" to hold aloof, will'jump in-on of 17c. which was quoted in the middle of De- ®4:Pink. *175®2 20: Red. $2 25<@2 50: Blac*. ' — •but probaly ' - by eye. 4 tiO;.Kea Kid- ; -.-.*¦. cember, was said be quite *unwarranted $3 ?5: Llmas, $4 'the advance. To-day's prices 50©3 40® There is no local activity In American stocks, the commercial,' 'conditions. neys, $3 5C@3 75 Der ctl. but they orders. - were 11>£c for lake. 11%@11%C for electro- SEEDS— Trieste Mustard, ?2 85@3: Yel'.ow • responded to New York- •J Rio Tintos .spurted on the .streneth of lytic and ll^cSHUc for casting. The Lon- Mustard, ¦$3 25@3 50: Flax, $2 40@2 75; Ca- 1% rally'In don market .5s for spot, but futures nary, . Alfalfa, AUCTSONJALES Amalgamated-Copper and the first declined S%@3V-c for Eastern: from - on ¦ Utah, the price .. of lake copoer since the cut V-was were unchanged and both positions closed ai 8^c: Rape.lV4@l%c:— Hemp. 3%c p*r 1b. ...-¦•.- below 17 here, however, £50. . ¦ • DRIED PEAS Niles. $1 25@1 63; made cents. Vi^ie' metal • and easy .Green. reacted % to £49% after yesterday's jump Tin was about 40 points lower here $1 -5®1 50 per ctl. Ofl'i. at the, decline at $23 50@23 65 for spot. At CLOSING OUT SAL5 Money rates tend be easier on Continental London prices closed 15s* lower,at £107' 5s for to ¦ THE FOLLOWING STANDARD competition. ¦;-¦;. :. . :_•...-.. . spot and £103 5s for futures.-. Onions and Vegetables, OF Lead .was unchanged at $4.10. London was £10 16s 3d. Is 3d lower at firm prices .ire un- Hares, higher at New York The market continues and Brood Spelter was 2% points up Palo Alto at $4 27««. London was 2s 6d higher at changed. The Sierra brought 200 crat«:3 and 27 AuL, INCLUDING COMMERCIAL FINANCIAL • which have IN Denver & R G pfd. 600 01 90^ 91 'New York Grain Produce. £!Cs 7d. - ICO sacks onions from Australia : Lady Nutwood. Barley to creep up. Oats strong, but dull. Lake Erie & West. 4,200 08 07 67 rived Monday !but were not sold up to a thsS:-'-*^.11«S>. continues ¦ S6?ge by (dam of In Lake Erie W prd 126 144,»45 bushels. Spot, steady. No. 2 red, New York Cotton -Market. yesterdays New from across the Nutwood. 2:18% three 7i .... f. o. b. afloat; No. No. I hour Rhubarb Ladywell. 2:ltSV». by Electioneer: Laura Drew .....4,500 2 red, Aspara- Louisville & Xash. lO:!?; 102% 103% ' SS%celevator: 1 bay sold at 10c- per lb. and new forced by (dam of ths HstV. Lena Corn dull. Rye firmly held, but quiet. -. L. 135% Northern Duluth, 85^ic f. o. b." afloat: No. YORK, 23.—Cotton closed steady, gus 2C@23c per lb. Arthurton two In Manhattan 7.700 136 134%> Manitoba, Advanced NEW Jan. from Sacramento at by Dexter LillyThorn by Electioneer: Metropolitan St Ry 15,900 172- 170 171% hard i. o. b. afloat. points hlghcrl • $l: Ore- G!ory bv Electioneer Warn absence of pressure; turned weak, owing to a the river: Salinas the list): Xeille Benton, by General Ren- Mexican National.. 1.100 '15% 15%-; 15% Ron Burbanks. $1 1C3; Oregon Garnet ton (dam 2::!0. Ororos" by f>ra & St Louts... 100 100 10(5 bad break in coarse grains, but rallied again Market. 25® Reds, $150@l t>0; of two in the llst>: Beans and Seeds show little variation. Minn j105% and Boston Wool Chiles, $1 40«'.: Wiidrnay by niectioneer Butter. CJiccsc and Fggs as before quoted. Missouri K & T pfd 100 prices. March closed at May, 82 13-16® week, for the best and 2:"0 52% 63% 52% t#%c, &l%c; July; 82%@S4 7-lCc, mand for wool here during the past and ONIONS—Oresons $2@2 23 (dam "of 2:l«Vi); Zorllla by Dexter New Jersey Central '190 closed closed $1 50@l 90 for lower grades; Green Onions, 40 Wifdcr. dropped...... 83V4c. full prices have been paid/Territory wools con- ' Prince.- Stocks Raisins about exhausted. Quotations New York Central. 5.SC0 1(51%- 160% HU% @f>0c ner box. , Allsafe sires aa of Norfolk & 56 ; HOPS-Dull. tinue to head the list of They are in good An- In foal to such Western . SOO 53% 58% .-'.¦• sales." .VEGETABLES— Green Peas from Los McKinney. 2:ll»/i: Iran Alto. 2:12»4: Nutwood steady Honey Norfolk & W pfd 91Vj JIIDES-Steady.— demand and the supply is not plentiful. .*The 1 Angeles.- Dried Fruits continue firm. Nuts and rather dull...... ' WOOL Steady. - geles, 6@"c; String Beans from Los Wilkes 2:1RV>; Mendoolno. 2:19^: Exloneer; Ontario & Western 2.700 33'I 33% — scoured basis is 47%c; Cordova, S@ll%c: Futures l box and th» Reading ' 56% :50% 5C% I pointB and fine will range up to 4SS>52c. Medium ter- T)rled Peppers, ';[email protected] per lb: Los Angeles Bay 2:2n»,i by Election- Res-dins pfd... 82 „ 81"4 j closed steady with prices net 10@15 ritory quoted [email protected] choice lines.- per •lb; stallion. AZMOOR. 1st 1.900 .81%- lower. Total bags, including: are at do. l.'.@17^c: Dried Okra. 12^i@15c eer, dam Mamie C; hrown KPldin? ALTOWER. Reading 24 pfd.... 'a,700' 63 61 » ,02% j sale* 61.750 is demand for wools, Cucumbers, Hogs in ample supply for the light demand. 4 March, May, 70@5. June, S.BOc; There a better Australian Carrots. 35@50c per sack: Hothouse by Altlvo, 2:1SM,, darn Wlldfiower «2>. 2:Q1. St Lou'.s & S F 1,200 ,' 01 «2Vi 5.50c: 5. 75c: and fair :lots have been cleaned up to $1@1 per large G0@«5e for St L & 62% July,. [email protected]; August, 5.95«13'.ic: Stew Vei*. SfflOc; The following are the seasonal rainfalls to United States 100 105 105 105 Chicago SPOKANE, Jan: 28.^-Clearlngs. $147,260; Turkeys. 13@14c for Gobblers and lift15c for PALO Corned B?ef, SfflOc. date, as compared with''those of same date Wells Fargo — 100 Grain Market. balances. $18,154. Hens; Geese, per pair, $1 50@l 75; Goslings, IWILL ALSO SELL VEAL—Uoast. [email protected]: Cutlets.* M@lSc. last ssason, and rainfall in last twenty-four Miscellaneous j PORTLAND, J,an. 28.— Clearings, $279,107; $2@2 23; Ducks. $5@5 50 for old and ?6@7 for Bay by MUTTON—Rcast. 10©12>ic;' l#ops. 10@ hour*: Amalg Copper 96,800 7C% .74 76% balances. $53,379. young; Hens, $4; young Roosters, $4 50® A Two-Year-Old stallion 12'-jc: Stew. 6c Am Car Sc Foundry SOO 29% 29 . 20% 6: old Roosters, $4@4 50; Fryers. $4@5; Broil- McKinney, £:lltf ; dam ths » Spring. 12',i@20c: 12V4@15c; Last This Last Am Car & F pfd*.. CHICAGO, The grain pits took ers, $1@5 for large and $3@4 for small ;Pigeons, LAMB— Roast. — * 800 85% 85% 85% Jan. 28.— Northern Chops. 12'i@lSc.— Stations 24 hours. Season. Season. Aril Linssed Oil... 300 17 16 16 their cues' from oats to-day, which still,held Wheat Market. $1 50@l 75 per Idozen for old and $2 50@2 75 2:14^'. :;\',...>., 12*~<3lZc; Chops, Eureka OO 1«.S9 | .40. (.1 Am Linseed Oil pfd 200 44 44 44 Squabs. ; «:W'4>, PORK Roast. 13c. the center of Interest. Oats nervous and for \ A number of roadsters by Diablo Red Bluff 00 11.64 15.41 Am Smelt & Ref.. 49 _ 48% were OREGON, GAME—Dovesj per dozen, $1: Hare. $1 25; Haw- ,11.32 S.800 47% were wide nearly all the session. Stelnway <2:25»4>. Richards Elector. Fiji Sacramento 00 0.09 Am Smtl & R pfd. 1,800 97% 97 96% fluctuations PORTLAND, Jan. 28.—Wheat, steady but Rabbits, $1 50 for Cottontails and $1 for Brush: Prince, etc.. and several flna Cargo for the San 00' 7.01 W.01 Anaconda 12,100 33' May options started a shade higher on light Mallard, $2@3; $2@3 Sprig. thcrne. Dexter harness, Willowdene,Islands^which sailed Francisco . Mliv Co. 33% 33% active: Walla .Wall a, 64c; Valley, 64c; Blue- Canvasback. 50: carriages, buggies. carts,\ etc. The British steamer Fresno 00 2Z5'J 7.45 Brooklyn Rap Trn.- 5,900 65% C6 offerings of an appar- ¦ $1 50@l 75; $1@1 50; Widgeon. $1; Small yesterday Fiji Sydney, car- & SrtC«Vi and under the influence stem, 65c.— Teal. WM. G. LAYXG. Auctioneer. for the Islands and Independence 00 1,39 5.12 Colo P'uel Iron.. 500 85 85% ent of the terrible pressure that nearly Cleared British ship Blackbraes for Ducks, $1; Black Jack, $1; English . Fiji San Luis Oblspo... .00 5.(52 Gas... 800 216%, absence 134,568 Queens- $2 50; Jack Snipe, $1 Gray $3; ried cargo laden at this port for the Islands 22.15 Consolidated \ 217'/i 217>A brought collapse yesterday. May up town with bushels wheat. 50: Geese. included the fol- Los Angeles Trace 4.03 O.^S Cont Tobacco pfd.. 900 118 118 117}$ . even sold White $1(6:1 $1 2 per valued at S94.257. The cargo San Diego 0B 1.94 3 to 42%c, but then country, holders turned lib- WASHINGTON. Geese. 25: Brant. 00® lowing: ties, 34.000 ft lumber. ."SI General Electric... 1,000 279% 277% 279 — dozen; Honkers, $3@4 50. fe SALE »t 85.W0 redwood Sugar eral sellers. Many longs with small margins TACOMA,'Jan. 28. Wheat quiet and steady; KKGLLAR WEEKLY AUCTION KO pkgs and 210 tons hay Glucose . 2.200 50% 50% > ' saddlery. <•!«» mules San Francisco data: Maximum temperature, Hocking Coal 40% were pressed by calls for heavier margins at Bluestem, 64c; Club, 63c. Arcade Horse Market. 327 Sixth street. as forage. In addition to the above cargo the 51: minimum. 41; mean, 46. 14% the opening and some of these were shaken January 29. at 11 a. m.. we fltamcr of lumber laden at Internatnl Paper... C00 19% 19% 19% to Butterj Cheese and Eggs WEDNESDAY. carried ehHments The following maximum and minimum tem- Internl Pacer pfd. 100 75 75 < 75% out. This brought a break for May• down will sell 40 Head of Good Horses. Seattle, valued and destined as follows: For peratures reported from the Eastern sta- . 40c. Support then developed. There wa3 also Foreign JOHN J. DOYLE. Auctioneer. — were Internatnl Power S7 lumber, valued *t $2t>i": 54-14; 20-C; Markets. All three "descriptions under this Fydnry :il5.oOO ft tions: Boston. Cincinnati. Phila- Gas 100 90 90 00 covering on the breaks and the ' head re- for Fiji Islands —{W-.OOO ft lumber and 81,000 delphia. 4S-18; New Kansas Laclede considerable on slight York. 46-14: National 100 44% putting out of the .short lines the LONDON. Jan. 2S.-7-ConsoIs, 93 13-16; sil- main as before -quoted. Fine Creamery Butter latht§, valued et *9S70. City. 10-6; Jacksonville, 74-54; Omaha, 6 to 2 Biscuit .. 44% 44% advances. May reacted to 42c and closed ; each: short Wool, 401560c each; medium. 63 below; Duluth, National Lead 3,000 19% 19 19Vi soon ver, 25 7-16d; French rentes, lOOf 22^>c; wheat is well cleaned ,up and firm, while \ the |lower Wool, Hides, 8 to 2*J below: Chicago, 2 to 4 30 easy %c down, i Gossip on the board to-day 75c: long S0c@31 10 each: Horse below; St. Louis. Salt Lake City. 18-10; National Salt .... that yesterday's furore was due to the cargoes on passage, quiet and- steady; No. 1 grades are rather slow. Cheese continues 75@a for large a/id $2 50 for medium. 12-0. National Salt pfd «iO had it supplies. Eggs salt. %i Colts; Dried Fruit in New York. Washington, > ' shaking prominent City oper- 30s 3d; Walla Walla, weak under too liberal have $1 small and 50= for Horse 45-20. 89 out of a Kansas standard California. '• 75<&2 for North American... 300 00 SS ator, who was long about 1,500,000 bushels of 28s; English, country part been going off better during tbfe past several Hides, dry. 73 for large, 25@1 50 for me- Pacific Coast 200 74 .markets,— cheaper. days and., stocks considerably diminished, *l %l Deer- advices York say: "Through- THE COAST RECORD. 74% 7.1% May.oats. After Saturday's break of lc the Jan.. 28. quletr wheat 'are $125 for small and 50c for Colts. Mail firmNew Paciflc Mail 46 LIVERPOOL. Wh/at. shown by. difficulty broker has expe- dium.— or red 35c; me- out the iist the market, while at the People's Gas 3,100 102 commission houses that, were .handling this in Paris, stead j'; flour in Paris, steady; French as the a skins Summer skins. fall or entire ' ¦ lOUJi 101% - ' man's line began calling for margins. There country markets, quiet steady; weather rienced in getting up a car for Eastern ship- dium skins. 30c; winter or thin skins. 20c. moment quiet, presents a steady to Z ,? ',* 2 2 n' Pressed Steel GOO and in — 40% 40% 40% strengthens Angoras, 75c; large mnevbst . response and the- first thing at the England, overcast. •*.-./ '. ment. The cold weather the mar- Goatskins Prime and peaches, Pressed S Car pfd. 85 84Vt was no . . firm tone. Ecn:e inquiry is noted for • 1.400 84% opening they began belling out a line to pro- COTTON—Uplands, 4 ket, as it not '.only stimulates the consumption, smooth, 50c; medium, 35c. delivery to 5" 3 Puilman Pa! Car 221 15-52d— but cuts down the production the ranches. — 5^@6C per lb; ar.d a little movement fcr forward | 1 1 || -gj[ " I Republic tect themselves. This brought on the fear LIVERPOOL, Jan. 28. Receipts of .wheat on TALLOW No. 1 rendered. '• p.rd STATION. g § ?•» Steel 500 10»i 10 16%. ' selling and break The days, 187,000 centals, There is no scarcity, however, and. in fact, 4y.«5c; srease, 2U@3c. this nearby EaElcm market? is reported. j¦.; 5 ; ; Js Republic pfd. 400 69% 69 60% of Patten the resulted. during the past three - in- • No. 2. Steel any -¦¦ receipts yesterday larger. WOOL— San Joaquin. 6@Sc; Joa- Ftccks the coast raid to be very closely Sugar 52,500 Kansas City operator is said not to be in cludinc 170.CC0 Americans.- : were — Fall. San on are 12SVi 125% 127V4 danger of failure, having of his home Receipts were o4,2UO pounds, 12 tub3 and qin Middle County. S@10c ttnt-cntjated with late Tenn Coal Iron. 100 U2s ' made all —'— Lambs". 7>i#?S'i 50<4 50 *• Southwest, fancy, 24c : : and 22@23c for seconds; ins more Frerno 30.00 4S 2S Pt.Cldy 0.00 U decrease. There was rain in the fox firsts . en the in small compass. There NE S Steel 15.400 43% t 42% 43% gave courage- -bears, dairy, 17%@22c; store Butter, K@16c per lb; San Francisco Meat Market. stock* coast Flagstaff 29,S4"1 24 4 S\V Snow 0.12 US Steel pfd 10,500 .93% which to the but it was is a continued firmness noted in currant* and 9314 92% oats dip that brought the • principal fluc- Creamery Tub, 20c; Pickled Roll, 18@10c; Keg, Poestteilo. Ida.:i0.40 i.—IS W Pt.Cldy 0.00 Western Union 600 91% 91% 01% the l(i@18c lb. a moderate intere-Ft. but so far as can be 38 18 SE Pt.Cldy 0.00 Am Locomotive .... 1,200 tuations in this pit. The comparative firm- Exchange and. Bullion. per Arrivals of Hogs continue ample for the de- important movement for interior Indei>eridence..2!».S4 ... 31% 31% 31% of the grains at the opening had CHEESE— New, ll@ll^c; old, 10@10&c; not ac- ness coarse i3 light, learned no Los Angeles.. .20.U4 SS » S\V Clear T. Am Locomotv pfd. 400 91% 91 91U " Young mand, which and the market is tfunt. Ii.teiest centers largely In the arrival helped wheat materially. May opened un- Sterling Exchange, days America,' 12©13c; Eastern. lS'giloc per overdue, Phoenix 29.1)2 .%4 :I2 NW Pt.Cldy 0.00 60 firm. The other meats remain about as befor* of with some 1000 changed to higher at 77%'@77%c and even -¦ 4 S7$i pound. the now Portland :H>.4S 2S 16 K Clear 0.00 Total sales .5S0, 700 shares. lUc Sterling Exchange, sight — — quoted, the demand and supply about bal- basis and began large tons. Goods offer from this vessel on the Red BluIT 5U 2S N Clear touched 7Sc, but when corn oats to Sterling 4 8S EGGS Ranch. 21c for selected and as 30.02 0.00 1 Cables — -Ji ance. for the fine in bbls. dip May to good choice; store, lS@19c per of spot quotations Amallas Roseburg... 2S NEW YORK BONDS. sold down V7%@77 /4c. Wheat re- New York Exchange, sight.."... 12 }i 20c for '.to Saturday, has ...2<».2S JUT NW Clear 0.00 . — dozen. Wholesale rates from slaughterers to dealers Picqua, reported steady close, May The due about U S 2s reg...lOs%,L covered and advanced to a Exchange, telegraphic ¦ loading «acTamento...:J0.OO 50 32 N Clear 0.00 ref & N unif 4s.. .107 New York — 15 are as follows: T£0 tons. No other vetselR are lor this US ref 2s coup... iMexican Cen 4s.. 83 unchanged at r — Sa'.tLake 30.14 1G 10 NW Cloudy 0.04 77%c Silver, per 1 108% 55^. BEEF 7@7 /ic for Steers and C@7c per market at the moment. The Greek market is W U S 3 108 Do 1st inc Corn started out strong, broke sharply with Mexican Dollars, nominal 45 @ 45 • lt> San Francisco.30.00 51 3S Clear 0.00 S res I 32% tendency up Yi Deciduous and Citrus Fruits. for Cows. r*ported firm, but no higher. In cleaned cur- S. 2(i W U S Os coup 10s%|Minn &St L 4s... 104 oats, but later showed -a to hold — per within L.OblEpo. ..30.04 54 Clear 0.0T. May steady,' unchanged at VEAL Large.— 7^@0c: small, 8®10c lh. rants a fair jobbing interest Is noted the San Diego 211. SM 54 44 SW Rain 0.0<; L' S r.ew 4s reg:..13:> M K & T 4s..... 98% well. closed t>0%@' MUTTON Wethers, .fcgS^c; Ewes. quoted lor bulk and cartons. •Seattle :'.0.4S :« 20 SE Clear 0.W U S new 4s coup. 110 Do 2ds 83',i COTsc. Wheat and Other Grams. Fancy Oranges are moving slowly, but there 7^©Sc for raisins, with *peclal were fairly active and somewhat per lb. "The market refer- Spokane .10. 5S 18—12 'NE Clear T. U S old 4s reg...lll% N Y Central lsts.lOaVi ProvUions is a good movement in the cheaper grades of LAMB—Tearlings, 9@9!jC per lb; Spring ence to the stocks held on the coast, is unset- Ncah Bay .10.40 ."6 2S K Cloudy U S old 4 coup.. Do gen nervous. The temporary > weakness in grains WHEAT Are quiet but steady Rumcrs afloat that the deal with the S 111% 3V3s ...10.8% brought a slump in pork. May pork. closed ' FREIGHTS— Navels and Seedlings. Tangerines are scarce Lamb, lie per lb. tled. are Walla Walla..:30.62 14 4 S* CJear T. U S 5s reg 10(5 N J Central gn 5a.l36 ¦ lbs, is — down, lard 5@7i4c off ribs 5c lower. on the spot, with.a small . vessel taken at and in- demand. Lemons and Grape Fruit PORK—Live Hogs, from 150 to 250 Z%® packers and association off and that a single Wlnnemucca..30.?0 IS C NE Clear T. U S 5s coun : 1071,4 Northern Pac 4s.105 12'/£c «ind - - • 5Vj«3*ic: soft H&gs. 5®3kp; 28s 9d. The chartered wheat- fleet in port has of 6c: under 150 interest has bid for the holdings. Spot is some- Tumi 21).02 50 SO SW Cloudy O.OO Atchison gen 4s.. Do 3s ...... '... continue dull and plentiful. Three cars per lbs. 30 per though fairly firm pending price 103% 74% The leading futures ranged as follows a registered tonnage of 37,800, against 43,650 Oranges are announced for to-day's auction. sows, 2O cent off: boars. cent off. what quiet, Do adjust 4s... 92% Nor & W con 4s.lO"1/-! . and stags. 40 per cent off frcm the above quo- developments frcm the coast. London layer 1a. m. temperature— 44 degrees. — ' ' tons date year; disengaged, Thers is no change in Apples or Pears. - 4s... the last ! .:¦',-' Bait & Ohio 104% Reading Ren 4s.. 98% Articles Open. High. Low. Close. on same - tations; dressed Hess, 7@S ,&c. .c raising steady. Imported Va- DECIDUOUS FRUITS. are scarce and Do St L & IM en Wheat No. 2— . 25,000 tons, against 6300; on the way to thii — quoted 3%s 95% 5s.ll7% lenclas ihtw on the basis.- .. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND GENERAL Do ccnv 4s ,...10o% St L& S F 4s... 96% January .."..' 74%, port, 1S3.150 tons, against 118,470. APPLES $1 50c H>"t. buying being mainly for small lots on ...100% 98% 77U .. 77«t WHEAT Quotations same A moderate Central of Ga 5s. Ill | Do 2ds 70 July....#... 77?; gave dinary. — Jobbing account within the quoted range. Some disturbance overlies Southern 77% 77% 11% all over the world. Bradstreet's the fol- PEARS Winter kinds, 75c@$2 50 per box. California and the Valley of Do 1st inc San A& A P 4s.. 89 : Corn No. 2— — GRAIN BAGS—Calcutta Grain Bags, 7c lo- coeds off in quality offer In some quarters at the Colorado. 79% 1)4 — lowing status of stocks: East of the Rockies, 75c@$l i Light Ches & Ohio 4%s.lO7% Southern Pac 4s. January CITRUS F3UITS Navel Oranges, 25 lets that quotations, but for Santa Clara fruit showers are reported at San Diego and . 57% cal \»c less than Calcuttas; Wool Bags. S4 Ry May 6Ui, a decrease of 1,882,000 bushels; and for $1 50@l 75 for choice and $2@ make. of goul quality the feeling showing firmer Los Angeles and enow is falling at Flagstaff, Chi & Alton 3%s. Southern 5s..120 61Vi 59Ts HOTii afloat, 800,000; decrease, standards. Twine, is and Modena. The disturbance may work north- C B &Q new 4s.. 00 !fexas & Pac July 61 an Increase 'of net 2 50 for fancy; Seedlings, 30@75c; Tangerines. 3U@35c; Fleece 7Vi®3c.— tone. Some movement in old itanta Clara fruit lsts.120% — OOTs 59% . 60^ 1,082.000 bushels. $1 75@2; Mediterranean Sweets, 75c@$l 25; CANNED ASPARAGUS The California ward, but will proably move eastward through C M &St P gu 4S.113U Tol St L& W 4s. 83 Oats No. 2 " : . lor tot'ward delivery if reported on the 3c f. o. Arizona. May ...... '.. 40 42 Chicago opened steady, with a moderate de- Lemons, 50c@fl for common and $1@1 50 for Fruit Canners' Association quotes the follow-, prunes without important C & N W con 7s.140% Union Paciflc •4s.. 104% 42Va 42% mand, chiefly b. basis. Oreccn are High likely shore, P 4s Do conv 4s July 37 36% 37% to fill shorts. All other mar- good to choico and $1 75@2 25 for fancy; ing prices Hi0*_, per to J^ntui-e at the mement. northwest winds are off C R I& 109% 106% September Vi 37% weak, being affected by depres- Grape Fruit, $6@S 50; for case. 2 dozen cans find northwest warnings, C C C&St Lsn 4s.lO-T,i Wabash lsts I ¦¦ 32Vi 32% 31% 31% kets were the Sl©2: Mexican Limes. Mammoth White, ZG; Mammoth Green, $:» 00^ hours, ending midnight, January -29, 1902: Denver & R G 4s.102% West Shore 4s 112% May .15 82^ 15 92}i 15 52V4 15 67}i over Green, movement is clow. In lips there is noted a — July 15 92y. 10 05 15 15 80 other crops." New York reported foreign or- 3 to; Large i'2'u- 90; Medium Green, sood movement for local and nearby interior Northern California Cloudy Wednesday; 'not Erie prior lien 4s. 98% W & L Erie 4s... 93 — 67& ders on both sides of the market, with business $1 7u@2 50; small Green, $1 50. so cold; fresh northerly winds; high off shore. gen 4s...... 89 Wiscon Cen 4s... Lard, per 100 pounds Fruits, — 'vbblng account In both bags and layers on — Do 88% January 9 20 9 20 9 9 17!i mostly local. A good deal of long wheat came Dried Nuts and Raisins. CANNED FRUITS The California Fruit sbout th«- descriptions Southern California Cloudy, unsettled Ft.W & D C lst.lO«% Cons Tob 4s 6S% .... 17^ out of Chicago, commission Canners quote follows, in 2'j-lb tins: Ap-« 9 9 auotcd basis. Other er Wednesday; probably light rain; fresh Hocking May 9 37 'A 0 40 . 30 32Vi with houses sell- as rhow little feature of more than passing inter- south- Val 4'fcs.lOS July ...... ;. 47M, 40 ing. , ,. pics, $1 45; Apricots, fl'gl 50; Peaches, west winds. » 9 50 — 9 40^ » Quotations for Raisins are dropped, and It •yellow, t'51il t>5; — was $1 I'Olil Lemon Cling. $1 M'cp NEW YORK MINING STOCKS. Ribs, per pounds The San Francisco market unchanged do. Nevada Cloudy Wednesday, with snow in Short 100 is uncertain when they will reappear. Some 1 mountains; not January 8 05 8 and featureless. 75; Bartlett Pears. $1 20@l 73; Plums, SOv-ryr the so cold; brisk northerly Adams Con 20 Uttle Chief .11 :... 8 15 8 15 . 12»a $1 operators think,they will not be again $1 25; $l'al 50; winds, changing southwesterly. May 8 8 35 Spot wheat—Shipping, 07%; milling,$1 10 seen Nectarines, Muscat Grapes, !J5o to Alice 4.1 Ontario 7 50 8 'SIVi 8 42^ 32& ¦ Weather and Crops. ... (!5 @1 12 per ctl. until the crop In, there 35; Quinces, 91 loy155; Strawberries, The • — Ophlr July new comes as arc and Vicinity .'...: 8 50 8 50 8 45 8 >d fell For San Francisco Cloudy Breece .80 47^ .. f1 30&1 75; CO. Wednesday; not so" cold: fresh northerly, chang- Brunswick Con ... OS Phoenix Oti ' CALL BOARD— SALES.— }— only about 100 cars left' at Fresno, and they — Blackberries. 91 30®l • McAdle, quotations Flour, ,» 9:15. May 12,000 Pennsylvania. The weekly report of A. G. section ing to southwesterly winds. Comstock •••'05 '08 Cash were as follows: Informal Session • o'clock are tied up by the dispute between the asso- COAL Anthracite Is out of Tunnel.. Potost*...*. .- easy; No. 3 spring 70@74 1 2 red, ctls, $1 • the market at the moment. Wellington, fj director of the climate and crop service of the ALEXANDER G. McADIE, & Va 1 00 Savage .'...' 04 wheat, /£c; No.' 08%.- .—:. — packers. They are held Con Cal 83V«c; No. 2 oats. 42}Jc; No.' 2- white, 43V4c; Second Session May 8000 ctls, $1 0S*i;8000, ciation and the by per ton; Southfleld Wellington, $!>; "Weather Bureau, is as follows:. Forecast Official. Deadwood Terra .. 50 Sierra. Nevada : 14 Vic; the association, and nobody'; else' has any. $0 50; 50; Bay. 50; Seattle. 160 Small Hopss ..:...... 38 No. 3 white. 41%@44c; No. 2 rye,.:5S "'fair $1 os%.. ,¦ —: Bryant. $6 Coos $5 Walla- SUMMARY. Horn Silver , Morning Raisins, scarce, $s GENERAL . to choice malting barley, .'58(15 lard, 17la@0 20: offerings . 914; $11 per ton; Coke, $15 State, .BOSTON *15 55: per 100 Ibe. $!) and insufficient- rainfall. The farmers ments now consist of assorted cars, and cite. Cannel. per ings. Rain has fallen in all parts of the EASTERN MARKETS. Money— ! Do pfd 93 short ribs- sides (loose). $8 05&W 25; dry salted and other country holders .are not especially straight any are ton in bulk and 917 in sacks; Rocky Mountain heavy in the mountain districts. ,In ...... clear-sides go. under, the present carloads of' . .kinds now a descriptions. $8 43 with enow ....3%@4% -Mining— -. shoulders (boxed), . 7^»@7V4c; thort Inclined to let conditions. steady, oer 2U0O lbs and $3 50 per Call loans f\ rarity. Nuts i'are and Walnuts are ' < ' some sections the temperature Is:reported the (boxed), $S50@8 60; whisky,' basis of high The demand is saltl to be very fair 'inr the . ton, according to brand. Time loans ...t @3 Adventure .>2UV. quoted stiff and wanted.- Honey is about ••the — > ¦ ' - wtnes, lowest of the season. . ¦ — "* ;...... jr.32; clover, contract g.-ade,'$9 50. country, but the local market Is quiet. ...»-, : :CORDAGE The , local cordage company quietest ¦ h.j {rain has been im- .-Bonds "V ' AHouez 8% * for bright, article— In the list. •j cor.diiicn.of greatly : Amalgamated - - Feed. 87V4c choice 85@86%c for Apricots, Royals quotes as follows : Pure Manila. 1tic Der lb; 4s 102 — ¦ FKU1TS for and 8 Atchison ..:. 76% v Rece'pts. 7©8Hc . proved by the rainfall. (Facially in the south, New York Stock Market. Articles Shipments. 1 ¦ for off grades;- brewing and bisal atze. llVac; Bale Rope, ll@ll%c; - Gas lsts '.. 8.J Baltic ;..'•¦. 38. .- 29.000 No. and 82%c @13c for standard to fancy Moorparka; Evap- Duplex. and the cold weather has had -no Injurious ei Flour. ..barrels I...... 32.000 ..,-, ' shipping grades, .D0®92>4c; Chevalier, 85c@»I Terms, to days, or I'.j, per cent caan growth — Mexican Cen 4a.. 81% Blngham 22% ,bushels 93.000 * * * orated Apples, 8S9c; sun-dried.. 4@4>jc; IOV3C. txcept the of. train and ...... Wheat." 85.»« .-.".'. cental. :£S 2;^^:ta rf8 w discount. Lots of lo.OoO lbs. lc ltct in retarding NEW TORK. Jan. 28. A successful ¦ \-¦ per '^K3!SS!WK^I Peaches, 4%@8%c; Plums, leas. good turn N E Gas & Coke. 57 - Cal &.Hecla. .610 Corn, bushels 12LCK0 ; 5)0,000 •^*--V*' , ':¦ 6@7%c; Pears.- per lb, 3c; green feed. Prospects continue for heavy wa» made against. the shorts in to-day's Railroads— Centennial .. 13% CALL3OARD SALES.*— pitted. 4@5%c; unfitted l@2c; Nectarines, 5® PACIFIC CODFISH—iiundles. 'f-v. Oats, ...... :.. 2U1.000 ¦ — — omt» of wheat and barley in the central and sti>ck Ccpjicr ...... bushels 227.000 ' Informal Session 9:15 .''O'clock May "2000 6%@6%c white; Figs, cases, Regular, 3%c; cases, Extra Large, 3% c: districts, market. How far the demand for Etocks rep- Atchison 70% Ransro ... 57% Rye. bushels •...-.-.....•..... 6.000 . .3,000 8000, ' 6&C for red and. for 3c cases, Eastern style, 5%c; Boneless, 4',,e; northern and ate much better in the Dominion > ctls. 83%c; -83%c; 83V4c. and 1«0@75c per box for white. during In buying De pM .. '.. 96%! Coal ....64% Barley, bushels .:. ...SS.CCO T 9.000 2000. — for black — "Norway," 4Vjc; 5c; couth than the past month. some resented new frcm outside sources can Boston & 26T{ 13- Second Session— May 10C0 ctis. 83%c; 4000 PRUNES 1901 crop are quoted 'as follows: "Xarrov/ Gaucc." "&»t- sections farmers are increasing the acreage of oftly b». conjectured. Albany. Franklin ...... ' Kinc." ti%c; Blocks, "Orientals," 5V«c; Conditions Royale the Exchange to-day ti@6Vic; 4%itofic; 50-CWa, ver . wliit-h were P.oston & Maine.192% Isle 21' On Produce. the butter 83%c.1 . — 30-40's 40-50's. 4Vi 5%c; grain and plowing and 'seeding are progressing made the ground for selling yesterday remained 32 market was firm; creameries. 15@'25c; dairies, Regular Morning Session— —No sales. @4%c; 60-70* ;j%@4Vic; 70-80' s, 3U©3%c; Blocks. "Seabrisht." Tablets. Uijc;Mid- rapidly. Pasturage is becoming plentiful Boston Elevated.. 1C5 Mohawk . Afternoon Session May 2000 ctls, S4%c; s. dles, eU@7Vio: 5-lb boxes. Fancy Boneless, be; more to-day affecting Dominion 14/£@2%c per lb. and block are in good condition. Warmer unaltered without the strong N Y N H & II..210 Old ... 22% . 14,000.. 84^c; 2000, . — U-lb boxes, Fancy Boneless. 7@Sc; Desiccated, tendency recovery. Fltchbun? pfd....,174 Osceola .84 fresh. 24 '/sc — 84%c. RAISINS— Nominal. . per 75c; Cod, weather would be beneficial to all crops. toward The weakness la OATS There wa3 no further disturbance at NUTS Chestnuts, ll@12c; No. 1 dozen, Pickled barrels, each, $7; temperatures killing frosts at the markets, yesterday Union Pacific ...101%— Parrot 3P Chicago, in strong Walnuts. .Pickled Cod, half-barrels, each. $4. The low and eraih which waa made Miscellaneous Qulncy ...- 140 as . that market remained | stoftshell, O^sc; No. 2. SeS&c; No. 1 hardshell. — — the close of the week have undoubtedly caused th« hands. The cash demand there Is poor, how- 2, paper- COFFEE Costa Rica Iu»i®l4c nominal for basis of rumors of financial troubles,' was Sugar. .'127'i, Santa Fe Copper. 3 9c; No. 7c: Almonds, 10%@12c for some injifry to citrus fruits in Southern Call- to American ever, as prices are too high. Still, the market 9@10c softshell and t»@7(? for strictly prime to fancy washed: HV5®12^o although turned a bull argument to-day as showing Do pfd .117% ITamarack 257 S» stronger by shell, for hard- nominal for prime washed; 10'^@llc lornia. no reports of damage have good conditions "Trlmountaln Foreign Futures. Is working around under buying shell; Peanuts, 5@7c for Eastern; Brazil Nuts, nominal been received. Ample warnings jrere given, . for the winter wheat crop. Amer Tel & Tel.158 ..... 59% the shorts. for good washed; 10>i<&l-VjC for good to prime The formulation by Steel. 2SVijTrinity 12% 12@12^c; Filberts, 12@12%c; Pecans, 11®13c; peaperry; and the orchards protected by smudging have the United Mine Workers Dom Iron &. ... This market Is quoted firm enough, but' very Cocoanuts, $3 * washed WVstPlOijC for fair to prime probably comparatively of flat demands for higher wages Gf;neral Electric. United States Dealers go quota- — '50® 5. peabtrry; l(V®llc good prime: ' escaped with little in- which de- .278% ... 15% dull. refuse 'to let under •12@l.'5c for bright for to S'-Jftf^c prersed yesterday ignored .24 ¦ HONEY Comb. and- 10^ fair; Jury. Vineyards and orchards continue ingood the coalers was to- Mass Electric 33£ Utah tions, however. light amber; water extracted, ior 6@7Vic— for common to ordinary. day. The poor knowing of N E Gas & Coke. R VMctoria 5 27V.; 12c for white • Salvador condition and pruning is progressing. ,DccUu- for December Erie ... .LIVERPOOL. Grays, $1 20@l whites. $1 2O@l'4O: 4c. 12%&13c nominal for strictly • syetems — 5@6c; light amber extracted, 4@5c; dark. washed; eua fruitprospects are excellent.' and the Reading were Ignored and United Fruit 8ti% Winona 1% Wheat March. May. Surprise, $1 "40®I42»4: black, $1 10@l 20 for BEESWAX— 27}i@29c per lb. prime 10Vj!iBl2c nominal for good ti> SACRAMENTO VALLEY. - these stocks were quite conspicuous for activity U S Steel 43% Wolverine .. 49%. Opening ...... '...... 0 1 6 1% feed and $1 20@l 30 for seed; red, $1 25@1 35 prime washed; 9@lUc nominal for fair washed; strength. It is thought part per $1 32%@1 good prime fold weather has prevailed during the week. and that of the LONDON CLOSING STOCKS. Closing 6% 6 1V4 ctl for— feed and 40 for seed. 10%611%« nominal for to wash?d recent gelling of coalers has been In anticipa- CORN Chicago reported an unchanged mar- Provisions. ppaberry; 9%@10%c nominal for good to prime with frequent rains and killingfrosts. showing and Con for money... 93% M K & Texas 25 PARIS. poor demand, owing heavy There tion of this that to-day's buying Do pfd -.._ June. ket with a 'cash to the 8e«ni-washea: ,«H@9Vic nominal for superior has been a fall of snow in the mountains. was' short covering. These vagaries of senti- Con for acnt.. 93 13-16 64 Wheat— Jan. Mar.- high prices. . ¦ unwashed; for good green unwashed; The cold north wind on Saturday followed Anaconda N Y Central Opening 21 22 55 The Chicago market lower again and »V'»c Wip was ment indicate the professional character of the 6% .164^ Closing 65. This market continues very dull at previous was »%c for goo-J to superior unwashed peaberry; freezing Sunday & ..• 55 22 CO ¦ by temperatures and Monday trading. The most important influence Atchison 77% Norf Western.. 57 — ....21 prlc though there are fewer samples showing still pointing downward. Prices there %re con- for conation ordinary. mornings, causing Borne damage to garden of the Do pfd Do pfd 04 , Flour 3s. «^'7c to advance wag the stimulating effect of re- 98% on the Produce Exchange than a week ago. sidered too high, hence the decline. The cash Nicaragua— ll'©15c nominal for prime to truck, green feed and tender wheat shoots. the Bait & Ohio 104% Ontario & West.. 34% Opening 27 60 28 25 37V-@l - covery of three more points in Amalgamated Closing 27 55 2S 20 Large yellow, $1 45; small round demand is poor. --/. fancy washed; U^ujllc nominal for fair to Plowing was letarded by me frequent showers, Copper. The dealings in this ptock Canadian Paciflc.116% Southern Ry .... 33% do, $1 50: white, $1 30@l 40 per ctl. The San Francisco market continues weak strictly good washed; S^iaoVjc grain, pasturage at.d were almost — nominal for Chesap pfd but orchards were bene- great any & OhloJ. 46% Do 95% RYE Steady, but "not active, at SSigDOc per at decline already noted, with cutting In good t«> suyerior unwashed; fited. Grain continues In ;."iod and twice as as those In one'stock. The Western.. 00% ' the. U@0^ic nominal condition a further advance In raw copper and the heavy Chi G 23% Southern Pacific*. Available Grain Supply: ctl. — Pork products. The tendency is to sell the. for good to prime unwj>sli*d peaberry. heavy crcp is predicted. Orchards and vine- Chi Mil & St Union Paciflo Quoted at $1 65 per ctl. and — yards doing fruit buying in London were taken to indicate that P.lC0% 103% BUCKWHEAT goods. — Guatemala' Mexican 12»4@15VjC Tor' are well and prospects con- Denver & R G.'. Do pfd 00% washed; ; tinue excellent. large sums have been left uncovered, waiting 43% .... NEW YORK, Special telegraphic CURED MEATS Bacon. 1114c per lb for prime to fancy ll..lC8% ' . . the decreased afloat $2 75@3 per family $3® 60; prime Mess $15; extra -clear, nominal fcr to superior unwashed. with a J. silver, : and in Europe, SOO, bushels; Oregon, barrel for and 12 503% Oats United States cf '$3 per Rye Flour, pure, 11Vic: 10-lb tins. ll%c; 5-lb tins, 11%C; for medium^ .10@o7c; light. 2&tf:l5c; though cord in for stocks. The ' the Rockies, increased S5.0C0 bushels. ¦¦:¦¦¦*:¦¦-: Flour, 100 lbs: $2-75; Ryo Sklrtinjs. No. 2, dition, making slow growth, and would upward movement broadened and gained cent. . ... , . $2 DO: Rice Flour. $7; Meal, $3 25; 3-lb tins. 12c. No. 1. 4iKff42c; aeQSSc: Cel- force Meal. Corn half-barrel, 10%c; Leather, per be benefited by warm weather. Pasturage Is up to the close, which at do, Groats, COTTOLENE— One three lar 15©l«ic fo-.-t: Trace Leather plentiful and stock good was about the best extra cream $4; Oat $5;.Hominy, 10c; 0%c; tierces, 40@41c; Kip. unfinished, per lb; Veal, are In condltiou. Trait and strong. The reported agreement to main- Eastern Market. $4(34 25; Buckwheat Flour, $4@4 25; Cracked half-barrels. one tierce. two 40®50c prospects are excellent in all sections. In the among New Money Market. Livestock 50; Farina, 50; 9%c; five tierces, 9%c per lb. finished, 16®17c pen foot: Belt Knife Splits, vicinity of Santa acreage* tain rates Western railroads and meat- .York Wheat, $3 $4 Whole Wheat Split*. per Rosa a large of new packers was a strengthening influence. The Flour, $3 25; Rolled Oats (barrels) $6 85@8 35; 14@lCo: Route h S'B'lOc lb. vineyards and orchards is being planted. — ; CHICAGO TANBARK—tiiound. $J«J©2S per ton; speculation In Sugar was based on the ex- NEW YORK, Jan. 28. Close: Money, on CHICAGO, in sacks. $6 50<38: Pearl Barley. $5; Split Peas, Hides,;Tallow, Wool and Stick. SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY. pectation of the production -steady 2@3 per cent; closed, Jan. 28.—CATTLE—Receipts, $5: Green Peas, $6 50 per 100 lbs. Hops. $1«@1S—pe^ cord. an advance in and call.was at bid OIL Oil, in cases, No. Conditions have been more favorable for crops bad an important sympathetic The 2(g>2% per cent. • ( 6000; steady; no choice -here; good to :prime California Castor I. effect. and asked. — . of 70c: pure. $120; Linseed Oil. in barrel3, than for several weeks. Rain has fallen In •statement in the British of paper steers, < nominal, $6 50@7 ;poor ,medium, With the exception Tallow, which con- all House Commons Prime mercantile 4!f5 ner cent. . 25 to Hay demand, boiled, 74c; raw. 7-c; cases. 5c more; Lucol, parts of the valley, reviving grain and pastur- that a note from the Dutch Government is un- Sterling exchange was easy, with actual busi- $4@6; stockers and feeders, $2 25@4 50; cows, and Feedstu ffs. tinues scarce andiin everything under raw, age and softening the eoil for cultivation. consideration, $4 and unchanged. C4c for boiled and 62c for in barrels: der presumably bearing op over- ness in bankers' bills at 86%3 . sales of call for the few stillleft In cas?s, 05c: China Nut. 8c gallon; vere frosts have occurred In some but closing streneth In the market.. Posted rates— $4 85 and 88. steers, $4®5 25; steers, $13 60 reported, they hands, growers pure -damage been except in retarding bond strong • Texas - fed Western the best wheat at are but ers' but the are exacting top Neatsfoot. in barrels. 70c: cases. 75c: no has done The market was and individual Commercial -bills—$4 S3%@4 $4 40. : '¦»¦..-.: u sufficiently to warrant, Sperm, pure, Whale Oil. natural the growth of grain and green feed. Crop pros- were overwhelmingly — 84%. — -. . are not: numerous this prices. Hides move off fairly, but the Eastern 65c: white. 'bonds not bo conspicuous Bar silver 55i£e.— ' ' •HOGS Receipts to-day, . 25,000; to-morrow, 40@-5Oo iw sallon; i»lsh*OIl, barrels. S'^c; ¦ quotation.. pects are greatly Improved, and with favorable as of late. Total sales, par value, $4,385,000. Mexican : 35.000; left figure as a-' Unless we get copious markets have been quieter and weaker of late. conditions through — 14%c. States, over, 9000; steady at extreme de- are likely go l cases, -»2»±c: Cocoanut Oil. barrels. 63V-c for the spring the yield of wheat United States -bonds were all unchanged on Bonds Governments, steady; ' steady; cllne' of yesterday, 20@30c lower than the rains soon prices to higher. There is not enough good Wool coming In to and 5S^«c for Australian. end'barley should be average. ¦ in Ceylon nearly Warmer tlrt last call. .. . ¦.-.¦¦ railroads, strorg. closelast week. butchers', $5 There -is no change Feedstuffs except a make a market worth talking about and White Coal weather and light6howers would be very bene- . Mixed and 80® small advance in Rolled Barley. The come In what COAL OIL—Water Oil. in bulk NEW YORK STOCK LIST. G 30;;good to choice heavy, $6 15@6 40; rough feeling few choice clips are taken up as soon lUV-c: Pearl Oil. In cases. 20c; 2Oc: ficial. Plowing and seeding are progressing — "' - heavy. $5 10; In Bran, Middlings "and Corn products is rather as they appear. Extra Starl 24c: 25c;Astral. ¦ : 90©6 light. $5 90; Elaine. , • 60@5- bnlk of -¦•".' ¦ ¦ • Star 20c: Eocene and considerable work is being done in orchards Stocks Sales. Hl?h. Low. Close. Condition Treasury. . sales. $5 OOffili 20. , easy. : "."¦¦' v An Oregon paper says that the accepted Gasoline, in 18,300 ofitJie - ¦ — per es- 22c -"deodorised stovt bulk. 15c: In vineyards. Fruit prospects Atchison $1S Mgi9 yield Hops and are excellent.'' .. 7G% 75H 76K SHEEP— Receipts," Sheep. „ steady; BRAN 50 ton. . "• ' timate of the 1901 of in that 21 Benzine, .in bulk. 14c; In Atchison pfd 4.7OO' O«% !04:: § 14.000. $20@21 50 per • State cases. "Ac: cases. 06% 28.— To-day's state- lambs, weaker; ' .MIDDLINGS— ton. . 5* ; up to. last week Gasoline, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. « Baltimore 5,000 ]<«¦% WASHINGTON. 'Jan. \ good to choice wethers, $4 the or two. -was 65.000 bales' '20M:c;. S(5-desree in bulk, 20c; In & Ohio.. 102 103 Treasury general fair; 30® Rolled Barley, $1S per transpires that no Cooler weather has t prevailed during the ment]of the balances in the, 5; to choice mixed, $3 75@4 40; Western FEEDSTUFFS— 50«J19 It now less 71 000 caret, Baltimore &O pfd. S00 9(5% 06% 96U - - ton; Meal at the $27@2S; job- grown in Oregon than 2t>'4c. and frosts $150,000,000 sheep, fed, $4@5; Oilcake mill. bales were year. G76«per gallon wecH. eevere have occurred in nearly Canadian Pacific... :t,000 114 », fund," exclusive of the rold reserve : native lambs, $3 '50@5 90; last-- Or thi« 1 TURPENTINE— in cases and bing, 50020; Cake, $20(321: generous 112Vi ll.i^i ; lambs, $5© , ¦ : $28 Cocoanut Corn crop about 56.C0O bales been all sections. The rainfall has-been of Canada Southern.. 1,400 Ss 86 In the division- of redemption; shows: Avail- Western 5 90. . 1^; .have ahlDDeVl 61c In drums and Iron barrels.— benefit all croi>s 1,000 »4 si% balances, $174,108,545; 'gold, $91,- Meal. $31@:U 50: Cracked Corn, $31 SO® away. Of the remaining 15.000 bales immense tt» and has softened Chesapeake & Ohio 40% able cash ST. JOSEPH Feed,' $16 50@17 50. are about RED AND WHITE LEAD R*>d Lead. 7© the soil sufficiently for cultivating in'fields and 46-"!i 45% - Mixed — 10.000 In railroad warehouses. The East ptr lb; White Lead. Chicago & Alton.. .TOO S*% r.iV, 34 ST. JOSEPH. Mo., $fl@12 50; fancy, 7%c W.mVxc.• accordtns orchards. In some localities early sjwn grain Jan. 28.—CATTLE-Ke-' HAY Wheat. $13; Wheat Side warehouse of the Southern Pacific Chicago & A prd .-100 . 7«V4 70V, 7«t4 celpts. il300;: steady;, natives $3 50@7; cows Oat,' $9@12 80;- $8 50@ll 50; Barley ' about oOOO con- to"quantity. willprobably make a fair crop, and the crain ChicaKo Ind & L..' 1)00 M r»2 and heifers, $2@T> 40; 25; and. Oat. tains bales.". Most of this quantity S \LT—Liverpool. $30(S."»2 50 for the best an«l acreage Pssturage ! f>2Ti London Market. veals $400..;;.;stockcrs and Oat, $8@10; Alfalfa. $S@10; Clover, $6 Is In.the control of speculating factory will be increased. has be- J Chic Ind & L pfd: 100 75U 75Vi 75»-i and feeders,. $2 50@4 50 x Volunteer, 50; Stock, 5U© dealers whi $26(327 50 for filled. Domestic— Imita- plentiful In r^ 7 50; ' \$6@8 $6@7 50 per are holding for higher prices. Liverpool. $.T» $T> come most section* and rtock are E 111.. 1441; 4200; '"•"¦ The amount in 25ft2»J; H. R. H.. Chicago & 1.RO0 HOGS—Receipts,. steady, light - '¦¦¦'¦' ¦ ¦ tion 2T^> Orchards and vineyards Chicago 141% 142% market -» -¦¦ '"*,.•¦ -i the hands of growers is Dalrj'. bags. $24i»2fi «); doini? well. are Jn good & G West 3.200 23 NEW YORK, Jan. 28.— The Commercial \Ad- and light mixed, .$5 75@G 15; ton/ 35@55c per , estimated* to be h" 2G; Califbrnia "0-lb The at & pfd 'Si% 22% cablegram $6 medium and STRAW— bale. : j tween 2000 and 8000 bales. The largest $17®1S according to quantity; condition.- severe frosts the dose of the Chic G W A '500 84% 84 HiV, vertiser's Londcn financial " says: heavy, 15@6 45; pigs, $3 70@5 Hops Rock Salt. - veek fnjured unprotected, citrus fruits, as WB pfd 800 ' — mulatlons of other thaw at ;Portlanri or. $2-4 per but Chic & G 45% 44% 45 announcement thai the •;had SHEEP Receipta, 200; market steady. bales at Salem and 1500 Granulatfd. 5CS?2«S— ton. cmple warnings had been given it is probable Chicago & Nwstrn 2,500 ; The ' Boers- re- 300O. bales at Enwn, Sl7«B-iS p»r flask for local 214V. 212 21-t cently :made proposals looking :toward peace Bcans and Seeds Although some very choice lots h, QUICKSILVER the damage willbe light. Chic R.I & Pac... 157. :• are left in ¦we and $411*45 HO for export. 1.200 157" 155% sent, stocks, l est ot the crop EUREKA SUMMARY. Chicago Trm & Trs ..-. 17 Kaffirs soaring, to-day .These had New York Metal:Market. - haa SUGAR— The western Sujrar Running Com- pfd...... buoyant all!day,"but when- our Choice Pink Beans will bring the top quo- &%dV -^""ffipany quotrs. per In 1»0-^ bags: and cold weather greatly with Chic T &T 3114 been B.alf made •. lb. . Rain Interfered 10,200' - I tatlons, but there Is considerable Cubes, Crushed and Fine S.OKc; farm work and growing crops, which are mak- C C C & St Louis. 100>4 97% 100 the announcement An {the House' of Commons NEW YORK,,Jan, 28.—;The feature" In"', damaged Crushed. to- ¦ growth. Colorado Southern. 900 14"A regarding overtures offering below. $2. Bayos ;are - quoted lie; : Powdered. 4.90c: Camlv Granulatefh- 4.!J0c: Dry ing very LowteraperatUKS are • 14Vr 14% peace the shares 'went mad day*a ¦ ¦ unexpected stock Steers, slow Colo 1st pfd.... <;f exchange, metal market was "an :ad- medium. 10c: li^ht Cow Confeitloners' 4.Si 42% nental The as inclined as /the recent decline" of Cc from the top price $3 10^3 25; Large White, ?2 7u(g3; Pea, $2 50 Brands. 10c; Sheepsklni shearlins's? isa&c Continued on Page Thirteen.