'64. tho Gov- was at Yarmouth from '60 to reconcile the promotion of sobriety by the from lakes to the salt water. THE BIG DROUGHT. members of Parlia- John Ε M. died April 13, '95, Suite with proper freedom for TO ernors, Congressmen, THE COMGATIOMLISTS. Wright, DOINGS OF THE FAITHFUL. personal LOYAL IRELAND. distin- '65. thoso not lntomperato. They cannot and ment, engineers and lawyers agod 73. He was at Rookport, '56 to in their do not go along with the puritan temper guished profession, shipbuildiors William W. Parker, at Oakham, Mass., and successful business men and all the and tradition which upholds a grinding Pastor at members of the International Water September 22, '94, aged 70. tyranny in the name of morality and Deep were at the Fires Are Res ; religion, and yet they would try to regu- Ways Association present York, 1858 61. Severe Forest in and Navy Many late the sale of any article which, if The Celtic Convention Ια meeting Army Sixty-Sintli Annual Conference at Samuel H. Hasmer, January 22, '95, turns a Big" ëreliminary[all this afternoon at three.o'clock. The Still Encamped In improperly consumed, rapidly aged 66. Pastor in^Washington county, ing. Democracy man or woman into a nuisance or a criminal. Chicago. POPULAR GREENHALGE. ffestbrook. '55-'61. Syracuse. They would not maintain the power of Wm. Hart,at Utiea.TN. Y., May, 1895, forcing licensos into oities and towns Massachusetts Caucuases Overwhelmingly aged 63. At Bath, 1870-'79, where are not desired, nor, on the they For Him—Wm. H. Moody Will Succeed Calvin E. Park, at West Hoxford, Mass., OF THE l'OONTRî other hand, would they enable' INHABITANTS ENTHUSIASM DISPLAYED DELEGATES WERE Iîî AT- 83. At INTENSE the Late Gen· Goggswell. MANY March 4, '95, aged Waterville, fighting flames. A HIGHLY DELECTABLE EXCISE A "PROHIBITION" MINORITY, 1838-44. FOB THE CAUSE. TENDENCE. or executive officers, to from ministers' widows the deaths PLANK. hysterioal Boston, Septemebr 24.—Reports Of the of either of enslave the sober members the Republican caucuses held in the va- of four are recorded, as follows : of Rev. the two in the State. In- of the state to- Isaao at October are great parties rious cities and towns Carlton, Portland, 1, From Mountain to Sea Fires Reported not dividual liberty at our fireside must and as far as show over- Annual of the '94 86 ; of Rev. Edward S. Pal- Λ Dramatic Interesting Session—Irish night, reoeived, Eiglity-Eightli Meeting :, aged —Welle Drying Up Everywhere—Κίτβπ be taken Inducements to drunken- of Rev. Perry Belmont'· Picturesque Speech— away. Tele- whelming sentiment in favor of renomi- Meets Today mer, at .Portland, Ootober, '94; Eloquence Thrills—Suggestive Maine Misnionary Society are Barely Flowing:—Bain Sorely ness be but the Looks to the Unterri- may wisely removed, Gov. for governor. John A. Perry, at Brunswick, 1874; Everything Rosy grains of Sympathy—Finnerty's Perti- nating Greenhalge —Afternoon and Evening Exercises desire for the moderate use of Needed. legitimate In a of cases"the delegates and of Rev. Samuel H. Merrill, at Port- fied—Gen. King's Candidacy Rather as nent largo majority on should not be Speech. Yesterday. has its usual wine and beer Sunday are instructed to vote for him. Many land. The severe drought had Unique—There Will Be Fun Tomor- as itself forest driven now to satisfy by illegiti- Chicago, September 24.—While waiting delegates to the state convention who are The sixty-ninth annual meeting· of the effeot of produoing lires which row. STATISTICS, mate means. for the de to arrive at the Irish Conference of the a menace to the interi- legates unlnstruoted, are well known to favor General Congrega- are always suoh 24.—The The and the the a hundred churches of its ses- conference numbers 239 churches From Syracuse. Ν. Y., September preachers churches, convention, fully cablegrams his renomination. footings made about tional Maine, began The or portion of Maine. every sectiun brewers and the saloons should act to- Deinooats found a clear sky, a cool at- and domestio dispatches were roceivei and by no means complete, sions at the Westbrook Congregational (hot including five New Hampshire of the state come reports of fires of great- gether, formulate, vote for and enforce a midnight a crowd when success to the new movement. churoh afternoon at 3 with 180 Wells are mosphere and big they reasonable excise law. Sobriety is very wishing gives 169 delegates pledged for Green- Tuesday o'oloot, ohurches), pastors. er or less oxtent. drying up The situation more than Some of were subse- Rev. M. Howe of churoh members in the conference are turned out this morning. important, but not important the^more signiflcent halge, 49 unpledgod, 9 in doubt, and one George Lawiston, being The every where, and rivers barely flowing. is freedom for sober men to was about the same as last night. Can- personal buy, quently read to the convention. In oalling A. Morse. sixth con- moderator. are 6,09ôÎmales and 15,358 females,a total is in soi* need of rain and un- if for Elijah Injthe The state eat, drink and do what pleases them, to order J. where are didates were just as numerous and just the convention J. O'Connell, gressional district delogates The opening devotional service was of 21,45& Of these 4,245 are absent. The less it comes reasonably soon the effects it does not infringe on the rights of nomi- Democrats of the local said it to bo elected to the coij vent ion to as confident. State were others. chairman committee, lod by Rev. Dr. James Q. Merrill of the gain le 40. wll be very serious. nate a successor to the late Congressman be Mr. Belmont of of just as sure that they would admitted On the financial question was a spontaneous congress people Wm. H. Moody is thus far In "Christian Mirror." After the hymn The additions have been 617 by confes- said : Cogswell, and Tamanyites were equally sure they the Irish born race. Irish-Americans the lead. Reports from the district say Dr. Merrill read from the.fourth ohapter sion and 400 by letter ; total 1107. Eitendi to Quebec. SUDDEN CHILL Not has the New York Democracy A only seem to would not make room for them. were dissatisfied with the the friends of oandidato George for the last twenty years deolared itself parliamentary Arthabasta Station, Qua, September a the be demoralized. The Moody men claim With cold extremities, cramp Everybody was satisfied that the excise and thrown its influence for tariff re- campaign on the other side and of I was received here today from Haverhiil| Ζ and Newburyport ;tomor- 24.—Word in would be as broad as form, administrative reform and further faot that the Braults Mill, a station between Artha- or uneasiness plank Brooklyn currency Parliamentary party row night will send delegates enough to pain anywhere, but it has never failed to vindi- baska and that a mill, or and as for the future of the reform, had its and nominate without doubt. In fcjalem Aston, eight or bowels, a bridge party, In it botrayed supporters proved him, three loaded oars the stomach feeling cate sound finance. February, 1885, trust. was where the A. P. A. is re- nine houses and freight looked more to Democratic faithless to its This greeted and Concord it never rosy was a Democratic President-eleot, Mr, were by forest fixes. of nervousness, wakefulness, or | with loud applause, whioh was renewed to have considerable strength, its totally destroyed who a timely letter warned ported eyes. Cleveland, by when the spoakcr concluded by prophesy- candidates are defeated. In several places Monmonth Bog on Fire. demands the the country r,hat under the working of exhaustion, speedy- The streets of Syraouse were filled with ing that out of this convention would be where it was thought the organization the Bland-Allison law the two metals September 34.—Andros- use of SANFORD'S GINGER, the hours and born and established an Irish republic would make a fight no indications of its Monmouth, people during early hotels were in of in Monmouth and Leeds is on dunger "parting company" built on the of this great republic. existence were manifested. coggin bog stomachics. headq uarters' ban- and the In that the plans In that vicinity ig of warming jammed. Tammany gave warning hope Ex-Congressman John F. Finnerty, of fire, and the country purest would ropoal the silver smoke. The fire la-a ner swung across the street from the outgoing Congress this city, was greeted with prolonged ap- ROME'S FETES CONTINUE. covered with caught purchase law. stack near a camp, and is spreading Ask for SANFORD'S Vanderbilt House and the lobbies of the plause on being presented as temporary hay Avoid substitutes. It was his Democratic secretary of the The bog is covered with rotten and look for owl trade mark on the chairman. The calls were read at the of rapidly. GINGER prinoipal hotels were placarded with Mr. Manning, who, in 1885 and original Great Enthusiasm Unveiling and a foot Sold everywhere. Potter Ç)RUG ani> Treasury, by John P. Sutton of New York, secretary debris vegetable growths deep, wrapper. signs announcing where each candidate's to the Bland burns hundreds ot acres Ghem. Corp., Bolé Proprietors, Boston. 1S80, urged Congress repeal of the Irish National League of America, Monuments, and as this easily were looated Allison law in the interest of inter- headquarters with a resume or the telegraphic are threatened. Delegates and party leaders were national such bi-metallism together bi-metallism, As Mr. Sutton read of SPECIAL· NOTICES. has been described dispatches. eeoretary Rome. September 24.—The features In Penobscot County. UP UNTIL MIDNIGHT to come by what aptly the he omitted the names of ever since ad- cablegrams the of two as the international route, A from New York today's fetes were unveiling Bangor, September 84.—Several forœt wires and the claims of the New York who signers delegate FOSTER'S pulling pushing vooated by Democraoy demanded to know who signed the monuments; one in memory of the fires light up the skies it night in this also demanded the payment and final ex- A one is in the the many candidates. messages. The secretary brusquely re- brothers, Cairoli, killed in the vicinity. big blazing termination of the unconstitutional The patriotic woods west of Holden. βΰη Unimhin ITinw nf Taillera nnnnHr sponded: "None of your business. the other in insurrection of 1867 ; memory of Winn are Forest City DYE HOUSE, greenback. "ion mhn cnannrl thasa rrtAflRftcree are not Fires back spreading rapid- arrived thie morning. He Is about tlie vvnen a congress m joau of Marco an Italian destruction about there nepuuiicuii going to expose themselves to the British Signor Minghetti, ly, threatening AND who has not head- haa inserted in the Sherman law, the " of all efforts to control them. only candidate opened This was applauded by a statesman. The nrst mentioned monu- in spite worst features of legal tender : government. and set a boom bureau into green- of the convention ana there were quarters silver the portion ment was unveiled in the pro6ence of Phillips Alarmed. He said he did not take much backism, treasury purchasing no further operation. bank it was the interruptions. Motti Geu. Turr and Steam treasury redemption, The of finished, Gen. Garibaldi, Phillips, September 24. —Three distinct stock in shouting and that his belief is, reading dispatohes of Garibaldi's Carpet Beating New York Democracy, speaking through delivered the other survivors oarnpaign, torest πres are raging ana causing mucu Chairman opening liis the in as as Finerty crowds of The cero- if a man is wanted by party, Governor Hill, Brooklyn early address, briefly reviewing the successive and large spectators. loss within sight of this vilJage. sounded the death knell of monies of unveiling the MACHINES, summons will come. He is of thejopinion 1890 that efforts for centuries of the advocates of Monghetti In Pleasant Valley, Avon, a territory monument was conducted in the presence about one three miles has been burned 13 Preble St. Opp. Preble House. that the lower end of tlie State should bo THE COWARDLY MAKESHIFT Irish independence. He said whenever by of Humbert, the cabinet ministers over and is still A set of on the ticket and the central the"Irish fought the^Brltiah on [the open King spreading. represented whioh has created of new have and most of the leading politicians and is said to have been banned. Send large parcels by express, Feath- and western should not expect every- $150,000,000 field they lost less people than they buildings part act. statesmen. There is another serious Are at &c. Car- thing. greenbacks now driving out, by perpetual lost since the passage of the union Bragg's ers, Gloves, Laces, by mail, that ever Corner. The strange about Gen. King's 'our stock of gold which is The i'onians were the first body and Beds thing redeeming, listen to THE WEATHER. pets by freight. is that Kings county men made the English government Greene Ablaze· candidacy the only exportable money we have. Smamp Telephone connection. never heard of it seriously until they got reason. (Great applause. ) England It was the New York Democratic State a sort of home rule bill. Between Greene, September 24.—The-big swamp here^ and the delegates from up the State passed X'iiir. an in this town is ablaze. Over favored it because they thought Kings convention of September, 1891, which it and the House of Commons stood thirty men carrier of terror and 21.—The forecast are fighting the flames. The effort is to NEW MANCHESTER county wanted it. The Kings county first and the New York Dem- immovable tyranny Boston, September HOUSE, denounced, of the House of Lords. While confine the Are to the swamp. men were so dazed over the situation in the shape till Wednesday night is: Fair, variable KEV. GEORGE M. HOWE, THE MODERATOR. ocratic State convention of February 22, no chance With Windsor Hotel Annex, that had not made up their minds that barrier stood, there was Near Belfast. they winds, with stationary temperature. οι ;secona xunotny. υτ. juerrm ulull xne removals nave Deen 1U41 ; or whloli this whether to or 1892, which repeated the denunciation of for the Irish to obtain even a modicum MANCHESTER, Ν. H., morning support 24.—Forecast the Sherman law as a falso pretense, of Should the great Irish race 2 Washington, September offered prayer. 422 were by death, 387 by and Belfast, September 24.— A bad fire le the and best hot* repudiate Gen. King. justice. dismissal, Makes it largest equipped which denunciation in the the beoause the House of is: in the woods in the town of Mor- north of Boston. The delegates from all over the State reappeared give up struggle for Wednesday for New England Fair, Mr. Howe then announced the follow- 232 by discipline. raging is known as to be well united in favor Democratic platform as a Lords said it snould remain enslaved? rill in what the Higgins seemed pretty national southerly to westerly winds, and slightly ing committee on credentials : Kev. O. Baptisms have beeu adults and 153 Α. M. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. of John B. Judson of Fulton county for cowardly makeshift. There were cries of "No." The speaker 408, neighborhood. Everything is very dry, J. WESLEY BENNEB, Manager. of wa'-mer in Vermont, W. Folsom of Rev. H. G. Harbutt infants. State treasurer and Daniel G. Griffin of Today everybody advocates, in the said the "noes" came from legions Bath, and the fire spreads rapidly. Half the feb21 Morrill is out TuThtfW&lp Jefferson oounty for attorney-general. language of tho New York Democratic Irish hearts on this continent and fifty WEATHEB CONDITIONS AND GEN- of Searsporfc and Deacon Samuel Gar- In the Sabbath eohools are 23,768, a town of fighting the of a cur- millions more of all nationalities whose flames. Another fire is raging in the At 12.27 Chairman Hinkley called the platform twenty-two years ago, ERAL· FOBECAST. land of Gorhara. gain of 1568. as as hearts beat in with Ireland's woods at East Belfast. convention to order. He stated that he rency good gold. sympathy W. of were some who The report of the treasurer, Beacon The total benevolences of the Sabbath wae directed by the State committee to After the appointment committees. struggle. There thought The barometer has risen in New Eng- In the Mountains. Dr. Edward fotrock of the convention do to P. Hubbard of showed receipts sohools have been Ά Woiiderf y IW oman say the regular and Shepard delegates in Buffalo, presented might something land and Middle Atlantic States and to Bangor, $3312. was re- were to be on the following excise plank, which the government of the United of and a balance of In the trea- The 24.—A Kings oounty placed roll, implicate the west of Montana. It has fallen in all $1000 9114 young Jpeople's societies number Conway, N.H., September great to have two-thirds vote and ferred to the committee on platform : States with England. Did the display of forest fire has been regulars surer, land expenses of $1547 for tho year. 178, with 8,271 members. raging near Conway Shepardites one-third. "We ask the State Legislature to pass a stars and'stripes before them, did the other distriots. A depression of consider- Centre, and at one tiine threatened Cot- reasonable license law. with a of national oolors all about them The treasurer had borrowed $500 in or- As benevolences 207 churches Omena-Romany Gyp- Hon. Perry Belmont was elected tempo- uniform, showing able energy is central north of Dakota, regards on's Mills. A large number of men have for local Revenues of intimate intended to do to cash for oertain bills. as rary chairman and addressed the conven- proviso option. they anything the barometer is low. It der pay report follows: Foreign, $9,491 ; edu- been fighting it last night and today, shall to the the American where unusually tion. such licenses granted, go that would harrass govern- Rev. S. N. Adams of the Westbrook church md it now seems under cnntrol. of cities and towns is from ten to cooler on cation, $14,829; building, $2,033; sy Mr. Belmont began a lone speech by local poor funds the ment? twenty degrees Queen, ask that the Hundreds of church, extended a heartfelt welcome to home, $22,556; Α. Μ. Α., $5,434; eulogizing Senator Hill for his unflinch- in the State. We further (Cries of "No. )" places the Atlantic coast north of Virginia and Sunday STARTLING IF TRUE- .Late of Egyptian V illage, World's Fair amend and modify Sunday in the United States bore the name of the who were He then ministerial ing devotion to party interests during the legislature about ten degrees warmer from the delegates present. school, $1,074; aid, $1,183; Chicago, is now at 44 Brown street. Has In view of the reverses laws upon the statute books in suoh a who broke the neutrality laws Rev. Dr. A. H. last campaign. Lafayette, Mississippi valley westward to the Bocky announced that Quint, others, $49,416. Total, $106,016, an in- Sensational of in been consulted by tbe wealthiest and iLoat the form that the enforcement thereof will to aid in the for American in- Report Change Pope's of that speaker argued struggle Mountains. who was to and crease of campaign, or obnoxious to What laws did speak Tuesday evening $30.170. intelligent people of America and foreign that the swift changes of party power in not bo oppressive any dependence. neutrality Tho weather Is generally fair, and looal Residence, the Demo- class of our and not prove destruc- observe when in civil war she Rev. J. S. Penman, who was to have The benevolent"legacies arc countuiea. Her knowledge of past, present this State should encourage people England showers are reported from the southern $3,603. tive to business interest in tho State. colors and under false were unable and future events ia tiuly marveloaus. crats not to be without hope. Much, he any gave ships pre- of Florida and Texas and at spoken Thursday forenoon, Two hundred and five churches be in with vesssels from portions report London,September?!—A dispatch from Never fails to those who are In will depeud on the way they ap- Such laws should conformity tences to sweep American Canadian stations. In of help thought, northwest to be present. piaoe Mr.(Penman $221,618 spent in home expenditures. the irou tells the one marry, makes of tho the of the constitution and laws of the soa? What neutrality laws did she Paris, says town oouncil of Aivgnon ble, you'll preciate the lesson past. spirit Indications are that the weather will Rev. Dr. of Port- Advices on business the that when she enlisted men in this on Thursday, Burrage The statistics inolude the five New business^successful. He instanced the campaign of 1872, country, guarantee personal observe continue fair, with warmer southerly iAs/voted carte blanohe for the restore- deals and matrimonial veutnre. Causes and to all oltizens. lier beat the Czar in the on "Interdenominational when General Dix defeated Francis Ker- liberty equal rights country^to help winds in the central valleys on the land, will speak Hampshire ohurohes and one in New ;ion of tlio historioal of the speedy and happy marriages witn the one the stand as palace nan over votes, and the cam- Sunday laws should designate Crimea? "Neutrality laws A nnnaf ΤΊίλ nrnofliat· mill ΛΛ«_ you love by proper a-dvice. Tells of absent by 55,000 Canity. Brunswick. which has as bar- of two when Mr. Sabbath as a day of devotion of rest an d nothing against a nation's freedom," popes, long been,used friènde, dreams, accidents, paign 1874, years later, tinuo warm, with in tem- conference Geo. W. ***~ ^«hipwrecks, recreation. Provisions of the law should (vïTif.tnnwl ennn.knr. whilft the audience slight changes Tne sermonJby^Rev. The value of the church property is voyages, mines, Inwsuits, sickness; t^lls if Tilden, the standard bearer of the Demo- racks. in exercises and shouted in turn. "Else what perature. of Gorham, was next in order. of the tbe one you love is true or false. jMornl, cracy, defeated General Dix by over 50,000 protect people theirjraligious cheered Roynolds $1,532,150; parsonages,'^$207,200 ; I It is estimated that the work oÇrestcae- chaste, reilned ad vice to all. Predicted the and devotion on the Sabbath day. The mean these overwhelming manifestations was from Paul's First Crop Bulletin. His text was he invested funds, $197,583; indebted- oost It le Charleston earfhquaae, the great Milwau- sale of of kind should be for Cuba our ;ion will $1,000,000. proposed Mr. Belmont strongly advocated liquor any pro- of sympathy throughout to 13th 6th kee destruction of of '74. — Timothy, ohapter, ness, 68,37S;"and salaries $149,853. Are, orange crop hibited in all public places during church ? I am about as loyal as any man Washington, September 24. The Epistle ;o convert the palace into a "museum '»q. Has in har possession numerous and country REFORM OF THE EXCISE LAW. ana uiviuu box-ν wow auca « ν uiuujv American and of verse. In the is of Dr. and giron her by nours to the flag, ajrespector weather bureau issued the follow- evening, plaoe Quint, )f Christendom." costly presents jewels free for the not be today Umena will remain in the voters of the day shall be made rest American laws, but I would The central thought of the sermon was Rev. Dr. James Θ. Merrill delivered an grateful patrons. As it now stands, said he, weather crop bulletin for the week A prominent resident J"of the city de- Portland a short time oi^ly; those wuo and recreation of the ρβορίβ in the in- ashamed to stand on the platform with ing 1 the of New York cannot control the Manhood. The preaoher spoke par- address on the "Perils of the Minister." desire to consult this wonderful predictor, city terest of morals and labor "as well with with Pulaski, ending last night : New England harvest- :lares that the saored college will elect good Lafayette, Dekalb, of rêvealer and forecaster of coming a of the literature today, much It was full of and was events, management of the temperance question as capital. und hail, the superb vision of hundred is fast and rain is greatly ticularly good sense, ;he nest pope from Avignon, where he as in the as to ing progressing •hould call early day possible men down rather than builds 111 J J, in their own even as much as voters At 1.50 p. m. the convention adjourned thousand armed breaking neutrality jf which tears generously at the close. avoid the atternoon and evening rush, as city, needed. Fruit is dropping badly. applauded until 10 a. m. tomorrow. laws to liberate Cuba, or half a million Too wish to hundreds «re going to see her. No time for In towns and villges oan ooutrol it there- up character. many people Rev. S. D. Towne's address on the work committee on resolutions met to- them in in behalf of Ireland's idle gossip, wnen yon call let it be on busi- The breaking deeds We have WORK OF THE in. New York oannot vote for the We are Local Weather Report. io their good by proxy. in Maine was illustrated FLAMES. ness. Parlors, first 9oor, 44 Brown street. City night. Tho session was protracted, the independence. (Great cheering. ) abundantly by statute books which to Consultation price—Ladies. SI.00; Gentle- kind of excise commissioners it profera excise plank causing much debate. The here to proclaim to the world that the Portland, Me., September 24--The local laws on our are, stereopticon pictures, which ho bad men, $2.00. sep20eodnrmlstp2w It cannot what if after raôe is neither doad nor dis- dead letters. Lively Fires in M a I no Reported Last Night deiclde lioenses, any, committee finally adjourned, adopt- Irish Weather Bureau office reoords as to the 3ur everlasting disgrace, gathered in going ahout the State in the it will or excepting within narrow ing a platform with the exception of the heartened. We ara not of a breed that and grant, the Wo hold a mass meeting pass resolu- last two years. the limits the tax thereon. The absurdity excise plank. Tho platform, as adopted, runs out. There are more of us now then weather following: Among pictures a to 24.—The corn are a that can and then raise committee act. he showed were Fryeburg, September of such a law is manifest when, accord- declares for gold and silver as only legal gvor before. We wall of fire 8 a.m.—Barometer, 30.074; thermometer, tions, which many interesting all We will never to raise committees or paoking shop of T. L. Eastman, was PAINTS OILS ing to the construction seriously and tender ; denounces money not con- Dover be extinguished. B0.0; dew point, 41; humidity, 50; wind, SVe are ready up ones of persons ana places. absolutely insisted upon in our great vertable in time ; favors a gradual return- give up the struggle we are here to con- northwest; velooity, 10; weather, clear. inything else, except ourselves. totally destroyed |by fire this evening. of New York, it cannot ment of declares against free solidate all our forces for an aggressive 8 thermome TODAY'S PROGRAMME loss is cosmopolitan city greenbacks; p. m.—Barometer, 30.078; the sermon came the commu- 1'ho on building and machinery or of we can Following give a license to Governor Morton and unlimited coinago silver, and move against England whenever ter, 56.9; dow point, 44; humidity, 61; for conducted Revs. Ε. B. The programme Today will be as 65000; insured for $3700; loss on oorn, alayor Strong, to offer in their houses in favors an improvement of State canals. strike her under the law of nations. wind, west; velocity, 4; weather, clear. lion service, by follows : well insured. The cause was the city a glass of wine on Sunday to any One clause of *tho excise plank She is surrounded bv enemies. France, Mean daily thermometer, 62.0; maxi- Mason and Charles Harbutt, and Dea- 51600; one be with them. It upon, reads: "We Russia all hate her. For 25 mum minimum ther- Morning. of a H. H. HAY & who may dining agreed Germany, thermometer, 69.0; uuu the lantern. SON, practioally ;uua iionwuiuw| *uui.wU| explosion cannot protect either of them from con- condemn the hypocrisy of the Republican years the foreign policy of America had mometer, 56 ; maximum volocity of a 30—Devotional scrvioe, Rev. W. G. Middle St. finement in the penitentiary, if convicted party, in persistently refusing to enforce not boen what it should be. If the wind, 18, W. ; total precipitation, 0. Hubbard. Mann. Maine Central a Sufferer. the law had been as as it is on made V· VUl ΛΓΛΛΛΛΛ*ΛΙΛΛ U1VU VfA VUV XUU1UU of offering the wine forbidden by the Sunday closing in some cities, government patriotio The report necrology, by Rev. VlUg British State law. Nothing less than Gov. while demanding such enforcement else- American to be, the day that the NO RACE THIS TIME! M. Cousins, reoorded the follow- Missionary society. Opening services. Skowhegan, September 34. —The round- " have had Edgar Morton's will save the oulprit. whero. marines landed in Corinto we'd of treasurer, L. wue pardon deaths during the year: At Caribou, Report Crosby, Esq. bouse the Maine ^Central railroad to the narrow-minded con- After an animated discussion the a hard broadside of the American fleet. ing Report of secretary, îkto According (Supplementary said to be caused by an struction contended for at Saratoga last Srace-Fairchild people were given one- From today, continued the speaker, let But the Plucky Englishman Had tlie Best July 17, '04, Kev. Charles W.Porter, printed report). Address, Rev. William burned tonight, a a new movement. Let us Two loco- STAINS ENAMELS week, the statute makes it misdemeanor fifth of their delegation, us inauguarate of It. 48. Kinoaid, D. D. Addresses. Annual explosion of a barrel of oiL Irish igod for one who, on Sunday, offers, in his work for the establishment of the elections. Business. out. In- TRO UBLE FOR INSURGENTS. At East Corinth, November 16, '94, motives inside could not be got own house, a glass of beer, wine or republic, free and independent. Afternoon. 2. 00. —Devotional service. William ~ and inflicts a fine or The chairman resumed his seat amid Kev. Richard Jenkyn, aged 41, of sured. whiskey to any one, Staten Island, Septemebr 24.—For ?.15.—Report {educational institu- on in any sort Has Secured Nine American Built great that continued several native of and for a time sta- tions. From committee to visit Don't neei some imprisonment |one, who, Spain applause Wales, Bangor the 8aco. you or minutes and then the committees were the second time "no race" was declared Typhoid Rage· on of olub, sell on any day wine spirits tioned at Ligonia. He graduated from seminary, Rev. D. L. Yale. From com- ^ before cold waather to without a and Cutters, and the convention took a the Club's serios of in- to visit —This city and its members license, appointed in Seawanaka in 1874. mittee Bowdoin college, Rev. Biddeord, September 34. in a club recess of an hour. When it reasssembled Bangor Seminary over 40 comes Ρ makes it a misdemeanor to sell ternational ohallenge races for small Carl S. Patton. Saco are in a state of exoitement on or without a license. New one the committee on permanent At Fort Fairfield, June 14, 1895, Rev. —Maine of lu the two cities. Sunday with York, September 24.—Within organization in 2.45. Branch the college and ■ases of typhoid fever Mr. Bel- in favor of the tem- boats. This time varying winds and from a What Democrats seek, said month, nine American-built steam cut- reported continuing Elbridge Knight. eduoation society, Rev. J. G. Merrill, D. 3ue to impure water and milk is based on facts, ex- porary officers. John T. Flnerty resumed sometimes Jack of any, tthe Ethelwynn Rev. S. D. Towne seore- where there were two oaeee. mont, legislation ters under the flag, will be on At Stamford, Ct, April 14, 1895, Rev. D., president, ejrm and common sense. They would Spanish the chair. A large number of lagging IV. the The river from whioh the water supply perience of Cuba. and Spruce struggled during tary. cruising duty on the north coast delegates appeared at the afternoon Richard Bowers, Thurston, graduate of —The Maine is the lowest for years. VARNISHES BRUSHES full racing time of five hours to go 3.15 Congregational Chari- is secured The late Admiral Parejo sent Lieut session ana ine auuuorium was crowuou. in 1846 and pastor at Waterville table sooiety, Rev. Ε. B. D. those stricken with fever Is ex- ui uvvu nines Bangor Mason, D., Among The afternoon session was of less than Cwioe round a inaugiu a Rev. F. B. S. F. Parcher. Commander Triana to this city on special until 1845. president, Denio, secretary, Mayor one hour's duration, devoted to routine side, and only managed ^to finish a little a 45.—Bible Society of Maine, Rev. G. and the orders for these cutters Several Rev. Geoige Augustus Perkins, died Ε. T. LEE DAMAGED duty, business. additional greetings more than five-sixths of the C. Wilson. 9·SCHOONER The last of Some without 12-jmle 15, '95. He were very were read. pledged funds at Wendell, Mass, May grad- 4.00.—Report of the secretary 'of Sun- placed quietly. free course. The result today was to Cuba a limit, for any earnest effort to distinctly in and at Deacon A. W. Unknown Schooner Off the nine cutters was shipped uated at Bowdoin 1849, Ban- day sohools, Butler. Collided With An Ireland. Others the convention to favorable to the of the Eng- _BABY few wero built especially urged seemanship After several as mis- 4.80. —Reports j.of delegates to corres- days ago. They inde- in 1853. years Watch Hill. Their arma- ask for nothing more than complete who a fino exhibit gor bodies. for rapid in-shore work. lish challenger, gave and ponding destructive and nothing less. sionary in Turkey, professor in hour in the ment will be of a very type. pendence, accept Ion of sailing hie boat for all thore was 5.00.— Sooial chapel. of war Othors voiced the sentiment "Complete he conducted a New 24 —Shcooner Smugglers of the contrabands in her every minute the raco was on Robert College, boy's London, September HUMOURS separation, no matter by what means its Evening. sailed Relieved will be their prey. While the American boat was generally school at Gorham from 1866 to 1871, Ernest T. Lee, Rawding, master, Instantly to the effective- accomplished." About 700 delegates, service. Collection for the These will add greatly and well handled, an error of judgment of a.nd from 1872 to 1875 was pastor at Pow- 7.15..—Praise in here this in a badly damaged And Cured forces in Cuba. nearly every State evening Speedily by ness of the Spanish naval representing the first leg bade give viotory to Maine Charitable Society. line of war ves- Territory are In attendance. fairgto ual. oondition. She had been in collision With those and a doubo the English yacht, had not the fickle 7.30 —Reception of delegates from cor- doolared all outside re- for October bodies. with an at 1.15 this sels cruising it is Anxiety Steumer Alberta. wind rendered the day's work an abortive At Austin, Minn, 7, 1894, Rov. responding unknown sohooner tho rebels lief will bo out off from now The course was a run off who was born in Bath 8.00.— Address. Rev. F. J. Marsh, Sun- off Watch Hill. The Lee was Sault Ste. Marie, 34,—Ad- trial. today Alfred Murse, in morning of Kastern Cuba. September east school and publishing society. in tho central part vices from Fort William at 12.30 this the wind, by north, one half length, at Colby in 1843, and day bound from New York to Me. and 1813, graduated Rev. G. H. Eastport, *.semination. that Paoiflo a reach northwest a beat to wind 8.30.—Address., Gutterson, was Qticura Consular afternoon says the Canadian in 1846. He in Dix- preaohed Association. Capt. Rawding says the weather FAILS TÎie has not sou th by west, one half west. Bangor Amerioan Missionary with WHEN ALL ELSE passenger steamer Alberta ward, clear when the collision occurred, accord- Held and in Washington county previous 9.00.— Address, Rev. William Kincaid, warm bath with CUTICURA SOAP September 24.—In reaohed there yot. She through a fresh breeze from the north. When A Washington, passed D. D·. Congregational Home Missionary the terms of tho proclamation here at 10 o'clock and to 1854. ffBso/ufêly Ave miles off Watch Hill light, bearing and a single application of CUTICURA, ance with Sunday morning Will Burns Β β α Candidate? President published yestorday, is overdue 32 hours at Pott Arthur. December Sooiety. northeast, an unknown schooner with will afford instant relief, per- if the At Atlanta, Ga., 11, '04, John Pure (ointment), tho consular service under a Nothing has been seen of her and con- out starboard light, bore down on them rest and and to a placing Nashua, H. H., Soptember 24.— General Hinoks, who was bom In Buoks- THE DELEGATES. mit sleep, point speedy, civil service, Secretary Olnev to- is over her Howard A oream close before seen that a was modified siderable anxiety manifested Charles H. who has just returnod of tartar baking powdoi. so collision cure of the most of the whose It sized Burns, 1849. of Their Ssnifi and the Flacee permanent distressing dosingated board, duty whereabout®. She had a good said that ho had port in A Dinotory inevitable. It struok the Lee on the iay tho from Europe today highest of all in leavening strength itching and burning skin and scalp diseases, be to conduct necessary el- list. Holmes, died at New Are starboard bow, outting hereto the wat- shall passenger notu-considered the United States sena- Otis Village, Where They Entertained. —Latest United States Government all other methods fail. This board will consist of had er's the forecastle after iminations. From the Se». torial nomination. He nothing to Grove, Ν. Y., 28, '94. edge, starting deck, Assafitant Seoretary of State, Lalcen to the Lake August aged The delegates who have Indicated to the Food hor rail Sold throughout the world. tho Third as to whether he would be a candi- Report. and carrying away and one jib. say was at Elliot 1858-65. Britiih F. Newbebt * of tho Department and the Cleveland, September 2i.—Influential 90. He pastor committee that will She was with canvas and came depot: the Solicitor date. All reports and statements that he entertainment they patched or the men from both lake? died at Sorr», 1, King Edward-bt., Lon- S Chief of the Consular Bureau, sides of the great race as a candidate are en- John Bittinger Haveiv Royal Baking Powder Co. to this port. The Lee is gowned bv G. ^ 1 boom the will enter the Quincy for the time boing discharging have assembled in Cleveland t° Ountlnned oa Second 10* Wall Ν. Ï, W.Lord and others of and in New don. FottsbDbdoakdChxu. \ persons tlroly unauthorized. Mass., April ^ '85, aged 04. He Fag·, St^ Calais, of the piflees. Dxojeot for a foot channoL (till, York and Portland, th· 4 wise twenty-ii* MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. -■ WEDDINGS. Ν Ε W ίϊ 7 c Λ γι χ ^ 32 ΚΓΤΤΰ. I Mills, Rev. Richard Β with Mrs DEFENDER'S CREi/V HOME- STATE BOARD OF TRADE ΙΐίΙΙί CO,(il!IÎG.lÎI#MLISTS Frank Haskoll. Galon with Dr. J. L. Moses, C., Bath, Green's Blake Their (laving a Glorious Time at ΒβιΐΕΟΓ Meet- Horr. landing Merry Over i Davie—Pluinuier. I Merrill, Rev. Dr. J. G., Portland, with Ketnrn. ing. Dr. J. Ij. Horr. High streot was the scene of a brilliant Continued From First Page. Rev. with Mrs. Feventh Mason, E.B., Brunswick, [SPECIAL· TO THE Bangor, September 24.—The wedding last evening when Mr. Henry J. W. Morris. PRESS.] Davis annual meeting of the State Board of Hall Davis and Miss Edna Mnbel Pluin- R. with Green's.Landing, September ;i4—.Seven- bo present, iiro as follows with the Marsh, Rov. 1'. J., Boston, Preble George f places after- House. of the crew of the Trade was held in this of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. of the World's Columbia Exposition, Chicago. where are entertained: teen Defender arrived Bangor mer, daughter Director-General they Rov. P. East with of Trade Miller, E., Sumner, homo steamer Mt. Desert this morn- noon at the Bangor Board Plummer, were married at the residence Armstrong, Miss. with Mrs. by : Biddeford, Mrs. W. B. Boothby. was dele- Says Sli Can n. were met a rooms. It attended by of the bride's Moody, J. H., York Corner, with Mrs. ing. They by largo concourse largely parents. Rev. from all state. The Adams, J. E., Bangor, with Rev. Simon Cutter. of people. They landed amid the scream- gates parts of the The weddingjtook place at 8.30 o'clock. used Johann Hoff's Malt Ertract ■S. N. Adams. South San- tho Moulton, Mrs. Ellen Μ. Α., ing of steam whistles, roaring of cannon, meeting was oalled to order by presi- The bridal procession marched into Adams, Mr. William, Bangor, with with Miss Delia Boothby. ford, of frionds and the Cadet band dent, Henry Lord, of the State Board, the room to the music of Men- as a nerve tonic, and as an aid to di- Rov. S. N. Adams. W. Hallowel, with friends. shouting drawing HAVING F., 'i§ Rotis extra fine Marston, who introduced C. It Snow. The delssohn's Gil- Aprahamiau, Rev. S.A., Green's Land- Mafrston, Mrs. W. F., with friends. playing Yankee Doodle. Much bunting Mayor wedding march, played by with Mrs. Ε. S. Brooks. of wel· I can commend it. ing, Moore, Rev. P. H., Saco, with Mrs. A. was displayed and an arch of flowers was latter delivered α graceful address bert's orchestra, who were stationed just cheerfully y Adams, Miss Gardiner with gestion, Sarah, Mrs. F. Warren. come. Falls, Thorn- oS the hall. The took Tapestry Carpet, O. A. Bean. erected. They were met by a committee Ellsworth, Rumford oeremony plaoe McBridc, Rev. W H., Wells, with Mrs. admitted Rev. J. and escorted to the where a short aston, and Old Orchard were in the bay window which was Made, Laid and Aiken, Α., Windham, with Mrs. Simon Cutter. square, large *»5C y d. •f. \V. M. N. Rich per Moiris. Rev. Charles Α., Rockland at address of welcome was made by Hon. E. to memborship. Secretary simply, but exquisitely decorated with Deacon J. with Mrs. Moore, Akers, Μ., Alfred, White House, care J. E. Warren with P. When all orew have of Portland read his annual report. The astors and ferns on a white back- A. F. Warren. Spoiïord. the pure Mrs. Albion a balance Quinby. arrived a big banquet will be tendered report of the treasurer showed ground. Just over the heads of the bride 16 Soils ail wool Bean, Rov. Ebenezar, Bluehlll, with Moore, Mrs. Charles Α., with Mrs. Albion of $418 in the Twenty-four were festoons of the The _ Frank Spear. Quinby. them. treasury. and groom pretty Beware of imitations. genuine Mrs. with Frank were from 19 boards. this sÙ?// Beau, Ebenezar, Spear. Mank, Rev. G. H., and wife, New delogutes presont, same decoration. The bride was ohnrm- Johann H off s Malt Extract has signatureb £3Γ* John with Mrs. Allen. An interesting paper by J. W. Penny Carpets, Brimmer, Η., Ellsworth, Gloucester, with Mrs. John Kose Means Business. She was in a on neck label. C7*"1 Uffrl^UlT) Lewis P. Warren. of Mechanio Palls, on "What the busi- ing. gowned magnificent f! Noreross, Rev. F. V. Andover, with Mrs. & Mendelson Sole New York. 1. ness man owes to was white brocaded en traine, the ft Eisner Co., Agents, and Blodgett, Rev. Henry, Bncksport, with A. P. Stiles. New York, September24.—A cablegram the community," satin, 65c per yd. and discussed ïjaed,Laid Geo. T. Springer Noreross, Mrs. F. V., with Mrs. A. P. received at the New York Yacht Club read by Secretary Blanding collar of superD Duchese and point lace, J. several. Bird, E., Albany, with Lewis P. War- Stiles. by and wore the bridal veil with wrearh house reads as follows : F. read an long ren. Ortiz. Mrs. C. with Mrs. Hon. I). Davis of Bangor Α., Phippsburg, 24. of I of blossoms. She oarried^brido 28 wool Art Brown, Rov. Ε C., Freeport, with Mrs. G. H. September able paper on "The Forests Maine, orange all Raymond. S. the îlew value to the Miss James H. Banks. Mr. Ε. B. Cumberland Contre, J. V. Oddie, Secretary of their present and futuro roses. The maid of honor, Alice Osgood, York officers resulted Brown, Mrs. E. C., with Mrs. Jas. H. at House. Yacht Club: state. The election of Kemp, was attired in pale yellow faille Highland confirm board : Presi- Squares, Banks. Mrs. Ε at House Your message reoeived. I per- in the ohoice of the old Osgood, Β., Highland the M. N. Rich, white ohlffron and carried Mareohal Butler, Deacon A. W., Rockland, with Packard. E. P., Wilton, with Mrs. Geo. sonally the challenge sent through dent, Henry^Lord ; secretary, A con- Niel roses. The and best Mr. 62c per yd. Geo. T. Springer. MorrilL Cumberland Mills. Royal Victoria Club in my name. Portland; treasurer, G. M. Weymouth, groom man, Bean, Rev. Leroy S..Portland, with Mrs. Packard, Mrs. E. P., with Mrs. George firmatory letter will follow immediatley. Saco. John Plummer, wore a full evening no men Co, Jesse I make restrictions as to the con- A of met Standard Estes. Morrill. gatheri»g distinguished dress. Dr. Blanchard performed ditions. at the which was ^Bev. Clothing Boan, Mrs. Leroy S., with Mrs. Jesse Mrs. with Mrs. Jos. this evening banquet Purington, Bangor, ROSE. of the ceremony with the {repressiveness 52 (Jnion Art Estes. H. Hezeltou. (Signed) CHARLES a brilliant affair, eclipsing anything the state. Gov. so marked a feature of his ser- Baker, Rev. Smith, Boston, Preble Purington, Miss Mary Emily, with Mrs. the kind ever given in that is Private Stevens and House, or E. J. Haskel. J. H. Hezelton. BRITISH SARCASM. Cleaves, Seoreary vice. Squares, ( Buck, Miss Emma, Orland, with Mrs. J. Rev. T. North with Councillor Shepard were present.Gen. Perry, S., Baldwin, Pearl At the conclusion of the ; ceremony a W. Morris. Dr. J. L· Horr. Journalistic Comments on Kose's Cup Mitoheil was marshal. President at the head was The 37 l-2e Bradford, Rev. G. F., Bristol, with Mrs. Pierce, Rev. J'.K., Monmouth, with Mrs. of the looal board, presided large reception given. ushers, aSds,Patton· yd. Challenge. on the Jacob Bragdou. IV. K. Dana. of the table, with Gov. Cleaves Messrs. Joshua C. Lib by, George Knight, of the State Bailey, Rev. Ν. Μ., Wells, with Mrs. W. Patton, Rev. C. S., Auburn, with Mrs. London, September 24. —The Daily right and President Lord George McKenney and Burnham Morrill, on the Ε C. HEADQUARTERS W. Spear. W. Κ Dana. Chronicle Mr. Rose's Board left. Hon. Ryder, says, regarding The found their positions no sinioure. In 32 Rolls Fancy Barrows, Mrs. G. S., and friend, Frye- Mrs. J. B., Hiram, with Mrs. H. city solicitor, was toastmaster. Pike, challenge for the America's oup, that it aDd elabo- burg, with Mrs. Ε. H. Phillips. Η. B. Hawes. dining rooms were beautifully the music room fruit punch was served the of toasts in- Bolster, Capt. H. N., and wife, South Pennell, Mrs. Martha R., Hollis, with admires the spirit which prompted rately decorated The lists by Mrs. Ernestine Drew, assisted by a Straw Matting, "The State of Gov. Paris, with M. W. Stiles. Mrs. E. S. Brook. challenge but has little confidence of a cluded Maine/' of beautiful friends of the "New Her Business bevy girls, Boothby, Rev. C. D., and wife, with Pease, R. S., Cornish, at Highland satisfactory result unless the New York Cleaves; England, the the Misses Louise Small, Carrie lOc per yd. Misses Towle. House. Interests," Hon. C.L. Adams, president bride, For Yacht Club is able to the oourse "Our Boys. change Crane, Rev. Chas. D., Machias, with Paine, Rev. L. L., Bangor, with Mrs. of the Massachusetts board; T. Coppius of Newton, Mass., Helen Mrs. A. W. Ricker. over which the races are to be sailed. A Guests," Hon. A. R. Savage, Auburn[ George H. Raymond. " Smart, Estelle Llbby, Marin Plummer, "The Common W. W. Stetson, Uredefoid, Rev. Geo. Η., Winthrop, with Pratt, Rev. D. M., Portland with Misses fair raoe is as impossible ovor the New Schools, SO© of schools; "City Margaret Xeal, Marion Champlin, Grace yards English Mrs. E. J. Haskell. Towle. in state superintendent Values in Good York course as would be a horse race W. T. Haines; Annie Mazie Miss Clothing Extraordinary. Rev. S.W., West Woolwich, with Rev. J. L·., Gardiner, with Mrs. of Watorville," Hon. Hall, Swett, Abbott, Ohapin, Quinby, Fleet street at the busiest of the Edwin Mrs. E. J. Haskell. Fred Stevens. part day. "County of Aroostook,"JHon. Jjoud, Miss (Joe, Marion Jewell, Miss Uiioleinn, of Portland," EB. Win- Chamberlain, Mr. W. H., Wiîton, with Mrs. J. L., Gardiner, with Mrs. The Times, commenting upon the wiggin; "City and Quinby, C.S.Hichborn,Au- Jewell, May Hobbs Mrs. Philip Q. Mrs. J. C. Sentes. Fred Stevens. ohallonge of Rose, repudiates I,he sug- slow ;" Capital City," 47c Mrs. W. with Mrs. J. with Mr3. "City of Lewiston," G. H. Bab- Loring. In tho dining room Bobinson per yd. Chamberlain, H., Rideout, Rev. B. S., , that it was his intention to oon- gusta; " gestion Line Hon. Har TO "Shoro one EASY Railroad, catered. loes were served at end of NOT FIND. C. rfcat.es. bitt; RARE BARGAINS Smith Hawkes. vey disapproval of Lord Dunraven's with Mrs. rlson Huma Remarks were also made Chase, Rev. Andrew and wife, Mrs. Rioh, Mrs. T. H., Lewiston, with course. the table and creams at the other. Both Tomorrow the leaves C. A. Boan. John Pickard. "It is the Times by others. party 600 quite certain," says, a rooms were decorated in as- yards Moqnet and Contre Gorham. for a to Aroostook county on speo- beautifully Curtis, Rev. John. S, wiffe, Rev. George W., "that until a race can be sailed under trip Reynolds, i_l nA+nnninr» t.i\ "R»r»c*oi· TTrtHnv tors and ferns. L. W. Edwards. ι». Lebanon, with Mrs ■HOJ1 JiUiUOf XTJ.X Ο. ui/uj.gu SUU11 UUIJUllilOllS as Will ιικικυ J υ U LUrtLi ui *-ιυ 1VOV, X'i. 1U. mvu uixo, and lhe Offer Carpet, USIUS, ^uviuui, Richmond, Kev. James, delegate, seamanship and eliminate the accidents presents were superb and complete- We Mrs. J. C. Scales. Today: Fred Alden. Litchfield Corner, likely to occur in a crowded waterway, it THE FIELD OF SPORT. ly tilled one of the up-stalrs rooms. There Crosby, John L.,\ Bangor, with John Richards, Rev. James 3., Deer Isle, with will not be here with all the in- 87c regarded was silver ware, pictures and bric-a-brao I large lot of GOOD WOOL SUITS FOR BOYS 6 TO 14 per yd. E. Warren. Mrs. A. L. Hawkes. terest and respect it would otherwise in abundance. Mrs. Eliza, Bluehill, with Mrs. Mrs. J. with Mrs. A. L. command. It would seem that Among the beautiful at SI.OO PER S2.50. Chase, Richards, S., everything The National League. years, only SUIT, regular price M. Morgan. Hawkes. connected with this cup is in tho grasp of gifts was a magnilicent out glass punch with the Couley, Rev. Henry W., Ellsworth, Robinson, Deacon Increase, Waterville, a dead hand and is to blame for The following ara the results of 1000 Odd Knee Pants for Boys, sizes 4to 16, SOO yards Velvet nobody bowl from^the Sobriety Club, an elegant pairs C. 'i'. Ames. with Mrs. Miriam Palmer the deadlock. We cau only that in the National suggest games played League silver ladle to with from the 75c and SI.OO. reliable, Cutler, Rev. Chas. Η., Bangor, with Rice, Charles J., North Watorford, with the and the deed of be carpfully go it, 50c. 65c, Stout, strong, durable, cup gift ; Carpet, Mrs. E. J. Haskell. Mrs. Holmes. deposited in the strongest strong room yesterday Manataqua Club, and an exquisite hand double seat and double knee- J. Beffliu N. North 6; Wash- Caruthers, Rev. S., Falls, Rice. Mrs. Charles H., Waterford, New York can boast and that some other At Washington—New Yorks, painted fan, from an intimate friend of H., with Mrs. Ε. B. Newcomb. with Mrs.. Holmes. object be found for which yachtsman may ingtons, 5. Blue Cheviot Reefer 4 to a re- 85c at Balti- the bride. Boys' Suits, ages 7, per yd. Gôtton, Mrs. E. C., Rookland, White Redlon, Rev. Amos, Bridgton, meals race under free conditions. At Baltimore—Philadelphias, 7; House, account J. E. War ran. Mrs. J. Piekard. moros, 7. During the reception,Gilbert's orchestra markably good one for the money, S2.50 each. Chandler, Mrs. Emma W. Bethel, with Sawyer, D. J., Jonesport, with Mrs. A BOLD ATTEMPT At St. Louis—Cinoinnatis, 11; St. played delightfully. T. Haskell. Louis. 1. assortment Geo. Springer. Frank One of the features Large and and with Mrs. Prank 7; Louis- pleasantest of the Dl'isko, Rev. Raymond C., wife, Sawyer. Mrs. D. J., Town of A t Louisville—Pittsburgs, At Highway Robbery 111 Quiet was the announcement of tho en- In Pant Suits. of in daughter, Alfred, with Mrs. E. S. Haskell. villes. 5. wedding Great Bargains Boys' Long Heavy Drapery Brooks. Sawyer, Mrs. Frances, Milbridge, with Allied. At Brooklyn—Brooklyns, 11 ; Boitons. gagement of the maid of horor. Miss with to Dyer, Mrs. A. E. CapelEKziibeth, Mrs A. \V. Ricker. 2. Alioe Kemp to Mr. George S. McKeuney half pairs close at Mrs. W. N. Chaoman. Miss, with Mrs. A. W. Ricker. Two I double breasted and I single breasted Sawyer, Alfred, September 24.— A daring at- High School Foot Ball Coach. of this The announcement was lots, Davison, Rev. Charles andiwife, Green- Sewall, Rov. David Β., South Berwick, city. at occurrod here $8.00 offered at S5.00 PER cost. ville, with Mrs. Miriam Palmer. with Mrs. W. W. Cutter. tempt highway robbery Benjamin Hicks, Bowdoin '95 has been made when the bride's cake was out. Suits, regular suit, only Prof. P. and wifo, Rev. John S., Bangor, with Mrs. on tho road leading Donio, Β., ^Bangor, Sewall, Monday night only engaged as coaoh for the Portland High SUIT. with Mrs. G. H. Raymond. W. W. Cutter. Gore. Larkin—Be rdeu. from Alfred village to Alfred School toot ball team and began his Dinemore, Rev. John, with W. P. Var- Shaw, Mr. William, Boston, Proble I fast Black rare Fesselden and Fred Riuker were For two Hicks A took at lot all wool, color, Suits, bargains, num. House. Wesley duties yesterday. years very pretty wedding place Mrs. with Mrs. a strip of woods between $10 Dinsmore, Mr. and Dinfimore, Sewall, Mr. W. R., East Sumner, driving through played one of the ends on the Bowdoin St. Dominic's church yesterday morn- ONLY $6.50, regular quality. in tho when a W.|P. Varnum. W. B. Boothby. 7 and 8 o'clock evening, eleven. ing. Miss Alary A. Barden was united and wife. Cura- Rev. Alfred L., South 'varsity One lot of Fauntleroy Suits, for Boys 4 to 7, only HONUIENT Davis, Rev. Frank'jW., Struthers, man suddonly out bushes, big 21 ofjtho to SQUARE. Mrs. C. B. Woodman. Mrs. C. E. Rollins. jumped in marriage Mr. Frank W. Larkin, dit Leriand,dwith Gardiner, with at Myetic. sept25 beside the road, And made a dash for Bic Day $1.50 AND $2.00 PER SUIT. Eaton, John K., Deer Isle, with Mrs. Sair, Rev. John B., Cornish, with Mrs. the ceremony being performed by Rev. Ernest Jan. Uraham. their horse's head. Medford, Mass., September 24.—Today K. F. The bride wore a blue Bragdon. of Hurley. One lot Cape Overcoats, CARRIED FROM Rev. H. Everett.'Lovall, with Mr. A. with Mrs. unex- was most favorable for the oponing Boys' Farnham. 'Sawtelle, Sydney, The animal started by the man's travelling costume. The John Lord. the ninth annual meeting of the Trot- bridesmaid, OFFERED AT $2.50. THE DAILY PRESS Mrs. J, ;Knowlton. Elbridge to one side, LAST season, $1.00, regular price Rev. A. ,^Μοηβοη, with I Mrs. Α., with Mrs. Elbridge pected appearanoe, leaped ting Horse Breeders' Association at Miss Anna Barden, was attired in a cos- Freeman, Henry Sawtelle, reins Mrs. S. N. Adams. Lord. so that he was unable to reach the Mystic Park. The attractive card of tume of.dark.'green. Mr. John.MoCarthy Large lot of Outing Flannel Waists and Blouses, drew a crowd of Farnham, Rev. R. Α., North J Yarmouth, Stlckney, Rev. E. T., Boston, Preblo as was evidently his intention. events large people. be found at the condition. Tom was groomsman. Lohengrin's wedding 10c each. Can periodica with Mrs. W. P. Burnham. House. the The track was In good| 25c quality, always Kicker, who was driving, grasped march was regular Rev. F. L·., Boston, Preble I Mrs. Dana Boy finished first in the first heat of the admirably.rendered by Miss tores of! Ferguson, Stone, G., Kennebunkport, whip from its socket and while the are reliable in re^ A. Anderson. stakes for 3-year olds, but was Bgan. Mrs. Dr. O'Neil The above goods thoroughly every John Chlshotm, JOS Congres s stïeet House. with C. man was still trying to hold the horse produce Fanny sang T. Biddeford, with Mrs. Dca. J. Saco, at set back for a running break, but he A.B.Merrill, 247 Frey, Rev. L., Stearns, F., Highland by the head, struck him squarely across Cherubini's "Ave Maria" in a soul-in- and are offered at less than manufacturer's cost. W. F. Goold. 405 John Piokard. House. won the second and third heats. The spect " the face with the lash. Then the horse manner. The breakfast Ν. G. Fesscnden, 52i> William and wife, Buoks- I J. at House. fourth was declared a dead hoat between spiring wedding " Forsyth, Rev. Stearns, Mrs. F., Highland dashed forward and the front wheels W. H. Jewett 504 with Rev. S. N. Adams. W., Yarmouth, with he and Quarter Cousin. The race was was served at the home of the bride's A. Libbv. £60 port, Sweetser, George of the buggy struck the would-be high- L Rev. O. Bath, with, Mrs. Mrs. Dwiual Pripc. then The foals of 1894. mile Mrs. F. A. Jellisoa, 935 Congres street, Folsom, W., knooking him down, and pass- postponed sister, Loughlin 0'Donnoll,ln Deor- STRICTLY ONE PRICE—ALL SOODS AS REPRESENTED, with Mrs. wayman, $500, had five starters : Mika- G. DaSilva, 21» York street. Ν. T. Worthley. Sweetser, Mrs. George W., over his Kicker and Fosselden dash, purse wtfth Mrs. S. ing body. b Wilkes, dam Bessie ing. J. J. Beardworth. 87 India street Fisk, Miss Mary Μ., Bath, Dwinal Pride. did not stop to ascertain the extent of do, c, by Ralph H. 43 Middle street. with Mrs. Aristos, (Trout.) won; Connol- Stanley-Field. F. Ersklne. N. Aiams."· Shaw, Rev. B. P., Yarmouth, the man's injuries. Kipp by J. V/. Peterson, 2 Exchange street Flint, Mr. John M., East Baldwin, with T. H. Snow. ly, blk t, (Hartford), second; Barncal, H. G. Todd, Cor. Commercial and Park 3.49 1-4. A very took at Mrs. Lewis P. Warren. Snow, Mrs. B. with Mrs. T.H. Snow. of York Indictment». b c, (Paige), third; time, pretty wedding place 6ts. P., A Grist County Mr. T. Tliomaston, with Mrs. P. Garland, with Mrs. In the 3.40 class,purse $2000, eight start- the home of Mrs. H. In Wind- W, A. Golden. 78 Exchange street Fuller, ,H., Thayer, Rev. B., Lydia Pope Alfred, September Hi —The York Coun- Russel oh by Mambrino Weitman & West, »3 αϊι,ύ 86 Commercial W. L. Hawkes. L. W. Edwards. ers, Egbert, g, ham on Monday, September 23, when Rev. G. Η., Boston, Preble I Miss Marriet Ε., Thomaston, this Russell, dam Orlena by Egbert, (Quin- street. Gutterson, Tillson, ty grand jury reported morning William P. of Florida was united John Hernandez, 125 Commercial street House. with Mrs. J. C. Hess. lan), won in five heats,Stella, b m, by Stanley street. 54 liquor indictments and 14 for other \V. A. GUlte, 145 Commercial Golder, Rev. A. L., Eliot, with Mrs. Thomas, Rev. Lewie J., Auburn, with Woodbrine, dam Mollie by Kohinor,(Pal- in marriage to Marietta H. Field of Wind- Norah Feari. 190 street offenses Those made are Wm. Miss Braôkett Dana. publie second ; Van Zant, b m, (Green), were the 881 I street Simon Cutter. Mrs. W. K. mer), ham. They married by Friends' Jolin H. Allen, y» Congres North with of Fred of San- best timo, 2.17. the Florist. 645 street. Gould, Mr. Charles H.; Brldgtoc, Towne, Rev. S. D., Bangor, George H. Weloh Saco, Elwell, third; conducted fm. H. IHnnet&Co. Congress $250, there were ceremony, by Varney, Standard the 2. 30 Q. .1. Hodgson, 90Va Portland street with Mrs. Miriain Paimer. T, Springer. John Gal vin of Biddeford, assault In olass, purse Co., ford, and took under an arch Clothing T. M. Glendenlne, Inns Island. Deacon E., and wife, Saco. Miss Delia M., Damariscotta, seven starters, Aloldalia, b m, by Sir Esq., plaoe of Garland, Taylor, and battery; Clarence Β. Hloks of Bid- Lam- F. L. Bracket,t. Peaks Island. Highland House, Miss Hatti Bearce. Walter, Jr., dain sister by Daplel evergeons and sweet peas. The rooms E. L. tlttlefleld, 189 Congress street with at ; W. Thompson, won In three heats; King Griffin. Kcv. Heury L·., Bangor, Toms, Rev. R. L.( Chicago, Highland deford, forgery Lesly bert, (Dore), were beautifully decorated and a Middle St. M. A. Parker. Lihby's Corner. Anna large 255 Mrs. Geo H. Raymond. House. Edwin C. Allen, Fred Elwell of Sanford, Albert, br li, (Tyson), 'second; dt H. C. Berry. Θ37 Congress street. company of friends and relatives were sep20 C. and wife, Buxton, Rev. New m, (McCarthy), third; best Forest City News Co.. 422 Congress street. Gates. Rev. H., Valentine, Nelson, Gloucester, Edmund Hubbard, Mary Mace, g conspiracy; 2.16 1-2. present. Ice cake were Mrs. Bradley, cor. Spring and Clark streets. with Mrs. E. S. Brooks. with Mrs. E. J. Haskell. time, croarujand served, with Mrs. Biddeford, adultery; John J. T. Wyer. 48 Portland Pier. Hayes, SuSie F., Limerick, Wells, Rev. Herman .Joy, Union, with j Graffam, and after many congratulations and good head of * W. C. Lord, Long Wharf. Mrs. C. W. Mace. Troulx, John Laffan, Wm. Beaumont of Line. 8 Custoj,· House Fighting the Shore wishes, the company separated. Mr. G. W. Hunr. YYharr. Dea. W. P., and wife, Bangor, Mr. E. W., Bethel, with Geo. and 23 Monament square, Hubbard, Woodbury, Biddoford, breaking entering. and John Cox, Alonzo of Mrs. Stanley left on the evening Dennett. the Florist 563-Congress street. with Mrs. Libby. T. Springer. Calais, September 24.—The agent Rev. W. B., South Bridgton, E. Lovell, with John J. A on tlie Fotomac. train for Boston. L. D. Look. Cor; Congresa andf Franklin Sts Hague, Woodbury, P., Tragedy the opponents or tlie snore rtauroaa in -with Mrs. Smith' Hawkes Cnmbertand Knowlton. 84—The is advised by the Also at the new sranus tn' me Falmouth Mills. Mrs. Ida V., Woodfords, with Washington, September Washington county Woodbury, John A. Dixon, loaded with Preble and United States hotels, and Grand Hinkley, Mrs.'Anna, jBluehill,'.with Mrs. Mrs. A. F. Small. schooner counsel that no valid tax can be assessed More Anxiety In China. Trttnk and Union Depots. It can also be ob- was found drifting about Cedar M. Wood well, Rev. George Μ., Bridgton, lumber, the Commissioners of of Chieholm Bros., agents on all trains Morgan. on the a river steamer by County any part 24.—A tained Mrs. S. with Mrs. Ε. .T. Haskell. Point Potomac, by Loudon, September despatch oî the Maine Central, Grand Xftink and Port Hill, M., Cape ,Elizabeth, with the of is raised to interest or FALL STYLE Preble House. yesterday, with body the skipper. which pay from says the entire LADIES' land Si Rochester railroads and if agent3 on Mrs. W, KL Chapman. Webb. Rev. Ε. B., Boston, Shanghai provinoe any g with Mrs. F. Revelle aboard. The vessel to stook in the Shore Rail- ci the Boston trams. Rev. G. M., Lewiston, Watorworth, Rev. J. A. Limerick, with Bonjaniin principal buy of Che has been Howe, 1 several with a Kiang again placarded The Press can also be found at the left Norfolk days ago cargo in following C. E. Rollins. Mrs. Ε. S. Brooks. road. A deoision was made recently with and anti-Ohristian places out side the oily: W. and wife, Fal- with Mrs. of lumber consigned to l