Annual Report 2016 HAGAR exists to see communities free and healed from the trauma of , and abuse. ANNUAL REPORT 2016 5

HAGAR is a Christian international organisation committed to the recovery and economic empowerment of women and children who are survivors of extreme human rights abuse, 06 2016 in numbers particularly human trafficking, gender-based violence, and sexual exploitation. 08 HAGAR on the map Our purpose is singular. We welcome the toughest 10 of human conditions. We do whatever it takes for Reflections from HAGAR Singapore as long as it takes to restore a broken life. Board Chair and Executive Director HAGAR is registered as a foundation in Switzerland and a registered charity under the Singapore 12 About HAGAR Charities Act.

Banker 14 Moving Forward DBS Bank 16 Protect Auditor TM Zee & Co. 20 Heal HAGAR (Singapore) Ltd Tel: 6909 3351 24 Thrive Email: [email protected] 32 Lead

Registered Address: 600 North Bridge Road 36 Working in Partnership #05-01 Parkview Square Singapore 188778 38 Staff and Volunteers Mailing: 40 Simpang Bedok Post Office Donors and Partners P.O. Box 200 Singapore 914807 42 HAGAR Singapore Board 44 Financials HAGAR 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 7

2016 In numbers

1,162 women, children and men who experienced profound trauma as a result of 19 820 slavery, human trafficking programmes provided people from 21 partner and severe abuse, were comprehensive recovery organisations or empowered to recover and to survivors including governments were trained regain their independence protection, education, in identifying trafficking in 2016. empowerment and 16,826 victims and caring for reintegration hours volunteered survivors

6,495 206 4,800 106 people were reached dedicated staff, including community members survivors were through HAGAR’s counsellors, case learnt about domestic reintegrated into their programmes* managers, teachers, legal violence, trafficking, family or community officers and programme online safety and positive (30 in Afghanistan, 73 in managers led the way in parenting through 52 Cambodia, and 10 from trauma-informed care and community training Singapore) community reintegration sessions for survivors

* For each individual that we support, our experience is that a further 4-6 people in their household will be positively impacted, therefore we conservatively estimate that more than 6,495 people have been reached2016 through HAGAR’s programmes. HAGAR 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 9

HAGAR on the Map Programme Offices Support Offices

Cambodia CLIENTS PROJECTS STAFF CLIENTS PROJECTS STAFF Australia STAFF 630 11 88 146 2 22 4 USA UK AFGHANISTAN AUSTRALIA Charlotte London Kabul Melbourne Emerging from the ravages of conflict and Vietnam is one of South East Asia’s fastest 326 relatively recent genocide, Cambodia is a developing countries, yet it remains a Hong Kong country with rich cultural heritage and at the significant source country for women, men same time deep inter-generational trauma. and children subjected to sex trafficking and 2 With an estimated 256,800 people living in . China’s one-child policy has modern slavery, it has the highest prevalence skewed the gender ratio and left women NEW ZEALAND of slavery in the world, after North Korea in neighbouring Vietnam, particularly rural New ZeAland Christchurch and Uzbekistan. A UNICEF report recently border villages, vulnerable to being targets revealed that one in five Cambodian men of exploitation. Within Vietnam, domestic 5 between the ages of 18 and 49 admitted to violence is widespread, and nearly 60% of perpetrating rape. HAGAR works directly married women have suffered from physical with people who are the human face of these or sexual abuse in their lifetime. HAGAR is Singapore ^ harrowing statistics to seek healing, justice, dedicated to seeing rates of abuse, trafficking 1.5 and freedom from fear of the past. and slavery in Vietnam decrease. ^ Singapore is primarily a Support Office and also runs programmes to help women who are trafficked and abused.


Afghanistan CLIENTS PROJECTS STAFF Singapore CLIENTS PROJECTS STAFF 3 326 5 80 60 1 1.5

Patriarchal traditions exist in Afghanistan In spite of Singapore’s rapid development, it UK that have the capacity to strip women of remains a transit and destination country for 0.2* dignity, freedom, and in some senses, their victims of trafficking. Passport confiscation * Until July 2016 humanity. This presents unique challenges is a widespread and accepted practice, for their empowerment and independence. which leaves more than 1.35 million foreign HONG KONG Only 21% of women are literate and domestic workers vulnerable to trafficking. The first VIETNAM violence is culturally accepted as a form of anti-trafficking law was passed in Singapore Hanoi punishment, with 90% of women believing in 2014, and HAGAR is making significant Yen Bai a beating from a husband can be justified. strides, with the support of the government, 146 HAGAR is one of only six organisations in ensuring adequate protection and care for providing safe shelter to women and girls, victims. CAMBODIA and despite the prevalence of trafficking Phnom Penh Battambang boys, HAGAR is the only organisation with a programme designed for their unique 630 recovery needs.


Reflections from HAGAR Singapore Reflections from HAGAR Singapore Board Chairman Executive Director Serving on both the International Board has taken off on a positive trajectory. We Singapore continues to be a trafficking hometown in Indonesia. Trafficked at 14, Lilis and the Singapore Board has enabled me see women becoming empowered to make hotspot, with the country’s economic has since transformed from a broken vessel to gain a wider and deeper perspective of decisions and voice their rights as they grow activity being taken advantaged by criminal into a confident young lady, and is enjoying some of the complex issues and challenges in knowledge. syndicates to use as a transit point and her work as an apprentice in a hair salon. facing our work, and its impact on vulnerable destination country for their trafficking communities. Each year as I reflect on the Despite increasing security concerns due activities. Since the launch of the trauma Success stories like Lilis keep us going and journey that HAGAR has taken, and the to the intensification of conflict within recovery and resettlement programme in motivated to do even more. One of our unwavering commitment demonstrated by Afghanistan, our staff remain resolute in 2015, HAGAR has been handling an increased founding partners – World Revival Prayer the staff from all nine offices in the face of developing our programmes to protect number of trafficking cases in Singapore. Fellowship, made their second visit to challenges, I am constantly awed by the way women traumatised by domestic violence Cambodia and witnessed the impact of they are living out the mission. and human trafficking. In 2016, we saw the first conviction under their seed funding to HAGAR 22 years ago. the newly enacted Prevention of Human Each day, we remain mindful of the fact that Despite the economic and political unrest in The Support Offices have also been relentless Trafficking Act. This marked the path for HAGAR’s work would not have been possible 2016, we have experienced God’s grace and in their efforts to raise funds and awareness subsequent charges and convictions showing if without the faithful support from donors, achieved success on several fronts, which I for the cause. For many of you who have the Singapore Government’s tenacity to partners and volunteers. would like to share some highlights: - contributed to our progress in 2016, thank clamp down on such crimes. you for enabling HAGAR to make sustainable I am humbled by the commitment from Following the findings from the change in all these places. To help alleviate their fears and anxiety about each of you. Regardless of the role you play, groundbreaking research jointly conducted taking their stand in court to testify against you have made a difference in the lives of the by HAGAR with UNICEF, the legal toolkit In the face of a challenging economy, we the perpetrators, HAGAR conducted the first broken and I encourage you to continue in to Support Children in the Legal Process remain hopeful that God will open up new legal workshop with help from a group of your efforts and to rally your network toward was launched in Cambodia. We are very funding opportunities so we can continue volunteer lawyers to help our clients learn this cause. As we step forward into the new excited as the initial training series for legal to provide continuous support to existing about their legal rights, responsibilities as challenges ahead amidst a gloomy economy, professionals has reaped improvements on beneficiaries and others who are in need. a witness and what they can expect in a we remain hopeful and determined to the ground, and we hope to contextualise courtroom. continue our work in helping the vulnerable this for vulnerable witnesses in Singapore too. On behalf of the board, I wish to applaud and and exploited stand on their feet again. express my appreciation to all staff, donors, This year, I am glad to say we managed to The recovery work in Singapore continues to partners and volunteers from all nine offices, assist the return of the first batch of labour Thank you for joining us in this endeavour! expand, particularly in our direct services to for their dedication to HAGAR’s mission of trafficking survivors back to their home survivors of sex and labour trafficking. Since restoring broken lives. countries upon the conclusion of their court the programme’s inception last year, we have case. Through effective partnerships with successfully reintegrated trafficked survivors local agencies in their communities, we from Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, continue to ensure that adequate support Sri Lanka and Vietnam back to their home is given to them so that they will not be re- countries. exploited.

In partnership with the Women’s Union, Together with Our Better World, the story- HAGAR’s awareness and advocacy work Jimson Cheng telling initiative of Singapore International through the new community-based satellite Board Member of HAGAR International, Foundation, we visited one of HAGAR Michael Chiam centre in the Yen Bai Province in Vietnam and Chairman of HAGAR Singapore Singapore’s recovered clients back in her Executive Director of HAGAR Singapore HAGAR 12


HAGAR pursues the HAGAR exists to see communities free and healed from highest degree of care and protection the trauma of human trafficking, slavery and abuse. for its clients; names Through our ground-breaking recovery programmes that have been changed focus on each individual survivor, HAGAR provides safe where required to protect client accommodation, trauma-informed counselling, legal aid, identities and images education, economic opportunities and ongoing care to do not necessarily represent the women and children. We are committed to each individual individual profiled. and believe that with the right support and capabilities people can recover and take the lead in their journey to wholeness. We seek to magnify the impact of this work through advocacy, collaboration and capacity building with other partners, governments and institutions.

HAGAR International is a global network with programme offices in Cambodia, Afghanistan and Vietnam, which are supported by offices in Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, UK and USA. In Singapore, HAGAR also runs a trauma recovery and resettlement programme to help female survivors of trafficking and abuse. “I never imagined I could Our vision escape from that place Communities free and healed from the trauma of trafficking, slavery and abuse. where it was nothing but Our mission suffering, to a place as good For those affected by trauma, and those who support them, HAGAR is an expert in care and as where I am currently recovery. When healing happens the cycle of trauma stops. living.” Our values Respect, integrity, compassion, excellence Somphors, 24 year old. Client who was sold into slavery by her father and now lives independently with her two year old son. HAGAR 14 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 15

Moving Forward: The issues in numbers Our Global Strategy


We design and deliver effective We foster and enable inclusive and We invest to ensure we have the best Programmes and Products. respectful Partnerships. People and Processes.

Strategy 1 We provide intensive, Strategy 4 We involve clients in the Strategy 7 We take an integrated trauma informed programmes and design of programmes, products and approach to our funding which is products to both individuals affected advocacy to enable them to take the implemented consistently across the by the trauma of slavery, trafficking lead in their journey to wholeness network. and gender based violence, and and amplify the impact of their voices to organisations servicing those and experiences. Strategy 8 We are a learning 45.8 $151 30'' 1 in 3 individuals. organisation, committed to investing Million people are Billion in annual Every 30 seconds, Women worldwide Strategy 5 We identify and equip in the growth of our people, our living in modern profits is made from a person is coerced have experienced Strategy 2 We continue to develop partners who are aligned with our expertise, and our partnerships with into forced labour our trauma-informed practice model values to support their clients to take academic institutions. slavery today modern slavery either physical and/ , ILO 2014 and extreme through synthesising the wisdom of the lead in their own recovery. or sexual violence in 2016 exploitation by their lifetime our clients, our own practice learnings Strategy 9 We have efficient systems human traffickers UNICEF 2012 and in partnership with academic We partner with our that differentiate us, enabling us Strategy 6 institutions. donors and investors to enable them to measure and communicate the to meaningfully and easily engage outcomes and value of our work with Strategy 3 We leverage our experience in our programmes, products and/or consistency and integrity. and presence across the globe advocacy. to model and apply culturally competent and compassionate practice to others. While these figures are staggering and often overwhelming, our view is that even one person in slavery, one woman being beaten or one girl being forcefully married is one too many. HAGAR 16

Ensure a safe environment, Protect including legal support, for our clients, staff and caregivers

Given the work HAGAR does, and the places Providing a safe and secure working and in which we operate, a commitment to living environment for our clients and staff protection, and providing a safe and secure remains a constant challenge in Afghanistan. environment is critical. This means that HAGAR staff continue to follow strict security HAGAR strives in our work at all levels to protocols that were developed with the ensure our clients and staff feel safe: physically, assistance of external security experts. We 351 emotionally, culturally, psychologically and are deeply committed to the safety of our clients received legal morally. colleagues and clients. During the first six support in Afghanistan, months of 2016, the United Nations reported Cambodia, Singapore HAGAR is committed to equipping all of an unprecedented number of casualties and Vietnam our staff with the professional expertise as a result of the intensification of conflict necessary to excel in serving our clients. in Afghanistan. Clients fear for the future of As one example, this commitment is their country, their communities, and their evident when we reflect on our progress in families. We want to do everything in our protecting clients across the globe in 2016 power to ensure they feel safe within HAGAR. through training and awareness raising. In In 2016, this meant installing increased Cambodia, 178 staff members participated physical security measures at the Lighthouse in a training programme that focused on Transitional Living Centre: barbed wire was supporting traumatised children through fixed on top of the walls, a strong gate was legal proceedings. A major focus of this fitted, security cameras were installed and training is how to protect children from being a film was added to the windows to protect further traumatised when they are witnesses them from shattering during an explosion. in justice systems that are mostly blind to the developmental needs of children. When we HAGAR Cambodia’s legal team have invest in our staff, we see change in the lives supported 88 clients with active legal cases of clients. throughout 2016. This included pre-trial assistance, liaising with lawyers, arranging HAGAR’s Legal Officer in Afghanistan logistics, and accompanying clients to conducted trainings over the second half hearings. HAGAR’s team in Singapore also of 2016 that have strengthened all clients’ supports women while they wait for a closure understanding of their legal and civil rights. to their court cases. The first legal workshop Through participant feedback surveys and was also conducted to help the women regular client feedback mechanisms, our understand their legal rights and the clients reported having not only grown in expected proceedings in court. knowledge, but in confidence. HAGAR 18

In 2009, American Erik Peeters was arrested in Cambodia and further charged in the United States for suspicion of sexual contact with “Without HAGAR’s children. intervention, our office In March 2012, Peeters pleaded guilty to would not have succeeded abusing two out of the five children. He had in accomplishing this sought out young boys, particularly ones who were destitute or disabled, paying them $5-10 task… we would not have for sex. In 2016, Peeters was sentenced to 22 been able to achieve the years imprisonment for illicit sexual contact with children. He was ordered to pay $15,000 level of success we have in in restitution to his victims, and when he is released, he will be on supervised release for terms of child exploitation life and never allowed to travel to Cambodia investigations without their again. assistance.”

HAGAR walked alongside four of the boys on their journey to justice. We provided U.S. law enforcement officer shared. counselling, case management, economic empowerment, and worked closely with the U.S. Attorney’s office to bring the case to court. A HAGAR staff member accompanied the clients to the U.S. to support them during the sentencing hearing. HAGAR 20

Empower individuals to Heal recover from the impact of trauma

Trauma resulting from an event, series HAGAR’s psychosocial team have adapted of events, or set of circumstances that is our programmes and approaches to ensure experienced by an individual as physically or that they are delivered to a world standard of emotionally harmful or life threatening, has excellence, and are culturally relevant in each lasting adverse effects on the individual’s of the diverse contexts in which we operate. functioning and mental, physical, social, In 2016, our counsellors delivered 3,342 emotional, or spiritual well-being. counselling sessions. These include individual 3,342 sessions, family sessions, and group sessions. counselling sessions HAGAR is a global leader in supporting were delivered to those who have experienced trauma to We strive to ensure that every individual clients in Afghanistan, heal and lead whole lives. Our approach is within HAGAR’s care globally had access to Cambodia, Singapore and Vietnam grounded in an understanding of the impact counselling services throughout the year. of psychological trauma, emphasising HAGAR Afghanistan saw a consistent rise in holistic safety for survivors, and creating the need and delivery of counselling sessions opportunities for the rebuilding of a sense in the latter half of 2016. We utilise a range of control. We look at the whole person, and of evidence based counselling modalities their whole journey. HAGAR strives to be a that have been proven to be effective in trauma-informed organisation, which means healing people from trauma. One such that in all aspects of our work we: programme, Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TFCBT), was tailored to • Realise the widespread impact of trauma the Cambodian context by Johns Hopkins and understand the potential paths for University, in partnership with HAGAR and recovery; other NGOs. The programme’s goal is to build resilience within clients so that they • Recognise the signs and symptoms of can cope with future challenges, and heal so trauma in clients, families, staff, and others that they might become emotionally healthy involved with our work; individuals with the capacity to become economically independent. Not only do our • Respond by fully integrating knowledge counselling programmes impact individuals, about trauma into policies, procedures, and but the families of our clients also receive practices; and counselling so that they understand the impact of trauma on their loved one, and • Seek to actively resist re-traumatisation. how they can best support them through the healing process. HAGAR 22

Tran was a model student at a local secondary When Tran was referred to HAGAR Vietnam, school in the South of Vietnam. Popular and her son was already 5 months old. She was well-loved by teachers and classmates, she so traumatised by the sexual violence that was an engaged and enthusiastic learner. she believed she had gone crazy; suffering Tran’s life changed after she turned 12 years old. insomnia, blackouts and terrifying flashbacks. At the end of 2016, Tran stood before the court One day when Tran was walking home alone, and faced her abuser. HAGAR worked with a 17 year old boy from her village dragged her her and her family to provide psychological behind a bush and raped her. He threatened and legal support before, during and after to burn down her house and kill her father if the proceedings. she told anyone. Her family was one of the poorest in town so the local government had HAGAR ensured that the whole family built them a house, which meant everything received counselling and assistance, enabling to them. After he raped her again, Tran fell Tran’s brother to return to school. Tran is now pregnant. Her parents didn’t notice the walking the journey to recovery with HAGAR changes in Tran’s body until she was 14 weeks and the help of her loved ones. With HAGAR’s pregnant, and then her mother took her to support, Tran has found hope, a renewed self- the hospital. That’s when Tran told her that worth and the capacity to believe in a future she had been raped. for her family. HAGAR 24

Those we work with can Thrive access education and economic empowerment

HAGAR’s mission is to work alongside The Community Learning Centre in Cambodia people to heal from trauma, and to support continued to make a significant impact and enable them to go on to thrive and on the lives of many vulnerable children flourish, fulfill their dreams and become through our ‘catch up’ programme in 2016. leaders in their communities. Education 167 students received specialised catch up and employment opportunities are crucial education, and to support their education in minimising an individual’s vulnerability we also provide a vital nutrition programme, to re-exploitation. Most clients come to the school materials they need, and uniforms – HAGAR with little or no education, and often which gives them a real sense of pride. very little or no formal work experience or vocational skills. Employability skills play a HAGAR Cambodian’s Economic vital role in expanding career opportunities for Empowerment (EE) programme was reviewed our clients. We work alongside clients to train by external consultants in 2016 to ensure that them in core skills they need to get, and keep, we are delivering effective, leading-practice viable employment. programmes to all clients. We received very positive feedback, and made adjustments to HAGAR is committed to ensuring that all components of the programme based on the of the children in our care have access to learnings to improve outcomes for our clients. education. This includes formal schooling One element of this was a sharper focus and wherever we can, scholarships for tertiary on strategies to prevent re-victimisation of education. When we are working with people who have returned to Cambodia after children in the community, HAGAR’s Case being trafficked internationally. These clients Managers work with their family to ensure are often in dire need of work to provide an that their school attendance is regular. income for themselves and their families which puts them at great risk of being While security challenges have limited client trafficked again. When these people choose access to educational opportunities outside to cross borders looking for employment of our residential centres in Afghanistan, again, we educate them about the risks and HAGAR is committed to the continuation of support them to secure safe employment. education for all clients. In 2016, we hired a The same team supported 180 individuals in qualified teacher to ensure that all clients gaining greater economic stability through have access to basic education within our job readiness training and on the job centres. It is critical for children to have as placement and coaching. much stability in their education as possible to be able to hold on to their dreams for the future, in very turbulent and often unsafe times. HAGAR 26

Throughout 2016 the HAGAR team in She gave him an ultimatum: divorce Fatana Vietnam worked to empower vulnerable and remove the children from the house, or women in the Yen Bai district through a lose her. Eventually, he sent Fatana and their programme that was set up to assist women children onto the streets to beg. with microfinance and money management. Not only did this impact their ability to A neighbour saw them crying on the streets provide for their family economically, and contacted an organisation who referred but contributed positively to the family Fatana to HAGAR. dynamics and an overall reduction of violence in the home. For the first time, Fatana and her children had a safe place to live, received health care, Vocational training and skill building classes counselling, education and HAGAR worked took place in Afghanistan for 25 clients with her towards economic independence. throughout 2016. Three of these clients Her dream was to become a seamstress. Six are now working for a living wage, in spite months ago, with the support of HAGAR, of the challenges that come with living Fatana’s family were able to move back into in an unstable political and employment the community. HAGAR has walked alongside environment with a high unemployment them financially and psychologically, and now all six of her children are in school. HAGAR rate. assisted Fatana in finding employment and Fatana’s story helped her to become financially stable. At only 13, Fatana was forced to marry Today, she works as a maid in a hotel. She has a stranger. He was abusive, violent, and a sewing machine at home and she and her unhappy with her for bearing three girls daughters are very proudly learning to sew. before their first son was born. Fatana thought the beatings would stop when they Fatana shares, ‘I am thankful for the impact moved to Kabul, but a few months after the HAGAR has had on my life. They gave me a move, her husband met his second wife. second chance and showed me how to live peacefully in the community.’ HAGAR 28

Supporting clients to thrive in their communities.

HAGAR is committed to a community-based This year in Cambodia, we successfully care model. This is because we know from transitioned all of our clients from shelter care both our own experience, and extensive to community-based care. The Transitional international research, that children are Living Project team developed four types more likely to thrive within their own families of foster care to respond to each client’s and communities, when they are safe and situation: emergency, therapeutic, traditional, supported. When children are referred to and respite care. The positive response to HAGAR, we take a strengths-based approach this programme meant that we were able to to assess the situation for each child, in their conduct preliminary research during 2016 to own family and community. Our primary assess the feasibility of a similar model of care objective is to ensure that the children in our in Afghanistan. Plans for this programme are care are safe, and in an environment in which being developed during 2017. they can heal from the significant abuse and trauma that they have experienced. We focus Having benefited from the educational on keeping children in their families, and support and vocational and soft skills training their communities whenever possible – and during their stay in Singapore, more than we will provide the support families need to 80% of HAGAR's clients have successfully ensure this is possible. If they do need to move reintegrated back to their homes or away from their families and communities for communities in Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, a period to recover from their trauma then we India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam will plan from the very beginning about how and are doing well in their jobs. HAGAR to reintegrate them, into their own family or Afghanistan also celebrated reintegration another safe family environment through our success during 2016, empowering a total of 21 foster care programme. women and 40 children to thrive within their communities. HAGAR 30

Just over a year ago, in Battambang Cambodia, Sok Channy and his wife King Sokhorn began the journey of fostering children with HAGAR.

Sok and King share that their foster children inspire them daily, but fostering doesn’t come without its challenges. Sometimes they are feisty and they don’t always abide by the house rules. The real joy for Sok and King comes from the journey, watching their foster children develop and grow. Their eldest foster daughter didn’t do her chores until about a month ago, but the change they’ve seen in her recently is remarkable. She helps their youngest with his homework and works alongside him as he does the dishes. They are so proud of her.

Taking children in from an extended family isn’t a foreign concept in Cambodia, but becoming responsible for children who aren’t related to you is. Sok and King think the fostering programme is brilliant, “The children receive monthly support in counselling and case management from HAGAR, all while being in the heart of a family unit. I really approve of this programme and HAGAR's work and have encouraged other members of our community to apply," shares Sok. Hagar screens prospective carers to ensure that they will be able to provide a safe and healing environment, that’s how we find people like Sok and King. HAGAR 32

Amplify the voices and experiences of Lead those we serve to bring about the systemic changes needed to combat human trafficking, slavery & abuse

In 2016, HAGAR was selected to lead the programme for social workers to enhance the critical development of social work standards capacity of local authorities to prevent and and practices across Cambodia as a result respond to violence against children. of our strong reputation, partnerships and 5,635 expertise in community-based care. This HAGAR Cambodia’s psychosocial capacity people were reached project is funded by USAID, with Save the building team piloted a counselling and through 71 community Children as the lead implementing partner case management training programme for and partner trainings. and involves collaboration with Government the Department of Social Affairs, Veterans ministries, NGOs, development partners and and Youth Department of Women’s Affairs, academic institutions. so that they can best support Cambodians in the social welfare system. Over the course We aim to build strong relationships with local of the year, case managers, counsellors, and and national authorities and organisations in the legal and protection team, conducted 18 all of the countries we work in, and our success community awareness sessions that reached in 2016 reflects this. In Afghanistan, HAGAR’s a total of 821 participants. These awareness programme to Combat Human Trafficking trainings included topics such as domestic in Afghanistan (CHTA) was launched, and violence, trafficking, online safety, positive began its early stages of implementation. parenting. CHTA staff held coalition meetings in Kabul with high-level government officials and NGOs.

HAGAR’s staff in Vietnam facilitated a training project to build the capacity of local authorities and government officials to combat human trafficking. At the end of the project, HAGAR hosted a national workshop on human trafficking prevention with 80 officials from 20 provinces. We were also invited by UNICEF to facilitate a training HAGAR 34

Our cooperation with local authorities extended to the courts of Cambodia in 2016, as HAGAR pioneered a training programme “This training has been to support child victims and witnesses in the legal process. Our training programme very helpful for my work empowers professionals with tools to ensure that children are protected and treated with children. ... HAGAR’s with dignity throughout the entirety of their breakdown of all the stages involvement with court proceedings. in the court and how to Children in Cambodia have often had explain this to clients really to travel to court in the same vehicle as their perpetrators. Now, after education helped me. I also received and training provided by HAGAR, we have insight on how to ask the empowered professionals to ensure that children can have protective barriers in judge to follow the law place so that they are not re-traumatised by or asking the judge to facing them in court. This progress has had a profound impact on not only the children, question according to child but on legal professionals throughout the country. friendly principles.”

Miss Sorn Sony, APLE Lawyer

Leading law firms across the world have been instrumental in ensuring the success of the Supporting Child Victims and Witnesses in Cambodia’s Legal Process (SCILP) programme. Linklaters in Hong Kong won the Asian Lawyer's "Asian CSR Initiative of the Year” award for their crucial contribution to this body of work. We are deeply grateful for their commitment to HAGAR and the children of Cambodia. HAGAR 36 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 37

Working in Partnership

A key goal in HAGAR's strategy is to foster and exploitation. enable inclusive and respectful partnerships. “WAKE was thrilled to partner with HAGAR Another key partnership is with Australian In 2016, HAGAR collaborated with academic because we believe deeply in HAGAR’s work law firm, Corrs Chambers Westgarth. Since 2013, institutions, governments, community and mission, and share a similar philosophy. Corrs have developed a deep, multi-faceted groups, corporate partners, the media and WAKE is committed to creating lasting partnership with HAGAR which incorporates individual donors to see communities free change that will benefit women and girls. It is personal and professional development, client and healed from the trauma of trafficking, important to us to collaborate with partners engagement, corporate and individual giving, slavery and abuse. like HAGAR, who are deeply rooted in their and probono legal advice. community and dedicated to demand- NGO Partnerships driven, customised projects designed for One such partnership was with the Women’s the local context. We believe that HAGAR’s Alliance for Knowledge Exchange (WAKE), campaign around online safety will go a long “Corrs is delighted and based in San Francisco, USA. WAKE leverages way towards ensuring a safe future for many proud of our relationship technology to connect and empower girls in Cambodia. Our partnership with women around the world, and in May 2016 HAGAR has been a powerful example of how with HAGAR. A number a team of their volunteers travelled to organisations can work together to amplify of our partners and staff Cambodia to provide interactive training their reach and impact, and we look forward on communications and technology. The to exploring future opportunities to co-create have visited Cambodia partnership led to the development of impact. on HAGAR’s Justice Tours HAGAR’s online safety campaign which – Wake Founders, Trish and Heather is being widely distributed to children in and witnessed first-hand Cambodia to keep them safe from online the incredible work that HAGAR does. We’re enthusiastic supporters of HAGAR’s Legal and Protection Unit, which does incredible work. We hope our relationship will continue for many years to come.”

Richard Leder, Partner, Corrs Chambers Westgarth HAGAR 38 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 39

Staff and Volunteers

HAGAR’s mission At the heart of HAGAR lies our incredible always caught and beaten by my husband. change, as small as it may be. But these is shared with our team of experts who work tirelessly to After two years I became pregnant and at the little changes, together, can make such a global network of provide support to survivors of human age of 14 I gave birth to a son. All I wanted difference in our community.” Support Offices trafficking, slavery and sexual abuse. The was peace for my son, so I changed my in Australia, Hong hours are long, the travel is challenging and behaviour and accepted all of the hardships. Volunteers Kong, New Zealand, the clients’ stories are painful, but our staff Throughout my life in that house, I suffered HAGAR is so grateful to all of the passionate 16,826 Singapore, USA and are motivated to work with each survivor to constant violence. By the time I was 30 years individuals who volunteered their skills and hours were the United Kingdom. see communities free and healed from the old, I had four sons and four daughters. expertise to build the impact of our work in volunteered in 2016 These offices work trauma of trafficking, slavery and abuse. When my eldest son and two daughters got 2016. Whether they are organising an event, in partnership to married, my husband softened towards me speaking on HAGAR's behalf, providing collaboratively In 2016 we had 206 dedicated staff working and life improved, but it was short lived. My technical support or even packing envelopes, fund, advocate, in nine countries, from case managers, husband fell ill and passed away and as a each volunteer is enabling us to support design and deliver counsellors, legal officers, finance, fundraising single widow in Afghanistan, I was among more survivors. programmes to and administration. We are committed the most marginalised in society. No source expand HAGAR’s to sustainability through local capacity of income and no protector. global reach. development and proudly maintained 97% local staff within our programme offices. I started working as a cook and cleaner at one “Everyone has their own of HAGAR’s projects and I was able to send part to play in the bigger A client’s story my children to school and support them. “I work as a night housemother for women When I worked with HAGAR I had an income picture and we must never and children here at the TCC shelter. I have for my family, and the staff taught me about forget that each one of us found my purpose, to protect and empower my rights. Now I understand that as a woman, women here at HAGAR stand firm and strong, I have the right to live without violence. does make a difference. and to heal. I am bursting with pride to One of my daughters has three girls and Like many of the women here, I was married suffers the same fate as I did. Through HAGAR, be part of this organisation off at the age of 12 to a man more than twice she is now encouraged to speak up and know my age. At such a young age, I was afraid of her rights. and I am honoured to say this new life and ran away to my old home, that I have been part of even though leaving without permission from I am thankful for HAGAR. I am stronger now my husband is forbidden in this culture. I was and have learnt how important it is not to HAGAR’s mission in my own tolerate injustice and violence. As women, we small way.” can speak up and let our voices be heard in these situations. I realise that we can create Siobhan Gosrani Siobhan travelled to Cambodia in August to offer her expertise to the executive team. HAGAR 40 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 41

Corporate Partners Trusts and Foundations Major Donors and Partners - Alliance 21 Pte Ltd - Atlassian Foundation - Aspen Re Insurance - Barlow Family Foundation - The Boeing Company - Birchall Family Foundation Trust - Construction Services Qld Pty Ltd - BOSCH Primavera - Corrs Chambers Westgarth - CLSA Chairman's Trust - Deutsche Bank - Corner Stone Trust To all of the donors, partners, governments, - Eleven Australia - DOC - Emily Ross Bespoke - Dorothea Haus Ross Foundation for profit and non-profit institutions, thank “HAGAR is extremely - EX-R Consulting - Dove Charitable Trust you. With your help, we have changed - Goldman Sachs - Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund lives. We have helped children access grateful for the many - Great Eastern Life - Frimley Foundation quality education, and young people gain friends, supporters and - HHG Legal Group - Imago Dei Fund employment. We have supported women - Husk - Riverview Children’s Foundation and children to seek justice and achieve advocates who have - Joma Bakery Cafe - I.S. Wong Foundation their rights. We have supported people who - Life Cycle Asia - Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation have gone on to become leaders in their partnered with us in the - Linklaters - Kirin Labour Unions/ Japanese International communities, and organisations to provide - LOJAC Holdings Food for the Hungry fight against injustice. We - Minter Ellison - Lee Foundation trauma informed care for a greater number are blessed to have you on - PAKT - Macquarie Group Foundation of people. - Pacific Carriers Ltd - Navitas Education Trust our team, and without all - Quintiles East Asia Pte Ltd - Sherman Foundation - Stiftung Wasserturm Luzern - The Lloyd V. Guild Charitable Foundation of you we would not have - Strumm's Holding Pte Ltd - The Pratt Foundation - White & Case LLP - The Rhonda Wyllie Foundation been able to carry out our - The Peter Vardy Foundation core mission.” Non-Government Organisations - Virtue Foundation - Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE) - Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission Churches (AIHRC) - Canberra Baptist Church Mike Nowlin - British Business Group in Vietnam (BBGV) - Dreambuilders Church HAGAR Cambodia Executive Director - Colombo Plan Council - HumeRidge Church of Christ - Christliche Ostmission (COM) - Mar Thoma Syrian Church - Hanoi International Women’s Club (HIWC) - Trinity Christian Centre - International Organisation for Migration (IOM) - United Methodist Women - Nguyen Van To Continuing Education Centre - Save the Children Government - SCIP Australian Women's Group - British Embassy in Hanoi - TEAR Australia - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, - Tearfund New Zealand Australia (DFAT) - UNHCR - Department for International Development, - World Hope UK (DFID) - World Relief Australia - U.S. Department of State – Bureau of Population, - YGAP Refugees and Migration - Singapore Inter-Agency Taskforce on Trafficking in Persons - Singapore Ministry of Manpower - Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs - Singapore Ministry of Social and Family Development - The Law Society of Singapore Pro Bono Services Office HAGAR 42 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 43

HAGAR Singapore Board

Jimson Cheng Micaela Cronin Wang Weihui Paul Chan Manager of a joint venture in China Chua Eng Hui Chairman and also Board Director and also Board Director Board Director (Lucent Technologies) and Plant Manager Board Director HAGAR International Board Member HAGAR International CEO for AT&T in Indonesia. He elected for With 10 years of social work experience, Paul worships at World Revival Prayer an early retirement from the corporate RHTLaw Taylor Wessing Partner and Based in Singapore, Jimson is an authority Micaela has worked in the community Weihui is currently serving in a large Fellowship and is serving as one of the world, so that he can progress to the next member of the Criminal Law practice in Asia-Pacific senior leadership in life sector for more than 25 years and became iNGO. Prior to this, she was the deputy Elders, and is also on the Board of Trustees phase of his life, from achieving “success” under the Litigation and Dispute sciences and healthcare. He is also active a recognised leader at state and national country director in HAGAR Cambodia of the church. He has been actively to “significance”. He wants to use his Resolution Practice, Eng Hui heads the in human resources, the legal profession, level in Australia. She has been CEO of and has worked with survivors in the serving in various ministries of the church skills and experiences to educate young Financial Crime and Compliance Industry and amongst the services sector practice McKillop Family Services since October U.S. both as a direct service worker and including preaching, supervising cell people, do consulting work, help SMEs in Group in the firm. His career started in groups. Jimson’s professional experience 2009, a Catholic community agency that managing programmes. Weihui is drawn groups and mission work including the Singapore and the region (ASEAN) and do the Attorney General’s Chambers where spans across Asia, the United States and provides services to over 5,000 people to this profession because she believes in church’s involvement in HAGAR’s ministry charity work. How Giap and his wife, Alice, he served as Deputy Public Prosecutor Europe in senior management roles. His across three Australian states. Across challenging the unjust, walking alongside from 1994 to 1998. Paul holds an MBA, the worship at the Covenant Evangelical Free for five years from 1987 to 1993 and was interest in social causes brought him to be the last six years, she has introduced those who need healing, and being the Chartered Life Underwriter, the Chartered Church in Woodlands. then transferred to the judicial service involved with work in orphanage, prison pioneering programme models in the voice for the voiceless. Most importantly, Financial Consultant designation, Fellow where he served as District Judge for just ministry and he has a passion for the Australian context. She was President of social work and HAGAR allow her to do Chartered Financial Practitioner, and the Sylvia Lee under a year before moving on to private under-privileged and marginalised youths. the Victorian Council of Social Services what God requires of us, “To act justly, love Chartered Wealth Manager qualification. Board Director practice. Eng Hui has extensive experience Personal interests include travelling the from 2007, and until recently, also the mercy and walk humbly with God.” He is currently the chairman of the in criminal legal practice, having handled world with a backpack, immersing himself Australian Council of Social Services. She International Certification & Standards Starting her career as a chemical numerous crime law cases all the way up in different cultures and languages, sports currently serves on the Board for Catholic Dominique Choy Board of Asia Pacific Financial Services engineer, Sylvia has a vastly diverse to the Court of Appeal. In addition, he and career coaching. Social Services Australia. Board Director Association and a past President of the experience in engineering and refinery also has substantial experience in cases Insurance and Financial Practitioners operations, strategy and investments, and involving corruption, fraud and deceit. Koh Eu Beng In 2014, in acknowledgement of her Having received her early training in Association of Singapore. Having been strategic HR. She left the corporate world Treasurer significant contribution, she was awarded Hospitality Management, Dominique has with Great Eastern Life for more than 25 in 2008 to pursue personal interests and Michael Chiam the Robin Clark Memorial Award for worked in hotels in Hawaii and Singapore years, he is currently Director of Financial started Lotus Culture in 2010, developing Non-Voting Board Member After having spent 20 years in the service and leadership in the children, since graduating from the University of Services. Paul has also co-authored a social enterprise providing access to Technology Industry spanning roles in youth and family services sector. Micaela Hawaii, Manoa. She also has over 20 years two books with Dr B C Ghosh, Strategic employment opportunities for trafficked Having spent more than 14 years in Business Development, Sales, Marketing holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor experience as a realtor specialising in the Planning for SMEs in Singapore, Malaysia and exploited women and girls in the international humanitarian sector, and Manufacturing, Eu Beng is currently of Social Work, a Graduate Diploma in sale and rental of private properties. She and Retirement Planning. Cambodia, with a sole mission to help Michael is no stranger to global poverty Associate Director at the NUS Business Community Development, and a Master is a founding member of DaySpring, an rebuild lives. Despite the effort, Sylvia issues and social evils that are prevalent School. He has a burden for youths and of Business Administration. at-risk women and children’s programme Lee How Giap realised that she was merely helping to in impoverished and oppressed young adults, and is involved in church of Highpoint Community Services Board Director alleviate the symptoms of this global communities in the developing countries. and organisations reaching out to this Association. As Chair of DaySpring human trafficking problem, and not the Beyond his senior management group. Eu Beng also firmly believes that Management Committee, Dominique has Retired in April 2011 from Corning, How root cause. In 2012, she set up EmancipAsia experience, his last stint as Head of the corporate world can and should make provided strategic direction and support Giap has worked 27 years for Philips, AT&T, Ltd to raise public awareness of this Operations with World Vision Singapore a bigger, positive impact on the social to the staff and has been active in raising Lucent Technologies and Corning; in 3 societal issue, engage the masses, and saw him responsible for providing direct sector, and is studying various means to funds for the two programmes under countries, Singapore, Indonesia (4 years) empower individuals, communities and oversight of some 30 global development help accelerate it. DaySpring’s purview since 2006. On a and China (16 years). He also travelled businesses to take action to combat this projects in about 25 countries worldwide. personal level, she is passionate about extensively to the USA, Europe, Japan heinous crime against humanity. Sylvia Outside of work, Michael also volunteers cooking and had recently completed and many South East Asian countries, wants to apply her corporate skills and with The Navigators as a mentor in the 20- a culinary course in Paris offered by Le for business trips. His last position prior experiences in the non-profit sector. 30’s ministry. Michael has a MBA in NGO Cordon Bleu Paris. to his retirement was the Vice President Leadership and is happily married to his of Manufacturing for Corning Greater wife, Lynette – an equally passionate social China Telecom. He also held many other activist. positions, including President of Corning Optical Fiber for Greater China, General HAGAR 44 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 45 Financials for all 9 network offices

Revenue Expenses

Foundation & Organisation Programme Services $1,479,571 $3,438,904

Social Enterprise / Partners Management & general $70,962 $712,542

Other Fundraising $129,922 $477,379

Church $244,315

Government $476,162

Corporation $871,587

Individual $1,223,923

Total revenue Total expenses USD $4,496,442 USD $4,628,825 HAGAR 46 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 47 Financials for HAGAR Singapore

Revenue Expenses


$332,581 Programme Services

Foundation $385,988 $5,000 Management & general $24,432 Schools & Others $8,318

Fundraising Government $117,056 $29,920

Church $59,477

Corporation $101,620

Total revenue Total expenses SGD $536,915 SGD $527,475 When you invest in HAGAR, you are giving women and For more information about making a donation, please children the opportunity to heal from trauma. You allow contact us at [email protected] individuals to feel whole again. You empower them to accomplish their dreams, grow a small business, and or visit thrive in their communities. Website | There are many ways you can offer support: Empower a survivor and enable her with an education Facebook | HAGARSingapore and skills to start a whole new life Instagram | @HAGARSingapore Purchase a life-changing gift at Youtube | HAGAR Singapore Follow us on Facebook and Instagram