Understanding the

"Understanding the Seven Rays gives you the ability to see people as they are... By seeing people from different aspects, from different facets, your understanding deepens."

- Master Choa Kok Sui

One of the ways to help us understand our strengths as well as weaknesses and realize our character to an extent is to get equipped with the knowledge of the seven rays. According to Holy Master DK, the knowledge of the seven rays can enable all the true servers to work with greater skill and effectiveness in their chosen field of activity.

Every person belongs to a certain ray that decides his/her attitude, perspective towards life and therefore his/her actions in life. One of the factors that causes misunderstandings and arguments among people is lack of such knowledge.

Different people get different interpretations about the same issue, all of which might be correct simultaneously. The reason behind such diverse conclusions is looking at the subject matter from different perspectives and the knowledge of the seven rays can solve such miscommunications, as it will broaden our understanding about people. In this series the aim is to discuss about different rays in detail and describe the virtues, vices and qualities relayed to each ray. May this knowledge help us understand the people around us and enable us to work in harmony and peace.

What are the Seven Rays?

To explore this broad subject that many great thinkers and spiritual teachers have discussed including , Madam Blavatsky, and Master Choa Kok Sui, we first need to understand what the Seven Rays are. For this matter there are a number of points to consider:

• There is only one Life and the seven basic qualities or aspects are originated from it through the diversity of forms. • These seven qualities are called the Seven Rays and are in fact the seven lives that give life to the forms, the laws and their urge for evolution. • Life, Soul and Body, constitute all that exists, with a capacity for growth, activity, manifestation of beauty and full conformity of the Plan. This Plan is rooted in the consciousness of the Seven Rays Lives. • These Seven Rays whose nature is expression of qualities produce cyclically the manifested world. They work together in the closest union and harmony and cooperate intelligently with the Plan, under the guidance of the Great Architect of the Universe. • Each Ray predominantly expresses itself through one of the seven sacred planets; but the life of all the seven, flows through every planet, including the and therefore affects every form. Each planet is a small replica of the general scheme and following the purpose of the whole. • Humanity is an expression of the life of and every being has come forth along one line or other of the seven ray forces. Each human being's form, qualities and character is affected by the ray that breathed him forth in every world period; the form and nature change from life to life according to the cyclic need and the environing group condition, which is decided by the ray or rays in incarnation at the time. • The Monad is the Life, living in union with the seven ray lives. The structure of the manifested world is composed of one Monad, seven rays and myriads of forms. • The Laws, which govern the quality or soul, though the medium of forms, are simply the mental purpose and life direction of the Lords of the Rays, whose vision is perfect and whose justice is supreme. • The method of the development of humanity is self-expression and self- realization. When the self that is expressed is the One Self and the realization is the revelation of God as the quality and life behind the manifested world, this process is fulfilled. • The method to bring this realization is experience, beginning with individualization and ending with .

Seven Rays and Their Qualities

As discussed, a Ray is referred to a particular force or type of energy, with a certain quality that it exhibits. So when we discuss about certain ray energy, basically we are considering that quality and the purpose aspect of the great Life who is known as the "Lord of the Ray". His divine intention, will and purpose create a radiation or stream of energy that affects all forms of manifested life within our planetary ring-pass-not.

"Different aspects of Truth can be seen through the Seven Rays. Each Ray sees things differently and has its own way of doing things. Each Ray has a different opinion."

Alice Bailey


• First Ray Strength - I will be strong, brave persevering in His service. • Second Ray - I will attain the intuitional wisdom, which can be developed only through perfect love. • Third Ray Adaptability or Tact - I will gain the power of saying and doing just the right thing at the right time moment of meeting each man on his own ground, in order to help him more efficiently. • Fourth Ray Beauty and Harmony - So far as I can, I will bring beauty and harmony into my life and surroundings, that I may be more worthy of Him; I will learn to see beauty in all nature, that so I may serve Him better. • Fifh Ray Science (detailed knowledge) - I will gain knowledge and accuracy, that I may devote them to His work. • Sixth Ray Devotion - I will unfold within myself the mighty power of devotion, that through it I may bring others to Him. • Seventh Ray Ordered Service (ceremonial ) - I will so order and arrange my service of God along the lines which He has prescribed that I may be able fully to take advantage of the loving help which His Holy are always waiting to render. Ray Colour Quality Day Jewel

Diamond, 1st Power of Strength, , Star Throat Sunday Ray God Balance, will Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli

Yellow Wisdom, , 2nd Wisdom , Understandin Crown Monday Yellow, Ray of God g, Illumination Sapphire,

Ruby, Goodness, 3rd Love of , Diamond, Compromise, Heart Tuesday Ray God , Rose Beauty

Purity, Diamond, 4th Peace of , , Basic Wednesday , , Ray God Crystal Joy Quartz Crystal

Emerald, Health, 5th Truth of , Third Diamond, Consecration, Thursday Ray God Gold eye , Quartz Focus Crystal

Ruby, Topaz, Abundan , Ministry, 6th Solar Alexandrite, ce of Golden Provision, Friday Ray plexus Diamond with God Ruby Brotherhood pearl

Freedom, , 7th Justice , 12th Provision, Saturday Diamond, Ray of God Silver chakra Compassion Aquamarine Seven Rays and The Masters

The Lords of the Rays are in fact the creating and sustaining energies that implement the Will of the planetary Logos. They cooperate with Him in the defining and expression of His supreme purpose. They create the needed new forms, vitalize and qualify that through which the immediate divine intention is expressing itself; and they cause the fading out or dying of the form aspects. In this way they produce cycles of destruction and thus make room for the new forms and expressions of life.

The Central Light, which we call , the one Ray of Divinity, manifests firsts as a and then as a . The One God shines forth as God the Father, God the Son and God the and these three again are reflected through the Seven Planetary Logos.

"One Life sought expansion"" resulting in seven aeons, or emanations, manifesting in the expression of life, becoming the "seven Rishis of all the ancient scriptures."

Alice Bailey

Ray Master

Ray 1 Master El

Ray 2 Master Kuthumi (), Master and Master Djwhal Khul

Ray 3 Master

Ray 4 Master Bey

Ray 5

Ray 6 Master

Ray 7 Master Saint Germain(Master Rakoczi) Ray One – The Ray of Courage, Certainty and Power "We shall have a practical method of analysis whereby we can arrive at a right understanding of ourselves as ensouling entities, and at a wiser comprehension of our fellow men. We can then deal more intelligently with ourselves, with our children and with our friends and associates. We shall find ourselves able to co-operate more wisely with the Plan as it is seeking at any particular time."

- Alice A Bailey

In the man of will on the first ray, self-government is the dominant note. If you belong to this ray your sense of self will be strong (and if you are not well advanced in other respects it may be disagreeable as well) and will tend to give you a firmness amid things and events that scarcely anything in the world can shake or change, an inclination to be positive in action, and the courage to face life as an adventure and 42 not take refuge or rest amid things. It cannot be a stubbornness, which clings to some idea, or feeling, or site-of-self, or place, or thing, but must by its very nature have the character of flexibility and newness, for it is a power, not a pose.

The first ray man rules himself with a rod of iron. If such a man comes to think that flesh foods, for example, are bad to eat, from a physical or moral point of view, he will give them up without effort, and if the body raises its head and says, “Oh, I do want the taste of venison again, and do you mean to say that you will not let me have it even for the whole long future of my life?” his reply comes without hesitation, “Yes, I mean just that.”

Ray One – Ray of Will or Power Strength, courage, steadfastedness, truthfulness arising from absolute Special fearlessness, power of ruling, capacity to grasp great questions in large Virtues minded way and of handling men and measures.

Vices of Pride, ambition, willfulness, hardness, arrogance, desire to control others, Ray obstinacy, anger.

Virtues to be Tenderness, Humility, Sympathy, Tolerance, Patience acquired

Ray One is known as the ray of power. Though it is needed for sustenance and success, power alone, without wisdom and love, will result in destruction and disintegration. When however the three characteristics are united, it becomes a creative and governing ray. Those on this ray have strong will power for either good or evil, for the former when the will is directed by wisdom and made selfless by love. Ray one man will always “come to the front” in his own line. He may be a burglar or the judge who condemns him, but in either case he will be at the head of his profession. He is the born leader in any and every public career, one to trust and lean on; one to defend the weak and put down oppression, fearless of consequences and utterly indifferent to comment. On the other hand, an unmodified first ray can produce a man of unrelenting cruelty and hardness of nature.

The first ray man ofen has strong feeling and affection but he does not readily express it; he will love strong contrasts and masses of color, but will rarely be an artist; he will delight in great orchestral effects and crashing choruses and if modified by the fourth ray, sixth ray or seventh ray, may be a great composer; but not otherwise; and there is a type of this ray which is tone deaf, and another which is color-blind to the more delicate . Such a man will distinguish and yellow, but will hopelessly confuse blue, green and .

The literary work of ray one man will be strong and trenchant, but will care little for style or finish in his writings. Perhaps examples of this type would be: Luther Carlyle and Walt Whitman. It is said that in attempting the cure of disease the best method for the first ray man would be to draw health and strength from the great fount of universal life by his will power, and then pour it throughout the patient. This of course pre-supposes knowledge of his part of methods. The characteristic method of approaching the great quest on this ray would be by sheer force of will. Such a man as it were, takes the kingdom of heaven “by violence.” We have seen that the born leader belongs to this ray, wholly or in part. It makes the able commander-in-chief, such as Napoleon or Kitchener. Napoleon was first and fourth rays and Kitchener was first and seventh; the seventh ray giving him the remarkable power of organization.

Souls on this ray are spoken of occultly as “crashing their way into incarnation. They appropriate dynamically that which they require. They brook no hindrance in the satisfaction of their desires. They stand alone in a proud isolation, glorifying in their strength, their ruthlessness. These qualities have to be transmuted into that intelligent use of power, which make them powerful factors in the Plan, and magnetic centers of force, gathering workers and forces around them. An illustration of this can be seen the work of Master El Morya, who is the center, the magnetic attractive center, of Ll esoteric groups, conferring on them by His power, the capacity to destroy that which is undesirable in the life of the disciples. Forget not that the work of stimulating, that which is needed, is one of the major tasks of a Master and the power of discipline to destroy, that which limits him, is greatly needed. Souls of this ray, as they come into incarnation through desire, grasp. This expresses the nature of the force demonstration employed. There is measure of violence in their technique. They eventually “take the kingdom of heaven by force.

The outstanding quality of ray one is loneliness, isolation, and the ability to stand alone and unmoved.

The Ray of Dynamic Intensity!

It is easy for ray one people to resist the tendency to identify themselves with others. To have true understanding, involves an increased ability to love all beings and yet, at the same time, to preserve personality detachment. This detachment can be easily founded on an inability to love, in a selfish concern for one’s own comfort – physical, mental or spiritual and above all, emotional. First ray people dread emotion and despise it, but sometimes they have to swing into an emotional condition before they can use emotional sensitivity in the right manner.

First ray people belong to what is called the ""Destroyer Ray" and the power of the first aspect, which is the power to bring to an end, flows through them. They have a tendency to destroy as to build, through a wrong direction of energy, through over-emphasis of energy in some particular direction, or through misuse of energy in work with themselves or others. Many ray one people have the tendency to pride themselves on this and hide behind a plea that, being upon ray one, a disruptive tendency is unavoidable. Such is not the case. Builders, such as second ray people always are, have to learn to destroy, when prompted by group love and acting under the impulse of group love and utilizing the power of attachment in a detached manner. Both groups, builders and destroyers, must ever work from the standpoint of reality, from the inner nucleus of truth and must " take their stand at the center.

The will of Deity colored the stream energy of the units which we call by the name of the “Ray of Will or Power," ray one, and the impact of that stream on the matter of space insured that the hidden purpose of Deity would inevitably and eventually be revealed. It is a ray of such dynamic intensity that we call it the ray of the Destroyer. It is not yet functioning actively. It will come into full play only when the time comes for the purpose to be safely revealed. Its units of energy in manifestation in the human kingdom are very few. As said earlier, there is not a true first ray type in incarnation as yet. It's main potency to be found in the mineral kingdom, and the key to the mystery of the first ray is to be found in radium. Master El Morya the master of first ray El Morya is the Chohan of the first ray and chief of the Darjeeling Council of the . El Morya represents the godly attributes of courage, certainty, power, forthrightness, self-reliance, dependability, faith and initiative. These are the qualities of the Father principle-the statesman, the executive, the ruler.

Because he has ably outpictured these essential virtues, El Morya has, through many embodiments, worn the crown of authority, ruling many kingdoms wisely and well. His rulership has not been that of a dictator, demanding that his subjects submit to his human will; but rather, his interpretation of government is God-over-men and his concept of true statesmen is God's overmen. He inspires in his subjects illumined obedience to the holy will of God. Master El Morya's Previous Lifetimes

Morya's earliest notable claimed incarnation is recorded by and C.W. Leadbeater (from, the source states, their research into the "akashic records" at the headquarters in Adyar (Tamil Nadu), India conducted in the summer of 1910) as having been the Emperor of in 220,000 BC, ruling from his palace in the capital city, the City of the Golden Gates.

According to the Ascended Masters teachings, some of the later incarnations that Morya is said to have had include:

Abraham. His story is told in the first book of the Old Testament. Both Jewish and Christian children alike have heard the tale of God's call to his obedient son. "Get thee out of thy country and from thy father's house unto a land I will show thee."3 God promised Abraham that his obedience would lead to blessing. He would be the progenitor of a great nation. Abraham lef the house of his father. And God did bless him. Called the Father of Nations, Abraham, even in his advanced age, was sired a son, Isaac. From this lineage the Twelve Tribes of Israel emerged. El Morya was Abraham.

In the fifh century, a ruler of mythical proportion enters life's stage. Arthur was the creator of the Table , a culture of brotherhood whose rallying cry was, "All for one and one for all!" His holy knights were reputed for their bravery in battle and service to their monarch and his kingdom. No myth, this noble soul forged a glorious society where respect, justice, courage and truth prevailed the mystical Camelot. El Morya was King Arthur.

Twelfh century England finds the soul of El Morya incarnated asThomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, defender of the church and at odds with King Henry II. Conflict regarding the influence of the church in the political affairs of the realm rise to a fever pitch. And Becket pays for his stand with his very life, brutally slain within the environs of his own cathedral by four knights performing the king's bidding.

Three centuries later, El Morya returns as Thomas More, Chancellor of England, during the reign of Henry VIII. And once again the soul of El Morya finds himself at loggerheads with the king of England. The same conflict of church and state arises, clothed in different circumstances. Separation from his family, years of imprisonment and finally a sentence of death by decapitation bring to a dramatic end in 1535 yet another embodiment of this unflinching soul. Thomas More's final words to all who witnessed his execution were, "I am the king's good servant, but God's first."

A mere seven years later, El Morya returns this time to embody in the East. He is Akbar, the greatest of the Mogul emperors. A ruler with refined qualities and varied talents, Akbar increased his kingdom through decisive action in battle but also diplomacy. He raised its culture through art, literature and architecture. Interested in all and religious practices but not the conflict they aroused, he desired to unify believers into one which he called the "Divine Faith."

Shams Tabrizi or Shams al-Din Mohammad (1185-1248) was a Persian Muslim, who is credited as the spiritual instructor of Mewlana Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi, also known as Rumi and is referenced with great reverence in Rumi's poetic collection, in particular Diwan-i Shams-i Tabrizi (The Works of Shams of Tabriz). Tradition holds that Shams taught Rumi in seclusion in Konya for a period of forty days, before fleeing for Damascus. The tomb of Shams-i Tabrizi was recently nominated to be a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

According to Sipah Salar, a devotee and intimate friend of Rumi who spent forty days with him, Shams was the son of the Imam Ala al-Din. In a work entitled Manaqib al-arifin (Eulogies of the Gnostics), Aflaki names a certain Ali as the father of Shams-i Tabrizi and his grandfather as Malikdad. Apparently basing his calculations on Haji Bektash Veli's Maqalat (Conversations), Aflaki suggests that Shams arrived in Konya at the age of sixty years. However, various scholars have questioned Aflaki's reliability.

Shams received his education in Tabriz(a city in Persia) and was a of Baba Kamal al-Din Jumdi. Before meeting Rumi, he apparently traveled from place to place weaving baskets and selling girdles for a living. Despite his occupation as a weaver, Shams received the epithet of "the embroiderer" (zarduz) in various biographical accounts including that of the Persian historian Dawlatshah. This however, is not the occupation listed by Haji Bektash Veli in the Maqalat and was rather the epithet given to the Ismaili Imam Shams al-din Muhammad, who worked as an embroiderer while living in anonymity in Tabriz. The transference of the epithet to the biography of Rumi's mentor suggests that this Imam's biography must have been known to Shams-i Tabrizi's biographers. The specificities of how this transference occurred, however, are not yet known. El Morya was Shams Tabrizi

El Morya ascended in about 1898 afer his work with the Master K.H. (Koot Hoomi) in founding the Theosophical Society. El Morya has served tirelessly with Saint Germain in the cause of world and individual freedom, training public servants to externalize the will of God through God-government on earth.

According to H.P. Blavatsky writings There is no such Master as “El Morya.” The real Master Morya is not known by such a name or title, which apparently equates to “God Morya” or “Lord Morya,” and which was first invented by Guy Ballard of the “I AM Movement,” the earliest “Ascended Masters” group. Anyone who has read the actual letters of the actual Master M (Master Morya). will have discovered how strongly this Mahatma objects to reverential titles and terms of praise or worship. Ray Two - The Energy of Love The second great energy that makes great potent contributions to the current world is the Ray of Love and Wisdom, which is the ray of Lord Christ. This energy is poured to the world through the second great planetary center that is known as The Hierarchy; and in manipulated by the initiates and the Masters.

The energy of love is mainly concentrated in the New Group of World Servers that has been chosen by the Hierarchy as the main channel of expression. Basically through them the potency of love-wisdom can be expressed, which is different from the sentimental and personal interest and is focused on the good of the group.

In this way with the help of those disciples who can differentiate between the petty concerns of the individual and the necessities and urgencies of the group work, the Hierarchy can work and being about the changes in the world that is change in consciousness.

Ray Two – Ray of Love-Wisdom Special Calmness, strength, patience and endurance, love of truth, Virtues faithfulness, intuition, clear intelligence and serene temper.

Over absorption in study, coldness, indifference to others, and Vices of Ray contempt of mental limitations in others.

Virtues to be Love, compassion, unselfishness, and energy. acquired

This ray is called the Ray of Wisdom from its characteristic desire for pure knowledge and for absolute truth – cold and selfish, if without love, and inactive without power. When both power and love are present, then you have the ray of the Buddhas and all great teachers of humanity, – those who, having attained wisdom for the sake of others, spend themselves in giving it forth. The student on this is ever unsatisfied with his highest attainments; no matter how great his knowledge, his mind is still fixed on the unknown, the beyond, and on the heights as yet unscaled.

The man with ray two will have tact and foresight; he will make an excellent ambassador, and a first rate teacher or a head of a college; as a man of affairs, he will have clear intelligence and wisdom in dealing with matters which come before him, and he will have the capacity of impressing true views of things on others and of making them see things as he does. He will make a good businessman, if modified by the fourth ray, fifh ray and seventh ray. The soldier on this ray would plan wisely and foresee possibilities; he would have an intuition as to the best course to pursue, and he would never lead his men into danger through rashness. He might be deficient in rapidity of action and energy. The artist on this ray would always seek to teach through his art, and his pictures would have meaning. His literary work would always be instructive.

The method of healing, for the second ray man, would be to learn thoroughly the temperament of the patient as well as to be thoroughly conversant with the nature of the disease, so as to use his will power on the case to the best advantage.

The method of healing, for the second ray man, would be to learn thoroughly the temperament of the patient as well as to be thoroughly conversant with the nature of the disease, so as to use his will power on the case to the best advantage. The characteristic method of approaching the Path would be by close and earnest study of the teachings till they become so much a part of the man’s consciousness as no longer to be merely intellectual knowledge, but a spiritual rule of living, thus bringing in intuition and true wisdom.

A bad type of ray two would be bent upon acquiring knowledge for himself alone, absolutely indifferent to the human need of others. The foresight of such a man would degenerate into suspicion, his calmness into coldness and hardness of nature.

Souls on this ray use the method of "gathering in", or " drawing into." The soul sets up a vibration (little as we may yet grasp the real significance of that word) and that vibration effects it's environment, and atoms of substance on all three planes are attracted to the central point of energy. The method of relatively gentle, when compared to the method of the first ray, and the process is somewhat longer whilst the overshadowing (carried forward prior to entering into the three worlds for purposes of appearance) is very much longer. This refers to the overshadowing of the substance to be built into form, and not to the overshadowing of the completed form, i.e the child in the mothers womb. In the first case, it might be said that souls on the first ray are sudden and rapid in their desire to incarnate, and in the methods employed. Souls on ray two are slower in coming to that impulsive action (in the sense of impulse to action and not impulse in time) which leads to the occult manufacture of an appearance with which to manifest.

Souls on this ray, as they come into incarnation through desire, attract. They are magnetic more then they are dynamic; they are constructive, and they work along the line of least resistance within our universe.

Teaching is an expression of ray two energy.

The energy of Love- Wisdom always has an effect upon every type of human being in the world. Its effect is to stimulate the tendency towards goodwill and to produce a mental development which can transmute the knowledge – garnered down the ages – into wisdom. It is wisdom which is needed today. Those who are now attempting to foster goodwill in themselves and others will be stimulated into wise action. You can see, therefore that the outpouring of this energy is the first and greatest need. It can reach mankind because The Founders Of All World Religions (referring not to their many diversifications) are banded together in unison with The Christ, their Lord and Master; through their united and directed effort, these energies will flow. Forget not that Christ represents the energy of love and Buddha that of Wisdom.

Those upon ray two fall into two groups. Generally speaking there are naturally, numerous exceptions. Souls on the wisdom aspect of ray two go to Shamballa and join the Great Council in some capacity or another. Such one was The Buddha. Those on the love aspect of the second ray tread one or the other of the various paths, primarily that of World Saviors; they become the divine Psychologists and World Teachers. The Christ combined in himself all the three great traits.

Those in this second group of souls upon ray two likewise fall into two groups: they follow the way of specialized detail and comprehensive inclusiveness, and are the outstanding occult; while the other group is distinguished by pure love. Of the group that finds it way into Shamballa a developed simplicity will be found to govern all relations.

Simplicity and unity are related, simplicity is one-pointedness of outlook, free from glamour and intricacies of the thought form-making mind; simplicity is vulgarity of purpose and steadfastness in intention and in effort, untrammeled by questioning and devious introspection; simplicity leads to simple loving, asking nothing in return; simplicity leads to silence – not silence as an escape mechanism, but as an "occult retention of speech." Master Kuthumi the master of second ray

C. W. Leadbeater describes the physical appearance of Master KH as follows:

The Master Kuthumi wears the body of a Kashmiri Brahman, and is as fair in complexion as the average Englishman. He, too, has flowing hair, and His eyes are blue and full of joy and love. His hair and beard are brown, which, as the sunlight catches it, becomes ruddy with glints of gold. His face is somewhat hard to describe, for His expression is ever changing as He smiles; the nose is finely chiselled, and the eyes are large and of a wonderful liquid blue.

Master Kuthumi, serves with Jesus as World Teacher; formerly Chohan of the Second Ray of Divine Illumination. Kuthumi is known as the Master Psychologist and a sponsor of youth. He is hierarch of the etheric Temple of Illumination in Kashmir, India, also called the Cathedral of Nature, and head of the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe.

Kuthumi maintains his retreat in the heaven-world over Shigatse, Tibet, where he plays his grand organ—drawing the harmony of cosmos by the sacred fires of his heart. With this celestial music, he sends healing and peace throughout the planetary body to souls in transition (especially at the hour of death) and guides them to the etheric retreats of the Great White Brotherhood for tutoring in preparation for their next earthly life. He inspires architects, poets, and scientists with the mystical remembrance of their own soul’s harmony in the celestial geometry and the rhythm of the stars.

Master Kuthumi Previous Lifetimes

Thutmose III, reigned in time 1503-1450 before Christ, pharaoh, , and high priest in the period of the New Kingdom. Thutmose expanded the Egyptian kingdom to include most of the Middle East. His most decisive victory was on a battlefield near Mt. Carmel. There he led the entire army single file through narrow Megiddo Pass to surprise and defeat an alliance of 330 rebellious Asian princes—a daring maneuver protested by the pharaoh’s terrified officers. Thutmose alone was assured of his plan and rode ahead holding alof the image of Amon-Ra, the God who had promised him the victory.

Pythagoras, c. 582-c. 507 before Christ, Greek philosopher, the “fair-haired Samian” who was regarded as the son of . As a youth, Pythagoras conferred freely with priests and scholars, eagerly seeking scientific proof of the inner law revealed to him in meditation upon Demeter, the Mother of the Earth. His quest for the great synthesis of truth led him to Palestine, Arabia, India, and finally to the temples of , where he won the confidence of the priests of Memphis and was gradually accepted into the mysteries of Isis at Thebes.

When Asian conqueror Cambyses launched a savage invasion of Egypt c. 529 before Christ, Pythagoras was exiled to Babylon, where the prophet Daniel still served as king’s minister. Here rabbis revealed to him the inner teachings of the I AM THAT I AM given to Moses. Zoroastrian magi tutored him in music, astronomy, and the sacred science of invocation. Afer twelve years, Pythagoras lef Babylon and founded a brotherhood of initiates at Crotona, a busy Dorian seaport in southern Italy. His “city of the elect” was a mystery school of the Great White Brotherhood.

At Crotona, carefully selected men and women pursued a philosophy based upon the mathematical expression of universal law, illustrated in music and in the rhythm and harmony of a highly disciplined way of life. Afer a five- year probation of strict silence, Pythagorean “mathematicians” progressed through a series of , developing the intuitive faculties of the heart whereby the son or daughter of God may become, as Pythagoras’ Golden Verses state, “a deathless God divine, mortal no more.” Pythagoras delivered his lectures from behind a screen in a veiled language that could be fully comprehended only by the most advanced initiates. The most significant phase of his instruction concerned the fundamental concept that number is both the form and the essence of creation. He formulated the essential parts of Euclid’s geometry and advanced astronomical ideas that led to Copernicus’ hypotheses. It is recorded that two thousand citizens of Crotona gave up their customary lifestyle and assembled together in the Pythagorean community under the wise administration of the Council of Three Hundred—a governmental, scientific, and religious order that later exercised great political influence throughout Magna Grecia.

Pythagoras, the “indefatigable adept,” was ninety when Cylon, a rejected candidate of the mystery school, incited a violent persecution. Standing in the courtyard of Crotona, Cylon read aloud from a secret book of Pythagoras, Hieros Logos (Holy Word), distorting and ridiculing the teaching. When Pythagoras and forty of the leading members of the Order were assembled, Cylon set fire to the building and all but two of the council members were killed. As a result, the community was destroyed and much of the original teaching was lost. Nevertheless, “the Master” has influenced many great philosophers, including Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and Francis Bacon.

Balthazar, first century, one of the three Magi (astronomer/adepts) who followed the star (the I AM Presence) of the Manchild born to the Virgin Mary. Believed to have been the King of Ethiopia, Balthazar brought the treasure of his realm, the gif of , to Christ.

Saint Francis of Assisi, c. 1181-1226, the divine poverello, who renounced family and wealth and embraced “Lady Poverty.” He lived among the poor and the lepers, finding unspeakable joy in imitating the compassion of Christ. While kneeling at Mass on the feast of St. Matthias in 1209, he heard the of Jesus read by the priest and ’s command to his apostles, “Go, preach.” Francis lef the little church and began evangelizing and converting many. Among them was the noble Lady Clare, who later lef her home dressed as the bride of Christ and presented herself to Francis for admittance to the mendicant order.

One of the many legends surrounding the lives of Francis and Clare describes their meal at Santa Maria degli Angeli, where Francis spoke so lovingly of God that all were enraptured in Him. Suddenly the people of the village saw the convent and the woods ablaze. Running hastily to quench the flames, they beheld the little company enfolded in brilliant light with arms uplifed to heaven.

God revealed to St. Francis the divine presence in “brother sun” and “sister ” and rewarded his devotion with the stigmata of Christ crucified. The prayer of St. Francis is yet spoken by people of all faiths throughout the world: “Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace!...”

Shah Jahan, 1592-1666, Mogul emperor of India, who overthrew the corrupt government of his father, Jahangir, and restored in part the noble ethics of his grandfather Akbar the Great. During his enlightened reign, the splendor of the Mogul court reached its zenith and India entered her golden age of art and architecture. Shah Jahan lavished the imperial treasury on music, paintings, and the construction of awesome monuments, mosques, public buildings, and thrones throughout India, some of which may still be seen today.

The famous Taj Mahal, “the miracle of miracles, the final wonder of the world,” was built as a tomb for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. She had ruled by his side almost as an equal and died in 1631 giving birth to their fourteenth child. Shah Jahan spared no effort in making the monument “as beautiful as she was beautiful.” It is the symbol of the Mother principle and celebrates his eternal love for Mumtaz.

Koot Hoomi Lal Singh, nineteenth-century Kashmiri Brahman, Shigatse, Tibet; also called K.H. In 1875 he founded with El Morya the Theosophical Society to reacquaint mankind with that underlies all the world’s religions. Master DjWhal Khul "My province in relation to the group is to give needed assistance to those who seek to fit themselves for active work as disciples. Suffice it that I am an oriental. I am on the teaching ray and closely associated with the Master KH. Part of my work is the sturdy search for aspirants of strong heart for event devotion and trained minds."

Master DjWhal Khul

The Master Djwhal Kul or The Master DK, as he is frequently called, is another adept on the second ray of love wisdom. He is the latest of the adepts taking initiation, having taken the fifh initiation in 1875 and is therefore occupying the same body in which he took the initiation, most of the other masters, having taken the fifh initiation while occupying earlier vehicles.

His body is not a young one and he has a Tibetan. He is very devoted to The Master KH and occupies a little house not far distant from the larger one of the master. From his willingness to serve and to do anything that has to be done, he has been called the messenger of the Masters. He has profoundly learnt and knows more about the rays and planetary hierarchies of the solar system than anyone else in the ranks of the Masters.

He works with those who heal and cooperates unknown and unseen with the seekers afer truth in the world's great laboratories and with all who definitely aim at the healing and solacing of the world. With the great philanthropic world movements such as the Red Cross, he occupies himself with various pupils of different masters who can profit by his instruction and within the last 10 years, has relieved both The Master M and The Master KH of a good deal of their teaching work taking over from them, for certain stated times, some of their pupils and disciples.

He works largely too with certain groups of the Davis of the Ethers who are the healing Davis and who thus collaborate with him in the work of healing some of the physical ills of humanity. He it was, who dictated a large part of that momentous book, and who showed to HP Blavatsky many of the pictures and gave her much of the data that is to be found in her book. (From Initiation Human and Solar, pages 57 through 58.)

He who is known as DK is planning to restore via his students, some of the old and occult methods of healing and to demonstrate:

• the place of the etheric body. • the effect of chronic force. • The opening up of a etheric vision. (From A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, page 759.)

He whom you call the master DK works much with those who heal with pure altruism. He occupies himself with those who are active in the laboratories of the world. Many of the healing angels, such as those referred to in the Bible, cooperate with him. (From The Externalization of the Hierarchy, pages 506 through 507.)

Master DK stated:

1. The daily physical life of the Masters, of the Christ and of those members of the hierarchy initiates and accepted disciples who function in physical bodies has had its orientation upon the subjective levels of life. The majority of them, and particularly the senior members of the hierarchy, do not as a rule intermingle largely with the public or walk the streets of our great cities. They work as I do from my retreat in the Himalayas and from where I have influenced and helped far more people than I could possibly have reached had I walked daily in the midst of the noise and chaos of human affairs. 2. I lead a normal and I believe useful life as the senior executive in a large lemasary, but my main work has lain elsewhere widespread in the world of men. I reach this vast number of human beings through the medium of the books which I have written, through the groups which I have started and impulsed such as man of good will and the triangles and through my disciples who talk and spread the truth as I have tried to present it. ( From The Externalization of the Hierarchy, page 682.) 3. On November 19th 1919, I made my first contact with AAB, much to her distress and dismay and I have worked steadily with her ever since. The books which I then planned have been well-nigh finished. The various phases of the work, which were a part of the preparation for the reappearance of the Christ, have taken form and should go forward with gathering momentum during the next 20 years. 4. The two major ideas which it was my task to bring to the attention of humanity everywhere throughout the world, have been securely anchored, if I may be permitted to use such a term, and these constitute, by far, the most important aspect of the work which I have done. These formulated ideas are; One. The announcement of the existence hitherto unrecognized are the new group of world servers. This is an effective group of workers intermediate between humanity and the spiritual hierarchy of the planet. Two, the statement sent out lately in connection with the reappearance of the Christ and for the immediate consolidation of the work of preparation. All else that I have done in the service of the hierarchy is of secondary importance to these two statements of spiritual fact. Other work awaits me under the reorganization of the hierarchy gold efforts, incidents to the reappearance of the Christ and the closer relationship which will then be established between humanity and the hierarchy. (From The Externalization Of The Hierarchy, pages 631 through 632.) 5. The production of the outer form on earth through the medium of books of esoteric schools and the educating of the public opinion has been committed to a group of us who form a part of the inner world government, disciples and initiates. And to this group, I play the part of Secretary and of organizing contact man, if I may use words that will mean something to your ears. This group to which I refer is composed of two Oriental initiates, of which I am one, and of five Occidental initiates. (From Discipleship In The , volume one, page 33.) 6. I am an Oriental of the fourth and although I have had two European incarnations, I still at times fail to grasp or understand the Occidental reaction. (From Discipleship Of The New Age, volume two page 473.) 7. I receive my instructions from a joint committee of the spiritual leaders behind the world scene. They are the senior members of the hierarchy, working under the Christ. They arrived at their decisions afer due consultation with senior workers such as myself, masters and initiates about the third initiation. (From Discipleship in The New Age, volume two, page 501.) Ray Three - The Ray of Active Intelligence Ray three is known as the ray of active intelligence. It finds its expression on earth through humanity. The energy of active intelligence is the easiest for modern humanity to receive. Sadly most of this type of energy has been crystalized into money due to selfish perceptions and desires. As a matter of fact, the human intelligence has mainly used on the side of materialism rather than spirituality .

Ray Three – Ray of Activity & Adaptability

Wide views on all abstract questions, sincerity of purpose, clear intellect, Special capacity for concentration on philosophic studies, patience, caution, Virtues absence of tendency to worry himself or others over trifles.

Vices of Intellectual pride, coldness, isolation, inaccuracy in details, absent- Ray mindedness, obstinacy, selfishness, over much criticism of others.

Virtues to be Sympathy, tolerance, devotion, energy and common-sense. acquire d

This is the ray of the abstract thinker, of the philosopher and the metaphysician, of the man of delights in the higher mathematics but who, unless modified by some practical ray, would hardly be troubled to keep his accounts accurately. His imaginative faculty will be highly developed, i. e., he can by the power of his imagination grasp the essence of truth; his idealism will ofen be strong; he is a dreamer and a theorist, and from his wide views and great caution he sees every side of a question equally clearly. This sometimes paralyses his action. He will make a good businessman; as a solider he will work out a problem in tactics at his desk, but is seldom great in the field. As an artist his technique is not fine, but his subjects will be full of thoughts and interest. He will love music, but unless influenced by the fourth ray he will not produce it. In all walks of life he is full of ideas, but is too impractical to carry them out.

One type of this ray is uncovered to a degree, slovenly, unpunctual and idle, and regardless of appearances. If influenced by the fifh ray as the secondary ray, this character is entirely changed. The third and the fifh rays make the perfectly balanced historian who grasps his subject in a large way and verifies every detail with patient accuracy. Again the third and the fifh rays together make a truly great mathematician who soars into heights of abstract thought and calculations, and who can also bring his results into practical scientific use. The literary style of ray three man is ofen vague and involved, but if influenced by the first, fourth and fifh or seventh rays, it will change; and under the fifh ray he will be a master of the pen.

The curing of disease by ray three man would be by the use of drugs made of herbs or minerals belonging to the same ray.

The method of approaching the great Quest, for this ray type, is by deep thinking on philosophical or metaphysical lines till he is led to the realization of the great Beyond and on the paramount importance of treading the Path that leads at thither.

Just as the grasping and attracting are terms applicable to the methods of the two first rays, so a process of “selective manipulation” is the characteristic of ray three. This method is totally different in its technique to that of the two mentioned above. It might be said that the note which generates the activity set up by souls of this ray, is such that atoms of the different planes are moved as if consciously responding to a selective process. The vibratory activity of the soul makes itself felt and atoms collect from widely different points in response to a certain quality in the vibration. It is far more selective than in the case of the second ray.

...the Center We Call Humanity.

Just as souls in the first ray seem to grasp indiscriminately what they need, and force the substances thus grasped into the form or appearance required, enduring it with quality needed in a dynamic and forceful way, and just as souls on the second ray set up a motion which gathers material out of it immediately surrounding environment, and imposes on it, through magnetic attraction, the desired quality, so in the case of souls on ray three the required material is chosen here and there, but that chosen already has the needs quality and nothing whatever is imposed.

If the student is using ray three force, in a personal manner, he will be devious in his propositions, subtle and elusive in his arguments. Using manipulation in his relations with his fellow men, or be an interfering busybody, actively engaged in running the world, in managing other people’s lives for them, or in grasping so firmly the reins of government in his own self interest that he will sacrifice everything and everybody in furthering his own busy ends. If he is, however, a true disciple and aspirant, he will work with the Plan and wield third ray force to bring about the loving purposes of the spiritual Reality. He will be busy and active and his words will carry truth, and will lead to the helping of others, for they will be detached and true.

Ray three finds its expression through the third major center on the planet; the center we call Humanity. Master Paul the Venetian, the Chohan of third ray Paul the Venetian is chohan of the third ray of divine love. He is hierarch of the etheric retreat, the Château de Liberté, located on the etheric over southern France on the Rhône River. Paul the Venetian or the Venetian Chohan is one of the "Masters of the Ancient Wisdom" in the teachings of Theosophy.

Paul the Venetian is a majestic being of some six feet, five inches in height. He is fair of countenance with deep blue eyes and golden, wavy hair. He is usually garbed in raiment of -green velvet. Since he is a native of the planet , where the inhabitants are masters of the Flame and therefore radiate harmony and divine love, Paul's natural heritage is beauty and grace, diplomacy and tact. His voice is melodious and kind, bringing comfort and peace to all who come in contact with his Presence.

The Paul the Venetian is a great teacher of the path of love. His devotion is to beauty, the perfection of the soul through compassion, patience, understanding, self-discipline and the development of the intuitive and creative faculties of the heart by the of self-sacrifice, selflessness and surrender.

He initiates the heart chakra, and he trains us in the gif of the discerning of spirits—discerning good and evil, light and shadow and the delicate nuances of all of our creations of beauty. Discernment is a real inner sensitivity to one another.

Paul sponsors the ascended master culture of Beauty and Truth for this age and works with all—artists, musicians, architects, designers and crafsmen—who desire to bring that culture forth on behalf of mankind. The culture of the ascended masters, of Light and Beauty, is the keystone in the pyramid of the golden age. The ascended masters have pointed out that it is through culture—music, drama,architecture and art—that mankind will respond to spiritual truths and the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood.

Master Paul the Venetian previous lifetimes

In the days of Atlantis, Paul served in the government as the head of cultural affairs. Before the continent sank, he established a focus of the liberty flame in Peru, which gave impetus to the culture, beauty and wealth of the Incan civilization.

Later, he was embodied in Egypt as a master of esoteric architecture and worked closely with El Morya, then a master mason.

His final embodiment was as Paolo Veronese, one of the major artists of the 16th-century Venetian school.

Paolo Veronese made his ascension from the Château de Liberté on April 19, 1588. Ray Four - Harmony through Conflict Based on traditional esoteric teachings, Ray four is the ray of harmony through conflict and is referred to the process of harmonizing conflicting viewpoints. According to Master Choa Kok Sui the purpose of this ray is to encourage a deeper study of the matter, working out the conflicting factors and resulting in a decision with minimal side effects.

The ability to see all the different angels and perspectives and reaching a solution which is effective, workable and comprehensive is in fact a sign of maturity.

People who belong to Ray four are quite rare at this point of time and according to Alice Bailey, people with Ray 4 quality will slowly come into manifestation afer year 2025. Ray Four, the Ray of Harmony, Beauty and Art

Strong affections, sympathy, physical courage, generosity, devotion, Special Virtues quickness of intellect and perception.

Self-centeredness, worrying, inaccuracy, lack of moral courage, Vices of Ray strong passions, indolence, extravagance.

Virtues to be Serenity, confidence, self-control, purity, unselfishness, accuracy, acquired mental and moral balance.

Ray four is ofen called the “ray of struggle” for this ray, the quality of rajas (activity) and tamas (inertia) are so strangely equal in proportion that the nature of the 4th Ray man is torn with the combat, and the outcome, when satisfactory, is spoken of as “The Birth of Horus,” of The Christ, born from the throes of constant pain and suffering.

Tamas induces love of ease and pleasure, a hatred of causing pain amounting to moral cowardice, indolence, procrastination, a desire to let things be, to rest and take no thought of the marrows. Rajas is fiery, impatient, ever urging to action. These contrasting forces in the nature make life one perpetual warfare and unrest for the 4th Ray man; the friction and the experience gained thereby may produce very rapid evolution, but the man may as easily become a ne’er- do-well as a hero.

It is the ray of the dashing cavalry leader, reckless of risks to himself or his followers. It is the ray of the man who will lead a forlorn hope, for in moments of excitement the 4th Ray man is entirely dominated by rajas; of the wild speculator and gambler, full of enthusiasm and plans, easily overwhelmed by sorrow or failure, but as quickly recovering from all reverses and fortunes.

It is pre-eminently the ray of colour, of the artist whose colour is always great, though his drawing will ofen be defective. (Watts was fourth and second rays). The 4th Ray man always loves colours, and can generally produce it. If untrained as an artist, a colour sense is sure to appear in other ways, in choice of dress or decorations.

In music, Ray four compositions are always full of melody, and the 4th Ray man loves a tune. As a writer or poet, his work will ofen be brilliant and full of exaggerations and ofen pessimistic. He will generally talk well and have a sense of humour but he varies between brilliant conversations, and gloomy silences, according to his mood. He is a delightful and difficult person to live with.

In healing, the best fourth ray method is massage and magnetism, used with knowledge.

The method of approaching the Path will be self-control thus gaining equilibrium amongst warring forces of the nature. The lower and extremely dangerous way is by .

The 4th Ray of Harmony Through Conflict is controlling factor in human affairs at all times, and peculiarly today.

Ray four is, in the last analysis, the ray which teaches the art of living in order to produce a synthesis of beauty. There is no beauty without unity, without embodied idealism and the resultant symmetrical unfoldment. This ray is not the ray of art, as it is ofen claimed, but is the energy which brings about the beauty of those living forms which embody the ideas, and the ideals which are seeking immediate expression. Many people claim to be on ray four because they dream of the artistic expressive life; as creative art expresses itself upon all the rays.

Ray four will work out in the following ways:

In the development of the intuition by the means of knowledge of sound vibration, and the higher mathematics. This is being already touched upon exoterically.

Music, as a means to be employed in building and destroying, will be recognized, and the laws of and/or rhythmic movement in all forms, from an atom to a solar system, will be studied. The manipulation of matter of all kinds by the means of sound will be practiced on the two lower planes, and when the synthesis of the four rays into the third is in process of accomplishment, then a similar knowledge will be displayed on the mental plane.

The laws of fire will be gradually permitted esoteric publication; there are twenty seven occult laws which are only revealed afer initiation at this stage of evolution. In them are summed up the basic laws of colour and of music and rhythm. When the music produces warmth or stimulation, and when pictures, for instance, glow or reveal the subjective within the objective, then will the 4th Ray of Harmony be coming to fruition.

Ray four of Harmony gives to all forms that which produces beauty and works towards the harmonizing of all effects emanating from the world of causes, which is the world of 3 major rays. The ray of beauty, of art and Harmony, is the producer of the quality of organization through form. It is in the last analysis the ray of mathematical exactitude and is not the ray of the artist, as so many seem to think. The artist is found on all rays, just as is the engineer or the physician, the home-maker or the musician. Master the Chohan of the fourth Ray Serapis Bey is the Chohan of the fourth ray, hierarch of the Ascension Temple at Luxor, and the thirteenth member of the Council of Adepts of the Ascension Temple. He is also known as Serapis Soleil, Serapis of the Sun.

Serapis Bey, sometimes written as Serapis is regarded in Theosophy as being one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom; and in the Ascended Master Teachings is considered to be an Ascended Master and member of the Great White Brotherhood. He is regarded as the Chohan (or Lord) of the Fourth Ray. C. W. Leadbeater wrote that was given occult training by Serapis Beywhen his own master, Morya, was unavailable. A series of letters to Olcott, alleged to be from Serapis, encouraging Olcott to support Blavatsky in the founding of the Theosophical Society were published in the book Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom.

The fourth ray is the ascension flame, the white light of the Mother in the base of the spine chakra. Out of this white light comes architecture, the principles of mathematics, the foundations of the building of the Matter temple and the pyramid of Self.

In the presence of Serapis, one knows an entirely different conception of what we call the Christ, the real person of us all. Known as the Great Disciplinarian, Serapis came from Venus with the Ancient of Days to rekindle the sacred fire in the hearts of a wayward mankind. His great enthusiasm to reclaim the sons of man as kings and priests unto God swelled and mounted into a flame of iron will, determination and discipline.

He assists his students in the self disciplines that are necessary for the ascension: the discipline of the four lower bodies in order that the Christ may appear and use them as vehicles for service and attainment in the world of form; the disciplining of past momentums of negative spirals and of human creation that would stand in the way of the ascension flame forming within the heart of everyone evolving upon the planet through the acceleration of the threefold flame.

Guiseppe Verdi captured the music of the ascension flame in the Triumphal March from Aïda. The radiance of the electronic presence of Serapis Bey and his twin flame pour through the aria Celeste Aïda. The keynote of the Ascension Temple is Liebestraum by Franz Liszt.

Master Serapis Bey previous lifetimes

It is thought that Serapis Bey was incarnated as a high priest in one of the "Temples of the Sacred Fire" on Atlantis who migrated to Egypt at the time of the destruction of Atlantis.

King Leonidas is believed to have been born around 540 BC. Although little is known of his early life, the battle of Thermopylae that he waged against the Persians is one of the most famous battles of all time. In August of 480 BC, Leonidas, received a request from the Greeks to stand with them against an invasion by the Persians. Leonidas set out to meet the army of Xerxes, the Persian commander, with three hundred of his personal body guards. An army of 4,000 to 7,000 Greeks joined Leonidas. Together they battled a massive army of Persians estimated to be between 80,000 and 290,000 strong.

On the third day, the Spartans and Greeks were trapped from behind when a traitor led the Persians to a mountain track at the rear of the forces under Leonidas’ command. At that point, Leonidas sent away the Greeks and remained in the pass with only his 300 body guards and 1,600 other Spartans (Helots and Thesbians) who had joined them. The Spartans fought until every man, including Leonidas, had been slain but not until they had killed nearly 20,000 Persian soldiers. The Spartans’ sacrifice gave the Greek naval fleet time to retreat and later defeat the Persians in a battle at sea.

Amenhotep III is believed to have begun his rule at about the age of nine. It is likely that a relative acted as regent for him until he came of age. As an Egyptian Pharaoh, Amenhotep III, and his wife Tiye are known as the founders of monotheism in Egypt, a practice continued and expanded by one of Amenhotep’s sons, Akhenaten, an incarnation of the ascended master Lanello.1

One of Amenhotep III's first decisions upon taking the throne was to open two new limestone quarries. His extensive building projects included the construction of the temples at Luxor on the Nile and a large number of other projects in Nubia. He also initiated comprehensive building projects at the Temple of Karnak.

When Amenhotep III died, Egypt was a strong and powerful country with a great deal of influence in the international world. His son Akhenaten extended Amenhotep’s reformation of the many-faceted Egyptian religion, emphasizing the worship of one God, represented by the sun. Akhenaton reigned from 1417 to 1379 BC.

Serapis Bey was in past lives the Roman King Numa Pompilius, the philosophers Confucius, Plato and Lucius Anneus Seneca. He is referred in the book Supermundane as "The Thinker". Ray Five - Knowledge, in a Pure & Detailed Manner Ray five is known as the ray of science and knowledge. A pure 5th Ray person is free from political agenda, but focusing on knowledge in a pure and detailed manner; knowledge for the sake of knowledge! This type of knowledge is less eager to find practical application, rather more interested in getting deeper into what is known.

According to Master Choa Kok Sui, Ray five is the ray of concrete intelligence. It is management through microtask or concentrating on details.

Ray five is also the ray of technology, especially information technology. 5th Ray people concentrate on details, research and development, as well as quality control.

Based on theosophy, the mental plane is conditioned and ruled by the 5th Ray of science. Therefore a scientific thinker moves easily on the mental plane, the plane of detachment and objective observation. A scientist does not seek belief or faith, but concrete, exact, detailed knowledge.

A 5th Ray person observes carefully and verifies every theory. Hi/she is orderly, punctual and business-like. Ray Five, the Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science

Special Strictly accurate statements, justice (without mercy), perseverance, Virtues common-sense, uprightness, independence, keen intellect.

Harsh criticism, narrowness, arrogance, unforgiving temper, lack of Vices of Ray sympathy and reverence, prejudice.

Virtues to be Reverence, devotion, sympathy, love, wide-mindedness. acquired

This is the ray of science and research. The man on this ray will possess keen intellect, great accuracy in detail, and will make unwearied efforts to trace the smallest fact to its source, and to verify every theory. He will generally be extremely truthful, full of lucid explanation of facts, though sometimes pedantic and wearisome from his insistence on trivial and unnecessary verbal minutiae. He will be orderly, punctual business-like, disliking to receive favors or flattery.

It is the ray of the great chemist, the practical electrician, the first rate engineer, the great operating surgeon. As statesman, the ray five man would be narrow in his views, but he would be an excellent head of some special technical department, though a disagreeable person under whom to work. As a soldier, he would turn most readily to artillery and engineering. The artist on this ray is very rare, unless the fourth or the seventh be the influencing secondary ray; even then his coloring will be dull, his sculptures lifeless, and his music (if he composes) will be uninteresting, though technically correct in form. His style in writing or speaking will be clearness itself, but it will lack fire and point, and he will ofen be long-winded, from his desire to say all that can possibly be said on this subject.

In healing, he is the perfect surgeon, and his best cures will be through surgery and electricity.

For ray five, the method of approaching the path is by scientific research, pushed to ultimate conclusions, and by acceptance of the inferences which follow these.

This ray concerns itself with the building of form, with the utilization of matter, with the embodying of ideas, or of entities, whether cosmic, systemic, lunar or sub-human Ray five has produced what we call science.

Ray five works actively on the plane of the greatest moment to humanity (the mental plane), being for man the plane of the soul! and of the higher and lower mind. It embodies the principle of knowledge, and because of its activity and it’s close relation to the third ray of Active Intelligence might be regarded as a ray of having a most vital relation to man at this time in particular. It is the ray which, when active, as it was in Lemurian times, produces individualization, which is literally shifing the evolving life of God into a new sphere of awareness. This particular transference into higher forms of awareness tends, at the beginning of separativeness.

Ray five has produced what we call science. In science we find a condition which is rare in the extreme. Science is separative in its approach to the differing aspects of the divine manifestation which we call the world of natural phenomena, but it is non separative in actuality, for there is little warring between the sciences and little competition between scientists. In this the workers in the scientific field differ profoundly from those of the religious. Master Hilarion the master of fifh ray Hilarion is the chohan of the fifh ray of healing and truth. He is the hierarch of the Temple of Truth on the near , .

The Master Hilarion, is considered a saint within the I AM movement and is one of the "Masters of the Ancient Wisdom" and in the Ascended Master Teachings is one of the Ascended Masters (also collectively called the Great White Brotherhood). He is considered to be the Chohan (Lord) of the Fifh Ray.

Theosophist C.W. Leadbeater wrote that the Master Hilarion's primary influence is upon the scientists of the world.

In the teachings of Alice A. Bailey, the fifh ray of the seven rays, called by Alice A. Bailey the orange ray, which he is said to oversee, is called the ray of concrete science.

In the Ascended Master Teachings, as Hierarch of the Brotherhood of Truth in the etheric plane over Crete, Hilarion is said to assist the scientists and spiritual leaders of the world with the flame of truth and channels the spiritual energy of what is called in the Ascended Master Teachings the green ray or emerald ray, the 5th of the Seven Rays.

Hilarion was high priest of the Temple of Truth on Atlantis, and he transported the flame of Truth together with the artifacts of the Temple to Greece a short time before the sinking of the continent. The focus of Truth that he established became the focal point for the Oracles of Delphi, messengers of Truth who served under the direction of Pallas Athena for hundreds of years, until black priests penetrated the Delphic Order and perverted the Truth that had been brought forth. The Brotherhood then withdrew this service to embodied mankind, since people were unable to distinguish between Truth and error.

Hilarion sponsors teachers of Truth, servants of God, religious leaders and missionaries, as well as those practicing the healing arts, scientists and engineers in all fields, mathematicians, musicians, those specializing in computer and space technology and those who work with all forms of media and communications.

Together with fifh-ray masters and the Brotherhood of Crete, Hilarion works steadfastly to draw their consciousness into a greater and greater appreciation of the full of Truth, which most have experienced only in part. To take them from a partial knowledge of truth to self-awareness in the divine wholeness of Truth is the goal of these brothers.

Hilarion instructs us on the relationship between science and religion, both of which are aspects of the green ray of Truth.

We can call to Hilarion and the Brotherhood of Crete for healing and wholeness, for the conversion of souls and for the exposure of truth in the media.

Master Hilarion previous lifetimes

The Master Hilarion is believed to have been incarnated as the Apostle Paul of Tarsus and the Neo-Platonic philosopher Iamblichus. Some have believed that he was the Christian saint Hilarion. This is possible, since although the years Iamblichus, also known as Iamblichus Chalcidensis, (c. 245 - c. 325) was embodied overlap the lifetime of St. Hilarion (291 - 371), various traditions such as Hindu and Tibetan Buddhism hold that it is possible for the spiritually advanced to have more than one incarnation happening at the same time.

In October 1884 made reference to Hilarion (using the spelling: "Hillarion"):

"...an "Eastern adept, who has since gone for his final initiation," who had passed, en route from Egypt to Thibet, through Bombay and visited us in his physical body. Why should this "Adept" be the Mahatma in question? Are there then no other Adepts than Mahatma Koot Hoomi? Every Theosophist at headquarters knows that I meant a Greek gentleman, whom I have known since 1860."

On 20 February 1881 Kuthumi, in one of his letters to Sinnett, referred to him as "one of ours having passed through Bombay on his way from Cyprus to Tibet". His travel to his "final initiation" is referred to in an entry in Henry Olcott's diary, dated 19 February 1881, written in Bombay:

"Hillarion is here en route for Tibet and has been looking over, in, and through the situation. Finds something morally awful. Views on India, Bombay, the TS in Bombay, Ceylon , England and Europe, and other subjects highly interesting." (Letters from the Masters of Wisdom, 2nd Series, page 93)

Embodied as Saul of Tarsus during the rise of Jesus' popularity, Saul became a determined persecutor of Christians, originally seeing them as a rebellious faction and a danger to the government and society. Saul consented to the stoning of Stephen, a disciple of Jesus, failing to recognize the light in this saint and in the Christian movement.

Jesus had already resurrected and ascended2 when he met Saul on the road to Damascus. And what an electrifying meeting that was! "It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks," Jesus uttered to an awestruck Saul. Blinded by the light that surrounded the form of Jesus, Saul crumpled to the ground. Not only his body but his pride was taken down a few notches that day.

This was the most famous of Christian conversions, whereupon Saul became the mightiest of the apostles. Saul took the name Paul and resolved to spread the word of truth throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Paul had inwardly remembered his vow to serve the light of Christ a vow that he had taken before his current incarnation. Three years afer conversion, Paul spent another three years in seclusion in the Arabian Desert where he was taken up into Jesus' etheric retreat. Paul did not ascend in that life due to his torturing of Christians earlier in that embodiment.

Also Embodiment as Saint Hilarion

In his very next lifetime, Paul was born to pagan parents in 290 A.D. They resided in the same geographical region in which he had lived as Paul in his previous lifetime. As a young boy, Hilarion was sent to to study. During this time of study, he heard the gospel and was converted to Christianity.

His greatest desire was to be a hermit to spend his time fasting and praying to God in seclusion. So he divided his fortune among the poor and set out for the desert near Gaza. He spent twenty years in prayer in the desert before he performed his first miracle. God, through him, cured a woman of barrenness. And his healing ministry began.

Soon Hilarion was sought out by hundreds who had heard of his miraculous cures and ability to exorcise demons. In 329 A.D., with a growing number of disciples assembling around him, he fled to Egypt to escape the constant flow of people seeking to be healed from all manner of diseases. His travels brought him to Alexandria again, to the Libyan Desert and to Sicily.

But his miracles did not only include healings. Once when a seacoast town in which he was staying was threatened with a violent storm, he etched three signs of the cross into the sand at his feet then stood with hands raised toward the oncoming waves and held the sea at bay.

Hilarion spent his last years in a lonely cave on Cyprus. He was canonized by the and is today known as the founder of the anchorite life, having originated in Palestine. To this day, those known as anchorites devote themselves to lives of seclusion and prayer. Hilarion ascended at the close of that embodiment. Ray Six - Extreme Love and Loyalty Ray Six is called the Ray of Devotion and deep emotional commitment, as the ray six person follows and protects his beliefs very strongly and exudes feeling of extreme love and loyalty.

Kurt Abraham believes that the least desirable mental ray is ray six. It can be the ray of a saint or a fanatic. A sixth ray person can easily fall into fanaticism and idealism which has been the reason behind many religious or cultural wars.

Ray Six, the Ray of Devotion and Deep Emotional Commitment

Special Devotion, single-mindedness, love, tenderness, intuition, loyalty, Virtues reverence.

Vices of Selfish and jealous love, over-leaning on others, partiality, self deception, Ray sectarianism, superstition, prejudice, over-rapid conclusions, fiery anger.

Virtues to Strength, self-sacrifice, purity, truth, tolerance, serenity, balance and be common sense. acquired

This is called the ray of devotion. The man who is on this ray is full of religious instincts and impulses, and of intense personal feeling; nothing is taken equably. Everything, in his eyes, is either perfect or intolerable; his friends are angels, his enemies a very much the reverse; his view in both cases, is formed not on the intrinsic merits of either class, but on the way the person appeal to him, or on the sympathy or lack of sympathy which they show to his favorite idols, whether these be concrete or abstract, for he is full of devotion, it may be to a person or to a cause.

He must always have a “personal God,” an incarnation of Deity to adore. The best type of this ray makes the saint, the worst type, the bigot or fanatic, the typical martyr or the typical inquisitor. All religious wars or crusades have originated from ray six fanaticism. The man on this ray is ofen of gentle nature, but he can always flame into fury and fiery wrath. He will lay down his life for the objects of his devotion or reverence, but he will not lif a finger to help those outside of his immediate sympathies. As a soldier, he hates fighting but ofen when roused in battle, fights like one possessed. He is never a great statesman nor a good businessman, but he may be a great preacher or orator.

The ray six man will be the poet of emotions (such as Tennyson) and the writer of religious books, either in poetry or in prose. He is devoted to beauty and colour and all things lovely, but his productive skill is not great unless under the influence of the practically artistic rays, the 4th ray or the 7th ray. His music will always be of melodious order, and he will ofen be the composer of oratorios and of sacred music.

The method of healing for this ray would be by faith and prayer.

The way of approaching the Path would be by prayer and meditation, aiming at union with God.

Idealism is the major gif of the ray six force.

The 6th Ray of Devotion embodies the principle of recognition, which means the capacity to see the ideal reality lying behind the form; this implies a one pointed application of desire and intelligence in order to produce an expression of the sensed idea. It is responsible for much of the formulation of the ideas which has led man on, and for much of the emphasis on the appearance which has veiled and hidden those ideals.

Pure religion, undefined and spiritually focussed, is the higher expression of the ray six. He Thinks Almost Entirely in Terms of Quality!

In the same connection, among the lower aspects of ray six are to be found all forms of dogmatic, authoritative religion as expressed by the organized and orthodox churches. All formulated theologies are the lower expression of the higher spiritual truths because they embody the mind reactions of the religious man, his confidence in his own personal mind deductions and the surety that he is obviously right. They do not embody the spiritual values as they truly exist. Consequently the dreadful nature of the lower expressions of ray six and the control of the forces of separativeness (which are ever the outstanding characteristic of the lower ray six activity) can be seen nowhere more potently than in religious and church history with its hatreds and bigotry, it’s pomp and luxurious appeal to the outer ear and eye, and it’s separtiveness from all other forms of faith as well as it’s internal dissensions, it’s protesting groups and it’s cliques and cabals. The church has wandered far from the simplicity which is in Christ.

The 6th ray devotee is far from abstract and mystical in his work and thought (than the 7th ray disciple), and seldom has any real understanding of the right relation between form and energy.

He thinks almost entirely in terms of quality and pays little attention to the material side of life and the true significance of substance as it produces phenomena. He is apt to regard matter as evil in nature and form as a limitation, and only lays the emphasis upon soul consciousness as of true importance.

One is apt to recognize with ease that the 6th ray, working through , rules Christianity. It is a religion of devotion, fanaticism of high courage, of idealism, of the spiritual emphasis upon the individual and his worth and problem, of conflict and of death. All those characteristics are familiar to us in the presentation of Christian theology.

Put no 6th ray people in position of influence; they know not how to co- operate and are frequently points of dissension and dislike. the master of Sixth ray The Master Jesus is one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom in Theosophy and is one of the Ascended Masters (also collectively called the Great White Brotherhood; with white being in reference to the light) in the Ascended Master Teachings, a group of religions based on Theosophy. The Master Jesus is regarded by Theosophists, was regarded by Alice Bailey and was later regarded by students of the "Ascended Master Teachings" as the Master of the Sixth Ray.

It is believed by Ascended Master Teachings organizations that the Master Jesus was "Chohan of the Sixth Ray" until December 31, 1959, when, according to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lady Master Nada fully took on that Office in the Spiritual Hierarchy. According to Prophet, Jesus became World Teacher, along with Kuthumi, on January 1, 1956, succeeding , who took the Office of "Planetary Buddha" and "". This belief is not accepted by adherents of traditional Theosophy and the followers of Alice A. Bailey and ; they believe that the Master Jesus is still the Chohan of the Sixth Ray and that Maitreya is still the World Teacher.

Master Jesus previous lifetimes

According to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the Prophet of the Church Universal and Triumphant, the largest Ascended Master Teachings religion, the Master Jesus incarnated twice as the Emperor of Atlantis, once in 33,050 BC and again in 15,000 BC. He did this in order to aid the white magicians in the war of the white magicians and the black magicians that was going on in Atlantis at that time.

According to Alice A. Bailey, the Master Jesus was previously incarnated as , the Hebrew military leader in the 13th century BC, and Joshua the High Priest in the sixth century BC.

According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Jesus was also incarnated as of the coat of many colors in the 17th century BC/16th century BC (approximately between 1650 BC and 1550 BC), as well as King (who lived c. 1037 BC until around 970 BC), and in the 9th century BC. Ray Seven - Standards, Procedures and Schedules Ray seven is known as the ray of structure, organization and . A ray seven person likes to create and follow structures, responsibilities and standard procedures.

"The word Standardized means to set a definite form that is repeated over and over again"

Master Choa Kok Sui

Ray Seven, the Ray of Structure & Organization

Strength, perseverance, courage, courtesy, extreme care in details, Special Virtues self-reliance.

Formalism, bigotry, pride, narrowness, superficial judgements, self- Vices of Ray opinion, over indulged.

Virtues to be Realization of unity, wide-mindedness, tolerance, humility, acquired gentleness and love.

This is the ceremonial ray, the ray which makes a man delight in "all things done decently and in order," and according to rule and precedent. It is the ray of the high priest and the court chamberlain, of the soldier who is a born genius in organization, of the ideal commissary general who will dress and feed the troops in the best possible way. It is the ray of the perfect nurse for the duck, careful in the smallest detail, though sometimes too much inclined to disregard the patients idiosyncrasies and to try and grind them in the iron mill of routine. In the ray of form, of the perfect sculptor, who sees and produces ideal beauty, of the designer of beautiful forms and patterns of any sort; but such a man would not be successful as a painter unless his influencing ray were the fourth. The combination of four with seven would make the highest type of artist, form and colour both in excelsis. The literary work of the seventh ray man would be remarkable for its ultra-polished style, and such a writer would think far more of the manner than of the matter in his work, but would always be fluent both in writing and in speech. The seventh ray man would ofen be sectarian. He will delight in fixed ceremonials and observances, in great processions and shows, in reviews of troops and warships, in genealogical trees, and in rules of precedence.

The bad type of the ray seven man is superstitious, and such a man will take deep interest in omens, in dreams, in all occult practices, and in spiritualistic phenomena. The good type of the ray is absolutely determined to do the right things and say the right word at the right moment; hence great social success.

In healing the ray seven man would rely on extreme exactness in carrying out orthodox treatment of disease. On him the practice of yoga would have no physical bad results.

He will approach the path through the observance of practice and of ritual, and can easily evoke and control the elemental forces.

The prime function of ray seven is to perform the magical work of blending spirit and matter in order to produce the manifested form through which the life will reveal the glory of God.

It would be wise if students would ponder the significance of the coming in of the present ray of ceremonial law or magic. It is the ray that deals with the building forces of nature, that concerns itself with the utilization of the forms intelligently by the life aspect. It is largely the ray of executive work, with the object of building, co-ordinating and producing cohesion in the four lower kingdoms of nature. It is distinguished largely by the energy which manifests itself in ritual, but this word ritual must not be narrowed down to its present use in connection with Masonic, or religious ritual. It’s application is far wider than this, and includes the methods of organization which are demonstrated in all civilized communities, such as in the world of commerce and of finance, and the great business organization everywhere to be seen. Above all, it’s interests lies for us in the fact that it is the ray which brings opportunity to the occidental races, and through the medium of this life force of executive organization, of government by rule and order, by rhythm and by ritual, will come the time wherein the occidental races (with their active, creative mind, and their vast business capacity) can take initiation – an initiation we must remember, upon a ray which is temporarily recognized as a major ray.

A large number of initiates and those who have attained adeptship in the last cycle, have been orientals and those in Hindu bodies. This cycle has been dominated by the sixth ray, which is passing out, and the preceding. In the preservation of equilibrium the time now comes when a period of attainment by occidentals will be seen, and this upon a ray suited to their type of mind. It is interesting to note that the oriental type attains its objective through meditation, with a modicum of executive organization and ritual, and that the occidental will achieve largely through the organization which lower mind produces, and a type of meditation of which intense business concentration might be considered an illumination. The one-pointed application of the mind by a European or American businessman might be regarded as a type of meditation. In the purification of motive lying back of this application will come, for the occidental, his day of opportunity.

...the Quality We Call Radiation.

The higher and more living energy of ray seven is the most active at this time and it’s resultant idealism and consequent New Age concepts are playing upon the sensitive minds of the race and preparing humanity for a great and much needed change. The work of The Ray Of Ceremonial Order is to ground or make physically visible the results of bringing spirit and matter together. Its function is to cloth spirit with matter, producing form.

The powers of magical age are many and one of the reasons why ray seven is now working its appearance is that, owing to the rapid perfecting and integration of the human personality, the higher integration between soul and personality is today more possible and more easily accomplished than ever before. The new forms, through which that much desired consummation can be affected, must be consequently, gradually and scientifically developed. This, as you may well conceive, will be achieved through the intensification of the forces, functioning through the Etheric body, through the coordination of the seven major centers, and the establishing of their rhythmic relationship. Ray seven governs predominantly upon the Etheric levels of the . It does not govern the dense physical form which is under the control of the third ray. It is the vital or the Etheric body which is responsive to and devolved by the incoming ray seven influence.

Ray Seven is spoken of as governing the mineral kingdom and also manifesting through its that significant soul characteristic and quality which we call radiation. That word effectively describes the result of soul stimulation upon and within every form. The life of the soul eventually radiates beyond the form and this radiation produces definite and calculated effects.

The Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic embodies a curious quality which is the outstanding characteristic of the particular Life which ensouling this ray. It is the quality or principle which is the co-ordinating factor unifying the inner quality and the outer tangible form or appearance. This work, goes on primarily on Etheric levels and involves physical energy. This is the true magical work. When the fourth ray and the seventh ray come into incarnation together, we shall have the most peculiar period of revelation and of light bringing. It is said of this time that then the temple of The Lord will take on an added glory and the Builders will rejoice together." Master Saint Germain the Master of Seventh Ray St. Germain (also sometimes referred to as Master Rakoczi or Master R) is the chohan of the seventh ray and a legendary spiritual master of the ancient wisdom in the Theosophical and post-Theosophical teachings of C. W. Leadbeater, Alice A. Bailey, Benjamin Creme, the White Eagle Lodge, modern and the Ascended Master Teachings, responsible for the New Age culture of the Age of and identified with the Count of St. Germain (1710-1784), who has been variously described as a courtier, adventurer, charlatan, inventor, alchemist, pianist, violinist and amateur composer. He is of central importance to the Saint Germain Foundation.

St. Germain, as one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, is credited with near god-like powers and with longevity. It is believed that Sir Francis Bacon faked his own death on Easter Sunday, 9 April 1626, attended his own funeral and made his way from England to Transylvania where he found lodging in a castle owned by the Rakoczi family. There, on 1 May 1684, Bacon, by using alchemy, became an immortal occult master and adopted the name Saint Germain and became one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, a group of beings that, Theosophists believe, form a Spiritual Hierarchy of planet Earth sometimes called the Ascended Masters. Thus, according to these beliefs, St. Germain was a mysterious manifestation of the "resurrected form" (or "resurrection body") of Sir Francis Bacon.

Some write that his name St. Germain was invented by him as a French version of the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning "Holy Brother". In the Ascended Master Teachings (but not in traditional Theosophy), the Master R, or the Master Rakoczi, also known as the Great Divine Director (a term introduced by Guy Ballard in the 1930s) is a separate and distinct being from St. Germain - the Master Rakoczi is regarded in the Ascended Master Teachings as a name used by the Great Divine Director when he was functioning as Saint Germain's teacher in the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters.

Many groups honor Saint Germain as a supernatural being called a Master of the Ancient Wisdom or an Ascended master. In the Ascended Master Teachings he is referred to simply as Saint Germain, or as the Ascended Master Saint Germain. As an Ascended Master, Saint Germain is believed to have many magical powers such as the ability to teleport, levitate, walk through walls, and to inspire people by , among others.

Theosophists consider him to be a Mahatma, Masters of the Ancient Wisdom or Adept. Helena Blavatsky said that he was one of her Masters of Wisdom and hinted that he had given her secret documents. Some esoteric groups credit him with inspiring the Founding Fathers to draf the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as providing the design of the Great Seal of the United States.

In New Age beliefs, Saint Germain is always associated with the color violet, the jewel amethyst, and the Maltese cross rendered in violet (usually the iron cross style cross patee version). He is also regarded as the "Chohan of the Seventh Ray According to Theosophy, the Seven Rays are seven metaphysical principles that govern both individual souls and the unfolding of each 2,158-year-long Astrological Age. Since according to Theosophy the next Astrological Age, the , will be governed by the Seventh (Violet) Ray (the Ray of Ceremonial Order), Saint Germain is sometimes called "The Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius". According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Saint Germain is "The God of Freedom for this system of worlds." According to the Ascended Master Teachings, the preliminary lead- up to the beginning of the Age of Aquarius began on 1 July 1956, when Ascended Master Saint Germain became the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, replacing the former Astrological Age Hierarch, the Ascended Master Jesus, who had been for almost 2,000 years the Hierarch of the Age of .

In the works authored by Alice A. Bailey, Saint Germain is called Master Rakoczi or the Master R. (In the Ascended Master Teachings, the Master Rakoczi [ otherwise known as the Great Divine Director ] is regarded as Saint Germain's teacher in the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters.) Alice A. Bailey's book The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (a compilation of earlier revelations published posthumously in 1957) gives the most information about his reputed role as a Spiritual Master. Saint Germain's spiritual title is said to be Lord of Civilization, and his task is the establishment of the new civilization of the Age of Aquarius. He is said to telepathically influence people who are seen by him as being instrumental in bringing about the new civilization of the Age of Aquarius. Alice A. Bailey stated that "sometime afer AD 2025," the Jesus, the Master Rakoczi (Saint Germain), Kuthumi, and others in the Spiritual Hierarchy would "externalise", i.e., descend from the spiritual worlds, and interact in visible tangible bodies on the Earth in ashrams, surrounded by their disciples. Alice A. Bailey said that St. Germain is the "manager of the executive council of the Christ" (Theosophists regard "the Master Jesus" and "Christ" as two separate and distinct beings. They believe in the Gnostic espoused by Cerinthus (fl. c. 100 AD), according to which "Christ" is a being who was incarnated in Jesus only during the three years of the ). According to certain Theosophists, "Christ" is identified as being a highly developed spiritual entity whose actual name is Maitreya. This Maitreya is the same being known in Buddhism as the Bodhisattva Maitreya, who is in training to become the next Buddha on Earth. According to Alice A. Bailey, the "executive council of the Christ" is a specific subgroup of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, charged with preparing the way for the of Christ and the consequent inauguration of the Age of Aquarius.

According to Benjamin Creme, when Ascended Master Saint Germain externalizes on the physical plane, one of the major activities of his ashram will be developing new forms of new-age music.

Master Saint Germain previous lifetimes

According to Theosophy and the Ascended Master Teachings, Saint Germain was incarnated as: (Note: Not all Theosophical and Ascended Master Teaching groups accept all of these incarnations as valid. St. Germain's incarnations as St. Alban, Proclus, Roger Bacon and Sir Francis Bacon are universally accepted.)

Ruler of a Golden Age civilization centered in a city called "The City of the Sun" 70,000 years ago located in the then lush and verdant area that is now the Sahara Desert, originally a colony sent out from Atlantis. High priest in the civilization of Atlantis 13,000 years ago, serving in the Order of Lord Zadkiel in the Temple of Purification, located in an Atlantean colony that had been sent out from the main island of Atlantis that had been established on the island now called Cuba.

Samuel, 11th-century BC religious leader in Israel who served as prophet, priest, and last of the Hebrew judges.Samuel's mother Hannah was the second wife of Elkanah. For many years, Hannah had no children. One year when Hannah and Elkanah went to the temple to make sacrifices and pray, Hannah begged God to allow her to have a child. To be barren in those days was a source of shame for women and was considered an indication that one was not favored by God.

A priest named Eli saw Hannah praying and realized her predicament . He blessed her and assured her that God had heard her prayers. A year later she gave birth to Samuel. And, as she had promised, brought Samuel to Eli as a young child to serve with him in the temple.

The prophet Eli's time of transition grew near. So God spoke to young Samuel, calling upon him to be the next prophet of Israel. And Samuel accepted this holy work, travelling throughout Israel, urging the various tribes to work together and to cease worshipping idols.

It came about that the tribes desired a king to rule over them. Samuel was urged by them to appoint the one who would be their leader. God had already told Samuel that the results of the tribes desiring a king would be regretted, for their king would take their lands and goods and lead them into wars. They would know only oppression.

Upon hearing this message, the people turned a deaf ear to the prophet's warnings. Their choice was a man named Saul. Unfortunately, Saul lived up to God's warning and there was much suffering in the land. In response, Samuel secretly anointed David as the true king of Israel. A conflict between Saul and David dominated the remainder of Samuel's life. Samuel's anointing of David began the Biblical monarchy that formed the lineage of Jesus Christ. Hesiod, Greek poet whose writings serve as a major source of insight into and cosmology (c. 700 BC).

Plato, Philosopher who studied with students of Pythagoras and scholars in Egypt. He established his own school of philosophy at the Academy in Athens. (427-347 BC). , 1st century AD, Nazareth. Husband of Mary and guardian of Jesus. In addition to what is commonly known about Saint Joseph from accounts, information in apocryphal writings and more recent revelations fill in some details. For instance, Joseph and Mary not only bore the Savior Jesus but six other children, both male and female. In contrast to traditional portrayals, Joseph was not merely a carpenter but an artisan in stone working and an adept in the spiritual arts. the family lived within a devout community, the Essenes, whose beliefs included the oneness of all life, that God dwelt within each soul and in his creation, and that striving and purity of motive were the way to God's heart.

Joseph, like Mary and Jesus, experienced visitations by angels. And it was Joseph's courage to be obedient to his own prophetic dreams that proved to be key to his role as guardian of his family. An appeared to Joseph in a dream to reassure him that he should marry Mary although she was many years younger than he. Afer the birth of Jesus, an appeared to warn Joseph that Herod sought the life of the newborn. The family escaped to Egypt until it was safe to return to their home. Joseph made his transition before Jesus entered into the fullness of his teaching and healing ministry. But Joseph had fulfilled his inner vow to protect Mary and to nurture and instruct Jesus.

Saint Alban, late 3rd or early 4th century, town of Verulamium, renamed St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England. First British martyr - he had sheltered a fugitive priest, became a devout convert, and was put to death for disguising himself as the priest so that he could die in his place.

Proclus, c. 410 - 485 AD. Athens. The last major Greek Neoplatonic philosopher. He headed the Platonic Academy and wrote extensively on philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, and grammar.

Merlin, c. 5th or 6th century, Britain. Magician and counselor at King Arthur's Camelot who inspired the establishment of the Order of the Knights of the Round Table.

Roger Bacon, c. 1214-1292 AD, England. Philosopher, educational reformer, and experimental scientist. Forerunner of modern science renowned for his exhaustive investigations into alchemy, optics, mathematics, and languages. Bacon pursued a life as a scholar and was engaged in academic and theological studies for decades. He became a professor at Oxford, specializing in philosophy. Eventually he became a friar in the Franciscan Order, but this prevented him from holding a teaching post. His activities were further restricted by a Franciscan statute in 1260 forbidding friars from publishing books or pamphlets without specific approval.

Bacon's friendship with Cardinal Guy le Gros de Foulques, who became Clement IV, proved to be highly fortuitous. The new Pope issued a mandate ordering Bacon to write to him concerning the place of philosophy within theology. As a result, Bacon sent the Pope his Opus Majus, which presented his views on the way philosophy and science could be incorporated into theology. Roger Bacon also wrote other works on alchemy and astrology.

During his polific lifetime, Bacon performed many scientific experiments and documente his work for posterity. These experiments are viewed as the first instances of true experimental science, several hundred years before the official rise of science in the West.

Organizer behind the scenes for the Secret Societies in Germany in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. The creation of a possibly fictional character named "Christian Rosenkreuz" was inspired by his efforts.

Christopher Columbus, 1451-1506 AD. Believed to have been born in Genoa, Italy and settled in Portugal. Landed in America in 1492 during the first of four voyages to the New World sponsored by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. At the age of twenty-two, he began an apprenticeship as business agent for three important families- the Centurione, Di Negro and Spinola families of Genoa. The countries of Europe had been trading with China and India over land, but with the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, this route became treacherous. In response to this, Christopher Columbus with his brother Bartolomeo developed a plan to travel to the Indies by sailing directly west across the Atlantic.

Afer continually lobbying at the Spanish court for two years, Columbus finally made headway with Queen Isabella of Castille in 1492. Columbus departed from Palos de la Frontera with three ships-the Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Nina. Columbus' vision that there was a westward route over the Atlantic Ocean to the Indies, if realized, would allow Spain, in dire need of funds, to enter the profitable spice trade. In hindsight we realize that Columbus' discovery set the stage for the building of a new nation, founded on the principles of equality and religious freedom.

Francis Bacon, 1561-1626, England. Philosopher, statesman, essayist and literary master, author of the Shakespearean plays (according to the Ascended Master Teachings), father of inductive science, and herald of the scientific revolution. Biographers believe that Bacon was educated at home in his early years because of his ill health. At twelve he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, and lived there for three years with his older brother Anthony. Francis Bacon studied mostly Latin and the medieval curriculum common at the time.

For the next three years, Francis traveled extensively, visiting Blois, Poitiers, Tours, Italy, and Spain. His three goals were to discover truth, to serve his country, and to serve his church. Under the reign of James I, Francis Bacon translated the King James version of the Bible. An increasing number of scholars also believe that he was secretly working with a group of some of England's best poets and writers, creating the plays now credited to William Shakespeare. Perhaps the most accepted and celebrated of Bacon's own literary works is The New Atlantis.

Francis Bacon's works popularized the inductive method of scientific inquiry. His demand for a planned procedure of investigation established the approach to scientific research still in use today. Knighted in 1603, he was given the title of Baron in 1618 and Viscount in 1621. He is recognized as one of England's greatest philosophers, statesmen, scientists and authors.

The Wonderman of Europe.Afer he had already made his ascension, Saint Germain received an unusual dispensation. The Lords of Karma allowed him to return to Earth. As the Count Saint-Germain of the House of Rakoczy, he attempted to prevent the French Revolution and to form a United States of Europe. In befriending European royalty, he hoped to guide them into positive alliances, creating a United States of Europe. But his guidance and warnings failed.

He lef no stone unturned to capture the attention of those in power- removing flaws from their , creating verse and writing it with both hands at the same time, entertaining them with his vast musical talent, wit and humor and his ability to speak with expertise on any subject. They enjoyed the show, but they dismissed his prophetic words. Count Saint- Germain's presence at court throughout this lengthy period-over one hundred years is recorded in the diaries and correspondences of several monarchs and several members of their courts. Sources and References: 1. Bailey, A. A. (1995). The Seven Rays of Life. Lucis Publishing Companies. 2. Bailey, A. A. (1971). Esoteric Psychology: A Treatise on the Seven Rays (Vol. Vol. 1). Lucis Publishing Company. 3. Bailey, A. A. (1973). A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Lucis Publishing Company. 4. Master Choa Kok Sui. (2004). Achieve the Impossible, The Golden Lotus Sutras on Spiritual Business Management. Institute for Inner Studies Publishing Foundation, Inc.