Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 113 Factors of Regional Extensive Development (FRED 2019) Organization of Work of Baikal Railway Crossing at the Beginning of the Russo-Japanese War Tretiakov V.G. Tretiakov V.V. Department of Philosophy, Social Sciences and Humanities Department of Philosophy, Social Sciences and Humanities Irkutsk State Transport University Irkutsk State Transport University Irkutsk, Russia Irkutsk, Russia e-mail:
[email protected] e-mail:
[email protected] Nikiforova N.V. Department of Philosophy, Social Sciences and Humanities Irkutsk State Transport University Irkutsk, Russia e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract—The paper considers the problem of studying the However, the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway history of building a reliable railway communication system in was not yet complete. Besides, this railway was not yet capable Russia under the conditions of the Russo-Japanese War. The study of providing sufficient capacity for large traffic volumes [7]. A demonstrates the scope of tasks that were solved to ensure particular difficulty of transportation was the section of the road continuous transport communication between terminal stations of from the port of Baikal located on the west shore of the lake to unfinished Middle Siberian and Transbaikal sections of the Trans- the Mysovaya station on the east bank: the road section Siberian Railway. It assesses the role and importance of the Baikal connecting these stations by railway canvas (Krugobaikal Ice Breaker Fleet in the transportation between isolated stations Railway) has not been launched yet. Under such conditions, the of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the transportation of military vessels of the Baikal Railway Crossing were ensuring the cargo and military troops.