Regional Road Development and Maintenance Project —Additional Financing (48186-007)

Initial Environmental Examination (Final Draft)

Loan-3679 and Loan Grant Number: {XXXX-CTY} December 2018

MON: Regional Road Development and Maintenance Project (including Proposed Loan and Administration of Grant for Additional Financing)

Prepared by the Ministry of Roads Transport and Development, for the Asian Development Bank.

CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 11 December 2018) Currency Unit = Mongolian tugrik MNT 1.00 = $0.37914 $1.00 = MNT 2,637

ABBREVIATIONS AP - Affected People ADB - Asian Development Bank CAREC - Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation DEIA - Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment EMP - Environmental Management Plan EA - Executing Agency GEIA - General EIA GHG - Greenhouse Gas GRM - Grievance Redress Mechanism IA - Implementing Agency IEE - Initial Environmental Examination IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature MET - Ministry of Environment and Tourism MOF - Ministry of Finance MRTD - Ministry of Road Transport Development MRTD - Ministry of Roads Transport and Development MNT - Mongolian Tugrik PIU-EMS - PIU-Environmental Monitoring Specialist (consultant) PIU - Project Implementation Unit PMC - Project Management Consultant PSC - Project Steering Committee PPTA - Protect Preparatory Technical Assistance PCU - Public Complaints Unit RAM - Road Asset Maintenance SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement SPA - Specially Protected Areas STA - Station (chainage) SEA - Strategic Environmental Assessment TA - Technical Assistance UNFCC - UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme WHO - World Health Organisation

Regional Road Development and Maintenance Project —Additional Financing (48186-007)


oC – Degree Celsius Km – Kilometer M – Meter dB – Decibel LAeq Equivalent Continuous Level ‘A weighting’ - ‘A’-weighting = correction by factors that weight sound to correlate with the sensitivity of the human ear to sounds at different frequencies km2 – Square kilometer µg/m3 – Microgram per cubic meter

GLOSSARY aimag – Provincial country division soum – Sub-district division Bag or bagh – Third level administrative subdivision e.g. sub-district

NOTE (i) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.

This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Regional Road Development and Maintenance Project —Additional Financing (48186-007)











A. GRM OBJECTIVE ...... 104 VIII. CONCLUSIONS ...... 106




A. The Project

1. The project aims to contribute to the enhanced local, regional, and international connectivity in Mongolia by improving efficiency of road transport within the project area and between countries improved. The project impact is inclusive economic growth promoted by enhanced local, regional, and international connectivity in Mongolia. The project outcome will be efficiency of road transport within the project area and between countries improved. The L3679 was approved, which has three outputs: (i) road asset management capacity improved; (ii) road condition improved at an important regional road section that links the Russian Federation and Mongolia’s capital and comprises part of CAREC road corridor 4b; (iii) road safety improved.

2. The additional financing for L3679 is proposed with following outputs: (i) road condition improved for (204 km) and Khuiten Valley– (58 km) sections, (ii) road safety improved for the above sections, and (iii) due diligence reports for project preparation prepared for Chinggis–Norovlin–Dadal section (257 km), the so-called “Secret History” road was proposed.

3. The overall project remains its environmental category “B”. This IEE is an updated version to accommodate the additional financing components of the project in accordance with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) 2009.

B. Key Findings

4. This revised IEE focuses on physical road maintenance and rehabilitation works on the existing paved road sections that are in poor conditions due to lack of routine road maintenance works. The road sections under the project is the only transport corridors in the project areas where no other transport alternatives like railways or aviation options exist.

5. The environmental baseline study confirms that humans are the most sensitive receptors in the project corridors. This includes people who are living permanently in the residential areas through which the roads pass, and the nomadic herders who pass through.

6. The project area of influence does not contain any nationally protected areas however the Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor passes through a locally protected the Tujiin Nars forest which has protection status of “natural reserve”. There are five noted areas where the forest is encroaching onto the right of way and for safety reasons, tree removal will be required. The environmental department of the and Sukhbaatar soum administration are responsible for the pine forest and permission for removal of trees will be sought.

7. There are a number of rivers crossed by the project roads: the Shariin Gol, Yeruu, and Orkhon rivers are crossed north of Darkhan and also 20 km from Darkhan city the road passes within 100 m of Shariin Tsagaan lake. The 58km section of UB-Arvaikheer road crosses Onginn river.

8. The vegetation dominating either side of both project corridors is grassland, which is used for pasture land by herders in the areas. The percentage of herder households along both corridors varies from 19 to 70% and all soums in the corridors have considerable heads of livestock registered in them. ii

9. The principal impacts during the design phase are associated with the planned relocation of trees, particularly from the pine forest area along the Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor, where trees encroach into the right of way and reduce traffic safety. During the construction phase, there will be impacts in both corridors are associated with the noise and dust consistent with construction projects of this type, and the associated health and safety risks for contractors undertaking the work. In addition, for both corridors, there is a potential impact on the grassland used for pasture along both sides of the project corridors, when haul routes or deviations are required by the contractor and deviations also gives rise to the risk of impact on the above ground infrastructure of groundwater wells. Potential impacts on the water quality during bridge rehabilitation at 58km section of UB-Arvaikheer road are anticipated. Yet, appropriate measures are proposed to mitigate impacts on water quality.

10. No impacts are anticipated during operation as the road is already operational. As the road will be continuously in operational with function improvement, usual impacts associated with poor road condition like sudden stops and/or rapid speed reduction to avoid potholes and uneven road surface, noise, traffic safety, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air pollution will be reduced. the traffic safety works associated with this project outputs are anticipated to bring benefits to the communities along the project corridor and all other road users.

C. Environmental Management Plan

11. An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is established in this IEE report. The EMP aims to avoid impacts where possible and mitigate those impacts which cannot be eliminated to an acceptable and minimum level.

12. The mitigation measures set out in the EMP for the project will manage the impacts during pre-construction and construction. The mitigation measures implemented in the pre-construction phase will promote the elimination of impacts associated with the surface water, groundwater and cultural heritage receptors in the project area through breaking the source-pathway-receptor links and removing the impact pathway. For the remaining impacts which cannot be avoided, the mitigation measures seek to minimize them to acceptable levels. The key mitigation measures will include:

(i) Demarcating receptors to ensure the contractor will avoid contact with them. This includes establishing water protection zones around surface water river crossings, at a lake adjacent to the road, around groundwater wells and at a site of cultural heritage; (ii) Ensuring the contractor submits and follows a comprehensive Health and Safety Management Plan to protect the health of the workers throughout construction; (iii) Ensuring the contractor submits and follows a comprehensive waste management plan to protect the environment and health and safety from inappropriate waste disposal; (iv) Compensation planting for trees removed from within the right of way, in accordance with Mongolian Forest Law and appropriate measures to ensure the aftercare of saplings; (v) Rehabilitation of any pasture land which may be affected through the use of haul routes or deviations; and (vi) Taking practical measures to minimize the nuisance caused by noise and dust.

13. In addition, a robust programme of monitoring is established by the EMP and regular reporting will be required and will include monitoring activities as required by the Environmental Impact Assessment required under Mongolian law. Through monitoring and reporting any iii deviation from the EMP or unanticipated impacts can be dealt with by PIU staff. Also the Grievance Redress Mechanism will be in place and managed by the PIU in order to appropriately handle any complaints arising from project activities.

D. Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment

14. A climate risk and vulnerability assessment (CRVA) report is prepared and included in this IEE report (Appendix 4). The climate change scenario analysis indicated risks for increased temperature and winter precipitation (snow). The possible climate related risk in the project area is snow accumulation on the road due to heavy snowfall and seasonal floods. Climate adaptation measures like additional culverts at flood prone areas and raising the height of the embankment in some low spots, and installing AC layers to be 7 cm (4cm+3cm) for entire length of road section have been discussed during the conceptual design. The estimated costs for these adaptation measures for the project are 16 million USD. During the detailed design stage, those climate adaptation measures for the project will be confirmed.

E. Conclusion

15. This IEE concludes that in both project road corridors, the impacts associated with the road rehabilitation can be eliminated through design or mitigated to acceptable levels. The negative impacts will be short term and the positive impacts will be long term improvements in safety throughout the project road corridors.



A. Project Rationale

1. Strategic context. Since 1991, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been a major partner in the improvement of Mongolia’s transport network and has assisted in developing two major highway corridors linking Mongolia to the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China (PRC).1 This has brought development, jobs, and social services to those regions; and improved the lives of the poor.

2. Mongolia’s economy has grown rapidly, with gross domestic product increasing more than 720% from $1.27 billion in 2001 to $10.41 billion in 2011. However, gross domestic product growth fell from 17.3% in 2011 to 5.1% in 2017 because of plummeting foreign direct investment, falling commodity prices, and moderating growth in the PRC. Mongolia urgently needs to restore macroeconomic stability in the short term and to develop a more resilient and diversified economy that can deliver rapid, inclusive, and sustainable growth in the long term. This requires infrastructure investments and regional integration to improve connectivity and access to domestic and external markets.2

3. Mongolia’s poverty rate is high for a lower middle-income economy.3 Much of the poverty stems from unemployment, the absence of local markets, and lack of education. The poor condition of roads aggravates persistent poverty conditions, particularly in rural areas. The rural population has limited access to social services and major markets in the region and aimags.4 Travel is costly and uncomfortable. Without access to markets, local farmers and herders are forced to sell their products at lower prices.

4. Investing in road improvement is particularly important at times of economic difficulty as it delivers four benefits: (i) projects create much-needed jobs to support economic recovery; (ii) better roads reduce road user travel costs and facilitate access to markets, schools, and health facilities, making residents more productive; (iii) modest spending on road maintenance prevents costlier rehabilitation; and (iv) road safety improvements reduce the social cost of traffic accidents.

5. Sector performance. The construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation of state roads are funded by the state budget, development banks, and international loans and grants. During 2011–2015, MNT1.88 trillion was invested in the upgrade and construction of roads and bridges.

1 ADB. 1995. Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors: Proposed Loan and Technical Assistance Grant to Mongolia for the Roads Development Project. Manila; ADB. 1999. Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors: Proposed Loan and Technical Assistance Grant to Mongolia for the Second Roads Development Project. Manila; ADB. 2010. Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors: Proposed Supplementary Loan and Grant to Mongolia for the Regional Road Development Project. Manila; and ADB. 2011. Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors: Proposed Multitranche Financing Facility to Mongolia for the Western Regional Road Corridor Investment Program. Manila. 2 ADB. 2017. Country Partnership Strategy: Mongolia, 2017–2020—Sustaining Inclusive Growth in a Period of Economic Difficulty. Manila. 3 Middle-income economies have per capita gross national income (GNI) of $1,006–$12,235 and lower middle-income economies have per capita GNI of $1,006–$3,955. Mongolia’s poverty rate at $1.90 threshold was 0.22 in 2014, and the per capita GNI was $3,590 in 2016. 4 Provincial administrative unit in Mongolia.


These expenditures were regulated by the Mongolian Road Law, 1998 and funded by the State Road Fund.5 However, insufficient funds were collected as taxes were often reduced or canceled to keep fuel prices under control amid fuel price increases in the Russian Federation, on which Mongolia depends for much of its fuel.

6. While investment in new road construction has grown, it has not been matched by commensurate increases in road maintenance and rehabilitation. The state budget provides separate annual allocations for routine maintenance and rehabilitation, but the government has not funded any major maintenance or rehabilitation projects in 2011–2015, and the amount allocated to the Ministry of Road and Transport Development (MRTD) for routine maintenance has been constrained to only 15% of estimated needs. Consequently, road maintenance has been insufficient, and the condition of the existing road network has deteriorated, making transport costs expensive and Mongolia’s exports uncompetitive.

7. The country urgently needs to improve its road asset maintenance (RAM). A previously implemented RAM system is no longer used because of limited funding. Timely road maintenance is less costly than allowing roads to deteriorate and need major rehabilitation or reconstruction—saving money in tight fiscal situations. This requires capacity development and institutional strengthening, significant investment in a periodic maintenance and rehabilitation program, and stronger enforcement of vehicle weight restrictions to prevent costly road damage from overloading.

8. Asset management. To improve accessibility and optimize government spending, ADB has conducted extended dialogue with the government since 2009 through TA to prepare and implement a sector road map and capacity development strategy, including the provision of a RAM system.6 TA activities helped the government prioritize work for a periodic maintenance and rehabilitation program. Major lessons from this work included the need for predictable funding and systematic asset management practices.

9. Partly as an outcome of ADB policy dialogue, the government passed the Mongolian Road Law Amendment, 2017, which ensures that at least 20% of revenues from the vehicle excise tax are allocated to road maintenance. This would add about MNT7 billion to the road fund each year.7 Significantly higher fines and penalties, including for truck overloading, will also go into the road fund. Unlike in the past, the fund is only for road maintenance and not for new road construction. The amendment is an important policy change that the project will support.

5 The road fund was established through a 1991 government decree to help stabilize the funding available to the road sector. In 1998, the Road Law distinguished between the state road fund and local road funds. Further information on fund revenue and spending is provided in Sector Assessment (Summary): Transport; and Financial Analysis (accessible from the list of linked documents in Appendix 2). 6 ADB. 2009. Technical Assistance to Mongolia for Road Database Development Using Geographic Information System. Manila; and ADB. Mongolia: Preparation of a National Road Sector Capacity Development Roadmap. (the Government of Mongolia approved the road map on 24 August 2011); and ADB. 2011. Technical Assistance to Mongolia for Road Sector Capacity Development. Manila ($2 million financed on a grant basis by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction). 7 The State Great Hural (Parliament) of Mongolia. The law also provides for an increase in vehicle excise tax rates by 5% to 15%, depending on engine size and vehicle age.


10. Road safety. Lack of road maintenance amid rapidly increasing passenger car ownership has an immediate impact on road safety and the social cost of traffic fatalities and injuries. Mongolia has a relatively high road traffic death rate of 22 per 100,000 population.8 Under the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) program, ADB has supported the development of a road safety strategy that aims to reduce fatalities on CAREC road corridors by 50% by 2030, against 2010 levels.9 ADB also assists the government in developing a national road safety policy and action plan covering three road safety elements: (i) culture and behavior; (ii) engineering, both in design and maintenance, including winter activities such as snow control and deicing; and (iii) education, including traffic safety awareness, driving skills, and traffic rules.10 The project will help Mongolia implement the action plan by adopting international best practices.

B. Project Impacts, Outcomes, and Outputs

11. The project is aligned with the following impact: inclusive economic growth promoted by enhanced local, regional, and international connectivity in Mongolia. The project outcome will be efficiency of road transport within the project area and between countries improved.

12. The outputs of approved L3679 project has the following:

13. Output 1: Road asset management capacity improved. This output will strengthen sustainable road maintenance practices and build capacity for the implementation of maintenance projects prepared and procured during the project. Capacity-building activities will include (i) reestablishing and providing training on the RAM system to improve maintenance planning, implementation, and prioritization; 11 (ii) designing improvements in road funding to ensure the sustainability of maintenance activities, including measures to prevent vehicle overloading; and (iii) supporting pilot performance-based maintenance. The contract payment method will be linked to performance evaluation. Thus, it aims to enhance maintennance performance of potential contractors both in terms of maintenance work quality as well as its environmental management performance. This output will be delivered partly through attached TA and partly with output 2.

14. Output 2: Road condition improved. This output will preserve and improve important regional road sections that link the PRC and the Russian Federation through Mongolia’s capital and comprises part of CAREC road corridor 4b. The project will improve 311 kilometers (km) of existing national highway sections comprising Ulaanbaatar–Darkhan (193 km) and Darkhan– Altanbulag (118 km). Improvement works will include (i) pavement treatment and (ii) widening of carriageways, including climbing lanes and shoulders within the existing right-of-way (ROW).

15. Output 3: Road safety improved. This output will provide capacity development in road safety policies and the implementation of safety features in the road condition improvement works undertaken with output 2. Safety features will include improvements in road markings, barriers, and guide posts. Climbing lanes will be constructed within the ROW at traffic accident blackspots, where overtaking of slow-moving vehicles often causes fatal head-on collisions. Independent road safety audits will be conducted on detailed designs, as well as a post-construction audit.

8 World Health Organization. 2015. Global Status Report on Road Safety, 2015. Geneva. 9 ADB. 2017. Safely Connected: A Regional Road Safety Strategy for CAREC Countries, 2017–2030. Manila. 10 ADB. 2016. Technical Assistance to Mongolia for the Development of a Road Safety Policy and Action Plan. Manila. 11 A team of experts under the attached TA will assess the use of equipment and planning tools provided in 2010 under ADB. 2009. Technical Assistance to Mongolia for Road Database Development Using Geographic Information System. Manila.


16. The proposed additional financing will yield the following outputs: (i) road condition improved for a total of 204 km between Ulaanbaatar–Darkhan (11 km increased from L3679 scope due to modification of entry and end points of the exisiting road) and Khuiten Valley– Arvaikheer (58 km) sections, (ii) road safety improved for the above sections, and (iii) due diligence reports for project preparation prepared for Chinggis–Norovlin–Dadal section (257 km), the so-called “Secret History” road. The outputs of the overall project will be as below.

17. Output 1: Road asset management capacity improved. This output will strengthen sustainable road maintenance practices and build capacity for the implementation of maintenance projects prepared and procured during the project. Capacity-building activities will include (i) reestablishing and providing training on the road asset management system to improve maintenance planning, implementation, and prioritization; (ii) designing improvements in road funding to ensure the sustainability of maintenance activities, including measures to prevent vehicle overloading; and (iii) supporting pilot performance-based maintenance contracts. This output will be delivered partly through attached technical assistance (TA) and partly with output 2.

18. Output 2: Road condition improved. This output will preserve and improve important regional road sections that link the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation through Mongolia’s capital and comprises part of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridor 4b. The project will improve 380 km of existing national highway sections comprising Ulaanbaatar–Darkhan (204 km), Darkhan–Altanbulag (118 km), and Khuiten Valley– Arvaikheer (58 km). Improvement works will include (i) pavement treatment and (ii) widening of carriageways and shoulders within the existing right-of-way (ROW).

19. Output 3: Road safety improved. This output will provide capacity development in road safety policies and the implementation of safety features in the road condition improvement works undertaken with output 2. Safety features will include improvements in road markings, barriers, and guide posts. HLTF will finance a demonstrative introduction of wire-rope median barriers for mitigation of head-on collisions in traffic safety blackspots of the country’s most heavily used national highway section of Ulaanbaatar–Darkhan. Climbing lanes will also be constructed within the ROW at the blackspots where overtaking of slow-moving vehicles often causes fatal head- on collisions. Independent road safety audits will be conducted on detailed designs, as well as a post-construction stage.

20. Output 4: Due diligence reports prepared. This output will prepare due diligence reports as part of project preparation for Chinggis–Norovlin–Dadal section (257 km), the so-called “Secret History” road. The section will connect Chinggis City and the planned Chinggis Khaan Tourism Complex.

21. The project, including additional financing component is classified as environmental category “B”, requiring an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE). This IEE report is updated to cover both the project components under the approved L3679 abd the additional financing, which is aligned with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) 2009.

0 Figure 1: Project Location


C. Structure of This Report

22. This IEE report is structured as follows: I. Executive Summary outlines important facts, major findings, and recommended actions of the IEE. II. Policy, Legal, and Administrative Framework - presents the national and local legal and institutional framework within which the environmental assessment is carried out. It describes the environmental categorization by ADB and Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) based on an environmental screening. III. Description of the Project - provides a justification of the project based on a sector analysis; a detailed description of the project, including project location and components. IV. Description of the Environment (Baseline Data) - physical, biological, and socioeconomic conditions within the project area. ADB’s SPS 2009 requires environmental assessments to address induced impacts and risks to (i) physical (ii) biological (iii) socioeconomic (including impacts on livelihood through environmental media, health and safety, vulnerable groups, and gender issues) (iv) physical cultural resources in the context of the project’s area of influence; and (v) potential transboundary and global impacts, including climate change. V. Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures - predicts and assesses the project's likely positive and negative direct and indirect impacts to physical, biological, socioeconomic, and physical cultural resources in the project's area of influence; identifies mitigation measures and any residual negative impacts that cannot be mitigated. VI. Information Disclosure, Consultation, and Participation - the process undertaken during project design and preparation for engaging stakeholders, including information disclosure and consultation with affected people and other stakeholders and addressing the comments raised in consultation. VII. Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) – presents the GRM established to handle grievances and complaints arising during project implementation. It defines GRM entry points, timeframe and institutional responsibilities of the GRM. VIII. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) – the EMP defines the mitigation measures, performance indicators, environmental monitoring requirements, institutional responsibilities, training activities related to environmental management, reporting requirements, and a mechanism for feedback and adjustment. IX. Conclusion and Recommendation. Summarizes the major environmental impacts and mitigation measures, defines project risks and required project assurances, and concludes on the environmental soundness of the project. X. Appendices, including Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessement.



A. Mongolia’s Environmental Policy

23. Mongolia has enacted a comprehensive policy and legal framework for environmental assessment and management. It has policies, legislation and strategies in place to manage the protected areas such as national parks, to satisfy its international obligations, and to protect the quality of the environment for the health and well-being of its citizens. The hierarchy of policies and legislative provisions for environmental management in Mongolia comprises the Constitution, international treaties and environment and resource protection laws12.

24. The main policy documents are the National Biodiversity Program 2015-2025, the State Environmental Policy of 1997, the National Plan of Action to Combat Desertification, and the National Plan of Action for Protected Areas, all developed under the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) auspices, and a set of environmental laws that were amended in May 2012. In addition, other guidance documents with important environmental repercussions were developed under the auspices of other ministries and these include the Roads Master Plan, the Power Sector Master Plan, the Tourism Master Plan, and the Renewable Energy Master Plan. Other documents, such as the annual Human Development Reports have increasingly incorporated environmental aspects.

25. A fundamental principle of the Mongolian state environmental policy is that economic development must be in harmony with the extraction and utilization of natural resources and that air, water and soil pollution will be controlled. In April 1996, Mongolia’s National Council for Sustainable Development was established to manage and organize activities related to sustainable development in the country. The country’s strategy is designed for environmentally friendly, economically stable and socially wealthy development, which emphasizes people as the determining factor for long-term sustainable development.

26. The health of Mongolia's natural ecosystems and populations of wild species is of both national and global importance. The country forms an important part of the global ecosystem where the ecoregions of the Siberian taiga, the Eurasian steppe, the high Altai Sayan, and the Gobi Desert converge. In recognition of its global responsibilities, Mongolia has acceded to a number of international environmental conventions which places obligations on signatory governments. The key conventions are in

12 UNDP. 2008. Institutional Structures for Environmental Management in Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar and Wellington. 3

27. Table 1.

28. Each of these conventions places obligations on signatory governments ranging from the provision of a legislative basis for implementation, to adherence to the requirements and conditions of each convention, to monitoring implementation performance on a regular basis, to reporting on a regular basis to the conference of parties. It has passes state laws that implement the terms of these international conventions, with provision saying that, if an international treaty to which Mongolia is a party is inconsistent with this law, then the provisions of the international treaty shall prevail.


Table 1: International Environmental Conventions Signed by Mongolia

Convention Year of Accession Convention on Biological Diversity 1993 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 1994 Kyoto Protocol 1999 UN Convention on Combating Desertification 1996 Convention on the Protection of Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar) 1998 Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer 1996 Montreal Protocol (regulating substances that deplete the ozone layer) 1996 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora 1996 (CITES) Convention on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste (Basel) 1997 Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain 2000 Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants 2004 World Heritage Convention 1990 Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals 1999

29. The Government of Mongolia undertook a major environmental law reform in 1990 including the law of land, protected areas, water, forest, wildlife, and native flora resources. A further reform was undertaken in 2012, shown in Error! Reference source not found..

Table 2: Relavant Environmental, Health and Safety Laws in Mongolia

Law Enacted Responsible Agency Brief Description and Amended Law on Amended in • State specialized inspection agency To ensure safe environment, have Environmental May 2012 • Environmental departments of ecologically balanced social and Protection district, province and soum economic development, and for authorities the protection of the environment • Department of Environment and for present and future Natural Resources Administration of generations, the proper use of MET natural resources and the restoration of available resources”. Its Article 7 requires the conduct of natural resource assessment and environmental impact assessment to preserve the natural state of the environment, and Article 10, the conduct of environmental monitoring on the state and changes of the environment. Law on Enacted in • Ministry of Environment and Tourism Regulates “relations concerning Environmental January (MET) protection of the environment, Impact 1998 and • State specialized inspection agency prevention of ecological Assessment last • Environmental departments of MUB imbalance, the use of natural amended in and provincial authorities resources, assessment of the 2012. • Legal entity/Project implementing environmental impact and entity decision-making on the start of a project”. It sets out the general requirements and procedures for project screening and conduct of environmental assessment and 5

Law Enacted Responsible Agency Brief Description and Amended review. Law on Land Enacted in • Administration of Land Affairs, Regulates the possession & use 1994 and Geodesy and Cartography of land by a citizen, entity & amended in (ALAGac); organization, & other related 2012 • Administration of State Registry of issues. Articles 42/43 provide Titles (ASRT) guide on removing possessed • Special Protected Areas land & granting of compensation Administration Department of the relative to removing. MET Law on Special Enacted in • Special protected areas Regulates relations concerning Protected Areas 1994 and administration department of the the use & taking of areas under amended in MET special protection (strictly 2004 • SPA administrations protected areas, national parks, • Local government authority natural reserves & national monument areas, local protected areas) Law on Plant Enacted in • Ministry of Environment and Tourism Regulates the inhibition, Protection 1996 and (MET) protection, inspection of amended in • State specialized inspection agency pasturelands & plants 2007 • Environmental departments of local authorities Law on Natural Enacted in • Ministry of Environment and Tourism Regulates the protection, proper Plants 1995 and (MET) use, & restoration of natural plants amended in • State specialized inspection agency other than forest & cultivated 2012 • Environmental departments of local plants. authorities Law on Buffer Enacted in • Special protected areas Regulates the determination of Zones 1997 administration department of the special protected area’s buffer MET zones & activities. Article 9 • SPA administrations requires to conduct detailed • Environmental departments of local environmental assessment for the authorities establishment of water reservoirs or construction of floodwalls or dams in buffer zones for special protected areas. Law on Forests Enacted in • Forest Resource Policy and Regulates relations for protection, 1995 and Coordination Department of of the possession, sustainable use & amended in MET reproduction of the forest in 2012 • State Specialized Inspection Agency Mongolia. Defines prohibited • Environmental departments of local activities in protected forest zones authorities & their regimes & conditions when undertaking allowed activities in the utilization zone forests & their regimes. Law on Protection Enacted in • Cultural heritage department of the Regulates the collection, of Cultural 2001 Ministry of Education, Culture, registration, research, Heritage Science and Sports classification, evaluation, • Mongolian Academy of sciences preservation, protection, (MAS) Archeological and promotion, restoration, Paleontological departments possession and usage of cultural • State Specialized Inspection Agency heritage including tangible and • Environmental departments of local intangible heritage. authorities Law on Subsoil Enacted in • Mineral resource authority of The Regulates relations concerning


Law Enacted Responsible Agency Brief Description and Amended 1988 implementing agency of Mongolian the Government use & protection of subsoil in the • MET interests of present and future • Local citizens representative generations. meeting committee • Mining projects Law on Soil Enacted in • Department of Environmental and Regulates matters related protection and 2012 Natural Resources Administration of protection of soil deterioration, prevention from MET exclamation, and prevention from desertification • State specialized inspection agency desertification • Local (Municipality, district and khoroo levels) government authority, including environmental departments Law on Water Enacted in • MET – Land management and water Regulates relations pertaining to 1995 and policy management department the effective use, protection & amended in • Division of Management of River restoration of water resources. 2012 Basin Administration of MET Specifies regular monitoring of the • River basin administrations levels of water resources, quality • Meteorological institute & pollution. Provides safeguards • “Mongol Us” Government against water pollution. Organization • USUG • MAS laboratories • State Specialized inspection agency • Environmental departments of local authorities Law on Air Enacted in • Meteorological institute Regulates the protection of the 1995 and • Clean Air program under the MET atmosphere to provide amended in • EIA companies environmental balance & for the 2012 • MET sake of present & future • The National Committee for generations. Allows government Reducing Air Pollution (NCRAP) to set standard limits to emissions • Environmental departments of local from all sources. Regulates authorities regular monitoring of air pollution, hazardous impacts & changes in small air components such as ozone and hydrogen. Law on Sanitation Enacted in • State specialized inspection agency Governs relationships concerning 1998 • Laboratories maintenance of sanitary conditions, defining the general requirements for sanitation in order to ensure the right of an individual to healthy & safe working & living conditions, ensuring normal sanitary conditions, & defining the rights & duties of individuals, economic entities & organizations with this respect. Law on Waste Enacted in • State specialized inspection agency Governs the collection, 2012 • District waste transportation service transportation, storage, & agencies depositing in landfills of household • MET & industrial waste, re-using waste as a source 7

Law Enacted Responsible Agency Brief Description and Amended of raw materials to eliminate hazardous impacts of household and industrial waste on public health & the environment. Undertakings that generate significant amount of wastes must dispose of the wastes in designated landfills that meet prescribed standards. Law on Disaster Enacted in • MET Regulates matters relating to the Protection 2003 and • NEMA – National emergency principles & full powers of disaster amended in management Agency protection organizations & 2012 and • State disaster protection services agencies, their organization & 2017 • State emergency commission activities, as well as the rights & • Local level emergency management duties of the State, local departments and divisions authorities, enterprises, entities & • State specialized inspection agency individuals in relation to disaster protection. Law on Fauna Enacted in • MET Regulates protection of animals, 2012 • State specialized inspection agency growth and development, breeding, rational use of its resources. Law on Labour • Ministry of Labor and Social This law aims to ensure equality Protection in labour relations between • State specialized inspection agency employees and employers by • State social welfare agency defining roles, responsibilities and • Labor Unions rights of them, work condition and terms of employment. Law on • Ministry of Labor and Social This law defines state policy and Occupational Protection control on work condition, Safety and • State specialized inspection agency requirements onn occupational Hygiene health and safety conditions and aims to ensure provision of safe labour condition for employees. Law Fire Safey Amended in • NEMA – National emergency This regulates affairs regarding 2015 management Agency fire safety and defines roles of • Ministry of Labor and Social organizations, entities and Protection individuals to ensure fire safety at • State specialized inspection agency all places.

B. Environmental Assessment Requirements

30. The project is subject to the environmental requirements of both Mongolia laws and regulations, and the ADB Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS) (2009). These requirements are defined in the next two sections.

1. Environmental Assessment Requirements of ADB

31. Safeguard requirements for all projects funded by ADB are defined in the ADB SPS 2009. The ADB SPS (2009) establishes an environmental review process to ensure that projects undertaken as part of programs funded through ADB loans are environmentally sound, are designed to operate in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements, and are not likely to cause significant environmental, health, or safety hazards. The ADB SPS


(2009) is underpinned by the ADB Operations Manual, Bank Policy (OM F1, 2010). The policy promotes international good practice as reflected in internationally recognized standards such as the World Bank Group’s Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines13.

32. The ADB SPS (2009) environmental assessment requirements specify that:

(i) At an early stage of project preparation, the borrower/client will identify potential direct, indirect, cumulative and induced environmental impacts on and risks to physical, biological, socioeconomic, and cultural resources and determine their significance and scope, in consultation with stakeholders, including affected people and concerned non-government organizations. If potentially adverse environmental impacts and risks are identified, the borrower/client will undertake an environmental assessment as early as possible in the project cycle. For projects with potentially significant adverse impacts that are diverse, irreversible, or unprecedented, the borrower/client will examine alternatives to the project’s location, design, technology, and components that would avoid, and, if avoidance is not possible, minimize adverse environmental impacts and risks; (ii) The assessment process will be based on current information, including an accurate project description, and appropriate environmental and social baseline data; (iii) Impacts and risks will be analyzed in the context of the project’s area of influence; (iv) Environmental impacts and risks will be analyzed for all relevant stages of the project cycle, including preconstruction, construction, operations, decommissioning, and post-closure activities such as rehabilitation or restoration; (v) The assessment will identify potential trans-boundary effects as well as global impacts; and (vi) Depending on the significance of project impacts and risks, the assessment may comprise a full-scale environmental impact assessment (EIA) for category A projects, an IEE or equivalent process for category B projects, or a desk review.

33. Other requirements of the ADB SPS (2009) include:

(i) Alternatives Analysis. There is a requirement to examine alternatives to the project’s location, design, technology, and components and their potential environmental and social impacts and consider the no project alternative. SPS 2009 states that this is only for projects which have ‘’significant adverse environmental impacts that are irreversible, diverse, or unprecedented’’ i.e. Category A projects. This does not apply to this Category B IEE therefore is not included in this IEE. (i) Environmental Management Plan (EMP). The borrower/client will prepare an EMP that addresses the potential impacts and risks identified by the environmental assessment.

13 New Versions of the “World Bank Group Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines”, April 30, 2007, Washington, USA, which include links for general EHS and the specific EHS guidelnes such as construction and commission; and toll roads guidelines that are relevant to the project. Available at ifc/policies-standards/ehs-guidelines. 9

(ii) Consultation and Participation. The borrower/client will carry out meaningful consultation with affected people and other concerned stakeholders, including civil society, and facilitate their informed participation. (iii) Information disclosure. The borrower/client will submit to ADB the following documents for disclosure on ADB’s website: (i) an IEE (including EMP) at least 120 days prior to ADB Board consideration; (ii) the final EIA; (iii) a new or updated EIA and corrective action plan prepared during project implementation, if any; and (iv) semi-annual environmental monitoring reports. (iv) Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM). The borrower/client will establish a mechanism to receive and facilitate resolution of affected people’s concerns, complaints, and grievances about the project’s environmental performance. (v) Monitoring. The borrower/client will monitor and measure the progress of implementation of the EMP.

2. Environmental Impact Assessment Requirements of Mongolia

34. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) requirements of Mongolia are regulated by the Law on EIA (1998, amended 200214 and amended 2012). The terms of the law apply to all new projects, as well as rehabilitation and expansion of existing industrial, service or construction activities and projects that use natural resources.

35. The most recent amendment to the law was adopted in 2012 and will be brought into force in 2013, implemented through a new EIA Regulation.15 The 2012 amendment introduces a requirement for Strategic Environmental Assessment for policy documents, and increases emphasis on public participation during a general EIA.

36. The purpose of the EIA law is environmental protection, the prevention of ecological imbalance, the regulation of natural resource use, the assessment of environmental impacts of projects and procedures for decision-making regarding the implementation of projects. The EIA process in Mongolia is summarized in Figure 2.

37. There are two types of EIAs defined under the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment (2012), as follows.

(i) General EIA (GEIA). To initiate a GEIA, the project proponent submits to the MET or aimag government a brief description of the project, including feasibility study, technical details, drawings, baseline description of the project environment, and a written opinion of the soum governor. These documents form the basis of the GEIA and MET’s assessment, which will have one of three conclusions: (a) project is rejected due to non- conformity with national laws and/or the severity of impacts; (b) project may proceed, subject to specific conditions, and (iii) a detailed EIA (DEIA) is necessary. Assessment by MET generally takes 14 working days.

(ii) Detailed EIA. The scope of the DEIA is defined in MET’s response for the GEIA. The DEIA is prepared by an accredited national entity. The DEIA is submitted by the project proponent to MET and aimag government. The reviewer(s) of the GEIA also review the DEIA, generally within 18 working days, and present the findings to the MET.

14 Law of Mongolia on Environmental Impact Assessments (1998, amended in 2002). Unofficial translation available from 15 The new EIA Regulation revokes 2 Regulations and 1 Guideline document which do not meet the requirements of the EIA Law. The revoked legislation is: Regulation on the Environmental Impact Assessment Committee (2006); Guidelines on Formulating EPPs and EMPs (2000); and Regulation on Detailed EIA Appraisal (2006). These regulations are superseded by the EIA Law.


Based on the content of the DEIA, reviewer conclusions, and any additional comments by MET departments, MET issues a decision on whether to approve or reject the project.

38. The DEIA procedure guide lined by the method approved by the Minister’s order A- 117 of MET in April 2014 and it is required to contain the following chapters: (i) environmental baseline data; (ii) analysis of extent and distribution of adverse impacts; (iii) measures to minimize, mitigate, and/or avoid impacts; (iv) alternative methods and technology; (v) risk assessment; (vi) environmental management plan (EMP); and (vii) stakeholder consultations, including potentially affected communities.

Figure 2: Environmental Impact Assessment Process in Mongolia

Projects Requiring GEIA Screening - New projects, renovation/expansion of industrial, service & construction activities, projects using natural resources

Project Implementer submits documents to MET or aimag - Project description, Feasibility Study, design approved by eligible authority and other related documents

MET or aimag expert - Conducts General EIA (screening) within 14 days Makes 1 of 3 decisions

Decision 1 - Project Can Not Progress Project is rejected because of non-conformity or impacts

Decision 2 - Project Can Progress DEIA is not required With specific conditions

Decision 3 - Project implementer - selects Licensed DEIA is required Company for Detailed EIA

Source: Adapted from Vol. 1 (2001) Compendium of Laws: A Mongolian Citizens Reference Book.

39. In compliance with Mongolia’s environmental safeguard policy, the Project is subject to General Environmental Impact Assessment (GEIA) - or environmental screening - by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET). MRTD will employ a licensed profession firm to conduct Detailed environmental Impact Assessment and this IEE will be updated once the domestic GEIA is completed during the priminary design stage.conducted for the project.

40. Broadly, the GEIA conclusion usually stipulates the following requirements:

(i) items to be included in the DEIA report; (ii) engagement of a MET-registered entity to conduct/prepare the DEIA; (iii) investigations to be conducted relative to issues concerning, identification of impacts of Subproject activity on, definition of mitigation measures and costs to monitor the quality of and impact on --- ground- and surface water, soil, air, weather, forest plant and animals; (iv) determination of the concentration of wastewater generated, monitoring and associated costs; 11

(v) development of EMP and EPP; (vi) identification of potential impacts on physical cultural resources, recommend management measures for affected ones and obtaining conclusion from a professional organization on this matter; (vii) assessment of potential risks due to natural hazards and defining of mitigation measures; (viii) documentation of public consultations; and (ix) risk assessment of hazardous materials used in the Subproject activity according to the new procedures and rules developed in 2013, and recommendations for their safe storage, use and transport.

41. In accordance with the requirements specified in the Regulation on EMP development, approval and reporting which was enacted with the Ministry of Environment Order No.A-05 on January 06, 2014, the project shall submit EMP performance report to the MET within 10th of December every year as well as getting approval for the next year’s plan and associated budget during the construction period.

C. Environmental Standards

42. Ambient Water Quality. Mongolia has national standards for a range of environmental parameters including water quality, noise and air quality. Table 3 shows the Mongolian standard for ambient water quality.

Table 3: Ambient surface water quality standard (MNS 4586:1998)

Parameter MNS: 4586-1998 Measuring unit Maximum allowed level pH 6.5-8.5 DO mgO/l not less than 6&4* BOD mgO/l 3 NH4-N mgN/l 0.5 NO2-N mgN/l 0.002 NO3N mgN/l 9 PO4-P mgP/l 0.1 Cl mg/l 300 F mg/l 1.5 SO4 mg/l 100 Mn mg/l 0.1 Ni mg/l 0.01 Cu mg/l 0.01 Mo mg/l 0.25 Cd mg/l 0.005 Co mg/l 0.01 Pb mg/l 0.01 As mg/l 0.01 Cr mg/l 0.05 Cr6- mg/l 0.01 Zn mg/l 0.01 Hg mg/l 0.1 Oil mg/l 0.05 Phenol mg/l 0.001 Active and washing substances mg/l 0.1 Benzapyren Mkg/l 0.005


* DO level shall be higher than 6 in summer time and higher than 4 in winter time

43. Mongolia has a network of air quality monitoring stations which analyze air quality data for comparison with national and international standards. The standards for Mongolia and World Health Organization (WHO) are in Table 4.

Table 4: Mongolian ambient air quality standards (MNS 4585: 2007) in comparison to WHO ambient air quality guidelines.

WHO Mongolian Averaging Ambient Air Averaging Pollutant Standards Period Quality Period (µg/m³) Guidelines

Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 20 Minute 200 1 hour - 200 1 hour 24 hour 50 Annual 40 40 Annual

Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 10 Minute - 15 Minute - 20 Minute 450 1 Hour - 24 hour 50 20 24 hour 125 24 hour IT-1 Annual 20

Particulate Matter (PM10) 24 hour 100 50 24 hour 150 24 hour IT-1 Annual 50 20 Annual 70 Annual IT-1

Particulate Matter (PM2.5) 24 hour 50 25 24 hour 75 24 hour IT-1 Annual 25 10 Annual 35 Annual IT-1 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 20 Minute 60,000 1 hour 30,000 30 1 hour 8 Hour 10,000

Ozone (O3) 8 hour 100 100 8 hour 160 8 hour IT-1 Lead (Pb) 24 hour 1 Annual 0.25 Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) 1 hour - Source: Mongolian Law on Air

44. Water Quality. Table 6.


45. Table 5 summaries Mongolian ambient water quality standards (MNS 4585: 2007) and Table 6 summaries Mongolian drinking water standards (MNS 0900: 2005), and


46. Table 7 summarizes effluent wastewater quality standards (MNS 4943: 2011). Mongolia’s national standard for groundwater which is used as a drinking water supply is shown in Table 6.


Table 5: Mongolian ambient water quality standards (MNS 4585: 2007).

Parameter Unit Standard (pH) 6.5-8.5 Dissolved Oxygen (O2) mgO/l 6&4 not less BOD mgO/l 3 COD mgO/l 10 NH4-N mgN/l 0.5 NO2-N mgN/l 0.02 NO3-N mgN/l 9 PO4- P mgP/l 0.1 Chloride Cl mg/l 300 Fluoride F mg/l 1.2 SO4 mg/l 100 Manganese Mn mg/l 0.1 Nickel Ni mg/l 0.01 Copper Cu mg/l 0.01 Molybdenum Mo mg/l 0.25 Cadmium Cd mg/l 0.005 Cobalt Co mg/l 0.01 Lead Pb mg/l 0.01 Arsenic As mg/l 0.01 Total Chromium Cr mg/l 0.05 Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) mg/l 0.01 Zinc Zn mg/l 0.01 Mercury Hg mg/l 0.1 Mineral oil mg/l 0.05 Phenol mg/l 0.001 Source: Mongolian Standard (MNS 4586:2007).

Table 6: Mongolian Drinking Water Standards (MNS 0900: 2005).

Parameter Unit Standard Physical Quality pH mg/l (milligrams/liter) 6.5-8.5 Hardness mg equivalent/l 7.0 Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 1000.0 (TDS) Turbidity mg/l 1.5 Taste Score 2.0 Odor Score 2.0 Color Degree 20 Inorganic Quality Molybdenum (Mo) mg/l 0.07 Barium (Ba) mg/l 0.7 Boron (B) mg/l 0.5 Copper (Cu) mg/l 1.0 Calcium (Ca2+) mg/l 100.0 Magnesium (Mg2+) mg/l 30.0 Manganese (Mn) mg/l 0.1 Sodium (Na) mg/l 200.0 Phosphate (PO4-) mg/l 3.5 Fluoride (F) mg/l 0.7-1.5 Selenium (Se) mg/l 0.01 Strontium (Sr) mg/l 2.0 Sulfate (SO4-) mg/l 500.0 Chloride (Cl) mg/l 350.0 Arsenic (As) mg/l 0.01 Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) mg/l 0.1


Parameter Unit Standard Chromium (Cr) mg/l 0.05 Dry residue mg/l 1000.0 Uranium (U) mg/l 0.015 Beryllium (Be) mg/l 0.0002 Cadmium (Cd) mg/l 0.003 Total mercury (Hg) mg/l 0.001 Total cyanide (CN-) mg/l 0.01 Ammonium ion, (NH4+) mg/l 1.5 Nitrate ion, (NO3-) mg/l 50.0 Nitrite ions (NO2-) mg/l 1.0 Phosphate ions, (PO43-) mg/l 3.5 Silver (Ag) mg/l 0.1 Iodine (I2) mg/l 1.0 Vinyl chloride mg/l 0.0003 Nickel (Ni) mg/l 0.02 Lead (Pb) mg/l 0.01 Aluminum mg/l 0.5 Antimony (Sb) mg/l 0.02 Total iron (Fe) mg/l 0.3 Zinc (Zn) mg/l 5.0 Organic Quality Benzene mg/l 0.01 Xylenes mg/l 0.5 Nitrile 3 acetic acid mg/l 0.2 2 chlorinated methane mg/l 0.02 2 chlorinated ethane mg/l 0.03 3 chlorinated ethane mg/l 0.07 4 chlorinated ethane mg/l 0.04 Phenolic compounds mg/l 0.002 Styrene mg/l 0.02 Toluene mg/l 0.7 Ethyl benzene mg/l 0.3 Pesticides Atrazine mg/l 0.002 Carbofuran mg/l 0.007 Lindane mg/l 0.002 Molinat mg/l 0.006 Endrin mg/l 0.00006 Microbial Quality Total Coliform Coli / ml 100 (at source) 20 (at supply) E.Coli E.Coli / 100 ml E.Coli / 100 ml Radiological Quality Total α radioactivity Bq/l 0.1 Total β radioactivity Bq/l 1.0 Source: Mongolian Standard (MNS 0900: 2005).


Table 7: Mongolian effluent wastewater quality standard (MNS 4943: 2011)

Parameter Unit Standard Water temperature Co 20 pH - 6-9 Odor Sense No smell Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/l 50 BOD mg O2/l 20 COD mg O2/l 50 Permanganate oxidizing capacity mg O2/l 20 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/l 1,000 * Ammonia Nitrogen (NH4) mg N/l 6 Total Nitrogen (TN) mg/l 15 Total phosphorous (TP) mg/l 1.5 Organic phosphorous (DOP) mg/l 0.2 Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) mg/l 0.5 Total iron (Fe) mg/l 1 Aluminum (Al) mg/l 0.5 Manganese (Mn) mg/l 0.5 Total Chromium (Cr) mg/l 0.3 Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) mg/l Absent Total cyanide (CN) mg/l 0.05 Free cyanide mg/l 0.005 Copper (Cu) mg/l 0.3 Boron (B) mg/l 0.3 Lead (Pb) mg/l 0.1 Zinc (Zn) mg/l 1 Cadmium (Cd) mg/l 0.03 Antimony (Sb) mg/l 0.05 Mercury (Hg) mg/l 0.001 Molybdenum (Mo) mg/l 0.5 Total Arsenic (As) mg/l 0.01 Nickel (Ni) mg/l 0.2 Selenium (Se) mg/l 0.02 Beryllium (Be) mg/l 0.001 Cobalt (Co) mg/l 0.02 Barium (Ba) mg/l 1.5 Strontium (Sr) mg/l 2 Vanadium (V) mg/l 0.1 Uranium (U) mg/l 0.05 Oil and grease mg/l 1 Fat mg/l 5 Surface active agents mg/l 2.5 Phenol (C6H5OH) mg/l 0.05 Trichloroethylene (C2HCl3) mg/l 0.2 Tetrachloroethylene mg/l 0.1 Chlorine remains (Cl) mg/l 1 Bacteria triggering water-borne disease - Absent in 1 mg of water Source: Mongolian Standard MNS 4943: 2011.


Table 8. Groundwater quality standard (MNS 900:2005)

Parameter MNS 900:2005 WHO Guidelines for Drinking Measuring Maximum Water Quality, Fourth Edition. unit allowed 2011 level Na* mg/l 200 K* mg/l 200 Ca2- mg/l 100 Mg2- mg/l 30 SO42 mg/l 500 HCO3 mg/l CO32 mg/l Cl mg/l 350 mg/l 5 P mg/l 0.7-1.5 Br mg/l Test by mark mg/l 2 Color degree 20* Odor mark 2 pH 6.5-8.5 Electrict conductivity Y S/st

General Minerals 1000 Hardness mg-eqv/l 7 Acidity potential mB Solid Remains g/l 1 NH4 mg/l 1.5 NO3 mg/l 50 mg/l 50 NO2 mg/l 1 mg/l 3 PO4 mg/l 3.5 As mg/l 0.01 mg/l 0.01 Fe mg/l 0.3 Pb mg/l 0.03 mg/l 0.01 Nni mg/l 0.02 mg/l 0.07 Cr mg/l 0.05 mg/l 0.05 Cu mg/l 0.1 mg/l 2 Zn mg/l 5 Mn mg/l 0.1 Cd mg/l 0.003 mg/l 0.003 Hg mg/l 0.0005 mg/l 0.006 Br mg/l 0.5 mg/l 2.4 Ba mg/l 0.7 mg/l 0.7 Mo mg/l 0.07 Se mg/l 0.01 mg/l 0.04 E coli or thermotolerant Must not be detectable coldform bacteria in any 100ml sample Source: Mongolian Groundwater quality standard (MNS 900:2005)


47. Noise. Mongolian noise standards are included in Ambient Air Quality Standards MNS 4585:2007 and set an allowable limit for noise in daytime (7am-10pm) at 60 dB, and night at 45 dB, with day and night measurements on 16-hour and 8-hour averages respectively. These standards can be compared to the more detailed IFC EHS/WHO guidelines which recommend that noise level should not exceed 55 dBA (obe hour LAeq) during day time (07:00-22:00) and 45 dBA (obe hour LAeq) during night time (22:00-07:00) from any residential, institutional, and educational receptors; 70 dBA (obe hour LAeq) during both day and night time from any industial or commercial receptors. The project will apply IFC EHS/WHO guidelines on noise..; average equivalent over 8 hours LAeq) and 45 dB (maximum for an individual noise event), and outdoor sound levels should not exceed 50 dB LAeq.

48. As for construction noise, Mongolia has not set any specific standrads. Thus, the project will apply the IFC EHS Guideline: Occupational health and safety standards, which indicates that no employee should be exposed to a noise level greater than 85 dB(A) for a duration of more than 8 hours per day without hearing protection. In addition, no unprotected ear should be exposed to a peak sound pressure level (instantaneous) of more than 140 dB(C).

49. Occupational health and safety standard (MNS 5002:2000). Article 16 of the National Constitution of Mongolia states that every employee has the right to ‘suitable conditions of work’. The government adopted a National Program for Occupational Safety and Health Improvement in 2001 and national standards are also adopted such as the National Standard on Occupational Health and Safety MNS 5002:2000 which support the Occupational Safety and Health Law 2008 which sets out policies, rules and regulations on occupational safety and health, and the most common requirements for workplace safety.

D. Specially Protected Areas

50. Specially Protected Areas (SPA). In 1994, the protected area system was consolidated and formalized through the Law on Special Protected Areas. Under this law, Mongolia has a national system of protected areas, called Special Protected Areas, covering 22 million hectares, equivalent to almost 14% of the country. The Law on Special Protected Areas provides for four categories of protected areas: 1) Strictly Protected Areas; 2) National Parks; 3) Nature Reserve Area; and 4) Natural Monuments.

51. Strictly Protected Areas and National Parks are managed by the Central Administration Unit of SPAs under MET while Natural Reserve Areas and Natural Monuments are managed by local governments (province and soum).

52. Nature Reserves are further classified into four sub-categories: 1) Ecological Reserves; 2) Biological Reserves; 3) Paleontological Reserves; and 4) Geological Reserves. In addition, the Law on Buffer Zones requires the establishment of Buffer Zones outside Strictly Protected Areas. In addition, local soum authorities may establish Buffer Zones around Nature Reserves and Natural Monuments16

E. Laws on Wildlife and Habitat Protection

53. Law on Fauna (last amended in 2012) and Law on regulation of export and import of endangered species (in 2002) are the key laws protecting wildlife. In addition, Mongolia became a signatory party to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild

16 UNDP Project Document: Strengthening of the Protected Area Network in Mongolia (SPAN) (2010).


Animals in 1999.

F. Mongolia’s Occupational Health and Safety Standards

54. Article 16 of the National Constitution of Mongolia states that every employee has the right to ‘suitable conditions of work’. The government adopted a National Program for Occupational Safety and Health Improvement in 2001 and national standards are also adopted such as the National Standard on Occupational Health and Safety MNS 5002:2000.



55. This IEE has been updated to cover both project components of approved L3679 project and the additional financing. The components under approved L3679 has the following:

56. Output 1: Road asset management capacity improved. This output will strengthen sustainable road maintenance practices and build capacity for the implementation of maintenance projects prepared and procured during the project. Capacity-building activities will include (i) reestablishing and providing training on the RAM system to improve maintenance planning, implementation, and prioritization;17 (ii) designing improvements in road funding to ensure the sustainability of maintenance activities, including measures to prevent vehicle overloading; and (iii) supporting pilot performance-based maintenance. The contract payment method will be linked to performance evaluation. Thus, it aims to enhance maintennance performance of potential contractors both in terms of maintenance work quality as well as its environmental management performance. This output will be delivered partly through attached TA and partly with output 2.

57. Output 2: Road condition improved. This output will preserve and improve important regional road sections that link the PRC and the Russian Federation through Mongolia’s capital and comprises part of CAREC road corridor 4b. The project will improve 311 kilometers (km) of existing national highway sections comprising Ulaanbaatar–Darkhan (193 km) and Darkhan–Altanbulag (118 km). Improvement works will include (i) pavement treatment and (ii) widening of carriageways, including climbing lanes and shoulders within the existing right-of- way (ROW).

58. Output 3: Road safety improved. This output will provide capacity development in road safety policies and the implementation of safety features in the road condition improvement works undertaken with output 2. Safety features will include improvements in road markings, barriers, and guide posts. Climbing lanes will be constructed within the ROW at traffic accident blackspots, where overtaking of slow-moving vehicles often causes fatal head-on collisions. Independent road safety audits will be conducted on detailed designs, as well as a post- construction audit.

59. The proposed additional financing will yield the following outputs: (i) road condition improved for a total of 204 km between Ulaanbaatar–Darkhan (11 km increased from L3679 scope due to modification of entry and end points of the exisiting road) and Khuiten Valley– Arvaikheer (58 km) sections, (ii) road safety improved for the above sections, and (iii) due diligence reports for project preparation prepared for Chinggis–Norovlin–Dadal section (257 km), the so-called “Secret History” road. The outputs of the overall project will be as below.

60. Output 1: Road asset management capacity improved. This output will strengthen sustainable road maintenance practices and build capacity for the implementation of maintenance projects prepared and procured during the project. Capacity-building activities will include (i) reestablishing and providing training on the road asset management system to improve maintenance planning, implementation, and prioritization; (ii) designing improvements in road funding to ensure the sustainability of maintenance activities, including measures to prevent vehicle overloading; and (iii) supporting pilot performance-based maintenance contracts. This output will be delivered partly through attached technical assistance (TA) and partly with output 2.

61. Output 2: Road condition improved. This output will preserve and improve important

17 A team of experts under the attached TA will assess the use of equipment and planning tools provided in 2010 under ADB. 2009. Technical Assistance to Mongolia for Road Database Development Using Geographic Information System. Manila.


regional road sections that link the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation through Mongolia’s capital and comprises part of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridor 4b. The project will improve 380 km of existing national highway sections comprising Ulaanbaatar–Darkhan (204 km), Darkhan–Altanbulag (118 km), and Khuiten Valley–Arvaikheer (58 km). Improvement works will include (i) pavement treatment and (ii) widening of carriageways and shoulders within the existing right-of-way (ROW).

62. Output 3: Road safety improved. This output will provide capacity development in road safety policies and the implementation of safety features in the road condition improvement works undertaken with output 2. Safety features will include improvements in road markings, barriers, and guide posts. HLTF will finance a demonstrative introduction of wire-rope median barriers for mitigation of head-on collisions in traffic safety blackspots of the country’s most heavily used national highway section of Ulaanbaatar–Darkhan. Climbing lanes will also be constructed within the ROW at the blackspots where overtaking of slow-moving vehicles often causes fatal head-on collisions. Independent road safety audits will be conducted on detailed designs, as well as a post-construction stage.

63. Output 4: Due diligence reports prepared. This output will prepare due diligence reports as part of project preparation for Chinggis–Norovlin–Dadal section (257 km), the so- called “Secret History” road. The section will connect Chinggis City and the planned Chinggis Khaan Tourism Complex.

A. Detailed Description of the Project

64. The project will preserve and improve a total of 272 km of existing national highway sections comprising Ulaanbaatar–Darkhan (204 km), add climbing lanes at selected locations along Darkhan–Altanbulag (10km out of the 118 km), and improvement of Khuiten Valley– Arvaikheer (58 km) road section. Improvement works will include (i) pavement treatment (ii) widening of carriageways and shoulders, and (iii) construction of climbing lanes, all within the existing right-of-way (ROW).


Figure 3. Project Road Locations

a. UB-Darkhan-Altanbulag road sections

b. Khuiten Valley–Arvaikheer (58 km) road section

Source: Google earth map, ADB PPTA team (2018)


65. Ulaanbaatar–Darkhan. The project component is the 204km road section from the roundabout at KM18+600 through to the roundabout at KM222+600. The design has been prepared to be conducive to subsequent 4-laning, while being fully compliant as a standalone 2-lane rehabilitation (with localized realignment) project. The design standard is for an 11m embankment width, with 8m paved surface (2 x 3.5m lanes, and 2 x 0.5m paved shoulders). Yet, some existing road sections within the 204 km of project road sections have between 9m- 11m. Thus, such narrow embankment will be expanded upto 11m and AC pavement will be added upto 0.5 m each side of road shoulder to meet the standards and improve road safety of the project road. The installation of wirerope median barriers at selected safety black spots will help the improvement of road safety. The typical cross sections for this Project section are shown following.

Figure 4. Typical cross sections for this Project Road Section

a. Conversion from 2 to 4 lanes through townships

b. Conversion from 2 to 4 lanes in rural areas

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

66. The initial design for this project road section includes a total of approximately 19km of minor realignment of tight curves (either horizontal or vertical curves) to improve road safety. Minior realignment will stay within the existing 50m ROW. The conceptual design of the minor 25 realignment is shown below, which will be finalized during the detailed engineering design stage.

Figure 4. Conceptual design of minor realignment for road safety (examples at KM25+300 and KM 26+900)

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

67. A number of examples of the locations for shoulder widening within the existing embankment is shown below.

Figure 5. Locations for shoulder widening within the existing embankment at Ulaanbaatar–Darkhan section

Location Northbound 25.3-27.3km

Southbound 52.1-53.5km


Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

68. Darkhan-Altanbulag. The project involves the construction of approximately 10 km of climbing lanes over the 118km route length with possibly some minor routine maintenance and spot repairs and some patching along the route. Some widening proposed in Phase 1 has been deleted leaving only maintenance and the addition of potentially 6 passing lanes (see table below), which can be constructed within the existing ROW and using much of the existing embankment. There is contribution to this Project scope as a result of the additional financing. In addition, there will be road shoulder widening within existing embankment are shown below (Figure 6).

Table 9: Location of Climbing Lanes (Ulaanbaatar–Darkhan-Altanbulag)

From (Km) To (Km) Length (km) North/ southbound

Ulaanbaatar-Darkhan 26.30 27.30 1.00 Northbound 50.00 52.10 2.10 Northbound 130.80 132.80 2.00 Northbound 156.00 156.50 0.50 Northbound 52.10 53.50 1.40 Southbound 59.30 60.30 1.0 Southbound 121.40 122.80 1.40 Southbound 132.80 135.20 2.40 Southbound Darkhan-Altanbulag 226.500 227.200 0.700 Northbound 270.400 272.600 2.200 Northbound 286.500 288.600 2.100 Northbound 251.000 251.700 0.700 Southbound 272.600 276.200 3.600 Southbound 288.600 289.400 0.800 Southbound Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Figure 6. Locations for road widening within the existing embankment at Darkhan- Altanbulag section

Location: Northbound KM270+400-271+200 27

Northbound KM262+000-272+600

Southbound 121.4-122.8km

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

69. This project area of influence does not contain any nationally protected areas however the Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor passes through a locally protected Tujiin Nars forest which has protection status of “natural reserve”.

70. Khuiten Valley–Arvaikheer. The works are located on the A301 from KM353+600m to KM411+160m, giving an overall length of 57.56km. There is a 160m long bridge located between KM396+600 to KM396+760 in need of repair. The proposed works comprise in-situ stabilization with 7cm (3+4cm) of AC over a length of 51.5km, 5cm of AC over a length of 5km,

28 and 1km of concrete pavement (ford style road) in area of surfacing flooding. The AC paved surface width will be 8 m (2x3.5m lanes, and 2x0.5m paved shoulders). The bridge pavement is to be rehabilitated, of which activities are restricted to a new AC surface and replacement of bridge expansion joints. Should funds be available, The existing formation width that varies between 9-11m will be widened to a minimum of 11m (noting the new standard is for 10.6m). Revised designs for this road have been requested in which the road width increase will be minimized as will any proposed curve realignment.

71. The project involves road maintenance and rehabilitation works. Routine maintenance works typically include pothole patching and crack sealing. Three types of road rehabilitation works are also involved in the project: (i) surface dressing; (ii) in-situ stabilization; and (iii) asphalt concrete (AC) overlay, depending on the levels of road conditions. Specification of asphalt and concrete mix design will be selected suitable to extreme weather conditions in Mongolia. Important factors are (i) bitumen binder should be resistant to wider temperature range and (ii) aggregates (sand, gravel, cement) must be hard and frost resistant so that subgrade and basecourse will be protected from climate impacts. During the detailed engineering design stage, identification of types of works will be further carried out and confirmed.

Figure 5: Technical drawings of three types of road rehabilitation works

Surface dressing

In-situ stablization

Asphalt concrete overlay

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2017)

72. Surface dressing. This process entails spraying the road with bitumen and covering 29 it with stone chippings. The dressing is then rolled, which together with the actions of slow moving traffic, embeds the stone chips into the surface. Surface dressing is applied to rejuvenate existing asphalt concrete surface and to seal residual cracking.

Figure 6: Typical look of surface dressing

Source: Wikipedia

73. In-situ stabilization. In-situ stabilization is applied when existing crushed stone aggregate base course is failed. In-situ stabilization applies soil stabilization and cold recycling technologies. It uses milling and mixing rotor to granulate the damaged pavement layers, and simultaneously mixes with binding agents (cement is used here). The resulting homogeneous construction material is finish-graded and then compacted by rollers. As it recycles existing materials and adds small quantities of binding agents (concrete is used for this project), in-situ stabilization is a resource-efficient process and a fast-paced method that minimizes space requirements and shortens construction time, which results in less disturbance in road traffic.

Figure 7: Sample image of In-situ stabilization process

Source: ADB PPTA team (2017)

74. Asphalt concrete overlay. In the existing concrete pavement, asphalt concrete overlay will be applied to improve ride quality and extend the life of road.


Figure 8: Typical look of asphalt concrete overlay

Source: Wikipedia

75. Climbing lane construction. To ease spot road congestion and improve road safety, a following climbing lanes will be constructed, which are presented in the table below. Final confirmation on the number of climbing lanes will be determined during the detailed engineering design stage. It involves widening existing embankment that does not meet 11m standard width within the existing road right-of-way, constructing new sub-base and base course; and asphalt concrete surfacing. Specific design feature of climbing lanes will be finalized during the detailed design stage.

B. Associated Facilities

76. SPS (2009) defines associated facilities as “facilities that are not funded as part of a project but whose viability and existence depend exclusively on the project, or whose goods or services are essential for successful operation of the project.” In this context, the project does not involve any associated facility at this stage. However, if the project will use any existing asphalt mixing plants, they will be considered as associated facilities. The decision will be made during the project implementation. 31


A. Project Area of Influence

77. The project road corridor was visited for the preparation of this IEE, with particular attention paid to:

(i) Sensitive natural environmental receptors such as water bodies, biodiversity and wildlife habitats; (ii) Sensitive human receptors; (iii) Cultural and heritage sites; and (iv) Potential health and safety issues.

78. According to SPS 2009 the project area of influence is defined as follows:

(i) Primary project site(s) and related facilities. This is the corridor alignment of the project which is within the existing right of way which in Mongolia extends to 50 m either side of the road curb. (ii) Areas and communities potentially affected by cumulative impacts from further planned development of the project. The communities around the project area are principally those concentrated in the main towns primarily 61th railway station (Songinokhairkhan district of UB); Bayanchandmani soum center (Tov aimag); Baruunkharaa soum center (Selenge aimag); Darkhan city (Darkhan-Uul province); Darkhan (Darkhan-Uul aimag); and Sukhbataar and Altanbulag (Selenge aimag). In addition, nomadic herders move around the project area depending on the time of year.

B. Geography, Topography and Geology

1. Administration.

79. UB-Darkhan-Altanbulag: Administratively, Mongolia is divided into 21 aimags (provinces) and the capital city Ulaanbaatar. Aimags are divided into soums which are further divided into bags. The section between Ulaanbaatar and Darkhan traverses the aimags of Khongor soum of Darkhan-Uul proince, Bayangol soum for Selenge province, Bornuur and Bayanchandmani soums of Tuv province and Songinokhairkhan district of Ulaanbaatar municipality. The section between Darkhan and Altanbulag traverses Orkhon soum of Darkhan-Uul province and Shaamar, Sukhbaatar and Altanbulag soums of Selenge province.

80. UB-Arvaikheer 58km: The 58km section between STA.371 and STA.431 on the UB- Arvaikheer road traverses through Arvaikheer town, Zuunbayan Ulaan soum and Ulziit soum of Uvurkhangai province. Arvaikheer town is the center of Uvurkhangai province and locates in central Mongolia in 431km distance from Ulaanbaatar city.


Figure 9: Administration units along the UB-Darkhan road

a. Administration units along the UB-Darkhan road

33 b. Administration units along the Darkhan-Altanbulag road section


c. Administration units along the UB-Arvaikheer road section

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

2. Topography and soil conditions

81. Field survey was carried out by a licensed EIA institute to collect baseline data information on topography and soil conditions for UB-Darkhan and Darkhan-Altanbulag road corridors.

82. UB-Darkhan road corridor: The landscape between Ulaanbaatar city and the Darkhan city is described as low mountains, passes, plains and sloping depressions in the valleys between the mountains. Topographical settings along the road corridor are shown in Figure 10 below.


Figure 10: Topography map of UB-Darkhan road corridor

Source: ADB consultant (2018)

83. The predominant soil type distributed for most parts of the corridor between UB and Darkhan is brown soil. Mountainy brown soil type was observed in elevated areas and uplands such as Takhilt pass, Baruunturuun pass, Khairtkhaan pass and 52th km pass. Soil type of meadow steppe is observed in the southern and midway parts of the road corridor in Bornuur, Jargalant and Bayanchamdmani soums of Tuv province and Mandal and Baruunkharaa soums of Selenge province. Brown soil type of desert-steppe is observed in the northern section of the road corridor in Darkhan-Uul province and Khongor soum. In all locations sampled, the 0-20cm sample contained loamy soils, except location 2 where loam was not present. From beyond 10-15 cm, soil was classified as non-rizosphere and in the majority of samples, the presence of rock increased from approximately 20 cm. A previous soil survey was made at 5 locations as shown in Error! Reference source not found.10.


Table 9:Soil Sampling Locations along the UB-Darkhan Road Corridor

Coordinations No. Soil sampling location Latitude Longitude

1 Bayanchandmani soum, nearby Kharmodot pass 48.15902 106.386

2 Jargalant, Bornuur soums,nearby Morin Tolgoi 48.51121 106.137

3 Near by Boroo gold, Mandal soum 48.77915 106.1091

4 Khongor soum 49.21912 106.0481

5 Nearby Uzuur Ulaan, Darkhan-Uul province 49.04178 106.0495 Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, survey in 2017

Table 10: Soil Analysis Results at the UB-Darkhan Corridor Mobile Phosphorous & Potassium Depth, CaСО3 Humus Sampling No. *pH *ЕС mg/100g cm % %

P2O5 K2O

01 0-32 8.13 12.0 1.724 0.126 1.04 11.6

32-64 8.23 11.27 1.348 0.175 1.42 14.8

02. 0-12 6.35 0.0 5.327 0.334 3.94 21.8

12-↓ 5.93 0.0 2.273 0.023 1.71 8.3

0-15 8.18 0.0 4.968 0.12 3.75 16.5 03.

15-35 8.24 3.27 2.760 0.1 1.72 12.7 Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, 2017

84. Based the landsat map data and field survey observations and recordings, a map indicating the soil characteristics along the UB-Darkhan the road corridor is developed (Figure11).


Figure 11: UB-Darkhan Road Soil Classification

Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, survey in 2017

Note: Soil types shown in the legend: 12. Taiga dark soil; 14.Forest dark soil; 151.Dark soil with permafrost; 153. Dark soil with solochak; 154. Dark soil with clay; 159.Alluvial dark soil; 20. Stony dark soil; 210. Agricultural sandy soil; 211.Agricultural loamy soil; 22. Stony dark Kastanozem soil; 251. Eroded soil by urban; 261. Eroded soil by mining; 44.Gravelly dark Kastanozem soil; 45. Gravelly, shallow dark Kastanozem soil; 48. Dark Kastanozem soil; 52. Sandy dark Kastanozem soil; 53.Residual dark Kastanozem soil with clay.

85. Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor: The topography of the corridor is undulating with plains and valleys with low mountains. Topography settings along the road corridor is shown in Figure 12.


Figure 11: Topography map of the Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor

Source: ADB consultant (2018)

86. A baseline soil survey was conducted along the Darkhan-Altanbulag road corridor by the DEIA team and included soil sampling in six locations; soil chemical analysis was undertaken at the soil laboratory of the Geo-Ecological Institute of Mongolia. The location of the soil sampling is provided in Error! Reference source not found. and Figure 13.


Table 11: Soil Sampling Locations Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor

Coordinates No. Landscape feature and km mark Latitude N Longitude E 1 Start point of the Darkhan-Altanbulag 49° 29’ 37.4” 105°56’28.5” road, STA.226 2 STA.232, in a valley 49° 32’ 24.1” 105°58’ 55.7” 3 STA.248, nearby a mountain 49° 44’ 02.4” 106° 07’ 51.1” 4 STA.248, nearby a mountain 49° 44’ 23.6” 106°08’08.9” (contaminated site) 5 STA.276, nearby a river 49° 52’ 39.5” 106° 14’ 33.7” 6 STA.345, nearby a river near 50° 18’ 09.8” 106° 29’ 16.8” Altanbulag town Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, 2017

Figure 12: Sampling Location Map-Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor

Key: Black line = road alignment, Red dots = sampling locations. Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, 2017


87. Based on the soil field survey information and landsat map data, the DEIA team developed soil characteristics map for the road corridor shown in Figure 14. The soil characteristics map indicates that the predominant soil types are meadow soil and dark brown soil.

Figure 13: Soil Characteristics Darkhan-Altanbulag Corridor

14 Forest dark soil 147 Dark soil with peat /permafrost 153 Dark soil with solonchak 154 Dark soil with clay 158 Alluvial dark soil with peat 159 Alluvial dark soil 160 Alluvial dark soil with salt 17 Sandy 174 Sparsely sand 210 Agricultural sandy soil 211 Agricultural loamy soil 22 Stony Dark Kastanozem soil 251 Eroded soil by urban 44 Gravelly Dark kastanozem soil 45 Gravelly, shallow Dark kastanozem soil 48 Dark Kastanozem 52 Sandy, Dark Kastanozem 53 Residual Dark Kastanozem with clay 66 Sandy Kastanozem 69 Kastanozem soil with Solonchak

Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, 2017

88. In terms of chemical analysis, the following parameters were tested, noting that the DEIA team determined that given the soil conditions, heavy metal analysis was not considered necessary, see Error! Reference source not found. for results.


Table 12: Soil Analysis Results at Darkhan-Altanbulag Corridor

Mobile Phosphorous & Depth, CaСО Humus Sampling No. *pH 3 *ЕС Potassium cm % % mg/100g

P2O5 K2O 01 0-10 7.73 1.94 0.676 0.185 0.86 13.9 0-30 7.54 0.00 0.928 0.050 1.11 17.1 02. 30-48 7.51 0.00 1.045 0.050 1.23 11.7 48 7.43 0.00 0.913 0.054 1.10 9.8 0-25 7.59 1.82 1.638 0.089 1.82 16.4 03. 25-37 7.85 9.09 0.692 0.095 0.88 9.1 04 0-10 7.72 1.09 2.192 0.112 2.38 23.6 0-13 7.37 1.45 2.962 0.074 3.15 33.7 05 13-30 7.86 0.24 1.589 0.098 1.77 15.7 06 0-10 7.58 0.61 1.604 0.234 1.79 16.0 * pH soil : water (1 : 2.5) pH meter *EC – Electrical Conductivity measured in deciSiemen per meter (dS/m) Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, 2017

89. Sampling location number 4 found waste construction materials such as gravel, asphalt and domestic waste left in an area of around 300 m2, contaminating the topsoil; it was noted to be from previous construction or rehabilitation activities.

90. 58km section of UB-Arvaikheer road: In terms of physical-geographical division of Mongolia, the project road passes through low hills of the eastern Khangai mountain zone and and plain steppes of the central Mongolia steppe zone. In terms of physical-geographical division of Mongolia, it locates within the semi-arid steppe zone of Ongiin river basin. Topography of the 58 km road corridor is described as valleys between hills and low mountains with average slopes. Average altitude at the beginning of the road section (STA.371) is 1680m and then it gradually goes up through the road corridor toward southwest direction to 1760m above sea level nearby Arvaikheer town.

91. In terms of soil-geographical division of Mongolia, the 58km section on the UB- Arvaikheer road locates within the division 1 of the Greater Khangai Mountain dark-brown soil zone. The predominant soil types distributed along the road corridor are: (i) sandy dark-brown soil of central Mongolian steppes region; (ii) dark-brown soil of low hills and mountains; and (iii) alluvial salty dark-brown soil of meadowland.


Figure 15: Topographical map of the 58km section of Ub-Arvaikheer road

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Figure 16: Soil characteristics map of the project road corridor

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018) 43

92. Soil samples were taken at the 4 spots along the UB-Arvaikheer 58km road section: STA.383, STA.401, STA.416 and STA.428. Three of the soil samples represent the different soil types distributed in the road corridor: mountain brown, steppe brown and meadowland dark brown soil, respectively. Another soil sample is taken at a borrow pit which is currently being used by the Uvurkhangai AZZA, which the government-owned provincial road maintenance company. Results of the soil chemical and contamination tests are shown in below tables.

Table 13.Soil chemical test analysis results

Content of base Variable Humu chemicals, elements Sampling Depth, ЕС Salt рН 25 s mg equi/100gr mg/100 location sm Ds/m % % Ca+M Ca NO3 P2O5 K2O Mg g 0-30 7.6 0.147 2.57 0.07 26.3 15.3 11. 4.2 2.1 31 STA.383 0 9 0-30 8.5 0.075 2.69 0.03 17.8 12.9 4.9 1.5 1.9 15 STA.416 5 0-30 8.1 0.042 1.91 0.02 19.0 15.8 3.2 2.1 2.0 17 STA.401 6 0-30 8.3 0.069 1.52 0.03 17.0 13.6 3.4 1.2 1.5 15 STA.428 7 Source: Uvurkhangai AZZA (2018)

Table 14.Soil contamination analysis

Content of heavy metals, mg/kg Sampling No. Depth, sm Ni Cd Pb Zn Cr Cu STA.383 0-30 0.01 0.01 0.01 27.4 5.14 20.5 STA.416 0-30 10.5 0.01 5.52 8.29 1.57 34.6 STA.401 0-30 15.3 0.01 20.6 41.6 10.6 35.5 STA.428 0-30 11.6 0.01 0.01 50.7 12.9 40.2 Maximum allowed level (MNS 5850 : 2008) 150.0 3.0 100.0 300.0 150.0 100.0 Source: Uvurkhangai AZZA (2018)

C. Meteorology and Climate

93. Weather stations in Mongolia are limited and climate data presented here is from Ulaanbaatar, Bayanchandmani, Baruunkharaa, Darkhan, Orkhon and Sukhbaatar weather stations measuring key climate parameters over the last 15 years.

1. Climate condition for UB-Darkhan road section

94. Temperature. The project region is characterized by a harsh and cold continental climate which means long winters and sharp fluctuations of air temperature between day and night. Table 16 to Table 18 show the mean, maximum and minimum air temperatures for the



Table 15: Mean air temperature,0С, UB-Darkhan corridor

Months Weather stations Mean Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ulaanbaatar -21.6 -17.3 -8.1 1.7 9.7 15.5 17.8 15.7 9.1 0.5 -11.0 -19.2 -0.6

Bayanchandmani -19.1 -15.1 -7.1 2.2 9.5 15.3 17.8 15.8 9.3 1.0 -9.4 -16.6 0.3

Baruunkharaa -24.8 -20.4 -7.7 3.3 11.3 17.1 19.4 17.2 10.1 1.0 -10.9 -21.0 -0.4

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 16: Maximum air temperature,0С, UB-Darkhan corridor

Weather stations Months Max Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ulaanbaatar -1.8 11.1 18.3 27.3 32.6 38.3 38.2 34.6 31.7 22.5 13.0 12.1 38.3 Bayanchandmani 12.4 9.1 20.5 28.3 34.4 37.7 38.4 35.7 31.3 21.1 12.6 3.1 38.4 Baruunkharaa 1.9 12.6 21.8 30.2 36.0 39.1 42.8 38.8 32.5 27.0 17.5 8.4 42.8 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 17: Minimum air temperature (unit: 0С) at UB-Darkhan corridor

Weather Months Min stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ulaanbaatar -33.2 -29.9 -22.4 -16.7 -8.0 1.0 7.3 3.3 -8.8 -12.7 -30.2 -30.4 -33.2 Bayanchandmani -34.6 -34.7 -24.7 -19.1 -9.7 -1.1 4.6 0.1 -14.2 -13.5 -30.5 -29.8 -34.7 Baruunkharaa -37.7 -36.6 -27.5 -15.8 -6.1 1.0 7.8 2.3 -11.4 -13.8 -31.5 -34.9 -37.7 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

95. Precipitation. In general the project areas are in regions with relatively low precipitation and moisture, where the majority of precipitation occurs in summer months. Precipitation in winter months constitutes only 5-7% of total annual precipitation. Between April and October, there are about 50-60 days of rain on average.Error! Reference source not found.With regards to flooding, major flood events occur 1-2 times per 60 years. During such events, 46-79mm precipitation falls as rain and causes flood the flood events. Snow falls primarily between November and March, during which time there are approximately 35-45 snowy days on average. Given the temperatures, the land surface is covered with snow for approximately 110-130 days a year.

Table 18: Mean precipitation by months (2011-2015 period), mm, UB-Darkhan corridor

Months Year Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec total 262. Ulaanbaatar 2.2 2.5 4.0 8.4 18.6 48.5 67.5 66.2 27.6 8.6 5.2 3.4 5 266. Bayanchandmani 1.3 1.2 3.5 7.3 26.2 50.6 68.2 71.8 27.1 5.8 3.5 2.8 2 301. Baruunkharaa 3.4 2.7 3.7 9.0 23.8 53.4 74.8 74.0 34.4 10.8 6.7 4.9 4 45

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 19: Average moisture (2011-2015 period), mm, UB-Darkhan corridor

Months Year Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec total Ulaanbaatar 77 73 61 49 46 54 61 63 59 60 70 77 62 Bayanchandmani 72 67 62 49 48 57 65 65 58 58 67 70 61 Baruunkharaa 78 76 64 50 48 57 65 67 64 65 73 79 65 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 20: Snow days by Month, UB-Darkhan corridor

Name of weather Cold months Total stations Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Ulaanbaatar 0.1 4.4 7.1 8.1 4.4 2.8 4.3 3.6 0.4 35.3 Bayanchandmani 0.4 5.8 8.9 9.1 7.0 4.1 4.5 4.4 0.9 45.0 Baruunkharaa 1.4 4.0 5.3 5.9 5.9 4.0 4.1 3.1 2.1 35.8 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

96. Wind. Based on the last 15 years’ climate data, dust or snow storms occur on around 10-24 days a year. The predominant wind direction is from northwest to south east. Dust storms usually occur in April and May. The average wind speeds are shown in Table 22.

Table 21: Average wind speed (unit: m/sec) at UB-Darkhan corridor

Weather Months Ave stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec . Ulaanbaatar 1.3 1.8 2.5 3.3 3.4 3.1 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.2 1.7 1.4 2.4 Bayanchandmani 2.0 2.4 3.3 4.2 4.3 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.3 3.0 2.6 2.2 3.1 Baruunkharaa 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.8 2.8 2.3 1.8 1.8 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.5 2.0 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 22: Number of days with dust storm at UB-Darkhan corridor

Weather Months Ave stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec . Ulaanbaatar 2.09 1.6 2.2 4.8 6.1 4.5 3.7 3.3 2.4 2.0 1.3 1.1 23.4 Bayanchandmani 1.4 1.3 1.9 2.7 3.6 2.9 1.8 1.0 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.3 10.7 Baruunkharaa 1.5 1.0 1.6 2.9 3.1 1.8 1.8 2.0 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.0 7.5 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 23: Number of days with snow storm at UB-Darkhan corridor


Weather Months Ave stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec . Ulaanbaatar 4.2 3.6 4.5 6.3 4.5 4.7 7.3 8.8 5.5 4.2 1.0 39.1 Bayanchandmani 4.6 5.9 10.1 8.3 6.8 8.0 15.6 13.8 4.6 1.0 63.7 Baruunkharaa 1.0 1.8 2.2 2.7 2.4 1.9 3.2 3.6 1.9 10.6 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 24: Mean precipitation by months (2011-2015 period), mm, Darkhan- Altanbulag corridor

Months Year Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec total Orkhon soum 2.9 2.2 3.0 6.8 23.0 61.5 74.3 78.2 34.9 9.5 5.3 4.8 306.3 Darkhan city 4.0 3.2 4.3 12.3 27.2 58.6 72.3 84.0 36.8 14.4 7.8 5.7 330.7 Sukhbaatar town 3.2 2.4 2.9 9.9 22.3 50.7 69.7 72.6 34.0 11.0 5.7 3.9 288.3 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

2. Climate condition for the Darkhan-Altanbulag road section

97. Temperature. The project region is characterized by a harsh and cold continental climate which means long winters and sharp fluctuations of air temperature between day and night. Table 26 to Table 28 show the mean, maximum and minimum air temperatures for the region.

Table 25: Mean air temperature,0С, Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor

Weather Months Mean stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Orkhon -25.0 -20.4 -8.1 3.6 11.2 17.3 19.5 16.9 9.8 0.9 -11.0 -21.3 -0.6 Darkhan -23.8 -18.6 -6.4 4.2 11.8 17.7 20.1 17.7 10.6 2.1 -9.8 -19.9 0.5 Sukhbaatar -22.9 -18.3 -6.8 3.8 11.4 17.6 19.9 17.4 10.3 1.5 -9.9 -19.4 0.4 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 26: Maximum air temperature(unit: 0С) at Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor

Weather Months Max stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Orkhon 5.6 10.5 22.9 30.9 36.5 39.8 43.4 39.1 33.0 28.3 19.1 10.4 43.4 Darkhan -2.0 8.7 23.4 31.2 36.5 40.4 42.6 38.2 33.5 27.2 16.4 7.0 42.6 Sukhbaatar -2.8 11.7 22.6 31.6 35.0 39.4 42.5 38.1 31.9 27.0 12.5 12.3 42.5 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 27: Minimum air temperature(unit: 0С) at Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor

Weather Months Min stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Orkhon -39.2 -39.6 -28.3 -15.1 -6.6 -1.2 7.1 2.8 -13.1 -13.4 -31.1 -35.7 -39.6 Darkhan -36.0 -35.4 -23.6 -11.1 -3.8 1.1 9.5 5.1 -8.5 -10.8 -26.7 -31.3 -36.0 Sukhbaatar -37.8 -38.4 -27.1 -12.6 -6.6 -0.5 9.0 3.8 -7.4 -12.8 -31.5 -35.1 -38.4 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018) 47

Table 28: Mean precipitation by months (2011-2015 period), mm, Output 1b

Months Year Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec total Orkhon 2.9 2.2 3.0 6.8 23.0 61.5 74.3 78.2 34.9 9.5 5.3 4.8 306.3 Darkhan 4.0 3.2 4.3 12.3 27.2 58.6 72.3 84.0 36.8 14.4 7.8 5.7 330.7 Sukhbaatar 3.2 2.4 2.9 9.9 22.3 50.7 69.7 72.6 34.0 11.0 5.7 3.9 288.3 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 29: Average moisture (2011-2015 period), mm, Darkhan-Altanbulag

Months Year Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec total Orkhon 81 79 69 52 51 60 69 71 68 68 76 81 69 Darkhan 83 80 69 54 53 63 72 75 71 71 78 84 71 Sukhbaatar 76 72 61 48 48 57 66 68 66 65 72 76 64 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 30. Snow days by Month, Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor

Name of weather Cold months Total stations Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Sukhbaatar 1.4 4.1 6.7 6.1 5.5 3.9 4.8 4.0 1.4 37.9 Orkhon 2.1 4.9 5.7 6.7 5.2 4.2 4.8 3.0 1.7 38.3 Darkhan 0.4 3.8 6.9 8.9 5.9 5.4 4.4 6.6 1.5 43.5 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Wind. Based on the last 15 years’ climate data, dust or snow storms occur on around 10-24 days a year. The predominant wind direction is from northwest to south east. Dust storms usually occur in April and May. The average wind speeds are shown in Table 32.Error! Reference source not found.Table 31: Average wind speed (unit: m/sec) at Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor

Weather Months Ave. stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Orkhon 0.4 0.7 1.6 2.6 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.4 0.8 0.5 1.4 Darkhan 0.7 1.0 2.0 2.9 2.7 2.3 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.3 0.8 1.7 Sukhbaatar 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.9 2.8 2.3 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.9 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 32: Number of days with dust storm at Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor

Weather Months Ave. stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Orkhon 1 1.2 2.0 3.1 4.2 2.8 2.1 2.0 1.4 2.0 2.5 1.5 9.8 Darkhan 1 1.5 2.7 6.3 6.7 5.0 3.9 4.6 2.3 2.9 1.8 1.0 28.9 Sukhbaatar 1.5 1.7 2.6 3.9 4.9 3.6 3.2 2.9 3.2 2.7 1.5 1.8 14.4 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 33: Number of days with snow storm at Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor

Months Ave.


Weather stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Orkhon 5.5 2.5 2.8 3.0 2.6 2.8 4.8 3.7 2.0 2.0 14.5 Darkhan 3.1 5.0 5.4 4.5 5.3 4.6 7.1 6.8 3.1 33.7 Sukhbaatar 2.0 2.6 3.5 2.0 2.2 2.5 3.7 5.3 2.4 1.0 13.8 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

3. Climate condition in the UB-Arvaikheer 58km road corridor

98. Baseline climate condition in the project region (a 58km road corridor which traverses through territories of Arvaikheer, Zuunbayan Ulaan and Ulziit soums) is described using the last 5 years climate data from weather stations in Arvaikheer, Zuunbayan Ulaan and Ulziit soums.

99. Arvaikheer weather station was set up in 1974 and locates at N46*8’’60’, E102*28’’12’ at 1813m above sea level. Zuunbayan Ulaan weather station was set up in 1940 and locates at N46*31’’48’, E102*39’’0’ while Ulziit weather station was set up in 1962 and locates at N46*39’’23.76’, E103*18’’46.8’ at 1880m above sea level.

100. According to climate classification system of Koppen, the project road corridor falls in the cold semi-arid climate zone (BSk) where the climate is characterized by long, snowy and harsh winter (between November to early March), windy and dry spring (early March to early June), short and warm summer (early June to late August) and cool autumn (from late August to early November).

Figure 17: Mongolia map of Koppen climate classification

101. Temperature. Mean annual air temperature in Arvaikheer is 0.90C. July is the hottest month with average air temperature of 200C while January is the coldest month with average temperature of -200C. Maximum air temperature reaches +330C frequently in July while it reaches as low as -360C in January. Mean annual air temperature in Zuunbayan Ulaan soum is -0.60C. July is the hottest month with average air temperature of 280C while January is the coldest month with average temperature of -260C. Mean annual air temperature in Arvaikheer 49 is -0.90C. July is the hottest month with average air temperature of 190C while January is the coldest month with average temperature of -220C.

Table 34. Monthly average air temperature, 2013-2017, 0C

Months Year Soums 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2013 -13.2 -14.8 -1.5 1.6 11.6 14.9 15.6 14.6 10.1 2.7 -4.6 -10.5 2014 -11.3 -15.3 -2.9 6.3 8.1 13.7 17.2 15.7 9.1 4.3 -5.9 -12.8 Arvaikheer 2015 -10.2 -9.1 -4.6 4.8 8.9 14.3 18.5 17.8 10.1 4.5 -7.6 -9.8 town 2016 -17.0 -10.5 -2.6 5.0 9.1 13.8 18.7 16.9 10.4 0.0 -6.6 -9.5 2017 -13.3 -9.2 -3.9 6.3 13.2 17.7 19.9 15.3 11.2 1.5 -6.9 -9.9 2013 -19.9 -19.1 -4.2 -0.2 10.1 13.5 14.1 13.3 6.6 -0.6 -7.9 -13.6 2014 -14.9 -18.3 -6.2 3.9 6.6 12.6 15.6 13.4 6.7 1.5 -9.3 -16.1 - Zuunbayan 2015 -14.3 -12.5 -7.4 2.6 7.3 12.6 16.4 15.3 7.8 0.7 -14.7 10.3 Ulaan - 2016 -21.1 -14.1 -5.3 3.3 7.7 12.5 16.9 14.8 7.9 -3.0 -14.6 11.2 2017 -18.3 -13.1 -7.1 4.5 11.5 16.4 17.8 13.7 8.5 -1.5 -9.8 -12.4 2013 -15.8 -17.0 -3.9 -0.3 10.2 13.9 15.0 13.7 8.0 0.5 -6.7 -11.7 2014 -13.3 -16.9 -5.1 4.8 6.7 13.0 16.2 14.7 7.3 2.5 -8.5 -15.0 Ulziit 2015 -12.5 -11.3 -7.1 3.2 7.6 13.8 17.1 16.5 8.2 1.8 -9.4 -12.0 2016 -20.6 -14.2 -5.6 2.8 7.8 12.6 17.9 15.6 9.0 -2.0 -9.4 -10.8 2017 -14.6 -10.7 -6.0 4.4 11.3 17.3 19.7 14.0 8.9 0.1 -9.4 -12.6 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 35.Monthly maximum air temperature, 2013-2017, 0C

Months Soums Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2013 2.7 -0.5 16.0 21.0 24.2 27.7 27.9 25.1 23.8 19.9 12.0 3.1 2014 3.2 5.7 14.4 20.4 29.8 26.8 28.5 29.6 28.1 17.3 10.6 0.6 Arvaikheer 2015 5.0 8.0 16.9 24.4 26.0 28.1 30.4 31.1 24.0 19.8 14.8 2.1 2016 0.6 7.9 14.5 18.6 24.7 25.1 31.1 31.8 24.1 16.5 15.9 6.0 2017 1.5 4.8 9.3 21.4 29.1 34.0 34.0 28.0 24.4 19.8 14.0 2.5 2013 -0.2 -1.1 14.7 19.5 24.4 26.6 27.5 24.3 25.8 19.2 10.7 2.5 2014 3.4 5.6 13.6 20.4 28.4 26.2 27.6 28.3 28.1 16.6 9.8 0.8 Zuunbayan Ulaan 2015 4.2 8.6 15.8 24.6 24.8 27.8 29.2 29.8 25.6 18.9 16.1 -0.4 2016 -2.2 5.3 15.6 18.6 24.5 24.6 29.6 30.8 23.1 16.2 15.2 6.6 2017 -2.1 4.0 7.5 19.6 28.6 33.5 32.3 27.5 30.8 20.0 13.5 3.0 2013 0.0 -2.6 12.0 19.0 23.4 26.0 27.1 23.0 23.1 18.4 8.6 1.7 2014 3.8 3.6 10.3 21.2 28.0 25.1 28.8 27.8 27.0 15.8 10.2 -1.1 Ulziit 2015 5.6 6.3 14.3 25.0 27.0 27.0 30.1 30.4 24.0 20.1 14.4 -0.2 2016 -0.3 2.5 12.0 18.0 23.9 28.5 28.8 31.4 22.7 15.3 14.2 4.9 2017 1.6 7.4 9.0 19.0 30.1 32.2 33.4 27.2 26.2 18.3 12.5 2.2 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 36. Monthly minimum air temperature, 2013-2017, 0C

Months Soums Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2013 -27.4 -27.2 -15.8 -16.5 -2.0 1.2 7.5 4.9 -6.5 -14.2 -17.1 -21.6 2014 -26.8 -26.4 -18.7 -7.9 -5.5 1.7 7.3 5.3 -9.0 -9.5 -25.0 -26.1 Arvaikheer 2015 -24.6 -25.0 -21.0 -16.0 -5.2 1.9 7.6 4.1 -3.4 -11.1 -23.8 -21.8 2016 -27.9 -22.7 -20.9 -9.9 -5.1 5.4 10.5 2.4 -1.1 -16.9 -22.9 -22.1 2017 -28.4 -22.2 -12.2 -4.8 -7.5 3.8 10.7 4.2 -5.2 -14.2 -21.0 -20.1 2013 -35.1 -34.8 -24.2 -19.8 -5.0 -2.3 2.4 0.8 -9.7 -17.5 -20.3 -23.7 2014 -30.6 -31.6 -25.1 -9.6 -7.5 -1.0 4.2 1.6 -11.0 -14.5 -25.7 -28.6 Zuunbayan 2015 -28.8 -27.7 -24.8 -20.3 -7.5 -0.4 4.1 3.2 -10.1 -15.1 -28.3 -29.2 Ulaan 2016 -33.5 -29.1 -25.5 -10.3 -6.7 3.2 7.9 -1.1 -5.1 -18.8 -29.1 -25.6 2017 -34.9 -28.9 -21.3 -7.5 -8.5 1.7 6.5 1.6 -9.9 -17.5 -24.7 -22.5 Ulziit 2013 -31.2 -29.2 -20.0 -17.9 -4.7 0.2 5.1 3.0 -8.4 -18.5 -19.0 -21.1


Months Soums Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2014 -27.0 -30.4 -21.1 -9.9 -8.0 0.5 4.6 -0.2 -10.5 -10.0 -25.2 -27.2 2015 -27.7 -27.3 -23.3 -17.9 -6.5 -2.4 6.2 4.5 -7.5 -13.3 -28.0 -24.2 2016 -32.5 -27.9 -24.7 -11.5 -7.5 4.0 7.0 1.0 -5.5 -18.8 -27.0 -21.6 2017 -29.9 -23.6 -19.1 -7.6 -9.3 2.7 9.3 2.7 -6.6 -15.1 -23.5 -24.0 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

102. Precipitation. The total annual precipitation in the project region is around 277mm. 93% of total annual precipitation falls in the warm period between April and September. The multi-year data shows that, on average, thunderstorm occurs on 27 days per year during the rainy months of July and August. Run-off flood occurs frequently after heavy rains in July and August partly because the region’ soil cover mostly comprises of steppe brown soil type which has limited capability of absorbing rain water. Recently, such flood events occurred twice in July, 2018.

Table 37. Total monthly precipitation level, 2013-2017 (unit: millimeter (mm))

Months Soums Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2013 1.0 2.5 1.1 10.5 1.1 33.9 138.3 107.0 6.4 1.1 1.7 0.4 2014 0.3 1.2 1.9 17.8 37.0 73.0 49.2 35.0 25.6 5.3 0.3 Arvaikheer 2015 0.0 0.3 5.5 9.5 13.5 62.8 31.7 50.6 31.7 8.9 4.9 2.7 2016 1.7 1.3 1.1 3.1 7.6 68.7 147.7 36.4 70.8 27.1 3.2 7.1 2017 1.0 1.8 13.2 1.2 5.5 11.8 59.4 54.6 4.7 1.2 1.0 0.4 2013 0.3 2.5 6.5 16.9 2.8 41.3 188.9 98.9 9.4 4.6 3.3 0.9 2014 0.2 2.9 3.1 17.0 56.7 62.9 65.9 35.4 31.4 6.5 0.3 0.4 Zuunbayan Ulaan 2015 0 0.3 7.9 12.5 31.4 50.6 54.4 26.7 26.8 11.3 2.9 2.0 2016 4.5 2.6 2.4 5.2 22.2 89.1 131.9 30.2 69.0 8.1 2.0 3.1 2017 2.5 1.5 12.9 0.9 1.9 11.3 59.0 60.3 4.9 3.6 2.3 0.6 2013 0 1.4 5.4 17.1 3.6 42.1 50.3 107.9 8.0 4.3 3.2 1.5 2014 0.4 1.8 4.6 7.5 39.0 51.2 41.4 20.2 26.0 17.0 0.5 0.2 Ulziit 2015 0.2 1.5 7.0 33.0 13.4 44.1 83.4 37.7 12.9 4.4 4.7 1.4 2016 4.1 9.0 15.8 8.9 13.7 57.1 71.8 35.2 63.3 15.1 3.1 1.8 2017 1.1 1.6 11.2 1.0 3.9 4.9 22.7 94.4 22.3 10.6 22.0 2.2 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

103. Wind Regime. The predominant wind directions in the project region are northwest to southeast and west to east. The region is considered one of the windy areas in Mongolia where average annual wind speed is at 3.6m/sec and it reaches as high as 35-40m/sec frequently during the spring months of March, April and May.

Table 38.Monthly average wind speed, m/sec

Months Year Soums 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2013 2.5 3.3 4.4 4.7 5.5 4.4 3.6 3.5 3.7 4.2 3.5 2.7 2014 3.1 2.9 3.8 4.4 4.2 4.2 3.2 2.9 2.5 2.1 2.3 2.2 Arvaikheer 2015 2.3 3.8 3.5 4.7 4.7 3.9 4.5 3.9 3.8 3.4 2.0 1.8 2016 2.4 2.6 2.9 3.3 4.0 4.0 3.3 3.3 3.1 3.4 3.4 2.5 2017 2.9 3.1 3.6 4.2 4.7 4.1 4.1 3.8 3.9 3.3 3.7 3.0 2013 1.8 2.3 3.2 4.3 5.2 4.1 3.4 2.6 2.9 3.4 3.1 2.8 2014 2.8 2.5 3.5 3.9 4.3 3.2 2.5 3.0 2.9 2.7 3.0 2.7 Zuunbayan Ulaan 2015 2.7 3.3 3.2 4.3 4.6 3.6 4.2 3.2 3.4 2.7 2.0 2.0 2016 2.7 3.0 3.0 4.7 5.2 3.5 2.5 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.5 1.6 2017 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.7 2.3 1.9 1.4 0.9 1.6 1.3 1.9 1.6 Ulziit 2013 3.0 2.7 3.1 3.0 5.7 4.3 1.9 2.4 3.9 4.5 5.1 5.2 51

2014 4.6 3.5 5.1 5.9 6.7 5.4 4.3 4.1 6.3 3.7 4.2 5.5 2015 4.4 4.6 3.3 4.8 4.0 2.6 2.0 1.9 2.1 3.9 5.4 4.2 2016 4.4 5.5 4.0 5.7 7.2 5.9 3.2 2.8 3.1 3.8 3.3 3.4 2017 4.1 4.2 5.4 5.4 5.2 4.8 4.2 3.9 4.5 3.9 4.7 5.1 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Table 39.Monthly maximum wind speed in Arvaikheer, m/sec

Months Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2013 16.0 22.0 24.0 18.0 22.0 18.0 15.0 19.0 19.0 22.0 17.0 17.0 2014 18.0 20.0 24.0 16.0 22.0 20.0 14.0 15.0 14.0 10.0 24.0 14.0 2015 10.0 24.0 17.0 22.0 20.0 20.0 18.0 19.0 16.0 21.0 14.0 18.0 2016 18.0 12.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 16.0 15.0 15.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 12.0 2017 18.0 14.0 13.0 16.0 23.0 18.0 18.0 21.0 17.0 17.0 22.0 16.0 Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

D. Hydrology, Surface and Ground Water

104. General Hydrology. Both UB-Darkhan corridor and Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor drain to the Orkhon-Selenge river basin. And The 58km road corridor belongs to the Ongiin River Basin. Both basins are located in northern Mongolia which belong to the Arctic ocean watershed, see Figure 17.

Figure 14.Mongolian Watersheds

Source: Watersheds of Mongolia, Free C. (2015) Rutgers University18



UB-Darkhan corridor:

105. The project road crosses at STA.153 nearby Baruunkharaa soum center and passes adjacent to the river all the way up to the Darkhan city in 300-600m distance. Other surface water bodies along the UB-Darkhan road includes Saikhan river (crossed at STA.93 and Bayan gol river (crossed at STA.178). Also, there is a small lake called Bornuur which is located within 80-100m of the road on the left side at STA.97. Bornuur lake occupies 0.156 km2 area and is livestock breeding source for local herders. However, the lake water is not used for human drinking.

106. Hydrology and flooding. Total size of the Kharaa river basin is 14,388 km2. Length of the Kharaa river is 353 km and the slope degree is 0.0040. Water flow for the Kharaa river is around 10.8-11.4 m3/sec. During summer floods that are caused by heavy raining, water table of the rivers increased sharply (by upto 2 meters) within just 1-3 days. As for Kharaa river, average depth of the river is around 100 m and reaches 130-140 m during summer floods. The highest flood flow registered for Kharaa river occurred in 1973 when the flow reached 722 m3/sec.

Figure 15. Surface water network along the UB-Darkhan road corridor

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)


107. Surface water quality. The DEIA survey team sampled19 water quality along the road corridor. The results show that a number of parameters in the samples from Kharaa, Boroo and Saikhan rivers exceeded the maximum allowed level specified in Mongolian standard MNS 4586:1998 (standard for ambient water quality).

Table 40.Kharaa River Water Quality Analysis, STA.158

Per dm3 Per dm3 Anion Cathion Mg/l Mg/equiv Mg-equiv/l Mg/l Mg/equiv Mg-equiv/l CI- 16.0 0.45 12.51 Na++K+ 12.6 0.55 15.21 SO4-- 5.0 0.10 2.90 Ca++ 37.1 1.85 51.43 NO2- 0.5 0.01 0.30 Mg++ 14.6 1.20 33.36 NO3- 2.0 0.03 0.90 NH4+ 0.0 0.00 0.00 CO3-- 0.0 0.00 0.00 Fe++ 0.0 0.00 0.00 HCO3- 183.0 3.00 83.40 Fe+++ 0.0 0.00 0.00 Total 206.5 3.60 100.0 Total 64.3 3.60 100.0 Hardness was 3.05 mg-equi/dm3 Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, 2017.

Table 41. Boroo river water quality analysis, STA.97

Per dm3 Per dm3 Anion Cathion Mg/l Mg/equiv Mg-equiv/l Mg/l Mg/equiv mg-equiv/l CI- 26.98 0.76 4.53 Na++K+ 270.3 11.75 70.03 SO4-- 0.23 11.11 66.18 Ca++ 50.1 2.5 14.90 NO2- 1.5 0.03 0.19 Mg++ 29.31 2.41 14.36 NO3- 5.09 0.08 0.49 NH4+ 0.7 0.04 0.23 CO3-- 0.0 0.00 0.00 Fe++ 1.5 0.05 0.32 HCO3- 292.9 4.80 28.60 Fe+++ 0.5 0.03 0.16 Total 326.7 16.78 100.0 Total 352.4 16.78 100.0 Hardness was 4.91 mg-equi/dm3 Source: ADB PPTA consultant 2018

Table 42.Saikhan river water quality analysis, STA.93

Per dm3 Per dm3 Anion Cathion Mg/l Mg/equiv Mg-equiv/l Mg/l Mg/equiv Mg-equiv/l CI- 31.95 0.90 5.38 Na++K+ 266.86 11.6 69.39 SO4-- 0.2 9.49 56.76 Ca++ 60.12 3.00 17.94 NO2- 1.5 0.03 0.20 Mg++ 24.32 2.00 11.96 NO3- 6.04 0.10 0.58 NH4+ 0.70 0.04 0.23 CO3-- 0.0 0.00 0.00 Fe++ 1.50 0.05 0.32 HCO3- 378.32 6.20 37.08 Fe+++ 0.50 0.03 0.16 Total 418.01 16.72 100.0 Total 354.00 16.72 100.0 Hardness was 5.00 mg-equi/dm3 Source: ADB PPTA consultant 2018

Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor

108. The Darkhan-Altanbulag road crosses 3 rivers at following locations (shown in Figure 20). The locations are:

19 Analysis undertaken at the laboratory of the Geo-ecological institute of Mongolia


(i) Shariin Gol river crossing 49°45'25.16"N 106° 9'59.80"E (ii) Yeruu river crossing 49°52'43.93"N 106°14'36.52"E and (iii) Orhon river crossing 50°13'21.02"N 106°12'32.47"E

109. Table 44 presents data on the key water bodies in the vicinity of Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor. is approximately 15 km from the project road at Darkhan city and is approximately 9 km from the project road at Orkhon.

Table 43.Surface Water Bodies Data at Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor

Length Basin Size Flow Rate River Comment km km2 m3/sec Tributary to Selenge Orkhon river 1,149 km 131,635 km2 - river Kharaa river 353 km 14,388 km2 10.8-11.4 Flow rate at Yeruu river 388 km 10,896 35.6 Dulaankhan where the road crosses the river Shariin Gol 162 km 2839.3 km2 1.65 Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, 2017

110. Approximately 56-75% of the total water flow for the rivers in Table 44 is from precipitation. Spring floods are caused by melting of snow cover in mountains occur and generally occur in early April. The spring flood lasts 30-50 days depending on the precipitation level (thickness of snow cover in mountains). Summer floods are caused by heavy rain, which can raise the water table by up to two meters within three days. The highest flood flow registered for Kharaa river occurred in 1973 when the flow reached 722 m3/sec. Surface water network in the Darkhan-Altanbulag road corridor is shown in Figure 19.

Figure 16.Surface Water Bodies at Darkhan-Altanbulag Corridor 55

Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, 2017

111. Also, there is a small lake called Shariin Tsagaan nuur in 80-100m distance from the road at 49°38'53.80"N 106° 2'17.96"E. This lake locates in about 20 km north east of Darkhan city and its water is not used for human drinking purposes. Shariin Tsagaan nuur is shown in Figure 20.

Figure 17.Shariin Tsagaan Lake Location


Source: Google earth map; ADB PPTA consultant (2017)

112. Hydrology and Flooding. Approximately 56-75% of the total water flow for the rivers in Error! Reference source not found. is from precipitation. Spring floods are caused by melting of snow cover in mountains occur and generally occur in early April. The spring flood lasts 30-50 days depending on the precipitation level (thickness of snow cover in mountains). Summer floods are caused by heavy rain, which can raise the water table by up to two meters within three days.

113. The highest registered flow for the Yeruu river reached 1290 m3/sec during the 1973 flood period. For Orkhon river, during significant floods, registered flood flow was between 500-1750 m3/sec.

114. Surface water quality in Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor. Water samplings at major surface water bodies along the road corridor were carried out. The results indicate that for a number of parameters in the samples from Shariin gol, Yeruu and Hiagt rivers exceeded the maximum allowed level specified in Mongolian standard MNS 4586:1998 (standard for ambient water quality).

Table 44. Shariin Gol Water Quality Analysis

Per litre Per litre Anion mg- mg- Cathion mg- mg- Mg Mg equivalent equivalent% equivalent equivalent% CI- 14.2 0.40 9.29 Na++K+ 34.6 1.51 34.98 SO4-- 2.0 0.04 0.97 Ca++ 32.1 1.60 37.16 NO2- 0.0 0.00 0.00 Mg++ 14.6 1.20 27.87 NO3- 4.0 0.06 1.50 NH4+ 0.0 0.00 0.00 CO3-- 0.0 0.00 0.00 Fe++ 0.0 0.00 0.00 HCO3- 231.8 3.80 88.25 Fe+++ 0.0 0.00 0.00 Total 252.0 4.31 100.0 Total 81.3 4.31 100.0 Hardness was 2.80 mg-equi/dm3, EC=414 µS/sm Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, 2017

Table 45. Yeruu River Water Quality Analysis

Anion Per litre Cathion Per litre Mg mg- mg- Mg mg- mg- equivalent equivalent% equivalent equivalent% CI- 7.1 0.20 7.87 Na++K+ 22.8 0.99 39.01 SO4-- 15.0 0.31 12.30 Ca++ 21.0 1.05 41.31 NO2- 0.0 0.00 0.00 Mg++ 6.1 0.50 19.67 NO3- 8.0 0.13 5.08 NH4+ 0.00 0.00 0.00 CO3-- 0.0 0.00 0.00 Fe++ 0.00 0.00 0.00 HCO3- 115.9 1.90 74.76 Fe+++ 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 146.0 2.54 100.0 Total 49.9 2.54 100.0 Hardness was 1.55 mg-equi/dm3, EC=185 µS/sm Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, 2017

Table 46. Hiagt River Water Quality Analysis

Anion Per litre Per litre 57

Mg mg- mg- Cathio Mg mg- mg- equivalen equivalent n equivalen equivalent t % t % CI- 39.1 1.10 15.05 Na++K 55.4 2.41 32.97 + SO4-- 15.0 0.31 4.28 Ca++ 68.1 3.40 46.51 NO2- 1.5 0.03 0.45 Mg++ 18.2 1.50 20.52 NO3- 4.0 0.06 0.88 NH4+ 0.0 0.00 0.00 CO3-- 0.0 0.00 0.00 Fe++ 0.0 0.00 0.00 HCO3 353. 5.80 79.35 Fe+++ 0.0 0.00 0.00 - 8 Total 413. 7.31 100.0 Total 141. 7.31 100.0 4 8 Hardness was 4.90 mg-equi/dm3, EC=722 µS/sm Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, 2017.

58km section of UB-Arvaikheer road 115. The 58km road corridor belongs to the Ongiin River Basin. Ongiin river stems from the elevated areas in the Khangai mountain range in Uyanga soum of Uvurkhangai province. It flows 437km through territories of Uyanga, Zuunbayan Ulaan, Taragt and Bayangol soums of Uvurkhngai province and Saihan-Ovoo soum of Dundgobi province before flowing into Ulaan Lake in Mandal-Ovoo soum of Umnugobi province. Ongiin river has a total catchment area of 52,920km2.

116. Average width of the Ongiin river varies between 15m to 30m, average depth is between 0.4m to 1.7m and average flow rate is at 4.32 m3/sec at the crossing point of the project road. There are 2 main periods of flood flow events for Ongiin river: flood flow caused by snow melting occurs mid-April to mid-May and flood flow caused by heavy rainfall at Khangai mountain range in its upper valley from mid-July to late August. During the rainy period of July and August, flood events occur 2-3 times a year when the river flow rate reaches a maximum of 100m3/sec.

117. Below map shows surface water bodies including Ongiin river along the road corridor (nearby Arvaikheer at STA.415+800).

Figure 18.Surface water bodies along the 58km road corridor


Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

118. During the field survey, local authorities indicated that there are 3 points along the road corridor that had run-off flood events in July, 2018. Currently, there are no any culvert channels at the flood flow points No.1 and No.3, while existing culverts need to be upgrade at flood flow point No.2. Below photos were taken the run-off flood spots. 59

Figure 19.Ongiin river, STA.416+500 (September 2018)

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Figure 20. Existing bridge over the Ongiin river, STA.415+800 (September 2018)

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

Water quality analysis: UB-Arvaikheer road


119. Water sampling from a herder water well (STA.414, 500m from the closest point of the project road on left side) was carried out on October 17, 2018 and was tested at the Engineer Geodesy laboratory. The test results are shown in below table.

Table 47.Water quality test results for well water at STA.414

Parameters Content (mg-equivalent/l) TSS 0.56 Hardness 4.64 Turbidity 0 pH 7.61 Mg/l Mg-equiv Mg-equiv% CI- 16.33 0.46 4.89

-- SO4 0.08 4.06 43.15

- NO3 3.24 0.05 0.56

- NO2 1.5 0.03 0.35

2- CO3 0.00 0.00 0.00

- HCO3 292.9 4.8 51.06 Na++K+ 106.92 4.65 49.45

+ NH4 0.1 0.01 0.06 Ca2+ 59.32 2.96 31.48 Mg2+ 20.43 1.68 17.87 Fe2+ 1.5 0.05 0.57 Fe3+ 1.00 0.05 0.57 Source: ADB PPTA consultant and Engineer Goedesy Lab. (2018)

120. The laboratory of Institute of Meteorology of Uvurkhangai province conducted water quality testing for Ongiin river and the ground water wells that serve as the source for drinking water supply for Arvaikheer town, which are located between 600 and 900m distance away from Arvailkheer town. The Lab test results are shown in below table.

Table 48.Water quality test results, wells for the centralized water supply system for Arvaikheer town, STA.416

Parameters Content (mg-equivalent/l) TSS 0.52 Hardness 5.09 Turbidity 0 61

pH 7.28 Mg/l Mg- Mg-equiv% equiv CI- 49.70 1.40 13.62

-- SO4 0.07 3.15 30.65

- NO3 6.00 0.10 0.94

- NO2 1.50 0.03 0.32

2- CO3 0.00 0.00 0.00

- HCO3 341.71 5.60 54.47 Na++K+ 116.63 5.07 49.33

+ NH4 0.70 0.04 0.38 Ca2+ 94.39 4.71 45.82 Mg2+ 4.62 0.38 3.70 Fe2+ 1.50 0.05 0.52 Fe3+ 0.50 0.03 0.26 Source: Laboratory of Institute of Meteorology of Uvurkhangai province (2018)

Table 49. Water quality test results for Ongiin river, STA.416+500

Test parameters, mg/l Sampling location Date О BDO NH NO P 2 4 2 Ongiin river bridge, STA.416+500 May 2018 7.27 5.21 0.14 0.004 0.005 August 2018 Ongiin river bridge, STA.416+500 7.36 5.24 0.35 0.010 0.036

Mongolian Standard on Drinking Water Quality MNS4586:98 Above 6.0 3 0.5 0.02 0.1

Source: Laboratory of Institute of Meteorology of Uvurkhangai province (2018)

D. Permafrost

121. Mongolia belongs to the South Transition Zone in terms of global permafrost zonation. The zone is characterized by relatively thin permafrost layers and scattered permafrost distribution. Mongolia is further divided into four permafrost sub-zones:

(i) Subzone 1. continuous and non-continuous subzone (ii) Subzone 2. scattered distribution (iii) Subzone 3. rare occurrence (iv) Subzone 4. seasonal frost.


Figure 22: Permafrost zonation map of Mongolia (with indication of project roads)

Source: G.Davaa, Surface Water Resource and regime in Mongolia, 2015.

122. The key features of the four subzones are shown in Figure 22 shows the permafrost zonation in Mongolia. It is noted that the permafrost map is only an indicative map, not an accurate permafrost map based on detailed geophysical survey. The project road sites belong to the following subzones:

(i) Subzone 2. scattered distribution: (a) southern section of UB-Darkhan corridor in Tuv province and (b) eastern part of UB-Arvaikheer 58km road section (ii) Subzone 3. rare occurrence: (a) northern section of UB-Darkhan corridor; (b) Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor; and (c) western part of UB-Arvaikheer 58km road section.

E. Ground water

123. The main ground water deposit along the road corridor is located within the Ongiin river basin which currently serves as the water supply source for Arvaikheer town. Ground water wells at the deposit locates on the left side of the project road nearby the Ongiin river bridge. These are in the 600-900 m range distance from the project road.

Photo 3. Water supply wells for Arvaikheer town, at Ongiin river ground water deposit (September 2018) 63

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

124. Below table shows renewable ground water reserves along the road corridor.

Table 46: Ground water reserve for the project region

Total Recharge Total renewable ground water Water basin name catchment rate, mm reserve, million m3/year area, km2 Ongiin river basin 30,759.00 45.000 229.000

F. Air Quality

125. Air quality is routinely measured in Mongolia by air quality monitoring stations in the major cities of Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan and . For the remainder of the country, no routine monitoring data are available.

Air quality data at UB-Darkhan corridor.

126. As there is no existing air quality data for the corridor, a field survey team was engaged and measured baseline air quality data on April 17, 2018, focusing on 10 key settlement areas to determine the baseline air quality. Table 51 and Figure 24 below show the specific sample locations for air quality monitoring.


Table 50.Ten air quality monitoring locations along Ulaanbaatar-Darkhan corridor

Locations Longitude Latitude STA Name of the place Administration unit Sample 1 1060 38’ 23.4” 470 54’ STA.03 Emeelt railway Songinokhairkhan 22.2” station district Sample 2 1060 32’ 36.6” 480 00’ STA.39 61st Railway Town Songinokhairkhan 06.4” district Sample 3 1060 26’ 24.0” 480 06’ STA.52 Resort and summer Tuv province 38.0” camp area, Tuv province Sample 4 1060 27’ 480 13’ STA.72 Bayanchandman Tuv province 20.0” 37.1” soum center, Sample 5 1060 12’ 480 26’ STA.92 Restaurants on the Tuv province 07.5” 43.2” left side of the road Sample 6 1060 10’ 480 28’ STA.101 Urikhan food center Tuv province 59.0” 23.4” Sample 7 1060 04’ 56.9” 480 54’ STA.165 Baruunkharaa soum Selenge province 50.9” center, Sample 8 1060 55’ 490 18’ STA.190 Khongor soum center Dakhan-Uul province 39.5” 40.2” Sample 9 1050 54’ 490 22’ STA.216 Darkhan city toll gate Dakhan-Uul province 50.4” 35.9” Sample 10 1060 11’ 480 28’ STA.100 “Buugaad mordoy” Tuv province 40.0” 06.2” food center Emeelt railway station STA.03

Bayanchandmani soum center on the UB-Darkhan road, STA.72

Misha Mart restaurant at STA.92

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)


Figure 21. Monitoring Locations

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)


Figure 24: Air quality monitoring results in 10 locations along UB-Darkhan ( in 24 hr average)

Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018) 67

127. Measured concentration of SO2 and NO2 at all locations were much below the maximum allowed levels. However, total suspended particulates (dust level) was higher than the maximum level allowed by the national standard on amibient air quality MNS 4585:2016 at 2 points, namely 61st railway town in Songinokhairkhan district (STA.39) and Misha retaurant at STA.92.

Air quality data for Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor

128. Air quality data provided here is based on the air quality measurements carried out by the licensed EIA firm hired by the ADB commissioned PPTA team in April 2017. Dust measuresments undertaken in April are shown in Table 41. The table shows that the maximum measurement of PM 2.5 and PM 10 exceeds the Mongolian national air quality standard, which might be caused by heavy traffic at the time of measurement.

Table 48: Air Quality Darkhan- Altanbulag Corridor

PM 2.5 mg/m3 PM 10 mg/m3 No. Location & STA Max Min Max Min 1 Darkhan soum STA.226. 0.059 0.007 0.152 0.037 2 STA.232 0.19 0.008 0.217 0.025 3 STA.285+500 0.04 0.02 0.19 0.01 4 STA.276 0.186 0.01 0.19 0.027 5 STA.321, near Sukhbaatar town 0.192 0.018 0.238 0.035 6 STA.345, near Altanbulag town. 0.19 0.01 0.1 0.04 Mongolian Air quality Standard MNS 4585:2016 (max. 0.05 0.1 24hr mean) Note: = exceeds standard Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, 2017

129. The most comprehensive air quality data for the Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor are found in Darkhan. Air quality is monitored by the Meteorological Institute of Darkhan at an air quality station in Darkhan. Figure 25 shows the last 13 years of measurements for sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in Darkhan.

Figure 25: Air Quality Data Annual Average, Darkhan, mg/m3

0.045 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Note: Red bars indicate NO2 and Blue bars indicate SO2.


Source: Environ LLC. Detailed EIA found in ADB (2014) IEE, Darkhan Wastewater Improvement Project

130. Additional data (Table 48) indicates that air quality met the national air quality standards 3 3 and meets the WHO standards for 24 hour mean of SO2 (0.02 mg/m ) and NO2 (0.04 mg/m ) in 2013.

Table 48: SO2, NO2, and Dust, Darkhan

Sulfur dioxide Nitrogen dioxide Parameter Dust SO2 NO2 Average 0.003 0.024 0.053 Mongolian Standard 24 hr 0.020 0.040 0.15 Mean Units mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 Note: September 2013 data Source: Meteorological Institute of Darkhan found in ADB (2014) IEE, Darkhan Wastewater Improvement Project

Air quality data for UB-Arvaikheer 58km road

131. The environmental consultant has conducted air samplings at 4 spots along the UB- Arvaikheer road corridor at STA.431, STA.401, STA.383 and STA.371 and the samples were tested at the Central Environmental Laboratory of Mongolia. SO2 and NO2 was measured with 20 minute average value while TSP was measured with 30 minute average value. The measurement results are shown in below table.

Table 51. SO2, NO2, and Dust, UB-Arvaikheer

TSP РМ-2.5, mg/m3 3 3 Measurement location SO2, mg/m NO2, mg/m 30 minute average STA.431 0.013 0.036 0.085 STA.401 0.017 0.028 0.082 STA.383 0.018 0.025 0.095 STA.371 0.015 0.031 0.101 MNS 4585:2016 0.450 0.200 0.05 Note: October 2018 data Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

G. Noise

132. Noise can affect sensitive receptors such as humans. Mongolian standards on noise are 69 discussed in Chapter II. Given the rural nature of the project corridors, no consistent noise monitoring data was available. Between Ulaanbaatar-Darkhan corridor where more settlement areas are involved, a field survey team was engaged and measured baseline noise data on April 17, 2018. According to Mongolian standard, maximum level of day-time noise level is 60 decibels which was exceeded at five locations along the UB-Darkhan road, namely, Emeelt railway station (STA.03), 52 pass, Bayanchandmani soum center (STA.72), Misha restaurant (STA.92) and Urikhan food center (STA.101).

Table 52. Noise monitoring data at 10 locations along Ulaanbaatar-Darkhan corridor

Noise Longitude Latitude STA Name of the place Administration Monitoring unit Data (dBA) 67 1060 38’ 23.4” 470 54’ 22.2” STA.03 Emeelt railway station Songinokhairkhan district 57 1060 32’ 36.6” 480 00’ 06.4” STA.39 61st Railway Town Songinokhairkhan district 64 1060 26’ 24.0” 480 06’ 38.0” STA.52 Resort and summer Tuv province camp area, Tuv province 64 1060 27’ 20.0” 480 13’ 37.1” STA.72 Bayanchandman soum Tuv province center, 62 1060 12’ 07.5” 480 26’ 43.2” STA.92 Restaurants on the left Tuv province side of the road 64 1060 10’ 59.0” 480 28’ 23.4” STA.101 Urikhan food center Tuv province 50 1060 04’ 56.9” 480 54’ 50.9” STA.165 Baruunkharaa soum Selenge province center, 50 1060 55’ 39.5” 490 18’ 40.2” STA.190 Khongor soum center Dakhan-Uul province 48 1050 54’ 50.4” 490 22’ 35.9” STA.216 Darkhan city toll gate Dakhan-Uul province 52 1060 11’ 40.0” 480 28’ 06.2” STA.100 “Buugaad mordoy” Tuv province food center Maximum standards: 60 dBA Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

133. As for Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor, the following noise data were available to determine the baseline condition, which are provided in the Table 50 below.

Table 53. Noise Levels Darkhan- Altanbulag Corridor


WGS84 UTM Zone 48 U Noise *level No. Coordinates of the measurement (dBA) locations Max Min 1 47°53'56.2'' 106°39'37.2'' 81.2 73.5 2 48°13'46.1'' 106°16'47.9'' 79.1 59.6 3 48°53'17.4'' 106° 5'59.7'' 78.9 61.5 4 49°15'34.6'' 105°59'40.2'' 80.1 70.2 5 49°29'36.7'' 105°56'28.3'' 78.3 59.5 6 49°32'25.9'' 105°58'52.0'' 78.7 66.5 7 49°44'02.7'' 106°07'46.0'' 76.4 65.1 8 49°44'29.1'' 106°08'28.0'' 75.4 63.1 9 49°52'31.8'' 106°14'25.9'' 76.4 45.1 10 49°52'39.5'' 106°14'33.6'' 74.1 58.3 11 50°13'40.6'' 106°12'42.5'' 82.0 63.4 12 50°18'09.2'' 106°29'16.8'' 80.0 77.1 13 50°19'12.9'' 106°29'29.7'' 83.5 68.1 1hr avearage Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

134. Noise data are also available for a specific study undertaken in November 2012 for an assessment of the environmental condition of Darkhan, undertaken by the aimag Meteorological Institute. The data were recorded in five locations, and showed that the daytime average was 30-45 dBA (Mongolian National Standard (MNS 4585:2007) is 60 dBA) and night time average is 31-43 dBA (Mongolian National Standard 45 dB).

135. Figure 25 gives noise monitoring data for five locations in Darkhan.

Figure 22. Darkhan soum Noise Monitoring Data

Key to Locations Pink - Meteorological Institute, Blue - Mangirt ger district, Black - Erel Cement Factory Yellow - Tosgon ger district, Purple - Micro district - between Old/New Darkhan Red line = National Standard 71

Source: National Committee on Reducing Air Pollution20 (2012)

136. As for UB-Arvaikheer 58km road corridor, noise level was measured on October 17, 2018, which are provided in Table below.

Table 54. Noise Levels UB-Arvaikheer 58km Road Corridor

WGS84 UTM Zone 48 U Noise *level No. Coordinates of the measurement (dB) locations 1 46°16'25.14"N 102°47'51.89"E 55 2 46°27'13.97"N 102°51'28.44"E 52 3 46°33'5.38"N 103° 1'52.34"E 53 4 46°40'40.10"N 103°12'9.86"E 54 30min avearage Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

H. Natural Disasters

137. Mongolia is susceptible to a number of natural disasters. Zud conditions mean an extremely cold winter when livestock cannot graze and reach fodder. The condition can be caused by a layer of ice formed after a warm thaw in winter, through a lack of snow in the waterless regions, through too much snow, or by the trampling and pugging of pasture in areas where there is too high a stock density.

138. Earthquakes. Figure 26 illustrates seismic hazard in terms of macroseismic intensity21, using the Modified Mercalli Scale; an alternative hazard metric to the older peak ground acceleration measure. Intensity is a generic bounded damage scale used to relate observed (or expected/forecasted) damage to the earth and built environment directly to earthquake magnitude. Macroseismic intensity is however a subjective scale, requiring a personal interpretation of damage experienced by buildings after an earthquake, and is, largely based upon post-earthquake field surveys of building and site damage. Figure 26 shows UB-Darkhan corridor, southern part of Darkhan- Altanbulag corridor and 58km section of UB-Arvaikheer road all fall in an area of strong earthquake intensity risk (zone VI) while northern end of the Darkhan- Altanbulag Corridor in an area of very strong earthquake intensity risk (zone VII). Yet, the

20 21 Intensity may be related directly to peak ground acceleration and peak ground velocity through empirical relationships. The former measure is an international standard hazard metric currently adopted by many countries for presenting national seismic hazard assessments; ground velocity however is often considered a more representative measure of a location’s ground motion hazard than ground acceleration. Peak ground velocity is closely related to the energy flux between ground and building. Seismic hazard may be forecast using ground velocity as an alternative measure to intensity, such that intensity may be determined as a function of peak ground velocity. Earthquake damage statistics often give a much closer correlation with peak ground velocity than with peak ground acceleration, particularly at higher intensity values. Both however are more meaningful than using magnitude in isolation when specifying engineering seismic loading design criteria. Source: Dr J Bayliss, Independent Advisor, UK. Pers. Comm. December 2012

72 currently existing roads do not show any sign of damage from earthquake.

Figure 23. Mongolia Earthquake Risk: Modified Mercalli Scale

Earthquake Intensity Risk Zones This map shows earthquake intensity zones in accordance with the 1956 version of the Modified Mercalli Scale (MM), describing the effects of an earthquake on the surface of the earth and integrating numerous parameters such as ground acceleration, duration of an earthquake, and subsoil effects. It also includes historical earthquake reports. The Zones indicate where there is a probability of 20 percent that degrees of intensity shown on the map will be exceeded in 50 years. This probability figure varies with time; i.e., it is lower for shorter periods and higher for longer periods. I. Instrumental VII. Very Strong II. Feeble VIII. Destructive III. Slight IX. Ruinous IV. Moderate X. Disastrous V. Rather Strong XI. Very VI. Strong Disastrous

XII. Catastrophic

Source: United Nations Office for the Cordination of Humanitarian Affairs. (1997)22

I. Cultural Heritage

139. There is no physical cultural resources within immediate vicinity of the current existing

22 73 roads (UB-Darkhan, Darkhan-Altanbulag and Khuiten valley-Arvaikheer) that needs to be removed. The closest cultural heritage is an ancient tomb at Bayan Hutul in 100m distance from the Darkhan-Altanbulag road.

J. Ecological Resources


140. In terms of flora zonation and geographical distribution, the UB-Darkhan-Altanbulag road corridor belongs to Khentii Mountain forest-steppe zone (southern and northern parts) and Mongol Daurian Steppe (middle part) districts out of 16 flora and geographical (see Figure 28). The 58km section of UB-Arvaikheer road locates on the edge of the central Mongolia steppe zone and Khangai mountain range zone.

Figure 28. Vegetation map of Mongolia

Source: A.G.Bannikov and N.Ulziikhutag (1989).23

141. A vegetation survey was conducted along the UB-Darkhan-Altanbulag road corridor by botanists collecting field data for the DEIA. 74 plant species were registered during the field survey (see Appendix 2A). There are many species of Artemisia and Chenopodium. Endemic, restricted range, rare, endangered and Mongolian Red Book-listed species have not been registered herein. Degradation indicator weeds and annual plants occupy more than half of the area, due to the previous earthworks and its location in a settlement.

23 A.G.Bannikov and N.Ulziikhutag. 1989. Review of Plant Families of Mongolia. UB. Mongolia.


Table 51: Ecological Survey Locations

Location GPS Co-ordinates Height (m above Number sea level) 1 N 49°29´37,4˝ 708 E 105°56´28,5˝ 2 N 49°32´25.9˝; 716 E 105°58´52.0˝ 3 N 49°44´02.0˝; 689 E 106°07´48.1˝ 4 N 49°44´24.1˝; 700 E 106°08´08.4˝ 5 N 49°52´39.5˝ 634 E 106°14´33.7˝ 6 N 50°13´40.7˝ 608 E 106°12´42.1˝ 7 N 50°18´09.5˝ 659 E 106°29´15.1˝ 8 N 50°14´43.3˝ 638 E 106°18´26.1˝ 9 Start: N 50°12´44,5˝ 602 to E 106°12´22,4 595 to End: N 50°13´03,1˝ E 106°12´28,4˝ 10 Start: N 50°00´26.5˝ 626 to E 106°13´07.0˝ 634 to End: N 50°46´41.4˝ E 106°13´05.2˝ 11* Start: N 50°06´41.4˝ 634 to E 106°13´05. 2˝ 704 To End: N 50°01´34.7˝ Ec106°12´54.6˝ *Within the pine forest (Pinus sylvestris L.) “Tujiin Nars” nearby Sukhbaatar town Source: Eco-Sphere LLC, 2017

142. The vegetation comprised trees including pine and larch, and a range of common grasses and flowering plants. Figure 27 shows typical area of pine trees along the corridor (survey location No.11).


Figure 24. Tujiin Nars pine forest area

Source: ADB PPTA consultants (2018)

143. During the site visit along the UB-Darkhan road corridor, 18 specific locations were observed where trees encroach onto the right of way, causing potential road safety issues.

Table 55. Locations of Tree Encroachment: UB-Darkhan road

№ Locations of tree Remarks enchroachment 1 STA.209.5 3 bushes on left side 2 STA.200-201 2 bushes on right side & 7 bushes on left side 3 STA.191 4 populus trees on both sides 4 STA.191 10 populus trees+30 bushes on both sides 5 STA.185-188 29 bushes on left side 23 bushes on right side 6 STA.180 5 populus trees on left side 7 STA.171 11 bushes on right side 8 29 bushes on right side 9 STA.167-170 2 bushes on right side 10 40-50 bushes on both sides 11 STA.160-163 22 bushes on both sides 12 STA.159 7 bushes on left side 13 STA.140-150 11 populus trees and 50-60 bushes on both sides 14 STA.135-140 50-60 bushes on both sides 15 STA.129-130 5 bushes on both sides Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

144. Populus tree and bush does not have any protection status both domestically and internationally. However, the civil contractor shall notify local provincial governments of removal of the trees and present re-plantation plan.

145. The DEIA team noted five specific locations along the Darkhan-Altanbulag road where trees encroach onto the right of way, causing potential road safety issues.


Table 56. Locations of Tree Encroachment: Darkhan Altanbulag road

Location Photograph Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor. Two trees are on the right side of the road at STA.237 Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor. Stands of trees on both sides of the road between STA.258 and STA.259.

Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor. There are trees on both sides of the road STA.276, close to Yeruu river bridge (400-500m) N 49052/50.5//; E 106014/39.6//

Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor. Northern and southern parts of the Tujiin Nars pine forest, trees on both sides of the road. Noted as an accident black spot by emergency authorities, From: 50001/34.7//; 106012/54.6//; To: 50006/41.4//; 106013/05.2/

Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor. There are trees close to the road nearby the entrance point of Sukhbaatar town. From: N 50012/44.5//; E 106012/23.4//; To: N 50012/28.4//; E 106013/03.1//

Source: ADB PPTA consultants (2018)

146. The Tujiin Nars forest has protection status of “natural reserve” therefore there is no separate administration for the SPA. Instead, the environmental department of the Selenge province and Sukhbaatar soum administration are responsible for the pine forest.

147. Vegetation characteristics along the UB-Arvaikheer 58km road corridor is more 77 inclined to show the features of steppe rangeland. The predominant plant families distributed along the road corridor includes Grasses family, Sedge family, Goosefoot family, Herbaceous family, Composite family, Plantain family, Bean family and Nettle family. 50 vascular species pertaining to the 8 plant families have been listed in the proposed project area. No any endemic, restricted range, rare, endangered and Mongolian Red Book-listed species have been registered along the road corridor as shown in below table. Majority of the plant species distributed in the region are common grasses that has importance to livestock grazing.


148. In terms of wildlife distribution zonation of Mongolia, the UB-Darkhan-Altanbulag road corridor belongs to Khentii Mount and Mongol-Daurian zones (see Figure 30). Regionally, taiga species are dominant; 29 percent is forest taiga mammals, 26 percent is forest-steppe mammals, 18 percent is steppe mammals and 10 percent is mammal species inhabiting rocks or cliffs. 17 percent is accounted for by Rodentia and Lagomorpha, that mix soils by digging holes and fertilize surrounding area by excrement. They have an important role to ensure ecological balance.

149. In terms of zoo-geographic division of Mongolia, UB-Arvaikheer 58km road corridor locates on the edge of steppe zone and Khangai mountain zone. 23 predominant wildlife species of 19 families and of 5 wildlife communities have been recorded in this region. There are no any rare or protected species recorded in IUCN redbook inhabitat along the road corridor. There are no any wildlife species, except for some rodents, inhabitat in the immediate vicinity of the road since the UB-Arvaikheer road has been used as the main public road connecting central and western parts of Mongolia for decades.

150. Twenty two bird species that belong to 6 families have been registered in the project region. Out of which, 11 bird species have been listed as rare species in the CITES Convention Appendix II and Rare species list of Mongolia. Below table shows protection status of bird species registered in the project region.

Figure 25. Wildlife zones in Mongolia (A.G.Bannikov)


1. Khuvsgul 6. Northwestern Mongolia 2. Khentii mount zone 7. Northern gobi 3. Western Hyangan 8. Gobi-Altay zone 4. Mongol-Daurian 9. Southern gobi 5. Khangain mount zone 10. Western gobi zone Source: A.G.Bannikov and N.Ulziikhutag (1989).24

151. Due to high traffic volume and high density of human settlments and the fact that both existing roads have been used as the main public road connecting northern and western parts of Mongolia to Ulaanbaatar city for decades, there are no any rare or protected wildlife species recorded in the immediate vicinity of the road corridors. Core habitats of mammal species are in the more remote areas away from the project roads; and none were identified during the survey conducted by a local DEIA EIA firm.

152. Fauna in the broader project region. In the broader project regions (the wildlife zones within which the road corridors fall in), around 15% of total mammals are rare or very rare species with protection status to a certain degree under Mongolian and international laws and regulations. Mongolian Redbook-listed red deer, Siberian musk deer and daurian hedgehog inhabit Bogd Mountain located in Basin. Mongolian marmot has been very rare due to excessive hunting for hides and meat and has been listed as critically endangered in IUCN.25 Red squirrel, daurian hedgehog and sable have been listed as rare. Grey wolf, mountain cat, manul cat are listed in Appendix II, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Occurrence of 50 percent of the mammals in the region is normally abundant and 35% is hunting species, including red deer, roe deer, marmot, mountain hare and Tolai hare that are valuable by rich meat and hides, and grey wolf, fox, lynx, Asian badger, Mustelа erminea, Least weasel, that are valuable by fur.

153. Daurian pika, Tolai hare, grey wolf, fox, Vulpes vulpes, Vulpes corsac and Eversmann's polecat were registered during the field survey on proposed project site are considered as “abundantly” distributed species. According to the fauna field survey conducted in April 2017 by Eco-Sphere LLC specialists, 56 mammal species were registered in the region. List of mammal species and their protection status are provided in Appendix 2b.

154. Of the eight fish species that habitat in the Yeruu, Kharaa and Tuul rivers, one species (Hucho taimen) is listed as Vulnerable in IUCN list as well as listed in the rare animal list of Mongolian in 2012. In addition, Lenok or Asiatic trout (Brachymystax sp.) is widely distributed across the project area, but listed as vulnerable in the IUCN list and is one of the main target species for illegal fishing.

155. Regarding reptile distribution, a local EIA firms’s fauna specialist concludes that given the harsh climate condition with cool, short summers and long period with snow cover, the project region is a favorable habitat for both amphibians and reptiles; and indicated that none were noted during that time of the survey. Regarding bird life, the fauna specialist concludes that any bird species are likely to settle further away from disturbance (e.g. construction sites), however, under certain circumstances, they could be affected, for example during breeding periods. It is noted that 29 very rare bird species and 50 rare species are registered in the project region; these

24 A.G.Bannikov and N.Ulziikhutag. 1989. Review of Plant Families of Mongolia. UB. Mongolia. 25 E.L. Clark & Munkhbat. 2007. Mongolian Red List of Mammals. Pp. 23; Ed. E.L.Clark, Munkhbat, S.Dulamtseren et all. 2007. Summary Conservation Action Plans for Mongolian Mammals 79 species were not noted during the survey.

156. Key mammal species in UB-Darkhan road project region. Detailed scientific information on wildlife distribution and habitat along Ulaanbaatar-Darkhan road corridor is not sufficient. Because of the high traffic volume and human settlement density along the existing UB-Darkhan road, no any wildlife occurrence have been registered along the road corridor. However, in order to have more detailed analysis of potential impacts on wildlife, core habitat and distrbution areas of a couple of key wildlife species that inhabit in the broader project region (in 100-200 km buffer zone) was taken a close look in below section.

157. Specialists of Baruun Huasai LLC have derived a distribution map for key deer species along the UB-Darkhan road corridor in 2017 by making simulation in the previously available Mongolia wildlife distribution maps of Institute of Biologoy (2011).

158. Protection status, habitat and potential distribution areas for sibirian elk and musk deer are provided in below paragraphs and Figure 29.

159. Protection status of Sibirian elk. The Sibirian elk (pfizenmayeri) is registered in Red Book of Mongolia (1987, 199, and 2013), according to the criteria of World Red List of Mammals the moose is considered as “least concern” and as the criteria of Red List of Mongolia (2006), it was assessed as “endangered”. It occurs mainly in taiga habitats, particularly along Onon and Kherlen rivers in northeastern Khentii Mountain Range, and along Eruu and Minj rivers in western Khentii Mountain Range.

160. Protection status of Musk deer. Musk deer is protected as “very rare” under part 7.1 of the Mongolian Law on Fauna (2000). Hunting has been prohibited since 1953, and it is protected as “very rare” under the 1995 Mongolian Hunting Law, listed as “very rare” in “Red Book of Mongolia”. Forested habitats are in northern Mongol Altai Mountain Range, Khangai Mountain Range Khentii and Khuvsgul mountain ranges.

161. Habitat and distribution. Siberian elk and musk deer is distributed in taiga zones of Khentii, Khuvsgul Mountains, Khangai, and Tarvagatai Mountains, and in of Khalkh Gol River Basin of Ikh Khyangan Mountain Range. As the result of the distribution and population research of hoofed animals by the Institute of Biology of Mongolia conducted in 2011, sibirian elk is spread across 39,945 km2 area in 5 aimags in Mongolia, including eastern parts of the Tuv and Selenge provinces while the musk deer is spread across 34,796 km2 of of areas in 9 aimags including eastern parts of Tuv and Selenge provinces. UB-Darkhan road traverses through central parts of the Tuv and Selenge provinces. In Figure below, red areas show core habitat areas while green areas show potential areas of distribution for both species.


Figure 26. Habitat simulation for Sibirian elk and must deer at UB-Darkhan road

a.Simulation of habitat of the Sibirian elk along b.Simulation of habitat of the musk deer along the UB-Darkhan road the UB-Darkhan road

Source: Baruun Huasai LLC, 2017.

162. Map analysis: As shown in the map, the closest core habitat (red areas) for sibirian elk is Khentii mountain range in about 64-97km distance from the UB-Darkhan road while the closest core habitat for musk deer is in Bogdkhan and Terelj mountains in 20-36km distance from the project road. There are a couple of potential distirbution areas (green areas) located close to the project road on the map. However, the research by Biological Institute of Mongolia lacks scientific evidence on sibirian elk and musk deer occurrence in the road corridor. Depiction of potential distribution areas was purely an individual opinion of the researcher based on the landscape conditions and available water resources (springs and rivers) where sibirian elk and musk deer can potentially be distributed. Given the high volume of traffic on the UB-Darkhan road and high frequency of human activities along the road corridor including major settlement areas, traffic control posts, livestock grazing by local herder households and small restaurants and service entities, in normal weather conditions, it is highly unlikely that these wildlife species migrate all the way to the UB-Darkhan road corridor from its core habitat areas that are located in 30-100km distance from the project road.

163. There is no written records or any scientific evidences on sibirian elk and musk deer 81 occurrence in the UB-Darkhan road corridor, thus no any impacts are anticipated and no wildlife crossings are recommended here. Wildlife migration across the project road corridor might occur only in abnormal weather condition or a natural disaster occurs in the project region, such as extended drought, serious flood events or massive fire events in forest areas.


Figure: IBAT screening results on the project roads between UB-Altanbulag


Figure: IBAT screening results on the project roads between UB- Arvaikheer 58 km section


K. Socio-Economic Conditions

UB-Darkhan road

164. The UB-Darkhan road is 221km and it traverses through territories of Songinokhairkhan district of UB municipality, Bayanchandmani and Bornoor soums of Tuv province, Bayangol soum of Selenge province and Khongor soum of Darkhan-Uul province. Socio-economic conditions of the aforementioned soums and provinces are described in below sections.

165. The official name of the 21st khoroo of Songinokhairkhan district is Jargalant village (also known is 61st railway station) which has 847km2 territory. UB-Darkhan road traverses 40km through the 21st khoroo of Songinokhairkhan district. Total population for the khoroo is 6245 people of 1870 households. There are many farmers in the village which, in total, has 47878 heads of livestock, 14,000 heads of hens. There a number of other farms that are specialized in beef, milk and diary products. Most of the households in the village plant vegetables in their own yards. There are 2 middle schools and 1 kindergarten in the khoroo.

166. Bayanchandmani soum of Tuv province locates in 68 km distance from UB city. The UB-Darkhan road traverses through the soum territory 27 km. Its population comprises of 4174 permanent residents and around 400-500 students who study at the Technical and Vocational Education Center in the soum center. Labor age population for the soum is 2729 of which 1625 is employed. Unemployment rate is 40%. There are 144 households in the soum that are listed as households in poverty. The soum territory is 613 km2 of which 62% is being used as pastureland, 6.16% is being used for crop planting, 23.4% is forest covered and remaininng 8.5% is being occupied by settlement areas and protected areas. Bayanchandmani has 75 business entities that are mainly engaged in farming, agriculture, livestock breeding and education. The biggest business entities in the soum are NVTs LLC Chicken farm which is one of the 3 biggest chicken farms in Mongolia and Technical and Vocational Education Center in the soum center. The soum center is connected to power transmission line in 1969 and all herders households in rural areas are provided with solar panels in early 2000s. Total livestock population for the soum is 45250.

167. Bornuur soum of Tuv province is located in 102 km distance from UB city and is the northern most soum in the aimag. The UB-Darkhan road traverses 43 km through the Bornuur soum territory. Total population for the soum is 5161 of which 2591 are male and 2570 are female residents. Bornuur soum has 1581 households of which 909 are herder households. Total livestock population for the soum is 114,000. The main economic activities in Bornuur soum is crop planting, livestock breeding and restaurants and service centers along the UB-Darkhan road. Since its location is considered as midway point of UB-Darkhan road, most travelers tend to have stops at restaurants and service centers such as Urikhan center in Bornuur soum.

168. Bayangol soum of Selenge province is located in 156 km distance from the UB city and 75km from Darkhan city. UB-Darkhan road traverses 58 km through territory of Bayangol soum. Territory of the soum occupies 197,6 km2 of area of which 83.2% is being used for crop planting and pastureland, 13.3% is covered with forest, 2.3% is settlement areas, respectively. Total population for the soum is 5602 people of 1623 households of which 53% are male residents and 47% are female residents. Landscape of plain steppes and small hills of the soum makes it a favorable place for crop planting and livestock breeding. Bayangol soum has 138.6 thousand livestock and is one of the most important crop planting areas in Selenge province.

169. Khongor soum of Darkhan-Uul province is located in 192km distance from UB city and 85 in 25km distance from Darkhan city. UB-Darkhan road traverses through its territory in about 30 km. Khongor soum has 2500 km2 territory of which majority of available land is occupeid by crop planting fields (mainly wheat and potato). It is one of the most important wheat planting areas in Mongolia. Total population is Khongor soum is 6400 people of 1600 households of which 57% is labor age people. The soum has 150,000 head of livestock.

Darkhan-Altanbulag road

170. Darkhan city is the provincial centre of Darkhan-Uul province. Over 80% of the province’s population live in Darkhan which has 76,428 permanent residents. The soum has 18 bags and 23,241 households. The population of Darkhan has been steadily rising since a dip in 2011. Darkhan city is the industrial center in northern Mongolia. There are a number of big factories and entities operate in the city such as, Darkhan MetallurgicUB-Darkhan-Altanbulag road traverses through the Darkhan city for about 10 km.Error! Reference source not found.Shaamar soum of Selenge province is located in 330km distance from the UB city and in 90km distance from the Darkhan city. Darkhan-Altanbulag road traverses the soum territory in 36 km. Total area of Shaamar soum territory is 672 km2 of which 311km2 is being used as pastureland land and cop planting, 101km2 is covered with forest, 220km2 is for special use by local government and 15.3km2 is being used by settlement areas. Shaamar soum population is 3858. There many big business entities, such as Gatsuurt LLC – the biggest agricultural company in Mongolia, Bold Tumur Yeruu Gol LLC – one of the biggest iron ore mines in Mongolia, have operation in Shaamar soum. The most important economic sectors of Shaamar soum is crop planting, mining and agricultural farming.

171. Sukhbaatar soum is the provincial city of Selenge province to the north of the corridor. Darkhan-Altanbulag road traverses the soum territory in 12.6 km.The soum has a population of 24000. The third soum in the corridor is at the project road end point, Altanbulag soum which is located in northern Selenge province. Altanbulag soum has population of 5052 people with the majority of the population being based in the soum centre (81% of households).

172. Altanbulag soum of Selenge province is located in 345km distance from UB city and in 124km distance from Darkhan city nearby Russian border. Darkhan-Altanbulag road traverses 20.5 km through the soum territory. Altanbulag soum territory occupies 2100km2 area of which 50% is special protected areas, 40% is forest covered area while remaining 10% is being used for agricultural land and settlement areas.Total population of Altanbulag soum is 5050 of which 2563 are male residents and 2489 are female residents. The soum has 1335 households. Since the soum center is the main gateway to , trading, transportation, service are the main businesses in the soum.

UB-Arvaikheer 58km road section

173. The 58km section of the UB-Arvaikheer road which is proposed for maintenance with ADB loan traverses through territories of Arvaikheer town, Zuunbayan Ulaan and Ulziit soums of Uvurkhangai province. Baseline socio-economic condition for each 3 administration units is described in below sections.

174. Arvaikheer town. Arvaikheer town is the center of the province with population of 31,487 people belonging to 9097 households. Out of which, 48% are male residents and 52% are female residents. In terms of age groups, 30.8% of its population is aged under 15, 62.3% is aged between 15-60 while only 6.9% is aged over 60. Average household in Arvaikheer town has 3.5 persons. Average annual population growth rate is at 1.7%. Average life expectancy in


Uvurkhangai province is at 69.85 years which is nearly equal to the national average of 69.89 years. The figure is 67.31 years for males and 72.65 years for female residents in Uvurkhangai province. In Arvaikheer town, service sector constitutes 70.7% of its economy while power production and light industry constitute 17.1% and agriculture constitute 12.1%, respectively. Light industry sector in Arvaikheer mainly consists of food production and wool processing plants. There were a total of 912 business entities operating in Arvaikheer in 2017.

175. Zuunbayan Ulaan soum. The soum population is 4066 people belonging to 1302 households in its 6 bag units. Gender ratio in the soum is 48.6 (female) : 51.4 (male). 20% of the soum population resides at the soum center. In terms of age groups, 29.4% is aged under 15 and 61.1% is aged between 15-60 while 9.5% is aged over 60. Average household in Zuunbayan Ulaan soum has 3.2 persons. Average annual population growth rate is at 1.2%. Zuunbayan Ulaan soum’s economy depends mainly on its animal husbandry which constitutes about 91% of the soum GDP. The soum has 208,000 heads of livestock and average herder households has 230 head of livestock. 44 business entities in the soum have produced a total output worth 140 million MNT in 2017.

176. Ulziit soum. The soum population is 2446 people belonging to 766 households in its 4 bag units. Gender ratio in the soum is 49.2 % female and 50.8% male. Around 41% of the soum population resides at the soum center. In terms of age groups, 29.7% is aged under 15 and 63.7% is aged between 15-60 while 6.6% is aged over 60. Average household in Zuunbayan Ulaan soum has 3.1 persons. Average annual population growth rate is at 1.4%. Service sector constitutes 30% of Ulziit soum’s economy while light industry and agriculture constitute 17% and 53%, respectively. There are 33 business entities are operating in the soum who mainly engages in crop planting, wood processing and food production.

Employment and Poverty.

177. In Tuv province, unemployment rate is 6.2% in 2017. The rate goes up to 7.2% among male citizens while only 4.8% among female citizens. Poverty rate in Tuv province is 17.3% which is the second lowest among all province in Mongolia, only after Umnugobi province. Comparing to national average index of poverty, which is at 29.6, Tuv province enjoys relatively good livelihood level thanks to its location surrounding Ulaanbaatar city, fairly good infrastructure and presence of arable land all over the province.

178. In Selenge province, unemployment rate is 10.2% in 2017. The rate goes up to 11.4% among male citizens while only 8.7% among female citizens. Poverty rate in Selenge province is 36.4% which is higher than national average of 29.6%. The main reason for relatively high level of poverty is caused by migration to Selenge province from other parts of the country, especially from western aimags in recent years.

179. In Darkhan-Uul province, 30% of the population are under age 18 and the average life expectancy is 69 years. In terms of employment, 69% of the population is considered within the working ages of 15 to 59. Data indicate that Darkhan has unemployment rate of 9.3% which is higher than national average of 7.9%. In Darkhan-Uul province, poverty rate is 33.4% which is also higher than national average of 29.6%. Similar to Selenge province, relatively high unemployment and poverty levels in Darkhan-Uul province is caused by migration to the province from other parts of the country, especially from western aimags in recent years. In addition, Darkhan has an increasing industrial zone. Darkhan was established as an industrial city in the 1960s and it continues to be an industrial town. In 2009, manufacturing and mining employed 87 approximately 19,000 people, which is approximately 16% of the aimag population26.

180. Uvurkhangai province has unemployment rate of 7.6% and poverty rate of 37%. There were 1258 registered unemployed persons in Uvurkhangai province in August 2018 which was a 19.8% decrease comparing to the same period of last year. Out of registered unemployed persons in Uvurkhangai, 57.7% are aged under 35 years. Labor participation rate in Uvurkhangai was at 71.3% at the end of year 2017 which is 16% higher than national average. As of August 30, there are 681 registered unemployed persons in Arvaikheer town and the estimated unemployment rate was at 4.3%. Unemployment rates in Ulziit and Zuunbayan Ulaan soums were at 4.3% and 1.7% as of August 30, respectively. Poverty rate in Uvurkhangai province was at 41.4% in 2017 which is 11.5% higher than the national average. According to the poverty survey conducted by the national statistics center in 2016, there were 8500 households (30.2% of total households in the province) in Uvurkhngai province have livelihood under the poverty line. In Arvaikheer town, there were 2865 households (36.6% of total households in the town) are in poverty in 2017. Poverty rate in Zuunbayan Ulaan and Ulziit soums were at 44.4% and 45.8% in 2016, respectively. Vulnerable social groups in Uvurkhangai province includes 105 orphan children, 3870 disabled persons and 3730 households that are led by single mothers.

181. Unemployment and poverty rates in the projects areas (Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan-Uul, Tuv, Selenge and Uvurkhangai provinces) are shown in Table 54 and Table 55.

Table 57. Unemployment rates in project areas

Unemployment rate by 2015 (%) 2016 (%) 2017 (%) project regions male female Total male female Total male female Total National 8.4 8.1 8.2 7.6 8.3 7.9 8.5 7.3 7.9 Darkhan city 8.7 8.3 8.5 7.5 8.8 8.1 9.9 8.8 9.3 Selenge province 4.3 8.0 6.0 7.8 10.3 9 11.4 8.7 10.2 Tuv province 6.2 5.7 5.9 8.6 8.1 8.4 7.4 4.8 6.2 Uvurkhangai province 8.7 8.9 7.6 Ulaanbaatar city 7.5 6.8 7.1 4.3 4.9 4.6 5.6 4.5 5.1 Source: Statistical book of Mongolia (2018)

Table 58. Poverty statistics in the region along the UB-Darkhan-Altanbulag road

Administration units Poverty scope Poverty depth Poverty severity

National average 29.6 7.7 2.9 Darkhan city 33.4 8.1 2.9 Tuv province 17.3 3.7 1.3 Selenge province 36.4 11.0 4.6 Uvurkhangai province 41.4 11.7 4.4 Ulaanbaatar city 24.8 6.4 2.5 Source: Poverty Situation-2016 book released by National Statistics Office and World Bank.

26 Sigel K. (2010) Environmental sanitation in peri-urban ger areas in the city of Darkhan (Mongolia): A description of current status, practices, and perceptions


182. Agriculture is a significant occupation along the UB-DarkhanAltanbulag road corridor. The Orkhon-Selenge basin is the biggest crop planting area in Mongolia. 45% of total annual wheat/grain harvest is produced in this area; forestry, flour production, food production, spirit production are the main industrial sectors. Darkhan-Uul, Selenge and Tuv provinces have agricultural sectors that are based on wheat, potatoes, vegetables and livestock.

Social infrastructure

183. The central hospital of the Darkhan city has capacity to receive 352 inpatients and in addition there are a further ten ‘household’ hospitals, and a further 25 private owned hospitals or clinics. Altanbulag and Sukhbaatar also have central hospitals. For education, Darkhan is an educational center within the project corridor. It has ten tertiary educational institutions in addition to 25 secondary schools and 14 kindergartens, and a number of other small vocational training centers. The transient student population during term-time is estimated to peak at about 5,000.27

184. Each settlement area along the UB-Darkhan-Altanbulag road corridor, such as Jargalant village, Byanchandmani soum center, Bayangol soum center, Khongor soum center, Sukhbaatar town and Altanbulag soum center, are provided with local health service centers (provincial hospitals or soum hospitals), middle schools and kindergartens. There are 4 Technical and Vocational Education Center located along the UB-Darkhan-Altanbulag road: 2 TVET’s in Darkhan city, 1 TVET in Bayanchandmani soum center and 1 TVET in Sukhbaatar town. All 4 TVET’s were founded during the socialist period (before 1990) and have 100-150 employees and 400-500 students.

185. There are 14 health service centers in Arvaikheer town: Central hospital of Uvurkhangai province, 4 family health centers and 9 small scale private health centers. A total of 110 doctors and nurses work at the central hospital of Uvurkhangai while the 4 family health centers employ 39 staffs which includes 9 doctors, 17 nurses and 12 other staffs. The only health service center in Zuunbayan Ulaan soum is the soum hospital which employes 21 people including 4 doctors, 4 nurses and 13 other staffs. In-patient department of the soum hospital has 12 beds. The Ulziit soum hospital employes 19 people including 2 doctors, 4 nurses and 13 other staffs. In-patient department of the soum hospital has 10 beds.

186. There are 15 kindergartens in Arvaikheer that have 3211 childrens and 85 teachers. 6 middle schools of Arvaikheer have 7864 pupils and 354 teachers. Also, there are a couple of colleges in Arvaikheer. In the vocational training center, 1400 students are being educated in 16 types of technical majors while a branch college of University of Science and Technology has 440 students studying in 6 different majors.There is one kindergarten in Zuunbayan Ulaan soum which has 179 childrens and 15 teachers. The middle school at the soum center has 365 pupils and 25 teachers. There is one kindergarten in Zuunbayan Ulaan soum which has 171 childrens and 12 teachers. The middle school at the soum center has 286 pupils and 20 teachers.

27 ADB. IEE Darkhan Wastewater Management Improvement Project, Nov. 2014 89


187. All settlement areas along the road corridor have relatively well-developed infrastructure. The Ulaanbaataar-Altanbulag sealed and rail roads pass through Darkhan and Sukhbaatar and the cities are connected to the central energy distribution system of Mongolia and fiber optic cable networks. All soums of Uvurkhangai province is connected to the centralized power supply system and fiber optic cable network. Arvaikheer town has relatively well developed infrastructure as there are 14km paved road within the town. Although UB-Arvaikheer paved road traverses through territories of Zuunbayan Ulaan and Ulziit soums, the soum centers are not connected to the paved road. Arvaikheer airport is one of the main flight hubs in central Mongolia that connects western aimags to UB city.



A. Environmental Impact Screening

188. The following discussion on environmental impacts screens the potential impacts according to the following factors and recommends mitigating activities on this basis:

(i) “Receptor”: the resource (human/natural environment/economic/social) which is potentially going to receive and have to cope with an impact. (ii) “Sensitivity”: ability to cope with an impact and/or its importance to the country of Mongolia. It is generally accepted that human health is always a high sensitivity receptor, however in terms of environmental/natural resources, the sensitivity varies according to the receptor e.g. scrubland with no significant biodiversity is considered less sensitive than a mature forest which supports ecosystems and livelihoods. (iii) “Magnitude”: the size of the potential impact. Impacts may be short term and considered low magnitude (e.g. noise or temporary reduction of income during a short construction project) or high magnitude (e.g. the poor disposal of large quantities of hazardous waste into a water course).

189. Where an impact may occur, if there is no receptor on which is potentially going to receive the impact, then mitigating actions will not be required. This follows the source-pathway-receptor model, whereby in order for there to be an impact, the pollutant or issue (source) needs to be present, the pathway to a receptor is needed (such as fissures in rocks, or water for human consumption) and a receptor must be present to receive the impact, such as humans, flora or fauna.

B. Impacts Associated with Project Location, Planning and Design

190. Measures and Actions during detailed design and pre-construction. The mitigation of impacts from these design issues includes the following measures:

(i) Institutional set up and strengthening. Recruitment of (a) appointment of a qualified Environmental (and Social) Officer within the PIU by the IA; and (b) contracting of a Loan Implementation Environmental Consultant (LIEC) will be carried out. Prior to the start of construction, the institutional strengthening and training program will be delivered by the LIEC. The training will focus on ADB’s and Mongolia’s relevant environmental, health and safety laws, regulations and policies; implementation of the EMP, environmental monitoring, and the GRM. Training will be provided to the PIU, and contractors. (ii) Grievance Redress Mechanism. In accordance with the GRM (see Chapter VIII and Appendix 1), the PIU Environmental Officer will assume overall responsibility for the GRM. The PIU will issue public notices to inform the public within the project area of the GRM, and contact information (GRM website address, PIU address and telephone number, PIU contact point email address) and local entry points (e.g. contractors). (iii) Updating the IEE and EMP: Mitigation measures defined in this EMP and the EMoP will be updated based on domestic DEIA and DEIA approval conditions for the project and final technical design. This will be the responsibility of the PIU Environmental Officer and the LIEC. Submit to ADB/PIU for approval and disclose 91

updated EMP on project and ADB website. (iv) EMP in bidding document. The project specific EMP will be incorporated in the bid documents and construction contracts (v) Disclosure and Consultation: Information disclosure and consultation activities will be continued with affected people and other interested stakeholders, including but not limited to the project implementation schedule, GRM and status of compensation (if relevant).

C. Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures during Construction

191. Air Quality. Moderate temporary air quality impacts during the construction stage of the project are anticipated because of fugitive dust generation along road sections and construction- related activities such as asphalt plants, borrow pits, quarries, if any involved for the project. Minor increases in the level of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx) from construction machinery are expected. Air quality impacts during construction are likely to result from the following sources:

(i) Emissions from construction machinery and equipment, movement of haulage trucks; (ii) Asphalt concrete paving will produce fumes containing small quantities of toxic and hazardous chemicals such as volatile organic compounds and poly-aromatic hydrocarbons; (iii) Fugitive dust from borrow pits; and (iv) Fugitive dust from loading, unloading and haulage of construction materials.

192. The mitigation measures to protect sensitive receptors from air quality issues are:

(i) Minimizing dust from material handling sources, such as conveyors and bins, by using covers and/or control equipment (water suppression, bag house, or cyclone) (ii) Minimizing dust from open area sources, including storage piles, by using control measures such as installing enclosures and covers, and increasing the moisture content (iii) Dust suppression techniques should be implemented, such as applying water or non-toxic chemicals to minimize dust from vehicle movements (iv) Selectively removing potential hazardous air pollutants, such as asbestos, from existing infrastructure prior to demolition (v) Managing emissions from mobile sources (vi) Avoiding open burning of solid waste (vii) If any involved in the project, asphalt batching facilities will be located at least 500m downwind from the nearest dwellings in order to reduce the impact of fumes on humans and to be fitted with necessary equipment such as bag house filters to reduce fugitive dust emissions. (viii) Water will be sprayed for construction sites, material handling areas, and borrow pits where fugitive dust is generated. (ix) Trucks carrying stone chippings for surface dressing will be covered with tarpaulins or other suitable cover. (x) Construction vehicles and machinery will be maintained to a high standard to minimize emissions. (xi) Good construction management practices will be implemented to control construction dust.


193. Soil erosion. Constructing climbing lanes and widening embankment will involve earthwork. It will involve excavation of existing shoulder areas and reconstructing adequate foundation for road embankment. It might also involve borrow pits depending on available soil around climbing lanes. According to the PPTA team, borrow areas will be in small scale. During detailed engineering design stage, the volume and specific locations will be determined for borrow areas.

194. Potential impacts on soil erosion will be mitigated through the following measures. (i) Reducing or preventing erosion by: a) Scheduling to avoid heavy rainfall periods (i.e., during the dry season) to the extent practical b) Contouring and minimizing length and steepness of slopes c) Mulching to stabilize exposed areas d) Re-vegetating areas promptly e) Designing channels and ditches for post-construction flows f) Lining steep channel and slopes (e.g. use jute matting) (ii) Reducing or preventing off-site sediment transport through use of settlement ponds, silt fences, and water treatment, and modifying or suspending activities during extreme rainfall and high winds to the extent practical. Site specific borrow management plan will be developed and approved by relevant soum authority. (iii) A map of all borrow sites will be developed and maintained; (iv) Safety measures, if required, will be implemented to prevent access by members of the public and livestock; (v) Measures for control of dust during extraction, handling and transport of materials; and (vi) Measures to rehabilitate the borrow sites include contouring of the slopes within each site and reseeding sites with native species.

195. Solid waste management. Waste management is managed through the effective implementation of the Waste Management Plan, which the contractor is required to prepare before construction starts. Solid Waste Management Plan for the management of all construction wastes associated with the project including hazardous wastes may include:

(i) The waste hierarchy to ensure efficient use and management of resources will be applied so that priority is to prevent waste at source as much as possible. (ii) Avoiding or minimizing the generation waste materials, as far as practicable (iii) Where waste generation cannot be avoided but hasbeen minimized, recovering and reusing waste (iv) Where waste can not be recovered or reused, treating, destroying, and disposing of it in an environmentally sound manner (v) Effective management of materials on site through good house-keeping and work planning will be carried out. (vi) Detail arrangements for storage and transportation of the waste to its disposal point will be made. (vii) Hazardous waste, if any, will be handled and transported, and further disposed by a specialized agency with proper license. (viii) Closely coordinate and obtain agreements with relevant aimag or soum authorities for waste management, including transportation and disposal of wastes. Ensure any contractors used to transport waste are approved by aimag authorities. 93

(ix) Prohibit burning of waste at all times. (x) Provide all vehicles/drivers with plastic bags for waste collection and prevent any unauthorized waste disposal.

196. Noise. Road routine maintenance works do not involve heavy noise vehicles. The major noise source will be excavation and reconstructing embankment for climbing lanes, which involves high noise construction machinery and vehicles. It is expected to produce noise levels up to 90 dB(A) within 5m of the machinery as shown in Table 59. which indicates noise levels for construction machinery. For the project, no receptors other than construction workers will be this close to the machinery, and construction workers will use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

Table 59. Construction Machinery Noise

Distance to Machinery Machine Type 5 m 10 m 20 m 40 m 60 m 80 m 100 m 150 m 200 m 300 m Loader 90 84 78 72 68.5 66 64 60.5 58 54.5 Vibratory Road 86 80 74 68 64.5 62 60 56.5 54 50.5 Roller Bulldozer 86 80 74 68 64.5 62 60 56.5 54 50.5 Land Scraper 90 84 78 72 68.5 66 64 60.5 58 54.5 Excavator 84 78 72 66 62.5 60 58 54.5 52 48.8 Roller 87 81 75 69 65.5 63 61 57.5 55 51.5 Source: Government of Mongolia. 2011.

197. The major works will be carried out during the daytime. The noise produced during construction will have an impact on the existing ambient noise levels but the elevated noise levels will be temporary and localized.

198. The potential noise impacts will be mitigated through a number of activities:

(i) Planning activities in consultation with local communities so that activities with the greatest potential to generate noise are planned during periods of the day that will result in least disturbance (ii) Using noise control devices, such as temporary noise barriers and deflectors for impactand blasting activities, if any, and exhaust muffling devices for combustion engines. (iii) Avoiding or minimizing project transportation through community areas (iv) Maintain all exhaust systems in good working order; undertake regular equipment maintenance; (v) Restrict construction activities using heavy machinery work between 9am-6pm where the climbing lane is constructed nearby residential areas in Darkhan, to avoid any unnecessary disturbances; (vi) Provide advance warning to the community on timing of noisy activities. Seek suggestions from community members to reduce noise annoyance. Public notification of construction operations will incorporate noise considerations; information procedure of handling complaints through the Grievance Redress Mechanism will be disseminated. (vii) Ensure noise monitoring is undertaken near sensitive receptors, particularly dwellings when construction machinery is operational.


199. Flora. Impacts on flora will be mainly near borrow areas. Due to absence of road maintenance work, some trees and shrubs have been overgrown within the road right-of-way and drainage areas along the road corridor passing Tujin Nars pine forest (from N 50°06´41.4˝ E 106°13´05. 2, to N 50°01´34.7˝E 106°12´54.6˝). Five specific locations were identified where trees encroach onto the road. These trees and shrubs need to be removed for road safety and proper drainage.

200. The impacts on pasture land induced by borrow areas will be mitigated by minimize the scale of borrow areas as much as possible and restoration measures immediately after construction is completed. Tree relocation from the existing road right-of-way and road drainage area and relocating them with aftercare will be arranged and carried out in accordance with an approval from and through close coordination and supervision from Environment Department of the Selenge province and Sukhbaatar soum administration. The plan will be in accordance with Mongolia’s Forest Law if required.

201. Surface and Groundwater. In Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor, the existing roads have several river crossings including Shariin Gol river crossing 49°45'25.16"N 106° 9'59.80"E, Yeruu river crossing 49°52'43.93"N 106°14'36.52"E and Orhon river crossing 50°13'21.02"N 106°12'32.47"E. In addition, there is Shariin Tsagaan Nuur lake 150m from the existing road in the north of Darkhan (49°38'53.80"N 106° 2'17.96"E) the existing road in the north of Darkhan. In 58km section UB-Arvaikheer road corridor, the existing road is crossing Ongiin river (STA.415+800).

202. To mitigate any potential impacts on surface and ground water, good construction management and practices will be carried out to ensure construction works do not encroach on the surface water. Demarcation with high visibility tape and signs will be installed at river crossings, Shariin Tsagaan Nuur, and Onginn river to warn contractors of the need for vigilance in these areas. Upon discussion and agreement with the local authorities, such demarcation boundary will be determined to protect water quality of Sharin Tsagaan Nuur Lake.

203. Occupational Health and Safety. To avoid any accident and mitigate any potential impacts on workers‘ health and safety, The IFC EHS guidelines on occupational health and safety shall be followed.28 Key mitigation measures are:

(i) Train and ensure all construction workers to be aware of potential work hazards and risks. (ii) Provide PPE, such as safety boots, helmets, gloves, protective clothing, goggles, and ear protection, in accordance with relevant health and safety regulations, for workers. (iii) Document and record any occupational accidents and incidents. Any critical incidents must be reported to ADB via PIU within 48 hrs with corrective actions. Review the records and incorporate them into further training. (iv) An emergency response plan will be developed and implemented to take actions on accidents and emergencies, including; Worker injury (e.g. construction or traffic accident); Spillage (e.g. fuel spillage); Fire (e.g. fuel storage area or asphalt batching); Dust storm; and any other incidents anticipated by the contractor. All

28Available at d%2BSafety.pdf?MOD=AJPERES 95

the necessary kits such as spill kit must be kept on construction site. Emergency phone contacts with hospitals in the nearest soum or aimag will be established. A first-aid point will be established at each construction site.

204. Community Health and Safety. Potential impacts may arise from road safety issues and health and safety of the public around construction activities. The IFC EHS guidelines on community health and safety shall be followed to avoid and/or mitigate potential impacts.29 Key mitigation measures for the project are below:

(i) Clear signs will be placed at construction sites in view of the public, warning people of potential dangers such as moving vehicles, or hazardous materials. (ii) All sites will be made secure through access control by installing fences and/or security personnel, whenever appropriate. (iii) In addition, through informing soum authorities, communities will be made aware of the road maintenance and clear sign boards will be visible providing GRM details. (iv) Borrow pits will be managed to ensure unauthorized or accidental access to the sites by the public and livestock.

205. Cultural Heritage. There is no physical cultural resources within immediate vicinity of the current existing roads (UB-Darkhan, Darkhan-Altanbulag and Khuiten valley-Arvaikheer) that needs to be removed. The closest cultural heritage is an ancient tomb at Bayan Hutul in 100m distance from the Darkhan-Altanbulag road. During the construction period, the tomb needs to be protected with fencing around it and visibility sign board. In case of a chance-finding (previously unknown cultural heritages or paleontological or archeological items under the surface) may occur before and during construction period, the contract shall stop construction activity at the chance finds point immediately and notify local soum administration, PIU and Institute of Archeology of the item discovered. In such case, the construction activity may resume after approval by relevant authorities.

D. Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures Post Construction

206. Due to the nature of the project, which is to improve safety on the existing project road corridors as well as improve the road quality, no additional negative impacts are anticipated which result from the project. As the road will be continuously in operational with function improvement, usual impacts associated with poor road condition like sudden stops and/or rapid speed reduction to avoid potholes and uneven road surface, noise, traffic safety, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air pollution will be reduced. Instead there will be a positive community health and safety benefit, through improved road safety, particularly at traffic black spots with relative high incidents of traffic accidents.

207. Cumulative Impacts. Given the intermittent nature of the project in a very rural location, no local cumulative impacts are anticipated. As with all construction projects, it will contribute to cumulative global impacts from emissions of GHG associated primarily with transportation and

29 Available at: %2BSafety.pdf?MOD=AJPERES

96 the use of materials.



A. Public Consultations during Project Preparation

208. During project preparation, meetings were held with stakeholders to obtain views and opinions on the project. This information was also incorporated in the DEIA and satisfy the national requirements for consultation during EIA preparation.

209. Public Consultation for Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor. The DEIA consultant team conducted community consultation meetings along the road corridor from 30 March 2017 and 2 April 2017. The community consultation included meetings with local soum administration staff at Sukhbaatar and Altanbulag soum and carried out a questionnaire based survey among roadside communities and residents of major settlement areas along the road corridor

210. A total of 85 local residents who include soum administration staff, soum center residents and herders participated in the survey. The participants are categorized as follows in Error! Reference source not found.55.

Table 60. Survey Participants

Category Participants Gender 59% male and 41% female 65% state entities 12% private owned entities, Occupations 5% crop planting business (farmers) 18% ‘other’ employment 58% University education 7% specialized technical education Education 27% high school education 8% have primary and middle school education

211. The questionnaire-based survey included seven questions; the answers for each question are summarized in Error! Reference source not found.56.

Table 61. Survey Responses

Question Response 1. How much do you know about the 35% have very good knowledge/awareness routine minor rehabilitation works 45% know to some extent previously conducted for the Darkhan- 20% have no knowledge/awareness Altanbulag road? 2. Would you support if a major road 95% replied they will support it rehabilitation work is conducted for the 5% said will not Darkhan-Altanbulag road 10% impacts on land use such as shrinkage of grazing land 3. What environmental impacts might 7% pollution of water resources arise from road rehabilitation and what 20% land damage and soil erosion are your main concerns? 36% dust emission

9% deterioration of plant cover 10% disturbance on wildlife movement and habitat


8% impacts on forest resources 4. Did any natural disasters (such as heavy snow fall, flood and earthquake) 23% Yes (dzud) occurred in the place you live in the last 77% No 10 years? Positive outcomes; 14% said increase of job opportunities 6% said improvement of livelihood 5% said increase of state budget income 9% said increase of local budget income 17% said improved infrastructure 5. What are the main positive and 16% said it helps to the development of local negative outcomes of the road economy and society. rehabilitation work for the Darkhan- Altanbulag road? Negative outcomes: 4% said it will lead to pasture degradation 3% said water resource will be reduced 7% said pollution and erosion to soil cover 6% said air pollution 3% said degradation of plant cover 10% said there are no negative impacts Regular minor routine repairs Improvement of signs and livestock crossing points Install speed bumps at necessary points 6. What mitigation measures could be Widening of the road if possible in place during the rehabilitation of the When planting trees on two sides of the road, make Darkhan-Altanbulag road? sure a proper distance is kept between the trees and the embankment, otherwise trees will grow onto the road. Make sure planted trees are protected properly The road shall be cleaned of snow cover and dust regularly The road maintenance entity needs to be provided with snow cleaning truck 7. Do you have any other suggestions Prohibit heavy duty trucks with capacity of over 40 regarding the usage and maintenance tons driving the road of the road? To carry out a survey on places and points where dangerous natural phenomenon occurs Pay special attention to STA.226 in Darkhan soum where there is no signage, thus accidents occur frequently.

212. In addition to the public consultation, a series of meetings were held with government officials on 31 March and 1 April 2017.

(i) Meeting with T.Gantulga – Governor of Sukhbaatar soum of Selenge province. The soum governor will fully support the road rehabilitation works. When the Sukhbaatar soum residents travel to UB city, the road goes through Darkhan city. The road between UB and Darkhan is poor quality and broken at several points. Thus, the local governor would like to see the UB-Darkhan road rehabilitated too. (ii) Another meeting was held on 31 March 2017 with B.Batzorig – Head of 99

Environmental Department of Selenge Provincial Government, who expressed that the provincial government will support the road rehabilitation. However, there are a few points of concern once the rehabilitation is completed. In particular, some local construction companies do not dispose of construction waste materials such as removed asphalt layers, spoil and gravel into the unpermitted locations such as drainage channels. Local environmental staff shall visit construction sites to conduct inspections during the handover period. However, he said that these bad practices are not related to any ADB financed projects, but wanted to note the points to ensure that future road rehabilitation is conducted in a good manner. (iii) Meeting with Tsengelzaya – Head of Forest Department of Selenge Provincial Government. D.Baasanbat and R.Delgerdalai – State Emergency Officers in Selenge province. They commented that it would be good if trees are planted on both sides of the road. At some points along the road (in Tujiin Nars – a pine forest nearby Sukhbaatar town) trees were planted or have grown too close the embankment which affects visibility for drivers thus may lead to car accidents. Future EMP for the rehabilitation work shall include this measure. (iv) Meeting with D.Unursaihan – Deputy Governor of Altanbulag soum, Selenge province, who stated that the soum administration will support the road rehabilitation. No specific comments and suggestions.

213. Additional Public Consultation for UB-Darkhan-Altanbulag road corridor. An additional public opinion survey was carried out on March 2018. A total of 120 herder households who reside along the road corridor were participated in the survey. A project preparation consultant for the project visited all the herder households and carried the survey through face to face discussion, interviews and filling up the questionnaire. The main survey questions were focusing on baseline livelihood conditions and their concern on livelihood and environmental conditions.

Table 62. Survey participants by province of residence

Soum, Provinces # of households % in the total number participated in the survey of participants Darkhan and Khongor soums at 109 90.8% Darkhan-Uul province Bayanchandmani soum at Tuv 3 2.5% province Bayangol soum at Selenge 8 6.7% province Total 120 100.0% Source: ADB PPTA consultant (2018)

214. A total of 35% survey participants responded that they have permanent places of residing/grazing areas only during the winter and spring seasons, while 20% responded they have permanent places/grazing areas only during the autumn and summer seasons. About a half of the participants responded that they do not have permanent places of residing which means the places they reside changes every year.


Do you have permanent places of residing/grazing areas for each season?

Yes No

None of them 50.0 50.0

Summar 20.0 80.0

Autumn 20.0 80.0

Spring 35.0 65.0

Winter 35.0 65.0

Source: ADB PPTA consultants (2018)

215. A total of 50% survey participants reside within 10 km distance from the project road corridor, while 40% reside within 10-50km distance.

How far do your resude from the UB-Darkhan-Altanbulag road?

Don’t know 10.0

20-50 km 10.0

10-20 km 30.0

5-10 km 20.0

1-5 km 15.0

Up to 1 km 15.0

Source: ADB PPTA consultants (2018)

216. Regarding the questions on drinking water sources, the survey result shows that no household is constantly relying on nearby rivers as their drinking water source. However, 30% of herder households are using river water for drinking purposes only sometimes. A total 25% of the participants responded they have their own water well, while 75% responded they don’t have own water well.

217. For the question on key livelihood issues, 55% responded that there is no livelihood issues for them, while 40% responded that the key issue is they do not have adequate pastureland and fodder preparation fields. 101

What are the key livelihood issues for you at your household level?

Didn’t answer 5.0

Lack of land for pasture and hay making 40.0

There is no issue 55.0

Source: ADB PPTA consultants (2018)

218. Responding to the question on key local environmental issues, 60% of the participants responded that there is no environmental issues in their localities, while 25% responded that the key concern is increasing waste disposal and environmental pollution.

What is the key environmental issues in your locality?

Didn’t answer 15.0

Waste, environmental pollution 25.0

No issue 60.0

Source: ADB PPTA consultants (2018)

219. In terms of key natural disaster and associated frequency level, 80% responded that zud disaster (heavy snow falling) happens in their places of living, while 20% responded there is no natural disaster like zud happen in their places of living. A total of 45% herder households have experienced zud disaster last year.

What are the natural hazards and how often it happens? Never happaned 20%

Time to time 80%

Source: ADB PPTA consultants (2018)


220. Summary: A total of 50% survey participants do not have a permanent living place or grazing lands. About a half of the respondents reside within 10km distance from the UB-Darkhan- Altanbulag road. Most of the herder households do not rely on river water as their main drinking water source while only 25% of the herders have their own water wells. As for key livelihood concerns, 40% of the participants do not have adequate pastureland while 25% responded that environmental pollution and increasing waste disposal is the key environmental issues in their places of living. No environmental impacts relevant to the project was raised during the survey and the respondents were supportive on the road maintenance project.

221. Public consultation for UB-Arvaikheer road. Consultation meetings for the UB- Arvaikheer 58km road section was carried out with local administration staff at Uvurkhangai province on September 25, 2018. The consultations on (i) current condition and needs for upgrade of the 58km road section; (ii) traffic condition, accidents and flood situation in the region; (iii) crapability and operation condition of Uvurkhangai province road maintenance company; and (iv) environmental and social sensitive points along the road corridor. Following staffs of Uvurkhangai province government have attended the consultation meeting at Arvaikheer on September 25, 2018:

Table 63. List of people met during to visit to Uvurkhangai Province

No. Name Position Phone number

1 G.Ganbold Governor of Uvurkhangai province 99059132 2 D.Lkham-Orolmaa Director of Uvurkhangai Road Maintenance Company 89800101 (state owned)

3 G.Bayasgalan Head of Investment and Development Policy 99009601 Department, Uvurkhangai provincial government 4 B.Burentugs Head of Uvurkhangai Uvurkhangai Province Traffic 99019315 Police Department 5 Ch.Ichinkhorloo Staff Public Affairs Department, Uvurkhangai 99893496 provincial government 6 Ch.Gunsenkhorol Head of Procurement Division, Uvurkhangai provincial 99058959 government 7 others Uvurkhangai province media representative 99474145

222. Public consultation for UB-Arvaikheer 58 km road. A questtionnaire based survey was connducted along the proposed UB-Arvaikheer 58km road corridor which traverses through Arvaikheer town and Zuunbayan Ulaan and Ulziit soums of Uvurkhangai province. A total of 20 households who reside along the road corridor were participated in the survey which includes 5 households within 1km distance of the project road, 4 households within 5 km distance and 11 households reside in beyond 5km distance. Around 25 % of the survey participants were female residents. In addition, household visits, and face to face discussion and interviews were carried out to determine: (i) baseline social, economic and environmental condition of local residents; and (ii) residents’ opinion on the proposed road maintenance project and key concerns they have. Geographical areas that public consultation covered are: (i) Arvaikheer town; (ii) Zuunbayan Ulaan soum of Uvurkhangai province; and (iii) Ulziit soum of Uvurkhangai province.


Table 64. Survey participants by soum of residence

Soum of residence # of households participated Percentage in the total in the survey number of participats Ulziit soum 6 30% Zuunbayan Ulaan soum 2 10% Arvaikheer town or other 12 60% soums of Uvurkhangai province Total 20 100%

Survey results

223. For assessing the livelihood condition of the local herders, following questions were asked:

(i) What are the key social concerns for you family?: (ii) What are the key environmental concerns in your soum? (iii) What could be the potential negative impact of the road maintenance? (iv) What is the main source of you drinking water supply? (v) Does your family use nearby river water for drinking purposes? (vi) Do you have your own water well? (vii) What are the key issues regarding drinking water? (viii) How often do you experience natural disaster in your soum? (ix) Did you experience any natural disaster this year (2018)?

224. As for the key social issues, a total of 65% of the the survey participants responded that thei don’t have any concerning issues while 15% said inadequate access to pastureland, 10% said inadequate access to drinking water.

No issues 5% 5%

10% Inadequate access to pastureland 15% 65% Inadequate access to drinking water

Decreasing economic benefit from animal husbandry

225. For the key environmental concerns, a total of 18 people responded there are no any

104 environmental concerns in their soums, while one person responded that overgrazing and deterioration of pastureland is the key environmental issue.

226. In regards to the potential negative impact of the road maintenence project, a total of 75% survey participants responded that road maintenance will not exert any negative impact while 10% responded dust emission and land erosion due to vehicle movement will be a problem and 15% responded that it might cause traffic accidents if safety measures are not implemented.


No negative impact 15%

Traffic accident

Dust emission and soil erosion 75%

227. In order to determine drinking water sources, four questions were asked to the herder households:

228. For the question on main drinking water sources, out of the 20 households participated in the survey, 9 households responded that spring water is the main drinking water source; 8 households are using transported water; and 3 households are using well water for drinking purposes.

Water well 15.0%

Transported water 40.0%

Springs 45.0%

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0

229. On the question on the river water use for drinking, out of the 20 households participated 105 in the survey, 9 households mentioned that they use Ongiin river water for drinking purposes.


55% Never use river water Frequently use river water

230. Only 5% of the participants responded that they have their own water well, while 95% responded that they do not have their own water well. In terms of major concern relevant to drinking water, around 5% of respondents mentioned poor water quality and 35% commented on inadequate access to drinking water source.

35% Inadequate access to drinking water source Poor water quality 60% (hardness is high) No issues 5%

231. As for their experience on natural diaster, 45% of the participants responded that natural disasters such as flood heavy snow fall occur frequently in their soums while 55% responded it happens rarely. To respond to the question on natural diaster experience in 2018, all of the survey participants responded they have experienced flood events this year in 2018.


232. Summary of survey results in UB-arvaikheer 58km road section. Based on the survey results, it can be concluded that they key social issues in the project region are inadequate access to pastureland and drinking water according to 40% of the participants. The survey participants are mostly positive about the road maintenance project while the key concerns from construction are traffic accident, dust emission and soil erosion. The project area is prone to natural disaster with flood events occurring frequently. All survey participants experience flood events recently.

B. Public Consultations during Project Implementation

233. During implementation, the PIU will undertake consultation interviews a minimum of twice along each project corridor. It is proposed that this takes places within 6-8 weeks of construction starting and then again before the end of construction. This is set out in the Environmental Monitoring Plan.

234. Informal interviews with affected people will focus on complaints about community disturbance from construction activities, such as construction noise, dust, solid waste and wastewater, as well as public concerns about ecological protection, soil / land concerns and access issues, including accessibility problem induced by heavy snow. A sample Environmental Monitoring Interview Form is given in Appendix 3.

C. Information Disclosure

235. Environmental information on the project, including the IEE and other safeguards information will be disclosed in accordance with ADB’s Public Communications Policy (2011) and SPS (2009). This includes:

(i) The IEE will be available for review in MRTD’s office and MRTD website; (ii) The IEE will be disclosed on ADB’s project website (; (iii) Copies of the IEE are available upon request; and (iv) Annual reports on project’s compliance with the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and other necessary information will be available at



A. Grievance Redress Mechanism Objective

236. A grievance redress mechanism (GRM), consistent with the requirements of the ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) will be established to prevent and address community concerns, reduce risks, and assist the project to maximize environmental and social benefits. In addition to serving as a platform to resolve grievances, the GRM has been designed to help achieve the following objectives: (i) open channels for effective communication, including the identification of new environmental issues of concern arising from the project; (ii) demonstrate concerns about community members and their environmental well-being; and (iii) prevent and mitigate any adverse environmental impacts on communities caused by project implementation and operations. The GRM is accessible to all members of the community.

1. Proposed Grievance Redress System

237. The proposed GRM follows the existing approach taken for managing complaints about local issues by members of the public in Mongolia. Residents' complaints or concerns are generally taken to bagh or soum representatives for resolution, therefore this system is proposed for the GRM. The GRM approach also fits with the aimag's existing approach to managing complaints for the public, which is focused on taking complaints to soums.

238. The PIU will establish soum based Public Complaints Unit (PCU) in conjunction with local government representatives and the PIU Environment Officer will take a focal point of GRM.

239. The PIU environmental officer (EO) will closely communicate with soum-based PCUs on the work schedule, so that residents will be informed and can get information about the project or can discuss any concern or issue related to the project. The PCUs through PIU will issue public notices to inform the public within the project area of the Grievance Redress Mechanism. The PCU’s phone number, fax, address, email address will be disseminated to the people through displays at the respective offices of the bagh, soum and aimag government administrations and public places.

240. The PIU EO will have facilities to maintain a complaint recording system (such as database or complaints log book) and communicate with LIEC, contractors, design and construction supervision company(s), Governors of aimags, soums, and baghs.

2. GRM Steps and Timeframe

241. Procedures and timeframes for the grievance redress process are as follows and shown in Error! Reference source not found..

(i) Stage 1: Access to GRM. If a concern arises, the AP may resolve the issue of concern directly with the contractor (during construction) The contractor shall resolve the issue by taking corrective actions within seven working days upon identification of the eligibility of the complaint. The contractor shall report to the bagh or soum level PCU and PIU. For an oral complaint the PCU must make a written record. For each complaint, the PCU will report to the PIU EO, who will assess its eligibility. If the complaint is not eligible, e.g. related to an issue outside


the scope of the project, PCU will provide a clear reply within five working days to the AP. If the complaint is eligible but resolved by the contractor, the PIU and PCU will investigate and resolve the issue within 14 working days. (ii) Stage 2: Stakeholder Meeting: If no solution can be identified by the PIU and PCU or if the AP is not satisfied with the suggested solution under Stage 1, within 14 days, the PCU together with the PIU will organize a multi-stakeholder meeting under the auspices of the head or the representative from the soum Governor office, where all relevant stakeholders will be invited. The meeting should result in a solution acceptable to all, and identify responsibilities and an action plan. The agreed redress solution needs to be implemented within seven working days. (iii) Stage 3: Special consultation meeting with the EA, ADB, and relevant authorities, including Aimag Specialized Inspection Agency (ASIA)30. If the Multi-stakeholder meeting cannot resolve the problem, and the AP is unsatisfied, the PIU will inform the EA and ADB and reorganize a special consultation meeting within 21 days with the AP, the EA, ADB, and other relevant authorities including ASIA to find appropriate solutions. The agreed solution shall be implemented within 14 days reporting. The PCU must report all kinds of complaints to PIU, who is responsible to record the complaint, investigation, and subsequent actions and results and provide this information to the PIU-Environmental Monitoring Specialist who will include it in progress reports. In the construction period and the initial operational period covered by loan covenants the EA will periodically report complaints and their resolution to ADB in the semi-annual environmental monitoring reports.

30 A specific division within the organization is responsible for Infrastructure, Environment and Mining inspection. 109


A. Major Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures

242. The principal impacts during the design phase are associated with the planned removal of trees, particularly from the pine forest area along the Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor, where trees encroach into the right of way and reduce traffic safety. During the construction phase, there will be impacts in both corridors are associated with the noise and dust consistent with construction projects of this type, and the associated health and safety risks for contractors undertaking the work. In addition, for both corridors, there is a potential impact on the grassland used for pasture along both sides of the project corridors, when haul routes or deviations and borrow sites or quarries are required by the contractor.

243. Impacts are anticipated during operation include noise, traffic safety, GHG emissions and air pollution, which are already occuring as the road already existed for long period and has been fully operational. Instead, the traffic safety works associated with this project outputs are anticipated to bring benefits to the communities along the project corridor and all other road users. Continuous good road maintenance service should be maintained to ensure good road accessibility and traffic safety to be carried out as intended.

244. The mitigation measures set out in the EMP for the project will manage the impacts during pre-construction and construction. The mitigation measures implemented in the pre-construction phase will promote the elimination of impacts associated with the surface water, groundwater and cultural heritage receptors in the project area through breaking the source-pathway-receptor links; the pathway will be removed. For the remaining impacts which cannot be avoided, the mitigation measures seek to minimize them to acceptable levels.

245. In addition, a robust programme of monitoring is established by the EMP and regular reporting will be required. Through monitoring and reporting any deviation from the EMP or unanticipated impacts can be dealt with by PIU environment officer. Also the Grievance Redress Mechanism will be in place and managed by the PIU in order to appropriately handle any complaints arising from project activities.

B. Overall Conclusion

246. The findings of this IEE show that the environmental impacts associated with this project’s outputs to be localized, short term and are not considered significant. Through implementing the mitigation measures set out in the IEE, the project proponents will mitigate any impacts to an acceptable level.



A. Objectives

1. The environmental management plan (EMP) in line with ADB’s SPS 2009, covers all phases of implementation from preparation to operation. It aims to ensure the monitoring of environmental impacts and activation of environmental mitigation measures. Relevant parts of the EMP will be incorporated into the construction, operation, and management of each output.

B. Implementing Organizations and Their Responsibilities

2. The key organisations responsible for implementing the project and the role in Environmental Safeguards implementation are set out in Table A1-1.

Table A1-1: Implementing Organizations

General Role & Role in Environmental Safeguards Responsibilities Ministry of Road Transport Development (MRTD) • Executing agency (EA) • Establishes and chairs a Project Steering Committee Overall responsibility for ensuring environmental (PSC) safeguard are implemented • Establishes a Project Implementation Unit (PIU)

Project Steering Committee (PSC)

• Chaired by Director General, MRTD • Provides project oversight Support and specific advice to EA on specific safeguard • Includes representatives of the issues if needed MRTD, Ministry of Finance

Project Implementation Unit (PIU)


1. Ensure Bidding Documents and Contracts include EMP and any relevant Particular Clauses or • Implementing Agency (IA) Conditions relevant to Environmental Safeguards as • Reports to EA set out in this IEE. • Project implementation and 2. Implementing and supervising EMP and other supervision safeguard plans • Preparing and submission of 3. Provision of safeguard reports to EA implementation reports to ADB 4. Provision of specialist consultant to perform the • PIU staff to include part-time function of PIU Environmental (and social) Officer Environmental Monitoring 5. Dissemination & Implementation of Grievance Consultant Redress Mechanism (GRM)

PIU Environmental (and social) Officer (PIU EO) 1. Ensure tender documents specify requirements of EMP 2. Ensure that EMP considerations are incorporated in the detailed designs and included in civil works contracts 3. Training for contractor/engineers in implementing EMPs • EMP implementation, 4. Site inspections and progress reporting. EMP update including monitoring and after detail project design reporting 5. Input into GRM 6. Conducting consultation meetings with local stakeholders as required, informing them of imminent construction works, updating them on the latest project development activities, GRM (see Appendix 3 for Environmental Monitoring Interview Form sample)

Project Management Consultant (PMC)-Loan Implementation Environment Consultant (LIEC)


• Implementation and capacity Support safeguard issues as required development consultancy Support PIU in preparing EMRs support to PIU

Design and Construction Supervision Company(ies)

• Design of the maintenance in sections Collaboration with PIU-EMS on final designs to ensure • Construction supervision acceptable mitigation of environmental impacts

Construction Companies

1. Environmental Control Engineer responsible for daily monitoring and supervision, and evaluation of mitigation • Completion of road sections measures’ implementation as specified 2. Develop and implement construction site specific Provision of Environmental • EMP (CEMP). Control Engineer 3. Reporting on CEMP mitigation measure implementation CEMP = construction site specific EMP, EMP = environmental management plan, EMR = environmental monitoring report, GRM = Grievance Redress Mechanism, PIU = project implementation unit, PIU-EMS = Environmental Monitoring Specialist.

3. Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development. In order to strengthen the capacity of the EA and IA, the project includes Output 3, related to capacity development in project supervision and implementation, including standard project supervision. This also includes training in maintenance, procurement and safeguards, and piloting of new technologies, and environmental safeguards and environmental management is also recommended. Table below show training program to enhance environmental safeguards and environmental management of the project.

Table A1-2: Training Program

Cost Period No. of Total Training Attendees Contents Times ($/person (days) persons Cost /day) Construction Phase ADB, Mongolia PIU, − ADB’s Twice- 1 20 100 $2,000 and contractors safeguard 113

Cost Period No. of Total Training Attendees Contents Times ($/person (days) persons Cost /day) International policy once prior to, EHS standards, statement and once after regulations and − International one year of policies, environmental, project including GRM health and implementation safety management practice in civil construction − International environmental, health and safety management practice in civil construction − GRM structure, responsibilities, and timeframe Types of grievances and eligibility assessment Implementation PIU, IA, − Impacts and Twice - 1 20 100 $2,000 of EMP and contractors mitigation once prior to, EMoP, measures and once after including − Monitoring and one year of construction auditing project EHS plans mechanism implementation − Reporting requirements − Issue of non- compliance and corrective


Cost Period No. of Total Training Attendees Contents Times ($/person (days) persons Cost /day) actions for EMP, EMoP and GRM. Total estimated cost: $4,000 Notes:,EHS=Environment, Health and Safety, EMP = Environmental management plan, EMoP=Environmental Monitoring Plan, GRM=Grievance redress mechanism, PIU = Project implementation unit.

C. Mitigation Measures

4. Table A1-3 presents the mitigation measures, costs and responsibilities for each relevant environmental impact as determined by the screening process. Included in the mitigation measures is the institution responsible for implementing and overseeing each.

D. Monitoring

5. The contractors and design and construction supervision company will be required to conduct proper EMP performance monitoring. The PIU Environment Officer will conduct regular site visits and EMP performance monitoring with support from the LIEC so to assess effectiveness of EMP implementation. Depending on construction schedule, receptors in the vicinity (such as nomadic herders who may come into and out of construction areas) and potential impact levels, the frequency and scale of EMP performance monitoring will be adjusted by the PIU Environment Officer.

6. 115

7. Table A1-4 presents the monitoring plan. It is targeted at monitoring the key receptors as set out in the baseline survey. The receptors are: (i) Humans (impacted on by noise and dust); and (ii) Flora (impacted on by tree removal and potential haul roads). If there is any, additional monitoring requirements of an approved DEIA under Mongolian law will be incorporated into the monitoring plan, which may need the update of the monitoring plan.

8. Table presents the monitoring program estimated budget based on current costs in Mongolia. These represent likely maximum costs for one year however not all analysis is required each year as it is dependent on the location of the road sections under construction sites. Environmental monitoring activity for a given month shall only be conducted at locations that lie within active construction areas that month. The construction season lasts 6 months in Mongolia, between April and October; the EMP will be monitored monthly. The monitoring parameters and frequency will be aligned with the DEIA requirements. This EMP and EMoP will be updated after the DEIA approval and also during detailed design and the precise locations and frequency of monitoring will be established.


Table A1-3: Mitigation Measures

Timeframe Environmental Area of Implemented Supervised Mitigation measures and Cost ($) Impact/Issue concern by by frequency Pre-Construction Phase • Institutional set up and strengthening. Recruitment of (a) appointment of a qualified Environmental Officer within the PIU by the IA; and (b) contracting of a Loan Implementation Environmental Consultant (LIEC) will be carried out. Prior to the start of construction, the institutional strengthening and training program will be delivered by the LIEC. The training will focus on ADB’s and Mongolia’s relevant environmental, health and safety laws, regulations and policies; implementation of the EMP, environmental monitoring, and the GRM. Training will be provided to the PIU, and contractors. • Grievance Redress Mechanism. In accordance with the GRM (see Chapter VIII and Appendix I), the PIU Environmental Officer will assume overall responsibility for the GRM. The PIU will issue public notices to inform the public within the project Included Environmental area of the GRM, and contact information (GRM website PIU Before in PIU/Contractor Management address, PIU address and telephone number, PIU contact point (Performanc construction operationa /DCSC System email address) and local entry points (e.g. contractors). e standards) l costs • Updating the EMP (if required): Mitigation measures defined in this EMP and the EMoP will be updated based on domestic DEIA and DEIA approval conditions for the project and final technical design. This will be the responsibility of the PIU Environmental Officer and the LIEC. Submit to ADB/PIU for approval and disclose updated EMP on project and ADB website. • EMP in bidding document. The project specific EMP will be incorporated in the bid documents and construction contracts • Disclosure and Consultation: Information disclosure and consultation activities will be continued with affected people and other interested stakeholders, including but not limited to the project implementation schedule, GRM and status of compensation (if relevant).


Construction Phase • Minimizing dust from material handling sources, such as conveyors and bins, by using covers and/or control equipment (water suppression, bag house, or cyclone) • Minimizing dust from open area sources, including storage piles, by using control measures such as installing enclosures and covers, and increasing the moisture content • Dust suppression techniques should be implemented, such as Construction applying water or non-toxic chemicals to minimize dust from sites, borrow vehicle movements Continuously Included in Contractor/DC PIU EO, pits and • Selectively removing potential hazardous air pollutants, such as during operational SC LIEC stockpiling asbestos, from existing infrastructure prior to demolition construction costs areas • Managing emissions from mobile sources • Avoiding open burning of solid waste Air Quality – • Good construction management practices will be implemented Dust & to control construction dust Water will be sprayed for Vehicle construction sites, material handling areas, and borrow pits Emissions where fugitive dust is generated. • Water will be sprayed for construction sites, material handling areas, and borrow pits where fugitive dust is generated. Asphalt • If any, asphalt batching facilities will be located at least 500m batching downwind from the nearest dwellings in order to reduce the Continuously Included in PIU EO, facilities (if impact of fumes on humans and to be fitted with necessary during operational Contractor LIEC any) equipment such as bag house filters to reduce fugitive dust construction costs emissions. • Construction vehicles and machinery will be maintained to a Construction high standard to minimize emissions. Continuously Included in Contractor/DC PIU EO, vehicles and during operational • Trucks carrying stone chippings for surface dressing will be SC LIEC trucks construction costs covered with tarpaulins or other suitable cover.


• Reducing or preventing erosion by: • Scheduling to avoid heavy rainfall periods (i.e., during the dry season) to the extent practical • Contouring and minimizing length and steepness of slopes • Mulching to stabilize exposed areas • Re-vegetating areas promptly • Designing channels and ditches for post-construction flows • Lining steep channel and slopes (e.g. use jute matting) • Reducing or preventing off-site sediment transport through use of settlement ponds, silt fences, and water treatment, and Continuous during borrow Construction modifying or suspending activities during extreme rainfall and Included in areas Contractor/DC PIU EO, Soil erosion and Borrow high winds to the extent practical. Site specific borrow operational management SC LIEC areas management plan will be developed and approved by relevant costs soum authority. and end of • Site specific borrow management plan will be developed and construction approved by relevant soum authority. • A map of all borrow sites will be developed and maintained; • Safety measures, if required, will be implemented to prevent access by members of the public and livestock; • Measures for control of dust during extraction, handling and transport of materials; and • Measures to rehabilitate the borrow sites include contouring of the slopes within each site and reseeding sites with native species. 119

• The waste hierarchy to ensure efficient use and management of resources will be applied so that priority is to prevent waste at source as much as possible. • Avoiding or minimizing the generation waste materials, as far as practicable • Where waste generation cannot be avoided but hasbeen minimized, recovering and reusing waste • Where waste can not be recovered or reused, treating, Construction destroying, and disposing of it in an environmentally sound sites, manner construction • Effective management of materials on site through good house- Continuous Included in Solid waste Contractor/DC PIU EO, camps, and keeping and work planning will be carried out. during operational management SC LIEC construction • Detail arrangements for storage and transportation of the waste construction costs vehicle/driver’ to its disposal point will be made. waste • Hazardous waste, if any, will be handled and transported, and further disposed by a specialized agency with proper license. • Closely coordinate and obtain agreements with relevant aimag or soum authorities for waste management, including transportation and disposal of wastes. Ensure any contractors used to transport waste are approved by aimag authorities. • Prohibit burning of waste at all times. • Provide all vehicles/drivers with plastic bags for waste collection and prevent any unauthorized waste disposal.


• Planning activities in consultation with local communities so that activities with the greatest potential to generate noise are planned during periods of the day that will result in least disturbance • Using noise control devices, such as temporary noise barriers and deflectors for impactand blasting activities, if any, and exhaust muffling devices for combustion engines. • Avoiding or minimizing project transportation through community areas • Maintain all exhaust systems in good working order; undertake regular equipment maintenance; All Continuous Included in Contractor/DC PIU EO, Noise construction • Restrict construction activities using heavy machinery work during operational SC LIEC sites between 9am-6pm where the climbing lane is constructed construction costs nearby residential areas in Darkhan, to avoid any unnecessary disturbances; • Provide advance warning to the community on timing of noisy activities. Seek suggestions from community members to reduce noise annoyance. Public notification of construction operations will incorporate noise considerations; information procedure of handling complaints through the Grievance Redress Mechanism will be disseminated. • Ensure noise monitoring is undertaken near sensitive receptors, particularly dwellings when construction machinery is operational. Impacts on • Minimize the scale of borrow areas as much as possible Included in pasture land During Contractor/DC PIU EO, • Restoration measures immediately after construction is operational induced by construction SC LIEC completed. costs borrow areas • Tree relocation from the existing road right-of-way and road Flora Trees and drainage area and relocating them with aftercare will be PIU EO, shrubs arranged and carried out in accordance with an approval from Included in LIEC, During Contractor/DC encroached and through close coordination and supervision from operational Selenge construction SC to road right- Environment Department of the Selenge province and costs Aimag Env. of-way Sukhbaatar soum administration. The plan will be in Department accordance with Mongolia’s Forest Law if required Surface and UB- • Good construction management and practices will be carried Beginning of Included in Contractor/DC PIU EO, ground water Altanbulag out to ensure construction works do not encroach on the surface construction Contractor SC LIEC, Protection corridor water. period operational and during costs • Demarcation with high visibility tape and signs will be installed construction at river crossings and Shariin Tsagaan Nuur to warn contractors of the need for vigilance in these areas. 121

• The IFC EHS guidelines on occcupational health and safety shall be followed( 9a983acd36a6515bb18/2%2BOccupational%2BHealth%2Ban d%2BSafety.pdf?MOD=AJPERES). • Train and ensure all construction workers to be aware of potential work hazards and risks. • Provide personal protection equipment (PPE), such as safety boots, helmets, gloves, protective clothing, goggles, and ear protection, in accordance with relevant health and safety regulations, for workers. Included in Occupational All • Document and record any occupational accidents and Throughout Contractor Contractor/DC PIU EO, Health and construction incidents. Any critical incidents must be reported to ADB via PIU construction operational SC LIEC, Safety. sites within 48 hrs with corrective actions. Review the records and costs incorporate them into further training. • An emergency response plan will be developed and implemented to take actions on accidents and emergencies, including; Worker injury (e.g. construction or traffic accident); Spillage (e.g. fuel spillage); Fire (e.g. fuel storage area or asphalt batching); Dust storm; and any other incidents anticipated by the contractor. All the necessary kits such as spill kit must be kept on construction site. Emergency phone contacts with hospitals in the nearest soum or aimag will be established. A first-aid point will be established at each construction site. • The IFC EHS guidelines on community health and safety shall be followed ( 4d36a6515bb18/3%2BCommunity%2BHealth%2Band%2BSaf ety.pdf?MOD=AJPERES) • Clear signs will be placed at construction sites in view of the Settlements Included in Community public, warning people of potential dangers such as moving Throughout near all Contractor Contractor/DC PIU EO, Health and vehicles, or hazardous materials. construction construction operational SC LIEC, Safety • All sites will be made secure through access control by installing sites costs fences and/or security personnel, whenever appropriate. • In addition, through informing soum authorities, communities will be made aware of the road maintenance and clear sign boards will be visible providing GRM details. • borrow pits will be managed to ensure unauthorized or accidental access to the sites by the public and livestock.


• Demarcate the tomb with high visibility tape and a sign through close coordination with Bayantal soum the tomb at • In case of a chance-finding (previously unknown cultural Bayan Hutual, heritages or paleontological or archeological items under the Beginning of Included in 100m from PIU EO, Cultural surface) may occur before and during construction period, the construction Contractor Contractor/DC the road in LIEC, Soum Heritage contract shall stop construction activity at the chance finds point period operational SC Darkhan- authorities immediately and notify local soum administration, PIU and costs Altanbulag Institute of Archeology of the item discovered. In such case, the corridor. construction activity may resume after approval by relevant authorities. Operation Phase- continuous good road maintenance service should be maintained to ensure good road accessibility and traffic safety to be carried out as the IFC EHS guidelines for Toll Roads indicates ( %2BToll%2BRoads.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&id=1323162564158). Note: DCSC=Design and construction supervision company, LIEC=Loan implementation environment consultant, PIU EO=Project Implementation Unit Environment Officer. Source: ADB PPTA team (2018)


Table A1-4: EMP Monitoring

Maximu Correspon Monitoring Indicative m Units Frequency Scope of work ding parameters Location allowed standards level Six locations for each road corridor

MNS17.2.3. •At receptors 16-88 within 100m of Carry out dust MNS3384- active construction Quarterly measurements at 82 work and borrow Dust level- during the selected MNS4585- Dust<150 mg/m3 sites, contractors TSP, PM10 construction monitoring spots 2016 mg/m3 camp (if required). season using ‘Dust Trak’ MNS

on monthly basis. 5885:2008 Receptors include MNS 3384- housing areas, 1982 nomadic herder sites (if relevant) and businesses Climbing lane construction sites

•At receptors within 50m of Carry out noise Quarterly MNS5002:2 dBA active construction measurements at during 008 MNS 1hr LAeq Noise level (1hr work. the selected construction 0012-9-015- 60dBA LAeq) monitoring spots season 87 Receptors include on monthly basis. housing areas, nomadic herder sites (if relevant) and businesses. At locations as EMP EMR Monthly PIU-EO will be responsible for monitoring the indicated in the Mitigation during mitigation measures through field visits and EMP Mitigation Measures construction reporting. Measures table EMP = environmental management plan, EMR = environmental monitoring report, m = meter, PIU EO=Project Implementation Unit Environment Officer, PM = particulate matter

Table A1-5: Monitoring Budget

Monitoring parameters Cost ($ USD) –Per Year UB-Darkhan $100x6 x 6 = $3,600 Darkhan-Altanbulag Dust level-TSP, PM10 $100x2 x 6 = $3,600 UB-Arvaikheer $100x2 x 6 = $3,600 UB-Darkhan $100x 6 x6 = $3,600 Darkhan-Altanbulag Noise level $100x 6 x6 = $3,600 UB-Arvaikheer $100x2 x 6 = $3,600


Monitoring parameters Cost ($ USD) –Per Year UB-Darkhan Tree relcoation & pasture $1000 replanting Darkhan-Altanbulag $5000 UB-Darkhan $5000 Health and Safety Darkhan-Altanbulag $5000 UB-Arvaikheer $5000 EMP performance monitoring PIU budget cost for PIU- EMS Total Costs $42,600

E. Reporting

9. Regular reporting on the implementation of mitigation measures and on monitoring activities during construction phase of the component is required. Reporting is the responsibility of IA and EA. Environmental monitoring reports (using ADB’s integrated safeguards monitoring report format) will be prepared quarterly by the IA/EA in collaboration with PMU-EMS and sent to MET and ADB. Table A1-A1-6 provides reporting requirements.

Table A1-65: Reporting Requirements

Report Frequency Purpose From To Contractor’s EMP Implementation Monthly Contractor PIU Progress Report Progress Design and EMP monitoring construction EMP Monitoring Quarterly PIU parameters supervision company Full EMP Environmental Implementation and Monitoring Report Annual Adherence to PIU/EA ADB/MET Environmental Covenants/Conditions Environmental completion Report (with attachment of copies of Three months relevant Final evaluation and after environmental assessment of EMP PIU/EA ADB construction inspection reports implementation completion and copies of environmental acceptance issued by government) ADB = Asian Development Bank, EA = executing agency, EMP = environmental management plan, MET = Ministry of Environment and Tourism PIU = Project Implementation Unit. 125

F. Mechanisms for Feedback and Adjustment

10. Once the DEIA is approved, the PIU with support of the LIEC will assess the need of EMP revision. After consultation and endorsement from ADB, EMP will be revised to reflect additional requirements from the approved DEIA, if any.

11. Based on environmental monitoring and reporting systems in place, the PIU shall assess whether further mitigation measures are required as corrective action, or improvement in environmental management practices are required. The effectiveness of mitigation measures and monitoring plans will be evaluated by a feedback reporting system. The PIU Enviroment Officer, with suport from the LIEC will play a critical role in the feedback and adjustment mechanism. If the PIU identifies a substantial deviation from the EMP, or if any changes are made to the project scope that may cause significant adverse environmental impacts or increase the number of affected people, then the PIU shall immediately consult MET and ADB to get approval and identify EMP adjustment requirements.



Species recorded during field survey, Darkhan-Altanbulag corridor No. Plant family Scientific name of plant species English name of plant species 1 Pinaceae Lindl. Pinus sylvestris L. Scots pine 2 Pinus sibirica Du Tour. Siberian pine 3 Larix sibirica Ldb. Siberian larch Ulmaceae Siberian elm 4 Ulmus pumila L. Mirb. Ephedraceae Ephedra 5 Ephedra sinica Stapf. Dumort. 6 Stipa kryloviiRoshev. Spear-grass 7 Stipa sibirica (L.)Lam. Needlegrass 8 Stipa baicalensis Roshev. Green needle grass 9 Cleistogenes squarrosa (Roshev.) Ohwi. Longearistata 10 Koeleria macrantha (Ldb.) Schult. Schillergras/kammschmiele 11 Poa attenuata Trin. Meadow-grass 12 Graminaeae Poa pratensis L. Smooth meadow-grass 13 Juss. Festuca lenensis Drob. Fescue 14 Achnathrum splendens Punagrass 15 Agropyron cristatum (L.)P.B. Wheat-grass 16 Hordium brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link. Barley 17 Elymus chinensis ( Trin.) Keng. Lyme-grass 18 Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. Quackgrass 19 Bromis inermis Smooth brome-grass Cyperaceae Needleleaf sedge 20 Carex duriuscula C.A.Mey. Juss. 21 Allium senescens L. German garlic 22 Liliaceae Juss. Allium anisopodium Ldb. Thread-leaf chive 23 Allium bidentatum Fisch.ex Prokh. Asian onion Urticaceae Nettle 24 Urtica cannabina L. Juss. Polygonaceae Knotgrass 25 Polygonum angustifolium Pall. Juss. 26 Chenopodium album L. Goosefoot 27 Chenopodiace Salsola collina Pall. Saltwort 28 ae Vent. Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad. Summer cypress 29 Corispermum mongolicum Tick-seed 30 Stellaria dichotoma L. Starwort Caryophyllacea 31 Arenaria capillaris Poir. Slender mountain sandwort e Juss. 32 Dianthus versicolor Fisch. Pink 33 Pulsatilla turczaninovii Pasque-flower 34 Ranunculaceae Thalictrum simplexL Meadow-rue 35 Juss. Thalictrum foetidum L. Foetid meadow-rue 36 Halerpestes ruthenica (Jacq.) Ovcz Cruciferae Ptilotrichum tenuifolium(Steph.) Alyssum trichostachyum 37 Juss. C.A.Mey. 127

38 Dontostemon integrifolius (L.) C.A.Mey. Dentastamen 39 Potentilla bifurca L. Cinquefoil 40 Rosaceae Potentilla acaulis L. Cinquefoil 41 Juss. Potentilla tanacetifolia 42 Sibbaldianthe adpressa (Bge.) Juz. Pea-shrub 43 Caragana microphylla (Pall.) Lam. Caragana 44 Caragana stenophylla Pojark. Caragana versicolor 45 Caragana pygmaea (L.)DC. Caragana pumila Leguminosae 46 Astragalus galactites Pall. Milk vetch Juss. 47 Astragalus mongolicus Bunge. Milk- vetch Mongol 48 Oxytropis filiformis DC. Oxytropis 49 Thermopsis dahurica Czefr. Thermopsis Linaceae Flax 50 Linium sibiricum DC. S.F.Gray 51 Umbelliferae Bupleurum scorzonerifoliumWilld. Thorough-wax 52 Juss. Bupleurum bicaule Helm. Thorough-grow Primulaceae Rock-jasmine 53 Androsace incana Lam. Vent. Plumbaginacea Beauty Goniolmon 54 Goniolimon speciosum (L.) Boiss. e Juss. Convolvulacea Cornbind 55 Convolvulus arvensis L. e Juss. Boraginaceae Stick-seed 56 Lappula intermedia (Ldb.) M.Pop. Juss. 57 Thymus gobicusTschern. Thyme Labiatae Juss. 58 Phlomis tuberosa L. Jerusalem-sage Scrophulariace Silver speedwell 59 Veronica incana L. ae Juss. 60 Cymbaria dahurica L. Plantaginaceae Plantain 61 Plantago major L. Juss. Rubiaceae Bedstraw 62 Galium verum L. Juss. 63 Heteropapus hispidus(Thunbg.) Less. Aster 64 Artemisia dracunculus L. Estragon 65 Artemisia pectinata Pall. Sage-brush 66 Artemisia scoparia Waldst. Virgate wormwood 67 Artemisia frigida Willd. Wormwood 68 Compositae Artemisia adamsiiBess. Wormwood 69 Giseke. Artemisia commutata Bess Wormwood 70 Artemisia tanacetifolia L. Wormwood 71 Centaurea adpressa Ledeb. Centaury 72 Cirsium setosum (Willd.) Bieb Creeping thistle 73 Saussurea salicifolia(L.) DC. Saw-wort 74 Taraxacum officinale Wigg. Dandelion


APPENDIX 2B: Mammal species registered in the project region

Scientific name of

Mongolian name mammal species of mammal English name of species mammal species

IUCN Red List (2006) (2006) List Red IUCN category Global Rare of List Mongolian 2012 Species, Mongolia, of Redbook 1987, 1997.213 II appendix I, CITES (2006) List Red Fauna Law on Hunting Law on

RODENTIA 1.Бараан хэрэм Sciurus vulgaris Eurasian red squirrel NT - - - NT - HA 2.Замба жирх Tamias sibiricus Siberian chipmunk LC - - - LC - - 3.Монгол Marmota sibirica Siberian marmot LC - - - EN - HA тарвага 4.Сүүлэрхэг Citellus undulatus Long-tailed ground LC - - - LC - - зурам squirrel 5.Хөхвөр олби Pteromys volans Siberian flying EN - - - EN - - squirrel 6.Шивэр Allactaga sibirica Siberian jerboa LC - - - LC - - алагдаага 7.Хөх шишүүхэй Cricetulus Striped dwarf LC - - - LC - - barabensis hamster 8.Хадны Alticola semicanus Mongolian silver LC - - - LC - - барагчин vole 9.Ойн хүрэн Clethrionomys Grey red-backed LC - - - LC - - оготно rufocanus vole 10.Ойн улаан Clethrionomys rutilus Northern red-backed LC - - - LC - - оготно vole 11.Цайвар үлийч Lasiopodomys Brandt’s vole LC - - - LC - - brandti 12.Өргөөнч Microtus fortis Reed vole LC - - - LC - - оготно 13.Хэргэлзий Microtus gregalis Narrow-headed vole LC - - - LC - - оготно 14.Ширгийн Microtus Maximowicz’s vole LC - - - LC - - оготно maximowiczii 15.Монгол Microtus mongolicus Mongolian vole LC - - - LC - - оготно 16.Мэхээрч Microtus oeconomus Root vole LC - - - LC - - оготно 17.Ойн Myopus schisticolor Wood limming LC - - - DD - - хөвхөлжин 18.Азийн хулгана Apodemus Korean field mouse LC - - - LC - - peninsulae 129

19.Чигчий Micromys minutus Eurasian harvest LC - - - LC - - хулгана mouse 20.Сохор номин Myospalax aspalax False zokor LC - - - DD - - LAGOMORPHA 21.Дагуурын Ochotona dauurica Daurian pika LC - - - LC - - огдой 22.Асганы огдой Ochotona Northern pika LC - - - LC - - hyperborea 23.Чандага Lepus timidus Arctic hare LC - - - LC - HA туулай 24.Боролзон Lepus tolai Tolai hare LC - - - LC - HA туулай ERINACEIDA 25.Дагуурын Mesechinus Daurian hedgehog LC - - - LC - - зараа dauuricus

INSECTIVORA 26.Малтаахай Crocidura sibirica Siberian shrew LC - - - DD - - жөвүү 27.Дааган Sorex caecutiens Laxmann’s shrew LC - - - LC - - атаахай 28.Бэсрэг Sorex daphaenodon Large-toothed shrew LC - - - LC - - атаахай 29.Тэгш атаахай Sorex isodon Even- toothed shrew LC - - - LC - - 30.Цармын Sorex tundrensis Tundra shrew LC - - - DD - - атаахай 31.Өөдсөн Sorex minutissimus Miniscule shrew LC - - - LC - - атаахай CHIROPTERA 32.Умрын Eptesicus nilssoni Northern bat LC - - - LC - - сарсаахай 33.Ойсог Myotis brandtii Brandt’s bat LC - - - DD - - багваахай 34.Уссаг Myotis daubentoni Daubenton’s bat LC - - - LC - - багваахай 35.Сахалт Myotis mystacinus Whiskered bat LC - - - LC - - багваахай 36.Жижиг Plecotus auritus Brown long-eared LC - - - LC - - соотгой bat 37.Буурал Vespertilio murinus Particoloured bat LC - - - LC - - сармаахай CARNIVORA 38.Хүрэн Upsus arctos Brown bear LC + + - DD R - баавгай 39.Еврази Lynx lynx Eurasian lynx NT + - II NT R HA шилүүс 40.Мануул мий Otocolobus manul Pallas’s cat NT - - II NT - HA 41.Саарал чоно Canis lupus Grey wolf LC - - II NT - HA 42.Шар үнэг Vulpes vulpes Red fox LC - - - NT - HA


43.Хярс үнэг Vulpes corsac Corsac fox LC - - - NT - HA 44.Загал элбинх Nyctereutes Raccoon dog VU - - - LC - HA procyonoides 45.Нохой зээх Gulo gulo Wolverine VU - - - LC - HA 46.Ойн булга Martes zibellina Sable VU - - - EN R HA 47.Халздай Meles meles Eurasian badger LC - - - LC - HA дорго 48.Солонго үен Mustela altaica Mountain weasel VU - - - LC - HA 49.Өмхий үен Mustela eversmanni Steppe polecat LC - - - LC - - 50.Хотны үен Mustela nivalis Least weasel LC - - - LC - - 51.Модны үен Mustela sibirica Siberian weasel LC - - - LC - - АRTIODACTYLA 52.Халиун буга Cervus elaphus Red deer LC + + - CR R HA 53.Бор гөрөөс Capreolus pygargus Siberian roe deer LC - - - LC - HA 54.Зэрлэг гахай Sus scrofa Wild boar LC - - - NT R HA 55.Баданга Moschus Siberian musk deer VU + + II EN R хүдэр moschiferus 56.Шивэр Alces alces Eurasian elk VU - + - EN VR хандгай



Table A3-1: Environmental Monitoring Interview Form

Date of Interview: Interviewer Name: Interview Site: Stakeholder Name & Status: Where is the interview held? In Full name, status is business owner, school, on the road, in shop school teacher, religious leader, resident Construction Site & Date Has this stakeholder been Construction Started interviewed before? Which road, GPS location if available Yes (when were they interviewed) No Interview Discussion Points 1. Noise Record of Discussion Before the project started, was the person disturbed by noise? If yes, explain how and when. Where did the noise come from? E.g. traffic, machinery, people, music When did it disturb the person? E.g. all day, at night, intermittently During the construction, is the person disturbed by noise from the project? If yes, explain how and when. What type of noise and where did the noise come from? E.g. increased traffic congestion, construction machinery, construction workers etc When did it disturb the person? E.g. all day, at night, intermittently If noise from construction is a problem, what changes does the person suggest are made? 2. Air Quality Record of Discussion Before the project started, was the person affected by air pollution or dust? If yes, explain how and when. Where did the pollution or dust come from? E.g. traffic, machinery, construction, burning garbage, cooking stoves When was the dust or pollution a problem? E.g. all day, at night, intermittently During the project, is the person disturbed by dust or pollution? If yes, explain how and when. What type of noise and where did the noise come from? E.g. increased traffic congestion, construction machinery, construction workers, burning construction garbage etc When did it disturb the person? E.g. all day, at night, intermittently If dust or air pollution from the construction is a problem, what changes does the person suggest are made?


3. Vegetation Record of Discussion Before the project started, what was the vegetation like along the road? E.g. pasture land, trees, shrubs. During the project, has the person found the vegetation situation has changed? If yes, explain how and when. If impact on vegetation is unacceptable, what changes does the person suggest are made? 4. Road Safety Record of Discussion Before the project started, can you describe the road safety situation at the site/school/house etc? E.g. no problems, some accidents, difficulty crossing the roads During the project, has the person found the road safety situation has changed? If yes, explain how and when. Slower traffic so easier to cross the roads, construction vehicles are making a crossing harder / easier, more accidents / less accidents If change in road safety is unacceptable, what changes does the person suggest are made? 5. Land Use and Access Record of Discussion During the project, has the person found the access for herders or other land users has changed? If yes, explain how and when E.g. Change pasture quality, access to pasture on both sides of road If change in land use and access is unacceptable, what changes does the person suggest are made? 6. Other issues Record of Discussion Any other issues about the construction sites that the person wants to discuss? E.g. Water / wastewater concerns, Garbage disposal, Other concerns


Table A3-2: Post Construction Environmental Condition Monitoring Form

Date of Site Visit : Name of Monitor: Type of Site Check (tick) Before Construction Ends Post-Construction Site Observations 1. Condition of Site Observations Garbage Is there construction waste on the site? What type of waste? Is it hazardous? Where is it? Land Condition Is any disturbed land and soil properly contoured? Is it re-planted if re-vegetation is needed? Contamination Is any land or water at the site contaminated, with chemicals, garbage etc? Are any chemicals spills including fuel, visible? Services & Infrastructure Are any services damaged because of the construction? Are drains and culverts blocked or clean? Any damage to buildings, lighting, street signs etc ? Community Health & Safety Will the site cause a health and safety risk to the community? Are there trenches or pits? Are there other hazards which may impact on health? Other Issues

Requirements for Contractor Issue List Issues and observations that the contractor is required to fix

Date Requirements Given to Contractor Date by Which Contractor Agrees to Fix Issues


Table A3-3: GRM Complaint Form

PIU Staff Responsible: (name and role) Date: (of this record)

Date of Complaint:

Date Resolution Required by (17 days from initial complaint):

Complaint Made by:

(Name & Contact Details)

Method of Complaint: (direct to PIU, via

Contractor, Via Bagh or soum)

Details of Complaint: (issues, actions taken so

far, when did it start – all details needed)

PIU Actions: (Next steps for PIU to resolve the issue or to move complaint to next level)

Follow Up Actions Needed and Date: (PIU to follow up on

resolution if needed, e.g. check contractor actions, or escalate to next level)



December 2018

Climate Risks and Vulnerability Assessment for the MON: Regional Road Development and Maintenance Project (including Proposed Loan and Administration of Grant for Additional Financing)

Prepared by Batimaa P., Mongolia Water Forum Uskhelts



I. INTRODUCTION ...... 134






LIST OF FIGURES Figure A4-1: Road project area (road alignment in circle) Figure A4-2. Temperature changes in the road section from Arvaikheer towards to Ulaanbaatar Figure A4-3. Temperature changes along the road section from Ulaanbaatar to Altanbulag Figure A4-4: Precipitation Trends at Arvaikheer soum Figure A4-5. Precipitation Trends at Ulaanbaatar8 Darkhan and Sukhbaatar soums Figure A4-6. Winter temperature scenarios in the project areas represented by Ulaanbaatar station Figure A4-7.Summer temperature scenarios in the project areas represented by Ulaanbaatar station Figure A4-8. Winter precipitation scenarios in the project areas represented by Ulaanbaatar station Figure A4-9. Summer precipitation scenarios in the project areas represented by Ulaanbaatar station Figure A4-10: Deterioration of Pavement in the 431-373 km road section from Arvaikheer to Ulaanbaatar Figure A4-11. Deterioration of Pavement in the road section from Ulaanbaatar to Altanbulag Figure A4-12: Snow cover on and blocking of Road Lane in the road section from Arvaikheer to Ulaanbaatar Figure A4-13. Snow cover on Road Lane in the road section from Ulaanbaatar to Altanbulag Figure A4-14. Trends of weather extreme events Figure A4-15: Water Related Events Figure A4-16. Annual distribution of The Yeree River monthly maximum Figure A4-17. The Yeree River daily average discharges of the summer high water year 2012 Figure A4-18. The road damage near to Orkhon soum in the road section from Darkhan to Altanbulag Figure A4-19. The flash flood fow over road at about 20 km from the Arvaikheer on 6 July 2018 Figure A4-20. The flood occurred on 16 July 2018 between Darkhan and Selenge Figure A4-21. Flash flood near to Boroo dam section of the road from Ulaanbaatar to Darkhan on 16 July 2018

LIST OF TABLES Table A4-1.Meteorological stations, data and data soure Table A4-2. Definitions of the climate extreme indices Table A4-3. Monthly mean air temperatures at meteorological stations that located near to road sections Table A4-4. Annual distribution of precipitations in the road sections Table A4-5. Changes of climate extreme indices at Ulaanbaatar station Table A4-6: Possible Impacts of Snow Storm on the Road Table A4-7. The annual distribution of The Yeree River Discharge



1. The additional financing is proposed to the approved Loan 3679: Mongolia Regional Road Development and Maintenance Project with the following outputs: (i) road condition improved for Ulaanbaatar–Darkhan (204 km) and Khuiten Valley–Arvaikheer (58 km) sections, (ii) road safety improved for the above sections, and (iii) due diligence reports for project preparation prepared for Chinggis–Norovlin–Dadal section (257 km), the so-called “Secret History” road. The outputs of the overall project will be as below.

2. The road sections under loan 3679 and additional financing components cover (a) 311 kilometers (km) of existing national highway sections from Ulaanbaatar capital city towards to Altanbulag (193 km_ UB-Darkhan and 118 km: Darkhan-Altanbulag (b) 58 km east from Khuiten Valley to Arvaikheer. The climate risk for the project area was screened as medium and this climate risks and vulnerability assessment (CRVA) is prepared.

3. Current climate change shows the project region is getting hotter and drier as air temperature increased while precipitation decreased in Ulaanbaatar and Sukhbaarat between mid of 1960s to 2015. Air temperature and precipitation in all seasons are projected to increase under high (RCP8.5), mid (RCP4.5) and low (RCP2.6) GHG emission scenarios. In general, temperature change directly depends on the intensity of GHG emission. However, winter temperature changes are slightly low and annual variation is higher in winter compared to summer temperature changes. The winter precipitation will increase by 12.1%, 30.7% and 52.4% in the period 2016 to 2035, 2046-2065 and 2081 to 2100 respectively while there are not much changes in summer precipitation.

4. The climate change scenario analysis indicated enhanced risks for increased temperature and snow accumulation. The possible climate related risk in the project area is snow accumulation on the road due to heavy snowfall. Increased winter temperatures and snow may increase the risk of accidents happening from compacting of snow flakes and possible thin ice sheet formation on the pavement.

(i) Higher temperatures may cause the reduction of the structural strength of the pavement and increased need for maintenance.

(ii) Increased temperatures are likely to have impacts on the pavement performance and influence the rate of pavement deterioration by:

(iii) altering the moisture balances in the pavement foundation

(iv) accelerating the ageing of road surfacing bitumen layers

(v) deteriorating pavement like weakening of strength.

5. Observed pavement roughness, rutting, cracking involves many non-climate factors such as construction technology, material used, skill of engineers and others of the company etc. rather than just climate change. However, the region has been identified as being subject to climate change and is likely to be impacted by increased average temperature, duration of hot days, and increased evidence of heavy rainfall.

6. Mongolia has an extremely variable climate. Throughout its long history, the flood-drought cycle has been an unavoidable and natural part of life, with periods of severe drought followed 139 by extensive flooding. Therefore, the increased temperature, more hot days and extreme precipitation would lead to the reduction of the structural strength of the pavement and increased need for road maintenance.

7. As a part of road maintenance, snow accumulation areas shall be identified along the road alignment and snow protection works shall be planned and performed accordingly. The protection measure may not necessarily be expensive structure but could be strengthening a capacity of readiness to clean the road, planting three snow break etc. The identification of dry beds with a high risk to flash floods along the road alignment is important and appropriate road embankment, culverts, and road side drainage work to protect roads from further flash floods need to be built so to reduce the risk to traffic and accident. Current management to plan, and operation and maintenance (O&M) practices shall be updated to recognize the risks posed by climate change.

8. Further consideration needs to be given to the existing road maintenenace practices in Mongolia on how climate change can be more effectively accounted to reduce the risks to the road. Recognizing the increasing impact of climate change, having a mandatory assessment of climate change risks to infrastructure project can be usueful to owners and operators. Frameworks need to be developed within existing planning processes that will assist road authorities to adequately respond to the projected impact of climate change on roads as well as determining appropriate investment and adaptation responses by decision makers.

9. This CRVA is mainly based on desk study. Thus, detailed assessment and risks scale identification can be verified by field survey during a detailed design and construction stage.

I. Introduction

10. This report presents the initial findings of climate change and vulnerability assessment for the approved Loan 3679: Mongolia Regional Road Development and Maintenance Project and the project component of additional financing. The initial assessment of the climate change and vulnerability was based on some climate and hydrological observed data, results of different greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions scenarios developed for the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and literature review.

A. Project Area

11. The road sections under loan 3679 and additional financing components cover (a) 311 kilometers (km) of existing national highway sections from Ulaanbaatar capital city towards to Altanbulag (193 km_ UB-Darkhan and 118 km: Darkhan-Altanbulag (b) around 58 km east from Khuiten Valley to Arvaikheer (Figure A4-1). The climate risk for the project area was screened as medium.

Figure A4-1. Road project area (road alignment in circle)


II. Data and methodology

A. Data Source.

12. The main source of climatological data was the National Agency for Meteorology and Environment Monitoring. Monthly average air temperatures in Celsius (°C); precipitation in mm for the period 1960-2015 was used for this study from meteorological stations at Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan and Arvaikheer (Table A1-1). Different maps like weather maps, Mongolia permafrost map, Mongolia dust storm map are used for this study. The Yeree River hydrological data was used.

Table A4-1. Meteorological stations, data and data soure No Site Data used Period Meteorological station 1 Ulaanbaatar Monthly mean air 1966-2015 Ulaanbaatar at temperature, oC city center Capital city Monthly mean 1966-2015 precipitation, mm Buyant-Ukhaa Daily maximum and 1961-2015 Ulaanbaatar minimum air temperature, near to airport oC and precipitation 2 Darkhan soum Monthly mean air 1984-2015 Darkhan at temperature, oC soum center Monthly mean 1984-2015 precipitation, mm 141

3 Sukhbaatar Monthly mean air 1966-2015 Sukhbaatar at soum temperature, oC Selenge aimag center Monthly mean 1966-2015 precipitation, mm 4 Arvaikheer Monthly mean air 1960-2015 Arvaikheer at soum temperature, oC aimag center Monthly mean 1960-2015 precipitation, mm 5 The Yeree River daily 2012 Dulaankhaan discharge The Yeree River monthly 1996. 2012 Dulaankhaan maximum discharge The Yeree River monthly 1984-2014 Dulaankhaan mean discharge Source: National Agency Meteorology and the Enviromental Monitoring (2017)

B. Methodology

13. The assessment was conducted by analyzing the historical trends of climate variables, the projected future trends for the climate, and climate change risk. Linear regression methods were used to analyze trends within the observed changes. Based on this assessment, some adaptation options are proposed.

14. Current climate: In evaluating the potential impacts of climate change on the project sites it is necessary to establish current climate change baseline. For this preliminary screening of CRVA only historic climate data of temperature and precipitation is used to establish baseline climate. The linear regression methods were used to analyze long term observed climate data to present current climate trends.

15. Scenario: The assessment was conducted for different greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions scenarios known as Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) developed for the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5).

16. The two road regions are in the II B zone of the road-climatological zone of Mongolia classified by the climate and geo-technical factors31. Thus the downscaled climate scenarios that are derived from the General Circulation Model were established for Ulaanbaatar City to represent the region.

17. Future projection of winter, summer and annual mean of temperature and precipitation over Ulaanbaatar is estimated by ensemble mean of 10 GCMs from 2016 to 2100 under high (RCP8.5), mid (RCP4.5) and low (RCP2.6) GHG emissions scenarios. Among them, RCP2.6 is considered as the scenario with the lowest emission that corresponds to the agreed outcomes of the Paris agreement (no more than 2.0°C over pre-industrial). RCP4.5 are the medium emission and RCP8.5 is the extreme case that represent the highest level of emission with the most significant climate changes.

31 Namkhaijantsan G., D.Dashjamts, U.Purevdorj 2004. Climate and geo-technical factors for road. Building norm and regulations:2.01.01.-2004. Ulaanbaatar.


18. Timeframes used for this CRVA are i) the current 65 years from 1950 to 2015; ii) the near- term future from 2016 to 2035; iii) mid-term future 2046-2065 and ii), the long-term future from 2081 to 2100.

19. Climate risk analysis: Data on extreme climate phenomenon have been available. Thus the information presented in this report is just to illustrate which kind of weather related phenomenon could happen mostly based on literature revew.

20. Reports: Some reports produced under this TA8852 was consulted. Reports consulted are (i) The UB-Darkhan Updated IEE report (June 04), (ii) Due Diligence No.1 for Khuiten Valley- Arvaikheer 58km, (iii) 181018 Memo for concept clearance (RRDM Phase 2) clean.

21. Changes in climate extreme indices: The extremal indices changes calculated using daily data available from the Ulaanbaatar stations. Definitions of the climate extreme indices are given in Table A4-2.

Table A4- 2. Definitions of the climate extreme indices Index name (unit) Definition of the extreme indices Possible impact and risk Freezing and thawing Cold days (days) Year Tn (lowest temperature of the day) <0 of soils Annual maximum The annual hottest The maximum daily temperature in a year temperature (oС) condition Annual minimum The annual coldest The minimum daily temperature in a year temperature (oС) condition

Duration of hot wave, The maximum temperature for consecutive 5 Consecutive hot (days) days lasted more than 6 days weather days

Duration of cold wave, The maximum temperature for consecutive 5 Consecutive hot (days) days lasted more than 6 days weather days Number of days with maximum temperature Number of extremely Hot days, (days) >30oС hot days Number of very hot Number of days with maximum temperature Events in hot condition days, (days) >35oС Number of days with The number of days with precipitation maximum amount of Intensity higher than 1 mm precipitation (days)


A. Changes in Air Temperature

22. According to the climate map the climate of the both project area is characterized by long cold winters, dry and hot summers, low precipitation, high temperature fluctuations (day and night, summer and winter). The monthly average air temperatures of the meteo-stations in the road sections is given in Table 3.

Table A4- 3. Monthly mean air temperatures at meteorological stations that located near to road sections 143

Meteorologi- I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII cal station names Meteorological station in the section from Arvaikheer towards to Ulaanbaatar Arvaikheer -14.6 -12.3 -6.0 2.2 9.4 14.6 16.3 14.7 9.2 1.8 -7.0 -12.7 Meteorological stations in the sections from Ulaanbaatar to Altanbulag Ulaanbaatar -21.6 -17.3 -8.1 1.7 9.7 15.5 17.8 15.7 9.1 0.5 -11.0 -19.2 Darkhan -23.8 -18.6 -6.4 4.2 11.8 17.7 20.1 17.7 10.6 2.1 -9.8 -19.9 Sukhbaatar -22.9 -18.3 -6.8 3.8 11.4 17.6 19.9 17.4 10.3 1.5 -9.9 -19.4

23. Observed annual mean temperatures at Arvaikheer meteorological stations has increased by 2.1oC since the 1960s (Error! Reference source not found.) which may represent temperature changes in the 58 km long road section of from Arvaikheer towards to Ulaanbaatar.

Figure A4-2. Temperature changes in the road section from Arvaikheer towards to Ulaanbaatar

24. Similarly observed annual mean temperatures at Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan and Sukhbaatar meteorological stations that are located along the road section from Ulaanbaatar to Altanbulag have been increasing since mid of 1960s. Particularly, temperature at Ulaanbaatar has increased by 2.8oC between 1966 and 2015, 2.2oC between 1984 and 2015 at Darkhan and 1.8oC between 1966 and 2015 at Sukhbaatar.


Figure A4-3. Temperature changes along the road section from Ulaanbaatar to Altanbulag

B. Changes in Precipitation

25. June, July and August are the summer rainy season in Mongolia. The project area is semi-arid to arid. Precipitation varies both in time and location. The annual mean precipitation is 241.1 mm in the Khuiten Valley–Arvaikheer road section, and 263.2 mm in Ulaanbaatar, 283.2 mm in Darhan and 283.2 mm in Sukhbaatar in the road section from Ulaanbaatar to Altanbulag. 145

About 90% of the total precipitation falls from April to September as rain and only 10% from October to March as snow (Table 4).

Table A4-4. Annual distribution of precipitations in the road sections Meteorological I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Total station names Meteorological station in the section from Arvaikheer towards to Ulaanbaatar Arvaikheer 1.0 1.5 3.6 6.7 15.7 37.1 84.7 63.0 18.5 5.9 2.7 1.4 241.4 Meteorological stations in the sections from Ulaanbaatar to Altanbulag Ulaanbaatar 2.2 2.5 4.0 8.5 18.8 47.6 67.3 67.1 28.2 8.5 5.1 3.5 263.2 Darkhan 4.0 3.2 4.3 12.3 27.2 58.6 72.3 84.0 36.8 14.4 7.8 5.7 330.7 Sukhbaatar 3.2 2.4 2.9 9.9 22.3 50.7 69.7 72.6 34.0 11.0 5.9 4.1 283.2

26. Clear skies in winter due to high anti-cyclone dominance over Mongolia results in less snowfall. Snow contributes less than 10% to the total annual precipitation. The first snowfall occurs in late September to early October. Usually, the first snowfall is short-lived and disappears due to late autumn warmth and wind.

27. The annual mean precipitation has decreased by 50 mm since 1960 at Arvaikheer soum (Error! Reference source not found.).

Figure A4-4. Precipitation Trends at Arvaikheer soum

28. Since 1966 the annual mean precipitation have decreased by 20 mm and 30 mm at Ulaanbaatar and Sukhbaatar soum respectively and increased by 25 mm at Darkhan soum


Figure A4-5. Precipitation Trends at Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan, and Sukhbaatar soums


C. Changes in climate extreme indices

29. As shown in the Table 5 annual maximum temperature has increased by 3.9oC while annual minimum temperature decreased by 4.8 oС. Also hot days with air temperature more than 30oC has increased by 24.7 days and very hot days with more than 35oC –by 5 days. As a result the duration of hot wave has increased by 20 days and duration of cold wave increased by 7.3 days.

30. The number of days with maximum amount of precipitation has increased by one day which says the intensity of precipitation is increasing.

Table A4-5. Changes of climate extreme indices at Ulaanbaatar station Index name Change 1961- Index 2015 Cold days (days) fd -1.3 Annual maximum temperature (oС) TXx 3.9 Annual minimum temperature (oС) TNn -4.8 Duration of hot wave, (days) wsdi 20 Duration of cold wave, (days) csdi 7.3 Hot days, (days) SU30 24.7 Number of very hot days, (days) SU35 5 Number of days with maximum amount of precipitation (days) cwd 1

D. Climate Change Projections

31. Projections of temperature: Results of ensemble mean of 10 GCMs from 2016 to 2100 under high (RCP8.5), mid (RCP4.5) and low (RCP2.6) GHG emission scenarios are shown for winter (Figure 6) and summer (Figure 7) temperature. In general, temperature change directly depends on the intensity of GHG emission. However, winter temperature changes are slightly low and annual variation is higher in winter compared to summer temperature changes.


Figure A4-6. Winter temperature scenarios in the project areas represented by Ulaanbaatar station


RCP8.5 10 RCP4.5 RCP2.6 8







Temperature change,



2020 2040 2060 2080 2100

Figure A4-7. Summer temperature scenarios in the project areas represented by Ulaanbaatar station


RCP8.5 10 RCP4.5 RCP2.6 8







Temperature change,



2020 2040 2060 2080 2100

32. Projections of precipitation Results of ensemble mean of 10 GCMs from 2016 to 2100 under high (RCP8.5), mid (RCP4.5) and low (RCP2.6) GHG emission scenarios are shown for winter (Figure 6) and summer (Figure 9) precipitation. As can be seen from the figures depending on GHG emission the winter precipitation will increase by 12.1%, 30.7% and 52.4% in the period 2016 to 2035, 2046-2065 and 2081 to 2100 respectively while there are not much changes in summer precipitation. 149

Figure A4-8. Winter precipitation scenarios in the project areas represented by Ulaanbaatar station

120 RCP8.5 RCP4.5 100 RCP2.6





Precipitation change,% 0



2020 2040 2060 2080 2100

Figure A4-9. Summer precipitation scenarios in the project areas represented by Ulaanbaatar station

120 RCP8.5 RCP4.5 100 RCP2.6





Precipitation change,% 0



2020 2040 2060 2080 2100

3. Impact of and vulnerability to climate change

A. Impact of Temperature Increase and Hot Days

33. The above results certainly show that climate change is already a fact in the road project areas. Increased temperatures, long lasting hot days and heat waves are likely to have impacts on the pavement performance and influence the rate of pavement deterioration by:


(i) altering the moisture balances in the pavement foundation (ii) accelerating the ageing of road surfacing bitumen layers (iii) deteriorating pavement like weakening of strength

34. These impacts are already visible in many cases, though these typical pavement distresses cannot be exclusively attributed to climate change. Pavement roughness, potholing, cracking, and raveling happen quite often within a year on newly constructed roads in Mongolia. This cause could be explained also by construction quality and poor compliance of standard. But it is not avoidable the natural impacts of high fluctuations of daily and high range between summer and winter temperatures. The example of road pavement deterioration in project areas are shown below Figures.

35. The current standard used for designing, planning and maintenance of roads do not recognize the risks posed by climate change in its entirety. For example the asphalt concrete is only 5 cm thick. Hence consideration needs to be given to how climate change can be more effectively accounted to reduce the risks for deterioration and maintenance.

Figure A4-10. Deterioration of Pavement in the 431-373 km road section from Arvaikheer to Ulaanbaatar

Source: Uvurkhangai AZZA, 19 April 2017

Figure A4-11. Deterioration of Pavement in the road section from Ulaanbaatar to Altanbulag

Source: Uvurkhangai AZZA, 19 April 2017 151

B. Impact of Increased Snow Fall

36. The future climate scenario suggest that the road regions will experience an increase in winter precipitation means that the snow fall will increase. Usually in Mongolia the snow depth reaches 40cms and snow cover lasts about 6 months. Heavy snow combined with wind, very often blocks roads in Mongolia. An example of snow blocking on the road lane is shown in Figure 12 and 13. This kind of weather phenomenon often blocks transportation, damage infrastructure and increase accidents. For example about 2-3 cm thick ice cover was created on the road from Ulaanbaatar to Darkhan on from 8 to 9 October 2017 and prevented traffic with more than 1000 passengers for a day (, 9 October 2017).

Figure A4-12. Snow cover on and blocking of Road Lane in the road section from Arvaikheer to Ulaanbaatar (26 February 2016)

Source: Country water security assessment report, 2017

Figure A4-13. Snow cover on Road Lane in the road section from Ulaanbaatar to Altanbulag

Source: and

37. In Mongolia when snow depth exceeds 10-15cm creates a problem at roads. Combination of increased winter precipitation (snow) and increased wind speed will likely increase the impact/risk of more frequent occurrences of snow storms, and ultimately snow accumulation on roads. The possible impact of heavy snow is shown in Table below.


Table A4-6. Possible Impacts of Snow Storm on the Road Roadway impacts Traffic flow impacts O&M impacts Increased lane Increased travel time Increased road closures, restricted blocking/obstruction due to delay vehicle type wind-blown snow Increased travel stability interruption, Reduced traffic speed Increased traffic reduced vehicle performance Increased travel stability interruption, Reduced visibility distance Increased accident risk reduced vehicle performance Increased road slickness Increased accident risk reduced vehicle performance

38. In Mongolia the winter climate is characterized by clear sky and sunny days. Most of the road alignment is not protected from snow accumulation. Thus winds easily create snowdrifts, blowing snow can create sudden, unexpected patches of ice on roads even during clear, sunny days.

39. Snow on roadways typically becomes more slick and dangerous because of winter temperature increase and, also due to the heat from tires melting the snow, and subsequent re- freezing at night, and compacting the flakes into thin sheets of ice. Such ice sheets may remain for longer periods in middle and edges of the road lane in winter time. This type of ice layer is the slickest - creating almost zero friction conditions for vehicle tires, which in turn increases accident risk.

40. Due to climate change, sudden increases of temperature up to and above 0oC followed by a snowfall are more prevalent now days. Then the temperature decreases again rapidly which often results in freezing surface soil layers. This may also result in the formation of thin ice sheets on road.

41. Both winter temperatures and snowfalls are projected to increase. This may increase the risk of accidents happening during minor snowfall events on paved roads, rather than just during big snowstorms when awareness and preparation are at a higher level.

C. Impact of Extreme Precipitation

42. Observed pavement roughness, rutting, cracking involves many non-climate factors such as construction technology, material used, skill of engineers and the company etc. rather than just climate factors. However, the region has been identified as being subject to climate change and is likely to be impacted by increased average temperature, and associated consequences of daily maximum temperature and heat wave rise. Hence climate change is likely to significantly challenge the management and planning of road construction and maintenance. 153

43. According to the Mongolia Environment Outlook 2016 32 weather and water-related hazardous events such as floods, thunderstorms, show and windstorms have increased by about two times for the last 25 years compared to period of 1960-2000 (Figure 14). For the last decade annually recorded about 60-120 weather and water-related events in Mongolia, out of which 40% are heavy rain and flash floods (Figure 15). Slow moving natural hazards that affect large areas and last for long durations are drought and severe winter.

Figure A4-14. Trends of weather extreme events

Source: MET, 2016. Environment Outlook-2016

Figure A4-15. Water Related Events

32 MET, 2016. Environment Outlook-2016. Ulaanbaatar


Source: MET, 2016. Environment Outlook-2016

44. The 58 km the Khuiten Valley–Arvaikheer road section crosses Ongi River through bridge. According to the preliminary study33 the average width of the Ongi River varies between 15m to 30m, average depth is between 0.4m to 1.7m and average flow rate is at 4.32 m3/sec at the crossing point of the project road. There are 2 main periods of flood flow events for Ongi river: flood flow caused by snow melting occurs mid-April to mid-May and flood flow caused by heavy rainfall at Khangai mountain range in its upper valley from mid-July to late August. During the rainy period of July and August, flood events occur 2-3 times a year when the river flow rate reaches a maximum of 100m3/sec.

45. The road section from Ulaanbaatar and Altanbulag crosses the small stream Shivert near to Bornuur, The Kharaa River near to Bayanbulag soum, The Shariin River near to Orkhon soum and The Yeree River near Dulaankhaan village. There are bridges over these rivers.

46. Mongolia has an extremely variable climate. Throughout its long history, the flood-drought cycle has been an unavoidable and natural part of life, with periods of severe drought followed by extensive flooding. A distinction should be made between ‘regular’ high discharge floods and flash floods. The high discharge floods are due to snow melting in spring and due to summer rainfall floods; in most cases the slow increase of river water levels and flooding over the riparian zone and floodplains can in most cases be accommodated by the river system and does not cause serious damage. Flash floods are short duration extreme flood events that are more destructive and cause substantial damage.

47. Usually in Mongolia about 65-75 percent of annual runoff forms during warm period from June to October months. During the January-February, there is no runoff due to ice cover. Spring high water takes around 20-25 percent of annual runoff while 50-60 percent forms during summer high water.

33 TA 8853 Mon: Due Diligence No.1 for UB-Arvaikheer 58km report 155

48. Only some hydrological data of The Yeree River was available for time this study. Thus some hydrological analysis of the Yeree River are given in Table 5. The Figure 16 illustrates monthly maximum discharges of high water years with rain (2012) and snow melting (1996).

Table A4-7. The annual distribution of The Yeree River Discharge Ave- I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII rage Long term 2,10 1,34 3,48 28,3 54,6 55,0 83,7 85,8 61,2 35,9 16,4 5,26 36,1 average Annual distribution 0,48 0,31 0,80 6,53 12,6 12,7 19,3 19,8 14,1 8,29 3,79 1,22 % Average of high water 0,83 0,23 0,68 20,8 75,4 54,1 223 213 95,8 49,2 19,0 8,02 63,3 year /2012/ Average of low water 1,48 0,78 2,10 9,40 13,1 11,2 43,8 60,8 38,2 26,1 11,8 4,44 18,6 year /1996/

Figure A4-16. Annual distribution of The Yeree River monthly maximum discharges of the high water years

Figure A4-17. The Yeree River daily average discharges of the summer high water year 2012


49. River flow may increase very fast in case of intense rain. As can be seen from the daily discharge of the high water year 2012, the river flow increased from 263 m3/s to 532 m3/s or 2 times within one day. However so far have not find any evidence or information on that the bridges over the Rivers Kharaa and the Yeree damaged due to floods. Thus the high discharge floods due to snow melting ad heavy rain within river channel may not impact the bridge or road seriously. However it should be noted that the discharge in the slow rising flood can exceed the long term average by 10-20 times. Thus it also should be noted that such quick rise of run-off may already affected the capacity of river beds to store water, in order word, may the river system are no longer in their natural state.

50. The reported 1290 m3 /sec high flow during the 1973 flood34 as reported in IEE is not confirmed by observed data and literatures reviewed by this study.

51. The snow melting and rain water not only increase the river flow but most seriously result in intense surface flow in creeks or other waterways normally in dry beds. In most cases flood flow flows along the road side and damage or wash road embankment and in some case the pavement. The Figure 18 illustrates about 12 meters long road embankment and 1.6 metre road width damage near to Orkhon soum (about 7 km) in the road section from Darkhan to Altanbulag due to snowmelt flood happened on 3 March 2017 ( During this flood road damaged in several places for about 145 meters distance.

Figure A4-18. The road damage near to Orkhon soum in the road section from Darkhan to Altanbulag

34 Initial Environmental Examination June 2018: UB-Darkhan Updated IEE June 04, the Ministry of Roads Transport and Development for the Asian Development Bank 157


52. Increasing trends in extreme rainfall events are evident in Mongolia35 that course flash floods. In Mongolia flash floods generally occur within few minutes to several hours of the rainfall event. There are quite number of evidence that roads are damaged by flash floods in both road sections.

53. The Figure below illustrates flooded road at about 20 km from Arvaikheer due to intense rain and hail occurred on 6 July 2018.

Figure A4-19. The flash flood fow over road at about 20 km from the Arvaikheer on 6 July 2018

35 MET, 2017. Third National Communication of Mongolia to UNFFCCC.


Source: Uvurkhnagai MONTSAME, 7 July 2018.

54. According to the preliminary study 36 it is fount that there are three critical areas (STA.422+100, STA.418 and STA.395+100) for flash flood along the road section from Khuiten Valley to Arvaikheer. As these floods have been recorded, some additional survey for rainfall, duration and damage would help to design road embankment, culverts and drainage to protect

55. The Figure below illustrates flooded road between Darkhan and Selenge on 16 July 2018. Because of this flood the traffic was prevented ( In the same day the Shavart and Shivert rivers (near to Boroo dam, about 103 km from Ulaanbaatar) were flooded and prevented the traffic because the flood blocked the road (

Figure A4-20. The flood occurred on 16 July 2018 between Darkhan and Selenge

36 TA 8853: Mon: Due Dilegence No.1 for UB Arvaikheer 58 k road section” report 159


Figure A4-21. Flash flood near to Boroo dam section of the road from Ulaanbaatar to Darkhan on 16 July 2018


56. Another natural phenomenon may affect the road due to climate change is changes in permafrost. According to the latest permafrost map of Mongolia with scale of 1:1000 000


(Jambaljav et. Al., 201637) rare patchy, occasional, and seasonal frizzing type of permafrost distributed in the Khangai and Khentii mountain foothills, slopes and river valleys and depressions. The road sections from Arvaikheer goes along the low hills of eastern Khangain mountain foothills and Ongi river valleys. The road section from Ulaanbaatar to Altanbulag goes along the Khetii mountain foothills, slopes and the Kharaa, Yeree and Orkhon Rivers’ valleys. Thus the both road sections are in the rare patchy, occasional, and seasonal frizzing type of permafrost area.

57. The further climate change may result in permafrost temperature increase in area of rare patchy, occasional, and seasonal frizzing type. The changes in permafrost temperature increase will certainly affect the road strength and quality. However, without detailed geotechnical and permafrost survey, it is difficult to predict the impacts of permafrost in future. At this stage, site visits confirmed that there was no sign of permafrost in the project road corridors.

4. Conclusion and Recommendation

58. Current climate change shows the project region is getting hotter and drier as air temperature increased while precipitation decreased in Ulaanbaatar and Sukhbaarat between mid of 1960s to 2015.

59. Air temperature and precipitation in all seasons are projected to increase under high (RCP8.5), mid (RCP4.5) and low (RCP2.6) GHG emission scenarios. In general, temperature change directly depends on the intensity of GHG emission. However, winter temperature changes are slightly low and annual variation is higher in winter compared to summer temperature changes.

60. Depending on GHG emission the winter precipitation will increase by 12.1%, 30.7% and 52.4% in the period 2016 to 2035, 2046-2065 and 2081 to 2100 respectively while there are not much changes in summer precipitation.

61. The climate change scenario analysis indicated risks for increased temperature and winter precipitation (snow). The possible climate related risk in the project area is snow accumulation on the road due to heavy snowfall and seasonal floods. Increased winter temperatures and snow may increase the risk of accidents happening from compacting of snow flakes and possible thin ice sheet formation on the pavement.

62. Higher temperatures and longer hot days may cause the reduction of the structural strength of the pavement and increased need for maintenance.

63. Climate adaptation measures like additional culverts at flood prone areas and raising the height of the embankment in some low spots, and installing AC layers to be 7 cm (4cm+3cm) for

37 Ya.Jambaljav, Ya.Gansukh, Kh.Temuujin, G.Tsogterdene et al., 2016, Mongolian Permafrost Distribution Map, scale 1:1000 000. 161 entire length of road section have been discussed during the conceptual design. The estimated costs for these adaptation measures for the project are 16 million USD. During the detailed design stage, those climate adaptation measures for the project will be confirmed.

64. To promote climate proof road projects in Mongolia, the following options are proposed, which need further discussion with the relevant government authorities and stakeholders. These are:

(i) For all road projects, identify snow accumulation areas along the road alignment during construction period. Based on these results, design and build snow protection works as required. The protection measure may not necessarily be expensive structure but could be strengthening a capacity of readiness to clean the road, planting three for snow break.

(ii) For all road projects, identify dry beds with a high risk to flash floods along the road alignment during designing and construction period. Based on these results, design appropriate road embankment, culverts, and road side drainage work in a way how to protect from further flash floods to reduce the risk to traffic and accident.

(iii) Current road maintenance in Mongolia does not recognize the risks posed by climate change. Hence consideration needs to be given to how climate change can be more effectively accounted to reduce the risks to the road. Recognizing the impact of climate change, perhaps the assessment of climate change risks to infrastructure should be made mandatory to owners and operators. Frameworks need to be developed within existing planning processes that will assist road authorities to adequately respond to the projected impact of climate change on roads as well as determining appropriate investment and adaptation responses by decision makers.

(iv) Local and state government agencies need to improve their knowledge of infrastructure assets and associated life cycles, to not only increase their capacity to adapt to climate change but also account for future budget linked to maintenance and operation.

(v) The current standard used for designing, planning and maintenance of roads do not recognize not only climate variability but also the risks posed by climate change in its entirety. Hence consideration needs to be given to whether this current road quality standard meets variations in climate variability.

(vi) All parties involved in rehabilitation of the two road sections (client, designers and contractors) need to be aware of how climate change can be more effectively accounted to improve the quality and lifetime the road and reduce risks to travelers