Thirty pieces of silver Zechariah 11 Read Zechariah 11:1-3 Cedar tree Juniper tree Juniper tree Pride of Response to coming destruction

Could refer to

Actual forests burnt down by the Roman army

Rulers, magistrates, scribes and elders

Temple at Response to coming destruction

“Our masters taught: During the forty years preceding the destruction of the Temple, the lot ‘For the L-RD’ did not come up in the high priest’s right hand, nor did the crimson strand turn white, nor did the westermost lamp burn continually. And [omninously] the doors of the Temple Hall would open by themselves, until Rabban Yohanan Ben Zakkai reprimanded them, saying, ‘Temple Hall, Temple Hall, why do you yourself keep sounding the alarm? I already know about you, that you are to be destroyed, for long ago Zechariah, a descendant of prophesied to you, “ Open thy doors, O , hat the fire may devour thy cedars’ Response to coming destruction

Roman General - Vespasian & his son, Titus

Completely destroyed Jerusalem & the temple

1 million people killed, 100,000 enslaved in AD 70

Even more destruction in Ad 135 - land called Palestine, city called Aelia Capitolina Response to coming destruction

Roman General - Vespasian & his son, Titus

Completely destroyed Jerusalem & the temple

1 million people killed, 100,000 enslaved in AD 70

Even more destruction in Ad 135 - land called Palestine, city called Aelia Capitolina Read Zechariah 11:4-14 The good shepherd

Evil shepherds in

Shepherding for selfish gain - selling, slaughtering, assuming its all OK

God will send the good shepherd

Zechariah has to play out the part

Hosea - broken marriage

Jeremiah - ruined shorts The good shepherd

Shepherd will have two staffs - Pleasantness and Binders

Tended the flock

Removed the Evil shepherds without delay The Lord Jesus Christ -the good shepherd Came to the House of Israel, Mat. 15:24

Brought the Favor of the Lord, Luke 4:19

Brought deliverance, healing, restoration, life

Absolutely unselfish - laid down his life for the sheep, Jn. 10:11 Good shepherd rejected

Loathed by the evil shepherds

Rejected by the flock itself

Lifted his protection from the flock

Death, eradication, depravity

Stepped away from the covenant Value of the good shepherd

Wages -

Least that would be paid

Paid for a servant who is wounded (Ex. 21:32)

Two and half years salary of a servant

Sarcasm dripping Betrayal of the Lord Jesus

Deal between Judas Iscariot and the Chief Priests, Mat 26:15

Judas throws the silver in the temple, Mat 27:3

Used to buy the potters field, Mat 27:7-10

Jeremiah 19 - burial field Application

Hypocritical to praise God for ill-gotten wealth

All leaders in the kingdom are shepherds, must strive for the welfare of the flock, are accountable to God for their leadership

True & good leadership is often rejected. False leadership is more often supported

Terrible to live apart from the protection of the hand of God Application

Has the Lord Jesus become your shepherd? John 10:7-15

Do I show contempt for the leadership of the Lord in my life? Mal. 1:6-14 Read Zechariah 11:15-17 The foolish shepherd

Appointed by God

Accepted by the people

Abandon the flock The foolish shepherd

Abandon the flock

Will not heed to the lambs led for slaughter

Will not seek the scattered

Will not heal the injured

Will not nourish the healthy

Will eat the meat of fat sheep and tear off the hooves The Antichrist as the foolish shepherd

Dan. 9:27, Rev. 11:1&2, 13:1-10

Make a covenant with Israel for seven years

Break it in the middle

Harass & persecute the people

Will receive a mortal wound and survive/heal Application

Trust Gods word concerning the future

Many Antichrists have come & gone, but the worst one is yet to come