V 20 JUNE 1949 • $8.00 a Year Disk jockeys in knee pants-pPo 2824 The Galla her Drug s~ory- . 21 How's your Sponsor Identification ?-p. 26 Test-tube success-po

21 One- pro d:Ie· t co mm e ~c i a b _ ":.:":::":.:";;" _____•

A N OZ )j'~OA Atl..., ~ lY'd tiJ"lJ3)j'JO~, O~ SJ!>OlH S .1'1 ,.,( 6t.tz I 0$'-0 I dS


S~ONSOR \nt~T\f\CA1\O~

Up• 20.3/0 't\ year The magic word that opens the door to the greatest advertising medium of vur time~ is television.

And in Richmond, first market of Virginia, television means only WTVR.

WTVR is the only television station in Virginia ... has been for over one year.

Virginians remember that in J944 Havens & Martin, owners of VlMBG, prophesied the coming greatness of television pen with the first full· page newspaper advertisement ever placed by a radio station. Since J926 they recall many another pioneering step token by WMSG, WCOD, and WTVR, backed by a firm faith in the American system of broadcast advertising.

Wherever you are (Richmond, New York, or Chicago) Havens esame & Martin stations are your "First Sialions of Virginia."



W COD FM Havens and Marlin Station s, Ric hmond 20, Va . J ohn Siair & Com pa ny, Na tional Re presentatives Affiliates of No tio na l Broadcastin g Company 20 June 1949

Frank Mullen FI'& nk Mullen , ex- executive v,p. of NBC, will be on a nt:two r k before ex pected back 1 Sept ember . His resignation as president of Richards' s t a tions, on networks IVGAR, IVJR, KMPC. is effective 1 July 1949 . a lthough his salary runs until 1 July 1950 . - SR- ASCAP -TV ASCAP will emerge from its TV battle with broadcasting bigger and ogreement more inclusive music- licensing organi=ation . After s tations have neors okayed increased fees (about 10%) , ASCAP will go to members for ex­ t ension of its representation of rights. There will be no lapse in avai lability of ASCAP music on TV . - SR- WJlB not IVJLB will no t go 100% foreign language, as indicated in SPONSOR 100 % foreign REPORTS. 23 May. There will still be some English- language broad­ longuoge casts on the Booth s t ation, despi t e heavy return to native t ongues spoken in De t roit . - SR - Conodo's BBM Canada ' s equivalent of Broadcas t Measurement Bureau, Bureau of follows new Broadcast Measurement , will issue its reports in 1950 on same basi s BMB formulo as BMB . Seventy- nine percent of Canada ' s stations are members of BBM . This will be BBM's fourth report. - SR-

14 'I. hours of Fifty radio and recording folk- mUSic artists were part of 14 '~ - hour folk musi c three- day celebration (17, 18, 19 June) of opening of Country Barn o pens new Record Shop in Tampa, Florida . IVCKY (Cincinnati) had its "Western" record shop disk jockey mc ' ing event . - SR- ABC , NBC ABC and NBC have lifted res t ric tions against cert ain types of pro­ drop certoin grams. AB C now accept s commercial religious programs, and NBC no progrom longer restricts mysteries t o afte r 9 p.m. hours. NBC now also restrictions accept s cert§in give- away programs . - SR- RCA leods RCA leads TV-set ownership figure s in three out of four income in N .Y. TV groups in New Yo rk (over 57.500 , over S5.000. over S3 , 500). and runs soles second to Philco in under 53,500 group. Latter runs close second in 53,500- 55,000 group . DuMont is second in upper brackets . - SR- FCC decision FCC decision to permit editoriali=ing by stationS on air i s so vague on e ditoriolizing as to be almost wo r se t han no lifting of ban at all. Decision of n.s.h., but Maryland Court of Appeals in favor of five Baltimore s t a tions on Morylond Court their reporting crime news i s boon to all news sponsors, for it se t s d e ci sion h e lps pattern of " freedom of reporting" tha t' s important.

M·" .... ~"'t. '· ~h "".. l ...... \. 10; z., J"n" " IN ,'"'.11.",,, b'..-...... 'y ~l 'H·" .... ~(}'L ' ~'blk.""" •. Ill,· liM oM 1:1"" n,,,,,,,,,,~ I. '1.1 .I,h.m ,no .. ,1,,,,,.1 ",~u!.lIo" (I,",... t~ w. ~2 111.. S \. I ~ ..... \ , •• , •• , In , . " '0 ., ...... ,., ~n!"td •• ~M .\ ...... n.·, ~" hn~.',. Igl~ ., "~I"... ",_ .. 'IJ ..' tile< "-"" •. ,, 3 )'or

20 JU NE 1949 P.ORT5 ••• 5 PON50R RE POR T5 ••• SPONSOR I

More siote MOt'e and more s late- wide networks are being formed. Not only a re networb bei ng independent chains being linked like ' s Standard Network and established Goebel (M ichigan ) sports network, but coast-to- coas t chains are becoming more conscious of their r~nal links. NBC recently spli l off its Ne ...: York State s t ations for a Dewey ~fi reside chat ." Economic conditions in different sections are becoming different, s ponsors arc thinking in terms of markets, not 48 s t a t es . - SR- 40,600,000 Over 40,600,000 autos were owned as of 1 January in U. S . Auto aulos on U.S. radios were not surveyed by Wor l d Motor Census, but olhe r sources roods indicate that on1r t hins holding, [email protected] k close to 100% radio egui Em en t foc cars 1s current hig h Erice. - SR-

Radio v~. TV Out of over 2,500,000 radio or TV sets produced during f i rst quarter receiver of 1949, around l ou t of 5 was a video receiver, with all rest production st r aight radio receivers . Figures include RMA (Radio Ma n ufacturers 5 10 1 Association) and non- RMA members. - SR- EKc is e loxes Excise taxes in some cases are larger than tota l profi t of 10 be fouShl corpo r ations. Bell a nd Howell (new radio advertiser) reports on air that it paid Sl , 230,OOO in excise t axes a lone, lI'ith a net profit of 51 ,527,00 . Tota_Ui;;!xes Eaid by B&H are much larger than net. Charl es H. Percy, B&H preSident, is urging manufac tu rers to use ad space to tell consumers what they're pa ying for when they buy products hit by high excise t axes . -SR- Some show Eddie Cantor will not be on a ir for Pabst this fall because he wilh Iwo wasn 't wi lling to do bo th TV and radio programs each we ek . "Life costs of Ri l ey." which repl aces Can t or, will be done on radio from Hol lywood wi t h William Bendix~d wi th a nother cast from New York on TV . It sounds screwy . but everyone will watch to see how it '1.'0 rks . - Please turn to page 36-

capsuled highlights IN THIS ISSUE

Sponsor Ide ntification on the air isn't the poge 21 " Public Servic;e " has something very spec;ial page 30 entire answer to broadc;ast

" Whot's wrong with FM c;ommerc;i

2 SPONSOR Meeting Mid-America's Need for News .••

at a Very Low Cost per 1000 Coverage

KCMO's newsca sters a nd full-lime news stoff ore nol contenT 10 rest on their teletypes! They're 01 it the dock oround, pounding the pavement, checking Ihe " line-up," gelling the news for Mid -America!

Un der the walchful eye of Ji m Monroe, KCMO's news editor, Mr. Mid ­ America's newscasters g ive Ih e lolest to. the listening millions ... 0 dozen ti mes every day. And thei r record on 10<;01 scoops, exclusive phone One Does It In Mid-A merica recorded interviews, cnd complete nOlionol coverage hove mode Ihe One station 8-TEN Spot listenin9 a musf. One rote cord This preference plus KCMO's low, low cost per 1000 cover0ge means a One spot on the dial listenership bonus for smart sponsors. KCMO is Konsas City's most power­ One set of call letters fu l station wi th 50,000 watts that blanket 213 Mid-America countjes (inside measured _5 my . a rea) wi th a farm-ond-factory-rich population of over • 5,435,000. 50,000 WATT5 DAYTIME - Non-Directional 10,000 WATTS NIGHT KC D - BID kc . Notiono l Representative: KCMO·FM .. 94.9 Megacycles .. Kansas City, Mo. John E. Pearson Co. Basic ABC 'or Mid·Americo 20 JUNE 1949 3 ,I I 411 West 52nd

TV C:;UCCESSES 1 VOl. 3 "°. \ Il"""nlh 1,,1, 1',[.1 11",1 "'('\~/)II [wd 1'1l1,li~III', 1 or .~ pu['li~h;l1t: ~()tll(' 'orl OJf "","[,ilnlioll of "~U( 'n'~ ~ ~I" , il'~" "f ~P""' I H~ 1I~11IJ! 1('11' 1 i·i,," a~ 1111 n.l · I , 'II i~ll1" '>1<·,11,,111. SPONSOR REPORTS 'I'l" , Td("li~I<)11 ( :"lIlIl1iu,·,> "f Ill(' I .,,~ \11 ,,1'['" Chnllll,," o[ C, mlllll'r("r ., r, , ~ 40 W EST S2 NO , n~ "III' (If II~ [,rillw "I>J""lil(,' lilt' "II". "1IIi"lI I'r"'[""'lil" :lIh'·l ti ._"r~ ON THE HILL 10 "f '1'\ "II "'~llh~ IWllli! .. ],Iaillt·,[ I" I OI"~("III MR . SPONSOR: CARROL M. SHANKS T\ IH·r~. I " \\',,"Id il 1>(" I',,~~il'](' f"r I'lil 1<> ~"lId P.S. lI~ :11I~lhlllr 11",1 ~U II IIIj"I,1 halt' m"j[· " al,[e "f Ihi~ l..il1,l :' I ("all "'~II1T ~UU I N EW AND RENEW 17 il 1\ ill [... pul I" II~" ill d.alllld.- 1\ h,'" , HOW'S YOUR IDENTIfiCATION? 21 il -1","[,1 i!1"I'!l\ 1 ~ [1<'11' ~I'lir 11' 1 "n'~1 III ~ 11,1"1 ,- j"'1 a, II e r l i~il1i!. ROBIN SPIN THAT DISI( 1 " [l lll! \ !! !> I .. [h: l\ have SUSPENSE: TEST·TUBE SU CCE SS 26 S"t (I'/.((f),. '1"" CO/IlI/IlI/,'(' 1.0,\ Allp''''.~ Chllllllwl PI NPOINTING BROADCAST ADV ER TISI NG 28 oj COIllIfIl'''",' you

COMMERCIAL PUBLIC SERVICE 10 RADIO AND NEWSPAPER STR I KES l2 seen ON SPONTANEITY MR. SPONSOR ASKS J8 \11 "f Il~ al \\,I. ~ (' lIj ,,~ , ' , 1 4·NETWORK PROGRAM COMPARAGRA PH 51 ["[ I,, !I1U~It", il~ alll,]fllli! your "" [,ul Il lI' "!I(, fa!"! BEAUTY AND TV 56 didll'l ~(', . lIll"tll i"IWd- 111I' I<>~i,·,d "\. TV TRENDS 58 [,[all ,lli"l1 1[1<11 I Iwli"I" Ill "~! "I Il~ ill copy tt"~ , [,1I~ill(' __ ,, <-,n·,· .. 11 i~ thai 1[1<' ~II(· SPONSOR SPEAKS 70 ", ' ~~ of 1,,[ I.. · lIIl1~ i,, J,ro'l-=I'alll~ j~ lIul .-" 111111'11 Ih,' I..iwl of 1Il1l,-i,·. ,,~ il j~ 1111' APPLAUSE 70 lIa~ 1 1 ll'~" l' r "r,alll~ 1.,11(' ('olll[,ill,,01 a of .-'·II~" ,,[ H'II[il). ~I 'nlltalu ' il'. illf"'ltlal· it.l, ill .. 1 Iht' [,"",'J "f 11t'1~"II : dili('~. TI ... ~,IIII< ' II,ill;':' [',illp. C,(,~l" ha~ ,[""(' f",. Ih, · ~,' I"" d( ' , ·" d, ·~ "r ~" ill RADIOTIME? 1,1I1i" :II HI "" 1111" ~"I""ll III<" ~:I1I11" Ihill;':: Iha! C",il II. I),· \lill" lI~t',[ I" ["'1, 1 I" tI", 1./11' I,'w/i" '/"/"'11/"1 1[1<' -alii" Ihill;! Ih;11 (i/,I"'I" II,.{;"" fllld out I/ofl\. \\il l, tl wir ,IlIlI"IIII'·('r. I lari"I' \\il,·,.\. a, lli,"" ill ~" l il'l,",[ f'OIIiI 1[,,· ~:llllt' _,'IJ~" "I n ' alil~. ~1">lIlall('il~. iu· f"rn",l jll. :11 1<[ 1"'r-(>,I~" .. I "Ihn hil! f"lk· ".",,,"'. \ -,,,,,'. '" ,"," ,,,,,,,\ T·'"-"",,,,,,,,,., T_H,',"", .. '~)(.,'- In ',UI" 11-1 C...... ". ., 1',- " , .".. " "",, :,;,,,1.,., 1'1,,,, n. ,,"~ . 1I1I1~i, ' ~lali"Il~1 ~"" I,,,,,[,k f:I, ·('·I,,· \I,. " t., "" s- ,. '" "". 1'0" 1> f' _01011 ~ .1.· ",,,,, .. 1 ·n I '" , ,-, 1M' I~I~ fa"I' 'l"ik .,Ih·t! al ~ 1 ,1l<' ,uul ""1111 1\ "'£. ~PO N~Ofl PUlIll CAI I ONS INC. R... ~\vd. [11 i r .... l"nd Illf'all'f~. ( ' ''IllIl11 ll lil~ <"IIIt'I' ,', ",_, ,""1,,,'. "". n 1\ 0:,,...,, ',,, S3 W. Jac¥.son T". 1.<."" ,', ''''f ';'" ,. 1;""", J " ,H"[ "II. "III' " , 1-.01 ' •• " ,'"nk ".nn ,,, ""'" l'IIlIlI]("III~ . ~'I Thl"l Ii lid 4, Illinois "'",1. I .. ,,, '.,.,. It, ... ,.J ...... tI. H •• ';,,,, '" ~, ... I",~ ad Ih,· ~ alll l' ill 1"'r.~"11 ,I~ "II 1111' "", II ~. ,,".e', '... ,.j"", LO It .• "." I, "'f Chicago '" .,.1 "h·", ," , ,,.,.,,,, .• ' II II I.'!H.. ,., " ,.,., ,."."." I, \I ,no 'J~, ,. I1 'YIln Jf 'j_ :11 1". [f a [i~t('I1"" II~jl, · d 1.11 111 [:"11, , Iu.. I.· " . ,•. , ." ,'" ~" \I'll I",.' 11,,,, I.~.n ~',.". It " ,n , ._ " ~ ,,~. ~1,'Jo '" ". :,11 ,1 .... '·',11 I al 1">1111 '. [lO' 1\ "" [,[ fillli ", ", ... n n ". I" {" ,I." •., II I'"" '!., I. .. ' ,'", .~. ""0" 111<'111 jlt~1 till' I"illll 1" '''1'1" h,' [!

The Proof: WSJS delivers higher than national average Hooperating* for 57 out of 61 NBC Commercial programs! A PLUS AVERAGE of 6.1 POINTS PER PROGRAM!

WSJS share of audience for 5 month pe riod: • Morning 45.2 • Afternoon - 50.6 • Evening - 50.0

• City Hoo peroting, Foil ond W in ter, 1948-49

Alliliated with Represented by NBC Headley-Reed Company

20 JUNE 1949 5 4tl 'Vest 52nd

illlat!illl·.1 Ih"111 I" I,,· 1111'011;.:11 li·lI·IHIl!!. \hwll ,,( Ilt,' Ilulllor jtl~1 ha!'I" ·Il ~. ~p""' IUllO'"tI~J~. \\',. 1111'0', uff di;:lIil~ ulI. 1 ,'ui'" " ill'~(,"" ~ a~ \I,' '·lIt.-rlaill. :-,,, il i.II·1 Ilw ]..ill,] of lItu~i,' "lItir('l~ althollj.!h f"l]" 1II1I.~i~· dn.,>- klltl il~,'1f ,,, dli~ \('ulil~, thi. ~11" tll illl<'iIY. BUI il j" Ih,~ ]..iml (I f (01]..· 11'11" ]lui "II 11ll' .I"m. ;111,1 11 11' wa~ lh,'~ I'lil it "" ,1 1)11 111(H tof lI~ Iwrt· ill th,' f"lk·ulll~i(' 1",1t 11<'li .. ,,· lilt" ~:tlll(' 11"';Ilm('1I1


Thi~ i" t" 0" n'd all "iT"r "II 11u- radio in dll'rc arc IwO kinds of l l\.' ,I ,~ ndillg- ,IC [ ~, 1';111 .. f ~I'II\~"IL III lilt" :2:: \lall·11 dare-dc\'il.~ - Ihe oncs who plunge ulllhillkingly inlo i •• ",' "f ~"UI "IIIt'II,i~.· !'\I'I·II'·lIl 1,11101 ;­ ,ati"lI. ~" u I'l'il1l.·,1 a h~1 .. f -Iali"n' hal.anl~ (and g raveyards), and Ihc oncs who survi\·c a 'ltl )1),11'].."'" "lli.·1I 11; .. 1 1"" '11 k.·I,~all\· and succct.'d duongh pracli n·. cxpcrlcnce a nd 1,1",1 ],~ H\I!L ' ''II failo·,1, htll\·I,\t·r. Know_Holl, I.. prilll III!' f.1t"1 tllal Ihi~ lIa. ,,"1~ ;1 p.llli;11 l i~1. .',.-. In our .!~ p·.lr, uf h roadc;hlill)! 10 D,'('p Di"it·, In·t.{ ,h a rt'~lIh, ~"Ul' :2:{ " a~ i'~IIt' ,'ll Ih.'111 any "wli ll!! Ihal "f all "Ialioll" 1'11t'1']"(',1 J" \ ~1, Hi "Il, '''')'n/,,'(e, F .. r ,',\alllpl.·, ,/"rillK lin' IIl1rs.·,)' S,'<)$O ll 1:\11:.' \\ 1\ Y It,d tht· (i" I,1 in all of 1ft;· i"S( <"/,,/ .. ,1. ""1'1\1/ sold H,VUO . di,;.;"u. ill\" IIhil'h \1,,· B\IH re'- $2.9') /,0 or,',.,. K\'\' I(I-I air, Ihi~ ",tpcriel/ cc,/ program' 1"'1'1 1101,1 1"" '11 10 ... ,]..(' 11 .),'" II. TIlt' fa"1 i" llwi \\"1\' .Iid 11<11 I.. ad milll-: "jill "iO.OOO 1,';HIs ... )!" I ~ 1"1' SI1I" '\'(,P ,II-I 1 1 'l<' p c r~ ill all "i\ (·;t ' t'~or i, ·": ;I1 ' fu'I11~, \\"1" .111 1.1 til<" )!n·alt·" I;"IB amli..,I (".· th rouglwut thi., ("1I r -"lall' \r. '·\I·.·.,tI",) lilt' \\ J..:' rl ~ult'" it! f"ur "f tI", "j\. Ittll \\'T ·\l; ,ti .1 11,,1 11;11'1"'11 1.,'1 II ' "'nd pHI IIII' pronf "f Ilhal K\,\' KH\ "xp,'rit'II("(, I.. Itt' inrill",·tI ill ~"lIr :2:, \iareh H', ,;"Ill d" (•• r ">II. N .. ,,''! 1'''11. \\"J..:' lIIa, le ,III htJlle~1 lIIi"ta]...·; "1'(1\:-"" ~)i I'Jf, · d - a lillk, Thi~ klll' l" i_ ,,"Ilt "1111 1" ]..""1' Ih.· n'l'''I,1 ~tr:ti}! hL E. E. 1111.1. f," It'n,/in' I·.p. " ./ U;. JI 'OIl""'·//'I. t1u .~,<,


I TexAs \\ I' ]"·Ii,,, ,. ':I/(/iO 1.< (;"lIill£! /li;:!!-"I lIill lIIal..,' I'H'~'lil" PI""I"li"IL


~ut Texas way, folks are mighty

fussy about Brands. • • • . . . the'y re f ussy about Ih b he ... ! <'Ind th e ~ind the e r... nds they brdnds they d' Y e"t; about th e .... ear rive . "bout their brand' . ' Sl~, $mo~e-and of listening • , 00.'

Only I,Ht Fall , Telans in .... ell over d • 65 counties. quarter-million d' h ... hel ped C E H rei 10 omes " L'Ishomi ng A, . .C ooper • Inc -, comp.il e a ea overclge t d " w h"I s'tltions the I' t n el . Asked que ntly" or "Mos'Y f"' hene~ to "Most Fre· • 0 e Tim "th right up in Ir T e, ey spoke ue eXils style. Th e result :

WOA2 I . rope d first' pl "ce b to I In ddytime J' Y, "I ni h • . . 0 9 I ... over tho second most popul"r outlet!

These neighbors. thousands in our fa plus still additional tim,'pnm

YOUR brand doi" ':0~ke .....t~ '' make this bilt; 9 here? If you'd conscIous of you on:do,Ii 'H m"rket more et . r Pdrtlc u ar b d b your Iron in the f . h rdn, etter g 9 be just in time for th eIr b.rl19 Filil t " R....ou "y!ndup You'll! BRAND! *

'REGISTE RED B Be l"r County C r d n ~s Division ouri ouse, Sdn Antonio , T. XdS.

.., - CLEAR CHANNEl - EDWARD PETRY & IHC, ' Hew York , Ch'Icago, Los Angeles, , SI. Louis, Dallas, Sa n Francisco• Atla nta, Boston filI'I (ltWSII ' t 40 IVest 52nd

I ( OIl/IIl/1"" /1""1 I"'!!" hi j'(1(1 1 II'd llJ.. '''II \J'TI 11I1I,h ['" lilt' :ll"' If's so ""I'il" "f I:mlio f, (,','lIi"p. lJi ~I"'" II I~ ,I'n killli "f ,,,II I.. all"" \I. 'lId, a ;,:,'111'1'''11' Itlltulwr (If .-.,pi,· .•. Am(Jzing- slioe 'htll ll! l b.··(· "ulli,'_ I, ill I", pUi 10 ;.:,,,,,1 lI· ... 'J IIt'I \\ill 1... Ida(',·'] ill 11".11;111,1. •,f I",al. I'ql i"lIal. alld 1I:lli"II:l1 a, I,('I" "" e ""(lU 1,1" 'I a ~ k ~' O" 10 be • li·,'r· fl"lII "I/r ar,'a. :m,1 "ill 111'1]1 li.·, 1" .. ur ~ I"" ~ nljo" n l t..: · ~ U Z If';!r 11""11 IIIl' n ·~i ·I :\ un' , .. ·I/mlll("r ~ " .... t'M ~ I o r~' if "' I" d irln 'l .. ",Ii" .1I1"·l'li.in;.:. h an ' Ihe £i .l:' ''r.... _ .."c r­ JI\I I:UIl)(:I,' llfO""I;".I:' lloop ..r r alj .... ~ - /(fllli(!. 1'1 /Jil';,i"" 10 .... ," j" .... yo" . O"r ~ I H" /I"t,tH 1I 1/1f,1'1I~,'il d all,. plalt,,('d Te:oo:as I,ro. /)11.\1011. ()hio .l:" ran'IIIjn.l:" ""ill hr;" ,!: your di c " l~ immcd iatc r e ~ uh s in Jl ou ~ l .. n.

1111' :Itliol(' Ullf/io f ., (,','lIi,,:.:. I!i::.gn I' lilt' Iw.1 rH' ~e('lI. 1.01:1" ' \ CI;\\ \Vh(o n bunch of 5 11:1tl011 man ­ / ·i'·'·'/II',·.,id"1I1 ngers get together at conventions /I 11 '. 1'lIiJudd/IIII'" and start talking ahout what a super-strong signal their stations throw o ut, OUf Carl doesn't get into the conversation. 1111' f:IIII/I.) I~ ("'II111/!. nip.p,o'l" i~ ;':,,11.1 And when the station hoys brag oI .... UIlIl·II"·.1 ('\ i']"IIO'f' I " all'''('1 II",.,' HOOPERS about the millions of pcop](' in t heir IIh" Ii,'" r~'{"'I ,1 ,ll·I ,'I"I'IIU'III. :I,. i ll' SOURCE: 1949 primary coverage zone. ou r Cnr l oIil-ali, t' "f ~('lIi l i l l III " II I' )111';11 just sits there with n poker face 0 •••• M,... . It " " 1111 111 . lo~ . that Nul Sparks woulu envy. ' .. I;. "E\f; D. lIu. L Morn . 11 .3 14.1 But eMI doesn't f~el slighted. _ . 1I 1111(J ~ ," just let the lalk get around to how a.a /I 'OI:l. (),llImffl. FIll. ••• popular th<'ir stations are with the 12 .6 10.4 cash customers in thcir market :fi nd tiltH'S where you cnn inciudr 11.3 13 .1 Cor! into the conversation! '''lIr ;1 1'1 1.. 1, · ill ti ll' ~:\ ' ilil i,.-II<':. ••• Carl knows that we've got t he lilll/ill J ~ (;"lIilll' /:if!,P,f' I, I,. I,'nif.... people where you W(lOt them in til{ \\'II.LI " I H. U OTII IHI' Ou]uth-Suj>Cllor marh t and 0 11 the /)ir"'/ol o/f.O)II,1 S"fl" Iron Range. They're a ll concen­ II I'I:U. I:f,IIIIIIO/" trated withm a 50-mile radius of WOSM (Duluth) and WEVE (Eve. Iftb) \Vhf ll you glt bt'yoll(1 this NATI ONAl REP. fORJOE & CO. thnt rntliu~, you rull mto fish /(II,li" I ., ( , dllllt:- lIiJ!.;:'o'" i. (\ "'r~ Dove Morris, Gen. Mgr. not pi n p lt I illf"I'II1:.li,,· pi ,~ ' (' .,f ""rk. :111/1 "ill \Vc'vc ~ot fin awfully wfHk signnl ",,,,,, \ fllllal,I,' II< \\' \ 1 , \\ ' ••.1],', :11,,1 in Los An~( In county, hut if you PI'( rior ' l h"1 ;11 ,,,1,' I.'". /i" 1.< (.d/lll;': nilf,f!'" 9th F loor Scanlan Dldg. mark! t nnd the I ron Range likl' a in '''lIr :.n \ 11\1 i"lw i';1 'la, ll'q;1I ". pup It nl and what's Illorc, y,lU HOUS TON 2. T EXA S C111l huy both of Ihfst stations for It "'11;11111, \,1I11~ til\' • 11,~1~ u tll £0-"111 the prict o f JU::.1 ONE Duluth wltk, ·,,11'" "f Illi,. " 1;"li.. i. a d" .lI l statlon t . 1,1, ·"" ,'I"I"I;,!:ttlllli. \Vlly nOl ... "k 11 Fnl & p, It n; IlHlIl .I , I:. \\ · II.II~ about WDSM (Duluth) nud WEVE (;"11""" IJflll

8 SPONSOR Looking for the winner? New York's w_l•_ n_• ,g after • , IS " its an • ISS s"

Represented by Radio Sales Guarantee against price de clines to be tried

\'II ' ·rli~ill).! Ili ll ... 1,11'\ fill' :I IIUlllh"T "f I'T(I,lurb lil..,' [uI,1 " ii. "hi .. h Ilill ;!lHlr:IlIIt'(· (·lIr ... ·1I1 ],u~"r~ :t).:aiu .. t pritT ,I. 'dim·', Thi ... i. till" i']"3 lo('il1l! It·~te,1 I.. 100,."" I'"r ... ,· i • ; i\,\. ~lli,,;.:~ "f """~III1l"I~ Ihrllul. .d",ut 1 .:--. Ikfrir"TaIOI" "i1. '. \ ;lIlt! t\\" 1I1:1k('. ,,[ OII1I'IIl",hilr" \1 ill In dw prie,·,;,! u;lrallk,· .lallL II illt n'.-lI h ~ ],C·illr "lUdi",1 Ill.! o l1l~ I>~ ""1I1]1rli"'r" 1",1 :11.0 It~ c l"up "f ,"'''' I'''lIi,' n>~"ardll'b ill \\ ·a ~hill;':I"II. 1"I",lil1;; i~ 111111 id,';' "ill \\"rl.. ,,"1~ lI ilh J,i;!.il,,(·~ltlh·1I1 i\t'ltI~ ,tl lI l ""I "illt illl l'ub ,'- I0 ,,) ing ih'l1I~.

Fur processin9 important in U.S. economy today

I ' r" (· ( ,,,~ jll).: o[ fll'~ ill I .."'. I' ral'i,ll~ 1"" '"mi l1 1! "f major illll'"rI1lIlr,' I.. lIali,,"al ('t· tJlI"lII~. Fnrri,'r- Ihn,u,z h,ml L ...- . an' "I)II,i.-I"l1l U,(,I"" "f ]' r"a,I'·'I... 1 lilllt'. 111 " n' .... " Iltan :t' I ~ .. lllt'f """I ' I1'~'\H"ar I'lodU"1 ro · l"ilt- r ~. III l!J t, lualili' WOW tour has b lessin9 of bel II r,·,J fur )!,,,,( I~ r;wk,·1. :llh l 1111' l,oJ"" i .. l,rll:ldl 'l1 il1).: lII"ll ll tl~ . • I,II'·~. \]'·,i,·". all,l III ili~ 1 1 CuIUt,,]'i,!. F,·,'b ~alll" -lali"I1 '­ ItlUI "f ]·.IIT"!," l:!"'01 II~ 111" 11"''] \ li,II\( '_1 fafllll' l< lll ltl,·r· .Iawlill;,! "f FUI"I"';III j!n,ItI"111~ ,111.1 EC.\ . rt"l'lin;,t I~ Ne w EEA plan wil l not help IlwI ,'un "111 t"lli \\ill 1"1'1110'" ,-"1111' "f '·"'III .. ·II·~ ill-IIInI ' manufacturer expand dist ribution 1-111. (;"1"1"111111'111 l<,a]i/.I·,_ that til<' I:: ~ta!t'~ lIIU __ 1 1..11<"" ~'J\ " rll111"11 1 ~lI1a l l III1 ,h'I-\al " l. alltl :ll'l'ro "'i::t Io' ,,; ... h ,,111<'1". It al_" f'~' I" lita l l-Iu l(, .. II,'" 1-;1':'\ 111"11. Il ill ['Hili hUI'i · I .:". fallll"I_ 1I11l~1 kll (l\\ \ 1" ,1,'" alld Cnll,ula. """~ ( uI" I"r .;00 l'IlII'I()~{,""1 Ill""t'l (or 20 ~'·'H~ lIill) I' ( ;nlf'T""L I']"a i ~ I" Iwll' ~1IIi1 1 1 IrI1,illl" ~' "1l1l1]1l'1{' ill ltali'"WI ,e'·III'. Trlllll,],' froll! 'lIhrrli .. ill;.! I'"inl of l'i"11 Lever Brothe rs t ries t o spur i~ Illill I >. ,.Iill .1"(',,11'1 thilll.. "r , " h- " " Ii~ill)! ,,~ I ilil l in buying with half.price sale "'I',lIldill ;': I,"·il" ·~~. ;111( [ 11";11"~ lequin'll [oT thi ... I'IIT]I"-(­ ( :: II II I,ai ~lI~ lik.· J.I'II·T BI,'IIH'r~' l1alf-1"i,·,' ~ al, ' .,f I.if,'- lIi ll nlll ] .. ' "a~1 I" ,,],I;lill. Thu~. 1Illkill!:! \"I""wl a

\\.llt~ "I'"'' ['UII! "lid, l,illl .. ,al.l ... 11111 lul,·. '·:lIll loal ~ lI.


o The first television service in the Hi ckory CaroJinlS wili be inaugurated July nton 15. N<'Jtu-., liy . it's the television service of the Jefferson Standcnd Bro"dcasting Company- WBTV. Service to dn area embrdcing over 1,000,000 North and South Caro­ o [ini


Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company

20 JUNE 1949 " for Profitable Selling 'IAfE II I"Vllr~

'\ "

D U ,t,WA R [ I f t ""·",,1 _,,,'1 ,-"" ,.,.,,,,,, ,.. s * WKBO blr. Sponsor I President HARRISBURG The Prudential IMurane. Co .. Nc ..at~ I \ l illlll,,,... I:d ll'nl r .. n,,] ~lwllk~ :11 ,-I) 1- 11k' ~'I!Illf!... ~1 pl',,~j . .1"11 1 "f all~ "f till' ""rI,l"_ lIIajor li[,· ill~lIr: lIl n' "Ilillpalli.,-. 11 {' I~ ~li l1 )"IIIl;! "IH'II;,!h ,,, [",,1 ~li~hll~ ,,\\1,.1 HI Ill{' h... t Ihut (1111' 0 11 1 "f ~ix P,'ol']" ill Ill<' I . :->. :u ld Call:,,1a h"ld- a I 1,,,]icI \lritl,'11 ],~ 111<' 1' l'1loh'lIli;l1. \, 11 1)_" $7·],illioIHI"l1ar :1_,1'1_ mak,' it til(" Illllll j,cr 1\\0 lif,- ill,lInll"'" filill in t ill' 11 ..1 (1. Carrol :-; lI all\.. ." I:.".',. lltl' le"]H'I1_il,i lil) of hi,.. jul, 1" 1'1 ,wri" II ~ I I, alHl rtl l l~ I 1I1i' I';I~ I l'rlld" llli;11 ",,-'H'I' "idl 11ll' ~;lIl1<' kiml of 1l1t'li"II I "II~ allenli,,11 1<1 .Idail 11,,11 lI~ e d 1<1 I,har"d"r;,,,. I,i,. k"lure~ [0 hi,. ta" ,lu.I"III,. at Y,llc, \I1wr.' hc \\;r,. all ;r~,,}(' i ; II<' 1'1""[""""1" ,, [ Iall in lilt' ""il y ] ',no'", I III' join,·,! l'rud"lIli'l l ill I'):t:!: 'IlIid, ] ~ I'!lill :1 HallIC f"r hilll!'< ·H Ily ",'" r;:;,]lli711Ir III(' lang.I,',1 fill'llle,'~ of ~"\"ra l ,1"]'1'<'"ioll,llil .. "iln,,,,I,., \ IHall lIilh a llIind Ii]... , ;'] ,.1,','] Irap, Ill' ro~c' ,"ift ] ~. Iw,'allu' !'ru· ~ I ,].'nti,.r " ('hid l''I:'~'1I1il\' ill 1') 1(,. II" j" ,,,,illwr a l"w]..·,.lapp.. 'I' lI"r ;r ,.luIT,·d .hilL :lIul "fl"11 ri, It ,,. II"UIl' "11 a \"\\,,1141'.>('1"<11'. lI,u,, ,.itlill).! 1I<'"r him, TIlt' IIlal].. (" 1 f", I'llIdl·rrli"r· 1lI'"1I ill'1I1lli"". ,.inn ' il._ .• Iart. ill 1') :~0 . wil l. :111 II EI;liw' Ca rrillr l"JI'lIril"'II ""'ql "1"'1' ;1. II ''''11 ,/ (;id IIllnit's. "II r.1: :=;. 111 I'JII. l'nIt1!'lIli,11 _Iall,·'] '1',,",."r~ l lil' "f till' /"lId"1I11111 r(/lIIil., ii' Cr.". M,ColI~.," lIollr ! "hid l tll<' l'I'IIo1"lIli.,1 "; I I.·~ f" fC,' [","1<1 ,Iin; .. ull 10 " .-" rr ,,"uo"'v II.", ••. ._:11". 1.. ,,1 ), alill l"ler ad,],',1 all "" I",.,.· II H'-I,,,,, ... I da~ l i ll lt'r, ],u·k " /:,·,,·h, \llli..]1 II... ,.:t!I'_' fop'" hu,. 1I,,',llIitil ),!"I":II "II"",,~~. I.;I~I ~I'ilt, flllllill /If1l1r 1111<1"111 ('11 1 a [;II',',liflilir 'liid I""'allll' I/Ollf ,\. ,I.", p ill ;1 1.. ,.]llIi.'al .li"'II"i,," II ilh III!' " Iwr:ll"r "f a ,.1, ':1111 "It .. \,, \. STEINMAN STATIONS

12 SPONSOR It's only a few Bi Ilion Dollars .. but NT~~yPKlNr '()II~ SIlA~£1 $2,995,897,000.00... 1948 Relail Sales' in WOW ·LAND (ou nlies (BMB) t '-.::.....~_).~~}..il ;".. _ IIII8IIRIIIIIIIIIIIIISB.Sllhlhl'III,.!'IW 8888lil.IIlII.'lllllliBIQIIIIIII'lcill!ilS!llS!S!!ll!millll!ll!M$I!II ~ All tlllt!Joritie,\' agree Ibh )"'iI/,'S relail stiles 1/1(/), bl' '\~'g~ I I lower . . . BUT . . , tbey also .\'(1)'. I tZL !"l o f 1949 rct ail sa les will be nude in [he I I ~ a~ J third q ua rtcr - J lIl~. Augusl, September: I (:2. s It\ of 1949 reta il saks will be made in the I 50-0-0-. ?ei~qU' ~;:t; ' m ~/ II GET YOUR share of the ••• I 22 % Spent in food sto res; 11 % Spent in sto res selling motor "chid es ~'\:. parts; 6 % Spent in appa rel ~ t o rcs; 10 % Spent in lumher and bui ld in).: m:l(eri:d retail oud cts; 30 % Spent in general mc r c h .ln di ~c ~ t o rc s; Spent in other ret.l il Hutlets. I 18 % I 4 % Spent Hl furniture swrn; I ,l ~ .;iii i,lIIIIiiillif 1m !IJII_; lUll liii, ••• II1III11III.1, , You \'Y ILL gel Y o"r share if you usc Ihe ad\wlising fa cil ities of Hadio \'\IO\'\' - Ihc

ONLY single ad"cnising medium Ihat CO I'c eS (he \'as( territOry w ithin 1;0 miles of O maha in evcry dircnion-4;O,OOO fami lics \\'ho li stcn co \\;I O\\;I (3MB figurcs)-who spcnt $4,000.00

pcr family in 1948, and will, in th c 1ll0S[ pcssi­ mistic view, spend o nly a lillic Icss in 1949,

for availabilit ics scc your Jo hn Bl air man, John J. Gillin , Jr., Presidenl & Gen ' l Mgr . or tclephone Omaha, \X!cbSlcr 3400 . John Blair & (0.,

.. ( n Ul'll 011 SALES MA,"AGEME"""T'S f i[:, uTts-M '1J 10, Sun 'l'1 of Buying PO" "l'f -('.Wl'•PI f OT 10 " '11, lI'hirb i s baud 0 1/ JlIIIl' ,,,.~ f c(tip/i .)

SPONSOR 13 See: " Wh y s pons on chon",,,, networh" ha"· ,·hipl",.1 a\\a~ I h'IlJlI'~ :llIlIi"'II('(' if I,,,, Ila,l 101" ' 11 0111""",1 '·II " u;.:h lilll(' .. hnt I'hilip \1 1'r r i~ l,a,lI't Imil.lill;": It.S. Iss ue: Dece mbe r 1948 IId",,!"1.. I j ~\t"lIjll).!. il "a" J, u ~ill;": all au,li,"II't' I" " IHUII lubject: Whot has cC ll sed the rece nt il I·,mld -(' II i l~ "',() ~IIHll..illg Ilan).!", ... r:· 11 " ra,·,· II .. i,lt shifts of biq ne twork ,('\ullI(',1 I" Ili~ "Id hUllr in \Ia ~ illlI l ""gaim'tl ~ "IIl(' "r advertisers ? h i ~ 1".1 ,,~ of a T\ il 11 ;.. 1 a Plj,,!" ,Iaim ttl lilt' l iltu' Iwri",1. hOI, ill ).! ;':1I1U 1,lt-r! "'r"iIUl " f SIIII' Ih,' 1/ /I.,il·. t h., (:'IIII I,I ... II. )o: lIal.1 a;":(' l lr~ \\11t ' 1I 11,,1,,)(11 1I ,lI\k,1 t" fi;.:h t 1\"1;':"'11. \\ 1"'11 \\'ildn .. '1 a, .. ] l'ft )t1I II"'r \I ark (: ..... 1""" Ilil't' :lIldt,t1 a 1('1('1,1101\1' di,[II·1 1\ ill. it d""i,lt-d 10 III",,' 1" \ Bt :, (jlll"l" 1' fiehlill': 1·:II!.!'lr B,·r!.!'·11 ,," I ~ Ill<' 1I,",I,,,,l~ "ill 1/ i/tl/('r Tuh· ti ll (III \\ CI-::,:' \'. \ ' 1'11 ' ''1' 1.. . Lib, tilt" )" , .JifT,'r","!. 1.. le ]>] ""ll' ,, 111 11 1 oil .I II/sit" ,i,·",'r.- " f Wi'III,'r a r(' IIrr:",j Tlw ~lrift "f I luran' l lo- j, 1I t .. \ 11:-' I h i~ fall i~ nlll,tl wI I .. Ill ail ill 1' '' '''I ,'ar d ~ " ill, II... i. lI:lllIl' alld '1' 11 ,,11 '" ll u m ],('r ,',I'" "f l'i'lllt, 1'111' . . I'llilil' \ 1"Hi.· ,'a' ill1<"It'~k, 1 ill I" li lt" ,..111'\\ ill "rrln I .. II!" ,·Ii;.:iloll' for a ;.:il(": l lIa~ l'al!' " "'ill;! "hal Ill<' 11,·j,1t l,rurfaUl ""11 1,1 do ill ""lIillt'lil iol! TIlt' 111](>,,\il)lI Illil l 1 (':I1I~ \" ti lt" ja(·l..p tlt j . IH" H lL u ~ic~ 11. IIjlh J;II"I.. 1:""111 "lwlI III!" lal ler lllo",,1 I "~ \ ' Il ~. \BC al1ll"lI;.:h ,i"ltal ill lIall1n". a ud (·'''I"i .• I ~ "f ,i""l'r i,Il' llli .. ~1',·tll Illi g" ~ ' tlil" o[ t!I"I"'~ 10 ~,' II IllI' I'ubli,' 0,1 li"lt" tli tl ).! fi cali"l1 to r a '"llI\~ I ("f~ l'it"\lI ft,:' Ir;""cr i~ 1t'11',·a,..1 in I.. II ... i.h ill llw "IIt'IIlIH"r ''Ill' "'1"'\ .. [ 'I..tm,rk ra,li" 1/ III ,' ,\ ,." , .. rl.. afl':I (111 11 . "" f'lf.. fll r t h(' CIr, ·\ r .. II'I-,I,·a l,'!" p.m. ",~. 1. I, 11 "i,lt Ill"ld " lI h I'ilrl " f tl lt" alllli" I"'" I... ;.:-rolll" :11 111 Ill<' ,", '!U n l orr 1,,,,,lnlnl,.. h:I" h""n ~ lIrl' ri ,.. ill;.: l ~ 1"lIi IHlil! iii' il t Ili::~11 1,.111. ,III II ,,· ~,III H" Iw l \\""rl.. . TI lt" ll<'al"l ;11111 (''' ' II I' :t I T~ la , (II;I )'I ~. ill pr(Jp" l" ti".1. "ilb lilt' III"ml.lil)1l "

OHIO STA TE UNIVERSITY'S 19th Institute for Education by Radio SPECIAL AWARD to wov ond The Institute for Democratic Educatio ~ for "THE MAN NEXT DOOR"

.. A pioneering e ff olt .. an authoritative and inte n$e ly human series of programs whic h build up the democratic traditio n a nd f'ght prejudice and di scri mi na tion. "

" SPONSOR The Georgia Tria

The C. B. S. Affil ia te s in Georgia's First 3 Markets


Concentrated coverage _ Merchandising assistance listener loyalty built by local programming _ Dealer loyalties


Thl' GtDrqill Tria

Represented, individually and as a group, by THE KATZ AGENCY, INC.

20 JUNE 1949 15 " VOO farm r:lJ io 11~(cnc r s in 16 Slates rcccnllr scnt 2';.122 ]ctiers, con· (ainin/-: :n. i22 Jirnc~. 10 the K VOO Farm DCparllllCnt for a pack:lJ.:c ~ccJ offer.

All annou nCClllCn(S fC:lt u r i n,L: the offer II ere made on Farm Departmen t prog:rarns d Urin,!.: Fchrunr),. 19·.. 9. No other pn)l1lOl iol1 II as used . Such J,.:c;uifyin).: responsc is pow('r­ ful c\"idcncc of the lar,l:c and faithful K VOO Farm p ro~rall1 audience. E:lch kner r{'Cc iH~d i.\ proof Ih:lI OUf lis­ (cncr~ know ,/II) offer 111 :1.dc hy K VOO L ~ a .1:'00(/ "fft-r. I'ro,graOlmin,g such as the KVOO Farm DCP:1rlrllCIH offers III the m oney"' LUlllen ;Jnd ranchmcn in the SOUtll\ICSt, wi ll par lOll hi,g divi{icnds. IOO!

For ilion.' fans 011 ol1e of t he South­ \\('5(\ ()ldc ~t and hc~( known rad io farm departments sec your nearest Fdwanl Petr), ,'\: Co, office or phone. \\ ire or writt K \'00.


" SPONSOR !O 11 .\ f IIJ·IIJ

NCII; "",I,·c"c,V

New National Selective Business •SPONSOR PR ODUCT AGENCY STATIONS CAMPAIGN. start. duration 'ann,d hum· II 1'. 0.' ... fl"n In,I,f' .. ",,10, bru~.: .10.1 Dr AUK ,lal1; I, .. r~ .. " (". \. 1 (T~'I r""'p~'Ir" "bn" .. d 13 "k. ,,,' ",,,j'" ,.kh. II. II .. " , lJ.1··:-lI"".\.1 3.~' I,,, ,PO'"', pari": Ju .. 6: IJ .. ~, {hu",,,litiN_1 ,"u,""~1 1<.' ''''''''"'K'': '''''i"r ",k!» :-l,h.,."",,,...... ,Ib,o' ",k"l 1':.1. "'''''' br'dh: J"n.: .;2 "k' :-l",,, (I 10'.1 h ..,,.f· ';."•• a l .1.,,,1,,,. ~ 1',1", 1 0""K .\. Uuh;,~", :;.G' """'" b,,-.k'; Jun 5: , .. k. ,or f 'Q '" (.\n'~" ni,) , ..... I.) 'Sun"",, r3"'p.'~", \I.. ",n~u .",a",1 and ,,,,,',n,,. 11",0. fall) Ih., 'ra' rl 1I.~u,~ .. ,,' ,\. J' "I'''''. b.nk,; nrl,· JU" ,I"" ,0.,,,. lI"h"o;,n ,0".) ("''''''''~' um">,,.,-,,. ~b, " ... ; 13 .. k. 2" nail in .11 majo. ".khl K'n!"" ~ I .• ~ha. d' In ~f' ",,,,,. l"dJ.,,·o'" ,,, k,d .ho"'H Ju," I"". I.) (/_",,,,.d ... 11 uon".;~n. G '0 Jul I; 13 "k. no", ... ,"~,.) SS\".I,1t ,"".\0) I"d ~r' 1:_1_ ,,,,,,", hrr~h; Jun 6: 13 ,,~. (Su,.,n .. u",,,.i~n; ,uj", mkh) T«II ( .... ;n~l. fI, ..""" Ind~r' S""", Jun I: 13,,10;. r.,lucH) '''''.1.) ,T•.• , umpa".-n: Fa.tr,n n.kto) Wu,hum"101 Alflrd F. T"kM Ind.f' """'" pa.".: J"n 6: ,3 ,,~. '

New and Renewed Telev ision {Network and Selective}


A II;.' d F<>"d I nd".I.;•• I. ...·.n \\'1I/.·T\·, Uo"'," "I,M, .",1 to .... "",,,,,.; Jun. IU: '3 ..·k. I.) A", ..;",,, Tu .. a .... C" ..... W. A, .. WIU;I! .',1", "",,"'"'-" )10,- 10: ,1 "h "I ';,10 .. ".,1.1,., .... "­ lI,u·raln -'1ft "" HlW.\.I' \nms. ltulf.l .. I'arad ... I,]a 1>1; II.d 1O. , ~, IS P'M; ,Iun • • ; 13 "k. In) I "" ,n ., ,,.~) U.",,,. \'·"Id. f" TaHh.. \\"11"11. n,;. 1',"" "m,>: ~I ••· ,~: 51 >lk, (nl 111 .10 Ih." ;n~ t ·u ( h"I'l··( "n",,1 "SIlIL 11',.",.",<1 . ·i ln> "~,,, I >: Jun. I: U "k, (n) ""rd~" t·u 'o,, " ~ .\. lIuble"", W .... IIT. :-i.'. 1',1", .,,",.: Jul,- IU; ~Z "b (") U",,·n•• n Gu,n (." 1I''''k W:-inT, ..... \. I"hn .,""<: J"". I ~. 22 ...... , (n) lito .. " ~ Willi,,,,,,,," IIM~ < \\"'\IIIl, :-i.Y. 1'1"1.~ anrl I", an",,,,'.: J .. I,· I; ~2 "k> ,n) T"hauo ('0." (K,,,,1>1 \lu""" W""h ,'" til... ,' W:-ill\\" Wa,h. ,",I", 'I''''': )I.y 2"; II "k. (nl lI,u!!"un, Ttl•• ,.;"n n,I.. . WAIIIl, S.I. ("ahalrnd ... f "''"'" 9·IU p''': Jun. I: U 10k, Inl 1',,,du,l,u ... "aI E,,.., !;'a"d.rd 1),1 (·0 II> "lo, Ik·I' ,ai' W AIIII ...... ,'. "TlIs-n-. :-.1. WIII;U, Srh'"~'I"d,., :-i.L Fu"'".r n.a;n (orp Lr .. in W:\I!T, ..... \. ~'oJ", ann ..",,: Jun. I:,; 2 10k. ,,,I G,n... 1 .'""d. In, lion',," ,t 11",,1 .. WIIIS·T\', .... ,. 'tan'a: Fti ~.',J" "n'; Jun .. 17; 52 .. ~. 'nl (l'a,,,.11 11,,0. •• ' ·ufl"ul (;."... 1 T;mo UIIIlKtJ W I'T/.. ,'h;J •. .·il,,, '1''''': )")' 30: 13 .. k. (n) """",,.. ,,', 'ur" I:"rn!yu, Tir. ~ \'"un~ s.: !tul';'am \\,UI.:II, ("hi. Film .".. 1.: 110, 11; 2G >It.., III Itubb .. (·0 .\101''''0'' ,\; W:\IIT. :-i.Y. .-.Ion ".,,"0; J"n, 3~; I "h (n) lIobb",. In. ".11" .. ay Itodu .. ,,~ W. I •• It .. h.". W I' I X. "'.Y. 11"11,.,,,,,,<1 I n :-i." 1·"'''': ,.;", 7·1,\5 1'''': \la. 21: 13 " .... (nl I'lan In, 1' ..,0.0' 'Iill. T .. ,~ •• WI'TZ. I'h;'a. f'iI", ",,,,h; '1.,- 25; 13 .. k. In) 1'.... I'aul Int 1'lal'·.·",Io... wsnl.:, n.,.•. .·"n, ." .. ,.: .\Ia. 2~: IJ ..·k. II,. Williq. (hi. I',,,,,, .. S~ .... , ,II, , " wSnT. S. \. ~',h" <""h: Jun, .;. 2b .. k, (r) ( 1'"lar"',1 T" I'n.". WIlZ.T\", II.. """ 1.-.1,,, '1''''': Jun~ ,:;, ZG "k. Inl I'"",.. & I;"",M. U''''''" J. 11",,1 .. W:-inT, S.Y. I'll", ann'''',: Ju,,~ ">; .;Z .. k, UtI (I'a.i"".) lI.uhfn II. 11""".11'1' :-i. W. An. Wllllq, {·hi. (·e,,, It"" ... n At' .\10,.1 "·,ork. WSIIT. "".1. I'Um """,: July I: U .. k. Ir) ''') IlIllhl. (·h,. W:-IIW, Whh. "HZ·T\".II",lon l"nh," 11' .11 I'."H II ,~.~ rlBn,I·" ,·ua " I 1\ SliT, :-i.L W"'HI.:. ( '1•• ,. I It""l· I'.rki"or ( .... W. J.rr ..y. WSUII, 'I·p... ,od r,"ft '."'" Jun. I: ,,: .. ~, 'nl \.,,~, I:. Son n),,~ r.. udl "1., .. " IISIlT, S.\'. him ,.,0": Ju". 15: :,2 "k. ~"} Wild."", In. IIIm.';o W:\IIT, :-i.I·. r,I,~ ""',,: \'al;"u, "3<1;nl( d,,.., f,,,,n JU"' 1·1:;: ,.~ .. k· 'nl {lIai, Toni,} WI'TZ "hib. ""nit'. S.L Wfll';.T'·, :-i.Y .

• ,,. IIf'.\:I ; SS"": ,\ ' "". ""d ",'11""'1·,1 UII ,' ·'·,II·U,·I; ...... · 'If''' ... '"' ,·,·,·... ,,,,,,,·1 " 'If"' ~/ "'''' .\ ' fit i ,HH,I ""tUUl j' u S I ."';f,I"s ' ~.""f · " Ii ,.,. "Ilfl "~/ " "" .\',. " .. , ~/"" I' U ., 1'1''';'' IIIH' U I ." Advertising Agen(y Personnel Changes


''''fI']' II. n.M. I.""" 1.;. I""." ..... I .. 'II ("'" :-.• \' . ...d ,n, TI ,.. ~. \. L H~"~' Fr," J .. "I .. ". I.. ~ .••«, •• u J "hn II. I I'" . ~ .. ". I .. A., ."\ h'l" Fd~", .\. U"""m] \lA' rodd, "''''Ide" ••. n. I. At1hu. F. II"". II. Il".' ''''' .,,' H" II. H~, Hell J. A.h ..·. T.". lI.ulr h ,d ...... u •• "." .. d L B, I""'" ,"., !"ron,""'. :<.1, I ." k ~ " 11' .•• d,,, d" II ,II,.", lic.n~a.h ,.,.,. '.' ." II,,, I. II.". U" nhuh In< .. ), :0,'. 1 .• p<~, 'I<"drl~ II,,,, ••• ,,, \lu'u.1 II,,, .. ,I •. ,·,,,,~ .~, .I.on. , \ ,\ ~"n· .: ".k,,,,,, "'. ' .. ,,~t radII' p,,,du, .. ,,,,,~"m <",,,ulla", L." ". II"", .. " r ...all. I'" II ... "~. 10 .. ac,\ .. ~. I •• n~ lIu,,,' :-Il< ·TI. :-. I •• Tf>" .I, ..... d",. TI :<''''', ~." "' •• IIdh.. , J. '".ok ... "'••• " A. ,'''' ""10.,,,.,.. ,1,;, .d, ,.uh .tl d .. J u" n .. h • • ~ 10 1'' ...,,' .. .. \Hr.~ A. I "uhlo" U.d,,, ,,,,,du .... d,. ... ,, ~" ... '>. Y., , .. d",. T \ ' I.... ~u< ... d" 11 .... ,11 lI,no " ", 1. II.". I!.. n~",h (n.,,) ..... , •• "'. Un "'n Tam Ilud.. ".,,, I «~." 10< II,·".,,". 11""" •.,1 1I " , ,, ld " . "1. n~ .Id. Tn."",... ,,« l or< """' 110"""" J. \\'011 .. Th"hl,""'" ..... ,. IUUI/l. O , :->. ,'" .«, ~"r ~.Il '''" I, ,: •• , ..... ,., 'I' 110,,\. II .". Hu" h .. h ,,, ... 1. ,. \., .... . I' "h"I" II. "udl" J. U''''''n A II,""",. ' ... , .. '" (""'''1'0ft'', ~. 1'. . a ...... ]"h" Huff' ",III" S.1t '.~' ,';'.'. n.~ ... nll"""<<<. ' "nl''' & ("m" •. S.I, •• ~. CII', ,.~ . " d ...... , .." " "'.t Ita" lIunb", I· ..n ... Ii. H, .. ". :-. , •.•.,d,n "«dl. d.,., :o,· ... ,"·t:""".II , :0,'. L. ""'~~ .... , I{,d, •• d I.. Lo,l,nM" .:.",,,. """'.:->. \ ..••d,~. TI ~" '1.>, r~ "'" 1I ., ;.",,· II ,h hl ., 1:1."d.l. 1'.,.1.• arc ..... 110dmd raIn Ad ... ,. II"."",. :-. \. ....,' .... I~m •• ]', hit .. " r""u. 4'"". A 1I.ld"'R. t.. A .. • «, .~ .. 1I.,',n •. F", ""I"" I:. U,,'p". II ." ... ' ·"In., >< .. H .. Elh. T. (;",1, 1I",n«1 OM, '!a"", I .. Uo.I-IN"'" j, ".,,' 1' •.lo l1d. ~ •• I. "Be"'''', ~. L. ",c, ...~ , ~h III H. IInl .. ,.. \l"" •• ,,,~ .. , W.,d ,\ Co .. "". r"UN 10.' S",;' h Ii. 1( " ... ' ·h, .• >"\ ~ ... 11."".1 I. " ... , .. A< .. . " •• nair' h,,,.,, !,,,,,,<. ( .. M A. IId,Io" •• I.. A ....<1", .... , l-a"". "",.~~, ... II.,,,, I" ... ;, I'«k. '>. 1". ''', ... "".m •. ,,, .. )""ph L 1.IPh I\"'n •. r,,,,.lI, ,h •• I., A. ' Iofl",d. :-. ,., " , ;.,~ •. :-'o~rli ,. ( :.n ..., :-. L .•« , .,,~ 11 ... ,,1 'I,.,hall I; .. ~" ... ,. Y .. 'n.~ ••.• f>uHh ~" 11,,1 ... , .... Ih,,,,, W "II'N.. U " d ~'n.". (;,."d I( a,,,d. ' I<,h .. II'. " a.el .". r ,,,,I<, (."". A. Itdd,ne. I.. A .. '«1 .... II""" II "",,, II"h."t.. '., ' .,•. ..\I .. ",~"", ••~. 1'''''IM''i. 0 .... I ha" •• T. II .. , I.Ua,,,1 ':•• n'. 11 .11 •• Tn ...... ~ ..< 1 ,,'n '1.110,"'." I ".".... ',,' . " '1' in ,h ....d i ... TI·. d .. " ",~ Ii. lin ••. :0>. I .. T I ,10, (. ~" ...II I'''''~I''.", O .k l ... I, II. 1' .. ".10. :<,. I ", ",.~t> dor ]"hn 1I".k", I'"lta l,h •• I..,"O I,," ...... ,'"•. '., 1' •• ,,, .. 11 " <1.. ,,",,, :-. , ...,,, ..... h,mc,", 'IU,,'" r",,, .. a". ' .. 1' ...... 1 ~" •• 1'"n,,,,.,, •. :0,'. \ ., a<. I! " ,~""k. (".,101 .••Ior \\',II,.,n, II . W.,",,".. h, :-. \. 'I'. ha,' .. F.a". a ....H< ",If"d ~. H,·~.", 1 '~'Il~' /I. II"", ". L. TI ~" S."... t.d,n. T' d" !tn".1t I. I("~ .. ,, "".hl. 1.• ,,,1<, A I,.. nd"". n ...... «, nee .~.' n '. ,." 11,,1 •.,1 t,. !'ou.1 ~'"",,,, /I. ~·r,,~ •. ,...11 I ... h' ''' .•«~ "'r. , h. "",,,. ~, \' .. >«1 .... p"b <~I .1". ,~.ra,.h d" I ~~a' Ii. ~.""" I. I'.dl",.\ 1(..., ... :- . Y.. '·P ••• ~." ~ ; , .,. \I . A •• r. :0,•• , • •• d,,,. T \ " ...... n""~ d .. 1[""". SU" ~., F", ..."n n.·u~ ('''' n.,II" ...>., ~d, ~" C;, ..·• !I>. I. .•,<1 " .. 1t,,1, .. , J. T •• I""<~u" 1·1a.~ Ii. Ih. , ..•ad",. T\' di. r ...tu" I. T, .. ",,, 11 .1 '''m· t:"ek> .. n. :-. \ . • t" '''' I: ...... Y ...... n" II~".I,I 'I "al~ .. J(u,h ••>.fI /I. k.·.> .. , ~'M"< II h .. "~ .. Ii. h .. ,,,. S. 1' .. H" "'Rr ... ~, "e,"""" II . \\ . II ." . """.",~. \. . •• ,1", ,h., ..., f\" II",,~,

Station Representation Changes


, hili .. lIalan< II"', l "d.".nM .. , .I" .. "h A. II ... ~." ... ,\ ...... \n." .. ",I" 11 .. "" 1,,,1,,.. ,,41.,,, 1It1" 11",,~h ...... IlO' .. 11",,1,1« t' .. Ioo. 1",1.,,,,,.1.. ,, II"" n,,"ah,,~ "lilT. O~lah"",a "" <)k'~, I"~., .. ,,d.,,' H ••li" It"""~"'A';''' I,' "I. ~, , ."n",· 1' .. 1... I "".,,,,,~.,,, II .. " II .. ""h". """1. I'".h]., I .. I". li n,., II"" 1I"".,h". "1"". ",;",~ I .. " •• ,,,,, I "I ... I"d<,,,,,,,,'''' rotl" " ""~I,,,. "111'. '"'''''''' 'I .. ,. AI" II,," """.,h ... h',.\h, ':.Uu" S. II. \Ill II,," II ,,"~h ... 10.'.1 II. 'I"",ut, 'I .. ",. 1 11" II"" ",,".,h •• "" IT. 111""1"""'"'' .... " ,Ill' II"" 1I""ah". hili I ",,' .. ".hlulf ".~. , B:< II"" 1I ",,~h". ,,"'1 I. 1(.",,01 '", ~ .... • '1\." II"n IInn.,h". IIUII. Ila"lm. II ... . -I "' II"" 1I"".h". "Itill'. '"I" •• d., "1""'._ ' .. I .. 1,,,lrp .. ,,M,,' II,," II"".,h", 1, ... 1\ "'. Iln.... 11 '. \1 1,,,1,, ...,,1.,,1 II"" II,,"oh,.. hlf(( ';a" .. I. ~. \I. ,IU' II"" " n"~h, .. 1111". ',"r" 11> ... ,1111 II"" CI"RAh". 1,1'" ,.,.,·1 ... 1 .. 1". I",I."""I.II[ II"" 1I ,,"~h ... "'1111, 10." .. ,,,11, ,.."". ,\II' I ",II,"~ II 111\ "," ,. \. 1 II" Il ~ ·T.I. In' ""h"l. """u,h II .1 , ..... Il ••. ~" ,. II. I •. , II'" W .. d ""1.11. Ilu"",,~Io',, II. I h, ~III~ Tu" .. 1 Itod", \\11111. T"Io

11.4· 66.1 84.9 94.3 93.9 98.5 93.1

, 83.2 48.0 15.9 4('.2 90.6 98.3 8 0.6 100.0 91.0 ••.

, 25.9 28.3 80. 93.2 7• . 55'.. 8' 0 94.' .'.0 .,, .,

2.0 3Z.8 85.1 81.5 81.2

4.Z 15 .4 11 .4 75.0

4.0 2 8.9 6 8.382,S 95.3 95.& 100.0 97.3 100.0

Ni;.::ht ;111.1 .1 1IY. \\' 11 0 is tlw 1110,.1 " lili' ~:, Th ~ I ~ " l o~ ' . lI . diD "~d ir nr r :0; "".,. i. ~ "",,,,," rD. r .r.,. .d.. "i .;".. , ,0'", Dr ",~.b,in .... ~ n .. 10" i . in,,,· It' lw II ·I, ,'· ,, 1;l linll ill 1" ,", 01 . Tht! 19 ·IR Inw:1 . ... d II. Ihr 10 ..' . u lh,p"""lial, Th. I' " ~: dni"n ,. ' h ~ ",~"t ",h "nn ... 1 .. "d1' "r radio Ha d ill A "dit'IWI! S un.!}' . gi, ~~ ··li",It' llcd-lu. h. , ~" " ,~ h al",. in ID ...... ~,.. r"n...... ~d hI' II r, ~.. 1_ "'"a ft 0/ W i.hi,a I:n;,.,.;,1' a ,," hi ••ta n . ,. ha,.d nn 111 11:< ' " ji ;,:: ur .." fu r "lIt.,h !If IlIlO"" "!,, 99 ,'fHlII­ p .....n • • ;nt... · ;...... / 'J,~ZI I ....· • hm,J •••••d.nt;fi.aIl1 ",I«,.d tru m ,h. til,., , .... " . , ill •• , a nd I.rm nd"'n.. , l it ·~. 11'110 I! (' I !! 1111' ' Iig/u'!l l "ilf!.l/illlt, A...... , .. ,h •••1 .'. ,,,I.. ,,,.;nl a nd ....,,,," p ••• rll/i,,/! i ll 70 IIf " If'Sf' (' /IIlI l/i l ·.~ . ,III' .~e(' n ll tl· I ...... W IIU " -Ill .....lI r .."d a '''''J' lOr tho n t· " ...... 1 t .. a n,.on. "' ..... I. d ,n ,II, I " ....adi" ~ ud .. n .. and i ,. I. il!l w sI ill 1", II, in/. /. ilf'u·.<1 ill 8. Ii ... nh,. II,.h,b.

U .. ~ I;nu- ligll rt·" " f ,'u u r,"", f .. II ,,\. II.,· ":tllII' ~ '· ' It ' r .. 1 l'aU I"-u , 0"'11 ;"" Im"'I. \,' 11 01'>('111",',, ;1 ... ·Iu:lrk .. hl.· ·· I·I" .~ · · - I I : I " :1 t l : I ~ · ti ll1 c IB I II ;lIltli" II('" ill WIHIO I."H) fltldilill/If,1 f ' III1 ,,' if' ,~ ill H ,dlll f',~ :nul IHlIII' ~" ' :U ' ''' ' H Il Ilt I mail f r HIlI lil'h'lH'r" ill + fo,. Iowa PLUS + ,16 ,.. lalt'I', De~ Moines ••• 50,0 00 Watts Tit il' H\ ".". 111'1111 i 11 ;: li"k lH'r-:l,',','pl;l Il "" e,, 10 H. J, 1'"1,,,,· .. , l'r".;,I"1I1

i" "roof of \\'110 "1' ill "' p ir,',' allli p u h li," ~.' I'. ,\ , I . ,, ~ 1' 1. H",j, I" "1 ,\1 " " :1:;:"''' I'I,iritt,,, "rUI;I'III11 I11;II 1;. ,\ "k II ,~ or 1.'1'"" S I-'IIE I·: .'i. 1' J-:TEIt:;, 1;\1":, 1'1'1 " 1'" for :.1 1 IIII' fllt' l", .Sz :.;,,';'''';. 1 H" I ' r"~ I' ,, ' al i, l'~


N. c.




11:!,!I'·r"lI'·'/ I'~o;:raltl~ ' ·.IIl , ' III" nOllUlIt'I,·lal \\,,-h"l1l- PART ONE ..if Ihl'ir _l'uJl~"r ull'nlifi,,1 HOlV'Syour li",,_ ,If(' I",\. Thl" filII _Iill f>t, ,.a~ll· " ul' lIilll hj~h -p"II-nr j,II'llllfi,·ali'ln·. hul 1111"]1' all' ""I11I' .. rall\d~ fl'" pro.· ;,!rall1. I\ILII 111.,:11 ~r,. Ih .. 1 f"iI I" pr,,· ,1m'" r.. r alll l'lli-('r· lI_in ~ lh,'III. ~r. ,Iou'l Il",·".. arih IlIt"IIl "'1'· hi::l ••,11('", imp;lI'!. 1>111 : il1 h"11 lOr .1 sponsor identification ~ I,r llrr ill,I.", _poll·or ,,1('1I1Ifl('

20 JUNE 1949 21 CII('C ill I{'!.-"hollt' I IOl1W~ ill ~6 ci l ie~ I,{'re :lLlc 10 idclIlify eil her Ihe ~pnl\ . ~"r o r Ihc proliliel tl( ln' rl i~" ,1. T he r(,:I~,)I\, flJr it, higll 1'~ t ll t C. hil~ cd upon :I formula 1111 ('''1('1(',1 hv Larn Ded.ill· per fo r the Bioll [omi,anl" ,; re mult i· I'll.'. /)r. 1.0, h;'l' b.. el1 ('II III\' air fo r len ~l'ar~. Thc long,'r a l'r"f!nllll i~ "11 11,1' air. 1111' II igl1l'r tlH' nTof!nilioll "f Ih ... ;I,herli,.er ],~ 1;,1t·1I('J"~. D('('l..illgTT 1 Rodio Theotre li gule,. 111" 0 puil1l, per 20 11I oulh,. of , ·,, 1I~('('111;1 (' ].r":I,f, " '~1 il1~. /Jr. I.Q. c"" l iIlU,,"~I~ Il.-i.·~ 111 l" naille of lhl' Fibber McGee -pOl1,."r allli il~ pro , l tt L"l~ all Ihrough 2 & Molly lhe l,r"",]'-a,1. TIll' J) ('el..ing('r forl1lula il!OI;"alc~ thill a 1'1"";:'Tal1l', idellt ifiea· li"11 " ith il~ " P'>ll~,.r im·rea.e, filt'·and· 3 Wolter Winchell ;I· ltalf )I"illl" for "\'er~ kn prndU('l mcnlion,. 111I,.ill~ a ,illgl!' ai rillg. AI~I). rli~lribll l i"1I ,.f I'I"<'IIII CI IIICl1li"'I:­ Ihr"u1! h .. uI a I'I""gr1 ,,1';1"1, 1 1ZI~ h:lll a 1'011' lillll"lI" r('(·"r.1 tlf ,·"llllw'n·i:ll a~,."ria· li"n in IIIl' IlIillll,. "f \l "nda~' nig hl', ,Iialn".. 1.11 \. N(I(/in TI"'/I11'r. 1.11 \ '.( 13 Stop the Music lligh ~IH>I!~"r !"aling i~ n" a,xidclli. (Speidel) I'.inf! IIII' 11:1I11e "f till' 1,,,,,llld ill thc tilil' .. f a pr"p-ralll ill .~IIIC'" I:: lI1ort' I",illl,. tlt;,tl II... ,.;1111<" pr"f!I:II 1l ,,0111 ,1 14 Bing C rosby hal ,. TI"'"i"'d \\ ili''',,1 til<" I'ft01IIII"1 " ,. firm U1IUI'" I ... illg 1I~, ' d. The 1.('1,'1' II r"t11t"<·'I'''tt:-t,r,·,1 h"IIT drama lw ~ a 1""1;! Ili~I" 1 ~ "f t'lItl'llaillillt! ill Ii,.. 1,<>1111" 1(11,,1' I ;~ ,,·:lr,.l. il ",.,',. ~ Irai ~ hl [1111 1 ,I,IT' I' II,I,u";'IIU' rtl f"mlll'·ITial,.. il

• Pe.~ant8qa af 011 hama. thol heo. ~ f"aq,om ond ,~<:aqn'.c it> 'pon,o. fre'I'It'lllh i.· tilt' IlIlInl ... r "lie r

22 SPONSOR '!"T"" If'''·· rfulif, "/H"... UH' idf'"Ii{if'"Ii"" ,',"' .. IlfHIIH"'f,Ii"" ,,,, Feb,u.. ry, I'Hq-{l l> d ty , .. "dom lelepho~e home s.. mple)

Spon«o' PrO

1. Dr. I. Q. 86,7 1. Walter Winchell 28,1 2. Radio Theatre 86.3 2. Fibber McGee & Molly 26.6 3. Bob H awk 80.9 3. Radio Theatre 25.1 4. Godfrey's Talent Scouh 80.2 4. Jack Benny 25.0 5. Fibber McGee & Molly 78.1 5. Bob Hope 21.0

&. Double or Nothing 73.4 101 &. Godfrey'~ Talent Scouts 20.8 7. Tele phone Hour 73.2 7. Duffy's Tavern 19.7 8. Give & Take 73.1 101 8. My Friend Irma 19.6 9. Grand Slam 72.7 ( 0) 9. Amos 'n' Andy 18 .9 ) O. W elcome Tf dvelers 72.1 101 ) O. Stop the Music 18.8

(0) Ooytime p'oq'O'" prugram "II lilt' air. Tlml all a ,l d~ up I,) mn,,1 rc,,('a rch a ull lII rili e~ Ihal 111(' 1Il,',lia. An'''nl ing: I" ! )I'C]..illf l·r. "the 10 101' t'olHlIll'n 'ia1 itn l'ael. For Fd ll'u, morc lilll(' that i", a\'aibhlc ill whi ch HI"fI' Ihat is "lll'lll "II a pro,lucl ill a ry B(" ,'l' r lO r 1.11,1" H(l i/in 1'llI'fl/('r Ii,,· 10 1>1 ,l('c ~ '"lII l1rr('iak thc higlll'l' the ntllt'r 1II('lli ,l. Ih, ' !,..II!'I" tIl!' ~I)I'Il~"r 1(> 11 (> 1':. w(' r(> ahk In \f'11 Il n"pcr 1,·1", " 1"'11"" .. i,I('llli(j"aliou "llOul(1 ill'. i,\cnli fu'ati vll all a(\I"rti~,'J' I C(,{' jl" ~ I,I IO II C chcckc r.,; Illa l I.ux lor 1." I,'r T o h;l!'I'(J cOIlIUlc rcial" ap]JI'(lr In for his (li r ,1" lla r." CallH'l,. " I' (' I III~ a 11f<,lhcr,,) "1"m""rt'llllw "r"p.raill. The achi"l" 1.1 1110]'(' p"illt ~ liiall tI,(, ,w,'r, l! ('m('II .lnll ~ 1IlI,I:':!'t ill all lIll'.lia, It~ faci Ilwl program i", a ire(1 for au hour a~(', 'I hal I':I, l'l:I ill" ill J!; it.; o\, porlllllil ~ of ""la]'li"h· ::='p""~"r 1,11'lIl ifit'llli

~t Tfl/' I"" ~~ 1'".. )". T" ."4IU,,,.,,,or if/f'"lifif ~ IIIi,,,, '·S .. ., p.. )'.. Tf·lf·r",i""."4 Feb,\lftfy. lq~q -(T V telepho,e home s~mplel

S pO~$o' R.. ~ ~ Progr .. m IdeMificel;on R ft~ k P'og'om r"I"'al,nq.

l. Te xClc o Star Theatre 94 l. Texdco Stdr Theatre 76,6 2. Arthur Godfrey's Talent S<;o uh 94 2. Arthur Godfrey's Tdlent Scouts 56.1

3. Arthur Godfrey & His Friends 91 3. BroCldw~y Revue'" 50.6 4. Broadway Revue 90 4. Toast of the Town 48.0 5. Kraft TV Theatre 90 5. Arthur G odfrey & H is Friends 4&.& &. Philco TV Playhouse 90 &. Break the Bdnk 34.7 7. Bigelo":" Show 8& 7. Your Show Time 32.5 8. Amdtcur Hour 85 8. We, the Pcople 32,2 9. Br eak the Bank 84 9. Arrow Show 32.1 ) O. The Gulf Show 84 10. Colgdtc Theatre 30.2

. T~e 6'oodwey Rovue w.. ~ brOlldcllst o~ WA60 ondWN6T, r "(1 r~tinq is the co",bined ft~d:e~ce to both ~~II~ne"

20 JUNE 1949 23 ;.:ralll ~ ·. 111 t" 'lll iulI" 1)11 lilt' 1",;11 ;111 , \1 "11' all,1 Ilio n', hOI,l'I " r. 'I \l'~ a rt' lot'inl! 1f'l'la",',1 "i,h ~ ,'~~ioll~ I hat. li k,' "'JII,I, /)ood) III '1'\ , d" 1I1l ' ' :I lk ,1""11 II. half'pinl-, I {, lf li,,'~ 111'1\1',., p r"rram "I'" , ,1 rUII Ihe f!:amu, :111, 1 \'<0IIl<' Ilnuut-!h ;1 .1I<'l"'~~ i~ Illo' kid ,Ii-k j".. k l'~, It',. diAit'llh 10 I'UI .hl' ':l r "flr-' " "II ;1111 "f ,Iw l"Ulir-II'f~ "h" hal(' -al I",j.. r(' ,uru· la!.I,>_ ;11101 1;1 11.. ('11. \\'OB dailll~ a "flr-'" f .. , il. NO/Jill 1/0';:'(111 S/'m., "hi.,11 I;rll f"r a l' ,,"~ill,'m h lt, I't'rio.1 dllr illr. I~I: : 1>11 "11 1101,1\ IIwrnil1 t! - al :::,10 ,m.! la"'r OI l 10:,1.• ·11 iI,m, ~ i \, 1,'a l·"ld ll"j,ill "a,. l i~ I ",] a ~ 011(' of ,Ill' fir ,. , I ,. 1'II';rl I' rnt-! r a lll ~ in \ ,'11' York I "'" ·h" r, 1I nfl,' r ~ l lI' hil ,I... a Ir. :-, h ,:~ lUO IUlIr l'1' l'roa,I.'a,. ,il1t-! nn WO l! , IIll' lrn (',,11I11.- fl';11 1_ 01 1'" all " ' i T , II,' 1I 00 , i" I1 , Th,· hl" ,,.1 i- H l" ~ ~ t\ illt-!, ,1:l Ui!hl(' 1 " f C" Il'" " iIIi-!. IJI'I»,!:r;1I1l ,lil l'l'I'H .. f wrOl', 11,,"1"11. B"b~ lHilld l ,·~ a IllIlI" lr 1011;.:,'r ~(' .. ioll ,l wll m".1 "f til<' di_k j .. d. , ·~~ "IHl hOI Ii' I" ·i. "" 1,Iw IlI' Io"" k· I .. ,'11(' "I' ,Ii ·]" ~. :-1... halllll('­ III.' 1' 1"rram a,.. Ihou;.:h il 1\I'rl' II\(, half · h"II1~. (rum ~ I" 10 a.m, :-- hr t·:lII,. h" .. h""r I,t'''~ ",11,' FilII . •11)11 ,.111' ,I .. ,·•. IW"au-,' ~h l' f,,, ' I ~ Il ml :-' ulI, lal- 1Il1l~ 1 h ,1I1' l' r al t ·"~' ~ 1 1l' 1'1111- ";11,11 .,>~, ~i'llI \, ilh ,I I'r,III' r Ollt' of III'r "1111- .11111 ~"IHI . hef l i~h'tlt' r ~ "IT ,,, dmr..!!. I'Ih ' 11'01 ' ''11 ,1)(' h:l. 1'lalllll'l] IWI pr,,· )tralll a~ II'" h alf· h (l ll" ~ i .~ a 1'l'i it-!iIHh '"l1', ,II,.". :-'1 1(' f('l'l.~ .Iwl illt' fi r~ 1 ~r(lU p " f li- ' l'lI l't' ~ ~Ia rl ~ f" r ('hu fI'h n il Iht> half·hour. ;r lll i Ih a\ I h (" ,.(', "n.1 h:!,. fl'· I m 'I II,.1 Ir ll1l1l' frnm "url i.'r ~ eni ( · ,,~. Olle ... ·a~"11 I, h l il', 1'",..-ill l,' I" hit" , a , I i~ ].. ·i'''' ]..( '~ ~, '~ _i "11 for lilt, 1"lI l1 jt· " "1'"' i_ I ... nl ll-e I "da~ 11 11' 11 "_ a '\I,,,lI h .or "" '"nl,',] 1I11l. Il '. IIU I..... 1I rill II ... ~. an,1 ~I " r i ..._ "-I""';alll ]lft '-~l' . 1 fill IiiI' ill~I·"HI.of.']ia l'('r"' Ira.le. \\ ' h("l"l'l~ a llobill,spin that disk 'l'al it)!" a ,Ii,].. i"'.. ].. el Ii]..., 1I I'I_~ t\ il1~ lI"ultl h,III' fUll un' uf \ I i~k_ , ,1 pl a~ i ll a I,'n f"11 'I"'· ].. ~. I ... bl 11 11' '''' ,U I' Ii" ,'will 1 },, " r ~ , lIl d_ of r""tlnlin~. " hi,,}, al,' 11,,1 "lIh "IlIl'rI :lilliu/! for Ill(' IU I III;.:-~,.'r,. , 1'11 1 I, hidr ;r l-" hall' lit(" "1'1'1',,'011 "f !Ill" 1''1'.\ ',. mil l ",Ju('alnr­ ~"' "I' r a il l. \\'110'11 Il lI'J" 01 1" 1'](, 111 \ IIf It" ~ ditii"uh I" t r.w.' til<' .h,,'I-I';HlI.·;ltlll·"lIrl ••,' 1. ' ) h"1 .Ii., 0" , I i~]"~ I" -1' 111 . il·. 1,,;:i";11 II r,1l litl'l" 1111\ ill).! ,,11,·, I .. f II", !I ,I'T ." ,'ro-.I 11i;,1 IIII' 1o.1 ~ l'r \\ll h , I... UI'\H' ·I, IIill I", ;r ~" I id Im'I,'a-.' III ju,, ' kl'~~ ... ":.\ ",II · •• ld ;1' ... ;!t"I1I" '11,al mill ."ItIl'.iIlH" l ilt' 1110.1 "'1"'11,11", ~]lill IIlt'lIl. O ];,,\._\ " ;II t-!'- apl','ar

... WPIT (P;II:bur," b u.',. 'luven il. dil ~ iod.y inlo high .chool conlul .nd ,old RCA d is h KSAN ,.11. Hollum B.. . d .n d .'d, Camp Fi •• 9;.1. test- til be sllccess

4·Ollllu.·r4"i.a1 shu,,'

l:i'·",Il,·h 1101' IlHul,· S//s· 'll1;.lila.i,(' N"·"" .] '],~ ·~e " ,,", 1 rClld ill1l lhcil 11\'\\ ~lI. l :lj",' r \loul'! foll'I\\". /"',,-"'. T I}O' lu'"kh hair· I.. SII.'I"·/I.,,, l,r"a,Io-",I~ ha ~ rpIl'all',1 T I". ... · "i'rc ~I'\I'ral Ihil1 g~ Ihal 11 ad 10 1" ,ul tII\~ I '·I'.1 _1 .. 11" lIil11 il- -In·~~ on lIlt' . hlll' .., lri;,:h~l'0l~ all,] 1 ,"'~p"l-. ;I~ I'l' d' · I ~"-'lI i ' I( ,. 1 I,.·for.' Ill(' "eri('~ wa$ d.1I I.. p'II'hul,,;:i"al 1110 ,,01 all,l il~ .-!I"\ ·IIf!:. h. ,,11.1 I" ·,, kl ll'~~t'·. ··!.itt],. ,\tI· IIIUI' Ii 0 101 1' 1". .\ f'l'tlnlill;d Y.:I f.,w II1 0a.l· I·r;IIH'·,II"I-I>(III;.IIII"·111 11I""U'" I)a~ II;'," I,a- al"" 11'\1·,,1,·,]. ,I~ a ·"I1 I1',.],a l ('a'l~ afl"1 II,,' .].·hul , II ... prog ram \11 ' ~ IlI"'1I ,1"ld"I"''] :11 ,,1 IIUlll1l,',] <1" "'ITt'· ,·"II, i"!!1'1I1 fad"r in Ill1' fi .. dill ;':~, II ... 1'1I 1 Ihrough lilt' IWC( '~ o( lhe I'roJ.!ra ltl fllll~ a~ :, I,ll" "n ili,1. ,'II.'I"'u.,,· k,. Ita.;f' _II('I "'~" ""Crt'l.. of ~ l'ill'··lill ~ l ing: ,\III1] I7.(: r to ~I'(' IIha. ".,ul(1 "011 11' 1I1'. 1""'11 I,al, 111'01 .",·r. '''\ I~,.illwll'''lllIilh. "ir drama. in !;t'Il<'r:t1. H. ,; ... ,i"" ,,, lh,' hr"ild.. a~t ).!"ll1' rilll ~ all,1 ,-all·fllih l.uil1 i" ,1 ,·"IIa]'"rali.,,, I:' l'ulIill;': illio lId"i.1 I'n.t'li,·" "a~ ~I i ).!ht l ~ I,l']"" :1I"I:I)!l', T II(, "I'ripl. 1",1"'·"11 III<" ( 11:-0 1' 1";':1',1111 11 "1>:11'1111<'11 ' 11", " Lilli,' \""ip" fill.lill;':~ "Il Sus· all :lI'l i"" 1111 il ll 'r "lIlill,>.] II ill ) 011 alld illI" CI :.-i H, .... ,·,,', Ii 111 'l'allllll'lI' " ll'r /"'".\1'. l'it. II<' I' lh,lll IW;lIg (,'"1 ,, '11 ' tIl 1/"/.,, A n ('( Will, /)<'III"? h"I(1 III" ~;,,,-,, .)115/"'11.,/· i"ill,·,III ... Illl,k" of II.,], n·l~ "II \111' illl lli.i\(, lltinki" !! "f II,.. i,,"'n'-l of III<' Ii.klwr pand. ],11' r,,,Ii,, tllIill"I_ ill 1I1id·J III II' "f IYI2. 1",,,llIq'r~ . ./ir'·I' I"r •. IIriler" HI to .... ~", ,'nol t1lil1 l!~ tlll'lH'd lip ill 1111' rllldil1g .• "1"1", l'a~"jf I,.,. '·"'1"· '" ~ 1 ,·:" l i h , all,1 "1;!/'II"~II"'1I illloll.',!. Cl::-; h;I' lhal '\1'1'· I" (O rlll II ... 1..1'1" glli,I, ' fo r Ill< i" .,-ill;': ralill;':' ,,,,,I 1",wl!'"1 _•. " ... ,~, III,ih fur il- lill" ,tll' ,,( ·'h"u .•• ··huih·· .";".'111'''.\1' Iha. i~ .•Iill ],I'; ug 1I~,·( 1 . IIlIlil 111<' (·Il:-- ,,1\-11'1'\ 1':II \..a ;.:,· """ ~h,,\\~ "III' "f I Ill' tll"'1 ' · "II,.i~ll'lItl~ F,'I "n,' t1rillg:. lIlt, progralll'" " 1'1'11· -lall,l· -"I"lIti , ill Il oolwr I I-I·:~I \ I ; . ~ Ili ~h·I" :tl<',] 1"" l! r"t1l~ ill 1(11 1;01. 1\1 III<' illg, \\a~ 1"" ililoll .,, 1. \1 )~ l r r y pr,,· B"l u, l" I all,1 i_ ~"\"I"I .",.. ·11"_ al .. 'a,1 ":IIIit' lilill" EII', ·lril' \11 1,,·1.;1., Iw,. I U.'~·1I l!l"all1~. 1111' filldill g.<- ~ 1 ""I"'1. 11:1\·., 10 " f ,,1 1" '1 l,i:,dl.':I,,',1 111\-11"11 1"" ;;. 111111- ,, 1>1 .. III ,,, Iapl " Lilli., \lIui .. " fin,li ng. ~1 ,. C"dWII \\·i,'I,,'. ",i(' k; filia ll y. tJ". ~I"",· "lar1<',1. J\ ' :1 II ... hi;,d,.i" ... r'·'1 1",1'1 1111"";.:il,,"1 Ilw \'T"nlill).! I" hi,ll; ··:-11'1\1'11-" i~ tlu­ I, '~ u h .,( llli~ ,li~"'>lI" ·Y . Ihe " "'01,,1 \111" I.il.· '''''"I1, ·,,·ial·. a,,01 ill ;1111']'1", f"HI" Ihal a ·p",·ill ,· 1·IIJI·j,,1 all.1 1111 · ;III!',,,III<"I;UII \\,1. ,11"'1'1""1. ~h,,, - ,,,"ill;: III~ IllI'il ,·H,·,I "1'''" II,,· li-1<"I<'I. 1'1'·;)'alll 1'1"111 "ill 'Wl'llr:' T I'l~ II:I~ 11", alllolllli oJf lilli,' ;1 1",,1.. 1" ;.: I'l IIIln 1111",,;:11 iI", II'" "f Ilw ·· I.illl,· \lIlIi,'·· nil I Il'd "III ill 1111 ' fi I._I .'11.'/1"/1,,," ]" ":1<1- 1],, ' ;II'IIHII "I"n· I',,!'I;IIII. 'I " "';':lilHt \",,1,,(,·1. "I,;"], Ioa~ 1... 1.·,1 ,·a·1 "II 17 Jill'" 1'11 2. \1 11,;tI li'lll'. III d1t" ' kill ~ 111l' I"t'~ull" HII lilt' ,,'­ II ... ·1"", 1"'1 ;,,,Iin"" 011 ''''.'.''.. 1\ t· ,'\,'" 1111'1" 11 :-\ 1"";.: 1:1111 '·"' I · lIlil"~ 11<'1" ""Ii,,,I,', "f 111l' III"gl,llII. "('I.'ral ,,11"'1" "1""1" ." "'11 " I ""'1" li.I'·llI'r_. II ... 11,,1 I"" .tI,.' a. I .. 1111 ' '"\;1''' 1',111. lh;rt fiudill).!' ",.". III llra\..,· ,],all;:'I" III

26 SPONSOR .)1/$1'0'115(, alli l I" ("rill a Bui.lr for ill I,hid, Ihe major ,wl i"l1 \If tl1l' plut difl,,'ult to "f{"'h" n'fn",th "11 .1 "iel,· ~ill!i la r ' 1I)~I\'r~ ,,1.01'" 011 en:;. II "lark,1. ralht'r IIIan '1I.,k illj,: j,:"IIl'rul 1'''II"nlllla, lIlIl.,,, lilt' l:i,lIo,' lIa· "a" di""nl('Ti'il 1I ... t ehntlfing II ... r"'lIark" altulII till' Ioa,·lj,:rolllld for il. ,Irallil ill krill- of a "'I,,-'c'ili,' 1""'lIi" ,!. muod ill Iht' "arJ~ part nf Ihe pr"frlllll audi"II('(' iukrc"t 'l1;aill .lroPllt'd, III \1""" all. Ilw 1''',11'1 n '; ,di i'U~ ~11I"" ~ i.(' .. hn'alillj,: fur n c·"tIIllU'H'ial l h." I'r.wlil'al h'flll", tlw ~\'''"t' ,.d .Iurillj,: 1"1." ~ I.,r ~ Iof II", _'iIl'IH'IIM'·I \j'" I"I~ I,. fo r(' till' ba"ii' 1It\~kn ,w,,,.1 Imill'('('11 lilt' "nil't (jf Will 1(>1/ 1/111, 0' A /II'/ 1''''\.' (1IIi, lit I .. 1'~I"t.li~I, a IlI'nt ilL .'~lah l i~ l lf'il If'h ;1.f' ii'IP'lO'l' n,ld an,1 I/'i/h IJr(l/h ? "a~ r"~1 of all a !!"IIP1'al a.- li,," \' itll \,IIO,m Ihl' au,lil",IO" (-;tU ""lit of l('~" "ilh lit!' ~IIOI", J \I ~o. il cI".Pril'li,," of Lol1t'~ I~laud, tlwlI a idN' l if~ 1"",If. 1:-",,1' " I ..-'ra~ ti" II.i~_ \,a~ (.. l1tHl thai tll(' "",'lI iIlS" of lit ... ,.j ...... , ir.l'. j"leT ,1\'''''1'll't;oll of 0111' "f ahlwl1l,!1t ,,\er " 'UlIt'I. "I ••r l" .,'\tl',"Io,.1 .. Iury "a. impnrlatll. nml if Ih,' liar, Ihi' amU:-CII!{'1I1 hOIl·.'· 1"1'1'(', Till' 1(', IIl'ri",1 "r Ii" .. ,. II i- ,'11" "f thf' Ill'li'" m inT .Iid,,'t illl1l1t'i l iatf'l~ ~d Ilt r "''('I1l' :lelioll,. •• f thc pand ·1101" ',1 tl,al it "ll' ( /'If'(I~r ///11/ / .. Im~1' (,II

.''',Ii.·If.·.· '·'·,H·li.,II __ II --'''''' '''1''''''''''-- ... .., . •. " U.·'u·,.. """

W hen C8S fonl inl .oduud "Su,penle" il w., • 1.. I_grO""ng .,Iion,pad.d my,~ety meloar.me. In ~he ford audience .• n.ly.er te. t, one of th, lua. wu lul,y Woodl, lop nOn_n,m e redio .clten

A"IIi"II,'" ""''''Ii"" __ II --S"sl"'''.",·'' ,.. ,.,.,." ~".," ·S ,",,.,. " "

,., ..~ Of VSIlM' ".c:',0t>'

When Ihe . ur~ ey (Iefl) .... m.de, "Su.penle" w •• • menl.1 my.lery wilh Hollywood n.me\ pl.yin1 'h, luding roles. II w •• Id. lupino (.bo •• who held her r.dio "udien" .u'penle.bound , when 'he ...dience re.ded .. indict led (left! 0 •••••

L • /" •


TIll' aW· lw \". ling: " \\ 11. a;:I("',1 Illal I;u l;" ' ,) "all<· t.'~ . II 11., ,.. 1,', lilt' ,','Illllill" Pia'" ,In-,lIll fllr n I,,"~ 1111 .... I ... · ""111,1 do Ill<' i"k II ~"\lll(k,] n ·a~,..,· Ii,'" ill I'n') ti,al it i,. t " da~. 1>111 \\',,1, lh;ll'~ hu" Id('~I ~ .I H,'("I •• 01 - n1. I,· ,,, Calinlll'L I"" bill tl h'\ .1", ,;01,,01 a,, '1 kl ll'\\ "llat h.· II a 111<",1. II,' ~ n,," 1Il.t11fI" Iu. ·", a,I,,·,li,.,·,I. A I· /.! ul~1 fruill lilt' lil~l. tlrU;!!!i.l. ill lilt' \\'" I;n "r I ,·a,"w',1. lun, .. , n. tl,a\ (:alla­ ('a lil ~,'I""I 111('11 a lLdl, ~ II(T ~. alltli..,ItT ~ Wlll0 ;111(1 WI\C li"\o'lIill 1! ; tr.. a~. ill II<'T ~1'" 1' _ had I'T",III"' '' I" ~..II 1 101I~'" 111111 ""ul,' I,·, (;al1:,j1l'1 pill.poilll ,ll .. i,. ;1,'dil;"11 10 tit,,·,· "f II,,· Callalwf dlaill \\1\' " Im-I',lIltl-. .''' IIIl)!; 1"'''pk, ,, [,I n,I"'lli-ill;,! IIW."''';,!'·-. ~t"'lIw.1 "U I "f I rl<>\\ 2:: ~I"t(·~ ill Oil ;" alld Ilt'i!!hh"r. 1"'''1'['' n"111""h. ,1". l'i"'II1<' f"r I'n '). Hul \\' .. Ial<·r had i n ;,! ~Ia h '~), I'·PIIII,·'] illt'I """'d ~a l .,~ II" , I'IIi1lj,,·,1 a " <1111 1',11;:11 Ihal ",,11 1,1 ""'1<'lhill;: ill H",'I\", ;( 11\ ,,;:n ""[ I .. 1t>~1 r;uli" if '1'1 ... 1\\" (;"lIalll'f Ilt· .... ~ ~1r"w~. r" II .. .,1 ~P 'lIlh Ihll1l d;d I!i~ I" illl"d lII,·dia. 'HIll" of Hu·i .. . III'l'li'·I,.. ,,,'n ' II illi ll)!' IIlIp,,·,.,.II\· " I I·

28 SPONSOR ,,,"II1'!1 d"lIn' uf Ilwir imp':\l'1 dml ..II1o'r ,.111" ."",,·fl': "lier,. \\ ... n· I,illing I" ,.han· "",.1,. "f ilu' IHUli'll' fI ' ;"" !, ""lIlinllill ~ eall1 l'.ugn,. Ilml ,,,,i,I.II ",·ali7.,·,1 \\'uhl\ ('r';< plau I" hit 1'11<"11 G.lt.I.,. .,," "Heno 1o, g tuup nr pr{l~pN· I ,. I, illl a pr"grarn Ooyqh" 10 ... ,h .h. t.dy .1 "I',·t'ifr('a ll ~ (",,.i~rrl''' fll r Il wlI1. horne du'inq .h, d.y in .. TIlt' jul. tlf plallllil1J:! 111 HI "('I(('dli l ill~ .ycce .. lut c.rnp"qn '0 .ell pl'uJ:!nIlU ,. ." ft',wit l'anOIl~ 111(~ ill g .11 he, d,uq .nd hou,.hold ;:ruup:- \,a,. •• ,.,.igll".1 I.. lilt' aJ:! . · lJ e~. d.ily need, "orn G,n.he,·, They IUI\ (' pl:.I1 ...... 1 ;nul ,. ul ... · 1"\ j,.". 1 IIU' I.r')(l d"3,-1 "f 111 M.· limn 1.;.011(1 Ca lla· h" r pr"gr:ll1l,. ,.i lh·" 1'J:l9. .\1·\\"l,:.~I!' 1'1l·,I/l l11 inal.,. 1 ,Iu ri" i! tilt' "ar ~.'a.,.. hul Illl' .'urn'lIl ,.dwum. ""no down th, co~'" 10' bed G.n,h ...eech .. rnen SOIl!! Shol' ,·.,m· ,·tllral.·,. 1ll : l i lll ~ 011 wilh • " Tornollo'" Mo,nin9 <,.,lIil1 p. II .... J,n'alfa,. t sp""ial" al Cal· • New," .. peci.Uy 10' ,ho.e lalll' T fuulll ail1~. I il:l ll1i ll". all,1 tlllt('f who won't ... i' lor II p.m, l1Len· luU1(li,.e appro]>ri:lll' fur II .... ilium· c •• t which mo.t , t,tion. h.~ e ing I. \! ur. /1 ('1/0 1'o/" /JOII!:h i.. :t 11'1 ," I'h"m' ,!uiz'gil" a \\ay :l d. l r(' .~:- .. d prj. ~I mar;l) lu tilt' Ilou!'.'wi fl'. alllltlug l1 Ih,' qUl',.li"l1~ "11 it art· lOr gelll' ral illl (' r ... ~ 1 ,lilt! UII I ~ialll, · .1 at tl .... fiel ,1 of huH .... · rnakillg arl. WI1\'1I Gallahl'r opell., .1 :1 111' \\ ,.Io,r!' ill Xi'rria. Ohi", :III "lIl ·o f · l) a~ I"" 'Iuil. n .H,. III'n' (Il(uh' I" .\t'llia fur all "llliT e "eel :t ~ I.l:lrt " f lilt' pr"mot iol1 f"r Ih.' 1l"W ~llIn ', l.imilt',1 U~. ' 11a,. 1"'1' 11 IIla.I.· -""U',II: t "" '· .~ of "ul ·"f·'''"11 ~ Iali o ll ~ [or " 1"·l'h.1 I'TO ' " 'f ' ''''~/' ' ' ',~ 11101;011,.. TIlt' chain lIa!' ~ 1 "' I1 ~o r ... .1 i",' daily I'Tllp-rall!." nil \VSAZ. II Llll lillg: lou. B,o,d,,,, in th , ,/t.,nOOM. \\'. \"a .. ;'11111 \\,IZE. S prillg:fid.1. Ohi ... "Son9 Shop" i, ,dd,eo.. d to T it .. ,.,· WI' rl' ... ,1 t'onIM' ratill' e ff o rl ~, I,ul .he hi9h·ochoot .... 10' thei, \\" .'r... paid ftlr 1'l1 li rd~ I ,~ Ga llallt'r, ,od. dim .. tte im pOft,nt 10 TIll' WS,\ Z ~h"" . .I/rm 0" II,.. S/rl'l'/. d'u9,lolt bll,ine .. in 19 ~ 9 \<: • ." h i~hl~ pm,ludilt' fur Ih(, IIUl1l illf!. t"l1 ~ I " rl'. 11111 ,. tun',. a t ,\,,111 :11101. }(I .. ami I rul1 l' ''I. Oh i••. \.1 .. , I, ...... ' ,.haring IlIr \'u,.1. Ili.III·1 £...... 1 11.,')" t: ,,1 I"'''P''T' li"lIuh' J, ~' II, · f.t. mHI Ihl' pr"gnli ll 1111,. I'HIWI,II .·.!. T"day. all ."IX Tt'g ular Iowad· e a~ l,. art· "I('f IIII' 1>a ~I"1l .'1,tHIC) · "n lt r r~ \\,1110 ami \\'O\E, I I ' l U ~' lIil l'" an' ,. Iill lite IIwilllargl'l,. al I p.m. wlll'l1 C .. lla lIl'T flro''''' ' l l ~ fIf Oh io ,\'1' 11 5. ],a,.,·.1 111l !'I ah'. T"I!ionnl. .'1'1"'''': UI4' ,,"U'U atHl h"'al repo n ,.. '\1 I ; I;; Uel/l('l11/,,'( I;",,· i,,,' "1" ,~I"I 's If/H'" (l 1'1"'al." I" o l.l,·r f"lk .. ,,],.. lil., III "'lI1 il1i~t'1' ah"ul " 11 11" goud ,,1.1 dll ~~." It f,'a lure,. hil tU II"~ II f > " ~ h ·r· lIeeeu" ,II '9" ,hop .t \I· 1H. Ilu,.la lgit: Il""'~ 1111 "'n'm"l11l,,'r d,uq"o'u G.II.h.. pin· ,,1 ... 11. "' 1ll ..... liOI1 .. f II 1' ,I,\illg aI1 1111"I'­ poin" eu,y rn .... qe to • diffe"nl 'l.oup .. R,rnernb" ~:Hit''', \. illl elIOt'"iall'" f"r lIlt' IOIlt!",. I· When" I." • 9, ..t 10110 .. ;n9 m a r ri",1 ,'"upll';<. wi.h !olh ... 1.0 h'YI ch .. i,heel I /'It'fUt' frlm f o ,,nf!I' 6 1. merno.i... ..ent IIm;ndelS J 1. 'I T'S YOUR LIFE" (Wt.4AO) GOES INTO LA RADIO .... SANITARIUM TO INTERVIEw PAlIENTS VIA BEN PARK AND TAPE RECOROHt 'l'he public service approach UOIl &' o,'e rlook .h.· .·OIlIIlU· ...· i:11 Itossibili.i,-s 0.' ,tro:.!'·:lIuin;: ill "u· Itllhli.· illh-.o.·s '

I'ro '~ li ~,' 110 ,,-,1,,', I... "iliuml •• ," & J'J l ltl~'J.' ~ 1"11'~" 1 ·.' :t .1" l'UIIlt"II· ar,' ,1"iIl O: ;11 :m C('lItral IlIill"i. ("I".,., prufil. ' 1 IIal '~ tIll- ,'nli;.!!,h'",·.! I;LI · ~·I~I"· h""ltl. 'I ' ri,'~ Ihal 1I1 II a1"l1,.1 \1 0 ,.. !,fdt'l 10 a·1. for \ i"11 "f o'l1lumllllll ~ " "'l1~ ,.j,JU~ it. '" i;.: ill.1\ flIuli CII,'1' lar;.:d~ fl ,"" ilIlWlLlItI"l'IlI"1I1 lilll\' ratlll'f Ih1lll l'a,.11 ,I. h nt j.", .. II lit, h,'\I' 1' -; IIIW' 1 I hal Iln'~' 1"'llul.,r 1'0I1'I",til1).; p"';.;r;III,'. l .illl.· .I"nal io"" f'''111 the IIIi1ill. Ii;.:" II 111".u1 li"h'll<'r~ d, w~ lilll.' (lOr thi,,;.:" Illal hlll1 l:1l1i/.I' Ioll·illl'~·, I' i l ~ It'. ',lIe Il,al III;' ki,l:' lOr pnJ;.:r'llIl 111<'111 .. , r", tlu' '·'IIIIIIIIII,ill. ~P"II"""" 1!'" ,', IIIIH'III- a,ul ~.' n ;l"I ' ~. d t'., lIIa~ 1,,,1 i,.1\·1 f"r it giU lL1 1Ilt'1 rop"li,.. Bu l Ill\' 'In' .1,,1<'.1 Idlt ... Iill Il li,,1.. th. -\ hal" \" "\o.: ;tt· II ... ,wli"" ;,,. \\ \I \f.r ~ ''' .~ rmll IIlLi'liliak,1 .. "ul,1 I... alll:11O,,1 al 1111' l'iI~ (,,' ,',1I11111 1111il 1 l..u.II,.. I.~ IoCl,jlll,: I.i/" h,,~ "'lilt". hili 11 lt'~ """ '''\''ill' II ... "" Iulo " [I" ' lill ~ ~ud, I'r .. ", falll~ ,'an Illp 1I ..... '!!"r... 'I" \\ I DF. l'Iill\. \lid,.; ,a_II r"1!;.to-r. ill ,.lIIalil'r ,·ili, ... au.1 1,,"11,.. \\ \1111> t" 'tI ,ia. III.: \\ 1',\ I 1',,10-"""11. \1111'"11"""11 11" 111. "f ~, ... ial ;In, 1 "i, i, ' '1'111' (','lIlral tllilloi,. l.i",111 Co, ["lilt.! \, J... . "II ,.1,," "11 .. ,·\,·,\\,lwl .... "1'''11- " 1"111. f"r ,·IHlld ... ,.. " lui,•. ,lIul oll1l"' tit,' ~,'lIilLt-: I',)\\er uf 1'01111 Cri," ~" .. "',, 1110' 1''-''IIIIi! tl"ll .. h, ·", illf.. rll1" "r;':'; lIli,-a.i"lI~ \\lti.-ll ;11 \' 'l"II' pr,,';. .·"n,.i,.ll'lll .II('Y H'tTHlly :h ldctl " :;"Iur· li'>II , .... ·d,,·. pl .1\ ." d"a, I ;t i, .• k •• II iln,,,'1 ,11I'1· ,lr ~ albit,. .. Iit'il hm"II. ·, 1 dal half· h"lll "11 \\';\111 1) for kllrh,'" " •• L1 I ... I'Io'a~OIr;lbh' ;11101 pi ,,(iI;lI,I,·. ,I' Ih "1 a.,· "'I \\' \l I H )"~ (il,·o "1"01111 1'111'.1 , a \1"1II"1I'~ ,.,'ni.'" prog ram. 1'\"11 Il,al 'Iwl,·f"., "f !i · .. ·.W'·.·II· C,j"r, "hidl i .• ai"',1 d;,ih fronl IO ;;~ O · '11l<' "

30 SPO NSOR 2. An eop ecl ~nI I"the. lu.n~ 10 l a~e u.e 01 baby 1o. "It'~ Yo". lile" 1. P~,I " " d 00" H. ,b.,t ",. ' Mr'"cr.d o~ ope' ~li nq 'OOm etiquell.

1l\1~' food "p""ial" at 11IO'm'~ .".,1\ Ill:; ~ hjl' 10 a p .. ogram "lli,,11 IIlt"r r l ~ li~l ~ :'I'''n~or' "II lilt· ~aru(' ~IHliori ,'". pri(:c .... whal ."Iueati,,"al ur "l'llli'c,lu("a' Ihe itelll;;' left "II 1" .. ,, 1 1"1""""" Illlrin ~ "Iwratcd in "olllCl, b 1\1 ~d,·c\ Ih,' 1Il,,~ 1 tiunul l'\"Cl!t~ al lihraril""" 1I111""UIl1~ . tit .. prel i "u .~ d a~. 011<' I'r .."f IOf IIII' l'upulll1 ,'x·C I t'ol/pll' and 1]11' 1II.,~ t \Il1i\·l"r~itic".. anll lI ~ "arr )' I'r"grallt". f.'aluri'lS" "en il '" "r!!HlI i J.ll l i\J II ~. "II Ilwir pro lo • po.~ si h l e rC[l l i~ ti c pn'~ctl l li"n;;. ns ill J o hll~"u oS. J "IIII~()n· .~ al'l'f('l'ialiull " f ,Oll llp: 111('/1 f OI" d('arl l' ntl1pr che ll ~ i"n wlwt " I'I"UI]lI''f' f call u\,anl.willrli ll!! I( .~ )'''11' !.ifc, But romallce allli llI",h ,~ t \' irltl(' .~ ill Ilr eir d" wi lh a fel'order OJ! Ihe SimI. P l" o l lC rl~ ' haud lt·d . a ~c ri, '~ ~tJdl rganiJ.1Hinu \,ith I ' " r!herl! \ 'PI' J pr~,'~· jl '\, c1 I"~ I,klilil. recorder Oil haluJ. Ihe ollieer cxplainell stores throll r llOu l !\orlhcrn !\ew Jer. Ilill ren,nl ],1I "in" ~ :; a~ a r('~ ult of uwk· Ihe ;safety Ji"illt illl'oll ed aud flr c~ell l e" .~cy. 1101 o nly ill"1"c;l;;.e,1 ~"I.' s at nil ill ;:: I'M"j l. l... I l lc~e 1"'I,u],lr (,'l'lltS . tlu:, nl/l t "ri~ t wilh a pair "f lieket.;; 10 storc", Iitroug h Ihi " "'1 " JI\ ".or~ ltip . !.uI In cuntra".1 10 tile rclali\cI) brief I,ul ~ul1le ou t ~ t : H l(lilLg 10, ·,,1 1·1l1,· rlaiuuwul. I irtuaJl y I'ul "lie failillg outlet kll"k illlc,,:, i\ C .Ilosl lIulIIl$(J/Iu' /'o/irt'lllllil T hesc n.. 't'or dill~ s ['('I';l rll e I,arl of a in husil lC:';;'. S" II"~ at Ih i ~ oul!.·I, oncl' I'rtJlnoti oll i ~ th,' ""J:;u b r T u('",1ay GA:')· ~ pOll so f e l l progralll. 1I \OII ght I" I,,' h,lIlh- 1"'-atcll. Ilal'c 111"111 p.lll. Irroad (' a~1 of Till' Sill{!.illf! Cn" Olle ~I'\JII~'JI ~ et" UrIl1l1. i,,!! l i ~ t c ll c r · up IIcl l. ( l'h'lIs,' 111'" 10 IHI,!!.· III!

Kanies C ity Oil add, a t'affic "Iely lutu,e 10 ill p,09,am on KCMO ··Hand.ome,1 cop" build li~ t ene ' lh,p and 'ponIO' ... ,,11< 1o. WPAT

20 JUNE 1949 3J Il,llli" UII."l ( III' filii' ~ ~ ~ lVhen presses stop rolling

~h.· IU."".·." or th.· ii.ir

/'lI r l fill" 01 n 1110 /",flrJ Slnf)'

\ " h ~ I,al'''' r ~I ril('~ ",','ur I""l I'lm·,. ill Ill(' Ilali" n'" \·al'il:11. It lI"ilh tll (' fi r~1 Ilm'f' 11'1"1; \\'T01' for IllIltll;d'''1I1 ll li" n'lIn l r~ fr"111 "a .~ :, I" " 1':lrt alTair :l 'II)!" day tlw fir,,1 tiull'. lil'I<' 10 lim". T I,," ar(' WarttHII" (, \pril. ali " ],~ ~\I r ' ","arJ.-.. ~till;t·~ ".,.~ ~I" "'ia l " I'p"rtllllil ~ 1"I\-lIp. I t· l:l " I'ri!. TIlt' waltll·np lo"k I' .. i ~ , ' b ~ lIlt' " ,,,·· ,Ia ~ ~ Iri~,· . hUI \\ (' re I" pro",' jll.1 h,," ,.f1'TI;I'· r:.. li" i.~ a ~ 1lI"~1 " f \\ a~llin ~ I"n ra,li" I,~ ~lIrl'ri~, " " II ~d f"r thl' rq!\llar halkulil. II I'it~ :11 ' n,h,·,li.,ill;l" IIH·tl I'HIl jll" \\hal :'1"I"ral al:''''H";' '~ h:HI IUTII tiplw'" "ff III(' p ... ·. Ea~I ' · ' · I... rio!!. ,\ drol' in I 'n~i " I'];"" it h" I,I, ill lIlt" li ,,'~ " f IllI' <1,1" :, Ihal 1111"" llIight 1'1' a ,,:.lk ·"UI. 1>,,1 il nn.~ du r; II fl lilt' w"l'"l "do fl' E:t~ I" r I - .,. " "'. .... ' ·'· ,li~ Ihal Il wr ... \\a~ Hu h ,,'It· ra,li" :'lIllflay ,·",,1,1 lIIa~(' lilt' ~ I' ri])p au 111 1' Th,· 1"",i,,,1 "f a ']('II~I" I I ~·r ~ Ir ; ll ' ~Iali,, " "I,id , Ila, ~lIn ' il I,oul,] hn l" II:II'I'~ l",r io,1 fOf 11 1ft,.1 .. d"il,'r~ . '''11'" 111,1, , I ' II ~ f',r hr,,,,, I, ·n.lillj.!. I f 111"11. [\"11 1\"11";'1':11'("[' " 11'11"'] ~ta lj(JII ~ 1·;a.'lI'r 1, .. ~ iI H · ~ ~ \\ a~ 11,,1 fl",,]) in lilt' ·Iril,· j, 1,,111' 1'11 "11 1; 1,. :•• "a, til<" I"T,' n"III' I '·"'I~ III lilt' ,1;,,1. IIlItil \\ · :I~hin J.! I "n durillJ! lilt' I,rl" Ea~tt' r ;-O"allh· , tr ' i~,' 1\"'1'11111<" I'J I:; Ihr"lIl; ll pn"'I1"'" d id ""I "II"" liJl Tll e,, "' ~. :; \\ ('I'"\.. . T(1 'I',,,t(' .\I"rli ... '" \\'tl'"j'f, ,h. '1' pari It f J,III""n I'J I(,I. :u h " 'I i, , "~ ·\I'ril. "d\\ '~ ' 11 ,::tjf :11,,1 I) 1'.111. I " 1I " \\~l'al" ' r a,h-('rli~""If ' III~. jll~1 a' 11, .. y k'I" '·(U,UJ.!1r ,·,I"·ri,,,It·,. \t, 1": '1'11 h,," IIl:I l ,· rt 'a tl ~ f.. r " :lrl~ \\" ".I')I"~rli . ~ 11.1 11. ~ I ",p ~ "JI" "ind n\\"~. II ltrinJ.! 11)(' ~ Irik ,· ,,, II~" lilt" 1I,,·,J'lIlI) all,1 ' h'l "jlh il. I" 1·llili"II,. lit' lllo" Ih,.~ .... 11. 11'1" ·,] r;.. li" an. I 11'1," :. lillll\f"d ,I,·i,!"·". f"r ~"a;'~ Olf tl"f II ... '\1 ::::m 1,.111 . T"t'~" a \ I IaTlI ",,,I \i~;"". I " "· "\I~' · \\ 0 1111"11 Caliit' illtn 11)(' -Iril ... I f it', a ~h"rt·II\,· ,1 ,·,,,,111 ' " f \ Ial lill ,,[ Ill\" " )! "II"~ " f Ih\" ~ all\(, 1I :1Il1t' ~I"f(' ... "ilh li ~ t ,. ~a~ ill J!' '1 I... anl 11ti ~ 'lI'''~I''q ... r \lo,l.·". \,.,~ lilll,' ,,,h"r' ",dl l'll,,1' ~ Ialj,,"~ "il ll ,Ill '"if" ' ,.,.fwdu l,· Oil III(' :.Ir','· li.ill!! '1<11" Ilitl, l,r',(I,ka ... lilll;' '1'1'<11'" of "I,al I... II alll",1 1t ·.lIlillg ,wl",'rl Ilwlll ["r "1"'11 I i",,·. II ... ~ ':til "11 1, ,.,. ....,1",1'. 110·.·1,1 C""111;I1' .' Id"l'a, I II)(,1I1 "ull,·I·. H" tl , ",." . ""'Iling ."' p"l, I,,·· I"" I "1"'11 1ill .... -1",,'1. \\, ,,,,1,,.11.1,, 1.0. 1" " 11 Id'·parl . 11,,·,'11 I(f;:ltl "".I 11:1:1 1'.11 '. tl "~ lIh : II", 111' .... 1 r.·("+',,1 '''''''''1'''1'''1 'I,i ~. · IllO- "t "'1011"1 all,1 11,,111 ,', l~ h,,,' ~I"r' ·~ I. 1t'1I ... " It·... "f a $2:: ... ,:.1 ;It'lil ,lin,,.,l y


- ,----


Ira( ~ Cilh ll' In tilt' .,," ~ 1 H.1 1 .s. Ihe :nr. TIl(' 1,I; ... k-ad·\\!.ill' :111 ha'\ lolIir!. ~ .1 1.1 1\](' 11("\1 (Ia\ .•lir('( ·lk ~('\l.' d Annllwr K:wf!1l :w ~U \ · t ·I'.~'" , 'alllt' ,,'ilh h('4'11 ,·d ll"l nl .. \1 t" rllil ill 11t · \\ "'p. q ll'r~ I" t\w \ j. I.·" ~P"1. awl il i~ ·n·1 (' (l~\ lI~ill g TV for Hah·i;!.h Itaht'nln.·Ilf'f. Ilml ,Ii,ir,', 1ll'P{'ar "II till' ,.lrCI'!. , All I" ... (' 11 a $'1 ..10 .. hilt f'1('1I ill W 'I~hillr t "" TI1('1" ' UTIl e.! In W:\BW I \ 'BC·TV ill that Kaufman hacl (l"llt' ill tilt' parlit'i. Ih f'~" Il a~ ,;. \Va; hingtolll and h"lIgllt ;a l'artit·ipa­ pali"l1 ,.pol I'm' to hale th .. Io iael·awl· From "gr~ I" \\omclI·~ ~luJ('~ r:uli" .ioll 1>1l .he (,·6 :.')0 p.lIl. :walilliu;!. Till' Id,il(' all l'a~ktl "II a b"nnl ;LlIII ,.,':111 - ,lid a ~f'lIill r joh ;lIu l ~ .. dill T\'. i t c HI I> li S a S9..'10 11)('11 ':, nylon !'C hir\. 111,.1 d uring Iii I' lilll(' tIl(' al1I1.Hllw.' r \ \1L~ ~ar(' \':l\ 5t" rl '~ h(ldu'l Ib,',J riuli,) 1",­ 1H'I'f'r ~ ( ' t' li hdurc in I), C.. Oil 0 " ofT ,11,,.cri hiul! tl". !,wllue!. H "~IIIt: 21{ ( /'ka.w tIIrn If) /Hl gC 10 )

20 JUNE 1949 II SPIN THAT DISK 111"1 '11' 1"'(' 11 1'111 III,U'llrn III it ~d" ", 1 and 11 11' ~ i l l · li,11'1I " 1I1~ · \\llI'lI Iheir u lIl,',~ lJr,' .·..JlIlol i~ l·"·('pli"llal. lI '~ 1\1'" of II1(1,..il' i~ aiad, AI1I1';o "..·:;~i nll III IUlllh illl!!" •• il,],· 1" "'Mi~ l ~ IIIlXi"II.' "f f...:F\rB klull'd I,) ,..!rIl\\IlIIlf', in~lc3d " h"H ;1 ~IW 'I ~ I''' I -, '1'111- ." d",lIllll".~ Ihl' Tlh'r\' \\ ,1- ... liltl(' , .111 ' 11 II'"'' "f ,hr·'­ "I Ilrr~ l '"n hr· ".,llll'li·k l'rlllllnt i"I1'" 1'1'('''1''] ~l'ill1 U' r h : l~ ~,ml<' lI lil1~ I " 'r~ 1)('1' ul'l" "IIHlill 1,ro;l1.11111- awl 1111'\ -till '1I t' ill ~ Crill" (In·a!lI1·,1 up [ur Il ll'ir di"1l1 \ Ilpieal Anll eml(', l' fI'se'J1~ ~,·~·ioll III;UII t' a~( " l il,· Ill(' \, ' 1"\ -lIn-t···ful 11 111111111r~ 1l I'UIIwr •. la: \ ,li·lril'Il I"I,.. Irad Hillf! C l',,~h ~'~ fOSlf" I'(lrru{('. /lurll ulIIl l/unllllJ (hild, ..,,\ lI,m,-. ill ["I' l'ill.]'uq.dl, ",,,I a Be \ d('a l(' r. IIIl' :-'I' i~f' J "II~"" } II 1r(lll l111 lIu y (j j'hH",1"ll'llia 1\\ ( ' \1 I .11111 \\,\1 Y"T!.. Il "l'onl all') t:ih ( :(·11H·r. TIlt' jlll li,'r IlUIJII.l.',/ , \" f'l~ 1'IIIIllh'. 5jJri/l i! TOllic 1\\ \1\( I. 1\ \,a· rll' a'Tirle!!1 1,0\\· di·].. j(l"\..."~ l'Olll lll' l lllI>l1 i· pllid ["r 11111 1 In :-'l llfT" ... r· ,'I1I.j (;"l"Ij"l1 .\Ia\", n n IhM lh,· \''" '",I.. pr,,;.!ram Ilrrt'( " \\'I~" (' (,..,1' fUlld ". Irol1l IlC \ . n lU"~ ItIlld)il'd oj /I(ljll'i/lf'H. :;i.'l:II"(·II· "" "1111'. 1 mil d, iii" ... • (, Ilh'ltaillill;: , ,, lilt, 11:111111111';':. ;111.1 IIII' ,1 {,lIler. \ .'al·,,, I,1 ",larl,'1 ]1 .. II],i,· H I'~1I0]d~, IIh" ' ''"II;.!-If'I· "lieu I-:d IJ." li!1I \,"- "II " TIll' '" \IC a ~'·IIt·~ pIau. \\hi,·!! ha,I I" al·" .pill ~ rt"'''r,]~ " " I\F\\'Il, ]> k k~ \;wali,," alld ,'llO' "f th, ' ,,1.1," "'IIIl;.!" I", tllll lil ~i lll'" il "\llllpl'k ,1 fllr l ilt' Iri;.: h di·\..· Ihal a\." hil al tll(' " I,I{'r a~\' -In. "II I ll/' pr" t: I;r1rl I '''' ~ '\\"1. 'I'll,' .,Ir",,] and 1 "'l1I).:,· r HH11 IIf Ill<' ~;d 1<'111(', ·ur ... ·••· " 11" ,. han· or 1\(I lIlrall.f,· r:, I,](' ~I .... ~ , Tht' .c;lJ plli~li (·all',] al'l'l''':H'h II! .ji·k ~l' j ll' (" . T " r il,', I"ar,ol, ] II i,.] w rtl [.,·"m'. ""I"I"'l"alil" lill,· \Iii ,.. :'I"'II"'r al"\ lI ill).: i~ (III! 1,,1' a.Jull~. TIll' ~() llllt:: l' r IIW'. " 110/ f. T"tIJ 'I'llIImll Fol/i" .1 ("r IIH'II' 11('1'\' .1 " ,'I..II "I,liut:: IHlil ~ ill ,'\t:n ... ' 1 are fl1',.1 1 tllf'll1~,'III'" nll,j nol IUl' ;'11 11;':" ~ 1 "U I' II,al rllll ~ .li;:dlill 11('1 "11,1 hi;!!l · .-, h, ,,, I ill Cp'al{'r l·ill ~I'IlI"~ I ;. illl l'I<";;'I'I) \Iilh .",,·i,,).: 111('111"'11"", I1li l" I:t Itlil (JILUtII,,'· ~ill~ 1"1(' iL Tull'lIl 1':11I'1r Ili;.: l l~l · IIfl ,, 1 1I11il {'I"elt',j a Ilwm, r"TI·.1 I'll Iht' air. 1'f!'~I'lIlilli!'I' "f ~" "I ~ Ihill ~ ItTrilie. ;r IIltl~il ' a l ~I"'~I l1 UII alld IIII'll, Ld :11 radi" ... tulioll·. III ,,1111'1 ""I, I ~. IIl1' IIlIl·i,·, I..i']~, nllll til(' ". illlpl(· :r 1\1 ·11 ""IW,·il !',] .I i " .,.1 li,>,ill lIilh 1<', 111:11 follwI ~,·II· ·h.. ". \<, 1111' " ulil" "Olll l> ilHllillll "f I"ulh. ,Ii;]..,.., alld all '·"rd ,..,·lIi ll;': l ilt' ... ·,, 1111 .• t:1I1 IIf' "UI, 1:111111 .1 , "'III'ri"I" "01 iOlk,'~ i· a f: "ar;I1II, 't' of .• Ialillill;':. II i ~ 1-! "lI"rall, ;1,llIIill",1 thlll 1lIllhilli-! ('1,]. I II :11 1" ,',·1 Iwl f ,,( 1I11'~" 11111·" . I,,' It "a·k .,1 lill il' "ilhnlll Iul l'l]ltal.· • a·" .. Ih,· I'r" r l ; llll~ ir;rl" .h .1 1111 all \,,1 1.11 jlll.'ni l,· di·1.. i'w].. ",' 11 1]\" pr, "111 II i" Jl. 1111,11"111 ,. ""IIlI,Il'l,'11 ""1111" ,·".1 " f 1"1'1;1 , 10 11 11 ;': <1111li"III" ·"" Fr.·' lllI'nlh. if 1111'\ 'n' \larlin I\J, ... ~ i ... a IIII' Ili1! hl di,1.. II\I' ~ "f Ill\' ~111,1"III" :"'1">1" " 1" '" :11" Ir\..." \11 11 ("allo"" \\ ' :lIl1"I~ Br,,': ,.. Iar , j, ... ~l'\ hUI Ill' "1 111 ~ h".,. I"" hi. ~ l' ar ~, ",:,n,,·'] I" II\"i,1 1..,,1 pl";': l' il1l1 ~ ,,11<'1" 11'1 , 1)1<'1 ' II 1" ,11'11 II II111H ' I" lllh 11. . . •


THE TOBY DAVID EDDIE CHASE and hi s HAL O ' HALLORAN'S MORNING SHOW MAKE BeLIeVE BAllROOM DAWN PATROL • Afte,noono, 3030 to ~ , 45 ond • from 6 '0 9 0,", doily, Toby • Fro", ""

• Many a dvertisers have already climbed on the bandwa gon , due to the increased ratings of these shows. More w ill also line up under our new 50,000 watt power! CKL Guardian Building, Oelroit 26 • Mutual System NII,i . " •• ao". Canad,an R,p. Ad .... J. Vow n, . Jt .• I". . H. N . Sl .. ~;n .. Co.


-contlnued from page 2-

Color-TV talk o nly hurling visual b roadca sting in g e n e ral Despi te all t alk of color- TV a nd adapters ",'hich are said to convert monochrome television set s so ThaI's why WGAC is on most imporlant lists. t hat they can receive pictures in full color, truth is that such converters a t present ~'ould cost Here are jusl a few of Ihe more than many current black- and- white sets on many spal radio users who market . There will be no color- TV for the home find the WGAC combino· for a t least seven yea r S, and most authorities lion of coverage and sell­ think ten years would be more accurate estimate . ability profitable. • Ajax Cleaner FMA lri es tc aring d o wn AM • Be 10 build up FM • Brock Candy Frequency Modulation Association is no",' a ttacking • Brown Mule Tobacco s t a nda rd (AM ) broadcasting in hopes this. ""ill help • BOR FM accept ance . ABC net"'ork ,,'as recently s lapped • Camel Cigorelles for cutting down FM broadcasting hours in Chicago. • Carters Pills a nd AM was characteri::;ed as ftdiminishing medium . " • Cashmere Bouquet Soap It all adds up to hurting radio broadcasting. which • Colgotes Denial Cream is s till air ' s number one advertising medium . It ' s • Ooon's Pills true that AM broadcas t ers didn ' t help FM Dlong the • OUI road. but nothing i s gained by tripping further . • Griffin Shoe Polish • Grove's Se le ctive b roadca sting fairly • Hercules Powder co n siste nt thro ugho ut 12 m o nth s • Ivory Soap • Kools Selective broadcast adverti s ing placed on market­ • Mrs. Filbert's Margarine by- market basis varies only two points throughout • Nobisco year . Top month find s 9 . 30"ii of annual business • Obelisk Flour plElced , while low month has 7 .48%. • Oxydol • Potigrip Kate Smith tries disk jo ck e ying • St, Joseph's Aspirin for ABC on Mo nday nighls • Tenderleof Teo Despi te consistent failures of transferring disk • Vel jockey a ppeal to net",,·orks. Kate Smith a nd Ted • Vicks CollinS are going to try it Elgain. this time for Let us lelf you why WGAC Elma ::.ing s tretch of two hours each Monday night is one of the nalion'$ lowest s t arting 4 July. Progrnm will be a ired Mondays Cosl solesmen, A million 9- 11 p. m. over ABC . Ka te ' s MBS shows continue , people served lorgely by Elt least for time being. one s/otion- Big atte ndance al fo re ign­ language program clinic IndicElting the importa nce of programing for seg­ ments of radio ' s audience, nearly 50 station men WGAC a ttended WOV - inspired Foreign Language Broadcast ing 5,000 watts-ABC_ SBO KC Clinic a t Hotel Roosevelt 15 June . Stations are gettine over idea that they must be something to AUGUSTA, G EORGIA everyone a nd are now thinking of being everyt hing . . AVERY-KNODEL .. to some lis teners . Foreign- language audience i s faithful plUS.

SPONSOR , 36 , for HMIKE MYST ERIE Convicted of Stealing Audiences, Killing ~tA ftA Competition and f~)l ,,, c>U'l",[L ,0 Beating High Costs -1 "l\ like l\ lysleries" is a I S­ min ut e "Network Cilo librc" show (5 limes weekly) worth a minimum of $ r .000 per program. Yel, it is available to local a nd regional spon­ sors a t slalion lime: plus a small u! r\' ice fee. \Vha! a re­ ward 'fo r sleuthing sponsors! DESCRIPTION " Mike Mysteries" combines murder, mystery and music. Each show includes a . 2- minute "Whodunit 1" wriUen by Hollywood's ace mystery writer, John Evans. Listeners are held in suspense await­ ing the solution until end. "Mike Mysteries" is a member of the fabulous Lang-Worth gang, including " The Cavalcade of Music, " " Emile Cote Glee C lub," " Throug h the Li stening Class" and 14 othe r pro­ grams equally guilty of sleal­ in g audiences for over 1,200 advertisers. i\ NG - WORT H Information leading to the capture of " Mike ["illur,' pro grilms, lUI' . Mysteries" m ay be had from your local Lang­ STEINW A' HALL. 113 WfST SJlH S1 Worth subscribing station or its representative. NEW VOJlK 19, N , ;' klwflrk (nlibrt' Pr(lgralils 01 .c(}ml StatiM ((1;;1 . Mr. Sponsor nsks• ••

""'''1 1:-- a :- lqll'l' iol' 1'01'111 of hl ·o.ldl·a~ljll;.! . ~ ' (' I Ihu:- fa.' il Iw .... ,, ·' 11l'( '01l14 ' all dlil· jC ·JlI lI a lioJJ:tI ,lth'C' I' lhoillg lI,c·clilllll. Y\,hv '! "

S.Ie• and ad~e"jlin9 manager Joseph Giordano I V. La Ro.a and Sons. Inc .. 8rooU~n

id... a II;" Ilw .lUlhl",II"" of tIll' "~i ll;.d <.: illlpO ~,..i" I I·. "flt'r Ihl' , ' h all~" In frc· 111 ...1, '1 1'1:111." ,,'1,;,,1, had Ihe "fT('('1 lOr flu(,lI('ic ... Itl ,,1,1;lill adl.... /llale high. TI", 11,' .. lrtl)illl-\ ,h ... n,l('nl/!(' Ilr II ... pri,wi· 1101\1 ... r lr all·l1Ii .. "i"lI fll' lII('r 11'-0 ) car,.. 1'"1 "i'I,w"r F\I ~Iiltinll" lor cll tl ill~ allol dc--pil,· Ihe [ael lI,al "'·II,.;lill" ill' '''i4!IH ·d '·';:111.·1 t/""ll 111l 'ir 1',11\1" I" a f"11 Iwrl'l'III "f "" IJ{'II"il" /'l·,· ... iling .. ('I~ n"ltlircllllt'3r' "hal tIlt' ' :"II1.li,.. .. i,'" 1,:1,1 ;, I... ·;ldy I~ 11.1'1'1' }(·:I r,. hdor~ 41WliliIty Ilroduc· aulh .. , i/,·,1. I;on ('ou ld lor ,,1,laitiCII. Ihe lime hit .. 'IIII' lid 1t'''1111 1\('- I" rCIIIOI,' F \I ,,/1\\ all'il('(1 "I,('r... 11 11 ' ",u llC l'i rlr "('n' a .. ;1 ,.. ... I'iflu .. l'tllIlllwroial tlln'al I" II ... il'l' alld !!T(';, I(' r "OI\'r'';'~I' flf the F'I •· .. ta"Ii~I ... tl \\[ ", .. Il'lIl. Il·,itwill;': il. ~)""'111 al'f' ail.. ul I" he ""III/jIl~tralt' III') for Ih,' 1; 1Il!' 1, .. ill C:- (It 1.·.,,1. t" " III/'rl' a lal'C:-" p'lI\ of th,' p"puiali\1Il o f Ih(· III 1'1'1'1) ." Ihi~ I lIil,',1 :' I a " ·~. ,,I]).! '" II ... l Ilitl-.! ~Ial"- \" hi"" "f r"IIC" ' I'~. tl, ;11 [. \[ uru~ 1 If{' F,\I lK'illg II tk· I'l'rtl1il ,I ... ~up' m"II·,1 [filii' II,., ,·hanll('b I,hrrc it 11:1" finill'lr !:'ul'eTlor pr''-';''II f"r "\t'r "I"'r,nin~ -nrn'•• full) h"":IlI~(' "f "in· forlll nf broatl· It'll \ I'af- ,,[ ,h,· , .. I,'\'"hl, · Il1lo-rf"''''I11'(:,'' Inh' 1111'.1' r ... · "'ihling. il II a .. If,'" I ("1111 "f g l O ll~ flf "ililuir iable illit'l' f('f('u/"'" \\1\. I, C f' II Ilalllpcro'll .mral J,rua,ka~lillg I..rl4' f.. I,· "'mlwlil'\I-, fa-I-IIII'III1;': ,IIII'al 1" til\' rcalil.ing Ihe ulililllih'" p"... ihilil ie:- " f it I. III" lalt· 11, 111 1,·1"1 i~it'" I\'ill I.. , ill \ \[ _1_h'llL. II \\,1_ I,r"i! r, ... -ill~ 011

J8 SPONSOR FM i ~ a ~n p e r io r' {"I'1I1 of b rO,HI, '·'lslillg .•I n.l it is ,Ill enil' jcll t 111(-' fiiulil f or 11(1 - Watch the li"u:ll a d \l·r li ~· illg. TIl{' fael Ihal t h i~ un~lI r p m;,,"c d 1I \(' lhnd nf ,,"nl ll l11 J, r o; H lca~ l illg i ~ New WD S U 11,,1 ],,·jllg lI "ed f"r Iwt i"naf :\( h (' rl i ~i ng. 0 11 a !'t-a l, ­ ~i m i l u r tu A \1 tl"ag.c .t w-, H(li in a n ~ WII } [' -" ' ('11 i l ~ ,·nl , · ie ll e~ a" ", uch 11 No other New Orleans station lt l(',liulll. CUII" i.l!-r fad" a nll wc ~,-(- t1t;lt F;\ ! is doing so much, for so many j~ til(' hr ig. ltl "P, )t ill 1111.' br" , j(lc a~ t i Jl :': pi(' llll (,. Then' IIr(' 1I1" rc IIHlII 7.')0 F,\ ! • ,. Iati"n,. nn\\ in " 1"'rati,, ,1. <'o n"istiug' . so successfully ! ol f 721l COll ullcrcinl F;\! ~ t al i OIl ~ awl an ,ulditi"llnl ;~ n "r mure cd ucnliollal F:\ I ,. I(I'iul1 ~ , T h ... "p commercial F:'\ I "Ia· Tele vised for the li'Ill '" ill allilit iun to cOlcrill p: Ihe morc , 1 (,Il", d ~ po pulaled urharr ar p a ~. C(l\ f' r Fir st Time! a" ,,('II cn l1 ~i d e ral , l e ri<' h rmal atlll Th e W orld Fomovs a;: ri(,l1ltu ral ",'elil,n!', Boilin g" this Mard i Gra s ,Iown inlo lll " rf' ~ pe{' ili p Icrllll' o f CH" , (S ponsored by ('ra;:e: Ihere 11 ft' lI1 " re titan ]0(1.0 00,· General El edric) noo ]lI'oplt'- ileItCf than !I,''''lhinl" " f Ih e tot(11 po pulati nn of til l" U. S.- II h" ]i, e in ' ~ ,')l ('i ti c" "cncd ,, ~ Fj\ \ st(l­ tim I!', ,\ull I h i~ C' _l e rll ge i~ thc sa mp day 11 11,1 lIi:,: ht s incc F:'\ I ~ i g l1a l s art' unaITeetc.J II )" uig hltirnt' allllOl'phcr ic l'llIldil iOl IS tl lll! inlt:rf(' rc lI"illl IIIf' t r a n~ ' mi"sioH (I f A.\ I ~ i g n a l .;;. "Ne w Vo ic es" Th,· cun'f(If!C i ~ lhere dilr 11 11 .1 ni ght A Si mvlcasf aud it i,.. 1111'1'< ' (Ill ... tat il;· frec, interfer­ (AM.TV.FM ) Series, cnce · frcc . ." Il ],c rinr . CO\'Nag,t' loa 1'- i". O ne of the many " IHI do,, ', t ;Jk~ · 1Il~ wu ro l for i1. ne w WDSU FCC d l;Jinnan Wa} ]] c Coy in a rr· Prod vctions, cc1i 1 ~IK-'C dl s:lid li t' fclt l' tl cou rllt;"f'11 hy (O pen for Sponsorship! lIte groll til of 1-",\1; that F;\1 will COli ' tillue to !! rnw ; thai F.\I will Itot IIf' S![ uf'c;wd nut Ly h" lcri"ion : th(ll thc nation "ill CO lltill ll C to fe' luire sound I"1H lio H'f\'i, 'c : Ihal IIII' hc;;1 ~o l1nd radiI) ~e n' i c " i" F \I ; thai millions o f pellplc ":I n ],1' re;teile ,1 'Hll"lplatcly 0111.1' by F;\I ; (llHI IIHlt il is I)('('orn in:; in· c r e (j ~ ill ;: J y il ul" ,rtan' for "d l' c r, i ~ c r ~ 10 ( I" a('il th l" F.\l auo liCIl Ct·, Cnll Cl" rnill l! ,II(' lalkl', Co~ cmpha­ "i~C I I: " ,\lill i" 11 5 o f 11O-"" lc l' an be re m'ht',1 II )' an ,ule'l'tatc ;oig na l only "ith F.\1. T It .,,..t' milli"IlS a n ' con· ~ trr llC r s who arc ]'c(' ollling increa."in g. I I ~ ' impo rt:! "t for a,herti>-cr" to re(lch "" Ihe telll po ., f J\ llw r i" (j 11 lU(' rc1 ' a IH1i ~· iug is steppc,1 lIl" " 0 11<' o f :\(h"r t i ~ i n g'~ ha~i c pflll· ci l , le ~ i ~: o" ' OU ' I 'C gut 10 n'aclr CIlI I" ~ e ll ·,·lIt." Hadi.. ' l dH ·{ l i ~ i tl f! i$ (j l ~ o

{J j/e(/se tum to page G81

20 JU NE 1949 39

J RADI O FILLS GA P j, n " 'I1/all I, alL ·oll l ;11 14 1 ;. 11 ""11 \\ ()L. SPO NSO R IDENTIFICATION \\" T O !'. \\ \rllC :111 .1 \\ " ' IH · n l If 1II111111",d /'''111 Iffl ,!! /' JJ) ( emllillll," ( /10 111 IH';t" :.!-1 ) Tr u lI _i ll a di .. _ l\u- ; I11 '" h,-I,I UI'.

{"It" 11 11' ~ . r iL I· fur iI I" II !! 1;111,'. It It I\('-U" tJllh till' l "r-a l 'r" ' ai l Scufl ls IHI. ::0.2' ; to { it,. li-I,·!U'r. It'-Ii· 1,'a llll ,· ,1 \\ hik ,"!!;:- fur I a-ll' r d\l' II1 ;: :In"u,m" that . \\ ill'bl',1 (" .. Il w ,,'riLi' f~ ill1-' ' u ,Ilt· fael IIlal Ih.· pr.,¥ra m i. ;ul. 1 . .. 111 ,,"I f" lI ,m III;: nih' fll l\ ·· 1i1,li" ",-ri".1 It) 1":"li", hUI ,."1I1t' 1t,.,iulI;,1 ad· ~1"1II,. " n , .1 h ~ l. il" u ll·~ h'.1 ami " Hlp" ('·!l llll ill;.! " I li lt' -1~ '1.- ial. I,-fl i.,·, · n1 . .. ]"'II(!hl "I,,'cinl lilllt·. 11 "r· 1'111"11 / SeQ/I/ ,' i ~ lI' t all ,,1.1 li,,"'r. II II lil a , II'" _'~ ' 1I1 that La_h'l i· of 11 1<' 1 \\ , b 4>11 " ,,{ IIH'~' ·. lun i u1-' :,- IImu\ ,1'''',, 11 ', ill! lul ~ , ' iu am c UlII lllen -inl IlIIld. 11/ . '111<'111 , .. :l , 11 11): ,.],,,;n. hUI it a· II aUIl"U I1 I"l1wIII - " II :1 - iul!II' ,-I,,· !! inlillid... - Codfrc\ , I, ,('~ IllI" ""mm,·r· t- . I a_kr I'll' in.'" 1)111-1 I ••' h ;~ h. " 11 11' air r('lim"'" tilt· illl' Chicago or c lscwhcre - I'a'" ,.f lit,· ,. P"I1""r. TIll' f"lI r "r.· :,11 ,b >l il1ll' pr,,;: r alll .• . " hidt hd i.·" all "ll",r Il wll r) . i. " .. Illal " "'lIt'll ,IIlII ', li,.It·1I i ll l""II~' dll r ill l:; t h e ir 1'''11'1'11''1 ].. h"ur,.. I' r"l:! ralll ltuud"'r H' II'" in F" lIm:tl \ COVERS :-II ralilll:! i,. lit.' "l'1'''',.I/O/II· /I,," r. \Vilil lit!' " ,\t'\'plioll "f JI ll" fa"1 Iltal il IHI ~ ),1'\' 11 " " II ... (IiI' i ll II ... ,.;lI lt' · ~p .. 1 f"r :1 So uth Bend .. . [l1It ,,1 ... ·r "f }l'ar,.. ""d ha,. Ih .. a,her· l i,.cr ·,. Ha nll' ill it,. titl... il j ll ,. 1 ,1"l',..Il ·' (.. IIII·ft , I" llt1' Il i;.: ll ,·,, " ltl ...... ·i,,1 illl!,a ... It'l ,,'I,. . o nly WS BT does that I' rt'pr~l1 l1,. ,1",,'1 ,,1:ttl, 1 ,. l ill ill II",ir :"ipl) lI""r 1, 1'·lI lifi" ali",,-. 1)''''l'il.· tl... fal'! Ihal tl... Al.lr;ch rflllldy Ila,. ,I,·· ;0;" " .. "II"" ~ I .uo"u ~ ("'/" I,,· h~",,1 i., ~", ,, h Jil"II',j it I ,, ~ al , - " " ~t ; ltl l :1I"lil'lt(·\· fo r II.,,, .J - I,,,, ,I... " "di", ,,' ~ /,,/ •. ,, ' , .. \\ ~ I n : ","'r I,'u ~, · ar·. a ~" a r ;1;': " F, · I .rua . ~ '1'1'; ...w'i "" "I"a" II: •• 1.. ,, '''' "u,1 · ,,11 i., ,I" il':; ~J \\ a ,. ,lo".n l" ;t ").::. 'l iI(' ··(·"llIill1-'. '",'r"l" I",inl! ,h"",' "f 1",.",,-,. iu . hc ::-, .. 11 1> II lolller" \' ull1t' , I~ oImlll:l It.,. ... I"a ~" /I,'n.1 ,uarl,-,. "\" "110. ,, ~ Iaf ;"" ("I'CII """'''' lta,1 tl ... ~ :l lll " "1"'"~IIr. (:,·.II·ral F"",k d .... · in :-h",,' " f \ ", Ii, · ", · , ·. I ~' ,, 1. "I "" ~ "'""d, II ~· I , I "tlt h". \ H"'II ;,,111 " "11(,(,, 1 a. :t 1\",,,11 1'''''1'''' (." ,-''''' ''''',.,., I "'~ 'r. CF I'rll1! r:lIll. 11I'('a l1,. " it h a~ l'a,1 I" -,,11 ",,1 II ... ,·" rl'co r;J ll· lilh' h ilI a 1I 111l1 ' I'l'r "f t:F 1" 'I" ltl' I.. . II \\ a· :tl,. u II~ " ,I I" ... ,·11 III " " r ,III"" , liIT,· n ·,,1 I'rll,III"I ... 1"'1' l.p ,:"I" ,,-1 111" ,u;.: 11 lilt' ... ,\\ ,,:tl,·II I·r 11... [" ,,· I'I'''p ralll atlll" tlI lI"' II11 '1I1 1 a ",1 It ilthlli].. ,· I II ... ]".,.1 pr,,!: !alll I :ll! l " ',,I ill' ·. C:m" ' 1I11 ~. C F lI a ,. ,1,·,· id,·.II,' ]wnll il I 1o ' lIrI I.. "'''W,'l1t n Il.' ,,,I J •. I I "

s oo o W il li S J ' II,jrlill ~ " 1t " ~ llh ?

RA Y MER COMPA N Y N A TlONlll REPRf St N IATI V f '1' 1", A/cI, iell

40 SPONSO R Thi. ne w b .... k fa, ,adi ...Ia,i .. n man .. g . .., p,am ..,i .. n me n and . o 'eo •• p. ' e U. how 10 gel m a ximum .alu .. ... 11. from "olian p.amolio n

SPOT RADIO PROMOTION HANDBOOK 64 pages, 8 Y2 X 11 , $1.00 !;;"e~ )"" ,,'h~' il wonld ""., yon, Irl eT3 l1 y, ,h,u,,,,,,,I. of ,loll",. t" ~~I He •• ;. ° ,I.oigh" fo.wo.d " po.1 of ;mmediole ond mome nIO ... in le.u , '0 you, f ur your df, ,\ fir,,·han,I, up·,u·,bu" II leti. bow odve ltin .. ond age ncie, soy ,hey , e le" ,Iolion, for '1'01 .odio ,"m\"'"",' I"'''''~ k'n ...... ,,,, 1 /10'" "ON ra" "' ft~rll, II ..", ",Osl /a"OTdhly, PARTIAL fAillE O f CO NTENTS Th ..e o'e you. p."opec" one! 11. .;, ogenc>e l 'ime ."lIinl: "",\ J,rOmllt;" " ( 'MI; Oll s~ le."' e " n.,,1 «"", lImn a,I, ~,hert"''''1: nll,l ", I ~. eX«-"' '''''') ~C"C, o. ~, ") >.to'e, #'r, ifie IlU,/s of ,,,I> CTli,.,,, " ",I a~C""'e" IK""!~; T he 'I~" h",e '. 11",~ j"b; Th~ '·~ r' i,i,,~ a nd ,ale, n«u',,'~'. "Keney ",in, .,,,,I., lime ~I..,m.": The I",n''''' word, 'hc a"c"""t ~~"""tiw,. med,. ,ho<:wr. "'''' t ll n~ It I,r""h ,Iu",n ,I,e ';.~c·'0' t;m~ ,rlIt"K .."I I>,om ot;o" oorol"'''''''' ""I" ",,,I ,110"" , wt",h "ans ul " "I"'" They VIln "" I''''''h.· .. hu' th"1 1'0;'u Ul' (3n I.e ,1o,,,, .n,,," dl<"<"vciy ~"d "'0" """"""" \\'110 l'\NTllll'ATE;;: 1:\ ~Ionr e I'ad)', ""t J" " its weak".".,., lu' al"" '" ,,~ l1 y ],y wl",,11 ,_,d", ' 001, 0 ' co,,,10,,,,,,,,,,, or TI,\lt: Ill" l'i(; _\\,he,~ li'l btli"l ,"hr."t >trclI~th, a",1 ,Is ell'" ,,,,,,uJ ">I,,, ~a l" . ,,,,,I,, in~ J",~,"_ Th I",,,,,n ul "'ur~i,,~ "als fo. hel'''"1( yo" 'ell mo.e ';,n. "y hdVrnl[ .. ",un.,b,Il,,,, ~ a.k"•• d"'''Oll; !--,~ a,,,·.,,,"n, .-.: 1<:<'1 ynUT ".ll;Oll .. hene,·cr i, oITer. It ,1e",n Le, d,~ ,Orl 01 ,t~.!; O" ~"d "w~ , ,"" nc~a'i'" 'na.kr-,.fa"",.~; ih"I~"1 ~,," ,h,·", .... h3. ,I,,,y are 1001;111( lor ,,,I,,,,na,,,,n ]'U)'1"" "'''" .ay 'h~y "",,,,, """"'I'rta",,"; :,'"''0" .elec"o" ""d .ely 'Ill when 'ltcy're. coml,,>t " '~ ,he ,JifT., •. W1I ,\T J:l"\ ERS S.\V THEY ~"1 1",,_,Lrlilres ~"d """'''1: t ,.'rr 1i",,1 ",,,,,,,, He, e'. iu" an id ea of whol you' ll g e t out ,d""",,, ,, \\'AXT TO ,,'iO\\, \lItr! 'T !--TI of whol Ihey .ay T I(rX.~ 1>,t1",,,I1« on "i"Wl"'''''_: III ~ I'''rl, II,~ SPOT HA[H(I PHO.lIOTlO,\' \\,h " 'Iot, "I ,,,I''''"''I>''" "'a",",1 Hea" au,1 ""rly \\'h.1\ th"..., ,x,,,,,Ie,,""" ",Iv", IIA,\'IJ/lOOK fliU,t "0" " r.~cl;r~l. ft'Dr/tul./r mo.'; fou. majo, ""lion ,-..I". ' ",n~ ,,,,,,,,Ie "Y ahou, .ime I,")'",~, 3. "1""''''1 t "o",ohO" I'alla" "'01 ".11 ~ N 4b1~ S'''' '0 "eI (I) ('~,-.r~,,~, ';.OKqphic,>1 ,'lrar_ '" th,' !-I'OT Il.\I'I" I'N O\IOTIO:-- I,\!>-'O '~r ,,'ror,, bdore i,', h~,1 a rh3n", to ~" do "uh it: ",,·f,,1 ",lor· The SRPH cOY e" olt moj .. , telling .ools ma""n ,lte h)' ,n ,,,~~~',I,,I d''''r! If Y"" ,I.",', .~r"" with " . af'e. l"""~ .~arl ,,,a,l ; TI, .. ''',lio, 10/"<, "",I "'/:-<>1 , 01 "1'0' .e/n",1 'h" dol)" ~'''; .rl" h"", ...,' '<"""a '''-''' 01 til !,~a"o,,: II",,· ""',1: Ti.",,~ l..c". "nl~'''~nt I",,,,,,,,,on",,,e; l'-JJ""n~n an,lj"'n1« ,",0,,1 3 "3m; lI alo" 01 '''~ ")' 1",,1, f~, f,,11 " , omolioll31 STANDARD RATE & DATA SERVICE, INC. '-31"e The Notional Authority Serving the Media·Suying Funcfion CI):\('] . l'!'IO :\_I"'''~~'e ,ale, \'01 UUlC; k "ducc ""I( .cI",,~ ,,,.1, The CHICAGO • NEW YORK • lOS ANGElES • SAN FRANCISCO ...,,,,,,!nW,,,'ea...,h ),.,,,,,,,1 tl,,, """~ "",I "" 1------S T ,\ XI!,\ NJ) R,\TE &. I),\TA ;;: EN vrCE, IXC, A_ 11611''e"f I JH :\ooh .\ r l~hi~~" ,\venue, Chi""!:,, I, !It, II 1'1"~ ",, ,.. "" I "'. a COI'Y of 'he ""'" !'I'OT II.A])I,f "IUHIOTIO:\ 11.-\XllHOOK, t:ndo,~'1 ;~ ",y .I.. lla., VV ~I'''' : J "'''''''>'~", I ,hal )'V" ""II Td un" " '1 mo"Cf il I te'U. n tire hook 10 y"n '" ~ t"" do)'., TITL.E" t"lf\ll'.\X\, ,__ , __ ._ .... eln ~I 20 JUNE 1949 " J ;!n.:-\ "" '1 ~ ,' hr\l;lr~ I'JlIt \\ I W ' T lI~ ,")2.7', lold tIll ' 1j, '''I'''T \ " il'c",,, ilh·'I· I'at" '" I" a ~""P "a~n ' l neg.,lia" 'll \\('11 , "1111 :n.:;', "f Ih,' I j~h ' II ('r ~ 1,, 11,,\\ "Iw ·mil, ' liral \l;r r\ 1\('1 ' ~ (' tJili g I-:I ;.: ill. \lui,',,· Theili re fu r ~ (', tI~ h:l~ het;'/1 \\;\ ~ ~I'.," ~ " , illf IIII' I -Ira .-.1.,111 ' 1J1'1I~ \ II\I'ri" ,1II (''' mpad ~ . an i llt ' ''' ' a ~ r "f :1 1t", · e" ,I .df (~ · li" , .... al, ' ~ I ('hid(', 1'n'· 1,1 ~1 1,';11 "(1,1', h'~ l ifi, ' , 1 tlliLl IIII' I II,. • , li" u~h il " a· 1,,(1 "" 11 a~ Ihe \1 Qlle .lI)5' p, ,,tlU(1 "d~ ""1' Jr' lI" l' url . ljl1 !! ~. \Iul· \ "1 "II "'1 ', g" lip, nOI I ,~ far. '1" " 1('1 \ T heatre. I' !ri{'h Ilcll w' d (' ~. a hl i ~h lipl,' I'r"dw I ~ _ ,I(", " l(lrrl~ I .. n... l"ill!!,'r, J.! "",t p l ,.;.: r ; rn l~ in till' 1';[,1 '('ill .<1" tl1l' ~p"n . " r · . lI ame. " " Ill', IT ralt'l! ,I.. 1i"1 (III ,1" ,,11 .-. 1 £,,' a kllf·htlllT Ih"ir :- ,'. I'lulilllU' \ .[O\\ II I'a"l. B,'.I ,),:;, 2 l'..! ,rnan JI) W, =:- IN lill f! llruf! "'I'IIIIIl! l,ro';! I.Ull . l ilt' , ,li,1 f,'r lilt' .,;. 1". ,!tUIl. II I,'al ,11!1I F(' ill Ul'" "ilh I], '(' itletl l" 11I "'C \l u l en r het/I,,' from lit/nt'/! Ffllllih, " ""I· fur a 'l "III ~ "r t 1 '{, II ;':lIi ll ~ alill Y" UIl f! .\ Hul.i{'all t" l>ance. Fit1.J,!t'r:liI1 , \ 1"'1111'1 ,'\,11111'11- " f .111 impl ", ,' ,1 all i. l'a,1 a (KI, 2, F ('Ionl;11 1 of Ilr i~ :'al1ll'l,·. I" ,'ul il~ hUlI ;.:(' t. alill I" 11:-(' il :--1 i~ (" "1I, h .. \l an. '~ 'om,,( h qll i/. 1('iI". "ilh ;\ 1... lkr l illl(, " II Ilr r air. 10 · (· 11 .:r. nUl1l he r o f i' rutl ll {, I~ , iu, 'luliing 1",,1 I ,'''rll a. , il "' !ll ld ,ml, Ildill'l Fri,lal, 'J: :m I" In ".m.. III' kHl ;1 2(" 1)" ul .\1' 1),IIIII Clinc. n(,~lIh "f Ihe {" lin· n .;!', ,, ( II~ :l. \I .li, 'IHl' 111 ,11 I" n,' " tilt' a ,·",,1 I,,·· " f HI.2 " f ~ I H' II. " r rC'('u;.: ' 1.iIl 3Ii,,", pl ll ~ a mUle frnm ,B(: Fd­ ;uh "lli.,-r I",·•• 'ulill;': Ilim \\a ~ Elg ill' Ilili'o1l. Th,· 1",,, 11" '1 \\ 11' 111' \\ (',r Be, 1 ,Ia,' I" Cll:, T\H, ~ , l a l". (IroppCt' 1 Ihe \ IIWl i,'all, I hi, I"ar. ill ~ "], r\l a n , I I'.\G'· T id(' \ .1111 1 II ... -Iriil 110m n In· :,I 'frum 5,).21" I H. I. ' I ) nr~ h O Il~ C>- :Ire p. "H< ' l a ll ~ 11\11 I .. " illl, ' r l' ~l c tl in .h{' ir J'",c:r:II1I" :0::1'", . \A n'pu ral "II Ihi~ i ~ flu {' ill ,..1',,,,..,,11. I Jul y .• ,\ numher "f olilt'r .~lIIdi (' ~ "f :'plill' ." r ltknlifit"ali"iI h"l {' IW "II il1ud.> hy a.II ('rli,illg ap. " n t j( ,~ . Th (' ~,' hal(, I'CI'II madc II'" be, 'au:-!' Ihe al:wlI{'i c- ~ h (' It ;:- n'al ,I{'al I',·a ll·e Ih,' irul r \ i, II II' onh (tilt'. a ~i(l (' fr nm ,irl ~c n ' ­ pl"t"lut'l U· ;If!.", Ihal j ~ al ail:lble for "I aluatilll! 1111 ' ,'ollHncf(' ial illll'a('1 "f a pr"g,am. "'''IUt' o f lir(' ~IIHli (' · To 'l (' al ",Ollie . Ia ltl ing faC' I., \ mull ;}" Ih {' ~ (' i~ III · du.I,·,1 Iht, rdntinll-hil' \wh' C'('1I ,hI'

COVERS THE PROSPEROUS WHEELING METROPOLITAN MARKET - W T R In the center of the dial on F AM-FM Studios or'ld lronsmill(!r: BElLAIRE, OHIO


IIl'RlHNTlD I T RAD I O II lP REH NI A TIV U , I N C " SPONSOR JUNE 12, 19 J ULY 3 , 10 JULY 11 Frit:: 11 1'111111' S(~mlt1l(J Reiner Fiedler Romberg

JULY 24, 31 WilJred Pelletier

AUGUST 7 Perc)' Fail"

AUGUST 14, 2 1 Dimitri ill itro/i oulos

A UGUST 2 8 Autal Dorali

SE P TEMBER 4 Ilaroid Levey U. S. STEEL HOUR · SUNDAYS 8:30 P.M. (EDT) . NBC NETWORK 20 JUN E" 1949 43 " ).11\. ],111. l,uI" :lnd ··hurn. Il1lrn. 1"< ""'11111ti " II: da~, i "al 11111~1I:. ;:"llI'ral ,\11"1\ a ·HUt a milch d"~l' r" lilH: up ill hurn " ' 11 1 li"lIllI""IIII' llt~ alHI tll"~ f ' tllut dram:l. popular Il1Il~il'. C"I11('.!~ drama. ~ 1. hilt tJu' n'", ~till Ihe ~r('al (lilt'r;:"llcc jU~1 iJlf"r 1l1 tilt' li~h'lwr co f til!' 1"l" I~ .. II~ and HI\ .~I, ' n drama. ill lal"nl e,.·I in Iht'~O: II'" pl"t '~r'llll __ . 1,111 ~I l!" ~ I w ilid I.tl ~ tiu' prwimt. TIl(" Tlu-n' i~ "'r~ lilll,· nhli"ll,hip 10," Curn'ul lal,'111 fi ;:ul"t.'. ;,111;('"111" Ihal ( " p"JI ~ "r 1,ll'l lli(if' atiwl " f 1111' f, . I"11I1"T 11\I','u ('t,,1 Ilf pr"l!ralll alill i l~ :--1. C/'r;" lillll c,,,b uean!r S;).()OO 11(11' alld t, i'" u f IU lll ll u'ITial i~ 111110"11 101" 'r thall Whil .. 1)'"I"kin;:"f rq"'rtt'ri Ihat tiw)"{' Ihill FTt'd \Il"n'~ fig.un' ha~ IIC" 'I that "f Ih t' "illf,lrIIlaliH'" t~ PI' ,,[ air tt'll\l~ I .. I,e il hulf'p"i'll lI1IPI""""l)lt'lIl .11:111'([ a liltl". 11"\\"1,'1". I'I{'II \\ilh ~ ,· 11 !lit-'. Jwr Ihnu·allol·II"llar·"f·lal,'nl 1'11 .• 1. h" Ilol h ~II ("'~ 1I",·k·a,"I·tK't:k. 1) ""kil1f!er' ~ I.,,,, I' r,,;:ram t.'1w "II Ihl':-'1 1',,1,· i .. al", 1''''1I1. "ut Ihal Iii. fi;:uI"P, 119 1-;-1 PI,illl t't>l1lilllJe~ I" I,e l!u"d- lal,'Il! ("1 ..1 1 1l\ ~I " n. I,hik. n ~ illdil':I!t ,,] Jlrl " l <1 I1~I~ . rt'I,':lI.,d Ihal nr. r:"";.~/illll , I> illl a ill il~df i .~ 1It1 ill~lIralH'(, fnr a J,eI1l'r :-'1. qu il t <) p~ till" fank o rd"r. (lull tlin .. · lalt'1I1 (,,~I "f 81.()tMJ a I>c,.k. n'c,.' il"d 1[ ,,0]" ' 1" ha~ fr"l11 tillll' 10 Ijl111" I,p ,;:r(lill t.'I'I' ~ (ll'Ii'Pr I,('th'r·tllan· :1 .')-;-. i11111 FTI'd \11"11 . a n.~1 "f prnjelwd II hal 111" ['a ll~ 3n Impacl aH'r,,;:,' :-1',, : ' 1111/. ""IIIt"!' 1.11 il,tl". S:W.OUO. r("'l'il I'd "11 1 ~ a 2'). '10 hrill~ /:(1(;111' for pr";:rlltll~. Thi, i~ a ("0111' lHu ~ i",11 IMi(·I, . Fin' 111 J(" ~ 1'.... II~i~I{'III· tl1t'~(' fi;:llrl'~ UJl I" dal l' 1 r {' l lTll(lr~. l,illill;('11 "f 11''''I'l'1'lltil1/!' :lllri SpIlllo.1 i, 21. • . T hat'~ h,,\\ impact ralill~~ af(' fi/!u l"(,<1. TI1t'~ n 'p r ('~(' r ll Ill<' PI'T' t'l'nla;!{' of IiiI.' \l'll'plif,n., hOHl(,~ tllal li·II'I ](,.1 1" Ilw pT('~ralll alit! kllt'll tilt' 'p OIl~l>1" "r hi~ prj,.lue!. The 111I]Ja.-I lI alilig ,I(J{'~ Ihillp".~ to a I'T,,;:ram·,.. 11"" lwratill!!, The 51-".'idd pOl"lioH of Srol' IJ,e ,III/sic had a 2 ~.2 " ')()pp1" for Fd.ruar~. \') 19, bUI onl) • all ::'·1 I m)! ~]( I Baling (hw ttl a luw ::' 1' 011 ~ .. r Id('lItifieatin ll ( :~(,. , I " 'i'1](' I1li~ill<'lllific:lli"H fad" .. uu I'r"gralll~ Irs li k" SlOp IIIl' 1/1I.I;e i~ lIIall) lill l(" li iglit'T Ihan ill the t'a.~,' of 9( 1'; of Ihe TI'.-I of till' pl" ()gram~ Ull tI", air. TII(' ~allll' i~ trill' "f /lr{, llk/l'I.s( CII/I" alltl ('l j'l1 Arl hur GIIIHn'y'~ ,1~1~liUl{, " '1:" III('III~ hal t· a hi~ h cO llfll~i\)ll farl"I". du., I,. tl ij[Pn'nl ~I,nll~o r ~ ]Ier \'')'Illillilti' I in the big Mobile Market ~"l,!tlll'lI!. Gudfn',', Illi,id,'nlifil'ali,\tl rllll~ a~ hig h a~ 2(;.2 for hi~ :\alinnal Hi ,.(·u ;t 10 : 1.'1 ~ u n. h r n'l ll {'a~ t. TIl(' SHARE OF AUDIENCE'" I'hilnr .~"!!m"lIt "f IIf{,l'Ik/flsl Clllh h,ltl a rIli .~ id(,lllifie 'lti "l1 "f 2.'),2. l. i.~ll'ni ll ;:­ 8 AM to 12 Noon 31.8% WI Stop II", 1I11 ,~1(. . J,' ...·m l$I' ,If Ihe 1"I1Il' 12 Noon to 6 PM 47.2",'0 \t'~1 faelor. i~ li;:hl(,1" Ihall till [1110 11 11'1" I)JII' of prn;:-rnrll. allli lh(' l1!i~i,l{'ntifi· .Hooper $1.1,o" Audi. 6 PM to 10 PM 49.0% "alioll ,lol',ll't run ,I" hi1:'h :," God/lIT ence Inde< Odober. "r lift'nk/II.II CII/I!. hili il 1111 ,11'(''' Ihl'lll. 19 ~8 -Feb'u.fY, 1949 Tlw ~l'l' id.· \ ~"('li"l1 W: :~(l1'.1II, ) !"i·a,·h, .'~ 2:t I ill "rong " {'~ 1"'II ~e~ 10 th,' ' I II('~· ~ 1 X>1I '''I"~ tllI 'prog.ram?·· For .. furthe r breokdowII, see- li,,". " Wh" TIII'fI' 11lI .• l"'l'll IIl1wh ,..tn·~5 "II tll (' HEADLEY-REED . National Representative hYl'tuti fil"(lli"ll fi(!lIrl''' f"r t /'/('11.11' IlIr" 10 Im~I' (,:i I

44 SPONSOR Facts about readership at

COMPTON ... a,nd ;:../0 Ted Bates

Compton TIIPI (,'~ IL" .,-net .. I)I, ul :,I'O\'::,Ol{'" I"'" u latil~- (II Subscriptions to SPONSOR 10 lIalioll.d ai!H' ,li .....·r" ,HlIl ; I ;:('lwi , '~' 1t ',..3 ,.iug!r. I'U I1'".,- 1'III,l i'·'lli h"uU" rcadl'(:.. hip_ hl'c:III"'" Account Execs 1 Media Director 1 it .ql\ .. ·.. I" I" Ilw \t'n llt.'oP!(· \,h" ,I I<' ill a J"I~i l i" 1l Time buye rs 3 Others 2 10 hli ~ }'lIIr ,.\:t ti"l1 {,wilili,·,.. IWI'all o.' i"", Some Compton di,nts who sublcribe: Goodyur an im port ant ImblkaliOl Il ~,,"'11 fiLl,1 :-i I'O.\:-OH i.II'al f.. r Tlfe .nd Rubber, P.oder & G.mbl •. Socony­ V.cuum O il ~"lIr rLali'''la! 3,h.·lli.illg /lUII"'''(''', \,ok ~"U I ' 11:'1li"lIal !'C'prC""lItati\c.

Til.,,· tlut n( ,-"'"" ( ..Ut m lllt'. 1_.000 li:uaunlc.... 11 leO Ted Bate, 10 h",u.len.! .d,,-n ••,nlf bUH'" .\n a,·.·tMII'~ "f 10 ' , l1K ;d . "1 ..... ,,,,""" .. "" ,n lu.I... ·" "I ~R'" nr Ih,' 20 1,'1> r"d,o-L,II I" 1< "It,'ne" Subsc:riptions to SPONSOR 6 Home 4 Office 2 I "SI'O \ S()J( I till' III/SIt.:, 10 fI ""/,,J ill Irlldt' Exec:utives 2 Others I'tll,,'rJ. 1:"1'1' ,I 0111' h~'({' 1'I'{ld,1 if ,hl//l/l(luM:­ , IIE\HY CLOCfl E:;::;Y, Timebuyers 3 'hlld Nadir) Till,,:bul/'r. Some Ted B.t.. d:enh .... ho .ubscribe: Brown & C"IIII;'OII Willi.mlon Tob.cco, C.rler Product.. C ol,].t._ \ p,'molive·Peet, Continent.1 B.lin']. St,nd .. d ·'SI'{J.\ SO N /uilllP /II,' ' imit/t.' Oil fill CUn('1I1 B•• ndl fllf/io 11111/ fl' Tililli/ IIr l it-ili" ,I, I esp/'rillll)' look /o(ll

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97,410 Radio Homes \(·r·i"tl "f SlOp lite \I",I;i' hal' pullrd ill. If'illlll''-~ I( , 'ill~~ 11[1\,' al..(') in the orea served by iJUP \ "'f"1. l"lrllal') a~ Ill\' r(":-llil Ilf a h~llf'f'd \ it'I,/'r in l rr,'~ l a,"] p:"lialh Iol " 'au~, ' of a ~"il"h I,' 5al1l1"dll~ 1l1;.:11l~ alld a 1"'\1"1 lilll('. uuli] Illp ~ I ,oll III,,, rlll' · ~ niulll in 1111' ::.] .] 'Ia~ T\' 11""I 04.: r f,)r KML B \1'\,' Y"rk \\ll h 11 :!<).:t Sloplhi' III/sic. II) "hi" 1r 1/"' ;1111('1" pnHhl,'rl' the stotion with more CI)()d~"tI aJ~" hM 11 IwwJ. I~ do i ll~ ui""h. "lIrl1il1;': il~,·1f all : II("I"a )!.,~ listeners thon all other IlH\ld~ !"alill)!.. ill \ 'p" ,"prJ... of 2().,'; in till' ~1I1l1I' 1I(0)l... ·r '1'\' rOll in;.:. s/01;ons combined \llh,,";.d1 II ... 1,,\111 '111111101'1" "f ] . "~\t"anl~ Tl"\lIrll(',1 10 Ih(' '1'\' Siotl IN N.E. LOUISIANA 114 ,. 1I11~l c i~ a~ 1111 ... 1, ;t- IIII' 1" lal l111I11],"r "f 1('lel i~illll .• l"I~ in Ihe RigM in Mon.o", you (em rcach on "vdi­ ""lIl1ln a f(·w rn""lh~ a~". 1111' I i~lIal .·h"" i~II'1 li"('J~ 10, 1'111 IIII' e n,,, .... lh b"ying po""et \\11u 11:11" IJI'l'1I 1':<111'.1 ],~ lIlt' TV ~ I I"" IWI", ' "rulIlpt!. and J Ark. <",,"I,U ore within KMl8', mi lnoU contour. ~"It i, On KMl81 llalll('.1 11ll" "I11~~It' r~ .1Il·1",!.·" liH·.I <>11 Ill(' f:lIli" 1"";':1"[11 11. To II", 1Il1lj,,,il) ,.{ li~" ' II"r ~ 10. 111(' nuli" SlOp Ill\" IIlIsir "I,,~ Ii ... , in lI()t!, 1IH'lrujl"lillm ,· rl'h·r~. ,HII] I.. "hulll 1111' InllJ!"li .• l'lIwr I'hol1(',,'all ~ ill'"li"k 1I" ' all~ JI1()~I. 11 11' .· h"" i" ,.Iill ]1rilll:tr i l~ a nllli" I,r"p:mll" ,\HC, \,hi,·1r ha" 1('IIl! had all 1I1I,,!!i .. ial " I IIIIJIII,~ .1""11" p"li,'~ "11 J!i,,·.a\,a~., ha~ l"illW"I',] lhl' 1'"lil'l I, ul o{ 1111' "il1ll"". \'\' ilh I"p,ral,·'] ~ Il"\\~ ~Iitl k al" iuJ! \nC ("r CIl:-:'. 11 ,(' i l\lrn'~ 1 ill 1lI,)!I('Y, llHlkill1! ~llu"~ hal' 1""'111"11('']. ,\ ;<1I])('I"'gi'(,',1II1' ) \' I\C , h,." ,·nli tl l'.1 J/llllyllo"d Calling. i" ",'I I .. ~I~rl III! III J III~. lIill. II,,· ~"I'OII{I I.alf "f 11.(' o'"',I"'ur ~hnl" .. head) ~"I,l It, enlt'll \\'al(' h. .\BC. 1',,~~iJ,ly II ilh lon;':III',ill'l·I"'I·J... ha~ ~ ' a l c ,1 Ih .. 1 il i~ 1l,,1 all allf' .111.1 I" fif-l hl KMLB ,·r·ll,hil.· \111C l'omi,' J a,·" 1\"1111) "" en:::;, ,"ul 11(11)11001/ Culliug MONROE, LOUISIANA i~ ~dll',IIII(',] for ,h,· :-;lIl1d:l~ nighl (I: : ~ll·;::m p,m, ~JH' 1. "ith III<" * TAYLOR·BO RROFF & CO., In c. Cn ... 11 ]K'rli"" dirt'<"II) "l'l",~ile H(,III1~. Tile ~hHl" I,'ill (rai lin' film ~Iar CI',.r>!" '1IIrl,h ), :11111 a h u.~1 "f 11,,11",1>011,1,11111\' la]"'lt nil a rfltalinp: I'H~i~. Ttlt' prop:ralll n· , . ,h,·~ a"'Hlld thO' IOIl;':'ll i ~lalwl' \1 ·1,,· * A MfRICAN BRO ADCASTING CO. "1,,,"(,. \,il l, J!u('~ 1 ~la1"~ m;lking Itl(" "alk and '1"c~tioll~ gro\\ill~ 5000 Watts Ooy "111 of Ihr 1II00i,' iIllJII ~1r~, 'I II{' \o(';.:illilinf! ja('kp"t i~ hup-(', aln:-a,).1 ~r t al 1)'('1' S~O.OOO. "ilh '· ... Ir


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• HI -TIME 6-9 AM with Vern Ha rvey WEMP WEMP * Jloopl'rl'pori Pa,ilian Po,ilion • CLUB 60 2- 4:3 0 PM with Tom Shanahan Nov. O.,C. 1948 Me". Ap,. 1949 • 1340 CLUB 4:30-7 PM with Tom Mercein 10 ti.led .10tions (3 ( ~ icogo) 7th 3rd • OLD-TIMERS PARTY 7-8 PM with Bill Bramhall MORN ING 10 ti,'ed .totion. • WIRE RE Q UEST 11 :30-2:00 AM with Joe Dorsey (3 (nkogo) 7th 4th A FTERNOON 7 ti" ed "o'ion. (3 (nicogo) 6th 3rd S:PONSORS ARE IN GOOD COMPANY ON WE M P EVEN ING Gimbels Schusters Household Finance Corp. Kool Cigorettes Miller Brewing Co. Robert Hall Colgate-Polmolive Peel Hudson Molor Cor Socony Vacuum F. W . Fitch I I Hugn 80ice . .. Gene,ol Monoge. Heodle y.Reed In(. Notionol Re p.eoento li... u Milwaukee's ONLY Full Time Independent

I 20 JUNE 1949 47 PUBLIC SERVICE ",ail'\'ll '1'IIin(! 111l',., a!!<, ill,.I":1I1 uf lilt' I':d" ani G. C('rhir, J'.]'I1,.O Il S. Johll' _It'i, '1 1. in,.lilltli"",11 '''I'' \1",.1 I,~ ,. ,tIl 11(" "ll i,.inC! .lin"ol"r. " a~ 1"' 11 Ilama.h HI (0,. .. a ~ I 'H"'r~ . Ii ,lill. a"afr . hal ~lJllle of lil(' 111",.1 ,111f!lrlil(' '" ,'j \\ 1 Ill- 1 hi~ pr"t!I;lIll, ~1""I~! ttl ,.0 o fh' lI adopl(',1 I,,' tilt' "p"II'or I'''''pl(' 311<1 I'r"ht. ' II1~ \,ilh I,hirll \\". "'],...1, •.1 ,)- ,,11<' nf tilt, "i!m"r- "f till' illll'n',I.·,! IlWf(' ill plI-.".li;:(' .hall in oIi- men Col li idr lll i f Y I h"" I~,' h (', : ~U' - PIII.I,IIj(lill~ •• '1> i('I' I., hi::dl\\;;n "dd~. 1'('. I \',l1tHtl r rrial iIl11'311 - II,1' 0I0r U11I"II­ 1'1' 11'(': alld h a pl' ~ :""lul iOIl,., II r 1'"1 't:L \rill,urll I.q;r,-,', The :--illi-'ill).! tar ~, Thi, f"fm "f I'rt'-«,lI laliulI i, prOlI1- ,(. r lllu '.i/ .. ulI,ler a lII i (' n'~('''I''' Itl C"p_ i- .1 1I)(,III1".r "f 1111' Flilll 1' ,oIi.-.' a bl, til<' ('II1IUll'io ll ra ! i!)l!- ,I "l' r ("~"r, find "ul 111m l1Iall\ of 111I'~r (I"Hl ilil" DC'P,1 111l1t'1i1 a •• it:1wd III -I",rinl .1111 \ 'I hal I,. llta itlh 1""'''11:-1 ' il,. ;lIl,'UlI" 1<> il I'r"lIli ~ .... d I" rlt·, <,lop, ill "")lIIO',li,,1I \\illl tIl!' -a(,'[\ IlllI)!,lillll b, · )I'illi,li .... nttd " lnHtI.b illill;:" It,.lt a ll ~ Thr "<)l11an l i~ l l' II"r " .. uld C'1'l ,.ilu· 1111,,11;:11"111 Ih,' Fl ill l ·,-11< .,,1 .\.klll, I"" " a.' ""II1tlIlJltl~ prod)) • •" I - jll,.1 "Iioll~ and ,.Ior i, ',. Ihal t "uld III' Il<'f 11.· 111<1 1., ·, ,J,lih apl"'ilran,·'·- ,1 [ "c\w"l. tll/' 1"";: 1':1111 '1IIu, ', Ih al aIl T;«' I all.li· ""II "r hrr falllill ·,.. I'ark l'r"]"'~I ' oI aud '"'["n' II llwr ;:nllIJI' of , hiloln'lI (.. <'11,',·,., Tlli,. 1,,1- I,,"'n Inw tlf (""II Ihal ti, t' fi r ... 1 U 1\I, .. h ,.I,,,ulol ullf"I.1 .1I1!! .nkl~ '''IIt:' mlOl h'll 111< '111 -["ri,-. ,.u. h r lal'''I' :II .. I ~·prodlll' . ,. 1 ,10"'11111<'11- l'f.,hl!'lIt,. frulII The Ilirl h 0/ a nal,y al'''1I1 -"ft'll. 11a1\) ,u1\ Ih,,-. [,-d tlwir 1111 i,·,. 11_ CI::, ' TIl<' f 'I/!-/,,'$ liroOlI. lij! hl "II Ill' I" ,,1,1 a~. " Tit,· lal "" irHilllli,m;rJ {"'IIII1H'IC· j ,,]· 11;11 " m'JI" "I]O~. · Till ing 1'11111;:1'11 1o 11 u,l fr"JI] ft "'"" lill!,! Il'rillli']III' (,.. Idd (';] l'lu rr Ih;11I l'di.! j,IL Ih ,,";:h Ih,·\ han' m,ldl' Ih.· I'Tt·, i"lI_ 11.1 ,·:tflll'd I, ~ III/mil/II' ", ,jorful. C'lippill!,! ... I", il" ., f .~il u " li "II' "" ,lll r'lllpt ( ["I'lilif II ill" .. n~ i -l (·11 1 II itlt li,1I/ 1"" fB" an(1 dqH " ~ " ' d rillin!"- " II parI 3ud 11;lf1"'1 of .Jail. 11ft' wilh II,{' rh,· l1al ul"f' "f 111<' 1'1 " i!TillllI In lr,w(' 1'''lh ,.id<" IIf Ill<' IWli .. ,1 for 'l"O'[al rillg "f 1,t)]It"I, ;llId l rol h, bll·illl·~~ din"o.h I" IIIl' ~h"", hro:tlll'a-I, f" I1 ,,,, ill).:" . :,,, I'r",h""'T B"II [ II< I('r 1111' ")I,I .... rl \\rilill!,! ;11101 Ilin·,,· 1.'1 Ill" ~am .. n'a ~'or) J"h)) ~,)I) .\ I' al~ "f Ih r Chi.,;!C'" 1t1, lu,.I rial Ikahh li',n .,f I'ark Il l(' !,!Ia.lual ']I'H' lu]ul.rlll J "h))~,,)) h,I\" lI·r,'ai'IO',1 f",,'11 lI~ill J! ;1111 \"I)"i3Ii "l1 had I" " ,.Irik.,,. a ga ilt~1 "f a d" li11<11I"1I1 hn~'~ lif,' ~1" rI. for "f til(' pro' ,·,1 .I ('\i,',, ~ f,, 1' I, , ~.ill~ til\' him ,,111'11 I ... lIalk"11 illl" Ih l' a,"I'I" ,·\:Impl\,. I'"ul" / "1',11.' III<' 11\'('1,,.,.'lr~ imp"d "f Iln'il ""Il1tllc ninl~ '111 ''' ~ li,ilt!! ~all l' 11I1I1 of J"hn-'!Ii ~ JOIhll~ " " {' \,·i lrlltt'lil anll inl'·fI' ... 1 f f"lIl nn.' \ 11111' 1.1/", ' 1I u'~ II~ " a ,h;:-lIifi,"1. n'- "illl ,llIdiliOiIt n't'"nl, " f /(~ } "III /.i/I', hr ll1 ](l('a~l I" ;011 ,,111, ,1'. The I1I'Hal uf 11 0" ",,"Ir1 a d"(' U IIWll l lll'l'l~fl" II I<' ,,('rir~ lIa_' tiwi tI ,,· h.(pl'~ ,.oluli'lll l'r"C!ralil oI'·";C'II< ,.1 t" pr"tlwlr 1.1'111'1 i,. II ... illlrlliC' t'Ilt. 101! i! ,II "IW- Ihal ill IiI jill.! l1tl'''lli,! h h('1trf IW:lll ft fll 1111" Ill" 'W'II1. rl,' r~ ,'3,.r h"I'" all.1 IlI'lp ar(' 11 l' I' I I i~illC' I'r"(! lam of J " IH'~ 'JlI ~ cI I ... i : , II ~ ,,11<']1 II", iuh"r' .. ' a dnil~ 1II {' ,~ai!" IllI' 111'\\ ,' Ih al a,.­ li~ill).! pro,).:"ralll f,» I') ]!) lta,1 : llr(' ad~ ~i ~lall"1' \\a~ tllt"n ' if li~I"I1 I' !" w"uld WE 1.",," f"rlllllli, I"d "itl,,'ul pl 'IlI' r",' ,,"h a ... k f"r il. ra Ii" 'I 11 \\,1 :< all Ih,'rl'-;lIId 1I1 .. r!'. It "f· Thr ~h"I' "a,. 1lT! ·.~"II I, ' ,1 a- a I ,), f,·n·.1 Ihal n H (' ulli'01I. Ill<' "jll,.1 .ii!1tI" DON'T Ill iltu\<' I'THO:IaIll .J...-i (!1l1'l1 10 101' .. i I ('(I ",,,"hill,,li"lI of pro,C'r:,," ,'ulllrl1 l all ,1 ill til!' ,In,lim'' fI,,' [ill lr,. a ,,('('k. 'I hi, ' lIhl'rli~illg 1,'I,i" II', J" IIII,."I1.\ J uhll' DRIFT 1110'11 111 ;1 pn',I'"Hil1 .Jtl II~ ""lIlan'., aw li­ ,."It, "II Ih, ' n'e"IlIIlII'1Hl;oli,," of tlII·if 'u ... ·. "hid) _.·,·tII",1 ri (! 111 fut ~lLr;;i! ': l l ;'0:1' 11<" '. )'''"11;: ~ BIII,II';)lII. \"" ,"".'f... INTO .il('-.illi-! ' all,1 I,al,~ 1,,-,,.111.-1, tIl", .Ii· ;111,[ (;,·rhi,'. ,I!'r i'](',! III {'''pand IIII' hu.I, ,i~i"l1 " f Il l<' (" >ln p ,1I11 I" "Iii!'!, 1:"11 ;::.'1 for Ihl' J.aJ.,' pr"du<'!, .11111 ~ur;:-i(, ; 1 1 SNOW (Ky.)! J ' :lr~ rna.]1' h i ,~ I'rn"1I1;llinlll, dn'",illC''' oIi,i,.i,," I" illd"d,· Il lI' ~ I ",,,. = It hml ""(' 'I"a l i l ~ Ihal ,t'l il ap,l1l ,,. .~ \ nllr /,i/,' ~1:1l ' 1".1 III ( kl,,).rl' ,111 fl''''11 1'''IIl l'.'Iill ,!! , 1a~lill) r I'r,,!!nllll,': il Chi ... a1!"·~ \\'\1,\(,1 ill 11 \1' II : 15·1 1 ::311 I'r"lI)i~"d I" ,, ·IJ 111l' IM 'opl.· 'If CilieaC'" ,1.111. ~pnl \ I llhlic ~, ... , i.·" 10.-., .. .1· :tid "f Chil,;tt:"',, lIIal11 ~"n i, "" '\('1'" ,';I-I, "II \\ ·i ~""n~ill'~ '1111<"""111'11 \\'11 \ "r I'I"f'''lIId ill"'f"~1 I., IlI,JIlI 11 ,, 1 :11 ,lr "ilil, ' ;IIIt'mlill~ Ilw wli, .... ~ il' .. I 1,\ li,I"I! , III ",·(·k,I" ,I", '1'1 1<'1'1' "a~ ""i­ '1 (ldi,,,",

SPONSOR i'~ h' d ill ,I 11101'(' .Id ail.,.1 t':\ p[ur:II i"l1 T lti" ~pl ' rtl l HlitJl1 i,_ I'H'Jlmllill'. HI· d"lIt-.. j, ill, of n pru bli'l!l in \111(, h road('a~I Ih a l1 Ilu," !-! h il j" rO Il ,. id l'I(·t l :t~ ;J fUlll r<' 1'''''' J" I III~OIl ,\ J.. hll""11 ,,1Ti,inl, ;Irl' ~1I1· 111(' 1.')·111 ;1111 '" fOrll lal 1I 11 0 1It,, 1. ".i],i lill , TIll' ' I" '11.','r 111'1;,,\ ," tl ... r "r t' l ~ pr"ud tfwl (',, " ~i(l('r,!li'"1~ of Tlu'rd" n'. " 11 17 1\l'ri l /($ \'''I/r ~h,,\\ ,.1I .. uloi 11,(1" tII"I" lillll" I.. I'r"\,· I'uloli,' r"",1 ,III 1111111"1I('t' Ilwir Ih illl-..· I.ilc 1\1 1 ~ di,.tl,Jl tiIl Ut,d a~ 11 , I (l i[ ~ J,r(l1I d· i l ~, ' l f in 1 1 ~ JII'II ltillf·lu" 1r ["rllllli. alld IIIg. (Iii Ih,· " 11 ,,,r Ilan.1. n~ 1,:,111':1('(1

r( I ~ 1 ami "wild!!'d I ill (I Iwlf·h,," !' f"r· tt l . 1 '·11l""~ I r:II., " 11,,1,l i!H',1 /" 'I1III1, 'rl'ial (:" 111;,' I" ld Ih,· C"n1!T<''''' "II Inl lu"lri,,1 II lnl l t" 5 un ,1;1 1' afl pTII' ''' 11 al ,'t::ltt, pf f "I ' l il t 'I1('~" I,dun' Ir~ill !-! I" ~"h .. thl' I1 t'" II II ill \lILeil!!" la ~1 JUllul1n. ill ,II" Tire ~ h "w i ~ :1 p..1 ('ku!!,' ""'IW<1 h) IIHI1I~ l"a('lie f,f(wdn l"l , III" Chica).!" plall"r~ "illl ('id" t! ,,, "'1'''1I~''r It's rOllr I.ife 1 K'('a u~(' c,,~ 1 in fOil 1,,1 II lr tlll wr~ 10 S II )(I ,OOO ,I "rigillal Chi(';tg" rd,'ro ' II ( "~ ,1i'1, '1o-, 1 nlld il I"III-..t,,} lil-..e 11 1-',,,,, 1 n.h"rli~iJtI-' Im~: ' I ('ar. rl'fl'rrlll'l'''' 1<1 111(':1 1 Otf H' T I, ..-al a d n'r l i ~ j l1g ill l UI ~ II lller ma rk"1 './"]<~;, 1,,~ flIT Ihe lill(, of ",uTpical dn ' ~ " ill g:~ tin t I ft J, ah ~ I'roihWI", t\,I,m:lIwgt'r r.crhil' i~ r

(fir." T h t, ,,111)\\' wa-" T! 'CI' UII} n' ll p"",1 fll r 1111" ~ \lmllW r, 11"$ } ' O/I r /,ile i ... (Jill' (,f Ihe 1II "~ 1 1 1t':II ' i l ~· . pr oruo h ' , 1 local I'r og: r , lIll ~ in ra.lio, The I' ital naturt' of til\" pro],. 1 (' I11~ il t! (' al ~ \\'itk Il ~ \l'dl a~ tllt" ir ,It",p human inlt 'rr~ t. lI1ak l'~ lilt' ~ ... ri(.,. ea,.\ 10 pub l ic i ~t " It haS had th " lI ~a IH I ~ ,;r

lil1 f>l< of 11 11"Iropnlitan, cOlll lllunily, 'Y ,,.,,;r, no joke-you II Q ,;"t' !'1I1I1 (' lIIi"III,' fa 11 ( ' \ ' li l- Inuk', amI 1I <1 1i ll ila l Ill a)!a:;. im.' ' I t ' \\ ~ " . . illl! (lui hl'r" ill 1111' HI'II H i \'l'r \'all, ' ~ ' , l ' .. j\'m'liJ I)nk ola c ll I'l'ra)!e, Specifi c pr" " l1J lioll-" hal " h il y~ t'I ' cI ,. iI,lIt' lIn'I'l'!':" BlI~ill~ IIlI'IIIl1I' Hf b.. t' ll worl-.. t· d nul wilh ,lnI ~g i ,~I ", IWfl ll l1 illl Eff" I' li, .. allil w('lfare :Lj::.t·II I, in. I'l t', S:') .'i!J!J I,,' r I nllli/ ~· -·u-lIy 1I IIon' 1/1(' IIlIliu/IIt! fll','ro;':I' ! T ht' Hoy S (" ' l1 l ~ (li,.lr ibu ... .1 1,000" AIIII , yt'""ir, WH,\Y'" p tlPlJ l al'il ~· ill Iht'"' ' 1';1I·1 ~;,. lik ," ()(Ml ('ar t! ~ 10 Chic ap tJa n ~; all d " I"I " r ~ tlllr iU"III1lt'-il kt.'I·p" ;!('owin l; I'n ' ,· y ~ " 'a l ': I n ;"I.li· g. 0l IH, nkl('I,. I':\ p l a i llill ~ II!I' pr0I;T am ; i ntlu ~ t r ia l pia III ... Ihrollglltllll 1111' area liml I II tlllr "X"" I' I;"" ;I I r ll ro/ ('O\I'I' a;':I", 1111" !;11t',,1 F Hr l!" gilt p"sll'r,.. A ll Iwa hl!. wr lfarl'. alll i IIHHp.'r ;lIil1l!" g i \ t' \'\; -nAY a " llHjlpill ;! I,i~ (1 7.:') 0/0 S!t nrf' 11I .'ll iea l pl1 iJlitalioll" arc ('t llrTI'I I 1\"" 1-.. · III Alu/ il'ftr",· ( '1'111 .. 1 Hilt.',1 l't ' ri ( Jl I ~ ) " i!flillsl {.1. l % Itlr ,. I " ri ,'~. a II' wit h \\'111'11 II n'adl'a_, 1 ,III' /I.' xl li ff/li"" ( J)" t', ',I H-J

20 JUNE 1949 49

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. .. '0' Ihe lo,ges, o udicn

--.--. ~. -+-,,---1 ~ ~. -'- c ••• ". _. . - '" ...... -

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"~" .... ' .. ,• ---,~- • - '--, '.' 'a.-'" ·...". -.-...... -,:.~.... _.. • :-;"- ..:-" ·•'. ' .. " ,-,... , • .... ,.. , ..... _. :..'...... - ·,• •'. ..• · "'~' .. ..·• ...... · . : " . ,'. • ..:;. • • " ·• . ..,- , "h, ' .. ,.. .., , ' ...... , '...... •.. - ... , " , .. " .." " .~~ " -, "" , ..~ . .. , <-. '. ,, .._.f ',­ .. '"

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' .. '--" , .... ~ .. , .. ,...... "_. .' "" .... - _._ '., - "c.::.- .... , . , .. ,' '. ...' '.' ." ...... ,. -,~...... ~ ...... , 'U._.. ... <•• -. ',M, _ ...... - , , '" .. .. ,.. , .. .. _. " '...... ••••• M " Jack Chesbro In Pitching * WHEe In Rochester

, .1

WHEe is Roch ester's most-listened-to station and hos been eve r since Roch este r has been Hoopero ted !

Note WHEe's leadership morning l afternoon, evening:

$TATION STATION STATION STATION STAnOH $,... nQN WHEC 8 C 0 E F M O RNING 38.3 22.5 8.4 9.3 13.8 6.0 101).1'00 ...... M "" cI ~ y '",_h It. AFTERNOON 30.3 27.5 9.3 15.5 15.5 1.8 11-00·6 00 , .... M Oftdoy'''' • .."h f. ;. s'o, ... ~ . ....d' .. ' " EVENING 34.9 28.5 8.2 11.4 15.5 ,;. S-,• • 600·100 30 ' .101. 0_, $""do, ' '''o''9h s.. ~ M A RCH -APRIL HOOPER , 1949 Lo •• " • • 1.... ,1.,1., ......


20 JUNE 1949 55 r id iu,,,hcd ,I", · ~ 11<,1 rrl're"cll t lilt' tr.. d,'uwrk "f 111(' pr",hwt a,. much a~ ~ hc r l' l'ro·~III ." a li"·in 1".IIH·t'1i IWI'.-"I( ,m,1 11,(, !- 1"lIJ~ or'" pr",lul'l. Thi" p,. ~(' h o l " ;.: i ('a l rdntioll"hip , ~ 1'111 1. 1 11(111 in ~ ", \' r;ll "" .I',. ill '1'\ , '1'111' I w~t ,·"amp!.' Ilf il' ( " "1l1l1CITi,,1 (ll'l'li"nliulI i~ f""lld ill 11 1(' I'ari .. u", ~lI' i",I".,. \1,,1')..,·,1 " II Ih,' "lw;1uty ('''II ' 1".~l" i,J,·a. Realityand 'rv B""UI~ " ,, "If'~b g" I It' rall~ :.(C all illl' I'"rl1110'11 ;.Ii).. •., nll"'tl 1"1 "u,III" l!WIII a ... 1 lIIar:a~il'" la~"ut ". III 10 '('(' 111 I "/11'11 I:nllll.\' 1,1"fIIl,-,b, .." "I,al ,lil[" n'1I1 rpa"'.II~. an' allra<'l",1 \,·a r,..II"·1 II' i.':-. l h,· \ j'lIal air Illt·cliUlll 1i :1.' aud Br "'H' r '~ B"~I 1:'·I'rI. aud \Io-K ,·,.· hllildill;': "I' i' al. ·~ 1111<1 I'ilillr II\, ,,,"'­ ,,,,I, in n· ... ' 111 111"11 11.,. "'III H, h erli ... ·, ,, ,.011 S. Il.,I,I,i",. IT,Hl

'''0 co",l~nl ,,,minden 01 Ih.1 GM c~f. Th ei, 01 1948 w~' cho.. n Ih,0"9h ~ Il· ... u l tonle.' Miss Hornung WFIL.TV. with m"ny O,,~l.c, Cily qirh Chevrolet girls clc>lh~, "'0 up"ci.Uy TV·deoi9ned by M •. John " BEFO RE A MODEL BECOMES ELIGIBLE TO TV, RUN FO R " MISS RHE INGOLO" SH E RU N S GAMUT OF ELIMINATION COMMITTEE

\'rw Y.. rl. or Chi\'a~(l, Uf I)"IIH'L o r call1pal;':11 thaI ha~ li[",,] Li.·ll1naJlll prriotl: San Fra ll\' i ~, ' ", 111 fad, \OIII~ 1111' l'lt'~i , 111'1 '\,('1'1 "," frulll a I'J iH ,.,all,,., rail]" "f I'",~. ( '~.l dl' nllal a 11l1 Il w \('11 \ u"k Stair I!lllwr' l.'l lh lla liollall) a lHI ::t h l'I('(l II ~ i ll \('11 \'"" IIOJa ~~O"H~ nalorial ('1('f'lion~ ,'all "iaim Uin rr Yurk. [,. a 1') 1'1 llaliol1 a] rail]" of .'l Ilt 11" 1 73!U:1l Ii":, 1I1~.3~1 a('tu al ,,, t. ,~ 11. ;111 "\ l i,.,~ II l1rl ll ): "J,I.'· alld til<' top I'la('1' ill \" '1' York hll'"'' .. 1.1H;,!I;," I"",li>1, .. 1.tlQ.M'1 TI 1f' lI 'rrifi.· 1It" l'dlall,li,.,ill): (11111 1'1'0 111 '" N~ ' ~ aJ ,'~. ~" n ll' ilHli("ali"n of ti l\" rapid I\"~ 1.2I!1,11,; li"l1 thai fa a'.' illC ' I'I'll",il1;:l) I!U1W illt" 1"1,.,,' ill !," puluril ) "f 11 11' "\]j,.,,., In l"il1 ' V",,·, '-,"" ill !UH ".,' rOt Ih~ I hr ".\ I i ,~,., HIIt'ing"ld " l'''III('~ 1 h .. ,o' go],I " COll l(',., 1 ,'a ll ]1(' ,.,,','11 ill Ihe 11 111 11' "" i" IIhh,,,oH' "r li'II, " lo, 1""'11 lilt , ]"r\~ I ' '' II ' ''' "f a 11 1 C l' r halHli,.,il1~ I", .. "f Ioall" ,," ca",1 ill tl", ]'.)n,II)W 1/'J"IISf.' 111(11 10 /'1I 1'f.' .')1) I

..... • I " '~. e 01 Ille Tel. pi. N ...... el end 10c . 1 con'"" ... be,n 9 .pon.o •• d , II 00" u.s. ./\ ..' .. m. ly l . l '9.n j ~ eo l., lor ,II it •• pon.o .. Miss America WCA U_TV p .... nl. d Pllill~ · . f,n,Ii,,, 10 ,. I•• i.w . .. \Vitb thi", i:-~Ilt·. "" Tn'/Id.\ "OIl H.!,. 10 thl' PIII I of i l ~ ii I,, ' H'dl" of n', por1il1~ IlhC'lt, Idl',i~i o l1 i~ ~\l i llt! .1111 1 Ilby . •\ atllralh. tilt ' In 'I1~ 1 ha,. iw('u l " , g ,l~ t · d IJi'ull .1 ,.t'l udllln-\.. 11;1111'1 of 10 I-iti t -· ilml 1;') ,.I,lIioll,.. II II.! iun-l'a-t' h,l- 1"'\'11 (,00',. BiI-l,d IIP'lIl .. ·',.<."I t'dil':- p.1I11'1 of 10 "jlll':­ .llId ]I) " ;111011-. IIH' rllO"ll ';\-l' hit- IWI'II 260 ', B,t,,!... 1 upou ,1 !w',d'rel,til lldll"1 of 10 "illt'_ , , 1111 19 .. 1.,11011-. the JUCIt-.I 'I· hOi. 111'ell .1 liltl,' .u"n: tv trends Ih .1I1 \'iO ',. TIIi. dot" 1101 IIWit-IIIt' lndu:-lrr i!roldh hilI a l'omp .... ati' c -tud~ III "It it'- Ih.1 1 h.ltl 'I \ 12 I1JOII! h - ago. II lI1e' J- UI"\' . ;.. :Tmdh 011 a Bo.~d upon .h.... u",be, .. t 1"'"9' '''''' .. "d .. n, :- 'H o,ih,' 1111111111'1 uf .. 1;\lioll- ill Ih",p ('ilil'-, '1' 111' '1' \ imhHry IIH·r.;dl noun.t"'tnl, 1"1 ...... by '1"""'"'' .. n tv "0· I .. n ond .ndu .. d by I .. 'ob.... q~ Rep .. , ..." l!l\m lh 11;" IW"II plll"h)IIIl'lhll. \1'1\11111 T \' I,a, ~Tnlltl 1,000 ' (, :'1,1"1'11\(' T~lc. '0" "dot,'i,inq. B",inc .. pl .....d , .... T \ ltd- r l"lIlllI ,')(10 '" 1.11I',d" .... I..il 'IT It .. , 1!1"\I\\1I a li l1 l., ulld" 1 g()()'" "'''n' of Juty 19., ;1 ulcd f .. , .. o.h bOle 11'- ;1 r..',I .•,ti., .lI h"l"ll-ill:':: 1111'.1111111, Illl"illt,,, i~ jlllll ll lllj!. ~d 1II ,lt'l u ,.. II~ all 'lali,,"- .<11' ill Ilu' 11"1. It "IIItld only h,t Pl't,tI lin 1114' ,I iI.



" , I - 111 1

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N'ulQlUl l '((iIGNU SlU(lIV(

HAnaHAl I nGIOHAl nuw"l

111 1

n il

ttl 1111 ,

OJ l I.' L I.

lOUl InAIl lOCAl mAIl '" to lil t " " " n, t

., ,. . .I .1 BEA UTY AND TV

I rmilillll",f jll/III IIII;!" :;, I

Ti le ' " \l i~ ~ Hhl'iu;!"ld " '-() IIt. ·~1 ,~ 111111 a hit! ,ho.d. II :-1.11 1,·,1 ill I'JIO ; . ~ 11 tra, I,· 1'1'''1ll",i''H ~1I11'1. IIII' h .. "ill,·hil.! " f I: ll('ill:':'II,1 I.p. I'hilip I.il"lllllallil :111 01 .1 1 " a,lill ~ lilhopmph,' " I.IH' h.1I1 IIII' IU lriurold hll~i lll"" 'lilt' d"<"\j"u .. f J ill" rllll,.'·IIIHIl P ( I~ ti't· H.ipilml " \ I i~ ~ HI II,'ill;.:"I"" '·"'ak.1 ~lIdl a ~Iir : U IIIIII~ ''''al''I~ ;lUd ,li~lri"l1l(/ .. ~ thai Ih,' I.kl. lIIal/U fi 'lll :11111 it •. 1~"JI' ·I, F,.utr. CUll" ~ Ik ldillg:. hal l' t'lIl/liIlLW,1 Ihl' ",,"1,'·1 a,. •• l'\'II~lIl1lt'r pltllll ... li"l1 "I,'r ·illl"", E I /'r~ .prill;': IU",. ~t'I"ral 1IIIIIIIre',1 III "f,···iullal \"11 YIII I,. IIII " h·l· an' "",·r", ·w·tt" I .. fi'lll Ih,· ·i'l: girl,. III". "ill ("lHflcle a. fill:l l i .~ I ~ ill III(' \1I ;,! 1I,1 IIl lillg. Tlwn . lill' pr"lIlOli"l1 ."uti,ll' ;,:;,O{'. i lll" ad i.m. :-1I1 .. 1 3~ :' lIpph'JII"" I ~ :111.1 IlI ap.lJ.i.,,· • .111' 11"(', 1 I" · 11"" f", ' r -,'" Iur l ,i"l lI ro'~ of Ih, ' ~i;\ 11111,1,,1,;, 1.:lr;;e ,.I n ·allh·T,,. ,.11I!l1 iug lilt' .i" girl,., a:. \\rll ,I, 1,,, 11 ,,1 l'a d~ , b:l ll ,,1 j, .. ,I'''. alld "in' ]"\1 ~ 1a ~ l wr. ill'" , li ~l]"i ll11 l ... 1 hy Lidml:lllll Bn',,,'ril , · \ ia Ih.' r il ) 1'0,11- II,' "ale~II1"'1l :11 11 1 Ill(' {' il ~ k"g ~a l ,o'JII(,II. j !.i,'lullanu Hr. " " ,,.i,·. fi;:ur.·.• til ;" fllr ( O"' r ~ ('u,.I"III.'r \II." l' Il I , ' r ~ ;! ]. b ,·(' Ik ll ,..' ll ~ l :t ll'ill!.:"hl. t"lI III :W 1':I,,-,or.Io > ,.,oe 11 ,1' \Iilhl,.\\ ~ l a~ ]lt' r ol Ihirillll- Itlt' I~ ' r i ll d 1I' 1 1~ 1I tI", ]111 "1 ;.· is ",)ti ,,;,: fill' o " \l i,, ~ HI1(' ill;':; Hld , t ll " II U It ~ frolll " ;l rI ~ \1I ;: u ~1 I" ",Irl, :'I' plrulhr,,. tin' III lt'i ll ll-" ld ~:l I ('~ fllrn ' II Iw"p" ;1 up .0m"" IIII I} {"I' 110(' l"II"'~1. :'.1 ~ u n ' l' · ~· ful 1 1 a ~ I l li~ 1""'11 a~ ;1 ~I°:l r . n llllll i. a. Il d l ;' .• a ~ tl 'Jrt· I , ' nll. l'r" lo ••l i"11 ,. 111 11 1, thai Ill(' ,,;':; "1I1'} al"l 'IIIIIII ,o" ,o, ·ul ino. F r:lIl1,. 1),.J au". " oIK)]" I,. tilt' II ' ,' ,,[ 11 11" l>vi lll."f·-nl" 11 1.III ' r;al fur 1111' " 0111('·1 ill la\{'nl.·. ~I n n' •. 11Inr l,. ('I~. :11,, 1 ol l'l' r (l1I 1 1 "t~ fur HI... ill;:olol a- ,irltlll ll ~ WO' ;. :'illl'l' half IIf Ihal fiO!lIrf' i· !-i " l w l .d t ~ t'II I1 .~i,I", · ,· , 1 I.'r) Ili;.:h f"r f1 <1 i ll l .n f .~: d ,· u~a i! t'. "III h lI"l't'])lilJll 'JI1 II II' ]1.11"1 .,[ Z.).Oil() IU" ·ill!!,, I.! .Iral,·, ,, j,.:1 ,lil CC I iudi"al iull "f II,, · ,:IIi /Ii i) "f I.i,·hm:tllil I: r('IIt'li, ·~· ad I'II]i,'} of A RECORD MADE ALL THE ~li " I,.;II;,t: I" Ihe I H· aut} . I '''l1 h '~ 1 for· MORE REMARKABLE B Y mul:. ~ ,·ar aftt'l" 1 ":11' , THE FACT THAT WOIC HAS '1'\. "a~ a.I.",1I 10,1 II'l' B h ('ill~" l d 1"'0' BEEN TElECASTING FO R "",Ii,, " .lurill" lilt· 11) 1: : IlI'ri",1 .. [ I"t· LESS THAN SIX MONTHS ! ill!.: fur " .\I i~~ IU ,,·ill;.: .. ld .. f I'J I')." Til" fi l"'o ll liuult, f, l l11~ 11,'1,' .. f 1111' .i" ",/1 ... · 1:1111 ;; h~ Ih,· a;:I ' I1 ('~ ( / 'II ~[: al>llil l ~ I O.l)jI() •. II II il'l, , 01l1l .i~1o', 1 IIf illl,'r· omCf ,ie"". "ilh Il le pir!.. 1'111- a ~I )...''I ·" I/tl 4\ t . 50th n . .h;I'·"IIlli.1I1 e",1I1I1('fI·i;.1 ill .,hi.. h II", oI [ ' :' ~ :' SfUOIO$ ,·., riOIl_ Itlll'ill).!,)I.1 p a(,I,.;It!'·~ panll!t',J 510 W.57th Sf. O HIW YOaK p a~ 1 a reli. \\ ill ;': .1(\11 (1. TI'('I ''''r ~ CBS -MBS Television Networ ks IIlJHO!.!"'" ..... UU ... V Hn~ • • 1161 ,Ii l".''] I :{ l inw~ ('al·11 (,n f"lIl" \t·" York C H A NNEl 9 , WASH I NGTON , 0 , c .

20 JUNE 1949 59 1\ ~tilti"l1~ 1\\ \!lII. \\ 1'1\" \\t n:- , 1'1:1\.'.1 til Illilkill).! lilt' la·, .. \Ii~. Hlwill­ Ihat had IJIlI IWi'1I IIr£'rc ,",·foft'. T" Ih(' '1 \. llild \\ Ji','J"\ 1 ~" tlwt tll"«' 1\I'lI' ;.:"Id" l'I"l'\i,," 11 lC" '1I 1'('('~ - Ihal il \\:1'" I,a_i, ' fo rlllUl a ,,[ a~~",:ialill;:: l{hcill).!"I.1 li,tllaHI 1\\" Hh('ill!!"I,] t..\,·'·n~l~ "I"r~ 1",,, ,·ln. 1),'lal1l' (1.101.·: " 1 JI!"I"~,"mll~ in :I di).! lIifil·t1 JllIII"lil"'~ Ihat [orlll 1111' \\ h"l1 ";' 1' 111 lit.· ·\Ii_. 111 1l'inl!,,111' ill a tall'rI!. tI .. , '1111 '.-ti,,11 "f IIbidl ;,[ j,a~i~ H{ ,,)' • •I[ lil(, Ij"l"nalill &,1.000.· filtu· "n tilt' ,IlL II,' f"11 Ih al 11'1'·II·i"11 til<' (:irb 11:1_ II ... I" ',.. I-I,,,,\.,ill;': \,a. Ihl' (Mlc\ ad [,u.ljfd -1 ~· 1I1 in lilt' \1'11 ... "rl I,a- f,·a.h 10, .I,. IIII' j,,1. ,.f Ioriu).!il1!! IIwj'Jr I"pi,· 1,,11:': aftl'r II ... film "a- Cill art·a. "III 1'·:':111.11 ;ltl. I .. li[,·"- \\ III! 1t"i111 :-('\,'ral "llwl" 1>l,'\\I'rI ~I'''HI''''H~ ill Hh,·rll).!"ld 1'1"1I1"li,,"- I!"III;': ,,11 :II B"lh rli.·1I1 alill .I).!"I1"~ :IP' ' Juiek I" tlH' li·lJal ll1."li'llll hal " :ubllll',1 'aria­ I'"illl ... ( ·,rlo·. ,lIId ill 1I"\\'l'npl'r'. IIW­ '·I.·,lil a ulilj"r r"Io ' In T\ ill Iwarh li" i~ :Ill ""Iwn".i", 111 .1 1111' I, ,: .~I ,,( " hiI' ll i~ Ill{' TIll' IDI I lil'I'n"I' wilh 1,·I,·,"i"iun ... Ialion,; ('o'l'r" :111 .,rr.'. ;:; I J~)(J in Illml,·lill).! f",·_ alld til.· S:l,onO pl'rfurmlll"·"'" h .. lh lin' and lUe·l·hanit·;11 ,nil I whl'llwr ill ,'a,..11 Illal Ihr uiJlllinp 1I1I"ld n '· II\' IIU 'all" of n·(·orol .... Irall:'l·ril'lilJlI":. or film ,..o lllul­ " . ' i\. ' ~. '1'"" 1\ :I ,I\"('rli""j' 11110 hal., Ir:wk. 11 •• ·.1 Ihl' lil' III' "f 11""1" and :I b£'alll\ ,·,,"\o'-1 I" ~"",I :I.II,lIIla;;t'. I'hiladd ­ It I'ro\ id.·" fur III l' lH'rful'llI:1lH'c uf B;\II·lil',·n ;o f'd Ilhia· • .I :ll'I ,h 11 ,. f1 1UIlI; Iln'II il lf! COIIl' ""Inlu,,,,iti'"I," wi lh'lul "'11t" 'ial 1' I, 'ararl"I' 111'.111.11'11",;;. palll alltl Chi(":lg(l'~ ""'l1ltil' Brl'IIillg (:"IIII,alll·. ha'·£' ('" nl" 'lIlr:lI",1 il1>I":lfl Tb,' '·"IH lo~ flf lllll;,;i.· li",·n;,;f·d I.y Inll "IIIIlaius ,,,"f'r 'Ill IllI' 1I"Il.pro,[e~>i"IlHI l'l'allly ,'onl".1 1111" hlllllln',1 1""11;<:11101 i'fll'yrighlt·tJ till,·", runging frolll ,,!ti"it [,·;Jlllr('> alll;rlf'ur 10":11 1:lll'lIl. fulk IIIII"i,' lIllIl lu·.III.1' 10 d'l,;si'·'IL I} PflUIll;:'. all"l.itlll~ 10 bl cak :I\\a~ {r"m Ihl' ·',',..I"loli _I... ,]·· ],rl'\\('r,..· ("rlll,1I Inll ofT" I';'; III ",It·,·i,; iull film prellllll'cr" all thc ill­ of T\' "'I", n . "r 1l. · II~, ""_ Iht' n,III1' Ir ~'_ Iir~1 .-Ililll' .. r In J,an\" roll a furm;llillli 1111<1 hl'l(. III"Y lI l't',1 ill IIl1laining IIJ(' righl 'J'\ h" , IIII~ .'OIull'-1 l'ulJllll"n'i:. an" IIII' 111111111'< '')" a 1'1" ;': 1:\111 I" lr ide tlral \\0111,1 .1111111111' IIf l'ul.Ii" I"·I·:< alliliakll wil li B."1. 1,£'1I agaill,..1 ~ 1'''1"l,.. /" hil,' I" 'illl! Il'~~ '·'llt'lI~il,'I. ",,11101 "1']lC;lIIo, hUIIU' .11,,1 lal,·I·11 \i"""r~, and \\ 1>lll tl al~" j,p :I Fo r Mu\ic On TV I li1!lr l ~ I'ftllll"l i' llraJ.I., 1Il"I",.]I:ludi,..illl;! i, I, ·a . TI .. , . ·"n"'~1 ,,":1- ')1'1 '11 I" (III girl,.. Consult BM I Tclevision Service .. f IB liT "In. 1l"lrI'i.·,1 "r ~illgl\·. jll tlll' 11.,rllllll;: 1'llila, I,'lllhia 11",11...'1. 'I'll!" girl,.. IIPI£' ~, ' n'(' I H'11 :11 IIII' ~11I.li,,"~. ,111<1 IIH' ''' '''kl~ II ill!lt· l' ~ .I.·,·j, ]"d "11 Ihl' BROADCAST MUSIC, INC. I"t,..i~ .If loall"lin1! [,,110" ill g II... ,..1101\ . 580 Fifth Avenue New York 19, N. Y. tilt'lJ \ i,'I"") "'1 T llllr~d,l~ nijfbl.-. <);. 1..';. • HI 1'.111. PL 7·1800 11 ,)I·IIIIIIf! ["lIm,,·.1 III' Ilw ,·,,"1\'>1 iu :111 a).! ~ ""l-~i\l ' II:I~. I'lrlt.: f ill ~ il III "Irr~ 11 "l"lIlIll/! 1'1".hll"l Hd al,,1 ill "'I""("i:ll ,Id~ till radi" all,] T\' pag('~ ill till'

00 SPONSOR l'hihul"ll'ili;t p,,!'cr,., \IIlt'1! fl'-" "1',1("­ I!'~I i' lIl h',f 11(, 11 f""11I II,., ~I : lt t. '1'111' " .' an ' ~l' ''II , ,,rill~ 11 11 (' " f \\a~ "lla~j!(',1 ill I III' fenlll,'- 1m!!"", l 'HI. fi,,'1 ""'I'!.. "f I" til'l! 1,lnl'" 1' 111 "'1 I,~ tilt' 1''' lJt. ' ~lanl ~ , " ,10' " f " tlr J1t'i~ b , au.1 II,,' Ilt'i;,:III",rl".ud puhlinlli"u,. ill mail·in HI"',., or h~ 10,,11,,1 1"J\ l' ~ pial 1'(1 loullwo,1 g i,I~ . , nl1l l \\ C \\ ,1111 ,III "f ]'hilacil·1 phia r:1I1 I"II;!; ,.[uri,.,. \'-'"Il­ ill Clli "a~" 1!I\"fll~1 hl't!lI;:llI ill 1I1"1l' "Ill flil ' ll {'I}II I,1 ~a lh l' r In mill fur II... 111 ,/ [!.~. " /lai ll . duo " allll' (,'fll1l1la WII .. u", -.I. 1"enl e1,,,k'I', .... aid till' I'",'knltl: \\ 110'11 :I "illlll'l 11:1" 111111"11111 -,'<1 , II ... \Iu(' !! "f tliC' 1,mult,li"u t l' n"II "~ 1. Again I"", 1 1 ,'rllUIl 1!'~ ,.al,'" j Ull1l o(" 1. \\'helL " i'l!illia 11 " 10,,,\, \ H ' ~ "1,,(,,,,.1 " 'Ii ~~ L III1I 1 Ul"I('rr~ \ It,:' lI "r lllll l~ b.Ul'lI h~ 11\1' rt'al'lillll 11lHtJllj! , I t';t l, 'r~ Ihal il ha,l ("lInti a r. 'all} ~, ,,,,I i

1]"flIUII!,! f~ ~' I :- HUll IhUI il~ heatH I ' , , , H" wilt 1,,11 you 01 11 10 17 yeo ..."((,, ..1,,1 ,.pe';enc" wilh eonl"".1 fBrlll"l" of u ;; ill ~ l"l',,1 1:11";,1 od.".ti.ing Cln Ihi ••Io lion , , ' first CI. monClg •• 01 0 Columbu. ! hll"I ·I~' r. m" b. i,,/! 'lIft' I,. j:1'1 U ~il!"I'!l d"po.,,,,,,n~ .10'" ond nOW o. heod 01 hi. OWn bu.in"II, H" .oy., "w" r'nd IhCl I 0 .moll bu.;n... I'auh l'Ulll C>oI ha~ 101"'11 1l~"11 III I" of Cenl.ol Ohio, B fI'll '.~u"d I ' IT ~ . I h\ til\' Alitull ie ill('r CIJJ IIIH\u ~ .. f Cllit'!I!!

20 JUNE 1949 ., , a, _ ____ ;L ~" Il' I ;!I1l1wdiakh ~'111 (lUI ~<11 Ih<11 tl1<' -I'''II-olin:.: l:llrfll ,,;1_ \, Ialll i, Ila' lirlPd lip ;l prill' li-I for ,,, app" a r ill thr "'\ I i~~ \ IIIPril'"'' pa;.:· Ihrmllll).! <1 1',1J1~ f"r II I(' "illll<'r. "ill l til!' lIillll<'r 1111 1"\11"'" Iril' 10 11 ( 11 ). ,'aliI ill ,\II;urlir Cill . I'\CO·T\ III fro '" "rdli l l~ I"r a ll 111<' 1;I,]i,,-. IUltl {n'" ""od. a '1'\ ~ I'I. a ,lialluoll11 IIri~1 :"'an Fral )(' i~, 'o i~ 1'l'lIInilli! ' n I" .. ]" I"r ,'n1<-rl:lIIl111<'III. Till' " \l i.~ 'I;n"ftl I'al,' 1I.111·h. a pl<1lil1[1 {O~ j'w"t'I. <'1" .1 a ".\li~. Il a~ ,h ra T ,'l r\ i~i (Jll" Illi~ " f Ill<' \\ ,>,.,," 11,,111.1 1,1' Ih"I<' ill 1" ' r~"l1 II hi!iI Iwi J.!lll<'lI - {('mitlillt' illll'rr-I ill JWll' a~ .1 P"JlU"tiOII -hurl fur 1111'" Ha ~ I.. IlIt ,,'1 h, 'r f'III~. 1'\ •..• "10'. ti ll' "(1111,'~1 II 1111"111 apprl" 'iall!.' ml~lIlf! \ rl';"1 Ill1hHr;[l1 E XI',,~i l ioll, O,hPr .-1,1' T Ill" at"l Ur beauly (' ''lIlllr~ 11<1,1' T\" h('aU I )·' I '.rn l ['~ 1 plall~ ~Iill t!OiH/! ~lr"lli! "II \\ (;\.'1"\. [If!' 1('· ,'''111,.,.1- " II ;l ,tH:lillillg" kl~i,., ~1Il'1r a~ ill Ih,' I,,,d•• . :','\('r;tl "liLn T\ - p"Il-,\r ~ an' tt~jn;.: a " ",'aull .. i,II") of Ol1t' ~nl I or allollwr on a ""lIt iIIUill;? ).a~i~. Thl' eh"1 r(lld SOUTHWEST VlIiCINlA'S RADIO STATION PituuuvI. I ) ";1t<'l~ of \ '·11 'I " r" hal (' h""11 fNl· tu rill/! IIH' "Clu'l r"I,', ( ;irl-"' I Elrl'l1 \1..111 ;,1" a",1 "!lrali" 1 ' 1!i rl ~ al ti ll' 11(',)1"h \\aldlillj! Ihf' ~ I., ~ d uu,l YEARS U\('t. Ilwll j Ulllpiu p- illln 1I II'ir ClIC\\~ ""IIINl ihlt' alld pUllillt! Ih .. 101' trp. I,hil, ' IIII' lIan,ll oT J,!,'b aN"~ -lh" pnin, Ilral lilt' \\" ;" llllI'f tl ,,' 111"\ (]al' II i1l 1,1' of continuous seruice to Roanoke (' Iowl \" alld milll. :", ,, 1'1".",1\ i,I<"1I,i· iiI''' I,'ilh II Il' ,HIt" Iirm aTI' 'hI' I"" j!i rl~ thai Ihrir aplwanllu'(' (In Ihl' TY and Southwest Vir9inia, and our ~('n'l' l l \illua l l ~ a l I IO IlI II~. ;l~ . I "r~ 1/1(' aPI','araUI 'C "f ··.\l i~~ lth"illf!ol,I. " \" a ~1I1r,1" "omlll("l'I'i[l1. , \I ~" li"l' " '\li~~ 20th consecutiue year with CBS. Hl lt'ill!! " I,I." tilt' 1111 1 t! i rl.~ all' 1Il0l1{'i-. 1' 11 1 Il w~ II,')"{, nol ~,·l{'I'l,'d III a ('on· I('~t. nltllotlj! h II", <:1"' 11',, 1.'1 ,Ipnlpr t!rotll' III \'f'\\" Yl i"II. Iiall' !,"" II u,. iu1! 1I I"p ul",I,'1. Ci lLd ~ Call1''''''". a~ till' " \l i~~ Tarl;m" ill a ~ "ri , ' .• of \\arrll·\\ralhrr '1' \' fil lil 1924-1949 ;lUII"III1('I'II11'III." IIlttrh a~ Ill! ' "(Ill" 1' 0· Id Cirl~" ha, r l,r"ll f,'alul"l·d. 1'. I.<>ril lard C.. IIlI' il,,;t ~it1g:ill f.\' jillg:l\' . " -~ - ~ - a. Iht" " B I)IIIl~' .\Iaid .. ."· The tlm'c ( \ \ - -, -~ - gi rl ~ 'len' ,.dedcd aflcr Ihe lI~lIal ··.Iif· - , " . " , - (jeull ~earl·h .' · ,lurin~ whil'll till' ,·li"l1l ~ / I -" 1IIul lIlt' I'fO.llll"l'r. Clwdic I kl~eh. H" \ J - !'offill(' \ " ,·("il'<·.j g,",,1 1'1lhli, ' it~ . TIll' g:irl ~ " '/ add ill"'rl'~1 I·i,..ualh Iv ti l(' t'/Jflllnerda!. ' Hkil?\ and ~n l' 3,..:1 l"OII~'lallt relilin.ll'r '.If IIII' e"'lll':lIl~ \ Irad"lllark, esta hl i~ht"d aflL', I"ng ),,'ars of s-tl'ady ad\t·rli~ i llg:. / The re :u·c (I fCII' p i rfa ll ~ for Ihe / " 1"II1S(lf cU Il ~ i ,lcf i ng the lI~e of a " heauty" i.lea ill h i ~ TV t"oJllllu! n'iak / In tl lC "a~e vf :unal('ltr IWaUI} c()nlt',..I~. a rd"a~e forlll i~ :, nl u ~ l . rep:anlles­ / , uf Ihe lI'illin"lll'ss I>f cOllle~tanls 10 ap' " I,ear. AI all tjll1 t! ~. Ilk' idl'a Illll"t be / in ~OOl!I: I ~lt" :> ince Ihcre ;lfe 11 0 "ruli' , W

SPONSOR IDENTIFICATION I COlltill!let{ /rolll I'ngc ,1 ~)

Ihe Ilh'lr"JlI\1i~ rllll ,,1lt'a.J o f IIII' 11:1' lifHla! rmlio 51 fig:urcs. '­ Th\'rc ar~' 5pc.: ifie rules :111.1 I'('gu' ion:> cnlcrillf1, I'r,,;':f allb olol ai nillg -- !at lu ~ h illenlifieali "ll fi;.:ur c.:'. The tllp I'ro)!:r:UHS an:ragc :;<) ~: hight'r ill audio Start out from Nashville in any direction. elll'c ratillg titan all ~h"w~. T IH'~' arc Stop at stores of all kinds anywhere lllo,..llr n lrielY ur ,lI uli('II(,(" I",rlicil'a. along the -line, for hundreds of miles 11011 ICJu ir.) program~. Thr~ I'II,..t , nil along the radius, Check the inventories an al'cragl". 2,'; m"ri' Ihall tIther pro· against the list of WSM sponsors, and p:rams till Ihe air. They han' ht'l'll illl Ihe :Iir IIIit-C a_~ 101lg. a ~ lIlt" :lI t'r­ the over-the-counter movement of WSM· :tgt' program, They u~e (,O' , 111 0re advertised goods. That will tell you the prv(lut'l Inelll i tJll~ .Iuriug a J,r..a, l ca~t. story of this station that helps sell to, '1'llI'y dl~lriJ,ul(' the l'I'o1 ,'mlt'1I1'or I.. ,..1'11 II jilt rt'''~''I1-\\'h~ t""p~ ' . lI igll Sp"ll~or i,It'lIli ri ealivll i ~ Il'1 the clil irc ,II ISI\'I' I' t tl illldligl'1I1 (l~,' of Ii""." STONl, lie", Mg. . • 'R VI "''' W"U""'. c...... Mg' . • lOW""O P En., & co .• N,,' ;oftot lIep. hr"!ldl'a~ 1 ;lIh,· r ti~jtl;.:. T hcr("~ ~Ii ll tilt' 50,000 W"IlS • CLE " . C H A NNH ' 61 0 ICHO C ., ClU ' NIC " " lll"U prohlelll .If "tlu('s il ,....Il ? .. • ••

20 JUNE 1949 63 GALLAHER SUSPENSE ,( fIIllillllt·" jrfllll ""F" :!'J I Irnlllill/I('d J/

I'd, I, , .. lo'''U'I).!,·t~ "",\1,-, 01' ·1: I,) n'''~''I1~ lor II ... ir ~11"',·,~ "ilh da~lilll i' \\llh (,"",,' 1"'III1II11UII("-, ,.·,·.,rdiIlO!' "f " ') IIU'1I li~I"II< ' I',.. 1 \ ~ ~. IIltl 11 ,. II .. • \"1' 'MIIl<" hall,l· "f til<' ,1.,\. ', h,·,,· III',,· i.I' ·lI tir... :,I',," .,[ all di"lI1111' 1<"1, '. lI~lI H II ~ ill n lIIalll'l' "f it f"" rlil1l'll'l .. "f ;liI11111 ;': IILn',11 1" II ... h' T" u,nalll " "III'lhill!! t';\( II 1'1"";..'1";1011 a l 11 -I'",·ili.· :nul io-,)O'!' ,Jf~. 1II11~ 1 m "I,' 1,,1,.1 a,h"' li ~i ll g: I.IIII,:!,·!. i, ... ,,,,,,]'11 1111'''lli:dl lh.· pl"1 11""",1. .\. ~""II a~ \\ "Ia,q !!,,1 Iii., ['-"1 ,wi hr;IIl!ing: Ih.· 1!t1"l'ill ,"-I'I d",.er I" II ... ill ra,I;" I ... ,.,'1 ,dHHLI Iltak;lI~ 11t(> 111 .. ·1 IWI". until III<' dill"" i~ wH.I ... d. ' \II ~ ,i'I' ·1I11 ., ["allln' III<' i,,"l11~ "I"'n , .~ alU l 11I" .~ 1 '- blllih" a; .. dr " III ; ' ~ , I!"in~ I'hl!!!!'·'1. Ililir II ... """'I,li"1I "f 1"1 .... "di"l1 =-'1""';,11 1""nl"li"n~ aI',· ' · ilf..r\lll ~ , I,'ri," li l.. !' 1,(11/,' Nuttf:!."r. l' l. il.'~"plll . I'llill al""II,1 a " "lIl ral tI"'IIII ' and ,'". 1'; ' ~I"la l M·,·II'.,...... 11 ;""'·;< f •• r Il wir """ '11 ,, ;1 1, lhl' iI'1<'i"lll KHMO Hadi" "" I' ~ i~ al~" li.·,1 i" II ill. 1I<'1'~' Cn·,'1.. Ih ~ al' · I'. '1" 11<' 1"1 ', 1l' I'"illl I,,"ard 11I1i <"l 1 II... 1'1,,1 11"'111 i IIf"l'IIwcI. III'I'(' .~ i~ 111<' ,·Iillla\ .,,'(> 11". \ .~ ,. ,.,·,ult TIII'n' i~ 11" ~.., ~dll' ,,,:!,,!"!, IJ"IHlIIIIlI'III " "II1 I II1 \1" "1I"'1I1 ~ all''''1I11',1 1, . II... 1"',,,1. r'·' ·,," 1I111'1I11.·,I; .'" ,.Jill"'\ ~" " II" ,.1"'111, 1 111'1 .. [ all' " 1'" Illnl]lIfa.-tuH·r d"lwlH l ~ g,'lille.. lire 1'101 Ilr fl';ub 1,,!!,·tl lI'f .11 "1''''1 11 ... alll<>llI.l "f III"JI<'~ ill Ill<' I',H' ,. 11,· \0 ~ki l lfll l ~'· ' J1I1· IIt "l' II,al ""I~ \\ilh li ... ,I. .. '''''I"·ral;',· ;" h"lli ~i ll !! flilid. 1111 ' <"I",ill;! lilli" "f II", ~ " ' II" i~ til>" TI'II ' 1" .tI, II.,· 1)",111",. alul id<'lIlill .. f 1<'1I,i .. " a("II1<1II , a ll .1 "",11'1,.,;",1, CO UNTIE S IN 1;1111 ,011('1' __ p:Il'li, illillill;,! ~I'",,~"r~ n·I"iI."·'I.· TIIt'Ii. tI ... ' I" n ,111111101 ,· ... 1 Pt OS P H OU S ~ <"Ililll)!" f,,,,n III,./ilit I .. 111"11111. TI ... ;lIlIlI.. , liuI,.j ~. 1"1"",,1111"'11,1.·,1 CII:-i ""IIIII1N";al, 1i'lInlll ~, I ",,' l I:.! .~, \\.'rrl~ H ,·~'·ardl. l AND " f I,alli,il,alill!! 1I1,lII lI f,w llll""'" ,I'" \ <) " " " 111'<"1, i~ ," '1 f,·,·I. \11 "\;LIlII,I,' S OMI'(PJI/ ·, I .... lul,·,1 [i, 'I. ( ;,,110.11<" 11-." fhr ;1- ,.[ 11" , ~ 1""l""lIIill r~ 01 '1'".lil;'li,,· IlllNOIS - IOWA - MISSOU. I ~,·I f 11 ... I "lIla i IIi "!! ., '"1111"1 " i~11 1iIII<'. n',"iln It , Ii",,,·,1 Ill' "II tl ll' I') 12 ti,,,I · 1'1"'''01'1'''1 UP.- JOHN E. PEARSON (0, '11 ... ;t! ' 1 ",III"I-I'''"I~ "f 1,,,li,, ,. ill!!" "f III<' I',,,).!" ram '"ah 1'or I"i!a nl. ",.,.J., 1"', 1111 ... 1 al I",""·,,il'''. hll,I""1<1-. ill).!" S'H/H'tt'\/·. \" "\lra '11l<'~li,," lIa' • .I.I·1<'r .... ""I11:!~1<'r' 1,'1,'.1 )!I "" III' 1,,",·.1 ilil" II ... '11I,·,Ii"llI1ai , ,·. ill all [r,,1Il 11, "111<1 11 1"';:"111'11;'< 1""',11 1'" ", ... 1. :,11"1111'1 I" ,1,·", 11 .Ii.., "f 1I 1\.'I"r;t'~ II" , l'alll'l '00••• !t . ... " , 1:;,lb l"'1 f" td 1"li,1 il.~ H'~ ' '''''I~ I" ,\ . 1I1<'1II1"'n ""11 1.1 ~ l al,,1 ill ,,",' "',·II.IIg:. I' \\"1;,,,., .... dn',lIlI ill ,·a"'h. • 1·",·II · f"lIl 1>I 'ro"'1I1 ~a id llw y lIaillo,,1 b4 SPONSOR Ilnl~ 0111' I"'r cH'lling. :'t~', -aid th." • t;!Ju l,1 -taml m"r,' thall "til'. alltl th,· WMT mines a rich lode In remailll\t'r I"'n' infiitf,·rcnt. Thc 4Iu,'~' tiun "a~ ju_t tn .. hroad to ha\e an~ (IOWA) rca\ ~igl1iti('an('c with the limit,·,] -i!.c Goldfield of the panel. That tl\l' ii.telliug ilu(li· If you'l'e prospecting for markets and don't care whether your nug· f'IICe l'all detinitel~ -t atul m~~t('r~ gets com£' from rich farmland_ or li~h'nillg ill hig. dlUlll..· 11;1· 1.""11 pr,,, e(1 pl'OSperou, industrial terrain, cast a b~ titc "hltKk progranling" OIf 1l1~" calculating eye W;\IT.ward. We'"e staked our claim to Eastern lowa­ tt'rie- "II Sunday afternoon- h~ \lutu.ll. and Goldfield i~ only one of the hun· 011 Frifla~ nighl~ Il~ ,\Be. ilud h~ dreds of communitie, in W;\!Tland the high rating Ihal lite,..,· 1I1~,..I t' f\ that mean pay dirt for W:,\I T adver. ti~ers. Add 'em all up and you get "hluck·' haH' galhered. an imprh,;il'e total of 1.1~1,7o! Ih 1<)1-1. Ulo~t of Ih .. al"" .. ~tor~ people within our 2.5 m\' line. filuling- alld rea('tit)l1~ to! (""lIp"nelll Cash farm receipts for Iowa led the p.ub I)f ~IISpell$e "ero' ill "peratioll. nation in HI-Hi; "alue of ma!"lfac· tured pl'odul't" exceeded $I.S billion. Thc\ had heen turne,1 o,er to Ihe Pm. There's gold in Goldfield and the gram Department. not a. iroll·d:HI whole of \\';\lTland! Get a lode of rul,·~. Imt a~ a guid,· that J!r(JduL'er~ the details from the Katz man about Ea~teTlI Iowa's exdusi ... e \I,'re recl)J11lllende,1 In f"I["". lI_ing CBS outlet. tlwir 0"1\ lalenl- to flo on. III 19·11. .... IISpI' lI5e again I,a- te_tet!. The ... hOl' at that timc \,J- u-ing (I 11;~t'mL(}dicd narrator of thi' II hi... tler. type railed "The .\ Ian III Blad ... It lIa~ all "xperimcnl of the Program f)('parltllCIlI. \\ hich felt tlHlt a narralor "ith a "'pulrhral \'oice liQuid hf'ighten the Cnlhif' na, o r of Ihe 51151JeIl5C ",cript~. Tile narrat"r drell a -Ila rpl~ 5000 Wallo 600 ICC. Cay & N;ghl Ullf:lInrahle reaclion "ilh the panel. BA51C COLUMB IA NETWO RK \, hidl ;;aid later that Ille narrator ,Ii,] lint emcrge a~ a !wr"olwlit.,. aud Ili ll 110t 111<)le Ihe ~tor~ lim' fon,ard efTee· ti\d~. Although till' d"dn' hall been u

20 JUNE 1949 65 l,uildiul-! 1" :1 ,htI · lwu ~ . · 1. 111t'1l l'i,·l..i":f r(,\.,:tI .. d -nnll' ~if!l1lfi, ' atll filt,li));.:'" 11'" l!p

"I :l1 pld,·d Ill(' ~I''' ~' ha,1 oJ] li~ I {'llI'r "lIj", m"lIt "f 11", "llli,,' ,'> '!-II'NI ' /' ""111 l",f"I< ' II... l,allO'l -llII\\. '1'1 .. - pattel !'hol\l" 1. fllr f Ull' Ihi1t~. :!;.:,tin ill \Inn'h. I') I:;' for IIH' fonrll, Ihat thr 1lf'~1 pl:1t"<" f"r Ill<' ,·011111Ir,,·111 1. lillu. TI,i_ 1t",.1 I\,,~ lIwd,· ",p"l'iflnt l l~ 'I[)I'(' Ihp ~l o rl \111~ ~l'ri« '\I\I!!I, I ~ I ilia ill i~ I','atilt:f hi~ r;n~ .... ~ \\illl " Ih:11 IIf \\ illi,\l1I /(,·i;.: hl,·\ 10 1,lIr Ntil/io lIlall,'I:' '1'11, '111/'1 II]" HOII:,ld COIIII:t11 I .. 1'1/1 Of/If' II. dnluf! lhi,. lilt' illtl'r,·~t ilt Ih ...... · IIIry. Ili ,~ p;u allt'l itt II ... 1l1\~t"f\ fi,'ld -tOI"~ '·I>lllittw·,1 I" pil., tip. '!(""or d in~ \la- 1·IIJ~l · I.. II", pari ,,[ "Itn Ill(lwl" In ('I:" H ' · ~!'nl. · h. IIl1til tI ... '·I<'I·d uf o tt I"IIt" ,';"'/1"111111. T],t' panel liId',j "pp,,,,al" ill till' filH l ill;':~ jllllll'l.'d 10 II", ~IIIII\ II~, · H. rill' "'Il,""_ll~ 1... lnl-! :1 hi;dl'" 1t'11·1 "IH'" Ill<' - t " l~ :fot IlI"I, ·. Illal il ""ro 'ak,1 ,11,, 1 Ulainlai",·.! Ill1' IIa, :';.:altt. T lwr(' "iI ~ . 11",,1""" 1 til fil ;'I lIt:1~t"I ' (If ftl l rlilt II ill, ,.illC!'·1 Ili,'" Il a~m",.. 1,1" ", · ft'I""ni,·~ ittlo tl'l' f.,tlllat ",0111,1 111""11 the ["II o[ 1')\.) ;11111 mi d·I'JIB. halt" Ilwaul a " I",I, ..-al(· jtl(!' ~ li l! l-! ,·l i'·111 :11,,1 a;.:'·''''~ 1\,·\\,·11 '[111111<'11 1 .. f IIII' 1'(1I·rfllll) .",,,I..,·,I'"lIt ",;u_'III'II"" f,·1t 1111'1 hall .111 aJl~\\ .. r I" rhi- Ill"]" ~Irtll'tlll(". lilt' i,I"a "a~ ,1t"!'I""!' .\~ I"m "f IIII' IWIIII""i,,·,1 f""ItIH' rr ial far a~ ..... II'I" ·,I.\(· i.- "'"",,·I'lI'll. Clb i~ tl ~" "' ~_an f"l ~'· II'IWII .,, " TIl\' t"IIlIlIlIt"I' ,'o"klll to ~llilll! al"llp" "ith II", rial II",,' I""I"'~",I \\"ulol 11(" .lr(llnali,· ..... h;I"' · ~IH·ar'·all ,[(11I1f" or "II,,· I'lal'~ ill fllftll. aud 11",,1.1 "Iltl,i~l " f ~'lItl. · tI", til ill;': ." '[1;'11";':111' 1... . 11(',, 11 a 1\ pi"al Ll lllt"r·IIIl,I· .... 11 .'1'1'11 ,'" 1111- ~1"'tl~''' ' ' ,1 1,\ t] ... -'It I 0111" :ttl,1 \a.i",I.~ 1" '''1,1.· \lh" 1ll','.1 H"llla \\ i,w t : "lIll"'l1~ 1,,'11" "' 11 1), ·,,·tII ­ \ til, ,· I.i,,· 1'1,,, llId. I fi I ,'ltt'·II. rill illg.,..ta­ I"'r. I'Jl:t ,mol \"'l'lul,,·1. 1')17. '1'1,, ' liUIi atl"lI,1a'II~. 1'1".1 [UI 'jlli('1.. ;.:1'1:1' ..... /I'III'II \(' l'm,, ' I ~ Itl "JII allli I'}I.") \la, ill Ilwir ":11-. Ct::-: \\a~ a little

.... li ll"'f·" Th" T<'x.l\ ItJ" )::~ H, '\r11~nca'~ ,c:r<'''I<:\1 'H~I<'''' acr, (or rll~n)' rears ~ I.l'~ o( ,adl<', ~'r<'e n a nd V. S. BECKER u,'g", nn w .lre s • .trflng Ul ,heir PRODUCTIONS uwn lei"" 1~lon ) huw un CBS· Directory Rates P'od'J<~" 01 le/u .. ,O" pock t,,~ Angeli'S Tornes station and 'od,o Dge .h".... Rcp'ean/o"g ,,,'~n' 01 d" KTTV "a, h Monday c,ening. ',,,cI,,,,, on request The T cx.H Ibn,c:",s rr.lnKrip· 562-51h Ayc.. New Yo.. l".embe'g 2 'O~ O I;ons, ll H' ll!l" ,,·u.el ,,( "~tlllns (,um ,n .'" ,n ">'1$1 . h;\\' c ac h.c'·c,1 11 " "pcr .•• in.c:s .,s high a\ 27 .-1 .

A,I"crth" rs .,n

AR TH UR 6. CHU RC H ',,,d,,,,;o,," KANSAS CITY 6. MISSOUR I

66 SPO NSO R I",'n "f III(' i,l .. a. • in c!' 110 ' :1O II "lli,,1'1' Ih al p'U ... I IlIl'lIllu' I' f,, 1t tlll'\ "" " - "i,,­ I" II .... 1.. ", a. ,I "llUlc JllrI tu til" ,-nill' IJa,I '~ u ;!ge ~l t, .l l h !' \\ i.l" u ~ " of dialn;! IIl ' !rl,,:-l iug" all, 1 -·fit t.,,[ 1,.-11 ililo Ill<' III(' r('iuJ:- ill !,'lrti.ular. alld to l,a'. 011 tilt' 1IH1.i,';o1 jill;!I,' ill tir e n l ~1t, 1' HI e ll:,- " II 1.; J III ~, I').UL til!' ·-"'-IW lil;oll:-." IIl1d -', li,III'1 :-lIitll1l'"I">I\ ,·I,,·in!:! (·,.mm"ITi,,!. ,lIltl add,,1 ;!n':.rll~ I 'f'!' ~ f"lI ullillg thl' fr r ~ t .'iU,'/)t'IIS(, nltli" "I' tI ... "1" ,",,01 ,.illl·" il la('!". di;!nill:' Itl Ihe .I", i!>i" .. 1ft ,]r"p ti,l' ji ll ;: I(', \1:-(>, l'r" ; I , ka~ ' f"r /\lIt,,· Lilt', \\'ith ti l(' pr .. \ t'lIl· II ·EIlIUII ' II'~ 1>,n" 'I"r "f He· llt(' \.,,,..II-Ellllllr 'l IHlnd'~ rllt,lil1~' :: rfll u'" [')Oll at ~t' t "ml thc ~I o n p"rlioll ~,'~m·h. Cel al,J Ta ~]..,'r_ 111<1.1(' a I"IIH'I · h,,,,,'01 tl111 1 Hll', of it· 111<'III I".r. Ilad "f it t}l'ical "f til(' t igh t p:-} dlolopieal "I",h of II II' fi l ~ 1 tltn ',' SIIS!,!'II.,,' hr"a,l· n ll lkr'oJ lir,' ,li;II"gll {, (·""lIIlI'n;"I. ill tllf' I' I " t ~ that had 10 ("'11 p, ,, , ef l d Tedi\{' in t' a ~ l ~ ,"111 (>1' tl ... ;'f';!i,. I,f ,\ ut,,·U tl'_ Thi­ " ." ""II"I1 I·t, "f"'" '" cat "g" I ~ _ "hi" h 1'<1 .1 I.. ~ I ~. Il w illl{'fbi 1(,\,,1 ,,:.. hi ).!, 1i "n~ a qU(,,. ti"l1uuil'!'· t)P" "III"~, "hidl ha.,]..,-d 11]1 til(' lB:-. ,<; llItll aw l ~h''''r,J th""II;.dlf,UI tl... . I'll~ p"l'li"n, Thi:- 'Ia ,. \l a:- iliad,·. f" r tl .. , 11 " 1'1''',''':- of ~pr ''' 1 1. ill ag"l"'I .11,,1 " li(' llt lllt~ \I('It' illll('(',1 011 u" p;lIlin,lar .lIri' r i~ , ' al e ll:-i: il I .. a~ II.. , \ ell \ ur].. aft'<1_ 'I I", ' ]lI("li"ll· tlt t' rigllt llal·!". I" fae\. l'I'lI('li oll I" IHl in', ",'Ie a the (1;.,I"gnc l'(t IllI1l (' I'(·i.11· IIa· ~II', III" H' "I' k"" "I,a l t llt' ~ k ul "'IJI'd c,1. ( 1('~;l!'"(',1 t" ~tl rc:wli,'11 Bul lilt' te,,1 " ; I~ primaril} II. ,I"I N ' IIli ll(, til<' "Uieaq of th., ('''"II II,' rei:,1 f,, "111 hc ill ;': 11 :-('(1 a lld tl \l' dTfd of !Ill' lIIalll](' 1 o f I'rbelll ;'l i"lI ,,1\ till' li ~ I (,lIn pa ll d . II ealllt' a,. :J lIIi l,1 " lI r l' ri~l' h ' CH:-i 10 ~('(' tlw f a irl~ ~(ttJ, 1 1'1':1101 ." Th(> ,.t'",,"d dialo;! II " !'''I!I' IIwre ial. which ('mllc at IllI' !'1H1 o f 11 ](' fir~ l ·at'l d i fT . b a ll ~ " r. rail fo r a tlli ll ut c o r ~ ". anti drew a I'lll ~·o r lt'. II elld(',1 ill a ~ Il<>rt , 11I " ll lagr.lik(' :- tT i l' ~ o f ll1t'Ii ' ti"II S of th r \ ' ar i O\ I ~ leading AutOl · Lit e pru dll ('( ~ . 1""wtlla!!',1 J, ~ . Ill ll ~ i p, TI,i,. \, a ", ~ I l'a i 1! h t ~{' lli llg. an.1 it I' al(' d ~ I i g ht , " Iml er Ihan lit" ,.tr;l ight rlia logu{' ,'olllmen,i.1 1. \,h id. (' 1l" ,illll<' ,1 lilt' " rig. ina l di~c u ~~ iul1 o f "\ lI to- l.il(' St,, -Full WTAR delivers more B al1 .' ri. ,~ tha I had lu,<,u guillg " 11 Iw, 1\"('('11 fa!lu ' r ami ~" ' l and II... i .. Iwig h­ J,.-.r h.-." d firc llHIlI, Tit!' c l ()~i ll l! (' 0 111 ' listeners per dollar, too! IIwfei .. 1 C;r,,](' a ft er Ih.- '- "l't:1i .. Ii I,,' o f IIt (' lu ng ~ ( -cO ll ti al'!. Hl ,jug ~' "lIt ' \\ ha t in the Big, Able, and Eager.to Buy an, ielililactie_ ~i llt ' l' il ,,1,o II ('d !hc fi n' Norfolk Metropolitan Market (, lI g iu('" roa ring. o ul lIf Ilu' fin,IIOII .-!' \0 th(' ~ ' CC '-' I II\," lI i Ill I' 11 1 o f IHul'l, rillg iu)! of Yes, most folks in the Norfolk MetropolitM Mc.uket lis!en most J.1' 1I ~ 11 11 11 foar i,,!! o f "'0101':-. il dr(> " t.' r :- fdl tl H' ,Iiull'g ll" Cu l11 - N 8. C .... Hili.le 5,000 Wa'h O.y o"d NiqM II wr (' i"l ~ ;utr rf,'re.1 "ilh Ihei r " ' Ij ,,~. N. ,io".II, R.pr.,.nl.d b, ~d ... rd Petr, , Co. 1111'111 "f lllf' ~ h ,, \,- _ aud nltt rr , h,1I1 t" i (-(' 11 :- 1I"'11~ ~a i ( 1 thc ~' Iholl ght II I('~ 'Irld(>,1 to tlll'ir (' lIj " ~ I II " "\' r O I I IIl H' II I ~ ,:tal;' ,1

20 JU NE 1949 .7 hi;:lwr "" ti ll' thinl · \11 11' d la ll il "a~ MR. SPONSOR ASKS "r k .. lilalil ) ami "uH:ul ' ill~ ~l!)t('ri , "II tilt' fir~t. I1TII I. hili 1111' ... · 1 ,1o",~ halt· IlIIrl. F\I. \. a tt-liit. IIII' cI; :II "f:II" "" l1I l1wr· "hidl ·huIII,1 I ro l1~ ~jl" ' 1' hal l' 1... 1'11 I';.d· 11 11 th,' 111'1""1]" lad,,, \,'r.i"l1 "f ha~I', 1 1111 tl li- ]1 1' ;'" il'll·. Il ul -l ill Ih,"1' 11\1' ,1"lIIiJL;IlIl .~.I '· III II( ,Hlr .. 1 Ilr"".!- 'I/.'Iw" , ,· h.I\" ·1011";[ Ilwp,. 1110' jill ;: I," i~ ;. I" , ,,( I,ll... ~],, ~ 1"'i l'l! ,·,,101 "" \ \I 1';I -1L1I;:_ I- 1 " ,la ~ un], " q.:illl1ill;: I" ,'a-\ I" tllh';.:,a\(· ill l" ;'I 111 11.;" 1/1 ," "11' .la l i(lll~ t" tl",,,,,'Ij,-;.1 li'II ' II I' r~, '11 ... ,,_ ,',mw i"l" il. 11 \\11 , ", 1\ ~h " ,\ . hll l ,lill1, ,,h (" I 1111 -tr'l ;, , ~ . ' d i,-al h,'l :lI1_,' ,1.,.\ 31,' 11,,1 l\ il ll1 l1 I ~ r"l1l' Iht' a~.atllt,. 1111 I \1 inl .. £"IIT 1.,,- I,, ·,·u "limillalo',1. '1 h;11 II If' -Iw" i~ II II' lIi ;:. l1l1 illl" (a,II·· fn'l·_ illh'r f" It ·II, .. •• ;:"'lI'ral. mlo' rro-blo',1 ,all';:"r;'.,., Fir'l. """ ,I"illi! a f:,~"l "" IIi Il;': i"]' f' lr \ ul,,· (ft'" ... ·n il " la ll ;':" "f a ll .\ \1 ~ t . 'li ,, " III' ha l" ha,1 "I .. ITIII·li"lIi,..111 11\ ilI ICI­ I.il ,·. lIil,I II I' il. ""II \\' 11 .1.1\\1 E. \\ ·\U. 11I i ..i,,", ,1, · Ia~( .. 1 F\r ~ pn'-IIM ,.Iarl 1',..-]",1;:1,01 l'rllj.! , am. , Ilo,1 .t ~ " "~ / It'/I ." · 1''''.,id, ·111 (II r ~" I "f:ll Irar,. ;m,1. I~'-I-"ar. ncal'h " .. - I,"ilt.l" 11I1\,r .. , ill;: il ""II_t;'l1l11l ,..1/ /",II u illlillll ]"il\".! il alt 0ttdlln Io ~ all utllli-,' " hil,· il \\,1_ ;l<' 1\I a tl ~ 111I1I1 ill ;: "II Il lI' II /j,hillJ.:, /OIl , I), l.. "hall;':" ill fn'qu"lIn all oraliIJII 11111 '-" .Iil , hili h ~ 1 " I" ~I" I , il1 ;: Ilti~ IIwlll'''] ",'n' II ... ~ : 1I11t' ~~ CC ,.. iI.al ], ·ft II ... )1r.·~ , :I ll' ] ' ]" \ "I,,] ,ill;: -I"" ,. 111/ ,,11;:11 ",.Ii,,;: " 111 I Ct... -u .. h an uIII",1I "" ' ''' ~ I .. 1111 - Il wlll tn 111 ,· I'"illl "f lli ;:. I,,"1 al'l ,,'''(l1 "'\1 l ,r ' J a,I".I~li'l ;': 1;111 ;:1,· ill 10'11'1;·;"" all" ,'alill""I. Thinl Iwf"II' II!!'\ ;IIt' " II " i ll l l ~ latH ... I".d "II I_ ali,,· ",,1:11 Ih,· l' I' ",hwl i" n :t lll1 ~:tl, ' ,,( 11\:111\ iu· till' " d""r]". \1t1t" II ,1.d , 1111 ' m:ldlilll'I' ,,"I ~ I"',·all,·" il i. (, ·ri .. !']-'\I ,.pl.; a",1 r"uIIII. aih'-!';i_, I­

nf 1" " .... till;: h,l- " ,," 1Il" , ,',1 " I ... hi ll ol ' (1 1I 11 1{' h 1... 11,' 1 IHI\I' 11,,1 ],l"' l1 1,,1'] IIII' Irull :dulttl III<' ti l<' ""'111'-," Su,,/II'U'" 1" III(lill_ 1l ~ lilt' Illali \ \1 Ihal ill["1 j" l """ ,.;.;,!,. " f \ \1 :t ~ ""1111"11,', 1 hi;.d ... -I. r;l lo ',j 1I1I,.I,·n ~h " " ill !'adi .. ' 1I 1II illil !lIIlll ill;': I " F\1. I" pnlll' II ... I",ill l tlml prO;!, I,II I! _ ,1 " 11'1 ,all lill il. It Ita­ '1 h,· (1I " III"I" ~ ch:II1 f!, ('- "hidl nil'- /1 " ... 11 ti ll' IIPIW ' ,alill ;: Ior a'],," I_ III :11'­ "'"\ ill'i l I, " ,I , 1'1,·,1 1-'\1 ("r -(· \ .·, ;.1 ~"; II" ,\t' f( ' fir.1 ,· ,, 1" 111. I I ;. 111" 1" ,,(11 '11 Ihall " " I lilt' I, I " II ~ II hid. ~tr ;:'J.! ' · 'I, ~ 1 Io ~ :111 (,lI r i lll"'r ("I ' l11 l' "f ;\ I'l'li":lli,,,, Il( I"-,·a,.-], fil ll li,, ;:. - 111:11 ""nl,1 ha ll' ,I,' Ill<' l11 aj" r nd""r],,- Th,· (' h:tll ~ ' " '\I' ro ' i.!, I- ;111'] ],, "" 1" 11 11' 111 11 10' 11 '_ _Ir", ".1 a - , ,.1 1'111 ~ 1I1'1'I\I ',1 for 1-' \1 ~1 . lli"n .. lIa_ ~lt:o"I'I, NBC and CBS had more audience ' BUT ••. "lIl lailo',I, I:a

20 JUNE 1949 69

I ].. lIdl ,, [ la,li,l. Hi(li('lI l" II". H II('- II ... I" lIrrO:lI1 1I01l · 1 'IL ~ ill ;.! 11"(' 11 ' 1. T h ei l' are .. ~i ,I ' · Il! · I' .. f J 1<' ''~l'al'''r~ doo ul ili a;.:, p l (, 111 ~ o f f a(l~ "hi.. h ill,lieall' Ihn1 Iht' :I/ im"'? l :-i . i· " " I ill fu r an"l lll'r ,[1'I'1"(· •• ioli . \ 'lIwlll .•adi .. i ~ II ... 11 1,,_1 l,rofl la l> 1e Fi r,.!. Ih , ' r (" ~ J11"r,' InUIl, '1 ill I)w h:lll ].. ~ ; lI h n l i~ill;.! lUl'(lilllll a l ;,il ;t lo!t: . T lw " f Anwli('a IIi;tll ,', ,'r bd;,rt, ;uHI it· ... I< ·(·qn l i .~ Ind;,!: iu;.:. 111 <> 11 1'1 Illal I... I() II ;! ' It l Ill<' !l.1 t: rag" \"Iit ill ;.! hn,. hal 'I... ·lwd I" tI ... r,·.ul l, , · il i~f'II. 11,,1 Ili;,:- l'll rp" r a l iu lI - alL(1 pI"d", ill ;.! p' ,"('r nf radi" . lI1i ll i u llail (' ~ . ;-: "' <>11 01 . th, · po,. . i b i lil~ "f \Iul 1"111 11< '1"' ""u', chan;,: " III,' ""(>"nl. h ; III]..~ d o -i ll~ i· ~ti ~ hl. ,III~' 10 Ft·de ral Han k In~lIr : Il H'{, " hil'h I't"I)I""('I, ,Il'f~ ' ~ ' TV and profits it,. Ill' til $.;.tN\I). Third. t'.. rI' Ora li ll ll~ :t t"(' ,," I ill ;I II o,,' r" ·:"I.lnu l,·,1 1' ...~ ili " I1. \ illl' ~" Hr ~ o f IlI p'l'l"Ilfil " p"r,llillll :m ,1 lI1 o ~1 . II """,,'1 ""111<'. II " H r.. ·r,."nalllw,lillltl. 11 (' 0 11 1' " I"" IUIlt: a;.!" l\ h"11 m<>r,· Ilia" Iwif .. f illt" II .. • 1,,'"1('. II 'p,·a]..' 1I 1:111· 1" ' lI\al\. Ill< ' l1a li', II ',. "Iali"n,. 11"1"<' J"lIlHlil1 j-': ill III 111<1,1 (. "",, " . il· ~ a I,wal man ~11t ' al,;i ll g 11t (' n·(I. "Iwil ,. lali' "1,. "itll l1a l i"I1·"iol ,· I" a ),1(',,1 111 :111. II IH'1l it "' Jln l' ~ I " 11(''',., l' (' l' lI l a'ioll~ '\l'n' happI j(J~t I.. J. ... 'a ].. l' a~ l i l1 ~ . Thel(, aI(' hUlIdn',I, "f faeb Rumors won't c hange the record ,·Inl. Ihal al" t! " " d i1:.:n i l1~1 II ,,· [,'" Ilral ;lI e II i' II· !. Ilw rd"r,·. I"" .'"rl'ri,.iu;.: I" had. It'. l ill ... l" IlIrn till J, r" ;lIka,l in ;.:·' Th i ~ i ~ :11 1 ,'ra o f 1"11111"r .~ :m.1 1'1"" ;':' tli.,·", ,.r thai "il h 1 " , ,. ~ iI , l ~ II,,"'" l '\n'p' p,"'('r tn \11"" (, Ihnl il \,:\11 (,,)l illIe I" 1I "~li "; lt i 'llI~ (" "zu"'rIli ' l;! h r " ; IO ],.a~ 1 a d · lioll' a ll '1' \ l'I" ' Hlea,.I'· " ~ :m' I".iug :1("1 Il l<' ["ar I h a ('~ ~I ,, \\ in g d"wn I n t i ~ in ;.: . l1H 'll t' l ,';leh lI 1 j ll ,.1 hOI\ i!,,,,,I )m,il1(',.' i_. dlUlill ;': IIl l' " fli ... '~ ',f ; 1,h"l t i ~l' r ~ alld II ... ~. II '~ ,IIIill ;.! that dail~ "\"11 11<>'\ . II , l l!e~ II ' 1 1,,]..(, IoU tHlw h 10 I'hun;!,' ;1 II ",i .. ;1;': " ,," i,'" It \\ a q'~ ;':00 ,,1 ,I


BAB makes a start l .al1a ,l inli t";l1 .· 1 l, ul"all " I "'IL " ~ "Il ;111 · a;':"I"" hUlid lin;.: tl ... a ... ·"1I1I1. ,,'Il i.i ll ;': ", ... 11 ~t· .. dl(ll i( ,. a ·Ia ll. '11", Cr.·, lil f" r )'1' " .. ]..i,, ;.:: .1"\\11 (·,ll1adi;11I \ 11 ' 11 ., 11 " 1 !r ll il 1II Il' h lalk Il w , ,' ha· "utin' ."IJI(lll.Ihlll \\ .. ~ '1"'111 I'r " , i ll ll- I ~ Ih illkill;': J! ''' ' .~ I" II ... '\ \Ii 111 1,1 i t. 111'11 1""'11 al"'\l1 til<' \ali"lIal \ --' Wi ,lli " lI " f in " "\\~I "'P " I ~ ;111 01 1II:I;.: a t.i Il .-" :Idl (· rli,. ill ;': ,.uJ..i,l i;\J'l ' Ih .. a.I,·.. ·1 \ .1· 1:1<> .. ,I,·a-h' •• l ' l ].. ill;! .1 II l1 'I " ag;! n · .. il '· Tit,... ,: • ..I,,)il"(' l iulI' 1l1 ;l ibhl,· " .. , ill ;! 1 " I ' li ~ ill J! HUI I· au. hl' ... k d b ~ \ 1!Hlri((' allil JII I" 1" " ,lnt llll' "HI1I1I<'I"I 'i;l1 - i<1 I' " f Ilw ~ IJ ILI!l I"1' 1I! " l llh ~ [UI" I,'al t'l ,,,h,'r· \\ itl' hdl. II ;':'"'' 10 \ \ H il_ .. H 1 " "': II1~ ' > I ,,, Ii,,. 11... 11' Ila~ _I ill 1"" '11 " g " ';11 d" al ti . illi! " II 11 ... ,Ii i . l .i;- I<·II '·I" lI1i lld ~ f ... ,­ lh,· fi ;..: hl ~ I a ll"" l ... f" I'" II ... 11 \ 1\ '·a lll" !If flll ;..' ,· ... , .. " .. ill ;': 11\ a'I,'·lli." . ... . al-"'II- ' 1... . 11 111 a .. ". IL l' I .. IIII' hH I' re,,;t< li,'1I ill l" l ... i1l J.!. II J.! " I" I" HAil 1... t'a ll ~ (' , ...... ,11111 " 1"11 I" tll<'llll,,'f ·Lll i,,,.-. 1l IIlIJlt" ~. ulII l",·i,I. ·,1 OU 1I1 l<" " I" f!" I'"~hill :':' 1)1 " ;': "1"11111 \1' 111 1' 11l " ,lIt ill l .. 11 11' fir' l I""" f 11 1;11 IIII' \ \Ir- ,',,111 "'1" "';,,11 , if Ih ,'''''' ,I " ;If ill II ... f" !lIilt . II ... fin :11 ,1 (·,·i.i'lI1 lI a .... 11.1' j, 't. "f \ Iil· " ..... i,,1 ." iI, II lI a· n'l jll. 1 lip .,'1, i"" ' 11111 -. C:Il, a, I; I" al'l'.'al i~ ; Iddl l·~- ,·d I" ..t".!! 11 1111 I... ;.. I ~ II)\' Bun"III . i- II ,, · 1::1I1 .. ,Ii;11I :':'''\('IJltIl' ·I Ic'. :l l'l'r"I,i. ,;u-li"I)1 'I- Iii ill;.! lI illlil1 :ll Nl 'lIil, '~ " f Th,· ... Ia ll ha ~ 1""' 11 iliad". II \11 h ,l ~ all"l1 "f , I 1.. 1.."11 .. ' ~ ,j . I I I )O f,,! tl;(I,'1 II ... 1" ,.- ,1" 1". :-; I , I [i "II ~ ill Ihi· al'''i! afl' 1,1"<" ".1 it ,';111 ",IITl III\, 1;,11' "f h, )\\' :1'''' 'I Ir~ill1!. II'· II ' lIwll l ~ lIt uf II... I"'i ll;': :1.l..ed I" III ~ h :1Iilil .. I,ililil'_ I d ",,11 1, ... ), .. 1, ,1-1 : lI h "l' l i ~ ill ;': "I' II~ " 11'11 h. ",,·r·lIlill .. ,u-,] ,dl. ll IJl Il I:': "1 "hi,·11 th,· ( -. ... kfi l· ld. ll .. " " II ~ e" .. 1.1.1 .. Ih.· lI id,·· I,,, III11) ~ ' ) I ' > l'lll1 l1' lI l al bu , .. au,..

70 SPO NSO R dt"si,l::nt"d 10 11('11' hUrNS of lilllt"

ami programs pl an Fall rallio a U11

leit"" ision rallipaie:us IllIrinJ: Iht' SUlIlIl1t"r

mon1l1 s. II is fa('lllal, conrist",

rOll1parl, ami s l'f'rinli7.t's in

lill1t".llIIrilig ·'Iools."

" f or Ihr rir~1 li",r I h.'r had Ih(' ('kprri('n('r o r pid.inl; ... ·or Our monry IlIr jul, i_'ur i ~ a rr.. 1 humdinr:n .• , up a pubii('al;on Ihr fonlrnl ~ of .. hi('h, rron. (,O'rr 10 and lUllt an l.~ut .. ill rtn.ain do.f' al hand ror a lonl; co\(' r, imprr .~r d nlr .' II.,-inl; brrn pN:p.rrd ror mr and ",r alonr," E. r. J. Shurk" C, E, Hoopn fr('(' &; I>r lru C. .:. llooprr, In('. " Thr july iUllr of srO:--:SQH il • I.nO<'koul," "On mr Irip 10 Chi('~r::o I u o('d ,'our Spon.or Chr('k Li.1 1I0 .... rd'l'ril:h (Julr i . ~,,(') 10 ~f' ho ..' ,,(' "rrf' do;nl;:' J. Walt('t Thompson Co. j Ot 1..f' 1T Ad.m l ilts ,. , "u r::ra,irird 10 nolif(' IIt(' terrific amounl of Jpa('t Ihal ),OU de,olrd 10 .pOI broadUII ;njl; in Iht fall Fat'll "Your july fafU i""f' i. Ihe brl! onr of ant Iradr h ~ "r , •• "'_ plea.injl; 10 6(, .. an indullrt pap.f'r of pllpn al ant ont limt. \'ou duf''''" "('artt conl;ra",la ' Mandin!: bar" up our .IOrt ... i11t hrll," lion~. I <'lin u.r • ('oupl(' (' • .,a ('oplu." II, C. Wildf'r Wrllt H. 8"n.. 1\ Jr. WS\'U John 81air lit Companr 'I I OUT fB JUL Y - Adved;s;ng Forms Clo se 1 J u l y 1949 ~,

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Last year 167 ,new -,;;;- (55 ohhJm local) joi ' SWi i1g to WHB. Morel I-= "'''!EA!;URE'. PRIMARY COVERAGE ' d I , I "O.Sm'l/ m" G- Ity a vc rtlscrs now u "r,-- - --~...j • WHB than all other stations " ' . I . I I • • L_1... --- -r.combined.ln onc year (1948), I ' , r 1 I I I WHB il\crcAscd' its pow ~ ( ten , " d l' ,r tllllCS'_"'"recclvc ._ 11 '70 l~lo r c ':L-.' f'\ mail. J. added to its coveragc - area 89\ newl countiI es"-- in thrcc-r r - - t states, with a potential of two , . I ~ a n d a ha jf" m i l lio nn cw DON OA,VIS, . JOHN T. SCHILliNG, ,C. n. "" '. listene rs. I,\. MUTUAL NETWORK' 7 1 r _, - I "'" I ~ '-v1--1 r-- I Scanned from the collections of The Library of Congress


Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation www.loc.gov/avconservation

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Recorded Sound Reference Center www.loc.gov/rrlrecord This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival and research purposes. This file may be freely distributed. but not sold on ebay or on any commercial sites. catalogs. booths or kiosks. either as reprints or by electronic methods. This file may be downloaded without charge from the Radio Researchers Group website at http://www.otrr.org/

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