ʿAshara Mubaraka 1441 H, Majlis 1 Reflections

In explaining the importance of the number forty and the significance of this new year (1441 H), the first after the completion of forty years of the fifteenth century, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS cited the following ayat ​ ​ shareefa (7:142) regarding Nabi Musa AS in his first waʿaz ​ ​ mubarak: ​

We appointed for Musa thirty nights then added another ten—completing his Lord’s term of forty nights.

The numerical value of the name Musa and the term al-dai are ​ both 116 according to the Abjad numerical system. Considering the consonance between the stature of the al-dai al-mutlaq and AS TUS ​ Nabi Musa ,​ Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal declared that Allah Taʿala has promised the dai al-satr ‘thirty completed by ten’. He ​ referenced two specific years from the hayat tayyibah of al-Dai ​ al-Ajal Syedna RA to illustrate this. After the completion of 30 years as the 52nd al-dai al-mutlaq during ​ ​ which he was engrossed day and night in the zikr and bukaa of AS ​ RA ​ Imam Husain ,​ in 1414 H Syedna Burhanuddin had the ​ ​ honour of constructing and dedicating a zareeh mubarak at the ​ sacred site where Imam Husain’s SA raʾas mubarak was placed in ​ AS Damascus and the zareeh mubarak of Ruʾoos al-Shohada .​ ​ ​ Ten years later, in 1424 H yet another preeminence of the 52nd ​ dai was revealed; for the first time both the audio and video of an entire ʿAshara waʿaz mubarak was broadcasted live across the ​

1 world. The interesting coincidence here is that the year 1441 H, like 1414 H, has two 1’s and two 4’s and is a year in which the barakat of Imam Husain’s zareeh mubarak shall continue to ​ ​ emanate, insha’ Allah. ​ ​

In keeping with his ʿamal mubarak from previous years, al-Dai ​ al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS explained in the ​ first majlis of this year’s ʿAshara Mubaraka that the topics of each ​ day’s waʿaz mubarak will be based on an extensive wasiyyat or ​ ​ counsel of Amirul Mumineen SA which he had imparted to his SA shahzada Imam Hasan .​ The counsel shall be discussed in ​ detail across the ten sermons with each day dedicated to three specific directions. While emphasizing the importance of this counsel, Amirul Mumineen SA stated that the one who acquires all ​ the attributes mentioned in this counsel and acts accordingly, will remain safe from all the evils of this world and the next. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS further stated that in total there are 30 specific ​ guidances within the counsel and — insha’ Allah — he will ​ expound upon three counsels in each waʿaz mubarak resulting in ​ the complete explanation of the 30 guidances over the course of the 10 majalis which culminate on the day of ʿAshura. With the ​ completion of 30, Allah Taʿala shall provide the blessings of 40.

In today's waʿaz mubarak, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS focused on ​ ​ ​ the first of the ten counsels which comprise of the following three words of wisdom: always remain cautious and vigilant of pride, anger and greed. Without vigilance, Satan uses these vices, to set traps for man and ensnare him in sin.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS went on to describe each of these vices ​ and their characteristics. Pride restrains a person from progress, and moreover, prevents him or her from adhering to those of virtue. Maulana Ali AS states that “vanity hinders advancement.” ​ 2 An individual who gives alms should never recount his act to its recipient. However, men of vanity often tend to and by doing so they cause distress to the subject of their kindness placing a burden of acknowledgment upon the one he has assisted and leading him to think that he must recompense his benefactor’s kindness. This invalidates the righteous deed of having given the alms in the first place. Imam Zain al-Abideen AS served food to ​ 100 houses in Madina Munawarra. Each night, he carried the food upon his shoulder, ensuring that he remained unbeknownst to those who were the recipients of his kindness. He did so to relieve them of burden and difficulty for if they came to know that it was their imam who brought food to them, they would say we will come and collect the food ourselves; why should the imam trouble himself thus?

Highlighting the importance of being ever-vigilant of those who would ferment such vice in the hearts of men, Syedna al-Dai TUS RA al-Ajal related a narration from Abdullah bin Abbas .​ Iblees ​ ​ appeared before Rasul Allah SA in the guise of a shaikh (elderly ​ ​ man) and explained how he continuously attempts to mislead a Muslim. When a person from the ummah attempts to rise for namaz, he leads him astray. If busy, he convinces the person that there is still enough time to finish whatever he is occupied with before namaz. This is so that the individual misses the time for prayer. Now, if he does pray, then Iblees looks to implant thoughts in that person’s mind: ‘look right’ and if they do so then he wipes his hand over their face and kisses their forehead. If this fails, he then seeks to make them pray at a pace similar to the pace of a nodding hen as it picks seeds. If the person attends a congregational prayer and tends to his prayer with care and at ease (tamakkun), then Iblees places reins upon him seeking to ​ ​ force his movements in bowing and prostration so that he precedes the imam thereby invalidating his namaz. If he finds he 3 has still not succeeded then he will instigate that person to play with his fingers which, if successful, would be a tasbeeh of ​ Iblees. Syedna ended this narrative with a prayer of salawaat for ​ Rasul Allah SAW and an expression of gratitude that we had been ​ safeguarded from these instigations of Iblees.

While speaking of the ills of greed, Syedna TUS recalled the words ​ spoken by a man of wisdom: ‘the one who conquers contentment has attained alchemy’. It is through alchemy that copper is turned in to gold. Likewise, a heart that is filled with contentment will be able to appreciate whatever he has however little it may be.

In 1383 H, Syedna RA graced Sidhpur for ​ ʿAshara Mubaraka despite the fact that he was suffering from ill-health. During ʿAshara Mubaraka, he addressed Mumineen:

I have returned to your city to convene the majalis AS ​ of Imam Husain .​ Due to health reasons, I had ​ to travel back to . The days of ʿAshara Mubaraka are before us and it was my heartfelt wish that I not miss even a single majlis. My ​ ​ doctors had advised me to remain in Mumbai for the first five days of ʿAshara Mubaraka to which I replied that I will give my answer in two hours time. Finally, I answered that how can I remain at home for five days? Whenever Mumineen come to me I counsel them to always keep faith in Allah. how can I not have faith in Him being the vicegerent of the imam? I informed my children of my decision. I referred to the fact that one of the Almighty's attributes is that He is pure of all imperfections and never reneges on a promise

4 made. How can I renege on my promise to the Mumineen of Sidhpur?

Everyday, a number of times, I recite Sura al-Hamd, and in it the verse:

‘it is You who we worship, and it is from You we seek strength [to do so]’. Seeking strength from Imam al-Zaman AS and ​ with a firm resolve, I have come before you, so AS that we may remember Imam Husain .​ ​

If required the duration of the waʿaz can be ​ reduced; more detailed bayan can be done later ​ on. In the , until the of 'La Uqsemo' ​ the sura are relatively short in length. However, ​ reciting 'Inna Aataynaaka' or 'Qul Huwa Allah' (Sura al-Ikhlas) suffices the one who recites them in his namaz. I am calling you towards ikhlas: ​ ​ sincerity and purity. My namaz is complete. During imamat namaz, regardless of whether the ​ imam recites 'Inna Aatainaka' or 'Wa al-Duha', the divine reward is no less for those praying namaz. You are all praying [behind me]; your salvation is secured.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS then mentioned that it was on the 2nd of ​ ​ Muharrum when Imam Husain's AS loyal horse came to a stop. ​ Despite his urging him, the horse moved no further. As if to reaffirm what Nabi Mohammed SA had foretold, Imam Husain AS ​ ​ mounted another horse, then another, in total seven horses all of

5 which did not move any further. Following which Imam Husain AS ​ beckoned the locals and for reasons of divine wisdom asked them the name of the place, to which ultimately, an elder replied ''.

How Awliyaʾ Allah AS take difficulty upon themselves to dispel our ​ troubles is clearly manifest in Karbala. As Imam Husain AS ​ ventured out from the camp for the last time his horse stopped. Imam Husain AS said to him you are parched for three days, if you ​ cannot move forward any further then let me down and I will go out against the enemy on foot. Imam Husain’s AS horse ​ respectfully countered saying that he required no respite; if Imam Husain AS wished he had within him the energy to reach the ʿArsh ​ (Allah’s Throne). He responded by saying that it would be more befitting that Imam Husain AS take rest and let him go into battle ​ alone. Trying to explain the reason of his inability to move, the steed beseeched his noble rider to bend and take a look below: AS Maulatona Sakina ​ was clasping his legs. ​

AS Just before reciting the shahadat of Imam Husain ,​ Syedna ​ ​ al-Dai al-Ajal TUS directed Mumineen to expend all that they ​ AS possibly could in the buka and matam of Imam Husain .​ ​ ​ ​ Immediately thereafter he called upon them to go beyond their limits highlighting the paramount importance of Imam Husain’s AS ​ remembrance and suggesting that no effort expended in his memory or matam is ever sufficient.

Majlis after majlis, ʿAshara after ʿAshara, Syedna Mufaddal ​ ​ Saifuddin TUS continues to raise Mumineen to new, unscaled ​ heights in all aspects of their lives through the zikr of Imam AS TUS Husain .​ May Allah grant Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal a long life till ​ ​ the Day of Judgment. www.jameasaifiyah.edu

6 ʿAshara Mubaraka 1441 H, Colombo Majlis 2 Reflections

There are 17 verses in the Holy Quran in which Allah Taʿala has stated that those of faith and imaan are free from all fear and ​ grief. Of these aayaat, the following is this year’s historical verse ​ ​ and a portion of it is numerically equivalent to 1441:

Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did ​ righteousness - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, ​ nor will they grieve (2:62). ​

The number 17 is significant for it was the 17th day of Rabi ​ al-Awwal, 1435 H, when Mumineen from all over the world attended the janaza mubaraka of al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna ​ Mohammed Burhanuddin RA both spiritually and physically. This ​ attendance ensured their salvation and their liberation from fears and grief in this world and the next.

In the second waʿaz mubarak of ʿAshara Mubaraka 1441 H, ​ Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS elaborated upon the second trio ​ of Amirul Mumineen’s SA ten counsels bestowed upon his ​ SA SA shahzada Imam Hasan .​ 'Fear three', Amirul Mumineen ​ advised Imam Hasan SA to which he enquired, 'which three things ​ 1 should be feared?' Amirul Mumineen SA replied, '1) fear Allah, 2) fear the one who does not fear Allah and 3) fear your tongue. If you shall do so, you will remain safe from all that you fear, dislike or take a bad omen from.’

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS then explained that it is generally observed that fear eventually leads to grief. A person develops a fear when he feels that in the future he may lose out on something he cherishes or that he may encounter something he dislikes. Such fear consumes individuals, compromises the quality of their lives, filling them with grief and sorrow and ultimately leading to the development of phobias. Mufaddal Maula TUS then listed a number of phobias that afflict people ​ today: fear of heights, spiders, blood and illness. He then stated that today many have been gripped by a new phobia. With the audience attentively listening, he cheerfully revealed: nomophobia, the fear of being without one's mobile phone.

Dwelling upon the first of the three counsels — fear of Allah — Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS referenced the conquest of by ​ SA Maulana al-Imam al-Muʿizz .​ Most of the city had recognized ​ Imam’s SA victory and accepted his peace proposition. However, ​ there were elements of resistance which had taken control of a bridge over the River Nile leading towards the city. With no other access to the city, Imam’s SA Commander-in-Chief, Maulana RA ​ al-Qaidjohar ,​ uttered a simple phrase to a regiment leader ​ named Jaʿfar b. Fallah on the banks of the Nile: ‘it is for a day such as this that your Maula requires your service’. Upon hearing this statement, Jaʿfar dived into the Nile and swam over to the other side followed by many of his troops. They feared not the distance, nor the river currents nor the crocodiles inhabiting its waters. With this historical example, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS ​

2 clarified that to possess the fear of Allah means to follow His beloved Awliyaʾwithout fear and under any circumstances.

Allah Taʿala states in the Holy Quran: ​ ​

[T]hose who follow My guidance shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve. Mufaddal Maula TUS explained that to follow someone means to ​ always remain with them with pure intentions and not for worldly gain. In this context, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS narrated in detail th ​ RA how the 19 dai, Syedna Idris Imaduddin ,​ appointed the ​ ​ ​ ​ water-bearer in the house of Maulaya Adam QR as the Waali of ​ Hind. Prior to this, in , a person from Hind had entered the RA RA presence of Syedna Idris .​ Syedna Idris welcomed him, ​ granted him the honour of muʿanaqa (embrace) and seated him ​ ahead of the over 300 hudood and scholars in his presence. ​ Upon witnessing Syedna Idris’ RA favouring of the visitor, their ​ faces contorted in arrogance which Syedna RA immediately ​ noticed. Syedna Idris RA then stated, ‘I will demonstrate to you the ​ purity of those in Hind: how they follow each and every directive issued to them and show no disobedience’. He then asked as to who was the person of lowest station, yet religious and virtuous, out of those in service at the Waali’s house in Hind. Having identified the water-bearer, Syedna Imaduddin RA sent two letters ​ to Maulaya Adam QR in . In the first letter he ​ appointed the water-bearer as Waali of Hind, and directed that the second letter be opened three days later.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS narrated in detail the respect and ​ deference Maulaya Adam QR and other hudood accorded the ​ ​ water-bearer. He requested him to sit where he sat, addressed him as 'aap', did tasleem before him and then conveyed to him ​ ​ ​ 3 Syedna's RA directive. Maulaya Adam QR assured him that we are ​ ​ all in your service and what we do henceforth will be with your QR raza. As the time of namaz drew near, Maulaya Adam ,​ the ​ ​ hudood of Dawat and Mumineen all proceeded to the masjid and prayed behind him.

Through this test, Syedna RA determined whether the adherence ​ of those in Yemen and Hind was for the sake of Allah or for worldly gain. Syedna's RA favouring of the person from Hind ​ revealed the hudood’s fear of losing status and worldly position. ​ ​ On the other hand, the only fear and concern Maulaya Adam QR ​ had was that their be no deficiency in his adherence to Syedna's RA directives. This meant that he remained unaffected ​ by any other fears or anxieties.

‘Those who do not fear Allah Taʿala’; this was the second thing one should be afraid of according to Amirul Mumineen’s wasiyyat AS ​ to Imam Hasan .​ In order to illustrate the wisdom in this ​ guidance, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS cited the example of ​ Haaris-e-Hamdaan, who never ceased from speaking of Maulana Ali’s SA preeminence to all those around him. As is well-known, a ​ wicked individual threatened him that if he were to continue speaking of Amirul Mumineen’s SA great feats and ​ accomplishments, he would light a fire and throw him into its SA flames. He demanded that Haaris disavow Amirul Mumineen .​ ​ However, Haaris did not fear the fire; rather, he feared accepting this evil individual’s demand knowing that he was of the ilk that fears neither Allah nor his wali. When Haaris was forced into the ​ ​ blazing fire, he remembered Amirul Mumineen SA who came to his rescue and provided him refuge from the flames.

Mufaddal Maula TUS explained that despite his persecutor’s ​ attempt to strike fear in his heart with ill-treatment and threats of 4 SA fire, Haaris only increased in his love for Maulana Ali .​ Syedna ​ al-Dai al-Ajal TUS recited the following ayat shareefah to illustrate ​ ​ Haaris’ stature.

Yes [on the contrary], whoever submits his face in to Allah while being a doer of good will have his reward with his Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.

Mufaddal Maula TUS went on to explain how the face is the most ​ prestigious part of the body for it encompasses all of the senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. As the Quran states, Haaris ‘submitted his face’ to Maulana Ali SA despite his ​ persecuter’s incitement of the fear of fire which overwhelms all SA human senses. Having submitted himself to Ali ,​ Amirul ​ Mumineen SA protected all his senses from the fire. Syedna al-Dai ​ al-Ajal TUS cited Amirul Mumineen’s SA verses as evidence of the ​ protection he offered Haaris. He also reminded us that al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA was particularly fond ​ of reciting these verses and that his melodious recitation still lingered in his blessed ears.

In his verses, Amirul Mumineen SA stated that upon Haaris’ death, he would appear to him. Haaris would recognize him, he would recognize Haaris, and Haaris’ sight would be protected having SA had the deedar of Maulana Ali .​ Upon hearing Amirul ​ ​ Mumineen’s SA blessed voice, Haaris’ hearing would be ​ safeguarded from the roar of the flames. Amirul Mumineen SA ​ would tell the fire to ‘let him be, do not come near’ and thus save

5 his touch from the heat of the flames and his nose (sense of smell) from its damaging smoke. And finally, Ali Amirul Mumineen SA will offer Haaris a sweet sip of Kausar which will ​ forever protect his taste.

In this way, by fearing those who do not fear Allah, and submitting oneself to Allah and his wali, a is forever ​ ​ protected from fear and grief, his senses safeguarded from fire and any and all ailments and afflictions.

The third thing to fear is one’s own tongue; it can be an enemy to one’s faith. Referring to the narratives of Syedna Abdulqadir RA TUS Najmuddin ,​ Mufaddal Maula related the instance when — ​ ​ in Nabi Musa’s AS time — famine had set in and Nabi Musa AS set ​ ​ out with his followers to pray for rain. They were out for three days but no rain came and Musa AS pleaded to Allah Taʿala as to ​ why this was so. The answer came that amongst his followers was a slanderer (calumniator) hence their prayers for rain were not being answered. Musa AS asked Allah to disclose the identity ​ of the slanderer to which He replied that when it was He that directed others not to slander how then could He reveal the person in question and bring him disgrace? Rather, you should collectively repent for the sins of the slanderer. This they did and the rain came. Having done so Musa Nabi AS again asked for the identity of the slanderer but Allah again refused to reveal it saying, “When he was doing ill I cast a veil over him, now once forgiven, how can I reveal it?”

The tongue is linked to cognitive ability, for man has to think before he speaks. Intellect is one of Allah Taʿala’s greatest bounties, but as Syedna Hamiduddin al-Kirmani RA has explained, ​ it is not our intellect but that of the Nabi Mohammed’s SAW which ​ is in actuality the greatest bounty. Man alone when relying on his 6 own intellect and logic may falter; humans intellect often leads to fallacies. It is therefore important to fear and be wary of seemingly logical assumptions and instead rely on Rasul Allah’sSAW intellect which will always lead to the truth and ​ salvation.

Maulana Aliakbar AS exemplified all three manners of fear. He ​ feared Allah Taʿala and followed His wali without expectation of ​ worldly gain and when offered haven by the enemy due to his kinship with the wretched Yazid through his mother, he rejected it. How could he accept refuge from those unwilling to offer AS refuge to Husain Imam .​ Recognizing this as their lack of fear ​ for Allah Taʿala, he cursed them and their offering of refuge with laʿnat. As he engaged in battle slaying 120, he felt thirst. Despite ​ knowing Imam Husain AS had been without water for three days ​ he maintained faith in the belief that the shahzada of the ​ purveyor of the waters of Al-Kausar will quench his thirst for him. His fear of his own tongue was demonstrated by his reliance upon Imam Husain AS saking his thirst in circumstances in which ​ human logic would mandate otherwise.

AS When Jibraeel conveyed Allah Taʿala’s wish to Imam Husain ,​ his jism mubarak ravaged by wounds, he addressed different ​ parts of his sacred body offering them counsel in this dire time. ● To his dill mubarak, he said, “O’ heart remain resolute in ​ ​ the face of Allah’s decree.’ ● To his aqdam mubaraka: ‘O’ feet do not lose your footing ​ ​ as you go forth.’ ● To his raʾs mubarak: O’ head, when you are raised upon ​ ​ the spear be grateful to Allah. As he sat against the tree, he bowed his head, “Be grateful for Allah’s decree,” and it was at this point that the cursed Shimr AS struck Imam Husain’s ​ raʾs mubarak with his wretched foot. ​ ​ ​ 7

In this world we are faced with innumerable fears and phobias, rational ones, irrational ones. The three fears listed by Maulana AS TUS Ali ,​ detailed by his dai Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin and ​ ​ ​ borne out in the actions of Allah’s Awliyaʾ AS will allow us to live a ​ life without fear or angst. May Allah Taʿala enable us to live in accordance with Syedna’s TUS directives, free of fear and grief ​ AS apart from the grief and huzn of Imam Husain ,​ and may He ​ grant Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal a life of health and happiness until the Day of Qiyamat.


8 ʿAshara Mubaraka 1441 H, Colombo Majlis 3 Reflections

Hope is an essential trait, one which enables a person to remain optimistic and positive even in the most trying of circumstances. The third set of counsels Amirul Mumineen AS bestowed upon his ​ shahzada Imam Hasan AS called upon him to hope for three ​ things: hope for Allah’s forgiveness, hope for excellence and sublimity in all actions and hope to receive the intercession of SAW Nabi Mohammed .​ ​

Teaching Mumineen to instill in themselves hope and optimism, RA al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Muayyad al-Shirazi ​ writes: ​

ﺳﯿﻔﺘﺢ ﺑﺎب اذا ﺳﺪ ﺑﺎب * ﻧﻌﻢ و ﺗﻬﻮن اﻻﻣﻮر اﻟﺼﻌﺎب Surely, whenever one door closes another will open in the near future and difficulties will diminish.

Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS observed that when a door of ​ opportunity opens some people become full of positivity and expectation. However, when a door of opportunity closes they also become disillusioned. Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin’s RA actions ​ reveal his optimistic and hopeful outlook, especially in times of adversity. He encourages us to remain optimistic when opportunities seem to be taken away. When famine struck Nagar and the livelihood of entire populations was compromised, Syedna RA invited 10,000 Mumineen to Surat and opened for ​ them new doors of livelihood. He provided them with places to stay, offered them daily meals and ensured that they were taught various skills and crafts through which they could earn a livelihood. He set aside their earnings from for safekeeping and handed it to them when the time came for them to return to their 1 hometowns. This initiative opened multiple doors of opportunity, for apart from returning to Nagar, Syedna RA also sent them ​ abroad to East and Southeast , including . Over the years, Duʿat Mutlaqeen AS have guided Mumineen to ​ never lose hope and always remain optimistic. It is due to this positive outlook that Mumineen have remained happy wherever they may be and no matter the upheavals and tribulations they encounter.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS mentioned the influence and impact that ​ hope and remaining positive has upon the effectiveness of medical treatment. In many cases, if a person loses hope his or her treatment becomes ineffective whereas a positive mentality and demeanour often expedites recovery from illnesses.

Mufaddal Maula TUS narrated the story of two elderly women of ​ the Banu Israel (Israelites) in which he further emphasized the importance of positive thinking and remaining hopeful. Due to antagonism between a man’s wife and his mother, his wife demanded that her husband take his mother to the wilderness and leave her there. Heeding his wife’s instructions, he left his mother in the wild where at night she began hearing the sounds of dangerous animals. An angel descended upon her and asked her how she felt, the sounds of the wild animals unceasing. She replied, ‘it will be okay’. ‘It is probably the sound of a camel weeping’, she said. Upon hearing her response, the angel gifted her a hundred goats. The next morning, at his wife’s instructions, the man returned to see what had become of his mother and found her alive, a hundred goats in tow. He returned home with his mother and her hundred goats and explained to his wife what had unfolded the previous night. Enticed by her mother-in-law’s boon from the wilderness, she demanded that her husband take her own mother there as well giving specific directions to make 2 sure her mother’s 100 goats remain separated from her mother-in-law’s. As his wife instructed, the man abandoned his mother-in-law in the same place as he had his own mother. As night fell, she too began hearing the sounds of wild animals. The same angel asked her what she was feeling. She replied, ‘I am overcome with fear and am certain that these animals will attack me and I will not be spared’. Upon hearing her response, he replied ‘so be it’ and what she feared—transpired. Concluding the narration, Mufaddal Maula TUS pointed out that both women were ​ faced with the same predicament, yet it was their attitude and approach that made all the difference.

Rasul Allah SA states that the duʿa of a Mumin will always be ​ ​ heard for as long as he does not succumb to haste. In this context haste means that if there is a delay in his prayers being answered, his mindset changes from a positive one to one of negativity. If he remains positive, the Almighty will hear his prayers and eventually answer them.

This first of the three counsels was that one should hope for forgiveness of one’s sins. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS explained that ​ it is due to our sins that our hopes and desires remain unfulfilled. Thus, the hope for forgiveness is the foundation for all his other hopes and desires. If one does not seek forgiveness for his sins, he will face further hardships and troubles which will ultimately hinder the fulfillment of his other hopes and desires. However, if one remains patient in times of difficulties and offers praise to the Almighty considering such trials and tribulations as a blessing and as an opportunity to cleanse himself of his sins, then he will eventually see his other hopes realized. On the contrary, if in place of gratefulness he resorts to complaining then he has missed out on the opportunity to seek forgiveness for his sins.

3 Syedna Saifuddin TUS has repeatedly stated that business is in ​ the blood of the community. In today’s waʿaz ​ mubarak he stated that sins deprive one of livelihood. He then asked how can one seek forgiveness from such sins and draw sustenance towards him? By ensuring that all his business dealings are halal. When complying with the tenets of Islam, business becomes an ʿibaadat and provides sawab (divine ​ ​ reward) and cleanses sin just as does haj, umrah and other acts of sharia.

Dealing in interest on the other hand is tantamount to polytheism. This is because the one dealing in interest believes that it is his wealth that provides for him and not the Almighty who is the true provider of sustenance and livelihood. The Quran makes it explicit that Allah forgives all sins except that of polytheism. By giving and taking interest, he becomes entrapped in the gravest of sins, depriving himself of peace and comfort and denying himself the realization of all his other hopes and desires.

Rasul Allah SA states that an entrepreneurial businessman is ​ rewarded while a risk-averse one remains empty-handed. An entrepreneurial businessman is one who has faith in Allah Taʿala, spending his efforts and hoping that Allah Taʿala graces him with his blessings as He sees fit for there is no limit to what He can bestow. The deeper his faith in Allah Taʿala, the more he is an entrepreneur.

For years al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddinn RA ​ encouraged Mumineen to become business-minded and not service-minded. A service-minded individual is one who believes that it is a person or a company that provides him with his livelihood. Even though a Mumin may be in the services of an individual or a company, he remains business-minded. His 4 mindset becomes evident when he has to take leave for Ashara Mubaraka. Even if his employer refuses to grant him leave to attend the majalis of Imam Husain AS he attends regardless ​ ​ knowing very well that it is Allah Taʿala who is the Provider of livelihood. In contrast, there are many with thriving businesses yet they are ensnared in a service mindset. They lack the courage to attend the majalis of Imam Husain AS thinking that if ​ ​ they do so they will lose customers who they wrongly perceive as their providers of sustenance and livelihood.

The second thing one should hope for is sublimity in action in all TUS endeavours, what Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal ​ explained as khubi. ​ ​ ​ Whatever one does, it should be done sublimely with the aim of excellence and perfection. For hopes to be fulfilled, especially the hope of sublimity and excellence in action, one must first act. TUS Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal ​ clarified this notion with the analogy of a ​ piece of land ideal for farming. The land cannot produce quality crops unless it is cultivated. Similarly, the hope to reach sublimity in action is preconditioned with actual action. Mufaddal Maula TUS ​ continued by explaining that if someone hopes or desires for Allah Taʿala to fulfill his wishes, this desire must be seen in his actions. If that is not the case, then his hope is nothing but in TUS name. A Mumin’s actions, Maula ​ explained, no matter the ​ circumstances in which he finds himself, always resonate with his AS muhabbat and love for Wali Allah .​ ​ ​

To further illustrate the meaning of sublime actions, Syedna TUS al-Dai al-Ajal ​ narrated the incident when Nimrood cast Ibrahim AS ​ AS Nabi ​ into a blazing fire. The people of Nabi Ibrahim’s ​ time ​ ​ complained to Nimrood and demanded that he set the Nabi on fire for he had lit a fire in their hearts. Revealing new nuances to TUS the popular narration, Mufaddal Maula ​ elaborated that AS ​ Nimrood first put Ibrabim Nabi ​ into a large iron oven, yet the ​ 5 AS fire could not harm a single hair of the Nabi .​ Then Nimrood ​ started a wood fire whose flames rose to the skies. The heat was so intense that birds that flew overhead perished. The fire was so AS great, that Ibrahim Nabi’s ​ enemies were unable to approach it ​ let alone cast him into it. As has been his modus operandi ​ elsewhere, Iblees posing as an elderly man suggested the use of a catapult. After the roaring flames were transformed into a lush AS garden, upon his inquisition, Ibrahim Nabi ​ revealed to Jibraʾeel ​ the reason behind his responses. He said he sought help from neither him nor Allah because if it pleased Allah that the enemies’ fire consume him, how could he question Allah’s Will. Hearing his explanation, Jibraʾeel exclaimed, ‘Maa shaaʾ Allah’. Ibrahim AS ​ ​ Nabi’s ​ thoughts and actions were sublime. ​

SA The third hope is for intercession of the Nabi Mohammed ,​ the ​ word rajaa also means waseela, or intercession; to ​ ​ ​ ​ intercede on behalf of someone. Without intercession neither of the previous two, forgiveness and sublimity of action, can be hoped for. Through intercession, a pauper can become king, a drop can become an ocean; one tear can become 8 jannat. ​ ​

We have often heard the story of the fallen angel, Fitris. He had been given instructions which he delayed in fulfilling meriting Allah’s displeasure. He was left bereft of the power of flight and abandoned upon an island where he remained for 700 years in AS the worship of Allah Taʿala. When Imam Husain ​ was born AS ​ Jibraʿeel ​ was sent with 1000 angels to give felicitations to ​ Rasul Allah and en route they landed upon this island. Fitris SA pleaded to be lifted and taken before Rasul Allah ​ and Jibraeel ​ obliged carrying him on the tip of his wings. Having been SA informed of Fitris’ situation, Rasul Allah ​ instructed that he crawl SA ​ to Husain Imam ​ and gently caress his wings upon his jism ​ ​ mubarak and then return. He did so and his sins were forgiven ​ 6 and his flight restored. He pledged that from then on no one AS would do ziyarat of Imam Husain ,​ or pray salam or salawat ​ AS ​ upon him but he would convey it to Imam Husain .​ When Imam AS ​ Husain ​ was slain Fitris swooped down from his lofty station ​ accompanied by a congregation of angels to Karbala, where he committed to matam and bukaaʾ at the place of his martyrdom. ​ ​ ​ ​

AS Maulana Hurr ​ encompassed all three hopes on the Day of ​ . He sought forgiveness for being the one who had AS stopped Imam Husain’s ​ horse. He showed sublimity in action ​ AS by falling at Imam Husain’s f​ eet and asking to be the first ​ shaheed. Finally, he was graced with intercession as he lay with ​ AS his head cradled by Imam Husain ​ who wiped the sand from his ​ face and declared that your mother named you Hurr and I pronounce you free in this world and the next.

RA Maulatona Umme Salama ​ let out a shrill on the eve of the ​ eleventh of Moharram, a shrill so loud that the people of Madina came out of their houses to attend to her. She called for the Hashimi ladies to gather with her in crying and lamentation as SA she told them how Rasul Allah ​ had come to her in a dream, his ​ blessed head and beard covered with the sand of Karbala. He queried why it was that she looked every day at the bottle of sand he had given her but not on this day? She entered the room where it was kept and observed that the sand was no more, and in its place the container was filled with blood which she took and spread over her face before sitting in the majlis of matam and AS ​ ​ bukaaʾ upon Imam Husain .​ ​ ​

As we attend these noorani mawaʿiz here in Colombo and ​ ​ SA Chennai, or seek the barakat of Imam Husain’s ​ zikr with those ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ with raza all across the world, we are doing so with these three ​ ​ hopes very much in our hearts and minds.The hope for 7 forgiveness of our past transgressions and avoidance of the same in future. The hope of future actions that would be sublime by being in accordance with the teachings and guidance of the AS Awliya Allah ​ whose narrations we hear. And above all, the ​ TUS hope for the intercession of our Maula ​ to take our fragile ​ repentance and acts and turn them into ever-lasting rewards. And today he did so, emphatically declaring that Syedna RA Burhanuddin ​ has witnessed our matam and aah-o zaari from ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ jannat - and is pleased. ​

May Allah Taʿala grant his shahzada and successor, our beloved ​ ​ Aali Qadr Maula, a long life in everlasting health and vitality, until the Day of Qiyaamat.


8 ʿAshara Mubaraka 1441 H, Colombo Majlis 4 Reflections

Shedding tears is a natural phenomenon and is the basis of faith. SAW Rasul Allah s​ tates that Allah Taʿala has founded his faith ​ upon the laws and systems of the natural world — fitrat. The ​ ​ most natural deed in this world is shedding tears for it was because of tears of remorse that nature and the natural world came into being. Likewise, a child cries at the time of his birth to indicate life and throughout our lives we shed tears upon the Maula whose shahadat ensured the continuity of Islam and the ​ preservation of the natural order.

Today, Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS expounded ​ upon the fourth set of Amirul Mumineen’s AS ten counsels. These ​ counsels are: 1) to lead one’s life in harmony with the Quran, 2) in harmony with Rasul Allah’s SA sunnat and 3) in harmony with ​ ​ all that is in harmony with haq and the Quran. ​ ​

Rasul Allah SAW declared that both the virtuous and immoral are ​ AS AS united in their love for Imam Hasan and Imam Husain .​ ​ ​ Therefore, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS explained, all of creation is inter-connected by virtue of these two personalities; their remembrance brings together people from all walks of life. Maula TUS then mentioned that those of us who went for Ashara Mubaraka ohbat will have experienced this first-hand that for the ​ AS zikr of Imam Husain ​ people all over the world open their doors. ​ ​

In the tafsir (exegesis) of the Holy Quran it is mentioned that ​ AS AS Dawood Nabi ,​ who was in Musa Nabi’s e​ ra, possessed a ​ ​ voice that was both powerful and melodious. He would often retreat to a secluded place in the wilderness and absorb himself 1 in ibadat and tasbih reciting the Zabur (Psalms of David) in 40 ​ ​ different harmonies. Such was his recitation that all types of animals, carnivores and herbivores, would be drawn towards him, rivers would check their flow to listen to him. The Zabur of Aale Mohammed is the Dua Mubarak of Imam Ali Zain SA al-Abidin .​ For 40 years he grieved and lamented upon Imam SA​ Husain .​ Such was his rendering of the tragic events of Karbala ​ that fish in the oceans and leaves on trees shed tears. Today, the Dawoodi Duat Mutlaqin’s rendering of Imam Husain’s AS ​ shahadat is such that even stones shed tears of blood. ​

Prior to detailing the first of the three counsels, Mufaddal Maula TUS stated that during Ashara Mubaraka 1429 H in ​ Colombo, 135 hafizes had attended. This year 1072 hafizes are in attendance. He then reiterated his prayer, that each house be blessed with at least one due to which harmony prevails in all aspects of their lives.

Amirul Mumineen’s SA first counsel was ‘be in harmony with the ​ Quran Majeed’. To help explain this counsel, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS referenced the Quran Majeed’s very first aayat ​ ​ shareefah: ​

In the Name of Allah—the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.

He narrated an interesting account given by Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin RA regarding a Mumin and Satan. When a Mumin ​ makes his way home, Satan follows him. If upon entering his house, the Mumin recites Bismillah, Satan utters, ‘there is no place for me in this house’. When a Mumin recites Bismillah

2 before a meal, Satan wails, ‘I have no part in this meal’. When a Mumin prays Bismillah before going to bed, Satan exclaims, ‘there is no place for me to rest in this house’. Finally, when a Mumin recites Bismillah as he sets out from his house, Satan distances himself from him.

To understand how Bismillah provides refuge from Satan it is important to first understand what and who Bismillah represents. Maulana al-Minʿam TUS explained that there are 19 letters in ​ Bismillah as there are 19 letters in the names ‘Mohammed Ali, Fatema, Hasan and Husain’. When one recites Bismillah he is saying that he is commencing an act in the name of Allah. In actuality the glorious names of Allah are the Panjatan Paak, SA AS Aʾimmat Tahireen and Duʿat Mutlaqeen .​ The greatest of ​ ​ Allah’s names is ta’at - ‘obedience’. Thus, to be truly in harmony ​ with the Quran means to have muhabbat for Awliya Allah AS and ​ ​ to act in accordance with their directives.

Maulana al-Minʿam TUS further explained the wisdom behind ​ Syedna Najmuddin’s RA Bismillah narrative. In the Holy Quran, ​ Allah Taʿala clarifies that Satan’s primary intent is to disrupt the natural order.

And I will mislead them, and I will arouse in them [sinful] desires, and I will command them so they will slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them so they will change the creation of Allah (4:119). Part of the natural order is man’s ability to take comfort or sukun ​ in his place of abode as Allah Taʿala has stated in the Quran: 3

And Allah has made for you from your homes a place of rest. A body in motion must come to rest and man requires a place of rest after a day of activity. However, Satan is always on the lookout for opportunities to deny individuals their peace and comfort. On the homefront, he does so by involving them in domestic disputes. By reciting Bismillah one is saved from such disputes. Eating and drinking are both natural requirements, if one follows a balanced diet he remains healthy. However, if Satan partakes with someone in a meal, eventually he will develop eatings habits that will be detrimental to his body and soul. Likewise, rest and sleep are a natural necessity and beneficial to both the mind and body. Such comfort is only possible if one has faith and trust in Allah which Satan seeks to break.

By reciting Bismillah, one remembers Allah and attains peace of mind. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS illustrated this piece with another ​ RA reference to Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin .​ His time was one ​ of great upheavals in Dawat during which an influential segment of the community claimed that the chain of succession of Duʿat Mutlaqeen RA had terminated. Syedna Najmuddin RA was asked ​ ​ how he managed to sleep at night in the face of such troubles and worries. He replied at the end of the day, he took all his worries and place them in one of the niches in the audience room and reopened them when he woke in the morning. Finally, when one leaves home to seek his livelihood, the efforts he puts in, the difficulties he patiently and gratefully endures result in him being blessed with barakat. However, if he fails to recite Bismillah, ​ ​ renouncing Allah’s obedience, Satan will seek to mislead him, miring him in haram. 4

To harmonize oneself with Rasul Allah’s SAW sunnat and act in ​ ​ accordance with it is the second component of Amirul Mumineen’s SA wasiyyat (counsel). The Arabic word sunnat refers ​ ​ ​ ​ to both seerat and surat, i.e. conduct and appearance. ​ ​ ​ Rasul Allah’s SAW surat was such, that as Maulana Abu Talib SA ​ ​ ​ had indicated, rain would fall from the heavens upon beholding his radiant countenance. Maulana al-Minʿam TUS cited the ​ example of the Bani Mudar tribe who, as a result of their SAW oppression and cruelty towards Rasul Allah ,​ were inflicted ​ with a severe famine in which many of them perished. In his mercy, Rasul Allah SAW prayed that the famine be lifted and barely ​ had he finished his duʿa mubarak and the heavens rained down ​ upon the parched land. Rasul Allah SAW remarked that, had ​ Maulana Abu Talib SA still been alive, the sight of this would have ​ brought him much joy. Beholding Rasul Allah’s SAW countenance brings all of Creation onto the natural path and corrects its course.

Rasul Allah’s SAW seerat and conduct were also exceptionally ​ ​ magnificent. Maulana al-Minʿam TUS related the well-known story ​ of the lady who would toss garbage at Rasul Allah SAW from her ​ house as he passed by. Before proceeding onwards in his SAW discussion of Rasul Allah’s ​ impeccable seerat, Mufaddal ​ ​ ​ Maula TUS reminded Mumineen that throwing garbage where it ​ may harm or inconvenience any living being, let alone throwing garbage at a person, is unbecoming of a Mumin and violates nature. Nature has a process by which it removes waste and even in the human body the locations from where wastes are excreted are kept hidden. Shariat, as mentioned above, is modelled upon nature which is why shariat too has encouraged that bathrooms be placed in private and concealed areas of the home. In the case of the old lady, her actions went against nature 5 whereas Rasul Allah’s SAW act of visiting her in her illness was in ​ harmony with nature. Nature removes waste; just as the sun’s intensity clears away the impurities of the earth likewise, the Sun of Prophethood, Rasul Allah’s SAW visit to the bitter lady and the ​ intensity of his purity washed away the jealousy and envy that festered in her heart. He altered her very nature and by virtue of which she entered the fold of Islam.

Similar to Rasul Allah SAW in both seerat and surat, al-Dai al-Ajal ​ ​ ​ ​ Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshah RA cleansed hearts of deception ​ and ill will. Sulaiman had gone to Emperor Akbar’s court in order to slander Syedna Dawood RA and lead him to believe that ​ Syedna RA did not wish to come to Akbar out of pride and ​ arrogance. Considering the counsel of his hudood and in the ​ interest of Mumineen’s safety and protection, Syedna Dawood RA ​ agreed to visit Akbar. When Syedna RA arrived at the Mughal ​ emperor’s court, Akbar, his courtesans and all those present were mesmerized by Syedna’s RA majestic countenance. Akbar ​ enquired into Syedna’s RA noorani appearance; ‘Do your followers ​ ​ also look similar to you, their heads shaven and their beards natural and untrimmed?’ Syedna informed him that indeed that was the case. While Syedna Dawood RA was engrossed in his ​ daily recitation of the Quran Majeed, Akbar would not stop looking in his direction. So fixated was Akbar’s gaze at RA RA Syedna ,​ that people would stand close to Syedna with the ​ ​ hope that Akbar’s gaze would fall upon them as well. Syedna’s RA ​ presence, his seerat and surat, demonstrated to Akbar that he ​ ​ ​ was a pious, true upholder of Rasul Allah’s SAW shariat which no ​ one could deny. As Rasul Allah SAW cleared that woman’s mind and heart of the hostility and animosity she bore, so did his dai, RA ​ ​ Syedna Dawood .​ Upon seeing his radiant countenance and ​ his exemplary conduct, Akbar realized that the accusations against him were false and the love for Syedna RA found a place 6 in his heart. In a subtle reference to Akbar’s inquiry into the RA TUS followers of Syedna Dawood ,​ Mufaddal Maula graciously ​ ​ commented on the appearance of his own followers, the Mumineen audience before him, remarking that their appearance had impressed the honourable president who could not stop looking at them. The efforts of our Hudat Kiram AS have ensured that Mumineen remain in harmony and in conformity with the sunnat of Rasul Allah SAW which today lives on in the seerat and TUS surat of Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin .​ ​ ​

The third of the three harmonies is ‘to be in harmony with that, which is in harmony with Haq (what is true and right) and the Qur’an’. Haq is where Ali AS is since Rasul Allah SA prayed that ​ ​ Allah Taʿala accompany Haq with Ali, wherever he goes.

One meaning of muwafiq is ‘to be joined with’. When Jaʿfar’s ​ ​ fitnat (subterfuge) took hold many Mumineen drifted away from ​ the Dawat. Having seen this, Maulaya Raj QR left his home and ​ family and went and slept on the streets. Over a period of time people became accustomed to his presence as a vagrant. It was then that he went to their homes, spoke to them and revealed to them who he truly was. In this way group after group of Mumineen returned to the fold of Dawat, until he was cut to pieces when the enemy came to know of his efforts.

Today’s three counsels were exemplified by Maulana Abdullah AS ​ in Karbala. First was his harmony with the kitab the meaning of ​ ​ which is anything in which something is written; in this instance AS the note penned to him by Imam Hasan .​ He kept this precious ​ paper with him throughout the years awaiting the moment of insurmountable difficulty when it would come to his aid. The second harmony was with the sunnat as even in the tumult ​ of battle, Imam Husain SA did not forsake the sunnat of the ​ ​ 7 Rasul Allah SAW and conducted the marriage of Maulana AS ​ AS Abdullah with Maulatona Sakina .​ The third harmony was ​ ​ ‘with that which is in harmony with the kitab and sunnat’ and so, ​ ​ ​ despite his fervour to battle the enemy, Maulana Abdullah AS ​ accepted the marriage without any reluctance. Then, as he sat with his bride engaged in warm conversation he heard the call from the enemy, “Are there any combatants left?” Instantly, as he should do for his Maula, he let go of her hand and set forth to AS take leave from Imam Husain ​ to go into battle. ​

As the waʿaz mubarak came to an end, Maulana al-Minʿam TUS ​ ​ reminded us that these days of Ashara are passing like clouds, and that it should not be that we regret not having done maatam ​ expending all at our disposal. Maulana TUS called fervently to ​ Mumineen, those who have still held back from attending waʿaz, ​ ​ wherever they maybe. He spoke especially of the big cities, naming Mumbai in particular, citing the US and England and everywhere else; exhorting Mumineen to ensure that not a single Mumin was left who was absent from these majalis henceforth. ​ ​

Imam Husain’s AS steed began his life by taking the young imam ​ upon his back and rendered his final khidmat by letting him down by the palm tree in Karbala. May we, too, harmonize ourselves with his actions and spend every moment of our lives, in harmony AS AS with Imam Husain’s dai; in the zikr of Imam Husain .​ May ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Allah Ta’ala grant our Maula, who seeks to spread Rasul Allah’s SAW message of peace and harmony, in everlasting ​ peace and harmony, until the Day of Qiyaamat.


8 ʿAshara Mubaraka 1441 H, Colombo Majlis 5 Reflections

Mumineen the world over were fortunate to watch a video recording of al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin’s RA ​ fifth waʿaz mubarak from his fifth ʿAshara Mubaraka in Colombo ​ in 1429 H. Maulana al-Muqaddas RA addressed the audience as ​ both Mumineen and Muslimeen, explaining that a Mumin is ​ necessarily a Muslim. He used the example of two concentric circles. The outer circle is the domain of Islam and the circle within the larger circle is that of Iman; those in the circle of Iman are naturally in the circle of Islam. To further clarify this point, Syedna al-Muqaddas RA provided the analogy of the Holy Kaʿba ​ within Masjid al-Haram. When someone is within the sacred precincts of the Kaʿba, they are obviously within Masjid al-Haram as well. A Mumin is by his or her very definition a Muslim, and must adhere to the tenets of Islam as brought forth by Rasul Allah SAW and take pride in his Islamic identity and association to ​ SAW Nabi Mohammed .​ ​


Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA explained that our Nabi is ​ mentioned in the 114 surats of the Quran Majeed five times: four ​ times as Mohammed and once as Ahmed. This count alludes to SA the Khamsat At-har ,​ the five Figures of Radiance who SAW ​ Rasul Allah ​ cloaked in the Shroud of Purity. ​

Allah intends to keep impurity away from you, O SAW [Rasul Allah’s ]​ Ahle Bayt, and to keep you ​ purified with [extensive] purification. Rasul Allah SAW had been gifted a shroud which he used to ​ illustrate the purity of his Ahle Bayt. It has been the modus ​ operandi of Awliyaʿ Allah AS to utilize situations or objects in a manner by which they establish a truth or demonstrate an aspect of faith. One day at Maulatona Umme Salama’s RA house, SAW SA Rasul Allah covered himself along with Amirul Mumineen ,​ ​ SA SA SA ​ Maulatona Fatema ,​ Imam Hasan and Imam Husain with ​ ​ AS ​ this shroud and stated that these are my Ahle Bayt .​ Maulatona RA ​ Umme Salama e​ nquired if she too could join the Khamsat SAW At-har under the shroud to which Rasul Allah r​ esponded that ​ although she was good and pious, she was not part of the Ahle AS Bayt .​ The ayat shareefah above descended from the Divine ​ ​ with reference to this historical incident and indicates the distinct SA stature and purity reserved for the Panjatan Paak .​ ​

In the following ayat shareefah, Allah Taʿala forewarns of the ​ ​ ummah’s betrayal of Nabi Mohammed SAW upon his wafaat ​ ​ (death).


Mohammed is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all; but Allah will reward the grateful. Maulana Burhanuddin RA explained that the Holy Quran does not ​ speak in terms of ambiguity or uncertainty. Rasul Allah SAW was ​ not to die or be killed, but was to attain both these ranks. He revealed various meanings in these regards, and narrated how Rasul Allah SAW was poisoned during the Battle of Khaibar which ​ ultimately led to his qatl (martyrdom). Maulana al-Muqaddas RA ​ ​ ​ explained that after Rasul Allah’s SAW passing there were those ​ who, as the Quran had stated, turned back on their heels. However, Amirul Mumineen’s SA Shia remained patient and ​ grateful and despite the many hardships during this period, there were many bounties as well.

Syedna Burhanuddin RA narrated words of counsel previously RA delivered by Syedna Taher Saifuddin .​ He said, ‘These words were spoken by my respected father; today I am conveying them.' Syedna RA explained how children seek to emulate the actions and deeds of their parents. Daughters often imitate their mothers. If a mother stitches and weaves, her daughter will attempt to do the same. When she prays namaz, her daughter will lay a small masalla besides her and pray namaz. He added ​ that nature has implanted such behavioural patterns in children. 3 Similarly, sons copy the actions of their fathers. The emulation of fathers and mothers is something to be appreciated.

During a bethak, a Mumin took his young son before Syedna ​ ​ Taher Saifuddin RA and explained to him, 'I am your father and ​ the saheb seated on the chair is your grandfather'. Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA elaborated ​ the lofty position of our spiritual parents: Besides our parents, we have our spiritual parents who are always looking out for our best interests. Just because they are physically far from us, do not be led to believe that they are unaware of what happens to us. No, they worry over even the most trivial of your matters. In order for Mumineen to lead the best possible life they have established madrasas and schools for their upbringing.

Syedna al-Muqaddas RA was particularly emphatic regarding the ​ spanking or physical punishment of children. Parents should never hit their children! Many still do! No parent has the right to hit my child (clarifying that the children are actually his)! During one bayan, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA ​ directed parents to never hit their children and he instructed children that if they ever were hit by a parent, they should tell them, 'I will go and tell Syedna.’ Shortly after delivering these instructions, a young girl arrived in a bethak and complained, 'Maula, my mother severely beat me.’ She continued, ‘It is my request to you that you summon her and reprimand her.' Syedna RA asked which mohalla (neighbourhood) she was from ​ ​ and summoned her mother and said, 'look how bright your child is; she remembered what I had said and came to me as I RA instructed'. Syedna ​ told the mother to never hit her child again. ​ 4

The sight of children running to do deedar again and again is one we are familiar with. When children in Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin's RA time children would do so, some adults would ​ prevent them. However, Syedna RA would tell them to let the children be for they ‘are our soldiers for tomorrow’. He stated that they will uphold Dawat’s cause in the future.

Expressing his compassion and concern for Mumineen, Syedna RA Mohammed Burhanuddin ​ proceeded to list a series of ​ guidances from our Hudat Kiram. He started with SAW Rasul Allah’s ​ hadeeth shareef that ‘Whosoever wishes to live ​ ​ ​ according to my constitution (fitrat) should follow my sunnat; one ​ ​ RA ​ ​ of which is nikah.’ Syedna al-Muqaddas ​ also described how in ​ SAW the period of ignorance that preceded Nabi Mohammed ​ often ​ referred to as Jahiliyyah, one of the atrocities that had become tradition was to bury infant girls alive. They were considered a SAW shame and a burden. Rasul Allah ​ turned this notion on its ​ head stating, “The burial of girls is among the acts of honour and nobility,” implying that daughters should not be put to death, but instead raised and loved so that they can one day marry and start their own families.

The recitation of the Quran is also incumbent upon us as Muslims and Mumineen. The Quran is light and a protection in all circumstances and will comfort us in our graves. The world and the hereafter are in the service of he who recites the Quran. RA Syedna ​ directed Mumineen to recite often completing the ​ Quran in either seven days, one month or two months.

RA Maulana Burhanuddin ​ enjoined us to nurture our children in ​ the way that he desires. He referenced Maulatona Fatema’s SA SA ​ final loving care towards Imam Hasan and Imam Husain ,​ how ​ 5 she bathed them and prepared a final meal for them with her own hands. In this context he urged us to attend to our own children similarly, with our own hands; not leave them to maids or servants.

RA Syedna al-Muqaddas ​ counseled that one should not correct ​ the shortcomings and flaws of one child in front of other children. They should not nag them to the point that they become jaded or to the extent that they no longer wish to eat with the family RA because that is all they hear. Syedna ​ explained that they ​ eventually become immune to what we say and ignore it carrying on as they were. He reminded us to be watchful of the kind of company they keep and not teach them obscenities.

RA Finally, Syedna Burhanuddin ​ pointed out that a degree is not ​ everything. Often it is the case, that those with degrees are floundering from here to there whilst many that have none have flourishing businesses. We have no enmity towards any learning; the question is only where it takes you. Tobacco, Alcohol, ‘English’ clothes and shaving off one’s beard; these should not be construed as the hallmarks of education nor enlightenment.

Mumineen had the great honour of hearing portions of al-Dai RA al-Ajal Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s ​ enlightened waʿaz mubarak, ​ ​ ​ and most importantly his recitation of Imam Husain’s SA ​ shahaadat. They were able to witness the harmony between ​ three generations of duʿat in their expression and phrasing. In his ​ ​ impassioned recounting of the wretched Shimr’s inconceivable SA hewing at Imam Husain’s ​ sacred throat, Syedna Taher RA ​ SA Saifuddin ​ quoted Imam Husain ​ as saying to Shimr that his ​ ​ twelve slashes had been in vain, and even twelve-hundred would have been futile.

6 RA In Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin’s ​ heartfelt zikr of SAW ​ ​ ​ Rasul Allah’s ​ shahaadat and wafaat he bequeathed many ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ precious pearls. While narrating the events that took place when SAW Rasul Allah ​ distributed the pieces of hanut, he informed ​ SA ​ ​ Amirul Mumineen ​ that as he was carrying out his ghusl he ​ ​ SAW​ could proceed to ask him any question for Rasul Allah ​ would ​ disclose to him a number of esoteric matters. When Jibra’eel AS SAW ​ inquired into whether Rasul Allah ​ would like to proceed to the ​ Hereafter or remain in the mortal world, Rasul Allah SAW ​ responded by saying that he had accomplished all that was required of him. Among the things he listed, he stated that I have SA placed Hasan and Husain ​ upon my shoulders thereby making ​ known to the entire universe their great stature. Finally, SAW Mohammed Rasul Allah’s ​ dai, Mohammed Burhanuddin RA ​ ​ ​ Maula ​ informed us Mumineen, us Muslimeen, of the final ​ SAW moments of the life of our Nabi Mohammed ​ before his ruh ​ ​ mubarak ascended to the heavens. ​

RA May Allah Taʿala grace Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin ​ with ​ afdal al-jazaa (the loftiest of divine rewards); his counsels ​ continue to illuminate for us the pathway to temporal and spiritual well-being. May He grant his mansoos and shahzada Syedna TUS ​ ​ ​ ​ Mufadal Saifuddin ​ a long and prosperous life till the Day of ​ Qiyaamat and may we continue to enlighten our souls with his teachings and guidance.


7 ʿAshara Mubaraka 1441 H, Colombo Majlis 6 Reflections

Rasul Allah SA states, ‘Every faith has a character trait which is ​ specific to it.’ The character trait of Islam is hayaaʾ (a sense of ​ shame). Continuing with the counsels Amirul Mumineen AS AS ​ bestowed upon Imam Hasan ,​ Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal ​ Saifuddin TUS today mentioned that the next set of counsels ​ pertain to hayaaʾ. ​ ​ Imam Hasan AS asked his respected father, “What are the ​ three things regarding which one is to maintain a sense of shame?” AS Maulana Ali ​ replied: ​ ● Maintain a sense of shame for Allah so that He doesn’t find you doing something He disapproves of, as if you are unaffected by his wrath. ● Maintain a sense of shame before the two angels perched upon your shoulders who record our deeds. ● Finally, maintain shame before the ‘Virtuous of Mumineen’, the imam (and dai) of each age. ​ ​

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS stated that the shortcomings and flaws ​ of one who is clothed in hayaaʾ will remain concealed and he will ​ distance himself from all those deeds that will bring him disrepute.

th AS The 9 Imam, Imam Ahmed al-Mastur ,​ narrates a parable that ​ the prince of a king of Hindustan put a question to a sage from Serendip, “After the soul departs from the body does it ever desire to come back to it?” The sage replied with a parable. 1 Once, a king celebrated the wedding of his son. For 7 days the festivities continued, with each night the kingdom engrossed in merriment, drink and song. After one night of revelry, the prince sought to head back to his bride. However, due to his inebriety, instead of heading to her room he wandered off in another direction, exiting the palace and the city altogether and ending up on the outskirts of the city. There he saw a house with the lights still on which he assumed to be his bedroom. He entered the small house and saw a number of sheathed people asleep on the floor. Thinking that they his bride’s servants, he proceeded towards a lady whose clothes were new and from whom a pleasing fragrance emanated. He presumed her to be his wife and went to sleep beside her.

The next morning he awoke sober and called for his servants, but no one answered. He opened his eyes and saw that the entire room was filled with corpses and the woman whom he thought was his wife, was in fact an aged woman who had recently passed away, hence her new shrouds and the lingering smell of camphor. However, her shrouds, and now his clothes, were soiled by the corpse’s blood and pus. He immediately ran out and headed to a river to wash his stained clothing. As he sat in the water, a person passed by and asked him what he was doing. He replied that he had fallen into a garbage pit and was washing off the filth from his clothes. In the course of their conversation, the prince asked the person to lend him some clothes and his mount in exchange for money. When he returned to his family who had all feared that he has been abducted by a jinn, they rejoiced. When they questioned him over his whereabouts he brushed them off saying that it is a long story and that he would relate it some other time.

2 Following this parable, the sage asked the prince, “Would anyone look forward to sleeping beside the corpse of that old woman again?” Similarly, the soul will never long to return to the body. Like the prince in the parable, ashamed of his actions, the soul too will be ashamed of even mentioning where it was or recalling the memory of the corpse.

Mufaddal Maula TUS explained that the imperative form of hayaaʾ ​ ​ — ‘maintain a sense of shame’ — is istahye. This imperative can ​ ​ also be taken to mean seek hayaat (life). Rasul Allah SAW called ​ ​ towards Islam which grants hayaat to all those who answer it. ​ Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin RA writes that the day following his ​ Miʿraj (ascension to heaven), Rasul Allah SAW proceeded towards ​ the marketplace. There he saw a frail lady with two children tied upon her back, walking slowly and weeping. Rasul Allah SAW ​ enquired about her state to which she replied that I am ill and my master has sent me to the market to purchase some items. I fear that if I am late in returning, he will reprimand me. SAW Rasul Allah ,​ in all his mercy, replied, “I will come with you and ​ speak to your master on your behalf”.

He carried the two children and swiftly proceeded towards her master’s house. As he moved forward, the woman called after him, “I am ill; I cannot keep up with you”. Rasul Allah SAW ​ instructed her to hold the trails of his clothing which would help her keep pace with him. Nabi Mohammed SAW knocked upon her ​ master’s door who was astonished at seeing him.

“O, Mohammed, you normally never take this path through this part of the city.” Rasul Allah SAW replied that he had come to ​ appeal on behalf of his servant. The servant’s master requested Rasul Allah SAW to sit for a moment while he went inside and ​ returned with a copy of the Torah. He said: 3 O, Mohammed the Torah is full of your praise. It mentions that the sign of the true prophet is that the day following his Miʿraj he will come to the house of a Jew and vouch on behalf of his lady servant. How can I further delay embracing Islam!

Immediately he recited the shahada. Such is Rasul Allah’s SAW ​ mercy and sense of shame.

Following this narration, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS observed that ​ while travelling by bus or train, or at the airport, we often come across people who are aged, ill or with young children. Our sense of shame dictates that we immediately offer our seat to them. Yet, there are others who are completely and utterly shameless. In 1431, at the age of 99, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA ​ travelled to Makkah for his final umrah. While in Bait Allah, Burhanuddin Maula RA approached the Hajar Aswad. Despite his ​ age and frailty, the guard standing there prevented him from approaching and instead gestured for him to join the queue. At that moment, all the Muslimeen standing in the line said in unison that we will not proceed to pay our respects at the Hajr Aswad until Syedna Burhanuddin RA does. Maula TUS stated that the ​ ​ incredulous individual must have seen the radiant countenance of Burhanuddin Maula RA but in his jealousy, he did not show ​ even the most basic humanity.

Our texts inform us that one should not give azan from a raised location where he is able to peer into people’s homes. Such was the sense of shame required of a Muslim. However, the wicked ummah had no such shame; far from not peering in, they barged AS into the Ahle Bayt’s ​ home having threatened to burn it down. ​

4 Amirul Mumineen’s SA wearing of patched garments is analogous ​ to the way he ensured the survival of the garb of Islam even as the enemy sought to rend it. Imam Sadiq AS mentions that the ​ clothes of Islam are hayaaʾ. Maulana Ali AS stated that, “I have a ​ ​ ​ woollen garment that has been patched up so many times, that there is no room for further patchwork.” With his perseverance and by wearing patched up clothes he ensured that the clothes of Islam were saved from being torn to shreds.

TUS Maulana al-Minaʿam ​ provided two explanations for the order ​ SA in which Amirul Mumineen ​ gave his wasiyyat regarding a ​ ​ ​ sense of shame. The first explanation determines the order in terms of familiarity with the human mind. Allah Taʿala, although extremely close, is far too great to comprehend and understand. He is unseen and in that context is far. Though closer, a Mumin’s two angels are also of the spiritual realm and therefore imperceivable. ‘Salih al-Mumineen’ is the saheb al-zaman, the ​ ​ dai or imam, who although is a spiritual being has taken a ​ physical form and is therefore the closest to a Mumin. We have the honour of beholding him with our eyes. The second explanation described the order in the context of man’s three sins: sins perpetrated against the Creator, sins against other people and sins against the saheb al-zaman. The object of our ​ ​ sense of shame differs for each of these categories of sins starting with Allah, then the two angels and then saheb al-zaman. ​ ​

SA AS On the eve of Aashura, Imam Husain ​ directed his Ahle Bayt ​ ​ and loyal companions to leave. He told them to disappear into the darkness of the night when no one will know that they have left or where they have gone. “It is halal for you to leave,” he told them. But they refused. “It would be shameful if we did so; with SA what face will we present ourselves to Rasul Allah ​ on the Day ​ of Qiyaamat if we were to leave you?” they cried. They added, “If 5 we were to give a thousand lives for your cause, we would still fall short in fulfilling our obligation to you!” Their sense of shame SA and devotion to Imam Husain ​ ensured that they sacrificed their ​ lives for him and attained the highest of heavenly ranks.

RA In Syedna al-Qadi al-Nuʿman’s ​ recounting of the popular ​ narration where a maʾidat (a thaal filled with food) descends ​ AS ​ ​ ​ SA upon the Ahle Bayt ​ from the heavens, Maulatona Fatema’s ​ ​ preeminence is made obvious in her devotion to Amirul SA Mumineen ​ and her sense of shame before Allah Taʿala. When ​ SA Amirul Mumineen ​ inquired as to whether there was anything to ​ SA eat at home, Maulatona Fatema ​ responded saying there was ​ not. Over the last two days, she along with Imam Hasan and SA Imam Husain ​ had gone without food presenting whatever little ​ SA there was in the house to Amirul Mumineen ​ instead. “Why did SA ​ you not let me know?” Amirul Mumineen ​ asked Maulatona SA ​ Fatema .​ She respectfully responded, “I thought it shameful in ​ the eyes Allah Taʿala to cause you discomfort or difficulty”. After narrating the remainder of the account, Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS SA ​ juxtaposed the extents to which Maulatona Fatema’s ​ went to SA ​ ensure that Amirul Mumineen ​ was not troubled with concern ​ for their meals, with the extreme maltreatment he faced at the hands of the tyrants who tied a black rope around his neck, pulling him as they would a camel.

The second group before whom a sense of shame should be maintained are the vigilant, honourable angels who record all a human being’s deeds. Maulana al-Minaʿam TUS declared that ​ these angels are the Duʿat Mutlaqeen AS whose hayaaʾ and ​ ​ hayaat, their sense of shame and ability to give life, are ​ exemplary. Their unique ability to inspire a sense of shame in their followers and breathe new life into their faith is especially remarkable in Yemen. Shortly after the seclusion of the 21st ​ 6 SA Imam ,​ enemies were intent on erasing all traces of the Fatimi ​ Dawat. Syedna Hatim Mohyiddin RA whose very laqab means the ​ ​ one who gives hayaat to faith, Mufaddal Maula TUS explained, ​ ​ preserved the sanctity and hayaaʾ of Yemen. Yet over time, the ​ Mumineen of Yemen became deficient in their deference of the AS Fatimi Duʿat ​ and their sense of shame diminished. ​

Shamelessness had grown to the extent that many of the prominent figures of the community in Yemen would brazenly disregard the Dai’s directives and the Dai’s own representatives signed a document declaring their disavowal and repudiation of his leadership. However, on the 9th of Moharram in 1373, the 51st ​ ​ Dai prayed to Allah Taʿala asking him to preserve the ‘sharam’ of ​ ​ Yemen: “Yemen ni sharam tu rakhje!”. Mufaddal Maula explained ​ ​ that the numeral equivalent of the word ‘al-hayaaʾ’ in Arabic is ​ ​ 51, indicating that it was the 51st Dai who paved the way towards ​ salvaging the sharam and honour of Yemen and reinvigorating ​ the souls, homes and hearts of the Mumineen residing there. Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA sent his mansoos, Syedna ​ ​ ​ Mohammed Burhanuddin RA to Yemen, and with his arrival, the ​ heavens descended hayaaʾ all across the region: showers of rain ​ and barakaat. His presence reinstilled hayaaʾ in their hearts and ​ ​ ​ hayaat in their souls. Despite the consistent efforts of antagonists to undermine Dawat and its Dai, Syedna Burhanuddin RA restored ​ a sense of shame in the Mumineen of Yemen with the zikr and ​ remembrance of Husain Imam AS whose shahadat preserved the ​ shame and nobility of prophethood. Maulana al-Minaʿam TUS ​ recounted his own recollections of the state of Yemen before: when he recited the sacred shahaadat of Imam Husain AS there ​ ​ were those seated in the majlis that would cover their faces with their clothes and snicker. Today however, he said, that the Mumineen of Yemen, in their expressions of grief and matam are ​ at par with their brothers and sisters in Hindustaan. In fact, 7 Maula TUS continued, that sometimes it is hard to determine ​ whether this expression is greater here, or there.

The third place to maintain shame is before Saheb al-Zamaan AS ​ — the imam and, in his seclusion, the dai. We were asked to AS ​ ​ witness how Maulatona Fatema ,​ in her shame and humility ​ beseeched Maulana Ali’s SA forgiveness on her deathbed; ​ although since the day of entering his home she had never uttered a mistruth. Maulana Ali SA interjected, “thou art too lofty, ​ too knowing, too virtuous [to transgress in any way]”. She continued, “however this is the physical, human realm, so if anything has come to pass, forgive me!”

A true sense of shame is achieved at the middle of its two extremes. On the one hand you have qihah (impudence; ​ effrontery) and on the other is futoor (diffidence). In between is ​ the middle ground, shame. This was illustrated by two examples AS of the two ‘brothers’ in contrast to Maulana Ali .​ When Maulana ​ Ali AS was repairing Rasul Allah’s SAW sandal, Rasul Allah SAW at ​ ​ ​ that time proclaimed that one among you will battle for the taʾweel of the Quran in the same way that he had battled for its zaahir. Each of the two, showed effrontery, instead of asking, ​ “Who is it?” asked, “Is it me? Is it me?!”

Now, in another instance, when Rasul Allah SAW ordered the ​ killing of a man who had spoken insolently to him; this time both ‘brothers’ were diffident. First one went after the man, then the other only for both to return and say that the wretch was ‘in namaz’ - so they did not carry out the order. The order had been given by the Prophet who has instituted namaz and which should be carried out regardless of the circumstances. Maula TUS stated ​ that to do what should be done and refrain from what should not be done is the very definition of hayaaʾ. ​ ​ 8

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS stated that our sense of shame dictates ​ that we should hide our shortcomings and flaws from those AS around us, but not from Allah Almighty. Imam Zainulabedin ,​ ​ whom Yazid’s armies tortured so shamelessly after the shahadat AS of Imam Husain ;​ states: ​

“Remain resolute in cloaking poverty, until it is as if you are affluent; Be resolute in hiding illness, until it is as if you are free of any malady; Be resolute in suppressing your anger, until it is as if you are always happy; Be resolute in hiding your nafilat, until you are seen to be doing none; And be resolute in hiding alms-giving, until it is as if you are a miser.”

The shamelessness of the enemy in Karbala went beyond any extreme. Water was cut-off, by imperial order, from this seventh day of Moharram. Imagine how the children with Imam Husain AS ​ would have asked him whilst looking at the Furat river, are we not to have any of the water? How could he possibly reply? When Shimr sat to slay Imam Husain AS and his blunt sword did not ​ work Imam Husain AS told him to wait, for he had seen that ​ Maulatona Zainab AS was watching. He went into sajdah but ​ ​ Shimr did not wait, for in his shamelessness he cared not that his dear sister was watching as he slaughtered her brother the imam.

When Maulatona Fatema AS was nearing her last day, Maulana ​ Ali SA returned home. Where she would normally welcome him by ​ washing his hath mubarak and aqdaam tahira, he found that ​ ​ ​ 9 today she had chosen three other deeds instead. She had put lotus tree leaves to soak in order to bathe the two Imams, had prepared two days worth of dough and had put their clothes to dry having washed them. Maulana Ali AS asked why she had ​ done all this. In her response, Maulatena Fatema AS recounted ​ the dream she had the previous night in which Rasul Allah SAW ​ had promised her that the next night she would break her fast at the thaal of the prophets. Today was her last day upon this earth. ​ Who would then take care of her beloved children?

May Allah Ta’ala grant us the sense of shame that is appropriate to one who believes in Allah, acknowledges the angels on his shoulders writing his actions and also his Maula, the Saheb al-Zaman, Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin. May Allah grant him long life and good health until Qiyaamat.


10 ʿAshara Mubaraka 1441 H, Colombo Majlis 7 Reflections

In today’s waʿaz mubarak, Mufaddal Maula TUS focused on two ​ ​ ​ additional sets of counsel given by Amirul Mumineen SA to Imam AS Hasan :​ one focused on seeking refuge and the other defining situations where being miserly is a virtue.

Referencing Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin’s QR bayaan mubarak, ​ ​ ​ Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS stated that Amirul Mumineen SA is the 1 ​ SAW hamd of Nabi Mohammed .​ When one recites the name ​ Mohammed, by adding the letter ‘meem’ to ‘hamd’ he is also ​ ​ ​ ​ doing the zikr of Maulana Ali SA for both are one and the same. ​ ​ SAW SA Following his Miraj, Rasul Allah beckoned Maulana Ali ,​ and ​ ​ spoke into his ear for a prolonged period. Amirul Mumineen SA ​ reciprocated; he spoke into Rasul Allah’s SAW blessed ear for a ​ similarly long stretch of time. Rasul Allah SAW imparted the ​ knowledge of tanzeel (exoteric knowledge) to Maulana Ali SA and ​ ​ ​ Rasul Allah’s SAW barakat enabled Amirul Mumineen SA to reveal ​ ​ ​ its taʾweel (esoteric knowledge). Syedi Imaduddin QR adds that ​ ​ the unity between Mohammed and Ali is so great that in the Baweesa duʿa where the names of Panjatan SA are normally ​ ​ taken individually, one can recite ‘Ya Mohammed Aliyaho’ or ‘Ya Ali Mohammedaho’. He further mentions that this oneness SA extends to all of the Panjatan Pak ,​ listing how the Baweesa ​ tasbeehs can be done, for example ‘Ya Husain Mohammedaho’ ​

The first set of counsels focus on where one should seek refuge. SA Amirul Mumineen ​ states: ​

1 SA SAW Amirul Mumineen ​ was a form of Rasul Allah’s ​ gratitude to Allah ​ ​ Taʿala. 1 1. When faced with hardships and difficulties that cause you distress, seek refuge with Allah. 2. When you act poorly, sin or make unrealistic aspirations then seek refuge in tawba (repentance). ​ ​ 3. When your ignorance causes you to stumble then seek refuge with the bearers of knowledge and letters.

TUS Mufaddal Maula p​ roceeded to relate all three counsels to the ​ evergreen narration of Ziyad al-Aswad who journeyed to the presence of Imam Mohammed al-Baqir AS from afar seeking ​ refuge in his presence. Ziyad’s greatest hardship was that he did not possess the means to purchase a camel large and strong enough to carry him on his journey. However, because he placed his faith in Allah and sought refuge with Him, he found a way. He acquired a small camel upon which he placed his belongings, and chose to walk the majority of the way. Secondly, Ziyad sought sanctuary in tawba. Standing before Imam AS he pleaded ​ ​ ​ that he had sinned greatly, and thus sought refuge in repentance atoning for his sins. Finally, Ziyad sought refuge in the bearers of AS knowledge and letters. In the hadrat nawabiyyah of the Imam ,​ ​ ​ ​ He implored, “I have mistreated my soul”. Ziyad’s seeking refuge with the Imam AS represents all three of Amirul Mumineen’s SA ​ ​ counsels.

The three possessions a man should act miserly with are the SA basis of the second set of Maulana Ali’s ​ wasiyyat covered in ​ ​ ​ today’s waʿaz mubarak: ​ ​ 1. Be a miser with your life (i.e. your time); do not spend a single moment engaged in any act apart from the AS obedience and taʿat of Allah Taʿala and His Wali .​ Do ​ ​ ​ only those things that will benefit you in this world and the next. Do not feel constricted and become fed up or frustrated with acts of obedience. 2 2. Be a miser with your faith. Adhere to your faith, the essence of which is love. Do not expend your faith for the sake of anger: do not diminish your conviction in your faith out of anger towards a perceived slight or injustice. 3. Be a miser with your words; only speak when it benefits.

Amirul Mumineen SA has said that ‘A miser’s dinar is nothing ​ more than a rock’. A dinar is of no value if it is not spent in worthy causes; it might as well be a rock. Amirul Mumineen SA ​ exemplified how a dinar should be spent when he presented SAW najwa to Rasul Allah .​ He took a dinar of his and exchanged it ​ for 10 dirhams. He entered the presence of Rasul Allah SAW 10 ​ times and each time he offered a dirham before putting a question to him. After providing insight into the meanings of a dinar, dirham, gold and silver, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS SA ​ encouraged Mumineen to emulate Maulana Ali .​ A Mumin ​ should always strive to present najwa to Wali Allah AS as a ​ ​ declaration that anything they have earned is by virtue of the barakat they have received at his hands. ​

Mufaddal Maula TUS explained that the Arabic word shahih can be ​ expressed in English as miser. Such an individual does not spend on even himself, let alone anyone else. Being stingy and acting miserly are bad characters and are generally frowned upon, however, in these three situations they are encouraged. Just as a miser fears the loss of a single rupee, a Mumin should fear losing a single second of his life in an act that displeases Allah Taʿala because that means that his time has been wasted. Each day, each hour and each second should be spent in Allah’s obedience, however, such persistence and perseverance should not result in frustration.

3 Amirul Mumineen SA spent each moment in the khidmat of SAW ​ ​ Rasul Allah ,​ never wasting a second of his life in anything but ​ Allah and Allah’s Rasul’s SAW taʿat. During these many years of ​ ​ taʿat he never became stressed, frustrated or disheartened. This unwavering devotion was apparent during the Battle of Khandaq when Rasul Allah SAW called on his companions to take to the ​ battlefield and face the challenger who had crossed over the defensive trench. At this ‘critical time’, when others were busy SAW SA mocking Rasul Allah ,​ Amirul Mumineen did not waver or ​ ​ hesitate in answering his Nabi’s call and set out to face ʿAmar bin ʿAbde Wad trading blows with him, ultimately splitting him down the middle into two pieces.

SA AS Amirul Mumineen’s Duʿat ,​ like him, never feel disheartened ​ ​ or constricted in the service of Dawat. Syedna Abdullah Badruddin RA would set out early each morning in a victoria ​ (carriage) seeking to repay Dawat’s debts. Over the years, a large debt had amassed due to the Duʿat’s AS generosity and the ​ thousands of Mumineen they looked after during times of difficulty. There were those who saw Syedna Badruddin’s RA ​ devotion as futile suggesting to him that he refrain. They claimed that the very people he worked so hard for were not concerned for his well-being. Syedna Badruddin RA would remain silent, ​ merely smiling. He did not feel constricted nor frustrated in his khidmat of Dawat. And when he became Dai, the commenter realized that ‘those who serve, are served’.

The second thing to be miserly with is one’s faith. At the death of a loved one, or a major loss in business, there is a tendency to become angered with the Almighty and subsequently lessen one’s devotion to Him. In these situations, some abandon faith; they stop praying namaz. Maulana al-Minʿam TUS explained, that ​

4 under such circumstances, on the contrary, one should intensify their worship and gratitude for Allah Taʿala.

With regards to miserliness of faith Maulana TUS related the story RA ​ of the sons of Jabir bin Abdullah ,​ once again revealing novel ​ details of this oft-heard narration. They were five and six years old and the birthday of one was to be celebrated with a ziyafat for SAW ​ Rasul Allah .​ With preparations all set, on the morning of the ​ ziyafat, Jabir woke his two sons before setting off for fajr namaz ​ in the masjid. The two children went into a room where the elder one took a knife and suggested they play out the zabihat they ​ had seen their father do the previous day. In doing so the younger boy’s throat was cut and he died. The elder one was distraught and in his despair he put the knife to his own throat and also died. When Jabir returned he went in search of the boys and discovered the tragic scene through the crack of their room door. He and his wife, despite their unimaginable grief, decided the matter would be left undisclosed and the ziyafat should go ​ ahead as planned. Rasul Allah SAW arrived and was received with ​ full honour before he sat at the thaal. At this point he called for ​ ​ the sons and Jabir replied they were asleep. Even when he insisted Jabir replied that their mother preferred not to bring them at which Rasul Allah SAW arose and went in search of them. When ​ he found the two lifeless sons he clasped them to his seena ​ mubarak and prayed that they stand by the grace of Allah — and so they did.

Jabir and his wife did not allow this unbearable tragedy to affect their faith. They did not lash out at the Creator nor they even SAW mention it to Rasul Allah .​ The barakat and reward for their ​ ​ miserliness with their faith was that their sons were returned to them and they did not miss out on the honour of ziyafat. ​ ​

5 The third miserliness is with regards to what we say. Say only what is beneficial and not what is detrimental. Faced with the titan ʿAmar bin ʿAbde Wad all remained silent when asked who would battle him. All except Maulana Ali AS who realised that this ​ was no the time to remain silent for Islam itself was under threat.

In Karbala, there was a young man with his mother. The father, her husband, had already been slain and the mother, who had hoped to see her son married, now told him to take leave to go into battle for Imam Husain AS as well. “This is the day for which I ​ have borne you,” she said. “My milk is not halal for you until you AS lay down your life for Imam Husain ,​ '' the mother told her son. ​ She followed him into battle for support and watched as he fought bravely before being martyred.

This mother was miserly with the life of her son: despite her hope for his betrothal she realised that in this moment he had to lay down his life and attain shahaadat. She was miserly with her ​ ​ faith: she must have felt anger at losing her husband already but instead desired that her son also lay down his life and in saying to him, “Go! Go! Do not forsake this opportunity!” she fulfilled the third tenet of the kalaam with regards to being miserly with what ​ one says.

When the time came for the Ahle Bait AS to return to Madina from ​ Shaam, Maulatona Sakina AS could not be found. They searched ​ for her until Fizza found her and what she saw rent her heart. Maulatona Sakina AS was at the grave of Imam Husain’s AS ​ AS ​ beloved three year old daughter Maulatona Ruqaiyya ,​ who had ​ passed away holding her father’s raʿas mubarak in Shaam. ​ Maulatona Sakina AS was lamenting her separation. “Come with ​ us,” she pleaded to her sister, “or else take me to sleep with you in the grave and we can fill it with our tears upon our respected 6 father together!” “Before when I called you, you came without hesitation and now when I call for you repeatedly, you do not answer!” she exclaimed. Imam Ali Zainulabedin AS embraced her ​ and stated, “Come; in Madina you will find solace at the grave of SA SAW Ma Fatema ​ and Rasul Allah .​ ” ​ ​

TUS AS As Maula narrated the shahadat of Amirul Mumineen ,​ he ​ ​ ​ mentioned the traveller who had seen Maulana Ali AS in the ​ mihrab of Masjid Azam in Kufa. After partaking of the meal provided by Imam Hasan and Imam Husain SA he came to Imam ​ Hasan SA and said, “There is a pure and virtuous dervish in the ​ masjid.” He added, “If you were to offer him some food he will SA surely pray for you.” Imam Hasan ​ replied: ​ O, traveller, he is no dervish; he is our respected father, Ali. He will not consume anything but barley flour. He has chosen a life of zohd (belittling and ​ forsaking worldly pleasures) while providing us with plenty.

On the eve of 19th , Amirul Mumineen AS narrated a ​ ​ dream he had seen that night in which Rasul Allah SAW beckoned ​ him towards his heavenly abode. Upon hearing this, the Ahle Bait AS were engrossed in matam. Maulana Ali AS then ​ ​ ​ ​ proceeded to offer them priceless words of counsel. He prayed to Allah Taʿala to grant himself barakat in his death and to accept ​ his deeds. He repeatedly did tasbeeh of ‘La Hawla…’ and offered ​ ​ istighfar. As he set out from his house for fajr namaz he recited ​ ​ ​ two verses and then prayed, “O Allah, grant me barakat in my ​ death and in my return”. Hearing this Imam Hasan AS beseeched ​ him, “Let me go in your stead and sacrifice myself for you”. Maula Ali AS denied his request and directed him to return home. Imam ​ Hasan SA turned back and seeing Maulatona Umme Kulsum AS ​ ​ seated on the porch sat down beside her, both contemplating 7 over what they had seen and heard. Amirul Mumineen SA ​ ascended the masjid’s minaret and gave the azan for fajr. Such ​ ​ was his azan that it would reach each and every house in Kufa.

Today, Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin’s TUS azan, which AS ​ calls us towards the zikr of Imam Husain ,​ has reached the ​ ​ house of each and every Mumin and Muminah the world over. In these remaining two days may we all reply ‘Labbaik Ya Dai Allah’ AS through our buka, matam, noha and aweel upon Imam Husain .​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

May Allah Ta’ala grant our Maula, our refuge and the one to whom our souls and wealth are dedicated, a long life in pristine health until Qiyamat.


8 ʿAshara Mubaraka 1441 H, Colombo Majlis 8 Reflections

Today on the 9th of Moharram al-Haram, Syedna Aali Qadr ​ Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS expounded upon the eighth set of ​ SA AS counsels given by Maulana Ali to Imam Hasan .​ Imam ​ ​ Hasan AS asked his revered father, ‘Which are the three things ​ towards which one should shift one’s attention?’

SA Maulana Ali ​ replied: ​ 1. Shift your attention towards understanding your soul. Identify your flaws and shortcomings and develop a strong aversion towards them until you see that your soul is rid of them and the fragrance of good character emanates from it. 2. Shift your attention towards Allah’s taqwa (piety, ​ ​ mohabbat and taʿat) ​ ​ ​ 3. After attaining the above two, shift your focus towards your soul becoming unpretentious and the concealment of deeds. Do not boast about your achievements and make humility and humbleness your defining traits.

Over the course of history there have been numerous shifts in thoughts and mindsets. Previously, it was believed that the world was flat. However, the ancient Greeks established that the earth was in fact round and the world shifted to this new reality. It is largely due to the progress of science that a shift occurs from old ideas to new. The main purpose behind such innovation and advancement is the betterment of the human experience. A medicine that was once prescribed by doctors is now considered detrimental.

1 Amirul Mumineen SA states, ‘I am aware of all things’. He enjoins ​ us to acquire an understanding of all things, yet to realize that the most important understanding is that of the soul. It is towards this understanding that we should shift our attention to. The soul’s purity is paramount and it can only be attained by ridding it of its flaws. This understanding is not something to be done publicly, but is rather a process of self-assessment and self-realization. Once a person has identified his flaws he should acknowledge them and not seek to deny them. He should not become complacent but instead should strive to eradicate them and thereafter move on with his life.

In this context, Muffadal Maula TUS narrated that both Maulatona Umme Salama RA and her first husband, Abu Salama, embraced ​ Islam in Makkah al-Mukarrama but due to persecution sought refuge in Habasha (Absynnia). Once Islam took root they returned to Makkah. In 4 H, Abu Salama passed away, at that time Maulatona Umme Salama was 33 years old. Following this both Talha and another sent her a marriage proposal. Nabi Mohammed SA too sent her a proposal to which she replied,‘O ​ Rasul Allah, I have reached quite an old age, I have children and I possess ghairat1. ​

Rasul Allah SAW replied, ‘I am older than you, your children are my ​ children and I will pray to Allah that you overcome your ghairat.’ ​ ​ Maulatona Umme Salama RA was well aware of the condition and ​ traits of her soul and subsequently her shortcomings. Thus, she was able to do araz to Rasul Allah SA who prayed for her, and the ​ ​ prayers of Allah’s Nabi will always be answered.

1 Ghairat: a strong sense of ardency and honour due to which one cannot tolerate anything he/she dislikes’ 2 Imam Ali Zainul Abideen AS has said that when people are ​ preoccupied with the shortcomings of others, occupy yourself with your own shortcomings. When everyone around us is discussing and focusing on the faults of others, it is important to take stock of our own attributes, actions and character, identifying the faults that lie therein. His words of wisdom were apparent in his own actions. Imam SA refrained from responding ​ to a man who had insulted him while he was seated with his companions Rather, he stood and sought out the man’s house. When he opened the door and saw the Imam AS he expected that ​ he was there to retaliate. However, Imam SA told him to not worry ​ and instead offered the following duʿa mubarak: ​ ​ If what you have said about me is true, may Allah Taʿala forgive my sins. If what you have said about me is false, may Allah Taʿala forgive your sins. Upon hearing Imam’s SA words, the man kissed Imam’s AS ​ ​ paishani mubarak and embarrassingly confessed that what he AS had said about Imam ​ was untrue. ​

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS expounded on the act of muhaasabat ​ al-nafs bi al-nafs: self-assessment, or more accurately, assessing ​ one’s own soul using one’s soul. He explained that self-assessment in this manner is a door to prosperity, although it is difficult to achieve since most people find very little wrong with their own actions. We are always prone to justifying what we do. In the truest sense, a Mumin’s soul, his jaan and what he holds TUS TUS​ most dear, is his Maula .​ His Maula is the measure of what ​ ​ is good and bad. Imam Ahmed al-Mastur SA writes in the Rasaaʾil ​ ​ Ikhwaan al-Safaa that, ‘If you wish to learn how to assess and carry out hisaab, then you must come to the majlis of our ​ ​ ​ ​ Brethren’.

Mufaddal Maula TUS illustrated the notion of muhaasabat al-nafs ​ ​ in the presence of Wali Allah AS in the actions of Syedi Khanjee ​ 3 QR Feer w​ hose ziyarat is in . He was a scholar and ​ ​ ​ devoted his time to teaching and also regularly incurred expenses for Dawat’s various purposes. Because of his many responsibilities, he was unable to keep an account of his expenses in a satisfactory manner. With Syedna Abdutayyib Zakiuddin RA upset over his actions, Syedi Khanjee Feer QR came ​ ​ to Syedna’s RA residences and sought an audience and an ​ opportunity for qadambosi. When the gatekeeper informed ​ ​ Syedna RA that Syedi Khanjee Feer QR was at the door, he ​ ​ remained silent. The gatekeeper returned and mentioned what had occurred. Syedi Khanjee Feer QR withdrew to the main gate ​ where everyone else would normally wait. Later in the night, when Syedna Zakiuddin RA woke for prayers, being the discerning ​ Maula that he was, enquired into Syedi Khanjee Feer QR asking ​ his attendant when he had left. The attendant responded, ‘Maula, he has not left; he is still waiting at the gate.’ Syedna Zakiuddin RA ​ called Syedi Khanjee Feer QR and asked him why he had not ​ returned home and gone to bed. He said, ‘Maula, how could I return without having done your qadambosi?’ He then sought ​ ​ forgiveness for his inability to fulfill what was required of him. Syedna RA graciously forgave him and stated that this entire ​ series of events was in order to exonerate him and purify him of his sins.

The second thing one should shift their focus towards, is Allah’s taqwa. Taqwa, Mufaddal Maula TUS explained, is to carry out acts ​ ​ ​ ​ AS for the sake of muhabbat and in order to please Wali Allah .​ To ​ ​ further illustrate this concept, Maulana al-Minʿam TUS cited Imam ​ Ali Zainul Abideen’s SA kalaam, ‘When people become ​ ​ preoccupied with the number of obligatory deeds they have carried out, occupy yourself with the quality and sincerity of yours.’ He also quoted Imam’s AS similar statement, ‘When ​ people become preoccupied with what pleases those created, occupy yourself with what pleases the Creator.’ 4

The third and final thing one should shift towards is to always remain modest, unassuming and low-key. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS explained that arrogance and pride will accentuate ​ one’s worst qualities for which he or she will become notorious. On the other hand, modesty and humility will automatically bring out one’s best qualities. Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS cited additional ​ maxims of Imam Ali Zainul Abideen AS to further clarify the third ​ aspect of this wasiyyat: ‘When people become preoccupied with ​ ​ physical and apparent beauty, occupy yourself with the purity of what is hidden’ and ‘When people become preoccupied with seeking prosperity in this world, occupy yourself with seeking prosperity in the next’. He illustrated this by citing the example of Syedna Ja’far bin Mansur al-Yemen RA and Syedna al-Qadi ​ al-Nu’man RA who both remained modest and unassuming ​ throughout their illustrious lives.

RA Relating from the nasihat of Syedna Taher Saifuddin ,​ ​ ​ Maulana TUS reiterated how being true to namaz guards against ​ the influence of Satan. Keeping a complete saff in namaz blocks ​ the avenues of entry to him. How is that saff kept together? By ​ preventing negative thoughts about others from creeping in. ‘Why did someone do such and such to me!?’ Find a reason for it, give them the benefit of the doubt and seal off the entry point for Satan.

TUS On the topic of marriage, Maulana ​ spoke of the special bond ​ between fathers and daughters. A daughter will remember her father’s death anniversary while a son is prone to forget. When daughters reach the appropriate age it’s incumbent that they be TUS married. Maulana ​ also warned us to remain wary of outside ​ influences. When choosing a marriage partner there are many facets to look at, emotion can be overwhelming, but the practicalities of a future together in faith must be considered. 5

In Karbala the enemy was set for battle today the 9th of ​ Moharram; they had mobilised. But Imam Husain AS asked for ​ one night’s respite. Why? When all had been parched for two days, Maulana Aliasger AS was quivering out of thirst. Why? Why ​ remain parched and hungry for one more day? So that he could gather everyone together to pray for us that final night! ​ ​

After the shahadat the sayyidaat were mounted on bare-back ​ ​ AS camels. When Maulatona Zainab c​ ame to from having fainted ​ she saw that the mount she was on was also weeping. Maulatona Zainab AS asked the camel, “I am weeping for my ​ brother and the separation between siblings; why do you weep?” The camel replied, “O’ granddaughter of Rasul Allah! I weep because your head is uncovered and you are mounted upon me bare-back.” He added, “That they are taking you prisoner to Shaam; I wish that they would take you instead to Madina! I pray that death strikes me down here and now!” No sooner had the camel prayed thus but it collapsed and died on the spot and Maulatona Zainab AS prayed for the mount. As he completed this ​ narrative, Maulana TUS exclaimed, ‘Crying and matam elevate us ​ ​ in status!’

There is but one day left, tomorrow is Aashura. On this day of Taasuʿ, Maulana TUS related the shahadat of Imam Hasan AS and ​ ​ ​ how the respected brothers embraced at the end. Imam Hasan AS ​ is weeping for the tortures Imam Husain AS is yet to face in ​ Karbala. He tells him, ‘Come again and again to my grave.’ As we think ahead to tomorrow’s tragedy, may we pray that our AS focus never wavers from the zikr of Imam Husain ,​ pray we ​ ​ year after year are privileged to see the tears, hear the words and do matam before Imam Husain’s AS Dai. May Allah preserve ​ ​ Aqa Syedna Aali Qadr Maula in perfect health until qiyamat. ​ ​

6 www.jameasaifiyah.edu ​

7 ʿAshara Mubaraka 1441 H, Colombo Majlis 9/10 Reflections

(Before Zohr)

On the final day of Ashara Mubaraka, Aashura, the day awaited for the entire year, al-Dai al-Ajal Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS relayed to us the final counsels of Amirul ​ Mumineen’s SA wasiyyat and the final moments of his shahzada ​ ​ ​ Imam Husain’s AS blessed life which ended with his shahaadat on ​ ​ the scorching sands of Karbala. Elevated on the takht-e-imaami ​ before us, garbed in shrouds of huzn and grief, Syedna al-Dai TUS ​ AS al-Ajal’s heartfelt entreaty and iltijaa to Imam al-Zaman ,​ his ​ ​ ​ affectionate prayer for our well-being and salvation and most importantly, his fervent, heart-rending bayaan and final sajda left ​ ​ us overwhelmed with tears in the eyes and chants of ‘Ya Husain’ upon the lips of every man, woman and child.

Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS narrated that one day Maulana AS ​ Ali b​ rought home a tray of dates, yoghurt and milk and the ​ Panjatan Paak AS sat together and partook of the meal. SA ​ Rasul Allah c​ ontinued to behold Maulana Ali, Maulatona ​ Fatema and Imam Hasan and Husain AS and his delight in seeing ​ them was apparent on his blessed countenance. He then looked towards the heavens, raising his hands again for a prolonged period. Then he went into sajda and cried at length, his tears like ​ ​ rain, following which he sat with his head bowed, still weeping in grief. Seeing this the remaining Panjatan Pak AS all began to cry. ​ No one could find the courage to ask why Rasul Allah SA was ​ crying until finally Imam Husain AS inquired into the reason while ​ adding a prayer that may Allah never cause him to cry. Rasul Allah SA replied that he was happy, like he had never been ​ 1 before, when Jibraeel AS descended and told him of the tragedy ​ to befall each of the Panjatan culminating with Husain Imam’s AS ​ shahaadat at Karbala. There, on a hill amongst the hills of Paradise, angels from the fourth heaven would gather to give ghusul to the bodies of shohadaa with the water of life, shroud ​ them in the cloth of heaven and scent them with its fragrance before standing in rows to pray upon each one. Rasul Allah SA ​ continued, “A people from your ummah will then arrive to bury them.”

He added, “Your qabr mubarak will become a place of ​ convergence for the people of Haqq and a means of victory for Mumineen.”

“From every sky a hundred angels would come to surround the graves and note the names of the zaʾereen, their tasbihs and do SA ​ ​ ​ istighfar for them,” Rasul Allah ​ explained. ​ ​

Then Rasul Allah SA stated, “calamities will befall all of you, but ​ the most intense and severe hardship will be borne by Husain.”

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS elaborated that Imam Husain AS ​ ​ sacrificed himself and his family members for the sake of Islam AS and imaan; Imam Husain’s b​ enevolence encompasses all ​ ​ ​ Creation. He added: The Duat Mutlaqeen AS are no less than the ​ shohadaa. In the zikr and matam of Imam ​ ​ ​ Husain AS and in the expression of noha and aweel, ​ ​ ​ ​ their actions and deeds are just like that of Imam AS Ali Zainulabedin ​ without an iota of difference. ​

The ninth set of counsels offered by Amirul Mumineen AS ​ pertained to running away from three things: 1) from lying, 2) 2 from the oppressor even though he may be your father or brother and 3) from such trials where you fear that your patience cannot cope.

Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS then narrated a related counsel of AS ​ Maulana Ali :​ “Fleeing from one’s self is of more benefit than ​ your fleeing from a lion.” He explained that in the event of coming face-to-face with a lion it is important not to panic and run. The lion sees the fear and chases; a race in which there is only one winner. Rather, experts say, one should look the lion in the eye and slowly back away before making an escape. The same applies to how we should back away from our tempted soul, the one that instigates us towards the sinful and immoral.

To illustrate the notion of fleeing from lies Maulana TUS narrated RA ​ SA an incident involving Abeezar al-Ghafari ,​ Rasul Allah’s ​ ​ devoted sahabi. Abeezar RA was with a group of other ​ ​ ​ companions of the Nabi SAW when they formed a pact to seize ​ SA leadership of the ummah and torment Rasul Allah’s A​ hle Bayt ​ as soon as Rasul Allah SA passes away. Recognizing RA ​ SAW Abeezar’s presence and loyalty to Rasul Allah ,​ they ​ ​ demanded that he s​ wear not to disclose their sinister pact and the situation was such that Maulana Abeezar RA was forced into ​ complying with their demand. Later on, however, Abeezar RA ​ went before Rasul Allah SA and related all that had transpired. ​ Rasul Allah SA summoned those individuals demanding an ​ explanation. They rejected Abeezar’s RA claims and Rasul SA RA ​ Allah t​ urned to Abeezar s​ ternly saying that if nothing was ​ ​ revealed to confirm what he had said then Rasul Allah SA would RA ​ inflict a severe punishment upon Abeezar .​ At that moment, an ​ aayat was revealed confirming their duplicity and Rasul Allah RA ​ proclaimed, “The skies cover no one, nor the earth upholds any TUS who is more truthful than Abeezar”. Maulana m​ entioned how ​ 3 tactfully Maulana Abeezer RA distanced himself from such lies. He ​ did not counter them or argue with them. Being the deceitful people they were, they would have retorted that they were talking about someone else.

The second of the three is to run from the oppressor even if he is TUS your father or brother. Mufaddal Maula e​ laborated upon the ​ second part of the counsel using the example of Aurangzeb. How can one be safe from someone who executes his own brother and imprisons his own father? Syedna al-Dai al-Ajal TUS then ​ illustrated how one should run from such oppressors through the AS AS story of Nabi Musa .​ Nabi Musa was placed in a casket on ​ ​ the Nile in order to save him from the Pharaoh’s decree that every newborn son of the Banu Israʾeel be slain, since it had been prophesied to him that his kingdom would be lost to one such son. The casket came by the shore where his palace stood QR and was seen by his wife, the Mumina, Aasiya .​ Again we are ​ shown how to deal with the oppressor thoughtfully and cautiously as she persuaded her husband to allow her to keep and subsequently raise the child. Later in her life she would protest his cruelty and be punished with death in a most horrific manner.

It is important to flee those situations that one cannot cope and the perennial zikr of the aarabi who came to Rasul Allah SA eager ​ ​ ​ to be married was shown in this perspective. The aarabi ​ eschewed any path that would take him towards the forbidden and instead chose to come to Rasul Allah SA who opened the ​ vista of barakaat to him, his bride and their family in ways that ​ none of them could have imagined. Likewise, Mumineen should refrain from such persons or places that may cause them to succumb to haram and always heed the words of counsel AS provided by Hudaat Kiraam ​ for they are a source of barakat. ​ ​ ​

4 (After Zohr)

The mere mention of the word ‘Aashura’ sends shivers through the body. The atrocities perpetrated against Imam Husain AS and ​ his Ahle Bayt AS and As-haab have not occurred in any other time ​ or any other place. We remember Aashura throughout the year; AS after every namaz, we recall Imam Husain .​ We anticipate ​ Aashura longing for its arrival and its cleansing of all our sins. Maulana TUS offered a powerful prayer beseeching Allah Taʿala ​ that those seated before him on this Day of Aashura were honoured similarly the following year, never being kept bereft of the honour of this day. He prayed especially for those who have become distanced from the zikr of Imam Husain AS and those ​ ​ who may have stopped believing in Allah Himself. Maulana TUS ​ gave tribute to the 50 years of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA and how he had brought tears to the eyes of all ​ with the zikr of Imam Husain, a zikr that was never missed from ​ ​ any majlis.

The final set of the thirty counsels was to remain distant from three: 1) one’s tempting soul, 2) evil and evil people and 3) the fool. Imam Husain’s AS zikr and maatam enable us to remain ​ ​ ​ distant from all those things that harm us. After this final counsel, Maulana TUS prayed that we always remain in Allah Taʿala and ​ SAW His Rasul’s ​ protection. ​

It is through gathering us year after year for the zikr of Imam ​ Husain AS that Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS desires ​ ​ for us to attain the best of both worlds. May Allah Taʿala grant us the strength and will to abide by the 30 counsels of Amirul Mumineen AS and may He grant Imam Husain’s AS dai, a long life ​ ​ ​ ​ in good health and happiness until Qiyaamat. www.jameasaifiyah.edu

5 ʿAshara Mubaraka 1441 H, Colombo Tazyeen

The tazyeen and decoration of the masjid during ʿAshara ​ Mubaraka this year has been themed upon the standards, flags AS SAW and banners of Awliyaʾ Allah ,​ particularly Rasul Allah’s ​ ​ standard the Liwaaʾ al-Hamd. References to the Liwaaʾ al-Hamd found in Dawat texts combined with historical descriptions of flags and standards used in Fatimi processions were the source

1 of inspiration for the Qibla backdrop and other flag imagery throughout the masjid.

Flags, standards and banners have long been an integral component of human civilization. Historical sources reveal that AS the first individual to utilize them was Nabi Ibrahim .​ His SAW ​ esteemed shazada, the final prophet, Rasul Allah ,​ followed ​ ​ ​ his example and assigned different banners to the various tribes that comprised his army. Fiqh texts document the Ahle Bayt’s AS ​ emphasis on the proper organization of banners so that individuals would be able to recognize their camps and centres of operation and return to them during battle.

The Fatimi Imams SA made elaborate preparations for the display ​ and use of banners and flags in their processions. They were handcrafted by thousands of skilful craftsmen from precious materials such as silk, silver and gold and were carried with great pomp and ceremony. The most preeminent of all these banners were a pair of standards named Liwaaʾ al-Hamd. Each standard was prominently positioned to the right and left of the imam’s parasol and carried by high ranking officials. The standard comprised of a long spear at the top of which a rich, white silk banner embroidered in gold was attached.

Besides this particular standard, there were many other flags and banners deployed in Fatimi processions, usually totalling 21. The flags were of various colours including yellow, green and red and were generally embroidered with verses from the Holy Quran in gold and silver thread. An ayat shareefah common to many flags ​ was:


Victory from Allah and an imminent conquest (61:13).

The standard or flag bearer is an important position reserved for men of distinction and honour. Rasul Allah SAW had chosen Amirul Mumineen SA as his standard-bearer and said that he was his standard-bearer in this world and in the next where the Liwaaʾ al-Hamd will be in his hands on the Day of Qiyaamat.

Liwaaʾ al-Hamd, Rasul Allah’s SAW famed standard is described ​ by Syedna al-Muʾayyad al-Shirazi RA as having the entire Surat ​ al-Hamd inscribed upon it. For each of the seven aayaat of the ​ surat, there are seven tails attached to the main flag, the length ​ of each tail spanning the distance between east and west.


The large flag in this year’s tazyeen is a representation of Liwaaʾ ​ RA al-Hamd as described by Syedna al-Muʾayyad .​ This year’s ​ ayat shareefah is inscribed in red embroidery on the main flag. ​

Indeed, the believers, Jews, Sabians and Christians—whoever ˹truly˺ believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good, there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve (5:69).

SA Like every year, the names of the Panjatan Paak ,​ Aʾimmat ​ Tahireen SA and Duʿat Mutlaqeen AS feature throughout the backdrop. The names of the Panjatan SA are inscribed with jewels in silver and gold: Mohammed SAW and Ali SA form the basis of the ​ ​ flagstaff, Fatema SA fills the tear-shaped ornament at the top ​

4 while Hasan SA and Husain SA are inscribed in the crescent moon. ​ ​ Crescent moons were common to many Fatimi standards. The names of the Fatimi Imams SA adorn the flagstaff while the names ​ of the Duʿat Mutlaqeen AS are embroidered on the seven tails of ​ the main flag.

Since the Liwaaʾ al-Hamd flanked the Imam’s parasol in Fatimi processions, a parasol-like element has been added at the top of the backdrop. Processions also entailed the display of various military paraphernalia, including swords and shields. Therefore, shield motifs from the Fatimi gate Bab al-Nasr in Qahira are embroidered in the backdrop as well.


The tazyeen is meant to invoke the memory of Imam Husain’s SA ​ standard in Karbala and the great sacrifice he, his Ahle Bayt AS ​ and companions gave to ensure that Nabi Mohammed’s SAW ​ standard remained standing, undulating for all eternity. It stirs grief in our hearts. It is also meant to rouse feelings of gratitude for having had the honour of being associated with the flags and standards of the Fatimi imams and the opportunity to bask in the AS cool shade of the Fatimi Duʿat .​ May Allah Taʿala grant Syedna ​ Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS a long life in health and ​ happiness until the Day of Qiyaamat.