BABER FAMILY COUNTY, ENGLAND 16th - 17th - 18th Centuries Documented Pedigree Chart and other notes

Regarding: §ABER - Chaw Magna, Somerset Countr, EQgland

The following pages are from a very rare book, Collections for.!!.

Pargchial Hlstory of Chew ffi_agna, by Frederick Ae Wood, privately printed9 Bristol, Englend, 1903.

These pages heve been copied for inclusion here because present study indicates thet , Somerset County, England, is the locality from which so meny of the Seber families in England and America heve COffle.

As far as is known, there is only one edition of this book in the United States, and that is owned by Adin Baber of Kansas, Illinois. He generously loaned the book to the Alderman Library at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, for the express purpose of microfilming it in its entirety, thus ~nsuring its availability for study in this country. A complete photocopy of the book, mede from this microfilm copy, is owned by Mre and Mrs. Ches. Ge Baber of Lynchburg, Virginia, and it was from those photocopied pages that the following peges were made.

Only the main perts of the book which relate to the n~me of Baber have been reproduced here; there are, however, many other Beber references scat­ tered throughout the book. The Aldermen Libraryi (Rare Books Department) will, upon request, arrange for a photocopy of the whole, or any pert of this book from their microfilm copy.

The section of this book entitled, ''Notes on the Baber Pedigree" hes been copied here in full. The chart label ad "A" is a part of this section of the original book, and the small letters of the alphabet appearing on the said Chart "An are explained in this Baber Pedigree section.

The cherts 1tarked "8 n end "C 11 were not a part of CollaCc.tion,s f.o.£ ~ E>a_rochial Hjstorx._ of Chew Ma.9na, but have been included here because, as indicated, they tie in with the chart "A 0 given in Wood's book.

Ths cherts labeled "8" and "C" were sent to Mr. and Mrs. Chase G~ Baber of Lynchburg, Virginia by Colonel John Barton 88ber of London. Mr. and Mrs~ Baber exchanged several letters during 1961 and 1962 with Colonel Baber in 8 mutual effort to establish the identity of persons by the name of ~!P,!~. to whoM refera~ce has been found in Virginia Colonial Records; and to de­ termine, if possible, the connection with the Chew Magne Baberse

The Charles G. Sebers plan to abstract the genealogical facts and c°"~ jectures of this correspondence for inclusion here0

The wax copies of the Baber Crest end the falcon seal with explanato~y not&s were sent to the Charles G. Baber~ by Col. John Baber.



FOR ..~

T 1-nAo"rHr.A1 \.. V '-' .l fl 1-, ~IISTORY






rrfl HE chief reason for producing this book l!LJ is the wish to continue the history of the parishes of Northern Somerset so well begun by the Rev G. S. !\faster and others. I am afraid that it wi11 be found full of details that cannot be of much interest to the general reader; but my idea of the history of a parish is to collect all the details about it which can be found either in manuscript or printed books, in all cases---givifl.g the references. Su~h a collection classified and verified is invaiuable to the historian of the county, \\rhose labours cannot be completed with• out the help of parish collections, while the wider and important history of the kingdom must depend in a great degree upon the materials ';ahich have been gathered"""' b)r the county historian<' If, by good chance, the parish has been the h ome o f +l-.a..ue maKers" o f h1sto117,0 OP" 1'f 1t. h. as •oeen the scene of great events, the story of such a parish may be of absorbing interest; if, on the contrary, as must generally be the case,. the people who . VL PREFACE.

have lived their life there are "the rude fore­ fathers of the hamlet,,;, their actions must be of the smaUest importance, and in such a ca....ce the great difficulty is to decide ,vhat may be or what ought not to be told. The long list of names that fiH up the parish books, and the petty details of the vestries, _would easily make a great book, which would be a great evil; my great fear is lest I should have recorded too much rather than too little. I have _to thank ... Mr. F. \Vere, of Gratwicke Hall~ and Mr,. T ..-W. "\V'iUiams, of Flax Bourtcn, for their help readily and kindly given, the first in respect of heraldry, the second in the translation of the crabbed and ung_wmma,tical Latin of ecclesiastical documents; the Rev. John Galbraith~ Vicar of Chew l\Iagna, for trusting me \vith the vestry, churchwardens" and overseers' accounts of the parish ; and, above all, 1fr. Frank George, of Bristol, without whose constant support and help in all difficulties, this book would never have been written.


I!JtiHFn:ws, CHEW },fAGNA, ;7clnua,yt :903~


B. Po Burke's Peerage .. B. E. P. Burke's Extinct Peerage~ C. H. ,,;r. Church {Canon) Early History of the Church of Wells:i 1894. C, ~LR. . , Chew Magna Registen. C. 1\I. 1V. Chew !\fagna \Vills {see Hst at pages 292 to 315). E. S. Eyton (R.. W.) Domesday Studies: Somerset, 2 vols, 188o. G. _.\_ S. Tr:1nsactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archreological Society .. ., . Historical Manuscripts Commission: Report cl the MSS. of Wells Cathedral, 1885. S. A ..S. Proceedings cf the Sornersetshlre Archmologica.i Society. S. R. S. Somerset Record Society,, S. \V. 140 I-l/STORY O.f... CHEW "'-'!AGNA. ------

NOTES ON THE BABER PEDIGJUUL (a) The Visitations of Somerset for 1531 to 1573 and 1623 begin the pedigree of the Babers with John .Baber of Regilbury ; but there are two Babers whose

4 wills have been copied by Brown in his ' Somerset Wills." They are John Babyr of , husbandman, da!ed Jan. 7, 1527, pro,1>ed Feb. 14, 1527, in which he requests that he may be buried at Chew, in the middle of the Aley of the church, and before the High Cross~ He left money to the church of Chew: and the chapel of our Lady there, and to the churches of Stoke, and Nempnett, to Isabel his wife, to John Babyr his youngest son, to Sir John Barry, rector of Chew Stoke, his ghostly father. The legacies to the churches show his V\-ide in­ terests, and that he was not simply a farmer at Chew Stoke, Probably j oh.n Baber of Regilbury was the youngest son mentioned in the above wilt His own was dated Novo 28, 1559, and proved June 8, 1559 (the date is wrong). He leaves 4d each to the Cathedral of Wells and the churches of Chew, Stoke, and Winford; £20 each. to his sons John and William and his daughter IsabeUe; her chamber to his wife Joan (S. W .. , VI., 103). . This John might be the first name in the Visita­ tions, but the \viie Joan of the will and the wife Alice of the pedigree make a difficulty., (b) The \Vife of this John Baber is called Agnesr daughter· of John \Villett of Butecom be, in the Visita­ tion, but 1'iiary in the will of her son Edward, possibly 1\-iarv.. was second wife. (b*) John of Fey!ands Court, \\tra..xall, brother of Edvvard-see Edward Babers \Vill •(c). FAJIIIL Y OF BABERo

(c) Edward Baber ,,·as born 1531; he ,vas Serjeant at law. In 1565 he bought Regilbury in Nempnelt of Ed""ard Bernard, who bought it of the Kingstons (Coll., II., 3r9). This manor ,vas held by bis grand­ father, it is to be presumed as a tenant. In 157 5 he bought half of the Bishop of Bath and \Vells' manor of Chew, which had originally been parted with by Bishop Barlow to the Duke of Somerset, and on his attainder had been sequestrated. It seems to have been held over by Quteu Mar}\ but sold by Queen Elizabeth. The Pophams and others bought the other half, ,vhich they sold in 1766, together with an estate at North Elm, to Richard Sun1mers, Esq. (see Rectory Manor). Ed,.vard Baber died Sept. 23, 1578, at 4i. A monur~ent (Plate III) containing his effigy and that of his wife was erected in a chapel in the south aisle ( called the Baber chapel) by Francis Baber, his eldest son (Coll., II., 97). Edward Babers ,vi11 is dated Sept. 10, 1578, aud proved Feb~ ro, 1578-9, by Katharine Baber, his widow and executrix, ,vith power reserved to Lady Alice Lee. He calls himself Serje~nt at law ~( Ald\\'ick. He leaves his lease in the manor house of Aldwick where he dwelt to his second son Robert, ,vith ren1ainders successively to his sons Edward a1;1d

6 \\tilliam and his eldest son Francis and their ' last· wives and heirs." He bequeaths other leases to William, Ed,vard, Robert, and Francis, all to be held in trust till they are 21J and his wife Katharine he appointed guardian, even though she remarried,. He leaves to his daughters Elizabeth, Maryo and Catherine .£200 each, to be paid when they are 16. He speaks of Regilbury as inherited from his father J ohni; deceased This contradicts Collinson., 142 HISTORY OF CHEW ilfAGNA. ------He leaves to his mother, ~Iary Baber, a pewke (price) gown, and to his brothers John, Thomas, and William each a pewke cloth coat and hose. His lease in the parsonage of Nempnet to his son Thomas.. (He.. does not seem to have had a son Thomas. \Vas it his brother Thomas?) To his ,vife Katherine the use, etc., of his house and manor at Chewe, ,vhich he bought of Sir Ambrose Termyn (? Jermyn). knight. His books in Middlesex and Chew to his son Francis, and in a codicil £20 to Richard, son of John Baber, of Fayland Court, his brother. (d) Katherine Baber, third daughter of Sir Thomas Leigh, of Stone Leigh, \\1arwick5hire, who was Lord Mayor of London, 15"8. She died March 10, 1661, I l O I and ,vas buried ,vith "'her husband in Chew Magna.- Church (Coll., II., 97 ). She was sister of Sir Thomas Leigh, knight, of Stoneleigh. She held the advowson of the church of Chew Magna, to which she appointed the Rev. John Baber j., 1589. It is said that this John ,vas her nephe\v, but no such person is found in the pedigrees. (e) \\?'illian1 Baber of Chew Stoke. Will dated ....\.pril 28, 15j1, and proved May 12, 1576. He is to be buried in the church of Chew Stoke. He 0. n1entions Isabel, Agnes, and Jone Baber, his sisters (or perhaps sisters-in-ia\v'). His brother .John, with Mr. Ed,vard Baber and John King, to have the care of the children of John and Elizabeth Mattock, who are mentioned in Edward Babe:r?s will. The value of his estate is given as £9 13s. 4d. ('' Chew Magna \Vi11s,'' \rot IV., p. 29).

The Rev. G. S. !\laster, in his H History of Wraxall," su~gests that this Wi11iam Baber was of Fail.and, be FAlif/LY OF BABER.

died 16o6 and Catherine his wife died 16o6, and that he '\\1as probably uncle of John Baber, D .. D .• vicar of Chew Magna., 1589-1626, but this is not possible (" Wraxall/' p .. 57)., Elizabeth Baber of Timsbury, gentl~,vomano Will dated April 30, 1588. To the poor of Timsbury 3/4. To the repairs of the church 3/4. She speaks of her daughter ~.fary and leaves her certain articles at the parsonage 1 of Timsbury and £40, £20 of which was left by her father's ,vill. John Baber,. her son, is to be residuary legatee and her brother Switban Sam.., bourne, parson of Timsbury, one of her executors.. (Was this John Baber the vicar of Chew?) Swithanus Sambourne, A.1~I., was parson of Timso. bur).. fron1 1579 to 1625. There is no document shewing who was Eliza­ beth's. husband~ (f) Richard Bushe was of Butcombc" (g) John Baber is the only nepbe,v of Catherine Baber 1nentioned in the pedigrees, but the list of his children is quite unlike that given in the Chew Magna Register as the children of John the Vicar.. (g"'') 'William Baber is probably the \Villiam Baber mentioned by the Rev. G. S. Masters. (See Note •·e.n) (h) Francis was 12 years old at the death of his father, and was born August 25 in 1sf,5 or 1566. Married July 241 I 595. Fo:r some years Fraucis Baber was buying and accumulating lands in Chew. 1594. He bought from John Popham, knight, Chief Justice of the Queen~s Bench, and Amy his wife, and Francis Popham his son and Ann bi~ wife1 No. I" 144 HIS TOR}? OF CHEW MAGNAe

1595.. Fines, iv!ich., 37-38 Elizabeth.. He and John Hasen, jun .. , bought from the same, No.. 2~ in Chew and Dundryt with common. for cattle in Heridge Dundry. I6o8. Fines, Hil., 6 James Io He bought from John Baber, and l\J!ary his wife; J.B. having bought the- same from the Pophams, No~ 3. 161 r. Fines, Mich_, 9 James I9 He bought of Edvvard Tyson and Johanna his wife, No: 4. !6IL Fines; Michq 9 I. He bought of Thos. Dole and Edith his ,vife, with common pastu..'fe in North Eim and Chew, No. 5 .. i:;-· .... . 'e...... 1.. .., r6Ir-2 ... 111es, H"1&.~1 10 James 1. H e ,.JVUg.ut ot Thos. Cecil and Johanna his "rife, ?'io.. 6P they having bought the same of Thoso Purnell..

1612. Fines9 Pasch., 10 James I. He bought of John Boucher and Margaret his vvife (and common of pasture for all cattle in Stone9 North E1m 1 Dundry, and Chew Magna), No.. 7,, 1613. :Fines, Trin., IX James I., He booght of John \\Tarden and ,A.nne his wife, No. 8 (in Chew). 1620. Finesi: Mich., 18 James I~ He bought of \Vi11iam Forde, I;ent., No. 9, with common of pasture for all cattle in Che,v Magna and Dundcy~ and I dovecot~ 1620.. Fines, Mich.q 18 James I. He bought of Paul Goldston, No. IO, with common of pasture in Chew Magna and Dundry.

1620ft Fines9 ~iich .. f r8 James I. He bought of Thomas Dole, No. x 1 ~ ~~ith common of ps.stm,e for all cattle in Chew ~Iagna and D·nndry .. The list of these purchases is given in the f:oHowing table:--- 145

.. • • "t7 . ¥ .. .. • . C..., ~ . .., .. • ~ -.:, . ..:2 .&:J • "'O 5 ... t; E -crz ~ "i 0 E cc ~ C'IS I> :, -0 j ~ p,.- g z ~ <.:; u 0 ~ rn- ~ ~ I t l 2 I I I 1 202 12 59 150 2 2 2 2 i8 20 i 140; 26o 3 25 i6l 6o 4 IO 12 41 ., .) i "a I IO s 5 41 6 I F.. i 1% ...e;; !i 41 7 i 2 2 13 4 5 -1,i V .,,. 8 ! 4 I .a, 2 4t! .._ T., 9 17 2.3 .) .20 .... I mill 3 300 IOO 200 IO 8o IO I % I I zo % 5 6o !I ! --I ! --50 IO 20 !00 2"7 I8 ! s., l m. 1 -- I 35 4 30 4 6Ji 93 343t 1501 915 Francis Baber sells (1629, Fines, Trin., 5 Charles I.) to Ed"'"ard Baber, Esq.s \~/''iJ.liam Cooke, and William Claxton, the manors of Chew, als. Chew Magna, including Knighton Sutton, Regelbury als .. Rochel~ berry· als. Rechelbrugh, Winford Winfunde Winfrendeii and Felton, the hundreds of Brent and \X/rington, also 1.->: messuages. :r:2 cottages, 20 tofbi,

g mills, 10 dovecotes, r30 gardens,, I 20 orchards11

3 10CJO acres of land, 1,340 of meadow, 640 pasture, I ,coo acres of ,vood, and 6o/- of rent ; the rectory of Norton Hawkefelde and the advowson of Wrington., Inq. P. Mortem of Francis Baber~ He was justice of the peace under three Sovereigns-Elizabeth~

9 I ., and- C'nar1es .1.T ;..H e d 1e• d Sept. 9P I~J,J:._ A and "Nould have been born in 1565, as he was 78 years old when he died. He was burled in the vault ,vith his father, and he built the monument over it ·~vhich no~" e."\{ists (Coll.., Vol. IL, p. 97).. He is caned brothe:r-in•1aw by George Tynte of Broad... chalkes ,vho died 161r.-I2, but no such :relationship 146 HISTORY OF CHEW MAGNA.

is shown in the pedigree (S. W., ·v1.. 9 88). He paid taxes in the tything of North Elm, Chew Magna, from 1628 to 1640. The Subsidy Rolls are not continued after that dateo February 8, 1616.. He bought the right of free warren over his estates for 20/-. They include the manor of Chew Magna, and estates in Bren½ Wring­ ton, ifidsomer Norton~ Farrington, Hinton Bl~

Regilbury, Nemnet1 , Butcombe. Wyndforde Wynfrithei: Felton, , Beluton, Stantone Drewe, , Chelworth, and Farmboroughe (Pat. Roll, 14 James I., Pt.. XX.VII., No. 2116). The births of all his children except that of John his eldest son are registered at Chew Magna chmch.. (i) Anne Baber, daugbt~r of \"\lilliam Whitmore of London and Apsley, Salop. She died December 30, 1650, tZt. 8o,. and was buried at St. Peter'5,i Bath (Burke's u Landed Gentry," 1,5o6) (Colt~ TI.~ p. 97). (j) Edward of Sutton Court or rather of Knighton Sutton. He paid taxes in the tything of Knighton Sutton from 1625 to 1640~ He held the leaseofKnighton Sutton on lives (from some of the members of the Cavendish family). He married about 16o7 Mary da. of Thos.. Paradyn of London, merchant (k). &nd about 1622 Frances daughter of ...... Edington of Enfield.. ·He had one son and three daughters by hi~ second vlife. He married, thir4lys> Elizabeth Cross, by whom he had no children.. He died April 2I, 1665P tZI. •. 80 (So J,4.. s., Vol. XIV.,r p. 99). If so, he -vv·as born in 1585, and would appear to have been nearly the youngest of the family.. He vtas the third brother. (1) Elizabeth Baber ,vas the daughter of William Crosse of Blackmore Farmr Charlinch~ Her mother FAilfILY OF BABER.

was Grace the daughter of John Perry of Halse (S. W .. M~, I.? p. 39). She was sister of Rev.. John Crosse of Stogumber, who married Susan Bourne.. She married first Samuel Jeppll by whOD:i she bad a son, Samuel Jepp (see Pedigree of the St. Le's); then William Strachey, by whom she had a sou, Job.n Strachey; and thirdly Edward Baber. The grandson of Sir William Cavendish who in 1628 was created Earl of Newcastle;, loyally supported

Charles I. 1 and about 1644 was com~.Jled to go into exile, when his estates were confiscated and sold. ~~mong these was the estate of Knighton Sutton: held on lease by Ed~"ard Baber? which was bought by his wife for her son, Samuel Jepp, who died, 'Without male heirs3 before his mother~ and she resettled her estates in her will, which was -dated September 29f 1671, and proved Febrnary :r4, r.67z~ by her son, John Strachey~ She states that her son Samuel Jepp being dead, s'fi.e leaves £400 per annum to his daughter Mary Jepp" reversion to John Strachey.. This legacy was to be paid out of lands, etc., in \Vestminster. She leaves her capital messuage of Sutton Courtenay and all the lands in Y~ighton Sutton t<:> John Strachey~ This seems to have been settled by a deed June ISs, 165~ on the marriage of John Strachey with Jane Hodges.. She mentions Samuel Jepp, son of TbOD."iaS her late brother' (in law).. She gives £10 to the poot of Chew Magna, to be distributed in five yearly portions of 40/- each. She gives to Mar:" Jepp an inlru.d cabinet that stands "ithin her chamber and its oontenu!i' her largest ring of diamonds9 and ~- trnnk of linen marked with her father?s name. T·o her gra,nd.child Joan Strachey £200 and her- pearl necklac~ and a I-i-8 HISTORY OF CHEW MAGNA.

diamond ring. To Francis Baber, her husband~s son £50, and to Mary Baber his wife £20. In case of Francis Baber's death, the £50 to be paid to William Catcombe, her late husband's (Edward Baber) grandchild. To her godson John Jones 40/... and legacies to her servants. She died October 30, 1672, and was buried in Chew Magna Church. She is called of Sutton Court (Chew Magna Register). If this is correct, and it most probably is, the date of the proof of the \\-ill is not correct.. (m) Robert Baber, of Bath. Will dated April 24-, 1640~ proved June 12, 1640. He is to be buried in the Church of S. Peter and S~ Paul, to which he leaves 20/-, and to its poor 20/-.. He states that in 1631-2 he and his brother Edward bought from Thomas Sambourne of Timsbury the patronage of the chu~ch of that parish, which they gave to IL B.'s son Edward (who held it in 1644 by the gift of Edward and Roger Baber) (V.leaver, Som. Inc, p. 293)» He speaks of Mazy and Elizabeth, the daughters of his son Ed~-vard, and of Robert Baber bis own son (second). and Roger his son (third), to ~thorn he leaves 2 tenements, r orchard, etc6, m Corston, and a piece of land in Eastonl) and he is to provide for his mother Priscilla in his house for life ; of Priscilla his ,vife ; of his brothers Francis and Edward, and his cousin William Blancha.rd or Blanchet~ gent., who really was his nephew,

(n'}\ / Marv., Baber. Her first husband was Sir Roger Wilbraham of Ludgrave Hadley~ Master of the Requests. He died 16160 Her secon.d, Sir 'Thomas Delves of Doddington1 Chester~ who was born 1571-2. She was living at N antvirich in 1629.. FAJ4JJ., Y OF BABER.

(o) Elizabeth Baber married Henry Jones of Bridgewater, son of Henry Jones (S. W«, III., I 13). (Was John Jones, godson of Catherine Baber, their son?) (p) Robert Baber of S. George,, Easton-in-Gordano~ r,et. 27 ~ r62.3, therefore born 1596, (q) Bridget Baber, daughter of John Baber, of BTISCOl.~ .. " 1 (r) John Baber ecf, 25 in 1623, therefore born 1598~ Administration June !7p r646. CaHs himself of the City of Bath. Fie· leaves bis estate to WiBia.m -w-~ , d · d~ +b f "r "' M "' E 1.. i...-+h a;.ron :; : gran 1a~ _.;.er o J onn. 1 ~ary, ana. . ,itzauc., BaberJ minors, children of J., B. (S. \V6, V.'il 100). I (s): ~Hzabeth Baber, daughter of \\Yi1Ham Walrond I of London. She died before :r646. She married

John Baber October 51 1623 .. (t) John Baber, called eldest son of Francis Baber, !+tarried Barbara, daughter of John son of Edward Tynte ( 6 s \Vraxan,n; p. 69) (S .. ,v·., VIc, p. 91).. (v) Edward~ born July 69 1597 (Co M;, Reg.. ); man. led July 2~. x629, Elizabeth, d. of Edward Pratt; and died z633°

P f'\"- ,,.. M ~,a, /'6 ) x6 33. I " .... . M... •:t 9 _..u.. l., l-Ae .1-.Li, p., 3 \ 4,.,.. I nq.. at Bath 3 Sep. upon the death of Edward Baber,

One Francis Baber/! his father1 was seiz~ of the manor of: Rochel burier alias Regelbt1.rie9 Vif..ith app~ in }1 emett~ \V~infordi B1a.gdons and Butrom~ and settled the same June 14, 1595, 37 .E1izabe~ u upon his intended --;;-vife~ A-\nne Whitmore, C' II, 'T'?'-" • f .,...... ,. .., t . d a. 01. h.nne v.J nitmore o LOrH1cn~ WHL, ner ·rustees

1 being~ '\Vm~ \Vhitmore.• of the !t'.liddJ.e T'emole~,I,. ,, g~nt...... !fl now knight, and Vlm,. Craven, cit. and. merchant of London~ now also knight~ The marriage took: 150 HJSTORY OF CHEW MAGNA.

seized of the manor of Chewe Magna, with lands and messuages in Cbewe, Knowle, Dundry, and the rectory of Norton Hautefield. A settlement was made by Francis Baber on the deceased Edward Baber, his son and heir, by indenture, Oc_t. 4, 1628, 4 Ch. lo, of which the parties of the third part were Edward Baber of Sutton (brother of Francis) and others. This indenture also provided for Francis Baber, second son, and JameLE.aber, third son of Francis. Edward Baber, the dee., was of Lincoln's Inn, in 1628 . ...4..fterwards by Ind,., June 12, 1629, 5 Ch. I .. , Francis B. and Edward conveyed to John Baber of Lincoln's Inn the mansion house of Chewe. in trust for Ed"'·ard Baber and Elizabeth Pratt, da. of Henry Pratt (his intended wife) .. They were married July 2, 1629. She is living at Chew. Edw. died March 14, 1632-3, 9 Ch. I. Francis Baber, sen .. , and his wife are still living at Chewe. Henry Baber at the time of Ed"\\yard his father's death was at I year 5 months and 26 days .. (w) Sir Richard Hill married Elizabeth Baber August 12, 1623. His will, dated May 16, 1627, was proved Sept. 12, ~627, by Anthony H!ll. He leaves to Dame Elizabeth his "--ife all her apparel, jewels, bed, etc., in the -chamber of my cousin Anthony Hill. She remarried John Hodges of Lufton11 Somerset. Her will is dated March 5, 1635, but there is no date of proof (S. W., III., p. 8o)- On his marriage Sit Richard Hill settled £1,400 on his wife for life, a iarge landed estate in Gloucestershire called Third­ land or Ridland. He died !\fay 3, 1627, and in an Inq. p. mortem (G!oucester Recordsii p. 81) dated 1625 he mentions Francis Baber, his fathcr-in-lawf and FA1YIL Y OF BABER.

Edw~rd Baber of Lincoln•s Inn (see v), son and heir­ apparent of J., B. If this is correct, John, eldest son of Francis Baber, '\\'"as dead before 1625" (x) VJiHiam Baber, born Feb" 19, 1599; buried ~.\.pril :r6~ 16oo (Chew Magna Registers)~ (y) Francis Baber, born July 6, I6oo (Chew Magna

Registers)~ Francis ~aber, .,..\.rm. 1 LL.D., ,vas Chan­ cellor' to the Diocese of Gloucester from 163I for 39 years. He died r669, t:Ef. 69. He married Elizabeth,

daughter of John .ftAdderley, comp. 1iiddlesex ann.11 ""':-1:~hn d10A T~,...... ~t "'~ Ar-----~ (n

Bnckland I rn.essuage, r barn, r stable,. I gan:len 11 I or~hard, 20 acres of land;t 20 of meadow~ and 40 of pasture in Great Chew.,

1662. F•ines1 Trin. 9 r4 Charles IL Francis Baber, D.C.L.,. sells to John and Hugh Tynte the manors of

Chew Magna and Regilbucy\ and 100 messuages1 20

cottages, 10 tofts, 4 mills, r 20 gardens11 roo orchards, 2,500 acres of 1and~ 800 of meadow~ 6oo pasture, IOO acres oiC ~.. 000 , pnce" ..£,3,000'° .. (z) Harry Baber:; christened Oct. 16, 16cc; baned Nov. 13, r6c6 (C. M. Reg.. ) .. (ar) Jane Baber married Laurence St.. Lo.. (a 2) Mary Baber at,, 13, in 1623 ; therefore born !6IOo (a3) A.nn. Baber~ bap. Jan~ 2ot 1620; hnr~ July ~ r622 (C~ M. R)..

(a4) Francis Baber, bap .. Jan~ 3 11 1622.. Uving in r672~ when he was mentioned in the wiH of E''h C ros.5 (1,J~'1"\ 152 HISTORY OF CHEW MAGNA.

1656. Francis Baber (gent.) buys from Thos, Fanner; gent~, and Elizabeth his v.ife 2 messuages,

2 curtilages, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 20 acres of land11 10 of meadow,. 20 of pasture!' and common of pasture in Chew Magna and Midsomer Norton, price £6o~

In a nnncupative \\111! dated }.farch 17, 16751 Francis Baber of Chew Magna, gentleman, gives to his kinswoman and god-daughter Ann Baber £20. This may be Ann (daughter of Edward Baber and Mary Paradyn ), his sister. There are legacies to his three kinsmen, Roger, Edward~ and Robert Baber; to his wife Mary, and to the children of Robert Gat­ c:ombe, his brother-in• law. Inventory, £587 15s. rod~ (Che\v 1'-fagna \\Tills. p .. 91)., He Yv-as buried in Chew Magna Church, 1\fay 1~ 1676 (C~ ~f. Register). (a5) Ahn Br, . · · p. April 18, 1630; married Robert Catcombe ; iOte 1)., (a6) Revo Edward Baber, rector of TimsbtL.7 O·ct. 15, 1644-, to 1674.. The advowson was in the gift of ~dward Baber his uncle and Roger his brother (\Vea.vers Som. Inc., p. 293). (ai) John, Mary, Elizabeth Baber (S~W .. ; V., p. 1o6)..

(a8) Edward Baber of Regilbury1 son of John Baber and his wife (Barbara?), daughter of John T,,.;nte (Wraxall, p~ 69).. He is called grandson by John

Tynte (S.. \~Jo; \'!~1 91). In the 1t-:isitation of 1623 an Ed\\"ard the son of Francis is said to have been two years old in 1623.. This must be a mistake, for according to the Che,v Magna Register the Edward son of Francis was born July 6, r597, but the date ~vould be appropriate to this Edward, who would then have been born in 1621., This Edward was mentioned in the '?.riH of his grandfather~ John Tyn~ w h o ,.4·--.t.1ea ., ;:710 1\, S . W. .. , .....v I ·~ p. 93}' .. FAiJ1JL Y OF BABERo

1€-98. He pulled down part of the Bishop9s old palace, and the gallery into the church. Collinson. says this, but it is more probable that this was done by Francis, his grandfather. TT n-.-S...- J:.'"'"'" 1ness I 68Ss M"1ch., "' I James A.~~ Edwa~ d ~~,, Esq.~ sells to Robert Baber and .Andrew Innys the mano!'"s of Chew Magna and Regilbury, and 8o mes­ suages, 20 cottages~ 4 toftsr 3 ,vater-mills, 8 gardens, 80 orchards, I ,ooo acres of land, 410 of mead.ow, 840 of pasture, 6o acres of ,vood, \\yith common of pasture for all cattle~ common of fr~rbary; ~nd common of estovers in Chew 1'Iagna, Stoke. Regilbury~ Winford,

Blagdon and Nempnet: '\\Tringi:on 9 an_d Burrington, and a portion of the tithes in Nempnet and Shrnb­ we11. His will] dated January 18, 1705, decl~res his -w~sh to be buried in the ·vault in Chew }!agna Chm-ch made by his ancestors.. He bequeaths everything to his ,vife, Florence Baber, vvho proved bis will May 10, 17r1. He was buried 4,\pril 10, IjI!., (a9) Florence Baber, daughter of Roger Bourne of Gautheney Ca:r1inch and Ann daughter of John Malet~ R. B. d. March I: r670 (Collinson, I.s pp.. 740, 24.I).. .. By her will dated April 3> 17I3 (I2 "'-\nnc),. she gives a11 her estates to Sir Halsvitell Tynte and his brothers in. succession (she was related to the Tyntes by her husband's mother). The legacies arc be­ queathed_ on the condition that the legatees pay £4,coo~ of which £r,500 is to pay off mortgages on her lands at Gothelney and Char.linch; £2,000 to be paid to Martha Stocker, daughter of Joseph Stokker!) grocer, and ~!artha his iate \vife; and £500 which , .,~ .... d~ ~ ,-...- ""'~ ner 1a1.e nus ban oorro~"etii or J osepu .1 ate~ 1 in'9" case o.f non-compnauce• '·rtrtn• " 't h•ese co.r.Hli."'"ti" o~ 154 HISTORY OF CHEW MAGNA. the properties were to be divided between Thomas Bourne, son of Edmund Bourne, late of Rhode; John Bourne, son of Henry Bourne, of Charlinch; Martha and Mary Hooker ; Robert and Ann Knight, my cozens ; Sarah, Elizabeth, Susannah, and Ann Bourne, daughters of Gilbert Bourne, deceased ; Elinor Baber of Bristol, single "roman; Jane, widow of Walter Catford; Mrs. Francis Butler. widow of Robert Butler, minister of God's word (not found in \Veaver's Som. Incumbents); and Sarah, widow of Henry Bourne, late of Charlinch. She left £100 to the churchwardens of Chew to be placed out. at interest for binding poor children apprentice to some honest calling, and £50 to Nemp­ nett and £100 to Charlinch for the same purpose; and to her servants--1, £50; 3, £20; and 2, £10 legacies. Proved Sept. Jo 1715, by Thomas Bourne. She ,vas buried Sept. 12, 1714, at Chew Magna (Reg.). ( a 10) William Catcombe ( see note 1). (air) This John Baber, presented to the living of Chew Magna by Catharine Baber, .finds no place in the pedigree.· He may have been the son John of Elizabeth Baber of Timsbury (see c). PLATE XIV<,

i I l j. j

' ..J-

- ;i ~ ,;-~~

\.'B-l'jE • //4 ,,__;::--~ ~·--~ :----~ B ' ---

~I J.:...WLOt=,f, I *'L- ,;:; E..~-H.t< sa,_ ::u __ , .. . -·-· - .. --- . -· ----- scarcely have been the vnfe of th~ next Sir John, \\·bo lo11g survived her ltusban•I, and hc.1d three husbands after hin1. Th(! fact,' ho"·<.,·ef, thar th~ St. Lo =~rn1s

:ire on her dres~ is' ~aid to ~h<,\\· tt,,, ~'lr sht;. ~·as- a St. Lo · _.not the"\\·ife of a St. Lo (P.'ale 1 :· ·--un!c:~s a St. Lo 111arr:ed a St. Lo .. Oa a brass in tl1e ~ame ch.1~l are the arms:

.,\ rgeut, a cross het,,·et:n four eagr t:, di'iplay·ed gules (StraLbey) in1paling Or, thret trtfoils slipped sable (Sy111ond~) ; over all, Ul~ter _),t e~cutc:heon for baronet. :\Iotto, "Cf the south \\·iudo,\· of the ch~pel~ and a gr~at alteration mu~t have l~ceii. n1adc in the ~pec-.t af the chapel "·hen the n1onnn1ent ,•r3s put np. ~rhe arms of the 'father and 1011 aud of t:·verybody related "to tben1 are found on the n10111.1b1ent. Cre~ton Eser. B:1her. impali11g 'tmttt, {¼ule-.. a c:o~~ ~n~ r:1.Alee

f .e.. '-"t..i.r cl-12• tr-,,( "" r,r. ' ' ". •,. 1 ~ · + T ,..; ,,.., -... i(...._, '- • '--•,. ,.-~ .. ..~••a:,'- " ...... •~· ..... ~ •• ,,, .&...'-•O•" \'c.:--, t.. ••f rc•._tt.• J THE CHURCH.,

Barry of six or and azure (really azure two bars argent) on a canton sable, a wolf's head erased argent_ Wilbraham, impaling Baber.. B:iber impaling quarterly I and 4, Vert fretty or, \\il:dtm.ore, 2 and 3, .,.;\.rgent on a chevron sable three bezants. Bond, mother of Anne Whitmore.. ltrgent, a chevron checquy gules and or (really fretty) between three billets sable, on chevron point _a dexter hand epaumee gules for Baroneto De_lvess impaling Baber.. On each corner of the chapel supporting the roof is a shield. N.W. corner: Baber impaling Leigh~ N.E.. cornerp Delves impaling Baber.. S.E. corner, Wilbraham impaling Baber.. SaW. corner~ Baber impaling ~lbitmore and Bond... The late Sir Edward Strachey, in a paper read before the So A. -S., \ 7o1. 14, states that there was once a gallery over the chapel, making- two stories in it­ he adds that it was destroyed by Edward Baber-but this monument never could have been put up ,vhile a galleried pew was there; sop if the monument was erected in 1643, the gallery must have been destroyed by Francis Baber~ \\t"hen the gallery was built, the south windoVt-.. \\l'as Inade shorter so as to adn1it a door above it ; thi5 door "vas approached by a bridge which crossed the church path into the Bishoprs pa.lace; on the other side in tbe church the door opened upon the gallery, which was the Bishop's pew. The door in the 1iva1l is filled up by a window with 4 lights without tracery~ and the disturbed state of the stones around shows evidence of rebuilding. This chapel ,vas pro..,. bmbly that of SL Nicholas,. spoken of in 1495 in the -rNill of Thomas 1\-!ay b.o.., 226 · HISTORY OF CHEW AIAGNAo

Leaving the Baber Chapel and going westward, the round-headed piscinao said to be Norman, is first noticed ; then the old wooden figure of Sir John de Hauteville, largely mended with plaister.. This monu­ ment is said to have been brought from Norton Hauteville Chapel ,vhen that ch_apel ,i.vas destroyed at the Reforn1ation; the knight is lying cross-legged in a most awk·,vard position, ,vbich is shown in the etching (Plate 15). It was first placed on the sill of

th·e east ,vindOV\-" in the Baber ChapeJ9 then placed under a modern canopy by the Rev. Rawden VJ. Hautenville, Rector of \Veston-in-Gordano, who claimed to haye been descended from the Haute'\-illes, and who placed under the monument, Sir John de Hauteville, temp. H. III. But this inscription and the monun1ent cannot be made to coincide: the armour 1 is of the time of Henry \ • . Now the last HauteviHe~ Geoffrey, parted with his manor of Norton to John de '\Vyck in 2 Edward III., 1328, and be appears to have been the last of the family. John de Wyck died 20 Edward IIL, 1346~ and his wif~ Egelina, married Robert Cheyne, of Lincolnshire, and became possessed through her of the manor and advowson of the church at ~ orton; his heir was Sir \Vi!liam Cheyne, ~.. ho died 8 Hen:ry \t,,_ 1420. One of the Cheynes founded a chantry in the church of Norton. Nowil if the armour is of the time of Henry \ 7., this monument may ha'\"e be{'n the effigy of Sir William Cheyne. It is stated in Paul's "Sepulchral Slabs" (p.. 7) to be later than Henry III.. , except the spurs: it is erroneously styled "cross-legged" by Collinson, owing to the attitude of the lej::s4\ and he also says the surcoat is charged with a vvhite cross~ not appHcable to HauteviUe or de­

Wyck, but the Cheynes bore 'i azure, a cross .11tny? or/"


List of the Wills of the inhabitants of Chew Magna_ Che,v Stoke, Dundry., and , now existing in the registrar's office at Wells, abstracts of which are to be found in the library of tht Somerset Archaeological Society at Taunton and in Highfields, which last will be eventually transferred to the library at Weston­ super-M~re.

Column 1, Name.. Column 2: Date of. ~lill. Column 3, Numbtt of Will in Alphabetical List. Column -4, Place of Residence. Co?umn 5, Date of Proof. Columa 6, In... -entory of Good&. I 2 3 4 5 6 £ ... cL Abraham, Anne • , 1746 591 Chew Magna •• 1753 Abraham, Oliver,sen. 1-; 42 582• Chew Magna . • Ii52 - Abraham, Thoma.1 •• 1725 764 Chew Magna • • - Abraham, Thomas. .. 17 46 i93 - Abram. Thomas • ." 1694 461 K.nowl HI11 • ~ 1694 j65 o o .A.ddams, Anne .. ~ 1713 530 Chew Stoke •• 1713 16 1 8 1 Adlam, Raft'e •• 1599 278 Chew Sto'-e... . ,}599589 2_,t102 11 0

Alford 11 Jane •• 1639 365 Chew Magna • • 1648 15 18 4

Alin, Thomas 4 .. 1557 74 Chew Stoke •. 1557 25 4 2 Allen, Elizabeth ... 1683 438 Chew Stoke .. • 1684 ;,2 16 I Allen, John .. • ,. lj04, 490 Chew Stoke • . IiQf. 353 10 .a Allen, John •• . .. ijI4 53.2 Chew Stoke • • 1 i 14 -

~:, } Thomas _. 1 i43 585• Chew Stoke •• 1;-43 - Allen, William • .. 1587 !Jf Chew Stoke • ~ 1587 JI 7 I ...Wen, William •• 1799 7%5 Chew Stoke • • - - Appowell, Thomas .. 15i9 174 Chew )!agna • • 1580 - Askins, Stephen •• 1591-2 220 Chew Magna . • 1593 12 4 Q Atfourde, Elonor }. 1553 65 Chew Magna .• 1553 - Atfourdc, Eleanor - ,. 1554 21 0 0 Athasell, John •• 1559 94 Chew 1.Iagna • • I 559 - >... ?hascll~ John, sen. a56o 93 Sutton {Chewe) 1560 - Athaiell, Thomas o • 1542 12 LIST OF CHE J-V .AfAGNA WILLS. 293 --- - -· ------· - - --- ·------

J 2 3 4 s 6 £ "· d. Athascll, William • ~ 155S 91 Stowye (Chewc) !t1! - 0 Athassell, .A.licie •• ♦ ,55: 6o, Chew (Magna) •ss:-3 12 0 Atheal, John !]!O Sutton ... 1710. ~ ;34 ~. Ath~ale, John j Ijit 7i5 1711 Atheaie, Vlillia.m .. 1568 129 Sutton Wceb 1569 12f IJ .i Atbele, 1\fary . ~ 1719 7.38 , Bishop Sutton 1721 - 1 Athele, Thomas 20 Chew (Magna) 543 2 3 10 .. 15J3 i.5# Athele, Isabell · ~ 1542 I! 0. 1542 I 16 I Athele, Elizabeth · j .... 154-5 Attheyle, Agnes C c> 155 2 63 Chew _. o •• 1552 - ... I,554, 8 11 4

Baba-, Francis .• 0 1675 404 Chew i.-Iagm •• 16']6 587 15 JO Baber, William •• ISiZ 134 Chew Stoke •c i571 9 13 4 Backwill, Joho ,558 H)O Stowey (Cl;ew) 15tl •• 15

Bak:", Anne • 0 t634 323 Chew Stoke •• rfl.34 18 I 6 Baice, 1631 261 Baise, Thomas t63.1 Chew Stoke •c i6J: 317 - Brake, j i6.lJ Baker' Francis 1757 1750 Chew Stab • II Baber~ •• 599 1759 - Baker, William . , i586 %07 Chew Magm .. l> 1518 Ji a iO Baley, · togcr .. ,54, "I Chew Mapa ... 15-f.i-% 40 12 7 Barber, Samuel, ai!s Ibi7 415 Chew Stoake,.,, 1678 ~ 0 0 Jenkiu Barnes, John ... 1741 586 Chew Mazm , • 1760 - Bartlett, John~ 1546 39 Chew o~ 1546 Hanny "'. - Bartlett: Richard, abi 1593 2EJ Chew Magu.,. Hanoye # :m - Bartlett, William .. }720 745 Chew Mapa., 1724 - Baybyr: I bell &ybur, sa a , < 153.5 6 Chew Stoke 0,, 153.5 - Baylyc, Jlarg;aet ff" !546 44 Cbcw ';) 5 .. 1546 - :Baysc, Robert n e 159~ 2i7 Chew Stoke .. 0 1593 35 JO 4 Bea1ei Jam~ 1705 625 Chew Stob!· ". 1765 - ~, William . ~ -- - ." - - Bec?::\y~ Benny j l':'02• 486 Week$ (Chew) ii'OJ Q -


A .,~ PAGC. Abraham., lb. 24i Athall, Thoma.a, c,f Nor..oia AbDh:tm., Eliabctll • • ~ .:\falreward 95- ~ .\braham, Sar:.h . • 229 Atha2ell, John . • 32, Si, Abraham. William, ol &.th- AtbasseU, Alice, WJ'dcw . • 1,58 'lrick 228,253 Athattl, A~ . . . . 1 .S.0, ~ . . 20.f Atbcde, A~ . . lJ .-\dam, s. of X-ICbow 81 Atbealc, llr. Jooo, ol .\d:im, ti.e ~ 50 Bi5bop Sutton . • .:55, 25' Adams,,~ 282 Alhc:al,c, William . . . • 35 Adda~ • • . • 43 Atbde, wmwn . . 11:9, ·"'° .~ddo-~ Elizabeth . • 151 A:pmi~h. Robert de l~!, 187 Adwn, • tcssn. George. ~ Auchulle. W~ter and Som 23~ S'ichoba .• 2:ja A.dlam,Mr. Willmn 256 Att~·le, .,\gne,s, Wldo-.r, ~tiws.i1b JS Chew ;s, •s8 Alford, WiDialll 6s .\twyke, Jam: . . . . µ A.'lrt:, Jo= .. w3.~ Auito:i, John =J idooia de 83 Alle\,ac, ::,ir Edward . . 1;6 Aiateil. JobD • • • • u; Altarilla, Stq,hcc de •.s. ,; Ayk!"yue, Wm., jw;ru-. • , 24 .-\ltarilla, l'hcau. de AJuriDa, Waller de ••6;,J I Alu.,-ille. Gal&ii.lm de j8 Altarille, RcpaJJ de 15 •.\.Irick, ~ 51 ""Jwicm lJ .\lya. Themas '53 Amery. Pndace .. ~ .\mmory, f~ 1oz Andrew,Tbamaa •• 51 .-\ppdcigb, de-, ~ o{ 1Gcimof'd lSci •.\.ppllt011, Hes, . . . . il A:.modd, Th,s. md »~ fuet I.J2 Araddl.,Aliaiaatt 131 Anmddl, k_~~~t 131 •'~ • . l:U A~wst. ~ •• . • ~ .\!bkby. Jona dip, pm'MlG of ~~ i:i .Liscom • • 186 AlilCl!II..Adaadl? .;o ! Atbd,. Jobe .• Atbsde, ~ l.NDEX OF PERSONS.

!'..1,,4!.X .. Babe-, E..'iubctb, of Tims- hmy •. 143 Ihbc:r, Florence . • 30, 153 Baber, Fr::.oro 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, ·°'3• 6o, 9%, 93• Q,l. 9-;, 98, 99, 10;'", 141, q3, :48, I.J9, ISO, 151, 152,205,224 Rabe:-, Fr.1.Dci~, armig•.'1". • • 91 Raber, Frwcis, Arm., LLD. 15t Baber, Harr;· 151 Baber. I..abcl. A.,~ and jone 14-" Baber, J .aric : 5 J Baber, Jas. . . 3'." B.:iber. Joho ➔ 3• re,;, qo, q::, 143, qQ. 15.;, 163 182, .:02 Baber, lobn, of Fevland's Court: ·wr:u:.all . : 1,.c B:,ber, Toho and Bubar.: ? ? 52 Baber, ]oho, D.D .. \ic::.r of Ch~.- .\fai,::n:i . . , ~ 3, 2°'4 H=ii:>er, John .and )!az:- :n;-. 14-4 Baber, Toho, nf Re~bur. i4C! R.1l>('T, Katharine q.1, £42, 1Ji2 Baber, ~f3dam 15; Raber. Man· :40, 1.p:, ? 48, I 5 t' • 5.2 B;;.ber, Mr. . . 284 Baber, PriscillA 148 P..ibcr, Ricbarcl 142 Raber, Robert 36, ;8, :.p. I 53, R.a~r. Robert, of Bath . . ~~j B.::bcr, Robert, of S. G«:ir£1!, Ea.,ton-m-Gord=o I 49 R1ber, R~ • • 148, :5: Baber, Rorer, Ed"·:u-d al2d Robert . . 152 P-a bcT. ~ 1.p &her, To~· -U Baber, Willwn q:, ;43. 151 B:iber, 'Willum, of Cbe,,r Stoke :4: R.aMT, hal-.el ;40 B::1fnT, John, of Cnev.· Stol!e !40 &cbe, John . . .. 123 Radley, Re oat S9 B.uie)· I Roger 156, i 57 Buer, Tnomu .. %2, !6J Baker, William k-., 82 Ball, Ma.riol2 2.JO B.ill. Mr. . . .. Balle:rc, \y>'illiM:i J.c %i! &r~Jo. ~ BABER FAMll,.Y.

Arms: Arge,,I tni a fas ,-Jes, lkr« ~111ks' :ftMc6 oss«l of IM fold, a aaa,,t fq,- dipere,ece.

------·~---- _...... ,__----.--~------______,, __ ---

, J I ' '.~ .. Henry Ftirebdh • - Sir 'R Wb M .~ _, \:vllli&"'?a 1 (o). jODes. b. Ja. S, HiD (w)i b. 1uy ; , ~tt'~ »,;ry- ,fio3, li:I:!~, {a~~. crR. C,:WR ~~ ac4 Feb.. ;ti. l r·----, ~- ·n 1 ;111:i. \ ~ ~-1• Beba, 1111.Gb.allWI.. 1 /,-. f s-t 1'- I /4,t /i,1.q F'-il. Eli ', fl, ~ bp. Jay 19, ... lip. KudaJD, bp. J-,. 6. ba. Fe,. ' ..,. lffl. rS'JI. rlioo. ~~ A ·xa ,,,.,,;\.../

MiFil-utn IJ#r ~ ''o/· 'A 1°1 ·

- C ~

1-11",:Y H,,.~Y- ca .,._ b. ,7z.s._d. 196f _""' _t:\4r 5-,,t h b. 711, A. ,961.

{l ~io bt t/2 All.-n ~ 1,~11.~ (}lc,.t'"ia . /-Ii lt 1'l. . !>. Jl'Jo. ~ .,,s! h. 181:J d., ,8'1/· b. 1i1N. d ,Ill.

- OJC~ {;,fl,"5,,,.,a,t!. 2)-o<~,,k. W:,b-..-d.~ /!JiLb.olas p,.Bc.- b .. ,,~,.-


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Eo I.. ~ ~@tll'ifE.NACii M\11) .OOMERSET ROCOB\D OFFICE, Ci~C. ~ ~ 01;)UNCU,. 011.iD(']E ROAD~ .,._ ., w7Jl.e'J.l'LC

WC8 P.. ~ TA~N. ~~

~~: ,J~S.,15 (SM.. B.~1§) IIIJ~~~ 911!'. --1Uiid!J 4 .. -111'!!.e $ _ :e...:..< 4 CCliiP Ba e'!ll.£t!W.i lrtW ir~G¥i/, CJ% ~ .• c:z_. _se;: s =s 1s :,$IC ::::=www •s- 11 • e: .• c __ -«· m !!ll, ___ , .,

The reference~-whi~_you qaot~ from p~ .n ~t your L~4 are to printed. ~bg Y * •~ 'l"ea.yeri s !!..¼k• !~ wu publlahed in 1890 by Kegan9 Paul~ frenehf), Trulmer Coe: Ltd.$ tw.d. it contain~ extracts :froii. &ll the w:illa. in the first tw@ register~ of wills proft4 b. the Consiatccy Court of Wells (co 1;26--36); the Abstracts of 19~~!.~ !!1}! (6 voli!(D) were privately prl.ntei for Jrederiok ··k~ Crisp 2 in 1887 a.rad. are based on tbe much larger series ~ mamuJcrlpt note~ n.s a'b,atraots of rl.lls, eta.$ :relating to Somerset~ tuil.ies &OC9Jmulatod. by the an• h-oae.ri.ek Brown.I? Only 1.50 copies wt:u.oae printed ot this latter WON~ irotm.2 & E'9 vol~s 1·,iuaa:tta in the Library of the Soaerset J;r~ologieal lc~ety bl '?he ~utle, T&WltoA~ am a general index of the f~ldlies involved u to be feuad. -~ ~Oil~ 57 of that Society8 i fl:&~4:~ (tor lSll)e The rllls• ht t!Ml prir:ted. ~~~-~::£~~£~! are ge:aerally, 1£ oot inva.riabl;r, from too reooris ot ihe PrerQ1aiil'O c.;,ourt GI: Cant•~ and the original regis'terl!Je 8.3 you will know§ :remd..a at Somerset Bo~ izl ~a$ Reverting to 'lfeaver~ s book~ thia is now pa:rticularly -waluable, aa all the probate·records from Well.s weN d@atr-oyed in the bouing of :lxetcr in l942e .

~ regard.8 the list of Chev Magna 1rilla on p$ 292 !£u.~!i!ie ot •·~9 al,11tract1S of 1 tbe 16th century w-lll= ha:v.e been p~intea in -woluae 62 of the So.r_.t boord $G@iety publioationa, So•rset Will•~ Emter (1952). I have on Aepoait a. 1 1 00.PJ' of Yood I S original ~acript&batnota"-;a:eh,, SC far a.a I OAn. check~ -~ntains all tl» willa liated by hiae -

Krso C. ~. Baber, ll8 Oak.wood Place , LynGhb~g, Virgini&~ U~S1)Ac