T he Courier


CITY CHAT. Rockland becomes the distributing IN KENNEBEC, OUTLOOK. PE | center for another well known business T h in g s of Current Comment on Matters of Interest and company—the Fleischman Com A Ride Through Gardiner, Farmingdale The Portland Argus comes around for and Hallowell. to Rockland. pressed Yeast Co. Rockland is getting its annual notice, and we can do nothing better than repeat our last year’s pub­ to be headquarters for a great many The electric railroad from Gardiner to G W. I,el HE present arrange­ things It has always been headquar­ lished statement and our almost daily is now in h is, Augus’a is a good road, but not as nice oral statement that ’tis one of the ablest ment of t r a i n s ters for capable young men and women a piece of property as Knox County’s assisting the over the Knox & and the number of Rockland productions papers that suffers under our shears ins not perm, plant. The road seems to Ire rougher The Argus is rather Democratic in its Lincoln will prove occupying positions of trust, honor and and the cats not ns cosy and coraforta- of great value to influence all over this fair land of outs tendencies, but with all its attention to Fred Di ble, while boxed coal stoves furnish lieat politics provides its readers with tlio Rockland’sCItrlst- proves our position. Rockland blood’ll in the ptaeo of our modern electric heat­ waiter nt The | current news in the most acceptable mas trade. People tell! ers Then, too, we don’t think their cently of tlie I way. May ihe Argus ever thrive! now head wait! on Hie Knox & Lincoln can get into A correspondent asks us to givo him conductors and drivers are as handsome Rockland before dinner or on the after­ a list of Rockland’s business enterprises. as our local crew, but then ono couldn’t Two Eskimo babies have been born at Augusta. He I noon train and stay until tlie nine o’clock Tf that correspondent know the magni­ reasonably expect that. Neither is the the World’s Fair. One lived only a Pullman The electric furnish tude ol the task lie set us he would write scenery along the way as pretty and week, but the other is thriving. One of A C.-G . m ini additional facilities for getting into a second time and ask our pardon. picturesque as from Rockland to Gam- the little ones was born in the morning nor to Augusta I Rockland, so that if our merchants Our lime business, clothing factories, den, but then, too, we couldn’t expect and the reporter who c Hied nt tlio Eski­ last week, don’t have good holiday business litis machine simps, cigar factories, carriage that But it’s a good road and we spent mo camp in the late afternoon was some­ one of the passel year, it will he their own fault. Now manufactories, fish preserving plants, ten cents on it. what astonished to learn that the woman iho fact that In Tin; C. G. wishes to suggest to out medicine manufactories, wood working who was then preparing the supper was “ Is that so?" After leaving Gardiner wc passed business m in that they take advantage shops, foundries, and so on would make the mother of the newcomer Since cold of tiie stranger. through Furmingdale, a pretty little of this condition of affairs and make a surprisingly lung list. No, dear friend, weather began the Eskimos are more W. F. Norcross! plans for a merchant’s week. Put our we can't give you that list now, hut ns town carved out of Hallowell and Gar­ nearly contented, and so are their dogs. Hallowell boys. city stores in their best condition, make soon as the holidays are over and we diner In Farmingdale a passenger What do you suppose the poor things Norcross first wc, arrangements for low fares over the have more time we’ll think about it! pointed out to us a square,well preserved will do when July and August show ness. Ho was white house, built in 1778 by people what they can furnish fur torment! reliable young m l Knox & Lincoln, offer extra inducte /-;.#J‘ue suggestiou ot the Tribune that a ments to customers, advertise thoroughly from Liudon, N. II. Our informant was friends hereabouts good reliable party who will circulate Mr. Ezra Smith of Farmingdale, a well A correspondent of the Boston Record and get people into Rockland, *»d’’t?rtising faithfully c got a good informed and genial old gentleman Mr. has certain suggestions regarding the LOCAL getting along towards Cnristm- d Business in R ickien-' apparatus for braking olectrie cars, the The weighing if any action of the sort is to be done, A I Smith in years gono by came into Knox great deal of tlyer advertising is put out County frequently in quest of sheep suggestions being called oui by the re depot was heavily now is tlio lime to do it. Our Board of hero in the course of a year, and the oetil fatal accident in Boston In view of It’s gearing wasdisl Trade might very profitably and properly pelts. _____ parties interested arc willing to pay m) introduction of electric cars into were weighed with] shoulder this matter, fact’s have a mer- As we came into Hallowell Mr. Smith g)od wages to have it properly dis- Knox County the suggestions regarding penny. It’s reinnrl ehant’s week! pointed out a house with brick basement t ihuted. free -how is....W . | which he built in 1819.in what was then ' erthi iol of the speed of a c ir may be found interesting Bangor Tuesday, Will the City Council take some action Rockland promises to bo the head­ thick woods. There are no woods there , at its next meeting to provide for the quarters of another steamboat, the one The mast promising liaid for improvement Is n il.Tiie Burpo" 11 I now, hut a thickly settled community. in giving the driver quicker control overHhe removal of snow and ice from tlie city to run to Green’s Landing and locality. brakes now in use, wnicli are of excellent cog- will attend the levee sidewalks? T iie C.G. has had frequent Green's Landing and its environments Hallowell is known to we’ttns down Burgi - b Engin, Stipnoso the motorman grasps a vertical lever reference to this need and lias received is a territory which it is very desirable this way as the homo of the lamented travelling across the car close to and parallel toluomorrotW’Vening.. many words of approval. Light our should be brought into touch with our Gov. Bodwell and the possessor of the with the dashboard. Suppose the motion of j »y was in H '-oi the lever to the left from mid-position actuates son, convicted o t M streets so that they can lie seen aud people. The steamboat Vinalhaven has handsotno little library his munificence the power-controller Suppose motion of the clear the snow from our sidewalks so been doing this via Vinalhaven and we founded. lever to the right from mid-position applies the to jail, Monday of It, brakes. that they may bo used! have seen the good effects thereof, and As wo c tine into Augusta a large Suppose the driver sights danger ahead. One little snow storm. sweep of ihe hand throws off the power and ap­ anything that tends to facilitate com­ building appeared to us One of the patronage of the •‘Rockland needs more houses and plies the brakes at the same time. In emer­ munication between the two places passengers inquired if it was the insane gency, a jump on a ' footplate attached to the heavy....The Tribunal blocks” said a stranger the other day, lever, aided by a grasp of the dashraii. could should have the hearty support and asylum and another of the passengers that tattered ensign do who was looking for a house .and an crowd the brakes on till the passengers piled up approval of our people. Rockland is said ’twas one of ’em. ’Tivas the capitol. in a heap against the iront door. in the breeze — Sobooll office. “ I never sawn place with every­ naturally the headquarters for all this Augusta is a nice city, and is finely re­ ... The Warren strel thing of Hie sort so fully occupied. You section of Eastern M tine and its outly­ The investigation oj tho school-room street Grammar School, presented-by its newspapers. The Jour­ folks must he doing some business here.” work in the public schools of our princi­ ing thrifty island communities. nal, weekly and daily, is published by plaj od a g ime, Tuesda It’s the same old story, with some late pal cities made lor tlio Forum by Dr. J . Burleigh dt Flint Mr. Burleigh wo n ng 10 to 4. variations. There’s not a place of tlio Some lime ago the Opinion suggested M. Bice lias provoked a volume of com­ that it woultl he a good plan for our know and a more genial or whole soulert PRISON POIl size in New England doing so much ment and correspondence perhaps un­ city to get portraits of the various young journalist wo never mot. The business as rtockland, and outsiders equalled in periodical literature, In tlio Five Insane Convicts—Al is kept in the front rank of notice and concede it if our people don’t. mayors, wltile it was possible so to do Journal December number appears the results of cide—Other N) without great expense Everything, of Maino dailiesThe other papers iu which l>r. Rico’s investigation of the schools of course, that the Opinion suggests is we are interested are the New Age anil Warden Aden was in Si. Louis and of Indianapolis—St Louis ‘•Rockland will show the finest Christ­ regarded with suspicion by our people, Maine Farmer. We intended to call on day. representing the evil effects oi a mechan­ mas stock of goods this year ever dis­ but alter careful study of this suggestion these friends ol ours but didn’t. There is a tine stock played in Eastern Maine and tlio indica­ ical supervision, and Indianapolis the wc fail to find anything reprehensible beautiful results of souio of the best hand. tions are that we shall have a big busi­ If our readers will go back to Gardin­ about it, aud inasmuch as tiiis is about school-room work done in tho world, ness.” Titus spake one of our keen er (it only costs ten cents) we will call I ■, tpeotors Jones and B u, the first instance of the Opinion’s tun which is described in detail. Confirm­ sighted business men, who knows their attention to the Home Journal, the at tho prison the past week| ing an innocent suggestion, and also ing the conclusion reached by Dr. Rice, whereof he converses. Reporter and the Daily News,three wide­ count of stock. because of the advisability of the plan President Eliot, ol Harvard University, wo heartily endorse it. awake and newsy specimens of the best writes perhaps his best contribution to A commission of physiciui The American Express Co. force in Maino journalism.Wo called on all three I’ut on those snow guards before the periodical literature on “ Wherein Popu­ asked for, to examine live this city must be getting sick and tired of these and were treated—pleasantly and roof avalanche begins to get in its work. lar Education E tiled”—a comprehensive ors who are evidently insal of lobsters. Monday night of last week fraternally. Hallowell has a lively pa­ A number of Main street buildings review of our educational work that is they handled 89 barrels, and every train per in the Register. these is the Italian, Gabrieli finds them handling over a largo ship­ should receive attention. This is a kiud among the most thoughtful productions wlio killed his brother in Pi, ment of these favorite shell fish. Agent of protection that all our peoplo believe If our readers wish to hear anything of this generation. Rosa is as crazy as a coot, am Harrington informs us that the lobster in. found necessary to take him more about Kennebec County,wo would ELECTRIC STORIES. shipments the past year have been some­ The Boston papers hear that the suggest that they subscribe for a Ken­ broom shop and keep him i thing enormous and unprecedented West End Co. is experimenting with nebec County paper. We need all tlio Conductor W ho W alked— No Catd lie says lh.it the woman wlul and is making out for Tun C.-G. a stite- electricity as a means of boating its rest ot our space for Knox County. Ken­ Playing Allowed. in tlio case at the trial comes T tells him that ho is to lie tiuiil ment of the amount handled. Rock­ sakes alive! We have been nebec is a fine county, one of ihe best in Tho people at Rockport were immeas­ wants to bo executed. He sal land with her other enviable notoriety is successfully experimenting on our local the state, perhaps only second to Knox urably surprised Wednesday at the ar­ killed a man in Montreal, tils getting to he well known as the great electric railroad with electricity tor rival of a ear without a conductor. Tiie REGARDING OFFICERS. in such a fright that he falls h, lobster shipping port heating purposes some lime. driver reported that when he started Another Candidate for Collector—They tho floor. Sousa was so well pleased with his A Rockland man was dining at the from Hie power station tho conductor Feel Real Bad. NEIGHBORHOOD NO^ Rockland audience that ho wants to Evans House, G trdiner, Tuesday noou. was on the rear platform, hut that when At the table with him were three And now L. M. Staples, esq uf j he readied tho Rockport siding the con­ come again, and will probably do so A Town Wants a New N am e- stfungers who were discussing the bill- ductor was not apparent, although a next year tinder the same auspices, the Washington announces himself as a Pencil Points. Rockland Public Library Association. of-fare which was excellent. “ Y candidate for Collector of tlie Port of married min. A team was procured said ono of them, • tiiis is a good dinner, aud a messenger sent post haste down Hie Prof. Sousa is like everyone else—a Waldoboro. Mr. Staples is known as The steamer Kennebec is haul, visit to Rockland under any sort of fa­ hut for a real, first-class, out-of-sight an active, stirring worker, and his can­ lino to pick up the mtiuglod remains. Wiscasset. She is a line looki, vorable circumstances invariably enlists feast let me sit down to the table of The didacy will introduce a most lively fac­ The missing conductor was found com­ the visitors among Rockland's admirers Thorndike, R ickland. There’s nothing tor into the colleotorship fight. ing up on tho next car. It seems ho Green’s Landing people nre better.” rang the hell to start, stepped off io pick if anti well wishers. o u pi Ring a change of name for tb< Wo understand that the Opinion folks up a switch bar and tlie ear wont oil'and and Granite City has been sug “The Branch,” us the Knox & Lincoln The revision and re-christening of are greatly chagrined at the lack of sup­ left him 'Tis a good name and very apprl is now called by travelling men. is get­ port they received when they announced o o to the place and its business. the United Slates Customs District in ting to on one of the most popular sec wnich Bockland is located is a matter their candidacy for tlio postoflieo. They W. C. Grant und his friend a Mr. tions of the Maine Central’s tine system. have our sympathy, iu a measure, but Dean, two well known Boston commer­ Car-loads of Xmas trees, big stl that should ho brought as soon as possi­ Tlio progressive policy of the company ble and as emphatically as possible to yet they should net bo surprised at their cial men, went up on the electric, frssraut firs and spruce, are seen, in so radically improving the service is cool reception. They have from their Thursday to Camden amt proceeded to siding along the Knox & Lincoln, the attention of those who have to do appreciated and has results I in improv­ with sueh matters. Rockland, the nat­ beginning knifed their best friends in while away the time with a game of log shipment to Hie big oitles. Q| ing the business. “Tho Branch" is a und out of the parly. They have been cards, a proceeding which the conductor business this is getting to be ! ural center of the district's business, nice hit of railroad. should be made the headquarters and consistent only to their predisposition promptly stopped. Mr. Grant Is the the title “ Waldoboro”, a relic of long Said a well known Knox County busi­ to slander and abuse. They huve al­ representative of a paint house and car­ A l Wiscasset, near to the rail gone years, should givo way to “ Pock- ness man : “Rockland is a fine opening ways figured us enemies to all that was ries with him a set of color cards, of truck, is a handsome tliree-ml laud.” Camden and Rockport, also, near for a wholesale wooden ware business.” good, decent or progressive, and the about the size ol playing cards. When schooner ready for the water. ShJ neighbors and allied to this district by Said a Rockland business man: “ Par­ emphatic refusal of the Democrats of the the conductor’s back was turned he been named R T. Rundlett, and il the closest of ties,should be added to the ties from out of town contemplate open­ city to endorse them is hut the natural whipped out this fake pack and pro­ of the finest, if not the finest, vessel, Rockland District. ing a wholesale wooden ware business ouloouie of their unfortunate course. ceeded to deal un alleged poker hand. built in Wiscasset. Knowlton 11 r« hero " Let ’em come! Tho only thing left them, the only ave­ The conductor’s attention was called to Camden furnished the blocks and According to the article in last week’s nue to respectable standing in the com­ the card players, and they were peremp­ paraphernalia. issue on “Champlain, The Discoverer,” Rockland needs a messenger service. munity is to follow T h e C.-G. in policy torily ordered to put away the cards. A Rockland wus noted us an Indian head­ There’s good business hero for a well as it follows it, (some distance in tho little heated argument followed, and Winslow's Mills is a thriving hl quarters us it now is as an iudustrial conducted system! rear, to he sure) in circulation. We then the players showed their cards. hamlet, which lias a business of its oil center. Rockland is entirely lacking in iiave but tho kindest feeliugs for our They hud a flush und so did the con­ Pa-si ng through on the train the oil the qualities Hint fit her for playing “Crockett’s Point is the coming loca­ ductor. day we saw a neat cottage house iu p, tion of Rockland's wholesale business contemporary. The Democrats of Knox second fiddle. County need a decent representative, cess ot erectV ' there, while ovidem, films,” said a Main street business m a i l , und by a radical change in policy tl e L, M STAPLES of other bnsiik \ activity are not iu Said a citizen : “Tho last failure we Wednesday, “ I know of oue wholesale Opinion could be made to supply that ing. Winslow Mills by the way ha-, had in Rockland was—well I can’t for Unu which is looking in that direction Of Washington addressed a mass need. most excellent h .nd. It reoeutly pluyJ the life ot me remember, it’s been so for a location.” meeting in Bath, Tliursday evening, on in this county, aud we have beard maq long.” Arid did our peoplo realize what Got The Contract. the work of the Ancient Order ot United good words about it. an unheurd ot thing iu Rockland is a T H E ROADS Workmen, in which he is greatly inter­ W.j| JEN ALLEN failure! We don’t have ’em in tact. Between Rockland and Camden are C. C. Carverdi Co.of Vinalhaven have ested. His address was very able and Don’t have time to stop and fail. Busi­ unusually good for Ibis seasou of the year, secured the contract to furnish 8000 feet interesting. Judge Andrews of Lewiston Has been unanimously confirmed by tb ness is good ant) we prosper! Fortunate due laigeiy to the good work of the elec- of granite curbing for the city of Rock­ and Rev. D. B. Phelan of Waldoboro Governor’s Council asHvardun of Main and progressive Rockland! trie railroad crews. land. also spoke Statu Prison. 2 THE ROCKT,AN|) COT R GAZET TUETE:SDAY, DECEMBER (J. 1892.

C'aTelind probably h « carried California MEN AND WOMEN. Portland, Tuesday. Rills W. Nash *n|pplied his place. Mr. Nash is Mr. Buzzell’eas->i„jRnt Congress has reassembled and there’s more Personal Paragraphs of More or Less -----Miss Mary B. Grant commenced sc]B,00| ftt triable. Interest to Our Readers. Seal Harbor, vesterday. Seal Harbor i * fortu­ nate in eecuring so successful and ski®led an What about a Christmas celebration lor the HOMAS McLoon and instructor. poor little ones of ourclty ? Don’t forget them I son Charles leave Bos­ The residence of Hon. W. T. Haines hristmas ells Is quar- $ C B ! $ ton Thursday for San antined on account of cases of scarlet Christmas! West Warren, Hurricane. South Cushing fever in Diego, Cal., where they his family. Other cases in the neigh and North Haven arrived to late for Insertion rhood of College Avenue are reported—W in this issue. will make their home. terville Mr. McLoon is a Knox Sentinel------Will Chase, who is the cm- Tho action of Camden's town-meeting In cir- County boy who has always been in business ! ploy of C. E. Weeks A Co., 1e*1 Sat Id ay for fnmscrlblng the limits within which wooden HOLIDAY GREETING. in Rockland, and his multitude ol old associa­ I’oi , land to recuperate from an attach [ofrheu- bnlldit;^; mav be built is applauded by many tes and friends part with him with genuine re­ tnatistn------Mi."". N. T. Sleeper h returned towns !t at haven't the courage to do it them* gret and this regret I* not lessened by the lact from a trip to New York------5 i. II. E. Selves.—Lewhton Journal. that he takes with him Ills son Charles, one of Carleton left Friday for Hardwick, ., where tho finest young men our city ever produced. her husband is engaged in the grani bnsincss. We have a corner on The Union telephone line is working splen­ She will remain until after the The young man has been prominent In all our Jldays----- HOLIDAY GOODS. XMAS PRESENTS. didly, and the smart, hustlinc town on the local athletic sport", and has always shown Mrs. I. W. Holbrook returned jiday from Georges River has made the first connection hinself a young man of high character and visit In Massachusetts-----J. Armbrust with the outside world. Next year another tie lofty integrity, and his departure Is sincerely and D. R. Manson were among the inalbaven Such Novelties were will be added—a railroad tie. So be It! mourned by our younger people. If good people In town yesterday. Mrs. Barlow, who has been v never shown to the The article on the gold cure for drunkenness, wishes amount to anything, however, they will liting Mrs. Wm. Perry.has returned home to which is published on page four, will be read be happy and prosperous in their new’ home. eer Island. SANTA CLAUS Miss Nellie Dow is with Mrs. C trade in this city. with great Interest by our people. There have Mr. McLoon's mother and brother Leroy are H. Berry In New York------Miss Lizzie ? been all sorts of rumors and speculations afloat located near San Diego-----Will C. Kennedy. wbert, who regarding this new temperance movement, and who has been with W. II. Kittredge for some has been visiting her parents in this city, re- the article, coming as it does from Dr. W. V. years, accompanies them to California. Ho turned to Brockton. Mass.,8atui —F. W. Hanscom, Medical Director of the Morrell Li­ will locate in Lus Angolos, hoping to benfit his Bird and wife, who have been v iting in this quor Cure Co. of Rockland, who has had so health thereby, a hope in which ail our people city, returned to Boston. Friday. SIMONTON BROS unit©------Miss Annie Spear will leave this long and successful experience with the gold THE CHURCHlgg cure, will be tonnd very timely. week for Burlington Junction, Mo., where she Men's will pass the Winter with her sister. Mrs. E. The Opinion clamors for an investigation of F. B erry . News and Announcement!^ Regarding They get the Best who Buy First. the fire department. But there’s no need of it, H. P. Jones of the Vinalhaven Steamboa Our Religious InstiWutions for Mr. Jones acknowledges that he’s connected Co. comes to Rockland from Cleveland. Ohio. Rev. C. S. Cummings and tc l.nily visited in with T he C.-G. with its circulation of 3500. He is a young man, and a most prepossessing Boston last week. Fine Neckwear. never less and often more, utid this is plainly one. and is evidently a shrewd, capable busi­ The First Baptist Church u'i the fault of which he Is guilty. And then, ness man. He has leased one of the tenements oes its an- mini ht ust c eaniog this week! We wish to call particular at­ too, the Opinion doesn't retillv woman inves­ in the new Howes house. Granite street, and To those who are making preparations lor Christmas :------tigation. It Isn't rond of investigation". Our will shortly bring a young lady here to occupy I tention to our elegant assort­ neighbor several years neo mede some talk it, who will become Mrs. Jones in about three Baptist Sunday School amoriifited to #15 28 about T he O.-G’aclrculath n, and wt asked tor weeks. The current expenses o | the Univcrsalist ment in ail the Fashionable Why Not Select Presents an investigation of the comparative circulation W. W. Case was In Bangor last week----- Church of this city are csltimztod at about Shanes and Fabrics, bought of the two papers by a committee of Rockland Frank Brown of the Waterville Democrat has #2500 a year. here the Stock is Fresh and New businessmen, the Opinion to appoint two of been in town lor a few days past-----Mrs. Eu­ Rev. G. G. Haynes of Bath will supply at direct from the New York here Bargains are Offered Daily I'he them and O.-G. one, ami our i-otiteinporary gene Genthner and Mrs. Creamer from Waldo­ the Free Baptist Church nexjt Sunday, morning here yon can secure Presents that are Useful hasn’t got along to that point yt *, although we W boro visited in the city last week-----Samuel and evening. Importers expressly for the here Low Prices Prevail have been clamoring for it weekly, and have Albee and bride from Hyde Park are visiting Rev. R. W. Jenkvn went to Manchester, N. _bjuLd?g(X waiting tor oui neighoor io cover. Mrs. Allen Kelley, Natnaniel Albee and other H olidays. 5ur neightawr shouldn't be L u g in g for other I relations and friends in the city.Mr Albee once Presbyterian Church. th e |pHHlor being an old Observe Quotations Investigations uiWk.it settles this m e. The lived here-----A. W. Butler has been kept at friend. attack on Mr. Jones i- m e ot thr scries which home for a few days with a throat troubl our chivalrous friend has been making on the K. H. Lawry was in Boston last week-----Dr. Three young ladies ere baptized nt the We have a Wonderful collection of proprietors of The O.-G. It his about gone C R.Cole is home from Boston First Baptist Church, Unday evening. Re­ through the list. We would call our neich W. L. Knowlton of this city is now located vival services arc belt held every evening bora attention to the fact that a little niungv in East Palermo---- Miss Bertha Henley ol this week but Saturday Ht the chapel. Bay ------H oliday XTov Jties cur makes its home in our pi ess loom, and thut V.nalbaven is assisting in it. H. Burnham's View, under the auspice of the First Baptist Silk Umbrellas. We just mention a few articles from our ** it had better turn its guns on Clip. The fight store-----Daniel McNeal is home from Hallo­ Church. would then be more equal, and the Opinion well, where be has been employed-----Amos Rev. S. S. CumminRff of the Little Wander- C lans Selections would have some sort of a show of winning ns Lord of Boothbay has been visiting friend •r’» Home, Boiton, wllllbo In this city, Sun­ This line embraces a variety the dog isa’t very bright. town, where he formerly resided. His brother, For your benefit and our advertisement. We have day, Dec. II. wiili fourJlHtl# singers, lie will that is larger than any we the Rev. Wilmot Lord, is located in York. be at the various cburclfes as follows: Congre- CITY COUNCIL. H. 8 Lord, another brother, is doing a nour­ gationa’, 10 .30. a. m. hl. E. Sunday School, have previously shown. Many ishing sail-making business.in Bath Another 12;15; First Baptist, 6 j Dress Goods, Dry Goods, The Regular December Meeting of the 30 p. m.;Uni*ersalist, 7 City Fathers. brother, Herbert Lord, makes his home with p. m. New Novelties in Fine Goods. 8. T. Mugridge. this city-----Geo. L. Knight Fancy Goods, Dea.th.er Goods A party of some sevl nteen ladies who figure- At the city government meeting last evening, of this city, who has represehted E. S. Jaffray Dresden Mounts, Ash Bend ed at the recent Mothd Goose b’estival at the the following communication was received & Co , 350 Broadway, N. Y. City, for twelve Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs, Church of Im m anuel,J attired in their festival and Natural Sticks. from Chief Engineer Jones: years, with Jan. I will connect himself with costumes supi i -cd ltd W. M. Kimmell and Table Dinens, XTapkins— Gentlemen At the request of the Com­ the house ol A. Popkin & Co., 476 Broadway, wile,Thursday cveniij mittee on Fire Department. I submit the ig, tho occasion being Mr. (Special Bargains.) New York City, importers and manufacturers Kimmell's list birihd following figures relating to the cost of fitting of ladies cloaks and suits. Mr. Knight is one ay.They took with them a A Glance at the Line will the Deportment with a horse hose wagon and I autiful water color picture company of twenty men ; of the most successful travelling men on the /t/r Ladies and Gentlejnen ol Chic’cawaukie a J I Rockville, the work of convince you. W agon, $375 00 road and in demand by first-class houses. Mrs. T A. Wentwol-th of this city. The col­ Horae, 150.00 Miss Belle Spring is filling a fine position in HarnesF, 60.00 lation was d iscu ssl.j antj ft most delightful 1 BOYS, nn 11 LU t» iMUSiuTV’r sw EETHEART. Changing House, 76.00 the office ol Brown, Durell A Co., Boston. social tune enjoyeL . t ,ie c -G. voices the s U Salary for Driver, 4>0 0u GIRLS, LOVER, A. H. Sturtevant of Augusta has entered the wishes ot all ottr pefjpie that Mr. Kimmell may Twenty firemen at the same rate an now paid, fiflT.OO employ of J. H. Wiggln. Mr. Sturtevant has SISTERS, 1 i c i : / | F A T H E R , celebrate muny mo|re natal days in this city. L 1 $1807.00 been with Kinsman of Augusta. Wilson of | BROTHERS, J | M OTHER’, An advance of #807 over present expense. Brunswick, and has also' been employed in SETTL 1 C O U SIN S, Ft HUSBAND. Tafctelf cost of fitting up. #660 from above SD A T LA ST. Waldoboro------Hon. N. A. Farwell was in j A U N T S , AX IC C JPIuEAtSE z ,0 1 W IF E , amount, which will not be required after the Work to be IJtesumed at Vinalhaven Slippers. Portland last week-----A. D. Bird has re­ I. \ st tn r first year, leaves the trifling difference of #117 After jseven Months, UNCLES, more than the present cost. The driver and turned from a trip to Roanoke, Va.-----Eugene 1 F R IE N D S , EVERYBODY. - N ot L east horse could be employed on the streets in the Harrington and brido arrived home Saturday ft. near vicinity of the hose house both Summer A settlement helg |)cen onived at between the We are showing a big stock i NEIGHBORS, I MOTHER ix-LAW and Winter, and in this way could no doubt from their wedding trip------John Porter is Bodwell Granite J o. and Vinalhaven Branch of earn for tho city the amount paid for salary clerking in the Bicknell Tea Store-----Russell Granite Cutters. J T te fight has been on more of Fine and Medium Price and feed of horse. Tilden is assisting in R. H. Burnham’s----- than seven montJ,Sf and during that time not a Respectfully submitted, C. H. Berry arrived home Saturday from New Goods—we know it and want A. H Jones, elink of the hatn|mer brt8 i)een heard in the big Chiet Engineer. York. Mrs. Berry and Miss Dow will remain shed. you to know it. Come and WE BUILD OUR BUSINESS UP gdward McIntire notified city ut injuries there through the holidays-----G. W. Hall of \\ ork will befregQiQCd at once. •ustained in September by defect in sidewalk, the auditor’s office, Washington. D. C.. is the see them. There is nothing corner of Pleasant street and Broadway, claim­ guesT of Dr R. B. Miller. W H Y NOT? BY MAKING OUR PRICES DOWN. ing #2,000. Referred to City Solicitor and Miss Minnie Thorndike of Dixmont Is visiting more desirable or acceptable The Opinion! wants the city to buy the plant Committee on Streets und Sidewalks. her aunt, Mrs John Emery. Ingraham's Hill ------Miss Winnie Lawry is in Boston this of the old Rocli|Unii Water Co. Why not huve for a Holiday Present. The Street Commissioners were instructed the city buy tbje cement kiln-, too? ESPECIALLY AT CHRISTMAS ON SUCH GOODS AS to purchase 3000 feet of granite curbing, 2500 week------The Boothbay Register says: “ Of course J. H. McNamara und his sister. Miss square yards of paving blocks, 500 lineal feet LADIES, f (>i ttssi< It* D r e s s of granite cross walk. Lizzie, were warmly received when they made their appearance in a charming duet -Mr. F A R W f l L L opera house M ISSE S, 7 to , c t s . The petition of people in Leland and Gay CHILDREN, ( < T .'iri) le t i t s ; . G o o d s , ( <»o. street neighborhood was referred to the Com­ McNamara has a firm hold on the theatre go­ O N t N IC H T o n l y . mittee on S reet Lighting. ing people of this vicinity, aod the great ap­ plause that he received was no more than could THURSDAY, Decemb5 81h. The usual roll of accounts and other routine Gloves. business was transacted. l>e expected. Miss McNamara in rue duet and as pianist displayed the same fine musical I he Big NQjgjYork Success. 100 nights at ’In- 14th BKujnW, 'Table TJr> 5 3 .0 0 ZDcvuvn $1.98. I GRAND ARMY. qualities that have won success for her brother.” Cuiucdy Druma. Our stock this season more CIIENEILLE, t Covers, Mrs. E. A. Carter of ltoslindale, Mass., and The State Encampment in Rockland — Mrs. H. N. Fossett of Bristol are the guests of H complete than ever. Alj A FEW SUITABLE PRESENTS: Memorial Day. Judge G. M Hicks---- Mrs. J. C. Perry with styles, from a Dress to a Driv­ Maine Department will meet in Rockland her children left this morning for Augusta A tireaf Drive in Towels al 25 eents. where she will pass the holidays with her early in February for its annual two days ing ; Lined and Unlined—all parents, Judge O. G. Hall and wife. session. fancy Work Baskets front 25c Io $1.00. Alden Gillchrest, who has been Thorndike A REBEL prices. Cooper Post, G. A. R . of Union has Invited Ilix’s efficient book-keeper for several yean, Under the inmiageiiicut of Best i arpel Sweepers lor 25 cents, E. K. Gould, esq., oi this city to deliver the goes on the road at once tor Shaw, Hammond •'Oa i . r , i : v ac l a m b ...... Memorial address there next Muy. ri|,|':,,|fAL Kl'KXEItV, IXCi.l HIM . fill: A Carney, wholesale grocers ot Portland Eider Boon Wrappers, ill Pink, Blue, Red and Gray, Girdle to match, $7.50 Mr. Gillchrest is smart, enterpris ng and relia­ FAMOUS LIBBY PRISON. Edwin Libby Post, G. A. R , elected otllcers ble, a fiist-c.ass young tuan in every respect, Friday evening as follows: Commander, S. and the Portland firm gets a good man. in g Set, one of the greatewi utage effects. A. Keyes; 8. V. C., Geo. H. Tighe; J. V. C., Oscar E Flint, unother lino Rockland boy, , q’he W o n d e rfu l Telegraph Scene. Wrappers in Chevrons, Serge. Colton Flannel. Tricot Flannel, Prim, in Red, Black, Figured, Alvah Babbidge; Q. M...O. J Conant; O D., Lkes Mr. Gilchrest's place with Thorndike A 1^ 'I’he Tbiillbi'4 Ehcape from l.ibby 1’rinon M. S. Britto; O. G.. Luther Clurk ; Trustee for , Til-- Fid ...... « ' M.i: i d ' '">>• Fancy Suspenders 75c, $1.00 $1.25, $1.50. $2.00, $2.50, $3.50, $5.00, $6.00. Hix. Thu G reut Ca«t. three years, A. J. Crockett; Clerk of Trustees, W. H. Th mas from High Island was in »« crowded to the doora everywhere. U. O. Cross; Delegates to the State Encamp­ town yesterday-----Mrs. W. J- Wood left this A Holiday Novelty of great ment, C. E. Burpee, Geo. F. Thomas, M. S. morning for Boston, where she will spend the I’ricfs 35, 50 and 75 cents. I Lot One Boz. Eider Down Pillows, covered, with milled edges, nil shapes, worth $1.00; pres­ Britto, Thomas Armstrong, Tilden The mas; holidays. Mr. Wood will go up Christmas onduy morn ing. 12 merit and elegance. We are Alternates, Samuel P. Wade. Parker Miller. ent price up, $1.00, down 09 eents. week-----Charles Webb ot Pittsfield, a Bates showing some tine goods—ex- J. AV. Davis, James Waldron, John W. Turner. College student, who is teaching at South These delegates are uninstruu-d, but the Post Warren, was at W. J Wood's, Friday-----Col. culsive patterns in this line. One Lot l or Bugs ill White, Brown, Black, Red Fox, Golden Brown, Gray, Etc., favors Wainwright Cushing of Foxcroft for F. C. Knight was in Belfast. Sunday-----Mrs. Department Commander. H. A. Packard has returned from an extended Present price $2 50, $3.00, $4.50 and Upwards. P. Henry TIJison Post, No. 39, U. A. R.( of visit in Boston ond vicinity. Mrs. E. R. Coburn ol Boston ts visitiug her Thomaston held their aunual election ot offi­ brother, Arthur Shea, this city ------Miss cers on Sutuiday evening last with the follow­ These Present Ibices include BlanKets, Shawls, Furs, | Boas and Children’s Sets and Muffs] Kathenn* Hhadie started on this morning's ing result: William B. Bradford, Commauder; train for Chicago. She was accompanied as far . M. Creamer, S. V. C.; James McCarter, M ufflers— Underwear, Hosiery, Silks [observe our new line of Silks, with Fringe to match,] Comforters, us Portland by her sister, Miss Jennie, who J. V. C .; J. H. H. Hewett, Quartermaster; will spend a few days there wilh friends. Dr. H. C. Levtusaier, Surgeon , G. W. Fales, John F. Wood of Bluebill visited his nephew, Corsets. Etc. ‘lain; J E Mears, O. D ; C. A. Copeland, Silk, H. A. Howard, last week. Mr. Wood was eu During the past y»ar the Post has oecu route homo from Lawrence, Mass.-----Miss jVsk your Phy sician ^pr.»sperous, und no death* huv*«“ * urrod PercieT. Dyer of Belfast have beeu visiting J Cashm ere, Just sit down and think if you know a Letter place to buy a Christmas Present friends in town------William I). Webb and |iltout 1 11n'sfori I s [legates to Department Encampment are wife of Damariscotta aie in Rockland, and , K Bickford and O. E. Copeluud. De- will spend the Wiuter hero with their son, Preparation, A T ----- rtment Chaplain C. A Southurd has been in* 8. li. Webb — Mrs. O. S. Andrews leaves for Worsted. vited to install the oflicers the first Sutuiday BosU u this week. She will p ass the Winter pure, health- evening in January- there wilh her daughter, Mis. Joseph Glover, nutritii ais The Very Newest at Lowest BUILDING BITS. nee Miss Lucy Andrews----- Miss Rose McNamara is visiting in Maplewood, Mass. P ric e s. Hammer and Saw Are Kept _____A. C. McLoon, who has been homo powder, and supplies SIMONTON BROTHERS, ’Jusy in Rockland since Thuuksgiving, returned io Bryant A Stratton’s Business College, Boston, Sunday the system with the Thomas of Auburn is eveningK A Powers, esq , ol Houltou wu, inibe. pllO S phclteS 1)1 W ll I C ll t house for E. 8. Bird of DOUBLE STORE, F Surrett house, Broad- eily Saturday. Mr. Power, is « candidate E. W. BERRY & CO., pi to completion. It will atlormn’y-nerai, to .ucceed Mr. Lbllcticld-----, me flour is deprived. house of Prisciila A. U. Weeks was in bo.tou la»l week on Opposite Thorndike Hotel. RUCKL AXD, - X FA I N K bu.tueH-----Station Agent Uuaaell went tot f


Nov. 29, fourth snow fall of the season. UP MYRTLE STREET. Amusements and Announcements. 1OLKS AND THINGS Nov. 30, fifth fall of snow for the season. Thfe M utual Life RUPTURE! A meeting of the Board of A lighten was Some of the Camden folks were in the city The Episcopal fair occurs n Farwell Opera Carver landed in New England this day Insurance Company OPENING! lA9t week seeking for house rents. faded for Friday evening to have a hearing on House tonight 1820. the petition of the electric railroad company i OF N E W YORK. ARE Postmaster Lovejoy has just returned from A«k nnv lover of a rood cigar hU opinion of for permission to bnild their r »ad u p M yrtle Henry L. Bent is at work nt High Island for the Et. M mcitano and von will find it a favorite AFBetA " v e r 9 1 (1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 . YOU Massachusetts and reports good sleighing street l he company is to have the use of the W. H. Thomas. there. one. It is simply happines- personified to in­ eastern end of the K. A L. freight depot for its Richard A. McCurdy, Pres. RUPTURED? Dr. Brown has moved from 138 Park street dulge in the E l M atutano fragrant cigar. 1 he December number of the High School business, and wishes a track up Myrtle street The Oldest, n. irgmt n <1 Mo«t Pen far Om pai —JU-H— to 142, same street. lhe firemen’s ball and drama “ Past Re­ In the World. 4S 61 Echo will be Issued from I’h e O.-G. office this so that it can run its freight cars to and from I Rockland’s sidewalks should be kept free demption” will be given in Rockport Opera W o f f K . r w eek. It promises to be an issue of great In­ the K. A L. tracks. There was no quorum I E W. AVER, Ppeelnl Agent. 4 7 TyOftfDIKE FfojEL, of snow this Winter. House. tomorrow, Wednesday, evening. Co c h r a n , Il Akf.r & Cross, LoorI Agent*. terest. and the bearing wph held last evening. It E ’ectrfccars will bo run until nfer the ball. A big engine and pump house is being built The dates on the Macy-Appleton paper state was voted to let the company build its road up — s — in the Gilbert Ulmer quarry. Curtain rises at 7 :30 p. m. DRi SSFVIAKINC. that the concert will be held In 1982. This is Myrtle street If the said company would pay Customer* wilnted by an experienced Next Monday is Day day in the Rockland mistake and those who hold tickets must not hall the expense of paving the entire street. Mrs. Henry Pearson and Mrs. E. K. Glover maker Prefer*! to i?o nut hv the day. MT^B D e c . / . Loan iSf Building Association. were housekeepers at the Univcrsalist Circle, A . B CARLETON. nt...... Mrs. N B C onant’-. No wait until that time. The concert occurs 16 Miinonic street; 4 s 48* Our schools will have three or lour weeks of morrow evening. THE SHUTTERS. Wednesday evening, and the usual nice supper OCK PR . HART will he nt Hotel was served. Mrs. J. P. Wise and Mrs. 11 N. vacation. Not fully decided yet. Some wag placed a torpedo on tho electric UPHOLSTERING DONE. Thorndike WEltXESDAY, DECEM­ The annual meeting of the former Shutter Keene will be housekeepers this week. Two comforters are wanted by the Rockland car track In front of the First Baptist Church Club, of which George 11. Hill of Boston is I nm prepared t<> do all kind* of upholstering In Thursday, December 8. BER 7, for a few days. Hi will be The Junior Epworth League connected with a flrst.elnss m nnner. nt price* that will suit tin • Charitable Association, and at once! Saturday evening. The report Is that the re­ president, will take place at the Augusta House custom er. Call ntfil2 Union Street. prepared Io examine all who are the M. E. Church will have a fair in the vestry, _4H .i vb W OL \ i : k . The city paid for cleaning school-houses, port scared the occupants of the car and the on Friday evening, Dec. 16. A banquet will Dec. 15. There will be a fancy table, candy Ruptured, and will have a complete City Hall and materials last year, #245 ttl. people in the vicinity. follow the business meeting. table and refreshments will be served. The Camdon I and For Sale. line of enr II. s. Klint has been appointed agent for Herbert Higgins has sold his Interest in the T h e dome* Perry* estate lot o f land In Postoffice harboring business of Robbins A Higgins AT T H E THORNDIKE j little ones have entire charge. The proceeds Hqunre. Camden, heretofore known n* the Wither- Rockland ot the V'lentia Compressed Yeast Co., go to the Mercy and Help Department of the spoon lot. This In the lnrgcst business lot In the N. T. SLEEPER, Pillsbury Block, to Mr Robbins, who contin­ burnt district, and ih oflored nt n reusonnble price of New York. League. Most Improved Trasses ues there. Mr. Higgins is employed with Our Dr. Hart will he nt the hotel, tomorrow. 48 I SYBIL PERRY, Admx The electric light company is having all of Wednesday. Dec. 7 ns per our advertisement 33 Spring Street, Rockland, Maine. F. Cooper, Jones Block. E. J. Glave, the renowned African and A Perfect F it Guaranteed. the street lamps cleaned, adjusted and put in in another column. We are the oldest estab­ Alaskan explorer, will give his delightful, ex­ TXLEAMA. He will also lake orders for Elas­ “ Speaking of white weed,” said one of our Do not fnil to rcndP’Txlenm n,” the latest novel, first-class order. lished truss manufacturer In the country. citing and instructive lecture in the M. E. Ves­ farmers, "I can remember when our farmers by J. A. Knowltonl If your bookseller ennnot tic SI,ukiiigs, Knee Caps and Ank­ Cue of the Summer street school boys, W m. P h e l p s A Co. try, next Thursday evening. The state papers furnish It, It will be sV’nt free on receipt of price went out into the field and pulled up all the f t l 25) hv lhe puhllbher, J . <». CUPPLKR CO lets. Ahdominnl mid Electric Bells, Frank Kennedy, broke an arm, Monday of last are giving enthusiastic accounts of his lecture, white weed they could find. They would find CARD OF THANKS, 250 BoylMon - L, Boston, Mn«s. (8 51 Bow Leg mid Knock Knee Springs, week. Football! and all should avail themselves of this rare It something of a job, nowadays.” We take this method of expressing our sin­ Shoulder Braces anil Appliances for The city's bill for furniture last year was cere thanks to the many triends and neighbors, opportunity. The teachers in our schools WATCH LOST. N. A. Burpee Hose Co. cleared #200 nt tliclr Deformities, if you are in need of #270.11. This bill includes inside blinds lor the tnanv of whom we are unacquainted with who should certainly advise and urge their pupils to A silver watch nnd Ichaln, between Park Street Thanksgiving lovco and hall. Their expenses and the Rap’!*’ ('Imfcli. Snndov nigh1 Kinde any of Ihe nlmve goods you are in- police court room. have been so very kind and thoughtful toward attend Tickets 35 cents. On sale at Burn­ plen-e leave at <’. <}. i ql'PB T. tml lie n- . ir.l- d were very heavy, being something moro than us at the time we were burned out and since. ham’s. vited Io call on Dr. Hurt. Probate Court will soon meet again. Don’t #300 The Burpees are a very efficient com One and all they have our heartfelt gratitude. BURNHAM’S STAR STORE. The entertainment given by the Y’s Monday fail to have your notices put into the paper with pany, and we arc glad they did so well. H. R. H u n t l e y . [POUND. WM. PHELPS & CO., evening, of Inst week consisted of tho following KEY the 3500 circulation. J u l ia A. H u n t l e y Ynle key on ring. ents pays the bill. 4R A 20 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Officer Peabody seized five deer heads and numbers : Piano Solo, Fred Whitcomb; Song, Zadoe Brewster has a bur-ed hand. His two saddles Monday night of last week on the Mabel Hodgkins; Song with violin obligato, ESTABLISHED 1832. 48 peanut roaster exploded Fi iday, while be was CIRL R a n t e d . steamer Frank Jonos. He also seized 380 short BUSINESS LOCALS. Misses Ingraham; Song, Sadie Hall; Singing A girl for general hi holding it in his hand. isework in small family lobsters on the Mt. Desert the same night. Advertisements in thia column f iv e cen ts a by a qu irtette, consisting of Dr. T. E. Tibbetts, A pply to MRS. N. II .MKR, 41 Beech St. 4s* Fforldas are coming into the markets quite The lobsters were marked to New York parties. Lin i. No Insertion lens tlmn twenty-five cent*. Will F. Tibbetts. Mrs. Judkins and Mrs. Mil­ DININC RhOIVI CIRL. rapidly. 11. 1. Hix goes to Boston this week ’flic ladies of the Bty View Sunday School ler. A pleasing feature of tho entertainment ^ oUoay Q'FT$- • •w is this ? Micau ley’s England, hound in Wanted nt E. II IIAS’rl.K V 'S Ki-.laurant. to make big purchases. held an apron sale, serving ice cream and cake was the presentation of the “ Magic Mirror,” cloth, 5 vois.; #1.25 for set at The s.gn of the Williams restaurant was In connection, Thursd *v evening, and continued which consisted of ten young ladies, assisted Christmas is dose upon H usto n ’s N e w s S t a n d . blown down and through one ot the windows, it Friday evening. The weather both night by Mr. Castncr, Chas. Erskine, and Mrs. Jud­ CIRX.S p A N T F D . us, and we have— Wednesday night in the storm. was stormy and the going horrid. The receipts kins, reader. 50 sm art w orker- v t once Good pay i we approach the holiday season we hea nnd stiMidy employmen [ -diirt work. The store windows are now looking their were, however, about #35, and are to be de­ The military comedy drama a “ Fair Rebel" W. K. KEl.LK R our people talking more and moro about what Camden, Me The Comet lovhest, and our county friends can well afford voted to renewing the library. The .school wm they shall give for presents and to help them will he presented at the Opera House, Thursday a trip into tho city to see them. organized seven yours ago in the old school settle this question allow us to suggest that evening, Dec. 8. Tho story of the play runs L O |;T. An Elegant assortment of Ijoufo. The chapel was built the following Has Struck, St. (Hair Bros. & Co. shipped a big bill of thero is nothing that is more appropriate than through the late war and deals with the escape rms reasonable store of 11. II. Flint, Park street, ami sold it to Use Their Brothers’ Hall. distances in surrounding towns. All that care head quarters tarries one right to the scene of Apply at MAGNOLIA] PEL, Camden. Largest Line called to Michael Burke, who will move it to Burkeville. 46 4H* and competent instruction can do will bo done action. The bugle call, prancing steeds, Violins, Banjos, Guiturs, The public carriage is just nice. Why The Golden Cross will hold its regular meet­ for all pupils. Special attention given to be­ marching and counter marching of squads of dissolution ! n o t ic e . o f didn't someone think of it years ugo ? Only ing next Friday evening. ginners. Terms, eight dollars per quarter. soldiers aie all given with correctness and The co-partnership known i Rockland Ice Clarionets, Flutes, Autoharps, think, a ride for \ ourself and bundles for ten accuracy of detail. The sensation is relieved Co. la hereby dissolved, Herb t Allen of the firm Band Instruments, Cellos, Rockland Encampment, I. O. O. F. will Address at Albert Smith’s or 63 Crescent street. retiring 'i’he business will b ntlnued under the cents. work the Royal Purple Degree next Friday Dec. 1, 1892. by a pretty love story, which runs through the same name by the undersigned Holiday Goods Double Basses, Drums, Etc. F. Al G. H. Clifford, Orange street, has removed evening. A lull attendance is requested. play and there is plenty ot comedy. The We have just received an invoice of cloth IL 1. his tenee, constructed new walks and made cast 5s a carefully selected one, every character Rockland, Dec. 1 ,1.S92. Piano Stools and Chairs, S1.75 to 56. The stated communication of Aurora Lodge, ound hooks in sets. Prices very low. Onr in the City, other improvements about his place ot resi­ F. A A. M , occurs tomorrow evening. A good being taken hv a competent person. In every Covers and Scarfs, S2.50 to $7.00 stock of paper covered novels Is more complete Consisting of Toys, Games, dence. attendance is desired as this ?s the last stated particular it will he given as at its first produc­ (Silk, Plush and Felt.) ban ever. H u sto n ' s N e w s s t a n d . tion. Tickets now ready at the box office. I’he loss on F. M. Shaw’s building at the communication before the annual which occurs Cash! Fancy Writing Paper, Sta­ Sheet Music, Books, head of Railroad wharf, recently destroyed by in January. Thackeray’s complete works, #4 50; Dumas THE ’LECTRIC. The Atlas ivliicli liolll- the World tionery, Sleds, Skates, Strings, Musical Wares, etc. fire, has been settled at #800. w ith Coehrau. works, #2.50; Leather Stocking Tales, #1 75; The stated convocation of King Solomon The snow scrapers have arrived-----The elec­ up,hi bis sliouldei'e il Hu' must Im­ Dolls, Plush anil Leather New Home Sewing Machines. Baker & Cross. Chapter, R. A. Masons, was held Thursday hakespeaie complete, 4 vol,. #1.50 at portant factor in nil llusiuess trans­ tric heaters are working very satisfactorily and Goods in Toilet Cases, Nova Scotia vessels brought into Boston last evening. The P. and M. E degrees were con­ H u s t o n ’s N ews S t a n d . heat the cars to an agreeable warmth-----The actions. It's wlinil ivr buy our week in two days 33,000 bushels ol potatoe ferred on one candidate. A special convocation combination passenger, mail and baggage car (roods ivitli and wlinil we sell them Manicure Sets, Cuff* and How is this ? Nice mixed candy only 10 cts I VARIETY DEPARTMENT which is said to have materially reduced the was appointed for Thursday evening of this has arrived- — The snow plow is due here Collar Boxes, Albums, per pound at E E. Simmons' South-endfruit w bat enables us to setl our Goods Contuius in pnrL price ol that esculent. week. — The scrapers are on the cars. store. This is a nice cream mixture that is sold low enough to bullish! compi I Itlon Work Boxes, Handkerchief Writing Desks, Stationery. Councilman E. F. Cross, who recently had a Golden Rod Chapter, O. E. S , give a supper Now listen mid bear ,|f n few bur everywhere at 15 cts per pound but lor the re­ and Glove Boxes, and hun­ Books of Poems, Albums, fall at the So. Marine Railway injuring one oi In connection with the regular meeting next mainder of this year 1 shall sell it for only 10 i ’nrtbs. gains hi our his legs, sustained another tall, Saturday week, Saturday evening. Supper will be served from cts per pound. Boys you can niford to go and dreds of other things too Pocket and Family Bibles, Etc. breaking oueol his ribs. six to eight o’clock. Btu d l e y - Soutii W ashington, N ovem ber 23, to Clothing Department 3 your girl or some one clso’s every night in r. amt Mr*. Prank Hludley, twin daughtern. numerous to mention. Prices Low. Fugti-uincuts W arranted. Thu llali patent tool handle fastener is on I’lie annual conclave of Claremont Comnian- the week when candy is so cheap. L a n e —Rockland, November 22, to Mr. and Mrs. We have one lot of 2."1 pairs Men's Uer’Otir line ot Bibles and Nelson P. Lane, a daughter—Annie i’ondleton. exhibition at the Mechanic’s fair, Boston, and it dery, K. T., was held at the asylum last even­ E. S im m o n s , Cor. Main and Myrtle. l’ants, strong, durable, goods, well ALBERT SMITH, R a n k —Birch Harbor, Octobi r 31, to Mr. and Prayer Books is by far the is as usual exciting the greatest interest. ing. I'he annual reports were made which John E. Kane, made and a imataltrael lve patiern Egg cases for sale at the store of Bicknell Most dealers sell theinlfrom 31.50 360 Main Street, Rockland Samuel 11. Hix is in charge. show the C -mmandery to be in good condition. Ut.MEK -Rockland, No is, to Mr. and largest in town, and our Tea Co., 398 Main Street. Mrs. Frank M. I'finer, a hi to $1.75, but we sell tliitin for 81.11 The following officers were elected: C. E. 1.1 nnv— Vinalhaven, Ne 21, to Mr. and S h o u t s .•— Rockland had live deaths in per pair as we manufuqdure them prices are lower than at any Mrs Kirkpatrick has returned from Bangor, i . .i i s L ib b y , a H November-----Murray's #10 bell rings fre­ Meservey, E. C .; L. M. Kenniston, J. Fred nnd save I he jobber profit. Better other store. quently-----Sharp mornings, these-----A storm Hall, C. G .; L. S. Robinson, Prelate; J. T. and will open a studio over the Maine Music ones in proportion, l.fit 2 is 25 door has been put on me Episcopal church. Lothrop, S. W .; E. A. Jones, J. W.; W. 11. store, Nov 29. Studio open every afternoon. pall's Boys' Knee 1’uillsJ sizes -I to Titcomb, Treasurer; ll. M. Wise, Recorder. •Exhibition and sale of decorated china at Mrs. dlarriagts. 11 years. Heavy goolls, warm, The Voting 5 0 0 Thejiirst Jennoss Miller rainy day costume I’he remaining officers are to be appointed by Hoyt’s millinery store. Some very pretty strong and reliable. , All have ever seen in Rockland appeared on the streets the Eminent Commander. It was voted to Water Colors for sale at studio. Donohue—McL oon—Rockland, December <1, by patent waistbands, for III cents per on the Horse ELECj/\fJf CUS FOfE flld\DE Tuesday. It consisted ol a dress reaching u have a public installation next Monday even­ Rev, \\ . .M. Kimmell,'i'homiiH Donohue und Leila pair, and better ones at Ithe same short distance below the knee and long gaiters. Look at our cloth hound books before pui- McLoon, both of Rockland. No cards. rate. Goes merrily on. Every ing an t to invite Rev. R W. Jcnkyu to do liver Maddockh W il l u i d -Tenant’s Harbor, Nov- ’Twas sensible and neat appearing. ehasing elsewhere. person purchasing goods is an address. Em Sir C. A. Sylvester, Past E. • inbi-r SO, Allison Muddocks, ol Rockland, and H u sto n ’s N ew s S t a n d . Fannie E. Willard, ol Tenant’s Harbor. J, B. Loring ot this city, who is engaged in C., acts. N oaw ooD — 'l i ru s—Union, November 31), by Rev. Underwear Department. entitled to one vote lor ev­ boat-building in Thomaston, is negotiating .1. D Payson, Willie <>. N rwood, of Hope, und We have lately purchased! the on- PANTS’ z .. When Masonic Hall in Camden was burned If you want a handsome Tulip bed next Ida P. TR uh, of Appleton. ery ten cents’ worth pur­ with J. Fred llali lor a suitable building for i ire stock of Manufacturol's’ 8 un the High Priest ot King Solomon’s Chapter, spring, you must make it this fall. O. M. Tib­ Ha iiteu - Si.iDLiMiutt—ThomaHtoo, November To be sold this month for 30, by Rev. G. I*. Mathews, Fred W. Barter, of St. pies of Men's I'nderwear lit about chased. Please remember his business, to he erected on the wharf in the R. A. Masons, ot ibis city tendered the betts has just received another large lot ot George, and Emma F. 8eidlinger, of Thomaston. one-half the usual price, of one of that this is no catch penny juar of Mr. Hall’s carriage manufactory. officers and members of Keystone Chapter ot Buffis of Tulips, Hyacinths, Crocuses, Daffo­ G h i.k ni.aw -Ukockett—Oceanville, Deer Isle, .\'<>v.niber2U, A rthur G reenleaf and Lettlo Crockett, the largest houses in liosilon, and A correspondent says that in looking through Camden the use of hall and .all paraphernalia dils, Lilies etc. Selling cheap. both of Oeeinvllle. we cau and will seHyou I'nlderwi ar affair. No tickets are sold ^ 3 - 5 ° , r a list oi jurors in our last week's issue he dis* for the purpose of holding their meetings and O n .i,is- Ke n t —North Haven, N ovem ber 26, by 25 per cent cheaper than and no vote is received un­ - l i l t covered three by the name of Crie, all from W. B. Groves baa bought the restaurant Harrison Beverugo, Esq., Alexander C. Gillis und buy it, and if von will l uiipar conferring the degrees. A dispensation from Lizzie C. Kent, both of North Haven. less the voter lias purchased this city and all brothers. Ot these three Grand High Priest A. M. Pen ley of Auburn bu uiess ot I. S. Porter and will always be pre­ REAliOON—t ltoi he—Rockland, November 21, i hese prices with those other pared to furnish a first-class square meal, well by Rev. Fr. D ..I. Coughlin, Timothy J. Real don dealers you will know w speak goods. Regular price F*” 5 0 jurors two are Baptists and one is u Methodist. was obtained, giving them permission to ac­ ami Cora Crouse, both ol Ruckland cooked and of gieat variety, Main street,foot of the truth. With the exception ol the two cases, of cept the invitation of King Solomon’s Chapter, T o w n sen d - D inhmohe—Los Gatos, California, t l r ’Keep rightalong on Main Street N j einbvi 22. l»r. Amos Townsend an 1 Lillie H e a v y 5! « r ln o , b o th BVhi e m il Gt , I Hfi diphtheria mentioned, our ci’.y is enjoying a so thut Wednesday evening Keystone Chapter 5 0 Flint Brothers, Bakers, will continue to de­ Dinsmore, boih of Los Gatos. C o u to c o o k , 9U(> n i n e , 1 75c u n til you see the Gold Star, then season ot general health, the only prevalent came down with two candidates and conlerr-.d liver Blown Bread to customers Saturday p. Boynton - T iu h e —J.ll'. rson, Novem ber 20, (Da y Cotton, three degrees. There w is a good attendance, Elmer 11. Boynton and Cora II. 'Trask, both ol Grey, all wool, come in. ailment being uncomfortable, hut insignificant m. Try our Milk Bread and Rolls, fresh Jefferson. Hcui-lct, nil wool, I 75u colds. Typhoid, pneumonia, la grippe uml the and notwithstanding tin officers of Keystone every day and the quality of each is guaran­ MOODV -lli hSEY-Jell. r«on, November 20, Wil­ CniiH Ta llulr, Giey, 1 4Oc lard A. .Moody and Alice M. Hussey, both of Men'* Shaker Howe, nil wool, p» i im fi , 23i No, 413 Main Street, Rockland, Me. AMERICAN like are conspicuous by their very welcome Chapter were not familiar with the hall, they teed to ho unsurpassed by any in ihe market* Nob'.eboro absence. showed their familiarity with the work which WiilTMOKi: -fiAUNDEbrt—Oeeanville, Deer Isle, We have better grades in Pipes, a box ol cigars, cigar holders, or November 19, Herman Whitmore and Mrs. Luulllu lio n . No matter what There are several eases oi diphtheria m the was exceptionally well done. Saunders, both of Oceanville. WANTED TO PURCHASE. c gar cases is what the men appreciate. Buy looking for come anil see city. Murion, daughter ol N. F. Cobb and the i itAYi it — I’lEiu E — Ellsw orth, Novem ber 17, Ilousi'H and luttf fro Melton Overcoats CHURCH CIRCLES. them at H u s t o n 'a N ew s S t a n d . Edwin R. Thayer, of Bulb, formerly of Camden, have It and can save you nioilcy. little son oi E. ll. Hooper, are recovering from anil Mary E. Pierce, of Ellsworth. Ma n sf ie l d —P fkby—Worcester, Mass .Novem­ quite severe uttacks. It is not thought that Auction Saturday evenings of hoots, shoes ber 14, AH it K. Man»fi« Id and Jennie C. P erry, Our Crockery Department NOTICE there will he any prevalence of the disease, The Choir in Charge at the Congrega­ rubbers, confectionery, etc., at E. A. Golla- both of Worcester. I all pernoiiH fror hut it behooves all our people to ho watchful tional Church. more’s, Rankin Block. Show cases new and S pea k .Bank—Thomaston,November 12, Henry Is full of Bargains, all new! und on niy account, without a written order I Speur, of Warren, und Lizzie Mank, of Cushing. fresh, bought late und bought e^teap FE E D G. rilN G U l, H air D n ntier and careful. A very pleasant circle was enjoyed at the old, for sale or exchange. Bl a n u u a h d — Ch a pm a n — Damariacuttu, Nov­ Rockland, Nov. 29, 1691. 47 49* ember 24, by Rev. G. S Hill, Frank Leslie Blanch, and will he sold quick at tin Regular Price S1O A settlement of the estate of the late Hannah Congregational Church, Wednesday evening. J. W. A. ten cents and 444 5 cents, li you urd and Nancy Jane Chapmun, both of DumurlB. lowing tlgures: McLoon has been going on in our city the pust The choir olficiated as house-keepers and as a cotta. SPECIAL NOTICE. iK ^Y ott save thi want to smoke a clean Union made cigar, ask Kngliali Percelatn Dinner Set, 112 All tax payer* will picuau bear in tuiud that in. lew days. The residence property at the cor­ result a treat, gasttouomically and musically pieces, 3 patterns, tt profits, as I man, for this brand, blue label on every box. terewt begin* on 1892 tnxe« Oct. 16tli. All tuxu* to ner of Middle and Lincoln streets was bought was served. The musical menu was as below : G e a t f e s . 7 piece Cominede Hets, Blue, Pink be puld at m y ofilce, 4U6 Blain St. Office open nnd Muliognny Decoration, heun wry day, utid Monday, Wednesday, 'Thursday these goods mvsi by Mrs. 8. W. McLoon, and Mrs. F. W. Bird “ Bridal Chorus” from •‘The Rose Blaiduu,” Cowen ties fer Presents, C hoir. C E. Rising is selling the “ Newport” which nd Saturday evening!. bought the properly west ot it, occupied by C l a KK—Rockland, December 2, Wm. W. Clark, Wash Bawl nnd Pitcher, W. li. blllTII, Collector. Piano Bolo—“ Vulse Impromptu,” //. W. UarVett is the latest thing in the form of tea roll biscuit aged 61 years. Ten nnd Coflee Cupn Si Snucors, per set, ALFRED’ M C. C. Hills. The Buzzey quarry property was Albert Averill. also fresh every day Perfection Vienna and Ma h sh a LL—Cushing, December 2, Mrs. Aduline bought by Mrs. Mary A. Williams. Male Quartet—“Simple Simon.” Smith M irsliull, aged 71 yeurs, 11 months, 2U days. We huve a large line of the laft sh TO L E T 446 Main St.. Ro, Flute Soto—“ Vulse de Concert,” T ill Milk Bread, also Vienna Rolls. Cake fresh W a lk ed — Lynn, Blass., November 29, Kben Bonne W are. Come in Ladies wnd W. F. Tibbetts. The Stable formerly occupied by 'Thorndike & If the road commissioners wish to save the every day. Arlington wheat bread for dys­ Walker, aged years, 4 mouths, 14 days, The llix; ulso Tenement over Ja*. Wlaht’e Machine ••The Jumblies,” Adami remains were brought to this city for Interment. see it...... - . . _ Steam Boiler, eti city a hill of expense they should straighten Arid Quartet. peptics. S tone—North Haven, November 24, Lucy Etta, Our Lamp Department A Steel Boiler, about 16 hor« up the sidewalk on Orange street, at the corner Banjo Solo—“ The Mllldum,” 4noz< Fred Rising’s cream bread is now the popu­ wife of Fiiram P. Stone, aged 96 yeurs, 16 days. little, in tirat clus* order. Ala Miss Lucy Peck. Ha l l —Thomaston, November 28, Anlilla 8., about 220U lbs capacity, for try! of Pleasant street. The sidewalk is tome eight Bong — “Holsteiner's Bunil,” H’Ailf/ioase lar thing for family use. Rising's Caramel daughter of Allyn W. Hall, aged 6 yeurs, 2 months, Is running aver with rich Chrifi TO L E T . Geo. K. T orrey. nuts (lifts within your reach. LoU KgsnAKlVG . Carpenters’ Union;” L. C. Ames, “ It’s Ob­ musical program by Misses Ague* Shaw and issue in which he quotes the lowest prices on Lamps at the lowest HLurus. ^L*d 10 m onths. We low the linel v.i\i,-,| us.-,.ill 914 BKGADWAV, HOCKLANp, MM. ject ;” .D. A. Packard, “OfHcers and Duties;” Jennie McLain, Mrs. F. M. Shaw, Mr. and Flour ever made in (his state. He also has a 'C omb—Dover, N. II., Deeemb. 2, Marcellus Cobb, a native of Union, aged 66 y For Sale at a Creat Bargain. F K. Clark, “ Rules and Regulations;” llteilt of d ll i-lln is |'i cs\.„. . . | Out) 12-iuot nickel khow c«*e, »quaro; one Mrs. H. M. Lord and Guo. E. Torrey. Fred full lire of pickled herring, mackerel, tongues Ba k n e s—Hallowell, Bertha ’ Burues, ' formerly 6-loot Jacob Elwell, “ Benefits of Members;” Wilf of Rockland, uged 14 yeurs. under one roof east Lf Boston. ulckel »huw cwd , quurc; one 8 foot uickel show Davies took several flash light pictures of the ' and sounds, halibut beads and fins and u very Coint and see us in u«i palatial | ANNUAL MEETING. cut.', i-x'.vi :: top, i v..l fro .I ; oue 9 fool couV Lolbrop, “ Some ot the reasons why you ca»e, three fe» t wide, would make u uiee ailverv gathering. nice lot of slack salted Rock Cod for strip fish Uae 1’Guoii buw urituu” JLiniiuoul. Emporium erected onf the old should become a member.” At the close H S. ------[ and if you want a quarter or a half hhl. Krout caBc i r lint case; ouv 16.fool three docf Hobbs and Ashton Ripley gave very interest­ Hand. table TI 'Aplayh L IV IN G W H IS T . he has it at bottom prices. Silverware, Watches aud Jewelry at Geuth- d a y , J a u u a good* ll i* atnirred and vuruithed aud ing addresses which were enthusiastically ap­ for the chuicq one. Each of the lubitr* i* m uu plauded. At the business meeting, which •uing year. Al*u to uk« such action a* may b One good *vooud baud cook *tove This evening Belfast people give •‘Living A l this seas m of the year the store ol Spear- CLE\’ELANl)/& WEST, I Qece*t>ury ik»| the renewal of the charier of said jeweler’* tale, about finy »ix iuchy followed, seven applications for membership Whist” for the benefit of the band. H. I). May A Stover is turned into a picture gallery Stock and Tools For Sale !ui of other thing* tor uuuret were received, and eight were taken into full Al the U J. Sleeper houieale^d, Union, .lock Camden, Me. gaily coma,before *uld luei llttk of the above article* will be « , lu itn ln , toula, ul prh 'u le mile. Uzeellenl b ««- P. H ~Wp UoUblu to shOH goods nnd For price* come one. M-4b< •verjrtoedy U W ‘ - Dec. 6, lbfa 47 r. L SM THE ROCKLAND itOURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1892,

THE FAMOUS MORRELL! CURE, failures, yet these failures argue nothing. HERE IS NEWS. They occur in young men who have not COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. yet finished sowing their wild oats and KUROPKAX PI.AN. Communication from Medic Director Just Now of the Utmost Importance. An Extensive Stock of Men’s, Youths’ Chambers St. and West Broadway, Hanscom of This Citi who are put into these institutions hy NEW YONK. their relatives and friends against their wills. And it is Something that All Will ! 0. E and Children’s Ready Made Clothing. C. F. WILHEY, Proprietor. 4ft 19 What the Morrell Cure Does Ind What Appreciate. Room* *1 per day and upward. Convenient Face Pimples. It were better for tile fame of our insti­ to nil railway depots And boat landings. It Cannot t o —No Dileterl |s Effects The Nicest Line of E mily P almer, Ashwillet, Resultant —No Brains l| tnished— tutions to refuse to take such cases. A The Percentage of Losses! young man for insttinee likes to be a ; Because it is an Honest and Outspoken I’ailor Made Overcoats Ct.. says: "1 had skin eruption Opinion. Blackington, “ bail fellow well met” and thinks it i so badly I could not attend en­ E S P O TING to tertainments. Comfort Powder manly to stand up aud drink bis toddy to be found in Maine. A line of Big Bar­ your quest for “ lllreuntntisiii anti tnurnlgis are per­ has completely cured me." like an old toper. He has no appetite ' an n lie on the fectly curable,” remarked one of our gains in Underwear this month. Examine P i c k e t s A n m i R. Cook. Lynn, Mass., the for the stuff and does his drinking out of j M o r, 11 Liquor most eminent physicians, in conversation says: “ Comfort Powder com­ pure bravado. He is taken to a liquor Cure id for the with the writer. “Tho only thing nec­ onr Mackintoshes. Quality the t o t h e pletely removed pimples from cure and against his will,possibly without , essary is !• use the right remedy and use bene of a large my face.’’ any opposition on his part,and when he is , it persistently.” Highest, Prices the Lowest. As nun of people C lothier, W orld's Fair! graduated has not mind enough to keep ' “ lint, wlrat Is the right remedy .doctor?" who [cow noth- Have not yet arrived, but Excursion p o w d e r away from his old companions,but seeks i “ Well, although n physician iu practice, fo H ats, C aps and Trains with Pullman Tourist Sleeping ing about the Gold Cure fi runkenness Cars attached leave Bostou four times their company, becomes surrounded by I must say that the best all round medi­ each we k running through to Chicago, inebriation, and for still larger Neckwear-look over St. Paul, .Minneapolis, Seattle, Butte, the same intluenci'3 ami drinks again, cine for rheumatism and neuralgia—that 4 3 5 M a in Mont., Portland, Ore., and all points on insures perfect complexion. It number wt.o are skeptiei in regard to anil the institution receives the blame. is the remedy which will effect the most the Pacific Coast and California. Pas undertaken our large assortment, and re­ setigers wishing to go throush the White is the only powder that com­ tho treatment, the writer We cannot euro fools. But to the man cures—is the discovery of Dr. Greene, Mountains can Lake the Tonrlst Car at to show exactly what tli treatment is, known and sold in every drug store as St. Johnsbury the same day of departure, bines healing with the ordinary who really wants to get rid of tho curse member our Small Prices. We d to do and Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve Rockland qualities of a face powder. It exactly what it is supp of drink and who has understanding filly One Night between Boston mill removes pimples, blackheads, exactly what it can and not do. enough to know what he is taking tho remedy. have the goods and are ready to give prices to suit. Chicago. oiliness and roughness of the “I have cured many cases with lt,’> There is nlways in an I great reform treatment for, we can hold out an abso­ ‘or time table, and all other Information apply In skin. or discovery a large cloi of people who continued the doctor, “and call to mind lute hope of relief. When he lias taken several remarkable restorations which Yours for Biz., JY. S. BTJZZKLB, AL1 DRUGGISTS SELL IT cry it down and who 3 very loth to the treatment he will not push himself Ticket Agent MaineCentrnl Railroad, Rockland. SEND POSTAL FOR FREE SAMPLE have come under my direct observation, credit it with any goodlkhntever This again in lire way of temptation, he will O. E. BLACKINCTON, COMFORT POWDER CO.. Hartford. Conn. class of people, it will itobitbly be found notably that of Mr. William Guckernus, E. S. SYKES, 8EORE7AHY. not dabble again witli liquor, ho wiil not of (52 Stark Street. Utica, N. V. His was R o c k la n d . /(iO n W upon investigation are, those who know tor worlds again create the very curse a terrible case. Why, lie could hardly nothing whatever about it, who have which thanks to tire Morrell treatment ' move in his bed, had terrible pains in his bad nothing to do with it, who have he had gotten rid of, lie would as soon j hip anil hack. His food would not digest never taken the trouble to investigate or jump into a burning furnace anti expect j lint would bloat him up very much. lie could not if they would. For such we not to get scorched. Tin- treatment carries j used Dr. Greene's Ni rvura blood and have no argumi nt to offer. with it the understanding on the part of nerve remedy, and is now a perfectly A T T I I E Alcoholism, i r the nppetito for strong tho patient that he is really desirous of wellnian. Mr. Guckcmus is a very well » drink is classt d nowjk-days by the very getting rid of tire appetite for liquor It known man iu Utica, in tael, has been l< foreman in the turning shop for 21 years, S c e n ts does not undertake to sow up drunkards’ 11 mouths, not I j erect about them an im­ and consequently everybody knows him i f f C o i and his wonderful cure. offensive penetrable harrier so that no temptation ‘ And there was that remarkable cure ing to tho human system a strong stimu­ couid reacli them or fumes of whiskey of Mr Mlehacl I row ley,” added the arise from lant soon puts it tato such a condition fan their nostrils. It does not profess to FLOUR A J i i o o m B O l . ONLY Steamers direct to that it must have the stimulant or suffer doctor, "Who resides in New York Lily, Jacksonville, Railing 51ON- prevent, a man from turning liquor down DAYS. WEDNI "PAYS and FRIDAYS from bad tobacco. a severe shook. V’hen the stimulant is at 71 Lniglit Street, lie had rheumatism Pier 20, East River, New York, calling at his throat if he really wants to. That The Very Best, in the Charleston, S. C. Dlret t connections ami withdrawn the wives are unbalanced so had that he could not walk, indeed, through rates from Boston and New England S en se is man is a fool who after taking the treat­ points. Avoids rough New England ••oust. and unsteadied and the only tiling which could not eat or sleep. Nothing seemed Market for $5.50. No dusty ride after leaving ship. Accommo­ ment ami having been ireed from all de­ dations for first class, Intermediate and steer­ can -et them at rest again Is the stimu­ to relieve him until he procured Dr. age passengers. The strictest discipline pre­ to invest your sire for drink will dehbaralely pour Wc win sell you a barrel of vails on hoard every ship. Information lant itself or something to take its place Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, cheerfully furnished. Send for descriptive down his throat the very thing whioli w. V. COM, M. D.. Apples for SI.00, better ones kpaintihlets. J. A. I I.ANDERS, Eastern Au* nt, c e n ts in The object of the “ Morrell treatment” is and now he is a perfectly well man. lie Washington st.. Boston. THEO, <5. EGElt, has caused his ruin. declares that this remedy saved Ids life for 81.50, No. 1 Baldwins at & Manager, 5 Bowling Green,New York. to do just that thing i. e., to so take the W. W. Hanscom, M. I) and that It is the most wonderful medi­ Medical Director. 82.00 delivered. place of alcohol oy curing tho diseased Med. Director, Morrell I.iq. Cure Go., cine in the world. nerves as to leave the man entirely with­ There is a Great Demand BOSTON & BANGOR S.S.OO. Rockland, Maine. “ A talented lady of my acquaintance, for our 20c Rio Coffee. out any appetite for the drink and as he also, Mrs. J. T. Cummings, of 1309 Lorain Treatment can bo received at Three Trips a Week to Boston. was before he ever began to take it It makes Street, ('levcluud, Ohio, told me that she the Office of Dr. Hansccm. at We shall in the future keep a Commencing: Monday. November 7, 189$, This wo can do. Mukintr Smul I’D * in School. suffered fearfully with pain in her right SteamerH will leave Rockland, weather good assortment of l’astry, The treatment consists in the internal Dr. Edward Everett Hale has written Dockland, M e, who will be permitting, as follows: the breath upon many subjects. In The Atlantic side for four months. She was extreme­ Pies, Cakes, Bread, etc., and For Boston, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at administration! of the gold remedies Monthly lie touches a new theme—the ly nervous in addition aud could not pleased to furnish information fnrnisli hot Coffee anil Tea about 0 p. in., or upon arrival of steamers Irani and the hypodermic injections of the sleep nights. She received no relief Bangor and Ml. D esert. making of sand pies. lie went to school, as to Methods, Terms, Etc., FREE to onr patrons from For Camden, Beda.-t, riearsport, Bucksport, Win­ chloride of gold in such a quantity, at lie says, when he was about two years whatever until she used Dr Greene’s terport, Hampden and Bangor, Tuesday, Thurs­ in -c e n se . out of town. Also stabling day and Saturday, tit about fi a. nt., or upon such intervals and for such a length of old—a private school, and “a very much Nervura blood and nerve remedy, and upon application in person or for your teams. arrival of steamer from Boston. ‘go-as-you-please* sort of place.” For Green’s Landing, Swan’s Island, SouthWest Aromatic, time as toconpletely eradicate any ami now through the curative effects of lids by letter. Harbor, North East Harbor, Bar Harbor and The floor was sanded with clean saint medicine, the pain lias left her entirely A large stock of Grain always Sortento, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at all desires for alcohol. It braces rrp the every Thursday and Saturday after­ about 0 a. rn., or upon arrival of steamer Irom Ambrosial, shattered ncr'es, it improves the tone ol and she is well again. on hand, sold at Bottom Boston. noon. This was a matter of practical the man’s system, it sharpens the intel­ -It certainly does cure rheumatism and Prices. RETURNING TO ROCKLAND. Comforting, importance to us, because with the From Boston, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at lect, it imprtves his appetite and in fact sand, using our feet as tools, we made neuralgia," wound up the doctor, “and I THE 4 p. m. sand pies. could go on iiidellnitely describing case From Bangor, touching at Hampden, Winterport, and costs no every organ tnd function of his body re­ Bucksport, Seursport, Belfast and Camden, Mon ceives its beiteficial action. It is not one You gather the sand with the inside after ease among my patients where it W. 0. HEWETT & CO FA It J1 El*!*’ I» I*« » I’CK day, Wednesday and Friday at 11 a. m. edge of either shoe from a greater or less has given almost inslant relief ami soon From Sorrento at 8 a. in., Bar Harbor at 10 a. ni , more than case or a ca e now and then that gives E ACH A A«K, touching at all landings, Monday, Wednesday distance, as the size of the pie requires. effected perfect cures. I pronoiniee it SOLE AGENTS and Friday. the result, l nt every one. Ask any pa- As you gain skill, the heap which you Si Limerock St. FRRD l.OTHBOP, Agent, Rockland. poor stuff. lire great remedy for pains and aches und For the following Brands of CALVIN AUSTIN, Agent, Poston. tient who hrs taken the treatment how make is more and more round. When 1 prescribe and use it freely becuusu I WILLIAM 11. HILL, Gen. Man. boston. it is well rounded you Hatten it by a Remember “ B“L.” it has affect.-d him and be will tell you know it to lie a purely vegetable and he has not Deen so well for years It careful pressure of one foot from above. KID G LO V ES Maine Central Railroad. Here it will be seen that full success liarniless medicine. All Dealers. has no effort whatever on a man’ssystem depeuds on your keeping the sole of the “No, we physicians do not class it In Effect October 2, 1892. that it is rot advantageous to him iu shoe exactly parallel with the plane of among patent medicines because, ns you Parlor and Slerpinu Cam between Rockland and every way. the floor. If you find von have succeed­ must remember, it is tire prescription of B oston. There ,ro many erroneous notions ed when you withdraw the shoe, you one of our Irest known and most success­ , Passenger Trains leave Rockland as fo llo w s : current ir regard to this treatment, e-lriel prick the pie with a pin or a broom ful doctors, the speelalisl In nervous and 8:16 a. ra. for Bath, Brunswick, Lewis-on, Augusta, among which ate the following: splint provi*le gulute The old fdlow slumbled to his feet and medicine is Dr. Pleice’s Golden Medical Dis­ 12:00 (m idnight? mix* d, Mondnys, W ednesdays and bowel* and keeps them and the disease has developed eoiueidenl four ieelh fell into his ban*!. The blow covery. The makers of it have enough e. nli- GENUINE. Fridays only, from Portland and Brunswick. healthy. A* a blood had caught him fairly iu the mouth, d( l ie io it to -ell it on trial. That Is—yon can purifier it Hart a up and with ire treatment. It is impossible for got it trim your druggist, and if it doesn't do govern* the circulation tho tieatment to do such a thing. As knoel.ing them out. what it's claimed to do, you ei.u get your .joiin b i i:i> * o., Agents. Portland, Mt. Desert and Machias and makes good healthy “I’zein hu h,’’ he cried, counting them, money hack, every cent of it. blood. has teen said there is r.ot an organ or a Fancy Fsaihsrs. STEAMBOAT CD. In short it put* you “one, two, liii-ee. fi ur. That makes four, Thai's what its makers call raking Ihe risk Commencing November it), Steamer on your feet in a con­ fune ion of a man’s body that is no this is Eh’veni li si reel and myson’s forty- of their words. dition io meet all the benttilted by this treatment. It irn four years chi today. That’s *1-11-14. If Tint', lillle, sugar-enuled granules, are whirl F R A N K -J O N Ids change* of our varied that ’gig’ doesn’t win I’m an old black Dr. Pierce's l’leasuni Pellets are. flu best Win Make Rut Two Trips per W e e k New England climate. pro' es tho health in every ease as can be hoodoo man.” Liver Pills ever invented; active, ye! mild in operation; cure sick and bilious hcaduches. w n v f Leuving Rockland for klesboro, Castine, Deer 75 ( enls a Bottle. test tied by thousands who trave taken And hastily shaking hands with the Dui ing the next two Isle, Sedgwick, '.connecting tor Blml.ill) South the treatment. This can bo denion- drunkard, who seeun-d amazed at the turn One a dose. WILL Y*H BOTHER j West Ilurhor, North East Harbor, Bar Harbor, G But lies for $4 00. affairs had tak* ti, he started on a foot race Millbridge, Jonesport and Maehiasport, every strrted Irote in Rockland in a number of weeks, the subscriber Tut sduy and Saturday at 6 a.m., or on arrival of for the A policy simp to play the For pity's sake, don't growl and grumble be­ TO MAKE train leaving Beaton ut 7 p. in, eases which have taken the treatment at “gig,” his di beaming with delight.— cause you are troubled wilh indigcsdon, No, good was ever tifected by snarling and lieldng MIME MEAT 2 RETURNING: the. Rockland Institute. As to the re New York II. .ahi. tie a man (unle.s you happen in be a woman) will otter for sale at Will leave Maehiasport every Monday did Friday Cases of Insanity and luke Ayer’s Sarsaparilla,which will relieve ttt 4:00 a. m., arriving iu Rockland about 6p. m., port that the patients are tilled full ol T in- Only Way to Head It Ofl’. connecting with through Pullman ’rain for Port­ you, whether man or woman. LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES land and Bostou, arriving in Boston at fi 20 a. in. From the Effects of liqkior at these institutions and then “So you are in tlm electrical engineering drngged, there is not the slightest truth line,’’ .-aid the traveler iu the palace car to tty using Hall's ilalr Itenewer, gray, laded a laige consignment INCE iniit. When a man comes under the the chance B How traveler with whom he or discolored hair assumes the natural color of Weeks’ Rockland, Vinalhaveu and “La Grippe" was exehan:. ing fragments ol' personal his­ youth, und grows luxuriant and slicing, p eat­ o f of Ostrich Tips and Green’s Landing. treatment drunk certain amount tory. “There has always been a fascina­ ing eveiyhody. EAT! Are Alarmingly Prevalent stimulants is necessary to prevent col­ Superior Brand.! The New Ht.ttiii. r tion for m** in i hat Held of research. By — M;uiuf4Uturud by— -VINALHAVEN ------lapse und consequent sickness. Il is the way, don’t you think” ----- Tbouaunds ot Jives arc saved aunualiy hy Ihe Fancy F< at In rs. “Beg pardon,” hastily interrupted the use of Ayer's Cheirv Peclorul. In die treat­ ’G ko. G. W eiw t b h , ---- Captain r»t necessary for a person to commence THORNDIKE & HIX, Rockland, Me. __ UoPKiMS...... Clerk other, taking Irom his pocket and handing ment ot croup und whoi plug cough, ihe P e r­ S uicides ioral bus a most effect. It allays It I* like tin* .Mince M» at your ino llitr u*td to I on und a0* r“Mond -v, October 3, H u n d a '.x - e treatment drunk, in fact it is far to him a well worn card inscribed: marvehrus wake and you an; u1wu>h *ure of tb« beat pi* * If W Pted, Iruv U r c h '„ I.ar-*:. * ut tl u ui., Vll.,1 inflamollcn, trees the obstructed air passages, N. T. SLEEPER, you use It Put up hi Gia** Jar* und sold every, haven ut 8 a. in., lauding at Tillaou1* W hart. Re­ From the same cause are an­ itter for him ami better and easier for and controlsjihe desire ro cough. t : No, th e Seiene.eof Electrical Engineering : where. turning, Ituve Rockland ut 1 p. m , Vlnalbaven at nounced in every paper All conuerued to commence perfectly IS NOT 33 S P R IN G S T ., THORNDIKE & HIX. * Sew Express service bv tho New England I>e- I sober. Tire physician would much pre­ •patch Co. All order* or Suudlesto go by Steamer Would you he rid ol'ihi' awful effects : In Its Infancyl : WON THE CASE. fer the puti tit to begin tho treatment ROCKLAND, - MA INK, I “OPERCENT‘“‘; \ : ^ r vitalhavon can b- left at the New England De- j of La Grippe? •patch Company'* office. Ticket* for all uointn without whiskey than with it. for the Aud the coi » rsatiou gradually drifted IJouth an*l West over lit« Mai <• - d ial R aiir ml to other suhje j.—Chicago Tribune. A Rockland Boy and His Success p T o n rfi A’oiuiNEA a box ” Ft l>. 1.1*?’ . I >>i 15 fttu.M > ulive yt-itr* ilivi Sick llcatiaclic, It contulin* uofcMlpbur or lead. W anhiug I* not WM. R. CREED, Captain, Swoiu to before me and subscribed in my less lire plaintiff would ac-cepi *300 lie Weak Stomach, rcuuiud altar dyeing, a* »u other dye*. Whole- WBI leave Rt ckland every du> (Fun-lay* except* 1) ]s it lasting? Gan a in in drink after presence, this 6th day ol December, A. D , rule driMgbl* v bo buve bundkd ».ll the various ut 9 5JU a. m., ut 1 2 p. m. for Viuaihaveii- It*- 1886 would set the verdict aside Spear and Impaired Digestion, dye* pronounce It the bv»t *liigle preparation turning have Vinalhaveu ul 7 u. m., and 12 49 ISNT IT WORTH A TRJ taking this tieatment? l brought to their nolle*!. T he large»t bottle und uie p. m., for KockUud, touching ul UurUcuue I«ktu4 Let this bo understood! We do not W. 0EEA80N. his client lelused the $300 and the ver­ Constipation, b u t dye iu the murk* L l’*ed « xt. u»ively by ladle* Notary Public. Prepared only by G W . 'I’II*>M1‘6*)N, trip lick*l* Rockland to Vmalfiavtu and guarantee to make hr..ins. What we dict was set aside. Liver Complaint, 36* Rook)und, Mo i Vhiuihuieu Io RockUnd und ifcturn *old ! The case was then tried a second lin e and Fem ale Ailments. Hold by all douter*. '—“•“ vr lo r 60 *■•■• t# do guarantee to do is to cure the appe­ tlull’u Catarrh Cure is ta k ru internally aud tV. dj WHITE, Ovmrol Mull... i* tite for liquor aud wc do it. 95 per­ nets directly un Ihe blond and uiueju s sui faces und Mr. Spear got a verdict of $130“ for ( Col ored with a Tasteless & Soluble Coatiu;’ L Tlhsyii'. W S.rl. of the system. Scud for icsiiuioniais lice. his client. What has since been dei o If all drueeisLs. Price 2S cents a b Children Cry for Widow Grey Couf cent of uil cases treaieds are perfect F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. i Pitcher’s Castor la. Is Perfection It cures. The other live per cent are ]: D Sold hy Druggists, 70c. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-^ l Y, DECEMBER 6, 1892

front of the fort was afield of pine stumps, 11. 0. GUK!)Y .A SUNDAY BATTUE. where the tiees hnd been cut off two feet INe-w W. II. UI.OVEK & nc., 1 K — , from vh** ground. Beniamin, with his men, Or.ALKKH IU- wound telegraph wire about the stumps, CONTRACTORS, V ie bloody daylight assault stretching it between them just high t K t fort sancz.-,;, Tennessee. , enough to t rip soldiers on the mar* h. An H V o v e l . C () A L ... .Deniers in all kinds of.... * Of nil sizes, abut is of brush was made under the screen Lodge*, Lyceum*, Secret Societies, Sunday of a ridge, so as to be unseen until assail­ School*, A**oc1ntion9 of alllklnd* looking for Lumber, Doors, Glazed Windows ^4-ee Tltotfftfttnl < onlr.ler’it ih S to r m e d n ants were almost upon it. • - W O O D BLINDS, GUTTERS, I-or and Earth Rant Ion. but Got No I For some retisotl the Uonfe«lerate attack A Money Making Lnng’nnd *V*br tbe «tov(. was mnde at the first streak of dawn, leav­ MOUI,D1NG8, BRICK, SAND AND HAIR. ■ artlier Than the Hitch Genius and , • ATTRACTION. Lime. Cement and Plastering Hair, ing but little time, for the artillery pre­ 451 Main St., Rocfcland, Maine, But ring of Lieut. Benjamin. lude. It was on Sunday, the day of count­ Would do welt to communicate with the under­ IdROCKKIKB, PROVISIONS, less big enterprises in war. some lucky and signed. A program of vocal and Instru­ K4>yrigid. 1892. by American Pre«N Asaocta- 1 mental selection*, Imitations, . A I V U JPM-J JKJJI i Don. Book rights reserved.) sottm just the contrary. The Confederate oketche**, and novelty paper w orking! W ill batteries fired a few signal shells at tho share or appear for atatea «nm. Prompt attention to order* by telephone n FEW rods of ditch | th erw t*n. from five to ten { fort ami tossed a few inure into the lines Terms very reasonable. (= beyond it, and were tlu ti called off their feet to depth, be­ Apply to No. I Camden St., Rockland Me j hind it a parapet exciting game to give cold steel a chance. of logs and e arth Kmldcnlv t liree lines of men in gray, 1,WO Cleorge Batty, Mississippians ami 2.(Km (ieorgiaus, from 271 Cumberland 8t., nnd behind that a 44 47 Portland. Me. dozen cannon and McLaws’ veteran division, rushed from a couple of bun- 1 their cover. 2W yards from the goal, aud dred men armed j headed fur it nt double quick. Tlmy moved with riflew and on noiselessly, without yelling or tiring a hand grenades; a 1 shut., hut w ith their bayonets ready for ex­ HhCKIfiQ, „ storming column ecution the instant the parapet, was To Steamboat*, Train*, Weddings, Parties, K. F. Crockett .iiHim- on Suielnv morning, Nov. for i I h i i i was inevitable, but the rear Long street l»esb»ged Burn- j ranks crushed the w ire bcneaili their tread Excursions and Picnics. COAL mtiiy at Knoxville. Tenn. Long ami pi ( ssed on in t he face of t he storm wit h Prices Reasonable! Give Me a C alll staked all on one hazard, as Lee matchless iutrepidity. TIIIS CIUAK bus Mtood tbo test of corape I me in Pickett’s charge at liettys- They reached the ditch, hut with their tlnn I.ONGKK thnn any other popular brand, a M. FRANK DONOHUE. Broken. Stove, Egg, and the Halen Increase each year. T K Y O h K and ranks iu jumbled mass in-tend of de­ form your own opinion of its merits. in incidental light took place for ployed lines, as soldiers slum Id move to the I’ABB STREET, CORNER UNIOH 8T f ! h<» co^L ...,| of Knoxville, the key to east assault. 'I’lie northw estern bastion of the 49F»Telephone connection. renm*s*«, «-. 'l it fell to lam gstreet. whose fort formed a salient angle and reached And Franklin Coni. H TRAISER & CO., Makers, Boston c o r p s o f in\ bad been sent west out. as it were, toward tlie Confederate after < uitt ysburir WL. and wrest it once lines. In their haste to be first on the 1. P. CROCKETT A CO. more from tlie Union grasp. JHtrnside had works, and possibly because of the con­ HORSES! hut recently jumped into tlie rrruuks of a fusion overthe tangled wire episode, tbe l’rottera, Worker*. Gentlemen’s Drivers, Baddla Crockett Block, retreating ('onferiernte army and hachiV heads of t lie t lire** columns converged at t he Horaea, Ktc., North End, Rockland, flic ROCKLAND TRUST CO reaehed’u tirm foothold. I i e commanded niigfe.' Cdr >’i5 e edge of the ditch everything ■ X l2.tibO men. Longstreet brought 20,000 came to a lial’r » many ol the men were FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE CENTS buys one of the Stamps In the Stamp against Him. cool enough to fire Ihnqugh the embrasures ATiTHE LIVERY STABtE'OF System of Deposit In tbe KOCKLAND ( o o ^ - j y g k ( t ° T H / The opbosine arm ies first came into col­ upon Benjamin's artilleF,.;>l? and on the 1 ltUHT COMPANY. lision a jlew miles south of t lie cit y. for rillt-men above on tin- parapt*f.\ The fire M. FRANK DONOHUE, bThe stamps arc sold In denominations of 6, 10 Burnside) was pushing on to < 'hattaunogn. of tin* fort was soeu silenced itntftS£ Btesc an«l 26 cents, und are to be pasted in books prepared Corner Park and U n io n ’Streets. 18 i n ^ T , telling short range shots and the (*oTXc(L for the purpose. When a leaf Is covered it umounta leaving Kiioxviiii li.i iud him, a t t he same C^-Telophone connection. to $1, which is then deposited in the bank and , time that! Loiigst reel was leaving Chatta­ erati s far in the rear believed that it hau bank account opened. nooga heliind him to surprise and carry surrendered. S. G- Prescott & Go It irrculcutes habits of saving on the part of the Knoxvilhv. Lit i le had been done by Bin*n- A ii aw kward wait it was t here under the Iln/t* hi stock all slzestof freojburnlng young. A great success wherever adopted. Call und get full particulars j side toward intrenching th e place, because muzzles of Benjamin's guns; hut that 1 no one u t i l « . j.cetvii to dispute his ncctipa- wide, deep ditch, that high < mbankinent 8 per cent interest will be allowed on C. LkDUNMNC’ i ion. TIhi field of fighting had apparent ly beyond, slippery with a freezing rain, bow COAL deposits. moved soul Ii lor good. could men jum p aud climb and fight off O f tllo 13c»t SQxinilty. A G E N T S : Ro c k l a n d —A. K. C rockett Co., THE LAWSUIT. Where Ibiiimx Are ul t» Discount. In the mtidst of hasty efforts to build de- opposition at i lie sam e t ime? The officers Livery, BoaroV,^ a n d ^ rf •las Donubu . Hu r r ic a n e —T. W. Sullivan. Billups had just been graduated at 1 fettsive wofrks around t lie cit y the ('onfed- and the color bearers leaped down into the LEHIGH COAL, W a k iik n —\V. <). Vlnal. Un ion—H. L. Bobbins. He had a faithful friend at its beginning. Rockport—S. K. ft II. L. Shepherd C am hen— The highest honor and the deepest truth. ( Yalevurd. • crates appclired iu force , lim it a mile he- ditch ami tried to scab* tlie bank. Their Georges Creek Cumberland Coal, I'. C. A tw ick. T h o m aston—George II. Gardiner. Desire to keep in l bought and deed from "1 was valedictorian of my class, sir, i ynnd t lie oilt er to il i i< at ions, on t Ite south, men imilal*«l their valor, leaped in and STABLE. W a l i -ohoro—F. A. Levenseler. T en a n t’s Ha r. on Nov. 171 bent on going straight into ranged themselves at t he b. *••• of t he high ror, Me .—W. E. Sheerer. V in a l h a v e n , Me .— sinning, ■ a Phi Reia Kappa man, and tlie w inner CHARCOAL. A plan for righting fancied wrongs-and Kn<»\\ille. J There was real I v little in the bank to make human scaling ladders, and D. II. Glldden. 36 of four scholarships,” lie said to the Having pnrcba*ed the Livery Busineaa so lone yo u th . May of theil-doing soon that route, except some few elinib(*d on the shoulders of their aud Ruccenafully conducted by C. A. Keene at 7M j merchant to whom he applied for work. about 7(Ht I Lion cavalry led by Hen. \Y. P. Main St., North-end, and having made additions He liad an enemy a lien it was ended. fellows until they reached the top. ’The "Very good as far as it goes.” replied flags of tin* Thirteenth and Seventeenth thereto, I am prepared to furniah the Public with WOOD! ROCKLANDTRUST CO. An honor stained, a heart grown hard ami Sanders in |4 e iso n . Sanders commanded a nice teams ut reasonable prices. O J ? AI j I j [ I £ I R I T 3 8 . cold. the uierchant; "hut what do you know j full cavalry liivision hut he reniaila « at Mississippi and of tIn; Sixteenth Georgia ttir Special attention to Ladies and Gents that wish conveyance without the trouble of taking care A. F. ('r o c k ett, President.’ A little pile of gold, a mansion splendid. about putting up shutters and sweeping j tlie point of «iatigertosep it out. The hand- were made la s t on the parapet, ami again K. A. Bu tler , Vic. President. Dim ey es and silver hair, for lie was old. ol their team. out offices, and making yourself gener­ ' fill of men \4ii h him were Io act as a foil ami again i he men around them were shot Personal attention given to boamlng Gents’ Akron Sewer and Drain Pipe, C. M. K a l l o c ii, Secretary. 49" —Alice Lena Cole in Youth’s Companion. ally useful?''—Harper’s Bazar. | while t heir itlfani r\ comrade-- were get ting flno driving Horses. GROUND TILE This Company transacts a general Bunking Busi­ . things in trim behind them. With the Patronage solicited. 90 ness and «leuln in Bond*, Bnnk Stock aud o tlu r Physical Culture mid Long Life. ' enemy closiml in and tin- breastworks and For Uii(l«r follower- and they buf­ andI1IK1 lllitlhad beenUlTII opuruiuuoperated uponupuil twiceIW1CC InIII Boston.DU1WU. Per Cent, sistently give out the quickest. The Tom - Wo always ought to look pleas- fet ed t Im enemy Imtil darkness dr ”tiiki;i:, th at will cool them off some.” cause of it is that they develop the mus­ down. Twn Georgia officers climbed in at Miihh., and once after, In New York, by experienced Hard Wood, Flour, Groceries, Pro­ nut. ami by th a t lime 1 Io* brtuist w orks aud re­ surgeons, for Its removal, could only obtain tempo­ cles at the expense of the nervous Jack—That’s so. We can’t tell nowa­ doubts around th|* cit \ were nearly tin* embrasures; om i.a- captured and the rary relief, for It shortly commenced Its ravages, Invests in Centrul Real EHutc in grow ing cltlcH. and she was sorrowfully Informed that it was not visions, Fussed Hay and Straw, strength. But there is a moderation in days who may have a camera concealed p le te d . other look one look and backed out again, Authorized Capital, - S'-i 000,000 saving himself by the lively use of a six in their power to relieve her further. In this unban- Lime, English and American Cement, both which means better health ami about him ready to catch us.—Exchange. I iireci ly in rear I f t he spot where Sanders py state of mind she rcturnedhomo, her friends Capital paid In, - - - 1,300,000 fell, and at tlie tmkt salient point south of shoot er. dally expecting that their social circle was soon to Surplus, - - - 100,000 longer life, and to tho majority of those But such deadlocks cannot hist, forever, be broken, nnd she to be claimed by Him who gave W estern N o.l and No.2 Cement. tin* town, tliere \Jas an old Confederate ORGANIZED IN 1S86. who enter gymnasium work that is what A reporter, in describing the celebra­ ami it lay with Benjamin to break it. Dur­ her life; nt this time the indy was induced to try. *** O rders prom ptly Hlled. Telephone connection is sought rather than “record breaking” tion of tier hundredth birthday by an fort, which the Unilin engineers were busy ing the supreme * risis he coolly smoked a N e i.hon T iiomah* Ca n k e r S y r u p ; but a few’ Paid Dividends of ft per cent, per aim. for 4| years. remodeling ditrinJ Sanders' plucky tight weeks had elapsed, when she acknowledged great Paiil Dividends ot 7 per cent, per annum since capabilities.—Boston Journal. old lady, naively says, “She talked all pip** that h** had freshly lit just as the at­ .July, IfcVO. on tiic outposts. , ls soon as news of Ids Averuge Dividend since organization ever 6 per day without showing tbe least sign of tack began, ami gave orders to bis men A. J. BIRD & co., heroic death was (larried hack tin* work suited to the movements of the euemv uunoiuie iieaiui. 1 iiib was more uiau jean agu , ei i.l per annum . H h«ru Plant. Grow Large. I'aiigiif." was named in his hf the lady live* today, and never haa had a relapse of North End. Korklund, Me S urplus ut close oi last flsual year, over $100,000. outside. When t lie flags appeared on the California lias become the paradise ,,f The ruling spirit in Fort Sanders w the disease, and exhibits no sign of any humor. The pemuitage of consumptives who cr**st of th** parapet and lie knew that the st. « k offered for sale at 0108 per share. the rosarian, tho seed grower, the hybri­ Lieut. Samuel \ IBenjainin. Battery F first got their germs from the milk of • lit* h w.is tilling with assailants, he began MRS. FRED F. BURPEE, Proprietress F' i tl to or cull at tho oflice for Inforuiatisn. dizer and the nurseryman. Tlie wild Second Unite*! Slat jsa rtille ry . Benjamin diseased cows is large—larger in fact to pitch shells with lighted fuses over ROCKLAND, MAINS. 11 3b 61 grape is used ns a stock for wine and commanded theurtnllcry in the fort, ten or than statistics can point out. among them. A captain of the Highland­ aisin grapes, und in some cases that 1 twelve ordinary field pieces. About 300 ers liehl a blazing brand, the fuses were riflemen belonging Ito the Seventy-ninth cut dose, then lit at the brand and tbe know of m, n Iiave grafted Italian chest­ Some of the busiest steel pens of tho New York Highlanders, tie One Hun­ ease is curable and proves it bv thousands nevertheless. It can be freely he trans­ ami in the adjacent Union lines about thu Cherry Pector; Bread Winner. ot testimonials ot wonderful cures b» his New F I R E C L A Y , it is strong, reliable, honest, aud manufactured lated as "I cease from my work; tlie Heuit Cure; it attracts the attention of tbe baine number. taken for consumption, in its ea Mt.-dyt Give ALL OUT-DOOB WORK­ sower will wear away his wheels.” Its millions suffering with Short Breath. Palpda- The Confederate leaders speculated for stages, checks further progress ERS the Best Ser vic e for tlie Least Money. t on. Iriegulut Pulse, Wind in St< m eh Pain Minn t inn* about, following up the charge Maue for Men and Boys, from soft, pliable sto u t; tine odtlities are these; tlie disease, and even in the la CHIMNEY PIPE AND TOPS in two styles, seamless Balmoral and Congress; in S;do or ^boulder, drnothering Spelts, Faint­ with fresh columns, but changed their witli and without tap sole. It spells the same backward its for­ ing Dropsy, etc A. F. Davis, Silver Creek, minds ami called the butt le off . As it was, stages, it eases the distressi AMOS P. TAPLEY & CO., w ard. Neb., oy using lour bottles ot Dr. Miles’ New fin* actual clash of arms lasted but fifteen cough and promotes refresh! Heart Cure, wus completely cured utter twelve up by ui y intelligent person. BOSTON, MASS. The first letter of each word spells tlie niitiui*‘s. and if it bad been continued to sleep. It is agreeable to the tas yeurs «uff ring from Heart Disrase lids I be. as ••rag** length of bat t les wit h t he same first word. wonder ruedy is sold by W. H. Kittredge. needs but small doses, and does i T lie same may he said of tlie second, ^ 7 3 Vatu of slaughter, Nov. 29, IStiil. m ight Family safeguard Kerosene Oil ai Dr. Burnham’s Eye Books t?&. interfere with digestion or any third, fourth ami fifth letters. have rivaled on the. Confedcratu side the bloodiest Sumlays of tin* war. Wholesale. The last Idlers, read backward, spell N ervous Prostration the regular organic functions. As Remedy, X X Benjamin was the hero o f the day. and ASK VOL’Il UUOCKK FOB IT. ___ for i he preservation of right. the first word, the next to ihe last the A large manufacturer, who-e affai’S were emergency medicine, every hou F-.r vision that begins to blur und uli inflammation very much embarrassed, and who was over rapidly won promotion until he became hold should he provided with Aye of the eyes, eyes that smart, itch, burn, or feel as second word, and so on throughout. worked und broken down with nervous ex­ chief of ait illery in tin* Ninth Army corps. though-and or slicks were Iu thviu, It Is guarai.- There are just as many letters in each Cherry Pectoral. u«d a sure cure. Eyes that are weak, weary, haustion. w the cobras are only by BURNU \M EYE REM e DV CO ., 8 Park Wealthy City Jlau (who lias taken a to u 1, —S. W. Parent, Queensbury, N. 1 Nervous Men! Evory’i house, und yonder is the old church. c ire Bong Hrnl trial bottle fret at U H the reserve lines and through It hem to tlie possess some characteristic which makes EXHAUSTED VITALITY. ■California-# How well 1 remember them. Rut tlie Kim edge’?. Drug Store. town. J them less liable to attack, as we know is The errors of Youth, prem ature I) •dim*. Lost Mon dear old familiar faces are gone. Not 'I’he men iu Fort Samier- su|uiiseil what liie case as regards beeaiu our own country. hood, and oil Disottoos and Weakuvoo'-a of Man, from CATARRH Milks' N erve A Liver Pills AYER’S whatever oaune, uarinaaantly and n rn atd y cured at one remains to recall those happy ---- tin-enemy was planning lodo.l Every foot­ Miss Hopley relates a case of a Brahmin xpeut kkatmknt o aillue forCaturrli, Dcufness.CoIds, Sore Throat, | Act ( u a new printiple—icgulatfng ’lie liver homo. E T . N F . Consol, Hoar»eues.-. Headache, Fetid, Sickening The Oldest Inhabitant (advancing)— hold on tin exterior slope wats par**d off, bov. who could without any music but his tail on in iw iv u or by Ivttx r. Addro* « Win. II. Parker, Br.-atb; Restores the Voice, Sense of I mrm ‘h and ho web through thu lutrtw A own voice attract aud handle them with M I). ortho l’eeb.-ly Medical I mt Hutu. No. I Bulflucb Smell, etc. Try ft! 40c. by Druggists or I Ye’re Rill Judd, ain’t ye? 1 knew ye uew discovery. Dr. Mile*’ PtlS speedily cure tlie diti ii was wiifeiied, ami rilieineo stood gtrvet,'trout, Bouton,Boston, Muss. ProspectusPropped us andund descriptived« m a il A . I*'. K V O R Y *.V <’(>.» j/rops., I on duty along the parapet at tlhe ticklish impunity,und they would come forth from Cherry Pectoral razupuiet, ut*.»eiy sealed, free to all. S i.d u< bi!hou?ne«s,huri taste, torpid liver, piles, cou- 36'2 17th bl,» llrouklyut N. X. the minute 1 sot eyes on to ye. 1 trust­ thickets or walls ami go to him He w a s 1‘rvnarud by Dr. J. O. A y er & Co., laoweii, Mum. ed youi fath e r for a codfish iu 1843, an stibatiou. Unequalled ivr men. women, hours of tw iiijh l ami daw n to Welcome as- Huld by all Druggtala. P rice $ 1; eix botUM, $6. Widow Grey Cough Cure Children Cry for children. Smalh t, mildest, surei 50 doses saihaps in due fashion. A tpxphy thought regarded by some of his country men as di- if ye've go; the money handy Id be 26 cents Baiapl > free, at W ii. Ki iredge’s of Lieut. Btiijamin't plue* d another oh viuely inspired, but in >pit«* of that be got Prompt to act, sure to or Is Perfection Itself Pitcher's Castorla. oblseged if ye’d settle for iti—Exchange. Drug >toie. Stacie io the way of the enemy. Along tho bitten at last.—Quarlerly Beview. 1 rUot KUCK-IjA iN l) CA)U R Il

MY GUESTS. passage for some distant country. Yo\ LIST OF LETTERS SCIENTIFIC NOTES. have a father, perhaps; what is hi: My tabic Is spread for lunch- > i— nam e?” Remaining unclaimed in Rockland Post Nati rai.ists sa.v that a single swal­ W horn think you will Iuik w th mc^ low will di viiur 0,000 flies in a day. The boy drew himself up proudly a Office for the week ending Nov. 26. 1892: \\ by. my little boy blue, u ».• s • work la o’er. Is spite of its Ice and severe cold, | W.t, sc slwcp lie iu»le< p on di • nursery fluor- he :ui-w. red. "My father is called Si Gents* List. Rowe. F. B. Labrador possesses 000 species of fl w- Whose herd through the newly tasseled corn Peter Osborne, his majesty’s loynfl : Ames. F. R. Seavey. Austin E. I He homeward led by his tl.t-l.--c hv.-u. Burke, J C. Smith, A. C. crimr plants. j»9 ferns anti over 250 spec­ 1 Then he fell asleep in mv e s . chair, governor of the neighboring isle < V Sullivan, M. Guernsey.” I Braider. Herbert ies of mosses and lichens. Anti tin anted *twas a hnysta tad and fair. i Bradley, Neal Thompson, Capt Colin A SCHEME is now being developed in But now he's awake, and wants his tea; “ So ho! so ho!” cried the governor; ' Bowlin. William Whitney. Win. My little boy blue shall lunch with me. young Osborne, of Guernsey, goitfg Benson, A W Wheeler, M. E. Scotland By which a high grade of about the country writing his trea Carroll, Si.elbert P. YoUtlg, Harry brick is being made from chipped gran­ j And another, his sister. Did you not know Zinn, S. ite and elav The experiments are said That h«* had a sister some tint'* np>,’’ on inn windows. And you wrote—” Dudley. M. T. Ladles’ List. i With rosy cheeks and floss-like curls. Dunn, I M. to have been successful. B u t before the governor Could fin 'J k Klls Edward Arsenault, Miss Femle I To us, the dearest, best of girls. h is | Butler, M «s. Margaret T he temperature of the well at 1 A dainty lass to love and kiss— sentence, the beautiful girl pushj' J Frtunce, E P. ' To 1111 our hearts and home with bliss her brother aside and stepped into Farwell, Jumps (’rocker, Mrs. Cvn’hia Wheeling. W. Va., which was 79 de­ Dunton. Mrs. Nettie Many caresses to her i efall, place. Grant, (’apt. T. grees at a depth of 2.300 feet, is said to d e w v i l, A. A. Hum, M>h Abbie have increased to 108 degrees at 4,200 ' But little buy blue gives most of all. ••Your \ • •ii.-ney had beat ask I ' Henderson. tv. Jackson.Mrs. Wllllard i Ever bonnie and winsome, fresh and sweet, about the writing on the window, “Jj» J.ilmson, Geo. E Lapler, Mt«. Sadie M feet, ami 111 degrees at 5.400 feet. i Front her shining head to her dimpled feet, said. “I am Dorothy Osborne, anf-1 I Haskell. Eben W. McDonald, Miss Mag­ Iris said that a natural deposit of a j She sits by my side in her tall high chair, wrote nothing on the inn window tlhat Herrick, Sbedrlck gie material capable of use as a polishing I Like a graceful lily, pure and fair— l^?e. Loren I Marston, Mrs Annie powder for metals lias been discovered Yes. Baby Erma, ot summers three, 1 am ashamed to repeat hen*. God s fv e McKinney, Eugene , Maxey, Mrs. Bert E. And little boy blue, shall lunch with me the king!” Morse. JoHiun Sleeper,Mi*9 Minnie L near Waleha, New South Wales, and SIO for $5. Neither the boy nor the young i Mnursery, M. Tillotson.Mrs William that it is being introduced on the mar Ah' the years may pass as the years before. had known that Dorothy Osborne Phithrook, Manford 'l l Wood, Mr?. Chas H. ket. INVESTIGATE ■ And many a guest pass through my door. I:-- the manufacture of watch crystals And pause at my board for lunch and tea. tended to make this avowal to suvep1' SOUTH LIBERTY. By nalng ONE TEASPOONFUL of But none will be ever so dear to me, brother, and for an instant they a sphere of glass is first blown so as to Three trow Extracts where Or till my life with such joy as you. speechless with surprise. The b/lood Chas. E Overlook has put a tine span of form a hollow sphere whose surface is My baby girl and little bov blue two teaspoonfnls of any ,;t rushed to young Temple’s face horses on the road....F rank Cunning! am was of tlie desired curvature. The crystals other brand are —Mrs. Mary Felton, In Good Housekeeping without stopping to think of the are then cut from the sphere by means req u ired . in town recently and took a view of Leighr & quenees, in an outburst of loyalty Prescott’s mill, also Lewis Speed’s....Judson of diamond-pointed compasses. DOROTHY OSBORNE. gallantry he exclaimed: Clark is on the sick list....C has Palmer shot A RAY of light which would travel “ So say we all. God save the k l n£ a big crane, Wednesday....Olive Wlfbam around the earth in about one-eiglit of “ God save King Charles!” sh(j’uted has been working in the mill...... Some of a second takes more than four hours to How Her Fair Face Saved Her George Osborne. come from Neptune. From Alpha Cen- the boys went to East Palermo. Thanksgiving. Brother. Here was a pretty scene for the fvabs tauri, tlie nearest fixed star, light of the parliamentary castle, lander to the shooting match...... E. S. Whitehouse makes the journey in five and one-half HERE was great the governor’s very nose. x^*nree < ouu£ has been In town, the guest oi S. T. Overlook years. ....Joseph Overlock is at work in China. co n sternation “ traitors” assortingt-h fr loyalty T'ie A miniature photographic camera, one morning in tottering king*'***’ getting out ho.»ps...... Many are complaining attached to the barrel of a gun, is tlie a little inu on But JJdfoth.v Osborne knew whflt S]H* of bad colds....H . E. Cunningham has ar­ invention of Mr Lechner, of Vienna. rived home from the hospital.... Melvin t h e Isle of, *fvas doing. Little birds had w hirPele, By an automatic shutter, working in u. wtghh T lfe Bartlett and wife spen Thanksgiving at Wm- j to her that she was fair and c«rme •' ’ union with the trigger of the gun. the housemaid ran J and she knew that neither k i y ^ 111,1 height’*....G eo. Overlook, who has been sick sportsman is enabled to obtain a per­ out of the par­ j commonwealth made war upon p ornteJl at his sister’s, Mrs. A. F. Mitchell’s, in Apple- fect photograph of the bird or animal lor, where she j or children. She, a pretty yourK ^,r ’ ton, is no v stopping at his father’s, Simon immediately before the shot or bullet had been clean­ | could do with impunity wl|,at J’’’ Overlock’s. has reached it. ing, and the I brother might be imprisoned or,nan£e n OUR VICINITY. A English scientist has made a cal­ landlord hur­ ' for. The event proved that hc/^ Juc culation about the time it, will take to ried in, and his • ment was as good as her course0 wa fill the world with all the people it will wife soon fol­ *»• Stephen J. Gushee of Appleton has re­ great. I cently sold a large amount of timber land in hold. The present population of the lowed him. and “You are a silly child!” the fFover°°r globe is supposed to be about 1,107,000,- me ssengers Waldo and Knox counties. It is estimated exclaimed, making this an e x r u^e or that there is a million and a half feet of pine 000: and he estimates that the maxi­ were sent out, and in a few minutes a . taking no more notice of her!. °d e n se, and as much more of hemlock and spruce. mum of the Inhabitants that can be tile of soldiers marched in the house. • and looking at her as though J sustained on the entire land surface of There ia at.out 300 acres in the lot and it is All this commotion was caused by the i add: “but a very pretty one.” / s the earth is 5,004,000,000, and th a t this discovery of a few words written with [ you two boys, you are too ylPU^ . an said to have been one of the best pieces of figure will be reached A. D. 2072, or in a diamond upon a pane of glass in one 1 foolish to be at large, and I J ’ia IeeP timber land to be found. It was sold to Fair- about 180 years at the present ratio of Storeys Best of the parlor windows. There were you all here in my castle |antl field parties for #5.600. increase, which is 8 per cent, per de­ only two or three sentences, but they ship sails. If you were too rJ‘a^ W1 CHRISTMAS LIST. cade. PATENT FLOUR. were terribly treasonable. The first of your tongues, I do not forget, that ^o11 them was “God save the king,” a sen­ \ W < "I lr Worthington & Co., New York, have issued AN AMERICAN NOVELTY. A k ittle Higher in Price. But tence that we can hardly imagine ever a four page catalogue containing a short list of f BEST / to have been thought treasonable in handsome sets of books, etc., suitable for England. But at that time the king, Christmas Gifts. “ Books make the lies’ pre- One of the latest products of Ameri­ Charles I., had incurred the enmity of 8;nts;” and Worthington & Co. have the best can skill and ingenuity is the new form Makes! Bread! a large body of his subjects, and the books. Semi for their catalogue, 747 Broad- of maclune, shown in the accompany­ (_ MOST, J country w as ruled by parliament and wiy, New York. ing illustration, for cleaning and polish­ the array; so in some places it was as ing shoes. As seen from the cut it con­ 2,228,672* Insist on CettingThis Brand dangerous to express loyalty to the sists of a strong platform, witli a sup­ king as in others it was unsafe to wish These figures represent the number of bottles port for the person's body, while in the well to Cromwell and his army. of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, center of the frame are two openings JOHN BIRD£0.,WWesal8 Acts. It would have been dangerous to let Coughs and Colds, which were sold in the those treasonable words remain on the Uuited States from March ’91 to March ’92. parlor window, and very likely the Two Million, Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight landlord did not think of a cheap and Thousaud, Six Hundred and Seventy-Two safe way of getting rid of them by bottles sold in one year, and each and every r-W i;■-,» 'li- ■» ■ W ■ H6ffl bottle was sold on a positive guarantee that jf "I speak notout of weak surmises, simply breaking the glass. At any rate, money would be refunded if satisfactory re­ be sent word to the authorities, and an < but from proof.” sults did not follow its use. i he secret of its investigation was begun. succoss is plain. It never disappoints and The inn people were all strictly loyal can always be depended on a< the very best to the Cromwell government, and as remedy for Coughs, Colds, etc. Price 50c there were only three guests ip the and si.DO. At W. H. Kittredge’s Drug Store. house, one of them must have been the LARD guilty person. Two of the guests were ‘GOD SAVE KING c| Strength And Health. a beautiful boy and a still more beau­ are English buys, and 1 hat .-V°a ,co“ld It you are not feeling stionu and healthy, MUST tiful girl—brother and sister. Hand­ do no less than stand th/e mn,den >n her try Electric Bitters. Il “ Lu Grippe” ba< left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters C O - j somely and expensively dressed, with peril.” , , . This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach since COTTOLENE has come to * rings on their lingers and gold chains The governor was “s f?od as, and Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to take its place. The satisfaction a I Mint their necks, they were traveling word and kept them alt ln lns castle- perform their function. It vou are nflbcted v ith which the people have bailed from London to the island of Guernsey. not as prisoners, but P s ffuests-until with Sick Headache, yon will find speedy and the advent ot the New Shortening The other guest was a very young gen­ jrried them safe- permanent relief by taking ERctric Bitters. A MACHINE FOR SHOE 1’Ol.lsHlNG. their ship came and ca One uiul will convince )<>u ihui ibis is the tleman who had just taken his degree ly away. remedy vou need. Large bottles only 60c.fca* u ba only one inti, which the shoes are received. at Cambridge, and was on his way to Of course there < W. H Kittredge’s Drug Store After the feet are in place shields are France to begin a tour of the continent. sequel to such asceni either in fact or le must fall des- applied, surrounding the upper part of He too. was well-bred and handsomely fiction. William Tec, Bucki.en's Arnica Salve the shot*, and preventing tin* blacking Cottolene dressed, and, like the others, he was perately in love with ,IJ'l’ro,ll-v f,sl"a':a’ The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, from get ting on this portion of the foot­ i evidenced by the rapidly increas­ telaml to pro- mechanical devices. others that you have now gentleman, hut not too old to notice eure for her the iiri'-'^ greyhound to be the beautiful face and modest but dig­ found in that kinddom- , FIGHTING FIELD MICE. nified bearing of the young lady pris­ Temple was unknown young UUeovery «*r n B k 11 us Which :JHri the N O U S E oner. man. ami Cromwf’11 " as ll“' s?" <>t tl,“‘ Small Hudents. The young gentleman who was trav­ lord protector, a/“d D o ro th y s family Pro Loeftler's bacillary crusade F O R L A R D . eling alone was first questioned, and frowned upon lU'nplo. ami gave .-very against the field mice of the Thes­ described himself us William Temple, eneout ...... , I' 1 ro“w “. But salian plain has ended in victory. The eldest sou of Sir John Temple, lie was Dorothy was truf l" her love One of •3K ’IIJIHUHW latest reports announce i t the fields 111 US is I,-,-, i n d l l > a udent, he said, and was about to h. , brothers (let/”8 ' " surB " ""'s ,1,'t are stre vn with the corpses of mice. v? MNvaaivd >i n leave the country on a continental tour. brother George! " "■""-’rated with It will be remembered that Prof. 41J A|UO Uplift About the writing on the glass lie de­ ■ , nd he e. J' 'lentple: weary; he renounced Loef. .• discovered some time ago a clined to answer any questions. tnlkcd ourselve new bacillus, the “bacillus typhi “There is a traitor am ongyou,” said me. and I defie him.” After an in- centuries and a half murium,” which has the power of pro­ tin* governor, “anil I am determined tr terval of two ducing a certain disease in mice, ami in every Americai i boy and girl will say We Practice W hat We Preach |d>ornc was full of pure mice alone. A plague of field mice that Dorothy G Are you aware that this wonderful threatening to destroy the harvest hav­ Nope grit. i . the ing appeared in Thessaly, he was ap­ B o ll, « e , yonn«r. a,ld remedy that is called Widow Grey’s pealed to by the Greek government and cour.shtp l a s t .) 1 for seven years befor Cough and Croup Cure is the only immediately started for Athens. lie th ’ ...... rried. Twenty years reliable medicine to use when you 'nanwell was forgotten, began his experiments by treating Such later young are troubled with any throat or lung field mice in the laboratory with in­ and Sir Willi: n Temple was one of the and Lady Dorothy disease. And do you know that this jections of his bacillus cultivation, and CONDENSED greatest me remedy contains no poisonous sub­ when these experiments showed his Temple one < the greatest ladies in held so many important stances such as morphia or opium ; method t » lie undoubtedly the right England. Ih one he started for Thessaly with a public offices lint a mere list of them is it contains only roots, herbs and ut. Twice he refused to balsams, and it is healing to the stuff of Greek doctors. Bread crumbs too long io p saturated with the bacillary substan e be made sec Uiry of state. lie and throat and soothing to the lungs. d happily together for were strewn broadcast over certain Dorothy liv Ilow many times are you fooled with fields, and as early us a week later the many years, fund at length they were remedies with fancy names and TAeat side in Westminster results were visible. Success being now laid Hide li offered more doses and lower prices. assured. Prof. Loeffler will return to Makes an every-day convenience of an Abbey, whq they Still lie. Dorothy and Sir William Temple It is an injury to you and you should Germany and the bacillus cultivation eld-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. died in 1G?i, will be carried on at the seat of war it­ haps v.e should c a ll her avoid all such humbugs. So beware ! Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest in I (Ml. 1 Inquire of your friends who have self.—Scientific American. award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each Lady Tern >le. but who can think ‘ Jge makes two large pies. Avoid of her tan4l u before the p:i:!iuien- used Widow Grey’s and they will An i:i« * lrist-*r, on I 1. i \ l “ ' ' !i- * :i>'l 1 *‘e pr >U(| fai le­ cough, and act as if its heart was in many places as though by the action -CEMENT- my own prnpei concerns.” as he :i ’ijujumoth vegetable on going to stop instantly. There is of an a* id A chemist <*xaiuiiH*d the “Olio!” the governor exclam cd . "i . Driii;g yo y this. boil, but could find nothing to account -IB AT- •‘His majesty’s dominions, indeed! none of this about the old reliable V remedy. Children cry for this. It for the deteriorati »n of the pipe, ami Know you not that his late majes’v i tog»*t bi;.’W ,v:it " Baltimore American. the < nly explanation seems to be that . G. Prescott & Co.V, a fugitive, who has no dominions? is the only kind to use and its price in porta nt Jupauesc hoi- electrolytic actiou was caused between ie boat Dealers Here is our youug rebel, I doubt not. is within the reach of one and all. the earth and the pipe, stimulated by Hut you arc over-young to be traveling ida\ - i ■ 1 ' • '’t of the Lanterns, from Only ?S cents a hottie. Try it! don’t July 13 >*»the Japanese Deco­ the presence of certain mineral salts in >n War* on your own proper concerns; and vis­ be without it. Sold everywhere. the soil iting a* seaport, too, no doubt to take ration d .AND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY DE CEMBER 6, 1802,

CAMDEN. TOWN MEETING. tor So. California. Miss Alice Wethcrbec is now in charge* at the Camden Again Discusses the Fire telephone office. Engine Question. P e o p le Ipled the Baptist G. H. Talbot has settled all his insurance tn the recent fire, amounting to marly 08.’»,(K)O. Camden held another town meeting in the rom Sanford and j Capt. Shaw o f Rockland has stocked the Baptist vestry, Wednesday fornoon, Nov. 30. lay. new store near Mt. Battle Mill and is ready for D. A Campbell was chosen moderator. otir streets and the business. The committee on further by-laws reported, it a coal yard is so The Scarborough-Crawford houses near Mt. suggesting thHt no change t»e m tile. a l r e a d y Baltic Mill are nearly ready for occupancy. The committee on changes In streets, grad­ tc a little business They have both beui rented. ing, etc,, reported recommending that the liters to the public in Postmaster Smghi bv constant Importunity boundary lines of Main, Elm nnd Mechanic has got authority from Washington to pay streets be established nt once before nna per­ B u y in g i Boston purchasing back box rents. Call and gel your money, and manent buildings are erected, and the sugges­ > of flout, grain and bring back your keys! tion was adopted. ay. Also voted that Washington street l-.e Wm. H. Gardiner, who has been head waiter straightened, that portion lying between Elm i r I his interest In the at the Bay View for a year or more. ,* now on nnd Mechanic, beginning at the N. E corner ______. i 1 1 1 1 i r .______will remain in the the road with the “ Wild Mab” Co., playing of Elm street, and running in a straight line one of the parts. He is a popular young man, to the N. E. corner of Mechanic street. I he family have moved and good wishes follow him. Selectmen will lay o u t the road, assess dam­ r to the residence of M. E. and Robert Bean write from Boulder, ages and make the usual report. HOLIDAY Colo., that they are pleasantly located, like the The proposed extension of Chestnut street in les all packed. Whether place and climate and that they are Improving a direct line to Mechanic street the committee I put them on exhihi- in health. A large number ot friends cast ate did not recommend because of the extraordinary lle to learn at this date, pleased with the good repo,l. expense involved. irmington is visiting at The old Odd Fellow Hull, over the bank, the The committee recommended the purchase of day before the fire was leased by Dr. J. K. the B. F. Adams lot and the addition of the GOODS! congratulating her old same to the square. Said lot can be bought let, which she taught last Hooper for the new lodge, Knights of Pythias, ■ - ' I l l 1 1 ' tor 830 for the year. When the various town for 02500. The Selectmen were instructed to ) I nt to Boston last week societies were burned out, the K. P.’s gmer- use their discretion in the matter. The com­ timing Friday. His new ously swung '.lie doors wide open to their fellow mittee was given until the second Monday in 9 Vlnal Block will be societies. January to make a further report. WOOLEN CO. As the experience of former years I). A. Campbell went to Wiscasset, Friday The committee was instructed to give the Atnden was in town last ....C apt. J. II. Sherman is home for the required notice through the pre-s that the lias warned them that disappointment ’of the Thomnston A War- Winter, the steamer being hauled up Jud is town intends to ask tfie new legislature to iftg Association. Quite a always welcome hom e....Fred Lewis has been grant them a charter to take water from Hos­ follows delay. We have a Large *d in it. enjoying a sick spell at home....Sylvester mer, Canaan and Fletcher Ponds. It was also voted fo reconsider the vote of Stock, but |the Low Prices at which Arau and Frank Smiley have returned from a useful urticle of house- the previous town-meeting whereby it was business trips to Boston. we nave marked them, will soon re­ .hristmus present, be at the decided to buy a steam fire engine. It was Zetherbee, the afternoon and The Bay View, the hosplt-iity of which has then moved that the Selectmen he instructed duce the vnrietv. Inst., at his home. been so heavily taxed the past month, is now not to buy a steam tire engine, i bis motion Mrs. Fred Lcrmond ol Bath having a little breathing spell. In line with was lost. the masterly manner in which Lanlord Capen tner. Mrs. Elizabeth Spear. The Selectmen were instructed to establish a N e x t . ...School commences Mon- and his force have conducted things, the publi­ grade of Htreets in the burnt district and to truction of Charles Webb, a cation of the personnel ot the establishment employ a competent engineer to assist them. 3 0 • ) a y w tea College....M rs. Lewellls may be of interest. H. E. Capen is landlord and 11. I). Thurston clerk, and tins leaves ind wa> at Wilson Fuller’s, UNION POMONA. lince & Jordan received a car- nothing to he desired in this part of the esuib- txiie: iFridav night... .Miss Edna lishmcnt. In the important department of the .I iix C ng Is visiting her sister, Mrs. cuisine Joseph B. White is the chef anil Miss L. Officers Elected at the Session With White Oak Grange. M. Lovett,pastry cook.both artists. In the dining KNOX WOOLEN CO, IS eti«i v ed room Chas. H. Robbins is head waiter, and is bu.—Calvin Boggs of East Union Pomona Grunge met with White Oak Ifew days with Henry Farri- assisted’oy Misses Lena Saunders, Bessie Wil­ CAMDEN, ME. lard Hnd Lucy Giberson, and courteous, quick Grange, No. Warren, Friday, Dec. 2 and . Boggs is in his Slth yearfbur elected officers for the ensuing year,as fo llo w s : many men of fifty*.-.. I. Ellis service is the rule. 8. W. Palmer is the gen­ W ill sell at tlemanly porter and Fred Gray assistant. In Master, U. U. Counce, No. Warren; Overseer. home Friday CK-hing from his John Luce, Washington; Lecturer, Avery P. w Neckwear, ...... G. M; Lawrence baa been the laundry Mrs. Kearns and Emma Giberson i H K T A 1 U preside. Mrs. Lizzie J. Ross is the efficient S tarrett, Warren; Steward. Chas Simmons, it wepk with rheumatic trouble East Union; Assistant Steward, Bro. Grinnell, housekeeper. Hn Rockland has come to spend Union; Chap., Henry Gordon, Hope; Secre­ APPLETON from llie ir 'ith his brother, C. F. Wotton, tary, Mrs. I). H. .Mansfield, Hope; Treas., ge of his work in the w o o d s .... We hope our regular Appleton cortespondent Lysander Norwood. Union; Gate Keeper. El" M ill, all of old a team horse to Albert Cope- will let us hear from him mote frequently mer Hilt, East Union ; Lady Assistant Steward’ Umbrellas, k ...... Charles Walter has gone We would also like to hear regularly from Miss Laura Fuller, North Warren. t l i e i r : : : on to work for F. Tuttle...... Elmwood. Tho officers are to bo installed at the next is having timber cut for an addl- Burkkttyillb;—Clinton Thurston, who meeting, to be held with Mt. Pleasant Grange, *rn in the Spring....Mrs. W. J. was lately married, has rented the G. Miller West Rockport, Friday, Jan. G. Ihe following lending a few days with her son, place and will soon commence housekeeping. question will also be discussed: “ Resolved, II. Rockland. Wo are glad to have him lor a neighbor.- - -S. That the Maine Board ot Agriculture is a great Slippers, Etc. D.—Albert Copeland has lost a J. Gushce, who bought out the Burkett heirs benefit to the Farmer of Maine;" Disputants, rse. The animal hung himself or.e and mills, is repairing the mill and dwelling- Affirmative O. Gardner and F. L Mansfield; Hy, in the stable.. .. Mrs. Elizabeth house on the place. l’hey will soon present a Negative Erastus Kalloch and Henry Gordon. formerly of this place, now of different aspect under Mr. Gushee’s supervision Mass., is visiting relatives in th s ....A rial Linscott of Burkeltvtlle and Miss O. Gardner returned Saturday from Augusta, All her former neighbor are very Nettie Ludwig ot Washington were united in her....Russel Fish of Jonesport is where he attended a meeting of the Executive marriage last w eek....M iss Hattie Burkett Committee of the State Board of Agriculture b the place.. . .Edgar Crawford and had a five cent sociable in Burketts Hall. Fri­ U m b re lla s joyed their Thanksgiving with friends and the State Grange. 1 he object of the gath­ day evening. The proceeds will go for the ering was to discuss needed legislation. dile.. . . Frank S. Keep has a full benefit of the school, of which Miss Burkett is (Suitable for Blankets,) Ibtterfly which he found in his pasture teacher. Miss Burkett spares neiili r labor nor The State Grange will meet in Lewiston, be- nil alive and kicking or flying---- expense in the eff »rt to make her school a suc­ for inniug Dec. 20. life and Mrs Lorin Packard visited cess.... Marion It. Miller and wife of E ist it, Mrs. Lucy Larrabee, in Rockland, Union, F. F. Douglass ami wife of Btirkettville, ...H o g s are ripe and the neighbors 8. B. Miller and Lea Blackinglon ot Rockport T H E H O R SE . Ladies and Gents. m me need picking them ....John Cates visited .Mr. and Mrs. G. Miller last w eek.... These are strictly All Wool i*ce stepping yearling colt mat he drives Mrs. May Mitchell, who has been dangerously Mr. Nelson of Sunnyside in Town— he place, perfectly broken....Packard ill lot the pa-t five days, is thought to be im­ About His Horses. Goods, and many of them ■s think their steam-mill is good lor proving.. ..L . R. Burkett and wife, who have staves a week....Rem ly 8 idol Inger, been very much out of health tor a number of C. H. Nelson of Waterville, ihe great horse­ are Indigo Dyed, There Our stock of Umbrellas is unusually of the Gorham, N. H , Mountaineer man, was in town Saturday noon the guest of weeks pant, are somewhat better. are many Remnants among large, with Handles in Silverine, ed nt the hall Sunday at 2 p. in., and his brother-in-law, W. E. Jones. Mr. Nelson N orth Appleton —Mrs. Bluisdoll is in town 2d on temperance in the evening. Ills teaching the school at the village.. . . Ed Fuller in conversation with a reporter of T he C. G. these goods, and everybody Gobi, Horn and Natural Wood. •r lives here. has gone to Rxmford Falls accompanied by stated this firm belief that Nelson next year ST. GEORGE. his mother....Sportsmen have t ecu having would beat the stallion record made by Stam- can iind something that boul. He reports the great Nelson in the pink We can show some Wonderful good luck during the past week, having killed they want. We have dis­ Hants H abhor—Kch. M. K. Hawley has several foxes. Two men captured lour striped of condition. He is now ten years old as is Dictator Chief. Dictator will be sent next Bargains in Fine Gloria Cloth recaulked at G. W. Hawley’s railw ay.... woodchucks last week. continued manufacturing Eva Riwley returned home from Union, year, and N Ison prophesies that be will go the and Union Silk Umbrellas. !ay.. . . W. S. White of Rockland was in ROCKPORT. mile in less than 2:15. His record now Is many of the goods, aud to i recently. . . . Most ot the town schools 2:211-2. Mr. Nelson now owns one hundred ineuce.I yesterday, with a good corps ol The Rockport Collar Co. is busy with two horses and employs fifteen men in the care ot close out the stock on hand [hors....Some of our p.-ople nitouded the bi< orders from Bangor and Rockland. them. cert at Rockland by Sousa’s Marino Band, Electric cars will run until after the ball to­ Some of our fivers heated their blood on W ill sell at prices day week.... A- I) DivD is out with a pe­ morrow evening. Curtain rises at 7 ;30 oclock. the Bay Point Boulevard, Tuesday afternoon. on of 100 signors or m r'* for the postoffice All won! that equal goods . .stciiui'T .I"'- -b n t ; . i> the place of the THE STEAMBOATS. ay field for a w h ile.... Sch. Annie B. Mitchell* THE RAILROADS. cannot be bought jile getting under wuy in tho harbor, Sut*.*r- Direct Line to Green's Landing—The N e ck w e ar. riy, broae her largest anchor, stock. The an- Friendship Route. The anniiti meeting ot the stockholders of for elsewhere. jor weigh' 3201 pounds....Sch Cornelius The Emmeline It to he put on tho line he- the K. & L It. It Co. will be held in Bath to­ [died Monday lot New York, with foundation ween Rockland mid Green’s Landing as soon as morrow. Large invoice just received. If you arrangements cun be made. Her route will tie tone and filling.. . .This village is not free Improvements continue at the depot in this Torn rum shops or gamilling dens by any so arranged as to allow Green’s Landing city. The scales will be ready for business in are looking for Neckwear don’t fail people to leave their uome in the morning, means. According to what we see and hear it their new location this week, the middle truck pass three hours in Rockland and get back to see these New Lines in Teeks, would lx* well for some ol these to go slow .... has beeu lowered till It’s on a level with the home the same day. Capt. G .'Jl.O akev will The Port Clyde Druuiatic Club played in Mal­ other tracks, aud a crew has commenced work probably command her and J. T. Lothrop will Putt's, Bows and Four-in Hands. vern Hall, Saturday week, to a large audience. on the addition to the freight house, B. W. be cl-jrk, both excellent solecliuuj. The Viual- Mathews Band furnished excellent m usic....A Chandler of Freeport in charge. musk ball was held in Malvern Hall, Tuesday. haven, on the adveut of the Emmeline, will re­ sume her old route between Rockland and Quite a crowd attended... .John Fuller is hav- BREAKWATER CONTRACT. iug a lot of wood cut on his wood lot. Long Vinalhaven. Cove..>.J. A. Fuller has had a trial of the Representatives of the Mayfield management W. S, White of this city has been awarded have been making a tour of Port Clyde, Slippers for short lobster luw recently, and he says It’s no the contract to furnish granite for the break- Tenants Harbor, Friendship and other places good. wuter. There are 030,000 to expend thereon, with a view to ascertaining what encourage­ W ilb v 's Cohn eh—Samuel Davis has gone to and Mr. White’s contract is 73 cents a ton to Long Island to w ork....T he St. George Band ment would be given towards establishing a WOOLEN COJ Ladies and Gents, the amount of tho appropriation. Work has regular steamboat line with a new and lurger has changed its rhearsa 1 nights to Wednesday already begun on the uew contract. &ad Saturday evenings, instead of Tuesday boat. The residents in that locality should not Catudeu, December 2, 1892. and Friday. R. G. Ingraham is still with be io blind to their owu interests as to let the Y. M. C. A. them, teaching and drilling....T. 11. Hocking prospect of good steumboat service fail by Boys and Girls. s home from East U nion....Q uite a large flock default. The business men of Rockland also A. C. Cotton, of Worcester, who recently vis­ have an Interest in this line and should furnish of wild geese flew over Saturday, heading ited our Y. M. C. A. with a view to becoming Variety too numerous to mention, South... .There is some talk of an entertain­ something substantial in the way of encourage­ its General Secretary, has decided not to come. ment on Christinas eve....Levi Kinney has ment. ranging in prices from 50e to 88.00; bought a line turn-out ot Thomas Dennison The B. & B. boa’s have now gotten back to Commercial College.—George Leadbetter, ,...S ch . Telegraph, Kelloch, sailed tor Bos­ their regular runs. They arrive here Tuesdays, James Stevens and Mertie Herrick, book-keep­ ton with lime, last week.. . .School in District Thursdays and Saturdays from Boston, and ers iu this city, are improving leisure evenings No. 1 will commence its Winter sesiou next leave here Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays by learning shorthand.... Many of the students Monday. Dec. 12. for Boston. are taking a short vacation. Le Roy Cole of Union aud J. L. Hurt of Bt. George have left SOUTH LIBERTY. Rev. F. A. Vmal, who has beeu engaged in I to teaeh school....New students enrolled are: C y/o u Mill make no mistake i f evangelistic work in New Yura Stale for ihe i Louis A. Crockett of Ash Point, Jas. F. Mar- We have new spectacles, but don’t find much past three months, preached for the Baptist den of Prospect, George W. Bucklin aud Grace i you make your selections nous, while South Liberty news....Shooting mutches seem Church in Lisbon Falls, Sunday.Nov. 27. to Ik the order of the day....G ilm ore Miller Bp&ulding of this city. The young people of the Chestnut street I \ the variety is complete. of Appleton was in town last week,the guest of Baptist Church, Camden, have recently pur­ S. T. Overlook....Some of our residents want chased a piano lor use m the vestry. FOR S A L E !! a sidewalk laid tor the convenience of the Ouu of the Best Farms iu Knox County. scholars. U hat do you say, readers ?... .Ross Rev. J. C. Johns, formerly assistant of Rev. The Henry Sleeper farm in Union, m ar the Fiokham has bought a trotter of John Witbum, Mr. Moody, tbis|clty, is now located in Triver- Common, coutuius nearly 200 acres of laud under Fernald, Blethen high slate of cultivutiou, cuts 00 tons of bay, pas­ Washington. ton. It. I. tures 30 herd of cattle, bus a large and vuluublu wood lot, a thrifty young orchard, two large bmus The teachers of the First Baptist Bunday uud a stable, nice two story bouse, nearly new, NORTH KNOX. School have voted to use the Biakesleeluductive well painted, color white with green blinds, loca­ The annual meeting of the North Kuoz Agri­ tion nealthy aud sightly. The Georges Valley Ac COMP’Y, Studies on the Life of Christ for 1693 iu place R It. when completed will euhunce fis vuluu. Will cultural Society will ho held at the Town of the International system. The energy and be sold at a bargain if applied for soon. Apply tu F. M. 611 AW, Real Estate Broker, 400 Mab. Bt., House, Union, Wednesday, Dec. 21.10 uausact I progressiveness of Bupt. Porter are the main Rockland, or to J. W. SLEEPER, on the premises. , 310 Main St., - Rockland, Me. the regular pusiuess of the society. cause of this Important advance. 46-4a THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1892

STATE STUFF. BOSTON TIMELY ANNIVERSARIES. UNION’S RAILROAD. BABY ONE SOLID SORE See Here! Prosperous Searsport—Maine Man West The coming legislature early in the —Men Wanted. (Hri-piti, Select inns from CLOTHING STORE, Have you bought your ? lory’t llrnad Page. session will he asked to legalize the Tried Everything without Relief. Senntor Frye was talking to a C.-G. aetion of the town ol Union which voted Rest Nlglit or l»ay. Cured by Cutleura Remedies. Pall Hat ? Don’t you man, In-t week.regarding the prosperity , her 1. money in aid of theGeorges Valley Rail­ Headquarters For Ute; t nil,m l,, rveying the coast of Cuba road. Contractor Mitchell will probably of our stal,., anil t Id this story. During still in hitprs ' reaching India and th< ,bv. when twn months old, hnil a hreaklnc need a new one ? E. build the bridge ovi r the Georges River h what file doctor called eczema. Ih-r head, the campaign I spoke in Searsport, and city of the un i K han. ir»4A - Ty« h«> Bridie •i t, anti hamln were each one aoiitl *«re. I while there I was entertained by Capt. Jnnhh astronomer, born n Hus Winter, while he can have the ice to cry thing, but rtelther the doctor* nor any. a n d B o y s ’ W. Berry & Co. are Kntnistorp: '-ophcr, d u d in Derby , T tH ’ItA ItKMEntP.H, h u t I. big stock, new, stylish hire born L tlie lower or marshy portion of he road, I liatl no faith In dences we saw. 3 l i . -I in London; born Pi8‘ "Have you any poor here?" I asked. Carlyle Iborn so that work can he taken up early in —the Wilcox goods, This is the Place 180I D r .J o l unions Biblical scholar, the Spring. “ Yes, one!” was the answer. beginning to u*e And Now is the Time to Buy born: died 1854. Ilia ClTli ‘ R kmkiuer, 1863- I ’re d d . nt.'s Lin j Iii’h . in ’ tlu? core* wort well, hut I best make. The prices “ What is the matter with that one ? rlileh continued to i lie o ffered nmne.« • all in thoConfed- VINALHAVEN EDITORIAL. Is it drunkenness?” solvrnt for a little while, c ra e y ex cep t a fe u bf tlie principal ofNeials. and now tho I* a- fat A are always low for fine "No! Idiot I” was the reply. 1871—W a rw ic k c a stle pjnrerl by lire ami many baby ah you would like to flour! works of ai l destr We need electric lights. , Found a* a dollar. I believe my bnby “ flow do you take care of hint?” 1881 General Hugh Jin on Kilpatrick died at • died if I had not tried CurictniA Kkm- BOSTON goods. Children’s Hats vrite this that every mother with a baby LOWEST PRICES EVER KNOWN IN "Wo have a nice town farm with Valparaiso, (’liili; I 1 1890 Surgeon General Watch the wateli contest! an feel confident that there in a medicine MAINE. LOOK THEM OVER. teXt< r died At Wad,. rout eczeran, ami that medicine 1* a specialty. good buildings on it. We get 8125 for in g to n . P illn b u ry ’8 lle*t |w»r bbl., * tlie lease o f the larnt, and the man who 1891— Desperate attem i of one Norcross, of Rockland's clothing factories offer CLOTHING STORE, Faultier*, Fancy Patent, n.'jn Boston, to kill Bus ell Sago by dynamite; S p e c ia l A. •' •' 5.23 iiires tlie farm cares lor the pauper.” Genuine Magnificent, n va the explosion blew ’ orcross to pieces, leav- steady employment to capable women Pei feet b»n, 5.25 o o Ing o n ly b is h e a d e nVtiie, and injured suv- and girls. Cuticura Remedies Headquarters For nr 3 barrels for 15 on “ When I was speaking in Indiana.” eral others. Cure fiery humor of the skin and ncalp of infancy You Can Hast **♦. Louis, 5 OO it Lane & Libby received a cargo of nii.l eliildhood, w hether torturing, disfiguring, Itch- nr 3 barrels for I t 50 said I he Senator, “ I met a Maine man Iiiu. burning, Mealy, cruated. pimply, or blotchy, Good Ituttirnillk Flour, 4 .5 0 hard wood last week Irnm Nova Scotia with Iomm <>f hair, and every impurity of the blood, Find the best line of who was born in Belgrade. He came 1537- De< Hiding all gypsies to w inU nr Dimple, Mcroftiloti*, or hereditary, when M en’s and Boys’ E h per schooner Mary Jane. tlu- li.Ft physician* and all other remed’ie* fail. Just received a lot of very fancy slack salted a poor family there and went \\ eat is II of Fran j i b ’d. I iii-iitM, -.tve your children yearn of mental and Ladies’, Misses’ and Rock Cod ; Presli Beef by the quarter, at very low when quite young. He is now in the 1639 ei.ry Wot tor t u i h o r a m l d ip lo m a t, p ! r . ,i -offering. Begin now. Cure* made in price*. Also Corned Beef, 8aur Kraut, Mackerel, poet, ami private m : Our stores are trying to gi t in their cliildliooi, are permanent. Herrit g, Tongues and Sounds, Halibut's Heads lumber business out there and worth Essex, died; born 15 n \ R kmeuieh are the greatest Mkin cure*, and Fin* In bairels and half barrels at Bottom usual supply of Christmas wares. Hard »<>d piirille Children’s Pine Boots 1001—Lord Ib-iarl llarl.t and Imino Prices at some 8500,000. Ho had a brother who •Munn, horn in times don’t seem to count when this d m, are nhMoliitely pure, ami may bo tiaed on the London: died 1724. imgt nt infant with tlie moMt gratifying mien m OVERCOATS. in this city at E. W, went West will! him. The brother died .M arlin \ iresldent.born popular holiday comes around. Donohue’s Cash Grocery two years ago. ant! left an estate valued at K in d erh o o k , N. very where. |»rlve, C tiT tcuiu. 60c.; Hoap, 1787— Daniel* I mdi.v , , I-, A1. Prepared by tho P otteii Berry & Co’s. All the at 8600,000. a ry w> T We will semi I lit: C -G. free for six G) 1 llE'IICAt, COHPonATION, BofttOh. Ma-f...... tie I lid for " How to Cure Skill Db.-a-. -,” 04 o o s’ rebellion.” months Io the I oj or girl -ending in the t illiiMtratioiiH, anti 100 testim onial*. latest styles in Button 1791 W o lfg a n g .Moza er» died; b. rn "I never knew good men so searee in 1750. gn-ati-t nu.uiier ol news items for next D I M ,’FF>. IJack heath, chapped and oily -kin my life,” said M. C. Foster, the Water­ 1839— George A rm -tm issue ol this paper. Drop tin in in T he a l UI cured by CvTicuitA Aleuicated S oap. or Lace, Hand or Ma­ in Harrison count I ’. G. ijox at tlie postoffice, a- early as P. L. Shaw has moved the bnlanoo of his ville contractor, last Tuesday, to a C.G. FREE FROM RHEUMATISM BOSTON chine Sewed. We show stock, consisting of Silverware, Watches, man. “ It is almost impossible to lind Thursday evening n jPwC In onn minute the Cuticura Clocks, Jewelry, Crockery, Fancy Goods 1 \ V uti-I’iiin P l a s t e r relieve m riieu- enough men to do my work.” ' §>**A i":di<'. nt i itic, hip, kidney. dieM. and and Toys Into th o Donohue Store the best boot for Ladies o o i in., ami Simin Home patrii ti-ni is just as g. i il for h miiMciiliir pula* and weakncMMe*. Tho first aud only Ingtantaneoua pain-killing plaster. CLOTHING, STOKE Formerly occupied by Jas. Donohue, Said a well know Maine business man : Vimdlntvi n as it is foi other places, and at §2 50 sold in the city, Where ho will continue his Auction Sales "1 never knew of a time in tho his­ our people should patronize home mcr Button or Lace, Stylish, until he has closed out the entire balance tory of our state when outside capital chants Our dealers have excellent Headquarters For of his stock. Now is your time to buy so hesiegt d tho doors of our common­ Slocks and do. rve tin? pat’ona; your residents. olid, Serviceable. wealth tor investment opportunities. 1510-Tlio (lie (tie tl.. M en’s and Boys’ Christmas Presents Maine is un the up grade and striding ’ religioiH o o lti’.'ti ( ’never, I*, ra t lb i I, W in d an d At I be l.st session of Congress, w'» un- A nd save from 0 to 60 per cent, ns this isll went out from the May FLOUR! stock must be closed out at once regaid- Dae of the coming legislature pro- a p lace o f Kelt le n ie n t. stand though we did ubi the item, less ol cost. Auction every evening. posts to introduce a bill next January 1070-Henry JenkIn ■e ib e r 7. little island near the southern entrance I Congress or Lace,Paris, ««S MAIN STREET. Senator Hale’s term as United States Patent Flours made. Every I h e o ra to r, to tlie Reach.The Pauline went ashore on Men’s and Beys’ Senator expires with this year. Mr. vvus nturilercd by tl,,, sol­ Will keep on hand. Fresh and Nice Opera or Plain Toe— Halo will doubtless he a candidate for diers of Mare Antony. tlie outer end of the point,anti was never : barrel warranted for - Ute low <)y»lera ami Clams and will deliver at »•; (■..Itmiliiis, on tln i ouai raised. The bull for many years was a i any time, including Sunday morning. ronomination and a successful one, but of Cnl :,, found a tribe of price of 85.75 and 5 galsU'Gjl & big seller and solid as indiaoa much superior to guide for all traffic through the Reach , W e keep two teal ns and plenty of help, and any eonvrrsation with certain prominent lie- Olliers, uud, ns iis ittd w itli which at this point is quite narrow. I with each barrel. Furnishing Goods. orders for the ala ve or for Meats or Groceries will publicans throughout tlie state have led him, was very much ex­ can be made. be tilled as low uf the lowest and alw ays on time. c ite d , ■ il. Time has done its work and timber by ] us to believe that the nomination of 1543—Mary Stuart, queen of Scots, bor Send your orders or come an d THY US ONCE AND SEK Orville I). Baker of Augusta would lot;,; T en S eo teli e o v e n n n te rs w ere , timber this beacon lias vanished and 1 please a great many people. Mr. Baker nt. Edinburgh. now not a vestige is visible above big!) I sec us. Reni> mber the place. 16S3- Algernon Sidney wua beheaded ( is a polislied and gifted man, and one char ■, of conspiring to assassinate (3hu water. Our steamboats pass this point ! who would easily make himself ielt as a II. every day on their trips back and forth Be S tylish 1770- Uhinua, German anatomist, di, <1 I n Le> /V sjy and though the captains of both are BOSTON power in tlie upper house. , , ■ S. G. Prescott & Co., 17!’t; ViTodir gton issued bis farew trained and careful men, yet there is in And buy your Neck­ lPllb- I.u g ii M cC u llo ch , lln u n e ie r foggy weather some danger in getting man, born in Kctiiiebuuk, Me. TILLSON’S WHARF. CLOTHING STOKE, wear of u. We have IN THE YEAST. 1&33 Jir. John Atkin, English nuth 1 | safely by this point. In view of this ^ o o p s ! b o rn 174,. fuel, would it not be well for the man­ IHitP-.IciriTsitn Davis' annual me, RccRlaitd, - - Maine, A New and Important Business En­ agers of boat steamboat companies to just received a big line terprise for Our City, I Telephone Connection. Headquarters Fcr I,lit im istln- on resistant erect some kiud of a guide post. The The undersigned has op­ Ins of fine goods. They ened New Undertaking 1876—Nortti Oermun ate I le n t l liatid expense, we are sure, would be very Rooms at the Ulmer Place, 1’. II. Borden of Forthind bus been in wrecked oil' Enijllsli coast; 6011 small, anti it would relieve the captains M e n ’s a n d B o y s ’ are beauties, and the our city the past low days making ar- lfcsi- Fir.-t e\ uuiuutlnu by the e 32 Union St., where will hoard at iioeiitsler, N. V. of considerable anxiety. Tho travelling bekeptconstantlyon hand rangements for establishing an < lliee lor 181'1 Loppy, tlu, wife murderer, v public would appreciate sueii a move. prices are lower than' etited at Slag Sing. a Full Line of Coffins, Cas­ the distribution of Fleisclini .tin’s eom- What think you, gentlemen? kets and Burial Robes, prvssi .1 yeast. Mr. Borden is state agent ever before. Eour-in- for the company. Hitherto Portland has Hats and Caps. etc. Night calls answered 17(15 Ell Wliil uev .i MATINICUS. Hand, 'Pecks, Pulls, promptly from residence, been made the sole State lio .dquarlors and thu cotton gin JUST FOR FUN! I supplii s were sent to local agents in each proved Jireurm Charles Burgess went to Rockland the Cor. Graceand High Sts. Westborough, 6 ; d ied _ _ _ ------28tii in route for Medfield, Mass. W K WILL BELL Bcws, Etc Satisfaction guaranteed. place who distributed to tho various 18.25. 1792—H uni’y L a u rcn a, btutOB- James II. Thompson has been doing grocers. When these little popular tin­ man and diplomat, died in W. E. JONES, foil packages were iirst brought into Chui'iegtun; born 1721. carpentering at the school-house. 32 LIMON ST., ROCK LA N D , MK. IWM-Joi iC iia i Hi r IJ u rrib ,a u ­ BOSTON town they were distributed by Dudley I. At: It ENK PILLSBURY’S BEST thor. born .it Eatonton,Ga. William Stinson of So. Deer Isle I A nd Keen, afterwards by Mr. McDougal who 1 visit, d his uncle, Mr. Wil iam Young. [ times, previous to the Johnstown Hood, li] succeeded ami by Mr McDougal’s succes­ .Samhi-;", ( hili a church burned durinz , this place, recently. CLOTHING STOKE, sor,II S. F i’it. An office witli a big refrig­ festival, ami about 2,590 persons perished. Capt. -A. iilaisd, 11 aud family have I FLOUR erator will now be established aud our 1675-J . lt'---> lh tiw ne, a u tlio r, tra v e le r um l «• minister to (’hina. died at. Oakland, Cal. mov' d front Capt. E. B. Antes' house city made the distributing center tor tho 1890—W ashington .McLean, editur ol the Liu into rooms at Mr. Chas. Howard's. Headquarters For DR. STEDMAN’S territory from Belfast to Batii inclusive. uati IJiquirer, died in Cincinnati, aged 74. Comfortable Freeman Yuuug has returned from s & E O ft PK" Fred Osborne of Uamden Inis been en­ l) c t i he 9. Derr Isle where he has been visiting k|S Improvement iii Dental Plates. gaged by tlie company to take charge of ! O V 'I»A II HUI, Trunks and Bags by .trying a pair of Lamb 1594 Gustavus Adolphus, herokingof .Sweden, John E. Knight ami family and other 1 Patented fiept 21, lcS9, Feb. 25,1890, anil May 10,’91, this eliiee and territory, ami is now on born at Stockholm: killed in thu battle of Ixiitzeii, Nov. 10, 1032. friends. In an improved method the road. Mr. Osborne up to the time ol 1006 John .Milton, private secretary of Oliver Lined WINTER GlOVES. fur making partial den Cromwell, autlior of "Paradise Lost,” etc., Capt. Charles J. Tolman and wife turc-8. Il Joes away the Camden tire was employed witli Grain, Flour anfl Fend Store with thu large suclion Sliaw & Kitterbusb. furniture dealers, born iu London; died there 1074. arrived last week and have gone to W e’ve got all kinds for l»late in common u«c. 1611- .Sir A n th o n y V an d y k e , F le m is h paint* r, W ^^Tlic plates are very lie is a reliable and trustworthy young died in London; horn in Antwerp 1599. housekeeping iu tlie Isaac Tolntan BOSTON driving or street wear. { Xf small, only about one- 1607 Emburgo took ertcct; American ports CHAS. T? SPEAK'S, eigbtli to ouc-foartli the man and a pusher. He has bad experi­ closed to BriLi&h trade; collapse of busiurs* ouse. usual sizo. Any number ence on the road ami the company was and general prostration. Gloves from 50c to of teeth can be put in 1814- J o s e p h B ra m a h , e n g in e e r, in v e n to r ol without ixtratling any mighty fortunate in securing him. Vck, Widow Grey Cough 295 AND 297 MAIN ST. good teeth you may have famous lock, hydruulic press aud auto­ CLOTHING STOKE, and no plate in (lie roof Thu company has leased quarters in matic register of Bank of England notes, C ure $3.50. of the mouth. The died in Yorkshire; horn there 1749. ItUChl.ANU, MB. patent plate is Fpceiully adapted to lower dentures. tlie A. K. Spear Block. 1624 Battle ol Ajaeueho, which secured tie To examine specimen uasu uud for further imlependem e of Peru. HALF SUSPECTS. Heaiiquarlers For .— ------*•. ------in form ation, cull ul 1602 Battle of B- an’s Station, Teun. VINALHAVEN PERSONALS. 16^*Tviepbb THE ROCKLAND COURIER GAZETTE: TUESDAY, D EU I«M BERG . 1892. 9 NEW JAIL. O DO YOU WEAR Christmas Goods!I — MARINE MATTERS. SOCIETY SALAD. Almost Ready for Occupancy—Condi­ I Talented and Beloved tion of Things. Sa3 Death of i T he M ovements of V essels, A Nice Supper in Which Rabbit Now is the Time ______Y oung Camden Lady. Notes and Like. The iron work on the new jail, by the Pauly I Prominently Figured. SHOES ? To get them Jail Co., of Si. Ixiuis, is completed and has j q he sad news was [received here Monday of Sett. Good Tntcnt brought brick from renub- | Mr. »nrt to Until up for the Winter. STATE OF MAINE. New York. BOSTON. Clilrngo. Wilson Sprowl died house, Nor’h Thursday evening. Miss Jennie Young aud Appleton. Sunday morning o | t he Corvo came down from Bangor Saturday K nox, hk I paralysis ol the Leroy Gregory won the lirit prizes and Miss throat. Mr. Sprowl hnd bi and hauled up in the cove for Winter. Gertie Sylvester and Ilarvej Additon the Offic e o p t u k S iik k if f o f K nox Co., I ORGANS & PIANOS |u sn !v f< r 'trine DKCF.MllKR 3, A. D. 1892. | time with a complication ot ses and had Sch. Bertha E. Glover has gone Into Winter boobies. Magnificent and W .B.H. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That on the I been a great sufferer He p tve* ions tarters at Owl's Head. flfUui th day of Novem ber a . D. 1MI2, a W arrant In Before you know it you will be Insolvency was Issued by Reuel Robinson,Judue of The font I.>. ' C U • t< Il ■; ' . 1 clock. Sch Malt arrived Saturday from Boston. F. A. Lovejoy, formerly of thia city but now the Court of Insolvency for said County of Knox sorry you'diJ not deckle earlier in thf Jewelry business In Waterville, was re­ ngulriHt the estate of m id W illiam Blake of South Mrs. II. P. Stone ot North Brit: M. C. Haskell, Perry, Is reported In Tlmmusion adjusted to he an Insolvent Debtor, op “ W hat to give them .” cently married to MisaFaonicLow of Waterville. petition of said D -btor which petition was til, <1 on Thursday, Nov 24, alter t port at Port Spain IStb, tor Pbllndalphia. The Waterville Sentinel says : ••'lrs. Lovejoy the 16th day of November, A. D. 1802, io widen It is so simple; the Oiie thing that ' leaves a husband, three •b " . N ath an F. C iblr, Cookson. cleared at I date interest on claim* i« to be computed; That the is a very estimable lady, loved and appreciated f Flour $5.75 payment of any debts to or by said Debtor, and the everybody wants and would be m n y friends a id relatives tom 1 Apalachicola 1-t tor New York. by all who have the pleasure of her acquaio- Wwwwszvwwxzwwvxzvw ,/w w 3 transit r and delivery of any property by him are made happy by and you can af­ Sell. S ilver Hi lance. Mr. Lovejoy has been in business in forbidden by law; That a meeting ol the Creditors Wm. Watson Clark, ot the 1 "Old 30th Are extra line—Every Barrel Warranted. Drib of said Debtor, to prove th lr debt* uud choose one from Rockland. this city for about ten years and is known to ford it i new, quiek-winding Wa­ Maine Heavy Artillery, died in |fhis coy Fri- ered In any part of the city. ____or more______assigneeso of his • state, will be held at a aii as an affable and courteous gentleman.” Court of Insolvency to he holden at Ko, kland, In terbury. ;'4 i SI5. day. aged 61 yean. II Seh. Martha limes pas ed through Helt Gate Knox, on the 20th day ot December Elegant and ccurate; the gem Sunday, Edwin Libby Post nth nl Thursday for Rockland. Meats, Provisi r,s and Groceries S 3 clock In the afternoon. The Rubinstein Club met •h Mrs. A. D. Given under my hand to date first above written. lor a lady'; be't; the man's every­ Sch. Fannie Whitmore, Carnpti i', Port Med­ OF ALL KINDS- J. W. GRAY, FIRE IN CAMDt r.N Bird last evening. Tho following program m i h D e liv e ry Team. Sh*rirl\ as Messenger o f the Court o f Insolvency day watch to save a costlier one, way . N. 8., for Matanz is, arrived Nov. 18. and , for said County of Knor. 48-60 wol load lor Gull of Mexico and Cuba. was given: perhaps—a pocket guardian for The farm buildings of Geo i Piano Solo—"Salute a Pcstli,” youngsters, teaching them time- Hosmer Pond,1' im len, were d est| royed by tire Sch. James Boyce, Jr., Duncan, is bound for Miss McLain. Oh ! Here You Are ! Cienluegos Irom Pblledelphia Nov. 23. Duet -“Alla Cainpano Andlamo,” Campawa value, and saving worry for the Saturday morning. The tire is | Mrs. Spear and Mrs. Furbish. elders. A!! jewelers keep it in all have cnucht from a defective flue, p build Sch. Charlie Woolsey arrived in New York Solo—“Sweetheart," L yn ci lugs were insured. Mrs. Copping. styles. “See it.” Saturday from Virginia. Piano Solo—“ Perceuse," Ileawmont MAINE MUSIC CO. Mrs. Wight. I* the great 10 < Boy s Watch, SU to $io. Sell. Ada Ames, Emery, Perth Amboy for Corner Main and Llmerock Streets. Wholesome. I ! Tap ley's Bread Winner" out! SoIo-“NiPi Oltanl," I»e Koocn nolseurs. Boston, passed through Hell Gate Saturday Mrs. Spear. $5 t o $ ,5. Da other shoes. Duet - “ Wanderer’s Night Song," Scb. Woodbury M. Snow, New York for Mrs. F. M. Shaw and Mrs. Copping. Boston, was on the Hats at Vineyard Haven “ Florian’s Song," Godard Mr*. A. F. I’HIsbury. Friday, but was ptilltd otr by a "tug without damage. Sch. G. M. Brainerd, Mullen, Philadelphia There was quite a gathering of relalives and for Rockland, was at Vineyard Haven Satur­ friends at the residence of Cyrus B. Willard, -0 3 ? ’ T H E - day and sailed. Ten mt’s Harbor, Nov. 30, to witness the mar­ riage of their daughter, Fannie E., to Allison Sch Oatawamteak, Rowe, arrived yesterday Maddocks of Rockland. The couple came from Cbarleston via Plymouth. into the room as the wedding inarch was Monday's arrivals were: Maggie Hurley played, and stood under an arch of flowers and Boston; A Paine. Lynn; Trumpet, Salem; evergreen. The bride was very prettily dressed MARK DOWN AND CLOSING OUT SA Florida, Hingham; Sea Pigeon, Steuben; Free- in lavender henrieita, trimmed with silk ribbon, mont. Surry; Rushlight, nnd Lizzie, Lincoln­ and wore natural flowers. The marriage took ville; S. J. Lindsey, N. Y with coal. place at two o’clock p. nr., Rev. 8. 8. Blek- Seh. Red Jacket, with lime from F. Cobb A inore officiating. Alter tho ceremony a nice Co. for New York sailed yesterday. collation was served. Numerous presents FULLER AND COB Sell. J. B. Stinson brought lumber yesterday were received. The bride has a large circle of oru Bangor for Shermun, Glover A Co. friends, and will be greatly missed, but their Sch Jennie G. Pillsbury arrived yesterday loss will be Rockland's gain as the happy from Boston with Oats to the Rockland Steam couple will occupy their new home in Rock­ We make these Low Prices now, when Customers want goods, instead of waiting until late in the season, when their Winter W a n t* are Mill. land, Corner of Pleasant street and Broadway. Sobs. S. M. Bird. Merrill, for Nassau, and Hannah McLoon for New York, are in the Thomas Donohue and Leila, daughter of supplied as we consider it of Mutual Benefit to Reduce Stock at once, as we wish to enter the New Store in the Syndicate B lo c k ream. Thomas McLoon ot this city, were married with an entirely Fresh Lot of Goods. Scb. Addie Seblaefer was loading from H. O. this noon at one o’clock at their home, 184 Gurdy A Co. yesterday for New York. South Main street, Rev. W. M Kimmell of the Church of Immanuel performing the ceremony. A small party of relatives and friends were We Will Mention a Few of the MANY BARGAINS to be Found in O ur Stoi FAITHFUL SAILORS present. After the ceremony the wedding party was driven at ouee to the train whence DRESS GOODS. DRESS MODS. We begin our closing out sale of cloaks Special Bargains] Captain Copeland Has a Good Word for they proceeded to Boston and other points for to give customers the benefit of 3 months' His Reliable Crew. a brief wedding tour. They will return Satur­ Pattern Dresses, Viz.: No. 63—7 yds. Polka Dot Suiting, fan wear 10 pir-ces Ginghntn 5 cents. day and will be ” at home” alter Dec. 15. with White Spot 88; old price 820 (i Short. Low-Shouldered Jackets, 75 cts’ 10 pieces Ginghams 6 cents Capt. Copeland of schooner Almeda Wllloy, No. 2—Green Gainers Hair, with 16 Short, Low-Shouldered Jackets, 81, Mrs. Donohue is one of Rockland’s lovely No 64—Stone Blue Pattern witli raised 1 case Prints 5 cents : worth 8 cents who is the hospital at Providence, because of young ladies, one who has grown up in onr Stripe same, 88 j bid price 818. silk figures, 89; old price 814 5 Medium Weight Black New Markets, Remnants Colored Table Damask injures received iu the accident to bis vessel, us No 8—Cardinal Serge, with 2 1-4 No 73—Black Camel's Hair witli Silk 82; old price 810, cents; usual price 50 cents. midst to be respected and beloved by a large reported last week, is recovering. T h e schoon- circle of fricuds. She is one titled personally yds. Brocade Velvet, 81.50; old Embroidery 87 60; olti price 812 50 1 Medium Weight Plaid Newmarket 1 Lot Blankets, Colored or White, when off Hatteras, was struck by a whirl­ No 78—7 ytls. Brown and Tan Suiting will) Cape. 83; old price, 812. cents aud socially to adorn a home. Mr. Dooobue price 812.50. wind breaking tore and main gaff'-, main boom for some years has lieen clerk with W. F. No. 7—Dark Green Canters Hair 88 50; olti priou 811 50. 1 Medium Weight Striped Newmarket, 1 Lot Blankets 98 cents. aud spanker boom and splitting several sails, No. 84—7 yds. Figured Crepon 816; old 83 50; old price 812 10 pieces Extra Heavy Unbleached Ci Norcross & Co. He is one of our most popu­ with Plain Side Band, 87; old price 823. 1 Blue and Brown Plaid Newmarket, tun Flannel 10 cents; worth 12 1-2' i) vessel also leaked badly, and Capt. Cope- lar young men, upright and reliable, and has price 815. NO. 90—Green Granite Cloth witli Bro­ 82.50; old price 812 3 pieces Fi 'licit Flannel 39 ceuis; ol laud was struck by a spar. For three days many friends to congratulate hitu on his good No. 8—5 yds. Plain Serge, with cade Stripe to mulch 86 25; olti price 1 Light Brown Newmarket, 81 50; old price 75 cents apt. Copeland could not move off' his bed,and foitune. The almost endless list of gifts, very breath he drew caused him excruciating 1 3-8 yds. Stripe Velvet, 83.50 ; 812.50. price 810. 3 pieces St ripe Cloaking 81.25; old pric pain. choice end beautiful, showed the high esteem old price 80. No. 100—5 1-2 ytls. Black Serge with 2 | 1 Black Beaver Newmai ket. 84; old 82 50. iu which the couple is held. No cards. ytls. Black anti Gold Silk Velvet 84; I price 812, 5 pieces Plaid Silk 58 cents; old prii Re speaks highly of the good work of the No 11—Mahogany Brown Canters uw, and says more faithful sailors never Hair witli Sideband 87.50; old olti price 89. j Black Newmarket for Miss of 14 years, 81 THOMASTON MARINE. No. 107—6 yds. N ve'ty Alligator weave 811; olti price 810. A large lot of Trimmings lit cents pulled a rope. Alter sail was made (after the price 815. (lit! Koso and Corn Flower Blue 820; I Bright Blue Newmarket for Miss of worth 75 cents to 81 a yard. whirlwind had passed) the Willey wen: off on The Whereabouts ot Well Known Ves­ No. 13—Blue Camel’s Hair, Stripe old price 835. 14 years, 84; old price, 815 1 Lot Raw Silk, Bright Strid es, Slum­ the starboard tack, things gradually became sels—C harter Notes. same, 80 . old price 818. No. 108—8 yds. Grepon Stripe, Light 1 Light Grey Newmarket, 87.50; old ber Robes 98 ecuts: old price 81.25. straightened out and she made fair time to No. 11—Brown Camel’s Hair with Blue 86 ami 810. pi ice 813 1 Lot Indian Baskels 29 cents; old price Providence. On the lourth day after tho whirl­ T h e W a m iu i kn F l e e t .—Seb Mattie Eaton, Astraehan Sideband, 810; old One pieeeSOinch Brown ami Black Plaitl 2 Black Jackets one 32, one 34, 60 cents. wind Capt. (' ipelaud was obliged to drag him­ Suiting 69 cents; olti priee 81. 83 60; old price 810. 1 piece 24 inclt Black Velvet 82; old Gamuge, sailed from Savannah, Nov. 26 tor price 817. self on deck to get his bearings, as he had no Baltimore with lumber at $4.25....Sch. J. K. One piette eaelt 48 inch Storm Serge, I Black Chinchilla Jacket one 36. 85; pice 84- other navigator aboard. No. 15—Dark Green Camel’s Hair, colors Prune, Brown, Dial), Scarlet old price, 815 1 ease Printed Cotton Crepon 6 1 4 / Souther, Thompson, is due iu Portland with with bright colored Sideband, anti Gurnet 69 cents; olti price 8 1 I Black Wrap one 36, 82 ; old price $20 cents; worth 10 vents coal ior Baltimore at 85 cents....8eh- Mabel 87.50; old price 815. 10 pieces 48 inclt Serge, colors Gurnet. 1 Black Wrap one 30, 83 ; old price 826 1 bale 36 inch unbleached Cotton 5 els ; Jofdau, Baluuo, sailed irom Boston, Nov. 27, No. 16—Bronze ami Brown Eoulle, Peacock Blue, Myrtle and Olive 69 1 Black Wrap one 34, 81 ; old price 810. wortli 6 cents. tor Rio Janero with general curgo....8ch. Handkerchief Plaid, 81 ; old cents; old price 81.25 1 Blue Wrap one 34, 83; old price 816 1 bale 40 inch unbleached Cotton, 6 cts.; | a Thomaston Clipper Leads the Big Chas. L. Daveuport, Watts, is at Buenos Ayres price 815. 4 pieces Red Bedford Cord 50 cents; I Plush Wrap one 86, 810.50: old price worth 7 cents. Subquchanna Across the Alantic. from Yarmouth, N. S., with lumber at #6. old price 87 1-2 cents 850. 2 pieces Red Stripe Scrim 4 cents; worth She arrived Nov. 14. All well....Sch. Carrie No. 18—Olive Green Camel’s Hair, The big ship Subquehauua of Bath, wi with bright Sideband, 88; old One piece 50 inch Waterproof Plaid, j 1 Brocade Wrap one 36. 817; old price 10 cents. f . Balauo, Capt. N. J. Bond, sailed from Bos- Grey and Black 79 cents; old price 875 100 Holland Curtains, Spring Fixtu res la** beaten several English clipper ship* ion Wednesday tor Savanuah, light, to load price 817. $1,35. i 1 Lot Blank Mull's 50 cents. 75 cents 25 cents; old price 35 cents. ep water passages ,has herself been beaten lumber tor Baltimore at #4.25....Scb. Henry No. 20—Stone Blue Camel’s Hair, Two pieces Scotch Suiting 69 cents; old j ami 81. one other country vessels. The Susque- J. Smith, Adams, sailed irom Philadelphia with Bright Sideband 88 ; old price price $1 CARPETS. una left Liverpool, Eugiaud, October 6 for Nov. 30 for Carbarieu, Cuba, with coal at #1.40 817. One piece each Camel's Hair, Plaitl anti I JACKETS. w York, on the last leg of a triangular ....Seh- Martha T. Thbmas, Suvth, is loading No. 21—Brown Handkerchief Plaid Stripe. 50 inches wide, colors Blown, Special Prices in the Carpet rage ol 40,000 miles. Ship General Knox of general cargo m New Yura tor New Orleans, 84 ; old price 80. Garnet ami Green 69 cents; old price 1 Blouk Jsttkat witli vest, higii tibnuliler. I lleparlineiil. hmaston left River Mersey, October 11, hve at #1800....Sch. Fred Baiauo, Sawyer, has No. 24—Combination Prune Camel’s 81. size 36. 89 50; old price 817. j Best Brussels Carpets with xtortlers to after the Susquehanna.The Knox reached just sailed from Norfolk tor New York with rdy Hook, November 11,making the passage Hair 80 ; old price 815 1 Black Bedford Curil Jacket, fiigb sfioul ! match, 81; old price 81 35 lumber at #2.50. dcr. size 38, 89; old prico 816. I Wo have a Bordered Brusselsssels1 Carpet |0days, a quick trip lor this time of year. Bert Copeland has gone on to Providence, < No. 25—Green Serge with Plaid, 87 50; Outside Garments. Susquebauua arrived November 14. old price *15. 1 Black Beaver Jacket, high shoulder, j made, size 13 ft x8 ft. 3 in.; willinake where his father, Capt. Copeland of the Almeda No 27—8 yds Blue and Tan Scotch 1 Brown Plaid Newuiatket, high sltonl size 32, ,$5; olti price $15 a tow price on saute to dispose of R. uh ships are loading at New York for San Willey, is sick in the hospital. Plaid $6 50; old price 814. tier, size 34. 85; old price 811- 1 Black Beaver Jacket, Astraehan triui- Tapestry Carpels 60 cents to 75 cunts'\ K reuco.Capt.T. G. Libby of Curbing is com* ------tuiug, 85; old price 815 All Wool Extra S iper Carpets 47 der ol the Gen. Kuox. No 30—6 yds. Mixed Green Serge 1 Black Newmarket with cape, high SHIPBUILDING. 84 60; old price 810 shoulder, size 32, 87 50; old price 815. 8 Black Cheviot Jackets, Sable C ollar cents. Cotton Chain 25 cents. No. 34—8 yds. Heliotrope ami Black 1 Navy Blue Misses’ Newmarket, 14 and Edge, sizes 32. 34, 36, 38. 40, 42, THE TELEPHONE. Eoulle 87 60; old price 815 years, high shoulder, 87: old price 810 50; old price 820 We have a lew mid patterns and widths The uew schooner being built by Washburn No. 48—7 yds Scotch Novelty, shaded 816 1 Navy Cheviot Jacket, lui. Seal trim­ of Oil Cloth Carpetings that we shall Bros., Thomaston, will be launched (he last of Brown 88 60; old price 817. 1 Black Cheviot Newmarket, size 34, ming, size 34, 88 50; old price 814. not duplicate so will make prices, viz: kUuiou hue is now iu running order, with this month, with good weather. The vessel No. 47—8 3 4 yds. Garnet Novelty 87; high shoulder, 88; old price 816. 1 Black Cheviot Ncutriu trimmed Jacket 50 cent Oil Cloth for 35 cunts; 40 cent • • '<■. uud Ul i llUIft- is hail planked and the houses are raisad. old price $12. I Navy Blue Beaver Newntarke.. Astra- size 40, 810 50; old price 820. Oil Cloth for 30 cents; 35 cent Oil LSouth Doioa. 4 Rubi>m», Forem m Viual bus a big crew at work. No. 62 6 1-2 yds. 'Fan Herringbone eltati Trimming, high shoulders, 13 Black Cheviot Fur Lined Jackets, Cloth for 25 cents; 30 cent Oil Cloth uare also io have oue---- A phone Stripe 810; old price 825 | 810 60; old price 819 new goods, high shoulder, all sizes, a for 20 cents. at the Morieil Institute, Bay VESSEL SOLD. No. 57—7 yds. Heliotrope Camel’s Hair 4 Black Cheviot Newmarkets, Sable Col great bargain at 810.50 ingrain Art Squares sizes 2 1-2x3. Herringbone weave 812 SO; old price lar and Edge, high shoulder, 821.50; | 5 Cheviot Fut Lined .Iackels, all sizes, 3 1 2x3. 4x3; price lioiu 84 upwards. C. , esq , of this city was (he first black aud blue at 816 .50. A lot 81 Hassocks for 63 cents The new vessel being built by George, A. 828 old prico 830 persod the IllA Itlc- Gillcbrest, this city, has been sold to Boston phone 1 Mr. Wulkvr was entitled parties, and Capt. John Leo, formerly of this to the le has labored loug, euerget- city, command her. Rockland. M e icaily i Ju;ly to have the Hue con- F U L L E R & COBB, struclel Have BEEcuaM’a Pil l s rv»i IO THE ROCRLAJND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY. DECEMBER (5. 1892.

CURRENT NEWS FROM ROCKPORT NEW HOTEL. Ro c k p o r t p e r s o n a l s . More Detailed Description of the New It o II. B. Woods J. a“ called Io Yar­ W h e r e Seasonable Happenings Served Up in Read­ Lynn, Mass , Hotel. nR PRICE’g mouth ins’ week to atU?n.l the funeral of able Form for Ho ne Use We hive had m vcral item -' regarding a cousin He roturnejl borne W-dnes- Evun’s new hot-l. The ReymoUr, which day. K DELICIOUS Industrial News That Shows Business will le managed by J. B Patterson and Shall I Go Activity — Local Notes Regarding ihings of Interest —The Week's vife. formerly of tbe l.oudcr, Bangor. Mr and Mrs. If RLtnotnls and son of Record of Personals. Mr. Patterson’s connection with flic Bedford M iss., who! has been visiting B .-ton W Btngor bods and tbe fact that / ■ tothelr Flavoring Veazie’s Brass Band has moved into his wife was M i- Ecu Fales. a fair T o B u y home. Tit".'' t . the Lffllt tile lutll oval Union Hall. Rockland girl, gives a local interest to In- new hostelry. SO t e publish tile fol­ The M E Sunday School has added C C. Morse and lowing deseriplion tak n front tbe Eynn aughter Stella with new honks to the library. Miss Mamie Post if Santa Clara, who Item: Two of our citizens are at It icklind have been visiting Capt. I,. K Mor«e, C l o t h in g ? S C Newhall h i’ I. f ’d for a term of NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Tying tb • Morrell c it <-. years, to .1 B Bnttcrsor. Ills new block left Monday, the 2f It, for Northampton, The Great Slaughter in Clothing Fretl Andrews has his c*rw setting on Exeli.ng. street, corner of Broad Mass., where Mir Mor-e and Miss I’osl Vanilla Of perfect purity. This is tbe question that the boiler at the new schoolhouse. It will tie immediately fitted up for a art -’nd n's at Smith - make their Garments, nnd wts unfavorable, there was a fair sized E. M Clark has bougtit the Clarence po t Schooner. following stores: who use only serviceable house. Payson store on Bay View street of II. O. Gordy & Co., 4 Camden St. materials in construction. Simon Wentworth is slating the stone Sell Jtreut Tb»yer, Capt. S. 11 Wall Oxford Mixed Ulsters T. R. Simonton which wrecked at Oregon Inlet, on A. F. Crockett & Co 743 Main St. bailding.eorner Main and Central streets E M Perry, 738 “ •“ There ought to be a snow guard and ,1 |; Steams ind rift arrived homo tho Nojjtb Carolina coast, was built in Win. 15. Hills, 672 $15.00, The N. E. Clothing Co. ju t by i1irleton. Not woo- Our hydrants should be examined be­ Preferred Service With the Lord to Youths’, Boys’ aud Chil­ fore the cold weather sets in The hy­ Corporation which should he promptly Bean Shelling. Knox Farmers Exchange W e shall close out at dren’s Clothing that Rock­ drant on Commercial street, near the accepted. They ask the corporation to Co., Eiinerock land has ever known. 33 Park Baptist Church, will be frozen up unless lease them fur 99 years tlie Meguntieook A four-yeat'sold son of a well-known Ireland & Whitney, II. II. Flint, 117 “ the supply pipe is seen to, us the open Hall let and give to them ilie $8000 Bf.ickport minister assisted in harvesting $10.00. insurance. In return the Club will R. W. Messer, 105 Sea sewer has uncovered it. If tho Select­ ail aliening cranberry beans The 14 Water build thereon, covering tho entire lot Rockland Lime Co., SUITS men do not look after such matters, xt morning the little fellow's thumb W. W. Hodgkins, Thomaston where are the fire wardens? The town back to the Alien Spear property, a as quite sore and interfered with hi E. L. Dillingham A: Co., A Light Ail Wool The handsomest stock that can’t afford to pay $50for a hydrant and brick block not to cost less than $30,000, Iiuttoning his dress, and in reply if In T. S. Andrews, this house has ever shown. have it frozen up p rt of the year. to contain a store and quarters for the [were going to shell any more beans Masters & Starrctt, Frieze Overcoat Worsteds, Woolen Cassi- The Rockport Ice Co. has completed pcistoftioe on the first floor in trout, club mid that In- had rather be a door-keeper Preble & Co., mere, Cheviots, Etc., in all repairs and changes at the store, which room on the second floor in front, witli the house of tho Lord than to shell F. O. Clark, Camden the new and fashionable is very attractive and convenient Ttie opera house, dancing hall, court loom, beans. ______S. E & IE E Shepherd, Rockport $15.00 shades. walls and ceiling have been calsomined engine house, lockup and offices for the Bodwell Granite Co., Vinalhaven town officers in the rear, the club to THE LOBSTER. C. B. Smith, That ’cannot be duplicated for less in pleasing eolors, while bard wood O. 15. Jones, floors, new counters, shelves, etc., will heat, light and care for the building and High Prices Rule—Petitions than $18. OVERCOATS to let the corporation have tlie ollicet Change in the Law. Booth Bros. A 11. EG.Co , Hurricane assist in showing up goods. An office Bodtvell Granite Co., Spruce Head fins been finished up stairs, in the rear free of rent lolever. Ttie propositio: East week, lobsters reached $9 25 per is one that the corporation should acee Lewis A. Arey, Owl's Head of tbtEsloro, which is airy ami well barrel or 13 cents each. F. H. Smith, No. Haven lighted. J- IK $ehs. Senator, Willie G. Motto and —AT T II K - era sends us u little pamphlet con­ A Well Known Man Who Rtistfa Sev­ ing the custom house rules at Buenos eral Seeds Each Year, Geprge & Everett, all witli wood, dis­ $3.00, The articles are printed in charged for S. E. & 11. E. Shepherd, ATLANTIC SHOE STORE From 4 to 8 years (beauties), finish and English We print a sec- C. ( Morse who has been vi-lting liis last) week....Carleton, Norwood & Co. Worth $2.50 Children’s two and three-piece ,n from the English version : brother Capi E K. Morse. Rockport, is discharged sch. .lames Bai hour and the No. 666 Main Street, Saits, nil ages, in Cassimere, tie ohMnpton •' ■ d grow’s employee Santa Clara, Caln. This yenil he will cahlkers... .The Shepherds loaded last T O j o d C A P S the consul’s or the Custom house's of occupy nearly 1100 acres Ho Jnow huB $100 Caps lo r...... $2.75 its procedeece mannesto, us il is pre­ wpek the Ella May for {Providence. scribed in tbe 81th to 84lh articles, for fifty horses aud 15U Chinamen Imployed Beady for sea Saturday,Dec. 3d...... Soh. 3.50 “ 2.50 Mackintosh Goats only the delay in presenting them, he setting 15.000 ,-acks of onions.loopounds; Annie Shepherd struck a wreck on Nan­ Iu addition to tuy Kino Lino of 2.50 “ 2.00 in new patterns, lower than w ill he fined iu 5*1 hards dollars on in the suck It Will require lw Kxpenava enable* ino to give tho B E ST at county, widow ol Jeremiah R. Rundleli -ays Ihu earth Wednesday night collided with a Lovoat rrico*. of Co. I , 15lh Me., has been aw tided a phone put into Ins office stray comet wandering through space without O c o lined orbit or determined aestinaiion. The New Store! New Stock! Low Prices! pension of $12 a month and $2450 back comet, was ill the Andromeda group. Tbe NEW ENGLAND piston Wednesday ft! iss Spear. I operator at force C-2 Impact shattered the cornel to pieces. One Price Clothiers, ,M. Staples, ■ -q., ol Washington the ‘'Central," talked over lt|10 Ucw line Kvldcnco of ihe collision was visible in u great F. A. PETERSON, uumher flMMMiW! etars or meteors as re­ Rockland, : Maine. CLOTHING HOUSE ruoy. to Manager Howard, at Union. ported mjfh NVIona parts of the country. Blake Block, North End. THOMASTON. Ir yonr smelt house In order ? What has become or the contemplated Trade Hark.) W. F. Keilar tr Co. are adding largely to ‘ Ghost Patty?” George Holt, who loft here I their force. has arrived there p . & WADQUARTP ' I. H. Burkett is to bold a dancing school The Boston store is now located in Gleason here this Winter. Rev Chas. Andrews oc 'or Blacksmith*, Machinist*, < J uorry men, I'n1 a Block, the lower floor. pulpit again last Sabbath. FirherlBen, Bporttnon, 8<*an.?n and Earn o •, The school at the Meadows is closed on ac­ K ID G L O V E S Phtp, Boit, Carriage, arid ’louse flutldei < Mrs. Win Harrington scalded her feet quite count ot diphtheria. Rev. Mr. Ives returned It yon can’t find what y< i warn, go to badly, Monday of !aat week. preached to his people, Snnt Mac. Gilchrest has opened a barber shop at The new sttam fire engine is to be named the the foot of Knox street. Coal Is moving lively In I H H. CKIE & Co.'S, ' •Molln.nx,- a name of local .Ignlflc.nce. T„e Govfrnor Uo„nc|, „ „ „ pected „er0 people rejoice to know thrf Koeenc D uet’s new house will he ready for ltl„ wecl( t& vl8j, [beprison. Geo. Oliver is doing quv occupancy in two or three weeks. W ||||„m Br(|I()(,r hR9 bonght ,he Jame, Ke). in his oyster saloon and cl 50 Tons Refilled and Norwny Iron. Mrs.W. J. Jam con picked in her garden, 1 ieran place at Brooklyn Heights. good style. 10 Ton* Quarry and.Carrlnge Steel. Nor. 28. a lolly blown dandelion. rhe „ „ , Qon m#|00 Keg* Iron and Steel Herat Slice*. noticeably interested in educational matters. Herbert A lien has god l,i 00 Gala. Ready Mixed Houat and Ship 1 alula Our people are sighing for the electric, and Mrs. KelIeran intends soon, to go to Califor­ Kodilaiid Ice He? .200 G ab Paint and MachinefOlla. want it on Mnin street, und want It just as soon nia where she will make her home for the pres- company^ employ, bow/ 200 Gala. House, Ship and Carriage Varnishes. as they can get it. Stoddard Burgess 0,000 Lba. Manilla and Hump Cordage. Mrs. Sahra Young has just received a pen­ v,00‘. Feet W ire Rope. I^evensnh r Block wts built by the Levensalcr from Monument Cornt sion of #10 a month, and track pension to the 4,000 LbB. Quurry and Cable Chain heirs in 1872. It is a handsome stiucture to- Thos. P. Burgess. amount ot #3270 1.600 Lba. Steel Cr »w Bara. Wetlierbue has his re* •z ,0 Regs beat Blasting Powder. Oar correspondent writes : ‘ You must send Hay sold in Rockland last week for as high he intends to travel and o*jo Hickory and Oak Spoke*. more C. (J’h for sale here. Our people com­ as #19 a ton, according to the report of one of ' ■ ’ oi >t we ah nnaly 160 Seta Hickory and Oak Kims. plain that they can't secure copies.” ,’KK) Lba. Boni Nalbland Rivet* our farmers. Mi«x Morrison ol F|* E. W. Prince writes home from Florida that Very interesting meetings are being held A. Keating’s, and w h o i.k s a l f ; < n d it f t a n , he has shipped from his grove 1500 boxes of every Sunday afternoon at two o’clock in the scholars in the distri The ab«»v<' brands of Kll> GLOVES *n oranges nnd 250 boxes of lemons. Y. M. C. A. rooms. Winter. For Rale by » U. II. (JRIE & COMPANY T. A. Hunt. J. H. Gould, E S. Rose, Geo. Every one is anxiously walling the return of George Newherl w Houston and F. K Shaw were In Boston last looking for goods, re Simonton Brothers. M A U S T IN , the gunners. It is expected our friend Jordan week, purch’isifig new stocks of goods. will capture at least one dear. place ol buhinets J. E. Moore and W. G. Washburn have re­ inviting. Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, Tho stores are rapidly assuming their holi­ cently put chased elegant upright pianos, the Mr. Hosmer of Cj 441 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND, MR. day attire and many an eager eye ip wishfully Haines make, with hurl walnut nnd Circassian week in the intefest1 scanning the beautiful show windows. K F.’ K. F O L I.K T T , walnut cases. nn !/>«!) & Build! D A 3 boiuftst-'n young man eleven years of Capt Leander Whitmore has recently pur- nuiiii -t i av, invest] Dental Surgeon. age, is taking the Keeley cure for the tobacco ch iscd a house lot on Hy ler street, and contem­ Now if you wish plates building early in tho Spring. A. K. I’KAR|BLOCK—Cor Main and Park P it habit which is firmly fixed on him. lie has lr !t| C" ds lor 'i Q action guaranteed hi all. binnobe* Vreelnnd’s Minstiels showed here Thursday D( n’lfUry. the medicine coins by express. auction of A. M. Geo B Mnthews formerly of Thomaston, evening to n #60 house. Drunken disturbers of ( vening ol ti e 20tlf the peece were ej'eted by the police. dr j . H. D A M O N , now director of music In rhe Lewiston Public So. Warren.— Surgeon mid StPClianiciil School*, is baritone of the Palestrina Male Mrs. Ichabod Willey has gone to Lynn. is visiting her mo M.»«*•.. to nn et her husband, who is there in I > . lltiH t Quartet of Lewiston. who . - quit • I • f IlOCKPOKT, MAINE. Capt. II. H Williams, Charles Creighton nnd his schooner, dis< barging a load of timber. day under the iul - OFFICE IN CAltLKTON’S NEW BLOCK- Capt. N. B. Jordon left Wednesday fora gun­ The next event in the lecture course will be student from Ba b and Gold Work a Sporlalty. the lee'tiro on “ Chaucer” by Prof. H. L. Chap­ Fuller of Rock Iff Ether and Gus Administered. ning trip “ Down East.” They will return hbrpe when they gel their full quota of deer. man of Brunswick, tomorrow, Wednesday last week....Co load of grain. Messrs.-A. Davis and Alonzo Atkins have evening. A. WOODS IDE, Hoftscs ol Cushf1 D“ recently bought the Geo. Maxey farm, Pump­ Rev W. O. Holtnan of Rockland has been f t ) O. w. Counce. Physician and Surgeon. kin Hill Mr. Atkins intends to make this his engaged to assist Editor Thompson o f the RESIDENCE AND OFFICE: 49 MIDDLE STRUCT. home in the near future. Herald, on the editorial work. Mr Holman is Pl.EAMAN I VIlJ IION. SY'I. F. CODY. IIoiihk—8 to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2, and 7 to V p. m Union spent The first telephone message from Union to an experienced newspaper inan. •• L u i.d o Biil.” Telephone Connection. last week. Mr Thomaston was received Friday evening. Il The schools dose next Friday with the ex­ Many areire f.iiuiar v. b the is as spry as | l< rf i.. v id west show, J C UII.L, was from Union Masons, engaging District ception of the High School, which will con­ “ Buffalo li.ils” won Jones returnedj Prior to bis ventu u a-1. Mr. C <>dv exbib- Deputy Levi Morse to install the officers elect, tinue one week longer. They will recommence ited at Stat n b .111 •w York 11 arbor, Physician and Surgeon. Dee. 15. Jan.2, the High School commencing Jan. 3. visit in Boston) where bo beeaino . I., ii with Malaria. laid up the paj « f Kiekapoo Indian Ofek r. Fionas—9 to 11 ». m.; 2 to 5, and 7 to 10 Allison McFarland Is doing quite a business Knowing tho v: tv m NIght calls from the office. The third year of the popular assemblies in ....K . Wottqf Sagwa, Mr. <’“»•>' s< : 1 » 1 i.o agents for this Waits Hall commenced last evening, with making flash light views of family groups and wonderful Indian n i y, and after using a a*T Telephone Connection. the VYJ, few bottles w; S i-' ri uc’nt’y cured. 341 MAIN ST., WILLOUGHBY BLOCK. music by Meservey of Rockland. The same private parties. If you want to see how you look hy flash light give Allison a call. r'l^ntuke chai , “ It is a rem . ..ab ii mi di( me. said Mr. patronesses have the care of the series. Mead. Elias Davis Cody, “ and I b .ve ;i ha i of its virtues a O. L. BAHT] ETT. T. A. Carr and C. 8 Smith. There are thirteen people in the graduating longtime. Y u j i y imino and say land last we cl,18. of the Hieli ^chooljlyxsrorThem bcin« that for wlu.t b;. n<» no equal.equa Physician and Surgeon, There seems to be no candidate for the post- to East Un? and for mala; d cb it is f r superior office as vet- Mr. Singer makes a most ex­ •- ' «>' mi n. Mi WeekjfjJid u iu Parker, tbe Amos Leach) to quinine in l m y '• > . ’ MIDDLE STREET, ROCKLAND Office IJourh from 11 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 4, and cellent official, and there is no hurry to disturb » teachers, continue give excellent satisfac- tiim to his bf This, from tin* inu.ing plainsman in Amer- to « p./n. Telephone Connection. lean history, a in.in ttlin-o integrity is un­ him. It ia understood, however, that if T. A - l*on Russell is f questioned. shoe1 I prove b yonil a shadow 1* JUDKINS. M. D . H ' . Ru-«'7 of doubt that liieha..... I.hI iii Sagwa is just wants it, what is claim, d for it : an honest medicine of M. IiIOHtJ superior curativo qualities, cninbiniiiK tlio Physician and Surgeon. The Daisy Knitting Jos- : of Boston hua been in town lor a few days. valuable btf best of tlie vegetable kingdom gathered RESIDENCE AND OFFICE, 302 MAIN STREET epb K, -. j. W. Walker, the piano man, will be her night re frotu the forests aud gardens of nature, everal well I Formerly occupied by Dr. T. . . Ealnorook. known early in January. Copeland, ! SKODA.’* I z F r r JL E T A S t . . , Office Houkh— 10 to 12 a. m ; 1 to3an> 7to9p. m. Pho Young People’s Union, connecic I with M arlboro^ U lid . Kiifc. Efficient. I :si ,11- Sara Bernh^;r(|, T hee was beautiful operatic the Cotig’l f’hurch. will hold a fair in the vicinity j.crior to tntj pill. For l i c i t . ! - B. A DA BIS. M D ., i ache anti Liter Complaint hr • ,,ne 0( t[j, imiiyi a0(j wo hear that church vestry, probably Dec. 14 There will notliiitg ran equal these Tab­ Physician and Surgeon. A be a pleasing entertainment nnd the “ Marie visiting ii let*. Willi the IUKt'OVEKY Acting AHBlatant Surgeon for the Port ol||Rocklaod Mirror” will be exhibited. family en they eare Klicnmiitisin. 50 in ■ in Rock’l a box only 5 5 e ts . Office Houkh—Spofford Block, 1 to 4, 7 to • Capt Jonathan Strong of schooner Pbintas p.m Cuatoo. liouae, luto 12 a. ut >t<"Teh'j iione Board ut H' .lih bov, th? matter in band Hedged 1 isd are fighting vigorously io keep it tvithin Sprague will remain at feme for a trip and his son, Capt. Allen Strong, will tike command. .’9,. r Mrs. L( V 11 ' M. D., |H all. In tbe E mt M -.low ■ ■ho-I dimr ■•[ re­ Capt. J. Strong c.une home from Portland, Friday He is Htillering from rheutnat their au, P ysiclan and Surgeon, gally died with the dread disease nnd others recently bi bin children are with it Mrs Ci u trouble and strongly contemplates retirement 341 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND, ME from sea life. H r Special attention given to Dineaaes of the In the same neighborhood, died very suddenly has a r Eye and Ear. M what was supposed io be tonsilitis, but the Dr. O. F.Cushing, a Thomaston boy now lo­ about i Office II oukh:—11 to 12 a m., 2 to 6 p. m ., 7 to cated in Boston, has left the general practice 10 p. m. tBonrd of Health, to lie on tlie safe side, treated Brothel lit an il it were diphtheria. and devoted himself exclusively to the thror.t 100 00(| w and ear. for which lie has especially fitted him­ J^ALLOOH.A MESERVEY, Landlord Btckfprd, at the Knox House, will ' iitor ' self by study. l)r. Citahlng studied with Dr. gel into the new pari tills week. The Improve­ pi each L a w y e rs , H. C. Levcnsaler of this town and is a gradu­ ments made are of the most important charac­ 2VU MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND, ME ate of Brunswick Medica1 College. He is one Agents for Gerrnuu American Fire Innaram-n Co ter. Thu water closets and lavatory have of our most promising young men. N. ., und Washington Life ltmuranee Co., N Y. been fitted up in hard wood and with all Mrs. Ordway, who recently lost l er husband J O IIN 1 II t M .Y , modern improvements. The new kitchen is on the same floor as the dining room, and will by death, is most surely passing through deep Counsellor at Law, be well fitted for its important purpose. On waters of alfiiction. Hardly had she returned 27 SCHOOL ST., - BOSTON, M ASS tbe lower floor is tbe laundry, the same siz as from the hit rial of her husband when her infant Rooms 36 and 30. 'I elephone No. 22’4 the dining room. Th a Knox House will now child, who had been in poor health tor some Special attention given to Admiralty M:. it era be In fine condition to entertain its many weeks, passed away. The little ono died Tues­ day morning and Mrs. Ordway left on Thurs E.HV, N S P R A G U E . guests. day with the remains for Iter old home in Mas- Daniel Ball is clerk at the Clinton House___ MARCUS LITTLEFIELD. Insurance Agency. sachupett*. where the baby will he interred. Mis. C. A. Soiithanl is at 8t. Albans....M rs. Mrs. Ordway has the sympathy of all. ------FREE PKEH4 BUILDING,------Darby, who bas been very sick, is convales­ L’MEROCK STREET, ROCKLAND, ME. Rheumatism of the Joints cing....R ev. C. A. Southard and wife make ( J LIIMO1H0ELL, Agent, their homo with Luther Simmons. Knox street VINALHAVEN. ....W K. Vlnul bas returned from a trip to The musical sketch. “Soveu Old Ladies of INHERITEDHUMOR BLOOD Mercantile Mutual Aocident Ass’n Boston. . . . Hr. A. I*. Heald has been Confined Lavender Town,” was produced at the vestry, OF ROH-rON, MAH'. to his house with sickness....M iss Morton Das Banished by Skoda’s, Thutsday evening, by local latent, and though 42JMA1NHT., . . ROCKLAND, ME. returned from a irip to B oston....J E Moore, Also New York Mutual Life. the weatbtr was bad, the attendance was very AFTER PHYSICIANS HAD PRONOUNCED esq, wus in Boston lust week....Geo. B good...... The subject of tho lecture a’ the THEM INCURABLE! Malbews was home from Lewision over Sun­ church, next Sunday evening will he, “ The Marcus Litti.ekikli> lives at west day---- Messrs. E. K. O'Brien, U. W. Stimp- WINTERPORT, Me. A FARM ER BV (M il son, J. C. Levensalcr and Niven Meban went Redemption that Vinalbiven Needs’’. . . .The RATION, HE ENJOYS THE Itl.MIA T OI Al.I. ^JOLIIRAN KAK BK & CI. that all the 400 MAIN STREET. ROCKLAND home...... Miss Kva Thompson of Friendship It is expected that Rev. J. 11. Parsblcy of! wav 1 could get any rest at night, was to visited friends in town ..M rs. Allen Strong linihe in slroiiK eorbolie Held, ami Rockland will preach at Seal Harbor next Suu-1 tbid only relieved me lor a few bourn. is spending a lew weeks inv Portland....M rs. day at 2 p. m ....D eacon Mark Arnes slippei In addition to this, eight moiithn ago, Mary Montgomery left Saturday for Hemiuon- KlieiiiiiHlihiii in my neck and shoul­ and lull on tho sidewalk, one day last week, im d e r m seI in. drawliiK my shoulders ton, N. J , where she intends to spend the G M O F F IT T , juriug himself quite badly. He is confined td — — mil oi |»luee, Winter with her daughter, Mrs. Sm all....W . c the house....W ill Ames, who has been ve H. Sampson ol Waldoboro made us a dying BETTER Fire and Life Insurance. ill, is im proving....M iss Annie Chadwick lollies nil. Physicians eul.l I could never Loseea Adjusted at this Office. trip, Saturday. ;et well. I was unable lo do any work, Rockland bas been visiting friends here.. .m l wus a greal sullerer. I doelorcd witli • SIGN BLOCS, « • RQ< Kt.AND, ME several Phvshlaua, including Speeialisls Mark Rowell has moved bis family to Hallow in Boston, and look ii.-i.il> nil Hie iul- L nt'KINIS A SON, ....R ev . C. A. Plumer will preach in the vcrllseil surMipurlllHs uii.l I.I.....I E. chapel, Sunday evening. l.i.rilicrn. Inn received no l.en. lil whal Fire Insuiance Agents, ever I had given up nil hopes, und my S chi ck Head.--Rev.S.S. Biektnore preat frieuds thought I could live hut u few H7 MAIN STUEKr - ROCKLAND, ME. IVo months. 1 began the use of SKODA si Office rear room over Rockland National Rank. | at the chapel, Sunday ....T h u friends of DISCOVERY and TABLETS, acrordiug 0«- Largest und Strongest Euglioh und American and Mi” J. E. I’.lwell, called on them at U[ to directions, ami also used SKODA 5 F:n it aurance t oinpunles repn tented. AI ifetnlfe HXTMENT —. . . - e xtcirnally I new home, Saturday evening, taking a M l, i Il- Il.g T U A N O ', hut o n e Travelers Accident In arance Ca. i pretty mirror, u* a token of their friendship? ,<*ek. tin ie ■ was u vlidblc In Buying your GbrUtmu* Good*, such as hauge In appearance. My skin that wa* Boot*, ShoAn, R ubber Good*, Fine Neck ' There wa* an uutertainiuent in the literally covered with |»luil>le» ami ARTHUR HUEA, Wednesday eveuing. Rather^ quiet affair! h lo l c l i c s began lo clear up. My wear, bilk Bluffier*, Fine Glove* aud Mit­ tife became good, less pain In my [ judge!....Miss Emma Burton i* quit, ilf ehouldcr*. and I g a in e d r u p it lly I have Ptactieal Plumber. ten*, ' School began yesterday, under the now used les* than two courses of there • at.j Clot* ts, 1 Uh Pubs and Wuter Fixture* Sof REMEDIES, and my Itbeiim alism has up in the best manner. ' management of Miss Mary B. Graut. entirely disappeared Mioi i.in n* JSHix>x>ox*s, eto . THAT WERE DRAWN Ot'T OF Fl.ACE AM» < >q< cllon in hruinuge und Ventiiu(loi»» which the Doctors said cot j.d never 4 U Wiulu r... O p p o . lJ n d a o j H o u s e HOPE. UE GOT RACK AGAIN ARE Ah GOOD AS NEW W e cun give you the laygeat selection this [AND IN i’FRFECT POSITION. My bkiu is tide of It *lon or Portland. Price* Lov>. free from blolebes and — ■ as* fiO ltA ’M UBBNAW SOAP, Miss Flora laylor is gradual!y impd p im p l e s . 1 haw g u lu t* (| { j f j I 11 Goode guurunleed. New customer every twenty pounds in v -S..II u« Velvel.” “ Pure u» ' horn her Ion.: ami BftrloUS iiicnumiu- tri f le s h , t an go into the wood* at suurt.-e, Gul.1,” that tell, the whole Week at ....E dw ard Roy has killed nine pigs, agi ami chop cord wood until dark, atid not tttuuy. Wost highly n»euivMte«l ling about 2700 pou He marketed/ get tlreu, a thing I could never do be lore s u a p e v e r m u ile . ’f ry one cage. I t in all mv life, and tim able lo work in Rockland....Several from here attend all the lim e. My ft lends are u s lo n - i s e le u u iit. A« a l l O r u g g t .t .. LEVI SEAVEY’S, i s lie t l at the result*, and not more »o than Price, 25 ets. Sousa concert.... A peculiar bright au my sell. They consider it ulm ost mirae- ing light in Lincolnville wa* the cause u l o u s . ” sideiablc talk and wonduimm; irda! SKODA DISCOVERY CO., BELFAST, ME. lug....M rs.W illiam Peirce has a I Jonathan Gilley, M. O. C hildren Cry for Widow Urey Cough Cur^ Pitcher’s Cantoris. Is Perfection Itself