The Parish of St Matthew & with Llanwynno

St Gwynno’s Church

Christ Church St Luke’s Church

The Annual Report of the Parochial Church Council for the year ended 31st December 2014

page page 2 Description of the Benefice The Benefice is situated towards the North of the town of Pontypridd covering the areas of Trallwn, Cilfynydd, and Llanwynno. The Benefice comprises three churches: St Luke’s in Cilfynydd, St Gwynno’s in Llanwynno and Christ Church in Ynysybwl. The Benefice PCC has the responsibility for promoting the mission of the Church, finance, fabric and all other matters referred to it in accordance with the Constitution. Alongside the Benefice PCC each of the original parishes holds their own church council meetings and they manage their own finances. The Benefice share is apportioned according to the percentage of attendees. St Luke’s Cilfynydd was built in 1892 and consists of nave and chancel, with a western bellcote and a small south porch, slope, and containing a large hall, toilet block and kitchen. St Gwynno’s Church: parts of it date back to the 6th C, whilst other parts were added during the 12th C and consists of nave and chancel with a bellcote and south facing porch. Christ Church was built in 1887. In Early English Gothic style, with an apsidal chancel, vestry nave, south porch and bellcote. Built of rock faced Pennant with Bath stone dressings beneath concrete tiled roofs.

Incumbent The parish is currently without a priest in charge and is in the care of the Area Dean, Fr Michael Gable.

page 3 Bankers Lloyds Bank Barclays Bank Market Square Taff Street Pontypridd Pontypridd

Nat West Bank Santander Bank Taff Street Fraternal Parade Pontypridd Pontypridd

Independent Examiners: Gareth Owen Andrew Roberts 7 Lon Helygen Office 7, Business Development Centre Pontypridd Main Avenue Pontypridd Treforest CF37 3EQ CF37 5UR

Church Architects Caroe & Partners 98 Road Llandaff Cardiff CF5 2DT

page 4 Membership At the end of the year the following were members of the PCC Fr Michael Gable Chairman Jessica Evans Church Warden, Treasurer & Gift Aid St Luke Glynis Lloyd Church Warden & Subwarden Christ Church Christine Godfrey Secretary Elaine Rees Treasurer Moira Cuff Subwarden St Luke’s Kath Heal Subwarden St Luke’s Christine Morton Subwarden Christ Church & Child Protection Officer Marianne Jones Subwarden St Gwynno’s Howard Gray Subwarden St Gwynno’s Heather Williams Gift Aid Christ Church

Other PCC Members Sylvia Stone, Gill Mainwaring, Mary Fletcher, Pauline Troy, Norma Gardner, Maureen Fox, Jennifer Lewis, Shirley Clayton,

At the end of the year the electoral roll stood at 68 members. Average adult attendance was 31.

page 5 Review of the Year The year has been one where a lot of thinking and praying has taken place. At the beginning of the year the Diocesan Resources Officer, Richard Jones, came along on a Saturday morning to help us think and consider what stewardship is all about. Why do people give to church, there are all sorts of answers to this and every person will have a different reason. The challenge is to give people good reasons to support the work of the church and to see if people might move from being a supporter of the local church to a person who gives sacrificially. It was agreed at the Diocesan level that Pontypridd would be a place to explore Ministry Areas. This would be a pilot area along with two others, one in each archdeaconary. The discussions began in July and continued to the end of the year. 2014 finished with the anticipation of a report being presented in the early new year from the working party. Ministry Areas are a flexible concept for each locality to explore how they could work with a wider view of the Church. This might be two or more parishes sharing resources, services, clergy, Bible studies and so on. It might be two or more parishes forming a benefice or it might be two or more parishes forming a new parish together. It also allows for the ministry area to explore what ministry it feels is most appropriate to the local needs. This might be a reduction in clergy but an increase in administration or youth or children’s work. 2015 will be a year when decisions are taken about the future of the four parishes in the town of Pontypridd. This should be a positive decision to enable the Church in Pontypridd to grow as we share all that God has given to us to use. Another discussion which began towards the end of the year was the future of St Gwynno’s Church. It is acknowledged that there is much happening in the church including Nos Galon, Edward Thomas and a number of weddings amongst other activities. However it is also acknowledged that with no population it does not function as a parish church. The proposal being explored is to ‘rebrand’ St Gwynno’s as a place of

page 6 pilgrimage and a place for visitors. This wouldn’t stop things already happening from continuing but would make it easier to have a realistic focus to the purpose of the building and to seek to grow it as a place of pilgrimage. It is hoped that by doing this it will help to secure a long term future for the building.

Magazine The Grapevine, our Benefice magazine has been instrumental in providing news, information and updates from around the 3 churches. In July we were all saddened by the death of our Magazine Editor Mr Fred Jaques, anyone who knew Fred, knew that he was a quiet unassuming man, well loved and dearly missed by us all. Our sincere thanks goes to Keith for his hard work in ensuring this successful service continues.

page 7 Christ Church Report It was another busy year in Christ Church again, even with an ageing population we manage to fit a lot in both ecumenically and socially. Sadly we lost some faithful members of our congregation and member’s spouses’ Margaret Randell, Fred Jaques and Aubrey Frowen – Brenda’s husband. Father Michael Short made home visits and administered the Holy Eucharist for those wishing to receive it. He also led the service for the Women’s World Day of Prayer in March where members of the church and chapels of the village participated. The service was followed by refreshments and the opportunity to share fellowship together. We also had a united service for Christian Aid. Our Harvest Fish and Chip Supper was enjoyed by all who came, we then had a quiz which ended a pleasant evening. We held a cheese and wine evening after the Wednesday Eucharist for Rowland Bates (Rowly) in October to celebrate his 90th birthday, an enjoyable time was had by all and we look forward to having another night like this one when Evelyn has her birthday at the end of December. One of our members continues to organise trips and the social committee hold fundraising days/nights once a month. Through Action Aid International, we still have links with our sponsored child, Cephania in Uganda, with church members writing letters to her and making much needed donations. Operation Christmas Child continues to be well supported by many in the village with Christ Church and the local Chapels and Trerobart School participating in the collection of the boxes. We still collect used stamps for the Leprosy Mission Fund. Donations to the Food Bank continue with people from the Church as generous as ever. Several members also give up their time to attend the distribution centre in the village and at to give out the food parcels to those in need. Fr Michael told us that it is calculated 770 kilos have been donated from the Benefice which equates to £1,292.76p. Again we attended the Service of Remembrance held at the Cenotaph which was led by Rev’d Gill Tuck.

page 8 Our Christmas Carol Service was a big success, we invited the children of Trerobart School choir to come along and sing for us. We were lucky to be able to get them as they had a very busy fortnight, even taking part in a service at Llandaff Cathedral. It was so nice to see the church filled to capacity as it used to be many years ago. We invited the Congregation to join us after the service for a mince pie and a glass of wine.

page 9 St Gwynno’s Report The church was opened on Easter Sunday for a 4 pm Holy Eucharist Service. From then until November evening prayer took place every Sunday at 4 pm led by the wardens. On the second Sunday of the month this was a Holy Eucharist service led by a visiting priest. The Edward Thomas Awards was once again a success with the nominees’ family and friends gathered at the church for a short service of recognition, and then going on to a buffet lunch at the Brynfynnon public house. We had our usual visit from Dr Maddy Grey and her band of pilgrims. After having refreshments and a short service, Roly again rang the bell as they left for their final destination of Our Lady at . The theme for this year’s Flower festival was anniversaries and in particular the first World War and it was good to see the windows decorated in different ways. Thank you for all the hard work carried out preparing and staffing the church over the three days. St Gwynno’s church was presented with a blue badge in September, with the Mayor in attendance for the service along with the Male Voice Choir. The mystery runner for this year’s Nos Galon was Cardiff Blues, and British and Northern Ireland Lions prop forward Adam Jones, known affectionately as the “Hair Bear” for obvious reasons to those who know of him. Adam was joined by two members from the running club. Just before the service began, which was again packed to the rafters, the electricity went off. Fr Michael Gable, the Area Dean, who led the service, helped the Wardens give out candles for a Candlelit service, the atmosphere was surreal and enjoyed by everyone.

page 10 St Luke’s Church Report This year, as part of our effort to help those less fortunate than ourselves, we have continued to make donations to various charities, including Christian Aid and Red Cross, Ebola crisis. Since 2010 we have developed a strong link with Kingdom Nursery School, Mbale, Uganda (P.O.N.T.). We have also supported Operation Christmas Child linking in with Christ Church. We continue to support Pontypridd Food Bank and Father Michael stated that it is calculated 770 kilos have been donated from our Benefice, equivalent to £1,292.76. Our collection of used stamps is donated to the Leprosy Mission Fund. In December we decorated St Luke’s for our 6th Christmas Tree Festival, which brings a Christmas sparkle to the whole community of Cilfynydd. On Friday December 5th Cilfynydd Primary School choir opened the Festival by singing a medley of traditional songs. The highlight of the weekend was the visit of Father Christmas, parents enjoyed viewing the 32 decorated trees donated by shops, organisations, businesses etc. in our community. A Carol Service concluded the Festival when the church was packed with people from all denominations. Julian Boyce and Simon Buttle from the Welsh National Opera Company, who are new residents of Cilfynydd, led our Christmas Carol singers through the streets of the village. All pews were full for our Christmas Eve Service, followed by mince pies and sherry. It was a joy to behold. Our new Lounge Church held their first Christmas café in St Luke’s basement (hall) with an estimated 100 people in attendance. The Church hall committee meet regularly. Our hall is a huge advantage to our church and the whole community of Cilfynydd. For the past 15 years, the Aikido club has been meeting twice weekly. The Lounge Toddlers meet every Friday morning and their numbers are increasing weekly. In 2015 we are excited to introduce Messy Church to be held monthly. We have maintained our links with Norton Bridge Methodist Church, joining them for their Agape Supper, community Carol Service and Welcome Friends lunches and afternoon teas.

page 11 Cilfynydd Primary School has held their Easter, Harvest and Christmas Services at St Luke’s and visited the church for their curriculum work in religious studies. This year our Remembrance Day Service was held in the school hall and not at the Cenotaph. Rev’d Michael Short officiated and David Carr sounded the Last Post. Our thanks to all those who take part in a practical way at St Luke’s . Those who administer the Chalice, serve at the altar, the readers, sides persons, our organist and trumpeter David Carr and also Jonathan Gulliford and Alyn Caffery who help out when required. Our wider mission is to involve our members working in the community. This includes British Red Cross, Charity Shops in Pontypridd, Y Bwthyn and the local Primary School. We will continue to encourage one another as we all seek to recognise, to develop and use to His glory the gifts which God so generously provides for each one of us.

page 12 St Luke’s Mother’s Union We continue to meet on the 3rd Monday of the month in each other’s homes. Mothers’ Union is a very successful and Worldwide Christian organisation which welcomes everyone. Our Branch Leader Gill Mainwaring, attends Council Meetings as well as Deanery activities with other Branch members, who also visit our sick and housebound members on a regular basis. We raise funds by paying subs and having raffles at our monthly meeting. We also have Table top and bring and buy events. Donations are made annually to MU charities also to St Luke’s church for Gas/ electricity etc. Mary Fletcher (as a church member) arranges an Easter raffle for church funds. MU branch members attend all the annual services and social afternoons throughout the year, also decorating a tree for the St Luke’s Christmas Tree Festival. Gwen Hammersly our indoor member agreed to do the Wave of Prayer at her home with her daughter Katherine. Gwen although no longer able to come to meetings remains a staunch supporter of the MU and the church. Gwen spends a lot of time knitting toys etc. for charities at home and abroad resulting in Sian Jones the indoor member Rep. suggesting in Council meeting that Lynne Tembey MU World Wide President visit Gwen during her tour of Wales. This was arranged for the 27th November when, accompanied by Raye Saunders our Diocesan President, she visited Gwen at her home in Cilfynydd. Gwen had arranged many of her works of art on show and offered Lynne and Raye to choose one each. Gwen had already knitted a Welsh doll sporting a MU badge which she gave to Lynne.On her return home Lynne sent a hand written letter of thanks to Gwen. With Gwen’s permission below is the letter she received from Lynne. Dear Gwen Thank you for my beautiful Bronwyn, this is the name I have given to my beautiful Welsh doll. She is sitting on my rocking chair at home and she looks so much at home! David was delighted with Mr Toad. It went

page 13 into our church raffle at Christmas and David’s ticket actually won him. So he and Bronwyn look wonderful together. Thank you so much for all you do. I know that a great many people will be blessed by your ministry of knitting. God bless you Lynne Tembey MU WWP It was a great honour for Gwen and our branch to have the World Wide President visiting one of our members at home in Cilfynydd, well done and congratulations Gwen.

St Matthew’s Mother’s Union St Catherine’s MU members joined us at St Matthew’s MU after the closure of their branch. As a result we have of course seen an increase in our membership, we have also increased due to new members to the MU joining us. Our average attendance is about 25 at our meetings. We have a variety of speakers with a different “Guest speaker” each month. Just an example, amongst others, this year we have: Rev. Phil Wall (St David’s Uniting Church Pontypridd) Rev. Nicholas Jones (Mission to Seafarers Chaplain) Jane Lewis (Street Pastor) Carol Williams (Celebrating St. David’s Day) All meetings are held (By kind permission) at Baptist Church whose members also support St Matthew’s MU. Every month Canon Michael Short and Kath, the Branch Leader, visit “The Hollies” to administer the Holy Eucharist to the residents.

page 14 Social and Fundraising Events

The Parish has a social committee of the following members; - Mrs Glynis Lloyd, Mrs Christine Morton Mrs Elaine Rees, Mrs Heather Williams, Mrs Evelyn Jaques, Mrs Brenda Frowen, Mrs Christine Frowen Mrs Maureen Fox, Mrs Norma Gardner.

January 2nd Millennium Theatre to see Singing in the Rain. Raised £44.00 April 4th A Fun Quiz night in the Rugby Club with refreshments. Our thanks to Mr Fred Jaques, for compiling the questions and those ladies who prepared the food, and those who donated Raffle Prizes. The evening raised £280.57 May 8th Pick & Mix Concert raised £207.50 June 14th Shopping trip to Cirencester & Bourton on the Water raised £117.00 June 24th Millennium Theatre to see War Horse Raised £80.00 July 12th The annual Gift Day Strawberry and Cream Tea prepared on the patio, but had to go into the church as the weather was unsettled. Our thanks to Mr Philip Morton for compiling the quiz, in the absence of Mr. Fred Jaques who was not well. The Gift Day raised £455.00 Aug. 15th Our second Duck Race at the Old Ynysybwl Inn. We had a sunny day, and it proved to be very successful. We sold hot dogs and drinks and had various stalls. Our thanks to Owen Instrell his father Gavin and his grandfather Phillip Morton who were in the river starting the Duck Race and retrieving them after the race, and those who helped in the preparation. This raised £560.00 Sept 12th A Fun Quiz in the Rugby Club. Our thanks to Mr Philip Morton for compiling the quiz, and our thanks once again to the ladies who prepared the food, and those who donated the Raffle Prizes. Raised £214.55

page 15 Oct. 5th A Fish and Chip Harvest Supper in Christ Church, followed by a quiz the late Mr Fred Jaques had compiled. Nov. 15th A Shopping trip to Bath raised £148.00 Dec. 11th The Millennium Theatre to see Lion King. Raised £100.00 Dec. 17th We held a united Carol Service, Canon Michael Short leading the service. The Trerobert School Choir came to sing and play their instruments, which really added to the service. This was followed by Mince Pies Tea Coffee and wine. Dec. Christmas Raffle. Raised £171.00

Other fundraising:- Magazines/ Photocopying £ 795.50 Sale of Christmas Child Shoe Boxes £ 21.00 Mother’s Union Donation £ 100.00 Sale of Books £ 32.35 200 Club £ 234.00 Jam Jars £ 215.02 Garage Rent £ 144.00 Votive Candles £ 6.84

Our thanks to everyone who helped or supported in any way to make our social and fundraising events so successful. Fundraising for the year £3926.33

page 16 Accounts for the Benefice Account Notes 2014 2013

RECEIPTS Voluntary Income Planned Giving Loose Collections Donations For Mission Tax Refunds Legacy Gifts Received Grants Generated Money Raising Income Fees Investment Income Other Incoming Resources 1 24,718 29,726 TOTAL RECEIPTS

PAYMENTS Support for Parish Share 23,316 25,960 Ministry Expenses Clerics 2,475 Other Parish Activities Maintenance of Services General Parish Expenses 2 1,330 2,566 Church Property Maintenance of Churches 50 Maintenance of other Property 287 Exceptional Expenditure Grants for Parish Financial Support Home / World 50 150 Other Resources Capital Payments Expended Cost of Money Raising TOTAL PAYMENTS 24,983 32,201

NET MOVEMENTS IN FUNDS -265 -1475 page 17 Accounts for Christ Church Notes 2014 2013

RECEIPTS Voluntary Income Planned Giving 12,867 14,159 Loose Collections 568 394 Donations 455 662 For Mission 982 1,080 Tax Refunds 2,135 2,464 Legacy Gifts Received 1,114 Grants 285 Generated Money Raising 3,538 3,262 Income Fees 260 859 Investment Income 10 9 Other Incoming Resources 3 883 2,240 TOTAL RECEIPTS 21,983 26,243

PAYMENTS Support for Parish Share 4 13,268 15,231 Ministry Expenses Clerics 1,280 Other 50 30 Parish Activities Maintenance of Services 360 429 General Parish Expenses 5 2,472 6,212 Church Property Maintenance of Churches 2,119 5,517 Maintenance of other Property Exceptional Expenditure Grants for Parish Financial Support Home / World 1,429 1,575 Other Resources Capital Payments Expended Cost of Money Raising TOTAL PAYMENTS 19,698 30,273

NET MOVEMENTS IN FUNDS 2,285 -4,030 page 18 Accounts for St Luke’s Church Notes 2014 2013

RECEIPTS Voluntary Income Planned Giving 13,013 13,372 Loose Collections 1,171 1,574 Donations 280 267 For Mission 158 517 Tax Refunds 1,837 2,035 Legacy Gifts Received Grants 200 2,400 Generated Money Raising 3,269 3,342 Income Fees 88 223 Investment Income 21 20 Other Incoming Resources 6 528 511 TOTAL RECEIPTS 20,565 24,261

PAYMENTS Support for Parish Share 4 9,900 10,560 Ministry Expenses Clerics 50 1,200 Other 220 Parish Activities Maintenance of Services 753 629 General Parish Expenses 242 350 Church Property Maintenance of Churches 3,323 3,385 Maintenance of other Property 5,696 650 Exceptional Expenditure 1,630 210 Grants for Parish Financial Support Home / World 350 892 Other Resources Capital Payments Expended Cost of Money Raising 355 355 TOTAL PAYMENTS 22,299 18,450

NET MOVEMENTS IN FUNDS -1,734 5,811 page 19 Accounts for St Gwynno’s Church Notes 2014 2013

RECEIPTS Voluntary Income Planned Giving Loose Collections Donations 364 610 For Mission Tax Refunds 5 38 260 Legacy Gifts Received Grants Generated Money Raising 1,020 773 Income Fees 862 774 Investment Income 17 17 Other Incoming Resources TOTAL RECEIPTS 2,286 2,435

PAYMENTS Support for Parish Share Ministry Expenses Clerics Other Parish Activities Maintenance of Services 159 178 General Parish Expenses Church Property Maintenance of Churches 4,008 2,978 Maintenance of other Property Exceptional Expenditure Grants for Parish Financial Support Home / World 80 430 Other Resources Capital Payments Expended Cost of Money Raising TOTAL PAYMENTS 4,247 3,586

NET MOVEMENTS IN FUNDS -1,961 -1,151 page 20 Combined Totals for the Parish Notes 2014 2013

RECEIPTS Voluntary Income Planned Giving 25,880 27,588 Loose Collections 1,738 3,879 Donations 1,099 267 For Mission 1,140 2,496 Tax Refunds 4,011 4,499 Legacy Gifts Received 15 Grants 485 8,450 Generated Money Raising 7,828 7,266 Income Fees 1,210 1,688 Investment Income 33 20 Other Incoming Resources 1,694 6,256 TOTAL RECEIPTS 45,118 62,424

PAYMENTS Support for Parish Share 23,316 25,791 Ministry Expenses Clerics 50 2,480 Other 50 450 Parish Activities Maintenance of Services 1,272 1,057 General Parish Expenses 2,747 2,796 Church Property Maintenance of Churches 9,450 11,880 Maintenance of other Property 5,983 650 Exceptional Expenditure 1,630 3,786 Grants for Parish Financial Support Home / World 1,909 2,871 Other Resources Capital Payments Expended Cost of Money Raising 355 557 TOTAL PAYMENTS 46,762 52,318

NET MOVEMENTS IN FUNDS -1,644 10,106 page 21 Summary of Funds Available

Notes 2014 2013

Benefice Account 2,031 2,296

Christ Church Current Account 4,223 1,947

Christ Church Reserve Building Account 9,014 9,009

Christ Church Youth Account 174 174

Christ Church Savings Account 7 2,269 1,474

St Gwynno’s Church Current Account 859 837

St Gwynno’s Savings Account 8 2,257 4,240

St Luke’s Church Current Account 1,782 1,554

St Luke’s Church Deposit Account 40,358 42,320

Total of all funds 62,966 63,851


1. Includes transfers from St Luke’s Church of £9,819 and Christ Church of £13,318 towards the Parish Share and other expenses. 2. Includes transfers of Parish Share refund to St Luke’s of £528 and Christ Church of £770. 3. Includes transfer of Parish Share refund of £770. 4. Transferred to the Benefice Account. 5. Transfer of Gift Aid refund from Christ Church to St Gwynno’s Church of £38. 6. Includes transfer of Parish Share refund of £528. 7. £790.00 held on account for current savers which is not shown as income. 8. The closing balance includes £1,195.76 ring fenced for the Graveyard.

page 22 This report was agreed by the PCC and signed on its behalf

Fr Michael Gable Mrs Jessica Evans Mrs Glynis Lloyd Area Dean Warden Warden

Date 5th March 2015

page 23 page 24