(Supplementary Order Paper)


Dé Céadaoin, 15 Feabhra, 2017 Wednesday, 15th February, 2017

9.30 a.m.

GNÓ COMHALTAÍ PRÍOBHÁIDEACHA PRIVATE MEMBERS' BUSINESS Fógra i dtaobh leasuithe ar Thairiscint : Notice of Amendments to Motion

139. “That Dáil Éireann: notes that: — on 22nd May, 1998, voters in Northern Ireland voted to accept the Good Friday Agreement (GFA) by 71.1 per cent to 28.9 per cent, and in Ireland by 94.39 per cent to 5.61 per cent; — since the GFA was ratified and the restoration of power-sharing in 2007, the European Union (EU) has been a critical partner for peace, providing substantial political and financial aid, which has led to greater economic and social progress on an all-island basis; — on 23rd June, 2016, a referendum on the UK’s continued membership of the EU took place; — a majority of voting citizens in Northern Ireland, namely 55.8 per cent, voted to remain in the EU; — the British Government has now made clear that they will trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty by the end of March 2017, and begin the exit process, and will also be seeking to leave the single market in a so-called ‘hard Brexit’; and — this situation is unprecedented, as no member state has left the EU and single market before now; recognises that: — under the terms of the GFA there is an inherent right for those born on this island to Irish citizenship, and by virtue of that right, citizenship of the EU as well; — Northern Ireland is being forced to leave the EU against the expressed wishes of its people; — this represents a major set-back for the political process in Northern Ireland and directly challenges the integrity of the GFA, and will have huge consequences for the protections contained within it, especially the principle of consent; — the pursuit of a ‘hard Brexit’ may well impose the amendment of the Northern Ireland

P.T.O. Act 1998, which gives legislative competence and authority to the GFA; — the Joint Committee on European Union Affairs, in its June 2015 report ‘UK/EU Future Realtionships: Implications for Ireland’, recommended that ‘the Irish and UK Governments negotiate bilaterally to have Northern Ireland recognised (in an EU context) as having “a special position” in the UK, in view of the Good Friday Agreement. Recommends further that special arrangements be negotiated at EU level in that context, to maintain North-South relations and Northern Irish EU citizenship rights and protections attached to such rights.’; — the EU has shown itself to be flexible in coming forward with pragmatic arrangements for dealing with complex territorial situations; and — a special status relationship for Northern Ireland outside of the EU would do little to deal with the massive political, social and economic challenges thrown up by Brexit; concludes that: — a ‘hard Brexit’ would undermine the institutional, constitutional, and legal integrity and status of the GFA; and — the GFA political institutions, human rights guarantees, all-Ireland bodies, and the constitutional and legal right of the people to exercise their right to self-determination and a united Ireland through consent, by referendum north and south, must all be protected; and calls on the Government to: — enter any forthcoming negotiations to defend the democratic mandate of the people to remain within the EU and act in Ireland’s national interest; — report to the Houses of the Oireachtas, on a quarterly basis, regarding developments in the Brexit negotiations; and — negotiate for Northern Ireland to be designated with a special status within the EU and for the whole island of Ireland to remain within the EU together.” — Seán Crowe, Gerry Adams, John Brady, Pat Buckley, , , , Martin J. Ferris, , , Mary Lou McDonald, , , , Jonathan O'Brien, Eoin Ó Broin, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin, Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire, Louise O'Reilly, Aengus Ó Snodaigh, , Brian Stanley, Peadar Tóibín.

Leasuithe: Amendments:

1. To delete all words after “calls on the Government to” and substitute the following:

“negotiate for Northern Ireland to be designated with a special status within the EU, including: — to secure the ongoing realisation of rights of citizens in Northern Ireland to avail of Irish, and by consequence EU citizenship, further, to uphold all of the rights and responsibilities associated with EU citizenship; — to ensure that the four freedoms of movement of goods, workers, and capital, and the establishment and freedom to provide services are maintained; — to protect ongoing access to EU institutions including the European Court of Justice, the European Court of Human Rights, and EU sectoral agreements; — to protect and ensure full implementation of the GFA and subsequent agreements; — to maintain future funding streams of PEACE and INTERREG financing, as a central part of consolidating and advancing the peace process; — to enter any forthcoming negotiations in co-operation with our EU colleagues recognising the vote of the majority of citizens in Northern Ireland to remain within the EU, therefore essentially being forced to leave the EU, and to defend and uphold our national interest on an all-island basis; — to ensure that the Amsterdam Treaty as it relates to the common travel area between the UK and Ireland, is fully respected and upheld; — to advocate for the ongoing realisation of the rights of citizens in Northern Ireland through the introduction of a bill of rights for Northern Irish citizens; — to establish a single Minister for Brexit at Cabinet level tasked with leading a whole- of-Government response to the challenge of Brexit; — to review and reform North-South and British-Irish institutions to ensure that they are fit for purpose in addressing the challenges and opportunities posed by Brexit; — to ensure both jurisdictions preserve and expand existing areas of mutual co- operation, including in such areas as access to health services, energy provision, education and trade, particularly the agri-food sector; and — to report to the Houses of the Oireachtas, on a quarterly basis, regarding developments in the Brexit negotiations with a specific sectoral analysis to inform public debate and ensure genuine accountability.” — Stephen S. Donnelly, Declan Breathnach, Darragh O'Brien, , Bobby Aylward, John Brassil, James Browne, , Thomas Byrne, , , , , Jack Chambers, Lisa M. Chambers, , John Curran, , Sean Fleming, Pat the Cope Gallagher, Seán Haughey, , , James Lawless, Marc MacSharry, Micheál Martin, Charlie McConalogue, Michael McGrath, John McGuinness, , Michael Moynihan, , Margaret Murphy O'Mahony, Jim O'Callaghan, Éamon Ó Cuív, Willie O'Dea, Kevin O'Keeffe, Fiona O'Loughlin, Frank O'Rourke, , Eamon Scanlon, Brendan Smith, , .

2. To delete all words after “Dáil Éireann” and substitute the following:

“notes that: — the British Conservative Party are attempting to use the split with the European Union (EU) as the pretext for a greater ‘liberalisation’ of trade, the creation of lower corporation tax and a bargain basement economy for working people; — the EU bureaucracy will seek to inflict economic penalties on Britain and by extension Northern Ireland, to put other countries off leaving the EU; — both the British Government and the EU bureaucracy are wedded to a neoliberal model of economics, that is contrary to the interests of working people on both sides of the border; — the EU/ECB/IMF ‘Troika’ austerity programme inflicted on working people in Ireland had devastating effects, this programme was replicated with a similar austerity programme in the Stormont House Agreement which proposed to cut 20,000 jobs from the public sector, privatise state assets and cut social spending; and — the commitment of Northern Ireland political parties, both those on the leave and remain sides of the Brexit debate, to reduce the corporate tax rate; concludes that: — any attempt to impose a hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland will not be accepted, and declares that it will defy either the EU or Britain if either party attempts to impose such a border, and further declares that it will encourage mobilisation of

P.T.O. ‘people power’ to remove any such border posts; and — the current model of developing both Irish economies on the basis of ‘tax competitiveness’ for big corporations will no longer work due to both Brexit and the declared policies of President Trump’s administration; and calls on: — any incoming Northern Ireland Executive to refuse to lower corporation tax and for an open debate to begin on an alternative economic model that will create a green economy funded by greater public investment; — the people of Northern Ireland to withdraw allegiance from both the Brussels bureaucracy and the British state, whose interests lie in putting profits before the needs of the majority of people; and — working people to resist any cutbacks in living standards that are introduced under the pretext of Brexit and to forge a new unity on this island on the basis of common class interests as the great Irish socialist James Connolly advised.” — , , Bríd Smith.

3. To delete all words after “Dáil Éireann” and substitute the following:

“notes that: — while the result of the United Kingdom’s (UK) European Union (EU) membership referendum of 23rd June, 2016, was not what the Government would have wished for, it respects the outcome of the democratic process in the UK and the decision of its electorate to leave the EU; — recognising its value and benefits, Ireland will remain a fully committed member of the EU and continue to play an active role in the EU; — the outcome of the UK referendum creates particular concerns in Northern Ireland, where a majority voted to remain in the EU; — Brexit presents significant and unique challenges for Northern Ireland and the island of Ireland; — Northern Ireland and the protection of the peace process are central concerns for the Government in the upcoming Brexit negotiations, in addition to the other stated priorities such as economy and trade, the Common Travel Area and the future of the EU; — the Good Friday Agreement (GFA), an international agreement registered with the United Nations, remains the foundation for all our engagements on Northern Ireland and remains in force whatever the status of the UK within the EU; — the GFA, which was endorsed by the people of this island, North and South, includes the principle of consent and the possibility of a change in constitutional status in Northern Ireland; — the Government, as co-guarantor of the GFA, has emphasised at every opportunity in extensive discussions on Brexit with all EU member state Governments (including the UK Government), with members of the European Parliament, the EU Commission and other EU institutions that the principles and provisions of the GFA must be fully respected in any future agreement between the EU and the UK; and — the Government has clearly and repeatedly stated and demonstrated its commitment to working urgently and intensively with our EU partners, the British Government and the Northern Ireland Executive to see how collectively we can ensure that the gains of the peace process in the last two decades are fully protected in whatever post-exit arrangements are negotiated; recognises the progress that had been made through the North South Ministerial Council in scoping out the sectoral implications of Brexit for Ireland, North and South, and agreeing joint principles for moving forward, including: — recognition of the unique circumstances of Northern Ireland, bearing in mind its geography and history; — ensuring that the treaties and agreements between Ireland and the UK are fully taken into account; — protecting the free movement of people, goods, capital and services; and — maintaining the economic and social benefits of co-operation on both sides of the border; and further notes that: — the re-establishment of devolved power-sharing institutions in Northern Ireland as soon as possible after the upcoming elections on 2nd March, 2017, will be important in ensuring effective local political representation at this critical time in the Brexit process; — the Government, as co-guarantor of the GFA, and its institutions will work to support the political parties in Northern Ireland in this regard; — Northern Ireland is included in the EU’s list of negotiation priorities following an intensive diplomatic initiative by the Irish Government; and — the Government remains committed to ensuring that the unique circumstances of Northern Ireland including all aspects of the GFA are fully considered in the upcoming negotiations and securing the best possible outcome for all of the people on the island of Ireland.” — An tAire Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála.
