Λ eoou I came stairs—for Sccnes in the Detroit Police Court. Silver Reaction at the Cornera, while. And il was a pretty cold night. No. 31. D Doherty Ellen. VagruUty. Pretty away up am wo saw onco tb.it :-ho was «lie unmanned me so, before Ibe men ; Ono thing I certain uv, B-iscom i*he came for a place to sleep. So alter Sick." Fur at IIΒ THOUGHT MAI» THOUGHTS. OcG-Vort) wtlnnocral ubout m I sot down here and held it out alone. ain't no liaanueer nor nevor will be, ami O that we well used to hei ; but pruity nick. She'd been beating ami |loetrn. got pretty "Trumon Harmony, you look sad,"said IS and a'ler the atorui. The euow wih all ovor bor. But while I waa setting here I beard a I told him so. "Wat is a financer?'' mostly alter she begun to drink His Honor to the first prisoner out. of railed out : PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Mother'* Way! the It don't take Their 1 noticed that she bad on a ο loan calico lull, and one the Irish boys asked be. like rest. long. It was a tall, lathy, spindle legged "Give us <«ne ! Then "A sed asooojin the look BT within on wouldn't know Vm dress. She stood where you're more, Doherty ye iiuansccr,'' I, Oft little «vtuft. own mothers mostly just man, whose eyes bad a hollow look, and Λ β the shadows gently fall. !" a man wicb kin GEO. H. or eo as it ma'am. while I madn the entry. can take yer yerself of Daniel Webster, "ia WATKINS, While the snn.ight touche* softly in three years ; less, raaybo, ctauding, sleep whose voice was that ot a child crying Ono sweet face upon the w*!l, snow some to for it And ma'am, she low bis debt* with nothin—a man wich Editor and Proprietor. It took the time melt, then, began, quite butter with pay l>o we gather clone together. Ιιβρμβη#. out in the night for bread and ρ sweet she kio Anil m hu«h»d anil tender tone, : como a fort- bad sleeted some. She looked almost a· and in faint voice, and very ! git eaibin with nothin." Well, y i s. Our ruin is on it. blew his nose in that off A«k each other'» fU'l sugar lie Τfrm*—$'«ί.ΟΟ p#r fwrgîTeness uv one comes it she was in a white ehe was po : "The Corners, then, is full tinan- For the wroi g thu each hs-> done. and you go When dress, nang manner which a wounded If atrlctiv ta a.'.Tan···. adduction of flft> ct·, night band betrays pal·) Should you wonder whT this custom don» t.» "Je*oe lorer of my Soul." bo a will b« ma-le. It within »i* mouth·. a for two then it covered. She bad her hair up at, eeers," remarkt, bitterly, casting pa.d At tbrendiug oi the Jay, steady weeks every night heart, and : deduction of l Dtp centa louder! replied irtij will be TOice would answer: She sang in tbi« wav; caeual at bis wbicb was Kye anil neickty is a case of and wo c*n send loo. singing glanoo slate, just ■h!«. If not Ι'λλΙ till the end of the !" vagrancy, "Was I when ar- "It was once our mother'* way now duiug anything tiiey | ▼ear two dollars will be charged. I I'd and eeo ber in the cell And then— tull enuff to turn over and on tbe 'em to the alms house. But Do!> rty.she thought go me begin If our borne be and cheery. "I.et mt to )>o«om reited P"1 bright She walked thy fly. tother side. Baseom to an im- If It holds a welcome true. was carcful. She smart its mysolt. So I weut down. t»nd pinted of pretty grew While the billow* near roe roll, "Yes, you wfti seated on a faded Advertising, Opening wide it· λ t s η And wbeu she "Tired, ?" aald I. O, days, pipe With the \ lung time. Doberty a;:d inbbine |ik« a tree in November. Eich »u Sequent wrfk, V> ceata. needy, day by day. verse pine 'Τ our heart* remember to And in the midst of the ?bo "1 tho of a because tu clear of "Lieutenant," she said, "folks used roof. shan't riNc price hkker, epeclal Notice·—» per rent, Iditioaal. Come ν». she steered pretty H ht: ι· iju « Hi ;« : s a.-kc l the cause of This was ever mother's way. the your call me Nell. called me Do- The men called to her, and in consckence uv for it ΓΙΟΙ *ΤΚ «ΟΤΙΓΚβ. the law lor η lew nights, you Nobody stopped. sorrow the more. You refused being paid depre- >ometiaies when our heart." grow weary, —n.iuing you wopt j Order· ot Vit:··· on Keal I 00 I to come to the women ; and thu said : abiablo !" E»taie, Or our task *eea»s »cry long. see, and theu ΰ onherown w'-us. berty till begun police Cap'η currency Order· on Will· 1.J0 ng.-wn to name and of residence, When our burdens look too heary. us give you. place Not,ce·. i0 statiou. I don't think called me •'(live the rest, Nell!'1 1 toii on Baacom'a ncck, in at) extacy te^ard'.ant' 1 And we deem the all wrong, They're more alraid of the alms houre anybody ft'id bili< u to bo either drunk or A Jmtniotrator-' and Eaecutor·' Notice*, 1 St1 ripht viug ) Then we gain a new. ireen courage, that till I'd been into the house," she. I was rather glad ho called Nell just uv dolite, while the others d..outed, t. enta.· ·*■ \ ·:.. c« )H than aro of bell, these folks. says ou down I As wo rise to ear, they crazy. τ were sleigh-ridod here." proudly then for wnen we Tern»» made w th Li^al A iv«rt:»er*,»nd "Let «s do our bravelv— Thon I lor I I'd ; got in, wondering "'Kah for Baecom!" "But I tell Special duty So she got to be a pretty old customer said, thought pacify ••Is it the law to when a fol- yoo for vtv«rt:t^Di< ru* conUaucd tnr r«n«ine» ι» -Arc should be t.ikta to icy. suppose raigh* my •the James "About whit?" »eui. fifth uv and fill it with ·. ^iorg. likker, !:tr·! priions • taraire itie y,U IMMJ pluce l >r it. K*i! Cap'u ? liui I don't crying. some aner lo'r. <· >ncerning Senator "About deud loAs—and lioaveu—and w.th η four wrra· we nh-'ui be at>pn*ec of it. water.'' me. It was not till toward midnight that -«ho think l)ohi r'y ever told ol Wade. angels—and graves—and coflins !" υ υ u n η τ ν. well ir I "Merciful !" wo all exclaimed ; to be a cuse. They did. \ g«>t and qui- hevings She gro* pretty tough begun. Soon alter t tking his seat Wado wit- "Was it puro ar.d uuadulteruted tor- « "und Your likker eo weak now !" PRINTING OFFICE. r· wasalw ns eted before lint. Hut very now and I)oberty d And yet tin nessed one ol those scene»*o t tnrnon in ronr, or was it three and The of a W ο m ι» η Who Xiver Had a parts whiskey JOB Mor> then the men would cMl : "Sip u^ to "And when silver git» lown to seventy- AI.L KINDS OF something 1 liked about l)--heriy. You tua Sou tie iû IL ο A Souiheru one sorrow ?" 4'haiice. Ua)s. part 1 ! us '<■ ,· 1 five cents shall draw twenty-five per see she used to sinç. Sometimes they >1k·ρ, Doherty SiDg ρ!" fire-eater ni*d«i au ac.La^*u twenty-live per cent, uv water. And so hire who could draw liis ol the re*t. I b< ats here ΐιμοιι the oflice win- at eiw in to or It's awful to to have bi en hero last ροφ heavily gusted the criajjing, .rdiy way have weep bus Emted ati tion. you'd oughl on down, lit silver goes up 1 shel add witUeatnes Desjatcli Scrawl the walls all n-er, il he wasn't dow* a» yon see, ma'am ; and we get a which the Northern man bore tbe taunts be sad, dir." eight. I. isu't often. ma'am, there is a whi«key efrgexoctly in proporshen. In AT Till w itched, Oue of the w >r«t etsea we clean «weep of the wind on ac- so. time would bo suits le lor \ u 1 pri t:j and insult* ol the bot-hoadod Southerner. "Yes, I thiuk Next you feel n>siht thai short, my whiskry is jlst agoin to foller ever had on these his name w-.s count ol the street to the hail adizen biHJks, runniug As no (illusion was m\ ie to liiuisell or il t 0'· you had b· t'er write poetry | OXFORD DEMOCRAT OFFICE do cot thiuK there's been uriin;; currency, and nothin shorter. Yoo fel- Killed an ofli· wharves. 1 sent down onco to a*k how when wirier tha' I'd want roun it ti.illrej—Aeter (îaffroy. State, Mr. Wade eat still, bat tbo to ease your heart. That will, tin» you ><>u ouisilug lers wich work for wagia may s vet, but cer, tinaily, with a hor-e shoe. II·· u-i d Doh rty seemed; but the officer reported SuDtlo bo 6 .id if over t:vke th«i loal cveu when tcuis was my daughter or my s:«ter—begging adjourned, openly, away I won't." Professional Cards, <$c. 1 to taik Latin when he wv drunk, and ib^t sho was quiet, and ho wished tbo a S-uUhern Senator male such an attack ! fail." your pardon. ma'am. as the best *s*y "But you'll iocreaso the size ot your some other I it was rest were. all in, men, women, man AlK ι HOLT, » «s language. thought They're as tha'. on him or his S'.ste, while ho sat "No—QO—b: λ : f ut it ι >ou to re my mear.iug gaSj-cd glasses ?"' sed I. 1^1 but the chief heard him. and said ho said, in concert, a ou» on ho hito as a a his and a id the a uiin ha* about such Dutch; crying "Sing that floor, would brand as he took paper iroin pocket at feeling "Not any. But von may drink twice Counselors $ Attorneys Law, he guessed it wa* Greek. The fellow us t sleep, Doherty.'' liar. This coming to the eurs of the it ou thu desk. I things. placod ez tu?ay times to git tbo same amount Nokwat. Mains. to the rest all round like she I hear ·! used get ranged Pretty soon began. co.jld South· rn men, a Senator look occasion ίο lie hid tried it m follows: » K\er see our book«>? Ν Just \ou Ofl η rocui- No J M»-on'· Block. uv drink ez belore, by payin lor eecb an and then at it. Bat gen- the of -» From there to erally ibey re.igion. pop- She began—Doherty bogau—that |»oor ot Ohio aud her people as negro-thieves. £0Q η rotu d*Y· t l>i,»se \Vi. 1 »a? <· ■ courso wo can't *:and likkor diloot- Τ κ- it of rλ b week; the -g pages. y Will nnvb"'ly re ? Uv " ν w- ular. This th.it 1 of, she tha· ha I once h ;n k in a!l th'ise Di-com- Doberty sp>'*k rai-etah'e—croctur—shf Instantly Mr. Wad- sprang to his leet th«.re. We U Will iliey laff us tuer pas* my grave, j ed in that manner. Wo are willin enuff b id a beau*itul ν >ic<\ Time and airain a like othei wri.tr mIks— 'oeen woman and the Senator a liar. Tno ,\uj ttiui ι wu fare?" lHAKl.t Κ ELUEK. b r. In the month ol December, 1*>76, pronounced forget to diloot tho currency with wich wo pay I've set up here looking over tbt: books excuse me. ma'am ; l>u' *h*»'d < en on our Sou hem Sena rs wrr·» thunder-struck, c we h-.d in thi> jne -.f.i u ιλ > thousand His Honor rend the first vorse, return· lor likker, bat wu wao* our likker fall N^ELLOK AT an COl LAW, at dead of ni»;ht. ulone nlorg with books a iu tn) And I've and uround their two hundred and uien and good years. gathered champion, and siid : 23 Court >trrrt, BoMob, Ma··, tiity-'wo ed the paper We coodn't it, bat that or heart! the cjll strength. help officer (·■), and go up h*hrd her sing such I n«. ver liked wh'ie lue Ν >. ;hern mon abaul imperial ra»e· to Attorney» h vn,j ! u».ne«» or Women. (>t course there's the usual tliiu,.»! grouped "I'lea^e uo avvny. I'd toll the oilicers Dite we and sent to our .vim below : signed repre- ·.».· for ~-»licrU alnl)"l.'oi.iv. from a man som« di-wn to bo taken by sui as Doher'v to.'k Wade. A liefer was out tbe »ha:e ot aiie«ts. TtK-re's Mahoney and prise, j.ut by not to disturb you any mure." seuta'.ive a rumoostrance tho Silver Junel»'7»> lj* ! agin "Doherty ! Sing u·» Ό sleep, Doherty me. Ycu're not vcrv easy in Southern siilo, t a tetra lion, J Ui·· and Sullivan, and I'ete Cartwright surprised looking He went. bill. The C'urners is now for α boneat I A. TWADDLE. M. I» Sing us to !" such a as this nt anything your fp|- but M". Wade retorted ia his * a under sleep plicn peculiar Lid Julia Henderson righl my A CURIOUS SI. Kit ill RIDE. currency. Wood, Ο wood, that we had NO M'Rfi Aad then Dohertv fmru the women's low siuners do. 1 and d< minded au lor tha PllYSKTANA EON, β ii arr· sis. All drunk. Hut most style, apology uv Blade. ! finger, .Fumes Tu- ni'Tf »rd lc»ok his little horse soruo it.—Nasbt, in Tolcd>j Betukl Hill. Ue Ci.l would h»'»r them, through the wall, Hut about when the storm the ho are m tho winter midnight, iusull offered himsolf arid people vfflce ovei Kimbai. «tore. o! ihtiu vagrancies A id the 'w- and cutter and went out to sleigh. an a and she would begin. lighting wns at its thick and tbo cell* wto gr I ho matter thus a of the !ung» ! h«art «perlait/. time. You see it was cold last l'opreseuted. closed, Λ Fable. pretty Not drank a of and the and all he horrid noise she sit *nd l»e/an w.»s as cerlai i. having drop anything thcu swearing ing still, Doherty, up tight lo ked upon Tno a e l,. HARLOW. I Dect-mbtr, nights. And A wolf bor grazing especially I that tea boiled up j.row;ing espied wou'd iiet down ; and, true enough, to a uext a caiied the stronger three-shilling y we tre caretul aoout our officers. Don't q sing hymn. She«ang: day gentleman upon In tbo field. "Ah," said h»*, "n prize ! AT wo nt the Ktvcr." in river water. ATTORNEY LAW. think si I had a Newfoundland "shall puttier fr m tbo cheap and no more at they pt. Senator Ohio, aud askod mual but how Uj ? A horse is not an Dufleld, Me. allow kuking. *w^arin„f md as clear and in-maga Jaat,*7? that went to wh in iuv wife My boy sings that at Sunday School, And his eye-siiiht beinc dog sleep bis knowledge of the a must somo "em than circumstances These questiou touching η J K.ol 11 ni α dm easy like 1 require. it the lr.\moti'oes my wife, sh« strikes up tiret thing crocturs such round am played rode. trick." » mrai.-iaer tor Me. Sotarr Publie. get things >r.g two the horse to mak· un the cabinet organ every Sunday night. Yet. m officer* testifv. thit woman wou!d sing enough ••I am hero," ho "in a him- 'Γ» ITUIELL λ ev vns. have a lor this responded, ■ So ho drew near and introduced lhem»elv».s. They fancy -· t nin·· :itkjs in on« Sj·Λ! 'o-t all h'-T look» sang it all through: 1 cro?«ed thr block, ilt*?h creep. Doherty Mi!'!e I the Sta'.o of an f .« Hr.nfnr station, may be. 1 don't know how that your cap tei'y. represent «ο "At Uio ru.irj,':ii ol the river any lay." Wade, u'Cnguizo Tell mo disease I can cure have very gentlemanly way. whole outfit. graze. your ; own And the officers ι>»«»k the and sweet as the bueh-a-by my bnby Thi-»en »rt. thn ic.ir.t.1 t thnnirhf nprh trm frieud l»-els said the we it makes much difference, I tell "My aggrieved." it whatever it Is." EUSTEK. JK. thirk "Now, Mr. ( I want XjVNUCl! m »'nm, tr >ai my >w:i wife's in Sen- ummerford, yonr better understand hoars lips. wouldn't know them. Folks gentleman, "at what you said (bo "I havo a cn the under side of you, madam (you may you sing said the court to the swelling »he "Λ I honest stfttemeut," at Law, Sometimes si'i^. 1-tng Syne" them λ deal in the church. ato and will h'k tor an the Attorney and Counsellor it at :Le cutset), I dot/; kaow what your great Bap'.ist yesterday, apology my ir*t· wasn't drunk, w »man up >ng called as "I wad somewhat con- come with so fharitabie and cari >us picked the grate all through this place. enmbarraesed," iur a snap. ^ U in TC HIÛS, many ijuiet I wasn't," ri James. luakmg ready "Three Fisher»." M ay be you know it Senator "bv piitd cv ru«tiraes she was quite man you they talk nor toe a lawyer, and I nevor go will never notice it. I will not be matter cuiled there. •everal ears a lady with the way set, as silent a* s ro«v rî ange:» ou the yours cent Erio together y ago—it ai ί penile in h-r ways. Tnat back on a dumb brute !" apeabie ! asked either for ret notion, The one of the r.»ilroad mag· y seem to you'll excuse d*y, » '-toning to bear tbat explanation, other day you have—(I hope nigbt i»ne didut nuj; tu mi. lue men judgment "Nor I,either, but 1 shall tine you |10! arid Counsellor at a or a who had been so fortunate as to ob- Law, me. ma'am, but there is a difference in womau Ogo and another, they fight." on nates Attorney it up, où' and on, all ni^nt. "Is sing It you »ro caught out again driving Kezar Fall*. Me. kept Next Mr. Wade came into the as I have to "I to that ?< morning tain a seat, a brother have none, lady's way, such think you'd ?*' "liasu'i said: used sing r<«j tajself.'' tho without able to seeing w l :a U*ft>rJ an ! York Co·. Doherty iu to-night Doherly public highway being practice jan'i*77 Sonate, ftnd. to hi-t seat, de- : a and d a man's 11« waa for as-suii kiu1 uattery. Bad- proceeding said be man, pretty tough couie?' us to up I'll tnoke the tine S. WRIOIIT, "Siug sleep, Doherty! drew from his coat two tell'gee'Irorn'haw,' this seat with tor instance, to under- too, him-«it. about tho lace, liberately large "Hero Β I'll divide JASÉK> work, like miue, us to !" ly beaten, tive times as much. You can communi- ATTORNEY AT LAW. siug sleep his desk, iuid them st«n t so as I wished iio tho wall, I noticed, on pistols, and,unlocking horse." you." c.early you might.) ttut sbe w u.du'i υρ>·η her and crept aiuug cate this warning to your PiR;a|H:LL. Mi. iips; inside. Tbe Southern men looked on in sat and a last I will confess, that there'd bis knee, to get where he could hour h»-r Mr. Β down, being gen- (.••Mention a. prmptly ma 'e. Also. »t>ec;a: ar night, when morning came —il wa* h snowy while the Northtr ι members en- a In Uell. soon le· « π to t>..«iar·- ο Pro'·»» Court jl'77 occur to me to sho be bohertd silence, Belief of b Utiese tleman of some breadth ut beam, been a la 1Y here. It did 1 let her she better. When stopped, morciag—and nut; tuggtd to the the tiro-eaters' — fullest extent, to full τ ϋ Γρ lor wile. But I never out : joyed, Potter, of tho Fourth unconsciously managed gain pos- go home my bring this on as she Judge Joseph * a < C«Dfrt#a us another psalm tune!' day fore him whs pn'.itled "Frank Grover wittily tio.n « bur<-n jab 1,7. See I se.l »«h»· com»· bet fort- "Come, Nell! Sing sleep Herringshaw." brought Vagrancy.*' nijjii ues.·* and consideration the S natoi the DcToteU to Female Invalid*. ] by tho pr.co of whiskey turuished ••Yes," said Β "I've prorated Exclusively to count up ho* oluu .i.„ man* term; but she cl«-ered out just in the hymns.'' $778.13, Me. going night's wiio had so at.asked birn. a Watl*>uio>. she and she insultingly to Crofutt at Yonkers, and tho only que«- whole of this chair to the Erie, that's came his been on these books, it would Tnon ifii- month. It's tit-en So then began again ; gave W Ρ νΤΓΙ » Κ M 1).. liar Ptv time. Hg.iin Superman u«ed to be lor slaves ic was Cro- ai«:«n *cld winter, and ihe wouiin 'em, upon β ill .»·*»· «end tor tirvu.ar i*a Γ"77 good pretty ι Heaven knows where tho crettur learned to beg money from Northern lutt's Herringshaw, on the setiued I ie:t sorry tor h-r. She'd Washington partner. ι: .. 1 V Μ l>"l jtars. sickly. Jokes. m.âlW. to their freedom. A denied that ho was in any way re- Printer*' and she 'era. At eome Protestant S'inday School, Congressmen buy ; stand, ^Ιτ I rtm> mhtr very well the litsi tira» she grown unpleasant looking, Ox âr Vv mh'd ( 'os wandered in at holi- but acccsted Mr. for Crofutt's actions, The Sew Covenant says : lMptUy Turriff for ford 1 doti'i thiuk silt· had maybe, where she'd pour, smart-looking boy sponsible except Chicago came. Don't Itu'-w how I happen to. Coughed. any place from Watutou, Ml a d ti in ai-counl Wade while ho was in conversation with that he had hiiu to occupy one The S was accidentally dropped ot ner own thi-s «tason. We days. They go good permitted will \* At Toere is such a lut ot and anywhere. ▲11 précepte by mail r> prompt young girls, a rent liee until the heau of the Star in the West, *7? ot the Christmas promiscuous company of Northern and ot his houses at Yonkers running teuioa ju t. one was rai.ie couldn't rind out. Tuo C and 1 tell a present*. pretty «.nes, too. This ip'a out as Tar Southern Senator?, and to beg ho on his fret.'' His cro§--oxa»ina- lately, so that the paper went AVIS W. CUAPMA.V of interest, see. -he'd been η We all round her th»re—the men began -'got thau eo -.oton y good lookirg—an Jrt-b kind ycu got editor money to bis freedom. "I never tien included the in the West, which reminds the J so I;wn natural. in?iae and the officers withou' -and lis- l^uy followiug: DEPUTY SHERIFF à CORONER. >H'. h»d a dark style and wan r our b oks I >ng. <>..:>· giri. pal· to said .Mr. have been a that once the head letters of the title were is for awhile. 1 dou'i ibink I e\ei give my money buy slaves," Q.—"I be'ieve you preach- Kkzak Falls. Mr tin η n.« s' t 'em. 1 thiuk it must have But I do assur·» j:.u, iiuVn, there tened the lo^ks ?" The answer came ont so as to read Hats in the nr·. si : »:τ-<ί«··1 ;o. T7 so in life. Wa«le ; when, seeing pleasant er in day transposed Has bt pn'rci jl nrs was to be done for sj -Ij a e\-e. N>th- beard her all my Doberty your b-tn t.vc ago. it the tirst time I nothing sing we ol he S nators, he turned to the aud and : "1 once from West. Which reminds us that when t lovik like had a fine vi i n and no mistake. If she'e boy sharp quick preached she'it m wea imMML She took on iag whatever. I wou.d tha', ) asked: the devil don't you run unto scribes, edited the Maine Gospel Banner, a dis- J beer» born sbo'd hate been t "Why the text, 'Woe you lawyers, DENTWT, « t:· it. iu· Lad not it 1 were You can't help it. Him respect »:.!{· dieadit.lv begun you. al ono< es- our motto an. away ?" Τ no Southerners stared how shall ye charged employe transposed '--y; Jc'k >' >*W AT VitXAoe, Me 'eui fic sttik-s V-ai ofl' our that weman, 1 take it j pharisot?, hypocrites; T' t drink tueo. and what she was that ptrmits great aiuger, and the started off with o: hell ?' I once so as to a startling effect. It froth lc»er;f l on OOM. Sliver οι v* ,->u'd have been tc another, darkey tho dominion Yes, produce never now and theD, into Hi·», madam; the folks running cape taKeu bp t-jr bad happened be- books, name of oar God Vulcamxeti Rubber jab 1 77 a new idea in hi» head, when Mr. Wade trom that text." read: "In the and t ht m aud us, I lake and to concert balls to hoar her. preached usually fore. It was the tirst time, she said. and best tor Him opera The ΛΙΓ O. DOL'oLAS^. ! called bim hack, and him a $10 not once among tho wo will set up our Banner." rogue when il S > there sbo sat aud sung. Sbo se handing (j.—"Were yon Sousew ivs I remembt:*, I believed her. it, uapptns. "In the name I bill «ai 1 : "H rc is $10 to pay your ex- Mormons with Α.— so deranged it that it read, "deputy sheriff. the 1'3 ! ol up in one corner, with her chin upon hei Brigham Young?" Seemed a» it sbt'd Lr-ak her beart.— Now,Jla»t nig.it, February, our Banner." Pajus Hill Maine. ran out of I think ho was a scour- ot our God we will upset is: m ou bar tour- and noticed but etare< | peneos. Now, away slaver», "No, sir. big anv toik·». *';e «tid. Het'n were that woman,>heM j tde bauds, nobody, I AU b'.isine#» bv nitil or othen*.»« will be a; Iladn't the tiret chance ons outtve; mid I had it on belore hor. SLo sang "Near toy boy. you get." drel." •a>ie-J ίο mob.li I y dea«*. S c up in η little in titi.th night straight than he to promptly. cooped heap not the Mor- —"I had more money carry to to- er to and she s-ng ·*] t.i^'ht, p.auntd is is said a mean The Way a Thlnc Done What mons us a sir. I on the suit," very Glasgow She'd be warm in th»i beard the voice of Jesus acd "Lovt preacher?*' Α.—"No, ^1HkII.A>D all It wasn't till morn- day. poor-house, say," a crying the night. i s.—An old who was asked in individual who bad won lawsuit INSURANCE AGENT. those. And all ».b« , Cous darkey 'bat «ermon at Sing Sing, just a at least, aud sure of her rati jus. at Home," and all preached m thai the oth(-r w men could get Cap'n "and that's where KOKWAT, ing if in his was ever at> Has a there in over a poor neighbor, it saw women listened. And ! experience prayer this S ate. I class-leader Risk* •■flt'Cte J id all tbe A anl i both felt ot whoa we men aud all the leading Compame* wcrd oat ot her. Il I remember straight glad : ot him. Then 1 had rate·. tet 13 '77 swered, "Well, §jh, somo i I had tho advantage favorable 1} in. He said: "WVve saw the draw his band across hii i replied f.raii the Methodiet Church."' we au lot ol her stagger got Cap'n that's had uncommonly rough h an' some on wb. much better counsel than he, and was much ansnd isn't—'pends not what is now gener- A. I. li.4 >DALL A CO. ibis time/' Aud I said: "ll«re s And I'll own it too foi Q.—"Are you womeolo kS on that night. I wouldn't her ugaln ey ot bim. And yon axes fo\ Just arter de wah. w'en it known as an atheist ?"' Α.—"No, where I bad the advantage ?" me, 1 will, indeed. erally have pa' her iu among 'em, Lu' there*! Doherty were ill while the suit was those was mighty hard scrutchin' fo'de cnllnd tir. I believe in the I said his family 1 weul to lo her, tor i tell a To see her there, letting out holj Almighty. C Ο no other «ay. I never get used tc up speak 1 so he could not attend to it,and AL, quite bruddurn. I 'bnrved dat w'enehber to there would be α bell. I believe pending, Whulrtal· and ICctMil. it was ihe last words so trustfully, as you might say yon a with ai little sorry, too, knowing him that—shutting up joung tbiug de Lod to son'one o' Marse Peyton s of and there I had the advantage of again. understand how ma'am as it she had as much right to 'en , ρ way in a future state rewards punish- «Λο. 170 Commercial, Street old one. time. For you couidu'i fat fo' de old man, dare was no But then Brown is a very decent sort of PortlauU Maine. uor the kind of as wretched—mad turkeys ments." 90 she was sent tu the bousu ft ι familiar their faces grow, anybody—that—poor Weil, a alter all." "Yes, said the listen- > notice took ol de partitisn ; but wen I then resumed the ordinary man, au about them. am, it was to break your heart t< Counsel and acd υγ she was back teeling that officer gets enough tbrty day ; by dat he would sen1 de old man fo' de found for "and that's where he bad the advan- ERYSIPELAS, her. 1 couldn't pway crose-examination. The Jury er, c*. me ci own thai now and then. bear help remembering ui u«r *»r. II Sr.e her accord Mdcy .t c.: ito- .niorm again. r do matter was 'tended to befo' F. tage of yon." as she was and and hot turkey, the defendant Herringshaw. Byrne A. l.ttB, >». ^37 Nt. Port· > There is the 1 put it down how young, (»·(Γ··ι time. Sa'd she couldn't get anything tt entry just pretty A. A. • aed, Mf., never ,»:■* m the ure j( ;be on fir«t she eve nex' mornin', dead sartin Γ'—At- for the Briggs so times. she looked th« night (sunup appeared plaintiff; braiO! kr RDeuroat, A,, f :rui > Seems :o me she said she wantec after many are otten set in their ways. do. ί latUa ClouAUtulkM. ' for the defendant—N. T. Tribu v:. —Hens βί ScTVUiiA, Alia All blMMUM of tut si:o. i come to us. work. do it once in t 1 "So. 31 (she came in rather early)— ►iy I honest The; say Editorial and Selected Item», the to the Judicial Court% March Washington Correspondence. The "Contraction* (ien. Howard'* Vindication. —Mr. Ha'c hold up mirror Supreme Question. / I Democratic in th" llouso, Term, 1S78. Washixitoh, P.C., —The next convention os M tine Re· it was The of the majority yester- We have repeatedly .said that correspondent March 13, 1878 ) ($rforb Washington the fol- day, and then left them to a.-k themselves lorm Clube is to be hold at Norway, Democrat. from the ol those Boston Advertiser immaterial stand-point telegraphed their olainis of J. the etillneee of this One of the oases in how much economy Libby, presiding. Mr. Editor:—In June let. who want the greenback as good as gold, lowing on Monday: amounted to. lie showed, ou oui* side, J. S. Wright, Clerk. I will and nn PARIS, MAINE. MARCH 1878. which Ornerai Ο. Ο. Howard is defend- lovely epting evening, try —Sugar makers report unusual rua 19, whether or not there was "a contraction which the retreanchmont Miss Abby I'uuufkr, a few of few ant came to a sudden termination to-day, cheeseparing Stenographer. gather up fragments pissing of sap the last days—also of the whole volume of bet- the during currency" was saves a lew millions out of expenses of the readers of tho acquittal of the general. It event» for the benefit road makers. ween 1865 and .for the reason that by one to be Newspaper Decisions. 1873; a of the Government year, a suit of the United States to recover OFFICKU.8 IN ATTENDANCE. the Democrat. —A northoast storm of wind aud it is cot the volume of money, but the made deficiencies the heavy Abv who Like* » sum of of to largely up by hai been I. person who paper ir^ul^rly $180,000 money belonging J. W. Wπιτγεν, Sheriff. The weather remarkably snow, set in Sunday nigh', and greatly ttK· whrtinr to his uame ur ol each dollar that affects next, ami, on the other, the iYom office— .lirecte»! value prices. (he national fund, which was piod- few mon'.b. Crocus- .OioUknr'4. or whether be liu lubecribeU or aot— bounty W. O. Douglass, pleasant for the past travel. We have t ■> fittv cent., more cur· which to Deputy. impeded ι· rtM>oont>ible for the μ»> meat. day per to the freedmen's bureau to dis- igil liberality proposes empty " es were in bloeeom in the yarda and gar- given — t. II a onletiTns ;iMr aiscoeiinued. the National into the in- Jonathan Bi.ake, in Gilead wrote to the veraoa rency than we had bclore the war. and to soldiers. Couusel ; Somebody lw must i»»v all ai retir.-txe*. or tne publisher may tribute colored Treasury 41 had March maw of the South Mr. Hale told J. H. Ridlon, dens before February passed. for a continue to ««a t It until it raaOe. an ! now are on about no finite Troaeurer recently rcceipt, payment nrices the average claimed that the United States con- County the whole amount, whether the I» yet having came in warm and and has collect paper the wholo of Democratic economy L. I). Stacy, with Grand Jury. pleasant, to bis name. tnxn or not. t; .me a? then. Hut as our was not a to this story but forgot sign 'aJwni the office greenback interest, properly party time. 1 he haw ileeMed that to take in a sentence. It consists iu "re- W. A. Barrows, tinued so up to the present 3. TheCourt* refining times" to the soldiers, single Messenger. to now. atxl ileal· iroui the office, fi.ud· have metaled that "hard suit. The money belongs —Paris Hill should grow oewpapr* perk* pool 1 and on several occasions, has begin κ vnj :he« I- were clerks," cramping eonsu's, thermometer, rvoortn/r Icavni^ uacaltod Κ·γ, were caused a forced contract! in of who should institute the auit if they ducing lcoks like a "little shaver," all stuck /«Of evidence ol fraud. by when .Vuth· It i"nm sustained the "turning out ministers," but Conrt convened on Tuoeday, at 10 a. in- been 75 degrees above, in the sba<:·'. the currercy betwton" 1865 and 1873 to aggrieved. Judge Wiloy over with barber a* it ia. ern claims ooine before these the Bill poles, aud went on to that there was up members, Kev. Dr. Kstes of Paris, offered prayer' The President's veto of Silver the extent ot twelve hundred million dol- point, say runs is so a man l*ubiic Creilit. "it is as inevitable as that water od lor several —Senator Davis iarge that no evidence that General Howard had The office of Court Crier having been was much commented lars, wç have been endeavoring to show down that will vote for them, he cannot g*t Hpon any Important ques- was for hill, they S. occasion of In the last issue of Rarixr's Weekly, the money, or legally responsible Abolished, Sheriff Whitten and J. days, and wae the di-p:aving l>otb sid*s υί them from the official reports that they and will advocate them, and if they do tion without occupying it. Thomas Nast has a doable page cartoon it. He, as tbe chief of tho freedman's Clerk, the duties an that astonished Star. ot who will not dare to home and Wright,E

  • .uti*. ling aller tin» «late. complaint, Constipation, debility KK.HKOT. lan I iu Hi .iWiou A Denmark. tioo-i is a g >od work, in obvHt ΚΓ» Drop»y.Bri*'if- meadow l'ICA S Κ W. MORsg. when 'an grt at our *torc Hhlloh'· S\ «tem Vit· Templars doing > you INCOME I 11» il'.ItS, Krg'r. to lhe Re.'orm Club and Ladite* Aid i.e.J lH»ea*e. Κ luoy, It. tdderand Urinary Complaint·. Witneaa— Α. L. Ηλιχκ». aiurr «h; ii we sell on positive guarantee M*reh ιβ iw cure I'M < Ictl MMlTSoM. F< »'etca ana UraTcl, are cur. il by II ('XT'* Wc«". Fern, it, 1978 you Premiums, alternate A Μ ι.κκιο > nil l'.iris, ». II .Raw -on, I'ar.* their on ο η of Snull 70 regular meetings KlIVEDV I·; at er an I liet.-nt Jackson's Catarrh Sheriff's *»;«Ir. llill. Interest, Rents, etc., 159,349 uud a liv * interest is manitoted. λ\ι» ruoi hi; puwiikr, weeks, ly fr.ni louerai l>ebiltty. Lvc»e*. lu'.etuperaoce OXFORT» «s l<" a and 32 Loiu<. are cuied l. VM> I'LEASANr HI MEDt IN > "IIACKMKTAt popular fr„,. le. iitck aud A DKUOllItl lakcu on xecution and wiU be sold by public ou the of um»· Sold the u >ove d· aier«. b» HI Λ Γ'·» KK.VEUV Ca/urrh. //·,.·/h'-t HrrittH, Jl»arten>st ! auction ••iturday, twcnty-ae\cuth day by EXPENDITURE then lor worn on tueir A l> .it ten o'clock in ttic forcno iii, p.ans vigorous l > H$tn. C Ac.. April, .{ifhnui uyht Pfit/nrti, *l the «tore ol ». Κ. Κιηι{. In t»*ford in »nl n- Losses Paid, 8904,406 90 ImTeus ih* season. to UOCTOK* l-tVK HIM I P. «if ui In wi.i t Mate «>1 Maine. coming They begin And all Disorder· re«ult. ; cy of Oxford, all the rif't In «-juity A. Commission and 466,859 06 ϊ· I r that Mr. «loulret ia up auil at Mufti oi llibron, in ».»id to· nty of t»> : id I OXFORD. I'robit Court I'< is Salaries, rea.ze that have not all tbe po-'lbie ami \ oral January they received « .« Head, Tltroul Orpans. ν I» rk. .tod curetl b. -o aiple a n*iue y I on the t went tilth ila\ of IH-etnber, Α. I»Î7, Term. A. I>. 1-Ts Taxes, Printing, and all other 182,·>90 83 ~#- ire it i* true tr.»t be ent::t ··cur^^l. din·» n* t .ι t ttarrh ►.nne waaatlatche·!on the >r u:il writ, κι *Y im T. I'erkin-. Expenses, proht from tb. ir farms that they r g ht, you I Keme· jr '-liiy «ιμ" when (lie the petifoti iii Admin· an I » to Bvliiiug .: Ilou iiiUer·. to w 81,603,1*16 and they s*om to be m »v ng in th« ri^bt d.nv- ajjo ti >1 :ort. gave h:in up I iniial ui ,;i« ·ιη.ι lily reuiut mn It ΙΙκ-.ttli uate I in llclirvr In *a:d late of Oxford in said < ounty deceased, piay n.' ■ η a λ:, he*t tin die hi μ 11 y ι Kalhti karaiag A eoitain i-areel ol land with 'ûiildiUK· that the balance remaining in h.» bauds on the SURPLUS 81,109,142 53 w ■. nut» s It» υι i>a INCOME, direction. W el I a-d»y li that «ο. 1 ill go th ni 11 I ,|· ir I» mild an I «srnnUI» ou »ituated on the westerly aide t'.·' 1 lead· *ettl<-uiect of h;s sect ,rar li«* or 1er···! t'i be dis- i at. 1 £ci ».·ιη» t r n y ρ λτ ueorgi ί know hop» etTrct* that it !>o*iiivcIy ing over Number lour llnl to Pkrl Π ill, mulr.- triouted amoiik' it.*· I.· irr of -a: I deceased and the C. I». Fessenden recent!·» at »« parcbavd are good·'' m 11« ; λ ιη< one hundred and twenty-Ave moto or -h ire οι »·.ι··1ι 11 med. ! the name ··· l'* that the Warren Percival au : >n ot Short- ι ( IIM'S W'lIlOIlt Sll<-«'/.illK lo.-, and belos |>eiri«ely ν υκιιΐΐίϊΐ·: That the lid Administrator five Itearce. Iloratio It· λΓΪ llfiri k M inter· Γιβ\*ΙΙ»γ. < •••■th notice to ail .irlie» ntcd tin rein i>v publish- Kroui Ihr Itoaton Ktrnlnx Λ· < TriM lu I'MHilfr, I tn'. to the 11·!0, horn stocK.two which r. > doubt Be.ir'T e nvejred to Aides F Mum, ml it«*d ing a copv ot :M oi ler in the Oxford Democrat, ycar-jtds. It îint λ »imi>U· a<< of to tbe in I never ιι.ηα····»:· « Ιι··η i·ι 11 'ίΟ1 1 .ι at Pari» in -·♦ 1 three «·,|»Κ·>ο^ 15:. l'a,:·· t·» which week* successively bcbufthc third Tuesday of ii- id ■ EE Kt ι·»γ t<> uv that ir Comfort. .< ··« p»r-onal e\|>erieB'e LH-'Jicioti* -en-atl'Mi < and reference mav ne ii.nl. alio a ertain other i March next, that ihey may api'"ar al a probate tne u-r ot : Sla nrti <- bn« favorably. ο n d impr*«-e1 tl.e Τ ravaler t>« the aaine land mat NN 111,.«■ i'. s March I » 1*7-, at η e ami cl». in|C preeicely tti,r,) lue-dav ol \. rurvil of it -ovrre of lour month·' It ! *infr, Itrllabiv, only ^ »·< ! BrcKNiLp.—Jeese Turner οι >wn tirely e*a|l Try M il »lialÎ e«nve>eil |o I ii n I. Mutidi o't |o k in tlio forenoon *nd shuw cause u' any cont rn« 'hf uv i'l li Balsam. and κν· 1 I :■■«·*·. a-ldre»» ."-old l»y Drugct'tA. or m ni»· dated Ht) Mil A l». 1871, au l reeordod la Oxford they ban why the prayer ot said petition ahotld one f ». >>: r ·■· an who have w fell dead upon the floor of bis room acquaintance·, LOOPKR WII ·»< ι.\ A 11 I'p'p'r·. Γ ha. K·Kixtry ôf llei il· H ok 1»5I, l'ak." UC. to not I'» prnr'· I. tr.- I t a>: » «ν· .■ nd ιι o| irreal wrvnf in The λΚϊτο deacr ■ Μ·ν «.I·· <" relerenoe may l,e bnd. Α. H. WALKER, Judge. i3it wfek. lie ic u->.ial relies it |i:· -«*■ e and ah Tin* as ol W M WHIPPLE. A Co.. I'ortlaB'l. t « appeared g oU£ha »ι··η jirniUKC· ai 'l parcel» of land Nunf «ul,j,-et V trim· li. C Uavih, RchiiKi·. 1 w1 Oeen sft!i<*ted. <>i>wi> A «·<< Κιμ,Γ-κο A Him·. l· »|iy—attest: rvathing. m .lit !hey have ceifain moitk'aiti' recorded in (»*Ι··η! Keg r <">( btaitb, had been about h:s >vork, and .» .·· r.· Ml Jo ent- ai (1 a ;.!«·. >"M by all dru4.i(ia.a. I Wk MgrtS ί·- .i»<· »^en b» the d Α. V ■ 1»ι·«>1· ll""k I'a^e coming id paced the fl >or t >r a lew mo- y eh to the Norway »avinjt« Hank of Nor·» .ν in κ ι l.oimty of <>vl >rd to »e· ;rc tto :.ym. t.t of *hea b* it-, deud. Ho was alone You must Cure that i t· I AMERICAN WATCH WINDER. ments, Cough. New Advertisements. a promi*Htirv η )te for the hundred dollar», L. C. J00RE & CO. * can cure June ^l»t. lHïl, in one yi ir irota dau· wub bid wis· in the house. H":th Sh ; ■!.'» οη^ιιαιρΐ!·>ο Cure you payable with lutere*: al eijf.'d per cent, m advai e, on } ureelf. It lia* e-tablit-hed Ihe fact that Con- so we "re- which there ι· now due four hundred and -erroty- It it were not iate should IJron- I'rt'rdom !\nli<-c. sumption ran be rurnl. while for Cough·. flve dollars, iutereit b» in»* pai-< m a tu t<· i! t! ! have thi· i»:» pori" the harmonious and immense green* rh a*. WhiK>|»i χ Cough, Asthma. and all diceaae· rI",l!I> » ■' »'■'•f l'U' 1· July .'th, >itnan, hi» Announcement. 01 Threat an·! l.uujrv it ι· absolutely without an 1 lom) ion Uw) w. H luted March 11th, 167». Important bncs caucus held to nominate day giica »l;all recently e-;ual Two do»e· will relieve your ohlM oi time uu: he ι- twt-oiy-one jeai» 'Id, and WILLIAM Κ ΚΕΝΕ, * barm nor of hii •inl9-3w sherlflf- town otîicers. W. ι. .up, it pleasant to take an 1 i»erf< ct!v claim non. h:» earning· pay uuy l>eputy It·»·, to the v. unseat child, and n>> mother can t-Li:» or habiiiUtt iiuting !... It norttjr aff 1 to I*· wi'.bout It You ran u··· two thlr S PU rte HOLM \V. Paris.— The Court meeting ol a boitte anκν. tattrtM» temperance ι· reiuud the price p*id. Price 1.ν ta. 50 cn and H Announcement on was but er Special eve, inteiesting, i««r boule. Il are im <>r che-t Wednesday your I.unga ors ol DICV GOODS λ a Pla-ter. Sol 1 To GOODS. ,««ι·- u»e I'.'ton- DRY -j CAUTION, Kn> NEW STOCK OF elirn attended. y \ II. otKUl south Parla; S. >1. Kawton, Par.- M. RAYMOND and G KO. L. JORDAN. ai< οι· l'ur 0ΜΗΠΝΠ astronomers tneir HiU. s't no looker to our β·|Μφ) The acknowledge art will Kuarti ιΜΗβΙτΜ aeoordlafftr. They well • alculate l t. OXFORD COUNTY, mistake. Tnoae newly discovered aster- Have you DTipfpilt, are you Con*Uptte> of Appetite. Head Ache, public, FRYE S BLOCK oids were our street lamps. lnjuuction by the l. > t ·ιιη. f « dou't fa.i to use sHILoH's SY>TKM VIT- κΐΊ.ι.κκ a capix, a·a» a tete time for Thursday tventLg Al.I/hK. 1ι>· guaranteed to relieve you. an 1 Lewitton, Maine. L. C, MOORE & 4w CO., SOMETHING NEW lovers ot amusement. The Unity Club wul you « out.unt· to «i.ffet when you can be eu ml March 19, 187$ on kU' h tern a» theee Price 1 ct«. an 1 ct« H. of rorri-lohurr. No. 5 Block, presented lue dram* Noemie aud the •«oid by A M UKKKT, South i'ari», S. Kaw- Frye AM worthy of the consideration of every ►oa, Paris Hiïl. η II ΙΙονι,ιοη and lUrrl tarce Uoo!«'< to an audience ot ΧΙΓΙΙΚΙΠ \ lienjam My Will, > 01 .1 & π ettl Β β of Biffera I Ikt CMUl UNDER iUSIC HALL, one woo ccsscsses a watch. L. C. MOORE CO., a fair sue. l'ae acua^ was excellent, Well·' Persian Pertume "11ACKMETACK" 1» Oxford Ml State ol Uatai .on the ilr-t day oi Maj a certain Avebican Watch Wisdbr, to deal- Λ 1». I. e.-nvt ud to tue in mortgage MAINE. The superior ri b ac 1 fra#raut try it. Sold by the above LEWISTON w not the stem and drew muca troiu tue audi- or of laud, aituate l lu Kumford, to an\ watch mdiug'levici excepting GOODS in applause piece parcel '<■ Will a of DRY ami FANCY tln-en OiNI to the trtd·"· from Otford winder Ί "* t ut t this lim· n>l run tie ap· New Stock era. M« e ti e |>*> tuent of ·τΐ*:ιι i;olea ipcellt bargain· open •ocj. Muaic was lurnisbeJ, between m 1 hp 'MTcr oik of the a· ! f "*t almost watch. I» durable, and wh< u nanifd; ai'l mortgage ι» recorded Oxf<>r■· to wiiic: selected stoek of ed il t ι'.κη.» ρ .«ft of the watch, jit cud store, •ceues, Tow.e's Orcbe»tra. ol Cautoa. Recirtry of Deed», "«ok 1·'· !·»»{■· *ppl by a de.« bi< detn hed i'Ttht- purpose ot settingthe hand-, -top so mucn on flue clothe*. rich reference mat l>e haeuding (.aid inort readily ed. It is that no m -mjer ol the lo.«i and style. Buy ir«'d, healthy fuoil, cheni·· ■triptton. and wlinrea» the c- u lllton of ind rcpl;i 11TH. reported to it»·· »»ine 11··ιη„· a llxtun ο th> watch it is always con· FEBRUARY an .vlt^r Ijllucn. get mare real and *ub.-lant. il gage liar been broken.1 .aim foreclose DRY and FANCY GOODS ΙΜΙΟΚΤΙΟ-Α^Γ, uses nor I» 11Λ Κ Kit. •cnuut unit ran be wound uh readily in ihe dark ban i looacco or Injuor. iuduîgoe of hie every way and especially alo|> the «>1 I ever oflere·! in :'ie City. the Avoid» the uece of ·ϊι rtjnn.'-ί alter and March 16,1Η7». ll»-3w offer in n in light. eity hunting habit Of OXMMifl Kumford, Tin·)· aperi.il b:irifaini » in the vile hum- the key and tl perp!· \ity wbicti might result of prolaLity. ItI ■; ia<-k do«-torn or u«iiir ho much of up Stock Will lîe from the los- fit. Very Large, Consisting Altir the dramatic r.urf raedielne that d·»*;» > ou only harm andm.ik·-- ES^Thc enrartainoient.there tende t'< tho w .t -h hs it Is a well I th<· lieki Ml put your tru-t in tlir AGENTS WANTED It keep !»·:ιη, MffMtn Ilit- Farmer's Goods. known fa t t.mt .cdir; .mil duet rear lie* th· Was a lance in Hail, lod by (Crt*ater| of all aimpie, pure remctllea. Hop To SLLL OI R Academy seen A* ot »·■ w use the Com- I tor-, that ourra alwaya at a tritlinx ro«t, un 1 you movement ^'■■iilKroiijkth· of in the Line Goods, \j -stra. About u mon than from any fitter source. Dry Town's thirty couples vv. -e»· butler timet· and ^ood health. Try NURSERY STOCK key, Everytliiny of lia·, c oui; on .our and when once once. Head of it in another column. IN WOOLENS, put watch, the mosi li« îq von will nev« r discard rt. •pent ni^ht dancing mar5-2w FOR Urci Prices MAI Ν Κ, NEW HAMl'SllIKK. YKRMONT, λ ΝI The AMERICAN Watch Wind Kit furnished for cash at Lower The hall wm weil and decorated. All of which has been bought lighted ->ETT-. and 1 by .ill Watcli Diali:. ami Kepalrcrt. just Α <·04»Ι» ACCOI XT. MAaSAUIl appUl as MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR, For larther informât mu Of y our watch than ever ο Good House in the State, Un- notarié levure in the decoration Ii.ebehtoi tjvoduagci enquire tiered any "I it up. cix k'Ug year* of l>en Mr. It w is taken uiv wife, who ha» by Pr»»sbrey. t.· oi Hop Hitters, by MnIiic. COTTONS, ··*" PRINTS, done her own housework : ince wiui Aufuit·, DBY €îOODS ARE VERY ΛΙΤΗ CHEAPER an of wort. : 'iw NERVOUS DEBILITY- elegant piece out tie oi an CLABKK'S Tooth A cue Dltoi'S cure malanfi'y CUrct I II lui» plu > '» 11 0111 < pu I li Ic Sprit- teacher, is trom ill health. He or t:. cts of lan< is and we shall suffering Upon the following; townahips DRY GOODS He M«. M. It tones np and invigorates the sya The Stock very large, taxed η t· Mtt rhe lollowlri the and already purchased has been to desist from studv at η iat> e t<> be οι nu.I at all ex· tem. dupel* gloom despo feney, imparti obliged in cemtterv ol the »Ueni ··· ; every description, price*, bought Ufrtrt that every ) a^M'--tllenU ι··Γ the Mat» I a\ 1*7.* *frt uiadi strength and energy,—stops the drain and reju receive all the return nt of Keb for the truile. Daily Bates Theological Seminary, aud tenant» are the victims of ntfrio ted C tfh« and by the l.i'K'itdaltlre, on the twenty-Ill day presely Country renatee the entire man. Been u»ed twenty year.· 1p7*. with Micceas thousands. Sold by deal home in Nova Scotia. colds; ai d if vou are tbu* aillicteυ per peck at one* to Halt'» /l flore- Price,$1.00 fa:* :>y η -orting uff of ( ISO , (θ'«Η of atl kind*. agcof live vais and JJOo vial Of Seni J. W. Whititî.o has «r'd hie black- Andover V Surp. i* ted powder. an immediate, ant Our (.lock complete in every department, mail on of Hum- hi-urnl and Tar. agretable, An lover W. 10 by receipt price. Address IN NEW GOODS Surp. υπ. NOVELTIES to Chu a 2ϋ 0 I At UAKD PAW price· Homeopathic Mrtllclnt smithing business Coooer, '■erta'n mean· of cure, sold by VI druggiel* C phreys' t'ouipauj So χ a*-Kemember the place. 109 FULTON raw TOBK. in one minute. C ST., man *bo ha* been in Mr. Wnit P-k^'a Teothache l»ropa cure Snrplu· L. <1 foun^ No. I. R. 1 J»i * C. MOORE CO., January 9,lfc77. ly AS THE SEASON ADVANCES. mS-4w V 4 man s for some time past. No. Λ, Κ. 1 \o. 5 >'rjr 111 or k, I'ndrr Ilualr Wnll, employ No. K. 5 3« 4 I, Si 9 LewUtoo, Maine. tiii: sTv\n\itn mtoii.nt Services were held in the twochorche- In O&XAT Danukb'—The public are again ii No. 4. K. :t 41 t. > PATKMTED APRIL 10. 1877. n. our the center of attraction in a of tli< No. Λ, R 1 intend to ike Store i·^·. Dr. E->tes tror· ιΓτ^λΙ danger of be.nif deceived by ftovd * ) We las: Sat>; [.reached So 4. K. 4 &> simplest and best ar r.itter·». Thk Κι \ 41 « tide for ( on k ι ι· t and intend to nutation of "L. F." Atwoo.1'· So *». K. 4 THE this and as we locate here, Prov. xvii:3. concerning the value ot 31 a IteefultHk rove( -3w Treasurer. ly that all the^'uicM ami ». maris towns. Porter, March 9.—At otmn-ual elec- nearly worthl· Jdivnr are retained. East Fryehvnj Me. Jon* Pike. not get ashes ot tion on M joday last the democrats elected relief, and bear· PENSIONS. cottl on the meat. J The true ineKS the services of »T. B. (ïareelon, " Paris Dots not let smoke an· I AVe have secured formerly a lull town oiii'·» rs, n^virsr a trad«' mark L. K." ae wc Flouring Mill, board of the '-'(te red patented yis out ot the store. lar t \t..rr..ui loi Sfri in WAK lsrj and M. E. D. aa lb» tieb w ο have not an; uu martlet] South Maine. apllMy to us. Paris, tire. see can oi.laiu t'eiif'on I» apply lug Stat X. W. who will be to The tLr*w sorue twenty -rrved u.uier, Tuwr \-k your Dealer for thi for several with Dutton, glad greenback party name oi taptain. Soldier, : years ΓΓΚΕ ΙΟΓΚ COLD. went from and m here conis an; rotes. lu» company ai ol all the Com D. I STANDARD their old friends I t< •erred. VVe have record» i.-arly TRUE, Proprietor. BROILER, patrons. ♦ *e.. oil oi tneyiar wheu c-»l«ls are s cut his At It· who served in thi· war. Governmeti Mr. Ms Cros<, of this t.i»· to know the betl n-tneiii painet it is ii hat tcant. place, able eur for jtint yon prevalerii. trial ο allow- u» fee service*. an ax while wood. I'. for »u u ailmcaU- After a thor-uyh A LARGE STOCK The Trade supplied bv foot with l'ow Λ It l \ M il t Itn. · chopping Jacks·>»'s iatakkh sm kf am> Tkucuk WEEKS OE t.i.KR, I κ α ν A Kirr the t>t CCE8§4*KS lt> & teven stitches to cU;se th* UCK, «· tia·· h'-i' -ti-rn iu i1 prej 110 North -it., II' iton.aml L. C MOORE CO., required' ^iviuK uee for th< ertnet over any other preparation in BAKER A WEEKS, WiLt-UMS A Co., Nashua, Another Wm. disorder wound. young man. >ox cure of Catarrti, Cough·. Asthma, and AnKiitta, Maine· N.n. in Ground Plaster, an-ing fr >'u expo-ure to d;.mp snd i Manufactured bv ot this * aile wood geutrtdy This is one of the oldest wai claim apencie· place, splitting pot clement weather The Snutf and Troche /'otcdn May be fouud at the above mill. b the U. S. O.ARTHUR BROWNIiCO,, Rîhervflle, Ν. H 5 Lewiston, Me. ··< 1 ol mibslauces, and may 31ock, the ai through his hsnd, sev- i- oipoae vefetab'e Parties wishing a good line of plaatcr«vriil dc No. Frye completely with M rf^et -atVly eve· lo thi <>f III» a-i.ninlatere·! Notice of Α«»·Κ'»ι<' Appoittliuent w-.'li to pirn-Lure oi litis reliable mi l. one so that it h*d η Tie fit*·: ".lit, a. ering finger, jn-t by y^'UUi;'si t.ld agr< ENGRAVING. w>;h instea. > '.h·· article mir t»e o-e·' <ο··ά .'tie··· 'S THE DlSTKICT Col'RT υ^ Tilt UMItU STATE ALSO the skin ou tin. under aidr. Tne docto r h. c η 1 "there, St ol r«vhea pul>' speaker* District < κ Maine. column. fob hie CHOICE in s»·. it. a iver.i»em ut in our .-fecial attendance i< in 11 icg 5-4 W hopes thr· of J.1 y!h S t It JOHN / It DJ>dAMKHUPICi. kUIIPTrV PIERCE, Jeweller, Mr. James Pratt, his ImMber David,and H:E\CIl Jr. Binkrvpt. ί " la not coittincd to the Prog Pond -At South i'ari· th B G ^ fil as SOUTH PA weut c ut in a boat to mat· Croaklujf DI-1 KIcT 01" MAINE HIS, Levi Coie, Α. Γ >7?. -eat- airnoet every N.dy l« hoar-e. Th Htli day of March, from |·.·.5ί dowc to ♦5.25 per barrel. At thi Is to do all kind* of plain and ftnc\ •ou".· rt^i.rs υ titiru lj où ti.e is her Π1ΗΚ uBdermirned bertbv < ν;··· η >: ico of hit af prepared «3To"fc> Printing1, Us*ipe« oleatiiiif >f di«tre^*ed lun<* everywher* Corn. Mrtl, I'mi, Oat·. Barley, Grahan engraving upon metaie. Any style of letter οι 1 o. lull! hiencti. Jr Hyrthuum BoiataM·!U Auigui «nil lut Mral, of the beat monogram «elected, w ill be reproduced with the river at Pioticre Κ* s. As neared W .f i* tau, wl|. a ll'iU's Honey of ·■:' Oxford aad >nte t { Flour, tiwy ot Port· r. iu Uietoiu.ij; on utmost and of coiU or boaiâcnc» <.ho hi- grade» constantly hand. accuracy, delicacy tlclsh. the dam the b< nt became an·! Tar will cure au;, oougb, Maine, wsaid l>i.-tiid, beenad.udf reasonable. unmanageable, ύΐιη discount** on wholesale lot». **-Piices α upon hi* petition. Liberal in t? uuuri? >ld by all Pruirgi?r·. ed bankrupt JOH* P1ERCK. and to over. UKORGE A. WIlsUN, ASMyuee. D. N. TKL L, Ρ at the Democrat started go David and Cole cure ιο 1 minute. 1 99. Mar. 4, itn dune Oxford Ollioe., Pike · Γ oo ti: ac he Drop· 9m Parte, lfTA. jOf every d«>criptioii, fr4« •ck Pan·, Me.t Mar. W, le*>. u taped oat, and caught by «orne pine ic NOTICE ! in broil Messrs. 0. & L. P. Warren, ?..ï« flwMf 1S77. 00, by Administrators' Sale. (Jen. Knox, Jam EVIDENCE. Wm. J. Westbrook, Me., SWORN GOLD, Hon. ihe M »tn* Farmer.] got by to h ilcenae from the Judge AGENTWheeler, FOIt tKr<««a VEGETINE I «hall Prince eon or Probate for the County of Oxfor·] in (Jas. Jacks) ofthcQuimby PURSUANT of time of the arrived by or «ale on the 6th day The year Living Knox has been The following Cur* la probably ttie mut Roll at public private Messenger at two o'clock in the afternoon, Purifies the we have leisure to look Messenger. or Greenbacks April A 1). 187H, Blood,Reno- which remarkable ever effected by any medl- Silver title anil interest generally before the Maine j.ublic for on the all the right, the ot the prominently for the treatment of for premise*D. lat· of Humlord in -aid vates and over aud pa.·»"· in review doings to a oal preparation taken in exchange which 'Allium Abbott Invigorates several years and had 1877 deceased. had in and to the following and previous Catarrh t county, estate season itiuterestiug profit- at Pre- described real ei-tate viz:—all the teal past.wetiud reoord of 2 July 4, 1877, the time ot the Whole at the ot 31J. bare owned the said Wm. I). Abbott at System. able to glance performances Kurx (isntUmen,— I hereby certify that I hud Cfc· by Park,Portland, Messenger tarrh for ten year*. and for the la»t *lx v<-»r> have hi· deceaxc. it» HiiMc il Mtrnnn and see how sumpscot f). 1*7,■*. Maine bred tetters, many the fastest bet'π » terrible «utîerer. I >11 rcnderea partially Dated this 27th day of February A w:>n a raco Milliuockct » acroae the tem- against deaf. 1 bunlng In tlM head. pain* tn.VSw r>AVIi> (i. GLINBS, Adm'·. Alterative, Tonic, Sot rent, and u mies have been added to the 2.30 weak and eye·. awollen magic «τω m 2-30. There is no ple. dlziy »pell·. painful CLOTHING, of which pub- ulcerated tonfll*. hard and constant cough, IHureHe. attrution was first called in the and AT list. Our 1 have it aetrere patn aero*.· the client, end er.-ry Indication lished account of this race, but The FOR SALE. to t..o of the of conaainptlon. My bead ached *11 the time. accumulated to In head and ALLEN'S early spring performances 1 am matter rn; idly my Farm \ from exccllcot authority, although tti at could not them free. The well known renin* biack stallion throat I keep Frequently ami no faull fourni. RELIABLE EVIDENCE. unable to a summary of the M night I wmid uprlnir out Of bed. It *ecmed to and Hotel, formerly EMPEROR, give complete me, at the point of tuffocatlon. I vonld then hem ΐ>·2 Cfllts ow ned by Uenj Brooks % reconra* to mn mean* In power to dlalodga in the town of ΓΚ«Ίίη«* race. mjr on*? dollar'· worth in situated MK II K. STE\KN9. star in hands, Diemud· ftom my throat and head before being buys e.nitaininir 100 black stallion with face, 15$ as *li Graftoit Ptnr vtr.-I will cheerful- The list of so far I ahle to alee ρ again. For a period of year» my un- moat eight complétés, I ai re* ·»ι Imi'l Mowing land inoatly Interval, * «'KoliiK' in Ο 0 & S. D. tonallt were til rated and »o murb Inflamed that The 71»soi» Λ Hamlin, and 1> a· I 1 iu. lertiwony i<> ihe #reut foaled 15*05, owned by I consulted an cultivation Cut» 30 ton- hiy; can ΓλΙ)·, have at the Dum- could with difficulty «wallow. Anally der good pood t uumU'i h.ive &lrc«ί(Ί :in«l srood Houghton. by which have add- It. The conatant In- STYLISH % >our great ber of Maine bred horse» but at II» requcet postponed CLOTHING; t il, all in good repair. Ilarn »ίϋχ|0 feet, Good «'Kriiiir *t n.»h, grew ralc.ai.it abowed every Maint· Vl'oodwnrd at fliMlw IJraflan, cou„ ti.ajt *pcil· tuai u m ouUi <« >u 5th, 1ST.'», Worceeter.JMasc., ermptom of an earlr death nyconeumpllon When tell* the Htory. llit/.rlfon Bro«.. iiml % <-grliur ing: July Knox and Knox obtained or aboat *li month* iii|f, »« thvagh I never rould breath# heats, Hoy Messenger matter· had reached thl·Mage, he won "the 2.40 race in I Uie une of BayroRD'a Kaptrai CtTU TO Xj ε t_ ihas. I». Klakr's anf πκιγ*. »ηΊ Ykuktink h*« straight a or better within the lim- •go, began My Clothing ia g"in* to fly; make your l'«r*h· record of 2.30 ?oa t'*TA**n After o»trg the flr»tbottle I began curr le*·I to think Oct 4, 1870. aae now, for a erand -wurp and générât talc «! tiiue 2.43 to Improve rapidly. The flrat do·' termed toefeer I wilt let or lease \ ■»·> 2.41$, its on half-mile for in entire "to··* nt t»«· ((rliuf U--U all the time that there t« 2.48}. of the State tracks, a« I had not known It to be for It every ganr.ent my bo won the 2.35 ra-e nijr head year·. my f «nu tor one or *»»->rl a mcdicm# a·· Tn.LiiM. at Mass., *ue ot the b-«t 2 2 40. In »/ >;7>' my Any* Py Ρ I Α < in heats in 2 3SA, 3<, wa and •well- farmer lluilding* Instruction firliiif □j.-Jiiine· f.>r coajchj. aiul w.-«k, straight should be made. The reader who feels ■krglel rednced the Inflammation Piano stool*, Cover·, ing o( tonril·, ao that t bey ·οοη ceaaed to troubli new And farm under on h ind and for -al« at lowr*{ sinkiurf fretl»i{« al the thwii-h, InTT. at the Beacon Park. my Book*, conitiiitlf May meeting. to to the Maine nit·. Tk· ΜΤΜΜΜ acroaa mr cheat duappeared, near So. Part-, Me. 01 Μ I tiUrumonti «old t· a :'■·■ interested refer goo·t caitivatlon—Situated -. All kind· ι»ι··η! oy aad auvi«e everybody race enough ·■ uoUe* In head ceaaed. ιιίιμί of ALL STYLES. SIZES AND QU1L1T1ES. prie· X ■' won the 2 31 in t! buizlng my my childien will bean «■feilin' \ I >r a**ur<· em Boston, A of .-mall objection. and I·) let. tUETlSK. I i'«d Emperor •J.30 list will find there the names Ml « I Γ f henrlne were completely re*tored, family monthly Installment*. of ls70, to 1 am giving you to U ι· The horse kept and one white p'art|«ed phv*lclan·, Hill and llmlding· rgrtiiir υΐΥΕϋ white in the face t! m ut eminent «bout mycia«. I hare uacd first at stripe thereon, formerl o··· and ha- received -evera! prizes e^ery kind of remedy and apparntua that hare ap- SPRING STOCK foaled in bicd »1τ K. Hill a Side with stocking behind, 1804, by peared durky period of year· put. and hare, copied by KJlJ.ih PelttmpllJ Imnroved Plow when iuto care of conn to Vrfrtinr Health, Strength, fairs brought competition 1» Hermon, wlill followrng tbclr ute, taken great my which will arrive, an·! «nmebod* haa got Hanson—F»r particu* Level I.and. Me., got by health, but obtained lo relief or encoarage· now on hand trll upon llambletonian Augustus Tr'ggs, general ······ buy tUin atock Don't >our the celebrated br«?oding a!;v them. the Kobinson horse of dam un- Π1··ΊΙ ft"tn of neighbor are coming but Watt/, in y our-.elf and APPETITE. Hampden, Feb. » isa UEO. F. DINSMORK. you 1'rgrliiM sold at auction. 1λ>«οχ. at ι.net' and get the eream.and "»cn te.l NAJtVEI' iiasjiox, stud lately was taken to Mas- your kuown He afterwards have left aorne for him. W I will Kaliuoutli llolrl. Mi U isbter 1 K" »t B. nuigubor you hy, ba%ieeene TOM PATCHES, 1*W. Portland M.·, * '•«■net!: fr niv ·.· ο! \ rusriM. and sold to Mr. A. Βγττοικ,*·. Feb.». •ell you a ΓΚ«·Ιίι»«· sachusetta, Thompson th* «all F. Her tl Itn n,c health wa« ·» ««>-rce in face and two personally appeared Qeorfe bav stalliou with his owner. 25' I>n>«more. and made oath that the foregoing *tate· Of treat anxiety to all herf'i· !·. stripe of Boston, present Sept. HI IT FOB 0*F. DOLL4Κ ttuut by blm «nb*crlbed I· true. Before me. FOR SALE A mm IoUN·· of Vti.' un» white behind, foaled in 1871.! at Sir Will- THOMAS, Justice of Uie Peace. Vegriinr stockings 1870. Beacon Park, Boston, 8KTU J. if you wunt more. Now l« the •tore'] h«r health i>tre»*tr aiiti pav any accepted ·ο me if <>r for farm that cuts bnd Jabcz 0. Benson of Grey.Maine., j iam Wallace won the 2.34 race in tune. toijillt in and Mam·· >oti go exchange •1'tH'Ute. by straight Or. Harford*» dl«*ati*fled. 1 have a nice fmm 12 to Γ> ton-, of hay. A Vrfriiir N. II 111 I'tN, I'atchen or the Church- Fach ptckar* enntalr* ImpMred away either Tom heats in 2.31 Nov. at w ith f-ill direction* for e»e In all of House ami I t in the vicinity ai l ι· l.»t.%:·· got by 2.31, 2.30, 3, Inhaling Tube, line of] Ir -nrin I» Ajit-at, Wholeaal' ar.4 u ν son Ca»e» rrlce. 11.00. For «aie all Horoti, hnllt I .r« υ». Kent· s ».· ·; ill h : dam \ by »l*e of Telegraph Morgan, 1'leetwood Park. Ν. V .Sir William Wal- the fnlted Ptate·. \π Kirot amount of »mk for \ «*κ«·ιΐιι** I:· tall I»ru»rgl«t« throughout ed part ot tt^timef·· |'.V>a .large plow. !(..·( u. Μ ι··. At the Maine WKKKH Λ r(>TTF.R. t»*neral Agenu and Whole- .veond, a pulvcrlier. il the horse. beat Κ el bred in year. lnnulre of »U|»«nor Melt.tyre lace Barney ley (also sale I>ruggi«t«. |to»ton. Man. Third. c|cvi< which gives a aide held at & |,»W«i«\ nil.I.. •ejf.anjuating 1'air of lv7'i. Worsteds Woolens 1· Slate a farrow ncedwi. \ rifrliiir «\Λ\»Τ HI Presuinpeoot Maine) in three straight heats in 2.21). draft if wider So. Ι'ιιΐ'ί». lit*. Four ea*e of dr«it for amount ol work. Tom B. Patchen won the in h, Park, Ρ rtland, — 2 .)! at both KnglUh and American, the Nov. 10, Philadelphia. March li. I-T". Kifth, *elMocklng arrangement whereby EXCELLED, > heats in 2 :>4. five \ old race in straight IV, Sir William Wallace won the second mouldboard loeke* .[««-if when reversed. Sixth, »te«dy motion of pl"w while at work, ·« he won FANCY SUITINGS « it iRi.t *το\* v Ma-». J 2 1 Two afterward ! * ·· are ·ο days heat in the 2 20 race in 2 JTj which is Q COLLINS'I liny one—Trv one. and lithe*·· thing* \ Κ κ riseliue »l> r »e m heats, acJ and 8*»n. t. Ιχ7υ, at ain lie beat Palmer in 4 heats. VOLTAIC PLASTER ι place j I to 1 .fall di*cri|>t:on*.and advertlae manufacture Vi'crllor aud k. William iu is that the brown Afford· the noit gratefjl relief in all Κ;» if I'm. Sheridan ; It believed gelding ** a I i-un.'·· Affection· tho Cho»t and t.ttelk'l. and b!» «tvaight heat- in 2 ·!·">, 2 30. 2 04 Aug. Dirigo, inCalforni was bred in Maine, got of Lung·. THE NEAY \ ri;«'tlll<* ill « %· ! iv li'Ui I>. Patchen 1*·ηΙ Ρ ; son that he i* thin { I h»*e ι.-ed. «ni 17, 1^77, by Pirigo of Oid Drew, and B< il ti: ν « ! CHRONIC PLEURISY CURED. 1 in heat>, : 11 4 ani Muiioocket four the h :««· owned bv Col. W Ρ Custom rgrliar formerly M■··«■"· W«t*· Α Ροττ·*: nmt'mun, Hartng *·· s η»· in to AMERICAN •\ Wtr*i Pi •t η la>t three and race 2.S3. υ! Mid po.d him Sen- month* »u!f»red with a lame Clothing dM ti;·. l»au h Bo.-tci for p»»t rery ^ by ma.-.y in a an 1 fashionable manner and * »lde. called my ( hronie Ui-ty \ meet- our by pNyalclan Pieurlty, <-£«11114' > \ ι 2 .·!. 2 11. 2.32 At the Au*u«t r>r Jones ot Nevada. /'an any of cauaed by a former lrjury endetraln. an 1 f >r which naed and llntmeota. aa well aa IV Κ«ι··«·Π I'ark, he us on this 1 raaey preacrlptlooa in;» il tic Lewiston Hriving California readers enlighten the ao-callcd rheumaUc cure·, without the Irait \ recommended one of 6003 FIT GUARANTEED ! *·|ί*»ΙΙΙΙ«· his record to -l'A dirticu has been found benefit, phyalclan your II I* % agari won. lowering I nusuat ty CoU.iv*'m^ VoLTAlf t'LAir···. which, to my great point V garment ma, be made nire ard have nice Β s- relleTed•ilevrd the pain ana «oreneM almo«t In- TAXIDERMY >. τ. 11. at Beacon Park. :n the fact.» contained in the arpr'ie ·« I it ni't '· eu "in· r I- lie* \ fjetiiie following, rtaining mediately,-jedlati ly, and 1 I harehaT* bee'been ahle to attend to mrn y ·, g. I I am prepared to up all h>· U'W14■ 1 hi» record artir.e which wiJ 1 wtwf ■ off nt I» i.ime hope comfort,c : rt, rea*.rc·». beforebeforo the applicationaopli your ι, .m.r lit· •.Ikv I allow .» £«m· U»>e Auitn.t s h t|, η art manner lrTaluaMe l"!a»:· r, 1 w*« •earrely able to lo any· I of » i· λ « h it and was Njcoud in the ra*v. It its iate I ^ I store until I ain aatinflt'd 'hat it n rigt'l. a lain Ι'ιπΙ» »k· n in payment fgrllnr cxcu>e I con»lil< t'.em lne»ttmable. *ηΊ «hall with my bir.l· .pec appearance. thing ul -i* recommend the-ntothe a.Hli"te1 V"ur* work -for rxtnple, out r\e;y lUu'.lay· / ,ii .■ Im « r t -late here that the dis· J W. Thompson*. pl^a»ure Now don't iorg'*t that itulT-d ι ιc-j■ retpectfullT, Mia FRANCK8 1LUUU1L1>'. Mnt mi· I will return one handi-omrl;. \ ryrltiti· 1,. .1 vt nr \ ttiirPK ,ιηΊ to th·· aen-!er * * h ι· .> .1 m to ihc ot Tom UMe April21. HCC. an I ui"ii: >e,l ,»n i.^an pedigree Canton trnrm- paii! Iront ΪΛ to f 1 "0 t-aeh for good *pe< aud ana Hier» t* no medical or that 1» i'atchen ha- been loni bitter, protfettre appliance of Hawks and *>w l«. \ vtll g-atefjl a-.d eflectlrr In Tlckll SI*ΚΙΛΌ TIM ι;, rRrliut1 pro*e attention J to all order* by mail or ατΊ ι- > : the Nation*1 As· C ugha. Irritât. >a an 1 ftorene·· < f the Che»t and Prompt pa το thk alied e »t- I ·>η 1 κ\in., Cat» u Thais.—Robert Lung·. hellave them capable o( prvrutli^f .« f i»t approaching an 1 jou will winlto cspre·*. Pri< 1 t'iirni-h· application it Breeders have decided It. i:. CKitltl, Mr, > ifrliiir 00 of llvisc Burdettc.the "llawkeye Man," •exloui ÙJ4UH of the·· orga: your I'ryrburg, -ire th> Churchill hor-o. and Burlington marl.·· !m tfau- writes to hi.- from Franklin. PRICE. 25 CENTS. * > jiaper WINTKli CLOTHING rKi'linc .· Mr. Wi aci this as hi? true Μ κ» MI NUI'K PAUKKU accepts In 1. I was in Franklin ^>ut a short Po rot eonfoand theae plaater· with tha ordlrary very are aj*^· in and v.· t.· *>lr< Γ aiter· of the day. that by cumpartaon arid flt youraeifout <·-inclhuig n;ee,go«id PENSIONS a.- been i wortblr·· \ I'lfPllnr ped gree. time, and 1 have recall· lately ■heap. r«»H already Becareful to obtain Cottnra" Volt ah- Pla»tw·. S%M tlRTlS, \\> what η cr Voltaic have gut t" that haj.jy Imlfl Cltj.I .-ball d icr a comb;-.at!1 of Kleetric rial with a hlghljr Mrdleat' ! Plaater. u »een In tha ΛΛ7" .A.3rt OF 1312-14, WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. > ; ·ι_: with J· > 'int- tod? : un'.i more al».>ut it. and ABENTS VEGETINE _·· j· l.'f I ave tc -a) I ku»jw •bore cut Sold by >11 Wholeaa'.e l>t*ll I>rug- I all who II fat··* t t now 11 obtain· t"r -erved x thr-'ughont be Γι ted an ».-.·.lae, l> I : Ne*· giMa or or t·· tin VM i'R! i'AHI _··. aled in 1966, bred by 1 on ν know r.»»w t!i*t it- tir.-t name is· •tl WKlKS * I'OTTKH, Proprietor*, bvatoa, (ί J d*y- in the \'in>* Navv, OFFICK, July, by τ 11 Κ GO DS (VAN uni··-· «qeef-afuI I lio ,m Win- ■ ua rtws. V< .nirife^ Packaid. W Me irot t'Ut t he ν »-ail it 1 rank.m for to do ll with. service till* Mat· inthrop, by l> aji.iiiu, p..".ι toll· "t aii Hie Milill.s in H. R. Mass. I--4' h 11 •••It aud al-o In the army 41 À7CZ1 Stevens, Boston, thri .· Morrill, dam 0 Ί Katon. Pai k- short It and to bed Your· Truly, and M regular Streot, by gets up early goes 1 Land Recoida ot / Κ V\ I a No have the lioiinty : > 1 hitu to 1 B of is cou- en* I to adu-e Vegetino 8 bi Ml Dragg sto ard ni.-y, mthrop early, except on lecture night.-,and Harmon K-j wi ·ηι I have ig· BOSTON. FIRE m·· th·· bulMM. a hen two old. and sold him and and wise." I and niiil in year·· Ifonney >|Ucntly "healthy wealth} A < V Κ A 1., —— II···! Illl Ill · lllll HI·! — NOTICE aheii t ar to Charles bat.··-t. ot 1> -ton. \ ou -hould have se» η mo chase the train Centennial II! -k. Kachange -fr.-ct. if ->. ·*. IsT'J. mlMw a: a E.C.ALLEN,N irw *\ M "h I* Portland, March a, Jul l'Jiu, 1*77. Beac Park,Boston, out f Franklin. Heard the whistle ju.-t j its ΰΛΊΐ Priis s aril·' ills the World τ rt <>t rt <>k πι κ ι >ίτι:ι> statki, te -t ν ASSOCIATION is nr. l»t«TRt« iin 1 'art 1 wou 'lie rae« in en heats, time to a valise that a ton ΐ'ΓΟ CONSl'MKlÎS in collar weighs \N\t u.-r \ri-.Ml· NT ι··κ rut Ιιμτκιγτ οι° Mais»: wiuaut tli rd race in 2 ·»", the sixth stove in it to it from ..»· tiu: t // I /? /. l· s I carrying legs keep In thf vi'illrr ^ BWKKUrllY.oiiiyDitprrv Aaaorawr, Co. ι WIS, \ 1 ■>! ..· i the -evei rh in 1 rae in 2 2>. over the hou-e like a bal- lt,ilvr«> P*.aengcra GOD Btmkmpt Hying up tops 1 V. I.« Wiston the tth OlHilMIIII IS17. Οκ Ηακτγοκπ Ο"·*. l»l>Tlil( Τ OF M \ IN Κ. :! Ρ .ta J l". -mu» l'r ee, tieo.li. -ι t tear 114 oon *hui 1 it down), myself da» o| M are h Λ Ι». N7- I MtiM at kla Ν t'« ·. a 1 'CV Ma l. Beeordcd CAPITA! Τ «.ΟΟ,ΟΟΟ.ΟΟ IΓΡΗΚ underaifM hereby giraa (^U· trom a little circle of %«»«.<· |s. A •••I »«ay pleasant ( X lip rill III M Aa*ignee of I'hurl··- Bred H -r- 211 u nr. a w of Oxford an·! Tobacco ;n "Maine 1 ri« j-, and perhaps I didn't pick up Juil. I. '?? S VNfcl'.TV IX< tinlici .11, Ι*»77· ! w ι iirrfonl in the Conaty j $3.621,151.31. S'ait* ol M«·. within -aid l>»triil who baa been >T \KTLK. a minute. < II me f ft et about hundr«xl times C4SII ( 4 FIT 1 h SVMM>00. aoh in Kat.k and I uium hi- own petition, i>> eight π·1 α·1 aalju igt iUnkrupt Ι,οιιη on It· ol ·α : I·ι_Γrifr. .ι l»rx»1 A -· the ItiHire t out! tek. eta u. :.a.ed in 1·>7<>, oy Started the an l would have I lei ur:i!>"<· I! rvo »:id all Π ·»"" " wrong way H \. ts IIKKI.Ot K. A ignee. Vh? ■ <·» \ \«· TO- tiit'Zi et W «terviile. Me minutes a LlablUU«* MRWRfl Ν«>π Η··ι*ι·1« ι»' tû u "Γ.Λϋ 1 ,-r. Λ ΤΙ Τ C u, gut been in Cincinnati in twenty if ΜΓ.Ο lu P. O. Ad Ire·- Auburn, Maine. SetMiri'lu- iw ί Η «ΓΙ Οι·,' ;4| «Lui «ai I to turn- * κι Marrti 12th. 1-7(1. nit on h>u of tin· Criwtord bur··*;. committeeman hadn't me and \1. J. WIIFriJlH. iuent, Total Vaaet* '«ϋ.:ΐο βΝ· placp'l οα tho niark.Pt ·»'** therp'»re by caught I.I \ III I.IT1 κ*· r cni'aTor Tint Γμγμ· statu »«»it ~al! Cbrw»-r« *jn.nn Nirtiail|MKh utiuil <· a \\ : herei; uiare At the Maine State ed mo around. Hashed down an alley to ·»<>. Pnris .tlalnr Inarm. : '· ■· i « r or Maim:. » otti. and not due thf. Dibtiui Al! de.. '·1>· iLtfor-νΐ:! ι* plu* tie I.oa»ei< unadiu«;«< ·· n ■·!· r ί ls7 I at I. wistcu, I'etuet jas a short cut to the and fell ov- v«'«» tea run; λ It ιΓ*Ι or n«p;a!l Kiwi, I·air make depot Ue inaurmncc lUnrvc \i) 1Λ It i \lt III l'T< V iUi<.i '.otlw ofthv l.a*,au.l prnaliy wx·, then ailed won the four old er a two-horse collided with a cow. "ur n.irk» .r> year wagon, "»4li p«t eminent ο» ΟΦϋβΜΜ 11 I». to to Policy Holdera Cou't I» eeiute-r I- à. I» 1 <77. r»«. το. ^lr Murston afterwards rtiuoTed oommittc· men shouted after me. Surplus tli»· b«-«t. < » hererer endeavoring I » ·■« In it-«·. making h iru« !>U-.t«-»nt c :ρ * ·».. LOH11.Ι.Λ ΚΙ> trying the Eatate ol Solo· li Plan «an a and Oct •Md Coart, ajfalaat arc. new »tyle« Ju*t recejred. t "Ί Γ w .« ed Startle in Ca ifornia, me headed time th. and -itate of M une, they splendid "c -Util 1 k'cp right. Kvery I mi", "f the ( intv of Oxford. Melodeon*, Piano Stool», and ε Τ.®*·» ·>>!ι»'·· κ > -»·.■' ι>77. Bank I'iano·, Organ*. Orei at the fair of the Sauta Clara the train had • I Die trie b· hMbwa duly ftdjndced or to' 1 un κ Γ 3. 1^77, va.ise hit leg- I thought DIPHTHERIA! lor «ale >»r t<· 1ft. the inatai.mvot :|,«ΜΜ> l^r η.I ■! 1.1 t my S.T-1860-X. of his and the Cover· Liniment will rupt tipon Pel.tion Creditnni; pay- PRK B9 LOW. ι» 1 *· 7 7 > Ι.ΛΟ",· S C ara. Oa! Startle Johnson'» Anodyne anv m 1 \_·Ί Sauta run into me. F»ll down twice, and o, ,u ib-tit ar. I th·· delivery of prop- pUa. iciety. got ml· terrible dleewe. at 1 w ■« I F«»l£g"·« v' ment for Illustrated Catalogue. α turn or to ht* Send ΟΙΜΙ. ,i Γ4 prevent er! to *aid to wet; 'J race and a record of Ί 2*A λ·· I" ten. thai will -aveJ iJ.|ong'n< Bankrupt, the with a of having cure nine Informatl-n him. are up general imprc.vdon LANTATION m··· iihc, and the transfer ol any hy h«NH),(N>U. 1γ<·<' mail, l'on t pn>j»*rlj α. at uiaun: llTM ·Μΐ dMtJ «ι Γ t. ο (fix χι- '. 1 by jobbers Knox lev, an uu i that many by ii v.· law. A meeting ot the Creditor· of WM. J. WHEELER, corralled wished ι· better than ear·. J I fur! r*t··. earthquake meat Prevention to their debt·, ami etn»»«e £.turrr- A. CO.. Maine «aid n inkrupt, prove ΙΠΈ. I hadn't. Kan down the middle ot JOllXnOX ll«»«or, In- will be held «Ο. I'η brown -ta. ion, 1.» hand*. 1A inches high, one or more A :ee«of Κ-Late, tf ot I'orrrlitsurr. be holden at the ■South Pari·. Sept. 1,1877. holier ht to the at a Court ol Krnkruptcy, t>> !ua ·. 1 iu l>«î*,bred bv Isaac Carr. Farm the street got depot in Ρηπ», KUV \< ■ M length, office of lie >. a. Wd-on. K-<| Sooth ono Bitters March. ■γι»"II '"•ear and in final, on thi*triei (went) day 11. old SWEET ■·■ got tiik \vo\nritt ;i m at the uiti ol λ:'. mçkle. A I» I ■Ch. at Ιο oVl·. It Or t* i.'U >la Il VI' !*Γ orf the > IIU KK. Co. ι- beeu -aid to be Lewi-ton Bov. but burst of headed TOXIC Λ \ I» II » ALTII 1(1 one of the Ke.'mter·» in liank Maine *i to Ui« u ii.' rt„- .*,··· rtain "mril'iit fe< by magnificent speed, •ΙϋΙιιι IV. May, Κ-1 Steamship yml wa v. • ι' .» i J » -i Juita* Γ in». a train. the 1 of «aid Court. ·»ρι ι- A- four old.Knox wrong « tins year Freight; going I i.r t1 S|| m 11 Ν. ruptey Une to New lork. » ».ι disputed M ARItl.K. Sriai-Wffkl) at tha? liiw ie.» : « « IN B.8 bcm£ ιΐκ hour* ι, to iu and .-it Α l. I ■II ■ race :Λ the State Fair of Man at the told me %» for a aid Diatrict. y .ι» A ni .. ! \· a L WOO the go sas^e-s I" S Mar-hil Mea-enger j depot ______! .r I t tic T >*t. t. !. ·Λ t -a: ! » V ΓΙ ml r· t Λ -t Me and a record of Jown ; tram was late and would be l ui il. I • rer n:»1r 4· .-if bio· «trip trademark t· «I J -· 1*7-, my Λ*. Hir&ir. bÔ*k .·, t-|f| Ί Ukl(ITrl to ..··· liangur. « .. lu.iimi-l ·· r- '·· ··· '*** races in an hour and a half. I ο i%rk?'?Net.·! f« * Bill ( » Ί Mi 4 Kuox trotted several in along about tc.'j pluf S..M by all 4e»l#n. Boy 11 » A. ■Λιη^β·W M l ur ·· £> *r* ;n up ·.r%r ι·Ί ιη···ρ· Ρ·ι llowflm frU, to Juuvi à Co.. Mfi»·. Ρ.ιτίΟατ». imly > were too d 1 w:th a teeor 1 of 2-33A. In went but there ν « *·. ; « in, many I lii-^ «•t al 1·«·| c» ï h· } a. a: tht lv74, uding people loi l|ht lira I l..e Ml.r.iur.1.. rohdi..·.! o' »».<1 il if-e i- br It'ii «un won -fai.ion race at Lardi· in there, and it was too I went out l*7t>, he the light. \ wijn 1<> eta., post L. JOM.S « ^u·· fur··'Κ *!«· ! llu si m, paid. sat down on the loneliest r1 Ν ^ Steamers Eleanora and Franconia· 11··. « \\ \ι>»λ(.RTii r.» r.'· Maine S a»her. Will- in the dark and \rri Νim»SUi Wharf. rk -itiug Kmpcror % IVrfr·· C'un γ« λ.ϊ !· I V»ni further notice leave Kranklin inS ·'··. \t Will until Uiraui. F- !· Mli, I*>. find. 1 lèlt reflective and t » · aud inn, lier and Young Huchan- trunk I could Portland, every ilONDAV THlRSlJA^' Lightfoot, C.[ τ .r.· h.anft tcukpumUAj, Ka»t Rner. >'* at* Γ. M., and leave P:er 18 ou, and hi- record to Oct. -ad, like. 1L· li.l 1 Λ UlU«a wUir. at ♦ *otl< e «»t \ pi>oiuiinriit otn !<«*· lowered 2.31£ >ork, every MONDAY ant HiLK>l)A) bu.sl crcrpilcxu rfii «*r. Is. -t the Fair. "WHITt" P. M. 20, 7, Sagadahoc County THE for th:· is a new steamer, built I'nr On. and best The Kleanora just Kuir Won the -ta!lion race in three 27» Tan Shin* II itU t/ir Sewing Machine is the rmie^t »e!lic>r h ranronia are flttril up Kr.ox liov route. and both abc and the ! Ri) t I in the market. It has a large «hut makic* Ν ui satisfjinK very with accommodation» for ps»»enger«. " mut-, bta! i i> F lichen and John Kcmovethe and other useless i- ► In constrni·:- fine portion *-.a 1*1 I -.t.f !:.*» logs parts, tie. nuke* the l<>ck»tilch ; mple convenient and 'omtortable route fur almost Ii this the most I \ I' Kc- the skin foft ; then remove the ion, very llfcht rui ning, and noi-ele»*· Sew Y'ork and Maine. 1 hese Π. tÙM 2.821,2.32,2.90. aud soak machine» I■· *ell in traveler» between Au ferry, i- aimo-t unpo-ible f<>t other at Il aveu durinK th· warm water steamer" will lotted Vineyard » *· · .'. t in *'Maine Bred ILrse," sub-tance and «oak in ίι with the Winn Λς>»ι. Sew bi ri· th il t ou \· ^rtied page fleshy 'hrrompetili months on their to and from < summer passage .. ol »· in I Λ 0\ι< ! |: tVmitnl. \ 10 IfUt· 8*WlB| Kt hour. lake for each ?kin, sait- York. « 141. one borax, *tm litnr Co., ClraveUnili O. un i-r th* .ni» ai at two hiHulrol. Passage in Slate Room t i.OO.mealsextra. : ·. w «M L' .t« M uc. and ^its. of each .4 ounce, fou tNODINK, peter, i>lauber Goo, Is forwarded to an.t from PhuaOelpbla, U'· ν*Ί ·, J-, Λ ί». 1-T4 8TO< KBKIDGE i.n ,tn.| all uerts oi M aise. aud dissolve or wet with soft water suffic- Itronu.n« fui. kk«ch(>UùDi υί *o«itkrr« KiimIh.TurLt·;, Montreal. tjuebcr, m.,1 Τίι»· l;. ν.Ί. .t Ι'·» 1 ! Κ,. iJ 1 eh· stuut j 1Λ hands with white ftr -t rate». .din.; hi^h ft** il, Urrrr, A»Im Minor, The II<»l% I.unil, • _·-»\ t" »·-η■ 1 their to pAB*. ;:i ient to allow agi arc freight the lace, one white lor· spread *tc li.»t ο I the ctuntnr· .Shipper· requested Ii;· I-:: VK*. W ν-ΙΙΗΓΚΝ J.t. t» l'r. lin strt] stocking Co't-; ry puWuhcd idtoItcU in .M. ou they it on with a brush, UMStMMriia eirly λ» (. Γ. day» l'urtiai· I. i'tk> JO. W-, uw Jw « ι·· in l >ide of the skin. I*ut to Λι :»i.d b'-hind, toaled lS63,brc leave Portland. Kor further information apply center cr of ES Portland. >t in the thickest ar A NURf. Ν V I Agent. thick» JI M t*r Stockbr ikia Th!· ίτ*τΐΊ lit» *■' >rfc i- the rvault of R«.-ent an! ΓI Ει η st Till Til*. C lr son the Burke he the skin, doub'c together, room» fsn also be obtained L of horse, •tri Γτ*»γ. η ,11 She ci-'Utitrir» nanicJ. Il 1, a Agricultural. olU/je. Tickets and Mate a •*t.rn< b>M>k—thr ojilt -·η» on th· and !' HAT^irs Street lulr.'Ttf flesh tide in, in cool lbr au1·)·*·!— Made lor each < li;rni>>hln>r the plant f«»o arrt··· » at ·«!·· AND TAR Anouj \ ouug llagarth. ntyfour allowing oaifwa>A'f' A^rita,don IIDtaatltia ttNVIVVUTCMm 1*77 applied on over |i iih «if HONEY OF HOREHOUND A LECTURE HOP ·.·■< ·, BITTERS, h«. wevtr. Wash the skin clean, aud then tu mtkr ttunry ofrr*A in fV lut tS^r No* u v>»Lr PRICKS III IU CEI» t B«W· he wa<> sold to Β. E. Kol- ·*■ OF ( \ M e«lt« liir not a lirluk, three old t.n 1 >r our Ultra Term» tu ιτΊ » fui! de- FOR THE CURE year.- Ayant·. lllll mnl Drill it iligh Μ Κ Ν. cz. oz. f th « iT*»t*»'k »nd f >r tuur»· \ kcr'a Phosphate Τ ο V Ο TJ X Ci U»> I Al> s who hitn for several take sal soda, 1 ; borax, A ; iefiucd •cnption jU'lx» f>ir Difflcnlt .;uj ci Weld, owued WuaTiiijitito.a k l'uMutic.-a, Hart: 4.U. (•rude; alao Chemicals. «fini Pamphlet, Colds, InSnenra, Hoarieneii, tix A. 1'- Cf., >1, fra?h«, Jutt !'uhi !. > jn.i d in tic c I ν I Tabes, and % I.eel u re on Ihr \ rr, .-e\ 4i> Γι RlHl AM Mkl'K.a \r.| being m·· m be in.i t! te W. H. BOWKER CO., M ;:r·· Tmm i U it Speri île i J1 / li.it to It -.(lit I 01 Γ LU * *t ALLOTBtlk tlll UkN name Honest and the mixture to the flesh ride,as or.XKtV TURK. Consumption. Self-Abuse lovoluntarr 2 4" uti 1er the of Hill, by apply k / / / BONTOX of torrhna. induced by This infallible is the Nervous l»el>ilit and wtien at rod aud iu a warm fli remedy composed Kuii»fio"o, Impotency. TxitY CXJÏIE whieb Lauie he was known the His- first, up keep ail L*. S Mak.hiiaL'h Ol'KICK, I chemical sren« : Consuinr· again j i·· work »t· .«·ι I) ai tin: Honey of the Horehound, in Impediments to Marritige rally willing Portland, Kvb. 27, ItCi. ( plant »nd Phvscal All Lliv ; the ouch. U,*.·:». HW1, iû Hred Horses" was for hours. Wash the extracted from the tiou, hpiletxty, and Kit·; Mental •ry "Maine pub- place twenty-four that wrturnlsh #·■·· |·« r wick in union with Tar-Balm, < I '·. .· » t .r ·.» N.■· > u employment OF M VINE. ss. H, BOBBBT J LVERWKLL, Lnir, as be a wit J roui !· •me DISTRICT the forest tree Abeis Incapacity.Ac in he id skiu clean, above, and have saleratus, own low u. ï au need uoi y o( Life Principle of (»reen (took." A·' Ml», t« ι» n· I t iu I on^ 'aiuu au i.-hed, aud whtch work described, your Thin ιβ to jt've notice: That on the 20th day M I»., author of the oter Vou can give your whole time to the ie bruukcu»·, dissolved in hot rain water, suffic- iiiv'ht. λ. 1» 1878. a Warrant in Bwhnptc) Balsam ε a, or Balm of Gdead. The w-irld-renow ued author, in thin admiinl 270. He was J 2 ozs., or our ιιι,ιιΐ'ηΐ». We hire FetmMiy, pauv dually purchase by work, only apart the Kutate of .lame» Krench. SOOTHES AND from his >wu xperisnre » was ir«ued ttgniusl The of Horehound Leisure,clearly prove· then take : u ho.u'c da? All l.o Honey rair of ohc of ient to well saturate the skin, agot makingover |.ci in the of Oxford, and State the awlul «·! >clf-Abti*e SIUDO l> been adjudged Bankrupt be effectually removed ιtie manufacturers of "Johnson's Anod· ne alum, 4 ; salt, ozs., dissolve, eut lime h. cannot In· uiadr no ca»il) .nut ap- the Tar-balm cleanses and heals the throat bon^.' m, 'liey his own i'ctiTinn, llle I in the I-«triot Court foi without dangerous surgi··*) operation*. y\ III I» .. 11 a»·· λ I n. ,if< Jr otl.e-r t.urflni .s. ItciMl· noliiin·. out a Ilirj nv!p. iu hot rain water. When sufficient- Idly tit any totry I·'. Λ. I». I»>; that the imnl air to the Five or pointing >· Liniment, aud ailed also, suid District Keb paj and passages leading lungs. instruments, ring», eordlals. vr I' tmi) Mi ir· iriui li-uuJ ο turn: Anodyne. the'bu-ι.ι ■.*» 1'eriin and f."> outfit It··.· Addrc-a and of .-iny he the cure at once ceitain ana effectual, by \îk τοβ ·ι :»^·ι Ιι· it with- M· ot any debts, delivery property additional organs cool, mod·· of αϊ mm H.ip Bitter· with- cool to allow the of Won·· il II\Μ.ΚΓΤ* Ci» I'ortlan I, Jy his i,»e. ingredients keep what hi* condi- 11·: trotted 1 >74 and 1875 ly handling to r-aid himorfor Let no whi. h every sufferer, no matter iKM'k- .η 1 try the Β .t« r* b» t >r\· >«b Tal< during longing Bankrupt,*1·» moist, and in healthful action. pre- sittp. in the »kin for twelve *nd the transfer ot at-y by hiin are tor cure him»'-lt cheaply, prlvntely n- other out his record, and Mr. out put property this medi- tio· may be, may lowering Jennin^·- scalding tint .1 meeting of the Creditor* 01 keen you from trying gTcat the water and hidden by law; judice and radically. lr· hiin or. the road until be- hour* ; theu out hang the said to th«ir debts, ai>d to cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou- trill it boon to thoutamli ( l shortly wring Itaukrupt prove UfThi* Ltctnct firor· Til·- Hup <·ιΐ|;1ι urr> ι·ιι«| I'ain or ot' bis Κ will for twelve hours more to choo* oue m«re .V^c^net·* state, sands of lives bv it in his «κ·/1hot.Mt l| It. fore he New F»ir of 1877. up dry. Repeat Hill's Manual. li.mki to be hold» η at large private practice. to aey Krlirl i> Ihf I sin- England be held at a Court of upt>-y no bad taste or Sent, on 1er seal, in a plain envelope, !ι«';ιμ«*%|, two > N.B.—The Tar-Balm has was the race the and from to to (,'<»rrt-ct \\ in*, almuin^ » to the office of Geo A. Wilton, Κ-·| In >nth I'tri· six cent·, or two postage r«.i ϋ ml Br%l. Here he entered in 2.38 last, soaking drying A irai.Iv address, on receiptor wrritteti I'l.-.inlr, Kle- lu «aid county, Ik lor·· John V\ May, Lriiigis· smell. the Publisher». won with a of 36. four to the desired soft- exprce?· thought, Kapidly, stamps. Address »'υκ »a ι» ν M l'arls àlii; A.M. watch he record Af- time*», according mid Du.-ilc** on the llileenth du> of March, A. D. 1·>78, at Co., llatnnii.i.l, iratitlr, in Social I.ii'e—embracing u-r, PRICES CENTS AND $1 TER BOTTLE. The ('ulteruell Médirai ι·«τγ\ >·.ι. I'^r »: »·. U W botl.«i. oi i'uu· 10 a. m. S. S. ΜΛΚΒΙ.Κ, 50 4>· ;·; 1.1 ward-at Dexter and Monrcc he won ness of the skin when tiuished. Finish by Uie Capital luttera, tuaiion, o'clock, Yorki Poet Office Boa Sltelling, as for «aid District. Great te large liie. II Ann Nt., !\»»v rub- Composition. Wi itinx lor the Pre·», Prooi Head- U. 8. Marshal, Messenger, saving buy a 30 in each race \c., and e utar5-2w ra< e.-, with record of 2 pulling, working, tinally by ing, epi«· lary Correspondence, Ν··ι«τ Invita· Cure "Pike's TootliacJie Drops" !%olirr of Foreclosure. with a of stone and line tion. Card», Commercial Κοπή-, i.csral BuaineM Atliiiuiiotriilnr'i ♦»;»!«·. ou ha t'u:i!e track-. Mr. then piece pumice Milton Jeuniugs bing Form*, with explinaiona. A Dictionary ol ll.oou in 1 Minute. \* H W SpofTord of This works on 11T"HKRE Joseph oi \ \ I ο i.'f ft Η I ί. sent huu to and entered him in admirably à.'iianyniuus Word-; Short-lliiml \Vrltttf, Dtltte· 01 Oi(n4, Hoston, -andpaper. Sold bv all ?V Planfitlon. QouatJ Λ. D < '■ >ι Rate·· Po- Druggists. of t- bruary of Pi IBI) Ι* II-:. skins as well as fur skins, a gi retarfc-. Parliamentary Writing Milne, on th·· iiintecnth Ίι — the 2 ;J0 race at Oct. making tte I. il airt.· c *t ι'ι·* -t· «" V M. Hart· Park, 18, sheep nod M pieces ol the be.it «elected Poetry.and I deed of thit <1 Recorded Mystic Sale III» mortgage piM.lie ex- etry N.Y. 16Γ.Ί. by .15, !t't ι! H V W t- leather. This is not a other thing» too numerous to mention here. Λ Ν. ot l»tc.|s, |P>ok yjnl .k,vD lx· 7, which race he won. Five heats durab.e very many CEITTENTON, Prop., in Oxford County Registry of tup ·\,.! i.rvt Mill, who has lonif been a aucceaaftil Teach Special t« nie < I :>, !-■- \ Kimball i>atmda > ! Λ| I .iu·· 1 know Prof. VTe have a few of our Page 5.W, conveyed were four of which the race tried it, our best biniue-» pieees a tore *a id the u' hx k .o th. nll*-ri .n, mucb υ: the K»al trotted, alter pensive recij>e, for,having er m aotne ol" collcgce prepared Rumford in the County of Oxiord ■ a being the > ι.· ··! rhi* l>ook « itti reference to supplying estate to wit; it itaMr, !»(·· mU : wa« the next wheu what it is.—Cor. Am ltural Home. eepcial following described real j until day that it h*» gone through now li»*s toertber U -!«αιύ ostj>oued long ell want. The fact Stable ! farm on which he homestead as fol- Η « Of <· Ί'..-.r- went on and won the 14 Call ions, Ti.Oou in the ihort tune since Its pub- Livery thereon, and bounded 1·' Ihi tliou-ui.1 Cloths and Flannels with all Uie buildings Anodyue deciding can the Stable owned east- for η Pt <·! 'lebt· s ml itci lcnla! hjr<«·» show* more than yvordo tell how it Having bought formerly by land called the Oorc; ra.e the Scientific lictttion, low» vU westerly by de- heat aud it 2 20. —A of η Itook I· what all on we would like to cl«*e out to Session, B'TKK. A.I·. ni:tr»i correspondent η%8 lite appreciated. Tltita ju»t I hand, which bv land formerly ow ned tiv A»a l'arl» M -rh '·(!!. 1-7" " tor to them on the work of make room tor oui erly 3» ki>. urrmtLL, American : The best remedy need help carry dally ΡΞEXISTES Se TIRXTE, ceased ; northerly by land of John I>ollv,deceased says No man can afford conveyed to their own education. young being ail and the pr.-mtsc. IS I Ht I Ι»ΓΚ1< Il .It Mi <·» I ». as Dr. Bralrt .?·■»»« Η Hue- li Κ L MILL' 1 » 11· dark brown bands foal- at the nose, to be w ithout it—and It U a» valuable to Ι|αη·ι>, II W. by ge.ding, 15£ high, bleeding given by equally tbi .-aid Joseph *|μ>ιΤ"πΙ An*, >·.>κ : uk |ii!>T«iCTor Xai.tL. everv volatile In a hiindaimc ! their Iced dated one is in the l.aity—Trie quarto Work be to »ee the of the former and Ellen Russell, by ed in 1860, bred A. J. Crowd], Win· Gleasou in of his lectures, I elial! happy patrons sell >r of Ju *Ar ">·.·' Jf '/I 4 ill ΙΛ by of W by >lee». « Ο dr IL Y motion of the as if in the Sold only by subscription. Addr«s», ALSO proprietors, 3->;», ai d whereas the Me., got by Wmthrop Morrill,dam vigorou* jaws, Chicago. with all the attention po*sit>lc, and at rea- deeds K.«>k 1.Y4. I'age throp, a nice lot h*vi'i< beeo brok.'n by IM"(IUC1 il M VIM. vh \t Pah· tlip ·'« case of a child H, G· of sonable rates. ditions of eal-i mortgage certain a horse ca i!ed the horse, act of mastication. In the OARCELOIV, »*oje -dried in a > .·. of th·! ·ρ » u f ΓίίιιΜΙ y V I»- I».». y Downing Portland, non-payment I in its •JOG fltddlp dat·· thurewitr»—therefore Plllll· t.| ι· Cru well sold him wheu two old to a wad of should be J. M. CU.M MINGS. note bearing even years paper placed lor further iniormation 11 ,m Stocking Yarn, breach and that t>j ·, Λ ·:»..· 1 I r « notice of said A 1 to chew Feb I i, 1878. fli-2m give mort- Mr. il and in mouth, and the child instructed Norway, hereby a foreclosure of sal t j··.·! !< alη.τ; lit of i>l!'jr»l ail Crosstiiao Wintarop, he, rea»on thereof I claim CvUII)i the of the Sta ii «ι:· α * of the that with provisions »jtii «ai s77. a* l'ark. Bo.-ton, he started su the flow of the blood. Fire Insur'e Pants, CHARLES l»:-!riCl. Myttic ps remedy Continental Co., fTIHE heretofore eaielini: tinder ml2-3w (iMikol \ or kkw tork. sired. co-parluer»bip March Ttb, ls*S. \Tll.»iA' ;u the 2.50 rate and wen the third heat is so that will feel in- the Dun nnine of Marble A Thaver, waedt»- Rum ford, f. t> Aililte-». >· ulb Pari'. very stmpie many X Ma.n·-. m'~3 Capital* S1,000,000· solvtd Oct. 21st, 1S77, by mutual consent. I'arlor and a r»*eord of 2.27 clined to at it, but it was never GARNER & UeUil pnee ♦!»<· onl. laugh yV«sietM, $3.,000,000 BAGNALL, X. U. MARBLE. QliUnC MtSaKNOKJl KNOX. known to fail in a even in Hanover Woolen Mill. O. A. TUA V KB rlAWUy Orgq»4, price single instance, W'M. <1. WHKKuIb, A(«nt. I IMuUsl k. January a, 107. η If Fwii.Feb, l«tn, NW. Π g: ^tatiion hand· foaled in 18- severe caaee." Soulh Part·, Mv.i D«c, S, law. Η ii: jot mtoii iwe Ά imsOfc « irey Iti high,

    m ''c