A t the University of , we’re known worldwide for expertise in cold hardy varieties. We’ve bred grapes over a century and formally initiated a wine grape breeding program in 1978. In 2000, we completed a state-of-the-art enology lab and research winery. Today, we’re recognized as one of the top wine grape programs in the . Our goal is to develop high quality, cold hardy, and Medal Winners Wine Production disease resistant wine and table grape cultivars. Our winemakers make over 125 wines each year. Proof that excellent wine can be made when Our goals are to identify hybrids with superior U of M varieties are well grown and vinified is winemaking potential, and to optimize the wine being demonstrated not only in cold climates, production from our new cultivars. We experiment but also in more temperate wine growing areas. with different styles to help the industry make the Numerous prestigious awards in national and best possible wines. international competitions, including Best of Class, Double Gold, and Gold, are being Wine Evaluation awarded for wines produced from varieties In our state-of-the-art facility, an expert staff uses developed by the University of Minnesota. numerous instruments to evaluate all aspects of our Availability experimental wines. Instruments are used to measure polyphenols (pigment and tannins), acidity, and gris, La Crescent, and Marquette are Extensive Breeding sugar, as well as aroma and flavor. A trained taste patented varieties that can only be propagated by panel evaluates various sensory aspects, including licensed nurseries. Propagation of Frontenac and Our program encompasses over 12 acres of visual appeal, bouquet, flavor, and mouthfeel. Frontenac blanc by Minnesota Nursery Research research vineyards with approximately 12,000 Corporation (MNRC) participants supports experimental vines. Seedlings are produced continued research at the U of M. each year using a diverse genetic base that includes classic Vitis vinifera cultivars, quality Discover More French hybrids, and cold hardy, disease Frontenac blanc, a white-fruited mutation of resistant selections based on V. riparia, Frontenac and Frontenac gris, is being evaluated Wine Grapes Cold Hardy Minnesota’s native grape. Over 3,000 vines are to determine if it provides the same outstanding planted each year and subjected to high vine growth, disease resistance traits, and award standards of rigorous evaluation. winning vinification opportunities. Visit our Thorough Testing grape website for updates, licensed and MNRC

nursery listings, licensing information, and ExpertiseWine Grapes in High Quality Results Currently over 100 U of M advanced U of M Varieties Make Award Wining Wines Wining Wines Make Award U of M Varieties viticulture and enology guidance. selections are being tested, as well as over 400 The expert use of the latest advances in cultivars and selections from other breeding www.grapes.umn.edu propagation, hybridization and selection, programs. In addition to cold hardiness and cultivation, and winemaking ensures the disease resistance, viticultural traits such as introduction of vines with superior performance productivity, cluster size, growth habit, bud in both vineyard and winery. break, and ripening times are evaluated. Printed by University of Minnesota Printing Services using soy-based inks. Copyright © 2011, Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. including rosé, red, andport. grape canbemadeintoa variety of winestyles, blackberry, blackcurrant,andplum. This versatile aroma andinvitingpalateof distinctive cherry Wine Profile and Quebec. planted throughout theMidwest, New England, popular vineinMinnesota, itisnow beingwidely berries inmediumtolargeclusters. The most consistently heavyproducer, withsmall,black near-immunity todowny mildew. Frontenac is a properly cared for. It’s diseaseresistant, with very full crop aftertemperatures aslow as–33°Fwhen French hybridLandot4511. This vinehasborne a characteristics oftheirparents, V. riparia89andthe F Frontenac’s deepgarnetcolorcomplementsits ­­­rontenac grapesreflect thebest Frontenac Introduced 1996 Brix notuncommon. season, andare goodsugarproducers with24-25° Frontenac andFrontenac grisripeninlatemid- tosimplifyvinemanagement. Inpruning Minnesota, and minimaltendrilsprovide easytrainingand requires thesameculturalpractices.Arching canes optimum growth characteristicsasFrontenac, and amber-colored juice. The vineexhibitsthesame of Frontenac, yieldinggray(gris,inFrench) and fruit ice wines. make thisanexcellent and grapefortable,dessert, lively, refreshing wines.Unique andcomplexflavors andaciditycreates Abrilliant balanceoffruit fruit. andtropical and apricotwithhintsof enticingcitrus Wine Profile F

Frontenac griswines present aromas ofpeach rontenac gris, started asasinglebudmutation rontenac gris,started Frontenac gris Delectable Wines FromDelectable ColdHardy Vines Introduced 2003 conditions andcare productive result invery vines. controlled withastandard sprayprogram. Proper sometimes exhibitdowny mildew, whichcanbe vineyard sites.Moderately diseaseresistant, leaves -36°Fwhenwell caredsurvived foringood Hamburg. With thishardy have heritage,trunks Swenson selectionfrom V. ripariaxMuscat style wines. good structure forexcellent orlate-harvest dessert or . The grape’s highacidityprovides style, LaCrescent wineisreminiscent of Vignoles or sweet whitewines.Produced inaGermanic lendsitselftosuperiorquality off-dry and citrus Wine Profile L La Crescent’s intensenoseofapricot, peach, a Crescent combinesSt. Pepin anda La Crescent Introduced 2002 makes vinecanopymanagementefficient. good.Itshas beenvery open,orderly growth habit to downy mildew, powderymildew, andblackrot Viticulturally, Marquette isoutstanding.Resistance V. vinifera, andotherVitis species,withRavat 262. of MN1094,acomplexhybridV. riparia, grandson ofPinot noir. It originatedfrom across standard incoldhardy viticulture and enology. palate. Asared wine,Marquette represents anew berry, blackpepper, andspice onbothnoseand pronounced tannins,anddesirable notesofcherry, wines are complex,withattractive color, ruby manageableinthe winery.make itvery Finished Wine Profile M

Marquette’s highsugarandmoderateacidity

arquette isacousinofFrontenac and Marquette Introduced 2006