MB R * BR RY 1976

I Dl RIB 8 H .8 .. MB R u. - CAt...... All - u.d _, beL~•• "f,tJH~~ ~d'f. IB~dM_. ~IT~~ " o1 V.A.T. aad of l*k...... !lllillll!•,... tj -- wW ~· for tile adatanall quaadt ea q1IOCed pl.-4 r;;.. ·-~ m U be harsed ...... ,. • ,., ~ didtiea JD/. one u be II Mil oa all rd~n under thla t.ediDI _. r m ( .. onkrtn& pi ~ dmt fy all lteme ., dll .... lnll!~~ !.8.U 1 TRAVIWNG SCORE SUPS (11 pelrta ·· !.LU. 2 TRAVELLING SCORE SUPS (32 Pllln · . E.&U: I INDIVIDUAL TRAVEWNG SCOR~ ILl PS · •· e.a.u. 3 CURTAIN CARDS (Mb ol 4 peno~eled) !.8.U. 10 TAILI IUPI · ··· ··· ··· U.U. I IIEIUI.TS CIIAII1S~~ ... • .. U.U. 13 RDULTS CtWtTI 30 p81n) •·· ••· U.U. 14 RIIULTS CHARTS T.... ) ... ·•· !.8.U. 11 1C0R1 CAIItD8 (I ) liOARDI 1-tl Nil • 1/W In two U.U. 11 1C0M CARDS (lingle ...... , BOARDI t Two ColcMn (lor..,...... J.-..., U.U. 13 ICORI CARDS (lingle 8hMt .. ) (lor 41 ..._., two Col~lor..... ,, • • E.&U. CONVEJITION CARDS ) •.• U.U. 11 8COM CARN-CUII-C CARDa ••• ._. 14 (Folclng) Nil end EIW In Two Clloln U.U. 7 .... t:EAMI RECAP. CHARTS .•. I&U. I IWII8 TIAIIS ASSIGNMENT CARDI (4 Coloura) I&U. I SWIU TEAIII TABLE CARDS ... U.U. 11 SWISI TEAIII CAPTAINS' CARDS PLAITIC ILEEVU FOR E.B.U. 20 (I" X4") .. . HOWILL MOVEMENT CARDS (new, llllriiCIM ....., : CG~I ..I ... ol Howell carda lor 3 to I ....._: rt• CIMRPII .. Mt ol I c:.dl tor I to 12 ....._ (21 .._., : ...... : lp per cerd CARDI, BOARDS end WALLETS A. WADDINGTON'S CROWN or NO.1 L CAIINO '300' C. GIRAFFE ...... • . .. (The pr~cet of I and C apply to cur"'nt atockl. Further .....,U. 1MJ t. currmcy 1111r harp.) PLAITIC WALLETS (Mellable lhortiJ) HARD PLASTIC INTERLOCKING STACKING IIOAIIM (lpeclel Dhr--Untlled luppiJ ...... ,, rt4.71...... BOOKS ~ ol Duplate Bridge (NEW end,...._. 1171 ..._) ... rtM F. FMIItg~an: Dupllule lktdge IICMmenta (New rwiMd 1171 edition In .,.._....,.. ana••• _... • •mr) P. F..tnaton: Dupllc:ale P-. Mow-118 ...... rt.11 IRnducllon to Duplicate lktdge . . . . . tip ) (rtMper-. BRIDGE FURNITURE The E.B.U. Is now able to offer top quality tems at 20% diecount on recoM­ mended retail prices. lmmedi e delivery. IIAXIUIE BRIDGE TABLES 30" X30". legs with automat c httlng fold flush Individually Inside top fr81ft1. Beech legs & frame with mahog ny fin sh. Supplied with loose all,purpoN cover. Model A-green felt top w thout padding .. . £11.30 Model 8-green or blu f It with padded top .. . £11.10 Model C-green/blue/b lge v 1 t top • . . • .. £24.10 BRIDGE CHAIRS Folding Beech cha rs th mahog ny I nish, full length aw vel b ck in green/ blu I ge velvet ..• ...... ••. ••• £11.10 A dl coun o 7i will be g n on any qu ntity of 5 or more Items. Th !)flees are exelu lv of V.A.T. but Include all detlvery eoeta.


• • • • on· rt Prl The practice of awardin!t -oecial prizes to players below a certain the aster P int Scheme I likely to be enlar ed. Members thellll• reminded of the fotlowin~ deci ion taken by the Engll h Brid~e prize related to Ma ter Point ranlc, players will be deemed to bold hich any poln earned. whether re istered or not, uo to 28 days competition In question would have qualified them. Winners of such priz will be required to aflirm that they are so qualified. E.B.U. SUBSCRIPTIO S embers' attention is drawn to the fact that E.B.U. u criptions are due on 1 t April, 1976 and hould be paid through the normal c:b.llllll- n thereafter is convenient. Direct members ole note that dues should be paid to the R~~~~~~ I 58 High Street, Tbame, Oxon. The ub cription for Direct memben per annum. embe ho have not paid their 1975 / 76 sub cription from the E.B.U. mallin list. n of d Membe who have recently chan ed or are about to a ked o notify the Regl trar immediately . • • • • I would r e to thanlt the many members who ent card and aood to the office taff over Chri tma and to take thi opportunity of everyone a Happ and Succes ful 1976. A E STAVE ORTH 0 RE 3

.. • AIIM_cet~... aca. There atill Mema to be a certain amount of confusion in the application of the .. -.op .. procedure. Wben indica tin& a jump or pre-emptive bid, the expres­ sion to be U8ed ia " stop " and oot " wp bid ". The " stop " announcement lbould be liven by the player who ia about to make the jump bid. Tbe anoounce· meat lbould be aiveo before any bid whtcb cuts out a round of bidding. Tbe mon ..,areut reuoo for the •• stop" procedure is that it enables the nen ple,Jer to pve some little thouaht without creatin& a " hesitation " situation. - t'bere is. howevu, an equallY important aspect of the matter. It is improper for tbe next player after a "stop" announcemtnt to bid too quickly. Should he clo eo this clearly suueata that be has a hand on wbicb he has no interest in bidcliq. Just as aftu a marked hesitation by a player, his partner is required to juatily any bld he mq make at his next turn, so, after a pass made too quickly followiq a " stop " announcement, the partner would be required to justify a faHure to bid at the nen turn on a borderline hand. The Rules and Ethics Committee specifically deplore an apparent lack of interest by a player the mandatory pause followins a " stop " announcement since such lack of interest could be interpret d as sbowin& a poor hand. When such behaviour is estab­ lished the tournament directors are empowered to penalize in accordance with the Laws. Uceaces. The following licences due to expire on the 31 t December, 1975 were renewed for a further period to the 31 t December, 1977. J:-1annery and Re erse . Modified Roman Two Bids with Pred ion (promoted lrom"A" to Full Licence). Feudal Convention. 2 T o ercall of 1 T (weak) or Preci ion 2C. Orange Two Bids. Romac has been promoted from ''A" to full licenc . ulti-Coloa.red lD Coaveatioa.. A full licence h been g.ranted until the 31 t December, 1977. An app)jcation from D. W. Stevenson of Mer yside for the Black 2 convention (for u with Precision and linked to Multi-Coloured 2D) wa granted an 'A" licence to th 31st December. 1976. D tai :- 2C=standard Pr ci ion; 2D=multi-coloured; 2H- hort diamonds with 11·15 points and eith r 4-+0-5, 4-4·1-4 or 3-4-1-5. 2S-4-4-4-l with 16-19 points and club, diamond or heart lngleton. Dra oa Del a to weak two bi 0 era weak 2\) 1+. doubt is for t'ake.out. 2 T=15-17 with top in bid uit. ) • = forcing and very trong. A direct = loo& minor, 7-8 playin& tricks, and a partner to bid 3 T with a top in th bid uit. If un bl , p rtn r c n bid • after which 40 or furth r cue bid are available. Sua& t d re pon to the 3• : 1 3• -No- 30 = I than 8 points 3\)=4 heart, more than 8 points l + = Ie than 4 hear , or rnor points 3 T• 7-9 poin with a cur p de topper 4 •10+ poin , at I t 4 club to king or c 4 = 10+ points, at le t 5 d•amond to K-Q or better 4\) = 6 or 7 card mJ- lid uit. 4 sen ral alu , no p d I r. If third hand rai the penin& bid, r ponder p mor be bid a uir if h can, oth rwi doubt . Other conventional b : 2\)-3 trona jump o ercall 40- olid p d uit 4+ = n rmal 4 p de o_pen r 2 0 transfer to 4\7 ( olid uit) 4 = norm I 4\) open r 4+ = ive minor two- uit r lth fi t round pade control. Grant d full licence until 31.12.77. 1 nln bid and any conventional P RMITTED CAL Double, 10 , lNT atural call or Tran fer Double, 1 T, 2 T

orris International P • d In assoc tlon with th Belgian Bridge Federation 2~h,21~MARCH , 1976 EUROPA HOTEL • BRUSSE ATURDAY, 20th - 14.00 hra. .,d 20.00 hrs. (2 S ....ona). SU DAY, 21st - 14.00 tvs. FJnal Sealon. Fee B.F. 400 each player. P IZES I CASH B.F. SO, Flra1 Prlz • m nlmum oC B.F. 12,000. I A DRE LEMAITRE CUP An lnvitat on event between t ama representing Belgium, Holland. rr..-... , G rmany, Sw1tzerl nd, Pol nd and Gr at Britain. 1 ARCH, FRIDAY EVENING -20,00 twa. 21 MARCH, SUNDAY EVENING - 20.00 twa. Watch some of Europe's b t players preparing for the Olympiad. Fr pectatlng. Specially favourabl Hot I Term and d tall of Travel from · .. BRIDGE ", 7/8 STRATFORD PLACE, LONDON W1A 4YU . T ephone : OHI29 18 Ext n ion 269.

Lie n Februery 27

Nov 5 (•FREE BOOK, see below) SUPEa PaiCIIIO ...... £4.95 TlliiOa Y 01' JaJDGB • . ..• ...... ••••••• u.n '1.10 £4.25 U.JS D . IS D.9S D.70 D.7S D.OO ·-···· ...... 0 .15 -.;;.-·.-=..·::.·:. -,_£1.95 ; P8 £1.15 ; BRIDGE 0 .70 ;

0.70 £ 1.90 0.70 £1.60 £4.10 6 CA ES 0 LD BRIDGE FE T With 11 tot11l prize list of 60.000 3rd. AY - INDIVIDUAL COMPEnnON ca h Prlz" of Frs. 2500, Frs. 2000, Frs. 1500, Frs. 1000, and to 30ih 5 MAY - MJXED PAIRS h Prize of Frs. 4000, Frs. 3000, Frs. 2000, Frs. 1500, F~ . 1000 and to 30th place 7 MAY - OPEN PAIRS Prize Frs. 6000, 2nd Pr ze Frs. 4000, 3rd Prize Frs. 3000, 4th Prize Frs. 2000, 5th and 6th Prize Fr . 1500, and prlz• 40th place Special Prizes for Non-expert player All sessions comm nee at 1500 hours Ss*:lal T et The Hot M lc IK'Id H<*l M.-tlnez Hall Board Fr . 160 dally for single occupancy. Frs. 275 for double occupancy. Inclusive of Tax and Service eft " g f turing a C I ge ch betwMn Fr...

dfn ANSAY, 51 Boul vard d'Auteull, 92 BOULOGNE P I 603 51 20

I TERNATIO AL BRIDGE tUUiauu• AMSTERD d ng p U : one of world 10M! c111ee. Pl•r•tl•t tH h., El< /Nit ti•Jiy 1r.. 16.110 ,. 20. 23 to 27 APRIL - PAJRS, 32 hande per dliJ 20 prlz 1 - £3,500 2nd-t1,710 2 to 30 APRIL - MIXED PAIRS ' 10 prlz 1et-tto0, etc. 1 to 4 MAY - SWISS TEAMS 10 prlz 1 - ttoo, c. £20,000 CA P IZ R ult n 30 m n . ch ion by IBM computer. Vi ltors are recommended to ma e rly hotel r... rvatlone. Th Org nls s will be willing to dv if requirements are SUBSCRIPnO (cloeed 21 April) , 30 guld«< per dllr ( INTERESSING, Po tbox 210, H rhugowaard, Holland. T I. (0 rect dl lllng from U K.) 010.31·2207·18277. 7 -lrniiA aamG LEAGUE line beeD -*ted to represent Great Britain in the aN tD be Dlued in onte Carlo, Mq 2l, 1976. 111 Ud Mn. F. Gordon. • Gardaer and Mn. S. Laady. C. E..tenon and Mn. R. Oldroyd. .a.OIIHMUIIa& captain G. 0. J. Cooke. • J, t and L . Roee. • COrle aad R. Sheehan. R. A. Prlday and C Rodriaue. on-playina captain J. T. Reese th StanleJ, Chairman of the B.B.L. Selection Committee, Jives the follow­ ina account of the telection trials for the Open Series- The British Briclae Leaaue invited four teams to contest the trials to select the team to plaJ in the 1976 Olympiad in Monte Carlo. 1beJ lined up • follOws :- R. A. Prlclay, C. Rodriaue, B. Shenkin, M. Rosenbera, G. Link, D. N. Collins, B. D. Sbort, A. H. Duncan, M. J. Flint, . Rose, W. Coyle, R. M. Sheehaa, D. J. Greenwood, K. Loveys, J. R. Reardon, A.M. G. Thompson. The teamS played a round robin of 32- matches on each of three week­ ends with the wiDDina team guaranteed selection. A novel feature wu the matcb-po ntina of each pair with all three pairs sitting the other way to produce indi dual match-point total . The pair outside the winning team with the best I .P. score were also to be selected. The lint week-end w a veat ucc for the Priday team with Flint's team, the ante-post favourit strugglin& to find their normal form. After this lint round of matche the score in Victory Points were :­ Priday 51, Greenwood 31, Flint 24, Link 14. Priday/Rodri&ue had established a substantial lead in the l.M.P. scores with + 306 I.M.P followed by Greenwood/Loveys + 100 I.M.P.s, Shenltin/Ro en­ bera +90 I.M.P.s had the only other plus core. To relate these cores to normal l.M.P. marlins it ts nece ry to divide by three. so the leading core w not so commanding it appears. The cond week-end brou&ht the Flint team back. into clo e contention with key 20-0 ictory over Priday. The following hand gave an opportunity for a , but no d larer managed to find it. When Shenltln/Ro nberg opposed Flint/Ro the bidding w uninhibited. orth outh p 2H 3 .T. 4H p SD 6D X p p itting South, recei ed a Club I d and his problem wa revealed

~ ®th Q863 AS \)A \) J7S2 0 Q 6 0 A K J 10 9 4 3 • 965 3 2 • one opening bid was the "Multi-coloured o Diamond showin , in instanc , a weak. hand lth a lx-card heart uit. Declarer ruffed the , cro d to dummy with the ce of h rt and ruffed another club. A heart brought down the king from E t and w followed by a third club ruff on which Ea t pi y d th c . De I r r now ru d a further b rt on which Ea t failed to folio . The kin of club from dummy w ruffed and o er-rulfed, were dra n in two round nd d clarer w reduced to the hope that We t had to keep the qu en of h r and the guard d k.Jn& of pade • Had this be n o, he could have been thrown in with a heart and oblind to play away from the kina of p d . Thl lin of play failed bee u e. predictably, th k.Jna or spad w in th t hand. Can you ee a lin o{ play that might ha e uc ded 1 The answ r i t the end. ~ ith two w k-end compl t d, PrlciaY's le d w hal ed :­ Prlday 1, Flint 71, Gre nwood Si. Lin 31. Fllnt/Ro had n o er th I.M.P. I d with + 397 I. .P .s followed by Prld !)'/Rodrl ue + 197 Shenkln/ R enbera + 1 9 oyle/Sil erstone + 110


·--~ Bridle leqae.. .ha decided.. to send a team to the above born on or after the 1st January, 1951 are eligible. pelr 111 to be CODildered should nd their names, addr , dates of bli1li and brief cletalk of recent competitive succ:essa to the Chairman of the Selection Committee, Mr. JC. E. Stanley, 2 Cambridge Close, Upper Weiland, rn. Wora WlU4 4JZ by 15th March.

C MRO E TROPHY In the opening fixture of the Camrose Trophy, beat orthern Ireland 23·15 and En land beat Scotland 21-15. lud Eodaad W. Coyle R. A. Priday ). A. athieson C. Rodrigue J, Maclaren I. . Ro e T. Culbertson R. M. Sheehan B. L. Sbenkin R. D. Bretherton M. Rosenberg R. Morrish on-playing captain S. Barnett. on-playing captain G. 0. J. Cooke. cotland won the first of the three matche 9-3, England won the econd natch 12·0 and the third match was a draw 6-6. The cond round was to be played on the week-end February 21-22 when England recei ·ed orthern Ireland at Carlisle with the following team :- 1. Panto, C. P. Lester B. Goldenfield, D. A. Robson A. D. Clark, S. W. Burton on-playing captain F. Farrin ton.

BRIDGE WEEK AT THE BAY MARCH 6 13th. From only £35.00 per peraon. Th Bay Hotel, N wquay has organised a fascinating Bridge Week lrom the 6t 13th March, 1976-a repeat of last year's success. This will be a rare opportunity for beginners and advanced players to play every day and relax In a modern, centrally heated hotel. The 8 days (7 nights) can cost s little s £35 per person (plu VAT) This surprisingly low rate lnclud full ccommod ton (u of all the hotel's fac lltl and all meals except lunch) plus Bridge Instruction, Competitions and th Proprietor's Prize. Th Bay Hotel Is b utlfully altuat d overlooking th Fistral Bay and commands spectacular vi wa of the Atlan lc Oc s. It s a 3-a r hotel and prlvat ly run by th H cks f mlly who pr d th m lv In the hot l's h gh at nd rd of cat ring nd att nt on to cu tom Writ or phone lor lull detail . BAY HOTEL. NEWQUAY. CORNWALL Tel : Newqu.r (01373) 2111 or 2227 I 2 ..l 6 '7 I 9 10 11 12 n

w t • A 8743 .9 \) A 72 \) J 10 6 6Q () 10 7 5 432 .J108 .Q97 11

10 OKJ7S ()J962 Soath . 10 9 s 2 . AK 742 f;J A 0 IS .AK86 \ hen Sch piro opened Two Spades, Re orth), after con iderable thought, clo d th auction with a jump to Six Spad . Hi reasoning w that be was certain ultimate! to reach at least Six Spade and by doing so at once he might make it more difficult for the defence to find a ltillin lead. In the event. a 4-1 pade br ak put paid to a grand lam in the major uit but the Israeli pair r ched the hither contrac of Se en Clubs. South ooened Two Spades. orth t mporiz d with a r ponse of Two o-trumo and when South jumoed to Fou r lu orth needed to know no more than that hi partner held three . ince he him If held both black queens, he could not vi ualise a jump to Four Clu ith either black uit mi ing both the king and the queen. A 3-2 r k r a 3-2 pade break would leave no problem. Declarer won the first club In hand and played a second trump. When the ui t failed to break h turned hi attention to spade to take the extra chance f one hand h Jdln~t four pade and four clu . Too I te be reali ed that be had overlooked a cl ic dummy reversal olay. To win he hould take the fir t club In hllnd. rete e the ac of hear and cro to dummy with a trump for a heart ruff. Dumm · entered f r a ond time with a diamond for another he rt ruff and for the third time with a diamond to draw the out tanding trum Declarer m lee in all ix trump trick . three pade , three diam n and the ceofb r .

CITY OF YORK SIXTH ANNUAL B IDGE CONGRESS (Licen d by the E.B .U.) at THE ROYAL STATION HOTEL FRIDAY, MAY 7th to SUNDAY, MAY tth, 1178 CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS and TEAMS OF FOUR MIXED PAIRS - FLITCH- OPEN PAIRS at all S..Sion WIDE CHOICE OF PRIZES A Ma t r Points Congr - R T. Hlgaon. Ch ef T.O. Special Ho el R.a1e - Bookings direct with M n g r- Yortt 53681 Entries and Enqulrl to Congre Secretary :- Mrs. G. A. Check fi ld, Flat 2, 58C Station R d, Upper Poppleton, Yortt Tel. 794318 w t t A9 . K83 \) Q 3 2 \) 9 7 0 Q43 2 0 A 10 76 6 AKS4 • J 832 South J 10 7 6 s 4 \) A J 10 S 4 08 Th contract i Four Spad . South ruff th opening club lead to tabU h hi ide uit: he talc.es two top hearts and ruffs a heart ith the q a of p d . ·- If E t yi ld to th t mptation of overruffing with the kina. Sou on other trump trick to the ace and male hi contract. But if E t r fu e to o erru1f, the declar i bound to dric nod. matt r ho hard h tri . With a diamond loser in AldiBI!• The idea of not o erruffing soon becom familiar whenever 100 I n th or tr n th In the trump ult. Som what 1 well known an wh re th defender ltb t horter or w k r tramp holdlq 1DQ for hl d by employing the same tactics. orth . 92 \) 6 s 0 A K Q4 3 6 A 5 4 07 t \) 10 7 K6S 0109872 \J AKQ912 1962 6 }5 South 6 108 A J 10843 \) I4 3 0 6 6 Q 73 Th contract I Four Spad , E t havin o ercalled in h and pia off the thre top card in the uit. II, on the third round f b r , W t jum in with discard from dummy and th reafter ill h e no trouble pi 13 rrum.-. lnatead, t ibouJcl rile to the ocasion by discarding a diamond I After ru(ftq thJa trick in du11UD7 Soatll will have to lose two trump tricks­ aocl bis contnc:t. Ia that eDIIlPie. nfuul to ruff with the queen in front of dummy's 9·2 was ~DO more thaD soocl tec:hDique. Dare you 10 o_ne step further 7 It i po ible to bfead tbe teChnique of with deceptlo., a ln thl example : ortla 92 0 65 OAKQ43 AQS4 w t K6S ol61 AKJ982 0 109 8 7 2 0 J s 6 J 9 62 6 108 Soath A Q 10 8 4 3 O Q43 06 6 K73 A 'n the contract i Four Spad and We t leads 0 10, Ea t playing off the ce, ldn and a small heart. This time West ruffs declarer's 0 Q with the ae na I pa I 0 clar r overruff with dummy's nine and continu with + 2. When East follo w1th a mall trump, declarer is confronted with a problem. If he goes up with th ac . he may lose two trump tricks to East's hypothetical K J x. ]( he plays the queen, he may lo e to West's hypothetical king. 0 larer may ery well decid that his be t chance i to play the ten ; that is, to fin against th one card, the jack., which West eems least likely to hold. As the car lie, th' will co t South the contract. • • • ven hen you bold onlr a ingle isolated trump and thi i of Jowly rank, ou bould till thin 1ce before overruffin with it. Being now in full command of the ub · t, you ill easily m nage East' hand In my final example: orth + 1987654 OS 0 10 6 JIO 3 2 w t t + A QlO + 3 0 Q 102 0 96 <> Q 9 OJ876S432 6 876 6 54 14 PORT

. G. (0) be I 15

Dr R. P. Slatchu (NW} bt Mrs. Goldlna 2360 c Le t&h (Y) bt G. Catlow .... ll60 G•· ~enyon (Y) bt X ttom (0 ) ..... I . umC>n (0) bt P. Bo ~ r (Y) .... _. M• Ha)'taclt (0) bt Mra. Camlll\~ld 40 G. Fehbo-..er (St) bt D. R. At ben.on :Zl !. PPr!atel (NW) bt R. Day ( t) ...... 1 · nee (Y) bt A. H. llJoxham ( t) 1 ~ · ,W RWrif.ht (Y) bt Mra. Copley_ (0) 1210 ay E) bt C. II. Jaclt10n (Y) ... 1500


~ P. llowa Ofh) bt Mn. Fanar CNk) SlO • L.~ (W) bt I. Aldred ( ) ... ZIIO g. on bt D. Dam (lA> ..... ".. !140 • J, ,_ (W) bt A. lUI- c J ...... :J040 I. Gu)' (N) bt G. Taylor CLt> ...... L E. S.broolt {Lt) bt Mn. Huahea Ofl 1. G. Millie (I.e) bt W. Whalley (H) ••• SS90 W. Upc:ott..(illl (Nh) bt G. SwiUUl (I.e) 1-1100 P. I. lallq (CH) bt Mn. WIU'IMI' ( k) ZS90 R. Wale Cl) bt Mn. Houlton ( k) ... 300 M. H. All"e7 bt Ml Shepherd (II Z610 G. McPhe~ (W) b1 Mrs. luctby (l.e) DO H. Calma (I.e) bt A. Holtom (W) ...... w/o A. I. Payne (I.e) bt D. H. Howle (Nb) 410 0. l!llu Cl.e) bt D. H. Dyer . Sallla bt W. Andrews (Wo) 1810 B. A. Oaridae (0) bt Mn. C. Tlmtn$ (Wo) l:ZSO J, M. Oark bt S. Kay CBI ...... 16)() E. Xilmurry (W) bt ). l. AlcX<~nd r (D) 2110

TIO AL WOME 'S P IRS 1976 I Mn. M. Curt! , M i J. H~nriksen .•. I'WO 2 Mrs. E. Sinclair, Mrs. L. Lanlo ..• 1655 ) Mrs. A. L. Ddla Porta, Mrs. D. Caplan 1641 4 Mrs. A. HJ t, Mrs. A. ta el y ... 1629 S Mrs. ). L. Ba Mrs. C. Mill r 1627 6 M~ C. TimmS, Mrs. S. A. pmce . .. 1625 7 Mrs. G. S. Franc:l Mrs. W. W. Brown 1622 8 \1 M. llei"!NNn, M ia A . )(]reb ... 1611 9 Mrs. D. P. Willi , Mrs. M. Warburton 1614 IC Mn. A. L. Flemlna, Mrs. • A . Bin I I I Ma I. Ashcroft, Mn. H. Stenmon ... 1595 12 Mrl. '. Slnc:lair, Mrs. A. Flood 159) 13 Mrs. B. M. Pox. Mrs. P. WUUam ... ISIS 14 Mrs. V. Dow, Mra. B. Sand rs IS82 a M ~ S. L. )ones. Mrs. L. Well ... 1566 16 Mrs. N. Camp ld, Mrs. P. Bloomer ... ISS8 17 Mn. M. Lee. Mrs. ). llelch r ... ISSS II= Mrs. R. Brandon, Mrs. R. V. Coburn 1554 II: Mrs. . A. Harrl , Ml'5. L. Hay ... 1554 20 Mn. E. Caner, Mrs. ). Fo 1550

lOR P IR - Janu ry 1976 3617 I M. A. M. Davie , G. E. Osborne {L) 3612 2 R. Smol I. A. R. Po er (BO 3509 J R. G. Wymer, E. Marun {L) . )49-1 4 J. R. Tolller, W. ). Holland (llr) 349) S G. Kenyon, N. Bardliley (L) ))11 6 A. Putlcy, P. A. )ac:lt n (L) ... ll67 1 ). W. S. Smith, ). Dhondy Cl) ... )) I A. M. G. TbomP'()n, ). L. Reard n (l ) lSI ~ G. T. Kirby, ). A. lblett (l) ··· , .. l 10 A. w. Wearmouth, M. J. . Harrt (ll'h m) ... ll 10 C S. Gore. G. Wa n Cll'h m) HI '> 11 A Wall lam , I. nape {L) •

H RRI 0 VER • P. L. Lmdon Wlnnlna rtoall

m. MRO E Fl L TRI L 197S/ 76

I 2 4 s ..., 7 , I rl 9 ,. I n •·· 7 19

David Gostyn (left) and Bill Penchan (right) pictured at the 81\Quit Simultaneous Pairs Pr entation with Doug Scott, Sale Promotio n Mana&er for the Hou of Seagram Limited

\ inner of the Hel na Rubinstein Wom n's T !Mr . G. C. H. Pox, Ml 1. hcroft, rs. A. Hi • Mrs. P. \ 'Ill 20 LONDON CONGRESS Mtmlt IN, 20tll •tl 21st, 1976 BERNERS HOTEL BERNER STREET, W1 £300.00 (in routh.rs) in Prizes UOCHURE FROM Mi s V. M. M. Daly, 10a Hamilton Road, Harrow, Mlddx. THE NORFOLK CONGRESS uc~ euvler tile E.I.U. April 30th, May 1st and 2nd, 1976 at DUKE'S HEAD HOTEL, KINGS LYNN, NORFOLK Cllirf TocuiiGIII~ Director: PETER WESTIROOIC THE CONGRESS WIU INQIJDE A SWISS TEAMS EVENT F tiler JdoJs ONI Elllry Fonru /rolft THE CONGRESS SECRET AlY AS. S. WARN ER, THE LAURELS, SANDY LANE, SOUTH WOOTTON, KI NGS LYNN, NORFOLK

DONCASTER BRIDGE ASSOCIATION L cen ed by the E.B.U. AN UAL CONGRESS at EARL OF DONCASTER HOTEL on 9th-11th APRIL, 1978 Ch ef Tournam nt D~rector: G. D. Connell Entr a and Enqutrie to Congre Secretary: Mrs. K. M. Gr moldby, 55 Oakhlll Road, Doncaster A MASTER POINTS CONGRESS- FULL CONGRESS £3.50 CHAMP. PAIRS - SWISS TEAMS two ....aGn event Hot 1 peclal terms o full Congre a Holders: For 2 days Deml-pen ion : £11 Inc. tax

¥0RKSHIRE C.B.A. ANNUAL CONG~r•:!&! GRAND HOTEL, SCARBOROUGH 3rd to 6th JUNE, 1976 Enquiri s and Entri s lo z Mr • A. Cartwright 170 5 werby Road, Brldllngton, Yorks Y016 SUP T I. 4942

22 ZJ

10 II BRITISH BRID6E LEAGUE lE OF MAN CONGRESJ Y 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 1976 (SEE ADVERTISEMENT BACK COVER lus1ve arrangements available by air or sea are "" •llomtion ol •cc... lllllltiotl .t hon Hotel (V11111111 ol tile Con,ress) Book early to avoid disappointment


l.,?)~!p)!p)!p)!p) !p)!p)!p)!p)!p)!p)!p)!p)!,:;?)!,:;?)!,:;?)!,:;?)!p)~ Youna Chel a Brtd1 Club, 32 lub Bar ton Garden , London S.W.S. Duplicate every Monday, Wedne day and Friday at 7.30. Room available for matche at moderate rate • Tel. 373 1665. Harrow. Tbe Hanow Brtdp Clab, 16 orthwick Park Road, Harrow, Tel. 3908. Good standard brid&t in enjoyable atmosphere. Session twice daily. Tuition Practice Classe Duphcate. Open team -of-four every Saturday evenin1 0

Quality BRIDGE STATIO Y A , rs•• I} serrlce ,., .II .,._ dfth•• r ,_ A. L. FLEMING 12 Fr nt Road, Tunbrldse W II , K nt T ephoM: Tunbridge Welle 30112 How II rd · Tra\iellin or urtain ard rds · Lu e Duplic t · PI ing rd E.B.U. The A NEW VENUE and NEW DATES FOR AN ·. IDEAL SPRING HOLIDAy BREAK



' I Of rs J ton Seer t ry T Bntt h Bnd L 21 S ndnngh m R WR HA lnelu ive Holtd y Bookings rr ng d sol ly by K P M nmdal • Elsmore Travel Ltd. 28 Exeh nge Str t E t . LIVERPOOL L2 3PW (Tel phone 051 tt7 3411 . Tel a I.