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A Jack and Jill story Acknowledging the role of LBS

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In this issue Coordinates Volume 3, issue 12, December 2007


A Jack and Jill story Sa t y a s h r e e 7 Mere applications, not services Ra j a t Ag r a w a l 8 Dispersion of waves and group velocity H Iss h i k i 14 Management of port infrastructure in India N R Ra u t 20 3D noise models Vin a y k u m a r Ku r a k u l a , Ja n t i e n St o t e r , He n k d e Kl u i j v e r 24


My coordinates editorial 6 His coordinates Ra k e s h Ve r m a 12 Conference ICG p r o vi d e r s f o r u m 18 News g a l i l e o u p d a t e

29 l b s 30 in d u s t r y 32 g p s 34 r e m o t e s e nsin g 36 g is 36 Mark your calendar Ja n u a r y t o s e p t e m b e r 2008 38

This issue has been made possible by the support and good wishes of the following individuals and companies H Isshiki, Henk de Kluijver, Jantien Stoter, N R Raut, Rajat Agrawa,Rakesh Verma, Vinaykumar Kurakula, and; Contex, Datem, HP, Kolida, Leica, Magellan, Navcom, Navtech GPS, Novatel, NRSA, Office of Registrar General, South, Spirent; and many others

Mailing Address Coordinates is an initiative of cGIT that aims to broaden the Apartments, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi 110096, India. cGIT, 28A Pocket D scope of positioning, navigation and related technologies. Editor Bal Krishna SFS Mayur Vihar Phase III cGIT does not neccesarily subscribe to the views expressed Delhi 110 096, India. by the authors and advertisers in this magazine and may Owner Centre for Geoinformation Technologies not be held liable for any losses caused directly or indirectly Phones +91 11 22632607, 98102 33422, 98107 24567 due to the information provided herein. © cGIT, 2007. Designer TSA Effects, www.tsa.in Reprinting with permission is encouraged; contact the Email editor for details. Printer Sonu Printer, B 82, Okhla Phase I, New Delhi, [information] [email protected] India. [editorial] [email protected] Annual subscription (12 issues) [India] Rs.1,200 [advertising] [email protected] [Overseas] US$80 This issue of Coordinates is of 40 pages, including [subscriptions] [email protected] cover. Printed and published by Sanjay Malaviya on behalf of Web www.mycoordinates.org Centre for Geoinformation Technologies at A221 Mangal Coordinates December 2007 | 5 mycoordinates

The LBS stream

It’s integral to the day-to-day functioning in the developed world.

In Asia, Japan and Korea lead the way.

The undercurrents are becoming visible in India.

First, it was the state-owned BSNL to join the LBS bandwagon.

Later, the private player Bharti Airtel followed suit.

Market dynamics indicate positive trends for LBS.

With the mobile phones holding the pulse of the nation,

Location based service is the logical next step.

Service and technology providers stand poised to lead.

The government will hopefully provide necessary support.

Although the common man is not an avid map user,

Exposing them to new technologies is a welcome beginning.

Hopefully in the New Year, the strong currents will have pushed

LBS into the main stream.

Bal Krishna, Editor [email protected]

h i e f a d v i s o r Muneendra Kumar PhD, Chief Geodesist (Retired), US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, USA a d v i s o r s Naser El-Sheimy PEng, CRC Professor, Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary Canada, George Cho Professor in GIS and the Law, University of Canberra, Australia, Dr Abbas Rajabifard Director, Centre for SDI and Land Administration, University of Melbourne, Australia, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes PhD Associate Director of Geosciences, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, Brazil, John Hannah Professor, School of Surveying, University of Otago, New Zealand

6 | Coordinates December 2007 LBS

technologies, communication technologies, and the Internet with all its information. Its architecture consists of five components: mobile devices, positioning, communication network, service providers, and content providers, all of which interact in the processing chain of the service request sent by the user. If Jill had a GPS-enabled cell phone, it is capable of establishing her location (positioning) such that when she seeks emergency services (communication network) from that location, the agent providing the voice telephony service (service provider) directs the request to a database (content provider) containing the emergency services information for that location, which is then returned to the cell phone along with the corresponding navigation instructions.

How huge is the hill?

According to the recent press release by ABI Research, GPS-enabled handset market is expected to generate over $100 Billion in revenues in 2012. A Jack and Jill story The recent spate of acquisitions and mergers in the LBS market is a sign of Acknowledging the role of LBS an increasing commercial and popular interest in location-awareness. Nokia, Satyashree h e y went up a hill to fetch a pail of a mobile device manufacturing major, [email protected] Twater. Jack fell down and broke his has acquired Navteq, one of the leading bone and Jill came tumbling after… And providers of comprehensive digital map now they need medical attention and must information for automotive navigation locate a medical center soon. How far systems, mobile navigation devices, is the nearest hospital? How do they get internet-based mapping applications, there from the accursed hill? What is their and government and business solutions. current location? They need location-based Tele Atlas, another popular mapping services (LBS). “What is LBS?” asks Jill. data provider has been acquired by TomTom. ABI Research industry analyst Location based services are location- Shailendra Pandey observes, “The ongoing specific information, such as restaurants, consolidation in the mobile industry … ATMs, hospitals, traffic conditions, gives a clear indication of the plans and and weather information, provided to commitment of industry players to address mobile users within a measurable radius the GPS-enabled handset market.” from a specific location. This ‘mobile content’ is obtained using GPS (Global Positioning System) which utilizes a “But I do not have GPS constellation of satellites in Earth’s orbit on my phone,” says Jill that transmit precise microwave signals, enabling a GPS receiver in a mobile There has been a parallel swell in the device to determine its location, speed, development of various location based direction, and time. LBS has its roots in technologies. Google has launched GIS (Geographical Information System) “My Location” which uses information

Coordinates December 2007 | 7 Mere applications, not services broadcasted, not by satellites through GPS c c o r d i n g to a report by ABI (and not forgetting Bluetooth enabled but, by cell towers to find the location of AResearch, there will be over 240 GPS receivers) available to choose from. a mobile device using the triangulation million GPS-enabled mobile phones in Don't be surprised if you get to hear a method. SiRF, a manufacturer of 2008. Many of these phones will find statement by the end of 2008 that indicates GPS chipsets for navigation systems, their way into India, which translates into more number of GPS -enabled cellphones has licensed Skyhook’s WPS (Wi-fi a huge opportunity for the Indian GPS/ were shipped that stand-alone personal Positioning System), a single positioning GIS industry. But will these millions navigation devices. After all, it has system based on the Wi-fi network of GPS enabled handhelds be used for happened with digital cameras, portable for wireless carriers that combines the navigation alone? The probability is low. music players and PDAs, there is no best of GPS and Wi-fi technology. reason why it shouldn't be the same with To illustrate our point, let’s do a status personal navigation devices. Most of the First services are already available for check of consumer-oriented GPS services consumers of such cellphones will be the mobile phone users, such as Family Finder, in India. Currently, brands like Airtel, youth, who at this point aren't the typical weather information, and city events. Google, MapmyIndia, Nokia and Yahoo! end-users that the GPS industry caters to. Phone makers now support GPS phones provide navigational maps for Indian These rather sudden developments require for social networking and mobile gaming. cities. Some of these maps cover almost a change in the perspective of how the GyPSii is a geo-location and four dozen cities and close to half-a- industry looks at the GPS market. We social networking platform that combines million Points of Interests (PoI). But believe that instead of mere navigation, location-based news and services, such try searching the route to a residential GPS based social networking and user as search and friend-finder, and user address and the navigation software will generated content sharing applications generated content-creation and sharing. return no results. The problem with the will be more popular in 2008. Nokia has given its official authorization current GPS services is their inability to to the Symbian application for its N95 give last mile navigation directions to the The benefit of having a GPS in a and 6110 Navigator mobile phones. user. While GPS application developers cellphone is the fact that anything and claim that a user won't have to roll down everything can be tagged with a precise The Universal Address System developed a window to ask for directions again, the geographic location that is as accurate by NAC Geographic Products Inc. has harsh reality is that is exactly one has to as 10 metres. An application that geo- introduced a highly impressive unified do after veering off from the main road. tagging places (restaurants, night clubs, representation of an address, such that coffee shops, malls) with user generated the entire Earth can be digitized using the Another aspect, which holds true in the reviews might become popular with latitute, longitute, and altitude information Indian scenario, is the current offerings are users registering themselves to get of any given place. An eight character mere 'applications' and not 'services'. When reviews via text messages when they universal address can uniquely specify we say GPS as a service, we include things are around that location. Or location every building in the world and a ten like live traffic updates, which would come based social networking that let's you character universal address can uniquely handy for a user to avoid traffic jams and meet friends or friends-of-friends, who specify any square meter. MLBS is a take a detour instead. At present, we use can ping you and meet, when you are comprehensive wireless LBS powered by GPS only for navigation, that too when nearby can take the likes of Facebooks Natural Area Coding (NAC) technology we are headed to an unknown place, an and Orkuts to a different level. and ’s MapPoint web service. occurrence that doesn't happen frequently to justify the need. We appreciate the With the emergence of high resolution effort that has gone in putting together cameras in cellphones, there is no dearth “Where are we?” cries detailed digital maps of Indian cities of user generated content in the form of Jack, “How far away?” but we fear that isn't enough. videos and photographs. If users geo- tag them, upload them to a common The telecom industry in India, Unlike a couple application, we can have almost every as in the rest of the world, of years conceivable part of the globe captured is currently surging a ago, when in prints and video footage. The record high in power and consumer possibilities are endless. Let’s give the reach and witnessing oriented consumer something more to do with a burgeoning of allied GPS his GPS-enabled cellphone. And of technologies. Mobile devices enabled course, let's find new avenues to generate have reached the lowest devices revenues with existing technology. common social denominator were acquiring millions of expensive Rajat Agrawal new subscribers every and rare, in The author has been writing about cellphones month. With the progressive 2008 there will and cellular technology for over three years be many mid- now. You can read his take on the mobile world. end cellphones www.cellpassion.com 8 | Coordinates December 2007 Coordinates December 2007 | 9

Personal Navigation Devices will Authority of India (TRAI) framing the last surpass 100 million Units by 2011 recommendations for 3G spectrum services.

The consumer navigation market has seen unprecedented levels of activity and growth in 2007, mainly driven by PNDs (personal navigation devices) which offer a Jill says, “I suppose we compelling mix of ease of use, features, portability, and affordability. As an have to deal with broken established mass market CE category, PND markets will continue to grow strongly bones sometimes.” to reach a global sales volume of more than 100 million units by 2011. Dedicated PNDs will remain the preferred form factor for use in the car but will be In addition to technological developments, complemented by handset-based systems for pedestrian navigation and new use policy level developments have been cases such as outdoors. New form factors such as portable media players, ultra taking place in parallel setting up India mobile PCs, Internet tablets and mobile Internet devices will also appear. as a global player in the industry. One of the recent landmark developments is Europe is currently the leading navigation market, but strong growth is expected in the New Map Policy brought out by the developing countries such as China and India. By 2012 more navigation systems will Ministry of Science and Technology, ship in Asia-Pacific than in any other region. Government of India, which promises better access to the maps generated by The high levels of competition and price pressure will result in continued Survey of India. Survey of India is the consolidation and vertical integration, as evidenced by the acquisition of the two central agency in charge of surveying, main digital map providers, NAVTEQ and Tele Atlas. An important driver for publishing, maintaining and dissemination consolidation is the need to aggregate user communities under strong brands to of the topographic map database of the take advantage of the potential of user-generated map and POI (point of interest) country. Although encumbered by a content. Navigation vendors are looking to differentiate their offers by adding few regulatory issues, it is nonetheless a speech technology, multimedia features and 3D map content, and by targeting significant step forward in the direction specific segments.www.abiresearch.com of making all new Open Series maps to be made available in the public domain.

subscriber not satisfied with mere voice friend finder alerts, location based Another conducive development has communication, their increasing demand advertisement, and location based chatting been the recent reclassification of GPRS for more value-added, multimedia-rich service. Capitalizing on the rich and phones by the Central Board of Excise data exchange has led to a virtual war varied language base in India, Mahanagar and Customs as radio navigational devices among telecom companies for a broader Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) is offering incurring a reduced excise of 4%, going radio frequency 3G spectrum to support multilingual short messaging service (SMS) back on their earlier classification as such content. One happy outcome of this in 11 regional languages. This vibrant satellite phones which incured an import situation is the dissemination of relevant layout is generating tremendous interest tariff of 34%. Although this development information that is made accessible for giant internet portals, such as MSN, makes it difficult to keep the cost of with mobile devices through the mobile who are investing in the Indian telecom GPS applications on standalone units network by using the location information companies to provide location-based search. affordable in a price-sensitive economy, of the mobile device and the recent LBS providers dependent on GPS have developments are positive indicators. Bharti Airtel Limited, one of India’s worked around this impediment to their leading private sector providers of advantage by bundling GPS with GPRS Personal navigation devices (PND) have telecommunications, joined Fixed-Mobile phones. A GPS-enabled mobile device, gained considerable amplitude in India. Convergence Alliance (FMCA) to share essentially a GPRS phone, now becomes With more private firms offering advanced the developments in convergence of fixed- affordable by including GPS as a ‘value- features in the PNDs, such as MapMyIndia line and mobile wireless technologies added’ offering (a secondary feature), thus Navigator and SatGuide, while keeping the such that they can seamlessly blend all doing away with the additional 34% taxes. costs affordable, the corporate competition the services they have to offer over a Ashutosh Pandey, Managing Director, is leveraged to consumer advantage. unified framework. This Fixed Mobile SiRF India speaks to Coordinates in July Convergence (FMC) will thus enable the 2007: “In doing so, the government gave India’s state-owned telecom giant, Bharat service provider to become a one-stop shop relief to the privileged – those that could Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) is the first for purchase as well as support. For FMC to afford to purchase a mobile phone costing operator to launch LBS on Telenity’s make subscriber-centric multiple offerings more that 20,000 Rupees. At the same Canvas® LES, Location Enabling Server. a closer reality, broadband and Wi-Fi time, it kept the much needed products in Catching up with the latest innovations in networks need to be aggressively expanded, the census, safety, security, and even pure the industry, the enterprise will now offer and the process of its entry in India has navigational category at the high rate of real time fleet and asset management, already started with Telecom Regulatory duty (34%), out of reach of average users”.

10 | Coordinates December 2007 Global market “This is crazy,” says Jack, or dictate movement, a phenomenon lucidly “let’s just get a driver.” termed as ‘geoslavery’. Countries, such worth $48.8 as the US, which are extremely sensitive In a culture-vibrant and language-rich to the concept of personal freedom, may billion by 2012 country, such as India, all technology is be able to avoid the most serious abuses subject to cultural and linguistic nuances. of this technology, but it may take a little According to a new technical market This is a friendly nation where a mere longer for India to enforce stringent laws research report, from BCC Research, act of seeking navigation assistance to protect personal privacy. the global market for mobile location is a welcome mode of social interaction technologies will be worth $23.2 and any attempt introducing technology billion in 2007. This is expected to as a replacement amounts to bringing Jack and Jill increase to over $48.8 billion by 2012, a about a cultural change. Add to that the finally fetch their compound annual growth rate (CAGR) variety of Indian languages and dialects pail of water of 16.1%. The market is broken down that technology has to cater to reach a into applications of vehicle navigation, critical mass. Consequently, it becomes 2008 holds a promising future surveying and mapping, machine a mammoth task to arrive at a common for the LBS industry as seen by the major control and others. Of these, vehicle conventional nomenclature for addresses of portals and corporations looking for navigation has the largest share of the locations which may run into several long business opportunities in India. Portal market. Valued at nearly $15.5 billion words, given the Indian propensity to name providers, such as Google, Yahoo, and in 2007, this segment is expected to their roads after their heroes and leaders. MSN have placed location at the core of be worth $38.2 billion by 2012, a Besides, most roads that have a formal their offers pairing communication services CAGR of 19.8%. The second largest name and a commonly used name do not with maps and local mobile search and segment, surveying and mapping, was make the task of nomenclature any easier. mobile advertising. On the other hand, worth an estimated $2 billion in 2007 individual vendors are using location- and will reach $3.2 billion by 2012. By virtue of the booming economy and real based services to turn mobile search Machine control is currently a $1.1 estate, there are several new retail outlets, services into profitable value propositions. billion segment that will be worth $2.1 multiplexes, apartment complexes, high- billion in 2012, a CAGR of 13.4%. capacity bus and rail ways springing up “We are developing an ecosystem of even as we speak. Extremely systematic players in the LBS and navigation While it was the Global Positioning and methodical procedures need to be in space – software and solution providers, Systems satellite system that launched the place to record and update the increasingly mobile operators, handset manufacturers, mobile location market, today nearly 75% volatile topography. This entails a very automobile companies and PND of all applications use either augmented high cost of investment and maintenance manufacturers, to offer consumers high GPS technologies such as the Wide of equipment used to document and quality and pan India LBS applications Area Augmentation System (WAAS) or update geographic data. Besides, being … on the internet, on the mobile phone, hybrid systems like wireless assisted- expensive, LBS is a fancy technology and in-car.” Says Mr Rakesh Verma, GPS (WA-GPS). By 2012, augmented targeted more towards the upper middle CEO, MapMyIndia, CE Systems It is a and hybrid satellite location technologies’ class, who are most likely to have drivers win-win situation where customers will share is projected to reach 84.1%. who are expected to know the way. have more personalized information and network operators will address discreet The U.S. is expected to retain its position market segments based on different service as the world’s largest market for mobile “How did they know we portfolios. In the US, the Enhanced 911 location technologies through 2012. need help?” Jill wonders (E911) requirements enforced by the Otherwise, Western Europe (i.e., the EU Federal Communications Commission was plus EFTA nations) should replace Japan LBS technology comes with its own array primarily responsible for propelling LBS, as the second-largest geographical market. of inherent imperfections, which, if not and later, the car and aircraft navigation As a group, markets outside the U.S., appropriately guarded, may transform experimented with and embraced the Western Europe, and Japan are projected itself into a certain invasion of location- technology. In India, the fondness for to increase their global market shares to related personal privacy. The knowledge information and the fascination with social 20% by 2012. www.businesswire.com of a certain satellite constantly tracking networking appears to be the driving force and monitoring one’s movement is as behind the popularity of LBS. Opening unnerving as the knowledge of that up a few policies, tightening a few others, So the next time Jack and Jill fall from information being used by analysts and pairing up location information with a hill, they will know exactly how to predict behavioral patterns and emergency services, as did E911, may close the nearest hospital is as well as by advertisers to interpret consumer perhaps be just the catalyst that is required the directions down to the last mile preferences. Such technology may restrict to bring LBS in India into the mainstream. and around the nearest corner.

Coordinates December 2007 | 11 His coordinates

with complete options and choice of using MapmyIndia maps on the “We are very internet, on the mobile phone, or in-car. Specifically for in-car GPS navigation, we have released 2 hardware models to provide consumers with different form- bullish about LBS” factor and aesthetic options, and will be offering various other hardware models in the coming time, either on our own, or in conjunction with our partners. Rakesh Verma – for e.g. nariman point, Mumbai to CEO, MapMyIndia, CE koramangala, Bangalore . The depth of Systems on navigation our maps, covering all streets, localities, Who are your target market in India sub-localities and points of interest in 52 customers? categories combined, with the seamless pan India breadth, covering towns and Broadly, anyone has a use for the How do you see the success of villages connected by national and state MapmyIndia Navigator, as the GPS the Navigator in India where highways, allows our customers to use the navigation device tells you where you we culturally depend on word MapmyIndia Navigator for turn-by-turn are at all times, giving you safety and of mouth for directions? navigation to their destination anywhere comfort, and guides you turn-by-turn in India, while other products do not. to your destination. In the early stage There is a significant need for a GPS of the market, we believe adopters navigation device for all India . Depending The pricing is competitive given the would be technology enthusiasts, those on word of mouth for directions has set in 34% import duty on GPS navigation who have seen these devices in US and as culture in India, because people felt they devices (versus 4% import duty on Europe, and premium car owners would had not option, and so factor in an added mobile phones equipped with GPS), be most likely to buy the product. 15 min – 30 min every time they set out for and given the initial stage of the market a new destination as the extra time it will and associated volumes. Remember the For reference, in the US, 20 million take you to find the place. With availability quality and quantity of map coverage we PNDs (portable navigation devices) of a GPS navigation device like the offer is unparalleled, and we believe that were sold last year, and in Europe over MapmyIndia Navigator, people can have customers will pay a premium for that. 30 million PNDs were sold last year. more convenience, knowledge and safety on the roads, and we believe it is just a matter of using and trying this product How accurate and How do you see the before people start demanding it seriously. authentic are the maps growth of LBS in India? The situation is very similar to mobile that Navigator uses? phones when they were first introduced We are very bullish about LBS in – before their arrival, we were all doing MapmyIndia maps are the most India, and have been doing our fine, and now we can’t do without them. comprehensive and accurate navigable best to drive this market with the maps available for India today, and are availability of highly comprehensive 100% our intellectual property. These and accurate maps for India. What makes the product maps are driving over 500 large enterprises different from other including Coca Cola, HLL, Maruti, We have also created a complete set navigational devices General Motors etc. including leading of web-based APIs that can power available in the market? navigation players such as Airtel GPS any LBS application, be it for the Navigation, Yahoo! India maps portal, internet or for the mobile phone. The major differentiator for the with more to be announced soon. MapmyIndia Navigator is the map inside. We are developing an ecosystem of Comprehensiveness and accuracy of the MapmyIndia Maps have all the necessary players in the LBS and navigation maps drive the experience of using a clearances from the Government of India. space – software and solution providers, navigation device, and this is our major mobile operators, handset manufacturers, advantage over any other navigation automobile companies and PND device not using our maps in the market What is the reason behind the manufacturers – to offer consumers high today. MapmyIndia maps allow for choice of 2 hardware models? quality and pan India LBS applications seamless turn-by-turn navigation from using MapmyIndia maps – on the internet, any point to any point in the country Our objective is to provide consumers on the mobile phone, and in-car.

12 | Coordinates December 2007 In demanding projects and adverse conditions, working with an experienced partner can make all the difference. On land or at sea, NavCom’s survey products provide unsurpassed accuracy and a real competitive advantage. Using our StarFire™ enabled GPS systems, our partners can now conduct offshore exploration and hydrographic surveys with the same accuracy and reliability as on dry land. Whether your next project is in the middle of the ocean, deep in a jungle, or two miles high, put NavCom’s experience to work for you. Call us at 310-381-2000.

Coordinates December 2007 | 13 www.navcomtech.com GNSS Dispersion of waves and group velocity

H Isshiki h e n electromagnetic waves This boundary value problem has a School of Naval Wpass through the ionosphere, solution expressing a progressive wave: Architecture and Ocean the dispersion of waves takes place, Engineering, University of and we must consider two kinds of the Ulsan, Ulsan, Korea; IMA propagation velocities, that is, the phase (2) (Institute of Mathematical and group velocities. The phase of the where A is the amplitude of the wave, Analysis), Osaka, Japan carrier of the signal wave transmitted and the wave number k and the circular [email protected] from the satellite propagates with the frequency w satisfies a dispersive equation: phase velocity. However, the code modulated by the carrier travels with a , (3) velocity called the group velocity. Since the phase velocity becomes faster in the The progressive wave travels to θ ionosphere than in vacuum, the phase direction with the phase velocity w/k. range measured by using the phase of the The surface elevation ζ is given as carrier is estimated to be shorter. On the other hand, the pseudo range measured by using the code signal is estimated to be (4) longer, since the group velocity becomes slower. When we start a study on GNSS, The phase velocity is defined as a we encounter this phenomenon and here velocity at which the equiphase line: is an easy explanation beginning from an example in water waves (or gravity (5) waves travelling on water surface). travels. In case of θ = 0, π/2, it may be easily understood. The Dispersion of waves wave travels keeping its form.

Let us consider a water region Ω0 of If we write the wavelength and phase

constant depth h with a free surface SF0 velocity as λ and c, we have

and bottom SB. The water region extends infinitely in the horizontal direction. We , (6a) take x and y axes on the free surface, and z axis vertically upward. The time , (6b) is referred to by t. The velocity potential f satisfies a boundary value problem: According to equation (3), k decreases (1a) and λ and c increases, when ω decreases. Hence, a water wave consisting of multiple frequency components disperses (1b) in a way that the component waves with longer wave length go ahead of those with shorter wave length. The dispersion (1c) is determined by equation (3). So, this equation is called dispersive equation. where g is gravitational acceleration.

14 | Coordinates December 2007 In case of a deep water wave (h/λ >>1), we have The wave energy transmits into the direction of the wave propagation. A part , (7a) of the wave energy becomes the kinematic energy and the rest is potential energy. In , (7b) case of a deep water wave, both energies per wave length are equal. Hence, the And in case of a very shallow water group velocity should be half of the phase wave (or tidal wave; h/λ ≈ 0),the velocity for the balance of the energy. following equations are obtained: Let’s consider this phenomenon , (8a) mathematically. We consider a wave composed of two component waves. One , (8b) is a wave with the circular frequency w and the wave number k, and the other is With respect to a tidal wave, the phase a wave with the circular frequency w′ velocity does not depend on the wave and the wave number k′. The amplitudes length and the wave does not disperse. of both waves are assumed equal, that So, in case of a very long wave such as is, A. So, the surface elevation ζ of the generated by a tsunami, for example, the synthesized wave is given as wave due to Chili Tsunami in 1960 traveled . (9) to the Japanese coast from the wave source off the shores Chile over Pacific Ocean If the difference between (w, k) and (w′, without changing its shape. In this case, k′) are small, the above equation can be the wave trough arrived at the Japanese approximated as coast first. It is said that the wave crest is replaced by the wave trough because of the dispersion effect due to Colioli force, when the tsunami wave passed the neighborhoods of Hawaii. The velocity of (10) the tsunami is calculated by . So, if we assume the average depth of the ocean as Hence, a low speed wave with the 4000m, the velocity is 200m/s or 700m/h. velocity (w – w′)/(k – k′) is modulated by a high speed wave with the In case of a tidal wave, the wave travels velocity w/k. Namely, the peaks and without changing its form, since the phase troughs of the wave advances fast, velocity c that transmits the phase of the and the whole wave advances slow. wave is equal to the group velocity cg that The faster velocity w/k is the phase transmit the energy of the wave. However, velocity c, and the slower velocity is the phase and group velocities are different the group velocity cg. We now have in case of a dispersive wave. When you observe a swell surging against a beach, (11) the peak disappears at the wave front. You may observe this phenomenon more Substituting the dispersive clearly in a wave tank. If you run the wave equation (3), we obtain generator for a short period of time, you can make a wave packet. If you watch a wave peak, the peak moves faster than the wave packet and disappears at the front (12) of the wave packet. At the front, waves disappear one after another. If you observe the tail of the wave packet, waves emerge In case of a deep water wave, we one after another. However, the wave have from equations (11) and (7b) packet advances with a constant speed or a group velocity. The velocity of the packet (13) or the group velocity is slower than the velocity of the peak or the phase velocity For a tidal wave, the group velocity is in case of gravitational water waves.

Coordinates December 2007 | 15 given from equations (11) and (8b) as (21) Hence, the refractive index

np can be defined as: (14) where a formula: (33) The velocity potential and the (22) surface elevation of a deep water We rewrite equation (33). Let f wave advancing into x -axis (or θ is used. We also assumed the charge is be the frequency, that is, f = w/ = 0) direction can be written as distributed homogeneously and used (2π). Now, we have

(15a) (23) (34)

(15b) As one of the solutions of equation If we define the plasma frequency

(20), we have a plane wave: fp as (→ Appendix A) Substituting the above expressions into the kinetic energy T and the potential (24) (35) energy U per unit width and wave length:

(25) np can be approximated as (16a) where c, w and k are the phase , (16b) velocity, circular frequency and wave number. Now, H is obtained (36) we have from equations (18) and (19) as

The phase velocity cp of the (17a) (26) electro magnetic wave in the ionospheric layer is obtained as (17b) (27)

Hence, we know that the kinematic We now consider a situation when the (37) energy is equal to potential energy plane wave given by equations (24) in case of a deep water wave. and (26) passes through an ionospheric where c is the phase velocity in vacuum.

layer with the electron density N. The wave number kp is now given as The equation of motion due to the Dispersion of electric magnetic electric field is given as waves in ionosphere (38) (28)

Let (x,y,z), t, E=(Ex,Ey,Ez) and Hence, the group velocity cgp is

H=(Hx,Hy,Hz) be the coordinates, where m, e and v are the mass, charge derived from equation (11) as  2  time, electric field and magnetic and velocity of an electron. So, we have d 2πω c 1  f p  c === c1−≈    gp dk dk 2 2  f   field. Maxwell equation for the 1  f p     , (39) df 1+   electro-magnetic field is given as (29) 2  f  From equations (37) and (39), we

(18) From this, the current Jc due to know that the phase velocity cp in the the motion of the electron: ionosperic layer is faster by (19) than the phase velocity c in vacuum. (30) On the other hand, the group velocity

where µ, e and J are the magnetic cgp is slower by than

permeability, dielectric constant is generated. Hence, the displacement the phase velocity cp in vacuum.

and current density. current Ji is given as Appendix A. Physical constants When the current density is equal (31) Mass of an electron: to zero, we obtain the vector wave m = 9.1093897x10-31kg

equation by operating rot and ∂/∂t and where Jd is the displacement current in Charge of an electron: on both side of equations (18) and (19) vacuum. So, an equivalent dielectric e = 1.60217733x10-19C

respectively and by eliminating H: constant ep can be defined as Dielectric constant in vacuum: e = 8.854187817 x 10-12 F/m (20) (32)

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Coordinates December 2007 | 17 Conference

New Glonass satellite comes online One of the three Glonass satellites ICG providers forum launched into orbit last month was put into operation, bringing the current A report of the first meeting in Bangalore, 4 September 2007 number of usable satellites in the constellation to 10, according to the Russian Space Agency. Another two h e International Committee on Forum to enhance compatibility and satellites will be put into service very TGlobal Navigation Satellite Systems interoperability among current and future soon. sidt.gpsworld.com (ICG) met in Bangalore, India, from system providers, as a mechanism to 4 to 7 September, 2007, to review and continue discussions on important issues discuss Global Navigation Satellite addressed by the ICG that require focused Systems (GNSS) and their promising inputs from system providers. Members applications. The ICG addressed the of the Providers Forum that convened use of the applications to promote the on the first day included China, the US plans enhancement of universal access to, and European Union, India, Japan, the Russian GPS satellite compatibility and interoperability of global Federation and the United States. The navigation upgrade to rival EU and regional navigation satellite systems Providers Forum addressed key technical and the integration of these services into issues and operational concepts such as The US military is working on super- national infrastructures, particularly in compatibility and interoperability, the powerful updates to its GPS satellite developing countries. The meeting was protection of GNSS spectrum, orbital navigation technology to try to trump hosted by the Indian Space Research debris/orbit de-confliction, and other the rival European Galileo project Organization (ISRO). Attendees included matters related to the work of the ICG. The which just received key funding. In China, the European Union, India, Japan, report of the Providers Forum is attached. July it made a 1.8 billion-dollar call the Russian Federation, the United States, for offers for companies to make the Italy, and the following international The second day of the meeting was first installment of eight satellites organizations: BIPM, EUPOS, EUREF, devoted to expert presentations made in the GPS III range. According to FIG, IAG, IAIN, IGS, UN OOSA, by India, GNSS service providers, Lockheed Martin, one of the firms and URSI. Malaysia, and the United State Members, intergovernmental manufacturing the GPS devices, the Arab Emirates also attended and were organizations, and non-governmental Air Force was expected to award this recognized by the ICG as new members. organizations dealing with GNSS contract early in 2008. afp.google.com applications. On the third day, the The International Committee recalled International Committee addressed China targeting all ‘enemy space that, in 2006, in its resolution 61/111, the its work plan through the working vehicles’ including GPS satellites United Nations General Assembly noted groups focused on: A. compatibility with appreciation that the International and interoperability; B. enhancement China’s anti-satellite and space warfare Committee on Global Navigation of performance of GNSS services; program includes plans to destroy or Satellite Systems had been established C. information dissemination and incapacitate ‘every enemy space vehicle’ on a voluntary basis as an informal body coordination; and D. interaction with that passes over China. The annual to promote cooperation, as appropriate, national and regional authorities and report of the U.S.-China Economic on matters of mutual interest related relevant international organizations. and Security Review Commission, to civil satellite-based positioning, Suitable recommendations and plans to listed among Beijing’s goals that of navigation, timing and value-added address the current and future work under ensuring that Chinese space weapons services, as well as the compatibility each group were presented to the ICG. are “conducted covertly so China and interoperability of global navigation can maintain a positive international satellite systems, while increasing their The International Committee accepted image.” The Chinese also plan to use to support sustainable development, the invitation of the United States to host attack U.S. GPS satellites through particularly in developing countries. It the third meeting, to be held in 2008. The various means, including anti-satellite was agreed that the Committee made Committee also noted the offer of the weapons, high-energy weapons, high- substantive progress in furthering its Russian Federation to host the succeeding energy weather monitoring rockets work plan approved at the first meeting meeting in 2009. Acting as the Secretariat and ground attacks on earth-based of the ICG organized by the Office of for the ICG and the Providers Forum, the stations. One section of the report Outer Space Affairs in Vienna in 2006. United Nations Office for Outer Space said, there was a need for more Affairs will assist in the preparations information about Chinese activities A major development at this meeting for these meetings and interim planning and intentions. www.worldtribune.com was the establishment of a Providers and working group activities.

18 | Coordinates December 2007 Coordinates December 2007 | 19 Hydrographic Survey Management of port infrastructure Quality hydrographic survey data is essential for efficient maritime development

N R Raut n d i a has long coastline of 7517 kms to accommodate bigger ships. Further, Assistant Hydrographic Surveyor in Minor Iwith 12 major ports and 187 minor the maintenance-dredging requirement Ports Survey Organisation, Ministry Of & intermediary ports. Major ports all of ports is substantial considering Shipping, Road, Transport & Highways. together handled 423 million tones traffic the siltation problem at the ports. [email protected] & non–major ports all together handled 519 million tones traffic during the year 2006-07. Traffic at Indian ports has been International regulation growing at the rate of over 11% during for hydrographic services last 5 years and with continuing rapid growth in trade, port traffic is expected to A completely new situation has risen grow further. Lack of port infrastructure after the total revision of chapter V of has been one of the major problems the annex to SOLAS that maintains that (i.e. low draught & inadequate back up hydrographic services are binding to services) in our maritime development. Governments under international law. Shippers prefer shipments by large size - For the first time, international & deeper draughts vessels, which is law makes it mandatory to operate more economical in cost of operation. hydrographic services. This So, to accommodate such bigger vessels, obligation applies to all states the required depths should be available. that are parties to SOLAS. Accordingly there is huge demand for dredging & quality hydrographic services at the Indian Ports as the channels to be International standards widened & deepened to accommodate for port surveys bigger vessels. Almost all the major ports in India have plans to widening & IHO published the 4th edition of special deepening their approach channels in order publication No.44 in April 1998 of IHO standards for hydrographic surveys. Summary of Minimum Standards The principal aim of this publication is to specify minimum standards for Order Special 1 hydrographic surveys in order that Harbours, berthing areas, Harbours, Harbour approach hydrographic data collected according and associated critical channels, recommended Typical Areas to these standards is sufficiently channels with minimum tracks and some coastal areas accurate and that the certainty of under keel clearances with depths up to 100 m data has to be adequately quantified Horizontal accuracy 2 m 5m + 5% of depth to be safely used by mariners. (95% confidence level) Depth accuracy for a=0.25 m a=0.5 m The new edition of IHO standards reduced depths (95% b=0.075 b=0.013 for hydrographic surveys describes a confidence level) (1) very important change. The accuracy 100% Bottom Search Compulsory (2) Required in selected areas (2) of a survey is no longer dependent on Cubic features > 2 m in System Detection the scale of the analogue chart. The Cubic features > 1 m depths up to 40 m; 10% of Capability accuracy as well as resolution of a survey depth beyond 40 m (3) depends on the type of the area to be Maximum line Not applicable as 100% 3× average depth or 25 m, surveyed. The preface of IHO standards spacing (4) search compulsory whichever is greater. recognises that hydrographic data is also

20 | Coordinates December 2007 important for coastal zone management, For ports & harbours, and especially for survey. Ports which operate with minimum environment monitoring, resource those where the underkeel clearance is underkeel clearance for shipping use development, legal and jurisdictional small, 100 % coverage of the seafloor is this declared depth in determining the issues and coastal engineering works etc. required during the sounding process in loaded draught of vessels using the port. 1) To calculate the error limits for depth order to make sure that all potential hazards accuracy the corresponding values are mapped. It is not possible by single Minimum underkeel clearance can be of ‘a’ and ‘b’ listed in above table beam echosounder alone. So alternative determined from the following factors. to be introduced into the formula technologies available are as follows: • The vessel squat and settlement ±√[a2+(b∗d)2]  • Mechanical sweeping is best but time (related to speed) With consuming and therefore expensive. • The vessel manoeuvring characteristics ‘a’ = constant depth error, i.e. the • Towing side scan sonar is • Increase in draught of vessel due to sum of all constant depth error often impractical in confined vessels roll, pitch & heave movement ‘b∗d ’ = depth dependent error, i.e. the areas such as ports. • Accuracy in the predicted sum of all depth dependent errors • Compact high frequency multibeam or measured tide ‘ b’ = factor of depth dependent error echosounders, probably most viable • Accuracy of declared depth ‘ d’ = depth alternative for the future, which can • Allowance for possible 2) For safety of navigation purposes, comply with the requirement of SP-44. siltation since last survey. the use of an accurately specified • Information about wave heights, mechanical sweep to guarantee direction & tidal stream a minimum safe clearance depth Minimum underkeel throughout an area may be considered clearance implications on The hydrographic surveyor contributes to sufficient for above order surveys. hydrography in port the measurement of factors of tidal height, 3) The value of 40 m has been accuracy of declared depth and frequency chosen considering the maximum Most ports have restriction on the of hydrographic surveys and he may expected draught of vessels. depth available for navigation. This contribute to the measurement of vessels 4) The line spacing can be expanded if depth is referred to as ‘declared depth’ squat and roll, pitch & heave movement. procedures for ensuring an adequate and is determined from hydrographic sounding density are used. information from recent hydrographic With increase in competition to attract

Coordinates December 2007 | 21 business towards the ports and reduce surveying as set out above referred accepted standards for surveying the operating costs, the stakeholders are publication SP-44 and produce as set out in the above-referred questioning the allowance factors in the charts, which confirms IHO chart publication SP-44 and produce charts determination of underkeel clearance. specifications for pre & post dredging that confirm IHO chart specifications Some ports have developed a dynamic survey so that cost of dredging can be underkeel clearance that measures wave worked out precisely as well as make In order to comply with the IHO heights, wave direction and actual accurate it possible to declare a dredged route/ minimum standards for hydrographic tide heights to determine the maximum channel ‘cleared’ to required depth. surveys in Ports/Harbours/Harbour draught in which the vessel can load. approach channels in India, the National The hydrographic survey and other Hydrographic Office, which is the The technologies that available to associated tasks shall be carried out by or national authority for hydrographic hydrographic surveyor now have greatly be directly supervised by suitably qualified surveying, and the Ministry Of Shipping increased the surveyor’s ability to provide and experienced hydrographic surveyors. should address the following issues: highly accurate depth & position. These The resulting information shall be certified • Regulation for strict compliance includes motion sensors, multibeam echo by this surveyor and shall state the order of SP-44 & SP-57 sounders, radio tide gauges, RTK GPS, to which the information can be assigned. • National Hydrographic Office Survey software for on-line data logging, should arrange courses on QA/ computing, huge data managing power & QC & international standards processing the result in required format. Port management using for Hydrographic surveys Because of this available technology, ECDIS technology in Ports/Harbours for Port the surveys could be made repeatable. Hydrographic Surveyor. With this degree of repeatability it is ECDIS, or Electronic Chart Display and • Set up a central certification agency then possible to place a high degree of Information system, has been developed for this work. That may be the accuracy of depth on the published chart. for navigational purposes but is in reality National Hydrographic Office or other a full-fledged Marine Information System dedicated survey organisations, such If surveys are carried out at a suitable (MIS). Its data structure makes it useful as Minor Ports Survey Organisation frequency to determine the underkeel for GIS, Port or Coastal Management. • Creation of quality resources clearance for the port, it would then required for this work. be possible to eliminate allowance for The web-based port management package • Regulation for hydrographic siltation from underkeel clearance. developed by Port Of San Diego offers survey and other associated tasks new possibilities through real-time shall be carried out by or directly navigational & environmental data inputs supervised by a suitably qualified and Port dredging survey and access to the land-based databases experienced hydrographic surveyor. for ECDIS presentation through Internet. The National Maritime Development The data is presented on top of ENC in the envisages the capital dredging of form of thematic overlays using ECDIS References major ports and navy to the tune technology. The real time information from 1) IHO standards for Hydrographic of Rs.6,304 crores in addition to environmental sensors includes weather, Surveys special publication no-44 maintenance-dredging requirement. tidal stream and tidal heights above CD. 2) Technical paper on Hydrography Tidal height data is used to provide the in Port- Rod rIdley, Maneger To select suitable dredgers, equipment, dynamic underkeel clearance information HS, Queensland Dept. Of methodology for dredging, quantity to in the ship manoeuvring area. The data Transport presented in Australian be dredged and cost estimation, it is very is supported by web-camera images Surveyors Congress. much essential to carry out pre-dredging with zooming and panning capability. 3) Technical paper on hydrographic hydrographic, geo-technical & seismic Updated ship movement information survey for dredging of harbour survey in order to know the precise seabed included together with static data show & harbour approach channel profiles as well as sub-surface strata the relevant regulatory information, by N.R.Raut, AHS, MPSO which is supposed to be dredged out. emergency response information, list of 4) Theme paper on Indian Maritime facilities, fees, and marine events etc. Transport Services-Global In order for optimum deployment of costly opportunities and challenges dredgers, it is very essential to provide –presented on 44th National on-line progress of dredging works to Conclusion Maritime day celebration-2007 dredgers by means of providing them 5) Extending the ECDIS Technology dredging monitoring sounding charts. To make all Indian ports more towards port & coastal zone competitive & safe, it is very much management-Hydro 2000 Port authorities should adopt existing essential that Port authorities should 6) Technology for efficient mapping of internationally accepted standards for adopt the existing internationally ports and port entrances-Hydro1999.


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December 2007 | 23 Urban Planing 3D noise models A methodology to improve noise modelling and 3D visualisation of noise in urban areas

Vinaykumar Kurakula o i s e pollution in large urban areas is by applying 3D GIS. In our research Hyderabad, India Nconsidered as a serious environmental (executed within the MSc programme [email protected] problem. Studies have shown that more ‘Geo-information Science and Earth than 20% of the world population lives Observation for Environmental Modelling under unacceptable noise levels. The and Management’, see http://www.gem- problem is mainly caused by road traffic. msc.org/), 3D GIS functionalities were Jantien Stoter incorporated in the noise prediction phase Department of Geo To assess the impact of noise, noise as well as in the phase of generating noise Information Processing, ITC, levels need to be predicted by noise representations in 3D and using these Enschede, the Netherlands, computer models and represented on representations in the noise assessment [email protected] noise maps. GIS functionalities are phase. For the 3D approach we studied commonly used to map and assess the both 2D interpolation methods to produce impact of noise. An example of a noise 2.5D representations - representing noise map is shown in Figure 1 (Kluijver and levels at a surface following the height of Henk de Kluijver Stoter, 2003). This figure shows noise the terrain including buildings - and 3D dBVision, Vondellaan 104, levels along a road and railway. Current interpolation methods to produce a full Utrecht, the Netherlands, noise maps are in 2D representing noise 3D voxel model of noise levels. It also [email protected] levels, mostly as noise contours, on one reports on the methodology to generate the selected height (for example at a height 2.5D and 3D representations using 3D city of four meters) from the surface. models. The results of the 2.5D and 3D noise representations are also presented. A disadvantage of this method is the The 2.5D noise representation is applied lack of insight in the three dimensional to a real world noise application in order character of noise. In many situations to show the improvements of a 2.5D noise levels at four meters do not represent approach compared to 2D noise maps. the level at higher floors of a building correctly. The difference is especially large when the building is located close to the 3D GIS supporting 3D noise source or when a noise barrier is noise prediction present. People living on lower floors of an apartment building benefit more from a The area chosen for this research is noise barrier than people living on higher located in the centre of the city of floors. 2D noise maps are insufficient to Delft, the Netherlands. Delft is a city represent these situations. Consequently, of around 95,000 people in the densely 3D representations of the noise levels are populated South Holland province of needed. Several examples the Netherlands. The population density of 3D noise maps are in Delft is about 1,179 in-habitants known. Paris and Honk per square kilometres. The study area Kong already produced is a small part of the city centre of 3D noise maps (see approximately 30,000 m2 and contains Butler, 2004; respectively about 185 residential buildings with Wing and Kwong, 2006). an average height of 15 meters.

The research presented A 3D city model covering the study in this paper is focused area containing details of the buildings on a methodology to was provided by Vosselman et al., 2005. improve noise modelling The city model, shown in Figure 2, and 3D visualisation is constructed based on an interactive Figure 1: 2D noise map (Kluijver and Stoter, 2003) of noise in urban area segmentation of the parcel boundaries

24 | Coordinates December 2007 Therefore noise (like open areas with grass or bare soil); calculation software, c) distance and direction of the implementing data points with respect to the standardised and location of the noise source. approved calculation methods, is widely A 2.5D noise representation was accepted to provide build by the following steps: reliable information 1) Positioning of observation points on noise levels. in the noise simulation software. These noise computer The points were located in 3D on models calculate a surface following the terrain and noise levels at ‘virtual buildings located on the terrain (see microphones’ each of Figure 3 (a). Figure 3 (b) shows Figure 2: 3D city model of study area (Vosselman et al., 2005) which is a point that how points were positioned leaning re-ports what the noise slightly towards the buildings. This using several tools for splitting the level would be at a certain location under to avoid points that have same x,y,z polygons along height jumps edges. given circumstances. Heights of buildings, coordinates which is not possible for The roads, canals and trees were also of roads and of other topography are 2D interpolation method (see step 3). reconstructed from the combination of taken into account in calculating the 2) Calculating the noise level on the parcel boundaries and laser altimeter data. noise level at a certain x,y,z location. observation points (Figure 4); 3) Determining 2D noise contours with The 3D city model was used to build a We selected Standard Calculation Method a 2D interpolation method using the 3D noise computer simulation model. 1 (a standardised Dutch method) to predict levels on the 3D observation points Computer simulation models are used noise levels in our research since it takes (Figure 5). The z coordinate of these in most cases to determine noise levels. into account the obstruction of noise points was not taken into account Computer simulations are preferred by objects (such as buildings) but it is during this 2D interpolation but is to noise measurements. There are still relatively simple to use and can be reintroduced in the next step; several reasons for this. First of all, easily integrated with GIS software. At 4) Introducing the third dimension by field measurements are time consuming the same time, it meets the requirements draping the 2D noise contours on since the noise levels concern the yearly for our research (to see how 3D GIS the city model. The 3D analyst tools averaged values and can only be done can improve 3D noise applications). In of ArcScene were used to generate under the right weather conditions. In the computer model, noise levels are these 2.5D representations. practise, it is impossible to execute an computed on 3D data points based on: adequate number of measurements in a) information on the noise source (roads The 3D noise representation was order to produce reasonable noise maps. in our case): traffic intensity, maximum built by the following steps: Furthermore, it is impossible to determine speed, road surface type, average 1) Positioning of observation points in a future noise levels by measurements except emission of different vehicle types; 3D raster. In this raster of points, points with noise simulation models to deal with b) information on aspects that influence may have same x,y but different z future situations. In addition, models can noise propagation such as noise coordinates. The points are distributed predict noise levels within an acceptable obstruction by objects (like buildings evenly with equal intervals in both level of uncertainty for most situations. or noise barriers) and noise absorption horizontal and vertical directions (2

(a) (b) Figure 3: (a) 3D location of observation points for 2.5D representation in test area (b) spacing of points on horizontal and vertical direction on front side of buildings

Coordinates December 2007 | 25 m) in ‘lines’ parallel to the roads. current noise simulation models predict dimensions based on the calculated values 2) Calculating the noise level on noise levels in 3D, the output of the on the observation points. Currently very the observation points. models, being a point data set with few commercial GIS software provide 3) Determining the 3D solid noise model computed noise levels, cannot be used tools for 3D interpolation for 3D point with a 3D interpolation method. With directly for meaningful 3D visualisation data. Most existing tools are for hydrology, this method an extra step to reintroduce or 3D analyses. In order to utilize geochemical, geophysical, geotechnical the third dimension is not necessary. the 3D information of noise software or lithology studies and they are based output, noise levels need to be visualised on borehole data. Examples are GOCAD, For both methods, the positioning understandably using the third dimension Environmental Visualization Systems of the points was based on the of the observation points. From Figure (EVS), Rockworks, and GRASS. Only the following considerations: 7 it can be seen that the 2.5D approach FIELDS software (Field Environmental • Noise contours are expected to be is able to add this extra dimension to Decision Support tools, extension of parallel to the roads and points located the output of noise models. The 2.5D ArcView 3.5; FIELDS, 2007) was in a pattern parallel to the road can representation offers insight into the applied successfully in our research. reflect this behaviour most optimally. effect of noise at any particular height GRASS can also be used for interpolation • Care was taken not to place points on the terrain surface and on façades of 3D point data but had a limitation inside buildings, because buildings act of buildings: high noise levels occur concerning amount of input points. as blocking objects in the model and on road surfaces and low noise levels these points would produce low levels occur on top and backside of buildings. In the 3D IDW method implemented in which are not representative for the FIELDS, the searching ellipsoid-body levels on the façades of the buildings. For this 2.5D representation, different is used to find the known points that interpolation methods were applied will contribute to the interpolated value. and compared to conclude on the best The true, 3D distance between points Results of a 3D approach suitable method for generating 2.5D is used to determine the weights of the for the representation noise representation. In our research, known points. The user has to define of noise levels TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) parameter values to define the shape and was indicated as the most suitable size of the ellipsoid-body. It is obvious The result of 2.5D representation of noise method for the generation of 2.5D noise that compared to 2D it requires more levels is shown in Figure 6. Although representations. The explanation for this expertise to guide the 3D IDW process. is that TIN can deal very well with the irregular The result of the 3D interpolation is distribution of observation presented in Figure 7. Due to limitation points as present in our of software it was not possible to display point data set when looking the 3D city model together with the from above (Figure 5). 3D solid noise model. However, it was More triangles with relative possible to clip the model using the small sizes are generated at polygon layer of roads. Figure 8 shows locations with higher point that noise levels on the main as well as density. The other methods on the interior roads can be analysed considered in our research in 3D using the solid model. This (Inversed Distance Weighted representation clearly shows the pattern Figure 4: Observation points near buildings interpolation, Natural of noise levels above the road surface in with computed noise levels Neighbourhood Method and all directions. It shows high noise levels Kriging) are all based on a at the middle of the road and gradually weighted-average method resulting in reducing noise levels with increasing 3D a grid structure with equal cell sizes distance from the centre line of road. for the whole area. However, more trials with different approaches for From our experiments we can point densities should be made to be conclude that true 3D interpolation able to draw thorough conclusions. looks promising, since it reflects the three dimensional character of noise. The 3D noise representation is a solid Therefore the 3D model offers good model representing attribute values possibilities for noise experts to improve in the form of 3D grid cells, called insight into 3D noise propagation and Figure 5: TIN interpolation on the points voxels. These attribute values are the the way this behaviour is implemented leaning towards a building (top view) result of spatial interpolation in three in current noise computer models.

26 | Coordinates December 2007 Coordinates December 2007 | 27 were tested by applying compared to traditional 2D noise maps. it to the assessment of A 2.5D representation provides insight the reduction of noise into noise behaviour with respect to levels by noise barriers. height. As a result, more accurate assessment of noise impact is possible Figure 8 shows the in particular when different floors of a effect of seven different building or noise barriers are concerned. noise barriers varying Since 2.5D representation is easy to in height, width and ‘understand’ they are beneficial for distance from the road. communication purposes in city planning Figure 6: 2.5D noise representation obtained with TIN interpolation The details of the different processes with the broad public. barriers are shown in However, 3D modelling of attribute the bottom left corner of the figure. The study presented in this article values is still in developing stage. showed that general available 2D For example, the following are the The first three barriers (a), (b), (c) are of interpolation methods in combination limitations in the FIELDS software: height 3 m and located at a distance of 3 with 3D GIS can be used to produce - The software does not have tools for m, 6 m, and 9m, respectively, from the 2.5D representations of noise levels. spatial analysis. It is difficult to identify edge of the road. As can be seen in Figure noise levels at a particular height. 13, the effect of the barrier reduces when An advantage of a 3D noise representation - It is not possible to generate the distance of the barrier to the road is that even more accurate information 3D contours. increases. Furthermore, it shows that there can be given on the three dimensional - The 3D noise representation cannot is no effect of the barriers on higher floors. character of noise which is the propagation be presented together with the 3D of noise in all directions. However the city model. Consequently, it is The next three barriers (d), (e), (f) are studied 3D software do not provide the difficult to locate and orient oneself. of different heights (2 m, 3 m, and desired performance. The software could - The solid model requires specific 4 m respectively) and located at an not handle the large number of observation interaction functionalities (e.g. equal distance of 5 m from the edge of points that are common as output of noise slicing) to be able to analyse the road. Figure 13 shows that noise simulation models and could not provide the values at all locations. reduction due to the noise barriers the required integrated visualisation increases when the height of the barrier of noise levels and contours with the Although these findings indicate increases. Still no effect of the noise 3D city model. In addition, 3D spatial limitations specific to this software, barrier is found at the higher floors. analysis functionalities were lacking. the last three can be indicated Further development of functionalities as more general limitations that Barrier (g) is located where there is no is needed concerning 3D interpolation, currently apply to solid models building. Barrier (g) shows therefore 3D visualisation of continuous data and representing at-tribute values in 3D. the effect on the ground surface. 3D analysis. If major progresses in these areas are achieved, 3D representations This case study shows that a noise barrier provide more thorough understanding of Application of 2.5D should be high enough and sufficiently noise propagation and 3D noise effects. noise representation close to the road to have a reducing effect for all floors. A 2D map representing the Improvement in visualisation suggests In our research, the possible benefits of a noise level for only one height (close an improvement in accuracy. Although 2.5D approach compared to 2D noise maps to the surface) cannot provide this this article shows that this is certainly information. Noise levels the case in studying noise on different on lower floors could be floors or behind a noise barrier, a warning overestimated and on higher is appropriate. The accuracy of noise floors underestimated. models is dependent on the whole noise modelling process starting from available data. Accuracy is influenced at each Conclusions and operation such as during generation of future work observation points, spacing of points, noise calculation, spatial interpolation As can be concluded and analysis. Ambitions for further from this paper, 2.5D improvement of visualisation are obviously Figure 7: Volumetric view of noise levels noise representations supported by the authors but not without on the road surface of study area. offer many improvements emphasising the need for error assessment

28 | Coordinates December 2007 Galileo update Partial funding through to 120.346 billion euros. The funding EU farming subsidies compromise also includes the European Institute of Technology (EII). The EIT’s Following months of disagreements, intended purpose is to connect the research the EU has reached a funding departments at top European universities compromise and resolved the crisis and in industry from next year. http://www. around its Galileo satellite navigation heise.de/english/newsticker/news/99568 system. Two thirds of the missing 2.4 Figure 8: Effect of noise barriers. billion euros will be provided from EU farming pots alone. This was EU Commission modifies and presentation of the uncertainties. announced by the Portuguese Chair Galileo tender rules of the European Council in Brussels on Friday night following more than The EU Commission will make a References 12 hours of budget negotiations new call for tenders for the Galileo • Butler, D., 2004, Noise for 2008 by the EU Ministers of project that will limit each bidding management: Sound and vision. Finance or their representatives. company to two segments of the Nature, 427(6974): 480-482. project, Handelsblatt reported, without • FIELD, 2007, U.S.EPA, FIELDS Germany could not uphold its saying where it got the information. Rapid Assessment Tools. http:// reservations against fully funding www.epa.gov/region5fields/htm/ Galileo from the EU budget, reported The planned European satellite navigation software.htm, Access Date: 30-12-06 EU diplomats. Berlin didn’t want to system will be split into up to seven • Kluijver, H. and Stoter, J., 2003, put the EU’s long-term financial plan different segments in a move to help Noise mapping and GIS: optimising on the line, which runs until 2013. appease the German government’s quality and efficiency of noise effect According to German Minister of concern domestic companies may studies. Computers, Environment and Finance Peer Steinbrück, the German be at a disadvantage in the bidding Urban Systems, 27(1): 85-102. http:// government was also apprehensive process, the newspaper said. www.sciencedirect.com/science/ of straining its national budget by an article/B6V9K-44GHTN5-3/2/ additional more than 500 million euros. The Commission also said in an internal f75bca60cefff030ea2e379d5be56c4b document the newspaper obtained it • Kurakula, V., 2007, A GIS-Based European Commissioner for Financial will take into consideration the fact Approach for 3D noise representation Programming and Budget Dalia that Germany made considerable - Using 3D City Models, MSc thesis, Grybauskaite spoke of an “important contributions to the project’s test ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands, decision”. As she had suggested, and development phase. GEM thesis number: 2005-04 farming subsidies would for the • Vosselman, G., Kessels, P. and Gorte, B., first time be used to improve the The EU and a consortium of companies 2005, The utilisation of airborne laser EU’s competitive position. The that is to develop Galileo will still need to scanning for mapping. International current Chairman of the Council of agree on funding of the 3.4 bln eur project. Journal of Applied Earth Observation Ministers, Portuguese State Secretary and Geoinformation, 6(3-4): 177-186. of Finance Emanuel Augustos The consortium -- which includes http://www.sciencedirect.com/ Santos, said that farming subsidies EADS, Alcatel-Lucent, Thales, Inmarsat science/article/B6X2F-4F2VS7P-1/2/ had not been exhausted this year, and Finmeccanica SpA -- is reluctant bf5c1ceeb35b2919a497a7fea2529864 and that therefore nothing would to sign a contract requiring it to fund • VROM, 2006, Reken- en be taken away from anybody. two-thirds of the project. http://www. Meetvoorschrift geluidhinder 2006 hemscott.com/news/latest-news/item. • WHO, 1999, Guidelines for Community This compromise has also finalised do?newsId=53878217738623 Noise. http://www.ruidos.org/Noise/ the EU budget for the coming year. WHO_Noise_guidelines_contents. Payments are to increase by 4.2 percent html, Access date: 15-11-06 • Wing, K., Kwong,, 2006, Visualization of Complex Noise Environment by Virtual Real-ity Technologies, Environment Protection Department (EPD), Hong Kong. http://www. science.gov.hk/article/EPD_CWLaw. pdf, Access Date: 30-01-07.

Coordinates December 2007 | 29 newsbriefs – LBS

MapmyIndia launches In- 1m fleet management units Launch of another vehicle car GPS navigation in Europe in 2008 tracking system in India

MapmyIndia - India’s navigable map According to Berg Insight report, the Dhanus Technologies, Chennai announced data provider announced the launch of number of fleet management units the launch of its vehcile tracking system, MapmyIndia Navigator, a GPS-based in- deployed in commercial fleets in Europe FleeTrac. According to reports, the firm car navigation device that promises to will exceed 1 million in 2008. It cites had invested Rs 100 crore on the project revolutionize the way we travel in India. customer awareness of the benefits of and was targeting four million vehicles Navigator uses satellites to determine telematics as the main driver behind in the coming years. The system would current location. Navigator guides, turn growth. www.berginsight.com use existing mobile airways and GPS to by turn, with visual map instructions track fleets of cars and trucks, to monitor supported by voice prompts. It can either Google provides non-GPS LBS service their movement. www.hindu.com be mounted on the windshield or dashboard while driving or carried in hand while Google has released version 2.0 of BSNL, India plans four new services sitting in the backseat. The Navigator Google Maps for mobile, with a beta for its mobile subscribers utilizes the maps of India, provided by version of Google's "My Location" CE Info Systems. The device is currently technology, a new feature which uses State-run telephone operator BSNL shall available in two hardware models, Delphi cell tower ID information to provide be finalising four new LBS as part of Nav 200 and AMAX 06GP5A. Both the users with their approximate location in its strategy to augment the bouquet of personal navigation devices have built- the absence of GPS capability on their new offerings to its mobile subscribers. in GPS (SirfStar III), 3.5” colour touch- phones. www.gpsbusinessnews.com It will comprise of Fleet Management screen, Samsung 400 MHz processor and Service, Track Your Buddy, Advertisement additional multimedia features to play New Nokia N-Series Phone unveiled Services and Chatting. www.hindu.com movies, music, photos, games etc. It is priced at Rs 21,000 in Delhi Nokia has Ashok Leyland, India to launch and Rs 22,000 in other states. launched the telematics fleet of CVs new Nokia Yahoo ties-up with nine N82, a phone Ashok Leyland would soon be equipping mobile operators in Asia with the ‘latest its trucks with telematics that would multimedia be GPS and GSM enabled, facilitating Yahoo has partnered with nine computer coordination of their fleet. On a test Asian mobile operators to provide optimised for photography, navigation and basis, it is currently making available its internet search services, bringing its internet connectivity.’ It will feature a 5 equipment known as ‘Alert’, to customers. oneSearch distribution partnership to 20 mega pixel camera, assisted GPS (A-GPS), www.thehindubusinessline.com operators worldwide. It also launched and Internet connectivity. www.nokia.com Chinese language version of Yahoo! Hertz gearing up to navigate India Go 2.0 for Taiwan, an application for Trimble Outdoors Apps Made mobile internet access with a suite of Available for BlackBerry The rise in popularity of self-drive widgets. The application has a selection in the country has made the world's of widgets including oneSearch, Flicks Trimble has announced three of its GPS leading car rentals company, Hertz to photos, weather, news e-mail and GPS phone applications for GSM-based, bring global GPS to their Indian fleet. integration for devices that have GPS. GPS-enabled BlackBerry smartphones: According to officials, Hertz is looking AllSport GPS, Geocache Navigator and at giving the self-drive business a boost, NAVTEQ expands NAVTEQ transport Trimble Outdoors. BlackBerry models by providing navigation systems in that incorporate GPS include the 8800, cars for the travellers by the end of this NAVTEQ has announced an expanded 8820 and Curve 8310. www.trimble.com year. www.expresstravelworld.com version of NAVTEQ Transport with new coverage in the Netherlands, UK, MSN talking to Indian SatNav develops GPS for mobiles Belgium and Luxembourg, new data types telcos to develop LBS and a harmonized global specification to SatNav Technologies Ltd, India has enhance the functionality of truck routing Microsoft Corp., MSN, is in talks with brought changes in its software design and logistics planning applications across Indian telecom operators to develop to enable even smaller mobile handsets North America and Western Europe by LBS for mobile users in the country. to handle GPS. It has now made a plannig truck-specific routes using the It will also launch maps on mobiles, compressed version to suit smaller NAVTEQ(R) map to improve efficiency which, combined with LBS, can screens and even match mobile phone and reduce costs. www.lbszone.com help users with road navigation. needs. www.thehindubusinessline.com

30 | Coordinates December 2007 One stop facility for…

• Data products from multi-satellite systems for reaching people through remote sensing diverse needs

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NRSA Data Centre National Remote Sensing Agency Department of Space, Balanagar Hyderabad - 500 037 Phone + 91-40-23884423/22/25 Fax + 91-40-23878158/23878664 Email [email protected] December 2007 | 31 newsbriefs – Industry Hemisphere GPS offers Geneq introduces submeter GPS mapping receiver superior handheld mapping

Geneq, Inc., the pioneer What is the USP of XF100? in WAAS-based submeter GPS The USP would be the fact that it is mapping systems, designed for existing users. The users introduces the of either the Juniper Archer or the TDS SXBlue II, a next Recon can now add sub-meter level generation submeter, DGPS to their existing handheld Bluetooth™ wireless GPS WinCE device. This is the first mapping receiver that allows to precision level DGPS product use off-the-shelf Bluetooth™-enabled designed for these products. PDA/notebook computers to collect GPS map data. http://www.geneq.com. What is the user segment Chronos Technology partners with Hemisphere this product is targeted at? Septentrio Satellite Navigation GPS’ new XF100 series DGPS receivers with Crescent® The product is geared to the data Chronos Technology and Septentrioare GPS technology for ruggedized handheld collection market and users who may working together to bring Septentrio's computers provides an integrated solution require a higher level of precision than products into the OEM and professional for the collection of position data with found in commercially available GPS precision GNSS receiver markets in the superior accuracy over other handheld receivers. In addition, as it utilizes existing UK and Ireland. www.chronos.co.uk solutions. It is designed to work with rugged handhelds as the platform, we TDS Recon™ and the Juniper Archer Field are targeting those who may have these Blue Marble Geographics releases PC™ models, this receiver is ideal for units and can now add the GPS without Geographic Calculator 7.0 entry-level surveying and professional having to purchase a new handheld. GIS applications such as mapping utility Blue Marble Geographics announces infrastructures or municipality assets. It the release of Geographic Calculator includes SBAS (WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, etc.) How affordable is the 7.0, a major version upgrade of the differential support capable of providing product, given the price- Geographic Calculator that features sub-meter positioning accuracy, and sensitivity of the markets many new enterprise-wide collaboration its COAST™ technology that maintains of developing countries? tools and core library enhancements. accuracy during temporary loss of www.bluemarblegeo.com. differential signal. An optional external As to affordability, this can be answered antenna is available for additional accuracy in two ways. i) The user who currently Trimble acquires UtilityCenter and allows for more precise antenna has either a TDS Recon or a Juniper Assets from UAI placement. The receiver also consumes Archer can now purchase the X100 or low power. Crescent receiver technology XF101 at a price considerably less than Trimble has acquired the UtilityCenter® provides higher update rates, improved raw the competitors, and would now have a assets from privately-held UAI, Inc. measurements, more memory, and greater product which can be utilized for many of Huntsville, Alabama, USA. UAI processor capacity. Its more accurate applications. ii) Although more expensive is a leading provider of GIS based code phase measurement and superior than consumer level GPS, the product workflow automation and outage multi-path rejection translates into an will compete with any other similarly management solutions for electric extremely accurate and stable receiver. priced product in the market. In addition, and gas utilities. www.uai.com. the product will utilize SBAS in areas Cameron Baird, Director Business where SBAS is available and also the raw New Leica FCMS 2.2 Flight Development, Hemisphere GPS observables can be logged to either the & Sensor CMS released spoke to Coordinates on the TDS Recon or Juniper Archer for post- uniqueness of the products. processing. www.hemispheregps.com Leica Geosystems has released FCMS 2.2. The Flight & Sensor Control Management System (FCMS) enables any other sensor, as well as multi- ground control points as a backdrop, the most efficient Leica Geosystems sensor payloads of up to four sensors simplified views for the pilot and a more sensor (ADS40, ALS50 or RCD105) bringing significant enhancements flexible, multi-language configuration. survey flights. It also supports to users including vector data and www.leica-geosystems.com

32 | Coordinates December 2007 THEOS Capability from Leica probe will examine whether the deal Delhi), India. Leica Geosystems India would push up the price of digital maps plans to deploy technical support, Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging has for rival portable navigation device business development, marketing, embedded orthorectification capabilities makers or limit their access to these software development and professional for the Thailand Earth Observation System maps. According to TomTom and Tele services throughout the region. It will (THEOS-1) in both its Erdas Imagine Atlas, they expect to have a clearer idea also build customized and localized and Leica Photogrammetry Suite. about whether the deal can go through geospatial solutions, meeting the needs by early next year. cp.gpsworld.com of this rapidly expanding market. 50-channel LEA-5 GPS module series by u-blox Magellan Maestro PND, Triton “Leica Geosystems India brings handheld win CES Award the industry’s most complete and u-blox AG, announced the launch of two powerful collection of remote sensing, GPS modules that set new benchmarks in Magellan has been named an photogrammetry, enterprise, data sharing terms of speed, sensitivity and ease of International Consumer Electronics and visualization solutions to this integration. The LEA-5 GPS module Show (CES) Innovations 2008 Design part of the world, with added services series is based on u-blox' fifth generation and Engineering Award honoree in two and localized implementations,” said positioning engine, u-blox 5, categories. Magellan Maestro 4250 Kaushik Chakraborty, Vice President which boasts an acquisition performance for In-Vehicle Navigation/Telematics/ India, Middle East, and Africa, Leica of less than one second. www.u-blox.com ITS product category and the Magellan Geosystems Geospatial Imaging. Triton 2000 for Personal Electronics http://gi.leica-geosystems.com TomTom-Tele Atlas merger product category. cp.gpsworld.com falls under scrutiny Sokkia New SET X Total Station Leica Geosystems Geospatial The European Commission (EC) is Imaging India Pvt. Ltd. opening Sokkia (Japan) has released the new taking a closer look at TomTom's planned total station SET X featuring the acquisition of TeleAtlas. The EC only Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging highest environmental protection initiates a second review in about 3 announced, Leica Geosystems Geospatial rating for Windows CE- based total percent of the mergers it reviews, so Imaging India Private Limited, with stations, onboard SDR software and a it's a bit of an extraordinary step. The its headquarters in Gurgaon (New flexible, long-life battery system. An

Coordinates December 2007 | 33 newsbriefs – GPS

environmental protection rating of IP65 Raytheon completes final Korean launch for Immersion- makes SET X the highest in class for system test for Indian SBAS powered tactile GPS units Windows CE total stations, allowing it to withstand the harshest conditions Raytheon, USA has completed the CTT-Net of Korea is launching the first on the most demanding jobsites. final system acceptance test to augment navigation devices to use Immersion's standard GPS signals over India. The latest TouchSense technology, which offers AAMHatch acquires African test of the GPS Aided GEO Augmented tactile feedback for touchscreens. These aerial mapping company Navigation-Technology Demonstration products for the Korean market include System, or GAGAN-TDS, is a milestone the CSN-7040, a handheld navigation AAMHatch has acquired of AOC in the worldwide transition to satellite- device, and the CIN-7000, a built-in car Geomatics, Africa which was formed in based navigation for civil aviation. When navigation device. Both feature a 7-inch 1931 as the Aircraft Operating Company. completed, GAGAN will join other touchscreen and a direct multimedia AOC provides spatial information services space-based augmentation systems in broadcast (DMB) receiver for accepting throughout Africa and AAMHatch will providing worldwide, precise navigation, satellite downloads. These products help continue to use the AOC brand. As substantially boosting safety, efficiency, improve usability and reduces 'glance the principal shareholder, AAMHatch and capacity across India and the time' whilst driving. techdigest.tv brings global capabilities and resources surrounding region. www.prnewswire.com to AOC. www.aamhatch.com.au SLA mobile services Install GPS in cabs, says ASSOCHAM DAT/EM delivers 1000th Summit Singapore Land Authority has developed Evolution System to Woolpert Expressing concern over the recent rape a new service called SLA Mobile and murder of a call centre employee Services - a suite of mobile solutions to DAT/EM Systems International recently in Pune allegedly by the cab driver, the cater to surveyors who are constantly sold its 1000th Summit Evolution digital Associated Chambers of Commerce on the move. This service gives them stereoplotter mapping system to Woolpert, and Industry (ASSOCHAM) in India instant access to survey control point Inc, an engineering, architectural, has suggested that the Government information through their mobile geospatial firm.. The company has make installation of GPS mandatory phones on location wherever they are, become one of the largest users of in all the cabs being employed by without having to access the internet. Summit Evolution in North America. industries where women work in night shifts. www.hindu.com Hemisphere GPS awarded two Amaryllo and APMCOMM to provide new GPS technology patents state-of-the-art in TMC solutions Tokyo Police soon receive GPS- equipped mobile phones Hemisphere GPS, has been Amaryllo, a GPS product developer and recently awarded two new patents solutions provider from the Netherlands, Tokyo police officers working at "koban" for innovative technology. and APMCOMM, a main Taiwanese police boxes will have GPS-equipped wireless SiP (System-in-Package) mobile phones by next year to keep The ‘Method and System for module manufacturer, announced to track of their location, allowing for Synchronizing Multiple Tracking create and deliver integrated RDS/ faster response times to emergencies. Devices for a Geo-Location System’ TMC and GPS/RDS/TMC modules The plan comes after an incident last patent (U.S. Patent No. 7,292,186). today available on the market. This August where a policeman in Tachikawa ‘Attitude Determination Exploiting series of modules is the first product City shot an acquaintance and himself Geometry Constraints’ patent cooperation between Amaryllo and APM. to death after he went missing while (U.S. Patent No. 7,292,185) on duty. www.allheadlinenews.com Hoya to absorb Pentax SUUNTO appoints GPS navigation used by 37% distributor for India Hoya Corporation (Japan) is to absorb of drivers in Taiwan Pentax Corporation. The merger will SUUNTO Finland have given the become effective on 31st March 2008. According to IDEAS-FIND survey, GPS distribution rights for INDIA of Hoya, which acquired a 90.4 pct navigation is used by 37% of all car SUUNTO range of products to M/s stake in Pentax through a tender offer drivers in Taiwan, the highest proportion A&S CREATIONS, New Delhi who earlier this year, concluded that speedy among three types of in-car electronic are in business of selling GPS and other management and the appropriate use of devices. The survey shows that GPS location based devices to Military and resources of Pentax’s operations would navigation and digital TV channels or Civil customers. Suunto remains the be better ensured by the merger. video on demand have considerable market world’s largest compass manufacturer. potential in Taiwan. www.digitimes.com

34 | Coordinates December 2007 Coordinates December 2007 | 35 newsbriefs – GIS

Satellite imaging for rail navigation for better coordination among all the joint operations center. It provides agencies engaged in providing civic an integrated common operational Indian Railways amenities in the Capital’s unauthorised picture for comprehensive, map-based have sanctioned colonies recently. She also directed that situational awareness. Agency personnel a pilot project, application of GIS mapping technology take advantage of the analysis and Satellite Imaging should be implemented soon for urban visualization capabilities for collaboration for Rail Navigation development. Ms. Dikshit directed the among federal, state, and local agencies; (SIMRAN), for Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Delhi prioritization and utilization of manpower real time passenger Jal Board, private power distribution and resources; and monitoring events information system companies, Delhi State Industrial and on the ground in near real time. by utilizing GPS. Infrastructure Development Corporation, This project is Irrigation and Flood Control Department NRDMS to launch resource being carried and Delhi Development Authority to map website in Sept, 2008 out jointly by work in tandem. www.hindu.com Research Designs Natural Resources Data Management & Standard GIS helps multiple agencies respond System (NRDMS) would launch a Organization, Lucknow and Indian to southern California fires website in September, 2008 in which Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur. The resource maps with all information pilot project is sanctioned for development GIS software and services from ESRI are would be available district-wise for the for hardware and software for providing helping local, state, and federal agencies public, according to Karnataka State Real Time Train Running Information with multiple tasks surrounding the recent Council for Science and Technology. to the passengers. http://pib.nic.in firestorms in Southern California. GIS Maps prepared with the help of is being used at each incident GIS and remote sensing would be Delhi Chief Minister urges local post as well as multiple command provided to the district administration, agencies to implement GIS centers including Southern California ZP, government departments and operations centers and the Federal NGOs for planning developmental Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit called Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) works. www.newindpress.com

newsbriefs – Remote Sensing

WorldView-1 reaches full Award for KR Sridhara Murthi fire management. INFFRAS integrates operational capability KR Sridhara Murthi, multi sensor satellite data with GIS data the executive director of bases to address forest fire management WorldView-1 is now fully commissed, Antrix Corporation, has relevant to pre, during and post fire meets all its requirements, and is delivering won the International scenarios. INFFRAS website is developed imagery to the National Geospatial- Institute of Space Law's in open source environment with the Intelligence Agency (NGA) as part of Life Time Achievement capabilities of daily fire alert (day and the NextView program. DigitalGlobe Award. The award was announced on 28 night time) with location information, will begin taking orders for WorldView-1 September. The Institute was founded by burnt area assessment, users feedback imagery from its global resellers, partners the International Astronautical Federation etc; inputs on fire proneness mapping, and customers on 3rd January 2008. in 1960. It replaced the Permanent ecological damage assessment and Committee on Space Law, which was mitigation planning. http://pib.nic.in China launches new RS satellite created by IAF in 1958. The award recognises Murthi's service to the space K Radhakrishnan appointed China has launched a new remote community. Antrix is the commercial arm new VSSC Director sensing satellite; the "Yaogan III" from of the Indian Space Research Organisation. the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in www.isceindia.com/speakers.htm K Radhakrishnan, Director of National north China's Shanxi Province recently. Remote Sensing Agency, India took The 2,700-kilogram satellite will be used Forest fire monitoring system over as Director of Vikram Sarabhai for scientific research, land resources established in India Space Centre (VSSC) succeeding B surveying, crop yield estimate and disaster N Suresh. Mr. Suresh will continue prevention and relief. The satellite is The Indian Forest Fire Response and as Director of the Indian Institute of developed by the Shanghai Academy of Assessment System (INFFRAS) has been Space Science and Technology, recently Space flight Technology affiliated to the established under the Decision Support started by ISRO in Thiruvananthapuram. China Aerospace Science and Technology Center, (DSC), under Disaster Manage http://economictimes.indiatimes.com Corporation. Source: China View Support Programme, to facilitate forest

36 | Coordinates December 2007 Coordinates December 2007 | 37 mark your calendar

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