Agustín Fuentes Department of Anthropology, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 phone (574)631-5421 fax (574)631-5760 email: [email protected]

EDUCATION: 1994 Ph.D. Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley

1991 M.A. Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley

1989 B.A. Anthropology and , University of California, Berkeley

ACADEMIC POSITIONS: 2013-present Chair, Department of Anthropology, University of Notre Dame

2008-present Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Notre Dame

2008-2011 Director, Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, University of Notre Dame

2005-2008 Nancy O’Neill Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Notre Dame

2004-2008 Flatley Director, Office for Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate Fellowships, University of Notre Dame

2002-2008 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Notre Dame

2000-2002 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Central Washington University

1999-2002 Director, Primate Behavior and Bachelor of Science Program, Interdisciplinary Major-Departments of Anthropology, Biological Sciences and Psychology, Central Washington University

1998-2002 Graduate Faculty, Department of Psychology and Resource Management Master’s Program, Central Washington University

1996-2000 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Central Washington University

1995-1996 Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of California at Berkeley

ACADEMIC AFFILIATIONS: 2013-present Fellow, Liu Institute for Asian Studies, University of Notre Dame

2012-2013 Fellow, Inquiry on Evolution and Human Nature, Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton

2012 Seelye Fellow, University of Auckland, New Zealand

2009-present Advisory Board, Eck Institute for Global Health, University of Notre Dame


2008-present Executive Committee, Institute for Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame

2008-present Research Affiliate, Washington National Primate Research Center

2008-2009 Advisory Board, Center for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, University of Notre Dame

2006-present Fellow, John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values, University of Notre Dame

2005-2009 Fellow, Center for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame

2005-present Fellow, Institute for Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame

2004-2012 Core member, Center for Asian Studies, University of Notre Dame

2004-present Fellow, Kroc Institute for Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame

2003-2009 Faculty, Center for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, University of Notre Dame

MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: 2009-2012 European Association of Social Anthropologists

2007-2012 American Society of Primatologists

2006-2012 BioSocial Society

2004-2012 International Society for

2001-present American Association for the Advancement of Science

1996-present American Anthropological Association

1994-present American Association of Physical Anthropologists

1996-7, 1999-2003 Council on Undergraduate Research

1994, 1996-present International Primatological Society

1997-2003, 2006-2010 Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society



BOOKS/MONOGRAPHS: Fuentes, A. (2012) Race, Monogamy and other lies they told you: busting myths about human nature University of California Press

Fuentes, A. (2011) Biological Anthropology: concepts and connections 2e McGraw-Hill Publishing Company

Fuentes, A. (2009) Evolution of Human Behavior Oxford University Press

Fuentes, A. (2006) Core Concepts in Biological Anthropology McGraw-Hill Publishing Company

BOOKS/EDITED VOLUMES: Narvaez, D., Valentino, K., Fuentes, A., McKenna, J.J. and Gray, P. (2014) Ancestral Landscapes in Human Evolution Culture, Childrearing and Social Wellbeing. Oxford University Press

MacClancy, J. and Fuentes, A. (2013) Ethics in the field: contemporary challenges. Berghahn Press

Gumert, M. D., Fuentes, A. and Jones-Engel, L. (2011) Monkeys on the Edge: ecology and management of long-tailed macaques and their interface with humans. Cambridge University Press

MacClancy, J. and Fuentes, A. (2011) Centralizing Fieldwork: Critical Perspectives from Primatology, Biological and Social Anthropology Berghahn Press

Campbell, C., Fuentes, A., MacKinnon, K.C., Bearder, S., and Stumpf., R. (2011) Primates in Perspective 2e Oxford University Press

Panter-Brick, C. and Fuentes, A. (2008) Health, Risk, and Adversity Berghahn Press

Campbell, C., Fuentes, A., MacKinnon, K.C., Panger, M., and Bearder, S. (2007) Primates in Perspective Oxford University Press

Fuentes, A. and Wolfe, L.D. (2002) Primates Face to Face: The Conservation Implications of Human and Nonhuman Primate Interconnections Cambridge University Press

Dolhinow, P. and Fuentes, A. (1999) The Nonhuman Primates Mayfield Publishing Company

REFEREED ARTICLES: Visala, A. and Fuentes, A. (2015) Human Nature(s): Human Nature at the Crossroad of Conflicting Interests. Theology and Science

Wilcox, J.J.S., Lane-DeGraff, K.E., Fuentes, A. & Hollocher , H. (2014) Comparative community-level associations of helminth infections and microparasite shedding in wild long-tailed macaques in Bali, Indonesia Parasitology DOI:10.1017/S0031182014001462

Fuentes, A. (2014) Human evolution, niche complexity, and the emergence of a distinctively human imagination Time and Mind 7(3):241-257 DOI:10.1080/1751696X.2014.945720

Deane-Drummond, C. and Fuentes, A (2014) Human Being and Becoming: Situating Theological Anthropology in Interspecies Relationships in an Evolutionary Context Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 1(3):251–275 DOI10.1628/10.1628/219597714X14025664303164 3-AF

Lane-deGraaf, K.E., Fuentes, A. & Hollocher, H. (2014) Landscape genetics reveal fine-scale boundaries in island populations of Indonesian long-tailed macaques Landscape Ecology 29(9) DOI 10.1007/s10980-014-0069-0

Fuentes, A. (2014) Hyper-cooperation is deep in our evolutionary history and individual perception of belief matters Religion, Brain & Behavior 4(3):19-25 DOI:10.1080/2153599X.2014.928350

Fuentes, A. (2014) Feedback, group-level processes, and systems approaches in human evolution Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37(3):259 – 260 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X13002860

Brotcorne, F, Maslarov, C, Wandia, IN, Fuentes, A, Beudels-Jamar, RC, and Huynen, M (2014) The role of anthropic, ecological, and social factors in sleeping site choice by long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis) American Journal of Primatology DOI:10.1002/ajp.22299

Ferdowsian, H. and Fuentes, A. (2014) Harms and deprivation of benefits for nonhuman primates in research Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 35(2):143-156 DOI 10.1007/s11017-014-9288-2

Malone, N., Wade. A.H., Fuentes, A., Riley, E., Remis, M., and Jost-Robinson, C. (2014) Ethnoprimatology: critical interdisciplinarity and multispecies approaches in anthropology Critique of Anthropology 34(1):8-29

Lane-deGraaf, KE, Arta Putra, IGA Wandia, IN, Rompis, ALT, Hollocher, H, and Fuentes, A (2014) Human behavior and opportunities for parasite transmission in communities surrounding long- tailed macaque populations in Bali, Indonesia American Journal of Primatology 76(2):159-167DOI: 10.1002/ajp.22218

Lute, M. Hollocher, H., and Fuentes, A. (2013) Aggression and Peripheralization in Subadult Male Long-tailed Macaques in Singapore Acta Ethologica DOI: 10.1007/s10211-013-0173-1

Lane-deGraaf, KE, Kennedy, RC, Niaz Arifin, SM, Madey, GR, Fuentes, A and Hollocher, H (2013) A test of agent-based models as a tool for predicting patterns of pathogen transmission in complex landscapes BMC Ecology 13:35 doi:10.1186/1472-6785-13-35

Engel, G. Fuentes, A., Lee, B., Schillaci, MA and Jones-Engel, L (2013) Monkey Bites among US Military Members, Afghanistan, 2011 Emerging Infectious Diseases 19(4):691

Fuentes, A. (2013) Evolutionary perspectives and transdisciplinary intersections: A roadmap to generative areas of overlap in discussing human nature. Theology and Science 11 (2):106–129,

Fuentes, A. (2012) Humans as Niche Constructors, as Primates, and with Primates: Synergies for Anthropology in the Anthropocene. Cambridge Anthropology 30(2):140-144

Fuentes, A. (2012) Editorship, Generous Anthropology, and the American Anthropologist American Anthropologist 114(4):571-572

Calcagno, J, and Fuentes, A. (2012) What makes us human? answers from evolutionary anthropology. Evolutionary Anthropology 41(3): 1, 13-14


Fuentes, A. (2012) commentary on O’Brian, MJ and Laland, KN (2012) Genes, Culture, and Agriculture: An Example of Human Niche Construction. Current Anthropology 53(4):452-3

Fuentes, A. (2012) Ethnoprimatology and the anthropology of the human-primate interface Ann. Rev. Anthropol. 41:101–17 doi: 10.1146/annurev-anthro-092611-145808

Malone, N.M., Fuentes, A., and White, F.J (2012) Variation in the Social Systems of Extant Hominoids: Comparative Insight into the Social Behaviour of Early Hominins International Journal of Primatology 33(6):1251-1277 Doi:10.10007/s10764-012-9617-0

Schurr, M.R., Fuentes, A., Luecke, E., Cortes, J., and Shaw, E. (2012) Intergroup variation in stable isotope ratios reflects anthropogenic impact on the Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) of Gibraltar Primates 53(1):31-40

Lane, K., Holley, C., Hollocher, H., and Fuentes, A. (2011) The anthropogenic environment lessens the intensity and prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in Balinese long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) Primates 52:117–128

Fuentes, A. (2011) Being Human and Doing Primatology: National, Socioeconomic, and Ethnic Influences on Primatological Practice American Journal of Primatology 73(3):233–237

Riley, E. and Fuentes, A. (2011) Conserving social-ecological systems in Indonesia: Human- nonhuman primate interconnections in Bali and Sulawesi American Journal of Primatology 73(1):62–74

Fuentes, A. (2010) The New Biological Anthropology: Bringing Washburn’s New Physical Anthropology into 2010 and beyond. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 53:2-12

Fuentes, A. (2010) Naturecultural Encounters in Bali: Monkeys, Temples, Tourists, and Ethnoprimatology Cultural Anthropology 25(4):600-624

Fuentes, A. and Hockings, K. (2010) The ethnoprimatological approach in primatology American Journal of Primatology 72:841–847

Malone, N., Fuentes, A., and White, F. (2010) Subjects of Knowledge and Control in Field Primatology American Journal of Primatology72:779–784

Fuentes, A. (2010) Vital Topics Forum: On Nature and On The Human American Anthropologist 112(4):512 and 521, Editor 513-520.

Fuentes, A., Wyczalkowski, M. and MacKinnon, K.C. (2010) Niche Construction through Cooperation: A Nonlinear Dynamics Contribution to Modeling Facets of the Evolutionary History in the Genus Homo Current Anthropology 51(3):435-444

Kennedy, R.C., Lane, K.E., Arifin, S. M. Niaz, Fuentes, A., Hollocher, H., Madey, G.R. (2009) A GIS Aware Agent-Based Model of Pathogen Transmission International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems 14(1):51-61

Sha, J.C.H., Gumert, M.D., Lee, B.P. Y.-H., Fuentes, A., Rajathurai, S. Chan, S., and Jones-Engel, L. (2009) Status of the long-tailed macaque Macaca fascicularis in Singapore and implications for management Conservation 18(11):2909-2926


Sha, J.C.H., Gumert, M.D., Lee, B.P. Y.-H., , Jones-Engel, L., S. Chan, S. and Fuentes, A.(2009) Macaque–Human Interactions and the Societal Perceptions of Macaques in Singapore. American Journal of Primatology 71:1-15

Fuentes, A. (2009) Re-situating Anthropological approaches to the evolution of human behavior. Anthropology Today 25(3):12-17

Jones-Engel L, May CC, Engel GA, Steinkraus KA, Schillaci MA, Fuentes A, et al. (2008) Diverse contexts of zoonotic transmission of simian foamy viruses in Asia. Emerging Infectious Diseases 14(8):1200-1208

Engel, G, Pizzaro, M. Shaw, E., Cortes, J., Fuentes, A., Barry, P. Lerche, N., Grant, R. Cohn, D., and Jones-Engel, L. (2008) Unique Pattern of Enzootic Primate Viruses in Gibraltar Macaques. Emerging Infectious Diseases 14(7):1112-1115

Fuentes, A., Kalchik, S., Gettler, L., Kwiatt, A., Konecki, M., and Jones-Engel, L. (2008) Characterizing Human-macaque interactions in Singapore. American Journal of Primatology 70:1-5.

Schillacci, M.A., Jones-Engel, ,Engel, G., Fuentes, A. (2008) Characterizing the threat to the blood supply associated with nonoccupational exposure to emerging simian retroviruses. Transfusion 48(2):398-401

Schillacci, M.A., Jones-Engel, L., Lee, B.P., Fuentes, A. , Aggimarangsee, N., Engel, G. Sutthipat, T. (2007) Morphology and somatometric growth of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis fascicularis) in Singapore Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 92(4), 675–694.

Fuentes, A., Shaw, E. and J. Cortes (2007) Humans, Monkeys, and the Rock: The anthropogenic ecology of the Barbary macaques in the Upper Rock Nature Reserve, Gibraltar. Almoraima: revista de estudios Campo Gibraltareños

Fuentes, A., Shaw, E. and Cortes, J. (2007) A qualitative assessment of macaque tourist sites in Padangtegal, Bali, Indonesia, and the Upper Rock Nature Reserve, Gibraltar. International Journal of Primatology 28:1143-1158

Douglas L. C., Smith, V., Pizarro M., Jones-Engel, L., Engel, G., Fuentes, A., Shaw, E., Cortes. J (2007) Pediculosis in Macaca sylvanus of Gibraltar. Veterinary Parasitology 145:116-119

Fuentes, A. (2006) Evolution is important but it is not simple: Defining cultural traits and incorporating complex evolutionary theory Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29:354-55

Fuentes, A. (2006) Human-Nonhuman primate interconnections and their relevance to Anthropology. Ecological and Environmental Anthropology 2(2):1-11

Fuentes, A. (2006) Human culture and monkey behavior: Assessing the contexts of potential pathogen transmission between macaques and humans American Journal of Primatology 68:880-896

Engel, G., Hungerford, L.L., Jones-Engel, L., Travis, D., Eberle, R., Fuentes, A., Grant, R., Kyes, R. and Schillaci, M. (2006) Risk Assessment: A Model for Predicting Cross-Species Transmission of Simian Foamy Virus From Macaques (M. fascicularis) to Humans at a Monkey Temple in Bali, Indonesia American Journal of Primatology 68:934-948


Fuentes, A (2006) The humanity of animals and the animality of humans: A view from biological anthropology inspired by J.M. Coetzees’ Elizabeth Costello American Anthropologist 108(1):124-132

Loudon, J.,Howell, M. and Fuentes. A. (2006) The Importance of Integrative Anthropology: A Preliminary Investigation Employing Primatological and Cultural Anthropological Data Collection Methods in Assessing Human-Monkey Co-existence in Bali, Indonesia Ecological and Environmental Anthropology 2(1):2-13

Fuentes, A. (2005) Ethnography, cultural context, and assessments of reproductive success matter when discussing human mating strategies Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):284-285

Jones-Engel, L. Engel, G., Schillaci, M.A., Rompis, A.L.T., Putra, A., Suaryana, K., Fuentes, A., Beers, B., Hicks, H., White, R., Wilson, B., and Allen, J. (2005) Primate to Human Retroviral Transmission in Asia Emerging Infectious Diseases 11(7):1028-1035

Fuentes, A. and Gamerl, S. (2005) Disproportionate Participation by Ages/Sex Class in Aggressive Interactions Between Long-Tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and Human Tourists at Padangtegal Monkey Forest, Bali, Indonesia American Journal of Primatology 66:197-204

Fuentes, A. (2004) Chimpanzees are not proto-hominins and early human mothers may not have foraged alone Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27(4):513

Malone, N.M., Fuentes, A., Purnama, A.R., Adi Putra, I.M.W. (2004) Displaced Hylobatids: cultural and economic aspects of the primate trade in Jawa and Bali, Indonesia. Tropical Biodiversity 8(10):41-49

Fuentes, A. (2004) It’s Not All Sex and Violence: Integrated Anthropology and the Role of Cooperation and Social Complexity in Human Evolution American Anthropologist 106(4):710-718

Fuentes, A. (2003) Towards an evolutionary pluralism? The need to establish evidentiary standards and avoid reification of assumptions Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25(4):518-519

Suartha, I.N., Watiniasih,N.L., and Fuentes, A. (2002) Kesembuhan luka monyet ekor panjang di obyek wisata Wanarawana Padangtegal. Jurnal Veteriner 3(2):50-54

Fuentes, A., Malone, N., Sanz, C., Matheson, M., and Vaughn, L. (2002) Conflict and Post-conflict behavior in a small group of Chimpanzees. Primates 43(3):233-235

Fuentes, A. (2002) Patterns and trends in primate pair bonds International Journal of Primatology 23(4):953-978

Engel, G.A., Jones-Engel, L., Suaryana, K.G., Arta Putra, I.G.A., Schilliaci, M.A., Fuentes, A., and Henkel, R. (2002) Human exposures to Herpes B seropositive macaques in Bali, Indonesia. Emerging Infectious Diseases 8 (8):789-795

Fuentes, A. (2000) Hylobatid Communities: changing views on pair bonding and social organization in hominoids. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 43:33-60

Fuentes, A. (2000) Human mating models can benefit from comparative primatology and careful methodology Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23(4):602-603


Fuentes, A., Harya Putra, I.D.K., Suaryana, K.G.,Rompis, A., Artha Putra, I.G.A., Wandia, N., Soma, G., and Watiniasih, N.L. (2000) The Balinese Macaque Project: background and stage one field school report Jurnal Primatologi Indonesia 3(1):29-34

Yanuar, A., Fuentes, A. and Studd, K. (1999) A short report on the current status of the Mentawai Snub-nosed langur (Simias concolor concolor) on Simalegu Island, South Pagai, Mentawai, Indonesia, Tropical Biodiversity 5(3):299-305

Fuentes, A. (1999) Re-evaluating Primate Monogamy, American Anthropologist 100 (4):890-907

Fuentes, A. (1998) Current status and future viability for the Mentawai primates, Primate Conservation 17: 111-116

Mittra, E.S., Fuentes, A., and McGrew, W.C. (1997) Lack of hand preference in wild Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) American Journal of Physical Anthropology 103(4): 455-461

Fuentes, A (1996) Feeding and ranging in the Mentawai Island langur (Presbytis potenziani), International Journal of Primatology 17(4): 525-548

Fuentes, A. and Tenaza, R.R. (1996) Infant parking in Pig-tailed langurs (Simias concolor), Folia Primatologica 65: 172-173

Tenaza, R.R. and Fuentes, A.. (1995) Monandrous social organization of Pig-tailed langurs (Simias concolor) in the Pagai Islands, Indonesia. International Journal of Primatology 16(2):195-210

BOOK CHAPTERS: Narvaez, D., Gray, P., McKenna, J., Valentino, K. & Fuentes, A. (2014). Children’s Development in Light of Evolution and Culture. In D. Narvaez, K. Valentino, A. Fuentes, J. McKenna, & P. Gray, Ancestral Landscapes in Human Evolution: Culture, Childrearing and Social Wellbeing New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 3-17

Fuentes, A. (2014) Preliminary Steps Toward Addressing the Role of Nonadult Individuals in Human Evolution. In Narvaez, D., Valentino, K., Fuentes, A., McKenna, J.J. and Gray, P. Ancestral Landscapes in Human Evolution Culture, Childrearing and Social Wellbeing. Oxford University Press Pp. 241-257

Fuentes, A. (2014) There’s a Monkey in My Kitchen (and I Like It): Fieldwork with Macaques in Bali and Beyond. In Karen Strier (ed) Primate Ethnographies Pearson, Boston Pp. 151-162

Fuentes, A (2013) Social minds and social selves: redefining the human–alloprimate interface In Corbey, R. and Lanjouw, A. (eds) The Politics of Species: Reshaping our Relationships with Other Animals Cambridge University Press, Cambridge pp. 179-188

MacClancey, J and Fuentes, A (2013) The ethical fieldworker, and other problems In MacClancy, J. and Fuentes, A. (eds) Ethics in the field: contemporary challenges. Berghahn Press Pp.1-23

Fuentes, A. (2013) Blurring the biological and social in human becomings In Ingold, T and Paalson, G (eds) Biosocial Becomings: Integrating Social and Biological Anthropology Cambridge University Press, Cambridge pp.42-58 8-AF

Fuentes, A. (2013) Cooperation, Conflict, and Niche Construction in the Genus Homo. In Fry, D. (ed) War, Peace, and Human Nature. Oxford University Press, Oxford pp.78-94

Fuentes, A. (2013) Pets, , and Partners: Macaques as Commodities in the Human-Other Primate Interface. In S. Radhakrishna et al. (eds.), The Macaque Connection: Cooperation and Conflict between Humans and Macaques, Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects 43, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-3967-7_7, © Springer Science+Business Media New York

MacKinnon, K.C and Fuentes, A. (2012) Primate Social Cognition, Human Evolution, and Niche Construction: A Core Context for Neuroanthropology. In Lende, D and Downey, G (eds) The Encultured Brain MIT Press, Cambridge MA Pp. 67-102

MacKinnon, K.C and Fuentes, A. (2011) Primates, Niche Construction, and Social Complexity: The Roles of Social Cooperation and Altruism. In Sussman, R.W. and Cloninger, R.C. Eds. Origins of Altruism and Cooperation. Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects, 2011, Volume 36, Part 2, 121-143

Fuentes, A., Rompis, A.L.T., Arta Putra,I.G.A. , Watiniasih, N.L., Suartha, I.N., Soma, I.G., Wandia, I.N., Harya Putra, I.D.K., Stephenson, R., and Selamet, W. (2011) Macaque behavior at the human- monkey interface: the activity and demography of semi-free ranging Macaca fascicularis at Padangtegal, Bali, Indonesia. In Gumert, M. D., Fuentes, A. and Jones-Engel, L. Eds. Monkeys on the Edge: ecology and management of long-tailed macaques and their interface with humans. Cambridge University Press, pp.159-179

Jones-Engel, L. Engel, G., Gumert, M.D., and Fuentes, A. (2011) Developing sustainable human- macaque communities. In Gumert, M. D., Fuentes, A. and Jones-Enegl, L. Eds. Monkeys on the Edge: ecology and management of long-tailed macaques and their interface with humans. Cambridge University Press, pp. 295-327

Gumert, M.D., Fuentes, A., Engel, G., and Jones-Engel, L (2011) Future directions for research and conservation of long-tailed macaque populations. In Gumert, M. D., Fuentes, A. and Jones-Enegl, L. Eds. Monkeys on the Edge: ecology and management of long-tailed macaques and their interface with humans. Cambridge University Press, pp.328-353

Jones-Engel, L., Engel, G.A. and Fuentes, A. (2011) An ethnoprimatological approach to interactions between human and non-human primates. IN J.M. Setchell and D.J. Curtis eds. Field and laboratory Methods in Primatology: a practical guide Cambridge University Press, pp21-32

Fuentes, A. (2011) Measuring meaning and understanding in primatological and biological anthropology fieldwork: context and practice. In MacClancy, J. and Fuentes, A. Eds. Centralizing Fieldwork: Critical Perspectives from Primatology, Biological and Social Anthropology Berghahn Press

Oka, R. and Fuentes, A. (2010) From Reciprocity to Trade: How Cooperative Infrastructures Form the Basis of Human Socioeconomic Evolution. in R.C. Marshal Ed. Cooperation in Social and Economic Life Altamira Press Pp.3-28

Riley, E.P, Wolfe, L.D., and Fuentes, A. (2010) Ethnoprimatology: Contextualizing Human/Primate Interactions in C. Campbell, A. Fuentes. K. MacKinnon, S. Bearder, and R. Stumpf eds Primates in Perspective 2e Oxford University Press Pp. 676-686 9-AF

Fuentes, A (2010) Social Systems and Socioecology: Understanding the Evolution of Primate Behavior in C. Campbell, A. Fuentes. K. MacKinnon, S. Bearder, and R. Stumpf eds Primates in Perspective 2e Oxford University Press Pp. 500-511

Lane, K.K., Lute, M., Rompis, A., Wandia, I.N., Arta Putra, I.G.A., Hollocher, H., and Fuentes, A. (2010) Pests, Pestilence, and People: The Long-Tailed Macaque and Its Role in the Cultural Complexities of Bali in S. Gursky-Doyen and J. Supriatna (eds.), Indonesian Primates, Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects, Springer Science. Pp. 235-248

Niaz A.S.M., Kennedy, R.C., Lane, K.E., Fuentes, A., Hollocher, H. and Madey, G.T. (2010) P-SAM: a postsimulation analysis module for agent-based models. In Proceedings of the 2010 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, pp. 350-357. Society for Computer Simulation International, 2010.

Schillaci, M.A, Engel, G.A., Fuentes, A., Rompis, A., Arta Putra, Wandia, I.N., Bailey, J.A.,Brogdon, B.G., and Jones-Engel, L (2010) The Not-So-Sacred Monkeys of Bali: A Radiographic Study of Human-Primate Commensalism in S. Gursky-Doyen and J. Supriatna (eds.), Indonesian Primates, Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects, Springer Science. Pp. 249-256

Malone, N. and Fuentes, A. (2009) The Ecology and Evolution of Hylobatid Communities: Causal and Contextual Factors Underlying Inter- and Intraspecific Variation. In S. Lappan, D. Whittaker (Eds.). The Gibbons: New Perspectives on Small Ape Socioecology and Population . Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects. Springer Academic Press. Pp. 241-264 Panter-Brick, C. and Fuentes, A. (2008) Health, Risk, and Adversity: A contextual view from Anthropology. In Panter-Brick, C. and Fuentes, A. eds. Health, Risk, and Adversity Berghahn Press Pp. 13-25

Fuentes, A. (2007) Monkey and Human Interconnections: the wild, the captive, and the in-between in R. Cassidy and M. Mullin Eds. Where the Wild Things are Now: domestication reconsidered Berg Publishers, Oxford, UK. Pp.123-145

Fuentes, A. (2007) Social Organization: social systems and the complexities in understanding the evolution of primate behavior in C. Campbell, A. Fuentes. K. MacKinnon, M. Panger and S. Bearder eds Primates in Perspective Oxford University Press Pp. 609-621

Wolfe, L.D., and Fuentes, A. (2007) Ethnoprimatology: Contextualizing Human/Primate Interactions in C. Campbell, A. Fuentes. K. MacKinnon, M. Panger and S. Bearder Eds. Primates in Perspective Oxford University Press Pp. 691-701

Campbell, C., Fuentes, A., MacKinnon, K.C., Panger, M. and Bearder, S. (2007) Where We Have Been, Where We Are, and Where We Are Going: The Future of Primatological Research in C. Campbell, A. Fuentes. K. MacKinnon, M. Panger and S. Bearder eds. Primates in Perspective Oxford University Press Pp. 702-706

Fuentes, A. (2006) Patterns and context of human-macaque interactions in Gibraltar. in J.K. Hodges and KJ. Cortes eds. The Barbary Macaque: Biology, management, and Conservation. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham Pp. 169-184

Fuentes, A., Southern, M. and Suaryana, K.G.(2005) Monkey forests and human landscapes: is extensive sympatry sustainable for Homo sapiens and Macaca fascicularis in Bali? in J. Patterson and


J. Wallis eds. Commensalism and Conflict: The primate-human interface American Society of Primatology Publications P. 168-195

MacKinnon, K. and Fuentes, A. (2005) Reassessing male aggression and dominance: The evidence from primatology. in S. McKinnon and S. Silverman eds. Complexities: Beyond Nature and Nurture University of Chicago Press Pp. 83-105

Fuentes, A. (2004) Re-visiting conflict resolution: Is there a role for emphasizing negotiation and cooperation instead of conflict and reconciliation? In R. Sussman and A. Chapman Eds., The Origins and Nature of Sociality Aldine de Gruyter, Pub. Pp. 215-234

Fuentes, A. (2004) Primates. in S. Krech III, J.R. McNeill, and C., Merchant Eds. The Encyclopedia of World , Berkshire Publishing/Routledge Publishing Co. Pp. 1020-1023

Fuentes, A. (2002) Monkeys, Humans, and Politics in the Mentawai islands: No Simple Solutions in a Complex World In A. Fuentes and L. D. Wolfe Eds. Primates Face to Face: The Conservation Implications of Human and Nonhuman Primate Interconnections. Cambridge University Press pp. 187- 207

Fuentes, A. (2002) Monkey Business in Bali: fieldwork and teaching amongst the temple macaques. In M. Park, ed. Biological Anthropology: an introductory reader 3rd. Ed. McGraw-Hill/Mayfield Publishing Company pp.8-11

Suaryana, K.G., Fuentes, A., Arta Putra, I.G.A., Harya Putra, I.D.K., and Rompis, A.L.T. (2001) Ekologi dan distribusi monyet ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis) di Bali. in Konservasi Satwa Primata: Tinjuan ekologi, sosial eknomi dan medis dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Universitas Gadjah Mada Press, Yogyakarta pp. 120-131

Arta Putra, I.G.A., Fuentes, A., Suaryana, K.G., and Rompis, A.L.T. (2001) Perilaku makan monyet ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis) di Wenara Wana, Padangtegal, Ubud, Bali. in Konservasi Satwa Primata: Tinjuan ekologi, sosial eknomi dan medis dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Universitas Gadjah Mada Press, Yogyakarta pp. 132-140

Fuentes, A. (1999) Variable Social Organization in Primates: what can looking at primate groups tell us about the evolution of plasticity in primate societies? In P. Dolhinow and A. Fuentes eds. The Nonhuman Primates, Mayfield Publishing Company pp:183-189

OTHER ARTICLES & ESSAYS: Deane-Drummond, C., Johnson, D., Fuentes, A. and Lovin, R. (2013) What scientists and theologians talk about: Highly evolved questions Christian Century, August 7, 2013:30-33

Fuentes, A. (2012) The Whole is More Than the Sum of the Parts: Extended Mind, Extended Selves From the 2011 CULTURE@LARGE SESSION - THE HUMAN IS MORE THAN HUMAN. Cultural Anthropology Forum

Konecki, M., Luecke, E., and A. Fuentes (2007) Activity profiles and hormone metabolites in a large captive group of Cotton-top Tamarins, Saguinus oedipus. Laboratory Primate Newsletter 46(2):1-5

Paciulli, L., Fuentes, A. and Konstant, W. R. (2005) Pagai Pig-tailed Snub-nosed Monkey or Simakobu, Simias concolor Miller, 1903. In: R. A. Mittermeier, C. Valladares-Pádua, A. B. Rylands, A. A. Eudey, T. M. Butynski, J. U. Ganzhorn, R. Kormos, J. M. Aguiar and S. Walker (eds.), Primates in Peril: The World's 25 Most Endangered Primates 2004-2006, Report to IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist 11-AF

Group (PSG), International Primatological Society (IPS) and Conservation International (CI), Washington, DC. pp.25-26.

Loudon, J., Fuentes, A. and Welch, A. (2005) Agonism and Affiliation: Adult Male Sexual Strategies Across One Mating Period in Three Groups of Long-Tailed Macaques (Macaca Fascicularis) Laboratory Primate Newsletter 44(3):12-15

Malone, N., Purnama, A.R., Wedana, M., and Fuentes, A. (2002) Assessment of the sale of primates at Indonesian bird markets. Asian Primates 8(1-2):7-11

Fuentes, A. (2000) A brief update on the sale of primates and other “exotics” in Jakarta, Indonesia. Asian Primates 7(1-2):23-24

Malone, N., Vaughan, L. and Fuentes, A. (2000) The role of human caregivers in the post-conflict interactions of captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Laboratory Primate Newsletter 39(1):1-3

Fuentes, A. and Ray, E. (1997) Humans, Habitat Loss and Hunting: The status of the Mentawai primates on Sipora and the Pagai Islands, Asian Primates 5(3-4): 5-9

Fuentes, A. and Olson, M. (1995) Preliminary observations and status of the Pagai macaque (Macaca pagensis) Asian Primates 4(4):1-4

Wheatley, B.P., Fuentes, A., and Harya Putra, D.K. (1993) The Primates of Bali. Asian Primates 3(1-2):1-2

Fuentes, A. (1992) Object rubbing in Balinese macaques (Macaca fascicularis). Laboratory Primate Newsletter 31(2):14-15

BOOK REVIEWS/ESSAYS: Fuentes, A. (in press) A Troublesome Inheritance: Nicholas Wade’s botched interpretation of human genetics, history, and evolution Journal of Human Biology 86(3)

Fuentes, A. (2014) Discarding boundaries of flesh and sign: A bio-focused anthropologist absorbs Haraway’s Companion Species Manifesto. Biosocieties 9: 228-229; doi:10.1057/biosoc.2014.11

Fuentes, A. (2014) book review of- The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism Among the Primates. By Frans de Waal American Journal of Physical Anthropology DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22499

Fuentes, A. (2012) Human Innovation and Primate Socialities (Read's How Culture Makes Us Human: Primate Social Evolution and the Formation of Human Societies). Current Anthropology 53(4):513-514

Hollocher, H., Fuentes, A., Pence, CH., Ramsey, G., Sportiello D.J., and Wirth, MM. (2011) book review of- On the Origin of Stories: Evolution, Cognition, and Fiction. The Quarterly Review of Biology 86(2): 137-138

Fuentes, A. (2011) book review of- Mind the Gap: Tracing the origins of Human universal. Peter Kappeler and Joan Silk Eds. American Journal fop Physical Anthropology 144(2):332-333

Fuentes, A. (2011) book review of- The Nesting Season: Cuckoos, Cuckolds, and the Invention of Monogamy by Bernd Heinrich American Journal of Human Biology 23(1):144 12-AF

Ramsey, G., Hollocher, H., Fuentes, A., Pence, C. and Siu, E. (2010) book review of- Darwinian populations and natural selection by Peter Godfrey-Smith. The Quarterly Review of Biology 85:499- 500

Fuentes, A. (2006) joint review of- The Origin and Evolution of Cultures and Not By Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution by Peter J. Richerson and Robert Boyd American Anthropologist 108(3):547-549

Fuentes, A. (2006) book review of- Kinship with monkeys: The Guaja foragers of eastern Amazonia by Loretta Cormier American Journal of Physical Anthropology 129(4):640-641

Fuentes, A. (2005) book review of-The Human Potential for Peace: an Anthropological Challenge to Assumptions about War and Violence by Douglas P. Fry Peaceful Societies Website

Fuentes, A. (2004) book review of- Primate Life Histories and Socioecology, Peter M. Kappeler and Micheal E. Pereira Eds American Anthropologist 106(4):767-768

Fuentes, A. (2004) book review of- Field and laboratory Methods in Primatology, Joanna M. Setchell and Deborah J. Curtis Eds. Primates 45:283-284

Fuentes, A. (2004) book review of- Monogamy: mating strategies and partnerships in birds, primates and other mammals, Ulrich Reichard and Christophe Boesch eds. International Journal of Primatology 25(4):963-965

Fuentes, A. (2004) book review of- A Japanese View of Nature: The World of Living Things by Kinji Imanishi American Journal of Physical Anthropology 124(3):282-283

Fuentes, A. (2002) book review of- Infanticide by males and its implications, C.P. van Schaik and C.H. Janson eds. American Anthropologist 104(2):693-696

Fuentes, A. (2001) book review of- The Mentalities of Gorillas and Orangutans: Comparative Perspectives. S.T. Parker, R.W. Mitchell, and H.L. Miles eds. American Anthropologist 103(2):560- 561

Fuentes, A. (2001) book review of- On the Move: How and Why Animals Travel in Groups. S. Boinski and P.A. Garber eds. American Journal of Human Biology 13(5):704-706

EDITORIALS/ESSAYS/BLOGS Fuentes, A (2014) Race, racism and inequality. Savage Minds

Fuentes, A. (2014) Are we alone? Human distinctiveness and thinking about life “out there”

Fuentes, A. and Visala, A. (2014) Human Nature: Don’t Be So Sure You’re Right About It Berfrois visala/

Fuentes, A (2013) Race matters, Anthropology counts! Anthropologies 18 13-AF

Fuentes, A. (2013) Busting Myths about Human Nature: Tackling Dangerous Misconceptions about Race, Aggression, and Sex. The Reilly Center Report 1:17-21

Fuentes, A. (2012) Blogger Popanth

Fuentes, A. (2012-ongoing) Blogger Huffington Post

Fuentes, A. (2012-ongoing) Busting myths about human nature Psychology Today Blogs

Fuentes, A. (2012) There is Nothing Simple about Being Human: Busting Myths of Human Nature Berfrois

Fuentes, A. (2012) Is aggression genetic?

Fuentes, A. (2012) Get over it: men and women are from the same planet Scientific American Blogs same-planet/

Rotman, D. and Fuentes, A. (2009) Learning to apply anthropology: training anthropologists in the 21st century Anthropology News 50(8):18

Fuentes, A. (2009) My Genes, My Self (Letter to the Editor) New York Times Magazine, January 11, 2009, pg 6.

Rotman, D. and Fuentes, A. (2008) An Interdisciplinary Students and Knowledge Creation Anthropology News 49(8):15

Fuentes, A. and McDade, T. (2007) Advancing Biocultural Perspectives Anthropology News 48(9):19- 20

Fuentes, A. and Rotman, D. (2007) The Importance of the Novitiate in Anthropology Anthropology News 48(8):20

Fuentes, A. and Rotman, D. (2006) Undergraduate Research in Anthropology: Students and the Creation of Anthropological Knowledge Anthropology News 47(8):14-15

Panter-Brick, C. and Fuentes, A. (2006) Health, Risk and Adversity: an international conference Society, Biology and Human Affairs 71(1):3-4

Fuentes, A. (2005) Evolution is not simple but it does matter Anthropology News 46(8)

Fuentes, A. (2003) Fear not the poster Anthropology News 44(1)

Fuentes, A. (2001) The Importance of Teaching Introductory Courses in Anthropology The Chronicle of Higher Education June 15, 2001, Vol. 47(40): B16

Fuentes, A. (2000) Talking about conflict… a review of “Timely Negotiations: The Evolutionary Implications of Conflict Resolution in Human and Nonhuman Primates” a session at the 98th annual AAA meetings in Chicago. Anthropology News 41(3) 14-AF

Contributor to The Sulawesi Primate Newsletter: author of “The Mentawai Corner” column 1997-1998


2014 John Templeton Foundation- Co-PI $216,998

2013 Henkels Grant -University of Notre Dame Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts $20,000

2013 National Geographic Society-Waitt Grant-PI $15,000

2013 University of Notre Dame Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts Small Research Grant $2500

2012 Center for Theological Inquiry Fellowship: Inquiry on Evolution and Human Nature- $70,000

2011 National Geographic Society-Waitt Grant-PI $15,000

2011 Society for Research in Child Development- Co-PI $20,000

2010 John Templeton Foundation- PI $197,000

2009 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation- PI $100,000

2009 University of Notre Dame Provost’s Initiative on Building Intellectual Community $4,500

2008 University of Notre Dame Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts Mini Conference Grant $5,000

2007 University of Notre Dame Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts Course Improvement Grant $3,500

2007 National Science Foundation Senior Research Grant- Co-PI $160,000

2006 University of Notre Dame Faculty Research Program- PI- $10,000

2006 University of Notre Dame Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts Mini Conference Grant $5,000

2006 National Science Foundation Conference Grant- PI $10,000

2005 National Science Foundation Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Grant-Co-PI $3,400,000

2005 Wenner-Gren Foundation Conference Grant- Co-PI $15,000

2005 University of Notre Dame Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts Faculty Research Travel Award-PI $5,000

2004 University of Notre Dame Multiyear Collaborative Research Grant –Co-PI $75,000 15-AF

2003 University of Notre Dame Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts Pilot Fund for Faculty-Student Research Award-PI $15,000

2000 Central Washington University Office of International Programs Research Program Grant-PI $2,500

1998 Primate Conservation, Inc. Research Grant-PI $1,500

1997-00 Central Washington University Foundation – Leonard Thayer Small Grants-PI $4,500

1997-99 Central Washington University Graduate Studies and Research SEED Grant-PI $3,000

1998 Central Washington University Office of International Programs Research Program Grant-PI $3,000

1995 Primate Conservation, Inc. Research Grant-PI $1,500

1994 University of California Provost’s Award for Graduate Research $7,500

1992-94 University of California at Berkeley, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Research Grant-in-Aid $3,000

1992 Sigma Xi Dissertation Improvement Grant $750

1991-93 University of California at Berkeley Robert H. Lowie Funds $2,000


2011 Joyce Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of Notre Dame

2006 Presidential Award, University of Notre Dame

2004 Kaneb Teaching Award, University of Notre Dame

2002 TIAA-CREF/SOURCE Distinguished Faculty Award

2000 Central Washington University Presidential Excellence in Leadership Award

1998 Central Washington University Parents Association Excellence in Teaching Award

SYMPOSIUMS/SESSIONS ORGANIZED/CHAIRED: 2014 Integrating Anthropology: Niche Construction, Cultural Institutions, and History The 150th Wenner-Gren Foundation Conference, Sintra, Portugal (Co-Organizer) Human Nature(s): Moving us Forward University of Notre Dame Human Becoming and the Construction of Community Niches: a transdisciplinary approach Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University UK (Co-Organizer)


2013 Entangling the Biological: Steps Toward an Integrated Anthropology at the 112th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL (Co-organizer) First Rites: Innovative Undergraduate Research in Anthropology I and II Visual Anthropology Sponsored Session at the at the 112th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL (Co-Organizer)

2012 Scientific humanists and humanistic scientists: flattening the world with anthropology American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting, Vancouver CN (Organizer, Chair)

2011 First Rites: Innovative Undergraduate Research in Anthropology I and II Visual Anthropology Sponsored Session at the at the 110th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Montreal, CN (Co-Organizer, Co-Chair)

2009 First Rites: Innovative Undergraduate Research in Anthropology I and II Presidential Invited Session at the at the 108th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia (Co-Organizer, Co-Chair) Human Natures and Human Cultures: Integrating Evolutionary Perspectives and Biocultural Approaches, Wily-Liss Invited Symposium, The 78th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Chicago, IL.(Co-Organizer, Presenter, Co- Chair)

2008 Inclusion, Collaboration, Engagement: Advancing the biocultural perspective in anthropological inquiry Invited Session-Executive Committee and Biological Anthropology Section at the at the 107th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco (Co-Organizer, Co-Chair) First Rites: Innovative Undergraduate Research in Anthropology I and II Executive Session at the at the 107th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco (Co-Organizer, Co-Chair) 5th annual meetings of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, University of Notre Dame (Conference Host, Session and Symposium Coordinator)

2007 Constructivist Evolutionary Anthropology: Beyond Nature versus Nurture Invited Session Biological Anthropology and General Anthropology Sections at the at the 106th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C. (Co-Organizer, Co-Chair, and presenter) First Rites: Innovative Undergraduate Research in Anthropology I and II Executive Session at the at the 106th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C. (Co-Organizer, Co-Chair) Advancing Biocultural Perspectives in Physical Anthropology National Science Foundation sponsored conference, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN (Co-Organizer, Presenter, Session chair)

2006 First Rites: Innovative Undergraduate Research in Anthropology I and II Executive Session at the at the 105th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Jose, CA (Co-Organizer, Co-Chair) Health, Risk, and Adversity: a contextual view from Biological Anthropology University of Durham, Durham, UK. (Co-Organizer, Session chair) Primate Biology and Behavior The 75th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Anchorage, AK (Chair)


2005 Updating Human Evolution: Bringing Anthropological and Public Conceptions into Contemporary Perspective Executive Session at the 104th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C. (Organizer, Presenter) The Human-nonhuman primate interface: history, evolution and conservation The Third Annual Wiley-Liss Symposium The 74th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Milwaukee, WI (Co-Organizer, Presenter)

2003 Techniques, Applications, and Action: Moving Beyond the Call for Conservation. The 72nd annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Tempe, Arizona (Co-Organizer and Chair) Innovative Undergraduate Research in Anthropology at the 102nd annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago (Organizer, Chair)

2002 Human-Nonhuman Primate Interconnections: evolution, commensalism and conflict. The 19th Congress of the International Primatological Society, Beijing, China (Co-organizer, Chair and Discussant) First Rites: Innovative Undergraduate Research in Anthropology Presidential Invited Session at the 101tst annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association , New Orleans (Organizer, Chair)

1999 Timely Negotiations: the evolutionary implications of conflict resolution in human and nonhuman primates Session at the 98th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association , Chicago (Co-organizer, Chair and Presenter)

1997 What Are We Doing Watching Monkeys? Anthropological perspectives and the role of non-human primate research Invited Session at the 96th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association , Washington D.C.- Invited Session Biological Anthropology Section (Organizer, Chair and Presenter) The Many Faces of Primate Research The 50th Northwestern Anthropology Conference, Central Washington University (Organizer and Chair)


2014 Anthropology, evolution, and the human niche at the 113th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington DC Anthropology, evolution, and the human niche Integrating Anthropology: Niche Construction, Cultural Institutions, and History The 150th Wenner-Gren Foundation Conference, Sintra, Portugal Realizing imagined : niche construction, semiotic landscapes, and other animals in human evolution Human Becoming and the Construction of Community Niches: a transdisciplinary approach Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University UK “Seeing the world through their eyes”: Analyses of the first National Geographic CrittercamTM deployments on macaques in Singapore and Gibraltar. And Covering the rock: GPS collar informed management of Barbary Macaques. 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Calgary, CA

2013 Biology Matters! Anthropology Needs Biology and Visa-Versa at the 112th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL Social minds, shared ecologies, and evolutionary landscapes: niche construction and future of the human–other primate interface IV Iberian Primatological Congress, Girona, Spain 18-AF

Primate socioecology: where are we, what are we doing here, and where are we going? 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Knoxville, TN Becoming Human: community, compassion, conflict and the inference of religion in human evolution CSR/CTI Princeton Seminar, Princeton, NJ

2012 Burred Boundaries and constructed niches: interweaving the individual, the group, and the community in human evolution at the 111th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA Primate socioecology: who are we, where are we, and what are we doing here? 9th Annual meetings of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, Northern Illinois University El estado actual de la Antropología física y El estudio de los primates en el contexto de la Antropología Seminario del Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, July 30-August 4, Mexico City Coexisting in, and with, nature macaques and humans in the anthropogenic jungle National Geographic 2012 Explorers Symposium, National Geographic, DC The Concept and Requirement of Voluntariness, Acquiescence, and Consent – What is the basis for the claim that chimpanzees can acquiesce to research, and how does this relate to consent? Applications of the Deliberations and Findings of the IOM Report on the Use of Chimpanzees in Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Georgetown University, Kennedy Institute of Ethics (Re)Producing Human Evolution: entangled anthropologies, cooperation, war, and peace in human becomings Keynote lecture, University of New Mexico Anthropology Graduate Student Union Conference in Anthropology: (Re)production Thoughts and perceptions, editorial and otherwise American Anthropologist: A Conference, University of California at Irvine

2011 Primates, pathogens and people: the context and impacts of the human-other primate interface Keynote lecture, Interdisciplinary Workshop on Animal-Human Relations, Calgary, CN The whole is more than the sum of the parts: extended minds and extended selves-riffs and musings inspired by Dorian Sagan’s The Human is More than Human: Interspecies Communities and the New “Facts of Life Culture@Large session at the 110th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Montreal, CN Social minds and social selves: niche construction and social complexity redefine the human-alloprimate interface Humans and Other Apes: Rethinking the Species Interface, Arcus Foundation Conference, New York, NY

2010 The gift and the biosocial body: reciprocity and exchange in human evolution The 109th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans Cooperation, Conflict, and Niche Construction in Human and Other Primates Aggression and Peacemaking in an Evolutionary Context, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Holland Social cooperation, niche construction, and the core role of intergenerational Bonding in human evolution Human Nature and Early Experience: Addressing the “Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness” University of Notre Dame, IN The Macaque-Human interface: Conflict, Cooperation, and the possibilities of sustainable Communities 23rd Congress of the International Primatological Society, Kyoto, Japan Blurring the biological and social in human becomings The 11th European Association of Social Anthropologists Conference, Maynooth, Ireland The Macaque-Human interface: moving from conflict to community Keynote presentation in the Macaque-Human interface Workshop at the Asia For Animals Conference, Singapore


2009 Shaping, and inheriting, the social and the ecological: the roles of niche construction and multi-inheritance perspectives in the evolution of behavior. The 108th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, PA Viewing Darwin: Perceptions, Performance, and Potential Darwin and Theatre: Migration and Evolution, An International Playwrights Conference. University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Sexy Bonobos, Machiavellian macaques and nearly-extinct orangutans: the ethical and practical considerations of a public Primatology. Ethics in the field: Contemporary challenges, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford Primates, Niche Construction, and Social Complexity: The Roles of Social Cooperation and Altruism, Conference on Man the Hunted: Sociality, Altruism, and Well-Being, Washington University, St. Louis, MO Biological Anthropology, Culture, and Evolutionary Theory, Wily-Liss Invited Symposium, The 78th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Chicago, IL.

2008 Are we biological anthropologists yet? Contemplating Washburn’s New Physical Anthropology in 2008 Plenary luncheon presentation at the The 77th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Columbus, OH Adventures in the In-between: Lived Experiences of a Bio-Anthropologist Navigating the Human-Primate Interface 107th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA

2007 Constructivist and evolutionary perspectives in transaction: resituating anthropological approaches to the evolution of human behavior The at the 106th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C. (Co-Organizer, Co-Chair, and presenter) Behavioral ecology of two Barbary macaque groups in a highly anthropogenic environment in Gibraltar The 76th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Philadelphia, PA Melding niche construction and biocultural approaches to understanding human behavior Advancing Biocultural Perspectives in Physical Anthropology National Science Foundation sponsored conference, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame

2006 Measuring Meaning and Understanding in Primatological and Biological Anthropology Fieldwork Fieldwork: examining its practice among biological anthropologists and primatologists. Oxford-Brooks University, Oxford, UK Assessing Genetic Structure in Balinese Macaques and its Implications for Disease Transmission The 75th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Anchorage, AK Niche Construction, Complexity and Cooperation: modeling human evolutionary responses to complex challenges The American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO

2005 Updating Human Evolution: Bringing Anthropological and Public Conceptions into Contemporary Perspective Executive Session at the at the 104th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C. Biological Anthropology Invited Session on Ethics- panelist 104th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C. Humanos, Monos y el Penon: La ecologia anthropogenico del Upper Rock Nature Reserve, Gibraltar VII Jornadao de Flora, Fuana y Ecologia Del Campo De Gibrlatar, Instituto de Estudios Camposgibraltarenos


Do niche construction and multi-level selection lead to altruistic behavior? and Human-Nonhuman primate interactions in the modern era: , hypothesis testing, and policy implications The 2nd Annual Midwest Primate Interest Group, St. Louis, MO Human-nonhuman primate interconnections and their relevance to Biological Anthropology The 74th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Milwaukee, WI AAPA Ethics discussion-panel discussant The 74th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Milwaukee, WI

2004 Human-nonhuman primate interconnections: disease, conflict and cooperation The First annual meeting of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, Urbana, Il. Hylobatid social patterns and process: insight into hominoid evolution and the complexities of social structure, and Human culture, macaque behavior, and a global tourism: assessing the context and patterns of pathogen transmission risk in human-macaque interactions, and Is monkey business a valid enterprise? The political ecology of macaque “ecotourism” 20th Congress of the International Primatological Society, Torino, Italy Wild at heart? Monkeys, domestications, and the human construction of nature. The 133rd Wenner-Gren Symposium Where are the wild things now? Tucson Arizona

2003 It’s not all sex and violence: reflections on the role of cooperation, social complexity, and peace in human evolution The 102nd annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, Il. Monkey Business: the complex nature of human-macaque interactions on Bali and a few thoughts about Gibraltar CALPE Conference 2003 The Barbary Macaque: comparative and evolutionary perspectives. Gibraltar The role of bio-cultural factors in assessing bi-directional pathogen transmission between human and non-human primates. The 72nd annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Tempe, Arizona The Macaques of Bali: human connections, management and the issues of co- existence Toward an Integration of Biodiversity Studies: Symposium and Workshop on the Wildlife Management of Asian Macaques, Kyoto University, primate Research Center, Inuyama, Japan

2002 People, Monkeys, Money, and Disease: defining cultural and ecological aspects of bi- directional pathogen transmission between human and non-human primates The 19th Congress of the International Primatological Society, Beijing, China Revisiting conflict resolution: emphasizing negotiation and cooperation instead of conflict and reconciliation The American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Boston, MA Behavior and demography of a semi-free ranging population of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) at Padangtegal, Bali, Indonesia. The 71st annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Buffalo, New York.

2001 Real Swinging Apes? What gibbon pair bonds and grouping patterns can tell us about evolution and conservation The 14th Southern California Primate Research Forum, California State University, Fullerton, CA. The behavioral ecology and distribution of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in Bali, Indonesia The 70th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Kansas City, MO.

2000 The variable evolution of pair bonds in Human and Nonhuman primates The 69th 21-AF

annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, San Antonio, TX.

1999 Preventing, negotiating and resolving conflict: an overview of current concepts. The 98th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago , IL. Pair-bonds in Lemurs, Monkeys, Gibbons and Humans? A preliminary evaluation of semantics and reality in pair-bond models. The 68th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Columbus, OH.

1998 Post-conflict behavior in a small group of Chimpanzees; group dynamics and individual effects. The 67th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Salt Lake City, UT.

1997 No Simple Solutions: Anthropology and Primate Research on the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia. The 96th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C.

1996 Current Status and Future Viability for the Mentawai Primates and Re- Evaluating Primate Monogamy. The Joint 16th Congress of the International Primatological Society and 19th Conference of the American Society of Primatologists, Madison WI. Post-agonistic interactions in the Hanuman langur: “reconciliation” or not? The 65th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Durham, NC.

1995 Bawdy Gibbons and Boring Langurs: two cases for reassessing monogamy in catarrhine primates. The 64th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Oakland, CA.

1994 Social Organization in the Mentawai Island Langur (Presbytis potenziani). The 15th Congress of the International Primatological Society, Bali, Indonesia. The Social Organization of the Mentawai Island Langur (Presbytis potenziani). The 63rd meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Denver, CO.



2014-2016 Advisory Board for the life Sciences, John Templeton Foundation

2014-2016 Search committees for the Editor of American Anthropologist 2017-2022 (flagship journal of the American Anthropological Association)

2013-present Chair, Research Panel for HM Government of Gibraltar and the Minister of Health and Environment

2013-present Editorial Board, Anales de Antropología Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas de la UNAM

2013-present Editorial Board, Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology , Cambridge University Press


2013-present Associate Editor, Philosophy, Theology, and the Sciences

2013-2018 Senior Editor, The New Biological Anthropology (book series), Left Coast Press

2013-2016 Electorate Nominating Committee (ENC) of the Section on Anthropology, American Association for the Advancement of Science

2012-2014 Member Task Force on Race and Racism, American Anthropological Association

2012-2014 Chair, Biological Anthropology Section of the American Anthropological Association

2011-2012 Executive Program Committee, American Anthropological Association

2009-2012 Chair, Student Awards Committee, American Association of Physical Anthropologists

2009-2012 Executive Committee, American Association of Physical Anthropologists

2008-present Assistant Editor, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research

2008-2012 Editorial Board, Yearbook of Physical Anthropology

2008-2010 President, Midwest Primate Interest Group (MPIG)

2008 Guest member of the American Anthropological Association Committee on Ethics

2007-2012 Associate Editor, American Anthropologist

2007-2008 Vice-President, Midwest Primate Interest Group (MPIG) (co-founder)

2006-present American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) committee on underrepresented groups in physical anthropology (co-chair)

2006-2008 American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) Annual Meeting Scientific Review Committee

2006-2008 Editorial Board, Reviews in Anthropology

2005-present American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) Student Prize Committee

2005-2011 Co-Coordinator, AAPA Primate Interest Group

2005-2011 Board of Directors Associate Member, Potawatomi

2004-2005 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting Program Committee

2004-present Editorial Board of Iberis, Journal of the Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society

2004-present Current Anthropology Associateship

2003-2006 Nominations Committee of the American Anthropological Association


2003-2005 Dissertation Proposal Advisory Panel for Physical Anthropology, National Science Foundation (NSF)

2003-2005 Board of Directors, Potawatomi Zoological Society

2002-2012 Editorial Board of Primate Field Studies monograph series, Prentice-Hall

2000-present Behavioral and Brain Sciences Associateship

2002-2003 J.I. Staley Prize Review Panel, School of American Research

2002-2003 Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Program Review Panel, National Science Foundation (NSF)

1999-2002 Long-Range Planning Committee of the American Anthropological Association

1998-present IUCN Species Survival Commission, Primate Specialist Group


2013-present University of Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study interdisciplinary review committee- Social Sciences & Templeton Award

2013-present University of Notre Dame working group on Diversity and Engagement

2012-present University of Notre Dame Gender Studies Steering Committee

2011-2012 University of Notre Dame Provost’s Advisory Committee

2009-2010 University of Notre Dame IUCAC committee

2008-2011 Executive Committee of the College of Arts and Letters

2008-present Executive Committee, Institute for Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame

2008 College of Arts and Letters Dean’s advisory Committee

2007-2008 Chair, University of Notre Dame ad hoc Steering Committee for core vision on undergraduate learning and formation

2007-present Executive committee for the Institute of Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame

2006-2009 University of Notre Dame Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) committee

2006-2009 Provostial Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Research

2005-present Undergraduate Advisory Committee, Kroc Institute for Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame

2005 Ganey Community-Based Collaborative Research Grants Review Committee, Center for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame 24-AF

2005-2006 Graduate Admission Committee, Kroc Institute for Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame

2003-2009 Executive Committee, Center for Asian Studies, University of Notre Dame

2002-2007 Advisory board for the Institute of Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame

2004-2006 Arts and Letters Undergraduate Studies Committee, University of Notre Dame

2004 College of Arts and Letters Honorary Degree Committee, University of Notre Dame

2003-2004 Review Committee for the Lab for Social Research, University of Notre Dame


2014 Emory University- Department of Anthropology

2011 University of Massachusetts, Amherst- Department of Anthropology

2009 National Science Foundation-Biological Anthropology Program


2014 5 reviews (1 FOR FULL PROFESSOR) 2013 4 reviews (1 FOR FULL PROFESSOR) 2012 6 reviews (1 FOR FULL PROFESSOR) 2011 4 reviews 2010 1 review 2009 1 review 2006 3 reviews 2005 1 review


2014-present Justin Wilcox, Biology, University of Notre Dame, committee member 2014-present Amanda Ellwanger, Anthropology, University of Texas at San Antonio, committee member 2012 Marcus R. Baynes-Rock, Anthropology, Macquarie University (AU), external examiner 2011-2014 Paul Scherz, Theology, University of Notre Dame, committee member 2010-present Anne Kwiatt, Anthropology, University of Texas at San Antonio, committee member 2010-present Amy Klegarth, Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Co-advisor and committee member 2008-2010 Ryan Kennedy, Engineering and Computer Science, University of Notre Dame, committee member 2010 Eric Peterson, History and , University of Notre Dame, committee member 25-AF

2007-2012 Jessica Mikels, Biological Sciences/Sociology, University of Notre Dame, committee member 2007-2010 Michelle Kulaga, Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Co-advisor and committee member (exited with MS) 2006-2009 Jonathan Racster, Anthropology, Ohio State University, committee member 2006-2009 Karen Zambetta, Anthropology, Southern Illinois University, committee member 2005-2011 Kelly Lane, Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Co-advisor and committee member 2004-2007 Nicholas Malone, Anthropology, University of Oregon, committee member
