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123-Reaction Low.Pdf “The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.” SUMMARY About the project • PARTNERS • Municipality of Sacile (Lead Partner) - Italy .......................................................................p. 6-7 • Municipality of Porcia - Italy .......................................................................................................p. 8-9 • Municipality of Brugnera - Italy ..................................................................................................p. 10-11 • Municipality of Spittal an der Drau - Austria ......................................................................p. 12-13 • Municipality of Novigrad–Cittanova - Croatia ....................................................................p. 14-15 • Comité de Jumelage - La Réole - France .............................................................................p. 16-17 • Marghita Municipality - Romania .............................................................................................p. 18-19 • Local Government of Town Berettyóújfalu - Hungary .................................................p. 20-21 • City Council of Burriana - Spain ...............................................................................................p. 22-23 • Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto - Slovenia .............................p. 24-25 • Town of Michalovce - Slovakia ..................................................................................................p. 26-27 • Ajuntament de Vila-real - Spain ...............................................................................................p. 28-29 • Santa Lucija Local Council - Malta .........................................................................................p. 30-31 • Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities - Bulgaria ..............................................p. 32-33 • Municipality of Struga - Macedonia ........................................................................................p. 34-35 • Contact List ........................................................................................................................................p. 36-37 ABOUT THE PROJECT Project REACTION – REsources Anti-Crisis: Town twinning, Innovation, Openness and Networking 01.01.2013 - 31.10.2014 Funded with the support of the programme and in the establishment of Public-Private “Europe for Citizens” of the European Com- Partnerships has been revealed. mission, under the measure “Networks of Twinned Towns” the project REACTION star- SECOND event: “Citizens AS A RESOURCe” ted from the core topic of the project WEL- – MARGHITA (ROMANIA) COME, which was focused on the resource Citizens should represent the main resour- “water”, and opened the horizon to other re- ces for the well-being and the development sources that local authorities should base their of the local communities. This event rotated action on, particularly in times of crisis. Thus, around on the core role of the citizens in EU the project aimed to reinforce the networks and promoted those participatory mechanisms between municipalities by strengthening that help citizens to be real protagonists in their cooperation on thematic axes, all linked building up of Europe (i.e volunteering). by the key word “resource”. REACTION focused on specific elements, THIRD event: “EUROPE AS A RESOURCe” which the municipalities should consider - SACILE, BRUGNERA, PORCIA (ITALY) as resources and appropriately activate, in Nowadays nobody in Europe can live without order to promote the citizens wellbeing and Europe. The rational of the final event was to the good development of the community. reflect on Europe and promote the positive Therefore, the project was structured around impact that the EU has at the local level, as three different thematic events, each of them well as on the promotion of the quality of developing and debating around one specific the life of all the citizens of the EU. In order resource deemed essential for the good deve- to ensure a wide impact of the action, besi- lopment of the European citizenship: des the international events, each partner First event: “THE LOCAL RESOURCES FOR will activate in its territory awareness and WELL-BEING AND DEVELOPMENT” - SPITTAL networking paths, aimed to mobilise local AN DER DRAU (AUSTRIA) citizenship on the topics of the project.This publication collects the best practices and It offered the opportunity to reflect and pro- specific resources used by the project part- mote the cooperation and synergy among the ners, identified and shared during the three relevant stakeholders at local level, such as Lo- international events held. It is therefore a cal Authorities, Civil Society Organizations, useful multiplying tool for other interested the business community and so on, in the per- local authorities, and for the development of spective that the multisectoral and multiactors further projects, enhancing the effective use strategy can be a winning solution to overcome of traditional and less traditional resources at the crisis. For instance, the role played by the the local level in the enlarged Europe. municipalities in the field of local development 4 Town centre view MUNICIPALITY OF SACILE (LEAD PARTNER) Italy Sacile is a municipality in the province of Pordenone, in the region of Friu- li-Venezia Giulia. Th e city has a population of more than 20.000 inhabi- tants. Th e Municipality of Sacile is part of an Inter-municipal Association, together with the other municipalities it engages in the management of activities and services. As part of this Association Sacile is also place for the Territorial Marketing Planning and European Policies Inter-municipal Department and deals with large-scale european and local development projects. About 120 persons work for the municipality, which is divided into 9 departments and provides services to the people. Th ese services include a nursery, two municipal chemists and a rest home. In Sacile there is also a Tourist Information Offi ce, the I.A.T., run by the Livenza Servizi Mobilità SRL whose sole member is the Municipality of Sacile. For more tourist information, please see www.altolivenza.eu 5 NAME OF THE RESOURCE Social measures like “Sacile Model” and “Healthy Cities Network”, manufacturing excellence, water and tourism as anti-crisis resources and tools for the improvement of the quality of life of its citizens. BRIEF DESCRIPTION The city of Sacile can count on different re- sources: Livenza rivers’ water is a tourist, in- dustrial and sports resource, also very useful Livenza river, tourist and sport resource. for rescue purposes. Tourism is a further resource for business and accomodation Historical and artistic heritage preservation facilities, in particular thanks to the arti- and sustained care of the town are a guaran- stic and historical heritage and the excellent tee of success: guests and visitors discover manufacturing, such as Fazioli’s pianos. The unique city views becoming direct promoters “Healthy Cities Network” to which Sacile be- of the territory. longs and the “Sacile model” are an example The Livenza river runs through Sacile offe- for the entire region. Mention should also be ring a wide range of benefits: spectacular made of the significant number of dynamic rescue demonstrations are performed by va- volunteering associations in the city, like the rious delegations of the network of European municipal group of Civil Protection. twinned towns and coordinated by the mu- nicipal group of Civil Protection. Town twinning, partnership activity (Town Twinning – water) 6 Castle MUNICIPALITY OF PORCIA Italy Mission of the Municipality: to provide services for citizens, to improve standards of living and to enhance local, cultural and environmental goods as economic and natural resource. 7 Villa Correr Dolfin NAME OF THE RESOURCE Citizens as a resource. Porcia’s volunteer Natural resources – historical and artistic network and associations were represented in resources – widespread volunteer network Marghita by “ Il GIGLIO O.N.L.U.S.” Th is as- – agricultural production economy towards sociation worked together with the municipal independent commercialization – living ma- administration to create a dvd summarizing nufacturing economy. the long journey - still in progress - towards disability independent living. Europe as a resource. Porcia was involved for Europe as a resource both from a municipal BRIEF DESCRIPTION and from an associative point of view. During Th e local resources. Porcia is a city of arts, working meetings close attention was paid to history, culture and environmental beauties European funding. A signifi cant event was the (plenty of waters springs create an evocative making of a visit to a private company bene- landscape). Th e offi ce has worked together fi ting from EU funds. Meetings succeeded in with local organizations to prepare promo- creating a favourable climate for open dialo- tional material necessary to the partners’ Fair gue among entities and citizens - so diff erent exhibition space opened to visitors. Th e aim is in terms of culture and traditions. the promotion of local territory to make tourism a real economic development tool. 8 Bookcrossing at the Public Library of Villa Varda MUNICIPALITY OF BRUGNERA Italy Th e
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