Minutes of the Market Bosworth Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 3 March 2020 at the Parish Hall, Park Street, Market Bosworth, commencing at 7.00 p.m.

Present: Cllr J Wasteney (Chairman), Cllrs Ken Coleman, Grizelda Hargreaves, Phil Hayes, Kevin Hughes, John Manley, Nigel Palmer, Susan Ward. In attendance: Ivan Ould (County Councillor); Maureen Cook (Borough Councillor); Catherine Monkman (Parish Clerk); 2 members of the public.

1 Apologies: None.

2 To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 4 February 2020 Resolved: that the Minutes be approved. The Minutes were signed by the Chairman.

3 Declarations of interest (including disclosable pecuniary interests) and requests for dispensation in respect of items on the agenda: None.

4 To receive reports, questions and comments as follows: a County Councillor: Cllr I Ould’s report had been distributed and was taken as read. Cllr I Ould read out guidance issued by the Director of Communications for County Council (LCC) on dealing with coronavirus Covid-19 and he asked the Parish Council to assure residents that LCC is following advice as issued by Public Health and the NHS. b Borough Councillor: Cllr M Cook’s report had been distributed and was taken as read. A public meeting is due to be held (date to be confirmed) before demolition takes place prior to re-building Ambion Court; Cllr M Cook had met with residents in relation to various local planning applications; there was no update on the Bosworth 1485 Sculpture Trail. Cllr M Cook read out a letter she had received from Gladman, a speculative land acquisition company proposing 90 dwellings on land between Shenton Lane and Sutton Lane, adjacent to the cemetery. Gladman had sought a meeting with Cllr M Cook and had stated that they had also written to the Parish Council, although the Parish Council had not yet received any correspondence from them. Cllr M Cook stressed that she would never meet with a land agent or developer alone. The following was agreed: that the Parish Council should (i) await correspondence from Gladman (ii) flag up the proposed development at the Neighbourhood Forum (NF) meeting on 12.03.20 (iii) continue to chase Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council’s (HBBC’s) legal department in respect of minor modifications to the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) which the NF had submitted to HBBC for approval in November 2019. Cllr M Cook to also chase HBBC’s legal team in respect of the NP. c Parish Councillors – information exchange: Station Road: The Clerk to report to Highways that the pavement between St Peter’s CE Primary Academy and Market Bosworth Community Library (MBCL) requires cleaning. Back Lane: The Clerk to report to Highways broken tarmac and a damaged kerbstone posing a serious trip hazard outside the Doctors’ Surgery. Rectory Lane pothole: Cllr G Hargreaves to send to Highways a picture she had taken of a pothole in Rectory Lane which had not been filled in properly, copy to Cllr I Ould (items 5 p304 and 4d below refer) Stanley Road green space: The Clerk to send a reminder to residents that temporary play equipment should not be left on the public green space area when not in use (items 4d p273 and 4c p268 refer). Potholes: It was noted that several potholes are appearing around the parish (see item 4d below for Highways’ response to Clerk’s complaint). Bosworth Links: Cllr N Palmer spoke as Chairman of the Market Bosworth Society, requesting a letter of support from the Parish Council for plans to expand Bosworth Links in to neighbouring villages. It was agreed that a letter of support should be sent from the Parish Council supporting Bosworth Links. Parking outside MBCL: Cllr J Manley reported that a resident had expressed serious concerns about the negative impact of parking outside MBCL where parked cars block the free flow of traffic up and down Station Road. Cllr I Ould reported that he had received similar complaints. Those present agreed that

Market Bosworth Parish Council Meeting, 3 March 2020


the situation is frustrating in that one cannot legislate for poor driver behaviour, or force people to use the pay and display car park, and the Parish Council has no powers to deal directly with traffic issues. However, the Parish Council is well aware of the traffic congestion all along Station Road and in other parts of the town and as such is trying its best to address concerns by working with HBBC and LCC to carry out town centre traffic surveys and prepare a parking strategy. Cedar Drive: Cllr S Ward reported that she had received complaints about inconsiderate parking on Cedar Drive, principally by members of the Tuesday walking group and those playing bowls at the Bowling Club. Upcoming Meetings: Parish Council representatives to attend the upcoming Hinckley & Bosworth Tourism Partnership Meeting on 19.03.20; the Rural Conference on 05.03.20; business meeting with Dr Luke Evans MP on 06.03.20. Neighbourhood Forum: It was agreed that a letter should be sent to wish Mr J Pope, Chairman of the NF, a speedy recovery from his recent ill health. d Parish Clerk – situation report: Potholes: Highways had responded to recent concerns about potholes to say that Market Bosworth is surveyed at regular time intervals both on foot and by vehicle, and that in Highways’ opinion all recently infilled potholes are holding and therefore require no further action. Car Park: • Following complaints from a permit holder regularly unable to park in the permit holders’ area, notices had been placed on offending vehicles to point out that the permit area is for permit holders only and that all permits should be displayed. The notices appeared to be having a positive effect as more cars are now displaying permits. • Bosworth Groundcare had been authorised to carry out remedial works to a section of fencing separating the main car park from the permit holders’ area and would be submitting a quotation for full replacement in due course. • HBBC is unable to collect usage data from the ticket machine but this will be possible from the new machine when it is installed . Memorial Garden: The new gate finials had been fitted and the HBBC Environmental Improvement Grant awarded towards the project had been claimed. Sutton Lane gate sign: Highways had acknowledged receipt of concerns about the new sign fitted to the Sutton Lane gate and had confirmed they are looking into the matter. The Clerk to chase Highways and to forward the job ticket number to Cllr I Ould so he can chase Highways as well. Tree works: £130 had been authorised for expenditure on minor tree works agreed following the 2019 tree inspection. Cllr I Ould left the meeting at this point. e Market Place Redevelopment Project: The working party had met with Mr A Wilson from Highways on 12.02.20. Cameras recently installed in Market Bosworth had not been put up by Highways as previously understood (item 4e p304 refers) but had been part of a survey being carried out by an unknown private company. Highways will be putting the cameras back up imminently to carry out their own research as one element of the survey work being undertaken around the town centre over the coming months. f Neighbourhood Forum: There had been no meeting since the last Parish Council Meeting. A working group had been working with HBBC in respect of placing new Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) on woodland swathes and tree avenues identified as high priority in relation to protection of valued views and vistas, the aim being to eventually encompass the whole parish. The first draft will need to be agreed by the NF then will be put to the full Parish Council for consideration and approval. There will be a meeting on 18.03.20 regarding progressing the NP, by which time it is hoped the editorial revisions to the NP will have been approved by HBBC and be ready to put to the full Parish Council for approval at the April Parish Council Meeting. g Speed indicator device: The SID had been successfully reinstated on The Park since its return from the manufacturer following repair. Data for the period 13.02.20 – 03.03.20 had been distributed to councillors for information. The maximum speed recorded was 70mph on 27.02.20. 48,064 vehicles had been counted entering Market Bosworth on The Park between 13.02.20 – 03.03.20. The evidence was that drivers slow down when seeing the SID but speed up again having passed it.

Market Bosworth Parish Council Meeting, 3 March 2020


h Memorial Garden: The working party to meet on 17.03.20 with a view to compiling recommendations for consideration at the April Parish Council Meeting. i MP’s Parish Forum 18.02.20: The Chairman and Clerk had attended the Forum. The evening had commenced with a presentation by Inspector Emma Maxwell about upcoming changes to the structure of Leicestershire Police Force. Dr Luke Evans, MP had outlined his work to date as an MP, stressed his desire to engage directly with local parishes, and invited questions and concerns for him to respond to. Common threads for discussion had been planning, infrastructure, anti-social behaviour, rural crime, flooding, road maintenance and fairer funding for Leicestershire.

5 Public Participation: A member of the public sought support for objections to planning application 20/00141/HOU 32 Northumberland Avenue (item 6c below refers).

6 Planning matters: a Planning applications determined: 19/01431/HOU 127 the Park, two storey side extension and roof extension. Permitted. 19/01433/TCA 8 Back Lane, works to trees and to fell 1 x Silver Birch. Declined to make. 19/01035/FUL Land adjacent to 1 Back Lane, erection of 1 no detached dwelling. Refused. b Planning application comments submitted under delegated powers: The following comments had been submitted by the Clerk under delegated powers after consultation with Members and the Chairman (item 14c p283 refers). 19/01440/FUL (re-consultation) 5 Shenton Lane, erection of one dwelling and double garage (revised scheme). Objections submitted relating to density, scale and access. c To note and comment on new planning applications: 20/00141/HOU 32 Northumberland Avenue, single storey rear extension and front canopy extension. Objections to be submitted as follows: the proposed development would be out of scale for the plot, out of character with other dwellings in Northumberland Avenue, and in contravention of DMP10; is based on misinformation and inaccurate drawings; and the Parish Council supports neighbours’ objections. 19/01437/FUL Kyngs Golf and Country Club, Station Road, erection of a multi-purpose golf clubhouse, formation of new parking areas and access roads and erection of 6 golf holiday homes and all associated ancillary works and landscaping. A draft response had been distributed for comment. Cllr J Wasteney to amend the draft response to incorporate further objections raised at this Parish Council Meeting, to be submitted to HBBC by the Clerk before the deadline of 05.03.20. 20/00133/HOU 5 Warwick Close, Market Bosworth, two storey and single storey extension at rear of house. The Parish Council supports any legitimate objections raised by neighbours in respect of this planning application. 20/00131/FUL Sedgemere, Station Road, residential development of 76 dwellings with associated access and public open space. No objections but request conditions for as much to be done as possible to mitigate against potential negative impact e.g. retain screening. Draft response to be circulated for comment by email, to be submitted to HBBC by the Clerk before the deadline of 16.03.20. The Clerk to contact HBBC to request S106 / community infrastructure levy contributions relating to the development.

7 To consider the recommendations of the cemetery working party and agree next steps in respect of obtaining quotations to progress the next phase of development Resolved unanimously: to seek 3 x quotations to construct 3 x paths as shown on the cemetery site plan to enable additional provision of ashes plots with small headstones, this work being an extension of the existing layout and to be completed as a matter of urgency there being only a few plots left at present. Resolved by 6 votes in favour and 2 abstentions: to seek quotations to enable step by step construction in clearly defined sections as proposed by the cemetery working party in their report distributed with the agenda for this Parish Council Meeting.

8 To review the Standing Orders and approve the revised Appendix 1, list of approved contractors Resolved: to approve the Standing Orders and revised Appendix 1 as distributed.

Market Bosworth Parish Council Meeting, 3 March 2020


9 Financial matters: To note income received and approve items of expenditure Bank balances: Community Current Account £67,529.15; Business Money Manager Account £106,828.47.

Income received: Name Details Net VAT Total M G Evans Headstone fee £125.00 £0.00 £125.00 HBBC Environmental Improvement Fund grant £677.00 £0.00 £677.00 £802.00

Standing orders and direct debits paid since the December Parish Council Meeting: Name Details Net VAT Total Market Bosworth DCC Office rent (standing order) £175.00 £0.00 £175.00 Total Gas & Power Toilet block electricity (direct debit) £44.65 £2.23 £46.88 £221.88

Expenditure approved: Name Details Net VAT Total Market Bosworth DCC Meeting room hire £24.38 £0.00 £24.38 Market Bosworth Community Library Meeting room hire £16.00 £0.00 £16.00 Premier Company Toilet block cleaning contract £335.31 £67.06 £402.37 J P Grounds Maintenance Maintenance contracts 1 & 2 £549.91 £0.00 £549.91 Bosworth Groundcare Maintenance contracts 3 & 4 £391.25 £0.00 £391.25 Parish Clerk Net salary £1,083.38 £0.00 £1,083.38 Leicestershire County Council Pension contributions £374.58 £0.00 £374.58 HMRC Quarterly income tax and NI payments £485.21 £0.00 £485.21 Erud I.T. Monthly Office 365 subscription and contracted support fee £41.80 £8.36 £50.16 Mrs C Monkman Reimbursement for black ink cartridge £17.66 £3.53 £21.19 ESPO Stationery £39.80 £7.96 £47.76 PDC Limited Annual fee to host www.bosworthvision.org.uk £200.00 £40.00 £240.00 Harborough Stone 2 x stone gate post finials £1,771.00 £354.20 £2,125.20 HBBC Litter bin servicing agreement £167.44 £33.49 £200.93 Cash Toilet block and office miscellaneous £100.00 £0.00 £100.00 LRALC Limited Councillor training x 2 £80.00 £0.00 £80.00 £6,192.32

10 To note items of miscellaneous correspondence received and distributed: Notes and associated documents relating to the Heritage Forum Meeting held on 04.02.20. Copy correspondence from HBBC’s Conservation Area Officer to local estate agents supporting the Parish Council’s concerns in respect of placement of For Sale and Sold boards and drawing attention to the need to comply with Class 3A of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisement) (England) Regulations 2007 (item 4c p303 refers). HBBC’s Environmental Health Newsletter and Community Safety Partnership e-newsletter. Letter from HSBC in respect of security update procedures affecting banking arrangements. The Chairman and Clerk to action. Anonymous note in respect of congestion along Station Road from the town centre to the Water Park. File - no response as it is not possible to respond to anonymous correspondence. Information from LCC’s Highways department inviting participation in the wildflower verges scheme. No response at present. Email from the Conservative Prospective Candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner Leicestershire and Rutland, inviting Parish Councils to submit views on crime and policing and to attend drop-in surgeries. No response.

Market Bosworth Parish Council Meeting, 3 March 2020


Minutes of the February Patient Participation Group Meeting. Cllr J Wasteney wondered what impact new housing would have on Surgery capacity. Advance notice of a temporary road closure on Main Street in Carlton, for which traffic to be diverted through Market Bosworth for 3 days commencing 23.04.20.

11 Chairman’s remarks: None.

12 To confirm the date, time and place of the next Parish Council Meeting 7 April 2020, 7.00 pm, Parish Hall, Park Street.

13 Closed session to discuss confidential staff matters The Parish Clerk’s annual appraisal was discussed and the pay scale for 2020-21 agreed.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.10 pm.

Signed ……………………………………………...... Date …………………………… Chairman

Catherine Monkman, Parish Clerk 4 March 2020

Market Bosworth Parish Council Meeting, 3 March 2020