Teams and Award Winners

A total of 40 teams from 24 schools competed in 2018: 20 at Level I and 20 at Level II.

Level I Teams:

Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School

Bryn Mawr School

Century High School

Garrison Forest School

Georgetown Preparatory School

Holton-Arms School

John Carroll School

Laurel High School

Magruder High School

Muslim Community School

North Harford High School

Patterson Mill High School

Richard Montgomery High School

River Hill High School

South River High School

The Catholic High School of

Thomas S. Wootton High School

Tuscarora High School

Walter Johnson High School

Winston Churchill High School

Level II Teams: Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School Century High School

Holton-Arms School

John Carroll School

La Plata High School

Laurel High School

Long Reach High School

Magruder High School

Montgomery Blair High School

North Harford High School

Patterson Mill High School

Perry Hall High School

Richard Montgomery High School

River Hill High School

South River High School

The Catholic High School of Baltimore Thomas S. Wootton High School

Tuscarora High School

Walter Johnson High School

Winston Churchill High School

Spirit Award River Hill High School

Level I Events

Reactions in Action 1. Richard Montgomery High School 2. Winston Churchill High School 3. Muslim Community School 4. Holton-Arms School 5. Georgetown Preparatory School

Chemysterie 1. Holton-Arms School 2. Georgetown Preparatory School 3. Richard Montgomery High School 4. Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School 5. Tuscarora High School

Hydronium Hijinks 1. South River High School 2. Tuscarora High School 3. Richard Montgomery High School 4. The Catholic High School of Baltimore 5. Winston Churchill High School

Threaded Ions 1. Holton-Arms School 2. Thomas S. Wootton High School 3. Laurel High School 4. Walter Johnson High School 5. John Carroll School

Weighing by Redox 1. Georgetown Preparatory School 2. Laurel High School 3. Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School 4. Walter Johnson High School 5. Tuscarora High School

Chemistry Signs 1. Holton-Arms School 2. 3. Patterson Mill High School 4. Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School 5. Magruder High School

Viscoelastic Bounce 1. Holton-Arms School 2. Muslim Community School 3. Patterson Mill High School 4. Richard Montgomery High School 5. Bryn Mawr School

Density Dilemma 1. Holton-Arms School 2. River Hill High School 3. Winston Churchill High School 4. Richard Montgomery High School 5. Georgetown Preparatory School

Mendeleev Madness 1. Winston Churchill High School 2. Patterson Mill High School 3. Richard Montgomery High School 4. Bryn Mawr School 5. Holton-Arms School

Avogadro’s Tiebreaker 1. Richard Montgomery High School 2. Bryn Mawr School 3. 4. Thomas S. Wootton High School 5. Holton-Arms School

Grand Prize 1. Holton-Arms School 2. Richard Montgomery High School 3. Bryn Mawr School 4. Georgetown Preparatory School 5. Thomas S. Wootton High School 6. Walter Johnson High School 7. River Hill High School 8. Winston Churchill High School 9. Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School 10. Patterson Mill High School

Level II Events

Balancing Act 1. Holton-Arms School 2. Tuscarora High School 3. River Hill High School 4. Richard Montgomery High School 5. South River High School

Chemysterie 1. Montgomery Blair High School 2. Laurel High School 3. Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School 4. Thomas S. Wootton High School 5. Winston Churchill High School

Beat the Clock 1. Montgomery Blair High School 2. Holton-Arms School 3. Century High School 4. Tuscarora High School 5. Long Reach High School

Threaded Ions 1. Walter Johnson High School 2. Laurel High School 3. Holton-Arms School 4. Thomas S. Wootton High School 5. Montgomery Blair High School

Make My [Fara]day 1. Laurel High School 2. South River High School 3. Thomas S. Wootton High School 4. La Plata High School 5. Holton-Arms School

Chemistry Signs 1. Holton-Arms School 2. Montgomery Blair High School 3. Richard Montgomery High School 4. Patterson Mill High School 5. Magruder High School

LeChatlelier’s Lunacy 1. Patterson Mill High School 2. River Hill High School 3. Winston Churchill High School 4. Richard Montgomery High School 5. South River High School

Density Dilemma 1. Richard Montgomery High School 2. Magruder High School 3. Tuscarora High School 4. Thomas S. Wootton High School 5. La Plata High School

Traveling Electrons 1. Long Reach High School 2. Walter Johnson High School 3. Holton-Arms School 4. Thomas S. Wootton High School 5. Tuscarora High School

Avogadro’s Tiebreaker 1. Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School 2. River Hill High School 3. Thomas S. Wootton High School 4. Winston Churchill High School 5. Walter Johnson High School

Grand Prize 1. Holton-Arms School 2. Montgomery Blair High School 3. Thomas S. Wootton High School 4. Tuscarora High School 5. Patterson Mill High School 6. Laurel High School 7. Walter Johnson High School 8. La Plata High School 9. Richard Montgomery High School 10. South River High School