
Laevicaulis Alte is a round, dark-coloured with no shell, 7-8cm in length as a fully grown adult. It’s skin is slightly tuberculated. The central keel is beige in colour, this slug has a unique, very narrow foot; juvenile specimens have a foot 1mm wide and adult specimens have a foot that is only 4-5mm wide.


Laevicaulis Alte can be housed in a container with a secure lid which has enough substrate for the slug to move around and bury. If using a container please ensure sufficient ventilation, while also remembering will climb and as such vent holes should be small in size or covered with appropriate mesh such as Organza. Laevicaulis Alte can also be kept in glass enclosures such as aquariums, again using similar principals to those noted when using a container.


Laevicaulis Alte within the wild live in dry areas, mostly at lower altitudes.


Laevicaulis Alte in captivity will eat the following:

• Dandelion leaves • Tomatoes • • Decaying Leaves • Fungus

Ensure a source of calcium is available such as Cuttlefish bone.


You will need to ensure that a spray bottle is available, when using tap water please ensure appropriate water treatment is used to make your water safe, never use filtered water. Aim to keep humidity between 50-60% - this can be achieved by misting or spraying as and when required.


Laevicaulis Alte are best kept between 20-22’C this can be achieved through the use of an appropriate heat mat – when using a heat mat please ensure a thermostat is also used to avoid your enclosure overheating.

Life Cycle:

Laevicaulis Alte hatch from eggs. This has several adaptations for living in dry conditions: a rounded shape with as small as possible surface area, and a narrow foot to reduce evaporation.

Juvenile specimens search for food nearly always at night and stay buried in the soil during the day. Larger specimens are active during the day sometimes. This slug can grow up from 0.5cm to approximately 4cm in 7 months.


The Giant African Land Snails (Achatina Fulica) are molluscs and make great pets, they are relatively easy to care for. They can live for several years and can grow up to 20cm in length. These snails are most active during the night as they are nocturnal.


These snails can be housed in a variety of containers and tubs, depending upon the size and number of snails that you have. A good container is a glass or plastic aquarium tank. These type of containers allow easy cleaning and allow you will be able to watch your snails through the sides.

These snails like to burrow, so when you have your tank, fill it with several centimetres of peat-free compost and a large piece of bark. (If you collect the bark yourself make sure that you soak it in water overnight to remove any nasty chemicals). Make sure that the substrate is kept moist at all times, but not soggy. Leaf litter and moss are also good at keeping the soil damp.

The tank should be kept at 20-25°C, which means that a small heat mat or pad may be necessary during the winter months. The tank should be kept moist, a spray bottle is ideal for this. Never use filtered water, if using tap water please ensure it is safe for animal use through the use of an appropriate water treatment.


Laevicaulis Alte in captivity will eat the following:

• Dandelion leaves • Tomatoes • Cucumber • Apples • Spinach • Carrot • Dill • Decaying Leaves • Fungus

Ensure a source of calcium is available such as Cuttlefish bone.