(94-1658) Working Party on the Accession of the Separate Customs Territory of , Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu/ Groupe de travail de l'accession du Territoire douanier distinct de Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen et Matsu/Grupo de Trabajo sobre la Adhesión del Territorio Aduanero Distinto de Taiwán, Penghu, Kinmen y Matsu


Chairman: Président: H.E. Mr. M. Martin R. Morland (United Kingdom) Presidente:

ARGENTINA Representantes Sr. Jorge B. Riaboi Ministro consejero (Asuntos económicos y comerciales), Misión Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Sr. Luis Pablo Niscovolos Secretario Comercial, Misión Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra AUSTRALIA Representatives Ms. Rachel Thompson First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Peter Rowe Director, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Secretary of Committee: Mr. A. Millan, CWR, Tel. 739 51 38 Conference Officer: Ms. M. Albanell, CWR, Tel. 739 52 41 Spec(94)32 Page 2

AUSTRIA Representatives Mr. Johannes Potocnik Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to GATT Mr. Ewald Glantschnig Attach, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva BANGLADESH (list not received) BOLIVIA (no se ha recibido la lista) BRAZIL Representative Mr. Flávio Marega Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva CANADA Representatives Mr. Paul Haddow Director, Tariffs and Market Access Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Ms. Jackie Snyder Trade Policy Advisor, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Mr. David Ehinger Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva CHILE Representantes Srta. Carmen Luz Guarda Ministro consejero, Misión Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Spec(94)32 Page 3

CHILE (Cont.) Representantes (Cont.) Sra. Carlota Castro Ministry consejero, Misión Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra COLOMBIA (no se ha recibido la lista) COMMUNAUTES EUROPEENNES COMMISSION Représentants M. Joseph Cunnane Direction genérale des relations extérieures M. Peter Williams Attaché, Délégation permanente à Genève ETATS MEMBRES ALLEMAGNE M. Gerd Herx Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève FRANCE M. J.J. Andrieu Attach, Délégation permanente auprès du GATT ESPAGNE Sr. Nicolás López Consejero (Asuntos comerciales), Misión Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra ITALIE M. Andrea Meloni Premier Conseiller (Affaires économiques), Représentant permanent adjoint auprès du GATT, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève IRLANDE Mr. Fergus Clarke First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Spec(94)32 Page 4

COMMUNAUTES EUROPEENNES (suite) ETATS MEMBRES (suite) PAYS-BAS Mme Anne-Marie Plate Représentante permanente adjointe, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève LUXEMBOURG (liste non reçue)

ROYAUME-UNI DE Mr. Glyn Williams GRANDE-BRETAGNE First Secretary, ET DE L'IRLANDE Permanent Mission to the United DU NORD Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Miles Russel Third Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry PORTUGAL (liste non reçue) DANEMARK M. Preben Gregersen Premier Secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève Mme Kirsten Holm Svendsen Premier Secrétaire (Affaires agricoles), Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève BELGIQUE M. Alex van Meeuwen Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève M. John Cornet d'Elzius Premier Secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève GRECE M. Emmanuel Manoussakis Premier Conseiller (Affaires économiques), Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève Spec(94)32 Page 5

COMMUNAUTES EUROPEENNES (suite) CONSEIL DE MINISTRES Secrétariat général M. Jacques Brodin Chef adjoint, Bureau de Liaison COSTA RICA (no se ha recibido la lista) CZECH REPUBLIC Representative Mr. Richard Wagner Commercial Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva EGYPT Representatives Mr. Doss Adly Doss Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Medhat Abdel-Latif Third Secretary (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva EL SALVADOR Representante Srta. Geraldina Beneke Primer Secretario, Misión Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra FINLAND Representatives Mr. Jukka Pietikainen Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Maria-Liisa Virtanen Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Spec(94)32 Page 6

HONDURAS Representante Sra. Brenda Napky Consejera, Misión Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra HONG KONG Representatives Miss Annie H.Y. Tang Deputy Representative, Economic and Trade Office in Geneva Mr. Raymond Tam Assistant Representative, Economic and Trade Office in Geneva HUNGARY (list not received) INDIA Representatives Mr. Emmanuel Barwa Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Mohan Kumar First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva INDONESIA Representatives Mr. Abdullah Hariadi Kusumaningprang First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Djauhari Oratmangun Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva JAPAN Representatives Mr. Tsunozaki Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Spec(94)32 Page 7

JAPAN (cont'd) Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Nezu Deputy Director-General, Ministry of International Trade and Industry Mr. Yamashita Director, Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Tsugami Director, Ministry of International Trade and Industry Mr. Takai Assistant Director, Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Taniguchi Assistant Director, Ministry of International Trade and Industry Mr. Makoto Fujioka Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Representatives Mr. Sung Joo Lee Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Gun Tae Lee First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MADAGASCAR Représentant Mme Norosa Pelasina Raharimalala Représentante du Ministère du commerce à Genève MALAYSIA Representatives Mr. Suboh Mohd. Yassin Minister-Counsellor (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Spec(94)32 Page 8

MALAYSIA (cont'd) Representatives (cont'd) Mr. J. Jayasiri First Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MÉXICO Representante Sr. Ricardo Barba Ministro, Misión Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra NEW ZEALAND Representative Mr. Mark Trainor Second Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva NORWAY (list not received) PAKISTAN Representatives Mr. Munir Ahmad Minister (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Asaf Ghafoor First Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva PHILIPPINES Representative Mrs. Lourdes Berrig Trade Policy Adviser, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva POLAND Representative Mr. Jan Michalek Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Spec(94)32 Page 9

ROUMANIE (liste non reçue) SENEGAL (liste non reçue) SINGAPORE (list not received) SLOVAK REPUBLIC (list not received) SOUTH AFRICA Representatives Mr. A.J.W. Roodt Minister (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Jens Triebel Second Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva SRI LANKA Representative Mr. M.G. Hewage Minister (Economic and Commercial), Permanent Representative to GATT

SUISSE Représentant M. Jean-Daniel Rey Premier Secrétaire, Délégation suisse près 1'AELE et le. GATT


Representative Mr. Anders Ahnlid First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Spec(94)32 Page 10

CHINESE Representatives Mr. Ke-sheng SHEU Vice-Minister, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Head of Delegation Mr. Yi-fu LIN Deputy Director General, Board of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs Ms. Ing wen TSAI Legal Advisor Ms. Guang-hwa YANG Legal Advisor Ms. Shin-pyng CHANG Legal Advisor Mr. Chii-ming YIIN Director General, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. Wu-hsiung CHEN Director, Council of Agriculture Mr. Chia-sheng WU Director, Department of Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance Mr. Pao-hsi CHANG Director General, Foreign Exchange Department, Central Bank of China Mr. Mu-tsai CHEN Director General, Bureau of Monetary Affairs, Ministry of Finance Mr. Don cheng FU Executive Secretary, Council for Economic Planning and Development Spec(94)32 Page 11

CHINESE TAIPEI (cont'd) Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Shu-kong CHEN Director, Department of Health, Ms. Yang-ching CHAO Deputy Director General, Department of National Treasury, Ministry of Finance Mr. Sheng-ford CHANG Deputy Director General, Department of Taxation, Ministry of Finance Mr. Chung-kiang CHENG Section Chief, Council of Agriculture Mr. Min-tze WU Section Chief, Council of Agriculture Mr. Hwa-tsung SUNG Section Chief, Council of Agriculture Mr. Cheng-mao LEE Senior Specialist, Council of Agriculture Mr. Koun cheng LIN Assistant Specialist, Council of Agriculture Ms. Su-hua LEE Senior Engineer, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. Chang-hwa CHU Senior Engineer, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Econmic Affairs Ms. Jin-fen CHEN Section Chief, Department of Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance Spec(94)32 Page 12

CHINESE TAIPEI (cont'd) Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Chang-keng CHEN Staff Member, Department of Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance Ms. Li-hui CHU Specialist, Council for Economic Planning and Development Mr. Chyi-chang HUANG Staff Member, Council for Economic Planning and Development Mr. Chong-yi HSU Assistant General Manager, Foreign Exchange Department, Central Bank of China Ms. Shu-mei CHEN Section Chief, Copyright Committee, Ministry of Interior Mr. Chung-hsing CHEN Director, Office of General Counsel, Securities and Exchange Commission, Ministry of Finance Ms. Hsuch-shiang CHEN Senior Specialist, Department of National Treasury, Ministry of Finance Ms. Yuch-chin WU Section Chief, Department of Taxation, Ministry of Finance Mr. Ray CHEN Section Chief, Department of Insurance, Ministry of Finance Mr. Ming-tong SU Senior Specialist, Department of Procurement, Central Trust of China Spec(94)32 Page 13

CHINESE TAIPEI (cont'd) Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Ali J.Y. BAO Division Chief, Ministry of Transportation and Communications Ms. Bih-lien WANG Administrator, Directorate General of Telecommunications, Ministry of Transportation and Communications Ms. Hueih-mcci WU Director, National Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. Ching chuan LIN Senior Specialist, National Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. Sheng-tch LEE Director, Bureau of Commodity Inspection and Quarantine, Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. Chyi-wang HSIEH Assistant, Economic Division, Coordination Council for North American Affairs Mr. Wen-long HSU Director, Board of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs Ms. Chun-fang HSU Deputy Director, Board of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. Jien ping WANG Commercial Secretary, Board of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs Ms. Ching-ling CHEN Specialist, Board of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs Spec(94)32 Page 14

CHINESE TAIPEI (cont'd) Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Wen-cheng KE Commercial Secretary, Board of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. Steve Ruey-Long CHEN Representative in Geneva THAILAND Representative Ms. Srirat Rastapana Minister-Counsellor (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva TURQUIE Représentant Ms. Omür Demir Conseiller adjoint (Affaires économiques et commercialss, Mission permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Representatives Ms. Dorothy Dwoskin Assistant Trade Representative for GATT Affairs, Office of the Trade Representative in Washington Mr. Mark Sloan Deputy Director for GATT Affairs, Department of Agriculture Ms. Lynn Alfalla Trade Specialist, Department of Agriculture Ms. Nancy Lee Deputy Director, Office of Asia, Department of the Treasury Ms. Linda Droker Director (Korea and Taiwan), Department of Commerce Ms. Cecilia Klein Director for GATT Affairs, Office of the Trade Representative in Washington Spec(94)32 Page 15

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (cont'd) Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Rick Ruzicka Director, Taiwan Affairs, Office of the Trade Representative in Washington Mr. Christopher Beede Economic and Commercial Officer, Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs Mr. Raymond J. Sander Director of Trade and Commercial Programmes, American Institute in Taiwan Mr. Robert Macke Economist, Department of Agriculture Mrs. Joyce Rabens First Secretary, Office of the Trade Representative in Geneva URUGUAY Representante Sr. Francisco M. Forteza Ministro consejero (Asuntos económicos y comerciales), Misión Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Spec(94)32 Page 16


BULGARIE (liste non reçue) CHINA Representatives Mr. Lei WANG Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Yonjian BAI Foreign Ministry ECUADOR Representantes S.E. Alfredo Pinoargote Embajador, Representante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Srta. Martha Parra Primer Secretario, Misión Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Sr. Alfredo Peñaherrera Segundo Secretario, Misión Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra IRAN Representatives Mr. Behzad Alipour Temrany Counsellor (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Bakhtyar Assadzadeh Sheikhjani Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva PANAMA Representante S.E. Alejandro Ferrer López Embajador, Representante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Spec(94)32 Page 17

RUSSIAN FEDERATION Representative Mr. Andrei Kouznetsov First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Spec(94)32 Page 18


INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Representatives Mr. Grant B. Taplin Acting Director in Geneva Mrs. Piritta Sorsa Senior Economist UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT Representative Mr. X.P. Tang Economic Affairs Officer, International Trade Division WORLD BANK Representative Mr. John Croome Representative at Geneva