Multiple agents with widely varying toxicity Agents of concern Other and include Eorates Àuorides are a newer class that merits attention This chapter concerns insecticides and acaricides having toxicologic characteris- due to widespread use and tics distinct from the insecticides discussed in previous chapters. It discusses benzyl toxicity benzoate borates chlordimeform chlorobenzilate cyhexatin Àuorides ¿pronil an n-phenylpyrazone ), haloaromatic substituted urea compounds, metho- prene, neonicotinoids, propargite and sulfur. SIGNS & SYMPTOMS

Variable and highly related BENZYL BENZOATE to the speci¿c agent Incorporated into lotions and ointments, this agent has been used for many years in %oric acid Àuorides veterinary and human medicine against mites and lice. n-phenylpyrazones and neonicotinoids should be Toxicology suspected in cases with CNS symptoms $part from occasional cases of sNin irritation, adverse effects have been feZ. The ef¿- ciency of skin absorption is not known. Absorbed benzyl benzoate is rapidly biotrans- formed to hippuric acid that is excreted in the urine. Oral toxicity in animals is low,

TREATMENT with LD50 values in the 2-3 grams/kg range in rats and cats. When given in large doses to laboratory animals, benzyl benzoate causes excitement, incoordination, paralysis of Speci¿c to agent the limbs, convulsions, respiratory paralysis and death.1 Very few human exposures Skin/eye decontamination have been reported to the National Poison Data System. Consider GI decontamination based on Treatment quantity and time interval factors 1. If signi¿cant irritant effect appears, discontinue use of product and cleanse skin with soap and water. Treat eye contamination by irrigating exposed eyes with Severe CNS symptoms copious amounts of clean water or saline for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact may require intensive care lenses, if present, prior to irrigation. If irritation persists after irrigation, obtain management specialized medical treatment in a healthcare facility.

2. If a potentially toxic amount has been swallowed and retained and the patient is seen soon after exposure, consider gastrointestinal decontamination. If seizures occur, control may require treatment with benzodiazepines.

BORIC ACID AND BORATES and borate products can be formulated as tablets and powder to kill larvae in livestock con¿nement areas and cockroaches in residences. Rarely, solutions are sprayed as a nonselective herbicide.

Toxicology When determining toxicity of boric acid from ingestion, it is important to distin- guish between acute and chronic exposure. Chronic ingestion is more likely to cause

80 CHAPTER 9 Other Insecticides signi¿cant toxicity than acute exposure.2,3 Borates are well absorbed by the gut and by and Acaricides abraded or burned skin, but not by intact skin.4 The kidney ef¿ciently excretes them. The residence half-life in humans averages 13 hours, in a range of 4-2 hours.2 Boric Acid/Borates COMMERCIAL Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning PRODUCTS *enerally, boric acid is of lower toxicity when compared to other insecticides that are widely used in the 8nited States. A series of 4 patients has been described with no Boric acid, sodium fatalities and minimal toxicity. Only 12 of these patients had symptoms of toxicity, tetraborate decahydrate, mostly to the gastrointestinal tract.2 +owever, fatal poisonings have been reported.3,5,6 sodium polyborates A large number of poisonings in newborns occurred in the 150s and 160s and often (discontinued 1992) resulted in death., +istorically, many poisonings have resulted from inMudicious uses in human medicine aimed at suppressing bacterial growth, such as compresses for burns, powders for diaper rash, and irrigation solutions.4, HIGHLIGHTS Boric acid powders and pellets scattered on the Àoors of homes can present a hazard to children. Their frequent use for roach control increases access for ingestion. Chronic ingestion more Consequently, cases of suicidal or accidental ingestion continue to be reported in the likely to cause signi¿cant medical literature.5,6,10,11,12 One toddler died following a massive ingestion of boric acid toxicity than acute powder that had been stored in a bathroom cabinet.5 An 2-year-old man accidentally Absorbed by gut and ingested 30 mL of boric acid instead of the magnesium sulfate he was supposed to take abraded/burned (not intact) for a colonoscopy prep.10 Three cases of apparent suicide attempts in adults have been skin reported.11,12,13 Borax dust is moderately irritating to skin. Inhaled dust caused irritation of the respiratory tract among workers in a borax plant. Symptoms included nasal irri- tation, mucous membrane dryness, cough, shortness of breath and chest tightness.14,15 SIGNS & SYMPTOMS The gastrointestinal tract, renal system, skin, vascular system and brain are the principal organs and tissues affected. Nausea, persistent vomiting, abdominal pain and Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea reÀect a toxic gastroenteritis.2,3, In severe poisonings, a beefy red skin rash, abdominal pain, diarrhea most often affecting palms, soles, buttocks and scrotum, has been described. It has Severe poisonings: been characterized as a ³boiled lobster appearance.´ The intense erythema is followed erythema (“boiled lobster”) by extensive exfoliation.3,,11,16 This may be dif¿cult to distinguish from staphylococcal and exfoliation scalded skin syndrome.16 Reversible alopecia has been reported following exposure to CNS symptoms may be boric acid and related compounds.1,1,1 present +eadache, agitation, weakness, lethargy, restlessness and tremors may occur, but are less frequent than gastrointestinal effects.2,10 Seven infants who were exposed to a 20 mixture of borax and honey on their paci¿ers developed seizures. 8nconsciousness TREATMENT and respiratory depression signify life-threatening brain inMury. Cyanosis, weak pulse, hypotension and cold clammy skin indicate shock, which is sometimes the cause of Skin/eye decontamination death in borate poisoning.3,6, +ypotension and at times hypertension may occur even in milder cases where victims fully recover.10,11 Consider GI contamination Acute renal failure oliguria or anuria) may be a consequence of shock, of Large or protracted direct toxic action on renal tubule cells, or possibly of both. It occurs in severe borate ingestion may require poisoning.3,6,,16 0etabolic acidosis may be a consequence of the acid itself, seizure IV Àuids and cardiac activity or metabolic abnormalities.3 )ever is sometimes present in the absence of monitoring infection.

Con¿rmation of Poisoning Borate can be measured in serum by colorimetric methods, as well by high tempera- ture atomic spectrometric methods. Studies of serum levels of boric acid and boron in non-poisoned individuals ranged from 0.0 to 0.2 mg/dL in adults and from 0.0 to 0.125 mg/dL in children.,21,22 Levels reported in toxic incidents have varied widely and it is felt that serum levels are of little use in guiding therapy.2,,21

81 CHAPTER 9 Other Insecticides and Acaricides Treatment

1. Decontaminate the skin with soap and water as outlined in Chapter 3, General Principles. Treat eye contamination by irrigating the exposed eye s) with copious amounts of clean water or saline for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, prior to irrigation. If irritation persists after irrigation, send patient for specialized medical treatment in a healthcare facility.

2. In acute poisonings, if a large amount has been ingested and the patient is seen within 1 hour of exposure, gastrointestinal decontamination may be considered as outlined in Chapter 3. It is important to keep in mind that vomiting and diarrhea are common, and severe poisoning may be associated with seizures.

3. If massive ingestion of borate several grams) has occurred or if borate inges- tion has extended over several days, administer IV Àuids such as D5NS or Lactated Ringers to sustain urinary excretion of borate. 0onitor Àuid balance and serum electrolytes including acid base status) regularly. 0onitor cardiac status by (C*. Test the urine for protein and cells to detect renal inMury, and monitor serum concentration of borate if possible. 0etabolic acidosis may be treated with sodium bicarbonate. If shock develops, treat as appropriate. Administer oxygen continuously. If oliguria less than 25-30 mL urine formed per hour) occurs, intra- venous Àuids must be slowed or stopped to avoid overloading the circulation. Such patients should usually be referred to a center capable of providing intensive care for critically ill patients.

4. Consider hemodialysis in severe poisonings, if patient fails to respond to conven- tional therapy. Dialysis has been demonstrated to enhance the clearance of boric acid even in the presence of normal renal function.2,,10,12 There is no consensus on its use. )orced diuresis has also been successfully used in early stages of poisoning.13 Peritoneal dialysis was performed historically in borate poisoning and thought to be as effective as, and safer than, exchange transfusion in removing borate.,23 (xchange transfusion has been reported to be effective in chronic expo- sures. No large study of ef¿cacy has been done. (xchange transfusion and perito- neal dialysis are rarely used today in acute poison management.2

5. Control seizures as recommended for other agents and as outlined in Chapter 3.

CHLORDIMEFORM )ormulations are emulsi¿able concentrates and water-soluble powders. Chlordime- form demonstrates good dermal absorption and can be inhaled. It is an ovicide and . All registrations in the 8nited States are currently canceled.

Toxicology In a reported episode of occupational exposure to chlordimeform, several workers developed hematuria. +emorrhagic cystitis, probably due to chloraniline biodegrada- tion products, was the source of the blood in the urine. Symptoms reported by the affected workers included gross hematuria, dysuria, urinary frequency and urgency, penile discharge, abdominal and back pain, a generalized ³hot´ sensation, sleepiness, skin rash and desquamation, a sweet taste and anorexia. Symptoms persisted for 2- weeks after exposure was terminated.24 In a single case, methemoglobinemia was reported.25

82 CHAPTER 9 Other Insecticides Chlordimeform is not a cholinesterase inhibitor. and Acaricides

Con¿rmation of Poisoning Although methods do exist for measurement of urinary excretion products, these tests are not generally available in the clinical setting.


1. Decontaminate skin thoroughly with soap and water, as outlined in Chapter 3, General Principles. Decontaminate eyes by irrigating exposed eyes with copious amounts of clean water or saline for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses if present prior to irrigation. If irritation persists after irrigation, send patient for specialized medical treatment in a healthcare facility.

2. If chlordimeform has been ingested no more than an hour prior to treatment consider gastrointestinal decontamination as outlined in Chapter 3. Patients are at risk for Àuid loss and subsequent electrolyte disturbances young children are especially susceptible. 0onitor Àuid balance, electrolytes and acid base status closely.

3. Patients exposed should have serial urinalyses for protein and red cells to detect inMury to the urinary tract. Resolution of hematuria ordinarily can be expected in 2- weeks. Relief from other symptoms usually can be expected earlier.

CHLOROBENZILATE Chlorobenzilate is a chlorinated hydrocarbon acaricide, usually formulated as an emulsion or wettable powder for application in orchards. All 8.S. registrations have been canceled.

Toxicology Chlorobenzilate is moderately irritating to the skin and eyes. Although structurally similar to DDT, chlorobenzilate is much more rapidly excreted following absorption, chieÀy in the urine as the benzophenone and benzoic acid derivatives. Based on observation of dosed animals, extreme absorbed doses may cause diarrhea, tachypnea, tremors, ataxia and muscle weakness.26 Limited human acute poisoning data are available. A case of toxic encephalop- athy in a male following unprotected pesticide application in a ¿eld for 14 days at 10 hours per day has been reported. +is symptoms included muscle pain, weakness, fever and mental status changes, progressing to a tonic-clonic seizure. +e recovered without apparent sequelae within 6 days. Treatment included respiratory support and seizure management.2 Chlorobenzilate is not a cholinesterase inhibitor.

83 CHAPTER 9 Other Insecticides and Acaricides Treatment of ChloroEen]ilate Poisoning

Fluorides 1. Decontaminate the skin with soap and water as outlined in the Chapter 3, General COMMERCIAL Principles. Treat eye contamination by irrigating exposed eyes with copious PRODUCTS amounts of clean water or saline for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, prior to irrigation. If irritation persists after irrigation, send patient for Cryolite specialized medical treatment in a healthcare facility. Kryocide 2. If a large amount of chlorobenzilate was ingested within a few hours prior to treat- ment, consider gastrointestinal decontamination as outlined in Chapter 3.

HIGHLIGHTS 3. Treat seizures as outlined in Chapter 3. Most cases of poisoning today are sources other than insecticides CYHEXATIN Highly toxic sodium Àuoride All 8.S. registrations of this chemical have been canceled. and sodium Àuosilicate products no longer Toxicology registered for use Tricyclohexyl tin hydroxide is formulated as a 50 wettable powder for control of mites on ornamentals, hops, nut trees and some fruit trees. It is moderately irritating, particularly to the eyes. While information on the systemic toxicity of this speci¿c tin SIGNS & SYMPTOMS compound is lacking, it should probably be assumed that cyhexatin can be absorbed to Hypocalcemia with possible some extent across the skin, and that substantial absorbed doses would cause nervous tetany system inMury see organotin compounds on page 154 in Chapter 16, Fungicides). Cardiac arrhythmia, shock Treatment Possible CNS impacts 1. Promptly decontaminate skin by washing with soap and water and decontaminate eyes by irrigating with clean water or saline for at least 15 minutes. Remove TREATMENT contact lenses, if present, prior to irrigation.

Skin, eye, possible GI 2. 0anage poisonings by ingestion on the assumption that cyhexatin is toxic, even decontamination though rodent LD50 values are fairly high and no human poisonings have been May require intensive care reported in the medical literature. 0anagement should be as with other organotin treatment compounds see page 154 in Chapter 16, Fungicides). Treat hypocalcemia with calcium gluconate or calcium chloride FLUORIDES Sodium Àuoride is a crystalline mineral once widely used in the 8nited States for control of larvae and crawling insects in homes, barns, warehouses and other storage areas. It is highly toxic to all plant and animal life. No commercial products are avail- able at this time. 6RGLXPÀXRVLOLFDWH sodium silico Àuoride) has been used to control ectopar- asites on livestock, as well as crawling insects in homes and work buildings. It is approximately as toxic as sodium Àuoride. Commercial products containing sodium Àuosilicate are no longer registered for use. 6RGLXPÀXRDOXPLQDWH sodium aluminoÀuoride, Cryolite) is a stable mineral containing Àuoride. It is used as an insecticide on some vegetables and fruits. Cryolite has very low water solubility, does not yield Àuoride ion on decomposition and presents very little toxic hazard to mammals, including man.

84 CHAPTER 9 Other Insecticides 0ost cases of Àuoride poisoning now are related to hydroÀuoric acid, sulfur and Acaricides Àuoride or excess Àuorosis from sources other than insecticides, such as well water and toothpaste. +ydroÀuoric acid is an important industrial toxicant but is not used as a pesticide. The clinical symptoms from hydroÀuoric acid poisoning are essentially the same as described below for Àuoride pesticides and are related to the Àuoride ion¶s effects on potassium, calcium and magnesium.2 )luoroacetate is discussed in Chapter 18, Rodenticides. Sulfuryl Àuoride is discussed in Chapter 17, Fumigants.

Toxicology 6RGLXPÀXRULGH and VRGLXPÀXRVLOLFDWH used as insecticides present a serious hazard to humans because of high inherent toxicity and the possibility that children crawling on Àoors of treated dwellings will ingest the material. They are both used in the water Àuoridation process, which is more likely to be a source of exposure than the insecti- cide. In a series of  pediatric cases of Àuoride poisoning reported to a poison center, only one child had ingested an insecticide. Of note, that child was also the only fatality in the case series.2 )luorides are readily and quickly absorbed from the *I tract with near complete bioavailability.30,31 Plasma Àuoride levels peak at around 30 minutes following inges- tion. )luoride is also distributed to the bone and saliva.31,32 (xcretion is chieÀy in the urine. Within the ¿rst 24 hours of intoxication, renal clearance of Àuoride from the blood is rapid. +owever, patients continue to excrete large amounts of Àuoride for several days. The Àuoride ion binds calcium and magnesium, leading to life-threat- ening cardiac toxicity in severe cases. Children are at relatively greater risk because of their smaller body mass compared to adults in relation to the amount ingested.33

Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning The toxic effects of Àuoride in mammals are multiple and may be life threatening. The primary effects from Àuoride result from an inhibition of critical intracellular enzymes and the direct effect on ionized calcium in extra-cellular Àuid. The absorbed Àuo- ride ion reduces extracellular Àuid concentrations of calcium and magnesium. +ypo- calcemia commonly occurs, sometimes severe enough to result in tetany or cardiac toxicity leading death.2,34,35,36,3 While sodium Àuoride supplementation is available in the form of liquid drops, there is a rather narrow therapeutic range chronic, mild Àuorosis is present with an intake of 0.1 mg/kg/day. 0ost evidence of minor skeletal Àuorosis will disappear as the Àuoride supplementation is stopped, except for the teeth mottling.3 Acutely toxic dosages usually start at about 3-10 mg/kg, with *I symptoms being the ¿rst to develop.2,3 Ingested Àuoride is transformed in the stomach to hydroÀuoric acid, which has a corrosive effect on the epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Thirst, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea are usual symptoms. +emorrhagic gastroen- teritis, ulceration, erosions and edema are commons signs.40 Cardiac arrhythmia and shock are often prominent features of severe poisoning. +ypotension and severe arrhythmia including ventricular ¿brillation may also occur.3,41 These probably result from combinations of effects of Àuid and electrolyte disturbances including hypocalcemia,2,34,35,36,3 hyperkalemia41 and direct actions of Àuoride on heart and vascular tissues. )luoride may directly affect the central nervous system resulting in headache, muscle weakness, stupor, convulsions and coma.33,34,3 Respiratory failure and ventricular arrhythmias are common causes of death.33,3

85 CHAPTER 9 Other Insecticides and Acaricides Con¿rmation of Poisoning A population drinking water with a concentration of 1 mg per liter will have a plasma inorganic Àuoride concentration between 0.01-0.03 mg per liter34 and rarely above 0.10 milligram per liter. In fatal cases of poisoning, plasma levels of 3.5 mg per liter and higher have been recorded, although survival has been reported in patients with levels as high as 14 mg per liter.34,3 While not speci¿c for Àuoride poisoning, a low serum calcium level can be helpful in making the diagnosis.2


1. Decontaminate the skin with soap and water as outlined in Chapter 3, General Principles. Treat eye contamination by irrigating exposed eyes with copious amounts of clean water or saline for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, prior to irrigation. If irritation persists after irrigation, send patient for specialized medical treatment in a health carefacility.

2. If sodium Àuoride or sodium Àuosilicate has been ingested, consider gastric decontamination as outlined in Chapter 3. It should be noted that activated char- coal will not bind the Àuoride ion.

3. Severe complications such as hypotension, shock, cardia arrhythymia or cyanosis should be treated in an intensive care setting. 0onitor serum electrolytes sodium, potassium, ionized calcium, magnesium, Àuoride and bicarbonate) and correct as needed. Calcium and magnesium replacement are of primary consideration.2,36 If the victim is fully alert and the amount ingested is less than  mg/kg of Àuo- ride, consider giving the victim milk.2 0ilk provides calcium ions that will bind to Àuoride, thereby reducing absorption. 0agnesium-based antacids have also been used to neutralize the acid and facilitate the production of poorly absorbed salts.3 There are no data on the optimum amounts to be administered.

4. If hypocalcemia is demonstrated, or if it appears likely that a signi¿cant amount of Àuoride has been absorbed, aggressive calcium repletion may be required. *ive 10 mL of 10 calcium gluconate intravenously slowly and repeat as necessary to keep the calcium in the normal or supranormal range

Dosage of CalciXm GlXconate Supplied as 100 mg/mL (10% solution) ‡ Adults and children over 12 years: 10 mL of 10% solution, given slowly, intravenously. Repeat as necessary. ‡ Children under 12 years: 200-500 mg/kg/24 hr divided Q6 hr. Repeat dosage as needed.

86 CHAPTER 9 Other Insecticides Severe cases may require use of 10 calcium chloride and Acaricides

Haloaromatic Substituted Dosage of CalciXm Chloride Urea Insecticides COMMERCIAL ‡ Adults and children over 12 years: 5 to 10 mL (500 to PRODUCTS 1,000 mg) intravenously over 1 to 5 minutes; may repeat after 10 minutes. diÀubenzuron ‡ Children under 12 years: 0.2 to 0.3 mL/kg (20 to 30 mg/ (brand names include, but kg) per dose, up to a maximum single dose of 5 mL (500 are not limited to, Dimilin, mg) intravenously over 5 to 10 minutes, repeated up to four Micromite, Vigilante) times or until serum calcium increases. teÀubenzuron These patients should be managed in the intensive care setting. (brand names include, but are not limited to, Nomolt, Dart, Diaract) 5. If hypomagnesaemia is present, administer magnesium sulfate.

6. Consider hemodialysis, as it may be bene¿cial in patients with signi¿cant toxicity.3

. Refer patients with evidence of burns in their oral cavity for surgical evaluation and endoscopy, since these compounds can cause severe burns to the esophagus and stomach.

. If a very large amount of sodium Àuoaluminate Cryolite) has been ingested, although it is much less toxic than other Àuorides, measure serum calcium to ensure that hypocalcemia has not occurred. If it has, intravenous calcium may be required see 4 above).

HALOAROMATIC SUBSTITUTED UREA INSECTICIDES +aloaromatic substituted urea compounds control insects by impairing chitin deposi- tion in the larval exoskeleton. They are formulated in wettable powders, oil dispersible concentrate and granules for use in agriculture and forestry and in settings where Ày populations tend to be large, such as feedlots. 'LÀXEHQ]XURQ is the most commonly used product in this class, and most human data are based on this active ingredient.

Toxicology There is limited absorption of haloaromatic substituted urea compounds across the skin and intestinal lining of mammals, after which enzymatic hydrolysis and excre- tion rapidly eliminate the pesticide from tissues. Irritant effects are not reported and systemic toxicity is low. Based on animal studies, methemoglobinemia is a risk from the metabolite of diÀubenzuron 4-chloroaniline).65,66 There has been a report of occu- pational exposure to 4-chloroaniline that resulted in methemoglobinemia, although it is not clear that the source of 4-chloroaniline was diÀubenzuron.6


1. Decontaminate the skin with soap and water as outlined in Chapter 3, General Principles. Treat eye contamination by irrigating exposed eyes with copious

87 CHAPTER 9 Other Insecticides and Acaricides amounts of clean water or saline for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, prior to irrigation. If irritation persists after irrigation, obtain special- ized medical treatment in a healthcare facility. Sensitization reactions may require steroid therapy.

2. If large amounts of propargite have been ingested and the patient is seen within an hour, consider gastrointestinal decontamination as discussed in Chapter 3, General Principles.

3. If methemoglobinemia is severe !30), or the patient is cyanotic, administer methylene blue.

Dosage of Methylene BlXe

‡ Adults and children: 1-2 mg/kg of 1% methylene blue, slow IV, in symptomatic patients. Additional doses may be required, given as a slow IV push over a few minutes, every 4 hours as needed. (It is formulated as a 1% solution with 1 mL containing 10 mg of methylene blue.)

METHOPRENE 0ethoprene is a long-chain hydrocarbon ester active as an . It is effective against several insect species. )ormulations include slow-release briquettes, sprays, foggers, soluble concentrate, suspension concentrate and baits.

Toxicology is neither an irritant nor a sensitizer in humans or laboratory animals. Systemic toxicity in laboratory animals is very low. No human poisonings or adverse reactions in exposed workers have been reported.


1. Wash contaminated skin with soap and water. Treat eye exposures by irrigating exposed eyes with copious amounts of clean water or saline for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, prior to irrigation. If irritation persists after irri- gation, send patient to a healthcare facility for further medical attention.

2. If a very large amount of methoprene has been ingested, consider *I decontami- nation as outlined in Chapter 3, General Principles.

N-PHENYLPYRAZONE INSECTICIDES )ipronil is a broad-spectrum n-phenylpyrazole insecticide ¿rst registered by the 8.S. (nvironmental Protection Agency in 16. It is used for pests on agricultural crops and for lawn treatments. It is also commonly used for ant and cockroach control in the form of bait stations and as a topical application to domestic animals for Àea and control.

88 CHAPTER 9 Other Insecticides Toxicology and Acaricides ’s mechanism of action is by inhibition of *ABA-gated chloride channels. This inhibits passage of chloride ions, thus producing hyperexcitability. This effect is N-Phenylpyrazones similar to the mechanism of action for the organochlorine insecticides, the difference COMMERCIAL being that ¿pronil acts only on the *ABAA channels, while organochlorines inhibit PRODUCTS 42,43,44 both the *ABAA and *ABAC channels. )ipronil is well absorbed by the *I tract in its parent form. It is rapidly metabo- Fipronil lized to a sulfone compound. This metabolite is toxicologically active like the parent (brand names include, but compound. It also binds to the same *ABA receptors as ¿pronil, but at a much higher are not limited to Maxforce, af¿nity.45 Over’nOut!, Frontline, Animal studies demonstrate that ¿pronil has a selectively higher toxicity for Frontline Topspot, Combat, insects than mammals, mostly attributed to a much more selective af¿nity for insect Chipco Choice) 43,45 *ABAA channels than vertebrate *ABAA channels.

Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning HIGHLIGHTS

Despite the higher selective af¿nity for insects, there have been some reports of acute Inhibits GABAA channels human toxicity. Patients may present with nausea and vomiting within several hours Well absorbed by GI tract of ingestion. These appear to be self limiting, and no long-term gastrointestinal effects have been reported.46 Consistent with the fact that the central nervous system is the primary target of ¿pronil, neurological symptoms have been the most commonly SIGNS & SYMPTOMS observed health effects.46,4,4 Neurologic symptoms have been con¿rmed in cases of human poisoning following ingestion. Patients may present with altered mental Nausea, vomiting 4 status. In severe cases, unconsciousness and generalized tonic-clonic seizures may CNS impacts also occur.4,4,4 0ost episodes of seizures or altered mental status appeared to be self limiting and have resolved within hours.46,4 8nconsciousness, seizures One study analyzed pesticide surveillance data from 2001-200, where 103 acute illnesses were identi¿ed with ¿pronil exposures in 11 states. The annual number of reported cases was shown to increase over time. The ¿ndings showed that the great TREATMENT maMority of cases demonstrated mild clinical effects or short duration, thus con¿rming Supportive care some of the previous observations. The reported effects in this study included conMunc- tivitis, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, oropharyngeal pain, GI decontamination cough, sweating, sensory impairment, weakness, drowsiness, agitation and seizure.4 Control seizures with Of note, pet-care products were related to more than one-third of cases and accounted benzodiazepines for the maMority of childhood cases 64). Control extreme agitation There are no data available for signs and symptoms of chronic or subacute with lorazepam or propofol poisoning or exposure. +owever, the study of pesticide surveillance data also suggests that with occupational exposure, there is greater likelihood of repeated exposure to higher concentrations, thereby resulting in more severe effects.4

Con¿rmation of Poisoning The parent compound can be measured in plasma and in urine, although the test is not widely available in most hospitals. Levels reported with acute symptomatic human poisoning have been recorded as 1,600 —g/L±3,40 —g/L.46 The levels peaked by approximately 3-4 hours following ingestion. Reported levels of the sulfone metabo- lite were not available.


1. Provide supportive care, as there is no speci¿c antidote.

89 CHAPTER 9 Other Insecticides and Acaricides 2. Send patients with signi¿cant mental status changes to an intensive care setting. At least initially, they are better managed there. Neonicotinoids 3. 8se *I decontamination within the guidelines outlined in Chapter 3, General HIGHLIGHTS Principles. There are insuf¿cient data on the ef¿cacy of activated charcoal.

Introduced in U.S. market in 4. Control seizures as early as possible with benzodiazepines.46 1990s Large (11-15%) and growing 5. Control extreme agitation with lorazepam or propofol. market share Developed by modifying INSECTICIDES nicotine Neonicotinoids are a relatively new class of insecticides, developed in the mid 10s Displace ACh from nAChRs and introduced in the 8.S. market in the early 10s. They are quickly growing in widespread use and were recently noted to have 11-15 8.S. market share of insec- 50 SIGNS & SYMPTOMS ticide use. They are well absorbed into plants and consequently are used in agri- culture for piercing-sucking insects such as aphids and other crop-damaging insects. Resembles acute nicotine They are also used for Àea control on domestic pets. They act fairly selectively on poisoning insects, with comparably less acute toxicity to mammals. As noted below, however, they are not free from human toxicity. is the most widely used insecti- Usually ingestion or cide in this class, while most others have limited use in the commercial 8.S. market. inhalation Reported clinical toxicity in humans is rare. +owever, increasing use of this insecti- Disorientation, confusion, cide and its potential toxicity among humans warrants a heightened awareness about agitation, headache, these compounds and their toxicity. drowsiness, dizziness, In one report of two fatal intoxications with imidacloprid, the diagnosis was weakness, tremor, made post mortem by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometric quanti¿cation of unconsciousness insecticide. No clinical descriptions of symptoms were available, as both patients were GI symptoms (vomiting, sore found dead. throat, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain) may be Toxicology from formulation solvent Similar to synthetic pyrethroids being derived from naturally occurring , Respiratory toxicity can also neonicotinoids were developed by modifying nicotine. 0odi¿cations include the occur nitromethylene, nitroimine or cyanoimine groups, which provide better activity and stability than nicotine. They are not very effective as contact insecticides but rather derive their effectiveness by being absorbed into the plant and migrating to the TREATMENT growing plant tip. They then affect insects that attempt to pierce the plant. The toxicology of the neonicotinoids and special chemistry of the selective Supportive treatment af¿nity of these insecticides is discussed in great detail in two recent reviews.50,51 They Consider GI act on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors nAChRs) by displacing acetylcholine ACh) decontamination from the receptor. Compared to other insecticides, most notably the class, the neonicotinoids exhibit a relatively more selective af¿nity towards insect Control extreme agitation nAChRs than mammalian nAChRs.50 with lorazepam or propofol The acute oral LD50 in rats of the neonicotinoids varies from 12 mg/kg acet- Consider IC setting for amiprid) to 2,400 mg/kg ). At an LD50 of !5,000 mg/kg, patients with mental status appears to be an outlier of this group.50 While all neonicotinoids appear to selectively changes or severe poisoning target insect nAChRs, imidacloprid and others that speci¿cally contain the nitroimine group í , clothianidin and dinotefuran í have a signi¿cantly higher af¿nity for the insect target site.51 Of this subgroup, imidacloprid has the lowest rat

LD50 and by far the highest market share. Thiamethoxam on the other hand, while

having a high LD50, has a much lower NOA(L than imidacloprid and is considered a likely human carcinogen.50

90 CHAPTER 9 Other Insecticides 0ammalian toxicity is thought to be centrally mediated. Toxic effects are similar and Acaricides to that of nicotine. Vertebrate alpha-4-Beta-2 nAChRs are the primary target. Prolonged or chronic exposures will up-regulate the receptors without changing receptor af¿nity. Neonicotinoids Perhaps most notably, the neonicotinoids also have some responses outside the target COMMERCIAL nAChRs. )ollowing binding to the nAChR, the protein kinase cascade may be acti- PRODUCTS vated, which could decrease neurologic functions. Some also have an analgesic effect similar to that of nicotine.50 In vitro studies of human intestinal cells ¿nd that imidacloprid is well absorbed. These pesticides are relatively highly soluble in water, and most are excreted unchanged clothianidin by the kidney. 0ost do undergo signi¿cant metabolism in insects, and the same occurs dinotefuran in mammals. +owever, the process in mammals is slow and likely an insigni¿cant part imidacloprid of their elimination process in humans. One notable metabolic process of imidacloprid (brand names include, is reduction by the P450 system in humans to a nitroso derivative. In animal studies but are not limited to 52 conducted in mice this metabolic byproduct enters the brain. It is not known whether Merit, Admire, Provado, 50 this byproduct or the active ingredient may be responsible for toxic effects. Gaucho, Imicide, Premise, Advantage), Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning +uman data are currently limited to several reports of clinical poisoning, at least thiamethoxam some of which have led to death, as con¿rmed by autopsy.53,54,55,56 Toxic effects bear some resemblance to those of acute nicotine poisoning except for *I corrosive inMu- ries, which may be related to solvent effects.52 +uman poisoning appears most likely following ingestion or inhalation. 0ost clinical effects are based on excessive nico- tinic stimulation. Patients have presented with disorientation, confusion and agitation í severe enough to require sedation í headache, drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, tremor and, in some situations, loss of consciousness.53,54,55 No seizures have been reported, and chronic residual neuropsychiatric effects have not been studied. In a series of 6 patients, gastrointestinal effects following oral ingestion of an imidacloprid formulation were the most commonly reported and included vomiting, sore throat, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain.5 )ollowing ingestion, ulceration was noted in the posterior pharynx, esophagus and stomach. It was not clear if the effects were due to the toxicity of the active ingredient or the accompanying solvent. There is evidence that a solvent found in some formulations, N-methyl pyrrolide N0P), has a severe irritant effect.56 This emphasizes the importance of identifying and understanding the effects of inert ingredients in any pesticide exposure. 8nfortu- nately, identi¿cation of such ingredients is usually dif¿cult as they are not disclosed on the label and it is necessary to contact the formulator directly to determine which inert ingredients are in the formulation. Toxicity to the respiratory system can also occur. Signs and symptoms include labored breathing, chest tightness, dyspnea, hypoxia and aspiration pneumonia. In severe cases, respiratory failure has ensued, requiring mechanical ventilation.5,5,5 Rhabdomyolysis may occur in severe poisoning with creatine phosphokinase levels being reported as high as 1,200 8/L. Renal function and serum electrolytes were normal in this case. Patients will usually present with tachycardia due to nicotinic receptor over-stimulation of the autonomic nervous system.53 Cardiovascular effects include tachycardia, bradycardia, hypertension, hypo- tension and palpitations.55 One case of fatal arrhythmia has been reported in which the patient presented within hours of ingesting 200 mL of imidacloprid. She initially had sinus tachycardia that rapidly progressed to ventricular tachycardia and subse- quently ventricular ¿brillation. At the time of presentation, this patient was noted to have a normal cardiac enzyme panel. Primary coronary artery disease could not be completely ruled out because of several coronary risk factors.55

91 CHAPTER 9 Other Insecticides and Acaricides Con¿rmation of Poisoning Imidacloprid can be detected by liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy, which was used to identify the cause of death in two patients found dead with no obvious initial cause.60 +owever, the test is not widely available, and there are insuf¿cient data on toxic levels to predict severity of toxicity.


1. Provide supportive treatment, as there is no speci¿c antidote for neonicotinoid poisoning. Patients with signi¿cant mental status changes should ideally be managed in the intensive care setting, at least initially.

2. 8se *I decontamination within the guidelines previously outlined in Chapter 3, General Principles.

3. Control extreme agitation with lorazepam or propofol.

4. Consider cardiac monitoring, especially in patients with risk factors for coronary artery disease.

5. In a severe poisoning, send patient to an intensive care setting for respiratory support.

PROPARGITE )ormulations are wettable powders and emulsi¿able concentrates. Propargite is an acaricide with residual action.

Toxicology Propargite exhibits very little systemic toxicity in animals. No systemic poisonings have been reported in humans. +owever, many workers having dermal contact with this acaricide, especially during the summer months, have experienced skin irritation and some have had documented positive skin testing.61,62 (ye irritation has also occurred.61 )or this reason, stringent measures should be taken to prevent inhalation or any skin or eye contamination by propargite. (pidemiological studies have related this pesticide to an increased risk for cancer.63,64 This is discussed in Chapter 21, Chronic Effects.

Con¿rmation of Poisoning There is no readily available method for detecting absorption of propargite.


1. Decontaminate the skin with soap and water as outlined in Chapter 3, General Principles. Treat eye contamination by irrigating exposed eyes with copious amounts of clean water or saline for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, prior to irrigation. If irritation persists after irrigation, specialized medical treatment in a healthcare facility should be obtained. Sensitization reactions may require steroid therapy.

2. If large amounts of propargite have been ingested and the patient is seen within an hour, consider gastrointestinal decontamination as discussed in Chapter 3.

92 CHAPTER 9 Other Insecticides SULFUR and Acaricides (lemental sulfur is an acaricide and fungicide widely used on orchard, ornamental, vineyard, vegetable, grain and other crops. It is prepared as dust in various particle Sulfur sizes and applied as such, or formulated with various minerals to improve Àowability or applied as an aqueous emulsion or wettable powder. COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS Toxicology Elemental sulfur is moderately irritating to the skin and is associated with occu- Many commercial products pationally related irritant dermatitis.6 Airborne dust is irritating to the eyes and the are produced by many respiratory tract. In hot, sunny environments, there may be some oxidation of foliage- manufacturers. It is one of deposited sulfur to gaseous sulfur oxides, which are very irritating to the eyes and the agents approved by respiratory tract. Ingested sulfur powder induces catharsis and has been used medici- USDA for use by organic nally usually with molasses) for that purpose. Some hydrogen sul¿de is formed in the growers. large intestine and this may present a degree of toxic hazard the characteristic smell of rotten eggs may aid in the diagnosis. An adult has survived ingestion of 200 grams.6 HIGHLIGHTS Ingested colloidal sulfur is ef¿ciently absorbed by the gut and is promptly excreted in the urine as inorganic sulfate. Widely used organic acaricide/fungicide Treatment SIGNS & SYMPTOMS 1. Remove skin contamination by washing with soap and water as outlined in Chapter 3, General Principles. Treat contamination of the eyes by irrigating Skin/eye/respiratory irritant exposed eyes with clean saline or water for at least 15 minutes. If present, remove contact lenses prior to irrigation. If eye irritation persists after irrigation, obtain specialized treatment in a healthcare facility. TREATMENT

2. 8nless an extraordinary amount of sulfur several grams) has been ingested Decontaminate skin and shortly prior to treatment, there is probably no need for gastrointestinal decon- eyes tamination. Absorbability of sulfur on activated charcoal has not been tested. Oral or IV glucose/ electrolytes if diarrhea is 3. Administer oral or intravenous glucose and/or electrolyte solutions as appropriate severe if diarrhea is severe. The most serious consequence of sulfur ingestion is likely to be that of catharsis, resulting in dehydration and electrolyte depletion, particularly in children.


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