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Colonel William Light: Founder of Adelaide Ref. AU5031

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ate- /a-/2- SAILOR:: SOLDIER:: ARTIST,



" The reasons that led me to fix Adelaide where it is I do not expect to be generally understood or calmly judged of at present . My enemies , however , by disputing their validity in every particular, have done me the good service of fixing the whole of the responsibility upon me. I am perfectly willing to bear it ; and I leave it to posterity, and not to them , to decide whether I am entitled to praise or to blame ."- Preface to Light 's "Brief Journal."

" For my name and memory , I leave it to men 's charitable speeches and to the next age." Bacon.





The First Surveyor -General of the Province of South Australia.

Compiled from Various Sources


(A uthor of " Bibliography of South Australia ").






o -.----

The original edition of the BRIEF JOURNAL" of Colonel Light, published in Adelaide in 1839,is out of print and very rare.

With the valuable assistance of Mr , R. E. E. Rogers, the Government Printer , under the authority of the Hon. F. S. Wallis, M.L.C., Chief Secretary, the Council of this Society is enabled to include in Volume XI. of its proceedings a word for word and line for line reproduction of Colonel Light's journal from a copy kindly lent to the Society by Mr. Geo. G. Mayo, whose father was an intimate friend of Colonel Light.

The thanks of the Council are also due to the officers of the Public Library Board, Adelaide, for assistance in searching the records in the Library and for allowing copies of illustrations to be made from the volumes 11 Sicilian Scenery" and "Views of Pompeii." The officers of the Mitchell Library, , have kindly supplied a photo. of an original order issued by Colonel Light for payment of wages of survey labourers in Adelaide in March, 1837- Acknowledgments are also due to Messrs. W. W. Weidenbach and C. W. Priest , jun., for photos . and documents recently obtained by them in Penang and Singapore relating to the life of Captain Francis Light , the Founder of Penang and father of Colonel Light.

Mr. J. C. Jacob, of Moorooroo , has also kindly allowed a copy to be made of the historic letter from Colonel Light to his father, Mr. William Jacob , dated 5th October, 1838. This EDITION DE LUXE contains all the illustrations which appear in the Supplement to Volume XI. of the Proceed- ings of the South Australian Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. recently published, together with facsimiles of two of the letters written by Colonel Light at , , and at Rapid Bay, in 1836; also a facsimile of a cash order-the first paper currency of South Australia- issued in payment of wages of the Survey labourers, &c., in 1836. There is also included a reduced facsimile of the original map of the City of Adelaide, and of the Plains of Adelaide extending to Port Adelaide, both drawn by Colonel Light ; an additional chapter relating to the Civic Commemoration Bowl, with illustration ; particulars of the loss of the brig Rapid, com- manded by Colonel Light, which vessel brought the first survey party to South Australia ; and some verses to the memory of Colonel Light by Mrs. Fidelia S. T. Hill, wife of the master of the Rapid, published in i 840. With the kind permission of the Commissioner of Crown Lands (the Hon. Crawford Vaughan, M.P.), the illustrations referred to above have been made by the Government Photo-lithographer. An appendix contains references to publications on Colonel Light, and a full index of the present volume. An index is also appended to the " Brief Journal" of Colonel Light at the end of this volume.

This Edition, printed on hand-made paper, is limited to

200 copies, of which this is No ...... CONTENTS.-0- CHAPTERI. PAGE. Parentage and Early Years ...... I

CHAPTER II. Naval and Military Career ...... 9

CHAPTER III. Appointment as Surveyor-General .. ., 18

CHAPTER IV. Arrival in South Australia and Selection of the Site of the Capital ...... 41

CHAPTER V. Resignation as Surveyor-General ...... 56 CHAPTER VI. Death and Burial ...... 63

CHAPTER VII. Unveiling Memorial in Light Square ...... 69

CHAPTER VIII. Unveiling Statue in Victoria Square ...... 81

CHAPTER IX. Civic Commemoration Bowl ; Loss of Brig Rapid ; and Verses to the Memory of Colonel Light .. .. 92 APPENDIX. "SicilianScenery" and "Viewsof Pompeii" .. .. loo Bibliography and Works of Reference ...... Ioz Index ...... 105 SUPPLEMENT. Facsimile of the Journal of Colonel William Light : Pages i to 8o Errata in journal, page 81 ; Index to Colonel Light's Journal, pages 82 to 84 at end of this volume With Facsimiles of Colonel Light' s Holograph 'Letters, Original Map of the City of Adelaide and of the Plains of Adelaide, at end of this volume - . 9



There is no doubt that Colonel Light brought to Adelaide priceless historical documents, which would have been of ines- timable value to his biographer. A perusal of his journal* clearly indicates that he was most methodical in his habits, and being of a highly sensitive disposition the loss of his lifelong collection and precious papers must have profoundly affected his health at that time. The last paragraph in his Journal (p. 80) records the loss of his papers owing to his cottage having been burnt to the ground on January 22, 1839. Mr. Steuart states that to Colonel Light it was a heartbreak, for the journals be had kept for thirty years of his experiences in Turkey , Egypt , the Mediterranean, and on the battlefields of Spain , as well as his plans and sketches, all perished in the' flames, leaving hardly any evidences of his career except the small portion of his Journal which he had been fortu- nate to revise for printing, and the letters and pictures be had left with his relatives in Europe. He felt the loss very deeply, and his illness was greatly accelerated by the personal distress it caused.t The Governor (Colonel Gawler) writing to Lord John Russell, under date January 23, 1839, reported as follows :-"I lament that I have occasion to report to you, for the Commissioner's informa- tion, that the Land Office and the Surveyor-General's Offices, in Adelaide, were totally destroyed by fire on the afternoon of yeste>;- day . These buildings were constructed entirely of wood, and thatched with reeds, so that the fire had obtained considerable vigour before it was perceived."t

Mr. Henry M. Doughty says in reference to Colonel Light:----

"His career , like his father's before him began in the Navy as a midshipman, in H.M. Frigate "Clyde." He was taken prisoner by the French. Then leaving the naval service, he became a cornet in the 4th Light Dragoons, and served with high distinction throughout the Peninsular Campaign , as an aide-de-camp to Lord

* Reprinted in the Supplement accompanying this edition. f See "Steuart." p. 130. See "Appendix to Report from the Select Committee on South AiisrtXa1ts 1841," p. 200. b 26 prosperity of the colony so greatly depends. They feel assured that you will enter upon the task with the most anxious desire to arrive at the best possible result ; and believing such a result will be most effectually secured by placing the whole responsi- bility of the decision in your hands, the commissioners purposely avoid all minute instructions for your guidance, and desire that you will consider yourself at liberty to deviate, even from the more general instructions given, if in the discharge of your duty new facts should arise which, in your opinion, justify so strong a measure. 15. Although the commissioners leave the decision of this im- portant question entirely in your hands, it Is their desire that, should His Excellency the Governor arrive sufficiently early in the colony (and he is expected to be at about two months after you reach Nepean Bay), you will confer with him on the subject, and pay due regard to his opinion and suggestions, without, however, yielding to any influence which could have the effect of divesting you in any way of the whole responsibility of the decision. The commissioners think they may also assist you by stating the grounds on which they conceive your decision ought to rest. The commissioners are of opinion that the best site for the first town will be that which combines In the highest degree the following advantages:-

1st. A commodious harbour, safe and accessible at all seasons of the year. 2nd. A considerable tract of fertile land immediately adjoining. 3rd. An abundant supply of fresh water. 4th. Facilities for internal communication. 5th. Facilities for communication with other ports. 6th Distance from the limits of the colony, as a means of avoiding interference from without in the principle of colonization. 7th. The neighbourhood of extensive sheepwalks.

The above are of primary importance, the following of secondary value:- 8th. A supply of building materials , as timber , stone , or brick, earth and lime. 9th. Facilities for drainage. 10th. Coal.

The commissioners are of opinion that although no site should be selected which does not possess a harbour safe and accessible at all seasons of the year, yet that it would be unwise for the 75

what would his feelings be? He would see week after week ships of 7,000 and 8 ,000 tons burden coming safely into the refuge of that harbour trading regularly with us throughout the year. If he could rise from that grave he would be more astonished even than we should be to -day upon looking at this fair city , with its Government and legislative halls, with its municipal institu ti ons, with its chthedrals and churches, and its universities -and School of Mines , and secondary and public schools, with its warehouses and manufactories and shops and happy homes. (Applause.) He would be delighted to see more than entered into his imagina ti on. Where in the wide world will you flzid a city better planned than Adelaide ? (Applause.) Adelaide with its broad streets and with its quincunx of squares and its park lands 2 ,300 acres in extent- (hear , hear)-a grand inheritance of the citizens for all time. The choice and laying out of the site of the City of Adelaide was an effort of genius. Col. Light knew right well the value of his great achievements. As he lay on his dying bed he asked that "The founder of the City of Adelaide " should be engraved on a sheet of copper and placed in his coffin with him , and you all remember the noble passage embraced in the preface of his diary , which ought to be inscribed on the statue to be erected. (Applause.)

-The Verdict of Posterity.- These are the words , and I reiterate that they ought to be in- scribed on the statue which the committee propose to erect in King William street close to Victoria square:-"The reasons that led me to fix Adelaide where it is I do not expect to be generally under- stood or calmly judged of at present. My enemies, however, by dis- puting their validity in every particular have done me the good service of fixing the whole of the responsibility on me. I am perfectly willing to bear it; and I leave it to posterity, and not to them, to decide whether I am entitled to praise or to blame." (Ap- plause .) The verdict of posterity has been given. Not 'only we who are fortunate enough to live in or around the City of Ade- laide, not only those who will succeed to our places when we are gone , but generations to come , when our poor names are forgotten, will bear in remembrance the honoured name of Col. Light, the founder of the City of Adelaide -( applause )-- the preserver, nay it is not too strong a word to use , the saviour of the State of South Australia . (Applause.)

-The Duty of the Citizens.- This city and this State are Col . Light's best and most glorious monument . It is due to ourselves that the place where lies his honoured dust should be preserved from desecration, and should 105


Page. Pe ge Adelaide 21, 75, 89 Cornwallis Fort, Penang ...... 7 "Adelaide Advertiser" 14, 63, 81 Council of Bengal ...... 4 Adelaide City, site of 10, 44. 48/54, L`rawford, John ...... 3 67/8,74/ 5, 84/6,88/9 Cullin, E. G...... 3 Adelaide. Col. Light' s survey of 90. Currie Raikes, i'1YI.P...... 66, 92 Sale of allotments 90 "Cygnet" 20, 23, 24, 29-31, 35, 36, 41, Adelaide . Founder of 1-2, 10, 75, 87 49, 80 Adelaide to Port Darwin Telegraph 40 Cygnet River ...... 42 Adelaide to Port Darwin Tramway 37 Admiralty Commissioners of .. 16, 17 Darling River ...... 39 "Africaine" ...... 42, 50 Davenport, Sir Samuel .. .. 68 "Alban" S.S...... 37 Dawson, Captain ...... 45-47, 59 Albert Lake discovered . 38 De Wint, Peter ...... 10, 79 Alexandrina Lake .. .. 25-27, 38, 39 Ilpughty,George 2 49, 57 IJ'oughty, H. M. 2, 9, 11 Angas, George Fife . 18, 19, 22, 78 Doughty, Mrs...... 2, 10, 15 Auga s, John Howard ...... 78 Duff, Mr...... 64 Areca Nut Island .. .. 6 Duke of Wellington 10, 12/14, 22, 37, "Asiatic Quarterly Review" 1 60, 72 Austra li an Explorers, .. .. 40, 78/9 "Duke of York" ...... 41 Barker's Knoll ...... 39 East India Company ...... 3. 4 Battle of Waterloo ...... 22 Egypt, Pasha of .. 22. 73 Beare Hudson .. 71 25, 39, 44, 74, 89 Bengal , Governor General of, etc... 4 Everard, Dr. .. 50 Berkeley , Captain ...... 64 Expedition to South Australia. In- Blue Mountains ...... 27 struction to Colonel Light to fit out Boulger , Demetrius , C. . .. . 6 23-30 Bowl Commemorative, Annual Cere- Explorers of Australia .. .. 40, 78/9 mony 10 Eyre, E. J...... 79 Presented to City Council 92-93 Photo of .. 92 Field, Mr. 24-30. Lieut. 38, 50, 64 "Britannia " ...... 14 Finniss, Hon. B. T. 11, 24, 32, 35, 36 Brown, John ...... - 36, 50, 64 41, 49, 64, 89 "Buffalo." ...... 52 74 Finniss,Mrs...... 35 Fisher, Sir J. R. 21, 53, 64, 71, 74, 76, Cameron, John .. .. 6 84 Cannan, Mr...... 24, 35, 41, 89 Fisher, Charles and Hurtle .. . 71 Cape Jervis 42 Fisher, Joseph ...... 72, 90 Carrington, Mr...... 46 Flinders. Captain ...... 25, 78 "Cheshunt Weekly Telegraph" .. 37 Fort Cornwallis, Penang ...... 7 Chief Justice (first) drowned .. 39, 74 Frome, Lieut.. R.E. .. 62 "Chronicles of Theberton Hall" 2 Funeral of Colonel Light .. 63, 71, 76 "City of Adelaide. History of 67 Olaughton Mr. . .. 30 46 Gawler, Colonel George 9, 38, 57, 58, "Clyde," 1?I.M. Frigate ...... 9 60, 62. Portraitof ...... 68 Collard, F. W...... 66 (leorretown, Penang 7 Colonial Office ...... 58 Gilbert, Thomas 24, 35, 36, 41, 50, 51, Colonization Commissioners 18, 19. 23, 64. Instructionsto 33. Letter 38, 43/9, 56/62 from Col. Light ...... 42 Cooper, Robert . .. .. 13 Glass, Captain ...... 4 Corporation of City of Adelaide 67, 84 Glenelg,Lord ...... 18, 31, 36, 58 h 106

Page. Pagel. Goldberry Farm ...... 2 Light, Colonel William. Birth un- Goolwa. .. 39, known .. 1 Gouger, Robert .. 42, 50, 53, 64/5 Parentage and Early Life 1-72 Gulf. Spencer . 44, 51, 89 Mother of . .. 2, 3, 6, i2 Gulf, St. Vincent .. 25, 27, 38, 49, 50 Naval and Military career .. 9, 72 Married ...... 10, 15, 72 Hallack, E. H ...... 63 Papers burnt .. 9. 11 Hallett, Mr...... 50 " Sicilian Scenery " 10, 15, 73, 78, 80 Harding, J. D...... 16 "Views of Pompeii" 14, 16, 80 11ardy, Alfred . .. 24,35, 41, 89 Appointed Surveyor General of Hart, Captain John ...... 38 S.A. .. 10, 18, 44, 73 Hill. Mr...... 24. 30 Wounded at Corunna .. 10, 15, 73 Hill. Rowland 21, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, Travels of .. . .. 10, 15, 73 56/7 Diary during Peninsular War 13, Hindmarsh, Governor 18, 23, 26, 44, 14 53, 72/4, 86 Service in Egypt 22 IIoldfastBay . 43, 49, 50/3, 89 Site of Adelaide 10, 44, 48, 68, 74, Howard, Rev. C. B...... 64/5 86, 88 Instructions as Surveyor General Instructions from Colonization Com- 23, 30,48 missioners. Letter to Thos. Gilbert .. .. 42 To Colonel Light ...... 23, 88 Letter to William Jacob .. .. 54 To G. S. Kingston ...... 31 Arrival in S.A...... 41 To B. T. Finniss ...... 132 Resignation as Surveyor General To Thomas Gilbert ...... 133 56-62 Insurance on "Rapid" .. .. Loving Cup Ceremony at Town Hall ...... 10, 92 Jacob William .. .. 24, 30, 54, 64, 68 Loving Cup, presented .. 92, 93 Jeffcott, Sir John ...... 39, 74 Loving Cup, photo of .. . 92 Jervis Cape ...... 42 Fac-simile of letters to T. Gilbert "John Pirie" . .. .. 41 42 Journal of Captain Light .. 3 Death and Burial ...... 63-68 Journal of the Indian Archipelago 3, Funeral Notice . .. 63 4, 5 Monument to, Light Square 66-80 Jungle clearing ...... 5 Portrait of . 67, 77 Kangaroo Island 25, 29, 32, 33, 41, 44 Light Statute, Victoria Square King of Quedah ...... 1. 3, 6 81-91 Kingseote ...... 4 Verdict of Posterity +. .. 75 Kingscote, H. 66 War Office. Records of Service 37 Kingston, Sir G. S. 13, 24, 32, 35, 36, Light, County of...... 10 41, 45, 48/54,56/61, 71, 84, 86, 89 Licht Passage ...... 10 Letter of instructions to 31. Ex- Light River ...... 10 tracts from letter on selection of Light Square ...... 64-5, 60-80 site of Adelaide ...... 49154 Light Monument . .. 66-80 Light Statute, Victoria Square 81-91 Labourers, Selection of, 23. Pay of, 23 Lipson, Captain . , 23, 24, 35, 36, 41 "Lady Mary Pelham" ...... 41 Lipson, Mrs...... 35 Lake Albert discovered . 38 Litchfield, Captain ...... 64 Lake Alexandrina 25, 27, 38, 39, 49, 57 Longbottom, Rev...... 65 Land office, Adelaide. Fire in .. 9 MacPherson. Sir John . 4 Lefevre, John George Shaw .. .. 18 Malaya .. 1. Malays of Quedah .. 2 Le Hunte, Sir George, Governor. Ad- Malay Peninsula .. .. 7 dress at unveiling of Statue in Vic- "Malayan India etc, Our Tropical toria Square ...... 85-87 Possessions in" ...... 6/7 Lewin, Captain .. 3 Mann, Charles ...... 37, 61 "Liberty," Schooner ...... 15 Martin. Captain G...... 41 Light, Captain Francis, Martlesham Hall ...... 2 Founder of Penang .. 1-22 Marsden, William ...... 3 Letter to George Doughty .. .. 2 Marrvat, Mrs. .. 71 Proclamation of Penang .. .. 3, 4 Mausoleum, St. George's Church Pen- Death of ...... 5/8 ang 6 Monument to 5 Mayo, Dr. George ...... 77 Memorial Tablet ...... 6 Mayo, G. G...... 78 107

Page. ; Page. Mayor of Adelaide, First ...... 76 Port Lincoln .. 25, :,,6, 44, 49, 51, 74 McLaren, D. 64 Port Pullen .. , . .. 39 McPherson, Mr...... 64 Yoryrait of Colonel Light 1, 67, 77 Mehemet, Ali ...... 22, 78 Pounce, Captain ...... 3 Memorial Tablet to Captain Light 6 Powys, Mr...... 35 Memorial in Light Square . Unveil- Preliminary Survey of Sections .. 27 ing of . .. 69/80 Prince of Wales Island named 1, 3, Military Career of Col. Light 9-10, 17 4, 7, 22 Montefiore , Mr. J...... 20, 36. 92 Princess of Quedah .. 1, 2, 3, 6. 7 Moorooroo ...... 54 Proclamation of Colony .. 53 Morgan, Captain R. C. .41 Crooked Tree, apocryphal .. 53 Morphett, Sir John 35. 50/2, 64, 72, Proclamation by Captain Light .. 3/4 84, Lady ...... 72 Province Wellesley .. 7 Morris, H . T...... 71 Pullen, Admiral .. 24, 30, 37. Letter Mount Lofty ...... 49 from ...... 37-40 Mundy, Lieut...... 64 Pulo Penang ...... 6. 7 ...... 27, 39 Quedah, Princess of .. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, Murrumbidgee River ...... 39 King of ...... 1, 3, 6 Napier, Sir Charles . .. .. 10 " Raffles, Life of Sir Stamford" .. 6 Napier, Sir George T. .. .. 14, 73 Raffles, Mrs, .. . 7 .Napier, Sir William ...... 10. 73 Rajahof Quedah (Keddah ).. .. 4, 6 Naval Career of Col. Light .. .. 9 "Rapid" 20, 23, 24, 29, 37, 38, 41, 49/50 Nazing Park .. .. 20 52, 58 . Passengers per 80. Left Neale, Mr. .. .. 24, 35. 41, 50/1, 89 England 30-1, 41. Insurance on Mrs. 35 31. Loss of ...... 95 48 Nepean Bay 24, 25, 27, 29, 31. 33. 41, Rapid Bay .. 42, 43, 49, 50 42, 49, 57 Rapid Bay Valley. Sketch of 42 Nicholls , J. W...... 64 Reedbeds ...... 51, 52 Nixon , Mr...... t;4 Rapid's boat 50/1 North Arm ...... 50 "Register S.A." .. 11, 19, 49, 54, 6) North West Bend 39 Reserves for Squares, Public walks. Nomenclature of Penang .. .. 7 and Quays .. .. 27 Resolutions at Public Meeting support- O'Brien, W ...... 24 ing Col. Light ...... 48 O'Halloran , Captain ...... 58, 64 Rhind, Birnie ...... 83,91 O'Halloran Hill .. .. 51 Ridley, John ...... 78, 90 Old Monument to Colonel Light .. 71 River Darling ...... 39 Old Port .. 50/52 River Light ...... 10 Olivia, Mount 7 River Murray ...... 27, 39 Orders money issued by Col. Light 30 Robe, Captain .. .. 59 Ordnance Department ...... 48 Rogers, Mr. 25 Ormsby, Mr...... 46, 64 Rolls, Captain of "Cygnet" .. .. 33 Palmer , Lieut. Col. 19, 22, 37, 38, 67, Ross, Captain Robert ...... 41 Rozells, Martina ...... 1, .i 68, 92 Palmer , G. Jun...... 66 Russell , Lord John ...... 9 Papers of Col . Light burnt .. . 9 "S.A. Register" .. 11, 19, 49, 54, 69 Pasha of Egypt ..22. 73 "S.A. Record" ...... 63, 66 Passengers per "Rapid " 30. Per "Cyg- Scott,Robert .. .. 5 net" . .. 35 Select Committee on South Australia. Pav orders 30. Facsimile of .. 30 Report of .. .. 60 Peas and pork . 20. 21 "Sicilian Scenery" original sketches "Penang , Early History of" .. 3, 4 by Col. Light 10, 15, 73, 78, 79, 80 Penang - Founder of 1. Governor of Singapore .. . ..r .. .. 3 1. History of 3-47. Description Site for town, suggestions fo a .. 26 of 7, 8 Skeat, Rev. W. W. .. .. 2 Pin ng .. 3, 4, 7 Somerset, Lord R. E. H. Letter to "Pompeii, Views of ".. .. 14, 16, 80 Colonel Light . .. .. 12, 13 Pooloo Pinang .. 4 "Southern Australian" .. 63, 66 Port Adelaide named .. 38. Trade ( f 41, 46, 58 75 Specie, Amount shipped .. .. 30, 35 Portland Bay ...... 38 Spanish Army ...... TO. 15 108

Page. Page. Spencer 's Gulf .. .. 44. 51, 89 Unveiling Memorial to Colonel Light Squares in City, Reserves for .. 27 Light Square ...... 69190 Statue in Victoria Square. Address by Sir Geo. Le Hunte, Governor Van Diemen's Land, Lieut. Governor 85/7 of .. .. 29, 31, 36 Steuart, A. Francis 1, 3, 9, 13, 14, 15 Victoria Square, Unveiling of Light St. George's Church, Penang .. 4, 5, 6 Statue in ...... 81/91 St. Vincent Gulf 25, 27. 38, 49. 50 "Views of Genoa" ...... 16 Stephens, Samuel ...... 41, 64 "Views of Pompeii" .. .. 14, 16, 80 Edward .. . 64 Villiers, Captain ...... 12 Streets of Capital to be wide, etc. 27 Stow, Rev. T. Q...... 65 Wages to Survey Labourers .. .. 23 Stores. Instructions to Mr. Gilbert Wakefield, Edward Gibbon ...... 22 Wall Captain .. .. . 2, 3 Strawberry Hill, Penang .. . 7 "Waltham Abbey and Cheshunt Stuart, J. McD. 73, 78 Weekly Telegraph" ...... 37 Sturt, Captain C. 27, 64, 67, 73, 78 Ward, Thomas ...... 35 Sturt River ...... 50. 51 War Office. Colonel Light's Service "Sullivan," The .. .. , ...... 3 17 Survey of Lands ...... 27 Waterloo, Battle of ...... 22 Survey of Preliminary Sections .. 27 "Waterwitch" ...... 38, 39 Way, Sir Samuel J. Bart., Lieut. Gov- " Tam o'Shanter " ...... 74 ernor. Address at Unveiling of Thebarton, S.A...... 11, 64/5 Memorial in Light Square .. 70/79 Theberton, S.A. .. .. 10, 11 Wellesley, Lord ...... 10 "Theberton. Chronicles of" .. .. 2 Wellesley Province ...... 7 Thomas, R. G...... 50, 80 Wellington, Duke of 10, 12, 13, 14, 22, Tissot, French General ...... 15 37, 60, 72 Torrens, Colonel ...... 79 Wilson, Francis, M.P...... 66 Torrens, Sir Richard .. .. 79, 90 Wilson, Sir Robert ...... 10, 12, 15 Torrens, Robert to Governor Gawler Woodforde Dr. John .. .. 24, 30, 64 57/60 Woranop thoma s ...... 67, 83 Torrens River .. 50 Wright, t)r. E. 24, 35, 36, 41, 64. Mrs. Trapaud, Captain Elisha .. 1, 2, 3 35 Trinity Church ...... 64, 76 Yankalilla ...... 50 Younghusband & Co...... 92 Unveiling Light Statue in Victoria Square 81/91 Zehnder, W. F...... 3 11

Oct. 25th.- Employed all day landing stores. Oct. 26th - The Rapid sailed for Nepean Bay. Party on shore employed in moving stores from the beach. Oct. 27th .- People employed in cutting wood for a store house, and in various jobs. Oct 28th .- Light breezes and rainy. Employed building a store-house. The air very cold all day and night. Oct. 29th.-Very sudden changes, hot and cold alternately, with showers . At five p. m. Capt. Lipson and Mr. Pullen arrived in the hatch -boat, from Nepean Bay. I wrote to Capt. Rolls of the Cygnet, to receive on board Capt . Lipson and his family , and proceed to Port Lincoln. Oct. 30th.-Very cold. Capt. Lipson and Mr. Pullen left at six p. m. to return to Nepean Bay . very cold all night, ex- ceeding cold air. Oct. 31st.-Employed all day in my hut constructing my chart, and the men all day in building a store-house. Very variable climate ; at six exceedingly cold, at eight still colder, and cold all night. Nov. 1st.-Calm and fine. The men employed construct- ing a store-hut-myself with chart. Nov. 2nd .- Employed all day in landing some stores from the Rapid , having determined on dividing the surveying party into two, one under Mr. Kingston and the other under Mr. Finniss , to make as many observations on this side the Gulf as possible during my absence at Port Lincoln or elsewhere, as I was perfectly satisfied as to the soil and extent of the country. Mr. Kingston with the largest party, and Mr. Gilbert with the greatest part of the stores, were directed to embark on board the Rapid for , and Mr. Finniss to remain with his party at Rapid Valley ; Mr. Jacob taking charge of the stores for this party. Nov. 4th.-The Rapid sailed for Holdfast Bay ; I was obliged to remain at Rapid Valley, on account of the crowded state of my cabin, and intended going up in the hatch-boat, which was hourly expected from Nepean Bay.

D 28 tity of bread left on shore at Rapid Bay, Mr. Field calculates on their only having five days consumption of that article left, therefore I must go there and land some more for the party, and I shall send Mr. Pullen in the hatchboat to Nepean Bay in hopes of seeing the Africaine before she sails. I thought this last discovery of so much importance that I am most anxious for this report to reach you as soon as the last sent. I have the honor to be, GENTLEMEN, Your obedient humble servant, WM. LIGHT." Nov. 26th.-Working to windward all the first part ; at two p.m. came to an anchor in Rapid Bay ; at six the hatchboat left the ship with dispatches for England to go by the A f ricaine, now in Nepean Bay. Blowing strong all night from the eastward. Nov. 27.-Employed landing bread, and I took the oppor- tunity of accompanying Mr. Finniss as far as the third range of hills, to examine that part of the country he was then sur- veying ; I was delighted to find the tops of the highest hills composed of excellent rich soil, and quite moist. Nov. 28th.-We could not get under way before two p.m. on account of the calm ; at nine came to anchor in Nepean Bay, blowing very fresh. Nov. 29th.-Remained at Nepean Bay weather bound ; our hatchboat, with Messrs. Pullen and Morphett joined. Nov. 30th.-Ditto ditto. December lst.-Light breezes and fine ; at half-past five got under way and worked up to Kingscote ; the wind being still against us I resolved on getting some things we were in want of from the John Pirie. All the afternoon blowing fresh with very cold air. Dec. 2nd.-Calm ; at eight fresh breezes and fine ; got under way and proceeded for Port Lincoln, at five p.m. ; at eight p.m. ditto and cold ; at eleven passed Althorp Islands ; at midnight hove to. INDEX TO COLONEL LIGHT' S BRIEF JOURNAL.

Page. Page A. E. "Abeona" ...... 75 Encounter Bay 2, 5, 36, 37, 48, 52. 37/8. Adelaide Plain 21, 38, 76/7 78 Adelaide, Site of , IV., 20, 24, 29, 39, 40 English Canals ...... 55 43/73 Extraordinary refraction .. .. 23 Advocate General 62, 67 Everard, C. G...... 60. 68 "Africaine" arrived , 18, to Hobart, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 46, 47, 66 AIexandrina Lake ...... 36, 57, 67 F. Althorpe Islands .. .. 28 Field, Mr. 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, Antiehamber Bay, arrived at ..1, 2 24, 25, 26, 28, 65 Atmospheric Phenomenon ...... 15 Finke , Mr. 35 Australian Ports ...... 54, 76 Finniss,B. T. 1, 17, 28, 40, 41,42, 67/8 71, 72 Finniss Valley named .. .. . 5 B. Fisher , Mr. J. H., .. 39, 63. 65, 68, 78/9 Baguely , Miss ...... 68 Fleming, Alexander , Capt. "Wm. Beare, Mr. 3 Hutt" . .. 66 Blue Mountains ...... 57 Flinders Capt . Matthew .. 2, 8, 31, 47 Blunden, S. 68 Flinders 's Charts ...... 35, 36. 47 Boat Capsized ...... 22 Foreign Ports ...... 53/4 Boston Bay ...... 33, 52, 75-7 French Navigators ...... 31 ...... 30, 75-6 Fresh water at King-cote ...... 2 Botany Bay ...... 46 British Ports .. 53 Brown , Mr. John .. 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, G. 46, 67-8 Gilbert Mr. Thomas 17, 19, 20, 22, 62, "Buffalo," H. M. S...... 44, 61, 63 Glenelg, ...... 43, 59, 76, 78/9 Glenelg plains . .. . 60 Gouger, Mr. Robert .. 18, 19, 22, 46 C. Governor's arrival ...... 38 Canals for Navigation ...... 55 Governor Hindmarsh 30, 39, 40, 43, 62. Cannan, T. 1 65 Captain Cook 46 Governor Hindmarsh approves of site Claughton, Mr...... 5, 9, 12 of Capital .. 44 Cock, Mr. 65 Grantham Island .. 29 Colonization Commissioners , Letters Grindall 's Island ...... 35 from Col. Light to 20, 22, 24, 29 34, 39 Gulfs Compared...... 31, 32 Colonel Light to select site of capital Gulf St. Vincent 4, 7, &, 14, 20, 24, 29. III., IV., 39, 59 30, 31, 32, 34, 45, 47. 48, 57/8 75 Cooper, \fr. . .. 5, 36 Gulf Spencer 20, 21, 23, 31, 32, 48, 52, 57 Cottage of Col. Light burnt . 80 75 "Cygnet" 1, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21/23, 29/30 40/2 H. D. Hack, Mr. S...... 78/9 Declaration of Capt. Mitchell .. 74/6 Hallett, John .. .. 60, 63, 69 Demster,Mr.. of Harbour, Scarcity of water at .. 61 Dobson, Sir R . Swan River ...... 68 75 Harbour Master .. . 44, 63 Harbour, Port Adelaide 23, 24, 29, 43, 64 Donington Point, 29, Cape, .. .. 30, 33 Droughts in New Holland ...... 49 Hardy, Alfred...... 1, 68 Drummond Point 52 Hill, Mr. .. 7 Duff, Capt. of "Africaine" 18, 19, 22. Hindmarsh, Governor 30, 38, 39, 62, 65, 24, 66 68 "Duke of York" ...... 4 Hobart Town ...... 22, 24, 30 50 83

Page. Page. Holdfast Bay 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, Mitchell, Capt. Phillip . 74/5, 77 32. 35. 36, 38, 40/4,47, 59, 64/5,70 Mount Lofty .. .. 7, 10, 26, 27, 36, 38 Holdfast Plain ...... 30, 40, 59 Mount Lofty Range .. .. 11, 49, 57, 79 Hutchinson , Bingham .. .. 60, 67, Morphett , Mr. J. 15, 18, 19, 23, 28, 29, 33. 62, 67, 68, 78/9 Morgan . Dr. 68, 69. 1. Murray River 18, 21, 36, 49, 57, 64, 67 Inland 'l`awns ...... 53/5 Investigator's Straits ...... 81, 35 N. Natives of Encounter Bay .. .. 5 J. Neale, Mr. W. H. .. . 1, 43. 68, 72 Nepean Bay reached 1, 2, 4, 15/ 20, 24, Jacob, Mr. J. .. .. 5, 12, 17 27, 28, 29, 35, 39, 48, 57, 59, 75 Jones Capt., account of Harbour .. 14 Jones's Harbour .. 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 14 "John Pirie" ...... :. .. 2,28,35 0. Onkaparinga River ...... 79 K. Oxen from Hobart ...... 22 Kangaroo grass .... 75 Kangaroos , Herds of ...... 76 Kangaroo Island 1, 2, 15, 20, 31, 40, 41. P. 75 Point Donington ...... 29 King George's Sound.. 76 Point Drummond...... 52 Kingston, G. S. 1. 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, Point Marsden .. . 29, 35 24, 26. 27, 38, 43, 67/8, 72/3, Port Adelaide River, first two ships in Kinascote .. .. 3,28.85 38, Survey of Harbour ...... 44 Port Jackson ...... 46 Port Lincoln 15, 17, 21, 28, 29, 30, 32. 39, 47, 48, 57, 59, 75/7 L. Port Lincoln-unsuited for fimt settle- Lake Alexandrine ...... 36, 57, 67 ment ...... 33, 48 Landowners .. .. 69 Ports, Australian ...... 54, 76 Laws, Mr. 12 Ports,Foreign ...... 53/4 Letter to "S.A. Gazette " ...... 71/2 Ports, British ...... 53 Lewis. G...... 68 Powis. L. . • ...... 68 Light Colonel, loss of papers by fire Preliminary Town Sections chosen, III. Site of Adelaide IV., 39, 63 March 23rd. 1837 .. 69 Letters of 63/5-72/3, Confidence in 68 Pullen, Mr. 2. 4, 5, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, Light, Col,. Letters to Commissioners 23, 28, 29, 33, 80 20, 24, 28, 29, 34, 36 Light's, Col. cottage burnt .. .. 80 R. Lincoln,Port 15, 17, 21, 28, 29, 30, 32, 39, 47 48, 57, 59. 75-7 "Rapid," left Thames 1. Vessel Coast- Lincoln, Port unsuitable for first set- ing 16, 17. 18, 20, 21, 28, 29, 37, 40, 41, tlement 33 51, 71, 78, 80 Lindsay, A. F. . ..60 Rapid Bay 15, 20, 21, 28, 29, 35, 40, 41, Lipson, Capt., 17, 29, 30, 33, 44, 68, 72/3 42, 72 Rapid Valley ...... 17, 20, 21, 30, 41 Richards Mr. 68 River Murray 18, 21, 36, 49, 57, 64, 67 M. River Torrens ...... 26, 27, 40 Malcolm , Wm ...... 60, 68 Rolls, Captain ;Cygnet'-'-17, 40, 42, 43 Mann , Mr. C. 62, 68 Marsden Point ...... 29, 35 "Mary Ann " .. 75 Martin , Capt. of "John Pirie" 2 S. Men building huts 1S S.A. Company's Stores . 3 Memorial for Public Meeting of Land- "S.A. Gazette" 69, 71, 73, 80 holders 60 St. Vincent Gulf 4, 7, 8, 14, 20, 24 Memory Cove , , .. .. , , 34,35 29/32, 34, 45, 47, 48, 57, 58, 75 84

Page. Page. T. Scurvy, effectsof ...... 22/30 Sealers ...... 47 "Tam O'Shanter" .. .. 35, 37, 38, 75 Second Valley ...... 21 Taylor's Island ...... 34 Ships, first two in river Port Adelaide Thebarton Cottage ...... IV 38 Thistle Island ...... 29, 31, 35 Sheep from Hobart 22 Thomas, R...... 69 Site for Capital to be selected by Col. Tides at Port Adelaide 25 Light .. IV.. 39, 63 Torrens River . . 26, 27, 40, 64, 71 Site of Adelaide IV., 20, 24, 29, 39, 40 Town Acres, Sale of ...... 69 43-78 Towns Inland ...... 5:1'5 Sixteen Mile Creek ...... 14 Town Sections, Survey of .. .. 69 Smoke on Coast ...... 2 Two shillings a day slaves ...... 70 Soil at Kingscote ...... 3 Spalding Cove 33 V. 20, 21, 23, 31, 32, 48, 52, 57, 75 Van Diemen's Land ...... 76 Stephens, Mr. Edward 44, 60, 61/2, 67/69 W. Stephens, Mr. S. .. .. 2, 3, 15, 68 Stevenson, Mr. George 40, 41, 42, 44, 49, Wages of labourers 12/- per week.. 70 50, 52/6,61/2, 68/9, 77, 80 Ward, W. H ...... 60, 69 Stores from Kangaroo Island .. .. 20 Wedge Island ...... 29,31 We at Kingscote ...... 3 Strike. The first in Adelaide 70 ll Stuart,C. W...... 68 Wickham, D...... 68 Sturt, Capt. 57 Williams, W...... 68 Strangways, Mr. T. B. 40, 58, 60, 63, "William Hutt" ...... 66 68 Willoughby, Cape ...... 2 Sturt River ...... 14 Woodforde, Mr...... 2, 3, 5, 12, 16 Survey labourers wages ...... 70 Wright, E ...... 67, 68 Survey of Land ...... 74 Swan River ...... 54 Y. Sydney ...... 76 Yankalilla., ...... 5-20 Symonds, R. G...... 1 Yorke' s Peninsula ...... 21 Getting around this CD

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