S ate^ater Sttm fns W^raUk MONDAY, MARCH 4 .19U;

DANCE, FRIDAY, MARCH 8 COMEDY AND DANCE District Deputy Wlljlaa 3 . Shea Judging from the odraiioe sale of yesterday went to Hoosup where he tickets there will be another large ARMYTARIFnrilDSlCAU Cfoady, nbw lialghi ABOUT TOWN School St. Recreation Center UUnmnlan Soaa and Danghtom took part In a third degree work­ gathering at the weekly card party to a ai Wednesday, warmer tonlgitt, RICHARD RENVENim’S Sodety. ing bn a riass o f candidates in the iiattrhpafpr Surttttm Irra lb eooler Wedansday night. be held in St. Bridget's hall this Dr. O«otg« A. r . lABdbeir wtd ORCHESTRA Knights of Columbus class in that Uherty Han, Oolway Bt evening. There will be . prizes for TO BE GIVEN WEDNESDAY M i w ilt and chiUrta rtiuintd to (Ratora by Popular Reqneat). town. both msn and women In setback, ICnohifltnr todiy After tiiioytiur a Dancing 8:00 to 18:80. Teea'dnjr, March 8. ■ * 1 Everybody Wetoome. whist and bridge and In addition njaarm a t a fortnight in Florida. Adraiaalon tSc. The Coast to Coast Club and the there will be a door prize. Refresh­ Wednesday evening, March 20 is VOL. U V , NO. 182. (UaaaUed Advsrtlstaig oa Pag* MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT* Spruce street Tavern have finally ments will be served at the comple­ the date set by the Sunday school A apecial ueeUng of all members got together and arranged a home tion of the card playing. of the Salvation Army for its varie­ Private Anthony Kaminski and ty musicale, which will include in Private Clifford Janicke of Com­ of the Mancheatsr Pipe Band wUI be and home setback match. The first SPECIAL! held tonight In Orange hall to take addition to the local Army musical pany K, 109th Infantry, have been half will be played at the Maple- The Zlpser Club o f Mimebester groups, the High school orchestra rnwT qVAUTT promoted to Corporals, Captain action on an engagement in Water- Street Tavern tomorrow night and bury scheduled for Sunday, March presented two short plays, both in and a string quartet It Is James H. McVeigh reported today. the last half next week Tuesday German, and followed the entertain­ planned to have projected on ths ASSEMBLY OUTLAWS Rubber Heels 17. The meeting will be called at night |it the Spruce Street Tavern. 7:30 sharp. ment by a dance in Tinker hall Sat­ screen pictures of the Salvation BOMB GREEK REBELS 'P urday evening. There were about Army around the world, among en workers will meet tonight at the Jot^ McCluskey, James Foley, home of Mrs. William Kean, 67 Automobiles driven by David I.. 250 present. Including a number them the new Salvation Army bead. John S. 2Selenakas, Walter Shea and from Hartford. The club has re­ General Evangeline Booth, coming GIcnwood street. Pessln of 100 Plainfield street, Hart­ J. J. Sweeney, the committee In CONN. CHILD LABOR 2 5 « cently leased rooms on Oak street Into New York harbor on the Le­ Attached. ford and Mrs. Alice Nickerson of ebarye of arrangements for the open The Amaranth drill team will 209 Pine street figured In an acci­ and the proceeda from the entertain­ viathan, and the welcoming tugs, on night to be held by Campbell Coun­ ment and dance given Saturday which were several local persons. AS CIVIL WAR RAGES meet tomorrow evening at 7. o’clock dent on Hartford road near the cil, K, of C., in Tinker hall tomorrow SAM YULYES at the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Maud home of George Cheney at 11:15 night will help In fumisbing the An excellent enterbtinment is as­ SHOE REPAIR SERVICE night, are planning for a large club house. sured those who attend, tickets for Honse Backs Senate On Dauchy and Mrs. Minnie Schlebel. last night. The Pessin car was being gathering. In addition to on address MASONIC BALL 701 Main Street co-chairmen urge every member of which have been placed in the hands driven west and In passing another by H any Wood, master of the of members of the school and corps. D o u b l e Measnre ~ BiD Awaits the team to be present. car skidded and struck thu Nicker­ Fourth Degree of Brookl3rn, N. Y., Deadlock Over Relief "“ ’f son car. The damage waa not gra*t there has been an entertalnraent ar­ IS BRIGHT SPOT and nobody was Injured. Sergeant ranged and refreshments will be WANT NIGHT S H in Govenior’s Signature — John McGIInn investigated and no served. BRIDGE — WHIST arreats were made. OF TH^SEASON Is Broken In Senate offensive suru on a d Fred B. Weraer gave a party yes­ IN MOL ABOLISHED SETBACK Fund BiD Discarded. Senior members o f the alumni of terday afternoon In Tinker hall for March Bedding Special S t James's school wiU hold their about thirty o f his pupils between St. Bridget’s Washington, March 5.—(AP) —<«>ment breaking dowm toe 54,000,- Fronts— AD Business at pre-Lenten social tomorrow eve­ the ages of 6 and 12 years. The chil­ UM state Capitol, Hartford. March 5^ Annual Affair Held Last The Senate appropriations commit­ 000,000 work relief fund into eight ning. Music .for dancing will be Parish Hall tee reported the 54.880,000,000 relief general types of projects with a pro­ f> .nished by the Pled Pipers, an dren entered Into the spirit of the Vdyet Workers Also m Fa — (A P )—Legislative action on the a StandstiO in Athens as games which were planned, and btU virtually outlawing child-labor bill back to toe Senate today after vision giving the President power to eight piece Hartford orchestra. It Night m the Armory Is defeating toe McCarran prevailing shift twenty percent of .he total of is hoped that all members wUl at­ among those who won prizes were TONIGHT! In Connecticut was completed today First Quality Eda Andlsio, Geraldine Smith and vor of 40 Hour Week — Gr e e n St a m p s wage amendment by a tie vote of 12 any project to any other project. Government Forces Are tend. DOOR PBEEB! as the House following the lead of James Rogera Mrs. Emil Werner to 12. This would give the President an the Senate, passed the measure un­ Attiended by 450; Gay Col­ The Administration victory* spur­ 5800.000. 000 flexible fund. Chester K o ^ , president of the and Miss Betty Werner assisted with Meet Saturday. Valnable Playtag Prises! Mobflized. senior choir of the Pollsli National the games and In serving the re­ Refreshments. animously. red Democratic leaders to confident The allocations were: Innerspring M attress freshments. O n C A S H ored Gowns Brilliant Scene hope toe Senate would accept toe Highway, street, grade crossing, church, has called a rehearsal for Admission S5e. 8:00 rovlng the measure, are making a desperate drive to music was enthusiastically received. o'clock there will be a meeting of These were referred to the commit­ comfortably fill the armory yet al­ .Saturday morning at 10 o’clock at Captain N. J. Curtis gave a short Music by LEGION ASSAILS the committee adopted an amend- (Oontliined Oo Page Blg^t) suppress the rebellion. Hale's store. union members. The monthly dance tee on executive nominations. low for enough floor space for de­ JEALOUS YOUTH KILLS HIS Some refugees from toe fight­ address and several bandsmen gave and social will follow at 8 o'clock in BLU^ DIAMOND ORCHESTRA lightful dancing. ing already are said to have ar­ their experiences. C€.HOUS€'^SON. The Nominations The Mlzpah group of the Wesley­ the evening. Admission 85o. Beanttful Decorations rived at Petritch in Bulgarian INC. The list: The bare armory walls had been PATMAN MEASURE an Circle will meet tomorrow eve­ David S. Day of Bridgeport and Macedonia. ning at 7:30 with Mrs. Jay Rand of beautifully transformed by toe deco­ SWEETHEART, THEN SELF Here is a very unusual value. Tlie mattress Iieing John S. Addis of New Milford, State ^ ■ - Cobum Road. Work will be on Board of Pardons for four years be­ rators into a canopy of drapes and NEW HAVEN POUCEMAN Athens, March 5.—Government offered is o { the very best quality—heavy spring con­ salting peanuts. ginning June 3. 1936. festoons cleverly arranged and brll- bombing planes and hea-vtly armed W e Are An Agent For llanUy lighted. Not too brilliant to struction—best felt used for filling—and only first qual­ Grarge T. Kimball, of New Bri­ Claims Expansion Feature of loyal troops smashed Into massed A dental clinic will be held at 9 TUESDAY SPECIALS detract from the gay spectacle be­ CoUege R on a ii^ Ends in|GRINS AS HANGMAN tain, State Water Commission for rebel forces in too Struma area of ity ticking is used. It’s one of the best mattresses o’clock and a tonsil clinic at 10 At six years beginning June 1, 1935. ing eniu:ted on toe armory floor toe Other Bonos BM DYING AFTER GUN FIGHT ever offered by u.s. Choice of three colors— green, rose o’clock tomorrow morning at the Frederick M. Adler of New decorations were nevertheless suf­ Tinged,- Father of (Srl^ ■f|j£ f| Q Q £ Salonika today and official reports Health Center on Haynes street. ficiently attracUve to excite expres­ 3 and orchid. IfoPPERS Haven and Frank J. Brennan of of "heavy fighting” indicated a Parsons' Studio of Music Bridgeport^ directors of the State sions of delight from toe gathering. Doom It to Defeat. speedily mounting casualty list in Lillian, daughter of Mr. and Mtti. KLEIN’S MARKET Reformatory for four years begin­ A dress affair, toe Masonic ball Failed in Attempt to| ___ His Assailant Brought Down DEATHOF JUSTICE Greece’s civil war. Syrus J. Blanchard, 11 North Fair- ■ DIAL 3256 FREE DELIVERY ning July I, 1935. has always been brilliant from toe The government troops were mov­ See This March Special In Our Window field street is confined to her bod ’ HOWARD L. PARSONS, Director standpoint of toe colorful gowns of Majority Leader Daniel F. B. Break Up Match. Washington, March 5.— ( A P ) - by Bollet Fired by An­ ing in a mass offensive against the with influenza and will be for the : 507 Main Street Farr Block Hickey of Stamford and Minority toe ladies. Lao night was no differ- Giant Negro Was Acensed of Macedonian rebels. next ten days. | Lean Shoulder Pork Chops, Chlpso Granules, s n The American Legion today levelled MATTER OF HOURS And Order Yours Now! Tuesdays and Saturdays Leader John D. Thoms of Water­ Even as they swung into action, pkK...... 1 9 c bary joined In lauding the State (Oontiaued on Page Six) a vigorous assault on toe Patman 21 bombing planes left toe Sedes The Brotherhood Bowling League 23c “ 2"‘ 45c Oakland, Calif., March 8— (A P )— Robbing Graves and Hack­ other Officer, Attempted FREE! 8 Dozen Clothes Pins. Child Labor legislation. bill for bonus payment, contending airdrome to coordinate a bombing of Concordia Lutheran church will I Fresh Oround Dally! OKE An 18-year-old college girl and her "This bill conforms to the liberal bowl tonight at Farr's Charter Oak WE REDEEM RINSO AND that the currency expansion fea­ attack against toe rebels in toe IIAMBURO, n o LUX COUPONS. 0 A complete course of study in Violin, Tenor Banjo, and progresoive ideas of Connecti­ lover lay dead today—their ronoance ing Couple to Death. Robbery Is Foiled. Oliver Wendell Holmes Now north. Alleys. Bowling will start prompt­ tures of toe measure would "doom 8 lbs. 4Sc. Lb. . . ; .. £ O C cut,” said Hickey, ‘lit is one of the The troops, moving forward, sur­ ly at 7:30. Shanks of Beef, s *■ Royal Sf»rlet Pork and Hawaiian Guitar, Harmony. Class and private instruc­ CAMPAIGN AGAINST ended by a flash of gimflre on the to defeat” cash payment of toe ad­ best pieces of legislation enacted by Mills College campus. rounded one rebel battalion at Porol KEMP’S, INC. » b . Beans, can 5 c $ 1 3 -0 0 per ton tion. Student recitals and orchestral traininsr. justed compensation certificates. m Coma and Sinkmg ...... 1 5 c any Legislature.” The victims of what police said Cleveland, Miss., March 5.— (AP) The Legion representatives ap­ New Haven, March 5.— (AP) — and these were reported to have The annCial meeting of the share- i Sticking Pieces, « n Strictly Fresh, Large, O f* “This Is a fine bill and the Gen­ laid down their arms. Other revo­ Furniture and Music holders of ‘.he Red .Men’s Building ! Local Eggs, d o z .___ o O C Coke Sold For Cash Oaly. was a slaying and a suicide inspired —Grinning broadly oa the black peared before toe House wrays and Patrolman Walter Koella, 53, of toe lb...... l O C eral Assembly is to be congratulat­ LOTTERIES NOW ON by jealous despair were Miss Jean lutionary troops were captured at Association. Inc., will be held this [ Our Best Cube Steak, o o New Haven police, waa shot, prob­ Steadily, Doctors R eport Vegetable or Tomato ed on its passage,” aaid Thoms. Marie Stolile, Mills College fresh­ hood and nooec wrere pulled over his (Ooatlniird on Page Six) Ntgretta. evening in the club lOoms on Brain- lb...... o o c Soup, ran ably fatally today and a man held ard Place, at 8 o’clo. k sharp. 5 c The bill originally got off to a man, and Walter A. Norris, 25-year- head, AtOitzo Itdhinson, alios James Ths mass attack cams with stim- L T. WOOD CO. bad s^art in the Senate where a co­ old student at toe Ban Jose Teach­ H. (Joyner, huge negro grave robber by toe police aa responsible for ning suddenness In view of toe gov­ PHONE 4496 alition of the Democrats and Social­ P. 0 . Dept. Thinks Half of ers College. the shooting, was wounded in the Washington, March 8.— (A P )— ernment’s announcement yesterday Special On A net Increase In postal receipts ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS and confessed slayer, went to his Oliver Wendell Holmes has lapsed Fresh Calves’ Liver for the flr.st two months of 1936 ists succeeded in tabling it for a Police Inspectors Jules Stemtzky death on the' gallowrs early today. NUDISM AHACKED left leg by Officer John Kelly, that toe rebels had one day in which Tender Milk Fed over the corrc.spondlng two months day. This action, it was explained Five Million Spent Last and Frank Rossick said Norris had He died for the slaying and muti­ Koella’s companion, In a running Into a coma. to lay down their arms. Lean Cuts of Corned of I9.3A showed an lncrea.se of 8821.- was taken to look Into a report that shot Miss Stable before firing a bul­ lation of Mrs. Aurelius B. Turner, gtm fight In the Dlxwell avenue sec­ This was learned after bis attend­ Sudden Offensive. the bill , was to be ushd as a club to let through his own head. tion here. Beef 01 or 8 2 per cent. The February who with her husband, wras hacked ing physicians paid a noon visit. The sudden offensive indicated figures follow: 1934, 14,655.86; 1935 thwart ratification of the proposed Year WiU Be Saved. Waa Madly Jealons to death in their home near here BY VATICAN HEAD At Grace hospital, where be was toat Premier Panayottl Tsaldaris m OUSM IDS END COLD ROOMS Miss Stable's father, Roland C. taken after toe shooting, toe clvillsn Mark Howe, a former secretary, Broilers Freshly Ground Beef 55,007.45. last December. and hts ministers intended to clean (Continued on Page Bight) Stable, Sim Francisco bank em­ Between 200 and 300 National gave his name as John Slenboekl, said the venerable juaUce was sink­ up toe rebellious situation without 28c Ib. YOU'D THINK WE WERE ploye, said Norris waa madly Jeal- Guardsmen with fixed bayonets 23, of West Haven. toe loss of an hour’s time. Joseph Saplenza of Manchester, a Washington. March 5.— (A P )— ing steadily and toat his death was labcirei', has filed a petition In bank­ UVINGATTHE NORTH POU ouB of the girl. This statement waa stood guard outside toe jail as Pope Pins Condemns 'Tagan- Four physicians worked unceas­ only a matter of hours. No official word was heard in Sliced Dried Beef Hope that the current campaign corroborated by the dead youth's Sheriff E. R. McLean sprang the ingly over Patrolman Koella In St. Athens as to toe whereaboutb of e a c h 6 9 c ruptcy. His liabilities are listed at OUR HOUSE WAS SO C0LD _ against peddlers, of foreign lottery The former Supreme Court assoc­ Vz lb. 29c 5043.92 and his assets at 5400. The ALYCE’S CONDITION brother. Wilbur, at toe family home trap that plunged toe 40-year-old Raphael's hospital In an effort to former Premier Eleutherios Con­ UNTIL WE STARTED USING tickets would save Americans 52,- in PeUo Alto. aaVe his life, but they admitted iate no longer was able to take largest unsecured creditors are as 500.000 this year, was expressed to­ professed fatalist to his death on ized Life of Today” in stantine Veniselos, whom toe gov­ Fresh Spare Ribs follows: Keith Furniture store, lilae coal' Near the scene of the shooting, the scaffold atop toe four-story there could be but small hope. nourishment, Howe said. ernment accused o f leading toe re­ day at the Post Office Depart­ The next scheduled visit of Doc­ 2 for $1.29 SS.’SS: Luigi Felice. 5U3; Clarence ment. Bolivar county jail. Robbery Reported bellion. It waa assumed, however, Bulk Kraut Peterson, 501. IS STILL CRITICAL (Uontiniied oa Page Six) SmoU Crowd Ootelde Special Sermon. The shooting occurred after the tor Thomas Claytor, heading the toat he was sUU in Crete. “We esUmate roughly that pur­ - The trap wras sprung at 3:58 a. physicians attending Holmes, was chasers of these tickets forked over officers bad been Upped toat a It was rumored toat ona of the 'The Pollsh-American Athletic Henry Schaller m.. and Robinson was pronounced eight o’clock tonight rebel warriiips, toe light cruiser Combination Special WHITE TUNA 55,000,000 lost year to various lot­ club, which is planing to sponsor a dead ten minutes later. Only a Vatican City, Feb. 6 .— (AP)- (OoBtlnned On Page Six) la Not Buffering. Helles, was standing by in Crete teries, most of toem operate out of handful of curious were on hand in 1 Duff’s Ginger Bread Mix 2 cans 42c strong baseball team this coming U Doctors Say It May Be Days Canada on ElngUsh races," an offi­ HITLER POSTPONES Pope Plus today delivered a bitter Mr. Holmes 94th birthday falls on wlto steam up ready to transport season, held a highly successful cial said. toe rain when toe negro arrived. attack against Nudism in address­ Friday. toe 71-year-old "grand old itian of The execution was over a scant 1 Duff’s Deviled Pood Mix STRICTLY FRESH social and dance Saturday night at “ During toe last three months ing Rome's Lenten preachers on toe Greece” to some foreign haven of Turn Hall. Another affair of the Before the Ultiinate Ont> fifteen minutes after toe shackled eve of Lent. Howe empjiasised that Mr. Holmes refuge. EHOS toe department has issued about was not suffering. “He is sleeping same kind will be held April 27 at TALK WITH SIMON giant had arrived aboard one of "The paganized life of today,” de­ TROLLEYMENVOTE Depend on Ftaaes. 2 f o r 4 2 c 2.000 fraud orders denying persons two bus-loads of troops detailed os pracUcally all toe Ume," he said. 39c dozen Turn Hail. The Blue Diamonds or­ come Will Be Known. believed to be engaged in toe busi­ clared His Holiness, “afflicts all open The government kept its eyes chestra of New Britain will furatsh his special convoy from toe mob- and attentive eyes, a life so specifi­ The jurist contracted bronchial fixed on aviation os the quickest ness toe use of toe malls. proof jail at Jaekron where he was neumonia following a cold which the music. Leads Again , Working with toe Customs Bu­ cally, BO paganly dedicated to pleas­ ON WAGES TODAY means on putting down toe rebel­ held for safekeeping to Cleveland. eveloped after an automobile ride Now steady, healthful heat In every room reau of toe Treasury, more than Diplomats Believe He Has ure and to the ■mtcI; far pleasure. S lion. In addition to too m iisni PINEHURST GROCERY, iNC. The monthly meeting of the Wo­ Fall River, Mosa., March 6.__ The trip took seven hours. "It is a life so specifically wan­ about ten days ago. He has been mobilization o f fighting aircraft (AP)—The life of Alyce Jane Mc­ 5250.000 worth of tickets have been As soon as toe bus bearing Robin­ In on oxygen tent for a week and re­ men’s Benefit Association will be with the new‘b lu e coal* Heating Plan seized along toe border. As a re­ ton. Its -a’atonesa aurpraes on which “strafed” toe rebel troops ma­ held at Odd Fellows hall tomorrow Henry, who Went with a song to her Been Offended by Great son drove into toe troop filled court many occasions toat of toe ancient cently baa been fed by means of chine gun fire and bomba, other his new plan help, end cold rooms upside down stomach operation, sult of these efforts there' is hope yard, the negro was rushed through Twelve Places Designated m glucose injected into hla veins. night at 8 o’clock. atarts fast on cold mornings, burnt that sales in this country will not pagan life. planes harrassed toe five warships in Iwo wsys. First, it gives you steadily all day, and banka perfectly. bung in the balance today. a double lane of soldiers Into a room T aggregate more than 52,600,000 this Britam’s “ White Paper.” "It la called—wlto a horrible word which toe rebels had taken from tM /bino coal’, America’s finest anthra­ Get 'bine coal’ and 'bino coal’ Heat* A bulletin issued by toe Truea- In toe Courthouse where county of' and with horrible blasphemy—toe Greek navy. A "New Deal” social will be held dale hospital described the lO-year- year. State for BaDoting; 1,400 cite. Second, a Free Heating Service ing Service for betlerbcat ibis winter fidala made one last plea toat he Cult o f Nudity.” Beginning tomorrow and imtil fur­ by the Luther League of the Eman­ old Omaha girl’s condltion-as ‘‘pre­ Many Fake Tickets clear his conscience. uel Lutheran church tomorrow night that helpt yon get M the nsefnl heat ^ at lowest fuel coat. Your nearest 'bin* "There la reason to believe that Nndlty In Art SANTELLA GUILTY; ther notice, toe Greek government ont ol lha coal you bum. carious.” Physicians, however, said Berlin, March 5.— (A P )—Relchs- He told county officials he wras Spealcing slowly and wlto empha­ Employes Are Effected. after the regular business meeting coal* dealer is listed in the class, no change waa expected soon. about 53,060,000 worth of the prohibtta all private and commercial tickets sold last year were counter­ fuehrer Hitler today postponed his not going to talk further. They or­ sis, toe Pope went on: aircraft from landing in Greeco. at 8 o’clock. Ernest Berggren and ‘bine coal* ii a high quality ified phone book, Under ‘blue Smiling Alyce slept very little, scheduled conference wlto Sir John dered him taken across toe court his athletic committee is in charge. Penntylvania hard coal that feit and valueless to toe purchas­ “In the olden times, nudity was In Already the government bas stopped coal*. Call him today. toe bulletin ^ d . She was still un­ Simon, British foreign secretary, yard to toe jail for hanging. art, but one could not say toat It SENTENCED TO HANG A large attendance is expected. New Pljrmouth easy and uncomfortable after the ers.” . , New Haven, Conn., March 5.— the circulation of private or conv- "on account of' a cold” but Berlin Robinson was grinning wryly as was In life, neither In Rome nor in two-hour operation in which her and New York were (A P )—At 12 polling places in dif­ mcrclal automobiles. named os toe localities In which the d'plomatic circles expressed the he was led up toe narrow staircase Greece.” With the Bourse closed, all buai- CHEAPER The Manchester Shoe RebuUders stomach, twisted upward into her opinion toat Hitler was offended by to the scaffold. He watched wlto in- ferent parts of toe state, Connecti­ soles are concentrated. It la esti­ The Pontiff then called attention cut Company employes voted today ness is at a standstill. Athens to­ win hold their regular monthly thorax, and other organs were slip­ yesterday’s British "White Paper.” meeting in the shop conducted by ‘blue U coal ped into their proper places yester- mated that forty per cent of the to determine what stand they shall Mother of Murder Yictim day appeared to be in toe veritable These diplomatic circles charac­ (Oontlnaed oa Page Six) (OonUnued on Page Six) Peter Peperitls, at 497 Main street. .M IN W BY QLKN ALDKN COAL CO. day. , business is divided betoveen toe two take oa toe company’s rejection of throes of war. The government than quick­ metropolitan areas. terized toe side-stepping o f toe con­ their request for a raise in pay and was rounding up all suspected sym­ A bulletin late yesterday after­ ference Thursday as "a diplomatic Collapses as the Jury Re­ The regular monthly meeting of Plan noon described her condition as sat­ Many of toe tickets are hustled other benefits. pathizers wlto toe rebel cause and THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. Into toe United States by speed boat form” of cancelling the long-ex­ The 1934 wage agreement be­ holding toem for courts martial. burning the Manchester Master Barbers will isfactory. one last night said she pected talk completely. OnoL lumber, Maaora’ SuppUeo, Paint waa weak and another about 1:36 across Lake Erie; others are smug­ tween the company and the em­ The rebel warships were denied be held this evening In the Hotel (The British "White Paper,” turns Its Verdict Today. Sheridan. I North Mala Street Phone: 4149 that everyone will he talking about a. m...first described her condition gled in regular .coaat-wise vessels. Mother-in-Law Jokes ployes union explr i January 1 and a haven of refuge at Salonika and porous fueis os "precarious.” Later bulletins Tlw drive, among other things. Is given to Parliament In connection negotiation:: which have been In were prevented from making con­ noted "no change.” deilgnefl to thwart their despatch with the British government’s plea progress since toat date ended Sun­ tact with toe land forces by sp ee^ W. O. Olenney, of the W. O. Olsa- through toe mails. for an Increase In military expendi­ Bridgeport, March S— (AP) — government action in mining Salo­ L O W PRICE ney Lumber Company has returned May 'Ikke Days No Joke in Amarillo day night. Special Instructions tures, alluded to charges toat cier- Their Demands Dominick Santella today waa found nika harbor. from a vacation In St. Petersburg, Tt may be day«, said surgeons, before toe ultimate outcome vrill be To evade detection lottery spon­ raany was rearming and said: "This The employes have asked 69 cents guilty of toe murder of Patsy De Government forces sowed Salon­ Fla. He waa accompanied by Mrs. sors have been found to have issued rearmament, if continued at toe an hour for trolleymcn and base op­ ika harbor thick wlto mines today, Glenncy and their son, William. known. Amarillo. Tex., March 6.— (A P )—

A ...


of the $89,000,000 bridge project It XA DI AV l ir U T ADCDA k ^ M I was discarded when ground swells IV iLAI IJunl UlUiA IfANCUUtUKR EVENING HERALD, MANGHEHIES CUMM- TOIESUAI, MARL.’n S, 18SS. through the Golden Gate threatened | ' THE OPEN FORUM U .S.P0U CY HURTS Italy, Ethiopia Agree of the bridg^ ■*"1 AT BUSHNEU MEMORIAL with Mrs. Clara 8. Keeney at Moun­ family, who lived in John Lyman's MENACES SHIPPING Communications tor pubUeatlaa in the Open Forum will not tain street MOTHERS CLUB ELECTS houee, moved to Colchester Satur­ he guaranteed publication If they contain mors than 300 words. IRAOrWITHREDS 22MniTAXRAH The Union Church FeUowihip for day. TO ESTABLISH JUNIOR New York Opera Comique to The Herald reserves the right to decline to publish ahy matter ROCKVILLE Young People will meet this eve­ Spring to Bring the Stork that may be libelous or which is In bad taste. Free expression On A Neutral Zone The Christian Endeavor society Present Three Classics on ning In the South Parlor at seven OmCERS ON FRIDAY meeting was held at the home of COURT OF FORESTERS WAPPING of political views is desired but oontrlbuUona of this ebaraeter VOTED IN A MINUTE thirty o’clock. B r e ib A w iy from Towing Three Days Next Week. which are defamatory or abusive,will be rejected. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bonks Jones Sun­ To Six Hollywood Homeg t SoYiet EoToy Says He Sees Rome, March 4.—-CAP)—The (A P )—The gov"*ngov"ABanders at Wardair and Ocrlogubl To HoM Mlootfol Skow Annaal Meeting to Be Held In day evening. The topic, “What Is Maynard Briggs son of Mrs. .Susie After a lapse of two years, Hart­ emment announced today that a n ! e n t e r Into contact with each other The Gesonga and Declamations Oambitng and Why It It W rong?" Plans Will Be Discussed at Briggs, has been confined .to his tVBONO ON THE THRONE wportunlty in life under our preaent FAVOR OBSERVANCE Y. M. C. A,— Principal Bling T ig s a id Floats Around ford will again ^ v « light opera accord bad been reached at Addle and lay out the neutral zoos. club of Maple. Grove are planning was led by Mrs. Walter Vey. MeetlnR.To Be Held Here home with quinsy core throat for set-up. They are doomed to a low No Indications of In­ I to hold a minstrel show and (lu ce to Be Speaker. Hollywood, Callf., March 5. — .Doris Warner, daughUr o f Harry when the BushueU Memorial pre­ Editor. The Herald: “They will then refer the result to Shortest SessioD On Record Mr. and Mrs. Myron J. Post of This li^veninK- several days. sents the celebrated New York standard of living, bordering on ab­ Ababa for creation of a neutral gone ' OF GEN. PULASKI DAY at their clubrooma on Saturday eve­ (A P )—Spring will bring the atork^’Warner, the producer, was a aoelill for dw Entire Night. Aa though to serve as an appetis­ . ... ^ ‘■•spscUve governments, Silver Lone, and Mr. and Mrs. Earle Mrs. M«uy Maluuavlch passed Opera Comique In three light opera ject poverty, and In many Instances crease Under the Laws. along the Italian Somaliland border,' precautions regarding passage ning, April 8. A meeting of those Poet and children, Wallace and to at least half a dozen Hotl3rwood event in New York, Is also pa tha away last Friday aiftemoun at the er for the company union decision a Ufa of crime and moral degrada­ scene of hostilities which precipi Sets Rate n s Lone Ob­ Interested In such a show was held The Manchester Mothers’ club will Court Manchester and Court Nut­ list of those preferring boya. classics on Thursday, Friday and In the Welrton Steel Company, Eu* nomad tribes through the zone will Eleanor, of East Hartford, were vlo- homes, and If wishes count for any­ home of her niece. Mre. Frank Saturday of next week, March 14. tion, together with them and the tated ths Italo-Ethloptan crisU. bs tokOD: Details o f permission Polish National Alliancs Asks last evening. Preliminary details hold Its annual meeting and election Itora at the home of their parents, meg. Foresters of America, will meet gene O. Grace, president of the The announcement .was madg fol­ thing, boys will predominate in the But Richard Dhc doesn't core. Tha San Fraactoco, Mareh 5.— (A F )— Kupchunos of Pleasant Valley, after 15 and 18. ••pwrtaUy the latter—have for Uicse tribes will be worked out were outlined. Frederick Hsrten- of officers, Friday night, March 8 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Post, Sun­ actor and hla wife, Virginia WWh* eBthlchem Shipbuilding ^m pany, a ^>proachcd that condition where a New York. March 8.—(A PI— The lowing the receipt of a telesgam jector Is Heard. That October 11 Be Set stein, Jr., is In charge of arrange­ In a joint session In Tinker hall to­ The lampas* o { a dynamite-laden a long lUneas, She leaves her bus- On Thursday evening and Satur­ big section of the steel empire, was between the two commanders. at the Y. M. C. A. building. The day. new crop of movie starlets. ater, have built an elaborate nurt* patriotic patience cannot longer be preaent policy of the United States, from the Italian minister at Addis “The neutral zone was a proposi­ Aside for Memorial. ments for the minstrel and will be night when they will be addressed steel ealaeon wae checked early to­ band Simon Matusavich, of Rye day afternoon, the company will being questioned by a Senate com­ speaker for the evening wrlU be Mr. and Mrs. Leon Fogil of Man­ Perhaps the only exception to the ery replete with mechanical f» 4 - street, and two brothers Joseph a virtue, eepedally under auch an in­ Ivon Boreiff said today. Is not con- Ababa. tion presented by Italy. Its accept­ assisted by Carlo Genovesl and Ar­ by L. F. Branhely of Waterbury, a day off San Francisco's Golden Gate sing Offenbach’s mastirplece, 'The mittee inveettgating huge profits A tax rate of 23 mills to be levied' chester and Henry Parks and desire for boys Is Norma Shearer, I geta. They will welcome a boy or Zltkus and Anthony 2>ltkus of Talcs of Hoffmann." the "Barca- equality of condlUone ae now con­ duelvs to any special expansion of “The basis of an accord for con­ ance is without condition by the thur-Stein. Mrs. Elsie Moorehousr Arthur Dling, principal of Manches­ past grand chief ranger of the state actresa wife of Irving Thalberg,! K^rl impartially, reaped during the World War, For stitution pf a neutral zone,” the Rockville, March 6.—The Polish daughter, Clara, of Colchester, when tugs crews succeeded ‘m put­ Pennsylvania, and one sister, .Mrs. rglle" from this opera 1s famous the front us. This condition must be trade between this nation and Sov­ Ethiopian government with the ex- on the 1034 grand list at $42,395,- bos been engaged os accompanist ter High school. He haa chosen for body. Mr. Branbely la at present producer. They already have a boy, many yeara a government cult has : government spokesman aald, “has National Alliance of this city of were callers at Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ Jack Durant, of the comedlaa ting lines aboard the 10,000-ten John Paukus of New Britain. The world over. oorrected: a condition where we iet Russia. tipptlon of the condition regarding 758 wss voted last night at the od‘ and It Is requested that all mem­ bis talk a topic which should be of ence Fogtl’s Sunday. head of the junior court activities Irving, Jr., and friends believe Miss been pending again t thia company have more products than we can been reached at Addis Ababa. The which Konstanty F. Perxanowski Is bers of the club interested in ap­ team of Mit4 PConneCtiCUt Company thC OWnafSblp ' Throughout the night, the 0>ast also Mrs. Alex)uider were guests for pals are a number of the stars who worker, he was aSked, who went to pend primarily on the policy and' has more than three times aa much for tax lists were sent to Hartford yes­ Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Missouri of a strip of road at what is known Mr. and Mrs. Licroy Hooker enter­ Guard cutters Ariadne and Shawnee the day. Mr. and Mrs. Dibble were sung at Busbncll Hall two years ago war and :oat SI per cent of his In­ IN MOTOR ORDERS measures of the United States. I j ??®®?. In the Lcgl.Alature the registration of voters each year terday for binding. Ohio, and othe. states of the' Union, The Grange Degree team held a tained friends from Wllllmantic Sat­ kept lights trained on the caisson married in Wupplng, Conn., March In "rhe Chocolate aoldler', "Robin come? The question apparently was don't think It can be said that the L ea^ e of Worn- as the western city. through legislative enactment de­ as Browm's Bridge. At this point rehearsal at the Gilead hall, Mon­ urday evening. and flares were sent up at intervals 1. 1889 by Rev. Elijah .Smith. The Hood" and "Die FIcdermaus." These not pressed by Chairman Nye, who FOR SECOND YEAR present situation la at all conducive I draft of this The League of Women Voters be­ signed October 11th of each' year aa .there w u once a bridge, and the day evening. Cards have been received in town to warn ships. The tugs maneu­ house lu which they live was built to any special expansion of trade! introduced In akele- “Gen'eral Pulaski’s Memorial Day,' trolley tracks went under the high­ Mr, and Mrs. Winthrop Porter Inrliido. among others, the noted merely asked what the attitude of ton form early In the session by lieves with State’s Attorney Hugh IRON-RICH FOODS announcing the birth of a daughter, vered cautiously and finally fastened In ITT.'i by Mrs. Dibble's great comic singer, Wells Clary, and the stockholders would be If their prof­ between the two countries. M. Alcorn that “ If the election laws and way. Now the tracks have been and family and Jules Rebilllard. Jr., Shirley, to Mr. and Mrs. George Ly­ the lines. grandfather, Samuel Rockwell, who There are still special difficulties Senator J. Kenneth Bradley of West- Whereas, It is fitting that the re­ abandoned and the bridge torn down, spent Sunday In New Britain as the comely contralto, Mary Hopple. its were cut to 1 per cent. His For the second successive year, port, waa presented to the Judiciary arc unreliable, If they are cumber­ NECESSARY EACH man of Erie. Pa., formerly of this Built at a cost of »3fi0.000, the with his brother were millers at El nest Knoeh again directs the or­ Grace thought they would accept i. the New Haven Railroad, in its-cam- with respect to the sale of our pro­ some or unduly expensive. If they curring anniversary of this day be but the trolley company atill holds guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jules Rcbll- town. structure was intended for use In what was then called Rockville ducts In the United States. For C!ommlttee of the General Assembly title to a piece of the road which it llard. chestra, and Edwin Btrawbrldge la “nominal return." palgn to enhance Its passenger and today. A hearing Is scheduled for permit falsification and fraudulent commemorated with suitable pa­ building the under-water south pier Mills. Mrs. Dibble's grandmother The steel baron docs not want the instance, wc are the only country raethoda to be used In elections then triotic and public exercises in ob­ must maintain. Several years ago Miss Dorothy Barraaso, daughter director of the ballet. freight service, led all the railroads March 26. DAY FOR HEALTH came to live in this house as bride The evening periforiiKuicet will .steel industry ronscrlpte(l or crip­ that is called on to pay additional the whole purpose of representative serving and commemorating the the town refused to take it over and of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barrasso. duty for anthracite coal wc shop to The provisions of the bill would they took the same action at the and Harold White, son of Mr. and of 17, also Mrs. Dibble's mother was start at 8:15 o'clock and the .Satur-' pled, but he and his class would not In the United States- In 1934 In the be mandatory for cities over 50,000 government Is defeated." Mr. Al­ death of this great American hero LEGION RIFLE TEAM bom'In the same house; object to the steel workers being number of new highway vehicles or­ this country. As another example corn has further stated. "The pres­ Importance In the daily diet, both of-the Revolutionary War town meeting yesterday. Mrs. J. Kellogg White, are ill with day matinee at 2:30. The opera coni- wc arc still required to put our cas­ in population, namely: Hartford, Mrs. Dibble l.s a direct dcscoidant lon.Mcripted and crippled In war! dered for use by lUelf and its sub- ent system of registration and of children and adults, of foods con­ Therefore be It Resolved, by the The voters also refused to ap­ the measles. Coming to the jmny l.s being pre.scnted at popular ings through a special disinfecting New Haven. Bridgeport, Waterbury, taining iron and copper was stressed DEFEATS NEWINGTON of President U. S. Grant, and Mr. prices. The class attitude towards big sldisriee. identification of votcra should be Group No. 2291 o f the Polish Na­ propriate money for road equipment Richard Hubbard of New York after their arrival in this countiy, -N’ew Britain and Stamford and by the State Department of Health spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Ebbble a direct descendant of Thos. property and the lives of the work- Last year the New Haven placed smaller towns would be privileged strengthened, and I should be In tional Alliance of the United Statea Including a tractor which the offi­ tate heater ers never was more aptly put than which Is not required In other coun­ favor of legislation designed to In Its weekly bulletin today. Unless ol North America, that the Group and Mrs. Hart Buell. S T Miner one of the settlers of the town orders for 134 highway vehicles, tries. to adopt the system. cials wished to purchase. Well made, so it’s easy to hang. It waa when His Grace appeared leading by 7 the number of vehicles. remedy these defects In order that the food supply Is rich In iron there No. 2201 of the Polish National Al­ The children who bad perfect at­ Shooting at the Wethersfield Friday and Saturday of Stonington, Conn. The bill provides that electors Is great danger to health, and more It was voted to accept $100, a MAGICIAN TO GIVE before the Senate committee. ordered by the Pennsylvania. The n m /s a a n s m fraudulent voting may be detected liance of the United States of North tendance for the month of Febru­ range last night the Manchester Fast color so that It will always be They have three children, all liv­ shall sign their names upon regis­ recent experiments have shown that gift of the Hicks family of ToUand ary at the Gilead Hill school arc: DeLttxe Double Feature Program This striking Incident occurred a tering as voters and that when they and prevented." America, with local headquarters at and New York, to be used in put­ American Legion Rifle team defeat­ ing, Mrs. Robert Northam of West day or two before a Federal judge Union Pacific purchased 47 motors. I JUDGMENT IS GRANTED copper Is also essential, the bulletin Gloria Barrasso, Shirley Fish, Bea­ ed the Newington Rifle club In a attractive. And water resisting, Hartford, Conn., Mrs. John BrooksJ the JPsclflc Greyhound Lines bought i ^ '”*^'**'*“ *’ * u n n l l l l i l / go tc the polls to vote they shall said. No. 31 West street, of (Jity of Rock ting town records in better condi­ PROGRAM AT Y. M. C. A. »1tli a steel case before him ruled ville and State of Connecticut, re­ trice Porter, Theresa Hodge, CHiarIcs Charter Oak League shoot by a Edward G. Robinson and Miss Annlo Dibble of So. Wind- ; that Section 7-A of the Recovci-y Quincy Ih. C h lc ,,. again sign their names and'the two It was explained that Iron la an tion; and It waa voted to have a tax and Joseph Barrasso, Wilbur and to a.ssure maximum usefulness and signatures shall be compared to spectfully memorialize the United score of 906 to 800. Every Man­ sor: three griuidchlldren, Robert ’ Act Is unconstitutional! Lovell's MAX BODENHEIM, BROKE, essential part of hemoglobin which rate of 25 mills, the same as the Douglas Porter, and Lawrence chester man outshot hIs opponent in Northam, Jr., Raymond Northam, j Krnebt St-hieldKe of Hartford to hi.rnlng lipes are recalled by these Eighty-four of the New Haven’s prevent fraudulent voting. Under carries oxygen to all parts of the States Congress to enact legislation year before. Perry. practical)ility. See our new selec­ “THE WHOLE 1934 vehicle purcha.scs w-ere motor ------I the bill the same system Is applied which will provide for the effective total points and also In each of the Miss Elizabeth Northam and two { imldenta In the Empire of Steel: body for the activity a t all cell ttS' A committee consisting of George Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Prentice Kntertain Tomorrow Night; coachcs^which^ere put hito service Mrs. Albert Chapin loosen in to voting at caususee or primariea. carrying out of the provisions of four positions. The summary: tion! TOWN’S TALKING ” great grandclilldron. Richard and' "Truth forever on the -scaffold, i FOUND IN RELIEF UNE aue. A baby Is bom with a store of D. Neff, Rupert B. West and Frank have returned to their home here Manchester Marcia Northam. Kfturning by Request. wrong forever on the throne.hrone." ^®^ England Transporta- Suit Brought by Widow- . The lists of registered vptera are re­ iron In the body to reinforce him the said ' resolution, whereby the Newmann have been investigating after spending several weeks In And Also tlon Company and the Connecticut quired under the proposed act to be P S K OH TI “HUGO." with this element through the first President of the United States of the claim of William J. Bowler that Hartford. E Carlson . .. .49 Priced 20c Per Roll Ahd Up. Ernest Schleldge of Hartford will Company. Six of these have a seat­ Man Who Died in Crash. be kept accurate by monthly refer­ 49 48 40—186 Louisa M. Alcott'a March 4. 1935. Well Known Author Appeam year of life, since milk la known to America would be authorized and he has paid some $600 in taxes Mrs. Pearl Young has returned J. Alves ...... 49 47 46 40—182 entertain a group ot boys With ing capacity of 40 passengers, eight ence to the records of utility ser­ be low In Iron. But as he grows in directed to Issue, a proclamation call­ wblcdi should not have been assessed to her home In New York after will seat 33 each, 34 have seating Judge Edwin Dickenson c>f the vices, and voters who have not exer- Dirty. Unshaven, Uncombed H. Madden . .. .49 48 43 42—182 “LITTLE MEN” tricks and stories at the .Manchester THE TOM-NSEND BILL size added Iron Is needed to protect ing upon officials of the ghvemment against him. Mr. Bowler claima that spending several days at the home W. Carter . . . .50 40 46 44—180 Overnight A, P, Y. M. C. A., tomorrow night, start­ capacity of from 29 to 30, 31 have Superior Court, Hartford County, cised their electoral privileges for to Rolls Taper— 18 Yards B ord er- Editor. The Herald: and Shabbily Dressed in N. Y. him against anemia. This Is ac­ to display the Flag of the United he has paid taxes since 1900 on 230 of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Asa P. Newcomb . .50 48 39 39—176 ing at 7 o'clock. Mr. Schlledge has scats for 20 to 21 passengers and has given judgment In thd amount two years will have their registra­ complished through green and Hung On Your Walls A a Q o and In the "Open Forum” of recent States on all government buildings 8cres of farm land when he held W. Ellis. Dial For ...... up apiicaicd In -Manchester before, but five have 17 scats. Also added to of $5,000 and coat of suit In favor of tions cancelled unless, after notice, brightly colored vegetables, fmlt on October 11th of each year and News date there appear.?d an article with | the Mrs. Mary Vlllarcl of East Hartford title to only 180. The voters turned Mr. and Mrs. John L. Way left Totals ...... 9 0 6 It l.s two yean: since he haa been railroad's highway passenger they ask to have their names retain­ New York, March 5.— (A PI— juices and pulp, yolks of eggs and InvlUng the people of the United the matter back to the committee Thursday for an indefinite stay In 3895 or 3817 the anonymous signature of "Ob-1 equipment were 18 sedans, seating In her suit against Mrs. Albert ed on the lists. Under the present Newington at the Manchester Y. M. C. A., and server” voicing negative senti­ Maxwell Bodenhelm, who hasn't had oatmeal. States to observe the day in schools for further Investigation and study. Florida and the southern states. P S K OH Tl a seven passengers, and 10 coupes, the Chapin of 43 Foster ‘ street, Man­ law there is no clear requirement The adult's need for foods con­ For Boston.—The alrrunainc Flying la returning by request. ment with the Townsend old-age re­ a book published since last Septem­ and churches or other suitable Their daughter, Mrs. Morgan H. H. Holmberg .47 47 42 34—170 Yankee of the Boston a Maine Hail- Tonight Harold Wilson, Eldward latter being for company business. chester. and tried before him last for removal of the names of persons taining iron every day la great, for places, with appropriate ceremonies Stedman, of West Hartford, accom­ Free Delivery volving plan for $200 per month, Thursday. who have moved or failed to vote. ber, will get fundi from the home R. Tracy . . . . .46 46 40 34—166 SPRING rood and the Maine Central Itailroad Olender and D.anicl Newcomb will The sedans put In revenue service reserve Iron Is not stored to any in commemoration of the death of Five members of the W.-G. Brand- panied therh aa far as Daytona A. Holllngs .. .47 stating that $100 would be sufficient , The suit was brought by Mrs. VU- This bill has boon prepared by the 47 27 39—160 ('lipped one hour and 20 minutea off attend a conference of oUler boys to are being used to widen a special relief agency to provide shelter, food great extent In the body. Copper Gcncnil (Jasimlr Pulaski. stetter family, all graduates of Beach. Florida, where she will visit F. Bickford . .40 42 37 38—157 THOS. McGILLs Jr. for his need, as then he might live type of service inaugurated In lard as admin.atratur of the estate Longue of Women Voters after two is essential to the fixing of iron In .{ Energy-Giving the pre.sent mnning time between be hold In the Hartford Y, M, C. A. with his children and render finan and lace.unts from other sections, the United States Senators and season with' vim, vigor and who Is desirous of becoming a trus- which is now given wlL be asked Representatives in C^ongress from To Celehnitc My 25th Htisine.ss .-Viiniversary which motor transportation on a from Mrs. Chapin. It will mean that Further study exposed the high combed. Hie high shoes bad nary a provided' some of those also contain zest. Foods of tliis kind are i tee In the rown.“cnd organization short haul basis Is used to "foed” cost of the Connecticut system In string to hold them on. copper, the sum total will provide the State of Ctonnecticut. When strangers meet ; with these thoughts In view, they unless there Is a cash settlement comparison to that of cities using the amount of Iron needed each day. A. S. Manezuk is secretary and sold at our store. And to think FOR THE MONTH OF MAKCH freight to rail lines, either by carry­ made that the attachment that has Forty.flve minutes later he emerg­ I will fall short of their plans, the system proposed in the bill. For ed with a promise of $15 for back The foods marked (x) contain cop­ Paul Wroblewskl Is treasurer of the that you can purchase them at ing It from the .shipper to the boat I ” made ngatiu't the property will SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES j Instances are far and few hc- example, the cost of keeping regis­ rent and $5.10 for the next two per as well as iron. The table fol­ local organization. MAHIEU'S at prices so very : tween where the children of parents 9 * ."* wnnectlng with not be released and an execution to tration lists at present Is 59c per lows: Orange Meettag I break the ice Window- Gkuw and Auto Gloss Reduced 20 Per Cent. such fast freight trains as the ■ 1.0 liie prupe- ty tor the equity will weeks’ food. Hit. first application low. Our offers listed below, would be content for any length of ”8 p ^ Witch” and the “Maine Bul­ registered voter In New Haven, had gone astray, the agency explain­ Foods are Hated in sections ac­ Tolland Grange will hold its first Wlndowr Screens Made At .New Igiw Prices. time to share with them a per- be asked of the court: Should there whereas the average coet In 17 cording to their rlchnesa in Iron, March meeting in the community you will discover by conipari let." The motor trucks are a vital be insufficient amount c»f equity to ed, because he was dispossessed be­ son, are Indeed money-saving Keduction.s Also On Fuiniture and Antique Repairs. ; nianent existence they would clement In fulfilling the New Ha­ Michigan cities operating under the fore an investigator arrived. those In the first section being the house this evening at eight o’clock •A I rather be by themselves, and rightly meet the judgment and the costa the richest and in the last section the Visiting Grangers will be present bargains, for excellent quality ven’s freight ologan “Accept today, remaining unpaid part of the judg­ so—and If the parents are willing to deliver tomorrow,’’ which applies to poorest sources of Iron. Section (1) from Ellington, Vernon and Wap ,\ foods, eaaential for top-notch forfeit their dignity and live with ment will still hold and can be col­ '/4 cup cooked greens five oysters or ping, and the entertainment pro­ practically all points on ths sys­ lected If at some later date other Spring vitality. LOUIS RESEL ■ their children for the remainder of tem and to points as far south as clams (X), H cup cooked navy gram will be presented by the visi­ their lives, their disposition and lik­ holdings of the defendant are ac­ beans (x ); (2) four ounces lean tors. Refreshments will be served Knsdale Pure Strain- O 1 83 Pine Street Phone 7102 Baltimore lud as far north as quired. bcaf, four ounces lean smoked ham, ing must be out of the ordinary, and Maine. TOMORROW • following the entertainment by the ed Honey. 2-lb. jar .. «3 1 C as far as being a financial asset to 1-3 cup cooked lentils (x ); (2) three members of Tolland Grange. Gorton Ready-to-Frj’ x o them It would be better (or all con­ • AND THURSDAY tablespoons maplq^pimp, four dried UeuL MacClaln to Speak cerned for the parent to qualify (or STATE figs (x), one tablespoon molasses Codfish ...... X u C w S j WITHOUT ESOHiAGUS A large attendance Is expected at a Townsend old-age revolving fund (X): (4) one egg, .one shredded Fresh Mackerel, Q wheat biscuit (x), 2-3 cup cooked the meeting of Stanley Doboaz Post for $200 per month and through this it now approximately 1, .fQ SURYIYE A Skylarking* Riot A of the American Legion to be held tall c a n ...... O C agency he could be an asset to all dark farina (x);. (5) one pint milk, Norway Sardines in t *7 one potato (medium). 2-3 cup fresh thla evening li. the G. A. R. hall at citizenry at large. The writer's of Romance and Songl OeLuxfi Which time Lieutenant A. Lewis pure olive oil, 4 cans.. £ / C QUICK RELIEF peas; (6) fbur prunes (x), 1-3 cup or their Income may be small^caused Dnusual Operation to Be Per- You'll cheer its musical loveliness, Double stewed rhubarb. 20 almonds (x ): MacClain, chief test pilot of the am UOUA. Diamond Head Pineapple Juice, BAIUFF BADLY WOUNDED Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Com­ by■ the prolonged - depreutnn, thus, by formed on Marlboro. N. Y., shriek at its many, mad moments, Feature (7) 2-3 cup cooked oatmeal (x), >4 No. 2 cans, cup string beans, one banana; (8) pany of East HarUord wlU be the qualifying for a trustee for $280 per Baby After 15 Years. sigh at its tender love story I Program! guest speaker. He will give a talk on 2 for ...... 21c month under the Townsend plan, the IN RIOT IN CHICAGO! one slice whole wheat bread (x), Grapefruit Juice, two tablespoons seedless raisins, H "Flight Testing of Aircraft En­ writer may become a part of the Newburgh, N. Y., March 5__(AP) gines." Ueut. MacClain has bad greatest asset that humanity has cup shredded cabbage; (9) Vi head No. 2 cans, 3 cans .. 25c During the Excitement Veter­ —Little Robert Linsig, bom without lettuce, three green olives, ^ cup many thrilling experiences in the Grapefruit, ever possessed by equally distribut­ an esophagus more than two weeke carrots or beets; (10) four apricots air and his talk will be most Inter­ \ V ing this amount in the channels of an Police Captain Dies from No. 2 c a n ...... ago, wa* givet a "better than 50-60" (X), one apple, one orange. Choco­ esting. The meeting wlU start at 10c trade and stimulating production to a Heart Attack. chance to survive today as physi­ Applesauce, late and cocoa, peaches, peanuts and eight o’clock with Commander Ber­ like amount, creating a like propor­ cians planned an unusual operation other nuta, mushrooms, and split No. 2 c a n ...... tion of consumption, and providing nard J. Ackerman presiding. The 10c . CTiicago, March 5.— (A P )— A if he-lives to be 15 yeiurs old, peas are alim sources of copper. talk will be given about 8:45 o’clock Fruit for Salad, Kras cmploymrnt with a better wage for Bailiff was critically wounded, and “The baby now has lived longer those who have so long been idle. and anyone Interested In hearing the dale, largest can .. . a veteran ^>olice officer died ap­ than usual In cases of this sort," Dr. talk, whether a member of the.Le­ 23c Instead of permitting them to gen­ parently of a hefirt attack Induced Frederick R, Small said, “ant’ every H.-O. Oats. erate into chronic pauperism and the NEW ilAYEN RAILROAD gion or not, is Invi.ted to be present. You like me best because I am expensive center leaves. That’s Quick Cooking, pkg. . by the excitement in a near riot to­ day It looks a little be .ter for him. High Sch(Ml Notes 11c flabby mentality of a hopeless exist- day In Woman's Court on the ninth The usual span of life In :.ucb cases so mellow, rich, flavorful. She Oat Puffs, ancc. The teachers will hold their an­ why I’m milder. That’s why I floor of Chicago's Detect!vj Bureau. it 10 days and Robert has lived 18 EXCURSION TO BOSTON nual play on Friday, March 16th at pkg...... a.,.., There arc critics, no mater how dome 50 negroes, in court for days." chooses me in preference to 10c humanitarian the motive may be, the Sykes Auditorium. This year taste better. N o top leaves, unripe Grape-Nuts, routine cases before Jiidge Edward Or. Small, who assisted Dr. James they will present "She Stoops to who may be sincere in their state­ Scheffler, were subdued by the C. Donovan when a small hole was Leaves Manchester at 9:30 in other cigarettes for another and stinging; no bottom leaves, pkg...... ments, but whose real understand­ the Mominff, Returns at Conquer". Followiiu; the play there 16c bureau's “Red Detail" after a ten cut in the ohild'a stomach and a tube will be dancing Ifa charge of the Instant Postum, ing of It are often immature, and inserted for feeding, said an opera­ fcason; because I am so njild minute battle which began after one 8:27 in the Evening. membera of the Senior class. As is coarse and sandy, are permitted large can ...... 39c wliose prejudice prevents them fnun prisoner tried to break away from a tion to replace the esophagus was | readily accepting new Ideas which gttard. the custom each year the teachers and easy on her throat. But you to destroy my uniform mildness Chaae & Sanborn’s o Y planned but it could not be perforin-' Another one-day excursion to will put their baby pictures on the does not conform to their cuetom ed for at least 15 years. Dated Coffee, 1-lb. tin £ C The police officer who died was Boston has been arranged by the bulletin board for the pupils to pick both prefer me because I am and tradition which necessarily con­ Capt. Joseph Palcsynski, 83, on the and good taste. I ’ m your best Don Ami Powder, flicts with the progress of a merit­ New Haven Railroad for next Sun­ out the teachers. The pupil guessing can ...... force for nearly 40 years. He faint, day, March 10, affording an oppor­ the most correctly will be given a made exclusively from fragrant. l i e orious object from accomplishing Its ed during the uproar, was carried to tunity to do sightseeing In that his­ friend. I am your LuckyStrike. I purpose. Dr. Townsend's object is ticket to the play. Bab-0, the judge's chamber! and waa dead ADDISON toric city or to visit friends or rela- 2 ca n s ...... not confined to create a comfort- Uvei there. The girls’ basketball team will 19c : able existence (or the aged, but to when a doctor arrived to help. play Manchester on Wednesday of Oakite, The bailiff, Philip Blankin, 20, at­ A letter from Miami, Florida to The train wUl leave Hartford at I lie an asset toward relieving the friends here gives a news item of an 9:15 a. m.: Manchester, 9:30: WIIU- thla week In Manchester. 2 Pkgs...... seml-pnralysU that affllcU business tached to the Court of Domeetic Re­ Notea of Interest • 19c lations, was shot In the chest, the accident to John Wodal while work- mantlc. 10:08; Putnam. 10:45; and In general, and for all Ume destroy- ing on hia automobile. He went to The RockvlUo Emblem club will Calo Dog Food, bullet penetrating his right lung. will be due at Boston 12:15 noon. i Ing the germ of depressions. An- the hospital for un operation for a hold a members social on Wednes­ 2 cans ...... Doctors said he waa in a critical f L The return trip Is made leaving 15c j other angle of Dr. Townsend’e plan. rupture. He has recovered from the u Boston at 5:20, due at Putnam, day afternoon at the Elks Home. Masterpiece Tomato I Is to separate the time worn—per- condition. Police were not Imme­ The hostesses will be Mrs. Herbert Sauce, 4 ca n s...... diately able to determine who fired operation and expects to come to his 7:09; WllUmantlc, 7:50; Mancbea- 19c From Motor Car Headaches ; melons custom—of having those home on Hebron avenue about April ter, 8:27; and Hartford, 8:43 p. m. Schelner. Mrs. Max Smith and Mrs. Swansdown Cake who are under yeara of age aup- the Bhot—the only one of the ehort, I 80 vicious fltht. 1. M u u t m e A limited number of tickets are Maurice Spurting. Hour, p k g ...... 31c port those who are above that age. A robin orrivea Sunday morning sold for this excursion, good only In The World Wide GuUd of the Hgg Noodles, ^ but to have thoee who ore 00 years and bluebirds are now hearu every Featuring coaches on the.se two trains. Rockville Baptist church will meet I of age and over, who are qualified LUCKIES 1-lb. pkg...... MORIARTY BROTHERS day here. A dusen wild ducks have Elissa Land!— Cary Grant at the home of Mrs. R. W. Kent of CENTER LEAVES 15c trustees of this revolving fund, auto- CURB QUOTATIONS been about oU winter along the -ON THE SAME SHOW— i—_ PAPER DIET 29 Orchard street at seven thirty Sweet Mixed Pickles, I maUcally become on aeset to thoee Salmon brook and vicinity. Devils With Women Philadelphia—True to tradition, o’clock this evening. CENTER LEAV (uart jar ...... 23c who are below 60 years of age—who Amer Sup Power ...... 44 Reports havt erme of catsrpillowa Dare-Devlb With Men! Felix Krimenskas, ambitious writer, The Junior Bible class of the First THE MILDEST SMOKE ere able and willing to '•fork—a po­ Cent States Elec ...... S-IS { Waiving been active every mild day VICTOR McLAGLEN 4411 J n f f starved in a garret—with $3,000 in Lutheran church will meet at the tential iml. to Bet the wheels of in­ Citlee Service ...... during the month of February. The books In his “private library." church this evening at seven o’clock. MAHDEU‘ 8 Tires Batteries dustry turning, furnishing a bol- a tles Service, pfd ...... stli ■«" *>eaU down on the southern end EDMUND LOWE in uncier rressurc He was arrested, charged with Hope Chapter, No. 80, O. E. S. Car Heaters Mced production with oonsumpUon, Elec Bond and Share stealing most of his valuable vol­ ot the Manchester water sheQ, and Extra To The Udies; MACBETH TABLEWARE? will hold Its annual mealing this 301-31.5 Center Street — Corner Broad brought about through this voat and Ford Limited . .. the worra.i would crawl out of a umes from a book store In which he evening. The annual reports erf com­ ■GROCEET sufficient flow of a roonatoty etrou- Mavis Bottling a occasionally worked. Piled around letion. snow-bank when the sun woe high Ends Tonight; RUDY VALLEE in “ SWEET MUSIC." mittees will be read and the officers 188 Spruce Street u the Center” Nlog Hud Pow .. the garret and tucked among the for the coming year will be elected. pen 24,1 Hours DIAL 3873 Free Road Service We have millions of young boys and back before etmdown. The Segal Lock ...... Herald correeponaent found a cater- FH. oad Hat., Edw. Q. Roblneon la “The Whole Town’e Tolklns'* brK)ks, police found a dozen manu­ Refreshments will be aerved follow­ and girls graduating from our United Founders scripts signed with the nom de •cb(K>ls w'ho have absolutely no op- pillow crawling acroas Hebron and “ Little Men," * « w n r ing the business meeting by the United Gas ...... avenue ojiq day last month. plume "(3onrad Kay." March social committee with Mrs. Police said he could easily have Ottllle Pfunder as chairman. sold the boo)u to buy food, but that H e Allen Bible CHose of the he preferred to keep them. Baptist church met I«st evening •A t 'A MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCMESIER. CONN TUESDAY. MARCH 6 ,19SS. MANCHESl'ER EVISNING HERALD. MANCHEtirrEK CONN TUESDAY, MARCH 0,1000. b« dowBt know y*ry much i^V.t tw«nty-flva centuries and Is packed | The Wonderful One*'Hoss Shay the tblBC* Uuit InUrMt “the lunatic full of countlssa wars and almost un-1 can get what they wont in tK friafe"—that hia oontaeta have been remitting turmoil, they seem to be Rules as Queen FEW WATER MAINS HERE of dwrelllogz. H&ALTH-DIET ADVICE New Orleans Celebrates DAILY ACCIDENT REPORT RENT SHORTAGE Among thoze who moved wtth Artnjr offleen and Blf Business Just a' little prouder of their bandits Bjr DR. FRANK MeCOY during tha wreck ore Henrv Ji and Barney Baruch and very little than of anything else. of Mardi Gras AS OF MONDAY,. MARCH 4. FROZEN DURING WINTER Qaestiow la roford to Bsaltb and Diet from Oloztonbury to IW Ben' with the man in the street. But be It la to bs hoped that Corsica will wUi be oaewered by Dr. MeCoy who ran As Mardi Gras Nears End 1984 1933 PREDiaEDHERE street; C. W. Steward, from does know that the CouchUna and not too suddenly and too'completely be adfirtotod In eare of this paper. En- more, N. Y., to 31 Parker al 2,672...... \CCIDENTS ...... 2,240 The Manchester Water company E. A. Jeneen, from Schenectady, the Townsends and the Sinclairs and revise her outlook on murder and eioee' stamped, seU-eddreaeed envek>i>e 38...... ,...... FATALmr.S ...... 4.3 (or reply. New Orleone, March S.-—(AP)—Aboard and painted plaster depleting l.w.) been fortunate this winter In Y„ to 321 East Center street; H the rest of the dlacontenters are robbery. There Is somstbing an- scenes from ancient mythology. 1,704...... • r ...... IN JU R IE S ...... 1,362 the lack of trouble from frozen Scarcity in Better Typenf Bell, from Philadelphia to 58 Hoi' New Orleans, gay and carefree, I shooting straight and hard and fast eourmglng about the knowledge that with thousands of Mordl Gras visi­ All day merriment will reign. No KILLED water mains. Charles B. Loomis, street; W. B. Babson, from Malden. one will work. superintendent of the company said Mass., to 29 Wellington road. at the New Deal whose soldier he there is one place on earth where BBMOVOfO ADHESIONS dby using manipulative treatments. tors assimilating its Joyous attitude Dwellings Seen Soon by Even after the adhesions have been At night, Rex and Comus preside 1984 1985 today. During the winter there was—and atUl is, even If demoted to th m things ora more highly re­ When examining tha patleat In a abandoned itself today to merri­ at festive balls with their queens Pedestrian ...... S3 Pedestrian ...... 37 were but two serious freeze ups and cured, do not fall to remember that ...... the ranka. And that puts it up to garded than In the United States— standing pestUon under the fiuoro- it is up to you to keep the adhesions ment and homage to its king of and courts composed mostly of the (R.rupant ...... Oci-U|NUlt ...... 7 only one of these caused any real Renting Agent. him to'shoot back or burl back uis even If It Is Just one little Island de­ season’s debutantes. They ore bril­ Bicyclist ...... I Bicyclist ...... 1 disturbance to the patrons of the STOP BAD BREATH scop« of the X-ray one can usually from forming again by continuing pleasure, Rex. liant affairs, attended only by the Child ...... 7 Child ...... » company. The frost had gone into damicka as bard and as fast as ha partment of France about tbs size datermlns the exact loeatltm of ad­ with daily physical culture exer­ But like so many Cinderellos, social select. . Adult ...... M A d u lt...... cises to develop the strength of tout ...... 86 the ground as deep as three feet, ten Thousands of people afflicted vrith can. So this about the “lunatic of Connecticut. hesions. Most of the Internal organa satiated with fun-making, the The citizens and visitors mean­ in<;hcs in .some places, but not low A housing shortage in Manchester abdominal muaelee. gaudy, masked figures were to fade seems likely to develop during the bad breath find quick relief through fringe. ore freely movable within pre­ while continue their play where INJURED enough to strike the pipes and Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets. The scribed limits, except In spots whers from the city’s streets at midnight they will. cau.se the trouble that wa.s experi­ next six weeks on account of the Some of these days Johnson may RLTBSTIONS AND ANSWERS —bowed in the figurative sackcloth 1934 1933 marked scarcity of dwellings of the pleasant, sugar-coated tablets are BRAND NEW TRAIL sdbstions bavs bound tbsm down to At midnight. King Rex and his enced last year. The time for trou­ taken for bad breath by all who get on the right side of some battle. other organs or Uaauss. The fingers of Lent. queen and court go to the Munici­ PedoHlrian ...... 543 Pedestrian ...... 4’i2 ble is now considered as nearly better class for rent, it warn said to­ Now let real students of hl.stpry (Ventilation) Occupant ...... 1,!37 Occupant ...... 923 day by Reuben H. McCann, local know. Then what a tower of strength be con be used to determine the spots Garner H. TuIIis, prominent cot­ pal auditorium where Comtu and over. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets cudgel their, memories and let It be whais tbs adhesions have formed. QuesUon: SoUtolre asks: "What ton broker, reigfied as Rex. Sharing his queen reign. The monarchs will Bicyclist ...... 22 nicycllst ...... 13 real estate dealer. will be. U the proper way to ventilate a Child ...... 288 Child ...... 3lHi Mr. McCann, who specializes in gently but firmly on the bowels, known whether, from the very first Many doctors do not discover sd- his throne was Miss Barbara >Bou- greet each other, the courts wlli BENCH WARR.YNT ISSUED stimulating them to natural adtion, hsstona beoauss they examine the room? It seems to me that without den, debutante daughter of Mii and mingle, the band will strike up the .Adult . ..' . • • ...... 1,3.37 Adult ...... 1,0A3 the renting of houses here and thus king of any country onywhers of fresh olr all the time a special diet grand mar'-h. Unknown ...... »n Unknown ...... 71 has the local situation at hla finger and gently purifying the entire sys­ patient while lying down. It 1« usu­ Mrs. Whitney Bouden. ‘ Waterbury, March 5. (AP) — tem. Tlicy do that which danger­ GARBAGE PROBLEM. whom they ore aware, down to ally necesoary to examine tbs pa­ would be of no use to the l»dy." Kings Comus and Rex parade to­ The brilliant gathering will pa­ tips, asserted that people seeking Answer: The special ventilation of day. trailed by their many attend­ rade around the ballroom in the Judge Arthur M. Fells of the Supe­ rentals are demanding ilwellings of ous calomel does without any of We are a long way from desiring March, 1989, they ever heard of any tient in a standing position In order rior Criminal court today tssiied a the bad after effects. to locate the real cause of the trou­ every room in the houie Is of tbs ants on lavish floats of flimsy card- brilliant climax of carnival. the most modern type. ■ They are to be 'underatand as decrying the sort of monarch, out of the hun­ utmost Importance, and to get the David A. Clark of Milford has bench warrant for Benjamin Brown willing to pay anywhere from 835 Olive Tablets bring no griping ble. of Waterbury. Brown is charged Municipal Krfuae Disposal Survey dreds end hundreds of them who best results this problem must be been appointed the first executive to 865 a month. Only houses of an pain or any disagreeable effects. There are a few coses where sd- 4 PRESIDENT FAVORS with blackmail, being the alleged Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the have fled their thrones throughout heslona are so bod that they con carefully studied. As a rule, a good BUT REME.MBEF THOSE secretary for the Connecticut Farm Inferior type remain without ten­ made by the State Planning Board plan Is to provide for openings near author of "poison pen " letters sent ants. formula after 20 years of practice The Herald Printinc Company. Itic.. in cooperation with the State Water the ages, who quit hla Job because only be separated by cutting them FOUR-HOUR SESSIONS! Bureau Federation, Pre.vldent S. ,vl. to prominent Waterburyians the among patients affected with consti­ aeeumee no flnancla> reeponatbllUy louse with the scalpel. However, It the celling where the worm, devital­ BRITAIN TO BUILD Five families from out of town Commission, but may be pardoned hts people refused to accept os muen ized air can pass out Low openlnge Buckingham has announced. He will post few years. Brown'is now held took up residence in Manchester pation with the attendant bad (or typosrhphteal errora appeartng it Inclnemtlou of garbage there was one because in the four and discovered San Diego Bay. This have your teeth scalded and the line strength of the R. A. F. regular practice from 8 to 8:30. recommended an end to the ’(siibtcr- I Herald Wushlngton Correspondent "All right," I said. "What time?" decades or so that the creaky fire- a slanting board Is made and bow gums treated. At the same time Roller skating in the gym start­ (ugc" of "disguised subsidies." ! bad gone flat? Would you try to Is an expensive operation, at best, "A little after 3." summer’s west coast exposition is squadrons will number 1,300 air­ tain Armstrong t o . Be Washington, March 6. — Smart trap stdbd there most of our con­ to show to 9,000,000 visitors the pro­ the exercises should be taken. make the proper dietetic changes so craft. ing at 8:30. Admission includes make your far destination with the and gets seriously—too seriously— lawyers in the government laugh "Luncheon a little after 3?" temporary literati passed In and gress made in art and science, com­ There are many doctors who as to overcome the over-acidity of skates, music and checking. D. A. CLARK APPOINTED j LOANS arranged Four of tbe 41 additional squad­ into the budget of any community "Yeah, these arc mn-itly band out of Ita doors as hirelings. There merce and industry since that day. con help you banish your adhesions the gastric Juice. A public setback party will be Guest Speakers. wheel as Is? Or tie bits of string when you questlim them about con- leaders who never have break­ rons were formed in 1934, while af­ Money in 48 hours or less...no red tape... that adopts it. stltutii)nalit.v of the five billion

er, Jr., West Hartford, black crepe, Bemlea Walant, black mo re, rhine­ rwraMaUUv* at tb« UgUm. epra- white natstassa bodies; Eleanor stones; Mrs. D. M. Caldwell, royal ed the attack on the currency ex- toe would be made up o f the four NEWHAVBIFOUCEIIAN nomlneaa of the N. R. A . Ha aald INICBALL Schleldgs, gold laea and old rose blue crepe; Mrs. Charles W. Straat, PAoMoa features o f the Patmoa MU 21,000 DESIGNS trimmings, corsage o f rosebuds and royal blue crfpe with rhinestones; by saying: DAILY RADIO PROGRAM this liod been decided In dlsouaelng UNDERSTUDY SORRY N. Y. Stocks! Local Stocks f l o r r ie s between N. R. A. and tbe Textile swaat peas. Mrs. A. E. Friend. Ig h t blue satin. "The American Lsglon does not Mrs. A . Radmar, East Hartford, DYING AFTER GUN FIGRT Labor Relatione Board after the lat­ want Its legislation tor payment of TUISDAV, MARCH 9 (Oentral and Eaitara Standard lim e ) BRIGHT SPOT yellow taffeta; Doris Muldoon, black BEFORE H X TU E ter liod brought up tha point that, the adjusted compensation certlfl- (Furnished by Putnam tt Oo.) JOLT HIE MARKET ‘DE UW D’ IS SKK fin fr DlATiomi S t o r l% A d Exp ...... Nstsi AU prmrmiM to Iwv ead baste ehsins er aroun thereof aalets easel. 9 velvet, gold accessories; Mrs. Ed­ caies tied to any other typo. JOoatinMd from Pag* o m > inasmuch os It might be celled upon A ir R e d u c ...... Oentral Row, Hartford, Conn. .fl*d: coast to coast (s to s) dcsitiiatlan Includes an avslTsble ststlona ward Q. Boyce, white chiffon, red GRINS AS HANtaillAN "We do not want a stone tied Pregrsmt subiset to ehanse. P. M. Cent. Bast to adjudicate In the matter of code accessories; Lucille Murpbey, black burglary was In pregrass. They Alaaka Job . . . . provtatena, it would be better If It OF TI^SEASON .around our bUI that wUI drag it 1 P. M. Stocks NBC WEAR NETWORK • il* - Upderetandlns Mucle— BUREAU IN 1934 FRESH ON OUR COUNTER TODAY! AlUad caiam . . .. satin, rhinestones; Mrs. Stuart down to defeat." commandeered an automobUa aftar SASIC — asst) wtaf wlw weel wtio . .P***fi. Chsriee. OraSn—weet did not oeaUt in the making of Wells, cream colored chiffon velvet; ADJUSTS THE NOOSE leaving tbe scene o f the supposed Am C a n ...... Losses of 1 to 3 Points Pre< J‘l*— |i66—Freee-lteSle rJewe Period Old Standard Theatrical (OMtUnad (roai Pag* Oa«) Bock VIneon BUI wjor wtaa wesb kyw whlo wfbr wn those provlsiona. Clairs Stephana, whits molra with burglary attempt and armed with Am Caml Ale ... Bank Stocks WB, when wesa wtam ww) si: inISi Therefore, neither the Textile Be- kid ;mM, wril.wbo.wow Ir wkbiwkb . Lsvis Psnlee Oenea Orehea.—weet silver; Doris Mahoney, black and The Legion witnesses endorsed an accurate description of the eua- Am Home Prod . Bid Asked .wdof S :t^ 7HS—Juet Plain aill - emit: latlons Board nor the Department of Sliced or «at. The long flowing dreseea, fuller (Centlmisd From Psgs Om ) Cap Nat Bank t Trust 9 dominate; Trading Picks NOmiTHW’HWE8 asT A CANADIAN - wtmi Story Reversed in Case of red velvet, corsage of gardenias; the Vtnsoa bill, which does not spe­ pect gave chaos upon seeing Slen- Am Rad St 8 ... 12 wtba kstp webc wda, kfrr erct cict Psnieo Oreh. weeti Orch.—Ulsle Increase of 2,000 Reported Labor will be represented on the In the eklrt then hut year, end n bit cify how ths money to pay the two Conn. River ...... ’. . . 480 SOUTH — WTVS wptf wwne wis wjos • :*6— 7iM—Jerry Caeper, Berltene— Margaret House, pink lace; Kathryn boekl a few blocka away, they said. Am Sneelt ...... raet: Euek Resere—weet npest textile planning committee, although Unsliced nore daring in their deooUetage, terest ss offld sls strapped hie legs. billion doUar bonus Mtould be Htfd. Ckmn. Trust ... 61 wtls.wsun wlod wsm wnw wsb wspl Foley, vert green, gold accessories; The man broke into a run and Am Tel and Tel . wjds wsnb kvoo wky wfsa wbap kpro I 1 f “ P*4ke Oarter’e Cemment both will co.operate to the extent of BUTTER lOAF Beads Death Warrant Up After a Dull Openmg. “ The Green Pastures.’* ranged from deep plain colors to Mrs. Leroy Slocomb, black silk net; raised. The Patman bill calte for the Am Tbb B ...... Hartford National ... 22 wool ktbs ktbs wsoo wave wtar 7:0^ SiOO^Levenser a old Lae»> for Record Total; 95 Per When Sheriff McLean began read­ the officers gave obasw. Kelly lost baele; Keith Beeeher Ortheatra— their ability and will be kept to' faintly hued pastels and in material Mrs. Emory Calkins, Niantlc, black Issuance of new currency. Am Wat Wke .. Phoenix St. B. and T. .. 170 MOUNTAIN—hos kdrl ktlr kshl from light crepes to the stiff taffetas ing the death warrant, the Negro hU fooUng and fell but Koella coe- PACIFIli—kBO k(l kew koroo kh< , , * 4sti Jim Fettle Oreheetra—Dixie formed of the work of tbe eommit crepe; Mrs. E. Royal Marshall, "How would you finaoce the Le­ Anaconda Insurance Stocks kf«d kter ksu kro kes kre k)’r kyi I 'l l — Tbs Old Timer—To Olsle and heavy velvets with the taffetas begged off that formality, but Sher­ tinued on. to be Joined later by ids Cent Accepted for Reg’ tee. The memttere of the taxUle New York. March 5__ (A P )—The Niantlc, peach silk, crystal trim­ gion bill?" asked Representative companion. Atebleen Aetna Casualty ...... 64 N ew York, March g ~ :(A P )— Bell­ Csnt. Ssst. ' ‘**■ 7 S:I6—Abe Lymen’a Meledlano being somewhat more popular. iff McLean continued reading and McCormack (D., Hass.). —baele; Stan SUnley Oreheetra— . planning committee are Sidnev Hill­ standard story of tbe understud/s mings; Mrs. 3. E. Eatabrook, Weth- Fires at Officers Auburn ...... Aetna Fire ...... 46 ing flurries today Jolted the Stock 4:16— S1I6—Cenerau SBCSks te Veu . Meikine Oreh,—Dixie Orand March Robinson listened, half smiling as "The appropriations committee Aetna Life ...... 17 4:45— t:4^Rhymce far ths Nursery man. A. D. Whiteside. Leon Hender­ ersfleld, flgured crepe; Mrs. Howard Tbe man began firing at the offl- Avtatloo Corp .. Market out of its recent calm. J'46- iit^O jenn Lee Orehea.—west istration. triumph, when called suddenly to There were exactly ,284 dancers in tbs offictsi ended. o f tbe House would pass on tha* ■lOO— SiOO—Xsvltr Cutst'c Orehestre S iJ t Oresby’s_ ^eersm son and Prentiss L. Coonley F. Hansen, Wcthersfleld, beige Uu;e; cert and when Kelly again caught Balt and Ohio .. Automobile ...... 24 8 :1 ^ BUS—Weekly Hymnal Slnstnf carry the show, can't be told about i I . . ^ B R E A D the grand march which formed at “Have 3TOU anything to say, Taylor replied. "And It Is the Job Loseee of 1 to around 3 polnte pre­ ! '’5."SS A Orehestrs Mrs. Burton Harris, Wethersfleld, up with Koella, the latter waa Bendlx ...... Conn. General ...... 26 H BilO— Site—Preie-Rsdle News Perled ! S t :! ‘SJ~!ys*Js'L.o K*s*s * obsw Charles Winter Wood. 9:30 with Worshipful Master John James?" the sheriff asked, "Don’t and prerogative of the secretary of dominated and, after a rather dull 1:16— tdS—Msry tmsil A Her Sengt 2 Dshele Ship of Jay blimk lace, rhinestones; Mildred sprawled on tbe ground wounded. Beth S t e e l...... Hartford Fire ...... 38 Wood Is now playing "De Lawd" Mctioughlin and Mrs. McLoughlin you want to pray?" the Treasur?’ to decide that.” 6:46— S:4S—aiTly Ssteheler’s aksleh ys]?* sf ‘ be Crutadtr New York. March 0__ The Design Gregg, Wtnsted, powder blue crepe, Kelly, meanwhile had returned the do., pfd...... Hartford Steam Boiler 72H first hour, the trading pace picked i:0O- noo-The Three tesmat. Vac 10:0^1 liO^Frink Dailey Oreheetra— LIFE OF OPERA STAR In "The Green Pastures” succeed­ MO leading. Then followed General "How can I pray,” the negro re­ "Do you favor two billion dollars Reglatratlon Bureau o f the Na OftadttvUlt. pinkInk accessories, sweet peas; HelenHefe gunfire and a bullet from bis pistol Borden' ...... National Fire ___ r . . 88 up momentum on the decline. e ill— t ill—Whiescrine Jack tmlth ,, ,?•••«:. Kyrt and Mtrse—west rpt ing Richard B. Harrison who col­ Committee Chairman Ernest KJell R. Page,“ _ “Eleanor blue crepe. brll plied, "when there is no preacher In new taxes?” Phoenix Fire ...... 74^4 B:I0— T;80—assy Aese, eerlal Sketch Osllsy’s OreheeSs tlona] Federation of Textiles, Inc,, PUM CRBAMKRY 1% tB here." struck Slenboskl In the leg, bringing Can Pae ...... Brokers, unable to olame the down­ S:45— 7:46—You end Your Cevernm’t lapsed from exhaustion making up LOAF son and officers of the lodge with Hants, corsage of gardenias'. " I t ’s a perfectly unfair quesUon." Case, J. I ...... Travelers ...... 400 7:00— BIOS—Lee Kelaman'c Oreheetra II1O6—1I 1M—Orville Knapp Orehsstra received 31,000 designs during 1934, 1$ THEME OF PICTURE B u r r iR He laughed a bit. The black hood "In other words." McCormack him down. turn on any particular piece of for last Saturday’s matinee. their partners the rest of the aS' Mrs. M. O. Morris, East Hartford, Cerro De Pasco . Public UtilltlM Stocks 7:10— tilO—Wayne King's Orehsstra .J""*.*'®: Arnhelm Orenetira—mldw U J i was placed on his bead and over It pursued, "you come up here and tell Slenboskl was taken to S t iiOO— t:00—Ben Bsrnit and the Lads ■''•A—ItilO—Leon Nevera’s Orehet.— an Increase of 2,000 over the num " I f only," be said sadly, "it wasn’t semblage falling Into line as the black lace, sliver; Edna Cordy, royal Chee and Ohio .. Conn. Elec S e r v ...... news, were tncllnod to attribute It the heavy knotted noose. us you want the bonus paid and Raphael’s hoepltel on a stretcher, •:SI^ t:10—as Wynn, Orahsm—to e ,,.Jpssl®:Herble Ksy Oreh—-midwest bar received in the previous year. Dick who was sick." leaders swung about the hall. blue velvet, gold accessoriee; Hildur Chrysler ...... Conn. Power ...... to "tired holders” who had decided 0:00—10:00—Light Opart Shew- a te e 1:06—C. Hapkins Oreh.—wabe Ellssa Landi and Cary Grant FLAVOR • TEXTURE • T O A S T IN G A moment later the trap was have nothing to say about how it shorUy after he was admitted to Harrison Is his best friend. It was As the grand march was con­ Skoog, aebes of roses crepe and Col Carb ...... Greenwich, W&O, pfd. to get-out while the getting waa 10:00—11:00—Dr. Slanley Hlfh, Bditer Mlse Irene Blunt, director o f tha bu­ Hava Leads in "Enter Ma- sprung by Shsriff McLean and life should be paid?” Grace hospital and there Identified 10:15—11:16—Voloe of Itemanee, Sente NSe-WJZ NETWORK nt Harrison’s urging that Wood was cluded the orchestra began a snap­ rhlneetones; Mrs. Rudolph Swanson Col Gas and El .. Hartford Elec ...... icd.unably good. 10:10—11:16—Tom Oerun A Oreheatre reau and eecreUry of the federaUoo, LGE apparently le ft the huge frame at " I f a correct,” Taylor aaawered. by Patrolman Koella oe tbe man RAtlC — ■ecti wje wbs-wbso wbsl revealed yesterday. About 98 per dame’’— “ Under Pressure" summoned from the faculty of Tue- py dance number and the ball was peach colored velvet; Mrs. Richard who itaot him: j Coml S o l v ...... Hartford Gas ...... Just how much of an Influence was 11:00—itiOO—Oharnleveky a Odehtetrt bdkp wxer w)r wlw w * ^ wmel 1‘/4 lb on in full force. The gay colored J. Collins, Rocky Hill, midnight blue the Instant. It was ten minutes be­ Two To Do It do., pfd...... provided by foreign exchange ur.cor- 11:16—12:16—Florence Rleherdion Ore. will: Midi weky wenr wiewis kwk‘ kwer cent of the designs wera found to Co-Feature. kegee to understudy him and play New Long Loaf He was then rstura^ to Grace Coni O a e ...... LOAF 9^ ' gowns weaving and turning about fore he was officially pronounesd CSS-WASO NETWORK koll wren wms« kso wkbf be acceptable for roglstreUon, the bite In the fable of the negro and silver; Elinor Finley, R ^k ville, "WeU," Interposed Repreaentatlve hospital, placed under heavy police Cons O i l ...... S N E T Co ...... taintles was a matter of argument. the floor were made oven more bril­ dead and the body was lowersd to SABIC—Betti wabe wade woke weao NORTHWi s t a CANADIAN - wtmt same ratio as In the two previous Elltsa Landi and Cary Grant are heaven. During the five years of the Adrene white crepe, silver sequins, Sam Hill fD., Wash.), "you eltber guard and subjected to severe ques' Cent Can ...... Manufacturing Stocks A t any rate, the British pound liant under a battery of colored the ground floor, to be pieced In a weeb wnso wgr wkbw wknVhk ekiw wlba kstp wabe wday kfyr eret efef years, she said. play's run they have been Insepar­ silver accessories, corsage roses and will have Issue bonds or levy tax' tioning. Com Prod ...... Am Hardware...... 17 rallied briskly and ths London gord-«^ wdro wceu wjiie ween wfbl wtpd wjev •OUTH — wrvs wptf wwne wIe wjsx co-featured in the leading rolea of FRESH F R U IT S and VEGETABLES spotlights. The moods of the wooden box ‘or burial at the coun­ ea.” wbne; MIdweeti wbbm wfbm kmbo Raglstrattons la 1934, Miss Blunt able. swtet peas; Antoinette Ekiunds, The gun fight took place at 11 a. Del Lack and Wn Am H o s ie ry ...... 20 prlew was reduced. U. 8. (Sovern- • ‘is-weun wlod wera wmo wsb wspl Peramount’e "Enter Madame.’’ the dancers wore as gay a., tbs party Rockville, black taffeta; Margaret ty poor farm. " I t ’s not the point," Taylor re ment bonds were again flrro, but kmox wowo whoa k(sb wjdx wemh k^voo wky wfea wbap kpro said, wars tbe largest in the bu­ ’Sure," said Wood, " I ure^ to m., and concluded In an alley on Du P o n t ...... Arrow H and H . com. 18 aAST—wp* whp wheo wibs wfea wore woal ktbo ktha weoe wave comedy of the life and loves o f a dresses and the evening proved x> Kassstt, burgundy taffeta; Mrs. The WItneesee piled. “ I f you attach this other reau’s sevsn years. Application for come Into Dick's dressing romn and Sherman avenue. Eastnoan Kodak . do., pfd...... 100 secondary rail loans wore In sup­ wice efrb ekeo wibx wmu MOUNTAIN-kea kdyl kalr kahl temperamental opera star, which be a moat enjoyable one socially. thing to bonus payments, the bonus OIXIB—wgst ws(e wbro wqsm wdod renewal of previous registrations tell him: ‘One of these nights I’m California Ernest KJellson, beige lacs, gold Between 3S and 30 persons. In­ Elec and M u e ___ Billings and Spencer.. ply. Grains and cotton were hesi­ P.^®'£3fr'‘* ‘?.'

I'itj MAMOirarrEK CVEmNO HBKALO, MAMCHBHn'KR, OOMM . TUSSDAT, MARCH 8, IMS. MANCHESTER EVENING H E R AIA MANCHBfflER. CONN- TDESDAT. MARCH 8.1988. having contractural EMERGENCY DOCTORS wUh the state. — u n u s u a l m e d ic a l TWO MANCHESTER WOMEN AHACKS A favorable report was received SHRINERS'BAND |• Physicians who will respond ', Q D A R R E PRECEDED In the House from the Judiciary to emsrgency colls tomorrow' committee on* a bill providing that A T EMBLEM CLUB SESSION afternoon ore Dr. George Limd- FR.GOUGHUN upon retirement *Common Pleas CASE FOUND HERE TO APPEAR HERE! berg, 6629 and Dr. Thomas O. SOCIALITE’S DEATH Court Judges,-70 years of age shall DEATHS Mrs. George H. Williams and Sloan, 8123. Rangers Close Season Here Tomorroi be referees. The compensation • I ------ft Mrs. Mary L. Graxiadio A t­ N E W YORK Y A N K E E S 4 Ion almost weekly— exeepL of would be seven-twelfths of the Mathias Mach New York (AP)—Taking a tip course, fo r the Durable Dutchman, salary unless a Judge has been on tend Ceremony in Bridge­ Doctors Have DitTicolty io Mathias Mach, years o f age, To Phy at Concert m the Husband of Heiress to Stat* from tke IndeatrueUbtUty o f tht Lou Ctebrtg, on first IN CLASS B CAGE TOURNEY TODAY I They Are Preaching the bench for 20 years when It 1934 Detndt Infield and borrowing BABE RUTH GIVEN died at the Manchester Memorial port. GeorgeB &:eQulnn, from Ton ato, would be two-tblrda. ABOUT TOWN their theme from a current Broad­ Detenninmg Correct Sex hospital last night o f pneumonia. He leading batter in ths New York Holds Oot A bill was killed by the House has made his home with hla daugh­ Mrs. George H. Wtlliama and Mrs State Theater on Sunday, ler Fortone Admits He way stage success, the Yankees ore Pcnnsvlvanla loop lost year, boa ths MEET KNIGHTS OF UTH which would make it mandatory ter, Mrs. Max Asher of Andover and Mary L, Graziadio, boUi of whom | The Women's League of the Sec­ heading int tbs 1935 campaign doubtful privilege o f understudying GALA WELCOME ON that Boards of Assessors and haa been a resident of Andover for ond Ckingregational church will meet with plenty o f “accent on youth. ’ U>u. Roy Schalk, from Newark, Two Choices for Nation. Boards of Relief In aU towns, unless of Manchester Babe. arorofflcera of the Supreme Emblem March 17. Had Argument With W ife. This, o f course, is a perfeoUy nat­ the past 85 years. club, attended the Institution of the tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Fred will help lost year's newcomer, Don otherwise provided by law, consist Pohiman of Hudson street, and a ural reaction to the Yankee for­ Heffner, ti’y to oust the aging Tony ’it AGAIN IN CAGE FINAtl He is survived by four daughters, ¥ new Emblem club In Bridgeport, tunes o f Ivor lest season, when the FLORIDA ARRIVAL of three members each to be elect­ Mrs. Mary (Ttemens of Hartford, large attendance Is hoped for, par­ Lozseri from second boss. Sobolk, K One o f the moat extraordinary No. 54. by Supreme President Mra. once so robust Ruppsrt Rifles bare­ ■ N*w Tbrk, March 5.—(A P )— De- ed for a term of three years. The Mrs. Lydia Miner of Manchester and Sphinx Temple Band, which is to ticularly as the speaker is Miss Ann Pinchiiriit, N. C., March 5— (A P ) 24, hit only J58 but la a nifty field­ decisions that any group of medical John Clark. Supreme Treasurer ly managed to Ump Into second bill would allow only the two major Mrs. Jennie M. Ryan o f Manchester. appear in concert at the State thea­ Birooklngs, who a few weeks ago — H. Bradley Davidson, Jr., 46 to­ er. aouadnr Senator Huey P. Long and political parties to nominate at any men has ever been called on to make Mrs. Lawrence Dunn of Providence place after skull fractures, flngtr The funeral will be held at the returned ^ter five years of teach­ day denied at a coroner's inquest Fred Muller, another from New­ S0U1H MEIHODISTS Greater Hartford Title HoMI Hm Rev. Charles E. Coughlin as election and would make minority In this state Is said to have l>een and Past Supreme President Mrs. ter on Sunday afternoon, March 17, Infections, caving knees, sore arms funeral home of William P. Qulah. ing in Africa. ark. wlU batUa Red Rolf# — who Thousands Greet Bambino representation on the Boards man­ arrived at by the Manchester Med­ Frank McHugh o f Lynn, Mass., le familiar to Manchester through here that he and his w ife quarreled and general inflrmltlea o f baseball "■pies*’ preaching revolution, Gen. Main and Holliater street at 9:30 started as Heffner's ksjrstona budily datory. ical Society recently— the decision were also present. Mrs. Williams, its appearance here during the frequently, but admitted on "argu­ age hod harassed them all through ere Beat Locals in Ore r Hugh S. Johnson held out to the Thursday morning and at St. who Is fourth vice president, served The Manchester Radio Cflub will ment” a few hours before her t»d y iMt year—and Jack Soltsgavsr for A It was pointed out that the Com­ whether a baby bom In this town Shrine Ceremonial parade In Decem­ the lost half of the lummer. third hose. Frankie CrosetU seems As He Reports at St WHIP SOUTHINGTON nation two choices: last year should grow up as a boy nr James’s cemetery. Friends will be as marshal. Mrs. Orasladio, who la ber of last year. meet tonight at its clubhouse on was found in the Davidson garage. At least seven members of ths mittee on Cities and Boroughs felt able to view the body at the Qulsb ■St a shorUtop. Muller la 28. weighs if i . 1—A return to the "solidarity and a girl. the supreme deputy, initiated about This organization, which performs Prospect street at 8 o'clock. A pro­ He was questioned by Solicitor championship Newark. N. J„ Bears tone Chsh Last Weel^ the bill would not be favorable to all funeral home after 2 o'clock Wed­ 178 and atanda 8-11. Batted .287 enthusiasm” which backed President No Names Mentioned 50 members of the new club previ­ only at Masonic functions and on gram of sound movies will be pre­ Roland Pruette, who failed to re­ of tbs International League will he last year. Petersburg as Member of towns. nesday afternoon and are asked to sented and all members are urzed to Rcwsevelt in 1933, or Names, of course, are out of the ous to the institution by Mrs. Clark, patriotic occasions, is non-commer­ veal prior to the luncheon recess the graduated, at least temporarily, Veteran Harters Scarce i ' Only one Senate bill of any im­ omit flowers. who also installed the officers. be present. “ hole card" which he said last night Senior Quintet Tronnees Y 49-48; Town Series J—Dictatorship and chao.i. question. And the very few per­ cial. It Is of a character peculiarly from that flourishing form and giv­ The accent on youth will be espe­ portance was reported favorably In Gifts were presented to all the su­ caused him to suspect foul play. the Boston Braves Team. The former N RA administrator sons who have knowledge of the interesting to lovers of fine ensemble en chances to prove tbslr new blood cially noUesable In the pitcbuig that branch. This measure author­ preme officers. The Danbury Em­ An automobile o^x'ned by James The Washington Socialite was the lashed at Long add Father Cough­ Identity of the child's parents are performance, and to those who are la the type needed for ths transfu­ corpe, probably, though not In the »Team 40*27 to Clinch Likely b the Near Futve.^ izes the Governor with the consent blem club also presented to the new Ford of 157 Pitkin street was slight­ first witness called as the jury re­ lin— “ Plausible Punchinello” and pledged to secrecy. But the knowl FUNERALS familiar with the mechanics of the sion Manager Joe McCarthy nos form o f brand new boys. (3oofy of the Board of Finance and Control ly Installed president of Bridgeport ly damaged by fire this morning at sumed Us Investigation of the mys­ bean vowing aver since mid-seaabn By ALAN OOtXO ‘■Political Padre", he called them— edge has leaked out that the par­ normal musical group. Gtomes. left-bandar, and Red Ruff­ /■ to convey to the federal government 54 a handsome bouquet o f flow­ 8 o’clock when It backfired. Before terious death last Wednesday ot of ‘84. Aesoclated Frees Sports Writer Leainie Honors. at a dinner in his honor last night. the title or right of way of any ents and their medical advisers have Stanley Bycholaky. To begin with, the more than fif­ ing. right-winger, ore the only like­ The National Guard Rangers been confronted by a case of bi ers. ty members of Sphinx Temple Band Mr. Ford could prevent trouble Davidson's 22-ycar-old million­ Into the outfield—where the un­ ly sUrtlng pltchefs boasting more St. Petersburg, Fla., March B. — '•Whether consciously or not" he state owned property whlch_ may be The funeral of Stanley Bycholaky close their 1934-35 basketball aeason S scxualism so TOsitive and so pro­ Presidents of the different clubs individually receive no monetary re­ flames started to come from under airess bride of two months. doubted passing o f Babe Ruth and than one year's steady big league (AP)—Babe Rutb, here today to said, "these two men arc raging up needed by the United States'for the wa.’! held at his home, 47 Union He said he opposed his wife's sug­ nounced .as to present s highly throughout the state were called turn whatever for their services. the hood. A telephone call brought tha serious Injury last summer of exoerlence. try on the uniform of the Boston f The South Methodist Senior team at the State Armory tomorrow nlgiit and down the land, preaching not construction of highways or post street this morning at 9 o’clock and upon for remarks, including the new No. 3 of the South Manchester Arc gestion, after an all-night party, •• puzzling problem. They gather once each week for re- Saris Combs may create the Yonks' To supplement lost summer's Braves and work out for the first took the measure of the Southing­ against the Knights of UthuanlOt. i. construction but destruction, not re­ ways. at ffle Polish National church on club In Stamford, organized In Jan­ department to the scene and the ' that she put their car into the gar­ moat pressing problum— will come Surgical science was equal to the hersal, under a conductor who Is ciimy freshman flinging trto of time aa a National Leaguer, thinks form but revolution, not peace but a House bills approved by the Sen­ Golway street at 9:15. It was large­ uary by Mrs. Graziadio, and which fire was extinguished. age, and tba‘ she dlssisted after leaping Jesse Hilt, who wros a great ton Y last night to the tune of Greater Hartford League title boUL 'I i task o f eliminating either the male eminent In music circles In Con­ Johnny Broaca, and It will be like the good old days— sword." ate in concurrence included: ly attended. is enjoying a remarkable growth. what be termed considerable remon­ broad Jumper and footballer at 40-27. •m who noB^d out tht Orotmien tn * or the female elements In the case, necticut. Men come from nearly all Jimmy DeSbong, the Yanks ora the early stogsa of his own major 1-ong Hits Buck Continuing the commission for the Rev. Peter Latos, pastor of the Previous to the ceremony the vis­ Center church Women's Federa­ strance, leaving the car In front of Southern California and lost sum­ This gams was another victory a thrilling overtime tussle here last commemoration o f Connecticut’s ter­ the doctors knew, but which should church, celebrated the mass. There sections of Connecticut, and from pulling In from Newark Vito Tama- league career—to find more fight­ week by the score of 49 to 48. It Johnson said he expected them to It be? Usually, in these rare cases iting officers were entertained at tion will hold a business and work the house and apparently going to mer proved himself the Interns- it A stocky Greek jouthpaw who ing spirit, greater aggressiveness for the church boys in the Senior Y centenary. was singing by the choir and John dinner by the new club, and follow­ Southern Massachusetts, each fur­ meeting tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 bed in a room near his. tlonol'a outstanding fly-cboaer. league of Hartford Cjounty and the Irt expected that arrangements for a ’ hit back and Long did It promptly. Invalidating 3150,000 bond Issue of bl-sexuallty, one sex or the other Skowronek sang two solos. The nishing his own transportation, and won 13 and lost 7 In 1934, and W al­ and sharper rivalry In baseball this town series between the Rangera and ing the installation a buffet lunch­ in the church parlors. Work will be Butler. Finds Body Walker, Hoag Still Around ter Brown, 230-pounder who has year. victory practically cinches the "Those wreckers from Wall voted by the Enfield town meeting Is much more pronounced than the bearers were Vincent Poarkskl, getting to HnrUord aa best he can. Moriarty Brothers’ Firestones, R>c other and If aurgery la to be resort­ eon was served to the entire gath­ for the Memorial hospital. A few hours later the Davidson Hill, who Is 28 years old. weighs been in and out of the league sev­ league Utle for the MethodisU. street" shouted the Senator in to finance an FER A sewer project. Frank Harbruda, Waislaw Rubacha, For more than two hours, for love The Babe doesn't contemplate any League champs, will get underway ed to there la little question as to ering at the Elks’ home In Bridge- butler found her body, not complete­ 175 and stands 5-10, batted .349 for eral times and who had s 20 and 8 Next Friday night, the Methodists Washington, "ruined Woodrow Wil­ The Senate ordered recommitted of playing together, these men give personal feuds with Dlzsy Dean or this week, as tomorrow night’s game what direction it should take. But StM ley John Bondzek and j port and an entertainment present- The first of the mid-week Lenten ly clothed, slumped In the door of Newrark, topping the league with record with the Bears. trovel to Southington to play them son, Herbert Hoover and President a bill creating a board of police com­ their best to music. By so doing, and any one else. Even If the ace of' will be the tenth and last home con­ In thia local caae. It Is understood, Mlchael Dubnouwski. The burial g j jjy talented members of the new services will be held tomorrow night the car which was tlien^ In the gar­ 205 hose bits. He, along with Three catchers—Norman Kies the return league game. Roosevelt. I'll cover Johnaon’s case missioners in Seymour. This meas­ was In the Polish National church club. the St. Louis Cardinals pitching test for the Rangers. either the male or the female ele­ I with the patronage of Spbnlx Tem­ at the Concordia Lutheran church, age. The butler, Emmanuel Birch, , another Newrarker and from Newark and Above la pictured Manchester Trade’s 1934-1985 basketball quintet which co^pUed*^ a*^Lrd^ o^f 14 Femicd was the outstanding from hell to breakfast In a .speech ure provides that the constables cemetery on Jefferson street. ______staff flung a lot of unkind remarks A Good Prelim. ments might be eradicated with ple, they have helped to buUd one and each Wednesday through Lent. lollowlng his master to the stand, who played part of last aeason with Willard Hershberger from Holly­ victories anJ six defeats this season to qualify for the Class B tournament at Wesleyan ^ ^ M e c h a n lc . player for the losers while Metcalf Thursday night." shall be appointed by the coramia- St him, he still considers - Dizzy An attractive preliminary baa' equal facility and with no greater of the finest concert bands in the German service will take place at said the garage smelled strongly the Yanks, may range alongside the wood—have been signed In on effort a vV b London thU ^temoon. The entire student body of the Trade school gav^Uie and Tedford were the best for the Johnson, he said, was just a screw sloncrs and that they ahall no longer Mrs. Catherine Walker. "Just a kid." been arranged, featuring the Colle­ risk one way than the other. State of Connecticut. Following each 6:30 and English service at 7:30. of gas fumes when he entered to still halo-and-hesrty veteran, B^n to provide more relief for Bill team a gMa sendoff this noon u d a large delegation accompanied the players to Middletown. Front row South enders. As a unit, the Meth­ driver in the hands of Bernard M. The funeral of Mrs. Catherine But Ruth admired the fighting gians, a team composed almost en»- be elected. Decide On Boy rehearsal, a light repast is served wash the car and found the heiress Chapman, os the outer guard trio Dickey, one of the Yank cripples of '■‘* ‘' ‘ i , . ‘ r '‘’'’° P ’'''“ * “ ‘’ ' ^ " ^ ° " y ‘5uartus. Co-Csptain William Kelsh, John R ^ o n T d odist team showed their superiority .Baruch, whom he described as W alker was held this afternoon at SLEUTH TESTIFIES temper of the team that won the Urely o f members o f this season’s Senator John D. Blackall, Demo­ The decision. It is said by a and the evening, to which the par­ of the late E. M. StaUcr, Hotel 6p- of the stadium sward. '34. Hershberger has the best ma­ ertrv to right: Manager Roland Lashinske, Michael sTv- over a hard fighting Southington "Klngfish of the lodge under Hoover 2:30 at the home of her daughter, Group H of Center church women world seriee last fall and he believes Manchester High quintet Attempts crat of Hartford, questioned the le­ spokesman for the Medical society, ticipants have looked eagerly for­ crator. He said that, not knowing Dixie Walker, whose chronic sore thematical mark, hitting .814 for erick, Harold Stnkllnski, Thomas Hagenow, Walter Stakllnski and Coach W alter E. Schober. unit and this was the thing that too." Mrs. Nellie Mark of 97 Madn street. workers will meet tomorrow night It's the answer to what the game are now being made to book ths gality of having constables ap­ was pul up to the society by the ward, Is over. The musicians leave she was Inside, he pulled the garage arm may have healed, and Mynl Hollywrood In ths Coast league, but really won for the locals. Johnson said the Old Guard had Rev. C. Homer Ginns, pastor of the at 8 o'clock at the church. Miss needs to recapture public Interest. Mitchell House five of Hartford as pointed rather than elected. It was paj^entH and was reached, after, deep AT GOULD TRIAL with a sense of satisfaction with doors shut when he entered, but Hoag ore the elders these lods'L Glenn was highly regarded In the Sooth Methodist become a "lunatic fringe"_because.it North Methodist church, where Mrs. Mary Hutchison leader, urges every ‘•Look at big leafue hockey," he opponents for the CoUegtoiui sad a . because of this doubt that the Sen­ consideration,* largely- upon the having experienced a period of hastily opened them because of the have to beat; not, o f course, over­ International. B. F. held "the next election Is in the bag W alker was a member, officiated. member to be present. looking the possibilit;' of a Combe sold. "People like to go see It be­ T. fast, exciting game la in prospect ate ordered the measure recommit­ basts of the child’s material well worthwhile activity and sociability. odor. Pitchere Charley Devens and Grlbbon. rf ,. . 8 0-3 6 — Huey Long and Father Coughlin ted. The burial was m the Elaat cemetery In Love With Wife comeback. 4^ Marvin Duke are two other pitch­ cause there's plenty of fast action Smith, r f . . . . Dancing will follow the main en-- bclng In Its later life. That decl- It 1s interesting to note tha; at each The Jolly Bridge -lub will meet BASEBALL . 0 0-0 0 •re going to give it to ua." He said be aroused the household McCarthy doesn’t seem to have ing recalls from Newark, and and the chance of some good old Judd, If ___ counter, with the preUra schedulwf! '3 rhe hill had been approved pre- j slon was that the ilttlc one should nuson,Ih.- George Beer, Walter Smith, Tells ^ How He iFound wuuu Womui tr v m a ii rehearsal, a major portion of the en­ tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Wil­ Bluefields To Sponsor 4 1-2 9 That he said la the prize example been able to do much about his in­ fashioned scrapping." * for 7:30 o’clock and the Rangers-K.^ 'a viously by the House and was set for become an unquestionable boy. tire band-membership is present. to advise of the tragedy. Pitcher Clifford Melton Is the club’s Miami Beach, Fla.— Smokey Joe Tedford, c .. 6 2-3 12 of playing volley ball with dyna­ Evald Matson, Clarence Taylor and | liam Montie of 36 Bigelow street. Davidson was subjected to brisk field, which staggered through uut "Don’t get me wrong however. o» L. game at 9 o’clock. ' ” e y action on tha Senate calendar. "W c feel," he said, "that the child Among its members. Sphinx Tem­ sole outright purchase o f the year, Martin, peppery third baseman Is Robinson, rg 0 0-0 U mite bomba. Gustave Anderson. i examination by Solicitor Pruette, summer with a different eomplex- coming from^Mtimore. I’m not advocating a return to the See Cage Thriller. , Other than the child labor bill, will have a better chance in life aa With Bogus Prince After ple Band numbers men who are true Mrs. Otto Neubauer of Fairview the lad "on the spot" in the New BlsssU, rg .. 2 0-0 4 and denied innuendo regarding him­ rowdy, rough and tumble days of Metcalf, Ig .. This will be the 16th gome for the the House concurred with the .Sen­ a boy —particularly if the secret of masters of the! Instruments. Promi­ street entertained Sunday afternoon York Giants camp. The Oxnard, . 4 1-1 9 WUliam McVeigh self and his young wife's fortune. He baseball. They’ve gone forever, but Court Benefit To Send — I— - Rangers and the locals must srla'' ate In the pa.saagc of three mca.si Its extraordinary beginning shoqld Cal., Inflclder al.’-oady has been farm ­ The funeral of William McVeigh , nent among these are two clarlo- at her home with a party in cele­ I think a baseball player should not to record an even spilt for the ■eo^ ''’: iiip--,: over_comc out; which it probably Shadowing the Couple. said he quit an oil company job In ed out three Umes the limit and 18 4-9 40 ASSEMBLY OUTLAWS of 23 Starkweather street, who died netists who have played together for bration of the birthday o f her small son, having won seven and lost eight Providing a $85 monthly pension will not. Only three persons out- Baltimore to marry Elva Statler get a fine and suspension if be m Y yesterday, will be held ' tomorrow well over a quarter of a century, and daughter, Joan Barbara, who was must make good thl* rear if he to date. Of nine home gameSi i .sldc the parents kno'W the Identities without knowing of her estate. shows the right kind of aggressive B. F. to Fannie Fitch Parker of Preston morning at 8:30 at hla home and at whose Instruments blend almost as two years old yesterday. Mrs. Neu- wante to atey with the Giants. T. played, the Oreemen have won s iC A ' In Ihe case and these arc pledged New York, March 5 — (AP) — "I happened to be in love with spirit or lets off a big squawk when Ferroccl, rf . .6 1-1 CONN. CHILD UBOR and releasing the slate’s Interests Io 9 o'clock at St. Bridget’s church. A one, so perfect Is their co-ordination. bauer's birthday occurs on the same M.H.S. Team To Relays 18 Last week's game with the Knlghte to .silence on that subject for their A fter "shadowing" Mrs. Wilma B. my wife and was not Interested in he thinks be le getting the worst of Porldsy, If .. 2 0-0 two parcels of land. delegation from South Manchester Also deserving Individual mention (lay. Relatives and friends, and Orlando, Fla.— Casey Stengel usee 4 was one o f the best o f the season, Gould and Harry Gerguaon, the the money side," he said. IL Times have changed since I MIecarflIo, If . 0 0-0 0 House Rills Passed whole lives. camp. No. 9280, Modem Woodmen are a trombone soloist, a horn solo­ playmates of Joan, were invited and a trotting horse watch to time the crammed with action from start to (Continued From Page One) The Infant, which 1s in robust bogus "prince,” like a beagle, a He disclaimed knowledge of the broke into the big le-tgucs. Ludecke, c .. 2 0-5 4 House bills passed by that branch of America, of which he was a mem­ ist, and a xylophonist. everybody had a happy time. The Manchester Trade’s fate In th e* It should be one sweet race when Brooklyn Dodgers In teete of epeed finish. health, will be operated on aa soon private detective testified today, he statement by counsel that he would "The trouble has been that too Aduskisvlcz, rg . .0 2-3 2 were: ber, will attend. Burial will be In Besides its ceremonial activities, color scheme was in green and yel­ Class B tourney at Wesleyan this j Joe gets together with Bay Sears rounding the bases. Ho claims a Won In Overtime. child labor amendment to the fed- a.s It has grown a bit more In size found the pair, scantily attired, m benefit by some $200,000-odd afternoon will be decided by many a ba.seball player got softened To Soled U(ZI All-Star BEACH TOO SOFT Broemel, Ig . 2 0-1 4 Prohibiting the hunting of the St. Bridget's cemetery. The funeral this excellent band assembles each low, and the center of Interest was through the death of his wife. the and Bill Follows In the Knights of watch designed to clock human The Rangers took a commanding sral constitution. and strength. the latter's apartment. time this is published and we sure up and lost the spirit of aggressive­ —• 1 __ bald eagle under penalty of a tine. home will be open tonight for the year for concerts at the Shrlners’ the beautifully decorated birthday Asked If he was not domineering CkilumbUB meet at the Carden next speeds will be Inadequate. lead in the first half but the Knights ■The Senate however, Anally ap Clarifying the law relating to the Many Interested Accompanying him on the raid, are hoping that the local Mechanics ness. Baseball still demands a lot of Quintello Meet Koighta of pQ j{ sp££p 12 3-10 27 proved the bill after its author Sen-1 convenience of friends of Mr. Mc­ Hospital In Springfield, Mass., and cake made for Joan. Both mother and abusive toward his wife, David­ week Saturday. It’s Joe's greatest "You’ll note," he add.s with a grin came back to deadlock the score S f^ rhv.slclans all over Hartford the sleuth, Robert McClellan said, and daughter were remembered turn hack their opponents and earn hard work and husUe, the competi­ 20-17, Metho- Veigh. at the Masonic Home In WaJling- son replied with a firm negative. ambition to beat both these rivals that our boys run more like horses dtsts. 46-all at the end of the regular J a to rC C . (Costello of Groton, assured have income Interested in were Mrs. Gould's husband, Edward with pretty gifts. the right to meet the winner o f the tion Is keen, the jobs are worth It that there w’as no basis to the re­ ford. Davidson and Birch botli said In the same race and this meet will than men. I am convinced that Van Ing time, making a five minute ex­ ! talning such permission. ; this amazing case and there is no B. Gould: her brotlicr-ln-law, Nor­ Windaor-Sbelton clash. Coach W al­ give him his last chance to do so fighting for and so ar4 the ball Lithuania at Armory Next __ Referee, Della Ferro. port. Those music-lovers who obtain there was no excessive drinking games." Mungo and Johnny Babich harness­ tra period necessary. The Rangers' F.llmlnaling the “ to be made" list j douhl but that when the operation is man J. Gould; another detective, St. Bridget’s Dramatic club w1|l ter E. Schober's hoopsters have the this season Indoors. Time, Four 10 min. periods. Details of Bill. tickets to the concert on March 17, during the night, when the David­ took a 48 to 47 lead In the overtime * Sj i in Windsor. performed it will allract Wide- and Elwood Kemp. Jr. hold Its regular monthly business stuff to turn the trick providing Ruth’s arrival from New York ed together would make the beet The measure prohibits the em­ arc assured of a most enjoyable Sun­ sons, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cam- Week Friday; All To Give Campbell Declares He May and then. Just as the flqal whistle'- if Creating a purchasing authority "pread attention The raid, Mrs. Gould charges In meeting tonight at 8 n’cl(x;k In the they don't run Into an attack o f the McCluskey has beaten both run­ late yesterday was the signal for team of brewery horses any ono ployment of minors under 15 In mer- her $600,000 conspiracy suit, was a day afternoon. palgne of New York and other the biggest welcoming demonstra ever saw." blew, ".Shorty" Malln ar/hed a long’ ('3 S n t r a n d msmrfat ^ es «lV ! •"“ "•flelil to be composed of the, Another remarkable case of child- parish hall. old stage fright which hits many ners end has also bean beaten by Bask^ball carefully arranged plot to enable her. friends visited a spaghetti club after teams on their first appearance In tion a ball player has ever received shot that cut the draperies and SShmento snd ne.Mml Iselectm an and c le ^ of the f|-! birth came to light today with the a charity ball and did not reach the rival duo this aeason but not in Services Free. I Not Make Another At­ Racing Notes brought the visitors a onc-point tri­ wMrh msV requiring at least three ! admission of u local physician that husband to obtain divorce evidence. While it is doubtful if any who tournaments o f this kind. the some rsce. Joe lost to Sesra tn In the famous “grape fruit belt.' St. Petersburg. Fla.— Earl Combs RRI.ARS TROUNCE SWEDES McClellan described it this way; home until around 5 a. m. umph. .'’ ''r ij on an purchases of $100 or o baby had been born not long ago In a game which could be easily have »>not already secured their the Millross 2-mlle then best him in More than 3,000 people Jammed the who suffered a fractured skull when B.V ASSOCIATED PRESS health: Farming, agriculture and ; " I said: 'Open the door—let us Birch said he served cocktails be­ over. at the Manche-sler Memorial hospi­ called a practice aesalon the Briar tickets to the Girls' Friendly turkey While we would like nothing bet­ the New York A. C. meet. In which railroad station. Hundreds more he ran Into a wall during training Ellgibles for the $16,000 Florida boys who distribute newspapers arc see if you have a woman in there.' fore dinner—one for each diner — The Bluefields Athletic Club will tempt Until March 15. Appropriating $50 to Sidney tal with three feet and one hand. A. C. completely overwhelmed a supper In St. Mary's parish house ter than to see the Trade quintet follows was the winner vlth Mc­ went to another depot by mistake. season Inst year insists he won’t be Derby, which wlU climax the Hia­ sxempt. The door opened slightly and we all and Davidson said he and his wife sponsor a benefit basketball attrac­ Vogel, of Norwalk as reimbursement One of the hands was formed like a bewtldcrod and unaeaaoned team, P o wlirif^ tonight, will be served, attention is march victoriously through the Cluskey third. Joe beat Follows in He has been c:oming to St. Peters­ shy of the plate tliis season. leah Park meeUng Saturday, are Discussing the latter exemption. entered fhe room. I pushed aside had only one or two drinks the re­ tion at the State Arm ory next week for corporation fees paid for a cor­ perfect foot. the Flying Swedes, 77-34. Moorc- called to the excellent program of tournament, our desire to do so Is the Boston A. A: meet. burg for ten previous years as a " I was not hit In the head by a well represented in the list of no MOST OF PLAYERS f l Hickey said he was gla<( to see this the man who had opened the door." HOUSE * HALE BEATEN mainder o f the evening. Friday for the purpose of raising Daytona Beach, Fla., March 5.— poration never formed. hou.se a newly added member to the entertainment at 7:45 for which a tempered by the knowledge that member of the Yankees but never pitched bail" he said. 3-year-olds named for the Kentucky amendment which the Senate adopt­ “ Who was the man?” asked D. L. The West Springfield Y bowlers funds to. assist In defraying the ex­ Briars surpassed all others by sink­ moderate admission charge will be only a miracle, and a stupendous during that time did the tourist (A P)—sir Malcolm Campbell be­ Derby. Headed by Elwood Sachsen- ed because the peddling of papers Providing for biennial elections in Morris, counsel for Kemp, a de­ broke even with the House A Hale It was In the K. of C. meet last pense of sending a Manchester High ing 16 baskets from the floor and made. miracle |St that, can bring anything trade manifest the Interest It has lieve.? that unless conditions change Fort. Myers, na.—The Yanlgans maler’s Ronuui Soldier, J. H. Louch had given many a boy his start In Windsor beginning October 1st of 50 TABLES AT CARDS fendant. teams at the Community Y alleys year that Sears establi.shed his nev; School track squad to the Penn Re­ PiPORTED SIGNED' this year. Relmer was next with seven. Nlese but ultimate defeat to the local shown In the current fortune for the suddenly and radically for the bet­ and the Athletics resume hostilities helm's Morpluck, Mrs. Charles S. Ufe and also had served to develop "It was Romanoff,” the witness Friday night.' ROYAL NEIGHBORS R L L American Indoor record for the lays In Philaclclphia next month. and went beat for the The Manchester Community Play­ team. And It’s all due to the ridic­ elderly slugger. again today in an effort to break the Bromley’s Brannon and the Mae- Initiative and business nnderstanil- Contrary to general expectations said. Only the fact that the ever de­ two-mlle 9:07.4 as McCluskey The cost of the affair la being kept ter he won’t be trundling Bluebird IN ST. BRIDGETS HALL losers. ers will bold an impe .-tant business ulous manner In which the cham. There will, of course, be no real deadlock o f the opening practice mere Farm's Mantagna, 26 of the Ing among boys. the Senate left bn the table the bill “ Prince Michael Romanoff" is the pendable Joe Twarnlte hit the pins placed second. It's possible that this at a minimum figure and the net out on Daytona's sands again to try Briar A. C. meeting this evening at 7:30 at the VACANCY IN OFFICE plonships have been arranged. test o f the public pulse until the colts and fillies In the Florida Oass- The $175,000 appropriation bill proposing to restore the salary cut title Gerguaon assumed after he had In hts usual style, kept the match mark may be eclipsed ne.xt week proceeds will be turned over to the for the world automobile speed rec- game of the .<-eason. "Ae Rookies \ B F T, clubrooms tn the Balch and Brown when this trio clashes again on the turnstiles start clicking, but the cir­ Ic are nominated to' battle for the Gus Sohr, Wally Stewart a itf; was approved by the Senate without to certain state officials and em­ given up the pants-presslng profes- from being a dismal affair for the high school athletic association. until March 15, at the earliest. bunched their eight hits for 7 runs ployes. Another Large Attendance at Relmer. If ...... 7 2 16 building. boards. The McCluskey, Follows cumstantial evidence so far Indicates 140,000 classic at Churchill Downs. debate after Senator ^ Kenneth F. .sion in Hillsboro, III. Maybe we're thick or dense or The Bluefields have already ob­ Past the Indecisive stage, Brit­ yesterday to equal the tallies scored Veseo, rf ...... 4 2 to locals. Joe took high 3 string with Mrs. Elizabeth Duffy Is Elect­ and Sears triumvirate Is getting al­ Ruth has lost little If any o f his May 4. Cnmer, chairman of the Approprla- I It Is understood this measure Weekly Party— Wlnnera in "And how was Romanoff dress­ something about the matter but we tained the consent of the Knights of ain's speed master spoke his piece by the regulars with 14 hits. M(M)rchouse, c ...... 15 0 30 366 and hit single strings of 120 and A child health conference will be most as famous as the Cunning­ tremendous personal appeal to base­ Dick Bartefl Among Few Uons Committee explained that at |recommittedeventually will be to Three DifTerent Games. ed? asked Morris. ed and Installed as Receiver absolutely can’t see why those in Lithuania, Greater Hartford League today In no uncertain words. C. Frost, Ig ...... 3 0 H 138. Andy Anderson was the only held In the Manchester " Y ” tomor­ ham, Bonthron and 'Yenzke com­ ball followers. Max HIrach, veteran trainer of a least two dues had approved or-1 Judiciary Committee to “ He had oa a pair of trunks." of Manchester Camp. charge did not arrange ■ CTlass A champions, to play a local All-Star It's Impossible to attempt speeds Winterhaven, Fla.— M uiager Jim­ Rogers, Ig ...... 2 1 5 other local bowler to hit anything row afternoon at 2 o’clock. bine. Bill McKechnle the shrewd and large public stable, will leave Hia­ cUnances which would soon prohibit * measure more study, Fifty tables were In play at the McClellan testified that he saw a and a Clasa B title tourney and quintet, composed of two players above 270 miles an hour with the my Wilson and 13 of hla Phillies Prom bent Holdouts. Starchewskl, rg ...... 3 4 worth while. Southwick of the visi­ popular pilot of the Boston club was leah Park Sunday for Columbia, 8. the sale of milk derived from non-^ _ _ ~ ...... weekly card party last night at St. 10 woman lying on the bed in the Manchester Camp, Royal Neigh­ leave well enough alone. Certainly beach in Its present condition," he were expected at their spring train­ tors took single bpnors with 139. A roast beef dinner was served The Arm y and N avy basketball among the first to greet his new as­ from each of Manchester’s five lead­ C„ where he wlU take up 30 head of Rrldget’s Parish hall, conducted un­ apartment. bors, No. 2640, held its regular meet­ It wouldn’t have done any harm at ing teams. T he' managers o f these said. "Bluebird needs perfect condi- ing camp today but will rest up be­ Totals ...... , 34 ft 77 A fter the match refreshments were last night by the Women's Division all to have a Class A and a Class B team will meet at the club tomorrow sistant. They expected to talk horses for spring and summer rac­ der the co-chairmanship of Mrs. "I asked Mr. Gould If he could ing last evening at the home o f Mra. teams win be asked to select their tlom. to do Justice to herself. The fore starting easy work outs. New York. March 5.—(AP)— ‘'lln'ZUc.BOY SCOUT NEWS Flying Swrilps served and the evening closed .with o f the Y. M. C. A. to the Hartford basketball champion in Connecticut. night at 7 o'clock to practice for thlng.s over today and decide ing. HIrsch’s Hialeah division will told, will become effective In Bridge-; ___ _ Frank DcClantls and Michael identify this woman, " the detective Margaret Brown of Arch street. best players for this contest against beach is fairly level but Its soft. Tf B F. T. dancing. A return match was ar­ County Funeral Directors’ associa­ the tournament which will open in whether Ruth may have a whirl or remain for the Tropical Park meet Whether Its due to the approach o f ' ort. April first and In New Haven, Coughlin. continued." and Mr. Goulo said, Owing to the resignation of Mr.s. And when the powers that found the Liths. In the preliminary, a the surface hasn't hardened enough Sarasota. Fla.—Al Schacht has Troop 7, American Legion, met at R. Multman. rg ...... :2 1 :> ranged In Springfield next Friday tion. preceding their regular month­ Waterbury on Thursday night. The two at first base in training. Ing, which will open Monday and Spring or better salary terms, all' uly 1st The winners in whist were Mrs. 'Yes. that's my wife’." Brown aa receiver, -Mrs. Elizabeth it necessary to mix the two classes, team from the Bluefields will meet to permit a trial today. I’d say that his work cut out for him from the S J. Johnson, rg .., ...... 0 0 u night. ly business meeting. William Dean, local five is scheduled to meet the close April 1. except a handful of major league C. T. Soiithcrgill, first: Mra. Frank Mrs. Gould pulled the sheet over Duffy was elected to succeed her why didn't they drag In the finalists Reports preceded Ruth that he an opponent as yet unknown. It will be at least March 15, and the moment Julius Solters arrives at the Cramer said that since 1919. a to-j ^,^h” ,‘f ScoTus™^„d'''''t"'„ leaders Roy Johnson. Ig ...... 4 3 11 House A Halo president of the association was o f the Class C-D tourney and make Hartford Sports Centers at 9 o’clock had talked with Jimmy Wilson, ball players are safely In the fold for tal of 88 per.cent of the cows In Handley, second. J. Mclldufr and her head, McClelland said. and duly installed by Past Oracle Give Service* Free next full of the moon, before we Red Sox training camp. another year. .. M present. Nicse, c ...... 6 1 13 Anderson ...... 114 106 117—387 master of ceremonies. The guest It a free-for-all that could be billed Friday night. mwager of the Phillies about a pos­ have a chance to go.” Wayne D. W right hfis Just about Connecticut have been tested. The Edward Moriarty were the winners "W hat did you do, " the attorney Mrs. Rachel Munsie. Dwight Perry, Manchceter High ■Take Solters in hand and knock Gus Suhr, first baseman o f th e' The Color Guard prc.ientcd the Earn, c ...... n 0 0 Russell ...... 89 115 91—295 speaker was Leon A. Thorp of the aa tossing the lambs to the slaugh­ sible deal for Bobby Brown, right Campbell went on then to explain clinched the gold watch award to 1175.000 will go io the Department among the men players. questioned. The camp haa received from faculty manager, will be In charge grounders to him unUl It gets to be Pittsburgh Pirates, so far has re- flag to the troop, with the scout­ Bcrggrcn, c ...... t) 0 0 Madden ...... 81 102 96—278 Manchester Evening Herald. Plano ter? The Swedish League will roll at handed pitcher o f the B raves.' it that while Daytona's ll'^-m ile rac­ the ranking rider for the eeoeon at of Domestic Animals and will be ds- In bridge, Mrs. W. R. Campbell "I tried to pull It down—but she selections were rendered by Miss James Barr, In memory of hts wife of the ticket sale to high school second nature for him to pick them sisted all overtures from Manager^ master leading the Iroeip with the R. Johnson, rg ...... 2 1 5 ObromskI ...... 92 102 100—294 Murphy*! alleys tonight at 7:30 caused some wild apprehension The ing strip Is level enough to the Hlolcoh Park. He hae ridden 37 dueted from this year's budget for and Mtsa Ann Scranton were high, held It up." Geraldine Tenney, and violin num­ who was a member, a beautiful studente. All tickets will be priced up cleanly tn the outfield. W e’ll get Pie Traynor, but It will start to; pledge of allegiance. Scoutmaster E. Anderson, If ...... 0 0 0 Twarnlte ...... 138 120 108—386 o’clock with Segor meeting the Babe quickly spiked It os to much eye, perfect for speeds up around winners, putting together his fourth the next biennium. The bill, now and Charles St. John and Frank The sleuth testified that he end­ bers by Irwin Morton. Eleanor and leather bound record book, embossed The four teams that survive the at 25 cents. Arthur M cKay and his him over that gn'ound ball weakness" Irwin issued announcements about opening games In ths Class B tour­ Emanuels and the Knights of Pyth­ hokum. 250 miles an hour, it simply doesn’t triple of the eeaeion yeeterdey with cost him money soon and that may '-i-TS (oea to the House. Healey, while In setback MIsa Helen ed this impasse by pulling the sheet Marion Vittner and Hazel Hamilton in gold letters with the name and orchestra have donated their ser­ — those are Schacht’s orders. bring acUon. The club has ordered the Radio Revue results, another Totals ...... 14 6 34 514 556 512 1570 ney this afternoon and tonight wilt ias bowling Scondlo. A11 bowlers "Who's Bobby Brown?" he de­ provide the traction Bluebird needs five days te go. Wright bee been Red Hesre .Measure. hike, teat passing and dues. The Campbell and David Hadden held up from the woman's feet, revealing gave tap dances and Austin O uter, number of the camp. The camp re­ vices for dancing after the game the leading rider at four sueeeeelve SUhr to report to the trzdnlng com p^' Score at halftime. Briar A. C. her clad only in a slip. Weet Springfield YMCA ceived the g ift and Instructed tha play two games tomorrow night, ore asked to report on time. manded. to carry her above her own 272.108 PrevlouBly defeated by the House, troop now has three, patrols: Flying the high acores and Mra. Rose Fac- rope-spinning demonstrations. and all participants In the affair will Tampa, Fla.—The Cincinnati Reds meetlnge—Laurel, Pimlico, Troploai at Son Bernardino at once. He wiu L Referee, Freney; Umpire, Dougan. Leseige ...... 95 123 after which the two winners travel miles an hour record. . the Red Scare measure wa.s killed Eagle Patrol. John Johnson, patrol cinto and John Rykosky, second. 118—336 secretary to write Mr. Barr express­ give their services free of charge headed into further training today Park and Hialeah Park. be docked, they say, for every day he M Time. 10 minute periods. Belcher .. 124 to New Haven for the semi-finals A special meeting of the Clowns "W e’ve studied this bench thor Without a dissenting vote In the leader; Owl Patrol, Francis Blan­ The basket of groceries donated ...... 99 91—314 The Ladies’ Guild of St. Mary's ing appreciation for the fine gift. In this way it Is hoped to raise a with two home runs by rookie hope­ absents himself. , as an attendance prize by Frank TO BREAK ICE Moultcogs ...... 93 101 107—301 Mrs. Agnes Messier was the win­ with the CTlasa A survivors on Fri­ basketball team is to be held tonight sizeable sum to add to the amount oughly,” he said. "W e know that Senate' after Senator J. Kenneth chard, patrol leader, and the Beaver RUCK.VROOS VICTORS Epis(X>paI church will meet Thurs­ fuls chalked up as the high mark of Fifteen o f the 21 horses compris­ Wally Stewart’s refusal of term* DeClantis was won by William Shea, Plumb ...... 129 130 ner of the mystery package which day night. As we understand It, at^Glnipero's store on Main street already obtained through outright It takes a northeast storm and Bradley, Republican floor leader had Patrol. Duncan Johnson, patrol 106—365 day afternoon tn the Guild room. the teams first competitive play yes­ ing the stable of Elmwood Sachsen- has so angered CHark Griffith, owner Mr. DeClantis also contributed the Washington, March 5.—(AP) — Southwick ...... 139 113 contained a hemstitched linen lunch­ the semi-final pairings will be at 0:15 p. m. to diocuss. whether or ADAMWALSH NAMED donations by interested organiza­ heavy seas pounding do'wn the termed It "highly undesirable." leader. Fred Waldo la the new The Buckarooa handed the White 106—358 Mrs. John Dougan and Mrs. Wtl- terday. Score was 3 to 2 when the maier and Trainer Phil Reuter will of the Washington Senators, that he ^ candy which was e.t all the tables. The destroyer Jackson was ordered eon cloth. Cards were played and drawn from a bat or eome other re­ not the team will enter Into the Jun­ tions. The tickets w ill be printed sands to harden them to the point This measure proposed to inflict troop librarian and quartermaster. Eagles their second defeat of the Uam Dougan will be the hostesses. be ehipped to Arlington Downs, threatens to auction the slender] A t the close of the gamea assorted by the Coast Guard today to pro­ refreahment-s served. The next ceptacle. ior T . M. C. A , tournament. AU by William Schleldge. where you can expect to travel that game was celled after five Innings. heavy penalties on individuals or After short patrol meetings Assist­ Season when the two teams met in 565 591 528 1674 Tex., after Hialeah Park closas. Ro­ ithpaw to the highest bld< groups who conspired to overthrow cookies and coffee was served. ceed Into the Connecticut river to meeting will be held at the hom(* members ore requested to be on AS ROWDOIN COACH The committee In charge of the fast. I t will take an unusual cir­ ant Scoutmaster Price led the troop a thrill packed encounter at the Y. cumstance to provide that surface N ew Orleans—Hal Trosky, the man Soldier, one o f the favorit.ne 51ck Bartell, shortstop the .'late or federal government by break out the let which has check­ SPECIAL MATCHES of Mrs. Susan Morrison. 16 Lilley Now let's do a little supposin' hand. Including the scorekeeper and benefit is headed by H arry White In the following Inter-patrol games : M. C. A. The game was closely con­ ed fuel and fertilizer shipments to the timekeeper. AU players who before northeaatemera are due with Cleveland Indians slugging first for the Florida Derby, is to make a N ew York Giants, Is the third w h o l force. “Spies." "Chinese Ball," "Zig-Zag .Aetna Casualty (0) DISTRICT K. OF P. HERE street, Monday evening, April 1. Suppose, for Instance, that Man­ end Includes Prosper. DesLauriera, tested throughout the entire four Hartford and Middletown.. can possibly bring twent^five (25) the next full of the mous gridiron elev- The Bohunks staged a superb Bradenton, Fla.— Following his The Army took 2 from Yale. E. bate by declaring "that alternate Opolsch, who scored five points Is wrestling fans because o f outstond en or i924. Providence at Quebec. Ruffing. ter Price who Instructed and pass­ of patients in the hospital on any ly stolen In East Hartford. She was meeting and will be for knights Adams, McCarran, Overton (By winning the atate championship. rally in the lost minute and a half plan of tossing his players Into the Knofla hit single of 18 and J. Klein plans would bs devised if the appro­ the last minute of play. Tierney, 806 573 585 1784 We have all respect for the fine rec­ ing performoncea here the pMt ed the Scouts' teats. The troop haa one day was 75 and the smallest latei turned over to Bast Hartford only. A large turnout is hoped for Proxy), O'Mahoney, Truman. Re­ with three double-deckers from mid midst of things with preliminary hit high 8 string for 885. Carl Reynolds has yet to receif priation was not granted. He has and Brannlck were best for the ord Manchester Trade compiled this few months, clashes with Frank GIRLS TEAM WINS a satisfactory contract from now got . the stove to the cabin, number 49. Biickaroos, while Oble and Kurley police. The automobile is register­ not only from Memorial lodge, but publicans; Nye (Proxy), Stelwer, atoelUc d i r e c t o r , announced floor to overcome the White Eagles muscle conditioning exercises, not said what the plan would be. Troveleni (3 ) season and much admiration for the Sexton o f Columbus, Ohio, at Foot Boston Red Sox. thanks to Committeemen Ernest During the month there were 117 starred for the losers. ed in the name of Harry L. Flengc the other lodges in the distrlcL Dickinson, Townsend, Carey. Walsh 8 appointment ■■ head coach one point lead. By outpointing them Frankie Frisch, manager of the J. Wlnzler .. ...78 94 97— 261 CInnge Fiscal Year Williams ...... 113 121 106—340 players but we can’t picture the Guard hall Thursday night. yesterday but avoided mention of The girls bowling team represent­ The Giants have two athletes stlQ Morse and Bert Moseley, and As­ patients admitted and 136 paUents Burkaroos of 433 Burnside avenue. East Hart­ Rank work will be the main feature Against the Amendment — Demo­ by a score of 27-22 the Bohunks In­ champion St. Louis Cardinals, sched­ W. Hansen ...118 100 97—315 Undsr a suspension of the rules sistant Scoutmaster Price. _ Manser ...... 96 115 111—322 Mechanics as state champs. For The Merder — Sexton match Is a salary. It has been reported here ing the House tc Hale store defeated outside the fold in addition to discharged. Forty-five were given p. B. ford. of the evening. crats: Glass, McKclIar, Hayden, flicted upon the Eaglci^ their first uled a regular batting practice for W. Custer .. ...95 100 98— 2V3 .'hetb branches passed s bill chmng- If the troop la going to Batterson F. T. Shields ...... 104 132 that matter, we can’t picture any ■pedal bout limited to thirty min­ howov®r, that the former Harvard the Springfleki girls team by 6 pins tell— Honk Leiber and Joe Mo .X-ray examinations and 28 out pa­ 0 Mtller, rf ...... 0 0 0 118—354 District Deputy David J. Dickson Byrnes, Tydings, Russell, Coolidge. defeat In fourteen starts. Muldoon, his first string pitchers today. R. Kulptnsky . . . 83 101 110— 204 jin g the Oscal year of Westport Park tbia week-end, every member Monroe ...... 103 112 one o f the Class B teams in that utes and one o f the bouts listed on line coach will receive less than the at the local Y alleys. The girls took The Senators have not yet obU. tients were treated. 0 Taggert, rf ...... 2 0 4 111—325 has arranged this meeting and con­ Bukhead (Proxy), McAdoo. Re­ a former high school luminary, and E, Knofla ...... 99 188 00—322 Ssptsmber 1st to July 1st and will receive a post-card telling them Dagle . . . coveted position. And yet, while It’s the undercard to the headline match $6,000 annual stipend paid his pre- the opening game by 6 pins only to Lynn Lory’s name to a controcL' There were 21 births at the hos­ 2 Opalach. I f ...... 6 3 15 HIDDEN WEALTH ...... 99 120 119—388 fidently expects several grand lodge publicans: Hale. Keyes, Norbeck. W eir accounted for almost all of Avalon, Col.—CJhuck Klein, heavy ~irovldlBg for s bond Issue of $360,- of the trip. If the troop doesn’t go improbable that it'll work out that between Billy Bartusb. former Uni­ deceaaor. Charlie Bowser. lose the second by 3 and then cap­ The Brooklyn Dodgers, Oilo pital during February. 1 Cueter, I f ...... 2 0 8 officers. Memorial lodge wros honor­ The vote to earmark the works the winner's points while A . Obu- hitting Cub outfielders who didn’t 418 525 402 1485 to Batterson Pork another hike to Chicago— Persons who knew way, it’s not Impossible. versity of Chicago athlete, and Leo The new coach played center on tured the final game, which was In (>iba and White Sox and Phik 1 Brannlck. c v ...... 1 0 2 515 600 685 168$ ed "with the election of Melvin C. fund won 14 to 6. Those voting chowskt was the outstanding per­ hit So much last season bad s Cata­ Yale ' Ths hond issue, it was explained, the cabin will be held. Hyatt, the former farmer hoy from the great Rockne team which In­ doubt right up to the last frames by phla Athletics have brought FE.AR STRIKE RIOTS 3 Tierney, c ...... 3 0 6 Thomas Coughlin, 70, a former rail­ Manchester YMCA (1) Cox os grand center guard at the against it were Copeland, Democrat, former for the losers. lina Island record to his credit to­ W. Kohls ...... 89 98 84— 271 ms aseded to take up ths lag in it- ‘■Upward and Onward." If those who arranged the tour­ the wilds of New Hampshire. cluded the now legendary four their hired bands into line. 0 Sheldon, r g ...... 0 n 0 road employe, thought be was penni­ Anderson ...... 136 128 109—373 October convention in Middletown. and Hale, Keyes, Dickinson. Town­ 8 pins. Gert Ndson'a spare with a Bohunks (27) H. G esa ...... 88 71 89— 248 Apts mad simeaditures due to the naments 'lelieved that there was lit­ Bartusb has not lost locally ex­ horsemen. Later he wras head coach day. Chuck steppea to the plate yes­ La Grange, Ga., March 6.— (A P ) 0 Howroyd...... 0 0 0 less. He lived a frugal existence In a Borst ...... 100 118 120—338 send and Carey, Republicans. 7 filler In the last box was the mar­ B F* J. Roth ...... 95 96 90— 281 which becomes eSactive PREPARED FOR DEATH tle to choose between the calibre of cept In the match with Jim Brown­ at Santa Clara, and ooslstont at terday and hit six Successive pitches jaar. — National Guardsmen moved In on — — w «i^ gloomy room, in which a fortune in Gibson ...... 98 105 98— 301 gin of victory. Fitzgerald, I f ...... 0 0 F. Marks ...... 72 77 90— 260 \18IT GOV. CROSS teams in Class A and Class B, then ing, the former champion, and In Yale and Harvard. all o f them thrown by rookies— out ORANGE DEFEATS GREEN L « Grange and Manchester today to 7 15 3 33 bank deposits and government bonds MIkoleit ...... 112 107 110—829 Tha glrla team wUl roU at Spring- Pehl, i f ...... 0 0 J. K le in ...... 125 114 . .Tbs ton study eoaunlsaioB recom- New Britain, March 5— (A P I — INCOME TAX HOURS. why did they rate the teams in dif­ that defeat be did not lose any o f the park. 96—SSS 'sd UBlformity la the Oscal quell textile strike disorders and at Whtte Eoglee were found. His secret was hidden In McGuire ...... 97 100 89—286 Wolfrom, rf ...... 0 0 Two weeks ago Mrs. Sarah J. State Capitol, Hartford, March 5 ferent classes? Why didn't they cah prestige with Hartford fans. In Orange (1 ) a t aamlelpalltlea by havlag both points the situation was re­ P. B. F. T. a delapidated trunk. y . M. 0. A. Weir, c ...... 6 0 470 470 North, 86, of 94 Glen strset, In good — (A P ) —Ctopanumdlng Officers and Hartford, March 5.— (A P )— Tha if Bimply a state title tourney ono fact, be won new supporters be­ Pasadena. Cal.— Zeke Bonura has 449 1404 A. Fredrickson...... ported quiet. 0 H. Gyrk, c ...... 7 . 1 0 2 543 558 French ...... 87 86 Tierney, rg ...... 8 1 I otait Jtfjr i. Wsstport Is tha health wrots her obituary notice, 526 1627 Superintendenta of the Civilian Con­ Internal Revenue Department at the cause o f hla aggressiveness. WRESTLING 108— 281 decided to sign those papers. A fter a H. Fredrickson ...... ‘ lin t towa to maks this ehongs. Ool. T. L. Alexander In command 1 A. Obuchowski, .. ..2 0 4 be done with it? W e could devote a Belcher ., -----102 85 Muldoon, rg ...... 6 I L. Hansen . selected clothes to wear at her fim- servation Corpa comps In Connec­ Federal building will be open until couple ot columns and more to this Hyatt, a matmon without any of 86—273 great battle through the malls with 124 Tfi—284 I^eels ...... ' T in Houss committee coacutred here, emd Ool. L. C. Pope, In charge 1 C. ObuchowmkI, .. . .1 1 3 rrs 'TRL'B O a ft . . . . -----100 88 C. Weber .. eral and mode plans for the funeral INJURED BT ROOK. ticut paid a social coU today on Gov. 4:30 p. m., Saturday for the bene­ matter but there are other things the glamorous background many of By ASSOCfiATEO PRESS 102—290 Owner J. Louis ComlLkey, the big 88 98—262 E. Runde ...... ths Msnits to kUUag a oUl o f National Guardsmen at Man­ 1 W. Gryk ...... 0 0 0 Jorgenson -----105 Totals ...... 18 27 F. W inner ______* ^ l f ' She died today at her home. Wilbur L, Ooas. The group was fit of those who wish to file their In­ o f importance to be discussed. the heavyweights have, is powrerful, Wilmington. Del.— Emil Dusek. 81 91— 277 first baseman relented yesterday. l lf i 104—828 M. WoddeU ...... Uw Stats Uquor Coatrol chester, both said the strike situa­ 0 Koee...... 2 0 4 Cambridge, lU.— Take the word of Danbury, March 5.—(AP)— presented to the chief executive by come tax returns for 1934, it was an­ Tehbauer , ---- 112 88 White Eagles (22) E. K n o fia ...... lOfi 9 4 ' 89—289 Mrs. North the widow of D v ^ h t Frank Francis for this: fast and aggressive and his record Omaha, defeated Cteorge Hagen 97— 297 M. Liebman ...... 7g. alasioa, H leln y rsltorated to tion at the two points was "very 0 Kurlowlcs ...... 4 1 9 George Smith, 13 year old student State Forester Austin Hawes. nounced today by A . Don Bitgood, New York, two falls to one. — —. — B. Dummy 76 77 88— 241 North, was a resident of Hartford quiet." Joe McCfiuskey will make his sbowrs many good wins. A. Obuchowski, rg , 6 Lakeland, Fla.—Hank Greenberg, j Hotom iBSWihsra thgt ths ]udl- 0 Haraburda ...... 2 0 4 Finding his pet cat stiff and cold at the Ridgefield school, Ridgefield, 486 428 for many years. Her first husband acting collector for Connecticut. Tho ninth start of the indoor season in Len Macolus, former Colgate All- Portland. Me.—Jean Baptiste La­ 484 1398 Haraborda, Ig i broad shouldered first baseman, for Total ...... cematittos atUl was holdlag was Alfred D. H art Police St Manchester said today 1 Savertek ...... 2 0 4 —apparently dead—he carried It to is doing well In the Danbury hospi­ ROCKVILLE HIKER DIES office will be open until 9 p. m.. roche, Canada, defeated Dropkick Hales 509 450 1414 they bad used tsar gas at the (Dolla- — ... ». Montreal In the Canadian Cham- American and a frequent competitor Kurlowicz, c ...... 0 the Detroit Tigers settled down to Oreen (1 ) a creek that runs throufb his land tal, where he was taken late yester­ ffom March 11 to 14, be stated, and Murphy, Alabama, two faiu to one. Nelson . ---- 98 89 woj mill there to disperse a crowd 4 p'onshipa this Friday. A Itttsr to here tha post year, ip olso on the 89— 276 H. Gryk, r f ...... i practice today with his eyes on the Sue K elly ...... bdl kfnsd by the Ma Stoppers soy the fur o f musk­ 14 2 28 and tossed it into the -water. 'Ihat day with a fracture, of the skull. Rockvlllt, Oenn., March 6— (A P ) on March 15, the last date on which „ York—OUaf UtUe Wolf, Rowsell . . . . 89 J. Klein .. at the mill gate yesterday after­ his parents here sayi that he will cord; Lea't opponent this week will 80 101— 280 Kose, If ...... 1 slugging throne left vacant by Babe 77 88—241 A. Mellon ...... I'j ■g a Ilks fate laths S «- rats oad minks usually Is la ths bast Score at halftime. 11-10 Whtte was obbut three weeks ago. The injury was rscelved when the — George Bvsms, 77, widely knowm returns may be filed without penalty 310, California, threw Emie Dusek Lazar .. -----103 81 P. Relmer 92 96— 286 noon to clear the paths for those entrain for Montreal on Wednesday be Tony Oolesuno o f Springfield. 110— 204 Ruth's shift to the National League. E. Tomtt ...... S which wouM p a i ^ t eoBdlUoa for markstlag during Dc- Eagles. Ths other day the cat came bock, youth was struck on the head by a throughout thia section os a long being added, the office will remain Omaha. Martina . . . . 86 3. ftetmer 97 90—290 desiring to work, but that there Referss. F. Roblnsoa. or Thursday and may stop off here Frank Longson of Salt Lake Oty 78 96— 260 Totale 9 32 “ W hy shouldn’t I go after the E. AmteMes much the worse for Its experience, falling rock, loosened by thawing distance hiker, died of a heart at­ open until the last taxpayer has Memphis— Jim McMlllen, <3ilca- Nelson . . . . .110 M. Klein . HS> oo oOm t d i M r d s r . __ on hl« return. Joe will compete at moeU Oeorgo Sanders of New Or- 93 91— 294 Score at halftime, 14-10 Bohunks. slugging UUe?" he asked and then I SUlBlWkVfLVr.. Uniftta, J. BN4R. but atUl wUUag to eoL wfiftUier. * tack in bed today at hla home here. bnn token care of. go, defeated K a r li^ v ls . Cblumbus. W. U eln . ths two-mile distance. Mans la the other heuL 0„ two faUa to one. i Referee, Bycholski. went into » huddle with Mickey f 486 « a i «8T 1404 Ttme, t minute ported CpcfirOAS. MANCHESTEK EVENING HERALD. HANGH£ErEK,CX)NN« TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 10 8 S. SENSE and N O N SEN SE

Old Aad N m v Kate—Jean aeema to he . oa up- to-date eort of glrL s o s ta u DOOGED HE TAVOW] The old-faihloMd girl had two *Br JOVE LM5S-V •tiinga to her bow. Mable— Up-to-date? Rearens! THESE OLD ACiE PINALLV . WORK AN t h a t # 2 0 0 . But our own up aad coming jmmg She’s up CO everything. t SCRAPE TH' LOAFED A MONTH thing PENSION PLANS Mere people got married i FOR PLAN* SHOP RDVERTISE Haa a new-fangled method that APE EXCELLENT I MOSS OPF 6 0 YEARS, laa't eo elow more people got drunk loot y NDUP AGE, ALON(b \NnW And banke on two beaua to her than for some few years. Won AN' NOW what that’s a sign of? A MAPVELOUS TH' otring. AN' ADMIT LOST AND FOUND 1 shoulder. “You keep outa this!" ha »DEA, E<3AD > HE MAY MONTH . pations ke«p them long on thsir ' YOU'PE 6 1 1 snarled. Mancheeter haa a few goaalpa IBsample of s msn having the GET PA\D Wka, THE PERSON who took 1934 FORD PTCKUP, 1933 Chevro­ LARG E FURNISH ED room, central -Of example, motormen, ticket last word; "Well, go ahead and buy H A W - ^ D E I N C j 6 1 , CALENDAR! brown che_ck overcoat from Britieh' let coach, 1932 Chevrolet sedan, location. Breakfaat If dcalred. 24 Glllaaple’i answer was a blow sfho are ao busy that they hardl; A COUPLE WEEKS TOPTU' that snapped Stroude’s bead back. Daily Health collectors, salesmen, elevator opera­ aver get O'ver A w houra sleep eaci the darned thing!'*'' I'AA EUGIBLE^"' Amarican Club Sunday by mistake, 1030 Ford .coupe^ 1930 Rco sedan. Locust street. Tcl. 4698. tors, and those in similar occupa­ AGO VOU WERE S iL K m Stroude swung, but It was some­ night, but 24 hours would be far H U Z T A H 1/ ACWEVEMENT/ pleaae return same to club, and re­ 1930 Dodge panel, 1929 Dodge tions. THIS COUNTRY WnX. Atr thing from behind that bit Glllaspie, better In our modest opinion. TH' HIGH CHA\R, calve their own 7 panel. Colo Motors— 6463. There arc cases in which the WAYS HAVE SEVERAL MILLION APARTMENTS—FLATS— knocking him forward. He fell and Service varicose veins break down and OF UNEMPLOYED WHO ARE »TS GLOPIOLIS f CLAIM ING NOU P A T CHECK LOST— NoUce Is here- ■^PiMni.F.s a foot struck him In the ribs. 011- BusineM Man—I wish you TENEMENTS 62 ulcerate. This occurs particularly LOOKING FOR WORK WHER­ WERE S O I by given that Pay Check No. EAR A SAFE PLACE TO BUY wouldn’t call ms pet namea when lasple threw one arm up to protect when the condition is of long EVER THEY KNOW THEY CAN’T USED CARS FOR R E N T — FOUR ROOM flat, V.ARIOOSE VEINS CAUSED you ring me up on tbs phone. My 182, payable to Charles Klcbasls, bis face. standing, and when a scratch or F IN D IT. 1934 Dodge sedan (like new). first floor, with all Improvements, BY PRESSURE, INACTION ateaogApher answered ^ u today. for week ending Februtry 23, 1935, Voices- were shouting all about bruise breaks the akin near the has been lost. Anyone attempting 1933 Plymouth sedan. 18 Knox street. Inquire 20 Knox Hla W ife—WeU, (with delibera­ now. The sidewalk was a mass of Difficulty Results When Valves In varicose vein. Dorothy— So they eloped and got ' r to cash this check will be prosecut­ 1934 Ford Bus coupe with radio. ■ street. tion) I did not phone you today. BEGIN HEBE TODAY he'd waited almost two hours to angry men, fighting, josUlng, pound­ Blood Vessels Break Down; CYire Another serious condition re­ married? ed to the full extent of the law. 1933 Ford coach. ing each other over the head. Joe WE AIM TO PLEASE; Drop In and GALE HENDERSON, pretty and see the proprietor. That was why Is Remo\-al or Obliteration sults when Inflammation occurs Elolse— And her mother—haa ehe Finder please return to the Cor­ 1930 Ford Sport coupe. Glllaspie half-rose and was kicked (XDRRECrr THIS SENTENCE see our large heated rooms Cut 28, works In a tllk mill. She and ' he was so late getting home. The By Injection in a varicose vein and in the wall "A a aeon aa my feet began to forgiven them? porate Accounting Ilcpartment, 1933 Rocknc R. S. coupe. down. He saw the little man who down expense. See Jensen, Johnson her IB-year-old brother, PHIL, sup-; w.-alt had been fruitless. Ben Trask, o f such a vein. In such condi- hurt," said the beautiful co-ed, T Dorothy— I don’t think eo. She Main Office. Cheney Brothers. 1930 Willy.. Six sedan. was with Vogel and Stroude hurl Uona, clots may form, the flow of haa gone to live with them. Block. Phone 6070 or 7635. port their invalid father. when he finally arrived, said there By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN quit dancing.” 1930 LaSalle S-paa. coupe. something. It cracked against a the blood may be obstructed, and STEVE MEVERS, wlio also works * Job ri^ht, but his nephew Editor, Journal of the Ameriran 1929 Reo R. S. coupe. man’s head, sent him reeling. .Medical Asaociation, and of Hygela, frequently secondary Infection may Wbmt this country needs most, Is ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 FOR R E N T— SIX ROOM tenement, In the mill, ask. Gale to marry him.: coming to take it. Beat Man (at the wedding)—I 1928 ehevro.ct 4-door sedan. - all modem Improvements, five Joe tried to rise once more. Where the Health Magarine spread elsewhere in the body. hardly feel like a stranger, my a compass which does not wobble to 1928 Chevrolet coach. She delays giving her answer. ! well, it was too much to ex- the right or to the left but polnta WELL KNOWN MAUAME minutes to mills, three to trolley. was Stroude? He wanted to smash Nowadays It is unwdsc to per­ friend ao often has dona me the 1927 Nash sedan. , Gale goes skating, breaks through ; i!!” steadily straight forward. Hams. Experienced palm reader on Inquire at 82 Garden street Tel. Stroude’s teeth in. He wanted to The veins are the blood vessels mit varicose veins to persist or bs- honor of reading extracts from bis 1927 Reo sedan. come worse. There are many meth­ all affairs of life; 1329 Main street, 8723. the lee and is rescued by HRIAN it ** *T.**w®i kne^k him down and stamp on him. near the surface of the akin, which dear Sally's love letters. Truck* UESTMORE, whose father, now- ods o f treatment. Hartford. Hours from 9 a. hi. to 10 Joe’s head was whirling. With carry the blood -back toward the The Bride (exclaiming)—Slrl My 1934 Dodge 1 1-2 ton stake. For prevention of varicose veins evenings. RENT HUNTIKG? Tell us what dead, built the mill. Brian has come, » “ L desperate effort he pushed himself heart after the arteries have car­ name la Margaret! 1934 1 1-2 ton chassis and cab. you want. Wo’ll take care of It for home after two years In Paris, ready „ to the ried the blood into the tissues to elMtlc stockings may b- worn. mill. Jewett’s pool hall occupied one up, got to his feet. He turned, look­ A T h o u g h t 1931 1-2 ton Dodge panel. you without charge. R. T. McCann. to take his place in the mill. ing for Phil! supply them with nutriUon. These may be purc.’iased ao thlp as CDuegaaOoUegea now prepare youngetersy comer at the intersection, and light to be hardly visible. Another meth- 1929 Reo canopy. 69 Center street. Dial 7700. VICKY THATCHER, daughter A gun’s report cracked the air. The veins In the leg have valves for everything excapt tha ohecurlty T o t I was an hungered, and ye shone through Ita windows. M of treatnent Is surgical remov- Manchester of ROBERT THATCHER, general (To Be OonUnued) which permit the flow of blood and poverty the moat of ithem will gave me meat: I was thirsty, and © c j SCHALLER MOTOR SALES manager of Mie mill, achemea to •There were two men ataadlng In only In the direction o f the heart evenniollyuolly get ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, Evening Herald 634 Center St. Tel. 6282 FOR R E N T— 4 ROOM tenement, all eaptl\ate Brian. She sees him with front of the building and, aa Phil I f it were not for this fact, the The third method, or the one and ye took me In. — St. Bfatthew, most popular. Is Injection. In this Open Evcnlngi Improvementa. 107 Summer street. Gale and la furious. Oontriting to approached, a third opened the door blood would tend to drop back­ na a five spot for a 25:85. CLASSIFIED method, certain aubstonces Injected meet Gale, she tells her that she and stepped out. It was Joe GIU ward by the force of gravity, or to week, old man! 1933 FORD PICKUPS, 1934 Inter­ FOR RENT—5 ROOMS, half house, aspic. Into the vein bring about oblltera- ( ADVERTISEMENTS (Vleky) and Brian are engaged to become stagnant. Friend-Maybe, hut flrat you ■will If a man be gracious to strangers, 8 t TOOK t h is t o national pickups. 1934 Ford .sedan, modem Improvements, steam heat, "HI. PhU!" he caUed. Uon of the vein Itself. There are al­ Im) married. Gale, believing Brian Aa It Is, the pressure sometimes have to tell me who the weak old it shows that he is a citizen of Count RlR Rv«rng« worda to « llao. 1034 Ford coach. 1932 Ford coach, near Main street, rent reasonable. ways extra veins which can take up InltlalR. numbera and abbrovlatloaa has been amusing himself at her ex- "Hi, Joe. What do you know?" is so great that the valves break man la. the world, and his heart is no is­ 'ESRING OUT HIS AGE 1929 Ford coupe. Brown’s Garage, 31 Russell street. the circulation deeper In the tissues. 3 -S each count aa a .'ord and eompound I>ense, Is deeply hurt. .She refuses to Phil waited and Glllaspie did not down and sometimes the walls of land, cut off from other Islands, but worda aa two worda. Minimum ooat to 478 Center street. see him again. answer until he was beside him. the veins stretch. Also, because Meat are this way: They a continent that Joins them. — Plica of threa unaa. FOR R E NT— SIX ROOM tenement, CHILDREN of this pressure, the veins length­ Bacon. tstna ratea par day for tranalaat Then he said, "N ot much. Got ITNTER DEN LINDEN eannet remember a good atory with all modern Improvements. In­ Bryan, trying to forget Gale, en and curl. When they get into ada luma to Vicky. chance to ride over to Buxton this LOSES ITS TREES longer than 34 hour*. Peihapi It le 8CORCHY SM ITH Ktfactiva Marak 1T» IM f AUTO ACCESSORIES— quire at 10 Cedar street. By O liv* Roberts BsrtoA • this shape, they are called varicose Phil loses his Job. He fails to come morning. I thought I might get w ^ it Is that way. GREAT R.AIUIOAD MYSTERY Unheard Advice Caah Cbarga TIKES 6 something to do in the brick fee veins. Berlin (AP)—Old trees which By John C. Terry • Conaacutlva Daya •.) T otal • old FOR RENT—IN BUSINESS sec­ home one night and Gale oaks Steve -WAIT A AilNUTE- Y tory.” The most frequent appearance gave Unter den Linden, Berlin's A poUeeman, making his rounds T»i*r. R'Y 7 ^ U «L t, w e tL , SCORCHV I Conaaeutlva Dayt ..I • otaj 11 eta. SPEEDOMETER.S — ALL MAKES tion, heated apartments, one 7 to find him. Gale Is frigtitened. She Those who saw "Llvsa of a Bengal Cresson, Pa. — Railroad men are tOOK WHO'S COMING !! '-T H A T EES NERVE.'/ -FA C IN G 1 Day ...... I 11 etai II eta "Any luck?" of varicose veins of the body are most famous avenue. Us name, are hi the early morning, found an In­ rr FRieNDS, WAS A I TDOGH LUCK, KID/ room, one four room. Apply Kd trying to find out what caused a HCS4UA0 0P All ordara for Irrarular lnt*rtlona repaired. Al.so cables furnished. "I have a fri-ling something Lancer" viewed the flinty Ckilonel those in the leg, in the sex ap­ ebriated gentleman standing In a 0 -vou'RE GeiriNG a TRe/n; fTM «T BOMCH O FV E R ' ANGRY MEN / ward Holl, telephone "N o." being cut dowm to make posalbis freak wreck in which two coal cars S76RV WITHOUT -JU S T HEARD t h e y RE HOtWNG w ill ba charged at tha ona tlma rata. Norton KIcrtrie Co., Hililard street. Manchester | ilreadful has happened." Stone with indignation. Any father paratus of the male, and in the the construction of a new subway. horae trough and waving his band- SOLPieRg FEttOWS / THIS S S’nu., et CAPIThN MADDOX, C E T EES Spaclal ratea for long tarin avary - Phone 4060. 4642. Phil said, "There doesn’t seem to Jumped out o f the middle of a 95- WORDS/ A YOOR SHIPS HER6/ SA-A-AV day advartlalng glva upon raguaat. •NOW GO O.N- WITH THE STORY end of the rectum. When varicose Most tourists called them all lin­ kerchlrf over hie head. car train and over a bank. MN»v>s seofictr/ KNOCKS MADDOX HWSFIF' VER* fOCtiSH a PERHAPS, M / bo much doing around here. I ’ve who could treat hla young son as Sound pro o f Ada ordared for tbraa or all daya veins occur In association with den trees, but many of them, in fact Officer— Hey! What are jrou do­ The brakeman took a look at the OF HK KSNBSm. I CAN STUX FEEL THAT I*OK K K N T—6, KOOM lonernent, i C H APTE R X L I been a dozen places today." he did—a callow youth sent out to DIRT/ ^ FRIEN', 1DU WEEL PAY A VER'| and Jtoppad l>afora tba third or fifth hla father’s regiment In India— the sex structures of the male, were plane trees. But upon comple­ ing there? situation, booked up the cars behind \V7^ UPPERCUT You GAVE ME day will ba charEad only lor tba no* MOVING—TRUCKING— newly decorated, modern improve- Gale Henderson was right: some- "Oh, well, something’ll turn up the condition Is called a varico- WWCEUSf, Hg DEAR PRiCt FOR YoUR ‘’Sure!" wasn’t human, that was all. tion of the underground, the middle Drunk— Sa've the women and and went on but what caused it all ■t r ic k / LX IN MIAMI tual numbar of wlmea tba d appaar- ments, ample room for vegetable | thing had happened that night, ceel. Varicose veins In the end rrfP' ad, charEing at tha rata aarnad. hut ST0RA(;E 20 Y'ct he V as in the position of al­ of the broad thoroughfare will he children flret—I can ewlm. they don’t know. AND Hl$ M8N ‘ 4t*l ♦ « MOMENT O F STUPID and flowers. 58 Summer street. | u began with three men sitting "Where you goin’7" Glllaspie of the rectum are called hem­ no allowance or rafunda can ba made most any parent who iias had "pub­ replanted with real lindens, and the The errant cars were left for a CROWING V on ail tlma ada stopped after the PERRET-r * OLE NN E Y INC. local wanted to know. orrhoids. WNTBM TMM 80U 4. - 4 ROOM TENEM ENT, mfidcrn im­ around a table in a drab, lll-smcll- lic relations” with his own child. street will be an "honest” one once In youth you are afraid the world wrecking crew to work on. &! fifth day. and long distance moving. Dally "Home. 1 haven’t had anything to INggHIK INTO provements. 95 Charter Oak, be­ ing restaurant. The air In the room One of the reasons, for develop­ more. will go to the dogs. In old age you No “till forbldi"; dlaplay tinea not cxpres.s to Hartford. Overnight cat yet.’’ The professor who has his own boy told. tween Main and Spruce strcet."i was gray and heavy, partly from ment of varicose veins in the Meanwhile the avenue’s exclusive think It ■will if It gets what It right­ A 815 HAN0AR service to and from New York. Tel " I ’ll walk along with you,” In class, or the woman personnel- legs is, of course, lack of exercise. Tba Uargld will not ba raoponalbla Sam Yulycs, 701 Main street. eigarct smoke, partly because the hotels, shops and palaces will look fully deserves. Cor more than oua Incorrect inaartloa 3063, 8860 or 8864. manager whose daugnter has a Job Every movement of the leg mus­ R apper Fanny Says: ANP PAOtOCK of any acsvartiaamant ordered for ceiling lights were weak. There was in the stocking department. out on earth piles, workers’ shan­ iita.u.s.p*T.orr. cle compresses the veins and causes ■me POOPS / ______nora than ona time. h'OH R E N T— FOUR room tene­ a counter at one side of the room 'They had taken only a step or ties and boarding, but the promise Friend—What is the noblest kind Favoritism Is niinous because It the blood to move on. while the Tha Inadvariant omiaslon of ineor- ment. with all Improvements, 404 and a man stood behind It. He wore two when the door of the pool hall reacts most decidedly on the child has been given that Unter den Lin­ • f dog? i f l o u R CUARPS, ONE ON EACH SIDE, ARE race publication of advertising will ba rUKLIC PASSENGER Hartford Road. Inquire 591 Center valves prevent its i-etum. den will be clean and beautiful Man-^I giva up! raotlflal only by oanoallatlon of tha a ilirty apron and he was sliding a dptned. A voice called, "Hey, Gil- Involved. Even the same treatment Iw S TX D O N E D ABOUT THE HANGAR.., IZ SERVICE 20-A street. wet rag over the dingy surface of laspie!" Another cause of breakdown of again before the Olympic games Friend—The hot dog. It not only oharga made for tba aarvioa rendered. given others is usually misinter­ the'valves in these veins Is the THe REST MARCH AIVA/,... All advarttaementa must conform the counter. "Yes— ’’ next summer. doesn't bite the hand that feeds It; IN ADDITION TC SILVER Lane preted, And naturally the parent increased amount of pressure from la style, copy and typography with FOR R E NT—6 ROO.M tenement, The three men .sat near the door Another change Is projected at it feeds the hand that bites It. S-5 • l SERVICES 22 might aak himself If he is treating LIABLE T'B E BACK IN W A NT ADS. FOR R E N T—5 ROOM flat on W alk­ ted with grease and some of the men near the curb. One of them BROKE BEFORE, HOME. IF WE <30 T ' PAYIN'/ er street, first fiisir, all conven­ dishes were chipped. Of the three, asked, "Haven’t got a match, have the children enough as young sub­ Man—Do you know any reliable FORE WE'RE READY WE'RE READY Ada are accepted over tta talaphoga you?" alterns who arc Ju.st onits in a regi­ T O GO BACK TO PEOPLES f i n e s , d o at tba CUAflOB KATE given above JOHN COCKEHHAM— Pianos tun­ iences. R. T. Schallcr. Phone 6764. oidy Ed Vogel wa.s eating. He swore rule to figure the cost of living? "L,! T 'Q O HOME. M .a convanicn < to advarlleara, but ed, repaired, rebuilt. 28 Bigelow mildly, sawing at the beefsteak, cut Phil brought a package of match ment after all—the leglmcnt of life Friend—'Yes. You take your in­ TH ' -RANCH. WE NEED A COOK tba OAHH KATES will ou aocaptad aa street. Phone 4219. off a huge bite and stabbed It. hold­ ea from a pocket. and people, and givc-ahd-takey and come for the yeah, whatever it is. ■ iU ,- T H E T BAD? rU L L PAYMENT If paid at tha bust- BUSINESS LOCATIONS ing it aloft on his fork. "Thanks." do-your-best. ami then add 25 per cent to It. Paaa office on or before tba aavanth Isn’t It possible to leave love and ’’They thought they’d get ahead A black sedan, chugging noisily, day following the first Inaartlon of FOR RENT 64 emotion out of it once in awhile each ad otharwlee tha CHAKUE REPAIRING 2.1 of Ed Vogel!’’ he Jeered. "Well, they came down the street and halted at And eornetimes the audience may RATE will ba coltactad. No raaponal- FOR R E N T —OFFICES at 885 Main found out different." FOR THE GOOD OF THE CHILD? applaud because they are glad it Is blllty for arrora In telephoned ada the opposite curbr-SMbpe men got To lay aside that yearning and SKATES SHARPENED, key mak­ street, (Orford Bldg.) Apply Ed­ The man on the right said, 'Give •mt and started to w a ra ^ e pool hall. realljr pver. will ba aaaumcd and thair accuracy ing. lock, Kuii. vacuum cleaner re­ show Son Thomas or Daughter Kay cannot ba guaranteed. ward J. Holl. Telephone 4642 and ’em the works, did you?" Phil saw that the one in front was / ^ — — njlPOM ARRIVIWQ IN pairing. Bralthwalte, 52 Pearl St. 8025. that life won’t always WTap ita arms " I ’ll say!" Ed Vogel. Stroude, who also work­ Robinson—Who was that man L-I<3EN0A, w a s h a n d INDEX OF about them and croon over their you just raised your hat to? The man who had apoUen had a ed at the mill and who was Vogel’s troubles ? "EASY HURRY TO THE CLASSIFICATIONS Man—That? Oh, that was my WATER FRONT, lU SEARCH HELP WANTED— flat nose that looked as though It usual companion, was behind. The Naturally this atoical attitude can Ktriba ...... HOtJSES FOR RENT 65 had been broken. His pale eyci, were barber. He sold me a bottle of hair OF HORATIO BOARDMANS Engagamenta ...... third, a smaller man, Phil didn’t be overdone. There are too many FEMALE narrow, sly-looklng. A clgarct drip­ know, though he’u seen him once or restorer a month ago, and when­ YACHT. Marrlagaa ...... FOR RENT SEVERAL Dc.slrablc homes today in which narciits make ever I meet him I let him see what Daatba ...... A WOMAN’S CHANCE for extra five, six and seven room hou.scs, ped from one corner of. his mouth, twice. It quite evident that they wash their Getting splashed by a passing Card of Thanks ’’Listen, Stroude," said the third a fraud be is. car Is always tiresome. la Mamortam money. Full or spare time. Imme­ single and double. Apply Edward J. The man who had borrowed the handa o f the affairs of the young -•Hu., .-u WELCOMED BY THE a h ! I ' ve b e e n e x p e c t in g v d u , g e n t l e m e n . ^ Lost sod Pound diate cash Income. No experience Holl. Phone 4642 and 8025. man, ’Suppose some of these guys match held a package of clgareta folks. No one can dispute this fact. C A P T A IN . j YOU'RE TO occupy MR. BOARDMAN'S OWN i Aanouncaments necessary. Beautiful display and get tough 7 ^ ain’t aa big as you toward Phil, "Have one," he offered. Indeed there is on appalling lack of two— ’’ STATEROOM. ANYTHING YOU WISH IS ' Parsonais ...... •sales outfit furnished. No Inve.st- W A LK E R STREET, single house of Phil helped himself. He was hold­ contact and confidence between adol­ Aatomohllaa FRECKLES AN D HIS FRIEN DS By Blosticr meiil required. No C. O. D. Pleas- 6 rooms. Garage, mmlern. F. It. He wasn’t. He was little, with ing a match to the cigaret aa Vogel escents and parents as it happens. YOURS. Automobiles for Sale ...... Manning, Tel. 8146. Automobiles for Exchange « « « • « ant. dignitlod occupation. Write dark hair, and his face wa.s dis­ stepped on the sidewalk On the other hand there is the Auto. Accaaaorlaa—Tlrea Abner Royce Co.. 593 Royce Bldg tinguished for only one thing—Its Vogel halted. "W ell," he said in a homo where the child has never Auto Rapalrtng—Painting .•••• Cleveland, Ohio. complete mediocrity. ’’Lefty" was smirking voice, "look who’s here! been permitted to be free of par­ Auto Sohoola ...... t-A FARMS AND LAND Autos—Ship Truck ....• • • • I the only name either of the others "Have you any objections?" The ental emotion. No matter what Autos—For Hire ...... I FOR SALE 71 knew for him. 4 worda cracked like a whip. happens he feels that he is excused Oarages—Bervtca—Storage .•••• 1C h ^:l p w a n t e d — "W ell," said Stroiide. and his Ups "We-II— ,’’ Ed Vogel’s lips parted or forgiven or supported. * • Motorevelea— BIcyclae ...... '. •« 11 B'OU SA LE CHICKEN FAR.M, smiled though his eyes did not, "if in an oily smile. "I don’t know as I Emotionally Infant .Adults w ta Wanted Autoa—Motorcyclea ... II MALE 1-2 Hcros, main highway. Wapping Baalaeaa and ProfrasloBal gervtrea I WO.S you I know what I ’d do— get have, but if I was the owner o f this For this reason many of us have Buelneas Sorvlcaa Offered ...... II CORPORA'riON EXECUTIVE will to Mancbe.ater. Six room colonial my.self one of these." place I might. It don’t look good to grown up, emotional tables, feeling Household Services Offsred ...... It-A interview applicants for manager house, built 1932. Steam heat, new There was no one near to see. have bums bangin' around.” sorry for ourselves and expecting tlulldlog—Contracting ....••••• 14 coops. Must be sold at once. Arthur of branch office now to bo opened Stroude’s hand went Into a pocket, You’re not the owner," Phil told everyone else to be as sorry for us. Plorlats—Nurse.iae ...... II A. Knofla, 875 Main street. Man­ Punsral Dlrectora ...... H In this locality. Must be reliable emerged to show the dull blsek him shortly. " I f you want me to, I We are told that something like 90 Hasting—riiimblng — KoofinE H and fitiatu'ially resimnslblc. This chester. Dial 5440. handle of a revolver. per cent of-our adults are still emo­ Insurance ...... IS can tell you Just exactly what yoii position offers attractive Income. "Keep that thing out of sight."’ tional children mentally, that we Utlllnary— Dreaemaktng ...... IS look on duty and the world with Moving—Trucking—B.uraga •••. fO Start at once with opportunity to Vogel warned, Say!" Vogel’s Jaw came oiit ag­ the the same slant we had In our (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) Public Paaaangar fiarvlce ...... 10*A progresa. Experience unnecessary. "Sure. I ’m kcepln.’ it out of sight." gressively. "Don’t you try to get Painting—Papering ...... i i protected and favored cblldhoo. We thoroughly train accepted ap­ Tliere was a mildness .n Stroude's "Say, Tinlca, what did you ex­ this all about?" "Why, look," ex­ WiUi Proftsalonal Barvlcaa ...... t l HEATED fresh with me. Why, you— !’’ He It is Just a thought but, I be- g) i»»t ev Nt* stavicE, INC. r. m. ata u. s. pat. orr Repairing ...... n tone that belled the light between pect?" the giant snapped. “My claimed wee Coppy. "Tw o strange £9 plicant. Write Finance Extension buret Into a series of profane IlSve, an Important one. It might ’ <• eMf »v i»r* ■ rallorlng—Dyalng-^IeanlnE 14 Corp., Hammond, Ind. APARTiMENTS his narrowed lids. "Get yourself one house Is wrecked, and that’s be­ men have come in sight. HEBOES ARE MADE-NOT BORN. ^ roli«t.O oofi« Hod S^rvlcu epithets "Oome on!” he sneered, his be well, even at the risk of aomo i?ALESMAN SAM ■ ‘ ,• Ifc of these," he repeated, nodding io voice rising menacingly. "Come on cause 1 stood up straight. Oh, why Each has a funny-looking bat, And That’s Plentyl Waot«fi-»Buttnrxx 8e-vlc« IS 3 Koums at 107,"> Main heart-aches like that of the old am I so tall? By Smai> the .younger man. "Might come in if you ain’t afraid!” and clothes of white. My, think of (^ E L L , I CjU C S S I'l l PASS-Aslft^ (''OH.GAMi, I’Mi F A IW T I HdamtloMl Colonel, to try to view our children "R ight through the small roof Courtta and CUaata ...... If SALES.MEN WANTED 36-A Street ...... !«;30.00 handy." His arm shot out, crashing agalnat that. Let’s try and make friends ''HA; HA I iT s a A o h , , WELL^T^idL OULhl THING-" like the rest. The professor in the went my head. I should have rrlvata Inatruetlon *.eeees«e*.. t l Vogel picked up his cup of coffee, PhU’i cheek. " I ’ll show you!" V6gel with them. I am sure ’twill bo* all F A L S E a l a r m ! V E A H I ABOUT f^e THATiS , Daaclnt ...... MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH school room, the manager In the stayed stretched out. Instead. A t right." lluBtcal--»Dramatlc ...... it BUSINESS LOCATIONS drained it and set the cup down screamed. "You------!" The store. There can be k ve and com- THISISfTf PHiTy / ' • R u f f l e d i s tA’Y c o l l a r ' Route of 800 families. W rite today again. Then he pushed back his that, I guess I ’m lucky that the COSTUMie AN’ I Wanted-w>Inatrucrion ...... 10 words were lost In the sound of meraderie in plenty to make up the whole house didn’t fall.” Rawligh, Dept. CUC-48-SA.. A l­ 1077 Main St., Corner rhalr. "Come on," he said crisply. "Of course It will," the giant S c a r e d ,y a I'laanrlal bany, N. Y. flesh smashing against flesh. Phil prescription, but there should bs "Oh, wc are sorry aa can be Bonds<~6tooka->-Mor
