2 yuan-ti malisons poisonous snake 3 1d3 carrion crawlers 18 1d6 bandits and 1d4 kenku with 1 scout 4 1d2 grells or 1d3 yuan-ti broodguard (VGtM) 19 1d6 cultists with... 1 succubus / incubus or roll on Fiendish Allies 5 1d3 giant constrictor snakes 20 1 bandit captain with 2d4 cultists and 1 slaad tadpole 6 1 yuan-ti pureblood with 1d4+1 giant poisonous snakes Cultists (Levels 5-10) 7 1d3 swarms of poisonous snakes 8 1d2 displacer beasts d4+d6 9 1d3 gricks or 1 yuan-ti nightmare speaker (VGtM) 1d3+1 druids with 2d4 scouts and 2d4 cultists they have prisoners 2 10 1 bone Naga or 1 roper they are planning to take to a stone circle 1 assassin and 2d4 cultists or 1 neogi master (VGtM) with 1d4 evil 3 bards (VGtM) and 2d4 spies Tricksters & Shapechangers (Levels 1-4) 4 1 medusa with 1d4+1 cult fanatics and 2d4 cockatrices d4+d6 1d2 priests and 1d4+1 acolytes with 2d4 berserkers or 1 warlock of the 5 2 1 intellect devourer in a humanoid host great old one (VGtM) with 2d6 cultists and roll on Weird Things 3 1 werewolf 1d4+1 cult Fanatics and 2d6+6 cultists with 2d4 thugs or 1 warlock of 6 4 1 doppelganger the fiend (VGtM) with 2d6 acolytes and roll on Fiendish Allies 5 1 wererat 7 2d4 doppelgangers led by 1 noble or 1 conjurer (VGtM) with 2d4 thugs 6 1 spy 8 1d4 cult fanatics led by 1 cambion with 1d4 bearded devils 7 1 jackalwere or 1 illusionist (VGtM) 9 1 mindflayer with 2d6 lizardfolk all dressed in concealing red robes) 8 1 green hag 2d4 wererats and 1 kuo-toa archpriest with a sewer or underground 10 9 1 succubus / incubus base 10 1 night hag Fiendish Allies (Levels 1-4) Weird Things (Levels 1-4) d4+d6 d4+d6 2 1 shadow demon 2 1 otyugh 3 1d2 nightmares or 1 babau (VGtM) 3 1d2 xorns or 1 chuul 4 1d4 bearded devils or 1 barghest (VGtM) 4 1d3 ochre jellies or 1d2 neogi (VGtM) 5 2d4 dretches 5 1d3 gibbering mouthers or 1d2 flail snails (VGtM) 6 1d4 imps 6 1d2 spectators 7 Sample1d3 spined devils or 1d4 vargouilles (VGtM) 7 1d3 intellect devourers file 8 1d3 hell hounds 8 1d2 quadrone modrons with 1d4 duodrone modrons 9 1 succubus / incubus or 1d4 maw demons (VGtM) 9 1 flameskull or 1 deep scion (VGtM) 10 1 cambion 10 1 umber hulk 4 Gloomy Woods Places of eternal twilight, wolf howls, malevolent fey and Murky Swamp Encounters (Levels 1-4) dangerous strangers d4+d6 Gloomy Woods - Low (Levels 1-4) 2 1 sea hag or 1 catoblepas (VGtM) 3 1d2 crocodiles led by 1 awakened crocodile d8+d12 1d4 bullywugs and 1d2 lizardfolk looking for something to cook in a 2 1 shambling mound or 1 wood woad (VGtM) 4 large cauldron 3 1d2 werewolves or 1d3 meenlocks (VGtM) 5 1 wights with 1d3 skeletons or roll on Restless Dead 4 1 banshee or roll on Restless Spirits 6 1d3 swarms of snakes or 1 leucrotta (VGtM) 5 1d2 druids with 1 giant goat, preparing to sacrifice the goat 7 1d3 will-'o-wisps 6 1 ettercap and 1d3 giant spiders or roll on Trickster Fey 8 1 giant toad with 1d4 mud mephits, try to lure creatures into quicksand 7 1d3 gricks or roll on Murky Swamp Encounters 9
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