

Bingen am Rhein

Bingen lies directly towards from Ruedesheim between the and the mouth on one and the Kloppberg with the castle Klopp and the Rochusberg with the Rochuskapelle on the other side. The tracks of human settlement go far back in Bingen - still today the plan of Bingen follows the Roman and medieval street guidance. Meanwhile old and new things unites here on the narrowest space, so that you can include in the plan for the investigation of the city - best of all on foot - absolutely one day. You can experience Bingen most nicely if you go with the passenger ferry “Bingen-Rüdesheimer Fahrgastschifffahrt" from Ruedesheim from bridge 19 (timetables or departure times you receive with pleasure at your hotel) near to the centre of Bingen. In Bingen you are spoilt for choice: the Binger Mäuseturm is world-famous. Legend has it that the stingy bishop Hatto was eaten by mice. Wild-romantically the Mäuseturm stands in the middle of the Rhine. Earlier it was a toll or duty station of the castle Ehrenfels for the businessmen who used the Rhine for the transportation of their goods. The tower got the today's form in the second half of the 19-th century. Today it still marks the "Binger Loch", an earlier dangerous and narrow shallow in the Rhine which could be copped a long time by ships only with local-expert pilots aboard. However, unfortunately, the tower can be visited only during few days in the year, you find out further details at your hotel.

Maybe you begin your investigation with a visit of the Rochuskapelle on the Rochusberg. 1677 inaugurated and built as a vow after the last big plague epidemic in the city in 1666, it makes forget the increase to the Rochusberg by the nice view of Ruedesheim and the Rhine as well as on the hilly Rhine-Hessian hinterland. Here, besides, you can get a good survey of Bingen and you can consider other purposes in the city from above.

The house, a half-timbered house which accommodates a museum to life and work of the famous poet or the "Museum am Strom" (opened daily except on Mondays from 10.00 o'clock to 17.00 o'clock) which offers alternate special exhibits lures, in addition, culturally enthusiasts. Beside the "Rheinromantik" and "Der Rhein im Panorama“ you also find out essentials about the probably most famous daughter of the city: Hildegard von Bingen. The medieval prophetess and mystic founded from the Disibodenberg coming a cloister on the Rupertsberg above Bingen. In her lifetime the saint and member of the Benedictine order stood in active letter contact with the spiritual dimensions of her time. Also even today her name is well-known beyond Bingen and Ruedesheim - here she founded the cloister of Eibingen.

Other stations of your city investigation have to be the castle Klopp with the Binger museum of local history in the castle tower, the basilica St. Martin and the Drusus bridge which forms the townscape in the mouth area of the Nahe. The latter has a tradition going back till the Roman's time: For the connection of the border on side of the Rhine River the Romans built at this point already in decade before Christ a wooden bridge.

Afterwards maybe you let your visit die away in the Old Town and the pedestrian area of Bingen. ere it goes back to Ruedesheim with the passenger ferry. However, probably you still get lured by numerous additional, seasonally engaged events of Bingen: At your hotel you get to know absolutely what is offered during your stay on the other Rhine side. In 2008 the Landesgartenschau (land garden show) takes place, e.g., from the 18.04 to the 19.10. Numerous wine or district parties like the Rochusfest, the "night of the seduction" or the Binger master concerts from January to November, 2006 offer other Highlights.

Wirtschafts- und Tourismusförderung Rüdesheim und Assmannshausen e.V Geisenheimer Str. 22 ▪ D-65385 Rüdesheim ▪ Telefon: 06722 - 906150 ▪ Telefax: 06722 - 3485