Welcome from the Headteacher

Welling School, located in the Borough of Bexley, is an 11-18 mixed , part of the TKAT family of schools.

Education can transform people’s lives and at School I am absolutely determined that the students who attend our school will be given the very best opportunities to excel. Our new vision is to educate outward-looking learners who will thrive in their own lives and contribute to making the world a better place.

This means that we firmly believe that the purpose of education is twofold. We want all our learners to achieve academic success and have access to a varied co-curricular syllabus in order for them to complete their educational journey. Students can only achieve this if they feel happy and are provided with a caring environment in which the talents of different individuals are respected and encouraged to flourish. Our educational philosophy is focused around the values we want all our students to acquire before taking their place in the adult world. This is why we strive for:

• Students who are ambitious • Students who are kind • Students who are active

In summary, an education is so much more than just good examination results. We aim to support and inspire all our learners, irrespective of ability, to be the best they can be in every single way. Learners at Welling School also benefit from outstanding facilities. In 2005 the school was rebuilt and the school continues to make improvements. This summer the practical food rooms were ren- ovated. Our other excellent facilities include: specialist classrooms; sports hall; all-weather sports pitch; dance studio, drama studios, Apple Mac computer rooms, recording studio, art gallery, li- brary and a designated 6th Form Centre.

I fully appreciate and understand that choosing the right school for your son or daughter is one of the most important decisions you will make but be assured that staff at Welling strive to provide an encompassing holistic approach to education. I hope that this prospectus gives you an insight into life at Welling School.

I very much look forward to meeting you at one of our open events.

In the interim, I thank you most sincerely for your interest.

With very best wishes.

Mr R Pett Headteacher Specialist Art College

Art Scholars’ work for Bow Arts Trust 2019 Ivor Goodsite Hoarding Competition 2018

Specialism Vision

Welling has a history of excellence within the Visual Arts and was designated a Specialist Visual Arts College in 2002. The school’s unique forward thinking curriculum is exemplified by the Visual Arts Specialism. Students benefit from a large and well-resourced Visual Arts faculty, where they can study a broad range of specialist disciplines including; drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic design, photography and moving image. Alongside purpose built art studios the school has a Gallery that regularly exhibits student work, travelling shows by famous artists and exciting one off projects.

There are lots of opportunities for your child to take part in extracurricular activities including clubs and publications. The school also offers regular workshops and trips to galleries and museums around the UK and Europe.

The Visual Arts play a pivotal role across the school’s curriculum. Art engages with a wide range of spiritual, moral, cultural and social studies. Your child will undertake History of Art lessons where they will cover the history of the last 1000 years through looking at works of art. Art students analyse and question their own and others work, identify how beliefs, values and meanings are expressed and shared.

Students embody the Welling Vision in their individual art practice and collaborative projects. We provide our students with a stimulating and creative curriculum that embraces cross curricular themes. We believe that an engagement with the independent and collaborative skills required to be a successful artist provide important transferable skills in an increasingly visual world.

Year 7 - Afternoon with the animals Sports Day 2019

At Welling School, we have created an innovative curriculum that enables all students to make progress and achieve their potential. At Key Stage 3, students experience a wide range of subjects and enrichment opportunities fostering a thirst for knowledge and a sense of exploration. These subjects may include:


English, Maths, Science (Biology, Chemistry All students have opportunities to work in teams & Physics), Geography, History and Modern with a range of different people and in varied Foreign Languages contexts. Many students take leadership roles as part of the School Council or within action FOUNDATION SUBJECTS groups such as the school’s Art Scholars or Sports Captains. Personal Development and Art, Design Technology (Food, Resistant Materials) PSHE are delivered as part of the timetabled Philosophy & Ethics, Music, Drama and Physical tutor curriculum. Education CURRICULUM SUPPORT BESPOKE SUBJECTS DRIVEN BY THE ARTS SPECIALISM Additional provision is made for students with special educational needs. Identified students History of Arts – an art history based course where take a full part in school life following a balanced students learn about the chronological history of curriculum, which is adapted to their individual the past 1000 years. learning needs whenever possible. The school has an Access Policy and takes its responsibility * please note that the curriculum may be subject very seriously, so that every student has equal to change in line with national development and opportunities. resources


A wide variety of enrichment opportunities are available for our students and we encourage all to be keen participants in regular extra curricular clubs across all subject areas. There are a wide range of opportunities to take part in artistic, sporting and cultural events.

“School of Rock” Musical Production GCSE Results Day

At transition into Key Stage 4, students take part in a personalized ‘pathways’ process as they work towards shaping their own future and realising their full potential. The pathways process provides all students with the opportunity to choose a route from 14 – 16 that will enable them to achieve the best possible outcomes and to progress with education, employment or training post-16. We use our knowledge of students alongside their assessment data to give them guidance and support in choosing a suitable pathway relevant to their aspirations and abilities. We involve parents and students by providing opportunities to discuss the recommended pathways and their choices in greater detail. Students will also receive specialist careers advice from external organisations and university providers.

Key Stage 4 students will study a minimum of eight Level 2 qualifications including GCSEs and vo- cational style courses. There are specific core subjects, which all students must follow.

* please note that the curriculum may be subject to change in line with national development and resources

Option subjects may include:

English Baccalaureate (EBacc) GCSE: History, Geography, French, Spanish

Visual Arts Specialism GCSE: Fine Art, Graphics, Photography

Performing Arts and Sports Qualifications: Media Studies BTEC, Music BTEC, Music Technology/Performance BTEC, Drama GCSE, Sports Studies OCR

Social Sciences GCSE: Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy & Ethics

Practical & Occupational Qualifications: Business Studies BTEC, ICT BTEC, 3-D Design GCSE, Food Technology GCSE Health & Social Care Cache, Childcare and Child Development Cache Key Stage 5

Ragulan Sivarajah Dani Moore Sabeekah Khawaja Head Boy Head Girl Deputy Head Girl

Partnership 6th Welling Sixth Form is a member of Partnership Sixth. This is a collaboration between Trinity and Welling Sixth Forms that enables students to broaden their programme of study in choosing from a greater range of subjects at Post 16.

This can include subjects which may not be available to students at their home school. By working together, Partnership Sixth schools are able to offer a range of subjects that would not be viable if offered at only one school. From academic options to applied courses for all ability levels, we tailor the learning environment to match each student’s interests, talents and plans for the future. Whilst many students will select courses delivered exclusively at their home school, they are also able to take one or more subjects delivered at another Partnership Sixth School, especially as some subjects are delivered on one site only. Our teachers and support staff are dedicated profession- als who are committed to student progress and achievement. They work diligently to ensure that students enjoy the most appropriate experiences, resources and opportunities that are required for future success.

Our ambition for each individual’s success is combined with a focus on their personal development. Our aim is for students to enjoy and value learning and to develop into responsible, caring and well-rounded individuals. A caring environment provides opportunities to nurture individuality and a sense of belonging, whilst maintaining links with parents and carers remains integral to the overall success of our students.

Although all courses have specific entry requirements, Partnership Sixth is an inclusive and non-se- lective organisation. We believe in access to education and opportunity for all, continually cele- brating the diversity of our community. We expect students to be ambitious and hardworking and, with the correct support, responsible for their own learning. Our teachers aim to create relevant programmes of study and individual lessons that stretch, challenge and support students and our broad, flexible curriculum accommodates a wide variety of individual learning styles.

Additional information regarding Partnership Sixth can be obtained from Mr McWhinnie, Director of Partnership Sixth - [email protected]

Please visit our website to view 6th Form prospectus.

Personal Development Strong pastoral care is an essential part of our school. Students can only achieve this if they feel happy and are provided with a caring environment in which the talents of different individuals are respected and encouraged to flourish.

The Form Tutor Each student is assigned a Form Tutor who meets their form each morning. Their role is to make sure every student is ready to learn and offer support whilst at school. They are also the first point of contact for parents/carers.

Educational Support Our Learning Support Department provides personalised support in order to ensure students achieve their limitless potential. The school has in place a comprehensive programme to support our higher ability students. SEN students are also well-supported both in class and with personal- ised interventions within the Learning Zone.

Student Leadership and Voice School council representatives are an integral part of school life. They represent the student body and have an input into how the school is run through school council meetings with the Headteach- er. In addition the school is developing new leadership opportunities through the mentoring of younger students and creating a Welling Ambassador Award.

Student Well-Being All students follow a programme of study aimed at developing their social, moral, spiritual and cultural development. This is delivered during form time and through timetabled lessons. It encour- ages students to make mature and considered decisions when faced with real life situations.

Keeping Safe It is important that our students understand potential risks and the steps they need to take in or- der to stay safe. As a result the school’s personal health and social programme aims to educate students in safeguarding aspects related to everyday life. This programme covers a wide range of topics including e-safety, all forms of bullying, substance misuse and healthy relationships.

Co-curricular Activities At Welling School it is very important that students are encouraged to take part in activities that take place outside of lessons. Sport, Music, Drama and Art play an important part of school life. On a weekly basis there is a comprehensive list of co-curricular clubs. There are also regular musical and dramatic productions and art exhibitions taking place throughout the year. In addition to the co-curricular clubs, there are many organised trips each year. These include: res- idential trips, an annual 6th Form Trip to New York, theatre trips and visits to establishments which enhance the taught curriculum. As part of The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT) the school has opportunities to work with other trust schools. Last year, the school took part in the TKAT Games and an Art Exhibition. The school is also working hard to increase its links with local primary schools to allow prospective students and parents the opportunity to experience Welling School life. It is our belief that these provisions and others like it will assist in nurturing your child to complete their educational journey. OPEN SATURDAY / OPEN DAYS Open Saturday Saturday, 21 September 2019 - 09.00 - 12.30 Mr Pett, Headteacher, will address parents at 09.15 and 11.15 in the School Hall. Governors will also be available to talk with parents and prospective students. There will be limited on site parking available via the Berwick Road entrance Saturday only from 08.50- 12.40. Welling School School Day Tours Tuesday 24 September Wednesday 25 September Tuesday 1 October Thursday 10 October Time 09.00 – 10.00; Last tour 09.15; presentation 09.40

Please arrive by 9.00 at the Elsa Road entrance, where you will be welcomed by senior students. To avoid disruption to teaching and learning, last tours are firm, so please arrive on time to ensure you are included in the tour.

Headteacher: Mr R Pett BA Hons, MA, NPQH Welling School, located in the Borough of Bexley, is an 11-18 mixed, all ability, Specialist Art College Academy, part of the TKAT family of schools.

Welling School Elsa Road Welling Kent DA16 1LB

Tel 020 8304 8531 www.wellingschool-tkat.org

Our Vision Statement “Educating outward-looking learners who will thrive in their own lives and contribute to making the world a better place.”