Friday, March 27, 2015 $1 YOURThe NEWSPAPER
[email protected] Courier • Drawer B, Court Square Station, Dublin, Georgia 31040 Herald • 272-5522 Volume 101, No. 72, Pub. No 161860 Preiss-Daimler:Valmiera Glass cuts ribbon on Dublin facility Plan to double production in next five years By JASON HALCOMBE Roughly eight months after Governor Nathan Deal an- nounced Valmiera Glass would locate its first U.S. production facility in Dublin, company, Latvian, state and local offi- cials filled a spritely decorated loading dock at the full-func- tioning factory for a spectacu- lar ribbon cutting ceremony and Grand Opening Thursday. With red carpet lining the floor, stage lighting and even internationally-known vocal ensemble Latvian Voices per- forming, Valmiera Glass made it very clear they were excited to share their latest addition with the community and the world. The 80,000 square-foot fa- cility, located in Dublin and Laurens County's I-16 Indus- trial Park off Ga. 257, was part of a planned $20 million in- vestment that is expected to generate 150 jobs over the next five years. "In only seven months a new plant was built here," said Jurgen Preiss-Daimler, owner. "I want to thank all the builders and all others on be- half of Valmiera Glass. It is to your credit and the credit of Photos by Jason Halcombe the state of Georgia we have been able to make this invest- (Above): Preiss-Daimler thanked all involved in ment." completing the new facility in roughly seven months. Preiss-Daimler added Valmiera Glass plans to double (Above, right): The Latvian Voices perform for the au- production over the next five dience.