Elimination of Child Labour and Restoration of Lost Childhood through Residential School in Thiruvallur District,

October to December 2016

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Head office : 90A Nasarathpet Village, Little Kanchipuram- 631503, Tamil Nadu. Office: New No.33, Old No.14, 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tamil Nadu. Website : hihindia.org Facebook : facebook.com/hihindia.org


Hoist Group and Hand in Hand (HIH) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) through a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project to support elimination of child labour by running Residential Special Training Centre (RSTC) for child labourers and long-time dropouts and to implement Social Mobilisation Program (SMP) in RK Pet, Thiruttani and Pallipet blocks of Thiruvallur District.

Project Objectives

Hoist Group project will focus on the following objectives:- • To run a Residential Special Training Centre (RSTC) for child labourers and long-time dropouts between 6-14 years of age • To ensure that every child is enrolled in school and continues to go to school in the project blocks • To enrol out-of-school children into mainstream or alternate schools • To effectively monitor functioning of local schools • To create awareness within the community on child rights, children’s education and gender equality • To empower the community to participate in protection of child rights and child development through social mobilisation • To strengthen the functioning of government schools with active participation of community stakeholders like Panchayat Presidents and Elected Representatives

Head office : 90A Nasarathpet Village, Little Kanchipuram- 631503, Tamil Nadu. Chennai Office: New No.33, Old No.14, 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tamil Nadu. Website : hihindia.org Facebook : facebook.com/hihindia.org

Project Outcomes Report (October–December 2016)

S. No Deliverables Outcome/Beneficiaries Social Mobilization Program (SMP)

1. Abdul Kalam Birthday – Youth 1275

Inspirational Day

2. Children’s Day Program 560

3. CRPC module II training 56

1. Residential Special Training Centre (RSTC) Various Programmes were organized by Hand in Hand India in the RSTC that ranged from Awareness Building Activities, Cultural Events showcasing the talents of the children, Thematic Day Celebrations to enlighten children and teachers. From art, to music, to dance, sports and classical literature, the events provided ample scope for confidence building and aimed towards holistic development of the children. As per strategic plan, we attained the RSTC strength in the last quarter itself and have retained the same numbers by close monitoring and actively working with their parents.

Current Strength of Residential Special Training Centre

S.No Block Name Boys Girls Total 1 R K Pet 7 3 10 2 Pallipet 11 6 17 3 Thiruttani 12 6 18 4 7 3 10 5 5 4 9 Total 42 22 64

Head office : 90A Nasarathpet Village, Little Kanchipuram- 631503, Tamil Nadu. Chennai Office: New No.33, Old No.14, 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tamil Nadu. Website : hihindia.org Facebook : facebook.com/hihindia.org

The following activities were carried out during this reporting period:

Follow Up of Mainstreamed Students

The Hand in Hand field staff actively undertakes Mainstreamed Students Tracking at regular intervals. The follow-up involves a multi-stakeholder approach for greatest effectiveness: Meetings with the student happen first on one-on-one basis. This is followed by meeting their parents, their current teachers and current School Management. This system is put into place for three main purposes: 1. To know student’s performance and motivation level and 2. To encourage potential drop-outs to ‘press on ahead’ 3. To ensure regular attendance of students and avoid long-term absenteeism from school. This thorough multi-stakeholder approach apart from reducing dropout ratio and absenteeism among the students, also results in positive rapport building among the student, field staff and school teachers.

The Social Mobilization Program in Thiruvallur District, has indeed made an indelible mark in the lives of these children, giving them a

second chance at childhood.

Parent’s Meeting and Diwali Celebrations

The Parents’ Meeting was held in Kaverirajapuram RSTC, Thiruvallur district. In the meeting, the RSTC teachers shared about the student’s progress in their studies and positive changes in behavior after joining

Head office : 90A Nasarathpet Village, Little Kanchipuram- 631503, Tamil Nadu. Chennai Office: New No.33, Old No.14, 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tamil Nadu. Website : hihindia.org Facebook : facebook.com/hihindia.org

RSTC. Parents were requested to bring their children back to RSTC after the Deepavali holidays. On this occasion, all the students joyfully received a new set of clothes by Hand in Hand India.

Mr.GanaSekar, SSA Asst. Project Officer, Mr.SureshBabu SSA Supervisior, Mrs.Kasthuri and Mr.Venkatesan SSA DCs participated from the Government Education Department. A

total of 128 children and their parents attended the meeting.

Children’s Day Celebrations

Children’s Day was celebrated in Kaverirajapuram RSTC Thiruvallur district. This year the chief guests for the program were Hoist Donors, Mrs. Daniya, Mrs. Elarin. The children, teachers and CLEP team participated in the Program. The students presented a cultural programme with dance and drama.

Sports events were also held in all RSTCs where children participated enthusiastically in various events like 100m Sprint, Lemon and Spoon race, Throw ball, Kabadi among others. Medals and Certificates were distributed to all the winners and sweets to all participants.

Head office : 90A Nasarathpet Village, Little Kanchipuram- 631503, Tamil Nadu. Chennai Office: New No.33, Old No.14, 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tamil Nadu. Website : hihindia.org Facebook : facebook.com/hihindia.org

Karate Class Inauguration Program & Interpersonal Skill Development: Two out of every three children in India is abused, according to a National Study1. To address this growing concern of child safety, especially of girl children, SSA (‘Sarva Siksha Abhiyan’) in collaboration with Hand in Hand India was asked to take up initiatives in training Kaverirajapuram RSTC Thiruvallur district children on self-defence.

Therefore in all the RSTCs, Karate class was inaugurated and a Special Trainer has been appointed to train students on various techniques and how to defend themselves when they are at risk. Karate class is held twice a week in all RSTCs for the children who are in the age group of 6 – 14 years. This initiative has been taken to ensure safety and protection of children and also as a physical fitness exercise regimen.

World Hand Washing Day

At RSTC, we make use of thematic days to create a learning opportunity and greater social awareness. Research shows that 88% of Communicable diseases are spread by touch. ‘World Hand Washing Day’ was therefore celebrated in Kaverirajapuram RSTC Thiruvallur district to improve students’ health awareness and promote the hygienic habit of handwashing. In the program, students were sensitized on importance of handwashing thus preventing many types of infectious diseases. Hand in Hand field staff coordinated the event which benefitted 64 students.

1 According to National Study on Child Abuse Report, 2007- extensive study covering 13 states Head office : 90A Nasarathpet Village, Little Kanchipuram- 631503, Tamil Nadu. Chennai Office: New No.33, Old No.14, 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tamil Nadu. Website : hihindia.org Facebook : facebook.com/hihindia.org

Medical Camp

A Medical Camp was conducted in Thiruvalankadu RSTC with the support of Karpaga Vinayaga Dental College. The Medical Camp included both General and Specialised – Dental Checkup and Screening. The Camp aimed at enhancing the oral health of the students. A general check-up was conducted by the doctors and medicines were given out by the medical team. The individuals who would need further treatment and follow up were referred to local hospitals. A total of 64 students were benefited from this camp.

Bharathiyar’s Birthday Celebration - 11.12.2016

The Birth Anniversary of Bharathiyar – touted as one of Tamil Nadu’s greatest poets - was celebrated in Kaverirajapuram RSTC Thiruvallur district. To commemorate his literary contributions, Hand in Hand field staff & CRPCs organized his birthday celebrations. RSTC teachers shared about the great poet’s life journey, his patriotic values and achievements.

Christmas Celebrations Christmas is celebrated with gaiety every year in Kaverirajapuram RSTC. All the teachers and students along with the CRPC members and Hand In Hand India staff took part in this event. On this festive occasion, a Cultural Program was held and children enthusiastically took part in various cultural events like dance and singing.

Head office : 90A Nasarathpet Village, Little Kanchipuram- 631503, Tamil Nadu. Chennai Office: New No.33, Old No.14, 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tamil Nadu. Website : hihindia.org Facebook : facebook.com/hihindia.org

As with every programme and celebration the learning opportunity being the context of the event, the story of birth of Jesus Christ was shared briefly with the children as a learning opportunity and cakes were distributed to all at the end of the program.

At the RSTC, children are encouraged in all-round activities and to pursue their interests which helps them develop into happier and confident individuals. This month, our RSTC children had drawn and painted several pictures. We are happy to share that several of their pictures/paintings got selected and published in leading newspapers.

2. Social Mobilization Program

Abdul Kalam Birthday – Youth Inspirational Day In remembrance of the inspirational leader, our former president, Late Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, his birthday is celebrated as ‘Youth Inspirational Day’ in Kaverirajapuram RSTC, Thiruvallur district to highlight the importance of education – one of the values that He

advocated for. Students were given information about his life history and his achievements in life. The event was jointly organized by Hand in Hand India field staff and CRPC members. The Assistant Education Officer and the School Head Masters joined in the celebrations.

Head office : 90A Nasarathpet Village, Little Kanchipuram- 631503, Tamil Nadu. Chennai Office: New No.33, Old No.14, 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tamil Nadu. Website : hihindia.org Facebook : facebook.com/hihindia.org

CRPC Volunteer Module II Training

A panchayat level CRPC module II training was conducted by CLEP staff for all CRPC members in all the Districts where HIH works, to extend the continuous support to the children and to empower the community. Hand in Hand India created Child Rights Training Modules for Child Right Protection Committee (CRPC) on various issues such as child labour, child marriage, child prostitution, child harassment, lack of education etc. The main objective was to educate the CRPC members on various acts and laws related to child rights.

Children’s Day Program

Hand in Hand India celebrated Children’s Day in various schools in Thiruvallur district. Children and teachers took part in the program with great gusto. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s life, history and achievements were shared briefly with the children.

Child Rights Day

Hand in Hand India celebrates ‘World Child Rights Day’ every year to sensitize public on various child right issues such as child labour, child marriage, child prostitution, child harassment and importance of education. In Thiruvallur District Collector’s office, 88 NGO representatives took part in this program that was organized in coordination with Hand in Hand India and Thiruvallur District’s Child Protection Unit. Various laws on child rights were discussed in this training program.

Head office : 90A Nasarathpet Village, Little Kanchipuram- 631503, Tamil Nadu. Chennai Office: New No.33, Old No.14, 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tamil Nadu. Website : hihindia.org Facebook : facebook.com/hihindia.org

International Volunteers Day Program

Hand in Hand - CLEP commemorated International Volunteers Day through awareness meetings, cultural events and Training Programmes among school children and public. In Kanchipuram, Vellore, Thiruvallur and Tirupur districts, School children and general public were oriented on the work and functions of 1098 ChildLine India and Child Rights Protection Committee that is formed by Hand in Hand India in every single Panchayat in all HIH intervention areas. The attendees were also oriented on Protection of Children from Sexual Abuse Act, Child Rights and Rights of Children to Free & Compulsory Education Act. Resource Persons from different child development sectors including CHILDLINE 1098, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA) School HM and People representatives attended the program. Other eminent participants and visitors included Representatives of Child Welfare Committee, District Child Protection Officer, Block development officer and Forest Ranger. IEC material was distributed to all the volunteers. Through the 16 programs, totally 900 volunteers have been reached out to.

Head office : 90A Nasarathpet Village, Little Kanchipuram- 631503, Tamil Nadu. Chennai Office: New No.33, Old No.14, 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tamil Nadu. Website : hihindia.org Facebook : facebook.com/hihindia.org

Meetings: The following illustration provides details on various types Panchayat level stakeholder meetings and community members participation in these meetings conducted as of October’16 to December’16.

Social Mobilisation is a crucial backbone of all our community interventions that

enables us to reach out effectively in the community. During this Project period,

through untiring efforts of our Social Mobilisation Team, we have successfully

reached out to 4225 stakeholders directly through a total of 216 meetings.

CRPC Meeting

87 meetings, 1043 beneficiaries

Village Education School Children Committee, School Rally Management 3 meetings, Committee 270 beneficiaries TOTAL 11 meetings, 300 beneficiaries 216


4225 Village Meetings Group Motivation BENEFICIARIES

36 meetings, 70 meetings, 194 beneficiaries 2050 beneficiaries

Cultural Meetings

9 meetings, 368 beneficiaries

Head office : 90A Nasarathpet Village, Little Kanchipuram- 631503, Tamil Nadu. Chennai Office: New No.33, Old No.14, 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tamil Nadu. Website : hihindia.org Facebook : facebook.com/hihindia.org

Please find below a few case studies to illustrate the life-changing nature of our interventions in the Community:

Case Study 1

Name of the Student : V. Chandra

Age : 17

Gender : Female

Contact No : +91 9976672131

Fathers Name : G.S.Venkatesan

Father’s Occupation : Weaving

Mother’s Name : V.Govindaammal

Mother’s Occupation : Weaving

Previous Educational Qualification : Class III “When I grow up, I want to become a Duration of Idle time /Dropout period: 2 year Teacher. Thank you for giving me hope

Current Status : Pursuing 12thStd Government Higher Secondaryand School a future, A.J.Pet!”

V Chandra was one among the many Children caught in the rut of Child labour. Hailing from a very economically backward family in Nellikundram Village, Thiruvallur, Chandra dropped out from school while pursuing her 3rdStd and began to work along with her dad to make ends meet. During one of the field visits, Hand In Hand India Team identified her and began to intervene. The field staff interacted with her parents and asked them to encourage their child in continuing her education. Chandra was not interested at first, but sustained efforts, counseling and motivation by HIH field team bore fruit when she joined 5th standard at Dhameneri RSTC in the year 2009. She studied for two years and then was successfully mainstreamed to class VII at Athimanjeri Pettai Government Higher Secondary School. She has since, completed her 10thStd and is currently doing her 12thStd in the same school. She aspires to become a teacher.

Head office : 90A Nasarathpet Village, Little Kanchipuram- 631503, Tamil Nadu. Chennai Office: New No.33, Old No.14, 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tamil Nadu. Website : hihindia.org Facebook : facebook.com/hihindia.org

Case Study 2

Name of the Student : M. Dilip

Age : 16

Gender : Male

Contact No : 9159213981

Fathers Name : M Manikandan

Father’s Occupation : Coolie

Mother’s Name : M Vasanthi

Mother’s Occupation : Coolie “I wish to be a Doctor when I grow up. Previous Educational Qualification : 5th Standard Thank You for helping me come up in life.”

Duration of Idle time /Dropout period: 1 year

Current Status : Pursuing 11thStd Computer Science, Government Higher

Secondary School, B.R.palli

Dilip hails from B.R. Palli Panchayat under Thiruthani Block in Thiruvallur district. He is the youngest in the family. Due to difficult family circumstances, he had to drop out of school while pursuing his 5th grade and began tending cattle. He was out of school for more than a year when Hand In Hand India field staff identified him and tried to make him understand the importance of education. Initially, Dilip and his family both resisted HIH’s efforts and were unwilling to understand. The HIH team persisted in their intervention and after several rounds of counseling, the family finally agreed to send Dilip to school. He was enrolled in VI standard at Dhamanari RSTC in the year 2011 and after two years he was mainstreamed to VIII standard at Kanchipuram Dhandapani Oriental Higher Secondary School. He successfully completed X standard at B.R. Palli Government Higher Secondary School and is currently pursuing XI standard in the same school. He dreams of becoming a doctor and cheerfully recalls how his life is turning for the better now that he is at school.

Thank You for supporting our efforts in eliminating child labour and restoring lost childhoods. We greatly value the key role you have been playing in ensuring lasting change in the lives of

underprivileged children in District through Hand in Hand India.

Thank You! Best Regards, E.Swaminathan, General Manager - CLEP & SDTC Mobile No: +91 94429 16401

Head office : 90A Nasarathpet Village, Little Kanchipuram- 631503, Tamil Nadu. Chennai Office: New No.33, Old No.14, 48th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083, Tamil Nadu. Website : hihindia.org Facebook : facebook.com/hihindia.org