Volume 2, Issue 27 24 September 2016

Armenian Church News

Diocese of the Armenian Church in the United Kingdom and Ireland

Prayer for the Republic on the 25th Anniversary of Independence of

In this issue:

Prayer for the Republic of Armenia

ACT UK and Parish


25th Anniversary of Armenia ’s Independence: Special Events

Coptic Orthodox Centre On 20 September, on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Independence of Holy Cross of Varag the Republic of Armenia, a Prayer for the Republic was offered in the St. Mother Cathedral of under the presidency of

His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme and of All ; and Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia. In attendance was Mr. , President of the Republic of Armenia.

Also present for the service were Mr. Galust Sahakyan, National Assembly President of Armenia; Mr. Gagik Harutyunyan, President of the Republic of

Diocese of the Armenian Armenia Constitutional Court; members of the Brotherhood of the Mother See Church of the United of Holy Etchmiadzin and the Great House of Cilicia, state officials, Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland representatives from civil society, and guests.

His Grace Bishop Hovakim Manukyan, Primate His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians;

and His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia; entered the Diocesan Office Tel. 0208 127 8364 church led by a clerical procession and stopped to pay their respects to the primatesoffice@ relics of St. Gregory the Illuminator, which is enclosed in a reliquary in the armenianchurch.co.uk church narthex. Then, accompanied by 14 bishops, His Holiness Karekin II and Catholicos Aram I blessed the faithful people and ascended to the Holy Armenian Church News

Altar. There they offered a Prayer for the Republic, for the strength and vibrancy of Armenia and a peaceful and prosperous life for the Nation.

During the service, the Pontiff of All Armenians, and the Catholicos of the Great

House of Cilicia, knelt at the Holy Altar and read the "I thank thee," prayer, asking God to keep our statehood and Homeland strong under His Holy Right Hand. (http://www.armenianchurch.org/index.jsp?sid=3&nid=3285&y=2016&m=8&d=20)

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-ewFFCv0sg&feature=youtu.be

Meetings of the Armenian Church Trust UK and Parish Chairs

On Saturday, 17th September, Bishop Hovakim Manukyan presided over a meeting of the ACT UK Executive Committee. They discussed the role of the EC, amongst other matters. Bishop Hovakim and members of EC thanked the

Primate’s Office book-keeper, Koko Sabounjian, for his detailed financial report. The Primate reported on different initiatives and projects planned under the auspices of ACT UK.

In the afternoon, there was a meeting of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Parishes of St. Sarkis, St. Yeghiche, Birmingham and Dublin. Manchester Parish sent their apologies. They discussed the Bishop’s Mid-Term Report (which can be viewed on our website: http://armeniandiocese.org.uk/bishop-hovakim-

manukyans-mid-term-report) and the progress of the Working Group on Diocesan Bylaws. Further recommendations were given to the Working Group. 2

Armenian Church News

Community Life th Events to Celebrate the 25 Anniversary of

Armenia’s Independence

On the evening of Saturday, 17th September Bishop Hovakim attended a concert organised by the Armenian Community Council in St. Yeghiche Church to

celebrate the anniversary of the Independence of Armenia. He made a speech and blessed all those present.

On Sunday, 18th September, he visited Akhtamar Dance group in Acton and met with the boys and girls while they were doing training and rehearsals. He


Armenian Church News

thanked them for their support at the Armenian Street Festival and also encouraged the teachers to continue their good job.

On the evening of Wednesday, 21st September he attended a concert at Ealing Town Hall, organised by the Tekeyan Cultural Assocation.

On Friday, 23rd September, he visited the CAIA Hayashen, where he shared a lunch with the senior citizens, and in the evening attended Gala Dinner- Dance at the Copthorne Tara Hotel to celebrate Armenian Independence Day, organised by the ACC.


Armenian Church News

Ecumenical Life A Visit to the Coptic Orthodox Centre

On Monday, 19th September, the Primate, along with Raffi Tanielian and Dickran Bedrossian (members of the ACT UK Executive Committee) visited the Coptic Orthodox Centre in Stevenage and met with Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK.

The primary goal of the visit was to get acquainted and learn more about the activities of the Coptic Orthodox Church and Centre.

Shephalbury Manor and its grounds have been home to The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre in the United Kingdom for over two decades. The beautiful Victorian gothic manor which was built in 1865 now stands alongside the newly- constructed Coptic Orthodox Cathedral of Saint George, the first purpose-built Coptic Orthodox place of worship in the United Kingdom, and the first Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Europe. The Cathedral presents a delightful meeting point between ancient and contemporary Coptic design and culture set within a British context.

On Wednesday, 12th October, Bishop Hovakim will be hosting a meeting of the Kensington Council of Bishops at St. Sarkis Church. 5

Armenian Church News

Spiritual Life The Holy Cross of Varag

Western porch of the Holy Cross Monastery of

Varag, on Mount Varag, near the city of Van

On Sunday, 25th September, the Armenian Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Cross of Varag. It is a celebration of the discovery of a true piece of the cross, on which Jesus was crucified, in the Church of Varag, Western Armenia.

According to tradition, in the 3rd century, St. Hripsime and her companions brought a relic of the Holy Cross to Mt. Varag when they sought refuge from persecution, and left it to the local priests for protection.

The location of the relic remained unknown until the 7th century, when a monk by the name of Teotig had a vision of a cathedral with twelve pillars on the summit of Mt. Varag. In the midst of the cathedral was a radiating cross. The cross slowly descended down the mountain and rested over the altar of

the monastery of Varag. Teotig and his student Hovel rushed to the church and found that the vision revealed the location of the relic of the Holy Cross that St. Hripsime entrusted to the priests!

Catholicos St. Nersess the Builder certified its authenticity, and ordered that

the Armenian Church dedicate the third Sunday of the Cross to venerating the Holy Cross of Varag, although today, the location of the relic remains unknown.


Armenian Church News

The hymn sung during the Morning Service of the Armenian Church on the Feast of Varag speaks of the significance of the cross of Jesus Christ to our Christian faith. (Translated by: V. Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan)

You shined today the light of your unspeakable divinity upon the Cross, On the Mount of Varag. Blessed is the Lord God of our Fathers!

You made known today the appearance of your awe-inspiring second coming,

By the sign of your Cross, beaming it on earth. Blessed is the Lord God of our Fathers!

You gave a sign to those who fear, and a weapon against the enemy. With it, protect those who believe in your holy name. Blessed is the Lord God of our Fathers!

He adorned today the sign of the Cross, With a heavenly light brighter than the sun. Bless the Lord and exalt him forever!

He revealed today the redemptive sign to the angels, By descending to the Mount of Varag. Blessed is the Lord God of our Fathers!

Come all you saved by the life-giving Cross,

Bowing down to Christ our Saviour upon it. Blessed is the Lord God of our Fathers!

The cross... What was once looked upon as a torture device and instrument of death is now gazed upon as the source of healing and life. Through the eyes of faith, the mystery of the cross transforms our tragedies into blessing. Lord, we believe; help our unbelief!

Matthew 24:30-36: “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all

these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. 7

Armenian Church News


Armenian Church News


Armenian Church News

A Message from the Primates Office: It was a joyous experience for all of us to be involved with ASF 2016. We thank you all volunteers and donors who help us to implement it and carry out our mission and activities. This includes our daily routine work in the office, producing the weekly e-newsletter, maintaining the website, preparing audio and

video materials, doing charity work, fostering ecumenical relations and implementing other projects such as mission parish outreach programmes, pilgrimages and day trips organised by Primate’s Office Ladies Committee, workshops, and youth ministry, all for the benefit of the UK Armenian community. These projects would not be possible without your kind donations.

Your donations are highly appreciated and greatly essential to continue our mission. For more details, please, see the ACT UK website http://www.armenianchurchtrust.org.uk/ or visit our website armeniandiocese.org.uk. For specific questions please contact the Primates Office at: [email protected] Armenian Church Trust UK Account 205 73160 Sort Code 30 94 65

Please remember us in your wills. Thank you.


Armenian Church News


Armenian Church News

Upcoming Events

DIOCESAN PROGRAMMES Forthcoming Events in September and October 2016

Fundraising Dinner

Saturday, 12th November at the Tara Copthorne Hotel The Primate’s Office Ladies Committee have planned a fundraiser in aid of restoration of the Tomb of our Lord Jesus Christ at the Holy Sepulchre Church in Jerusalem. For more information and to book tickets (£50 per person), please phone Jeanine 07950 305336 or Karine 07515 336637. Please see flyer on page 10 in this issue for more details.

Bible Studies Every Thursday, at St. Sarkis Church Gulbenkian Hall led by the Primate and the clergy of the Diocese Next dates: September 29th , October 6th, 13th Studies are an important part of the church’s ministry as they provide opportunities for the faithful and those who are interested and curious to have a deeper understanding of Christianity and to ask questions about their faith, beliefs

and concerns. During Bible studies we make observations (what do passages in the Bible say?), provide interpretation (what do they mean?) and ask how applicable these passages are to our lives today. Open to everyone.

Every first Thursday of each month, there will be a lecture series regarding ethical matters and the Armenian Church such as baptism, marriage, mixed-marriages, cremation, the differences between churches, etc.

Deacons Training Programme Every Saturday evening in St. Sarkis Church

Feast of and Blessing of Students in St. Yeghiche Church Sunday, 9th October Liturgy at 11:00am St. Yeghiche

The Holy Translators are St. Mesrop Mashtots and St. Sahav Partev, who translated the scriptures into Armenian in the 5th century and laid the foundations of . St. Yeghiche was also one of the Holy Translators and disciple of St. Sahak, and for this reason, a special blessing of students will be held in St. Yeghiche Church, followed by a social gathering for young people at the Armenian Vicarage at 1:30pm, hosted by Bishop Hovakim. All students and young people are welcome.

Lectures by Dr. Tom Samuelian 23rd and 25th November, Gulbenkian Hall, 7:30pm Dr. Samuelian, Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences at the American University of Armenia will be delivering two lectures, entitled: Wednesday, 23rd November: "Narek: Doctor of the Universal Church" - a talk about

the significance of the Pope's designation for Christianity and for the Armenian 12

Armenian Church News

Church and people. Friday, 25th November: "The Global Threat of Impunity for Genocide" - a talk about

why impunity for the Armenian and other genocides poses a real and present danger to humanity.

Pilgrimage to Holy Land January 2017

Prayer Intentions for


September is the beginning of

schools and universities. We pray that opportunities for education may increase for all young people

and may they have successes in their studies


The main objective of the diocesan e- newsletter is to serve and reach out to Armenians throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. The community members and organisations are welcome to send

their announcements for the e- newsletter, including information not only about public events but also about important family events such as christening, matrimony or passing away.


Armenian Church News

Worship Services in the Armenian Churches

Services are held in the Armenian Churches in London every Sunday starting at 11:00 am. In Manchester, there is a service on the 1st Sunday of the month. For further details, please contact the parish nearest to you:

Holy Trinity Armenian Church St. Sarkis Church St. Yeghiche Cathedral 229 Upper Brook Street Iverna Gardens 13b Cranley Gardens

Manchester, M13 0FY Kensington, London, W8 6TP Kensington, London SW7 3BB Tel: 0161 273 1074 Tel: 020 7937 0152 Tel: 020 7373 8133

www.armenianchurchmanchester.org/ http://www.stsarkisparish.co.uk http://www.styeghiche.org.uk/ st 1 SUNDAY OF THE MONTH

Other Parishes of our Diocese:

Cardiff - Tel: + 44 771 279 2304, +44 2920779248. [email protected]

Dublin - Tel: +44 2891 863559. http://www.armenians.ie/

Birmingham – Tel: +44 121 675 1469. St John’s Church, Stratford Road, Birmingham, B11 4EA Oxford - Tel: +44 7810 490242. [email protected]

Editorial Committee:

His Grace Bishop Hovakim We invite those who have questions or wish to gain deeper understanding Manukyan, Primate of the faith, moral discernment, teachings and traditions of the Armenian Church to contact the Office of the Diocese of the Armenian Church in Garen Arevian United Kingdom and Ireland: Lena Boghossian Hovik Hovhannisyan The Primate’s Office Aznive Simon c/o The Armenian Vicarage Gagik Stepan-Sarkissian Iverna Gardens Sossi Yerissian London, W8 6TP or email: [email protected]