
SRI MULYANI NIM. 1112026000009



Sri Mulyani, Fascism Element The Grand Budapest Hotel Film (2014) Thesis: Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University “Syarif Hidayatullah” Jakarta. 2019. In this research, the writer examines Fascism element in the Grand Budapest Hotel Movie, directed by ,(2014). The purpose of this research is to reveal the fascism elements operated in this film. The writer uses fascism element outlook to find the concept of the fascism and Element of Narrative approach how the fascism portrays in this film by the Setting . This study is aimed at finding out what this the fascism element portrays and the correlation with the film. The writer uses a approach that serves as base-departure and base-perspective in analyzing in this film through words, dialogues, scenes, and narrations. The type of research in this study is qualitative and the results will be written in a descriptive- analytical. The writer uses the Fascism element outlook theory by William Ebenstein and the theory of Element of Narrative by Amy Villarejo. The analysis results show that the Grand Budapest Hotel contains six element from the seven principal of fascist outlook by William Ebenstein.

Keywords: Fascism, Element, The Grand Budapest Hotel, mise en scene, Element of Narrative, Setting.







First, all Praises to Allah SWT, The lord of the universe. Thanks for

his guidance, grace and deepest mercy. The pour of blessing lead the writer

to finish this thesis. Shalawat and salam always devoted to our Prophet

Muhammad (peace be upon him)who gave us his love and guideline to be a

good person.

Second, the writer would like to express a special thanks for her father

Acep Suryani and her lovely mother Almh. Suhaebah, siblings Nana

Mardiana, Nuryani, and Asep Rahman who give her financial support and

spiritual contribution during her study.

Some special thanks are also given to Mr. Arief rahman hakim, M.

Hum as writer advisor for his patience, tolerance, and time during the


Then the writer would like to say her gratitude and thankfulness to:

1. Saiful Umam, Ph.D, The Dean of Faculty of Adab and Humanities

2. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd, the Head of English Literature Department.

3. Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum, the Secretary of English Literature Department.

4. All of the Lectures in English Literature Department.


5. Special thanks to Literature Class, Fassel, and Dema FAH 2012, Himapi UIN

Jakarta who give her experience,and friendship, and also EXO Song’s,

which boost the writer mood while finishing the research

6. Her weirdos partner Rismayanti Putri, Alia Audina Kasih Saleha, Fadhila

Fatihatullaily, Lilis Shofiyati, Rizki Nurdia Astuti, Cyntia Dewi, Elis

Khairunnisa who shares laugh, love, live, patient, and wild imgination about

bias during her live in Ciputat.

7. Special Thanks to Wanita Cisalopa; Rebecca Safitri Septiarini, Andri

Octaviastuti, Anisa Mirat, Evia Zulvah and Kartika Putri Andiny for their

patient, and weirdness during KKN. Thanks for listening every concert that

writer performed in kitchen.

Jakarta, May 14 th, 2019

Sri Mulyani



ABSTRACT…………………………………………………… ...... i





TABLE OF CONTENT ...... viii

CHAPTER I – Introduction ...... 1

A. Background of Study ...... 1

B. Focuses of the Study ...... 4

C. Research Question ...... 4

D. The Objective of The Research ...... 4

E. Signifiance of the Study ...... 4

F. Research Methodology...... 4

1. Research Methodology...... 5

2. The Instrument of The Research ...... 5

3. The Tehnique of Analysis ...... 6

4. The Unit of Analysis ...... 6

5. Place and Time of The Researh ...... 6

CHAPTER II – Theoritical Framework ...... 7


A. Previous Research ...... 8

B. Theory of Fascism by William Ebenstein ...... 9

1. The Distrust of reason ...... 11

2. Denial Basic of human equality ...... 11

3. Code behavior based on lies and violence ...... 12

4. Governmnet by elite ...... 13

5. Totalitarianism ...... 14

6. Racialism and imperialism ...... 14

7. Opposition to international law and order ...... 15

C. Mise-en-scene ...... 16

D. Setting ...... 17

E. Element of Narrative ...... 18

1. Character and Characterization ...... 19

a. Character through appearance ...... 19

b. Character through dialogue ...... 19

c. Character through choice of name ...... 20

CHAPTER III – Research Finding ...... 21

1. Fascism Element in The Grand Budapest Hotel ...... 21


A. Denial Basic of human equality ...... 21

B. Totalitarianism ...... 24

C. Governmnet by elite ...... 26

D. Racialism and imperialism ...... 28

E. Setting ...... 32

CHAPTHER IV – Conclusion and Suggestion ...... 33

A. Conclusion ...... 33

B. Suggestion ...... 34

WORK CITTED ...... 35

APPENDIX ...... 36




A. Background of the Study

The film expands or compresses time and space, traveling back and

forth freely within their borders.(Joseph M. Boggs& Dennis W. Petrie:3:2008).

Film communicates visually and verbally: visually, through action and

gesture; verbally, through dialogue like plays. It can be categorized as a part

of literary works, the film is often be used as a study object to analyze the

social issue, politic issue, or cultural issue that occur in a certain period of


The film is a work of fiction which contain imagery elements such as

plot, theme, character, and Setting. The setting is an element which depicted

larger ideas than the actual appearance. Setting develops some ideas and also

to understanding the film. Many films expose several issues in its plot such as,

cultural, political and social context and setting gives explanation to figure

the meaning of the film itself.

Fascism is a radical politic movement which led by totalitarian policy.

Fascism leads the nation based on cooperative perspective, value, system

include politic policy and economic policy. For instance, several films that



has fascism elements in its story are “V for Vendetta” (2006), “Inglorious

Basterds” (2009), “Pan’s Labyrinth”(2006), “Downfall” (2004), “Woman in

Gold” (2015), “La Rafle”(2010), “The Book of Thief” (2013). Those films are conducted setting fascism era in Germany and Eastern Europe. Then, in 2014 there was film released from The production house Paintbrush, fox searchlight, titled The Grand Budapest Hotel. The film directed by Wes


The Grand Budapest Hotel Film (2014) exposes satire of the fascism critic from the Director Wes Anderson with take a tragic comedy as a genre and fascism era as setting time. Talking The situation during the First World

War, The storyline and the cinematography brings the sense of Eastern

Europe society in 1902’s and all the cast who dramatically play the role in each character, narrated by complex from many narrator in a humor way.

The story begin with the young woman walks to the cemetery and brings the pink book. Behind the cover, there is a picture of author from the book who will tell his perspective as an author and his experience during spent time in The Grand Budapest Hotel.

The Old author who tells the story about the owner of the Grand

Budapest Hotel which is flashback the setting in 1960, Mr. Zero Moustafa, the old man who look sadly and lonely told his story to the young author about the heirs of The Grand Budapest. The story flashback again before the war begin, Zero Moustafa started his career as a new Lobby Boy who trained by


M. Gustave H, The Famous concierge of the Hotel in 1930’s. He trained Zero how to be a Lobby Boy and teach him the dignity of the lobby boy. One day,

M.Gusatve has a problem, suspected as a murder from Madame D death. She is one of the guest of The Grand Budapest who really in love to M. Gustave

H. She bequeath a Paint the Boy with Apple from Van Hotyl to him. During his struggle, Zero becomes his best partner who accompanies him and helped to escape from the prison.

Gustave H arrested and try to escape from the prison because he is innocent of the death of Madame D, he helped by Zero and Agatha a baker from the Mendls traditional cake and pastry who had birthmark in her cheek like Mexico Country to escape from check point 19. Zero and M. Gustave finds proofs that they are innocent and all those conspiracies was made by

Madame D’s Son, Dmitri who is part of fascism party in Zubrowka.

The writer is interested in conducting this research about fascism elements in The Grand Budapest Hotel film by fascism theory by Willian

Ebenstein to help the writer to portray fascism in this film.

The Grand Budapest Hotel movie is a tragic comedy theme which brings fascism concept with irony and comedy from the director, Wes

Anderson. Therefore the writer attracts to analyze fascism elements in social aspect. The writer also wants to discover about fascism from the middle- class in Eastern Europe where the condition of social economy in Europe is terrible by the monarch policy which depicted in the movie. For example the


low-class district in Lutz is depicted with dark colors, dirty place and the resident from the district portrayed crippled and always look worried and anxious to the strangers but its different from the Mansion of the Schloss

Lutz with the glamorous and full of art work from the famous painter and in their mansion, also It can be seen from some of scenes by setting

A. Focus of the Study

Based on the background study above the research will be focused on finding the implementation of fascism elements which is reflected from the setting of the film in the Grand Budapest Hotel Film (2014) .

B. Research Question

1. How is Fascism element reflected in the Grand Budapest Hotel film?

C. Significance of the Study

Generally, the significance of this research is to give more knowledge about the fascism elements to the readers because this research will explore kind of fascism element which is implemented in the Grand Budapest Hotel

Film by Wes Anderson.

For academically, the writer can help this research to understand a study of literature in element narrative aspect which conducted in this film.

D. Research Methodology

This research methodology includes the important aspects, such as the objective, method, data analysis, research instrument and unit analysis.


1. Research Objective

Based on the research question above, the objective of the research is to analyze the implementation fascism elements in The Grand Budapest Hotel film.

2. The Method of the Research

Based on the issues that have been told above, the writer uses descriptive analysis and qualitative methods that give detail focus to the data, which have a correlation with the context. The first step is collecting the data from many library sources, then analyzing the data with the approach based on the issue, and the last is concluding the result of the data.

3. The Instrument of The Research

This research instrument is the writer herself. The writer gets all the information by watching the corpus, which is The Grand Budapest Hotel film for several times and understanding the whole story of the film

4. Unit Of Analysis

The unit analysis of this research is The Grand Budapest Hotel film directed by Wes Anderson, released March 28th, distributed by Fox searchlight 2014 in the USA with 100 minutes duration.


5. The Technique of Data Analysis

The writer uses The Grand Budapest Hotel film as a primary source in this research. In addition, the secondary sources are from books, article, online journal, and others. The writer begins with collecting some source Then, the writer collects the data and analyses the data, the data itself and classified it into some categories, then analyzing descriptively. Then, the second step is the writer will identify the data, after that the writer analyzes the data from the movie especially through the main issue about fascism. After those steps are carried out, the writer writes the analysis the conclusion in the last step.

6. Time and Place

This research is began in the academic year of 2016, conducted in the

Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Islamic` State University of Syarif

Hidayatullah, Jakarta.



A. Previous Research

This chapter provides some previous articles related to the research,

theories, and concept of fascism. The theories are used to provide the setting

fascism era in The Grand Budapest Hotel film. After collecting data, the

writer has found previous research there are some previous research that

analyzing about The Grand Budapest Hotel film but in the different theories

and analyzing.

First, The writer finds previous research is an article entitled “Lost

Time” by David Denby which downloaded in proquest document, it

published by New Yorker on March 10th(2014). The article discus about

capturing the lost time from two films “The Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes

Anderson” and “The Wind Rises by Hayao miyazaki”. The writer starts the

storyline about the movie The Grand Budapest Hotel and introducing

characters in the movie. The writer reveals the movie how is the movie

represent the moment which give nostalgia about the antiquated styles which

revealed in the animating emotion from The Grand Budapest Hotel scene. The

first article explaining how the director recreate set Eastern Europe in 1920’s

during the fascism era with Barouqe style architecture from each buildings

and props and situation which reflected the same time back before the war



and after the war. Denby also describes about the character M. Gustave H one of the character who is represented middle-class side with unique behavior with his sexual preference but loved by the all guest in the Hotel.

Then, the second article is title “The Grand Budapest Hotel Is a

Thoughful Comedy About Tragedy ”by Norman L. Eisen a former U,S ambassador to Czech Republic, the article Published by The Atlantic in 2015.

The second article expose his personal thought about the film and experiences during helped the filmmakers to researching a movie set for this film. He pointed three subject in this film, first for tribute to three main populations targeted by Nazis. M. Gustave, the hero of the film with his openly sexual preference as bisexual which in Nazi’s era thousands of men arrested after being condemned as homosexuals to have prosecuted in concentration camps. Zero as a character represented the refugee and “non-

Aryan” and Jewish lawyer whose are the main target of Nazis. Second, he also focuses the film on Nazis’ motivations, a poisonous cocktail of bias, greed, disdain for the law. And last, he appreciated the film’s use a comedy as the way to offers the serious subject to talk about run-up to the World War and the Communist era that followed. The second article uses historical approach to analyzing the film and narrative element to explain the setting time and place.

Based on previous research, the writer points out that this research different from previous research has been done. The writer will observe about


the theory that will be used in this research. The first one is identifying will be more focused on element of fascism. Then using element of narrative to identify the setting ( set and props) that reflected fascism element by William



A. Fascism

Ideology of fascism rises from the middle-class in europe where the conditition of social-economy in europe is terrible by the monarch policy.

Fascism is a political movement which rise initaly by Mussolini in 1920’s.

The ideology of fascism become extend to eastern Europe.(

Fascism is The word fascism has its root in the Italian fascio, literally a bundle or sheaf. More remotely, the word recalled the Latin fasces, an axe encased in a bundle of rods that was carried before the magistrates in

Roman public processions to signify the authority and unity of the state.

Before 1914, the symbolism of the Roman fasces was usually appropriated by the Left. Marianne, symbol of the French Republic, was often portrayed in the nineteenth century carrying the fasces to represent the force of

Republican solidarity against her aristocratic and clerical enemies.

Fasces are prominently displayed on Christopher Wren’s

Sheldonian Theater (1664–69) at Oxford University. They appeared on the

Lincoln Memorial in Washington (1922) and on the United States quarter


minted in 1932 ( Robert O Paxton: 4).

Peter Davis and Dereck Lynch give more another view about fascism in his book which entitled “Fascism and The Far Right”. Their stated;

Fascism is Represented middle-class rebbelion against the established Enlightnment-influenced order; it was invariably irrational and anti- Communist, and sought to impose a new age, a civilisation. However, the fact is that the study of Fascism become a battleground, an arena where competing ideologies have taken centre stage.(pg.41)

Fascism is the totalitarian organization of government and society by a single-party dictatorship, intensely, nationalist, racialist, militarist, and imperialist. (William Ebenstein:105)

According to A.J Gregor (1969) beliefs that fascism construct a” Total charismatic community”. Otherwise Roger Griffin sees fascism as a basic of risen ultranationalism back. Fascism was rise powerfully in Germany, Italy and Japan and some countries in Latin America like Argentina. During in

1933-1945. Germany was the most powerful fascist state existence, and world fascism was very largely directed, financed, and inspired by German brains and money.

Ebenstein explain there are seven principal element of fascist.(Ebenstein:115):

1. The Distrust of reason

2. Denial of basic human equality

3. Code behavior based on lies and violence


4. Government by elite

5. Totalitarian

6. Racialism and imperialism

7. Opposition to international law and order

1. The Distrust of reason

Fascism potrayed the rational tradition of the stems from Greece as the

trait of fascism. They refuse concept of Jewish monotheism and Christian

Love that have given the West its characteristic cultue and outlook. Fascism

deny tradition of west civilization and stand as an anti-rationalist for

distrusting reason reasons human affairs and stressing instead the irrational,

the sentimental, and the uncontrollable elements in man.

Even though anti-rationalist is not a characteristic of fascist or –proto

fascist, however fascism gives political support as a part of anti-

intellectualism. Individually, They believed taboo issue, dark corners in his

heart or mind that must not be pulled out and subjected to rational

examination.(Ebenstein 115-117)

2. Denial basic human equality

Fascist societies not only accept the fact of human inequality go further

and affirm inequality as an ideal. In fascist code, men are superior to women,


soldier to civillains, party members to non party members, one’s own nation

to others, the chief of criteria of equality from western tradition are man’s

mind and soul, but fascist society took inequality is based ultimately on


Ebenstein asserts The concept of human equality concept is not

accepted because this concept back of the tree roots of Western Civilization.

Fascism reject the Jewish-Christian –Greek concept of equality and opposes

to inequality, which can be defined simply in the contrast of superiority and

inferiority. The concept of God idea that led to one mankind, since all men,

as children of God are brothers among themselves by Jewish concept.

3. Code behaviour based on lies and violence

Fascism lookout human relation must be stressed by violence and lies

between nations. Ebenstein asserts that Fascist violence has main three main

functions, namely to raised the power of opposing movements through

physical confrontation, promoting their experience about struggle and

solidarity among cadres, and last to projecting the strength and order to

display as their superiority.

This function is used to make their supporters believe and symbolized

as patriotic form and sowing tension to their enemy. In this sense violence

itself becomes a recognizable commodity. On the contrary, in the type of


democratic types government, politics is the mechanism though which social

conflicts of interest are adjusted peacefully to the society.

The fascist belief their rivals are not opponent but enemies. Because

of they are enemies, their represent evil incarnate, and total annihilation is the

final solution.(Ebenstein 117)

4. Government by elite

Government by elite is principle that fascists everywhere frankly

oppose to “Democratic fallacy” that people are capable of governing


The concept that only a small minority of the population, qualified by

birth, education, or social standing, is capable of understanding what is the

best for the whole community, and of putting into practice, is not an invention

of twentieth-century fascism. Plato, one of the first Western political

philosophers, strongly believed that only one class, the “philosophers-kings”

are fit to rule society.

The contrary belief, that the people as a whole capable of self-rule, is of

relatively recent origin and has worked successfully only in limited areas of

the globe. They expresses the extreme form of the elite concept by the

principle of leadership. For example Hitler chooses his own staff base on by

the loyalty his SS soldier comes from wealth family. (Ebenstein 118).

5. Totalitarianism


Totalitarianism is all human relations characterizes fascism as a way of

life rather than as a mere system of government. Many dictatorship,

particularly in Latin America, apply the authoritarian principle only in

government. If the people do not make any trouble politically and do not

interfere with the rule of dictator and his henchmen, they can lead their own

lives pretty freely.

Education, religion, business, and agriculture are not touched very much

by these political dictatorship. By contrast fascism in totalitarian ; it

employs authority and violence in all kinds of social relations, whether

political or not.

Fascist countries preferred Women as inferior in their social

relations. They are also the largest discriminated- against minority of the

world, fascism is antifeminist.

Women, for the fascist countries just pointed as concern in three

famous Ks- Kinder-, Kuche, and Kirche, which mean nurturing the children,

do daily chore in house, and serve their husband at home. They are

automatically as a second class. (Ebenstein 120)

6. Racialism and imperialism

Racialism and imperialism provides two basics of characteristics of

inequality and violence as applied to the society of nations. Within the nation,

fascist doctrine holds, the elite is superior to the rest and may impose its will


upon the by force. Similarly, between nations the elite nation stand as

superior to the other and is entitled to rule them.

Although racism is not an important part in fascism, nothing is more

central to . Fascist do not treat all inhabitants of the territory as

citizens, or as human beings possessed of equal right. Nationalism and racism

provides all aspects of fascist practice, from welfare provision and family

policy to diplomacy. Those deemed to be outside the nation face an uncertain

future – extermination in the worst case. (Ebenstein 121)

7. Oppositon to international law and order.

Ebenstein explains the Opposition to international law and order is the

logical outcome of fascist beliefs in inequality, war, violence, elitism, racism

and imperialism. The fascist concept of the elite leads, as we have seen, to the

leadership of one man within the nation’s government. Fascist states,

therefore never wants to join international organization in which they are

expected to abide majority decisions and which government is carried on by

methods of discussion rather than by force.

Payne identifies eight main intrepretations of fascism: fascism as a

pro-duct of capitalism, moral breakdown, pathological neuroticism, the

amor-phous masses,economic development, totalitarianism, resistance to

modernisation, and middle-class radicalism. Hagtvet et al. Go further and

suggest eleven distinct perspectives: those associated with ‘demonic’


personality, moral disease, national development, capitalism as an agent, totalitarianism, therevolt against transcendence, social structure outgrowth, modernisation, an aesthetic aberration, cultural tradition, and counter- revolution.(Davis and Lynch: 41)

The essence of antifascism consists of struggling against fascism while supporting democracy; in other words, of struggling not for the destruction of capitalism, but to force capitalism to renounce its totalitarian form. Socialism being identified with total democracy, and capitalism with the growth of fascism, the opposition proletariat/Capital, communism/wage labour, proletariat/State, is shunted aside in favour Of the opposition

"democracy"/"Fascism", presented as the quintessence of the revolutionary perspective. Antifascism succeeds only in mixing two phenomena: "Fascism" properly so-called, and the evolution of Capital and the State towards totalitarianism. In confusing these two phenomena, in substituting the part for the whole, the cause of Fascism and totalitarianism is mystified and one ends up reinforcing what one seeks to combat.(Gilles Dauve:2009) .

The writer will use only 4 fascism element by William Ebstein; The

Denial of basic human equality, Totalitarianism, Government by elite, and

Racialism and imperialism.

B. Mise-en-scene

According to Amy Villarejo’s book “Film Studies The Basic” mise en

scene in its main use it meant the theatrical for staging. In study auteurs,


people will recall, it was in mise-en-scene that the French intellcetuals found the evidence for authorial signatures and individual genius, but also in mise-en scene that we often see a palpable manifestation of what probably we call in the vernacular the “ world of the film”its feel, its an etiquette toward details, its sense of its own reality against which we can measure its representations. It thus describes a useful starting point for explaining what audience’s seeing. In mise-en-scene there are six components provided : settings( set and props), lighting, costume, hair, make-up, and figure behavior.

Sikov asserts, mise-en-scene is a cinematic elements are often find in the film, to understanding the film and also to reflect itself. The word

Mise en scene firstly comes from France means that is which has been put into the scene or put on the stage. In the mise enscene there are some of element in the film, namely: settings, props, lighting costumes, make up and figure behavior, gestures, facial expressions(Sikov 5).

The writer will use setting (Set and props) from mise- en-scene has important role to explain about the setting in film to reflected the element of fascism in this film.

1. Setting

Setting can be a place or a time that influencing in film in the story line that often happened. Setting film is not only limited with the place


and time but also can describes is social context, character’s, educational

backgrounds, culture, political situation, and also can identifying the main

routine for to know and understand them, for example the way what they

eat, drink and many other activities. Setting also describes an implicit

illustrations for actions or traits that unordinary , because of cultural

norms have variety from one place to other places and all at times. Some

genres are related with the specific settings such as horror films with

haunted houses, noir films with their set some dark streets or districts and

tropical place in archipelago.

As addition, setting provides us with important contextual information

that helps us to understand the storyline of events and character

motivations, arrangements to add texture to film digest, enrich the sense of

film world as a whole (Barsam 76).

C. Element of Narrative

1. Character and Characterization

The main part of in making film, definitely always connected to

character and characterization. Character in the film took important aspect

because considered as a place where problems and events meet to make

the film more lively and clear. Barsam describes that the character is one

of the element of narrative, play functional roles within the plot and

characters (Barsam 134.)


Barsam explained the character in the film into round and flat, major and minor, protagonist and antagonist, then marginal character (72-


As part of narrative element, characterization also took the important of the film.” Characterization is the process of the actor’s interpreting in a film production. Characterization different according to the actor, the character, the screenplay , and the the director”(Barsam 74).

According to Bogss and Petrie in The Art of watching Films, Sevent

Edition (60-67) characterization is divided into several things, there are:

a. Characterization Through Appearance

Every single detail of the character that audience see on the screen can influence them about how the characterization is exposed which is can make the definition characters on film. In this way, characterization can not only be determined by the way actors talk, their physical appearance, facial features, and mannerism. But it can also be seen from the role of environment, surroundings, and tools picked up are taking part in characterization.

b. Characterization through Dialouge

In many film, some words will describe someone’s personality. To reveal the character’s personality not only can be seen on conversation or


what they say words. Because to reveal the characterization through from how they say words. Literally, choices of words, how the use patterns of the words are said, the pitch, the vocal stress, or when the actors pausing the sentences, emotion and attitudes of character. In another hand, to reveal the characterization the actor use such as sentence structure, grammar, vocabulary, and particular dialects (if any) reveals a great deal about their characters social and economic class, educational background, and mental process. c. Characterization through Choice of Name

One of the essential method of characterization is use of names possessing appropriate qualities of sound, meaning, or connotation. This technique is famously known as name typing. A screen writer commonly thinks out his characters names very carefully because great deal of thought comes into the choice of the names, they should not be taken for granted but should be carefully examined for connotations they communicate.

Based on the previous research about, the writer using characters and characterization from Element of Narative to reflect the fascism element in this film.



In this chapter the writer will analysing fascism element based on

William Ebenstein concept and also answers the following question in chapter

I to finding how fascism element reflected in The Grand Budapest Hotel

Movie by Wes Anderson (2014) . The writer using only 4 element of fascist

outlook by William Ebenstein based on his book.

1. Fasicsm Element in the Grand Budapest Hotel

The writer finds that The Grand Budapest hotel movie by Wes

Anderson provides some fascism element from setting and conversation each

characters. The writer will divide the analysis based on principal outlook

element of fascism by William Ebenstein

A. The Denial of basic human equality

In the grand Budapest Hotel the denial of basic human equality of law

which portrayed when Zero and M. Gustave H go to Madame D funeral. In

the middle of nowhere they’re in the train to Lutz, suddenly there are some

soldier appear in the compartment doorway. They appearance are stocky,

thick-necked, and armed with rifles. They wear grey uniforms, long coat and

wants to check the documents of Zero and Gustave but when they checking

Zero document without any command the soldier waves for Zero to follow



them. The different treatment from Gustave to Zero is appear here the the soldier treat to the non- Aryan civilian.(Eisen)

The soldier shows the scrap of paper to his associates. They confer rapidly at a whisper. There is some debate. Finally, the soldier waves for Zero to follow him:

SOLDIER #1 “Come outside, please”. ( Zero swallows hard and begins to rise -- but M. Gustave motions sharply for him to stop). He says, a bit stern:

M. GUSTAVE: “Now wait a minute. (to Zero) Sit Down, Zero. (to the soldiers) His papers are in order. I cross- referenced them myself with the Bureau of Labor and Servitude. You can’t arrest him simply because he’s a bloody immigrant. He hasn’t done anything wrong.”

The soldier hesitates. He turns to his associates again. They look back at him, expressionless. The soldier grabs Zero by the arm and jerks him out of his seat. M. Gustave is instantly on his feet, tussling.

M. GUSTAVE:” Stop it! Stop, damn you!”

ZERO: (in disbelief) “Never mind, M. Gustave! Let them proceed!”

(M. Gustave is slammed and held against one wall while Zero is pounded another. M. Gustave shouts and struggles.)

M. GUSTAVE “What are you doing? That hurts!”


In two seconds: both M. Gustave and Zero are locked in hand-cuffs with their arms behind their backs. At this point, M. Gustave explodes

M. GUSTAVE” You filthy, goddamn, pock-marked, fascist assholes! (in a pure rage:) Take your hands off my Lobby Boy!”

The soldier is depicted as a symbol of denial human basic equality in this Movie , the character Zero threated like a criminal, and also when

Gustave tries to explain the document the soldier without any consideration still want to proceed Zero and bring him to the death squad which it outside the train. The fascism element is reflected in this Movie also comes out when

Gustave clearly said in his dialogue ” You filthy, goddamn, pock-marked, fascist assholes! (in a pure rage:) Take your hands off my Lobby Boy!”, and also when he treated as same as Zero when he tries to defend Zero to not go over the train.. in other hand, Zero character also represent as civilian and minority treated low-key from the soldier. The superiority acts from the soldier gives an evidence of fascism issue in this Movie.

In fascism issue soldier is always pointed as superior side, they always treated respectfully as the power of country and civilians have to obedient to the order from the soldier. If the civilian did not follow the rule, the soldier will do a violation harmfully to the civilian.


B. Totalitarianism

Totalitarian is the most significant, characterizes of fascism, Ebenstein

called as “ the way of life for fascist people.”

The fascist always symbolized in every aspects such as buildings,

even their uniform or property is authorized as proud of the fascist country.

Also to convince the citizens the power of their nation which also symbolized

with symbols ( for example Swastika sign, or SS military during Nazi’s era).


(picture 3 1.13.00) (picture 4 1.22.06)

In these scene the writer found that many symbol regarding a symbol

of fascism are depicted in this movie with “ZZ” sign. “ZZ” in this movie

depicts as symbol of supremacist of the country which also implied in the

soldier uniform, the buildings, and flags. In this Film the writer like to admit

that setting reflected of element fascist in fascism from the director, Wes

Anderson which represent in each scene in and also base on the setting place

and character. ZZ is organizational soldier who leads by the Hitler. Their


mission to demolished the movement of Anti-Semiticism by doing violence

and mass murder.

Wes put in symbolic aspect from the costumes, and the set in this

movie. The writer find that the director make this movie describe not put

directly the movie about situation in fascist era.

(Picture 5 1.21.02) ( Picture 6 01.21.06)

In picture six the member of the ZZ soldier take over the building of

the hotel. It changed become a millitary barrack by Hitler. When the War



(Picture 7 00.14.46 ) (Picture 8 00.16.22)

Picture 3 depicts the appearance train as one of the fascist country

supremacy many building and public facility it takes over by the government.

In picture 4, the hotel also take over by the fascist government when the war

begin at the midnight. The picture 5 and 6 depicts the same as in the picture

no 3 and 4. Before the war begin, every stuffs in the hotel are in the hotel logo

“GB” but it changes to ZZ (Zig-zags) sign as the supremacist symbol of the

country which They put it everywhere in public.

Symbol ZZ is depicted as military power that do over powering in

society. When the war begin many of building and property changed and

added with ZZ symbol which related with the Nazi’s era. Fanaticsm from the

fascist movement was everywhere and private property is owned by the

military. The ZZ symbol in this film is part of mocking the tragic fascism era

is related the leader SS soldier (Nazi)in 1933 (Denby 3). The tragic comedy

the makes this film has unique approach to deliver the history of Nazi

leadership but saturated in comedy each scene.

C. Government by elite

In chapter two, the writer describe the Government by elite as the

concept of fascist country which only small minorities of population is

qualified to be a part of the government. Ebenstein pointed that people who


capable as an elite is relatively chosen by the leader of fascist only limited areas of the globe. In this film an elite of the government is chosen from aristocrat family.

In this movie, there is an elite party from aristocrat named Dmitri, he is a son of Madame D’s and the main reason of madame D’s death. The figure behavior of the character Dmitri is reflected as an elite family Dmitri is depicted as a part of elite government who can gets everything he wants even to do violent and murderer to people who disobey his command.

(Picture 9) (Picture 10) In this case Dmitri wants to find his mother property which already bequeath a paint to Gustave but he still greedy and wants Gustave bequeath to him. He is not cooperate with Madame D last wishes. He planned to poisoned Madame D and kill Deputy Kovacs by his left –handed named


Dmitri become reflection of the Nazi’s motivation, greed, disdain for the law. In fascists society breaking the rule and murderer one of treat to their


D. Racialism and imperialism

Racialism and imperialism provides two basics of characteristics of

inequality and violence as applied to the society of nations. Within the nation,

fascist doctrine holds, the elite is superior to the rest and may impose its will

upon the by force. Similarly, between nations the elite nation stand as

superior to the other and is entitled to rule them.(Ebenstein 120). In this film

the writer provides issue the racialism in how the character Zero and Gustave

are treated..

1) Zero Moustafa

He is the young immigrant from unamed middle-east country, he lives

in Zubrowska alone and become the new employer in the Grand Budapest

Hotel, he is straight-forwaded man and really fell in love with Agatha.

He trained as a lobby boy which in commad M. Gustave H. He help

M. Gustave to escape from the Check point 19 a middle-aged Prison and find

the truth about the murder of Madame D. At the End Zero get a bequeth from

M. Gustave H The Grand Budapest Hotel beacuse he said that Zero is the best

partner and he is only M. Gustave relation.

Zero is reflected as minority who is one of the target to clean all the

and minority ( Non-Arian) from Europe also his status as a third class

labor. His character is opposite with M. Gustave who always polite and gentle

but Zero behavior who knows nothing make Gustave impressed him as loyal


fellow till die. He also depicted as uneducated young boy, untalented, and alone.

ZERO:” Should I go and light the candle first? “

M. GUSTAVE :(not sure what he means) What? No. (starting the interview) Experience?”

ZERO :(anxious, very formal) Hotel Kinski, Kitchen Boy, six months. Hotel Berlitz, Mop and Broom Boy, three months. Before that I was a Skillet Scrubber in the banquet hall at –“

M. GUSTAVE (noting this) “Experience: zero.”

M. GUSTAVE :”Education?”

ZERO: (worried)” I studied reading and spelling. I completed my primary school certificate. I almost started – “

M. GUSTAVE (noting this):” Education: zero.” M. GUSTAVE :”Family?”

ZERO: (long pause)”Zero” . M. GUSTAVE (noting this)”I see.”

Zero Moustafa (Picture 11 00.18.28)


2) M. Gustave H

The whole story of this Movie is connected with the character M.

Gustave H, a Concierge of the Grand Budapest Hotel The satire of the

dialouge M. Gustave H, the main character that exposes the whole story

about. He is depicted as the popular Concierge in this Movie.

as Concierge M. Gustave H is poetical, flamboyant and known as the

greatest concierge in 1920’s.

00.16. 09 - 00.16:12” Rudenes is merely the expression of fear.” 00.16:13-00.16:15 “People fear they won’t get what they want.” 00.16:16- 00.16:21 “The most dreadful and unactracctive person only needs to be loved, and they will open up like a flower.”

(Picture 12 00.16. 09)

In this dialouge M. Gustave expresses his feeling about the situation outside


M. Gustave is portrayed as low class society who want luxury and

pleseant from his special guest who want his personal service and openly his

speak his sexual preference as bisexual to another people.


M. GUSTAVE:” There’s really no point in doing anything in life, because it’s all over in the blink of an eye -- and, the next thing you know, rigor mortis sets in. Oh, how the good die young! With any luck, she’s left a few Klubecks for your old friend -- (motioning to himself) - - but one never knows until the ink is dry on the death certificate. She was dynamite in the sack, by the way.”

ZERO: (scandalized in spite of himself) “She was eighty-four, M. Gustave!”

M. GUSTAVE (pause) I’ve had older”. (M. Gustave throws back the rest of his glass and refills it as he expands on the point: )

M. GUSTAVE:” When you’re young, it’s all filet-steak, but as the years go by, you have to move on to the cheaper cuts -- which is fine with me, because I like those. More flavorful, or so they say.” (shrugs)

He is arrested as murder because has a special relation with The

Countess Dowager ( Madame D) who was poisoned in her manor house by his son Dmitri. Gustave escapes from the check point 19 and find about the truth behid the murderer, unfortunately the situation in this story is taken when war begin. His proud of The Hotel is gone when see that the hotel is changed to become a Millitary barack.


( Picture 13) (Picture 14)

In the end , Gustave is innocent from the charge as a murder of

Madame D’s death. He bequeth the richness of Madame D, and also he owned the Grand Budapest Hotel. He died when he wants to visiting Lutz with Zero and Agatha by the millitary police officer who asked Zero document, he try to protect Zero but unfortunately he executed.

(Picture 12 00.22:53-00.22:57)

“you see? There are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity.” M.Gustave H (00.22:53-00.22:57).

In this dialouge explain the situation ( war) of the place which barbaric

( a lot of violent, racism, and fear) but still have some kindness from people


who has relation with the government ( the soldier). M. Gustave criticizes about the situation during the war which people.

(Picture 13 00.21.13)

“you filthy, goddamn, pork marked, facist assholes ! take your hands off my lobby boy!”

Picture M. Gustave H (00.21: 13 The Grand Budapest Hotel) express his anger to soldier whom will arrested Zero because of his document is expired.

The word “fascist” itself clearly describe the situation that Gustave live in the fascist country.

E. Setting

Fascism lookout human relation must be stressed by violence and lies between nations. The social consctruction between the high class and low class society the captured the low class society with dirty clothes and worn out. The low Class:


(Picture 14)

The High Class Society:

(Picture 15)

The setting place and situation between picture 14 and 15. In those picture

the low class society is portrayed with gloom and lighting and dark but it

reverse with the high class society which depicted with colored clothes and

fancy neckles. Even with the same feeling of sadness, in picture 14 Zero feels

sad when he forced to tell about his family because his lost, but in picture 15

there is Character named Madame D who feel sadness when she need to back


to her Mansion in Lutz. She won’t feeling lost when she need to separated with Gustave but she need to comeback to her own home.

In the End the Fascism element in this Film through setting above, it conclude this film want to show about how fascism is reflected with point out some treats and violence by the some of group fanatical soldier makes the humanity and morale decrease and also how the social construction can from the society leads the big gap between the poor and the wealth people.



A. Conclusion

Film The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) describe element of Fascism

from through the setting and character. The setting can reflects how the

human relation is against each other by the soldier. Each scene describe how

the high social class and the poor reflected. The characters from this film is

reflect how they are treated unfairly from the society eventhough their social

status were changed because they are non-Aryan. In the end of this film

Gustave was executed by the death squad because he protected Zero from the

the military soldier cause Zero is from non -Aryan people also his status as the

third class labour. This film also reflected that the social construction make

big impact to the fascism government through the civil society.


Based on the data, the writer find in this film, there is some issue

which is interesting for analyzed besides the fascism issue. The writer finds

some issue such as sexual preference through the character M. Gustave who is

related with who celary declare as bisexual.


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Appendix FOX In Association with INDIAN PAINTBRUSH and STUDIO BABELSBERG Present An AMERICAN EMPIRICAL PICTURE Cast: Ralph fiennes, , f. Murray abraham, , , , , , , ,

, , , léa seydoux, , , directed by Wes anderson screenplay by Wes anderson story by Wes anderson &


produced by Wes anderson . Steven rales Executive producers Molly cooper Charlie woebcken Christoph fisser Henning molfenter co-producer Jane frazer director of photography , a.s.c. Production designer Editor Barney pilling Randall poster original music by costume designer associate producer Octavia peissel co-producer/rudin productions running time 100 minutes.

THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL recounts the adventures of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous European hotel between the wars; and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend. The story involves the theft and recovery of a priceless Renaissance painting; a raging battle for an enormous family fortune; and the sweetest confection of a love affair – all against the backdrop of a suddenly and dramatically changing Continent. a caper in constant motion, kinetic and comic; a timeless tale of friendship, honor, and promises fulfilled. Director Wes Anderson says his eighth feature film comes from a mix of inspirations including the pre- code comedies of the 1930’s and the stories and memoirs of Viennese writer .