Supplement to Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Vol. 51, No. 11 from THE

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Supplement to Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Vol. 51, No. 11 from THE Supplement to Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 51, no. 11 The Meteoritical Society Newsletter (November 2016) A report of the business carried out by the society over the past year, edited by Michael K. Weisberg, Secretary. IN THIS ISSUE Important reminders From the President Annual Meetings Please renew your membership before Dec From the Treasurer 15 as the society has to pay the costs of From the Endowment Committee mailing late reminders. Members renewing Publications Reports after March 31 incur a $15 surcharge and MAPS risk missing issues of MAPS. You can renew GCA online at Elements From the Nomenclature Committee Nominate your colleagues and students for From the Membership Committee awards. Deadlines are in January. See the Awards and Honors Awards section for details. Call for Nominations Procedures for nomination and eligibility Proposals to host the 2021 MetSoc meeting New Fellows to be elected are due in March. Please contact the From the Secretary secretary for procedures. FROM THE PRESIDENT Welcome to the Newsletter of 2016, an account The Geochemical Society, our sister society, is in the of the business of the Meteoritical Society that has latter group. Ours is intended to be a living document, been carried out over the past year. This is my second capable of being amended as future concerns arise. and final year as President, and it is a forum that I One of the areas where the Council and especially appreciate having, to enable me to talk directly to the Endowment Committee have really labored is members of the Society. The first thing I want to do is increased support for young scientists, both for travel to record my thanks to the society's Secretary, Mike to our Annual Meeting and also to related meetings. Weisberg and Treasurer, Candace Kohl, who will, For example, with the new, annual gift we receive thankfully, continue in office long after I am gone. from the Elsevier Publishing Company we created a They are doing wonderful jobs, and it is an open secret new travel award for society members who are not that these two officers really run the Society. many years past earning their PhD. Our Society is not Now our long debated Ethics Statement. During rich but we can certainly do still more to support her Presidency, Monica Grady took the initiative to worthy meteoritical causes. Last year we supported a create a committee of past presidents to hammer out lecture tour by Klaus Keil (a Past President) to a host an ethics statement for the Society. That document of Brazilian cities, where he connected with many was run by the Society at large, and carefully amended, hundreds of meteoritically minded citizens and young reshaped, added to, and finally approved last month by potential scientists. Other projects were also supported Council, now as a Position Statement. You can see the as described in the Endowment Report and many result on our website. Most scientific societies have others are in the works. I encourage anyone with a created or are currently finalizing similar statements. - 1 - good idea to contact the Endowment Committee Chair, The Nier Prize is our award made to an early- Uwe Reimold. career scientist, and I was pleased this year to present the Prize to Greg Brennecka for an extraordinarily Speaking of Uwe, our thanks go to him, Harry wide range of research areas involving extraterrestrial Becker, Kai Wünnemann and their meeting teams for materials. We will award the 2017 Nier Prize to the fantastic organization of our 2016 Annual Meeting Francis McCubbin. Gisela Pösges was the recipient of in Berlin. Our Annual Meeting is the highlight of the the Service Award of the Society, for her sterling work Society’s calendar, and this year’s conference was at the Rieskrater-Museum in Nördlingen, and her long very well organized and fun. We had a great Barringer record of outstanding outreach activities and service to Lecture from Professor Mark McCaughrean, Senior the impact cratering community in many other ways. Science Advisor in the Directorate of Science at the In 2017 we will give our Service Award to Cecilia European Space Agency. Prof McCaughrean spoke (Cesquilia) Satterwhite. It is just a coincidence that about the thrilling results of the Rosetta Mission to both of these individuals work at NASA JSC. comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. This is a mission that keeps on giving, and despite its official The Meteoritical Society could not function if we end in September, new information will continue to did not have a core of members running and serving appear for years to come as our fellows pore over the on our numerous Committees. If you want to make a raw data and images. I am now anticipating our next difference in how our Society operates, then please meeting! We will be revisiting New Mexico in July of step up and volunteer for work on whichever next year, and I look forward to seeing many Society Committee interests you. Now would be a good time members and guests in lovely Santa Fe. I am certain to do that! Just email me or incoming President Trevor that Karen Ziegler and the other organizers at the Ireland. Institute of Meteoritics, University of New Mexico, The McKay Award Committee recognizes will have everything ready for us. outstanding work by the newest members of our Our Annual Meeting is also the time to celebrate Society (students!) at our Annual Meeting. McKay the scientific achievements of our colleagues. It gave Award Committee Chair Tasha Dunn organized a me great pleasure to present the Leonard Medal this large team of people listening to all the student year to Past President Hiroko Nagahara, for her work presentations and viewing posters. It was not an easy on formation of solids in the early solar system. I was task, as the standard of presentations was, as always, also honored to present the Barringer Award to Keith incredibly high. Our 2016 McKay Award winner was Holsapple, for his fundamental contributions to the Danielle N. Simkus. Our Wiley Award winners were understanding of dynamic impact cratering physics. Kelly E. Miller, Sheryl Singerling, Timo Hopp, and Both gave entertaining and informative talks, and I Gavin G. Kenny. A more detailed report of the look forward to seeing these and the citations for the winners appears later in the Newsletter, but I would awards published in MAPS. It is sad to report that two like to record here my thanks to Tasha and her team of our past Leonard Medalists and Presidents recently for their determined efforts. And thank you to all the passed away, Jerry Wasserburg and Heinrich Wänke. sponsors, especially the Barringer family (our Jerry served as our Society's President, and in many Society's oldest and best friends), who make it ways was a Godfather to our Society. I remember possible for so many students to attend the meeting. President Jerry missing the first day of our 1988 Student travel money was also provided by the Annual Meeting in Fayetteville, Arkansas, because he International Meteorite Collectors Association who mistakenly flew to Fayetteville, North Carolina. He designate it the Brian Mason Award, and by our good made breakfast for me once at the NIPR guesthouse, friends at the Planetary Studies Foundation (Thank and I was surprised to find that he could really cook. you, especially, Paul and Diane). Darryl Pitt/Macovich Leonard medalist and Past President Heinrich Wänke Collection also provided money for student travel. passed away as well, and was recognized by This year we also thank Elsevier Publishing Company colleagues at our Annual Meeting in Berlin. In 2017 for their generous grant, which enabled us to create a we will award the Leonard Medal to Mark Thiemens, new Elsevier Early Career Travel Award. and the Barringer Award will be given to Akira The Awards ceremony is a reminder that one of Fujiwara (Fujiwara-sensei was the Project Scientist of the most valuable ways in which we can contribute to the Hayabusa Mission). the Society is through nomination of our colleagues - 2 - for the different awards, whether it be as an early- month. Our dedicated Elements editor is Cari Corrigan. career scientist, or for achievements following a Elements has a very wide circulation, and our pages distinguished career. There are several different are an advertisement for the Society and our work. committees to whom nominations should be made, and Please consider organizing an issue of Elements (just details are available below and on our Society website. email Cari to get the ball rolling). A paper you publish Please don't assume that somebody else will nominate in Elements will probably be read by more persons that worthy person you know. Please take the initiative than any other you will ever write. The Pellas-Ryder and do it yourself. Award recognizes undergraduate and graduate students who are first author of an exceptional As mentioned above, the Barringer Crater planetary science paper published in a peer-reviewed Company, and in fact the entire Barringer family, has scientific journal. The Chair of the Pellas-Ryder been and remains a strong and generous supporter of Award Committee this year has been Debra our Society, for which we are enormously grateful. Buczkowski of the Division of Planetary Sciences of Building on that support, as well as that from the Nier the Geological Society of America (our partner in this family and other donors, we have established an award). Endowment Fund that now stands at around $1M. We are fortunate to have acquired a new benefactor in Tim Our membership numbers continue to flourish, Swindle, who has pledged to donate $10,000 per year, thanks to the efforts of the Membership Committee, for 10 years, to build up funds to support attendance at and it's Chair Erin Walton, and I thank them for their meetings by scientists from countries in which it is efforts.
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